Beeps Code c06589940
Beeps Code c06589940
Beeps Code c06589940
HP 22/24/27 All-in-One PC
Welcome to the interactive beep and LED diagnostic viewer for the
HP 22/24/27 All-in-One PC
Here’s how to use it…
Beep & LED Diagnostic (Click the link to navigate this platform’s diagnostic codes)
On this page you will find a diagnostic viewer with a menu of this product’s diagnostic error features. To identify the diagnostic codes for an error fea-
ture, simply click that feature. To learn more about the behavior and meaning of the specific beep codes, click the beep code and review the information
that presents in the right-hand pane. There is also a LED diagnostic, which you can review by hovering over the information icon on the image.
That’s it! On every page there is a link that brings you back to the Welcome page.
Click a beep code in the Beep Codes column to learn more about that beep code.
2 Long, 3 Short
2 Long, 4 Short
Click a beep code in the Beep Codes column to learn more about that beep code.
3 Long, 3 Short
3 Long, 4 Short
3 Long, 5 Short
3 Long, 6 Short
Click a beep code in the Beep Codes column to learn more about that beep code.
4 Long, 3 Short
Click a beep code in the Beep Codes column to learn more about that beep code.
5 Long, 3 Short
5 Long, 4 Short
5 Long, 5 Short
Click or hover your mouse over the information icon to learn more about the item.