Evidence-based practice (EBP) is a problem-solving approach that integrates the best research evidence, clinical expertise, and patient values and preferences. The key components of EBP are research evidence, clinical expertise, and patient circumstances. EBP aims to provide the highest quality and most efficient nursing care through advancing practice away from tradition and toward evidence-based interventions and research.
Evidence-based practice (EBP) is a problem-solving approach that integrates the best research evidence, clinical expertise, and patient values and preferences. The key components of EBP are research evidence, clinical expertise, and patient circumstances. EBP aims to provide the highest quality and most efficient nursing care through advancing practice away from tradition and toward evidence-based interventions and research.
Evidence-based practice (EBP) is a problem-solving approach that integrates the best research evidence, clinical expertise, and patient values and preferences. The key components of EBP are research evidence, clinical expertise, and patient circumstances. EBP aims to provide the highest quality and most efficient nursing care through advancing practice away from tradition and toward evidence-based interventions and research.
Evidence-based practice (EBP) is a problem-solving approach that integrates the best research evidence, clinical expertise, and patient values and preferences. The key components of EBP are research evidence, clinical expertise, and patient circumstances. EBP aims to provide the highest quality and most efficient nursing care through advancing practice away from tradition and toward evidence-based interventions and research.
EVIDENCED-BASE PRACTICE RELATED TO HE ✓ Effective nursing practice requires information,
judgment, and skill
Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) ✓ It empowers nurses and expands their skills - Knowing what we do is the BEST PRACTICE - A problem-solving approach to the delivery of Aims of EBP health care that integrates the best evidence from 1. To provide the high quality and most cost- studies and patient care data with clinician efficient nursing care possible expertise and patient preferences and values 2. To advance quality of care provided by nurses - The integration of: 3. To increase satisfaction among patients 4. To focus on nursing practice away from habits and tradition to evidence and research Clinical Patient Best Research 5. It results in better patient outcomes Expertise Values Evidence 6. It contributes to the science of nursing into the decision-making process for patient care 7. It keeps practices current and relevant - A way to affect best patient care (Academy of 8. It increases confidence in decision-making Medical-Surgical Nursing) - Integrates the best available evidence to guide Goals of EBP nursing care and improve patient outcomes 1. Provide practicing nurses with the best evidence- - This helps health practitioners address health care based data questions with an evaluative and qualitative 2. Resolve problems in the clinical setting approach 3. Achieve excellence in care delivery - The conscientious use of current best evidence in 4. Reduce variations in nursing care making decisions about patient care (Sackett, et 5. Promote effective nursing interventions al., 2000) 6. Assist with efficient and effective decision-making - Lifelong problem-solving approach to clinical Key Components of EBP practice that integrates the most relevant and best RESEARCH CLINICAL PATIENT VALUES, research, one’s clinical practice, and patient EVIDENCE EXPERTISE CIRCUMSTANCES preferences and values - A method w/c allows the practitioner to assess - Randomized - Knowledge - Unique preferences research, clinical guidelines, and other info controlled trials gained from - Concerns resources based on high quality findings and apply - Lab experiments practice over - Expectations the results to practice - Clinical trials time - Financial resources - Epidemiological - Inductive - Social supports research reasoning Importance of EBP - Outcomes - Healthcare that is evidence-based and conducted research in a caring context leads to better clinical - Qualitative decisions and patient outcomes. Gaining research knowledge and skills in the EBP process provides - Expert practice nurses and other clinicians the tools needed to knowledge, take ownership of their practices and transform inductive reasoning health care. - BEST RESEARCH EVIDENCE + CLINICAL Nurse’s Role in EBP EXPERTISE + PATIENT VALUES AND - “The registered nurse participates, as appropriate PREFERENCES = EBP to education level and position, in the formulation of evidence-based practice through research” EBP Relevance to Nursing Practice - “The registered nurse utilizes current evidence- ✓ An integration of the best evidence-based based nursing knowledge, including research available, nursing expertise, and the values and findings, to guide practice” (ANA Standards of preferences of the individuals, families, and Professional Nursing Practice) communities who are served - Generate important questions ✓ Nursing practice can and must be changed from - Know basis for nursing practice tradition-based to science-based - Expect that evidence is the foundation of practice ✓ Improved patient outcomes - Participate in EBP projects ✓ Decreased unnecessary procedures and - Disseminate project findings in various forums complications - Collaborate with the health care team to provide ✓ Greater provider job satisfaction quality care