Lube Oil Analysis

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Service, Wärtsilä Finland Oy
Engine section Engine type Ref. Date Issue Document No. Page
18 Lubricating oil See list TSu/S 21.08.2003 02 WT98Q001 1(8)

Lubricating oil analysing and quality follow-up

Engine This Operating Instruction concerns WÄRTSILÄâ Vasa 14, 24TS, 22, 22/26,
32, 32LN, WÄRTSILÄâ 20, 32 and 46 engines running on HFO or LFO.

Background The lubricating oil in a modern diesel engine has a variety of different
functions, of which the most important in addition to lubrication are to:
• Reduce friction.
• Prevent metal to metal contact.
• Prevent corrosion.
• Act as a cooling media.
• Improve engine cleanliness.
• Act as a sealing media.
These operating instruction are intended as a guide for analysing & following
up procedures for the lubricating oil, in order to keep the oil condition at
satisfactory levels, from the engines point of view. Deteriorated physical and
chemical properties may significantly affect on the performance of the
lubricating oil in the above listed functions, resulting in considerably
decreased component service lifetimes, increased risk of failures, etc.
negative consequences for the operating of the engine.
Purpose To increase the availability and reliability of the engines and avoid
extraordinary wear and possible failures due to use of inferior quality
lubricating oils.

Recommendations Table 1 presents a summary of the condemning limits and recommended

levels for optimum performance for used lubricating oils, along with the main
impacts on the engine performance. Typical wear elemental contents for
Wärtsilä medium speed diesel engines are presented in table 2. Each of the
properties listed in these tables is also discussed in more detail in the
chapters below.

Sampling The lubricating oil samples should be taken from circulating oil with the
engine in operation. The sample should be taken after the separation and
filtration of the oil, before the engine. It is recommended to take lubricating
oil samples before adding (topping up) new oil to the system. Use clean
sample bottles and rinse the sampling line properly before taking the sample,
a suitable sample amount is 0,75 - 1 litres. The background data needed for
evaluating the analysis results should always be provided with an oil sample,
use for example the "Oil analysis application" document, WT98V001.
During the first year of operation it is advisable to take lubricating oil samples
at 500 hours intervals. Frequent lubricating oil sampling and analysing every
500 - 1000 hours is also recommendable after the first year of operation.

Wärtsilä Finland Oy P.O. Box 252 (Tarhaajantie 2) Telecop. +358 10 709 7355 Tel. +358 10 709 0000 Business ID 0773744-3
Service, Vaasa FIN-65101 Vaasa, Finland Telecop. +358 6 356 7339 Registered Office: Vaasa
Wärtsilä Finland Oy P.O. Box 50 (Stålarminkatu 45) Telecop. +358 10 709 3279 Tel. +358 10 709 0000
Service, Turku FIN-20811 Turku, Finland Telecop. +358 10 709 3410
Service, Wärtsilä Finland Oy
Issue Document No. Page
02 WT98Q001 2(8)

Property Impacts on engine Condemning limit Recommended

function level for optimum

Base Number (BN) Prevents corrosion. Min. 20 (HFO operation). Min. 25 (HFO
(mg KOH / g) Max. 50% depletion from operation).
fresh oil level (LFO Max. 40% depletion
ASTM D2896 operation). from fresh oil level
(LFO operation).

Viscosity Provides hydrodynamic Max. –20% or +25% from Max. ±15% from fresh
(cSt, at 100°C) lubrication for bearings, etc. fresh oil levels, at 100°C. oil levels, at 100°C.
Reduces friction and thus Max. –25% or +45% from Max. ± 25% from fresh
ASTM D445 fuel oil consumption. fresh oil levels, at 40°C. oil levels, at 40°C.

Water Introduces corrosion. Max 0,3 vol-% / w-%. Max 0,3 vol-% / w-%.
(vol-%) or (w-%) Deteriorates the
hydrodynamic properties of
ASTM D95 the oil.
Affects additive function.

Insolubles Deteriorates the Max. 2,0 w-%, as Max. 1,0 w-%, as

(w-%) hydrodynamic properties of n-pentane insolubles. n-pentane insolubles.
the oil.
ASTM D893b Affects additive function.

Flash point Risk of crankcase Min. 170°C (PMCC) Min. 170°C (PMCC)
(°C) explosion. Min. 190°C (COC) Min. 190°C (COC)

ASTM D92 or D 93

Table 1: Summary of the most important lubricating oil properties

Analysis The lubricating oil samples should be analysed for example by the oil
supplier or by some other recognised oil analysis laboratory. The preferred
analysis methods are specified in table 1.

Base number, BN (Total Base Number)

Base number is a measure of the alkalinity of lubricating oil, expressed in mg

KOH/g oil. The sulphur level in the fuel oil used determines the required
degree of alkalinity of lubricating oil. The fuel sulphur is during the
combustion process converted into acidic combustion products, mainly
sulphur oxides. These acidic compounds will attack the combustion space
and other engine components unless neutralised.

Too low base number levels in lubricating oil will lead to acidic corrosion,
increased engine wear, reduced component lifetime and thus increased
maintenance costs. Too high base number may, theoretically lead to an
increased risk of excessive deposit formations, but with modern lubricating
oils and engines this is however a very rarely met problem.
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Issue Document No. Page
02 WT98Q001 3(8)

It is recommended to use BN 50 - 55 oils when operating on HFO with

sulphur levels > 2 w-%, especially for engines with wet sump. BN 30 oils are
recommended only for special applications, for example for installations
equipped with SCR units, where high BN oils could contribute to deposit
formations in the catalyst layers.

Typically the BN of lubricating oil drops quite fast in the beginning but
gradually levels out towards an equilibrium level. The minimum allowed BN
level for HFO operation is 20 and for LFO and GAS engines 50% depletion
from fresh oil levels.

The recommended minimum BN level for optimum performance of the

lubricating oil in the engine is 25 for HFO operation and 40% depletion from
fresh oil levels for LFO and GAS operation.


Viscosity is the property of a fluid that causes flow resistance. The viscosity
of oils is dependent on temperature, pressure, and shear rate. Viscosity is
one of the most significant properties for establishing the thickness,
pressure, and temperature of an oil film in lubrication. Oil film thickness
increases with viscosity, as does the fluids friction and consequential power
loss. Viscosity is also a significant factor in predicting the performance and
fatigue life of bearings and gears.

The official SI unit of kinematic viscosity is m2/s, but cSt (centistoke) is still
commonly used for expressing lubricating oil viscosity. 1 cSt = 10-6 m2/s
(= 1 mm2/s). Typical viscosity for a fresh SAE 40 grade lubricating oil is
135 - 150 cSt (at 100°C) and 13,5 – 15,0 cSt (at 40°C).

Viscosity Index (VI) is a commonly used expression of an oils change of

viscosity with temperature. The higher the viscosity index the smaller the
relative change in viscosity with temperature. Most medium speed diesel
engine oils have a VI between 95 and 110.

Typically the viscosity of lubricating oils could be expected to increase

gradually during operation, due to oxidation and polymerisation of the
lubricating oil compounds, increase of solid contents in the oil, etc. Possible
reasons for unexpected viscosity decreases could be for example LFO (Light
Fuel Oil) contamination of the lubricating oil.

The lubricating oil condemning limits for Wärtsiläs medium speed diesel
engines for the viscosity are:

• Max. – 20% decrease or + 25% increase from fresh oil levels, at 100°C.
• Max. – 25% decrease or + 45% increase from fresh oil levels, at 40°C.

The recommended viscosity changes for optimum performance of the

lubricating oil in the engine are:

• Max. ± 15% from fresh oil levels, at 100°C.

• Max. ± 25% increase from fresh oil levels, at 40°C.
Service, Wärtsilä Finland Oy
Issue Document No. Page
02 WT98Q001 4(8)


Water in oil is detrimental to lubrication, both physically and chemically.

Water is slightly soluble in base oils and slightly more soluble (a few hundred
ppm) in formulated oils. Generally the solubility of water in lubricating oils is
however, due to the polar characteristics of the water molecule, low. If
increased amounts of water molecules are present the oil gets saturated and
free water appears. Hazy oil is most often a result of not dissolved water

Water corrodes many common tribological metals and may thus also
contribute to various forms of corrosive and cavitation damages on bearing
surfaces. Bearings consisting mostly of lead and tin are quite easily oxidised
in the presence of water and oxygen. Corrosion products may also contribute
to the solid debris in the oil and pit formation in the metal surfaces. Another
indication of water contamination in lubricating oils may be increased sodium
and chlorine contents, especially in marine applications.

Water also catalyses oil oxidation and acid formation and may react with or
precipitate the oil additive compounds, the base oil and with suspended
contaminants. The effects of all these reactions are undesirable by-products
such as varnish, lacquer, sludge, organic and inorganic acids, surface
deposits and lubricant thickening (polymerisation). These reaction products
also consume the oxidation inhibitors of the lubricating oil.

Observe that some water analysis methods may result in higher values than
the recommended distillation (ASTM D 95) method. For example IR (Infrared
spectroscopy) methods used by some laboratories, especially for so called
"fast analyses", have typically been found to result in slightly higher
(≈ 0,1 - 0,2 vol-%) levels than the distillation method. A simple test for water
in oil is the "crackle test", where a drop of oil is placed onto a hot surface, if it
crackles and sputters too high quantities of water may be present in the oil.

The maximum allowed water content in the engine lubricating oil is 0,3 vol-%
(or weight-%).


Hard solid particles, which may be present in lubricating oil systems are for
example shop debris such as welding or grinding splatter (in new systems),
sand, clay, etc. earth materials and wear fragments. If their size is close to
the oil film thickness, they may embed or abrade surfaces, thus reducing
component lifetime. Abrasion can be detected on a worn part by observation
of parallel scratches in the direction of sliding or by microchips and abrasive
particles presence in the used oil.

Semi-solid contaminants are generally oxidation and/or thermal

polymerisation products, carbonaceous material, microorganisms and oil/
additive/water reaction products, etc. In lubricated systems, these and other
small particulates contribute to sludge, which collects and plugs pipes,
pumps and orifices possibly resulting in too low oil flow. If there are oxidation
products present, they can be measured by an increase in TAN, pentane-
and toluene insolubles, IR spectrums and the amount of filter residue.
Service, Wärtsilä Finland Oy
Issue Document No. Page
02 WT98Q001 5(8)

TAN tests and filter residues do not necessarily measure the actual lubricant
degradation products, but rather the presence of a semi-solid materials, and
the evaluator has to make a judgement on the source.

The maximum allowed insolubles level is 2,0 w-% (as n-pentane insolubles).

The recommended insolubles level for optimum performance of the

lubricating oil in the engine is < 1,0 w-% (as n-pentane insolubles).

Flash point

The flash point analysis is mainly a safety concern. A low flash point
indicates presence of light, easily evaporating hydrocarbon compounds in
the lubricating oil. This increases the risk of crankcase explosions and
engine failures.

The minimum allowed flash point is 170°C for the Pensky-Martens closed
cup (PMCC) analysis method and 190°C for the Cleveland open cup (COC)
analysis method.

Elemental analysis

Elements are here divided into four groups according to their origin.
However, note that some elements belong to several groups and that
different construction materials may be used in different engine types, i.e.
component specifications should be checked in each case, before making
any detailed conclusions.

Wear metals

The most common wear metals in lubricating oil analyses are iron (Fe),
chromium (Cr), lead (Pb), copper (Cu) and tin (Sn). In the engine
components there can also be smaller amounts of aluminium (Al),
molybdenum (Mo), nickel (Ni) and antimony (Sb) present.

The iron content in lubricating oils reflects mainly piston and cylinder liner
wear. Fresh oil may also contain a small amounts (< 15 ppm) of iron,
originating from transfer pipelines or tanks, if the oil is not delivered as a
bulk. Note that iron may also be used as an additive in some lubricating oil

The chromium content in lubricating oils indicates mainly piston ring wear.

Lead can be present in the overlays of gudgeon pin bearing bushings,

camshaft bearings, bearing bushing for camshaft end and thrust washer.

Copper can enter the lubricating oil from lubricating oil pump bearings,
bronze bearings of rocker arms, roller pins for tappets and gudgeon pin
bearing bushings. If the Cu content is abnormally high (> 10 - 15 ppm), the
reason is probably presence of exhaust gas in the inlet air, for example due
to exhaust gas leakage, recirculation or from external sources. If there are
exhaust gases present in the inlet air, the sulphur compounds from the
exhaust gases will gradually corrode the charge air cooler material, which
Service, Wärtsilä Finland Oy
Issue Document No. Page
02 WT98Q001 6(8)

contains copper. The copper will then enter the lubricant via the combustion
space and blow-by gases to the crankcase. In these cases the Cu content of
the lubricating oil can be even as high as 30 - 50 ppm.

Possible sources for tin are big end bearings, main bearings, gudgeon pin
bearing bushings, camshaft bearings, bearing bushing of camshaft end and
thrust washer.

The most probable source for aluminium and nickel is the fuel (HFO), but
(Al + Si) may also enter the lubricating oil from engine parts.

Fuel oil originating elements.

The source of vanadium (V) and nickel (Ni) is normally HFO. There may also
be small amounts of these elements present in light fuel oils (LFO). The
lubricating oil vanadium and nickel contents normally achieve an equilibrium,
which are 1 - 2 times the V and Ni contents of the fuel.

The source of aluminium (Al) and silicon (Si) is normally HFO. Oil refineries
equipped with a fluid catalytic cracker (FCC) unit use zeolites (aluminium and
silicon compounds) as catalysts. Occasionally some catalyst rests ("cat
fines" = Al + Si), can be present in fuels and thus enter the lubricating oil
during operation. Silicon is also typically used as an antifoaming component
in lubricating oils.

The source of sodium (Na) is normally heavy fuel oil, but presence of sodium
can also indicate sea water leakage, through the central coolers or water
leakage in the closed cooling water system. The most commonly used
cooling water additives are sodium nitrite + sodium borate and sodium
molybdate based products.

Water originating elements.

Sodium, see above.

Lubricating oil additives.

Calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P) and zinc (Zn) are normally used in lubricating
oil additive packages. The calcium content is depending on the BN, the
higher the BN the higher the Ca content. For example a BN 30 oil contains
Ca ≈ 1,0 - 1,1 w-% and high BN (50 - 55) oils contain Ca ≈ 1.8 - 2 w-%.

The phosphorus and zinc contents are depending on the additive chemistry
used in each specific case and can vary significantly. In most lubricating oils
used in the Wärtsilä medium-speed diesel engines the P content of the fresh
oil is 200 - 1000 ppm and the Zn content 200 - 1100 ppm. In used lubricating
oils these values can be somewhat lower.

Silicon, see above.

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Issue Document No. Page
02 WT98Q001 7(8)

Typical elemental contents in used oils.

Table 2 presents the typical contents of different elements in used lubricating

oils, recorded from both HFO and LFO operated engines. The table also
shows guidance values for what can be considered abnormal levels for
different elements in used oils.

For GD engines the values shown for LFO operated engines are more
realistic than the ones for HFO. If however HFO is used as pilot fuel the
sodium, vanadium and nickel levels could be expected to reach values close
to those for HFO operated engines.

The limits in table 2 should be kept as guidelines only. Elemental

concentrations above the abnormal levels call for attention and indicate that
something abnormal is obviously happening in the engine or in the
lubricating oil system. An engine inspection is worth to consider especially if
the values being above the abnormal levels show a continuously increasing

It should be noted that typical elemental concentrations may be slightly

different for different engine types. Differences can also be found depending
on engine application (power plant, main engine, auxiliary engine, etc.). The
fuel quality and the fuel elemental composition also influence on the
concentration of fuel originated elements in used lubricating oils.

Changing oil brand Special care should be taken if the lubricating oil brand of an engine is
changed. In order to minimise the risk of lubricating oil foaming, deposit
formation, blocking of lubricating oil filters, damage of engine components,
etc., the following procedure should be followed:

• Change the lubricating oil brand in connection with an engine overhaul.

• Drain the old lubricating oil from the lubricating oil system.

• Clean the lubricating oil system if there are excessive amounts of

deposits on the surfaces of the engine components (like crankcase,
camshaft compartment, etc.).

• Fill a small quantity of the new oil in the sump, circulate with the pre-
lubricating pump and drain.

• Fill the required quantity of new oil to the lubricating oil system.

If the procedure described above is not followed the responsibility of possible

damages and malfunctions caused by the lubricating oil change should
always be agreed upon between the oil company and the end customer.
Service, Wärtsilä Finland Oy
Issue Document No. Page
02 WT98Q001 8(8)

Environmental aspects and handling

Fresh lubricating oils normally contain no particular toxic hazard, but all
lubricants should always be handled with great care. Used lubricating oils
may contain significant amounts of harmful metal and PAH (PolyAromatic
Hydrocarbon) compounds. Avoid prolonged or repetitive contact with the skin
and breathing of oil fumes. Prevent any risk of splashing and keep away
from heat, ignition sources and oxidising agents. Risk of long term
contamination of the soil and the ground water. Take appropriate measures
to prevent water and soil contamination.

Store in tight and leak proof containers protected from water and
condensation. Avoid increased temperatures and large temperature

Element Unit HFO, HFO, LFO, LFO,

Typical values Abnormal level Typical values Abnormal level
Iron, Fe ppm 10 - 40 > 50 5 - 15 > 25
Chromium, Cr ppm 0-3 >5 0-3 >5
Tin, Sn ppm 0-3 >5 0-3 >5
Lead, Pb ppm 0-3 >5 0-3 >5
Copper, Cu ppm 0-5 > 10 0-3 >5
Silicon, Si ppm 10 - 40 < 5 or > 50 1 - 15 > 20
Sodium, Na ppm 10 - 50 > 100 0 - 10 > 20
Aluminium, Al ppm 0 - 10 > 20 0-5 > 10
Vanadium, V ppm 1 - 2 * fuel V > 2 * fuel V 0-3 >5
Nickel, Ni ppm 1 - 2 * fuel Ni > 2 * fuel Ni 0-3 >5

Table 2: Typical and abnormal contents of different elements in used lubricating oils

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