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Atherosclerosis is the hardening of the arteries. It refers to the thickening of the inside walls of the blood vessels.
It is caused by the accumulation of fatty materials including a high proportion of cholesterol as well as other substances.
Atherosclerosis is the most common cause of heart attacks. Those who are most susceptible to this condition and
to other heart diseases are the following:
1. Male between ages 45 and 64 years
2. Overweight persons
3. Diabetics
4. Persons with high blood pressure
5. Persons consuming a diet high in saturated fat
6. Persons with high cholesterol levels
7. Persons whose family has a history of heart and blood vessel diseases
8. Sedentary individuals
9. Persons who have much tension, frustration, and stress
10. Heavy smokers
Food Preparation
A healthy diet rich in nutrient-dense foods may help reduce your risk of developing clogged arteries. Research has
shown that adding foods like cruciferous vegetables, fish, berries, olive oil, oats, onions, greens, and beans to your diet
may be an effective way to prevent atherosclerosis.
Drugs and diet
Diet therapy
1. Sodium-restricted diet is used for the prevention, control, and elimination of edema.
a. Mild restriction (2-3 g Na)
b. Moderate restriction (1,000 mg Na)
c. Strict restriction (500 mg Na)
d. Severe restriction (250 mg Na)
2. Calorie control is applied to reduce the work of the heart.
3. Texture control is applied in acute stages to aid in digestion.
4. Caffeine should be limited.
Food Preparation
Choosing foods that are low in salt, such as fresh meats, poultry, fish, dry and fresh legumes, eggs, milk and
yogurt. Plain rice, pasta and oatmeal are good low-sodium choices. However, the sodium content can increase if salt or
other high-sodium ingredients are added during their preparation.
Medicines are the main treatment for heart failure, but for some people surgery may help. Operations that can
help with heart failure include: heart valve surgery.
Hypertension is also known as high blood pressure. Having blood pressure measures consistently above normal
may result in a diagnosis of high blood pressure (or hypertension). It is common among males rather than females, 55
years and below.
Diet therapy
1. A mild restriction of sodium and occasionally a 1000 mg Na diet may be ordered.
2. Weight reduction may facilitate the lowering of blood pressure.
3. Low-fat diet with emphasis on unsaturated oils is recommended.
Food Preparation
● Eating more fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy foods.
● Cut back on foods that are high in saturated fat, cholesterol, and trans fats.
● Eating more whole-grain foods, fish, poultry, and nuts.
● Limit sodium, sweets, sugary drinks, and red meats.
Lifestyle modifications, nutritional therapy
Food Preparation
Focus on vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts, and seeds for the vitamin, mineral, and fiber content. Choose healthier
fats such as extra virgin olive oil, nuts, and avocado. Avoid fried foods and animal fats. Include whole grains. A diet low
in saturated fats and high in fiber and plant foods can substantially reduce the risk of developing heart disease.
Reduced workload of the heart
Nutritional therapy
Diet Therapy
1. Usually a short-term condition so overall nutrition is of greater concern with adequate rather than restricted
2. No sodium restriction unless edema is seen
3. High-calorie diet chiefly from carbohydrates and fat to spare tissues from being used as an energy source
Food Preparation
Nephrotic syndrome
Nephrotic syndrome describes a composite of symptoms that can occur as a result of injury to the capillary walls
of the glomerulus. It is characterized by massive loss of protein in the blood and edema.
Nutritional therapy
Diet therapy
1. Diet high in protein, 100 - 150 g daily
2. High calorie intake to spare proteins for tissue synthesis and to provide energy
3. Sodium restriction (500 mg)
Acute renal failure (ARF)
Acute renal failure (ARF) is a sudden decline of kidney function or abrupt loss of kidney function.
Three phases of ARF:
1. Oliguric phase - this phase lasts from 24 hours to 3 weeks
2. Diuretic phase - this phase lasts from 2 - 3 weeks
3. Recovery phase - this phase lasts from 3 - 12 months
Food Preparation
Diuretics, nutritional therapy
Diet therapy
1. Protein low to moderate according to tolerance: 30 - 50 g
2. Carbohydrates relatively high for every: 300 - 400 g
3. Fat relatively moderate 70 - 90 g
4. Calories adequate for maintenance to prevent tissue breakdown: 2000 - 2500 g daily
5. Sodium control according to serum levels and excretion capacities varying from 1300 - 1900 mg
6. Potassium control according to excretion about 800 - 1000 mL; careful intake-output records vital
Renal Calculi (Urolithiasis)
Renal calculi (Urolithiasis) is the formation of renal or urinary calculi in the urine that precipitate as stones in the
urinary passages.
Nutritional therapy
Diet therapy
1. Fluid intake - large fluid intake to dilute urine and help prevent concentration of stone constituents
2. Urinary pH - an attempt to control the solubility factor by increased acidity or alkalinity, depending on the
composition of the stones formed
3. Stone composition - reduction of material composing the stone
Renal Surgery
a. Post-operative nutritional needs
1. Protein - increased protein caused by protein losses and catabolic period recovery and tissue recovery and
tissue healing; a period of negative nitrogen balance initially
2. Calories - adequate amount to supply energy and spare proteins for tissue building
3. Water - adequate fluid therapy to avoid dehydration caused by large fluid losses
4. Minerals - replacement of deficiencies and assurance of continued adequacy essential to maintain
electrolyte balance.
5. Vitamins - Vitamin C especially needed for tissue synthesis and wound healing; B-complex vitamins
essential in energy production and tissue-building
b. Dietary Management
1. Initial IV therapy - for water and electrolytes, but oral intake needed as soon as possible for adequate nutrition
2. Hyperalimentation - parenteral nutrition of high nutrient density to avoid thrombosis in peripheral veins
3. Post-operative diet - liquid, soft, to full diet as soon as possible to supply nutritive demands
a. Immediate shock period - days 1 to 3
1. Initial fluid and electrolyte problems, massive flooding edema at burn site pulling water from other parts of
the body, as well as protein loss and electrolyte loss (sodium); potassium drawn from cells to replace
sodium loss with rising serum levels of potassium
2. Immediate parenteral - protein through blood or plasma expander (dextran), sodium and chloride
replacement through lactated Ringer’s solution, water (dextrose solution) to cover losses
b. Recovery period - dyas 3 to 5
1. As fluid and electrolytes are reabsorbed, pattern shifts and sudden diuresis follows.
2. Oral liquid solutions may not be tolerated
c. Secondary feeding period - days 6 to 15
1. Critical nutrition stage tissue regeneration, turning from initial catabolic period of negative nitrogen balance
to an active tissue rebuilding stage
2. Diet therapy - high protein (150 - 400 g) with protein supplements, high calorie (3500 - 5000), high
vitamins especially for wound healing and B-complex vitamins for energy and protein metabolism; record
keeping of intake vital to ensure meeting the high-nutrient requirements
d. Follow-up reconstruction period - from second week on
1. Grafting and plastic surgery - continued optimum nutrition
2. Rehabilitation period - rebuilding the patient both physically and emotionally