Def Stan 59-411 Part 5

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Defence Standard 59-411 Part 5

Issue 2 Date: 31 March 2014
Electromagnetic Compatibility
Part 5: Code of Practice for Tri-Service
Design and Installation

DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2 UK OFFICIAL


1 Scope ....................................................................................................................................................1
2 Warning.................................................................................................................................................1
3 Normative References .........................................................................................................................1
4 Abbreviation and Definitions ..............................................................................................................2
5 EMC Management and Planning ........................................................................................................2
6 Design Aspects of Electric / Electronic Systems .............................................................................4
7 Electromagnetic Interference Phenomena........................................................................................7
8 System Design ...................................................................................................................................25
9 Sub-System Design Requirements ..................................................................................................29
10 Interference Suppression..................................................................................................................45
11 Suppression Devices.........................................................................................................................46
12 Filters ..................................................................................................................................................63
13 Shielding .............................................................................................................................................75
14 Cables and Coupling Mechanisms ................................................................................................104
15 Earthing, Grounding and Bonding .................................................................................................123
16 Electrostatic Discharge ...................................................................................................................129
17 Quality Control .................................................................................................................................130

Annex A Air Platform EMC Design .............................................................................................................131

Annex B Land Platform EMC Design..........................................................................................................161
Annex C Sea Platform EMC Design ............................................................................................................185
Annex D Abbreviations ................................................................................................................................282

Table 1 Frequency Range / Bandwidth - Correction Factor ...................................................................14
Table 2 Impedance of Cable Reactance's ................................................................................................20
Table 3 Electromagnetic Emissions from PCBs .....................................................................................40
Table 4 Filter Pin Attenuation ....................................................................................................................71
Table 5 Filter Types ....................................................................................................................................75
Table 6 Penetration Depths in Metal Sheets (mm) ..................................................................................81
Table 7 Absorption Loss of Metal Sheet/mm thickness .........................................................................82
Table 8 Reflection Loss, Surface Impedance and Wave Impedance for a Copper Sheet
Enclosure .......................................................................................................................................84
Table 9 Reflection Loss, Surface Impedance and Wave Impedance for a Steel Sheet Enclosure.....85
Table 10 Screening Effectiveness of Copper and Steel Enclosures.......................................................85
Table 11 Attenuation ....................................................................................................................................88
Table 12 Comparative Performance of Gasket Types ..............................................................................97

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Table 13 Metal Groupings - Electromagnetic Compatibility...................................................................102
Table 14 Surface Transfer Impedance of Coaxial Connectors ..............................................................120
Table 15 Typical Signal Classifications for the Purpose of Cable Segregation ..................................144
Table 16 Recommended Types of Cable for Practical Applications .....................................................145
Table 17 Typical format for an EMC Precaution Schedule.....................................................................185
Table 18 Discharge Resistors ...................................................................................................................195
Table 19 Potential EMI Problems and Solutions .....................................................................................221
Table 20 Whip Antenna Separation Requirements .................................................................................235
Table 21 Typical UHF Antenna Isolation Figures ....................................................................................238
Table 22 Miscellaneous Component Considerations .............................................................................241
Table 23 Bond Strap Materials ..................................................................................................................248
Table 24 Power Circuits .............................................................................................................................256
Table 25 Internal Communication Circuits...............................................................................................256
Table 26 400 Hz and 1100 Hz Magslip Control Circuits ..........................................................................256
Table 27 60 Hz Synchro Control Circuits .................................................................................................257
Table 28 Torque Synchro Circuits ............................................................................................................257
Table 29 Servos and RPC ..........................................................................................................................257
Table 30 Digital Circuits .............................................................................................................................258
Table 31 Weapon Firing Circuits...............................................................................................................258
Table 32 Source Transducer Feeders.......................................................................................................258
Table 33 Radar and EW Circuits ...............................................................................................................258
Table 34 Co-Axial Antenna Feeders .........................................................................................................258
Table 35 On-line Crypto Circuits...............................................................................................................259
Table 36 Wireless Control Circuits ...........................................................................................................259
Table 37 Cables entering Radio Offices ...................................................................................................259
Table 38 Cables Routed through Radio Offices ......................................................................................259
Table 39 Minimum Cable Separation (mm) ..............................................................................................262
Table 40 Spacing and Screening Requirements (mm) ...........................................................................263
Table 41 Strip Screening Electronic .........................................................................................................265
Table 42 Electronic Countermeasure Techniques ..................................................................................270
Table 43 Examples of Electromagnetic Interference Problems.............................................................277

Figure 1 Overall Design and Clearance Process in Content of an IPD Framework ................................5
Figure 2 Trapezoidal Pulse Spectral Amplitude........................................................................................14
Figure 3 Inductive Power Supply Fault ......................................................................................................15
Figure 4 Transients on Energising Primary ..............................................................................................17
Figure 5 Transients on De-energising Primary .........................................................................................18
Figure 6 Magnetic Induction .......................................................................................................................21
Figure 7 Electric Induction ..........................................................................................................................22

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Figure 8 Common Impedance Coupling ....................................................................................................23
Figure 9 Reducing Common Mode Coupling Capacitance......................................................................32
Figure 10 Improved Common Mode Rejection............................................................................................35
Figure 11 Source of Noise within Digital System........................................................................................40
Figure 12 Separation of Zero Volt Rails .......................................................................................................42
Figure 13 Using Opto-Isolators to Improve Isolation .................................................................................48
Figure 14 A Bad Example of the use of an Opto-Isolation Device ............................................................48
Figure 15 A Good Example of the use of an Opto-Isolation Device..........................................................49
Figure 16 Impedance/Frequency Characteristics of Various Types of 0.5 µF Suppression
Figure 17 Loop Area Minimised ....................................................................................................................51
Figure 18 Capacitor Lead Length Minimised...............................................................................................52
Figure 19 Typical Inductor Frequency/Impedance Characteristic ............................................................53
Figure 20 Typical Characteristic of a Gas Discharge Tube .......................................................................54
Figure 21 Equivalent Circuit and Typical Characteristic of a Varistor .....................................................54
Figure 22 Equivalent Circuit and Typical Characteristic of a Transorb ...................................................55
Figure 23 Initial Current in a Filament Lamp ...............................................................................................57
Figure 24 Use of a Suitable Current Limiting Resistor...............................................................................58
Figure 25 Concept of Separation Velocity ...................................................................................................58
Figure 26 Contact Suppression with a Capacitor .......................................................................................59
Figure 27 Contact Suppression using an R-C Network .............................................................................60
Figure 28 Example of a Resistor-Capacitor Diode Contact Protection Network .....................................60
Figure 29 AC Contact Suppression..............................................................................................................61
Figure 30 Switching Contact Breakdown ....................................................................................................61
Figure 31 Protection Circuit Model...............................................................................................................62
Figure 32 Ideal and Practical Response of Low-Pass and Band Pass Filters .........................................64
Figure 33 Schematic Layout of L-Section Filter..........................................................................................65
Figure 34 Schematic Layout of Pi-Section or T Filter.................................................................................65
Figure 35 Schematic Layout of Multi-Element Filter ..................................................................................66
Figure 36 Typical Filter Circuit......................................................................................................................66
Figure 37 What Should Happen ....................................................................................................................66
Figure 38 Typical Power Line Filter..............................................................................................................67
Figure 39 Filter Bonding Impedance ............................................................................................................69
Figure 40 Transmission Line or Feed-Through Capacitor.........................................................................70
Figure 41 Location of Bypass Capacitor for Data Lines (Emissions).......................................................72
Figure 42 Location of Bypass Capacitors for Data Lines (Emissions and Immunity) ............................73
Figure 43 Noise Source Contained within Shield .......................................................................................76
Figure 44 Preventing Interference by Shielding..........................................................................................76
Figure 45 Wave Impedance Variation with Distance from the Source Normalised to λ/2π....................77
Figure 46 Shielding Mechanism ...................................................................................................................78

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Figure 47 Conducting Material can provide Magnetic Shielding ..............................................................79
Figure 48 Effect of Shield Discontinuities ...................................................................................................89
Figure 49 Effects of Apertures on Field Penetration ..................................................................................90
Figure 50 Coupling to Internal Cables .........................................................................................................91
Figure 51 Method of Screening Panel Mounted Meters .............................................................................92
Figure 52 Alternative Method of Screening Panel Mounted Components ...............................................93
Figure 53 Example of Screened Unit............................................................................................................94
Figure 54 Cabinet Used as Screened Enclosure ........................................................................................94
Figure 55 Earth Stud Positioning .................................................................................................................95
Figure 56 Impedance of a Seam ...................................................................................................................96
Figure 57 Permanently Closed Joints ..........................................................................................................99
Figure 58 Reclosable Fixed Position Joint ..................................................................................................99
Figure 59 Reclosable Variable Position Joint ...........................................................................................100
Figure 60 Typical Gasket Installation.........................................................................................................101
Figure 61 Capacitive Coupling....................................................................................................................105
Figure 62 Magnetic Fields around a Current Carrying Conductor..........................................................106
Figure 63 Composite Coupling ...................................................................................................................107
Figure 64 Fields around a Current Carrying Conductor ..........................................................................108
Figure 65 Fields around a Shielded Conductor Grounded at One End Only.........................................108
Figure 66 Fields around a Shielded Conductor Carrying Return Current..............................................109
Figure 67 Current Flow between Shield and Ground Plane.....................................................................109
Figure 68 Current Flow between Shield and Ground Plane.....................................................................110
Figure 69 Typical Surface Transfer Impedance of Cables .......................................................................112
Figure 70 Configuration Examples to Demonstrate Coupling.................................................................113
Figure 71 Measured RF Coupling between Co-Axial Cables ...................................................................114
Figure 72 Results of Inductive Coupling Experiment...............................................................................115
Figure 73 Measured RF Coupling in Shielded Cables..............................................................................115
Figure 74 Results of Inductive Coupling Experiment...............................................................................116
Figure 75 Correct Shield Connection.........................................................................................................118
Figure 76 Pigtail Shield Connection...........................................................................................................118
Figure 77 Induced Voltage on a 0.6 m Cable from a 1 V/m Electric Field for Varying Lengths of
Figure 78 Ribbon Cable Configuration ......................................................................................................121
Figure 79 Series Connection.......................................................................................................................125
Figure 80 Parallel Connection.....................................................................................................................125
Figure 81 Hybrid Single Point Ground (Low Frequencies) ......................................................................125
Figure 82 Hybrid Multi-point Ground (Low Frequencies) ........................................................................126
Figure 83 Effect of Applied Pressure .........................................................................................................127
Figure 84 Effects of Airframe Geometry on Aircraft Current to Effect Coupling...................................142
Figure 85 Airframe Geometry that will provide useful protection...........................................................143

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Figure 86 Illustration of Preferred Cable Routes in a Typical Front Fuselage Section ........................143
Figure 87 Parallel and Normal Field Components Interacting with the Cable .......................................146
Figure 88 Screening Mechanism against Electric Field Components....................................................147
Figure 89 Magnetic Field Component Coupling with a Cable Loop........................................................147
Figure 90 Illustration of Magnetic Field Null at Screen Centre................................................................148
Figure 91 Definition of Cable Surface Transfer Impedance.....................................................................148
Figure 92 Three Simple Options for Screen and Equipment Bonding ...................................................149
Figure 93 Resistive Earth Planes or Poor Bonding Drives earth current along screens .....................150
Figure 94 Summary of Cable Screen Terminations ..................................................................................151
Figure 95 Possibilities for Video Signalling ..............................................................................................152
Figure 96 Effects of Pigtail Terminations ..................................................................................................153
Figure 97 Possibilities of 0 V Referencing.................................................................................................154
Figure 98 Illustrative Surge with Recovery Time ......................................................................................163
Figure 99 Starting Disturbances.................................................................................................................164
Figure 100 Example of Poor Attenuation Curve for an ACP .............................................................169
Figure 101 Typical 'Worst Case' Coupling Transfer Function for a Land Vehicle ..........................169
Figure 102 Example of Rack Bonding .................................................................................................176
Figure 103 Example of Multiple Rack Bonding...................................................................................177
Figure 104 Vehicle Chassis and Body Mounting Frame....................................................................178
Figure 105 Single Point Earth...............................................................................................................179
Figure 106 Ground Plane Bond Points................................................................................................179
Figure 107 Monopole Antenna Mounting Example ............................................................................181
Figure 108 Interference Coupling Mechanisms..................................................................................187
Figure 109 Incorrect Bulkhead Filter Mounting ..................................................................................196
Figure 110 Spectrum Utilization Chart ................................................................................................214
Figure 111 Horizontal Line of Sight Attenuation ................................................................................231
Figure 112 Vertical Line of Sight Attenuation.....................................................................................231
Figure 113 Bonding of Potable Flagstaffs / Jackstaffs......................................................................245
Figure 114 Bonding of Inclined Ladders .............................................................................................246
Figure 115 Bonding of Masts................................................................................................................247
Figure 116 Bond Strap Manufacturing Details. Types 1, 2 and 3......................................................250
Figure 117 Bond Strap Manufacturing Details....................................................................................251
Figure 118 Methods of Attaching Non-Welded Bond Straps ............................................................251
Figure 119 Cable Tray Layout...............................................................................................................262
Figure 120 Formed Spindle Gland .......................................................................................................265
Figure 121 Example of Formed Gaskets .............................................................................................266
Figure 122 Application of Formed Gaskets ........................................................................................266
Figure 123 Combination Gaskets.........................................................................................................267
Figure 124 Formed Gasket Dimensions ..............................................................................................268
Figure 125 Impregnated Metal Gasket.................................................................................................268

UK OFFICIAL DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2

Amd No. Date Text Affected Signature and Date

This part of the standard is raised to Issue 2 to update its content. The sponsor of this standard should be
consulted for a full description of the changes.

This standard supersedes the following:

Defence Standard 59-411 Part 5, Issue 1 Amendment 1, dated 31 January 2008

Defence Standard 59-411 Part 5 Issue 1 dated 23 January 2007
Defence Standard 08-136 Part 2 Issue 1 Published 1 April 2000
Defence Standard 21-10 Issue 1 Published 1 April 2000
Defence Standard 21-27 Issue 1 Published 1 April 2000
Defence Standard 59-41 Part 6 Issue 1 Published 26 August 1994
Defence Standard 59-41 Part 7 Issue 1 Published 10 November 1995

a) This part of the standard provides a Code of Practice for Tri-Service Design an Installation.

b) This standard has been produced on behalf of the Defence Material Standardization Committee (DMSC)
by Defence Equipment & Support (DE&S) Defence Electromagnetic Environment Effects Authority

c) This standard has been agreed by the authorities concerned with its use and is intended to be used
whenever relevant in all future designs, contracts, orders etc. and whenever practicable by amendment
to those already in existence. If any difficulty arises which prevents application of the Defence Standard,
UK Defence Standardization (DStan) shall be informed so that a remedy may be sought.

d) Any enquiries regarding this standard in relation to an invitation to tender or a contract in which it is
incorporated are to be addressed to the responsible technical or supervising authority named in the
invitation to tender or contract.

e) Compliance with this Defence Standard shall not in itself relieve any person from any legal obligations
imposed upon them.

f) This standard has been devised solely for the use of the Ministry of Defence (MOD) and its contractors
in the execution of contracts for the MOD. To the extent permitted by law, the MOD hereby excludes all
liability whatsoever and howsoever arising (including, but without limitation, liability resulting from
negligence) for any loss or damage however caused when the standard is used for any other purpose.

DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2 UK OFFICIAL
0 Introduction
0.1 The Electro Magnetic Environment (EME) is the combined results of both wanted signals and unwanted
emissions, containing a wide range of waveforms with differing characteristics of frequency, time, amplitude
and energy that can disturb the normal functioning of a platform and its associated systems. For the purpose
of this Part of the Standard the term “system” will be taken to refer to a combination of equipment modules
and circuits which together perform a complete function at the level being considered. A complete aircraft,
land vehicle or ship may be considered as a system but it may be necessary to extend this to cover groups
of aircraft land vehicles, ships or a combination when considering interoperability and mutual interference.
Similarly it may be appropriate to consider a major item such as the engine and its control systems as a
system in its own right when this is the principal topic of interest in the design and analysis process. To the
vehicle designer, the engine with its controls is a subsystem intended to fulfil a function. In this context a
subsystem is any part (or group of parts) of a system performing a subset of the system functions or enabling
the system to operate.

0.2 The operational requirements of systems are quite varied and by the nature of their construction,
systems will have varying degrees of resistance to the effects of interference from electromagnetic
environments. Traditional metallic vehicles provide a degree of shielding to the equipment and cables inside
them. The introduction of parts made from plastics or composites into these vehicles or the design of new
systems made wholly or partially from these new materials requires careful analysis and design to avoid
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) problems. The responses of systems are not always readily apparent
or quantifiable. Many design errors can be avoided if there is early evaluation of the specific requirements
and operational constraints are investigated in the design process.

0.3 Operational staff and those who design and operate assets have been obliged to consider the impact of
EMC on both those assets and personnel since the earliest introduction of electronics. Most Service
platforms, systems and equipment will rely heavily on electrical and electronic components, to process data
in both digital and analogue form.

0.4 Technology development in electronics, semiconductors in particular, is now generally led by

commercial activity. To gain the benefits of this developing technology (miniaturisation, sophistication and
economies of scale) Commercial Of The Shelf (COTS) items are required to be included in Service
equipment. This adds a further level of potential vulnerability because this equipment was in general not
designed or built to meet the demands of a Service Environment. Taken with the requirement for longer in–
service life for platforms and systems the problem of obsolescence and the requirement for a number of
upgrades during that lifetime is likely. At each upgrade EMC has to be reassessed and achieving it is likely to
become more difficult as the semiconductors become more sensitive and the EME becomes progressively
more severe.

0.5 Although the result of electromagnetic interference is seen at the operational level within the circuits of
the electronics, the perturbation of the system has started outside the circuit confines. The consideration of
the total system and its installation must therefore be the starting point of design to accommodate EM

0.6 A system may comprise separately designed and manufactured items connected together. Exported
and imported interactions between parts or functions must be taken into account in the design of the parts
and the whole.

0.7 This part of the Defence Standard is to be read in conjunction with the following parts in the 59-411

Def Stan 59-411 Part 1: Management and Planning

Def Stan 59-411 Part 2: The Electric, Magnetic and Electromagnetic Environment
Def Stan 59-411 Part 3: Technical Requirements, Test Methods and Limits for Equipment & Sub
Def Stan 59-411 Part 4: Platform and System Test and Trials.

UK OFFICIAL DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2

Electromagnetic Compatibility - Part 5 - Code of Practice for

Tri-Service Design and Installation

1 Scope
This Tri-service Design and Installation Code of Practice provides guidance to Project Managers and Design
Team Members in industry as well as to Project Managers and Advisors in MOD. It provides guidance for all
phases of design from initial concept through to in service maintenance and modification.

This Part of the Defence Standard is applicable to all electrotechnical equipment and installations (to be
installed in Air Platforms, Land Vehicles, Surface Ships and Submarines).

This Standard is only intended to provide guidance on the electromagnetic compatibility of equipment and
systems and their installation, and other aspects including safety, reliability and maintainability must be taken
into account when applying the recommended measures.

EMC test methods and limits are covered in Parts 3 and 4 of this Standard.

The measures recommended for achieving EMC will also assist in providing Nuclear Electromagnetic Pulse
(NEMP) Hardening and lightning (LEMP) hardening.

Severe EMC problems are likely to arise in non-metallic platforms i.e. ships, (e.g. glass reinforced plastic)
requiring special techniques to be adopted. Specific platform requirements related to the electromagnetic
scenario are discussed in the three service annexes as appropriate.

2 Warning
The Ministry of Defence (MOD), like its contractors, is subject to both United Kingdom and European laws
regarding Health and Safety at Work. Many Defence Standards set out processes and procedures that could
be injurious to health if adequate precautions are not taken. Adherence to those processes and procedures
in no way absolves users from complying with legal requirements relating to Health and Safety at Work.

3 Normative References
3.1 The publications referred to in the text of this standard are listed in Part 1, Annex A.

Note: Def Stan’s can be downloaded free of charge from the DStan web site by visiting
<> for those with rli access or <> for all other
users. All referenced standards were correct at the time of publication of this standard (see 3.2, 3.3 & 3.4
below for further guidance), if you are having difficulty obtaining any referenced standard please contact the
DStan Helpdesk in the first instance.

3.2 Reference in this Standard to any normative references means in any Invitation to Tender or contract
the edition and all amendments current at the date of such tender or contract unless a specific edition is
indicated. Care should be taken when referring out to specific portions of other standards to ensure that they
remain easily identifiable where subsequent amendments and supersession’s might be made. For some
standards the most recent editions shall always apply due to safety and regulatory requirements.

3.3 In consideration of Clause 3.2 above, users shall be fully aware of the issue, amendment status and
application of all normative references, particularly when forming part of an Invitation to Tender (ITT) or
contract. Correct application of standards is as defined in the ITT or contract.

DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2 UK OFFICIAL

3.4 DStan can advise regarding where to obtain normative referenced documents. Requests for such
information can be made to the DStan Helpdesk. Details of how to contact the helpdesk are shown on the
outside rear cover of Defence Standards.

4 Abbreviation and Definitions

For the purpose of this standard, the definitions shown below apply.

4.1 Abbreviation

Related abbreviations referred to in the text of this part of this standard are detailed in Annex D.

4.2 Definitions

For the purpose of this standard the definitions in ISO/IEC Guide 2 ‘Standardization and Related Activities –
General Vocabulary’ and in Part 1 Annex B of this Standard will apply.

5 EMC Management and Planning

5.1 General

Experience has shown that major interference problems and considerable additional costs are likely to arise
if EMC requirements are not taken into account at all stages of projects for the design and development of
equipment and systems. It is therefore essential to implement suitable EMC management and planning, and
reference must be made to Part 1 of this Standard; Management and Planning.

The aims of EMC planning may be summarised as follows:

a) Co-ordinating the EMC tasks in design, manufacture and quality assurance;

b) Integrating EMC with other requirements such as cost, reliability, maintainability and tolerance to
environmental conditions;

c) Monitoring changes in equipment design and performance deficiencies and communicating the EMC
implications to all the parties involved;

d) Assessing the need for changes in EMC requirements and implementing these as necessary;

e) Maintaining liaison between all relevant parties (see Clause 5.2).

5.2 EMC Co-ordinator and Working Group

The Design Authority is responsible for EMC management and planning. For a complex equipment, system
or sub-system it will be necessary to appoint an EMC co-ordinator. The EMC involvement may be of such
complexity that an EMC Working Group is required. This Group will normally be set up and chaired by the
co-ordinator. The chief responsibilities of the co-ordinator are as follows:

a) Liaison with Design Authority, MOD Project Manager and Contractor

b) Development of the Control Plan

c) Development of the Test Plan

d) Assessment of Test Reports

UK OFFICIAL DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2

5.3 EMC Control Plans

These plans are needed to ensure that EMC requirements are dealt with adequately and cost effectively.
The requirements are given in Part 1 of this Standard.

5.4 EMC Test Plans

These plans are necessary in formalising details of test procedures and test arrangements, and also to
interpret the requirements of Standards in relation to a specific equipment, system or sub-system under test.
Without such plans considerable variations in test conditions could occur, particularly where complex
systems are being tested in different test houses. The requirements are given in Part 1 of this Standard.

5.5 EMC Test Reports

These reports are needed as proof of compliance with project EMC requirements and of completion of the
contractor's obligations. The requirements are given in Part 1of this Standard.

5.6 Equipment Handbooks

The EMC of a system may be at risk if maintenance, repair and/or modifications are implemented without
due regard to the EMC aspects. It is therefore essential that equipment handbooks include suitable details of
critical EMC aspects of equipment and provide guidance to the user for the implementation of maintenance,
repair and/or modifications.

5.7 Electromagnetic Engineering Management

Electromagnetic degradation of platform systems and weapon systems is a complex and often
misunderstood area of platform design. Electro technical systems are commonly selected on their individual
merit with little or no thought of the problems of integration into the complex electromagnetic environment of
a modern platform. This policy often results in systems competing for ultimate performance in a complex,
and at times, hostile EM environment.

With the growth of electrical and electronic equipment and systems on platforms the number of EMI sources
has increased. Many equipments are specifically fitted to generate electromagnetic radiation under
controlled conditions. The effect of these intended emissions can be predicted and taken into account. This
equipment, and many others, may also produce unintended and unwanted emissions that are not so easy to
consider or control. The problem of these unwanted emissions is exaggerated when the equipment is
required to operate simultaneously in the confined environment of a modern platform.

The majority of EMI problems encountered on platforms are self-generated mutual interference problems, i.e.
both the source and victim are on the same platform. Many of these problems could be avoided by careful
design of both the platform and the equipment selected for use on the specific platform.

5.8 Electromagnetic Engineering (EME) Specifications

Where suitable national or international standards exist for the application of EME they are to be specified as
a minimum requirement in the relevant contract or STR.

Platform and Equipment Project Managers are to specify where EME standards or publications are to be
applied. They are to be designated as either mandatory or advisory for each of the applicable areas.
Requests for waiver from specific standards are also to include any EMI implications.

The minimum specification for the regulation of radiated and conducted emissions and susceptibility are to
be as detailed in Part 1 of this Standard. It is to be noted that these levels apply to the equipment and
systems, and as such only reflect fundamental EMC.

See Annex C for the application of EME on Navel Platforms.

DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2 UK OFFICIAL

5.9 EME Design Studies

The prime requirement of the EME design studies is to identify and resolve incompatibility conflicts in the
design stage of the equipment, system or platform. Resolving conflicts at the design stage is the most cost-
effective approach to EME.

6 Design Aspects of Electric / Electronic Systems

6.1 The Overall Design and Clearance Process

Figure 1 shows an approach for all electromagnetic integration activities, including:

a) EMH protection design

b) Low Observable design

c) Installed antenna performance

Electromagnetic activities are shown in bold, shadowed boxes around a list of italicised activities that are
identifiable stages in a typical Integrated Product Development (IPD).

Thorough and rigorous testing of electromagnetic behaviour of a complete platform, to achieve clearance for
airworthiness or conformance demonstration purposes is usually impossible within a reasonable budget and
may be unacceptably hazardous. It is also too late in the programme to be able to correct design faults.
Evidence of performance and for design clearance is built up through the programme from a number of
sources, including:

d) Theoretically derived data to complement and extrapolate test data.

e) Equipment, modules and whole platform test results.

f) Documented controls on the design concessions.

g) Documented guidance and mandatory design constraints.

These form the heart of a portfolio of evidence that supports clearance and compliance with the
requirements of the overall Statement of Technical Requirement (STR).

Modelling is an essential part of an affordable risk reduction activity for electromagnetic integration because
of the very late stage in the programme at which a representative assembly of items is available for test.
Models used at the various stages throughout the process in Figure 1 are steadily developing (shown by the
dotted line connecting them) and grow in the depth of detail and accuracy as the design matures and data
becomes available and “chilled”. This process of “growing” the model in parallel with the design results in an
improving fidelity of representation.

The modelling is used to benefit the development in a number of ways, namely:

1) To enable quantitative judgements of the electromagnetic behaviours at the conceptual design


2) To provide a quantitative basis for the published design guides and specifications.

3) To provide quantitative support to continuous design consultancy.

4) To enable optimum test rigs and procedures to be derived.

UK OFFICIAL DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2

5) To enable extrapolation across many configurations and threat scenarios once validated by a
high quality focussed test programme.

The overall process develops a reliable quantitative basis for design judgements and test result support.
This, combined with a programme of activity that is integrated with the mainstream product design and
development, can be shown to give excellent cost savings in terms of minimised retrospective design
changes and efficient, focussed test programmes.

Figure 1 Overall Design and Clearance Process in Content of an IPD Framework

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6.2 The General Requirement

The general requirement is for electronic equipment to operate correctly and within acceptable limits of
performance deviation in the operational electromagnetic environments. The assessment of potential
performance degradation should be given adequate attention so that necessary protective measures can be

Knowledge of the mechanisms that couple the EM environment into systems and likely circuit reaction is
therefore essential in the EMC design process. Reactions will not always be completely quantifiable so worst
case design issues are usually chosen to provide design safety margins.

Due account must be taken in the design process of all of the operating modes of the equipment, including
operation during possible platform fault conditions. It may be necessary to operate with hatches or covers
open or removed during maintenance, or to make adjustments. If this may affect the equipment by
increasing its exposure to interference or affect nearby equipment by increasing leakage from the equipment
this needs to be dealt with in the design. Consideration also needs to be given to maintenance activities in
workshops or other areas if it is intended to work with the equipment open and, for instance, with card
extenders or emulators connected. This type of operation will completely change the EMC conditions and
should be separately assessed and managed. Leakage from the system under these conditions could
conceivably cause interference to sensitive systems over a considerable distance if shielding is not provided.

6.3 Protection Requirement Concepts

The approach to providing system immunity can be either Top-Down or Bottom-Up. For the Top-Down
approach, the structural penetration of the EM environment is reduced by design methods at system and
sub-system level including the screening of interconnecting wiring, to give a multi-barrier control of EMI to the

The other approach is Bottom-Up where the hardness of the equipment/circuitry is assessed and immunity
designed into the electronics so that the equipment can operate satisfactorily within the defined EM
environment. This approach is without recourse to any special structure or aperture control within the
platform in which the equipment is to be mounted. The platform internal shielding and installation
requirement would be the minimum necessary to meet a given extreme EM environment and to provide a
design margin over the minimum requirement.

Although the second approach may appear to be potentially more economical in cost and weight, since the
inherent hardness of the equipment establishes the basis for the protection requirement, the success of this
approach depends heavily on knowing the inherent hardness of the equipment and/or the effectiveness of
any equipment level protection that may be applied. Knowledge of circuit performance is of prime

6.4 Scoping the Problem – RF Effects

Electromagnetic effects extend from DC up to 40 GHz. The applicable frequency range is related to the
platform function, the operational scenario and the specific system risks. The emissions and disturbances
generated, relate to specific equipment functions, and may be carrier wave, amplitude or frequency
modulated signals, impulsive noise, transients having double exponential or damped sinusoidal
characteristics. The energy level associated with these phenomena may be very low; however, the peak
power, currents and voltages associated with some disturbances will be very high. The degree of the effects,
and the implications that these effects may have on performance is dependent on the platform operational
scenario and on the criticality of various equipments to the platform functions. The EM threat may be due to
high levels of emissions or the sensitivity levels of equipment.

Emissions result from intentional transmitters, and unintentional sources from electrical and electronic
equipment performing normal functions; these may be both internal and external to the platform, some being
under the control of the platform operator, and others not. Sensitivity maybe the issue where functional
performance will be limited by emissions across the full spectrum or may be related to specific frequency
bands such as DC and AF for naval applications, and HF/VHF/UHF communications for air and land service
applications. Radar signals may be more specific to aircraft and naval applications.

UK OFFICIAL DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2

The EM environment may result in catastrophic effects, especially in the aircraft environment and where
collocated systems cannot operate together. Hence for platform and equipment designers, mitigation
measures to reduce the unwanted EM interactions and to demonstrate compliance with the STR are an
essential part of the system design.

EM mitigation measures include control of signal characteristics, PCB layout, segregation, cable routing,
shielding, screening and filtering to reduce emissions from and to the platform and its equipment. EM design
measures are often a compromise between the ideal and the practical implementation, and optimum design
measures require consideration and risk analysis of the different options available for the platform, the
equipment and the cabling.

6.5 Equipment Build up from the EMC Viewpoint

The majority of sensitive and potentially emissive electronic circuits and components are built onto printed
circuit boards which are housed singly or in groups within equipment cases. Each equipment case is then
connected by one or more cables to other equipment, sensors, actuators and displays for instance, to form a
system which is contained within a structure such as an aircraft, missile, ship, vehicles and buildings.
Electromagnetically, the arrangement can be considered as two barriers, one within the other. Each modifies
the electromagnetic environment, which penetrates.

In terms of system design and installation, the situation is expressed as in Figure 1. In general the structure
housing the system has many demands which have higher priority during design than provision of EM
screening. These will include structural strength, aerodynamic performance and corrosion resistance. The
structure will usually contain at least some conductive material (even buildings usually have steel
reinforcement) and careful design in terms of material choice and electrical bonding can ensure that there is
some attenuation of external electromagnetic environments and minimum unintentional interaction between

Interconnecting cables are the major coupling path for signals below about 500 MHz. The way in which the
cables are designed in terms of their internal arrangements and their routing can provide a second level of
defence against a hostile environment and unwanted emissions. The design considerations include
appropriate choices of twisted pairs, coaxial cables and multiple screens. Routing considerations include
position relative to electrical features of the installation, bonding of screens to the structure and termination
at equipment boundaries.

At frequencies above about 500 MHz the cable installation is less significant in EMC terms. The nearest
0.5 m or so of cable to the equipment together with case apertures and joints provide the coupling paths
between the circuitry inside the case and its surrounding environment.

The first section of this document provides general design guidance with respect to EM protection measures
that can be applied to all types of equipment and platforms. The information contained in this document is
not exhaustive; there are many books on EMC design principles available providing more detail. The three
annexes to this document are related to the three services and provide specific design guidance pertinent to
the operational scenario and the specific risks with the recommended design methodology based on
practical experience.

Equipment design measures must address all of the phenomena described above, including the control of
emissions conducted out along cables and radiated from both the equipment case and the cables and the
ingress of signals through the same routes. It is normally essential to provide protection measures at all
apertures (including cable connectors) in the equipment box. Generally the measures applied to minimise
emissions will also limit the coupling of signals that could cause susceptibility. This reciprocity must not be
assumed where susceptibility levels may need more protection and where transient protection may also be

7 Electromagnetic Interference Phenomena

Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) occurs when an undesired signal causes an undesired response
malfunctioning or degradation of performance of an electrical/electronic device. If not controlled these, when

DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2 UK OFFICIAL

propagated into the platform, will interfere with other equipment and installations with consequent
malfunction and degraded performances. The emissions may fill a wide frequency spectrum (Broadband) or
be at discrete frequencies in the spectrum (Narrowband). Such interference can be continuous or
discontinuous in nature.

Potentially, every electronic or electrical device is susceptible to EMI and, reciprocally, generates some
degree of electromagnetic emissions.

EMI occurs when the emission level of the generator device is higher than the susceptibility level of the
receptor ("victim") device.

Interference emissions can be transmitted as electromagnetic radiation (non-ionising) or conducted through

cables such as signal and power lines.

For an EMI situation to occur, three elements must be present. These are:

a) A source of conducted or radiated electromagnetic energy.

b) A propagation medium by which electromagnetic energy is transmitted.

c) A 'victim' element which suffers adverse effects from undesired signals.

If any one of these elements is eliminated, interference will not occur. Thus electromagnetic compatibility
(EMC) can be achieved by reducing the emission levels at the source, interrupting the propagation path or
hardening the victim device to make it immune to undesired signals.

7.1 Causes of EMI

This clause deals with the concepts that cause or are related to the creation of EMI within a PCB. A product
is not complete without mentioning other aspects of a design that affects compliance. These other aspects
are associated with system level design.

The most common areas of concern for system level EMC compliance involve:

a) Improper use of containment measures (metal versus plastic housing)

b) Poor design, implementation, and grounding of cables and connectors

c) Incorrect PCB layout (includes)

d) Clocks and periodic signal track routing

e) Stack up arrangement of the PCB and signal routing layer allocation

f) Selection of components with high spectral RF energy distribution

g) Common mode and differential mode filtering

h) Ground loops

i) Insufficient bypassing and decoupling

7.2 Sources of EMI

Sources of electromagnetic noise are numerous and have both natural and man-made origins. Natural
sources below 10 MHz are dominated by atmospheric noise generated by electrical storms. Above 10 MHz
natural sources consist primarily of cosmic noise and solar radiation.

UK OFFICIAL DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2

Man-made sources can be divided into intentional and unintentional sources. Intentional sources are those
which must radiate to perform their task and include AM and FM radio signalling, television, police and
ambulance transmitters, pagers, etc. Unintentional sources include computing devices, mobile phones,
relays, motor appliances, fluorescent lights, etc.

Unintentional sources can generate noise without causing undesired responses. However, once the level of
noise reaches the susceptibility level of a device, this device will react, resulting in an undesired response.
These adverse effects can range from nuisance incidents, malfunctions or total interruptions of equipment
and in some cases permanent damage.

Interference can be grouped into two categories, internal and external. The internal problem can be due to
signal degradation along the transmission path along with parasitic coupling between adjacent circuits as
well as to field coupling between internal subassemblies, such as a power supply to a disk drive. Put in
simple terms, the problems are signal losses and reflections along the path and crosstalk between adjacent
signal tracks.

External problems are divided into emissions and susceptibility concerns. Emissions are primarily from
harmonics of clocks or other periodic signals. Remedies concentrate on containing the periodic signals to as
small an area as possible and blocking the parasitic coupling paths to the outside world.

Susceptibility to external influences, such as ESD or radio frequency interference, are related mainly to
energy which couples onto I/0 lines and then becomes transferred to the inside of the unit. The principal
recipients are high-speed input lines and sensitive adjacent tracks, particularly those terminated with edge-
triggered devices.

There are five major considerations in EMC analysis.

1 Frequency: Where in the frequency spectrum is the problem observed?

2 Time: Is the problem continuous (periodic signals), or does it exist only during certain operational
cycles (e.g., disk drive write operation)?

3 Amplitude: How strong is the source energy level, and what are the chances of it causing harmful

4 Impedance: What is the impedance of both the source and receptor circuits and the impedance of the
transfer mechanism between the two?

5 Dimensions: What are the physical dimensions of the emitting device that can cause emissions to
occur? RF currents will produce electromagnetic fields that will exit an enclosure through leaks (seams
or openings) in the enclosure that equal significant fractions of a wavelength or significant fractions of a
"rise-time distance." Track lengths on a PCB have a direct relationship as transmission paths for RF

Whenever an EMI problem is approached, it is useful to review the above list based on product application.
Understanding these five headings will remove much of the mystery of how EMI exists within a PCB.
Experience will show that by applying these five major considerations, certain design techniques make
sense in certain contexts but not in others. As an example, single-point grounding is excellent when applied
to low-frequency applications but is completely inappropriate for radio frequencies, which is where most of
the EMI problems exist. What this means is that we can not blindly apply single-point grounding for all
product designs without realising that additional and more complex problems are created using this

It is common to think of a current source being created from a voltage applied across an impedance
(Thevenin equivalent). It is, however, more advantageous to consider voltage as a result of current travelling
through an impedance (Norton equivalence). Many EMI questions are answered by Using Norton's network,
as it is easier to visualise EMI. E-field coupling involves the induction of common mode voltage sources,
whereas H-field coupling can end up with either common or differential mode currents (depending on the
victim wiring).

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Current is easier to understand than voltage for the simple reason that current always travels around a
closed-loop circuit following one or more paths. It is therefore, a considerable advantage if we direct or steer
this current down a path that is required for proper system operation. To control the current flow, we must
provide a low-impedance RF return path back to the original source of interference. We must also divert
unwanted interference current away from the load. Where there is a need for a high-impedance path from
source to the load, consideration must be given to all possible paths through which the return currents may

7.2.1 Power Cables

The interference levels on power cables are controlled by the implementation of specifications for equipment
given in Part 3 of this Standard.

The control of emissions on the power cables is intended to deal with those emissions from both
unintentional sources and intentionally generated signals. The unintentional emissions are those produced
by internal sources such as the Switch Mode Power Supply (SMPS) fundamental and harmonics and the
clock fundamental, harmonics and divided down signals together with broadband and impulsive emissions
within the equipment due to such items as motors. RF transmits signals when within the conducted test
frequency range must also be controlled on power lines. The characteristics of these emissions are generally
continuous in time.

Transient emissions occur when loads such as motors, fuel valves or pumps are switched on and off; these
events generally occur very infrequently and are exempt from the emission control requirements as defined
in the frequency domain. They are however required to be controlled in order to meet the “exported
transients” in the time domain. Transients are defined as occurring less than once every 15 seconds. Where
repetitive or regular transients occur due to a specific equipment function at a rate greater than 15 seconds
then these should be controlled as steady state emissions. Special arrangements in the test plan should be
defined to ensure that they are properly characterised when using the swept measurement technique

The highest levels of interference can be produced by the operation of mechanical switches e.g. equipment
switches and circuit breakers. The transients produced range up to several hundred volts in amplitude, with
rise times as short as a few nanoseconds and durations of the order of microseconds. Multiple transients
may occur during a single operation of a switch (see Clause 7.2.11). The transient waveform is degraded as
it propagates along cables in the distribution system, in particular the rise time is increased and the
amplitude decreased.

Other forms of interference on power cables include the following:

a) Harmonics (at frequencies up to several kilohertz) and with a total harmonic distortion of perhaps a few
per cent of the supply voltage. Certain individual harmonics tend to predominate, such as 2nd, 3rd, 5th,
7th, 11th and 13th.

b) Repetitive transients of various waveforms and amplitudes, and having spectra extending typically from
AF up to VHF.

c) Interference involving sine wave, square wave, saw tooth waveforms etc, generally with significant
harmonic content. The frequency range may extend from AF to at least 1000 MHz

7.2.2 Bonding Conductors

Depending on the mode of generation, interference on equipment cables may cause currents to flow in
bonding conductors. At high frequencies these conductors have appreciable impedance and the current flow
can cause significant voltage differences. For example a bonding wire one metre long will have an
impedance of 60 Ω or so at 10 MHz. This highlights the importance of keeping bonding straps as short as
possible. In general, a bonding strap of minimum dimensions 16 mm wide and 1 mm thick shall be used for
lengths not exceeding 400 mm. This will reduce the impedance at 10 MHz to 8 Ω approximately for a
400 mm length this is applicable for Land and Sea for Air See Def Stan 00-970 Part 1 Section 4. Further

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information on bonding requirements is contained in Clause 15 for Land and Sea. For Air refer to Def Stan

Interference currents in bonding conductors are determined by various factors including interference voltage
levels, frequency, suppression capacitor values, field induction effects, presence of additional bonds etc. For
infrequent transients with durations of a few microseconds the peak current may reach a few amps.
Repetitive transients and narrowband interference from discrete frequency sources can cause peak currents
of up to 100 mA.

7.2.3 Control and Signal Cables

A very wide range of amplitudes and types of waveform are likely to be used on these cables. Whilst in
general many of the cables only carry very low level signals, others may in fact constitute sources of
interference due to the type of signal being carried, for example:

a) Radio (wireless and radar) transmitter and pulse outputs

b) Digital signals and clock pulses

c) Control lines operating inductive loads such as relays, solenoids, contactors etc

d) Cables connected to radar displays and closed circuit television;

e) Cables to loudspeakers

f) Sonar pulse signals.

In some of the above examples the signals may be up to hundreds of volts and/or several amps.

7.2.4 Magnetic Fields

The magnetic fields at power supply frequency (and harmonics) close to power cables, motors, transformers,
relays etc, are likely to be of the order of several μT (microtesla). For power cables running adjacent and
feeding balanced loads the power supply magnetic fields from the conductors will largely cancel, but for
unbalanced currents cancellation will not occur.

In the vicinity of various types of equipment there will be magnetic fields, with narrowband and broadband
components, covering a wide frequency range. Equipments likely to produce significant magnetic fields
include the following:

a) Switch mode power supplies

b) Radio and radar

c) Digital equipment

d) Sonar

e) Welding equipment

f) Motors, transformers, contactors and power conversion equipment

g) CRT displays

h) Diathermy

i) Degaussing and cathodic protection cables

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Coupling of interference by magnetic fields is a particularly important mechanism with regard to sonar and
audio systems. The coupling may occur by induction into cables, transducers (such as microphones) or
equipment cabinets. Due to the rapid decrease in field with distance (see Clause 7.2) the effects are largely
confined to the region close to the source.

7.2.5 Electric Fields

In general, electric fields only produce interference problems in the near field (<λ/2π) from the source. At
1 MHz this is 50 m (An exception to this is the field above decks from HF radio transmitters). Due to the very
local nature of the electric field, and also the rapid variation with distance (see Clause 8.2), it is usually
preferable to consider the voltage on a conductor (source) and its capacitance to other conductors rather
than the electric field pattern. This approach can be used to understand coupling between cables at RF.

7.2.6 Radiation Fields

Radiation (or plane wave) fields are dominant in the far field (<λ/2π) and generally only significant when
produced intentionally, e.g. by radio transmitters or radar.

7.2.7 Electrostatic Discharge

Electrostatic charge is generated whenever there is relative motion between two surfaces in physical
contact. If charge is generated on a conductive surface it rapidly dissipates throughout the volume of the
material concerned and there is little resulting voltage field.

With an insulator however, the charge may be retained in the immediate area of the generating action for
long periods, and the resulting static voltage field may be considerable, often many kilovolts. The universal
use of synthetic materials in clothing and furnishings has significantly increased the possibility of personnel
being charged to these high potentials. When the voltage is discharged through a conducting medium it
results in a short duration, high current pulse, typically with a rise time of a few nanoseconds and a duration
of approximately 50 ns and it can be coupled into electrical circuits by various mechanisms:

a) Electrostatic discharges may act as impulse waves into instrument panels, inducing an interference
pulse into data and communications cables

b) Metal panels or tracks not at equipotential relative to earth

c) By unearthed or poorly earthed components such as metallic switches, rotary spindle controls, panels,
sockets and bezels surrounding instruments

d) Near field induced interference can occur if protective earth conductor connections are not at zero

If this current passes through an electronic device a malfunction may result, this may range from a minor
temporary effect (e.g. a data error) through to a permanent degradation of a device characteristic, to a
catastrophic failure.

The Fourier components of the pulse can extend over a wide spectrum, and can couple with circuits not
directly in the current path leading to malfunctions of sensitive circuits.

Semiconductor devices are particularly vulnerable to static discharges, failure being initiated by the
breakdown of insulating oxides within the devices. Dielectric breakdown is a voltage induced and not a
current induced phenomenon. Devices affected include field effect transistors, operational amplifiers,
integrated circuits, and any device containing conducting surfaces separated by very thin insulating mediums
such as oxides. MOS devices are in general an order more sensitive to ESD than bipolar devices despite
some gate protection being built into the devices.

Device damage can occur without physical contact being made by a charged body, for example, by the
approach of an operator or maintainer charged to a high potential. Induced electric field can stress the
insulating layers within the device leading to breakdown. Since the layers are typically only some 0.1 µm
UK OFFICIAL DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2

thick, breakdown could occur at a potential difference of 100 V or so (the breakdown strength of pure silicon
is in the order of 106 volts per mm).

The effect of electrostatic discharge can result in damage to semiconductors in logic gates, microprocessors,
field effect transistors, also data errors or paralysis in computers and initiate spurious alarms.

7.2.8 Lightning Electromagnetic Pulse (LEMP)

Rise and fall times of a lightning strike are of the order of tens of nanoseconds longer than those of a
Nuclear Electromagnetic Pulse (NEMP) and the field strength decreases rapidly even at a small distance
from the centre of the event. The threat is due to the induction of large currents and voltages by strong
electromagnetic fields. Current flows with a peak value of over 20 kA represent an additional threat at the
strike point. The result is destruction by over-voltage or thermal overload.

7.2.9 Time and Frequency Domains

Measurements of interference may be made in the time domain, (e.g. oscilloscopes) or the frequency
domain, (e.g. interference measuring receivers) depending on the specified requirements and the type of
sensitive equipment being considered in relation to the interference. For example, for protection of radio
communications and sonar equipment, frequency domain measurements are most suitable, whereas for the
assessment of the effects of transients (including NEMP induced effects) on electronic equipment, time
domain measurements are generally used.

Due to the nature of the interference waveforms (see Clause 7.2) it is not generally possible to carry out
analysis to convert the results of measurements made in the time domain to frequency domain and vice
versa. However, a consideration of the results of Fourier analysis on a trapezoidal pulse (typical of
interference pulses generated) provides guidance on the effects of pulse rise time and duration on the
spectral content.

Reference to Figure 2 shows that the level is appreciably constant at a level of 2 Ed x Bandwidth up to a
frequency f1 determined by 1/πd where E is the peak value in volts (1) and d is the half amplitude time in
seconds. At frequencies above f1 the amplitude decreases at a rate of 20 dB per decade to a second
frequency f2 determined by 1/πt where t is the rise time in seconds. Above this frequency the amplitude
decreases at a rate of 40 dB/decade. Minima occur at frequencies related to the duration (i.e. where F = N/d
and N is an integer). Thus an envelope of the frequency spectrum can be generated by three points on Lin,
Log, graph paper and, excluding the minima, gives a reasonable approximation of the spectral content. It
should be noted that a 1 MHz bandwidth was assumed in the case considered and the amplitude scale is
expressed in dBμV/MHz.

Therefore: 2Ed x Bandwidth

= 2 x 1 x 10-6 x 1012 μV/MHz

= 20 Log 2 x 106 dBμV/MHz

= 126 dBμV/MHz

This standard requires measurements to be made in various defined bandwidths depending on frequency.
These bandwidths and the correction factor necessary to relate the above figures are shown in Table 1.

When constructing envelopes of expected levels the appropriate bandwidths should be used in the formula
to give answers in the specification units.

The lowest frequency in the spectrum is given by 1/T where T is the period. Thus a clock pulse having a
periodicity of 10-7 seconds would have a frequency of 10 MHz and harmonics at 20 MHz – 30 MHz – 40 MHz
etc. If measured with a receiver having a bandwidth of 10 kHz the measured signals would have narrowband

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Figure 2 Trapezoidal Pulse Spectral Amplitude

Table 1 Frequency Range / Bandwidth - Correction Factor

Frequency Range Bandwidth Correction

20 Hz to 1 kHz 10 Hz 100 dB

1 kHz to 50 kHz 100 Hz 80 dB

50 kHz to 1 MHz 1 kHz 60 dB

1 MHz to 30 MHz 10 kHz 40 dB

30 MHz to 1 GHz 100 kHz 20 dB

7.2.10 Transients due to Power Supply Faults

If a short circuit develops on any power system parallel devices may be destroyed when the fuse clears as
shown in Figure 3.

When the fuse or circuit breaker ruptures it interrupts a very high current, causing the inductive content of the
power source to generate a very high voltage transient across parallel devices.

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Figure 3 Inductive Power Supply Fault

7.2.11 Mechanical Switches

Mechanical switches, including relays and contactors produce, when operated, interference over a wide
spectrum up to VHF. The transient produced by the closure of the switch contacts can have rise times as
short as 5 ns and peak amplitudes of hundreds or thousands of volts.

High transient voltages are to be expected at any switch element controlling an inductive load when current
flow is interrupted. For example, a set of switch contacts opening while conducting 100 mA to an
unsuppressed relay coil having an inductance of 1 H and 0.001 μF of stray capacitance can produce a
transient of 3 kV.

Energy stored in the inductance charges up the stray capacitance. The voltage increases until the air gap of
the contacts breaks down, discharging the high voltage into the power line. Since the switch contacts take a
finite time to fully open the arc can be extinguished and re-established several times before the energy is
dissipated thus generating repetitive transients.

In practice, the theoretically possible high levels of transients that could be produced by, for example,
switching off a high current highly inductive load such as a large machine, are limited by a number of factors.
These include leakage paths within the equipment, cable capacitance and the presence of suppression
components on the power lines etc.

Nevertheless, transients with amplitudes up to 2.5 kV can occur on ships though the majority have
amplitudes of a few hundreds of volts or less. Switches are subject to contact bounce and a single operation
of a switch can produce multiple transients (the so-called showering arc) lasting for periods of perhaps

Each individual transient has a duration in the order of a millisecond and may be oscillating with typical
frequencies in the range 100 kHz - 10 MHz.

Transistor switches can also develop high potentials. For example, a transistor controlling 400 mA through a
70 mH solenoid will, when switched off, generate 400 V or so at the collector unless suppression is applied
to limit the level.

7.2.12 Commutator Motors

Commutator motors produce repetitive transients with frequencies typically of a few kHz and having a
spectra extending up to VHF. The transients produced at the commutator are similar in waveform to
switching transients but of lower amplitude and with repetition rates dependant upon rotational speed. Small
motors can produce very large levels of interference. Due to the continuous nature of commutator motor
interference it is necessary to suppress the RF components, the suppression ranging from simple capacitors
to more sophisticated L/C networks.

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It is not however normally feasible to suppress the very low frequency interference. There can also be
significant low frequency magnetic fields produced by the windings.

7.2.13 Power Semiconductors

Power semiconductors generate repetitive transients on the power system. Such devices in phase control
circuits and static converters produce pulses with peak amplitudes up to several hundred volts with rise times
in the range 0.02 μs to 1 μs. The interference spectrum includes harmonics of supply frequency and RF
components extending up to about 5 MHz (possibly to 30 MHz depending on the rise time). Levels in excess
of two volts have been measured at 150 kHz with a receiver having a bandwidth of 10 kHz.

Rectifiers produce harmonics of the supply frequency and also RF components. The RF content is
determined by the type of diode since the fast rise time phenomena are largely associated with the reverse
recovery transient, i.e. the sudden cessation of reverse current, due to the minority charge carriers in the
junction, when the alternating voltage is reversed. The reverse current can have a peak value up to about
five times the forward current and the recovery time can be as short as 20 ns, and the spectrum therefore
extends to VHF.

7.2.14 Switch Mode Power Supplies

Switch mode power supplies generally use power transistors between 50 kHz to 500 kHz although units
operating at higher frequencies are becoming more available. The transistors generate a trapezoidal
waveform, which therefore has a frequency spectrum extending up to 30 MHz and beyond. The levels are
considerably in excess of EMC specification requirements and suppression is essential, normally being
incorporated within the power supply unit by the manufacturer.

7.2.15 Electronic Equipment

Electronic equipments incorporate many different types of circuits, which produce waveforms with significant
RF content

a) Digital equipments use logic signals of typically a few volts in amplitude, with rise times in the Pico
second order, and these signals are transmitted via cables between parts of the system. There may also
be clock signals of a few volts amplitude at a fundamental frequency in the range 2 MHz to in excess of
300 MHz with harmonics up to the UHF and microwave range.

b) Sonar, radio and radar equipment incorporate oscillators, modulators, displays etc, which may produce
interference over a wide frequency range.

c) Many types of semiconductor amplifier circuit, including voltage regulators, relay drivers, operational
amplifiers etc, are capable of producing parasitic oscillations. These effects are caused by unintentional
positive feedback and the presence of tuned circuits, which often include stray inductance and
capacitance in wiring and components. The levels of interference produced are typically a few volts and
the frequencies range from perhaps 1 MHz to 1000 MHz.

7.2.16 Discharge Lamps

Discharge lamps (e.g. fluorescent tubes) produce a step function in the current demand twice per cycle of
the supply voltage due to the ionization of the gas content. Although limited by the inclusion of an inductor in
the supply line, the current changes result in the generation of interference with a spectrum extending from
supply harmonics to 10 MHz or higher. The pattern of interference is not uniform and can vary randomly
between individual samples. Cases have occurred where interference levels from rogue tubes have
increased by 20 dB to 40 dB with no change in the light output. The large variations in interference can be
restricted by the inclusion of delta connected capacitors fitted at the supply input terminals. Suitable
commercially available units comprise a 0.1 μF capacitor connected line to line with 4,700 pF capacitors from
each line to frame.

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7.2.17 Transformers and Inductors

Transformers may increase the harmonics of the supply frequency due to saturation effects in the
ferromagnetic core. Additionally transient voltages can be generated when the primary is energised or de-

7.2.18 Energising the Primary

If a transformer is energised at the peak of the supply voltage by switch closure, the coupling of this voltage
step function to the stray capacitance and inductance of the secondary can generate an oscillatory transient
of up to twice the normal peak secondary voltage as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4 Transients on Energising Primary

7.2.19 De-Energising the Primary

Opening the primary circuit of a transformer can generate extreme voltage transients, especially if the
transformer is lightly loaded. Transients in excess of ten times the normal voltage have been observed
across power semiconductors when switches have been opened.

The interruption of the magnetising current and the resulting collapse of the current couples a high voltage
transient into the secondary as shown in Figure 5. Unless a low impedance discharge path is provided, this
burst of transient energy appears across the load with possible damage to components.

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Figure 5 Transients on De-energising Primary

In common with all transient phenomena there is a RF content which can couple with adjacent circuits.

7.2.20 'C Core' Transformers

Due to the high remanence inherent in the core material of this class of transformer the core can remain
magnetised after the removal of the supply voltage. On remaking the supply, the magnetisation cycle has to
be re-established, and the necessary current to accomplish this will flow. Under extreme conditions this
inrush current can be up to 50 or more times the normal current.

7.2.21 Passive Devices

Certain passive devices can modify the waveforms of voltages and currents so that the devices effectively
become sources of interference. This occurs in non-linear devices, generally only when significant levels of
voltage are applied. Examples are as follows:

a) Where corrosion has occurred between two metal objects in contact (e.g. at a turnbuckle), a non-linear
resistance may be produced at the point of connection. Consequently, RF current flowing through the
non-linear resistance (due to induction from a nearby radio-transmitting antenna) is likely to generate
harmonic components. Similarly, where two or more transmitters are operating simultaneously,
intermodulation can occur and generate products at sum and difference frequencies of the fundamental
and harmonic frequencies contained in the transmitter outputs. These mechanisms are colloquially
known as the 'rusty bolt' effect. With both these effects, there is the possibility of interference to radio
receivers, due to the radiation of harmonic and intermodulation products from conductors, such as wire
stays, in contact with the non-linear element.

b) Non-linear suppression devices intended to limit the peak amplitude of voltage transients may also
produce increased spectral content at high frequencies due to the abrupt increase in current when the
threshold voltage of the device is exceeded. Thus, whilst the time domain peak amplitude and the
broadband interference at say 100 kHz are significantly reduced, there may be an increase in
interference levels in the VHF band.

7.2.22 Effects of Ageing

It must be borne in mind that for some sources of interference the levels may increase significantly during
the life of the equipment. Examples of these effects include the following:

a) A faulty commutator section in a motor will produce a higher voltage transient than under normal
conditions. Worn or faulty bushes and brush gear will also produce higher interference levels.

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b) With contact erosion, or loss of 'snap action' of thermostat contacts, interference levels from these
devices are likely to increase.

c) Increases in contact resistance between metallic parts can reduce the effectiveness of EMC measures,
e.g. corrosion at bonding points, ageing of RF gasket material and missing screens on equipment

7.3 Interference Propagation and Coupling

For electromagnetic interference to occur, a propagation medium must exist between the source and victim
equipment. There are essentially three propagation paths for the transfer of electromagnetic energy:

RF voltages induced into signal input cables are the most dominant interference signal. This is particularly
evident with small input signals, where no filter has been provided at the equipment input connection. The
further apart that parallel non-circuit conductors are placed, the smaller will be the mutual inductance
between those conductors. Reducing the loop area enclosed by the conductors of a circuit will contribute to a
reduction in the mutual inductance of that circuit. Earth plane inductance may present a problem but may be
reduced by increasing the number of earth conductor connections in parallel.

Interference propagation paths are made up of resistive, inductive and capacitive lumped parameters and
can be analyzed mathematically using electromagnetic field theory and/or circuit network theory.

Capacitive transfer is encouraged by a high impedance circuit to earth which allows a maximum voltage to
persist longer for a given current. Stray capacitance is introduced by close spacing of conductors. This
capacitance can be reduced by increased spacing, guarding or by placing intermediate earthed conductors
between the affected conductors. Capacitive reactance decreases with increase of frequency. Multi-
conductor cables may act as capacitive couplers to RF.

Where distances between circuits become smaller then more attention must be given to mutual inductance

Another mechanism for the undesirable coupling of electromagnetic interference is the existence of earth
loops. Earth loops are a particular case of inductive coupling and are normally associated with currents
flowing in a loop along the screen or earth lines of a signal cable, with the return path through the earth
return of the power supply. Earth loops may incorporate equipment chassis and cause extended interference

Electromagnetic radiation is produced by conductors in which currents or voltages are changing. In the near
field (i.e. at distances less than λ/2π at the relevant frequency) the induction components are dominant but
these components decrease rapidly with distance (proportional to 1/d2 or 1/d3 at a distance d). In the far field
(i.e. at distances greater than λ/2π) the radiation field, which varies as 1/d, is dominant. (λ = wavelength in

The induction components do not result in any transfer of energy from the source unless coupling to an
adjacent conductor occurs. For the radiation field energy is propagated regardless of the presence of other
conductors. A conductor in a radiation field will act as a receiving antenna and have currents and voltages
induced in it.

The radiation field is most significant for intentional antenna systems (e.g. radio and radar) as regards
possible effects on equipment due to strong fields. The radiation efficiency of conductors such as power
cables is poor at low frequencies, but improves at frequencies for which the length approaches or exceeds
λ/4 and therefore becomes significant above about 1 MHz.

Each of these conditions give rise to different interference mechanisms and consequently the abatement of
the interference will need different approaches.

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7.3.1 Conducted Interference

At frequencies generally below 500 MHz, interference currents flow on all cables due to sources within an
equipment (and as a result of incident external signals). At higher frequencies, the distributed inductive
impedance and the stray capacitance to earth provide natural filtering, diverting the currents into the local
ground return. Two modes of coupling may occur:

a) Differential Mode: This is conventional equal and opposite current flowing out on one line and returning
through its dedicated return line. The resultant current on the pair cancelling. This mode occurs at low
frequencies normally below 1 MHz.

b) Common Mode: Current flows in the same direction on both the go and return lines and returns through
stray capacitance via the earth to the source. This mode occurs at higher frequencies normally above
1 MHz.

The transfer of interference in cables requires a complete circuit path between the source and the victim.
This path may consist of wiring, power supply and common impedance due to equipment chassis,
supporting metallic structure, a ground plane mutual inductance or capacitance. Cables which have picked
up interference may re-radiate energy into low level signal cables. Power lines may export transients or
switching discontinuities from switch mode power supplies.

At AF and low RF the impedance presented by power cables, bonding conductors, cable screens etc is
generally low and current injected into these conductors will be readily propagated, especially in common
mode, see Clause 7.3.7.

At higher frequencies the effects of the inductance and capacitance of conductors become significant. For
example a one metre length of wire lying on an earth plane will have an inductance of about 1 μH and a
capacitance to the earth plane of about 100 pF. The approximate impedances of these reactance's, at
various frequencies, are shown in Table 2.

Table 2 Impedance of Cable Reactance's

Impedance (Ω )
Frequency (MHz)
Inductance 1 µH Capacitance 100pF

0.1 0.6 15,000

0.3 2 5,000
1.0 6 1,500
3.0 20 500
10.0 60 150
30.0 200 50

7.3.2 Magnetic Induction

Magnetic induction occurs when the flux lines produced by a changing current in a source circuit link another
(receptor) circuit as shown in Figure 6.

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Figure 6 Magnetic Induction

The voltage V2 induced in receptor circuit by a current Is, at a frequency f, due to a mutual inductance M is:

V2 = 2πfIs M (volts)

where: f is in Hertz

Is in Amps

M is in Henries

The value of M may be difficult to calculate in many practical instances and the idealised examples for which
calculations are shown in text books may not be readily applicable to actual circuits. However, for guidance,
typical values of mutual inductance are as follows:

a) 2 conductors about 20 mm apart running parallel about 40 mm above a metal plate, mutual inductance
0.3 μH/m;

b) Short lengths of cable loomed together within equipment, mutual inductance 0.1 μH to 3 μH.

The mutual inductance, and therefore the coupling, is in general proportional to the area of the source loop
and the area of the reception loop. It is also a function of the angle between the planes of the loops and of
the distance (d) between them, varying by 1/d2, or 1/d3, depending on the configuration of the loops. The
presence of other conductors and metallic sheets (especially ferromagnetic material) tends to reduce the
mutual inductance (see Clause 13).

7.3.3 Electric Induction

Electric induction (capacitive coupling) occurs when the electric lines of force produced by the changing
voltage on the source circuit interact with the receptor circuit, as shown in Figure 7.

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Figure 7 Electric Induction

The voltage V2 induced in the receptor circuit by a voltage V1 on the source conductor, due to a mutual
capacitance of C is:

V2 = 2πfV1CZ (volts)

where: f is frequency in Hertz

V1 is in Volts

C is in Farads

Z is impedance to the reference plane of the receptor circuit, in Ohms

and 2πfCZ < < 1

For example, a one metre length of two parallel round wires, 2 mm in diameter, 2.5 mm apart will provide a
capacitance of 50 pF. At a frequency of 10 kHz the coupling impedance will be about 300 kΩ. If the receptor
circuit impedance is 100 Ω the voltage attenuation will be 3000 to 1 (70 dB). However, for a receptor circuit
impedance of 100 kΩ the attenuation will only be about 3 to 1 (10 dB). Other examples of practical values of
capacitance are as follows:

a) Two parallel round wires 2 mm diameter, 20 mm apart, 10 pF/m;

b) Primary to secondary winding of 60 Hz transformer, 50 W to 500 W (unscreened), 100 pF to 1000 pF;

c) Small resistor 1 pF;

d) Reed relay coil to contacts 3 pF.

7.3.4 Common Impedance Coupling

Interference currents injected into power cables or bonding conductors may be coupled into sensitive circuits
due to common impedance in the current path. In the example shown in Figure 8 the source of interference
A causes an interference voltage to appear across the impedance Z (which is common to B) so that signals
between B and C are corrupted. The common impedance could occur in bonding conductors, zero volt lines,
power supply leads etc.

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Figure 8 Common Impedance Coupling

7.3.5 Radiated Interference

The RF energy produced by a local transmitter may penetrate into instrument cases, particularly where the
cases are non-metallic, and where there are slits or openings exceeding 1/10 wavelength (far field effects).
The RF leaking into an instrument will induce interference currents (near field effects) in conductors
connected to the internal circuitry.

The field strength at a point distance d (metres) from an antenna is given by the equation:

5.5 PG
Field Strength = Volts Per Metre


PG is the effective radiated power (watts) and is a function of the antenna gain G as well as the power
injected P. For an omnidirectional antenna the gain is 0 dB and for a resonant dipole about 2 dB. Radar
antennas produce a very narrow beam and may have a gain of 20 dB to 40 dB.

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7.3.6 Transmission Line Behaviour

At frequencies for which the conductor length becomes comparable with, or greater than a quarter
wavelength (λ/4), the lumped component approach is no longer valid and the conductor must be considered
as a transmission line. For the example in Table 2 the characteristic impedance (√L/C is 100 Ω). In general,
it is unlikely that the conductors being considered here will be terminated in an impedance equal to the
characteristic impedance, so therefore a reflection will occur at the termination. For resonant lengths of
transmission line (i.e. conductor lengths which are integral multiples of (λ/4) at the frequency in question) the
reflections produce standing waves on the line resulting in nodes and anti-nodes of voltage and current, and
also marked impedance changes at the input to the line.

These standing wave phenomena have a marked effect on interference coupling in many actual systems at
radio frequencies, for example:

a) The impedance of bonding conductors will be high at frequencies for which the length is an odd number
of quarter wavelengths (2n + 1)(λ/4).

b) For broadband interference, the spectrum will be modified by the coupling and have resonant peaks and
troughs of voltage and current at frequencies related to conductor lengths.

c) For narrowband interference, if conductor resonance occurs at the same frequency very strong coupling
may result.

Resonant effects on conductors acting as transmission lines are most marked if the lines have a uniform
characteristic impedance over the entire length (i.e. uniform capacitance to ship's structure, no
discontinuities etc) and if the terminations are either open circuit or short circuit. In practice the ideal
conditions seldom occur and the resonant effects are therefore reduced to some extent.

7.3.7 Power Cables

Many sources inject interference directly into power cables and it then propagates around the distribution
system. The interference generation and propagation include differential and common mode components.

In general, power cables not connected in a distribution system act as fairly low loss transmission lines up to
at least 10 MHz. At frequencies above 10 MHz the attenuation increases significantly due to the dielectric
losses and skin effect. (At 10 MHz the penetration depth for copper is about 0.02 mm).

In power distribution systems factors other than the cable loss dominate the propagation characteristic. In
these systems there are likely to be various loads connected at intervals from a uniform transmission line all
tend to absorb or reflect RF energy, and thus increase the attenuation.

7.4 Victims

The third element required for electromagnetic interference to occur is the “victim” or the susceptible
equipment. For most types of equipment there will be an interference threshold level at which the equipment
performance is compromised or the equipment is susceptible. Analogue systems have a very much lower
threshold of susceptibility than digital equipment. The effect of an analogue susceptibility usually results in a
change in an output function that is proportional to the interference level and may also be dependent upon
the interference modulation depth and frequency. Digital equipment susceptibility results in loss of data at
and above the threshold with no warning, for example an analogue television picture will demonstrate loss of
quality but a digital television picture will freeze until the interference has dropped below the threshold. The
problems are generally associated with the input or output stages where the interference signal is greatest.
Victim susceptibility is most pronounced between 30 MHz and 400 MHz, the effects at higher frequency may
still occur but requiring an increasingly higher interference signal to cause susceptibility. The coupling route
into equipment is through cable conduction due to the incident radiated interference or as a result of aperture
coupling to a sensitive conductor or PCB track, this latter effect being more relevant as the interference
frequency increases. Transient interference may have less effect due to processing software routines,
however occasionally, transient interference energy can result in damage to an input circuit.

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8 System Design

8.1 General

The emission of interference, and the susceptibility of equipment, can both be significantly reduced by
suitable design of systems. These design methods, sometimes referred to as system EMC engineering,
involve many aspects of the selection of equipment, techniques and cables to be incorporated in a system
and also the manner in which a system is assembled. In order to ensure that the system EMC is maintained,
the long term effects of various influences must be taken into account.

8.2 COTS/MOTS Equipment

The use of Commercial off the shelf (COTS) or military off the shelf (MOTS) equipment within a system
introduces a higher risk of electromagnetic incompatibility. In order to reduce this risk, the EMC performance
of the equipment must be assessed and compared to the EM environment and criticality of the system.
Where there is a shortfall in performance, additional design measures (screening, filtering etc) may be
required as described in Clauses 8.14 and 14.

8.3 Digital Analogue Techniques

In general, digital techniques provide a more sophisticated and flexible system for instrumentation and
control and are likely to be less susceptible to low frequency interference and RF fields (except pulsed
radar). Digital systems may, however, be affected by transient interference, but the effects can be largely
overcome by suitable processing of the data as well as by other EMC techniques, such as suppression and
screening. Analogue systems are generally immune to the effects of transients, due to the long time
constants involved, and may be more suitable for many basic applications such as temperature and pressure
measurements. Analogue systems are not likely to generate the high levels of RF interference associated
with digital systems.

Analogue to digital conversion of data is required in many digital systems and care must be taken that the
analogue data is not corrupted before conversion, since the digital processing carried out subsequently will
probably not detect the errors.

8.4 Software in Digital Systems

The design of the software is to take account of the fact that with interference injected into the system it is
possible to produce a condition which cannot arise under normal operations. For example, the program may
get 'locked up' awaiting a signal which will never arrive. It is important therefore that the various possible
failure modes are analysed and the appropriate actions are taken when failure is detected. These actions
usually consist of a reset to restart the program at some convenient part of the loop.

The program can also incorporate deliberate tests which are carried out during spare time in the normal
operating mode. These tests may include checks on memories and input/output ports.

The failure of the power supply to the system, even momentarily, could result in serious malfunction when
restarted unless the closedown of the system is carried out in a controlled manner and suitable data are
stored to enable an orderly restart to be made.

8.5 Transducer Signals

Where there is a choice of types of transducer to be used with instrumentation and control systems,
selection is to be made taking into account the need to minimise the effects of interference on the transducer
signal. The following factors are relevant:

a) Signal level

b) Type of signal (including bandwidth requirements)

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c) Balanced or unbalanced output

d) Source impedance

e) Coupling to interference source (e.g. ill defined return paths)

By installing a pre-amplifier, preferably close to the transducer, the signal level can be increased and the
output suitably modified (e.g. balanced signal, low impedance etc). Care must be taken that interference is
not coupled into the pre-amplifier via the power leads or inter-connecting leads to the transducer.

8.6 Signal Transmission

Many EMC problems in systems arise from inadvertent coupling associated with signal transmission. It is
therefore essential that the system design takes account of likely problems and appropriate measures to
overcome them are incorporated.

Some of the measures that can be used are as follows:

a) Choice of signal parameters (see Clause 10)

b) Screened cables and connectors (see Clause 14)

c) Balanced cables with twisted pairs and good common mode rejection at terminations

d) Isolation of terminations provided by transformers with interwinding screening or by opto-isolators

e) Optical fibre cables.

8.7 Displays and Input Devices

The types of displays and input techniques to be used in a system are to be selected with due regard to the
EMC aspects.

Visual displays, such as cathode ray tubes and plasma displays, and printers which have electrodes
discharging onto paper with a conducting coating, are all likely to be interference sources, and other types of
readout are to be considered in some applications.

Some types of data input equipment, such as keyboards, are the cause of interference susceptibility due to
lack of adequate screening of sensitive circuits, and special construction may be necessary to provide
improved screening of these equipments.

8.8 Signal Reference Connections

The zero volts line should ideally provide a zero impedance connection between points of the circuit or
system by means of which power and signal currents are returned to their respective sources. This, however,
is not feasible in practice and measures are required to minimise the effects of interference currents in
conductors of finite impedance, particularly at high frequencies.

8.9 Single-Point Reference Connection

For systems comprising two or more equipment operating at frequencies below about 1 MHz, with the zero
volts line to be bonded directly to the structure, a single point bonding arrangement is preferred. It is to be
stressed that the cable screen does not form part of this bonding system. Cable screens are to be connected
to the equipment cabinet at each end, as discussed in Clause 14.4.

To achieve single point bonding it is necessary to specify in detail the methods of construction and
installation of the equipment, as follows:

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a) All circuits to be insulated from the cabinet and removable link provided so that the zero volt line can be
bonded to the structure in one cabinet only

b) For two or more equipments installed in one cabinet or rack the provision of an insulated zero volt bus

c) Ensuring that the insulation between zero volt line and cabinet is not compromised by controls,
indicating devices, connectors etc

d) Interconnecting cables preferably balanced (with baluns at terminations, where necessary) or opto-

e) For coaxial cables where the signal return path is via the cable screen, this screen is to be bonded to
the cabinet at each end, and also continued within the cabinet to make connection with the circuit zero
volt line

f) For multi-conductor screened cables the signal return path is to be via dedicated internal wire(s), and
not via the screen

Although a system nominally operates at low frequencies it is to be borne in mind that the system may be
susceptible to high frequency interference.

8.10 Multi-Point Reference Connections

At high frequencies a single point bonding system will not be effective in overcoming interference problems
due to various factors, including the following:

a) Capacitance from circuits to enclosures which provide alternative coupling paths

b) Conductors which have lengths exceeding λ/10 have appreciable impedance

c) Need to bond cable screens at both ends

For high frequency systems it is therefore necessary to connect the circuits in each equipment to the
enclosure, at multiple points, using low inductance connections. By using this method of bonding it is
possible to achieve the following conditions:

d) Adequate bonding of filters

e) Suitable cable screening at high frequencies

f) Impedance matching at cable terminations

g) Simplification of the design due to the elimination of the need for isolation from any structural metalwork
such as cabinet or structure

8.11 System Assembly

In order to avoid EMC problems and the incorporation of redundant preventative measures, it is essential
that a co-ordinated policy is followed regarding certain features of the system. This policy is to be laid down
in the EMC Control Plan (see Clause 5.3).

The features that require to be specified include the following:

a) Equipment enclosures - screening and bonding

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b) Filtering and suppression - considering the whole system, rather than individual equipment, it may be
possible to dispense with some filters on input/output connections to other equipments and perhaps use
screened connecting cables instead

c) Return current paths - single or multi-point bonding

d) Cables - screening requirements, crosstalk considerations, lengths, twisted pairs, routing

e) Connectors - provision for bonding of screens, pin allocations

f) Signals - waveform, impedance terminations, balanced or unbalanced etc

g) Power distribution

8.12 Long Term Effects

Although a system may have a satisfactory EMC performance when installed, with even perhaps a
considerable safety margin in many aspects, certain long term effects may cause a significant reduction in
screening, bonding, filtering etc so that the EMC is prejudiced. Examples include:

a) Bonding connections to structure become loose or after compartment painting are made via paint rather
than by metal to metal contact

b) Cable screens become loose or disconnected at connectors

c) Fortuitous earths appear

d) RF gasket material becomes detached or loses its compression

e) Corrosion may cause poor contact (rusty bolt)

It is therefore necessary to take account of effects likely to affect the EMC adversely and to design the
system and arrange regular maintenance to minimise the effects.

8.13 Reliability

The reliability of suppression components, screening, bonding etc is a critical factor in determining the long
term EMC of a system. It is essential that these measures are reliable and particular attention is to be paid to
the selection of capacitors, the installation of filters and the maintenance of good electrical connection
between sections of screening enclosures.

8.14 Environment

Where equipment is required to operate under conditions of vibration, it may be necessary to mount it on
anti-vibration or shock mountings Flexible copper cable or flexible solid straps may be used; straps have a
superior high-frequency performance and are preferred (see Clause 15).

A considerable range of temperature may be experienced particularly severe conditions occur for
components installed adjacent to engines. Under these conditions, it is likely that some electrical
components must be derated as regards operating voltage, current etc and it will be necessary to use
specially designed components in some applications. Rapid changes in temperature may cause the
progressive loosening of screwed connections and thus reduce the effectiveness of bonding and screening.

Corrosion is likely to occur on any exposed metal surfaces particularly with a humid atmosphere. The most
common adverse effect of corrosion is the increase of the value of resistance bonds between bared-metal
surfaces in contact. It is difficult to eliminate this effect since corrosion occurs when any two galvanically-
incompatible metal surfaces are in contact in the presence of moisture.

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Considerable reduction of corrosion effects can be achieved by use of suitable measures, some of which will
require maintenance, such as the following:

a) Coating the exposed metal surfaces with approved conducting materials, or protective metal plating with
a low corrosion rate (e.g. zinc or tin)

b) Using the same metal, or galvanically-compatible metals

c) After the bond has been made, ensuring that it is maintained tight and coated, to prevent the ingress of
liquids or gases

d) Avoiding, where possible, the flow of current (especially DC) through a bond, since this will accelerate
the corrosion

e) Designing the bonding system so that the corrosion occurs in a readily replaceable item, such as washer
or strap (i.e. a sacrificial element). This technique is commonly used to provide a structural safety
function but adequate bonding relies upon periodic replacement

8.15 Repair, Modification and Unit Replacement

The uncontrolled implementation of these measures could prejudice the EMC of equipment and systems.
Suitable control and documentation must be provided in order to ensure that adequate EMC is maintained.
Particular attention is to be paid to the following factors:

a) Replacement of a conducting gasket by a non-conducting gasket will reduce the screening effectiveness
of an enclosure

b) Changes in bonding arrangements may affect suppression, coupling etc

c) Replacement of an active device by an equivalent type may affect EMI emissions

d) Replacement of capacitors or inductors by components with the same nominal values may affect

e) The omission of one or more fixing screws on enclosures, panel mounted coaxial connectors, filter
boxes etc can drastically reduce the effectiveness of screening or filtering

f) The replacement of a unit or sub-assembly by one of different build standard may affect the EMC
despite the fact that the equipment is functional.

9 Sub-System Design Requirements

9.1 Design Philosophies

Any design that includes EMC will require EMC Control and Test Plans. The EMC Control Plan needs to
show the potential RF sources/victims that are taken into account and what steps are taken to control
interference from these sources and to victims. The EMC Test Plan gives details of tests to be carried out on
the resulting hardware to ensure its capacity to tolerate the stated interference levels. It must be emphasized
that consideration of EMC aspects needs to take place at an early stage in the design process to avoid
costly retrospective actions. Many interference problems arise due to lack of attention to EMC in the design
of circuits, choice of components, operating bandwidths, layout of circuits and cables and choice of signals,
and signal processing. The occurrence of unintended circuit behaviour is to be anticipated, and suitable
measures adopted to prevent this behaviour causing problems (e.g. parasitic oscillations, spurious
responses etc).

Reference must be made to Part 1 of this Standard for more detailed information on the contents of EMC
Control and Test Plans.

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9.2 List of Design Rules

Below are listed some simple do’s and don’ts for successful EMC behaviour for circuits and sub-systems.
Interfaces and circuits are addressed separately.

a) Interface Terminations

1) Protect all I/O to a degree commensurate with anticipated stress form and level. This may
require cable screening as the first barrier

2) Use low pass filtering to provide protection against high frequency interference

3) Transmit the signal via a differential link wherever possible. Interfering signals will be rejected by
a common-mode rejection circuit

4) In extreme cases, where interference could act upon ultra sensitive circuits, isolate the interfaces
electrically, by, for example, optical links

5) Balance and match interfaces

b) Circuit Applications

1) Operate all circuits at minimum bandwidth commensurate with the signal requirement.

2) Operate within the high common-mode rejection band of the circuit

3) Operate the circuit at lowest possible clock speed

4) Tailor circuit response to the longest time-constant possible

5) Avoid intermixing high emission circuits with sensitive circuits

6) Separate power links from signal links

7) Follow component location rules

8) Apply PCB track location, spacing and geometric form rules

9) Minimise loop areas in high current or sensitive circuits

10) Match logic families where possible

11) Follow grounding rules with respect to power and circuit requirements

12) Employ separate grounds for digital circuits

13) Use star point grounds where possible

14) Incorporate watchdog timer techniques

15) Programme software to cater for error hold and fault detection

16) Provide multi-channel circuitry for redundant operation

9.3 Oscillators

The parameters of oscillators used in electronic equipment may be chosen to minimise interference, taking
into account operational requirements. The frequency may be selected to avoid coincidence with known
reception requirements, e.g. HF receivers. The production of harmonics is to be minimised in order to limit
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the interference spectrum. The oscillator output level is to be the minimum required for satisfactory operation.
The oscillator frequency is to be stabilised (e.g. by use of crystals) to limit the extent of the frequency bands
generated, e.g. Sonar and radio receivers.

The possibility of unintentional (parasitic) oscillations in amplifier circuits is to be considered. Where

oscillations are likely, they may be prevented by incorporating resistive components (e.g. resistor or ferrite
bead) at an appropriate location in the circuit, generally close to the amplifier input.

9.4 Digital Circuits

The parameters of digital signals are largely determined by the system requirements and the type of device
technology used. Unlike analogue systems, where the operating bandwidth can be controlled, the Fourier
components of digital pulses occupy a wide frequency spectrum extending up to VHF. Although 'noise
margins' are greater than those of analogue systems the wide bandwidth can reduce immunity levels to high
power RF sources such as on board HF transmitters. Also, since the propagation of the interference
produced by the pulses tends to improve at the higher frequencies, it is important that the generated
spectrum be controlled by attention to the following factors:

a) Maximum pulse rise and fall times. Of the commonly used types of logic, CMOS has the longest rise
time, typically 100 ns, whereas ECL and Schottky have rise times of a few nanoseconds. Other types of
TTL typically have rise times of about 10 ns

b) Minimum pulse frequency

c) Minimum pulse overshoot and oscillations

d) Impedance matching at terminations of connecting cables

9.5 Switch Mode Power Supplies (SMPS)

This type of power supply is usually smaller and more efficient than a series regulator type of power supply.
However, the SMPS can be a source of interference at significant levels over the approximate frequency
range of 20 kHz to 60 MHz. The SMPS can be designed to minimise the emission of interference by the
following measures:

a) Minimum area of loop in which pulse currents flow

b) Decoupling capacitors fitted close to the switching circuit

c) Reduce capacitance to frame of the switching transistors by one of the following measures. (This will
reduce common mode current flow.)

d) Increase thickness of insulation between transistor case and chassis. (This could create heat dissipation

e) Insert small metal plate between transistor case and frame, insulated from both transistor and frame
heatsink. Connect plate to emitter if case of transistor collector. (This converts capacitance to frame to
capacitance across device.) An example of this is shown in Figure 9.

f) Screening and bonding

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Figure 9 Reducing Common Mode Coupling Capacitance

9.6 Component Choice

It may be possible to limit the generation of interference in some circuits by suitable choice of components.
Examples of this approach include the following:

a) The emission of magnetic fields can be reduced by using toroidal magnetic cores rather than linear cores
in inductors and transformers

b) The interference spectrum from switching transistors may be limited by choice of devices with a low
value of transition frequency (fT). This will also reduce the likelihood of parasitic oscillations occurring at

c) The occurrence of bursts of pulses during the operation of switches may be minimised by using snap
action switches

d) The use of rectifier diodes with low charge storage (e.g. hot carrier diodes) will reduce the interference
produced by reverse recovery transients)

e) When selecting components to be used for combating interference, care is to be taken that these
components do not introduce other EMC problems (e.g. the use of non-linear devices to clamp transient
amplitudes may introduce a wider spectrum of interference, see Clause 7.2.21.b

f) The use of commutator motors in proximity to sensitive circuits is to be avoided where possible, due to
the interference generated by these motors

g) Certain types of displays used to present alphanumeric or other information produce high levels of
interference (e.g. CRT displays in visual display units and plasma displays). Other types of display which
produce lower levels of interference may therefore be preferable in some applications (e.g. LED or LCD
types). Where it is essential to include a CRT it may be preferable to use electrostatic deflection (rather
than magnetic) since electrostatic screening is more readily achieved. CRT displays are susceptible to
high level magnetic fields and their siting must be carefully considered near degaussing coils. Typical
visual display units can be susceptible to low frequency magnetic fields in excess of 160 dBpT resulting
in break up of characters and general distortion of the display. They should be sited at least one metre
from the degaussing coils.

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9.7 Resonances

The interference generated by certain sources can be made more severe at particular frequencies due to
resonant effects. These resonances can occur in various parts of the circuit, for example:

a) Within the interference source

b) In the connecting cable

c) On PCB tracks

d) In the suppression components

Where those resonances occur and cause either interference or susceptibility problems, the fitting of
suppression components may be ineffective or could even enhance the problem. It may be necessary in
these instances to identify the resonant circuit and to apply suitable damping components such as resistors,
or lossy ferrite beads threaded over a wire, in the appropriate part of the circuit.

9.8 Reduction of Interference Coupling

Techniques involving the reduction of coupling can be the most economic methods of achieving EMC, since
they may not involve any additional components but only attention to layout or the selection of the
appropriate cables, components etc.

9.9 Separation

All modes of electromagnetic coupling are reduced by an increase in the separation distance between two
circuits, since coupling in the induction region is inversely proportional to distance squared or cubed. It is
therefore important to maintain a reasonable distance between interference sources (including associated
cables) and susceptible circuits (especially low level signal boards and input cables). Coupling is usually a
function of the length of parallel run of cables, so these lengths are to be kept to a minimum. In particular,
power and signal leads are not to be included in the same cable. The arrangement of components, circuit
boards etc within equipment is to be based upon the concept of two regions as follows:

a) A region of high interference levels in which all interference sources are located; and

b) A region of low interference levels where all sensitive circuits are located.

Following this concept may produce problems in that the circuit arrangements are not optimum as regards
cabling and mechanical installation. It may be necessary to divide the internal equipment space into several
regions in order to simplify the layout.

9.10 Internal Screening

In order to achieve adequate isolation between circuits within the confined space in an equipment enclosure,
it will generally be necessary to install screening as well as providing segregation. Comprehensive screening
(combined with filtering) will be very effective in reducing undesired coupling between circuits, but will also
add significantly to the cost, weight and size of the equipment, and make access to internal circuits (e.g. for
repair) more difficult. It is therefore preferable to fit screening only where necessary. In many circuits the
undesired coupling occurs largely at high frequencies and it may therefore be possible to utilise the
screening provided by internal structural metalwork such as panels, bulkheads, chassis etc, by suitable
circuit arrangement. The screening achieved by means of the structural metalwork will generally be only
about 10 to 20 dB, but this may be adequate to solve problems in many instances. Limited screening of PCB
circuits (at high frequencies) may be achieved as follows:

a) By the frame which supports the PCB

b) By an interposed foil coated board

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c) By a foil layer on a multi-layer PCB

d) By a foil plane or lattice of wires over backplane wiring

NOTE Screening is discussed in Clause 14 and Clause C10 for screening compartments on ships and submarines.

9.11 Cables

Coupling between cables can be reduced significantly by using twisted pairs (or quads) for signal, power and
control leads. Coupling at high frequencies may be reduced by using cables with individually screened cores
or with overall screens (see Clause 13). Twisted pairs, triples or quads are to maintain the twisted form up to
as close as possible the terminal point.

Ribbon cables are available with twisted pairs; screened cores or a foil based common return current path
incorporated. Coupling between conductors can also be reduced by connecting interspersed conductors to
the zero volts line, cabinet or structure, as appropriate.

The effectiveness of cable screens will be drastically reduced, particularly at RF, if the bonding at
terminations is inadequate (see Clause 13). Where cable screen integrity is to be maintained throughout the
cable system, e.g. in junction boxes, terminal chambers, plugs, sockets etc the screen is to be firmly bonded
together and not connected by say a length of wire. Normal practice on screened cores within overall
screened cables is to twist the screen into a tail and secure to the adjacent terminal to the cable cores. This
technique should not be used where the screens are required for protection from RF as the inductance of the
'pigtail' can prevent adequate RF attenuation being achieved. For RF protection, coaxial connections should
be made using glands or suitable connectors with provision for screen bonding via the connector shells.

Coupling between cables is reduced by laying both cables close to a metal plane in order to minimise the
effective loop areas.

9.12 Decoupling and Filtering

In addition to the installation of filters on the incoming leads to an equipment enclosure, it may also be
necessary to provide internal decoupling and filtering. For example:

a) On the output of the internal DC power supply

b) On leads to motors, discharge devices, switches etc

c) On supply leads to oscillators, pulse circuits, amplifiers etc

d) In particular, on supplies to low level high gain amplifier circuits

e) In general it is advisable to fit decoupling capacitors on the supply leads and low frequency inputs of all

9.13 Transformers

Many transformers used in power and signal circuits are designed to provide coupling only at low
frequencies. However, due to the capacitance between windings they may also provide good coupling at
high frequencies. The interwinding capacitance (and the resultant coupling) can be very significantly reduced
by an electrostatic screen, usually consisting of aluminium foil, suitably bonded to platform or equipment
cabinet. With a fairly simple screen the capacitance can be reduced from several hundred pF to a few pF.
With more elaborate screening arrangements the interwinding capacitance can be reduced to a small
fraction of 1 pF. On a constant voltage transformer (CVT) the windings are generally on separate bobbins
and thus have less coupling capacitance than other types of transformers. However, it is still necessary to
install a screen on CVTs to achieve adequately low values of capacitance in most applications. Transformers
used in signal circuits although achieving balance at low frequencies may be significantly unbalanced at high

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frequencies e.g. a megahertz or so. High frequency balance can be improved and common mode rejection
enhanced by a high frequency bifilar wound inductor inserted in the input lines as shown in Figure 10.

Figure 10 Improved Common Mode Rejection

9.14 Bonding and Return Current Paths

In general, one of the most critical factors in circuits, with regard to EMC, is the provision of properly
designed return paths for both signal and interference currents within equipment and systems. The
installation of filters and screening may be completely ineffective if interference is coupled by common
impedance, or by induction, into the signal reference conductor.

Due to the complex nature of interference coupling it is not possible to provide a set of rules that will be
applicable to all circuit design, at all frequencies of operation, but the following considerations may be used
for guidance:

a) For high frequency applications, it is essential to provide low inductance bonding and return paths,
preferably by utilising a metallic sheet (e.g. chassis or equipment cabinet) and to use short and wide
bonding connections to this sheet. A bonding (copper) strap of minimum dimensions 16 mm wide and
1 mm thick is to be used for lengths not exceeding 400 mm. For lengths exceeding 400 mm the width is
to be increased so that the length does not exceed 25 times the width. This strap is to be as short as
possible, consistent with any movement of an equipment that is resiliently mounted as protection against
shock and vibration. For certain sea equipments a flexible cable fitted with suitable lugs may be used
instead of the copper strap (see Clause C12.2 and Def Stan 08-107).

b) Where a coupling loop is formed (e.g. between a cable screen and the structure) the area of the loop is
to be minimised to reduce the magnetic induction in the loop.

c) The connection of all return paths (carrying designed signal and power current), with the exception of
cable screens, to a single point is to be preferred to multi-point connection, since common impedance
effects are thus minimised. However, where frequencies for which the lengths of conductors exceed
λ/10 are significant (i.e. for signals or interference) the impedance of the bonding conductors may be
unacceptable, and a multi-point connection arrangement of the return path conductors to reduce the
lengths to less than λ/10 will be preferable.

d) For some circuits, in which the effects of circuit capacitance to other conductors are not significant, there
may be advantages in providing only one bond to cabinet or structure, particularly if all inputs and
outputs are isolated (e.g. via transformers).

e) Where high frequency screening of part of a circuit is necessary (e.g. on a PEC) it is preferable to
connect the screen directly to the chassis or enclosure via a spring finger rather than using the circuit
bonding connection.

f) Providing a low impedance bonding connection is particularly important for filters and cables screens.

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g) For oscillator and pulse circuits it is essential that no bonding connections are λ/4 (or odd multiples) in
length, at the relevant frequencies of generation, due to the high impedances that will occur at these

9.15 Design for Minimum Susceptibility

The interference susceptibility of electronic equipment is determined by various factors in the circuit design
related to the following:

a) Signal parameters e.g. signal level, pass band etc

b) Receiver response e.g. bandwidth

c) Processing of received signals

d) Balanced or unbalanced signals

The susceptibility of equipment can therefore be reduced by the appropriate choice of signal and circuit
parameters. In practice this choice will also be influenced by other factors such as cost, power consumption,
compatibility with other equipment, etc so that a compromise will be necessary.

It should be noted that good emission control measures should reflect in good immunity however this can not
always be assured.

Unwanted responses may also occur outside the operating bandwidth in analogue devices and low pass
filtering may be necessary.

9.16 Signal Parameters

Various types of signals are utilised in electronic systems to transmit information and for control purposes.
Since corruption of these signals is likely to cause malfunctioning of systems, the choice of signal
parameters is to be made with due regard to reducing the risk of corruption by interference.

Signal waveforms and frequencies are to be dissimilar to those of likely induced interference, such as 60 Hz
and harmonics, frequencies used by on-board transmitters etc. By this means the problem of interference
rejection in the receiving circuit will be eased.

Induced interference in cables is likely to be largely common mode and it is therefore advantageous to use
balanced signals with common mode rejection at terminations (see below and Clause 9.13). However, even
with balanced twisted pair cables there will be some differential mode interference induced and problems
can occur in systems using low level signals (e.g. sonar).

To provide a good signal to noise ratio, the signal level is to be as high as possible, taking into account
cross-talk considerations, power supply limitations, transmitter performance etc. An amplifier may be used in
conjunction with a remote transducer to provide an adequate signal level for transmission (see Clause 8.5).

To overcome the effects of transient corruption in signal circuits, redundancy can be employed in the
transmitted signals. The redundancy can take various forms, the choice of which to use being a function of
the type of signal and also the type of interference likely to be experienced. Examples of types of
redundancy that can be used are as follows:

a) Repetition of data - in digital systems this would perhaps involve the transmission of each word twice or

b) Two way communications between transmitter and receiver to establish a link and check data

c) Coding of digital signals - additional bits are inserted in the transmitted data so that it can be checked at
the receiver (e.g. parity check, word length etc)

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d) Control pulses and synchronisation - additional bits inserted to establish communications and to check
the timing

e) Multiple signal paths (e.g. separate cables) - to be most effective this requires complex logic to decide
which signal path is sending correct data.

Signal receiving circuits should be designed to provide rejection of steady state interference superimposed
on the signals. Various techniques are used, depending upon the type of circuit, signal characteristics and
also the interference parameters.

In general, the minimum usable bandwidth is to be employed in order to reject out of band interference. For
DC and low frequency signals, passive low pass filters can provide adequate rejection of RF interference.
Active circuits with nominally restricted bandwidths are available but these may be affected by out of band
interference due to spurious responses or as a result of overload by high level interference.

When active circuits are operated in a non-linear region, a number of undesired effects occur (e.g.
generation of harmonics, intermodulation, loss of common mode rejection in differential amplifiers etc) and it
is therefore essential that analogue circuits are, where practicable, operated in the linear region, even when
interference is present.

Where balanced signals are used, it is necessary to provide adequate common mode rejection (CMR) at
terminations in order to obtain the full advantage of the technique. Active circuits, such as operational
amplifiers, can have excellent CMR at low frequencies (typically at least 80 dB at frequencies up to 1 kHz),
but the CMR decreases at higher frequencies, often by 20 dB per decade, and also under overload

Using transformer coupling (e.g. baluns), CMR ratios of at least 40 dB can be achieved and this value will
not be degraded at high levels. By proper design of the transformer, the high frequency out-of-band CMR
ratio can be greater than 40 dB (by use of low frequency magnetic materials and an interwinding screen to
reduce capacitive coupling), see Cause 9.13.

Various undesired effects result from overload and suitable protection of active circuits is to be provided.
Non-linear suppression devices will limit the amplitude of transient voltages, but the use of these devices can
result in other effects (see Clause 7.1.21.b). However, these effects are likely to be more acceptable than
those produced if the high level interference is injected into sensitive active circuits without attenuation.

It is possible to overcome certain interference problems by providing isolation at one or more terminations
using optical coupling, etc opto-isolators or fibre optic cables.

Opto-isolators are available with very high bandwidths, although many types are limited to about 1 MHz. The
coupling capacitance between input and output is typically about 1 pF and the withstand voltage in the range
500 V to 5000 V.

Fibre optic cables and the associated electrical/optical conversion at terminations provide data transmission
systems with intrinsically high EMI immunity. This technique can eliminate a lot of interference problems as
most reported cases of interference on ships and submarines are associated with system interconnecting

In general, a high value of input impedance to sensitive signal circuit facilitates the coupling of interference,
particularly by capacitive effects, and is therefore to be avoided. For high frequencies, the terminating
impedance for cables is to match the characteristic impedance of the cables at both ends, in order to prevent
standing waves occurring.

In logic circuits, high noise margin devices (e.g. CMOS) are to be used in preference to low noise margin
devices such as ECL, in applications where the reduced operating rate is acceptable.

Direct ohmic or capacitive coupling between vehicles cabling and semiconductor inputs must be avoided.

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For digital data links employing n bit words, an (n + 1) the bit is added to ensure an even or odd number of
1s in the complete word (i.e. even or odd parity, respectively). The parity of the data is checked for errors
over the appropriate group of words. However, in this simple system, certain patterns of error could occur in
such a manner as to make the parity appear correct even though the data are corrupted. A more advanced
method is to use a cyclic redundancy code (CRC) check. There are special purpose integrated circuits,
designed for this purpose which generate the required bits and check for errors.

9.17 Processing of Received Signals

The effects of corruption of signals can be alleviated by the appropriate signal processing. Various
techniques are used, depending on the characteristics of the signal and of the interference likely to occur.
Digital systems may need sophisticated methods to be applied for effective action, since otherwise a single
interference pulse may cause serious errors.

For analogue instrumentation systems in which it is possible for the sampling of, for instance, a voltage or
frequency to be carried out over an appreciable period or repetitively, errors due to both random and
repeated interference can be eliminated or at least reduced by a suitable type of sampling system.

For digital systems, various synchronising techniques may be used in order to reject interference on data, for

a) Synchronised gating of receiving circuits (usually with control from a central clock) provides response
only for short periods when data are being transmitted, so that random impulses are less likely to cause

b) Circuits can be designed to communicate only after certain procedures have been followed (e.g.
handshaking) and activity confirmed, before data are accepted.

c) Using a clock gating arrangement, circuits can be caused to respond only during a short period around
the centre of the pulse duration (i.e. mid-pulse strobing). This method is preferable to those utilising
response to the pulse rise time (so called edge triggering).

9.18 Printed Circuit Board Design Techniques

The main contributors to EMI within a circuit should be considered:

a) Grounding Schemes

b) Cross Talk and Isolation

c) Circuit Layout

d) Printed Circuit Design

e) Clock Frequency Operation

f) Switching Methods

g) Parasitics in Circuitry

Some of these factors will be addressed. Specific circuit designs should address all interfaces with other
electronic circuits, and will usually contain these external links:

h) Power Supplies (Main and Supplementary)

i) Analogue Signals

j) Digital Data Bus Operations

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k) Output Drive Stage (Electromechanical and Indication)

The first internal barrier, i.e. protective circuitry for RF and transients, will normally be placed at the
equipment casing for all I/O circuits.

9.18.1 Printed Circuit Board Design

Designing for EMC in printed circuit boards in the past was either minimal or non-existent, limited to good
signal integrity in the form of line matching and crosstalk minimisation, but not addressing any aspect of the
board's ability to radiate or receive electromagnetic energy. The main problem with such a task was
educating electronic designers involved in printed circuit boards (PCB) design and in dealing with the
complexity associated with military PCBs, where there could be up to 16 board layers and 5000 nets
connecting components.

Nearly all circuits today use components assembled onto PCBs. The design of the circuit boards, together
with the relationship of components, interconnections and proximity, have a strong effect upon the
mechanical and electrical performance of the product and can be influenced by EMC.

EMI can arise from several sources when circuits are contained in an equipment assembly. It may arise from
aperture penetration of the housing by external fields, or by fields arising by re-radiation from wires passing
into the enclosure from outside. In general the radiation susceptibility of PCB mounted devices is associated
with terminal tag coupling, and not with radiation onto the package surface area itself. This particularly
applies to devices in metallised packaging.

There are two types of electromagnetic emissions from PCBs; namely those generated by currents flowing
within signal loops and those emanating from currents in power distribution areas. The factors contributing to
each of these emissions have been identified as shown in Table 3:

The emissions may be considered to create differential and common mode coupling, the in PCB mounted
circuits. All may have a local influence or may combine to produce an integrated field pattern within the
enclosure. The resultant field pattern and level may be the subject of amplification by any Q factor exhibited
by the enclosure.

The circuit boards may therefore be subjected to the influence of a radiated field as a background threat
independent of any circuit-induced effects. Protection features for aperture control and in-line insertion loss
protection, will minimise these effects if properly addressed.

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Table 3 Electromagnetic Emissions from PCBs

Signal Loop Power Distribution

Layer track effectiveness Component Placement

Track shielding Power plane impedance

Track length Overlapping power planes

Track loops Decoupling efficiency

Track impedance profile

Termination reflections

Track mitring

I/O device speeds or edge speed

Track resonance

Signal Loop

Layer track effectiveness

Other potential EMI conditions are likely to arise from intra-circuit influences of which Figure 11 gives
examples. The noise sources include those introduced by mutual inductive or capacitive coupling from other
circuits, and inductive and resistive voltage drops.

Figure 11 Source of Noise within Digital System

Due attention to these potential mechanisms of noise transfer within the circuits is vital in the system design.

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Techniques to reduce intercircuit coupling include local filtering of the inputs, screening, or the addition of
decoupling capacitors across input terminals to op-amps or transistors. Application of ferrite beads in
discrete locations may assist in attenuation interference on local lines adjacent to components, but possible
heat dissipation in the ferrite must be taken into account.

9.18.2 PCB Design Process

a) The first step in the design process is to determine the environment for the Sub-Unit into which the PCB
is to be placed. There is a need to determine requirements for Radiated and Conducted EMC. Additional
environments not covered in this document that need to be considered are ESD, Lightning, NEMP,
TEMPEST, Power Supply Transients Jammers etc.

Based on the System Specification, database information and the shielding available it is possible to
determine the actual environment that equipment must operate in and how this translates into test

We would also need to determine if there are any legal requirements (FCC, CE marking requirements
including EMC Directive, Low Voltage Directive, Machinery Directive). This is particularly applicable
where the MOD or Customer has decided to develop a Dual-Purpose equipment or where it decided to
procure COTS, or off the shelf commercial equipment. See Part 1 of this standard for more details.

b) The next step is to determine the mechanical and electrical interfaces which apply to the system and the
sub-unit in particular. This will involve determining the applicable;

1) Screening policy and limitations.

2) Grounding and Bonding policy and limitations.

3) Connector and cable specifications and interfaces.

4) Signal and Power lines and their levels and noise immunities.

c) Meetings with mechanical engineer(s) and electronic engineers will need to be held to establish outline
design concepts with respect to EMC issues. Make initial EMC statements, e.g. propose transformer
interfaces, optical, differential etc. Information coming out of these meetings can be fed back into
refining the initial models.

9.18.3 General Design Factors

Factors, which can influence EMC characteristics and require attention within a design include:

a) Component Layout

Interference from components is to be taken into account when designing the equipment or layout, and
suitable segregation provided from sensitive devices. In particular, interference from relays,
transformers, pulse circuits, oscillators etc must be considered.

Common impedance coupling may occur where pulse (or oscillator) circuits are used, due to the RF
impedance of the inductance of supply tracks. The provision of separate tracks for these and other
circuits will overcome this effect. Track inductance can be reduced by increase in track width, preferably
using the full board width on multi-layer boards. The use of separate zero volt lines for digital analogue
circuits is recommended where common impedance coupling may cause problems, see Figure 12.

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Figure 12 Separation of Zero Volt Rails

b) Component Mounting

Contact resistance is an important factor in any attachment scheme, particularly where considerable
current flows.

Low contact-resistance maintained over long time periods is required at all terminations, and is often
provided by gold plating. However its thickness on mating surfaces is important. In a multi-way
connector the use of several dedicated paths in parallel for power and ground rails is recommended as
these are critical low resistance paths.

c) Package Placement

Mechanical and electrical factors will control some of the constraints on component placement. The first
approach in avoiding interference is to use short direct tracks between components, and track routing
optimisation. This may run counter to production and inspection requirements: nevertheless the
designer must maintain standards as far as EMC is concerned.

The EMC check list for a PCB should include:-

1) Proper signal returns including isolation, to establish preferred current paths.

2) Interference paths segregated from sensitive circuits.

3) Ground inductance minimised, with wide tracks or a ground plane.

4) Loop areas minimised in high current or sensitive circuits.

5) Track and component lead lengths minimised.

Circuits should be grouped by function, frequency and current rating in an attempt to keep sensitive and
noisy signals apart, with attention to minimising track lengths and loop areas in the process.

d) Ground Distribution

The basic rule for grounding is to establish the zero potential point for each circuit, which is the point at
which a significant voltage would cause upset or malfunction. The designer should decide when this is a
requirement and establish suitable ground schemes

e) Power Distribution

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To avoid interaction it is important to provide power distribution systems with negligible coupling at
signal frequencies. To achieve this it is preferable to have individual supply wiring to each board rather
than a 'daisy-chain' system to several boards

Tracks on PCB’s have significant impedance at high frequencies (due to the inductance) which may
result in pulses on the supply voltage and potential differences along the track in circuits such as high
speed logic with rise times of a few nanoseconds. For example, the impedance of 100 mm of 10 mm
wide typical track rises from approximately 0.45 Ω at 1 MHz to 45 Ω at 100 MHz. This highlights the
importance of minimising track impedance and it is preferable to use a multi-layer PCB’s with the power
supply and 0 V rails consisting of complete foil planes. In laying out power supply rails it is vital to
minimise loop areas to reduce radiation and 'pick up' efficiencies. Attention to this will also enable
decoupling capacitors to be connected with the minimum of lead length thus reducing their shunt

9.18.4 PCB Summary

All tracks on PCB's are of prime importance to good control of EMC.

The following basic rules apply to minimise EMC problems:

a) Use a ground plane as one layer of the PCB

b) Apply surface mount filters at high speed devices

c) Decouple analogue circuits at their inputs

d) Minimise loop areas

e) Keep all track lengths as short as possible

f) Avoid abrupt change in track directions

g) Keel tracks away from edges or breaks in the ground plane

h) Use slowest data rates compatible with signal processing

i) Maximise dV/dt edges to minimise RF spectrum

j) Terminate tracks in their characteristic impedance to minimise reflections

k) Use transmission lines for signal paths

l) Position devices to minimise track lengths

m) Group similar circuits (high speed, low speed, analogue) together

n) Avoid noisy tracks adjacent to sensitive tracks, especially at connectors

o) Use thick tracks for high current, typically, 0.3 mm per Amp

p) Run all signal tracks parallel and close to their 0V or signal return track

q) Run all power supply tracks close to their particular 0V tracks on the basis of 0.1 mm per 20 volts.

9.19 Computer Aided Approaches to EMC. CAD Design Tools

The need for some attempt at a concurrent design approach, where the factors influenced by potential EMI
are addressed within the design process, should lead to the use of computer packages for the scoping of

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requirements. It is not possible at present to adopt one “all in” package that can facilitate the integration of
the interaction of all parts of a system, thus a step by step approach is undertaken using different packages.

To this end the use of Numerical methods such as Finite Difference (FD), Finite Element Method (FEM) and
Transmission Line Method (TLM) provides a means for field space and coupling calculations. The use of 3D
numerical methods enables the calculation of radiated fields for the system.

Expert system programmes are available which incorporate factors borne out by experience together with
data bases, background information and established design rules. The numerical analysis process is
therefore a virtual overlap of many separate tools which together allow a progressive concurrent awareness
of the safe design to meet specific requirements.

In recent times a much harsher EMC environment has emerged resulting in a hardening attitude to non-
compliance and system acceptance. This harshness is the result of increasingly powerful radar’s and an
improved semiconductor design technology which has resulted in the RF sensitivity level of logic and military
systems reducing.

The market competition and fiscal policy associated with Defence products has also got tougher and in the
drive to dramatically reduce unit cost while dramatically improving quality and production. The need to get
the design right first time is paramount.

An additional factor influencing the need for computer based EMC design techniques is the increasing drive
in the defence industry to base all future designs on a computer aided approach. EMC has traditionally been
based on an empirical test approach because of the difficulty of achieving an analytical solution. Therefore
significant challenges face the computer aided approach.

Attainment of all these objectives can be assisted by the implementation of computer aided design
techniques which while not attempting to be rigorous nevertheless can produce solutions with the same level
of accuracy as testing.

There are problems of evaluating the complete EMC performance of a large system across the entire
spectrum using computational modelling codes, capable of great accuracy.

These include;

a) Determining the degree of shielding afforded by the structure or casing

b) Determining how significant penetration was through all points of entry, such as holes, slots and joints,
and whether internal resonance was significant

c) Predicting coupling to all cables routed internally and externally, and coupling onto the inner cores and
circuit loads, some of which are dynamic

d) Determining the penetration through all the inner electronic enclosures, if a microwave threat was
considered important

e) Knowing how sensitive the electronic components were, for interference which was in and out of band.

To determine an accurate simulation would require details of all the particular configurations, at the design,
sub-system and system level relevant to that particular system and its specifications. It would also require a
vast amount of design detail which would not be available in the early design stages of most systems. In
many cases crucial material or parameter data would be unknown.

It is accepted that EMC problems associated with complex structures are usually very difficult to model.

The volume element methods: particularly FDTD and TLM appear to offer the best prospect for modelling the
configurations anticipated in EMC. This is because of their ability to (a) treat internal regions, (b) electrically
permeable matter, and (c) to provide information over a continuous spectral range. The reservation being
that these methods are not, by the nature of their formulation, orientated to the treatment of conductors,

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narrow apertures or free-space radiation problems. These features require additional approximations and
assumptions to the basic method. As far as single conductors (and equivalently) thin slots are concerned, a
close examination of the formalisms for both TLM and FDTD indicate that these treatments cannot be said to
be above criticism and this underlines the need for careful validation. This also has implications for the multi-
conductor problem which, aside from needing to be done non-self consistently (i.e. as a separate
calculation), depends critically on common mode currents being determined which in turn requires a reliable
model for a single conductor to establish the extent of these currents.

10 Interference Suppression

10.1 General

Experience has shown that where it is not possible to prevent the generation of interference by design, the
most satisfactory and economical method of preventing propagation of interference is to suppress it at the
source. The penalties incurred by fitting suppression retrospectively at a late stage in the design or
development, especially after the equipment has been installed, are nearly always severe, particularly in
terms of engineering effort, in time wasted and in the increased size, cost and complexity of the installation
as a whole. For many types of equipment there may be no available space in which to install suppressers

To implement system level suppression, the following techniques are generally required:

a) Shielding

b) Gasketing

c) Grounding

d) Filtering

e) Decoupling

f) Proper track routing

g) Isolation and separation

h) Circuit impedance control

i) I/O interconnect design

j) PCB suppression techniques designed internal to a component package

Even with all of these items, multiple techniques of both suppression and containment to achieve a compliant
product can be required. Depending on the complexity of the system, speed of operation, and EMC
requirements where shielding is needed, proper PCB layout will minimise shielding requirements.

10.2 Suppression Techniques

The basic principles of suppression involve the co-ordination of suppression components and screening to
prevent propagation of interference by conduction, induction or spatial radiation. The principle of reciprocity
applies and such measures can also increase the immunity of susceptible equipment. In general, it is
preferable to fit the suppression at the interference or susceptible source and also to limit the path length of
the current flow in the local circuit. If this approach is not adequate or feasible, it will be necessary to screen
the relevant leads, circuit or entire equipment. For example, an equipment incorporating several interference
sources or susceptible circuits may be dealt with most effectively by enclosing it in a screening box, with
filters on all input and output leads. A screened enclosure provides three important functions.

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a) It reduces radiation from internal interference sources

b) It protects internal circuits from the effects of external radiated fields

c) It provides a reference for the bonding of cable screens and suppression devices

The two mechanisms by which suppressors operate are by providing a low shunt impedance or a high series
impedance. These impedances are in relation to the circuit impedance over the required frequency range
and (for non-linear devices) at the relevant voltage/current level. The suppression must clearly not adversely
affect the normal circuit operation, and therefore must not significantly alter power or signal voltages. Where
high frequency interference requires to be suppressed in the presence of power or low frequency signal
voltages, shunt capacitors and series inductors may be used either individually or in more sophisticated
combinations. Non-linear devices can be used to suppress voltage transients which exceed supply or signal
voltage levels.

The design and installation of effective suppression for various interference sources is a specialised task in
which past experience is invaluable. It is often found that a particular combination of components is suitable
for suppression of a number of different designs of similar equipments produced by different manufacturers
(e.g. commutator motors, thyristor phase control circuits, discharge lamps, switch mode power supplies etc).
Many commercially available suppression units are suitable for military platform applications. However,
specially designed units may be necessary due to circuit peculiarities, current requirements, or frequency
response characteristics.

10.3 Attenuation and Insertion Loss of Suppressors

The suppression characteristics of filters and components are generally assessed and specified in terms of
the insertion loss in a given transmission system, usually consisting of source and load impedances of 50 Ω
resistance. However, in practice, interference sources and power supply systems have a wide range of
impedances and phase angles (both of which are frequency dependent), so that the actual attenuation
achieved by fitting the suppressor differs from the insertion loss. In particular, the attenuation is likely to be
significantly lower in the low frequency range of the intended stop band. Measurements can be made on
suppressors under controlled conditions using worst-case methods (to assess the effects of various
terminating impedances) so that the minimum attenuation can be found at each test frequency. Insertion loss
and worst-case test methods are described in BS 6299.

11 Suppression Devices

11.1 General

The total range of suppression devices are characterised by one or more of the following:

a) A blocking function

b) An isolating function

c) A by-pass function

d) A limiting function

e) An absorbing function

f) Combinations of the above

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11.2 Blocking Function Devices

The most widely known category of devices consists of inductors (or chokes). The characteristic of the
inductor, its reactance (and therefore its impedance), increases with increasing frequency. Inductors are
configured to prevent high frequency noise from entering or leaving a particular circuit or device.

To properly employ an inductor in an electronic circuit, it has to be placed close to the source of noise in that
circuit or close to the device needing protection from noise. The values of inductance may be fairly small
depending upon the circuitry. However, air cored inductors are not recommended in designs for EMC
purposes, owing to the strong magnetic fields generated throughout a large volume around the device.
These may couple magnetically into other areas of the circuit or system. Air cored inductors usually have
extremely low inductances.

For larger values of inductance, designers resort to either winding their own designs or by ready made
inductors wound on open or closed iron or ferrite cores. These cores increase the value of inductance to
milli-henries, and if properly designed, help to contain the lines of magnetic flux to tighter, smaller volumes
around the devices. It is a good rule of thumb not to place inductors close together; otherwise mutual
coupling occurs between them. If two inductors are designed to be in close proximity, but in separate circuits,
they should be placed at right angles to one another to minimise mutual coupling affects. When mutual
coupling occurs, noise in one circuit will link across into the other with unpredictable results.

11.3 Isolating Function Devices

There are two types of isolating function devices:

a) Transformers.

b) Opto-isolating devices

11.3.1 Transformers

Transformers are two or more inductors intentionally coupled together, normally by winding the inductors on
a mutually coupling magnetic core.

The transformer provides intentional isolation between the two coupled circuits by reasons of:

a) Isolating circuits of different voltage or current.

b) Isolating circuits of different impedance's

c) Isolating ground loop currents flowing between the separated circuits or systems (useful for EMC

Disadvantages of Transformers

d) Show all the same disadvantages as inductors (i.e. resistive and core losses plus distributed

e) Saturation of the core at high currents

f) Capacitance coupling between primary and secondary windings

To overcome the shortfall of transformer isolation due to capacitive coupling, extra 'screens' may be used in
the winding process to isolate the primary and secondary turns.

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11.3.2 Opto-Isolating Devices

Figure 13 Using Opto-Isolators to Improve Isolation

The Opto isolator shown in Figure 13 provides an effective solution to the isolation of two circuits. The
device shown above consists of an LED intensity modulated by the current flowing from circuit A (in
differential mode) and the light is transmitted over an electrically isolated link (here shown as a short
distance) that may in practice involve a considerable distance if an optical fibre is used, to a receiver or a
photo-transistor. When short Wire Links and long Optical Links are used, the common mode current is
almost totally suppressed and the coupling capacitance between circuit 'A' side to circuit 'B' side is all but
eliminated, thereby giving the circuits immunity to EMC and other related problems. These related problems
may be transients caused by switching high current loads or due to surge induced by lightning strikes and

Disadvantages: Opto-isolating is usually cost effective for digital transmissions, but much more costly to
effect for analogue transmissions when compared to transformers.

The application of Opto isolators needs careful consideration as shown by the bad and good examples in
Figures 14 and Figure 15.

Figure 14 A Bad Example of the use of an Opto-Isolation Device

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Figure 15 A Good Example of the use of an Opto-Isolation Device

11.4 Bypass Function Devices

11.4.1 Capacitors

By far and away the most popular by-pass device used in electrical and electronic circuits are capacitors as
they are fairly cheap and provide a convenient method of suppressing high frequency interference.
Capacitors are characterised by their dielectric properties, as nearly 100% of all capacitors selected by
design engineers use a dielectric between the plates of the device. However, there is no such thing as a
pure capacitor. The equivalent circuit consisting of inductance, capacitance and resistance all play a part in
limiting the maximum effective frequency of operation for the device.

However, they have the disadvantage of producing high circulating currents which may result in the coupling
of interference into other circuits. A conventional 2-terminal capacitor has appreciable internal inductance
which limits the effectiveness at high frequencies. At low frequencies the impedance decreases with
increase in frequency (Z = 1/jωC), there is a series resonance giving a minimum impedance and above the
resonant frequency the impedance increases (Z = jωL). In the region of the resonance the impedance is
largely determined by the series resistance, which may be significant for certain types of capacitor (e.g.
electrolytic and some hi-k ceramics). Clearly, the series inductance should be minimised in order to obtain
useful performance over a range of frequencies. For 2-terminal capacitors the minimum inductance is about
10 nH. To obtain this low value in wound capacitors requires special construction techniques, such as
extended foil. However, even with such low values of inductance and very short connecting leads the
suppression achieved may not be adequate. (j = square root of -1.)

To obtain a performance superior to that of 2-terminal capacitors, a 3-terminal (or lead-through) construction
is required in which the conductor passes through the capacitor, thus eliminating the external inductance.
Clearly, the conductor rating will limit the power rating of the device to be suppressed, a factor which does
not apply to 2 terminal capacitors. The non-coaxial lead-through capacitor requires only a slight change in
assembly, compared with the equivalent 2-terminal capacitor, but has an effective inductance of only a few

To obtain a still lower inductance value a coaxial lead-through (or bushing) construction is necessary, in
which the conductor passes centrally through the capacitor, and a flange on the body of the capacitor is used
for mounting to a metal case. The assembly is such that the flow of high frequency current is radial, and
ideally there is no inductance. To obtain optimum performance the capacitor must be correctly mounted on a
low impedance metal plane, giving complete isolation between input and output terminals and allowing radial
current flow. Bushing capacitors are considerably more costly than those of conventional construction and
their use will be limited to special applications in which effective suppression at frequencies up to 100 MHz
or higher is required. They are particularly useful on high current circuits in which the values of series

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inductors are limited by the power current, and capacitors with rated through currents up to several hundred
amps are available.

The effects of the internal inductance and the method of mounting on the impedance/frequency
characteristics of various types of 0.5 μF suppression capacitor are shown in Figure 16.

Figure 16 Impedance/Frequency Characteristics of Various Types of 0.5 µF Suppression


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Various types of suppression capacitor are available, and the choice of a particular application will depend
on factors such as performance, cost, operating temperature and size etc. Some of the important
characteristics of the different types are as follows:

a) Foil and paper (or plastic) - reliable, low series resistance, suitable for values up to several μF, generally
larger and more costly than other types.

b) Metallized plastic (or paper) - smaller and cheaper than foil capacitors, but higher series resistance.
These capacitors can survive breakdowns of limited energy by self healing where the metallizing is burnt
away around the fault area.

c) Ceramic - suitable for a very wide temperature range, typically – 55 °C to + 125 °C (other types usually
limited to + 85 °C). Generally are small and fairly cheap. For low working voltages available in high
capacitance values, but for 250 Vac limited to about 0.01 μF. Particularly suitable for application in
miniature filters and filter pins, see Clauses 12.8 and 12.9.

Where capacitors are used for suppression in high power thyristor, or radio frequency power circuits, the
high frequency currents may cause heating and consequent damage, due to the series resistance in the
capacitors. It is therefore necessary to select capacitors with very low values of series resistance for this

For suppression of low frequency interference on DC supplies (e.g. ripple voltages) large values of capacitor
will be required, but it is not necessary for the self-inductance of the capacitor to be very low and in this
application electrolytic capacitors are suitable. However, ripple from generating systems or static inverters
can cause heavy alternating currents (i.e. up to about 20 A) to flow in the capacitors and these must
therefore be capable of carrying this current without overheating. In any case, a low value of series
resistance in the capacitor will be necessary for the suppression to be effective.

11.4.2 Installation

To achieve suppression using capacitors it is important to install them correctly. The following factors require

a) The low impedance presented to the interference source by a suppression capacitor can cause a high
amplitude current to flow, and it is therefore necessary to limit the area of the loop to reduce radiation
and coupling to other circuits as shown in Figure 17.

Figure 17 Loop Area Minimised

b) As well as reducing internal inductance it is also necessary to use very short leads to the capacitor (so
that external inductance is minimised) by suitable circuit arrangement as shown in Figure 18. The
impedance of 25 mm of lead is approximately 1.5 Ω at 10 MHz. In addition to raising the shunt
impedance, the lead inductance will lower the resonant frequency of the capacitor thus reducing the
frequency range over which the component is effective.

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Figure 18 Capacitor Lead Length Minimised

11.5 Inductors

If the impedance of the interference source is low the attenuation provided by capacitors may be inadequate,
or limitations may be imposed on the allowable capacitance value (Clause 12.4.2).

In these cases inductors can raise the source impedance and may also allow the capacitor value to be
reduced. Since two reactive components are used, one in series and one in shunt, a theoretical attenuation
of 12 dB per octave is possible as opposed to the 6 dB per octave for the capacitor. Of course, the actual
attenuation achieved is heavily dependant upon a number of factors including circuit impedance, the
characteristics of the components and method of installation.

An inductor (L) has a self-capacitance (C) associated with the winding, which results in a parallel (high
impedance) resonance at a frequency determined by the values of L and C. Below resonance the
impedance increases with frequency determined by the values of L and C. Below resonance the impedance
values in the region of the resonance are functions of the L/C ratio and the component losses (i.e. the circuit
Q). The inductor performance is therefore limited at low frequencies by the maximum inductance which can
be provided and above resonance by the minimum self-capacitance which can be achieved.

The maximum value of inductance for a particular application will be limited by factors such as size, weight,
cost, dissipation and possible effects on the circuits in which it is installed, due to voltage drop or transients
caused by rapid changes in current. High permeability magnetic cores are used to reduce a number of these
effects, the choice of core material being influenced by the current rating, inductance value and the
frequency range to be covered. Composite nickel - iron powdered toroidal cores are commonly used and
have the advantage that magnetic field radiation is minimised by the toroidal construction. They have good
saturation characteristics and are available in a range of sizes and permeability's. Ferrite cores are less
costly but have the disadvantage of being relatively easily saturated. This disadvantage can be overcome by
the coupled inductor techniques.

There is also likely to be a reduction of the permeability's caused by the flow of power current and increase
in frequency. Despite these limitations, there is generally an overall advantage to be gained by the use of a
ferromagnetic core. Inductance values are in general dictated by attenuation requirements at the low
frequency end of the interference spectrum. At high frequencies where the permeability may be significantly
reduced, the impedance of the winding albeit not enhanced by the core can still present a useful impedance
to the flow of high frequency current. Inductance values in the range 20 µH to 10 mH are commonly used for
suppression purposes. The core may be in the form of a complete toroid, two C-cores clamped together, or E
and I core etc. In some designs of suppression inductors a gap between, say, the two C-cores may be used
to increase the power current rating (without saturation) although this must clearly reduce the effective
permeability and, therefore, the inductance value. For many applications coupled inductors may be used to
avoid the problem of saturation. The coupling is so arranged that the power frequency fluxes tend to cancel.
To obtain the optimum cancellation effect, the windings must be well balanced and a value of coupling factor
close to unity must be obtained. These components are known as common mode chokes. It follows that the
resultant symmetric inductance of the coupled inductors will be low compared with the inductance in each

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leg. For this reason, the use of the gapped core may be desirable in order to reduce the coupling factor and
thus to increase the symmetric inductance.

The self-capacitance of an inductor is a complex function of its linear dimension, length of winding, number
of layers, winding form etc and is not readily calculable. However, there are a number of rule of thumb
methods of estimating the value. In general, a single layer solenoid will have a lower value than a multi-layer
coil and capacitance can also be decreased by using spaced windings and by reducing the diameter of the
winding. However, most of these techniques will also tend to reduce the inductance so the optimum design
must be a compromise. Typical values of self-capacitance vary from about 1 pF for a small ferrite cored
solenoid (TV choke) to about 100 pF for a large inductor to be used in the 100 kHz to 1 MHz region. In some
applications, inductors may be designed to have a certain value of self-capacitance to provide a high
impedance (in the parallel resonant region) over the required frequency range. Typical impedance/frequency
characteristics of various types of inductor are shown in Figure 19. It should be noted that above their
resonant frequencies inductors have capacitive characteristics and capacitors inductive. Thus a network
designed to have low pass characteristics can behave as a high pass network.

Figure 19 Typical Inductor Frequency/Impedance Characteristic

11.6 Limiting Devices

There are three types of transient limiting devices:

a) Gas discharge tubes (GDT's). The gas discharge tube consists of metal electrodes specially separated
in a gas filled chamber. In operation, the threshold voltage, at which the gas breaks down, causing
conduction across the device is reached and the transient voltage or current is directed to earth.
However, GDT's continue to conduct for some considerable time after the transient has passed.
Simultaneously, the signal or voltage on that line is short circuited to earth, like a 'crow-bar circuit', thus
effectively disrupting the protected circuitry for the duration of the transient plus the continued
conduction time. See Figure 20.

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Figure 20 Typical Characteristic of a Gas Discharge Tube

b) Metal Oxide Varistor (MOV's). The metal oxide Varistor is a very common transient suppressor.
Essentially, it is a non linear Varistor, having a non linear I - V characteristic. See Figure 21. Varistors,
unlike GDT's are "voltage-clamping" not threshold devices, but do dissipate some small quiescent
power, if used on signal and power lines. They are normally rated by their ability to withstand the energy
of the incoming transient. However, it is important to highlight the degradations of a Varistor with the
number of successive applications of transients. It is not advisable to apply more than 30 to 40
transients to a Varistor before it must be replaced. It can be demonstrated that Varistor degrade in
performance even after 1 transient.

Figure 21 Equivalent Circuit and Typical Characteristic of a Varistor

c) Silicon avalanche suppressors (SAS). Transient Protection Devices (TPD) or "Transorbs". The silicon
avalanche suppressor (SAS) or transient protection diode (TPD) may be better known as a Transorbs
(General Electric). See Figure 22. It is a semi-conductor device, with a non linear I - V characteristic. In
equivalent circuit format, it is drawn as a back-to-back Zener diode. Like the Varistor, the SAS draws a
quiescent current when connected across supply or signal lines. However, the SAS also exhibits a large
parasitic capacitance, which must be taken into account when these devices are placed in certain
applications. It too is a voltage-clamping device.

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Parasitic Capacitance
Vc =
clamp voltage
+Vc (Voltage)

Transient Energy E = Vc (t) t.dt

Figure 22 Equivalent Circuit and Typical Characteristic of a Transorb

11.7 Absorbing Function Devices

a) Ferrite beads and baluns

b) Ferrite Toroids

The use of ferrite components as suppression devices is due mainly to the ineffectiveness of normal
capacitor and inductor devices to work as linear passive elements above 100 MHz. In effect, inductors turn
highly capacitive and vice-versa, with unpredictable results. Lumped component filters are quite effective for
noise suppression below the 100 MHz limit.

Hence, above 100 MHz, if more noise suppression is required, the only suitable devices are absorbing types.

11.7.1 Ferrite Beads and Baluns

Ferrite beads are toroidal cores of ferromagnetic material such as alloys of iron and nickel. A very simple,
inexpensive and easily fitted filter is obtained by clamping a ferrite sleeve around a wire or cable. If a ferrite
is put over a cable which includes both signal and return lines it will have no effect on the signal (differential
mode) but will increase the impedance to common-mode disturbance currents.

The impedance of ferrite's increase with frequency. The impedance of a ferrite choke is typically around 50 Ω
at 10 MHz, rising to hundreds of ohms above 100 MHz. A useful EMC property of ferrites is that they are
lossy (resistive) at high frequencies, resulting in absorption of disturbance energy rather than reflection. This
reduces resonances and coupling problems associated with poorly diverted reflected currents.

A ferrite choke is a lossy inductor, and as a result only functions effectively in a low-impedance circuit.
Cables have impedance's that vary with frequency in a complex fashion but normally stay within
10 Ω − 1000 Ω, so that a single ferrite will give attenuation factors averaging around 10 dB but rarely better
than 20 dB. Combining many ferrites in series improves the attenuation, and it is common to see cables
used in severe environments with ferrite's placed along their length. This approach is also particularly
effective at slowing the rate of rise of an electrostatic discharge pulse induced on internal cabling.

These devices are highly effective on noise above 100 MHz. Rather like inductors, ferrite beads slipped over
wire leads, act as high resistance blocks to the passage of high frequency currents, so isolating the noisy
circuits from quiet ones. A ferrite balun increases the total isolation owing to the increased number of turns of
wire contained in the device.

For low frequency or DC currents, the ferrite lined device acts as a short-circuit hence it does not display any
voltage drops, detrimental to the signal or the circuit.

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11.7.2 Ferrite Toroids

Ferrite Toroids are used where the isolation required is even greater than that offered by baluns or single
hole ferrite's. This is due to the large number of turns that may be wound around the device. However, it is
important to assess the maximum effectiveness of the Toroid, with increasing number of turns, owing to the
likelihood of saturating the device. In saturation, the ferrite looses all its isolating properties:

11.8 Transient Suppression

In order to understand the necessity of using transient suppressors, an understanding of where transients
originate and how they affect electronic design is necessary.

"Transient" is a word used to describe a number of separate but related phenomena, characterised by their

a) Switching of inductive loads

b) Lightning induced surges

c) Nuclear Electromagnetic Pulse (NEMP)

d) Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)

11.8.1 Contact Protection When Switching Electromagnetic Devices

Whenever contacts open or close in an electrical circuit, breakdown may develop between the contacts.
Whenever breakdown occurs, some physical damage is done to the contacts, decreasing their useful life. In
addition breakdown can also lead to high frequency radiation and to voltage and current surges in the wiring.
These surges and high frequency radiation may be the source of interference affecting other circuits.

Contact Breakdown

Two types of breakdown are important in switching contacts. They are:

1) Gas / Glow Discharge

The voltage necessary to initiate a glow discharge is a function of the gas, the spacing of the contacts
and the gas pressure. For air at normal temperature and pressure 320 V is required at 0.0003 inch to
initiate a glow discharge. If the gap is shorter or longer, more voltage is required. After breakdown
occurs, a somewhat smaller voltage (Vg) is sufficient to keep the gas ionised. In air Vg is approximately
300 V. The sustaining voltage is nearly constant regardless of the contact spacing. A minimum current is
also necessary to sustain the glow, typically a few milliamperes.

To avoid a glow discharge the voltage across the contacts should be kept below 300 V.

2) Metal Vapour or Arc Discharge

Arc discharge can take place at contact spacing and voltages much below those required for a glow

Some electrons from the surface of the metal may be set free if an external electric field is present with
sufficient voltage gradient.

An arc discharge is started when a voltage gradient of approximately 0.5 MV/cm.

For gold contacts the minimum arcing voltage is typically 12 V and minimum arc-discharge current is
400 mA.

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It is difficult to prevent an arc discharge from self-sustaining, as only a low voltage is required. If the arc
does form, it should be prevented from sustaining itself by keeping the available current to a minimum
level. If the contact is to survive, then the arc, once formed, should be broken. The higher the voltage
existing across the contact, the more difficult it is to interrupt the arc.

Contacts can typically handle a much higher AC voltage than a DC voltage e.g. a contact rated at 30 V
DC can handle 110 V AC. The big disadvantage of switching AC is that it is much harder to provide
adequate contact protection networks when they are required.

11.8.2 Switching Non Resistive Loads

Lamps, motors and capacitors all draw higher current, on switch on, than in their steady state. The initial
current in a lamp filament, for example, may be 10 times its normal rated current as shown in Figure 23.

Figure 23 Initial Current in a Filament Lamp

Motors tend to have start-up currents that are 5 to 10 times their normal rated currents; in addition, the
inductance of the motor causes a high voltage to be generated when the current is interrupted (an inductive
kick). This is the prime cause of contact arcing. This makes it very difficult to switch Motors since they cause
contact damage during 'make and break'.

To protect the contact, this high inrush current must be limited.

Using a resistor in series with the contact is not always possible, as this limits the steady state current. A low
DC resistance inductor, can be used to limit the initial current, as shown in Figure 24.

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Figure 24 Use of a Suitable Current Limiting Resistor

11.8.3 Switching of Inductive Loads

The high voltage generated when a contact breaks the current path to an inductive load causes severe
contact damage. The resulting spark is also the source of radiated and conducted noise unless appropriate
contact protection circuits are used.

Figure 25 suggests that to avoid contact breakdown, keep the contact voltage below 300 V thereby
preventing a glow discharge and that the rate of rise of contact voltage should be less than necessary for arc
discharge i.e. typically 1 V/μs.

Reality suggests that it is not always possible to avoid contact breakdown. Therefore, the arc discharge
should be prevented from becoming self-sustaining.

Figure 25 Concept of Separation Velocity

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11.8.4 Transient Suppression for Inductive Loads

For the protection of contacts controlling inductive loads and minimising radiated and conducted noise, some
form of contact protection must be placed across the inductance, the contact or both.

For the majority of contacts, the amount of protection needed is limited by practical requirements. For
example, protection across the coil of a relay increases its release time. In this case the protection has to be
a compromise between meeting operational requirements and providing adequate protection to the contacts.

From a noise reduction point of view it is usually preferable to provide as much transient suppression as
possible across the noise source. This is good EMC design practice.

Precise calculation of the component values for contact protection is difficult as values of inductance and
capacitance of interconnecting wires etc are unknown.

Empirical tests should be used, to verify the effectiveness of the suppression in the intended application.

11.8.5 Contact Protection Networks for Inductive Loads

For large values of C, as the contact is opened the load current is momentarily diverted through it and arcing
does not occur see Figure 26.

Figure 26 Contact Suppression with a Capacitor

NOTE This is not recommended because the capacitor charges to supply voltage and discharges when the
contacts close. The initial discharge current is limited only by the parasitic resistance of the wiring and the contacts.

Hence, contact suppression using R-C Network, as illustrated in Figure 27.

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Figure 27 Contact Suppression using an R-C Network

The value of R should be large to limit discharge current when the contact closes. When the contact opens,
R should be as small as possible (since R is placed there to decreases the effectiveness of the capacitor and
trying to prevent arcing). The value of R must therefore be a compromise between the two conflicting

The R-C protection network is the most widely used because of its low cost and small size. In addition it only
has a small effect on the release time of the load. The RC network is not however 100% effective. The
presence of the resistor causes an instantaneous voltage to develop across the opening contact, therefore
some arcing is present.

The R-C-D network shown in Figure 28 provides optimum contact protection, but it is more expensive than
other methods and cannot be used in AC circuits.

Figure 28 Example of a Resistor-Capacitor Diode Contact Protection Network

For AC circuits contact suppression may not be useful, but the best suppression scheme is the use of Silicon
Avalanche Suppressors and parallel Snubber Circuits as shown in Figure 29.

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Figure 29 AC Contact Suppression

11.8.6 Summary of Switching Contact Breakdown

A summary of switching contract breakdown is shown in Figure 30.

Figure 30 Switching Contact Breakdown

a) Lamps and capacitor loads cause contact damage on closure due to high inrush currents

b) Inductive loads generate high voltages when current is interrupted

c) The effect of contact protection on the release time of relays should be considered

11.8.7 Lightning Induced Transients

Although a complete subject in its own right which, is also covered in commercial EMC testing, lightning
induced transients are produced thus:

a) A direct lightning stroke to an external (outdoor) circuit injecting high currents producing voltages by
either a) flowing through ground impedance or b) flowing through the surge impedance of the external

b) An indirect lightning stroke (i.e. strokes between adjacent clouds) may induce voltages or currents on
the conductor of circuits outside or/and inside a building.

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c) A lighting stroke that misses the line, but hits a nearby object setting up electromagnetic fields which
may induce voltages on the conductors of an external circuit.

d) Lightning ground current flow, resulting from nearby direct-to-ground discharges coupling into the
common ground paths of the Earthing/grounding scheme of the installation.

e) For different applications the severity level is between 0.5 kV to 4 kV.

11.8.8 Nuclear Electromagnetic Pulse Induced Transient

The nuclear electromagnetic pulse (NEMP) transient is generated nano-seconds after the detonation of an
atomic weapon. Depending on the height above the surface of the earth of the detonation, and the distance
from the electronic equipment determines the characteristic of the transient pulse.

Typically NEMP transients are described as EXO-Atmospheric i.e. detonate >40 km above the surface of the
earth, and ENDO-Atmospheric, i.e. <50km. The rise time and duration of the transients are much faster than
those associated with lightning. Only military project specific standards call up NEMP testing requirements.
For commercial (i.e. non military) products, the NEMP transients are of academic interest only, owing to the
many special design considerations that have to be taken in order to:

a) Detect and prevent 'latch-up' of certain semi-conductor devices.

b) Use only 'hardened' technologies, specific to military requirements, to prevent circuit malfunction or
destruction. However, NEMP transients are coupled into a product in much the same way as lightning
transients. The speed consideration of NEMP transients are more important than those of lightning so
suppression relies more on Varistors to act on the faster edges.

In practice, the lightning transients are dealt with first, in any design, followed by NEMP ones if necessary.
Hence commonly described protection circuitry is shown in Figure 31.

Figure 31 Protection Circuit Model

If the delay was not employed, lightning strikes or surges will reach the Varistor; hence degrade that
component, before the GDT fires!

11.8.9 Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Induced Transients

ESD energies are fairly small, but the rise time of the transient is now acknowledged to be <1 nS. Hence the
ranges of protectors are limited to metal oxide Varistor and silicon avalanche suppressors.

NOTE It is best to keep ESD outside electronic circuits and interconnecting cables, by using effective screened,
shielding and low inductance ground paths.

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To be used effectively, the ESD suppressor is best employed next to the most susceptible electronic circuit
devices. Suppressors are usually connected directly to 'inputs' or 'outputs' connectors on cables or placed
close to areas where operators are likely to be touching non-metallic surfaces.

12 Filters
It is rarely possible to eliminate unwanted disturbances propagating into or out of electronic equipment via
power, signal or communication lines by using EMC design techniques such as component selection and
circuit layout. Filtering and suppression is necessary when the imported noise causes system malfunction, or
exported noise does not meet the requirements of a given specification.

The vast majority of filters have been designed according to the image-parameter theory. Their commercial
acceptance is due in no small part to the highly approximate requirements for most filters. Where more-exact
characteristics are required, shifting of element values in the actual filter has usually resulted in an
acceptable design. For precise amplitude and phase response in the pass band, the simple and approximate
solutions obtained through image-parameter theory must give way to equations based on modern network

Filters and suppression devices work by reducing the conducted disturbance signal level to a tolerable
magnitude, whilst allowing the wanted functional signal to pass unaffected. Filter types can be broadly
classified as either reflective or absorbing filters. Reflective filters use reactive components that provide a
high series impedance and/or low shunt impedance to divert the disturbance signal back to the noise
generator. Absorbing filters contain lossy elements such as resistors or ferrites which dissipate the
disturbance energy within the filter, which is a desirable feature from an EMC point of view. Filter
performance and correct installation are often taken for granted without due consideration of high frequency
electromagnetic effects which may be present.

Filter components have small parasitic reactance's which limit their effective bandwidth. In addition, the
impedance of the circuit to be filtered is an important factor, and determines the type of filter configuration
which should be selected to provide the desired insertion loss.

Decoupling is essential in most system and circuit designs in order to bypass RF currents without shorting
out the DC content. The decoupling capacitors should have very low reactance at the frequency that needs

The location of decoupling capacitors can have a significant influence on performance, since the increase in
inductance of PCB tracks to which the capacitor is connected is additive.

12.1 Filter Design

A filter is a linear protection device which limits the frequency spectrum on signal and power lines entering
electronic equipment. Filters are commonly used to suppress CW RF disturbance sources, although
reduction of transient disturbances is also possible. In general, cables entering an electronic module carry
signal currents with a limited frequency spectrum, often completely outside the spectrum of transients. Thus,
the energy from transients can be greatly reduced by using a filter. Non-linear transient suppression devices
are often incorporated in linear RF filters to provide primary transient protection.

12.2 Basic Filter Types

Filters can be classified by the band of frequencies which are allowed to pass with little or no attenuation.
Low pass filters pass signals with frequency components from DC up to a specified cut-off frequency. The
cut-off frequency (the point where the signal power is attenuated by 3 dB) separates the pass-band from the
stop-band. Low pass filters of various types are used to protect power, signal, control and data lines.

Band-pass filters pass signals within a band of frequencies delimited by the lower and upper cut-off
frequencies; and reject those with frequencies in the upper and lower stop bands. The filter bandwidth is the
difference between the upper and lower cut-off frequencies. Band-pass filters are commonly used to protect

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RF communication services. Figure 32 shows the ideal and practical frequency response of a low-pass and
a band-pass filter.

Figure 32 Ideal and Practical Response of Low-Pass and Band Pass Filters

Two other common filter types, high-pass and band-reject or notch filters are not generally used for EMC
purposes, the first because wanted signals are usually at a lower frequency than any interference, and the
second because the precise frequency of interference is not in general predictable.

12.3 Insertion loss

Performance of filters is usually described by their insertion loss as a function of frequency. The insertion-
loss of a filter is the ratio of the output power before and after the installation of the filter, which is designed to
work at a given standard impedance e.g. 50 Ω. Insertion-loss is specified by the designer and measured and
quoted by the manufacturer. If V2 and V1 are the voltages measured across the load with and without the
filter, then:

Insertion loss (dB) = 20 Log10 (V2/V1)

In most applications, the source and load impedances may not be the standard value over the entire
frequency range, and the filter will have an insertion loss characteristic which differs from that specified. In
particular, attenuation is likely to be significantly lower than specified in the low frequency part of the
intended stop-band. In critical applications an examination of the source and load impedances is required,
and a custom-designed filter may be necessary.

A filter should be designed for the impedances of the circuit in which it is to be used, so that the minimum
mismatch between filter and circuit is obtained. In general, shunt capacitors should face the high impedance
side of the circuit and series inductors should face the low impedance side.

12.4 Examples of typical Filters in Common Use

a) DC and AC Power Supply Filters

b) Signal-line Filters

12.4.1 DC & AC Power Line Filters

Protection of DC and AC single or three phase power connections generally requires low-pass, multi-stage,
commercial power line conditioning filters. Off-the-shelf high-performance filters with demonstrated protection
capabilities can provide an insertion loss of 100 dB from as low as 10 kHz up to 1 GHz. Power line filters are
usually the most complex EMC suppression device in a given piece of equipment and require particular
attention. A power line filter has to be effective against differential mode and common mode interference,
and specifications such as insertion loss, leakage current rating and inductor core saturation need to be

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a) DC Power Supply Filters

The most popular DC power supply filters are the "feed through" types. When power supply leads are fed
through a hole in a metal box or metal screen, these holes may be replaced by the feed through devices.
Typically, they consist of inductors and capacitors arranged as L-Section (2 element), T or Pi - Section (3
element) filters, etc

Comparison of 2, 3 and Multi-Element Filters

The inductor/capacitor combination constitutes an L type filter with a frequency/attenuation characteristic

given by 20 log ω2LC. This assumes a high terminating impedance compared to the capacitor reactance not
generally realised on power line applications.

Improved performance is obtained with Pi or T configurations and these are commonly used in power line

Commercially available suppression units incorporating these networks are supplied with housings suitable
for mounting in or on equipment. Many units however, are designed with lower frequency limits of 100 kHz or
so and may not meet the more onerous requirements of the interference limits in Part 3 of this standard.

Pi networks have the advantage that only one inductor per line is required but suffers from two major

1) They can 'ring' with a consequent loss of attenuation or even a gain at some frequencies;

2) When used in three phase power lines the capacitance to ship's structure can significantly
enhance common mode current flow resulting in increased coupling to low frequency systems such
as sonar.

T networks although requiring two inductors per line have the advantage that they can easily be damped and
the additional inductor reduces common mode current flow. Damping is achieved by connecting a resistor
equal in value to √L/C across one of the inductors. This will of course reduce the attenuation of the network
but will prevent ringing. It should be noted that the published performance of commercial filters is based on
measurements made under defined conditions (see Clause 10.3) and the results when installed may be
significantly different.

Figures 33, 34 and 35 compare the circuit diagrams of 2, 3 and multi-element D.C. power supply filters.

Figure 33 Schematic Layout of L-Section Filter

Figure 34 Schematic Layout of Pi-Section or T Filter

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Figure 35 Schematic Layout of Multi-Element Filter

Applications of DC - Supply Feed through Filters

Knowledge of circuit’s input and output impedance is very often not available to the designer and for the
following filter to have any chance of working correctly; values for RS and RL must be known over the full
frequency coverage. This of course, is even more important if the input and output is not purely resistive but
dynamic, meaning that RS and RL become ZS and ZL respectively. Figure 36 shows a typical filter circuit.

Figure 36 Typical Filter Circuit

The required performance is always known as sufficient evidence will have been gathered to justify the need
for a filter. Figure 37 is a typical response required for the correct operation of a circuit.

Figure 37 What Should Happen

Unfortunately, if the output impedance of the filter is not correctly matched with the input impedance of the
circuit it is to protect, the resultant shape of the filter characteristic will be distorted.

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b) A.C. Mains Supply Filters

Power line filters have been designed to pass the power line frequencies but reject higher frequency noise.
They serve two purposes:

To remove low levels of continuous high frequency noise.

To reduce or filter the levels of transients.

A Typical Power line filter is shown in Figure 38.

Figure 38 Typical Power Line Filter

NOTE A small choke may be added to the safety ground lead to help Common-Mode filtering. This can be useful,
particularly against lightning transients, but the value of inductance must be kept low, so as not to interfere with the 50 Hz
or 60 Hz Earth leakage conditions.

12.5 Determine Filter Requirements

Occasions arise when it is necessary to determine filter requirements either after or during EMC testing or
retrospectively after installation. The following collected equations are useful in assessing filter performance
of Pi and T networks.

Ro = Equation 1

fc = Equation 2

fc = Equation 3
π Ro c

fc = Equation 4
π LC


Ro = nominal impedance
DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2 UK OFFICIAL

L = 2 x each L in T section

C = 2 x each C in Pi section

fc = cut off frequency in Hertz

⎛ ⎛ f ⎞6 ⎞
Attenuatio n (dB) = 10 Log10 ⎜1 + ⎜ ⎟ ⎟ Equation 5
⎜ ⎝fc⎠ ⎟
⎝ ⎠

Attenuation at frequency f

100 x 10-6
Ro = = 15 Ω
0.44 x 10-6

For power supply applications the nominal impedance Ro should be no greater than 30 Ω, the values of L
and C being dictated by line currents and specification requirements (e.g. capacitance to ship's structure
limited to 1 μF per phase absolute maximum). As an example of the use of the equations assume a pi
network with L value of 100 μH and associated with 0.22 μF capacitors.

Cut off frequency from (2), (3) or (4) = 47.7 kHz

Attenuation at 100 kHz from (5)

⎛ ⎛ 100 ⎞6 ⎞
Attenuatio n = 10 Log10 ⎜1 + ⎜ ⎟ ⎟ = 19 dB
⎜ ⎝ 47.7 ⎠ ⎟
⎝ ⎠

It should be noted that the power supply and equipment impedances are complex quantities and different
from the resistive Ro assumed. The calculated attenuation could thus be adversely affected. Nevertheless,
the calculations provide a sound starting point for a finalised tailored design.

The high frequency performance is very much dependent upon the mode of construction, in particular the
choice of capacitor, length of capacitor leads, bonding impedance, and stray coupling between input and
output. In general, suppression units using two terminal capacitors will have a reasonable performance up to
20 MHz or so above which the effects of resonances in the components will seriously degrade the
attenuation. For improved performance at higher frequencies bushing or lead through capacitors should be
used together with reduced bonding impedance, improved isolation between input and output and careful
selection of inductor configuration.

12.6 Filter Installation

The effectiveness of the mains filter is dependent upon its correct installation into the system to be protected.

a) Coupling between input and output leads (due to capacitance or mutual inductance) may reduce the
attenuation achieved because of the by-pass route around the filter. Screening of input and/or output
leads may be required to overcome this effect, in addition to segregation of the leads. In pi networks
large currents can flow into the capacitors thereby creating magnetic fields that can couple with adjacent

b) The bonding connection between the filter case and equipment enclosure provide a low impedance path
over the relevant frequency range. To achieve this the filter case should be bonded by good metal -
metal contact to the equipment metalwork paint being removed if necessary such there is no chance of
noise coupling across the input to output, thereby reducing the filter’s effectiveness. A bonding wire or
strap should then be connected to meet safety requirements. If this method of installation is
impracticable then the bonding strap must be as short as possible e.g. 16 mm x 1 mm copper of minimal
length bonded by paint free metal - metal contact at the filter case and the equipment bonding point.

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Some degradation of high frequency performance will result due to the length of strap necessary in most
practical situations. In the test arrangements shown in Figure 39 to obtain the designed 60 dB
attenuation at 100 MHz the bonding impedance Z must be less than 50 mΩ (i.e. a bonding inductance of
less than 0.1 nH).

Figure 39 Filter Bonding Impedance

c) The siting of suppression filters is important and experience has shown that the optimum location is at
the point of entry into the equipment enclosure. Coupling of incoming interference to external cabling
and circuits is minimised also coupling from internal interference sources to the filtered output of the
suppressor. If a number of suppression units or devices are involved it is a good measure to enclose
them in a dedicated compartment within the equipment. To avoid long current paths through the
equipment metalwork the bonding point should be closely adjacent to the bonding points of the filters.

The metal case of the filter must be effectively bonded to hardware ground; otherwise the filter's earth
references will not be connected correctly, reducing the filter's effectiveness.

d) Note on Mains Earth Leakage Conditions

In any commercially available or product specific mains filter design, the Cy capacitors normally direct
high frequency noise currents from the live and neutral lines to earth. However, they will also pass some
current at 50 Hz to 60 Hz. Safety earth leakage regulations exist, to limit the maximum current taken to
the safety earth. For many products this limit is typically 0.5 mA maximum. Therefore this limits the
maximum value of Cy capacitors at 50 Hz to <5 nF.

NOTE For safety reasons Cx is designed to fail short circuit so that the supply fuse is blown.

e) Mains Isolation Transformers

In many applications where the use of mains powered equipment has to be used in a hazardous
environment, the use of a mains isolation transformer is mandatory. These provide good isolation to
frequencies up to 1 MHz. However, for best results, the use of filters plus the isolation transformer will
provide good EMC protection across a wide range of frequencies.

f) Power Line Conditioners

For many computer installations, power line conditioners have been recommended. They provide
several functions within the unit.

1) Isolation from mains supply disturbances, i.e. sags, surges, harmonic distortion, frequency
deviations, transients and broad spectral noise.

2) Voltage regulation.

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3) Noise suppression.

4) These normally consist of either:

i) Hybrid transformer-filter-regulator units or

ii) Diesel driven motor and generator set.

g) Un-interruptible Power Supply (UPS)

An increasing popular unit found in computer installations, to isolate the computer from mains supply
disturbances is the un-interruptible power supply or UPS.

The UPS is a continuous on-line device that helps to overcome short falls, or complete losses, of the AC
power supply. To do this in the short term, the UPS draws on an AC voltage derived from a battery
source via a D.C. to AC inverter. In normal use, the batteries are 'trickle-charged' via an AC to D.C.
rectifier charger. To keep the UPS output supported in the long term, a diesel motor/generator may be
switched in or a second feed from the building supply is used

12.6.1 Signal Line Filters

Simple signal line filters consist of feed through capacitors. The schematic representation is of the form
shown in Figure 40.

Figure 40 Transmission Line or Feed-Through Capacitor

Some manufacturers incorporate this scheme into D-type connectors, which must be mounted directly onto a
metal ground plane or the chassis of a product. These are very popular for digital signals on data bus cables.

12.7 Filtered Connectors

Filtered connectors also exist in PCB-mount style. In this case, one must make sure that the metallic
connector housing, which is the capacitor common, is positively grounded to the chassis (or, by default, to
the 0V plane). There have been a few occasions where a filter connector housing has been simply riveted to
an epoxy glass card, with no contact to ground whatsoever. Not only was the filter useless, but the filter
capacitors' floating common created crosstalk between the different lines.

12.8 Miniature Filters

Various types of miniature filters are available from manufacturers in a range of voltage and current ratings
and a wide choice of filtering characteristics. They are available in L, pi and T configurations and incorporate
bushing capacitors and series inductors mounted in a tubular metal case. They are intended to be installed
on bulkheads and are generally constructed with one end threaded for the mounting, which also provides the

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bonding connection to the bulkhead. The input and output connections are via wires or lugs axially mounted
at the ends of the cylinder. In common with bushing capacitors, the mounting arrangements must provide
complete isolation between input and output and minimal impedance in the bonding arrangements.

The filters are typically 10 mm to 25 mm long and 5 mm to 20 mm in diameter with DC voltage ratings in the
range 80 V to 600 V and current ratings in the range 0.1 A to 10 A. Insertion losses are dependent upon the
device selected and range from 20 dB to 30 dB at low frequencies up to 60 dB or greater at 1 GHz. It should
be noted that the loss figures are based on the results achieved in a 50 Ω measurement system and could
vary considerably in practice where terminating impedances could be widely different from 50 Ω. In
manufacturer's literature minimum capacitance values are given and could be subject to tolerances of as
great as ± 100%. In signal circuit applications this increase in capacitance could pose problems. If doubts
exist as to the suitability of any device for a specific application the manufacturer should be consulted. When
installing these devices care must be taken not to overheat the terminations or apply undue force to the lead
out wires or lugs since damage to the component can result. The manufacturer's instructions with regard to
installation must always be observed.

12.9 Filter Pin Connectors

These are designed to be interchangeable with standard multi-way connectors but each pin incorporates a
RF filter. Various designs of filter may be used and one connector may include more than one filter type.
These types may consist of:

a) A shunt capacitor

b) A shunt capacitor and a series inductor

c) Two shunt capacitors and a series inductor between them (a pi-configuration)

The capacitor values range from about 200 pF to 0.1 μF and the inductors a few μH. The effective range of
filtering depends mainly on the capacitance value. For the lower values the range may be 100 MHz - 1 GHz
whereas for higher values the range may extend down to 10 MHz or even 1 MHz. Typical insertion loss
values as measured in a 50 Ω test system are shown in Table 4.

Table 4 Filter Pin Attenuation

Frequency Range Typical Attenuation

1 MHz – 100 MHz 2 dB – 30 dB

100 MHz – 1 GHz 20 dB – 50 dB

Voltage ratings are typically 50 V DC - 200 V DC with current ratings of 5 amps or so. A limit on the level of
RF that can be tolerated is usually imposed ranging from 50 mA to 250 mA. Some devices have an ac rating
of 120 V at 400 Hz (easily exceeded on Shipboard 115 V power supplies).

The components, which are incorporated in filter pins, may be affected by temperature, current and/or
voltage. The capacitors are usually constructed with high-k ceramics, and at high temperatures, or with a
voltage applied; the capacitance can be reduced significantly. The inductors are provided by passing the
central conductor through a very thin ferrite tube, and if an appreciable current flows the permeability of the
ferrite and the inductance value are both reduced. These effects on the components all result in a decrease
in the insertion loss at frequencies in the lower part of the stop band.

12.10 IEC Connector Filters

These are composite filters built into a three pin IEC mains connector. Designed for use on up to 250 V
50/400 Hz supplies, they are available with current ratings in the range 1 A to 10 A. Current compensated
inductors are used and these, in association with capacitor networks, give useful attenuation to both

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differential and common mode interference. The insertion loss is largely dependant upon the current rating,
being typically 40 dB at 150 kHz for a 1 A device and 15 dB for a 10 A (common mode). They are effective
up to 300 MHz or so and are easily installed since they replace standard IEC mains connectors.

12.11 Filter Selection

12.11.1 Inter-connections and I/O ports

There are two basic types of RF filters: capacitive and inductive. Different combinations maybe required
depending on the application. Most lower bandwidth (< 1 MHz) interfaces will benefit from the use of filtering
at each of the ports. These filter components will not be effective unless their placement is exactly adjacent
to their entry point. 2.5 cm is too far away. The use of capacitors as bypass filtering to remove high-
frequency RF currents from external I/O cables as well as differential-mode RF current from logic devices
and I/O inter-connects is a good practice.

The location of any bypass capacitors must be directly at the connector entry point if both radiated emissions
and radiated susceptibility are to be suppressed. The data line filter (inductor or common-mode choke) must
be positioned between the controller side of the signal trace and the I/O connector with a bypass capacitor
between as shown in Figure 41, (Technique Number 1).

Figure 41 Location of Bypass Capacitor for Data Lines (Emissions)

Such filter capacitors are especially critical with keyboard and mouse I/O inter-connects and external cables
that may not be shielded, or have minimal shielding. It should be noted that the "Moat" travels directly
through the centre of the data line filter. What the moat is achieving is an isolated or "island" reference point.
The width of the moat should be >50 mils.

A different arrangement is required for both radiated emissions and electrostatic discharge events. The
bypass capacitor must be located at the input side of the data line filter and not at the I/O connector as
shown in Figure 42, (Technique Number 2).

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Figure 42 Location of Bypass Capacitors for Data Lines (Emissions and Immunity)

12.11.2 Bypass Capacitors at the I/O Connector

Figure 42 shows filter capacitors located directly at the I/O connector. Such capacitors are excellent filter
elements for RF currents emanating from the product (radiated and/or conducted emissions). Selection of a
capacitor with a very high self-resonant frequency is required for optimal performance whilst minimising the
degradation of the signal edge required for proper operation of the I/O signal. Values of these capacitors
typically range between 1,000 pF and 100 pF, depending on the signal bandwidth.

In the case of an ESD event, voltage and current levels may be extremely large in amplitude. In Part 3 of this
standard the EMC test specifications require that products should withstand a minimum voltage level of
2000 V, with 6000 V and 8000 V also used as a common reference value. Therefore, surface mount
capacitors used for RF emissions, which are usually rated 25 V or less would prove inadequate. Should such
an ESD event be injected into the I/O line, these filter capacitors could be-destroyed.

Capacitor component failure may occur as a function of over voltage and/or over stress as result of the
excessive voltage/current through the component body. Each capacitor component rating should be
evaluated according to the actual ESD voltage that will be developed across the bypass capacitor (this is
usually less than the ESD source voltage due to the ESD loading by the bypass capacitor) along with the
peak current impulse stress through the capacitor. Failure to withstand such an event means that capacitive
filtering for the I/O lines no longer exists, thereby leaving the unit non-compliant for both RF emissions and
immunity purposes.

12.11.3 Bypass capacitors at data line filter input

EMC Standards require that products must not only comply with radiated emission limits but must also
provide a level of immunity to externally induced RF currents. These RF currents may be as a result of any
electrical fast transient burst, ESD events or radiated/conducted fields from adjacent products, including
cellular telephones, pagers etc., and environmental disturbances.

Therefore, to minimise stress to low-voltage-rated surface mount capacitors and still receive the benefit of a
bypass capacitor, the bypass capacitor must be located on the input side of the data line filter. This is shown
in Figure 42, Technique Number 2. When an ESD event occurs, the pulse will first see a high-impedance
source - the data line filter. The filter will prevent the full magnitude of the event from reaching any of the
control circuitry or other logic devices on the main part of the PCB. ESD is partially captured between the

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data line filter and I/O connector. If a circuit is sensitive to a particular frequency, a resonant shunt LC filter
should be designed to alleviate this problem. Provisions should always be made for use of bypass capacitors
during board layout, especially in applications where it is known that the capacitors will not impact on the
circuits' functionality. Actual use eventually will be determined through functional testing.

The main problem confronting design engineers is the difference between common-mode and differential-
mode voltage and current as related to these circuits and how the problem is to be solved. Why inductive
components are used for one application and capacitors for another? Common-mode current can be induced
on cables attached to a PCB by differential-mode currents on the ground plane. Common-mode currents
frequently are produced by sources that originate as differential-mode and have been converted to common-
mode. In practice, imbalance currents or non-cancelling differential-mode flux result in common-mode by-
products of the sources simply because they are not perfectly balanced or cancelling fully. This ground noise
in the ground plane relates differential-mode voltage and currents on the board to common-mode voltage
and current on I/O cables, and even across the various board planes.

There is a need for a note of caution. The introduction of a decoupling capacitor, with minimum lead and loop
inductance, will provide a current-driven mechanism for driving a common-mode antenna. Any large power
switching cross-conduction device currents produced by components will produce a voltage drop on the
ground trace or ground plane. This voltage drop can potentially drive two portions of the ground systems
against one another (as two halves of an antenna). Attempts to eliminate the voltage-driven mechanism by
placing a decoupling capacitor between the power and ground source at the I/O connector or cable, could
result in an increase in common-mode voltage reflection in signals between sources and connectors. This
means, that although the cable port may be suppressed, the board itself may radiate more, or at different
frequencies (because of L-C resonance between trace and path inductance and the bypass capacitors). The
length of the differential-mode loop is increased by the addition of the decoupling capacitor at the connector
physically located at a distance from the source component. An increase in loop inductance will be created
(from source to capacitor); hence, an increase in voltage drop is observed along the return conductor - the
ground plane.

Inductive filtering is used in series with I/O signal lines to remove common-mode RF currents in the signal
trace. The use of ferrite beads is the best method of filtering. Low-loss inductors make poor EMI filter
elements. Use inductors that are RF energy absorbers.

When data line filters (common-mode, common-coil, toroids) are used to bridge two areas, common-mode
RF currents are removed from the signal trace. Selection of the correct material type of data line filter is
important. This is because the ferrite material and core construction is designed for optimal performance
within a specific range of frequencies. One manufacturer's data line filter or ferrite material may provide 45
dB's of attenuation at 30 MHz and 10 dB's of attenuation at 100 MHz. Whereas another vendor's product,
almost identical in form and fit, but with different characteristic permeability profile, may provide 15 dB's of
attenuation at 30 MHz and 40 dB's at 100 MHz. It is vital that verification is sought to establish that the
permeability and composition of the ferrite material (in short, the total impedance) is compatible with the
intended range of frequencies to be suppressed.

12.11.4 Complex Filters on Signal Lines

There are a number of different types of filters a designer can create from standard texts on the subject, or
computed tables. Propriety software, which computes and optimise designs for special applications are now
widely available to run on PC's or work stations and are very popular.

The criteria for using signal line filters are:

a) Achieve the best rejection of unwanted high and low frequency noise, in the presence of the required

b) Not to modify in any way, the required data.

c) Compare the costs of filtering to achieving the same solution by other means (i.e. screening or
preventing the cross-coupling mechanisms etc.)

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If the required signal is a complex digital signal, then the filter has to be more complex (hence more
expensive) than a narrowband analogue signal filter. Design guidance and usage for the more complex
filters such as Butterworth and Chebyshev etc can be found in several publications including some of those
referenced in Table 5.

Table 5 Filter Types

By Category By Design

Low Pass Prototype

High Pass M-derived

Band Pass Butterworth

Band Reject Chebyshev


12.11.5 Lossy Filters

It is important that the overall source impedance should match the load impedance in reflective filters, as a
mismatch can result in increased interference, instead of a reduction. Where a mismatch is apparent a lossy
filter can be easily attached to a circuit, which in turn will absorb the energy in a range of frequencies, which
have not been fully absorbed in the high series impedance frequency range represented in the filter
characteristic. The lossy filter can comprise of a material known as "ferrite" - a mixture of 6:1, iron and epoxy
resin, in a homogenous magnetic matrix. Ferrite can be provided in tubes with inner and outer conductive
coatings, as for power line filters, or as clip-on beads for high frequency requirements. In the electronic
range, plug and socket arrangements for equipment can have sockets with ferrite inserts to increase the
insertion loss.

The addition of a lossy filter to the main filter in cascade can steepen the 'cut-off' or 'switch-on' point of a
filter, and remove undesirable frequencies that have been conducted due to the presence of resistance,
stray inductance and stray capacitance

12.11.6 Summary

a) Choose filter to provide the best high frequency rejection for the application.

b) Consider voltage and current rating of the chosen device for the application.

c) Beware of non-ideal responses above 100 MHz although expensive, good quality filters are designed to
provide the high isolation above 10GHz. (Note: it is difficult to prove this by existing measurement

d) Beware: filter responses are plotted using the measurement techniques given by MIL-STD 220A - which
measures isolation using a 50 ohm measuring receiver. Typical applications normally may not be
anything like these idealised situations. It is advisable is to select the best filter by trying many types
until the desired effect is obtained.

13 Shielding
The purpose of shielding is to confine radiated energy to the bounds of a specific region, or to prevent
radiated energy from entering a specific region.

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It is of little value to make a shield no matter how well designed and then allow electromagnetic energy to
enter (or exit) the enclosure by an alternative path such as cable penetrations. Cable will pick up noise on
one side of the shield and conduct it to the other side where it will be re-radiated, if adequate cable
protection procedures are not followed.

The shielding effectiveness of an enclosure is easier to measure than it is to calculate analytically.

Effectiveness depends on many factors: the frequency of the radiation, the material used, the type of field,
the distance of the source from the shield and the receiver and the nature of any discontinuities in the shield.

However, analysing simplified cases can help engineers develop an understanding of good design practice.
An understanding of how electromagnetic waves behave is also very important.

A noise source may be contained within a shield preventing interference to equipment outside the shield, as
shown in Figure 43.

Figure 43 Noise Source Contained within Shield

Interference to sensitive electronics is prevented by placing a shield around the receptor as shown in
Figure 44.

Figure 44 Preventing Interference by Shielding

13.1 Near and Far Field Conditions

All electromagnetic waves (EM) consist of two essential components: a magnetic field and an electric field.
These two fields are perpendicular to one another, and the direction of propagation is at right angles to the
plane containing these two components. The relative magnitude between the magnetic (H) field and the
electric (E) field depends on how far the wave is from its source, and on the nature of the source itself. The
ratio of these two components is called the wave impedance (Zw).

If the source has a high current flow relative to its potential (e.g. transformers etc), where the ratio E/H is low
in value, this is known as a "low impedance source". Where the inverse effect occurs and the ratio E/H is
high in value, the source is known as a "high impedance source". The former wave impedance results in a
"Magnetic Field" and the latter an "Electric Field". As the distance from the source increases, the magnitude
of these fields decrease. When the E/H ratio becomes equal for either wave's origin, the wave is said to be a
plane wave with its impedance equal to 377 Ω - the impedance of free space, see Figure 41.

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For a rod or straight wire antenna, the source impedance is high. The wave impedance near the antenna is
giving rise predominantly to an electric field. As distance is increased, the electric field loses some of its
intensity as it generates a complementary magnetic field. In the near field the electric field attenuates at a
rate of l/r3 and the magnetic field at 1/r2. Thus the wave impedance from a straight wire antenna decreases
with distance and asymptotically approaches the impedance of free space in the far field as shown in
Figure 45.

Figure 45 Wave Impedance Variation with Distance from the Source Normalised to λ/2π

For a magnetic field source - typically produced by a loop antenna - the wave impedance near the antenna is
low. As the distance from the source increases, the magnetic field attenuates at a rate of 1/r3 and the
associated electric field at a rate of 1/r2. The wave impedance therefore increases with distance and
approaches that of free space at a distance of λ/2π.

In the far field both the electric and magnetic fields attenuate at a rate of 1/r. At frequencies either side λ/2π,
the nominal far field boundary, there is a transition region where the change in field with distance changes
more gradually as the far field conditions are achieved.

In the near field the electric and magnetic fields must be considered separately, since the ratio of the two is
not constant. In the far field, however they combine to form a plane wave having an impedance of 377 ohms.
Therefore when plane waves are discussed, they are assumed to be in the far field. When individual electric
and magnetic fields are discussed they are assumed to be in the near field.

The importance of this wave impedance is best illustrated when the wave comes into contact with a metal
object. If the magnitude of the wave impedance is very different from the impedance of the metal, most of the
energy within the wave will be reflected with very little being transmitted through the metal. Most metals have
an impedance which is fairly close to zero and a conductivity approaching infinity. The problem most
engineers encounter is in protection against low impedance (magnetic) fields. Here less energy is reflected
and more absorbed because the metal is more closely matched to the impedance of the field.

13.2 Screening Parameters

Figure 46 illustrates an infinite metal barrier placed between the source of an EM wave and a point in space.
It is assumed that the barrier has been located in the far field and that the incident field is therefore a plane
wave. The barrier will remove energy from the incident wave by two mechanisms:

a) Reflection

b) Absorption (sometimes referred to as Transmission) losses in the barrier material, giving rise to heating.

The amount of energy removed will depend on the surface impedance of the barrier material with respect to
the impedance of the incident wave. Secondary reflection might also occur at surface 2, but this is usually
neglected if the transmission loss is greater than about -9dB. For very thin screens (thickness<< skin depth),

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secondary reflection loss is negative and must be taken into account when calculating shielding

Figure 46 Shielding Mechanism

13.3 Shielding Effectiveness in both the Near and Far Field

Shielding effectiveness is a function of the conductivity, permeability and thickness of the material. It varies
with frequency and at low frequencies its effectiveness against the magnetic and electric components of the
field will vary widely. For example, the attenuation against low frequency magnetic fields e.g. 60 Hz will be
very dependant upon the permeability and thickness of material e.g. 10 dB or so for a given material
whereas the same material could have a screening effectiveness in excess of 200 dB against an electric field
at the same frequency.

In most practical enclosures the screening performance is limited by apertures and discontinuities rather
than the inherent properties of the material. An enclosure constructed of 2 mm thickness of steel or
aluminium sheet with no seams, apertures or penetrations will have a much more than adequate shielding
effectiveness over the frequency range 50 kHz - 1 GHz (in excess of 100 dB). Such an enclosure cannot be
used for any practical purposes and the shielding effectiveness will be degraded by the necessity for
penetrations, apertures and the quality and nature of any seams and discontinuities in the structure. Slots
are particularly bad since they act as radiating or receiving antennas however narrow the aperture may be.
For example a slot 10 mm long and 1 mm wide would reduce the shielding effectiveness to below 40 dB at
100 MHz. To reduce slots, joints and seams must be kept to a minimum, but where necessary the following
gives the order of preference:

a) Continuously welded

b) Solder or brazed

c) Spot welded

d) Riveted or bolted (metal - metal joints).

Where slots are unavoidable and high enclosure performance is required the slots may need to be covered
by mesh.

Shielding effectiveness can be determined by analysing the problem in one of two ways either Circuit Theory
or Field Theory.

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13.3.1 Circuit Theory

In the circuit theory approach, the noise fields induce currents in the shields, and these currents in turn
generate additional fields that are equal and opposite in direction and therefore tend to cancel the original
fields in certain regions. The magnetic component of the EM wave will set up oscillating currents flowing in
an identical manner. The current will flow in such a direction that a magnetic field will be set up in opposition
to the illuminating field, thus reducing the internal field. Current which does diffuse through the conducting
wall of the shell, will decay exponentially. Once again the current on the interior surface will re-radiate a
magnetic field in the interior of the shell. The `magnetic field shielding effectiveness' is the ratio of the
magnetic field at some point inside the shell to the magnetic field without the shell in place, expressed in

In the case of the conducting body being a shell (i.e. an EM shield), the currents will exponentially reduce
through the material as they pass through from the illuminated surface to the interior surface (this effect
becoming more marked with frequency.) The electric and magnetic field on the inside surface arising from
the internal current, re-radiates into the interior. The ratio of this interior electric field to the electric field which
would exist without the shell in place, expressed in decibels is known as the ‘electric field shielding

Figure 47 Conducting Material can provide Magnetic Shielding

Conducting material can provide magnetic shielding as shown in Figure 47 however such material generally
has to be very thick or has to have a high permeability. High permeability materials works harden due to
shock and vibration and may lose performance as a result and is usually much more expensive. The incident
magnetic field induces currents in the conductor, producing an opposing field to cancel the incident field in
the region enclosed by the shield.

13.3.2 Field Theory

Shielding can be specified in terms of the reduction in magnetic and/or electric field strength caused by the
shield. It is convenient to express this shielding effectiveness in units of decibels (dB). Use of dB permits the
shielding produced by various effects to be added to obtain the total shielding.

Shielding effectiveness (S) is defined for electric fields as:

S = 20log E0/E1 dB

and for magnetic fields as:

S = 20log H0/H1 dB


E0 and H0 is the incident field and

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E1 and H1 is the transmitted field after passing through the screen.

In the design of a shielded enclosure, there are two primary considerations:

a) The shielding effectiveness of the shield material itself, and

b) The shielding effectiveness due to discontinuities and holes in the shield.

First the shielding effectiveness of a solid shield with no windows or seams is determined and then the effect
of discontinuities and holes is considered. It is the shielding effectiveness of the apertures that will
determines the overall shielding effectiveness of a box or cabinet.

Shielding effectiveness varies with frequency, geometry of shield, the position of the sources and the
receptors within the container relative to apertures, the type of field being attenuated, and the
direction/polarisation of incident field.

Two types of loss are encountered by an electromagnetic wave striking a metallic surface. The wave is
partially reflected from the surface, and the transmitted (non-reflected portion is attenuated as it passes
through the medium.

The latter effect called absorption or penetration loss is the same in either the near or the far field and for
electric or magnetic fields.

Reflection loss, however, is dependent on the type of field and the wave impedance.

The total shielding effectiveness of a material is equal to the sum of the absorption (A) plus the reflection
loss (R) plus the secondary reflection (B) to account for multiple reflections in thin shields.

Total shielding effectiveness therefore can be written as:

S = A + R + B dB.

The multiple reflection factor B can be neglected if its value is less than 0 dB. From a practical point of view,
B can also be neglected for electric fields and plane waves. However, when it comes to trying to attenuate
low frequency magnetic fields, B always works against the shielding effectiveness value S.

13.4 Shielding Calculations

13.4.1 Screened Enclosures

The mechanism of electromagnetic screening is complex, and dependent upon a number of physical
characteristics of the screen or screened enclosure as well as on the frequency range over which screening
is required. Two separate mechanisms can, however, be identified, reflection loss and absorption loss, the
reflection loss has two components, the primary reflection loss (R) and the multiple reflection factor (B). The
screening effectiveness (S) is then the sum of the three (R + A + B).

Screening effectiveness calculations are based upon a number of simplifications of the mechanical aspects
of enclosures, in order to facilitate the calculations. For example, it is usually assumed that the enclosure is
constructed from a continuous sheet of material of uniform surface impedance and with no seams, apertures
or penetrations. It is evident that practical enclosures differ very significantly from this ideal arrangement, and
the calculations tend to give unrealistically high values for the screening effectiveness, since screening
effectiveness is largely controlled by deviations from a continuous shell rather than the material properties.
The main application of the calculations is to determine the type and thickness of material to use, particularly
where screening at low frequencies is required (e.g. below 10 kHz).

It is usual to quote screening performances for practical enclosures in terms of magnetic and electric field
attenuation depending on the type of antenna used for the measurement. Rod or dipole antennas are used
for electric field measurement and loops for magnetic field. In general the values will not be the same, and

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for most practical screening enclosures greater screening will be obtained to electric fields than to magnetic

13.4.2 Absorption Loss

When an electromagnetic wave passes through a medium its amplitude decreases exponentially. This decay
occurs because current induced in the medium produce ohmic losses and heating of the material

E1 = E0e-t/δ

H1 = H0e -t /δ

The magnitude of the absorption is given by the relationship:

A = 8.68 t/δ dB Equation 1

The skin depth is given by:

δ= Equation 1
πμσ f


t = material thickness (mm)

δ= skin depth (mm)

f = frequency (Hz)

μ = μoμr material permeability

σ = material conductivity in Siemens/metre

Values of the skin depth for copper, aluminium and steel over a range of frequencies are shown in Table 6.

Table 6 Penetration Depths in Metal Sheets (mm)

Frequency Copper Aluminium Steel

σ = 5.83 x 107 σ = 3.7 x 107 σ = 0.6 x 107 μr = 1 to 300

μr = 1 μr = 1 (depending on frequency)

60 Hz 8.5 10.7 1.5 (μr = 300)

400 Hz 3.3 4.1 0.6 (μr = 300)
1 kHz 2.1 2.6 0.38 (μr = 300)
10 kHz 0.66 0.83 0.12 (μr = 300)
100 kHz 0.21 0.26 0.04 (μr = 300)
1 MHz 0.066 0.083 0.02 (μr = 100)
10 MHz 0.021 0.026 0.006 (μr = 100)
100 MHz 0.007 0.008 0.004 (μr = 20)
1000 MHz 0.002 0.003 0.006 (μr = 1)

From the values of penetration depth given in Table 6 the absorption loss per millimetre of thickness of the
screen can be found from Table 7.

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Table 7 Absorption Loss of Metal Sheet/mm thickness

Frequency Copper Aluminium Steel

60 Hz 1 0.8 5.7
400 Hz 2.6 2.1 14.6
1 kHz 4.1 3.3 23
10 kHz 13 10 73
100 kHz 42 33 231
1 MHz 132 105 422
10 MHz 416 332 1340
100 MHz 1320 1050 1890
1000 MHz 4160 3320 1340

It is evident that at power frequencies a significant thickness of metal, preferably ferromagnetic, is required to
give a high value of absorption loss. On the other hand, above about 1 MHz more than 100 dB loss per mm
is provided by any of the three types of metal. Above 100 MHz the thinnest metal foil that can be used (by
reason of its mechanical strength) will generally have adequate absorption loss. However, if the conductivity
is reduced by several orders of magnitude, as is the case for some 'conducting paints', the absorption loss,
even for fairly thick layers, is likely to be inadequate in many applications.

In screens which are electrically thin and in all openwork mesh screens the absorption loss is relatively small
and the performance is determined by the reflection loss. The ability of a screen to provide reflection loss is
determined by the magnitude of the secondary wave which is generated by current flow induced in the
surface of the screening material. The extent of induced current flow is determined by the surface impedance
of the screening material and hence by the conductivity, permeability, the type of mesh in an openwork
enclosure, or thickness in an electrically thin sheet material. The nature of the secondary wave is determined
by the size and shape of the enclosure.

13.4.3 Reflection Loss

Reflection loss is not only a function of the material properties and frequency; it also depends on the
configuration of the enclosure and the type of electromagnetic field (i.e. electric, magnetic or plane wave).
Reflection loss is due to a sudden change in the impedance of the transmitting medium at the surface of the
screen. Expressed in another way, the screen acts by allowing a current to flow (due to the incident field)
and thus produce a secondary wave. The reflection loss (R) is calculated from the wave impedance Zw of
the secondary wave and the surface impedance Zs of the screen.

R (dB) = 20 log10 (1 + Zω/Zs) Equation 3

The value of the surface impedance (ohms per square) is given by the following equation:

Zs = 1/σ δ or 1/δ t (whichever is the greater) Equation 4

Skin depth is a function of frequency, consequently Zs will also be frequency dependent and will be greater
than 1/ σ t at frequencies where the skin depth is less than the material thickness. The secondary wave
impedance is a function of shape and size of the screening enclosure and the following equations are based
on a spherical shell. However with little error they apply to rectangular enclosures having a 'radius' equivalent
to a sphere of the same volume.

For the magnetic component the secondary wave impedance Zω (H) is given by:

ω μor
Z ω (H) = Equation 5

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r = radius of equivalent sphere

ω = 2πf

μo = 4 π x 10-7

F = Frequency (Hz)

R(dB) = 20 Log10 (ωμor/3Zs) Equation 6

For the electric component the secondary wave impedance Zω(E) is given by:

Zω(E ) = Equation 7


εo = 8.85 x 10-12 Farads/m

R(dB) = 20 Log10 Equation 8
3ω ε o rZs

a) From the foregoing equations a number of relevant factors are evident:

b) The reflection loss increases with the conductivity of the screening material.

c) Where the screen depth is at least one skin depth no increase in reflection loss is obtained by increasing
the thickness.

d) For magnetic fields the reflection loss increases with frequency (i.e. tends to zero at zero frequency).

e) For electric fields the reflection loss decreases with frequency (i.e. tends to infinity at zero frequency).

f) For the magnetic component the reflection loss is proportional to the radius of the enclosure, whereas
for the electric component it is inversely proportional to the radius.

g) The reflection loss is independent of the distance between the transmitting antenna and the screen,
since the wave impedance applies to the secondary wave rather than the incident wave.

13.4.4 Multiple Reflection Loss

For a shield that is thick relative to the skin depth, the absorption loss will be such that very little reflection will
occur at the secondary boundary. For thin shields, at low frequencies, where the skin depth is large
compared to the shield thickness, the absorption loss is small and the secondary reflection loss is more
significant. This loss (B) is given by:

B = 20 Log (1 – e-2t/δ) Equation 9

This shows that the B loss is in fact negative where skin depth is less than shield thickness, and as a result
reduces the total shielding figure S.

13.4.5 Screening Effectiveness Calculation

A procedure for calculating the screening effectiveness of a metallic enclosure is given below:

DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2 UK OFFICIAL

a) Calculate volume of enclosure and convert to radius of equivalent sphere. If enclosure large calculate
lowest cavity resonance from Clause 13.7.3.

b) Calculate Zs from 1/σδ or 1/δ t whichever is the greater

Zinc 1.69 x 107 Siemens/m

Aluminium 3.70 x 107 Siemens/m

Copper 5.83 x 107 Siemens/m

Steel 0.6 x 107 Siemens/m and μr = 1 to 300

c) Calculate skin depth from Equation 2.

d) In frequency range where Thickness/Skin Depth > 1, calculate absorption loss from Equation 1.

e) Calculate reflection loss magnetic fields from Equation 6

f) Calculate reflection loss electric fields from Equation 8

g) Calculate multiple reflection loss from Equation 9

h) Add reflection loss to absorption loss and the multiple reflection loss.

The calculations are valid up to the lowest frequency of resonance above which the effects of resonances
could seriously impair the screening effectiveness.

As an example of the application of the equations, consider a spherical enclosure, one metre radius,
constructed from copper sheet 1 mm thick, and assuming no discontinuities or apertures, the relevant
impedance and reflection losses are shown in Table 8 for a range of frequencies (note that Zs calculated
from 1/σδ).

Table 8 Reflection Loss, Surface Impedance and Wave Impedance for a Copper Sheet Enclosure
Frequency Zs Zω H ZωE RΗ RE
(μΩ ) (Ω) (MΩ) (dB) (dB)

60 Hz 2 0.00016 200 38 281

400 Hz 5.2 0.0011 30 46 255
1 kHz 8.2 0.0026 12 50 243
10 kHz 26 0.026 1.2 60 213
100 kHz 82 0.263 0.12 70 183
1 MHz 260 2.63 0.012 80 154
10 MHz 823 26.3 0.0012 90 123
100 MHz 2600 263 0.0012 100 93

NOTE For other thicknesses of copper sheet, at low frequencies where the sheet thickness is less than the
penetration depth, the reflection loss is proportional to the thickness (i.e. for an increase of 10:1 in thickness the loss is
increased by 20 dB). At high frequencies, where the thickness is greater than the penetration depth, the reflection loss is
independent of the thickness. Considering an enclosure with the same dimensions as in (a), but constructed from steel
sheet, the relevant impedance and reflection losses are shown in Table 9.

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Table 9 Reflection Loss, Surface Impedance and Wave Impedance for a Steel Sheet Enclosure
Frequency Zs Zω H ZωE RΗ RE
(μΩ ) (Ω) (MΩ) (dB) (dB)

60 Hz 109 0.00016 200 3 245

400 Hz 281 0.0011 30 12 221
1 kHz 444 0.0026 12 16 209
10 kHz 1400 0.026 1.2 26 179
100 kHz 4440 0.263 0.12 36 149
1 MHz 8100 2.63 0.012 50 123
10 MHz 25700 26.3 0.0012 60 93
100 MHz 36300 263 0.0012 77 70

13.4.6 Screening Effectiveness

Taking the values of absorption loss and reflection loss for the two types of enclosure shown in, Table 8 and
Table 9, the net screening effectiveness is given by the sum of the two relevant losses, as shown in
Table 10.

Table 10Screening Effectiveness of Copper and Steel Enclosures

Screening Effectiveness (dB)

Copper Steel

Magnetic Electric Magnetic Electric


60 Hz 7 (20) 260 9 (12) 250

400 Hz 31 (38) 250 27 (28) 235
1 kHz 44 (48) 240 40 (40) 230
10 kHz 73 (73) 230 105 260
100 kHz 110 220 250 370
1 MHz 210 280 480 550
10 MHz 500 530 1450 1550
100 MHz 1400 1400 2300 2300

NOTE In Table 10 the values in parenthesis are the values excluding the multiple reflection term (B)

From Table 10 it is evident that the electric field screening effectiveness is much greater than would be
required in any likely application, whereas the magnetic field screening is limited at low frequencies but
increases with frequency to values that will generally be adequate above 10 kHz, for the enclosure
described. For enclosures only intended to provide screening at radio frequencies (particularly above 1 MHz)
a thinner material can evidently be employed. Since the reflection losses depend on the achievement of very
low values of surface impedance (typically less than 1 mΩ) the presence of any discontinuities will clearly
have a marked effect. Even when RF gaskets have been incorporated between mating surfaces of an
enclosure there is likely to be a significant increase in the impedance, and therefore a decrease in reflection

Levels of screening attenuation of 120 dB can be achieved by custom designed screened rooms and
cabinets. However in practical applications, 40 to 60 dB of screening is more realistic.

Similar calculations can be made for the screening effectiveness of conducting coatings on plastic
enclosures (e.g. GRP) if the conductivity and thickness of coating are known. Flame sprayed zinc for

DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2 UK OFFICIAL

example may have only 30 per cent or so of the conductivity of the pure metal when deposited and an even
deposition of material may be difficult to achieve. Absorption losses will in general be low unless a significant
thickness of material is deposited, and reflection loss is the dominant screening mechanism at the lower
frequencies. Such treated enclosures can provide useful attenuation against electric fields, but the
performance against low frequency magnetic fields may be inadequate for some applications. Other
screening techniques for the screening of plastic enclosures include:

a) Flame sprayed metal (e.g. 0.05 mm zinc followed by 0.075 mm aluminium).

b) Copper or aluminium foil (0.025 mm).

c) Expanded metal sheet (e.g. diamond 10 mm x 6 mm, 0.25 mm thick).

d) Carbon fibre matting.

Other techniques for providing conducting coatings (e.g. conducting paints) or by loading the plastic with
carbon or conducting polymers are not generally effective for screening because the conductivity is
inadequate. The performance of expanded metal sheet can be calculated but is beyond the scope of this
part of the Standard.

It should be noted that in general plastic enclosures for equipment, even though treated to provide
screening, are not preferred for naval applications and metal enclosures of steel or aluminium are to be
used. Cases may arise however where the use of plastics offers significant advantages in respect of weight
or cost effectiveness. In these cases, advice is to be sought from the MOD design sponsor.

A long tube composed of mild steel can be shown to provide appreciable screening to magnetic fields. At
zero frequency a steel tube 50 mm in diameter with 3 mm wall thickness gives an attenuation of about 26
dB. A very thick walled tube would give a limiting value of about 38 dB. Additional concentric tubes can, in
principle, give any increased value of screening attenuation required. Although permeability decreases with
increasing frequency, longitudinal eddy currents ensure that screening performance increases. The same
size steel tube provides 75 dB screening attenuation at 1 kHz and values of several hundred dB are
theoretically possible at frequencies of 10 kHz and above. By comparison a copper tube of the same
dimensions would provide 26 dB of attenuation at 1 kHz and 67 dB at 10 kHz. The values quoted above are
valid for intact tubes only but it is clear that by taking reasonable precautions regarding joint resistance and
gaps in the conduit or tubing adequately high values of screening attenuation can be achieved over a wide
frequency range.

13.5 RF Lossy Materials

Lossy materials of various types are becoming increasingly available, usually in the form of sheets or tubes
of various thickness’ or diameters. These materials can perform a useful role in reducing coupling from
external fields, but they are normally only effective at frequencies above 200MHz, and carry a credence

a) Application of tubing

Tubing is normally placed over the cable bundle to be protected. Its performance relies not on its
shielding abilities, which are minimal, but on its ability to increase the RF impedance of the cable bundle
thus reducing unwanted coupled RF currents. This in turn depends on the length used. It is equally
effective on shielded and unshielded cables.

b) Application of sheeting

Sheeting can increase the attenuation of an equipment cabinet or case when used as an inner lining. It
reduces the amount of RF energy penetrating to couple into the circuit boards

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13.6 Structural Shielding

13.6.1 Materials

Materials such as conductive films and optical filters are used to provide improved shielding to areas
requiring good visibility. Many windows or canopies are installed using non conductive seals. A typical
example is the large windscreen areas of helicopters. In these installations the conductive films of the
windshields are rarely bonded to the airframe at the periphery. The shielding performance of bonded and
insulated joints will need to be investigated as part of the measurement programme.

Depending on the required shielding, a laminated conductive film windshield or canopy can provide 10 to
20dB of shielding even for an insulated installation. Important factors for this type of installation are:

a) Conductive Film Overlap

b) Thickness of Insulated Rubber Seal

Depending upon the shielding performance required and the material employed, testing has shown that a
non-bonded installation may be adequate, depending upon the protection required.

Joints in materials, and interface techniques employed to bond materials to platforms, must be carefully
considered to provide good overall shielding. As in all gasket installations, the compatibility of materials and
the impact of ingress of contaminants/moisture should be considered at the design phase of the equipment
or system.

13.6.2 Hatches and Bay Doors

The number of doors covers, panels etc should be kept to a minimum and every effort made to maintain low
resistance electrical continuity between the mating surfaces.

Shielding of hatches and bay doors creates a very demanding operational role for RF door seals. The
shielding of an equipment box that is installed with an RF gasket and environmental seal can provide a good
joint. Continued high shielding performance of a door, hatch or canopy RF seal is a more difficult task. The
seal must provide continued high shielding performance for high usage hatches. The RF seal itself is also
subjected to harsh environmental effects e.g. salt spray, water, oil contaminates, fungal attack, temperature
cycling and vibration.

A simple conductive elastomer gasket is thus not a practical joint solution here. For this type of installation a
conforming hollow gasket is most appropriate. In some hollow RF gasket sections it is possible to apply a
closing contact pressure to the joint by pressurising the hollow gasket, thus providing a constant closure
force. In all external hatch or door seal applications the ingress of contamination into the joint is one of the
most common causes of gasket failure.

The performance of RF gasket seals around bay doors and hatches that are opened continually cannot be
guaranteed even though the number of compressions may be specified in the manufacturer’s data sheet.
There are often inadequate maintenance procedures for this type of seal assembly. Due to the harsh
environment this type of RF seal operates in, damage is inevitable. In some inspection-hatch installations
that are opened, the use of hollow or reinforced gasket materials may be appropriate, provided that
adequate maintenance and verification procedures are put in place to ensure the continued performance of
the joint.

In many existing door, hatch and canopy installations, simple non-conductive environmental seals are used.
In these situations the only shielding is provided by that created by a cover placed over an aperture with an
overlap of 5 – 10 mm (free of paint, oxidation, anodising, grease etc). Adequate screw or bolt fixings
however must be used to ensure sufficient pressure to remove the possibility of slots occurring. Also, care
must be taken to ensure that the bright metal does not corrode. Measurements have been carried out to
demonstrate the attenuation provided by such installations. These have shown that by employing an
insulated overlap of approximately 20mm and hold-off of 6mm, shielding values in Table 11 are obtained.

DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2 UK OFFICIAL

For high performance enclosures (greater than 60 dB) continuous low resistance electrical contact must be
maintained around the periphery of doors, covers, panels etc. This may involve machining of mating
surfaces to close tolerances, the provision of RF gasket material and/or beryllium copper finger stock allied
with adequate screws or fasteners to maintain manufacturer's recommended pressures. Where shielding
performance requirements are moderate, expanded metal sheet, woven wire mesh or conductive coatings
can be considered. Plastic enclosures, even though treated to provide screening, are in general not favoured
for naval applications.

Table 11Attenuation
Frequency Band Measured Attenuation

200 MHz – 500 MHz 6 – 10dB

500 MHz – 1 GHz 9dB

1 GHz – 2 GHz 13dB

2 GHz – 4 GHz 15dB

4 GHz – 8 GHz 13dB

8 GHz – 18 GHz 18dB

13.6.3 Jointing

Joints in outer skin surfaces, particularly on aircraft, continue to present problems to the designer. Improved
materials have led to the increased use of carbon fibre composites, particularly on aircraft where the use of
strong light weight materials is important. Aircraft manufacturers often rely on rivet joints to provide a bonding
contact to the airframe spar or rib. Aluminium or carbon fibre panel joints are often held off on non
conductive epoxy fillers or jointing compounds. Shielding of such joints thus relies on rivet contact through to
the spar or rib and the overlap (overlap capacitance) at the joint. These techniques are used for ease of
manufacture and to provide a seal against water or other contaminants.

To provide a high performance joint, the use of conductive bonding materials (conductive polysulphide
rubber) should be considered at the interfaces. In requiring high levels of shielding (equipment bay areas)
joints in the outer skin should be made using conductive fillers (nickel or carbon loaded fillers are often
used), and rivets bonded through to the frame or spar.

13.6.4 Bonding

Where possible a system should not have its circuit references grounded at the individual equipment, as high
voltages may exist between the equipment as a result of the high currents flowing through the platform skin
frame, especially, in the case of aircraft, those resulting from a lightning strike. It is preferable to keep circuit
references isolated from ground to minimise this effect, and it is therefore generally bad practice to use the
cable screen as a signal return. Where this has to be done, the optimum cable screen is tri-axial, solid, or
double screened.

13.7 Apertures

With the exception of low frequency magnetic fields, it is quite easy to obtain more than 90dB of shielding
effectiveness. In practice however, most shields are not solid. There must be access covers, doors, holes for
conductors, ventilation, switches, meters, joints and seams. All these considerably reduce the effectiveness
of the shield. As a practical matter, the intrinsic shielding effectiveness of the material is of less concern than
the leakage through seams, joints and holes.

UK OFFICIAL DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2

The amount of leakage from a shield discontinuity depends mainly on three items:

a) The maximum linear dimension (not area) of the opening.

b) The wave impedance.

c) The frequency of the source.

The circuit theory approach shows why maximum dimension, not area, determines the amount of leakage.

The noise fields induce currents in the shield and these currents then generate additional fields. The new
fields cancel the original fields in some regions of space. For this cancellation to occur, these shield currents
must be allowed to flow undisturbed in the manner in which they were induced by the incident field. If a
shield discontinuity forces the induced currents to flow in a different path, the shielding effectiveness is
reduced. The further the current is forced to detour, the greater will be the decrease in shielding

Figure 48 Effect of Shield Discontinuities

Figure 48 shows the effect of shield discontinuity on magnetically induced shield current and that a group of
small holes has a much less detouring effect on the current. From this it is obvious that a large number of
small holes produce less leakage than a large hole of the same total area.

Rectangular slots, even if very narrow, act as slot antennas if they are longer than 1/100λ.

Seams and joints often form very efficient slot antennas. Maximum radiation occurs from a slot antenna
when the length is equal to a half wavelength. For slots with a dimension equal to or less than a half-
wavelength the shielding effectiveness in decibels is equal to:

S = 20 log (λ/2L) dB (where L equals the slot length)

Shielding effectiveness is 0 dB when the slot is a half-wavelength long and increases 20 dB per decade as
the length L is decreased. In controlling slot lengths for commercial products, it is best to avoid openings
greater than 1/20 of the wavelength (this provides a shielding effectiveness of 20 dB).

In general, the presence of an aperture will allow some penetration of an incident field, depending on the
size of the aperture and the frequency. The effect is severe with apertures for which the largest dimension is
λ/2 or greater. It is therefore preferable to have several small apertures rather than a few large apertures
(see Figure 49).

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The penetration at apertures e.g. ventilation openings can be significantly reduced by fitting perforated sheet
metal, metal mesh air filters or metal honeycombs over the aperture and bonding them peripherally to the

Metal honeycombs increase the 'depth' of the penetration path and operate as wave guide below cut off
filters. The largest dimension of the cross section determines the cut off frequency i.e. the frequency above
which the attenuation is zero and the ratio of the depth to this dimension determines the attenuation.

Figure 49 Effects of Apertures on Field Penetration

Thus the cut-off frequency Fc for a tube or a honeycomb of tubes of rectangular cross section is given by:

5910 x 25.4
Fc = MHz
Largest Dimension mm

and for a circular cross section:

6900 x 25.4
Fc = MHz
Largest Dimension mm

L ⎛ f ⎞
Attenuatio n dB = 30 x 1 - ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
D ⎝ fc ⎠


L = length of tube

D = largest dimension

f = frequency of interest

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13.7.1 Small Apertures

A small hole the maximum dimension of which is very short compared with the wavelength of the highest
frequency likely to be encountered has little effect on the screening effectiveness of the enclosure. For
example, a hole with a diameter of 10 mm would attenuate a 10 MHz impinging wave by more than 60 dB.
However, any conductor passing through the hole (e.g. an insulated wire or metal spindle) transfers energy
from one side of the screen to the other, and may do so without attenuation.

Due to penetration of fields at apertures it is essential that sensitive circuits and susceptible cables are not
located close to apertures. The worst case location is close to and in direct line of sight of the aperture as
shown in Figure 50.

Figure 50 Coupling to Internal Cables

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13.7.2 Panel Mounted Components.

Apertures required for meters, control devices etc allow RF energy to escape or enter the enclosure. If the
device fitted has a moulded plastic case a metal screening box or similar should be used as shown in
Figures 51 and 52.

Conductors which penetrate the boundary of a screening enclosure will reduce the screening effectiveness,
unless suitable measures are implemented. Where permissible, conductors are to be peripherally bonded to
the enclosure wall at the point of entry. Examples of these conductors are as follows:

a) metal conduit;

b) control shafts;

c) switches;

d) cable screens;

e) metal pipe work and trunking

Safety bonding conductors are to be connected to the outside of the screening enclosure. Internal safety
bonding conductors are to be connected to the inside of the enclosure. On no account should either type of
conductor penetrate the boundary of the enclosure

Conductors such as power leads, and low frequency signal and control cables, are to enter via low pass
filters installed at the point of entry, (see Clause 11).

Figure 51 Method of Screening Panel Mounted Meters

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Figure 52 Alternative Method of Screening Panel Mounted Components

Cables carrying high frequency signals (e.g. digital) are to be screened and to be effective the screen must
be peripherally bonded to the boundary of the enclosure at the point of entry. Screens are not to be tailed to
a pin on the socket, but must be peripherally bonded to the connector shell. An exception occurs when a
multicore cable containing individually screened cores and an overall screen is used. The screens of the
individual cores can penetrate via pins but the overall screen must be peripherally bonded to the shell.

13.7.3 Cavity Resonance

Multiple cavity resonance can occur in an enclosure the lowest frequency resonance being a function of the
largest dimensions of the enclosure. Thus, if the length > width > height then the lowest frequency is
determined by the length and width.

1 1
FLow = 150 x + MHz
L2 W 2

Other higher frequency resonance occur when the numerators are integers 1.2.3 etc and with permutations
of the dimensions length width and height. In practice, the resonance are damped by the presence of
equipment within the enclosure and affected by partitions etc. However, at certain locations within the
enclosure and at certain frequencies the apparent screening effectiveness could be seriously impaired.

13.7.4 Screened Units

Where sensitive circuitry forms only a small part of the total within a cabinet it is preferable to enclose it in a
fully screened unit, the unit being housed in a cabinet that is not necessarily a screened enclosure as shown
in Figure 53.

Where a number of circuits require screening, housing them in a cabinet which is in itself a screened
enclosure may afford a better solution (see Figure 54). Where this is done a separate 'dirty' compartment is
to be provided for cable entries. All screened cables entering the clean compartment are to have their
screens grounded at entry, and all unscreened cables are to enter via filters.

To prevent interference currents circulating through the cabinet structure the earth terminal should be closely
adjacent to the termination points of the screens. Examples of correct and incorrect practice are shown in
Figure 55.

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Figure 53 Example of Screened Unit

Figure 54 Cabinet Used as Screened Enclosure

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Figure 55 Earth Stud Positioning

13.8 Additional Screening

Where the integral cable screen is not adequate, in a particular application, it may be necessary to provide
additional screening. For example, the following methods may be used:

a) Heat shrink screening tubing

b) Zip-on screening tubing

c) Installation of cables in metal conduit, flexible conduit or trunking.

13.9 Seams

A seam is a long, narrow slot that may make electrical contact at various points along its length. Seams can
be considered to be an array of slots.

In digital systems significant harmonics exist up to 300 to 500 MHz since contact should exist at least at
every 1/20 of a wavelength, the spacing between contact-producing points should not exceed 2.5 to 5 cm.

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Figure 56 Impedance of a Seam

Figure 56a shows the impedance of a seam consists of a resistive and capacitive component; Figure 56b
shows a seam overlap increases the capacitance across the joint.

13.10 Gaskets

One way of overcoming the leakage caused by the existence of a seam is to fit a piece of electrically
conducting material within the seam known as a gasket.

The use of conductive RF gaskets should be carefully considered, as not all applications require additional
RF gaskets. This depends on the individual system and protection required. Conductive elastomer gaskets
are often employed to provide improved shielding to equipment boxes, where multiple access is not required.
Where access panels, undercarriage bays and canopies require improved shielding, more complex RF
gasket seals are required. These gasket materials have to be suitable for multiple access, and should offer
adequate protection against other environmental effects, such as humidity, oil and other fuel contaminants
and corrosive (e.g. salt spray) environments.

The use of any RF gaskets must be considered at the outset of the design. The use of retrofit gaskets to
improve RF shielding is both very costly and often does not provide the best shielding solution. Retrofitting
RF gaskets is very costly as often more complex or customised gasket sections have to be designed and
made. In some installations it is possible that additional RF gasketting is not required, and in these
installations a simple overlap joint with the addition of a non conductive environmental seal may provide
adequate shielding of the equipment or system.

The gasket material selected and joint materials and overlap dimensions must be considered by the
designer. Gasket materials are often selected purely from gasket manufacturers’ shielding specifications.
Shielding measurements made by gasket manufacturers are often carried out at only a few discrete
frequencies over the band 100kHz-10GHz. Detailed information on the test installation employed are often
not provided by the manufacturers. The performance of a gasket joint and more important, the continued
performance of the joint throughout the service life of the platform, is dependent on the selection of
compatible materials and the installation technique employed.

In some gasket joint installations it is likely that the shielding performance of the joint progressively degrades
with time due to corrosion and or poor maintenance procedures. The overall protection of an equipment or
system should thus never be totally dependent upon one protection measure. The equipment should be
protected against the operational threat by a combination of surface shielding, equipment box shielding,
cable shielding, filtering at equipment box level, and through selection of less susceptible components at the
equipment design stage

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13.10.1 Gasket Types

Prior to selecting a gasket and gasket material, a designer should evaluate whether additional RF gaskets
are required. Many parameters may influence this decision. The list in Table 12 illustrates some of the
important parameters:-

a) EM Environment: What is the environment being protected against - (amplitude and frequency

b) Shielding or Attenuation (dB): What value of shielding is required over the threat frequency spectrum -
adequate protection may be produced from a simple overlap joint.

c) Safety Margin: The protection of the equipment as a result of other protection measures should be
considered. The equipment should not rely solely on the protection offered by for example an equipment
box gasket or joint or a cable shield assembly.

d) Installation: If a gasket is used the installation method should be considered. For an equipment box the
installation should be considered at the onset of design.

e) Materials: The effects of galvanic corrosion should be considered - this influences the selection of
both the gasket material and use of compatible materials within the joint. The impact of other
environmental effects such as temperature, humidity, extremes of altitude and corrosive salt spray
should also be considered.

f) Maintenance: Some gasket installations are one-offs, for example where the gasket joint is compressed
and may not be disturbed throughout its service life. Other gasket seal installations are for panels, doors
or bays that require multiple access. The maintenance procedures for these seals should be considered.
This type of gasket seal may require periodic inspection of gasket and interface surfaces and possible
periodic replacement of the gasket seal material.

Table 12Comparative Performance of Gasket Types

Material Corrosion Contact Wire Remarks
Resistance Resistance Resistance

Monel 1 2 3 Most Corrosion resistant

Stainless Steel 2 3 4 Corrosion resistant

Silver Plated 3 1 2 Best compromise between

Brass conductivity and contact resistance

Aluminium 4 4 1 Least corrosion resistant

13.10.2 Conductivity of Mesh Materials

The most effective gasket material gives the highest conductivity between the 'main body' of the enclosure
and the relevant cover plate. However, the conductivity is affected by:

a) The contact resistance between the surfaces and the gasket, also the resistance between the wires
comprising the mesh;

b) The resistance of the wires used in the manufacture of the mesh.

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13.10.3 Mechanical Properties

Resistance to set can be an important factor in the choice of gasket material dependent upon the application.
For this property the order of preference is as follows:

a) Stainless steel

b) Silver plated brass

c) Monel

d) Aluminium

13.10.4 Joint Unevenness

Joint unevenness refers to the loss of contact between mating surfaces due to surface roughness, bowing of
cover plates, inadequate number of fasteners etc. It can be defined as the maximum gap (without gasket)
anticipated when the mating surfaces are brought together, and includes machining tolerances, warpage,
distortion etc.

13.10.5 Classes of Joints

The frequency and manner in which joints are opened and closed during the life of an equipment is to be
considered because most gaskets take some set when compressed and do not return to their initial state
when released. Joints can be graded into three categories:

a) Class 'A' - Permanently closed joints

b) Class 'B' - Reclosable fixed position joints

c) Class 'C' - Reclosable variable position joints

13.10.6 Class 'A' - Permanently Closed Joints

In this class of joint, an example of which is shown in Figure 57, gasket compression set is of no
consequence since, after initial closure, joints should normally be opened only for a major repair operation, in
which case a new gasket would be fitted. Thus, the resilience of the gasket is not important. The minimum
thickness of gasket for this type of joint is to be twice the joint unevenness. This class of joint is generally
encountered when components requiring cut outs, e.g. RF filters, meters etc are mounted in position.

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Figure 57 Permanently Closed Joints

13.10.7 Class 'B' - Reclosable Fixed Position Joints

In this class of joint, an example of which is shown in Figure 58, the mating surfaces always match, i.e. the
relative positions of the mating surface and gasket are always the same, and the gasket is compressed and
released to the same operating thickness at the same point of the gasket. Compression set creates a
reduced 'uncompressed' thickness therefore, resilience of the gasket material is important. The minimum
thickness of the gasket is to be three times the joint unevenness.

Figure 58 Reclosable Fixed Position Joint

13.10.8 Class 'C' - Reclosable Variable Position Joints

In this class of joint, an example of which is shown in Figure 59, the relative positions of the gaskets and
mating surfaces may change, e.g. symmetrical cover plates which are rarely replaced in the exact position of
a previous closure. Thus a point of maximum joint unevenness may coincide with a point of maximum
compression set, making the need of a gasket material with good resilience very important. The minimum
thickness of the gasket is to be four times the total joint unevenness.

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Figure 59 Reclosable Variable Position Joint

13.10.9 Installation Considerations

It should be noted that the performance of an RF gasket is dependent on its installation. In addition, long
term performance is dependent on the care that was taken at the design stage to select compatible materials
to protect against corrosion, humidity and temperature effects.

The following factors need to be considered:

a) Gasket groove mounting - groove size and type.

b) Lid mounting - bolt size and separation distance for minimum distortion.

c) Gasket compression - use of compression stops.

The design of the gasket groove is important as if properly designed it can:

d) Act as a compression stop.

e) Prevent over compression.

f) Provide constant closure force i.e. for repeated opening and closing.

g) Provide good moisture and pressure seal.

h) Reduce overall costs due to reduced assembly time and less gasket material.

i) Provide optimum EM shielding.

Additional RF gaskets are used at metal joints to preserve the conductivity of the joints. The requirement for
high conductivity gaskets is dependent on factors such as the surface accuracy of the metal joint interface
surfaces and to the amount of metal contact area (joint overlap). Experiment has shown that good shielding
performance can be obtained by a simple overlap joint, provided that the surface accuracy of the interface
surfaces is adequate. In this case an overlap joint may provide a satisfactory degree of protection for the
equipment or system. This type of overlap joint may simply require an environmental seal to prevent ingress
of contaminants and to ensure long term shielding.

The advantage of an elastomer gasket installed correctly within a gasket groove is that the conductivity of
the metal surface overlap can be retained. In some installations the use of a non-conductive paint is
recommended to prevent corrosion on the interface surfaces ingressing into the RF gasket joint. This
technique destroys the conductivity of the overlap, so that the conductivity of the joint is provided solely by
the gasket material. In some cases the gasket material may provide adequate conductivity without the
requirement for overlap surface contact. High conductivity RF gasket materials are costly and the effects of
corrosion must be considered in the overall joint selected.
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The gasket joint interface surfaces, surface accuracy and provision for clamping the joint assembly must also
be considered. Gasket manufacturers provide data on the required surface accuracy, gasket compression
and bolt spacing and torque. The bolt size and applied torque and spacing must be related to the cover or
panel thickness and materials employed. Gasket manufacturers also provide data on bolt spacing and
torque, related to individual gasket materials and materials used. Potential bowing between bolts or clamps
must be limited by the use of adequate material thickness and a number of retaining points.

Figure 60 shows a series of typical gasket installations, showing gaskets within groove installations, simple
overlap joints and use of environmental seals to protect RF gasket and joint surfaces from the effects of
moisture and corrosion damage.

Figure 60 Typical Gasket Installation

13.10.10 Environmental Effects

The protection of a gasket or joint must be considered for environmental effects. In some operational
environments the protection of all gasket joints is essential to continued performance throughout the life of
the platform. For instant ship borne environments present the harshest in terms of joint corrosion. External
RF gasket joints have the most demanding role.

Equipment box RF gaskets and joints can be protected by one selection of compatible materials at design,
and two introductions of a non-conductive environmental seal or sealing compounds. Non conductive seals
should have the following qualities:

a) Compatibility with both RF gasket materials and joint surfaces.

b) Must be stable over the operational and storage temperature range.

c) Should not absorb moisture from the atmosphere (non hydroscopic).

d) Should be resistant to oil, fungal and other contaminants which may include ionising radiation.

13.10.11 Corrosion effects

The long-term performance of a gasket joint is dependent on the selection of materials for both the gasket
and joint contact surfaces. Galvanic corrosion can occur within gaskets and joints if materials are used that
are members of different electrochemical groups. For galvanic corrosion to occur a potential difference must

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exist between two unlike metals. A current will flow through the joint if materials are in the presence of an
electrolyte, i.e. salt solution or moisture.

Table 13 below illustrates the material groupings, showing the groups in terms of electrochemical
compatibility. Selecting materials from the same groups or from adjacent electrochemical groups provides
good compatibility reducing the potential galvanic corrosion effects.

Table 13Metal Groupings - Electromagnetic Compatibility

Metal Group

Magnesium I

(Anodic – most susceptible to corrosion)

Aluminium (+alloys) Cadmium II

Galvanised Steel Zinc

Carbon Steel Iron III

Lead Tin

Brass Chromium IV

Bronze Nickel

Copper Stainless Steel

Gold Platinum V

Silver Titanium (Cathodic – least susceptible to corrosion)

If dissimilar metals need to be in close contact with one another, the best solution is to coat the bond with a
water repellent after mating. In another example, if panels of aluminium (II) need to be bonded to stainless
steel (IV) then a washer made of material in (III) may be interposed between them.

If galvanic action and corrosion begins, the washer will be sacrificed and easily replaced, and not the larger
more expensive panels.

Where the mechanical designs for electrical products fall short of being satisfactory is in the continuity of the
chassis or hardware grounds. Too often the panels and supporting metal work are joined at too few points,
sometimes using captive 1/4 turn bolts and box nuts, or even self tapping screws. Often products have their
metal work painted or anodised, which has a very high resistance to D.C., let alone high-frequency noise
currents. To provide a better bond, this paint or coating needs to be scraped off leaving bare metal surfaces
then coated after mating the two surfaces together.

13.11 Cabling

a) Selection

Commonly available shielded cable types are:

1) Solid screen

2) Braided screen

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3) Super screened

4) Foil screened

The best cable for data bus use is twisted screened pair, the screen consisting of a double layer of closely
woven copper mesh.

All cable runs within the platform should be clamped close to any metal skin panelling to minimise inductive
pick-up in the loop created by the cable bundle and the platform skin.

b) Cable Shield Termination

The main interference coupling route into equipment in the frequency band up to 400MHz, for standard
size equipment, is via the cabling and its choice is critical to the immunity of the equipment. Significant
protection can be achieved by overall cable screens providing they are terminated at both ends of the
cabling to the connector backshell with 360 degree clamping. The connector mounting on the equipment
case must likewise be in electrical contact throughout its diameter with the outside of the equipment
case: conductive gaskets may help here. The use of pigtails for grounding cable screens is to be
deplored as it negates the effectiveness of the screen at RF.

Common cable installation problems found which lead to EM vulnerability are:

a) Pigtail terminations used. Sometimes as long as 1m.

b) Cable shield terminated to the inside of the equipment case. The cable shield acts as an antenna,
coupling the RF directly inside the box and making the situation worse than having no cable screen.
This situation is extremely common in aircraft, e.g. Tornado.

c) Shield grounded via a connector pin

13.12 Shielded Windows

Apertures used for visual displays, such as cathode ray tubes (CRT) and alpha numeric displays, are the
most difficult to shield because they require a high degree of optical transparency. As a result special
conductive windows are made.

There are two primary types of conductive windows:

a) Transparent conductive coatings

b) Wire mesh screens

Conductive coatings generally provided best performance from VHF through to microwave frequencies
whereas mesh screens perform more effectively down in the HF band but are less effective at microwave

Conductive wire mesh can be laminated between two clear plastics or glass sheets to form a shielding
window. The main disadvantage is that they can inhibit viewing due to diffraction.

Conductive coatings may be on a surface or in a sandwich form.

In order to achieve good attenuation using either technique, the bonding of the window into the aperture is
critical. Surfaces need to conductive, be carefully cleaned and either a conductive epoxy employed or a
bolted frame designed. The need for good low impedance peripherally bonded joint is essential.

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14 Cables and Coupling Mechanisms

The subjects of cable shielding and grounding are closely related and are a major part of EMC design.

The provision of a cable screen will protect the inside cores from external interference sources, and
conversely will reduce coupling from the cores to the external environment. Cables with braid or foil screens
are effective against low frequency electric fields but in order to achieve significant magnetic screening at
low frequencies solid metal tubes (e.g. mild steel conduit) is required.

Cables with copper braided screens are commonly used due to their flexibility but have a limited
performance above 1 MHz and against low frequency magnetic fields. The screening performance of copper
braid coaxial cables (such as URM 43 and URM 67) is limited at low frequencies by the DC resistance of the
braid, and at high frequencies by the braid structure.

An improvement of about 10 dB for cable screening can be achieved at RF with an equivalent cable having
an optimised arrangement of braids. This involves very little change as regards cost and size of the cable.
However, the effectiveness of optimised braids is likely to be adversely affected by physical movement of the
cable involved in the installation in the platform.

Further improvements in cable screening performance can be achieved by other types of construction, as

a) Two braid screens in contact give an increase of about 30 dB screening compared with a single braid.
With two optimised braids a further improvement of 10 to 20 dB is obtained.

b) Two braid screens insulated from each other (by an insulated intersheath) give a further significant
improvement (compared with a.). However, resonance can occur, associated with wave propagation in
the intersheath, causing considerable loss of screening at frequencies corresponding to effective cable
lengths equal to integral multiples of a half wavelength. These resonances can be largely eliminated by
introducing an RF lossy material into the intersheath (e.g. graphite loaded polythene).

c) Super-screened cables have a layer of magnetic material (mu-metal) in the space between two braid
screens. This method of construction results in a considerable increase in screening effect compared
with the double braid, particularly at frequencies above about 100 kHz where an improvement of about
40 dB is achieved. However, these cables have a larger diameter, are more costly and generally less
flexible than single screen coaxial cables. There is a likelihood that the permeability of the mu-metal
(consequently the additional screening of the cable) will be significantly reduced by the flexing which
occurs during installation or due to vibration.

For certain applications where cable flexibility is not required, it is possible to use semi-rigid cables having
solid drawn outer conductors, since these have excellent screening performance at VHF and UHF.

For magnetic screening of cables at AF and low RF (e.g. in sonar systems) it may be necessary to use high
permeability solid screening such as mild steel conduit. The conduit is to be seamless and joints made with
parallel threads, and a sleeve of similar material can be used.

Cables are important because they are the longest parts of a system and therefore act as antennas that pick
up and/or radiate noise. At certain frequencies, their efficiency can be such as to become a major problem to
both emissions and immunity. As cables are assumed short compared to a wavelength the coupling between
circuits can be analysed by normal network theory. Three types of coupling are considered.

1) Electric or capacitive coupling.

2) Magnetic or inductive coupling.

3) Electromagnetic or mixed coupling.

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For analysis in the near field we consider 1 and 2) separately. However, for the far field condition, mode 3) is

14.1 Capacitive or Electric-Field Coupling

Figure 61 Capacitive Coupling

Electric-field coupling exists whenever stray capacitance exists between two circuits. As an example,
Figure 61 depicts two open wires. The first wire is held at the potential V; the second is loaded by the
equivalent impedance R2. Each wire has a stray capacitance to ground, noted as C1g and C2g, respectively.
The mutual capacitance between the wires is designated by C12, and the voltage across the load is
measured as V2. In the ideal case of no crosstalk, V2 would not be a function of V1. The voltage gain
equation from wire to wire shows, as one would expect, that the coupling is directly proportional to the
interwire capacitance, C12. The equation also shows that a small load impedance (R2) discourages electric-
field coupling at low frequencies. Hence in some situations, a possible technique for reducing capacitive
coupling is to lower the impedance of the receptor circuit.

Because increasing the spacing between conductors produces a diminishing rate of improvement at large
spacing, the placement of an additional grounded track between the two conductors is an additional measure
used in some situations for reducing crosstalk. This technique reduces the capacitance between the
conductors because some of the lines of electric flux that would have terminated on the opposite conductor
now terminate on the grounded track. The capacitance to ground on each conductor is also increased.

For this technique to be effective, the centre track must be well grounded. If it were floating (i.e. not
connected to a fixed potential), the centre track would actually increase the crosstalk because the signal,
capacitively coupled from the first track to the centre track, would then be coupled to the second. When the
centre track is grounded at only a single point, the track must be significantly shorter than a wavelength at
the frequency of interest.

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Another way to reduce inter-track capacitance is by adding a ground plane. The ground plane provides an
additional fixed-potential surface for terminating the lines of electric flux from each conductor.

14.1.1 Summary

For good electric field shielding it is necessary:

a) To minimise or eliminate the length of the centre conductor that extends beyond the shield, and

b) Provide a good ground on the shield (3600 coverage).

14.2 Inductive or Magnetic-Field Coupling

The other principal type of radiation coupling occurs by means of magnetic fields. See Figure 62. Current
flowing through a conductor produces an associated magnetic field. This field can be represented by lines of
magnetic flux encircling the conductor whose direction is in accordance with the right hand rule. The lines of
magnetic flux always form a complete circuit around the current source creating them.

H = magnetic-field intensity

B = magnetic-flux density
B= H

= 4 x 10-7 for non-magnetic material

Figure 62 Magnetic Fields around a Current Carrying Conductor

The density of the flux lines is determined by the variable B and is directly proportional to the current flow.
The magnetic field intensity, H, is directly related to the flux density by the permeability, of the material in
which the flux resides. The permeability of non-magnetic media is:

μo= 4π x 10-7H/m

A magnetic material, such as nickel or iron alloys, increases the flux density because of its higher

Forming a wire into a coil produces additional flux from the current flowing through the coil by concentrating
the magnetic field into a doughnut shape centring on the coil. The driving force that creates the flux is NI, the
number of Ampere-turns found in the coil.

Magnetic flux is produced by current flow. Current must flow in a complete circuit and therefore traverse a
loop. Magnetic coupling exists when some of the flux produced by the current flowing in the first circuit
passes through another loop and induces a voltage in a second circuit. Therefore an exact calculation of
mutual inductance requires a knowledge of the geometry of the source and receiving loops.

The mutual inductance between two conductors depends not only on the spacing between them, but also on
the proximity of the ground conductors that carry the return current for each conductor.

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14.2.1 The Effect of Impedance on Coupling Type

In all practical situations, circuits have to deal with both the Electric and Magnetic components of the
incoming signal and it is the impedance of the circuit involved that will determine which will dominate. When
troubleshooting EMI problems, it can be helpful to know the primary non-conducted mechanism because, in
some cases, the remedy will differ according to field type.

At low frequencies, electric-field coupling, a high impedance source, can be modelled as a current source.
Conversely magnetic field coupling can be modelled as a voltage source, a low impedance source. Hence,
electric-field coupling will be most efficient when the receiving circuit has a high impedance, and magnetic
coupling will be more dominant when it has a low impedance.

14.2.2 Composite Coupling

Thus far, electric and magnetic field coupling have been treated as independent mechanisms, and we have
assumed that one will always be dominant. However, there are many practical situations where both types
are of coupling contribute significantly to the interference. For instance, two PCB tracks running side-by-side
exhibit mutual capacitance dependant on the factors given previously. In addition, current flowing in a track
generates magnetic flux, some of which will encircle the other track, thus creating mutual inductance. Other
typical situations where mixed coupling can occur are two wires harnessed in a jacketed bundle and two
wires running in a ribbon cable. See Figure 63.

Figure 63 Composite Coupling

14.2.3 Summary of Concepts

a) Electric-field coupling between conductors can be modelled as a mutual capacitance.

b) Magnetic-field coupling between conductors can be modelled as a mutual inductance.

c) In both cases, the mutual element falls as the logarithm of the spacing between the conductors.

d) Magnetic coupling is directly proportional to the area enclosed by the circuit.

e) Mixed coupling at low frequencies can be evaluated by superposition.

f) At higher frequencies, a more complete model that takes into account line length can be used.

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g) Lines terminated in their characteristic impedance are less susceptible to coupling.

14.3 Shielding to Prevent Magnetic Radiation

Let us consider the effects of shielding a current carrying conductor located in free space.

Such a conductor will produce electric lines of force radially radiating from the conductor and magnetic lines
of force which totally enclose the conductor. See Figure 64.

Figure 64 Fields around a Current Carrying Conductor

If a shield grounded at one end only is placed around the conductor, the electric field lines will terminate on
the shield but there will be very little effect on the magnetic field as shown in Figure 65.

Figure 65 Fields around a Shielded Conductor Grounded at One End Only

Single point grounding of a shield therefore produces good electrostatic shielding but no magnetic shielding.

If a shield current equal and opposite to that in the centre conductor is made to flow on the shield, it will
generate an equal but opposite external magnetic field. This field cancels the magnetic field caused by the
centre conductor external to the field. See Figure 66.

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Figure 66 Fields around a Shielded Conductor Carrying Return Current

Therefore, to have both electric and magnetic shielding, the screened conductor must have its shield
grounded and the signal return current flowing in the screen as shown in Figure 67.







Figure 67 Current Flow between Shield and Ground Plane

The problem now is the conflict between what is good for electrostatic protection verses what might cause
ground loops and therefore interference due to magnetic coupling. It must be remembered that the reduction
in magnetic radiation is not because of the magnetic shielding properties of the shield but due to the return
current flowing in the shield generating a field that cancels the field generated by the signal current.

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Figure 68 Current Flow between Shield and Ground Plane

With the circuit connected as shown in Figure 68, all the return current flows in the shield which is good for
magnetic shielding, and the shield is also grounded which is good for electrostatic shielding. However, the
cable will now act like a quarter wave (λ/4) stub antenna which is not good.

Grounding both ends of the shield in this case, reduces the shielding since some currents would return via
the ground plane.

14.4 Shielding a Sensitive System against Magnetic Fields

The best way to protect against magnetic fields at the receptor is to decrease the area of the receptor loop or
perhaps change the angle of orientation of the loop to the incoming magnetic field. Unfortunately, it is often
the case that the current returns by a path other than the one intended by the designer and therefore the
area of the loop changes. Clearly, this problem can only be resolved by careful control of the circuit layout.

If placing a non-magnetic shield around the conductor causes the current to return via a path that encloses a
smaller area, then some protection against magnetic fields will have been provided to the sub circuit. The
protection however is due to the reduced loop area and not to any magnetic shielding properties of the

Whenever a circuit is grounded at both ends, only a limited amount of magnetic field protection is possible
because of the large noise current induced in the ground loop by external fields. This effect is known as
ground loop coupling.

Even if the shield is grounded at one end only, shield noise currents may still flow due to capacitive coupling
to the shield. Therefore, for maximum noise protection at low frequencies, the shield should not be one of the
signal conductors and one end of the circuit must be isolated from the ground.

In many applications, a significant factor affecting the amount of radiation emitted by a cable is the way in
which its shield is grounded. Any impedance in the shield-to-ground connection makes it less attractive for
return current to flow in the shield and more attractive for return current to flow in the ground system.

Poor cable-shield grounding has an additional effect at high frequencies. So far, it has been assumed that
current flowing in the shield is uniformly distributed throughout the thickness of the shield thickness. This
presumes that the frequency of the current is low enough for the skin depth to be greater than the shield

At higher frequencies, the skin effect enables the cable shield to provide additional protection. Here, most of
the current flows on the inside of the shield because it is the surface closest to the centre conductor in which
the signal current flows. This situation gives the greatest mutual inductance between the shield and the
centre conductor.

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When current flows on the inside of the shield, high values of shielding effectiveness can be obtained from a
cable. The limiting factor is usually the presence of any apertures, such as the holes found between carriers
in a woven shield.

Poor grounding will cause current flow on the outside of the shield, no matter how impenetrable it has been

Skin effect separates currents flowing on the inner and outer surfaces of a cable shield at high frequencies.

A common mode choke attenuates common-mode current flow by increasing the impedance along the
outside of the shield. Winding the cable around a ferrite core adds additional inductive and lossy
components. The choke is effective at frequencies where it provides enough inductive reactance to dominate
the other impedance's involved. Unlike other techniques for reducing common-mode emissions, the success
of this approach does not depend on finding a low impedance ground. However, it usually curbs the cable
emissions by only 6 to 10dB.

Ferrite chokes are also good for lowering the radiation from ribbon cables. The ribbon cable can be wrapped
around a ferrite toroid or some manufacturers offer ferrite clamps that are more easily applied. The primary
goal of these structures is to significantly increase the mutual inductance between the signal leads and the
ground leads that return the currents for those signals. Hence applying a choke to a ribbon only makes
sense when the primary ground return path(s) for the signal(s) are included in the cable at high frequencies.

The term "high frequencies" in this case tends towards frequencies greater than 1MHz. The inner and outer
surfaces of the shield are isolated from each other by skin effect; therefore the noise coupling discussed
earlier is heavily reduced to the point that it can be ignored.

14.5 Shield (Surface) Transfer Impedance

The attenuation of a wave by a shield can be related directly to the fact that a current flows, (Is) in the shield
every time a wave impinges. The current is attenuated by a value e-α/δ through the thickness of the shield.
The resistance per unit length (Δx) of the shield results in a voltage per unit length, ei, being developed along
the opposite side of the shield.

By definition, the surface transfer impedance Zt is:

Ei Ω/m
Zt =
Is Δx

The lower the transfer impedance value (Zt), the lower the value ei and therefore the higher the value for
shielding effectiveness (S).

⎛ + ⎞
S = 20 log ⎜⎜ Z1 Z2 ⎟⎟
⎝ Z t1 ⎠

Where Z1 and Z2 are the source and load impedance's of the cable.

Surface transfer impedance is a useful concept in understanding the behaviour of cable shield. Thus, if
current is caused to flow along the shield layers of cable, with its return path outside that cable, the
longitudinal voltage per unit length, will result on the inside surface of the shield. This in turn will induce a
current flow into the shielded wire.

As the shield contains no apertures, evaluation is much simplified. At low frequencies, the transfer
impedance is essentially constant as the current density is throughout the thickness of the wall. By
increasing the conductivity of the shield and also its surface area, both improve the shielding effectiveness of
the cable. At higher frequencies, where the skin depth falls within the thickness of the screen wall, the
transfer impedance falls off in an exponential manner.

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In the case of braided cables, the weave of the braid will automatically introduce an inductive element which
will result in a mutual inductance between the shield and thinner conductor. This factor will always work
against the transfer impedance.

It should be noted that connectors also have a transfer impedance and therefore, there is little point in
spending a lot of money on a good quality cable if a cheap high transfer impedance connector is fitted. The
transfer impedance of an interconnecting cable is only as good as its weakest link.

Typical values of surface transfer impedance for various cable types are shown in Figure 69.

Figure 69 Typical Surface Transfer Impedance of Cables

14.6 Cable Shield Grounding

Whether or not to ground a cable shield, how to terminate the end of the shield and the use of single and
multi-point grounding are points that have to be considered to reduce the relative susceptibility of circuits to
magnetic interference.

In general, the use of single or multi-point grounding is the same for cable shields as it is for other multiple
circuits, i.e. if a ground lead length approaches λ/4 for a single point ground, then multi-point grounding
should be used.

A shield can act as an antenna in exactly the same manner as any other conductor does. As a rough rule of
thumb, a cable screen should be grounded every 0.2λ where λ is the wavelength of the highest frequency
(including up to the 3rd harmonic) using that cable. If this can not be achieved then at least the ends of the
cables' shield should be grounded.

To preserve the shielding integrity along the entire length of the cable run, shielded connectors should also
be used. The cable shield should be brought into the conductor shield in a continuous manner around the
entire cable periphery. This means that the shield must not be stripped back before it enters the connector,
nor may it be ‘pig-tailed' at the connector.

Circuits carrying frequencies higher than 100 kHz are often given multi-point grounding while circuits carrying
lower frequencies are usually single-point grounded.

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Figure 70 shows the relative susceptibility of circuits to magnetic interference. This evaluation was
performed at 100 kHz.

Figure 70 Configuration Examples to Demonstrate Coupling

The results shows the disadvantage of returning the load to the ground plane and also shows the advantage
in using tightly twisted leads at this low end of the frequency spectrum. As the frequency increases, so the
various combinations shown in Figure 70 start to equate with one another. Twisted pairs should not be used
for frequencies higher than 10 MHz.

14.6.1 Co-axial Cable Crosstalk Measurements

The impact of a cable shield and the method of termination grounding on cross talk is difficult to model, but is
often determined experimentally.

Test results show that the lowest cross talk occurs when the sending cable’s load is floating and the
receiving cable load is grounded. Figure 71 shows the results for various combinations of grounding. This
example illustrates the fact that specific rules on how to ground in complex situations cannot always be
defined, and that the best grounding technique may have to be found experimentally, but on a basis guided
by the principles outlined here.

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Figure 71 Measured RF Coupling between Co-Axial Cables

Shielded twisted pairs, arranged in accordance with (F) in Figure 72, the `preferred circuit for high
frequencies’ twisted pairs. For comparative purposes, the graph also repeats two sets of results for
conditions shown as (A) and (C).

Tests of the above type show that for low-level signals in low impedance circuits in which the input connector
is within a few centimetres of the circuit input, the use of a twisted-pair shielded wire is essential for balanced
as well as unbalanced output devices.

For balanced circuits, only the shield should be grounded, while for unbalanced circuits, one of the
conductors as well as the shield may have to be grounded. In this case, the shield and the conductor should
be grounded at the same point. Ground could of course mean the 0V return path.

If a shielded twisted-pair is part of a cable bundle which must go through a connector, three pins should be
made available on the connector for insulated passage of the twisted-pair leads and the shield if the shield is
not being grounded at the connector.

Cable shields should be grounded completely around the periphery of the connector shell. The use of `pigtail'
grounds should be avoided on all cables, especially those carrying signals above 1 MHz or pulses with 63%
rise times less than 0.15 µS.

Double or triple-shielded cable may be needed for high input or high output impedance circuits, especially in
a high electrostatic environment. In such a case, the inner shield may be grounded at the source end and the
outer shield at the load end.

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Figure 72 Results of Inductive Coupling Experiment

Figure 73 shows the magnetic field shielding properties of various cable configurations were measured and

Figure 73 Measured RF Coupling in Shielded Cables

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Figure 74 shows the results of inductive coupling experiments where all circuits were grounded at one end

Figure 74 Results of Inductive Coupling Experiment

14.6.2 Analysis of Results

In circuit A-F shown in Figure 72 both ends of the circuit were grounded which resulted in much less
magnetic field attenuation, than earthing the circuit at one end as shown in G - K in Figure 74 where a
marked improvement attenuation is shown.

a) Circuit A provides no magnetic field shielding, it is effectively a ground loop and the voltage across the
1 MΩ load is used as the reference (0dB) for comparative purposes.

b) Circuit B shield grounded at one end and provides no magnetic shielding because the pick up loop is

c) Circuit C grounding the shield at both ends provides some magnetic field protection.

d) Circuit D twisted pair provides much greater magnetic field noise reduction because the differential mode
loop area is reduced; the basic ground loop configuration however couples the greater voltage reducing
the effectiveness. Circuit H shows the improved effect of the twisted pair with the ground connected at
one only.

e) Circuit E adding a shield with one end grounded to the twisted pair as in D has no effect (similar to
Circuit D).

f) Circuit F grounding the shield of the twisted pair, at both ends gives a similar result to C. showing that
the twisted pair provides no gain when the shield is earthed at both ends.

g) Circuit G with only one end of the test circuit grounded shows a significant improvement in magnetic field
shielding. This is due to the very small loop area formed by the co-axial cable and there are no ground

If the design requirements dictate that a circuit must be grounded at both ends configuration C or F should
be used

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The coax provides a very small loop area since the shield can be represented by an equivalent conductor
located on its centre axis.

h) Circuit H employing the twisted pair, should result in high attenuation due to a much smaller differential
loop area. The lower than expected attenuation is the result of electric field coupling that becomes more
significant at higher frequencies.

i) Circuit I placing a shield around the twisted pair improves the attenuation significantly, by providing
electric field shielding.

j) Circuit J both ends of the shield are grounded which has decreased the shielding slightly and is due to
shield current loop current inducing unequal voltages in the two signal conductors.

k) Circuit K provides more shielding than I since it combines the features of the co-axial cable in G with
those of the twisted pair I.

l) Circuit K is not ideal because noise voltages or current that do get on the outer shield could flow down
the signal conductor.

NOTE It is always better to connect the shield and signal conductors together at just one point. That point should be
such that noise current from the shield does not have to flow down the signal conductor to get to ground.

14.6.3 Comparing Co-axial Cables with a Shielded Twisted Pair

When comparing co-axial cables with shielded twisted pairs, it is important to recognise the usefulness of
both types of cables from a propagation point of view irrespective of their shielding characteristics.

Shielded twisted pairs are very useful at frequencies below 100 kHz. In some applications the frequency may
reach as high as 10 MHz, above 1 MHz the losses in the shielded twisted pair increase considerably along
with the potential of reflections from sharp bends in the lead.

Co-axial cable has a much more uniform characteristic impedance with lower losses across the useable
frequency range which can be up to 100 MHz and up to several GHz for special low loss applications. Over
and beyond 8 GHz, the use of wave guide should be considered.

A co-axial cable ground at one point provides a good degree of protection from capacitive pick up. Since the
shield is part of the signal path, any noise on the shield will appear as noise in series with the input signal.
The magnitude of the noise will depend on the value of the shield resistance. The greater the resistance, the
higher the value of the noise voltage. A double shielded or tri-axial, cable with insulation between the two
shields can eliminate the noise produced by the shield resistance. The noise current flows in the outer shield,
and the signal current flows in the inner shield. The two currents (signal and noise) do not therefore flow
through a common impedance.

Most cables are actually shielded with braid rather than with a solid conductor. The advantages of braid are
flexibility, durability, strength.

Braided shields usually provide slightly reduced electric field shielding but greatly reduced magnetic field
shielding. A braid is typically up to 30 dB less effective than a solid shield for protecting against magnetic
fields. As braid holes become large compared to the wavelength its effectiveness decreases further.

Cables with very thin solid aluminium foil shields are available and provide almost 100% coverage and more
effective electric field shielding.

14.6.4 Effect of Pigtails on Magnetic Shielding

The magnetic shielding effectiveness near the ends of the cable depends on the technique used to terminate
the braid. For maximum protection, the shield should be terminated uniformly around its cross section. For
coaxial cable this can be accomplished by using a coaxial connector such as a BNC, UHF or Type N.

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The maximum benefits of a well shielded cable will only be realised if the shield is properly terminated. The
requirements of a proper shield termination are:

a) A very low impedance to ground connection

b) A 360o low impedance around the periphery of the connector.

The correct termination of a braided coaxial connector is vital. A full 3600 contact with a low impedance to
ground connection is required see Figure 75. If a ‘pigtail' shield termination is employed, the advantages of
using a good quality coaxial cable can be negated see Figure 76. The forming of a thin `pig tail' immediately
introduces an increase in the inductance of the braid which at high frequencies relates to a dramatic increase
in impedance to ground. Any currents flowing in the braid will develop large voltages across the ‘pigtail'
which will not only increase the value of noise interference within the circuit, but will also increase the electric
field radiation from the device. A pigtail also increases the exposure of the centre conductor to the external
EM environment, which immediately increases the cross talk of the cable.

Figure 75 Correct Shield Connection

Figure 76 Pigtail Shield Connection

14.7 Bonding of Cable Screens

The effectiveness of cable screening is critically dependant on the manner of connecting the screen to the
enclosures at each end. The following factors must be taken into account when determining the optimum
arrangement in particular applications.

a) Cable screens should never penetrate the enclosures, but be bonded peripherally at both ends to the
cabinets, bulkheads etc. These measures ensure that interference current carried by the screen does
not penetrate into sensitive areas and protection against both electric and magnetic fields is optimised.
The use of a pigtail for the screen connection, especially if the pigtail is bonded to the inside surface of
the enclosure will drastically reduce the screening effectiveness.

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b) To achieve the required peripheral screen connection at terminations (especially for high frequencies)
screwed coaxial connectors, rather than other types of connector, are to be used.

c) Where coaxial cables penetrate the superstructure of a metallic platform the cable screen is to be
peripherally bonded at the point of penetration.

d) The screens of cables carrying low level low frequency signals (e.g. intercommunication cables, etc) are
normally bonded at one end only. This avoids low frequency structure currents circulating in the screen
and coupling to the inside cores. Since this arrangement will not provide screening at high frequencies it
is essential that any EMC problems likely to arise due to the lack of screening be anticipated and
suitable measures adopted to overcome them.

In this respect, consideration must be given to both interference emissions and susceptibility related to
the cables. One method of solving these problems is to provide another screen over the cable (e.g. by
installing the cable in conduit or by using a tri-axial cable with the inner screen connected at one end
only and the outer screen at both ends). Another method sometimes adopted is to bond one end solidly
and the other end via a small capacitor. This will present a high impedance to the low frequency current
but will effectively 'bond' the screen at high frequencies. Care must be taken however to ensure that the
connection of the capacitor does not initiate undesirable resonances in the cable system.

e) The question often arises as to the correct bonding point for single point screen bonding systems. This
ideally should be at the central processor i.e. at the point closest to potentially sensitive circuits. Many
transducers however have the cable screens connected internally to the transducer cases which in turn
are solidly metal to metal in contact with plant etc thus determining the bonding point.

Figure 77 shows the effects of screen terminations from the ideal 360 degree connection, then with various
lengths of pigtail connections and finally with no screen. The length of the pigtail becomes more critical as
the frequency increases. The ideally terminated screen gives typically 50 dB of attenuation from 5 MHz up to
500 MHz, however with the pigtail termination this reduces to typically 10 dB at 500 MHz.


Correctly terminated dBμV

Pig-tail = 5mm dBμV
100 Pig-tail = 10mm dBμV
Pig-tail = 20mm dBμV
Pig-tail = 50mm dBμV
90 Unscreened cable dBμV

Induced Voltage (dbuV)






1 10 100 1000
Frequency (MHz)

Figure 77 Induced Voltage on a 0.6 m Cable from a 1 V/m Electric Field for Varying Lengths of

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14.8 Coaxial Connectors

Coaxial connectors are to be selected so that the screening performance is compatible with that of the
associated cable. Bayonet-locking connectors (e.g. BNC) are considerably inferior to screwed connectors
(e.g. N and TNC) as regards obtaining a low value of contact resistance at the interface. Screwed
connectors are therefore to be used in conjunction with double braid and super screened cables, and
preferably with single braid cables, since they are more reliable in service and less affected by vibration and
corrosion. Typical values of surface transfer impedance at 1 MHz are as shown in Table 14.

Table 14Surface Transfer Impedance of Coaxial Connectors

Connector Impedance

BNC 200 µΩ

N 2 µΩ

NOTE When the BNC connector is stressed radially the impedance can be increased to about 400 µΩ, whereas the
effect of this stress on the N connector is negligible.

Some types of bayonet connector are manufactured with a screw locking ring, and in this configuration their
performance is comparable with that of screwed connectors.

To achieve the full screening performance of a connector and cable, the design of the backshell must
provide good peripheral bonding to the cable braid. Reduction of screening performance most often occurs
due to deficiencies in the assembly of cables and connectors and particular attention is to be paid to
specifying the appropriate techniques and ensuring that adequate quality control is achieved and maintained.

Panel mounted connectors must be installed with good electrical contact to the panel around the complete
periphery in order to maintain screening integrity. The mating panel surface must have paint, grease and
other non-conducting surface contamination removed. A panel mounted connector with a knife edge ring can
provide very good contact to the panel. Reliance on the 2 or 4 fixing screws to provide bonding, without
ensuring metal to metal contact on the rest of the interface, will give poor screening effectiveness. Where
there is a likelihood that the panel has been deformed in the vicinity of the connector mounting position (e.g.
where a punch has been used to cut the hole) it is essential to ensure that the panel is flattened where
contact to the connector is to be made. The prescribed procedures must be followed in refinishing and
subsequently resealing around the connector to maintain environmental protection.

14.9 Multi-Core Screened Cables

There is a wide range of Limited Fire Hazard (LFH) and other types of multi-core cables with individually
screened cores, screened pairs, overall screens etc. Low frequency electric mode screening (e.g. from 60 Hz
fields from power cables) is usually provided by connecting the screen(s) to the cabinet via pins in the
connector. Rejection of magnetic field coupling (largely at low frequencies only) is achieved by the use of
twisted pairs and common mode rejection at the terminations. To ensure that adequate design of
interference and signal return paths, it is necessary to select the appropriate types of cables and connectors,
and to provide drawings clearly identifying the return current path details.

Despite the fact that the circuits, to which the multi-core cables are connected, nominally operate at relatively
low frequencies, they may in fact be affected by RF interference (see Clause C6). It may therefore be
necessary to provide screening at high frequencies. Suitable cables with adequate overall screening braids
are to be selected and provision made for peripheral bonding at the terminations. To bond the screen to the
connector a heat shrink sleeve or an internal metal spring iris may be used. It is also necessary to select a
free connector which provides adequate bonding to the mating fixed connector.

The surface transfer impedance of multicore cables with an overall screen is a function of the disposition of
the cords, the terminating impedance and the length relative to a quarter wavelength of an interfering

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Current flowing in the screen which should be bonded at both ends, will induce currents into the inside cores,
the magnitude being a function of the terminating impedance, and their position in the cable.

Cores terminated in equal impedance and symmetrically arranged around the central core of the cable will
have similar induced i.e. equal current sharing.

Multicore cables with cores arranged in layers and with equal terminating impedance will have greater
currents induced in the outside layer relative to that induced in the inner layer. Typically, some 10 to 20 dB
reduction in the current induced in the inner layer for cable lengths shorter than λ/4 of an interfering signal.

For cable lengths less than λ/4 of an interfering signal and with the overall screen bonded at both ends some
30 to 40 dB of attenuation can be expected at the outer layers, further reduction being achieved at the inner
layer. In general an overall screen, properly bonded, will provide some 20 to 25 dB of screening
effectiveness in the frequency range 0.5 MHz to 30 MHz.

14.10 Ribbon Cables

Ribbon cables have major advantages over conventional wiring looms that have a random lay of cables and,
as a result, a random relation to the case ground where they may be in close contact. Ribbon cables provide
consistent capacitive coupling between conductors, they may have an integral ground plane that will reduce
radiation out and coupled in from external sources, track impedances are controlled and consistency is
achieved between units of the same type.

In order to optimise the use of ribbon cables for EMC, the relative positions of the conductors and grounds
must be a design consideration. See Figure 78.

Figure 78 Ribbon Cable Configuration

Configuration A is the least acceptable because there are large loop areas, there will be common impedance
coupling and cross talk between the signal conductors If the number of conductors requires this design, then
the ground conductor should be in the centre to minimise the loop areas and the most emissive or sensitive
conductors should be adjacent to the ground conductor.

Configuration B represents the optimum with a separate ground return for each signal line with cross talk and
common impedance coupling minimised.

Configuration C minimises the number ground conductors whilst retaining proximity to the ground return,
some common impedance coupling may however result.

Configuration D provides minimum ground return loops but is not so easy to terminate.

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Shielded ribbon cables are also available however, unless the shield is properly terminated with a 360º
connection (which can pose practical difficulties) their effectiveness is considerably reduced.

Twisted pair conductors are available on ribbon cables, and this combined with configuration B should
provide the optimum performance.

14.11 Fibre Optic Cables

The advantage of fibre optics is the ability to transmit data over long distances without the use of copper
conductors, with the result that the signal and any interference generated within equipment or external
sources will not couple. The fibre aperture is very small so aperture coupling at the connector is not a risk.
Hence emissions and susceptibility are eliminated on these interfaces.

An optical fibre is an ultra pure, solid rod of glass, finer than a human hair. The core carries pulses of light
which make up the signal. The outer cladding, which has a lower refractive index than the core, ensures that
the light is kept within the fibre via a process known as Total Internal Reflection. Optical cables may consist
of a number of fibre cores and are built into a protective outer shroud that is flexible. Cable backshells and
equipment connectors are designed and compatible with military applications.

14.12 Conduit Systems

An extensive metal conduit system will usually have a low DC resistance to earth, e.g. less than 1 Ω, but
may have a much higher impedance to earth at high frequencies, and in these circumstances is liable to
collect interference signals of sufficient magnitude to cause interference to sensitive apparatus (common
impedance coupling). To prevent this it may be necessary to segregate the metal conduit in an interference
free area from the general conduit system of the vehicle by inserting short electrically insulating sections
between the two systems, at convenient points, just outside the interference-free zone.

The segregated conduits should be connected to an independent earth electrode, the connection being kept
as short as possible and be metal clad throughout its length, e.g. 2.5 mm2 cable in 20 mm diameter conduit.
(The protective earth conductor should be bonded to the independent earth electrode at the electrode
terminal and connected to the earth pins of all socket outlets in the segregated section.)

14.13 Summary

Non magnetic shield around conductors provides no magnetic shielding.

A shield grounded at one or more points, shields against electric fields.

The key to magnetic protection is to decrease the area of the loop.

For a co-axial cable grounded at both ends, virtually all of the return current flows in the shield at a frequency
above five times the shield cut off frequency.

Only a limited amount of magnetic shielding is possible in a receptor circuit that is grounded at both ends
due to the ground loop formed.

Any shield in which noise current flows will produce a voltage which will be both part of the signal path and a
radiation source. The use of a shielded twisted pair or a triaxial cable at low frequencies will reduce or
eliminate the problem.

At high frequencies, a co-axial cable acts as a triaxial cable due to skin effects.

Always bond shields to connectors using 360o termination techniques for RF protection and avoid pigtails
which significantly degrade the protection afforded by the shield.

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15 Earthing, Grounding and Bonding

The distinction between Earthing, Grounding and Bonding is as follows:

Earthing: The process of making a satisfactory electrical connection between the structure, including the
metal skin, of an object or vehicle, and the mass of the earth, to ensure a common potential with the earth.

Grounding: The bonding of an equipment case, frame or chassis, to the earth or an object or vehicle
structure to ensure a common potential.

Bonding: An electrical bond is any fixed union existing between two conducting objects that results in
electrical conductivity between the objects. Such union occurs either from physical contact between
conductive surfaces of the objects or from the addition of a firm electrical connection between them.

Failure to adequately address grounding and bonding issues can result in several safety risks.


1) Personnel: RF and Contact Currents

2) Ordnance: Inadvertent Detonation

3) Fuels and Lubricants: Inadvertent Ignition

b) EMC: Interference with vehicle safety systems, communications, etc.

c) Electric Shock: DC and RF

d) Currents under Fault Conditions : Chassis live or negative or both for two items of kit

Further details of the application of earthing, grounding and bonding are given in the service specific

15.1 Earthing

Earthing can be considered a special case of Grounding where the mass of the earth provides the common

Earthing is relevant to land service fixed facilities and tactical systems (when static) where access to the
earth is possible. The requirements for permanent land service earths are given in (Annex B). For temporary
installations earth rods can be used.

For Naval vessels with metallic hulls the contact with the sea provides earthing. For non-metallic vessels an
arrangement of external metal plates achieves the contact.

Earthing is only relevant to Aircraft when on the ground.

15.1.1 Land Service Requirements of a Facility Earth

A good Earth must be located sufficiently close to where it is needed. This facility earth must be found by
carefully analysing the composition of the topsoil, its depth and water content. A typical good Earth consists
of number square metal plates (i.e. galvanised steel) arranged vertically in a row at about 1 to 3 m depth and
all connected via the standard bond-strap to the equipment needing Earthing. It is located in soil with
adequate depth and moisture constant to maintain its quality.

A bad Earth is generally one where there is dry sand, or rock strata just below the surface or insufficient
depth of topsoil. Beware, also, soil consisting largely of chalk or clay as this can dry out in hot weather

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conditions. The test of a good Earth is now a quantitative matter. Hence it is recommend that the Earth
resistance should be ideally less than 5Ω. An "Earth-Tester" should be used to verify this.

15.2 Grounding

There are primarily two purposes for grounding:

a) Safety grounds to prevent shock hazard to personnel in the event of the metalwork of a cable, equipment
or system developing a high potential due to breakdown of insulation or other faults.

b) Signal grounds to reduce electromagnetic interference (EMI) due to electric or magnetic fields, common
impedance or other forms of interference coupling.

15.2.1 Safety Grounds

The purpose of a safety ground is to safeguard personnel in the event of an electrical fault developing in an
equipment or system.

It is important, to emphasise that safety grounds, (i.e. the standard green and yellow wires), needs to be
inserted in a product. These wires are expected to create a low impedance path for 50/60 Hz A.C. current to
flow to earth. Should a failure in insulation or component occur within a product for any reason, the mains
may be exposed to the metal surfaces - especially a surface where an operator is likely to touch or gain
access to, during the normal working of the product. If this is adequately grounded using a safety ground, the
current drawn to earth will enable either a fuse, of appropriate rating, or an earth leakage device to trip,
shutting off the mains supply, until the fault can be rectified. Safety grounds are necessary, and therefore
must not be tampered with.

Provided everybody understands the importance of this, and works around these issues accordingly, the
grounding issue for signals and unwanted signals (i.e. Electromagnetic Interference, EMI) may then be

15.2.2 Signal Grounds

Before a further analysis of signal grounding can take place, it is important that the designer of a product
knows the paths to be taken, by the ground or 0 Volt references. This will assist in determining the
magnitude of the radiated emissions, and hence by reciprocity, the susceptibility of the circuit.

A ground should be defined as a 'low impedance path for current to flow back to the source.

In practice, the low impedance path is anything but. The use of thin wires or thin PCB tracks increases the
inductance of the return path, until at high frequencies, it has a high impedance.

Signal grounds fall into 3 categories:

Single Point Grounds

The single point ground system is very common in practice. This is due to the safety earth requirements of a
single 'star point' earth, to carry all the safety earth currents (at 50 or 60Hz) back to one single entry point,
and one hardware ground point and to help reduce the common impedance coupling experienced in
grounding systems. It may be interpreted in two ways:

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Figure 79 Series Connection

Figure 80 Parallel Connection

The series connected grounds Figure 79 are sometimes called common grounds or daisy chains. The
parallel connection Figure 80 is called the Separate Ground system or Star connection.

Multi Point Grounds

Multi-point earth or ground systems are used in high frequency circuits, and digital circuits, to minimise
ground impedance's. The multi-point earth system relies on a low impedance ground plane, or chassis
member. The connections between each circuit and the ground plane should be very short, in order to
minimise the inductance. However, multi-point grounds should be avoided at lower frequencies, since the
currents flowing to this ground plane constitute a common-impedance earth. Note that at high frequencies,
the ground plane thickness does not matter; it is the skin depth d which determines where the current
actually flows. The frequency range at which single point Earthing becomes multi-point Earthing, due to the
effects of stray capacitance is between 500 kHz and 1 MHz. The real point of change is design dependant.

Hybrid Grounds

This system incorporates the advantages of both the single point earth and the multi-point earth. Two
schemes are shown in Figure 81 and Figure 82.

Figure 81 Hybrid Single Point Ground (Low Frequencies)

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GOOD: Preferred at high frequencies. Hybrid ground acting as a single point ground at low frequencies and
a multi-point ground at high frequencies.

Figure 82 Hybrid Multi-point Ground (Low Frequencies)

BAD: Not recommended. Hybrid ground acting as a multi-point ground at low frequencies and a single point
ground at high frequencies.

A word of caution for the system shown as a parallel connection. The use of inductors' to create a frequency
conscious grounding system can increase common mode noise and therefore should only be used where
the circuit can withstand the increased noise levels.

15.2.3 Bonding

As the bulk of metal surfaces in a product consist of the mechanical chassis, onto which the electronics are
supported, then this chassis may be represented as the "hardware ground". For products that employ a rack
frame or metal frame approach, care must be taken to provide good 'bonding' between panels and frame
members. Good bonds are ones that make direct metal-to-metal contact under pressure from a fastener.
These fasteners must be conductive (not greasy or oily), bolts, washers and nuts. Other fasteners, such as
captive-nuts, spring clasps or self-tapping screws are not recommended.

NOTE Many fasteners now consist of plastic components or anodised metal surfaces - these must be identified and

Contact resistance across seams must be kept low i.e. < 2.5 mΩ

It depends on:

a) Pressure

b) Material

c) Surface area

d) Corrosion

Making the contact resistance of each seam as small as practicable is the best way to secure a good bond
and at the same time maintain shielding effectiveness. The list above contains four of the major parameters
that influence contact resistance at an inter-metallic interface.

With economic constraints, one should choose a material that has a low surface resistance for the surface
area of the seam. In addition to Silver, less-expensive Tin has an especially low surface resistance. One of
the difficulties of using conductive plastics is that the surface of the parts tends to be resin rich and thus
exhibit a high surface resistance.

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Figure 83 Effect of Applied Pressure

Contact resistance is a strong function of the pressure applied to a seam. Figure 83 displays a typical
relationship. The shielding effectiveness or the "goodness" of a bond or a seam is inversely proportional to
the logarithm of its transfer impedance and therefore, in the frequency regions where the contact resistance
dominates, is an inverse function of the contact resistance. The graph to the right illustrates the need for
adequate pressure to maintain a good bond as well as to maintain the shielding effectiveness. The position
of the knee on the curves depends on the properties of the materials used at the material interface.

A reliable shield or bond design operates on the flat portion of the curves, where there is less sensitivity to
pressure. When a design functions below the knee, the repeatability of shielding effectiveness or bond
conductivity between successive equipment disassembly and assembly cycles is considerably less likely.

For the engineer conducting a series of experiments by measuring radiated emissions after making
modifications inside a shielded piece of equipment, poor shield repeatability can introduce such a large
unknown variability as to render the experiments virtually meaningless.

Where possible a system should not have its circuit references grounded at the individual equipment, as high
voltages may exist between the equipment as a result of the high currents flowing through the platform skin
frame, especially, in the case of aircraft, those resulting from a lightning strike. It is preferable to keep circuit
references isolated from ground to minimise this effect, and it is therefore generally bad practice to use the
cable screen as a signal return. Where this has to be done, the optimum cable screen is tri-axial, solid, or
double screened.

15.2.4 Bonding of Hatches and Bay Doors

Bonding of removable hatches and bay doors is an important factor in the overall electrical integrity of the
platform. Bonding straps are introduced to platform doors and hatches to ensure there is a good bond for
both electrical integrity and for the conduction of lightning strike current.

15.2.5 Bond Straps

Normally manufactured from copper or aluminium, metals of excellent conductivity, these may be designed
into a product to enable all the various ground returns to be connected along it. This saves bringing many
thick cables back to one central bonding point. As a low impedance path, it may also be used as a
distributed signal ground-plane earth point.

Bond straps are made of flexible, good conductivity, copper bars, braids or thick flexible cables. Normally
their dimensions are critical for EMC use. They must not be longer than:

Ι = λ/5


λ is the wavelength of the highest frequency sources which can only be assessed on a product-by-product

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Once this length is known, then the width of the bonding strap should be Ι /5 to Ι /10 minimum. The thickness
will depend upon the safety ground current requirements.

For higher frequency use, the skin depth of the material δ is more important. The objective of the bond-strap
is to provide a low-inductance path to ground. In products where bond straps are used, do not use more than
2 bond-straps in series to provide a path to Ground. However, the overall length of the bond strap must be
carefully considered. Bond straps are always connected onto other metal with the use of bolts, nuts and
washers drilled through the strap.

The order of use of bond straps is (with increasing inductance):

a) Copper or Aluminium strap (as described above)

b) Silver or plated copper Braid (100A or 50A rating)

c) Multi-Strand Copper wires (2.5 mm2 cross section or greater)

d) Single strand copper wire (2.5 mm2 cross section or greater)

NOTE Flat braided bond straps are particularly useful as they provide a considerable amount of flexibility. However,
when used in the presence of high RF. power, e.g. at the bottom of an HF transmitter mast, they are prone to suffer from
inter-strand arcing. This may be overcome by flood soldering the braid. A certain degree of flexibility is retained without
the inter-strand arcing. The concern now is potential corrosion problems, therefore, flood soldered braided straps must
also have anti-corrosive treatment applied and a regular servicing policy.

Bond straps are only useful when their inductance is lower than 0.025 μH.

SWG = UK standard wire gauge; 16swg = 1.6mm thickness)

Bond straps thinner than 16 SWG thick are not good enough for most applications. If it is necessary to
assess the impedance of a bond strap at D.C. and up to higher frequencies, this may be calculated using the
following formulae:

At DC Rdc = Ρ Ι /A Ω

Where: Ρ = Resistivity (Ωm)

Ι = length (m)

A = cross section area

At Higher Frequencies Rac = Rdc / (d/4 δ + 0.26) Ω

Where: d = diameter of wire (mm)

δ = skin depth = (2/ω μ σ)0.5 metres = 66/(μr σr f)0.5 mm

μr = permeability relative to copper

σr = conductivity relative to copper

f = frequency in Hz

15.2.6 Ground Wires

Ground wires, identified by their "Green and Yellow" colouring in European manufactured products, generally
consists of multi-strand copper conductors, with a cross sectional area of 1mm2 or greater. These wires are
necessary under the mandatory provisions of product Safety Standards.

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However, their inductance is rather high, when compared to the bond-straps analysed previously. Typically,
they are 1.3μHm-1.

16 Electrostatic Discharge

16.1 Protection

There is no effective means of preventing electrostatic charging, so protective actions are essential when:

a) Equipment is operating normally;

b) Equipment is opened for maintenance or adjustment;

c) Circuit boards are removed for repair;

d) PECs or individual semi-conductors stored and subsequently handled.

16.2 Equipment Design

To protect ESD sensitive devices, protective resistors should be inserted in series with any gate which could
be exposed to external electrostatic charges either under normal operation or when the sub-assembly is
removed or handled in situ.

Electrostatic discharges create fields which can couple with sensitive circuits and cables even though they
are not in the direct path of the discharge. Such circuits or cables may need to be screened.

All equipment drawers must be fitted with 'earth bonding press studs'. These are to be of stainless steel,
male, and 10 mm in diameter. These enable the maintainer to be adequately bonded to the structure by use
of a wrist strap and bonding cored, thereby discharging any static charge prior to opening the drawer.

A 1 MΩ resistor in series with the wrist strap enables any charge to be dissipated in a controlled manner, and
further, protects the maintainer against electrocution as a result of inadvertent contact with high power line
voltages. (It should be emphasized that no work is ever to be undertaken on live equipment unless
absolutely essential.)

16.3 Work Areas

To protect electronic modules undergoing repair etc it is essential that all surfaces with which they may come
into contact are made from dissipative material bonded to a common ground in accordance with the
guidance given in BS EN 61340-5-1.

Floor surfaces are subject to electrostatic charge generation as a result of the movement of personnel.
(Nylon carpets for example readily generate charge.) Ideally, floor surfaces should not only dissipate charge,
but should also prevent charge generation. Special handling areas are required for servicing equipment
containing electrostatic sensitive devices. Information on setting up such areas is contained in BS EN 61340-

16.4 Packaging and Handling

Equipment and devices sensitive to electrostatic discharge must be stored in protective bags. These are
essentially 'Faraday cages' with an outer surface resistivity of between 105 and 106 Ω per square.
Constructed from a multi-layer material they comprise a polyester film central layer, a polythene film inner
layer coated with an antistatic agent and an outer layer of metal film coated with a static dissipative material.

Precautions must be taken when removing equipment or devices from protective packages:

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a) It should be removed in a safe handling area;

b) Personnel handling the equipment should have outer clothing of non-synthetic material;

c) Any tools used should have anti-static properties i.e. be fitted with insulating, but not static, generating

17 Quality Control
Effective quality control is essential if EMC aims are to be realised. This obviously starts with awareness, and
all parties and organisations involved must have a clear understanding of the objectives and their

The platform builder must ensure for example that equipment and cable installations conform to segregation
and bonding requirements since any breach could seriously compromise the protection. Although simple in
concept, such control requires constant vigilance on the part of all parties concerned through the life of the

Equipment must be designed to meet the relevant EMC specification and be tested to verify compliance.
EMC aspects must be considered at the early stage if expensive and time consuming retrospective actions
are to be avoided. Part 1 of this Standard gives valuable guidance on management and planning procedures
and the preparation of Test Plans.

UK OFFICIAL DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2

Annex A
Air Platform EMC Design

A.1 Introduction
This annex is intended to discuss air platform specific aspects of EMC and should be read in conjunction
with the main body of this part of the Standard. It is aimed at helping the designer to produce the most
effective RF protection scheme, in terms of cost, maintainability and operational performance, when used in
the military environment.

A.2 Design of the Airframe

Details of the airframe design can have a major impact on the implications of electromagnetic hazards on
safety and system protection penalties of weight, volume and cost including cost of ownership. Material
choice affects the shielding of the systems afforded by the airframe, particularly at low frequencies and
behaviour in mechanical damage terms when a lightning arc attaches. The characteristic reactions to arc
attachment and current flow from various materials should also be considered in relation to their propensity
for causing hazardous situations; fuel explosion for instance. Because the protection requirements will
depend on material and on the potential hazards, they are discussed separately below. Also to be
considered is the distribution of highly conductive material in relation to the routing of systems cables as
great benefit can be obtained by using structural materials to supply as much of the necessary attenuation in
induced transients as possible.

A.3 Non-Fuel Zone

The potential for damage in non-fuelled regions of an airframe is less than for fuelled zones but, while
specific electromagnetic field screening is not likely to be a requirement in fuel tanks, it will usually be
desirable, if not essential in non-fuelled regions. It is desirable to protect any electrical or electronic circuit or
system from actual damage from induced voltage or current transients and from physical damage to cables
and wires.

From a mechanical point of view, for skins over pressurised sections of an airframe, any puncture may be
very serious with airframe wiring being sucked out or exposed to aerodynamic pressures. In other regions,
there will be merely an undesirable repair liability and the possibility of added damage through exposure to
the air-stream.

A.3.1 Metallic Airframe Materials

A.3.1.1 Skins

Metal skins generally provide very good electromagnetic shielding against the induced effects of lightning
and frequency components below 1MHz, but will sustain some damage from lightning arc attachment.
Generally, skins of 2.3mm are necessary to prevent burn-through from any of the individual components of
severe lightning but in trailing edge situations, much more metal is required. In such locations it is always
advisable to design any cable routes such that puncture of the outer skins could not have an impact on the
wiring. That is the arc, having punctured the skin could not form an attachment to the cables or cause
damage to the cable insulation by heat through being too close to potential attachment locations.

Where weight has been a problem thin metal sacrificial foils have been glued to the outside metal skins.
These provide almost unlimited protection from burn-through for a single lightning strike, though once
sacrificed; provide no further protection until the repair process has replaced the foil. This technique would

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be very effective where cables are constrained in routing very close to skins where arc attachment is likely
and thermal damage would be a consequence.

A.3.1.2 Sub-Structure

Metal sub-structures beneath metal skins rarely need any protection at all since the skin effect, that tends to
keep electric current flowing on the outside of a conducting body, is very strong in good conductors such as
aluminium. As a result the internal structural currents are usually too small to be of consequence structurally.

A.3.2 Non-metallic Airframe Materials

Non-metallic structural materials, in general, provide very little inherent screening for systems wiring. Non-
conductive materials can be totally discounted in terms of isolation from an external electromagnetic
environment though they can, under some circumstances provide protection from lightning arc attachment to
cables and Direct Current Injection (DCI). Even Carbon Fibre Composites (CFC) provide only limited
electromagnetic screening at typical lightning frequencies (1 kHz to 10 MHz) as the resistivity of CFC gives
rise to large skin depths and hence penetration of magnetic fields and their associated currents which may
then couple transients onto wiring inside. In general, any significant magnetic field shielding should be
provided by design and the use of beams and webs provided for structural purposes or the metal included to
meet the earth/power return requirements for equipment installed in the airframe.

A.3.2.1 Composite Material Skins

CFC skins can suffer very serious damage from lightning strike as well as warrant additional measures to
improve electromagnetic field screening performance.

The poor electrical conductivity combined with the poor thermal conductivity can give rise to severe damage
in the form of tufting of fibres and loss of resin matrix. Heating of the underside of CFC skins by lightning arc
attachment to the outer surface can give rise to temperatures of 200°C and above and cables in proximity
would have to survive such temperatures for periods up to a minute. As in metallic skins there is a possibility
of attachment of an arc that penetrates the skin. However, in CFC material, during the extreme current
densities in the region of the lightning attachments, the high resistivity causes high resistive voltages to be
generated across inside surfaces which will give rise to potential differences between wires or cable screens
and structure that can puncture the insulation on the wire or cable. For this reason a voltage hold-off or
insulation dielectric specification should be given for cable. Sacrificial surface metallization in the form of
glued-on foils, metal flame spray or plasma spray, or metal foils or meshes cured in the surface ply are
capable of giving significant protection against this type of damage.

Thin CFC panels (less than 0.7mm) can be punctured by the shock wave in the vicinity of the lightning arc
causing exposure of system cables to arc attachment or air stream damage. Panels of up to 1.0mm
thickness made from layers of woven CFC fabric may show this effect. At present the only known protection
against this effect is to use sufficiently thick material.

For non-conducting materials, there is usually a risk of puncture when a lightning arc tries to attach to
conductive materials beneath the skin (including wires and cables). In some cases, sufficient protection can
be provided by diverter strips, strips of metal or conductive material designed to capture the lightning arc and
carry the lightning current safely back to a conductive structure, thus minimising the electrical potential
across the dielectric. This is normal practice on radomes where covering the entire surface is impractical.
Diverter strips can be sacrificial such as metal foils or partially oxidised conductive metal particles. The latter
have the benefit of radar transparency due to apparent zero conductivity until sufficient voltage is available
(as in a lightning strike) to cause breakdown when they become temporarily conductive. The alternative to
sacrificial protection is solid metal strips which will serve for many lightning strikes. In all cases, diverter strips
should be on the outside of a non-conductive structure.

Where radar transparency is not required, overall coverage of the surface is an option and surface
metallization will generally provide high levels of protection. As for the CFC skins, however, sufficient
thickness of the substructure material is still essential if shock puncture is to be avoided.

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Non-conductive surfaces will often require anti-static paint finishes to prevent the storage of electrostatic
charges and ultimate surface flashover which will cause surface degradation over a period of time, and radio
noise. Static discharge problems in such cases can render some communications systems unusable.

A.3.2.2 Composite Sub-Structure

A CFC sub-structure or any conducting substructure beneath CFC or non-conducting skins carries significant
portions of any current flowing on the airframe. External protection involving metallization or diverters will
reduce internal structure currents but they will not in general be eliminated. Thus, internal structures should,
in such cases, be designed with sufficient current carrying capacity. No general guidelines can be formulated
to ensure that this will be done; in general, structural requirements are such that there will be sufficient
conductor cross-section for expected internal currents. In cases of doubt, structural current analysis is
necessary to predict the worst-case conditions and sufficient cross-section designed to cater for the
predicted need.

Since composite internal structures can be expected to carry large currents, metal (good conductors) may be
expected to carry proportionally greater portions of structural lightning currents. In practice currents of up to
20kA have been measured in cable conduits in largely CFC structures, and analysis suggests that where
CFC skins are thin and whole structure cross-sections are small, currents up to 40 or 50% of the total
lightning current might flow in cable conduits.

A.3.3 Jointing

Care should be taken that the bonding between adjacent skin panels is adequate, and in ensuring
conduction of lightning currents. This is particularly important when considering carbon fibre composites.
Below is a list of jointing techniques employed in the aircraft industry.

a) Aluminium skin joints - a conductive jointing filler (carbon/nickel loaded epoxy) over the length of the joint
seam. Conductive jointing fillers particularly around those rivets providing direct bonding contact. Aircraft
manufacturers may bond 1 in 10 of the joint rivets on a metal to metal joint seam.

b) Carbon fibre composites - a conductive carbon or nickel loaded jointing compound. To provide a high
performance joint the edges of the carbon fibre panels, at the joint interfaces, should be etched or
machined to provide a conductive path through to the carbon fibres. Typically aircraft manufacturers
bond 1 in 5 of the joint rivets. The bonding resistance should be measured between adjacent panels.

c) For other outer skin joints a non-conductive epoxy along the joint seams. Rivets are bonded at intervals
along the length of the joints. For bonded rivet installation a conductive epoxy should be used to provide
adequate conductivity.

d) For carbon fibre composite joints the conduction of lightning currents across panel joints is of utmost
importance. To protect a platform from a lightning strike it is necessary to provide a means of conducting
current across the carbon fibre composites and joints. This can be done by manufacturing the composite
materials with a wire mesh laid up on the material surface. A wire mesh or aluminium coating will
conduct the lightning current across the panels thus reducing the possibility of de-laminating the carbon
fibre materials, at, for example, the lightning attachment point. The mesh should be bonded at all joints
to provide a low impedance path. For detailed information on the use of carbon fibre composites and
protection against lightning strike, reference i) should be consulted.

A.3.4 Bonding Measures

In non-fuelled regions of an airframe, bonding is required for the reduction of damage when severe lightning
currents flow and to improve the shielding performance of the structure, thereby providing a 'quieter'
electromagnetic environment inside the structure for electrical/electronic systems and associated wiring. In
airframes comprising a significant proportion of composite materials, there may be a requirement for the
bonding of what metal structure there is, to supply some of the earth return conductivity for electrical power
distribution within the aircraft. The cross-section of a metal conductor for power return will depend on the
power requirements and the tolerance of ripple in equipment of installed systems. The metal so provided can
be used to provide considerable protection for systems wiring. However, the relatively high conductivity of
DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2 UK OFFICIAL

such metal will attract more lightning current to flow inside a structure and cables routed close to the metal,
though taking advantage of greatly reduced common-mode induced voltages and currents may experience
significantly increased differential-mode induced transients. Screening and twisting of wires will usually
reduce this problem to tolerable levels.

A.3.4.1 Metallic Skin Materials

For metal skins there are severe constraints on measures needed to achieve good electrical bonding, either
between adjacent skin panels or between skin panels and their associated substructure because of the need
to defend against corrosion from moisture ingress into the joint. Generally, however, there are so many
fasteners between a large metal structural component and its surrounds that often a little conductivity from
each gives a satisfactory performance. Particularly against lightning induced threats, where the surface
current density is often great enough to create potential differences that will break-down tenuously insulated

In order to ensure a stable electromagnetic performance from a skin panel against lower level, broader band
threats, it is recommended that a fraction of the mechanical fasteners (say one in ten) should be designated
as "bonding fasteners". These are then specially treated such that they can satisfy their electrical role as well
as the mechanical, including corrosion resistance. This can be achieved by the use of sealed assemblies
and special inserts etc.

In cases in which the panel to sub-structure is required to be bonded such that very high frequency fields are
excluded it may be necessary to incorporate a continuously conducting seal. These can be achieved using
electrically conducting forms of rubber seals or form-in-place sealants. In such cases the "land" on either
side of the joint requires special design in order to preserve continuous electrical contact around the
periphery of the panel throughout the service interval required.

A.3.4.2 Metallic Substructure

Where specific bonding requirements are needed from internal structural joints or metal-to-metal joints
(bonding strap tag to metal structure for instance) then a proven process must be established. This would
involve the contacting surface being cleaned of all electrically insulating, oxides and grease, a corrosion
resistant steel fastener inserted and fastened with the appropriate torque, and over-sealed to prevent ingress
of moisture. Generally in non-fuelled zones there will be a need for such measures only where specific
bonding is needed, e.g. between moving parts, between demountable bodies and structure etc.

A.3.4.3 Non-Metallic Skins

The bonding of non-metallic skins is fraught with difficulties and should not be relied upon in general.

The electrical bonding of non-conductors is not meaningful.

Conductive contact with CFC is subject to many vagaries of the material and its construction. Reliable
bonding has proved to be possible only by setting a quality target (in terms of a DC resistance measurement)
and removing and reinserting a fastener repeatedly until a satisfactory reading has been obtained. The value
of the DC resistance should be set for the particular materials and fasteners involved (unachievable targets
can easily be specified by default). This may be done by constructing dry joints and measuring the
resistance from a number of bolts and the CFC structure. Values that deviate on the high side by
considerable amounts should be ignored and a mean of the lower figures used as a quality level.

In cases for which a reliable electrical bond is required to CFC a special mechanical design must be created
which achieves the electrical aims. The approach may require the use of special inserts and sealed metal to
CFC contact. It is expensive and therefore should only be used where necessary.

A.3.4.4 Non-Metallic Substructure

Where there is no corrosion implication for a fastener in contact with a composite material, then dry
installation and over-sealing may be attempted to provide bonding between CFC and CFC or CFC and metal

UK OFFICIAL DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2

inside a structure. If corrosion is an issue then a carefully worked out approach is required as described

A.3.4.5 Additional Metal

It may be advantageous to provide additional, non-structural metal in some cases, where the composites
used in the structure cannot provide the electromagnetic performance necessary. This may be an attractive
approach where it has been shown that extra weight on the structure will offset a larger weight penalty in the
systems installation, in additional cable screening for instance. Then it is necessary to consider all the
implications of the extra metal for the aspects of the other electromagnetic hazards. For instance, to provide
a volume in a fuselage for avionic equipment that has a reduced electromagnetic environment it is necessary
to supply a metal film over the entire inside or outside surface of that volume.

a) Advantageous Locations

Metal addition for lightning protection is generally best situated outside the airframe where fusing,
sparking, debonding or deforming will not cause damage to anything else. Metal provided to enhance
electromagnetic shielding performance is generally best provided inside the airframe where the sealing
requirements for joints are less difficult to combine with the requirements for good electrical contact. In
both cases, metal and joints should be designed to comply with natural current flow directions and
routes as high frequency currents will always flow along low impedance (wide) paths rather than simply
along low resistance paths. This is not so much the case for static electric currents that may be
controlled more by provision of conductive paths.

b) Cross-Sections

Where lightning currents must be carried, the cross-section of additional conductive material shall be
capable of carrying the current that might flow via the material in the worst expected case. This may be
calculated for the particular case or, as a general guide, provision should be made for the total lightning
current event to pass. In this case 9 mm2 of copper or 14 mm2 of aluminium alloy (not aluminium lithium)
is required to keep the temperature rise of the conductor below 2000C, though very high resistive
voltages will be induced along such a slim conductor. Where a specification of resistive voltage that
could be developed in associated wiring can be defined, then a suitable cross-section may be
calculated. In general, there will be a requirement for earth/power return inside a composite airframe
with a minimum cross-section of 1500 mm2 of Aluminium typically.

c) Special Considerations for Additional Metal

As mentioned earlier for high levels of broadband shielding enhancement it will usually be necessary to
provide a good, low resistance joint over the whole length of the interfaces between additionally
provided metal and other metal, whether structural or screening, to avoid penetration of electromagnetic
fields through gaps.

In many cases in airframes the aim of the metal is to moderately suppress the higher-level threats such
as lightning, EMP & HF HIRF (reduced by 10-20dB). In such cases the positioning of the additional
metal relative to the cables of the system is the most influential aspect of the design. Longitudinal metal
is far more beneficial than transverse metal since it is running parallel to the major cable runs. Proximity
to the major cable runs is also beneficial. If it can be arranged, the metal should ideally achieve its
cross-section by width rather than thickness and that width should be in the form of a concave shape
such that the cables are within the concave shape. This would give the most protection benefit.

Additional metal provided for lightning protection should be bonded to avoid excessive sparking and
erosion, and to avoid the effects of magnetic forces arising from current flow, which can cause breakage
or bending. Whiplash of a bonding strap that snaps as a result of magnetic forces can cause secondary
damage when the strap impacts on other materials. Long, high current arcs are drawn out on these
occasions that can cause heating and burning damage.

DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2 UK OFFICIAL

A.4 Fuel Zones

The materials commonly used in aircraft and aircraft component manufacture are all pyrophoric and will burn,
when heated to sufficiently high temperatures by excessive current densities. The sparks of incandescent
material seen flying from a source of such sparking are actually on fire with continuous or rising temperatures
rather than being cooled by contact with the cooler gas around, and consequently are much more capable of
causing fuel ignition. Wherever possible, the choice of material for anything in contact with fuel or fuel vapour
should be of a non-pyrophoric nature.

A.4.1 Metallic Airframe Materials

A.4.1.1 Skins

Skin effect prevents current flow inside a metallic structure to such an extent that puncture is generally the
only cause for concern relating to lightning attachment to the metal skins of fuel tanks. Thus provided the
skin thickness is greater than 2.3mm puncture of aluminium alloy is not likely. (Slightly greater thickness of
aluminium lithium alloys may be required). Hot spots on the inside of a skin panel at the site of the lightning
arc attachment could cause ignition of fuel or fuel vapour if temperatures in excess of 8000C are maintained
for periods of over a second for ignition to occur. Tests on aluminium alloy skins have not demonstrated that
the necessary conditions are maintained for long enough and therefore fuel ignition from such a cause is not
likely. Protection of skins less than 2.3mm thick may be achieved using sacrificial metal in the way described
above for metal skins of pressurised regions.

A.4.1.2 Metal Substructure

Metal substructure beneath metal skins is seldom the cause of any fuel related problems, since skin effect
keeps current on the outside of a structure as described above for non-fuel zones. Thus the current in the
sub-structure is very small and the risk of sufficiently energetic sparking is very small.

Metal substructure beneath CFC skins can be a cause of serious problems because the high conductivity of
the metal in comparison to that of the CFC causes very large currents to flow in the metal substructure,
particularly in the "late time" of the lightning pulse. The major problem is in allowing lightning current from the
skin near a lightning attachment into the substructure without generating sparks at structural component
interfaces that could ignite the fuel. A common approach to this problem is to provide some form of surface
metallization for the external skin to divert current from the internal metal. New types of anti-sparking
fastener may provide adequate protection but they should be tested on a case-by-case basis.

A.4.2 Non-Metallic Airframe Materials

A.4.2.1 Skins

Non-metallic fuel tank skins can be used and have been found both on integral tanks and auxiliary tanks. In
these cases it is imperative that puncture of the skins should not occur. The diverter technique described for
non-fuel zones will seldom be sufficient as a finite probability of puncture remains. Whole surface
metallization is generally essential and the skins should be sufficiently tough (thick) to prevent any possibility
of penetration caused by the lightning attachment shock wave.

Metallization of fuel tank skins can be achieved in many ways including flame spraying, plasma spraying, co-
cured, embedded meshes, adhesively fastened metallic foils etc. The issues to be considered include:

a) Manufacturability

b) Adhesion through service life (rain, sand and dust erosion)

c) The damage tolerance of the skin

d) Corrosion (electrochemical position of carbon)

UK OFFICIAL DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2

e) Serviceability

At present there is no quantitative approach to designing a protection scheme. Trial and error driven by
experience with experimental evidence for clearance purposes is the only approach to achieving a flight-
cleared solution. Reference should also be made to Def Stan 59-113.

A.4.2.2 Sub-Structure

A CFC sub-structure can present even greater problems than in metallic substructure, when lightning current
flows from CFC skins to a substructure near a lightning arc attachment where current densities are high.

A.4.3 Bonding Measures

The principal aim of electrical bonding of the structure in fuel tank regions is prevention of:

Voltage arcing (where voltages build up to the point of breakdown)

Thermal sparking (which is the emanation of incandescent particles from a point contact carrying a current
density beyond its capacity without heating the materials at the contact above their melting point).

Either of these phenomena is capable of igniting fuel vapour. An important consideration in the provision of
any techniques is the implication of the conduction of currents from sources other than the intended one. For
instance, it is easy to provide conductivity sufficient for static electricity dispersion with very small cross-
section conductors. However, if there is a possibility of lightning current flowing via the same route then the
very small conductor required for static electricity would be fused by the respective portion of lightning
current causing another fuel explosion risk.

A.4.3.1 Bonding of Metallic Skin Materials

There is limited benefit to the bonding of metallic skins, except where they join onto CFC, or low conductivity
materials while still over fuelled regions. In such cases the same measures as required for joining CFC skins
should be applied.

A.4.3.2 Bonding of Metallic Sub-Structure

A metallic substructure presents no problems beneath metallic skins but under CFC skins specific attention
should be paid to prevent sparking of the fasteners and sparking between the skins and substructure. It is
easier to achieve non-sparking joints between CFC skins and the metal substructure than between CFC
skins and CFC substructure, and this has been done in some cases by a combination of anchor nuts riveted
to the substructure and surface metallization in the form of metal mesh on the outside skins. In general,
however, it would be best to treat this situation in the same way as CFC skins over a CFC substructure.

The metal surface can be abraded clean of any insulating material or oxides and a cleaned washer and
fastener can be inserted and torqued. Sealants and anti-corrosion agents may be applied subsequently to
the whole joint. In general, such joints may be checked for quality using a DC resistance check when they
should give a reading of less than 5 milliohms between fastener and skin.

A.4.3.3 Non-Metallic Skins

Non-metallic skins are the major source of problems as they allow current to penetrate to the substructure. In
lightning attachment zones, fasteners should be able to withstand the incident lightning threat for the zone
without any observable sparking inside the fuelled volume. Even in areas where lightning is most unlikely to
attach to a fuselage, fasteners should be able to carry the conducted lightning current in that part of the
structure assuming the worst possible combination of lightning entry and exit points. This type of problem is
present for the bonding of non-metallic skins to BOTH metallic sub-structure and non-metallic sub-structure,
although the latter is worse.

DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2 UK OFFICIAL

A.4.3.4 Non-Metallic Substructure

Exactly the same comments apply to a non-metallic substructure beneath non-metallic skins as are applied
to the non-metallic skins. Beneath metal skins, it is unlikely that any special measures would be required.

A very serious problem associated with CFC skins when fastened on to CFC substructure is that of sparking,
in the form of white hot particles, from the inside of the fastener. This arises because the extreme current
density at the arc root is not diffused across the outside surface of CFC skins in the same way as metal skins
and the current flows down the fastener into the sub-structure, causing thermal sparking. This is a major fuel
explosion risk and must be prevented.

There are very few options for preventing this form of sparking. There are patented fasteners that will provide
various degrees of protection. There are a small number of joint designs that can provide some protection.
There is the possibility of covering the exposed head of the fastener with metallic foil. This can be an
effective solution, however, adhesion of the foil under the rigorous conditions of rain and dust erosion is a
continuing problem.

A.4.4 Additional Metal

A.4.4.1 Advantageous Forms

In fuel containing regions made predominantly of composite materials, it is very important that spark sources
are not introduced. It is, therefore, unlikely that additional metal will be added inside the fuel or fuel vapour
containing volume. It is extremely difficult to manufacture, reliably, a joint that will not spark when high
currents are carried, and metal inside a composite structure will carry a disproportionately large part of the
structural current. In these cases it is strongly recommended that any additional metal required for whatever
reason be applied outside the fuelled volume. Then the same comments as for non-fuelled zones apply.

No general rules can be formulated for cases where additional metal has to be provided in a fuel-containing
region. These cases should be designed on a case-by-case basis and testing will be essential to prove the
adequacy of the design. In general, the problems of designing anything mechanical or electrical that will
always be safe inside an explosive environment are so great that the issue is best avoided by using external
mounting. Any penetration of the fuelled regions for gauging, fuel pumping etc. must comply with all the
conditions to meet non-sparking requirements. If current is required to flow for the correct operation of the
system then it should be limited to the safe level. If current is allowed to flow during lightning events then
sparking as a result of that current must be eliminated by design. This situation can only be avoided by
ensuring induced lightning current cannot flow by the use of single point bonding and sufficient insulation.

A.4.4.2 Cross-Section

Cross-sections of additional metal should always be sufficient to carry expected lightning currents without
fusing except in the case of external sacrificial foils where some local loss is expected (and desirable). If
satisfactory analysis of current distribution is not available, then a useful guide is that 9sq. mm of copper or of aluminium alloy (not lithium) is required to carry a lightning initial return stroke current with a
temperature rise of 2000C.

Cross-section requirements at joints are much more difficult to define. If contact areas could be maintained
as defined above, then current carrying capability will also be maintained, but only a butt jointed weld would
be safe from sparking. For joints using fasteners, the cross-section of the current path through the joint
should be assumed to be limited to the contact between fastener head and surface, fastener shank cross-
section and the area of contact between the bolt and washer or whatever component has been used to
clamp the fastener. The area so formed will generally have to be far greater than the limits given in the
previous paragraph to prevent sparking. Twice the area or more may be required and any new technique
should be tested if it is to be used in a fuel/fuel vapour region.

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A.4.4.3 Electrical Features of Installation

Any bonding or additional metal in fuel zones must be inherently of a non-sparking nature. Thus, bonding
straps which are made of multi-wire or braided construction should be avoided, even when they are provided
for electrostatic purposes.

Deliberate insulation to moderately high levels is a feature of some lightning protection designs in fuel tanks.
The maximum potential difference between say a single point bonded cable or pipe and the nearby structure
can be well in excess of 3kV. It is worth pointing out that this should be tested at sea level to a value of 5kV
in order to allow for lightning effects at up to 20,000ft. The actual potential difference to design for should be
calculated for the case under consideration. It is impossible to give a generic figure.

In cases where deliberate insulation is a design strategy it should be remembered that it is probably more
difficult to achieve this aim through service life than good bonding. Furthermore testing for its continued
performance is more difficult.

A.5 Design of the System Installation

In A2 the design of the airframe was discussed in terms of a design strategy which would result in an
airframe whose electrical properties provided an environment within which an electrical and electronic
system could be installed without requiring excessive penalties of protection in terms of cable screening and
interface filtering within equipment.

This section provides advice for the installation of electrical and electronic systems within or attached to an
airframe, but with particular reference to an airframe whose electrical properties result from the application of
the design strategy outlined above.

Special conditions may be applicable to electrical installations concerned with armaments and with externally
mounted stores of all types. Very special conditions apply to circuits concerned with the firing of electro-
explosive devices (EEDs), the object being to avoid inadvertent operation even in the presence of
electromagnetic interference.

Within the airframe the systems installation advice is broadly divided into two; non-fuelled areas and fuelled
areas of the airframe (or those areas which could contain fuel vapour). This distinction results from a
particular problem which arises in the case of the installation of systems containing long lengths of
conducting material in CFC air-frames, e.g. wiring in electrical systems, metallic pipes, conduits, control rods
and drive shafts. All these system components can result in the flow of very high currents or the
development of very high voltages across small gaps during excitation of the airframe by high level pulse
threats such as lightning and NEMP. These currents and voltages can cause electrical arcing and sparking
with enough energy to ignite a fuel/air mixture. It is unusual, though not unknown to have such a situation in
a metallic airframe. In such unusual cases the measures outlined for the installation of systems in CFC
integral fuel tanks may be considered for some situations in metallic airframes.

A.5.1 System Installation in Non-Fuelled Areas of Airframe

This clause covers the majority of situations since most of the system installation will be in areas of the
aircraft in which electrically caused sparking due to lightning or NEMP, though undesirable, will not be a
hazard. The design strategy will attempt to keep such sparking to a minimum in the interest of reliability.
There will be parts of the system, which carry explosive or flammable mixtures in pipes through non-fuelled
areas of the airframe. These and those cases of systems being installed in areas of the airframe, which are
not intentionally fuelled but as a result of seepage, can contain flammable mixtures is covered in
Clause A.5.2.

A.5.1.1 Cable Routing

In the case of an all-metal aircraft preferable cable routes in the airframe could be distinguished by
inspection. The actual induced voltage and current resulting from that routing can be obtained by complex

DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2 UK OFFICIAL

computational analysis. In the case of mixed CFC and metallic airframes, the best routes are not always so
clear, however, there are some general rules, which can be applied to reduce the threat posed by EMH.

A. routing in an all-metal airframe

It can be shown that cable routes which give low induced voltages and currents in the case of lightning will
be similarly good cable routes for higher frequency threats, although the advantage of a particularly well
chosen cable route over a less advantageous route becomes less distinct at higher frequencies and above
400 MHz the mechanisms are more localized and overall cable routing becomes the less dominant issue. In
the case of an all-metal airframe carrying lightning current, the coupling between the current on the airframe
and the cables located within the airframe results from aperture coupling provided the cable route does not
cross any areas of poor airframe bonding. Two-dimensional analysis of such coupling mechanisms can be
carried out and typical results are as shown in Figure 84.

In this case a simple situation of a circular cross-section tube with a slot along the length is analysed for the
current flowing along the line tie into the paper). The lines shown are plots of constant coupling factor, which
indicate the open circuit voltage, which would be induced in a cable at that position for a particular rate of
rise of current flowing in the tube. By duality of fields it can be shown that the regions of low magnetic field
coupling will also be regions of low coupling to the electric field as a result of an external charge distribution.

This shows that the deeper into the tube the lower the coupling factor therefore the lower the open circuit
voltage (and short circuit current).

If the geometry is changed as shown in Figure 84, such that the longitudinal slot is smaller for a given
diameter, the penetrating flux will also reduce. This indicates that the more the local structural component
can surround the wire the more protection it will offer. Figure 85 shows the type of geometry that can be
found in airframes, which can be used advantageously in the routing of cables. The shaded areas show the
limit of usefulness for the location of cables.

In the case of the total cross-section of an all-metal airframe, the likely sites for cable screening can be
identified as shown in Figure 86. The assumption is made that there is electrical bonding at the corners into
which the cables have been placed. This is usually the case for bolted joints in a metallic airframe.

The general rules for routing cables in all-metal airframes can be stated quite simply as:

Ensure that the cable routes are towards the centre of the airframe, away from the apertures in the skin of
the aircraft (e.g. canopies, access doors). Where possible utilise concave, longitudinal geometry along which
to run the cable since this can reduce the screening required.

A. Routing in Mixed CFC/Metal Airframes

Because of the reduced electrical conductivity of CFC, currents of low frequency flowing on the outside
surface also flow virtually un-attenuated on the inside surface. For example for CFC of thickness 1 mm, such
a statement is true for frequencies of less than 10 MHz. The electric fields normal to the surface of the
aircraft, which result from charge distributions on the CFC airframe will behave in a very similar manner to
their behaviour on metal, therefore cable routing policies are still valid in the case of electric field coupling.
Another aspect of CFC airframes, which should be considered, which is a direct result of the transparency of
CFC to magnetic fields and the associated currents, is the significant voltage drop in the direction of current
flow. This aspect arises from two compounding effects; the large current density which occurs on the inside
surface AND the low conductivity of CFC to that current, thus high voltages are produced. The problem of
large potential differences across the surface of CFC is avoided by either ensuring that the cable routing is
designed to be as close as possible to longitudinal, metallic components of the airframe or by using a single
point system earthing philosophy (see Clause A.4.1.4). The current distribution in airframes consisting of
substantial amounts of CFC, combined with metallic components, particularly those that have significant
length in the direction of the major axis, is difficult to predict by a simple inspection and an analytical
technique should be used.

Some general observations can however, be made. A strategy of ensuring that there is at least 1500 square
mm of metal running the entire length of each of the major airframe components containing electrical

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systems will result in a reduction of the internal voltage (imposed on the system) from one end to the other.
However, such metallic current paths will carry significantly higher currents than would be expected in the all-
metal case. Routing cables close to such metallic components will reduce the voltages impressed on those
cables (as a common mode voltage), however, the magnetic field around the cable will be significant. This
can be alleviated in a number of ways including the choice of geometry of the metallic component; proximity
of the signal cable and its associated return cable (e.g. twisted pairs or coaxial cable) and screening. The
choice of cable will be discussed later in the section. The subject of interest in this section is the geometry of
the metallic components along which the cable is to be routed. From the discussions in Clause A.4.1.1a it is
clear that metallic geometries, which contain concave corners, are advantageous in protecting the cables
from coupling fields. The discussions above lead to the following simple rules for good cable routing from the
point of view of reduced coupling with electric and magnetic fields:

1) Cables should be routed close to metallic components having their major axis parallel to the major
axis of the airframe component under consideration. The effect is enhanced with the length over
which this criterion can be satisfied.

2) The areas of the aircraft which are CFC and of thickness <1 mm can be considered to be almost
transparent below 10 MHz and therefore should be treated as apertures for the sake of cable

3) Those metallic components against which cables are to run should be considered for their cross-
sectional geometry. Consider designing into the component a concave cross-section in order to
reduce the requirements for cable screening and equipment filtering.

4) If suitable metal does exist in the airframe design the provision of metal should be considered,
purely from the point of view of reducing common mode voltage. If the metal added can have the
correct geometry (a metal conduit is the ideal but there may be a clash with maintainability
requirements), differential mode coupling can be reduced also.

DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2 UK OFFICIAL

MTF contours around cylinder with slot w/d ratio =1/3

MTF contours around cylinder with slot w/d ratio =2/3

Figure 84 Effects of Airframe Geometry on Aircraft Current to Effect Coupling

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Figure 85 Airframe Geometry that will provide useful protection

Figure 86 Illustration of Preferred Cable Routes in a Typical Front Fuselage Section

A.5.1.2 Cable Segregation

Clause A.4.1.1 dealt with cable routing in the airframe. Following the guidelines will reduce the coupling
between the external fields and the cables of a system for a given airframe and system installation design. In
addition the advice given will also reduce the coupling between systems on the aircraft resulting from the use
of common return paths and to some extent cable-to-cable field coupling. This arises because the cables
should be routed next to a metallic component resulting in reduced common-mode impedance in the shared
return of the airframe.

Cable segregation also provides considerable isolation between the cables of separate systems.
Optimisation is achieved by analysis of the system installation. Some simple rules that can be applied are
explained and summarised in this section.

A. Cable Segregation within the Same System

The same general routing for all cables arriving at the same piece of equipment should be chosen to ensure
that they are referenced to the same piece of the structure and to reduce differences in the common-mode
interference voltage between different parts within the equipment. It is also worth dividing the cabling into
bundles, which can be categorized as Susceptible (S), Emissive (E) or either (X). These bundles should be
placed in locations in the route in relation to the ranking of their susceptibility, i.e. S > X E. The geometrical
separation can be arrived at by analysis or from advice from the equipment manufacturer. However some
general guidelines are given in Table 15 for EMC categorization and Table 16 for recommended cable

The segregation of cables based on the type of signals that they are carrying is beneficial to the achievement
of intra and inter-system EMC. However, other segregation requirements may need to be considered, for
example, highly critical systems such as flying control system wiring may be separated from the other system

DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2 UK OFFICIAL

cables. In addition, cable routing may be determined by the avoidance of vulnerability to battle damage or
the separation of different lanes of a multi-lane system to avoid common-mode failure as a result of physical

The guidance outlined above applies to the routing and segregation of system cables over the majority of
their length. The segregation of cables at the equipment or bulkhead connectors may have to be relaxed
over a short distance in the region of the connector. This arises from the desirability of using one connector
for screened cables and a different one for un-screened cables. This policy has two benefits, firstly the cost
mass and volume penalty of connector backshells is reduced. Secondly, the un-screened portion of
screened wires, within the connector, is not exposed to the interference currents and therefore fields of
unscreened wires.

In the case of equipment or bulkhead entries which have only one connector then segregation can only be
achieved at the connector by using a barrier of earthed pins, however, this uses a large number of pins and
should be considered carefully.

Table 15Typical Signal Classifications for the Purpose of Cable Segregation

Circuit Class

Cables connected to electromechanical components E

Power supply cables E

Serial digital data cable (Signal level =>5V; Data rate => 1MHz) E

RF transmitter cables E

Power to filament lamps E

RF Transceiver cables E

Non-critically timed, discrete cables X

Synchro cables (electromechanical) X

Synchro cables (solid state simulation) S

Wide-band RF receiver cables S

Critically timed, discrete cables S

Wide-band (see note), (<1V) analogue signals S

Narrow-band (see note), (<1V) analogue signals S

Serial or parallel digital data (<5V; BW < 1MHz) S

NOTE Military strike aircraft experience strong coupling of external

electromagnetic fields down to frequencies of ~2 MHz a result of the average length of
the aircraft and therefore the cable lengths of the installed systems. Similarly large
transport aircraft will experience significant coupling down to 600 kHz. Because of the
much lower mass, volume and cost penalty associated with filtering compared to
cable screening, if the required signal bandwidth is below these frequencies, then low-
pass filtering is a preferable protection technique.

UK OFFICIAL DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2

Table 16Recommended Types of Cable for Practical Applications

Circuit Recommended Cable Remarks

Primary AC power, 3P E Twisted un-screened Neutral taken back to appropriate ground

Primary AC power, 1P E Twisted un-screened Neutral taken back to appropriate ground
Primary DC power E Twisted un-screened Return taken back to appropriate ground
Secondary AC power, 3P E Twisted un-screened Neutral taken back to appropriate ground
Secondary AC power, 1P E Twisted un-screened Neutral taken back to appropriate ground
Distribution wiring E Twisted un-screened Neutral taken back to appropriate ground
Heating or resistive loads >5A E Twisted un-screened Return taken back to ground
Heating or resistive loads <5A E Single wire unscreened Return may be through aircraft structure
Lighting loads <5A E Single wire unscreened Return may be through aircraft structure
Inductive loads <5A E Single Wire Return may be through aircraft structure
Inductive loads >5A E Twisted un-screened Return taken back to ground
Digital circuits X Twisted screened
Pulse circuits E Twisted screened
Analogue circuits S Twisted
Low level signals S Twisted screened
Synchros, excitation X or S Twisted Unscreened (if If electronic simulation then screening may be
electro-mechanical) required.
Synchro output X or S Twisted Unscreened (if If electronic simulation then screening may be
electro-mechanical) required.
Servos, input circuits S Twisted screened
Servos, other circuits S Twisted screened
Fire warning circuits S Twisted screened
Fuel quantity cables S Coaxial
Liquid oxygen indicator S Coaxial
Intercommunication microphone S Twisted screened Separate from high power cables
Intercommunication microphone X Twisted screened Separate from other cables low frequencies at
circuits high power
Video and low frequency lines S Coaxial Special care with terminations of screens
Antenna feeders X Coaxial or Triax
Synchros, excitation S Triple or twisted screened
Synchros lines and connections S Twisted screened
Synchros output and resolvers S Twisted unscreened
Servos, input circuits S Twisted screened Separate from other servo circuits
Servos other circuits S Twisted screened
Flight safety circuits X Twisted screened
Fire warning system S Twisted screened
Video and BB lines S Coaxial or Triax

A. Cable Segregation between Separate Systems

The segregation of cables of different systems is usually considered on the basis of a number of different
factors, e.g. battle damage survivability, system architecture etc. In addition to these considerations it is
strongly recommended that the cables of different systems are segregated for the purpose of minimising
cross-coupling from one system to another (inter-system coupling).

DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2 UK OFFICIAL

Where lack of space prevents achievement of the spatial separation desired to reduce the coupling, then
arranging cables of the same EMC classification leg S, E or X) into the same bundles can produce useful
isolation between systems.

It should be recommended that where a cross-talk problem is identified as cable-to-cable coupling, this could
be reduced by an amount proportional to the square of the separation distance i.e. 12 dB per doubling of
separation distance.

A. Colour Coding of Cables and Cable Harness

The outer sheath of all cables carry audio signal lines should be colour coded yellow to denote they are EMC
class X i.e. they are susceptible to interference. For further information on cable specification and colour
coding see Def Stan 00-970 Part 1 Section 6.

A.5.1.3 Cable Screening

A. cable technology

Cables couple with the electric field in the two ways shown in Figure 87.The electric field component parallel
to the cable will induce current in the cable as a result of force on the free charges in the conductor.
Similarly, the normal electric field to the conductor will produce current as a result of charge redistribution in
the cable and its terminations in order to correctly terminate the field lines at the conductor surface.

Figure 87 Parallel and Normal Field Components Interacting with the Cable

If a concentric cylinder, terminated at one end, is placed around the cable (see Figure 88) the electric field
will produce current in this cylinder rather than the cable. However, current flowing on the cable will produce
a charge concentration at the un-terminated end of the cable for frequencies at which the outer screening
conductor is a significantly large proportion of a wavelength (>1/10). This charge concentration will couple
strongly with the exposed signal cable at this point, particularly if this point of the cable is at high impedance
(this is likely at many points in the band because of transmission line effects). Low impedance termination of
this end of the screen is the only way to prevent this coupling.

UK OFFICIAL DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2

Figure 88 Screening Mechanism against Electric Field Components

The cable screen operates to reduce electromagnetic emissions from the cable. Charge distribution on
cables produces an electric field, which is normal to the conductor. The oscillating current on the conductor
produces an electric field parallel to the cable. Both of these field components will not penetrate a
surrounding concentric conductor thus emitted electric field components from the conductor are contained
within the screen.

The magnetic field component of an electromagnetic field will couple with the loops formed by the cable, the
return path (sometimes the ground plane) and the terminations of the cable (see Figure 89). Once again, if a
concentric, conducting cylinder is placed around the signal cable or cables under consideration and
terminated at each end to the return path, then the magnetic field component will induce current on this outer
screen instead of the signal cable. It should be pointed out however, that the outer screen should be
terminated to form a loop otherwise, the inner conductor will be the only loop available in the circuit for
coupling with the magnetic field and the screen will not work against the magnetic field component. The
cable screen does not have to be a permeable material to behave as a screen to the magnetic field to
prevent common mode currents flowing. Figure 90 shows the centre of the cylindrical screen is at a
magnetic null, this is where the signal wire of a coaxial cable is placed, or the wire pair of a screened twisted
wire. Any field coupling with the twisted pair or centre conductor of a screened cable arises as a result of
imperfections in the geometry of the cable.

Figure 89 Magnetic Field Component Coupling with a Cable Loop

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Figure 90 Illustration of Magnetic Field Null at Screen Centre

Such coupling could be further reduced by the use of a permeable screen; however, this is not encouraged
for aircraft use because of the weight penalty, except for the most critical situations.

The discussion above indicates that the termination of the cable screens at one end produces a screening
performance, which is only effective against the electric field component or high impedance fields and then
only for a frequency band for which the cable is short. In general, therefore, cable screens should be
terminated to the outside of the shielded equipment case at BOTH ends. There are a few specific exceptions
to this rule but even in these cases the cable screen is TERMINATED at both ends but may be not to the
equipment case.

Cable screen performance can be quantified by a measurement known as the surface transfer impedance
ZT. This quantity is the ratio of the current on the outside surface of the cable screen to the electric field
developed along the inside surface (or voltage along one metre) (see Figure 91).

Figure 91 Definition of Cable Surface Transfer Impedance

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At frequencies below 100 kHz there is no difference in behaviour between a solid screen and a woven
screen, providing the same weight of metal is in each. The low frequency asymptote is merely the DC
resistance of 1m of shield.

Super-screen cables involve a double screen of woven tinned copper wire with a spiral wound, mu-metal
tape interposed between the two layers of woven braid. This configuration has two benefits; firstly, the mu-
metal reduces the residual field at the centre of the screen, secondly, the mu-metal provides a lossy medium
between the woven braids, which has benefit at higher frequencies.

A. Earthing Policy

It is clear from the preceding discussion that in order for the screen to operate as such, the screen should be
connected to the screened equipment case at BOTH ends. This does not necessarily require that the
equipment cases should be connected to the airframe, although in order to maintain a uniform static potential
across a complete system, at least one of the equipment should be connected to the airframe.

In the simple case, the possible options for screen and equipment bonding are shown in Figure 92. In
practice many different situations arise in which the bonding of screens should also satisfy the signalling
requirements of the cable, the safety earthing and system architecture issues.

A major conflict exists between the correct use of screens and the system installation. This arises because of
situations in which the total potential differences along the airframe for the path of the cable in question is
such that an appreciable current flows down the cable screen. This current flowing via the surface transfer
impedance appears as an interference signal at the terminals of the cable, as illustrated in Figure 93 This
situation is of particular concern in the cases in which the wanted signal bandwidth includes frequencies that
are involved in the major components of airframe current. For example, the 400 Hz supply frequency
interfering with video signals of DC to 10 MHz. In order to ensure the correct operation of the cable screen
AND prevent interference by airframe currents a number of techniques can be used, these will be discussed

Figure 92 Three Simple Options for Screen and Equipment Bonding

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Figure 93 Resistive Earth Planes or Poor Bonding Drives earth current along screens

In general terms, cable screen termination can be summarised in three simple rules:

1) Cable screens should be connected to the shielded equipment cases at both ends AND IN
ADDITION the screen should never be used as the signal return for low-level, broadband signals.

2) Cable screens should not be taken inside the shielded equipment case.

3) Cable screening is the only form of protection that can be used in cases in which the wanted signal
is in the same frequency band as the interference.

In the case of aircraft these three rules lead very directly to the following conclusions regarding protection
against the external environment. All signals with wanted frequency content BELOW about 1 MHz for strike
aircraft should use twisted pair cables and could rely on either screening or filtering in the equipment (see
later) for protection. If minimum weight is required and phase consistency is not a critical issue then filtering
may be the preferable option. Screening may be necessary to prevent electromagnetic emissions from the
cable (with the possibility of inter-system coupling) resulting from the wanted signal.

Cables carrying signals to and from insensitive sources and loads (e.g. relays and lamps etc) can be a single
wire, utilising the airframe as the return conductor. Although, in the case of a mixed hybrid metal/composite
structure, care should be taken to ensure sufficient metal is present in the return path to provide low enough
ground induced transients resulting from lightning and power transients.

For signals with wanted frequencies above 1MHz, the cable may need to be some form of coaxial structure,
particularly if the phase dispersion is critical for the length involved. Furthermore, screening is the only
protection technique available. If the wanted signal is broadband and includes the frequency content of
significant airframe currents e.g. lightning, NEMP and power supplies) then tri-axial cable is the preferable
solution. The outer screen can be terminated to the outside of each equipment case and the inner screen is
isolated from airframe at one end.

If tri-axial cable is considered difficult to terminate and causes excessive penalties, then a variety of cable
screen terminations can be used as alternatives. These are shown, in order of preference in Figure 94.

If the screen and signal earthing policy to be adopted is one in which the cable screen is terminated to the
equipment case at BOTH ends AND the equipment cases are connected to the airframe at BOTH ends then
it is advantageous to connect the screen to the airframe at convenient points along the cable route leg
bulkhead connectors). This technique will raise the major resonance of the cable above the frequencies at
which the airframe is an efficient interceptor of the electromagnetic field.

Figure 94 illustrated many of the possibilities for signalling in an aircraft using screened cable and the way in
which those cables should be terminated. Only the tri-axial solution to the video signalling problem is
illustrated in Figure 95.

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Figure 94 Summary of Cable Screen Terminations

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Figure 95 Possibilities for Video Signalling

A. Connector Technology

The typical values of cable screen, surface transfer impedance shown in Figure 96 are only achieved if the
cable screen is terminated in the correct way such that the interference currents flowing on the screen do not
couple with the signal conductors within the screen. The only way of achieving this aim completely is to
terminate the screen to the connector in a manner, which totally surrounds the conductors within the screen.
This necessitates the use of a connector style, which has conductivity surrounding the conductors and is
electrically bonded circumferentially to the socket or receptacle, which in turn is bonded circumferentially to
the shielded equipment case.

Many connector styles require the addition of a 'back-shell', in order to interface between the screen and the
connector body. Such an interface involves cost, mass and volume. It can be seen that filtering in the
equipment is a preferable strategy for protection where applicable.

The screen termination policy described above is designed to achieve the maximum performance available
from the screen. If this requirement is not essential then a simpler and cheaper method can be adopted,
however, cable-screening performance will be significantly degraded as shown in Figure 96. This shows the
effect of using a short length of wire (pigtail) for the termination of screens, compared with the use of a
circumferential bond (360o connection). The degradation of transfer impedance, which directly influences
screening performance, can be in excess of 30 dB for 15 mm pigtail, short length of wire (pigtail) for the
termination of screens, compared with the use of a circumferential bond (360o connection). The degradation
of transfer impedance, which directly influences screening performance, can be in excess of 30 dB for
15 mm pigtail.

In order to balance the protection policies used in a complex system in which mass, cost and volume are the
penalties to be reduced; it is reasonable to consider the various points of the system, which provide overall
degradation in the protection.

The curves of Figure 96 show that single braid transfer impedance for an average cable braid is in the
region of 10 milli-ohms/m. If a connector system is being used to terminate a cable of 10m then the
interfaces which make up the connection between the cable braid and the shielded equipment case ought to
have a resistance of lower than 5 milli-ohms/m (both ends) and this connection should be fully
circumferential. The connector can be of any form and manufactured in any material providing this
requirement is met. Bonding resistances greater than this and non-circumferential styles will produce a non-
optimum termination.

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Figure 96 Effects of Pigtail Terminations

A.5.1.4 System Consideration

A. Earthing Bonding and 0V Referencing

In non-fuelled areas of aircraft it is recommended that the equipment case be electrically bonded to the
nearby airframe. This provides the safety bond thus preventing the equipment case from departing
significantly in electrical potential from the nearby structure and preventing a shock hazard.

This provides the safety bond to prevent shock hazard to personnel. Any fault currents that may flow can
return via this bond, to the power source, thus causing the circuit breaker or fuse to interrupt the current. For
this reason the resistance of the fault current path in the airframe should be suitably low in order that the
circuit breaker will operate. In addition, the current path should have sufficient cross-section to carry the fault
current without excessive heating or mechanical damage due to magnetic forces. Safety is the major
function of such equipment case-to-airframe bonding however, if protection against interference inside the
box is heavily reliant on filters, which have a very low frequency cut-off (<100 kHz), the performance of the
filters may be affected by the bonding impedance achieved at this point. This will depend on the other
current return paths (e.g. system cabling and associated screens) in parallel with the airframe and the cable
to be filtered.

Having achieved safety bonding of the equipment case as described above there are a number of
alternatives for the bonding and 0 V referencing of the electronic circuits within the system (Figure 97). The
actual choice of philosophy will depend on the system involved and the electrical properties of the airframe
between the various equipment, which make’s up the system. The bonding of the equipment case is usually
made locally to the airframe except for situations within CFC fuelled areas (see Clause A.2.4.3). System 0 V
reference is usually a combination of Figure 97b and Figure 97c.

In systems in which there is a central processor and a number of remote sensors and servos coupled to the
processor, it is a reasonable policy to make the processor the system earth 'star-point' (i.e. Figure 97c and
use the configuration of Figure 97b for the 0 V reference of the connecting systems. In addition the remote
equipment can be powered from the main processor. This philosophy cannot be followed for
DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2 UK OFFICIAL

interconnections between two separate systems 'star-points'. In such cases the electrical performance of the
airframe between the two systems should be sufficient to protect against high airframe induced currents in
the system cabling (see Clause A.4.1.3A). Airframe and electrical design measures, combined with suitable
cable routing, will result in the minimisation of the potential difference between separated points on the
airframe. In cases where such minimisation is not sufficient it may be necessary to increase the signal path
or 0 V reference path impedance artificially using opto-isolators, isolation transformers or inductors in the
bonding path to airframe in order to reduce the airframe induced current. In general, however, a combination
of good airframe design, cable routing, and equipment protection strategy is sufficient to prevent problems
with airframe currents.

Figure 97 Possibilities of 0 V Referencing

A. Layout. Packaging and Signalling Levels

It has been mentioned above that there is considerable advantage in producing a system architecture that
allows a `star' type of system earthing. The `star points' of the various systems should be sited close to one
another, although, there may be a conflict with damage vulnerability. This type of equipment layout results in
the concept of equipment bays that contain much of the sensitive electronic equipment. With such a layout,
the special airframe electrical design approaches required to produce a suitable environment can be
concentrated in this area, thus reducing the weight penalty of protection.

If freedom of packaging of the system becomes available, then the more electronic circuits that can be
enclosed in the one-shielded shell, the greater the reduction in weight and cost penalty of EMH protection.
This can be seen from a topological view of the protection of a system, the larger the shielded volume the
lower the number of penetrating conductors to filter or screen and terminate, thus the lower the protection

The higher the signalling levels involved in the system, the less vulnerable the system will be to upset and
possibly damage by EM hazards. With this point in mind it is generally advantageous to consider the
distribution of gain in a system. Signalling over long lengths of cable in the airframe, at high impedance and
low signal level is not recommended.

As an example of signal levels, which could be expected to give resilience to a hostile environment,
unscreened cables of over 2 m in length are recommended to use signal levels greater than 100 mV. This
should be increased approximately as the square of the length and using a nominal source and load
impedance of less than 300 Ω.

UK OFFICIAL DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2

A.5.2 System Installation in Fuelled Area of the Airframe

The installation of systems either transporting explosive or flammable mixtures or immersed in explosive or
flammable mixtures, in all-metal airframes could be treated in a fairly relaxed manner and many of the issues
highlighted below could be ignored providing the static charging hazards had been covered. This is NOT the
case for electrical or electronic system installation within an integral fuel tank constructed mainly of
composite material OR the installation of fuel systems within composite airframes.

The difference in the philosophy arises from the difference in the electrical conductivity between metal and
CFC (<1/1000) and the way in which this influences the skin effect operating on current flow in the airframe,
particularly during lightning attachment to the airframe. The way in which current decays through a material
is dependent on the conductivity, the frequency of the current flowing and the thickness of the material.

In the case of aluminium airframes often the thickness of material used for structural purposes is significantly
greater than the skin depth for the frequencies, which contain the majority of the energy of the lightning pulse
(50-500 kHz). Furthermore, that current density which flows on the inside surface produces a lower electric
field strength across the inside surface than would the same current density flowing in a poorer conductor.

The situation is quite different in CFC. The major frequency components in lightning currents are such that
the current density flowing on the outside surface (often >10 kA/m in Zone 3 and much higher at the arc root)
is very similar to the current density flowing on the inside surface. This current density produces a very large
electric field across the inside surface of the CFC skin, usually in excess of 700 V/m.

Such a large potential difference between separated points on an airframe in which fuel vapour is present
causes difficulties with regard to system installation. If a metallic object spans a significant portion of the
airframe, one of two situations can arise; either there is a high potential difference across any gap in the
object, producing the danger of electric arcing, or, a large current will flow in the object if it is electrically
continuous. In other words the object will become a significantly attractive path for the lightning current,
limited only by its inductance. This current should be conducted across any electrical bonds in the metallic
path without sparking of the form arising from extremely high current densities at the contact point(s). As a
result flexible joints in fuel pipes, braided cable screens and their connections and many smaller gauge
conductors are at risk from arcing, sparking and even explosive fusion due to very high current densities.

This situation applies to any significant length of metal in the airframe, including fuel pipes, electrical cables
(and their screens) and control rods, shafts or wires. The system installation philosophy should reflect this
problem because arcing due to excessive voltages or sparking due to extremely high current density is
unacceptable in an integral fuel tank.

A.5.2.1 Cable Routing Relative to the Airframe

The cable routing philosophy in fuelled areas of the airframe is much the same as that described previously
for the other parts of the airframe. It is worthwhile arranging the cable routes within the fuelled areas to be a
minimum length, in other words keep the cable outside the fuel for as much of its length as possible. That
portion of the cable, which necessarily runs in the fuel, ought to be arranged such that it is orthogonal to the
major axis of the major airframe component.

It should be noted that fuel or fuel vapour shall not be in contact with any braided cable screening which will
carry significant current during a lightning strike, the high probability of arcing and/or sparking presents a fuel
explosion hazard. Cables with braided screens should be enclosed in a fuel-sealed jacket or conduit,
although it should be remembered that such a conduit, if metal, must be installed accordingly.

A.5.2.2 Cable Segregation

The issues of cable segregation within the fuelled areas of the aircraft are much the same as those
described for the rest of the airframe. An additional feature, which should be taken care of in fuelled areas of
the aircraft is the avoidance of electrical contact between cables or their screens, which have followed
different paths in arriving at the contact point. The different paths could cause significant differences in
potential and result in voltage arcing. In addition signal cables entering fuelled areas should not be in close
proximity to power cables along any of their length.

DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2 UK OFFICIAL

A.5.2.3 Cable Screening Earthing Policy

Despite the need in fuelled areas not to encourage lightning and other pulse currents to flow along the cable
screen, the screen should still be connected to the equipment case at each end. In this case however, the
equipment must be carefully isolated from the airframe. It was pointed out earlier that the bonding of
equipment cases to the airframe does not affect the shielding performance of the equipment case.

The isolation of the equipment case from the airframe should be designed to withstand approximately the full
voltage drop across the resistance of the airframe in the direction of the major axis, during the lightning
current flow. The value of this voltage will depend very heavily on the precise electrical design of the airframe
component. It is recommended that the voltage drop in the carbon fibre ONLY is used as a design figure and
the existence of the metal components of the airframe provide a safety margin. A typical figure to aim for is
5 kV at sea level or STP. This isolation figure will provide 2 kV at an altitude of 20,000 ft, which is the highest
altitude at which lightning normally occurs.

Design of the detailed engineering to provide such isolation should be carried out with some care,
remembering that fuel is usually contaminated, often with water, thus reducing the isolation provided. In
many of the lighter, smaller electrical components the mounting arrangements can be isolating. In the case
of heavier equipment the internal electrical wiring should be isolated.

A.5.2.4 System Architecture

A. Layout

It is recommended that the fuel system be configured such that the majority of equipment is mounted close
to a major concentration of large metallic structural components, for example the wing root. This has the two
advantages that electrical bonding to the airframe is much more reliable and repeatable than it would be to
CFC structural components. If the majority of equipment in a fuelled area is mounted close to major metallic
airframe components and is electrically bonded to those components then the lower the likely voltages
developed across the airframe and therefore stressing the built-in isolation.


The growing popularity of plastic equipment cases may prove to be of considerable value in the area of
packaging within a fuelled area. The concept of total isolation of the internal electronics can be realised,
rather like double insulation in modern mains operated equipment. The only limitation on this approach is
that the total surface area of insulating material exposed to the field should be less than 5800 mm2. This
ensures that the static charging due to fuel `slosh' is kept within safe limits. If the surface area should be
higher than this value then the equipment case can be manufactured in slightly conducting plastic, a figure in
the region of 10E-7 S/m to 10E-8 S/m for the conductivity of the plastic would be sufficient to relieve static
charging, but provide sufficient isolation.

A. Levels

The recommendations for signalling made earlier are still valid in terms of resilience of the systems however,
signal levels and the associated impedances should be such that in the event of a short circuit, insufficient
energy is present in any subsequent arcing to cause fuel ignition. The worst-case energy required to ignite a
fuel/air mixture is 200 µJ. Based on knowledge of burnout times or circuit breaker operation times the fault
current energy can be calculated. This will provide an indication of whether the system is intrinsically safe or
whether the safety is critically reliant on the bonding, insulation or sealing measure employed.

A. Earthing and O V Referencing

In the case of fuelled areas of the aircraft the system earthing philosophy is necessarily single point. There
are some advantages in choosing a major airframe component or collection of components (electrically
bonded together) such as the wing root as the 'star point'. System cabling and piping will then be routed from
this star point and referenced to it.

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A.5.2.5 Non-Electrical System Installation

A. Installation of Fuel Systems in Non-Metallic Airframes

The problems of large currents being attracted into metallic pipes installed in non-metallic airframes exist
outside the fuelled areas of the aircraft. The fuel system installation must therefore be carefully designed to
cope with this situation. There are only three possible approaches to the problem: single point bonding of
metallic fuel pipes, multiple point bonding of the fuel pipes using non-sparking bonding or pipes
manufactured in low conductivity non-metallic material.

The first option of single point bonding of the fuel pipes requires very careful design of the installation of the
fuel system. Fuel pipes must be divided into isolated sections using insulating sections of pipe. Each of the
isolated sections of conducting pipe must be electrically bonded to the airframe at ONE POINT ONLY to
prevent high potentials occurring due to static charging as a result of fuel flow within the pipe and fuel `slosh'
external to the pipe. In this way high lightning induced currents cannot flow in the pipe. The insulating
sections should be capable of withstanding the potential difference that can occur across them and this will
vary depending on the detailed design of the electrical properties of the airframe. A reasonable voltage
standoff to aim for is 5 kV at sea level or STP. As explained earlier this will give the required isolation at
20,000 ft. The insulating sections should not be greater than 80 mm in length in order to avoid a static-
charging problem.

The philosophy of single point bonding of the fuel system to the airframe should be maintained during a
lightning strike, this implies that all the insulation between the pipes and the airframe should withstand 5 kV
at STP. Techniques of insulating bushing, shrink-on insulation for pipes and deliberate air-gaps should be
incorporated in the installation design. Air-gaps used for insulation should be greater than 8 mm, where this
cannot be achieved insulating materials should be used. Pipes that take a different route through the
structure should be insulated from each other either by air-gaps or shrink-on insulation.

Multiple-point bonding of the fuel pipes to the airframe is the philosophy that is adopted in traditional fuel pipe
installation in metallic airframes. This approach can be adopted in non-metallic airframes; however, the
electrical bonds should be capable of carrying very high currents without arcing due to inductive current
paths causing high voltages associated with high rates of current rise or sparking due to high current
densities at electrical bonding. The connections between separate sections of pipe (necessary for the
installation of the pipe) and any pipe to airframe bonding may have to withstand current waveforms with peak
currents in excess of 5 kA. The precise requirements will depend on the detailed design of the airframe and
the routing of the pipe under consideration.

The third possible option of the installation of fuel pipes in the aircraft is to use slightly conductive non-
metallic pipes. Materials that satisfy the electrical requirements for the pipe are available. The conductivity of
such material is in the region of 10E-8 to 10E-7 S/m and is sufficient to relieve static charging due to fuel flow
in the pipe and fuel slosh external to the pipe. However, the conductivity is insufficient to support a spark and
furthermore does not cause the pipe to be an attractive lightning current path within the non-metallic

Using pipes made of material with such electrical properties allows the installation design of the pipes to be
simplified. The pipes can be mechanically mounted in the structure in a very similar manner to that used for
metal pipes in metal aircraft structures. The pipe can be electrically bonded to the airframe at regular
intervals of approximately every meter along its length.

Some pipes under development are being produced in heat-formable plastic, these further ease the
production work associated with the installation of fuel systems in airframes.

A. of Non-Electrical Systems in Fuelled Areas of Aircraft

The recommendations regarding the installation of fuel systems in non-fuelled areas of the non-metallic
airframe apply in the case of the fuelled areas of the aircraft. Any methods which have been employed to
prevent arcing and sparking either due to the lightning current or the static charging of components in
contact with the fuel should, of course, apply equally well to the outside of the pipe as well as the inside of
the pipe.

DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2 UK OFFICIAL

In addition to the care required in the design of the installation of fuel pipes and cabling in fuel tanks, the
same care should be taken in the installation of all systems, which involve metallic components, which span
even short lengths of the CFC airframe. Such components may include: hydraulic pipes, drive shafts and
conduits. All these components have either to be installed using a single point bonding technique with
possibly 5 kV insulation at all points except the deliberate bonds or employ multiple bonding to the airframe
and ensure that any discontinuities have electrical properties that do not spark during current flow. A third
alternative is to manufacture the component in low conductivity, non-metallic material providing mechanical
strength requirements will allow.

A.6 Earthing of Aircraft

During flight an aircraft may become charged to a high potential relative to the earth due to static charging.
However, when the aircraft lands this potential will be quickly dissipated and the likelihood of the aircraft
retaining any significant potential, by the time the aircraft has reached halt on landing, is very small. A
hovering helicopter or other hovering aircraft may have a considerable charge.

For reasons of safety, both to personnel and to the aircraft, proper connection to earth is necessary when an
aircraft is on the ground or when hovering near the ground and loading or unloading stores.

It is essential that both the aircraft and also any ground servicing equipment such as electrical ground supply
trucks or refuelling vehicles should be properly connected to the earth before any connection is made
between the aircraft and any ground servicing equipment. This is necessary to avoid risk of shock to
personnel, to cater for fault conditions which might arise on the aircraft or the ground equipment during
servicing, and to avoid risk of sparks occurring during refuelling.

The external earth point on an aircraft must be effectively and permanently bonded to the metal structure on
the aircraft.

A.7 Armament Installations

All essential circuits such as those concerned with power supply, control and firing may have to be
duplicated using two independent sets of cables, possibly one on each side of the fuselage, and fed from two
independent electrical power sources. Mechanical protection may be given by conduit or sleeving and
electromagnetic protection may be given by use of metallic conduit and the use of screened or double-
screened cables. Routing cables within metallic bulkheads or other protective metallic parts of the airframe is
also advantageous. Sensitive or susceptible cables should be routed away from any power or interference
producing cables and from interference sources such as electrical machines, pulse generators, relays,
antennas and antenna feeders etc.

Effective bonding should be used together with single point grounding, where applicable. The avoidance of
ground return current loops is required since many EEDs are unbalanced, wide-band and sensitive. Any
cable screening can provide an alternative path across poor airframe conductivity. The reader is referred to
the earlier Clause A.4.1.3b and Figure 94 on video signalling for a more complete understanding of the
phenomena. However, in the case of EED protection, filtering at the EED breech is the protection method.

For armament circuits particular types of connectors should be used which are not interchangeable with any
other connectors on the aircraft. The metal shell should provide cable screen continuity before any of the pin
and socket connections are made. Recessed female socket pins should be used for all EED firing lines and
cartridge bases. The pins must not be capable of being touched from the outside.

A.8 Electro-Explosive Devices (EEDs)

The general conditions applicable to armaments also apply to installations involving EEDs and particularly to
EED firing circuits. Detailed information regarding EEDs is given in Def Stan 59-114, however a brief outline
is given in the following text.

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There are four basic types of EED, the exploding bridge-wire (EBW), the low voltage bridge wire (BW) the
Exploding Foil Initiator (EFI) and the conducting composition (CC).

The EFI and EBW types are the least susceptible to inadvertent initiation resulting from stray electromagnetic
energy levels since they require a high voltage and a high current to initiate them. However they may be
susceptible to duding by RF induced currents (especially EBW) and inadvertent initiation may occur if the
electronic switching circuits providing power are corrupted.

The BW types are susceptible to average power levels induced by RF interference with no-fire thresholds
varying from 50mW to 2W. CC types however are very fast acting and so may be susceptible to the peak
power level of a pulsed radar signal. They therefore need to be assessed against both average and peak

Special conditions that are strongly recommended for EEDs firing circuits include:

a) Use of DC or low frequency (<1 kHz) power supplies in BW and CC firing circuits.

b) Provision of two independent breaks in each firing line, both normally open circuit but engineered so that
there are no gaps in the electromagnetic screening of the circuit. The capacitance across each break
should not exceed 5 pF.

c) Use of screened or double-screened cables on as much of the firing line circuits as practicable but at
least as far back as the first break. The screens should not be shared with other conductors.

d) Filters as close as possible to the EED should be used where additional protection is required. Filters
should be capable of dissipating 10W of RF without loss of attenuation.

e) Where balanced double pole circuits are used, use of twisted twin screened cables throughout. If the
circuit would allow breakdown voltages or energy storage levels to be built up which might endanger the
EED, then well matched (1%) discharge resistors should be connected to ground from each line of the
circuit concerned.

f) Routing of all EED cables on their own as far as practicable.

g) Connections of electrically controlled breaks so that they operate only from the intended power supply.
Electromagnetic relays are generally suitable since they do not respond to transients, spikes or short
pulses and for this reason they are preferred to solid-state devices.

h) Where an umbilical cord is used in the firing line incorporating an EED filter module, inclusion of at least
one open circuit break in the firing line, with a break between the filter module and the connector.

Avoidance of the use of rectifiers and semiconductors fitted directly in any firing line, which might rectify any
RF pick up and produce a DC signal for which the EED filter module will give no protection.

A.9 Externally Mounted Stores

Aircraft located in the vicinity of powerful transmitters may develop large RF voltages between the aircraft
structure and earth (or aircraft carrier deck). This may create a hazard for personnel and it may cause
inadvertent operation of external stores (EEDs in particular) when the store is mounted on or is being loaded
on to the aircraft.

In addition to the precautions to be taken when an aircraft is earthed, the following precautions are
necessary with regard to grounding and earthing external stores:

a) Preventing the electrical circuits or the conductors from making electrical contact with the airframe, or
with equipment cases or any outside body, including personnel, during loading or unloading operations.

DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2 UK OFFICIAL

b) Use of connectors which are not interchangeable with others on the aircraft and use of recessed female
socket pins for all EED firing lines and cartridge bases and which cannot be inadvertently touched from
the outside. The metal shell of the connector should be capable of making cable to screen continuity
before any of the pin and socket connections are made. Use of plug and socket pins for screen
continuity connections should be avoided.

c) Umbilical cords should be kept as short as practicable and preferably double screened, with special
attention to continuity of screening through connectors.

UK OFFICIAL DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2

Annex B
Land Platform EMC Design

B.1 Introduction
This annex is intended to discuss land platform specific aspects of EMC and should be read in conjunction
with the main body of this part of the Standard. It is aimed at helping the designer to produce the most
effective RF protection scheme, in terms of cost, maintainability and operational performance, when used in
the military land service environment.

Land service platforms cover all applications of army equipment, both fixed and mobile. They include
communications, data processing, radar systems, fire control systems, armoured vehicles, land rovers,
support vehicles, deployed cells and man portable equipment.

It deals with those techniques that can be employed to reduce the emission signature of a platform or land
based military vehicle and make them less susceptible to intentionally and unintentionally generated
interfering signals.

B.2 EM Risks to Land Platforms

As with other military platforms sources of electromagnetic interference within a land vehicle can originate
from the operation of adjacent systems within the platform installation itself (intra-system EMC), or arise as a
result of electrical disturbances from other systems that may be adjacent, or positioned at some distance
away, where the electric or magnetic field results in interference current flow in cables, antennas or directly
into equipment through apertures. (Inter-system EMC).

Specific intra system risks for vehicles relate to electrostatic effects due to motion.

Other externally generated influences include natural sources such as LEMP and atmospheric noise and
manmade sources such as NEMP.

The issue with land service platforms is related to the variations in location between platforms with the risk of
high power sources in very close proximity, the issues related to man portable equipment in terms of location
and functionality and the vehicle traction close to sensitive receiver systems.

B.3 Platform and Vehicles

B.3.1 Land Based Military Platforms and Vehicles

A platform may be a small or large equipment or system and is commonly referred to as an installation and
can be fixed or mobile.

Mobile installations are normally referred to as vehicles, especially if able to move under their own power
and are required to be operational whilst moving. Fixed installations are those that may be permanently
attached to a vehicle but not required to operate whilst moving or those that may be removed from the
vehicle prior to operation.

Where platforms have no operational capability when on the move, power may be supplied for operational
purposes from the vehicle but will more likely be supplied from a mobile generator or in some cases from the
local mains distribution network.

DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2 UK OFFICIAL

Small platforms and the man worn applications will be battery powered from either internal batteries or a belt

The electromagnetic compatibility issues are related to the operational requirements and the different types
of platform, and their application will have to be considered with respect to the electromagnetic environment
applicable to their application.

B.4 Unintentional EM Sources

B.4.1 General

All platforms, irrespective of size or application will be subject to unintentional electromagnetic effects. These
are emissions from co-located equipment, and more especially the power and signal cables. The degree of
unwanted coupling will be dependent on separation distances and the frequency content of the emissions
that will be mainly associated with electronic clocks and data signal edges. Other unintentional sources will
be from the vehicle electrical and electronic equipment where that is applicable.

Electrostatic discharges will occur in dry and hot environments and may be exacerbated by air conditioning.
The effect is charging of the operator due to movement with discharge to metal equipment or to metal tracks
below an insulated surface.

B.4.2 LEMP

Lightning or LEMP may be regarded as unintentional in that it is not controlled. Two mechanisms may result,
firstly the electromagnetic field resulting from a cloud to cloud or cloud to ground discharge. The field
strength will be dependent on the distance and will present as a double exponential pulse that will result in a
damped sinusoidal current/voltage coupling to the platform and more critically to exposed cables with a
frequency related to the exposed cable length. The second mechanism is a direct attachment to the platform
or cable resulting from a cloud to ground discharge. In this latter case, the energy imparted may be very

B.4.3 Vehicle Related

B.4.3.1 Ripple and Harmonics

Ripple is an unintentional effect which appears as a low frequency signal (regular or irregular) superimposed
on the nominal DC voltage during the steady state operation of a DC vehicle system and on AC supplies in
relevant vehicles.

Sources that generate ripple and harmonics are DC generators, alternators, rectifiers, static inverters and

B.4.3.2 Surges

A surge is any transient variation from the controlled steady state level lasting for a period >5ms. The
recovery time of a surge is the interval between the time the voltage deviates from the steady state limits and
the time it returns to, and remains within; those limits (see Figure 98). A surge is usually the result of
inherent regulation of the generating system and remedial action by the regulator, initiated by a change in
demanded power, or power feed-back from a regenerative system.

Surges are produced when relatively substantial load currents are switched on and off from a common
supply. Loads which create a large demand on the main power supply are fans, air conditioning, gun or turret
control equipment and starter motors. Surges generally have larger energy levels compared with transients.

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Figure 98 Illustrative Surge with Recovery Time

B.4.3.3 Transients

A transient is a high frequency oscillatory variation from the surge or the steady state limits lasting <5ms. It
generally results from the switching of reactive loads. Such action often generates a train of transients, each
of which attains high amplitude in less than 1µs. An individual transient typically lasts less than 50µs but the
train may take several milliseconds to decay to the surge or steady state limits. They commonly result from
the switching of reactive loads e.g. relays.

B.4.3.4 Starting Disturbance

This is an undervoltage variation from the prevailing steady state level. It is caused by engine starter
engagement and cranking of the engine. A voltage profile illustrating an idealized 'Initial Engagement Surge’
and 'Cranking Level Voltage’ is shown in Figure 99. The duration of the initial engagement surge is
measured from the instant at which the voltage falls below the relevant lower steady state limit, to the instant
that the cranking level voltage is maintained above a specified minimum value, for the appropriate mode of
starting. Cranking extends from the end of the engagement surge until the starter is disengaged.

In many vehicle applications, there are often two sets of batteries, one dedicated to the vehicle starting and
electrical systems and one specific to the platform systems, including the radios. These often have
independent charging alternators. This starting disturbance will only be relevant to certain vehicles where the
starting source powers all vehicle systems.

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Figure 99 Starting Disturbances

B.4.4 Mobile Interference Mechanisms

Three additional interference mechanisms beset mobile communication installations. They are the result of
electrostatic, electro-dynamic and inadvertent semiconductor effects and are usually referred to by the terms
"track static", "MEMIC" and "the rusty bolt effect" respectively.

B.4.4.1 Electrostatic Effects

Electrostatic charging mechanisms can build up very high voltages on moving vehicles. A vehicle's potential
difference to earth increases, by the accumulation of electric charges, until it becomes sufficient to initiate a
discharge path. When the charging is fast and the discharge path is short enough, a rapid series of impulsive
discharges occur, which results in the radiation and/or induction of interference that occurs across the
HF/VHF radio communications band. The two charging mechanisms of interest are:

a) The triboelectric effect generates electric charge through friction between dissimilar materials. This
occurs both between a vehicle's body and the medium through which it moves and also, for a land
vehicle, between its tyres or track-pads and the road surface.

b) The Van-de-Graaff effect can augment greatly the triboelectric charging, particularly on track-laying
vehicles in dry weather, by providing an efficient means of accumulating charge. It is the Van-de-Graaff
effect which is chiefly responsible for the phenomenon known as "track static" on armoured vehicles.

NOTE Track static can be eliminated by ensuring that the track is electrically continuous and that track pads are
sufficiently conductive to prevent the accumulation of electric charge. This can be achieved either by good track design
or by the frequent application of a conductive compound such as graphite grease.

The effect of electrostatic discharge can result in damage to semiconductors in logic gates, microprocessors,
field effect transistors, radio reception also data errors or paralysis in computers and initiate spurious alarms.

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B.4.4.2 Electro-Dynamic Effects

The vibration of an imperfectly bonded metallic structure in a strong electromagnetic field causes the
phenomenon known as Mobile Electro-Magnetic In Compatibility, usually abbreviated to "MEMIC". Vibration
continually changes the structure's connectivity, each alteration of connectivity abruptly changing the
circulating currents which are induced by the field. The succession of sudden changes to the RF circulating
currents generates broadband interference, often creating sparks at vibrating points of electrical contact on
the structure.

A vehicle will have circulating RF currents set up in its metallic body structure by the electromagnetic field of
nearby transmitting antennas and these RF currents will be the strongest in the vicinity of on-board
transmitting antennas. Changes to the connectivity of the vehicle structure will therefore cause MEMIC as
described above.

Abrupt changes to a vehicle's connectivity are most likely to occur with ill-bonded metal structures such as,
on a tank for example, engine hatch covers, bazooka plates, turret mounted metal stowage baskets, spare
track links and wire tow-ropes.

The connectivity changes may be sporadic, caused by isolated activities such as opening hatches or altering
external stowage, or they may be continuous, as a result of running on-board machinery or by moving the
vehicle over rough terrain.

Each abrupt connectivity change results in the radiation of a momentary burst of broadband RF interference.
Isolated bursts may not be damaging, but continuous connectivity changes generate continuous high levels
of RF interference which can seriously impair the operation of nearby radio receivers.

MEMIC can only be avoided by eliminating the connectivity changes which occur as a result of vibration.
This requires external metallic items, which could make and/or break contact when vibrating, either to be
bonded together so that their contact cannot be broken or to be insulated from one another so that contact
cannot be made.

B.4.4.3 Semiconductor Effects

Galvanic corrosion between dissimilar metals on a structure can occasionally set up a region of non-linear
resistance, which then behaves as an imperfect diode rectifying junction resulting in spurious signals being
generated over a wide band of frequencies by the flow of current through a diode.

Immersing the structure containing such an imperfect diode in the field of a nearby or on-board transmitter
induces RF currents which can flow through the diode and generate currents at harmonic frequencies of the
irradiating wave. These harmonic currents radiate, resulting in spurious discrete signals. If more than one
transmission irradiates the structure then harmonics of each of the irradiating transmissions will be generated
along with numerous intermodulation products. These unwanted signals may be found over a wide band of
frequencies. This phenomenon is known as the "rusty bolt effect".

The rusty bolt effect is likely to be most troublesome when there are a large number of places where
corrosion can occur; on complex bolted/riveted structures used in a corrosive environment and carrying both
powerful transmitters and sensitive receivers. It should be noted that the rusty bolt effect may also occur
when the transmitter/receiver assembly happens to be located close to such a structure.

The rusty bolt effect can be avoided by regular inspection and maintenance to prevent corrosion. This is not
always feasible. Caution should be exercised when parking a transmitter/receiver assembly close to complex
bolted/riveted structures e.g.; a metallic agricultural building.

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B.5 Intentional Sources

B.5.1 Radio Communication Transmissions

The operation of any vehicle, installation or man portable radio transmitter will result in currents being
induced in all adjacent exposed cables and into other local radio receiving antennas. The degree of coupling
into other systems is distance dependent and will vary as the square of the distance at HF frequencies and
directly with distance at higher frequencies generally. For radio reception, on a collocated platform antenna,
frequency management techniques would be employed to minimise effects between receiving and
transmitting radios at harmonically related frequencies.

Inadvertent coupling to other equipment may result from coupling to exposed antenna cables which connect
directly to a radio and where the screen is not correctly bonded to the vehicle skin.

Radio transmission risks are due to direct coupling to sensitive system signal cables and to a lesser extent
the power cables. Where transmitters are relatively close, large currents may be induced that can result in
equipment malfunction.

Long cables laid on the ground are at risk at lower frequencies; however the coupling will be less efficient
due to the ground proximity.

If high power radio systems are used then RADHAZ implications for personnel (HERP), fuel (HERF) and
ordnance (HERO) must be considered.

B.5.2 Radar Systems

Radar systems are employed in data communications activities between aircraft and ground, for tracking
purposes and ground surveillance. The peak power of radar systems and hence the peak electric field
strength will be very high however the average value will be low due to the pulse repetition rate.

Coupling to platforms at radar frequencies is related to aperture coupling and to a much lesser extent cable
coupling. These sources with dedicated ground power generators. are generally located away from other
platforms, and elevated upwards to minimise coupling. There may however be applications where platforms
are within the main beam or side lobes.

For radar systems, the RADHAZ implications for personnel (HERP), fuel (HERF) and ordnance (HERO)
must be considered.

B.5.3 NEMP

One of the results from a nuclear detonation is the NEMP field that has a double exponential characteristic
but with faster rise times than lightning and with far higher field strengths and energies. The coupling mode is
the same as lightning, resulting in a damped sinusoidal coupling to exposed cables, platforms and antennas.

B.6 Victims
Most electrical and electronic will be susceptible to electric fields coupled to cables or conducted disturbance
on cables. The effects produced by the different interference types described above can vary widely due to
the comprehensive range of systems and equipment used in military platforms. Some of the possible effects
are described below.

B.6.1 Vehicle Controls

Vehicle controls, instrumentation and accessories using solid-state devices are potentially susceptible,
particularly those incorporating amplifiers and A/D converters. A transient malfunction may be caused by
occasional transients or surges on power and signal lines, these may be acceptable. Continuous

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interference produced by ripple on power lines or RF voltages coupled onto all cables can cause an
annoying but not critical effect on a display the malfunction or undesired operation of a control, or an
incorrect indication on an instrument.

B.6.2 Generating Systems

Generators, alternators and static inverters are inherently immune to interference but the associated solid-
state regulators and protective circuits may be damaged by spikes or surges, or malfunction due to RF
interference and cause the output to deviate from the required value.

NOTE Generators themselves can be noisy.

B.6.3 Communications

In band and sometimes out of band interference coupled into the antenna of a radio receiver is likely to
reduce the signal-to-noise ratio and thus degrade the intelligibility of reception. This leads to a reduction in
the effective range of the communications system.

The audio circuits of intercom equipment, radio receivers, and transmitters may be affected by ripple
voltages on the power supply. The audio circuits may also be affected by magnetic fields, at the power
frequency, which cause a hum to be superimposed on the wanted speech.

Military vehicles carrying on-board antennas are of particular concern in terms of EMC. The proximity of on-
board antennas where fitted, and those on nearby vehicles, to on-board sources of interference can affect
the quality of reception. The attenuation of the propagation path in such cases may depend on whether
hatches, doors and windows are open or closed.

B.6.4 Radar

Radar receivers can be affected by RF fields from vehicle mounted transmitters operating at HF, VHF or
UHF. Coupling can occur via the radar antenna or cables where these are not adequately screened. The
effects produced by the interference are usually distortion of the display or 'clutter'. The effects will be most
marked when the transmitted frequency is the same as the radar IF or other frequencies at which spurious
responses can occur.

B.6.5 Digital Systems and Microelectronics

Digital systems are likely to be susceptible to interference and in particular to voltage spikes and modulated
RF fields at VHF and higher frequencies. The usual result of interference is corruption of data but this effect
may not be readily detected and appear as incorrect readouts. In severe cases, the corruption can be so
frequent that the system is unusable.

Corruption of stored data may occur when data is being fed into the store or when it is being accessed due
to interference coupled into cables. Spikes/surges may result in loss of data however software controls often
mitigate transient problems.

B.7 Platform Design Principles

Because of the variety of equipments employed in land platforms and the various deployment configurations,
there is no single design methodology that can be applied across all platforms.

As described in the main section of this code of practice, there are a number of design principles that may be
applied. The land scenario and the resultant environment is stringent and significant electromagnetic
mitigation measures will have to be applied to all platforms. These measures will in some cases be a
combination of all good EM design principles, however in other applications; the options available will be
limited resulting in greater care being applied to the design to reduce risks.

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The following clauses define the methods available and their application and limitations:

B.7.1 Screening

Ideally the whole of the platform should be contained within a metal enclosure which is welded closed and
contains no apertures or external interfaces. The degree of shielding is determined by the material physical
characteristics, the greatest problems a rising at low audio frequencies where greater material thickness is
required to provide significant screening performance. In land service applications, low frequency screening
is not usually necessary, because there are few threats and the technologies employed are not sensitive to
low frequency magnetic fields. At the frequencies of greatest risk above 1 MHz, the normal material
thickness performance is usually more than adequate.

This is a primary technique to optimise compatibility, minimising the ingress of an external field and
preventing internal sources radiating to the outside. However, it must be used in conjunction with protection
measures applied to the power and signal cable interfaces at every aperture in the ideal screen. This is the
approach for a containerised communications or data processing platform.

For the basic vehicle electronics, this screening approach is not a practical option, and cable screening
combined with filtering is necessary.

For man portable equipment, overall screening is not practical and the LRUs and cables will need screening
and all cables filtered.

Air conditioning equipment is normally off the shelf, having been EMC qualified. The technique employs
waveguide beyond cut off to minimise coupling from inside to outside. The mounting of this is important to
maintain the screening integrity, ideally metal to metal contact should be employed however a conductive
combination gasket may be essential for other reasons.

Similarly at the vault, good conductivity of all connectors must be achieved, and where fibre optics are used,
then suitable connectors using waveguide cut-off techniques must be used at the vault.

Where other cables or conduits have to pass through the vehicle screen, pipes should be bonded to the
screen material at both the entry and exit points.

The basic construction of armoured vehicles and container bodies is inherently capable of providing a
significant amount of screening at radio frequencies (typically 60 dB) but the screening performance may be
severely curtailed due to discontinuities and apertures in the body. Figure 100 shows an example
attenuation curve for the main compartment of an armoured personnel carrier (APC) over the band 200 MHz
to 15 GHz approx. One of the primary reasons for the poor attenuation was leakage through the rear access
door which had non-conductive seals.

For frequencies below 200 MHz, attenuation as a measurement is not very practical and a measure of the
coupling of external field to internal vehicle cable bundles is the criteria. Figure 101 shows a typical "worst
case" transfer function for a land vehicle. This is made up from an overlay of all the induced cable bundle
currents measured inside the vehicle normalised to an external field of 1 V/m.

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Figure 100 Example of Poor Attenuation Curve for an ACP

Figure 101 Typical 'Worst Case' Coupling Transfer Function for a Land Vehicle

When a screened door or hatch is open, the vehicle screening will be incomplete and radiated interference
may enter. This condition will be acceptable in most instances and where necessary the door can be
fastened closed whilst sensitive apparatus is in use. Frequent opening of a screened door should be
avoided. Where this is impossible, then an additional ante-chamber should be designed so that there is
always one door closed.

B.7.2 Cable Screening

This is the method by which cables extending from a screened LRU or vehicle may be screened. Ideal cable
screens would be of solid metal and welded to the LRU or vehicle. In practical applications, the cable is an
optically optimised braided cylinder. The degree of screening can be improved through different
constructions however, the connection of the screen at the ends is critical. This involves a cable backshell
and the LRU connector, with the criteria of minimising each contact impedance and ensuring a 360°
peripheral connection.

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Pigtail screen terminations should never be used for external exposed cables. For cables within a container,
where the container provides a screened compartment, the screen termination is less critical.

For man portable equipment, systems in a non screened land rover or forward applications, then high quality
screen terminations are critical.

B.7.3 Power Filters

The size of the filter or its attenuation is based on the degree of rejection required to externally coupled
signals and the noise source levels requiring attenuation. The former may be estimated, however the latter is
generally not known until some testing has been carried out. As a general rule, the largest possible filter
should be used giving the lowest cut of frequency commensurate with the physical space allocated.
Significant attenuation should be achieved at 1.6 MHz, the lowest frequency of the HF radio system.

Filters should always be positioned at the entry/exit point of an equipment or a screened container

B.7.4 Signal Line Filters

The criteria described for power lines is applicable, however the data signal characteristics must be the
prime consideration to ensure that the signal is not compromised by the filter capacitance. These filters will
be much smaller than the power line filters and probably capacitance or an LC Pi section filter. The filter
performance at low frequencies may dictate the necessity to use screened cables possibly instead or in
addition to the filters.

B.7.5 Fibre Optics

For external vehicle data cables operating at high data rates, these are recommended as filtering may not be
practical and screening may be expensive.

B.7.6 Cable Location

Wherever possible cables should be located close to the adjacent metal work of a vehicle, preferably in
corners, and where the exposure to the external environment is minimised, that is below the chassis.

For containerised equipment, the location is less critical; however cables should still be located close to the
metalwork or within trunking. Care should be taken to ensure that cables do not run adjacent and parallel to
seams or apertures.

B.7.7 Cable Segregation

For all platforms, power cables should be separated from other cabling by 0.2 m. Signal and data cables
should be categorised with respect to their sensitivity and to their emission characteristics and cables
segregated, to minimise unwanted coupling.

In man portable and exposed vehicles applications, the local radio antenna presents the greatest risk with
respect to both emissions and susceptibility. Cables should be kept as far from the antenna and the feed as

B.7.8 Cable Lengths

Cables should always be kept to the minimum length on a fixed or vehicle installation.

For cables that run external to installations and vehicles, the maximum length is usually defined. The
exposed length of cables should be minimised and excess cable placed on the ground and preferably under
a vehicle. For these cables, filtering and/or screening will be required to provide protection.

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B.7.9 Surge/Transient Suppression

LEMP and NEMP present the greatest transient threats to systems coupled through the external cables with
the greater energies coupled through the longest cables. The coupling to cables laid close to the ground will
be minimised with increasing coupling to those raised above the ground.

Screening will provide some attenuation to the external coupling however additional surge/transient
protection at the input vault is likely to be necessary.

For unscreened cables, surge/transient protection is essential at the input vault.

For LEMP, direct attachment will result to containers, vehicles and occasionally cables. For containers and
vehicles, the earthing through the earth spike should divert the energy safely however in the event of
attachment to a copper cable or screen, analysis will need to be carried out to determine the adequacy of the
surge suppression assuming the high energy levels actually arrive at the vault, in practice, the cable may be
blown apart. [Additional information on the effect, mitigation and likelihood of attachment to be provided by
MOD land specialists].

B.8 Specific Design Principles

The following sections detail design measures that may be taken with different types of platforms, taking
account of the relative risks to be mitigated.

B.8.1 Basic Vehicles

These will be support vehicles used for transporting fuel, personnel, field support equipment, etc. Some will
be fitted for radio, and in these cases, the basic vehicle should be designed to meet EMC requirements.
Screened cabling with filtering at all interfaces will be essential as overall screening measures may not be
practical. Antenna position and the coaxial feeder should be selected so that there is good segregation from
engine and vehicle electronics. A metal counterpoise, connected to the vehicle metalwork, under the
antenna base is necessary.

B.8.2 Armoured Personnel Carries

Carry men and communications equipment for front line applications. Compatibility is critical. The basic
vehicle electronics should be designed to operate in a hostile electromagnetic environment, this will be
achieved using filtering at all electrical interfaces to the outside of the vehicle and screening where practical.
The DC power interface will be from the vehicle system and this should be filtered at the bulkhead into the
main compartment. The APC should provide screening through its basic design, however, the
communications equipment should be designed with filtering and screening incorporated for use with the
access door open. Track static issues will have to be addressed as for Battle Tanks.

B.8.3 Battle Tanks

Track static, picked up on the radio antennas, can be eliminated by ensuring that the track is electrically
continuous and that track pads are sufficiently conductive to prevent the accumulation of electric charge.
This can be achieved either by good track design or by the frequent application of a conductive compound
such as graphite grease.

B.8.4 Communications/Processing Vehicles on the Move

Vehicles that must operate on the move must consider the radio antenna locations more critically and the
cable runs of the antennas and the feeders relative to the vehicle electrical and electronic systems will need
to be considered to minimise cross talk and interference. The basic vehicle should be designed with interface
filter components and screened cabling. Track static issues may need to be addressed for some vehicles.

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B.8.5 Fixed Communications/Processing Vehicle

These will be mobile platforms but only functional when stationery. Power may be supplied from the vehicle
but is more likely from a ground power supply. The design should follow that described for a containerised
processing cell. Where there are electrical interfaces to the vehicle, these should be filtered at the
connection vault, screened and any external cables run under and close to the chassis.

Communications vehicles where there are a number of radio antennas should consider the relative positions
and avoid areas adjacent to the main connection vault.

Basic vehicle electrical systems should be screened and filtered to minimise interference to cab radios that
may be used on the move.

B.8.6 Containerised Processing Cell

These are cells with a specific application where personnel may be operating within and the cell positioned
away from the front line. Power is provided from a local source and there may be various audio, data, radio
and radar interfaces into the cell. For these applications, where radio may be used in the vicinity totally
screened enclosures are the ideal solution. Generally, from a strength aspect, double layer construction is
used, the performance will be limited by apertures; windows should be avoided unless absolutely necessary,
seams in the structure at joints should be welded or if riveted or bolted, the pitch kept to 50 mm. The door
and safety hatches should be positively closed to ensure peripheral contact around the entire door. This will
require conductive door seals or metal contact using knife edge into enclosed fingerstock. (No exposed
finger stock should be used).

All cable interfaces should be filtered with surge/transient protection. Screened cables are likely to be
required on data cables due to the pass band requirements for data. Unscreened land lines will require a
special filter. All filters should be fitted at the input vault, with screens 360° terminations at the connectors.
RF cables would normally be screened and connect through bulkhead feed through connectors. Where there
is an antenna, surge protection will be required at the antenna base.

Equipment within these cells is well protected and COTS equipment will often be used in racks and control
desks within. Good installation practices with cable segregation within should minimise any internal risks.

B.8.7 Ground Power Supply

All cabling from sensors into the control box should be screened, the electronics control box should be a
screened construction and the power interface cables will all require filtering and surge protection. Screening
of power cables may need to be considered. Screening the power supply as a whole is not practical due to
accessibility requirements.

B.8.8 Radar Trailer

Often powered from a local ground power supply, the radar downlink processor structure should be primarily
in a screened compartment with screened cables connecting to power supply RF conversion equipment and
processing equipment in screened compartments on the trailer base. These are usually remote applications,
and data interfaces, if not fibre optic, must be screened.

B.8.9 Man Portable Equipment

These have the greatest risk due to the different areas of use, and the close proximity of radio (man worn,
vehicle mounted and demounted applications), power sources, processing electronic equipment and other
RF sources in the local environment.

Metal equipment boxes, with filtered and screened short cables should be employed. Where power is
required from a generator, the power filter will need to be well specified and include surge/transient
protection as screening will not be an option. External copper data interfaces should be screened with

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filtering and transient protection. Fibre optics could be used to minimise the need for filtering and screening
on any long cables.

The location of cabling should be considered to minimise incompatibility, and the location of any radio
antenna should be carefully considered.

B.8.10 Land Rovers

Some land rovers have a hard rear section; others have a soft top rear. Where these vehicles are fitted for
radio, and contain other electronic systems, the basic vehicle should be designed for the EMC environment
using hardened components, filtering, screening and careful cable harness arrangements.

The mounting of antennas should be planned to minimise cross coupling and radio cable runs close in to
provide maximum clearance from the vehicle cabling. The antennas should be mounted on a metallic part of
the structure and kept as far as possible from other electronic equipment in the vehicle.

Equipment should be considered in a hostile EM environment and the filtering and screening applied to
mitigate the associated risks.

B.9 Guidelines for System Installations

B.9.1 Earthing

The primary purpose of earthing is safety, so that if a fault occurs for example a direct contact of a phase
conductor to the equipment chassis, the chassis does not become hazardous. It is also necessary to provide
suitable connections to electronic equipment for signal and or control purposes such that the signal
reference 0 V line is earthed. With a multi-cabinet system, if the safety earth is connected to the signal
reference in each cabinet, the interference voltage existing on the main earth is likely to be injected into the
signal circuit. It is preferable to connect the signal reference to the safety earth at one point (back at the
neutral earth) and to interconnect cabinets with isolated 0 V leads. The earth path must be a low impedance
path. Sensitive equipments may need to be supplied with a dedicated earth which is earthed at the same
point as the supply neutral earth point. A bonding resistance of 2 mΩ indicates a high quality junction.

Earthing and bonding conductors must be suitable for the maximum current which they may carry under fault
conditions and be capable of surviving the worst case fault. Their construction and strength must be
adequate to withstand likely wear and tear. Where it might otherwise be difficult to ensure the continued
effectiveness of earthing and bonding arrangements it may be necessary to provide supplementary
protection such as protective earth conductor monitoring.

The earth bonding arrangements required for achieving EMC in mobile communications installations are
given in Part 4 Annex B of this Standard which describes the particular items used to achieve the required
earth integrity.

The following equipment design guidelines represent good earthing practice, but are not to be applied rigidly
as it is the equipment design objectives which should govern the final installation design.

a) Provide safety earthing for the vehicle prior to applying power using an earth stake connected to the
vehicle earthing point.

b) For safety considerations, make certain that earth connections can handle unexpected fault currents or
lightning current surges.

c) Maintain separate circuit earth systems for signal returns, power returns and chassis or case grounds.
These returns can then be connected together at a single ground reference point.

d) For circuits that produce large abrupt current variations, provide a separate earthing system, or provide
a separate return lead to the ground to reduce transient coupling.

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B.9.1.1 Primary Installation Earth

The primary installation earth is usually the largest single metal part of the platform on which the installation
is mounted. Parts that are welded or brazed together can be regarded as a single entity but not those joined
by bolts or rivets.

B.9.1.2 Single Point Earth

A single reference earth point should be provided on the primary installation earth. All installation earths
should be referenced to this earth point.

Multiple earth points may be formed as a tree structure from the single point earth. This practice should
however be kept to a minimum and the branches should be kept as short as practicable.

All earth points and earth conductors should be rated at 5 times the maximum fault current of the equipment
or sum of fault currents for multiple equipments connected to that earth point.

Vehicle bodywork should not carry fault currents.

Vehicles that have metal tilting cabs should have the cab bonded to the primary installation earth. This can
usually be achieved by using heavy-duty braid straps across each hinge point.

Any Transmitter / Receiver system should have a single point earth.

B.9.2 Bonding

Electrical bonding refers to the processes by which parts of an assembly, equipment, or subsystem are
electrically connected by their joints or any low impedance medium. The purpose is to make the structures
homogenous with respect to the flow of EMI currents.

Bonding is provided to ensure that fault protection circuits e.g. fuses are tripped under fault conditions.
Additionally bonding provides protection from lightning, electrostatic discharge (ESD), electric shock and
provides suppression of electromagnetic interference

Poor bonds lead to a variety of hazardous and interference producing situations. For example, loose
connections in ac power lines may cause heat to be generated in the joint and damage the insulation of the

Loose or high impedance joints in signal lines will result in intermittent signal behaviour such as changes in
signal amplitude, increase in noise level or both. A primary requirement for effective bonding is that a low
impedance path be established between two jointed objects. A bonding resistance of 2 mΩ indicates a high
quality junction at DC.

NOTE The DC resistance of a joint is not indicative of its impedance at a higher frequency.

Bonding is accomplished by providing direct metal to metal contact between the two objects to be bonded
such as bolting, riveting, welding or clamping.

Mating surfaces to be electrically bonded need to be free of all insulating finishes, grease, or other high-
resistance materials. Surfaces to be bonded can often inadvertently be coated or painted as part of the
manufacturing process. These surfaces should be cleaned prior to bonding.

A protective, conductive coating may be applied to maintain good conductivity where the bond may be
affected by the physical and chemical environment to which the installation will be exposed in service.

When direct metal-to-metal contact cannot be achieved, bonding jumpers made of solid copper or copper
alloy may be used. The length to width ratio of an RF bonding jumper shall not exceed 5 to 1. Due to the
necessity of having flexible bond straps it has been normal engineering practice to also make use of copper

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braid. The length to width ratio is to be optimised for bonding performance and should not normally exceed a
ration of 5:1.

The mating of dissimilar metals will result in galvanic corrosion, structural weakness, and electrical
discontinuity. The structural design will have corrosion free bonds.

A safety earth must be provided for vehicles rated at 5 times the fault current. Equipment bonding points
need to be provided as required.

A single point earth system should be used which is normally derived from the safety earth.

Vehicle mounted equipment usually receives the nominal 28V DC power from the host vehicle. The DC
power return will be grounded at the host vehicle DC return bus and to the chassis. The metal vehicle
bodywork should not intentionally be used as a current conductor.

Vibration proof fasteners should be used at all bond points.

Bonding measurement procedures are given in Part 4 Annex B of this Standard.

B.9.2.1 Bonding of Turrets

The bonding of the turret to the hull of the vehicle will be inadequate for screening purposes unless special
measures have been adopted and modifications to this feature will significantly improve the screening (e.g.
earth bolts or brushes). To enable the bonding modifications to provide a suitable low resistance connection,
the race ring material should have a conducting surface finish.

B.9.2.2 Electrostatic Potential

Electrostatic fields may be generated by the movement and consequent charging of personnel within the
installation. Discharge by arcing or by direct contact with equipments (Electrostatic Discharge) may lead to
performance degradation, malfunction or damage. Equipment bonding must be controlled and in installations
containing rack equipment, bonding paths may not be adequate especially with COTS equipment. Anti static
floor mats should be employed or measures taken to ensure that operators use bonded wrist straps.

B.9.2.3 Bonding Schematic

A block schematic is required for each sub-system in the installation which identifies the equipments used
and their interconnections. Leads which are screened should be so marked.

The physical configuration of items in the installation must now be defined by appropriate drawings or
sketches, to show the nature and location of earth bonds and cable runs. The drawings must identify the
attachment of primary mounting hardware to the platform, secondary mounting hardware to the primary,
equipment to secondary hardware, earth braids, screened cable routes, so that measurement sites can be

B.9.2.4 Racking and Interconnections

a) Racks

1) Where equipment racks or frames are used they should be connected to the single point earth via
low impedance connections and not utilise any power system returns. See Figure 102 and Figure
103 for examples.

2) Power is distributed within the racks using individual cables or a busbar system of sufficient gauge
to prevent transients due to equipment power cycling.

3) Individual equipments should be provided with a reference earth stud rated at 5 times the
equipment fault current.

DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2 UK OFFICIAL

NOTE In the multiple rack example shown in Figure 102 a flexible connection could be used for the centre rack
allowing the rack to be pivoted for access.

Figure 102 Example of Rack Bonding

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Figure 103 Example of Multiple Rack Bonding

b) Cable Shield Grounding

General - For each type of cabling (Power, Data, Control, AF and RF) grounding should be in accordance
with good engineering practice. Earth loops should be eliminated as far as possible but where this is not
practical the cross sectional area of the loop should be minimised.

1) RF and AF Cables: Shields should be bonded at both ends of the cable and at every point where
a discontinuity exists at metal enclosure boundaries i.e. feeder cables to antennas on the cab roof.
The shield should be grounded circumferentially with no discontinuities in the shield.

2) Power Cables pair should be twisted and shielded using conduit. The shield should be grounded
at regular intervals where possible.

3) Data/Control Cables - Methodology appropriate to signal type/frequency should be used.

c) Cable Shielding and Layout

1) Where possible low-level signal and control cables should be shielded and/or enclosed in rigid or
flexible steel conduit.

2) RF cables to transmitters should be kept separate from receiver cables i.e. Tx and GPS RF cables.

3) RF cables to transmitters should be kept separate from power supply and low-level signal cables.

4) Where different cable types must cross they should be at 90 degrees.

5) Where cables pass through a filter the input and outputs to the filter should be kept separate.

6) Where applicable filtering should be provided to reduce conducted emissions entering/exiting

screened compartmented areas i.e. vehicle box bodies.

7) The length of cable connections should be minimised to reduce coupling.

DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2 UK OFFICIAL

8) The length of RF cable loops should be avoided where possible and where loops are required the
cross sectional area of the loop shall be minimised.

B.9.2.5 Examples of Bonding on a Land Rover

The following figures show some potential bonding arrangements that could be used on a Land Rover.

Figure 104 shows a Land Rover chassis and sub-frame supporting the rear body. A number of shims are
just visible under the A shaped structure. A good electrical connection will be required between the chassis
and sub-frame in order to establish a primary installation and single point earth.

Figure 104 Vehicle Chassis and Body Mounting Frame

Figure 5 shows a suggested single point earth for a mounting frame with Transmitter and Receiver
equipment. This bolt connects directly to the top of the A shaped structure of sub-frame show in Figure 104.

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Figure 105 Single Point Earth

If an antenna ground plane needs to be fitted to the roof of a Land Rover then the bonding arrangements
shown in Figure 106 could be used where it is bonded to the windscreen frame using thick braid.

Figure 106 Ground Plane Bond Points

DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2 UK OFFICIAL

B.9.2.6 Earth Bonding Policy

A statement on the earth bonding policy adopted must be supplied. The statement will give the rationale for
the particular earth bond arrangements adopted e.g. segregation of "clean" and "dirty" earths in EMP
applications, segregation of TEMPEST and other earths if applicable, choice of star, tree or hybrid earth

B.9.2.7 Implementation Statement

This statement should describe those features of the particular implementations used which give confidence
that they will result in reproducible and stable earth bonds when subjected to the physical and chemical
environment to which the installation will be exposed in service. Those earth bonds should be identified,
whose length and proximity to metallic hardware require provision of an insulating sleeve to prevent
unintentional and intermittent connection to that hardware. The statement should also address the
maintenance requirements deemed necessary to ensure that all relevant earth bond resistances are
accessible for testing and remain at an acceptably low level in service. The statement should include
experimental results supporting the claims made, wherever possible.

B.9.3 Antenna

The majority of antennas used in vehicle installations will require a ground plane

From a safety perspective the antenna should be bonded to the to the ground plane.

Bulkhead connectors or EMC sealing systems e.g. Roxtec, should be used where the screened RF feeder is
required to pass through metal vehicle framework i.e. the cab roof.

Rust and corrosion should be prevented from antenna to ground plane fixings as this encourages unwanted

Figure 107 shows an example for mounting a monopole antenna.

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Figure 107 Monopole Antenna Mounting Example

B.9.3.1 Antenna Ground Planes

Where required, the ground plane should be of sufficient size to provide effective operation in accordance
with the manufacturers instructions. Where this is not possible avoid fitting the antennas at the very edge of
the ground plane.

a) Ground Plane Mounted on Metal Structures

1) From an antenna performance viewpoint the manufacturer may advise that there is no need for a
DC connection between the ground plane and the host vehicle. However from a safety perspective
under fault conditions (Electric, RF shock and shorting vehicle supplies) and/or EMC perspective to
reduce interference, the ground plane shall be bonded to the vehicle at a minimum of one point for
safety and two for EMC at opposite sides of the ground plane. Note the bonds can have different
characteristics e.g. Safety or EMC.

2) The ground plane should be connected to the single point earth.

3) Where the ground plane is mounted on a metal cab, the cab or vehicle superstructure may be used
as part of the conductive path to the single point earth.

b) Ground Plane Mounted on Non Metal Structures

The ground plane should be connected to the equipment rack, preferably by at least one bond strap that is
rated to comply with both safety and EMC requirements. Siting should be from the side of the ground plane
nearest the equipment rack.

DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2 UK OFFICIAL

c) Antennas not requiring a Ground Plane i.e. Dipoles

1) Antennas not requiring a ground plane should be mounted in accordance with the manufacturer's

2) The siting of GPS antennas should minimise coupling from the transmitter antennas. In general this
should be no closer than 50 cm.

3) Care should be taken to ensure that GRP structures do not have metal frames within which may
adversely impact antenna performance and/or act as a re-radiator.

B.9.4 Temperature

It may also be necessary to use specially designed components in some applications as rapid changes in
temperature may cause the progressive loosening of screwed connections thereby reducing the
effectiveness of bonding and screening arrangements.

B.9.5 Door Sealing

Where an enclosure is required to be sealed to prevent the entry of moisture or dust, under conditions of
changing air pressure, or temperature, there are likely to be difficulties in obtaining and maintaining a high
value of electromagnetic screening effectiveness, particularly where it is necessary to obtain access with
removable panels or doors. Combined environmental and conducting gaskets should be used in these

B.9.6 Shock and Vibration

It is often necessary to mount equipment on anti-vibration mountings. These, however, will remove the low
impedance bonding to earth that would normally be provided by the mechanical mounting and suitable
metallic straps should be fitted across each vibration mount to ensure good bonding.

B.9.7 Microphony

Vibration can affect certain components such that interference signals related to the vibration waveforms are
generated, an effect known as microphone. The most serious form of microphony likely to be experienced is
in cables, and these effects can be minimised in a system by selecting cables which have low microphony.

B.9.8 Cable Vibration

In certain circuit arrangements, particularly those with very high impedance signal transmission paths or
those with signal current flow through a chain of conductors, spurious signals may be generated by vibration
due to variations in capacitance, resistance or inductance in the circuit. This may be mitigated in sensitive
circuits by running the cable on a suitable anti vibration material.

B.9.9 Power Supplies

It is common practice to connect sensitive electronic equipment to the normal power distribution system in
the vehicle. However, other loads are likely to produce interference that can be readily coupled into the
sensitive equipment via the distribution system. Filtering must be applied between the noisy sources and the
sensitive equipment; this should involve designed filtering at the power interfaces of all equipments.
Equipment power supply units should also be protected with fuses or circuit breakers. For computer
controlled systems, it is desirable that in the event of power failure, close down in a logical manner is
performed. To achieve this, Uninterruptible Power Supplies are used.

NOTE The Commercial off the Shelf (COTS) ‘norm’ is for the vehicle chassis to be negative earth. Equipment and
vehicle earthing (+ve or -ve) should be verified prior to installation.

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B.9.9.1 Power Cabling

Power cables should be twisted pairs (10 cm per twist or tighter) and preferably screened either with an
integral 3600 braid forming part of the cable or placed inside galvanised steel trunking or flexible steel
conduit. If screening is not possible the cables should be kept in close proximity to the grounded vehicle
bodywork or racking.

All cable loops should be minimised. Ring wiring should not be used.

NOTE It is sometime possible that equipment may be fitted with EMC filters and will have the negative -ve
input/chassis connected. Capacitors within the EMC filters may keep the equipment terminals live for a short period of
time and needs discharging before maintenance activities.

B.9.10 Ignition Systems

The chief source of interference, particularly in the VHF range, on many petrol engine vehicles is the ignition
system. Consideration should therefore be given to the use of diesel engines in FFR vehicles. On petrol
engine vehicles, the radiation is largely from the HT cables of the ignition system and reduction of the
radiation can be achieved by positioning of the coil and distributor such that these cables are short and so as
to make use of any fortuitous screening by the engine itself. By these means, it may be possible to obtain
adequate suppression by fitting components without the necessity of using a fully screened harness.

B.9.11 Static Interference

Interference problems may occur on vehicles under dry conditions due to the discharge of static electricity
generated by the action of rubbing of certain insulating components such as pulley belts, vehicle tyres and
tracks with rubber pads. Severe track static interference problems are likely to occur with on board radio
receivers on vehicles with tracks having normal rubber pads when the vehicle is in motion under dry road

The generation of track static interference can be significantly reduced by various measures:

a) Using 'conducting' rubber for pads and bushes on the track. Nitrile rubber can provide adequate
conductivity and also gives suitable mechanical performance. Carbon loaded rubber has inferior
mechanical properties and may not be satisfactory.

b) Using a track with electrically bonded links and rubber pads inside the track. The purpose of these pads
is to prevent contact between the metal links and the rubber covered road wheels.

c) If an electrically bonded track cannot be produced, then interference can be reduced by preventing all
metal link to metal contact, i.e. all guide horns, driving teeth etc. should be coated with an insulating

Differences in potential between adjacent metallic components (e.g. electrical equipment or sections of
vehicle body) will result in the generation of interference if there is intermittent contact between them. Where
this is likely to arise, the components should be securely bonded together (e.g. exhaust systems, hatch
covers, body panels, etc.)

B.10 Repair and Maintenance

The requirements for repair and maintenance of equipment must be borne in mind when designing and
installing suppression, bonding, screening and other interference prevention measures. For example, cover
plates which need to be removed frequently should have the minimum number of fixing bolts necessary to
provide adequate screening and gaskets should be sufficiently robust to withstand repeated removal and

DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2 UK OFFICIAL

It is also desirable to ensure that mistakes cannot be made on reassembly of equipment (after repair and
maintenance) which would invalidate the interference control measures. Procedures must be prepared
defining critical EMC design and components and maintenance issues to be followed.

Whilst it may not be possible to select the type of generating system on the basis of minimum interference
generation (because of other factors such as efficiency and operational requirements), it is probable that the
propagation of the generated interference can be reduced by suitable installation of the generating system. It
is of particular importance to control the interference in the cable that connects the generator (or alternator)
to the regulator. Ideally, these two items should be installed in the same case, but failing this they should be
physically close and the interconnecting cable should be adequately screened or filtered.

B.11 Maintaining and Upgrading Compliance

All installation operators should have in place procedures which ensure that the integrity of the
electromagnetic protection measures are maintained during the lifetime of operations. Procedures should be
drafted so that an assessment of all modifications and upgrades are carried out.

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Annex C
Sea Platform EMC Design

C.1 Introduction
This annex is intended to discuss sea platform specific aspects of EMC and should be read in conjunction
with the main body of this part of the Standard. It is aimed at helping the designer to produce the most
effective RF protection scheme, in terms of cost, maintainability and operational performance, when used in
the military environment.

It deals with those techniques that can be employed to reduce the emission signature of a platform and
make them less susceptible to intentionally and unintentionally generated interfering signals.

C.2 EMC Precaution Schedule

To adopt every possible precaution against every probable cause of interference is neither practicable nor
cost-effective. Therefore, an EMC Precautions Schedule (EMC-PS) is to be prepared by joint agreement of
DE3A and the Ship DT.

The EMC-PS - a typical format is shown in Table 17 - is to give instructions on which parts of this Def Stan
(or any other Specification) are to apply to a particular vessel or class.

Table 17Typical format for an EMC Precaution Schedule


Attention is drawn to the penalties attached to any Infraction of the Official Secrets Act


SHIP (OR CLASS): HMS……………………………………

1 The following compartments are to be treated as Type A compartments and the provisions of
Clauses ………………………………………… of this Def Stan are to apply.

2 The following compartments are to be treated as Type B compartments and the provisions of
Clauses ……………………………………….. of this Def Stan are to apply.


3 All the requirements of this Def Stan are mandatory except for:-

In addition, ………………………………………..

Dated …………………………………. Dated ………………………………….

Approved ……………………………... Approved ……………………………...

(for DE3A) (for Ship DT)……………………………

DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2 UK OFFICIAL

Equipment Installation Specifications are to state if a Type A or Type B compartment (Clause C11) is
required for an equipment.

The EMC-PS is also to decree the level of protection which is required of a Compartment (see Clauses
C11.12 and C11.13) in order to safeguard the equipment housed therein.

This EMC-PS is mandatory and is to be followed in the preparation of approved drawings and specifications
for all naval vessels.

Certain equipments, on account of their functions, may require additional precautions to those described in
this part of the Standard. These precautions are to be described in the Installation Specification for the
equipment concerned and are to be invoked, as necessary, by the EMC-PS.

C.3 Surface Ship Design Consideration

To ensure the maximum operational capability of a naval surface ship the design, particularly of the upper
deck, superstructure and masts, is critical especially when considering the effects of the EM environment.
The parameters specifically covered in this Def Stan are the Electromagnetic Engineering requirements for
the design, location and installation of all electrotechnical equipment for installation on a platform. This is to
include not only the weapon equipment, but all electrical, electronic, and mechanical equipment that
incorporate electronic control or monitoring.

The design of a modern warship requires a complex integration of many diverse systems. These systems
are required to operate correctly not only as individual entities but also in close proximity to all the other
systems installed on the platform. This situation will inevitably create a high intensity EM environment
distributed across the whole spectrum from direct current up through visible light and beyond ultraviolet light.

When considering the EM environment on a platform it is not only self generated emissions that have to be
taken into account, but also those associated with other friendly forces likely to be operating in close
proximity. An even more difficult environmental problem to evaluate is that of hostile electronic
countermeasures and NEMP that may be employed against the platform.

In this hostile EM environment it is to be expected that no ship will be completely free from its effects. It is the
responsibility of the design team of both the equipment and the platform to address the consequence of this
environment. The platform design team will have the additional responsibility of integrating the requirements
for all systems on the platform. It is inevitable that the final design will incorporate a planned compromise of
the individual equipment and system requirements. If a weapon system fails to operate correctly because of
the EM environment the weapon system and ultimately the whole platform may be jeopardized.

C.4 Effects of the Electromagnetic Environment on Naval Platforms

There are two principal causes of EM degradation of equipment and systems. One form is unwanted RF
energy, received openly through antennas and transmission lines, entering equipment and causing
interference within the circuits. This form of interference, or Functional EMC, can be eliminated or reduced to
an acceptable level by proper design and hardening of the equipment, particularly the front end. Additionally
a well designed upper deck lay out, particularly with respect of antenna positioning, will reduce the amount of
RF energy that is coupled into systems. The second form of interference, Fundamental EMC, is caused by
the unintended penetration of RF into a, victim equipment by direct radiation and/or conduction. This second
form of interference is much more difficult to determine the method of entry and can therefore be more
difficult to correct.

Equipment designed to operate on naval platforms is to be built to withstand the high level of RF energy
prevalent in that environment. This is to include not only the equipment but the associated cabling, antennas
and feeders.

Proper control of the electromagnetic environment is essential to ensure the effective operational
performance of the platform's systems. Good design and careful selection of systems and equipment will

UK OFFICIAL DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2

limit the extent of interference but some conflicts are inevitable given the complexity and compactness of a
modern warship.

C.5 Interference Environment

Interference is generated by sudden changes in current demand from the primary power supply. Thus
equipment connected to a supply can be considered as a complex of constantly changing impedances, each
change imposing a change in current demand. Since the waveforms of these current changes are in general
non-sinusoidal they can be resolved by Fourier analysis into the sum of a DC component and a series of
alternating components comprising a fundamental and harmonics. Due, however, to the variability and the
large number of irregular waveforms involved in even simple equipment, theoretical analysis is not generally
practicable. The spectral content can, however, be measured with suitable receivers and on power lines
these measurements cover the frequency range 20 Hz – 100 MHz or so.

The mechanisms whereby electromagnetic interference is propagated from the various sources on the ship
and coupled into equipment and systems are by conduction, induction (both electric and magnetic) and
radiation. A typical on board situation is shown in Figure 102 illustrating the different types of interference

In Figure 108, two distinct current paths can be identified. A differential mode current flowing in the supply
cables to loads A and B and a common mode current flowing as a result of the imbalance in the bridge
comprising the stray impedances Z1-Z4. The common mode component flows in loops returning to the
supply via the ship's metallic structure and other return paths. Electric and magnetic fields created as a result
of the current flows can couple into adjacent cable systems and also directly into equipment via
imperfections in enclosure screening. Additionally, radiated emissions from the loads can couple with
equipments due to imperfections in the load enclosure.

Figure 108 Interference Coupling Mechanisms

DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2 UK OFFICIAL

Current flowing in the ship's metallic structure can couple into equipment bonded to the structure. Thus a
proportion of the common mode current can flow in the screen of the cable connecting load B to its ancillary.
The degree of coupling to the inside core or cores then being a function of the quality of the cable screen
(see Clause 15).

Interference carried on cables can be measured as a voltage or a current, and for the purpose of determining
compliance with specifications, measurements are made under closely defined circuit conditions. However,
in actual installations these defined conditions cannot be imposed and interference levels will change
accordingly. This is particularly true of electric and magnetic field emanations from the cables; the field
patterns being considerably modified by presence of compartment and equipment metalwork. Cable
conducted interference may be present on power lines, signal cables, control cables, bonding conductors,
cable screens, conduits and structural metalwork.

Electromagnetic fields (including electric and magnetic components) are produced by the ship's transmitting
antennas in addition to those produced by cable systems and bonding conductors. The nature of these fields
is a function of the distance from the radiator and the frequency (near and far field conditions see Clause

C.5.1 Bonding Conductors

High value suppression capacitors connected between power lines and ship structure can increase common
mode current flow at 60 Hz and its harmonics, and can cause magnetic field interference from the bonding
conductors and associated power cables. Such capacitance must be kept to a minimum and on any ship's
AC or DC power supplies must not exceed 1 μF per line on any equipment (see Def Stan 08-107). This value
of capacitance is reduced to 0.1 μF on power lines entering wireless offices on submarines (see Clause
C14.4). The magnitude of current flow is a function of the class of equipment involved and is greatest on
three phase powered equipment containing rectification utilising thyristors.

C.5.2 Radiation Fields

Above decks radiation fields may be in the range 10 to 200 V/m (particularly in the HF band) but below decks
the fields will not usually exceed 10 V/m (Note that portable transmitters may be used below decks, see
Clause C.6.1). The frequency range covered by on-board transmitters includes HF, VHF and UHF bands.

C.5.3 Equipment in Occasional Use

There are various types of equipment, which are used only occasionally on ships but which produce high
levels of interference, for example:

a) Medical RF diathermy equipment operates by applying intense RF fields to the patient by means of
various types of electrode. The RF power used is generally in the range tens to hundreds of watts.
Although the radiating efficiency of the electrodes is poor compared with intentional antenna systems
there are strong fields around the equipment. These equipments operate at free radiation frequencies
(e.g. 27.12 MHz) and harmonics are limited in order to control interference with radio reception.
However, the local RF fields may affect other equipment in the vicinity.

b) Welding equipment produces interference by starting and stopping of the welding current, and also by
the HF pulse used for initiating the arc, e.g. argon arc welders.

C.6 Interference Propagation and Coupling

C.6.1 Portable Transceivers (Walkie Talkies)

Portable hand held transceivers operate in the VHF and UHF frequency bands with power outputs up to 5 W
commonly available. The field strengths produced depend on the power output and the length of the antenna
relative to the operating wavelength

UK OFFICIAL DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2

Fields of up to 10 V/m can be expected one metre from a typical unit. At frequencies above 400 MHz higher
antenna efficiencies are obtained and fields of double the calculated values have been recorded.

Due to their mobile nature care must be exercised when operating walkie talkies in close vicinity to
potentially susceptible equipment, particularly when access covers are removed for maintenance.

Accidental antennas, such as mains cables, will in general be very inefficient, except for resonant lengths at
particular frequencies.

At distances exceeding one wavelength from the antenna, the field is plane wave and the ratio of the electric
and magnetic fields is:

(E) electric field (V/m)

= 377Ω
(H) magnetic field (A/m)

For comparison, in the near field the ratio is dependent on the type of radiator. For a short rod (or high
impedance circuit) where the voltage is high compared with the current the electric field predominates and
the E/H ratio is greater than 377 Ω. For a small loop antenna the opposite conditions apply and the E/H ratio
is less than 377 Ω.

In the induction (near) field the E/H ratio for a particular radiator is a function of frequency and distance from
the radiator. For the short rod at low frequencies and close distances, the E/H ratio is very high and is
inversely proportional to distance and frequency. The E field varies as 1/d3 and the H field as 1/d2. For the
small loop at low frequencies and close distances the E/H ratio is very low and is proportional to distance
and frequency. The H field varies as 1/d3 and the E field as 1/d2. For both types of radiator at distances
greater than one wavelength the E/H ratio tends to a value of 377 Ω (i.e. far field conditions).

C.6.2 Practical Considerations

Taking into account the number and diversity of the equipment installed on a ship and the various types of
coupling considered in Clause 7.2, it is evident that a very large number of combinations of coupling path
can exist. However, in practice, only a few types of coupling path are usually important, as summarised

a) From one equipment to another via the power system (and transformers)

b) Induction from power (or signal) cables to signal cables

c) Currents to hull coupling via common impedance or via cable screens (due to surface transfer
impedance, see Clause 16).

d) Induction fields within equipment and from bonding conductors.

e) Radiation from power cables impinging on radio receiver antennas.

f) Radiation from radio transmitting antennas coupling into cables, equipment or other antennas.

C.7 Susceptibility of Circuits

C.7.1 General

Certain classes of shipboard equipment by virtue of their function and sensitivity are known to be susceptible
to the various forms of interference inherent in ships. In general this susceptibility is associated with one or
more of the following aspects of the equipment and its installation:

a) Low level signals.

DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2 UK OFFICIAL

b) Wide bandwidth response.

c) Response to single pulses causing unacceptable effects.

d) Poor recovery to the circuit when the interference ceases.

e) Input leads and/or antennas providing coupling paths to interference sources (due in many cases to
inadequate separation distances between cable systems)

f) Non-linear effects, e.g. under overload conditions due to intermodulation, harmonic generation etc.

g) High impedance input.

The effects produced by interference can vary widely due to the large range of systems and equipment, and
the different characteristics of the various types of interference. The radio frequency field from an HF
transmitter, because of its magnitude, may produce serious effects on vital items of equipment. The effects
may be particularly severe on GRP vessels where the protection provided by metallic construction is absent.
Low frequency common mode currents circulating in the ship's metallic structure can couple into low
frequency systems e.g. data acquisition, sonar and intercommunication systems, unless adequate
precautions are taken. On the other hand, voltage transients can also cause damage to semiconductor
devices or inhibit the correct functioning of digital systems.

C.7.2 Radio Receivers

Radio receivers by their nature are very susceptible to interference and considerable protection is required in
order that acceptable standards of communication can be maintained. The protection measures necessary

a) Installing the receivers in a screened compartment

b) Reducing interference by fitting suppression devices to interfering equipment

c) Segregating antenna feeder cables from all other ships' cabling systems

d) Correct bonding and continuity of feeder cable screens

Coupling into a radio receiver may occur via various paths, as follows:

e) Radiation to the antenna system from adjacent equipment and cable systems

f) Coupling to the antenna feeder from adjacent power and other cables

g) Via the power supply to the receiver

h) Via the receiver bonding conductors

i) Via any discontinuities in the feeder cable screen

Requirements for the installation of antenna feeders in ships and submarines are contained in
Clause C12.4.

The sources and types of interference likely to affect radio receivers are summarised below:

a) Commutator motors, generator AVR control systems, thyristors, diodes, switches, discharge lamps etc,
produce broadband interference, especially in the HF band

b) Digital system clock generator, switch mode power supplies, radio transmitters, parasitic oscillations in
amplifiers etc, produce narrowband interference at fundamental and harmonic frequencies which may

UK OFFICIAL DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2

correspond with the receiver tuned frequency and/or frequencies at which the receiver has spurious

c) Two or more out of band sources such as radio and radar transmitters, may produce narrowband
interference (by intermodulation) at the tuned or spurious response frequency.

C.7.3 Radar Receivers

Interference to radar receivers may occur due to coupling via the antenna or cables. Radar equipment
incorporates various circuits designed to overcome spurious effects and deliberate jamming, but despite
these facilities interference can be caused by other equipment on the ship.

Interference can be caused by narrowband sources such as radio/radio transmitters and other RF sources.
The interference effects may be due to fundamental frequencies, harmonics or intermodulation products.
Broadband interference can degrade the performance of video stages.

The interference may be coupled into the radar system via power supplies, input, intermediate frequency or
video stages (for the latter two stages coupling is most probable via cables and cable screens).

The effects of interference may be distortion or brightness changes of the display, 'clutter' or malfunction in
Identification Friend or Foe/Secondary Surveillance Radar system.

C.7.4 Sonar

Sonar systems operate in a frequency band covering the AF and RF ranges. In this band there are likely to
be high levels of interference on power cables and large interference currents flowing in the ship's metallic
structure. The receiving transducers may provide outputs at sub-microvolt levels and cable runs can be
many metres in length. There is clearly a likelihood of interference by coupling between power cables etc
and sonar cables unless suitable segregation, suppression, and/or screening is provided. Requirements for
sonar cable installations are detailed in (see Clause C.15). Due to the low signal levels, lengths of runs and
sensitivity of sonar circuits, it is essential that signal cables be carried in conduit whenever possible (see
Clause C.12.7 for conduit installation requirements.) The use of preamplifiers sited closely adjacent to the
transducers is a good measure to reduce the effects of interference by improving the signal/noise ratio and
should be considered. Zero volt lines running between elements of the system are very prone to interference
pick-up and must be bonded to the ship's structure at one point only. Ideally, the bonding point should be
identified and easily accessible so that the presence of fortuitous 'earths' can be readily verified.

C.7.4.1 Zero Volt Lines

To operate as designed, certain outfits rely on the concept of single point bonding between the zero volt line
and hull. The hull is not to be considered as part of the zero volt line system. All signal and DC power return
currents are to be returned directly to the zero volt line and are not permitted to flow in the hull or single point
bond strap. The concept of single point bonding refers only to the fact that only one connection is made
between the zero volt line of the equipment or system and cabinet or ship’s structure.

In these cases, the zero volt lines of internal sub-units are to be connected to each other by the use of
insulated terminals provided for each sub-unit and are not to be connected to the cabinet or ship’s structure
except at the designated bonding point.

With the exception of the designed single point bonding connection specified in the system or equipment
Installation Specification, zero volt lines are to be insulated from all metal structures and frameworks.

Care must be taken when adopting this policy on sonar systems as long cables between system zero volt
rails and the earth point can have significant inductance which can give rise to high potentials of switch mode
power supply noise on the zero volt rail. These appear as common mode signals at the inputs of cables that
come from other cabinets and from hydrophones and can couple into the signal path. One solution to this
effect is to have a single point DC earth and a multiple point ac earth with capacitors in each cabinet
decoupling the zero volt rail to earth.

DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2 UK OFFICIAL

Sources of interference which are likely to interfere with sonar receivers include rectifiers and thyristors
(which generate harmonics of the supply frequency), switch mode power supplies, and the control systems
of power generation equipment. Unbalanced i.e. common mode currents at power supply and harmonic
frequencies flowing in the ship's structure can easily couple into sonar systems unless precautions are taken
in the sonar's cable screen and zero volt line bonding arrangements. As indicated in Clause C.5.1, current
flow in the ship's structure is enhanced by capacitance connected between power lines and the metallic
structure. Since the common mode current is also flowing in the supply cable adequate separation between
these cables and sonar signal cables is essential.

C.7.5 Navigational Systems

Various types of navigational systems are in use, operating at frequencies ranging from about 100 kHz
(LORAN) to UHF and GPS satellite based systems.

At the lower frequencies the systems may be affected by broadband interference and also by narrowband
signals within the passband.

At UHF, interference can occur due to harmonics and intermodulation effects from HF and VHF transmitters.

C.7.6 Audio Systems

Audio amplifiers operating with low level input signals (e.g. from microphones) are potentially susceptible to
interference being spatially coupled into the cable or microphone coil. Typically, in the pass band the
tolerable input level may be about 10 μV from adjacent power cables, transformers and equipment.

Since the amplifier input is usually balanced (i.e. by transformer action or by electronic means) and the
microphone impedance is fairly low (typically 25 Ω) the dominant form of coupling is by magnetic induction in
the microphone leads or coil. However, due to some unbalance in the input system it is possible that electric
field coupling can also cause interference.

Whilst interference at audio frequency is most likely to cause problems, RF coupled into the amplified input
can cause interference due to demodulation at a semiconductor junction. This demodulation may produce
unwanted speech (e.g. from am transmitter) audio buzz from radar or loss of sensitivity due to DC bias from
demodulation of an unmodulated RF source. Since on board interference sources cover a wide frequency
spectrum it is important to restrict the operating bandwidth of audio systems to the minimum necessary to
meet system requirements. For intelligible speech a bandwidth extending up to 3 kHz is adequate. Screened
twisted pairs should be used for microphone cable runs with the screen bonded at one end only (normally
the amplifier end for audio systems). The screen should also be connected to the metallic part of the
microphone insert.

C.7.7 Analogue Systems

Various types of amplifier systems are incorporated in equipment to provide analogue measuring and control
facilities. These amplifiers in general operate with DC or low frequency signals (e.g. thermocouple, pressure
transducer). The amplifiers are therefore likely to be susceptible to interference at power frequencies and
harmonics, induced in input cables or coupled via bonding straps.

It is found in practice that many amplifier circuits also respond at RF, even though the nominal bandwidth is
limited to AF by the inclusion of the appropriate components in the circuit. There are two reasons for this
type of anomalous response:

a) The components fitted to the amplifier to limit the bandwidth may be ineffective at frequencies greatly in
excess of the cut-off frequency so that there is appreciable response over parts of the RF spectrum.
This can occur with discrete components or operational amplifiers. The effects can be particularly severe
at frequencies where resonant effects occur in the components.

b) The RF voltage applied to the amplifier input may be rectified and demodulated at a semiconductor
junction and the resulting DC or AF voltage is then amplified as it is within the operating bandwidth. The

UK OFFICIAL DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2

type of modulation of the RF will determine the nature of the voltage produced at the input.
Unmodulated or fm signals will produce a DC voltage whereas am signals will produce an AF voltage.
This difference is significant because the response of the system to the interference is likely to differ,
depending on whether an AF or DC voltage is produced. In many analogue systems operating at low
frequencies or DC the provision of small ceramic capacitors e.g. 1000 pF connected directly across the
input pins of operational amplifiers will significantly reduce the susceptibility to RF coupled interference.

In addition to interference in the pass band, analogue systems can be susceptible to narrowband
interference in the frequency band 0.1 - 1000 MHz. The frequency at which the system is particularly
susceptible are largely determined by resonant effects, such as the following:

a) Resonant cable lengths which, without impedance matching at terminations cause standing waves to
occur, e.g. a cable terminated by a closed or open mechanically operated switch.

b) Resonances on printed circuit boards due to components and/or track length effects. Ferrite beads
inserted in series with the track will significantly reduce resonant effects where they occur.

C.7.8 Digital Systems

Digital data may be corrupted by interference coupled into the system (e.g. via the power supply or data
cables, particularly where a wide bandwidth system is used, such as TTL and ECL (100 MHz)). Interference
may originate from the following:

a) Load switching on power systems, which can produce multiple transients during a single switch
operation due to the 'showering arc' (see Clause 7.2.11).

b) Pulsed radar transmissions, which can be demodulated at semiconductor junctions (when induced into
circuits) and thus produce the modulation envelope (typically 1 μS duration pulses)

c) High frequency transmissions which when demodulated at semiconductor junctions cause DC offsets or
logic switching.

In general, the effects of data corruption are overcome in digital systems by suitable signal processing such
as sampling, gating, logic checks etc (see Clause 8), which are effective unless the corruption is particularly

The effects of interference are most serious when the system control is affected. In this condition the system
can malfunction in a drastic manner and, for example, a microprocessor may 'lock-up' completely so that
normal reset facilities do not operate and a power off/on is required to restore the system functions.

It is possible that stored data may be corrupted by interference, depending on the type of memory being
used. The effects produced are likely to be intolerable since the system may malfunction in an unpredictable
manner, the cause may not be diagnosed immediately and remedial actions may be time consuming.

C.7.9 Nucleonic Circuits

Nucleonic radiation detectors incorporate some form of ionization chamber which produces an electrical
output, in the form of pulses, which indicates the radiation intensity. These pulses are generally of a fairly low
level and of short duration so that there is a possibility of induced interference of comparable or greater
amplitude, being superimposed on the detector output signal due to transients on adjacent power cables or
fields from transmitters, e.g. pulse modulated radar.

Onboard nuclear reactors require sophisticated instrumentation and control systems which are potentially
susceptible to interference and therefore require specialised preventive measures to be applied. Whilst the
general principles of these measures are described in Clauses 8, 14 and C.9, the particular techniques used
on nuclear reactor systems are not discussed in this Standard.

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C.7.10 Trip and Alarm Circuits

These circuits are used for protection and/or alarm purposes under fault or hazard conditions. Typical
applications are as follows:

a) Smoke and fire detectors

b) Over/under voltage trips on power supplies

c) Earth leakage current protection

d) Thermal trips

e) Overload trips, including electrical loads and mechanical loads (e.g. strain gauge).

The most common form of malfunction caused by interference in these circuits is a false tripping of the
system. However, it is also possible that the circuit is made inoperative by the interference (e.g. by DC
currents in ac sensing earth leakage circuit breakers, by RF induced into analogue trip amplifiers etc).

A wide range of types of circuit is used in this application and sensitivities to interference therefore vary. The
most susceptible are generally those which are designed to detect low level signals from transducers (e.g.
strain gauges, photo-cells, thermocouples). The effects are most troublesome if the detector responds to
pulses and/or RF EMI. Typical sources of interference are transients on power cables and radio and radar

C.7.11 Closed Circuit Television Systems

In general, these systems are not particularly susceptible to interference, provided that coaxial cables with
adequate screening performance are used, and that these are not installed adjacent to radio transmitter

If a camera is mounted above decks it is possible that interference may be caused by radio or radar
transmitters due to coupling into the camera or into the associated cable. Successful operation can be
achieved provided the camera is housed in a metal case where all parts make good electrical contact. The
lens should be metal bodied and this should be bonded to the main case as this acts as a 'waveguide below
cutoff' and provides screening. It is essential that the overall screen of all interconnecting cables to the video
unit (both control cables and video cables) be bonded at both ends by 360 degree bonds to the outside
surfaces of the enclosures. Under no circumstance must the screen penetrate the equipment. The power
cable will need to be decoupled at the entry point.

C.7.12 Electromechanical Devices

Instances of interference to relays, meters etc are rare, but it is possible that some sensitive devices can be
affected by strong magnetic fields from adjacent devices such as transformers, inductors etc. Milliammeters
used with rectifiers and multiplier resistors to monitor power supply voltages can be very susceptible to
interference unless precautions are taken in the installation. The rectifiers should be sited closely adjacent to
the meter and the connections to the meter balanced by inserting equal resistance in each line. These
measures ensure that common mode coupling to the cable connecting rectifying element to meter is
minimised and the balance imposed by the resistors reduces interference current flow through the meter i.e.
differential current flow conversion from any common mode coupling is further reduced.

C.8 Interference Suppression

General guidance on interference suppression on marine installations is given in the IEC Publication 60533,
Annex C..

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C.8.1 Bonding to Hull

For personnel safety requirements it is necessary to provide a low resistance connection between an
equipment cabinet and hull (see Clause 8). By this means, under normal and fault conditions, no dangerous
potentials will occur on exposed metalwork (see Def Stan 08-107). A terminal is fitted on each cabinet so
that an earth bonding strap or cable of minimum length can readily be installed by the shipbuilder. However,
for some types of equipment this 'safety' earth may not provide an adequately low RF impedance (e.g. where
the equipment incorporates a high level source of interference and filtering) and in this eventuality additional
bonding conductors may be required for EMC purposes (see Clause C13). The final arrangement must fully
comply with both safety and EMC requirements.

C.8.2 Reliability and Safety

It is vital that reliable suppressors and suppression components be used since a failure in service is likely to
render the equipment or system inoperative. Components specifically designed for EMC purposes are
available and should be used in preference to standard items. Components and suppression units marketed
for EMC applications are subject to extensive tests, but care must be taken to ensure that the ratings are
adequate for power line usage on the appropriate platform. Power supply voltages are subject to wide
variations and transients (see Def Stan 61-5 (Part 4)) which can considerably exceed nominal ratings.
Capacitors and/or suppression units connected to power supplies and bonded to equipment cases can
present a safety hazard should the case bond to ship's structure be removed. Warning notices must be
prominently displayed on the front of equipment enclosures (see Def Stan 08-107).

Capacitors fitted on 440 V circuits from line to line or line to chassis, which exceed 0.5 μF in value, must
have discharge resistors connected to prevent shock hazard from stored charge after the supply is switched
off. Table 18 shows the maximum permitted values:

Table 18Discharge Resistors

Capacitor Value Resistance

0.5 μF 30.0MΩ
1.0 μF 7.3MΩ
2.0 μF 2.0MΩ

These resistors have a permitted tolerance of ± 20%. The power rating must be at least half a watt and any
PERMANENTLY connected load may be taken into account when determining the value required.

C.8.3 Minimising Power Line Capacitance

Suppression capacitors may be connected line to line (symmetric mode) or line to case (asymmetric mode).
When connected between power lines and hull the aggregate value is limited to 1 μF per line in order to
prevent the false tripping of earth leakage protection due to capacitive 60 Hz current (see Def Stan 08-107).
It is important that capacitance to hull is minimised and the lowest value possible used as addition of these
capacitors diverts interference currents into the hull and this can disturb other sensitive systems.

For equipment provided with a transformer at the mains supply input, suppression capacitors connected to
the transformer secondary do not have to meet the requirements of the previous paragraph. For a system of
interconnected equipment cabinets interference currents can circulate due to capacitance between power
lines and hull.

C.8.4 Installation

The bonding connection from a suppression capacitor to hull (or equipment case) must have a very low
impedance (i.e. have negligible inductance) particularly for bushing capacitors. It is therefore essential that
the bushing capacitor flange is peripherally bonded to a metal sheet e.g., equipment case or bulkhead so
that radial currents can flow in all directions and inductance and coupling to the output terminals is minimal.

DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2 UK OFFICIAL

Where an internal partition is used for the capacitor mounting this partition must be peripherally bonded to
the case structure so that inductance and input/output isolation requirements are realised. Figure 109 shows
an example of bad practice which must be avoided.

Figure 109 Incorrect Bulkhead Filter Mounting

C.9 Nuclear Electromagnetic Pulse (NEMP)

C.9.1 General

Gamma radiation released as a result of the detonation of a nuclear weapon produces, upon interaction with
the atmosphere, a large electromagnetic pulse. If detonation occurs at a low altitude or ground level (endo-
atmospheric) the intensity of the pulse is very great, but the fields produced have a relatively short range. A
high altitude or exo-atmospheric burst on the other hand can produce large fields with very little attenuation
over a great area of the earth's surface. For example, if detonation occurred at a height of 400 km the area
affected would be bounded by a circle with a radius in excess of 2000 km.

The spectral content of the pulses show significant differences. Indeed it can be shown that 90 per cent of
the pulse energy in an endo-atmospheric pulse exists in the frequency range 100 Hz - 10 kHz, whilst in the
exo-atmospheric pulse 90 per cent of the energy is contained in the range 100 kHz - 10 MHz.

In a naval vessel the lengths of exposed metal structures, cable systems, pipe work, antennas, masts etc
would act as inefficient collectors of the low frequency energy present in the endo-atmospheric pulse.
Additionally, a low level or ground burst in close proximity would almost certainly destroy the vessel or at
least seriously impair its operational capability. For the exo-atmospheric pulse none of the other nuclear
effects pose a threat to the ships' systems and NEMP is therefore the critical factor.

In view of these considerations the exo-atmospheric pulse and its frequency spectrum represents a more
suitable test model for the naval situation.

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C.9.2 Magnitude of the Threat

The pulse parameters indicate that an E field of 50,000 Vm-1 and an H field of 130 Am-1 exists at ground
level. The rise time is of the order of 5 ns with a total duration of some 600 ns and a spectral content
extending to 100 MHz or so. When incident on a ship, large currents will be induced in all exposed metal
work and cable systems. These currents which can have amplitudes of up to 1000 Amps or so take the form
of damped sinusoids with fundamental frequencies in the range 0.5 MHz to 50 MHz depending upon the
physical dimensions of the conductors. Concentration of the incident field can occur in the vicinity of large
vertical metallic structures such as masts, antennas, cranes etc, and further enhancement can occur at
points where abrupt changes in conductor direction exist.

Transients will also be induced in below decks cabling systems due to pulse penetration via apertures and
discontinuities in the superstructure. Typically, currents of up to 100 amps or so will be induced in exposed
cable systems on upper decks, and below decks currents of up to 50 amps can be expected. Cables sited in
areas of concentrated fields will be subject to higher levels of induced current.

The high peak field strength of 50 kVm-1 and the fast rise time of the pulse pose two basic problems.

a) The high field strength can damage equipment permanently or seriously degrade its performance. It is
not always immediately apparent that damage has taken place.

b) The wide frequency content can easily couple either directly or via cable systems thereby causing
malfunctions or performance degradations.

The likely effects of induced NEMP on equipment include the following:

a) Catastrophic damage to semi-conductor devices, in particular FETs, integrated circuits and high
frequency transistors

b) Secondary damage to components resulting from an NEMP induced malfunction. Components can be
left in a weakened state by an NEMP and fail days or weeks after the event (in the same way as
electrostatic can manifest itself)

c) Malfunctioning of equipment requiring remedial action to restore normal operation

d) Temporary malfunction which restores automatically.

Clearly, damage effects in equipment will normally be unacceptable but malfunctioning may be tolerable in
certain equipment which does not have important on-line functions.

Since NEMP is an electromagnetic phenomenon its effects can be controlled by the normal EMC techniques
of screening, filtering, cable segregation, bonding etc, the protection required being of degree rather than
principle. Advantage can therefore be taken of the natural screening inherent in the metallic construction of a
conventional naval vessel. The thickness of material used will provide more than adequate screening
effectiveness, any pulse penetration being due to imperfections and discontinuities in the construction, cable
and pipework entries to the interior and necessary accesses. Platform hardening is the term used to describe
the techniques employed to minimise pulse penetration via these paths.

Platform hardening alone cannot completely eliminate couplings to the ship's interior. Consequently,
equipment must be designed, and installations planned, to withstand this residual pulse energy.
Def Stan 02-529 Part 2 'Nuclear Hardening Guide' gives detailed information on platform hardening
techniques, equipment design and protection. This document should be consulted for further information on

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C.10 Non-Metallic Ships

C.10.1 EM Disadvantages

Although eminently suitable as a constructional material, glass reinforced plastic (GRP) has a number of
serious disadvantages from the electromagnetic compatibility point of view. The hull, internal structures,
decks, bulkheads etc, unless suitably treated are transparent to electromagnetic radiations and the natural
screening afforded by a conventional metallic construction is absent. Further disadvantages are summarised

a) No natural dedicated compartments

b) No natural metalwork for equipment bonding

c) More difficult to meet the requirements for the installation of high power transmitters and associated
antenna systems

d) The possibility of effects from high power transmission from ships in close proximity in addition to effects
from on board transmitters

e) Higher levels of induced currents and voltages in cables and bonding conductors

f) Possible loss of effectiveness of suppression filters and devices.

C.10.2 Special Measures

To overcome these disadvantages it is necessary to incorporate special measures in the design of the
vessel and in systems and equipment installed. Examples of these measures include the following:

j) The provision of dedicated screened compartments to house sensitive equipment and communication
systems. This involves the treatment of the GRP to produce a conducting and therefore screening

k) At interfaces with cable glands conduits bonding straps etc bonding to the treated surface must be
achieved using techniques unaffected by surface unevenness and dimensional changes in the GRP. In
general, these problems can be overcome with compliant RF gasket material such as conductive
elastomer (see Clause C.30).

C.10.3 Bonding

In a steel hulled ship of conventional construction, electrical equipment is normally bonded to the nearest
point on the ship's hull. This is obviously not possible in a GRP vessel and special arrangements must be
provided. Essentially, these comprise 'earth' plates in the hull connected to a 'Tree' system of cables with
branches to every compartment in the ship to which equipment can be bonded.

Communication (i.e. transmitter) systems have a dedicated bonding system with an earth plate sited in an
optimum position. Loops in the system must be avoided, and potentially susceptible or electrically noisy
equipment must not be connected to the same branch.

To reduce magnetic fields, supply cables should be run together and as close as possible to the bonding
branch, this effectively reducing the radiating loop area. For small power and lighting circuits a third wire
should be incorporated in the power cable for bonding purposes.

C.10.4 Transmitter Installations

Large ships are able to use a variety of antennas for communications e.g. masts, wires and whips. Smaller
vessels of GRP construction do not generally have the space available without sacrificing other essential

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features. Therefore, whip antennas are commonly used. HF transmitting systems require adequate ground
planes for the antennas, difficult to accommodate on small vessels.

Thus, large currents at the transmitted frequency can circulate in the ship's cabling systems due to the
cables acting as extensions of the ground planes. Equipment procured for use on GRP vessels may need to
be specifically hardened against such currents, and in general the upper deck levels of Part 3 of this
Standard should be applied. Advice should be sought as regards the degree of hardening required for any
specific application.

The use of balanced dipole antennas or loop antennas should be considered as it has been demonstrated
that these antennas produce lower levels of induced currents.

C.10.5 Equipment and Cable Installations

The metallic structure of conventional ships provides screening between electrically noisy equipment and
potentially susceptible equipment.

Since, apart from the dedicated screened compartments, this natural screening is absent on GRP vessels
and correct siting of equipment is vitally important. Similarly associated cable systems must be subject to a
strict cable segregation policy, this ensuring that 'noisy' cables are not run with susceptible cables carrying
very low level signals.

An easily overlooked situation could arise where a sensitive cable is run on the opposite side of a
bulkhead/deckhead to a parallel run of a power cable for example. Strict control over cable installations is
essential, and the separation distances specified in Clause C.29.10 should be increased whenever possible.

C.10.6 Equipment Enclosures

The absence of compartmental screening in GRP vessels can be compensated by attention to the design of
equipment enclosures (see Clause 13). Plastic enclosures, even though treated to provide screening, are
not favoured for use on GRP ships. Flamed sprayed zinc for example has only some 30% of the conductivity
of the pure metal and requires rigorous quality control procedures to ensure even deposition of the material.
Enclosures constructed of sheet aluminium with due attention paid to the minimising of slots and apertures
are preferred for use on vessels engaged in mine hunting. The screening afforded by careful equipment
enclosure design allied with that provided by dedicated compartments has proved to be adequate.

C.11 Screened Compartments

C.11.1 General

Certain compartments in a ship or submarine require constructing in such away as to prevent leakage of
electromagnetic energy in either or both directions. Normally, the majority of cases can be covered by two
types of screened compartment designated Type A and Type B, with Type A affording a higher level of
protection than Type B.

The choice of screened compartment will depend largely on the requirements of the equipment housed
therein. This is to be decided at any early stage of ship and equipment design, by joint agreement between
the Ship and Equipment Design Authorities. The requirements are to be stated and recorded in the EMC
PS's shown in Table 17.

Use of correct materials and techniques in the construction of screened compartments is important. The
following clauses describe acceptable standards in materials and techniques.

C.11.2 Materials

Subject to the qualifications by the clauses below, suitable materials are mild steel, copper, brass or
aluminium in the form of continuous, perforated or expanded sheet.
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Where perforated or expanded metal is used, each aperture:

a) Must not exceed 12.6mm between any two points on its perimeter (measuring across the aperture).

b) Must not exceed 20mm2 in area.

c) Must be equally distributed.

d) Must not amount to more than 50 per cent of the surface area. The gauge is to be sufficient to provide a
neat, robust lining.

Where honeycomb is used for ventilation the individual cells are to have a maximum diagonal dimension of
21mm or 15mm square side. The depth of the honeycomb must be at least three times the diagonal
dimension of an individual cell.

Woven gauze is not recommended as a screening material.

For additional requirements in submarines see Clause C.14.

Careful attention is to be paid to the possibility of corrosive action when dissimilar metals are placed in
contact. In particular, junctions of aluminium with steel, copper or brass are likely to suffer rapid corrosion.
Such junctions are best avoided but, where this is impossible, other means of protection are to be employed,
e.g. where steel nuts, bolts, washers and screws are used in conjunction with aluminium, they are to be zinc
plated to minimise corrosion.

C.11.3 General Construction Techniques

In all-metal ships the structure of the compartment forms a suitable screen if properly constructed. In GRP
ships screened rooms are to be bonded with a single connection between the cable entry plate and the sea
plate system using flat metal strip. The following techniques are best suited for RF screening purposes.
Continuous soldered or welded joints are to be used wherever possible. Where these are impracticable,
screening sheet material is to overlap by at least 50mm and be soldered, welded, riveted, bolted or screwed
together every 75mm. For submarines, see Clause C14.

C.11.4 All-Steel Ships

Normal methods of construction, i.e. riveting or welding, are adequate to provide the required electrical

C.11.5 Aluminium Ships

Welded joints are preferred to other methods of construction.

C.11.6 Composite Wood and Steel Ships

To achieve adequate electromagnetic screening all wooden parts of the screened compartment are to be
lined with any of the materials specified in Clause C.11.2, or a suitable thickness of an approved sprayed
metal coating. The metal is to be worked around all wooden beams and stiffeners so as to form a complete,
properly bonded, neat and robust lining. The requirements of Clause C.11.3 are to be observed.

C.11.7 Composite Wood and Aluminium Ships

Screening of compartments is to be as described in Clause C.11.6, but using aluminium or aluminium alloy.

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C.11.8 All-wood, GRP or Other Non-Metallic Ships

Screening is to be as described in Clauses C.11.6 or C.11.7, except where low magnetic signature is
important. In this case, steel is not to be used. Aluminium is not to be used in combination with other
screening materials. Where a sprayed metal coating is used on GRP it is to consist of a triple sandwich of
zinc, copper and tin applied in that order.

C.11.9 Composite Steel and Aluminium Ships

When using different materials for screening care is to be taken to insulate the materials from each other to
prevent corrosion. Bonding strips provide only a limited solution to the screening problem. Therefore special
care is required in their selection and design.

Where one material predominates, e.g. an aluminium office with a steel deck or one steel bulkhead, a better
solution is to fit a false deck or bulkhead of the predominant material adjacent to, but insulated from the
original one, i.e. in the case of this example an aluminium false deck or bulkhead so as to form a complete
aluminium office.

If this is effected one (aluminium) bond strap is to be used to bond the (aluminium) office to the (steel)
structure. This bond strap is to be readily accessible for periodic examination and/or renewal.

C.11.10 Lagged Compartments

In compartments lagged with acoustic material which is held in position by perforated metal sheets, these
sheets are not to be regarded as part of the screen. The sheets need not be bonded together, as standard
fixing techniques are normally adequate to prevent electrical noise being produced by intermittent contact.
The sheets are to be secured to the outer bulkhead to provide good electrical contact. Where metal fixing
straps penetrate the perforated metal sheet there is to be an all around clearance of at least 5mm.

Where hull bonding studs (or bolts, screws) penetrate the acoustic lagging, there is to be an all around
clearance of 5mm from the perforated metal retaining sheets. The studs are to be fitted in the outer bulkhead
and are to be sited so as to conform with the requirements stated in Clause 15 and Clause C.13.

Bonding tapes, if made of an incompatible metal, are to be insulated from the perforated sheets using
wooden battens or other approved insulating material.

Where acoustic lagging is held in position by non-metallic retainers and in compartments lined with plywood
or any other non-metallic sound-insulating material, no special arrangements are required other than the hull
bonding studs (bolts, screws) described above.

C.11.11 False Floors

In compartments which are fitted with false floors to accommodate equipment cabling, hull bonding studs are
to be provided where required on the ship’s structure below the false floor.

C.11.12 Type A Compartments

The materials and construction techniques to be employed are to be as described earlier in this Annex.

Bulkheads and deckheads are to form a continuous electrical conducting surface so that measurements with
an Ohmmeter Set 6625 99 955 8038 or similar, are to indicate a resistance of 0.01 ohms or less when
connected between any two points on the interior surface of the compartment. This is to include
measurements from the centre of the door to the compartment screen and across the diagonal of the volume
of the compartment.

Places at which the shell of the compartment may be pierced, e.g. doors, hatches, vents, etc, are to be kept
to a minimum both in number and size. Prior approval is to be obtained from the Ship Weapons System
Engineer for such penetrations.

DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2 UK OFFICIAL

All doors, hatches and openings are to maintain screening integrity. Doors, etc not made of metal are to be
covered with screening material. Phosphor bronze resilient strip (or similar device) is to be fixed around the
periphery of all such openings to form a peripheral bond between the door and the screening of the

Permanent openings such as vents, entries for wooden or plastic trunking, etc are to be screened with
properly fitted and bonded, expanded or perforated metal panels (as Clause C.11). Where metallic trunking
is used throughout the office, this is to be peripherally bonded to the bulkhead at entry.

All other metallic conduits, trunks, pipes or rods which penetrate the compartment are to be peripherally
bonded at the points of penetration with metal to metal contact.

Cables, including degaussing cables, conduits, pipes and rods which do not directly serve the compartment
are not to be routed through it. If it is impossible to route them outside the compartment, they are to be totally
enclosed in a pipe or trunk made of the same material as the office screening and of at least the same
thickness as the minimum used for construction of that compartment. The pipe or trunk may have access
holes fitted with sealing covers, which are to be bolted or otherwise secured so as to achieve good electrical
contact all round the cover. Either good clean metal to metal contact or RF gasketing may be used. It is
important to avoid any circumferential or longitudinal discontinuities in pipes or trunks.

Wiring and cabling contained entirely within a compartment need not be trunked, but as far as is practicable,
is to be clipped to the metallic structure of the compartment.

Where cables cannot be clipped to the metallic structure of the compartment they are to be clipped, or
banded, to metal cable trays or to a metal flat bar wire way system. The following installation requirements
are to be observed:

The cable carrier is to be run as close as possible to the metallic structure of the compartment.

a) All sections of the carrier system are to be properly bonded to ensure electrical continuity: welding is

b) The carrier supports are to be made of metal and directly bonded to the ship’s structure and the carrier,
preferably by welding.

c) Where welding of cable carriers, or their supports, is not practicable they are to be constructed of clean
unpainted zinc coated steel or aluminium and securely bolted at the joints and supports to ensure a
good electrical bond.

d) The cables are to be secured to the metal surface of the carrier by metal, or non-metallic, clips or bands.

e) To ensure that metal clips or bands bond to the metal of the carrier, the insulation fitted under metal
clips or bands to protect the cables must not be placed between the clips or bands and the carrier.

All power supply cables are to be suppressed at the point of penetration of the compartment. In addition all
cable screens are to be peripherally bonded at the points of penetration.

All control and signal cables which penetrate the compartment are to be overall screened throughout their
length from source to destination, and they are to be filtered at the point of penetration. All cable screens are
to be peripherally bonded at the point of penetration.

The types of suppressors and filters are to be as specified in the installation guidance to meet the
requirements of individual circuits. They are to be fitted in a properly screened metal box which is to form an
integral part of the compartment screening surface.

Antenna feeders, coaxial cables and multi-core cables screened throughout their length are to have their
overall screens peripherally bonded to the compartment screening at the point of penetration. If a multi-core
cable has unscreened sections (other than lengths within junction boxes or cabinets), then bulkhead
suppressors are to be fitted in its cores in accordance with the requirements of the previous clause. Plugs

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and sockets, bulkhead adaptors and glands or appropriate junction boxes may be used to achieve the
required bonding. Where a cable is required to pass unbroken through the compartment screening, special
arrangements are to be made to bond the screen peripherally. For submarine requirements, see
Clause C14.

Only the overall screen of multi-screened cables is to be peripherally bonded to the compartment at the point
of penetration.

Where the use of double-screened (‘triax’) cables is essential, great care is to be taken to ensure that the
bonding of the inner and outer braids is in accordance with the requirements of the relevant Installation
Specification. However, the overall screen is to be peripherally bonded to the screen of the compartment at
the point of penetration in accordance with the previous clause.

Any machinery or equipment which may produce spurious signals, noise or transients, to the detriment of the
remainder of the installation is to be excluded from the compartment. All equipment, including lighting
housed within a compartment is to comply with the appropriate specifications for the emission of conducted
and radiated interference and susceptibility to these effects.

A fibre-optic cable, not having any metallic component as part of its construction (excluding connectors), may
pass directly through the boundary of a Type A compartment, provided it does not require a hole in the
boundary greater than 5mm diameter. Larger penetrations must have a waveguide beyond cut-off metal tube
peripherally bonded to the bulkhead. Maximum diameter of the hole is to be 80mm. The tube length is to be
at least three times the hole diameter. For a Type B compartment the tube may be omitted.

Fibre-optic cables do not need to be run in conduit except where physical security or protection is required.

C.11.13 Type B Compartments

Any compartment of metallic construction, using materials and general construction techniques described in
previous clauses is acceptable.

Non-metallic doors and other openings are to be covered with a screening material. When the door is closed
an electrical connection is to be maintained between the screening material of the door and the metal
structure of the compartment, otherwise no special contacts or mating edges are required.

Small openings, (e.g. ports, vents, etc) of less than 100cm2 need not be screened.

Cables, other than those associated with equipment contained within the compartment, are not to pass
through the compartment. Where it is difficult to comply with this requirement, such cables may be routed -
as special cases - through the compartment provided they are screened by conduit or trunking to a standard
that does not degrade the performance of the compartment.

All power supply cables are to be suppressed at the point of penetration of the compartment. In addition all
power cable screens are to be peripherally bonded at the points of penetration.

For the compartment wiring and cabling, the requirements of Clause C11.12 are to be applied.

C.12 Cables, Waveguide and Conduit

C.12.1 General

A guide to the selection of cables is given in Def Stan 02-512.

Certain cables require special attention to installation. In all cases the requirements of this Section are to be
observed, in particular the following:

a) Cable screens and the ship’s structure are not to be used for the return of power or signal currents.

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b) Pigtails are not to be used for bonding connections of cable screens or conduits.

As a minimum requirement all cables external to the ship’s hull or superstructure are to be overall screened.

All cable screens are to be peripherally bonded at both ends. (For sonar equipment, see Clause C.15).

All screened cables, waveguides, conduits and trunking penetrating the ship’s hull or superstructure or
entering external equipment and systems are to be peripherally bonded at the points of penetration. Where
external conduit and trunking penetrates the hull, equipment or system, the screens of enclosed cables are
to be peripherally bonded at the point of leaving the conduit of trunking.

Where circuit matching is important the use of junction boxes is not approved. However, where matching is
unimportant junction boxes associated with screened cables are to comply with the following requirements:

a) The junction box is to be of solid metal construction giving good screening effectiveness.

b) The lid is to be an integral part of the box to preserve screening integrity.

c) The box is to be capable of bonding direct to the ship’s structure.

d) Cable screens are to be peripherally bonded at the point of penetration.

C.12.2 Power Cables and Cables Used Only for Non RF Purposes

Wherever possible, these are to be run as twisted quads, triples or pairs. Where impracticable, individual
cables may be run but only if the go and return paths are run as close as possible to each other.

C.12.3 Pulse, Sync and Video Cables

These are to be metallically screened throughout their length. Provision is to be made for the continuity of
the screen through any junction boxes by peripherally bonding the screens at the point of penetration. All
cables carrying pulses with a peak value exceeding 100W are to be spaced at least 300mm from all other
cables. Screened coaxial (‘triaxial’) cables are not to be used for sync and video circuits carrying pulses in
the intermediate voltage range up to 30V, since normal coaxial cables are adequate in this region. Where
additional screening is required, either for sensitive or high power circuits, then solid metal overall screens
are to be used. When flexibility is of paramount importance, consultation with the appropriate authorities is

C.12.4 Antenna Feeders

All antenna feeders in ships and submarines are to conform to the following minimum requirements. For
additional requirements in submarines, see Clause C.14.

a) The following applies to all feeders:

i) Feeders are to be of the shortest possible length.

ii) Feeders are to be metallically screened throughout their length.

iii) Feeders are to be spaced at least 75 mm from any fluorescent tube.

b) For all feeders, except those in iv) below:

i) Receiver feeders may be grouped together but are to be separated by at least 50 mm from all
other cables.

ii) Transmitter feeders may be grouped together but are to be separated by at least 100 mm from
all other cables.

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iii) Transceiver feeders must not be grouped together and are to be separated by at least 100 mm
from each other and all other cables.

iv) Solid-metallic-sheathed coaxial feeders form a special case. When used at frequencies above
30 MHz they need not be separated into receiver, transmitter and transceiver groups but may
be bunched together. However, they are to be separated by at least 50 mm from all other
cables. Otherwise they are to be treated as normal braided cables.

c) In cases of difficulty where the above spacing - measured between outer screens - cannot be obtained

i) Where cables cross at right angles the spacing may be reduced as necessary.

ii) Cables are to be run in solid-drawn or seam welded metal conduit, which is to be bonded to the
ship’s structure. Alternatively, metallic trunking may be used to provide the necessary isolation
between particular groups and between groups and all other cables. See Clause C.24 for
additional requirements in submarines.

C.12.5 All Cables Except Antenna Feeders

Where these are secured to a mast or funnel and are not enclosed thereby, they are to be run in solid-drawn
or seam welded metal conduit or trunking.

C.12.6 Damaged Screens

Care must be taken to avoid damaging the screens of cables. This can cause severe interference. Cables
with damaged screens are to be replaced for the whole of the run. Exceptionally, and only if matching and
transmission losses allow, an RF junction box may be utilized to eliminate the damaged part of the screen.
For solid-sheathed coaxial cables, splices are available and are described in Def Stan 21-51. Splices may
only be used where matching and transmission losses will allow.

C.12.7 Conduit

Where the use of conduit is specified the following requirements are to be applied:

a) Solid drawn or continuously welded metal pipe may be used as conduit. Except where otherwise
specified mild steel, copper or aluminium may be used.

b) Screwed joints in conduit are to be made with parallel threads, with a sleeve of the same material and a
length at least equal to the outside diameter of the conduit. Where jointing compound is used it is to be
electrically conducting.

c) Lock-nuts are to be fitted at each end of all connecting sleeves.

d) Joints in conduit may be peripherally welded as an alternative to screwed joints.

e) Bends in conduit are to be of sufficient radius to accommodate the minimum permissible bend radius of
enclosed cables.

f) To facilitate the reeving of cables, feed-in boxes may be used, but they are to be of a type which does
not prejudice the screening efficiency of the conduit.

g) For all-metal ships any conduit piercing the outer structure is to be peripherally bonded at the point of

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C.12.8 Special Functions

Cases occur where cables are employed to perform special functions, e.g. Radio Microphone and Receiver
Output. It is not practicable to give general rules to cover such individual cases. Requirements enabling
cables to perform such functions in an adequate manner will be detailed in the EMC-PS and/or the
Installation Specification for the relevant equipment.

C.13 Bonding

C.13.1 General

RF bonds cover all mechanical connections designed to provide a low impedance current path and includes
cable screen and conduit terminations as well as bonding stud to strap connections. To achieve a low
impedance connection good clean and mechanically tight metal to metal contact is essential. (For example
the use of ‘top hat’ connections bolted onto painted surfaces does not achieve this.)

C.13.2 Electronic Equipment

Each RF bonding connection to the ship’s structure or interference return current system is to be as short as

The ship’s hull bonding terminal is to consist of a bolt, at least 6mm in diameter, welded or bolted in any
convenient position, and is to be accessible for inspection and routine maintenance.

In the case of non-metallic ships, the interference return current system is to be connected to a sea-plate on
the exterior of the hull as detailed in the relevant Class Specification.

Generally, items may be bonded to the ship’s structure by connecting them together at a common bonding
terminal, but high power equipment such as transmitters and pulse generating cabinets are to be connected
independently to the ship’s structure or sea-plate to avoid RF coupling in a common length of bonding

A bonding strap of minimum dimensions 16mm wide and 1mm thick is to be used for lengths not exceeding
400mm. For lengths exceeding 400mm the width is to be increased so that the length does not exceed 25
times the width. This strap is to be as short as possible, consistent with any movement of an equipment that
is resiliently mounted as protection against shock and vibration.

Other shapes, such as rod, tube or laminations may be used, if practicable, provided they have equivalent
(or greater) cross-section and surface area. High width to thickness ratio is desirable in order to keep
inductance as low as possible. High conductivity materials are preferable (e.g. copper or aluminium).Braid is
not to be used.

The material from which the bonding strap is made is to be chosen in order to eliminate, as far as possible,
effects of corrosion, e.g.:

a) Where a bond is made to copper or brass screening, the bonding strap is to be made of tinned copper
(e.g. NSN 9535 99 571 1363 or similar).

b) Where the connection is made to the structure of an aluminium ship, then aluminium strip is to be used.

Whenever a connection is made to the ship’s structure, care is to be taken to ensure a good electrical
contact free of paint, rust, grease or other insulating deposits. Self-locking nuts are to be used to prevent
loosening under vibration.

Should it be necessary to join bonding straps, bolting or riveting is to be employed for aluminium strip. For
copper strip, folding and soft soldering is to be used.

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C.13.3 Resilient Mountings

Resiliently mounted equipment is to be bonded to the ship’s structure (or its interference return current
system in the case of a non-metallic hull) via the bonding terminal provided for this purpose on the
equipment. For all normal cases, bonding is not to be effected by connecting across the resilient mounting.

Exceptionally, where RADHAZ (see BR 2924) is a consideration, certain equipment, e.g. Antenna Tuning
Outfits, require additional bonding facilities. In these cases alone, it is permissible to strap across each
resilient mounting, including any used for top-steadying. Special connections are required, the requirements
for which will be described in relevant Equipment Installation Specifications.

C.13.4 Fittings Subject to Induced RF

All metal parts in the vicinity of radio antennas are to be bonded together to the ship’s superstructure to
minimise any locally induced voltages. The extent to which bonding and insulation are to be incorporated in
weatherdeck installations depends upon the strength of the emissions, RADHAZ criteria and the sensitivity of
the ship’s receivers. Measures to reduce RADHAZ and EMI are to be in accordance with BR 2924 and
Clauses C.26 and C.27 respectively.

Wire stays are to be fitted with rigging insulators, or, if this is not practicable, they are to be bonded to the
superstructure by means of metal bonding strap which meets the requirements of Clause C.12.

Secure metallic bonding is of great importance as any poor contact (e.g. due to looseness, rust, oxidation,
corrosion, paint, etc) may produce a non-linear junction in which unwanted frequencies may be generated
under the influence of strong electromagnetic radiation (this is known colloquially as the ‘rusty bolt effect’).
(See also Clause C.12.1).

C.13.5 Non-Metallic Hulls

Where current loops cannot be avoided it is essential to keep the area of these coupling loops to an absolute

C.14 Additional Requirements for Submarines

C.14.1 General

The requirements described in the preceding sections apply to all naval vessels. This Section, mainly with
VLF reception in mind, qualifies these general requirements to suit the more specialised demands for
protection in submarines.

C.14.2 Construction of Compartments

For some specific applications at VLF the RF screening properties of aluminium are inferior to those of steel.
Therefore aluminium or non-ferrous metals are not to be used for the construction of submarine Wireless

A Wireless Office is to be constructed in the form of an all-welded mild-steel ‘box’. The minimum thickness of
material necessary to afford the required protection is 2mm.

Doors are to be constructed using the same material as the office and, for a Type A compartment, must
maintain screen integrity as described in Clause C.11.2.

All ventilation trunking in or running through, a Wireless Office is to be constructed of mild-steel and comply
with the requirements for a Type A compartment.

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Where pipes or trunking, not serving a Type A compartment or Wireless Office, must pass through the
compartment or office then all sections are to be welded. If however, this is not practicable then they may be
bolted provided that:

a) The adjoining flanges make good electrical contact and are not less than 35mm in width, and

b) Bolt spacing in the flanges do not exceed 50mm.

C.14.3 Suppressors and Filters

The level of protection required in submarine equipment and systems necessitates highly effective
suppression and filtering at VLF, especially when the vessel is submerged. Reception can be seriously
impaired by interference emanating from 400Hz supplies and from ‘impulse’ interference picked up on the
power supply. Suppressors and filters are to be fitted to preserve a relatively interference free environment
inside a Wireless Office. Bulkhead penetrating suppressors and filters are to be mounted in screened
bulkhead boxes.

C.14.4 Main Supplies

Each source of supply, irrespective of its voltage, is to be fed through a Mains Suppressor of adequate rating
sited at the office boundary. Wiring is to be arranged so that there are no unsuppressed power supply cables
inside the Wireless Office. The capacitance between any line and case for a suppressor/filter circuit must not
exceed 0.1 µF.

WARNING — Suppression circuits normally possess high capacitance between line and case. It is
essential that the case of the suppressor be properly bonded to the ship’s structure for the
suppressor to be effective. It cannot be emphasised too strongly that badly fitted suppressors can be

C.14.5 Control Lines

All outgoing or incoming control cables are to pass through a feed-through filter penetrating the office

C.14.6 Audio-Frequency Lines

Where these lines are associated with communications systems, audio-frequency band-pass filters are to be
fitted, being sited, wherever space permits, on the office bulkhead.

C.14.7 Radio-frequency Cables

Where certain radio frequency circuits prohibit the use of filters they are to be run in ferrous conduit which is
to comply with Clause C.12.7.

All antenna feeders external to a screened compartment are to be enclosed in ferrous conduit, in accordance
with ClauseC.12.7, for their entire length. The conduit is to be peripherally bonded at the compartment
boundary and every bulkhead penetration, and bonded at every bracket or support.

A hull bonding stud of at least 6mm diameter is to be welded to the conduit adjacent to the bracket or
support, as well as to the bracket or support itself, or to an adjacent point on a bulkhead. Bonding with these
studs is to be as described in Clause C.12.

Where a cable enters the hull of a submarine through a pressure hull gland, any conduit is to be bonded to
the gland or hull insert. Alternatively, it may be bonded to a gland screening box attached to the gland or hull

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C.15 Additional Requirements for Sonar Equipment

C.15.1 Cabling

All cables connecting transducers to sonar signal processing cabinets are to consist of balanced twisted
pairs or quads. Several such cables can be contained within a single screen if cross-talk considerations

Other cables carrying analogue or digital signals between sonar cabinets, or systems, are to be balanced
twisted pairs.

Where possible all signal cables are to be run in conduit in accordance with Clause C.12.7.

More than one cable may be contained within a single conduit provided that the signals being carried are
compatible. For example, passive transducer cables can be grouped together, as can power cables.
However, active sonar transducer cables are not to share conduit used for other types of cables.

Transducer cables and other low level signal cables, even when contained in conduit, are to be positioned as
far away as practicable from power and synchro cables, because at low frequencies even the best conduit
does not provide adequate screening against external magnetic fields.

Where transducer cables are used which incorporate an overall screen, the screen is to be bonded at one
end only. The screens of other signal cables carrying analogue signals are also to be bonded at one end but
digital signal cable screens are to be bonded at both ends.

Where cable screens are bonded to the ship’s structure or cabin metal-work at one end only in accordance
with the previous clause, care is to be taken to ensure that a return current path is provided for each of the
signals within the same screen.

C.15.2 Conduit – Submarines (External Under Metal Casing)

Submarine sonar transducer cables installed outside the pressure hull but under a metal casing are to be
contained in a conduit or trunking screen which combines good EMC practice with adequate EMP hardening
and, in addition, provides mechanical protection. Generally, the following rules will apply:

a) With the following exceptions, conduit is to be installed in accordance with Clause C.12.7.

b) All cables are to be contained in seamless galvanised steel conduit, or continuously welded trunking of
equivalent thickness.

c) All cables are to be sited at least 1 metre from non-ferrous apertures in the casing.

d) Cables for highly sensitive passive systems which operate at frequencies below 400Hz are to be
contained in conduit (as specified in Clause C.15.2b above) which is bonded to the submarine’s
structure adjacent to the gland box at a single point only.

e) The single point bond specified in d) above is to be achieved by employing insulating bushes in
mounting clips and a single galvanised steel boning strap fitted between a stud welded to the conduit
and a similar stud welded to the gland box.

C.15.3 Conduit – Submarines (External Under GRP Casing)

For submarine sonar installations outside the pressure hull where a GRP casing is used:

a) The requirement of C15.2b applies.

b) The steel trunking or conduit is to be multi-point bonded using the method described in Clause 15.2e.
Similarly, bonding of the conduit to the hull adjacent to each mounting bracket is also required.

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C.15.4 Conduit – Submarines (Internal)

Submarine sonar cables installed inside the pressure hull may require screening to prevent unwanted
coupling of fields from adjacent electrical systems or cables. The screen is to consist of a conduit or trunk
constructed from a high permeability material, since the greatest attenuation is required against magnetic
fields in the frequency range 20 Hz to 100 kHz. The conduit or trunk is to be installed in accordance with the
requirements of Clause C.12.7, subject to the following:

a) Main cable runs are to be screened using electrically continuous lengths of solid seamless pipe, conduit
or trunking. Alternatively a pliable conduit with a screening effectiveness similar to that of rigid pipe may
be used if approved by the equipment procurement authority.

b) In certain cases where the use of any conduit is impossible, it may be necessary to leave at least 30cm
of unsheathed cable adjacent to the cabinets, but guidance is to be sought from the equipment
procuring authority.

c) For ultra-sensitive low frequency passive systems it is advantageous to use pliable conduit of high
screening effectiveness, covered by an insulating sheath and bonded at one end. The other end is to be
insulated using a non metallic threaded bush or similar adapter.

C.15.5 Conduit – Surface Ships

If it should be necessary to install sonar cables to an upper, exposed deck position on a surface ship, then
the cables are to be installed in conduit or trunking and bonded in accordance with Clause C.15.3. Unlike
the submarine case, the conduit will not be free flooding. Therefore, it may include short lengths of weather
resistant flexible metal conduit to allow connection to shock-mounted equipment.

Sonar transducer cables within the hull of a surface ship are to be installed in ferrous conduit, as described
in Clause C.15.4. Individual Weapon Installation Specifications may also require other sonar signal and
control cables to be installed in conduit or trunking.

C.16 Guide to the Application of Electromagnetic Engineering

C.16.1 EME Specifications

The standards and specifications listed in this clause are not exhaustive but are the main documents
relevant to the application of EME on naval platforms. Warship and Equipment Project Managers are to
specify any additional documents they consider necessary.

The relevant specifications, standards and publications are to be considered and specified as applicable for
the implementation of EME management. Where not specified as a mandatory requirement the documents
provide useful guidance information.

Where non-metallic materials are used for the construction of the whole or part of the platform the
publications in the Below Decks Design column marked are also to be considered.

C.16.2 EME Design Studies

The production of a Spectrum Utilisation Chart is covered in Clauses C.17.3 and C.18.17 and from this the
platform compatibility matrices can be developed.

Table 19 shows a compatibility matrix and also indicates some potential solutions to conflicts.

When conducting the upper deck design studies guidance is to be sought from the sponsor of this Defence
Standard (59-411) with regard to known and predicted EMI problems. Some examples of known EMI
problems are given in Clause C.34.

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The design and optimisation of the HF broadband and narrow band antenna systems may be verified on a
1/50th scale model. The sponsor of this Defence Standard is to be consulted or tasked to carry out this work.

The requirements of Def Stan 08-134 are to be met when producing the overall Upper Deck Configuration
and RADHAZ drawings.

Screening studies for compartments, cables and equipments are to cover the requirements of this standard,
Clause 16, Def Stan 08-107, and, for TEMPEST screening, Def Stan 08-50.

The grounding study is to cover the requirements of this standard, Clause 15, Def Stan 08-107, and, for
TEMPEST bonding, Def Stan 08-50.

When defining the installation policy reference is to be made to this standard, Clause 18, Def Stan 08-50,
Def Stan 08-160, Def Stan 21-50, Def Stan 21-51, Def Stan 21-53.

The electromagnetic environment safety assessment for personnel, fuel and ordnance is to refer to
Def Stan 59-114, BR 2924 or NRPB Vol. 15, No 2.

C.16.3 Acceptance Schedules

When compiling the trials schedules for EME aspects reference is to be made to Part 4 of this Standard, and
SSCI No 55/93, BR 4050. Advice is also to be sought from the sponsors of this Defence Standard.

C.17 Electromagnetic Environment Prediction

When attempting to predict the electromagnetic effects of installing an equipment on to a platform the design
team is to assess the effects of both the emission and susceptibility of the equipment.

When carrying out an EM prediction it is not just the standard emission and susceptibility that have to be
assessed. The impact of the total integration of all the equipment has to be assessed against the known
characteristics and background data of previous installations.

C.17.1 Existing Platform Predictions

When planning the update of existing equipment or system, or the installation of an additional equipment or
system to an established platform, the task of predicting the changes to the electromagnetic environment is
relatively simple.

Suitable locations for the equipment and any antennas can be measured to obtain the actual EM level. This
level can then be assessed or tried against the new equipment to determine susceptibility. The known or
predicted emission level of the new equipment can be evaluated for the proposed site(s) and the optimum
location achieved.

Similarly any modifications to the platform structure, relocation of antennas or changes to upper deck
equipment can be quickly evaluated for changes in the EM environment.

On completion of platform changes the EM environment is to be measured and interference checks carried
out to confirm the prediction changes to the EM environment. Any difference between the actual monitored
and predicted electromagnetic levels are to be investigated and if applicable used to update computer
modelling programs and scale modelling methods and calculations. The sponsor of this Defence Standard
can assist, if required, in computer modelling, scale modelling and measurement, and can advise Platform
Managers on the validity of contractor’s predictions.

C.17.2 New Platform Predictions

Prediction of the EM environment for a new platform involves a great deal of expertise and knowledge based
on previous platforms and system fits. The proposed platform equipment fit often includes systems or

DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2 UK OFFICIAL

equipment already operational within the fleet. The EM characteristics of these equipments are to be utilised
as a base line level, with adjustments as necessary for changes in location, or to the surrounding structure.

Where new equipment has been tested as a complete entity, the EM characteristics are to be obtained from
the manufacturer. Where equipment has yet to be designed and/or manufactured the electromagnetic
characteristics can only be a prediction. The design characteristics for intentional emissions are known but
the unwanted emissions at this stage are an unknown factor. A further unknown is the EMI susceptibility of
the untested equipment. The specification for any new equipment is to state the requirements for emissions
and susceptibility, the minimum requirement is to be in accordance with this standard, applicable to the
proposed location of the equipment.

When attempting to predict the EM environmental characteristics of an undeveloped equipment or future

platform there are many factors to be considered. These cover such areas as the EM environment level
presented in terms of peak and average power density and field strength that may be initially obtained from
similar existing platforms or systems. However, there are many other factors that influence system
performance. These include:

a) Antenna characteristics such as:

i) Aperture

ii) Polarization

iii) Beam Pattern

iv) Sidelobe Suppression

v) Scan Rate

b) Radiated emissions such as:

i) Frequency Agility

ii) Pulse Width

iii) Pulse Compression (chirp) Techniques

iv) Repetition Frequency

v) Rise and Decay Time

c) Arrangement and relative proximity of emitters and sensors

d) Total EM spectrum being utilised

The prediction of the EM characteristics of a platform is to be continuously reassessed during the design
stage. Any alteration to the location of equipment, change to superstructure or masts, change to the
equipment being fitted, or updated information on the EM characteristics of development equipment may
affect the ultimate electromagnetic environmental characteristic of the platform.

It is to be remembered that the initial electromagnetic environment assessment may need to be carried out
at least seven to ten years before the first platform is delivered. At this early stage the equipment fit could be
conceptual as the equipment ultimately fitted may also be in the development stage. The EMC characteristic
of equipment being developed specifically for the naval environment is assumed to be within the
requirements of this Standard, unless otherwise known or expected.

The assessment has to begin with an analysis of the platform’s tactical and operational objectives. Based on
the nature of the friendly assets, proposed operating scenario and projected hostile threats, a representative
EM environment range is to be developed. From this, for each type of engagement, a set of worst case and

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best case values may be derived to bound the electromagnetic environment in the platform design. These
projected boundaries improve as the equipment development and platform design proceed and as actual
measured data replaces predictions.

Further assessment then has to be carried out by adding into the calculations the combined onboard
transmitter and receiver operating bands, the designed radiated power level and component sensitivities, the
level of any spurious output, effects of the passive shipboard EM environment and susceptibility
characteristics of own ship sensors.

Particular care is to be taken while predicting the electromagnetic levels that affect equipment within a
platform. Where an equipment is to be located within a non-metallic structure, e.g. a GRP superstructure or
GRP vessel, or within the Bridge, Hangar, etc of a metal hulled ship, the ambient level on can be significantly
greater than for equipment installed within the screening effect of a metal hull, e.g. within the EM Citadel. An
assessment of the level of EM screening and the possible means of achieving it is to be considered.

C.17.3 Spectrum Utilisation

All emitters and receptors are to be listed with the intentional operating frequencies. The intermediate
frequencies of superheterodyne receivers are also to be plotted. Some conflicts, such as ESM equipment
are unavoidable.

Figure 110 shows a simplified outline spectrum utilisation chart showing the typical operating bands for
naval equipments.

When producing a spectrum utilisation chart for a weapon fit evaluation the specific spot frequencies are to
be used.

Where a duplication of frequency usage is evident the relative signal levels have to be assessed along with
the projected coupling path attenuation between the relevant equipments. Equipments may be able to co-
exist where the source signal coupled into the victim is acceptable. Resiting to increase coupling path
attenuation may resolve some problems.

The criterion for frequency selection is not only the obvious requirement of the fundamental frequencies not
clashing, but a complex study of harmonics, intermodulation products, intermediate frequencies and receiver
frequencies. This is to ensure that ‘out of band’ mutual interference is not caused, for example, between the
harmonics of an HF transmitter and the intermediate frequency of a radar receiver.

The actual frequencies of harmonics and intermodulation products may be determined from the transmitted
frequencies. Careful strategy and selection of the transmitting frequencies selected for operational use on
the platform can move the problem away from the required signals.

Some systems, for example weapon tracking and guidance radars, have a selection of operating frequencies
to allow for multiple equipment fits on a single platform. Where possible the operating frequencies chosen
are to consider the total platform spectrum and not just that of the equipment concerned.

A spectrum utilisation chart detailing the final equipment coverage is to be provided to the ship’s staff for use
as a spectrum management and planning aid.

DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2 UK OFFICIAL

Figure 110 Spectrum Utilization Chart

C.17.4 Bandwidth Requirements

Where a conflict is identified on the spectrum utilisation chart, problems may be averted by limiting the
bandwidth of one or more systems to resolve the conflict and resultant mutual interference.

C.17.5 RF Power Requirements

If it is not possible to avoid conflicts by use of spectrum management, it may be possible to limit the mutual
interference by RF power management. Reduction in RF power output requirements of the equipment may
avoid problems.

C.17.6 EM Environment Definition Guidance

There are several avenues available to aid in the determination of the projected EM environment, these

a) Laboratory simulation of the anticipated environment through modelling and testing

b) Anechoic chamber measurements, where models are subjected to testing in carefully controlled and
shielded electromagnetic environments simulating the anticipated platform environment

c) Full scale measurements where the equipment and systems are tested in a full scale representation
(mock-up) of the anticipated platform environment.

The advantage of using models and simulation technology is the relative ease in which the models can be
updated and reused during the progress of the platform design. The use of full scale systems can be costly
but offers significant advantages in determining performance and characteristics of equipment under real
conditions. It can, however, be carried out only where the systems are available as a complete entity.

When predicting the EM environment the following questions form a useful foundation. The questions have
been divided into three groups, operational, physical and electromagnetic.

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C.17.7 Operational Questions

The operational requirements of the equipment or system have to be established along with any
interdependencies with other equipment or systems.

a) What is the system intended to do?

b) To what extent can malfunction affect mission success?

c) To what extent can malfunction affect personnel safety?

d) Are there any critical sequences of operation involved with this equipment?

e) Is the system critical to a specific mission or operation, and if so, what?

f) Is it tactical, strategic or target dependent?

g) Is it mobile, transportable or fixed plant?

h) Are any inherent, definable problems anticipated?

C.17.8 Physical Questions

The requirements of the physical location of the system, equipment and subsystems need to be established.

a) Does it stand alone, or is it part of a larger system?

b) With what system does the equipment interface?

c) What other equipment is in the same system?

d) Where will the system be used?

e) In what type of location is the equipment to be installed?

f) Does the equipment require to be installed in a special compartment, e.g. Type A?

g) What other equipment/systems are in the same location?

h) What is the structural environment of the proposed location on the platform?

i) Are space availability problems anticipated?

j) Are any special co-site problems anticipated?

k) Are there any location, size or weight constraints?

l) Are there any constraints on the length of interlinks between subsystems or equipment?

m) Are there any special remote control requirements?

n) Are there special location requirements for the protection of secure data, e.g. TEMPEST requirements?

C.17.9 Electromagnetic Questions

The electromagnetic characteristics of the system, equipment and subsystems have to be established.

a) What are the spectrum management constraints and requirements?

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b) If antennas are fitted, what special characteristics are required?

c) Is the system required to operate continuously or intermittently?

d) What are the output power requirements?

e) What is the sensitivity requirement for receiving equipment?

f) What types of waveform are involved?

g) What are the signal inputs and outputs?

h) What is the range of frequency and power?

i) What are the frequency and power accuracy requirements?

j) Is signal processing equipment required?

k) What modulation system is to be used?

l) Does the equipment use analogue or digital operation, or both?

m) What sensitivity and resolution are required?

n) What are the operating range (distance) requirements?

o) Is the system active or passive, i.e. does it transmit, receive or both?

p) What are the inherent shielding characteristics of the installation?

q) Is the system or equipment to be exposed to enemy electronic counter measures?

r) What are the minimum threshold responses, both amplitude and duration?

These questions do not necessarily cover all possibilities, and many will not apply to all systems or

C.18 Electromagnetic Environment Control Techniques

There are many methods available to the platform designer of controlling the effects of the electromagnetic
environment on a given platform. An outline of some techniques available is listed in this section.
Amplification of certain techniques is included in later clauses.

Table 19 gives an outline matrix of electromagnetic sources and victims. It also indicates, in simplified
format, some of the possible solutions available to the platform and equipment designers when considering
these configurations.

Further EME ‘Tools’ are listed in this clause. No precedence is given to the options or methods.

C.18.1 Antenna Separation

The requirements for antenna separation are covered in detail in Clause C.22.

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C.18.2 Blanking

Some conflicts always occur between high power transmitters and sensitive receivers. Where separation,
either frequency or physical, is not possible, it may be necessary to use a system of blanking to protect
receivers from local high power signals.

Blanking is achieved by blocking the reception of high power energy by use of switching circuitry
synchronised with the energy source, for example the blanking of electronic warfare equipment during
transmission of own ship’s radars.

Blanking signals are normally applied to the whole receiver, or in some ESM equipment to a specific band or
bands. Such blanking signals from several unsynchronized radars cause an unacceptably large proportion of
blanked to available time. High PRF radars, as used by CIWS, or communications systems may effectively
cause a total loss of ESM capability within the affected band.

C.18.3 Bonding

The application of bonding to EME engineering is to provide a low resistance path for interference,
particularly RF, to earth (via the sea). This is particularly important on the upper deck where equipment and
cabling is exposed to high field strengths. Correct bonding will prevent RF from entering the equipment or
the EM Citadel.

All cable screens, waveguides, conduits and trunks are to be peripherally bonded where they enter the EM
Citadel. (Clause 13 refers).

The point of entry to the EM Citadel for the purpose of peripheral bonding is to be specified as the point
where the cables enter the full screening provided by the metal hull or, where applicable, the shielding effect
of specially treated FRP. Upper deck structures made of non-metallic materials and the Bridge and Hangar
of metal ships are effectively still the upper deck when considering EME requirements. All cables passing
through or terminating in these areas are to be screened cable and peripherally bonded where they enter the
shielded structure of the platform, i.e. the EM Citadel.

A further application of bonding on the upper deck is the reduction of intermodulation products. These are
typically caused by the non-linear junctions associated with the contact of dissimilar metals such as
aluminium ladders and the steel deck. Clauses C.26 and C.27 detail the requirements of this form of
environmental control on the upper deck.

C.18.4 Collocation Interference Cancelling Equipment (COLICE)

COLICE uses the concept of adaptive interference cancelling, using phase corrected feedback. Existing
CESM equipment uses notch filters to prevent saturation from own ship’s transmissions, however, with the
introduction of frequency agile transmitters for communications; the use of manually tuned filters is not a
practical solution. COLICE offers an active system of interference suppression without degradation of the
CESM sensitivity.

Any receiving equipment implementing COLICE requires a cancellation signal for each unwanted own ship
signal present on each receiving antenna. For example, a direction finding system with six receiving
elements requires six cancellation signals for each of the ship’s transmitted frequencies, therefore a platform
operating twelve transmitters, on single frequencies, requires 72 cancellation signals to the DF system. A
platform with multiple receivers requiring COLICE protection and multiple frequency agile transmitters
requires a complex computer controlled system to provide effective interference cancelling.

C.18.5 Command Control

In some cases it may be impossible to prevent the unwanted interaction and interference between
equipment that is located either on a single platform or when operating in company with friendly forces.
Under these circumstances the only option may be to initiate a command control on which systems are to

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have priority in a particular spectrum. Those with a lower priority will have to either suffer degradation or be
shut down.

C.18.6 Decoupling

Decoupling is achieved by decreasing the energy level transferred between source and victim.

By ensuring sufficient physical separation between emitters and receptors the coupling effect can be
reduced to an acceptable level.

Decoupling can also be achieved by radiation path blockage, or physical screening, between the emitter and
the sensor. This blockage can be the platform structure, the mast or added structure such as radar fences.

When using radiation path blockage care is to be taken to ensure a multi-path reflection does not bypass and
negate the blockage. See also Clause C.18.12.

C.18.7 Equipment Design

Certain design parameters, particularly those associated with the protection of equipment from electronic
countermeasures, will make equipment less susceptible to EMI. The application of these techniques to
systems can assist in the control of mutual interference. Clause C.32 lists countermeasure techniques and
the benefits of their use.

C.18.8 Equipment Location

Prudent location of the electromagnetic systems on the platform is to be undertaken to identify the optimum
positioning of antennas and sensors, particularly the upper deck area, to minimise the effects of radiation
pattern blockage, RF energy reflection and re-radiation, and to reduce radiation hazards to personnel, fuel
and ordnance. Advice should be sought from the sponsor of this Defence Standard.

C.18.9 Equipment Selection

Careful choice of equipment to be fitted on a platform may reduce EM conflicts. (Clause C.18.)

C.18.10 Filtering

To overcome the problems of blanking it may be possible to use a narrow band filter to protect a receiver
from the frequencies of the on platform transmitters. This is achieved by allowing only the wanted energy to
pass through into an equipment or area and simultaneously prevent any unwanted energy coupling into an
equipment or area. Use of a high ‘Q’, narrow band filter allows as much as possible of the remainder of the
band to be monitored without saturation of the receiver.

The problem of using filters is that unless they are able to be switched, as required, they permanently block
out any hostile signals at the filter frequency, and within the bandwidth of the filter. Filters are also impractical
for use with frequency agile transmitting equipment, unless the filters are themselves agile and interlocked to
the transmissions.

Filtering may also be used to attenuate out of band signals from entering equipment via the antenna. It is to
be noted that any filter, as well as attenuating unwanted signals, has an insertion loss at the wanted
frequency that has to be considered.

A further use of filters is to reduce or prevent conducted emissions on power lines. This could be sensitive
data in TEMPEST equipment or the unwanted side effects of switch mode power supplies. Where power
supplies are concerned there is a limitation on the number and type of filters that may be fitted. This is
because the capacitance to ground has to be limited to ensure safety of personnel.

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C.18.11 Power Reduction

A reduction in transmitter output power, particularly HF communications, can reduce the effects of harmonics
and intermodulation product interference. See Clause C.33.4.

Operating emitters at a lower power level will also lessen the problems of sensitivity degradation of ECM
sensor performance.

HF communication transmitted power reduction can be enhanced by the use of upper atmosphere sounding
equipment to predict the optimum operating frequencies.

C.18.12 Radar Absorbent Materials

The use of radar absorbent materials (RAM) is to be considered for the reduction of energy scattering from
metallic surfaces. Various materials have been developed and advice should be sought from the sponsor of
this Defence Standard. See also Def Stan 07-266 and Def Stan 08-127.

C.18.13 Radiation Blockage

Radiation blockage is normally an undesirable effect that degrades the polar diagrams of omnidirectional
antenna systems or reduces the operating arcs of directional antenna systems. This blockage can be put to
effective use by intentionally locating systems so that direct coupling between them is prevented by the
platform’s structure.

C.18.14 Reduction of Energy Scattering Surfaces

Energy scattering from metallic surfaces causes multi-path coupling between antennas. Careful design and
the shape of the upper deck structure can reduce coupling by reflecting electromagnetic energy away from
other antennas or structure. This design and shaping will also reduce the radar cross section of the platform.

The use of non-metallic materials on the upper deck is also to be considered to reduce the number of energy
scattering obstacles. The reduction of metallic materials can also reduce re-radiation and burn hazards for
RADHAZ control. This construction method is to be used with care as any equipment within the non-metallic
structure may be then outside the EM Citadel and therefore become exposed to the ‘upper deck’
electromagnetic level. Also, any metallic equipment within the non-metallic structure can itself become an
energy scattering obstacle or RADHAZ burn source. The energy scattering from such equipment may
additionally increase the RCS of the platform.

C.18.15 Shielding

Shielding is to be used for the prevention of radiated interference energy emanations and the reduction of
radiated interference susceptibility. This can be applied to individual equipment, compartments within the
platform or the entire platform.

All cables on the upper deck, or upper deck designated compartments, are to be shielded by screening or
conduit. To prevent the introduction of NEMP into platforms, it is a requirement of Def Stan 02-529 and
Def Stan 08-108 to provide full shielding and bonding of all upper deck equipment and cabling. This requires
that cabling on the upper deck is kept to a minimum and all cables that have to be run external to the hull are
to be screened and peripherally bonded at the point of entry to the EM Citadel or installed in conduit, which
in turn is bonded at the same point.

The requirements of NEMP protection have the added bonus of improving the EM protection of internal
equipment. Where the requirements of Def Stan 02-529 and Def Stan 08-108 are not called for in the
platform STR it is essential that all upper deck cabling is either screened or run in conduit for EMC
protection. All such cables are to be peripherally bonded at the point of entry to the EM Citadel to prevent
coupling of high power electromagnetic fields into the platforms main cable runs, and thus into internal

DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2 UK OFFICIAL

Shielding is to be provided for equipment and cabling inside structures made from FRP. These areas are to
be treated as upper deck locations unless the FRP incorporates an adequate level of shielding.

C.18.16 Software Control

Where spectrum conflicts are known to occur it may be possible on certain equipments to program the
receiver to ignore the known frequency and signal parameters. This method of control should be used with
caution to prevent the disregarding of a hostile threat that has EM parameters the same as friendly forces.

C.18.17 Spectrum Management

Spectrum management is the controlled selection and allocation of operating frequencies to minimise mutual

Some equipment, such as CESM receivers, will always have a spectrum conflict with the platforms operating
frequencies. These conflicts can be controlled by command control of the emitters or the use of interference
cancelling techniques see Clause C.18.4 also Table 19.

C.18.18 Suppression

A form of suppression is the control of one equipment by another. One application of this method of
interference control is where a platform's IFF Transponder is suppressed during the transmission of the
interrogation signal. This prevents the mutual interference between a platforms own transponder and

C.18.19 Synchronisation

Synchronisation of pulsed transmitters is to be used to significantly reduce the ‘blanked’ time of receivers.

Synchronisation of multiple pulsed transmitters, such as CIWS systems, is to be used to reduce MI between
the equipments.

Key to TABLE 19


1 Equipment operate in the same frequency band A Spectrum Management

2 Harmonic Frequency Relationship B Blanking
3 Intermodulation Interference C Filters
4 Transmitters may operate at receiver If D Additional Shielding
5 High power coupling of 'out of band' signal E Antenna Separation
6 Structural Reflections F Synchronised Transmissions
7 Re-radiation G RAM or radiation blockage
H Use of antenna multicouplers
J Suppression
K Command control
M Software filtering
N Bonding
P Power Management
Q Interference cancelling

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Table 19Potential EMI Problems and Solutions

SOURCE (Emitter)

Communications Radar EWW Navids





I Band
VICTIM (Receptor)







Satellite (UHF) 1A

Satellite (SHF) 5CE 1KM

Navigation 5D 1F,6G 1KM

Surveillance 4A 5F,6G 5F 5F 5F 1KM


Weapon Control 4A 1F 5F 5F,6G 6G 5F 1KM

CIWS A4 1F 5F 6G 1,5F 5F 1KM


Secondary 5F 5F 1J


3N Q Q

RESM 5DN 1BCG 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B

Active Jammer 1ACE 1KM 1KM 1KM 1KM 1KM


LF/ MF / HF 1A


Satellite (Transit)

I Band 1A 1A

Satellite (GPS)




Internal Comms 5DEP 5DEP 5C

Wind Speed & 5AP


DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2 UK OFFICIAL

C.19 Equipment Selection

Within the constraints of the staff requirement for the platform careful selection of the electronic equipment,
to fulfil that requirement, will facilitate the reduction of mutual interference.

The electromagnetic characteristic both for emission and susceptibility of the equipment or system being
considered for installation on the platform is to be assessed against all other equipment and systems. This
will enable any conflicts to be identified at an early stage and the required action taken.

C.19.1 Spectrum Requirements

One of the first areas to be studied is the spectrum utilisation chart for the platform. The proposed spectrum
requirements for the equipment under consideration are to be applied to a chart to highlight initial problem
areas. See Clause C.18.17.

C.19.2 Antenna Requirements

The major problem for upper deck design for EME considerations is the large number of antennas that a
modern warship requires. Most systems call for the prime position, i.e. 360° hemispherical coverage at the
maximum height available. As it is not possible for every antenna to be at the top of the mast some form of
compromise based on priority has to be agreed for the systems.

To gain maximum advantage of the available antenna sites any systems that share antennas, or the antenna
site, are advantageous when designing the upper deck and masts. Two options are available to the system
designer, a common antenna and multi-function antennas.

Where it is not possible to site a large or heavy antenna to give uninterrupted 360° coverage it may be
necessary to install two antennas with an automatic switching system. Antennas such as weapon directors
or satellite communications fall into this category. The requirement for full coverage for the IFF system may
require the provision of two antennas.

C.19.3 Common Antenna Working

Common antenna working is frequently used for communications systems where a large number of
individual transmitters and/or receivers share a single antenna. Interconnection is achieved by use of
switches, multicouplers, combiners or splitters. Although offering an advantage to the overall ship design,
any form of common antenna working has power loss penalties that have to be considered.

C.19.4 Multi function Antennas

Multi-function antennas are more common on radar systems where antennas for two systems share an
antenna mounting. Examples of such systems are air search radars that have the IFF interrogator antenna
as part of the array, and a missile control director that incorporates the tracking antennas and the missile
command link antennas.

C.19.5 Comparable Systems

When selecting equipment for installation on a platform all similar systems are to be examined to address
the compatibility problems. It is possible that a similar system meets the operational requirements but avoids
MI problems with another equipment or system by operating at a different frequency.

C.19.6 Compatibility with other Systems

A major consideration when selecting any system for installation on board a naval platform is the
compatibility with all other systems also being considered for installation. When evaluating compatibility the
consequence of possible interference on the operational efficiency is to be addressed. Equipment designed

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for use in the environment of a naval platform is to have built-in immunity against EMI and, where required

C.19.7 Immunity against EMI

Equipment specified for use on naval platforms is to be designed to operate in the electromagnetic
environment as specified. The design of the equipment is to include hardening against the effects of radiated
and conducted emissions from other equipment. Equipment is also to be designed such that its own
generated interference is within the limits for conducted and radiated emissions. Details of the appropriate
levels are contained in Part 3 of this Standard.

An item of equipment tested to, and meeting the requirements of, Part 3 of this Standard may in fact fail
when installed on a naval platform. This failure may be a result of the incomplete test requirements specified.
For example, a communications receiver is normally tested in isolation from its associated antenna system,
with the antenna connection being blanked off with a dummy load. The receiver in this condition may fully
meet the test levels for its intended location; however, once the receiver is installed on to a surface platform
it will be connected to an antenna that is located in a hostile electromagnetic environment with high field
strengths across the whole spectrum.

In order to ensure that all equipment that normally has antennas or external sensors connected is suitable
for use on naval platforms it is to be additionally tested as a complete system with antennas/sensors
connected. The antenna/sensor is then to be subjected to the field strengths expected across the whole
spectrum with the exception of the tuned bandwidth of the receiver.

The equipment is to be connected to its antenna(s) in all possible configurations that may be used on a
platform, e.g. for a communications receiver this includes direct connection to suitable antennas, connection
via multicouplers or connection via common antenna working distribution networks.

C.19.8 Immunity to ECM

A platform design team can regulate the electromagnetic environment on their own platform, however, they
are unable to control any external influences. This external influence can be from friendly or hostile units.

ECM type interference from friendly units can be predicted from the known parameters of the equipment fits
of other RN platforms and those of friendly forces that may be operating in close company. If necessary,
trials can be conducted to monitor this form of interference and equipment design or modification carried out
to control the interference. In certain conditions task force operational control of emitters may be required to
reduce inter-platform interference.

Interference from hostile units will commonly take the form of electronic counter measures or jamming. The
platform design team is to take into account the potential hostile threat, both ECM and missile, when
selecting the platform equipment fit. Equipment has to be specially designed to combat ECM; some methods
available to the designer are shown in Clause C.32.

In general, equipment that has been designed to combat ECM is also less susceptible to degradation caused
by EMC.

C.19.9 Integration with other Equipment

Very little electronic equipment is installed on a modern warship as a ‘stand alone system’. Most equipment
forms part of a larger integrated system. It is important therefore to ensure that selected equipment offers the
ability to interface with the platform’s other systems.

As equipment is normally installed on more than one platform type it is important that the interfaces are
either multi-function or interchangeable. For example, if an equipment requires log and compass inputs it is
to be capable of accepting the variety of synchro, resolver, stepper and pulsed inputs that may be applicable
across a range of platforms.

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C.19.10 Location Constraints

Equipment that imposes constraints on the installation siting is to be carefully assessed during the selection
process. For example, equipment that has a severe limit on the feeder length between the antenna and
either the transmitter or the receiver constrains installation of the equipment to the superstructure or mast.
This limitation on siting of the equipment can cause design problems for the platform.

C.19.11 Known EME Problems

Certain equipments have design characteristics that are known to cause problems when installed and/or
operated on naval platforms. Unless it is essential to use these equipments, for example where no
alternative is available, these equipments are not to be selected for use on naval platforms. Known problems
and undesirable design characteristics are outlined in Clause C.34.

C.20 Platform Upper Deck Design Considerations

When considering the design of a naval surface ship there is a great many factors to be taken into account.
The major influences are the role of the platform, its proposed size and weapon fit. The electromagnetic
requirements of the proposed installations need to be balanced along with all other requirements.

C.20.1 Platform Operational Scenarios

With a new platform design the SR (Sea) may specify several operational scenarios for the platform. These
operational scenarios are to be used to evaluate which systems have priority over other systems in order to
allocate the prime antenna locations to the best advantage. This in turn may lead to the location and design
requirement of the superstructure and masts being reconsidered to accommodate the prime equipments.

C.20.2 Overall Design Constraints

Design of a new platform follows a similar path regardless of the ultimate operational role and the requisite
combat system to meet that role. The size of a platform has some bearing as a large platform has some
flexibility in locating major components whereas in a smaller platform every available space is significant.

The prime position within the hull generally goes to the propulsion machinery. This is because the power
sources are heavy and have to be sited in line with the propeller shafts, consequently they are generally low
down in the midships region. The exhaust gases are then vented by means of a funnel also placed

This midships positioning of the funnel then partly determines the position of the ships masts. Further
complications then arise with the requirements for a Flight Deck and Hangar, generally aft, and a gun
mounting and/or weapon launcher forward. The locations then available for the platform’s combat system
antennas are severely restricted. This inevitably compromises the operational capability of the platform
through restricted operating arcs and mutual interference between antennas that are sited too close

Further complications arise where the radar cross sectional area of the platform is being considered. To
minimise the radar signature the superstructure of the platform is to be reduced as much as possible, made
integral with the hull and as ‘clean’ as practicable.

C.20.3 Material Considerations

To reduce the effects of EMI the design and materials used for the superstructure, masts and funnels have
to be considered.

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C.20.4 Use of Non-metallic Materials to Reduce Energy Scattering

With the number of systems emitting high levels of RF energy within the close confines of a naval platform
upper deck the problems of energy scattering are inevitable. Ideally all emitters would have an uninterrupted
radiation path over their intended operational sphere. However, this is not possible and any reduction in the
metallic materials in close proximity to emitters will assist the designer.

Areas to be considered for the utilisation of non-metallic materials are the fitting of man-made fibres for
stays, guy ropes and rigging ropes, and the construction of rigging blocks, gaffs and possibly safety rails on
the masts, yardarms and weapon platforms from glass or fibre reinforced plastics.

Upper deck structures, typical lockers and stowages, are also candidates for non-metallic materials. These
include such items as flag and washdeck lockers, hawser reels, fender stowages, stanchions for guardrails,
petrol stowages and ventilation trunks.

Care is to be taken when considering the use of non-metallic superstructure to provide a housing that will
contain metal components. As stated in Clause C.18.4 any metallic equipment within the non-metallic
structure will itself become an energy scattering surface as well as being more susceptible to EMI. The use
of SRAM, see Clause C.20.7, for the construction of the structure may alleviate this problem.

The use of non-metallic materials can increase the RADHAZ problems as the screening effect against the
RF field strengths is reduced. This can apply to personnel as well as fuel and ordnance stowages on the
upper deck.

C.20.5 Use of RAM to Reduce Multi-Path Reflections

Where multi-path reflections from radar equipments are caused by metal structure that cannot be removed,
or replaced by non-metallic materials, radar absorbent materials may be used. This is applicable to such
areas as the mast or superstructure close to radar emitters.

The requirements for the application of radar absorbent material on naval surface platforms are specified in
Def Stan 08-127.

C.20.6 Use of Structure as EM Shield

Where the required separation distance can not be achieved between two antennas it may be possible to
make use of the platform’s structure to accomplish the required electrical separation. This may be applied by
the positioning of UHF antennas on opposite yardarms such that the mast provides a physical block, or the
positioning of similar radar systems with the superstructure between the antennas.

Care is to be taken when using this method of achieving separation as the structural block also degrades the
polar diagram of the antenna and thus the ultimate performance of the system.

C.20.7 Use of Structural Radar Absorbent Materials (SRAM)

SRAM materials have been developed that will overcome the problems of using conventional non-metallic
materials for upper deck structures. SRAM provides significant improvements in electrical performance
compared with surface coatings added externally to existing structure. This is achieved without incurring the
weight penalty associated with the latter. Also, being based on FRP, they have a proven record of reliability
and maintainability in the marine environment. Information and advice on the use of SRAM may be obtained
from the sponsor of this Defence Standard.

C.20.8 Upper Deck

The final design of the upper deck areas for a surface platform involves a complex integration of
requirements. Clear areas of deck need to be defined for activities such as the firing of guns, launching of
missiles, operation of helicopters or aircraft, replenishment at sea and the reloading and maintenance of

DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2 UK OFFICIAL

weapon systems. Unobstructed views are required for navigation safety, the operation of visual sights and
electronic sensors and directors.

The structural design of the upper deck may need to be changed once the full implications of the equipment
fit is known, further changes may also be required as a result of either computer or scale modelling.

C.20.9 Superstructure

During the evolution of the platform design the superstructure may change shape to accommodate the final
weapon systems selected. The requirements that may alter the design of the superstructure can be
categorised into three groups: operational areas, containment areas and support platforms.

C.20.10 Operational Areas

Operational areas such as the Bridge and visual signalling areas require to be specifically located. Other
regions including the flight deck and areas to manually operate guns, winches, davits and to launch off
platform systems have to be established.

C.20.11 Containment Areas

Areas are required for the location of systems, particularly equipment that has length restrictions on the
interconnection to its antennas. Other areas are required for fixed weapon launchers, such as vertical
launched anti-aircraft missiles, hangars and ready use stowages for weapon reloads.

C.20.12 Support Platforms

Areas are required for the mounting of weapon systems, directors and large antennas. These can possibly
be adapted from structures already planned for other uses or additional platforms may have to be specifically

C.20.13 Masts

The primary design criterion for the masts of a modern naval platform is the location of antennas to provide
the optimum operational capability. Antennas operating on a line-of-sight criterion, e.g. radar and V/UHF
communications require maximum height to give maximum range. A further major design requirement is the
suitability of the mast itself to be an integral part of a broadband communications antenna.

Secondary functions of the masts are to provide facilities for visual signalling and navigation lights.

C.20.14 Design Considerations for Masts

The design of any mast is to be determined from the requirements of a number of complex interdependent
factors. The design requirements outlined below are the primary areas of concern to the EME Manager.

The height, weight and number of masts and antennas will have a significant effect on the ship’s stability, as
well as on the structural loading of the masts themselves. Careful consideration of these aspects will be
required, in conjunction with the naval architects.

C.20.15 Number of Masts

The number of masts required by a platform will be dependent on the number of antennas that are required
to support the weapons equipment fit. On platforms of frigate size or above it is normal that two masts will be
required to allow the installation of the requisite antennas and also to provide the necessary separation
between systems.

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C.20.16 Position of Masts

The relative positioning of masts will determine the separation available between antennas sited on each
mast; this is particularly important for separation between transmitting and receiving antennas. With the
increasing number of systems required for operational use this separation is of great value to the antenna rig

C.20.17 Height of Mast

The height of the mast(s), and position of adjacent equipment, determines the line-of-sight range of both
radars and communications. The height also affects the suitability of the mast to be used as an integral part
of the HF broadband antennas.

The overall height of the mast is to be within the specified airdraft for the platform.

C.20.18 Structure of the Mast

The actual shape and structure of the mast is to be determined by a number of factors. These include the
number of antennas to be supported, the number of yardarms required and the weight of the antennas. Also
to be considered are the requirements for navigation and signalling lights, this includes height and separation
of the individual lights.

The mast may be required to provide suitable compartments to house electronic equipment such as head
amplifiers and receivers for ESM equipment or the reception and transmission equipment for ECM systems.
Additional shielding may be required for equipments sited within the mast, particularly if the mast is
constructed from non-metallic materials.

The mast may also be utilised to provide a support for the trunking of the hot exhaust efflux from the
machinery spaces. This can further complicate the design parameters for the antenna rig designer as the
requirements for infra-red shields may obstruct the broadband antennas and restrict the polar diagrams of
antennas sited in the vicinity. A further complication is the hot exhaust efflux can contaminate antenna
insulators and even damage the antennas and rigging.

C.20.19 Siting Considerations for Antennas

a) Access for installation, monitoring and maintenance

b) Alignment requirements

c) Clearance from structures, fittings and proximity to ship’s side

d) Design heights of masts, yards, spurs, gaffs and staffs

e) Effect of the environmental conditions, e.g. salt spray, funnel and missile efflux

f) Effect of the platform motion on directional antennas, e.g. intermittent wooding

g) Effect on the environment (radiation hazards to personnel, weapons and fuel)

h) Electromagnetic field strength expected in vicinity

i) Height above the deck or waterline or ground plane requirements

j) Helicopter landing requirements

k) Method of construction and materials used

l) Polar diagrams and blind arcs

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m) Power to be radiated from the particular antenna

n) Priorities and relative dependencies of use

o) Proximity of associated equipment (length of cable or waveguide)

p) Safety of personnel in the vicinity of moving parts

q) Sensitivity of equipment to be connected to a particular antenna

r) Separation from other antennas

s) Separation from excited structures

t) Separation from sensitive equipment e.g. magnetic compasses and moving coil meters

u) Susceptibility of equipment to be connected to a particular antenna

v) The shape of the ship and its structure

w) Weight and size of antennas, the centre of gravity and centre of wind pressure

Antenna separation is covered in more detail in Clause C.22; also the specific requirements for most of the
commonly installed antennas are detailed in Clause C.23.

Other electrotechnical equipment, although not antennas, also have similar requirements to those listed in
the clause above:

a) Infra-red equipment

b) Laser equipment

c) Camera

C.20.20 EME Considerations for Non-Electrotechnical Equipment

When considering the EM environment of the upper deck of a naval platform the location of every
component can have an effect on the resultant characteristics. These components can range from the
smallest nut and bolt causing intermodulation products to capstans and cranes giving multi-path reflections.

The EM considerations for visual signalling equipment, being usually installed in very close proximity to the
antennas, are covered in Clause C.24. The considerations for some of the multitude of miscellaneous upper
deck components are covered in Clause C.25.

C.21 Safety Requirements of Upper Deck Design

The overall design of a naval platform has to incorporate a number of safety features. Stringent regulations
are written to cover all safety aspects and therefore no attempt is made to cover all requirements in this Def
Stan. The following section is provided as a guide to the areas of safety that concern the EME Management
aspects of platform design. Reference is also to be made to Def Stan 21-8.

C.21.1 Access

All upper deck equipment requires safe access for the following activities.

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C.21.1.1 Installation

Although installation of upper deck equipment is normally carried out with the additional facilities of
shipyards, for example scaffolding, it may be a requirement for ship’s staff to install additional upper deck
equipment for trials purposes. This may include the fitting of additional antennas and feeders.

C.21.1.2 Maintenance

Access is always required for maintenance, both routine and defect. Walkways, hand and foot rails will be
required as well as guard rails on platforms. These are to be designed so that they do not impinge on
operational arcs or deteriorate polar diagrams. Where required certain facilities may be made portable.

C.21.1.3 Alignment

Part of the maintenance routines may include alignment of the upper deck systems. This routine will require
accurate datum marks to be available.

C.21.1.4 Operation

Many upper deck equipments require access for operational reasons. These include the aiming of manually
operated weapons, the reloading of weapons and launchers and the operation of winches and davits for the
launching of ship’s boats and off-ship systems. Clear safe areas are required for personnel to carry out these

C.21.1.5 Moving Structures

Moving structures such as turrets, launchers, directors and antennas are, where possible, to be located clear
of operational areas and access routes and they are to have suitable safety warnings.


The requirements for RADHAZ are detailed in BR 2924. The actual levels for personnel exposure are under
review and may be more stringent in the future. See also NRPB Vol. 15 No 2.

The RADHAZ regulations are to be applied for the requirements of personnel, fuel and ordnance.

C.21.2.1 Marking and Drawings

The requirements for the marking of RADHAZ areas and the production of the relevant drawings are
specified in Def Stan 08-134.

C.22 Antenna Separation Requirements

C.22.1 Siting of Antennas

The siting of antennas, particularly communications antennas, cannot be successfully accomplished without
adequate information on the equipment that is to be connected to those antennas.

The requirements for separation between antennas is not only the physical positioning criteria as stipulated
in the installation specifications for separation between antennas and distance from masts and structure, but
the signal path isolation between the equipments. This signal path isolation is to take into account both in-
band and out-of-band frequencies.

To determine the signal path isolation requirements between antennas the output power of all transmitters,
e.g. communications, radar and ECM, needs to be known together with details of which antennas are to be
transmission elements.

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The sensitivity and susceptibility of all receiver front ends are also required for both the wanted in-band
signals as well as the unwanted out-of-band signals. Additional effects of in-circuit multicouplers, filters and
blanking have to be considered within the calculations to produce the final separation requirement.

Particular care is to be taken when considering antennas used by broadband HF transmitting systems.
These antennas are integral with the supporting structure, e.g. the mast, and the whole assembly becomes
the active radiating element. Antennas mounted on yardarms are effectively mounted on a conductor which
in turn is connected to the active radiating element.

C.22.2 Separation Attenuation Calculations

When calculating the electrical isolation between equipments all factors in the signal path are to be
assessed. These include:

a) Feeder losses

b) Multicoupler and notch filter losses

c) Antenna gain

d) Coupling path(s)

e) Direct line-of-sight, through air

f) Indirect multi-path reflections through air

g) Indirect coupling by cables and structure

h) Antenna separation

The most critical path is the one that gives the least attenuation and will in most cases be the line-of-sight
coupling. Multi-path reflections can result in in-phase or out-of-phase additions to the isolation figure. When
calculating reflected paths the attenuation of the reflecting surface has to be known. If the reflecting surface
is metal it is best to assume no attenuation; however, where the surface is RAM the reflection may be
considerably reduced.

Figures 111 and 112 give the line-of-sight attenuation for communications antennas. It can be seen that the
physical separation problem is extreme at HF, i.e. 3MHz to 30MHz but improves as the frequency increases.
However, at radar frequencies the problem is complicated by focused beams and high gain antennas.

It can also be seen from the graphs that vertical separation gives a greater isolation factor. This has an
advantage where the antennas are wrapped around the mast, as in the AJK antenna, however, in most other
cases the structure to support the upper antennas obstructs the horizontal polar diagram of the lower

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Figure 111 Horizontal Line of Sight Attenuation

Figure 112 Vertical Line of Sight Attenuation

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C.23 Specific Installation Requirements for Antennas

The specific installation requirements for individual antennas are contained either in Category 4A of the
system handbooks or in the relevant installation specification for the antenna or system.

Listed below, for guidance information only, are some of the more common antenna requirements applicable
to systems in general use on naval platforms. It is not intended to provide a full list of all antennas and
requirements. When designing a new platform or redesigning an existing fit the specific installation
requirements for each equipment are to be consulted.

Care is to be taken when considering separation requirements for general purpose communications
antennas. The separation distance given in the installation specification is typically the requirement for radio
equipment in service at the introduction of the antenna. Newer equipments may have higher output power or
more sensitive receivers and will require a greater separation. See Clause C.22.

C.23.1 Radar Antennas – General

The upper deck arrangements of most platforms allow for only one prime location for a rotating radar
antenna. The use of back to back radar installations or the positioning of one radar on top of another, e.g.
IFF mounted on top of the search radar, are to be considered.

Any moving objects, such as other rotating antennas, weapons launchers or mountings, may cause varying
random interference if located within the line-of-sight of radar systems. Antennas are to be sited to avoid this

C.23.2 Separation Requirements from other Antennas

Where multiple radars are installed on a platform their antennas are to be located so that the minimum signal
coupling is achieved between the antennas, particularly those operating in the same frequency band.
Positioning is to be achieved so that boresight-to-boresight, or boresight-to-sidelobe conditions do not occur,
either in the same or different radar bands.

To avoid damage to other shipboard systems, such as HF and SHF SATCOM antennas, from high power
radar transmitters the maximum physical separation possible is to be achieved where these other antennas
are in line-of-sight.

C.23.3 Radar Antennas – 360° Azimuth Scan

These systems are usually used for target acquisition, air and surface search and navigation. The currently
fitted outfits are Radar Types 967M, 968, 992R, 996, 1006/7 and 1022.

C.23.4 Location Requirements

The ideal location for this type of antenna is the highest point of the platform’s structure having a 360°
unobstructed azimuth view. However it is not possible for all antennas to attain this position and a
compromise has to be made.

Surface search radars need to be sited as high as is practical for the weight and size of the antenna. This
affords the maximum detection range for surface targets and low flying aircraft and missiles. The antenna
height above sea level is to be sufficient to meet the range and operational characteristics as detailed in the
Staff Requirement.

I-band antennas used for navigation are not to be sited too high above sea level. If the antenna is mounted
too high the effect of sea clutter is increased, which in turn degrades the ability to locate small targets such
as navigation buoys.

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Platforms that have a helicopter landing deck aft are to site the I-band navigational radar, with integral
helicopter transponder system, such that it has a clear view aft and to port for the landing pattern. This is
normally achieved by siting the antenna on a sponson on the port forward quadrant of the foremast.

Where two rotating I-band antennas are installed it is preferable to arrange them one above the other on the
same vertical line.

RADHAZ requirements generally only affect areas above the normal working areas as the antennas
themselves are sited high up on the platform. Attention is drawn to BR 2924 which outline the precautions to
be observed.

Access facilities are required to the installed antennas for cleaning, maintenance and defect rectification.

C.23.5 Radar Antennas – Directional

This type of antenna is usually used for weapon fire control and target tracking. The current systems
installed in the fleet are Radar Types 909, 910, 911 and 912. Also included in this category are the close in
weapons systems, currently Phalanx and Goalkeeper.

The operational characteristics of weapons radars, and the limited bandwidth available for use, result in
these systems sharing the same radar bands as the threat systems. This means that the ECM equipment to
combat the threat system is also in these bands. A typical platform has two tracking radars and a pair of
ECM jammers competing for the same slots in the spectrum. These systems have to be positioned so that
they do not interfere with each other. This is usually achieved by utilising the superstructure or masts as
physical screens.

C.23.6 Location Requirements

Directional radar antennas for target tracking and weapon control are to be sited so that they meet the
operational requirements for clear arcs without illuminating operating areas or ordnance stowages.

The radar operating arcs are to be congruous with those of the associated weapons delivery system.

The antenna is to be positioned so as to take into account the pitch and roll of the platform. This is to prevent
any blockage or reflections from the deck or superstructure, particularly when combating low flying threats.

RADHAZ requirements are to be observed when siting these antennas, with the high power concentrated
beam this may cause large areas of the upper deck to become inaccessible without a RADHAZ being
instigated. When calculating the radiation coverage area the effect of platform roll and pitch are to be
considered. Attention is drawn to BR 2924 which outline the precautions to be observed.

Access facilities are required to the installed antennas for cleaning, maintenance and defect rectification.

C.23.7 Radar Antennas – Phased Array

On future design platforms there may be a requirement for the fitting of phased array radar antennas. These
may take the form of multiple faced, two, three or four faces, rotating antennas requiring a site at the top of
the mast. An alternative design for this form of radar antenna is fixed apertures or panels, positioned around
suitable superstructure, and using electronic rotation of the scanning beam.

RADHAZ, separation and location requirements for the fixed form of antenna are still being determined.
Those for rotating, multiple arrays are similar to those required for conventional rotating single antenna

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C.23.8 ECM Antennas

To provide operational cover for ECM over the full 360° azimuth plane two systems are normally fitted.
Outfits in current use are outfits 670 and 675, both of which have two transmitter/receiver antenna
assemblies fitted to port and starboard covering each beam with an overlap ahead and astern.

C.23.9 Location Requirements

In common with radar antennas, ECM antennas require minimum coupling from any other radar band
system. In particular boresight-to-boresight and boresight-to-sidelobe coupling is to be avoided.

ECM systems operate as ‘time-critical systems’, therefore the distance between the antennas and the
reception/transmission equipment has to be kept to a minimum to avoid time delays. This means that
suitable superstructure for housing the electronics has to be available in the immediate vicinity of the

Current research into ECM systems causes a conflict over the best height for the antenna site. An increase
in effective line-of-sight range and a reduction in multi-path reflections is achieved if the antenna is high up
above sea level, however, under certain atmospheric conditions it is possible for radar signals to be ducted
close to the earth’s surface; this duct in some conditions is less than 7 metres high, which would increase
reception range for this condition. Latest information on this subject is to be sought from the sponsor of this
Defence Standard.

C.23.10 Waveguides

The requirements for waveguide installation are contained in Def Stan 21-50. When designing the platform
the relative positions of the antennas to the transmission and reception equipment is to take into account the
following criteria.

a) The waveguide is to be as short and as direct as possible.

b) Joints, bends and twists are to be kept to a minimum

c) The waveguide run is to be designed such that any section may be removed without having to remove
any permanent fixtures or structure

d) The waveguide is not to be routed through magazines

e) Where the waveguide enters the platform’s EM Citadel it is to be peripherally bonded

C.23.11 Broadband Transmitting Antennas

Antenna outfits AVL and AVM are currently the HF/MF broadband antennas used on surface platforms. The
installation specifications and requirements are detailed in BRF 800 (4A)(5).

C.23.12 Location Requirements

Broadband antennas make use of the ship’s structure (e.g. mast, funnel, superstructure) as either a radiating
element or as a support for the radiating wires. This means that the type of antenna possible for any platform
is related to the design of the structure of that particular platform.

This interdependency between the antenna and the platform structure is to be taken into account when
designing a new platform. The actual design of the antenna is to be determined by modelling. If this proves
unsuitable it may be necessary to rearrange the design of the structure to achieve the requirements of the
broadband antennas.

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Once the broadband antennas have been modelled and agreed no changes are to be made to the antenna,
structure, upper deck equipment or any other antenna in the vicinity without consulting the modelling
authority, DE3A.

RADHAZ requirements must be considered when siting broadband transmitting antennas with regard to
operator positions and ordnance stowages. Attention is drawn to BR 2924 which outline the precautions to
be observed.

Access facilities are required to the installed antennas for cleaning, maintenance and defect rectification.

C.23.13 Separation Requirements from other Antennas

The separation distances from whip antennas are detailed in Table 20.

C.23.14 Whip Antennas

The installation specifications for the whip antennas in common use on surface platforms are contained in
BRF 1625 (4A)(2).

C.23.15 Location Requirements

When designing the upper deck of a naval platform the positions for siting the whip antennas are to be
selected taking the following physical requirements into account:

a) The site is to be chosen such that the whip antennas are as free as possible from the effects of funnel
gases and above ambient temperatures.

b) Access is to be provided to allow cleaning of the insulators.

c) All sections of a whip antenna are to be at least 0.7 metres inboard of a line projected vertically from the
ship’s side. This is to avoid damage either to the whip or another craft alongside.

RADHAZ requirements must be considered when siting transmitting whip antennas in the vicinity of operator
positions and ordnance stowages. Attention is drawn to BR 2924 which outline the precautions to be

In cases where the siting of a whip antenna is restricted by limitations in the length of its feeder cable, the
sponsor of this Defence Standard is to be consulted.

C.23.16 Separation Requirements from other Antennas

Whip antennas are to be sited such that they are as free as possible from the effects of mutual interference.
The desired separation from other antennas is shown in Table 20. To prevent interference being caused to
HF direction finding equipment the minimum separation specified in the relevant HF/DF equipment
installation specification is to be achieved.

Table 20Whip Antenna Separation Requirements

Whip or Vertical Wire
Horizontal Wire
Transmitting Receiving

Transmitting Whip 9.1 metres 15.2 metres

2.4 metres
Receiving Whip 15.2 metres 4.6 metres

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To attain the desired separation distances shown in Table 20, it may be necessary to install the whips at a
slight angle. The permitted angles are as follows:

a) Antennas up to 7.3 metres in length – 15° maximum from the vertical.

b) Antennas over 7.3 metres in length – 10° maximum from the vertical.

Separation requirements for antennas that are used for both transmission and reception are to achieve the
greater requirement of the receiver separation.

These separation distances may require to be increased with certain equipment configurations. Problems
have been identified where the high power, narrow band, transmission from a whip antenna has caused
power reduction of the transmitters connected to an adjacent broadband wire antenna. The problem was
traced to the broadband transmission control VSWR monitor responding to the coupled power; in trying to
correct the apparently bad VSWR, the system reduced the output power of all the connected transmitters.

C.23.17 Active Broadband Reception Antennas

Antenna outfit AVK is installed as the VLF/LF/MF/HF reception antenna for ICS systems using a common
receiver antenna working in these bands. The specific installation requirements are contained in
BRF 8279 (4A).

C.23.18 Location Requirements

The antenna is to be installed on a clear area of the upper deck to give good all round coverage. It is normal
to install two antennas to provide a standby facility.

The antenna is not to be mounted on a stub-mast as this increases the effective height of the rod which
degrades the broadband response characteristic. The antenna requires a ground plane around the base of
the rod with a minimum radius of two metres. If this ground plane is not achieved the antenna may suffer
greater mutual interference from own ship’s transmissions.

The antenna is to be located such that the length of the RF feeder does not exceed 50 metres between the
antenna and the low pass filter, usually fitted on the MCO bulkhead.

C.23.19 Separation Requirements from other Antennas

Antennal outfit AVK is to be sited as far as possible from any transmitting antenna. The minimum separation
from HF transmission antennas are as follows:

a) 25 metres from any 100W transmitting antenna

b) 37 metres from any 500W transmitting antenna

c) 55 metres from any 1 kW transmitting antenna

C.23.20 VHF Antennas

The general purpose VHF antenna currently being fitted is the AJL. The installation specification for this
antenna is BRF 1610 (4A)(3).

C.23.21 Location Requirements

To achieve the maximum line-of-sight radio range the AJL is to be positioned as high as possible. This high
position minimises reflections from the superstructure.

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The AJL antenna is to be positioned with a minimum separation of 3.65 metres in the horizontal plane from
the radiating surface to any structure. As any superstructure modifies the horizontal polar diagram, the
antenna is to be positioned with a minimum separation of 3.8 metres from any superstructure to achieve as
great a clear arc as possible.

Access is required to the antenna for cleaning and maintenance routines. When fitted on yardarms this
entails the provision of foot and handrails as appropriate. Care is to be taken that additional structure for
maintenance purposes does not degrade the antenna polar diagrams or increase the energy scattering.

When connected to the existing VHF equipment in service the AJL constitutes a RADHAZ.

C.23.22 Separation Requirements from other Antennas

There are no specified separation requirements to existing equipments. Future equipments may have
separation requirements and the relevant specifications are to be consulted.

Problems are known to exist where AJL antennas are installed in the vicinity of high power HF antennas.

C.23.23 UHF Antennas

Three UHF antenna outfits are currently in use on naval platforms; these are:

a) AJK – This outfit consists of a pole mast, mounted vertically, supporting two identical omni-directional
‘wrap-round’ UHF antennas mounted one above the other and separated by a circular Faraday Screen.
It is used for common antenna working for up to 12 transmitters and receivers, with the upper element
being the receive antenna. The AJK is supplied in several variants for different applications and with
different additional antennas mounted on the top.

b) UK/SRA102 and UK/GRA102—These antennas are formed as a biconical dipole with a counterpoise
skirt, commonly known as a ‘Christmas Tree’. The two variants are either air filled (UK/SRA102) for use
with air pressurised feeders, or solid foam filled (UK/GRA102) for use with foam filled cables.

The installation specification for the AJK antenna is BRF 1610 (4A)(2), and for the UK/SRA102 and
UK/GRA102 it is BRF 1610 (4A)(1).

C.23.24 Location Requirements

To achieve the maximum line-of-sight radio range UHF antennas are to be positioned as high as possible.
This high position also minimises reflections from the superstructure.

Antenna outfit AJK is to be positioned such that there is a minimum vertical clearance of 0.6 metres between
the lower (transmitting) antenna array and the top of any antenna mounted adjacent to the pole mast.

The UK/SRA102 and UK/GRA102 antennas are to be mounted upright. Where space is limited it is
sometimes permissible to mount the antenna inverted. However, on platforms with a large cross sectional
mast, or when sited on lower yardarms adjacent to the superstructure, an inverted antenna will have a
degraded performance. Where possible the mounting of inverted antennas is to be avoided.

The UK/SRA102 and UK/GRA102 antennas are to be positioned with a minimum separation of 4.6 metres in
the horizontal plane to any structure, including the support structure. As any superstructure modifies the
horizontal polar diagram the antenna is to be positioned above the superstructure to achieve as great a clear
arc as possible. They are also to be positioned with a minimum separation of 4.6 metres in the vertical plane
to any deck or structure, including the support structure.

To achieve the Staff Requirements for UHF systems the antenna is to be positioned such that the feeder
loss, including multicoupler losses (if fitted), does not to exceed 6dB.

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Access is required to UHF antennas for cleaning and maintenance routines. When fitted on yardarms this
entails the provision of foot and handrails as appropriate. Care is to be taken that any additional structure for
maintenance purposes does not degrade the antenna polar diagrams or increase the energy scattering.

RADHAZ requirements must be considered when siting UHF transmitting antennas, particularly where
multiple transmitters are connected to one antenna. Attention is drawn to Def Stan 21-48, BR 2924 and
CB 4986 which outline the precautions to be observed.

C.23.25 Separation Requirements from other Antennas

The UK/SRA102 antennas are to be sited such that there is a minimum of 6.1 metres separation in the
horizontal plane from any other UK/SRA102. When mounted upright on upper and lower yardarms there is to
be a minimum of separation 6.1 metres in the vertical plane between the antennas.

In addition to the physical separation requirements for the location of UHF antennas it is necessary to
evaluate the electrical isolation between the antennas when selecting which equipment is to be connected to
each specific antenna. For example, CESM reception antennas require the maximum isolation possible from
transmission antennas that can be achieved on the platform. Typical figures obtained from existing
installations are shown in Table 21 these figures include the feeder losses and antenna gain but do not
include multicoupler losses.

Table 21Typical UHF Antenna Isolation Figures

232 MHz 301 MHz 397 MHz

15 metres 45dB 44dB 47dB

24 metres 46dB 49dB 56dB

30 metres 52dB 52dB 52dB

Inverted / Upright 34dB 41dB 38dB

C.23.26 Antenna Feeder Requirements

Antenna feeder cables are to be separated from all other cables throughout the platform. The minimum
separation distances are specified in Clause C.12.4.

C.23.27 Satellite Communication Antennas

The figures given below are typical for the installation of an SHF satellite communications system on a frigate
or above. Specific installation details are to be consulted for the proposed equipment fit on any new platform.

C.23.28 Location Requirements

In order to meet the requirements of an unobstructed view of the satellite through 360° in azimuth and -20° to
+115° in elevation it is usually necessary to install two antenna assemblies, one to port and starboard. Each
antenna assembly is required to give coverage from 0° to 180° (azimuth relative), with a necessary overlap,
on their respective sides.

The antenna assemblies are to be of sufficient height to ensure 4° depression of the antenna without
illuminating any working or weapon handling area.

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The electronics units are to be located in at least a Type B compartment, and in such a position to satisfy the
following criteria.

The waveguide run to the antenna is to be shorter than 12 metres with the minimum number of bends and

The length of cable run between the electronics rack and the antenna is to be less than 20 metres.

The length of cable run between the electronics rack and the terminal equipment in the Main
Communications Office is to be less than 72 metres.

RADHAZ requirements must be considered when siting satellite communications antennas regarding
operator positions and ordnance stowages. Attention is drawn to BR 2924 which outline the precautions to
be observed.

C.23.29 Separation Requirements From Other Antennas

There are no specified separation requirements to existing equipments. Future equipments may have
separation requirements and the relevant specifications are to be consulted.

Problems have been identified where the satellite antennas are sited in close proximity to high power HF
transmitter antennas.

C.23.30 ESM Antennas

The location requirements and separation particulars for ESM antennas is dependent on the system being
installed. The detailed installation specification for individual equipment is to be consulted during the design

The ESM antennas require unobstructed 360° coverage. Radar ESM systems can suffer from radar
boresight, sidelobe and backlobe radiation from own ship systems.

All ESM systems suffer from multi-path reflections from nearby sponsons and structures. These reflections
can cause saturation and detection degradation from own ship’s transmissions, or inaccurate bearings of
wanted reception signals.

C.23.31 Communications Antennas – Phased Array

Phased array antennas may, at some time in the future, become feasible and operationally essential in the
communications band.

C.23.32 Radio Navigation Aid Antennas

Radio NAVAIDS utilise frequencies from the low kHz up to 20GHz. The antennas used include wire, stub
whips with head amplifiers, full size whips and omni-directional D-, I- and J-band antennas.

C.23.33 Location Requirements

To ensure accurate navigational fixes the antennas require clear hemispherical coverage. Line-of-sight
systems, such as I-Band Trisponder, require maximum height for maximum range; LF, HF and satellite
systems do not require height but do require a position that is not wooded by superstructure or masts etc.

C.23.34 Separation Requirements From Other Antennas

All receivers require adequate separation from in-band transmitters. Antennas using head amplifiers are
particularly prone to high HF field strength causing re-radiation problems.

DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2 UK OFFICIAL

C.24 Visual Signalling Requirements

Although not technically an electromagnetic requirement, the close proximity of the visual signalling
equipment to the antennas requires an integrated approach to the design of the platform.

The arrangements and siting of visual communications equipment in surface ships and submarines are
detailed in Def Stan 08-130.

C.24.1 Flag Lockers and Shape Stowages

Flag lockers and shape stowages are required in close proximity to the mast(s). Care is to be taken that they
are not positioned in RADHAZ areas. Consideration is also to be given to the use of non-metallic materials to
reduce radar cross sectional area and multi-path reflections.

C.24.2 Lookout and Conning Positions

These operational areas are required around the Bridge and the Emergency Conning Position. Care is to be
taken that they are not positioned in RADHAZ areas.

C.24.3 Navigation Lights

Navigation lights, both statutory and special operations, are installed on the mast(s). Care is to be taken that
antennas do not obstruct the visible arcs of navigation lights, and conversely lights are not to obstruct or
cause wooding of antennas, and thus blind arcs.

The power cables for navigation lights are to be screened or run in conduit where they are exposed, and are
to be peripherally bonded on entry to the EM Citadel to prevent coupling of high field strength signals or
NEMP into the platform.

C.24.4 Signal Lamps and Projectors

Signal lamps and projectors are required around the Bridge and Signal Deck. Care is to be taken that they
are not positioned in RADHAZ areas, or where they can contribute to multi-path reflections.

C.24.5 Signal Halyards and Dressing Lines

Care is to be taken that signal halyards and dressing lines do not foul antennas, antenna feeders or antenna

C.24.6 Sound Signals

Sound signals are to be positioned so that they do not contribute to multi-path reflections from radars.

C.24.7 Yards, Gaffs and Staffs (Fixed and Portable)

Yards, gaffs and staffs, either fixed or portable are to be designed so that they do not foul antennas or
antenna rigging or impinge on antenna polar diagrams. Halyards from portable units are to comply with
Clause C23.5.

C.25 Location of Miscellaneous Upper Deck Components

The specifications for the location of the multitude of miscellaneous components that are located on the
upper deck are outside the scope of this Def Stan, however, areas that will require consideration with regard
to location, material and bonding are outlined in Table 22.

UK OFFICIAL DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2

Table 22Miscellaneous Component Considerations


Location Material EME

Safe Operations

Polar Diagrams

Non – Metallic
Multi – parth
Clear Areas



Upper Deck Components

Accommodation Ladder √ √ √

Awning Stanchions √ √ √ √

Boats √ √ √ √ √

Brows (Stowage) √ √

Cable Reels √ √ √ √ √ √ √

Closed Circuit TV √ √

Cranes √ √ √ √ √ √ √

Capstans √ √ √ √

Dan and MOB Markers √ √ √ √ √ √ √

Emergency Conning Position √ √ √ √ √

Fender Stowage √ √ √ √ √

Firefighting Facilities √ √ √

Firefighting Equipment √ √ √

Gangway Stowages √ √

Gas Bottle Stowages √ √ √ √

Guard Rails and Stanchions √ √ √ √ √ √

Internal Communications Equipment √ √ √ √

(Microphones, Loudspeakers, Telephones, etc.)

Landing Lights and Aids √ √

Liferaft and Life Safety Equipment √ √ √ √

NBCD Detectors √ √ √ √ √

Outboard Engine Stowages and Test Tanks √ √ √ √ √ √

Petrol Stowages √ √ √ √

Pre-wetting Equipment √ √

RAS Positions √ √

Ready Use Ammunition Stowages √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

Replenishment Routes √ √

Ventilation Openings (Chains, Clips, Covers, √ √


Washdeck Lockers √ √ √ √ √ √ √

Winches √ √ √ √ √

DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2 UK OFFICIAL

C.26 Weatherdeck Installation Design Requirements for Electromagnetic

Environment Control

C.26.1 General

Potential non linear junction sources of EMI in weatherdeck areas are eliminated by providing a continuous
electrical conducting medium free of metallic discontinuities such as bolted, pinned or riveted joint or any
junction across which there may develop a contact resistance.

The control of weatherdeck bonding and reduction of non linear junctions requires compliance with the

a) Where items are not required to be moved or removed, and are of the same material they are to be

b) Metal items which are movable or removable are either to be bonded or insulated, replaced with non-
metallic equivalents if feasible or relocated to a below decks area if practicable. Where bond straps are
used, they are to be Types 1, 2, or 3 as applicable. Use of Types 2 and 3 are to be minimized in
preference to use of Type 1 straps.

c) Loose metallic items, such as pipes, cables and portable rigging are not generally to be stowed, stacked
or lashed down on ships weatherdeck areas.

d) Stowages for items or portable or movable equipment are to be bonded. Clips on flexible tails are to be
used to bond the equipment to its stowage, unless it is bonded by other means.

C.26.2 Bond Straps for Weatherdecks

Bonding can be achieved by joining two metal surfaces with a metal bond strap.

Types of straps used for bonding are classified as follows:

a) Type 1. A strap constructed of copper cable with terminal lugs of stainless steel or aluminium, used for
weatherdeck applications where one end is welded to the hull and the other end is welded to the item to
be bonded.

b) Type 2. A strap constructed of copper cable with terminal lugs of stainless steel or aluminium, used for
weatherdeck applications where one end is welded to the hull and the other end is bolted to the item to
be bonded.

c) Type 3. A strap constructed of copper cable with terminal lugs of stainless steel or aluminium, used for
weatherdeck applications where one end is bolted to the hull and the other end is bolted to the item to
be bonded.

Welding is to be carried out in accordance with Def Stan 02-706.

NOTE Care is to be taken when welding bond straps that the opposite side of the structure is free of flammable
material, i.e. normal welding precautions.

C.26.3 Broadband Noise Reduction

Broadband noise will normally be generated in structures on ships weatherdecks or rigging by close or
intermittent contact between metal items which are in proximity of HF transmitting antennas or located within
the main beam of radar antennas. Examples of such items are incorrect bonding of handrails, hooks, links,
cables and ladders. Noise reduction is to be achieved by use of bonding, screening or insulating such metal
items or by replacing with non-metallic materials.

UK OFFICIAL DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2

C.26.4 Intermodulation Interference Reduction

The requirements for specific items located in weatherdeck areas which are potential sources of
intermodulation interference are listed in Clauses C.26.5 to C.26.16 in descending order based on the usual
interference severity of each item. Further information on potential sources of intermodulation and
weatherdeck interference is given in Clause C.33.

C.26.5 Rigging

a) Rigging such as antenna downhauls, full dress rigging, awning lines, lines associated with lifeboats and
other similar lines are to be non-metallic. Aramid, Parafil or Super Polyester Braidline rope is to be used.
Alternatives may be used if approved by the Procurement Authority. Further measures relating to ships'
rigging are given in BS 5260 Paragraph 18.

b) Wide band antennas are to be designed to minimize potential sources of interference by elimination of
parallel current paths and economic use of metallic components. Metal to metal contacts between
shackles will be reduced by employing epoxy coating techniques on shackles and turnbuckle eyes.

C.26.6 Cables

Cables and glands etc are to be selected from the ranges shown in Def Stan 02-512. Cables having
corrugated copper outer conductors may also be used when specified; Def Stan 21-51 details installation of
these cables. Further requirements for electromagnetic compatibility for installations in ships are given in
Clause C12.

C.26.7 Stanchions

The requirements are as follows:

a) Whenever possible stanchions are to be non-metallic e.g. GRP.

b) Fixed metal stanchions – These are to have a Type 2 bond strap bolted to a hole drilled and tapped 8
mm in the foot of the stanchion and the other end welded to the deck. Alternatively if a deck welded lug
is not practicable a Type 3 bond strap is to be used and attached to a stud which is to be continuously
welded to the stanchion deck pad. The fabrication or repair of stanchions by welding is not permitted.
Welding of guardrails is not permitted. Reference is to be made to Def Stan 02-162.

c) Hinged metal stanchions – These are to be fitted with a Type 2 bond strap bolted to a hole drilled and
tapped 8 mm in the stanchion foot and the other end welded to the deck. Alternatively, a Type 3 bond
strap may be used if a deck welded lug is not practicable. The lug is to be attached to a stud which is to
be continuously welded to the stanchion deck pad. Reference is to be made to Def Stan 02-162 Part 1
which gives details of stanchions and the related Service Drawing Numbers for Stanchions. The bond
strap is not to restrict the movement of the stanchion.

C.26.8 Guardrails

All solid guardrails and handrails are to be riveted at each supporting position. Care is to be taken when
riveting to ensure the anodized surface is not damaged.

Maximum use is to be made of Parafil Rope to reduce aluminium alloy guardrails and handrails. Reference is
to be made to Def Stan 02-162 Part 1 Clause 0668.

C.26.9 Safety Nets

Safety nets not exposed to missile blast or jet blast are to be constructed of non-metallic material.

DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2 UK OFFICIAL

C.26.10 Portable Flagstaffs/Jackstaffs and Stanchions

Portable flagstaffs/jackstaffs and stanchions not subject to missile blast or jet blast are to be constructed of
non-metallic material. Metallic staffs are to be bonded in accordance with Figure 113.

C.26.11 Portable Items

Portable items or equipment, with the largest dimension more than 1.8 m such as davits and personnel
stretchers are to be insulated from contact with ship structure by insulating the hangers, clips, brackets or
other areas of contact with ship structure.

Insulating material is to be weather resistant, heat shrinkable tape or tubing, rubber matting, plastics, epoxy,
fibreglass or other similar materials.

C.26.12 Ladders

Metal inclined ladders are to be bonded to ship's structure in accordance with Figure 114. Metal vertical
ladders are considered satisfactorily bonded when installation bolts are tightened securely. Climber safety
handrails are considered satisfactorily bonded when installed by welded brackets. Climber safety handrails
installed by brackets clamped to ladder rungs are to utilize a Type 2 bond strap at these points with the
welded end of the bond strap attached to the ship's structure and the detachable end bolted to the safety rail.

C.26.13 Masts

Masts, mast stays, struts and other similar structures are to be bonded by Type 1 bond straps in accordance
with Figure 115. Structures 500 mm or larger in diameter are to have four bond straps installed. Structures
from 200 mm to 500 mm in diameter are to have two bond straps. Structures less than 200 mm in diameter
are to use only one bond strap.

C.26.14 Portable Structures

Portable structures that are not welded to the deck such as cabins, shelters and desks that contain electrical
or electronic equipment and are located on the weatherdeck are to be bonded by Type 2 bond straps.

C.26.15 Ventilation and Intake Covers

All securing latches and fastenings are to have heat shrink material applied in order that open metal to metal
contact is avoided when secured. All hinges are to be heavily greased to prevent corrosion and metal to
metal contact caused by vibration.

C.26.16 Weapons Directors and Launchers

All weapon platforms, directors and launchers are to be bonded.

NOTE Equipment project groups are to be consulted before any drilling or welding takes place

C.26.17 Exceptions

Portable items such as awning stanchions and rigging which are rigged only when in harbour are exempt
from these requirements provided that they are stowed below decks when the ship is at sea. See Clause

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Figure 113 Bonding of Potable Flagstaffs / Jackstaffs

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Figure 114 Bonding of Inclined Ladders

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Figure 115 Bonding of Masts

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C.27 Weatherdeck Bond Straps and Installation

C.27.1 Materials

The materials listed in Table 23 are to be used and in the fabrication and installation of bond straps and
associated fittings:

Table 23Bond Strap Materials

Item Materials NSN

Lug Aluminium Alloy M8 Hole 5940-99-800-8706

Lug Aluminium Alloy Plain 5940-99-800-8708

Lug Stainless Steel M8 Hole 5940-99-253-2210

Lug Stainless Steel Plain 5940-99-800-8707

Die for Aluminium Lug (A1) Applied for

Die for Stainless Steel Lug (HR) Applied for

Tool Hydraulic Crimp Head Applied for

Foot Pump for Hydraulic Crimp Head Applied for

Cable for Bond Straps 6145-99-521-8334

Combined Sleeving and Adhesive 'ATUM' 24/8 5970-99-776-7617

Stud Mild Steel 8 mm

10 mm

Pad Steel 50 mm x 50mm x 20 mm

to Def Stan 02-791 Part 1

Pad Aluminium Alloy 50 mm x 50 mm

x 20 mm to British Standards

Aluminium Alloy Set Screws M8 x 20 mm

Aluminium Alloy Washers 8 mm & 10 mm 1 mm thick

Stainless Steel Hex Set Screws M8 x 20 mm

Stainless Steel Nuts 8 mm & 10 mm

Stainless Steel Locknuts 8 mm & 10 mm

Anti-seize Compound Zinc based 8030-00-292-1102

Anti-seize Compound Silicone 5970-99-942-4829

Anti-seize Compound Graphite 8030-99-910-0528

Note 1: The British Standards for aluminium alloys are BS EN 515:1993, BS EN 485-3:1994, BS EN 573-4:1995,BS EN 573-
2:1995, BS EN 485-2:1995

UK OFFICIAL DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2

C.27.2 Manufacture

Bond straps are to be manufactured as shown in Figures 115 and 116 in accordance with the following

a) The length of the bond strap is to be as short as possible but it is not to exceed 350 mm in length. (The
material called for has a cross sectional area of 35 mm2).

b) Using cable NSN 6145-99-521-8334, remove 16 mm of cable jacket to allow the exposed copper
conductor to penetrate the lug. Ensure the conductor is bright copper.

c) Select the required lug for the type of bond strap being manufactured from the list in Clause 5.1. Material
is to be compatible with ship's structure and equipment to be bonded.

d) Using the hydraulic crimping tool and the associated die crimp the lugs onto the cable to form the bond
strap Type 1, 2, or 3 as shown in Figures 113 and 114.

e) The joint between the crimp and cable insulation is to be covered with a combined sleeving and
adhesive NSN 5970-99-776-7617.

f) This sleeving is heat shrinkable with an integrally bonded adhesive inner lining designed to melt on
heating and to provide permanent moisture-proof encapsulation. The adhesive inner wall melts when
heated and is forced into interstices by the shrinking action of the outer wall. When cooled it becomes a
semi-flexible, tough, permanent encapsulant with a controlled wall thickness.

C.27.3 Installation Hardware

Bond strap installation hardware, such as nuts, bolts, washers and studs, are to be 8 mm or 10 mm. For
weatherdeck areas mounting hardware is to be as far as possible steel or aluminium pads. Where the use of
pads is not practicable the limited use of compatible studs is permissible. Nuts, locknuts, bolts and washers
are to be stainless steel or aluminium as required for compatibility with the structure.

C.27.4 Studs

Studs are to be 8 mm or 10 mm and are to be selected to provide maximum physical contact between the
bond strap lug and the stud locknut as shown in Figure 109. Studs or bolts are to be used in the installation
of Type 2 and Type 3 bond straps. Stud sizes are to conform to the following dimensions: length 45 mm,
unthreaded portion at base 10 mm.

To permit welding, studs are to correspond to the mating surface: aluminium studs for attachment to
aluminium surfaces and steel studs for attachment to steel surfaces. Steel studs are to be zinc plated.

C.27.5 Pads

Pads are to be 50 mm x 50 mm x 20 mm manufactured from zinc plated mild steel or aluminium with a hole
drilled and tapped to accommodate an 8 mm bolt at the centre.

To permit welding, pads are to correspond to the mating surface. For steel decks and superstructure pads
are to be manufactured to Def Stan 02-791 Part 1.

For aluminium decks and superstructure pads are to be manufactured of aluminium alloy to BS EN 515.

C.27.6 Contact Surface Preparation

Surface preparation for installation of all bond straps is to be accomplished by cleaning to bare metal those
areas where bond straps will connect, but see notes.

DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2 UK OFFICIAL

NOTE 1 The bare metal requirement does not apply to surfaces plated with cadmium or chromate but they are to be

NOTE 2 Anodized aluminium has a poor conducting surface and in areas of bonding the anodized surface is to be
cleaned to the bare metal.

Threaded hardware is to be coated with an anti-seize compound prior to the installation of bolted bond

Figure 116 Bond Strap Manufacturing Details. Types 1, 2 and 3

UK OFFICIAL DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2

Figure 117 Bond Strap Manufacturing Details

Figure 118 Methods of Attaching Non-Welded Bond Straps

DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2 UK OFFICIAL

C.27.7 Anti-Seize Compound

Anti-seize compound for use on threads of aluminium alloys is to be silicone compound NSN 5970-99-942-
4829 to Def Stan 68-69, zinc based compound NSN 8030-00- 292-1102 or graphite compound ZX-13, NSN
8030-99-910-0528 (Def Stan 01-5).

Compound NSN 8030-00-292-1102 has a shelf life of 2 years.

C.27.8 Bond Strap Installation

Bond straps are to be installed in locations which will permit rapid inspection or replacement and are to be
installed in such a manner that vibration, expansion, contraction or relative movement, incident to normal
service, will not break or loosen the bond strap connection.

Bond strap installations are not to interfere with the mounting of cabinets or enclosures. They are not to
weaken any structure or item to which a bond strap is attached and are not to restrict the movement of any
hinged or pinned item.

Existing bolts, studs or threaded holes can be used for bond strap installation where possible.

C.27.9 Method of Installation

a) Type 1 – Type 1 bond straps are to be installed as follows:

1) Weld the lugs to the hull structure and to the item to be bonded

2) Note: Lugs may be bent, if necessary, to provide the most practical bond strap installation

3) After the above welding process clean the surrounding areas removing welding slag/splutter

4) Protect junctions by sealing the lugs and welded areas in accordance with Clause C.27.10.

b) Type 2 – Type 2 bond straps may be installed using one of the methods as follows:

1) Weld one end of the strap to the hull or the item to be bonded

2) Attach the bolted end of the bond strap by using one of the methods and hardware as shown on
Figure 117.

3) After the welding process clean the welded area of welding slag/splutter

4) Protect junctions by sealing the lugs and the welded area in accordance with Clause C.27.10.

c) Type 3 – Type 3 bond straps are to be installed as follows:

1) Attach the bond strap to the item and hull by use of one of the methods and hardware as shown
on Figure 118.

2) After cleaning, see Clause C.27.6; seal the lugs in accordance with Clause C.27.10.

C.27.10 Sealing

The lugs of Type 1 and 2 bond straps which are welded in place are to be weather sealed by priming and
painting the lugs and the areas affected by welding. Ensure that any moisture is removed before priming and

The ends of Type 2 and 3 bond straps which are installed on threaded studs or bolts are to be weather
sealed by coating the lugs and associated hardware with an application of anti-seize compound.

UK OFFICIAL DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2

The insulating sheath of all bond straps is not to be painted or coated.

Where bond strap installation has affected painted surfaces, these areas are to be restored to the original
paint finish. Reference is to be made to Def Stan 21-5.

The use of sealing compounds is not recommended for sealing threaded or bolted stud bond connections as
corrosive action may be accelerated by trapped moisture.

C.27.11 Inspection

Inspection is to consist of checking the installation methods and materials used in weatherdeck bonding.

The inspection is to determine that:

a) Bond straps are as specified.

b) Each installation satisfies the purpose for which it is required.

c) Installation of the bond strap does not weaken the structure or item to which the strap is attached.

d) Bond straps will not restrict the movement of any hinged or pinned item and installation method will not
place any bond strap in a binding or restrictive position that will lead to breakage of the strap.

e) Bonding junctions are treated as specified to prevent deterioration through corrosion, oxidation or

C.28 Cabling Requirements

C.28.1 Introduction

This clause addresses the cabling requirements for specific classes of equipment and lays down rules to
facilitate their correct selection and installation.

C.28.2 Cabling Rules

The appropriate rules from the list below should be used as specified in the tables in the following sections.

a) Use twin-core cable (DC/single-phase) or 3-core (3-phase).

b) Use twin-core cable up to 10 A, paralleled multicore above.

c) Use 3-core cable up to 10 A, paralleled multicore above.

d) Use twisted pair with overall screen.

e) Use twisted pairs with individual pairs screened.

f) Earth screens one end only normally at amplifier (see Clause.28.3g).

g) Use adjacent cores in same layer.

h) Use the normal or miniature range of layered multicore cable.

i) Use the normal or miniature range of layered multicore cable with an overall screen.

j) Use the normal or miniature range of layered multicore cable with individually screened cores.

DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2 UK OFFICIAL

k) Use twisted triple cable with overall screen (see C.28.3 h)).

l) Use opposite cores of a twisted quadruple.

m) Run in screwed galvanised solid-drawn steel conduit. Conduit to be electrically and mechanically
continuous throughout run, including screwed bulkhead fittings. Short length of flexible conduit
(electrically shielding) may be used when flexibility is essential.

n) No other circuits are to be used in this multicore cable.

o) Only relatively insensitive and low-current circuits may be included in the same multicore cable with
these cables.

p) Coaxial cables for these services are to conform to the provisions of (1), (2) and (3) below.

1) Except VLF feeders in submarines.

i) Feeders are to be of the shortest possible length.

ii) Feeders are to be metallically screened throughout their length.

iii) Feeders are to be spaced at least 75 mm from any fluorescent tube.

2) For all feeders other than those in iv) below:

i) Receiver feeders may be grouped together but are to be separated by at least 50 mm from all
other cables.

ii) Transmitter feeders may be grouped together but are to be separated by at least 100 mm from
all other cables.

iii) Transceiver cables may not be grouped together but are to be separated by at least 100 mm
from all other cables.

iv) There is a special case for solid-metallic-sheathed coaxial feeders when used at frequencies
above 30 MHz, and these need not be separated into receiver, transmitter and transceiver
groups. They may all be bunched together as convenient but are to be separated by at least 50
mm from all other cables.

3) In cases of difficulty where the above spacing (measured between outer screens) cannot be
obtained then:

i) Where cables cross at right angles the spacing may be reduced.

ii) Otherwise earthed steel conduit or trunking are to be employed to provide the necessary
isolation (see Clause 14.8).

q) Use double-screened coaxial, or see u) below.

r) Consult Interference Precaution Schedule for the ship.

s) Consult Clauses 14 and C.12.

t) Consult latest revision of the relevant installation specification.

u) Cables carrying these circuits must be separated by not less than 100 mm from parallel cables carrying
over 5 A at 400 Hz or above.

v) Junction boxes containing these circuits are to contain no other circuits.

UK OFFICIAL DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2

w) In junction boxes and terminal chambers, these circuits are to be segregated as far as possible and
terminated on separate terminal strips or taper-pin blocks.

x) Radio Interference Suppression in-line filters are not to be fitted in these circuits.

y) Cables to be trunked-in or run-in conduit. Trunking or conduit to be bonded peripherally at both ends.

C.28.3 Summary of Cabling Rules

a) Twisted pairs, triples and quadruples are to remain twisted inside junction boxes, terminal chambers,

b) Where adjacent cores have been specified these are to be twisted or tied together inside junction boxes,
terminal chambers, etc.

c) Care must be taken to maintain the insulation and continuity of braided screens, except at the point(s)
where earthing is specified. When the continuity of screens is required through junction boxes, terminal
chambers etc, the screens are to be firmly bonded together by jointing. This jointing is either by a
terminal block or by using a through crimped connector.

d) Some relaxation on the rules for circuit segregation may be permitted in cable lead-on systems and
associated junction boxes or terminal chambers.

e) When, for convenience, circuits not requiring screened cores or pairs are run in a multicore cable made
up of screened cores/pairs, the redundant screens may be earthed (at one end only) if desired and
proper provision exists to do so; otherwise, they are to be trimmed back and sleeved to prevent
accidental contact.

f) The correct method of terminating coaxial cables (in plugs, sockets, or otherwise) can be vital to the
proper performance and shielding efficiency of the cable. Installation drawings are to refer to the
detailed instructions existing for the correct fitting of the particular plugs, sockets, etc quoted.

g) In particular cases it will be necessary to earth screens at several points. The System Design Authority
or the latest revision of the relevant Installation Specification is to be consulted.

h) Two cores of individual twisted triples may be used as pairs in order to economise on the number of
cables employed in a system, but third cores of these triples must not be used, i.e. cut back and left
unconnected at both ends.

DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2 UK OFFICIAL

C.28.4 Applicability of Rules to Types of Circuit

The following cases call up the cabling rules specified in Clause C28.2.

Table 24Power Circuits

Type of Circuit Rules Remarks

(1) 60 Hz a If circumstances force use of single-core cable, keep go

and return as close as possible

(2) 220 V 50 V & 24 V DC a

(3) 400 Hz 1-phase b

(4) 1100 Hz, 1600 Hz b As for 400 Hz, but maximum single-core limit reduced to
and 2400 Hz 1-phase 5A
(5) 400 Hz 3-phase c If circumstances force use of single-core cable, keep the
three phases as close as possible

Table 25Internal Communication Circuits

Type of Circuit Rules Remarks

(1) Moving coil, electromagnetic d or e; f, n, u, v If circumstances force use of single-core cable, keep go
and dynamic Microphone and and return as close as possible

(2) Carbon Microphone d, o, u, w

(3) Sound powered Telephones k preferred L C and M are to ideally run in a twisted triple.
otherwise d; n Otherwise, L and C are to be in twisted pairs, the M lines
being grouped in remaining pairs of the same cable

(4) Loudspeaker d or (h and g)

NOTE Close Circuit Television. General similar to radar circuits. Consult System Design Authority.

Table 26400 Hz and 1100 Hz Magslip Control Circuits

Type of Circuit Rules Remarks

(1) Line connections 1, 2 3 (h and g) or k;


(2) Excitation X Y (h and g) or d In different layer from (d)(1) or (d)(3)

(3) Co T output SX, SY d or (j and g);

f, x

(4) Resolvers d or (j and g); Consult System Design Authority

f, x

UK OFFICIAL DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2

Table 2760 Hz Synchro Control Circuits

Type of Circuit Rules Remarks

(1) Line connections S1, S2 S3 (h and g) or k; Layered multicore may be used up to a 15 m run, core
x selection being as for Magslips

(2) Excitation R1 R2 (CX) d Two cores from twisted triple in the same cable may be
used, in which case the 3rd core is to remain unused

(3) CT output R1 R2 d or (j and g);

f, x

(4) Resolvers d or (j and g); Consult System Design Authority

f, x

Table 28Torque Synchro Circuits

Type of Circuit Rules Remarks

(1) 60 Hz (h and g) or k Check for excessive voltage drop on long runs

(2) 400 Hz (h and g) or k

Table 29Servos and RPC

Type of Circuit Rules Remarks

(1) DC Amplifier outputs F1, C, (i and g) e; w, Not to be in same multicore as (g)(2), (3), (4), (5)
F2 x

(2) DC Tachogenerator S1, S2 d or (j and g);

f, x

(3) Amplifier inputs d or (j and g);

f, x

(4) AC Amplifier outputs (h and g); x

(5) AC Tachogenerators d or (j and g);

f, x
(6) Metadyne outputs / driving a, x Keep at least 10 cm away from cables carrying sensitive
motor armatures circuits

(7) Split-field motor armatures a Avoid loops

(8) SCR Amplifier outputs a Keep at least 10 cm away from sensitive circuits, overall
screen may be necessary

(9) Reset Potentiometers (j and g); f, x Consult System Design Authority re capacitive loading

(10) Armament Gyros c or (h and g) To be in a different layer from Magslip or synchro stator
or k lines

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Table 30Digital Circuits

Type of Circuit Rules Remarks

(1) Slow Digital Circuits (h and g) or (i

and g)

(2) Fast Digital Circuits d, x Circuit to be treated as a transmission line

(3) Resolvers employed as (j and g) or e; Or as specified by System Design Authority

analogue – to – digital f, x
NOTE Nucleonic Circuits. Consult System Design Authority.

Table 31Weapon Firing Circuits

Type of Circuit Rules Remarks

(1) Earthed firing circuits, single m or x Not approved except for short local run. Avoid loops by
– core keeping close to structure. Conduit required to comply
with NMER

(2) Non-earthed firing circuits a, m, x

Table 32Source Transducer Feeders

Type of Circuit Rules Remarks

d or l; m

Table 33Radar and EW Circuits

Type of Circuit Rules Remarks

(1) IF Amplifier inputs r Treat as radio receiver antenna feeders

(2) Video signals r

(3) Strobes and marker pulses r

(4) Synchronising pulses r

Table 34Co-Axial Antenna Feeders

Type of Circuit Rules Remarks

(1) Receivers t, p

(2) Transmitters t, p

(3) Transceivers t, p

(4) LF Receivers p or m if

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Table 35On-line Crypto Circuits

Type of Circuit Rules Remarks

t Refer to relevant specification for establishing a secure


Table 36Wireless Control Circuits

Type of Circuit Rules Remarks

Table 37Cables entering Radio Offices

Type of Circuit Rules Remarks

r, s

Table 38Cables Routed through Radio Offices

Type of Circuit Rules Remarks

y Not normally approved. If essential, run in conduit or

trunking solidly bonded to bulkhead

C.29 Cable Installations

C.29.1 Cable Coupling

Current flowing in a conductor causes a magnetic field in the space surrounding the conductor. Voltage
applied to a conductor causes an electric field to be set up. The field strengths of both the magnetic and
electric fields diminish with increasing distance from the conductor. If the fields are alternating they will
induce alternating currents in adjacent conductors causing electromagnetic interference. The degree of
interference is dependent upon:

a) The field strength;

b) The field geometry;

c) The rate change of field (frequency);

d) Susceptibility of the receiving circuit;

e) The distance between the radiating and susceptible conductors.

The large number of cables necessarily run in close proximity in a Naval vessel provide innumerable
opportunities for cable couplings with consequent interference effects throughout the frequency spectrum.

Measures to reduce the 'cross-talk' in order to achieve the desired level of electromagnetic compatibility
(EMC) include:

DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2 UK OFFICIAL

a) Cable screening

b) Increasing the distance between interfering cables

c) Reducing 'pick-up' loop areas (go and return wires close together)

d) Using twisted pairs, triplets, quad etc to reduce loop areas and improve balance

e) Using balanced circuits at cable terminators

Twisting go and return wires together is an effective and inexpensive measure to reduce interference
couplings. Induced currents can be reduced by a factor of some 20:1 (26 dB) compared with cables
comprising parallel wires. The reduction achieved is dependent upon the number of twists per metre, the
greater the number of twists the greater the reduction. Radiation from the cable is also reduced due to the
reduction in effective loop areas.

All the above measures must be considered and adopted where necessary during equipment, system and
cable installation design, since retrospective actions could be difficult and costly. Circuit design; cable
screening etc is addressed in Clauses 9, 10 and 14. This clause is primarily concerned with cable
installations and addresses the topic of mutual separation of cables.

It is possible to calculate the induced current or voltage into a cable adjacent to an interfering current
carrying cable providing the cable parameters and the system geometry are precisely known. In a practical
installation where the cable system geometry is largely uncontrolled, such calculations are of doubtful use. A
more meaningful approach is to classify cables according to the degree of interference carried, or the degree
of susceptibility to coupled interference. Thus, like cables can be run together and separated from other

C.29.2 Cable Categories

Cables in general may be divided into three main categories: radiators, suspects and general. In each
category the cables can be further sub-divided according to the types and levels of interference/signals they
are likely to be carrying. Transmit and receive feeders of radio communication systems operating at
frequencies above 100 kHz form an additional category, which can be sub-divided into transmitter, receiver,
transceiver cables.

C.29.3 Radiators (Categories R1 and R2)

a) R1

1) Power cables (60 or 400 Hz) up to a maximum current of 80 A

2) Cables of transmitting systems operating below 100 kHz

b) R2

All cables that carry 60 Hz or 400 Hz power with currents in excess of 80 A up to a maximum of 160 A. For
currents in excess of 160 A an additional separation of 75 mm per 50 A above 160 A is to be added to the
separation distance shown in Table 38.

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C.29.4 Susceptors (Categories S1 and S2)

a) S1

1) Receiving systems operating in the frequency band up to 100 kHz with signals below 10 μ V.

b) S2

1) Receiving systems operating in the frequency band up to 100 kHz with signals in the range 10μV to
100 kHz

2) Coaxial cables to receiving and video systems operating above 100 kHz

C.29.5 General (G)

a) Coaxial cables to transmitters and triggering circuits operating above 100 kHz

b) Cables carrying low frequency signals above 0.1 V

c) Cables carrying 60 Hz or 400 Hz syncro signals up to 0.5 A and indicator signals

d) NOTE: Any 60 Hz or 400 Hz control signal in excess of 0.5 A must be classified as R1

e) Cables carrying digital data

f) DC cables providing ripple content less than 0.5 A. If ripple current is greater than 0.5 A cable is to be
classified R1

C.29.6 Radio Communication Feeders

a) Transmitter feeders may be run together but must be separated from all other cables by at least
100 mm.

b) Receiver feeders may be run together but are to be separated by at least 50 mm from all other cables.

c) Transceiver cables are not to be grouped together but are to be separated by at least 100 mm from all
other cables.

d) Solid metallic sheathed coaxial feeders when used at frequencies in excess of 30 MHz need not be
separated into transmitter, receiver, transceivers groups but may run together as convenient. They are
to be separated by at least 50 mm from all other cables.

All feeder cables are to be spaced by at least 100 mm from any fluorescent tube.

Cables or cable bundles, from a signal equipment which are mutually self compatible, but contain individual
cables or carry signals or currents which would place them in more than one of the categories S, G or R shall
remain unclassified and be treated on a case by case basis.

High voltage cables e.g. 3.3 kV power cables must be segregated from all other cables and separated from
them by at least 300 mm.

Submarine battery cables are excluded from the classification policy, but are to be routed to minimise
magnetic fields.

C.29.7 Cable Separation

The required minimum spacing between the categories is shown in Table 39. These distances are to be
measured between the outer sheaths of the outer conductors in each bundle i.e. for a separation distance of
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75 mm there needs to be clear space of 75 mm between the bundles. The spacing indicated in Table 39 are
based on parallel runs not exceeding five metres in length. For longer runs the spacing must be increased by
50% for each additional five metres run.

Table 39Minimum Cable Separation (mm)

G S1 S2

G 150 75
R1 75 225 150
R2 150 375 300

C.29.8 Layout

Cables may be routed between equipment or different areas of the ship or submarine in the most expeditious
manner but the separation distances must be maintained. Minor infringements of the spacing policy for short
distances of 300 mm or less can be tolerated, but any major infringements due to space limitations must be
brought to the attention of the EMC project manager.

Account must be taken of any special installation requirements for specific requirements. If a conflict of
instructions arises the situation must be brought to the notice of the EMC project manager.

Where cables of different categories are routed together in cable trays or ducts the G category is to be laid in
the centre, flanked by the S2 and R1 categories, with the S1 and R2 categories outside the S2 and R1
categories. This procedure gives maximum separation between S1 and R2. Figure 119 shows the
recommended arrangements.

Figure 119 Cable Tray Layout

NOTE 1 The above arrangement provides the required separation of the five categories for minimum width of cable
tray or duct.

NOTE 2 No separation distance between S1 and S2 or between R1 and R2 is specified and if necessary these can
be run together respectively i.e. S1 and S2 and R1 and R2.

When leading cables into or out of cable trays or ducts there will inevitably be some crossing of the different
cable categories. Every effort is to be made to maintain the separation distances but these may be reduced
by up to 75% where the cables cross orthogonally for at least 150 mm.

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For example, suppose the top bundle in the tray was S1 category and had to be brought down across the
other categories. Since it cannot be bent at right angles it will not cross S2 and orthogonally. It is to be
brought out and then down in an attempt to maintain the separation distance of 150 mm from G. If the S1
bundle crosses the R2 bundle orthogonally, the separation distance could be reduced from 375 mm to
150 mm.

C.29.9 Bulkhead Penetration

Separate bulkhead penetrations are to be used for each cable category. If this is impracticable due to the
number of cables involved adjacent groups e.g. S1 and S2 could share a penetration.

C.29.10 Adjacent Interference Sources

When planning cable runs, consideration must be given to susceptible cables routed near to interference
sources such as power distribution panels, fluorescent lighting, motor generator sets, equipment containing
switch mode power supplies etc.

The spacing and screening requirements between such interference sources and cable categories S1, S2
and G is shown in Table 40. Where space limitations do not allow the required spacing additional screening
is to be considered. Ultra sensitive cables could be run in conduit or superscreened cable could be

Table 40Spacing and Screening Requirements (mm)

Interference Sources
S1 S2 G



NOTE 1: Sources

a) Power distribution panels 60 Hz and 400 Hz.

b) Motor generator sets, motor, switch mode supplies.

c) Radiating equipment enclosures.

d) Transformers.

NOTE 2: Sources

a) Fluorescent lighting.

b) Other 60 Hz sources.

C.29.11 Policy Deviators

Cases will undoubtedly arise where implementation of the classification policy is impractical for various
reasons. Where these occur advice must be sought from the EMC project manager. Possible solutions
include partial shielding using conduit to enclose S1 and S2 categories or conversely R1 and R2. Under no
circumstances must the conduit contain mixed R, S or G categories. The conduit must not be less than 1200

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mm in length and must be bonded at both ends. To be effective the conduit must extend by at least 300 mm
beyond the points where the required separation is achieved.

C.30 RF Gaskets

C.30.1 RF Gasket Materials

Gasket materials are available in a very wide range of sizes and shapes and facilities exist for 'custom
design'. Materials can be classified into four main groups:

a) Knitted Wire Mesh

Gaskets are available in the following materials:

1) Monel

2) Tin plated phosphor bronze

3) Tin coated copper clad steel

4) Silver plated bases

5) Aluminium

6) Stainless steel

The above are manufactured with elastomer cores of neoprene or silicon, thereby providing protection
against the external environment. The effectiveness of the environmental seal is dependent upon the degree
of compression and the nature of the fluids, gases etc to be excluded.

b) Oriented Wire

The gasket material comprises large numbers of individual fine wires embedded in and bonded to a
silicon elastomer. The wires are oriented perpendicular to the mating surfaces and penetrate any oxides
thus ensuring a low contact resistance. The material is very moisture resistant since the monel or
phosphor bronze wires are not connected and 'channelling' is avoided.

c) Conductive Elastomer

The material comprises a silicon elastomer loaded with silver plated copper or aluminium plate silver. It
is very corrosion resistant and has a superior high frequency performance. The silver plated copper
version can resist NEMP pulse currents in excess of 3 kA.

d) Metal Fibres

The material comprises metal fibres uniformly dispersed in a silicon elastomer. It is available in sheet
form and provides an environmental seal in addition to its primary function.

RF gasket material is an additional component and, before incorporating it into a design, implications on
cost, maintenance etc, must be considered. Most Naval applications can be met with knitted mesh materials,
although some specialised requirements may necessitate other more expensive materials. It should be noted
that the screening efficiency of typical navalized enclosures can be significantly enhanced by ensuring metal
to metal contact between all mating surfaces in the construction. (Paint is a good insulating material.)
Attention to this could reduce the requirement for gasket material.

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C.30.2 Radio Frequency Gaskets

There is no 'preferred list' of RF gaskets other than those shown in Table 41 but the following is a selection
of the more usual forms available. It is possible to obtain variations of both types and materials and
reference is to be made to manufacturers or their catalogues for further information. Most manufacturers
produce design guides which give valuable information on closure forces, corrosion protection, bolt
separation etc and these, used in conjunction with product catalogues, should enable cost effective solutions
to gasketing problems.

Table 41Strip Screening Electronic

Item No Description NSN Tubing Length Notes

1 Strip, Screening 5999-99- 5 mm 152.40 cm Each strip is supplied

Electronic 444-5254 with ends prepared and 2
connectors, Item 3

2 Strip, Screening 5999-99- 14.28 91.44 cm Strip is supplied with

Electronic 444-5255 mm ends prepared and 2
connectors, Item 4

C.30.3 Formed Spindle Glands

These are manufactured from knitted wire mesh, and are formed by compression in dies. An example is
shown in Figure 120. Their compressibility and resilience ensure an efficient seal against RF leakage
through spindle holes, without restricting spindle movement. No special machining is required to ensure a
perfect fit. Enquiries should be made to manufacturers regarding sizes from stock, as the cost of non-
standard items may be prohibitive.

Figure 120 Formed Spindle Gland

C.30.4 Formed Gaskets

These are manufactured from wire mesh in a similar way to the spindle gland. Preferred sizes are 76 mm to
254 mm in diameter and 101 mm x 203 mm rectangular forms. Cross sections smaller than 1 mm x 1 mm
are impractical and square corners are preferred for rectangular cross sections. See Figure 121.

It is possible to form bolt holes if the gasket is sufficiently large, the minimum distance between the hole and
gasket edge being 1.5 mm. See Figure 122.

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Enquiries are to be made to manufacturers regarding stock items as the cost of non-standard items may be

Figure 121 Example of Formed Gaskets

Figure 122 Application of Formed Gaskets

C.30.5 RF Gaskets (Combination)

These gaskets are designed to perform a dual purpose, i.e. to provide a fluid or air seal in addition to RF
protection. Materials to be used in conjunction with metal knitted mesh are:

a) Neoprene – This is a general purpose material which is weather, oil and grease resistant and has a
temperature range of -20°C to 120°C.

b) Silicone Rubber – This material is highly resistant to water and has a temperature range of 70°C to
200°C but is expensive compared with neoprene.

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C.30.6 RF Gasket and Air Seal (Tubular Form)

This material is supplied as a flexible strip of rubber tubing with a covering of wire mesh, and by joining
suitable lengths, gaskets of various shapes and sizes can be made (see Figure 123). As well as providing
an air seal, this type of gasket is less expensive than those made throughout of wire mesh, but these
advantages are at the expense of reduced RF attenuation.

Figure 123 Combination Gaskets

C.30.7 RF Gasket and Fluid Seal (Parallel Form)

These are available as preformed gaskets or in strip form and consist of a knitted wire mesh of monel,
stainless steel, etc bonded to a fluid seal. The fluid sealing portion of the gasket is manufactured from
neoprene or silicone rubber in the following types:

a) Solid type which must be used where the fluid pressure exceeds 70 g/cm2.

b) Sponge type which may be used where the fluid pressure is below 70 g/cm2 or where joint unevenness
is large and available closing force is low.

The recommended maximum size for formed gaskets is 914 mm x 610 mm and they can be used where the
total joint unevenness does not exceed 1.5 mm and the closing force on the entire gasket area is at least 70

The recommended minimum dimensions for strip are D = 1.5 mm, T = 3 mm and W = 3 mm (see
Figure 124) and this can be used where the total joint unevenness does not exceed 4 mm x gasket
thickness for solid type materials, 7.5 mm x gasket thickness for sponge type materials and the closing force
on the entire gasket area is at least 70 g/cm2.

C.30.8 RF Gasket and Fluid Seal (Impregnated Metal)

This type of gasket is manufactured from aluminium wire impregnated with neoprene or silicone rubber and
provides a fluid seal and RF gasket where space does not permit the use of a parallel form type (see
Figure 125). The sheet form of this material enables gaskets of intricate shape to be cut to suitable
requirements and because it is very thin (0.5 mm) it is particularly suitable where a gasket of minimum
thickness is required. However, the material is relatively incompressible and requires a high closing force on
machined mating surfaces with close tolerances to maintain a continuous contact.
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Figure 124 Formed Gasket Dimensions

Figure 125 Impregnated Metal Gasket

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C.31 Cable Routes Through Designated Screened Compartments

C.31.1 Requirement

Certain compartments in naval vessels require specialised construction techniques to prevent leakage or
ingress of interference energy, e.g. radio offices, operations rooms and compartments housing sensitive
electronic equipment.

To improve the integrity of such compartments it is important that cables, including degaussing cables,
conduits, pipes and rods etc which do not serve the compartment are not routed through it.

In cases where, after thorough investigation, it is found that cables, through the screened compartment
cannot be avoided they must be totally enclosed in a conduit or trunk of the same material as the
compartment installed in accordance with this annex.

C.31.2 Materials

In all steel compartments conduits and trunks must be constructed of mild steel and in all aluminium
compartments of aluminium.

In composite steel/aluminium compartments care must be taken to avoid placing dissimilar metals in contact.
Gaps between dissimilar metals must not exceed 3 mm and the gaps must be filled with an insulating
material such as SRBP. Steel conduits or trunks must be bonded to steel bulkheads and aluminium to
aluminium after ensuring that any anticorrosion material is removed at the mating surfaces. Any base metal
must be subsequently sealed to prevent corrosion or contamination.

C.31.3 Bonding Continuity

All metal to metal joints affecting the electrical continuity of the conduit or trunking deckhead supports etc
which serve as bonding contacts must be clean and free from paint or rust. To prevent corrosion any bare
metal must be sealed after the connection is made.

C.31.4 Joints in Conduits and Trunking

Where joints occur in conduit or trunking they must, unless continuously welded, be made RF tight by fitting
RF gasket or sealing material, monel and stainless steel gaskets are preferred for steel and aluminium for
aluminium trunking.

C.31.5 Elimination of Apertures in Trunks and Conduits

Only those cables which have to pass through the compartment must be contained in the trunks or conduits.
Cables terminating in the compartment are not permitted to be mixed with through cables. Trunks and
conduits must be continuous with no air or drain holes, slots or apertures.

C.31.6 Cable Separation

Where cables have to be separated from other cables in accordance with the segregation policy laid down in
Clause C.28 the required distances must be maintained in the trunking or separate conduits or trunks used
for the different groups.

C.31.7 Slots in Beams/Girders

Cases may arise where deckhead height would be severely restricted if conduit/trunks were routed below the
deckhead beam or girder. In these cases it may be possible to pass it through a hole or slot cut in the
beam/girder. Approval in writing must be obtained before this is done.

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C.31.8 Structure Maintenance

A clearance of at least 50 mm must be left around conduits and trunks to permit inspection and maintenance
of bulkheads and deckheads.

C.32 Electronic Countermeasure Suppression Techniques

The techniques listed in Table 42 are primarily radar design parameters associated with protection from
electronic countermeasures.

They also assist in the reduction of susceptibility to MI, but a bad MI environment may still degrade the
operation of the equipment. Some of the techniques are also applicable to communications equipment.

NOTE 1 P indicates the Primary purpose of the technique.

NOTE 2 S indicates the Secondary or occasional benefit.

Table 42Electronic Countermeasure Techniques

Performance Improvement

Directional Interference
Receiver Saturation

Stationary Clutter
False Alarm Rate


Design Techniques Ratio

Automatic Gain Control P S

Automatic Noise Levelling P S

Beam - to - Beam Correlation P S

Burn Through P

Fast Time Constant P P

Frequency Agility P

Manual Gain Control P

Moving Target Indication P

Narrow Band Limiting P

Pulse Compression P P

Pulse - to Pulse Correlation P S

Sensitivity Time Control P S

Sidelobe Blanking P

Sidelobe Cancellation P P

Variable Pulse Repetition Frequency S P

Video Integration P

Wide Band Limiting P S

Wide-Pulse Blanking P P

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C.33 Platform Generated Electromagnetic Interference

C.33.1 Shipboard Transmitter System EMI

Under normal operational conditions a naval platform has a large number of rf emitters in constant use.
These include multiple lines of HF, VHF, UHF, and SHF communications transmitters; air search, surface
search, and navigation radars; IFF transponders; weapon detection, acquisition, and tracking directors; and
electronic warfare countermeasure emitters. Many of these radiate very high power, and some transmit
omnidirectionally or rotate through 360° continuously. Consequently, the systems are ideal sources of mutual
interference. Furthermore, the onboard associated sensors are prone to intercept undesired emissions either
through direct coupling or by multi-path reflections. Even if the emitters are carefully designed to intentionally
radiate a specific frequency or band, in actual use unwanted rf energy radiates at many spurious frequencies
to cause potential EMI problems. Those emitters that employ highly directional antennas emanate undesired
energy in the sidelobes and backlobe portions of the radiation pattern.

Even where the transmitter system designers have incorporated adequate interference suppression in the
design and production of shipboard equipment, the following transmitter-related EMI spurious emission
problems are frequently experienced aboard ship as a result of improper installation, operation and

C.33.2 Broadband Arcing Noise

High power transmitters produce very high RF currents and voltages along the transmission system. If the
transmitters are not properly matched and loaded into the antennas (maximum power transfer), standing
waves along the transmission line can cause arcing and corona discharge. Similarly, RF energy induced in
nearby rigging and structure may exhibit arcing and sparking. The result of this arcing is broadband noise.

C.33.3 Harmonic Frequency Products

Generated by non-linearity's in transmitter power output stages, harmonic products are integral multiples of
the desired fundamental radiation frequency. Typical design requirements for transmitters specify that
second order harmonics are to be suppressed to 60 dB below the fundamental and higher order harmonics
to 80 dB below. However, incorrect tuning and operation of a transmitter can result in production of
increased harmonic interference by the forcing of non-linear excitation.

The specification figures of 60 dB and 80 dB below the fundamental look sufficient when compared to the
transmitted signal, but if they occur at or very close to a wanted reception signal they can effectively swamp
and mask out that signal.

The following figures represent a typical illustration of this problem:

Resultant level

Transmitter output power 100 W 50 dBm

Harmonics 80 dB down -30 dBm

Separation transmitter antenna to receiver antenna (typical 35 dB) -65 dBm

Resultant transmitter harmonic signal at receiver -65 dBm

Received signals typically 2 μV to70 μV -101 dBm to -70 dBm

In this example the wanted received signal is at least 5dB below the resultant output of the transmitter. This
is assuming the harmonics are 80 dB down on the fundamental, and the source is a relatively low power
transmitter. Typical HF transmissions on naval platforms are up to 1 kW output power.

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C.33.4 Intermodulation and Cross-Modulation

EMI in these instances is caused by interaction of two or more signals present simultaneously in a non-linear
circuit. Intermodulation results from the mixing (heterodyning) of signals to produce new frequency
components, while cross-modulation occurs upon the transfer of modulation energy from one RF carrier to
another. These problems often occur when antennas are installed with inadequate separation such that
energy is directly coupled between them and thereby fed across to the transmitter output stages to mix with
the desired radiated signals.

Intermodulation products resulting from the mixing of the fundamentals can also produce interference signals
that may mask wanted signals. Measurements taken on naval platforms have shown that intermodulation
products as high as the 27th order can be found with a level of around -85dBm. Interference signals of this
order are likely to cause problems with CESM reception, but more importantly there are 25 lower order
products (the 2nd to the 26th orders) producing a higher level of interference.

C.33.5 Parasitic Oscillations

Parasitic EMI results from self-excitation of transmitter circuitry, causing oscillatory radiation of undesired RF
energy. This problem usually occurs when incorrect alignment procedures are carried out, or upon physically
disturbing the original circuitry (moving of wires and components) during faultfinding and repair. It is
extremely important to exercise care in replacing electronic components with exact replacements to restore
the precise configuration as originally installed. Good design of the equipment can minimise problems such
as movement of components and wiring.

C.33.6 Sideband Splatter

Spurious sideband components produced outside the intended modulated RF bandwidth result in an
interference source known as ‘splatter’. As with parasitic oscillations this form of interference commonly
results from faulty transmitter operation, either through over modulation or through poor tuning procedures
such as overdriving the intermediate and final output stages by over zealous attempts to surpass the
designed peak radiated power.

C.33.7 Waveguide and Coaxial Cable Leakage

When RF energy escapes from poorly designed, installed, or maintained transmission lines such as
waveguide and coaxial cable connectors and joints, undesired EMI can be introduced. This problem is
particularly apparent in ship-borne radar and microwave systems where flexing and movement of the
waveguide may cause deterioration of the joints and connectors.

C.33.8 Shipboard Receiver System EMI

The receiver systems of radars, ESM and communications equipment do not contribute as high a level of
EMI as their respective transmitters, but interference generated within a shipboard receiver system may still
cause serious performance degradation of other sensitive equipment. Examples of internally generated
receiver EMI are listed below.

C.33.9 Cross-Modulation

Cross-modulation can be produced when signals are unintentionally transferred from an undesired RF
carrier to the intended receiver carrier.

C.33.10 Extraneous Interference

Signals can be produced in the receiver by intrusion of strong external signals coupled from nearby high
power transmitters. This can cause desensitisation of the receiver, and loss of the wanted signals.

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C.33.11 Image Frequency Interference

This is created by the local oscillator heterodyne not only mixing but radiating unattenuated signals via the
antenna. Even in a well designed and filtered receiver this can still occur because of faulty alignment or

C.33.12 Intermodulation and spurious Interference Products

Interference signals are commonly produced as the result of unintentional signal mixing in non-linear
receiver circuitry.

C.33.13 Shipboard Electrical Apparatus EMI

Sources of EMI on a naval platform are not limited to the weapon equipment. All electrical equipment is a
potential source of interference whether it is provided for the operational fighting and manoeuvring of the
platform, for the maintenance and support of that equipment or for the many amenities for the comfort, health
and entertainment of the crew. Conversely, weapon equipment often interferes with ship’s equipment, for
example, machinery control and monitoring systems, fire detection systems, auto-pilot, and recreational
television and radio distribution.

C.33.14 Circuit Breakers, Switches and Relays

The making and breaking of electrical contacts result in both radiated and conducted broadband EMI. The
usual occurrence is a voltage impulse transient as the circuit current is abruptly changed, causing an arc as
the dielectric breakdown strength is exceeded between the metallic contacts. The noise spectrum for contact
EMI ranges from VLF through UHF, i.e. from about 10 kHz to 400 MHz.

C.33.15 Engine Ignition Noise

Ignition systems are frequently used aboard naval platforms for use in such items as outboard engines for
seaboats and for starting the engines of helicopters and aircraft. These devices are perhaps the strongest
source of man-made noise interference in the HF to VHF range, i.e. from 10 MHz to 100 MHz.

C.33.16 Lighting

Fluorescent lighting is employed throughout the internal spaces of a platform and is a notorious source of
noise. EMI is created within lamps as a function of their operation. It is also conducted through the power
circuitry and most significantly, radiated from the power source connection lines. This type of interference is
troublesome from approximately 100 kHz to 3 MHz.

In addition to fluorescent lights, some ships may use sodium vapour and mercury arc lamps for lighting the
machinery spaces, the hangar and upper deck areas. Similarly, these lights generate electrical noise from
100 kHz to about 1 MHz.

C.33.17 Miscellaneous Electrical Items

There are many sources of platform man-made EMI other than the major contributors listed above. These
include such seemingly innocuous electrical equipment as heaters, power supplies, DC rectifiers, solenoids.
rheostats, transformers, buzzers, broadcast systems, portable two-way communications units portable
radios, tape recorders, CD players, personal computers, data processing equipment and microwave ovens.
Any electrical equipment is a potential contributor to the total platform EM noise spectrum.

C.33.18 Motors and Generators

Broadband noise produced by motors and generators is a common but serious source of EMI. It is especially
associated with arcing at the brush contacts of commutators and slip-rings. It also results from the

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instantaneous build-up and collapsing of electric fields and from frictional static discharges in belts, gears
and bearings. Additionally, harmonic components are generated in armature magnetic field non-linearity's.

C.33.19 Hull-Generated Intermodulation

Noise interference resulting from hull-related intermodulation is one of the more pronounced and widespread
of shipboard EMI problems. It is caused by the complex metal structure of the ship and the harsh maritime
operating environment.

As an electromagnetic phenomenon, hull-generated intermodulation is a direct consequence of:

a) The quantity of onboard transmitters and their radiated power level.

b) The quantity of onboard receivers and their sensitivity level.

c) The quantity of onboard antennas and their constricted placement.

d) The quantity of onboard operational frequencies in a congested spectrum.

e) The quantity of possible non-linear elements and junctions in the structural make-up of the platform.

Hull-generated intermodulation is often referred to as the ‘rusty bolt effect’. It originates at the non-linear
components of junctions that abound in naval surface ships. There have been estimates that perhaps
thousands of often obscure non-linear elements exist on the upper deck and mast areas of any given ship. It
should be noted that steel itself is intrinsically non-linear. The majority of non-linear junctions causing
platform intermodulation noise result from metal junctions exposed to the sea environment.

C.33.20 Galvanic Corrosion

Def Stan 08-160 lists a variety of metals by their standing in what is known as the galvanic series. It also
shows the potential electromotive force between the dissimilar materials.

Note that materials commonly used in ship construction, such as aluminium and steel are near the ‘least
noble’ end of the list, consequently, they are more susceptible to corrosion.

For two dissimilar metals that are in contact, the likelihood of chemical reaction being produced is increased
the farther they are apart in the galvanic series. So long as the two metals are clean, dry and held tightly in
contact, the impedance between them is virtually zero.

Upon exposure to moisture unprotected joints begin immediate deterioration because of oxidation and
corrosion. The junction impedance then increases, and a semiconductor device is formed. When an
electrolyte is present, such as sea water, a simple battery cell evolves, electrolytic action develops and an
accelerated rate of corrosion occurs at the less noble (anode) metal. The result is termed a non-linear
junction. If RF energy from onboard transmitters impinges upon, or is induced across, the junction (which
acts as a DC rectifier), intermodulation signals are produced and re-radiate as EMI. Ideally only the same or
adjacent metals in the galvanic series are to be mated together. The use of dissimilar metals such as steel
bolts through brass flanges or aluminium clamps across copper piping is to be strictly avoided. The problem
aboard naval platforms is that there are many instances of aluminium in contact with steel, for example
guardrails fitted to the steel upper deck. Aluminium guardrail stanchions are to be installed on steel decks
with suitable insulating pads.

Def Stan 08-160 describes the problem of electrolytic corrosion in a sea water environment and gives
procedures to be followed in order to minimize its effect. The precautions stated are always to be applied
where it is necessary to bring dissimilar metals into contact.

There are several types of corrosion, in addition to galvanic, which may create non-linear junctions:

UK OFFICIAL DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2

C.33.21 Fatigue Corrosion

Fatigue corrosion results from repeated vibrations and bending, where the outer protective film of a metallic
surface is broken and the corrosion process begins.

C.33.22 Crevice Corrosion

Crevice corrosion occurs when platform contaminants and moisture combine to penetrate and collect in
seams and crevices for a sufficient time to start corroding.

C.33.23 Stress Corrosion

Stress corrosion occurs when a metal is stressed to the point that minuscule cracking allows moisture to
enter and initiate corrosion.

C.33.24 Welding Corrosion

Welding corrosion results when the intense heat of welding causes changes in the molecular structure of one
of the similar metals being joined so that it becomes, in effect, a dissimilar metal and, in the presence of
moisture, causes corrosion.

C.33.25 Reflected Energy Multi-path EMI

Another important source of shipboard EMI is reflected electromagnetic energy. This type of interference is a
consequence of the congested nature and peculiar structure of a naval platform. The platform contains
multiple scattering obstacles, including such items as superstructure geometry, deck houses, upper deck
lockers, masts, yardarms, stanchions, booms, davits, weapon systems, lifelines and a variety of large and
small antennas. When RF energy radiated outwards in a desired direction is inadvertently reflected from one
or more such obstacles in its path, it is likely to be coupled into highly sensitive receivers nearby. Serious
degradation in sensor performance results. Therefore, careful upper deck design and configuration control
must be exercised to preclude reflected energy EMI.

C.34 Known EME Problems

The following examples are all known problems identified on various platforms within the fleet.

C.34.1 Electromagnetic Interference Degradation Characteristics

Examples of the effects of equipment degradation resulting from EMI include the following characteristics.

a) Distortion of Communications – Increased data error rate and noisy audio communications, caused by
hull-generated intermodulation products from non-linear junctions and by antenna-to-cable coupling of
HF to UHF equipment.

b) Distortion on Display Screens – Spoking, running rabbits, picture distortion and break-up on VDU and
radar screens caused by antenna-to-antenna boresight coupling and by HF transmissions coupled into

c) False Alarms – Shut-down of sensitive automatic machinery control systems caused by HF

transmissions coupled via cables to below-deck sensors and equipment. This may also be caused
through EMI generated by below-deck machinery.

d) False Bearings – Generated in direction finding equipment by energy reflections from nearby structures
or by HF transmissions coupled via equipment cabling.

DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2 UK OFFICIAL

e) False Targets – Experienced on radar displays from HF transmissions coupled on to the receiver IF via
cabling and waveguides. This fault may also be caused by microwave multi-path reflected energy
received by the radar antenna.

f) False Tuning – Incorrect and erratic tuning of antenna base tuners caused by radiated energy coupled
from similar equipment located in close proximity.

g) Radiation Pattern Blockage – Loss of coverage and range in omni-directional systems such as HF, VHF
and UHF communications and in the rotational systems such as radars, EW and satellite
communications: caused by obstructions in the radiation field by masts and other structures.

h) Receiver Desensitization – Receivers being affected by the high level of RF energy across the whole
spectrum. This raises the background noise threshold level to the detriment of low-level signal detection.

C.34.2 Design Characteristics

Some equipment design characteristics can cause EMI when installed on naval platforms. Equipment Project
Managers are to be aware of these problems and where possible are to avoid equipment with such
characteristics. Where the equipment has to be fitted, for example because no alternative is available, the
necessary steps to limit the problem are to be taken.

a) Active Antennas – Omni-directional active television antennas based on commercial models are known
to re-radiate broadband noise over the V and UHF frequency range when subjected to relatively low
levels of HF.

b) Voltage on Screen – Antennas employing active amplifiers sometimes use a coaxial feeder where the
screen is used as the DC supply line. This contravenes the requirements of Clause 15 where all
screens are to be peripherally bonded on entry to the EM Citadel. The unbonded screen may act as an
antenna and cause the introduction of interference within the platform. It can also act as a coupling path
for NEMP into the platform. This method of powering head amplifiers is commonly used on radio
navigational equipment.

c) Diode Switched Filters –Communications receivers sometimes have bandpass filters directly connected
to the antenna input. If these are selected by means of diode switches they can be a source of
interference. High field strength HF signals can be mixed in these diodes and reradiated, subsequently
generating intermodulation products across a wide band.

d) Unscreened Commercial Equipment –Commercially sourced equipment, such as personal computers,

monitors for PC use, printers and plotters are being fitted on naval platforms. This equipment has little or
no screening and can be a source of interference. Attention is also drawn to the TEMPEST implication
of the use of such equipment where classified data is being handled; see Def Stan 08-50.

e) Unbondable Equipment –Some commercially sourced equipment is not provided with facilities for
chassis bonding, either for safety purposes or for RF. Use of an earth wire in the power lead is only
suitable as a personnel safety earth on portable equipment and is not acceptable as an RF bond. A
similar problem with some commercial equipment is the use of an earth return power supply. This
method of supply is to be avoided as it couples all noise on the earth system into the equipment.

f) Radar Equipment Design Faults – Protective measures incorporated into the design of certain radars to
combat the effects of ECCM may be activated by the presence of own ship generated interference. This
may lead to an undesirable degradation in the radar’s performance.

C.34.3 Known System Faults

The examples given in Table 43 are based on problems experienced by equipment already fitted or being
updated in the fleet. The specific equipment is not named in order to keep within the classification of this Def
Stan. They are included to provide projects managers, at both platform and equipment level, with a broad
outline of areas and parameters that require addressing when evaluating equipment and systems for
inclusion on a platform.

UK OFFICIAL DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2

Table 43Examples of Electromagnetic Interference Problems

Source Victim Symptom Possible Cure

Any Any Degradation of operational Improve screening, filtering and

efficiency resulting from bonding of both source and/or
interference. victim.

Any Any Harmonics or spurious Improve equipment spec. and

signals from wanted design to remove unwanted
transmitter outputs. emissions. Provide equipment on
each platform to monitor
transmissions to assist correction of
defects causing spurious signals.

Any Transmission Flight Deck Breakthrough Spectrum Management and

Magnetic Loop positioning of loop in relationship to

CIWS Radar CIWS Radar Frequency and pulse Frequency and pulse
interference synchronization of multiple CIWS

CIWS Radar Closed Loop Radar Saturation of head Screening and improved platform
ECM amplifiers frequency spectrum management.

CIWS Radar ESM Equipment Saturation of ESM Filters switched in when CIWS
equipment in CIWS operating. Loss of band to threat
operating band. Radar signals must be taken into account.
PRF is too high for pulse

CIWS Radar Tracking Radar False ECCM reaction Improved platform frequency
spectrum management.

CIWS Radar Tracking Radar Interference at closing Improved siting of antennas so that
bearings. ship’s structure prevents boresight
or reflected interaction. Better
platform spectrum management.

CIWS Radar Tracking Radar Software signal processing Equipment screening and improved
being cluttered by platform frequency spectrum
interference causing false management
target information.

Closed Loop ECM High PRF Radars or Protective filters reducing Command-initiated control on
SHF Communications coverage of threat bands. priority of systems. Filters only
switched on during period of
operational requirement. Use of
burst transmissions to reduce ‘ON

ECM Jammer Tracking Radar Corruption of internal self Command initiated control of
calibration systems during calibration.
Equipment protection from external
influences during calibration

ECM Radar Tracking Radars Tracking radars lose target Command initiated control on
Jammers when own system jamming priority of ‘Soft kill’. or ‘Hard kill’. A
occurs at own ship’s radar directional inhibit interlock under
frequencies. command control.

Helicopter Radio ESM Equipment False detections Switchable filter, software filter or
Altimeter operational procedures.

DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2 UK OFFICIAL

Source Victim Symptom Possible Cure

HF Broadband ESM Equipment Blanking of some bands of Improve bonding of antenna horns
Antennas ESM equipment where the and head amplifier casing.
ESM antennas and head
amplifiers are sited on the
same mast as the
broadband antenna

HF Broadband Personnel Electric shocks while Repositioning of boats and other

Antennas handling boat’s davits and equipment required to be handled
boats sited below under operational conditions out of
antennas. RADHAZ areas. Command-initiated
control of transmitters.

HF High Speed V/UHF Receivers Blanking of Limit power of HF transmission to

Data communications receivers. minimum required for
Transmissions communication.

HF Transmission CESM, Broadband noise From Reduce amount of dissimilar

Communications intermodulation products. conducting materials on upper deck.
Receivers Correct bonding of upper deck
equipment. Removal of loose upper
deck clutter e.g. cable reels,
fenders, gangways, visual signalling
materials into proper enclosed
bonded stowages.

HF Transmission Flight Deck Camera Break up of picture. Improve screening of camera,

monitors and cabling, correct setting
up, replace with hardened cameras,
remove unofficial additional monitor

HF Transmission Tracking Radar Jamming indication when Improve screening of radar. Strict
HF transmissions occur at control of communications operating
radar IF or sub-harmonic. frequencies.

HF Transmission Tracking Satellite Loss of tracking lock Reduction of HF power output,

Communications improved screening and bonding of
tracking antenna, reduction of
coupling between HF and tracking
antenna by increasing distance or

HF Transmission V/UHF Broadband out-of- band Fitting of high pass filter or

Communications re-radiation from VHF multicoupler to inhibit entry of HF to
Receivers Receiver incorporating the unprotected receiver front end.
diode switched filters in Use different antenna that is not in
front end. high HF field strength.

Missile Efflux Thermal Imaging Blooming of display Desensitize camera during launch,
Cameras caused by missile efflux turn camera away from launch
during launch. position.

Multiple Radars ESM Equipment Excessive blanking from Synchronize transmissions.

multiple unsynchronized Operationally control requirements
transmissions. for multiple radars ‘active’ at any
one time.

RF Seduction Tracking Radars Loss of acquisition Command initiated control on

Chaff performance. priority of ‘Soft kill’ or ‘Hard kill’.

SHF Satcoms ESM Equipment Filters fitted to ESM Re-allocate frequency of Satcoms,
equipment designed to use high ‘Q’ notch filters enable filter

UK OFFICIAL DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2

Source Victim Symptom Possible Cure

reduce MI inhibit detection switching and ‘burst transmissions’.

of hostile threat.

Thyristor switched Any Receiver or. Visible interference on Improve screening and filtering of
power supplies Amplifier radar, sonar and ESM power supply. Use alternative type
displays or audible of power supply.
interference on any
equipment using this type
of communications
receivers and audio

Tracking Radar CIWS Radar Doppler interference and Improve platform frequency
incorrect target acquisition. spectrum management.

C.35 Procurement Check List – Equipment Selection



NOTE 1 This Check List is to ensure that certain aspects of this Naval Engineering Standard are consulted when
preparing a Statement of Technical Requirements for a particular application.

NOTE 2 Clauses where a preference for an option is to be used or where specific data is to be added are included in
the Check List data is to be added are included in the Check List.

NOTE 3 Each item is to be marked either


NA = not applicable

Check No Check Clause No √ or NA

Spectrum Requirements

1 Management Chart C.17.3

2 Duplication of Frequency Usage C.17.3
3 Bandwidth Requirements C.17.4
4 RF Power Requirements C.17.5
5 Use of Comparable System C.19.5
Compatibility Requirements
6 Immunity against EMI C.19.7
7 Immunity to ECM C.19.8
8 Integration with other Equipments C.19.9
9 Location Constraints C.19.10
10 Avoidance of known EME Problems C.34.2

DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2 UK OFFICIAL

C.36 Procurement Check List – Platform Design



NOTE 1 This Check List is to ensure that certain aspects of this Naval Engineering Standard are consulted when
preparing a Statement of Technical Requirements for a particular application.

NOTE 2 Clauses where a preference for an option is to be used or where specific data is to be added are included in
the Check List data is to be added are included in the Check List.

NOTE 3 Each item is to be marked either


NA = not applicable

Check No Check Clause SE No √ or


1 Operational Scenario Shielding and Multi-path Reflection Reduction C.20.1

2 Non-metallic Materials C.20.4

3 RAM C.20.5
4 Use of Structure C.20.6
5 Use of Structure RAM C.20.7
6 Upper Deck Structural Design C.20.8
Superstructure Requirements
7 Operational Areas C.20.10
8 Containment Areas C.20.11
9 Support Platforms C.20.12
Requirements for Masts
10 Number C.20.15
11 Position C.20.16
12 Height C.20.17
13 Structure C.20.18
Siting of Aerials
14 Consideration C.20.19
15 Separation C.22.2
16 Radar Aerials C.23.1
17 ECM Aerials C.23.8
18 Waveguides C.23.10
19 Communications Aerials C.23.11
20 Aerial Feeders C.23.26
21 Satellite Aerials C.23.27
22 ESM Aerials C.23.30
Safety Requirements of Upper Deck Design
23 Access C.21.1
24 RADHAZ C.21.7
25 Visual Signalling Requirements C.24
26 Location of Miscellaneous Upper Deck Components C.25

UK OFFICIAL DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2

C.37 Informative Documents Providing Further Information

BS 613 Specification for Components and Filter Units for Electromagnetic Compatibility

DARCOM-P-706-41D Engineering Design Handbook Electromagnetic Compatibility HQ USA Material

Development and Readiness Command Alexandria, Virginia USA

R Morrison Grounding and Shielding Techniques in Instrumentation - John Wiley

E F Vance Coupling to Shielded Cables - John Wiley

E P Fowler Superscreened Cables - The Radio and Electronic Engineer Volume 49, January 1979

D R J White EMI Control Methodology and Procedures, Don White Consultants Inc. The details included in
the following in this and the following annex are not to be included in the standard you produce, but are to be
used in the standardization process.

DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2 UK OFFICIAL

Annex D

AC Alternating Current

AF Audio Frequency

BNC Bayonet Naval Connector

BR British Regulation

BS British Standard

CESM Communications Electronic Support Measures

CFC Carbon Fibre Composite

CIS Command and Information Systems

CIWS Close In Weapon System

CMOS Complimentary Metal Oxide Semiconductor

CMR Common Mode Rejection

COTS Commercial Off The Shelf

COLICE Collocation Interference Cancelling Equipment

CRC Cyclic Redundancy Code

CRT Cathode Ray Tube

CVT Constant Voltage Transformer

CW Continuous (or carrier) Wave

DC Direct Current

DCI Direct Current Injection

DCSA Defence Communication Services Agency

DE3A Defence Electromagnetic Environment Effects (E3)


DEF STAN Defence Standard

DF Direction Finding

DMSC Defence Material Standardization Committee

DSTAN UK Defence Standardisation

UK OFFICIAL DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2

E3 Electromagnetic Environmental Effects

ECL Emitter Coupled Logic

ECM Electronic Counter Measure

ECCM Electronic Counter Counter Measures

EED Electro-Explosive Device

E Field Electric Field

EIRP Equivalent Isotropic Radiated Power

EM Electro Magnetic

EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility

EMC PS EMC Precautions Schedule

EME Electromagnetic Engineering / Electromagnetic


EMI Electro Magnetic Interference

EMH Electromagnetic Hazards

EMP Electromagnetic Pulse

ERP Effective Radiated Power

ESD Electrostatic Discharge

ESM Electronic Support Measures

EUT Equipment Under Test

EW Electronic Warfare

FET Field Effect Transistor

FRP Fibre Reinforced Plastic (Includes Glass Reinforced

Plastic GRP)

GHz Giga Hertz

GRP Glass Reinforced Plastic

HERF Hazard of Electromagnetic Radiation to Fuel

HERP Hazard of Electromagnetic Radiation to Personnel

HERO Hazard of Electromagnetic Radiation to Ordnance

HF High Frequency

H Field Magnetic Field

DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2 UK OFFICIAL

HIRF High Intensity Radiated Fields

IC Integrated Circuit

ICS Integrated Communications Systems

IEC International Electro technical Commission

IF Intermediate Frequency

IFF Identification Friend or Foe

IPD Integrated Product Development

ISO International Standards Organisation

JSP Joint Services Publication

KHz Kilo Hertz

LAN Local Area Network

LCD Liquid Crystal Display

LED Light Emitting Diode

LEMP Lightning Electromagnetic Pulse

LF Low Frequency

LFH Limited Fire Hazard

LRU Line Replacement Unit

MCO Main Communications Office

MF Medium Frequency

MHz Mega Hertz

MI Mutual Interference

MOB Man Over Board

MOD Ministry of Defence

MOS Metal Oxide Semiconductor

MOTS Military Off The Shelf

NAVAIDS Navigation Aids

NBCD Nuclear Biological Chemical Detector

NEMP Nuclear Electromagnetic Pulse

NRPB National Radiological Protection Board

UK OFFICIAL DEF STAN 59-411 Part 5 Issue 2

PCB Printed Circuit Board

PRF Pulse Repetition Frequency

RADHAZ Radiation Hazard

RAM Radiofrequency Absorbent Material

RAS Replenishment At Sea

RCS Radar Cross section

RESM Radar Electronic Support Measure

RN Royal Navy

RF Radio Frequency

RFW Radio Frequency Weapon

SATCOM Satellite Communication

SHF Super High Frequency

SMPS Switch Mode Power Supply

SRAM Structural Radar Absorbent Material

SRBP Synthetic Resin Bonded Paper

SR (Sea) Staff Requirement Sea

STR Statement of Technical Requirements

TLM Transmission Line Method

TNC Threaded Naval Connector

TPD Transient Protection Device

TREE Transient Radiation Effects in Electronics

TTL Transistor Transistor Logic

TV Television

UHF Ultra High Frequency

UK United Kingdom

V/m Volts Per Meter

VHF Very High Frequency

VLF Very Low Frequency

VSWR Voltage Standing Wave Ratio

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File Reference
The DStan file reference relating to work on this standard is D/DStan/59-411/5

Contract Requirements
When Defence Standards are incorporated into contracts users are responsible for their correct
application and for complying with contractual and statutory requirements. Compliance with a Defence
Standard does not in itself confer immunity from legal obligations.

Revision of Defence Standards

Defence Standards are revised as necessary by an up issue or amendment. It is important that users
of Defence Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest issue or amendment.
Information on all Defence Standards can be found on the DStan Website,
updated weekly and supplemented regularly by Standards in Defence News (SID News). Any person
who, when making use of a Defence Standard encounters an inaccuracy or ambiguity is encouraged
to notify UK Defence Standardization (DStan) without delay in order that the matter may be
investigated and appropriate action taken. Sponsors and authors shall refer to Def Stan 00-00 before
proceeding with any standards work.

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