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1 Number Sense

Learning objectives
1.1 Number Names 1.2 Place Value and Face Value
1.3 Numbers on Abacus 1.4 Expanded Form and Short Form
1.5 Comparing and Ordering of Numbers 1.6 Formation of Numbers
1.7 Estimation 1.8 Roman Numerals

We know that if we add 1 to the largest three digit number, we get the smallest four digit number.
999 + 1 = 1000
Largest three digit number One more Smallest four digit number
9999 + 1 = 10000
Largest four digit number One more Smallest five digit number
99999 + 1 = 100000
Largest five digit number One more Smallest six digit number


5-Digit Numbers
TTh Th H T O
3 2 4 3 5

Thirty two thousand Thirty five

Four hundred
\ Number name for 32435 is Thirty two thousand four hundred thirty five.

6-Digit Numbers
Lakh TTh Th H T O
1 0 6 5 2 4

One lakh Six thousand Twenty four

Five hundred
\ Number name for 106524 is one lakh six thousand five hundred twenty four.


Place Value
The place value of a digit depends on its place in the number. Place value is obtained by multiplying
the digit and the value of the place it occupies in the number.
For example : Place value of 3 in 42310 is 3 × 100 = 300.
Face Value
The face value of a digit is the value of the digit itself. Face value of a digit does not change according
to the digit’s place.
For example : Face value of 5 in 65416 is 5.


Let’s learn to represent large numbers on an abacus with the help of examples.
1. Let us read the number 24651 on abacus.

TTh Th H T O

Twenty four thousand six hundred fifty one.

2. Let us read the number 416254 on abacus.

L TTh Th H T O

Four lakh sixteen thousand two hundred fifty four.


In expanded form, the number is written as the sum of the place values of its digits.

Number = 32435
Ten Thousand (TTh) Thousand (Th) Hundred (H) Tens (T) Ones (O)
Digits 3 2 4 3 5
Place value 3 × 10000 = 30000 2 × 1000 = 2000 4 × 100 = 400 3 × 10 = 30 5×1=5

So, 32435 = 30000 + 2000 + 400 + 30 + 5

Short form Expanded form

Number = 106524
Lakh (L) Ten Thousand (TTh) Thousand (Th) Hundred (H) Tens (T) Ones (O)
Digits 1 0 6 5 2 4
Place 1 × 100000 0 × 10000 = 0 6 × 1000 5 × 100 = 500 2 × 10 4×1=4
value = 100000 = 6000 = 20

So, 106524 = 100000 + 6000 + 500 + 20 + 4 Olympiad Bite

Short form Expanded form • Empty places in a place value chart are filled by zeros.
• Place value and face value of 0 is always 0.
• Place value and face value of a digit are same at
ones place.
1. The short form of 20000 + 2000 + 700 + 50 + (A) 263403 (B) 272403
2 is _______. (C) 362403 (D) 282413
(A) 27252 (B) 22075
(C) 22752 (D) 22572 4. The face value and place value of digit 6 in
the number 52624 are _______ and _______
2. Which of the following digits of the number
60451 has same place value and face value?
(A) 6 (B) 4 (A) 6, 6 (B) 600, 600
(C) 0 (D) 1 (C) 6, 600 (D) 600, 6
3. The number shown on the abacus is _______. 5. The numeral form of Eight lakh forty three
thousand five hundred nine is _______.
(A) 843590
(B) 843509
(C) 804359
L TTh Th H T O (D) 843059


Comparison of Numbers
h To compare numbers with unequal number of digits, the number with the least number of digits
is the smallest.
h To compare numbers having equal number of digits, start by comparing the digits from the left
most place until you have two different digits.
Now, we can compare the digits to decide the smaller and larger of two numbers.
7254 < 61245
4-digits 5-digits

8 5613 < 8 3214


62 413 > 62 124


Ordering of Numbers
Ascending order
Arranging the numbers 62105, 52163, 3241 and 40615 from the smallest to the largest.

52163 62105
3241 40615

Descending order
Arranging the numbers 62105, 52163, 3241 and 40615 from the largest to the smallest.

62105 52163 40615 3241


h Without Repetition
While forming a number, digit '0' cannot take the
The greatest five digit number that can be formed from first place from the left in the number.
the digits 4, 2, 1, 3, 5 without repetition is 54321.
The smallest five digit number that can be formed from the digits 4, 2, 1, 3, 5 without repetition is 12345.
h With Repetition
The greatest five digit number that can be formed from the digits 4, 2, 1, 3, 5 with repetition is 55555.
The smallest five digit number that can be formed from the digits 4, 2, 1, 3, 5 with repetition is 11111.

Estimated values are rounding off numbers to the nearest tens, hundreds and thousands.
Rounding off a number means making a number simpler to use. The number obtained after rounding
off is very close to the actual value.
Note : If the digit to the right of rounding digit is greater than or equal to ‘5’, then the number is
rounded to the higher tens/hundreds/thousands.
Consider the number 62631
6 2 6 3 1
Rounding digit (when rounding to the nearest tens) = 62630
Rounding digit (when rounding to the nearest hundreds) = 62600
Rounding digit (when rounding to the nearest thousands) = 63000
Rounding digit (when rounding to the nearest ten thousands) = 60000

Roman numerals, the numeric system of ancient Rome uses combinations of letters to signify values
i.e., I, V, X, L, C, D, M and do not have a zero.
Letters used to write Roman numerals are:
Roman numeral I V X L C D M
Hindu-Arabic number 1 5 10 50 100 500 1000

Notes :
h Repeating a letter means addition. The letters can be Olympiad Bite
repeated upto three times only.
• Symbol V can never be repeated.
For example : XXX = 10 + 10 + 10 = 30
• I can be subtracted from V and X only.
h If one or more letters are placed after a letter of bigger
value, it means addition.
For example : CXVI = 100 + 10 + 5 + 1 = 116
h If a letter is placed before a letter of bigger value, it means subtraction.

For example : CD = 500 – 100 = 400

h When a Roman numeral of smaller value is placed between two numerals of greater value, it is
subtracted from the numeral on its right.
For example : DXL = 500 + 50 – 10 = 540

1. Compare and fill in the box. 3. The number 826432 rounded off to the nearest
Three lakh fifty Three lakh twenty hundreds gives _______.
four thousand five four thousand three (A) 826400 (B) 826500
hundred twenty hundred fifty (C) 827000 (D) 826430
(A) < 4. Which of the following is same as CDLXV?
(B) > (A) 415 (B) 465
(C) = (C) 615 (D) 665
(D) Can't be determined 5. Which of the following set of numbers are
2. The greatest five digit number formed from the arranged in correct descending order?
(A) 62510, 64103, 52131, 42560
digits 6, 2, 1, 4, 0 without repetition is _______.
(B) 42106, 45600, 52311, 65432
(A) 64421 (B) 21046 (C) 75410, 70321, 65300, 64232
(C) 64210 (D) 66666 (D) 52160, 54100, 50622, 55321
1. Face value of 4 in 54895 is ________.
(A) 4 (B) 4000
(C) 400 (D) 40 (C) (D)
2. The descending order of 41235, 31468, 25134,
43256, 61324 is ________. TTh Th H T O TTh Th H T O

(A) 41235 , 25134 , 31468 , 61324 , 43256 7. Which of the following is the smallest five digit
even number?
(B) 43256 , 61324 , 25134 , 31468 , 12345
(A) 10001 (B) 10002
(C) 61324 , 43256 , 41235 , 31468 , 25134 (C) 10003 (D) 10000
(D) 43256 , 61324 , 31468 , 25134 , 12345 8. Mayank was solving a Mathematics question.
3. Which of the following is equivalent to “Thirty He calculated that there are ten thousand and eighty
two thousand nine hundred and forty five”? minutes in a week. Help him to write this number
in numeral form.
32945 23549 (A) 10008 (B) 10800
(A) (B) (C) 10080 (D) 18000
Direction (9 and 10) : Consider the rate list of
some items given below and answer the following
39245 32954 Items Cost (in `)
(C) (D) Ruler XXV
4. Identify the number Kirti is thinking about. Paint Brush XLVIII
Packet of Crayons LXXV
My number has :
 2 tens  1 thousand 9. ________ is the costliest item and ________ is
 2 ones  7 ten thousands the cheapest item amongst all.
 3 hundreds (A) Paint brush, Ruler
(A) 71322 (B) 73122 (B) Book, Ruler
(C) 37212 (D) 37122 (C) Packet of Crayons, Book
5. Select the CORRECT option. (D) Ruler, Book
(A) CXVI = 104 (B) DCV = 605 10. ________ is cheaper than ________ by ` 5.
(C) CLXV = 170 (D) DIX = 511 (A) Paint Brush, Ruler
6. Which of the following abacuses shows the (B) Book, Ruler
CORRECT representation of 24165? (C) Paint Brush, Book
(D) Packet of Crayons, Book
11. The numeral for ninety five thousand seven
(A) (B) hundred and twenty is ________.
(A) 9575 (B) 95702
TTh Th H T O TTh Th H T O (C) 90572 (D) 95720
12. Which number CANNOT be placed in the box 86458 = 86 thousands + ________ tens + 8 ones
to have the numbers in order from the least to the (A) 45 (B) 40
greatest? (C) 450 (D) 4
19. Which of the following options is CORRECT?
(A) 8214 = 8000 + 10 + 4
70512 71324 ? 73560
(B) 21425 = 20000 +1000 + 400 + 50
(C) 32104 = 30000 + 2000 + 100 + 4
(A) 71423 (B) 72501
(D) 4146 = 4000 + 100 + 60 + 4
(C) 71250 (D) 72058
20. In 34526, the place value of the digit ‘4’ is how
13. The largest 5-digit even number that can be
many times as much as the place value of the digit
formed from the digits 2, 5, 6, 9 using each digit
at least once is ________.
(A) 2 (B) 20
(A) 96592 (B) 96522
(C) 200 (D) 2000
(C) 99652 (D) 69529
21. 12546 when rounded off to the nearest ________
14. Find the sum of place values of 3 and 9 in the
number 36987. gives 12500.
(A) 30900 (B) 12 (A) Tens (B) Hundreds
(C) 39000 (D) 120 (C) Thousands (D) Ten thousands

15. The number shown on the abacus is read as 22. Compare and fill in the box.
________. CDXI DCLX
(A) > (B) <
(C) = (D) Can’t be determined
23. When rounded off to the nearest 1000, the
population of Sikkim become 608000. Which of the
following could be the actual population of Sikkim?
TTh Th H T O
(A) 607688 (B) 607488
(A) Sixty three thousand four hundred and thirty (C) 617695 (D) 608988
seven. 24. Which of the following is the smallest?
(B) Sixty three thousand forty four hundred seven.
(A) Sixty five thousand four hundred thirty two
(C) Six thousand four hundred thirty seven.
(B) Sixty seven thousand five hundred twenty one.
(D) Six thousand five hundred thirty seven.
(C) Sixty seven thousand three hundred five.
16. The number 52876 when rounded off to the (D) Sixty seven thousand two hundred fifty one.
nearest thousands gives ________.
25. Fill in the blanks and select the correct option.
(A) 52000 (B) 53000
99998 = _______ thousands + _______ hundreds
(C) 60000 (D) 52900
+ _____ tens + _____ ones.
17. Expanded form of 92645 is ________. (A) 99, 9, 9, 8 (B) 9, 9, 9, 8
(A) 9000 + 200 + 600 + 40 + 5 (C) 99, 90, 9, 8 (D) 9, 9, 9, 80
(B) 90000 + 2000 + 600 + 40 + 5
26. I have 5 at the tens place. I have 3 at the ones
(C) 9000 + 200 + 60 + 5 place. I am less than 900 but greater than 800. Who
(D) 9000 + 200 + 60 + 400 + 5 am I?
18. Which of the following options can complete (A) 935 (B) 853
the given number sentence? (C) 953 (D) 835
27. The smallest five digit number that can be (C) Symbol I can be subtracted from V and X only.
formed from the digits 4, 0, 7 using each digit at (D) All of these
least once is ________.
33. Identify the number by using the given clues.
(A) 40700 (B) 04007
(C) 00407 (D) 40007 Clues :
28. Which number does the place value of model h It is a five digit number.
shows? h Its ones place digit is 1.
h Its hundreds place digit is twice of tens
place digit.
h Its tens place digit is 3 more the ones place
h Its thousands place digit is 5 less than digit
at hundreds place.
h Its ten thousands place digit is greatest one
digit number.
Hundreds Tens Ones
(A) 715 (B) 726 (A) 83941 (B) 93841
(C) 126 (D) 736 (C) 96481 (D) 99482
29. Which of the following is the least? 34. Fill in the blanks and select the correct option.
(A) M (B) DCCCX (p) Short form for 80000 + 7000 + 500 + 70 + 5
(C) CMLX (D) CDLXX is ________.
30. Priya changed 6 in the number 42684 by 8. How (q) Face value of 7 in 72543 is ________.
much did the value change? (r) The number 65498 has ________ digit at tens
(A) Increased by 20 (B) Decreased by 20 place.
(C) Increased by 200 (D) Decreased by 200 (s) The smallest four digit number that can be
formed from the digits 2, 5, 6 using each digit
at least once is ________.
(p) (q) (r) (s)
31. Study the following statements and select the (A) 87575 70000 9 2526
correct option? (B) 87565 700 90 2222
Statement 1 : 5466 when rounded off to the nearest
(C) 87575 7 9 2256
tens gives 5500.
(D) 87565 7 90 2265
Statement 2 : 41464 when rounded off to the
nearest hundreds gives 41000. 35. Which of the following statements is CORRECT?
(A) Statement 1 is true but Statement 2 is false. P. 4157 become 4200 when rounded off to the
(B) Statement 2 is true but Statement 1 is false. nearest hundreds.
(C) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are true.
(D) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are false. Q. The Roman number DCCV is written as 715 in
the Hindu-Arabic numeral system.
32. Which of the following statements is CORRECT?
R. Smallest 4-digit number that can be formed by
(A) There are seven basic symbols in the Roman
using the digits 2, 3, 1 and 0 without repetition
is 1023.
(B) When a symbol of greater value is written to the
right of a symbol of smaller value, the smaller (A) Only P (B) Only P and R
value is subtracted from the larger value. (C) Only Q and R (D) All P, Q and R
(B) R
1. The number shown on the abacus is written as
(C) Q
(D) None of these (Level-1)
3. In the number 46328, if the digits at hundreds
place and ten thousands place interchange, then find
the sum of place values of all the digits in the new
number formed.
(A) 43628
L TTh Th H T O (B) 36428
(A) Three hundred fifty three hundred two hundred (C) 23
and sixty seven (D) 34628 (Level-2)
(B) Three ten thousand fifty three hundred thousand 4. Who am I?
two hundred sixty seven
(C) Three lakh fifty three thousand two hundred I am a four digit number.
and sixty seven I have 4 in the hundreds
(D) Thirty five thousand three thousand two place. I am greater than
hundred sixty seven. (Level-1) 1000. I have 6 in the
tens place. Sum of my
2. Which of the following books will shows the
digits is 12. My thou-
number greater than 3280 but less than 3390, if the
sands place and ones
numbers are rounded off to the nearest hundreds?
place digits are same.

P Q R (A) 1641
3355 3245 3254 (B) 1461
(C) 2462
(D) 2460 (Level-2)
SELF TEST - 1 8. (C) : Ten thousand and eighty = 10080
1. (C) (9-10) :
2. (D) : Place value and face value of 1 is 1 i.e., Items Cost (in `)
same. Ruler XXV = 10 + 10 + 5 = 25
3. (B) : The number shown on the abacus is Book LXXX = 50 + 10 + 10 + 10 = 80
Paint Brush XLVIII = 40 + 5 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 48
4. (C) : In the number 52624, we have
Packet of LXXV = 50 + 10 + 10 + 5 = 75
Face value of digit 6 = 6 Crayons
Place value of digit 6 = 600
9. (B)
5. (B)
10. (D) : Cost of packet of crayons + ` 5 = ` 75 + ` 5
SELF TEST - 2 = ` 80 i.e., Cost of book
1. (B) : Three lakh fifty four thousand five hundred 11. (D)
twenty = 354520 12. (C) : 71250 < 71324
Three lakh twenty four thousand three hundred
13. (C) : Largest 5-digit even number that can be
fifty = 324350
formed from the digits 2, 5, 6, 9 using each digit
⇒ 354520 > 324350 at least once is 99652.
2. (C) : Greatest five digit number formed from 14. (A) : Place value of 3 in 36987 = 30000
the digits 6, 2, 1, 4, 0 (without repetition) = 64210 Place value of 9 in 36987 = 900
3. (A) : 8 2 6 4 3 2 So, required sum = 30000 + 900 = 30900
15. (A)
Rounding digit
16. (B) : 52876 when rounded off to nearest
Digit right of 4 is 3 < 5, hence 826432 when rounded thousands gives 53000.
to nearest hundreds gives 826400.
17. (B) : Expanded form of 92645
4. (B) : CDLXV = 400 + 50 + 10 + 5 = 9 ×10000 + 2 × 1000 + 6 × 100 + 4 × 10 + 5 × 1
= 400 + 60 + 5 = 465 = 90000 + 2000 + 600 + 40 + 5
5. (C) 18. (A) : 86458 = 80000 + 6000 + 400 + 50 + 8
EXERCISE = 86000 + 450 + 8
1. (A) = 86 thousands + 45 tens + 8 ones
2. (C) : 61324 > 43256 > 41235 > 31468 > 25134 19. (C) : (A) 8000 + 10 + 4 = 8014 ≠ 8214
(B) 20000 + 1000 + 400 + 50 = 21450 ≠ 21425
3. (A) : Thirty two thousand nine hundred and (C) 30000 + 2000 + 100 + 4 = 32104
forty five = 32945 (D) 4000 + 100 + 60 + 4 = 4164 ≠ 4146
4. (A)
20. (C) : Place value of digit 4 in 34526 = 4000
5. (B) : (A) CXVI = 100 + 10 + 6 = 116 ≠ 104 Place value of digit 2 in 34526 = 20
(B) DCV = 500 + 100 + 5 = 605 So, 4000 = 20 × 200
(C) CLXV = 100 + 50 + 10 + 5 = 165 ≠ 170 21. (B)
(D) DIX = 500 + 9 = 509 ≠ 511
22. (B) : CDXI = 400 + 10 + 1 = 411
6. (B) and DCLX = 500 + 100 + 50 + 10 = 660
7. (D) : Smallest 5-digit even number = 10000 And, 411 < 660

23. (A) : 6 0 7 6 8 8 Tens place digit = 3 + 1 = 4
Hundreds place digit = 2 × 4 = 8
Rounding digit Thousands place digit = 8 – 5 = 3
Digit right of 7 is 6 > 5, hence 607688 rounded to Ten thousands place digit = 9
nearest thousands gives 608000. So, the required number is 93841.
24. (A) : (A) Sixty five thousand four hundred thirty 34. (C) : (p) 80000 + 7000 + 500 + 70 + 5 = 87575
two = 65432 (q) Face value of 7 in 72543 is 7.
(B) Sixty seven thousand five hundred twenty one
(r) 65498 = 60000 + 5000 + 400 + 90 + 8
= 67521
= 65 thousands + 4 hundreds + 9 tens + 8 ones
(C) Sixty seven thousand three hundred five = 67305
(s) Smallest 4-digit number formed using digits
(D) Sixty seven thousand two hundred fifty one
2, 5, 6 each atleast once = 2256
= 67251
As, 65432 < 67251 < 67305 < 67521 35. (B) : P. 4 1 5 7
25. (A) : 99998 = 99000 + 900 + 90 + 8 = 99 thousands
+ 9 hundreds + 9 tens + 8 ones rounding digit
26. (B) : 800 < 853 < 900 Since, digit right to 1 is 5.
Tens place Ones place So, 4157 when rounded off to nearest hundreds
27. (D) : The smallest five digit number that can gives 4200.
be formed from the digits 4, 0, 7 using each digit Q. DCCV = 500 + 100 + 100 + 5
atleast once is 40007. = 705 ≠ 715
28. (B) : Model shows 700 + 10 + 10 + 6 = 726. R. Smallest 4-digit number formed = 1023
29. (D) : (A) M = 1000 SOF IMO 2019 QUESTIONS
(B) DCCCX = 500 + 100 + 100 + 100 + 10 = 810 1. (C) : The number shown on the abacus is
(C) CMLX = 900 + 50 + 10 = 960 353267, which is written in words as three lakh
(D) CDLXX = 400 + 50 + 10 + 10 = 470 fifty three thousand two hundred and sixty seven.
As, 470 < 810 < 960 < 1000
2. (B) : Rounded off to the nearest hundreds,
So, 470 is the least number.
P. 3355 becomes 3400
30. (C) : Given number = 42684
Q. 3245 becomes 3200
After changing digit 6 to 8,
R. 3254 becomes 3300
New number formed = 42884
As, 3280 < 3300 < 3390
So, change in value = 42884 – 42684 = 200
Hence, the value is increased by 200. 3. (B) : After interchanging digits at hundreds
31. (D) : Statement 1 : Rounded off digit = 6 place and ten thousands place, new number formed
Digit right to 6 is 6 > 5 is 36428.
So, 5466 when rounded off to nearest tens gives 5470. Required sum = 30000 + 6000 + 400 + 20 + 8
Statement 2 : Rounded off digit = 4 = 36428
Digit right to 4 is 6 > 5 4. (B) : Digit at hundreds place = 4
⇒ 41464 when rounded off to nearest hundreds Digit at tens place = 6
gives 41500. Digit at thousands place = Digit at ones place
32. (D) Also, sum of digits is 12.
33. (B) : Ones place digit = 1 So, from options required number is 1461.

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