1957.WMO - Bulletin.vi 4

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At all modern BAROGRAPHS
meteorological stations Recording anerolds with continous
charts; adopted for over 40 years by
the French Meteorological Service.

THE PRECISION Standard equipment In the French


Which can be combined with our

JULES RICHARD barometers and hygrometers. These

Instruments are outstandingly sen ..

provide a permanent answer

Direct recording of air humidity on
ruled charts. All types of indicators
and recorders, including upper-air
and dew-point instruments.

Direct reading and recording Ins-
truments for measuring the intensity
of solar radiation. Pyrheliographs.

All types of anemometers, including
Papillon" electro-magnetic instru·
menls for recording instantaneous
wind speed at a distance.

All types of float, balance and
syphon raingauges, both recording
and non-recording.

upon request

President: Mr. A. VIAUT

First Vice-President : Dr. M. A. F. BARNETT
Second Vice-President: Pro£. Dr. H. AMORIM FERREIRA

Mr. S. BAsu Mr. L. DE AzcARRAGA Prof. Dr. J. LuGEON


Aerology: Dr. R. C. SuTCLIFFE Africa (I): Mr. J. RAVET

Aeronautical Meteorology: Mr. A. H. NAGLE Asia (II) : Mr. S. BAsu
Agricultural Meteorology : Mr. J. J. BuRGos South America (Ill) : Dr. R. V. GARcfA
Bibliography and Publications: Dr. M. M:EziN North and Central America (IV):
Climatology: Mr. R. G. VERYARD Mr. A. THoMSON
Instruments and Methods of Observation: South-West Pacific (V) :
Maritime Meteorology : Mr. H. THOMSEN Europe (VI) : Dr. A. NYBERG
Synoptic Meteorology : Prof. Dr. W. BLEEKER


Secretary-General :Mr. D. A. DAVIES Chief, Technical Division : Dr. K. LANGLO

Deputy Secretary-General: Mr. J. R. RIVET Chief, Administrative Division:


"(a) To facilitate world-wide co-operation (c) To promote standardization of meteo-

in the establishment of networks of rological observations and to ensure
stations for the making of meteorolog- the uniform publication of observ-
ical observations or other geophysical ations and statistics;
observations related to meteorology (d) To further the application of meteor-
and to promote the establishment and ology to aviation, shipping, agricul-
maintenance of meteorological centres ture, and other human activities ; and
charged with the provision of meteor- (e) To encourage research and training in
ological services ; meteorology and to assist in co-
(b). To promote the establishment and ordinating the international aspects
maintenance of systems for the rapid of such research and training."
exchange of weather information ; From the Convention of the World
Meteorological Organization, Article 2.


(a) The World Meteorological Congress one of the six meteorological Regions
which meets at least once every four of the world. They meet as often as
years; necessary to ensure compliance with
(b) The Executive Committee, which the policies of the Organization.
meets at least once annually ; (d) Technical Commissions composed of
(c) Regional Associations made up of experts in the various meteorological
Members of the Organization the fields which meet at least once every
networks of which lie in or extend into four years.


The Secretariat of the Organization is located at Campagne Rigot, Avenue de la

Paix, Geneva, Switzerland.

OCTOBER 1957 VOL. VI N 0. 4


As in most other natural sciences, progress International co-ordination of meteorological
in meteorology has depended on our activities .......... .. ... . ... . .. ...... ...... . 126
increasing ability to measure various physical
quantities. I'Vithout accurate instrumental Membership of WMO .............. ." ...... . 130
observations it wou ld be quite impossible to
operate a modern meteorological service or International Geophysical Year .. . .. ....... . 131
to investigate such phenomena as the
tropopause and the jet stream. The use of Meteorology- a three-dimensional science . 134
meteorological instruments has in fact
become such a commonplace that we may Hamburg comparisons of long-wave radio-
be inclined to forget the imperfections of meters ............ ... . . . ... ..... . . ........ . 139
some of our present instruments and to
place too much reliance on their readings . Collaboration with other international organ-
izations 143

These matters were certainly not over- Second session of the Commission for Ins-
looked at the second session of the VlMO truments and Methods of Observation . .... 146
Commission for Instruments and Methods of
Observation, a report of which appears on Activities of the Technical Commissions . . 149
p. q6. Many decisions were taken which
will lead to further studies on how to Technical Assistance Programme . . . . . . . . . . 151
improve our instrumental techniques.
Obituary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157

Careful maintenance is of. course essential Activities of Regional Associations 159

for obtaining the best performance of a ll
types of instruments and this applies News from the WMO Secretariat........... 160
especially to meteorological instruments,
News and Notes . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
which are exposed to much more severe
conditions than most physical instruments. Reviews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . • . • . • . . . 163
The picture on the cover shows instrument
mechanics in a workshop of the Pakistan Members of the WMO . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . 166
Meteorological Service.
Calendar of coming events....... .. ...... . . 167

The purpose of the vVMO Bulletin is to provide a summary of the work of the I'Vorld
Meteorological Organization and of developments in international meteorology of interest
to Members of the Organization and others concerned with the application of meteorology
to human activ ity.
The WMO Bulletin is published quarterly in two separate editions : English and French.
The price is r Swiss franc per copy, including postage. Annual subscriptions (4 Swiss francs)
and all other correspondence about the Bulletin should be addressed to the Secretary-General,
World Meteorological Organization, Campagne Rigot, Avenue de la Paix, Geneva.
Signed contributions do not necessarily represent the views of the Organization.

WMO Bulletin October 1957



The Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC) holds a session each
year in Geneva, at which inter alia the annual reports of the specialized agencies are
considered. The executive heads of the specialized agencies are invited to make statements
before the Council at this session. The statement of the Secretary-General of WMO to the
twenty-second session last year was reported in the October 1956 issue of the WMO
Rulletin (Vol. V, No. 4, p. 131).
The need for co-ordination between the specialized agencies and other international
bodies is a subject to which much attention is given at each session of ECOSOC ; the
economic aspects of the activities of the specialized agencies are also of evident interest to
the Council.
Thus in his address to the twenty-fourth session in July 1957, the Secretary-General
selected, as his main subject, the co-ordination of meteorological activities and made
reference also to the economic aspects of meteorology and to the Annual Report. The
substance of this address is given below.

I Nmy remarks to the Council a year

ago, I made specific reference to a
number of activities of the World
and in order to ensure that a balanced
picture of WMO's activities as a whole
is presented to the Council, it may be
Meteorological Organization on which useful if I take this opportunity of
collaboration was taking place with saying a few words about these latter
the United Nations and other inter- activities, especially as they are of an
national organizations, the object being essentially co-ordinating character.
to demonstrate to the Council that They are also of economic significance
WMO's activities as a specialized on the national level, since a knowledge
agency were being co-ordinated as of its climate and weather is essential
far as possible with those of other to the economic development of every
international bodies - both govern- country ; so that the assistance given
mental and non-governmental. I will by WMO in this field is of an indirect,
again make reference to such activities though none-the-less rr.al, economic
in my remarks today, since the need benefit to the countries of the world.
for co-ordination is ever-present and
is specifically stressed in the resolution HOW WMO HELPS METEOROLOGICAL
adopted at ·the end of the Council's SERVICES
debate on this item last year. It has long been recognized that a
I should perhaps first mention national meteorological service cannot
that the co-ordination of activities operate efficiently in isolation and in-
with other international bodies, both ternational collaboration and co-ordi-
governmental and non-governmental, nation has been accepted as a sine
constitutes only one aspect of the qua non in the field of meteorology
work of WMO. The other aspect is since national meteorological services,
the provision of services and assist- as we know them, first began to be
ance in various forms to facilitate the developed. It was as long ago as the
development and the day-to-day opera- year 1878 that an international or-
tion of national meteorological services, ganization was first established to

WMO Bulletin October. 1957

provide the machinery for the necessary of the messages and the differences in
co-ordination in this field. This Inter- languages between different countries.
national Meteorological Organization Thus figure-codes are used for this
(IMO) has operated continuously and purpose by international agreement
successfully since that date, changing and these codes are known and under-
its title and status in rgsr when it stood in all countries of the world.
became the World Meteorological Or- The development of such codes is also
ganization (WMO) and a specialized a WMO responsibility.
agency of the United Nations.
Looking to the future in this same
field, the successful experiments on
Weather forecasting the use of electronic computers for
Indeed the international character weather prediction now being con-
of weather may almost be taken as ducted in one or two countries may
axiomatic, but it may nevertheless be well call for radical changes in exist-
of value if I demonstrate the need ing international procedures and in
for co-ordination between the coun- this case the co-ordinating function
tries of the world in this field by a of WMO will be essential to this
few simple examples. important development.
The basis of all weather forecasting Co-ordinated procedures are also in
is the weather map on which are plotted force throughout the world to ensure
weather reports from a network of that weather information such as
meteorological stations. Such maps storm warnings, hurricane warnings
are prepared in most countries every etc. are available to merchant ship-
six hours (and sometimes more fre- ping in all sea areas of the globe.
quently) and the information on each Internationally agreed procedures for
map must relate to the same hour the collection of the weather reports
of observation. Thus standard hours from ships at sea by appointed land
of observation have to be adopted stations are also in force ; these are
throughout the world and agreement other examples of WMO's co-ordinat-
on this important question is obtained ing activities in this same field.
through the machinery of WMO. Then Standardization of procedures in
again weather maps generally cover other fields such as aeronautical me-
large areas, often whole continents or teorology, agricultural meteorology and
even hemispheres of the globe ; thus climatology are still further examples.
a rapid exchange of information on an
international and inter-continental
basis is required and complicated in- Other national activities
ternational telecommunication sched-
ules have therefore to be adopted to To promulgate information about
ensure the swift and co-ordinated inter- interchange of meteorological reports,
change of all this information. These about meteorological codes, about
schedules are in operation continuously shipping broadcasts, etc., WMO issues
night and day throughout the world a number of technical publications
and agreement on such matters is with amendments as necessary. These
likewise obtained through WMO. technical publications are used exten-
sively on a routine basis in practically
lt would, however, be impossible to all countries of the world.
exchange all this meteorological infor-
mation if plain language were to be Thus WMO and its predecessor IMO
used, both on account of the length have been acting for nearly 8o years

WMO Bulletin October 1957

as a co-ordinating machine between recorded in the Annual Report for

national meteorological services and it rg56 is an indication of the continued
is, in fact, these activities which alone goodwill and active co-operation of
constituted the raison d' etre of the old the directors of national meteorolog-
IMO for the 73 years of its existence ical services and the governments they
from r878 to rgsr, when WMO came represent. I need hardly say that this
into being. is an extremely gratifying and im-
portant feature.
Activities of this kind involve a
constant and perhaps rather unspec-
tacular routine which is recorded year HOW WMO HELPS INTERNATIONAL
by year in the WMO Annual Report. ORGANIZATIONS
Such information will in general be of I would now like to leave what
little direct interest to other inter- might be called the internal co-ordi-
national organizations and would not nating function of WMO or the co-
therefore figure prominently in a ordination on the national plane and
review of co-ordination between inter- turn to those aspects of WMO's
national organizations. For reasons activities which have a more direct
already explained, however, I felt that bearing on the work of the United
some reference to such activities in my Nations and other international or-
remarks might be useful and of in- ganizations, that is to say, co-ordina-
terest. Full details of the latest tion on the international plane. In
activities in this field will of course this field of activity the Organization
be found in the Annual Report for applies the same procedures and meth-
1956 now before the Council. ods of operation as are applied in
meeting the requirements in the other
It might perhaps also be added
field whic;h I have just described. That
that under the system of operation
is, technical advice on any problem
developed by the old IMO and con-
is sought from experts serving mainly
tinued by WMO, the technical strength
in national meteorological services,
of the organization rests mainly with
generally operating on the system of
the national meteorological services,
small working groups or panels of
whose experts serve on the various
technical commissions, working groups experts.
and other bodies, upon whose activ- Hydrology
ities all major decisions of the Organiza-
One important field in which WMO
tion are based.
is collaborating with the United Na-
The system is therefore efficient in tions and other agencies is that of
the sense that the Organization is in hydrology and water resources. This
effect able to call upon experts in all is also a field which has engaged the
branches of meteorology from all attention of this Council on many
parts of the world. The system is also occasions and on which the Council
economical as this expert advice is has adopted several resolutions. WMO
given at no cost to the Organization has taken part in the inter-agency
and the development of a large meetings on this subject which have
technical Secret ariat has not been been undertaken following decisions
necessary. of this Council and is actively par-
ticipating with the United Nations in
As a corollary to this, it follows that the inquiry into national hydrological
the general increase in the t echnical services now in progress. The WMO
activities of the Organization which is has also arranged a water resources

WMO Bulletin October 1957

regional seminar under the WMO expeditiously and economically to all

T echnical Assistance Programme, countries of the world. This centre is
which will take place in Yugoslavia being operated on a self-financing
later this year. WMO is also par- basis - that is to say, the expenses of
ticipating in the water resource survey running the centre will be met from
to be conducted in certain Latin the sale to governments, universities,
American countries under the aus- research institutes, etc. of the re-
pices of the Economic Commission produced data and will not therefore
for Latin America. In all this work be a charge on the WMO budget.
the Organization is guided by the This work will constitute one of the
views of a small panel of six ·world major items of WMO scientific activity
recognized experts operating on the in th e n ext two years.
voluntary basis I have already de-
scribed. I should perhaps stress that the
information derived from the pro-
I nternational Geophysical Year gramme of the International Geo-
physical Year will yield subst antial
As an example of \i\/MO's co-ord i- beneficial effects to the science of
nation with non-governmental organi- meteorology and .to other scientific
zations we m ay take the International disciplines. This, in turn , should
Geophysical Year. Delegates are no enable workers in these fields to give
doubt aware that the International increased assistance, b y the applica-
Geophysical Year is the n ame given tion of their specialized knowledge,
to a world-wide scientific observational to many of the world's social and
programme, in which most countries economic problems. 'While it is thus
of the world are participating. This essentially a scientific programme (and
programme commenced on r July 1957 it might be added, the most com-
and will continue until 31 December prehensive proj ect of its kind that
1958. The expeditions to the Antarc- human endeavour has so far envisaged)
tic region and the proj ected use of it will, in due course, no doubt have
earth satellites in connexion with this important practical benefits.
programme have attracted much pub-
lic attention.
A large part of the programme of I would not wish to leave this
the IGY relates to meteorology and section on WMO's collaboration with
associated subjects and by agreement other international organizations with-
with the various non-governmental out reference to the close and constant
organizations connected with this collaboration with the International
work, in particular the Special Com- Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) on
mittee of the International Council of many problems relating to aeronautical
Scientific Unions, WMO has accepted met eorology and, in p articular, the
responsibility for the programme in standardization of meteorological pro-
meteorology and related subjects and cedures for civil aviation. As I believe
various brochures and reports on this is generally well known, such pro-
programme have recently been pub- cedures have reach ed a very high
lished by WMO. A special centre has degree of development .
been set up in the Secretariat which
will collect all relevant observational I would like also to mention briefly
records from all parts of the world WMO's collaboration · with ·the United
and : Will make this important and Nations Educational Scientific and
unique scientific information available Cultural Organization (UNESCO) m

WMO Bulletin October 1957

the arid zone research programme and fuller knowledge of the weather and
in other fields of common interest and climate, which is needed in many
with the Food and Agriculture Or- ways in economic development, is still
ganization of the United Nations (FAO) denied to many countries. Never-
in the joint efforts being made to theless, much useful work is being
combat the scourge of the desert done under the auspices of the Ex-
locust. panded Programme covering a wide
range of meteorological activities.
Technical Assistance
I would now like to turn to the In this connexion, I would like to
WMO Technical Assistance Pro- mention an example of co-ordination
gramme. I mentioned in my remarks which is both effective and econom-
before the Council last year that WMO ical. I refer to the arrangement be-
has no regular technical assistance tween the Technical Assistance Ad-
programme and for work in this field ministration (T AA) and WMO whereby
it relies entirely upon its participationthe former accepts responsibility for
in the United Nations Expanded Pro- all administrative and accounting
gramme of Technical Assistance. The work associated with WMO's partici-
situation in this respect is still unal- pation in the Expanded Programme
tered and, by virtue of WMO's four- leaving WMO to confine its attention
yearly budget system, no regular to the scientific and technical aspects.
programme can be envisaged until In this way the necessity of recruiting
1960 at the earliest. The decision on administrative staff in the WMO Sec-
this matter will of course rest with retariat is obviated and the pro-
the next Congress which is scheduled gramme operates successfully with
only a small technical staff. The suc-
for 1959.
cess of such an arrangement is, of
I also stressed in my remarks last course, dependent on close co-opera-
year the importance which the Or- tion and understanding between TAA
ganization attaches to its participation and WMO and I am happy to say
in the Expanded Programme and that such co-operation and under-
developments in the intervening period · standing has at all times been fully
have strengthened further this view. and readily forthcoming from TAA
WMO's problem now is· to operate a and it is appropriate that I should
programme with funds which are record our appreciation of the assist-
sufficient to meet only a small portion ance given by the Director-Gener al of
of the known requirements. Thus a T AA and his staff.
To conclude his statement, tb.e Secretary-General referred to various resolutions made
by ECOSOC and the UN General Assembly which contained specific requests to the
specialized agencies. l-Ie described briefly the steps taken by WMO to comply with these
resolutions and was able to show that t;verything possible was being done to fulfil the
wishes expressed by the resolutions.

vision$ of Article 3 (b) of the Conven-
T HE Government of the People's
Republic of Albania deposited on
29 July .1957 an instrument of acces-
tion. Albania thus became a Member
State of WMO on 28 August 1957.
sion to the World Meteorological
Convention with the Department of WMO now has 97 Members : 75
State at Washington, under the pro- States and 22 Territories.

WMO Bulletin October 1957


T HE opening of the International

Geophysical Year on I July I957
was appropriately heralded by a burst
it can only be guaranteed for orders
placed before I November I957· It
has been estimated that the correspond-
of solar activity and a severe magnetic ing price for a set of the same data in
storm which were duly announced to printed volumes would be higher by a
observing stations all over the world factor of at least five.
by the ALERT warning system. For
meteorologists the IGY began a few Further details of the WMO micro-
minutes before midnight on 30 June cards are given in IGY Meteorological
I957 when several hundred radiosonde Data Centre Report No. 7, Microcards
balloons were launched to measure the of ICY Meteorological Data. Two
temperature, pressure and humidity to further reports have been issued re-
heights of up to 30 km. For the man cently by the Centre: Report No. 5,
in the street special sound and televi- Ozone and Radiation Observations and
sion programmes were broadcast in Report No. 6, Revised Instructions for
many countries and popular articles Completing Forms No. 2 and No. 2(b)
appeared in the daily press. A leaflet during the IGY. Reports on auroral
outlining WMO's contribution to the observations (No. Io) and atmospheric
IGY was prepared in the WMO Secre- chemistry (No. 8) and an additional
tariat and has since been widely report on radiation observations (No. g)
distributed. In lighter vein, at least will probably have been distributed
one group of meteorologists - those by the time this issue of the Bulletin
attending the sessions of the Commis- has been published. Copies of any of
sions for Aerology and for Instruments these reports may be obtained free on
and Methods of Observation - toasted request from the WMO Secretariat.
the beginning of the IGY at midnight
in a cafe on the Champs Elysees to the Auroral observations
accompaniment of special IGY ver-
sions of popular songs. There can be An important part of· the auroral
no doubt that the IGY has got off to programme during the International
a good start. Geophysical Year is the synoptic study
on a world-wide scale of the morpho-
ICY Meteorological Data Centre logy of auroral displays. In I956 the
Special Committee for the Interna-
The first IGY meteorological obser- tional Geophysical Year (CSAGI) re-
vations are arriving at the IGY quested the help of meteorological
Meteorological Data Centre in the services in making the necessary au-
WMO Secretariat and plans for repro- roral observations, and about 40 coun-
ducing them on microcards are well tries have since informed the WMO
advanced. It is now anticipated that Secretariat that a special watch for
the essential IGY meteorological data aurora will be maintained during the
will require a total of I8,5oo micro- IGY at a selection of their meteoro-
cards and orders for complete sets of logical stations. The total number of
these cards are invited. The price these stations amounts to about goo,
quoted is $5,990 per set but as this and in view of this magnificent response
price is based on certain assumptions the CSAGI reporter for the auroral
about the total number of sets ordered programme has now requested the

WM O Bulletin October 1957

assistance of the IGY Meteorological of precipitation and of the carbon

Data Centre in preparing and distrib- dioxide content of the air. Following
uting standard fo rms for the auroral a r ecommendat ion from the WMO
observations and instructions for com- Working Group on the IGY, the
pleting the forms. President of WMO decided that these
observations should be entered on
· In compliance with this request, WMO standard forms, which should
WMO standard forms and instructions then be collected and published by
for visual auroral observations have the IGY Meteorological Data Centre.
now been prepared in collaboration Four standard forms have now been
with Mr. Bennet Mclnnes of the devised and are being distributed
Balfour St ewart Auroral Laboratory, with the necessary instructions in
Edinburgh University. Mr. Mcinnes Centre R eport No. 8.
visited the WMO Secretariat on 30 Au-
gust 1957 to settle the fin al details. From information available in the
It should be stressed that these forms WMO Secretariat, it seems that at -
are only intended fo r use at meteoro- mospheric chemistry observations will
logical stations in countries where no be made at more than rso stations
.national auroral forms have been during the IGY. The number of such
prepared and that the completed forms stations may be increased following a
should be sent to national auroral recommenda tion to this effect by the
reporters - not to the IGY Meteoro- Commission for Aerology (see p. 137).
logical Data Centre. These and other
det ails are dealt with in Centre R eport Radiation observations
No. ro. As mentioned in the last issue of the
Although th ~ visual auroral obser- Bulletin (p. g6), there are more than
700 IGY radi ation stations, that is
vations are not part of the meteoro-
logical programme of the IGY, met e- stations that will be measuring at least
orological observers at the stations one component of the earth's radiation
called upon to observe the aurora balance. These stations will be entering
will no doubt take the same care in their observations on WMO standard
this work as they do with their normal forms. The basic form for daily sums
meteorological observations . Anybody of the total radiation of sun and sky,
who has seen a fine display of aurora the diffuse sky radiation, the direct
will already know what an exciting solar radiation and the radiation
event it is and it is believed that balance of long-wave and short-wave
keeping a watch for aurora will prove radiation was distributed with IGY
to be an interesting addition to the Meteorologic al Data Centre Report
usual programme at meteorologic al No. 5. In view of the great value of
stations. All observers can be assured radiation measuremen ts for mariy cif
that their observations , even if they the IGY investigation s, it has since
haye only to report that no aurora is been decided that five additional
visible, will be an important scientific radiation forms are necessary and
contribution to the success of the IGY. these have now been prepared · in
collaboration with the Radiation Com-
mission of the International Associa-
Atmospheric chemistry tion for Meteorology . These forms are
for hourly sums of the various com-
The IGY meteorologic al programme ponents of the radiation balance, for
includes measuremen ts of the chemical monthly totals of these houily sums;
composition, acidity and conductivity and fo r instantaneou s values of the

WMO Bulletin October 1957

intensity of direct solar radiation. data would be considerable. It was

These new forms are fully described in realized, however, that the govern-
Centre Report No. g. ments concerned had already made
substantial contributions to the IGY
Return o.f instruments launched during and no information was available as
the IGY to the likelihood of additional funds
being granted. As th ere was some
Following a request from CSAGI, doubt about the competency of the
the V/MO Secretariat asked Members Antarctic Conference to make a final
to endeavour to make arrangements decision on the matter, it was decided
for returning to the countries of to r ecommend that the International
origin any instruments launched during Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU)
the IGY which might be found on should appoint a scientific committee
their territory. Seventy Members have to examine the merits of further
now informed the Secretariat that investigations in the Antarctic and to
suitable arrangements have been made make proposals to ICSU on the best
and that the instruments will be way to achieve such a programme.
returned free of customs duty. To
facilitate the identification of such World weather charts
instruments WMO has issued a recom-
mendation indicating the layout and R epresentatives of the Federal Re-
contents of a label which should be public of Germany, the Union of
attached to all instruments which must South Africa, the United States of
be returned to the country from America and of the WMO Secretariat
which they were launched. met in Paris on I4 and IS June I9S7
to settle the final details of the I GY
world weather charts project; Profes-
Fourth Antarctic Conference
sor J. Van Mieghem, chairman of the
Most of the 22 IGY meteorological WMO Working Group on . the IGY,
stations planned by the nine countries was also present . The meetings were
sending expeditions to Antarctica are held at the headquarters of the
now in operation. The whole Antarctic M eteorologie N ationale, at the kind
IGY programme was reviewed at the invitation of the director, Mr. Andre
fourth Antarctic Conference, held in Viaut.
Paris from I3 to IS June I9S7. at The IGY world weather project, as·
which WMO was represented by Pro- agreed at the meeting, consists of the
fessor J. Van Mieghem and Mr. V. Sun- preparation and publication of a series
daram. Various decisions were taken to of synoptic charts for mean sea leveL
improve the communications between and the soo mb surface for I200 GMT
the stations in Antarctica with special each day throughout the IGY. The
attention to reception of synoptic data publication will be in three parts : ·
at the Weather Central (Little Amer-
Part I- Northern hemisphere: 2o 0 N
to the North Pole (to be
The question of prolonging the IGY prepared b y U.S.A .).
Antarctic programme for an addi- Part II -Tropical zone : 2S 0 N to 2S 0 S·
tional year was also discussed. On the (to be prepared b y the Fe-
one hand it was argued that the cost of deral Republic of Germany).
such an extension would be low Part Ill -Southern hemisphere : zo 0 S
compared with the initial costs of to the South Pole (to be
setting up the stations and that the . prepared by the Union ot
scientific value of an additional year's South Africa).

WMO Bulletin October 1957

There may in addition be a third Full agreement was reached about

daily map in Part II containing such such technical details as the data to be
elements as 24-hour isallobars, 85o mb plotted, the methods of plotting and of
streamlines and 24-hour rainfall drawing isopleths, the format, projec-
amounts. tions and scale to be used and the
The maps will be prepared from the method of analysis. To avoid any
checked data published on the micro- discrepancies in the overlapping sec-
cards to be issued by the IGY Meteoro- tions of the maps, it was recommended
logical . Data Centre. As the first that the analysts should meet soon
microcards containing ships' observa- after they have started to prepare the
tions and observations from isolated maps and should then decide what
surface stations will probably not be subsequent procedure should be follow-
available until the latter half of 1958, ed to ensure full co-ordination.
the maps cannot be started before That it was possible to attain unani-
then. It therefore seems unlikely that mous decisions on the technical aspects
the complete series will be published of this major project is a good illustra-
before rg6o. tion of what might be termed "the
One copy of each volume of the IGY spirit", thanks to which countries
publication will be sent free to all have shown themselves willing to make
meteorological services and to the considerable sacrifices in order to
main university meteorological de- contribute to the success of the IGY.
partments. A charge will be made for
additional copies. O.M.A.



his presidential address at the items of common interest to the two

second session of the Commission commissions were discussed by a joint
for Aerology (CAe), held in Paris from working committee, under the chair-
18 June to 5 July 1957, Professor manship of Dr. L. M. Malet (Belgium),
J. Van Mieghem presented a histori- before the final decisions were taken
cal review of the development of separately in plenary. CAe also set
aerology which he entitled Conquest up two other working committees, one
of the third dimension. Had the address to deal with questions of a basically
been given at the end instead of at theoretical nature (chairman :Dr. R. C.
the beginning of the session, some of Sutcliffe (United Kingdom), secretary:
the decisions taken would have had to Dr. M. A. Alaka) and the other to
be mentioned, for the session itself un- consider the more practical matters
doubtedly added a new chapter to ·(chairman: Mr. J. Fulks (U.S.A.),
the story. secretary: Mr. 0. M. Ashford). Apart
from the opening meetings to deal
The session was held at the same with the essential formalities, only
time as the second session of the Com- two plenary meetings proved to be
mission for Instruments and Methods necessary for giving official approval to
of Observation (see p. 146) and the proposals of the working committees.

WMO Bulletin October 1957

Current research (b) There is some indication that the re-

quired density of stations increases with
One of the functions of CAe is to latitude but no measure of the required
maintain a continuous review of cur- increase is yet available.
(c) A decrease in density may be per-
rent research in the physics and dy- missible over the subtropical anticyclones,
namics of the atmosphere and several but there is at present no reliable estimate
of the agenda items can be considered of the decrease which would be permissible.
as falling under this heading- numer-
ical forecasting, the jet stream, moun- In view of the current rapid progress
tain waves, the modification and in numerical methods of analysis and
control of clouds and hydrometeors forecasting, the commission felt that

The joint opening meeting

of the Commissions for
Aerology and for Instru-
ments and Methods of
Observation, Paris, 1957.
Left to right : Professor
J. Van Mieghem (President,
CAe), M. A. Viaut (Presi-
dent of WMO}, Mr. D. A.
Davies (Secretary-General)
and M. A. Perlat (President,

and turbulent diffusion in the atmo- the above conclusions, which were in
sphere. Each of these questions was any case submitted as being valid only
the subject of reports by special work- for present methods, might have to
ing groups established at the first ses- be revised in the near future. A new
sion or between the two sessions, and working group was therefore estab-
these greatly facilitated the discus- lished to keep the matter under
siOns. review.

Numerical forecasting Jet stream

A working group under the chair- The commission had before it a
manship of Dr. A. Eliassen presented comprehensive report from a working
a report on the density of upper-air group under the chairmanship of Dr.
networks required for numerical fore- C. W. Newton giving a descriptive
casting. The main conclusions may be survey of recent literature on the jet
summarized as follows : stream. Following a recommendation
(a) In extra-tropical latitudes a network of the commission, this report will
of stations 50o-6oo km apart is adequate shortly be published as a WMO
for numerical forecasting of isobaric sur- Technical Note.
faces if both height and wind are observed.
For stations observing height only the net-
work should be closer (300-350 km between In I956 the commission adopted by
stations). postal ballot a definition of the term

WI'IJO Bu~letin October 1957

iet stream for use in aeronautical recommendation urging Members to

meteorology (see Bulletin, Vol. V, take steps to fill in the gaps before
No. 3, p. 103) . As a result of further the end of the IGY. This recommend a-
discussion, it was found possible dur- tion was subsequently approved by
ing the second session to recommend the President of WMO on beh alf of
a revised definition suitable for general the Executive Committee and has
application. This new definition reads been distributed to all concerned.
as follows:
A jet stream is a strong narrow current, I GY Meteorological Data Centre
concentrated along a quasi-horizontal axis Arising from the discussions about
in the upper troposphere or in the strato-
sphere, characterized by strong vertical and
the IGY and about another item on
lateral ·wind shears and featuring one or aerological publications, several mem-
more velocity maxima. bers spoke ofthe difficulties in obtain-
Normally a jet stream is thousands of ing aerological data for research pur-
k ilometres in length , hundreds of kilo- poses under the present system where-
metres in width and some kilometres in by the whole responsibility for pub-
depth. The vertical shear of wind is of
the order 5 - 10 m j s per km and the lateral
lishing the data is left to individual
shear of the order 5 m j s per 100 km . An m eteorological services. It was sug-
arbitrary lower limit of 30 m j s is assigned gested that the simplest and most
to the speed of the win d along the axis of economical solution would be to have
a jet stream .
the data collected on st andard forms
and published by a permanent world
I nternational Geophysical Year m eteorological centre, such as th at
The meteorological programme of established in the WMO Secretariat
the IGY had of course been largely for the IGY meteorological data.
completed before the . session, but The commission therefore recom-
there were several matters relating to mended to the E xecutive Committee
the IGY which CAe had been requested that the IGY Meteorological Dat a
to consider. In the first place the Centre should be continued after the
commission noted with great interest IGY on a permanent basis, preferably
a statement by the representative of without any break in its programme.
the International Astronomical Union, It was proposed that the Secretary-
Dr. J. Rosch, concerning the plans to General should be directed to study
determine the earth's albedo by photo- the practical and financial aspects of
metric measurements of the .earth- the question, one of which is that if
light on the moon. There will be a a permanent centre is established it
world-wide network of rr or m ore would no longer be essential for serv-
stations specially equipped for these ices to publish individually their daily
observations and the results should be upper-air observations.
of great value t o the meteorologist.
The commission supported a proposal D efinition of tropopa?.tse and of
that the observations should be col- si gni fie ant levels
lected and processed at the Pie du
Among the data to be published
Midi Observatory in France. for each upper-air observation are
Attention was called to several im- those referring to the t ropopause and
portant gaps in the IGY meteorolog- to other significant levels. Provisional
ical network and although it was definitions of these terms had been
realized that it was too late to set up adopted at the first session of CAe,
any new stations for the beginning of and it was fo und desirable to revise
the IGY, the commission adopted a them in the light of experience gained

WMO Bulletin October 1957

m the meantime. The new definition recommended that these surfaces

of tropopause is as follows : should be extended upwards to in-
clude the 150 and IOO mb surfaces.
(a) The first tropopause is defined as the
lowest level at which the lapse rate de- but now it has become evident that
creases to zo Cjkm or less, provided also the the increased number of soundings to
average lapse rate between this level and even greater heights justifies a demand
all higher levels within 2 km does not for additional standard surfaces. CAe
exceed zo Cj km .
therefore proposed that data for the
(b) If above the first tropopause the aver-
age lapse rate between any level and all 70, so, 30, zo and ro mb surfaces
higher levels within r km exceeds 3° Cj km, should also be published. The recom-
then a second tropopause is defined by the mendation dealing with this item also
same criterion as under (a). This tropopause suggests some changes in the lower
may be either within or above the r km
standard isobaric surfaces and makes
a distinction between the surfaces for
On the question of significant levels, which data should be published and
the commission considered that they those for which data should be in-
should be selected for publication pur- cluded in the regular meteorological
poses in such a way that it would be transmissions.
possible to reproduce from them a
graph of a given ascent without using Atmospheric chemistry and ozone
the data for the standard isobaric
Under the leadership of Professor
" surfaces. As this is a fairly new
Van Mieghem, CAe has become in-
concept of significant levels, it was
creasingly aware of the need for \iVMO
felt that it would be better to post-
to be actively interested in certain
pone preparing a final set of rules
branches of meteorology which at
for selecting significant levels until the
present fall outside the range of what
IGY data had been studied from the
might be termed routine synoptic
point of view of determining what
observations. Attention was devoted
levels are really significant to the
during the session to several of these
physical meteorologist. Provisional
matters, including atmospheric chem-
rules were therefore proposed for the
istry and ozone.
selection of significant levels during
the IGY and for routine publication Prior to the session it had been
purposes until definitive rules can be decided that, with the agreement of
established. the International Ozone Commission
The recommendations relating to of the International Association for
the definition of the tropopause and Meteorology (lAM), the IGY ozone
the selection of significant levels for data should be collected and published
the IGY have both subsequently been by the IGY Meteorological Data Centre .
distributed after having been approved CAe felt that this international col-
by the President of vVMO on behalf laboration in ozone work might be
of the Executive Committee. extended and that WMO might accept
some of the responsibilities which have
hitherto been assumed by the Inter-
Standard isobaric surfaces national Ozone Commission. It wa:,
The increasing interest of the aero- recommended that this should be ar-
logist in the stratospheric parts of the ranged through formal discussions with
third dimension is demonstrated by the International Union of Geodesy
the attitude of CAe to the standard and Geophysics (the parent body of
isobaric surfaces for which data should lAM). A CAe working group was also
be published. In 1953 the commission set up to prepare recommendations

WMO Bulletin October 1957

concerning the requirements for ozone Other questions

networks and observing programmes
A fuller account of the session, giv-
and for the publication and synoptic
ing the decisions made during the
transmission of ozone data.
session, including the texts of the 14
The commission recognized the sci- resolutions and r8 recommendatio ns,
entific and practical value of micro- of which it has only been possible to
chemical analysis of air samples, and refer to a few in this brief report,
recommended that samples for this will be published in the near future.
purpose should be taken over as ex-
tensive an area as possible during The commission recognized the great
the IGY. It was also decided to set value of the work accomplished by
up a working group to evaluate the its previous working groups and decid-
methods which may be used and the ed to establish twelve new groups,
networks of observing stations which the terms of reference of which are
would be necessary for large-scale given in the resolutions.
investigations of the nature, number,
size and distribution of condensation At the closing meeting, Dr. R. C.
and ice nuclei and of the chemical Sutcliffe (United Kingdom) and Dr.
composition of air and precipitation. W. L. Godson (Canada) were elected
president and vice-president of CAe.
Physical functions and constants Tribute was paid to the inspiring
As the commission responsible for leadership of the retiring president,
the standardization and tabulation of Professor J. Van Mieghem ; he will
physical functions and constants, CAe continue to be closely associated with
passed three recommendatio ns pro- CAe as the chairman of a newly
posing the adoption by WMO of the established' working group charged
absolute thermodynamic Kelvin tem- with the preparation of specifications
perature scale, the thermodynamic and guidance material for climatic
Celsius temperature scale and the atlases of the free atmosphere.
international temperature scale of 1948.
One consequence of these recommenda- In addition to the business meetings,
tions, if adopted by the Executive participants were able to exchange
Committee, will be that the designa- views on recent developments in the
tion degrees centigrade should be re- more informal (but still relentlessly
placed in future for meteorological pur- hot) atmosphere of a series of sci-
poses by degrees Celsius, thereby bring- entific symposia. In spite of the heat
ing meteorological usage into line with wave which prevailed during most of
that of physicists. the session, delegates and their wives
were also able to enjoy a number of
These recommendatio ns had been
excursions and social functions organ-
brought forward by a working group,
ized by the Meteorologie Nationale,
under the chairmanship of Professor
whose director, Mr. Andre Viaut, had
P. A. Sheppard, charged with the
taken great pains to provide every
revision of IMO Publication No. 79
possible facility for ensuring the suc-
(see Bulletin, Vol. r, No. 3, p. 78).
cess of the session .. The vote of thanks
The commission recommended that the
offered at the close of the session by
revised edition of this publication, in-
the president to him and his staff,
corporating the changes proposed by
and to the French Government, was
the working group, should be issued
heartily applauded by all present.
as an introductory chapter of the
International Meteorological Tables. 0. M. A.

WMO Bulletin October 1957



T HE study of meteorological radia- instruments for this special purpose,

tion processes has developed in steps so that by rg56 there existed almost
which show clearly distinguishable 20 different instruments for measuring
characteristics. In the first decades . the radiation balance or the long-wave
of this century the direct solar radia- radiation exchange. The scientific de~
tion was the predominant interest. tails have been described to some
Later on the climatological and geo- extent, but many of them were only
physical importance of the diffuse sky known approximately, and only in-
radiation was recognized and, though exact opinions existed as to their prin-
sky radiation has always a smaller ciple, accuracy, reliability and value.
actual intensity than direct solar ra- At the Radiation Conference in
J. diation, it was realized that its cli- Rome, rg54, the Radiation Commission
1 matological sum reaches practically of the International Association of
the same amount as the vertical com- Meteorology (lAM) decided therefore
ponent of direct solar radiation. For to undertake empirical comparisons
practical purposes the total radiation and theoretical investigations of all
of sun and sky is now generally meas- such available instruments, and to
ured on a horizontal surface. invite all interested colleagues to par-
Theorists have always pointed out ticipate personally in these compar-
the importance of the invisible long- isons. Thanks to the kind invitation
wave radiation exchange between the of the Meteorological Service of the
ground and the atmosphere ; it could Federal Republic of Germany, it was
be shown that the day and night possible to carry out the comparisons
average of these radiation fluxes at the Observatory of Hamburg-
reaches the same dimensions as the Fuhlsbiittel, the director of which,
total solar radiation. But for a long Professor Dr. R. Schulze, together
time it was only possible to measure with his collaborators, provided all
the nocturnal radiation exchange in the necessary facilities to the par-
the absence of solar radiation, and ticipants.
this only under special conditions. The comparisons took place over
two periods (r to I5 September I955
DEVELOPMENT OF RADIATION and I5 to 30 May rg56), partly with
INSTRUMENTS the same and partly with different
An important development in recent instruments. The comparisons and the
years is that the value of measuring physical discussions on the different in-
the actual balance of short-wave and struments were conducted by Professor
long-wave radiation fluxes to and Schulze, Hamburg, and Dr. Courvoisier,
from the earth has led to the con- Davos, with the collaboration of the
struction of different types of instru- secretary and the president of the
ments. As a generally accepted model Radiation Commission. Sixteen dif-
of a radiation balance-meter was not ferent models were tested and 23 ra-
available, the desire to obtain a better diation specialists from ro countries
knowledge of the radiation and heat participated in these first corn prehensive
economy of the earth and the atmo- comparisons of radiation instruments.
sphere led the radiation specialists of The details of the compared instru-
many countries to develop their own ments and the final results have been

WMO Bulletin October 1957

published in two reports in German the practical point of view. Sixt een
amounting to 250 mimeograph ed pages; different instruments for measuring
interested institutes may obtain copies the radiation balance or the effective
from Professor F. Moller, secretary of downward ftu xes were examined ; some
the Radiation Commission of lAM important instruments (such as the

Some of the rad iation instruments co mpared at Hamburg, 1955 and 1956.
Balance meters : (1) Kew type, (2) Infra-red, Kreitz, F rankfurt a m Main, (3) Schulze,
Lupolen device, (4) Vhg ner, Hamburg, (5) Hofman, Munich, (6) Sonn tag, L eipzig,
(7) Courvoisi er, Davos, (8) Gier a nd Dunkle, U.S.A., (1 1) Skei b, Potsdam, (rz) Schoen ,
De Bilt, (15) Suomi and F ranssil a, Madison a nd H elsinki;
Other instmments : (9) Angstrom pyrgeometer, (1o) Cross-beam for suspension of
different ba la n ce m eters, (13) Un iversal radiation meter, Georg i, Hamburg, (14) I nfra-
r ed effective pyranometer, Hinzpeter, Po tsd a m .

(M eteorologisch- Geophysikalisches Insti- classical models of Albrecht and Saube-

tut der Universitat, lVI ainz, Germany). rer and some new Russian models)
A first brief summary was given by were not available and could not there-
Professor Moller himself in the WMO fore be tested and classified.
Bu.lletin (Vol. VI, No. r, p. r3) ; he
described the general aspects of the Although for measuremen ts of the
direct or diffuse solar radiation the
problems and the procedure of the com-
parisons and discussions at Hamburg. receiver surface can be protected
against wind effects without diffi-
SUMMARY OF RESULTS OF COMPARISONS culty by a glass or quartz cover, this
In the following paragraphs the is not possible for long-wave t erres-
final results of the H amburg compari- trial or atmospheric radiation , for
sons are summarized especially from which glass and quartz are not trans-

WMO Bulletin October 1957

parent; for this purpose high molecular Finally a very important practical
chemical compounds are necessary, distinction can be made on the basis
such as polyethylene (Lupolen-H) or of availability :
KRS 5· The troublesome effects of (a) Instruments available commer-
air convection can, on the other hand, cially;
be eliminated from unprotected sur- (b) Instruments possibly available
faces by powerful artificial ventilation from the scientific institute at
or by electrical heating. A great num- which they were developed ;
ber of different designs result from (c) Instruments of which a replica
these various possibilities. can be made by a good physicist
A first classification of the compared on the basis of a published de-
instruments is based on the quantity scription;
which is to be measured : (d) Instruments whose reproduction
cannot be recommended on ac-
I. Radiation balance-meters measure count of the difficulties involved.
the balance of all short-wave and long-
wave radiation fluxes directed down- Further distinctions could be drawn
wards and upwards ; the sign of the according to the accuracy of the in-
components and their balance is pos- struments as found by the comparisons.
itive if they represent a profit for the No attempt is made to do this in the
heat economy of the ground and vice present article ; unsatisfactory instru-
versa; ments are left out completely.
II. Infra-red balance-meters measure
the balance of the long-wave radiation CLASSIFICATION OF INSTRUMENTS
fluxes of terrestrial and atmospheric
origin; According to the distinctions and
designations explained above, the in-
Ill. Effective pyranometers measure struments compared at Hamburg can
the balance of all short-wave and long-
be placed in the following categories.
wave radiation fluxes falling on and It may be noted that in some details
going out from a black rece1ver sur-
this classification does not agree en-
face directed upwards. tirely with the published reports ; sub-
IV. Infra-red effective pyranometers sequent developments have been taken
measure the balance of the long-wave into account when prepanng this
radiation fluxes falling on and going present list.
out from a black receiver surface.
(a) Instruments available commercially
A further classification can be made Radiation balance-meters :
on the basis of construction as follows : Gier and Dunkle (I, C)
(A) Instruments for spot readings or Schulze (I, C)
records of individual measure- Wagner (I, C)
ments; Effective pyranometers :
(B) Instruments for continuous reg- Angstrom (IV, A)
istration of instantaneous inten- Georgi (Ill, A)
sities ; Gier and Dunkle (Ill, C)
(C) Instruments for continuous reg- Schulze (Ill, C)
istration of hourly and daily (b) Instruments possibly available
totals ; from the institu.tes where they
(D) Instruments for integrating one were developed
or more components or the total Courvoisier (I and Ill, A)
amount of the radiation balance. Suomi-Franssila (I, C)

WMO Bulletin October 1957

(c) Instruments suitable for reproduc- different components of the radiation

tion balance by successive measurements.
Hofmann (I, C) It was developed especially for meas-
Kew Observatory (I, C) urements on expeditions and for micro-
Kreitz (II and III, C) climatology, but it is not suitable
Sonntag (I and III, A) for replacing a recording apparatus at
(d) Instruments not suitable for re- fixed stations. (Supplier: Dr. J. Ro-
production senhagen, Ohlsdorfer Strasse 49, Ham-
Hinzpeter (IV, C) burg, Germany).
Schoen (I, D) (6) The Courvoisier radiation balance-
Skeib (I, B) meter, developed at the Davos Ob-
As the instruments enumerated un- servatory, Davos-Platz, Switzerland, is
der (a) and (b) are the only ones which especially suitable for instantaneous
are readily available, some further measurements of the upper and lower
details about these particular models components of the radiation balance
may be of interest : and of their difference ; it is recom-
mended for use as a standard instru-
(r) The Gier and Dunkle radiation ment but not for daily routine work.
balance-meter is available in two
models: (7) The Suomi-Franssila radiation bal-
ance-meter, developed at the Central
(i) A net exchange radiometer for Meteorological Institute, Helsinki, Fin-
recording the radiation balance; land, is a recording apparatus for total
(ii) A total hemispherical radiometer radiation balance.
for recording the effective radia-
tion. (Supplier : Beckman and
Whitley, 985 San Carlos Avenue, PROBLEMS OF INSTRUMENT
San Carlos, California, U.S.A.). DEVELOPMENT
(z) The Schulze radiation balance-
The measurements of the long-wave
meter is covered by a polyethylene
radiation exchange and of the short-
(Lupolen-H) hemisphere and records
wave and long-wave radiation balance
separately the radiation balance of the
give rise to many experimental prob-
upper hemisphere and the ground as
lems. The constructor of such instru-
well as their difference. (Supplier :
ments has to deal with the qualities
Dr. B. Lange, Hermannstrasse 14,
of the absorbing blackening of the
Berlin-Zehlendorf, Germany).
receiver surface, with the window
(3) The Wagner radiation balance- material andjor with the artifical ven-
meter records the total net radiation tilation. The observer, on the other
by means of the compensation prin- hand, is concerned with the stand-
ciple. (Supplier : Dr. J. Rosenhagen, ardization and the installation of the
Ohlsdorfer Strasse 49, Hamburg, Ger- instrument and with the question as
many). to what kind of reference surface the
(4) The Angstrom compensation pyr- radiation balance has to be measured
geometer gives individual measure- above. All these problems are discussed
ments of the long-wave radiation ex- in detail in the two mimeographed
change by night in calm conditions. Hamburg reports as well as in the
(Supplier : Swedish Meteorological and Radiation Handbook on Radiation In-
Hydrological Institute, Stockholm, struments and Measurements, which
Sweden). will be published by CSAGI as an
(5) The Georgi Universal Radiometer instruction for radiation investigations
gives instantaneous values of all the during the IGY.

WMO Bulletin October 1957

The Hamburg comparisons of long- to select a suitable instrument, depend-

wave radiometers and radiation bal- ing on whether it is required for instan-
ance-meters represent a very satis- taneous values or for continuous re-
factory success of international co- cording (A, B, Cor D) and on whether
operation in the field of meteorological it is for a fixed station or for an ex-
radiation research; they have led to pedition. It should perhaps be stressed
a thorough knowledge of the problems that all these instruments must be
arising in such investigations and to operated under the direct supervision
a better understanding of the various of a competent physicist.
constructions. But these first com-
parisons represent only a beginning, Anybody wishing further advice is
and the criticism expressed during the invited to write to the president or
gathering may have given rise to some the secretary of the Radiation Com-
improvement in the original designs. mission .. It is to be hoped, and there
The Radiation Commission of lAM cannot be any doubt about it, that the
does not therefore yet feel competent occasion of the International Geo-
to publish formal recommendations on physical Year will increase the interest
the reliability and the value of the for the study of long-wave radiation
different instruments. For anybody processes in the atmosphere and of
wishing to purchase a radiation in- the radiation balance of the ground.
strument of the type dealt with in w. MoRrKoFER
this article, the commercial availabil- Chairman of the Working
Group on Radiation Measure-
ity ((a) and possibly (b)) will of course ment of CIMO and President
be an important consideration. From of the Radiation Commission
the list given above it will be possible of lAM


T HE 24th session of the Air Naviga-

tion Commission of the Inter-
national Civil Aviation Organization
ards and procedures. Mr. A. H.
Nagle was designated as WMO repre-
sentative on this group and will be
had decided to set up a working group assisted by a working group of the
known as PIA, to be responsible for Commission for Aeronautical Meteoro-
examining and developing the concepts logy composed of meteorological ex-
put forward in Recommendation rg perts nominated by Members to
of the third Air Navigation Conference, participate in the work of PIA. Details
for reporting on the implications of of these questions will be found on
the application of the concepts so page 149, under Aeronautical Meteoro-
developed in the fields of meteorological logy.
air traffic and communications ser-
vices. It was also instructed to indi- The Secretariat has prepared a work-
cate the manner in which the devel- ing paper on surface and upper-air
oped concepts, if internationally synoptic networks, accompanied by
agreed, would affect the present stand- charts, for the second ICAO SAMjSAT

WMO Bulletin · October 1957

Regional Air Navigation meeting, INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION

which is to open in Sao Paolo on ON IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE
22 October I957·
ICAO has drawn WMO's attention
to the difficulties arising in the field
T HE third International Congress
on Irrigation and Drainage met at
San Francisco, California, from I to 4
of meteorological service to air naviga- May I 957 . It was preceded by a two-day
tion from decisions taken during the inter-society Conference on Irrigation
second session of R egional Associa- and Drainage, and was followed by
tion I , concerning the hours of upper- demonstrations of irrigation methods
air observations. The question is at the University of California Davis
being studied by the Executive Com- campus, and by two week tours to
mittee now in session. places in California of irrigation and
hydrologic interest. Over 450 repre-
INTERNATIONAL CARGO HANDLING sentatives from 42 countries attended
CO· ORDINATION ASSOCIATION the conference. \iVMO was represented
by Mr. J . van de Erve, Western Area

T HE third general technical confer-

ence of the International Cargo
Handling Co-ordination Association
H ydrologic engineer of the U.S.
Weather Bureau.

(ICHCA) was held in H amburg from The principal business of the con-
I to 4 July I957· This association, gress was the discussion of technical
which was founded in I95I for the papers; in the interest of saving time,
purpose of discussing, and finding the papers themselves were not pre-
remedies for, the problems of cargo sented at the meetings but they were
handling and the faster turn r01md all available in printed form. The
of ships in ports, now has about principal subjects were : canal lining,
700 members in 56 countries. WMO
soil-water relationship in irrigation,
was represented at the conference by hydraulic structures on irrigation and
Mr. Helge Thomsen, president of the drainage systems, and interrelation
Commission for Maritime Meteorology between irrigation and drainage.
The conference consisted of a series The congress was held to stimulate
of symposia during one of which and promote the development and
several speakers stressed, with respect application of the science and t ech-
to the handling of fruit, the importance niques of irrigation and drainage in
of the correct climate of the hold, of the engineering, economic and social
the role played by weather during aspects. This was the first time that
the process of loading and unloading, the WMO had been represented at a
and of the need for a knowledge of congress of the International Com-
weather conditions during the growth, mission on Irrigation and Drainage.
harvest and transportation of fruit. In his remarks during a t echnical ses-
Mr. Thomsen drew attention to the sion on soil-water relationship in ir-
work carried out by the CMM on the rigation, Mr. van de Erve referred to
problem of cargo ventilation, and dis- the active interest and projects of
tributed a report referring to the WMO relating, among other matters
findings of the working group set up of common interest , to the standard-
by the first session of the Commission ization of the observation and meas-
for Maritime Meteorology to study urement of all forms of precipitation
the application of meteorology to the and to the development of methods
carriage of goods at sea. and instruments for measuring evap-

WMO Bulletin October 1957

oration, evapotranspiration, soil mois- A number of programmes of a spe-

ture and temperature. H e also drew cific radio-technical nature were for-
attention to the WMO Panel on Water mulated and referred to study parties
Resource Development, which would with members drawn from the radio
be prepared to collaborate with the companies represented at the meeting.
commission in any study relevant to These questions had little or no direct
the terms of reference of both organiza- bearing on meteorology. The agenda
tions. also contained an item requiring con-
sideration of a number of recommenda-
That the WMO had a definite in- tions adopted by the Commission for
terest and part in the work of this Maritime Meteorology at its second
congress was demonstrated by the session which gave rise to discussion
repeated references to heavy losses of of the possibility that the collection
water by evaporation, and the great of the additional information required
benefits that would result from reduc- might lead to overloading of the radio
tion of evaporative losses. It was point- facilities of the various ships concern-
ed out that more efficient use of land ed. It was felt however by the meet-
and water is a pressing problem. As ing that the passing of the messages
much as 6o per cent of the water may would serve such an important pur-
be lost en route to the land. Losses pose that every endeavour should be
through seepage may show up as made to support the work which was,
recharge of ground water, but evap- directly or indirectly, of benefit to
oration is a total loss. Chemical the ship owners.
methods of reducing evaporation were
discussed by several speakers. Recommendation 22 (CMM-II) (The
possibility of issuing weather bulletins
A revision to the constitution of the for shipping in code) was of interest
International Commission on Irriga- to CIRM since there had been cases
tion and Drainage was adopted where- where the committee had been asked
by flood control and river training to take up this matter with administra-
were added to the purposes and objects tion s transmitting in languages other
of the commission. While not covered than English. After discussion on
on the floor of the congress, flood Recommendation 24 (CMM-II) (Rep-
forecasting with its precipitation fore- resentation of WMO at the next ordi-
casting, observing and reporting, is nary administrative radio conference
an integral part of flood control. of the ITU) it was felt that re-word-
ing of the last paragraph of the re-
The fourth International Congress commendation would obviate any
of the Commission will be held in possible misinterpretation of its mean-
Madrid, Spain, in rg6o. ing. This amendment has been intro-
duced in the abridged final report of
CMM-II by a corrigendum.
The meeting agreed that, since the

T He 2rst technical meeting of the

International Radio Maritime
Committee (CIRM) was held in Oslo
aims of WMO in relation to maritime
radio matters coincide with the aims
of CIRM in this field, close contact
on 20 and 2r June I957· WMO was should be made before and during the
represented by Mr. Helge Thomsen, administrative conference with the
president of the Commission for Mari- object of rendering each organization
time Meteorology (CMM). as much assistance as possible.

WMO Bulletin October 1957



simultaneo us meetings height of 10 km and from free balloons

on subjects like aerology and
instrumen ts are in some way related
reaching 30 km.

to uncomfort ably hot spells of weather Considerat ion of the 34 technical

remains still to be investigate d, but items of the agenda was divided be-
the fact is that delegates attending the tween three working committee s whose
second session of the Commission for chairmen were Mr. W. A. Grinsted,
Instrumen ts and Methods of Observa- Mr. A. Hauer and Dr. L. M. Malet,
tion (CMO), held in Paris from 18 June respectivel y. The third of these com-
mittees was established as a joint
to 6 July 1957, were reminded of the
weather during the first session in committee of the two commissions to
Toronto in 1953. The high temper- deal with all questions related to aero-
atures did not, however, seem to logical measurem ents.
affect adversely the attendance at the These committee s were assisted by
session, at which 36 Members were Dr. K. Langlo, chief of the Technical
represente d by delegates, and 2 Mem- Division, and Miss U. M. Banister of
bers, 4 non-Members and several inter- the WMO Secretaria t, who were also
national organizatio ns by observers. responsible for the minutes of the
seven plenary meetings.
In the ornate setting of the Palais
d'Orsay, Mr. A. Viaut, as President The commission passed in all 12
of WMO and as representa tive of the resolutions and 18 recommen dations
French Governme nt, addressed a for- and made a number of other decisions
mal welcome to the participan ts, at which were noted in the minutes for
the first plenary meeting which was subsequen t inclusion in the report of
held jointly with the Commission for the session.
Aerology. On behalf of WMO, the
Secretary-General, Mr. D. A. Davies, Standardiz ation of meteorological
expressed his appreciatio n to the observations
French Governme nt for its hospitality .
The meeting agreed that there was
It is probably rare in the history little prospect of obtaining general
of internation al meetings for the open- agreement on the most desirable char-
ing speeches to be illustrated by slides, acteristics of instrumen tal performan ce
but it was a real pleasure for every- and methods of observatio n, but felt
body present to listen to the president that it was highly desirable to lay
of CAe, Professor J. Van Mieghem, down minimum acceptable standards
giving an illustrated talk on the of accuracy for observatio ns, which
Conquest of the third dimension, fol- should be included in the WMO
lowed by the president of CIMO, Technical Regttlations.
Mr. A. Perlat, describing by means
of slides the possibilities for observing The commission took a more active
clouds by aerial photograp hs taken approach to these questions than at
regularly from aircraft flying at a the first session at Toronto. Rather

WMO Bulletin October 1957

than wait unduly for the requirements Interim international reference

of accuracy to be laid down by the precipitation gauge
users, it was considered preferable to
prepare proposals for such minimum One of the more important decisions
acceptable standards of accuracy for of the commission was probably the
observations. These proposals were recommendation that WMO should
included in a recommendation con- adopt the Snowdon gauge with an
taining proposed amendments to the Alter shield as the interim reference
WMO Technical Regulations. precipitation gauge. This question
had been studied by a working group
whose proposals were strongly sup-
H ydrometeorological measurements ported by the commission and were
adopted with minor amendments.
There seems to be a general trend
in meteorological circles towards a It was recommended that one of
greater interest in hydrometeorological these gauges should be installed at one

General view of the main

conference room at the
Palais d'Orsay during the
joint opening meeting of the
Commissions for Aerology
and for Instruments and
Methods of Observation,
Paris, I957·

measurements. The commission there- or more of the main precipitation

fore expressed a clear desire that WMO observatories in each country with a
should do more to provide guidance view to determining reduction factors
and information on such measure- to bring the national precipitation
ments with particular reference to records to a uniform international
methods of measuring snow cover and standard.
the water content of snow. In con-
clusion it was agreed that it would In reply to a request from the Ex-
be useful to have a chapter on instru- ecutive Committee Panel on Atomic
ments and methods of observation at Energy, the commission further re-
present used in hydrometeorology in- commended that this reference gauge,
cluded in the CIMO Guide to inter- made of more suitable material and
national meteorological instrument and provided if necessary with a deeper
observing practice. A working group container, might be appropriate for
under the chairmanship of Mr. L. 0. adoption as an international standard
Raab (Sweden) was established to sampling gauge for monthly measure-
carry out this task. ments of radioactivity of precipitation.

WMO Bulletin October 1957

Radiation and upper-air measurements H e also pointed out that the majority
of the members of these groups were
Considerable attention was devoted not members of the commission and
to problems connected with radiation that each of these groups was effec-
and upper-air measurements and a tively a panel of specialists on a
number of recommendatio ns were specific meteorological question.
adopted on these subjects.
The commission decided to establish
The fruitful work of the radiation eleven working groups covering the
centres existing in many countries and following fields : instruments for hydro-
of the Working Group for Radiation meteorological purposes, use of radar
established by Regional Association in meteorology, automatic weather
I (Africa) was noted with satisfac- stations, international comparison of
tion . Members without a radiation precipitation gauges, snow measure-
centre were recommended to consider ments, instruments and methods of
the creation or designation of a centre observation on aerodromes, hygro-
of this kind to provide all necessary metry, evaporation measurements, ra-
facilities for ensuring the compara- diation measurements, comparison of
bility of the radiation measurements aerological instruments and measure-
in the country. It was further recom- ment of atmospheric electricity.
mended that Members should arrange
for recalibration of their national sub-
standard pyrheliometers with one of Other questions
the primary sub-standards.
In the course of the session seven-
With regard to upper-air measure- t een lectures with subsequent discus-
sions were arranged on the following
ments, the results of the world com-
parison of radiosondes at Payerne, main subj ects: instrument develop-
ment, use of radar in meteorology
Switzerland, in 1956 and of other
and measurement of radiation.
radiosonde comparisons were discus-
sed at great length. The commission
prepared two tables containing in a These lectures were a considerable
condensed form the results of the asset to the session. They contributed
P ayerne comparison and recommended greatly towards a better underst and-
that use might be made of these ing of the problems and gave an
tables on a trial basis by the synoptic interesting view of the present activi-
meteorologists, in order to determine ties in the development of instruments
whether they contribute to the achieve- and of observational methods in vari-
ment of uniformity in aerological work ous parts of the world.
throughout the world.
A number of firms had accepted an
invitation to exhibit some of their
W orhing groups met eorological instruments and equip-
ment. Their display gave a valuable
In his presidential report Mr. Perlat picture of the modern tools now
paid tribute to the chairmen and available for research and routine
members of working groups for the work in meteorology.
considerable and efficient work they
had accomplished between the first At the end of the session Mr. A. Per-
and second sessions of the commission. lat , ingenieur en chef (France) and

WMO Bulletin October 1957

Dr. L. M. Malet (Belgium), were re- the session, particular mention being
elected president and vice-president of made of the generous hospitality
the commission. offered by the host country and by
the French Met eorological Service.
Votes of thanks were passed to all
those responsible for the success of K.L.

OF OBSERVATION landings at sea, and to the downgrad-
ing or cancellation of meteorological
I\ CCOUNTS are given elsewhere in
messages carried over Aeronautical
.1\.. this issue of the Bulletin of the
Fixed Telecommunication Network
second sessions of the Commission for
(AFTN) channels. The voting indicates
Aerology (p. I34) and of the Commis-
a majority in favour of these drafts,
sion for Instruments and Methods of
which will therefore be submitted,
Observation (p. I46) held recently in
as a recommendation of CAeM, to
the E xecutive Committee at its ninth
Abridged fin al reports of these two session.
sessions are being prepared in the
Secretariat, and the necessary for- A second ballot in progress concerns
malities for the establishment of the the adoption of a draft resolution
new working groups are being carried proposing the est ablishment of a work-
out. ing group on operational control,
Decisions of the two commissions which will advise the WMO represent-
embodied in resolutions and recom- ative on the PIA panel (a panel for
mendations of the sessions are being co-ordinating procedures respecting the
considered by the Executive Com- supply of information for air operations).
mittee during its ninth session (Gen- This panel is a body est ablished by
eva, 24 September to IS October I 957)· the ICAO for the purpose of examin-
ing and developing the concepts pre-
AERONAUTICAL METEOROLOGY sented in R ecommendation I 9 of the
third Air Navigation Conference.

C draft amendments to chap-

ter I2 of the WMO T echnical
R egulations, which have been prepared
Aeronautical climatological smnmaries
jointly by WMO and the International The first annual Consolidated state-
Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), ment on preparation of aeronautical
have been submitted to members of climatological summaries by WMO
the Commission for Aeronaut ical Me- Members - J uly I 957 has been dis-
t eorology for their approval. These tributed to all concerned. This state-
proposed amendments relat e to the ment , issued in compliance with the
introduction of the t erm "SIGMET provisions of paragraph I . 6 of part 4
information" for data on swell and of chapter I2 of the \tVMO Technical
state of sea in observations for forced R egulations, has been prepared on the

WMO Bulletin 0 ctober 1957

basis of information supplied by Mem- Climatology at its second session have

bers. It is presented in the form of now been fully set up and are there-
tables showing the name of the coun- fore able to start tackling the various
try and of the station or aerodrome, problems allocated to them for study.
the type of summary, the month and The membership of the Working Group
time for which summaries are avail- on Microclimatology has not yet been
able, the period of record and the completed. The Working Group on
total number of observations on which the Guide to Climatological Practice
the summaries are based. The state- will act at the call of the president
ment contains information relating to of CCl.
230 stations in 32 countries and ter-
ritories. Mimeograph ed copies may be The president of the Commission for
obtained free of charge from the WMO Climatology, Mr. R. G. Veryard, was
Secretariat. designated to represent WMO at the
Congress of the Internationa l Society
BIBLIOGRAPHY AND PUBLICATIONS of Biometeorology and Bioclimatology,
held in Vienna from 23 to 27 September
J\ T the invitation of the French 1957·
£\.. Government the Commission for
Bibliography and Publications-will hold MARITIME METEOROLOGY
its second session in Paris, beginning
the second session of the
on 5 November 1957. The session
is expected to last two to three weeks. D URING
Commission for Maritime Meteoro-
logy it was decided to prepare a prelim-
A provisional agenda and explana-
inary album containing the photographs
tory memorandum were distributed at which will be used to illustrate the
the end of June 1957. The agenda International Ice Nomenclature. The
includes the following items : World preparatory work on this album was
Meteorological Bibliography , Guide to
kindly undertaken by the Seewetteramt,
Meteorological Library Practice, Me-
Hamburg, where the negatives were
teorological Lexicon, Polyglot Me- collected and a list of titles made in
teorological Vocabulary, the classifica-
English, French, Russian and Spanish.
tion of meteorological material, the
general form of meteorological docu- Prints of 82 photographs , together
ments and summaries, the exchange of with the list of titles, are now avail-
publications . and other meteorological able (price: 30 DM) from: Fotohaus
documents, the present state of pro- Friedrich Kunze, Stephanspla tz 2,
gress in various countries and activities Hamburg 36, Germany.
in the meteorological field of biblio-
graphy and publications , and the re-
production of meteorological docu-
The Working Group on Terminology T main activity of the Com-
mission for Synoptic Meteorology
is preparation for the second session
held a preliminary meeting in Paris
from 2 to 6 September 1957 in order of the commission, due to begin on
to prepare a draft of the Meteorolog- 21 January 1958 in New Delhi.
ical Lexicon. Other matters under study include
synoptic codes for the tropics, rules
for using the codes for special phe-
nomena and seminars on weather
S IX of the eight working groups
established by the Commission for forecasting.

WMO Bulletin October 1957



Activities of the regional associations :

Africa (RA I) . . . . . r6, 7S
Asia (RA 11) . . . . . . . 7S, 107, 159
South America (RA Ill) . . r6, 79. 159
Central and North America (RA IV) 17, 79. 107
South West Pacific (RA V) 17, 159
Europe (RA VI) 17, 79. 107, 159
See also . . . 53

Activities of the technical commissions :

Aerology . . . . . . . . 33. So, 149
Aeronautical Meteorology . . 34. So, ros, 149
Agricultural Meteorology. . . So
Bibliography and Publications ISO
Climatology . . . . . . 34· Sr, ros, rso
Instruments and Methods of Observation 34· So, 149
Maritime Meteorology Sr, 107, ISO
Synoptic Meteorology 35. Sr, ro6, ISO
See also . . . 2, 10, 59. 134· 146

Arid zone climatology . 62

Climatic atlases 6g

Collaboration with other international organizations :

lATA . . 7
ICAO . . . 3S, 77. 112, 143
IFALPA . . 112
International Cargo Handling Co-ordination Association 144
International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage 144
International Geographical Congress S2
International Radio Maritime Committee 145
ITU (CCIT) . . . . . . 77
ITU (CCITT) . . . . . . 113
IUGG (General Assembly) s4
IUGG (1AH) . 39
IUGG (lAM). 13, 25
IUGG (CSAGI) 31, 56, g6
UN (ACABQ) 121
UN (ACC) . . Il4
UN (ECAFE) 112
UN (ECLA) . 9
UN (ECOSOC) 77. 126
UN (Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation) Il4
UNESCO (Advisory Committee on Arid Zone Research) . . . 62, II5
WMO Bulletin October 1957

Commission for Aerology, Second session 134

Commission for Climato logy - Presid ential address at seco nd session 2

Commission for Climatology, Second session . . . . 59

Commission for Instruments and Meth ods of Observ ation , Second session

Commission for Maritime Meteorology, Second session 10

Hamburg compa rison s of long-wave radiometers 139

See a lso 13

International co-ordination of m eteorological activities (Secretary-General 's ad dress

to ECOSOC) . . . . . . . . . 126

International Geographical Congress 82

Internationa l Geoph ysical Year 1957-58. 31, 56, 96, 131

International Radiation Conference 25

Membership of WMO 30, 41, 76, 83, II6, 130, 166

Meteorological aspects of atom ic energy . so

Meteorology - a three-dimension a l science 134

Monitoring the radioactive content of the atmosph ere 110

News and Notes :

An nals of the Intern ation a l Geophysical Year .
Award to Professor J. Lugeon . . . . . . . .
Brussels Internationa l Exh ibition 1958
Excellence awards to Australian observin g ships .
Freq uency distribution of k-d ay period rainfalls .
Internationa l Conference on Scientific Information
IUGG General Assem bly
Metric units in meteorology . . . . . .
New independ ent meteorological service .
Postage stamps in h onour of vVMO
Presentation of IMO Prize to Dr. Hesselberg
Records of river-flow in Venezuela .
Speed-up in Canadian meteorological communications

News from the \",Ti\110 Secretariat :

Executive Committee . . . . 120
Gift to WMO of Dr. Swoboda's library ss
Meteorological photographs r 61
New building for the Secretariat . . . . r 6o
Visitors to the Secretariat :
Advisor y Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions I2I

Cleveland Council on vVorld Affairs . 121

Co-ordinator of CSAGI 160

Dr. Pau l J olles . . 121

P r ofessor B leeker . 160

President of \ '\1MO 120
WMO Bulletin October 1957

Mr. H. I. Anda . . 158
Dr. C. G. Rossby . 157
Dr. Lean Sherman II6
Dr. H. U. Sverdrup . 158

Publications of the WMO 27, 73

Radiation comparisons at Hamburg 13, 139

Recent WMO Publications . . . . . 41, ss, 121, 161

Regional Association I, Second session 53

Baur, Franz - Physikalisch-statistische Regeln als Grundlagen fiir ·wetter- und
vVitterun gsvorhersagen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Boughner, C. C., Longley, R. V•l ., and Thomas, M . K. - Climatic summaries
for selected meteorological stations in Canada. Volume Ill. 44
Chapman, S. - The aurora in middle and low latitud es 43
Georgii, 'N. - F lu gmeteorologie . . . . . . . . 88
Handbook of meteorological instruments. Part I 45
van de Hulst, H. C. - Light scattering by small particles . 164
Jammer, Max - Concepts of force. . . . . . . . . . . . 166
Kendrew, \ 'V. G., and Currie, B. \~' - - The climate of Central Canada 44
Lake, Herman - A meteorological analysis of clear air turbulence . . 46
Lee, D. H. K. - Climate and economic development in the tropics. . 164
Meetham , A . R. - Atmospheric pollution. Its origins and prevention. 47
Neis, Bernhard - Fortschritte in der Meteorologischen Forschun g seit 1900 165
Petterssen, S verre - \~leather analysis and forecasting. Volume I 44
Regula, H. - Luftfahrt-Meteorologie. Volume I 47
Steinhauser, F., Eckel, 0., and Sauberer, F. - K lima und Bioklima van vVien 123
Thomas, M. K. - Climatological atlas of Canada 44
Viaut , A . - La meteorologie du navigant 123
vVeather Map, The . . . . . . . . . . 88
White, Gilbert (Editor) - The future of arid lands 163

Secretary-General's visit to North and South America 7

Task ahead in climatology 2

Technical Assistance and meteorology. 18

Technical Assistance in meteorology 92

Technical Assistance Programme

1957 Programme . . . . . 66, 151
1958 Programme . . . . . 23, 65, 156
Caribbean Hurricane Seminar 24
Country programmes
Afghanistan 25, 152
Burma . . . 152
Brazil . . . 153
British East Africa 67, 151
Chile 153
WMO Bulletin October 1957

China . . 152
Dominican Republic. 154
Ecuador 153
Egypt . . I5I
Haiti 154
Hong Kong I 52

Iceland 154
Indonesia 1 54

Iran. 67. 152

Iraq . . 66, 153
Israel . 155
Jordan. 155
Lebanon 155
Libya . 25, I5I
Morocco 152
Nicaragua 66, 154
Pakistan 153
Peru. 154
Sudan . 152
Syria 155
Thailand 153
Turkey 25, 156
Uruguay. 154
Yugoslavia I 56

Fellowship activities. 68
Funds . . . . . . . 156
Regional Association I 68
Regional project . . . I 56

Regional training seminar 67, 104, 156

Secretary-General 's visit . 24
TAB meeting . . . 23
Visit to South-east Asia . 104
See also . . . g, r8, 36, 92, 99

United Nations calling 99

United States automatic weather stations . 70

Upper-air programme on transient ships 109

Weather and potato blight in Chile

Working groups and panels of experts

Atomic energy (EC) . . . . . . . 51
Atmospherics (CAe) . . . . . . . 33
Comparison of radiosondes (CIMO) 21
Climatic atlases (EC) . . . 6g
Meteorological transmissions (RA VI) ro8
Networks (CSM) ro6
Radiation (CIMO) . . . . . 25

World comparison of radiosondes. 21

WMO Bulletin October 1957

it is hoped that assistance from a
I N the last issue of the Bulletin
(Vol. VI, No. 3, p. 92) a general
account was given of the place of
second expert will be provided later
this year.
WMO activities in the United Nations
Expanded Programme of Technical Egypt
Assistance. It now seems appropriate
to present a more detailed review of Dr. W. Haude (Federal Republic of
the current WMO programme in this Germany) has resuwed his interrupted
field. Implementation of the 1957 mission in Egypt and is continuing to
programme is now well advanced and advise the government on agricultural
a brief description is given of each meteorological matters generally and
project in the following paragraphs. to train local staff in this work.
Dr. Haude's mission is expected to be
. WMO REGION I (AFRICA) completed this year .

British East Africa In accordance with the advice given

earlier by the WMO expert, Mr. D. D.
Mr. C. I. H. Aspliden (Sweden) has
Clark (U.K.), the Government of
continued with the plotting and pre- Egypt has made the necessary local
liminary analysis of meteorological
preparation for the establishment of an
synoptic information in preparation instrument laboratory and workshop.
for a close study of the correlation
An expert is now being sought who
between meteorological factors and will be required to install the equip-
locust events. A specific period has
ment and to train local staff in its
been selected for study, viz. May 1954 use and in the maintenance and cali-
to June 1955. In order to ensure that bration of meteorological instruments
the information used is entirely re- generally. It is expected that this
liable Mr. Aspliden has visited most of
expert will take up duty in Egypt
·the countries where relevant original
before the end of 1957.
synoptic records are stored and, with
the helpful co-operation of local me-
teorological services, has been able to Libya
microfilm the data required for this
work. The subsequent plotting of the Dr. C. Lea (U.K.) has continued as
synoptic information has involved a acting director of the Libyan Mete-
very considerable amount of effort and orological Service and Mr. K. N. Plard
a number of trained local plotters has (France) has been appointed to take
been made available to Mr. Aspliden over the training mission vacated by
by the East African Meteorological Mr. H. El Salawy (Egypt) who returned
Department which has also supplied to his parent service at the end of
all secretarial facilities needed by the 1956.
expert. A fellowship has been awarded to
Detailed analysis of the resulting Mr. A. T. Sherif who will proceed to
charts presents a formidable task and Cairo for training under the Egyptian

WMO Bulletin October 1957

Meteorological Service. H e is expected made very m arked progress in the

eventually to t ake over instructor development of an instrument division
duties with his parent service in and in the establishment of reporting
Libya. stations. Mr. Likhmachev's work, fol-
lowing on from that of Mr. H. Treus-
Morocco sart (France), has made a most
A new project for the training of important contribution to meteorology
local assistants has been authorized in in Afghanistan and thereby also to
Morocco by the executive chairman of other countries in the area.
the Technical Assistance Board (TAB)
The director of the Royal Afghan
to be financed, in 1957, from the Meteorological Institute, Dr. A .. Kha-
Working Capital and R eserve Fund.
lek, took advantage of a fellowship
An expert is now being sought for
under the Expanded Programme to
assignment to the Government of the
study administrative methods and
Sherifian Empire to take up this
other meteorological matters with the
important project.
kind assistance of the director-general
of the India Meteorological Depart-
An expert in agricultural meteoro-
logy is being appointed as adviser to Burma
the Government of the Sudan and
Mr. M. L. Maung and U Ba Kyi, two
will initiate a mission at the Gezira
members of the Burma Meteorological
experimental farm near Khartoum
Department, continued their studies
later this year. In addition a quantity
in the United Kingdom under WMO
of specialized meteorological equip-
fellowship awards.
ment is being made available to the
government in connexion with this
same mission.
Fellowships have been approved to
A fellowship has been awarded to Messrs. Hung-Hsi Liu and Hysue-Yi
Mr. 0. E. T . Osman for forecasting
Liao, members of the meteorological
studies in the United Kingdom. service, for study in hydrometeorology
and radiometeorology respectively.
Hong Kong
Afghanistan Mr. T. Y. Chen of Hong Kong Royal
The WMO m1sswn in Afghanistan Observatory is studying tropical me-
has been in operation for over two teorology and hurricane forecasting in
years with a team of two experts. The the United States of America under a
senior expert, Mr. H . I. Anda (Nor- WMO fellowship award.
way), completed his second year of
assignment before his recent tragic I ran
death and succeeded in laying down a The unfortunate death of Dr. S.
very sound foundation for the dev e lop~ Pramanik (India) left the Iran mission
ment of the meteorological service. A without a met eorological adviser and
replacement for Mr. Anda is being Mr. J acques Cocheme (Mauritius) was
appointed . In the meantime the appointed to fill the post temporarily
instrument expert, Mr. S. Likhma- until a permanent appointee could be
chev (U.S.S.R.), who forms the second selected. Mr. Anda, whose untimely
member of the Afghanistan t eam, has death is reported on p. rs8, had been

WMO Bulletin October 1957

appointed to continue the work in Pakistan

Iran and steps are now being taken to A hydrometeorologist is being as-
seek another expert to assist the signed to advise the Government of
director in the development of the Pakistan in the development of its
service in Iran. hydrometeorological work and is ex-
pected to take up duty in Karachi
A fellowship for forecasting studies later this year.
in the United Kingdom has been
granted to Mr. R. Lavi. Fellowships have been awarded to
two officers of the Pakistan Meteoro-
logical Service, Messrs. Kazi G. Mowla
Iraq and Saiyid A. Husain, for study in
Mr. ]. Skaar (Norway), a radio- forecasting.
sonde expert, has been assigned to the
Government of Iraq to advise upon Thailand
The only assistance delivered to
Thailand during 1957 consisted of an
extension of fellowships which had
been awarded in 1956 to officers of the
Thai Meteorological Service for over-
seas study.


Tlie executive chairman of TAB
authorized the expenditure of $zo,ooo
from the Working Capital and Reserve
Fund to initiate a meteorological mis-
sion in Brazil during 1957 and steps
are now being taken to implement the

Meteorological equipment is being
Ecuador: Dr. Vicente G6mez (left), Chief provided to Chile in furtherance of the
of the Department of Aeronautical Meteoro- recommendations made by Mr. P. M.
logy of the Meteorological Service, watches Austin Bourke (Ireland), who recently
an observer at work at Quito Airport
conducted an advisory mission on the
control of crop diseases. When all
the development of its upper-air re- the equipment is available in Chile an
porting network. He is engaged in the expert will be sought to supervise its
installation of equipment which has installation and train local staff in its
been provided by the government and use and in the interpretation of the
will train local staff in its operation resulting records.
and maintenance.
Provision is also made for a fellow- Dr. W. Zimmerschied (Federal Re-
ship award for overseas training. public of Germany) has been engaged

WMO Bulletin October 1957

in an advisory capacity with the Dominican Republic to continue the

Government of Ecuador since No- work started by Dr. F. Huerta (Spain)
vember I955- He is advising generally and Mr. E. R. Miller (U.S~A.) in 1955.
on the improvemen t and organization Unfortunate ly it has not yet been
of the meteorological service in Ecua- possible to recruit a suitable expert
dor with particular reference to avia- but it is hoped that the mission wilJ
tion needs. His work has recently be resumed later this year.
resulted in the establishmen t, by the
government, of a top level technical Haiti
meteorological council which repre- Provision had been made for the
sents a major step forward in the appointment of an adviser to Haiti
integration of meteorological effort during 1957 but, at government re-
in the country. Dr. Zimmerschied's quest, this project has been deferred
mission will continue throughout 1958. until a later date.

Peru Nicaragua
A WMO m1sswn was initiated in Dr. 0. Vannini (Argentina) was
Peru in rg56 to advise the government appointed during 1957 to continue the
generally on the development of its advisory work in Nicaragua initiated
existing meteorological service with by the late Dr. A. Crespi (Argentina).
special reference to the requirement s Dr. Vannini is proceeding with the
of aviation. The mission was taken up establishmen t of meteorological sta-
initially by Dr. W. Rudloff (Federal tions using equipment supplied under
Republic of Germany). Dr. Rudloff the Expanded Programme.
unfortunatel y finds it necessary to
terminate his duties during 1957 but
will be replaced by another expert now WMO REGION V (SOUTH-WEST PACIFIC)
being recruited.
Uruguay Provision is contained in the 1957
Funds have been approved from the programme for fellowships to provide
Working Capital and Reserve Fund overseas training for members of the
for the initiation of a substantial Indonesian Meteorological Service. So
meteorological mission in Uruguay far no nominations have been forth-
during 1957 and it is expected that the coming from the government.
mission will be started shortly.
Following the survey of Dr. A.
Dominican Republic Angstrom (Sweden) in 1956, provision
was made for two expert assignments
Editorial work has now been com-
in Iceland and the first of these has
pleted on the report of the Hurricane
now been implemented .
Seminar held last year in the Domi-
nican Republic and the collected
A climatological expert, Mr. E. Hov-
papers are expected to be printed soon.
moller (Sweden), proceeded to Iceland
Provision has been made for the during September 1957 to advise the
appointment · of an adviser to the government in the developmen t of its

WMO Bulletin October 1957

climatological services. To initiate the tained in the 1957 program:me. This

second project, an instrument expert project will be a continuation of the
will be provided to Iceland during mission filled until late rg56 by
rg58 to assist in the installation of a Mr. Jacques Cocheme (Mauritius).
laboratory and workshop and to train
local personnel in instrument main- A fellowship has been awarded to
tenance and calibration. In connexion Mr. M. T. Assaf who is taking up

Ecuador: WMO expert Dr.

W. Zimmerschied (right)
with a trainee at Quito

with these m1sswns a quantity of forecasting studies m the United

meteorological equipment has been Kingdom.
made available to Iceland under the
technical assistance programme. Lebanon
An expert has been appointed to
Israel conduct advanced forecast training, in
A fellowship has been made available Beirut, of senior meteorologists with
to Mr. Gideon Steinitz of the Israeli the Meteorological Service of Lebanon.
Meteorological Service for advanced He will take up his field duties late
study overseas. this year.

Dr. J. Neumann of the same service Syria

is continuing his studies in the United
Kingdom. Mr. L. Haland (Norway) has taken
up duty with the Syrian Meteorological
Department to advise upon the deve-
lopment of its observational network
A meteorological expert is being in general and particularly upon upper-
sought for advisory duties with the air reporting.
Jordan Government and it is expected
that an appointment will be made this In addition fellowships have been
year in line with the provision con- made available to Messrs. A. Masry

WMO Bulletin October 1957

and M. M. Delsi of the Syrian Met eoro- total financial authorization to WMO
logical Department for study in the for 1957 now stands at $332,000.
United Kingdom .
As has been reported in earlier
T urkey issues of the Bulletin, the TAB, after
Mr. M. Demirtas of the Turkish strong r epresentation from WMO,
Meteorological Service is rece1vmg agreed to increase the moneys avail-
training in h ydrometeorology in the able to the Organization for its 1958
United States of America under a t echnical assistance activities by a sum
WMO fellowship award. of $40,000, over and above the share
which would normally have been
Yugoslavia available.
Assistance to Yugoslavia during
1957 consisted of three fellowships PLANNING THE 1958 PROGRAMME
granted to Messrs. R. Drazeta, D. R a-
dinovic and C. Duplancic. In order to obtain a clear picture of
the demand for t echnical assistance
under WMO, the Secretary General
circularized all met eorological services
Latin America early in 1957 and, as a r esult of his
inquiry, there is seen to be a clearly
Dr. R. Schroder (Federal R epublic demonstrated need for assistance in
of Germany), a hydrometeorologist, 1958 exceeding $8oo,ooo in value. It
has been appointed by WMO to work will be appreciat ed that the resources
with a water r esources survey t eam available to WMO are inadequate to
under the general direction of the UN meet this demand and assistance has
Economic Commission for Latin Amer- to be directed into the most urgent
ica. This project is sponsored jointly and rewarding channels ; continuation
by WMO and the UN Technical of existing projects must necessarily
Assistance Administration. take priority.

Because of the serious inadequacy of

funds available to WMO during 1958,
only a very limited amount can be
Arrangements are well advanced for
direct ed into regional projects despite
the seminar on hydrologic forecasting
the fact that these form an important
which, at the kind invitation of the
avenue of t echnical assist ance in the
Yugoslav Government, is being held in
field of meteorology.
Belgrade starting 28 October 1957.
Formal government requests have
.FUNDS now been received for the 1958 pro-
gramme and it would seem likely that
The Technical Assistance Committee ·a sum of approximately $300,000 will
originally authorized a total expendi- be required for the field programme
ture of $z88,ooo to cover the 1957 which, together with administrative
programme of t echnical assistance un- and operational services cost s, will
der WMO. Subsequent allocations by probably bring the total WMO tech-
the executive chairman from the nical assistance budget for 1958 to a
Working Capital and R eserve Fund sum exceeding the $332,000 authorized
have increased this sum so that the for 1957.

WMO Bulletin October 1957


P ROFESSOR Carl Gustaf Rossby died

suddenly from a heart attack on
19 August 1957. He was born in r898
6 years there he was called back to
Sweden as professor at the University
of Stockholm and scientific adviser at
in Stockholm where he also completed the Swedish Meteorological and Hydro-
his university training. During leave logical Institute. Thereafter he spent
of absence from the Swedish Mete- part of his time in Sweden and part
orological and Hydrological Institute, of it in the United States.

Dr. Rossby was an outstanding

scientist in meteorology and oce-
anography and pioneered research in
many branches of these sciences. He
published early papers on thermo-
dynamics and friction in the atmo-
sphere and the ocean. His most
valuable contributions were perhaps
his demonstration of the importance
in dynamical and synoptic meteorology
of the variation with latitude of the
Coriolis force and his theory of long
circumpolar waves. Together with
Professor E. Palmen, Rossby proved
the existence of the jet stream, and
his work on the conservation of
absolute vorticity became the basis
for present numerical forecasting me-
thods. In recent years he also took
up studies of atmospheric chemistry.
His activity as a scientist was remark-
able, but those who knew him p erson-
Professor C. G. Rossby ally admired equally his ability to
stimulate people to carry out research
and to co-operate with other workers
where he spent some years as an in their own or in related fields .
assistant, he also studied under Pro-
fessor Vilhelm Bjerknes in Bergen. In At the International Meteorological
1926 he went to the United States of Institute, which he created in Stock-
America for a visit but stayed there to holm with support from UNESCO, he
work at the Massachusetts Institute of gathered specialists from the whole
Technology. There he established a world for seminars and for informal
meteorological department, which he discussions of important scientific ques-
directed till 1939. For two years he tions. Advanced students and experts
was assistant director and scientific from more than zo foreign countries
adviser with the United States Weather worked for long periods at the institute.
Bureau and in 1941 became professor The results of their activity has often
at the University of Chicago. After been published in the geophysical

WMO Bulletin October 1957

journal Tellus, sponsored by the Swe- from 1936 to 1948 and at the same
dish Geophysical Society and edited time professor in oceanography at the
by Dr. Rossby. university.

Dr. Rossby also took an active part In 1948 he returned to Norway to

in the work of the International become director of the Norsk Polar-
Union for Geodesy and Geophysics institutt and was also appointed pro-
(IUGG), in which he was president of fessor. in geophysics at Oslo Uni-
the International Association of Mete- versity.
orology of IUGG, and in the planning
and preparation for the International Professor Sverdrup was the author
Geophysical Year. During the last of a large number of scientific papers
year he showed an increasing interest in the field of meteorology and oceano-
in the work of WMO and only recently graphy. He co-operated very actively
visited the WMO Secretariat in Geneva ih international endeavours to im-
(from r8 to 22 July 1957) for informal prove knowledge of the arctic and
discussions with the Secretary-General antarctic regions, particularly in con-
on several questions of mutual interest. nexion with the second Polar Year
and the International Geophysical
Dr. Rossby was certainly one of the Year.
world's most prominent scientific mete-
orologists and his ability to stimulate He was a member of a number of
the enthusiasm of his students and working groups of the International
colleagues was outstanding. Through Meteorological Organization and pres-
his charm and his personality he ident of the Polar Commission from
also infected many who previously had 1947 to 1951.
little appreciation of the science of
meteorology and its potentialities. The Professor Sverdrup's large number
meteorological world suffers a great of friends all over the world will re-
loss by his untimely death. member him for his fine character,
his tolerance, helpfulness and profi-
A. NYBERG ciency in all he undertook.


N ORWAY lost one of its great men

when Dr. H. U. Sverdrup died
suddenly on 21 August 1957.
W E regret to report the tragic
death at the early age of SI of
Mr. H. I. Anda in an air disaster at
Copenhagen on IS August 1957.
Professor Sverdrup worked for some Mr. Anda was returning to his home
years as assistant to Professor V. Bjerk- in Copenhagen after the completion of
nes and from 1917 to 1925 he was in his mission as a WMO technical
charge of the scientific work on the assistance expert in Afghanistan. He
Maud Expedition. From 1926 to 1931 had been appointed to a further
he was professor in meteorology in technical assistance assignment under
Bergen and directed the scientific WMO in Iran.
work on the Nautilus Expedition in
1931. Professor Sverdrup was director Mr. Anda was a science graduate of
of the Scripps Institution of Oceano- Oslo University and had served as a
graphy of the University of California meteorologist not only in his native

WMO Bulletin October 1957

country, Norway, but also in Sweden, in Afghanistan he had accomplished a

Egypt, Iran and several other coun- great deal in the face of immense
tries. He was well-liked by his col- difficulties and he would have un-
leagues and had the personality and doubtedly made a further valuable
drive which are so essential for tech- contribution to world meteorology in
nical assistance work. In his latest job Iran.


T HE president of Regional Associa-

tion II decided, after consulting
the Members of his Region, to submit
T HE president of Regional Associa-
tion V decided, after consulting
the Members of his Region, to submit
for their approval certain draft resolu- for their approval certain draft resolu-
tions giving effect to recommendations tions giving effect to recommendations
passed during the first ICAO Pacific passed by the first ICAO Pacific Air
Air Navigation meeting.- These draft Navigation meeting.
resolutions concern surface and upper- These draft resolutions deal with
air observation networks, the replace- surface and upper-air observation net-
ment of pilot-balloons by electronic works, the replacement of pilot-balloons
equipment, the heights of upper-air by electronic equipment, the heights
soundings, and the introduction of reached during upper-air soundings,
weather reconnaissance flights in areas hourly observations on remote islands
for which upper-air data are inade- and the setting up of atmospherics
quate. Voting is still in progress. networks. Voting is at present under

T Secretariat is at present pre-

paring the documents necessary
for the second session of Regional
T HE president of Regional Associa-
tion VI decided to submit, for
the approval of Members of his Region,
Association Ill, which is to open in some resolutions and recommendations
Caracas on 4 December 1957. The resulting from recommendations passed
agenda and explanatory memorandum by the RA VI Working Group on
have already been distributed. Meteorological Transmissions. These
proposals relate mainly to the organi-
One of the major tasks, just com- zation of teleprinter and RTT links,
pleted, was the preparation of charts exchanges over the North Atlantic,
of the surface and upper-air networks the organization of communications
in the Region. These charts, which with ocean weather stations, and the
will be examined during the session, transmission of CLIMAT messages and
show in particular the new synoptic of upper-air data. The voting is not
networks in Argentina. yet completed.

W MO Bulleti n Octob er 1957


Vice-Admira l Sir Archibald Day, iat to perform its functions adequately

co-ordinator of the Special Committee in this temporary building both on
for the Internationa l Geophysical Year, account of its unsuitable nature and
visited the Secretariat on I I June 1957 of its inadequate size. Last year it
in order to see the IGY Meteorological ( became necessary to rent three flats
Data Centre and to have informal in the neighbourho od of the Secretar-
discussions about the exchange of data iat to house the Technical Assistance
between the different IGY centres and Unit and the Internationa l Geophys-
about various other related topics. ical Year Meteorological Data Centre,
and store-rooms have also had to be
rented in other parts of the town.
VI SIT OF PR OFESSO R W. SLEEKER This dispersal of accommodat ion has
proved to be very inconvenien t .
The president of the Commission for
Synoptic Meteorology, Professor W.
Bleeker, visited the Secretariat on After various possibilities of con-
23 July 1957. The arrangement s for structing a permanent building for the
the second session of CSM were amongst Secretariat had been carefully inves-
the main topics discussed with the tigat ed, the E xecutive Committee in
Secretary-Ge neral and members of the January 1957 agreed that the offer
Technical Division. of the Canton to construct this build-
ing in the Avenue Giuseppe-Mo tta
near the Place des Nations should be
NEW BUILDING FOR THE SECRETAR IAT put before the Members of the Organi-
zation for their fin al approval. After
Since rgsr, when the Secretariat a postal ballot the Members approved
of the World Meteorologic al Organiza- th e proposal by a very large majority .
tion moved from Lausanne to Geneva, Negotiations are now proceeding with
it has been housed in a barrack-type the Canton authorities for the con-
building which was offered t emporarily struction of the building which should
by the Canton of Geneva (see picture be complet ed in 1959 or r g6o.
on the cover of Bulletin, Vol. I, No. r).

The question of a permanent build- The building will consist of a main

ing for the Secretariat was discussed part, containing offices, and an annex
as early as First Congress, but the containing the library and a con-
realization of this proj ect has always ference room large enough for the
been delayed by various difficulties. sessions of the Executive Committee.
The total useful space will be approx-
As a result of its growth during imately 2360 sq. m . The building may
the last six years, it has become be either rented from the Canton or
increasingly difficult for the Secretar- purchased by the Organization .

WMO Bulletin October 1957

METEOROLOGICAL PHOTOGRAPHS arr angements with four specialized

agencies of the United Nations and
The photographic archives of the one non-governmental international
WMO Secretariat now contain a series organization, and also created a con-
of photographs illustrating the activ- sultative status for non-governmental
ities of the Organization in various international organizations. This ac-
parts of the world as well as different tion was confirmed by the Second
aspects of meteorology and its applica- Congress in R esolution 6 (Cg- II). ·
tions. A selection of these photographs
has appeared in past issues of t he This publication contains the work-
WMO B~tlletin. ing arrangements concluded with the
These photographs are widely used World Health Organization, the Food
for exhibitions and various publica- and Agriculture Organization of the
tions containing articles about WMO United Nations, the International Civil
or the IGY . Copies are also provided Aviation Organization, with the United
on request to associations, groups or Nations Educational, Scientific and
lectures, and the Secret ariat will be Cultural Organization and with the non-
glad to comply so far as possible governmental International Union of
with any such requests received from Geodesy and Geophysics. F inally a
definition is given of the consultative
meteorological services or individuals.
status granted to the following eleven
Most of these photographs have non-governmental international organi-
been specially commissioned whilst zations - the International Society
others were supplied by meteorolog- of Soil Science, International Organi-
ical services. To enable this collection zation for Standardization , Inter-
to be improved still further, the Sec- national Radio Maritime Committee,
retariat would be glad to receive from International Federation for Agricul-
meteorological services or individuals tural Producers, International Scien-
negatives of any good photographs on tific Radio Union, International Fed-
agricultural or maritime meteorology. eration of Air Line Pilots' Associations,
World Federation of United Nations
Associations, Internation al F ederation
RECENT WMO PUBLICATIONS for Documentation, Pacific Science
Association, \i\Torld Power Conference
Working arrangements with other inter- and International Astronomical Union.
national organizations, I st edition,
I957 · WMO -No . 6o.BD+ Pp. 32. This puhlication is avai lable in
Price : Sw. fr. z.-. English and French at present ; the
Russian and Spanish versions will be
By its Resolution 19 (I), Congress published in due course.
decided that the closest co-operation
should be established between WMO
and other international organizations,
Regional Association I (Africa)
wherever matters of mutual interest
A bridged final report of the second
exist, and the Executive Committee
was authorized to negotiate working session . WMO - No. 6r.RP.z4.
arrangements or informal agreements Pp. 143. Price : Sw. fr. 3.-.
as might seem desirable with such
organizations. This report, published in English and
French, contains the texts of the 34
Between 195 1 and 1955 the Execu- resolutions and 10 recommendations
tive Committee approved working adopted at the session, together with

WMO Bulletin October 1957

a list of participants, the final agenda, Among the annexes to the report
a general summary of the work of the are the proposed amendments to the
session and a list of the documents WMO Technical Regulations relating to
published before and during the ses" climatology and the principles and
SlOn. draft plan for a world climatic atlas
Annexes to the report include the (annexed to recommendation 45
recommended network of surface and (54-CCl)).
upper-air observing stations for the A general account of the session
region, the network of radiation sta- will be found in the WMO Bulletin,
tions and tables showing the fre- Vol. VI, No. 2, p. 59, and the address
quencies and the contents of sub- of the president of CCl at the opening
continental broadcasts. meeting was given in Vol. VI, No. I,
A general account of the second p. 2.
session of RA I will be found in an
International List of Selected and Sup-
earlier issue of the Bulletin (Vol. VI,
plementary Ships. I957 edition.
No. 2, p. 53).
WMOjOMM- No. 47.TP.I8, Pp. 403.
Price : Sw. fr. IO.-.
Commission for Climatology -Abridged The third edition of this bilingual
final report of the second session. publication has been brought up-to-
WMO - No. 62.RP.25. Pp. 6r. date according to information, valid
Price : Sw. fr. 3.-.
on I January I957, received from the
Following the normal pattern of directors of meteorological services
such reports this publication, in Eng- concerned.
lish and French, contains the texts of A slightly revised layout has been
the IO resolutions and 9 recommenda- employed which results in a reduction
tions adopted, the final agenda and a in size without however omitting any
general summary of the work of the of the data required by Regulations
session, together with lists of partici- 2.6.r.6 and of the WMO
pants and of documents. Technical Regulations.

ANNALS OF THE INTERNATIONAL The first volume to . be published is

GEOPHYSICAL YEAR Volume Ill - Instruction Manual for
Ionospheric Studies in tne International

T Annals of the International

Geophysical Year, the official
journal of the Special Committee for
Geophysical Year, which can be ob-
tained from the publishers at the price
of £6 ($I7.00). Among other subjects
the International Geophysical Year, is to be dealt with shortly are aurora and
being published by the Pergamon airglow, cosmic radiation, geomagnet-
Press (London, New York and Paris). ism, nuclear radiation, ozone observa-
The Annals will give information about tions, seismology, latitudes and longi-
the preparations and programmes of tudes. It is estimated that four to six
the IGY, and in due course the pro- volumes, of about 400 pages each,
gress and some of the main results. will be published during I957 and I958.

WMO Bulletin October 1957

The Future of A rid Lands. Edited by made in demineralization. This method

Gilbert F. WHITE. Washington (Amer- seems to be the most promising at least
ican Association for the Advancement for the forseeable future.
of Science) 1956. 453 pages ; 49 figures.
Price: U.S. $6.75. The final section of the book completes
the theme by discussing the Better adapta-
The book contains the papers and recom- tion of plants and animals to arid conditions.
mendations of the International Arid Lands The topic is covered by seven papers and
meetings held in New Mexico in April-May a summary. By previous standards this
I955· These appear in the same order that section may appear to some to have slighted
they were given in the meetings and are a well-known topic. Others; however, will
probably the most extensive series to be welcome a treatment where the water re-
published on the whole spectrum of arid sources of both air and ground have been
zone problems. The contents of the papers given their proper weight.
reflect very well the integrated approach
to arid zone problems which was the theme
of the meetings. Following the technical papers is a series
of 31 recommendations made in conferences
This approach is introduced by a discus- of some 70 experts following the main meet-
sion of the broad view of arid zone problems ings. These are clearly not the results of
in three papers by leading experts in the prolonged compromising, but are the strong
arid zone as a whole. A series of seven clear views of scientists on what should
papers on the Variability and predictability be done to accelerate and improve the arid
of water supply follows. These papers take zone research and development programme.
up the general problems of evaluating the They may well be the most important part
available supplies of airborne, surface, and of the book.
underground water resources. An eighth
paper summarizes the topic. Meteorologists will find the papers on
Variability and predictability of water supply
Having evaluated the potential water of most interest. The two papers of J. Tix-
resources, a first step toward the improve- eront and C. C. Wallen go to the heart of
ment of arid lands is Better use of present the problem of climatological prediction by
resources. This subject is discussed in seven discussing the need for determining the
papers and a summarization. One of the probability of occurrence of critical precipi-
interesting features of this section is a paper tation amounts. The probabilities of critical
which stresses the importance of archaeo- values and not averages of climate elements
logical studies in the arid zone. The cli- are the minimum essential for planning
matologist who studies long term fluctua- arid zone development. It is unfortunate
tions in climate could learn much through that such results are not available more
closer collaboration with archaeologists. generally for the arid zone. The three
papers on artificial augmentation of precipi-
Following the discussion on the possibil- tation in the section on Prospects for addi-
ities for exploiting available water resources, tional water sources will also be of interest
the next section of the book naturally although the meteorologist will find little
treats the subject Prospects for additional new material here. Mete-orological factors
water sources. This is discussed in seven are also mentioned, of course, in many other
papers : three on demineralization of waters, papers of the book.
three on artificial augmentation of precipita-
tion, and one on the economics of water The book may be recommended to me-
supply. Although the papers are optimistic teorologists as giving a broad and well
on the possibilities of augmenting water proportioned discussion of arid zone prob-
supply by artificial means, it is apparent lems. If it could be the beginning of a
that the most significant progress has been new "emphasis placed upon integrated

WMO Bulletin October 1957

analysis of resources problems on a regional most readers to learn that a completely

basis", as the editor Dr. Gilbert \ -\'bite satisfactory theory of glories has not yet
has put it, the efforts of the scientists of b een produced and that no explanation
17 countries who prepared the papers will based on geometrical optics is tenable.
have been well worth while.
The chapter in part III devoted to me-
H . C. S. THOM
teorological applications presents a balanced
review of what is now a very extend ed field,
embracing particles ranging in size from
m olecu les to raindrops and wavelengths
Light Scattering by Small Particles . By H. C. over the spectral range from the ultra-
van de HuLST. New York (John \-\' iley violet to th e micro-wave region. Haze
and Sons) and London (Chapman and extinction is treated in considerable detail,
H a ll) I 9.'i7· 470 pages; ro3 figures; particular attention being paid to the recent
46 tables. Price: U.S. Sr z .oo. (r 954) a nd extensive studies by Volz. Radar
meteorology is the other m ajor topic of
Meteorologists who have read the schol- this chapter, and once again it is apparent
arly contributions b y Professor van de Hulst that the author is not only aware of the
in The Atmosphere of the Earth and Planets most recent work in this field but is in a
(edited b y G. P. Kuiper) will welcome this position to assess the status of such work
book by the same au thor devoted to scat- in a critical fashion.
tering problems . In particular, this volume
deals with "the dispersion and attenuation This book was obviously not intended
of a beam of light traversing a m ed ium, if as a t ext-book, but rather as an authoritative
the individual particles are far apart and if reference work on a specialized field. The
th eir scattering properties are known". author has fulfilled this aim in an extremely
Thus the effects, produced by densel y- able mann er, not only by his clear and lucid
packed scatterers, of mutual interactions style and his appeal to both mathematical
or of multiple scattering are not presented and physical lines of reasoning but a lso b y
in any d etail, although rath er complete the provision of excellent diagrams, tables
bibliographic references are given to studies and illustrative examples. The book is a lso
along these lines. not w ithout humour - b oth intended and
unintended (the section title Surface Waves
The book is divided into three parts. in the L iterature probably falling into the
Part I deals with basic scattering theory, latter category).
part II with special types of particles and
part III with applications. In p a rt I the vV. L. GODSON
emphasis is on physical consid erations,
definitions a nd basic properties of light and
light extinction . In part II the emphasis
is on mathematica l considerations, deriva-
tions and computations of scattering func- Climate and Economic D evelopment in the
tions. In part III the emphasis is on the T1•opics . By Douglas H. K . LEE, New
use of scattering as a research tool in the York (Published for the Counci l on
in vestigation of particles; with particu lar Foreign R elations by Harper & Brothers)
reference to the fi elds of ch emistry, as lr·on- I957· r8 z pages; 6 figures; r 7 tables.
omy and m eteorology. The usefulness of Price : U.S. S3.50.
the book is further enhanced by extensive
cross-references and bibliographic lists. Thus, Much of the und er-developed area of the
a research worker who co ntemplates a world is tropical and most of the countries
proj ect invo lving either the theoretical or in the tropics are under-developed. To
the practical aspects of light scattering will what extent is this situation due to the
find more than adequate guidance in this effect of tropical climate on economic de-
book. velopment ? The book under review results
from the discussions on this subj ect by a
Meteorologists will be in terested in the Study Group on Climate and Economic
very complete treatment of the Mie theory D eve lopment in the Tropics organized by
of scattering in part II, and in the discussion the Counci l on Foreign R elations. The
of the m any meteorological problems for author has drawn on his own research and
which this theory is required. A chapter is wide experience as well as on the discus-
devoted to the optics of a raindrop, in sions of the group when prep arin g the book
which rainbows and glories are given specia l and no doubt this method is the most
attention. It will probably be a surprise to practical way of producing an integrated

WMO B~ lletin October 1957

document dealing with complicated inter- a mathematician, physicist and teacher

disciplinary problems. when, in 1940, at the age of almost 6o, he
entered the meteorological service, where
The book contains six main chapters, he dev oted himself to research leading to
following an introductory chapter which the publication of a series of works relating
immediately gives the reader the right pic- to the field of theoretical meteorology.
ture of the scope and importance of the
subject. (One third of the land area of The concept of this book, which was
the earth is within the tropics and about published after the author's death, is an
thirty per cent of the world's population exact expression of his personal outlook.
lives there.) Quoting a number of parallel developments
in our knowledge of physics, he deals in
A chapter on Tropical Climates gives in particular with those examples of progress
a condensed form a review of the significance in meteorological research which result in
of the various climatic elements and a sum- the evolution of meteorology into an exact
mary of the various methods of climatic natural science and are designed to express
classification. the established relationships in mathemat-
ical form.
In the following chapters the author
poses four times the basic question - Although indications are sometimes given
"\'/hat effects may climate have upon of the t ime sequence of specific discoveries,
attempts to increase productivity in the the book constitutes in no way a chrono-
tropics ?" - in relation to each of the four logical historical treatise. On the basis of
fields of crop production, animal production, pedagogical concepts, the author divides the
human efficiency and industry. material into four main sections. The first
section explains the main id eas behind
The answers to this question are reviewed meteorological research at the beginning of
in the last chapter which contains a number the twentieth century and the general trend
of conclusions of great interest to govern- of their development in the course of the
ments, international organizations, private next 50 years. The second section, entitled
foundations or private businesses, dealing Phenomenology and ae·rology of the atmo-
with problems related to the de velopment sphere, deals with our knowledge of the
of tropical countries. relative conditions prevailing in a calm
atmosphere and in an atmosphere in mo-
tion and their deduction from synoptic and
One of the general conclusions is that u pper-air observations. The third section,
" N umerous and important though the cli- w hich is the fu llest, views weather as a
matic influences are, non-climatic factors process of transformation of the energy
exercise equal, if not greater, influence upon radiated by the sun, and a short fourth
the economic situation in the tropics." section deals with practical meteorological
problems relating for example to weather
The author and the Council of Foreign forecasting and to the collection and proces-
Relations are to be congratu lated on this sing of climatic data.
interesting and inspiring book which cer-
tainly merits a very wiue uistributiou. The choice of material within each indi-
vidual section in a book of this type is
KL. naturally determined by the personal out-
look of the author. His aim is to indicate
in what fields definite knowledge has been
obtained and what questions and problems
F ortschritte in der meteorologischen F o·r schung are still awaiting solution .
seit r9oo (Advances in meteorological
research since 1900). By Bernhard NEIS,
The author himself points out that his
Frankfurt am Main (Akademische Ver-
book is not intended as a text-book, but
lagsgesellschaft) 1956. 238 pages; 2 I
rather as an aid and guide in the study of
figures; 19 portraits. Price : DM 28.-.
available text-books . This is facilitated by
references at the end of each chapter.
This book developed from a course of The work includes a series of figures and
lectures on the history of modern meteoro- 19 portraits of leading meteorological r e-
logy, given by the author in the Free search workers.
University of Berlin. Bernhard Neis was H. S.

WMO Bulletin October 1957

Concepts of Force. By Max JAMMER. Cam- eliminate it (Mach), transform it (Einstein)

bridge, Massachusetts (Harvard Uni- and generalize it (modern nuclear and field
versity Press) 1957. Pp. viii + 269 ; theory). The author makes no novel con-
5 figures. Price: U.S. $5.50. tribution himself to the story, aligning
himself roughly with the operational point of
This "study in the foundations of dy- view of the writers named above, which
namics" is the latest in a long line of such is the point of view of most modern phys-
expositions, notable expositors of the more icists who have given thought to the matter.
recent past being Kirchhoff, Mach, Poincare
and Karl Pearson. The treatment is essen- There is of course no meteorology as
tially historical, showing how man has such in this book, but many meteorologists
sought to make the concept of force - and must have pondered the problem and may
mass - explicit and usable, and so to well wish to know of this latest treatment.
create the science of mechanics, and how, The writing is clear though somewhat
from the tiine of Newton, man has worried ungainly.
at this Newtonian concept, attempted to P. A. SHEPPARD


Afghanistan Federation of Rhodesia New Caledonia
Albania and N yasaland New Zealand
Argentina Finland Norway
Australia France Pakistan
Austria French Cameroons Paraguay
Belgian Congo French Equatorial Africa Peru
Belgium French Oceania Philippines
Bermuda French Somaliland Poland
Bolivia French Togoland Portugal
Brazil French West Africa Portuguese East Africa
British Caribbean Ghana Portuguese West Africa
Territories Greece Romania
British. East African Guatemala Spain
Territories and Indian Haiti Spanish Territories of
Ocean Islands Hong Kong Guinea
British Malaya/Borneo Hungary Sudan
Territories Iceland Surinam
British West African India Sweden
Territories Indonesia Switzerland
Bulgaria Iraq Syria
Burma Ireland Thailand
Byelorussian S.S.R. Israel Tunisia
Cambodia Italy Turkey
Canada Japan Ukrainian S.S.R.
Ceylon Jordan Union of South Africa
Chile Korea Union of Soviet Socialist
China Laos Republics
Cuba Lebanon United Kingdom of Great
Czechoslovakia Libya Britain and Northern
Denmark Luxembourg Ireland
Dominican Republic Madagascar United States of America
Ecuador Mexico Uruguay
Egypt Morocco Venezuela
El Salvador Netherlands Viet-Nam
Ethiopia Netherlands Antilles Yugoslavia
Federal Repub. of Germany Netherlands New Guinea * On I October 1957

;. Type Elecfricife
de France


World Meteorological Organization
28 October- r6 November Inter-regional Training Seminar on Hydrologic Fore-
casting and the Water Balance, Belgrade, Yugoslavia
5-23 November 2nd session of the Commission for Bibliography and
Publications (CBP), Paris, France
4-21 December 2nd session of Regional Association III (South America),
Caracas, Venezuela
21 January- 14 February 2nd session of the Commission for Synoptic Meteorology
(CSM), New Delhi, India

Other International Organizations

22 October (4 weeks) 2nd South American- South Atlantic Regional Air
Navigation Meeting (ICAO), Sao Paolo, Brazil
24 October- 12 November Indian Ocean Science Association (PIOSA), 3rd Con-
gress, Tananarive, Madagascar
2 November (3 weeks) gth Conference of FAO, Rome, Italy
15, r6 and r8 November 2nd session, International Consultative Committee for
Marine Sciences (UNESCO), Bangkok, Thailand
r8-23 November Expert Committee on Air Pollution, World Health
Organization, Geneva, Switzerland
r8-2g November roth Technical Conference of IATA, Miami, U.S.A.
r8 November- 9 December gth Pacific Science Congress, Bangkok, Thailand
4-ro December 3rd Regional Technical Conference on Water Resources
Development, ECAFE, Manila, Philippines

Meteorol ogical
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To reduce t he day t o day cost of FRANCE
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New Bimetallic Actinograph

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Th e chart, which is 80 mm in height and has linear graduations in
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