Introduction To Computer Network and Ecommerce
Introduction To Computer Network and Ecommerce
Introduction To Computer Network and Ecommerce
Research Competition
Some businesses use the Internet to research competitors. For instance,
allows searches for detailed information on businesses across the country. An Internet
search on a competing company results in articles and news stories about the
competition that may help a business owner prepare for changes in the industry.
One of the basic uses of the Internet for businesses is to sell products and services.
Businesses create E-commerce websites to sell anything from cell phone contracts to
books and CDs. Online selling eliminates the need for the business to maintain a brick-
and-mortar store and in some cases they don't have to hold an inventory. A business can
also use the Internet to buy items and services online, such as bulk-buying office
supplies or printed materials.
Business owners use the Internet to monitor customer purchasing trends and interests.
To discover what everyday people think about a particular product or service, business
owners can visit online social networking sites and message boards. Taking in this
feedback helps business owners make their products better. For example, car accessory
businesses can visit car forums to find out what car enthusiasts want. A business owner
can also use the Internet to connect and communicate with his customers through these
same websites.
Businesses also use the Internet to find new customers through online advertising.
Offering text and banner ads on websites as well as informational pieces, the Internet
allows advertisers to reach potential customers quickly and efficiently. Pay-per click
advertisements are distributed on Internet search engines and websites, allowing
business owners to reach potential customers using search terms related to their
business. As the business pays only for each ad click, costs are lower. The affordability
and reach of some Internet advertising puts even the smallest business owner in a
position to compete with larger businesses.
Internet Services allows us to access huge amount of information such as text,
graphics, sound and software over the internet. Following diagram shows the four
different categories of Internet Services.
Communication Services
There are various Communication Services available that offer exchange of
information with individuals or groups. The following table gives a brief introduction
to these services:
1 Electronic Mail
Used to send electronic message over the internet.
2 Telnet
Used to log on to a remote computer that is attached to internet.
3 Newsgroup
Offers a forum for people to discuss topics of common interests.
5 Mailing Lists
Used to organize group of internet users to share common information through e-mail.
7 Instant Messaging
Offers real time chat between individuals and group of people. Eg. Yahoo messenger, MSN messenge
3 Gopher
Used to search, retrieve, and display documents on remote sites.
Web Services
Web services allow exchange of information between applications on the web.
Using web services, applications can easily interact with each other.
Video Conferencing
Video conferencing or Video teleconferencing is a method of communicating by two-
way video and audio transmission with help of telecommunication technologies.
Here in this tutorial, we will discuss how to connect to internet i.e. internet service
providers, software and hardware requirements, configuring internet connection etc.
ISP Types
ISPs can broadly be classified into six categories as shown in the following diagram:
Access providers
They provide access to internet through telephone lines, cable wi-fi or fiber optics.
Mailbox Provider
Hosting ISPs
Hosting ISPs offers e-mail, and other web hosting services such as virtual
machines, clouds etc.
Virtual ISPs
Free ISPs
Connection Types
There exist several ways to connect to the internet. Following are these connection
types available:
Dial-up Connection
Cable TV Internet connections
Satellite Internet connections
Wireless Internet Connections
Dial-up Connection
Dial-up connection uses telephone line to connect PC to the internet. It requires a
modem to setup dial-up connection. This modem works as an interface between PC
and the telephone line.
There is also a communication program that instructs the modem to make a call to
specific number provided by an ISP.
Dial-up connection uses either of the following protocols:
Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP)
Point to Point Protocol (PPP)
The following diagram shows the accessing internet using modem:
Satellite Internet connection offers high speed connection to the internet. There are
two types of satellite internet connection: one way connection or two way
In one way connection, we can only download data but if we want to upload, we
need a dialup access through ISP over telephone line.
In two way connection, we can download and upload the data by the satellite. It
does not require any dialup connection.
The following diagram shows how internet is accessed using satellite internet
Wireless Intenet Connection
Wireless Internet Connection makes use of radio frequency bands to connect to the
internet and offers a very high speed. The wireless internet connection can be
obtained by either WiFi or Bluetooth.
Key Points:
Wi Fi wireless technology is based on IEEE 802.11 standards which allow
the electronic device to connect to the internet.
Bluetooth wireless technology makes use of short-wavelength radio waves
and helps to create personal area network (PAN).
Email is a service which allows us to send the message in electronic mode over the
internet. It offers an efficient, inexpensive and real time mean of distributing
information among people.
E-Mail Address
Each user of email is assigned a unique name for his email account. This name is
known as E-mail address. Different users can send and receive messages
according to the e-mail address.
E-mail is generally of the form username@domainname. For example,
[email protected] is an e-mail address where webmaster is username
and is domain name.
The username and the domain name are separated by @
(at) symbol.
E-mail addresses are not case sensitive.
Spaces are not allowed in e-mail address.
The first five lines of an E-mail message is called E-mail header. The header part
comprises of following fields:
The From field indicates the sender’s address i.e. who sent the e-mail.
The To field indicates the recipient’s address i.e. to whom the e-mail is sent.
CC stands for Carbon copy. It includes those recipient addresses whom we want to
keep informed but not exactly the intended recipient.
BCC stands for Black Carbon Copy. It is used when we do not want one or more of
the recipients to know that someone else was copied on the message.
Greeting is the opening of the actual message. Eg. Hi Sir or Hi Guys etc.
This is the final part of an e-mail message. It includes Name of Sender, Address,
and Contact Number.
E-mail has prooved to be powerful and reliable medium of commmunication. Here
are the benefits of E-mail:
Many of the mail systems notify the sender if e-mail message was undeliverable.
There is no requirement of stationary and stamps. One does not have to go to post
office. But all these things are not required for sending or receiving an mail.
E-mail is very fast. However, the speed also depends upon the underlying network.
E-mail can be sent and received by a person sitting across the globe.
Apart from several benefits of E-mail, there also exists some disadvantages as
discussed below:
No response
E-mail doesn’t prevent from forgery, that is, someone impersonating the sender,
since sender is usually not authenticated in any way.
Junk emails are undesirable and inappropriate emails. Junk emails are sometimes
referred to as spam.
No Response
It may be frustrating when the recipient does not read the e-mail and respond on a
regular basis.
Web Browser
web Browser is an application software that allows us to view and explore
information on the web. User can request for any web page by just entering a URL
into address bar.
Web browser can show text, audio, video, animation and more. It is the
responsibility of a web browser to interpret text and commands contained in the web
Earlier the web browsers were text-based while now a days graphical-based or
voice-based web browsers are also available. Following are the most common web
browser available today:
Browser Vendor
Safari Apple
K-meleon K-meleon
There are a lot of web browser available in the market. All of them interpret and
display information on the screen however their capabilities and structure varies
depending upon implementation. But the most basic component that all web
browser must exhibit are listed below:
Client Programs
Controller works as a control unit in CPU. It takes input from the keyboard or
mouse, interpret it and make other services to work on the basis of input it receives.
Interpreter receives the information from the controller and execute the instruction
line by line. Some interpreter are mandatory while some are optional For example,
HTML interpreter program is mandatory and java interpreter is optional.
Client Program describes the specific protocol that will be used to access a
particular service. Following are the client programs tat are commonly used:
A web page may contain hyperlinks. When we click on these links other web page
is opened. These hyperlinks can be in form of text or image. When we take the
mouse over an hyperlink, pointer change its shape to hand.
Key Points
In case, you have accessed many web pages and willing to see the previous
webpage then just click back button.
You can open a new web page in the same tab, or different tab or in a new
Saving Webpage
You can save web page to use in future. In order to save a webpage, follow the
steps given below:
Click File > Save As. Save Webpage dialog box appears.
Choose the location where you want to save your webpage from save in: list
box. Then choose the folder where you want to save the webpage.
Specify the file name in the File name box.
Select the type from Save as type list box.
Webpage, complete
Web Archive
Webpage HTML only
Text File
From the encoding list box, choose the character set which will be used with
your webpage. By default, Western European is selected.
Click save button and the webpage is saved.
Web elements are the pictures, links etc. In order to save these elements follow the
steps given below:
Right click on the webpage element you want to save. Menu options will
appear. These options may vary depending on the element you want to
Save Picture As: This option let you save the picture at specific location with its
name. When you click this option, a dialog box is opened where you can sepcify its
name and location.
The Favourites option helps to save addresses of the webpages you visited oftenly.
Hence you need not to remember long and complex address of websites you visit
In order to open any webpage, you just need to double click on the webpage that
you have marked from bookmarks list.
In ordered to add website to your favourite list, follow the steps given below:
Open webpage that you want to add to your favourite.
Click on favourite menu and then click on Add to
Favourites opton. Addfavourites dialog box appears.
Favourites panel will open in the left corner of the internet explorer
Opening Favourites
Favourites can be organized by categorizing web pages, creating folder for each
category and then storing web pages into them. In order to organize favourites,
follow the steps given below:
Click Favourites menu > Organize Favourites. Organize favourites dialog
box will appears.
In order to organize the webpages, drag the individual webpage to the
respective folder. Similarly to delete a favourite, Click on delete button.