Cape Notes Unit 2 Module 2 Reason For The Use of It

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Syllabus Focus: Unit 2 Module 2 Content 1

Specific Objective 1: explain reasons for the use of IT tools;

Content: Enhanced speed, accuracy, reliability, efficiency, flexibility, communication, presentation of

information, integration of processes, decision making; storage and retrieval of large volumes of data;
manageability of task; pressures from clients, competitors and suppliers.

Benefits (Reason for the use) of Information Technology

 Enhance speed – eg. Information systems can perform calculations or process paperwork much
faster than people.
 Increase accuracy – eg. When calculation is done it can give one a more accurate figure than
 It is more reliable- can get the same result using the same input all the time.
 It is more efficient- books compare to hard drive
 It is more flexible
 Enhance presentation of information
 Assist in a more objective decision making.
 It enable storage and retrieval of large volumes of data
 Allow for multitasking.
 Information systems can help companies learn more about the purchase patterns and preferences
of their customers.
 Information systems provide new efficiencies through services such as automated teller machines
(ATMs), telephone systems, or computer-controlled airplanes and air terminals.
 Information systems have made possible new medical advances in surgery, radiology and patient
 Better communication - The internet distributes information instantly to millions of people across
the world.

Negative (Problems) Impact of Information System

 By automating activities that were previously performed by people, information systems may
eliminate jobs.
 Information systems may allow organizations to collect personal details about people that violate
their privacy.
 Information systems are used in so many aspects of everyday life that systems outages can cause
shutdown of businesses or transportation services, paralyzing communities.
 Heavy users of information systems may suffer repetitive stress injury, techno stress, and other
health problems.
 The internet can be used to distribute illegal copies of software, books, articles, and other
intellectual property.
 Can be expensive to set information system.
 Sometimes there are issue with training personnel to use system
 Information system rapidly changing therefore increase therefore there is problems with
 There might be resistance to changes.

CAPE NOTES Unit 2 Module 2 Content 1 1

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