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Hitachi Data Ingestor

Error Codes

Product Version

Getting Help


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document will be updated and distributed to all registered users.

Some of the features described in this document might not be currently available. Refer to the most
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Hitachi Data Systems Corporation at https://portal.hds.com.

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Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Intended audience...................................................................................................viii
Product version.......................................................................................................viii
Release notes..........................................................................................................viii
Organization of HDI manuals....................................................................................viii
Abbreviation conventions...........................................................................................ix
Document conventions..............................................................................................xi
Convention for storage capacity values......................................................................xii
Getting help.............................................................................................................xii

1 Overview of Messages...........................................................................1-1
Message description format.....................................................................................1-2
Message ID......................................................................................................1-2
Variable in message..........................................................................................1-3
Notes on taking actions.....................................................................................1-3
Messages sent by using SNMP traps or emails...........................................................1-3
Messages sent from Backup Restore (KAQB messages).......................................1-3
Messages sent from File Sharing (KAQG messages).............................................1-3
Messages sent from File Services Manager (KAQK, KAQM messages)...................1-8
Messages sent from Anti-Virus Enabler (KAQV messages)..................................1-17

2 KAQB Messages (Backup Restore Messages)...........................................2-1

KAQB messages......................................................................................................2-2

3 KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages)................................................ 3-1

KAQG messages.....................................................................................................3-2

4 KAQK Messages (File Services Manager Messages)..................................4-1

KAQK messages......................................................................................................4-2

5 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages).................................5-1

KAQM01 messages.................................................................................................5-3

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
KAQM04 messages................................................................................................5-19
KAQM05 messages................................................................................................5-58
KAQM06 messages................................................................................................5-92
KAQM07 messages..............................................................................................5-110
KAQM08 messages..............................................................................................5-121
KAQM09 messages..............................................................................................5-142
KAQM12 messages..............................................................................................5-156
KAQM13 messages..............................................................................................5-172
KAQM14 messages..............................................................................................5-194
KAQM15 messages..............................................................................................5-206
KAQM16 messages..............................................................................................5-210
KAQM19 messages..............................................................................................5-244
KAQM20 messages..............................................................................................5-258
KAQM21 messages..............................................................................................5-277
KAQM23 messages..............................................................................................5-303
KAQM24 messages..............................................................................................5-326
KAQM25 messages..............................................................................................5-327
KAQM26 messages..............................................................................................5-329
KAQM27 messages..............................................................................................5-340
KAQM30 messages..............................................................................................5-341
KAQM32 messages..............................................................................................5-357
KAQM33 messages..............................................................................................5-367
KAQM35 messages..............................................................................................5-370
KAQM37 messages..............................................................................................5-375
KAQM38 messages..............................................................................................5-472
KAQM50 messages..............................................................................................5-475
KAQM71 messages..............................................................................................5-488

6 KAQV Messages (Anti-Virus Enabler Messages)....................................... 6-1

KAQV messages......................................................................................................6-2

A Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component. .A-1

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component....................A-2
Details of HiRDB Messages..................................................................................A-350

B Troubleshooting for Message KAQB11880-E...........................................B-1

Troubleshooting for Message KAQB11880-E..............................................................B-2

C Troubleshooting for Messages KAQB14200-E, KAQB14208-W, KAQM37072-

E, KAQM37076-E, KAQM37078-W, or KAQM37079-W.............................C-1
Troubleshooting for Messages KAQB14200-E, KAQB14208-W, KAQM37072-E,
KAQM37076-E, KAQM37078-W, or KAQM37079-W....................................................C-2

D Troubleshooting for Message KAQM16058-E..........................................D-1

Restoring the CIFS service configuration definition....................................................D-2
When Active Directory authentication is set........................................................D-2
When NT domain authentication, NT server authentication, or Local authentication is

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
E Troubleshooting for Message KAQM16068-E...........................................E-1
Troubleshooting for Message KAQM16068-E.............................................................E-2
When "An attempt to set initial settings for the LDAP server failed." is output in the
error details:....................................................................................................E-2
When the error details is not "An attempt to set initial settings for the LDAP server

F Troubleshooting When the Name of a File System in a Tier Other Than Tier
1 Was Output to the Message...............................................................F-1
Action to be taken when the name of a file system in a tier other than Tier 1 was output
to the message.......................................................................................................F-2

G Actions for when a timeout occurs due to the inability to secure the
resources used for processing...............................................................G-1
Actions for when a timeout occurs due to the inability to secure the resources used for

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
This manual describes the messages for Hitachi Data Ingestor (HDI):
Notice: The use of Hitachi Data Ingestor and all other Hitachi Data Systems
products is governed by the terms of your agreement(s) with Hitachi Data
This preface includes the following information:

□ Intended audience

□ Product version

□ Release notes

□ Organization of HDI manuals

□ Abbreviation conventions

□ Document conventions

□ Convention for storage capacity values

□ Getting help

□ Comments

Preface vii
Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Intended audience
This manual is intended for the following users:
• System administrators who operate and manage an HDI system.
• End users of an HDI system.
In addition, the user must have:
• A basic knowledge of storage system
• A basic knowledge of Hitachi Content Platform (HCP) systems
• A basic knowledge of networks
• A basic knowledge of file sharing services
• A basic knowledge of SAN
• A basic knowledge of CIFS
• A basic knowledge of NFS
• A basic knowledge of UNIX
• A basic knowledge of Windows
• A basic knowledge of Web browsers

Product version
This document revision applies to Hitachi Data Ingestor version 4.2.1 or later.

Release notes
Release notes can be found on the documentation CD. Release notes contain
requirements and more recent product information that may not be fully
described in this manual. Be sure to review the release notes before

Organization of HDI manuals

HDI manuals are organized as shown below:
Note that whether HDI nodes can be set up in a redundant configuration
depends on the HDI model. A configuration where nodes are made redundant
is called a cluster configuration, and a configuration where a node is not
made redundant with another node is called a single-node configuration.
Which manuals you need to read depends on which configuration you are
going to use.

Manual name Description

Hitachi Data Ingestor Installation and You must read this manual first to use an HDI
Configuration Guide, MK-90HDI002 system.

viii Preface
Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Manual name Description
This manual contains the information that you
must be aware of before starting HDI system
operation, as well as the environment settings
for an external server.

Hitachi Data Ingestor Cluster Getting This manual explains how to set up an HDI
Started Guide, MK-90HDI001 system in a cluster configuration.

Hitachi Data Ingestor Cluster This manual provides procedures for using HDI
Administrator's Guide, MK-90HDI038 systems in a cluster configuration, as well as
provides GUI references.

Hitachi Data Ingestor Cluster This manual provides troubleshooting

Troubleshooting Guide, MK-90HDI029 information for HDI systems in a cluster

Hitachi Data Ingestor Single Node This manual explains how to set up an HDI
Getting Started Guide, MK-90HDI028 system in a single-node configuration.

Hitachi Data Ingestor Single Node This manual explains the procedures for using
Administrator's Guide, MK-90HDI039 HDI systems in a single-node configuration, as
well as provides GUI references.

Hitachi Data Ingestor Single Node This manual provides troubleshooting

Troubleshooting Guide, MK-90HDI030 information for HDI systems in a single-node

Hitachi Data Ingestor CLI This manual describes the syntax of the
Administrator's Guide, MK-90HDI034 commands that can be used for HDI systems in
a cluster configuration or a single-node

Hitachi Data Ingestor API References, This manual explains how to use the API for HDI
MK-90HDI026 systems in a cluster configuration or a single-
node configuration.

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes This manual contains messages for HDI systems
(This manual) in a cluster configuration or a single-node

Hitachi Data Ingestor File System This manual contains the things to keep in mind
Protocols (CIFS/NFS) Administrator's before using the CIFS or NFS service of an HDI
Guide, MK-90HDI035 system in a cluster configuration or a single-
node configuration from a CIFS or NFS client.

Abbreviation conventions
This manual uses the following abbreviations for product names:

Abbreviation Full name or meaning

Active Directory Active Directory(R)

ADAM Active Directory(R) Application Mode 1.0

Device Manager Hitachi Device Manager Software

Dynamic Provisioning Hitachi Dynamic Provisioning Software

Preface ix
Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Abbreviation Full name or meaning

File Services Manager A generic name for the following:

• Configuration Manager
• Hitachi File Services Manager

Global Link Manager Hitachi Global Link Manager Software

HCP Hitachi Content Platform

HDI Hitachi Data Ingestor

Hitachi AMS2000/AMS/WMS A generic name for the following:

series • Hitachi Adaptable Modular Storage 2000 series
• Hitachi Adaptable Modular Storage series
• Hitachi Workgroup Modular Storage series

Hitachi AMS2000 series Hitachi Adaptable Modular Storage 2000 series

HUS VM Hitachi Unified Storage VM

Internet Explorer Windows(R) Internet Explorer(R)

OpenLDAP OpenLDAP 2.x

Replication Manager Hitachi Replication Manager Software

ShadowImage A generic name for the following:

• ShadowImage
• ShadowImage in-system replication

Solaris A generic name for the following:

• Solaris 9 Operating System for SPARC Platforms
• Solaris 10 Operating System for SPARC Platforms

Solaris 10 Solaris 10 Operating System for SPARC Platforms

Sun Java System Directory Sun Java(TM) System Directory Server 5.2

Tiered Storage Manager Hitachi Tiered Storage Manager Software

TrueCopy A generic name for the following:

• TrueCopy
• TrueCopy Asynchronous
• TrueCopy Extended Distance
• TrueCopy remote replication

Tuning Manager Hitachi Tuning Manager Software

Universal Storage Platform V/ A generic name for the following:

VM • Hitachi Universal Storage Platform V
• Hitachi Universal Storage Platform VM

Virtual Storage Platform Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform

Windows Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Operating System

Windows Server 2003 A generic name for the following:

x Preface
Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Abbreviation Full name or meaning
• Microsoft(R) Windows Server(R) 2003, Standard
Edition Operating System
• Microsoft(R) Windows Server(R) 2003, Enterprise
Edition Operating System
• Microsoft(R) Windows Server(R) 2003, Datacenter
Edition Operating System
• Microsoft(R) Windows Server(R) 2003, Web Edition
Operating System

Windows Server 2003 R2 A generic name for the following:

• Microsoft(R) Windows Server(R) 2003 R2, Standard
• Microsoft(R) Windows Server(R) 2003 R2,
Enterprise Edition
• Microsoft(R) Windows Server(R) 2003 R2,
Datacenter Edition

Windows Server 2008 A generic name for the following:

• Microsoft(R) Windows Server(R) 2008 Datacenter
• Microsoft(R) Windows Server(R) 2008 Enterprise
• Microsoft(R) Windows Server(R) 2008 Standard

Windows Vista A generic name for the following:

• Microsoft(R) Windows Vista(R) Business
• Microsoft(R) Windows Vista(R) Enterprise
• Microsoft(R) Windows Vista(R) Ultimate

Windows XP Microsoft(R) Windows(R) XP Professional Operating


If you want to reference other manuals, note that hereinafter in this manual,
the Hitachi Data Ingestor Cluster Administrator's Guide and Hitachi Data
Ingestor Single Node Administrator's Guide are referred to as the
Administrator's Guide, and the Hitachi Data Ingestor Cluster Troubleshooting
Guide and the Hitachi Data Ingestor Single Node Troubleshooting Guide are
referred to as the Troubleshooting Guide. See the appropriate manual as

Document conventions
This document uses the following typographic conventions:

Convention Description

Bold Indicates text on a window, other than the window title,

including menus, menu options, buttons, fields, and labels.
Example: Click OK.

Italic Indicates a variable, which is a placeholder for actual text

provided by the user or system. Example: copy source-file

Preface xi
Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Convention Description
Note: Angled brackets (< >) are also used to indicate
screen/code Indicates text that is displayed on screen or entered by the
user. Example: # pairdisplay -g oradb

<> Indicates a variable, which is a placeholder for actual text

provided by the user or system. Example: # pairdisplay
-g <group>
Note: Italic font is also used to indicate variables.

[] Only displayed in certain cases.

Example: [Virtual Server ID = virtual-server-ID: ]
This example shows that Virtual Server ID = virtual-
server-ID: is displayed only for virtual servers.

{...|...} In message explanations, curly brackets containing items

separated by vertical bars indicate that the system will
output only one of the items. For example, {A|B|C} means
that the system will output the string A, or B, or C.

Convention for storage capacity values

Storage capacity values (e.g., drive capacity) are calculated based on the
following values:

Capacity Unit Physical Value Logical Value

1 KB 1,000 bytes 1,024 (210) bytes

1 MB 1,000 KB or 1,0002 bytes 1,024 KB or 1,0242 bytes

1 GB 1,000 MB or 1,0003 bytes 1,024 MB or 1,0243 bytes

1 TB 1,000 GB or 1,0004 bytes 1,024 GB or 1,0244 bytes

1 PB 1,000 TB or 1,0005 bytes 1,024 TB or 1,0245 bytes

1 EB 1,000 PB or 1,0006 bytes 1,024 PB or 1,0246 bytes

1 block - 512 bytes

Getting help
The Hitachi Data Systems customer support staff is available 24 hours a day,
seven days a week. If you need technical support, log on to the Hitachi Data
Systems Portal for contact information: https://portal.hds.com

xii Preface
Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Please send us your comments on this document: [email protected].
Include the document title, number, and revision, and refer to specific
section(s) and paragraph(s) whenever possible.
Thank you! (All comments become the property of Hitachi Data Systems

Preface xiii
Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
xiv Preface
Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Overview of Messages
This chapter provides the description format of and notes for messages
output by Hitachi Data Ingestor (HDI) systems, as well as descriptions of
messages sent by using SNMP traps or emails.

□ Message description format

□ Messages sent by using SNMP traps or emails

Overview of Messages 1-1

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message description format
This section describes the messages output by HDI systems. Search for the
message in the manual that corresponds to the message ID of the output
message, and then check the cause and action for the error. To help
differentiate between system operations and user actions, the labels (S) for
system and (O) for operator are sometimes used.
HDI system messages that do not appear in this manual are trace information
for use by maintenance personnel. The system administrator need not
perform the action outlined in the trace information.
The following explains how to read the messages in this manual, and gives
some cautionary notes.

Message ID
The message ID is a unique ID assigned to each message. Symbols used in
the message IDs are as follows:
Indicates that the message was output by an HDI system.
Indicates the identifier of a program that output the message. The
identifiers are as follows:
QB: Backup Restore
QG: File Sharing
QK, QM: File Services Manager
QV: Anti-Virus Enabler
Other than the above messages, messages beginning with KAPL might be
displayed, but there is no need to reference them.
The message sequence number. Message numbers are five-digit numbers
attached to each message, such as 00001 or 00002.
Indicates the message severity level. Possible severity levels are as
E (Error): Indicates an error message.
Processing is canceled.
W (Warning): Indicates a warning message.
Processing continues after message output.
I (Information): Indicates an information message.
Reports information to the user.
Q (Question): Indicates a question message.
Prompts the user to respond.

1-2 Overview of Messages

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Variable in message
Variables in the message are indicated in italics as follows:

Notes on taking actions

The action to take when instructed to "Acquire the error-information and
inform maintenance personnel." is as follows:
• Download the data in all the log groups as error-information, regardless
of the log file type indicated.
• Contact maintenance personnel, and then send all the acquired log group
For details on how to download all log group data, see the Administrator's
If the message prompts you to see online Help, click Help in the File Services
Manager or HDI GUI, and see the displayed manual.

Messages sent by using SNMP traps or emails

When SNMP has been set up, some of the system messages output by HDI
systems can be sent by using SNMP traps or emails. For details on how to
monitor the system by using SNMP traps or emails, see the Administrator's

Messages sent from Backup Restore (KAQB messages)

The following table lists the messages sent from Backup Restore.

Table 1-1 List of messages sent from Backup Restore

Severity Corresponding MIB
Message ID notification See
level object

KAQB12231-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail Table 2-1

KAQB12233-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail messages
KAQB12234-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail on page

Legend: SNMP: Notification by an SNMP trap, E-mail: Email notification

Messages sent from File Sharing (KAQG messages)

The following table lists the messages sent from File Sharing.

Overview of Messages 1-3

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Table 1-2 List of messages sent from File Sharing

Severity Corresponding MIB
Message ID notification See
level object

KAQG01012-I Information stdEventTrapInformation SNMP Table 3-1

KAQG01013-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail messages
KAQG10012-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail on page
KAQG10103-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQG10104-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG20901-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG20902-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG20903-I Information stdEventTrapInformation SNMP

KAQG30001-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG41003-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQG41004-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG41005-I Information stdEventTrapInformation SNMP

KAQG41006-I Information stdEventTrapInformation SNMP

KAQG41007-I Information stdEventTrapInformation SNMP

KAQG41008-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG41009-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG41010-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG41011-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG41012-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG41013-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG46012-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG46023-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG46024-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG46040-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG46041-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQG46042-I Information stdEventTrapInformation SNMP

KAQG46050-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG46051-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQG46052-I Information stdEventTrapInformation SNMP

KAQG46504-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG46508-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

1-4 Overview of Messages

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Severity Corresponding MIB
Message ID notification See
level object

KAQG46509-I Information stdEventTrapInformation SNMP

KAQG46510-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQG46511-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG46513-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG46518-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG46531-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG46533-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG46534-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG46535-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQG46536-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG51000-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG51001-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG51003-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG52000-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQG52001-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQG52016-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG52018-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQG52019-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG52020-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG52021-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQG52026-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQG52027-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG52028-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQG52029-I Information stdEventTrapInformation SNMP

KAQG52030-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQG52031-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQG52900-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG52901-I Information stdEventTrapInformation SNMP

KAQG53003-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQG53004-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQG53005-I Information stdEventTrapInformation SNMP

KAQG62001-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQG62004-I Information stdEventTrapInformation SNMP

Overview of Messages 1-5

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Severity Corresponding MIB
Message ID notification See
level object

KAQG62005-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQG62006-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG62007-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG62008-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG62009-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG62010-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQG62011-I Information stdEventTrapInformation SNMP

KAQG62012-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQG62013-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG62014-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG62015-I Information stdEventTrapInformation SNMP

KAQG70000-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG70001-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG71000-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG72000-E Fatal Error stdEventTrapFatalError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG72001-E Fatal Error stdEventTrapFatalError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG72002-E Fatal Error stdEventTrapFatalError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG72003-E Fatal Error stdEventTrapFatalError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG72004-E Fatal Error stdEventTrapFatalError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG72005-E Fatal Error stdEventTrapFatalError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG72006-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG72007-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG72008-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG72009-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG72010-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG72011-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG72012-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQG72013-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQG72014-I Information stdEventTrapInformation SNMP

KAQG72015-I Information stdEventTrapInformation SNMP

KAQG72016-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG72018-E Fatal Error stdEventTrapFatalError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG72019-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

1-6 Overview of Messages

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Severity Corresponding MIB
Message ID notification See
level object

KAQG72020-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG72021-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQG72022-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQG72023-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG72024-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQG72026-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG72027-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG72028-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQG72029-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG72030-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG72031-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG72032-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG73001-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQG73002-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQG81003-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQG81004-I Information stdEventTrapInformation SNMP

KAQG81101-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQG81102-I Information stdEventTrapInformation SNMP

KAQG90001-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG90002-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQG90003-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQG90004-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQG90005-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQG90006-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG90007-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQG90008-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQG90009-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG90010-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG90013-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG90014-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG91005-I Information stdEventTrapInformation SNMP

KAQG91307-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQG99020-I Information stdEventTrapInformation SNMP

Overview of Messages 1-7

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Severity Corresponding MIB
Message ID notification See
level object

KAQG99021-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

Legend: SNMP: Notification by an SNMP trap, E-mail: Email notification

Messages sent from File Services Manager (KAQK, KAQM messages)

The following table lists the messages sent from File Services Manager.

Table 1-3 List of messages sent from File Services Manager

Severity Corresponding MIB
Message ID notification See
level object

KAQK40000-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail Table 4-1

KAQK40001-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail messages
on page

KAQM01001-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail Table 5-1

KAQM01002-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail messages
KAQM01005-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail on page
KAQM01006-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM01018-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM01019-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM01020-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM01097-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM01099-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM01109-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQM01110-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQM01111-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQM04186-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail Table 5-2

on page

KAQM05154-I Information stdEventTrapInformation SNMP Table 5-3

KAQM05156-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail messages
KAQM05256-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail on page
KAQM05258-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

1-8 Overview of Messages

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Severity Corresponding MIB
Message ID notification See
level object

KAQM05259-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM05260-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM05261-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM05262-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM05263-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM05264-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM05290-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM05294-I Information stdEventTrapInformation SNMP

KAQM05323-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM05325-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQM06119-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail Table 5-4

KAQM06137-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail messages
KAQM06138-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail on page
KAQM06139-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM09046-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail Table 5-7

KAQM09047-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail messages
KAQM09048-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail on page
KAQM09049-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM09060-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQM09061-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQM09062-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQM09063-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQM09064-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQM09065-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQM09066-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQM09109-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQM09112-I Information stdEventTrapInformation E-mail

KAQM09119-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQM12064-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning E-mail Table 5-8

KAQM12065-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning E-mail messages
KAQM12066-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning E-mail on page
KAQM12067-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning E-mail

KAQM12068-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning E-mail

Overview of Messages 1-9

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Severity Corresponding MIB
Message ID notification See
level object

KAQM13090-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail Table 5-9

KAQM13091-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail messages
KAQM13093-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail on page
KAQM13104-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM13111-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM13115-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM13118-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM13160-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQM13161-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQM13162-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM13168-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQM13175-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQM13176-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM13177-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM13178-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM13179-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM13180-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM13182-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQM13184-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM13191-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM13196-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQM13221-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM13230-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM14129-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail Table

KAQM14134-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail KAQM14
on page

KAQM15005-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail Table

on page

KAQM16049-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail Table

KAQM16175-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail KAQM16

1-10 Overview of Messages

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Severity Corresponding MIB
Message ID notification See
level object
on page

KAQM32040-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail Table

KAQM32041-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail KAQM32
on page

KAQM33036-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail Table

KAQM33046-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail KAQM33
KAQM33048-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail messages
on page

KAQM35003-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail Table

KAQM35004-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail KAQM35
KAQM35005-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail messages
on page
KAQM35007-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail 5-370

KAQM35008-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM35015-I Information stdEventTrapInformation SNMP

KAQM35016-I Information stdEventTrapInformation SNMP

KAQM35017-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM35018-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM35020-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQM35021-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQM35022-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM35025-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37005-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail Table

KAQM37010-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail KAQM37
KAQM37020-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail messages
on page
KAQM37021-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail 5-375

KAQM37025-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37033-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37036-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37037-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37042-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37043-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

Overview of Messages 1-11

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Severity Corresponding MIB
Message ID notification See
level object

KAQM37044-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37045-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37066-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37072-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37079-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37081-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37082-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37085-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37086-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37088-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37090-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37091-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37092-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37093-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37094-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37096-I Information stdEventTrapInformation SNMP

KAQM37100-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37101-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37104-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37106-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37107-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37113-I Information stdEventTrapInformation SNMP

KAQM37114-I Information stdEventTrapInformation SNMP

KAQM37115-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37124-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37128-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37130-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37133-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37135-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37136-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37140-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37158-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37162-I Information stdEventTrapInformation SNMP

1-12 Overview of Messages

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Severity Corresponding MIB
Message ID notification See
level object

KAQM37163-I Information stdEventTrapInformation SNMP

KAQM37164-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37165-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37172-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37187-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37189-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37191-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37193-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37194-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37198-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37199-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37200-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37206-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37207-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37216-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37217-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37226-I Information stdEventTrapInformation SNMP

KAQM37227-I Information stdEventTrapInformation SNMP

KAQM37232-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37234-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37235-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37236-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37237-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37238-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37239-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37240-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37241-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37242-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37244-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37246-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37250-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37251-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37252-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

Overview of Messages 1-13

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Severity Corresponding MIB
Message ID notification See
level object

KAQM37253-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37254-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37255-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37256-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37257-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37258-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37259-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37260-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37261-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37262-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37263-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37264-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37265-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37273-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37284-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37307-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37308-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37310-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37315-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37316-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37323-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37343-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37345-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37352-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37354-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37356-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37358-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37363-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37386-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37387-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37390-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37396-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37398-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

1-14 Overview of Messages

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Severity Corresponding MIB
Message ID notification See
level object

KAQM37401-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37413-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37414-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37432-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37433-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37434-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37435-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37436-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37437-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37438-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37439-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37440-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37441-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37442-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37443-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37444-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37445-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37446-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37447-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37454-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37455-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37456-I Information stdEventTrapInformation SNMP

KAQM37457-I Information stdEventTrapInformation SNMP

KAQM37463-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37468-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37469-I Information stdEventTrapInformation SNMP

KAQM37470-I Information stdEventTrapInformation SNMP

KAQM37471-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37472-I Information stdEventTrapInformation SNMP

KAQM37473-I Information stdEventTrapInformation SNMP

KAQM37474-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37481-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37491-I Information stdEventTrapInformation SNMP

Overview of Messages 1-15

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Severity Corresponding MIB
Message ID notification See
level object

KAQM37492-I Information stdEventTrapInformation SNMP

KAQM37500-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37501-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37505-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37508-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37509-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37510-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37511-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37512-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37515-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM37516-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM38015-I Information stdEventTrapInformation SNMP Table

on page

KAQM50800-I Information stdEventTrapInformation SNMP Table

KAQM50801-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail KAQM50
KAQM50802-I Information stdEventTrapInformation SNMP messages
on page
KAQM50811-I Information stdEventTrapInformation SNMP 5-475

KAQM50812-I Information stdEventTrapInformation SNMP

KAQM50813-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM50814-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM50815-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQM50901-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM50902-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM50903-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM50904-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM50905-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQM50906-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

Legend: SNMP: Notification by an SNMP trap, E-mail: Email notification

1-16 Overview of Messages

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Messages sent from Anti-Virus Enabler (KAQV messages)
The following table lists the messages sent from Anti-Virus Enabler.

Table 1-4 List of messages sent from Anti-Virus Enabler

Severity Corresponding MIB
Message ID notification See
level object

KAQV10002-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail Table 6-1

KAQV10005-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail messages

KAQV10018-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail on page

KAQV10019-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQV10022-E#1 Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQV10023-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQV10024-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQV10027-W#2 Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQV10029-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQV10030-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQV10031-W Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQV10032-W#2 Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQV10034-W#3 Warning stdEventTrapWarning SNMP and E-mail

KAQV20002-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQV20005-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQV30006-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQV30012-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

KAQV30013-E Error stdEventTrapError SNMP and E-mail

Legend: SNMP: Notification by an SNMP trap, E-mail: Email notification

This message is sent to the SNMP manager when the Notify radio button
in the Notification when infection is detected group is selected in the
Scan Conditions window.
This message is sent if you specify EVERYTIME for the SNMP trap or email
notification method by using the avaconfedit command.

This message is sent if you specify ONCEADAY for the SNMP trap or email
notification method by using the avaconfedit command.

Overview of Messages 1-17

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
1-18 Overview of Messages
Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
KAQB Messages (Backup Restore
This chapter describes the meanings of the KAQB messages output by HDI
systems (Backup Restore messages).

□ KAQB messages

KAQB Messages (Backup Restore Messages) 2-1

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
KAQB messages
This section explains messages that have a message ID beginning with KAQB
(Backup Restore messages), and the actions to be taken if such messages

Table 2-1 KAQB messages

Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQB11004-E An attempt to allocate Memory could not be allocated, so

memory failed. processing was stopped.
Cancels processing.
Wait a while, and then re-execute. If
the error occurs repeatedly, acquire
the Backup Restore log files, and
contact maintenance personnel. For a
list of these log files, see the online

KAQB11006-E No license is set to allow use Because the license for Base software
of basic functionality. is not specified, the Backup Restore
function cannot be executed.
Cancels processing.
Specify the license for Base software,
and then retry.

KAQB11008-E An attempt to get the license Other users might be occupying some
of Base software failed. of the resources used for the
processing, or a system error might
have occurred.
Cancels processing.
Wait a while, and then retry. If the
error occurs again, acquire the Backup
Restore log files, and contact
maintenance personnel. For a list of
these log files, see the online help.

KAQB11009-E A device error occurred. A device error occurred in a cluster

management LU, user LU, or command
Cancels processing.
Contact maintenance personnel.

2-2 KAQB Messages (Backup Restore Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQB11247-E The NDMP server status could The acquisition of the NDMP server
not be acquired, so the NDMP status failed, so the NDMP server
server control window cannot control window could not be displayed.
be displayed. (S)
Cancels processing.
Acquire the Backup Restore log files,
and contact maintenance personnel.
For a list of these log files, see the
online help.

KAQB11248-E The execution environment The execution environment has

was changed so the attempt changed, so the NDMP server
to change the NDMP server password could not be changed.
password failed. Possible causes of this error include a
deleted file or a changed access
permission of the executed program.
Cancels processing.
Acquire the Backup Restore log files,
and contact maintenance personnel.
For a list of these log files, see the
online help.

KAQB11249-E The execution environment Execution of NDMP server control failed

was changed so the attempt because the execution environment
to execute NDMP server was changed. Possible causes of this
control failed. error include a moved executable file
or a changed access permission.
Cancels processing.
Acquire the Backup Restore log files,
and contact maintenance personnel.
For a list of these log files, see the
online help.

KAQB11252-E An attempt to change the An error occurred in the update

NDMP server password failed. processing of an NDMP server
Cancels processing.
Acquire the Backup Restore log files,
and contact maintenance personnel.
For a list of these log files, see the
online help.

KAQB11253-E An unexpected error occurred. Processing was terminated because a

processing inconsistency occurred
during execution of NDMP server
control or an NDMP password change.

KAQB Messages (Backup Restore Messages) 2-3

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Cancels processing.
Check the contents of the Backup
Restore log (ebr_alertfile) that was
output just before this message. If the
error occurs repeatedly, acquire the
Backup Restore log files, and contact
maintenance personnel. For a list of
these log files, see the online help.

KAQB11254-E The button-specified request An NDMP server control was used to

is not permitted in the current request a change the NDMP server's
NDMP server status. operating status, but this request is
not permitted. Click 'Refresh' to
display the NDMP server's most recent
operating status.
Cancels processing.
Display the NDMP server control
window again, check the NDMP server
status, and then re-execute.

KAQB11255-E The specified user name or The specified user name or current
current password is not password is not registered in the NDMP
registered in the NDMP server.
server. (S)
Cancels processing.
Re-enter a user name or current
password registered in the NDMP

KAQB11256-E An attempt to stop the NDMP An error occurred during the

server failed. processing to stop the NDMP server.
Cancels processing.
Acquire the Backup Restore log files,
and contact maintenance personnel.
For a list of these log files, see the
online help.

KAQB11257-E An attempt to start the NDMP An error occurred during the

server failed. processing to start the NDMP server.
Cancels processing.
Acquire the Backup Restore log files,
and contact maintenance personnel.

2-4 KAQB Messages (Backup Restore Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
For a list of these log files, see the
online help.

KAQB11259-E An attempt to update the An error occurred while the NDMP

NDMP server status failed. server status was being updated.
Cancels processing.
If you clicked 'Start' or 'Restart', click
'Restart'. If you clicked 'Stop' or
'Perform Forced Stop', click
'Perform Forced Stop'. If this error
occurs repeatedly, acquire the Backup
Restore log files, and contact
maintenance personnel. For a list of
these log files, see the online help.

KAQB11260-E The acquisition of cluster Other users might be occupying some

information has temporarily of the resources used for the
failed. processing, or a system error might
have occurred.
Cancels processing.
Wait a while, and then retry. If the
error occurs again, acquire the Backup
Restore log files, and contact
maintenance personnel. For a list of
these log files, see the online help.

KAQB11500-I command-name command The syntax check terminated normally.

execution has started. Command execution starts.

KAQB11501-I command-name command The command has terminated

has finished. normally.

KAQB11502-Q Enter the value of the This message appears when you must
displayed parameter name, enter a value for a parameter, such as
and then press 'Enter'. when changing a password

KAQB Messages (Backup Restore Messages) 2-5

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Specify a value for the parameter.

KAQB11503-E An option is incorrect. The type or location of the option is

invalid, or the number of options is
Cancels command execution.
Check the format of the command,
specify correct options, and then retry.

KAQB11504-E There are too many or too The number of parameters is invalid.
few parameters. (S)
Cancels command execution.
Check the format of the command,
specify correct parameters, and then

KAQB11505-E The parameter-name The length of the parameter is invalid.

parameter is too short or too (S)
Cancels command execution.
Check the format of the command,
specify a correct parameter value, and
then retry.

KAQB11506-E The value of the parameter- The parameter contains an invalid

name parameter is incorrect. value (a character string or a numeric
Cancels command execution.
Check the format of the command,
specify a correct parameter value, and
then retry.

KAQB11507-E The value of the parameter- The value of the parameter is out of
name parameter is out of range.
range. (S)
Cancels command execution.
Check the format of the command,
specify a correct parameter value, and
then retry.

KAQB11508-E An attempt to display a An error occurred when a response

message failed. message was output. The response
message was displayed incompletely.
An error might have occurred while the
message was being displayed.

2-6 KAQB Messages (Backup Restore Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Cancels command execution.
Check the contents of the Backup
Restore log (ebr_alertfile) that was
output just before this message. If the
error occurs repeatedly, acquire the
Backup Restore log files, and contact
maintenance personnel. For a list of
these log files, see the online help.

KAQB11510-E An attempt to allocate Sufficient memory could not be

memory failed. allocated during command execution.
This caused processing to terminate.
Cancels command execution.
Wait a while, and then re-execute. If
the error occurs again, acquire the
Backup Restore log files, and contact
maintenance personnel. For a list of
these log files, see the online help.

KAQB11512-E An unexpected error occurred. A processing inconsistency occurred

during command execution. This
causes processing to terminate.
Cancels command execution.
Check the contents of the Backup
Restore log (ebr_alertfile) that was
output just before this message. If the
error occurs repeatedly, acquire the
Backup Restore log files, and contact
maintenance personnel. For a list of
these log files, see the online help.

KAQB11513-E There are too many or too parameter-name contains an invalid

few values in the parameter- number of values.
name parameter. (S)
Cancels command execution.
Check the format of the command,
specify a correct parameter value, and
then retry.

KAQB11514-E No license is set to allow use The license for Hitachi Base software is
of basic functionality. not set up. This prevents a Backup
Restore command from being
Cancels command execution.

KAQB Messages (Backup Restore Messages) 2-7

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Set up the license for Base software,
and then retry.

KAQB11519-E An attempt to acquire a This message may appear when

license failed. another user is concurrently using
some resources required for the
operation, or a system error has
Cancels command execution.
Wait a while, and then re-execute. If
the error occurs again, acquire the
Backup Restore log files, and contact
maintenance personnel. For a list of
these log files, see the online help.

KAQB11521-E A device error occurred. The Backup Restore functionality

cannot be used because an error
occurred in a cluster management LU,
a user LU, or the command device.
Cancels command execution.
Contact maintenance personnel.

KAQB11642-E The current directory is The current directory is invalid.

invalid. Possible causes are as follows:
• The current directory is located
under /mnt.
• The current directory is set in a
directory that does not exist.
• The horclogremove command was
executed in a /home/nasroot/
loginstance-number subdirectory.
Cancels command execution.
Change the current directory, and then

KAQB11701-I Usage: form-of-command If a syntax error occurs or the -h

option is specified, the format of the
command appears.
Terminates command execution.
If a syntax error occurs, check the
format of the command and then retry.

2-8 KAQB Messages (Backup Restore Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQB11702-I Usage: form-of-command If a syntax error occurs or the -h

option is specified, the format of the
command appears.
Terminates command execution.
If a syntax error occurs, check the
format of the command and then retry.

KAQB11703-I Usage: form-of-command If a syntax error occurs or the -h

option is specified, the format of the
command appears.
Terminates command execution.
If a syntax error occurs, check the
format of the command, and then

KAQB11704-E The acquisition of cluster The NDMP functionality cannot be used

information has temporarily because cluster information could not
failed. be obtained.
Cancels command execution.
Wait a while, and then re-execute. If
the error occurs again, acquire the
Backup Restore log files, and contact
maintenance personnel. For a list of
these log files, see the online help.

KAQB11705-W Items are applied only to the Items are applied only to the logged-in
logged-in node. If necessary, node. If necessary, log in to each node
log in to each node on the on the cluster and check each setup.
cluster and check each setup. (S)
This is a warning message and does
not have any effect on system action.
Specify the same values in all nodes on
the cluster.

KAQB11706-I Usage: form-of-command If a syntax error occurs or the -h

option is specified, the format of the
tapeadd command appears.
Terminates command execution.
If a syntax error occurs, check the
format of the command, and then try

KAQB Messages (Backup Restore Messages) 2-9

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQB11707-I Usage: form-of-command If a syntax error occurs or the -h

option is specified, the format of the
tapedel command appears.
Terminates command execution.
If a syntax error occurs, check the
format of the command, and then try

KAQB11708-I Usage: form-of-command If a syntax error occurs or the -h

option is specified, the format of the
tapelist command appears.
Terminates command execution.
If a syntax error occurs, check the
format of the command, and then try

KAQB11709-E A parameter is incorrect. The specified parameter type is

Cancels command execution.
Check the format of the command,
specify a valid parameter, and then

KAQB11710-I Usage: form-of-command If a syntax error occurs or the -h

option is specified, the command
syntax appears.
Terminates command execution.
If a syntax error occurs, check the
syntax of the command, and then retry
the operation.

KAQB11792-E An attempt to display a An error occurred when a response

message failed. Maintenance message was output. The response
information1 = maintenance- message was displayed incompletely.
information-1 Maintenance An error might have occurred during
information2 = maintenance- processing for standard error output or
information-2 Maintenance log message output.
information3 = maintenance- (S)
Cancels processing.
Check the contents of the Backup
Restore log (ebr_alertfile) that was
output just before this message. If the

2-10 KAQB Messages (Backup Restore Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
error occurs repeatedly, acquire the
Backup Restore log files, and contact
maintenance personnel. For a list of
these log files, see the online help.

KAQB11796-E A processing inconsistency A processing inconsistency occurred in

occurred. Maintenance the program. An error occurred in
information1 = maintenance- internal processing.
information-1 Maintenance (S)
information2 = maintenance-
information-2 Cancels command execution.
Acquire the Backup Restore log files,
and contact maintenance personnel.
For a list of these log files, see the
online help.

KAQB11797-E System memory is Insufficient system memory was

insufficient. Maintenance detected.
information1 = maintenance- (S)
information-1 Maintenance
information2 = maintenance- Cancels command execution.
information-2 (O)
Wait a while, and then re-execute. If
the error occurs again, acquire the
Backup Restore log files, and contact
maintenance personnel. For a list of
these log files, see the online help.

KAQB11798-E The user-entered value could The value entered interactively such as
not be acquired. Maintenance for changing a password could not be
information1 = maintenance- acquired.
information-1 Maintenance (S)
information2 = maintenance-
information-2 Cancels command execution.
Re-execute the command. If the error
occurs repeatedly, acquire the Backup
Restore log files, and contact
maintenance personnel. For a list of
these log files, see the online help.

KAQB11801-I The command-name The command has started executing.

command has started. (S)

KAQB11802-I The command-name The command has terminated

command has finished. normally.

KAQB Messages (Backup Restore Messages) 2-11

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQB11803-I Usage: form-of-command If a syntax error occurs or the -h

option is specified, the format of the
command appears.
Terminates command execution.
If a syntax error occurs, check the
format of the command, and then

KAQB11804-E A parameter is incorrect. The type or location of a parameter is

invalid, or the number of parameters is
Cancels command execution.
Check the format of the command,
specify valid parameters, and then

KAQB11805-E The file system name is not A file system name was not specified in
specified. the argument of the command.
Cancels command execution.
Check the format of the command,
specify the file system name, and then

KAQB11806-E The specified file system The length of the specified file system
name is too long. name is invalid.
Cancels command execution.
Specify a file system name of the
correct length, and then retry.

KAQB11807-E The specified file system The specified file system name
name is invalid. contains an invalid character.
Cancels command execution.
Specify a correct file system name,
and then retry.

KAQB11808-E The device file number is not The device file number was not
specified. specified in the argument of the
Cancels command execution.

2-12 KAQB Messages (Backup Restore Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Check the format of the command,
specify the device file number, and
then retry.

KAQB11809-E The specified device file There is a mistake in the specified

number (device-file-name) is device file number.
invalid. (S)
Cancels command execution.
Specify the correct device file number,
and then retry.

KAQB11810-E The specified environment The setting value could not be

variable (environment- displayed because the specified
variable-name) is not set. environment variable has not been set
in the horcsetenv command.
Cancels command execution.
Specify the environment variable set in
the horcsetenv command, and then
re-execute the command. If you do not
know the environment variable set in
the horcsetenv command, re-execute
the command without specifying the
environment variable.

KAQB11811-E The specified environment The setting for the specified

variable (environment- environment variable could not be
variable-name) could not be unset.
unset. (S)
Cancels command execution.
Check the environment variable that
can be specified in the horcunsetenv
command, and then retry.

KAQB11812-E The operation cannot be The processing to release the unused

performed because release of area of virtual LUs is being performed
unused area processing is on the specified file system.
currently executing. (S)
Cancels the processing.
Confirm that the processing to release
the unused area of virtual LUs is
complete, and then retry the
operation. If the error occurs again,
acquire all the log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel. For a
list of log files, see online Help.

KAQB Messages (Backup Restore Messages) 2-13

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQB11813-E This operation cannot be This operation cannot be performed on

performed on the virtual the virtual server.
server. (O)
Perform this operation on the node.

KAQB11814-E This operation cannot be This operation cannot be performed in

performed in the current the current system configuration.
system configuration. (O)

KAQB11820-E The specified file system (file- Processing cannot be performed

system-name) does not exist. because the specified file system does
not exist.
Cancels command execution.
Check the file system name in the list
of file systems, specify the file system
correctly, and then retry the operation.

KAQB11822-E The specified file system You cannot use the specified file
name (file-system-name) is system name for a new copy
already being used. destination file system because the
specified name is being used in
another file system.
Cancels command execution.
Specify a new file system name, and
then re-execute.

KAQB11824-E The specified file system You cannot use the specified name as
name (file-system-name) is the name of the newly defined copy
already being used by the file destination file system because the file
snapshot functionality or snapshot functionality or HFRR is
HFRR already using that name.
Cancels command execution.
Specify a new file system name, and
then retry.

KAQB11825-E The specified file system (file- The specified file system cannot be
system-name) cannot be separated from the node because the
separated from the node file system is a WORM file system.
because the file system is a (S)
WORM file system.
Cancels command execution.
Specify a valid file system, and then
retry the operation.

2-14 KAQB Messages (Backup Restore Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQB11826-E The specified file system (file- Processing could not be performed
system-name) is blocked. because the specified file system is
Cancels command execution.
Release the blocked state, and then

KAQB11827-E The specified file system (file- Processing could not be performed
system-name) is a because the specified file system is a
differential-data snapshot differential-data snapshot created by
created with the file snapshot the file snapshot functionality.
functionality. (S)
Cancels command execution.
Specify a correct file system name,
and then retry.

KAQB11828-E An operation for the specified Processing cannot be executed

file system (file-system- because all operations for the specified
name) has been suppressed. file system have been suppressed by
the horcfreeze command.
Cancels command execution.
Release the suppression on operations
by using the horcunfreeze command,
and then retry.

KAQB11829-E The specified file system (file- Processing cannot be executed

system-name) is being because the specified file system is
expanded. being expanded.
Cancels command execution.
Wait until the file system has finished
expanding, and then retry.

KAQB11830-E The name of an existing file The first 14 characters of a tiered file
system has the same first 14 system name must be unique.
characters as the specified file (S)
system name.
Cancels command execution.
Specify a name for which the first 14
characters are unique, and then retry
the operation.

KAQB11831-E Creation of the tier policy Processing could not be performed

failed. (detailed message = because creation of the tier policy
detailed-message) failed.

KAQB Messages (Backup Restore Messages) 2-15

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Cancels command execution.
Resolve the problem by following the
instructions in the detailed message,
and then retry the operation.

KAQB11838-W A RAID Manager instance was The status of the other node in the
created only on the node cluster prevents the command from
where processing is being being executed on that node.
executed. (S)
Creates the RAID Manager instance
only on the node where processing is
Re-execute the command on the other
node in the cluster.
Substitute CCI for RAID Manager.

KAQB11839-W A RAID Manager instance was The status of the other node in the
deleted only on the node cluster prevents the command from
where processing is being being executed on that node, or the
executed. RAID Manager daemon is running on
the other node in the cluster.
Deletes the RAID Manager instance
only on the node where processing is
Re-execute the command on the other
node in the cluster.
Substitute CCI for RAID Manager.

KAQB11840-E The specified device file The specified device file cannot be
(device-file-name) does not reserved, released, or connected to the
exist. node or virtual server because the
device file does not exist.
Cancels command execution.
Use the horcdevlist command to
check the existing device files, and
then retry.

KAQB11841-E The specified device file The copy destination file system
(device-file-name) is not cannot be connected to the node or
defined by the horcvmdefine virtual server with the horcimport
command. command because the device file is not
reserved with the horcvmdefine

2-16 KAQB Messages (Backup Restore Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Cancels command execution.
Check the specified device file number,
and then retry.

KAQB11842-E The specified device file The copy destination file system
(device-file-name) is not cannot be connected to the node or
defined by the horcvmdefine virtual server by using the
command. horcvmimport command because the
device file was not reserved with the
horcvmdefine command.
Cancels command execution.
Check the specified device file number,
and then retry.

KAQB11843-E The specified device file The specified device file is already
(device-file-name) is already being used by the logged-in node or
being used by the node to virtual server.
which the user logged in. (S)
Cancels command execution.
Check the specified device file number,
and then retry

KAQB11844-E The specified device file You cannot specify a device file that is
(device-file-name) is already already being used by another node.
being used by another node. (S)
Cancels command execution.
Check the specified device file number,
and then retry.

KAQB11845-E The specified device file A device file containing another file
(device-file-name) is already system is specified as the device file
being used by another file that is to contain the new copy
system. destination file system.
Cancels command execution.
Check the specified device file number,
and then retry.

KAQB11846-E An error was detected while An error was detected while accessing
accessing a device file a device file used for the specified file
(device-fie-name) that makes system.
up the specified file system. (S)
Cancels command execution.

KAQB Messages (Backup Restore Messages) 2-17

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Correct the error, and then retry.

KAQB11847-E The specified device file A device file being used by the file
(device-file-name) is already snapshot functionality or HFRR is
being used by the file specified as a device file that is to
snapshot functionality or contain the new copy destination file
HFRR. system.
Cancels command execution.
Check the specified device file number,
and then retry.

KAQB11848-E An error was detected while An error was detected while the
accessing the specified device specified device file was being
file (device-file-name). accessed.
Cancels command execution.
Correct the error, and then retry.

KAQB11849-E At least one of the device files The file system cannot be connected to
making up the specified file the node or virtual server because the
system (file-system-name) device files that are to contain the
was not specified. copy destination file system are
Cancels command execution.
Check the device files that are to
contain the new copy destination file
system, specify all device file numbers,
and then retry.

KAQB11850-E The number of file systems An attempt was made to create a

has already reached the number of file systems exceeding the
maximum number. maximum.
Cancels command execution.
Delete unnecessary file systems, and
then retry. For the maximum number
of file systems, see Help.

KAQB11851-E The copy-destination file The copy-destination file system that

system made up of the consists of the specified device file or
specified device file or files files cannot be connected to the node
cannot be connected to the because the file system is a WORM file
node because the file system system.
is a WORM file system. (S)
Cancels command execution.

2-18 KAQB Messages (Backup Restore Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Confirm the numbers of the specified
device files, and then retry the

KAQB11852-E The copy destination file The copy destination file system
system specified with the contained in the specified device file
horcimport command is a file was a file system created by using a
system created by using a volume manager, so it could not be
volume manager. connected to the node or virtual
Cancels command execution.
Use the horcvmimport command to
connect the copy destination file
system to the node or virtual server.

KAQB11853-E The copy destination file The copy destination file system that is
system specified with the contained in the specified device file
horcvmimport command cannot be connected to a node or
could not be recognized as a virtual server because the file system
file system that is using a cannot be recognized as a file system
volume manager. that uses a volume manager. When
the local data encryption feature is
used, the copy destination file system
cannot be connected to a different
cluster node or virtual server.
Cancels command execution.
If the copy destination file system does
not use a volume manager, use the
horcimport command to connect the
file system to a node or virtual server.
In other cases, check whether the
correct procedure was used and
whether the correct device file was
specified, and then retry.
If the file system does use a volume
manager, check whether the correct
procedure was used and whether the
correct device file was specified, and
then retry the operation.

KAQB11854-E The copy-destination file Connection to the node or virtual

system contained in the server could not be established
specified device file could not because the copy destination file
be recognized. system contained in the specified
device file cannot be recognized. When
the local data encryption feature is
used, the copy destination file system
cannot be connected to a different
cluster node or virtual server.

KAQB Messages (Backup Restore Messages) 2-19

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Cancels command execution.
Check whether the correct procedure
was used and whether the correct
device file was specified, and then

KAQB11855-E The limit on the number of The limit on the number of differential-
differential-data storage data storage devices that can be
devices that can be created in created in the node or virtual server
the node or virtual server has has been reached.
been reached. (S)
Cancels command execution.
Release unnecessary differential-data
storage devices, and then retry.

KAQB11856-E Log files could not be Log files to be deleted could not be
removed because the identified because the environment
environment variable variable has not been set or the value
(environment-variable-name) that cannot be specified in the
was not set. horcsetenv command has been set.
Cancels command execution.
Specify the environment variable
correctly, or specify the instance
number by using the horclogremove
command together with the -i option,
and then retry.

KAQB11857-E Log files could not be Log files could not be deleted because
removed because the daemon the daemon that outputs logs was
(daemon-name) was active. running.
Cancels command execution.
If you specified an incorrect log file for
deletion, set the environment variable
HORCMINST correctly, or specify the
instance number by using the
horclogremove command together
with the -i option, and then retry. If
all the log files you specified for
deletion are correct, stop the CCI
daemon indicated by daemon-name,
and then retry the operation.

KAQB11858-E An error occurred in file Processing could not be executed

snapshot functionality because an error occurred in file
processing for the specified snapshot functionality processing for
file system (file-system- the specified file system.
name). (S)

2-20 KAQB Messages (Backup Restore Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Cancels command execution.
Correct the file snapshot functionality
error, and then retry.

KAQB11859-W Separation of the copy Communication between the nodes

destination file system has might have failed because a LAN cable
finished successfully on the was disconnected, one of the nodes in
processing node, but an the cluster was heavily loaded, or the
attempt to disconnect a OS on the other node in the cluster
device file on the other node was not running.
in the cluster has failed. (S)
Disconnects the device file from only
the processing node.
Make sure that the LAN cable is
connected, the load on the node in the
cluster has returned to a normal state,
and the OS on the other node in the
cluster is running. If the OS on the
other node is running, ask
maintenance personnel to restart the

KAQB11860-E The instance number is not An instance number has not been
specified. specified.
Cancels command execution.
Check the command format, specify an
instance number, and then retry.

KAQB11861-E The specified instance number There is an error in the specified

(instance-number) is invalid. instance number.
Cancels command execution.
Specify a valid instance number, and
then retry.

KAQB11862-E The specified instance number The specified instance number is

(instance-number) is already already being used by another CCI
being used. instance. You cannot specify an
instance number already in use when
creating new instances.
Cancels command execution.
Specify another instance number, and
then retry.

KAQB Messages (Backup Restore Messages) 2-21

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQB11863-E The maximum number of An attempt was made to create more

RAID Manager instances has CCI instances than the system will
already been reached. allow.
Cancels command execution.
Delete any unnecessary CCI instances,
and then retry. For details on the
maximum creatable number of CCI
instances, see online Help.
Substitute CCI for RAID Manager.

KAQB11864-E A RAID Manager instance for Processing could not be executed

the specified instance number because the specified CCI instance
(instance-number) does not does not exist.
exist. (S)
Cancels command execution.
Check the existing CCI instances,
specify a valid instance number, and
then retry.
Substitute CCI for RAID Manager.

KAQB11865-E The RAID Manager instance The CCI instance could not be deleted,
could not be removed because the daemon that outputs logs
because its daemon (daemon- is running.
name) was active. (S)
Cancels command execution.
Check the instance number of the CCI
instance you wish to delete. If the
specified instance number is not valid,
specify a valid instance number, and
then retry. If the instance number is
valid, stop the CCI daemon daemon-
name, and then retry.
Substitute CCI for RAID Manager.

KAQB11867-Q Are you sure you want to This message appears before a CCI
delete the specified RAID instance is deleted.
Manager instance? (y/n) (S)
Deletes the CCI instance if y is
Does not delete the CCI instance if n is

2-22 KAQB Messages (Backup Restore Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Enter y or n.
Substitute CCI for RAID Manager.

KAQB11868-W Acquisition of one or more The node or some of the virtual

instance numbers failed. servers might not be in either the
(node number of instance operating or stopped status, or the
numbers = node-number-or- operation might be conflicting with an
instance-numbers) operation from another system
administrator. Alternately, the process
cannot be executed for the time being
because the system is under a heavy
load, or there might be a problem with
the network.
Only displays the information of the
acquired instance numbers.
Check the status of the nodes or
virtual servers, and then retry. If a
warning is displayed again, check the
status of the network. If there are no
problems with the network, contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQB11869-E The deletion of one or more Processing could not be executed

policies failed. (detailed because deletion of one or more
message = detailed-message) policies failed to be deleted.
Cancels command execution.
Resolve the problem by following the
instructions in the detailed message,
and then retry the operation.

KAQB11870-I The command-name The command has been entered.

command was entered. (S)
Entered command: command-
that-the-user-entered. Starts the command syntax check.

KAQB11871-I The command-name Maintenance information of the

command called name-of- command is displayed.
function. (S)

KAQB11872-I Maintenance information = Maintenance information about the

maintenance-information specified command was output.

KAQB Messages (Backup Restore Messages) 2-23

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQB11873-I The command-name The specified command has already

command has already been been executed.
executed. (S)
Cancels command execution.

KAQB11874-I The signal was caught. A signal that tried to stop the
command execution was detected.
Cancels command execution.

KAQB11875-E The specified file system (file- Processing could not be executed
system-name) is mounted. because the specified file system has
not been unmounted.
Cancels command execution.
Unmount the file system, and then

KAQB11876-E The differential-data Processing could not be executed

snapshots created for the because the differential-data snapshots
specified file system (file- that were created for the specified file
system-name) are mounted. system have not been unmounted.
Cancels command execution.
Unmount all of the differential-data
snapshots created on the file system,
and then retry.

KAQB11877-E The specified file system (file- Processing could not be executed
system-name) is already because the specified file system is
being used by HFRR. already being used by HFRR.
Cancels command execution.
Release the HFRR pair, and then retry.

KAQB11878-E Device files of two or more Device files of two or more storage
storage systems were systems were specified.
specified. (S)
Cancels command execution.

2-24 KAQB Messages (Backup Restore Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Specify a storage system device file,
and then retry.

KAQB11879-W Settings are applied only to When the same CCI environment
the node on which the variable has not been set for the nodes
command was executed. in the cluster, the functionality for
Apply the same settings to linking with array volume replication
the other node in the cluster functions on the failover-destination
as necessary. node might be unusable.
This is a warning message and does
not have any effect on system action.
When you want to continue using the
functionality for linking with array
volume replication functions on the
failover-destination node, specify the
same CCI environment variable for
both nodes in the cluster.

KAQB11880-E An error occurred in the An error occurred during command

command-name command. execution.
Function = name-of-function- (S)
errno = error-code Cancels command execution.
Take appropriate actions according to
B. Troubleshooting for Message

KAQB11881-E The name-of-function function During command execution, a function

returned that operation was executing the processing already
already in progress. existed.
Skips the function that is already

KAQB11882-E An attempt to block access Access to the specified file system

from CIFS clients and FTP from CIFS and FTP clients has not been
clients to the specified file blocked because an error occurred in
system (file-system-name) the processing to block those clients.
has failed. Access from NFS Access from NFS clients has been
clients to the specified file blocked, and operations from the file
system (file-system-name) snapshot functionality or HFRR have
has been blocked. been suppressed.
Cancels command execution. Access to
the specified file system from NFS
clients, as well as operations on the
specified file system from the file
snapshot functionality or HFRR, will not
resume until a manual failover is

KAQB Messages (Backup Restore Messages) 2-25

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
After performing a manual failover,
contact maintenance personnel to
acquire dump. After rebooting the OS,
acquire all the log files, and then
perform a failback.

KAQB11883-E An attempt to block access to An error occurred in the processing to

the specified file system (file- block access from clients to the
system-name) has failed. specified file system. Access from
clients has not been blocked.
Cancels command execution.
Contact maintenance personnel, and
acquire the dump files. After rebooting
the OS, acquire all the log files.

KAQB11884-E An attempt to start access Access from NFS clients to the

from NFS clients to the specified file system could not be
specified file system (file- restarted. Access from the NFS clients
system-name) has failed. remains stopped.
Cancels command execution. Access
from NFS clients to the specified file
system will not restart until the OS is
stopped and a manual failover is
Contact maintenance personnel, and
acquire the dump. After rebooting the
OS, acquire all the log files.

KAQB11885-E An attempt to reopen access An error occurred in the processing to

to the specified file system reopen access to the specified file
(file-system-name) has failed. system from CIFS and FTP clients.
Clients cannot access the specified file
Cancels command execution.
Contact maintenance personnel, and
acquire the dump. After rebooting the
OS, acquire all the log files.

KAQB11886-E The file-name file could not be The setting value for the environment
opened. variable could not be displayed, set,
changed, or deleted because the file
could not be opened.
Cancels command execution.

2-26 KAQB Messages (Backup Restore Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Acquire all Backup Restore log files,
and then contact maintenance
personnel. For a complete list of these
files, see the online help.

KAQB11887-W Processing to connect the Communication between the nodes

copy destination file system to might have failed because a LAN cable
the node ended normally on was disconnected, one of the nodes in
the processing node, but an the cluster was heavily loaded, or the
attempt to connect the device OS on the other node in the cluster
file on the other node in the was not running.
cluster has failed. (S)
Connects the device file only on the
processing node.
Make sure that the LAN cable is
connected, that the load on the node
in the cluster has returned to a normal
state, and that the OS on the other
node in the cluster is running. If the
OS is running, ask maintenance
personnel to restart the OS.

KAQB11888-E The specified resource group The specified resource group name is
name (resource-group-name) invalid.
is invalid. (S)
Cancels command execution.
Make sure that the resource group
name is correct, and then try again.

KAQB11889-E The specified resource group The specified resource group is not
is not operating in the node operating in the node for which the
for which the command was command was executed.
executed. (S)
Cancels command execution.
Make sure that the operation status of
the resource group is appropriate, and
then try again.

KAQB11890-E An attempt to access a cluster An attempt to access a cluster

management LU has failed, or management LU has failed, or access
access to a cluster to the cluster management LU is being
management LU is being suppressed because a resource group
suppressed because a was forcibly failed over.
resource group was forcibly (S)
failed over. Maintenance
information = maintenance- Cancels command execution.
information. (O)
Acquire the Backup Restore log files,
and then contact maintenance
personnel. For a list of the log files,
see online Help.

KAQB Messages (Backup Restore Messages) 2-27

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQB11891-E Some of the resources to be Some of the resources to be used for

used for the request processing are being used exclusively
processing are being used by by another user, or the node being
another user. used exclusively has stopped.
Cancels command execution.
Wait a while, and then execute again.
If the node stops during processing,
wait about 15 minutes or boot the
stopped node.
See G. Actions for when a timeout
occurs due to the inability to secure
the resources used for processing, and
follow the procedure that is listed.

KAQB11892-E A node that currently cannot A problem exists in the communication

be synchronized exists in the processing between nodes.
cluster. (S)
Cancels command execution.
The LAN cable might have been
disconnected. Make sure that the LAN
cable is connected. Also, the
synchronization processing might not
have completed because one of the
nodes is heavily loaded. In this case,
make sure that the state of the node
changes to normal (that is, not heavily
loaded), and then retry the operation.
If the error occurs again, inform
maintenance personnel.

KAQB11893-E The acquisition of cluster Other users might be occupying some

information has temporarily of the resources used for the
failed. processing, or a system error might
have occurred.
Cancels command execution.
Wait a while, and then retry. If the
error occurs again, contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQB11894-E The operations of the The functionality for linking with array
functionality for linking with volume replication functions cannot be
array volume replication used because the cluster, a node, a
functions cannot be resource group, or a virtual server is
performed because a cluster, not running normally.
node, resource group, or (S)
virtual server is not running
normally. Cancels command execution.

2-28 KAQB Messages (Backup Restore Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Check the status of the cluster, node,
and resource group. Alternatively,
check the status of the virtual server.

KAQB11895-E Functionality for linking with An operation from the file snapshot
array volume replication functionality or HFRR is being
functions cannot be used processed on the specified file system.
because an operation from (S)
the file snapshot functionality
or HFRR is processing. Cancels command execution.
Wait until the operation from the file
snapshot functionality or HFRR
finishes, and then retry.

KAQB11897-E The command cannot be used The command cannot be executed

because a cluster because a cluster is not defined.
configuration is not defined. (S)
Cancels processing.
Configure the cluster, and then retry.

KAQB11898-E No license is set to allow use The commands used in the Base
of basic functionality. software cannot be executed because
the license for the Backup Restore
function is not set
Cancels command execution.
Set the license for the Base software,
and then retry.

KAQB11899-E An unexpected error occurred. An unexpected error occurred during

Maintenance information = command execution.
maintenance-information (S)
Cancels command execution.
Acquire the Backup Restore log files,
and contact maintenance personnel.
For a list of these log files, see the
online help.

KAQB12201-I Operating statuses of NDMP This message displays the status of the
servers: NDMP server.

KAQB Messages (Backup Restore Messages) 2-29

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQB12202-E The specified option is not An invalid option is specified for the
permitted in the current current operating status of the NDMP
NDMP server status. server.
Does not change the operating status
of the NDMP server.
Use the ndmpcontrol -l command to
check the operating status of the
NDMP server, specify available options,
and then retry.
When the NDMP server is connected to
an external server (the backup server,
media server, or NDMP server on the
other node), terminate or cancel the
backup processing, and then retry.

KAQB12206-E The specified user name The user name specified by the
(userid) or current password command or the current password has
(oldpasswd) is not registered not been registered in the NDMP
in the NDMP server. server.
Does not change the password for the
NDMP server.
Specify the user name registered in
the NDMP server or the current
password, and then retry.

KAQB12208-E The new password The new password contains the same
(newpasswd) cannot be the character string as the current
same as the current password password.
(oldpasswd). (S)
Does not change the password for the
NDMP server.
Specify a character string for the new
password that differs from the current
password, and then retry.

KAQB12209-E The new password The new password specified by the

(newpasswd) cannot be the command contains the same character
same as the user name string as the user name.
(userid). (S)
Does not change the password for the
NDMP server.
Specify a character string for the new
password that differs from the user
name, and then retry.

2-30 KAQB Messages (Backup Restore Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQB12210-E The password The password entered for confirmation

(confirmpasswd) entered for contains a character string that differs
confirmation must be the from the new password specified by
same as the new password the command.
(newpasswd). (S)
Does not change the password for the
NDMP server.
Specify a correct character string for
the password for confirmation that
matches the new password, and then

KAQB12211-E An attempt to change an An error occurred while updating the

NDMP server password failed. password for the NDMP server.
An error might have occurred in the
password file of the NDMP server.
Terminates processing.
Acquire the Backup Restore log files,
and contact maintenance personnel.
For a list of these log files, see the
online help.

KAQB12212-E An attempt to stop the NDMP An error occurred while terminating

server failed. the NDMP server.
A program error might have occurred.
Terminates processing.
Wait a while and then retry. If the
error occurs repeatedly, acquire the
Backup Restore log files, and contact
maintenance personnel. For a list of
these log files, see the online help.

KAQB12213-E An attempt to start the NDMP An error occurred while starting the
server failed. NDMP server.
An error might have occurred in the
processing of the NDMP server, or a
program error might have occurred.
Terminates processing.
Acquire the Backup Restore log files,
and contact maintenance personnel.
For a list of these log files, see the
online help.

KAQB Messages (Backup Restore Messages) 2-31

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQB12214-E An attempt to acquire the An error occurred while acquiring the

NDMP server status failed. operating status of the NDMP server.
A program error might have occurred.
Terminates processing.
Wait a while and then retry. If the
error occurs repeatedly, acquire the
Backup Restore log files, and contact
maintenance personnel. For a list of
these log files, see the online help.

KAQB12215-E An attempt to update the An error occurred while updating the

NDMP server status failed. operating status of the NDMP server.
An error might have occurred in the
file that stores the operating status of
the NDMP server.
Terminates processing.
If the -s option or the -r option was
specified, specify the -r option and
then retry.
If the -q option or the -f option was
specified, specify the -f option and
then retry.
If the error occurs repeatedly, acquire
the Backup Restore log files, and
contact maintenance personnel. For a
list of these log files, see the online

KAQB12216-I NDMP server configuration- This message displays the

information-type information: configuration information for the NDMP

KAQB12217-E An attempt to acquire the An error occurred while acquiring the

configuration information of configuration information for the NDMP
the NDMP server failed. server.
A program error might have occurred.
Terminates processing.
Wait a while, and then retry. If the
error occurs repeatedly, acquire the
Backup Restore log files, and contact
maintenance personnel. For a list of
these log files, see the online help.

KAQB12218-E An attempt to update the An error occurred while the

configuration information of configuration information for the NDMP
the NDMP server failed. server was being changed.

2-32 KAQB Messages (Backup Restore Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
An error might have occurred in the
file that stores the configuration
information for the NDMP server.
Terminates processing.
Wait a while, and then retry. If the
error occurs repeatedly, acquire the
Backup Restore log files, and contact
maintenance personnel. For a list of
these log files, see the online help.

KAQB12219-E The command could not be Your operation may have competed
executed because another with another system administrator's
system administrator was operation.
performing an operation on (S)
the targeted tape device.
Cancels processing.
Wait a while, and then re-execute the
command. If the error occurs
repeatedly, acquire the Backup Restore
log files, and contact maintenance
personnel. For a list of these log files,
see the online help.

KAQB12220-E The specified tape device was The tape device might not have been
not found. (WWN = WWN) connected, or there might be a
problem with the tape device.
Cancels processing.
Make sure that the specified
information is correct, that the tape
device is connected, and that there is
no problem with the tape device, and
then retry the operation. If there is a
problem with the tape device, correct
the problem, and then retry the
operation. If the error occurs
repeatedly, acquire all the Backup
Restore log files and then contact
maintenance personnel. For a list of
these log files, see the online help.

KAQB12221-E The specified tape device was The tape device might not have been
not found. (WWN = WWN, connected, or there might be a
LUN = LUN) problem with the tape device.
Cancels processing.
Make sure that the specified
information is correct, that the tape
device is connected, and that there is

KAQB Messages (Backup Restore Messages) 2-33

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
no problem with the tape device, and
then retry the operation. If there is a
problem with the tape device, correct
the problem, and then retry the
operation. If the error occurs
repeatedly, acquire all the Backup
Restore log files and then contact
maintenance personnel. For a list of
these log files, see the online help.

KAQB12222-E An attempt to register tape A problem may have occurred during

device information has failed. registration of information about the
(WWN = WWN, LUN = LUN) tape device.
Cancels processing.
After making sure that there is no
problem with the tape device, retry the
operation. If there is a problem with
the tape device, correct the problem,
and then retry the operation. If the
error occurs repeatedly, acquire the
Backup Restore log files, and contact
maintenance personnel. For a list of
these log files, see the online help.

KAQB12223-E Registered tape device The registered information for the tape
information could not be device could not be deleted.
deleted. (WWN = WWN, LUN (S)
= LUN)
Cancels processing.
Make sure that neither backup nor
restoration is being executed, and then
retry the operation. If the error occurs
repeatedly, acquire all the Backup
Restore log files and then contact
maintenance personnel. For a list of
these log files, see the online help.

KAQB12224-E No tape devices are The tape device might not have been
connected. connected, or there might be a
problem with the tape device.
Cancels processing.
Make sure that the tape device is
connected and that there is no problem
with the tape device, and then retry
the operation. If there is a problem
with the tape device, correct the
problem, and then retry the operation.
If the error occurs repeatedly, acquire
the Backup Restore log files, and
contact maintenance personnel. For a

2-34 KAQB Messages (Backup Restore Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
list of these log files, see the online

KAQB12225-I The list of tape device This message appears before a listing
information will now be of tape device information is displayed.
displayed. (S)

KAQB12226-I There is no tape device The information about the tape device
information. does not exist.

KAQB12227-E There is no information about Information about the specified tape

the specified tape device. device does not exist.
(WWN = WWN) (S)
Continues processing.
After checking the specified
information, retry the operation if

KAQB12228-E There is no information about Information about the specified tape

the specified tape device. device does not exist.
(WWN = WWN, LUN = LUN) (S)
Continues processing.
After checking the specified
information, retry the operation if

KAQB12229-E An attempt to register tape An attempt was made to register

device information has failed. information about the specified tape
(WWN = WWN, LUN = LUN) device, but the attempt caused the
number of registered tape drives to
exceed the maximum.
Cancels processing.
Make sure that the total number of
drives in the tape device to be used
does not exceed 32 per node.

KAQB12231-W Registered information was An attempt was made to recognize the

canceled because a tape registered tape devices again when the
device could not be OS was restarted. However, a tape
recognized as being device was unregistered because
connected. (WWN = WWN- connection to the tape device could not

KAQB Messages (Backup Restore Messages) 2-35

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
that-could-not-be-recognized, be verified. The tape device might not
LUN = LUN-that-could-not- have been connected or there might be
be-recognized) a problem with the tape device.
Stops attempting to recognize the LUN
of the tape device. For the successfully
recognized tape devices, the system
continues processing.
After restarting the OS, make sure that
the tape device is connected and that
there is no problem with the tape
device. If necessary, re-execute the
tapeadd command to register the
information about the tape device
again. If there is a problem with the
tape device, correct the problem, and
then register the information about the
tape device again.
KAQB12232-E The command cannot be The command cannot be executed
executed because a backup or while backup or restoration is being
restore is in progress. executed.
Cancels processing.
Wait until the backup or restoration
processing is complete, and then re-
execute the command.

KAQB12233-E Registration information for Tape device registration information

the tape device could not be could not be acquired.
acquired. (S)
Cancels processing.
Wait a while, and then retry the
operation. If the error occurs
repeatedly, acquire the Backup Restore
log files, and contact maintenance
personnel. For a list of these log files,
see the online help.

KAQB12234-E Registration information for Tape device registration information

the tape device could not be could not be updated.
updated. (S)
Cancels processing.
Wait a while, and then retry the
operation. If the error occurs
repeatedly, acquire the Backup Restore
log files, and contact maintenance

2-36 KAQB Messages (Backup Restore Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
personnel. For a list of these log files,
see the online help.

KAQB12235-I Command name = name-of- This message displays the format of

executed-command the executed command.
Argument1 = command- (S)
argument Argument2 =
command-argument None.
Argument3 = command- (O)
argument Argument4 =
Argument5 = command-
argument Argument6 =
Argument7 = command-
argument Number of
arguments = number-of-

KAQB12236-I The command received the The command received a signal during
signal number-of-received- execution.
signal. (S)
Cancels processing.

KAQB12237-I A command will now execute. Execution of the command indicated in

(command name = name-of- the message will now start.
executed-command) (S)

KAQB12238-I Command argument [name- This message displays the argument

of-executed-command] = specified in the command.
command argument (S)

KAQB12239-I A child process has created. A child process will now be created.
(process ID = child-process- (S)

KAQB12240-I A command has ended. (end Command processing will now end.
status = end-status-of- (S)

KAQB Messages (Backup Restore Messages) 2-37

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQB12241-I There is no registered tape An attempt was made to remove tape

device information. device information when no tape
device information had been
Cancels processing.

KAQB12242-E Information about the An attempt was made to remove

specified tape device is not information about a tape device that
registered. (WWN = WWN) was not registered.
Cancels processing.
Use the tapelist command to check
the information about registered tape
devices, and then retry the operation.

KAQB12243-E Information about the An attempt was made to remove

specified tape device is not information about a tape device that
registered. (WWN = WWN, was not registered.
LUN = LUN) (S)
Cancels processing.
Use the tapelist command to check
the information about registered tape
devices, and then retry the operation.

KAQB12244-E The acquisition of cluster An operation on a tape device cannot

information has temporarily be performed because cluster
failed. information could not be acquired.
Cancels command execution.
Wait a while, and then retry the
operation. If the error occurs
repeatedly, acquire the Backup Restore
log files, and contact maintenance
personnel. For a list of these log files,
see the online help.

KAQB12245-E An attempt to recover the An attempt was made to recover the

registration information of the registration information to its state
tape device has failed. before command execution, because
an error occurred during command
execution, but the attempt failed.
Cancels command execution.

2-38 KAQB Messages (Backup Restore Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Acquire the Backup Restore log files,
and contact maintenance personnel.
For a list of these log files, see the
online help.

KAQB12246-E An attempt to update the A problem occurred while refreshing

NDMP server status failed. the NDMP server operating status.
There may be a problem with a system
Cancels command execution.
Wait a while, and then retry the
operation. If the error occurs
repeatedly, acquire the Backup Restore
log files, and contact maintenance
personnel. For a list of these log files,
see the online help.

KAQB12247-E Registration of the tape An attempt was made to batch register

device failed because the tape the tape devices that are being used,
device is being used. or to register one or more of them
(WWN=WWN, LUN=LUN) without specifying any LUN.
Cancels processing.
Make sure that none of the tape
devices to be registered are being used
on the node on which the command is
executed or on any of the virtual
servers running on the node, and then
retry the operation. Alternatively,
register tape devices separately by
specifying the WWN and LUN.

KAQB12248-E Registration of the tape The tape device could not be

device failed because the registered because the connection to
connection with the tape the tape device was blocked.
device is blocked. The tape device you attempted to
(WWN=WWN, LUN=LUN) register was blocked.
Cancels processing.
Unblock the connection to the tape
device on the node on which you
executed the command and on any
virtual servers running on the node,
and then retry the operation.

KAQB12249-E Acquisition of the tape An attempt was made to display the

device's connection status connection status of a tape device that
failed because the tape device was being used.

KAQB Messages (Backup Restore Messages) 2-39

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
is being used. (WWN=WWN, Cancels processing.
Make sure that the tape device whose
connection status you attempted to
display is not being used on the node
on which you executed the command
or on any of the virtual servers running
on the node, and then retry the
KAQB12250-I There is no registered tape An attempt was made to disable tape
device information or all the device information when no tape
tape devices are inactivated. device was registered or when the
information for all the tape devices
was disabled.
Cancels processing.

KAQB12251-E Information about the An attempt was made to disable tape

specified tape device is either device information by specifying a tape
already inactivated or not device that was already disabled or
registered. (WWN=WWN) that had not been registered.
Cancels processing.
Use the tapelist command to check
the information about the registered
tape devices, and then retry the
operation if necessary.

KAQB12252-E Information about the An attempt was made to disable tape

specified tape device is either device information by specifying a tape
already inactivated or not device that was already disabled or
registered. (WWN=WWN, that had not been registered.
Cancels processing.
Use the tapelist command to check
the information about the registered
tape devices, and then retry the
operation if necessary.

KAQB12257-E The specified file system is Processing could not be executed

not mounted. because the specified file system has
not been mounted. The resource group
might be in the Offline status or might
have been failed over.
Terminates command execution.

2-40 KAQB Messages (Backup Restore Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
After mounting the file system, retry
the operation. If the resource group is
in the Offline status or has been failed
over, resolve the problem, and then
retry the operation.

KAQB12386-E An attempt to acquire the An error occurred while the

configuration information of configuration information for the NDMP
the NDMP server failed. server was being acquired.
Maintenance A program error (insufficient system
information1=maintenance- memory, incomplete file descriptor, or
information-1 Maintenance an unexpected error) might have
information2=maintenance- occurred.
information-2 Maintenance
information3=maintenance- (S)
information-3 Cancels processing.
Wait a while, and then retry. If the
error occurs repeatedly, acquire the
Backup Restore log files, and contact
maintenance personnel. For a list of
these log files, see the online help.

KAQB12387-E An attempt to update the An error occurred while the

configuration information of configuration information for the NDMP
the NDMP server failed. server was being changed.
Maintenance information1 = A program error (insufficient system
maintenance-information-1 memory, incomplete file descriptor, or
Maintenance information2 = an unexpected error) might have
maintenance-information-2 occurred.
Maintenance information3 =
maintenance-information-3 (S)
Cancels processing.
Wait a while, and then retry. If the
error occurs repeatedly, acquire the
Backup Restore log files, and contact
maintenance personnel. For a list of
these log files, see the online help.

KAQB12388-E The request of a new A new operating-status request cannot

operating status is not be accepted in the current operating
permitted in the current status of the NDMP server.
NDMP server status. (S)
Maintenance information1 =
maintenance-information-1 Does not change the operating status
Maintenance information2 = of the NDMP server.
maintenance-information-2 (O)
Use the ndmpcontrol -l command to
check the operating status of the
NDMP server, specify available options
and then retry.
When the NDMP server is connected to
an external server (the backup server,
media server, or NDMP server on the

KAQB Messages (Backup Restore Messages) 2-41

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
other node), terminate or cancel the
backup processing, and then retry.

KAQB12389-E An attempt to update the An error occurred while updating the

NDMP server status failed. operating status of the NDMP server.
Maintenance information1 = An error might have occurred in the
maintenance-information-1 file that stores the operating status of
Maintenance information2 = the NDMP server.
Maintenance information3 = (S)
maintenance-information-3 Cancels processing.
If the -s option or the -r option has
been specified, specify the -r option,
and then retry. If the -q option or the
-f option has been specified, specify
the -f option, and then retry.
If the error occurs repeatedly, acquire
the Backup Restore log files, and
contact maintenance personnel. For a
list of these log files, see the online

KAQB12390-E An attempt to acquire the An error occurred while acquiring the

NDMP server status failed. status of the NDMP server.
Maintenance information1 = A program error (insufficient system
maintenance-information-1 memory, incomplete file descriptor, or
Maintenance information2 = an unexpected error) might have
maintenance-information-2 occurred.
Maintenance information3 =
maintenance-information-3 (S)
Cancels processing.
Wait a while, and then retry. If the
error occurs repeatedly, acquire the
Backup Restore log files, and contact
maintenance personnel. For a list of
these log files, see the online help.

KAQB12391-E An attempt to change the One of the following errors occurred

NDMP server password failed. while updating the password for the
Maintenance information1 = NDMP server:
maintenance-information-1 • There is a problem with the
Maintenance information2 = password file of the NDMP server.
Maintenance information3 = • The user name or the password
maintenance-information-3 has not been registered in the
NDMP server.
• A program error (memory
allocation error or an unexpected
error) occurred.
Cancels processing.

2-42 KAQB Messages (Backup Restore Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Acquire the Backup Restore log files,
and contact maintenance personnel.
For a list of these log files, see the
online help.

KAQB12392-E An attempt to stop the NDMP An error occurred while terminating

server failed. Maintenance the NDMP server.
information1 = maintenance- A program error might have occurred.
information-1 Maintenance
information2 = maintenance- (S)
information-2 Maintenance Cancels processing.
information3 = maintenance-
Acquire the Backup Restore log files,
and contact maintenance personnel.
For a list of these log files, see the
online help.

KAQB12393-E An attempt to start the NDMP An error occurred while starting the
server failed. Maintenance NDMP server.
information1 = maintenance- An error might have occurred in the
information-1 Maintenance processing of the NDMP server, or a
information2 = maintenance- program error might have occurred.
information-2 Maintenance
information3 = maintenance- (S)
information-3 Cancels processing.
Acquire the Backup Restore log files,
and contact maintenance personnel.
For a list of these log files, see the
online help.

KAQB12394-E A processing failure occurred. An error was detected on the program

Maintenance information1 = interface.
maintenance-information-1 (S)
Maintenance information2 =
maintenance-information-2 Cancels processing.
Acquire the Backup Restore log files,
and contact maintenance personnel.
For a list of these log files, see the
online help.

KAQB13201-E The vgexport command An error occurred in the control of

failed. Maintenance execution processes of the vgexport
information1=maintenance- command. This prevents processing
information Maintenance from being continued.
information2=maintenance- (S)
information Maintenance
information3=maintenance- Cancels processing.
information Maintenance (O)
Acquire the Backup Restore log files,
and contact maintenance personnel.
For a list of the Backup Restore log
files, see the online help.

KAQB Messages (Backup Restore Messages) 2-43

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQB13202-E The error-termination of the The vgexport command failed. This

vgexport command was prevents processing from being
detected. Maintenance continued.
information1=maintenance- (S)
information Maintenance
information2=maintenance- Cancels processing.
information Maintenance (O)
Acquire the Backup Restore log files,
and contact maintenance personnel.
For a list of the Backup Restore log
files, see the online help.

KAQB13203-E The vgimport command An error occurred in the control of

failed. Maintenance execution processes of the vgimport
information1=maintenance- command. This prevents processing
information Maintenance from being continued.
information2=maintenance- (S)
information Maintenance
information3=maintenance- Cancels processing.
information Maintenance (O)
Acquire the Backup Restore log files,
and contact maintenance personnel.
For a list of the Backup Restore log
files, see the online help.

KAQB13204-E The error-termination of the The vgimport command failed. This

vgimport command was prevents processing from being
detected. Maintenance continued.
information1=maintenance- (S)
information Maintenance
information2=maintenance- Cancels processing.
information Maintenance (O)
Acquire the Backup Restore log files,
and contact maintenance personnel.
For a list of the Backup Restore log
files, see the online help.

KAQB13220-E An attempt to allocate shared An error occurred while allocating

memory failed. Maintenance shared memory. This prevents
information1=maintenance- processing from being continued.
information Maintenance (S)
information Maintenance Cancels processing.
information3=maintenance- (O)
information Maintenance
Acquire the Backup Restore log files,
and contact maintenance personnel.
information Maintenance
For a list of these log files, see the
online help.
information Maintenance

KAQB13221-E An attempt to free shared An error occurred while freeing shared

memory failed. Maintenance memory. This prevents processing
information1=maintenance- from being continued.
information Maintenance (S)

2-44 KAQB Messages (Backup Restore Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
information Maintenance Cancels processing.
information3=maintenance- (O)
information Maintenance
information4=maintenance- Acquire the Backup Restore log files,
information and contact maintenance personnel.
For a list of these log files, see the
online help.
KAQB13230-W An attempt to register a An error occurred while registering the
signal handler failed. signal handler.
Maintenance (S)
information Maintenance None.
information2=maintenance- (O)
information Maintenance
Acquire the Backup Restore log files,
and contact maintenance personnel.
information Maintenance
For a list of these log files, see the
online help.
information Maintenance
information Maintenance

KAQB13400-E system-call-that-failed failed. An error occurred in the system call.

errno=errno-value-of-the- (S)
Cancels processing.
Acquire the Backup Restore log files,
and contact maintenance personnel.
For a list of these log files, see the
online help.

KAQB13500-E An internal error occurred. An unexpected error occurred inside

Maintenance the system.
information1=maintenance- (S)
information Maintenance
information2=maintenance- Cancels command execution.
information Maintenance (O)
Acquire the Backup Restore log files,
information Maintenance
and then contact maintenance
personnel. For a list of these log files,
information Maintenance
see the online help.
information Maintenance

KAQB13501-E Memory is insufficient. Memory is insufficient. This prevents

Size=amount-of-memory- processing from being continued.
that-could-not-be-allocated (S)
(bytes) Maintenance
information1=maintenance- Cancels command execution.
information (O)
Wait a while, and then re-execute. If
the error occurs again, acquire the

KAQB Messages (Backup Restore Messages) 2-45

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Backup Restore log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel. For a
list of these log files, see the online

KAQB13502-E An attempt to start a process An error might have occurred in the

failed. Maintenance system or in the OS disk.
information1=maintenance- (S)
information Maintenance
information2=maintenance- Cancels command execution.
information Maintenance (O)
Check the contents of the Backup
information Maintenance
Restore log (ebr_alertfile) that was
output just before this message. If the
information Maintenance
error occurs repeatedly, acquire the
Backup Restore log files, and then
information Maintenance
contact maintenance personnel. For a
list of these log files, see the online

KAQB14100-I The state of the NDMP server The state of the NDMP server changed
changed to the archive state. to the archive state.
(archiver = archiver-process- (S)
ID, NDMP server = NDMP-
server-process-ID) None.

KAQB14101-I The state of the NDMP server The state of the NDMP server changed
changed to the connected to the connected state.
state. (S)

KAQB14102-I The state of the NDMP server The state of the NDMP server changed
changed to the idle state. to the idle state.

KAQB14103-I The state of the NDMP server The state of the NDMP server changed
changed to the active state. to the active state.

KAQB14104-I The state of the NDMP server The state of the NDMP server changed
changed to the halted state. to the halted state.
(reason = value-of-the-halt- Values for the halt reasons

2-46 KAQB Messages (Backup Restore Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
1: Backup or restore processing
2: Backup or restore processing
3: Backup or restore processing failed.
4: The NDMP server could not connect
to the media server.

KAQB14105-I The state of the NDMP server The state of the NDMP server changed
changed to the preparation to the preparation state.
state. (S)

KAQB14107-E The directory specified as a The directory specified as a base point

base point to be backed up to be backed up cannot be specified as
cannot be specified as an an online-backup target.
online-backup target. (S)
Cancels processing.
Specify n for the SNAPSHOT
environment variable, and try again.

KAQB14108-E The path of the directory The path of the directory specified as
specified as the restoration the restoration destination is incorrect.
destination is incorrect. (S)
Cancels processing.
Specify a correct path for the
restoration destination, and try again.

KAQB14109-E The directory specified as the A system LU directory cannot be

base point of the backup is specified as a backup target.
not a specifiable directory. (S)
Cancels processing.
Specify a specifiable directory for the
base point of the files and directories
subject to backup, and try again.

KAQB14110-E The directory specified as a The directory specified as a base point

base point to be backed up to be backed up does not exist.
does not exist. (specified- Alternatively, a file system or
value) differential-data snapshot might have
been unmounted, a failover might

KAQB Messages (Backup Restore Messages) 2-47

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
have occurred, or a resource group or
virtual server might have stopped.
Cancels processing.
Specify a correct directory name for
the base point of the files and
directories to be backed up, and then
try again. Alternatively, recover the
resource group, file system, virtual
server, or differential-data snapshot so
that they can be backed up, and then
retry the operation.

KAQB14111-E The directory specified as a The directory specified as a restoration

restoration destination does destination does not exist.
not exist. (specified-value) Alternatively, a file system might have
been unmounted, a failover might
have occurred, or a resource group or
virtual server might have stopped.
Cancels processing.
Specify a directory that exists at the
restoration destination, and then try
again. Alternatively, recover the
resource group, file system, or virtual
server so that they can be restored,
and then retry the operation.

KAQB14112-E The directory specified as a The directory specified as a base point

base point to be backed up to be backed up cannot be specified as
cannot be specified as an an offline-backup target.
offline-backup target. (S)
Cancels processing.
Specify a correct directory name for
the base point of the files and
directories subject to backup, and try

KAQB14113-E Specification of the TYPE Specification of the TYPE environment

environment variable cannot variable cannot be omitted.
be omitted. (S)
Cancels processing.
Specify the TYPE environment variable,
and try again.

KAQB14114-E The value specified for the The value specified for the TYPE
TYPE environment variable is environment variable is incorrect.
incorrect. (specified-value) (S)

2-48 KAQB Messages (Backup Restore Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Cancels processing.
Specify the correct value for the TYPE
environment variable, and try again.

KAQB14115-E Specification of the Specification of the restoration-

restoration-destination destination directory cannot be
directory cannot be omitted. omitted.
Cancels processing.
Specify the restoration-destination
directory, and try again.

KAQB14117-E Specification of a base point Specification of a base point directory

directory to be backed up to be backed up cannot be omitted.
cannot be omitted. (S)
Cancels processing.
Specify the directory that will be the
base point of the files and directories
subject to backup, and try again.

KAQB14118-E The path of the directory The path of the directory specified in
specified in the FILES the FILES environment variable is
environment variable is incorrect.
incorrect. (incorrect-specified- (S)
Cancels processing.
Specify the correct path for the FILES
environment variable, and try again.

KAQB14119-E Two or more directories Two or more directories cannot be

cannot be specified as a base specified as a base point to be backed
point to be backed up. up.
Cancels processing.
Specify only one directory that will be
the base point of the files and
directories subject to backup.

KAQB14120-E The number of backup server The number of backup server

connections has already connections has already reached the
reached the maximum. (the- maximum.
maximum-number-of-backup- (S)
with-the-NDMP-server) Refuses access by the backup server to
the NDMP server.

KAQB Messages (Backup Restore Messages) 2-49

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
After connections between the NDMP
server and other backup servers are
released, try again.

KAQB14121-E The path of the directory The path of the directory specified in
specified in the base point to the base point to be backed up is
be backed up is invalid. invalid.
(incorrect-specified-value) (S)
Cancels processing.
Specify a correct path for the base
point of the files and directories
subject to backup, and try again.

KAQB14122-E Restoration processing is Restoration processing is running in

running in the file system the file system containing the directory
containing the directory specified for a base point to be backed
specified for a base point to up.
be backed up. (S)
Cancels processing.
Wait for restoration processing for the
file system containing the directory
specified for the base point of the files
and directories subject to backup, and
try again.

KAQB14123-E Backup or restoration Backup or restoration processing is

processing is running in the running in the file system containing
file system containing the the directory specified for the
directory specified for the restoration destination.
restoration destination. (S)
Cancels processing.
Wait for the finish of backup and
restoration processing for the file
system containing the directory
specified for the restoration
destination, and try again.

KAQB14124-E The NDMP server could not The media server is not running or a
connect with a media server. connection between the media server
and the NDMP server has not been
Cancels processing.
Start the media server or connect a
media server with the NDMP server,
and then try again.

2-50 KAQB Messages (Backup Restore Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQB14125-E Online-backup processing is Online-backup processing is running in

running in the file system the file system containing the directory
containing the directory specified for a base point to be backed
specified for a base point to up.
be backed up. (S)
Cancels processing.
Wait for the finish of the online-backup
processing for the file system
containing the directory specified as
the base point of the files and
directories subject to backup, and try

KAQB14126-E The file system containing the The file system containing the
directory specified for the directory specified for the restoration
restoration destination is destination is mounted as read-only.
mounted as read-only. (S)
Cancels processing.
Check whether the file system
containing the directory specified as
the restoration destination is mounted
as read and write.

KAQB14127-E The specified directory cannot The system directory is specified as a

be specified as a base point to backup target.
be backed up. (specified- (S)
Cancels the processing.
Specify a directory that can be
specified as a base point to be backed
up, and then try again.

KAQB14128-E The specified directory cannot A differential-data snapshot directory

be specified as the restoration that has been made visible in the
destination. (specified-value) share is specified as a restoration
Cancels the processing.
Specify a directory that can be
specified as a restoration destination,
and then try again.

KAQB14129-E The path of the directory A system LU directory cannot be

specified for the restore specified as a restore destination.
destination is invalid. (S)
Cancels processing.

KAQB Messages (Backup Restore Messages) 2-51

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Specify a valid directory for the restore
destination, and then try again.

KAQB14130-E You cannot perform online- An update installation has not finished
backup because an update on both nodes.
installation has not finished (S)
on both nodes.
Cancels processing.
Wait for an update installation on both
nodes to finish, and then try again.

KAQB14200-E Backed-up or restored data (S)

could not be accessed. (error- Cancels processing.
command) (O)
Take corrective measures as described
in C. Troubleshooting for Messages
KAQB14200-E, KAQB14208-W,
KAQM37072-E, KAQM37076-E,
KAQM37078-W, or KAQM37079-W,
and then retry the operation. If the
error occurs repeatedly, acquire the
Backup Restore log files, and contact
maintenance personnel. For a list of
these log files, see the online help.

KAQB14201-E The file system was During backup or restoration

unmounted during backup or processing, a file system or
restoration processing. differential-data snapshot might have
been unmounted, a failover might
have occurred, or a resource group or
virtual server might have stopped.
Cancels processing.
Recover the resource group, file
system, virtual server, or differential-
data snapshot so that they can be
backed up or restored, and then retry
the operation.

KAQB14202-E The total length of the names The total length of the directory name
of the directories and files and file name of a backup target
targeted for the running exceeds the maximum length for the
backup processing exceeds system.
the system limit. (S)
Cancels processing.
Adjust the backup base point so that
the total length of the names of the
directories and files to be backed up
does not exceed the system limit, and
then try again. Alternatively, adjust

2-52 KAQB Messages (Backup Restore Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
the schedule so that multiple backups
are not performed concurrently.

KAQB14203-E The numbers of directories The numbers of directories and files to

and files to be restored be restored exceeds the limit.
exceeds the limit. (the- (S)
directories-and-files) Cancels processing.
Adjust the numbers of directories and
files to be restored so that the
numbers do not exceed the limit, and
then try again. Alternatively, specify a
base point to be backed up, and then
restore the directories and files.

KAQB14204-E A timeout occurred in the A timeout occurred in communication

NDMP server. (timeout-value between the NDMP server and a
(units: minutes)) backup server, or between the NDMP
server and a media server.
Cancels processing.
Consider how the backup is performed
and, if necessary, change the timeout
value of the NDMP server for each

KAQB14205-E Differential-data snapshots Data of differential-data snapshots

became invalid because the became invalid.
differential-data storage (S)
device ran out of space. (file
system name = name-of-the- Cancels processing.
file-system-for-which-the- (O)
Correct the error in the differential-
data snapshot, and then try again.

KAQB14206-E An attempt to secure Processing cannot continue because an

exclusion has failed. attempt to secure exclusion has failed.
Cancels processing.
Restart the NDMP server, and try
again. If the error occurs repeatedly,
acquire the Backup Restore log files,
and contact maintenance personnel.
For a list of these log files, see the
online help.

KAQB14207-E The differential-data storage An error occurred while a file system

device cannot be used. (file or differential-data snapshot was being
system name = name-of-the- accessed.
file-system-for-which- (S)
are-created) Cancels processing.

KAQB Messages (Backup Restore Messages) 2-53

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Correct the error in the differential-
data snapshot in cooperation with
maintenance personnel, and try again.

KAQB14208-W Part of the backup or (S)

restoration processing could Continues processing.
not be executed. (warning-
message-from-internal- (O)
command) Take corrective measures as described
in C. Troubleshooting for Messages
KAQB14200-E, KAQB14208-W,
KAQM37072-E, KAQM37076-E,
KAQM37078-W, or KAQM37079-W,
and then retry the operation.

KAQB14211-W Access to an NDMP server This message is output to a log file

from a client not registered in when an attempt is made to access the
the /etc/hosts file was NDMP server from a client that is not a
refused. (IP-address-of-the- backup server registered in the /etc/
client-that-lacks-permission) hosts file.
Refuses access to the NDMP server.
If the accessing client is a backup
server, correctly register the IP
address and name of the backup
server in the /etc/hosts file. Also,
take action to prevent invalid access to
the NDMP server.

KAQB14212-W In the /etc/hosts file, more This message is output to the log file
than 256 backup servers are when more than 256 backup servers
registered. are registered in the /etc/hosts file.
When more than 256 backup servers
are registered in the /etc/hosts file,
the 257th and the following entries are
ignored and are not assumed to be
backup servers.
Correct the contents of the /etc/
hosts file so that less than 257 backup
servers are entered.

KAQB14213-W This is information about If a client that is not registered as a

accesses to an NDMP server backup server in the /etc/hosts file
from clients not registered in attempts to access the NDMP server,
the /etc/hosts file. (invalid the access information is output to the
client = IP-address-of-the- log file approximately every hour.
client-that-lacks-permission, However, if the NDMP server is
first request = date-when- frequently accessed by a client that is
the-first-connection-request- not registered, the system may be
was-made, last request = unable to output the access
date-when-the-last- information every hour.

2-54 KAQB Messages (Backup Restore Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
connection-request-was- (S)
made, times connected = Continues processing.
were-made) (O)
If an invalid access occurred, use the
information in this message to identify
the client.
KAQB14214-W There is an error in the format This message is output to the log if a
of the backup server's IP backup server is registered in the /
address registered in the / etc/hosts file with an incorrectly
etc/hosts file. (backup formatted IP address.
server = name-of-the- (S)
Ignores the entry of the backup server
specified using an incorrectly
formatted IP address.
Correct the IP address of the backup
server in the /etc/hosts file.

KAQB14216-E The specified file system (file- The specified file system is blocked.
system-name) is blocked. (S)
Terminates processing.
Check the status of the file system,
and take action appropriate to that

KAQB14217-E Acquisition of information An error may have occurred in the file

about the file system (file- system on which the operation is being
system-name) has failed. performed.
Terminates processing.
Check the status of the file system. If
an error has occurred, take action
appropriate to that status. If you are
unable to check the status, or if the
error recurs, contact maintenance

KAQB Messages (Backup Restore Messages) 2-55

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
2-56 KAQB Messages (Backup Restore Messages)
Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages)
This chapter describes the meanings of the KAQG messages output by HDI
systems (File Sharing messages).

□ KAQG messages

KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages) 3-1

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
KAQG messages
This section explains messages that have a message ID beginning with KAQG
(File Sharing messages), and the actions to be taken if such messages

Table 3-1 KAQG messages

Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQG01001-I driver-name: interface-name No action is required.

The network interface is
down. detailed-information

KAQG01002-I driver-name: interface-name No action is required.

The network interface is up.

KAQG01012-I driver-name: interface-name No action is required.

NIC Link is Up detailed-

KAQG01013-W driver-name: interface-name (S)

NIC Link is Down interface-name is not available.
Failover might occur.
Make sure that the cables and switches
connected to interface-name are
properly operating. If there is no
problem with the cables and switches
or if the link does not recover after
removing the cause of the failure,
acquire all the logs and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQG10012-E An I/O error occurred. (host (S)

= host-information, channel An I/O request error occurred.
= adapter-channel-ID, TID =
target-ID, LUN = LU-number, (O)
result = result-information) Check the connection status of the line
(error-information) from the system to the device where
the I/O error occurred. If there is no
problem with the connection, contact
maintenance personnel.
Supplementary note:
This message is sometimes output
when there is a problem with a file
system or an LU. Check the status of
the file system or LU, check for any
SNMP notification messages or email
notifications, and if there is a problem,
take action according to the
instructions in online Help.

KAQG10014-E A mismatch between data Continues processing.

was found. (disk = disk- (O)
number, sector = data-
sector-number, base offset = Contact maintenance personnel.

3-2 KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
first-sector-number, size =

KAQG10101-I An LU recognition check will (S)

now be performed because LU recognition checks will continue to
all or some of the LUs that be performed.
were being used before the
OS was restarted could not
be recognized.

KAQG10102-I All of the LUs that were being (S)

used before the OS was OS startup processing will now
restarted were recognized. continue.
(number of LUs = number-

KAQG10103-W Some of the LUs that were (S)

being used before the OS OS startup processing will now
was restarted could not be continue.
recognized. (number of
recognized LUs = number-of- (O)
LUs, total number of LUs to Make sure that LU assignments were
be recognized = number-of- not changed while the OS was not
LUs) running. If no changes were made,
follow the action in the KAQG10104-E
message. If changes were made, check
whether the KAQM14129-E or
KAQG90001-E message was output. If
either of these messages was output,
follow the action in the KAQG10104-E
message. No action is necessary if
neither of the messages was output.

KAQG10104-E Not all of the LUs that were (S)

being used before the OS OS startup processing will now
was restarted could be continue.
recognized within the alloted
time. (total number of LUs = (O)
number-of-LUs, alloted time Turn off the power to the node, and
(in seconds) = time) then check the FC cables and the
power to the storage systems. Turn on
the storage systems if they are off,
and correct any problems with the FC
cable connections. After that, turn on
the node, and restart the OSs. If the
problem persists, contact maintenance

KAQG20001-E An attempt to create a An attempt to create a communication

communication path to the path to the NFS service for the client
NFS service for the client has failed.
(client) has failed. (O)
maintenance information =
maintenance-information Make sure the NFS service is running

KAQG20002-E The specified client name The specified client name is not
(client) is not registered in registered in the name service.
the name service. (O)

KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages) 3-3

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
maintenance information = Make sure the specified client name is
maintenance-information correct.

KAQG20003-E An attempt to communicate An attempt to communicate with the

with the NFS service for the NFS service to request unlocking of a
specified client (client) has specified client has failed.
failed. maintenance (O)
information = maintenance-
information Make sure the NFS service is running

KAQG20004-I Usage: nfslocksclear [-F] The command syntax will be displayed.

client [client ...] (O)
Make sure the command syntax is
correct, and then try again.

KAQG20005-E The command syntax is The command syntax will be displayed.

invalid. (O)
Make sure the command syntax is
correct, and then try again.

KAQG20007-I Usage: nfslockslist [-a] [ [-f The command syntax will be displayed.
file] | [-i (O)
[major:minor:]inode] ][-p
pid] [-t time] [client Make sure the command syntax is
[client]...] | -h correct, and then try again.

KAQG20008-W Line number cannot be Line number cannot be displayed

displayed because an error because an error occurred.
occurred. The content that (O)
cannot be displayed is as
follows. file-lock-information None.

KAQG20009-E The command cannot be A pipe (|) cannot be used in the

executed because a pipe (|) specified command.
is being used in the (O)
Execute the command with the tty set
as the standard output.

KAQG20010-E The specified file file does not The specified file does not exist.
exist. (O)
Check and, if necessary, revise the file,
and then retry the operation.

KAQG20011-E The specified host name A host name that cannot be resolved
host-name cannot be was specified.
resolved. (O)
Specify a host name that can be
resolved or an IP address.

KAQG20012-E An attempt to open the / The /proc/fs/nfsd/locks file might

proc/fs/nfsd/locks file has not exist or there might be a problem
failed. in the OS disk.
Check the OS disk settings and
whether an error exists on the OS disk.

3-4 KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
If there is no problem, acquire all of
the kernel logs, and then contact
maintenance personnel. See the help
for details on how to acquire the kernel

KAQG20013-E An attempt to read the / An unexpected error occurred during

proc/fs/nfsd/locks file has the reading of a file.
failed. (O)
Check the OS disk settings and
whether an error exists on the OS disk.
If there is no problem, acquire all of
the kernel logs, and then contact
maintenance personnel. See the help
for details on how to acquire the kernel

KAQG20014-E The user must have The user must have administrator
administrator permissions. permissions to execute this command.
Use the sudo command, and then try

KAQG20101-E The keyword (keyword) The keyword specified in the argument

specified in the argument is is invalid.
invalid. (O)
Specify the correct keyword, and then
try again.

KAQG20102-E The format of the specified Specify the argument in the

argument (argument) is "keyword=value" format.
invalid. (O)
Specify the correct argument format,
and then try again.

KAQG20103-E An attempt to lock the /etc/ The /etc/sysctl.conf file might not
sysctl.conf file has failed. exist or there might be a problem in
maintenance information = the OS disk.
maintenance-information (O)
Check whether the /etc/sysctl.conf
file exists. Check the OS disk settings
and whether an error exists on the OS
disk. If you cannot identify the cause,
acquire all of the kernel logs, and then
contact maintenance personnel. See
the help for details on how to acquire
the kernel logs.

KAQG20104-E An attempt to create the The capacity of a file system is

temporary file has failed. insufficient or there might be a
maintenance information = problem in the OS disk.
maintenance-information (O)
Check the OS disk settings and
whether an error exists on the OS disk.
If you cannot identify the cause,

KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages) 3-5

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
acquire all of the kernel logs, and then
contact maintenance personnel. See
the help for details on how to acquire
the kernel logs.

KAQG20105-E An attempt to write the There might be a problem in the OS

temporary file has failed. disk.
maintenance information = (O)
Check the OS disk settings and
whether an error exists on the OS disk.
If you cannot identify the cause,
acquire all of the kernel logs, and then
contact maintenance personnel. See
the help for details on how to acquire
the kernel logs.

KAQG20106-E An attempt to change the Processing to change the name of the

name of the temporary file temporary file, which is used by the
to /etc/sysctl.conf has command, to /etc/sysctl.conf has
failed. maintenance failed.
information = maintenance- (O)
Acquire all of the kernel logs, and then
contact maintenance personnel. See
the help for details on how to acquire
the kernel logs.

KAQG20107-E An attempt to write to the / There might be a problem in the OS.

proc/sys/fs/nfs/ (O)
file has failed. maintenance Acquire all of the kernel logs, and then
information = maintenance- contact maintenance personnel. See
information the help for details on how to acquire
the kernel logs.

KAQG20109-E This child process ended This child process ended abnormally or
abnormally or did not end did not end within 60 seconds.
within 60 seconds. (O)
maintenance information =
maintenance-information Acquire all of the kernel logs, and then
contact maintenance personnel. See
the help for details on how to acquire
the kernel logs.

KAQG20110-I Usage: nfsoptset The command syntax will be displayed.

keyword=value | -h (O)
Make sure the command syntax is
correct, and then try again.

KAQG20111-I Usage: nfsoptlist [keyword | The command syntax will be displayed.

-h] (O)
Make sure the command syntax is
correct, and then try again.

KAQG20112-E The command syntax is The command syntax will be displayed.

invalid. (O)

3-6 KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Make sure the command syntax is
correct, and then try again.

KAQG20113-E The user must have The user must have administrator
administrator permissions. permissions to execute this command.
Use the sudo command, and then try

KAQG20115-E 0 or 1 must be specified for A value other than 0 or 1 was specified

the specified attribute for the specified attribute specified-
specified-parameter. parameter.
Specify 0 or 1 for the specified
attribute specified-parameter.

KAQG20321-I Usage: nfskeytabadd -i This message displays the command

keytab-file-name [-q] | -h syntax.
Make sure the command syntax is
correct, and then try again.

KAQG20322-E The command syntax is This message displays the command

invalid. syntax.
Make sure the command syntax is
correct, and then try again.

KAQG20323-E The specified file file does not The specified file does not exist.
exist. (O)
Check and, if necessary, revise the file,
and then retry the operation.

KAQG20324-E An attempt to read the file An unexpected error occurred during

file has failed. the reading of a file.
Contact maintenance personnel.

KAQG20325-E An attempt to write the file An unexpected error occurred during

file has failed. the writing of a file.
Contact maintenance personnel.

KAQG20326-I Usage: nfskeytablist [-h] This message displays the command

Make sure the command syntax is
correct, and then try again.

KAQG20327-I Usage: nfskeytabdel [-y] -s This message displays the command

slot-number | -h syntax.

KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages) 3-7

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Make sure the command syntax is
correct, and then try again.

KAQG20328-E The command argument The specified command argument is

command-argument is incorrect.
incorrect. (O)
Make sure the command syntax is
correct, and then re-execute the
command with the parameters
specified correctly.

KAQG20329-Q Do you want to delete an This confirmation message appears

entry for slot slot-number ? before an entry for a slot is deleted.
(y/n) (O)
Enter y or n.

KAQG20330-E The specified command could Your operation may have been in
not be executed because contention with another system
another system administrator administrator's operation.
was performing an operation (O)
involving the keytab file.
Wait a while, and then re-execute the

KAQG20341-I Usage: nfscacheflush [cache- This message displays the command

name | -h] syntax.
Make sure the command syntax is
correct, and then try again.

KAQG20342-E The command syntax is This message displays the command

invalid. syntax.
Make sure the command syntax is
correct, and then try again.

KAQG20343-E An attempt to flush the cache An unexpected error occurred during

cache has failed. the flushing of a cache.
Wait a while, and then retry the
operation. If the error occurs
repeatedly contact maintenance

KAQG20401-I Usage: nfsstatus [-z] | [-h] This message displays the command
Make sure the command syntax is
correct, and then try again.

KAQG20402-E The command syntax is This message displays the command

invalid. syntax.
Make sure the command syntax is
correct, and then try again.

3-8 KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQG20403-E The file </proc/net/rpc/ The file </proc/net/rpc/nfsd> was

nfsd> was not found. not found.
Contact maintenance personnel.

KAQG20404-E An attempt to read the file An unexpected error occurred during

</proc/net/rpc/nfsd> has the reading of the file. The </proc/
failed. The file format is net/rpc/nfsd> format is invalid.
Contact maintenance personnel.

KAQG20405-E An attempt to write to the file An unexpected error occurred during

</proc/net/rpc/nfsd> has the writing to the file.
failed. (O)
Contact maintenance personnel.

KAQG20901-E The rpcbind daemon cannot An attempt to stop the rpcbind

be stopped. daemon failed.
Contact maintenance personnel.

KAQG20902-E An attempt to restart the An attempt to restart the rpcbind

rpcbind daemon failed. daemon failed.
Contact maintenance personnel.

KAQG20903-I The rpcbind daemon will now The rpcbind daemon will now restart.
restart. (O)

KAQG30001-E The enas command device An invalid request was issued against
requires a size of 512 bytes. the command device. A problem may
device=device-ID, size=I/O- exist in the system.
request-size, sector=I/O- (S)
The command device may be
Contact maintenance personnel.

KAQG41001-I The command device was The command device for the system
recognized. (identification indicated by storage-system-
code = storage-system- identification-code was recognized.
identification-code, LDEV = (S)
LDEV-number, File = SCSI-
device-file-name, details = The command device for the system
driver-internal-code) indicated by storage-system-
identification-code was recognized.
No measures are needed.

KAQG41002-I The command device is not The command device for the system
set. (identification code = indicated by storage-system-
storage-system- identification-code is not set.

KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages) 3-9

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
identification-code, details = (S)
driver-internal-code) The copy control attribute cannot be
set or released for storage systems in
which a command device is not set up.
If you need to set or release the copy
control attribute for a storage system,
use Storage Navigator Modular to set
up a command device in the storage
system. If you do not need to set or
release the attribute, then you do not
need to set up a command device.
KAQG41003-W The command device is no The command device can no longer be
longer recognized. recognized by the system storage-
(identification code = system-identification-code.
storage-system- (S)
identification-code, details =
driver-internal-code) The copy control attribute cannot be
set or released for storage system in
which a command device is not set up.
From Storage Navigator Modular,
check whether a command device has
been set up in the storage system. If a
command device has been set up,
contact maintenance personnel. If a
command device has not been set up
and you need to set or release the
copy control attribute, revise the
command device settings from Storage
Navigator Modular, and then restart
the OS. If a command device has not
been set up, but you do not need to
set or release the copy control
attribute, then restart the OS as is.

KAQG41004-E An error was detected in the Attempts to remove the failed device
device I/O. (state = faulty, from the RAID group. The removal
RAID-LU = RAID-LU-name, processing will continue regardless of
slot = slot-number, device = whether the removal succeeds.
device-name) (O)
Check whether the KAQG41006-I
message was output. If the
KAQG41006-I message is not output
after 24 hours or if another error
message is output, contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQG41005-I The hard disk has been Continues processing.

removed. (slot = slot- (O)
If you removed the hard disk in
response to the KAQG41006-I
message, insert a hard disk into the
slot. If this message is output when

3-10 KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
the hard disk has not been removed,
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQG41006-I The hard disk is excluded Continues processing.

from the RAID group. (slot = (O)
If no error message other than this
one was output after the KAQG41004-
E message, remove the hard disk.

KAQG41007-I A hard disk was added to the Starts the processing for recovering
RAID-LU. (RAID-LU = RAID- data to the added hard disk.
LU-name, hard disk = hard- (O)
disk-name, slot = slot-
number) No action is required.

KAQG41008-E The write-through Attempts to remove the hard disk. If

functionality was not set as removal fails, the OS will shut down.
the cache operation for (O)
writing to the disk. (hard disk
= hard-disk-name, slot = Replace the hard disk that is in the
slot-number) displayed slot number. If the OS shuts
down, contact maintenance personnel.

KAQG41009-E RAID-LU-name could not be The RAID-LU cannot be accessed.

restored from the inactive (O)
state. (state = RAID-LU-
state) Contact maintenance personnel.

KAQG41010-E Mismatches between data Continues processing.

were found in one or more (O)
RAID-LUs. (number of
mismatches = mismatch- Contact maintenance personnel.

KAQG41011-E The OS cannot recover Continues processing.

automatically. (O)
Contact maintenance personnel.

KAQG41012-E The OS stopped processing Shuts down the OS.

because one or more boot (O)
records were not copied
correctly. Contact maintenance personnel.

KAQG41013-E The number of mismatches Continues processing.

between data is increasing. (O)
(current number of
mismatches = mismatch- Contact maintenance personnel.
count, previous number of
mismatches = mismatch-

KAQG46001-I Error report reception will Error monitoring for the OS can now
now start. be performed.

KAQG46002-I Error report reception will No action is required.

now end.

KAQG46003-I The process-name process To process-name process will start the

was registered. following processing:

KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages) 3-11

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
File Services Manager: The system
begins the output of OS system
messages to File Services Manager.
failover function: The system begins
error monitoring of hardware, for

KAQG46004-I The process-name process No action is required.

registration was released.

KAQG46005-W Traffic control will now start. Too many system messages have been
(queue-name) generated. The system will now restrict
output to File Services Manager, or
omit messages that are repeatedly
Changes the output method of system
messages to File Services Manager.
Investigate why too many system
messages were generated. If this is
just a temporary error, the output
method will return to normal after
KAQG46006-W is output. If an
unexpected error occurred in the
system, contact maintenance

KAQG46006-W Traffic control will now end. The system will end the restriction of
(queue-name) output to File Services Manager or end
the omission of messages that are
repeatedly output.
The output method will return to
normal operation.

KAQG46007-I The action list is registered. This message indicates the operating
status of error monitoring.

KAQG46008-I The queue is extended. The This message indicates the operating
size is 4-or-9-or-18 MB. status of error monitoring.

KAQG46009-I The queue area is switched. This message indicates the operating
status of error monitoring.

KAQG46010-E The queue is insufficient. The queue area in which system

TYPE: error-location CODE: messages and error information are
error-code UNIT: device cached has reached its limit.
PRIORITY: priority (S)
DIRECTION: notification-
method-control-code Too many system messages or error
VIRTUAL_SERVER_ID: information have been generated. The
virtual-server-ID MSG: system cannot perform failover for a
hardware malfunction, and cannot
output to File Services Manager.

3-12 KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
message-ID-and-message- System messages that cannot be
text output will be displayed in the system
Investigate why too many system
messages were generated. If an
unexpected error occurred in the
system, contact maintenance
KAQG46011-E The queue is insufficient, so The queue area in which system
the error report is registered messages are cached has reached its
at only "failover function". limit. However, error information can
TYPE: error-location CODE: be cached so failover for hardware
error-code UNIT: device malfunction is possible.
Priority: priority DIRECTION: (S)
code VIRTUAL_SERVER_ID: Too many system messages have been
virtual-server-ID MSG: generated and could not be output to
message-ID-and-message- File Services Manager. System
text messages that cannot be output will be
displayed in the system log. Failover
for hardware malfunction is possible.
Investigate why too many system
messages were generated. If an
unexpected error occurred in the
system, contact maintenance

KAQG46012-E Error information cannot be The queue area in which system

received. (queue-name) messages and error information are
cached has reached its limit.
Too many system messages or error
information have been generated. The
system cannot failover for hardware
malfunction or cannot output to File
Services Manager.
Investigate why too many system
messages were generated. If an
unexpected error occurred in the
system, contact maintenance

KAQG46023-E An attempt to read the (S)

initialization parameter file The queue area in which system
failed. messages are cached may become
There is no problem for operation but if
you need to take action, contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages) 3-13

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQG46024-E An attempt to read the action (S)

list file failed. May not output messages to File
Services Manager.
There is no problem for operation but if
you need to take action, contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQG46025-E The queue area is not (S)

allocated. (queue-name) Forcibly stops the system.
Contact maintenance personnel.

KAQG46026-E The switching area for the (S)

queue is not allocated. The queue area in which system
(queue-name) messages are cached may become
There is no problem for operation but if
you need to take action, contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQG46040-E An error message is sent to (S)

maintenance personnel. (SIM The node might be damaged and
ID:ID-of-sent-SIM-error- unusable. If there is no contract for
message) using HiTrack or Assist, the SIM error
message is not sent.
Contact maintenance personnel.
This message is output to let both
maintenance personnel and the system
administrator know that an SIM error
message has already been sent to
maintenance personnel. This message
lets the system administrator know
that they do not need to try to resolve
the problem by referring the SIM
message ID.

KAQG46041-W A warning message is sent to (S)

maintenance personnel. (SIM The node might be damaged. If this
ID:ID-of-sent-SIM-error- error occurs frequently, the system
message) might forcibly stop the OS. If there is
no contract for using HiTrack or Assist,
the SIM error message is not sent.
If the OS has stopped, contact
maintenance personnel. Urgent
attention is not required as long as the
OS has not been stopped, but some
corrective measures must be taken as

3-14 KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
soon as possible. Be prepared to stop
the node and contact maintenance
personnel. If services need to be
stopped during maintenance, notify the
end users in advance that services will
be stopped.
This message is output to let both
maintenance personnel and the system
administrator know that an SIM error
message has already been sent to
maintenance personnel. This message
lets the system administrator know
that they do not need to try to resolve
the problem by referring the SIM
message ID.

KAQG46042-I An information message is (O)

sent to maintenance No action is required.
personnel. (SIM ID:ID-of-

KAQG46050-E A UPS error event was (S)

detected. (detailed- If "Communication lost." is output for
information) detailed-information, then
communication cannot be established
between the UPS and the nodes. If
"Battery failure." is output for detailed-
information, then a UPS fatal error
might have occurred. If "Low battery.",
"Battery runtime timed out.", or a
"battery below remaining threshold"
message is output for detailed-
information, then the UPS battery
capacity is decreasing. If only one
power source is powering the node,
the OS is forcibly shut down.
If "Communication lost." or "Battery
failure." is output for detailed-
information, contact maintenance
personnel. If "Low battery.", "Battery
runtime timed out.", or a "battery
below remaining threshold" message is
output for detailed-information,
recover the power if the power is off. If
the power is not off, contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQG46051-W A UPS warning event was (S)

detected. (detailed- If "Running on batteries." is output for
information) detailed-information, then there might
be a problem with the UPS power
source. If the system continues in this
state, the OS might be forcibly shut

KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages) 3-15

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
down. If "Battery removed." is output
for detailed-information, then a battery
has been removed.
If "Running on batteries." is output for
detailed-information, restore the
power. If "Battery removed." is output
for detailed-information and a battery
has been removed for maintenance
work, then no action is required. If no
batteries are actually removed, contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQG46052-I A UPS information event was (O)

detected. (detailed- No action required.

KAQG46502-I powerfail : shutdown started. (S)

(cause-of-shutdown) Shuts down the OS.
No action is required.

KAQG46503-E enas_chninfo error : name- An error occurred in a command used

of-system-call-cause-or- internally by the OS.
function-name (error-code- (S)
of-cause): error-location-
code. An error might have occurred during
command or GUI operation.
The cause may be due to lack of
resources, so if the operation can be
re-executed, try it again. If the
operation cannot be re-executed or the
same error occurs again, contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQG46504-E A failure has been detected (S)

in an internal RAID battery. An internal RAID battery has failed.
Check the status of the internal RAID
battery by either viewing the
[Hardware] tab in the [Health Monitor]
window, or by using the hwstatus
command. If "Error" or "failed" is
displayed for the battery status, then
the battery might have failed. Ask
maintenance personnel to replace the
battery. If the battery status is not
"Error" or "failed", then nothing needs
to be done.

KAQG46505-I The system recovered from (S)

an internal RAID battery The system recovered from an internal
failure. RAID battery failure.

3-16 KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQG46506-I Patrol Read detected (S)

information. (Details: time = An internal HDD event was detected.
detected-time, code =
detected-code, content = (O)
detected-content, count = No action is required.
Count is only output when the value is
2 or more.

KAQG46508-E Patrol Read detected an (S)

error. (Details: time = An internal HDD check detected an
detected-time, code = error log event.
detected-code, content =
detected-content, count = (O)
number-of-times-same- An internal HDD might be permanently
event-occurred) damaged. Contact maintenance
Count is only output when the value is
2 or more.

KAQG46509-I Information regarding the (S)

internal RAID battery was An event related to the internal RAID
detected. (time = detected- battery was detected.
time, code = detected-code,
content = detected-content) (O)
(Note: If the time cannot be No action necessary.
acquired, a hyphen (-) is
displayed for detected-time.)

KAQG46510-W An internal RAID battery (S)

failure was detected. (time = An error event related to the internal
detected-time, code = RAID battery was detected.
detected-code, content =
detected-content) (O)
(Note: If the time cannot be Take action as follows according to the
acquired, a hyphen (-) is value of detected-code:
displayed for detected-time.) • If detected-code is 8e, a1, c8,
18b, or 18d, contact maintenance
• If detected-code is 91, check all
messages output within 1 minute
of the KAQG46509-I message. If
detected-code in the KAQG46509-
I message is 95, you do not need
to check the other messages. In
all other cases, check whether
there are any temperature
abnormalities in the installation
environment. If everything seems
normal, contact maintenance
• If detected-code is 96 or 182,
check all KAQG46509-I messages
output up to eight hours before

KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages) 3-17

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
this message. No action is
necessary if detected-code in the
KAQG46509-I messages is 97 and
there are no messages with a
detected-code of f2. In all other
cases, contact maintenance

KAQG46511-E An internal RAID battery (S)

failure was detected. (time = An error event related to the internal
detected-time, code = RAID battery was detected.
detected-code, content =
detected-content) (O)
(Note: If the time cannot be Data on the internal hard disk is
acquired, a hyphen (-) is corrupted. Stop the service, and then
displayed for detected-time.) contact maintenance personnel.

KAQG46513-E An OS error was detected on (S)

the virtual server. (virtual An OS error was detected on the
server ID = virtual-server- virtual server.
Check the status of the virtual server
and whether the dump information of
the virtual server is being collected.

KAQG46514-W The failover process has been (S)

notified of the virtual server An error occurred in the virtual server
error. (virtual server ID = OS.
No action is required.

KAQG46515-I The virtual server was reset. (S)

(virtual server ID = virtual- The virtual server was reset.
No action is required.

KAQG46516-I A consistency check detected (S)

information. (time = An event concerning an internal HDD
detection-time, code = was detected.
detection-code, content =
detected-content, count = (O)
number-of-times-same- No action is required.
Note: The count is only
output when the value is 2 or

KAQG46518-E A consistency check detected (S)

an error. (time = detection- The consistency check detected an
time, code = detection-code, internal HDD error, and output this
content = detected-content, information to the error log.
count = number-of-times-
same-event-occurred) (O)

3-18 KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Note: The count is only An internal HDD might be permanently
output when the value is 2 or damaged. Contact maintenance
more. personnel.

KAQG46531-E A problem was detected in a A problem was detected in a fan. The

fan. (fan = index-number) system will now stop.
Contact maintenance personnel.

KAQG46532-I The problem in the fan was The problem in the fan was resolved.
resolved. (fan = index- (O)
No action is required.

KAQG46533-E A temperature anomaly was A temperature anomaly was detected.

detected. (temperature The system will now stop.
sensor = index-number) (O)
Check the temperature in the
installation environment. Lower the
temperature if it is too high. If you
cannot find any abnormalities, contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQG46534-E An error in an internal hard If detailed-information is

disk was detected. (slot = "Program_Fail_Count_Chip", a failure
slot-number, details = occurred in the backup power supply of
detailed-information) the internal hard disk. As a result, data
in the cache memory cannot be
preserved when power is down. If
detailed-information is
"Media_Wearout_Indicator" or
"Available_Reservd_Space", the
internal hard disk is worn out. As a
result, you might not be able to write
data to the disk.
Ask maintenance personnel to change
the node.

KAQG46535-W An internal hard disk warning The total amount of time that the
was detected. (slot = slot- power of the internal hard disk has
number, details = detailed- been on has exceeded the warning
information) threshold value. This message is only
an informational notice to prevent a
failure from occurring. The system will
continue running.
If you continue to use this product, an
internal hard disk failure might occur.
Contact maintenance personnel.

KAQG46536-E An abnormal internal voltage An abnormal internal voltage was

was detected. (sensor ID = detected.
sensor-id) (O)
Contact maintenance personnel.

KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages) 3-19

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQG46537-I The internal voltage returned The internal voltage returned to

to normal. (sensor ID = normal.
sensor-id) (O)
No action is required.

KAQG46951-I Usage: usage The command syntax is displayed.

If a syntax error occurred, check the
syntax of the command, and then try

KAQG46952-E An option is incorrect. An option is incorrect.

Cancels command execution.
Check the syntax of the command and
specify valid options, and then try

KAQG51000-E The logical volume is The file system or differential-data

blocked. (file system name = snapshot cannot be used.
file-system-name) (O)
Contact maintenance personnel.

KAQG51001-E A duplicate logical volume The file system or differential-data

header was detected. For snapshot containing the device file (/
parameter information, see dev/enas/lu LU-number) indicated in
the KAQG51002-E message the KAQG51002-E message cannot be
output to the system log. used.
Contact maintenance personnel.

KAQG51002-E Parameter information of the When a duplicate logical volume

KAQG51001-E message is as header is detected, this message
follows: (LUN = LU-number indicates the parameter information for
LU-number ... ) the KAQG51001-E message.
Take the action described in the
KAQG51001-E message.

KAQG51003-E The logical volume entered a The file system or differential-data

state where it cannot be snapshots can no longer be used.
accessed. (file system name (O)
= file-system-name)
Reset the node where this message
was output. After that, acquire all the
log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQG52000-W The CIFS access log was The CIFS access log reached the
either no longer acquired or maximum size because the directory

3-20 KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
was overwritten, because it for saving this log has not been set or
reached the maximum size. because this log has not been deleted.
Set a directory for saving the CIFS
access log, or download and then
delete this log. If a directory for saving
the CIFS access log is set, make sure
the file system is mounted and there is
sufficient free space in the file system.
KAQG52001-W There is not enough space to There is not enough space to save the
save the CIFS access log. CIFS access log because the directory
for saving this log has not been set or
because this log has not been deleted.
Set a directory for saving the CIFS
access log, or download and then
delete this log. If a directory for saving
the CIFS access log is set, make sure
the file system is mounted and there is
sufficient free space in the file system.

KAQG52002-E The change to a virtual IP Processing failed because a system

address might not have been error occurred while the change to a
reflected into the CIFS virtual IP address was being reflected
service. into the CIFS service.
Check the status of the CIFS service. If
the CIFS service is online, restart it. If
it cannot be restarted, acquire all the
Management log files and contact
maintenance personnel. If the CIFS
service was offline before the operation
was performed, then the change to the
virtual IP address will be reflected into
the CIFS service, and no further action
is required.

KAQG52003-E An attempt to stop the CIFS Processing failed because a system

service has failed. error occurred while attempting to stop
the CIFS service in order to delete a
virtual IP address.
Stop the CIFS service. If it cannot be
stopped, acquire all the Management
log files and inform maintenance

KAQG52004-E Processing to acquire a list of The differential-data snapshots cannot

differential-data snapshots be made public to CIFS clients by using
has failed. Volume Shadow Copy Service, because
processing to acquire the list of
snapshots failed.

KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages) 3-21

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Collect all the Management log files,
and then contact maintenance

KAQG52005-E Too many or too few Command execution was canceled.

parameters have been (O)
Check the command format, and then
re-execute the command.

KAQG52006-E The command cannot be The resource group might be offline, or

executed with the resource a failover might have occurred.
group in its current state. (O)
If the resource group is offline or a
failover has occurred, resolve the
issue, and then re-execute the
command. If the command still cannot
be executed, acquire the Management
log files, and then contact maintenance

KAQG52007-E An invalid option has been A specified option cannot be used by

specified. the command.
Specify valid options, and then re-
execute the command.

KAQG52008-E The specified file share does The specified CIFS does not exist in
not exist. the definition file.
Check the share name, and then retry
the operation.

KAQG52009-E The specified value is invalid. The specified value cannot be specified
for the specified option.
Specify a valid value.

KAQG52010-E A system error occurred. A system error occurred while a

definition file was being edited.
Acquire the File Services Manager log
files, and then contact maintenance

KAQG52012-E Deletion of a file failed. (file Deletion of a file failed. An HCP

path = file-path, message = communication error might have
message, user = user-name, occurred or there might be a file
erroff = number-of-error- system problem.
messages-not-output) (O)
Check the communication with HCP
and the state of the file system. If a
problem has occurred, take
appropriate action. If you cannot check
the status or if this error occurs again,

3-22 KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
acquire all log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQG52013-I Usage: cifsoptlist No action is required.

: cifsoptlist {-s|-x
: cifsoptlist -h

KAQG52014-I Usage: cifsoptset option No action is required.

{-s|-x share_name}
: cifsoptset -h

case_sensitive {on|off|

KAQG52015-W The number of connected The connection failed because the

CIFS clients exceeds the number of connected CIFS clients
maximum (maximum- exceeds the maximum.
number-of-processes). (O)
Check the number of clients connected
to CIFS shares or the CIFS service. If
the number of clients does not exceed
the maximum, acquire all the
Management log files, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQG52016-E An attempt to access the The CIFS service cannot be used

server that used for user because an attempt to access the
mapping has failed. server that used for user mapping has
failed. If this error is temporary, the
CIFS service might be automatically
In the CIFS service window, check the
status of the CIFS service. If the status
of the CIFS service is Running, no
action is required. If the status of the
CIFS service is Down, check the status
of the connection between the external
server and the node, and then remove
the cause of the problem. After that,
restart the CIFS service.

KAQG52017-I To apply the changed (O)

settings, restart the CIFS To apply the changed settings, restart
service. the CIFS service.

KAQG52018-W The time on the domain The node might fail to communicate
controller of the domain that with the domain controller in the
the node is in is not message because of a time
synchronized with the time discrepancy.
on the node or with the time (O)
on the domain controller of a
trusted domain. (domain Verify that the times on the domain
controller = domain- controller and the node are
controller-name, domain = synchronized. If a domain controller of
domain-name) a trusted domain is output in this

KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages) 3-23

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
message, verify that the times on the
domain controller you verified above
and on the domain controller of the
trusted domain are synchronized.

KAQG52019-E The time on the domain The node failed to communicate with
controller of a trusted domain the domain controller in the message
is not synchronized with the because of a time discrepancy.
time on the domain that the (O)
node is in. (domain controller
= domain-controller-name, Synchronize the times on the domain
domain = domain-name) controller specified for the
authentication server and on the
displayed domain controller.

KAQG52020-E The new user-ID or group-ID The new user or group ID could not be
(value: value-of-the-UID-or- assigned because the upper limit
GID) could not be assigned specified for user and group IDs
because the upper limit on assigned by user mapping has been
IDs has been reached. reached.
(domain = For-RID-user- (O)
mapping, the-name-of-the-
domain-in-which-the-limit- Increase the range of the user or
was-reached. For-LDAP-user- group IDs that can be used for user
mapping, a-hyphen-is- mapping.

KAQG52021-W A user-ID or group-ID A user or group ID used to access a

(value: value-of-the-UID-or- CIFS share was outside the acceptable
GID) outside the acceptable range (200-2147483147).
range was used. (domain = (O)
user-mapping, the-name-of- Specify a value for the user or group
the-domain. For-LDAP-user- ID registered on the LDAP server or
mapping, a-hyphen-is- external authentication server that is
displayed, name = For-LDAP- within the range 200-2147483147.
user-mapping, the-SID-of-
displayed. For-Active-
mapping, the-value-of-
In-either-case, if-the-
set, a-hyphen-is-displayed.)

KAQG52022-I Usage: cifsinfogetctl [--dir None.

directory-name] [--count log- (O)
collection-count] [--interval
log-collection-interval] --set No action is required.
cifsinfogetctl --delete {log-
cifsinfogetctl --list
cifsinfogetctl -h

3-24 KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQG52023-E The total number of The registration processing was

registered log collection stopped because the total number of
times reached the upper registered log collection times
limit. exceeded the value of the upper limit
Delete the log collection time that was
previously registered, and then retry
the operation.

KAQG52024-E Changing of the settings Changing of the settings failed.

failed. (O)
Retry the operation.

KAQG52025-W The previously registered The previously registered setting was

setting was overwritten overwritten because the specified log
because the specified log collection time was the same as a
collection time was the same previously registered log collection
as a previously registered log time.
collection time. (O)
No action is required.

KAQG52026-W The capacity of the output Processing stopped because the

destination was insufficient, capacity of the output destination was
or the volume of the log insufficient, or the volume of the log
output reached the upper output reached the upper limit.
limit. (O)
If the output destination is the default
destination, retrieve the log file. If the
output destination is a file system,
retrieve and then delete the log file, or
expand the file system of the output

KAQG52027-E An attempt to connect to the The policy of the domain controller

domain controller failed. differs from the settings of the CIFS
service configuration definition.
Check the [Domain controller: LDAP
server signing requirements] policy of
the domain controller. If [Require
signing] is set, execute the cifsoptset
command and then specify for LDAP
connections to be made using data

KAQG52028-W An attempt to connect to the An attempt to connect to the domain

domain controller failed. controller failed.
(domain controller name = (O)
domain name = domain- Check the status of the domain
name) controller. If an error occurred, take
the appropriate action based on the
domain status.

KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages) 3-25

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQG52029-I The connection to the domain The connection to the domain

controller recovered. (domain controller recovered.
controller name = domain- (O)
controller-name, domain
name = domain-name) No action is required.

KAQG52030-W The attempt to connect to The attempt to connect to the domain

the domain controller failed controller failed repeatedly. The
repeatedly. (domain domain might have been deleted.
controller name = domain- (O)
controller-name, domain
name = domain-name) Check the status of the domain
controller. If an error occurred, take
the appropriate action based on the
domain status.
If the domain was deleted, make sure
the deleted domain is not specified in
the configuration definition of the CIFS
service. However, if this message was
output for a domain controller with
which a trust relationship is
established, you can continue to use
the CIFS service. When you restart the
CIFS service, delete the domain from
the configuration definition of the CIFS

KAQG52031-W Active Directory Active Directory authentication or NT

authentication or NT domain domain authentication is set, but user
authentication is set, but mapping is not set. Access from the
user mapping is not set. CIFS client might not be possible.
Check the configuration definition of
the CIFS service. If you are using user
mapping, set the user mapping. If you
are not using user mapping, no action
is required.

KAQG52900-E An attempt to start the UPnP An attempt to start the UPnP service
service failed. (error code = failed.
error-code) (O)
Acquire all the log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQG52901-I The UPnP service started The UPnP service started successfully.
successfully. (O)

KAQG53001-E This operation cannot be This operation cannot be performed on

performed on the virtual the virtual server.
server. (O)
Perform this operation on the node.

KAQG53003-W The NTP daemon is not An internal error occurred in the NTP
running. daemon.

3-26 KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Restart the node, and then check both
the connection status between the
node and the NTP server and the NTP
server environment variables. For
details on how to perform each
operation, see Help. If this message
continues to be output even after the
necessary operations are performed,
acquire the NTP daemon core file and
the management log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQG53004-W The NTP daemon could not Communication between the node and
be synchronized with the NTP the NTP server might not be possible,
server over a set period of or the NTP server might not be
time. synchronized with other NTP servers.
Confirm that the NTP server connection
and environment settings are correct,
and that the NTP server is
synchronized with other NTP servers. If
two NTP servers are set up, make sure
that their times are synchronized. For
details about checking the connection
status of an NTP server and the
environment settings of an NTP server,
see online Help. After you confirm
these points, if this message is still
output, acquire all the Management log
files, and then contact maintenance

KAQG53005-I The NTP daemon started The NTP daemon started periodic time
periodic time synchronization synchronization with the NTP server.
with the NTP server. (O)
No action is required.

KAQG53009-I Usage: command-syntax This message displays the syntax of a

No action is required.

KAQG53010-E An invalid parameter is An invalid parameter is specified.

specified. (details = details) (O)
Specify valid parameters according to
the Help.

KAQG53011-E There are too many or too There are too many or too few
few parameters. (details = parameters.
details) (O)
Check the command syntax, specify
the parameters correctly, and then try

KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages) 3-27

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQG53012-E There is not enough free There is not enough free space in the
space in the output directory. output directory.
(details = details) (O)
Specify a directory that has more than
500 MB of free space.

KAQG53013-E An attempt to output a An error occurred during output of a

system activity file failed. system activity file. The file system to
(details = details) which the file is to be output might be
full, or a problem might exist with the
file system or disk to which the file is
to be output.
Retry the operation. If this error occurs
repeatedly, collect all log data, and
then contact maintenance personnel.

KAQG53014-W Collection of system activity Collection of system activity

information was interrupted information timed out because the
because of a timeout. (details system is currently under a heavy
= details) load.
Collect any acquired system activity
files and all log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQG53015-E An internal error occurred. A system error occurred.

(details = details) (O)
Collect all log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQG53016-I Function information is Function information is already being

already being collected. collected.
No action is required.

KAQG61000-I Select a mode, and then No action is required.

press the [Enter] key.

KAQG61001-I Eject the installation media, No action is required.

and then press the [Enter]

KAQG61002-I The OS will now be restarted. No action is required.

KAQG61003-I The OS will now be shut No action is required.


KAQG61004-I Start the OS in maintenance No action is required.


KAQG61005-Q Are you sure you want to No action is required.

execute the selected mode?
(selected-mode) (y/n)

3-28 KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQG61006-Q Are you sure you want to No action is required.

cancel the installation? (y/n)

KAQG61007-E An attempt to acquire the list (S)

of packages has failed. An attempt to acquire the list of
(details code = detail-code) packages has failed.
Use maintenance mode to acquire the
OS log, and then contact maintenance

KAQG61008-E An attempt to copy a (S)

package has failed. (details An attempt to copy a package has
code = detail-code) failed.
Check whether there are any problems
with the internal HDDs. If there are no
problems with the internal HDDs,
acquire the OS log, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQG61009-E An attempt to install a (S)

package has failed. (details An attempt to install a package has
code = detail-code) failed.
Check whether there are any problems
with the internal HDDs. If there are no
problems with the internal HDDs,
acquire the OS log, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQG61010-E An attempt to acquire the (S)

version information has An attempt to acquire the version
failed. (details code = detail- information has failed.
Reinstall the product. If the error
occurs again, contact maintenance

KAQG61011-E An attempt to write to a (S)

system file has failed. An attempt to write to a system file
(details code = detail-code) has failed.
Check whether there are any problems
with the internal HDDs. If there are no
problems with the internal HDDs,
acquire the OS log, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQG61012-E An attempt to access an Possible causes are as follows:

internal HDD has failed. • An update installation was
(details code = detail-code) attempted when no OS is installed.

KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages) 3-29

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
• An error occurred on the internal
• An error occurred on the server.
If no OS is installed, perform a new
installation. If an OS is installed, refer
to the maintenance manual, check
whether a hardware failure occurred,
and take appropriate action. If you
cannot resolve the problem, acquire
the OS logs, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQG61013-E An attempt to mount a file (S)

system has failed. (number An attempt to mount a file system has
of partitions = number-of- failed.
Check whether there are any problems
with the internal HDDs. If there are no
problems with the internal HDDs,
acquire the OS log, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQG61014-E An attempt to back up the (S)

settings file has failed. An attempt to back up the settings file
has failed.
Check whether there are any problems
with the internal HDDs. If there are no
problems with the internal HDDs,
acquire the OS log, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQG61015-E An attempt to restore the (S)

settings file has failed. An attempt to restore the settings file
has failed.
Check whether there are any problems
with the internal HDDs. If there are no
problems with the internal HDDs,
acquire the OS log, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQG61016-E An attempt to configure the (S)

boot loader has failed. An attempt to configure the boot
loader has failed.
Check whether there are any problems
with the internal HDDs. If there are no
problems with the internal HDDs,
acquire the OS log, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

3-30 KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQG61018-W An update installation cannot (S)

be performed because there An update installation cannot be
is not enough space on the performed because there is not enough
internal HDDs. (name of space on the internal HDDs.
directory = name-of-
directory) (O)
Delete the core files, log files, and any
unnecessary files under the home
directory, and then re-attempt the
upgrade installation. If the error occurs
again, acquire the OS log, and contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQG61020-E An internal error has (O)

occurred. (details code = Acquire the OS log, and then contact
detail-code) maintenance personnel.

KAQG61021-E An installation script failed. (S)

(script name = name-of- An installation script failed.
Acquire the OS log, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQG61022-E A timeout occurred during (S)

the installation. A timeout occurred during the
Acquire the OS log, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQG61023-E The specified IP address is (S)

invalid. The specified IP address is invalid.
Specify a valid IP address.
Network segments that can be
Specifiable range of values for the
fourth segment:

KAQG61024-E An update installation to this An upgrade installation to a version

version cannot be performed. older than the currently installed
(currently installed program version cannot be performed.
version = version, program (O)
version that an attempt was
made to upgrade to =

KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages) 3-31

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Install a version that is newer than the
currently installed version. To install an
older version, perform a new

KAQG61025-E Acquisition of the internal One of the following might be the

HDD configuration cause of the problem:
information failed. (details • The system is not configured with
code = details-code, detailed a hardware RAID card, but an
message = detailed- option other than "Internal disk
message) (no hardware RAID card)" was
• An error might have occurred with
one of the following:
¢ The installation media
¢ The internal HDD
¢ The server
If the system is not configured with a
hardware RAID card, select "Internal
disk (no hardware RAID card)". If you
selected the correct option, then refer
to the maintenance manual, check
whether a hardware failure occurred,
and take appropriate action. If you
cannot resolve the problem, acquire
the OS logs, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQG61027-E Initialization of the internal One of the following might be the

HDD failed. (details code = cause of the problem:
details-code, detailed • An invalid RAID level was selected.
message = detailed-
message) • An invalid RAID group
configuration was selected.
• The system is configured with a
hardware RAID card, but the
"Internal disk (no hardware RAID
card)" option was selected.
• An error might have occurred with
one of the following:
¢ Installation media
¢ Internal HDD
¢ Server
If the system is configured with a
hardware RAID card, select an option
other than "Internal disk (no hardware
RAID card)". If you selected the
correct option, then refer to the
maintenance manual, and perform a
new installation with a valid RAID level

3-32 KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
and a valid RAID group configuration.
If you cannot resolve the problem,
refer to the maintenance manual,
check whether a hardware failure
occurred, and take appropriate action.
If you still cannot resolve the problem,
acquire the OS logs, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQG61028-E No OS is installed. An update Possible causes are as follows:

installation is not supported if • An update installation was
no OS is installed. (details attempted when no OS is installed.
code = details-code, detailed
message = detailed- • An error occurred on the internal
message) HDD.
• An error occurred on the server.
If no OS is installed, perform a new
If an OS is installed, refer to the
maintenance manual, check whether a
hardware failure occurred, and take
appropriate action. If you cannot
resolve the problem, acquire the OS
logs, and then contact maintenance

KAQG61029-E No disk is allocated for LU- No disk is allocated for the OS disk,
type. (details code = details- cluster management LU, and user LUs.
code) (O)
Allocate a disk for the OS disk, cluster
management LU, and user LUs.

KAQG61030-E There is not enough capacity There is not enough capacity on the
on the disk allocated for LU- disk allocated for the OS disk, cluster
type. (details code = details- management LU, and user LUs.
code) (O)
Change the capacity of the disk
allocated for the OS disk, cluster
management LU, and user LUs, or
allocate a different disk.

KAQG61031-Q Do you want to switch to No action is required.

maintenance mode? (y/n)

KAQG61032-Q Are you sure you want to No action is required.

switch to maintenance mode
with these settings? (y/n)

KAQG61033-I The passwords below do not No action is required.

need to be entered. (Only
enter passwords if instructed
by maintenance personnel.)

KAQG61034-Q Are you sure you want to No action is required.

shut down the OS? (y/n)

KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages) 3-33

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQG61036-Q Are you sure you want to -

skip display of the progress
of the HDD initialization? (y/

KAQG61037-I Press the [Enter] key. -

KAQG61038-E An installation that is not The installation media was inserted

from the internal CD/DVD into a drive other than the internal CD/
drive is not supported. DVD drive.
(detailed-message) (O)
Insert the installation media into the
internal CD/DVD drive, and then try
the installation again. If the error
occurs again, report the displayed
detailed message to maintenance

KAQG62001-W process-name (pid = process-name

process-ID) ended Name of the process that terminated
abnormally, and the core file abnormally
was generated. (core file
name = core-file-name) process-ID
Number of the process that terminated
Name of the core file that was created
An error occurred in a part of the
Depending on process-name, take one
of the following actions:
• process-name that starting with
There might be an error in the
cluster management function. In
the Browse Cluster Status window,
check the statuses of the cluster,
nodes, and resource groups.
If the cluster management
function is working normally, the
services in the resource group is
running, but the processing for
changing the file system
configuration (such as file system
creation) might take a long time,
or the file system might become
unable to fail over. If you cannot
resolve the problem, stop the OS
by turning the main switch off,
and then restart the OS on both

3-34 KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Also, acquire all the File Services
Manager log files and the output
core file, and then contact
maintenance personnel. For a list
of File Services Manager log files,
see Help. You can download the
output core file from the List of
RAS Information page (for List
of core files).
• process-name starting with "rpc.":
There might be an error with the
NFS service. In the NFS service
window, check the status of the
NFS service. If the status of the
service is Down, restart the NFS
service to resolve the error. Also,
acquire all of the File Services
Manager log files and the most
recent output core file, and then
contact maintenance personnel.
For a list of File Services Manager
log files, see online Help. You can
download output core files from
the List of RAS Information
page (for List of core files).
• Other process-name:
Acquire all the File Services
Manager log files and the output
core file, and then contact
maintenance personnel. For a list
of File Services Manager log files,
see Help. You can download the
output core file from the List of
RAS Information page (for List
of core files).

KAQG62004-I Dump file conversion Dump file conversion processing ended

processing completed. successfully.
Download the dump files.

KAQG62005-W Dump file forced conversion Dump file conversion processing

processing completed. completed, but an error might have
occurred during the processing.
Download the dump files.

KAQG62006-E Dump file conversion An internal processing error occurred.

processing failed. (O)
Contact the Support Center.

KAQG62007-E Acquisition of the dump file Acquisition of the dump file header
header information for the information for the virtual server failed
virtual server failed. (virtual because an error occurred during
creation processing of the header file

KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages) 3-35

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
server ID = virtual-server- on the virtual server, or
ID) communication with the virtual server
failed. (virtual server ID = virtual-
Restart the virtual server whose ID
displayed in the message. If the
problem persists, acquire the logs, and
then contact maintenance personnel.
KAQG62008-E Dump file creation processing Dump file creation processing failed
failed because the number of because the number of virtual server
virtual server dump files dump files reached the limit. (virtual
reached the limit. (virtual server ID = virtual-server-ID)
server ID = virtual-server- (O)
Download all the dump files, and then
delete the dump files at the location
they were downloaded from. After
that, acquire the logs, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQG62009-E Dump file creation processing Dump file creation processing failed
failed. (virtual server ID = because there is not enough disk
virtual-server-ID) capacity to save the dump. (virtual
server ID = virtual-server-ID)
Download all the dump files, and then
delete the dump files at the location
they were downloaded from. After
that, acquire the logs, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQG62010-W Dump file conversion Dump file conversion processing

processing for the virtual stopped because there is not enough
server was stopped. disk capacity to save the dump.
Download all the dump files, and then
delete the dump files at the location
they were downloaded from.

KAQG62011-I Dump file conversion Dump file conversion processing ended

processing for the virtual successfully. (virtual server ID =
server ended successfully. virtual-server-ID)
(virtual server ID = virtual- (O)
Download all the dump files.

KAQG62012-W Dump file forced conversion Dump file forced conversion processing
processing for the virtual for the virtual server ended
server ended successfully. successfully, but there might have
(virtual server ID = virtual- been a problem with some of the
server-ID) processing. (virtual server ID =
Download all the dump files.

3-36 KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQG62013-E Dump file conversion An internal processing error occurred.

processing for the virtual (O)
server failed. (virtual server
ID = virtual-server-ID) Acquire the logs, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQG62014-E An error occurred in dump An internal processing error occurred.

file creation processing for (O)
the virtual server.
Acquire the logs, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQG62015-I Conversion processing ended Conversion processing ended

successfully for all the dump successfully for all the dump files.
files. (O)
Download all the dump files.

KAQG63001-I Usage: usage No action is required.

KAQG63002-E Execution of the An attempt to refer conf files has

welcomemsgchange command failed.
failed. (O)
Contact maintenance personnel.

KAQG63003-E There is an error in the There is an error in the specification of

specification of an option or an option or parameter (parameter).
parameter (parameter). (O)
Specify the correct option and
parameter, and then re-execute the

KAQG63004-E There are too many or too There are too many or too few options
few options or parameters. or parameters.
Specify the correct option and
parameter, and then re-execute the

KAQG70000-E Failover started. ({resource (S)

group = resource-group- Starts a failover.
name|virtual server =
virtual-server-ID}) (O)
Check the status of the node and the
status of the resource group or virtual
server. For details on how to do this,
see Help.
This message is output when an error
occurs and a failover is automatically
carried out.

KAQG70001-E Failover ended. ({resource (S)

group = resource-group- Ends failover successfully.
name|virtual server =
virtual-server-ID}) (Normal Note:

KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages) 3-37

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
This message is output when an error
occurs and a failover is automatically
carried out.

KAQG71000-E Failover was not possible. An attempt to perform a failover failed

({resource group = resource- because the failover-destination node
group-name|virtual server = is not online.
virtual-server-ID}) (S)
Stops the failover before the failover
Check the status of the node and the
status of the resource group or virtual
server. For details on how to do this,
see Help.
This message is output when an error
occurs and a failover is automatically
carried out.

KAQG72000-E Failover ended. ({resource (S)

group = resource-group- Interrupts and stops the failover,
name|virtual server = which ends abnormally.
virtual-server-ID}) (An
internal error was detected.) (O)
Check the status of the node and the
status of the resource group or virtual
server. For details on how to do this,
see Help.
This message is output when an error
occurs and a failover is automatically
carried out.

KAQG72001-E Failover ended. ({resource A problem might exist in the failover

group = resource-group- domain, or a problem in which failover
name|virtual server = processing cannot continue was
virtual-server-ID}) (The detected.
move failed.) (S)
Interrupts and stops the failover,
which ends abnormally.
Check the status of the node and the
status of the resource group or virtual
server. For details on how to do this,
see Help.
This message is output when an error
occurs and a failover is automatically
carried out.

KAQG72002-E Failover ended. ({resource A script used to start or end the

group = resource-group- service failed during processing.
name|virtual server =

3-38 KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
virtual-server-ID}) (The (S)
operation failed due to an Interrupts and stops the failover,
srmd script failure.) which ends abnormally.
Check the status of the node and the
status of the resource group or virtual
server. For details on how to do this,
see Help.
This message is output when an error
occurs and a failover is automatically
carried out.
KAQG72003-E Failover ended. ({resource An attempt to obtain information about
group = resource-group- the service failed during processing.
name|virtual server = (S)
virtual-server-ID}) (A
resource configuration error Interrupts and stops the failover,
was detected.) which ends abnormally.
Check the status of the node and the
status of the resource group or virtual
server. For details on how to do this,
see Help.
This message is output when an error
occurs and a failover is automatically
carried out.

KAQG72004-E Failover ended. ({resource No nodes are available for a failover,

group = resource-group- or the failover finished but an error
name|virtual server = occurred again.
virtual-server-ID}) (No node (S)
is available in the cluster.)
Interrupts and stops the failover,
which ends abnormally.
Check the status of the node and the
status of the resource group or virtual
server. For details on how to do this,
see Help.
This message is output when an error
occurs and a failover is automatically
carried out.

KAQG72005-E Failover ended. ({resource The node in the failover domain is not
group = resource-group- recognized as a member of the cluster.
name|virtual server = (S)
virtual-server-ID}) (The node
is not on the cluster Interrupts and stops the failover,
membership list.) which ends abnormally.

KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages) 3-39

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Check the status of the node and the
status of the resource group or virtual
server. For details on how to do this,
see Help.
This message is output when an error
occurs and a failover is automatically
carried out.

KAQG72006-E The resource (resource- Although the status of the resource

name) of the type (resource- group is Online/No error, the service
type) is blocked. that uses the resource (resource-
name) is not provided. Also, if all the
resources of a file system or NFS share
service are partially blocked, Online/
srmd executable error might be
displayed as the status of the resource
group and no services might be
provided, or services might be
transferred and provided on the other
node. For details on how to check the
resource group status, see the
Administrator's Guide or CLI
Administrator's Guide.
The information displayed in resource-
type is as follows:
• LVM_volume is displayed when
resource-name indicates an LVM.
• Filesystem is displayed when
resource-name indicates a file
• NFS is displayed when resource-
name indicates an NFS shared
Provides services by using the
operating resources that are operating
normally, from among the resources
that comprise a resource group. From
among the resources that comprise a
resource group, if an error occurs in all
the resources of a file system or NFS
share service, services might not be
provided or might be transferred and
provided on the other node.
The system administrator needs to
correct the error that occurred in the
If you are using local data encryption,
make sure none of the following errors
occurred during OS startup:
KAQM05256-E, or errors in the range
from KAQM05258-E through

3-40 KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
KAQM05264-E. If any of these errors
occurred, take action according to the
error message.
If the type of resource that has an
error is LVM or a file system, re-create
the file system to restore. For details
on how to restore a file system in
which there is an error in a resource
and is used in File snapshots, see the
Troubleshooting Guide.
If the resource that has an error is
type LVM, identify the resource name
of the file system to be re-created by
using the LVM resource name
displayed in the message text. The
LVM resource name is displayed as
LVM resource name (pattern 1):
/dev/vg nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn /lv
LVM resource name (pattern 2):
/dev/vghorclu nn /lv resource-
nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn: This number
indicates the category of the resource
For any of the patterns described
above, check the status of the node
that provides services. When the
resource group provides services on a
node different from the one that it
usually does and also the resource
group is mounted, you do not need to
re-create the specified file system. In
this case, you can recover the file
system by removing the error and
performing failback.
Before re-creating the file system, you
must prepare the file share's setting
information and the file system's
backup data. The recovery procedure
differs, depending on whether the
resource group status is Online/No
error or Online/srmd executable
When the resource group status is
Online/No error:
1. Unmount the file system to be re-
If the file system has already been
unmounted, this step is not

KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages) 3-41

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
2. Delete the file system to be re-
3. Re-create the file system.
4. Mount the file system.
5. Restore the backup data to the re-
created file system.
To restore the file system data,
use the procedure for restoring
backups acquired by using the
Backup Restore function. For
details on the procedure, see the
Administrator's Guide.
6. Re-create the file share according
to the file share's setting
information that you prepared
When the resource group status is
Online/srmd executable error:
1. Forcibly stop the resource group.
The resource group status
becomes Offline.
2. Delete the file system to be re-
3. Start the resource group.
The resource group status
becomes Online.
4. Re-create the file system.
5. Mount the file system.
6. Restore the backup data to the re-
created file system.
To restore the file system data,
use the procedure for restoring
backups acquired by using the
Backup Restore function. For
details on the procedure, see the
Administrator's Guide.
7. Re-create the file share according
to the file share's setting
information that you prepared
For details on each procedure, see the
Administrator's Guide or CLI
Administrator's Guide. If you cannot
recover the file system by performing
the above procedure, collect all the log
data for both nodes, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQG72007-E The resource (resource- To continue providing the services, the

name) of the type (resource- system fails over the resource group
type) cannot be used.

3-42 KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
containing resource-name to another
node in the cluster.
The information displayed in resource-
type is as follows:
• IP_address is displayed when
resource-name indicates a virtual
IP address.
If failover succeeds, the system
continues to provide the services of the
resource group. If failover fails, the
system interrupts the services of the
resource group.
There may be a hardware error in the
data LAN. Contact the maintenance
personnel and request that the error
be corrected.
After the error is corrected, the system
administrator must check the resource
group status, and recover the
resource. For details on how to check
the resource group status, see the
Administrator's Guide or CLI
Administrator's Guide.
To recover a resource group if failover
fails and the error information of the
resource group is srmd executable
1. Perform a forced stop for the
resource group.
For details on how to perform a
forced stop for a resource group,
see the Administrator's Guide or
CLI Administrator's Guide.
2. Start the resource group.
For details on how to start a
resource group, see the
Administrator's Guide or CLI
Administrator's Guide.
3. Check the system messages to
confirm that the KAQG72007-E
message was not output for the
recovered resource.
For details on how to check the
system messages, see the
Administrator's Guide.
To recover the resource group if
failover succeeded and the services are
provided in another node.

KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages) 3-43

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
1. Change the execution node of the
resource group and perform
For details on how to change the
execution node of a resource
group, see the Administrator's
Guide or CLI Administrator's
2. Check the system messages to
confirm that the KAQG72007-E
message was not output for the
recovered resource.
For details on how to check the
system messages, see the
Administrator's Guide.

KAQG72008-E The failover function cannot A set period has passed, but the other
start because the status of node in the cluster has not responded.
the other node in the cluster (S)
is unknown. Place that other
node online or forcibly stop Stops providing the service.
that other node. (O)
To start operation using only one of
the nodes, force the cluster to stop,
and then restart the node that was
online. For details on how to force a
cluster to stop and how to start a
node, see the Administrator's Guide or
CLI Administrator's Guide.
To start operation using both nodes,
contact the maintenance personnel and
request correction of the error that
occurred in the other node in the

KAQG72009-E The resource (resource- The file system could not be

name) of the type unmounted when you finish one of the
(Filesystem) cannot be following services:
unmounted (Error: umount: 1. Performing failover
resource-name: device is
busy.) 2. Performing failback
3. Stopping the resource group
4. Stopping the node
5. Stopping the cluster
6. Deleting the Filesystem resource
When one of the five operations from
the top is being performed, stop the
service of the resource group. The
status of the target resource group
becomes Offline/srmd executable
error in the Browse Cluster Status
page (for Resource group status).

3-44 KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
When the sixth operation is being
performed, deleting the resource fails.
The operation may conflict with one of
the following operations. After one of
the following operations is completed,
re-execute the above six operations.
• File snapshots differential-data
snapshot functionality
However, when an error occurs while
one of the five operations from the top
is being performed, the recovery
operation is required before re-
For details on how to remove the error,
see the Troubleshooting Guide.
If the same error occurs repeatedly
when you re-execute the operations,
contact maintenance personnel to
remove the error.

KAQG72010-E {The resource group The system will run on only the one
resource-group-name|The node that is running normally because
virtual server virtual-server- the other node in the cluster is not
ID} has been started on the running or the OS on the node is not
other node because the node running. The node that was
that {the resource group|the determined to not be running might
virtual server} is normally have taken 10 minutes or more to
started on node-name is not start.
running. (S)
The node that is running normally
provides both of the resource groups
or all the virtual servers.
Identify why the node is not running,
and then start the node by following
the instructions in the "Administrator's
Guide" or the "CLI Administrator's
Guide". If you cannot identify the
reason why the node is not running or
the OS cannot be started, contact
maintenance personnel to resolve the
problem. If both nodes are running,
check the status of the resource
groups or the virtual servers. For
details on how to check the statuses,
see the "Administrator's Guide" or the
"CLI Administrator's Guide". If both
resource groups or all the virtual
servers are running on their respective
nodes, no action is required.

KAQG72011-E An error was detected that This message might be output when
requires the OS to be the OS starts on only one cluster node
stopped. The synchronization after the OSs on both cluster nodes

KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages) 3-45

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
of the cluster information were stopped at the same time. An
might become invalid. operation (configuration change
operation) executed on one node,
before the OSs on both nodes stopped,
has not been reflected to the other
node. Stop the OS to synchronize
cluster information, and then contact
maintenance personnel.
Processing for starting the cluster
continues. Resource groups for both
cluster nodes start on one of the
cluster nodes.
To synchronize cluster information,
perform the operations below. Do not
start the OS on the other cluster node
until step 2 finishes.
1. Stop the OS on the node that
output this message.
2. Make sure that the OS has
stopped, and then start the OS on
the other node.
3. Make sure that the OS has started,
and then start the OS that was
stopped in step 1.
If the OS on the other node has
started before step 1 is performed, a
recovery operation different from the
one that is usually done is required
because cluster information has
already become invalid. Collect all the
log data on both nodes, and then
contact maintenance personnel.
KAQG72012-W Communication via the main Inter-node communication via the
heartbeat cable was main heartbeat cable cannot be
interrupted. established.
A hardware error or software error
might have occurred in the path for
communication via the main heartbeat
Switches to the sub heartbeat cable to
continue user operations.
If an error occurs in the sub heartbeat
cable, the error might cause a
communication error between nodes.
Contact maintenance personnel.

3-46 KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQG72013-W Communication via the sub Inter-node communication via the sub
heartbeat cable was heartbeat cable cannot be established.
interrupted. A hardware error or software error
might have occurred in the path for
communication via the sub heartbeat
Continues the user operations by using
the main heartbeat cable only. If an
error occurs in the main heartbeat
cable, the error might cause a
communication error between nodes.
Check whether the following operations
can be performed:
- From each node, display the Browse
Cluster Status page (for Cluster /
Node status) of the Cluster
Management dialog box.
- Log into each node by using the fixed
IP address of the management port.
If these operations cannot be
performed from one of the nodes,
there might be a malfunction in the
management port. In this case, a
failover might occur or service might
become unavailable. Check the status
of the cluster, and then recover from
the malfunction. If the cause of the
malfunction cannot be identified, or if
recovery from the malfunction is not
possible, contact maintenance

KAQG72014-I Communication via the main No action is required.

heartbeat cable was restored.

KAQG72015-I Communication via the sub No action is required.

heartbeat cable was restored.

KAQG72016-E The cluster status is The failover function was disabled

DISABLE. because an error was detected in the
inter-node communication path (both
the main heartbeat and sub heartbeat
Files can still be accessed, but
operations cannot be executed for
resource groups, nodes, the cluster, or
resources. In addition, a failover might
no longer be possible.
Contact maintenance personnel.

KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages) 3-47

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQG72018-E The OS will start without The OS will start without the cluster
starting the cluster, because being started for one of the following
starting the cluster might reasons:
cause a failover to occur 1. Two or more system failures (a
repeatedly. panic or a non-responding OS)
occurred within an hour.
2. During OS startup, in a state in
which services were already being
provided on one of the two nodes,
an error was detected in the inter-
node communication path (both
the main heartbeat and sub
heartbeat cables).
Operations can no longer be executed
for resource groups, nodes, the
cluster, and resources. If the
KAQG72016-E message has been
output, files can still be accessed, but
failover might no longer be possible.
Contact maintenance personnel.

KAQG72019-E Processing to start or stop Processing was canceled because the

the virtual server (virtual- virtual server failed to start or stop.
server-ID) failed. (error = (O)
error-code) Processing to
start or stop a virtual server Take action as follows, depending on
failed because an error the error code.
occurred. 2: If you are using local data
Error codes encryption, check the system
messages on both nodes to verify that
1 KVM start processing: The none of the following errors occurred
specified virtual server does during OS startup: KAQM05256-E, or
not exist. KAQM05258-E through KAQM05264-E.
2 KVM start processing: If an error occurred, take action
Starting of the virtual server according to the error message.If no
OS failed. errors occurred or you are not using
3 KVM start processing: local data encryption, acquire all the
Starting of a virtual server log files on both nodes, and then
resource failed. contact maintenance personnel.

4 KVM start processing: A 3, 4, 102: Check whether any

virtual server update messages starting with KAQM were
installation failed. output to the Hitachi File Services
Manager system messages. If any such
5 KVM start processing: messages were output, perform the
Mounting of the virtual server actions recommended in the
OS LU failed. messages.
6 KVM start processing: 201: Forcibly stop the virtual server,
Unmounting of the virtual and then retry the operation.
server OS LU failed.
Error codes other than 2, 3, 4, 102,
7 KVM start processing: and 201: Acquire all the log files on
Processing to map virtual both nodes, and then contact
server user LUs failed. maintenance personnel.

3-48 KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
8 KVM start processing: The
SSH setting between the
physical node and the virtual
server failed.
9 KVM start processing:
Updating of the virtual server
slot-I/F mapping file failed.
10 KVM start processing:
Editing of the virtual server
interfaces file failed.
11 KVM start processing:
Creation of a bridge and TAP
device failed.
12 KVM start processing:
Connection to a bridge and
TAP device failed.
13 KVM start processing:
Updating of the license
information failed.
99 KVM start processing: A
system error occurred.
101 KVM stop processing:
The specified virtual server
does not exist.
102 KVM stop processing:
Stopping of the virtual server
OS failed.
103 KVM stop processing:
Disconnection of the bridge
and TAP device failed.
199 KVM stop processing: A
system error occurred.
200 Confirmation of whether
the virtual server OS is
running failed.
201 Lock processing failed.
202 Unlock processing failed.
210 Acquisition of the list of
interfaces monitored for the
link down status failed.

KAQG72020-E A timeout occurred while Cancels the start or stop processing of

starting or stopping a virtual the virtual server.
server. (virtual server ID = (O)
virtual-server-ID) A timeout
occurred while starting or Acquire all the log files on both nodes,
stopping a virtual server. and then contact maintenance

KAQG72021-W The NFS share cannot be The NFS client that uses the public
accessed from the NFS client destination host cannot access the
because the name resolution system because name resolution for
the public destination host of the NFS

KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages) 3-49

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
of the public destination host share failed. The OS /etc/hosts file or
(NFS-public-destination-host- the settings of the name server might
name) for the NFS share have been changed after the NFS
failed during resource group share was set. Alternatively,
startup. communication with the name server
might not be able to be established
because a network failure occurred.
If the number of public destination
hosts for the NFS share for which
name resolution failed exceeds 16, the
message KAQG72022-W is output, and
the processing to output this message
is suppressed.
Continues to start the resource group
or to execute a fail over.
Change the state so that the name
resolution for the public destination
hosts displayed in the message can
succeed. Then, use the nfslist
command to make sure that the public
destination hosts are displayed
After recovering from the failure,
inform the NFS clients that use the
public destination hosts that the NFS
clients need to make sure they can
normally access the OS.
KAQG72022-W Processing to output the There are 16 or more public
message KAQG72021-W was destination hosts for which name
suppressed because the resolution failed. The OS /etc/hosts
number of public destination file or the settings of the name server
hosts for which name might have been changed after the
resolution failed has NFS share was set. Alternatively,
exceeded 16. communication with the name server
might not be able to be established
because a network failure occurred.
Continues to start the resource group
or to execute a fail over.
Use the nfslist command to check
the public destination hosts for which
name resolution has failed. Change the
state so that the name resolution for
all the public destination hosts can
succeed. Then, use the nfslist
command to make sure that the public
destination hosts are displayed
After recovering from the failure,
inform the NFS clients that use the

3-50 KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
public destination hosts that the NFS
clients need to make sure they can
normally access the OS.

KAQG72023-E The system suppressed A link down error has occurred on the
failover processing because other node's network port, the other
the network port "(network- node is not running, or the OS on the
port-name)" used by {the other node is not running. The system
resource group (resource- suppressed failover processing because
group-name)|the virtual the network port cannot be used even
server (virtual-server-ID)} is if a failover is performed.
unavailable due to an error, (S)
and the network port on the
other node is also unavailable Continues the operation of the
due to an error. resource group or virtual server
Restore the interface where the link
down error occurred, and then start
the nodes or OSs that are not running.

KAQG72024-W One or more resources The license required to start the

cannot be started because resources has not been set up.
the license (license) has not (S)
been set up.
Continues to start the resource groups
or to fail over without starting the
resources for which the license has not
been set up.
Set up the license, and then restart the
resource groups.
If the problem cannot be solved,
collect all the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel. For a
complete list of log files, see Help.

KAQG72026-E The resource group on the (S)

other node will be forcibly The OS of the other node in the cluster
failed over to clear the will restart, and its resource group will
DISABLE state of the cluster. be forcibly failed over.
Check that the failover has completed
successfully, and that the services of
both resource groups are continuing on
a single node. A malfunction in the
management LAN might cause the
forced failover to fail or one of the
resource groups to terminate. In this
case, recover the management LAN,
forcibly terminate the resource group,
and then restart. Then, contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages) 3-51

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQG72027-E The OS will restart to clear The OS will restart because a forced
the DISABLE state of the failover to the other node in the cluster
cluster. has begun.
The OS will restart. The resource group
that was operating will be forcibly
failed over to the other node in the
Check that the failover has completed
successfully, and that the services of
both resource groups are continuing on
a single node. A malfunction in the
management LAN might cause the
failover to fail or one of the resource
groups to terminate. In this case,
recover the management LAN, forcibly
terminate the resource group, and
then restart. Then, contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQG72028-W The forced failover state will (S)

be cleared because the The OS of the other node in the cluster
problem on the other node in will restart, and the forced failover
the cluster has been state will be cleared.
Wait for the OS of the other node in
the cluster to restart, and then fail
back the resource group.

KAQG72029-E To clear the forced failover A reset, to restart the OS of the other
state, an attempt was made node in the cluster, failed.
to restart the OS of the other (S)
node in the cluster, but the
attempt failed. The services of both resource groups
will continue on a single node.
Contact maintenance personnel.

KAQG72030-E To clear the forced failover The forced failover state will continue.
state, an attempt was made (S)
to release access protection
on one more LUs, but the Operation of the resource groups will
attempt failed. continue.
Contact maintenance personnel.

KAQG72031-E The virtual server will be The virtual server will be failed over
failed over because an error because an error occurred on it.
occurred on it. (virtual server (O)
ID = virtual-server-ID)
Acquire all the log files on both nodes,
and then contact maintenance

3-52 KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQG72032-E Failover processing was Failover processing was canceled and

canceled and the virtual the virtual server was stopped due to
server was stopped due to an an error occurring repeatedly on the
error occurring repeatedly on virtual server.
the virtual server. (virtual (O)
server ID = virtual-server-
ID) Acquire all the log files on both nodes,
and then contact maintenance

KAQG73001-W The output of user quota The output of user quota information
information has been was suppressed because, for the file
suppressed because, for the system file-system-mount-point, the
file system file-system- number of users for whom user quotas
mount-point, the number of were set exceeded the maximum value
users for whom user quotas (std_quota_max) specified in the
are set exceeds the value of snmpd.conf file.
Use the quotaget command to view
the quota information about this file

KAQG73002-W The output of group quota The output of group quota information
information has been was suppressed because, for the file
suppressed because, for the system file-system-mount-point, the
file system file-system- number of groups for which group
mount-point, the number of quotas were set exceeded the
groups for whom group maximum value (std_quota_max)
quotas are set exceeds the specified in the snmpd.conf file.
value of std_quota_max.
Use the quotaget command to view
the quota information about this file

KAQG73003-E The value specified for The value of std_quota_max specified

std_quota_max is invalid. in the snmpd.conf file is invalid. A non
numeric value or a number outside the
range from 0 to the maximum user ID
(2,147,483,147) was specified.
Specify valid value in the snmpd.conf

KAQG73004-W The output of user quota The output of user quota information
information has been was suppressed because, for the
suppressed because, for the directory directory-path, the number of
directory directory-path, the users for which user quotas were set
number of users for whom exceeded the maximum value
user quotas are set exceeds (std_stquota_max) specified in the
the value of snmpd.conf file.
std_stquota_max. (O)
Use the stquota and stquotalist
command to view the quota
information about this directory.

KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages) 3-53

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQG73005-W The output of group quota The output of group quota information
information has been was suppressed because, for the
suppressed because, for the directory directory-path, the number of
directory directory-path, the groups for which group quotas were
number of groups for whom set exceeded the maximum value
group quotas are set exceeds (std_stquota_max) specified in the
the value of snmpd.conf file.
std_stquota_max. (O)
Use the stquota and stquotalist
command to view the quota
information about this directory.

KAQG73006-E The value specified for The value of std_stquota_max

std_stquota_max is invalid. specified in the snmpd.conf file is
invalid. A non numeric value or a
number outside the range from 0 to
the maximum user ID(2,147,483,147)
was specified.
Specify valid value in the snmpd.conf

KAQG74001-I Usage: command-format The command syntax is displayed.

Make sure that the command syntax is
correct, and then retry the operation.

KAQG74002-E The specified timeout value is (S)

invalid. Cancels processing.
If the value was specified for the -s
option or the -e option, specify 0 or an
integer from 3 to 180 (unit: minutes),
and then retry the operation.
Specifying 0 means that there is no
timeout value. If the value was
specified for the -b option or the -l
option, specify an integer from 15 to
600 (unit: minutes), and then retry the

KAQG74003-E An internal error occurred. An internal error might have occurred.

Cancels processing.
Retry the operation. If the error occurs
again, collect all the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel. For a
complete list of log files, see Help.

KAQG74004-E The cluster configuration is (S)

not defined. Cancels processing.

3-54 KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Define a cluster configuration, and
then retry the operation.

KAQG74005-E The value specified for the (S)

resource group start policy is Cancels processing.
Specify "normal" or
"ignore_resource_error", and then
retry the operation.

KAQG74006-E One or more specified (S)

options or arguments are One or more specified options or
invalid. arguments are invalid.
Check the specified options and
arguments, and then retry the

KAQG81003-W Trunking driver: One or more The sub-device-names-separated-by-

subdevices are down. commas after trunking-device-name
trunking-device-name : sub- have stopped.
device-names-separated-by- (S)
Stops the sub-device. The trunking
device continues to be used for
Report to maintenance personnel the
name of the sub-device in which the
error occurred. If the sub-device
reported by the message is a physical
device, report the sub-device name
(without change) that was reported by
the message. If the sub-device
reported by the message is a virtual
device, report the name of the physical
device that makes up the virtual
This message might be output when
trunking settings are changed or when
the OS is started.

KAQG81004-I Trunking driver: The The sub-device-names-separated-by-

subdevices that were down commas that were stopped have
have been recovered. recovered. This message is also output
trunking-device-name : sub- when the OS starts or trunking is set
device-names-separated-by- up.
commas (S)
Recovers the sub-device that stopped.

KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages) 3-55

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
This message might be output when
trunking settings are changed or when
the OS is started.

KAQG81101-W Trunking driver: The master trunking-device-name has stopped

device trunking-device-name because all of its sub devices have
is down because all the sub- stopped.
devices were down. (S)
Starts a failover if the trunking device
is not recovered within 60 seconds.
Report to maintenance personnel the
names of the subdevices that make up
the trunking device in which an error
occurred. If the subdevices that make
up the trunking device reported by the
message are physical devices, report
the physical device names. If the
subdevices that make up the trunking
device reported by the message are
virtual devices, report the name of the
physical devices that contain the
virtual devices.
This message might be output when
trunking settings are changed or when
the OS is started.

KAQG81102-I Trunking driver: The The subdevices that were stopped

subdevices that were down have been recovered, and the trunking
have recovered, and the device trunking-device-name has also
master device trunking- recovered. This message is also output
device-name has recovered. when the OS is started or trunking is
set up.
Starts using the trunking device again
for communication.
This message might be output when
trunking settings are changed or when
the OS is started.

KAQG90001-E [virtual server ID = virtual- (S)

server-ID: ]The file system The file system cannot be accessed.
(file system name=file-
system-name, (O)
device=device-number) is Check the state of the file system, and
blocked. then take action appropriate to the
state. If you cannot resolve the
problem, collect all the log data, and
then contact maintenance personnel.

3-56 KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQG90002-W [virtual server ID = virtual- The number of used file system blocks
server-ID: ]The number of has exceeded the warning threshold.
used file system blocks has (O)
exceeded the warning
threshold. (file system = file- Reduce the capacity used by the file
system-name, warning system.
threshold = warning-
threshold-value, current
remaining capacity =

KAQG90003-W [virtual server ID = virtual- The number of i-nodes for the file
server-ID: ]The number of i- system has exceeded the warning
nodes for the file system has threshold.
exceeded the warning (O)
threshold. (file system = file-
system-name, warning Reduce the capacity used by the file
threshold = warning- system.
threshold-value, current Supplementary note:
remaining capacity =
If the area that stores inode
information is already full, files or
directories cannot be created even if
there is free capacity. For details about
recovery when files or directories
cannot be created even though there is
free capacity, see the Troubleshooting

KAQG90004-W [virtual server ID = virtual- The file system is full.

server-ID: ]The file system (O)
(file-system-name) is full.
Reduce the capacity used by the file

KAQG90005-W [virtual server ID = virtual- The number of i-nodes on the file

server-ID: ]The number of i- system has reached the limit.
nodes on the file system (O)
(file-system-name) has
reached the limit. Reduce the capacity used by the file
Supplementary note:
If the area that stores inode
information is already full, files or
directories cannot be created even if
there is free capacity. For details about
recovery when files or directories
cannot be created even though there is
free capacity, see the Troubleshooting

KAQG90006-E [virtual server ID = virtual- The file system cannot be accessed.

server-ID: ]There is an (O)
inconsistency in a read-only
file system (file-system- Check the file system where the error
name). occurred by viewing the List of File
Systems window, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages) 3-57

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQG90007-W [virtual server ID = virtual- The file system (file-system-name) is

server-ID: ]The file system mounted with the quota functionality
(file-system-name) is disabled.
mounted with the quota (O)
functionality disabled.
In the file systems list, check the
amount of storage used by the file
system. If the file system is full,
reduce the amount of storage used by
the file system. To enable the quota
functionality, unmount the file system,
enable the quota functionality, and
then remount the file system.
When you mount the file system,
processing might take some time
because the quota information is
If an error occurs again, acquire all of
the kernel logs, and then contact
maintenance personnel. For details on
how to acquire the kernel logs, see

KAQG90008-W [virtual server ID = virtual- It is possible the system went down

server-ID: ]An ACL set for a because an ACL set for a file or
file or directory in a file directory in a file system of the
system of the Advanced ACL Advanced ACL type is invalid.
type is invalid. (file system (O)
name = file-system-name,
file or directory name = file- Full control permission has been set for
name-or-directory-name) the owner because the ACL settings
failed to be inherited. Check the
settings, and if necessary, revise them.
If the file or directory has already been
deleted, no action is necessary.

KAQG90009-E [virtual server ID = virtual- The file system cannot be accessed.

server-ID: ]A file system (file (O)
system name =file-system-
name, device =device- Check the file system status, and then
number) is blocked because take action as necessary. If the
there is no unused capacity problem cannot be resolved, acquire all
in the Pool. the management log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQG90010-E [virtual server ID = virtual- Archiving or stub processing might no

server-ID: ]An attempt to longer be performed properly.
send notification regarding (O)
the updating of files on a file
system (file-system-name) Rebuild the archive information.
has failed.

KAQG90012-I The dirty cache size was set The maximum value of the dirty cache
to size bytes. size (fixed) is output when the OS is
No action necessary.

3-58 KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQG90013-E A file system for the virtual The file system cannot be accessed.
server (file system name = (O)
file-system-name, device =
device-number) was blocked Download all the log files from both
during usage by the physical nodes, and contact Product Support.

KAQG90014-E [virtual server ID = virtual- The file system cannot be accessed.

server-ID: ]A file system (file (O)
system name = file-system-
name, device = device- Recover the tier where the error
number) is blocked because occurred.
one tier of the file system is

KAQG91005-I The blockage of the file The blockage of the file system has
system (file-system-name) been released.
has been released. (O)
No action is necessary.

KAQG91100-E The warning threshold The method for specifying the warning
specifications are invalid. threshold was invalid.
Respecify the warning threshold, and
then try again.

KAQG91101-E The warning threshold The warning threshold specification

specifications that trigger a that triggers a warning notification
warning notification exceeds exceeds the capacity of the file system
the capacity of the file (file-system-name). If multiple file
system (file-system-name). systems are specified, processing will
For the warning threshold that triggers
a warning notification, specify a value
that is equal to or less than the file
system capacity.

KAQG91103-E The setting for retaining the The creation date cannot be set for an
file creation date is not existing file or directory because the
specified. (file system name setting for retaining the file creation
= file-system-name) date is not specified.
Specify the setting for retaining the file
creation date, and then retry the

KAQG91104-E The target file system or The target file system or directory does
directory (file-system-name- not exist.
or-directory-name) does not (O)
Check and, if necessary, revise the
target file system or directory, and
then retry the operation.

KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages) 3-59

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQG91105-E The specified path (path- The specified path is not a directory.
name) is not a directory. (O)
Specify a directory, and then retry the

KAQG91106-E The ACL type cannot be A WORM file system's ACL type cannot
changed because the be changed after the file system is
specified file system is a created.
WORM file system. (O)
Check the file system's settings from
the File Systems list.

KAQG91107-E The execute permission The following command cannot be

cannot be acquired because executed for WORM file systems:
the specified file system is a fsctl -c -x -o add_exeauth
WORM file system.
Check the file system's settings from
the File Systems list. To acquire the
execute permission for files in a WORM
file system, edit the properties of
individual files.

KAQG91201-E The target file system is The operation cannot be performed

mounted with the quota because the target file system is
setting disabled. mounted with the quota setting
Enable the quota setting, mount the
target file system, and then retry the

KAQG91203-E The specified value in the '-x' A character other than a numerical
option is incorrect. value is entered.
Enter a numerical value, and then
retry the operation.
x: The specified option

KAQG91204-E The block soft limit value The operation cannot be performed
exceeds the maximum. because the block soft limit value
exceeds the maximum.
Enter a value no greater than the
maximum (1,073,741,823) setting for
a block limit value, and then retry the

KAQG91205-E The i-node soft limit value The operation cannot be performed
exceeds the maximum. because the i-node soft limit value
exceeds the maximum.
Enter a value no greater than the
maximum (4,294,967,295) setting for

3-60 KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
an i-node value, and then retry the

KAQG91206-E The block hard limit value The operation cannot be performed
exceeds the maximum. because the block hard limit value
exceeds the maximum.
Enter a value no greater than the
maximum (1,073,741,823) setting for
a block limit value, and then retry the

KAQG91207-E The i-node hard limit value The operation cannot be performed
exceeds the maximum. because the i-node hard limit value
exceeds the maximum.
Enter a value no greater than the
maximum (4,294,967,295) setting for
an i-node value, and then retry the

KAQG91208-E The value specified for the A value outside the valid range
grace period is invalid. (1-9,999) has been specified for the
grace period.
Specify a value of 1-9,999 for the
grace period, and then retry the

KAQG91209-E A value larger than the hard A soft limit value that is larger than the
limit was specified for the hard limit value cannot be specified.
soft limit. (O)
Enter a soft limit value no greater than
the hard limit value.

KAQG91210-E A quota is not set for the (O)

specified directory. Specify a directory for which a quota is

KAQG91211-E The specified directory (path- (O)

name) does not exist. Make sure the path of the target
directory is correct, and then retry the

KAQG91212-E The specified user (user- (O)

name) does not exist. Make sure the user name is correct,
and then retry the operation.

KAQG91213-E The specified group (group- (O)

name) does not exist. Make sure the group name is correct,
and then retry the operation.

KAQG91214-I There is no item to display. No action is required.

KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages) 3-61

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQG91215-E The number of directories for A new quota cannot be set because the
which a quota has been set number of directories for which a
has reached the maximum. quota has been set has reached the
Please check how many directories for
which a quota has been set exist in the
file system. Also, if there is an
unnecessary quota set for a directory,
cancel that quota setting.

KAQG91216-E A mounted directory was A differential-data snapshot in a share

detected during processing. might have been made public.
If a differential-data snapshot in a
share has been made public, unmount
the snapshot, and then retry the

KAQG91218-E The specified value for the The specified value for the monitoring
monitoring time is invalid. time is not in the date format.
Specify the value in the date format,
and then try again.

KAQG91219-E The specified value for the The specified value for the minutes is
monitoring time is invalid. not a multiple of five.
Specify the monitoring time as a
multiple of five (0-55) minutes, and
then try again.

KAQG91220-E The number of monitoring You are attempting to specify a

time settings has reached the monitoring time that exceeds the
maximum. maximum setting for the monitoring
Retry after deleting the unneeded
monitoring time settings. See the help
for the maximum number of
monitoring time settings.

KAQG91221-E The specified value cannot be The value specified for the quota
used for the SNMP trap monitoring time specification does not
notification mode. correspond to the value specified for
the SNMP trap notification mode.
Check the command format, specify a
correct parameter, and then try again.

KAQG91222-E Some of the resources to be Some of the resources to be used for

used for the requested processing are being used exclusively
processing are being used by by another user, or the node being
another user. used exclusively has stopped.

3-62 KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Wait a while, and then execute again.
If the node stops during processing,
wait about 15 minutes or boot the
stopped node.

KAQG91223-E An attempt to open a system There might be a problem in the

file has failed. system file or contention with other
processing might have occurred.
Wait a while, and then try again. If the
error occurs again, check the settings
for the OS disk. If there is no problem,
acquire all of the kernel logs, and then
contact maintenance personnel. See
the help for details on how to acquire
kernel logs.

KAQG91224-E Editing of the monitoring A problem may exist in the editing

time failed because of an processing of the monitoring time.
unexpected error in internal (O)
Check the OS disk settings and
whether an error exists on the OS disk.
If there is no problem, acquire all of
the kernel logs, and then contact
maintenance personnel. See the help
for details on how to acquire the kernel
Supplementary note:
This message is sometimes output
when there is a problem with a file
system or an LU. Check the status of
the file system or LU, check for any
SNMP notification messages or email
notifications, and if there is a problem,
take action according to the
instructions in online Help.

KAQG91225-E In the cluster, nodes that A problem exists in the communication

cannot synchronize exist. processing between nodes.
The LAN cable might have been
disconnected. Make sure that the LAN
cable is connected. Also, the
synchronization processing might not
have completed because one of the
nodes is heavily loaded. In this case,
make sure that the state of the node
changes to normal (that is, not heavily
loaded), and then retry the operation.
If the error occurs again, inform
maintenance personnel.

KAQG91226-E The specified notification Only the notification mode cannot be

mode cannot be changed. changed, because a monitoring time is
not set.

KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages) 3-63

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Set one or more monitoring times, and
then try again.

KAQG91227-E An error occurred in internal An error occurred in internal

processing. processing. The format of the
stquotaset command is invalid, or
there might be a problem in the
processing for either the OS disk or the
file system.
Check the command format, and then
try again. If the error occurs again,
contact maintenance personnel.
Supplementary note:
This message is sometimes output
when there is a problem with a file
system or an LU. Check the status of
the file system or LU, check for any
SNMP notification messages or email
notifications, and if there is a problem,
take action according to the
instructions in online Help.

KAQG91228-E Editing of the monitoring A problem might exist in the editing

time failed on the processing for the monitoring time on
synchronized node in the the synchronized node in the cluster.
cluster. (O)
Check the OS disk settings and
whether an error exists on the OS disk.
If there is no problem, acquire all of
the kernel logs, and then contact
maintenance personnel. See the help
for details on how to acquire the kernel

KAQG91229-W Processing could not be (S)

completed because the end Processing could not be completed
user was accessing the because the end user was accessing
directory directory-name. the directory directory-name. The
The command will retry command will retry processing.
If this message is repeatedly output,
notify the end user to temporarily stop
accessing the directory.

KAQG91230-I In the cluster, nodes that A problem exists in the communication

cannot synchronize exist. processing between nodes.
The LAN cable might be disconnected.
Make sure it is connected. Also, the
synchronization processing might not
have completed because one of the

3-64 KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
nodes was heavily loaded. Make sure
that the load status for the nodes is
normal, and then check the monitoring
times for each node by using the
stquota command. If the monitoring
time settings differ between nodes,
delete any unnecessary monitoring
time setting.

KAQG91231-I A bind-mounted directory The bind-mounted directory and files

(directory-name) was under the control of the bind-mounted
detected during processing. directory are not counted as a quota
resource, and the quota cannot be
No action is necessary.

KAQG91232-E The subtree quota cannot be A function is being used that cannot
set for the specified path set subtree quotas in the specified
(directory-name). directory.
No action is necessary.

KAQG91233-E A value smaller than the soft A hard limit value that is smaller than
limit was specified for the the soft limit value cannot be specified.
hard limit. (O)
Enter a hard limit value that is equal to
or greater than the soft limit value.

KAQG91234-E The subtree quota could not A subtree quota is set for the directory
be set for the specified (directory-path).
directory (directory-path) (O)
because a subtree quota is
already set for the directory. Remove the subtree quota set for the
directory (directory-path), and then
retry the operation.

KAQG91235-E Monitoring could not be set The size of the monitoring setting file
up because the size of the exceeded the limit.
monitoring setting file (O)
exceeded the limit.
Delete any unnecessary monitoring
settings, and then retry the command.

KAQG91236-E An attempt to specify the Possible causes are as follows:

subtree quota failed. • A subtree quota has already been
set for a directory above or below
the specified directory, and the
specified subtree quota tree
exceeds three directory layers.
• One of the following has already
been set above the specified
directory: a subtree quota for the
user or the group, or the default
quota of a directory.

KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages) 3-65

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Check the subtree quota, and then
retry the operation.

KAQG91237-E The command cannot be The subtree quota below the specified
executed because a subtree directory has been already set.
quota below the specified (O)
directory has already been
set. Check the subtree quota, and then
retry the operation.

KAQG91301-E The specified file system The specified file system is not
(file-system-name) is not blocked.
blocked. (O)
Check the specified file system, and
then try again.

KAQG91302-E An error occurred in internal An error occurred in internal

processing. processing. The format of the repair
command is invalid, or there might be
a problem in the processing for either
the OS disk or the file system.
Check the format of the command, and
then try again. If the error occurs
again, acquire all of the kernel logs,
and then contact maintenance
personnel. For details on how to
acquire kernel logs, see Help.

KAQG91303-W An error occurred in internal An error occurred in internal

processing. processing, but the specified file
system was repaired successfully. Next
time it might take a long time to
execute a failover or failback, or to
mount a file system.
Mount the file system.

KAQG91304-I The file system is normal. No action is required.

KAQG91305-I An inconsistency might have An inconsistency might have occurred

occurred in the file system in the file system.
(file-system-name). (O)
Repair the file system, or recover it
from the backup file.

KAQG91306-E An attempt to repair the file The file system cannot be repaired by
system (file-system-name) using the fsrepair command.
has failed.
Recover the file system from the
backup file.

KAQG91307-E An attempt to mount the file An attempt to mount the file system
system (file-system-name) failed because the file system is
failed because the file system blocked.
is blocked. (O)

3-66 KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Recover the file system.

KAQG91308-I The specified file system The specified file system has been
(file-system-name) has been mounted.
mounted. (O)
To view how much space the file
system is using, execute the fslist

KAQG91309-I Command execution cannot Command execution will continue

be canceled during this because it cannot be canceled during
phase. this phase.

KAQG91310-I Execution of the fsrepair Execution of the fsrepair command

command was canceled. was canceled.

KAQG91311-I Execution of the fsrepair Execution of the fsrepair command

command was canceled. was canceled, but the specified file
system was repaired successfully. Next
time it might take a long time to
execute a failover or failback, or to
mount a file system.

KAQG91312-E fsrepair command fsrepair command processing was

processing was cancelled cancelled because the amount of
because the amount of memory requested for the command
memory requested for the exceeded the threshold.
command exceeded the (O)
If you want to ignore the threshold
when executing the fsrepair
command, specify the -F option and
then re-execute the command.

KAQG91501-E A parameter (parameter) is A specified parameter is invalid.

invalid. (O)
Acquire all the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQG91502-E There are too many or too There are too many or too few
few parameters. parameters.
Acquire all the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQG91503-E The specified file does not No file exists at the specified path.
exist. (file path = file-path) (O)
Acquire all the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQG91504-E An attempt to read the An unexpected error occurred while

specified file failed. (file path reading the file.
= file-path) (O)
Acquire all the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages) 3-67

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQG91505-E The format of the specified The format of the specified file is
file is invalid. (file path = file- invalid.
path) (O)
Acquire all the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQG91506-E The specified file system has The specified file system has not been
not been mounted. (file mounted.
system = file-system-name) (O)
Acquire all the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQG91507-E The specified file system has The specified file system has been
been mounted as read-only. mounted as read-only.
(file system = file-system- (O)
Acquire all the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQG91508-E The specified ID is invalid. The specified value is not a number, or

(ID = ID) is outside the valid range.
Acquire all the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQG91509-E No process exists with the The process with the specified ID is
specified ID. (ID = ID) currently not running.
Acquire all the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQG91510-E The process with the The single-instance processing with the
specified ID is already specified ID is already running.
running. (ID = ID) (O)
Acquire all the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQG91511-E There is not enough memory. Memory allocation failed.

Wait a while, and then retry the
operation. If the error persists, acquire
all the log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQG91512-E An internal error occurred. An internal error occurred during

Acquire all the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQG91513-E The specified file does not The specified file does not exist, or a
exist. non-UTF-8, multi-byte character was

3-68 KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
If a non-UTF-8, multi-byte character is
used in a file path, convert the file
path to UTF-8.

KAQG91515-E The specified file is not a The specified file is not a regular file.
regular file. (O)
No action is necessary.

KAQG91517-E The file size is outside the The file size is outside the valid range
valid range for single for single instancing.
instancing. (O)
No action is necessary.

KAQG91518-E The file system is full. The file system is full.

Delete any unnecessary data on the
file system or increase the capacity of
the file system.

KAQG91519-E An attempt to update a A problem might exist in processing for

system file failed. the OS disk, virtual server OS LU, or
system file.
Wait a while, and then retry the
operation. If the error persists, acquire
all the log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQG91520-E The file path is too long. The specified file path exceeds 4,095
Specify a file path that does not
exceed 4,095 bytes.

KAQG91521-E The file cannot be single Files for which single instancing has
instanced because single already been canceled once cannot be
instancing has already been single instanced.
canceled once for the file. (O)
No action is necessary.

KAQG91522-E The specified file could not be The specified file could not be single
single instanced because it is instanced because it is currently being
currently being accessed. accessed.
No action is necessary because
processing will be performed the next
time the policy is executed.

KAQG91701-E The specified file system The specified file system is set to
cannot be set because it support 64-bit inodes.
supports 64-bit inodes. (O)
Check the specified file system

KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages) 3-69

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQG91702-E The specified file system The specified file system is set to
cannot be set because it support 64-bit inodes the next time the
supports 64-bit inodes the system is mounted.
next time the system is (O)
Check the specified file system

KAQG91703-E An internal error has An internal error has occurred.

occurred. (O)
Acquire all the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQG91704-E The specified file system The specified file system is a tiered file
cannot be set because it is a system.
tiered file system. (O)
Check the specified file system

KAQG91801-E The command cannot be The capacity of the specified file

executed because the system is less than 1 TB.
capacity of the specified file (O)
system is less than 1 TB.
Check the capacity of the specified file

KAQG91802-E The specified file system The specified file system does not
does not exist. exist.
Check the specified file system, and
then try again.

KAQG91803-E Failed to specify the settings The attempt to configure the specified
because the capacity of the file system failed because the capacity
specified file system is of the file system is insufficient.
insufficient. (O)
Delete any unnecessary data on the
file system or increase the capacity of
the file system.

KAQG91804-E The move processing was The move processing was skipped
skipped because the target because the target file (inode number)
file (inode number) was was changed.
changed. (O)
Wait a while, and then try the
operation again. If the error persists,
acquire all the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQG91805-E The specified command The specified command cannot be

cannot be executed because executed because the fsmoveattr or
the fsmoveattr or fsinodespace commands are being
fsinodespace commands are executed.
being executed. (O)
Wait a while, and then try the
operation again. If the error persists,

3-70 KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
acquire all the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQG91806-E The specified file system is The specified file system is not
not supported. supported.
Check the specified file system

KAQG91808-E The specified file system The specified file system name is too
name is too long. long.
Specify a file system name of the
correct length, and then try again.

KAQG99000-E There are too many or too There are too many or too few
few parameters. parameters.
Check the command format, specify a
correct parameter, and then try again.

KAQG99001-I Usage: command-format This message displays the command

If a syntax error occurred, check the
command format, and then try again.

KAQG99003-E There are no system files or There might be a problem in the

directories. processing for either the OS disk or the
system file.
Check the OS disk settings and
whether an error exists on the OS disk.
If there is no problem, acquire all of
the kernel logs, and then contact
maintenance personnel. See the help
for details on how to acquire the kernel

KAQG99004-E An attempt to update the There might be a problem in the

system file has failed. processing for either the OS disk or the
system file.
Check the OS disk settings and
whether an error exists on the OS disk.
If there is no problem, acquire all of
the kernel logs, and then contact
maintenance personnel. See the help
for details on how to acquire the kernel

KAQG99005-E An error occurred while There might be a heavy load on the

applying the contents of the system or a system error might have
system file to the system. occurred.

KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages) 3-71

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Wait a while, and then try again. If the
error occurs again, acquire all of the
kernel logs, and then contact
maintenance personnel. See the help
for details on how to acquire the kernel

KAQG99006-E An attempt to acquire system There might be a heavy load on the

information has failed. system or a system error might have
Wait a while, and then try again. If the
error occurs again, acquire all of the
kernel logs, and then contact
maintenance personnel. See the help
for details on how to acquire the kernel

KAQG99007-E An attempt to acquire mount There might be a problem in the

information has failed. processing for either the OS disk or the
acquisition of mount information.
Check the OS disk settings and
whether an error exists on the OS disk.
If there is no problem, acquire all of
the kernel logs, and then contact
maintenance personnel. See the help
for details on how to acquire the kernel

KAQG99008-E An attempt to access The specified file system might have a

management information problem or contention with other
about the file system (file- processing might have occurred.
system-name) has failed. (O)
Wait a while, and then try again. If the
error occurs again, check whether an
error occurred in the specified file
system. If there is no problem, acquire
all of the kernel logs, and then contact
maintenance personnel. See the help
for details on how to acquire kernel
Supplementary note:
This message is sometimes output
when there is a problem with a file
system or an LU. Check the status of
the file system or LU, check for any
SNMP notification messages or email
notifications, and if there is a problem,
take action according to the
instructions in online Help.

KAQG99009-E The specified file system The specified file system (file-system-
(file-system-name) is not name) is not mounted. If multiple file
mounted. systems are specified, processing will

3-72 KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
If the file system is not mounted,
mount it or specify a correct file
system name, and then try again.

KAQG99010-E The specified file system The specified file system (file-system-
(file-system-name) is invalid. name) is invalid. If multiple file
systems are specified, processing will
Specify a correct file system name,
and then try again.

KAQG99011-E The format of the executed The format of the command that was
command is invalid. executed in the interactive mode is
Check the correct format and correct
the invalid format, and then try again.

KAQG99012-E An attempt to specify the The file system (file-system-name) is

settings failed because the full. If multiple file systems are
file system (file-system- specified, processing will continue.
name) is full. (O)
Reduce the capacity used by the file
system, and then try again.

KAQG99013-E An invalid function name was The format of the command that was
specified. executed in the interactive mode is
Check the correct format, correct the
invalid format, and then try again.

KAQG99014-E The specified file system The specified file system might have a
(file-system-name) is not in problem.
a normal state. (O)
Check whether an error occurred in the
specified file system. If there is no
problem, acquire all of the kernel logs,
and then contact maintenance
personnel. See the help for details on
how to acquire kernel logs.
Supplementary note:
This message is sometimes output
when there is a problem with a file
system or an LU. Check the status of
the file system or LU, check for any
SNMP notification messages or email
notifications, and if there is a problem,
take action according to the
instructions in online Help.

KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages) 3-73

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQG99015-E An attempt to open the log There might be a problem in the log
files has failed. files or contention with other
processing might have occurred.
Wait a while, and then try again. If the
error occurs again, check the settings
for the OS disk. If there is no problem,
acquire all of the kernel logs, and then
contact maintenance personnel. See
the help for details on how to acquire
kernel logs.

KAQG99016-E There is an error in the There is an error in the syntax of the

specification of the -o option. executed command.
Confirm the correct syntax, correct the
syntax error, and then re-execute the

KAQG99017-E An attempt to specify the The specified file system (file-system-

settings failed because the name) is mounted with read-only
file system (file-system- permissions. If multiple file systems
name) is mounted with read- are specified, processing will continue.
only permissions. (O)
Remount the file system with read/
write permissions, and then try again.

KAQG99018-E An attempt to specify the The specified directory (directory-

settings failed because the name) is mounted with read-only
specified directory (directory- permissions. If multiple file systems or
name) is mounted with read- directories are specified, processing
only permissions. will continue.
If the file system has been mounted
with read-only permissions, remount it
with read/write permissions. If the file
system has already been mounted with
read/write permissions, a public
directory for a differential-data
snapshot might have been specified.
Check the specified directory, specify
the correct directory, and then try

KAQG99019-E There is an error in the There is an error in the syntax of the

specification of the -p option. executed command.
Confirm the correct syntax, correct the
syntax error, and then re-execute the

KAQG99020-I The ACL types of all files No action is required.

have been converted. (file
system = file-system-name)

3-74 KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQG99021-E An attempt to convert a file's The specified file system might have a
ACL type has failed. (file problem or a conflict with other
system = file-system-name) processing might have occurred.
Try to convert the ACL type again, and
then check the error message if

KAQG99023-E An attempt to change priority An attempt to change priority has

has failed. failed.
Wait a while, and then try again. If the
error occurs again, check whether an
error occurred in the file system. If
there is no problem in the file system,
acquire all kernel logs, and then
contact maintenance personnel. For
details on how to acquire kernel logs,
see Help.

KAQG99024-E An attempt to acquire There might be a problem in the file

information of a file system system or a conflict with other
(file-system-name) failed. processing might have occurred.
Wait a while, and then try again. If the
error occurs again, check whether an
error occurred in the file system. If
there is no problem in the file system,
acquire all kernel logs, and then
contact maintenance personnel. For
details on how to acquire kernel logs,
see Help.
Supplementary note:
This message is sometimes output
when there is a problem with a file
system or an LU. Check the status of
the file system or LU, check for any
SNMP notification messages or email
notifications, and if there is a problem,
take action according to the
instructions in online Help.

KAQG99025-E An attempt to convert a file's The number of ACEs in the file might
ACL type failed because the be more than 700.
number of ACEs exceeded (O)
the maximum. (file = file-
name) Reduce the number of ACEs in the file,
and then try again.

KAQG99026-E An attempt to convert a file's The specified file system might have a
ACL type has failed. (file problem, or a conflict with other
system = file-system-name) processing might have occurred.
Wait a while, and then try again. If the
error occurs again, check whether an

KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages) 3-75

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
error occurred in the file system. If
there is no problem in the file system,
acquire all kernel logs, and then
contact maintenance personnel. For
details on how to acquire kernel logs,
see Help.

KAQG99027-E An attempt to convert the An attempt to convert the ACL type of

ACL type of the file has failed the file has failed because the ACL type
because the ACL type of the of the file system is Classic. (file
file system is Classic. (file system = file-system-name)
system = file-system-name) (O)
Set the ACL type of the file system to
Advanced, and then try again.

KAQG99028-E An attempt to give execution An attempt to give execution authority

authority to the file has failed to the file has failed because the ACL
because the ACL type of the type of the file system is not Classic.
file system is not Classic. (file (file system = file-system-name)
system = file-system-name) (O)
Specify a file system whose ACL type is

KAQG99029-E Processing failed because (O)

another administrator was Wait for the other administrator to
performing the same finish, and then try again.

KAQG99030-I Do you want to cancel the This message is output before the
fsrepair command? (y / n) fsrepair command is canceled.
Enter y or n.

KAQG99031-E An attempt to specify the An attempt to specify the settings

settings failed because the failed because the ACL type of the file
ACL type of the file system is system is Classic. (file system = file-
Classic. (file system = file- system-name)
system-name) (O)
Specify a file system whose ACL type is
Advanced, and then try again.

KAQG99032-W The settings are different for The settings displayed by the specified
each tier. option are different for each file
system tier.
Check the execution results, and
execute commands so that the settings
for each tier are the same.

KAQG99033-E The specified directory The specified directory (directory-

(directory-name) is invalid. name) does not exist, or is not a
subdirectory of "/mnt".
Specify the correct directory, and then
try again.

3-76 KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQG99034-E command failed: return- The internally called command has

value failed.
Check whether any system error
occurred. If no error occurred, acquire
all of the kernel logs, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQG99035-E The tiered file system could The rollback could not be performed
not be rolled back to Tier 1. because the information required to
roll back to Tier 1 could not be
acquired, or the rollback failed.
Check whether an error occurred in
any tier. If an error occurred, make
sure the status returns to normal and
then re-execute the command. If no
error occurred, acquire all log data
from both nodes, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQG99037-E The specified directory path The specified directory path exceeds
is too long. 4,000 bytes.
Specify a directory path that does not
exceed 4,000 bytes, and then retry the

KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages) 3-77

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
3-78 KAQG Messages (File Sharing Messages)
Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
KAQK Messages (File Services Manager
This chapter describes the meanings of the KAQK messages output by HDI
systems (File Services Manager messages).

□ KAQK messages

KAQK Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 4-1

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
KAQK messages
This section explains messages that have a message ID beginning with KAQK,
and the actions to be taken if such messages appear.

Table 4-1 KAQK messages

Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQK40000-E An FC path error has (S)

occurred. (number of LUs for An FC path error has occurred, or an
which errors occurred = operation was performed that changed
number-of-LUs-for-which- the LU mapping configuration.
Check the statuses of the FC paths
either by executing the fpstatus
command or by viewing the FC Path
sub tab under the Network tab in the
Health Monitor subwindow. If an FC
status is something other than Online,
then an error might have occurred.
Resolve the problem by following the
FC path recovery procedure in online
Help. If the FC paths are all in the
Online status, then no action is
Supplementary note:
This message is sometimes output
when there is a problem with a file
system or an LU. Check the status of
the file system or LU, check for any
SNMP notification messages or email
notifications, and if there is a problem,
take action according to the
instructions in online Help.
Depending on your environment, the
number of LUs displayed in the
message might not be the actual
number of LUs.

KAQK40001-E Errors have occurred on all (S)

the FC paths. (number of LUs Errors have occurred on all the FC
for which errors occurred = paths connected to the LUs, or an
number-of-LUs-for-which- operation was performed that changed
errors-occurred, the LU mapping configuration.
Check the statuses of the FC paths
either by executing the fpstatus
command or by viewing the FC Path
sub tab under the Network tab in the
Health Monitor subwindow. If all of the
FC statuses are something other than
Online, then errors might have
occurred on all the FC paths. Resolve
the problem by following the FC path
recovery procedure in online Help. If

4-2 KAQK Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
the FC paths are all in the Online
status, then no action is required.
Supplementary note:
This message is sometimes output
when there is a problem with a file
system or an LU. Check the status of
the file system or LU, check for any
SNMP notification messages or email
notifications, and if there is a problem,
take action according to the
instructions in online Help.
Depending on your environment, the
number of LUs displayed in the
message might not be the actual
number of LUs.

KAQK Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 4-3

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
4-4 KAQK Messages (File Services Manager Messages)
Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
KAQM Messages (File Services Manager
This chapter describes the meanings of the KAQM messages output by HDI
systems (File Services Manager messages).

□ KAQM01 messages

□ KAQM04 messages

□ KAQM05 messages

□ KAQM06 messages

□ KAQM07 messages

□ KAQM08 messages

□ KAQM09 messages

□ KAQM12 messages

□ KAQM13 messages

□ KAQM14 messages

□ KAQM15 messages

□ KAQM16 messages

□ KAQM19 messages

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-1

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
□ KAQM20 messages

□ KAQM21 messages

□ KAQM23 messages

□ KAQM24 messages

□ KAQM25 messages

□ KAQM26 messages

□ KAQM27 messages

□ KAQM30 messages

□ KAQM32 messages

□ KAQM33 messages

□ KAQM35 messages

□ KAQM37 messages

□ KAQM38 messages

□ KAQM50 messages

□ KAQM71 messages

5-2 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
KAQM01 messages
This section explains messages that have a message ID beginning with
KAQM01, and the actions to be taken if such messages appear.

Table 5-1 KAQM01 messages

Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM01001-E An attempt to start the File A problem may exist in the

Services Manager program communication control processing.
failed. (O)
Acquire all the Management log files,
and then inform maintenance
personnel if this error message
continues to be output. See the help
for a list of the Management log files.

KAQM01002-E An attempt to accept a A problem may exist in the

connection request for the File communication control processing.
Services Manager program (O)
Acquire all the Management log files
and then inform maintenance
personnel if this error message
continues to be output. See the help
for a list of Management log files.

KAQM01003-I The File Services Manager The File Services Manager program
program started. started successfully.
No action is required.

KAQM01004-I The File Services Manager The File Services Manager program
program stopped. was stopped.
No action is required.

KAQM01005-E A timeout occurred during An unrecognizable request was

reception of communication detected. There might be a problem in
control processing. (source IP the network traffic.
address = source-IP-address, (O)
source port number = source-
port-number, destination port Check the following at the source-IP-
number = destination-port- address machine:
number) • Whether an error message has
been output to a log of the active
communication programs.
• Whether a connection to
destination-port-number was
incorrectly established due to an
error in the communication
program settings.
• Whether a user is incorrectly
attempting to execute a program
such as telnet or a Web browser
by specifying destination-port-

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-3

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
destination-port-number cannot be
used to connect from programs other
than a dedicated program.
If there are no errors in the destination
port settings of the communication
programs, and there are no users
attempting to connect to destination-
port-number, acquire all the
Management log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel. For a
list of the Management log files, see

KAQM01006-E An attempt to receive An unrecognizable request was

communication control detected. There might be a problem in
processing has failed. (source the network traffic.
IP address = source-IP- (O)
address, source port number
= source-port-number, Check the following at the source-IP-
destination port number = address machine:
destination-port-number) • Whether an error message has
been output to a log of the active
communication programs.
• Whether a connection to
destination-port-number was
incorrectly established due to an
error in the communication
program settings.
• Whether a user is incorrectly
attempting to execute a program
such as telnet or a Web browser
by specifying destination-port-
destination-port-number cannot be
used to connect from programs other
than a dedicated program.
If there are no errors in the destination
port settings of the communication
programs, and there are no users
attempting to connect to destination-
port-number, acquire all the
Management log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel. For a
list of the Management log files, see

KAQM01007-E An attempt to send the The transmission of the response

response message failed. message to the client process failed.
(protocol version=protocol- (O)
version, destination
type=destination-type) Acquire all the Management log files,
and then inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

5-4 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM01008-E The request message is The request message from the client
invalid. (protocol process does not conform to the
version=protocol-version, protocol.
destination type=destination- (O)
Acquire all the Management log files,
and then inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM01009-E The data type of the request The data type included in the request
message is invalid. (protocol message from the client process does
version=protocol-version, not conform to the protocol.
destination type=destination- (O)
Acquire all the Management log files,
and then inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM01010-E An unexpected error occurred The unexpected error shown in (error

in the request receipt details) occurred during the execution
processing. (protocol of processing according to the request
version=protocol-version, message from the client process.
destination type=destination- (O)
type, error details=error-
details) Acquire all the Management log files,
and then inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM01011-E The detailed data type of The detailed data type included in the
request message is invalid. request message from the client
(protocol version=protocol- process does not conform to the
version, destination protocol.
type=destination-type, data (O)
Acquire all the Management log files,
and then inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM01012-E The result of request receipt The execution result of the processing
processing is invalid. (protocol according to the request message from
version=protocol-version, the client process does not conform to
destination type=destination- the protocol.
type, data type=data-type) (O)
Acquire all the Management log files,
and then inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM01013-E The header of the request The header of the request message
message is invalid. from the client process does not
conform to the protocol.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-5

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Acquire all the Management log files,
and then inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM01014-E An unexpected error occurred The unexpected error shown in (error

in the request message details) occurred during the analyzing
analysis processing. (error of the request message from the client
details=error-details) process.
Acquire all the Management log files,
and then inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM01015-E The ID of the request The ID of the request message from

message is invalid. the client process does not conform to
the protocol.
Acquire all the Management log files,
and then inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM01016-E The destination type of the The destination type of the request
request message is invalid. message from the process on the client
(protocol version=protocol- does not conform to the protocol.
version, destination (O)
Acquire all the Management log files,
and then inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM01017-E The version of request The version of the request message

message is invalid. (protocol from the process on the client does not
version=protocol-version, conform to the protocol.
destination type=destination- (O)
Acquire all the Management log files,
and then inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM01018-E An error exists in the data An unrecognizable request was

received during detected. There might be a problem in
communication control the network traffic.
processing. (source IP (O)
address = source-IP-address,
source port number = source- Check the following at the source-IP-
port-number, destination port address machine:
number = destination-port- • Whether an error message has
number) been output to a log of the active
communication programs.
• Whether a connection to
destination-port-number was
incorrectly established due to an

5-6 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
error in the communication
program settings.
• Whether a user is incorrectly
attempting to execute a program
such as telnet or a Web browser
by specifying destination-port-
destination-port-number cannot be
used to connect from programs other
than a dedicated program.
If there are no errors in the destination
port settings of the communication
programs, and there are no users
attempting to connect to destination-
port-number, acquire all the
Management log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel. For a
list of the Management log files, see

KAQM01019-E An unexpected error occurred File Services Manager has not been
in the internal processing of installed, or there might be a problem
the communication control in internal processing.
processing. (O)
If File Services Manager has not been
installed, install it. If this message is
output even though File Services
Manager has been installed, acquire all
the Management log files and contact
maintenance personnel. See the help
for a list of Management log files.

KAQM01020-E The transmission processing A problem may exist in the network

of the communication control traffic.
processing failed. (O)
Acquire all the Management log files,
and then inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM01022-E The information about the A problem may exist in the system file
program to be installed processing.
cannot be acquired. (O)
Check whether the specified file is
correct, and then retry. Acquire all the
Management log files if this error
occurs again, and inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM01024-E A version earlier than the The specified version of the program is
already installed version earlier than the installed version.
cannot be installed. (The (O)
specified version=version)

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-7

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Please install a program version that is
a later version of, or the same version
as, the already installed version.

KAQM01025-E An attempt to install the The system may be busy.

program failed. (O)
Retry execution. Acquire all the
Management log files if this error
occurs again, and inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM01026-E An attempt to install the A problem may exist in the processing

program failed. of the program information or program
management file.
Retry execution. Acquire all the
Management log files if this error
occurs again, and inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM01027-W The specified program is a The patch version of the program

patch version. The patch cannot be deleted alone.
version cannot be deleted (O)
When you delete the regular version or
corrected version of a program, the
patch version is also deleted. Delete
the regular version or corrected
version to delete the patch version.

KAQM01028-E Internal processing failed. A problem may exist in the processing

of the program management file, the
OS disk or the system file.
Retry execution. Acquire all the
Management log files if this error
occurs again, and inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM01030-E Uninstallation of the program The system may be busy.

failed. (O)
Retry execution. Acquire all the
Management log files if this error
occurs again, and inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM01031-E Uninstallation of the program There might be a problem in the

failed. processing of a program management
Retry execution. Acquire all the
Management log files if this error

5-8 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
occurs again, and inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM01032-E An attempt to acquire There might be a problem in the

management information processing of a program management
(file-name) for uninstallation file.
has failed. (O)
Retry execution. Acquire all the
Management log files if this error
occurs again, and inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM01033-E Acquisition of the program There might be a problem in the

information list failed. processing of a program management
file or in the processing to acquire
license information.
Retry execution. Acquire all the
Management log files if this error
occurs again, and inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM01035-E Internal processing failed. A problem might exist in the cluster

management LU or the system file.
Retry execution. Acquire all the
Management log files if this error
occurs again, and inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM01038-E Acquisition of the usage rate The system may be busy.

of the OS disk or the virtual (O)
server OS LU failed.
Retry execution. Acquire all the
Management log files if this error
occurs again, and inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM01039-E The setting of the license There might be a problem in the

failed. processing to set licenses.
Retry execution. Acquire all the
Management log files if this error
occurs again, and inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM01041-E An invalid license key was A license key was entered that was
entered. issued before the registered license, or
the license key information is incorrect.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-9

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
If the license is already registered, no
action needs to be taken. If the license
is not registered, check whether the
license key you entered is correct, and
if it is not, try again with the correct
key. If the error occurs again, acquire
all management log files and the
license key for which registration
failed, and inform maintenance

KAQM01043-W The File Services Manager A problem may exist in the network
program suppressed the traffic.
message output. (suppressed (O)
message ID=suppressed-
message-ID) Acquire all the Management log files if
this warning message continues to be
output, and then inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM01045-E The setting of the license A temporary license can be used only
failed. once.
Check whether the entered license key
is correct or not, and retry with the
correct key. Acquire all the
Management log files and the license
key that failed the setup if the error
occurs again, and inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM01046-E The setting of the license After using a permanent license, a

failed. temporary license or an emergency
license cannot be used.
Check whether the entered license key
is correct or not, and retry with the
correct key. Acquire all the
Management log files and the license
key that failed the setup if the error
occurs again, and inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM01047-E The setting of the license After using an emergency license, a

failed. temporary license cannot be used.
Check whether the entered license key
is correct or not, and retry with the
correct key. Acquire all the
Management log files and the license
key that failed the setup if the error
occurs again, and inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

5-10 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM01048-E The program is not specified. The program is not specified.

Specify a program and retry.

KAQM01053-E Uploading of the program to Internal processing failed.

be installed failed. (O)
Retry execution. Acquire all the
Management log files if this error
occurs again, and inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM01055-E Uploading of the program to The capacity of OS disk for installing

be installed failed. the program exceeds the restriction.
Delete unnecessary dump files or log
files and retry.

KAQM01056-E An attempt to acquire the The specified program installation path

program name and version of is invalid, the specified file is not a
the program to be installed program package, or the system may
failed. be busy.
Confirm that the correct program
package is specified, and then re-
execute. Acquire all the Management
log files if this error occurs again, and
inform maintenance personnel.

KAQM01057-E A program is not selected. A program is not selected, so

execution cannot start.
Retry after selecting a program.

KAQM01058-E The length of path to install The length of the path to the install
program (path-to-install- program is not within the valid range.
program) exceeds the range. (O)
Use from 1 to 512 bytes to enter the
path to the install program.

KAQM01059-E An attempt to install the The prerequisite conditions for

program failed. installing the program are not
Satisfy the prerequisite conditions for
installation, and then install the
program. Acquire all the Management
log files if this error occurs even
though the prerequisite conditions are
satisfied, and inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-11

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM01060-E An attempt to install the The specified program is a patch

program failed. version. A patch version of the
program can only be installed when a
regular version or corrected version of
the program is already installed.
Install the regular version or corrected
version of the program, and then retry.
Acquire all the Management log files if
this error occurs again, and then
inform maintenance personnel. See the
help for a list of the Management log

KAQM01063-E An attempt to set up the There might be a problem in the

management information processing of a program management
(management-information) file.
for uninstallation has failed. management-information
program management file name.
Retry execution. Acquire all the
Management log files if this error
occurs again, and inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM01064-E An invalid license key was The entered license key is not a license
entered. key for the installed product.
Acquire the product name and the
license key that failed to be set, and
then contact the support center.

KAQM01067-E Internal processing failed. The system may be busy.

Retry execution. Acquire all the
Management log files if this error
occurs again, and inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM01073-W Uninstallation of the program The specified program is a necessary

failed. program. A necessary program cannot
be uninstalled.
Check whether the specified program
is correct, and then retry. Acquire all
the Management log files if this error
occurs again, and then inform
maintenance personnel. See the help
for a list of the Management log files.

KAQM01078-E The setting of the license Internal processing failed.

failed. (O)

5-12 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Retry execution. Acquire all the
Management log files if this error
occurs again, and inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM01079-E The setting of the license The specified program is not an

failed. optional program.
Specify an optional program, and then

KAQM01080-E The specified path to the The specified file does not exist or the
license key file is invalid. file is empty.
Enter the valid path to the license key
file and retry the operation.

KAQM01087-E Uninstallation of the program Internal processing failed.

failed. (O)
Retry execution. Acquire all the
Management log files if this error
occurs again, and inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM01089-E An invalid license key file was The entered file is not in a license key
entered. file format.
Make sure that the entered file is a
license key file, and then re-execute. If
the error occurs again, acquire all the
Management log files and the license
key file for which setup failed, and
then contact maintenance personnel.
See Help for a list of Management log

KAQM01090-E An invalid license key file was The license key file information is
entered. incorrect.
Make sure that the entered license key
file has a system serial number and
that it is targeting a program of the
system, and then re-execute. If the
error occurs again, acquire all the
Management log files and the license
key file for which setup failed, and
then contact maintenance personnel.
See Help for a list of Management log

KAQM01091-E An attempt to acquire license There might be a problem in the

information has failed. processing to acquire license

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-13

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Wait a while, and then try again. If the
error occurs again, acquire all the
Management log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel. For
details about the list of Management
log files, see Help.

KAQM01092-E An attempt to acquire the A problem may exist in the processing

program name and version of of the program information or program
the program to be installed management file.
has failed. (O)
Retry execution. Acquire all the
Management log files if this error
occurs again, and inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM01093-E The specified program cannot A system error might have occurred.
be installed. (O)
Acquire all the Management log files if
this error occurs again, and inform
maintenance personnel. See the help
for a list of the Management log files.

KAQM01094-E The specified program cannot Conditions required to install the

be installed. program are not satisfied.
Satisfy the conditions required to
install the program, and then install it.
If this error occurs even though the
conditions have been satisfied, acquire
all the Management log files, and
inform maintenance personnel. See the
help for a list of the Management log

KAQM01095-E The specified program cannot The specified program is a patch

be installed. version. An installed patch version
program cannot be reinstalled.

KAQM01096-I An attempt to install Primary None.

Server Base succeeded. (O)

KAQM01097-E An attempt to install Primary The system might be busy.

Server Base failed. (O)
An error might have occurred in
Primary Server Base. Refer to the
troubleshooting information in the
help, and then resolve the error with
the help of maintenance personnel.

5-14 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM01099-E The setting of the license There might be a problem in the

failed. processing to set licenses.
Reboot the OS. If this message is
output again, acquire all the
Management log files, and then
contact the Support Center. See Help
for a list of the Management log files.

KAQM01100-E The specified license key file The specified license key file doesn't
doesn't exist. exist.
Please execute it again after storing
the license key file.

KAQM01101-W It failed in the acquisition of There might be a problem in

information after it had set it processing to acquire license
though the license was set. information though the license was set.
Please confirm license information. If
the error occurs again, acquire all the
Management log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel. For
details about the list of Management
log files, see Help.

KAQM01102-E The node has not yet stopped. The node is not in the INACTIVE
Make sure that the node is in the
INACTIVE status, and then retry the

KAQM01103-E The command was executed A cluster configuration has not been
in a non-cluster configuration. defined.
Define a cluster configuration.

KAQM01105-E An invalid installation file was The specified file is not in the format of
specified. an installation file.
Make sure that the specified file is an
installation file, and then retry the
operation. If the error occurs again,
acquire all the Management log files
and the installation file for which the
setup failed, and then contact
maintenance personnel. See online
Help for a list of Management log files.

KAQM01106-E An attempt to write to an An unexpected error occurred while

installation file has failed. writing a to file.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-15

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Acquire all the Management log files,
and then contact maintenance
personnel. See online Help for a list of
the Management log files.

KAQM01107-E An attempt to extract an An unexpected error occurred while

installation file has failed. extracting an installation file.
Acquire all the Management log files,
and then contact maintenance
personnel. See online Help for a list of
the Management log files.

KAQM01108-Q Do you want to delete the This confirmation message appears

license-name license ? (y/n) before a license is deleted.
Enter y or n.

KAQM01109-W An attempt to check whether There might be a problem with the

the licenses on the nodes are processing that checks whether
the same has failed. licenses on nodes are the same.
Acquire all management log files, and
then inform maintenance personnel.
For a list of management log files, see
the Help.

KAQM01110-W The license license-name on The license on one node in the cluster
one node in the cluster does does not match the license on the
not match the license on the other node.
other node. (O)
Check the licenses on both nodes, and
make sure that they match.

KAQM01111-W The capacities licensed by the Licensed capacities do not match

the-name-of-the-license- among the nodes in the cluster.
whose-capacities-do-not- (O)
license do not match within Check the license on both nodes, and
the cluster. set the capacities so that they match.

KAQM01112-E The specified license (license- The specified license is already set.
name-that-cannot-be-set) is (O)
already set.
Check the settings of the specified
license, check that the entered license
key is the correct one, and then retry
the operation.

KAQM01113-E An attempt to resolve the Name resolution could not be properly

host name of HCP failed. performed. Communication with an
HCP system might be temporarily
disabled, due to a problem such as a
network error or a high load on the
HCP system.

5-16 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Wait a while, and then retry the
operation. If the problem persists,
confirm that a network environment is
set up in which name resolution can be
performed. Also, see the online Help
troubleshooting section. After that, use
the Configuration Wizard to test the

KAQM01114-E An attempt to connect to HCP There might be a problem with the

failed. HCP system or the network.
Use the online Help troubleshooting
section to identify the cause of the
error. Remove the cause of the error,
and then retry the operation. If the
problem persists, acquire all the log
data, and then contact maintenance

KAQM01115-E A timeout occurred during There might be a problem with the

communication with HCP. HCP system or the network.
Use the online Help troubleshooting
section to identify the cause of the
error. Remove the cause of the error,
and then retry the operation. If the
problem persists, acquire all the log
data, and then contact maintenance

KAQM01116-E An attempt to establish SSL An attempt to establish SSL

communication with HCP communication with HCP failed.
failed. (O)
Check the settings of SSL on HCP and
the status of the network, fix the cause
of the error, and then retry the
operation. If the error persists, acquire
all the log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM01117-E Communication with HCP An error occurred during

failed. communication with HCP.
Check the network status, and then try
again. If the error persists, acquire all
the log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM01118-E The namespace in which the The namespace in which the

installation file was registered installation file was registered does not
cannot be accessed. exist, or the tenant or namespace
settings in HCP might be incorrect.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-17

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Check with the HCP administrator
whether the settings of the tenant and
of the namespace in which the
installation file was registered are
correct. Then, use the Service
Configuration Wizard to test the

KAQM01119-E No installation file is Updates cannot be installed because

registered in HCP. no installation file is registered in HCP.
Ask the HCP administrator to register
an installation file.

KAQM01120-E No license that allows linkage The operation cannot be performed

with HCP is set. because no license that allows linkage
with HCP is set.
Please set a license.

KAQM01121-E The downloaded installation The installation file that is registered in

file cannot be installed HCP is for a product that is not
because it is for a product currently installed.
that is not currently installed. (O)
(installed product = name-of-
the-installed-product, product Check with the HCP administrator
you are attempting to install whether the registered installation file
= name-of-the-product-that- is the correct file.

KAQM01122-E Acquisition of the metadata of Information about the installation file

the installation file that is could not be correctly acquired
registered in HCP failed. because the metadata of the
installation file that is registered in
HCP is in an invalid format.
Check with the HCP administrator
whether the metadata settings of the
installation file are correct. If you
cannot identify a problem, execute the
operation again. If the error occurs
again, collect all the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM01123-E Extraction of the installation An unexpected error occurred during

file failed. extraction of the downloaded
installation file.
Check with the HCP administrator
whether the registered installation file
is valid.

KAQM01124-E Download of the installation The download was interrupted because

file failed. a file that is required for processing is
missing. Installation processing might
already have been performed.

5-18 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Confirm that another system
administrator is not installing an
update, and then retry the operation.
If the error occurs again, collect all the
log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM01125-E The operation was interrupted An update is currently being installed

because another system by another system administrator.
administrator is currently (O)
installing an update.
Wait a few minutes, and then check
the system version, and if necessary,
retry the operation. If the error occurs
again, collect all the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM01126-E HCP information has not been HCP information has not been
configured. configured.
Use the Service Setting Wizard to
configure HCP information, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM01127-E Download of the installation During the download of the installation

file failed. file, the system disk ran out of free
space. Either the installation file or the
installation file metadata on HCP might
be incorrect.
Check with the HCP administrator
whether the installation file that is
registered in HCP and the metadata
settings are valid. If you cannot
identify a problem, retry the operation.
If the error occurs again, collect all the
log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM04 messages
This section explains messages that have a message ID beginning with
KAQM04, and the actions to be taken if such messages appear.

Table 5-2 KAQM04 messages

Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM04004-E The file system has not used The volume manager is not used, so
a volume manager. the file system cannot be expanded.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-19

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Specify the file system that is using a
volume manager, and then try again.

KAQM04006-E The input file system name A file system with the same name
(file-system-name) is already exists.
duplicated. (O)
Enter a different file system name.

KAQM04007-E The total disk capacity of the The total disk capacity of the specified
specified device files exceeds device files exceeds the maximum
the maximum capacity. capacity.
Specify device files whose total disk
capacity is less than the maximum
capacity. For information on file
system capacity, see Help.

KAQM04008-E Even though -v do_not_use When not using a volume manager,

has been specified, multiple multiple device files cannot be
device files have been specified.
specified. (O)
Specify only one device file, and then
try again.

KAQM04009-E The number of file systems An attempt was made to create a

has already reached the number of file systems exceeding the
maximum number. maximum.
Delete an unnecessary file system and
retry. See the help for the maximum
number of file systems.

KAQM04010-E The specified file system does The specified file system does not exist
not exist in the operating in the operating node or the virtual
node or the virtual server. server.
In List of File Systems, check that the
file system name is correct, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM04011-E The file system creation failed A problem may exist in the creation
because of an unexpected processing of a file system.
error in internal processing. (O)
Acquire all the Management log files
and inform maintenance personnel.
See the help for a list of the
Management log files.
Supplementary note:
This message is sometimes output
when there is a problem with a file
system or an LU. Check the status of
the file system or LU, check for any
SNMP notification messages or email

5-20 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
notifications, and if there is a problem,
take action according to the
instructions in online Help.

KAQM04012-E The mount editing failed A problem may exist in mount editing
because of an unexpected processing of a file system.
error in internal processing. (O)
Acquire all the Management log files
and inform maintenance personnel.
See the help for a list of the
Management log files.
Supplementary note:
This message is sometimes output
when there is a problem with a file
system or an LU. Check the status of
the file system or LU, check for any
SNMP notification messages or email
notifications, and if there is a problem,
take action according to the
instructions in online Help.

KAQM04013-E The file system expansion A problem may exist in the expansion
failed because of an processing of a file system.
unexpected error in internal (O)
Acquire all the Management log files
and inform maintenance personnel.
See the help for a list of the
Management log files.
Supplementary note:
This message is sometimes output
when there is a problem with a file
system or an LU. Check the status of
the file system or LU, check for any
SNMP notification messages or email
notifications, and if there is a problem,
take action according to the
instructions in online Help.

KAQM04014-E The deletion of the file system A problem may exist in the deletion
could not be completed processing of a file system.
because an unexpected error (O)
occurred during internal
processing. The automatic Acquire all the Management log files
recovery processing might and inform maintenance personnel.
also have failed. However, the See the help for a list of the
file system will be deleted Management log files.
from List of File Systems. Supplementary note:
This message is sometimes output
when there is a problem with a file
system or an LU. Check the status of
the file system or LU, check for any
SNMP notification messages or email
notifications, and if there is a problem,
take action according to the
instructions in online Help.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-21

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM04015-E A CIFS file share exists, so The unmounting of a file system with a
unmounting is not possible. setting of CIFS file share cannot be
Delete the CIFS file share, and then
retry unmounting of the file system.

KAQM04016-E An NFS file share exists, so The unmounting of a file system with a
unmounting is not possible. setting of NFS file share cannot be
Delete the NFS file share, and then
retry unmounting of the file system.

KAQM04017-E An attempt to judge whether There is a possibility that a problem

a CIFS file share exists has may be in existence judging processing
failed. of CIFS file share.
Acquire all the Management log files
and inform maintenance personnel.
See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM04018-E An attempt to judge whether There is a possibility that a problem

an NFS file share exists has may be in existence judging processing
failed. of NFS file share.
Acquire all the Management log files
and inform maintenance personnel.
See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM04019-E The file system is mounting, A mounted file system cannot be

so deleting cannot be deleted.
performed. (O)
Retry deletion of the file system after

KAQM04022-E An attempt to connect to a An error occurred in accessing the

device file has failed. device file.
Execute the fpstatus command on
both nodes, check the connection
statuses of the specified device files on
both nodes, and then retry the
operation. If you are using local data
encryption, check the system
messages on both nodes to see
whether the KAQM05256-E message,
or a message ranging from
KAQM05258-E to KAQM05264-E was
output during OS startup. If an error
occurred, take action as described in

5-22 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
the error message, and then retry the
operation. If an error occurs again,
acquire all the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.
Supplementary note:
This message is sometimes output
when there is a problem with a file
system or an LU. Check the status of
the file system or LU, check for any
SNMP notification messages or email
notifications, and if there is a problem,
take action according to the
instructions in online Help.

KAQM04023-E Information acquisition of a A problem may exist in the information

device file failed because of acquisition processing of a device file.
an unexpected error in (O)
internal processing.
Acquire all the Management log files
and inform maintenance personnel.
See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM04024-E An attempt to access the An attempt to access the cluster

cluster management LU or the management LU or the system file has
system file has failed. failed.
Acquire all the Management log files
and inform maintenance personnel.
See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM04025-E An attempt to access the Acquisition of device file information

cluster management LU or the from the cluster management LU or
system file has failed. the system file has failed.
Acquire all the Management log files
and inform maintenance personnel.
See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM04026-E An attempt to access the An attempt to update the device file

cluster management LU or the information in the cluster management
system file has failed. LU or the system file has failed.
Acquire all the Management log files
and inform maintenance personnel.
See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM04027-E An attempt to access the Acquisition of file system information

cluster management LU or the from the cluster management LU or
system file has failed. the system file has failed.
Acquire all the Management log files
and inform maintenance personnel.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-23

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM04028-E An attempt to access the An attempt to update the file system

cluster management LU or the information in the cluster management
system file has failed. LU or the system file has failed.
Acquire all the Management log files
and inform maintenance personnel.
See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM04029-E An attempt to access the Deletion of file system information

cluster management LU or the from the cluster management LU or
system file has failed. the system file has failed.
Acquire all the Management log files
and inform maintenance personnel.
See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM04030-E An attempt to access the Acquisition of the number of file

cluster management LU or the system information items in the cluster
system file has failed. management LU or the system file has
Acquire all the Management log files
and inform maintenance personnel.
See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM04031-E A conflict with another system A conflict with another system

administrator's operation or administrator's operation or system
an internal error may have error may have occurred.
occurred. (O)
Retry. Acquire all the Management log
files if the error occurs again, and then
inform maintenance personnel. See the
help for a list of the Management log

KAQM04033-E Execution is not possible Execution is not possible because the

because the resource group or resource group or virtual server is not
virtual server is not operating operating normally or a resource has
normally or a resource has been blocked.
been blocked. (O)
Check the status of the resource group
or virtual server, and then retry the
operation. If no status problems exist,
see the message KAQG72006-E in the

KAQM04034-E Resource group or virtual A problem may exist in the internal

server information could not processing.
be acquired. (O)

5-24 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Acquire all the Management log files
and inform maintenance personnel.
See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM04037-E The specified device file is The specified device file cannot be
being used by another file used because it is being used by
system. another file system.
Specify a different device file, and then
try again.

KAQM04038-E The specified file system is The specified file system or the device
blocked. file being used by the file system is
Follow troubleshooting in the help to
check the file system and device file
error information in the List of File
Systems, and then recover the error
with maintenance personnel.
Supplementary note:
This message is sometimes output
when there is a problem with a file
system or an LU. Check the status of
the file system or LU, check for any
SNMP notification messages or email
notifications, and if there is a problem,
take action according to the
instructions in online Help.

KAQM04039-E An attempt to register A problem may exist in the internal

resource information failed. processing.
Acquire all the Management log files
and inform maintenance personnel.
See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM04040-E Deletion of resource The node or virtual server might not be

information has failed, either running properly, there might be a
because the node or virtual problem with internal processing, or
server is not operating command execution might have failed
normally or because an due to a temporary error on the
internal processing problem heartbeat LAN.
exists. (O)
Check the status of the cluster, node,
resource group, and virtual server,
verify that no errors have occurred on
the heartbeat LAN, and then retry the
operation. If the problem cannot be
resolved, acquire all the log data, and
then contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-25

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM04041-W The file system is mounted If an attempt is made to mount a file

with the Quota setting system that is full with the Quota
disabled because the file setting enabled, the file system will be
system is full. mounted with the Quota setting
Delete unnecessary data on the file
system or increase the capacity of the
file system, and then retry mounting
with the Quota setting enabled.

KAQM04042-E File system functions cannot The resource group or virtual server is
be used because the resource not operating normally.
group or virtual server is not (O)
operating normally.
Check the cluster, node, and resource
group status or the virtual server
status, and then try again.

KAQM04043-E An attempt to create a file The specified device file may be

system failed. invalid.
Make sure the specified device file is
Supplementary note:
This message is sometimes output
when there is a problem with a file
system or an LU. Check the status of
the file system or LU, check for any
SNMP notification messages or email
notifications, and if there is a problem,
take action according to the
instructions in online Help.

KAQM04044-E The operation cannot be File Services Manager cannot manage

performed because the file a file system being used by the file
snapshot functionality is being snapshot functionality.
used. (O)
Execute the operation from the file
snapshot functionality.

KAQM04045-E The operation is not possible File Services Manager cannot use a file
because Functionality for system in use by Functionality for
integrating array volume integrating array volume replication
replication functions of functions of Backup Restore.
Backup Restore is using the (O)
file system.
Wait until Functionality for integrating
array volume replication functions of
Backup Restore is finished, and then
retry execution.

KAQM04046-E The number of file systems An attempt was made to create more
using the volume manager than the maximum number of file
has already reached the systems using a volume manager.
maximum number. (O)

5-26 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Delete unnecessary file systems using
the volume manager, and then retry.
See the help for the maximum number
of file systems that can use a volume

KAQM04048-E An error was detected while An error was detected while accessing
accessing the specified device the specified device file.
file. (O)
Check the specified device files, and
then try again. If this error occurs
repeatedly, acquire all the
Management log files and contact
maintenance personnel. See the help
file for a list of the Management log
Supplementary note:
This message is sometimes output
when there is a problem with a file
system or an LU. Check the status of
the file system or LU, check for any
SNMP notification messages or email
notifications, and if there is a problem,
take action according to the
instructions in online Help.

KAQM04049-E The specified device file does The specified device file does not exist,
not exist, or the size of the LU or the size of the LU allocated to the
allocated to the virtual server virtual server was changed.
was changed. (O)
Verify the specified device file, and
then retry the operation. If the size of
the LU allocated to the virtual server
was changed, use the vnaslurelease
command to release the LU, execute
the fpstatus command on both
nodes, check the status of the
specified LU on both nodes, and then
use the vnasluassign command to
reallocate the LU.

KAQM04050-E The specified file system is The specified file system is already
already mounted. mounted.
In List of File Systems, check the
mount status of the specified file

KAQM04051-E The specified file system is The specified file system is already
already unmounted. unmounted.
In List of File Systems, check the
mount status of the specified file

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-27

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM04052-E The operation cannot be The operation cannot be performed

performed because the because the specified file system is
specified file system (file- defined by the other node in the
system-name) is defined by cluster.
the other node in the cluster. (O)
On the other node of the cluster,
perform the operation for the specified
file system.

KAQM04053-E The maximum number of The file system operation cannot be

logical volumes has already performed because the maximum
been reached. number of logical volumes has been
Delete any unnecessary file systems or
release any unnecessary differential-
data storage devices. For details about
the maximum number of logical
volumes, see online Help.

KAQM04055-E An extendible size could not There might be a problem in the

be acquired. processing to acquire an extendible
Acquire all the Management log files
and inform maintenance personnel.
See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM04056-E The capacity of the This operation cannot be performed

differential-data storage because the capacity of the
device is insufficient. differential-data storage device is
Resolve the problem by using file
snapshot functionality operations. For
details on the operation, see the help.

KAQM04057-E The file snapshot functionality This operation cannot be performed

has not been installed. because the file snapshot functionality
has not been installed.
To perform this operation on the
specified differential-data snapshot,
first install the file snapshot

KAQM04058-E At least one of the selected At least one of the selected device files
device files is less than 160 for file system expansion is less than
MB. 160 MB.
When expanding a file system, select
device files that are 160 MB or more.

5-28 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM04063-E When using volume manager, A specified device file is less than 65
the size of each selected MB.
device file must be no less (O)
than 65 MB.
When using volume manager, a device
file must be no less than 65 MB.

KAQM04064-E The capacity for creating the The total disk capacity of the specified
file system is too small. device files is too low to create the file
Specify device files that satisfy the
conditions for creating the file system.
See the help for information on the
capacity needed to create a file

KAQM04065-E The operation cannot be The operation can be performed on the

performed because the node where the resource group to
resource group to which the which the specified file system belongs
specified file system is active.
(specified-file-system-name) (O)
belongs is active on the other
node in the cluster. Perform the operation on the node
where the resource group is active, or
move the resource group and then
perform the operation.

KAQM04067-E The specified resource group A resource group that does not exist in
does not exist in the cluster. the cluster is specified.
Check the resource group name, and
then try again.

KAQM04068-E The resource group for which File system creation is possible on the
you tried to register file node on which the resource group that
system information is active is managing the file system
on the other node in the information is active.
cluster. (O)
Perform the operation on the node
where the resource group is active, or
move the resource group and then
perform the operation.

KAQM04070-E The operation on the file File Services Manager cannot manage
system cannot be performed a file system being used by HFRR.
because HFRR is currently (O)
using the file system.
Perform the operation from HFRR.

KAQM04071-E The specified device files do The number of specified device files is
not satisfy the conditions for incorrect, or the specified device files
striping. are not the same size.
Check the specified device files and the
striping settings, and then try again.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-29

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM04072-E Device files of two or more Device files of two or more storage
storage systems were systems were specified.
specified. (O)
Specify device files of one storage
system, and then try again.

KAQM04073-E The specified number of The specified number of device files

device files has exceeded the has exceeded the maximum.
maximum. (O)
Check the number of device files, and
then retry.

KAQM04074-E The specified device file name There is a mistake in the specified
(specified-device-file-name) is device file name.
invalid. (O)
Specify the correct device file name,
and then retry.

KAQM04075-E The storage system of a The storage system of a specified

specified device file is device file is different from the storage
different from the storage system of the device files that make up
system of the device files that the file system.
make up the file system. (O)
Make sure that the storage system of
each specified device file is the same
as the storage system of the device
files that make up the file system, and
then try again.

KAQM04076-W The currently used i-node If a value smaller than the currently
capacity was set as the used i-node capacity is specified as the
maximum capacity, because a maximum capacity, the currently used
value smaller than the i-node capacity is set as the maximum
currently used i-node capacity capacity.
was specified as the (O)
maximum capacity.
If you want to decrease the percentage
of the maximum capacity that is usable
as the i-node capacity, expand the
capacity of the file system.

KAQM04078-E The file system is being The operation cannot be performed

blocked because there is not because either the file system is being
enough space on the blocked because there is not enough
differential-data storage space on the differential-data storage
device, or there might be a device, or there might be a problem
problem with the differential- with the differential-data storage
data storage device. device.
Check the status of the file system and
differential-data storage device, and
then take appropriate action depending
on the status.
Supplementary note:

5-30 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
This message is sometimes output
when there is a problem with a file
system or an LU. Check the status of
the file system or LU, check for any
SNMP notification messages or email
notifications, and if there is a problem,
take action according to the
instructions in online Help.

KAQM04079-E The specified file system You cannot use the specified name as
name (file-system-name) is the name of the newly defined file
already being used by the file system because the file snapshot
snapshot functionality or functionality or HFRR is already using
HFRR. that name.
Specify a new file system name, and
then retry.

KAQM04080-E The specified device file You cannot specify a device file that is
(device-file-name) is already already being used by another node.
being used by another node. (O)
Check the specified device file number,
and then retry.

KAQM04082-E The file system contained in The file system contained in the
the specified device file could specified device file could not be
not be recognized. recognized. You might be using the
local data encryption functionality, or a
mistake might have been made in an
operation procedure or in the specified
device file.
Check whether the correct procedure
was used and whether the correct
device file was specified, and then

KAQM04083-E The file system cannot be There might be an internal conflict as a

expanded because it is being result of the files in the file system
accessed too much. being accessed too many times (i.e.
write operations) by the clients.
Wait a while, and then view [List of File
Systems] to confirm that the file
system has expanded. If the file
system has not expanded, acquire all
the log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel. See the Help
for a list of the log files.
Supplementary note:
This message is sometimes output
when there is a problem with a file
system or an LU. Check the status of
the file system or LU, check for any
SNMP notification messages or email

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-31

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
notifications, and if there is a problem,
take action according to the
instructions in online Help.

KAQM04084-E The capacity of the This operation cannot be performed

differential-data storage because the capacity of the
device is insufficient. differential-data storage device is
Expand the differential-data storage
device, or delete any unnecessary the
differential-data snapshot.

KAQM04085-E The specified file system is The operation cannot be performed

expanding. because the specified file system is
Wait a while, and then view [List of File
Systems] to confirm that the file
system has expanded. If the file
system has expanded, and then retry
the operation. If the file system has
not expanded, acquire all the log data,
and then contact maintenance
personnel. See the Help for a list of the
log files.

KAQM04087-E The specified device file There is a mistake in the specified

number (device-file-name) is device file number.
invalid. (O)
Specify the correct device file number,
and then retry.

KAQM04090-E The limit on the number of The limit on the number of differential-
differential-data storage data storage devices that can be
devices that can be created in created in the node or virtual server
the node or virtual server has has been reached.
been reached. (O)
Release unnecessary differential-data
storage devices, and then retry.

KAQM04094-E The specified resource group The specified resource group is not
is not operating in the node operating in the node for which the
for which the command was command was executed.
executed. (O)
Make sure that the operation status of
the resource group is appropriate, and
then try again.

KAQM04097-E An attempt to mount a file An attempt to mount a file system

system failed. failed because an error occurred in the
file system.
After rebooting the OS, in [List of File
Systems], check the status indicated

5-32 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
for the file system, and then take
action appropriate for the status.

KAQM04098-E An attempt to mount a file The file system is in a state that

system failed. prevents it from being mounted or
there might be a problem in internal
In [List of File Systems], check the
status indicated for the file system,
and then take action appropriate for
the status. If no status indicates a
problem, and you cannot identify the
cause of the problem, acquire all the
Management log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel. For a
list of the Management log files, see

KAQM04099-E An error was detected while An error was detected while accessing
accessing a device file that a device file that makes up the
makes up the specified file specified file system.
system. (O)
Make sure an error is not occurring in
the device files that make up the
specified file system, and then try
again. If this error reoccurs, acquire all
the log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM04100-E An error occurred in file An error occurred in file snapshot

snapshot functionality functionality processing for the
processing for the specified specified file system.
file system. (O)
Use the file snapshot functionality to
remove the error, and then retry the

KAQM04102-E The specified file system is Processing cannot be executed

mounted. because the specified file system is
Unmount the file system, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM04103-E The differential-data Processing cannot be executed,

snapshots, created for the because the differential-data
specified file system, are snapshots, created for the specified file
mounted. system, are mounted.
Unmount all the differential-data
snapshots, created for the specified file
system, and then retry the operation.

KAQM04104-E The operation cannot be The operation cannot be performed

performed because the file because the file snapshot functionality

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-33

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
snapshot functionality or or HFRR processing is currently
HFRR processing is currently executing.
executing. (O)
Wait until the file snapshot
functionality or HFRR processing has
finished, and then retry the operation.
KAQM04105-Q Are you sure you want to This confirmation message is output
separate the specified file before the file system is separated.
system? (y/n) (O)
Enter y or n.

KAQM04106-E An error occurred in the A problem might exist in the

system. processing of the system file.
Acquire all the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM04108-E An operation for the specified Processing cannot continue because

file system has been the horcfreeze command has
suppressed. suppressed operations on the specified
file system.
Use the horcunfreeze command to
release the suppressed operations, and
then try again.

KAQM04109-E An error occurred in the An error occurred while attempting to

system. import the file system. An error might
have occurred with one or more
specified device files, or the file system
might not have been exported yet.
Acquire all the Management log files,
and then inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM04110-E The specified file system was Processing cannot be performed for
not mounted with read and the specified file system because it was
write permissions. not mounted with read and write
Mount the specified file system with
read and write permissions, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM04111-E The specified file system is The WORM function settings cannot be
not a WORM file system. changed because the specified file
system is not a WORM file system.
Check the file system settings from the
file systems list.

5-34 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM04112-E The ACL type of the specified After a WORM file system is created,
file system cannot be its ACL type cannot be converted.
converted because it is a (O)
WORM file system.
Check the file system settings from the
file systems list.

KAQM04113-E The file system contains at The file system cannot be deleted
least one file with a retention because it contains at least one file
period. with a retention period.
Make sure there are no files with a
retention period, and then retry the

KAQM04114-E The specified file system The specified file system cannot be
cannot be separated because separated because it is a WORM file
it is a WORM file system. system.
Check the file system settings from the
file systems list.

KAQM04115-E An attempt to change file There might be a problem in the

system settings failed processing to change file system
because of an internal settings.
processing error. (O)
Acquire all the Management log files,
and then inform maintenance
personnel. For a list of the
Management log files, see online Help.
Supplementary note:
This message is sometimes output
when there is a problem with a file
system or an LU. Check the status of
the file system or LU, check for any
SNMP notification messages or email
notifications, and if there is a problem,
take action according to the
instructions in online Help.

KAQM04120-E No license is set to allow A license required for processing is not

creation of a WORM file available.
system. (O)
Please set a license.

KAQM04122-E An error was found in the The minimum retention period is more
correlation among the than the maximum retention period, or
minimum, default, and the default retention period is less than
maximum retention periods the minimum retention period, or the
on the WORM file system. default retention period is more than
the maximum retention period.
Specify a correct retention period, and
then try again.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-35

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM04123-E The auto commit function has The auto commit function has already
already been enabled in the been enabled in the specified file
specified file system. system.
Specify a valid option, and then retry
the operation.

KAQM04126-E An internal error occurred. A problem may exist in the internal

Acquire all the log files, and then
inform maintenance personnel. For a
list of the log files, see online Help.

KAQM04134-E The specified capacity The value specified for the file system
exceeds the volume group's capacity exceeds the volume group's
unused capacity. unused capacity.
Check the volume group's unused
capacity, and then specify a file system
capacity that is less than or equal to
that unused capacity.

KAQM04135-I Settings for share quota will Settings for share quota will now be
now be configured. (file configured.
system name = file-system- (O)
name, directory = directory)
No action is required.

KAQM04136-I Settings for share quota will Settings for share quota will now be
now be removed. (file system removed.
name = file-system-name, (O)
directory = directory)
No action is required.

KAQM04137-I Execution of the share quota Execution of the share quota function
function ended successfully. ended successfully.
(file system name = file- (O)
system-name, directory =
directory) No action is required.

KAQM04138-E Execution of the share quota Execution of the share quota function
function ended abnormally. ended abnormally.
(file system name = file- (O)
system-name, directory =
directory) Follow the instructions in the
KAQM04139-I message in the
Management log file (management.log)
to resolve the problem.

KAQM04139-I The detailed message of the (O)

KAQM04138-E message (file Follow the instructions in the detailed
system name = file-system- message to resolve the problem.
name, directory = directory)
is as follows: detailed-

5-36 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM04140-E Execution of the share quota Another operation might have been
function failed. (file system executed while the share quota
name = file-system-name, function was executing.
directory = directory) (O)
If this error occurs during the
configuration of share quota settings,
use the stquotaset command to
remove the subtree quota settings and
recover the status. If this error occurs
during the removal of share quota
settings, use the stquotaset
command to configure the subtree
quota settings and recover the status.
After recovering the status, retry the
operation, if necessary.

KAQM04146-W One or more file system One or more file system settings could
settings have been reset to not be restored because the file
their default values. (file system was not mounted when the
system name =file-system- system settings information was
name) saved. The settings that could not be
restored have been reset to their
default values.
Check the file system settings, and re-
specify any settings that you want.

KAQM04150-E An attempt to restore a file An attempt to restore a file system

system failed. (file system failed.
name = file-system-name) (O)
Delete the file system. Eliminate the
cause of the error output to the
Management log file
(management.log), and then re-create
the file system.

KAQM04151-I The detailed message of the (O)

KAQM04150-E message (file Follow the instructions in the detailed
system name = file-system- message to resolve the problem.
name) is as follows: detailed-

KAQM04152-E A value that is less than or A value that is less than or equal to
equal to the current capacity the current capacity was specified.
was specified for the capacity (O)
of the expanded file system.
Check the file system capacity. For the
capacity of the expanded file system,
specify a value that is greater than the
current capacity, and then retry the

KAQM04153-E The operation cannot be The operation cannot be performed

performed because the because the specified file system is
specified file system is used used by the system.
by the system. (O)

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-37

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Check the file system, and then retry
the operation.

KAQM04154-E The operation cannot be The operation cannot be performed

performed because the because the specified file system is
specified file system is used used by a user.
by a user. (O)
Check the file system, and then retry
the operation.

KAQM04156-E The operation cannot be The operation cannot be performed

performed because the virtual because the virtual LU is not used by
LU is not used by the the specified file system.
specified file system. (O)
Make sure that the virtual LU is used
by the file system, and then retry. If
this error occurs repeatedly, acquire all
log files and contact maintenance
personnel. See the help file for a list of
all log files.

KAQM04157-E Unused space on the virtual A problem might exist with the
LU failed to be freed up. The processing that frees up unused space
resource group status might on virtual LUs, or the resource group
have changed. status might have changed during
Check the resource group status. If no
problems exist with the status, acquire
all the log files, and then contact
maintenance personnel. See online
Help for a list of all the log files.
Supplementary note:
This message is sometimes output
when there is a problem with a file
system or an LU. Check the status of
the file system or LU, check for any
SNMP notification messages or email
notifications, and if there is a problem,
take action according to the
instructions in online Help.

KAQM04158-I Processing to release the Processing to release the unused area

unused area of a virtual LU of a virtual LU for the differential-data
for the differential-data storage device has started.
storage device has started. (O)
No action is required.

KAQM04159-I Processing to release the Processing to release the unused area

unused area of a virtual LU of a virtual LU for the differential-data
for the differential-data storage device has finished.
storage device has finished. (O)
No action is required.

5-38 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM04160-I Processing to release the Processing to release the unused area

unused area of a virtual LU of a virtual LU for the file system has
for the file system has started.
started. (O)
No action is required.

KAQM04161-I Processing to release the Processing to release the unused area

unused area of a virtual LU of a virtual LU for the file system has
for the file system has finished.
finished. (O)
No action is required.

KAQM04162-E The operation cannot be The operation cannot be performed

performed because processing because processing is in progress to
is in progress to release the release the unused area of a virtual LU
unused area of a virtual LU for the specified file system.
for the specified file system. (O)
Make sure that processing to release
the unused area of a virtual LU has
finished, and then retry. If this error
occurs repeatedly, acquire all log files
and contact maintenance personnel.
See the help file for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM04163-E An error occurred in There might be contention with an

processing to release the operation of the file snapshot
unused area of a virtual area functionality for the specified file
for the differential-data system, or an internal error might
storage device. There might have occurred.
be contention with an (O)
operation of the file snapshot
functionality, or an internal Check the status of the differential-
error might have occurred. data storage device, and then take
appropriate action depending on the
status. If no problems exist with the
status, make sure that processing to
set up or release the differential-data
storage device has finished, and then
retry. If this error occurs repeatedly,
acquire all the log data and contact
maintenance personnel. See the help
file for a list of all the log data.
Supplementary note:
This message is sometimes output
when there is a problem with a file
system or an LU. Check the status of
the file system or LU, check for any
SNMP notification messages or email
notifications, and if there is a problem,
take action according to the
instructions in online Help.

KAQM04164-E The specified file system has The specified file system has been
been mounted as read-only. mounted as read-only.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-39

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Mount the file system as read-write, or
specify a valid file system name, and
then retry the operation.

KAQM04165-E "Period to hold" cannot be set "Period to hold" cannot be set because
because the specified file the specified file system does not use
system does not use file file version restore.
version restore. (O)
Specify "--versioning use" or specify a
file system that uses file version
restore, and then retry the operation.

KAQM04166-E File version restore cannot be File version restore cannot be used if
used if content sharing is set content sharing is set to On.
to On (the namespace access (O)
type is set to read-only).
Specify a file system for which content
sharing is not set to On, and then retry
the operation.

KAQM04167-Q All of the past version This confirmation message is output

directories and "Period to before the setting for file version
hold" settings will be deleted restore is changed to "Do not use."
if "Versioning" is set to (O)
"do_not_use". Are you sure
you want to change the Enter y or n.
settings? (y/n)

KAQM04169-E The setting cannot be Content sharing of the specified file

changed because content system is not set to On.
sharing is not set to On (the (O)
namespace access type is not
set to read-only). Specify a valid file system, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM04170-E The differential-data storage The differential-data storage device of

device of a tiered file system a tiered file system cannot be
cannot be expanded by this expanded by this command.
command. (O)
Use the syncexpand command to
expand the differential-data storage

KAQM04171-E No license is set to allow No license is set to allow linkage with

linkage with an HCP system. an HCP system.
Please set a license.

KAQM04172-E The file version restore could An attempt to delete the past version
not be disabled because the directory failed due to the cause shown
deletion of the past version in the reason.
directory failed. (reason = (O)
{no such directory|insufficient
memory|an I/O error|no disk See the KAQM37225-E message
space|currently being related to the failed directory in the
accessed|some other error}) Management log file
(management.log). If there is

5-40 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
insufficient memory, wait a while, and
then retry the operation. If there is
insufficient disk space, expand the file
system, and then retry the operation.
If the directory is currently being
accessed, ask the client to stop
accessing the failed directory. In all
other cases, acquire all the log data,
and then contact maintenance

KAQM04173-E A tiered file system cannot be The first 14 characters of a file system
created because an existing name for a tiered file system must be
file system has the same first unique.
14 characters of the specified (O)
file system name.
Specify a file system name whose first
14 characters are unique, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM04174-E An operation for tier Tier-level An operation on the tiered file system
on the specified file system failed because the error described in
has failed. (detailed message "detailed message" occurred.
= detailed-message ) (O)
Follow the instructions in "detailed
message" to resolve the problem.

KAQM04175-E A tier cannot be added to the For the specified file system, one of
specified file system because the following is true:
it has a setting that prevents (1) Striping is enabled.
(2) The function for linking with the
HCP system is set up.
(3) HFRR is set up.
(4) The file system is set as the import
destination of another file server.
(5) 64-bit inodes are supported.
For the specified file system, if one of
the following is true, revise the file
system settings, and then try the
operation again:
(1) The function for linking with the
HCP system is set up, but the setting
to synchronize the data with another
site is not set up.
(2) HFRR is set up.
(3) The file system is set as the import
destination of another file server.
If one of the following is true, a layer
cannot be added:
(1) Striping is enabled.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-41

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
(2) The file system is configured to
share data with another site via the
linked HCP system.
(3) 64-bit inodes are supported.

KAQM04176-E Acquisition of file system The status of the file system,

information or differential- differential-data storage device, or the
data storage device cluster Management LU is not normal,
information has failed. or a problem might exist in the internal
Make sure that the statuses of the file
system, differential-data storage
device, and the cluster Management
LU are normal, and then retry the
operation. If this error occurs
repeatedly, acquire all the log data and
contact maintenance personnel. For
details on how to acquire all the log
data, see the online Help.

KAQM04177-I Processing to release the Processing to release the unused area

unused area of a virtual LU of a virtual LU for a differential-data
for a differential-data storage storage device of the tier has started.
device of the tier Tier-level (O)
has started.
No action is required.

KAQM04178-I Processing to release the Processing to release the unused area

unused area of a virtual LU of a virtual LU for a differential-data
for a differential-data storage storage device of the tier has finished.
device of the tier Tier-level (O)
has finished.
No action is required.

KAQM04179-I Processing to release the Processing to release the unused area

unused area of a virtual LU of a virtual LU for a tier on a tiered file
for the tier Tier-level has system has started.
started. (O)
No action is required.

KAQM04180-I Processing to release the Processing to release the unused area

unused area of a virtual LU of a virtual LU for a tier on a tiered file
for the tier Tier-level has system has finished.
finished. (O)
No action is required.

KAQM04181-E Acquisition of volume group An error was detected during access to

information failed. an LU in the volume group. There
might be a problem in the LU or in the
connection to the storage system.
Recover from the error in the volume
group, and then retry the operation. If
this error recurs, acquire all the
Management log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel. For a

5-42 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
list of the Management log files, see
the online Help file.

KAQM04182-E A differential-data storage To add a tier to a file system for which

device for tier Tier-level is not the file snapshot functionality is set, a
specified. differential-data storage device must
be specified for the tier to be added.
Specify a differential-data storage
device, and then retry the operation.

KAQM04183-E A differential-data storage The file snapshot functionality is not

device for tier Tier-level set for the specified file system.
cannot be added to the (O)
specified file system because
the file snapshot functionality Retry the operation without specifying
is not set for that file system. a differential-data storage device.

KAQM04184-E The specified file system The specified file system cannot be
cannot be separated because separated because it is a tiered file
it is a tiered file system. system.
Specify a file system with no tier, and
then retry the operation.

KAQM04185-E File version restoration cannot File version restoration cannot be

be enabled because the enabled because the specified file
specified file system is a system is a tiered file system.
tiered file system. (O)
Specify a file system with no tier, and
then retry the operation.

KAQM04186-E Setup of a file system tier has An error might have occurred on the
failed. (file system name = file system, or there might be a
file-system-name) problem in internal processing.
In [List of File Systems], check the
statuses of the file systems. If an error
occurred, resolve the problem
according to the status, and then try
again. If none of the statuses indicate
a problem, and you cannot identify the
cause of the problem, acquire all the
log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel. For details on
how to acquire all the log data, see the
online Help.

KAQM04187-E No license is set to allow A license required for processing is

creation of a tiered file invalid.
system. (O)
Please set a license.

KAQM04188-E The file system could not be Creation of the tier policy failed due to
created or expanded because the error shown in the detailed
creation of the tier policy message.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-43

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
failed. (detailed message = (O)
detailed-message ) Take action according to the
instructions in the detailed message.
KAQM04189-E The file system could not be The deletion of a policy failed due to
deleted or separated from the the error shown in the detailed
node because a policy failed message.
to be deleted. (detailed (O)
message = detailed-
message ) Take action according to the
instructions in the detailed message.

KAQM04190-E A tier cannot be added to the A tier cannot be added to the specified
specified file system because file system because a past version
a past version directory directory exists.
exists. (O)
Change the "Versioning" settings to
"do_not_use", and then retry the

KAQM04191-E The file version restore could An attempt to delete the past version
not be disabled because the directory failed due to the cause shown
deletion of the past version in the reason.
directory failed. (reason = (O)
{no such directory|insufficient
memory|an I/O error|no disk If there is insufficient memory, wait a
space|currently being while, and then retry the operation. If
accessed|some other error}) there is insufficient disk space, expand
the file system, and then retry the
operation. If the directory is currently
being accessed, ask the client to stop
accessing the failed directory. In all
other cases, acquire all the log data,
and then contact maintenance

KAQM04193-E The specified expansion The specified expansion capacity

capacity exceeds the exceeds the maximum expansion size
maximum expansion size of of the file system.
the file system. (O)
Specify an expansion capacity so that
the capacity of the file system after
expansion is less than or equal to the
maximum expansion size. For details
on file system capacity, see online

KAQM04194-E Both the "--versioning The "--period-to-hold" option can

do_not_use" option and the only be used when the "--versioning"
"--period-to-hold" option option is set to "use".
were specified. (O)
Set the "--versioning" option to
"use" in order to use the "--period-
to-hold" option.

5-44 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM04195-E "Period to hold" could not be An attempt to delete the past version
changed because an attempt directory failed due to the cause shown
to delete a past version in the reason.
directory that exceeded its (O)
"Period to hold" failed.
(reason = {no such directory| See the KAQM37225-E message
insufficient memory|an I/O related to the failed directory in the
error|no disk space|currently Management log file
being accessed|some other (management.log). If there is
error}) insufficient memory, wait a while, and
then retry the operation. If there is
insufficient disk space, expand the file
system, and then retry the operation.
If the directory is currently being
accessed, ask the client to stop
accessing the failed directory. In all
other cases, acquire all the log data,
and then contact maintenance

KAQM04196-E "Period to hold" could not be An attempt to delete the past version
changed because an attempt directory failed due to the cause shown
to delete a past version in the reason.
directory that exceeded its (O)
"Period to hold" failed.
(reason = {no such directory| If there is insufficient memory, wait a
insufficient memory|an I/O while, and then retry the operation. If
error|no disk space|currently there is insufficient disk space, expand
being accessed|some other the file system, and then retry the
error}) operation. If the directory is currently
being accessed, ask the client to stop
accessing the failed directory. In all
other cases, acquire all the log data,
and then contact maintenance

KAQM04197-E The specified option can be The specified option can be specified
specified for only tiered file for tiered file systems only.
systems. (option =Option- (O)
Check the settings for the file system,
and then re-execute the command.

KAQM04198-Q Split files are not subject to This confirmation message is output
single instancing. Are you before a file is split.
sure you want to split the file? (O)
Enter y or n.

KAQM04199-E The specified file does not The specified file does not exist, or a
exist, or a directory was directory was specified.
specified. (path = path) (O)
Check the specified path, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM04200-E The file system capacity is This operation cannot be performed

insufficient. because the file system capacity is

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-45

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Delete unnecessary data on the file
system or increase the file system
capacity, and then retry the operation.

KAQM04201-E An I/O error occurred. An error might have occurred on the

file system, or there might be a
problem in internal processing.
In [List of File Systems], check the
statuses of the file systems. If an error
occurred, take action appropriate to
the status, and then try again. If none
of the statuses indicate a problem, and
you cannot identify the cause of the
problem, acquire all the log data, and
then contact maintenance personnel.
For details on how to acquire all the
log data, see the online Help.

KAQM04202-E Single instancing cannot be One of the following is true:

enabled for the specified file (1) The file system is set as the import
system. destination of another file server.
(2) The file system is configured to
view the data of another site as read-
only data via the HCP system.
(3) The file system is configured to
share data with other sites by using
the read-write-content-sharing
Check the file system settings, and
then retry the operation.

KAQM04203-E The specified file is now being This operation cannot be performed
accessed. (file path = file- because the specified file is now being
path) accessed.
Wait a while, and then retry the

KAQM04204-E Memory is insufficient. Memory allocation failed.

Wait a while, and then retry the
operation. If the error persists, acquire
all the log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM04205-I Processing to reorganize the Processing to reorganize the inode

inode area will now start. (file area will now start.
system name = file-system- (O)
No action is required.

KAQM04206-E The file system was not Processing cannot be performed

mounted with read and write because the file system was not
permissions enabled. (file

5-46 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
system name = file-system- mounted with read and write
name) permissions enabled.
Mount the file system with read and
write permissions enabled, and then
retry the operation.
KAQM04208-E The operation cannot be This operation cannot be performed on
performed because the file file snapshot functionality differential-
snapshot functionality is being data snapshots.
used. (file system name = (O)
From the list of file systems, check the
file system name, and then retry the

KAQM04209-E The operation cannot be This operation cannot be performed on

performed because the HFRR an HFRR differential-data snapshot.
functionality is being used. (O)
(file system name = file-
system-name) From the list of file systems, check the
file system name, and then retry the

KAQM04210-E The file system is blocked. The file system or a device file used by
(file system name = file- the file system is blocked.
system-name) (O)
Follow the troubleshooting instructions
in online Help to check the file system
and device file errors from the list of
file systems, and then contact
maintenance personnel to resolve the

KAQM04211-E The file system is being The operation cannot be performed

blocked because there is not because either the file system is being
enough space on the blocked because there is not enough
differential-data storage space on the differential-data storage
device, or there might be a device, or there might be a problem
problem with the differential- with the differential-data storage
data storage device. (file device.
system name = file-system- (O)
Check the status of the file system and
differential-data storage device, and
then take appropriate action depending
on the status.

KAQM04213-E Reorganization of the inode The file system was unmounted while
area failed. (file system name the inode area was being reorganized,
= file-system-name) or a failure might have occurred.
Check the status of the file system
from the list of file systems. If the file
system is in the mount status, retry
the operation. If a failure occurred,
take action appropriate to the status,
and then retry the operation. If there

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-47

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
is no problem with the status, acquire
all the log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel. For details on
how to acquire all the log data, see
online Help.

KAQM04214-E The inode area cannot be The inode area cannot be reorganized
reorganized because the total for file systems whose total capacity is
capacity of the file system is less than 1 TB.
less than 1 TB. (file system (O)
name = file-system-name)
Check the total capacity of the file
system, and then retry the operation.

KAQM04215-E The inode area is already The inode area is already being
being reorganized. reorganized for the specified file
Specify a valid file system, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM04216-I Reorganization of the inode Reorganization of the inode area

area finished. (file system finished.
name = file-system-name) (O)
No action is required.

KAQM04217-E A tier could not be added to The cancellation of a file analysis policy
the specified file system failed due to the error shown in the
because the cancellation of a detailed message.
file analysis policy failed. (O)
(detailed message = detailed-
message ) Take action according to the
instructions in the detailed message.

KAQM04218-E Acquisition of the file status A failover occurred or the resource

failed. group stopped.
Check the status of the resource
group, and then retry the operation.

KAQM04219-E This operation cannot be This operation cannot be performed

performed because the file because the file system was created on
system was created on a a system that was earlier than version
system that was earlier than 3.2.0-00.
version 3.2.0-00. (O)
Specify a file system that was created
on a system that was version 3.2.0-00
or later, and then retry the operation.

KAQM04220-E The file system could not be Creation of the single instancing policy
created because creation of failed because of the error shown in
the single instancing policy the detailed message.
failed. (detailed message = (O)
Read the detailed message, and take
appropriate action.

5-48 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM04221-E Creation of the single Creation of the single instancing policy

instancing policy failed. failed because of the error shown in
(detailed message = detailed- the detailed message.
message) (O)
Read the detailed message, take
appropriate action, and create a single
instancing policy from the GUI.

KAQM04224-E Restoration of the file systems Restoration of the file systems failed
failed because the volume because the volume group does not
group does not have enough have enough unused capacity to create
unused capacity to create them.
them. When the settings were (O)
saved, the number of file
systems was number-of-file- Increase the capacity of the LU,
systems-when-the-settings- perform a new installation of OS, and
were-saved and the total then retry the operation.
capacity of the file systems
was total-capacity-of-the-file-
were-saved GB.

KAQM04225-I The file systems were created The file systems were created with a
with a smaller capacity smaller capacity because the unused
because the unused capacity capacity on the volume group was less
on the volume group was less than the total capacity of the file
than the total capacity of the systems when the settings were saved.
file systems when the settings (O)
were saved. When the
settings were saved, the total Check the reserved space, warning
capacity of the file systems threshold, and stub threshold values
was total-capacity-of-the-file- specified in each file system.
were-saved GB. The total
capacity of the created file
systems is total-capacity-of-
the-created-file-systems GB.
Check the reserved space,
warning threshold, and stub
threshold values specified in
each file system.

KAQM04226-Q Newly added LUs were This confirmation message is output

detected. When automatic when newly added LUs are detected.
assignment processing is (O)
performed, volume groups are
automatically created and Enter y or n.
expanded according to the
storage systems the LUs are
in, the drive types, and the
pools. When automatic
assignment processing is not
performed, you must
manually create and expand
the volume groups. Are you
sure you want to perform

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-49

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
automatic assignment
processing? (y/n)

KAQM04227-Q LUs with different drive types This confirmation message is output
or pools are mixed together. when LUs with different drive types or
If you perform this operation, pools are mixed together as a result of
automatic assignment a volume group being created or
processing will not be expanded.
performed on the specified (O)
volume group. Are you sure
you want to perform this Enter y or n.
operation? (y/n)

KAQM04228-Q A volume group already exists This confirmation message is output

that contains an LU in the when a volume group already exists
same storage system and that contains an LU in the same
with the same drive type and storage system and with the same
pool as the specified LU. If drive type and pool as the specified
you perform this operation, LU.
automatic assignment (O)
processing will not be
performed for the specified Enter y or n.
volume group or any other
volume groups with the same
storage system, drive type,
and pool. Are you sure you
want to perform this
operation? (y/n)

KAQM04229-W The LU (LU-name) is being The LU is being used by another

used by another volume volume group.
group. (O)
Specify a LU that is not already
allocated to a volume group.

KAQM04230-W The LU (LU-name) was not A volume group already exists that
assigned to the volume group contains an LU in the same storage
because a volume group system and with the same drive type
already exists that contains and pool as the specified LU.
an LU in the same storage (O)
system and with the same
drive type and pool as the Specify a volume group name, and
specified LU. then create a volume group.

KAQM04231-W The LU (LU-name) was not No volume groups exist that contain an
assigned to the volume group LU in the same storage system and
because no volume groups with the same drive type and pool as
exist that contain an LU in the the specified LU.
same storage system and (O)
with the same drive type and
pool as the specified LU. Specify a volume group name, and
then expand a volume group.

KAQM04232-W The LU (LU-name) was not Multiple volume groups exist that
assigned to the volume group contain an LU in the same storage
because multiple volume system and with the same drive type
groups exist that contain an and pool as the specified LU.
LU in the same storage (O)
system and with the same

5-50 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
drive type and pool as the Specify a volume group name, and
specified LU. then expand a volume group.

KAQM04233-E The volume group cannot be The resource group or virtual server is
created or expanded because not running properly.
the resource group or virtual (O)
server is not running properly.
Check the cluster, node, and resource
group or virtual server status, and
then retry the operation.

KAQM04234-E The volume group cannot be The volume group cannot be deleted
deleted because a file system because a file system exists.
exists. (O)
Delete the file system, and then retry
the operation.

KAQM04235-E The specified volume group The same volume group name already
name (volume-group-name) exists.
already exists. (O)
Enter a different volume group name.

KAQM04236-E The volume group contains The volume group contains one or
one or more invalid file more invalid file systems or
systems or differential-data differential-data storage devices.
storage devices. (O)
Delete any invalid file systems and
differential-data storage devices, and
then retry the operation.

KAQM04237-E The specified volume group The specified volume group does not
does not exist on an active exist on an active node or virtual
node or virtual server. server.
From the list of volume groups, check
the volume group name, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM04238-E Recovery of the volume group Recovery of the volume group failed.
failed. (O)
Confirm the status of the FC paths,
and then confirm that there are no
problems with the connection to the
storage system. If there are no such
problems, retry the operation. If this
error occurs repeatedly, acquire all the
Management log files and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM04239-E The specified LU is already The specified LU cannot be used

assigned to a volume group. because it is already assigned to a
volume group.
Specify a different LU, and then retry
the operation.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-51

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM04240-E Creation of a volume group to Creation of a volume group failed.

assign the LU (LU-name) to (O)
Read the subsequent messages and
take appropriate action.

KAQM04241-E Assignment to the volume Expansion of the volume group failed.

group (volume-group-name) (O)
that already contains the LU
(LU-name) failed. Read the subsequent messages and
take appropriate action.

KAQM04242-E This operation cannot be A volume group has not been created.
performed because a volume (O)
group has not been created.
Create a volume group, and then retry
the operation.

KAQM04243-E This operation cannot be This operation cannot be performed

performed because multiple because multiple volume groups exist.
volume groups exist. (O)
Execute the vgrlist command to
check the capacity of the volume
groups. Specify a volume group name
to create a file system.

KAQM04244-Q Are you sure you want to This confirmation message is output
delete the specified volume before a volume group is deleted.
group? (y/n) (O)
Enter y or n.

KAQM04245-Q Are you sure you want to This confirmation message is output
recover the specified volume before a volume group is recovered.
group? (y/n) (O)
Enter y or n.

KAQM04246-E An error occurred with all the An error occurred with the LUs in the
LUs in the volume group. volume group.
Follow the troubleshooting section in
Help to check the LU error information,
and then contact maintenance
personnel to recover from the error.

KAQM04247-E Restoration of a volume group Restoration of a volume group failed.

(volume-group-name) failed. (O)

Remove the cause of the error

message output to the Management
log file (management.log), perform a
new installation of the OS, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM04248-I KAQM04247-E message (O)

(volume group name = Follow the instructions in the detailed
volume-group-name) detailed message to resolve the problem.
message: detailed-message

5-52 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM04249-W An error occurred in the LU An error occurred in the LU.

(LU-name). (O)
Recover the LU from the problem, and
then retry the operation. If the
problem persists, acquire all the
Management log files and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM04250-W The LU (LU-name) cannot be An error occurred with an LU in the

assigned to the volume group volume group.
(volume-group-name) (O)
because an error occurred
with an LU in the volume Recover the LU from the problem, and
group. then retry the operation. If the
problem persists, acquire all the
Management log files and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM04251-E The volume group was neither The volume group was neither created
created nor expanded. nor expanded.
Follow the instructions in the warning
message output to the Management
log file (management.log) to resolve
the problem.

KAQM04252-E The --ddev option cannot be The file snapshot functionality is not
specified because the file enabled for the specified file system.
snapshot functionality is not (O)
enabled for the specified file
system. Retry the operation without the --ddev
option, or specify a file system for
which the file snapshot functionality is
enabled, and then retry the operation.

KAQM04253-E An error occurred with one or An error occurred with one or more
more LUs in the specified LUs in the specified volume group.
volume group. (O)
Recover the LU from the problem, and
then retry the operation. If the
problem persists, acquire all the
Management log files and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM04254-E A volume group operation An error might have occurred in an LU

failed. in the volume group, or the
information of the volume group in
which the error occurred might still be
on the LU.
Check the LU status, and then after
rebooting OS, try again. If this error
recurs, acquire all the Management log
files, and then contact maintenance

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-53

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM04255-E The specified LU is not The specified LU is not assigned to the

assigned to the specified specified volume group.
volume group. (O)
Specify an LU that is assigned to the
specified volume group.

KAQM04256-W The LU (LU-name) is being The LU is being used by another

used by another volume volume group.
group. (O)
Check the volume group status.

KAQM04257-E The specified file system size The specified file system size exceeds
exceeds the maximum the maximum capacity.
capacity. (O)
Specify a size less than or equal to the
maximum capacity. For details about
file system capacity, see Help.

KAQM04258-E File system creation failed. One or more LUs in the volume group
One or more LUs in the might be blocked, or a problem might
volume group might be exist with internal processing.
blocked. (O)
Recover the LU from the problem, and
then retry the operation. If the
problem cannot be resolved, acquire all
the log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM04259-E File system expansion failed. One or more LUs in the volume group
One or more LUs in the might be blocked, or a problem might
volume group might be exist with internal processing.
blocked. (O)
Recover the LU from the problem, and
then retry the operation. If the
problem cannot be resolved, acquire all
the log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM04260-E Mounting of a file system One or more LUs in the volume group
failed. One or more LUs in the might be blocked, or a problem might
volume group might be exist with internal processing.
blocked. (O)
Recover the LU from the problem, and
then retry the operation. If the
problem cannot be resolved, acquire all
the log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM04261-E Changing of the file system One or more LUs in the volume group
settings failed. One or more might be blocked, or a problem might
LUs in the volume group exist with internal processing.
might be blocked. (O)
Recover the LU from the problem, and
then retry the operation. If the

5-54 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
problem cannot be resolved, acquire all
the log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM04262-E The WORM functionality and The WORM functionality and the home-
the home-directory-roaming directory-roaming functionality cannot
functionality cannot be used be used at the same time.
at the same time. (O)
Check the combination of options, and
then retry the operation.

KAQM04263-E The single-instancing The single-instancing functionality and

functionality and the home- the home-directory-roaming
directory-roaming functionality cannot be used at the
functionality cannot be used same time.
at the same time. (O)
Check the combination of options, and
then retry the operation.

KAQM04264-E The single-instancing The single-instancing functionality

functionality cannot be used cannot be used for the specified file
for the specified file system system because the home-directory-
because the home-directory- roaming functionality is already
roaming functionality is enabled for the file system.
already enabled for the file (O)
Check the file system settings, and
then retry the operation.

KAQM04265-E The specified namespace Another file system in the system is

cannot be set because using the specified namespace.
another file system in the (O)
system is using it.
Check the namespace to be used, and
then retry the operation.

KAQM04266-E The file system could not be Creation of the migrate policy failed
created because creation of because of the error shown in the
the migrate policy failed. detailed message.
(detailed message = detailed- (O)
Read the detailed message, and take
appropriate action.

KAQM04267-E A file system could not be Confirmation of the connection to the

created, because information HCP namespace failed because
about the HCP system being information about the HCP system
connected to is not set. being connected to is not set.
Set the information about the HCP
system being connected to, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM04268-E The CIFS bypass traverse The CIFS bypass traverse checking
checking functionality and the functionality and the home directory
home directory roaming roaming functionality cannot be used
functionality cannot be used at the same time.
at the same time. (O)

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-55

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Check the combination of options, and
then retry the operation.

KAQM04269-E The specified file system The specified file system cannot use
cannot use the CIFS bypass the CIFS bypass traverse checking
traverse checking functionality because the file system
functionality because the file uses home directory roaming.
system uses home directory (O)
Check the file system settings, and
then retry the operation.

KAQM04270-I The CIFS bypass traverse The CIFS bypass traverse checking
checking functionality was set functionality cannot be used in a file
to not be used because the system that uses home directory
specified file system uses roaming.
home directory roaming. (O)
No action is required.

KAQM04273-E The total of the following The total of the following exceeds the
exceeds the maximum: the maximum: the number of device files
number of device files used in used in the file system, and the
the file system, and the number of specified device files.
number of specified device (O)
Check the number of device files used
in the file system and the number of
specified device files. If the file system
is used for the file snapshot
functionality, also check the number of
the device files that make up the
differential-data storage device. For
details on the maximum number of
device files that make up the file
system, see Help.

KAQM04274-E The settings used for The settings used for namespace
namespace access cannot be access cannot be changed because the
changed because the specified specified file system is connected to an
file system is connected to an HCP system on a per-share basis.
HCP system on a per-share (O)
Check the namespace type of the file
system. If the file system is connected
to the HCP system on a per-share
basis, change the settings used for
namespace access for each share.

KAQM04275-E Failed to delete the file Failed to update the system file
system linked to HCP on a because a communication error might
per-share basis. have occurred.
Make sure that the OS in the cluster
has not stopped, and make sure that
no network errors have occurred. If
you cannot resolve the problem,
acquire all the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

5-56 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM04276-E A host name or IP address for A host name or IP address for

connecting to a replica HCP connecting to a replica HCP that has
that has been made external been made external cannot be set,
cannot be set, because no because no host name is set for the
host name is set for the replica HCP.
replica HCP. (O)
To set a host name or IP address for
connecting to a replica HCP that has
been made external, set a host name
for the replica HCP.

KAQM04277-E The host name set for the The host name set for the replica HCP
replica HCP cannot be cannot be deleted, because a host
deleted, because a host name name or IP address for connecting to a
or IP address for connecting replica HCP that has been made
to a replica HCP that has been external is set.
made external is set. (O)
To delete the host name set for a
replica HCP, you must also delete the
host name or IP address for connecting
to the replica HCP that has been made

KAQM04278-E The custom schedule of the The specified file system has not been
file version restore function made available to the clients of past
cannot be used because the versions of the files migrated to HCP.
specified file system has not (O)
made the past versions of the
files migrated to the HCP To use the custom schedule of the file
system available to the version restore function, configure the
clients. settings so that the past versions of
the files migrated to the HCP system
are made available to the clients.

KAQM04280-I Past version directories might The retention period of past version
not be retained as per the directories is shorter than the value
custom schedule settings, recommended for when custom
because the retention period scheduling is enabled.
of past version directories is (O)
shorter than the value
recommended for when Review the retention period of past
custom scheduling is enabled. version directories and the custom
scheduling of the file version restore
function, and then make sure that the
retention period of past versions is
longer than the value recommended
for when custom scheduling is enabled.
For information on the recommended
values for the retention period of past
version directories, see Help.

KAQM04281-E The custom schedule of the The custom schedule of the file version
file version restore function restore function cannot be set because
cannot be set because there there is no valid schedule.
is no valid schedule. (O)

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-57

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
To set the custom schedule of the file
version restore function, specify one or
more valid schedules.

KAQM04282-E A file system cannot be The WORM functionality and the read-
created, because functions write-content-sharing functionality
that cannot be set at the cannot be used at the same time.
same time are specified. (O)
Check the file system settings, and
then retry the operation.

KAQM04283-E Failed to restore the specified An attempt to restore the specified

reserved space in the file reserved space in the file system
system. When the settings failed.
were saved, the file system (O)
name was file system name
when the settings were Check the reserved space specified in
saved, and the reserved the file system.
space was reserved space
when the settings were

KAQM05 messages
This section explains messages that have a message ID beginning with
KAQM05, and the actions to be taken if such messages appear.

Table 5-3 KAQM05 messages

Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM05001-E A syntax error exists in the The specified data syntax is incorrect.
entered item-name. (O)
Specify using alphanumeric characters,
periods (.), hyphens (-), or
underscores (_), or in IP address

KAQM05002-E A syntax error exists in the The specified data syntax is incorrect.
entered item-name. (O)
Specify this in IP address format.

KAQM05004-E A syntax error exists in the The specified data syntax is incorrect.
entered NIS domain. (O)
Specify with alphanumeric characters,
periods (.), hyphens (-), underscores
(_), plus signs (+), equal signs (=), left
brackets ([), right brackets (]), left
braces ({), right braces (}), percent
signs (%), at marks (@), or colons (:).

5-58 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM05006-E A syntax error exists in the The specified data syntax is incorrect.
entered MSS. (O)
Specify within the numeric range of 64
to 65536.

KAQM05007-E The specified time-zone The specified time-zone is disabled.

information does not exist. (O)
Specify a time-zone in the list.

KAQM05009-E Specify at least one item- No value is specified for this item.
name. (O)
Specify a value for the item.

KAQM05010-E An internal error occurred. A problem may exist in the internal

Acquire all the Management log files,
and then inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM05018-E The specified host name A host name that cannot be resolved
(host-name) cannot be was specified.
resolved. (O)
Specify a host name that can be
resolved or an IP address.

KAQM05019-E The specified gateway is not The specified gateway is outside this
in the network. network.
Specify a gateway in this network.

KAQM05025-E Processing cannot be A cluster configuration is not defined.

performed because a cluster (O)
configuration is not defined.
Define the cluster configuration.

KAQM05026-E The cluster, resource group, The resource group or virtual server is
or virtual server has not not in the Offline state, or the cluster
stopped. is not in the INACTIVE state.
Make sure that the resource group and
virtual server are in the Offline state
and that the cluster and node are in
the INACTIVE state, and then retry the

KAQM05027-E The number of virtual IP The operation cannot be executed

addresses (service IP because the number of virtual IP
addresses) has reached the addresses has reached the maximum.
maximum. (O)
Delete unnecessary virtual IP
addresses, and then retry execution.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-59

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM05028-E The specified routing entry The specified settings are the same as
already exists. existing routing settings or the system
routing settings, or an attempt was
made to register default routing
settings more than once.
Make sure that the routing settings
you are attempting to add do not
already exist, and that the routing
settings on the nodes in the cluster are
the same. Use the routelist -l
command to check the system routing
settings. If the routing settings already
exist, specify different settings. If the
routing settings on the nodes in the
cluster are not the same, delete the
settings, and then specify new

KAQM05029-E An attempt to set routing An error occurred during execution of

information failed. the route command, or an unexpected
error occurred while the routing
information was being set.
Check the entered data, and re-enter
valid data. Also make sure that the
node in the cluster has not stopped,
and check for network errors. Acquire
all the Management log files if there is
no problem, and inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM05030-E In the cluster, nodes that A problem exists in the communication

cannot synchronize exist. processing between nodes.
Check whether the interface settings or
routing settings have affected the
network settings of the management
LAN, make sure that the node in the
cluster has not stopped, and check for
network errors. Also, the
synchronization processing might not
have completed because one of the
nodes is heavily loaded. In this case,
make sure that the state of the node
changes to normal (that is, not heavily
loaded), and then retry execution. If
the error occurs again, a problem
might exist in the connection with the
NIS server, DNS server, or LDAP
server. Release the settings of each
server temporarily, and then retry
execution. If the error still occurs,
inform maintenance personnel.

5-60 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM05032-E The entry for the VLAN ID is The entered value is invalid.
invalid. (O)
Specify a number from 1 to 4094.

KAQM05033-E The entry for the MTU is The entered value is invalid.
invalid. (O)
Specify a valid MTU according to the

KAQM05034-E The specified IP address The specified IP address is already in

cannot be used because it is use.
already in use. (IP address = (O)
Check the interface settings. If the
specified IP address is already in use,
specify a different IP address. In other
cases, contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM05035-E IP addresses of different In a cluster, fixed IP addresses or

networks were specified in the service IP addresses of different
same interface. networks are specified.
Specify another IP address.

KAQM05036-E The network identified by the The network identified by the specified
specified IP address and IP address and netmask is already in
netmask cannot be used use.
because it is already in use. (O)
(network address=duplicated-
network-address) Check the interface settings. If the
network identified by the specified IP
address and netmask is already in use,
specify a different IP address or
netmask. In other cases, contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM05037-E The specified VLAN ID cannot The specified VLAN ID is already being
be used. (VLAN used.
ID=duplicated-VLAN-ID) (O)
Specify another VLAN ID.

KAQM05038-E The specified interface does The specified interface has not been
not exist. created.
(interface=interface-name) interface-name
The name of the interface that was
specified but does not exist
Specify a valid interface.

KAQM05039-E Specify one or more virtual IP No virtual IP address is specified.

addresses (service IP (O)
addresses) for the interface.
Specify one or more virtual IP
addresses for the relevant interface.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-61

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM05040-E The entry for the port is The entry for the port is invalid.
invalid. (O)
Check the specified data, and then
specify valid data.

KAQM05041-E The specified port is already The specified port is already being
being used. used.
Specify another port.

KAQM05042-E The interface specification is The specified value is invalid.

invalid. (O)
Check the specified data, and then
specify valid data.

KAQM05043-E The entry for the gateway is The entered value is invalid.
invalid. (O)
Specify a maximum of 255 characters.

KAQM05044-E An attempt to recover the An attempt to roll back the network

network settings has failed. settings has failed.
Make sure that the node in the cluster
has not stopped, and check for
network errors. Acquire all the
Management log files if there is no
problem, and inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM05045-E The specified port cannot be The specified port is already being
used. (port=port-name) used, or does not exist.
Check the specified port.

KAQM05048-E An attempt to access the An attempt to update the IP address

cluster management LU has information of the cluster management
failed. LU has failed.
Acquire all the Management log files,
and then inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM05050-E An attempt to acquire the An error in the failover function or a

status of the cluster or the hardware error might have occurred.
resource group has failed. (O)
Acquire all the Management log files,
and then inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM05051-E An attempt to restart the A communication error or a hardware

network has failed. error might have occurred.

5-62 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Make sure that the node in the cluster
has not stopped, and check for
network errors. Acquire all the
Management log files if there is no
problem, and inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM05053-E An attempt to set network The resource group is not in the Offline
information has failed. state, or an unexpected error occurred
while the network information was
being set.
Make sure that the resource groups
are in the Offline state, and then try
again. Check whether the specified
data affects the network settings of the
Management LAN. If the network
settings are affected, respecify the
data. Also, make sure that the node in
the cluster has not stopped, and check
for network errors. Acquire all the
Management log files, and contact
maintenance personnel. See Help for a
list of the Management log files.

KAQM05055-E An attempt to read the file to An unexpected error occurred during

be used for the requested the reading of a file.
processing has failed. (O)
Acquire all the Management log files,
and then inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM05056-E An attempt to write to the file An unexpected error occurred during

to be used for the requested the writing of a file.
processing has failed. (O)
Acquire all the Management log files,
and then inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM05058-E The MTU specification is The specified value is invalid.

invalid. (O)
Specify the MTU so that the same
values will be in the cluster.

KAQM05062-E A usable port does not exist. All ports are being used.
Delete a port that is not being used,
and then retry execution.

KAQM05063-E An attempt to acquire the A hardware error might have occurred.

port has failed. (O)

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-63

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Execute the same processing again
after waiting. Acquire all the
Management log files if the error
occurs when you execute again, and
then inform maintenance personnel.
See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM05064-E The number of routing The operation cannot be executed

information registrations has because the number of routing
reached the maximum. information registrations has reached
the maximum.
Delete unnecessary routing
information, and then retry execution.

KAQM05065-E The specified port that The specified port is already being
configures a trunking cannot used by another trunking
be used. (port=port-name) configuration.
The name of the port already being
Check the trunking configuration in the
List of Trunking Configurations
window, specify a valid port, and then
retry execution.

KAQM05066-E The specified trunking port The specified port is already released,
does not exist. (port=port- or not created.
name) port-name
The name of the port that was
specified but does not exist
Check the trunking configuration in the
List of Trunking Configurations
window, specify a valid port, and then
retry execution.

KAQM05067-E An attempt to change an An error might have occurred in the

active link has failed. link that was going to be changed.
Check the status in the List of Trunking
Configurations window, recover the
error, and then retry the execution. If
the error still occurs when you retry
the execution, acquire all of the
Management log files, and then inform
maintenance personnel. See the help
for a list of the Management log files.

KAQM05068-E The trunking that consists of A combination of ports that cannot be

the specified ports cannot be used for creating trunking was
created. (port=port-name) specified.

5-64 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
The name of the port that cannot be
used to create trunking
Check the trunking configurations that
can be created, specify a valid trunking
configuration, and then retry

KAQM05069-E An attempt to create trunking An unexpected error occurred during

has failed. creation of the trunking configuration.
Make sure that the node in the cluster
has not stopped, and check for
network errors. If there is no problem,
check whether the settings are
synchronized in the cluster, in the List
of Trunking Configurations window. If
there are settings that are not
synchronized in the cluster, release the
settings, and then retry the execution.
If the error still occurs when you retry
the execution, acquire all of the
Management log files, and then inform
maintenance personnel. See the help
for a list of the Management log files.

KAQM05070-E An attempt to initialize a port An attempt to initialize the interface

has failed. set on the specified port failed.
Make sure that all the virtual servers
are in the correct state, and then retry
the operation. If the error occurs
again, download all the management
log files and contact Product Support.
For a list of management log files, see

KAQM05071-E An attempt to create trunking The trunking configuration you tried to

has failed. create already exists.
Check the trunking configuration in the
List of Trunking Configurations

KAQM05072-E The specified trunking port The specified port is already being
cannot be released. used by another trunking
(port=port-name) configuration.
The name of the port that cannot be
used to set new trunking

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-65

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Check the trunking configuration in the
List of Trunking Configurations

KAQM05073-E An attempt to release An unexpected error occurred while

trunking has failed. the trunking was being released.
Make sure that the node in the cluster
has not stopped, and check for
network errors. Acquire all the
Management log files if there is no
problem, and inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM05074-E An attempt to edit trunking An error occurred while the trunking

has failed. was being edited.
Make sure that all the virtual servers
are in the correct state, and then retry
the operation. Make sure that node has
not stopped in the cluster and that no
network errors have occurred. If no
problem exists, review the List of
Trunking Configurations window
and confirm that the settings within
the cluster are synchronized. If any
non-synchronized settings exist,
release the settings, and then retry the
operation. If the error occurs again,
download all the management log files
and contact Product Support. For a list
of management log files, see Help.

KAQM05075-E An attempt to edit trunking The trunking configuration that you

has failed. (port=port-name) tried to edit has been recreated in a
different configuration.
The name of the port that has been re-
created with a different configuration
Check the trunking configuration in the
List of Trunking Configurations

KAQM05076-E An attempt to release The trunking configuration that you

trunking has failed. tried to release has been recreated in a
(port=port-name) different configuration.
The name of the port that has been re-
created with a different configuration

5-66 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Check the trunking configuration in the
List of Trunking Configurations

KAQM05077-E The specified negotiation A hardware error might have occurred.

mode could not be set. (O)
(network port name = the-
name-of-the-data-port-for- Check whether a hardware error has
which-an-attempt-to-set-the- occurred. If a hardware error has not
negotiation-mode-failed) occurred, acquire all of the
Management log files and contact
maintenance personnel. For details
about the list of Management log files,
see Help.

KAQM05078-E The negotiation mode could A hardware error might have occurred.
not be acquired. (network (O)
port name = the-name-of-
the-data-port-for-which-an- Check whether a hardware error has
attempt-to-acquire-the- occurred. If a hardware error has not
negotiation-mode-failed) occurred, acquire all of the
Management log files and contact
maintenance personnel. For details
about the list of Management log files,
see Help.

KAQM05079-E An attempt to write to the There might be a problem in an OS

system file (negmode.conf) disk or in system-file processing.
has failed. (O)
Check the OS disk settings and check
whether a problem exists on the OS
disk, and then try again. If the error
occurs again, acquire all of the
Management log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel. For
details about the list of Management
log files, see Help.

KAQM05080-E There is an error in the The negotiation-mode specification is

negotiation-mode invalid.
specification. (O)
Specify a valid negotiation mode.

KAQM05081-E The resource group is not The resource group is not in the Offline
stopped. state.
Place the resource group in the Offline
state, and then try again.

KAQM05082-I A negotiation mode has been A negotiation mode has been set for
set for the specified data port. the specified data port.
(data port name = the-name- (O)
negotiation-was-set, No action is required.
negotiation mode = the-

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-67

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM05083-W There is a conflict with the The negotiation mode does not match
negotiation mode. the contents of the system file.
Set the negotiation mode in the
Negotiation Mode Setup window. If an
error occurs after trying again, acquire
all of the Management log files, and
then contact maintenance personnel.
For details about the list of
Management log files, see Help.

KAQM05084-E The specified data port does There might be a problem in an OS

not exist. (data port name = disk or in system-file processing.
the-name-of-the-data-port- (O)
specify-the-settings-failed) Check the OS disk settings and check
whether a problem exists on the OS
disk, and then try again. If the error
occurs again, acquire all of the
Management log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel. For
details about the list of Management
log files, see Help.

KAQM05086-E The specified trunking port The trunking configuration might have
cannot be created. (port = been modified by another system
port-that-cannot-be-created) administrator.
Check the trunking configuration in the
List of Trunking Configurations

KAQM05088-E An attempt to synchronize A mistake may exist in the specified

time with the specified NTP NTP server.
server has failed. (O)
Check the entry for the specified NTP
server. Check the specified NTP server
is correctly operating when the entry is

KAQM05089-E The node has not stopped. This node is not in the INACTIVE state.
Make sure that the cluster, nodes, and
resource groups are in the correct
states, and then try again.

KAQM05091-E The item-name entry is The entered value is invalid.

invalid. (O)
Check the entry, and enter a valid
value. Acquire all the Management log
files if the error occurs again, and then
inform maintenance personnel. See the
help for a list of the Management log

5-68 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM05094-E Information about the media A hardware error might have occurred.
type could not be acquired. (O)
(data port name = the-name-
of-the-data-port-for-which- Check whether a hardware error
an-attempt-to-acquire-the- occurred, and then try again. If the
media-type-failed) error occurs again, acquire all of the
Management log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel. For
details about the list of Management
log files, see Help.

KAQM05095-E The specified routing entry There is an error in the specified

does not exist. contents, or the routing information
has already been deleted.
Specify valid routing information.

KAQM05096-Q Do you want to delete the This confirmation message is output

specified interface? (y/n) before an interface is deleted.
Enter y or n.

KAQM05097-Q Do you want to delete all the This confirmation message is output
interfaces? (y/n) before all interfaces are deleted.
Enter y or n.

KAQM05098-I The interface (deleted- This message appears when the

interface-name) was deleted. interface is deleted.

KAQM05099-Q Do you want to delete the This confirmation message appears

specified routing information? before the routing information is
(y/n) deleted.
Enter y or n.

KAQM05100-Q Do you want to delete all This confirmation message appears

routing information? (y/n) before all routing information is
Enter y or n.

KAQM05101-I The routing information This message appears when the

(deleted-routing-information) routing information is deleted.
was deleted. (O)

KAQM05102-W There is a conflict with the The negotiation mode does not match
negotiation mode. (port name the contents of the system file.
= the-name-of-the-port- (O)
generated) Check and, if necessary, revise the
negotiation mode settings. If the error

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-69

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
occurs again, acquire all of the
Management log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel. For
details about the list of Management
log files, see Help.

KAQM05103-E An attempt to delete the The specified routing information

routing information (routing- includes a host name that cannot be
information) has failed, resolved.
because the host name (host- (O)
name) could not be resolved.
Check and, if necessary, revise the
settings so that the host name can be
resolved, and then try again.

KAQM05104-E An attempt to delete the An error occurred during command

routing information has failed. processing, or an unexpected error
(routing information = occurred during setting of the routing
routing-information). information.
Make sure that the OS in the cluster
has not stopped, and make sure that
no network errors have occurred. If
you cannot resolve the problem,
acquire all of the Management log files,
and then contact maintenance
personnel. For details about the list of
Management log files, see Help.

KAQM05105-E Trunking using the specified The media types are different among
ports cannot be created. the specified ports.
Make sure that the same media type is
selected for all ports used for trunking,
and then retry the operation.

KAQM05106-E Routing information cannot be No netmask is specified.

deleted because no netmask (O)
is specified.
Specify a netmask, and then retry

KAQM05107-I The connection with a node The connection with a node was cut
was cut because the settings because the settings of management
of management port have port have been changed.
been changed. To log into (O)
node, retry the operation.
Wait for 5 minutes, and then log in

KAQM05111-E An entry for an NTP server is An entered value is invalid.

invalid. (O)
Make sure that the entry for the
specified NTP server is valid.

KAQM05112-E The entry for the current time The entered value is invalid.
is invalid. (O)

5-70 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Make sure that the specified current
time is valid.

KAQM05113-E The interface of the heartbeat The interface of the heartbeat port or
port or of an internally-used of an internally-used port cannot be
port cannot be specified. specified.
(interface = unusable- (O)
Specify the interface of the data port.

KAQM05114-E The interface of the heartbeat The interface of the heartbeat port or
port or an internally-used port an internally-used port cannot be
cannot be specified. specified.
(interface=unusable- (O)
Specify the interface of the data port
or management port.

KAQM05115-E The format of the specified IP The specified value is invalid.

address is invalid. (IP (O)
Specify this in IP address format.

KAQM05116-E The format of the specified The specified value is invalid.

host name or IP address is (O)
invalid. (host name or IP
address=error-host-name-or- Specify with alphanumeric characters,
error-IP-address) periods (.) or hyphens (-) (the
beginning can only be an alphabetic
character and the end can only be an
alphanumeric character) or in IP
address format.

KAQM05117-E An IP address that was An IP address that was specified when

specified when the interface the interface was set up is duplicated.
was set up is duplicated. (IP (O)
address) When setting up an interface, do not
specify duplicate IP addresses.

KAQM05118-E The number of interfaces has The operation cannot be executed

reached the maximum. because the number of interfaces has
reached the maximum.
Delete unnecessary interfaces, and
then retry the operation.

KAQM05119-E An attempt to acquire the An error in the failover function or a

resource group status has hardware error might have occurred.
failed. (O)
Acquire all the Management log files,
and then inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM05120-E The virtual server is not The virtual server is not in the Offline
stopped. (virtual server state.
name=virtual-server-name) (O)

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-71

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Place the virtual server in the Offline
state, and then try again.

KAQM05121-E The entered virtual server The specified data syntax is incorrect.
name is incorrect. (virtual (O)
server name=virtual-server-
name) Specify with alphanumeric characters
or hyphens (-) (the beginning can only
be an alphabetic character).

KAQM05122-E The specified virtual server The specified virtual server does not
does not exist. (virtual server exist.
name=virtual-server-name) (O)
Specify a valid virtual server, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM05123-E Specify the IP addresses of There is a virtual server that does not
virtual servers such that IP have an IP address set up for the
addresses are set up for the interface of its management port.
interfaces of the management (O)
ports of all the virtual servers.
Specify the IP addresses of virtual
servers such that IP addresses are set
up for the interfaces of the
management ports of all the virtual

KAQM05124-E Specification of network The target virtual server was deleted,

information has failed. The the virtual server was in an incorrect
node or virtual server state state, or an unexpected error occurred
might be incorrect. during acquisition or deletion of
network information of a virtual server.
Make sure that the target virtual
server exists and that all the virtual
servers are in the correct state, and
then retry the operation. In addition,
make sure that node has not stopped
in the cluster and that no network
errors are occurring. If the problem
occurs again, acquire all the
Management log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel. See
the Help for a list of the Management
log files.

KAQM05126-E Specification of network There might be a heavy load on the

information has failed. There system or a system error might have
might be a heavy load on the occurred.
system. (O)
Execute the same processing again
after waiting. Acquire all the
Management log files if the error
occurs when you execute again, and
then inform maintenance personnel.
See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

5-72 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM05127-E The change was not reflected The virtual IP address was set but the
in at least one service on the change was not reflected in at least
node or virtual server. (node one service on the node or virtual
name= name-of-the-node-on- server.
which-processing-failed, (O)
virtual server name= name-
of-the-virtual-server-on- Check the node and virtual server
which-processing-failed) system messages to see if any errors
occurred. If a system message was
output, follow the instructions in the
message. If a system message was not
output, restart the OS on the node or
the virtual server for which processing

KAQM05128-E The cluster status is invalid. The cluster is not in the ACTIVE or
Make sure that the status of the
cluster or the operated node is valid,
and then retry the operation.

KAQM05129-E The resource group status is The resource group is not in the
invalid. Online/No error, Offline/No error, or
Online Maintenance/No error state.
Make sure that the status of the
resource group is valid, and then retry
the operation.

KAQM05131-E An attempt to set the virtual The LAN cable might be disconnected,
IP address (service IP a network error might have occurred,
address) for a resource group or (during setup of the virtual IP
has failed. address for the resource group) an
unexpected error might have occurred.
Make sure that the LAN cable is
correctly connected and there are no
network errors. If this does not resolve
the problem, acquire all the
Management log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel. See
the Help for a list of the Management
log files.

KAQM05133-E The virtual IP address (service The LAN cable might be disconnected,
IP address) for the resource a network error may have occurred, or
group or virtual server could the link-up processing on the port
not be set because a link- might have failed (after setup of the
down error occurred at the fixed IP address or MTU).
data port. (O)
Make sure that the LAN cable is
correctly connected and there are no
network errors. If this does not resolve
the problem, set just the fixed IP
address or MTU, wait, then set a

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-73

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
virtual IP address for the resource
group. If this does not resolve the
problem, download all the
management log files and contact
Product Support. For a list of
management log files, see Help.

KAQM05134-E Trunking settings were edited, An unexpected error might have

but an attempt to restore the occurred while the virtual IP address of
virtual IP address (service IP the resource group or virtual server
address) of the resource was being restored.
group or virtual server has (O)
Add the virtual IP address for which
restoration failed by using the interface
editing function. If an error occurs
while the virtual IP address is being
edited by using the interface editing
function, follow the instructions in the

KAQM05135-E A specified DNS server is A specified value is invalid.

invalid. (O)
Make sure that the specified DNS
servers are valid.

KAQM05136-E The specified default domain The specified value is invalid.

name is invalid. (O)
Make sure that the specified default
domain name is valid.

KAQM05137-E A specified NIS server is A specified value is invalid.

invalid. (O)
Make sure that the specified NIS
servers are valid.

KAQM05138-E The specified NIS domain is The specified value is invalid.

invalid. (O)
Make sure that the specified NIS
domain is valid.

KAQM05139-E A specified LDAP server is A specified value is invalid.

invalid. (O)
Make sure that the specified LDAP
servers are valid.

KAQM05140-E A specified LDAP server port A specified value is invalid.

number is invalid. (O)
Make sure that the specified LDAP
server port numbers are valid.

KAQM05141-E The specified root DN is The specified value is invalid.

invalid. (O)
Make sure that the specified root DN is

5-74 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM05142-E The specified administrator The specified value is invalid.

DN is invalid. (O)
Make sure that the specified
administrator DN is valid.

KAQM05143-E The specified administrator The specified value is invalid.

password is invalid. (O)
Make sure that the specified
administrator password is valid.

KAQM05152-E The specified time zone does The specified value is invalid.
not exist. (O)
Make sure that the specified time zone
is valid.

KAQM05153-Q If you change the node time, This confirmation message is output
you must then restart the OS before the NTP server time or current
on both nodes. Do you want node time is set.
to continue? (y/n) (O)
Enter y or n.

KAQM05154-I The node time was The node time was successfully
successfully synchronized synchronized with the NTP server. The
with the NTP server. The node node time has changed.
time has changed. (O)
No action is required.

KAQM05156-E An attempt to synchronize the There might be an error in the NTP

node time with the NTP server server settings, or communication with
has failed. the NTP server might have failed.
Check the NTP server settings. If the
settings are correct, check the
connection status with the NTP server,
and then restart the OS. If the error
occurs again, acquire all the
Management log files, and then inform
maintenance personnel. For a list of
the Management log files, see online

KAQM05157-E The IP address of the other A cluster configuration has not been
node in a cluster cannot be defined, or a specified value is invalid.
specified if the cluster is not (O)
Define a cluster configuration, check
the command format, correctly specify
the parameters, and then try again.

KAQM05158-E The specified IP address The specified IP address is already in

cannot be used because it is use.
already in use. (IP address = (O)
Check the interface settings. If the
specified IP address is already in use,

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-75

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
specify a different IP address. In other
cases, contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM05159-E The network identified by the The network identified by the specified
specified IP address and IP address and netmask is already in
netmask cannot be used use.
because it is already in use. (O)
(network address =
duplicated-network-address) Check the interface settings. If the
network identified by the specified IP
address and netmask is already in use,
specify a different IP address or
netmask. In other cases, contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM05161-E The BMC port IP address The network address generated from
cannot be set because the the specified IP address and netmask
network address generated is different from the management port
from the specified IP address network address.
and netmask is different from (O)
the management port
network address. (BMC port Specify a fixed IP address and netmask
network address = BMC-port- so that the BMC port network address
network-address, is the same as the management port
management port network network address.
address = management-port-

KAQM05162-E The network address cannot The network address cannot be

be changed because the fixed changed because the fixed IP address
IP address of one of the of one of the nodes has not been
nodes has not been specified. specified.
Specify fixed IP addresses for both
nodes, making it possible to change
the network address.

KAQM05168-E The MTU of the management The MTU of the management port
port cannot be changed. cannot be changed.
Do not specify an MTU, and then try

KAQM05169-I The connection with a node The connection with a node was cut
was cut because the settings because the settings of the
of the management port was management port was modified.
changed. Wait a while, and (O)
then retry the operation.
Wait a while, and then log in again.

KAQM05171-E The IP address of the BMC The network address of the specified
port cannot be set because IP address differs from the network
the network address of the address of the maintenance port.
specified IP address differs (O)
from the network address of
the maintenance port. (BMC Specify the IP address of the BMC port
port network address = BMC- so that the network addresses are the
port-network-address, same for both the BMC port and the
maintenance port network maintenance port.

5-76 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
address = maintenance-port-

KAQM05176-Q If you change the node time, This confirmation message is output
you must then restart the OS before the NTP server time or current
to apply the changed setting. node time is set.
Do you want to continue? (y/ (O)
Enter y or n.

KAQM05178-E The specified virtual server The specified virtual server name is
name is duplicated. (virtual duplicated.
server name = virtual-server- (O)
Confirm the specified virtual server
name, and then try again.

KAQM05179-E The operation cannot be If the interface is being set up or

performed because a virtual deleted, all virtual servers that are
server that is assigned only assigned only the interface for the
the interface for the operation operation must be stopped.
is online. (interface = (O)
specified-interface, virtual
server name = specified- Stop the target virtual server, or set
virtual-server) the IP address to another port, and
then try again.

KAQM05180-E The operation cannot be The virtual server has reached the
performed because the virtual maximum number of registered virtual
server has reached the IP addresses.
maximum number of (O)
registered virtual IP
addresses (service IP Delete the selected virtual IP
addresses). addresses, and try again.

KAQM05181-E Processing of the failover The failover function returned an error.

function has failed. (O)
Check the node and virtual server
system messages to see whether an
error occurred. If a KAQM35nnn
message was output to the system
messages, take action as
recommended by the system. If no
error messages appeared, download all
the management log files and cluster
log files, and contact Product Support.
For a list of these files, see Online

KAQM05182-E The operation cannot be The version of the program on the

performed because the physical node might be older than the
version of the program on the version of the program on the virtual
virtual server does not match server.
the version of the program on (O)
the physical node.
Download all the log data of the
physical node and the virtual server,
and contact Product Support.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-77

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM05183-E The virtual IP address (service The virtual IP address of the specified
IP address) of the specified virtual server has been set for the
virtual server has been set for specified protocol interface.
the specified protocol (O)
interface. (interface =
specified-interface, virtual Confirm the specified virtual server
server name = specified- name, and try again.

KAQM05185-E The IP address cannot be An attempt was made to remove the

removed because the IP address setting for an interface that
specified interface is not set does not have the dual stack setting.
up as a dual-stack interface. (O)
Confirm the specified interface setting.

KAQM05186-E If an IP address different from One or more necessary items are not
the specified protocol version specified.
is added, a netmask (prefix (O)
length) must be specified.
Specify all necessary items.

KAQM05187-E Routing information cannot be The interface of the specified protocol

added because an interface of version could not be set.
the specified protocol version (O)
is not set.
Set an interface of the specified
protocol version.

KAQM05188-E The IPv4 address in the The IPv4 address in the maintenance
private maintenance port port cannot be removed.
cannot be removed. (O)
Check the specified data, and then
specify valid data.

KAQM05192-E A trunking configuration If a trunking configuration is being

cannot be created because a created, all virtual servers that are
virtual server that is assigned assigned only the interface for the
only the specified port is operation must be stopped.
online. (interface = target- (O)
port, virtual server name =
target-virtual-server-name) Stop the target virtual server, or set
the IP address to another port, and try

KAQM05193-E The IPv4 address setting of The IPv4 address setting of the
the management port cannot management port cannot be deleted.
be deleted. (O)
Verify the specified data and modify it
as necessary.

KAQM05194-E The entered prefix length is The specified data syntax is incorrect.
invalid. (O)
Specify within the numeric range of 0
to 128.

KAQM05195-E The trunking configuration If a trunking configuration is being

cannot be released because a released, all virtual servers that are
virtual server that is assigned

5-78 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
only the specified port is assigned only the interface for the
online. (interface = specified- operation must be stopped.
port, virtual server name = (O)
Stop the target virtual server, or set
the IP address to another port, and try
KAQM05196-E The trunking configuration If a trunking configuration is being
cannot be edited because a edited, all virtual servers that are
virtual server that is assigned assigned only the interface for the
only the specified trunking operation must be stopped.
port is online. (interface = (O)
specified-port, virtual server
name = target-virtual-server- Stop the target virtual server, or set
name) the IP address to another port, and try

KAQM05197-E An attempt to set the virtual The free space for the OS disk or
IP address (service IP virtual server OS LU might be
address) for the virtual server insufficient.
failed because there is not (O)
enough space on the OS disk
or virtual server OS LU. Delete a number of core files and log
files, and try again. If this error
persists, contact Product Support.

KAQM05198-E No IPv6 address is set. No IPv6 address is set.

Check the specified data, and then
specify valid data.

KAQM05199-E The maximum segment size The maximum segment size cannot be
cannot be set for IPv6 set for IPv6 address routing.
address routing. (O)
Check the specified data, and then
specify valid data.

KAQM05200-Q The interface in the IPv6 (O)

address will be released. Do Enter "y" to proceed, or "n" to cancel.
you want to proceed? (y/n)

KAQM05201-E An IP address of the specified An IP address of the specified protocol

protocol version is already version is already set.
set. (O)
Verify the specified data and modify it
as necessary.

KAQM05202-Q Do you want to delete the This confirmation message is output

specified IP address of this before the IP address or addresses are
protocol version? (y/n) deleted.
Enter "y" to proceed, or "n" to cancel.

KAQM05205-E The setting of the IPv4 The setting of the IPv4 address of
address of management port management port cannot be added.
cannot be added. (O)

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-79

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Verify the specified data and modify it
as necessary.

KAQM05206-E The specified IP address of The specified IP address of this

this protocol version is not protocol version is not set.
set. (O)
Verify the specified data and modify it
as necessary.

KAQM05207-I The management port The management port interface is not

interface is not set. set.
Set the management port interface.

KAQM05209-W Deletion of the routing Communication between the nodes

information ended normally might have failed because a LAN cable
on the processing node, but was disconnected, one of the nodes in
failed on the other node. the cluster was heavily loaded, or the
(routing information = OS on the other node in the cluster
routing-information) was not running.
Make sure that the LAN cable is
connected, the load on the node in the
cluster has returned to a normal state,
and the OS on the other node in the
cluster is running. If there is routing
information that is no longer needed
on the other node in the cluster, try to
delete the routing information again.

KAQM05210-W Deletion of the routing Communication between the nodes

information ended normally might have failed because a LAN cable
on the processing node, but was disconnected, one of the nodes in
failed on the other node. the cluster was heavily loaded, or the
OS on the other node in the cluster
was not running.
Make sure that the LAN cable is
connected, the load on the node in the
cluster has returned to a normal state,
and the OS on the other node in the
cluster is running. If there is routing
information that is no longer needed
on the other node in the cluster, try to
delete the routing information again.

KAQM05211-E The protocol version of the The protocol version of the specified IP
specified IP addresses and addresses and netmask (prefix length)
netmask (prefix length) do do not match.
not match. (O)
Unify the specified values to one
protocol version format, and then
execute a command that corresponds
to the specified values.

5-80 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM05212-I The setting of the None of the items are set.

management port was (O)
canceled because none of the
items are set. No action is required.

KAQM05213-E The operation cannot be A virtual IP address is set for the

performed because one or specified interface as an additional
more virtual IP addresses address.
(service IP address) are set (O)
for the specified interface as
additional addresses. Use the If necessary, delete all the virtual IP
altiplist command to check addresses set as additional addresses
the virtual IP address on the interface, and then retry the
settings. operation.

KAQM05214-E The operation cannot be The virtual IP address which was not
performed because the set as an additional address was
specified virtual IP address is specified.
not set as an additional virtual (O)
IP address. (IP address = IP-
address) Check the virtual IP address set as
additional addresses, and then specify
a valid IP address.

KAQM05215-I The virtual IP address (service The virtual IP address (service IP

IP address) is not set as an address) is not set as an additional
additional address. address.
No action is required.

KAQM05217-Q Do you want to delete the This confirmation message is output

specified virtual IP addresses before IP addresses are deleted.
(service IP addresses)? (y/n) (O)
Enter y or n.

KAQM05218-Q Do you want to delete all the This confirmation message is output
virtual IP addresses (service before all the virtual IP addresses
IP addresses) set as (service IP addresses) set as additional
additional addresses? (y/n) addresses are deleted.
Enter y or n.

KAQM05219-I The virtual IP addresses This message is output when the

(service IP addresses) set for virtual IP addresses set for the
the interface (interface) as interface as additional addresses are
additional addresses were deleted.
deleted. (IP address = IP- (O)
No action is required.

KAQM05220-I The virtual IP addresses The virtual IP addresses are set as

(service IP addresses) are set additional addresses.
as additional addresses. Use (O)
the altiplist command to
check the virtual IP addresses To configure the interface settings,
set as additional addresses. delete all the virtual IP addresses set
as additional addresses in the interface
you want to configure settings for.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-81

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM05221-E The same IP address was The same IP address was specified
specified more than once. (IP more than once.
address = IP-address) (O)
Specify an IP address that has not
already been specified.

KAQM05222-E The specified IP address is in The specified IP address is in a

a different network than the different network than the specified
specified interface. (IP interface.
address = IP-address) (O)
Specify a valid IP address.

KAQM05223-E The maximum number of The operation cannot be executed

virtual IP addresses (service because the maximum number of
IP addresses) that can be set virtual IP addresses has been reached.
as additional addresses for (O)
the specified interface has
been reached. Delete any unnecessary virtual IP
addresses, and try again.

KAQM05224-E The management port cannot The management port cannot be

be specified. specified.
Specify the data port interface.

KAQM05225-I The specified virtual IP This message is output when a virtual

address (service IP address) IP address is deleted.
was deleted. (O)
No action is required.

KAQM05226-Q The network configuration will This message is output when the
be changed to connect the network configuration will be changed
BMC port to the IP switch and so that the BMC port is connected to
give the management and the IP switch.
BMC ports unique network (O)
addresses. Are you sure you
want to continue? (y/n) Enter y or n.

KAQM05227-Q The network configuration will This message is output when the
be changed so that the BMC network configuration will be changed
port is connected to pm1 so that the BMC port is connected to
because the management pm1.
port and the BMC port have (O)
different network addresses.
Are you sure you want to Enter y or n.
continue? (y/n)

KAQM05228-W The BMC port settings were There might be a problem with the
completed, but an attempt to BMC LAN cable, or an error might have
communicate with the BMC occurred in the BMC. If pm1 is
port on the other node failed. connected to the BMC port, then there
might be a problem with the pm1 LAN
cable, or an error might have occurred
in pm1.

5-82 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Make sure that the LAN cable is
properly connected. If there are no
problems, contact maintenance

KAQM05229-E The network address defined The network address defined by the
by the specified IP address specified IP address and netmask is
and netmask cannot be set already in use on the virtual server
because it is already in use on that the interface is being set up for.
the virtual server that the (O)
interface is being set up for.
(network address = network- Check the interface settings. If the
address) network address defined by the
specified IP address and netmask is
already in use on the virtual server
that the interface is being set up for,
specify a different IP address or
netmask. In all other cases, contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM05230-E The specified IP address The specified IP address is already in

cannot be set because it is use on the virtual server that the
already in use on the virtual interface is being set up for.
server that the interface is (O)
being set up for. (IP address
= IP-address) Check the interface settings. If the
specified IP address is already in use
on the virtual server that the interface
is being set up for, specify a different
IP address. In all other cases, contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM05231-E The specified IP address The specified IP address is already in

cannot be set because it is use on the physical node that the
already in use on the physical interface is being set up for.
node. (IP address = IP- (O)
Check the interface settings. If the
specified IP address is already in use in
the cluster, specify a different IP
address. In all other cases, contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM05232-E The fixed IP address cannot The fixed IP address cannot be

be changed because it is set changed because it is set for only one
for only one node. node.
To change the fixed IP address, specify
the fixed IP address for both nodes.

KAQM05233-E The specified virtual server is The virtual server is not in the Online
not running properly. (virtual status or the Partial online status.
server = virtual-server-name) (O)

Confirm the status of the virtual

server, and then retry the operation.

KAQM05234-E Routing information cannot be Routing information cannot be added

added because neither a fixed because neither a fixed IP address nor
IP address nor a virtual IP

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-83

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
address is set for the specified a virtual IP address is set for the
interface. specified interface.
Set either a fixed IP address or a
virtual IP address for the specified
KAQM05235-E The setting of routing The setting of routing information for
information for the virtual the virtual server failed.
server failed. (virtual server = (O)
virtual-server-name, cause =
error-message) Take action according to the message
displayed for the cause.

KAQM05236-E Acquisition of routing Acquisition of routing information for

information for the virtual the virtual server failed.
server failed. (virtual server = (O)
virtual-server-name, cause =
error-message) Take action according to the message
displayed for the cause.

KAQM05237-E A virtual server was specified A virtual server was specified that is
that is not allocated to the not allocated to the specified interface.
specified interface. (O)
Check the IP address settings for the
specified virtual server, and then retry
the operation.

KAQM05238-E A fixed IP address was not A fixed IP address was not specified for
specified for the management the management port.
port. (O)
Specify a fixed IP address for the
management port, and then retry the

KAQM05239-E The specified IP address The specified IP address is already in

cannot be set because it is use on the same interface.
already in use on the same (O)
interface. (IP address = IP-
address) Check the interface settings. If the
specified IP address is already in use
on the same interface, specify a
different IP address. In all other cases,
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM05240-E The network address defined The network address defined by the
by the specified IP address specified IP address and netmask is in
and netmask is in use on the use on the physical node.
physical node. (network (O)
address = network-address)
Check the interface settings. If the
network address defined by the
specified IP address and netmask is
already in use on the physical node,
specify a different IP address or
netmask. In all other cases, contact
maintenance personnel.

5-84 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM05241-E The specified routing settings The system is using the specified
cannot be deleted because routing settings.
the system is using them. (O)
Specify routing information not being
used by the system.

KAQM05242-W The system file was The configuration file might contain a
successfully edited, but a test mistake, or communication with the
email failed to be sent. SMTP server might have failed.
Confirm that the contents of the
configuration file are correct. Also,
confirm that the SMTP server is
running normally and that there are no
problems with the network. After that,
retry the operation. If the problem
persists, contact maintenance

KAQM05243-W The system file was edited, A required item is not set.
but because a required item (O)
was not set, no test email was
sent. (item name = item- Set the required item.

KAQM05245-W The system file was edited, The configuration file might contain a
but the sending of the test mistake, or the SMTP server might be
email is taking some time. taking a while to forward emails.
Confirm that the test email can be
received by the set recipient email
addresses. If the test email does not
arrive within five minutes, check the
configuration file contents. If there are
no problems with the configuration file,
confirm the following:
(1) Name resolution of the SMTP
server has not failed.
(2) There are no problems
communicating with the SMTP server.
(3) The SMTP server is running

KAQM05246-E The operation cannot be The specified interface is configured to

performed because the use DHCP.
specified interface is (O)
configured to use DHCP.
To manually set an IP address,
configure the target interface to not
use DHCP, and then specify the IP

KAQM05247-E The operation cannot be The specified interface has DHCP

performed because the settings that are pending application to
specified interface has DHCP the system.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-85

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
settings that are pending (O)
application to the system. Specify the --cancel option to cancel
application of the pending DHCP
settings, and then retry the operation.
KAQM05250-Q The data will be encrypted. If This message appears before the data
you enable the encryption encryption functionality is enabled.
functionality, you cannot (O)
disable it after starting
operations. Do you want to Enter y or n.
continue? (y/n)

KAQM05251-E A data encryption key cannot A data encryption key cannot be

be generated because one or generated because one or more file
more file systems already systems already exist.
exist. (O)
Delete all the file systems, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM05252-E A data encryption key cannot A data encryption key cannot be

be generated because one or generated because one or more virtual
more virtual servers already servers already exist.
exist. (O)
Delete all the virtual servers, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM05254-E No data encryption license is No data encryption license is set.

set. (O)
Set a license.

KAQM05255-E A local data encryption key A local data encryption key cannot be
cannot be generated because generated because one or more
one or more volume groups volume groups already exist.
already exist. (O)
Delete all the volume groups except
vg0, and then retry the operation.

KAQM05256-E The user LU could not be The local data encryption key might be
connected to the node. The corrupted.
local data encryption key (O)
might be corrupted.
Acquire all the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM05258-E The local data encryption key Name resolution was not executed
could not be acquired from properly.
the HCP system, because (O)
resolution of the HCP host
name failed. Make sure that the network
environment is able to resolve the HCP
host name, and then restart the OS.
If a remote HCP system cannot be
accessed in an environment where a
system is connected to the HCP system

5-86 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
over a network, determine the cause
of the problem, and then resolve the
problem. Before taking action
according to the message, see the
Troubleshooting Guide.

KAQM05259-E The local data encryption key Specified HCP information might be
could not be acquired from incorrect, or there might be a problem
the HCP system, because an with the HCP system or the network.
attempt to connect to HCP (O)
Revise the HCP settings. Afterward,
check the status of the HCP system
and the network, resolve the cause of
the error, and then restart the OS. If
the error persists, acquire all log data,
and then contact maintenance
If a remote HCP system cannot be
accessed in an environment where a
system is connected to the HCP system
over a network, determine the cause
of the problem, and then resolve the
problem. Before taking action
according to the message, see the
Troubleshooting Guide.

KAQM05260-E The local data encryption key There might be a problem with the
could not be acquired from HCP system or the network.
the HCP system, because a (O)
timeout occurred during
communication with HCP. Check the status of the HCP system
and the network, resolve the cause of
the error, and then restart the OS. If
the error persists, acquire all log data,
and then contact maintenance
If a remote HCP system cannot be
accessed in an environment where a
system is connected to the HCP system
over a network, determine the cause
of the problem, and then resolve the
problem. Before taking action
according to the message, see the
Troubleshooting Guide.

KAQM05261-E The local data encryption key An attempt to establish SSL

could not be acquired from communication with HCP failed.
the HCP system, because an (O)
attempt to establish SSL
communication with HCP Check the SSL settings on HCP as well
failed. as the status of the network, resolve
the cause of the error, and then restart
the OS. If the error persists, acquire all
log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-87

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
If a remote HCP system cannot be
accessed in an environment where a
system is connected to the HCP system
over a network, determine the cause
of the problem, and then resolve the
problem. Before taking action
according to the message, see the
Troubleshooting Guide.

KAQM05262-E The local data encryption key An error occurred during

could not be acquired from communication with HCP.
the HCP system, because (O)
communication with HCP
failed. Check the network status, and then
restart the OS. If the error persists,
acquire all log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.
If a remote HCP system cannot be
accessed in an environment where a
system is connected to the HCP system
over a network, determine the cause
of the problem, and then resolve the
problem. Before taking action
according to the message, see the
Troubleshooting Guide.

KAQM05263-E The local data encryption key The user name, password, tenant,
could not be acquired from namespace, or SSL setting is invalid.
the HCP system, because (O)
authentication with the HCP
system failed. Make sure that the HCP settings are
correct, and then restart the OS.
If a remote HCP system cannot be
accessed in an environment where a
system is connected to the HCP system
over a network, determine the cause
of the problem, and then resolve the
problem. Before taking action
according to the message, see the
Troubleshooting Guide.

KAQM05264-E The local data encryption key There might be a problem in the
could not be acquired from internal processing.
the HCP system, because an (O)
internal error occurred.
Acquire all log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM05267-E The specified interface cannot An interface that is configured with an

use DHCP because the IPv6 address cannot use DHCP.
interface is configured with an (O)
IPv6 address.
Specify an interface that is not
configured with an IPv6 address.

5-88 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM05271-Q Changes to the DHCP settings None

will be applied to the system. (O)
If you proceed, the node
might become disconnected. Enter y or n.
Are you sure you want to
apply the changes to the
DHCP settings? (y/n)

KAQM05272-I The settings have changed. None

To apply the changes to the (O)
system, either reload the
DHCP configuration, or restart No action is required.
the OS.

KAQM05273-I The node might be The node might be disconnected

disconnected because the because the network settings were
network settings were changed.
changed. If the node is (O)
disconnected, wait a few
minutes, and then log in Wait a few minutes, and then log in
again. again.

KAQM05274-E The specified interface has Processing was terminated because

DHCP settings that are settings were specified that differ from
pending application to the the settings that are pending
system. Settings that differ application to the system.
from the pending settings (O)
cannot be specified.
Please check the DHCP settings. If you
want to cancel the DHCP settings that
are pending application to the system,
specify the --cancel option.

KAQM05275-E Failed to change the DHCP There is a problem with

settings. communication with the DHCP server,
or there is a problem with the DHCP
server configuration.
Check with the network administrator
whether the DHCP server is configured
correctly and running correctly. Make
sure that there are no problems with
the network, and then retry the
operation. If the error occurs again,
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM05276-E The specified routing The specified routing information

information cannot be deleted cannot be deleted because it was
because it was configured by configured by DHCP.
Ask the network administrator to
change the routing settings on the
DHCP server. After DHCP server
configuration is complete, either reload
the DHCP configuration on the node, or
restart the OS.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-89

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM05277-I The DHCP settings that were None

pending application to the (O)
system were canceled.
No action is required.

KAQM05278-I Default network settings were Default network settings were

configured because DHCP configured because using DHCP to
could not be used. configure the network settings was not
To use DHCP, check the connection
environment with the network
administrator. Then, when
communication with the DHCP server
is possible, either reload the DHCP
configuration, or restart the OS.

KAQM05279-E The status of UPnP settings Processing was interrupted because

could not be acquired or either there is no network interface in
changed. the system, or no IP address is
assigned to the management port.
Check whether the system properly
detects the network interface. Also,
check whether the IP address settings
of the management port are correct. If
you cannot identify a problem, retry
the operation. If the error occurs
again, contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM05280-I The DNS settings changed. None

You must restart the OS. (O)
No action is required.

KAQM05281-E The operation could not be The private maintenance port might
performed because the not be implemented, or a hardware
private maintenance port malfunction might have occurred.
might not be implemented, or (O)
because a hardware
malfunction might have Check whether a hardware malfunction
occurred. occurred. If a malfunction occurred,
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM05282-Q Do you want to use DHCP? This message is displayed to confirm

(y/n) that you want to use DHCP.
Enter y or n.

KAQM05283-E The specified interface is not The specified interface is not using
using DHCP. DHCP.
Check the settings of the specified

5-90 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM05284-E A network adapter whose A network adapter whose negotiation

negotiation mode cannot be mode cannot be changed is being used
changed is being used as the as the specified network port.
specified network port. (O)
(network port name =
network-port-name) Leave the negotiation mode as Auto.

KAQM05301-E The operation cannot be The data encryption function is not

performed because the data enabled.
encryption function is not (O)
No action is required.

KAQM05303-E The operation cannot be The local data encryption key could not
performed because the local be acquired from the HCP system.
data encryption key could not (O)
be acquired from the HCP
system. Check the status of the HCP system
and the network, resolve the problem,
and then restart the OS.

KAQM05304-E The entered passphrase and The passphrase and confirmation

confirmation passphrase do passphrase do not match.
not match. (O)
Enter the same characters for the
passphrase and confirmation
passphrase, and then try again.

KAQM05305-E The public key for data The system is operating normally.
encryption does not need to (O)
be recovered because the
system is operating normally. No action is required.

KAQM05306-E The public key for data The entered key or passphrase is
encryption could not be incorrect.
decrypted because the (O)
entered key or passphrase is
incorrect. Enter a correct key or passphrase.

KAQM05307-I The entered key matches the The entered key matches the public
public key for data key for data encryption.
encryption. (O)
No action is required.

KAQM05308-W The node processing the Communication between the nodes

restoration of the public key might have failed because a LAN cable
for data encryption ended was disconnected, one of the nodes in
normally, but a restoration the cluster was heavily loaded, or the
attempt by the other node in OS was not running on the other node
the cluster failed. in the cluster.
Make sure that the LAN cable is
connected and the load on the nodes
in the cluster has returned to a normal
state, and then reboot the OS of the
other node. If the OS on the other

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-91

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
node in the cluster was not running,
start the OS.

KAQM05320-E An error occurred during the An attempt to start a system resource

startup of a resource. failed.
Determine the cause of the error by
referring to the KAQM04186-E
message or the KAQM35nnn messages
that are output as system messages,
and then resolve the problem by
following the applicable messages.

KAQM05321-E The entered key is too short The entered key is too short or too
or too long. Make sure there long. Make sure there is no line break
is no line break in the entered in the entered key.
key. (O)
Enter a correct key that does not
include any line breaks.

KAQM05322-I Processing might take a This message is output before

while. processing that takes a while is
No action is required.

KAQM05323-E An attempt to create an An attempt to create an encryption key

encryption key for the data for the data stored in the HCP system
stored in the HCP system used for the Virtual Server failed.
used for the Virtual Server (O)
Acquire all the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM05325-W The system settings were The system settings were restored, but
restored, but the encryption the encryption key was not recovered.
key was not recovered. (O)
Use the hcprecoverkey command to
recover the encryption key for the data
stored in the HCP system.

KAQM06 messages
This section explains messages that have a message ID beginning with
KAQM06, and the actions to be taken if such messages appear.

Table 5-4 KAQM06 messages

Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM06001-E A syntax error exists in the The specified data syntax is incorrect.
entered item-name. (O)

5-92 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Specify with alphanumeric characters,
forward slash (/), periods (.), hyphens
(-), underscores (_), colons (:), equal
signs (=), or at marks (@) (the
beginning cannot be an underscore

KAQM06002-E A syntax error exists in the The specified data syntax is incorrect.
entered item-name. (O)
Specify with an IP address.

KAQM06003-W The product or license is not The product or license is not

synchronized in the cluster. synchronized in the cluster.
Follow the instructions given by the
warning messages output as system
messages, numbered KAQM06025-W,
KAQM06027-W, or KAQM06105-W.

KAQM06004-E An internal error occurred. A problem may exist in the internal

Acquire all the Management log files
and inform maintenance personnel.
See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM06015-E The cluster, resource group, The resource group or virtual server is
or virtual server has not not in the Offline state, or the cluster
stopped. is not in the INACTIVE state.
Make sure that the resource group and
virtual server are in the Offline state
and that the cluster and node are in
the INACTIVE state, and then retry the

KAQM06018-E The processing of the failover The failover function returned an error.
function has failed. The processing of a cluster, node,
resource group, or virtual server might
be temporarily disabled.
Check the status of the clusters,
nodes, resource groups, or virtual
servers. If they are operating normally
or are stopped, try the operation
again. If this message is displayed
when performing a manual failover,
make sure that the failover-destination
node has started. In other cases,
check (in all nodes in the cluster)
whether a KAQG7nnnn message was
output to the system messages. If a
system message was output, take
appropriate action. If a system

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-93

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
message was not output, refer to the
troubleshooting chapter in the online
help and take appropriate action. If
you cannot identify the cause, acquire
all the Management log files and
Cluster log files, and then inform
maintenance personnel. See the help
for a list of Management log files and
Cluster log files.

KAQM06019-E Nodes with the same node More than one node with the same
name exist in the cluster. node name exist in the cluster.
Request maintenance personnel to
specify a unique node name in the
cluster. Note that node names are

KAQM06020-E The network address of the The network address of the displayed
following fixed IP address is fixed IP address duplicates a network
invalid. : duplicated-IP- address of an IP address reserved
address within the system.
Request maintenance personnel to
change the fixed IP address so that it
does not duplicate a network address
of an IP address reserved within the

KAQM06021-E The fixed IP address of the The fixed IP address of the

management port is invalid. management port is duplicated in the
(fixed IP address=duplicated- cluster.
IP-address) (O)
Request maintenance personnel to
change the fixed IP address of the
management port so that no fixed IP
addresses are duplicated in the cluster.

KAQM06024-W Another user is using a Another user is exclusively using a

resource of the status display resource of the status display
processing. processing, or an exclusively used
node has stopped.
If no other error messages are
displayed after clicking the button and
before this message is displayed, the
button operation has completed
normally. To display the status display
screen, wait a while, and then retry. If
a processing node stops, wait about 15
minutes or boot the stopped node.
See G. Actions for when a timeout
occurs due to the inability to secure

5-94 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
the resources used for processing, and
follow the procedure that is listed.

KAQM06025-W A node for which product- The product is not installed on each
name has not been installed node in the cluster.
exists in the cluster. (O)
Check the products installed on each
node in the cluster, and install any
necessary products.

KAQM06027-W There are differing versions of The versions of the product on each
product-name in the cluster. node in the cluster are different.
Check the versions of the product
installed on each node in the cluster,
and then install the same version on
each node.

KAQM06029-E The virtual IP address (service The virtual IP address is not specified
IP address) is not specified in in the cluster.
the cluster. (O)
Specify one or more virtual IP
addresses in the cluster.

KAQM06030-E A virtual IP address (service A virtual IP address is not specified for

IP address) is not specified for the selected resource group.
the selected resource group. (O)
Specify one or more virtual IP
addresses for the selected resource

KAQM06041-E The specified host name is The specified host name is invalid.
invalid. (host name = host- (O)
Specify a host name that is no more
than 15 characters and includes only
alphanumeric characters and hyphens
(-). The first character must be an
English letter, and the last character
must be an alphanumeric character.

KAQM06042-E The same node name has The same node name has been
been specified twice. (node specified twice.
name=node-name) node-name
The node name that caused the
Specify the node names so that each
name is unique in the cluster. Note
that node names are case-insensitive.

KAQM06043-E The specified node name The specified node name has already
already exists in another node been set for another node in the
in the cluster. (node cluster.
name=node-name) node-name

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-95

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
The node name that caused the
Specify a node name that has not been
set for a node or virtual server in the
cluster. Note that node names are

KAQM06044-E The specified node name The specified node name has already
already exists in a node in been set for a node in another cluster
another cluster of the system. of the system.
(node name=node-name) node-name
The node name that caused the
Specify a node name that has not been
set for a node in another cluster of the
system. Note that node names are

KAQM06050-E The cluster is not operating. The cluster status is not ACTIVE.
Check the cluster status, start the
cluster, and then try again.

KAQM06051-E The cluster is not stopped. The cluster status is not INACTIVE.
Make sure that the cluster, nodes, and
resource groups are in the correct
states, and then try again.

KAQM06052-E Another user is using a Another user is exclusively using a

resource of the status display resource of the status display
processing. processing, or an exclusively used
node has stopped.
Wait a while, and then retry. If a
processing node stops, wait about 15
minutes or boot the stopped node.
See G. Actions for when a timeout
occurs due to the inability to secure
the resources used for processing, and
follow the procedure that is listed.

KAQM06053-E Processing for the cluster or Another user might be performing a

resource group is currently cluster or resource group operation.
executing. (O)
Check the status of the cluster, node,
and resource group, and then try again
once the status allows execution.
If an error occurs again, acquire all of
the Management log files and contact

5-96 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
maintenance personnel. See the help
for a list of the Management log files.

KAQM06054-E The specified cluster does not A non-existent cluster was specified.
exist.(cluster name = (O)
Specify an existing cluster, and then
try again.

KAQM06055-E The specified node does not A node that does not exist in the
exist.(node name = specified- cluster was specified.
node-name) (O)
Specify a node that exists in the
cluster, and then try again.

KAQM06056-E The specified node is not The node status is not UP.
operating. (O)
Check the node status, start the node,
and then try again.

KAQM06057-E The specified node is not The node status is not INACTIVE.
stopped. (O)
Make sure that the cluster, nodes, and
resource groups are in the correct
states, and then try again.

KAQM06058-E A virtual IP address (service A virtual IP address is not set for the
IP address) is not set for the specified resource group.
specified resource group. (O)
Set one or more virtual IP addresses
for the specified resource group.

KAQM06059-E The specified resource group A non-existent resource group was

does not exist. (resource specified.
group name = specified- (O)
Specify an existing resource group,
and then try again.

KAQM06060-E The specified resource group The resource group status is not
is not operating. 'Online/No error', 'Online Ready/No
error', or 'Online Maintenance/No
Make sure that the cluster, nodes, and
resource groups are in the correct
states, and then try again.

KAQM06061-E The specified resource group The resource group status is not
is not stopped. 'Offline/No error' or 'Online Ready/No
Check the resource group status, stop
the resource group, and then try

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-97

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM06062-E An attempt to start the An attempt was made to start the

resource group failed because resource group while the NFS service
the NFS service is not was stopped.
running. (O)
Execute a forced stop of the resource
group you attempted to start, and then
remove the cause of the error. After
that, start the NFS service of the node
for which you attempted to start the
resource group, and then try to start
the resource group again. If an error
occurs again, acquire all of the
Management log files and contact
maintenance personnel. See the help
for a list of the Management log files.

KAQM06063-E An attempt to exclude the The node status is not UP or the

resource group from being resource group status is not 'Online/No
monitored failed because the error'.
resource group status does (O)
not allow monitoring.
Make sure that the cluster, nodes, and
resource groups are in the correct
states, and then try again.

KAQM06064-E An attempt to start The node status is not UP or the

monitoring failed because the resource group status is not 'Online
resource group is not Maintenance/No error'.
excluded from monitoring. (O)
Make sure that the cluster, nodes, and
resource groups are in the correct
states, and then try again.

KAQM06065-E Processing for the cluster or Another user might be operating the
resource group might be cluster or resource group, or a failover
currently executing, or a might be occurring.
failover might be occurring. (O)
Check the status of the cluster, node,
and resource group, and then try again
once the statuses allow execution.
If an error occurs again, acquire all of
the Management log files and contact
maintenance personnel. See the help
for a list of the Management log files.

KAQM06066-E The node operating the The status of the node operating the
resource group is not running. resource group is not UP.
Start the node operating the resource
group, and then try again. If an error
occurs again, acquire all of the
Management log files and contact
maintenance personnel. See the help
for a list of the Management log files.

5-98 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM06067-E The node that is the move The status of the node that is the
destination of the resource move destination of the resource group
group is not running. is not UP.
Start the node that is the move
destination of the resource group, and
then try again. If an error occurs
again, acquire all of the Management
log files and contact maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM06068-E An attempt to start the An attempt to start the resource group

resource group failed because was made while the NFS service of the
the NFS service of the node node that is the move destination of
that is the move destination the resource group was stopped.
of the resource group is not (O)
Execute a forced stop of the resource
group you attempted to move, and
then remove the cause of the error.
After that, start the NFS service of the
node that is the move destination of
the resource group, and then try to
move the resource group again. If an
error occurs again, acquire all of the
Management log files and contact
maintenance personnel. See the help
for a list of the Management log files.

KAQM06069-E The specified item-name A character that cannot be used for the
cannot be used because it name was specified.
includes an invalid character. (O)
(entered value = entered-
value) Specify the name by using
alphanumeric characters, forward
slashes (/), periods (.), hyphens (-),
underscores (_), colons (:), equal
signs (=), or at marks (@).

KAQM06070-E The specified item-name A name that exceeds the maximum

cannot be used because it number of characters was specified.
exceeds 22 characters. (O)
(entered value = entered-
value) Specify the name by using a maximum
of 22 characters.

KAQM06071-E The specified item-name A reserved word was specified.

cannot be used because it is a (O)
reserved word. (entered value
= entered-value) Specify a name other than a reserved

KAQM06072-E The name "0" cannot be The name "0" was specified.
specified for the item-name. (O)
Specify a name other than "0".

KAQM06073-E The specified item-name A name that begins with an underscore

cannot be used because it (_) was specified.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-99

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
begins with an underscore (O)
(_). (entered value = Specify a name that does not begin
entered-value) with an underscore (_).
KAQM06081-E The specified Physical Node The specified Physical Node host name
host name does not exist. is invalid.
Specify a valid Physical Node host
name, and then retry the operation.

KAQM06082-E The specified Physical Node The specified Physical Node host name
host name has already been has already been specified.
specified. (O)
Specify a valid Physical Node host
name, and then retry the operation.

KAQM06083-E The specified node name has The specified node name has already
already been specified. been specified.
Specify a node name that is unique
within the cluster, and then retry the

KAQM06084-E The network address of the The network address of the heartbeat
heartbeat port and port and management port are the
management port are the same.
same. (IP address = (O)
Specify different network addresses for
the heartbeat port and the
management port, or change the IP
address of the management port, and
then retry the operation.

KAQM06085-E The IP address of the The IP address of the heartbeat port

heartbeat port and and management port are the same.
management port are the (O)
same. (IP address =
duplicated-IP-address) Specify different network addresses for
the heartbeat port and the
management port, or change the IP
address of the management port, and
then retry the operation.

KAQM06086-E The specified model name The specified model name is invalid.
(model-name) is invalid. (O)
Specify a valid model name, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM06087-E The specified serial number The specified serial number is invalid.
(serial-number) is invalid. (O)
Specify a valid serial number, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM06088-E The specified volume The specified volume is invalid.

(volume) is invalid. (O)

5-100 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Specify a valid volume, and then retry
the operation.

KAQM06089-E The specified network address The specified network address of the
(network-address) of the heartbeat port is invalid.
heartbeat port is invalid. (O)
Specify a valid network address for the
heartbeat port, and then retry the

KAQM06090-E The format of the The format of the management IP

management IP address on address on the other node is invalid.
the other node is invalid. (IP (O)
address = IP-address)
Specify a valid IP address, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM06091-E The specified LU was not The FC path status might be invalid, or
found. (model name = model- the LUs in the storage system might
name, serial number = serial- not be properly allocated.
number, volume = volume) (O)
Check the FC path statuses for both
nodes. If the statuses are normal,
confirm with the SAN administrator
that the LUs in the storage system
have been properly allocated. After
confirming that the LUs have been
properly allocated to both nodes, retry
the operation.

KAQM06092-E The specified LU cannot be The capacity of the specified LU is

allocated as the cluster insufficient for a cluster management
management LU because the LU.
capacity is not big enough. (O)
(model name = model-name,
serial number = serial- Specify an LU that has sufficient
number, volume = volume) capacity for a cluster management LU
(68.277 GB or more), and then retry
the operation.

KAQM06093-E The specified LU is blocked. The specified LU is blocked.

(model name = model-name, (O)
serial number = serial-
number, volume = volume) Remove the LU blockage, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM06094-E A LU other than the specified If an operation was executed that

LU has already been allocated restores the system LU and redefines
as the cluster management the cluster, then the specified cluster
LU. (model name = model- management LU is different from the
name-of-the-LU-assigned-to- one specified before the restoration. In
the-cluster-management-LU, all other cases, the cluster
serial number = serial- configuration might be in the midst of
number-of-the-LU-assigned- being defined on an LU different from
to-the-cluster-management- the one that was specified.
LU, volume = volume-of-the- (O)
management-LU) If an operation was performed that
restores the system LU and redefines

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-101

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
the cluster, make sure that the
specified cluster management LU is the
same as the one specified before the
restoration. In all other cases, wait a
while, and then make sure that a
cluster configuration has been defined.
If a cluster configuration has not been
defined, acquire all the Management
log files and Cluster log files, and then
inform maintenance personnel. For a
list of the Management log files, see
online Help.

KAQM06095-E An attempt to communicate An attempt to communicate between

between nodes has failed. nodes has failed.
The specified management IP address
on the other node might be invalid, or
a LAN cable might have been
disconnected. Make sure that the
specified management IP address on
the other node is correct. If the
specified management IP address on
the other node is correct, make sure
that the LAN cables are properly
connected and there are no network
errors. If this does not resolve the
problem, acquire all the Management
log files, and then contact maintenance
personnel. For a list of the
Management log files, see online Help.

KAQM06096-E A cluster configuration has A cluster configuration has been

been defined. defined.
No action is required.

KAQM06097-E The network addresses of the The network addresses of the BMC port
BMC port and the and the management port are
management port are different.
different. (O)
Change the IP address of the BMC port
or the management port, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM06098-E The IP address of the BMC The IP address of the BMC port and
port and management port management port are the same.
are the same. (IP address = (O)
Change the IP address of the BMC port
or the management port, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM06099-E The network address of the The network address of the BMC port
BMC port and heartbeat port and heartbeat port are the same.
are the same. (IP address = (O)

5-102 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Specify different network addresses for
the BMC port and the heartbeat port,
or change the IP address of the BMC
port, and then retry the operation.

KAQM06100-E The IP address of the BMC The IP address of the BMC port and
port and heartbeat port are heartbeat port are the same.
the same. (IP address = (O)
Specify different network addresses for
the BMC port and the heartbeat port,
or change the IP address of the BMC
port, and then retry the operation.

KAQM06101-E The network addresses of the The network addresses of the

management ports on both management ports on both nodes are
nodes are different. different.
Change the IP addresses of the
management ports so that the network
address between the two nodes is the
same, and then retry the operation.

KAQM06102-E A cluster configuration has The cluster configuration has already

been defined. been defined, or the specified
management IP address on the other
node is invalid.
Check the status of the cluster
configuration. If a cluster has not been
defined, check the specified
management IP address on the other
node, and then retry the operation.

KAQM06103-E The IP addresses of the BMC The IP addresses of the BMC ports on
ports on both nodes are the both nodes are the same.
same. (IP address = (O)
Change the IP addresses of the BMC
ports so that the IP address between
the two nodes is different, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM06104-E The network addresses of the The network addresses of the BMC
BMC ports on both nodes are ports on both nodes are different.
different. (O)
Change the IP addresses of the BMC
ports so that the network address
between the two nodes is the same,
and then retry the operation.

KAQM06105-W The license license-name on The license on one node in the cluster
one node in the cluster does does not match the license on the
not match the license on the other node.
other node. (O)
Check the licenses on both nodes, and
make sure that they match.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-103

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM06106-E An HA Cluster license has not An HA Cluster license has not been set.
been set. (O)
Set an HA Cluster license on both
nodes in the cluster, and then retry the

KAQM06107-E An attempt to allocate the An error might have occurred on the

cluster management LU has disk where the LU is stored, or there
failed. (model name = model- might be a problem in internal
name serial number = serial- processing.
number, volume = volume) (O)
Check the status of the specified LU,
format the LU if it is in an abnormal
status, and then retry the operation. If
this error occurs again, acquire all of
the Management log files and contact
maintenance personnel. For a list of
the Management log files, see online

KAQM06108-W The cluster could be started, The communication between nodes

but whether licenses are might have failed because a LAN cable
consistent could not be was disconnected, one of the nodes in
confirmed. the cluster was heavily loaded, or the
other node in the cluster was not
Make sure that the LAN cables are
connected, the load on the nodes in
the cluster has returned to a normal
state, and the other node in the cluster
is running. Connect to the other node
in the cluster, and then make sure that
the licenses are consistent between the

KAQM06109-Q Executing this command This confirmation message is output

changes the DISABLE status before the DISABLE status of a cluster
of the cluster. (The cluster is is changed.
in the DISABLE status when (O)
the nodes cannot
communicate with each Enter y or n.
other.) The command then
forcibly fails over the resource
group running on the other
node. If the power to the
other node is on, then the
service might not be able to
be restarted. Are you sure
you want to continue? (y/n)

KAQM06110-E The processing to change the The cluster is not in the DISABLE
DISABLE status of the cluster status.
cannot be executed because (O)
the cluster is not in the
DISABLE status. Check the status of the cluster. If the
cluster is in the DISABLE status, retry

5-104 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
the operation. If the error occurs
again, acquire all the Management and
cluster log files, and then contact
maintenance personnel. If the cluster
is not in the DISABLE status, check the
system messages. If any KAQM06nnn
or KAQG7nnnn messages have been
output, follow the instructions in the
messages. If no system messages
have been output, acquire all the
Management and cluster log files, and
then contact maintenance personnel.
For a list of the Management and
cluster log files, see online Help.

KAQM06112-E Definition of a cluster There might be a problem with the

configuration was canceled heartbeat port LAN cable.
because the heartbeat port (O)
timed out in an attempt to
link up. Replace the heartbeat port LAN cable,
and then retry the operation. If this
error occurs again, acquire all the log
data, and then contact maintenance

KAQM06116-E An error occurred in the An error occurred in the cluster

cluster management LU management LU or a system file, the
(model name = model-name, cluster management LU is blocked, or
serial number = serial- access to the cluster management LU
number, volume = volume) or is being suppressed because a
a system file, or access to the resource group was forcibly failed over.
cluster management LU is (O)
being suppressed because a
resource group was forcibly Inform maintenance personnel.
failed over.

KAQM06118-W The node could be started, The communication between nodes

but whether licenses are might have failed because a LAN cable
consistent could not be was disconnected, one of the nodes in
confirmed. the cluster was heavily loaded, or the
other node in the cluster was not
Make sure that the LAN cables are
connected, the load on the nodes in
the cluster has returned to a normal
state, and the other node in the cluster
is running. Connect to the other node
in the cluster, and then make sure that
the licenses are consistent between the

KAQM06119-E An attempt to modify the host There might be a problem in internal

name has failed. processing.
Acquire all the log files, and then
inform maintenance personnel.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-105

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM06120-E The resource group is not The resource group is not in the
running. Online/No error status or the Partial
Online status.
Confirm that the resource group status
is valid, and then retry the operation.

KAQM06121-E The resource group is not The resource group is not in the
stopped. Offline/No error status.
Check the resource group status, stop
the resource group, and then retry the

KAQM06122-E An attempt to start the There might be a problem in internal

resource group has failed. processing.
Acquire all the log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM06123-E An attempt to stop the There might be a problem in internal

resource group has failed. processing.
Acquire all the log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM06124-E An internal error occurred. An attempt to create a process has

Processing might be failed. There might not be enough
temporarily disabled. memory or assignable process IDs.
Wait a while, and then retry the
operation. If the problem persists,
acquire all the log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM06125-E An attempt to start the An attempt to start the resource group

resource group has failed. has failed.
Check the system messages to verify
whether an error occurred. If a
KAQM35nnn message was output to
the system messages, take
appropriate action. If no system
messages were output, acquire all the
log files, and then contact maintenance

KAQM06126-E An attempt to stop the An attempt to stop the resource group

resource group has failed. has failed.
Check the system messages to verify
whether an error occurred. If a
KAQM35nnn message was output to
the system messages, take

5-106 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
appropriate action. If no system
messages were output, acquire all the
log files, and then contact maintenance

KAQM06127-E The starting of the resource The starting of the resource group
group timed out. timed out.
Forcibly stop the resource group, and
then retry the operation. If the
problem persists, acquire all the log
files, and then contact maintenance

KAQM06128-E The stopping of the resource The stopping of the resource group
group timed out. timed out.
Forcibly stop the resource group.

KAQM06129-E An attempt to stop the There might be a problem in internal

resource group has failed. processing.
Acquire all the log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM06130-E The specified node (the other Cluster configuration definitions cannot
node) is in a single-node be executed for single-node
configuration. configurations.
Check the management IP address of
the other node, and then specify a
valid management IP address.

KAQM06131-E An attempt to start the An attempt was made to start the

resource group failed because resource group while the NFS service
the NFS service is not was stopped.
running. (O)
Forcibly stop the resource group, and
then remove the cause of the error.
After that, start the NFS service, check
the status of the resource group, and if
the resource group is in a status that
will allow the operation to be
performed, retry the operation. If the
problem persists, acquire all the log
files, and then contact maintenance

KAQM06132-E The management port has not The command cannot be executed
been set. before the management port is set.
Set the management port before
starting the system.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-107

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM06133-Q Performing this operation will This confirmation message is output

stop the services on both before the cluster is stopped.
nodes. Are you sure you want (O)
to stop the cluster? (y/n)
Enter y or n.

KAQM06134-Q Performing this operation This confirmation message is output

might stop the services on the before the node is stopped.
node. Are you sure you want (O)
to stop the node? (y/n)
Enter y or n.

KAQM06135-Q Performing this operation will This confirmation message is output

stop the services. Are you before the resource group is stopped.
sure you want to stop the (O)
resource group? (y/n)
Enter y or n.

KAQM06136-Q Performing this operation will This confirmation message is output

temporarily stop the services. before the resource group is moved.
Are you sure you want to (O)
change the execution node of
the resource group? (y/n) Enter y or n.

KAQM06137-E Startup of the node timed Some resources to be used for

out. processing are locked because another
user is using them.
If the node is not already starting,
start it.
See G. Actions for when a timeout
occurs due to the inability to secure
the resources used for processing, and
follow the procedure that is listed.

KAQM06138-E Startup of the resource group Some resources to be used for

timed out. processing are locked because another
user is using them.
If the resource group is not already
starting, start it.
See G. Actions for when a timeout
occurs due to the inability to secure
the resources used for processing, and
follow the procedure that is listed.

KAQM06139-E The resource group move Some resources to be used for

timed out. processing are locked because another
user is using them.
If the resource group has not already
been moved, move it.

5-108 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
See G. Actions for when a timeout
occurs due to the inability to secure
the resources used for processing, and
follow the procedure that is listed.

KAQM06140-E The defining of the cluster There might be a problem with the
configuration was canceled BMC LAN cable, or an error might have
because communication with occurred in the BMC. If pm1 is
the BMC port failed. connected to the BMC port, then there
might be a problem with the pm1 LAN
cable, or an error might have occurred
in pm1.
Replace the BMC or pm1 LAN cable,
and then retry the operation. If this
error occurs again or if there is a
problem with the BMC, acquire all the
log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM06141-E The bmcctl command was not The bmcctl command was not
executed after the network executed after the network address of
address of the management the management port was changed.
port was changed. (O)
Execute the bmcctl command on both
nodes, and then retry the operation.

KAQM06142-E The node cannot be started The OS on the other node in the
because the OS on the other cluster is not running properly. The OS
node in the cluster is not might currently be starting or
running properly. stopping.
Verify that the OS on the other node in
the cluster is running properly. Verify
that "BOOT COMPLETE" is displayed for
the peerstatus command, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM06144-E An attempt to update An attempt to update resource

resource information failed. information failed.
Perform the failover or failback
operation. If the error happens again,
an OS version downgrade is necessary.
Contact your technical support group.

KAQM06145-W The resource information The resource information update is not

update is not complete. complete.
Perform the failover or failback
operation. If the error happens again,
an OS version downgrade is necessary.
Contact your technical support group.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-109

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
KAQM07 messages
This section explains messages that have a message ID beginning with
KAQM07, and the actions to be taken if such messages appear.

Table 5-5 KAQM07 messages

Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM07001-E An error exists in the value A character that cannot be specified in

entered for the group name. a group name was specified, or an
(entered data=group-name) error exists in the number of entered
Enter a suitable value according to the

KAQM07002-E An error exists in the value A character other than a numerical

entered for the GID. (entered value was specified or the range that
data=GID) can be specified was exceeded.
Enter a suitable value according to the

KAQM07003-E A non-registered user is The specified user might not be

included in the specified registered or might have been deleted
member users. (entered by another system administrator.
data=user) (O)
Retry the operation. When using a
command, make sure to specify a
registered user. If the error occurs
again, acquire all the Management log
files, and then contact maintenance
personnel. See Help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM07004-E An error exists in the value A character that cannot be specified in

entered for the user name. a user name was specified, or an error
(entered data=user-name) exists in the number of entered
Enter a suitable value according to the

KAQM07005-E An error exists in the value A character other than a numerical

entered for the UID. (entered value was specified or the range that
data=UID) can be specified was exceeded.
Enter a suitable value according to the

KAQM07006-E The specified group is not The specified group might not be
registered. (entered data = registered or might have been deleted
group) by another system administrator.

5-110 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Retry the operation. When using a
command, make sure to specify a
registered group. If the error occurs
again, acquire all the Management log
files, and then contact maintenance
personnel. See Help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM07007-E An unregistered group was The specified group might not be

specified as a member group. registered or might have been deleted
(entered data = group) by another system administrator.
Retry the operation. When using a
command, make sure to specify a
registered group. If the error occurs
again, acquire all the Management log
files, and then contact maintenance
personnel. See Help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM07008-E An error exists in the value A character sequence that cannot be

entered for the password. specified for a password was specified,
or an error exists in the number of
entered characters.
Enter a suitable value according to the

KAQM07009-E The password and re-enter The re-enter password did not match
password do not match. the password.
Enter the password again.

KAQM07010-E An error exists in the entered A character sequence that cannot be

value specified for the specified for a comment was specified,
comment. (entered or an error exists in the number of
data=comment) entered characters.
Enter a suitable value according to the

KAQM07011-E The specified group is already An already registered group name

registered. (entered cannot be specified.
data=group-name) (O)
Specify a group name that is not

KAQM07012-E The specified GID is already An already registered GID cannot be

registered. (entered specified.
data=GID) (O)
Specify the GID that is not registered.

KAQM07013-E The specified user is already An already registered user name

registered. (entered cannot be specified.
data=user-name) (O)

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-111

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Specify a user name that is not

KAQM07014-E The specified UID is already An already registered UID cannot be

registered. (entered specified.
data=UID) (O)
Specify a UID that is not registered.

KAQM07015-E The specified group does not The specified group might not be
exist or cannot be specified. registered, might have been deleted by
another system administrator, might
not be a local group, or might be a
system-reserved group.
Retry the operation. If you are using a
command, check [List of Groups] to
make sure that the group name is
correct. If the error occurs again,
acquire all the Management log files,
and then contact maintenance
personnel. See Help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM07016-E The specified user does not The specified user might not be
exist or cannot be specified. registered, might have been deleted by
another system administrator, might
not be a local user, or might be a
system-reserved user.
Retry the operation. If you are using a
command, check [List of Users] to
make sure that the user name is
correct. If the error occurs again,
acquire all the Management log files,
and then contact maintenance
personnel. See Help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM07017-E The user authentication failed. An invalid user name or invalid

password was specified.
Enter the correct user name or

KAQM07018-E The maximum of the number The number of registered users has
of users that can be reached the maximum of the number
registered was exceeded. of users that can be registered.
If you want to register a new user,
delete a user.

KAQM07019-E An internal error occurred. A conflict with another system

administrator's operation or an internal
error may have occurred.

5-112 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Retry. Acquire all the Management log
files if the error occurs again, and then
inform maintenance personnel. See the
help for a list of the Management log

KAQM07020-E The group registration A conflict with another system

processing failed. administrator's operation or an internal
error may have occurred.
Retry execution. If the error occurs
again, acquire all the Management log
files, and inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM07021-E The group edit processing A conflict with another system

failed. administrator's operation or an internal
error may have occurred.
Retry execution. If the error occurs
again, acquire all the Management log
files, and inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM07022-E The group deletion processing A conflict with another system

failed. administrator's operation or an internal
error may have occurred.
Retry execution. If the error occurs
again, acquire all the Management log
files, and inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM07023-E The user registration A conflict with another system

processing failed. administrator's operation or system
error may have occurred.
Retry execution. Acquire all the
Management log files if the error
occurs again, and inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM07024-E The user editing failed. A conflict with another system

administrator's operation or system
error may have occurred.
Retry execution. If the error occurs
again, acquire all the Management log
files, and inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-113

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM07025-E The user deletion processing A conflict with another system

failed. administrator's operation or system
error may have occurred.
Retry execution. If the error occurs
again, acquire all the Management log
files, and inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM07026-E The password registration A conflict with another system

failed. administrator's operation or system
error may have occurred.
Retry execution. If the error occurs
again, acquire all the Management log
files, and inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM07027-E The changing of the password A conflict with another system

failed. administrator's operation or system
error may have occurred.
Retry execution. If the error occurs
again, acquire all the Management log
files, and inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM07028-E The creation of the CIFS A conflict with another system

account failed. administrator's operation or system
error may have occurred.
Retry execution. If the error occurs
again, acquire all the Management log
files, and inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM07029-E The updating of the CIFS A conflict with another system

account failed. administrator's operation or system
error may have occurred.
Retry execution. If the error occurs
again, acquire all the Management log
files, and inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM07030-E The deletion of the CIFS A conflict with another system

account failed. administrator's operation or system
error may have occurred.

5-114 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Retry execution. If the error occurs
again, acquire all the Management log
files, and inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM07031-E The system administrator A conflict with another account

information could not be administrator's or system
updated. administrator's operation might have
occurred, or a system error might have
Retry. Acquire all the Management log
files if the error occurs again, and
inform maintenance personnel. See the
help for a list of the Management log

KAQM07033-E The specified group is set up A group specified to be a user's

as a user's primary group. primary group cannot be deleted.
Delete the users who use the group
you want to delete as a primary group,
and then retry.

KAQM07034-E The specified user cannot be The number of the system

deleted. (entered administrators registered is one, so the
data=system-administrator- user cannot be deleted.
name) (O)
Register another system administrator,
and then delete the specified system

KAQM07036-E During checking of the file An error exists in the contents of the
used for batch registration or specified file.
deletion, an error was (O)
detected in the file.
Correct the contents of the CSV file
according to the contents of the error
in the execution result file, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM07037-I No error was found while the All the contents of the specified file are
batch configuration file was normal.
being checked. (O)
No action is required.

KAQM07038-I Batch operation (registration) Batch operation (registration or

ended normally. deletion) of users was completed
No action is required.

KAQM07039-E An attempt to upload a file A system error may have occurred.

failed. (O)

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-115

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Retry. Acquire all the Management log
files if this error occurs again, and
inform maintenance personnel. See the
help for a list of the Management log

KAQM07040-E An attempt to download a file A system error may have occurred.

failed. (O)
Retry. Acquire all the Management log
files if the error occurs again, and
inform maintenance personnel. See the
help for a list of the Management log

KAQM07048-E A file operation failed. A problem may exist in the processing

of an OS disk or a system file.
Check the settings and check for
problems in the OS disk. Acquire all
the Management log files if there is no
problem, and inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM07052-E An invalid file was specified. A file with a file format that cannot be
used for batch registration or deletion
was specified.
Specify a CSV file that can be used for
batch registration or deletion.

KAQM07053-E No group is registered. You must register at least one group

for registration of a user.
Register the primary group to which
the user belongs.

KAQM07054-E An attempt to acquire user The user was deleted or a system error
information failed. may have occurred.
Click [Close] to close the window, and
then contact the system administrator.
If you want to continue the operation,
after the system administrator
performs the necessary tasks, log in
again. Inform the system administrator
of the following information: Message
ID: KAQM07054-E, Action: Check
whether the user is registered in File
Services Manager. If not registered,
register the deleted user again. If
registered, acquire all the Management
log files, and then contact maintenance
personnel. See the Help for a list of the
Management log files.

5-116 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM07056-E Information about a user who The currently logged-in user is not
is currently logged in cannot registered in File Services Manager, so
be edited. editing cannot be executed.
When user information is not managed
with File Services Manager, contact the
administrator of the server used to
manage the user information.

KAQM07059-E An invalid file was specified. The specified file does not exist or the
file is empty.
Specify a CSV file that was created for
batch registration or deletion.

KAQM07060-E The entered administrator The entered administrator name

name is incorrect. (entered contains some invalid characters, or
data=administrator-name) the number of entered characters is
Enter an appropriate value according
to the help.

KAQM07061-E The system administrator The specified system administrator

information could not be might be deleted, a conflict with
acquired. another account administrator's or
system administrator's operation might
have occurred, or a system error might
have occurred.
Check whether the specified
administrator exists. If no
administrator exists, this operation
cannot be performed. If the specified
administrator exists, retry execution. If
this error occurs again, acquire all the
Management log files, and then inform
maintenance personnel. See the help
for a list of the Management log files.

KAQM07062-E The account administrator A conflict with another account

information could not be administrator's operation might have
acquired. occurred, or a system error might have
Retry execution. If this error occurs
again, acquire all the Management log
files, and then inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM07063-E The password could not be The specified system administrator

changed. might be deleted, a conflict with
another account administrator's or
system administrator's operation might

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-117

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
have occurred, or a system error might
have occurred.
Check whether the specified
administrator exists. If no
administrator exists, this operation
cannot be performed. If the specified
administrator exists, retry execution. If
this error occurs again, acquire all the
Management log files, and then inform
maintenance personnel. See the help
for a list of the Management log files.

KAQM07064-E The password could not be A conflict with another account

changed. administrator's operation might have
occurred, or a system error might have
Retry execution. If the error occurs
again, acquire all the Management log
files, and then inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM07065-E The account administrator A conflict with another account

information could not be administrator's operation might have
updated. occurred, or a system error might have
Retry execution. If the error occurs
again, acquire all the Management log
files, and then inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM07066-E The processing that registers A system error may have occurred.
a group to the CIFS ACL (O)
environment has failed.
Retry execution. Acquire all the
Management log files if the error
occurs again, and inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM07067-E The processing that deletes a A system error may have occurred.
group from the CIFS ACL (O)
environment has failed.
Retry execution. Acquire all the
Management log files if the error
occurs again, and inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM07068-E The processing that acquires A system error may have occurred.
the information on whether (O)
the group is registered to the
Retry execution. Acquire all the
Management log files if the error

5-118 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
CIFS ACL environment has occurs again, and inform maintenance
failed. personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.
KAQM07069-E The specified user could not The specified user name is already
be registered. specified for a group name registered
in the CIFS (ACL) environment.
Enter another user name.

KAQM07070-E The specified group could not The specified group name is already
be registered. specified for a user name registered in
the CIFS environment.
Enter another group name.

KAQM07071-E The execution result file could A file with the same name as the
not be created. specified file already exists.
Specify another file name, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM07072-E An error occurred during An error occurred during batch

batch registration or deletion. registration or deletion.
Correct the contents of the CSV file
according to the contents of the error
in the execution result file, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM07073-I Checking data ...(progress) None.


KAQM07074-I Reflecting data ... (progress) None.


KAQM07075-I Batch processing will now None.

start. (O)

KAQM07076-Q Do you want to delete user- None.

or-group? (y/n) (O)

KAQM07077-Q Do you want to perform a None.

batch deletion? (y/n) (O)

KAQM07078-I Batch processing finished. None.


KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-119

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM07079-E An internal error occurred. A conflict with another system

administrator's operation or an internal
error might have occurred, or the
home directory might not have enough
Delete any unnecessary files in the
home directory (/home/nasroot/) of
the SSH account, and then retry the
operation. If the error occurs again,
acquire all the Management log files,
and then contact maintenance
personnel. For a list of the
Management log files, see Help.
Delete unnecessary files by using the
rmfile command.

KAQM07080-E An attempt to change the A conflict with another operator's

password failed. operation or a system error might have
Retry the operation. If this error occurs
again, inform the system administrator
of the following information: Message
ID: KAQM07080-E, Action: Acquire all
the Management log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel. See
the Help for a list of the Management
log files.

KAQM07081-E Editing of user information A system administrator might have

failed. deleted the user, or a system error
might have occurred.
Retry the operation. If this error occurs
again, inform the system administrator
of the following information: Message
ID: KAQM07081-E, Action: Acquire all
the Management log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel. See
the Help for a list of the Management
log files.

KAQM07082-E An internal error occurred. A conflict with another operator or an

internal error might have occurred.
Retry the operation. If this error occurs
again, inform the system administrator
of the following information: Message
ID: KAQM07082-E, Action: Acquire all
the Management log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel. See

5-120 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
the Help for a list of the Management
log files.

KAQM07083-E Editing of user information A conflict with another operator or an

failed. internal error might have occurred.
Retry the operation. If this error occurs
again, inform the system administrator
of the following information: Message
ID: KAQM07083-E, Action: Acquire all
the Management log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel. See
the Help for a list of the Management
log files.

KAQM07084-E The updating of the CIFS A conflict with another operator or an

account failed. internal error might have occurred.
Retry the operation. If this error occurs
again, inform the system administrator
of the following information: Message
ID: KAQM07084-E, Action: Acquire all
the Management log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel. See
the Help for a list of the Management
log files.

KAQM07087-E The specified password The specified password includes an

includes an unusable unusable character.
character. (O)
Specify a correct password, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM07088-E The length of specified The length of specified password is

password is outside the valid outside the valid range.
range. (minimum length = (O)
minimum-length, maximum
length = maximum-length) Specify a password that has a valid
length, and then retry the operation.

KAQM08 messages
This section explains messages that have a message ID beginning with
KAQM08, and the actions to be taken if such messages appear.

Table 5-6 KAQM08 messages

Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM08007-E The value specified for the A value with an incorrect character or
name of file share is invalid. that exceeded the maximum number
(entered data=share-name) of characters was specified.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-121

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Enter a suitable value according to the

KAQM08008-E An error exists in the value A value with an incorrect character or

specified for the shared that exceeded the maximum number
directory. (entered of characters was specified, or an error
data=directory-name) is in the format of the specified
character sequence.
Enter a suitable value according to the

KAQM08021-E The specified directory does The entered shared directory does not
not exist. (entered exist.
data=directory-name) (O)
Use the dirlist command to check
the directory name, and then retry the

KAQM08022-E The specified directory name The specified shared directory is

has already been specified as already being used by another CIFS/
a file share. NFS file share.
In List of File Shares, check that the
directory has not been made public,
and then retry the operation.

KAQM08023-E The specified name is already The specified name of the file share is
used as the name of a file already being used by another file
share. share.
Make sure that the file share name you
are going to specify does not exist in
List of File Shares.

KAQM08024-E The specified file share does Another system administrator might
not exist. have deleted the file share.
In List of File Shares, check that the
file share name exists, and then
specify the correct file share name and
retry the operation. If the error occurs
again, acquire all the Management log
files, and then contact maintenance
personnel. See Help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM08025-E The specified network address The IP address of the client specified
of the client to be made public for the public destination host/network
was not found. (entered was undetectable.
value=client) (O)
Specify an existing host or network.

5-122 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM08026-E An attempt to acquire A conflict with another system

information about file shares administrator's operation or an internal
has failed. error may have occurred.
Retry execution. Acquire all the
Management log files if this error
occurs again, and inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM08029-E An internal error occurred. An internal error may have occurred.

Retry execution. Acquire all the
Management log files if this error
occurs again, and inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.
Supplementary note:
This message is sometimes output
when there is a problem with a file
system or an LU. Check the status of
the file system or LU, check for any
SNMP notification messages or email
notifications, and if there is a problem,
take action according to the
instructions in online Help.

KAQM08032-E The CIFS file share creation A conflict with another system
failed. administrator's operation or an internal
error may have occurred.
Retry execution. Acquire all the
Management log files if this error
occurs again, and inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM08033-E The CIFS file share editing A conflict with another system
failed. administrator's operation or an internal
error may have occurred.
Retry execution. Acquire all the
Management log files if this error
occurs again, and inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM08034-E The CIFS file share deletion A conflict with another system
failed. administrator's operation or an internal
error may have occurred.
Retry execution. Acquire all the
Management log files if this error
occurs again, and inform maintenance

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-123

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM08035-E The NFS file share creation An error exists in the entered data or
failed. an unexpected error occurred during
creation of an NFS share.
Revise the entered values. Acquire all
the Management log files if this error
occurs again, and inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM08036-E The NFS file share editing An error exists in the entered data or
failed. an unexpected error occurred while an
NFS share was being edited.
Revise the entered values. Acquire all
the Management log files if this error
occurs again, and inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM08037-E The NFS file share deletion A conflict with another system
failed. administrator's operation or an internal
error may have occurred.
Retry execution. Acquire all the
Management log files if this error
occurs again, and inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM08039-E The data restoration An internal error may have occurred.

processing failed. (O)
Use a window operation to return to
the state before the setup. If you
cannot return to the state before the
setup because of an error, acquire all
the Management log files and inform
maintenance personnel. See the help
for a list of the Management log files.
Supplementary note:
This message is sometimes output
when there is a problem with a file
system or an LU. Check the status of
the file system or LU, check for any
SNMP notification messages or email
notifications, and if there is a problem,
take action according to the
instructions in online Help.

KAQM08041-E A value exceeding the A value exceeding the maximum size

maximum size that can be that can be specified for a public

5-124 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
specified for a public destination host/network was
destination host/network was specified.
specified. (O)
Enter a suitable value according to the
KAQM08043-E The maximum number of The maximum number of users/groups
users/groups that can be that can be specified for the Write
specified for the Write allowed allowed users/groups or Write
users/groups or Write disallowed users/groups has been
disallowed users/groups has exceeded.
been exceeded. (O)
Enter a suitable value according to the

KAQM08045-E The maximum number of The maximum number of creatable

creatable CIFS file shares has CIFS file shares has been reached.
been reached. (O)
Delete an unnecessary CIFS file share,
and then create a new CIFS file share.

KAQM08046-E The number of created NFS The number of created NFS file shares
file shares has reached the has reached the limit.
limit. (O)
Delete any unnecessary NFS file
shares, and then create a new NFS file

KAQM08047-E Processing of the failover Processing of the failover function or

function or an attempt to an attempt to access a system file has
access a system file has failed.
failed. (O)
Acquire all the Management log files,
and Cluster log files, and contact
maintenance personnel. See the help
for a list of the Management log files
and Cluster log files.

KAQM08048-E An attempt to acquire An attempt to acquire resource group

resource group or system file or system file information failed.
information failed. (O)
Acquire all the Management log files,
and Cluster log files, and contact
maintenance personnel. See the help
for a list of the Management log files
and Cluster log files.

KAQM08049-E The file system specified for The file system specified for the shared
the shared directory is not directory is not mounted. This might
mounted. This might be due be due to the resource group being in
to the resource group being in the Offline state, a failover occurring,
the Offline state, a failover or the virtual server not running
occurring, or the virtual normally.
server not running normally. (O)

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-125

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
(entered value = shared- If the resource group is in the Offline
directory-name) state, a failover is occurring, or a
virtual server is not running normally,
remove the cause of the problem and
then try again. If the file system is not
mounted, mount the file system, and
then try again.
KAQM08050-E A relative path or symbolic A relative path or symbolic link is
link is contained in the value contained in the value specified for the
specified for the shared shared directory.
directory. (entered data = (O)
Specify an absolute pathname.
Moreover, for a shared directory,
specify a path that does not include a
symbolic link.

KAQM08051-E The same host is specified The same host cannot be specified
more than once for the public more than once for the public
destination host or network. destination host or network.
Correct the value of the duplicated
host specified for the public destination
host or network, and then retry

KAQM08052-E A directory cannot be created A directory cannot be created because

because a parent directory a parent directory does not exist.
does not exist. (specified (O)
Make sure that the parent directory
exists, and then re-execute the

KAQM08053-E The specified directory does The specified directory does not exist.
not exist. (specified (O)
Specify an existing directory.

KAQM08055-E The name of a directory that The name of a directory that already
already exists was specified. exists was specified.
(entered data=directory- (O)
Specify the name of the new directory
to be created.

KAQM08056-E The file system corresponding The file system corresponding to the
to the specified directory is specified directory is not mounted, or a
not mounted, or a failover failover might be occurring.
might be occurring. (specified (O)
value = directory-name)
If a failover is occurring, remove the
problem and then retry. If the file
system is not mounted, mount the file
system, and then retry.

KAQM08057-E The specified directory The specified directory contains a

contains a relative path or relative path or symbolic Link.

5-126 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
symbolic link. (specified Specify an absolute pathname.
value=directory-name) Moreover, for a shared directory,
specify a path that does not include a
symbolic link.
KAQM08058-E The directory operation The directory operation cannot be
cannot be performed because performed because the file system
the file system corresponding corresponding to the specified
to the specified directory does directory does not exist.
not exist. (specified = (O)
In List of File Systems, check that the
file system name exists, and then
specify the correct file system name.

KAQM08059-E The directory operation The directory operation cannot be

cannot be performed because performed because the file system
the file system corresponding corresponding to the specified
to the specified directory is directory is defined by the other node
defined by the other node in in the cluster.
the cluster. (specified (O)
On the other node of the cluster,
perform the operation for the specified

KAQM08060-E The directory operation The directory operation cannot be

cannot be performed because performed because the file system
the file system corresponding corresponding to the specified
to the specified directory is directory is mounted but writing is not
mounted but writing is not permitted.
permitted. (specified (O)
Mount the file system with write
permissions, and then retry the
operation. If the file system is
mounted without write permissions,
this operation cannot be performed.

KAQM08061-E The specified directory The specified directory operation failed

operation failed because, for because, for example, an import from
example, an import from another file server failed or the file
another file server failed or system is blocked.
the file system is blocked. (O)
(specified value = directory-
name) Check the HSM Core log (hsmarc.log),
and if an error message was output,
use it to help resolve the problem.
Also, check the status of the file
system from the list of file systems,
and if an error has occurred, acquire
all the log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.
Supplementary note:
This message is sometimes output
when there is a problem with a file
system or an LU. Check the status of
the file system or LU, check for any
SNMP notification messages or email

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-127

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
notifications, and if there is a problem,
take action according to the
instructions in online Help.

KAQM08063-E The specified file share was The specified file share was not found.
not found. This might be due This might be due to the resource
to the resource group being in group being in the Offline state, a
the Offline state, a failover to failover to another node in the cluster
another node in the cluster occurring, a virtual server not running
occurring, a virtual server not normally, or an incorrectly specified
running normally, or an resource group name.
incorrectly specified resource (O)
group name.
Check the file system name
corresponding to the specified file
share. In the case of a CIFS file share,
check the file share name. To make
sure that the specification is correct,
check the statuses of the cluster,
nodes, resource groups, and virtual

KAQM08064-E A file sharing operation failed A file sharing operation failed because
because the file system the file system corresponding to the
corresponding to the specified specified directory is blocked.
shared directory is being (O)
Acquire all the Management log files,
and Cluster log files, and contact
maintenance personnel. See the help
for a list of the Management log files
and Cluster log files.
Supplementary note:
This message is sometimes output
when there is a problem with a file
system or an LU. Check the status of
the file system or LU, check for any
SNMP notification messages or email
notifications, and if there is a problem,
take action according to the
instructions in online Help.

KAQM08067-E The operation failed because The operation failed because the file
the file system corresponding system corresponding to the specified
to the specified shared shared directory does not exist.
directory does not exist. (O)
In List of File Systems, check that the
file system name exists, and then
specify the correct file system name.

KAQM08068-E An operation failed because An operation failed because the file

the file system corresponding system corresponding to the specified
to the specified file share does file share does not exist. The file
not exist. The file system system corresponding to the specified
corresponding to the specified file share may have been deleted by
file share may have been another system administrator.
deleted by another system (O)

5-128 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
If the specified file share exists, delete
it. If, however, you want to recreate
the same file share, before you delete
it, save the settings for that file share
(for example, refer to List of File

KAQM08069-E An unspecifiable name was An unspecifiable name was specified

specified for a CIFS share for a CIFS share name.
name. (entered value = (O)
Refer to the online help and specify a
correct CIFS share name.

KAQM08070-E Allowing access as a guest Allowing access as a guest account

account cannot be specified cannot be specified because the CIFS
because the CIFS service service authentication mode is set to
authentication mode is set to the NT server authentication mode.
the NT server authentication (O)
Do not attempt to allow access as a
guest account.

KAQM08071-E A value exceeding the A value exceeding the maximum size

maximum size that can be set that can be set for the host/network of
for the host/network of the -s the -s option was specified.
option was specified. (O)
Enter a valid value according to the

KAQM08073-E A file share cannot be created A file share cannot be created for the
for the specified directory. specified directory, because the
directory is being used by the file
snapshot functionality.
Specify another directory, and then try

KAQM08074-E This operation cannot be This operation cannot be executed for

executed for the specified NFS the specified NFS file share, because
file share. the NFS file share is being used by the
file snapshot functionality.
Make sure that the specified directory
is correct, and then try again.

KAQM08075-E The specified file share cannot The specified file share cannot be
be deleted. deleted because there is a differential-
data snapshot which is visible within
the share.
Unmount the differential-data
snapshot, and then delete this file

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-129

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM08076-W The specified settings, for the Even though the settings, for the times
times when the CIFS access when the CIFS access log is to be
log is to be collected, will collected, were specified in the CIFS
have no effect because the file share definitions, the CIFS access
CIFS service settings specify log will not be collected because the
that the CIFS access log is not CIFS service settings specify that the
to be used. CIFS access log is not to be used.
To use the CIFS access log, in the CIFS
service settings specify that the CIFS
access log is to be used.

KAQM08077-E This operation cannot be This operation cannot be performed

performed because the because the resource group, to which
resource group is not in the the file system corresponding to the
Online/No error state. specified directory belongs, is not in
(resource group name = the Online/No error state.
resource-group-name) (O)
Make sure that the cluster, nodes, and
resource groups are in the correct
states, and then try again.

KAQM08078-E This operation cannot be This operation can be performed on

performed because the the node on which the resource group,
resource group, to which the to which the file system corresponding
file system corresponding to to the specified directory belongs, is
the specified directory active.
belongs, is active on another (O)
node in the cluster. (resource
group name = resource- Perform the operation on the other
group-name) node on which the resource group is
active, or move the resource group,
and then retry the operation.

KAQM08079-E The directory cannot be A file or subdirectory exists in the

deleted because a file or directory that you tried to delete.
subdirectory exists in it. (O)
(directory = directory-name)
Delete all files or subdirectories from
the directory, and then retry the

KAQM08080-E The directory cannot be An NFS share was created in the

deleted because an NFS share directory that you tried to delete.
was created in it. (directory = (O)
Delete the NFS share from the
directory, and then retry the operation.

KAQM08081-E The directory cannot be A CIFS share was created in the

deleted because a CIFS share directory that you tried to delete.
was created in it. (directory = (O)
Delete the CIFS share from the
directory, and then retry the operation.

KAQM08107-E An attempt to acquire the ACL A conflict with another system

has failed. administrator's operation or an internal
error may have occurred.

5-130 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Retry execution. Acquire all the
Management log files if this error
occurs again, and inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM08108-E Directory operations cannot The file system corresponding to the

be performed because the file specified directory is not mounted. This
system corresponding to the might be due to the resource group
specified directory is not being in the Offline state, a failover
mounted. (specified value = occurring, or a virtual server not
directory-name) operating normally.
If the resource group is in the Offline
state, a failover is occurring, or a
virtual server is not operating
normally, remove the cause of the
problem and then try again. If the file
system is not mounted, mount it, and
then try again.

KAQM08109-E An attempt to set the ACL has A conflict with another system
failed. administrator's operation or an internal
error may have occurred.
Retry execution. Acquire all the
Management log files if this error
occurs again, and inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM08110-E The specified ACL cannot be The operation cannot be performed

set because the maximum because the number of ACLs to be set
number of ACLs have already in the specified directory exceeds the
been set. limit.
Delete any unnecessary ACLs set in
the directory, and then retry

KAQM08111-E The ACL cannot be set The amount of space on the file
because there is not enough system is insufficient for setting an
space on the file system ACL.
corresponding to the specified (O)
directory. (specified value =
directory-name) Delete any unnecessary data or
expand the file system capacity, and
then retry execution.

KAQM08113-E A syntax error exists in the A syntax error exists in the ACL shown
specified ACL (specified value in (specified-value).
= ACE). (O)
Specify a valid ACL.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-131

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM08114-E The specified ACL cannot be When the -s option is specified to set
set because the specifications an access ACL, the access ACL for
of the access ACL for Owner, Owner, Owner Group, and Other must
Owner Group, and Other are also be specified.
When the -s option is specified to set
an access ACL, include the access ACL
for Owner, Owner Group, and Other.

KAQM08115-E The specified ACL cannot be The access ACL for Owner, Owner
deleted because it is an Group, and Other, and the mask,
access ACL for Owner, Owner cannot be deleted.
Group, and Other, or it is a (O)
mask (specified value = ACE).
Specify an ACL other than a mask or
an access ACL for Owner, Owner
Group, and Other.

KAQM08116-E The specified ACL cannot be The mask for the default ACL cannot
deleted because a default ACL be deleted because a default ACL is
is set (specified value = ACE). set.
When deleting a mask for default
ACLs, delete all of the default ACLs.

KAQM08118-E An attempt to acquire An internal error may have occurred.

information about file shares (O)
has failed.
Inform the system administrator of the
following information: Message ID:
KAQM08118-E, Action: Retry
execution. If this error occurs again,
acquire all the Management log files,
and then inform maintenance
personnel. For a list of the
Management log files, see the Help.

KAQM08119-E The specified UID or GID The specified UID or GID is invalid.
(UID-or-GID) is invalid. (O)
Enter a numerical value from 0 to
2147483147 for the ID. Do not enter a
zero at the beginning of the value.

KAQM08121-E An internal error occurred. An internal error may have occurred.

Inform the system administrator of the
following information: Message ID:
KAQM08121-E, Action: Retry
execution. If this error occurs again,
acquire all the Management log files,
and then inform maintenance
personnel. For a list of the
Management log files, see the Help.

5-132 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM08122-E An attempt to create an NFS An NFS shared directory already exists

share has failed. (error detail in a super- or sub-directory of the
= error-details) specified directory.
Specify a directory in which an NFS
share does not exist in a super- or
sub-directory, or delete the existing
NFS share from the super- or sub-
directory and then create the new NFS

KAQM08123-E The -e option is not specified. The -e option is not specified.

When the specified-option (O)
option is specified, the -e
option must be specified. Please specify the -e option when you
specify the specified-option option.

KAQM08124-E The account type specification The specified account type contains a
contains a syntax error. (ACE syntax error.
= specified-ACE, account type (O)
= specified-account-type)
Specify the correct account type.

KAQM08125-E The specified application The specified application destination

destination contains a syntax contains a syntax error.
error. (ACE = specified-ACE, (O)
application destination =
specified-application- Specify the correct application
destination). destination.

KAQM08126-E The specified inheritance The specified inheritance range

range contains a syntax error. contains a syntax error.
(ACE = specified-ACE, (O)
inheritance range = specified-
inheritance-range). Specify the correct inheritance range.

KAQM08127-E The specified permission The specified permission contains a

contains a syntax error. (ACE syntax error.
= specified-ACE, permission = (O)
Specify the correct permission.

KAQM08129-E The ACL type to be set is The ACL type to be set is different
different from the ACL type from the ACL type that has already
that has already been set for been set for the specified filesystem.
the specified filesystem. (O)
Make sure the ACL type to be set is the
same as the ACL type that has already
been set for the specified filesystem,
and then retry execution.

KAQM08130-E An option or the argument of An option or the argument of an option

an option that cannot be that cannot be specified for operating
specified for operating the file the file sharing with the file system of
sharing with the file system of the Advanced ACL type was specified.
the Advanced ACL type was (O)
specified. (option = option)
When you create a file share, in List of
File Systems, check the ACL type of

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-133

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
the file system corresponding to the
specified directory, and specify the
option correctly. When you edit a file
share, in List of File Shares, check the
ACL type of the file system for which
the specified file sharing is made, and
specify the option correctly.

KAQM08131-I The specified ACL is not The specified ACL is not applied to
applied to subdirectories and subdirectories and files under the
files under the specified specified directory.
directory. (O)

KAQM08132-E An attempt to acquire An attempt to acquire information

information about a file about a file system's ACL type has
system's ACL type has failed. failed because of the reasons shown in
(error details=details-about- (error details).
the-cause-of-the-failure) (O)
Please retry the operation. If this error
occurs again, acquire all Management
log files and inform maintenance
personnel. For a list of the
Management log files, see the Help.
Supplementary note:
This message is sometimes output
when there is a problem with a file
system or an LU. Check the status of
the file system or LU, check for any
SNMP notification messages or email
notifications, and if there is a problem,
take action according to the
instructions in online Help.

KAQM08136-E The specified directory did not The specified directory did not exist or
exist or an error was detected an error was detected while accessing
while accessing a device file. a device file.
(specified value = specified- (O)
Make sure that the directory exists,
and then retry the operation. If the
error occurs again, acquire all
management log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel. For a
list of management log files, see Help.

KAQM08137-E A specified path is not a The specified path does not start with
directory of the file system. "/mnt", or "/mnt" is specified.
Check the specified path, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM08138-E The specified path includes The specified path includes "//".

5-134 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Make sure that "//" is not included in
the path, and then retry the operation.

KAQM08139-E The specified path includes an The specified path includes an invalid
invalid character. character.
Make sure that no invalid characters
are included in the path, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM08140-E The specified path exceeds The specified path exceeds 256
256 characters. characters.
Specify the path by using a maximum
of 256 characters.

KAQM08141-E The specified user name or The specified user name or group
group name includes name includes characters with
characters with unsupported unsupported encoding.
encoding. (O)
Specify the name by using only
characters with supported encoding.

KAQM08142-E The argument specified for The argument specified for the -O
the -O option is invalid. option is invalid.
Specify a valid argument for the -O
option, and then retry the operation.

KAQM08144-E If you specify a "default" Both a "default" security flavor and at

security flavor, you cannot least one other security flavor were
specify another security flavor specified at the same time.
at the same time. (O)
Specify only a "default" security flavor,
or specify one or more non-"default"
security flavors.

KAQM08147-E There are no protocol-name There are no NFS or CIFS shares in the
shares in the specified file specified file system.
system. (O)
Specify a file system that has at least
one NFS or CIFS file share.

KAQM08148-E The specified file is not an The specified file is not an information
information definition file for definition file for NFS or CIFS shares.
protocol-name shares. (O)
Specify a valid information definition

KAQM08149-E The specified file contains file The specified file contains file share
share information for multiple information for multiple file systems.
file systems. (O)
Specify a valid information definition

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-135

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM08150-E The destination file system The destination file system already has
"file-system-name" already a NFS or CIFS share.
has a protocol-name share. (O)
Make sure that the specified
information definition file is correct. If
it is correct, delete any existing NFS or
CIFS shares from the destination file
system, and then retry the operation.

KAQM08151-E Restoration of file share Rollback of restoration processing has

information failed, and then failed.
rollback of that restoration (O)
processing failed. (destination
file system name = file- Perform troubleshooting based on the
system-name, share protocol message indicated for "cause". If you
= share-protocol, cause of want to restore file share information,
rollback failure = message- delete the existing NFS or CIFS shares
ID) from the destination file system, and
then retry the operation.

KAQM08152-E The official host name of the The official host name of the specified
specified host exceeds 255 host exceeds the maximum length.
characters. (specified host (O)
name = specified-host-name,
official host name = official- Change the official host name so that it
host-name) does not exceed the maximum length,
or specify the IP address of the host;
and then retry the operation.

KAQM08154-E The specified directory cannot The specified directory cannot be

be deleted because it is being deleted because it is being used by one
used as function-name. or more functions.
(specified directory = (O)
Change the other function or functions
so that they use a different directory,
and then retry the operation.

KAQM08156-E The combination of CIFS If the CIFS client local cache setting is
client cache settings is invalid. disabled, the CIFS client cache read-
only setting cannot be enabled for
when an access conflict occurs.
To enable the CIFS client cache read-
only setting for when an access conflict
occurs, enable the CIFS client local
cache setting.

KAQM08157-E The operation cannot be The operation cannot be performed

performed because the because the resource group is not
resource group is not running running normally.
normally. (O)
Make sure that the resource group is
running normally, and then retry the

5-136 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM08158-E The specified path includes a You cannot perform the operation on a
directory that is used by the path that contains a directory that is
system. (directory used by used by the system.
system = directory-path) (O)
Specify a path that does not include a
system directory, and then retry the

KAQM08159-E The specified parameter The specified parameter contains non-

(parameter-name) contains UTF-8 characters.
non-UTF-8 characters. (O)
Make sure that parameters are
specified using UTF-8 and that the
terminal setting is set to UTF-8, and
then retry the operation.

KAQM08160-E An attempt to create the past The attempt to create the past version
version directory has failed. directory failed due to the cause
(reason = {insufficient explained in the reason.
memory|an I/O error|no disk (O)
space|some other error})
Refer to the error message
KAQM37208-E in the management log
file (management.log) for the failed
directory. If the failure was caused by
insufficient memory, wait a while, and
then try again. If the cause was
insufficient disk space, expand the file
system, and then try again. Otherwise,
acquire all the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM08161-E An attempt to delete the past The attempt to delete the past version
version directory has failed. directory failed due to the cause
(reason = {no such directory| explained in the reason.
insufficient memory|an I/O (O)
error|no disk space|currently
being accessed|some other Refer to the error message
error}) KAQM37225-E in the management log
file (management.log) for the failed
directory. If the failure was caused by
insufficient memory, wait a while, and
then try again. If the cause was
insufficient disk space, expand the file
system, and then try again. If the
cause was the directory currently being
accessed, request that access stop on
the client. Otherwise, acquire all the
log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM08162-E The directory specified for The directory specified for creating the
creating the past version past version directory is already in use.
directory is already in use. (O)
(path = directory-path)
Move the files or directories from the
specified path, and then try again.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-137

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM08163-E The specified file system has An attempt to create the past version
been mounted as read-only. directory failed because the specified
file system has been mounted as read-
Mount the file system as read-write,
and then try again.

KAQM08164-E The operation cannot be The operation cannot be performed on

performed because the a directory in a file system for which
specified directory is in a file content sharing is set to On.
system for which content (O)
sharing is set to On (the
namespace access type is set Check the directory, and then retry the
to read-only). (specified value operation.
= directory-name)

KAQM08165-E The specified shared directory The directory path might be incorrect,
does not exist. (entered data a migration might not have been
= directory-name) executed yet for the file system
containing the shared data, or an error
might have occurred while the shared
data was being read from the HCP
system. An error might occur while
reading shared data from the HCP
system for the following reasons:
1. The ACL type of the file system
that contains the data and the ACL
type of the file system reading the
data are different.
2. The file system reading the data is
mounted as read-only.
3. A communication error occurred
with the HCP system.
Check the directory path. Check that
the following enable shared data to be
read from the HCP system: the file
system and HCP settings, and the
network status. If the settings are
correct, wait until a migration is
executed for the file system containing
the shared data, or ask the system
administrator managing the shared
data to perform a migration as soon as

KAQM08166-E An attempt to create the past The attempt to create the past version
version directory has failed. directory failed due to the cause
(reason = {insufficient explained in the reason.
memory|an I/O error|no disk (O)
space|some other error})
If the failure was caused by insufficient
memory, wait a while, and then try
again. If the cause was insufficient disk
space, expand the file system, and

5-138 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
then try again. Otherwise, acquire all
the log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM08167-E An attempt to delete the past The attempt to delete the past version
version directory has failed. directory failed due to the cause
(reason = {no such directory| explained in the reason.
insufficient memory|an I/O (O)
error|no disk space|currently
being accessed|some other If the failure was caused by insufficient
error}) memory, wait a while, and then try
again. If the cause was insufficient disk
space, expand the file system, and
then try again. If the cause was the
directory currently being accessed,
request that access stop on the client.
Otherwise, acquire all the log data, and
then contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM08168-E The option option is not The option option is not specified.
specified. When the option (O)
option is specified, the option
option must be specified. Please specify the option option when
you specify the option option.

KAQM08169-W ACLs for all files and ACLs will not be set or will not be
directories below the removed for files and directories more
directory-name directory will than 1,001 levels below the specified
not be set or will not be directory.
removed because the (O)
maximum number of directory
levels for which ACLs can be From a client, manually change the
set has been reached. ACLs of any files or directories for
which ACLs were not set or were not

KAQM08171-E The NFS file share cannot be An NFS file share cannot be created in
created because the specified a file system for which home-directory
directory is in a file system for roaming is enabled.
which home-directory (O)
roaming is enabled. (specified
value = specified-directory) Specify a directory in a file system for
which home-directory roaming is not
enabled, and then retry the operation.

KAQM08172-E A CIFS file share cannot be In a file system for which home-
created for a non-mount-point directory roaming is enabled, a CIFS
directory in a file system for file share can only be created for the
which home-directory mount point of the file system.
roaming is enabled. (O)
Either specify the mount point of a file
system for which home-directory
roaming is enabled, or specify a
directory in a file system for which
home-directory roaming is not
enabled, and then retry the operation.

KAQM08173-E An invalid option or an invalid An invalid option or an invalid

argument for an option was argument for an option was specified
specified for a CIFS file share for a CIFS file share in a file system for

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-139

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
in a file system for which which home-directory roaming is
home-directory roaming is enabled.
enabled. (option = option) (O)
To create or edit a CIFS file share in a
file system for which home-directory
roaming in enabled, confirm the
following, and then retry the
(1) The home-directory automatic-
creation functionality is being used.
(2) Guest accounts are not being
granted access.
KAQM08174-E A CIFS file share in a file A CIFS file share in a file system for
system for which home- which home-directory roaming is
directory roaming is enabled enabled cannot be made available as
cannot be made available as read-only.
read-only. (O)
If the file system containing the
specified directory is mounted as read-
only, remount the file system as read/
write, and then retry the operation. If
read-only is set for the access
permissions of the CIFS file share, set
the permissions as read/write, and
then retry the operation.

KAQM08175-E The operation cannot be The operation cannot be performed on

performed because the a directory in a file system for which
specified directory is in a file home-directory roaming is enabled.
system for which home- (O)
directory roaming is enabled.
(specified value = specified- Perform the operation on a directory in
directory) a file system for which home-directory
roaming is enabled from a client.

KAQM08176-E An option or the argument of An option or the argument of an option

an option that cannot be that cannot be specified for operating
specified for operating the file the file sharing with the file system of
sharing with the file system of the Classic ACL type was specified.
the Classic ACL type was (O)
specified. (option = option)
When you create a file share, in List of
File Systems, check the ACL type of
the file system corresponding to the
specified directory, and specify the
option correctly. When you edit a file
share, in List of File Shares, check the
ACL type of the file system for which
the specified file sharing is made, and
specify the option correctly.

KAQM08177-E The directory cannot be The number of ACEs set for the
created because the ACL specified directory might have
settings failed. exceeded the limit, or an internal error
might have occurred.

5-140 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Delete any unnecessary ACEs set for
the parent directory of the specified
directory, and then retry the operation.
If the problem cannot be resolved,
acquire all the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM08178-E Collection of file system Collection of file system setting

setting information failed. information failed because of the
(reason = {insufficient provided reason.
memory|some other error}) (O)
If the failure was caused by insufficient
memory, wait a while, and then retry
the operation. In other cases, collect
log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM08179-I The specified CIFS share has The file system that is used for making
been configured to not use the latest differential-data snapshot
Volume Shadow Copy Service cannot use Volume Shadow Copy
functionality because the Service functionality.
share is on the file system (O)
that is used for making the
latest differential-data No action is required.

KAQM08180-E A share cannot be created To create a share in a file system

because the mount point of a linked with an HCP system on a per-
file system linked with an HCP share basis, create a share in the
system on a per-share basis directory directly under the mount
was specified. point.
If the file system is linked with an HCP
system on a per-share basis, create a
share in the directory directly under
the mount point.

KAQM08181-E The creation of the directory If a file system provides HCP data
failed. A directory that is not migrated on a per-share basis as read-
directly under the mount only data, create a directory directly
point was specified in a file under the mount point.
system that provides HCP (O)
data migrated on a per-share
basis as read-only data. To create a directory, specify a path
directly under the mount point.

KAQM08182-E The specified directory cannot A namespace is assigned to the

be deleted because a specified directory or a higher-level
namespace is assigned to it directory on a per-share basis.
on a per-share basis. (O)
Use the arcstdel command to delete
the directory to which a namespace is
assigned on a per-share basis.

KAQM08183-E The operation cannot be The operation cannot be performed on

performed on the specified a directory in a read-write-content-
sharing file system.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-141

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
directory, because it is in a (O)
read-write-content-sharing To perform the operation on a
file system. (specified value = directory in a read-write-content-
specified-directory) sharing file system, use a client.
KAQM08184-E A share cannot be created in In a read-write-content-sharing file
a directory that is not a system, a share can be created only in
mount point of a read-write- a directory that is a mount point.
content-sharing file system. (O)
Specify a mount point in a read-write-
content-sharing file system or a
directory in a file system for which the
functionality is not enabled, and then
try the operation again.

KAQM08185-E The operation cannot be In a read-write-content-sharing file

performed on a directory that system, the operation can be
is not a mount point of a performed only on a mount point.
read-write-content-sharing (O)
file system. (specified value =
specified-directory) To perform the operation on a
directory in a read-write-content-
sharing file system, use a client.

KAQM09 messages
This section explains messages that have a message ID beginning with
KAQM09, and the actions to be taken if such messages appear.

Table 5-7 KAQM09 messages

Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM09001-E A new core file was found. A problem may have occurred.
(Dumped date=generation- (O)
date, Core file name=file-
name, Size=size KB, Available Use a means such as the GUI to delete
OS disk space=available-disk- or download the core file.
space-of-OS-disk MB, Usage
rate of OS disk=usage-rate-

KAQM09002-E An attempt to uncompress the A problem may exist in the processing

compressed file-name file that displays the compressed file, or
failed. the OS disk may be full.
Retry execution. Acquire all the
Management log files if this error
occurs again, and inform maintenance
personnel. If you cannot acquire a log,
inform maintenance personnel. See the
help for a list of the Management log

5-142 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM09004-I The log file (file-name) does The log file (file-name) was deleted or
not exist. may not exist.
No action is required.

KAQM09005-E An attempt to delete the log The displayed log file was deleted by
file file-name failed. another system administrator or a
problem may exist in the deletion
Retry execution. Acquire all the
Management log files if this error
occurs again, and inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM09006-E The core file automatic The number of core automatic deletion
deletion time cannot be time registrations has reached the
registered. upper bound (48).
Delete any unnecessary core file
automatic deletion times, and then
register again.

KAQM09007-E The period to save the file is The upper bound (30) that can be
invalid. specified for the period to save the file
is exceeded.
Specify the period to save the file
within the range from 0 to 30.

KAQM09008-E An attempt to save A problem may exist in the processing

administration information that stores administrative information.
failed. (O)
Retry execution. Acquire all the
Management log files if this error
occurs again, and inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM09009-W The program-name program The program-name program may not

does not respond. start normally.
The program is automatically re-
executed. Acquire all the Management
log files, and contact maintenance
personnel if the error occurs again.
See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM09016-E An attempt to delete the log The displayed log file was deleted by
file (file-name) failed. another system administrator or a
problem may exist in the deletion

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-143

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Retry execution. Acquire all the
Management log files if this error
occurs again, and inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM09018-E An attempt to read a file The file was deleted by another system
failed. administrator, a problem exists in the
read processing of the displayed file, or
the OS disk or virtual server OS LU
might be full.
Retry execution. Acquire all the
Management log files if this error
occurs again, and inform maintenance
personnel. If you cannot acquire a log,
inform maintenance personnel. See the
help for a list of the Management log

KAQM09019-E A required item is not entered-data is not entered.

entered. (entered (O)
Enter entered-data.

KAQM09020-E A required item is not entered-data1 entered-data2 is not

entered. (entered entered.
data=entered-data1 entered- (O)
data2 )
Enter entered-data1 entered-data2.

KAQM09021-E The data length of entered- The entered length of entered-data

data exceeds the range. exceeds 255.
Enter the input length within the range
from 1 to 255.

KAQM09022-E The data length of entered- The entered length of entered-data

data exceeds the range. exceeds 32.
Enter the input length within the range
from 1 to 32.

KAQM09023-E The data length of entered- The entered length of entered-data

data exceeds the range. exceeds 256 bytes.
Use from 1 to 256 bytes to enter the

KAQM09024-E The data length of entered- The entered length of entered-data

data exceeds the range. exceeds 512 bytes.
Use from 1 to 512 bytes to enter the

5-144 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM09025-E The data length of entered- The entered length of entered-data

data exceeds the range. exceeds 5 bytes.
Use from 1 to 5 bytes to enter the

KAQM09027-E An attempt to delete the core The core file was deleted by another
file failed. system administrator or a problem
may exist in the deletion processing of
the core file.
Retry execution. Acquire all the
Management log files if the error
occurs again, and then inform
maintenance personnel. See the help
for a list of the Management log files.

KAQM09038-E An internal error occurred. A conflict with another system

administrator's operation or system
error may have occurred.
Retry. Acquire all the Management log
files if the error occurs again, and
inform maintenance personnel. See the
help for a list of the Management log

KAQM09039-E An attempt to download a file Download monitoring is enabled in the

failed. Web browser, the file was deleted by
another system administrator, or there
might be a problem in the download
processing of the file.
If you are using Internet Explorer with
download monitoring enabled, set the
security level settings so that a dialog
box is automatically displayed when an
attempt to download a file is made,
and then retry the operation. If this
error occurs again, contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM09040-E The entered item-name is A character that cannot be specified in

incorrect. item-name was entered.
Check the entered data, and then
retry. Acquire all the Management log
files if the error occurs again, and then
inform maintenance personnel. See the
help for a list of the Management log

KAQM09041-E An attempt to display the A problem may exist in the processing

batch-download list failed. that displays the batch-download list.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-145

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Retry execution. Acquire all the
Management log files if the error
occurs again, and then inform
maintenance personnel. See the help
for a list of the Management log files.

KAQM09042-E An attempt to acquire the A problem may exist in the processing

license failed. that acquires the license.
Retry execution. Acquire all the
Management log files if the error
occurs again, and then inform
maintenance personnel. See the help
for a list of the Management log files.

KAQM09043-E An attempt to delete the The file was deleted by another system
selected item failed. administrator or a problem may exist
in the deletion processing of the
selected items.
Retry execution. Acquire all the
Management log files, and inform
maintenance personnel if this error
occurs again. See the help for a list of
the Management log files.

KAQM09044-E A mistake exists in the entry. The entry is already registered, or the
entry does not begin with an at mark
Check the entry and then retry
execution. Acquire the Management
log files, and inform maintenance
personnel if the error occurs again.
See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM09045-I The selected log group cannot A file not yet supported for batch
be deleted. deletion might be selected.
Acquire all the Management log files,
and then inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM09046-E Less than size MB are There is not much free space
remaining where the log and remaining, due to the amount of
core files are stored. output data in the log and core files.
From the [List of RAS Information]
screen, delete any unnecessary log or
core files to free up more space for the
log and core files.

5-146 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM09047-E Less than size MB are There is not much free space
remaining where the log and remaining, due to the amount of
core files are stored. output data in the log and core files.
From the [List of RAS Information]
screen, delete any unnecessary log or
core files to free up some more space
for the log and core files.

KAQM09048-E Less than number i-nodes are There are only a few i-nodes left, due
remaining where the log and to the amount of output data in the log
core files are stored. and core files.
From the [List of RAS Information]
screen, delete any unnecessary log or
core files to free up some more i-nodes
for the log and core files.

KAQM09049-E Less than number i-nodes are There are very few i-nodes left, due to
remaining where the log and the amount of output data in the log
core files are stored. and core files.
From the [List of RAS Information]
screen, delete any unnecessary log or
core files to free up some more i-nodes
for the log and core files.

KAQM09050-E Downloading is not possible. The free space of OS disk or virtual

server OS LU might be insufficient.
Delete unnecessary core files and log
files, and then retry execution. Contact
maintenance personnel if the error
occurs again.

KAQM09051-E An attempt to acquire the An attempt to access the system files

CIFS service configuration, containing definitions for the LDAP
required for acquiring user server that stores user mapping
mapping information, has information has failed.
failed. (O)
Acquire all the Management log files,
and then inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM09052-E An attempt to access the An attempt to access the LDAP server

LDAP server that stores user that stores user mapping information
mapping information has has failed because of the reasons
failed. (error details=error- indicated in the error details.
details) (O)
Make sure the following are correct:
the LDAP server setting values in the
CIFS service configuration definition,

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-147

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
and the LDAP server settings. If the
settings are correct, acquire all the
Management log files, and inform
maintenance personnel. See the help
for a list of the Management log files.

KAQM09053-E An attempt to restart the The /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf file

SNMP agent failed. contains an error.
The contents of the error in the /etc/
snmp/snmpd.conf file are output to the
system log. In the List of RAS
Information page (for List of
system logs), check the contents of
the error. Next, edit the SNMP
information using the Edit SNMP
window, or directly edit and correct
the /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf file using
the Edit System File window.

KAQM09054-E User mapping information Exclusive access to the user mapping

could not be downloaded information could not be set.
because another system (O)
administrator was
downloading the information. Wait a while, and then re-execute the
same processing.

KAQM09055-E An attempt to generate the An internal error might have occurred.

network information file has (O)
Retry execution. Acquire all the
Management log files, and inform
maintenance personnel if this error
occurs again. See the help for a list of
the Management log files.

KAQM09056-E An attempt to acquire system An internal error might have occurred.

activity data has failed. (O)
Retry execution. If the error occurs
again, acquire all the Management log
files and system activity data, and
then inform maintenance personnel.
See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM09057-E An attempt to acquire the An internal error might have occurred.

LVM status has failed. (O)
Retry the operation. If the error occurs
again, acquire all the log data and
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM09058-E An attempt to acquire the An internal error might have occurred.

selected log group has failed. (O)
Retry the operation. If the error occurs
again, acquire all the log data, and
then contact maintenance personnel.

5-148 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM09060-W The directory for saving the The directory for saving the CIFS
CIFS access log (specified- access log does not exist in the file
directory-name) does not system.
exist. (O)
Re-specify the directory for saving the
CIFS access log. If the error occurs
again, acquire all log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM09061-W The file system that contains The file system that contains the
the directory for saving the directory for saving the CIFS access
CIFS access log (specified- log is not mounted.
directory-name) is not (O)
Mount the file system that contains the
directory for saving the CIFS access
log as read/write enabled. If the error
occurs again, acquire all log data, and
then contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM09062-W The file system that contains The CIFS access log could not be saved
the directory for saving the because the file system was mounted
CIFS access log (specified- as read-only.
directory-name) is mounted (O)
as read-only.
Mount the file system that contains the
directory for saving the CIFS access
log as read/write enabled. If the error
occurs again, acquire all log data, and
then contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM09063-W The directory for saving the The directory for saving the CIFS
CIFS access log (specified- access log is specified using a relative
directory-name) is specified path or symbolic link.
using a relative path or (O)
symbolic link.
Re-specify the directory for saving the
CIFS access log using an absolute
path. If the error occurs again, acquire
all log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM09064-W The file system that contains The CIFS access log could not be saved
the directory for saving the because the file system was blocked.
CIFS access log (specified- (O)
directory-name) is blocked.
Contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM09065-W The CIFS access log could not The CIFS access log could not be saved
be saved because the because the capacity of the directory
capacity of the directory was was insufficient.
insufficient. (directory = (O)
Increase free space for the directory
for saving the CIFS access log. Acquire
all the Management log files if this
error occurs again, and inform
maintenance personnel. If you cannot

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-149

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
acquire a log, inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM09066-W An attempt to save the CIFS There might be a problem in the

access log has failed. internal processing.
Acquire all the Management log files,
and inform maintenance personnel.
See the help for a list of the
Management log files.
Supplementary note:
This message is sometimes output
when there is a problem with a file
system or an LU. Check the status of
the file system or LU, check for any
SNMP notification messages or email
notifications, and if there is a problem,
take action according to the
instructions in online Help.

KAQM09067-E The specified directory The specified directory does not exist
(specified-directory-name) in the file system.
does not exist. (O)
Check the specified directory, and then
retry the operation. If the error occurs
again, acquire all log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM09068-E The file system that contains The file system that contains the
the specified directory specified directory is not mounted.
(specified-directory-name) is (O)
not mounted.
Mount the file system that contains the
specified directory as read/write
enabled. If the error occurs again,
acquire all log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM09069-E The file system that contains The file system that contains the
the specified directory specified directory is mounted as read-
(specified-directory-name) is only.
mounted as read-only. (O)
Specify a directory in the file system
mounted as read/write enabled, or
remount the file system as read/write
enabled. If the error occurs again,
acquire all log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM09070-E The specified directory The specified directory contains a

(specified-directory-name) relative path or symbolic link.
contains a relative path or (O)
symbolic link.
Specify a directory using an absolute
path and retry the operation. If the
error occurs again, acquire all log data,

5-150 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
and then contact maintenance

KAQM09071-E The file system that contains The file system containing the specified
the specified directory directory is blocked.
(specified-directory-name) is (O)
Contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM09072-Q Do you want to cancel saving This message appears when saving the
the CIFS access log?(y/n) CIFS access log is cancelled.
Enter y to cancel or n to continue, and
then press the Enter key.

KAQM09073-E An attempt to open a system An unexpected error occurred when

file has failed. opening a file.
Acquire all the Management log files,
and inform maintenance personnel.
See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM09074-E An attempt to read a system An unexpected error occurred when

file has failed. reading a file.
Acquire all the Management log files,
and inform maintenance personnel.
See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM09075-E An attempt to write a system An unexpected error occurred writing a

file has failed. file.
Acquire all the Management log files,
and inform maintenance personnel.
See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM09076-E An invalid directory is An invalid directory is specified as the

specified as the directory for directory for saving the CIFS access
saving the CIFS access log. log.
Use the cifslogctl command to re-
specify the directory for saving the
CIFS access log. If the error occurs
again, acquire all log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM09080-E The directory for storing the The directory for storing the CIFS
CIFS access log has not been access log has not been specified.
specified. (O)
Use the cifslogctl command to
specify the directory for storing the
CIFS access log.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-151

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM09081-E An attempt to rotate the CIFS There might be a problem in internal

access log file has failed. processing.
Acquire all the Management log files,
and contact maintenance personnel.
See online Help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM09082-E The CIFS access log could not The CIFS access log could not be saved
be saved because there was because there was not enough free
not enough free space in the space in the storage directory.
storage directory. (directory = (O)
Increase the amount of free space in
the directory for storing the CIFS
access log.

KAQM09083-E An attempt to save the CIFS There might be a problem in internal

access log has failed. processing.
Acquire all the Management log files,
and contact maintenance personnel.
See online Help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM09084-E The specified directory The specified directory for storing the
(directory-name) for storing CIFS access log does not exist in the
the CIFS access log does not file system.
exist. (O)
Specify a different directory for storing
the CIFS access log.

KAQM09085-E The file system that contains The file system that contains the
the directory (directory- directory for storing the CIFS access
name) for storing the CIFS log is not mounted.
access log is not mounted. (O)
Mount the file system, which contains
the directory for storing the CIFS
access log, as read/write permitted.

KAQM09086-E The file system that contains The file system that contains the
the directory (directory- directory for storing the CIFS access
name) for storing the CIFS log is mounted as read-only.
access log is mounted as (O)
Mount the file system, which contains
the directory for storing the CIFS
access log, as read/write permitted.

KAQM09087-E The directory (directory- The directory for storing the CIFS
name) for storing the CIFS access log has been specified by using
access log has been specified a relative path or symbolic link.
by using a relative path or (O)
symbolic link.
Use an absolute path to specify the
directory for storing the CIFS access

5-152 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM09088-E The file system that contains The file system that contains the
the directory (directory- directory for storing the CIFS access
name) for storing the CIFS log is blocked.
access log is blocked. (O)
Contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM09089-E Collection of CIFS access log Collection of CIFS access log data is
data is disabled. disabled.
Enable collection of CIFS access log

KAQM09100-E An internal error occurred. Processing might be temporarily

unavailable, or there might be a
problem in the internal processing.
Wait a while, and then re-execute the
same processing. If an error occurs
again, acquire all of the Management
log files, and then inform maintenance
personnel. See online Help for a list of
the Management log files.

KAQM09101-E An attempt to connect to the The value specified as the FTP server is
specified FTP server has incorrect, the FTP server might not be
failed. operating normally, or a network error
might have occurred.
Make sure that the value specified as
the FTP server is correct, the FTP
server is operating normally, and no
network error has occurred. Also, the
connection to the FTP server might not
have been possible because the load
on the node, FTP server, and network
was high. After the load returns to
normal (not high), retry the operation.

KAQM09102-E An attempt to log in to the The specified user name or password is

FTP server has failed. incorrect.
Make sure that the user name is
correct. If it is correct, enter the
password again, and then retry the
operation. If an error occurs again,
make sure that the user is registered
in the specified FTP server.

KAQM09103-E An attempt to move to the The value specified as the directory is

specified directory has failed. incorrect, the directory does not exist,
or the directory cannot be accessed by
the specified user name.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-153

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Make sure that the value specified as
the directory is correct. If the value is
correct, make sure that the directory
exists in the specified FTP server. If
the directory exists, make sure that
the directory can be accessed by the
specified user name.

KAQM09104-E An attempt to transfer the file A problem might have occurred during
has failed. processing to transfer the file.
Make sure the FTP server is operating
normally, no network errors have
occurred, and files can be written to
the directory of the FTP server. Then,
retry the operation. If an error occurs
again, acquire all the log data, and
then contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM09105-E An attempt to acquire the An internal error might have occurred.

status of the connection (O)
between the external server
and the node has failed. Retry execution. If the error occurs
again, acquire all the Management log
files, and then contact maintenance
personnel. See Help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM09108-E The directory (directory- A file system for which content sharing
name) for storing the CIFS is set to "On" cannot be used to store
access logs cannot be used the CIFS access logs.
because it is on a file system (O)
for which content sharing is
set to "On" (the namespace Specify a valid directory for storing the
access type is set to read- CIFS access logs, and then retry the
only). operation.

KAQM09109-W The CIFS access logs cannot CIFS access logs cannot be saved in a
be saved because the file system for which content sharing is
directory for storing the CIFS set to "On".
access logs (directory-name) (O)
is in a file system for which
content sharing is set to "On" Specify a valid directory for storing the
(the namespace access type CIFS access logs.
is set to read-only).

KAQM09111-E Acquisition of the log failed. An internal error might have occurred.
Retry the operation. If the error occurs
again, contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM09112-E The email notification settings This message notifies the user that the
were successfully set. email notification settings were
successfully set.
No action is required.

5-154 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM09113-E Email notification failed. Email notification failed.

(message ID that was to be Communication with the SMTP server
used = message-id) might have failed.
Confirm the following, and then take
appropriate action:
(1) The email notification settings are
(2) Name resolution of the SMTP
server has not failed.
(3) There are no problems
communicating with the SMTP server.
(4) The SMTP server is running
(5) The SMTP server configuration has
not changed.
If this message continues to be output
even after the problem is resolved,
acquire all the Management log files,
and then contact maintenance

KAQM09114-E Email notification failed Email notification failed because there

because there is not enough is not enough memory.
memory. (message ID that (O)
was to be used = message-id)
If this message continues to be output,
acquire all the Management log files,
and then contact maintenance

KAQM09115-E Email notification failed Email notification failed because a

because a system file failed to system file failed to be updated.
be updated. (message ID that (O)
was to be used = message-id)
Acquire all the Management log files,
and then contact maintenance

KAQM09116-E Email notification failed Email notification failed because

because another process is another process is using one or more
using one or more required required resources.
resources. (message ID that (O)
was to be used = message-id)
If this message continues to be output,
acquire all the Management log files,
and then contact maintenance

KAQM09117-E Email notification failed Email notification failed because an

because an unexpected error unexpected error occurred.
occurred. (O)
Acquire all the Management log files,
and then contact maintenance

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-155

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM09118-E The directory (directory- A file system for which home-directory

name) for storing the CIFS roaming is enabled cannot be used to
access logs cannot be used store the CIFS access logs.
because it is on a file system (O)
for which home-directory
roaming is enabled. Specify a valid directory for storing the
CIFS access logs, and then retry the

KAQM09119-W The CIFS access logs cannot CIFS access logs cannot be saved to a
be saved because the file system for which home-directory
directory (directory-name) for roaming is enabled.
storing the CIFS access logs is (O)
on a file system for which
home-directory roaming is Specify a valid directory for storing the
enabled. CIFS access logs.

KAQM09215-E The directory (directory- A read-write-content-sharing file

name) cannot be used to system cannot be used to store the
store the CIFS access logs, CIFS access logs.
because it is in a read-write- (O)
content-sharing file system.
Specify a valid directory for storing the
CIFS access logs, and then retry the

KAQM09216-W CIFS access logs cannot be CIFS access logs cannot be saved in a
saved to the directory read-write-content-sharing file system.
(directory-name), because it (O)
is in a read-write-content-
sharing file system. Specify a valid directory for storing the
CIFS access logs.

KAQM12 messages
This section explains messages that have a message ID beginning with
KAQM12, and the actions to be taken if such messages appear.

Table 5-8 KAQM12 messages

Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM12001-E The entered value for the A character other than a numerical
block limits is incorrect. value is entered in the block limit
Enter a numerical value.

KAQM12002-E The entered value for the i- A character other than a numerical
node limits is incorrect. value is entered in the i-node limit
Enter a numerical value.

5-156 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM12003-E A value larger than the hard The setting of a soft limit value
limit was specified for the soft exceeding the hard limit value cannot
limit. be performed.
Enter a soft limit value no greater than
the hard limit value.

KAQM12004-E A character other than a A character other than a numerical

numerical character is character is specified for the block
specified for the block grace grace period or i-node grace period.
period or i-node grace period. (O)
Enter a numerical value.

KAQM12005-E The specified file system does The specified file system might have
not exist in the operating been deleted by another system
node or the virtual server. administrator. When using a
command, a file system that is not
registered in the system might have
been specified.
If you are using the GUI, the most
recent information about the file
system might not be displayed.
Execute refresh processing, and then
respecify the file systems for which a
quota is to be set. If you are using a
command, in List of File Systems,
check that the file system name is
correct, and then retry the operation.

KAQM12006-E A value smaller than the A value smaller than the current usage
current usage amount was amount cannot be set for the hard limit
entered for the hard limit for for block usage or hard limit for i-node
block usage or hard limit for i- usage.
node usage. (user name = (O)
user-name, UID = user-ID,
block usage = block-usage, i- Enter a value equal to or larger than
node usage = i-node-usage) the current usage amount.

KAQM12007-E A user or group that is not The specified user or group might have
registered in the system or been deleted by another system
cannot perform quota settings administrator. Alternatively, if a
has been specified. (user or directory server is being used,
group = user-or-group) connection to the server might not
have been possible. If a command was
executed, a user or group that is not
registered in the system or that cannot
perform quota settings might have
been specified.
If you are using a directory server,
make sure that connection to the
server is possible. If you are not using
a server, or if connection to the server
is possible then, when using the GUI,
return to the List of Quota Information,

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-157

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
and then respecify the user or group
that performs quota settings. Also, if
using commands, make sure that the
specified user or group is registered in
the system and that it can perform
quota settings, and then retry the

KAQM12008-E The number of monitoring You are attempting to specify a

time settings has reached the monitoring time that exceeds the
maximum. maximum setting for the monitoring
Retry after deleting the unneeded
monitoring time settings. See the help
for the maximum number of
monitoring time settings.

KAQM12009-E An attempt to access a An attempt to open a system file

system file (crontab) failed. (crontab) failed.
Acquire all the Management log files,
and then inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM12010-E An attempt to acquire quota A registered user ID or group ID

setting information has failed. exceeds 2147483647, or an error
might have occurred while acquiring
the quota settings.
Make sure that no registered user ID
or group ID exceeds 2147483647, and
then try again. If the error occurs
again, acquire all the Management log
files, and then inform maintenance
personnel. See the Help for a list of the
Management log files.
Supplementary note:
This message is sometimes output
when there is a problem with a file
system or an LU. Check the status of
the file system or LU, check for any
SNMP notification messages or email
notifications, and if there is a problem,
take action according to the
instructions in online Help.

KAQM12011-E Acquisition of the grace period A problem may exist in the acquisition
information failed because of processing of the grace period
an unexpected error in information.
internal processing. (O)
Acquire all the Management log files,
and then inform maintenance

5-158 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.
Supplementary note:
This message is sometimes output
when there is a problem with a file
system or an LU. Check the status of
the file system or LU, check for any
SNMP notification messages or email
notifications, and if there is a problem,
take action according to the
instructions in online Help.

KAQM12012-E The setting of quota The file system might be blocked due
information failed either to insufficient capacity of the
because the file system was differential-data storage device, or
blocked due to insufficient there might be a problem in the
capacity of the differential- processing to set quota information.
data storage device, or (O)
because of an internal
processing error. In [List of File Systems], check the
status indicated for the file system,
and then take action appropriate for
the status. If the status does not
indicate a problem, acquire all the
Management log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel. See
Help for a list of the Management log
Supplementary note:
This message is sometimes output
when there is a problem with a file
system or an LU. Check the status of
the file system or LU, check for any
SNMP notification messages or email
notifications, and if there is a problem,
take action according to the
instructions in online Help.

KAQM12013-E The updating of the grace The file system might be blocked due
period failed either because to insufficient capacity of the
the file system was blocked differential-data storage device, or
due to insufficient capacity of there might be a problem in the
the differential-data storage update processing of the grace period
device, or because of an information.
internal processing error. (O)
In [List of File Systems], check the
status indicated for the file system,
and then take action appropriate for
the status. If the status does not
indicate a problem, acquire all the
Management log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel. See
Help for a list of the Management log
Supplementary note:

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-159

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
This message is sometimes output
when there is a problem with a file
system or an LU. Check the status of
the file system or LU, check for any
SNMP notification messages or email
notifications, and if there is a problem,
take action according to the
instructions in online Help.

KAQM12014-E Editing of the monitoring time A problem may exist in the editing
failed because of an processing of the monitoring time.
unexpected error in internal (O)
Acquire all the Management log files,
and then inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM12017-E The file system is not A file system has not been selected, so
selected. execution cannot start.
Retry after selecting a file system.

KAQM12018-E The user or group is not A user or a group has not been
selected. selected, so execution cannot start.
Retry after selecting a user or a group.

KAQM12019-E A shared directory is not A shared directory has not been

selected. selected, so execution cannot start.
Retry after selecting a shared

KAQM12020-E The block limit value exceeds The block limit value exceeds the
the maximum. maximum, so execution cannot start.
Retry after entering a value no greater
than the maximum setting for a block
limit value (1,073,741,823MB,
1,048,575GB or 1,023TB).

KAQM12021-E The i-node limit value exceeds The i-node limit value exceeds the
the maximum. maximum, so execution cannot start.
Retry after entering a value no greater
than the maximum setting value for an
i-node limit value (4,294,967,295).

KAQM12022-E No grace period is entered. The grace period is not entered.

Enter a grace period and retry.

KAQM12023-E The specified value for the A value other than from 1 to 9,999
grace period is invalid. was specified for the grace period.

5-160 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Specify a value from 1 to 9,999 for the
grace period, and then try again.

KAQM12024-E A limit value was not entered. A limit value was not entered.
Enter a limit value, and then retry.

KAQM12025-E A file system with Quota Quota does not apply to unmounted
applied is unmounted. file systems.
If you are using the GUI, the most
recent information about the file
system might not be displayed.
Execute refresh processing, specify the
mounted file system, and then retry
the operation. If you are using a
command, in List of File Systems,
make sure that the file system is
mounted, and then retry the operation.

KAQM12026-E The target file system was The operation is not possible because
mounted without the Quota the target file system was mounted
function being specified. without the Quota function being
If you are using the GUI, the most
recent information about the file
system might not be displayed.
Execute refresh processing, specify the
Quota function, mount the target file
system, and then retry the operation.
If you are using a command, specify
the Quota function in the mount
options, and then re-execute the

KAQM12027-E An internal error occurred. A conflict with another system

administrator's operation or system
error may have occurred.
Retry. Acquire all the Management log
files if the error occurs again, and then
inform maintenance personnel. See the
help for a list of the Management log

KAQM12028-E The selected file share does Since the selected file share has been
not exist. deleted by the system administrator,
you cannot view quota information.
Select another file share, and then

KAQM12029-E The file system does not Since the file system has been deleted
exist. by the system administrator, you
cannot view quota information.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-161

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Select another shared directory or
another file share name, and then

KAQM12030-E An attempt to acquire quota A registered user ID or group ID

setting information has failed. exceeds 2147483647, or an error
might have occurred while acquiring
the quota settings.
Inform the system administrator of the
following information: Message ID:
KAQM12030-E, Action: Make sure that
no registered user ID or group ID
exceeds 2147483647, and then try
again. If the error occurs again,
acquire all the Management log files,
and then inform maintenance
personnel. See the Help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM12031-E An attempt to acquire the A problem may exist in the acquisition

grace period information has processing of the grace period
failed. information.
Inform the system administrator of the
following contents. Message ID:
KAQM12031-E, Action: Acquire all the
Management log files, and then inform
maintenance personnel. See the help
for a list of the Management log files.

KAQM12032-E The file system is unmounted. Since the file system has been
unmounted by the system
administrator, you cannot view quota
Select another shared directory or
another file share name, and then

KAQM12033-E The Quota setting is not Since the Quota setting is not applied
applied as a mount option of as a mount option of the file system,
the file system. you cannot view quota information.
Select another shared directory or
another file share name, and then

KAQM12034-E The selected shared directory Since the selected shared directory or
or the selected file share the selected file share name has been
name does not exist. deleted by the system administrator,
you cannot view quota information.

5-162 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Select another shared directory or
another file share name, and then

KAQM12035-E The entered value for the A zero cannot be specified at the
block limit is invalid. beginning of a block limit.
Enter a numerical value that does not
start with 0.

KAQM12036-E The entered value for the i- A zero cannot be specified at the
node limit is invalid. beginning of an i-node limit.
Enter a numerical value that does not
start with 0.

KAQM12037-E The capacity of the This operation cannot be performed

differential-data storage because the capacity of the
device is insufficient. differential-data storage device is
Inform the system administrator of the
following information. Message ID:
KAQM12037-E, Action: Resolve the
problem by using file snapshot
functionality operations. For details on
the operation, see the help.

KAQM12038-E The file snapshot functionality This operation cannot be performed

has not been installed. because the file snapshot functionality
has not been installed.
Inform the system administrator of the
following information. Message ID:
KAQM12038-E, Action: To perform this
operation on the specified differential-
data snapshot, first install the file
snapshot functionality.

KAQM12039-E The specified operation failed An error occurred in the file system or
because of a reason such as in the device files that make up the
an error in the file system or different-data storage device.
in the device files that make (O)
up the storage device.
Inform the system administrator of the
following information: Message ID:
KAQM12039-E, Action: Make sure that
the resource group or virtual server is
in the Online state. If it is in the Online
state and you cannot resolve the
problem, contact maintenance

KAQM12040-E An error occurred in the An error occurred in the cluster

cluster management LU or a management LU or a system file, or
system file. the cluster management LU is blocked.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-163

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Inform the system administrator of the
following information. Message ID:
KAQM12040-E, Action: Inform
maintenance personnel.

KAQM12041-E A value smaller than the A value smaller than the current usage
current usage amount was amount cannot be set for the hard limit
entered for the hard limit for for block usage or hard limit for i-node
block usage or hard limit for i- usage.
node usage. (group name = (O)
group-name, GID = group-ID,
block usage = block-usage, i- Enter a value equal to or larger than
node usage = i-node-usage) the current usage amount.

KAQM12042-E The specified operation failed The file system or the device file being
because of a reason such as used by the file system is blocked.
the file system being blocked. (O)
Inform the system administrator of the
following information. Message ID:
KAQM12042-E. Action: Check the
status of the file system and device
files by referring to the troubleshooting
information in the help, and then
resolve the error with the help of
maintenance personnel.
Supplementary note:
This message is sometimes output
when there is a problem with a file
system or an LU. Check the status of
the file system or LU, check for any
SNMP notification messages or email
notifications, and if there is a problem,
take action according to the
instructions in online Help.

KAQM12043-E This operation cannot be The specified file system is a read-only

performed because the snapshot.
specified file system is a read- (O)
only snapshot.

KAQM12044-E This operation cannot be The specified file system is a

performed because the differential-data snapshot.
specified file system is a (O)
differential-data snapshot.

KAQM12045-I A quota soft limit was A quota soft limit was exceeded.
exceeded. (generating time = (O)
trap-generation-time, Physical
Node host name or virtual Use the quotaget command to check
server name = physical-node- which user or group exceeded the
host-name-or-virtual-server- quota soft limit or the grace period.
name, node name = node- Then, if necessary, inform the end user
name, equipment of the usage amount.
identification number =

5-164 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
number, file system name =
file-system-name, number of
users exceeding the block soft
limit = number-of-users,
number of groups exceeding
the block soft limit = number-
of-groups, number of users
exceeding the block grace
period = number-of-users,
number of groups exceeding
the block grace period =
number-of-groups, number of
users exceeding the i-node
soft limit = number-of-users,
number of groups exceeding
the i-node soft limit =
number-of-groups, number of
users exceeding the i-node
grace period = number-of-
users, number of groups
exceeding the i-node grace
period = number-of-groups)

KAQM12046-E The specified value for the The specified value for the monitoring
monitoring time is invalid. time is not in the date format.
Specify the value in the date format,
and then try again.

KAQM12047-E The specified value for the The specified value for the minutes is
monitoring time is invalid. not a multiple of five.
Specify the monitoring time as a
multiple of five (0-55) minutes, and
then try again.

KAQM12048-E An attempt to acquire The group to which the user belongs

information about the group might not be registered in the system.
to which the user belongs has Alternatively, if the group is managed
failed. by an NIS server or an LDAP server,
connection to the server might not
have been possible.
Inform the system administrator of the
following information. Message ID:
KAQM12048-E, Action: If you are using
an NIS server or an LDAP server, make
sure that connection to the server is
possible. If you are not using a server,
or if connection to the server was
possible, make sure that the group to
which the user belongs is registered in
the system. If the group is registered
in the system, acquire all the
Management log files, and then inform

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-165

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
maintenance personnel. For a list of
the Management log files, see the

KAQM12050-E The specified notification Only the notification mode cannot be

mode cannot be changed. changed, because a monitoring time is
not set.
Set one or more monitoring times, and
then try again.

KAQM12051-E The specified value for the A zero cannot be specified at the
grace period is invalid. beginning of a grace period.
Specify a numerical value that does
not start with 0.

KAQM12052-E A file operation failed. A problem might exist in the

processing of the OS disk, virtual
server OS LU, or system file.
Check the settings and whether a
problem exists on the OS disk or
virtual server OS LU. If you cannot
resolve the problem, acquire all the
Management log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel. See
Help for a list of the Management log

KAQM12053-E An internal error occurred. A system error might have occurred.

Retry the operation. Acquire all the
Management log files if the error
occurs again, and then inform
maintenance personnel. See the help
for a list of the Management log files.

KAQM12056-E The specified operation The number of users exceeds the

cannot be performed because maximum number displayable in the
the number of users exceeds window.
the maximum number (O)
displayable in the window.
Change to the command operation
mode, or use the quotaget or
quotaset command.

KAQM12057-E The specified operation The number of groups exceeds the

cannot be performed because maximum number displayable in the
the number of groups exceeds window.
the maximum number (O)
displayable in the window.
Change to the command operation
mode, or use the quotaget or
quotaset command.

5-166 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM12058-E The specified file system is The specified file system or a device
blocked. file being used by the file system is
Check the status of the file system and
device files by referring to the
troubleshooting information in the
help, and then resolve the error with
the help of maintenance personnel.
Supplementary note:
This message is sometimes output
when there is a problem with a file
system or an LU. Check the status of
the file system or LU, check for any
SNMP notification messages or email
notifications, and if there is a problem,
take action according to the
instructions in online Help.

KAQM12059-I A subtree quota soft limit was A subtree quota soft limit was
exceeded. (generation date exceeded.
and time = trap-generation- (O)
date-and-time, Physical Node
host name or virtual server Use the stquota command to check
name = physical-node-host- the soft limit, grace period, and usage
name-or-virtual-server-name, amount. Then, if necessary, inform the
node name = node-name, end user of the usage amount.
equipment identification
number = equipment-
identification-number, file
system name = file-system-
name, directory name =

KAQM12060-I A subtree quota soft limit was A subtree quota soft limit was
exceeded. (generation date exceeded.
and time = trap-generation- (O)
date-and-time, Physical Node
host name or virtual server Use the stquota command to check
name = physical-node-host- the soft limit, grace period, and usage
name-or-virtual-server-name, amount. Then, if necessary, inform the
node name = node-name, end user of the usage amount.
equipment identification
number = equipment-
identification-number, file
system name = file-system-
name, number of directories
exceeding the block soft limit
= number-of-directories,
number of directories
exceeding the block grace
period = number-of-
directories, number of
directories exceeding the i-
node soft limit = number-of-

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-167

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
directories, number of
directories exceeding the i-
node grace period = number-

KAQM12061-I A subtree quota that was set A subtree quota that was set to a user
to a user or group soft limit or group soft limit was exceeded.
was exceeded. (generation (O)
date and time = trap-
generation-date-and-time, Use the stquotalist command to
Physical Node host name or check which user or group exceeded
virtual server name = the soft limit or the grace period of the
physical-node-host-name-or- subtree quota. Then, if necessary,
virtual-server-name, node inform the end user of the usage
name = node-name, amount.
equipment identification
number = equipment-
identification-number, file
system name = file-system-
name, directory name =
directory-name, number of
users exceeding the block soft
limit = number-of-users,
number of groups exceeding
the block soft limit = number-
of-groups, number of users
exceeding the block grace
period = number-of-users,
number of groups exceeding
the block grace period =
number-of-groups, number of
users exceeding the i-node
soft limit = number-of-users,
number of groups exceeding
the i-node soft limit =
number-of-groups, number of
users exceeding the i-node
grace period = number-of-
users, number of groups
exceeding the i-node grace
period = number-of-groups)

KAQM12062-I A subtree quota that was set A subtree quota that was set to a user
to a user or group soft limit or group soft limit was exceeded.
was exceeded. (generation (O)
date and time = trap-
generation-date-and-time, Use the stquota command and the
Physical Node host name or stquotalist command to check which
virtual server name = user or group exceeded the soft limit
physical-node-host-name-or- or the grace period. Then, if necessary,
virtual-server-name, node inform the end user of the usage
name = node-name, amount.
equipment identification
number = equipment-
identification-number, file
system name = file-system-
name, number of directories

5-168 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
that have users exceeding the
block soft limit = number-of-
directories, number of
directories that have groups
exceeding the block soft limit
= number-of-directories,
number of directories that
have groups exceeding the
block grace period = number-
of-directories, number of
directories that have groups
exceeding the block grace
period = number-of-
directories, number of
directories that have users
exceeding the i-node soft limit
= number-of-directories,
number of directories that
have groups exceeding the i-
node soft limit = number-of-
directories, number of
directories that have users
exceeding the i-node grace
period = number-of-
directories, number of
directories that have groups
exceeding the i-node grace
period = number-of-

KAQM12063-E The file system is blocked This operation cannot be executed

because the capacity of the because the file system is blocked due
differential-data storage to insufficient capacity of the
device is insufficient. differential-data storage device.
Inform the system administrator of the
following information. Message ID:
KAQM12063-E, Action: In [List of File
Systems], check the status indicated
for the file system, and then take
action appropriate for the status.

KAQM12064-W A quota soft limit was A quota soft limit was exceeded.
exceeded. (generating time = (O)
Physical Node host name or Use the quotaget command to check
virtual server name which user or group exceeded the
=physical-node-host-name- quota soft limit or the grace period.
or-virtual-server-name, node Then, if necessary, inform the end user
number = node-number, of the usage amount.
equipment identification
number = equipment-
identification-number, file
system name = file-system-
name, number of users
exceeding the block soft limit
= number-of-users, number
of groups exceeding the block

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-169

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
soft limit = number-of-
groups, number of users
exceeding the block grace
period = number-of-users,
number of groups exceeding
the block grace period =
number-of-groups, number of
users exceeding the i-node
soft limit = number-of-users,
number of groups exceeding
the i-node soft limit =
number-of-groups, number of
users exceeding the i-node
grace period = number-of-
users, number of groups
exceeding the i-node grace
period = number-of-groups)

KAQM12065-W A subtree quota soft limit was A subtree quota soft limit was
exceeded. (generation date exceeded.
and time = generation-date- (O)
and-time, Physical Node host
name or virtual server name Use the stquota command to check
= physical-node-host-name- the soft limit, grace period, and usage
or-virtual-server-name, node amount. Then, if necessary, inform the
number = node-number, end user of the usage amount.
equipment identification
number = equipment-
identification-number, file
system name = file-system-
name, directory name =

KAQM12066-W A subtree quota soft limit was A subtree quota soft limit was
exceeded. (generation date exceeded.
and time = generation-date- (O)
and-time, Physical Node host
name or virtual server name Use the stquota command to check
= physical-node-host-name- the soft limit, grace period, and usage
or-virtual-server-name, node amount. Then, if necessary, inform the
number = node-number, end user of the usage amount.
equipment identification
number = equipment-
identification-number, file
system name = file-system-
name, number of directories
exceeding the block soft limit
= number-of-directories,
number of directories
exceeding the block grace
period = number-of-
directories, number of
directories exceeding the i-
node soft limit = number-of-
directories, number of
directories exceeding the i-
node grace period = number-

5-170 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM12067-W A subtree quota that was set A subtree quota that was set to a user
to a user or group soft limit or group soft limit was exceeded.
was exceeded. (generation (O)
date and time = generation-
date-and-time, Physical Node Use the stquotalist command to
host name or virtual server check which user or group exceeded
name = physical-node-host- the soft limit or the grace period of the
name-or-virtual-server-name, subtree quota. Then, if necessary,
node number = node-number, inform the end user of the usage
equipment identification amount.
number = equipment-
identification-number, file
system name = file-system-
name, directory name =
directory-name, number of
users exceeding the block soft
limit = number-of-users,
number of groups exceeding
the block soft limit = number-
of-groups, number of users
exceeding the block grace
period = number-of-users,
number of groups exceeding
the block grace period =
number-of-groups, number of
users exceeding the i-node
soft limit = number-of-users,
number of groups exceeding
the i-node soft limit =
number-of-groups, number of
users exceeding the i-node
grace period = number-of-
users, number of groups
exceeding the i-node grace
period = number-of-groups)

KAQM12068-W A subtree quota that was set A subtree quota that was set to a user
to a user or group soft limit or group soft limit was exceeded.
was exceeded. (generation (O)
date and time = generation-
date-and-time, Physical Node Use the stquota command and the
host name or virtual server stquotalist command to check which
name = physical-node-host- user or group exceeded the soft limit
name-or-virtual-server-name, or the grace period. Then, if necessary,
node number = node-number, inform the end user of the usage
equipment identification amount.
number = equipment-
identification-number, file
system name = file-system-
name, number of directories
that have users exceeding the
block soft limit = number-of-
directories, number of
directories that have groups
exceeding the block soft limit
= number-of-directories,
number of directories that
have groups exceeding the

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-171

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
block grace period = number-
of-directories, number of
directories that have groups
exceeding the block grace
period = number-of-
directories, number of
directories that have users
exceeding the i-node soft limit
= number-of-directories,
number of directories that
have groups exceeding the i-
node soft limit = number-of-
directories, number of
directories that have users
exceeding the i-node grace
period = number-of-
directories, number of
directories that have groups
exceeding the i-node grace
period = number-of-

KAQM13 messages
This section explains messages that have a message ID beginning with
KAQM13, and the actions to be taken if such messages appear.

Table 5-9 KAQM13 messages

Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM13019-E An attempt to read the An error occurred in the cluster

management information has management LU or in the OS disk.
failed. (O)
Confirm that the system LU settings
are correct and that there are no
problems, and then retry execution.
Acquire all the Management log files if
the error occurs again, and then
inform maintenance personnel. See
the help for a list of the Management
log files.

KAQM13037-E An attempt to update the An error occurred in the cluster

management information has management LU or in the OS disk.
failed. (O)
Confirm that the system LU settings
are correct and that there are no
problems, and then retry execution.
Acquire all the Management log files if
the error occurs again, and then
inform maintenance personnel. See

5-172 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
online Help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM13042-E An attempt to recover has Save information of the system LU

failed because a system LU may have been deleted.
has not been saved. (O)
Save the system LU.

KAQM13065-E A timeout occurred during The system might be busy, or an error

access of management might have occurred in the cluster
information. management LU.
Execute the same processing again
after waiting. Acquire all the
Management log files if the error
occurs when you execute again, and
then inform maintenance personnel.
See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM13067-E The uploaded file cannot be The specified file is incorrect or might
used. be damaged.
Check whether the specified file is

KAQM13069-E The operation could not be The resource group is either in the
executed because the Offline status, or it is failing over.
resource group is not running (O)
normally, or the resource
group might be failing over. Make sure that the cluster, nodes, and
resource groups are running normally,
and then save the settings manually.

KAQM13071-E The operation could not be There is not enough disk capacity to
executed because an attempt perform save processing, or an error
to save the OS disk has failed. occurred in the OS disk or in the
(node=name-of-the-node-in- cluster management LU of a node.
which-an-error-occurred) (O)
Acquire all the Management log files,
delete any unnecessary log files,
confirm that the system LU settings
are correct and that there are no
problems, and then retry the
operation. If the error occurs again,
contact maintenance personnel. See
online Help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM13072-E The operation could not be The free space of OS disk may be
executed because there is not insufficient.
enough space on the OS disk. (O)
Delete unnecessary core files and log
files, and then retry the operation. If
the error occurs again, acquire all
management log files, and then inform

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-173

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
maintenance personnel. For a list of
management log files, see the Help.

KAQM13073-E The operation could not be An error occurred in the OS disk or in

executed because an attempt the cluster management LU of a node.
to create a download file (O)
failed. (node=name-of-the-
node-in-which-an-error- Confirm that the system LU settings
occurred) are correct and that there are no
problems, and then retry execution.
Acquire all the Management log files if
the error occurs again, and then
inform maintenance personnel. See
the help for a list of the Management
log files.

KAQM13074-E The operation could not be Communication cannot be established

executed because the node with a node.
cannot communicate. (O)
Check whether the interface settings
or routing settings have affected the
network settings of the Management
LAN, make sure that the node has not
stopped, and check for network errors.
Also, the processing might not have
completed because one of the nodes is
heavily loaded. In this case, execute
the same processing again after
waiting. If the error still occurs, inform
maintenance personnel.

KAQM13075-E The operation could not be A file is already uploaded.

executed because the file is (O)
already uploaded.
Check the uploaded file. If necessary,
delete the uploaded file, and then retry

KAQM13076-E The operation could not be An error occurred in the cluster

executed because an attempt management LU or in the OS disk.
to save the cluster (O)
management LU failed.
Confirm that the system LU settings
are correct and that there are no
problems, and then retry execution.
Acquire all the Management log files if
the error occurs again, and then
inform maintenance personnel. See
the help for a list of the Management
log files.

KAQM13077-E An attempt to upload a file The system may be busy, or a system

failed. error might have occurred.
Execute the same processing again
after waiting. If the error occurs again,
acquire all the Management log files,

5-174 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
and then inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM13080-E The operation could not be The system might be busy, or an error
executed because a timeout occurred in the OS disk or in the
occurred while saving the OS cluster management LU of a node.
disk. (node=name-of-the- (O)
occurred) Execute the same processing again
after waiting. If the error occurs again,
acquire all the Management log files,
and then inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM13081-E The operation could not be The system might be busy, or an error
executed because a timeout occurred in the cluster management
occurred while saving the LU or in the OS disk.
cluster management LU. (O)
Execute the same processing again
after waiting. If the error occurs again,
acquire all the Management log files,
and then inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM13082-E The specified file does not The specified file has already been
exist. (file=name-of-the- deleted, or has not been uploaded.
specified-file-that-does-not- (O)
Check whether the specified file has
been uploaded.

KAQM13083-E An attempt to batch save the The system error might have occurred.
system settings has failed. (O)
Confirm that the system LU settings
are correct and that there are no
problems, and then retry execution.
Acquire all the Management log files if
the error occurs again, and then
inform maintenance personnel. See
the help for a list of the Management
log files.

KAQM13084-E An attempt to batch save and The Web browser settings might need
download the cluster to be changed, or a system error
management LU and both OS might have occurred.
disks in this cluster has failed. (O)
Check the Web browser settings,
check the system LU settings, make
sure there are no problems, and then
retry the operation. If the error occurs
again, acquire all the Management log
files, and then inform maintenance
personnel. For a list of the
Management log files, see online Help.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-175

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM13085-E An attempt to delete a file The system error might have occurred.
failed. (O)
Confirm that the system LU settings
are correct and that there are no
problems, and then retry execution.
Acquire all the Management log files if
the error occurs again, and then
inform maintenance personnel. See
the help for a list of the Management
log files.

KAQM13086-E An attempt to upload a file The specified file does not exist or the
failed. file is empty.
Check whether the specified file is

KAQM13087-E The operation could not be An error occurred in the OS disk.

executed because an attempt (O)
to create a download file
failed. Confirm that the system LU settings
are correct and that there are no
problems, and then retry execution.
Acquire all the Management log files if
the error occurs again, and then
inform maintenance personnel. See
the help for a list of the Management
log files.

KAQM13089-E An attempt to read the An error may have occurred in the

management information has virtual server OS disk.
failed. (O)
Confirm that the system LU settings
are correct, and then retry. If the error
occurs again, download all the
management log files and contact
Product Support. For a list of
management log files, see Help.

KAQM13090-E A scheduled attempt to save The specified directory does not exist,
settings was cancelled or cannot be accessed by the specified
because an attempt to move user.
to the destination directory (O)
Confirm that the directory exists in the
FTP server. If it does exist, make sure
that the specified user can access it.

KAQM13091-E A scheduled attempt to save The user name or password is

settings was cancelled incorrect.
because an attempt to log in (O)
to the FTP server failed.
Confirm that the specified user is
registered in the FTP server.

KAQM13092-E An attempt to save the The virtual server OS disk may not
settings was cancelled have enough free space.
because there is not enough

5-176 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
space on the virtual server OS (O)
disk. Delete selected core files and log files
to create additional free space.
KAQM13093-E A scheduled attempt to save The virtual server OS disk may not
the settings file was cancelled have enough free space.
because there is not enough (O)
space on the virtual server OS
disk. Delete selected core files and log files
to create additional free space.

KAQM13094-E An attempt to save settings The Web browser settings might need
has failed. to be changed, or a system error
might have occurred.
Check the Web browser settings,
check the system LU settings, make
sure there are no problems, and then
retry the operation. If the error occurs
again, acquire all the Management log
files, and then inform maintenance
personnel. For a list of the
Management log files, see online Help.

KAQM13096-E An attempt to set the A system error might have occurred.

scheduled period for saving (O)
settings has failed.
Confirm that the system LU settings
are correct and that there are no
problems, and then retry execution. If
the error occurs again, acquire all
management log files, and then inform
maintenance personnel. For a list of
management log files, see the Help.

KAQM13097-E An attempt to upload the The virtual server OS disk may not
settings file was cancelled have enough free space.
because there is not enough (O)
space on the virtual server OS
disk. Delete selected core files and log files
to create additional free space.

KAQM13098-E An attempt to upload a file A system error might have occurred.

failed. (O)
Confirm that the system LU settings
are correct and that there are no
problems, and then retry execution. If
the error occurs again, acquire all
management log files, and then inform
maintenance personnel. For a list of
management log files, see the Help.

KAQM13099-E An attempt to upload a The specified settings file was created

settings file was cancelled on a system with a newer version.
because the version of the (O)
specified file is not supported.
(version of the system where Specify a file with an appropriate
the settings file was version. For details on settings files

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-177

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
system-where-the-settings- that can be used for recovering
file-was-created) settings, see the Help.

KAQM13100-E An attempt to upload a The specified settings file was acquired

settings file was cancelled from a different virtual server.
because the specified setting (O)
file was acquired from a
different virtual server. (ID of Specify a settings file that was
the virtual server from which acquired from the same virtual server.
the settings file was

KAQM13101-E An attempt to recover settings A system error might have occurred.

has failed. (O)
Confirm that the system LU settings
are correct and that there are no
problems, and then retry execution. If
the error occurs again, acquire all
management log files, and then inform
maintenance personnel. For a list of
management log files, see the Help.

KAQM13102-I Processing to recover settings Recovery processing was executed.

will now start. (settings (O)
acquisition date=settings-file- No action is required.

KAQM13103-I Processing to recover settings Recovery processing ended.

will now end. (O)
No action is required.

KAQM13104-E A scheduled attempt to save The FTP server might not be operating
settings was cancelled normally, or a network error might
because an attempt to have occurred.
connect to the FTP server (O)
Confirm that the FTP server is
operating normally, and no network
error has occurred. Also, the
connection to the FTP server might not
have been possible because the load
on the node, FTP server, and network
was high. After the load returns to
normal (not high), save the settings

KAQM13105-I Processing to transfer a Processing to transfer a file to the FTP

settings file has finished. server finished.
(setting file=settings-file- (O)
No action is required.

KAQM13106-I Communication with the FTP Communication with the FTP server
server will now start. (FTP will now start.
server=connection-target- (O)

5-178 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
FTP-server, user name=login- No action is required.

KAQM13107-I Communication with the FTP Communication with the FTP server
server will now end. (result ended.
details=detailed-processing- (O)
No action is required.

KAQM13108-E Processing was cancelled The directory does not exist, or the
because an attempt to move directory cannot be accessed by the
to the destination directory specified user.
failed. (O)
Confirm that the directory is specified
correctly. If the value is correct,
confirm that the directory exists in the
FTP server. If the directory exists,
confirm that the directory can be
accessed by the specified user.

KAQM13109-E Processing was cancelled The FTP server might not be operating
because an attempt to normally, or a network error might
connect to the FTP server have occurred.
failed. (O)
Confirm that the value as the FTP
server is correct, the FTP server is
operating normally, and no network
error has occurred. Also, the
connection to the FTP server might not
have been possible because the load
on the node, FTP server, and network
was high. After the load returns to
normal (not high), retry the operation.

KAQM13110-E Processing was cancelled The user name or password is

because an attempt to log in incorrect.
to the FTP server failed. (O)
Confirm that the user name and
password are specified correctly, and
then retry the operation. If an error
occurs again, confirm that the user is
registered in the FTP server.

KAQM13111-E A scheduled attempt to save Some of the resources to be used for

settings has failed. processing are locked for use by
another user, the locked node has
stopped, or a system error might have
Change the time that settings are
scheduled to be saved to a time when
other scheduled jobs are not running.
In addition, at times that settings are
to be saved, do not execute
commands or operate the GUI. If the

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-179

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
node stopped during processing, wait
about 15 minutes or boot the stopped
node. If the error occurs again, acquire
all management log files, and then
inform maintenance personnel. For a
list of management log files, see the
See G. Actions for when a timeout
occurs due to the inability to secure
the resources used for processing, and
follow the procedure that is listed.

KAQM13112-E The specified delimiter The specified delimiter character

character cannot be used exceeds the maximum length.
because it is more than 1 (O)
character long.
Specify only 1 character for the
delimiter character.

KAQM13113-E A timeout occurred while The system might be busy, or an error

saving the settings file. might have occurred in the virtual
server OS disk.
Wait, then try the operation again. If
the error occurs again, confirm that
the system LU settings are correct. If
the problem cannot be resolved,
download all the management log files
and contact Product Support. For a list
of management log files, see Help.

KAQM13114-W A timeout occurred during a The system might be busy.

scheduled attempt to save (O)
No action is required.

KAQM13115-E All scheduled attempts, and The system might be busy, or an error
retries, to save the settings might have occurred in the virtual
file have failed. server OS disk.
Make sure the load on the server is
normal, and save the settings file
manually. If the error occurs again,
confirm that the system LU settings
are correct. If the problem cannot be
resolved, download all the
management log files and contact
Product Support. For a list of
management log files, see Help.

KAQM13118-E An attempt to transfer a A problem might have occurred during

settings file has failed. processing to transfer the file.
Make sure the FTP server is operating
normally, no network errors have
occurred, and files can be written to

5-180 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
the directory of the FTP server. If the
problem cannot be resolved, acquire
all management log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel. For a
list of management log files, see the

KAQM13119-E An attempt to change the A system error might have occurred.

schedule for saving settings (O)
has failed.
Confirm that the system LU settings
are correct and that there are no
problems, and then retry execution. If
the error occurs again, acquire all
management log files, and then inform
maintenance personnel. For a list of
management log files, see the Help.

KAQM13120-W Processing to recover settings The virtual server name might have
finished normally. However, changed after the settings file was
the recovered virtual server saved.
name is different from the (O)
name that is managed in the
system. (recovered virtual Without rebooting virtual server, ask
server name=recovered- the system administrator to change
virtual-server-name) the name of virtual server.

KAQM13121-E Processing was canceled The cluster management LU is not

because the cluster assigned to a node, the LU being used
management LU could not be for the cluster management LU does
accessed. (model name = not satisfy the conditions for the
model-name, serial number = cluster management LU, or a system
serial-number, volume = error might have occurred.
volume) (O)
Check the status of the cluster
management LU. If a system error has
occurred, acquire all the Management
log files, and then inform maintenance
personnel. For a list of the
Management log files, see the online

KAQM13122-Q Processing might take a while. This confirmation message is output

Do you want to restore the OS before OS disks are restored.
disks by using the saved (O)
settings (saved date and time
= date-and-time-data-was- Enter y or n.
saved)? (y/n)

KAQM13123- Q Processing might take a while. This confirmation message is output

Do you want to restore the before the cluster management LU is
cluster management LU by restored.
using the saved settings (O)
(saved date and time = date-
and-time-data-was-saved)? Enter y or n.

KAQM13124-E The specified management The specified management LAN fixed

LAN IP address is invalid. (IP IP address is invalid.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-181

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
address = specified-IP- (O)
address) Specify a valid IP address.
KAQM13128-I The settings were successfully The settings were successfully saved.
saved. Transfer the settings (O)
file to an external location,
and then erase the file stored Transfer the settings file to an external
in the system. (output file = location, and then erase the file stored
output-backup-file-name) in the system.

KAQM13129-E An attempt to batch save the The system error might have occurred.
system settings and output (O)
files has failed.
Confirm that the system LU settings
are correct and that there are no
problems, and then retry execution.
Acquire all the Management log files if
the error occurs again, and then
inform maintenance personnel. See
the help for a list of the Management
log files.

KAQM13130-E Processing was canceled A new installation has not been

because a new installation has performed for an OS.
not been performed for an (O)
Perform a new installation of an OS by
following error recovery procedures.

KAQM13131-I The settings for the cluster The settings were successfully
management LU and both OS restored.
disks in the cluster have been (O)
restored, and the OSs in the
cluster have been restarted. After restarting the OSs, define a
After restarting the OSs, cluster.
define a cluster.

KAQM13132-I The cluster management LU The cluster management LU was

has been restored, and the successfully restored.
OSs in the cluster have been (O)
restarted. After restarting the
OSs, define a cluster. After restarting the OSs, define a

KAQM13133-Q Processing might take a while. This confirmation message is output

Do you want to restore the before the system settings are
system settings by using the restored.
specified file (saved date and (O)
time = date-and-time-data-
was-saved)? (y/n) Enter y or n.

KAQM13134-I An OS disk has been restored, An OS disk was successfully restored.

and an OS in the cluster has (O)
been restarted.
After an OS has been restarted,
failback the corresponding resource

KAQM13135-E Processing was canceled The settings are not present in the
because the settings are not system.
present in the system.

5-182 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Restore the cluster management LU
and both of the OS disks in the cluster
by using the settings file.

KAQM13136-E An attempt to recover the OS A system error might have occurred.

disk has failed. (O)
Confirm that the system LU settings
are correct and that there are no
problems, and then retry the
operation. If the error occurs again,
acquire all of the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.
Maintenance personnel will acquire the
OS logs by using the oslogget
command, and then contact the
Support Center.

KAQM13137-E An attempt to restore the A system error might have occurred.

cluster management LU has (O)
failed. (failed process = failed-
process) Confirm that the system LU settings
are correct and that there are no
problems, and then retry the
operation. If the error occurs again,
acquire all of the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.
Maintenance personnel will acquire the
OS logs by using the oslogget
command, and then contact the
Support Center.

KAQM13138-E The OS disk could not be There might be a node that cannot
recovered because an attempt establish communication, or the
at synchronization between configuration might have been
clusters has failed. changed after the settings were saved.
Check whether the settings for the
management port IP address are the
same before and after the settings
were saved, whether a node is
stopped, and whether an error
occurred on the network. If no
problems are found, acquire all of the
log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel. Maintenance
personnel will acquire the OS logs by
using the oslogget command, and
then contact the Support Center.

KAQM13139-E A timeout occurred during the The system might be busy, or an error
restoration of an OS disk. might have occurred in the OS disk or
in the cluster management LU.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-183

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Execute the same processing again
after waiting. If the error occurs again,
acquire all of the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.
Maintenance personnel will acquire the
OS logs by using the oslogget
command, and then contact the
Support Center.

KAQM13140-E A timeout occurred during the The system might be busy, or an error
restoration of the cluster might have occurred in the cluster
management LU. management LU or in the OS disk.
Execute the same processing again
after waiting. If the error occurs again,
acquire all of the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.
Maintenance personnel will acquire the
OS logs by using the oslogget
command, and then contact the
Support Center.

KAQM13141-W The cluster management LU The cluster information might be

was successfully restored, but corrupt.
some of the settings could not (O)
be restored. As a result, the
settings might have to be re- Redefine the cluster, check the error
configured. (affected settings information, and if necessary, re-
= affected-settings) configure the settings.

KAQM13142-E The operation could not be The system might be busy, or an error
performed because the occurred in the OS disk or in the
restoration of an OS disk cluster management LU of a node.
timed out. (O)
Execute the same processing again
after waiting. If the error occurs again,
acquire all of the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.
Maintenance personnel will acquire the
OS logs by using the oslogget
command, and then contact the
Support Center.

KAQM13143-E The operation could not be The system might be busy, or an error
performed because the occurred in the cluster management
restoration of the cluster LU or in the OS disk.
management LU timed out. (O)
Execute the same processing again
after waiting. If the error occurs again,
acquire all of the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.
Maintenance personnel will acquire the
OS logs by using the oslogget
command, and then contact the
Support Center.

5-184 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM13144-E An attempt to restore system A system error might have occurred.

settings failed. (failed process (O)
= failed-process)
Confirm that the system LU settings
are correct and that there are no
problems, and then retry the
operation. If the error occurs again,
acquire all of the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.
Maintenance personnel will acquire the
OS logs by using the oslogget
command, and then contact the
Support Center.

KAQM13145-E Processing was canceled There is a settings file in the output

because there is already a directory.
settings file in the output (O)
Transfer the settings file to an external
location, erase the file stored in the
system, and then retry the operation.

KAQM13147-E The operation could not be There might not be enough free space
performed because there is in the output directory.
not enough free space in the (O)
output directory.
Make sure that there is enough free
space in the output directory.

KAQM13148-E The file system that contains The file system that contains the
the specified directory specified directory is not mounted.
(output-directory) is not (O)
Mount the file system that contains the
specified directory as read/write
enabled. If the error occurs again,
acquire all log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM13149-E The specified directory The specified directory does not exist.
(output-directory) does not (O)
Specify an existing directory.

KAQM13150-E The file system that contains The file system that contains the
the specified directory specified directory is mounted as read-
(output-directory) is mounted only.
as read-only. (O)
Specify a directory in the file system
mounted as read/write enabled, or
remount the file system as read/write
enabled. If the error occurs again,
acquire all log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM13151-E The specified directory The specified directory contains a

(output-directory) contains a relative path or symbolic link.
relative path or symbolic link. (O)

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-185

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Specify a directory using an absolute
path and retry the operation. If the
error occurs again, acquire all log
data, and then contact maintenance

KAQM13152-E The file system that contains The file system containing the
the specified directory specified directory is blocked.
(output-directory) is blocked. (O)
Contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM13153-E There are no file systems that There are no file systems that
correspond to the specified correspond to the specified directory.
directory (output-directory). (O)
In the list of file systems check the file
system name, and then specify the
right file system name.

KAQM13154-E The specified directory Only directories to which file sharing

(output-directory) cannot be can be applied can be used.
used. (O)
Specify a directory to which file
sharing can be applied.

KAQM13156-E Processing was canceled The settings file was created on a

because the specified settings system of a newer version.
file is not supported. (system (O)
version of the settings file =
version-of-system-from- Specify a valid settings file. For details
which-settings-file-was- on settings files that can be used to
acquired) recover settings information, see
online Help.

KAQM13157-E Processing was canceled A settings file containing a different

because the specified settings management LAN fixed IP address was
file was acquired by a system specified.
with a different management (O)
LAN fixed IP address than the
management LAN fixed IP If the management LAN fixed IP
address in the settings file. address is incorrect, specify the one in
(management LAN IP address the settings file. If the settings file is
in the settings file = invalid, specify a valid settings file.

KAQM13158-E Processing was canceled The specified IP address is invalid, or

because the specified IP the IP address is different from the
address is invalid, or the IP management LAN fixed IP address that
address is different from the is set for the active node and that is
management LAN fixed IP saved in the settings information.
address that is set for the (O)
active node and that is saved
in the settings information. Confirm whether the specified IP
address is valid. If the active node's
management LAN fixed IP address is

5-186 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
valid, change it to the one that is in
the saved settings file.

KAQM13159-E The contents of the specified The contents of the specified schedule
schedule are invalid. are invalid.
Make sure the specified values are
correct, and then retry the operation.

KAQM13160-W A timeout occurred while The system might be busy, or an error

saving to the OS disk. occurred in the OS disk or in the
cluster management LU of a node.
No action is required.

KAQM13161-W A timeout occurred while The system might be busy, or an error

saving to the cluster occurred in the cluster management
management LU. LU or in the OS disk.
No action is required.

KAQM13162-E All retries to perform a The system might be busy, or an error

periodic save of setting occurred in the cluster management
information have failed. LU or in the OS disk.
Wait a while, and then save the
settings manually. If the error occurs
again, acquire all management log
files, and then inform maintenance
personnel. For a list of management
log files, see the Help.

KAQM13164-W The intervals for periodic The intervals for periodic saving were
saving were set successfully, set, but periodic saving is disabled.
but periodic saving is (O)
If you are saving periodically at set
intervals, enable periodic saving.

KAQM13165-E The file system cannot be The file system cannot be used
used because the file system because the file system corresponding
corresponding to the specified to the specified directory is defined by
directory (output-directory) is the other node in the cluster.
defined by the other node in (O)
the cluster.
Specify a directory that is defined by
the current node, and then retry the

KAQM13167-E An internal error occurred. A system error might have occurred.

Confirm that the system LU settings
are correct and that there are no
problems, and then retry the
operation. If the error occurs again,
acquire all of the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-187

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Maintenance personnel will acquire the
OS logs by using the oslogget
command, and then contact the
Support Center.

KAQM13168-W A scheduled attempt to save The resource group is either in the

settings was cancelled Offline status, or it is failing over.
because the resource group is (O)
not running normally, or the
resource group might be Make sure that the cluster, nodes, and
failing over. resource groups are running normally,
and then save the settings manually.

KAQM13169-E The operation could not be The resource group or virtual server
executed possibly because a might be in the Offline status.
resource group or a virtual (O)
server is not running
normally. Make sure that the resource group or
virtual server is running normally, and
then save the settings manually.

KAQM13170-W An error occurred during An error occurred during restoration.

restoration of the file system. (O)
(file system = file-system-
name) Take action as described in the
message beginning with KAQM37 that
was output just before this message.

KAQM13171-I The settings for the cluster The settings were successfully
management LU and the OS restored.
disk have been restored, and (O)
the OS has been restarted.
No action is required.

KAQM13173-E Processing was canceled The specified settings file was acquired
because the data of the by a system with a different
specified settings file was configuration.
acquired by a system with a (O)
different configuration.
Specify a valid settings file. For details
about settings files that can be used to
recover settings information, see the
online Help.

KAQM13175-W A scheduled attempt to save The resource group or virtual server

settings was canceled because might be in the Offline status.
the resource group or virtual (O)
server might not be running
normally. Make sure that the resource group or
virtual server is running normally, and
then save the settings manually.

KAQM13176-E An attempt to resolve the host Name resolution was not executed
name of HCP failed. properly.
Make sure that the host name can be
resolved correctly on the network

5-188 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM13177-E An attempt to connect to HCP Specified HCP information might be

failed. incorrect, or there might be a problem
with the HCP system or the network.
Revise the entered values and
Configuration Wizard settings. After
that, check the status of the HCP
system and the network, fix the cause
of the error, and then retry the
operation. If the error persists, acquire
all the log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM13178-E A timeout occurred during There might be a problem with the

communication with HCP. HCP system or the network.
Check the status of the HCP system
and the network, fix the cause of the
error, and then retry the operation. If
the error persists, acquire all the log
data, and then contact maintenance

KAQM13179-E An attempt to establish SSL An attempt to establish SSL

communication with HCP communication with HCP failed.
failed. (O)
Check the settings of SSL on HCP and
the status of the network, fix the
cause of the error, and then retry the
operation. If the error persists, acquire
all the log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM13180-E Communication with HCP An error occurred during

failed. communication with HCP.
Check the network status, and then try
again. If the error persists, acquire all
the log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM13181-E Processing was canceled Periodic saving cannot be enabled on

because an attempt was made the node because the setting is
to enable periodic saving on already enabled on the other node, or
both nodes. the setting on the other node cannot
be acquired.
Confirm the periodic save settings on
the other node. If you cannot check
the status of the other node, make
sure that the node has not stopped,
and check for network errors, and then
retry execution. If the error still
occurs, inform maintenance personnel.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-189

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM13182-W Periodic saving of the settings Processing cannot be performed

has been canceled because no because a license is not set.
license is set to allow linkage (O)
with an HCP system.
Please set a license.

KAQM13183-E No license is set to allow Processing cannot be performed

linkage with an HCP system. because a license is not set.
Please set a license.

KAQM13184-E Authentication with the HCP The user name, password, tenant,
system failed. namespace, or SSL setting is invalid.
Make sure that the entered values and
settings are correct.

KAQM13185-Q Processing will take about n This confirmation message is output

seconds. Do you want to before the settings for the system are
restore system settings by restored.
using the saved file? (y/n) (O)
Enter y or n.

KAQM13186-W Processing to restore the In processing to restore the system

system settings ended, but settings, a problem occurred with
some of the settings could not some settings. For details, see the
be restored. Those settings system message output between
might have to be re-set. KAQM13201-I and KAQM13202-I.
Check the system messages, (O)
and then follow the
instructions in the messages. Finish the error recovery procedure,
check any system messages output
between KAQM13201-I and
KAQM13202-I, and follow the
instructions in the messages.

KAQM13187-E No settings file that can be The specified system name or

used for recovery exists. connection-destination HCP
information is incorrect, or the
specified file does not exist or the file
is empty.
Check whether the specified system
name and connection information for
the destination server is correct. If
they are correct, check whether the
target file exists on the destination

KAQM13188-E The input value is invalid. The input value is invalid.

Following the help information, specify
a valid value.

KAQM13189-E HCP system information for HCP system information for data
data access has not been set. access has not been set.

5-190 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Set HCP system information for data

KAQM13190-E An attempt to batch save the The HCP system or network might
system settings and to have a problem, or a system error
transfer files has failed. might have occurred.
Make sure that the status of the HCP
system and the network and the
system LU settings are correct, and
then retry the operation. If the
problem persists, acquire all the
Management log files, and then inform
maintenance personnel. For a list of
Management log files, see online Help.

KAQM13191-E The server information for The server information for transfer of
transfer of the system the system configuration information
configuration information file file has not been set.
has not been set. (O)
Set the server information for transfer
of the system configuration
information file.

KAQM13192-E Processing has stopped The specified settings file does not
because the specified settings include settings for the node or virtual
file does not include settings server to be restored.
for the node or virtual server (O)
to be restored.
Specify a valid settings file. For details
on settings files that can be used to
recover settings information, see
online Help.

KAQM13193-E The operation could not be The virtual server might be in the
executed because the virtual Offline status.
server is not running (O)
Make sure the virtual servers are
operating normally.

KAQM13194-E An attempt to batch save the The Web browser settings might need
system settings and download to be changed, or a system error
the file has failed. might have occurred.
Check the Web browser settings,
check the system LU settings, make
sure there are no problems, and then
retry the operation. If the error occurs
again, acquire all the Management log
files, and then inform maintenance
personnel. For a list of the
Management log files, see online Help.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-191

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM13195-W Batch save and download of Some of the resources to be used for
the system setting information processing are being used exclusively
finished, but one or more by another user, or the status of a
virtual servers were not able virtual server does not allow
to acquire setting information. execution.
(virtual server name = virtual- (O)
server-name (message-id))
Check the status of any virtual servers
which were not able to acquire the
setting information, and then save the
setting information individually on
each virtual server.
See G. Actions for when a timeout
occurs due to the inability to secure
the resources used for processing, and
follow the procedure that is listed.

KAQM13196-W The location for the scheduled The location for the setting information
saving of the default settings file remains at the default value.
file may not be changed from (O)
the default value. If the
setting information file is not Modify the destination of the scheduled
saved, the system cannot be save operation. When the settings are
restored in the event of a at the default values, save the settings
problem. file to an external location, and then
erase the settings file stored in the

KAQM13197-E The specified virtual server The specified virtual server does not
does not exist. (virtual server exist.
ID = virtual-server-ID) (O)
Specify an existing virtual server ID,
and then retry the operation.

KAQM13198-E The operation could not be The virtual server might not have the
executed because the virtual Online or Offline status.
server is not operating (O)
normally or was not stopped
properly. Make sure the virtual server is
operating normally or has stopped,
and then retry the operation.
Alternatively, save settings on the
virtual server independently.

KAQM13199-E The system settings have not The system settings have never been
been saved. saved.
Save the system settings.

KAQM13200-I The settings were successfully The settings were successfully

restored. Restart the virtual restored.
server to complete (O)
Restart the virtual server to complete

5-192 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM13201-I Processing to restore the Restoration processing was executed.

system settings will now start. (O)

No action is required.

KAQM13202-I Processing to restore the Restoration processing ended.

system settings will now end. (O)
No action is required.

KAQM13211-Q Do you want to set the data This confirmation message is output
port? (y/n) before setting a data port.
Enter y or n.

KAQM13212-E The settings file to be used for Multiple settings files exist on the
the restoration could not be tenant.
identified because multiple (O)
settings files exist on the
tenant. Specify the name of the system to be
recovered, and then retry the

KAQM13217-Q Are you sure you want to This confirmation message is output
initialize the system settings? before the system settings are
(y/n) initialized.
Enter y or n.

KAQM13219-E The directory cannot be Directories in file systems for which

specified because it is in a file content sharing is set to "On" cannot
system for which content be specified.
sharing is set to "On" (the (O)
namespace access type is set
to read-only). (specified value Check the specified directory, and then
= directory-name) retry the operation.

KAQM13220-E The directory cannot be Directories in file systems for which

specified because it is in a file home-directory roaming is enabled
system for which home- cannot be specified.
directory roaming is enabled. (O)
(specified value = directory-
name) Check the specified directory, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM13221-E An attempt to save system The local data encryption key is

settings was canceled because corrupted.
the local data encryption key (O)
is corrupted.
Acquire all the Management log files,
and then contact maintenance
personnel. See online Help for a list of
the Management log files. After that,
restore the system settings.

KAQM13222-E The -a option and the -n The DHCP setting of the management
option cannot be specified port is enabled.
because the DHCP setting of (O)

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-193

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
the management port is Retry the operation without specifying
enabled. the -a option or -n option.

KAQM13224-E An attempt to set DHCP failed. An attempt to set DHCP failed.

(error message = error- (O)
Take action according to the
instructions for the error message.

KAQM13225-Q Do you want to use DHCP to This confirmation message is output

set the data port? (y/n) before setting a data port.
Enter y or n.

KAQM13226-I Select a number indicating the -

method for restoring files in
the file system as stub files,
and then press [Enter]. (1/2):

KAQM13227-I Select a number indicating the -

speed for restoring stub files
in the background, and then
press [Enter]. (1/2/3):

KAQM13228-E The public key for data The entered key or passphrase is
encryption could not be incorrect.
decrypted because the (O)
entered key or passphrase is
incorrect. Enter a correct key or passphrase.

KAQM13229-E The entered key is too short The entered key is too short or too
or too long. Make sure there long. Make sure there is no line break
is no line break in the entered in the entered key.
key. (O)
Enter a correct key that does not
include any line breaks.

KAQM13230-E Failed to save the system Version management might not be

settings information, either enabled in the tenant or namespace
because version management settings, or a conflict might have
is not enabled in the tenant or occurred with other HCP processing.
namespace settings, or (O)
because a conflict occurred
with other HCP processing. Ask the HCP administrator to enable
version management, and then try

KAQM14 messages
This section explains messages that have a message ID beginning with
KAQM14, and the actions to be taken if such messages appear.

5-194 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Table 5-10 KAQM14 messages

Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM14001-E No such file or directory The file or the directory shown in (file
exists. (file name or directory name or directory name) does not
name=file-name-or-directory- exist.
name) (O)
Acquire all the Management log files,
and then inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM14002-E An attempt to open the file The opening of the file (file name)
failed. (file name=file-name, failed because of the reasons shown in
error details=error-details) (error details).
Take action according to the (error
details). Acquire all the Management
log files if the error occurs again, and
then inform maintenance personnel.
See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM14003-E An attempt to copy a file The file copying from (source file) to
failed. (source file=source- (destination file) failed because of the
file-name, destination reasons shown in (error details).
file=destination-file-name, (O)
error details=error-details)
Take action according to the (error
details). Acquire all the Management
log files if the error occurs again, and
then inform maintenance personnel.
See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM14004-E An attempt to read a file The file reading of (file name) failed
failed. (file name=file-name, because of the reasons shown in (error
error details=error-details) details).
Take action according to the (error
details). Acquire all the Management
log files if the error occurs again, and
then inform maintenance personnel.
See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM14008-E An attempt to acquire the file The acquisition of the file information
information failed. (file on (file name) failed because of the
name=file-name, error reasons shown in (error details).
details=error-details) (O)
Take action according to the (error
details). Acquire all the Management
log files if the error occurs again, and
then inform maintenance personnel.
See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-195

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM14009-E An attempt to restore the file In order to read the contents of the
information failed. (file file, an attempt was made to return
name=file-name) the temporarily changed file
information of (file name) to the
original; however, the attempt failed.
Execute the same processing again.
Acquire all the Management log files,
and inform maintenance personnel if
the error occurs when you execute
again. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM14010-E A time-out occurred in the file A time-out occurred in the standby

locking. (file name=file-name) processing for the release of the lock
on (file name).
Execute the same processing again
after waiting. Acquire all the
Management log files if the error
occurs when you execute again, and
then inform maintenance personnel.
See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM14011-E An attempt to lock a file The file locking of (file name) failed
failed. (file name=file-name, because of the reasons shown in (error
error details=error-details) details).
Execute the same processing again
after waiting. Acquire all the
Management log files if the error
occurs when you execute again, and
then inform maintenance personnel.
See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM14013-E An attempt to create a An attempt to make a temporary file

temporary file in the directory for (directory name) failed because of
failed. (directory the reason shown in (error details).
name=directory-name, error (O)
Execute the same processing again
after waiting. Acquire all the
Management log files if the error
occurs when you execute again, and
then inform maintenance personnel.
See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM14050-E An attempt to create the An attempt was made to create the

directory for the temporary directory for the temporary file
file failed. (directory because none existed, but the attempt
name=directory-name) failed.

5-196 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Acquire all the Management log files,
and then contact maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM14051-E An attempt to change the An attempt to change the directory

directory access mode for the access mode for the temporary file
temporary file failed. failed.
(directory name=directory- (O)
Acquire all the Management log files,
and then contact maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM14087-E An attempt to change the The changing of the file owner group
owner group of a file failed. failed because of the reasons shown in
(file name=file-name, error (error details).
details=error-details) (O)
Acquire all the Management log files,
and then contact maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM14088-E An unexpected error occurred An attempt was made to change the

when the owner group of the file owner group but an unexpected
file was changed. (file error occurred.
name=file-name) (O)
Acquire all the Management log files,
and then inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM14101-E In the cluster, nodes that A problem exists in the communication

cannot synchronize exist. processing between nodes.
The LAN cable might have been
disconnected. Make sure that the LAN
cable is connected. Also, the
synchronization processing might not
have completed because one of the
nodes is heavily loaded. In this case,
make sure that the state of the node
changes to normal (that is, not heavily
loaded), and then retry the operation.
If the error occurs again, inform
maintenance personnel.

KAQM14105-E Some of the resources to be Some of the resources to be used for

used for the requested processing are being used exclusively
processing are being used by by another user, or the node being
another user. used exclusively has stopped.
Wait a while, and then execute again.
If the node stops during processing,

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-197

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
wait about 15 minutes or boot the
stopped node.
See G. Actions for when a timeout
occurs due to the inability to secure
the resources used for processing, and
follow the procedure that is listed.

KAQM14112-I Automatic deletion of the Automatic deletion of the temporary

temporary file was started. file was started.
No action is required.

KAQM14113-I Automatic deletion of the Automatic deletion of the temporary

temporary file was completed. file was completed.
No action is required.

KAQM14114-W An attempt to automatically The automatic deletion of a temporary

remove the temporary file file failed because of the reasons
failed. (file name=file-name, shown in (error details).
error details=error-details) (O)
No action is required because a
temporary file that fails to be deleted
will be deleted by the next automatic
deletion. Acquire all the Management
log files if this error occurs frequently,
and then inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM14117-E The line feed code in the text An invalid line feed code is included in
file is invalid. (file name=file- the text file shown in (file name).
name) (O)
Execute the same processing again
after changing the line feed code of the
text file shown in (file name) to the
Unix format (LF). Acquire all the
Management log files if the error
occurs even after the change, and then
inform maintenance personnel. See the
help for a list of the Management log

KAQM14119-E An attempt to change the file The changing of the file access
access permission failed. (file permission failed because of the
name=file-name, error reasons shown in (error details).
details=error-details) (O)
Acquire all the Management log files,
and then contact maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

5-198 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM14120-E An unexpected error occurred An attempt was made to start

during the changing of the file changing the file access permission but
access permission. (file an unexpected error occurred.
name=file-name) (O)
Acquire all the Management log files,
and then inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM14121-E An unexpected error occurred An attempt was made to acquire the

during the acquiring of the file file information but an unexpected
information. (file name=file- error occurred.
name) (O)
Acquire all the Management log files,
and then inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM14123-E An error occurred in the The reading of the system file may
system. have failed.
Acquire all the Management log files,
and then inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM14124-E An error occurred in the A problem may exist in the processing

system. of the system file.
Acquire all the Management log files,
and then inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM14129-E The operation could not be The OS might not have finished
performed because access to starting. If the OS is running, one of
the Cluster Management LU is the following might apply: An error
being suppressed. occurred in the Cluster Management
LU or in a system file; the Cluster
Management LU is blocked; or access
to the Cluster Management LU is being
suppressed because a resource group
was forcibly failed over.
If the OS has not finished starting,
wait a few minutes, and then retry the
operation. If this message is repeated,
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM14130-E An error occurred in the A problem may exist in the processing

system. of the system file.
Inform maintenance personnel.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-199

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM14131-E A syntax error exists in the A syntax error exists in the specified
parameter (parameter). parameter.
Specify valid syntax according to the

KAQM14132-E No license is set to allow use No license is set to allow use of basic
of basic functionality. functionality.
Please set a license.

KAQM14133-E The command cannot be used In the case of a cluster configuration, a

because a cluster cluster configuration is not defined. In
configuration or system the case of a single node configuration,
management IP address is not a system management IP address is
defined. not defined.
In the case of a cluster configuration,
define the cluster configuration first. In
the case of a single node configuration,
define the system management IP
address first.

KAQM14134-E An error occurred in the An error occurred in the shared

shared processing of processing of commands.
commands. (Error=error) (O)
Acquire all the Management log files
and inform maintenance personnel.
See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM14135-I The signal (signal-number) The signal (signal-number) was

was caught. caught.

KAQM14136-I Usage: command-syntax This message displays the format of

the command.
If a syntax error occurs, check the
format of the command, and then

KAQM14137-E A name not registered in the The specified name might not be
system was specified for the registered in the system or be able to
argument of an option be used in the system. Alternatively, if
(option) (name=name). a directory server is being used,
connection to the server might not
have been possible.
If you are using a directory server,
make sure that connection to the
server is possible. If you are not using
a directory server, or if connection to

5-200 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
the directory server is possible, make
sure the specified name is registered in
the system and that it can be used in
the system, and then try again.

KAQM14138-E There are too many or too There are too many or too few
few parameters. parameters.
Check the format of the command, and
retry specifying a suitable parameter.

KAQM14139-E A name already registered in A name already registered in the

the system was specified for system was specified for the argument
the argument of an option of an option (option).
(option) (name=name). (O)
Check the name and retry.

KAQM14140-E A name not registered in the A name not registered in the system is
system is specified in a specified in a parameter.
parameter. (name = name) (O)
In the parameter, specify a name
registered in the system.

KAQM14141-E An error occurred in the file An error occurred in a device file that
system or in the device files makes up the file system or the
that make up the differential- different-data storage device. This
data storage device. message might be output during
processing when a failover occurs or a
resource group is in the Offline state,
or a virtual server is not operating
Make sure that the resource group or
virtual server is in the Online state,
and then retry the operation. If it is in
the Online state and you cannot
resolve the problem, contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM14144-E The specified operation The total amount of processing

cannot be performed. accumulated on the system has
reached the upper limit.
Wait a while, and then try again. If the
error occurs repeatedly, acquire all the
Management log files and inform
maintenance personnel. See the help
for a list of the Management log files.

KAQM14145-E The specified operation A failover might have occurred or the

cannot be performed. resource group might be in the Offline
If a failover occurred, perform a
failback, and then try again. If the

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-201

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
resource group is in the Offline state,
change it to the Online state, and then
try again. If the resource group is
running normally, acquire all the
Management log files and inform
maintenance personnel. See the help
for a list of the Management log files.

KAQM14147-E The specified operation Processing might be temporarily

cannot be performed. unavailable.
Wait for about five minutes, and then
try again. If the error occurs
repeatedly, acquire all the
Management log files and inform
maintenance personnel. See the help
for a list of the Management log files.

KAQM14148-E An argument of the specified An argument of the specified option

option (option) cannot be (option) cannot be changed because
changed because the changed the changed argument will conflict with
argument will conflict with the the state registered in the system.
state registered in the (O)
Specify an argument that does not
conflict with the state registered in the
system, and then retry the operation.

KAQM14149-E An attempt to acquire The OS disk or virtual server OS LU

information to identify the might not have enough free space, or
storage system failed. the system might be heavily loaded.
Wait a while, and then retry. If the
error occurs again, inform
maintenance personnel.

KAQM14150-E An error occurred in the An error occurred in the processing to

system. determine the execution environment.
Acquire all the Management log files
and inform maintenance personnel. If
you cannot acquire a log, give the
message ID to maintenance personnel.
See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM14151-E This operation cannot be This operation cannot be performed on

performed on the node. the node.
Perform this operation on the virtual

KAQM14152-E This operation cannot be This operation cannot be performed on

performed on the virtual the virtual server.
server. (O)
Perform this operation on the node.

5-202 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM14153-E Processing is not possible A problem exists in the system

because there is a problem in communication processing.
the system communication (O)
Inform the system administrator of the
following information: Message ID:
KAQM14153-E, Action: The LAN cable
might have been disconnected. Make
sure that the LAN cable is connected.
Also, the synchronization processing
might not have completed because one
of the nodes in the cluster is heavily
loaded. In this case, make sure that
the state of the node changes to
normal (that is, not heavily loaded). If
this error occurs again, inform
maintenance personnel.

KAQM14154-E Editing of user information A conflict with another operator or an

failed. internal error might have occurred.
Wait a while, and then retry the
operation. If this error occurs again,
inform the system administrator of the
following information: Message ID:
KAQM14154-E, Action: If the node has
stopped, start it.

KAQM14155-E The value "duplicated-value" The specified value is duplicated.

is duplicated. (O)
Remove the duplicated value, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM14156-E An argument specified for the The argument specified for the
option "option-whose- indicated option is invalid.
argument-is-specified- (O)
incorrectly" is invalid.
Specify a valid value as described in

KAQM14157-E The specified parameter The specified parameter exceeds the

"parameter-name" cannot be maximum length.
used because it exceeds (O)
maximum-length characters.
(specified value = specified- Specify the parameter so that it does
value) not exceed the maximum length.

KAQM14158-E The specified parameter An invalid character was specified, or a

"parameter-name" includes character that cannot be used at the
an invalid character. beginning or end of the parameter was
(specified value = specified- specified.
value) (O)
Specify only usable characters, and
then retry the operation.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-203

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM14159-E The argument specified for The argument specified for the
the option "option-name" is indicated option is not numeric, is a
not a numeric value or is numeric value that starts with "0", or
outside the valid range. is outside the valid range.
Specify a valid value as described in

KAQM14160-E The specified file name The specified file name includes an
includes an invalid character invalid character or exceeds the
or exceeds the maximum maximum length.
length. (file name = specified- (O)
Specify a valid file name, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM14161-E A timeout occurred during the The system might be in a high load
resource operation. state, or another resource operation
might be executing.
Check the status of the node or virtual
server, wait a while, and then try
again. If this message is output
repeatedly, acquire all management
log files, and then contact maintenance

KAQM14162-E No license is set to allow Processing cannot be performed

import of data from another because a license is not set.
file server. (O)
Set the license, restart the resource
groups or the virtual server, and then
try again.

KAQM14163-E The home directory might not The home directory might not have
have enough space. enough space.
Delete any unnecessary files in the
home directory (/home/nasroot/) of
the SSH account, and then retry the
operation. If the error occurs again,
acquire all the Management log files,
and then contact maintenance
personnel. For a list of the
Management log files, see Help.
Delete unnecessary files by using the
rmfile command.

KAQM14164-E A file with the same name as A file with the same name as the
the specified file already specified file already exists in the
exists in the home directory. home directory.
(file name = file-name) (O)

5-204 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Specify the name of a file that does
not exist in the home directory.

KAQM14165-E The specified file does not The specified file does not exist in the
exist in the home directory. home directory.
(file name = file-name) (O)
Confirm whether the specified file
exists in the home directory.

KAQM14166-E The specified file is not a The specified file is not a regular file,
regular file, or contains a or contains a relative path or symbolic
relative path or symbolic link. link.
(specified value = file-name) (O)
Specify a file name that does not
contain a relative path or symbolic
link. Also, you cannot specify a

KAQM14167-W MegaCLI, which is required to MegaCLI, which is required to acquire

acquire internal hard disk and internal hard disk and battery
battery information, is not information, is not installed.
installed. (O)
Install MegaCLI, and then retry the

KAQM14170-E A system error occurred. There might be a problem in internal

Contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM14172-E The specified path includes a You cannot perform the operation on a
directory that is used by the path that contains a directory that is
system. (directory used by used by the system.
system = directory-path) (O)
Specify a path that does not include a
system directory, and then retry the

KAQM14173-E The format of the specified IP The format of the specified IP address
address is invalid.(specified is invalid.
value = IP-address) (O)
Check the specified value, and retry
the operation.

KAQM14174-E The specified IP address The specified IP address is a special

cannot be set.(specified value address that cannot be set.
=IP-address) (O)
Check the specified value, and retry
the operation.

KAQM14176-E No backup folder (Backup- No backup folder exists for the

folder-name) exists for the specified virtual machine folder.
specified virtual machine (O)

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-205

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Make sure that the backup folder
exists for the specified virtual machine
folder, and then retry the operation.

KAQM14177-E Command execution failed. Command execution failed due to the

(command = command, error reasons shown in the error details.
details = error-details) (O)
Take action according to the error
details. Acquire all the Management
log files if the error occurs again, and
then inform maintenance personnel.
See online Help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM14178-E This operation cannot be This operation cannot be performed in

performed in the current the current system configuration.
system configuration. (O)

KAQM14179-W Processing to start the OS is Normal operation might not be

not complete. Wait several possible because processing to start
minutes, and then log in the OS is not complete.
again. (O)
Wait several minutes, and then log in
again. Make sure that this message is
not displayed, and then perform
operations as normal. If this message
is displayed repeatedly, acquire all the
management log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM15 messages
This section explains messages that have a message ID beginning with
KAQM15, and the actions to be taken if such messages appear.

Table 5-11 KAQM15 messages

Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM15003-I The session has become Your session might have expired.
invalid. (O)
Log in again.

KAQM15005-E The user ID is not entered. The user ID is not entered.

Enter the user ID.

KAQM15006-E An internal error occurred. The processing results were

(error details=detailed- unexpected.
information-1, detailed- (O)

5-206 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Log in again. If the error occurs again,
contact the system administrator. The
system administrator will acquire all
the Management log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel. See
Help for a list of the Management log

KAQM15007-W The logged in time is Session information may have been

unknown. (session-file-name) deleted.
No action is required.

KAQM15008-I user-name logged in. The user logged in.

(account type=account-type, (O)
Protocol-address) No action is required.

KAQM15009-I user-ID logged out. (account The user logged out.

type=account-type, (O)
Protocol-address) No action is required.

KAQM15010-I user-name logged in by using The user was logged in by using a

a forced login. (account forced login.
type=account-type, (O)
Protocol-address) No action is required.

KAQM15012-I The user-ID session timed This session has expired because no
out. (account type=account- operation took place for an extended
type) period of time.
Log in again.

KAQM15013-I This account has expired. The user took too long to log in to this
(user-ID) account.
Execute the operation again.

KAQM15014-E user-ID failed the password An error exists in the user ID or

authentication. (account password.
type=account-type, (O)
Protocol-address) Confirm that the password and user ID
are correct, and log in again.

KAQM15015-I The license for this function is The license for this function is not set.
not set. (O)
Set the license for this function.

KAQM15016-E The window cannot be Processing might be temporarily

displayed. unavailable, or the OS disk or virtual
server OS LU might not have enough

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-207

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Retry the operation. If the error occurs
again, contact the system
administrator. The system
administrator will contact maintenance

KAQM15017-I This function is not installed. This function is not installed.

Install this function.

KAQM15018-E This function cannot be used. The license for this function is not set.
Set the license for this function.

KAQM15019-E This function cannot be used. This function is not installed.

Install this function.

KAQM15020-E An internal error occurred. Other users might be occupying some

of the resources used for the
processing, or a system error might
have occurred.
Wait a while, and then retry the
operation. If the error occurs again,
contact the system administrator. The
system administrator will acquire all
the Management log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel. See
Help for a list of the Management log

KAQM15021-E An attempt to display the An internal error occurred.

window failed. (O)
Wait a while, and then retry the
operation. If the error occurs again,
contact the system administrator. The
system administrator will contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM15022-E An attempt to acquire a The OS disk or virtual server OS LU

license failed. might not have enough space, or a
system error might have occurred.
Wait a while, and then retry the
operation. If the error occurs again,
contact the system administrator. The
system administrator will contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM15023-E An error occurred in the An error occurred in the cluster

cluster management LU or a management LU or a system file, or
system file. the cluster management LU is blocked.

5-208 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Contact the system administrator. The
system administrator will contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM15024-E Other users might be Other users might be using some of

occupying some of the the resources used for the processing,
resources used for the or the node or virtual server might
processing. have stopped.
Wait a while, and then retry the
operation. If the error occurs again,
contact the system administrator. If
the node or virtual server has stopped,
the system administrator will start the
node or virtual server. If the node or
virtual server cannot be started or the
error occurs again, the system
administrator will contact maintenance

KAQM15026-E The Device Manager version The Device Manager version being
being used cannot start the used cannot start the File Services
File Services Manager window Manager window for the operation.
for the operation. (O)
Please install Device Manager version
5.6 or later.

KAQM15027-E More windows cannot be An attempt was made to open more

displayed. than the maximum number of
displayable Edit Quota windows.
Close any unnecessary Edit Quota
windows by clicking the Close button,
and then try again. If the error occurs
again, close all displayed Web browser
windows and then try again.

KAQM15028-E The window cannot be The cluster configuration has not been
displayed. defined.
Click the Cluster Management button
and define the cluster configuration,
and then try again.

KAQM15029-E No license is set to allow use No license is set to allow use of basic
of basic functionality. functionality.
Please set a license.

KAQM15030-E No license is set to allow use No license is set to allow use of basic
of basic functionality. functionality.
Please set a license.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-209

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM15031-E No license is set to allow use No license is set to allow use of basic
of basic functionality. functionality.
Please set a license.

KAQM15032-W The session is no longer valid, The session might be unable to

or a system error occurred. continue (for example, due to an
interrupt), or there might be a problem
in the processing of a system file.
Close the window, and then confirm
that setup is complete. If setup is not
complete, retry the operation, as
necessary. If the problem persists,
acquire all the Management log files,
and then inform maintenance
personnel. For a list of Management
log files, see online Help.

KAQM16 messages
This section explains messages that have a message ID beginning with
KAQM16, and the actions to be taken if such messages appear.

Table 5-12 KAQM16 messages

Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM16001-E No system file or directory. A problem might exist in the

processing of the OS disk, virtual
server OS LU, or system file.
Check the settings and whether a
problem exists on the OS disk or
virtual server OS LU. If you cannot
resolve the problem, acquire all the
Management log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel. See
Help for a list of the Management log

KAQM16002-E An attempt to open the There might be a conflict with another

system file failed. system administrator's operation, or a
problem might exist in the processing
of the OS disk, virtual server OS LU, or
system file.
Retry the operation. If this error occurs
again, check the settings and whether
a problem exists on the OS disk or
virtual server OS LU. If you cannot
resolve the problem, acquire all the

5-210 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Management log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel. See
Help for a list of the Management log

KAQM16003-E An attempt to write to the A problem might exist in the

system file failed. processing of the OS disk, virtual
server OS LU, or system file.
Check the settings and whether a
problem exists on the OS disk or
virtual server OS LU. If you cannot
resolve the problem, acquire all the
Management log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel. See
Help for a list of the Management log

KAQM16004-E The service is not selected. An attempt was made to execute

without selecting a service.
Select a service from the list of
services, and then retry execution.

KAQM16005-E The specified service does not The selected service cannot change its
support changing the service configuration.
configuration. (O)
Select another service.

KAQM16006-E The specified service does not The SSH service cannot control stop/
support stop/start/restart. start/restart.
Select another service.

KAQM16007-E An attempt to stop the A problem may exist in the processing

specified service failed. of the system file or service.
Retry execution. Acquire all the
Management log files if execution fails,
and inform maintenance personnel.
See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM16008-E An attempt to start the The virtual IP address might not be

specified service failed. specified, or there might be a problem
in the processing of a system file or
Check the virtual IP address again, and
then retry execution. If a virtual IP
address is not specified, specify at
least one. If execution still fails,
acquire all the management log files,
and then contact maintenance

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-211

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
personnel. See online Help for a list of
the management log files.

KAQM16009-E The entered 'Percentage of Enter a value from 0 to 100 for

buffer cache dirty to activate 'Percentage of buffer cache dirty to
bdflush' is not within the valid activate bdflush'.
range (0 to 100). (O)
Check the entered data, and enter

KAQM16010-E The entered 'Jiffies delay Enter a value from 1 to 1,000,000 for
between kupdate flushes' is 'Jiffies delay between kupdate flushes'.
not within the valid range (1 (O)
to 1,000,000).
Check the entered data, and enter

KAQM16011-E The entered 'Time for normal Enter a value from 100 to 600,000 for
buffer to age before we flush 'Time for normal buffer to age before
it' data is not within the valid we flush it'.
range (100 to 600,000). (O)
Check the entered data, and enter

KAQM16012-E The entered 'Percentage of Enter a value from 0 to 100 for

buffer cache dirty to activate 'Percentage of buffer cache dirty to
bdflush synchronously' data is activate bdflush synchronously'.
not within the valid range (0 (O)
to 100).
Check the entered data, and enter

KAQM16013-E The entered 'Maximum Enter a value from 0 to 1,024 for

readahead page count' data is 'Maximum readahead page count'.
not within the valid range (0 (O)
to 1,024).
Check the entered data, and enter

KAQM16014-E The entered 'Minimum Enter a value from 0 to 1,024 for

readahead page count' data is 'Minimum readahead page count'.
not within the valid range (0 (O)
to 1,024).
Check the entered data, and enter

KAQM16017-E The entered 'Upper limit of i- Enter a value from 128 to 10,240 for
node hash table size on a file 'Upper limit of i-node hash table size
system' data is not within the on a file system'.
valid range (128 to 10,240). (O)
Check the entered data, and enter

KAQM16018-E The entered 'Time for buffer Enter a value from 100 to 30,000 for
to age before we flush it' data 'Time for buffer to age before we flush
is not within the valid range it'.
(100 to 30,000). (O)

5-212 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Check the entered data, and enter

KAQM16019-E The entered 'Interval between Enter a value from 50 to 3,000 for
runs of the delayed write flush 'Interval between runs of the delayed
daemon' data is not within the write flush daemon'.
valid range (50 to 3,000). (O)
Check the entered data, and enter

KAQM16021-E The entered 'Number of nfsd Enter a value from 1 to 2048 for
processes' data is not within 'Number of nfsd processes'.
the valid range (1 to 2048). (O)
Check the entered data, and enter

KAQM16022-E The entered 'nfsd buffer size' Enter a value from 8 to 1024 for 'nfsd
data is not within the valid buffer size'.
range (8 to 1024). (O)
Check the entered data, and enter

KAQM16023-E An attempt to restart the The virtual IP address might not be

specified service failed. specified, or there might be a problem
in the processing of a system file or
Check the virtual IP address again, and
then retry execution. If a virtual IP
address is not specified, specify at
least one. If execution still fails,
acquire all the management log files,
and then contact maintenance
personnel. See online Help for a list of
the management log files.

KAQM16024-E An attempt to modify the A problem may exist in the processing

specified service configuration of the system file or service.
failed. (O)
Retry execution. Acquire all the
Management log files if execution fails,
and inform maintenance personnel.
See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM16025-E The specified 'Minimum A 'Minimum readahead page count'

readahead page count' value larger than the 'Maximum readahead
is larger than the 'Maximum page count' value cannot be specified.
readahead page count'. (O)
Check the entered data, and enter

KAQM16033-E A format other than OpenSSH The specified file does not exist, or the
was specified for the public file is empty or corrupted. The
key file.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-213

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
specified file might be in a format
other than OpenSSH.
Enter the name of a valid public key
file that is in OpenSSH format, and
then retry the operation.

KAQM16034-E The 'Comment' has not been No comment exists in the 'Comment'
set. field.
Enter the 'Comment' and execute the
operation again.

KAQM16035-E An attempt to delete the A problem may have occurred during

public key failed. processing of the system file or the
deletion of the public key.
Retry execution. Acquire all the
Management log files if you still cannot
execute the operation, and inform
maintenance personnel. See the help
for a list of the Management log files.

KAQM16036-E An attempt to add the public The home directory for the SSH
key failed. account (/home/nasroot/) might not
have enough space, or a problem
might have occurred while processing
a system file or adding a public key.
Delete any unnecessary files in the
home directory for the SSH account (/
home/nasroot/), and then retry the
operation. If the error continues to
occur, acquire all Management log
files, and inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.
Delete unnecessary files by using the
rmfile command.

KAQM16039-E The 'Public Key' is not An attempt was made to execute

selected. without selecting a 'Public Key'.
Select the 'Public Key' from the 'Public
Key List', and then retry.

KAQM16040-E The entered 'Client time-out' Enter a value from 0 to 1,440 for
data is outside the valid range 'Client time-out'.
(0 to 1,440). (O)
Check the entered data, and enter

5-214 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM16041-E An attempt to execute the An attempt to execute the command

command (command-that- (command-that-caused-an-error) has
caused-an-error) failed. failed. The home directory for the SSH
account might not have enough space.
Delete any unnecessary files in the
home directory for the SSH account,
and then retry the operation. If the
error occurs again, acquire all the
Management log files, and then inform
maintenance personnel. Maintenance
personnel will acquire the OS logs by
using the oslogget command, and
then contact the Support Center.
Delete unnecessary files by using the
rmfile command.

KAQM16042-E An attempt to access the Exclusive access to the system file

system file (CIFS.conf) (CIFS.conf) could not be set.
failed. (O)
Execute the same processing again
after waiting. Acquire all the
Management log files if the error
occurs when you execute again, and
then inform maintenance personnel.
See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM16043-E An attempt to release the Exclusive access to the system file

exclusive access to the (CIFS.conf) could not be released.
system file (CIFS.conf)
Acquire all the Management log files,
and then inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM16044-E An attempt to configure the The system file (CIFS.conf) could not
system file (CIFS.conf) be copied to a temporary file, so the
failed. settings could not be changed.
Acquire all the Management log files,
and then inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM16045-E An attempt to configure the An attempt to overwrite the system file

system file (CIFS.conf) (CIFS.conf) failed, so the settings
failed. could not be changed.
Acquire all the Management log files,
and then inform maintenance

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-215

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM16046-E An attempt to read the The system file (CIFS.conf) could not
configuration of the system be read correctly.
file (CIFS.conf) failed.
Acquire all the Management log files,
and then inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM16047-E A setting required for Active An attempt to change the system file
Directory authentication could (krb5.conf) failed.
not be executed.
Acquire all the Management log files,
and then inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM16049-E An attempt to join the An attempt to join the specified Active

specified Active Directory Directory failed because the (net ads
failed. join) command ended incorrectly.
Check the parameters for Active
Directory authentication, the domain
for the node or virtual server, and the
DNS server for the node or virtual
server. If you cannot resolve the
problem, acquire all the Management
log files, and then contact maintenance
personnel. See Help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM16050-E An attempt to change the An attempt to delete parameters for

CIFS service authentication LDAP authentication failed.
method failed. (O)
Acquire all the Management log files,
and then inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM16051-E An attempt to join the Kerberos authentication with the

specified Active Directory specified parameters for the domain
failed. controller failed.
Check the parameters for Active
Directory authentication, the domain
for the node or virtual server, and the
DNS server for the node or virtual
server. If you cannot resolve the
problem, acquire all the Management
log files, and then contact maintenance
personnel. See Help for a list of the
Management log files.

5-216 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM16052-E A command required for LDAP The password for binding the LDAP
authentication failed. server could not be set.
Acquire all the Management log files,
and then inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM16053-E The specified comment for a The same comment cannot be

public key is inappropriate. assigned to each key with the same
SSH protocol.
Assign a differently comment to each

KAQM16055-E The specified service is A conflict with another system

currently using another user, administrator's operation or system
so the service cannot be error may have occurred.
operated. (O)
Execute the same processing again
after waiting. Acquire all the
Management log files if the error
occurs when you execute again, and
then inform maintenance personnel.
See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM16056-E The specified service was An attempt was made to stop an

already stopped. already stopped service.
Check the specified service and
operational status and, if necessary,
try again.
If this message is displayed after
command execution, select the correct
control options, and then retry the

KAQM16057-E The specified service cannot The specified service cannot be started
be started because it does not because it does not have a 'Stopped'
have a 'Stopped' status. status. The service is already running
(status=current-service- and operating normally, or the status
status) is 'Failover', 'Offline', or 'Down'.
If the resource group is in the Offline
status or a failover is occurring,
resolve the problem and try again. In
other cases, check the status of the
specified service and, if necessary, try

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-217

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
If this message is displayed after
command execution, select the correct
control options, and then retry the

KAQM16058-E An attempt to restore the The system file (CIFS.conf) could not
system file (CIFS.conf) failed be copied from before the last editing,
after modification of the CIFS or an attempt to restart the CIFS
service configuration failed. service failed.
Check the entered data, and then retry
execution. If the authentication mode
is NT domain or Active Directory
authentication, check the domain
controller settings (and the LDAP
server settings if necessary). Acquire
all the Management log files if
execution fails, and inform
maintenance personnel. See the help
for a list of the Management log files.
For details on the action to be taken,
see D. Troubleshooting for Message

KAQM16059-E An attempt to restore the The home directory for the SSH
public key failed. account (/home/nasroot/) might not
have enough space, or a problem
might have occurred while processing
a system file or restoring a public key.
Delete any unnecessary files in the
home directory for the SSH account (/
home/nasroot/), and then retry the
operation. If the error continues to
occur, acquire all Management log
files, and inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.
Delete unnecessary files by using the
rmfile command.

KAQM16061-E The number of public keys An attempt is being made to add a

with the same SSH protocol public key that will make the number
has already reached the of public keys with the same SSH
maximum number (128). protocol exceed the maximum (128).
Delete an unnecessary public key with
the same SSH protocol, and then retry.

KAQM16062-E An attempt to join the An attempt to join the specified Active

specified Active Directory Directory failed because the (net ads
failed. join) command could not execute

5-218 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Check the domain controller settings,
and then retry execution. Acquire all
the Management log files if execution
fails, and inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM16063-E An attempt to delete the A problem may exist in the processing

system file (user map cache) of the system file or service.
failed. (O)
Retry execution. Acquire all the
Management log files if execution fails,
and inform maintenance personnel.
See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM16064-E An attempt to stop the CIFS A problem may exist in the processing
service failed. of the system file or service.
Retry execution. Acquire all the
Management log files if execution fails,
and inform maintenance personnel.
See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM16065-E An attempt to start the CIFS A problem may exist in the processing
service failed. of the system file or service.
Retry execution. Acquire all the
Management log files if execution fails,
and inform maintenance personnel.
See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM16066-E The operation cannot be The operation failed because of the

executed in the current reason shown in (error details).
service status. (error (O)
Take action according to the (error
details). Acquire all the Management
log files if the error occurs again, and
then inform maintenance personnel.
See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM16067-E The operation cannot be The operation is available only in the

executed in the current Active Directory authentication mode.
authentication mode. (O)
Execute this in the Active Directory
authentication mode.

KAQM16068-E An attempt to connect to the The user mapping settings do not

LDAP server failed. (error match the settings on the LDAP server
details=error-details) side.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-219

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Check the LDAP server settings and
CIFS service configuration, and then
retry execution. Acquire all the
Management log files if execution fails,
and inform maintenance personnel.
See the help for a list of the
Management log files.
For details on the action to be taken,
see E. Troubleshooting for Message

KAQM16069-W The operation ended An attempt to connect to the

normally, but the authentication server failed.
authentication server could (O)
not be connected to. You
might not be able to log in to Confirm that the authentication server
the CIFS server from a CIFS settings are correct and that there are
client. no network problems. Correct any
problems, and then retry the

KAQM16071-E An attempt to confirm the A problem may exist in the processing

connection to the of the system file or service.
authentication server has (O)
Retry execution. Acquire all the
Management log files if execution fails,
and inform maintenance personnel.
See the help for a list of the
Management log files.
The KAQM16071-E message is output
when the NT server authentication is
set and connection with the external
authentication server times out. In
that case, check whether the specified
authentication server is running
correctly and the network configuration
allows for connection with the
authentication server. Correct the
problem and then try again.

KAQM16072-E An attempt to confirm the A problem may exist in the processing

connection to the DC server of the system file or service.
has failed. (O)
Retry execution. Acquire all the
Management log files if execution fails,
and inform maintenance personnel.
See the help for a list of the
Management log files.
The KAQM16072-E message is output
when the NT domain authentication or
Active Directory authentication is set
and connection with the domain

5-220 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
controller times out. In that case,
check whether the specified domain
server is running correctly and the
network configuration allows for
connection with the domain server.
Correct the problem and then try

KAQM16073-E This operation cannot be The resource group is in the Offline

executed in the current state state, or a failover might be occurring.
of the resource group. (O)
If the resource group is in the Offline
state or a failover is occurring, resolve
the problem and then try again.
Acquire all the Management log files if
execution fails, and inform
maintenance personnel. See the help
for a list of the Management log files.

KAQM16074-E An error exists in the value An unregistered user was specified, or

specified for the owner. a character that cannot be specified for
(entered data = owner) an owner was specified.
Specify a registered user.

KAQM16075-E An error exists in the value An unregistered group was specified,

specified for the group. or a character that cannot be specified
(entered data = group) for a group was entered.
Specify a registered group.

KAQM16076-E The file system specified for The file system specified for the
the directory is not mounted. directory is not mounted. This might
This might be due to the be due to the resource group being in
resource group being in the the Offline state, a failover occurring,
Offline state, a failover or a virtual server not operating
occurring, or a virtual server normally.
not operating normally. (O)
(entered value = directory-
name) If the resource group is in the Offline
state, a failover is occurring, or a
virtual server is not operating
normally, remove the cause of the
problem and then try again. If the file
system is not mounted, mount it, and
then try again.

KAQM16077-E The specified directory does The entered directory does not exist.
not exist. (entered data = (O)
For an FTP or SFTP service, either
specify an existing directory, or in the
GUI that manages the configuration
definition, in [Directory creation /
change], select [Create / Change].
After that, retry the operation. For a

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-221

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
TFTP service, specify an existing
directory, and then retry the operation.

KAQM16078-E The specified directory could Directories cannot be created and

not be created and permissions cannot be set for them if
permissions could not be set an import from another file server
for it. Possible reasons include failed, or the file system was mounted
the failure of an import from without write permissions. If the file
another file server, or the file system was mounted with write
system was mounted without permissions, then the file system
write permissions. (directory capacity is insufficient, there is a
name = directory-name) conflict with operations of another
administrator, or an internal error
might have occurred.
Check the HSM Core log (hsmarc.log),
and if an error message was output,
use it to help resolve the problem. If
the file system was mounted with write
permissions, retry the operation. If the
file system capacity is insufficient,
delete any unnecessary data or expand
the file system capacity, and then retry
the operation. If write permissions
cannot be granted for the file system,
retry the operation without selecting
'Create/Change'. If an error occurs
again, acquire all the Management log
files and contact maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM16079-E The specified directory The specified directory contains a

contains a relative path or relative path or symbolic link.
symbolic link. (specified value (O)
= directory-name)
Specify a directory using an absolute

KAQM16080-E The specified directory The specified directory operation

operation failed. The file failed. The file system may be blocked.
system might be blocked. (O)
(specified value = directory-
name) In the file system list, check the status
of the file system. If the status
indicates an error, take appropriate
action. If you cannot check the status
or the error occurs again, contact the
maintenance personnel.

KAQM16081-E Acquisition of user An internal error occurred or, during

information has failed. acquisition processing, another system
administrator may have deleted an
access-permissable user.
Retry execution. Acquire all the
Management log files if this error
occurs again, and inform maintenance

5-222 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM16082-E The entered 'Number of Enter a value from 10 to 500 for

simultaneous connections' 'Number of simultaneous connections'.
data is outside the valid range (O)
(10 to 500).
Check the entered data, and enter

KAQM16083-E The entered 'Connection Enter a value from 30 to 43200 for

timeout wait time' data is 'Connection timeout wait time'.
outside the valid range (30 to (O)
Check the entered data, and enter

KAQM16084-E The directory operation The directory operation cannot be

cannot be performed because performed because the file system
the file system corresponding corresponding to the specified
to the specified directory is directory is defined by the other node
defined by the other node in in the cluster.
the cluster. (specified value = (O)
Specify a login directory corresponding
to a file system created on the
operating node.

KAQM16085-E The name of a file that The name of a file that already exists
already exists was specified. was specified.
(specified value = directory- (O)
Specify the directory.

KAQM16086-E The directory operation The directory operation cannot be

cannot be performed because performed because the file system
the file system corresponding corresponding to the specified
to the specified directory does directory does not exist.
not exist. (specified value = (O)
In the list of file systems check the file
system name, and then specify the
right file system name.

KAQM16087-E The specified directory cannot For the login directory, you must
be used. (specified specify either a mount point, or a
value=directory-name) mount point and subdirectory.
For the login directory, specify a mount
point, or a mount point and

KAQM16088-E The capacity of the This operation cannot be performed

differential-data storage because the capacity of the
device is insufficient. differential-data storage device is

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-223

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Resolve the problem by using file
snapshot functionality operations. For
details on the operation, see the help.

KAQM16089-E The directory corresponding An attempt to acquire information

to the file system defined by about the directory corresponding to
another node in the cluster the file system defined by another
cannot be set up. The cause node in the cluster failed. The cause
might be a communication might be a communication error.
error. (specified (O)
Make sure that the node in the cluster
has not stopped, check for network
errors, and then retry the operation. If
the error occurs again, acquire all the
Management log files, and inform
maintenance personnel. See the help
for a list of the Management log files.

KAQM16091-E The value of the parameter- The format (such as a string or

name parameter is invalid. numerical value) for the specified
parameter is invalid.
Check the command format, specify a
valid parameter value, and then try

KAQM16092-E The parameter-name The length of the specified parameter

parameter is too short or too is invalid.
long. (O)
Check the command format, specify a
valid parameter value, and then try

KAQM16093-E A character that cannot be A character that cannot be used for the
used for the comment is comment is entered.
entered. (O)
Enter a valid comment, and then try

KAQM16094-E A space cannot be specified at A space cannot be specified at the

the beginning or end of the beginning or end of the comment.
comment. (O)
Enter a valid comment, and then try

KAQM16095-E A character that cannot be A character that cannot be used for the
used for the specified file is specified file is entered.
entered. (O)
Enter a valid name for the file, and
then try again.

KAQM16096-E 0 has been specified for the 0 cannot be specified for the name of
name of the public key file. the public key file.

5-224 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Enter a valid name for the public key
file, and then try again.

KAQM16097-E A space cannot be specified at A space cannot be specified at the

the beginning or end of the beginning or end of the public key file.
public key file. (O)
Enter a valid name for the public key
file, and then try again.

KAQM16098-E An SSH public key does not The specified comment is not
exist for the specified registered in the specified SSH
comment. (comment = protocol.
comment) (O)
Confirm whether the specified
comment exists in the specified SSH
protocol, and then try again.

KAQM16099-E The specified file does not The specified file does not exist in the
exist in the home directory. home directory.
(file name = file-name) (O)
Confirm whether the specified file
exists in the home directory.

KAQM16100-E The specified file cannot be The specified file cannot be deleted
deleted because it is a because it is a directory.
directory. (file name = file- (O)
Specify a valid file name, and then try

KAQM16101-E The specified file cannot be The specified file cannot be deleted
deleted because it is a system because it is a system file.
file. (file name = file-name) (O)
Specify a valid file name, and then try

KAQM16102-E The size of the specified file The size of the specified file exceeds
exceeds 1,000,000 bytes. (file 1,000,000 bytes.
name = file-name) (O)
Specify a valid public key file, and then
try again.

KAQM16103-W The operation ended A problem might exist in some DC

normally, but an attempt to servers specified for the DC server
connect to the DC server (DC- name.
server-name) has failed. (O)
Check the status of the DC server and
CIFS service configuration. If the DC
server name has been changed,
modify the configuration definitions of
the CIFS service.

KAQM16104-E The specified file cannot be The specified file cannot be specified
specified as the public key file as the public key file because it is a
because it is a system file. system file.
(file name = file-name) (O)

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-225

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Specify a valid public key file, and then
try again.

KAQM16107-E Name resolution failed The specified CIFS service's

because the CIFS service's authentication mode was neither NT
authentication mode was not domain authentication nor Active
NT domain authentication or Directory authentication.
Active Directory (O)
Set the CIFS service's authentication
mode as either NT domain
authentication or Active Directory
authentication, and then try again.

KAQM16108-E Name resolution failed The CIFS service settings specify user
because the user mapping of mapping that does not use RIDs.
the CIFS service does not use (O)
Specify that the user mapping of the
CIFS service is to use RIDs, and then
try again.

KAQM16109-E Name resolution failed. This This might be because the CIFS service
might be because the CIFS was stopped, the resource group was
service was stopped, the in the Offline status, a failover
resource group was in the occurred, or virtual server was not
Offline status, a failover operating normally.
occurred, or virtual server (O)
was not operating normally.
If the CIFS service has stopped, either
start or restart the CIFS service. If the
resource group is in the Offline status,
a failover has occurred, or virtual
server is not operating normally,
remove the cause of the problem and
then try again.

KAQM16110-E Name resolution failed An account that is not registered in the

because an account not authentication server was specified, or
registered in the communication with the authentication
authentication server was server was not possible.
specified or communication (O)
with the authentication server
was not possible. Check whether there is any error in the
specified account, and/or make sure
the authentication server is correctly
connected, and then try again.

KAQM16111-E Name resolution failed The ID assigned to the specified user

because the ID assigned to name or group name is outside the
the specified user ID or group range of UIDs or GIDs set for the
ID is outside the range of the domain (in user mapping using RIDs).
UIDs and GIDs set by the (O)
domain (using RID user
mapping). Revise the range of UIDs or GIDs set
for the domain (in user mapping using
RIDs), and/or make sure that the
specified name or group name is
correct, and then try again.

5-226 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM16112-E Name resolution failed The specified ID is outside the range of

because the specified ID is the user IDs or group IDs set for the
outside the range of the UIDs domain (in user mapping using RIDs).
and GIDs set by the domain (O)
(using RID user mapping).
Make sure the specified ID is correct,
and then try again.

KAQM16114-E The UID and GID ranges The ID ranges cannot be set because
specified for the domain the UID and GID ranges specified for
cannot be used because they the domain overlap a range for
overlap a range for another another domain.
domain. (O)
Specify the UID and GID ranges for
each domain so they do not overlap.

KAQM16115-E The specified UID and GID The UID and GID ranges for each
ranges cannot be used domain must be within the UID and
because there is a conflict GID ranges for user mapping.
between the UID and GID (O)
ranges for user mapping and
the UID and GID ranges for a Specify valid UID and GID ranges, and
domain. then try again.

KAQM16116-E In NT server authentication In NT server authentication mode,

mode, access to the CIFS access to the CIFS service by a guest
service by a guest account account cannot be blocked.
cannot be blocked. (O)
If necessary change the authentication
mode, and then try again.

KAQM16117-E An attempt to set user The specified CIFS service's

mapping using LDAP failed authentication mode was neither NT
because the CIFS service's domain authentication nor Active
authentication mode was Directory authentication.
neither NT domain (O)
authentication nor Active
Directory authentication. Set the CIFS service's authentication
mode as either NT domain
authentication or Active Directory
authentication, and then try again.

KAQM16118-E In NT server authentication In NT server authentication mode,

mode, access to the CIFS access to the CIFS service by a guest
service by a guest account is account is not allowed.
not allowed. (O)
If necessary change the authentication
mode, and then try again.

KAQM16119-E The CIFS service has stopped The DC server might be down, an
because it is unavailable. invalid value might have been entered
for the DC server name, the manager
name or the password of the DC server
might be invalid, or a problem might
have occurred on the network.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-227

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Check the status of the DC server and
CIFS service configuration, and then
start the CIFS service. If the DC server
name has been changed, modify the
configuration definitions of the CIFS

KAQM16120-E The CIFS service has stopped Information about trust relationships
because it is unavailable. cannot be obtained from the domain
belonging to the DC server set in the
authentication mode. There might be
an error in the settings, or a problem
might have occurred in the DC server
or on the network.
Check the status of the DC server and
CIFS service configuration, and then
start the CIFS service. If the DC server
name has been changed, modify the
configuration definitions of the CIFS

KAQM16121-E The CIFS service has stopped The domain set for user mapping using
because it is unavailable. RIDs is not in a trust relationship with
a domain belonging to the DC server
set in the authentication mode.
Check the status of the DC server and
CIFS service configuration, and then
start the CIFS service. If the DC server
name has been changed, modify the
configuration definitions of the CIFS

KAQM16123-E Deletion of cached user The DC server might be down, an

mapping information invalid value might have been entered
completed normally. for the DC server name, the manager
However, the CIFS service name or the password of the DC server
has stopped because it is might be invalid, or a problem might
unavailable. have occurred on the network.
Check the status of the DC server and
CIFS service configuration, and then
start the CIFS service. If the DC server
name has been changed, modify the
configuration definitions of the CIFS

KAQM16124-E Deletion of cached user Information about trust relationships

mapping information cannot be obtained from the domain
completed normally. belonging to the DC server set in the
However, the CIFS service authentication mode. There might be
has stopped because it is an error in the settings, or a problem
unavailable. might have occurred in the DC server
or on the network.

5-228 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Check the status of the DC server and
CIFS service configuration, and then
start the CIFS service. If the DC server
name has been changed, modify the
configuration definitions of the CIFS

KAQM16125-E Deletion of cached user The domain set for user mapping using
mapping information RIDs is not in a trust relationship with
completed normally. a domain belonging to the DC server
However, the CIFS service set in the authentication mode.
has stopped because it is (O)
Check the status of the DC server and
CIFS service configuration, and then
start the CIFS service. If the DC server
name has been changed, modify the
configuration definitions of the CIFS

KAQM16127-E The user map cache file The user map cache file cannot be
cannot be deleted because deleted because the resource group on
the resource group on the the other node in the cluster has failed
other node in the cluster has over to the operating node.
failed over to the operating (O)
Perform failback, and then retry the

KAQM16128-E The parameter parameter- The parameter parameter-name

name includes characters with includes characters with unsupported
unsupported encoding. encoding.
Specify the parameter by using only
characters with supported encoding.

KAQM16130-Q Are you sure you want to stop This confirmation message is output
the specified service? (y/n) before the service is stopped.
Enter y or n.

KAQM16131-Q Are you sure you want to This confirmation message is output
restart the specified service? before the service is restarted.
(y/n) (O)
Enter y or n.

KAQM16133-E User mapping that uses the The authentication mode set for the
Active Directory schema could CIFS service is not Active Directory.
not be set up because the (O)
authentication mode of the
CIFS service is not Active Set the authentication mode of the
Directory. CIFS service to Active Directory, and
then try again.

KAQM16134-E A character that cannot be A character that cannot be used in the

used in the parameter is parameter is specified.
specified. (error details = (O)

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-229

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Specify a valid parameter value, and
then try again.

KAQM16135-E A space cannot be specified at A space cannot be specified at the

the beginning or end of the beginning or end of the parameter.
parameter. (error details = (O)
Specify a valid parameter value, and
then try again.

KAQM16136-E A backslash (\) cannot be A backslash (\) cannot be specified at

specified at the end of the the end of the parameter.
parameter. (error details = (O)
Specify a valid parameter value, and
then try again.

KAQM16137-E The length of the parameter The length of the parameter exceeds
exceeds the maximum. (error the maximum.
details = specified-parameter) (O)

Specify a valid parameter value, and

then try again.

KAQM16138-E "0" cannot be specified at the "0" cannot be specified at the

beginning of the parameter. beginning of the parameter.
(error details = specified- (O)
Specify a valid parameter value, and
then try again.

KAQM16139-E The parameter is outside the The parameter is outside the valid
valid range (minimum-value- range (minimum-value-of-the-
of-the-parameter - maximum- parameter - maximum-value-of-the-
value-of-the-parameter). parameter).
(error details = specified- (O)
Specify a valid parameter value, and
then try again.

KAQM16140-E The minimum value of the The minimum value of the parameter
parameter exceeds the exceeds the maximum value.
maximum value. (error details (O)
= specified-parameter)
Check the command format, specify a
valid parameter value, and then try

KAQM16141-E The number of domain The number of domain controllers

controllers (with Active (with Active Directory authentication)
Directory authentication) exceeds the maximum number of
exceeds the maximum domain controllers that can be
number of domain controllers registered (5).
that can be registered (5). (O)
(error details = specified-
parameter) Specify no more than 5 domain
controllers (with Active Directory

KAQM16142-E The number of domains The number of domains exceeds the

exceeds the maximum maximum number of domains that can
number of domains that can be registered (6).

5-230 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
be registered (6). (error (O)
details = specified-parameter) Specify no more than 6 domains.

KAQM16143-E A parameter required for the A parameter required for the first
first setting was not specified. setting was not specified.
For the first setting, specify all

KAQM16144-E The specified server name is The specified server name is

duplicated. (error details = duplicated.
specified-parameter) (O)
Specify a server name that does not
duplicate another server name.

KAQM16145-E A comma (,) cannot be A comma (,) cannot be specified at the

specified at the beginning or beginning or end of the parameter.
end of the parameter. (error (O)
details = specified-parameter)
Specify a valid parameter value, and
then try again.

KAQM16146-E You cannot specify SSH SSH protocol version 1 has been
protocol version 1. disabled.
If you want to specify SSH protocol
version 1, first enable it, and then try
Use the sshprotset command to
enable SSH protocol version 1.

KAQM16147-E SSH protocol version 1 has SSH protocol version 1 has already
already been enabled. been enabled.

KAQM16148-E SSH protocol version 1 has SSH protocol version 1 has already
already been disabled. been disabled.

KAQM16149-Q Executing this command will This confirmation message is output

change the SSH settings and when the operation will change the
restart the SSH service. Do SSH settings.
you want to proceed? (y/n) (O)
Enter y or n.

KAQM16150-E A setting in an unsupported A setting in an unsupported format

format was detected for the was detected for the SSH protocol
SSH protocol version. version.
Try to execute the operation again. If
an error occurs again, acquire all the

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-231

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
management log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel. See
online Help for a list of the
management files.

KAQM16151-E SSL version 2 has already SSL version 2 has already been
been enabled. enabled.

KAQM16152-E SSL version 2 has already SSL version 2 has already been
been disabled. disabled.

KAQM16153-Q Executing this command will This confirmation message is output

change the SSL settings and when the operation will change the
restart the HTTP service. Do SSL settings.
you want to proceed? (y/n) (O)
Enter y or n.

KAQM16154-E A setting in an unsupported A setting in an unsupported format

format was detected for the was detected for the SSL version.
SSL version. (O)
Try to execute the operation again. If
an error occurs again, acquire all the
management log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel. See
online Help for a list of the
management files.

KAQM16161-E The configuration cannot be The domain and the KDC server cannot
modified, because the domain be deleted because they are being
and KDC server are being used in Active Directory authentication
used by the CIFS service. of the CIFS service.
When you stop Kerberos authentication
operations, change the CIFS service
authentication mode to one other than
the Active Directory mode.

KAQM16162-E The NFS service has stopped The KDC server might be down, an
because it is unavailable. invalid KDC server name might have
been specified, or there might be a
network problem.
Check the status of the KDC server
and the NFS configuration. If the KDC
server name has been changed,
modify the NFS service configuration
definitions, and then restart the NFS

KAQM16163-E The NFS service has stopped A user specified for the anonymous
because it is unavailable. user name is not registered.

5-232 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Specify a registered user, and then try

KAQM16164-E The NFS service has stopped A group specified for the anonymous
because it is unavailable. group name is not registered.
Specify a registered group, and then
try again.

KAQM16165-E The service configuration was Copies of the pre-edit system files
restored because an attempt were copied and then restored,
to modify the NFS service because an attempt to modify the NFS
configuration failed. (error service configuration failed, as
details=error-details) indicated in the error details.
Changes to the NFS service (O)
configuration are incomplete.
Check the entered data, and then try
again. When using a domain
environment, also check the domain
settings. If an error still occurs,
acquire all the Management log files,
and inform maintenance personnel.
See online Help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM16166-E An attempt to restore the Copies of the pre-edit system files

service configuration failed could not be copied, or an attempt to
because an attempt to modify restart the NFS service failed.
the NFS service configuration (O)
Check the entered data, and then try
again. When using a domain
environment, also check the domain
settings. If an error still occurs,
acquire all the Management log files,
and inform maintenance personnel.
See online Help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM16167-W The operation ended There might be a problem in one or

normally, but an attempt to more of the KDC servers specified by
connect to the KDC server the KDC server names.
(KDC-server-name-of- (O)
connecting-error) failed.
Check the status of the KDC server
and the NFS configuration. If a KDC
server name is changed, modify the
NFS service configuration definitions.

KAQM16168-W The operation ended Before an attempt was made to

normally, but an attempt to remove the node or virtual server, the
remove the node or virtual account associated with the Active
server from the Active Directory domain information might
Directory domain failed. The have been changed or deleted, or an
node or virtual server might attempt to acquire information about
not have been deleted from the node or virtual server computer
the Active Directory domain account from the Active Directory
domain might have failed.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-233

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
before attempting to remove (O)
the node or virtual server. Before attempting to remove a node or
virtual server, delete any related
computer accounts from the Active
Directory domain.
KAQM16169-I The configuration for the The configuration for the service-name
service-name service has service has been modified.
been modified. Restart the (O)
service-name service.
Rebooting the OS will not Restart the service-name service.
apply the changes.

KAQM16170-E An attempt to start the There might be a problem with the

service-name service has service-name service settings.
failed. (O)
Check the service settings, and then
restart the service.

KAQM16171-E An attempt to start the There might be a problem with the

service-name service has service-name service settings.
failed. (O)
Follow the instructions in the
KAQM16172-I message in the
Management log file

KAQM16172-I The detailed message of the None.

KAQM16171-E message is as (O)
follows: detailed-message
Follow the instructions in the detailed

KAQM16173-Q Do you want to delete the This message confirms that the user
specified file? (y/n) wants to delete the file.
Enter y or n.

KAQM16174-E The combination of CIFS If the CIFS client local cache setting is
client cache settings is invalid. disabled, the CIFS client cache read-
only setting cannot be enabled for
when an access conflict occurs.
To enable the CIFS client cache read-
only setting for when an access conflict
occurs, enable the CIFS client local
cache setting.

KAQM16175-E The setting for allowing Active The CIFS service authentication mode
Directory users to log in to is not set to Active Directory
the FTP and SFTP services authentication.
cannot be enabled because (O)
the CIFS service
authentication mode is not set Set the CIFS service authentication
to Active Directory mode to Active Directory
authentication. authentication, and then retry the

5-234 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM16186-E The Active Directory domain The Active Directory domain cannot be
cannot be redefined because redefined because the resource group
the resource group on the on the other node in the cluster has
other node in the cluster has failed over to the operating node.
failed over to the operating (O)
Perform a failback, and then retry the

KAQM16187-E The Active Directory domain The operation is available only in the
cannot be redefined because Active Directory schema.
the user mapping of the CIFS (O)
service is not the Active
Directory schema. Recheck the settings of the
authentication mode and the user
mapping of the CIFS service.

KAQM16188-E The maximum value or higher The maximum value or higher cannot
was specified for the be specified for the minimum value of
minimum value of the the parameter.
parameter. (error details = (O)
Check the command syntax, specify
valid parameter values, and then retry
the operation.

KAQM16189-E An automatic start setting for An automatic start setting for a service
a service on this node was on this node was changed.
changed. Confirm that the (O)
setting is consistent in the
cluster. Confirm the setting on the other node,
making sure that the setting is the
same within the cluster.

KAQM16190-E The directory cannot be Directories cannot be created and

created and permissions permissions cannot be changed for file
cannot be changed because systems for which content sharing is
the specified directory is in a set to On.
file system for which content (O)
sharing is set to On. (input
value = directory-name) Do not change permissions if a file
system for which content sharing is set
to On is specified for the login

KAQM16191-E Modification of the CIFS The NT domain could not be joined.

service configuration failed (O)
because the NT domain could
not be joined. Confirm the following, correct any
problems, and then retry the
(1) The authentication mode setting is
(2) The primary domain controller is
operating normally.
(3) There are no network problems.

KAQM16192-E Modification of the CIFS The Active Directory domain could not
service configuration failed be joined.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-235

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
because the Active Directory (O)
domain could not be joined. Confirm the following, correct any
problems, and then retry the
(1) The authentication mode setting is
(2) The domain controller is running
(3) The domain name to be used for
the Active Directory domain is defined
as the default domain name in the
DNS server information, and the DNS
server to be used for the Active
Directory domain is defined as the
primary DNS server.
(4) There are no domain controller
setting problems. For details of how to
configure the domain controller, see
online Help.
(5) There are no network problems.
KAQM16193-E Modification of the CIFS An LDAP user mapping item (LDAP-
service configuration failed user-mapping-item) is not set.
because an LDAP user (O)
mapping item (LDAP-user-
mapping-item) is not set. Check the entered LDAP server setting
values. Correct any problems, and
then retry the operation.

KAQM16194-E The CIFS service stopped An LDAP user mapping item (LDAP-
because an LDAP user user-mapping-item) is not set.
mapping item (LDAP-user- (O)
mapping-item) is not set.
Check the entered LDAP server setting
values. Correct any problems, and
then retry the operation.

KAQM16195-E Modification of the CIFS An LDAP user mapping setting (LDAP-

service configuration failed user-mapping-item) does not match
because an LDAP user the setting on the LDAP server side.
mapping setting (LDAP-user- (O)
mapping-item) does not
match the setting on the Check the entered LDAP server setting
LDAP server side. values. Correct any problems, and
then retry the operation.

KAQM16196-E The CIFS service was stopped An LDAP user mapping setting (LDAP-
because an LDAP user user-mapping-item) does not match
mapping setting (LDAP-user- the setting on the LDAP server side.
mapping-item) does not (O)
match the setting on the
LDAP server side. Check the entered LDAP server setting
values. Correct any problems, and
then retry the operation.

KAQM16197-E Modification of the CIFS The LDAP server is not properly

service configuration failed configured.

5-236 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
because the LDAP server is Confirm the following, correct any
not properly configured. problems, and then retry the
(1) The schema files are defined as
described in the File System Protocols
(CIFS/NFS) Administrator's Guide.
(2) The user who will connect to the
user map has the necessary
permissions to write to the specified
KAQM16198-E The CIFS service stopped The LDAP server is not properly
because the LDAP server is configured.
not properly configured. (O)
Confirm the following, correct any
problems, and then retry the
(1) The schema files are defined as
described in the File System Protocols
(CIFS/NFS) Administrator's Guide.
(2) The user who will connect to the
user map has the necessary
permissions to write to the specified

KAQM16199-E Modification of the CIFS The LDAP server could not be

service configuration failed connected to.
because the LDAP server (O)
could not be connected to.
Confirm the following, correct any
problems, and then retry the
(1) The LDAP server name and port
number settings are correct.
(2) The LDAP server is operating
(3) The DNS server settings are
(4) There are no network problems.

KAQM16200-E The CIFS service stopped The LDAP server could not be
because the LDAP server connected to.
could not be connected to. (O)
Confirm the following, correct any
problems, and then retry the
(1) The LDAP server name and port
number settings are correct.
(2) The LDAP server is operating
(3) The DNS server settings are
(4) There are no network problems.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-237

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM16201-E Modification of the CIFS The authentication server could not be

service configuration failed connected to.
because the authentication (O)
server could not be connected
to. Check the authentication server
settings and the network status.
Correct any problems, and then retry
the operation.

KAQM16202-E Modification of the CIFS Information about trust relationships

service configuration failed could not be acquired.
because information about (O)
trust relationships could not
be acquired. Confirm the following, correct any
problems, and then retry the
(1) The authentication mode setting is
(2) The DNS server settings are
(3) If the DNS server is defined in the
DNS server information, make sure
that the DNS server settings, such as
for records, zones, and recursion, are
correctly configured so that the DNS
server takes less than 15 seconds to
reply to requests to resolve the name
(forward and reverse lookup) of the
domain controller.

KAQM16203-E Startup of the CIFS service Information about trust relationships

configuration failed because could not be acquired.
information about trust (O)
relationships could not be
acquired. Confirm the following, correct any
problems, and then retry the
(1) The authentication mode setting is
(2) The DNS server settings are
(3) If the DNS server is defined in the
DNS server information, make sure
that the DNS server settings, such as
for records, zones, and recursion, are
correctly configured so that the DNS
server takes less than 15 seconds to
reply to requests to resolve the name
(forward and reverse lookup) of the
domain controller.

KAQM16204-E The restart of the CIFS Information about trust relationships

service configuration failed could not be acquired.
because information about (O)
trust relationships could not
be acquired.

5-238 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Confirm the following, correct any
problems, and then retry the
(1) The authentication mode setting is
(2) The DNS server settings are
(3) If the DNS server is defined in the
DNS server information, make sure
that the DNS server settings, such as
for records, zones, and recursion, are
correctly configured so that the DNS
server takes less than 15 seconds to
reply to requests to resolve the name
(forward and reverse lookup) of the
domain controller.

KAQM16205-E Modification of the CIFS The specified domain name is for a

service configuration failed domain controller that is in a domain
because the specified domain not in a trust relationship.
name (specified-domain- (O)
name) is for a domain
controller that is in a domain Specify a domain name for a domain
not in a trust relationship. controller that is in a domain in a trust
(domain in a trust relationship relationship, and then retry the
= domain-in-a-trust- operation.

KAQM16206-E Startup of the CIFS service The specified domain name is for a
configuration failed because domain controller that is in a domain
the specified domain name not in a trust relationship.
(specified-domain-name) is (O)
for a domain controller that is
in a domain not in a trust Specify a domain name for a domain
relationship.(domain in a trust controller that is in a domain in a trust
relationship = domain-in-a- relationship, and then retry the
trust-relationship) operation.

KAQM16207-E The restart of the CIFS The specified domain name is for a
service configuration failed domain controller that is in a domain
because the specified domain not in a trust relationship.
name (specified-domain- (O)
name) is for a domain
controller that is in a domain Specify a domain name for a domain
not in a trust relationship. controller that is in a domain in a trust
(domain in a trust relationship relationship, and then retry the
= domain-in-a-trust- operation.

KAQM16208-E Modification of the CIFS The administrator name, password, or

service configuration failed domain name of the DC server is
because the administrator incorrect.
name, password, or domain (O)
name of the DC server is
incorrect. Check the administrator name,
password, and domain name of the DC
server. Correct any problems, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-239

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM16209-W The operation ended The administrator name, password, or

normally, but the DC server domain name of the DC server is
could not be connected to incorrect.
because authentication of the (O)
administrator failed. You
might not be able to log in to Check the administrator name,
the CIFS server from a CIFS password, and domain name of the DC
client. server. Correct any problems, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM16210-E Modification of the CIFS The schemas specified for the name
service configuration failed service switch of Active Directory
because the schemas schema user mapping and the domain
specified for the name service controller are different.
switch of Active Directory (O)
schema user mapping and the
domain controller are Check the schemas specified for the
different. (domain controller name service switch of Active Directory
server name = domain- schema user mapping and the domain
controller-server-name) controller. Correct any problems, and
then retry the operation.

KAQM16211-E The CIFS service stopped The schemas specified for the name
because the schemas service switch of Active Directory
specified for the name service schema user mapping and the domain
switch of Active Directory controller are different.
schema user mapping and the (O)
domain controller are
different. (domain controller Check the schemas specified for the
server name = domain- name service switch of Active Directory
controller-server-name) schema user mapping and the domain
controller. Correct any problems, and
then retry the operation.

KAQM16212-E Modification of the CIFS The DC server could not be connected

service configuration failed to.
because the DC server could (O)
not be connected to.
Confirm the following, correct any
problems, and then retry the
(1) The DC server is operating
(2) The DNS server settings are
(3) There are no network problems.

KAQM16213-E The CIFS service stopped The DC server could not be connected
because the DC server could to.
not be connected to. (O)
Confirm the following, correct any
problems, and then retry the
(1) The DC server is operating
(2) The DNS server settings are

5-240 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
(3) There are no network problems.

KAQM16214-E Modification of the CIFS The DC server could not be connected

service configuration failed to.
because the DC server could (O)
not be connected to.
Confirm the following, correct any
problems, and then retry the
(1) The DC server settings are correct.
(2) The DC server is operating
(3) The DNS server settings are
(4) If the DNS server is defined in the
DNS server information, make sure
that the DNS server settings, such as
for records, zones, and recursion, are
correctly configured so that the DNS
server takes less than 15 seconds to
reply to requests to resolve the name
(forward and reverse lookup) of the
domain controller.
(5) The domain controller policy is set
so that no LDAP server signature is

KAQM16215-W The operation ended The DC server could not be connected

normally, but the DC server to.
could not be connected to. (O)
You might not be able to log
in to the CIFS server from a Confirm the following, correct any
client. problems, and then retry the
(1) The DC server settings are correct.
(2) The DC server is operating
(3) The DNS server settings are
(4) If the DNS server is defined in the
DNS server information, make sure
that the DNS server settings, such as
for records, zones, and recursion, are
correctly configured so that the DNS
server takes less than 15 seconds to
reply to requests to resolve the name
(forward and reverse lookup) of the
domain controller.

KAQM16216-E Modification of the CIFS A system error occurred.

service configuration failed (O)
because a system error
occurred. Download all the management log
files, and then contact product
support. See online Help for a list of
the management log files.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-241

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM16217-E The CIFS service stopped A system error occurred.

because a system error (O)
Download all the management log
files, and then contact product
support. See online Help for a list of
the management log files.

KAQM16219-E Modification of the CIFS An internal error may have occurred.

service configuration failed. (O)
Download all the management log
files, and then contact product
support. See online Help for a list of
the management log files.

KAQM16220-E Modification of the CIFS The domain user name, password, or

service configuration failed NetBIOS name is incorrect.
because the domain user (O)
name, password, or NetBIOS
name is incorrect. Check the domain user name,
password, and NetBIOS name settings.
Correct any problems, and then retry
the operation.

KAQM16221-E The DC server could not be The domain user name, password, or
connected to because NetBIOS name is incorrect.
authentication of the domain (O)
user failed. The CIFS service
has stopped because it is Check the domain user name,
unavailable. password, and NetBIOS name settings.
Correct any problems, and then retry
the operation.

KAQM16222-E The CIFS service stopped The DC server could not be connected
because the DC server could to.
not be connected to. (O)
Confirm the following, correct any
problems, and then retry the
(1) The DC server settings are correct.
(2) The DC server is operating
(3) The DNS server settings are
(4) If the DNS server is defined in the
DNS server information, make sure
that the DNS server settings, such as
for records, zones, and recursion, are
correctly configured so that the DNS
server takes less than 15 seconds to
reply to requests to resolve the name
(forward and reverse lookup) of the
domain controller.
(5) The domain controller policy is set
so that no LDAP server signature is

5-242 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM16223-E The CIFS service stopped The NT domain could not be joined.
because the NT domain could (O)
not be joined.
Confirm the following, correct any
problems, and then retry the
(1) The authentication mode setting is
(2) The primary domain controller is
operating normally.
(3) There are no network problems.

KAQM16224-E Modification of the CIFS Acquisition of DC server information

service configuration failed failed.
because DC server (O)
information could not be
acquired. Confirm the following, correct any
problems, and then retry the
(1) The specified domain name is
(2) The specified DNS server is correct.
(3) The DNS server settings are
(4) The DC server is operating
(5) There are no network problems.

KAQM16225-E The directory cannot be Directories in file systems for which

specified because it is in a file home-directory roaming is enabled
system for which home- cannot be specified.
directory roaming is enabled. (O)
(specified value = directory-
name) Check the specified directory, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM16227-E The specified path includes a You cannot perform the operation on a
directory that is used by the path that contains a directory that is
system. (directory used by used by the system.
system = directory-path) (O)
Specify a path that does not include a
system directory, and then retry the

KAQM16229-E A specified path is not a The specified path does not start with
directory of the file system. "/mnt", or "/mnt" is specified.
Check the specified path, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM16230-E The specified path exceeds The specified path exceeds 256
256 characters. characters.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-243

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Specify the path by using no more
than 256 characters.

KAQM16231-E The path specified as the TFTP The path specified as the TFTP access
access directory contains one directory contains one or more invalid
or more invalid characters. characters.
Check the specified path, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM16232-E An attempt to start or restart A TFTP access directory is not set.

the TFTP service failed. (O)
Set the TFTP access directory, and
then start the TFTP service.

KAQM16233-E An attempt to set automatic The TFTP access directory is not set.
startup of the TFTP service (O)
failed, because a TFTP access
directory is not set. Set the TFTP access directory, start the
TFTP service, and then set it to start

KAQM16234-Q Do you want to clear all of the This message appears before the
settings for the TFTP service? settings of the TFTP service are
(y/n) cleared.
Enter y or n.

KAQM16235-E The settings for the TFTP The TFTP service is either set to start
service could not be deleted automatically, or has not been
because the service is stopped.
running. (O)
If you will continue using the TFTP
service, do not delete the settings for
the service. If you will stop using the
service, either set the TFTP service to
not start automatically or stop the

KAQM16236-E You cannot specify a directory You cannot specify a directory that is
that is not the mount point of not the mount point of a read-write-
a read-write-content-sharing content-sharing file system.
file system. (specified value = (O)
Check the specified directory, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM19 messages
This section explains messages that have a message ID beginning with
KAQM19, and the actions to be taken if such messages appear.

5-244 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Table 5-13 KAQM19 messages

Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM19001-I The File Services Manager No action is required.

server has started.

KAQM19002-I The File Services Manager No action is required.

server has stopped.

KAQM19003-E An attempt to start the File The database might not have started.
Services Manager server has Alternatively, the File Services
failed. (details = details) Manager server might not be installed
correctly, or the environment might be
Restart the File Services Manager
server, because the error might be
Check that the database has started by
executing the hcmdssrv / status
command. The KAPM06440-I message
should be displayed. If it is not
displayed, start the database by
executing the hcmdssrv / status
command. For more information about
commands, see online Help.
If the problem is still not resolved,
acquire the management server log
files, and then contact maintenance

KAQM19004-E An attempt to stop the File The database might not have started.
Services Manager server has (O)
failed. (details = details)
The error might only be temporary, so
try to stop the File Services Manager
server again.
Alternatively, the database might not
be running, so execute the hcmdssrv /
status command and check whether
the KAPM06440-I message is output. If
the message is not been output,
execute the hcmdssrv /start
command to start the database, and
then try to stop the File Services
Manager server again. For more
information about commands, see the
If you cannot resolve the problem,
acquire the management server log
files, and then contact maintenance

KAQM19005-I The property was loaded No action is required.

successfully. (property-name
= property-value)

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-245

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM19030-E An internal error occurred. An internal error occurred.

Acquire all the log files and the
management server log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM19038-E The operation has failed. Another administrator is performing an

Wait for a while, and then try again.

KAQM19100-E An attempt to authenticate An attempt to authenticate the user

the user has failed. has failed.
Log in again.

KAQM19102-E An error occurred while the More than one administrator might
tree was being created. have deleted or modified the
processing node.
Select the target resource from the
explorer menu or refresh the tree.

KAQM19105-E There is no online Help for There is no online Help for this
this function. function.
Refer to the manual corresponding to
the Processing Node version.

KAQM19106-E The user ID or password is The user ID or password is incorrect. If

incorrect. If account lockout is account lockout is enabled, your
enabled, your account might account might have been locked.
have been locked. (O)
Check the user ID and password, and
then re-enter them. If account lockout
is enabled, cancel account lockout and
try again.If the error still occurs,
inform maintenance personnel.

KAQM19107-E An attempt to log in has Possible causes are as follows:

failed. (1) The user ID or password is
(2) The specified administrator does
not have permission to operate File
Services Manager.
(3) The account of the specified
administrator is locked.
(4) The login authentication function is
temporarily disabled.

When connected to Device Manager on

another server:

5-246 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
(5)A failure occurs on the Device
Manager network.
(6)Hitachi Command Suite Common
Component on the Device Manager
side is not running.
(1) Check the user ID and password,
and enter them again.
(2) Revise the administrator's
permissions as necessary.
(3) Unlock the account of the specified
(4) Wait a while, and then retry the
(5) Check the settings and status of
the network connecting to Device
(6) Confirm that Hitachi Command
Suite Common Component on the
Device Manager side is running.
If the error occurs again, acquire the
management server log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM19108-E Enter your user ID. The user ID is not specified.

Enter your user ID.

KAQM19109-E Enter your password. The password is not specified.

Enter your password.

KAQM19110-E An invalid parameter was (O)

specified. (invalid-parameter- Check the field(s) that are displayed in
list) the red frame, and then re-enter the
correct parameter(s).

KAQM19112-E The operation has failed. The object has already been deleted by
another user or from another dialog
Select the target resource from the
explorer menu or refresh the tree. If
this message is displayed after opening
the screen from Device Manager,
delete the duplicate file servers with
older refresh dates, and then send the
configuration information from File
Services Manager to Device Manager.
Retry the operation, as necessary.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-247

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM19113-E Access to the database used The database might not be running.
by the File Services Manager (O)
server is blocked. A problem
has been detected in Common The database might not be running, so
Component. Contact your execute the hcmdssrv /status
server administrator. command, and then check whether the
KAPM06440-I message is output. For
information about commands, see the
Help. If you cannot resolve the
problem, acquire the management
server log files, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM19114-E A screen transition failed. A temporary error occurred, or the GUI

operation might have caused an invalid
screen transition.
Close the dialog box. Make sure the
latest information is displayed, and
then perform the operation again, if
necessary. If the error occurs again,
restart File Services Manager server,
and then try again. If the error occurs
again, acquire all the log files and the
management server log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM19115-E A screen transition failed. A temporary error occurred, or the GUI

operation might have caused an invalid
screen transition.
Refresh the processing node, and
check the latest information.
• If the physical node is in the
Offline status, start the node from
the Cluster Management dialog
• If a resource group was failed
over, fail back the resource group.
• If a virtual server was failed over,
fail back the virtual server.
• If the system version of the
physical node is not the most up
to date, try to perform an update
installation for the physical node

KAQM19200-I The file system (file-system- No action is required.

name) was created at
physical-node-name or

KAQM19201-I The file system (file-system- No action is required.

name) was deleted at
physical-node-name or

5-248 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM19202-I The file system (file-system- No action is required.

name) was mounted at
physical-node-name or

KAQM19203-I The file system (file-system- No action is required.

name) was expanded at
physical-node-name or

KAQM19204-I The file system (file-system- No action is required.

name) was unmounted at
physical-node-name or

KAQM19205-I The LU (LU-name) was No action is required.

created at physical-node-
name or virtual-server-name

KAQM19206-I A file system (file-system- No action is required.

name) on physical-node-
name or virtual-server-name
was edited.

KAQM19300-I The file share (share-name) No action is required.

was added at physical-node-
name or virtual-server-name

KAQM19301-I The file share (share-name) No action is required.

was released at physical-
node-name or virtual-server-
name successfully.

KAQM19302-I The file share (share-name) No action is required.

was edited at physical-node-
name or virtual-server-name

KAQM19303-I The file share (share-name) No action is required.

was expanded at physical-
node-name or virtual-server-
name successfully.

KAQM19400-I The processing node No action is required.

(processing-node-name) was
added successfully.

KAQM19401-I The processing node No action is required.

(processing-node-name) was
edited successfully.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-249

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM19402-I The processing node No action is required.

(processing-node-name) was
deleted successfully.

KAQM19403-I The processing node No action is required.

(processing-node-name) was
refreshed successfully.

KAQM19501-I The virtual server (host- No action is required.

name) was created

KAQM19502-I The virtual server (host- No action is required.

name) information was edited

KAQM19503-I The operation to start a No action is required.

virtual server (host-name)
has finished. (result = result,
message ID = message-ID)

KAQM19504-I The operation to stop a virtual No action is required.

server (host-name) has
finished. (result = result,
message ID = message-ID)

KAQM19505-I The operation to restart a No action is required.

virtual server (host-name)
has finished. (result = result,
message ID = message-ID)

KAQM19506-I The operation to delete a No action is required.

virtual server (host-name)
has finished. (result = result,
message ID = message-ID)

KAQM19507-I The operation to refresh a No action is required.

virtual server (host-name)
has finished. (result = result,
message ID = message-ID)

KAQM19508-I The failover or failback No action is required.

operation for the virtual
server (host-name) has
finished. (result = result,
message ID = message-ID)

KAQM19509-I The batch processing has No action is required.


KAQM19510-I The batch processing has No action is required.


KAQM19511-I File snapshots have been set No action is required.

up for the file system (file-

KAQM19512-I File snapshots have been No action is required.

modified for the file system

5-250 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM19513-I File snapshots have been No action is required.

disabled for the file system

KAQM19514-I File snapshots have been No action is required.

refreshed for the (physical-
node-name or virtual-server-

KAQM19515-I The differential-data snapshot No action is required.

snapshot-name of the file
system file-system-name has
been created.

KAQM19516-I The differential-data snapshot No action is required.

new-snapshot-name of the
file system file-system-name
was created by replacing the
snapshot old-snapshot-name.

KAQM19517-I Differential-data snapshot(s) No action is required.

of the file system (file-
system-name) has been

KAQM19518-I The differential-data snapshot No action is required.

(snapshot-name) of the file
system (file-system-name)
has been mounted.

KAQM19519-I The differential-data snapshot No action is required.

name) of the file system (file-
system-name) has been
unmounted. (result = result,
message ID = message-ID)

KAQM19520-I All differential-data snapshots No action is required.

of the file system (file-
system-name) have been

KAQM19521-I The license information for No action is required.

the processing node
(processing-node-name) has
been successfully refreshed.

KAQM19522-I The expiration warning has No action is required.

been enabled for a license
(license-name) on the
processing node (processing-
node-name). (result = result,
message ID = message-ID)

KAQM19523-I The expiration warning has No action is required.

been disabled for a license
(license-name) on the
processing node (processing-
node-name). (result = result,
message ID = message-ID)

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-251

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM19524-I A license (license-name) has No action is required.

been activated on the
processing node (processing-
node-name). (result = result,
message ID = message-ID)

KAQM19525-I The licenses that are about to No action is required.

expire or has already expired
was detected on the
processing node (processing-
node-name). (result = result,
message ID = message-ID)

KAQM19526-I The user information and No action is required.

group information has been
refreshed on physical-node-

KAQM19527-I The system software was No action is required.

successfully installed on
and physical-node-

KAQM19528-I The system software was No action is required.

successfully installed on

KAQM19529-I Processing to start the No action is required.

processing node has been
initiated. (processing node
name = processing-node-

KAQM19530-I A file system (file-system- No action is required.

name) on physical-node-
name or virtual-server-name
was successfully deleted.
(result = result, message ID
= message-ID)

KAQM19531-I A file system (file-system- No action is required.

name) on physical-node-
name or virtual-server-name
was successfully unmounted.
(result = result, message ID
= message-ID)

KAQM19532-I A file share (share-name) on No action is required.

physical-node-name or
virtual-server-name was
successfully released. (result
= result, message ID =

KAQM19533-I The network for the No action is required.

processing node (processing-
node-name) has been set up.
(result = result, message ID
= message-ID)

5-252 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM19534-I The DNS settings for the No action is required.

processing node (processing-
node-name) have been set
up. (result = result, message
ID = message-ID)

KAQM19535-I The time settings for the No action is required.

processing node (processing-
node-name) have been set
up. (result = result, message
ID = message-ID)

KAQM19536-I CIFS user authentication for No action is required.

the physical node (physical-
node-name) has been set up.
(result = result, message ID
= message-ID)

KAQM19537-I The OS for the physical node No action is required.

(physical-node-name) has
restarted. (result = result,
message ID = message-ID)

KAQM19538-I The cluster for the processing No action is required.

node (processing-node-name)
has started. (result = result,
message ID = message-ID)

KAQM19539-I The resource groups for the No action is required.

processing node (processing-
node-name) have started.
(result = result, message ID
= message-ID)

KAQM19540-I A test user and test share for No action is required.

the processing node
(processing-node-name) have
been created. (result = result,
message ID = message-ID)

KAQM19541-I A health check has completed No action is required.

on processing-node-name.

KAQM19548-I The WORM properties have No action is required.

been edited. (processing node
name = processing-node-
name, file system name =

KAQM19549-I The HCP-system-name has No action is required.

been deleted.

KAQM19551-I A license (license-name) has No action is required.

been activated on the physical
node (physical-node-name).
(result = result, message ID
= message-ID)

KAQM19552-I The cluster configuration for No action is required.

the processing node
(processing-node-name) has

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-253

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
been defined. (result = result,
message ID = message-ID)

KAQM19553-I NFS user settings for the No action is required.

processing node (processing-
node-name) have been set
up. (result = result, message
ID = message-ID)

KAQM19554-I The processing node No action is required.

(processing-node-name) has
been refreshed. (result =
result, message ID =

KAQM19555-I The proxy server settings for No action is required.

processing node processing-
node-name have been

KAQM19556-I The proxy server settings for No action is required.

processing node processing-
node-name have been

KAQM19557-I The proxy server settings for No action is required.

processing node processing-
node-name have been

KAQM19558-I No storage system are No storage system are available for the
available for the operation. operation.
Register an available storage system
into HFSM, and then use this function.

KAQM19559-I The HCP settings for the No action is required.

processing node processing-
node-name were completed.

KAQM19560-I A cache resident policy No action is required.

was added to the file system

KAQM19561-I A cache resident policy No action is required.

for the file system file-
system-name was edited.

KAQM19562-I A cache resident policy No action is required.

for the file system file-
system-name was deleted.
(result = result, message ID
= message-ID)

KAQM19563-I The automatic assignment of No action is required.

LUs finished.

5-254 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM19701-E A processing node cannot be The cluster status is not the same for
registered. (specified the nodes specified by the IP
management IP address = addresses.
specified-management-IP- (O)
address, specified
management IP address of Check the specified IP addresses, and
the other node = specified- then retry the operation.

KAQM19702-E Registration of a processing A management IP address has not

node failed. (specified been specified for the other node yet,
management IP address = even though a cluster has not been
specified-management-IP- defined for the node with the specified
address) management IP address.
Specify a management IP address for
both nodes.

KAQM19703-E Registration of a processing The specified node is not a product of

node failed. (specified the selected type.
management IP address = (O)
address) Retry the operation by corrected type.

KAQM19704-E Modification of a processing Type of specified node is different from

node failed. (specified Node to be edited.
management IP address = (O)
address) Check the type of the specified node. If
change the type of the node, add
Processing Node again after deleting
Processing Node.

KAQM19705-E An attempt to update the The node type of the specified node is
processing node information different from the node type of the
failed. (processing node name node managed by HFSM.
= processing-node-name) (O)
Delete the processing node, and then
add it again.

KAQM19706-E The specified LUs cannot be The database information might not be
used. (LDEV numbers = up-to-date, or a specified LU is not
LDEV-numbers) recognized by a node.
Refresh the system, and then check
the information about the specified
If the volume does not exist, revise the
• The connection between the
storage system and the node, and
the path configuration
• The storage system volume

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-255

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM19707-E The operation has failed. The file system has not been mounted
in a read-write status.
If necessary, mount the file system so
that it has read-write status, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM19708-E The operation has failed. The file cannot be downloaded because
cache resident processing has not yet
been executed.
Confirm the following, and then retry
the operation:
(1) The file system has been mounted
in a read-write state.
(2) A cache resident policy has been
(3) Cache resident processing has
been executed.

KAQM19709-E The file download failed. An error occurred while transferring or

saving data.
Confirm that you have the write
permission for the save location, and
that there is enough free space at the
save location, refresh the screen, and
then retry the operation. If the error
occurs again, then the file size might
be over 100 MB. A command can be
used to collect the information.

KAQM19710-E The automatic assignment of There is one or more LUs that cannot
LUs failed. be assigned to volume groups.
From [Check For Errors], follow the
instructions in the message output to
the Management log file
(management.log) to resolve the

KAQM19711-E The file download failed. Possible causes are as follows:

• An error occurred while
transferring or saving data.
• The file to download does not
Confirm that you have the write
permission for the save location, and
that there is enough free space at the
save location, and then retry the

5-256 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM19712-W OS boot processing is not Operations might not be performed

finished. Please wait until it is properly because OS boot processing is
finished. not finished.
Wait a while, and then refresh the
system information. Perform the
intended operations only after
confirming that this message is not
displayed. If this message is displayed
repeatedly, acquire all the log files and
the management server log files, and
then contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM19713-E The file transfer failed. An invalid file was specified.

Specify a valid file.

KAQM19714-E You cannot perform this You can update the software only if the
operation, because the node node is managed via the management
is managed via the front-end LAN.
LAN. (O)
Connect the management server and
the management console to the
management LAN. In Edit Node,
change the management IP address to
the IP address of mng0, and then
execute the operation.

KAQM19800-E The operation has failed. The displayed information has not
been updated.
Execute refresh processing and, if
necessary, retry the operation.

KAQM19801-E The operation has failed. The target processing node is not
supported by the File Services Manager
Check the version of the File Services
Manager server, and then install the
appropriate version.

KAQM19803-E Processing failed because the The specified processing node does not
specified processing node support this functionality.
does not support this (O)
Make sure the model of the specified
processing node is correct.

KAQM19804-E The operation has failed. Information required for processing

could not be acquired, because
communication with the physical node
could not be established when the
processing node was registered.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-257

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Check the status of the physical node.
Remove the cause of the error,
execute refresh processing, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM19807-E An attempt to edit the file The specified file system does not
system has failed. (processing support this function.
node name = processing- (O)
node-name, file system name
= file-system-name) Check the file system operation

KAQM19808-E Acquisition of the node status Acquisition of node information failed.

after the operation failed. (O)
Refresh the system information, and
then check the status of the cluster,
node, and resource group. If an error
occurs while the system information is
being refreshed, acquire all the log
data and management server log files,
and then contact maintenance

KAQM20 messages
This section explains messages that have a message ID beginning with
KAQM20, and the actions to be taken if such messages appear.

Table 5-14 KAQM20 messages

Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM20004-E The node was not found. The displayed information is not up-to-
date. The node has already been
Select the target resource from the
explorer menu or refresh the tree.

KAQM20005-E The file system was not The displayed information is not up-to-
found. date. The file system has already been
Select the target resource from the
explorer menu or refresh the tree.

KAQM20006-E The file system has already The displayed information is not up-to-
been mounted. date. The file system has already been
Select the target resource from the
explorer menu or refresh the tree.

5-258 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM20007-E The file system has already The displayed information is not up-to-
been unmounted. date. The file system has already been
Select the target resource from the
explorer menu or refresh the tree.

KAQM20008-E The file share was not found. The displayed information is not up-to-
date. The file share has already been
Select the target resource from the
explorer menu or refresh the tree.

KAQM20009-E The window information does The displayed information is not up-to-
not match the database date.
information. (O)
Close the dialog box, and then try

KAQM20030-E An error occurred during The LU creation result could not be

creation of the LU. acquired.
Execute refresh processing, and check
whether the LU has been created. If it
has not been created, try again. If the
error occurs again, acquire all the log
files and the management server log
files, and then contact maintenance

KAQM20031-E The LU could not be created The LU auto-creation function does not
because the LU auto-creation support the processing node.
function does not support the (O)
processing node.
Check whether the target processing
node is correct.

KAQM20032-E The LU auto-creation The LU auto-creation function did not

operation timed out. (timeout respond.
value (sec) = time-out-value (O)
Execute refresh processing, and check
whether the LU has been created. If it
has not been created, try again. If the
error occurs again, acquire all the log
files and the management server log
files, and then contact maintenance

KAQM20034-E An attempt to perform The specified LU is being operated by

processing for the specified another administrator.
LU failed because another (O)
administrator was accessing
it. (LU name = LU-name) Specify another LU, and then try again.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-259

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM20035-E The LU was created but an The information for the created LU has
attempt to update the not been updated because the
database has failed. (LU name information in the window is not up-to-
= LU-name) date.
Execute refresh processing, and then
retry the operation by using the
created LU.

KAQM20036-E An error occurred during A system LU could not be accessed.

creation of the LU. Possible causes are as follows:
• There is a problem with the FC
cable connection.
• There is a problem with the FC
• An attempt to communicate with
the physical node has failed.
• The maintenance mode is set to
the function used to assign user
Check the connection statuses of the
FC cables. If the connection statuses
are normal, check that the statuses of
the FC paths are normal. If the FC
paths are normal, check the status of
the physical node, and then remove
the cause of the problem. After that,
execute refresh processing, and check
whether the LU has been created. If it
has not been created, make sure that
the function used to assign user LUs is
set to the normal operating mode. If
the function is set to maintenance
mode, change it to the normal
operating mode. After that, execute
refresh processing, and if the LU has
not been created, retry the operation.
If the problem is still not resolved,
acquire all the log files and the
management server log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM20037-E An LU could not be created. Possible causes are as follows:

• No LU numbers (LUNs) are
available for LU auto creation.
• The maximum number of LUs that
can be auto created has already
been reached.
Perform a refresh operation, and then
check the LU settings. If LUs can be

5-260 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
created, use Hitachi Storage Navigator
Modular 2 or Device Manager to create

KAQM20038-E An LU could not be created. A system LU could not be accessed.

Possible causes are as follows:
• There is a problem with the FC
cable connection.
• There is a problem with the FC
• The other physical node has not
Check the connection statuses of the
FC cables. If the connection statuses
are normal, check that the statuses of
the FC paths are normal. If the FC
paths are normal, check the status of
the physical node, and then remove
the cause of the problem. After that, if
necessary, retry the operation. If the
problem cannot be resolved, acquire all
the log files and the management
server log files, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM20039-E An LU could not be created. The information required to make the

LU could not be acquired. Possible
causes are as follows:
• There is a problem with the FC
cable connection.
• There is a problem with the FC
• There are no targets in the storage
system that can be used for
creating LUs.
• The other physical node has not
Check the connection statuses of the
FC cables. If the connection statuses
are normal, check that the statuses of
the FC paths are normal. If the FC
paths are normal, make sure that at
least one user LU is assigned to the
target. If there are no problems with
the target, check the status of the
physical node, and then remove the
cause of the problem. After that, if
necessary, retry the operation. If the
problem cannot be resolved, acquire all
the log files and the management
server log files, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-261

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM20040-E The operation could not be The operation could not be performed
performed because the because the processing node is being
processing node is being refreshed.
refreshed. (processing node (O)
name = processing-node-
name) After the refresh processing has
finished, try again. If the error
continues to occur, restart File
Services Manager server, and then try

KAQM20041-E An attempt to perform an The operation could not be performed

operation in the processing for the processing node because it is
node failed because another being performed by another
administrator is performing an administrator.
operation in the node. (O)
(processing node name =
processing-node-name) Wait for a while, and then try again. If
the error continues to occur, restart
File Services Manager server, and then
try again.

KAQM20042-E File sharing cannot be Licenses for the CIFS and NFS
performed because a license protocols have not been registered.
has not been registered. (O)
Check whether the license has been
registered. If the license has been
registered, refresh the processing
node, and then try again.

KAQM20043-E File sharing cannot be Licenses for the CIFS and NFS
performed because a license protocols have not been registered.
has not been registered. (O)
Refresh the processing node or the
license information, and then check
whether the license has been
registered. If the license has been
registered, try to share files again.

KAQM20044-E Installation of the system An error occurred while transferring

software has failed. data to the management server. There
might not be enough free space on the
management server to save the
installation files.
Ensure there is enough free space, and
then reattempt the installation. If the
error occurs again, acquire the
management server log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM20045-E Installation of the system The system software installation failed.

software has failed. Either the node or the resource group
is not in a status where the system
software can be installed.

5-262 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Execute refresh processing, and then
check the status of the node or
resource group. After removing the
problem, reattempt the installation.

KAQM20046-E Installation of the system The system software installation timed

software has failed. out.
Wait a while, perform refresh
processing, and then confirm that the
system software has been updated. If
the system software has not been
updated, acquire all the log files, and
then contact maintenance personnel.
See online Help for a list of the log

KAQM20048-W The processing node is The processing node is already

already running. (processing running.
node name = processing- (O)
Execute refresh processing, and then
check the status of the processing

KAQM20049-E Start the processing node has There might be a problem with the
failed. (processing node name network between the management
= processing-node-name) server and BMC, or an error might
have occurred in BMC.
Check whether there is a problem in
the network between the management
server and BMC, and then try again. If
the problem cannot be resolved,
acquire all the log files and the
management server log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM20050-W The specified property value An invalid property value was

is incorrect. The default value specified, but processing was
will be used. (property name continued by using the default value.
= property-name, specified (O)
property value = specified-
property-value, default value Make sure the value is correct.
= default-value)

KAQM20055-W The default value will be used An attempt to read the properties file
because an attempt to read has failed.
the properties file has failed. (O)
Make sure the properties file exists and
that it can be read.

KAQM20057-W An unknown property exists. An invalid property name was

(property name = property- specified. The unknown property will
name, property value = be ignored.
property-value) (O)

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-263

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Make sure the property is correct.

KAQM20061-E An attempt to communicate An error occurred in the

with the physical node has communication with the physical node.
failed. Processing of the startup of the
processing node might not have
Wait a while, and then refresh the
system information. If the error
continues to occur, acquire all the log
files and the management server log
files, and then contact maintenance

KAQM20063-E The IP address is already The specified IP address is already set

registered. (IP address = for a registered processing node.
registered-IP-address, (O)
processing node name =
name-of-the-processing- If the specified processing node is
node-for-which-the-IP- already registered, use it. If the
address-is-set) specified processing node has not yet
been registered, confirm that the IP
address will not cause any conflicts
between the processing nodes, and
then retry the operation.

KAQM20064-E An attempt to delete the file A file system that has a file share
system has failed. (processing cannot be deleted.
node name = processing- (O)
node-name, file system name
= file-system-name) Release the file shares in the file

KAQM20065-E An attempt to expand the file The file system cannot be expanded
system has failed. (processing because it does not use a volume
node name = processing- manager.
node-name, file system name (O)
= file-system-name)
Back up the data in the file system,
create another file system, and then
restore the backed-up data in the
created file system.

KAQM20066-E An attempt to mount the file The file system might have already
system has failed. (processing been mounted, or it might have been
node name = processing- blocked.
node-name, file system name (O)
= file-system-name)
Select the target resource from the
explorer menu or refresh the tree.

KAQM20067-E An attempt to unmount the This file system has already been
file system has failed. unmounted.
(processing node name = (O)
processing-node-name, file
system name = file-system- Select the target resource from the
name) explorer menu or refresh the tree.

5-264 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM20068-E An attempt to add a The maximum number of processing

processing node has failed. nodes has already been registered.
Register the processing node in the File
Services Manager server on another

KAQM20069-E An attempt to add a file share The file system to be used for adding
has failed. (processing node the file share has been unmounted.
name = processing-node- (O)
name, file system name =
file-system-name) Mount the file system.

KAQM20070-E The operation was cancelled The processing limit of the

because the processing limit management server has been reached.
of the management server (O)
has been reached.
Wait for the processing of other
operations to finish, and then try

KAQM20071-I The refresh processing has No action is required.

started. (processing node
name = processing-node-

KAQM20072-I The refresh processing has No action is required.

been finished. (processing
node name = processing-

KAQM20073-E Refresh processing failed There is no physical node in the Online

while the File Services status, or communication with the
Manager server was starting. physical node failed.
(processing node name = (O)
Make sure communication with the
physical node is possible. Then, check
the status of the physical node to
remove the cause of the error.

KAQM20074-E The operation was cancelled There are no physical nodes online.
because there were no online (O)
physical nodes.
Check the status of the physical node,
fix the cause of the error, and then try

KAQM20075-E An attempt to perform Duplicate information was returned

operations for the processing from both physical nodes because
node has failed. (processing failover processing was being executed
node name = processing- at the processing node.
node-name) (O)
Make sure operations for the
processing node have finished, and
then try again.

KAQM20076-E The LU cannot be created. An attempt to acquire the IP addresses

of the controllers has failed.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-265

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
In the [Storage system Registration]
tab in the [Edit Node] dialog box,
make sure that the IP addresses of
CTL0 and CTL1 are correctly set.

KAQM20078-E An attempt to edit the file The file system used for the file share
share has failed. (processing might have already been blocked.
node name = processing- (O)
node-name, share name =
share-name) Select the target resource from the
explorer menu or refresh the tree.

KAQM20080-E An attempt to expand the file The file system used for the file share
share has failed. (processing cannot be expanded because it does
node name = processing- not use a volume manager.
node-name, share name = (O)
Back up the data of the file share,
create another file share, and then
restore the backed-up data in the
created file share.

KAQM20081-E An attempt to load the system An attempt to load the system file has
file has failed. (file name = failed.
file-name) (O)
Acquire all the log files and the
management server log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM20095-E An attempt to add a file share The file system might have already
has failed. (processing node been blocked.
name = processing-node- (O)
name, file system name =
file-system-name) Select the target resource from the
explorer menu or refresh the tree.

KAQM20101-E The share cannot be added The displayed information might not be
because the share name is up-to-date. The share name is already
already in use. (share name = in use.
share-name) (O)
Select the target resource from the
explorer menu or refresh the tree, and
check the new information. After that,
specify another share name, and then
try again.

KAQM20106-E The operation could not be The file share is being operated by
performed because another another administrator.
administrator is performing an (O)
operation in the file share.
(name = name, share name Wait for the processing of the other
= share-name) administrator to finish, and then try

KAQM20107-E The settings cannot be Quota is not enabled in the file system
changed for the selected file for which the selected file share is
share. being created.

5-266 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Release the file share, and then re-
mount the file system by using the
setting that enables Quota. After that,
re-create the file share.

KAQM20108-E Capacity management cannot When the mount point of the file
be enabled for the selected system is shared, capacity
file share. management cannot be enabled.
To expand the capacity, expand the file

KAQM20109-E Communication with a Possible causes are as follows:

physical node or virtual server • There is a problem with the
timed out. network that the physical node or
virtual server is on.
• A large number of files in the
directory set for capacity
management has slowed
• Frequent accesses to the directory
set for capacity management have
slowed processing.
Check the Management log file
If the beginning of the settings for
share quota is not output to the
Management log file (management.log)
or if output cannot be confirmed, check
whether there is a problem in the
network, and then retry the operation.
If the problem cannot be resolved,
acquire all log files and management
server log files, and then contact
maintenance personnel.
If the beginning of the settings for
share quota is output, processing will
be executed normally. Wait until a
message indicating that settings are
complete is output. If this takes a long
time, ask the end user to temporarily
discontinue access to the directory.
If the operation terminates
abnormally, recover the settings for
share quota. For details about
recovering settings for share quota,
see the Help.

KAQM20110-E The capacity management The setting cannot be changed

settings cannot be changed because the capacity for all second-
for the selected file share. level subdirectories in the selected file
share is managed.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-267

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Use a command to remove the subtree
quota settings for all second-level
subdirectories, and then retry the

KAQM20111-I The share "share-name" at No action is required.

physical-node-host-name of
processing-node-name has
been released.
Files in the share were not
To end operation of the share
that uses the namespace, use
a command to delete the
target directory.

KAQM20400-E The file system name is The displayed information might not be
already in use. (file system up-to-date. The file system name is
name = file-system-name) already in use.
Select the target resource from the
explorer menu or refresh the tree, and
check the new information. After that,
specify another file system name, and
then try again.

KAQM20401-E The operation could not be The file system is being operated by
performed because another another administrator.
administrator was performing (O)
an operation in the file
system. (name = name, file Wait for the processing of the other
system name = file-system- administrator to finish, and then try
name) again.

KAQM20402-E An attempt to modify the The file system has not been mounted
WORM properties has failed. in a read-write status.
(processing node name = (O)
processing-node-name, file
system name = file-system- Select the target resource from the
name) explorer menu or refresh the tree, and
check the new information. If
necessary, mount the file system so
that it has read-write status, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM20500-E Deletion of a differential-data A differential-data snapshot for which

snapshot has failed. file sharing is set cannot be deleted.
(differential-data snapshot (O)
name = differential-data-
snapshot-name) Release any file shares, and then try

KAQM20501-E Creation of a differential-data The number of created differential-

snapshot has failed. data snapshots has reached the
maximum number of reserved

5-268 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Delete unnecessary differential-data
snapshots, and then try again.

KAQM20502-E A mount point does not exist The displayed information is not up-to-
for the specified differential- date.
data snapshot. (differential- (O)
data snapshot name =
differential-data-snapshot- Refresh file snapshots information, and
name) then check the status of the
differential-data snapshot.

KAQM20503-E The mount point of the The displayed information is not up-to-
specified differential-data date. The mount point of the specified
snapshot is being used by differential-data snapshot is being
another function. (differential- used by another function.
data snapshot name = (O)
name, mount point name of If this message was output when a
differential-data snapshot = differential-data snapshot was
mount-point-name-of- mounted, execute refresh processing,
differential-data-snapshot) specify a different mount point name,
and then try again. If this message
was output when a differential-data
snapshot was unmounted, execute
refresh processing, and check the
status of the differential-data

KAQM20504-E An NFS share or a CIFS share The displayed information is not up-to-
is created in the specified date. An NFS share or a CIFS share is
differential-data snapshot. created in the specified differential-
(differential-data snapshot data snapshot.
name = differential-data- (O)
snapshot-name, mount point
name of differential-data Execute refresh processing, delete the
snapshot = mount-point- NFS or CIFS share, and then re-
name-of-differential-data- execute.

KAQM20505-E The mount point information The displayed information is not up-to-
of the specified differential- date.
data snapshot is not up-to- (O)
date. (differential-data
snapshot name = differential- Execute refresh processing, and then
data-snapshot-name) check the status of the differential-
data snapshot.

KAQM20506-E An attempt to unmount or An attempt to unmount or hide the

hide the specified differential- specified differential-data snapshot has
data snapshot has failed. failed. This message might also be
(differential-data snapshot output when a cluster, node, resource
name = differential-data- group, or virtual server is not running
snapshot-name, mount point normally.
name of differential-data (O)
snapshot = mount-point-
name-of-differential-data- Check the cluster, node, and resource
snapshot) group status. Alternatively, execute
refresh processing, and then check the
virtual server status. If the statuses
are normal and you still cannot identify

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-269

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
the cause of the problem, acquire all
the log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM20507-E An attempt to unmount the A cluster, node, resource group, or

differential-data snapshot has virtual server might not be running
failed. (differential-data normally, or an error occurred.
snapshot name = differential- (O)
data-snapshot-name, mount
point name of differential- Check the cluster, node, and resource
data snapshot = mount-point- group status. Alternatively, execute
name-of-differential-data- refresh processing, and then check the
snapshot-name) virtual server status. If the statuses
are normal and you still cannot identify
the cause of the problem, acquire all
the log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM20508-E No operation other than No operation other than unmounting

unmounting the differential- the differential-data snapshot in which
data snapshot in which an an error occurred can be executed,
error occurred can be because an error occurred during
executed, because an error mount or unmount processing for the
occurred during mount or differential-data snapshot.
unmount processing for the (O)
differential-data snapshot.
(differential-data snapshot Specify the mount point name for the
name = differential-data- differential-data snapshot in which an
snapshot-name, mount point error occurred, and then execute the
name of differential-data unmount of the differential-data
snapshot = mount-point- snapshot. If the error occurs
name-of-differential-data- repeatedly, acquire all the log data,
snapshot-name) and then contact maintenance

KAQM20510-E An attempt to mount a The differential-data snapshot has

differential-data snapshot has already been mounted.
failed. (differential-data (O)
snapshot name = differential-
data-snapshot-name) Select the target resource from the
explorer menu or refresh the tree, and
then check the differential-data
snapshot information.

KAQM20514-E Some of the resources to be Some of the resources to be used for

used for the requested processing are being used exclusively
processing are being used by by another user, or the node being
another user. (differential- used exclusively has stopped.
data snapshot name = (O)
name) Wait a while, and then re-execute. If
the node stops during processing, wait
about 15 minutes or boot the stopped

KAQM20515-E Another user is using a Another user has exclusive control of a

resource required for status- resource required for status-display
display processing. processing, or a node has stopped.
(differential-data snapshot (O)

5-270 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
name = differential-data- Wait a while, and then refresh file
snapshot-name) snapshots information. If a processing
node has stopped, wait about 15
minutes or boot the stopped node.
KAQM20518-E An attempt to set up file The specified file system is already
snapshots failed. (file system using file snapshots or the HFRR
name = file-system-name) functionality.
Select the target resource from the
Explorer menu or refresh the tree, and
then check which function is used by
the file system.

KAQM20520-E An attempt to edit file The specified file system is not using
snapshots settings failed. (file file snapshots or the HFRR
system name = file-system- functionality.
name) (O)
Check the functionality that the file
system is using.

KAQM20521-E An attempt to disable file The specified file system is not using
snapshots failed. (file system file snapshots.
name = file-system-name) (O)
Check the functionality that the file
system is using.

KAQM20522-E The differential-data snapshot The displayed information is not up-to-

name is already in used. date. The differential-data snapshot
(differential-data snapshot name has already been used.
name = differential-data- (O)
Select the target resource from the
explorer menu or refresh the tree, and
then check the differential-data
snapshot information.

KAQM20523-E The differential-data snapshot The displayed information is not up-to-

was not found. date. The differential-data snapshot
has already been deleted.
Select the target resource from the
explorer menu or refresh the tree, and
then check the differential-data
snapshot information.

KAQM20525-E An attempt to unmount a The differential-data snapshot has

differential-data snapshot has already been unmounted.
failed. (differential-data (O)
snapshot name = differential-
data-snapshot-name) Check the differential-data snapshot

KAQM20526-E A timeout has occurred during The system might be in the state of a
the resource operation. high load. Otherwise, another resource
(differential-data snapshot operation might be executed.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-271

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
name = differential-data- Wait a while, and then try again. If this
snapshot-name) message is output repeatedly, acquire
all the log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.
KAQM20530-E An attempt to edit file Processing cannot continue because
snapshots settings failed. (file the differential-data storage device is
system name = file-system- not able to edit file snapshots.
name) (O)
Refresh file snapshots information,
check the status of the differential-
data storage device, and then retry the

KAQM20532-E File snapshots cannot be set File snapshots cannot be set up

up in the specified file system. because the specified file system does
not use a volume manager.
Execute refresh processing, specify a
file system that is using a volume
manager, and then retry the operation.

KAQM20536-E The operation could not be Another administrator is using the file
performed because another system or a file system resource.
administrator is using the file (O)
system or a file system
resource. (file system name = Wait for the other administrator to
file-system-name) finish, and then try again.

KAQM20537-E The controller information An error occurred during acquisition of

could not be acquired. the controller information.
If you are not using the LU auto-
creation function or the Hitachi Storage
Navigator Modular 2 linkage function,
without specifying the IP address of
the controller, register the processing
node again. If you are using the LU
auto-creation function or the Hitachi
Storage Navigator Modular 2 linkage
function, specify the IP address of the
controller, and then register the
processing node again. If an error still
occurs, acquire all the log files and
management server log files, and
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM20538-E Processing to acquire the Processing to acquire the controller

controller information timed information timed out.
out. (timeout value (sec) = (O)
Timeout-value (sec))
There might be a temporary error. If
you are not using the LU auto-creation
function or the Hitachi Storage
Navigator Modular 2 linkage function,
without specifying the IP address of

5-272 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
the controller, register the processing
node again. If you are using the LU
auto-creation function or the Hitachi
Storage Navigator Modular 2 linkage
function, specify the IP address of the
controller, and then register the
processing node again. If an error still
occurs, acquire all the log files and
management server log files, and
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM20700-E An error occurred during An error occurred during

communication with the communication with the physical node
physical node or virtual or virtual server. A temporary error
server. (result code = might have occurred.
information-acquisition- (O)
Try again, because the error might be
temporary. If an error continues to
occur, acquire the management server
log files, and then contact maintenance

KAQM20701-E An error occurred during An error occurred during

communication with the communication with the physical node
physical node or virtual or virtual server. A temporary error
server. (result code = might have occurred.
information-registration- (O)
Try again, because the error might be
temporary. If an error continues to
occur, acquire the management server
log files, and then contact maintenance

KAQM20702-E An internal error occurred. An attempt to create authentication

data has failed.
Acquire all the log files and the
management server log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM20703-E Processing failed because Another administrator is performing an

another administrator is operation on the license.
performing an operation on (O)
the license. (license name =
license-name) Wait for the other administrator to
finish the operation on the license, and
then try again.

KAQM20705-E processing-name processing A license required for processing is not

failed because a license-name available.
license is not set. (O)
Set a license, and then retry the

KAQM20706-E The operation has failed. The hardware does not support this

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-273

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
See the manual corresponding to the
version of the processing node in use.

KAQM20707-E A license-name license is A required license is not available.

required to use the function- (O)
name functionality.
To use this function, make sure that a
required license is available.

KAQM20708-E This function is not supported This function is not supported on the
on the registered processing registered processing node.
node. (O)
See the manual corresponding to the
version of the processing node in use.

KAQM20709-E Processing ended with the The warning message was output by
message-ID warning the node startup processing.
message. (O)
Follow the action for the warning
message. The node might be running.
Check the status of the node and
resource group, and then perform a

KAQM20801-E The specified IP address is The displayed information might not be

already being used. (IP up-to-date. The IP address is already
address = IP-address) in use.
Specify another IP address, and then
try again.

KAQM20802-E Deletion of a virtual server The virtual server might not be

has failed. (virtual server stopped.
name = virtual-server-name) (O)
Check the status of the virtual server,
remove the cause of the error, and
then retry the operation.

KAQM20803-E An attempt to edit information Information required for processing

about the virtual server has could not be acquired.
failed. (virtual server name = (O)
Execute refresh processing, and then
try again. If the error occurs again,
acquire all log files and management
server log files, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM20804-E Creation of a virtual server There are no usable LUs.

has failed. (O)
Prepare usable LUs, and then try

KAQM20807-E Creation of a virtual server Information necessary for processing

has failed. could not be acquired.

5-274 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Execute refresh processing, and then
try again. If the error occurs again,
acquire all log files and management
server log files, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM20808-E The specified operation could The operation could not be performed
not be performed because the because the virtual server is being
virtual server is being refreshed.
refreshed. (virtual server (O)
name = virtual-server-name)
Wait until refresh processing has
finished, and then try again.

KAQM20809-E Processing has failed because Processing has failed because another
another administrator is administrator is performing operations
performing operations on the on the physical node or virtual server.
specified physical node or (O)
virtual server. (physical node
name or virtual server name Wait a while, and then try again.
= physical-node-name or

KAQM20810-W The specified operation was There is a file share that does not
completed. File shares that belong to any file system. The file
did not belong to the file system might have been deleted, or a
system were ignored. (virtual failover might be executing.
server name = virtual-server- (O)
name, number of ignored file
shares = number-of-ignored- If the file system has been deleted,
file-shares) use commands to delete the ignored
file shares. Alternatively, wait a while,
and then execute refresh processing.

KAQM20811-E Mgmt. LAN IP address is The Mgmt. LAN IP address is already in

already in use. ( IP address = use.
IP-address) (O)
Please confirm Mgmt. LAN IP address
after executing the refresh processing.
specify another Mgmt. LAN IP address,
and execute it again.

KAQM20812-E An attempt to fail over or fail The virtual server might be stopped.
back the virtual server has (O)
failed. (virtual server name =
virtual-server-name) Check the status of the virtual server,
remove the cause of the error, and
then try again.

KAQM20813-E The operation has failed. The operation could not be performed
because the node status is not "UP. "
To check the node status, click [Cluster
Management]. Remove the cause of
the error, execute refresh processing,
and then retry the operation.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-275

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM20814-E The operation has failed. Communication with a physical node

has failed.
Make sure the physical node is
running. If necessary, revise the
network settings. Next, execute
refresh processing, check the physical
node status, and then retry the

KAQM20815-W Virtual server information was Virtual server information was not
not updated. updated because the node is not in the
"UP" status.
To update virtual server information,
click [Cluster Management], change
the node status to "UP", and then
refresh the information.

KAQM20816-E An attempt to acquisition Communication with a physical node

information about the virtual has failed.
server has failed. (O)
Make sure the physical node is
running. If necessary, revise the
network settings. Then, execute
refresh processing.

KAQM20817-E Deletion of a virtual server A resource might be in use.

has failed. (virtual server (O)
name = virtual-server-name)
Check the status of the virtual server,
remove the cause of the error, and
then retry the operation.

KAQM20819-W The refresh processing of The status of the virtual server does
virtual server was not able to not allow execution.
be done. (virtual server name (O)
= virtual-server-name)
Check the status of the virtual server
and, if necessary, try again.

KAQM20820-E An attempt to fail over or fail Information required for processing

back the virtual server has could not be acquired.
failed. (virtual server name = (O)
Execute refresh processing, and then
try again. If the error occurs again,
acquire all log files and management
server log files, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM20821-E An attempt to edit the virtual A virtual server exists which is not in
server information has failed online status, offline status, or partial
(virtual server name = online status.
virtual-server-name) (O)
Perform the refresh operation, and
then check the statuses of all the

5-276 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
virtual servers. If the virtual servers
are running abnormally, remove the
cause of the problem, and then retry
the operation.

KAQM20822-W An attempt to communicate An IP address that can communicate

with the virtual server has with the management server is not set
failed. (virtual server name = for the virtual server.
virtual-server-name) (O)
On a port used for communication with
the physical node, set a virtual server
IP address that can communicate with
the management server via the same
protocol. Check the network settings of
the virtual server, remove any
problems, and then retry the

KAQM21 messages
This section explains messages that have a message ID beginning with
KAQM21, and the actions to be taken if such messages appear.

Table 5-15 KAQM21 messages

Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM21000-E An option is invalid. The number of strings specified for

(arguments) arguments is not correct.
Correct the arguments.

KAQM21001-E The specified argument is not The specified argument is not a

a directory. (name-of-invalid- directory.
argument = value-of-invalid- (O)
Specify the directory in argument.

KAQM21002-E This platform is not The command was executed on a

supported. platform not supported by File Services
Manager server.
See online Help to check which
platforms File Services Manager server

KAQM21003-E An I/O error occurred. An error occurred during I/O

(details: details) processing. Processing might have
been executed by a user who does not
have Administrator permissions.
Log in again as a user who has
Administrator permissions. If an error

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-277

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
occurs again, contact the maintenance

KAQM21004-I File-name was not found. No action is required.

KAQM21005-Q New password: No action is required.

KAQM21006-Q Re-enter new password: No action is required.

KAQM21007-I The password was changed No action is required.


KAQM21008-E The length of the specified The length of the specified password is
password is invalid. invalid.
Specify a password that has a valid

KAQM21009-E An invalid character has been An invalid character has been

specified. specified.
Specify valid characters only.

KAQM21010-E The re-entered password does The re-entered password does not
not match. match.
Try again.

KAQM21011-E An internal error occurred. An attempt to change password has

Cause cause. failed.
Acquire all the log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM21012-I The logs were collected No action is required.


KAQM21013-E An attempt to execute the log There might not be enough free space
collection command for saving collected log files.
(hcmdsgetlogs) has failed. (O)
(error code = return-code-of-
hcmdsgetlogs) Ensure there is enough free space, and
then try again. If an error occurs
again, contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM21014-E An attempt to delete the log The directory might be in use.

collection directory has failed. (O)
Delete the directory manually, or
execute the hcmdsgetlogs command
manually by using another directory.

KAQM21015-E An internal error occurred. An attempt to collect logs has failed.

Contact maintenance personnel.

5-278 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM21016-I Is it OK to delete full-path-of- No action is required.

log_archive-directory? [Y/

KAQM21017-Q Performing this operation will No action is required.

reset the admin user's
password. Are you sure you
want to reset the password?

KAQM21018-E Processing failed. A temporary error occurred.

Wait a while, and then retry the
operation. If the error occurs
repeatedly, acquire all the log files,
and then contact maintenance

KAQM21019-E The syntax is incorrect. The syntax is incorrect.

Refer to the manual, specify the
options correctly, and then retry the

KAQM21020-Q Performing this operation No action is required.

might cause some services to
restart. Are you sure you
want to perform this
operation? (services =
service-name) (y/n)

KAQM21021-Q Performing this operation will No action is required.

reset the account settings for
the user "user-name". Are
you sure you want to execute
this operation? (y/n)

KAQM21022-Q Performing this operation will No action is required.

unlock the account for the
user "user-name". Are you
sure you want to execute this
operation? (y/n)

KAQM21023-E An argument specified for the The argument specified for the
option option-whose- indicated option is invalid.
argument-is-specified- (O)
incorrectly is invalid.
Specify a valid value as described in

KAQM21024-E An attempt to start the An invalid file was specified.

service-name has failed. (O)
Specify a valid file.

KAQM21025-E The specified file does not The specified file does not exist in the
exist in the home directory. home directory.
(file name = file-name) (O)

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-279

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Confirm whether the specified file
exists in the home directory.

KAQM21026-E The specified private key file The specified file or password might be
and password do not match. invalid.
Make sure the specified information is
valid, and then retry the operation.

KAQM21027-E The character string to be set The setting cannot be applied, because
in the certificate signing the total number of characters
request file is too long. specified for the arguments of the
following options exceeds the upper
Make sure that the total number of
characters to be set in the certificate
signing request file does not exceed
the upper limit, and then try the
operation again. For details about the
total number of characters that can be
specified, see the manual CLI
Administrator's Guide.

KAQM21028-I Usage: command-syntax This message displays the format of

the command.
If a syntax error occurs, check the
format of the command, and then

KAQM21029-E A file with the same name as A file with the same name as the
the specified file already specified file already exists in the
exists in the home directory. home directory.
(file name = file-name) (O)
Specify the name of a file that does
not exist in the home directory.

KAQM21100-E The operation has failed. The displayed information is not up-to-
Execute refresh processing and, if
necessary, try again.

5-280 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM21103-E Processing failed because an A problem might exist in the

unexpected internal error processing.
occurred. (Detail = detail) (O)
Acquire all the log files and the
management server log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM21104-E The total capacity of the LUs The displayed information is not up-to-
exceeds the maximum. date, or the total capacity of the LUs
exceeds the limit to which the file
system capacity can be expanded.
Execute refresh processing, then
specify LUs whose total capacity does
not exceed the maximum capacity, and
then retry the operation.

KAQM21107-E Unmounting cannot be A file system that has a setting for a

performed because a file CIFS share cannot be unmounted. The
share exists. displayed information is not up-to-
Release the file share, and then retry
unmounting of the file system.

KAQM21108-E Unmounting cannot be A file system that has a setting for an

performed because a file NFS share cannot be unmounted. The
share exists. displayed information is not up-to-
Release the file share, and then retry
unmounting of the file system.

KAQM21111-E A resource group to which the A resource group to which the

specified file share belongs is specified file share belongs is in the
in the Offline state, or a Offline state, or a failover might have
failover might have occurred. occurred.
Execute refresh processing, and then
check the statuses of the resource
group and cluster.

KAQM21118-E The specified directory does The entered shared directory does not
not exist. (entered data = exist.
directory-name) (O)
Select [Create directory / change
directory owner] from [Export point
owner], and then try again.

KAQM21120-E The specified name is already The specified the CIFS share name is
registered as a CIFS share already being used by another CIFS
name. share. The displayed information might
not be up-to-date.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-281

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Execute refresh processing, and then
specify another CIFS share name.

KAQM21124-E The number of created CIFS The number of created CIFS shares
shares has reached the has reached the maximum.
maximum. (O)
Execute refresh processing, release
any unnecessary CIFS shares, and
then create the new CIFS share.

KAQM21125-E The number of created NFS The number of created NFS shares has
shares has reached the reached the maximum.
maximum. (O)
Execute refresh processing, release
any unnecessary NFS shares, and then
create the new NFS share.

KAQM21126-E The directory cannot be The directory cannot be created

created because a parent because a parent directory does not
directory does not exist. exist. There might be a conflict with an
(specified value = directory- operation of another system
name) administrator.
Retry the operation.

KAQM21130-E The specified directory The specified directory operation

operation failed due to a failed. The file system might be
reason such as blocking of the blocked. The displayed information is
file system. (specified value = not up-to-date.
directory-name) (O)
Execute refresh processing, and then
check the state of the file system in
the list of file systems. If the file
system has an error status, acquire all
the log files and the management
server log files, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM21133-E The specified file system is The specified file system or the LU
blocked. being used by the file system is
blocked. Please check the file system
status. In the GUI, if "File system
status" is "Device error", the LU is
blocked. If "Data corrupted", is
displayed, the file system is blocked.
See the troubleshooting information in
the Help to check the status of the file
system and the LU, and then contact
maintenance personnel to fix the error.

KAQM21134-W The file system was mounted If an attempt is made to mount a file
with the Quota setting system that is full when the Quota
disabled because the file setting is enabled, the setting will be
system is full. ignored, and then file system will be
mounted with the Quota setting

5-282 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
disabled. The displayed information is
not up-to-date.
Execute refresh processing. Delete any
unnecessary data on the file system,
or increase the capacity of the file
system, and then retry mounting with
the Quota setting enabled.

KAQM21137-E A symbolic link is contained in A symbolic link is contained in the

the value specified for the value specified for the shared
shared directory. (entered directory.
data = share-directory-name) (O)
Specify a path that does not include a
symbolic link for a shared directory.

KAQM21139-E An attempt to perform the The displayed information is not up-to-

operation failed because the date.
file system corresponding to (O)
the specified file share does
not exist. That file system If the specified file share exists,
might have been deleted by release it. If you want to re-create the
another system administrator. same file share then, before you
release it, save the file share's setting
information. After that, execute refresh
processing, and then check the latest

KAQM21141-E The specified user or group The specified name might not be
cannot be used. (name = registered in the system or be able to
user-name-or-group-name) be used in the system. Alternatively, if
a directory server is being used,
connection to the server might not
have been possible.
If you are using a directory server,
make sure that connection to the
server is possible. If you are not using
a directory server, or if connection to
the directory server is possible, make
sure the specified name is registered in
the system and that it can be used in
the system, and then try again.
For a group name, an at mark (@)
might be displayed at the beginning of
the name.

KAQM21143-E This operation cannot be The operation can be performed on the

performed because the physical node on which the resource
resource group, to which the group, to which the file system
file system corresponding to corresponding to the specified
the specified directory directory belongs, is active.
belongs, is active on another (O)
physical node in the cluster.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-283

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Execute refresh processing, and then
perform the operation on the other
physical node that is online, or place
the physical node online, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM21144-E An attempt to update the NFS The network address of the host could
share has failed. The network not be found.
address of the host could not (O)
be found. (entered value =
specified-client-host) Execute refresh processing, and check
whether the specified file share exists.
If it does not exist, specify the existing
host or network, and create the file
share again. If the specified file share
exists, edit the file share, adding the
NFS share that specifies the existing
host or network.

KAQM21145-E The directory operation The directory operation cannot be

cannot be performed because performed because there are no write
there are no write permissions for the mounted file
permissions for the mounted system.
file system. (specified value = (O)
Mount the file system with write
permissions, and then retry the
operation. If you want to use the
existing directory, specify the shared
directory as the existing directory, and
inherit the permissions.

KAQM21146-E An attempt was made to The cluster configuration is not

execute the operation while defined.
the cluster configuration is (O)
not defined.
Click the [Cluster Management]
button, define the cluster
configuration, and then try again.

KAQM21147-E An attempt to create an NFS An NFS share has already been created
share has failed. (specified in a super- or sub-directory of the
sub-directory = specified-sub- specified directory.
directory-name) (O)
Execute refresh processing, and check
whether there is not a NFS share
created in a super- or sub-directory,
and then try again. If necessary,
release any existing NFS share from
the super- or sub-directory, and then
try again.

KAQM21148-E The number of file systems An attempt was made to create a

has already reached the number of file systems exceeding the
maximum number. maximum.

5-284 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Execute refresh processing, delete an
unnecessary file system and retry. See
the help for the maximum number of
file systems.

KAQM21149-E The same host is specified The same host cannot be specified
more than once for the host more than once for the host or
or network of NFS share. network of NFS share.
Correct the value of the duplicated
host specified for the host or network
of NFS share, and then retry

KAQM21150-E The resource group you tried A file system can be created on the
to register file system node to which the resource group that
information for is active on is managing the file system
the other node in the cluster. information has been moved.
Move the resource group, and then
perform the operation.

KAQM21152-E The ACL cannot be set There is not enough free space in the
because there is not enough file system for the ACL setting.
free space in the file system (O)
corresponding to the specified
directory. (entered data = Delete any unnecessary data in the file
specified-sub-directory-name) system or increase the file system
capacity, and then retry the operation.

KAQM21153-E The specified file system is a The displayed information has not
Classic ACL type. been updated.
Execute refresh processing, and then
check the ACL type of the specified file
system in the list of file systems.

KAQM21154-E The specified LU does not The displayed information is not up to

exist, or the size of the LU date.
allocated to the virtual server (O)
was changed.
Depending on the cause of the
problem, perform either of the
(1) If the size of the LU allocated to
the virtual server was changed
Release the LU from the virtual server,
and then refresh the processing node.
Verify the status of the specified LU on
both nodes, reallocate the LU, and
then retry the operation.
(2) In all other cases
Refresh the processing node, verify the
status of the specified LU on both
nodes, and then retry the operation.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-285

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
If the problem persists, acquire all the
log files and the management server
log files, and then contact maintenance

KAQM21155-E Creation of a virtual server Initialization of a virtual server OS LU

failed. failed.
Acquire all the log files and the
management server log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM21156-E Processing failed because an Processing failed because an internal

internal error occurred. error occurred. A timeout might have
occurred while installing the program
to a virtual server.
Check whether an error has occurred
by referring to the system messages of
the physical node and the
corresponding virtual server. Take
action according to the message
KAQM35nnn output among the system
messages. If a system message is not
output, acquire all the log files (in
addition to the log files acquired by
batch acquisition, also acquire the
management server log files), and
then contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM21157-E An attempt to perform file The license for [license-name] is not

sharing has failed, because a set.
license is not set. (O)
Set the license, restart the resource
group or the virtual server, refresh the
processing node, and then try again.

KAQM21158-E The operation has failed. One of the nodes in the cluster might
have stopped, or a network error
might have occurred.
Make sure that both of the nodes in
the cluster are running. Also, make
sure that there are no network errors.
After resolving any problems, retry the
operation. If the error persists, acquire
all the log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM21201-E The operation has failed. The displayed information is not up-to-
Execute refresh processing, and then
retry the operation. If the error occurs

5-286 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
again, acquire all the log data and the
management server log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM21202-E The specified LU cannot be The displayed information is not up to

assigned to a virtual server date.
because the LU is being used The specified LU cannot be assigned to
on the physical node. a virtual server because the LU is
being used on the physical node.
Execute refresh processing, specify a
different LU, and then retry the

KAQM21203-E The specified LU cannot be The displayed information is not up-to-

assigned because it is already date. The specified LU cannot be
assigned to a virtual server. assigned because it is already assigned
to a virtual server.
Execute refresh processing, specify a
different LU, and then retry the

KAQM21204-E The specified LU cannot be The displayed information is not up-to-

released from the virtual date.
server because the LU is The specified LU cannot be released
being used. from the virtual server because the LU
is being used.
Execute refresh processing, specify a
different LU, and then retry the

KAQM21205-E IP addresses of different IP addresses of different networks are

networks are specified in the specified in the same interface.
same interface. (O)
Execute refresh processing, and then
retry the operation if necessary.

KAQM21206-E Processing failed because an A problem might exist in the

unexpected internal error processing.
occurred. (Detail = detail) (O)
Delete the virtual server, and then
retry the operation. When the error
occurs again, acquire all the log files
and the management server log files,
and contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM21211-E This operation cannot be This operation cannot be performed

performed because the virtual because the virtual server is not
server is not running running normally.
normally. (O)

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-287

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Execute refresh processing, make sure
that the virtual server is running
normally, and then retry the operation.

KAQM21212-E Processing of the failover The failover function returned an error.

function has failed. (O)
Examine the physical node and virtual
server system messages to check
whether an error occurred. If a
KAQM35nnn message was output to
the system messages, take
appropriate action. If neither message
was output, acquire all the File
Services Manager log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel. See
online Help for a list of the File
Services Manager log files.

KAQM21213-E Communication on the Communication on the processing node

processing node has failed. has failed.
The LAN cable might have been
disconnected. Make sure that the LAN
cable is connected. Additionally, the
synchronization processing of a
processing node might not have
finished because one of the physical
nodes was heavily loaded. Make sure
that the status of the load on the
physical node is normal, and then retry
the operation. If this error occurs
again, contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM21214-E An IP address is already The displayed information is not up-to-

specified for the specified date.
interface. (O)
Execute refresh processing, and then
retry the operation if necessary.

KAQM21215-E No IP address is specified for The displayed information is not up-to-

the specified interface. date.
Execute refresh processing, and then
retry the operation if necessary.

KAQM21216-E The specified IP address is The specified IP address is already in

already in use. (IP address = use.
IP-addresses) (O)
Execute refresh processing, check the
IP addresses on the [List of Interfaces]
page of the [Network & System
Configuration] dialog box, specify a
different IP address, and then retry the

5-288 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM21218-E The status of the specified The status of the specified virtual
virtual server does not allow server does not allow execution.
execution. (O)
Execute refresh processing, check the
status of the virtual server, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM21219-E Resources required by the Resources to be used for the

requested process are being processing are being used exclusively
used by another user. by another user, or the physical node
or virtual server being used has
Please retry the operation. If the
physical node or virtual server stopped
during processing, wait about 15
minutes or start the stopped physical
node or virtual server. If this message
is displayed during the system
software installation, execute refresh
processing, and then confirm that the
system software has been updated. If
the system software has not been
updated, check the cluster status, and
after confirming that no other
administrators are performing
operations, reattempt the installation.
See G. Actions for when a timeout
occurs due to the inability to secure
the resources used for processing, and
follow the procedure that is listed.

KAQM21220-E File system functions cannot The resource group or virtual server is
be used because the resource not running normally.
group or virtual server is not (O)
running normally.
Execute refresh processing. Check the
cluster, node, and resource group
status or the virtual server status, and
then retry the operation.

KAQM21221-E Deletion of resource The node or virtual server is not

information has failed, either operating normally or an internal
because the node or virtual processing problem might exist.
server is not operating (O)
normally or because an
internal processing problem Check the cluster, node, and resource
exists. group status or the virtual server
status, and then retry the operation.
If no status problems exist, acquire all
the log data and the management
server log files, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-289

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM21222-E The file system specified for The file system specified for the shared
the shared directory is not directory is not mounted. This might
mounted. This might be due be due to the resource group being in
to the resource group being in the Offline state, a failover occurring,
the Offline state, a failover or the virtual server not running
occurring, or the virtual normally.
server not running normally. (O)
Execute refresh processing, and then,
if the resource group is in the Offline
state, a failover is occurring, or the
virtual server is not running normally,
remove the cause of the problem, and
then retry the operation. If the file
system is not mounted, mount it, and
then retry the operation.

KAQM21226-E The specified LUs do not There is an error in the number of

satisfy the conditions for specified LUs, or the LUs are not all of
striping. the same size. The displayed
information might not be up-to-date.
Execute the refresh processing, and
then check the striping settings. If you
cannot use the GUI to check the
settings, use the CLI to check them. If
necessary, execute the operation

KAQM21227-E The operation cannot be The operation cannot be performed

performed because the virtual because the virtual server is in
server settings might be Operation Incomplete status.
inconsistent. (virtual server (O)
name = virtual-server-whose-
settings-are-inconsistent, Check the status of the virtual server,
details = interrupted- and then correct the cause of the
processing, details-about-the- problem.
interrupted-processing) For details on how to do so, see the
online Help.

KAQM21228-E This operation cannot be This operation cannot be performed on

performed in the physical the physical node. IP address might
node. have been changed.
Update information for the virtual
server, clicking on a [Refresh
Processing Node] button, and retry the
operation if necessary.

KAQM21229-E This operation cannot be This operation cannot be performed on

performed in the virtual the virtual server. IP address might
server. have been changed.
Register the processing node again by
the [Edit Node] dialog, and retry the
operation if necessary.

5-290 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM21240-E Execution is not possible Execution is not possible because the

because the resource group or resource group or virtual server is not
virtual server is not operating operating normally or a resource has
normally or a resource has been blocked.
been blocked. (O)
Execute refresh processing. Check the
cluster, node, and resource group
status or the virtual server status, and
then retry the operation.

KAQM21241-E The operation has failed. The specified virtual server is not
Execute refresh processing, check the
status of the virtual server, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM21242-E The specified user LU does The specified user LU might not be
not exist. connected to the current active node of
the virtual server, or an error in the
path to the specified user LU might
have occurred.
Execute refresh processing, check the
user LU status for the current active
node of the virtual server, and then
retry the operation if necessary.

KAQM21243-E The specified LUs are from The displayed information is not up-to-
two or more different storage date. The specified LUs are from two or
systems. more different storage systems.
Execute refresh processing, specify
LUs from the same storage system,
and then retry the operation.

KAQM21244-E The specified number of LUs The displayed information is not up-to-
exceeds the maximum date. The specified number of LUs
number. exceeds the maximum number.
Execute refresh processing, make sure
the number of specified LUs is valid,
and then retry the operation.

KAQM21245-E The storage system of the LU The displayed information is not up-to-
making up the file system is date. The storage system of the LU
different from the storage making up the file system is different
system of the specified LU. from the storage system of the
specified LU.
Execute refresh processing, specify the
same storage system for the LU as the
storage system of the LU that makes

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-291

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
up the file system, and then retry the

KAQM21246-W The currently used i-node If a value smaller than the currently
capacity was set as the used i-node capacity is specified as the
maximum capacity, because a maximum capacity, the currently used
value smaller than the i-node capacity is set as the maximum
currently used i-node capacity capacity.
was specified as the (O)
maximum capacity.
Execute refresh processing, and then
check the i-node capacity that is
currently being used. If you want to
decrease the percentage of the
maximum capacity that is usable as
the i-node capacity, expand the
capacity of the file system.

KAQM21247-E The file system is being The operation cannot be performed

blocked because there is not because either the file system is being
enough space on the blocked because there is not enough
differential-data storage space on the differential-data storage
device, or there might be a device, or there might be a problem
problem with the differential- with the differential-data storage
data storage device. device.
Refresh the file snapshots information
in [List of File Systems], check the
status indicated for the file system,
and then take action appropriate to the

KAQM21248-E Creation of a virtual server The capacity of the virtual server OS

has failed. LU has exceeded the maximum
capacity, or the displayed information
might not be up-to-date.
Execute the refresh processing, specify
a virtual server OS LU that has a
capacity below the maximum capacity,
and then execute the operation again.

KAQM21249-E The operation failed. The displayed information might not be

up to date. A V-VOL of Copy-on-Write
Snapshot has been specified.
Execute refresh processing, check the
specified LU, and then retry the

KAQM21251-E An attempt to expand the file There might be an internal conflict as a

system failed because the result of the files in the file system
system is currently under a being accessed too many times (i.e.
heavy load. write operations) by the clients.

5-292 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Wait a while, refresh the system
information, and then use the [List of
File Systems] window to confirm that
the file system has expanded. If the
file system has not expanded, acquire
all the log files, and then contact
maintenance personnel. See online
Help for a list of the log files.

KAQM21252-E The capacity of the This operation cannot be performed

differential-data storage because the capacity of the
device is insufficient. differential-data storage device is
Refresh file snapshots information.
Expand the differential-data storage
device, or delete any unnecessary
differential-data snapshots.

KAQM21253-E The specified file system is The operation cannot be performed

expanding. because the specified file system is
Wait a while, refresh the system
information, and then use the [List of
File Systems] window to confirm that
the file system has expanded. If the
file system has expanded, try the
operation again. If the file system has
not expanded, acquire all the log files,
and then contact maintenance
personnel. See online Help for a list of
the log files.

KAQM21254-E The operation has failed. The operation cannot be performed

because neither of the nodes is
Click the [Cluster Management]
button, and then check the statuses of
both nodes. Remove the cause of the
error, and then retry the operation.

KAQM21255-W The license has been entered, There might be a problem in the
but the license information acquisition of the license information,
could not be acquired. even though the license has already
been entered.
Refresh the license information, and
then check it. If the error occurs again,
acquire all the Management log files,
and then contact maintenance
personnel. For details about the list of
Management log files, see online Help.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-293

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM21256-W The number of automatically Possible causes are as follows:

created differential-data -The number of automatically created
snapshots exceeds the differential-data snapshots exceeds the
specified maximum number of specified maximum number of
automatically created automatically created snapshots.
-The displayed information is not up to
Update file snapshots information, and
then delete any unnecessary
differential-data snapshots that were
automatically created.

KAQM21257-W The number of automatically Possible causes are as follows:

mounted differential-data -The number of automatically mounted
snapshots exceeds the differential-data snapshots exceeds the
specified maximum number of specified maximum number of
automatically mounted automatically mounted snapshots.
-The displayed information is not up to
Update file snapshots information, and
then unmount any unnecessary
differential-data snapshots that were
automatically mounted.

KAQM21258-E Processing of the failover The failover function returned an error.

function failed. (O)
Check whether any KAQG7nnnn
messages have been output for either
node in the cluster, and if they have,
take appropriate action. If no
messages have been output, see the
troubleshooting chapter in online Help,
and then take appropriate action. If
you cannot identify the cause of the
error, acquire all the log files and the
management server log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel. See
online Help for a list of the log files.

KAQM21259-E An attempt to edit the WORM The WORM function settings cannot be
properties has failed. changed because the specified file
(processing node name = system is not a WORM file system.
processing-node-name, file (O)
system name = file-system-
name) Execute refresh processing, and then
check the specified file system.

KAQM21260-E ACL-type conversion After a WORM file system is created,

operations cannot be its ACL type cannot be converted.
performed because the (O)
specified file system is a
WORM file system. Execute refresh processing, and then
(processing node name = check the specified file system.

5-294 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
processing-node-name, file
system name = file-system-

KAQM21262-E An error was found in the The minimum retention period is more
correlation among the than the maximum retention period, or
minimum, default, and the default retention period is less than
maximum retention periods the minimum retention period, or the
on the WORM file system. default retention period is more than
(processing node name = the maximum retention period.
processing-node-name, file (O)
system name = file-system-
name) Execute refresh processing, check the
value of minimum retention period and
maximum retention period, and then
retry the operation by corrected value.

KAQM21263-E An attempt to edit the file Processing cannot be performed for

system has failed. (processing the specified file system because it was
node name = processing- not mounted with read and write
node-name, file system name permissions.
= file-system-name) (O)
Execute refresh processing, mount the
specified file system in the read-write
status, and then retry the operation.

KAQM21264-E The operation has failed. A conflict with another system

administrator's operation or system
error may have occurred.
Wait a while, and then refresh the
system information. If the error
continues to occur, acquire all the log
files and the management server log
files, and then contact maintenance

KAQM21270-E A version earlier than the The specified version of the program is
already installed version earlier than the installed version.
cannot be installed. (The (O)
specified version = the-
specified-version) Please install a program version that is
a later version of, or the same version
as, the already installed version.

KAQM21271-E An attempt to install the The system may be busy.

program failed. (O)
Retry execution. Acquire all the
Management log files if this error
occurs again, and inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM21272-E An attempt to install the A problem may exist in the processing

program failed. of the program information or program
management file.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-295

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Retry execution. Acquire all the
Management log files if this error
occurs again, and inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM21273-E Internal processing failed. A problem may exist in the processing

of the program management file, the
OS disk or the system file.
Retry execution. Acquire all the
Management log files if this error
occurs again, and inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM21274-E An invalid installation file was The specified file is not in the format of
specified. an installation file.
Make sure that the specified file is an
installation file, and then retry the
operation. If the error occurs again,
acquire all the Management log files
and the installation file for which the
setup failed, and then contact
maintenance personnel. See online
Help for a list of Management log files.

KAQM21275-E An attempt to write to an An unexpected error occurred while

installation file has failed. writing a to file.
Acquire all the Management log files,
and then contact maintenance
personnel. See online Help for a list of
the Management log files.

KAQM21276-E An attempt to extract an An unexpected error occurred while

installation file has failed. extracting an installation file.
Acquire all the Management log files,
and then contact maintenance
personnel. See online Help for a list of
the Management log files.

KAQM21277-E An attempt to acquire the list An attempt to acquire the list of

of packages has failed. packages has failed.
(details code = detail-code) (O)
Use maintenance mode to acquire the
OS log, and then contact maintenance

KAQM21278-E An attempt to copy a package An attempt to copy a package has

has failed. (details code = failed.
detail-code) (O)

5-296 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Check whether there are any problems
with the internal HDDs. If there are no
problems with the internal HDDs,
acquire the OS log, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM21279-E An attempt to install a An attempt to install a package has

package has failed. (details failed.
code = detail-code) (O)
Check whether there are any problems
with the internal HDDs. If there are no
problems with the internal HDDs,
acquire the OS log, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM21280-E An attempt to acquire the An attempt to acquire the version

version information has failed. information has failed.
(details code = detail-code) (O)
Reinstall the product. If the error
occurs again, contact maintenance

KAQM21281-E An attempt to write to a An attempt to write to a system file

system file has failed. (details has failed.
code = detail-code) (O)
Check whether there are any problems
with the internal HDDs. If there are no
problems with the internal HDDs,
acquire the OS log, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM21282-E An attempt to access an An attempt to access an internal HDD

internal HDD has failed. has failed.
(details code = detail-code) (O)
Check whether there are any problems
with the internal HDDs. If there are no
problems with the internal HDDs,
acquire the OS log, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM21283-E An attempt to mount a file An attempt to mount a file system has

system has failed. (number of failed.
partitions = number-of- (O)
Check whether there are any problems
with the internal HDDs. If there are no
problems with the internal HDDs,
acquire the OS log, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM21284-E An attempt to back up the An attempt to back up the settings file

settings file has failed. has failed.
Check whether there are any problems
with the internal HDDs. If there are no
problems with the internal HDDs,

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-297

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
acquire the OS log, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM21285-E An attempt to restore the An attempt to restore the settings file

settings file has failed. has failed.
Check whether there are any problems
with the internal HDDs. If there are no
problems with the internal HDDs,
acquire the OS log, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM21286-E An attempt to configure the An attempt to configure the boot

boot loader has failed. loader has failed.
Check whether there are any problems
with the internal HDDs. If there are no
problems with the internal HDDs,
acquire the OS log, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM21287-E An update installation cannot An update installation cannot be

be performed because there is performed because there is not enough
not enough space on the space on the internal HDDs.
internal HDDs. (O)
Delete the core files, log files, and any
unnecessary files under the home
directory, and then re-attempt the
upgrade installation. If the error occurs
again, acquire the OS log, and contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM21288-E An internal error has A problem might exist in the

occurred. (details code = processing.
detail-code) (O)
Acquire the OS log, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM21289-E An installation script failed. An installation script failed.

(script name = name-of- (O)
Acquire the OS log, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM21290-E A timeout occurred during the A timeout occurred during the

installation. installation.
Acquire the OS log, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM21291-E The number of directories for A new share quota cannot be set
which a capacity is set has because the number of directories for
reached the maximum. which a capacity is set has reached the

5-298 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Use a command to check how many
directories in the file system have a
capacity set for them. Also, if there is
an unnecessary capacity set for a
directory, remove the capacity setting
from the directory.

KAQM21292-E An attempt to acquire the A problem might exist in the

share quota information has processing to acquire share quota
failed. information.
Acquire all the log files and the
management server log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM21293-E An attempt to set a share A problem might exist in the

quota or release settings has processing to set the share quota.
failed. (O)
Acquire all the log files and the
management server log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM21294-E An attempt to acquire system There might be a heavy load on the

information has failed. system or a system error might have
Wait a while, and then try again. If the
error occurs again, acquire all the log
files and the management server log
files, and then contact maintenance

KAQM21295-E An attempt to acquire mount A problem might exist in the OS disk

information has failed. or in the processing to acquire mount
Check the OS disk settings and
whether an error exists on the OS disk.
If there is no problem, acquire all the
log files and the management server
log files, and then contact maintenance

KAQM21296-E The file system (file-system- A problem might exist with the file
name) for which the specified system for which the specified file
file share is being created is share is being created.
not in a normal state. (O)
Check whether an error occurred in the
file system for which the specified file
share is being created. If there is no
problem, acquire all the log files and
the management server log files, and
then contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-299

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM21297-E An attempt to open the log There might be either a problem with
files has failed. log files or a conflict with other
Wait a while, and then try again. If the
error occurs again, check the settings
for the OS disk. If there is no problem,
acquire all the log files and the
management server log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM21298-E A mounted directory was A differential-data snapshot in a share

detected during processing. might have been made public.
If a differential-data snapshot in a
share has been made public, unmount
the snapshot, and then retry the

KAQM21299-E Some of the resources to be Some of the resources to be used for

used for the requested processing are being used exclusively
processing are being used by by another user, or the node being
another user. used exclusively has stopped.
Wait a while, and then execute again.
If the node stops during processing,
wait about 15 minutes or boot the
stopped node.

KAQM21300-E An attempt to open a system There might be a problem in the

file has failed. system file or contention with other
processing might have occurred.
Wait a while, and then try again. If the
error occurs again, check the settings
for the OS disk. If there is no problem,
acquire all of the kernel logs, and then
contact maintenance personnel. See
the help for details on how to acquire
kernel logs.

KAQM21301-E In the cluster, nodes that A problem exists in the communication

cannot synchronize exist. processing between nodes.
The LAN cable might have been
disconnected. Make sure that the LAN
cable is connected. Also, the
synchronization processing might not
have completed because one of the
nodes is heavily loaded. In this case,
make sure that the state of the node
changes to normal (that is, not heavily
loaded), and then retry the operation.
If the error occurs again, inform
maintenance personnel.

5-300 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM21302-E An attempt to specify the The specified file system ( file system
settings failed because the file name ) is mounted with read-only
system ( file-system-name ) permissions.
is mounted with read-only (O)
Remount the file system with read/
write permissions, and then try again.

KAQM21303-E The operation has failed. The operation cannot be executed on

the specified node.
Refresh processing, or register the
processing node again.

KAQM21304-E An attempt to set the IP The operation was performed on a

address failed. virtual server to which only one IP
address is assigned. This operation
cannot be performed while the virtual
server is running.
Stop the virtual server, or set another
IP address and then retry the

KAQM21305-W The specified routing entry The specified routing entry already
already exists. exists, or an attempt was made to
register two or more default routing
Make sure that the routing settings
you are attempting to add do not
already exist, and that the routing
settings on the nodes in the cluster are
the same. If the routing settings
already exist, specify different settings.
If the routing settings on the nodes in
the cluster are not the same, delete
the settings, and then specify new

KAQM21306-E The operation failed. This operation cannot be performed

because the specified file system is
being used by file snapshots.
Use File Services Manager to disable
file snapshots enabled for the file
system, and then retry the operation.

KAQM21307-E An attempt to set the share A share quota that is smaller than the
quota failed. soft limit of the directory cannot be
Use a command to check the soft limit
of the directory for which the share

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-301

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
quota is to be set. Specify a share
quota value that is larger than the soft
limit value, and then retry the

KAQM21308-E An operation for tier tier- An operation on the tiered file system
number on the specified file failed because the error described in
system has failed. (detailed "detailed message" occurred.
message = detail-message) (O)
Perform the [Refresh Processing Node]
operation, and then follow the
instructions in the detailed message to
resolve the problem.

KAQM21309-E Capacity management cannot Capacity management cannot be

be enabled for the selected enabled if content sharing is set as
file share. read-only.
Check the content sharing settings for
the file share. If necessary, specify a
file share in another file system, and
then retry the operation.

KAQM21310-E The operation has failed. The capacity of the specified share
could not be managed because subtree
quotas are not set for the second-level
Check the configuration of the

KAQM21311-E An attempt to connect to an An error occurred in accessing the LU.

LU has failed. (O)
After performing a refresh, check the
connection statuses of the specified
LUs on both nodes. Also, if local data
encryption functionality is enabled,
check the system messages to see if
any errors occurred when the OS was
started. If an error occurred, take
appropriate action, and then try again.
If the error occurs again, acquire all
the log files and the management
server log files, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM21312-E An attempt to set the share The number of subtree quotas that can
quota failed. be set in the directory tree of the
direct descendant reached the upper
Use a command to revise the subtree
quota settings.

5-302 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM21313-E The operation has failed. The OS disk might be full, or there
might be a problem in the OS disk, file
system, or LU.
Refresh the processing node, and then
check the status of the file system and
LU, and check any SNMP notification
messages and email notifications. If
there is a problem, follow the
instructions in Help to resolve it. If the
problem cannot be resolved, collect all
the log files and management server
log files, and then contact maintenance

KAQM21314-E The maximum number of file The maximum number of file systems
systems that can be that can be registered in the system
registered in the system has has been reached.
been reached. (O)
Unmount the mounted differential-data
snapshot or delete the unnecessary file
system, and then retry the operation.

KAQM23 messages
This section explains messages that have a message ID beginning with
KAQM23, and the actions to be taken if such messages appear.

Table 5-16 KAQM23 messages

Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM23013-E The specified IP address is The specified IP address is invalid. It

invalid. (IP address = IP- might not be a fixed IP address.
address) (O)
Check the IP address, and then try

KAQM23014-E An attempt to acquire An attempt to acquire the IP address

information about the of the other physical node has failed.
processing node has failed. (O)
(specified IP address =
specified-IP-address) Check whether both physical nodes of
the specified processing node have
started. Alternatively, check the
network settings.

KAQM23018-W The operation was completed. There is a file share that does not
The file shares that did not belong to any file system. The file
belong to the file system were system might have been deleted, or a
ignored. (physical node = failover might be executing.
physical-node-name (number (O)
of ignored file shares =

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-303

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
number-of-ignored-share.), If the file system has been deleted,
physical node = physical- use the command to delete the file
node-name (number of share. Alternatively, wait a while, and
ignored file shares = number- then execute refresh processing.

KAQM23019-E Acquisition of information Acquisition of information from Device

from Device Manager has Manager has failed.
failed. (ID = ID, message = (O)
Refer to the Device Manager manual
and check the details of the
corresponding message.

KAQM23020-E Acquisition of information Communication with Device Manager

from Device Manager has has failed.
failed. (O)
Refer to the property file and confirm
that the communication port number is
the same as Device Manager. If they
are the same, make sure that no error
is occurring in Device Manager, and
then follow the Device Manager
manual to remove the cause of the
problem. If an error still occurs,
acquire the management server log
files, and contact maintenance

KAQM23022-E Processing failed because the Processing failed because the

processing node of the processing node of the specified file
specified file system does not system does not support this
support this functionality. functionality.
Execute refresh processing, and then
confirm the system version on the
processing node of the file system.

KAQM23023-E The operation has failed. There might be a problem with the
management server.
Check the status of the management
server. If this message is displayed
while a file is being transferred to the
management server, then there might
not be enough free space on the
management server. After resolving
the problem, retry the operation. If the
error persists, acquire the
management server log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM23024-E Notification of configuration An error occurred during

has failed(physical-node-host- communication with Device Manager.
name or virtual-server- (O)

5-304 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Check the items below, and then retry
the operation. If the error continues to
occur, acquire the management server
log files, and then contact maintenance
• The Device Manager information
set in File Services Manager
• The operational status of the
connection-destination Device
• The network environment

KAQM23025-E Notification of configuration Device Manager is busy.

has failed(physical-node-host- (O)
name or virtual-server-
name). If an error occurred while refreshing
the system or changing Device
Manager settings, wait a while, and
then refresh the system again.
If a periodic notification error occurred,
the configuration information will be
sent tomorrow. If the error continues
to occur, change the time set for
sending configuration information.

KAQM23026-E Configuration information has Refer to the Device Manager manual

failed to be sent. (node = and check the details of the
physical-node-host-name or corresponding message.
virtual-server-name, message (O)
ID = message-id-of-Device-
Manager, Error Information = Refer to the Device Manager manual
error-information-of-Device- and check the details of the
Manager) corresponding message.

KAQM23027-I Configuration information was No action is required.

successfully sent(physical-
node-host-name or virtual-

KAQM23028-E An attempt to connect with An error occurred during

the Device Manager failed. communication with Device Manager.
Check the items below, and then retry
the operation. If the error continues to
occur, acquire the management server
log files, and then contact maintenance
• The input values
• The operational status of the
connection-destination Device
• The network environment

KAQM23029-I The connection test with an No action is required.

Device Manager has been

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-305

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM23030-E An attempt to authenticate Possible causes are as follows:

the user has failed. (1) The specified administrator does
not have permission to operate File
Services Manager.

When connected to Device Manager on

another server:
(2) The server that manages File
Services Manager user accounts has
not been changed.
(3) The session has expired.
Contact the File Services Manager
administrator. After the settings have
been corrected, log in again, and retry
the operation.

KAQM23032-E An attempt to configure the See message.

settings for sending a warning (O)
to Device Manager has failed.
(message ID = message-ID) Refer to the message, and then
remove the cause of the problem. After
that, reconfigure the settings from the
[Edit HDvM Settings] dialog box.

KAQM23034-E Registration of the storage The Admin, Modify or View role has not
system failed. been given for the storage system you
tried to register.
Confirm with the Device Manager
administrator what kind of the role has
been given for the storage system.
Remove the cause of the problem, and
then try again.

KAQM23035-W The connection with the HCP DNS settings have not been entered or
system cannot be tested. the settings have not been applied. If
you are setting up a system for the
first time, or if the DNS settings were
changed, the settings are applied after
the setup wizard is executed.
Check whether DNS settings were
entered. If settings have been entered,
execute the setup wizard, and check
the results of the connection test from
results screen.

KAQM23037-E An attempt to send the An error occurred in communication

configuration information to with Device Manager.
Device Manager failed. (O)
Check the settings in the [Edit HDvM
Settings] dialog box, and then confirm

5-306 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
that the connection test finished

KAQM23100-E An internal error occurred. An An attempt to create the message to

attempt to create the send to the physical node or virtual
message to send to the server has failed.
physical node or virtual server (O)
has failed.
Acquire all the log files and the
management server log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM23101-E An attempt to communicate An attempt to communicate with the

with the physical node or physical node or virtual server has
virtual server has failed. (IP failed.
address = IP-address) (O)
Check whether the specified IP address
is correct and that the physical node or
virtual server is online, and then try
again. If the SSL certificate is set on
the node, make sure that the SSL
certificate is also set on the
management server.

KAQM23102-E An internal error occurred. An An attempt to analyze the reply

attempt to analyze the reply message from the physical node or
message from the physical virtual server has failed.
node or virtual server has (O)
Acquire all the log files and the
management server log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM23103-E A credential error occurred. The password of the physical node or

virtual server does not match the
password set for the management
Make sure the passwords for the
management server and the physical
node or virtual server match.

KAQM23104-E A timeout occurred during There was no response from the

communication with a physical node or virtual server.
physical node or virtual Possible causes are as follows:
server. • There is a problem with the
network the physical node or
virtual server is on.
• A high processing load is
executing on the physical node or
virtual server.
• At least one of the steps required
for the functionality for linking
with array volume replication
functions has not completed on
the physical node or virtual server.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-307

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
• The response from an external
server of the physical node or
virtual server has been delayed.
Check the status of the physical node
or virtual server, and then fix the
cause of the error. Since processing
might have also executed after the
timeout occurred, execute refresh
processing, check the status and, if
necessary, execute the operation

KAQM23105-E Communication with the Communication with the management

management server failed. server failed.
Check the status of the management
server. If the management server is
running properly, wait a while, and
then try again. If the problem persists,
log out, and then log in again.

KAQM23213-E The operation has failed. The target processing node is not
supported by the File Services Manager
Check the version of the File Services
Manager server, and then install the
appropriate version.

KAQM23300-E An error occurred in the A connection with the database could

database of the management not be established. A temporary error
server. An attempt to might have occurred because too
establish a connection with many simultaneous operations were
the database has failed. executed, or the database might not
have started.
Restart the File Services Manager
server, because the error might be
Check that the database has started,
by executing the hcmdssrv / status
command. The KAPM06440-I message
should be displayed. If it is not
displayed, start the database by
executing the hcmdssrv / start
command. For more information about
commands, see online Help.
If the problem is still not resolved,
acquire all the log files and the
management server log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM23301-E The operation has failed. A temporary error might have


5-308 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Wait a while, and then retry the
operation. If the error occurs again,
restart File Services Manager server,
and then try again. Check that the
database has started by executing the
hcmdssrv / status command. The
KAPM06440-I message should be
displayed. If it is not displayed, start
the database by executing the
hcmdssrv / start command. For
more information about commands,
see online Help. If the error occurs
again, acquire all the log files and the
management server log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM23302-E The operation has failed. A temporary error might have

Wait a while, and then retry the
operation. If the error occurs again,
restart File Services Manager server,
and then try again. If the error occurs
again, acquire all the log files and the
management server log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM23304-E An error occurred in the An attempt to add data to the

database of the management database has failed. It might be a
server. An attempt to add temporary error.
data to the database has (O)
failed. (data = data-that-was-
not-added) The database might be incomplete, so
restart the File Services Manager
server, and then try again. If the error
continues to occur, acquire all the log
files and the management server log
files, and then contact maintenance

KAQM23305-E An error occurred in the An attempt to update data in the

database of the management database has failed. It might be a
server. An attempt to update temporary error.
data in the database has (O)
failed. (data = data-that-was-
not-updated) The database might be incomplete, so
restart the File Services Manager
server, and then try again. If the error
continues to occur, acquire all the log
files and the management server log
files, and then contact maintenance

KAQM23306-E An error occurred in the An attempt to delete data from the

database of the management database has failed. It might be a
server. An attempt to delete temporary error.
data from the database has (O)

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-309

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
failed. (data = data-that-was- The database might be incomplete, so
not-deleted) restart the File Services Manager
server, and then try again. If the error
continues to occur, acquire all the log
files and the management server log
files, and then contact maintenance
KAQM23307-E An error occurred in the An attempt to read data in the
database of the management database has failed. It might be a
server. An attempt to read temporary error. The displayed
data in the database has information might not be up-to-date.
failed. (details = details) (O)
Select the target resource from the
explorer menu or refresh the tree, and
try again. If the error continues to
occur, acquire all the log files and the
management server log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM23308-E An error occurred in the An error occurred during database

database of the management processing. It might be a temporary
server. (details = details) error.
Select the target resource from the
explorer menu or refresh the tree, and
try again. If the error continues to
occur, acquire all the log files and the
management server log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM23311-E The specified object was not The displayed information is not up-to-
found. date. The specified object has already
been deleted.
Select the target resource from the
explorer menu or refresh the tree.

KAQM23314-E An error occurred during The database might be incomplete.

processing for the database of (O)
the management server.
The database might be incomplete, so
restart the File Services Manager
server, and then try again. If the error
continues to occur, acquire all the log
files and the management server log
files, and then contact maintenance

KAQM23315-E An error occurred while An error occurred while updating the

updating the version of the database of the management server.
File Services Manager server. (O)
Acquire all the log files and the
management server log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

5-310 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM23320-E The operation has failed. There might be a conflict with an

internal process or an operation
performed by another administrator.
Wait a while, and then retry the
operation. If the error occurs again,
restart File Services Manager. If the
problem persists, acquire all the log
files and management server log files,
and then contact maintenance

KAQM23500-E An attempt to create an LU Another administrator is currently

failed because another creating an LU.
administrator is currently (O)
creating an LU through the
same management server. After the operation by another
administrator to create the LU has
finished, try again.

KAQM23501-E An attempt to create an LU To access the storage system, you

has failed. To access the must first log in.
storage system, you must (O)
first log in.
Make sure it is not necessary to log in
to the Hitachi Storage Navigator
Modular 2 password protection function
or the account management function.

KAQM23503-E Information for a storage Information for a storage system could

system could not be acquired. not be acquired.
Acquire all the log files and the
management server log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM23504-E An attempt to create an LU The number of LUs that can be defined

failed because the maximum for a storage system has reached the
number of LUs has been maximum.
created. (O)
Use Hitachi Storage Navigator Modular
2 or Device Manager to delete any
unnecessary LUs defined for the target
storage system, and then try again.

KAQM23505-E An attempt to set a user LU The number of user LUs that can be
failed because the maximum set has reached the maximum.
number of user LUs have (O)
been set.
Use Hitachi Storage Navigator Modular
2 or Device Manager to cancel any
unnecessary assigned user LUs, and
then try again.

KAQM23506-E An attempt to create an LU The existing Parity group did not have
has failed. Creation of a new enough free space specified, and there
Parity group was attempted was no disk drive available for creating
because the existing Parity a new Parity group.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-311

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
group did not have enough (O)
free space, but the new Parity To assign the specified capacity, first
group could not be created. use Hitachi Storage Navigator Modular
2 or Device Manager to delete any
unnecessary LUs. Alternatively, add a
new disk drive.
KAQM23507-E An attempt to create an LU An LU or Parity group might have been
failed. Another administrator set during creation of the LU.
might be setting an LU or (O)
Parity group in the same
storage system. After the operation to set the LU or
Parity group being performed by
another administrator has finished, try

KAQM23508-E An LU was created, but the An LU might have been set by another
user LU could not be set. administrator during setting of the user
Another administrator might LU.
be setting an LU. (LU number (O)
(LUN) = created-LU-number
(LUN)) Using Hitachi Storage Navigator
Modular 2 or Device Manager, set the
user LU by setting the LU specified in
the message.

KAQM23509-E The Parity group was created, An LU might have been set by another
but the user LU could not be administrator during creation of the
created. Another LU.
administrator might be setting (O)
an LU. (Parity group number
= created-Parity-group- Wait for a while, and then try again.

KAQM23510-E The Parity group and LU were An LU might have been set by another
created, but the user LU could administrator during setting of the user
not be set. Another LU.
administrator might be setting (O)
a user LU. (Parity group
number = created-Parity- Using Hitachi Storage Navigator
group-number, LU number Modular 2 or Device Manager, set the
(LUN) = created-LU-number user LU by setting the LU specified in
(LUN)) the message.

KAQM23511-E The user LU could not be set. There might be a problem in the
The management server network setting for the storage
might be attempting to system.
connect with a different (O)
storage system. (controller 0
IP address = controller-0-IP- Revise the network settings related to
address, controller 1 IP the storage system connections.
address = controller-1-IP-

KAQM23512-E The LU could not be created An attempt to communicate with a

because a communication storage system has failed.
error occurred. (controller 0 (O)
IP address = controller-0-IP-
address, controller 1 IP Check the status of the storage system
and the network environment, and

5-312 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
address = controller-1-IP- then try again. If an error occurs
address) again, acquire all the log files and the
management server log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel.
KAQM23513-E The user LU could not be set An attempt to communicate with a
because a communication storage system has failed.
error occurred. An LU might (O)
be being created. (LU number
(LUN) = number-of-the-LU- Before you register a storage system,
being-created (LUN), make sure the LU automatic creation
controller 0 IP address = function supports it.
controller-0-IP-address, Then, check the status of the storage
controller 1 IP address = system and the network environment.
controller-1-IP-address) Finally, check whether the LU has been
If it has been created, use Hitachi
Storage Navigator Modular 2 or Device
Manager to set the user LU, by setting
the LU specified in the message.
If the LU has been not created, then
try again. If an error occurs again,
acquire all the log files and the
management server log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM23514-E The LU could not be created An attempt to communicate with a

because a communication storage system has failed.
error occurred. A Parity group (O)
might be being created.
( Parity group number = Check the status of the storage system
number-of-the-Parity-group- and the network environment, and
being-created, controller 0 IP then try again. If an error occurs
address =controller-0-IP- again, acquire all the log files and the
address, controller 1 IP management server log files, and then
address = controller-1-IP- contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM23515-E The user LU could not be set An attempt to communicate with a

because a communication storage system has failed.
error occurred. A Parity group (O)
is being created, and an LU
might be being created. Check the status of the storage system
( Parity group number = and the network environment. Check
created-Parity-group-number, whether the Parity group and the LU
LU number (LUN) = number- have been created. If the LU has been
of-the-LU-being-created created, use Hitachi Storage Navigator
(LUN), controller 0 IP address Modular 2 or Device Manager to set
= controller-0-IP-address, user LU, by setting the LU specified in
controller 1 IP address = the message. If it has been not
controller-1-IP-address) created, try again. If an error occurs
again, acquire all the log files and the
management server log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM23516-E The LU was created, but the An attempt to communicate with a

user LU might not have been storage system has failed.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-313

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
set because a communication Check the status of the storage system
error occurred. (user LU and the network environment. Check
number (H-LUN) = whether the user LU has been set, and
0xnumber-of-the-user-LU- if it has not been set, use Hitachi
number-being-created (H- Storage Navigator Modular 2 or Device
LUN), LU number (LUN) = Manager to set the user LU, by setting
created-LU-number (LUN), the LU specified in the message. If an
controller 0 IP address = error occurs again, acquire all the log
controller-0-IP-address, files and the management server log
controller 1 IP address = files, and then contact maintenance
controller-1-IP-address) personnel.

KAQM23517-E The Parity group and LU were An attempt to communicate with a

created, but the user LU storage system has failed.
might not have been set (O)
because a communication
error occurred. (user LU Check the status of the storage system
number (H-LUN) = and the network environment. Check
0xnumber-of-the-user-LU- whether the user LU has been set, and
number-being-created (H- if it has not been created, use Hitachi
LUN), Parity group number = Storage Navigator Modular 2 or Device
created-Parity-group-number, Manager to set the user LU, by setting
LU number (LUN) = created- the LU specified in the message. If an
LU-number (LUN), controller 0 error occurs again, acquire all the log
IP address = controller-0-IP- files and the management server log
address, controller 1 IP files, and then contact maintenance
address = controller-1-IP- personnel.

KAQM23518-E An attempt to assign memory An attempt to assign memory has

failed during creation of the failed.
LU. (O)
Wait for a while, and then try again. If
an error occurs again, acquire all the
log files and the management server
log files, and then contact maintenance

KAQM23519-E The LU was created, but user An attempt to assign memory has
LU LU could not be set failed.
because memory could not be (O)
assigned. (LU number (LUN)
= created-LU-number (LUN)) Using Hitachi Storage Navigator
Modular 2 or Device Manager, set the
user LU by setting the LU specified in
the message.

KAQM23520-E The Parity group was created, An attempt to assign memory has
but the LU could not be failed.
created because memory (O)
could not be assigned. (Parity
group number = created- Try again.

KAQM23521-E The Parity group and LU were An attempt to assign memory has
created, but the user LU could failed.
not be set because memory (O)
could not be assigned. (Parity
group number = created-

5-314 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Parity-group-number, LU Using Hitachi Storage Navigator
number (LUN) = created-LU- Modular 2 or Device Manager, set the
number (LUN)) user LU by setting the LU specified in
the message.
KAQM23522-E An LU could not be created The user ID or password registered in
because the attempt to log in the Password Protection function of the
to the storage system failed. storage system is invalid.
Make sure that the user ID and
password registered in the storage
system are valid.

KAQM23526-E An LU could not be created The number of users that can log in to
because the attempt to log in the storage system has reached the
to the storage system failed. maximum.
Wait until another user has finished
their operation, and then try again.

KAQM23534-E An LU was created, but the Another user has already logged in to
user LU could not be set. (LU the storage system.
number (LUN) = created-LU- (O)
number (LUN))
Using Hitachi Storage Navigator
Modular 2, set the LU that is specified
in the message to the user LU.

KAQM23535-E The Parity group and LU were Another user has already logged in to
created, but the user LU could the storage system.
not be set. (Parity group (O)
number = created-Parity-
group-number, LU number Using Hitachi Storage Navigator
(LUN) = created-LU-number Modular 2, set the LU that is specified
(LUN)) in the message to the user LU.

KAQM23536-E Another user has already Another user has already logged in to
logged in to the storage the storage system.
system. (O)
Wait until another user has finished
their operation, and then try again.

KAQM23537-E The Parity group was created, The created Parity group did not have
but the user LU could not be enough free space.
created. The created Parity (O)
group did not have enough
free space. (Parity group Add a new disk drive or specify an LU
number = created-Parity- size that does not exceed the free
group-number, free space = space of the Parity group, and then
space-capacity-of-created- retry the operation.

KAQM23538-E Processing to automatically During processing to create an LU,

create an LU has failed. another administrator executed an
operation to create an LU, or the FC
path configuration or the LU mapping
configuration might be invalid.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-315

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Retry the operation. If an error
continues to occur, check the
connection statuses of the FC cables. If
the connection statuses are normal,
check that the statuses of the FC paths
are normal. If the problem cannot be
resolved, acquire all the log files and
the management server log files, and
then contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM23539-E Processing to automatically Possible causes are as follows:

create an LU has failed. (IP (1) The IP address of a registered
address of controller 0 = controller is not the IP address of a
controller-0-IP-address, IP controller connected to the processing
address of controller 1 = node.
(2) There is no WWN assigned to the
host group.
Perform the following in order, and
then retry the operation:
1. From the [Edit Node] dialog box,
register the IP address of a controller
connected to the processing node.
2. Assign a WWN to the host group by
using Hitachi Storage Navigator
Modular 2.

KAQM23597-E The storage system An attempt to acquire the storage

information could not be system information has failed. Possible
acquired. causes are as follows:
• An attempt to communicate with a
storage system failed.
• The user ID or password that was
registered using the password
protection function or account
authentication function of the
storage system is incorrect.
• The number of users that can log
in to the storage system has
reached the maximum.
If you are not using the LU auto-
creation function or the Hitachi Storage
Navigator Modular 2 linkage function,
register the processing node again
without specifying the IP address of
the controller.
If you are using the LU auto-creation
function or the Hitachi Storage
Navigator Modular 2 linkage function,
perform the following, and then try

5-316 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
(1) Confirm that there are no problems
with the network connection between
the management server and the
specified controllers.
(2) If the password protection function
or the account authentication function
is enabled, make sure that the user ID
and password registered in the storage
system are correct.
(3) Check whether other users are
logged into the storage system,
because the maximum number of
users might already be logged in.
If the error still occurs, obtain the
management server log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM23598-E The LU could not be created An error occurred in the storage

because an error occurred in system while an LU was being created.
the storage system. (O)
Check the status of the storage
system. Also, check whether another
administrator is operating the storage
system. If an error occurs again,
acquire all the log files and the
management server log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM23599-E An unexpected error occurred An unexpected error occurred.

when the LU was being (O)
Acquire all the log files and the
management server log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM23600-E This function could not be The specified processing node does not
performed because the support this function.
specified processing node (O)
does not support it.
See the Help to check whether the
specified processing node supports this

KAQM23601-E An attempt to link to Hitachi Possible causes are as follows:

Storage Navigator Modular 2 • A temporary error occurred.
has failed.
• Hitachi Storage Navigator Modular
2 was not installed properly.
• The password protection function
or the account authentication
function is enabled, and the user
ID or password is not registered
correctly in the storage system.
• The number of users that can log
into the storage system has
reached the maximum.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-317

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
If the password protection function or
the account authentication function is
enabled, make sure that the user ID
and password registered in the storage
system are correct. Also, check
whether other users are logged into
the storage system. Confirm that
Hitachi Storage Navigator Modular 2 is
installed properly, log in again, and
then retry the operation. If an error
occurs again, acquire all the log files
and the management server log files,
and then contact maintenance

KAQM23602-E An attempt to link to Hitachi The service of Hitachi Storage

Storage Navigator Modular 2 Navigator Modular 2 is not working
has failed. properly.
Restart the service of Hitachi Storage
Navigator Modular 2, and then retry
the operation.

KAQM23603-E An attempt to link to Hitachi The session is invalid.

Storage Navigator Modular 2 (O)
has failed.
Log in again.

KAQM23604-E The storage system could not Possible causes are as follows:
be logged into. • The password protection function
or the account authentication
function is enabled, and the user
ID or password is not registered
correctly in the storage system.
• The number of users that can log
in to the storage system has
reached the maximum.
If the password protection function or
the account authentication function is
enabled, make sure that the user ID
and password registered in the storage
system are correct. Also, check
whether other users are logged into
the storage system, because the
maximum number of users might
already be logged in.

KAQM23605-I The Hitachi Storage Navigator The Hitachi Storage Navigator Modular
Modular 2 that can be linked 2 that can be linked to is not installed
to is not installed on the on the management server.
management server. (O)
If you want to use the Hitachi Storage
Navigator Modular 2 linkage function,
install a version of Hitachi Storage

5-318 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Navigator Modular 2 that supports the
linkage function.

KAQM23606-E An attempt to link to Hitachi Hitachi Storage Navigator Modular 2

Storage Navigator Modular 2 was not installed properly.
has failed. (O)
Reinstall Hitachi Storage Navigator
Modular 2, and make sure it installed

KAQM23607-E The monitoring of an session The service of Hitachi Command Suite

failed. This might affect the Common Component might not be
linkage with Hitachi Storage working properly.
Navigator Modular 2. (O)
If you want to use the Hitachi Storage
Navigator Modular 2 linkage function,
restart the service of Hitachi Command
Suite Common Component.

KAQM23609-E Processing to automatically LUs cannot be created via this

create an LU has failed. functionality when the storage system
contains only pools.
Use Device Manager or Hitachi Storage
Navigator Modular 2 to create LUs.

KAQM23610-E Processing to automatically The storage system contains a drive

create an LU has failed. that is not supported by the LU
creation functionality in Hitachi File
Services Manager.
Use Device Manager or Hitachi Storage
Navigator Modular 2 to create LUs.

KAQM23611-E Processing to automatically This functionality cannot be used to

create an LU has failed. create an LU while LUN Manager is
disabled in the storage system.
Use Hitachi Storage Navigator Modular
2 to create LUs.

KAQM23700-E The Configuration Wizard The maximum number of processing

cannot be executed. nodes has already been registered.
After deleting the unnecessary
processing node, start the
Configuration Wizard. To add a new
processing node, use File Services
Manager on another computer to start
the Configuration Wizard.

KAQM23701-E Execution of the Configuration The cluster is not in INACTIVE status,

Wizard was canceled. a resource group is not in Offline
status, or a virtual server is not in
Offline status.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-319

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Check the IP address, and then retry
the operation. To make a change in
the Configuration Wizard, make sure
that the cluster is in the INACTIVE
status, the resource groups are in
Offline status, the virtual servers are in
Offline status, and retry the operation.

KAQM23702-E Execution of the Configuration The Configuration Wizard does not

Wizard was canceled. support the specified processing node.
Make sure the system version of the
processing node is correct. To define a
cluster, click the [Cluster Management]
button, and then define the cluster

KAQM23703-E The Configuration Wizard The displayed information might not be

cannot be executed. up-to-date. The maximum number of
processing nodes has already been
Select the target resource from the
explorer menu or refresh the tree, and
then check how many processing
nodes have been registered. If the
number of registered processing nodes
has reached the maximum, execute
the Configuration Wizard from the File
Services Manager server on another

KAQM23704-E A timeout occurred while A timeout occurred while attempting to

attempting to restart the OS restart the OS.
during the setup. (O)
Perform a refresh, because the OS
might still be restarting even after the
timeout. After the refresh, check the
status of the processing node, and
resolve any problems that might exist.
If any processing was canceled,
execute it from the [Settings] tab.

KAQM23705-E Execution of the Configuration A data port required to set up the

Wizard was canceled. interface was not found. The extension
card might not be properly inserted, or
might have some other problem.
Contact maintenance personnel to
resolve the problem, and then re-
execute the Configuration Wizard.

KAQM23706-E Execution of the Configuration The processing node is not in a state

Wizard was canceled. that allows the Configuration Wizard to
be used.

5-320 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Check the status of the processing
node, and then resolve the problem.
After the processing node status is
returned to a normal status, re-
execute the Configuration Wizard.

KAQM23707-E A timeout occurred while Setting the IP address takes time

setting the IP address. because the node has many resources.
Wait a while, and then confirm that the
IP address setting has been applied.
This can take up to 30 minutes after
this message is output. After the IP
address is applied, if necessary, re-
execute the Configuration Wizard.

KAQM23809-E An error occurred during An error occurred during

communication with the HCP. communication with the HCP. A
temporary error might have occurred.
Retry the operation because the error
might be temporary. If an error
continues to occur, check the
registration information and the
operational status of the connection
destination HCP, check the DNS
settings, and then retry the operation.
If you cannot resolve the problem,
contact the HCP administrator to
confirm that the HCP settings are

KAQM23810-E An attempt to start the Possible causes:

Migration-Wizard or • The resource group status or the
Migration-Task-Management virtual server status is not Online.
has failed.
• The virtual IP address(service IP
address) set for the management
port is incorrect.
• A temporary error occurred during
communication with the node.
Refresh processing. To perform an
operation on the physical node,
confirm that the resource group status
is Online, and that the virtual IP
address(service IP address) set for the
management port is correct. To
perform an operation on a virtual
server, confirm that the virtual server
status is Online. After removing the
cause of the problem, retry the
operation. If the problem persists,

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-321

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
download the management server log
files, and contact Product Support.

KAQM23830-E A file system was specified Functionality that cannot be used at

that cannot be used for an the import destination is enabled for
import destination. (cause = the specified file system.
Reason-the-file-system- (O)
destination (one-of-the- Change the file system specified for
following): the import destination, and then retry
the operation.
- The WORM functionality is
- Single instancing is enabled.
- Content sharing is on.
- The home directory is set for
content sharing.)

KAQM23831-E A file system was specified The CIFS protocol cannot be used to
that cannot be used for an import data for file systems that were
import destination. set up to use only the NFS protocol.
Change the file system specified for
the import destination, and then retry
the operation.

KAQM23832-E A file system was specified The mount status of the specified file
that cannot be used for an system is not "Online (RW)".
import destination. (O)
Confirm that the mount status of the
file system is "Online (RW)", and then
retry the operation.

KAQM23833-E The task cannot be defined No file systems exist.

because no file systems exist. (O)
Create a file system for the import
destination, and then retry the

KAQM23834-E The task cannot be defined No file shares exist.

because no file shares exist. (O)
Create a file share for the import
destination, and then retry the

KAQM23835-E No licenses are set for Processing cannot be performed

importing data from other file because no licenses are set.
servers. (O)
Set a license, and then retry the

KAQM23836-W Data already exists at the Data already exists at the import
import destination. If a file of destination.
the same name exists at the (O)
import source and import
destination, the corresponding

5-322 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
data is not imported. To To import all data at the import
import all data at the import source, change the import destination,
source, change the import or temporarily move the data at the
destination, or temporarily import destination to another location,
move the data at the import and then retry the operation.
destination to another
location, and then retry the

KAQM23837-E The number of file-import The number of file-import tasks

tasks reached the maximum. reached the maximum.
Confirm the statuses of the file-import
tasks, delete any tasks that are
finished, and then retry the operation.

KAQM23838-E A file share was specified that The specified file share or a directory
cannot be used as the import above or below the file share is already
destination. set as the import destination for
another task.
Change the import destination, and
then retry the operation.

KAQM23839-E File scans have completed for File scans have completed for one or
one or more tasks. To confirm more tasks.
the details, start a file import (O)
or scan the files again.
To confirm the details, start a file
import or scan the files again.

KAQM23840-E The operation has failed. The file cannot be downloaded because
failure list not exist.
Check the number of failure, and if
necessary, retry the operation.

KAQM23841-E The operation has failed. The file cannot be downloaded because
read failure list not exist.
Check the number of read failure, and
if necessary, retry the operation.

KAQM23842-E Processing failed. The results of import definition

processing for the files could not be
Retry the operation because the error
might be temporary. If a task has
already been defined, delete it. If a
mapping file was specified, verify that
the encoding of the mapping file is

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-323

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM23843-E A new file share cannot be In the content-sharing setting for the
added because a file share specified file system, multiple file
has already been created. shares cannot be created.
Specify a different file system, and
then add a file share.

KAQM23844-E The specified namespace The total size of the specified

quota is too big. namespace quota exceeds the tenant
hard quota.
Specify the setting again so that the
total size of the namespace quota does
not exceed the tenant hard quota.

KAQM23845-E A file system for which space The space assigned on the differential-
is allocated automatically data storage device for the file system
cannot be created. file-system-name is insufficient.
Delete all the added file systems,
change the space-allocation method to
manual, and then add a file system of
a suitable capacity.

KAQM23846-E The specified file share cannot The specified file share cannot be
be deleted. deleted because there is a snapshot
which is visible within the share.
Delete the snapshot or execute the
command to unmount the snapshot,
and then delete the share.

KAQM23847-E Configuration of the automatic The specified identifier has already

snapshot-creation schedule been used. (identifier = identifier)
failed. (O)
Specify a different identifier, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM23848-E The specified file system is The displayed information is not up to

not being used by the file date. The specified file system is not
snapshot functionality. (file being used by the file snapshot
system name = file-system- functionality.
name) (O)
In the file system list, check the
functionality that is specified for the
file system.

KAQM23849-E The specified snapshot does The displayed information is not up to

not exist. date. The specified snapshot does not
In the snapshot list, check whether the
snapshot exists.

5-324 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM23850-E The specified file system is The displayed information is not up to

already being used by the file date. The specified file system is
snapshot functionality. (file already being used by the file snapshot
system name = file-system- functionality.
name) (O)
In the file system list, check the
functionality that is specified for the
file system.

KAQM23851-E The differential-data snapshot The displayed information is not up to

is not unmounted. date. The differential-data snapshot
could not be unmounted.
In the snapshot list, check the mount
status of the snapshot, and then retry
the operation.

KAQM23852-E The mount point of the The displayed information is not up to

specified differential-data date.
snapshot does not exist. (O)
In the snapshot list, check the mount
status of the snapshot, and then retry
the operation.

KAQM23853-E The specified namespace is The specified namespace is for a

for a different purpose. different purpose.
Check and, if necessary, revise the
namespace type and content-sharing
type of the file system to be created or
the share to be created.

KAQM23854-E Failed to configure versioning Configuring the settings failed because

for some namespaces. some errors occurred. The main cause
(Number of namespaces that of the error is as follows: namespace =
could not be configured = namespace-name, error message =
number-of-namespaces) message-ID, HTTP return code = HTTP
return code, details = details.
Check the error information displayed
under Cause to remove the cause of
the error. Execute the refresh
processing, and then retry the

KAQM23855-E Shares cannot be added to A namespace is already assigned to

the specified directory. the specified directory. However, the
namespace might have been deleted,
or it might be unavailable.
To add a share to an existing directory,
check with the HCP administrator
about the status of the namespace

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-325

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
To begin operation of a new share,
specify a different directory or use a
command to delete the existing
directory and the mapping information
for the namespace, and then try to add
the share again.

KAQM23856-E The specified namespace is The specified namespace is being used

for a different purpose. for a different purpose.
Make sure that the specified content-
sharing type is correct. If the type is
correct, make sure that no mistakes
exist in the specified namespace name.

KAQM23857-E The file system could not be The file system cannot be created,
created. because another namespace with the
same name is being used for a
different purpose.
Specify a different file system name,
and then try again.

KAQM23858-E The share settings could not The share settings cannot be
be configured. configured, because the specified
namespace is being used for a
different purpose.
Specify a different namespace name,
and then try again.

KAQM23859-E The file system could not be The file system cannot be edited,
edited. because the specified namespace is
being used for a different purpose.
To migrate data to the HCP system,
create a new file system.

KAQM24 messages
This section explains messages that have a message ID beginning with
KAQM24, and the actions to be taken if such messages appear.

Table 5-17 KAQM24 messages

Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM24001-E An internal error occurred. A system error occurred.

Acquire all the Management log files,
and then contact the maintenance

5-326 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
personnel. See the Help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM24002-E This function is not supported. This function cannot be used with this
Acquire all the Management log files,
and then contact the maintenance
personnel. See the Help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM25 messages
This section explains messages that have a message ID beginning with
KAQM25, and the actions to be taken if such messages appear.

Table 5-18 KAQM25 messages

Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM25301-I Usage:command-syntax No action is required.

KAQM25304-E There is an error in the There is an error in the specification of

specification of an option or an option or parameter.
parameter (option-name / (O)
Specify the correct option and
parameter, and then re-execute the

KAQM25306-E An attempt to execute the An attempt to generate processes

command has failed. required to execute the command has
failed. Temporarily, there might not be
enough memory or assignable process
Wait a while, and then re-execute the
If the error occurs again, acquire all
the management log files, and then
contact the Support Center.
For a list of the management log files,
see Help.

KAQM25399-E An internal error occurred. A system error occurred.

Acquire all the Management log files,
and then contact the maintenance
personnel. See the Help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-327

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM25402-E The OS cannot be stopped An attempt to check the cluster status

because an attempt to check has failed.
the cluster status failed. (O)
Make sure that the node is not
running, and then re-execute the
command. If you want to ignore the
error and stop the OS, execute the
command with the --force option

KAQM25403-E The OS cannot be stopped The node has not stopped.

because the node is running. (O)
Stop the node, and then re-execute
the command. If you want to ignore
the error and stop the OS, execute the
command with the --force option

KAQM25404-E The node has not stopped. The node has not stopped, and the
Also, the OS cannot be other node in the cluster has not
stopped because a failover started.
cannot be performed. (O)
Stop the node or start the other node
in the cluster, and then re-execute the

KAQM25406-E The OS cannot be restarted An attempt to check the status of the

because an attempt to check cluster has failed.
the cluster status failed. (O)
Make sure that the node is not
running, and then re-execute the
command. If you want to ignore the
error and restart the OS, execute the
command with the --force option

KAQM25407-E The OS cannot be restarted The node has not stopped.

because the node is running. (O)
Stop the node, and then re-execute
the command. If you want to ignore
the error and restart the OS, execute
the command with the --force option

KAQM25408-E The node has not stopped. The node has not stopped, and the
Also, the OS cannot be other node in the cluster has not
restarted because a failover started.
cannot be performed. (O)
Stop the node or start the other node
in the cluster, and then re-execute the

KAQM25413-Q Do you want to stop the OS? No action is required.


5-328 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM25414-Q Do you want to restart the No action is required.

OS? (y/n)

KAQM25416-E The OS cannot be started There is a problem with the

because communication with communication processing with BMC
BMC on the other node in the on the other node in the cluster.
cluster cannot be established. (O)
Wait a while, and then re-execute the
command. If the error occurs again,
check for network errors. If there are
no problems, acquire all of the log
data, and then contact maintenance
personnel. Maintenance personnel will
resolve the problem by following the
maintenance manual.

KAQM26 messages
This section explains messages that have a message ID beginning with
KAQM26, and the actions to be taken if such messages appear.

Table 5-19 KAQM26 messages

Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM26000-I The server has started. No action is required.

KAQM26001-I The server has stopped. No action is required.

KAQM26002-I A user (user-name) has No action is required.

logged in.

KAQM26003-I A user (user-name) has No action is required.

logged out.

KAQM26004-I The basic settings for a node No action is required.

(node-name) have been

KAQM26005-I The resource settings for a No action is required.

node (node-name) have been

KAQM26006-I A license (license-name) has No action is required.

been activated on a node

KAQM26010-I The time settings for a node No action is required.

(node-name) have been

KAQM26011-I A node (node-name) is now No action is required.


KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-329

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM26012-I The HCP settings for a node No action is required.

(node-name) have been

KAQM26015-I The connection test with an No action is required.

HCP system (HCP-system-
name) has been completed.

KAQM26018-I A file share (share-name) was No action is required.

added to a file system (file-

KAQM26019-I A namespace (namespace- No action is required.

name) was created for an HCP
tenant (tenant-name).

KAQM26020-I A migration policy was set for No action is required.

a file system (file-system-

KAQM26021-I CIFS user authentication was No action is required.

set for a node (node-name).

KAQM26024-I The quota of a namespace No action is required.

(namespace-name) was
edited for an HCP tenant

KAQM26029-I A file system (file-system- No action is required.

name) migration task was

KAQM26033-E HCP settings have not been The operation cannot be performed
specified. because HCP settings have not been
Use the Service Configuration Wizard
to specify the HCP settings, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM26035-E A file system could not be The unused capacity of the volume
created. group or tenant is insufficient.
Check the unused capacity of the
volume group or tenant. Free up
capacity as necessary, and then retry
the operation.

KAQM26037-E An attempt to communicate An attempt to communicate with a

with a node failed. (IP address node failed.
= IP-address) (O)
Check the network settings and node
status, and then retry the operation.

KAQM26040-E The file system could not be The file system cannot be deleted
deleted. because one or more files with
retention periods still exist on the file

5-330 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Delete the file system any time after
date from which file system can be

KAQM26041-E Information acquisition failed. See message.

See the message, and if necessary,
retry the operation.

KAQM26042-E Setup failed. See message.

See the message, and if necessary,
retry the operation.

KAQM26043-W A namespace with the same An existing namespace was specified.

name already exists. (O)
Confirm whether it is okay to use a
namespace already in use.

KAQM26045-E Login failed. The login authentication function might

temporarily not be running.
Wait a while, and then retry the
operation. If the error occurs
repeatedly, contact maintenance

KAQM26046-E Processing failed. A temporary error occurred.

Wait a while, and then retry the
operation. If the error occurs
repeatedly, acquire all the log files,
and then contact maintenance

KAQM26047-E An attempt to start the server A temporary error occurred.

has failed. (details = details) (O)
Wait a while, and then retry the
operation. If the error occurs
repeatedly, acquire all the log files,
and then contact maintenance

KAQM26048-E An attempt to stop the server A temporary error occurred.

has failed. (details = details) (O)
Wait a while, and then retry the
operation. If the error occurs
repeatedly, acquire all the log files,
and then contact maintenance

KAQM26049-E Your session is invalid. Your session is invalid.


KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-331

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Logout, and then login again.

KAQM26050-E An error occurred while An error occurred while upgrading the

upgrading the server version. server database.
Acquire all the log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM26051-E Processing failed. The information is not up-to-date.

Refresh the information, and then
verify that the information is up-to-

KAQM26052-E Processing failed. A required license is not set.

Confirm that a required license is set.

KAQM26062-E The file system could not be A GUI operation cannot be performed
edited. because a file share, namespace, or
migration policy is not set for the file
system. The file system might not be
in an operable status.
Check the status of the file system,
and confirm whether a file share,
namespace or migration policy is set.
If you want to perform the operation
on the file system in this status, use

KAQM26063-E The file system could not be The file system cannot be deleted
deleted. because there are one or more files
with infinite retention periods.
The file system cannot be deleted.

KAQM26064-E An error occurred while A file that does not exist was specified.
setting a license. (O)
Specify a valid file.

KAQM26066-W The filter and column display Too many filters are specified or the
conditions cannot be saved. filter conditions are too long.
Too many filters are specified (O)
or the filter conditions are too
long. Revise the filter Revise the filter conditions.

KAQM26067-W Displaying the screen will take Multiple operations were performed in
some time, because multiple succession.
operations were performed in (O)
succession. Wait a while, and
then continue the operation. Wait a while, and then continue the

5-332 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM26069-W OS boot processing is not Operations might not be performed

finished. Please wait until it is properly because OS boot processing is
finished. not finished.
Wait a while, and then click the
[Retry] button. Perform the intended
operations only after confirming that
this message is not displayed. If this
message is displayed repeatedly,
acquire all the log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM26070-E An invalid URL was specified. The format of the specified URL is
Specify a valid URL.

KAQM26102-E Name resolution of the HCP Name resolution could not be properly
system failed. performed. Communication with an
HCP system might be temporarily
disabled, due to a problem such as a
network error or a high load on the
HCP system.
Wait a while, and then retry the
operation. If the error occurs again,
ensure that name resolution is possible
in the network environment, and that
the value specified as the externally
visible HCP host is correct. Also, see
the online Help troubleshooting
section. After that, use the
Configuration Wizard to test the

KAQM26103-E A timeout occurred during There might be a problem with the

communication with HCP. HCP system or the network.
Use the online Help troubleshooting
section to identify the cause of the
error. Remove the cause of the error,
and then retry the operation. If the
problem persists, acquire all the log
data, and then contact maintenance

KAQM26106-E The download failed. An error occurred while transferring or

saving data.
Confirm the following, and then retry
the operation:
1. The connection status, by testing
the connection from the Service
Configuration Wizard

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-333

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
2. You have the write permission for
the storage location, and there is
enough capacity at the storage

KAQM26108-W A data access account with An existing data access account was
the same name already specified.
exists. (O)
Ask the HCP administrator to create a
read-only data-access account for the
namespace used for content sharing.

KAQM26109-W A namespace and data access An existing namespace and data

account with the same name access account were specified.
already exist. (O)
Confirm that using the namespace that
already exists will not cause any
problems. Ask the HCP administrator
to re-create the data access account.

KAQM26110-E Communication with the HCP The following error was received.
system failed. HTTP return code: HTTP return code
Method: Method Details: Details
URI: URI The cause of the error might be due to
either the error displayed in the
message output to "Details", or due to
one of the following reasons:
• The input information is invalid.
• Your account does not have the
proper permissions.
• The HCP management API
function is not enabled.
• HCP is undergoing maintenance.
When this message is output for a
connection test:
Take action in the following order:
• If a message is output for
"Details" under "Factor", confirm
the cause of the error from that
message, and then take action
• Check the input values. If all the
values are valid, contact the HCP
When this message is output for
something other than a connection
Use the Configuration Wizard to
perform a connection test with the HCP
system and confirm the connection
status. If the error occurs after the

5-334 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
connection test succeeds, it is possible
that HCP is undergoing maintenance.
In such a case, contact the HCP

KAQM26111-E Communication with the HCP The following error was received.
system failed. HTTP return code: HTTP return code
Method: Method Details: Details
If a message is output for "Details"
under "Factor", read the message, and
then take action accordingly. If no
action can be taken, take a
screenshot, and then contact the HCP

KAQM26112-E Communication with the HCP The following error was received.
system failed. HTTP return code: HTTP return code
Method: Method Details: Details
Check the input values, and then retry
the operation. If a message is output
for "Details" under "Factor", read the
message, and then take action
accordingly. If the problem persists,
take a screenshot, and then contact
the HCP administrator.

KAQM26113-E Communication with the HCP The following error was received.
system failed. HTTP return code: HTTP return code
Method: Method Details: Details
If a message is output for "Details"
under "Factor", read the message, and
then take action accordingly. If no
action can be taken, acquire all the log
files, and then contact maintenance

KAQM26114-E Communication with the HCP The following error was received.
system failed. HTTP return code: HTTP return code
Method: Method Details: Details
If a message is output for "Details"
under "Factor", read the message, and
then take action accordingly. If no
action can be taken, acquire all the log
files and management server log files,
and then contact maintenance

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-335

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM26115-W The tenant administrator The specified tenant administrator

account does not have the account does not have the proper
proper permissions. permissions.
After the Monitor, Administrator, and
Compliance permissions have been set
for the tenant administrator account,
retry the operation. Ask the HCP
administrator to add the proper
permissions to the tenant
administrator account.

KAQM26116-E The policy was not created. An existing policy was specified.
Change the name of the existing
policy, and then retry the operation.

KAQM26118-E Communication with the HCP The following error was received.
system failed. return code: return code
Method: Method Details: Details
If a message is output for "Details"
under "Factor", read the message, and
then take action accordingly. If no
action can be taken, acquire all the log
files and management server log files,
and then contact maintenance

KAQM26119-E Name resolution of the replica Name resolution could not be properly
system failed. performed. Communication with an
HCP system might be temporarily
disabled, due to a problem such as a
network error or a high load on the
HCP system.
Wait a while, and then retry the
operation. If the error occurs again,
ensure that name resolution is possible
in the network environment, and that
the value specified as the externally
visible replica HCP host is correct.
Also, see the online Help
troubleshooting section. After that, use
the Configuration Wizard to test the

KAQM26120-W The HCP replication function The replication function is not enabled
cannot be used. on the primary system.
Ask the HCP administrator to enable
the replication function on the primary

5-336 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM26121-W The HCP replication function The specified system is not in a

cannot be used. replication configuration.
Confirm the correct replica system
information with the HCP

KAQM26122-I The system could not verify An HCP system was specified that
whether the HCP system is in could not be verified as being in a
a replication configuration. replication configuration.
No action is required.

KAQM26123-E Communication with the HCP The following error was received.
system failed. HTTP return code: HTTP return code
Method: Method Details: Details
URI: URI The error displayed in the message
output to "Details" might have
occurred, or a tenant administrator
account might not be set up for the
If a message is output to "Details"
under "Factor", take action according
to the instructions in the message.
If no action can be taken or a message
is not output, perform either of the
following to set up a tenant
administrator account so that the HCP
management API can be used:
(1) If a data access account is set up
in the system, ask the HCP
administrator to use the same user
name and password to create a tenant
(2) Follow the instructions in online
Help and use the Configuration Wizard
to set up a tenant administrator

KAQM26124-E An attempt to upload a file You cannot upload files over 100 MB.
failed. (O)
Verify that the correct file was

KAQM26125-E This operation cannot be The system does not support this
performed. operation.
Do not execute this operation.

KAQM26126-W An attempt to refresh the An attempt to get or refresh

information failed. Wait about information failed.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-337

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
five minutes and then refresh Wait about five minutes and then
the screen. refresh the screen.

KAQM26128-I The share "share-name" has No action is required.

been released.
Files in the share were not
To end operation of the
subtree that uses the
namespace, use a command
to delete the target directory.

KAQM26500-I Processing completed. No action is required.

(resource name = resource-
name, method = method)

KAQM26501-E The request XML structure is The request XML structure is invalid, or
invalid, or a required property a required property is not specified.
is not specified. (resource (O)
name = resource name,
method = method) Check the XML structure, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM26502-E The specified value of a The specified value of a request XML

request XML property is property is invalid.
invalid. (specified value = (O)
specified-value, resource
name = resource-name, Specify a valid value for the request
method = method) XML property, and then retry the

KAQM26503-E An authentication error The user ID or password is invalid or

occurred. not specified. If account lockout is
enabled, your account might have
been locked.
Specify a valid user ID and password,
and then retry the operation. If
account lockout is enabled, cancel
account lockout and try again.If the
error still occurs, inform maintenance

KAQM26504-E The specified resource does The specified resource does not exist
not exist. (resource name = in this environment.
resource-name, system (O)
configuration = system-
configuration) Specify a valid resource, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM26505-E The value specified for the The value specified for the resource
resource header is invalid. header is invalid.
(specified value = specified- (O)
value, resource name =
resource-name, method = Specify a valid value, and then retry
method) the operation.

5-338 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM26506-E An unusable method was The resource is unable to use the

specified. (resource name = specified method.
resource-name, method = (O)
method, system configuration
= system-configuration) Specify a method that can be used by
the target resource, and then retry the
operation. Usable methods can be
found by requesting the OPTIONS

KAQM26507-E The specified value of a The specified value of a request XML

request XML property is property is invalid.
invalid. (resource name = (O)
resource-name, method =
method) Specify a valid value for the request
XML property, and then retry the

KAQM26508-I A request message has No action is required.

received. (method = method,
resource name = resource-

KAQM26509-I A request process has No action is required.

finished. (method = method,
resource name = resource-

KAQM26510-E A timeout occurred during Possible causes are as follows:

internal processing. • The physical node or virtual server
is under a heavy load.
• At least one of the steps required
for the functionality for linking
with array volume replication
functions has not been completed
on the physical node or virtual
• A response from an external
server took a while.
Check the status of the physical node
or virtual server, and then fix the
cause of the error. Since processing
might have also executed after the
timeout occurred, execute refresh
processing, check the status and, if
necessary, execute the operation

KAQM26511-E Specify a value that satisfies The specified password does not
the password policy. satisfy the password policy.
(Password policy: password-policy)
Specify a value that satisfies the
password policy.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-339

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM26512-W OS boot processing is not Operations might not be performed

finished. Please wait until it is properly because OS boot processing is
finished. not finished.
Wait a while, and then check the boot
status of the physical node or virtual
server OS. Perform the intended
operations only after confirming that
boot processing has finished. If boot
processing does not finish, acquire all
the log files, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM27 messages
This section explains messages that have a message ID beginning with
KAQM27, and the actions to be taken if such messages appear.

Table 5-20 KAQM27 messages

Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM27001-E An error occurred during file An error occurred during file server
server processing. (details = processing.
details) (O)
See the File Services Manager manual
and check the details of the relevant

KAQM27002-E An error occurred during file An error occurred during internal

server processing. communication.
Make sure that the Device Manager
link is set up correctly in File Services
Manager and refresh the information.
Make sure no failures have occurred in
File Services Manager, and then follow
the directions in the File Services
Manager manual to take the
appropriate action. If an error occurs
again, acquire the File Services
Manager or Device Manager server log
files, and then contact maintenance

KAQM27003-E File server processing failed. A timeout occurred during internal

Check the status of File Services
Manager, and see online Help to
identify the cause of the failure. After
resolving the problem, retry the

5-340 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
operation. If an error occurs again,
acquire all the File Services Manager or
Device Manager server log file data,
and then contact maintenance

KAQM27004-E The operation failed because The operation failed because the
the specified file server specified file server version is not
version is not supported for supported for performing operations
performing operations via via Device Manager.
Device Manager. (O)
Start File Services Manager from
Device Manager, and then perform the

KAQM27005-E An attempt to open the log There might be a problem with the log
files failed. files or a conflict with other processing.
Wait a while, and then retry the
operation. If the error occurs again,
check whether Device Manager has a
problem. If the problem cannot be
resolved, acquire the File Services
Manager or Device Manager server log
files, and then contact maintenance

KAQM27006-E An internal error occurred. An internal error occurred.

Acquire all the log data and the Files
Services Manager and Device Manager
server log files, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM30 messages
This section explains messages that have a message ID beginning with
KAQM30, and the actions to be taken if such messages appear.

Table 5-21 KAQM30 messages

Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM30001-E The user group permissions The user group permissions are not
are not system administrator system administrator permissions.
permissions. (O)
Log on as the administrator or as a
member of the Administrators group.

KAQM30002-E Hitachi File Services Manager Hitachi File Services Manager cannot
cannot be installed because be installed on the currently installed
the installed OS is not OS.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-341

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Install Hitachi File Services Manager on
a machine where Windows 2000,
Windows Server 2003, or Windows XP
is installed.

KAQM30003-E The video resolution is The video resolution is inadequate.

inadequate. SVGA or higher is (O)
Set the video resolution to SVGA or

KAQM30004-E It is not possible to upgrade The version of the Hitachi File Services
from the-version-of-the- Manager to be installed is incorrect.
installed-HFSM to the-version- (O)
Install a version newer than the
currently installed version.

KAQM30005-E Installation cannot be A Hitachi Command Suite Common

performed because a Hitachi Component service is running.
Command Suite Common (O)
Component service is running.
Stop all of the Hitachi Command Suite
Common Component services, and
then try again.

KAQM30006-E Uninstallation cannot be A Hitachi Command Suite Common

performed because a Hitachi Component service is running.
Command Suite Common (O)
Component service is running.
Stop all of the Hitachi Command Suite
Common Component services, and
then try again.

KAQM30007-E Installation cannot be Hitachi File Services Manager cannot

performed because the be installed on the currently installed
Hitachi Command Suite Hitachi Command Suite Common
Common Component version Component version.
is too old. (O)
Upgrade the currently installed Hitachi
Command Suite, and then install
Hitachi File Services Manager again.

KAQM30008-E An attempt to create the Possible causes are as follows:

installation folder has failed. • You might not have write
permissions for the installation
• A disk error might have occurred
during creation of the installation
Depending on the cause, take one or
more of the following actions:
• Make sure you have write
permissions for the installation

5-342 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
• Make sure the installation-target
disk drive is normal.

KAQM30009-E An attempt to set up a file Possible causes are as follows:

required for installation has • A temporary error might have
failed. occurred.
• You might not have write
permissions for the installation
• There might be a media problem.
• A disk error might have occurred
while the installed file was being
Depending on the cause, take one or
more of the following actions:
• Retry the installation.
• Make sure you have write
permissions for the installation
• Change the setup package media.
• Make sure the installation-target
disk drive is normal.

KAQM30011-E An attempt to install Hitachi An attempt to install Hitachi Command

Command Suite Common Suite Common Component has failed.
Component has failed. (O)
If you used data on the network drive
for an installation, use data on a local
disk and perform the installation again.
If you restricted the creation of
symbolic links by using Windows
settings, cancel the restriction, and
then perform the installation again.
Before reinstalling, uninstall Hitachi
File Services Manager. If none of these
problems applies, acquire the
maintenance information of Hitachi
Command Suite Common Component
and the trace information at the time
of setup, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM30012-E An attempt to register the use Hitachi Command Suite Common

of Hitachi Command Suite Component might not have been
Common Component has installed correctly.
failed. (O)
Acquire the maintenance information
of Hitachi Command Suite Common
Component, and the trace information
at the time of setup, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-343

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM30013-E An attempt to copy a Hitachi Possible causes are as follows:

File Services Manager file has • You might not have write
failed. permissions for the installation
• A disk error might have occurred
during file copy.
Depending on the cause, take one or
more of the following actions:
• Make sure you have write
permissions for the installation
• Make sure the installation-target
disk drive is normal.

KAQM30014-E An attempt to register the The OS might have a problem.

product version information (O)
into the registry has failed.
Acquire the trace information at the
time of setup, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM30015-E An attempt to register an item Possible causes are as follows:

into the [Start] menu has • You might not have write
failed. permissions for the settings
location of the [Start] menu.
• The OS might have a problem.
Depending on the cause, take one or
more of the following actions:
• Make sure you have write
permissions for the settings
location of the [Start] menu.
• If access permissions are set
correctly, acquire the trace
information at the time of setup,
and then contact maintenance

KAQM30016-E An attempt to register the log Hitachi Command Suite Common

collection command has Component might not have been
failed. installed correctly.
Acquire the maintenance information
of Hitachi File Services Manager and
Hitachi Command Suite Common
Component, and the trace information
at the time of setup, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM30017-E An attempt to set up a An attempt to set up a database has

database has failed. failed.

5-344 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Acquire the maintenance information
of Hitachi File Services Manager and
Hitachi Command Suite Common
Component, and the trace information
at the time of setup, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM30018-E An attempt to set information Possible causes are as follows:

for a Hitachi File Services • An error might have occurred in
Manager database file has the database file.
• Hitachi Command Suite Common
Component might not have been
installed correctly.
Acquire the maintenance information
of Hitachi File Services Manager and
Hitachi Command Suite Common
Component, and the trace information
at the time of setup, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM30019-E An attempt to set up the Possible causes are as follows:

Hitachi Command Suite • An error might have occurred in
Common Component the database file.
database file has failed.
• Hitachi Command Suite Common
Component might not have been
installed correctly.
Acquire the maintenance information
of Hitachi File Services Manager and
Hitachi Command Suite Common
Component, and the trace information
at the time of setup, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM30020-E An attempt to stop the Hitachi HBase Storage Mgmt Common Service
Command Suite Common might not be enabled, or an error
Component service has failed. might have occurred in a Hitachi
Command Suite Common Component
Acquire the maintenance information
of Hitachi File Services Manager and
Hitachi Command Suite Common
Component, the trace information at
the time of setup, and the list of
registered services, and then contact
maintenance personnel. The list of
registered services can be acquired by
choosing [Control Panel],
[Management Tools], [Services],
and then executing [Export list] from
the [Operations] menu.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-345

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM30021-E An attempt to register the Hitachi Command Suite Common

Web application has failed. Component might not be installed
Acquire the maintenance information
of Hitachi File Services Manager and
Hitachi Command Suite Common
Component, and the trace information
at the time of setup, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM30022-E An attempt to register an Hitachi Command Suite Common

alias of the storage location Component might not have been
for manual contents has installed correctly.
failed. (O)
Acquire the maintenance information
of Hitachi File Services Manager and
Hitachi Command Suite Common
Component, and the trace information
at the time of setup, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM30023-E An attempt to start the HBase Storage Mgmt Common Service

Hitachi Command Suite might not be enabled, or an error
Common Component service might have occurred in a Hitachi
has failed. Command Suite Common Component
Acquire the Hitachi File Services
Manager and Hitachi Command Suite
Common Component maintenance
information, the trace information from
setup, and the list of registered
services, and then contact the Support

KAQM30026-E Information about the There might be a problem with the

package to be installed cannot media.
be acquired. (O)
Please contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM30027-E An attempt to prepare for Possible causes are as follows:

updating a Hitachi Command • You might not have write
Suite Common Component permissions for the installation-
database file has failed. target disk drive.
• An error might have occurred on
the disk drive.
Depending on the cause, take one or
more of the following actions:
• Make sure you have write
permissions for the installation-
target disk drive.

5-346 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
• Make sure the installation-target
disk drive is normal.

KAQM30028-E An attempt to cancel the Possible causes are as follows:

settings for a Hitachi • An error might have occurred in
Command Suite Common the database file.
Component database file has
failed. • Hitachi Command Suite Common
Component might not have been
installed correctly.
Acquire the maintenance information
of Hitachi File Services Manager and
Hitachi Command Suite Common
Component, and the trace information
at the time of setup, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM30029-E An attempt to perform post- Possible causes are as follows:

processing after an update of • You might not have write
a Hitachi Command Suite permissions for the installation-
Common Component target disk drive.
database file has failed.
• An error might have occurred on
the disk drive.
Depending on the cause, take one or
more of the following actions:
• Make sure you have write
permissions for the installation-
target disk drive.
• Make sure the installation-target
disk drive is normal.

KAQM30032-E An attempt to perform A Hitachi File Services Manager or a

unsetup of a database has Hitachi Command Suite service might
failed. be running.
Make sure no services for other Hitachi
File Services Manager or Hitachi
Command Suite are running, and then
perform uninstallation again.

KAQM30033-E An attempt to delete a Hitachi Possible causes are as follows:

File Services Manager • An error might have occurred in
database file has failed. the database file.
• Hitachi Command Suite Common
Component might not have been
installed correctly.
Acquire the maintenance information
of Hitachi File Services Manager and
Hitachi Command Suite Common
Component, and the trace information

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-347

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
at the time of setup, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM30034-E An attempt to cancel the Hitachi Command Suite Common

registration of the log Component might not have been
collection command has installed correctly.
failed. (O)
Acquire the maintenance information
of Hitachi File Services Manager and
Hitachi Command Suite Common
Component, and the trace information
at the time of setup, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM30036-E An attempt to delete the The installation folder, or a folder or

installation folder has failed. file in the installation folder, is being
used by another application.
Restart the system, and then delete
the folder.

KAQM30037-E An attempt to determine the Hitachi Command Suite Common

cluster status has failed. Component might not have been
installed correctly.
Acquire the maintenance information
of Hitachi File Services Manager and
Hitachi Command Suite Common
Component, and the trace information
at the time of setup, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM30041-E An attempt to move the trace Possible causes are as follows:

information file has failed. • You might not have access
permissions to write to the
installation destination.
• An error might have occurred on
the disk drive.
Take the following action:
• Make sure that you have access
permissions to write to the
installation destination.
• Make sure that the installation
target disk drive is normal. If
installation or uninstallation ended
normally, no action needs to be

KAQM30042-E An attempt to delete service Possible causes are as follows:

pack information has failed. • You might not have write
permissions for the installation-
target disk drive.

5-348 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
• An error might have occurred on
the disk drive.
Depending on the cause, take one or
more of the following actions:
• Make sure you have write
permissions for the installation-
target disk drive.
• Make sure the installation-target
disk drive is normal.

KAQM30043-E An attempt to back up the Possible causes are as follows:

property file has failed. • You might not have write
permissions for the installation-
target disk drive.
• An error might have occurred on
the disk drive.
Depending on the cause, take one or
more of the following actions:
• Make sure you have write
permissions for the installation-
target disk drive.
• Make sure the installation-target
disk drive is normal.

KAQM30044-E An attempt to merge Possible causes are as follows:

information in the property • The contents of an already set
file has failed. property file might be invalid.
• A disk error might have occurred.
Depending on the cause, take one or
more of the following actions:
• Modify the property files.
• Make sure the installation-target
disk drive is normal.

KAQM30045-E An attempt to register The OS might have a problem.

uninstallation information into (O)
the registry has failed.
Acquire the maintenance information
of Hitachi File Services Manager and
the trace information at the time of
setup, and then contact maintenance

KAQM30052-E Specify the installation folder. In the window used for setting the
installation folder, there is no entry in
the [Installation destination for
Hitachi File Services Manager] text

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-349

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Enter a valid installation folder in the
[Installation destination for Hitachi
File Services Manager] text box.

KAQM30053-E Hitachi File Services Manager The path specified in the [Installation
installation requires at least destination for Hitachi File
1.5 GB of free space. The Services Manager] textbox does not
current free space is have the free space required for
insufficient. installation.
Secure the necessary space on the
disk drive that contains the specified
path. Alternatively, specify a path on
another disk drive.

KAQM30054-E The character string entered In the window used for setting the
for the path for the installation folder, the character string
installation folder exceeds 64 entered in the [Installation
bytes. destination for Hitachi File
Services Manager] text box exceeds
64 bytes.
Specify the installation folder, using no
more than 64 bytes.

KAQM30055-E The path specified for the In the window used for setting the
installation folder is not an installation folder, a relative path name
absolute path. Specify an was entered in the [Installation
absolute path. destination for Hitachi File
Services Manager] text box.
Specify the absolute path for the
installation folder.

KAQM30056-E The path name specified for Possible causes are as follows:
the installation folder contains • In the window used for setting the
an invalid space character. installation folder, a space
character was entered for the first
or last character in the text box.
• In the window used for setting the
installation folder, a space
character was entered for the first
or last character in the
[Installation destination for
Hitachi File Services Manager]
text box.
Depending on the cause, take one or
more of the following actions:
• Delete any space characters from
the beginning or end of the path

5-350 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
• Delete any space characters from
the beginning or end of a folder

KAQM30057-E A value containing an invalid In the window used for setting the
character or a reserved word installation folder, a character entered
was specified for the in the [Installation destination for
installation folder. Hitachi File Services Manager] text
box is invalid.
Only the following characters can be
used: Any alphanumeric character (A
to Z, a to z, and 0 to 9), hash mark
(#), left parenthesis ((), right
parenthesis ()), plus sign (+), hyphen
(-), period (.), at mark (@),
underscore (_), and the space
The reserved words are as follows:
AUX, CLOCK$, COMn(n = 1-9), CON,
LPTn(n = 1-9), NUL, PRN
Enter valid characters only for the
name of the installation folder in the
[Installation destination for Hitachi
File Services Manager] text box.

KAQM30058-E Specify the path name used In the window used for setting the
for storing the Hitachi File storage destination of the Hitachi File
Services Manager database Services Manager database files, there
files. is no entry in the [Storage
destination for database files of
Hitachi File Services Manager] text
Enter a valid path name used for
storing the database files in the
[Storage destination for database
files of Hitachi File Services
Manager] text box.

KAQM30059-E At least 200 MB of free space The path specified in the [Storage
is required for the processing destination for database files of
to create the Hitachi File Hitachi File Services Manager] text
Services Manager database box does not have the free space
files. The current free space is required for installation.
insufficient. (O)
Secure the necessary space on the
disk drive that contains the specified
path. Alternatively, specify a path on
another disk drive.

KAQM30060-E The character string entered In the window used for setting the
for the path name used for storage destination of the Hitachi File
storing the Hitachi File Services Manager database files, the
character string entered in the

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-351

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Services Manager database [Storage destination for database
files exceeds 90 bytes. files of Hitachi File Services
Manager] text box exceeds 90 bytes.
Specify the path name used for storing
the database files, using no more than
90 bytes.
KAQM30061-E The path used for storing the In the window used for setting the
Hitachi File Services Manager storage destination of the Hitachi File
database files is not an Services Manager database files, a
absolute path. relative path name was entered in the
[Storage destination for database
files of Hitachi File Services
Manager] text box.
Specify the absolute path used for
storing the Hitachi File Services
Manager database files.

KAQM30062-E The path name specified for Possible causes are as follows:
storing the Hitachi File • In the window used for setting the
Services Manager database storage destination of the Hitachi
files contains an invalid space File Services Manager database
character. files, a space character was
entered for the first or last
character in the [Storage
destination for database files
of Hitachi File Services
Manager] text box.
• In a folder name in the entered
path name, a space character was
entered for the first or last
Depending on the cause, take one or
more of the following actions:
• Delete any space characters from
the beginning or end of the path
• Delete any space characters from
the beginning or end of a folder

KAQM30063-E A value containing an invalid In the window used for setting the
character or a reserved word storage destination of the Hitachi File
was specified for the storage Services Manager database files, a
destination for the Hitachi File character entered in the [Storage
Services Manager database destination for database files of
files. Hitachi File Services Manager] text
box is invalid.
Only the following characters can be
used: Any alphanumeric character

5-352 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
(A to Z, a to z, and 0 to 9), left
parenthesis ((), right parenthesis ()),
period (.), underscore (_), and the
space character.
The reserved words are as follows:
AUX, CLOCK$, COMn (n = 1-9), CON,
LPTn (n = 1-9), NUL, PRN
Enter a valid path name used for
storing the database files in the
[Storage destination for database
files of Hitachi File Services
Manager] text box.

KAQM30064-E The HiRDB/ The HiRDB/EmbeddedEdition_HD0

EmbeddedEdition_HD0 service has stopped.
service is not running. (O)
Start the HiRDB/ Start the HiRDB/
EmbeddedEdition_HD0 EmbeddedEdition_HD0 service, stop
service, and then try again. the Hitachi Command Suite Common
Component service, and then try

KAQM30065-E An attempt to check the The HiRDB/EmbeddedEdition_HD0

status of the HiRDB/ service may not be enabled.
EmbeddedEdition_HD0 (O)
service has failed.
Acquire the maintenance information
of Hitachi Command Suite Common
Component, the trace information at
the time of setup, and the list of
registered services, and then contact
maintenance personnel. (To acquire a
list of registered services, choose
[Control Panel], [Administrative
Tools], and [Services], and from the
[Action] menu, choose [Export

KAQM30066-E Hitachi File Services Manager Hitachi File Services Manager cannot
cannot be installed because be installed because Hitachi Tuning
Hitachi Tuning Manager Manager Software has been installed in
Software has been installed in a large-scale configuration.
a large-scale configuration. (O)
Installation will now stop.
Change Hitachi Tuning Manager
Software to another configuration, or
uninstall it.

KAQM30067-W The file-name file was not The property file information cannot be
found. inherited because the file-name file
was not found.
After installation, recover the
information in the file-name file
according to the Help.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-353

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM30068-E The IP address is invalid. Possible causes are as follows:

• The IP address format is not
• nnn is not a value in the range
Depending on the cause, take one of
the following actions:
• Make the format for the IP address
• Specify nnn with a value in the
range 0-255.

KAQM30070-E Hitachi File Services Manager Hitachi File Services Manager cannot
cannot be installed because be installed because the path for the
the path for the folder in folder in which Hitachi Command Suite
which Hitachi Command Suite Common Component has been
Common Component has installed exceeds 90 bytes.
been installed exceeds 90 (O)
bytes. Installation will now
stop. Uninstall any installed Hitachi
Command Suite, specify a new
installation folder within 90 bytes, and
then install the products again.

KAQM30071-I The port number for the The port number for the HBase
HBase Storage Mgmt Web Storage Mgmt Web Service has been
Service has been changed changed from the default port number.
from the default port number. (O)
Do you want to set the new
number? Check the port number that is to be
changed for the HBase Storage Mgmt
New port number: entered- Web Service, and then take
port-number appropriate action according to the

KAQM30079-E An attempt to execute a An attempt to execute a Hitachi

Hitachi Command Suite Command Suite Common Component
Common Component command has failed.
command has failed. (O)
Acquire the maintenance information
of Hitachi File Services Manager and
Hitachi Command Suite Common
Component, and the trace information
at the time of setup, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM30080-E An attempt to prepare for An attempt to prepare for creating a

creating a database has database has failed.
failed. (O)
Acquire the maintenance information
of Hitachi File Services Manager and
the trace information at the time of
setup, and then contact maintenance

5-354 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM30081-E An attempt to prepare for An attempt to prepare for updating a

updating a database has database has failed. A temporary error
failed. might have occurred.
Retry the installation. If the problem
persists, acquire the maintenance
information of Hitachi File Services
Manager and the trace information at
the time of setup, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM30082-E No Hitachi File Services Upgrade installation cannot be

Manager database files were performed, because no Hitachi File
found. Services Manager database files were
Take the actions as follows:
1. Restore the backed up database
2. Uninstall Hitachi File Services
3. Install Hitachi File Services
Manager again.

KAQM30084-E A period (.) has been You cannot specify a period (.) at the
specified in an invalid position beginning or end of the installation
in the installation folder folder name.
name. (O)
Specify an installation folder name
without a period (.) at the beginning
or end of the name.

KAQM30085-E A period (.) has been You cannot specify a period (.) at the
specified in an invalid position beginning or end of the path name
in the path name used for used for storing the database files.
storing the database files. (O)
Specify the path name used for storing
the database files without a period (.)
at the beginning or end of the path

KAQM30086-W The SSL certificate used for The password for the SSL certificate
communication with the node used for communication with the node
could not be imported to the has been changed.
keystore. After installation (O)
finishes, import the certificate
by following the instructions After installation finishes, import the
in the manual. certificate by following the instructions
in the manual.

KAQM30088-E An attempt to acquire registry The OS might have a problem.

information has failed. (O)

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-355

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Acquire the trace information at the
time of setup, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM30089-E Hitachi File Services Manager In the window used for setting the
cannot be installed in the installation folder, the root of a drive
specified folder. (e.g., C:\) was specified in the
[Installation destination for Hitachi File
Services Manager] text box.
Please specify another folder.

KAQM30090-E Hitachi File Services Manager Hitachi File Services Manager cannot
cannot be installed because a be installed because a Hitachi
Hitachi Command Suite Command Suite product has already
product has already been been installed at the root of the drive
installed at the root of the (e.g., C:\).
drive (e.g., C:\). (O)
Follow the instructions in the manual in
order to reinstall Hitachi File Services

KAQM30093-E An attempt to install Hitachi Hitachi File Services Manager cannot

File Services Manager has be installed because the Hitachi File
failed. Services Manager or Hitachi NAS
Manager registry is invalid.
Acquire the trace information at the
time of setup, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM30094-E An attempt to install Hitachi An internal error occurred during the

File Services Manager has Hitachi File Services Manager
failed. installation.
Acquire the trace information at the
time of setup, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM30095-E Installation of the shared A temporary error occurred, or the

library failed. Windows Installer version might be
Install the latest version of Windows
Installer, and then retry the
installation. If the problem persists,
acquire the Hitachi File Services
Manager and Hitachi Command Suite
Common Component maintenance
information, collect the trace
information at the time the setup was
attempted, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

5-356 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM30096-E Post-processing for an update Possible causes are as follows:

of a Hitachi File Services - You do not have delete permission
Manager library file has failed. for the installation folder.

- A disk error occurred.

Depending on the cause, take either of
the following actions:
- Make sure you have delete
permission for the installation folder.
- Make sure the installation-destination
disk drive is normal.

KAQM32 messages
This section explains messages that have a message ID beginning with
KAQM32, and the actions to be taken if such messages appear.

Table 5-22 KAQM32 messages

Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM32001-I The FC path is set. To enable The FC path is set according to the
the setting, the OS must be structure of the specified file.
restarted. (O)
Restart the OS.

KAQM32002-E The specified file does not The specified file does not exist in the
exist in the home directory. home directory.
(file name=specified-file- (O)
Confirm that the specified file exists in
the home directory.

KAQM32003-E The specified file name The specified file name includes an
includes an unusable unusable character.
character. (O)
Enter a valid file name, and then try

KAQM32004-E The definition of a path to the The definition of a path to the system
system LU has changed. LU has changed. If processing
continues, the OS might not start.
Check the definition in the specified
file, and then try again.

KAQM32005-E An attempt to perform an There might be a problem in the

operation on the system file processing of an OS disk or the system
(target-file-name) has failed. file.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-357

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Make sure that the OS disk settings
are correct, and that no error has
occurred. If the problem cannot be
resolved, acquire all the management
log files, and then contact maintenance
personnel. For a list of the
management log files, see Help.

KAQM32006-E The persistent binding file (1) The installation might have failed.
that defines the structure of (2) A problem might exist in the
the current FC path does not processing of an OS disk or the system
exist. file.
(1) See the installation log to check
that the installation was successful.
(2) Make sure that the OS disk settings
are correct, and that no error has
occurred. If the problem cannot be
resolved, acquire all the management
log files, and then contact maintenance
personnel. For a list of the
management log files, see Help.

KAQM32007-E An attempt to set the A system error might have occurred.

persistent binding file has (O)
Acquire all the management log files,
and then contact maintenance
personnel. For a list of the
management log files, see Help.

KAQM32008-Q Do you want to set the FC This message is output before the FC
path according to the path is set.
structure of the specified (O)
persistent binding file? (y/n)
Enter y or n.

KAQM32009-E An attempt to switch the FC An error might have occurred in

path online has failed. (FC hardware that connects a node to a
path name=FC-path-name) storage system, or an LU error might
have occurred.
Check the connection status of the FC
cable. If the connection statuses of the
FC cables are normal, check the
statuses of the LUs. If the problem
cannot be resolved, acquire all the
management log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel. For a
list of the management log files, see

KAQM32010-E An attempt to switch the FC An error might have occurred in

path offline has failed. (FC hardware that connects a node to a
path name=FC-path-name) storage system, or an LU error might
have occurred.

5-358 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Check the connection status of the FC
cable. If the connection statuses of the
FC cables are normal, check the
statuses of the LUs. If the problem
cannot be resolved, acquire all the
management log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel. For a
list of the management log files, see

KAQM32011-E The specified FC path does The name of the specified FC path is
not exist. incorrect, or the specified FC path does
not exist.
Specify a valid FC path.

KAQM32012-E An attempt to set the The format of the information specified

persistent binding file has in the persistent binding file is
failed. incorrect.
Check the format of the information
specified in the persistent binding file,
and then try again.

KAQM32013-E An attempt to read the 1) The installation might have failed.

persistent binding file that 2) A problem might exist in the
defines the current FC path processing of an OS disk or the system
configuration has failed. file.
1) See the installation log to check
that the installation was successful.
2) Make sure that the OS disk settings
are correct, and that no error has
occurred. If the problem cannot be
resolved, acquire all the management
log files, and then contact maintenance
personnel. For a list of the
management log files, see Help.

KAQM32014-E An attempt to switch the FC The status of the switch-destination FC

path offline has failed. path is not Online, or a switch-
destination FC path does not exist.
Check the status of the FC path. If the
status of the switch-destination FC
path is not Online, recover the path to
the Online status, and then try again.
If a switch-destination FC path does
not exist, set it up.

KAQM32015-E An attempt to acquire A temporary error might have occurred

information about the FC path because the system is busy.
has failed. (O)
Try again. If this error occurs
repeatedly, acquire all the

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-359

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
management log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel. For a
list of the management log files, see

KAQM32016-E An attempt to acquire (1) The installation might have failed.

information about the (2) A problem might exist in the
persistent binding file has processing of an OS disk or the system
failed. file.
(1) See the installation log to check
that the installation was successful.
(2) Make sure that the OS disk settings
are correct, and that no error has
occurred. If the problem cannot be
resolved, acquire all the management
log files, and then contact maintenance
personnel. For a list of the
management log files, see Help.

KAQM32017-E An attempt to set the A system error might have occurred.

environment of the FC path The setting might be temporarily
has failed. enabled, but after the OS is restarted
the setting will be disabled.
Acquire all the management log files,
and then contact maintenance
personnel. For a list of the
management log files, see Help.

KAQM32018-E An attempt to acquire A temporary error might have occurred

information about the because the system is busy.
environment settings of the (O)
FC path has failed.
Try again. If this error occurs
repeatedly, acquire all the
management log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel. For a
list of the management log files, see

KAQM32019-W An FC path is not in a normal An FC cable might be disconnected or

state. an LU error might have occurred.
Check the connection statuses of the
FC cables. If the connection statuses of
the FC cables are normal, check the
statuses of the LUs. After the FC path
is in a normal state, use the fponline
command to switch the FC path to

KAQM32020-W An LU error might have An LU error might have occurred.

occurred. (O)

5-360 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
After the cause of the error has been
removed, use the fponline command
to switch the FC path to Online.

KAQM32021-W At least one FC path has the At least one FC path has the Partially
Partially Online status. Online status. At least one LU cannot
be accessed.
Use the fponline command to switch
the FC path to Online.

KAQM32022-W The assignment of LUs to The same LUs have not been assigned
corresponding host groups to each host group corresponding to
differ between each switch- the switch-destination FC path.
destination FC path. (O)
Check whether the same LUs have
been assigned to each host group
corresponding to the switch-
destination FC path.

KAQM32023-W An attempt to acquire the The host port or storage port might not
status of the FC path has have been detected. Alternatively, an
failed. LU has not been assigned to the host
group corresponding to the target FC
Make sure that a HBA card has been
inserted. If it is already inserted, make
sure that the WWN for the FC port on
the storage system side is correct. If it
is correct, check the connection
statuses of the FC cables, the settings
for FC switches, and the settings for
the storage array system. If their
statuses and settings are correct,
make sure that an LU has been
assigned to the host group
corresponding to the target FC path.

KAQM32024-E An attempt to switch one or One or more of the FC paths to be

more FC paths online has switched online are in the "Unknown"
failed. status.
Make sure that a HBA card has been
inserted. If it is already inserted, make
sure that the WWN for the FC port on
the storage system side is correct. If it
is correct, check the connection
statuses of the FC cables, the settings
for FC switches, and the settings for
the storage array system. If their
statuses and settings are correct,
make sure that an LU has been
assigned to the host group
corresponding to the target FC path.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-361

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM32025-E An attempt to switch one or One or more of the FC paths to be

more FC paths online has switched online are in the
failed. "Configuration Mismatch" status.
Check whether the same LUs have
been assigned to each host group
corresponding to the switch-
destination FC path.

KAQM32026-E An attempt to switch one or One or more of the FC paths to be

more FC paths offline has switched offline are in the "Unknown"
failed. status.
Make sure that a HBA card has been
inserted. If it is already inserted, make
sure that the WWN for the FC port on
the storage system side is correct. If it
is correct, check the connection
statuses of the FC cables, the settings
for FC switches, and the settings for
the storage array system. If their
statuses and settings are correct,
make sure that an LU has been
assigned to the host group
corresponding to the target FC path.

KAQM32027-E An attempt to switch one or One or more of the FC paths to be

more FC paths offline has switched offline are in the
failed. "Configuration Mismatch" status.
Check whether the same LUs have
been assigned to each host group
corresponding to the switch-
destination FC path.

KAQM32028-E The value specified for the The value specified for the sequential
sequential access count is access count is outside the valid range.
outside the valid range. (O)
(sequential access count =
specified-sequential-access- Specify a value in the range from 1 to
count) 65,535, and then try again.

KAQM32030-E Setting an FC path failed The cluster is not stopped.

because the cluster is not (O)
Stop the cluster, and then try again.

KAQM32031-E Setting an FC path failed The failover function returned an error.

because the cluster status (O)
could not be acquired.
Acquire all the management log files
and cluster log files, and then contact
maintenance personnel. For a list of
these files, see the online Help.

5-362 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM32033-E An attempt to set the The node status is not UP or INACTIVE.

environment of an FC path (O)
failed because the node status
is not UP or INACTIVE. Check the node status, and then try

KAQM32036-E An attempt to change the A system error might have occurred.

operation mode of FC path (O)
recognition has failed.
Acquire all the management log files,
and then contact maintenance
personnel. For a list of the
management log files, see Help.

KAQM32037-E An attempt to acquire A temporary error might have occurred

information about the because the system is busy.
operation mode of FC path (O)
recognition failed.
Try again. If this error occurs
repeatedly, acquire all the
management log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel. For a
list of the management log files, see

KAQM32038-Q Performance might decrease This confirmation message is output

when the load-balance whenever the load-balance function is
function is disabled. Do you disabled.
still want to change the (O)
setting? (y/n)
Enter y or n.

KAQM32039-E A system error occurred. There might be a problem in the

processing of an OS disk or the system
Make sure that the OS disk settings
are correct, and that no error has
occurred. If the problem cannot be
resolved, acquire all the management
log files, and then contact maintenance
personnel. For a list of the
management log files, see Help.

KAQM32040-W The fixed GID allocated to the The fixed GID allocated to the FC path
FC path has reached the has reached the threshold.
threshold. (O)
Use the fpgidmapdel command to
initialize the fixed GID map.

KAQM32041-E The fixed GID allocated to the The fixed GID allocated to the FC path
FC path exceeds the exceeds the maximum value.
maximum value. (O)
Use the fpgidmapdel command to
initialize the fixed GID map.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-363

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM32042-E The value specified for the The value specified for the path health
path health check interval is check interval is outside the valid
outside the valid range. (path range.
health check interval = (O)
interval) Specify a value in the range from 1 to
1,440, and then try again.

KAQM32043-E The specified host port does The specified host port is invalid.
not exist. (O)
Specify a valid host port.

KAQM32044-E The specified storage port The specified storage port is invalid.
does not exist. (O)
Specify a valid storage port.

KAQM32045-E An attempt to switch one or There might be a failure in the

more FC paths connected to a hardware connecting the node to the
host port online has failed. storage system, or an error might have
(host port = host-port-name) occurred in an LU.
Check the connection statuses of the
FC cables. If the connection statuses of
the FC cables are normal, check the
statuses of the LUs. If the problem
cannot be resolved, acquire all the
management log files, and then inform
maintenance personnel. For a list of
the management log files, see online

KAQM32046-E An attempt to switch one or There might be a failure in the

more FC paths connected to a hardware connecting the node to the
storage port online has failed. storage system, or an error might have
(model =model-name, serial occurred in an LU.
number = serial-number, (O)
storage port = storage-port)
Check the connection statuses of the
FC cables. If the connection statuses of
the FC cables are normal, check the
statuses of the LUs. If the problem
cannot be resolved, acquire all the
management log files, and then inform
maintenance personnel. For a list of
the management log files, see online

KAQM32047-E An attempt to switch one or There might be a failure in the

more FC paths connected to a hardware connecting the node to the
host port offline has failed. storage system, or an error might have
(host port = host-port-name) occurred in an LU.
Check the connection statuses of the
FC cables. If the connection statuses of
the FC cables are normal, check the

5-364 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
statuses of the LUs. If the problem
cannot be resolved, acquire all the
management log files, and then inform
maintenance personnel. For a list of
the management log files, see online

KAQM32048-E An attempt to switch one or There might be a failure in the

more FC paths connected to a hardware connecting the node to the
storage port offline has failed. storage system, or an error might have
(model = model-name, serial occurred in an LU.
number = serial-number, (O)
storage port = storage-port-
name) Check the connection statuses of the
FC cables. If the connection statuses of
the FC cables are normal, check the
statuses of the LUs. If the problem
cannot be resolved, acquire all the
management log files, and then inform
maintenance personnel. For a list of
the management log files, see online

KAQM32049-E The specified host port An unsupported storage system might

includes one or more FC paths be connected, there might be a failure
that cannot be switched in the hardware connecting a node and
online. storage system, or an error might have
occurred in an LU.
Check whether the storage system is
supported. If it is supported, check the
connection statuses of the FC cables,
and check the FC switch settings and
the storage system settings. If the
statuses and settings are correct,
check the status of the LUs. If the
problem cannot be resolved, acquire all
the management log files, and then
inform maintenance personnel. For a
list of the management log files, see
online Help.

KAQM32050-E The specified host port An unsupported storage system might

includes one or more FC paths be connected, there might be a failure
that cannot be switched in the hardware connecting a node and
offline. storage system, or an error might have
occurred in an LU.
Check whether the storage system is
supported. If it is supported, check the
connection statuses of the FC cables,
and check the FC switch settings and
the storage system settings. If the
statuses and settings are correct,
check the status of the LUs. If the
problem cannot be resolved, acquire all

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-365

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
the management log files, and then
inform maintenance personnel. For a
list of the management log files, see
online Help.

KAQM32051-W FC path information could The other node in the cluster might be
only be acquired for the node down, or a network error might have
on which the operation was occurred.
performed, because (O)
communication between the
nodes is down. Check whether the other node in the
cluster is down, or if a network error
occurred, resolve any problems, and
then retry the operation. If the
problem cannot be identified, acquire
all the log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM32052-W LU path information could The other node in the cluster might be
only be acquired for the node down, or a network error might have
on which the operation was occurred.
performed, because (O)
communication between the
nodes is down. Check whether the other node in the
cluster is down, or if a network error
occurred, resolve any problems, and
then retry the operation. If the
problem cannot be identified, acquire
all the log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM32053-E No HBA cards are inserted for The specified parameter can be set
which the specified parameter only when a compatible HBA card is
can be set. inserted.
Make sure that an HBA card for which
the specified parameter can be set is

KAQM32054-E The FC path status could not In the settings on the storage system,
be acquired. the volume that was allocated as a
cluster management LU or file system
might be allocated to an invalid LUN,
or the volume allocated to the LUN
might have been changed.
Check whether any changes were
applied to the settings described in this
message as possible causes. Check
and, if necessary, revise the LU
settings. Then execute the command
fpstatus on both nodes, and restart
the OS of the node where this
message was output. After the OS
restarts, check the FC path status. If
this message is output again, collect all

5-366 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM33 messages
This section explains messages that have a message ID beginning with
KAQM33, and the actions to be taken if such messages appear.

Table 5-23 KAQM33 messages

Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM33001-E The user LU assignment The user LU assignment function is not

function is not set to the set to the maintenance mode.
maintenance mode. (O)
Execute the lumapctl command to
change to the maintenance mode.

KAQM33008-E A system error has occurred. There might be a problem in the

processing of the system. (error
Acquire all the management log files,
and then contact maintenance
personnel. For a list of the
management log files, see Help.

KAQM33009-Q Do you want to delete the This confirmation message appears

specified user LU assignment when the user LU assignment
information? (y/n) information is deleted.
Enter y or n.

KAQM33016-E The specified function The specified function is not supported.

(specified-function-name) (O)
cannot be executed.
Make sure the specified function name
is correct, and then retry the

KAQM33024-E The user LUN (user-LUN) The user LUN specified in the
specified in the argument is argument is duplicated.
duplicated. (O)
Make sure the specified values are
correct, and then retry the operation.

KAQM33026-E The specified model name The specified model name is invalid.
(specified-model-name) is (O)
Specify a valid model name, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM33027-E The specified serial number The specified serial number is outside
(serial-number-of-the- the valid range.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-367

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
storage-system-that-contains- (O)
the-volume) is outside the Specify a serial number that is within
valid range. the valid range, and then retry the
KAQM33028-E The specified volume The specified volume is invalid.
(volume) is invalid. (O)
Specify a valid volume, and then retry
the operation.

KAQM33029-E The specified volume The specified volume is duplicated.

(volume) is duplicated. (O)
Correct this problem so that the
specified volume is not duplicated, and
then retry the operation.

KAQM33030-E The specified volume The specified volume does not exist in
(volume) does not exist in the the specified storage system.
specified storage system (O)
(model name=model-name,
serial number=serial- Specify the correct volume, and then
number). retry the operation.

KAQM33031-E The specified volume The specified volume in the specified

(volume) in the specified storage system is assigned to a
storage system (model different user LUN.
name=model-name, serial (O)
number=serial-number) is
assigned to a different user Specify the correct volume, and then
LUN. retry the operation.

KAQM33032-E The user LU cannot be The configuration of the specified

assigned because the volume in the specified storage system
configuration of the specified has changed.
volume (volume) in the (O)
specified storage system
(model name=model-name, Make sure that the configuration of the
serial number=serial-number) volume is correct, and then retry the
has changed. operation.

KAQM33033-E The assignment cannot be The assignment cannot be deleted

deleted because the specified because the specified user LUN is
user LUN is being used. (user being used.
LUN=user-LUN, model (O)
name=model-name, serial
number=serial-number, Specify the correct user LUN, and then
volume=volume) retry the operation.

KAQM33034-E The specified user LUN (user- The specified user LUN is assigned to a
LUN) is assigned to a different different target and volume.
volume. (O)
Specify the correct user LUN, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM33035-E The number of specified The number of specified volumes

volumes exceeds the exceeds the maximum value.
maximum value. (O)

5-368 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Specify a number of volumes that does
not exceed the maximum value, and
then retry the operation.

KAQM33036-W An attempt to set or release An attempt to set or cancel the copy

the copy control attribute has control attribute failed when an LU was
failed. (ID = group-ID, LUN = recognized or canceled.
LU-number, details) (O)
Contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM33044-E An attempt to access the The other node in the cluster might
other node in the cluster have stopped, or a network error
failed. might have occurred.
Make sure that the other node in the
cluster has not stopped, check for
network errors, resolve any errors, and
then retry the operation. If the error
persists, acquire all the log data, and
then contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM33046-E Initialization of the user disk An error was detected while accessing
failed. a user disk. There might be a problem
in the user disk or in the connection to
the user disk.
Confirm the status of the FC path, and
then confirm that there are no
problems with the connection to the
storage system. If there are no such
problems, restart the node. If this
error occurs repeatedly, acquire all the
Management log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel. See
online Help file for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQM33048-E Creation of a user LU failed The drive required to create the LU is

because the drive required to not connected.
create the LU is not (O)
Connect the required drive, and then
perform a new installation again.

KAQM33049-E The operation cannot be The operation cannot be performed

performed because the OS LU because the OS LU and the user LU are
and the user LU are in the in the same RAID group.
same RAID group. (O)

KAQM33050-Q Are you sure you want to This confirmation message appears
delete the specified user LU? before a user LU is deleted.
(y/n) (O)
Enter y or n.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-369

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM33051-E The specified user LU cannot The specified user LU cannot be

be deleted because it is deleted because it is currently in use.
currently in use. (O)
Verify the specified value, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM33052-E The specified user LU cannot The specified user LU cannot be

be deleted because it is not deleted because it is not an internal
an internal disk. disk.
Verify the specified value, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM35 messages
This section explains messages that have a message ID beginning with
KAQM35, and the actions to be taken if such messages appear.

Table 5-24 KAQM35 messages

Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM35001-E The "resource-type" type An attempt to start a system resource

resource "resource-name" is failed.
blocked. (O)
Note: The system administrator must
If a resource name cannot be remedy the error that occurred in the
identified, a hyphen (-) is resource.
displayed for resource-name. If you are using local data encryption,
make sure none of the following errors
occurred during OS startup:
KAQM05256-E, or errors in the range
from KAQM05258-E through
KAQM05264-E. If any of these errors
occurred, take action according to the
error message. If the error occurred on
a virtual server, check the system
messages on the active node, and take
action accordingly.
If the type of the resource for which
the error occurred is LVM_volume or
Filesystem, check the status of the file
system and the differential-data
storage device where the error
occurred, and then restart the node. If
you cannot resolve the error by
performing the above procedure,
acquire all the log data, and then
contact the Support Center. If the
error occurred on a virtual server,

5-370 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
acquire all the log data on the active
node and the virtual server.

KAQM35002-E The "IP_address" type An attempt to start an NFS service

resource "resource-name" failed.
cannot be used. (O)
Note: A hardware error might have occurred
If a resource name cannot be on the data LAN. Contact maintenance
identified, a hyphen (-) is personnel to remedy the error, and
displayed for resource-name. then restart the node. If this error
occurs again, acquire all the log data,
and then contact the Support Center.
If the error occurred on a virtual
server, acquire all the log data on the
active node and the virtual server.

KAQM35003-E An error occurred during An attempt to start a system resource

startup of a node resource. failed.
Determine the cause of the error by
referring to the KAQM04186-E
message or any KAQM35nnn messages
that are output as system messages,
and then resolve the problem by
following the applicable messages.

KAQM35004-E An attempt to unmount the An attempt to unmount a file system

"Filesystem" type resource has failed.
"mount-point-path" has failed. (O)
Note: If you use the function of file
If this error is reported to the snapshots or Backup Restore volume
SNMP manager, a hyphen (-) replication function, stop the relevant
is displayed for the mount- functions, and then retry the
point-path. See the system operation. If this message is output
message to check the mount again, acquire all the log data, and
point path. then contact the Support Center. If the
error occurred on a virtual server,
acquire all the log data on the active
node and the virtual server.

KAQM35005-E An unrecoverable error Automatic restoration processing failed

occurred in the resource because the resource information table
information table. contained an error.
Acquire all the log data, and then
contact the Support Center. If the
error occurred on a virtual server,
acquire all the log data on the active
node and the virtual server.

KAQM35006-E An attempt to stop the An attempt to stop a resource failed.

"resource-type" type resource (O)
"resource-name" has failed.
Acquire all the log data, and then
Note: contact the Support Center. If the
error occurred on a virtual server,

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-371

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
If a resource name cannot be acquire all the log data on the active
identified, a hyphen (-) is node and the virtual server.
displayed for resource-name.

KAQM35007-E An attempt to start the node An error occurred during processing to

has failed. start a resource.
Remedy the error by following the
message output before this message,
and then retry the operation. If no
messages were output before this
message or you cannot remedy the
error, acquire all the log data, and
then contact the Support Center. If the
error occurred on a virtual server,
acquire all the log data on the active
node and the virtual server.

KAQM35008-E An attempt to stop the node An error occurred during processing to

has failed. stop a resource.
Remedy the error by following the
message output before this message,
and then retry the operation. If no
messages were output before this
message or you cannot remedy the
error, acquire all the log data, and
then contact the Support Center. If the
error occurred on a virtual server,
acquire all the log data on the active
node and the virtual server.

KAQM35009-E A timeout occurred while the A timeout occurred while a system

"resource-type" type resource resource was being started.
"resource-name" was being (O)
Restart the node, and then retry the
Note: operation. If this message is output
If a resource name cannot be again, acquire all the log data, and
identified, a hyphen (-) is then contact the Support Center. If the
displayed for resource-name. error occurred on a virtual server,
acquire all the log data on the active
node and the virtual server.

KAQM35010-E A timeout occurred while the A timeout occurred while a system

"resource-type" type resource resource was being stopped.
"resource-name" was being (O)
Wait a while, and then retry the
Note: operation. If this message is output
If a resource name cannot be again, acquire all the log data, and
identified, a hyphen (-) is then contact the Support Center. If the
displayed for resource-name. error occurred on a virtual server,
acquire all the log data on the active
node and the virtual server.

KAQM35011-W An attempt to update internal A system error occurred.

system information has failed. (O)

5-372 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
The status of the node might Restart the node, and then retry the
not change correctly. operation. If this message is output
again, acquire all the log data, and
then contact the Support Center. If the
error occurred on a virtual server,
acquire all the log data on the active
node and the virtual server.
KAQM35012-W The NFS share cannot be One or more NFS public destination
accessed from the NFS client hosts for which name resolution failed
because name resolution of were detected during node startup.
the public destination host (O)
hostname" for the NFS share Make sure that name resolution is
failed during node startup. possible for the public destination
hosts displayed in the message, and
then use the nfslist command to
make sure that the public destination
hosts are displayed correctly. Next,
inform the NFS clients that the system
has recovered from the failure.

KAQM35013-W Output of the message Name resolution failed for more than
KAQM35012-W or 16 NFS public destination hosts.
KAQM35020-W was (O)
suppressed, because name
resolution failed for more than Use the nfslist command to check
16 public destination hosts for the public destination hosts for which
the NFS share. name resolution failed. After name
resolution is possible for all public
destination hosts, use the nfslist
command to make sure that the public
destination hosts are displayed
correctly. Next, inform the NFS clients
that the system has recovered from
the failure.

KAQM35015-I Now starting a resource... (O)

(resource-type) No action is required.

KAQM35016-I Now stopping a resource... (O)

(resource-type) No action is required.

KAQM35017-E A timeout occurred while a A timeout occurred while a system

resource was being stopped. resource was being stopped.
Collect dump information, and then
contact the Support Center.

KAQM35018-E The ""resource-type"" type An attempt to start a system resource

resource ""resource-name"" is failed.
blocked. (O)
The system administrator must
remedy the error that occurred in the

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-373

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
If you are using local data encryption,
make sure none of the following errors
occurred during OS startup:
KAQM05256-E, or errors in the range
from KAQM05258-E through
KAQM05264-E. If any of these errors
occurred, take action according to the
error message.
If the type of the resource for which
the error occurred is LVM_volume or
Filesystem, check the statuses of the
file system where the error occurred
and of the corresponding differential-
data storage device, and then take the
appropriate action for those statuses.
After taking action, if the resource
group status does not become Online,
forcibly terminate the resource group,
and then restart it. If you cannot
resolve the error by performing the
above procedure, acquire all the log
data, and then contact the Support

KAQM35019-E A timeout occurred during the A timeout occurred during the

processing to start the processing to start the resource group.
"resource-type"-type resource (O)
group "resource-group-
name". Forcibly terminate the resource group,
and then restart it. If this message
appears again, collect all log data, and
then contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM35020-W The NFS share cannot be During resource group startup, a public
accessed from the NFS client, destination host for the NFS share for
because name resolution of which name resolution could not be
the public destination host for performed was detected.
the NFS share failed during (O)
resource group startup. (NFS-
public-destination-hostname) Make sure that name resolution is
possible for the public destination
hosts displayed in the message, and
then use the nfslist command to
make sure that the public destination
hosts are displayed correctly. Next,
inform the NFS clients that the system
has recovered from the failure.

KAQM35021-W One or more resources cannot A license that is required to start

be started because the Hitachi resources has not been set up.
NAS NFS protocol license has (O)
not been set up.
Set up the license, and then restart the
resource groups. If the problem is not
resolved, collect all log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM35022-E An attempt to start the An attempt to start a resource failed.

"resource-type"-type resource (O)

5-374 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
group "resource-group-name" Collect all log data, and then contact
failed. maintenance personnel.

KAQM35023-E An attempt to stop the An attempt to stop a resource failed.

"resource-type"-type resource (O)
group "resource-group-name"
failed. Collect all log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM35024-E A timeout occurred during the A timeout occurred during the

processing to stop the processing to stop the resource group.
"resource-type"-type resource (O)
group "resource-group-
name". Wait a while, and then retry the
operation. If this message appears
again, collect all log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM35025-E An attempt to start the An attempt to start a resource failed.

"resource-type"-type resource (O)
group "resource-group-name"
failed. Determine the cause of the error by
referring to the KAQM04186-E
message or any KAQM35nnn messages
that are output as system messages,
and then resolve the problem by
following the applicable messages.

KAQM37 messages
This section explains messages that have a message ID beginning with
KAQM37, and the actions to be taken if such messages appear.

Table 5-25 KAQM37 messages

Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM37001-E The specified file does not The file specified in the path does not
exist. (file path = file-path) exist.
Specify the path of an existing file.

KAQM37002-E The format of the specified file There might be insufficient disk space,
is invalid. (file path = file- or the name of a file or path of a
path) directory that is a target of the task
might contain a newline character.
If there is insufficient disk space,
expand the target file system. Make
sure that there is no newline character
in the name of a file or path of a
directory that is a target of the task. If
there is sufficient disk space and no
such newline character, no action is
necessary. If the same error occurs

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-375

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
the next time the task is executed,
collect all the log data and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM37003-E The format of the specified The specified host name contains
host name is invalid. (host invalid characters, or the length is
name = host-name) outside the valid range.
Following the help information, specify
a valid value.

KAQM37004-E An attempt to perform name The specified FQDN is not configured

resolution on the FQDN failed. for name resolution.
Configure the FQDN to be able to
perform name resolution, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM37005-E The specified file system has The specified file system has not been
not been mounted. (file mounted.
system = file-system-name) (O)
Either mount the specified file system,
or specify the name of a mounted file
system, and then retry the operation.

KAQM37006-E The specified ID is invalid. (ID The specified ID is not numeric, or is

= ID) outside the valid range.
Following the help information, specify
a valid value.

KAQM37007-E The process with the specified The process with the specified ID is
ID does not exist. (ID = ID) not running.
Specify a valid ID.

KAQM37008-E The process with the specified The archive job is already running.
ID is already running. (ID = (O)
Specify a valid ID.

KAQM37009-E The process with the specified The process with the specified ID is
ID is not ready to accept the not ready to accept the request.
request. (ID = ID, status = (O)
Following the help information, specify
a valid option.

KAQM37010-E The specified file system has The specified file system has been
been mounted as read-only. mounted as read-only.
(file system = file-system- (O)
Mount the file system as read-write, or
specify a valid file system name, and
then retry the operation.

5-376 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM37011-E The argument string of the The specified argument contains

specified option is invalid. invalid characters, or the length is
(option = option-name, outside the valid range.
argument = argument-string) (O)
Following the help information, specify
a valid value.

KAQM37012-E The argument value of the The specified value is not numeric, or
specified option is invalid. is outside the valid range.
(option = option-name, (O)
argument = argument)
Following the help information, specify
a valid value.

KAQM37013-E The minimum and maximum The specified minimum value is higher
values of a specified thread than the maximum value.
are invalid. (O)
Following the help information, specify
a valid value.

KAQM37014-E Acquisition of a lock failed Acquisition of a lock failed during

during execution of a execution of a command.
command. (O)
Wait a while, and then retry the
operation. If the error persists, acquire
all the log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM37015-E An attempt to access the The other node in the cluster might
other node in the cluster have stopped, or a network error
failed. might have occurred.
Make sure that the other node in the
cluster has not stopped, check for
network errors, resolve any errors, and
then retry the operation. If the error
persists, acquire all the log data, and
then contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM37020-E Memory is insufficient. An attempt to allocate memory has

Wait a while, and then retry the
operation. If the error persists, acquire
all the log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM37021-E An internal error has An internal error occurred during

occurred. processing.
Acquire all the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM37022-E Acquisition of a lock among An error occurred during acquisition of

threads failed. a lock among threads.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-377

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Acquire all the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM37023-E Creation of a thread failed. Creation of a thread failed because of

insufficient system resources.
Wait a while, and then retry the
operation. If the error persists, acquire
all the log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM37024-E The number of files that can An attempt was made to archive a
be processed has exceeded number of files that exceeds the upper
the upper limit. limit for one request.
Divide the file list so that the number
of files does not exceed the upper

KAQM37025-E An error occurred during An error occurred during internal

internal communication. communication between processes.
Acquire all the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM37026-E Analysis of a configuration file An error occurred during analysis of a

failed. configuration file.
Acquire all the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM37027-E The file path is too long. The specified file path is more than
4,095 characters.
Specify a path that is no more than
4,095 characters, and then retry the

KAQM37028-E The specified file is not a The specified file is not a target for
target for archiving. archiving.
Specify a file that is a target for
archiving, and then retry the

KAQM37029-E The specified file has already The specified file has already been
been migrated. migrated.
Specify a file that has not been
migrated, and then retry the

KAQM37031-E The file does not exist. The file does not exist. The file might
have been deleted or moved during

5-378 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
archiving, or the file path might
contain a line feed code.
Make sure that the file path is correct,
and then retry the operation. If this
message is output because a file was
deleted or moved during archiving,
unreferenced files might remain on the
HCP system. See the HSM Core log
(hsmarc.log) and if the KAQM37070-E
message is output, use that message
to identify the HCP file path. For
details on how to handle HCP files, see
the HCP manuals. No action is
necessary for tiered file systems.

KAQM37032-E The specified file is currently The specified file is currently

migrating. migrating.
Do not specify a migrating file for

KAQM37033-E An attempt to update a An attempt to update a system file has

system file failed. (reason = failed. (reason = {insufficient memory|
{insufficient memory|an I/O an I/O error|no disk space|a lock
error|no disk space|a lock failure|some other error})
failure|some other error}) (O)
If the reason is insufficient memory or
a lock failure, wait a while, and then
retry the operation. If the reason is
insufficient disk space, expand the file
system, and then try again. In other
cases, acquire all the log data, and
then contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM37034-E Creation of a stub failed. Creation of a stub failed due to an

internal error. An error might have
occurred in the file system.
In the list of file systems, check the
status of the file system. If the file
system has an error status, follow the
error recovery procedure provided in
online Help. In other cases, acquire all
the log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM37035-E Preparation for Preparation for communication with

communication with HCP HCP failed.
failed. (O)
Acquire all the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM37036-E An attempt to open a file An error occurred during an attempt to

failed. open a file.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-379

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Acquire all the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM37037-E Communication with the HCP An error occurred during

system failed. (HTTP return communication with HCP.
code = HTTP-return-code, (O)
details = error-details)
Check the set namespace and the
network status, and then retry the
operation. If the problem persists, look
up the HTTP request return code in the
HCP manual and take action
accordingly, or follow the instructions
in the detailed error message and
contact the HCP administrator. If the
problem cannot be resolved, acquire
all the log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.
Supplementary note:
If a remote HCP system cannot be
accessed in an environment where a
system is connected to the HCP
system over a network, determine the
cause of the problem, and then resolve
the problem. Before taking action
according to the message, see the
Troubleshooting Guide.
The cause of the error and the action
to take for each HTTP request return
code is as follows:
• 400: The user account for
accessing tenants or namespaces
might not have the necessary
permissions for this operation. Ask
the HCP administrator to revise
the permissions.
• 403: The cause of the error and
the action to take might be one of
the following:
- The user account information for
accessing tenants or namespaces
might be incorrect. Confirm the
user name and password with the
HCP administrator, and specify the
correct information.
- The user account for accessing
tenants or namespaces might not
have the necessary permissions
for this operation. Ask the HCP
administrator to revise the
- The namespace might not exist.
Check with the HCP administrator
whether the namespace exists.

5-380 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
- The settings might not allow
custom metadata to be added to
or deleted from namespace
objects, or the settings might not
allow you to overwrite metadata.
Ask the HCP administrator to
revise the namespace settings.
- Retention Class might be set
for the namespace. Use the HDI
WORM functionality to set the
retention period when the HCP
and HDI systems are linked
- The communication protocol
(HTTP/HTTPS) settings for the HDI
and HCP systems might not
match. Revise the communication
protocol settings by using the
arcsslctl command. Ask the HCP
administrator to revise the
communication protocol settings.
• 409: The cause of the error and
the action to take might be one of
the following:
- A conflict might have occurred
with other HCP processing. Wait a
while, and then try again.
- Version management might not
be enabled in the namespace
settings. Ask the HCP
administrator to enable version
• 413: The namespace might be out
of space. Ask the HCP
administrator to expand the
capacity of the namespace.
• 500: An internal error might have
occurred in HCP. Wait a while, and
then try again.
• 503: HCP might be temporarily
unable to perform processing.
Wait a while, and then try again.
• none: An HCP access failure might
have occurred. Follow the
instructions in the Troubleshooting
Guide to resolve the HCP access

KAQM37038-E Migration failed because a file A file of the same name exists on the
of the same name exists on HCP system.
the HCP system. (file path = (O)
Confirm that the namespace versioning
setting is enabled. If it is disabled,
enable it, and then perform the

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-381

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
migration again. Even if the setting is
enabled, perform the migration again.

KAQM37040-E An error occurred during hash An error occurred during hash

calculation of a file. calculation of a file.
Acquire all the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM37041-E A hash value does not match The file was not archived properly on
the value of the archived file. HCP.
Retry the archive operation.

KAQM37042-E An attempt to resolve the Name resolution could not be properly

host name of an HCP system performed. Communication with an
failed. HCP system might be temporarily
disabled, due to a problem such as a
network error or a high load on the
HCP system.
Wait a while, and then retry the
operation. If the error occurs again,
make sure a network environment
exists in which name resolution can be
If a remote HCP system cannot be
accessed in an environment where a
system is connected to the HCP
system over a network, determine the
cause of the problem, and then resolve
the problem. Before taking action
according to the message, see the
Troubleshooting Guide.

KAQM37043-E An attempt to connect to HCP Specified HCP information might be

failed. incorrect, or there might be a problem
with the HCP system or the network.
Revise the HCP settings. If the settings
are correct, check the status of the
HCP system and the network, fix the
cause of the error, and then retry the
operation. If the error persists, acquire
all the log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.
If a remote HCP system cannot be
accessed in an environment where a
system is connected to the HCP
system over a network, determine the
cause of the problem, and then resolve

5-382 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
the problem. Before taking action
according to the message, see the
Troubleshooting Guide.

KAQM37044-E A timeout occurred during There might be a problem with the

communication with HCP. HCP system or the network.
Check the status of the HCP system
and the network, fix the cause of the
error, and then retry the operation. If
the error persists, acquire all the log
data, and then contact maintenance
If a remote HCP system cannot be
accessed in an environment where a
system is connected to the HCP
system over a network, determine the
cause of the problem, and then resolve
the problem. Before taking action
according to the message, see the
Troubleshooting Guide.

KAQM37045-E An attempt to establish SSL An attempt to establish SSL

communication with HCP communication with HCP failed.
failed. (O)
Check the settings of SSL on HCP and
the status of the network, fix the
cause of the error, and then retry the
operation. If the error persists, acquire
all the log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.
If a remote HCP system cannot be
accessed in an environment where a
system is connected to the HCP
system over a network, determine the
cause of the problem, and then resolve
the problem. Before taking action
according to the message, see the
Troubleshooting Guide.

KAQM37048-E Communication with HCP was Communication with HCP was

interrupted. interrupted because a resource group
was stopped or moved, a file system
was unmounted, or a user stopped the
archive operation.
If a resource group was stopped or
moved, or if a file system was
unmounted, mount the file system,
and then try again.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-383

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM37049-E Communication with HCP The number of times to retry

failed. communication with HCP has reached
the upper limit.
Check the network status, and then try
again. If the error persists, acquire all
the log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.
If a remote HCP system cannot be
accessed in an environment where a
system is connected to the HCP
system over a network, determine the
cause of the problem, and then resolve
the problem. Before taking action
according to the message, see the
Troubleshooting Guide.

KAQM37050-E Acquisition of file information An error occurred during acquisition of

failed. file information. An error might have
occurred in the file system.
In the list of file systems, check the
status of the file system. If the file
system has an error status, follow the
error recovery procedure provided in
online Help. In other cases, acquire all
the log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM37051-E Creation of a metadata file An error occurred during the creation

failed. of a metadata file.
Acquire all the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM37052-E An attempt to output a result An error occurred during output of a

file failed. result file. An error might have
occurred in the file system.
In the list of file systems, check the
status of the file system. If the file
system has an error status, follow the
error recovery procedure provided in
online Help. In other cases, acquire all
the log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM37053-E Extension of the retention The target file has already been
period failed because the deleted.
target file does not exist. (O)

5-384 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM37054-E Extension of the retention The specified retention period is

period failed because the shorter than that of the file.
specified term is shorter than (O)
that of the specified file.
Specify a retention period that is
longer than that of the file, and then
try again.

KAQM37055-E An error occurred during An error occurred during extension of

extension of the retention the retention period.
period. (O)
Acquire all the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM37056-E Deletion of a file failed The retention period has not ended.
because the file's retention (O)
period has not ended.
Delete the file after the retention
period ends.

KAQM37057-E Deletion of a file failed. An error occurred during deletion of a

Acquire all the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM37059-E The file could not be archived The file was updated during the
because it was updated during archiving process.
the archiving process. (O)
Retry the operation.

KAQM37060-E An attempt to set information An error occurred while setting

for a file failed. (reason = information for a file.
{insufficient memory|an I/O (O)
error|no disk space|some
other error}) If the reason is insufficient memory,
wait for a while, and then retry the
operation. If the reason is insufficient
disk space, expand the file system,
and then try again. Otherwise, acquire
all the log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM37061-E Extension of the retention An error occurred during extension of

period for an HCP file failed. the retention period for a file on HCP.
(reason = reason, HCP file (O)
path = HCP-file-path)
Make sure the target file exists and the
settings for the retention period are

KAQM37062-E An attempt to output a status An attempt to output a status file of

file of the archive process the archive process failed.
failed. (O)
Acquire all the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-385

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM37063-E HCP information for data HCP information for data access has
access has not been set. not been set.
Set HCP information for data access,
and then try again.

KAQM37065-E The input value is invalid. The input value is invalid.

Following the help information, specify
a valid value.

KAQM37066-E Authentication failed. (HTTP The user name, password, tenant,

return code = HTTP-return- namespace, or SSL setting is invalid.
code details = error-details) (O)
Check the set value, and then retry the
operation. If the problem persists, look
up the HTTP request return code in the
HCP manual and take action
accordingly, or follow the instructions
in the HCP error message and contact
the HCP administrator.
Supplementary note:
The cause of the error and the action
to take for each HTTP request return
code is as follows:
• 400: The user account for
accessing tenants or namespaces
might not have the necessary
permissions for this operation. Ask
the HCP administrator to revise
the permissions.
• 403: The cause of the error and
the action to take might be one of
the following:
- The user account information for
accessing tenants or namespaces
might be incorrect. Confirm the
user name and password with the
HCP administrator, and specify the
correct information.
- The user account for accessing
tenants or namespaces might not
have the necessary permissions
for this operation. Ask the HCP
administrator to revise the
- The namespace might not exist.
Check with the HCP administrator
whether the namespace exists.
- The settings might not allow
custom metadata to be added to
or deleted from namespace
objects, or the settings might not

5-386 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
allow you to overwrite metadata.
Ask the HCP administrator to
revise the namespace settings.
- Retention Class might be set
for the namespace. Use the HDI
WORM functionality to set the
retention period when the HCP
and HDI systems are linked
- The communication protocol
(HTTP/HTTPS) settings for the HDI
and HCP systems might not
match. Revise the communication
protocol settings by using the
arcsslctl command. Ask the HCP
administrator to revise the
communication protocol settings.
• 409: The cause of the error and
the action to take might be one of
the following:
- A conflict might have occurred
with other HCP processing. Wait a
while, and then try again.
- Version management might not
be enabled in the namespace
settings. Ask the HCP
administrator to enable version
• 413: The namespace might be out
of space. Ask the HCP
administrator to expand the
capacity of the namespace.
• 500: An internal error might have
occurred in HCP. Wait a while, and
then try again.
• 503: HCP might be temporarily
unable to perform processing.
Wait a while, and then try again.
• none: An HCP access failure might
have occurred. Follow the
instructions in the Troubleshooting
Guide to resolve the HCP access

KAQM37067-E An attempt to rename a file The retention period has not ended.
failed because the file's (O)
retention period has not
ended. Rename the file after the retention
period ends.

KAQM37068-E Recall processing failed The file does not exist on HCP. A
because the HCP file does not conflict with another operation might
exist. (HCP file path = HCP- exist.
file-path) (O)

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-387

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Make sure the file on HCP has already
been deleted. If it has not been
deleted, acquire all the log data, and
then contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM37069-E Deletion of a file failed The file does not exist on HCP. A
because the file does not exist conflict with another operation might
on the HCP system. (HCP file exist.
path =HCP-file-path) (O)
Make sure the file on HCP has already
been deleted. If it has not been
deleted, acquire all the log data, and
then contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM37070-E Deletion of an HCP file failed. A problem might exist in HCP.

(HCP file path =HCP-file-path) (O)

Delete the file on HCP using a function

of HCP. If the file cannot be deleted,
resolve the problem on HCP, and then
try again. If the problem cannot be
resolved, acquire all the log data, and
then contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM37071-E Migration of a file failed. (file Migration of a file failed.

path = file-path) (O)
See the message that was output
before this message, and then take the
appropriate action.

KAQM37072-E An error occurred during An error occurred during backup

backup processing. (error- processing.
message-from-internal- (O)
Take action according to the internal
command message output with this
message. For the cause and action
related to the internal command
message, see the Message Reference.
For details on the action to be taken,
see C. Troubleshooting for Messages
KAQB14200-E, KAQB14208-W,
KAQM37072-E, KAQM37076-E,
KAQM37078-W, or KAQM37079-W.

KAQM37073-E The file system to be restored The file system to be restored does not
does not exist or cannot be exist or cannot be restored.
restored. (file system = file- (O)
Check the names and statuses of file
systems in the list of file systems, and
specify a file system that can be
restored, and then retry the operation.

KAQM37074-E The file system is not The file system is not mounted on this
mounted on this node. (file node.
system = file-system-name) (O)

5-388 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
If the file system has been mounted on
the other node, try the operation on
the other node. If the file system is not
mounted, mount the file system, and
then try the operation again.

KAQM37075-E The file system has been The file system has been mounted with
mounted with read-only read-only permissions.
permissions. (file system = (O)
Mount the file system with read-write
permissions, and then retry the

KAQM37076-E An error occurred during the An error occurred during the

restoration. (error-message- restoration.
from-internal-command) (O)
Take action according to the internal
command message output with this
message. For the cause and action
related to the internal command
message, see the Message Reference.
For details on the action to be taken,
see C. Troubleshooting for Messages
KAQB14200-E, KAQB14208-W,
KAQM37072-E, KAQM37076-E,
KAQM37078-W, or KAQM37079-W.

KAQM37077-Q Do you want to restore the This confirmation message is output

file? (y/n) before files are restored.
Enter y or n.

KAQM37078-W A warning occurred during the A warning occurred during the

restoration. (warning- restoration.
message-from-internal- (O)
Check the execution results according
to the internal command message
output with this message. For the
cause and action related to the internal
command message, see the Message
For details on the action to be taken,
see C. Troubleshooting for Messages
KAQB14200-E, KAQB14208-W,
KAQM37072-E, KAQM37076-E,
KAQM37078-W, or KAQM37079-W.

KAQM37079-W A warning occurred during A warning occurred during backup

backup processing. (warning- processing.
message-from-internal- (O)
Check the execution results according
to the internal command message

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-389

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
output with this message. For the
cause and action related to the internal
command message, see the Message
For details on the action to be taken,
see C. Troubleshooting for Messages
KAQB14200-E, KAQB14208-W,
KAQM37072-E, KAQM37076-E,
KAQM37078-W, or KAQM37079-W.

KAQM37080-E The restoration failed. Processing was cancelled because

several errors occurred during the
Identify the problem by looking at the
message that was output before this
one, and then resolve the problem.

KAQM37081-E The backup failed. Processing was cancelled because

several errors occurred during the
Identify the problem by looking at the
message that was output before this
one, and then resolve the problem.

KAQM37082-E Some of the resources Some of the resources required for the
required for the requested requested processing are already in
processing are already in use use by another user, or there was a
by another user, or there was conflict with the backup that was
a conflict with the backup that executed after archiving.
was executed after archiving. (O)
Make sure that a restoration is not
being performed for the file system in
use. When performing a restoration for
a new file system, revise the tasks so
that archiving is not executed for the
restoration-destination file system. If
archiving is not being performed, wait
a while, and then retry the operation.

KAQM37083-E The backup file is not saved The backup file is not saved directly
directly below the mount point below the mount point of the
of the restoration-destination restoration-destination file system.
file system. (restoration- (O)
destination file system name
= restoration-destination-file- Save the backup file directly below the
system-name) mount point of the restoration-
destination file system.

KAQM37084-E The specified file has not been The specified file has not been
archived. (file path = file- archived.
path) (O)
Specify the path of an archived file.

5-390 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM37085-E Creation of a directory for An attempt to create the directory

saving temporary files failed. failed.
(directory name = directory- (O)
Acquire all of the Management log
files, and then contact maintenance
personnel. For details about the list of
Management log files, see online Help.

KAQM37086-E Backup processing was Backup processing was suspended.

suspended. During the During the backup, a failover occurred
backup, a failover occurred or or the file system was unmounted.
the file system was (O)
unmounted. No action is
necessary because the backup No action is necessary. The backup will
will be completed the next be completed the next time an archive
time an archive operation is operation is executed.

KAQM37087-E The specified file is not at the The specified file is not at the mount
mount point of the file point of the file system, or the file
system. (file name = file- name is invalid.
name) (O)
Save the backup file directly below the
mount point of the restoration-
destination file system or specify a
valid file name, and then retry the

KAQM37088-E The specified file system does The specified file system does not
not exist. (file system = file- exist.
system-name) (O)
Specify a valid file system name, and
then retry the operation.

KAQM37089-E The specified value is greater The specified value is greater than the
than the total disk capacity of total disk capacity of the file system.
the file system. (O)
Specify a value that is less than the
total disk capacity of the file system,
and then retry the operation.

KAQM37090-E The backup failed. Processing was cancelled because an

error occurred during the backup. The
file system might have been
unmounted during the backup.
If the file system is unmounted, mount
the file system before the next
archiving operation is executed. If the
file system is mounted and this error
message is output again, acquire all of
the Management log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel. For
details about the list of Management
log files, see online Help.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-391

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM37091-E A backup was performed A backup was performed while the file
while the file system is not system is not mounted. The backup
mounted. (file system = file- was not completed.
system-name) (O)
Mount the file system before the next
archiving operation is executed.

KAQM37092-E A backup was performed of a A backup was performed of a file

file system that has been system that has been mounted with
mounted with read-only read-only permissions. The backup
permissions. (file system = was not completed.
file-system-name) (O)
Mount the file system in the read-write
status before the next archiving
operation is executed.

KAQM37093-E A backup operation was The file system specified for backup
executed, but the specified could not be accessed either because it
file system cannot be backed does not exist or because it is
up. (file system = file-system- corrupted. The backup operation did
name) not complete.
Check the status of the file system,
and then repair the file system before
the next archiving operation is

KAQM37094-E An HTTP request to the HCP An HTTP request to HCP failed.

system failed. (HTTP return (O)
code = HTTP return code,
details = error-details) Confirm the action to take for the HTTP
request return code in the HCP
manual, or contact the HCP
administrator and inform them of the
HTTP request return code and the
detailed error message. See the HSM
Core log (hsmarc.log), and if the
KAQM37070-E message was output,
use that message to identify the HCP
file path.
Supplementary note:
The cause of the error and the action
to take for each HTTP request return
code is as follows:
• 400: The user account for
accessing tenants or namespaces
might not have the necessary
permissions for this operation. Ask
the HCP administrator to revise
the permissions.
• 403: The cause of the error and
the action to take might be one of
the following:

5-392 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
- The user account information for
accessing tenants or namespaces
might be incorrect. Confirm the
user name and password with the
HCP administrator, and specify the
correct information.
- The user account for accessing
tenants or namespaces might not
have the necessary permissions
for this operation. Ask the HCP
administrator to revise the
- The namespace might not exist.
Check with the HCP administrator
whether the namespace exists.
- The settings might not allow
custom metadata to be added to
or deleted from namespace
objects, or the settings might not
allow you to overwrite metadata.
Ask the HCP administrator to
revise the namespace settings.
- Retention Class might be set
for the namespace. Use the HDI
WORM functionality to set the
retention period when the HCP
and HDI systems are linked
- The communication protocol
(HTTP/HTTPS) settings for the HDI
and HCP systems might not
match. Revise the communication
protocol settings by using the
arcsslctl command. Ask the HCP
administrator to revise the
communication protocol settings.
• 409: The cause of the error and
the action to take might be one of
the following:
- A conflict might have occurred
with other HCP processing. Wait a
while, and then try again.
- Version management might not
be enabled in the namespace
settings. Ask the HCP
administrator to enable version
• 413: The namespace might be out
of space. Ask the HCP
administrator to expand the
capacity of the namespace.
• 500: An internal error might have
occurred in HCP. Wait a while, and
then try again.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-393

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
• 503: HCP might be temporarily
unable to perform processing.
Wait a while, and then try again.
• none: An HCP access failure might
have occurred. Follow the
instructions in the Troubleshooting
Guide to resolve the HCP access

KAQM37095-E There is not enough free disk There is not enough free disk space to
space to perform a perform a restoration.
restoration. (O)
Expand the file system, and then retry
the operation.

KAQM37096-I A backup stopped. (directory A backup stopped.

name = directory-name, (O)
policy name = policy-name)

KAQM37097-I A request to stop a backup A request to stop a backup was

was received, but a backup received, but a backup was not being
was not being performed. performed.
(directory name = directory- (O)
name, policy name = policy-
name) None.

KAQM37099-I A connection to HCP was A connection to HCP can be

established. established.

KAQM37100-E The HSM Core daemon was The HSM Core daemon ended
restarted because an abnormally.
unexpected end of the (O)
daemon was detected.
Acquire all the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM37101-E An attempt to connect to the An error occurred while connecting to

HSM Core daemon failed. the HSM Core daemon.
Acquire all the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM37102-E The specified file system is The specified file system or the device
blocked. file being used by the file system is
blocked. In the List of File Systems, if
'Device status' is 'Error', the device file
is blocked. If 'Mount status' is 'Fatal
error' or 'Error', the file system is
Follow troubleshooting in the help to
check the file system and device file
error information in the List of File

5-394 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Systems, and then recover the error
with maintenance personnel.

KAQM37103-E The file system is being The operation cannot be performed

blocked because there is not because either the file system is being
enough space on the blocked because there is not enough
differential-data storage space on the differential-data storage
device, or there might be a device, or there might be a problem
problem with the differential- with the differential-data storage
data storage device. device.
In [List of File Systems], check the
status indicated for the file system,
and then take action appropriate for
the status.

KAQM37104-W Setup of time information for The file time might have failed to be
a file failed, but processing saved or an attribute might have been
continued. changed either when a migration was
performed to an HCP system or when
data was imported from another file
If migrations are set up, re-execute
the migration.

KAQM37105-E A namespace is not set for the A namespace is not set for the
specified file system. specified file system.
If migrations are set up, set a
migration policy, and then retry the
operation. In all other cases, acquire
all the log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM37106-E Restoration of a file or Possible causes are as follows: During

directory attribute failed. a migration to the HCP system, an
attribute failed to be saved or an
attribute was changed, during an
import from another file server, an
attribute failed to be set, or an error
occurred in the file system.
In the list of file systems, check the
status of the file system. If the file
system has an error status, follow the
error recovery procedure provided in
online Help. In other cases, acquire all
the log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM37107-W The restoration failed, but Either the data or the attribute
processing continued. information was not in the HCP

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-395

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
No action is necessary.

KAQM37110-E Background restoration is Background restoration is being

being performed. performed.

KAQM37111-E Restoration cannot be Restoration was attempted for a file

performed because the file system which has not been archived.
system has not been backed (O)
Make sure that name of the file system
to be restored is valid. If the file
system name is valid, archive the file
system, and then retry the restoration.

KAQM37112-E The specified namespace The specified namespace is set for

cannot be set because it is set another file system in the system.
for another file system in the (O)
Make sure that the specified file
system name is valid, use the
Migration Wizard to confirm the
namespace set for the file system, and
then try again.

KAQM37113-I Background restoration Background restoration started.

started. (file system = file-

KAQM37114-I Background restoration Background restoration completed.

completed. (file system = file-

KAQM37115-E An attempt to send a The maximum number of files that the

restoration request to the HSM Core daemon can process has
HSM Core daemon failed. been reached.
Wait a while, and then retry the
operation. If the error occurs again,
acquire all the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM37116-E The file path specified on HCP The file path specified on HCP does not
does not exist. (file path on exist.
HCP = file-path-on-HCP) (O)
Check the path on HCP that is output
by the hcporphanrestore command,
and then retry the operation.

KAQM37117-E Restoration of one or more There is not enough free disk space to
files failed. restore files, or a disk error might have
If there is insufficient disk space,
expand the file system, and then try
again. Otherwise, acquire all the log
data, and then contact maintenance

5-396 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM37118-E The file system might have The file system might have been
been unmounted during unmounted during command
command execution. execution.
Mount the file system, and then retry
the operation.

KAQM37119-E Command execution failed. There is not enough free disk space for
command execution, or a disk error
might have occurred.
If there is insufficient disk space,
expand the file system, and then try
again. Otherwise, acquire all the log
data, and then contact maintenance

KAQM37120-E An attempt to perform name Name resolution could not be properly

resolution for an FQDN failed. performed. Communication with the
HCP system might be temporarily
disabled due to a problem with the
HCP system or the network, or due to
a high load on the HCP system, or
there might be a problem with the HCP
data access information or with the
namespace set for the file system.
Wait a while, and then retry the
operation. If the error occurs again,
make sure that name resolution is
possible in the network environment,
and then check the connection with
the HCP system. If an error occurs
while checking the connection with the
HCP system, resolve the cause of the
error according to the action of the
output error message.

KAQM37121-E The specified path on HCP is The specified path on HCP is not for a
not for a file. (file path on file.
HCP = file-path-on-HCP) (O)
Check the path on HCP that is output
by the hcporphanrestore command,
and then retry the operation.

KAQM37122-E The specified restoration path The specified restoration path contains
contains a file or directory. a file or directory.
(restoration path = (O)
Specify a restoration path that does
not contain a file or a directory, and
then retry the operation.

KAQM37123-E The specified value is different The specified value is different from
from the namespace set on the namespace set on the specified file

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-397

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
the specified file system. (set (O)
namespace = set-namespace) If the namespace set on the file
system has changed, delete all
migration tasks, and then set a policy
again. If the namespace set on a file
system is valid, retry the operation
with no namespace.
KAQM37124-E A restoration could not be A restoration could not be performed
performed because the ACL because the ACL type of the file
type of the file system at the system at the restoration destination is
restoration destination is different from the ACL type of the
different from the ACL type of archived file system.
the archived file system. (O)
Delete the file system at the
restoration destination, create a file
system that has the same ACL type as
the archived file system, and then
retry the restoration.

KAQM37128-E The specified execution The specified execution interval is

interval is invalid. invalid.
Check the specified value, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM37129-E No license is set to allow No license is set to allow linkage with

linkage with an HCP system. an HCP system.
Please set a license.

KAQM37130-W Restoration of a mount-point Attribute information for a mount point

attribute failed, but did not exist on HCP system.
processing continued. (O)
If ACL was set to the mount point
when you performed migration, set
ACL again.

KAQM37131-E The specified restoration path The specified restoration path contains
contains a directory that does a directory that does not exist.
not exist. (restoration path = (O)
Make sure the specified restoration
path is correct, and then retry the

KAQM37132-I The setting for not allowing The setting for not allowing hard links
hard links to be created on to be created on the specified file
the specified file system has system has been set.
been set. (file system = file- (O)
No action is necessary.

KAQM37133-E Stub processing failed. Stub processing was canceled due to

several errors occurring.

5-398 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Identify the cause of the problem by
looking at the message that was
output before this message, and then
take appropriate action.

KAQM37134-E Stub processing failed for a Stub processing failed for a file.
file. (file path = file-path) (O)
See the message that was output
before this message, and then take
appropriate action.

KAQM37135-W Stub processing was No files are subject to stub processing.

executed, even though the (O)
unused capacity threshold has
not been exceeded. (file Either expand the file system, or
system = file-system-name) delete or move any unnecessary files.

KAQM37136-E An attempt to update a An attempt to update a management

management information file information file for the file system
for the file system failed. failed.
(reason = {insufficient (O)
memory|an I/O error|no disk
space|a lock failure|some In the list of file systems, check the
other error}) status of the file system. If the file
system has an error status, follow the
error recovery procedure provided in
online Help. If there is not enough
memory, wait until the load on the
system decreases, and then execute
the arccorrection command. If there
is not enough unused capacity, free up
the necessary amount, and then
execute the arccorrection command.
If a lock failure occurred, wait a while,
and then execute the arccorrection
command. In other cases, acquire all
the log files, and then contact
maintenance personnel. If HNAS
replication is in use, configure the
replication settings as necessary so
that all data in the file system is

KAQM37137-I The rebuilding of task The rebuilding of task management

management information for information will now start.
file system file-system-name (O)
will now start.
No action is necessary.

KAQM37138-I Now rebuilding the task Task management information is

management information for currently being rebuilt.
file system file-system- (O)
name... (progress)
No action is necessary.

KAQM37139-I The rebuilding of task The rebuilding of task management

management information for information has completed.
file system file-system-name (O)
has completed.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-399

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
No action is necessary.

KAQM37140-E An error occurred during the An error occurred during the rebuilding
rebuilding of task of task management information.
management information for (O)
file system file-system-name.
(error message = error- Follow the instructions given for the
message) action of the error message.

KAQM37142-E Archiving is already being Archiving is already being performed

performed for the specified for the specified file system.
file system. (O)
Wait for archive processing to finish,
and then retry the operation.
Supplementary note:
The KAQM37142-E message is also
output if the internal processing before
or after transferring data is being
For details about the internal
processing before or after transferring
data, see the Installation and
Configuration Guide.

KAQM37143-E This operation cannot be The specified file system is a

performed because the differential-data snapshot.
specified file system is a (O)
differential-data snapshot.
Specify a file system that is not a
differential-data snapshot.

KAQM37147-I An all-data import was An all-data import was successfully

successfully performed. performed.
Delete the import definition
information, if necessary.

KAQM37148-I Now performing an all-data Now performing an all-data import...

import... (O)
No action is required.

KAQM37149-I An all-data import has not An all-data import has not been
been executed. executed.
No action is required.

KAQM37150-E No import-target directory No import-target directory exists.

exists. (O)
Check the import-target directory, and
then retry the operation.

KAQM37151-Q Data already exists at the This confirmation message is output

import target. Do you still when data already exists at the import
want to import the data? (y/ target.
n) (O)

5-400 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Enter y or n.
Supplementary note:
If you enter y, only the data that is not
imported will be migrated. The data
that exists at the import target will not
be migrated. If you enter n, the import
operation will be stopped. If this
message is output when the first
import starts, check the import target.
If you try the import operation again,
enter y.

KAQM37152-E Import definition information Import definition information is not

is not set. set.
Check the list of import definition
information, and then retry the
operation. If the data migration
definition information does not exist in
the list, set the import definition
information, and then retry the

KAQM37153-E The number of data import The number of data import definition
definition information items information items exceeds the limit.
exceeds the limit. (O)
Check the status of imports, delete
definition information for imports that
have completed, and then retry the

KAQM37154-E Migrations to an HCP system Migrations to an HCP system are set

are set on the import-target on the import-target file system.
file system. (O)
Check the import-target file system.
Specify a directory on a file system not
set as a migration destination, and
then retry the operation.

KAQM37155-E Now performing an import in Now performing an import in

accordance to import accordance to import information...
information... (O)
Check the list of import definition
information, and then retry the

KAQM37156-E No import definition No import definition information exists.

information exists. (O)
Check the list of import definition
information, and then retry the

KAQM37157-I The import failed. The import failed.


KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-401

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Use the HSM Core log (hsmarc.log) to
identify the problem, and then resolve

KAQM37158-E The operation on the The operation on the management

management information file information file for the file system
for the file system failed. failed.
(reason = {insufficient (O)
memory|an I/O error|no disk
space|a lock failure|some If there is not enough memory, wait
other error}) until the load on the system
decreases, and then execute the
command. If the error occurred for a
reason other than insufficient memory,
check the unused capacity of the file
system. If there is not enough unused
capacity, free up the necessary
amount, and then execute the
command. If a lock failure occurred,
wait a while, and then execute the
command. If the problem persists,
acquire all the log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM37159-E Information about the Information about the specified import

specified import source has source has already been set as import
already been set as import definition information.
definition information. (O)
Specify another import source, and
then retry the operation.

KAQM37160-E Information about the Information about the specified import

specified import target has target has already been set as import
already been set as import definition information.
definition information. (O)
Specify another import target, and
then retry the operation.

KAQM37161-E The specified file system is The specified file system is set for
used for imports from another imports from another file server.
file server. (O)
After the import for the specified file
system is complete, remove the import
setting or specify another file system,
and then retry the operation.

KAQM37162-I An all-data import has An all-data import has started.

started. (import definition (O)
name = import-definition-
name) No action is required.

KAQM37163-I An all-data import is An all-data import is complete.

complete. (import definition (O)
name = import-definition-
name) Confirm the import results.

5-402 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM37164-E An all-data import has failed. An all-data import has failed.

(import definition name = (O)
Acquire all the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM37165-E An attempt to access the An attempt to access the domain

domain controller failed. controller failed because CIFS service
user mapping is not set on both nodes,
or the CIFS service is not operating
normally on each node.
Check the CIFS service user mapping
settings on both nodes. If the settings
are correct, confirm that the CIFS
service is operating normally on both
nodes, and then retry the operation.

KAQM37166-E Import definition information Import definition information could not

could not be set because the be set because the import-target file
import-target file system is of system is of the Classic ACL type.
the Classic ACL type. (O)
Specify an import-target file system of
the Advanced ACL type, and then retry
the operation.

KAQM37167-E Import definition information Import definition information could not

could not be set because the be set because the import-target file
import-target file system is a system is a WORM file system.
WORM file system. (O)
Specify an import-target file system
that is not a WORM file system, and
then retry the operation.

KAQM37168-E Failed to connect to the The host name or shared name of the
import-source file server. import source might be invalid, or
there might be a problem with the
network or with the settings or status
of the import-source file server.
Check the host name and shared name
of the import source, the settings and
status of the import-source file server,
and the status of the network. Remove
the cause of the problem, and then try
again. If the problem persists, acquire
all log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM37170-E No directory is specified for No directory is specified for the import

the import target. target.
Check the path of the directory
specified for the import target, and
then retry the operation.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-403

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM37171-E Import definition information Import definition information cannot

cannot be deleted because an be deleted because an all-data import
all-data import is being is being performed in accordance to
performed in accordance to import definition information.
import definition information. (O)
Wait until the corresponding import is
complete, specify the -f option, and
then retry the operation.

KAQM37172-W Only some of the ACEs were 700 ACEs were imported because the
imported because the number number of ACEs set at the import
of ACEs set at the import source exceeds the limit.
source exceeds the limit. (O)
Check the ACEs on the import source,
and set 700 or less ACEs.

KAQM37173-I The all-data import is The all-data import is complete.

complete. (O)
No action is required.

KAQM37174-Q An all-data import is being This confirmation message is output

performed according to data during an all-data import.
import definition information. (O)
Do you want to stop the all-
data import? (y/n) Enter y or n.

KAQM37175-E An all-data import is not being An all-data import is not being

executed. executed.
Check the list of import definition
information, and then retry the

KAQM37176-I The import status cannot be The import status cannot be viewed
viewed because an all-data because an all-data import is not being
import is not being executed. executed.
Start an all-data import, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM37177-E Acquisition of the import Acquisition of the import status failed

status failed. because the import-target file system
cannot be accessed.
Confirm that you can access the
import-target file system, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM37178-W Only some of the ACEs were 700 ACEs were imported because the
imported because the number number of ACEs set at the import
of ACEs set at the import source exceeds the limit.
source exceeds the limit. (file (O)
path = file-path)
Check the ACEs on the import source,
and set 700 or less ACEs.

5-404 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM37179-I A connection was established The import-source file server can be

to the import-source file connected to.
server. (O)
No action is required.

KAQM37180-E An import from another file An import from another file server
server failed. (reason = failed due to the indicated reason.
{insufficient memory|an I/O (O)
error|no disk space|some
other error}, file path = file- In the list of file systems, check the
path) status of the file system. If the file
system has an error status, follow the
error recovery procedure provided in
online Help. If there is insufficient
memory, wait a while, and then retry
the operation. If there is insufficient
disk space, expand the file system,
and then retry the operation. In other
cases, acquire all the log data, and
then contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM37181-E The import of data from The import of data from another file
another file server failed server failed because the user or group
because the user or group set set for the import-source file or
for the import-source file or directory cannot be recognized due to
directory cannot be the indicated reason.
recognized. (reason = {a (O)
domain controller access
failure|the user or group was If access to the domain controller
not found|CIFS service user failed, then check for network
mapping is not set|insufficient problems. If the user or group was not
memory|some other error}, found, make sure that the user or
import-source file or directory group set for the import-source file or
path = import-source-file or directory is registered in the domain
directory-path) controller or an account mapping file.
If the problem cannot be resolved,
revise the CIFS service operation
status, authentication mode, and user
mapping settings. If there is
insufficient memory, wait a while, and
then retry the operation. In other
cases, acquire all the log data, and
then contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM37182-E The import definition The import definition information is

information on the specified invalid because the import-target file
import source is invalid. system was re-created.
Delete the import definition
information, re-define it, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM37183-E The import-source file server The import-source file server could not
could not be connected to be connected to because the user
because the user name or name or password is invalid, or you do
password is invalid, or you do not have the proper access

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-405

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
not have the proper access (O)
permissions. Check the user name or password, and
then retry the operation. If the
problem persists, make sure that the
specified user can access all the
import-source files and directories, and
then retry the operation.
KAQM37184-W Some ACEs could not be The import of a file or directory was
imported. (file or directory completed, but some ACEs could not
path = file-or-directory-path) be imported because an attempt to
access the domain controller failed, or
the ACE user or group set for the
import-source file or directory has not
been registered in the domain
Check the ACEs set for the import-
source file or directory, and set ACEs
to the imported file or directory as

KAQM37185-E The import of data from ACEs could not be imported because
another file server failed an attempt to access the domain
because ACEs could not be controller failed, or the ACE user or
imported. (file path = file- group set for the import-source files or
path) directories has not been registered in
the domain controller.
Check for network problems. If there
are no network problems, make sure
that the user or group set for the
import-source files or directories is
registered in the domain controller or
an account mapping file. If the
problem cannot be resolved, revise the
CIFS service operation status,
authentication mode, and user
mapping settings.

KAQM37186-E The import-source file or The import-source file or directory was

directory was updated, or the renamed or deleted, or the import-
import-source share setting source share setting was changed.
was changed. (import-source (O)
file or directory path =
import-source-file or If the import-source file or directory
directory-path) was renamed or deleted, set the
import-source share as read-only, and
then retry the operation. If the import-
source share setting was changed,
confirm that the import-source share
can be accessed, and if not, revise the

KAQM37187-E The import-source file or The import-source file or directory was

directory was updated, or the renamed or deleted, or the import-
source share setting was changed.

5-406 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
import-source share setting (O)
was changed. If the import-source file or directory
was renamed or deleted, set the
import-source share as read-only, and
then retry the operation. If the import-
source share setting was changed,
confirm that the import-source share
can be accessed, and if not, revise the
KAQM37188-E A communication failure There might be a problem with the
occurred while data was being network or import-source file system.
imported from another server. (O)
(import-source file or
directory path = import- Check the status of the network and
source-file or directory-path) import-source file system, resolve any
problems, and then retry the
operation. If the problem persists,
acquire all the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM37189-E A communication failure There might be a problem with the

occurred while data was being network or import-source file system.
imported from another server. (O)

Check the status of the network and

import-source file system, resolve any
problems, and then retry the
operation. If the problem persists,
acquire all the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM37190-E The import-source file or The import-source file or directory

directory could not be could not be accessed because you do
accessed. (import-source file not have the proper access
or directory path = import- permissions.
source-file or directory-path) (O)
Register an account into the import
definition information that can access
all the import-source files and

KAQM37191-E The import-source file or The import-source file or directory

directory could not be could not be accessed because you do
accessed. not have the proper access
Register an account into the import
definition information that can access
all the import-source files and

KAQM37192-E The import-target file system The import-target file system does not
does not exist. exist.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-407

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Delete the import definition
information, re-define it, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM37193-E An all-data import was An all-data import was interrupted

interrupted because a failover because a failover occurred during the
occurred during the import, or import, or the CIFS service is not
the CIFS service is not running normally.
running normally. (O)
If a failover has occurred, confirm
whether the all-data import has
restarted on the failover destination. If
a failover has not occurred, make sure
that the CIFS service is running
normally, and then retry the all-data

KAQM37194-E A timeout occurred during There might be a problem with the

communication with the import-source file server or the
import-source file server. network.
Check the status of the import-source
file server and the network, fix the
cause of the error, and then retry the
operation. If there are no problems
with the status of the import-source
file server or the network, change the
timeout value for communication with
the file server, and then retry the
operation. If the error persists, acquire
all the log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM37195-E An attempt to change the An attempt to change the import

import method failed because method failed because the import has
the import in the specified not been started.
import definition information (O)
has not been started.
Check whether the import in the
specified import definition information
has started. If the import has not
started, specify an import method, and
then start the import.

KAQM37196-E An import from another file An import from another file server
server failed. (reason = failed due to the indicated reason.
{insufficient memory|an I/O (O)
error|no disk space|some
other error}) In the list of file systems, check the
status of the file system. If the file
system has an error status, follow the
error recovery procedure provided in
online Help. If there is insufficient
memory, wait a while, and then retry
the operation. If there is insufficient
disk space, expand the file system,
and then retry the operation. If
migration to an HCP system and the

5-408 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
data import are being performed
concurrently, re-check the
communications with the HCP system,
and then retry the operation. In other
cases, wait a while, and then retry the
operation. If the error persists, acquire
all the log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM37197-E The import-source file or The import-source file or directory

directory does not exist. (path does not exist.
of the import-source file or (O)
directory = path-of-the-
import-source-file or Specify the path of an existing file or
directory-path) directory.

KAQM37198-E The option option-name The file system is for referencing

cannot be specified for namespaces.
namespace-referencing file (O)
Specify a file system that is not used
for referencing namespaces, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM37199-E A namespace-referencing file The file system is for referencing

system cannot be specified. namespaces.
Specify a file system that is not used
for referencing namespaces, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM37200-E Automatic updating of the Automatic updating of the data-

data-referencing file system referencing file system failed.
failed. (reason = {insufficient (O)
memory|an I/O error|no disk
space|HCP communication If there is not enough memory,
error|authentication error| increase the amount of available
some other error}, file system memory. If there is not enough disk
name = file-system-name) space, increase the size of the file
system. If an I/O error occurred,
confirm the status of the file system
from the list of file systems. If an HCP
communication error occurred, confirm
the status of the network. If an
authentication error occurred, revise
the HCP access settings. For all other
errors, execute the arcrestore
command. If the problem persists,
acquire all the log files, and contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM37201-E An attempt to restore a past An attempt to restore a past version of

version of the directory failed. the directory failed due to the reason
(reason = {insufficient shown in the message dialog.
memory|an I/O error|no disk (O)
Check the status of the file system. If
an error has occurred, follow the
recovery procedure in online Help to

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-409

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
resolve the issue. If there is not
enough memory, wait a while, and
then retry the operation. If there is not
enough disk capacity, expand the file
system, and then retry the operation.
In all other cases, acquire all the log
data, and contact Product Support.

KAQM37202-E A past version of the directory A past version of the directory cannot
cannot be restored, because be restored, because the directory is
the directory is already in use. already in use.
(restoration path = path) (O)
Change the path of the file or directory
in the restoration path, and retry the

KAQM37204-I The detailed message of the None.

KAQM37247-W message is as (O)
follows: message-details
Follow the instructions in the detailed

KAQM37205-E The attempt to restore a past The attempt to restore a past version
version of the directory failed. of the directory failed.
(reason = {insufficient (O)
memory|an I/O error|no disk
space|some other error}, Check the status of the file system. If
restoration path = path) an error has occurred, follow the
recovery procedure in Online Help to
resolve the issue. If there is not
enough memory, wait a few minutes
and retry the operation. If there is not
enough disk capacity, expand the file
system and retry the operation. In all
other cases, download all the log data
and contact Product Support.

KAQM37206-E An attempt to create the past The attempt to create the past version
version directory has failed. directory failed due to the cause
(reason = {no such directory| explained in the reason.
insufficient memory|lock (O)
timeout|an I/O error|no disk
space|read only mounted| For details about the failed directory,
directory is already being see the KAQM37208-E or KAQM37319-
used|some other error}) E message output to the Management
log file (management.log). If there is
insufficient memory or a lock timeout
occurred, do not perform any other
operations while a migration is being
performed. If there is insufficient disk
space, expand the file system, and
then try again. If the file system is
mounted as read-only, re-mount the
file system as readable and writable. If
the directory where the past version
directory will be created is being used,
change the path of the file or directory
being used, and then retry the
operation. In all other cases, confirm

5-410 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
that no HCP communication errors are
occurring. If no HCP communication
errors are occurring, acquire all the log
data, and then contact maintenance
See G. Actions for when a timeout
occurs due to the inability to secure
the resources used for processing, and
follow the procedure that is listed.

KAQM37207-E An attempt to delete the past The attempt to delete the past version
version directory has failed. directory failed due to the cause
(reason = {no such directory| explained in the reason.
insufficient memory|an I/O (O)
error|no disk space|currently
being accessed|some other Refer to the error message
error}) KAQM37225-E in the management log
file (management.log) for the failed
directory. If the failure was caused by
insufficient memory, wait a while, and
then try again. If the cause was
insufficient disk space, expand the file
system, and then try again. If the
cause was the directory currently
being accessed, request that access
stop on the client. Otherwise, acquire
all the log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM37208-E An attempt to create the past The attempt to create the past version
version directory has failed. directory failed due to the cause
(reason = {no such directory| explained in the reason.
insufficient memory|an I/O (O)
error|no disk space|read only
mounted|directory is already If there is insufficient memory, check
being used|some other whether the system is heavily loaded.
error}, path = directory-path) If there is insufficient disk space,
expand the file system. If the file
system is mounted as read-only, re-
mount the file system as readable and
writable. If the directory where the
past-version directory is to be created
is being used, change the path of the
file or directory. In other cases,
acquire all log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM37209-I Automatic updating of the Automatic updating of the data-

data-referencing file system referencing file system started.
started. (O)
No action is necessary.

KAQM37210-I Automatic updating of the Automatic updating of the data-

data-referencing file system referencing file system ended.
ended. (O)
No action is necessary.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-411

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM37211-I Automatic updating of the The data-referencing file system has

data-referencing file system already been automatically updated.
was skipped. (O)
No action is necessary.

KAQM37212-E Automatic updating of the Processing was canceled because an

data-referencing file system error occurred while automatically
failed. updating the data-referencing file
Identify the cause of the problem by
looking at the message that was
output before this message, and then
take appropriate action.

KAQM37213-I Deletion of the temporary Deletion of the temporary directory

directory created when HCP started.
data migrated from other (O)
sites was shared has started.
No action is necessary.

KAQM37214-I Deletion of the temporary Deletion of the temporary directory

directory created when HCP ended.
data migrated from other (O)
sites was shared has ended.
No action is necessary.

KAQM37215-I Deletion of the temporary The temporary directory has already

directory created for the been deleted.
automatic update was (O)
skipped. (file system name =
file-system-name) No action is necessary.

KAQM37216-E Deletion of the temporary Processing was canceled because an

directory created when HCP error occurred while deleting the
data migrated from other temporary directory.
sites was shared has failed. (O)
No action is necessary because the
temporary directory will be deleted the
next time data is periodically deleted.
If the problem persists, acquire all the
log files, and contact maintenance

KAQM37217-E Deletion of the temporary An error occurred while deleting the

directory created for the temporary directory.
automatic update failed. (O)
(reason = {no disk space|
some other error}, file system If there is not enough disk space,
name = file-system-name) confirm the free space on the file
system. If there is not enough free
space, allocate more free space, and
then re-execute the command. If the
problem persists, acquire all the log
files, and then contact maintenance

5-412 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM37219-E The processing cannot be The processing cannot be executed

executed because an all-data because an all-data import is not
import is not complete. complete.
Make sure the import is complete, and
then retry the operation.

KAQM37220-E A tiered file system cannot be The specified file system is a tiered file
specified. system.
Specify another type of file system.
And then retry the operation.

KAQM37221-E The input is invalid. The specified IP address format is

See Help, and then enter a valid value.

KAQM37222-E The input is invalid. The specified IP address is special

address that cannot be set.
See Help, and then enter a valid value.

KAQM37223-E The input value is invalid. The The resume threshold must be greater
resume threshold must be than the suspend threshold.
greater than the suspend (O)
Specify a resume threshold value that
is greater than the suspend threshold

KAQM37224-I An all-data import is being An all-data import is being stopped.

stopped. (O)
No action is required.

KAQM37225-E An attempt to delete the past The attempt to delete the past version
version directory has failed. directory failed due to the cause
(reason = {no such directory| explained in the reason.
insufficient memory|an I/O (O)
error|no disk space|read only
mounted|currently being If there is insufficient memory, wait a
accessed|some other error}, while, and then try again. If there is
path = directory-path) insufficient disk space, expand the file
system, and then try again. If the file
system is mounted as read-only, re-
mount the file system as readable and
writable. If the directory is currently
being accessed, request that the
clients stop accessing it. In all other
cases, acquire all the log data, and
then contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM37226-I Restoration of a data- Restoration of a data-referencing file

referencing file system system started.
started. (file system name = (O)

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-413

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
No action is necessary.

KAQM37227-I Restoration of a data- Restoration of a data-referencing file

referencing file system ended. system ended.
(file system name = file- (O)
No action is necessary.

KAQM37228-E Restoration of a data- Restoration of a data-referencing file

referencing file system failed. system failed.
(reason = {insufficient (O)
memory|no disk space|HCP
communication error| Identify the cause of the problem by
authentication error|some looking at the message that was
other error}, file system output before this message, and then
name = file-system-name) take appropriate action.

KAQM37229-E Collection of import-source Collection of import-source object

object information stopped information stopped because a failover
because a failover occurred occurred during an all-data import, or
during an all-data import, or the CIFS service is not running
the CIFS service is not normally.
running normally. (O)
If a failover occurred, make sure that
the all-data import at the failover
destination has restarted. If a failover
did not occur, make sure that the CIFS
service is running normally, and then
retry the all-data import.

KAQM37230-I Collection of object Collection of object information from

information from another file another file server has started.
server started. (import (O)
definition name = import-
definition-name) No action is necessary.

KAQM37231-I Collection of object Collection of object information from

information from another file another file server is complete.
server is complete. (import (O)
definition name =import-
definition-name) Check the details in the hsmarc.log

KAQM37232-E Collection of object Collection of object information from

information from another file another file server has failed.
server failed. (import (O)
definition name = import-
definition-name) If NFS shares are being used, revise
the settings so that the import-source
file server can correctly export files.
After an all-data import or a scan is
finished, retry the operation. If the
problem persists, acquire all the log
data, and then contact maintenance

KAQM37233-I The import did not finish The import did not finish because one
because one or more files or or more files or directories have been
directories have been moved moved and are not recognized as
and are not recognized as import sources, or because there was

5-414 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
import sources, or because already data in an import-target
there was already data in an directory when the import started.
import-target directory when (O)
the import started. Reattempt
an all-data import. If the Check whether there was data in an
import does not finish even import-target directory when the
after several attempts, import started. If there was no data in
acquire all the log data, and any of the import-target directories,
contact the support center. reattempt an all-data import. If the
import does not finish even after
several attempts, acquire all the log
data, and contact the support center.
Supplementary note:
The KAQM37233-I message might be
output if a node failure occurs or the
file system capacity is insufficient. If
this happens, the KAQM37233-I
message is still output after an all-file
import is performed again. Run the
datamigratestatus command with
the --incompletionlist option to
verify that the displayed files are all
imported. If the files have been
imported, no action is necessary. If
some files have not been imported,
take action by, for example, manually
copying the files one-by-one. Note
that, if hard links for which different
subtree quotas are set have not been
imported to the import source and
import destination, check, and if
necessary, revise the quota settings,
and then create hard links for each.
KAQM37234-E Updating the list or count file Updating the list or count file used for
used for import completion import completion verification has
verification has failed. (reason failed.
= {an I/O error|no disk (O)
space|some other error})
In the list of file systems, check the
status of the file system. If the file
system has an error status, follow the
error recovery procedure provided in
online Help. If there is not enough
unused capacity, free up the necessary
amount, and then execute the
command. In other cases, acquire all
the log files, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM37235-E Recovery of the list or count Recovery of the list or count file used
file used for import for import completion verification has
completion verification has failed.
failed. (O)
Acquire all the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-415

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM37236-W An attempt to delete the past An attempt to delete the past version
version directory failed during directory failed due to the cause shown
a migration. (reason = {no in the reason.
such directory|insufficient (O)
memory|lock timeout|an I/O
error|no disk space|currently The deletion of the past version
being accessed|some other directory will be reattempted during
error}) the next migration. No action is
See G. Actions for when a timeout
occurs due to the inability to secure
the resources used for processing, and
follow the procedure that is listed.

KAQM37237-W An attempt to delete the past An attempt to delete the past version
version directory failed during directory failed due to the cause shown
a periodic deletion. (reason = in the reason.
{no such directory|insufficient (O)
memory|an I/O error|no disk
space|currently being The deletion of the past version
accessed|some other error}, directory will be reattempted during
path = directory-path) the next periodic deletion. No action is

KAQM37238-W An attempt to delete the past An attempt to delete the past version
version directory failed during directory failed due to the cause shown
a periodic deletion. (reason = in the reason.
{no such directory|insufficient (O)
memory|an I/O error|no disk
space|currently being The deletion of the past version
accessed|some other error}) directory will be reattempted during
the next periodic deletion. No action is

KAQM37239-E An attempt to create the past The attempt to create the past version
version directory has failed. directory failed due to the cause
(reason = {no such directory| explained in the reason.
insufficient memory|lock (O)
timeout|an I/O error|no disk
space|read only mounted| If there is insufficient memory or a
directory is already being lock timeout occurred, do not perform
used|some other error}) any other operations while a migration
is being performed. If there is
insufficient disk space, expand the file
system, and then try again. If the file
system is mounted as read-only, re-
mount the file system as readable and
writable. If the directory where the
past version directory will be created is
being used, change the path of the file
or directory being used, and then retry
the operation. In all other cases,
acquire all the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM37240-E An attempt to delete the past The attempt to delete the past version
version directory has failed. directory failed due to the cause
(reason = {no such directory| explained in the reason.

5-416 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
insufficient memory|an I/O (O)
error|no disk space|currently If the failure was caused by insufficient
being accessed|some other memory, wait a while, and then try
error}) again. If the cause was insufficient
disk space, expand the file system,
and then try again. If the cause was
the directory currently being accessed,
request that access stop on the client.
Otherwise, acquire all the log data,
and then contact maintenance
KAQM37241-W Import processing was not Import processing was not resumed
resumed because the because the remaining free capacity
remaining free capacity for for the file system would have reached
the file system would have or gone below the suspension
reached or gone below the threshold.
suspension threshold. (file (O)
system = file-system-name)
Change the suspension threshold, or
expand the file system.

KAQM37242-E An attempt to read An attempt to read information on a

information on a file system file system being referenced by a read-
being referenced by a read- only file system failed because the ACL
only file system failed because type of the read-only file system and
the ACL type of the read-only the file system being referenced are
file system and the file system different.
being referenced are different. (O)
(file system name = file-
system-name) Contact the administrator of the file
system being referenced, and confirm
the ACL type. After that, delete the
read-only file system, and then create
a new file system with the same ACL
type as the file system being

KAQM37243-E The moving of files from one The moving of files from one tier to
tier to another was cancelled. another was cancelled because the
resource group was moved or stopped,
the file system was unmounted, or a
user stopped the archiving operation.
If the resource group has been moved
or stopped, or the file system has been
unmounted, mount the file system,
and then retry the operation.

KAQM37244-E An error occurred during the Information required for the

restoration. restoration did not exist on the HCP
system. An error might have occurred
with the migration.
After a migration is successful, execute
the arcrestore command.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-417

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM37245-E Updating of a file or directory Updating of a file or directory failed

failed. (reason = {insufficient due to the cause explained in the
memory|an I/O error|no disk reason.
space|an HCP communication (O)
error|an authentication error|
a device or resource is in use| If there is not enough memory,
some other error}, file or increase the amount of available
directory path = path-of-the- memory. If there is not enough disk
file-or-directory) space, increase the size of the file
system. If an I/O error occurred,
confirm the status of the file system
from the list of file systems. If an HCP
communication error occurred, confirm
the status of the network. If an
authentication error occurred, revise
the HCP access settings. If the device
or resource is in use, confirm that no
shares have been created under the
directory. If such shares exist, delete
them. Take action according to the
error details, and then execute the
arcrestore command. If the problem
persists, acquire all the log files, and
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM37246-E Updating of some files or Updating of some files or directories

directories failed. (reason = failed due to the cause explained in
{insufficient memory|an I/O the reason.
error|no disk space|an HCP (O)
communication error|an
authentication error|a device If there is not enough memory,
or resource is in use|some increase the amount of available
other error}, file system memory. If there is not enough disk
name = file-system-name) space, increase the size of the file
system. If an I/O error occurred,
confirm the status of the file system
from the list of file systems. If an HCP
communication error occurred, confirm
the status of the network. If an
authentication error occurred, revise
the HCP access settings. If the device
or resource is in use, confirm that no
shares have been created under the
directory. If such shares exist, delete
them. Take action according to the
error details, and then execute the
arcrestore command. If the problem
persists, acquire all the log files, and
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM37247-W Restoration of one or more See the File Services Manager log file
past version directories failed. (management.log) to find the cause.
See the File Services Manager log file
(management.log), and then take
appropriate action.

5-418 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM37248-W Shared data could not be Shared data could not be acquired
acquired. (file system name = because it was not migrated to the
file-system-name) HCP system or migration of the shared
data failed.
Wait until a migration is executed for
the file system containing the shared
data, or ask the system administrator
managing the shared data to perform
a migration as soon as possible.

KAQM37249-I Processing might take a while. This message is output before

processing that takes a while is

KAQM37250-E Shared data cannot be A namespace was specified to which

acquired because none exists. data has never been migrated from a
(file system name = Read- file system, and then an attempt was
only-file-system-name, FQDN made to acquire shared data.
= FQDN-of-the-namespace- (O)
system-being-read-from) Make sure that the specified FQDN of
the namespace is correct. If the FQDN
of the namespace is correct, perform a
migration from the file system being
read from. Then, wait a while or
execute the arcrestore command on
the read-only file system.

KAQM37251-E An error occurred during No data to be shared exists on the HCP

acquisition of shared data. system. An error might have occurred
(file system name = Read- during a migration from the file system
only-file-system-name, FQDN being read from.
= FQDN-of-the-namespace- (O)
system-being-read-from) Make sure that the file system being
read from is successfully migrated.
Then, wait a while or execute the
arcrestore command on the read-
only file system.

KAQM37252-E An error occurred during There is not enough unused capacity

acquisition of shared data. to acquire the data to be shared.
(file system name = Read- (O)
Expand the read-only file system.
Then, wait a while or execute the
arcrestore command on the read-
only file system.

KAQM37253-E An insufficient memory error Memory allocation failed.

occurred during acquisition of (O)
shared data. (file system
name = Read-only-file- Wait a while, and then execute the
system-name) arcrestore command on the read-
only file system. If the error persists,

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-419

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
acquire all the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM37254-E The connection with the HCP An error occurred while communicating
system failed during with the HCP system. The FQDN of the
acquisition of shared data. namespace associated with the file
(file system name = Read- system being read from might have
only-file-system-name, FQDN been changed.
= FQDN-of-the-namespace- (O)
system-being-read-from) Make sure that the specified FQDN of
the namespace is correct and the
network status is okay. Then, wait a
while or execute the arcrestore
command on the read-only file system.
If the error persists, acquire all the log
data, and then contact maintenance

KAQM37255-E The connection with the HCP There might be a problem with the
system failed during HCP system or the network.
acquisition of shared data. (O)
(file system name = Read-
only-file-system-name, FQDN Check the status of the HCP system
= FQDN-of-the-namespace- and the network, and resolve the
associated-with-the-file- problem. Then, wait a while or execute
system-being-read-from) the arcrestore command on the
read-only file system. If the error
persists, acquire all the log data, and
then contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM37256-E The connection with the HCP There might be a problem with the
system timed out during HCP system or the network.
acquisition of shared data. (O)
(file system name = Read-
only-file-system-name, FQDN Check the status of the HCP system
= FQDN-of-the-namespace- and the network, and resolve the
associated-with-the-file- problem. Then, wait a while or execute
system-being-read-from) the arcrestore command on the
read-only file system. If the error
persists, acquire all the log data, and
then contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM37257-E The SSL connection with the The SSL connection with the HCP
HCP system failed during system failed.
acquisition of shared data. (O)
(file system name = Read-
only-file-system-name, FQDN Check the status of the HCP system,
= FQDN-of-the-namespace- the SSL settings, and the network, and
associated-with-the-file- resolve the problem. Then, wait a
system-being-read-from) while or execute the arcrestore
command on the read-only file system.
If the error persists, acquire all the log
data, and then contact maintenance

KAQM37258-E Authentication failed during The user name, password, FQDN of the
acquisition of shared data. namespace, or an HCP SSL setting for
(file system name = Read- the read-only file system is invalid.
only-file-system-name, FQDN (O)

5-420 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
= FQDN-of-the-namespace- Revise the input values and settings.

KAQM37259-E Name resolution of the FQDN Name resolution could not be properly
failed during acquisition of performed. The HCP system could not
shared data. (file system be temporarily communicated with due
name = Read-only-file- to, for example, a network error or a
system-name, FQDN = FQDN- high load on the HCP system.
of-the-namespace-associated- (O)
read-from) Make sure that name resolution can be
performed in the environment. Then,
wait a while or execute the
arcrestore command on the read-
only file system.

KAQM37260-E The connection with the HCP Communication with the HCP system
system ended during ended due to a resource group being
acquisition of shared data. moved or stopped, or a file system
(file system name = Read- being unmounted.
only-file-system-name) (O)
If a resource group was moved or
stopped, or a file system was
unmounted, mount the file system.
Then, wait a while or execute the
arcrestore command on the read-
only file system.

KAQM37261-E The acquisition of file An error occurred during acquisition of

information failed during file information. An error might have
acquisition of shared data. occurred with the file system.
(file system name = Read- (O)
In the list of file systems, check the
status of the file system. If the file
system is in an error status, follow the
error recovery procedure provided in
online Help. In all other cases, acquire
all the log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM37262-E The restoration of a file or Possible causes are as follows: During

directory attribute failed a migration from the file system being
during acquisition of shared read from to the HCP system, an
data. (file system name = attribute failed to be saved or was
Read-only-file-system-name, changed, or an error occurred in the
FQDN = FQDN-of-the- file system.
namespace-associated-with- (O)
from) In the list of file systems, check the
status of the file system. If the file
system is in an error status, follow the
error recovery procedure provided in
online Help. Then, wait a while or
execute the arcrestore command on
the read-only file system. If the file
system is not in an error status, make
sure the file system being read from is

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-421

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
migrated. Then, wait a while or
execute the arcrestore command on
the read-only file system. In all other
cases, acquire all the log data, and
then contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM37263-W Shared data cannot be The file system is mounted as read-

acquired because the file only.
system is mounted as read- (O)
only. (file system = Read-
only-file-system-name) To acquire shared data, mount the file
system as both readable and writable.
Then, wait a while or execute the
arcrestore command on the read-
only file system.

KAQM37264-W The rebuilding of task The rebuilding of task management

management information will information will now restart.
now restart because the file (O)
system (file-system-name)
configuration was changed. No action is necessary.

KAQM37265-E File systems that have single Single instancing is enabled for the
instancing enabled cannot be specified file system.
specified. (O)
Specify another file system, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM37266-E The specified option or an The input is invalid.

argument for that option is (O)
See online Help and enter a valid

KAQM37267-E The specified option or the The specified option or the number of
number of arguments for that arguments for that option is invalid.
option is invalid. (O)
See online Help and enter a valid

KAQM37268-E The specified file system is The specified file system is not a
not a WORM file system. WORM file system.
Specify another file system, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM37269-E A reference file system cannot The specified file system is a reference
be specified. file system.
Specify another file system, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM37270-E The specified file system is The specified file system is blocked.
blocked. (file system =file- (O)
Revise the status of the file system,
and then retry the operation.

5-422 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM37271-W The file operation failed for The file operation failed for the file
the file system. system.
No action is necessary.

KAQM37272-E The file operation failed. (file The file operation failed.
path = file-path, function (O)
name = {auto deletion|auto
WORM}, reason = If the reason is insufficient memory,
{insufficient memory|an I/O wait a while, and then retry the
error|no disk space|the operation. If the reason is insufficient
retention period is in effect| disk space, expand the file system,
some other error}) and then retry the operation. If the
reason is an I/O error, check the
status of the file system, and then
recover the status. If the reason is the
retention of the file, no action is
necessary. Wait a while, and then retry
the operation. In all other cases,
acquire all the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM37273-E An auto-WORM or auto- An auto-WORM or auto-deletion

deletion operation failed. (file operation failed.
system = file-system) (O)
Verify the details in the wormtsk.log

KAQM37274-E File systems that have the The autocommit function is enabled for
autocommit function enabled the specified file system.
cannot be specified. (O)
Specify another file system, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM37275-E Single instancing is disabled Single instancing is disabled for the

for the specified file system. specified file system.
(file system name = file- (O)
Enable single instancing. If you do not
want to use single instancing, delete
the policy.

KAQM37276-E No corresponding file system No corresponding file system exists for

exists for the executed task. the executed task.
(file system = file-system) (O)
If the file system is not connected,
connect it, and then retry the
operation. If the file system has been
forcibly deleted, delete any tasks
defined for it.

KAQM37277-Q Data already exists at the This confirmation message is output

import target. If data at the when data already exists at the import
import source also exists at target.
the import target, the total (O)
number of imported files
might not be properly Enter y or n.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-423

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
counted. Do you still want to Supplementary note:
set the import definition If the data at the import source also
information? (y/n) exists at the import target, the total
number of imported files is not
properly counted. To properly count
the total number of imported files,
temporarily move the data at the
import target, and then try the
operation again.
KAQM37278-E The specified minimum size is The value specified for the minimum
invalid because it is larger size is larger than the value specified
than the maximum size. for the maximum size.
Specify valid sizes, and then retry the

KAQM37279-E The upper limit on the The upper limit on the number of
number of cache resident cache resident policies that can be set
policies that can be set for the for the file system has been reached.
file system has been reached. (O)
Delete any unnecessary cache resident
policies, and then retry the operation.

KAQM37280-E A cache resident policy of the A cache resident policy of the same
same name already exists in name already exists in the file system.
the file system. (file system = (O)
file-system-name, policy =
policy-name) Revise the file system name or policy
name, or specify the -f option, and
then retry the operation.

KAQM37281-Q Are you sure you want to This confirmation message is output
delete the cache resident before a cache resident policy is
policy? (y/n) deleted.
Enter y or n.

KAQM37282-E The specified resident policy The specified resident policy does not
does not exist. (file system = exist.
file-system-name, policy = (O)
Revise the file system name or the
policy name, and then retry the

KAQM37283-E The cache resident function The cache resident function failed for a
failed for a file. (reason = file.
{insufficient memory|an I/O (O)
error|no disk space|an HCP
communication error|some If there is not enough memory,
other error}, file path = file- increase the amount of available
path) memory. If there is not enough disk
space, increase the size of the file
system. If an I/O error occurred,
confirm the status of the file system
from the list of file systems. If an HCP
communication error occurred, confirm

5-424 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
the status of the network. If the
problem persists, acquire all the log
files, and contact maintenance

KAQM37284-E The cache resident function The cache resident function failed for a
failed for a file. (file system = file.
file-system-name) (O)
See the hsmarc.log file to confirm the
details of the error.

KAQM37285-E No cache resident policies are No cache resident policies are set for
set for the file system. the file system.
Set a cache policy, wait for it to be
executed, and then retry the

KAQM37286-E The cache resident function The cache resident function has not
has not been executed. been executed.
Wait for the cache resident function to
be executed, and then retry the

KAQM37287-E An HTTP request to the HCP The FQDN of the HCP namespace or
system failed. The following the HCP data access account might be
error was received. (method invalid, or the access protocol might
= HTTP-method-type, URI = not be permitted.
URI, HTTP return code = (O)
HTTP-return-code, details =
error-details) Check the FQDN of the HCP
namespace, the HCP data access
account, and the protocol used to
access the HCP system, and then retry
the operation. If the problem persists,
contact the HCP administrator. If a
detailed error message is output, read
the message, and take action
Supplementary note:
If a remote HCP system cannot be
accessed in an environment where a
system is connected to the HCP
system over a network, determine the
cause of the problem, and then resolve
the problem. Before taking action
according to the message, see the
Troubleshooting Guide.
The cause of the error and the action
to take for each HTTP request return
code is as follows:
• 400: The user account for
accessing tenants or namespaces

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-425

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
might not have the necessary
permissions for this operation. Ask
the HCP administrator to revise
the permissions.
• 403: The cause of the error and
the action to take might be one of
the following:
- The user account information for
accessing tenants or namespaces
might be incorrect. Confirm the
user name and password with the
HCP administrator, and specify the
correct information.
- The user account for accessing
tenants or namespaces might not
have the necessary permissions
for this operation. Ask the HCP
administrator to revise the
- The namespace might not exist.
Check with the HCP administrator
whether the namespace exists.
- The settings might not allow
custom metadata to be added to
or deleted from namespace
objects, or the settings might not
allow you to overwrite metadata.
Ask the HCP administrator to
revise the namespace settings.
- Retention Class might be set
for the namespace. Use the HDI
WORM functionality to set the
retention period when the HCP
and HDI systems are linked
- The communication protocol
(HTTP/HTTPS) settings for the HDI
and HCP systems might not
match. Revise the communication
protocol settings by using the
arcsslctl command. Ask the HCP
administrator to revise the
communication protocol settings.
• 409: The cause of the error and
the action to take might be one of
the following:
- A conflict might have occurred
with other HCP processing. Wait a
while, and then try again.
- Version management might not
be enabled in the namespace
settings. Ask the HCP
administrator to enable version

5-426 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
• 413: The namespace might be out
of space. Ask the HCP
administrator to expand the
capacity of the namespace.
• 500: An internal error might have
occurred in HCP. Wait a while, and
then try again.
• 503: HCP might be temporarily
unable to perform processing.
Wait a while, and then try again.
• none: An HCP access failure might
have occurred. Follow the
instructions in the Troubleshooting
Guide to resolve the HCP access

KAQM37288-E An HTTP request to the HCP The HCP tenant and namespace might
system failed. The following be invalid.
error was received. (method (O)
= HTTP-method-type, URI =
URI, HTTP return code = Check the HCP tenant and namespace,
HTTP-return-code, details = and then retry the operation. If the
error-details) problem persists, contact the HCP
administrator. If a detailed error
message is output, read the message,
and take action accordingly.
Supplementary note:
If a remote HCP system cannot be
accessed in an environment where a
system is connected to the HCP
system over a network, determine the
cause of the problem, and then resolve
the problem. Before taking action
according to the message, see the
Troubleshooting Guide.
The cause of the error and the action
to take for each HTTP request return
code is as follows:
• 400: The user account for
accessing tenants or namespaces
might not have the necessary
permissions for this operation. Ask
the HCP administrator to revise
the permissions.
• 403: The cause of the error and
the action to take might be one of
the following:
- The user account information for
accessing tenants or namespaces
might be incorrect. Confirm the
user name and password with the
HCP administrator, and specify the
correct information.
- The user account for accessing
tenants or namespaces might not

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-427

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
have the necessary permissions
for this operation. Ask the HCP
administrator to revise the
- The namespace might not exist.
Check with the HCP administrator
whether the namespace exists.
- The settings might not allow
custom metadata to be added to
or deleted from namespace
objects, or the settings might not
allow you to overwrite metadata.
Ask the HCP administrator to
revise the namespace settings.
- Retention Class might be set
for the namespace. Use the HDI
WORM functionality to set the
retention period when the HCP
and HDI systems are linked
- The communication protocol
(HTTP/HTTPS) settings for the HDI
and HCP systems might not
match. Revise the communication
protocol settings by using the
arcsslctl command. Ask the HCP
administrator to revise the
communication protocol settings.
• 409: The cause of the error and
the action to take might be one of
the following:
- A conflict might have occurred
with other HCP processing. Wait a
while, and then try again.
- Version management might not
be enabled in the namespace
settings. Ask the HCP
administrator to enable version
• 413: The namespace might be out
of space. Ask the HCP
administrator to expand the
capacity of the namespace.
• 500: An internal error might have
occurred in HCP. Wait a while, and
then try again.
• 503: HCP might be temporarily
unable to perform processing.
Wait a while, and then try again.
• none: An HCP access failure might
have occurred. Follow the
instructions in the Troubleshooting

5-428 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Guide to resolve the HCP access

KAQM37289-E An HTTP request to the HCP Communication with the HCP system
system failed. The following might have been temporarily lost due
error was received. (method to a high load on the HCP system.
= HTTP-method-type, URI = (O)
URI, HTTP return code =
HTTP-return-code, details = Wait a while, and then retry the
Error-details) operation. If the problem persists,
contact the HCP administrator. If a
detailed error message is output, read
the message, and take action
Supplementary note:
If a remote HCP system cannot be
accessed in an environment where a
system is connected to the HCP
system over a network, determine the
cause of the problem, and then resolve
the problem. Before taking action
according to the message, see the
Troubleshooting Guide.
The cause of the error and the action
to take for each HTTP request return
code is as follows:
• 400: The user account for
accessing tenants or namespaces
might not have the necessary
permissions for this operation. Ask
the HCP administrator to revise
the permissions.
• 403: The cause of the error and
the action to take might be one of
the following:
- The user account information for
accessing tenants or namespaces
might be incorrect. Confirm the
user name and password with the
HCP administrator, and specify the
correct information.
- The user account for accessing
tenants or namespaces might not
have the necessary permissions
for this operation. Ask the HCP
administrator to revise the
- The namespace might not exist.
Check with the HCP administrator
whether the namespace exists.
- The settings might not allow
custom metadata to be added to
or deleted from namespace
objects, or the settings might not
allow you to overwrite metadata.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-429

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Ask the HCP administrator to
revise the namespace settings.
- Retention Class might be set
for the namespace. Use the HDI
WORM functionality to set the
retention period when the HCP
and HDI systems are linked
- The communication protocol
(HTTP/HTTPS) settings for the HDI
and HCP systems might not
match. Revise the communication
protocol settings by using the
arcsslctl command. Ask the HCP
administrator to revise the
communication protocol settings.
• 409: The cause of the error and
the action to take might be one of
the following:
- A conflict might have occurred
with other HCP processing. Wait a
while, and then try again.
- Version management might not
be enabled in the namespace
settings. Ask the HCP
administrator to enable version
• 413: The namespace might be out
of space. Ask the HCP
administrator to expand the
capacity of the namespace.
• 500: An internal error might have
occurred in HCP. Wait a while, and
then try again.
• 503: HCP might be temporarily
unable to perform processing.
Wait a while, and then try again.
• none: An HCP access failure might
have occurred. Follow the
instructions in the Troubleshooting
Guide to resolve the HCP access

KAQM37290-E An HTTP request to the HCP An HTTP request to the HCP system
system failed. The following failed.
error was received. (method (O)
= HTTP-method-type, URI =
URI, HTTP return code = Wait a while, and then retry the
HTTP-return-code, details = operation. If the proxy server is being
error-details) used, check the proxy server
information. If the problem persists,
acquire all the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.
Supplementary note:

5-430 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
If a remote HCP system cannot be
accessed in an environment where a
system is connected to the HCP
system over a network, determine the
cause of the problem, and then resolve
the problem. Before taking action
according to the message, see the
Troubleshooting Guide.
The cause of the error and the action
to take for each HTTP request return
code is as follows:
• 400: The user account for
accessing tenants or namespaces
might not have the necessary
permissions for this operation. Ask
the HCP administrator to revise
the permissions.
• 403: The cause of the error and
the action to take might be one of
the following:
- The user account information for
accessing tenants or namespaces
might be incorrect. Confirm the
user name and password with the
HCP administrator, and specify the
correct information.
- The user account for accessing
tenants or namespaces might not
have the necessary permissions
for this operation. Ask the HCP
administrator to revise the
- The namespace might not exist.
Check with the HCP administrator
whether the namespace exists.
- The settings might not allow
custom metadata to be added to
or deleted from namespace
objects, or the settings might not
allow you to overwrite metadata.
Ask the HCP administrator to
revise the namespace settings.
- Retention Class might be set
for the namespace. Use the HDI
WORM functionality to set the
retention period when the HCP
and HDI systems are linked
- The communication protocol
(HTTP/HTTPS) settings for the HDI
and HCP systems might not
match. Revise the communication
protocol settings by using the
arcsslctl command. Ask the HCP

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-431

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
administrator to revise the
communication protocol settings.
• 409: The cause of the error and
the action to take might be one of
the following:
- A conflict might have occurred
with other HCP processing. Wait a
while, and then try again.
- Version management might not
be enabled in the namespace
settings. Ask the HCP
administrator to enable version
• 413: The namespace might be out
of space. Ask the HCP
administrator to expand the
capacity of the namespace.
• 500: An internal error might have
occurred in HCP. Wait a while, and
then try again.
• 503: HCP might be temporarily
unable to perform processing.
Wait a while, and then try again.
• none: An HCP access failure might
have occurred. Follow the
instructions in the Troubleshooting
Guide to resolve the HCP access

KAQM37291-E The specified account The specified account mapping file

mapping file does not exist. does not exist.
(account mapping file name = (O)
Specify the name of an existing
account mapping file.

KAQM37292-E A required item is missing A required item is missing from the

from the account mapping account mapping file.
file. (line number = line- (O)
number, missing item =
missing-item) Check the account mapping file, and
add the missing item.

KAQM37293-E An invalid item exists in the An invalid item exists in the account
account mapping file. (line mapping file.
number = line-number, (O)
invalid item = 'invalid-item')
Check the account mapping file, and
delete the invalid item.

KAQM37294-E The command cannot be Mapping information is not defined.

executed because mapping (O)
information is not defined.
Check the specified options and
arguments, and then retry the

5-432 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM37295-E An internal error occurred. An internal error occurred during

(service information = processing.
service-information) (O)
Wait a while, and then retry the
operation. If the problem persists,
acquire all the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM37296-W Acquisition of import-target Acquisition of import-target account

account information related to information related to import-source
import-source account account information failed.
information failed. (import- (O)
source account name =
import-source-account-name, If domain authentication is set for the
import-source SID = import- import-target authentication mode,
source-SID) confirm whether the account is
registered on the authentication
server. If local authentication is set for
the import-target authentication mode,
confirm whether the account
information is properly set in the
account mapping file.

KAQM37297-E Multiple instances of an Multiple instances of an import-source

import-source SID exist in the SID exist in the account mapping file.
account mapping file. (line = (O)
line-number, duplicated SID =
duplicated-SID) Check the account mapping file, and
then set valid SIDs.

KAQM37298-E Multiple instances of an item Multiple instances of an item exist in

exist in the account mapping the account mapping file.
file. (line = line-number, (O)
duplicated item = 'duplicated-
item') Confirm the content of the account
mapping file.

KAQM37299-E An account without the An account without the execute

execute permission was used permission was used to execute the
to execute the command. command.
Use an account with administrator
permissions to execute the command.

KAQM37300-E ID information related to the ID information related to the import-

import-source account name source account name could not be
could not be acquired. acquired.
(detailed information = (O)
Wait a while, and then retry the
operation. If the problem persists,
acquire all the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM37301-E Replica HCP information HCP information used for accessing

cannot be set because HCP data has not been set.
information used for accessing (O)
data has not been set.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-433

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Set HCP information used for accessing
data, and then retry the operation.

KAQM37302-E Replica HCP information has Replica HCP information has not been
not been set. set.
Set Replica HCP information, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM37303-Q Do you still want to delete the This confirmation message is output
WORM task schedule? (y/n) before a WORM task schedule is
Enter y or n.

KAQM37304-W The execution of the cache There is not enough free disk space to
resident function for a file was execute the cache resident function.
canceled. (file system = file- (O)
If the used disk space on the file
system does not stay below the stub
threshold during periodic stub
processing, execute the
arcresidentresult command to
check the total size of the file to be
pinned into the cache. Also, check the
stub threshold value, the cache
resident policy, and the total size of
the file system.

KAQM37305-W Restoration of an account Restoration of an account mapping file

mapping file failed. failed.
Redefine the account mapping file as

KAQM37306-E A schedule update failed. A schedule update failed.

Retry the operation. If the problem
persists, acquire all the log data, and
then contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM37307-E The cache resident function An error occurred during cache

failed for a file. (reason = resident processing for the file system.
{insufficient memory|an I/O (O)
error|no disk space|some
other error}, file system = If there is not enough memory,
file-system-name) increase the amount of available
memory. If there is not enough disk
space, increase the size of the file
system. If an I/O error occurred,
confirm the status of the file system
from the list of file systems. Take
action according to the error details,
and then check the results of the next
cache resident processing execution. If
the problem persists, acquire all the

5-434 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
log files, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM37308-W Restoration of the cache Restoration of the cache resident

resident policy failed, but policy failed.
processing continued. (file (O)
system = file-system-name)
If a cache resident policy was set up,
set it up again.

KAQM37309-E An attempt to read the file An attempt to read the file failed.
failed. (file path = file-path) (O)
Confirm that the file exists at the
specified path. If the file does exist,
confirm that the file can be read. If the
problem persists, acquire all the log
files, and contact maintenance

KAQM37310-E Memory is insufficient.(service An attempt to allocate memory has

information = service- failed.
information) (O)
Wait a while, and then retry the
operation. If the error persists, acquire
all the log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM37311-E An attempt to set the An attempt to set the alternate owner

alternate owner or group or group failed because the specified
failed because the specified name was not recognized as an
name cannot be recognized as alternate owner or group.
an alternate owner or group. (O)
(name = name)
To specify a local owner or group for
the alternate account, verify that the
owner or group is registered in the
system. To specify a domain owner or
group for the alternate account, verify
that there are no problems with the
network. If there are no problems with
the network, verify that the domain
owner or group is registered in the
domain controller.

KAQM37312-I An auto-WORM or auto- An auto-WORM or auto-deletion

deletion operation started. operation started.
(file system = file-system- (O)
No action is necessary.

KAQM37313-I An auto-WORM or auto- An auto-WORM or auto-deletion

deletion operation ended. (file operation ended.
system = file-system-name) (O)
No action is necessary.

KAQM37314-E An attempt to restore the file The user disk does not have enough
systems failed because the unused capacity for the restoration.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-435

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
user disk does not have Increase the capacity of the user disk,
enough unused capacity for perform a new installation of the OS,
the restoration. and then retry the operation.

KAQM37315-E Restoration of a file system Processing ended because some errors

failed during restoration of the occurred during restoration processing.
system settings. (file system (O)
= file-system-name, detailed
message = detailed-message) See the detailed message, take
appropriate action, and then execute
the arcrestore command on the file
system. If the problem persists,
acquire all the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM37316-E Restoration of a file system Processing ended because some errors

failed during restoration of the occurred during restoration processing.
system settings. (file system (O)
= file-system-name, detailed
message = detailed-message) Acquire all the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM37317-W A warning was output for a A warning was output during

file system during restoration restoration processing.
of the system settings. (file (O)
system = file-system-name,
detailed message = detailed- See the detailed message and take
message) appropriate action.

KAQM37318-E An attempt to update a An attempt to update a system file

system file failed. The system failed. The system file and the backup
file and the backup of the file of the file on the HCP system are no
on the HCP system are no longer the same.
longer the same. (reason = (O)
{insufficient memory|an I/O
error|no disk space|some If the reason is insufficient memory,
other error}) wait a while, and then retry the
operation. If there is not enough
unused capacity, free up the necessary
amount, and then retry the operation.
If the reason is an I/O error, check the
status of the file system, recover the
system, and then retry the operation.
In other cases, acquire all the log data,
and then contact maintenance

KAQM37319-E Creation of a past version Creation of a past version directory

directory failed. (path = failed.
directory-path, detailed (O)
message = detailed-message)
See the detailed message, take
appropriate action, and then retry the
operation. If the problem persists,
acquire all the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM37320-E Updating of the task log Updating of the task log failed for the
failed. (reason = {task log reason shown. The task log might have

5-436 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
does not exist|insufficient been deleted, or an error might have
memory|an I/O error|no disk occurred while updating the task log.
space|some other error}) If (O)
the arcresultctl command
is executed, the reason the Check the message referenced by the
task failed to execute for a file message ID displayed for the reason
or directory is not displayed. the task failed. If the task log was
(file or directory path = file or deleted during task execution, log
directory-path, message ID = information is not displayed. In all
message-ID) other cases, check the status of the
file system from the list of file
systems. If an error occurred on the
file system, follow the error recovery
procedure provided in online Help. If
there is not enough memory, wait until
the load on the system decreases, and
then retry the operation. If there is not
enough unused capacity, free up the
necessary amount, and then retry the
operation. If the problem cannot be
resolved, acquire all the log data, and
then contact maintenance personnel.
KAQM37321-E Recall processing failed Recall processing failed because data
because data on the HCP on the HCP system was not found.
system was not found. (O)
If HCP system data has not been
restored from a file system, acquire all
the log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel. If HCP system
data has been restored from a file
system, delete stub files, as necessary.
If there is no data on the HCP system,
stub information cannot be restored.

KAQM37322-E The import-source file server The import-source host name or share
could not be connected to. path is invalid, or there might be a
(host name = host-name, problem with the setting up of the
share path = share-path, import-source file server or the
import-source file or directory network.
path = import-source-file or (O)
Revise the settings so that the import-
source file server can correctly export
files. If the settings are okay, check
the host name or share path of the
import-source file server and the
status of the network, remove the
cause of the problem, and then retry
the operation. If the problem persists,
acquire all the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM37323-E The import-source file server The import-source host name or share
could not be connected to. path is invalid, or there might be a
problem with the setting up of the
import-source file server or the

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-437

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Check the HSM Core log (hsmarc.log),
and see if the KAQM37322-E message
has been output. If it has, identify the
host name or share path from the
message. Revise the settings so that
the import-source file server can
correctly export files. If the settings
are okay, check the host name or
share path of the import-source file
server and the status of the network,
remove the cause of the problem, and
then retry the operation. If the
problem persists, acquire all the log
data, and then contact maintenance

KAQM37325-E A timeout occurred while Stopping of an import failed.

stopping an import. (O)
Wait a while or until the import is
complete, and then retry the
operation. If the problem persists even
after the import is complete, acquire
all the log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM37329-E The import-source file server The import-source host name or share
could not be connected to. path is invalid, or there might be a
problem with the setting up of the
import-source file server or the
Revise the settings so that the import-
source file server can correctly export
files. If the settings are okay, check
the host name or share path of the
import-source file server and the
status of the network, remove the
cause of the problem, and then retry
the operation. If the problem persists,
acquire all the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM37330-E Log information cannot be The specified file system name or

output because task log policy name might be invalid, or the
information does not exist for task for the target policy might not
the specified policy on the have been executed.
target file system. (file (O)
system = file-system-name,
policy = policy-name) Verify that the file system name and
policy name are valid. If they are,
verify that a task was executed. In all
other cases, acquire all the log data,
and then contact maintenance

5-438 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM37331-Q Are you sure you want to This confirmation message is output
delete all task log information before task log information for the
for the specified policy on the specified policy is deleted.
target file system? (y/n) (O)
Enter y or n.

KAQM37332-Q Are you sure you want to This confirmation message is output
delete all task log information before all the task log information on
on the specified file system? the specified file system is deleted.
(y/n) (O)
Enter y or n.

KAQM37333-E The specified import definition The specified import definition

information does not exist. information does not exist.
(specified import definition (O)
name = import-definition-
name) Specify the name of an existing import

KAQM37335-E The specified import definition The specified import definition name is
name is already in use. already in use.
Specify another import definition
name, and then retry the operation.

KAQM37336-E The specified import definition The specified import definition cannot
cannot be edited. be edited.
Revise the import definition specified
for editing, and then retry the

KAQM37337-E Settings failed because Duplicate alternate account settings

duplicate alternate account were specified.
settings were specified. (O)
Specify either an alternate owner or an
alternate group, not both. If only one
is set and an error still occurs, then
alternate account settings that are no
longer necessary might be stored in
the system. If the alternate owner or
group is already set, delete any
unnecessary settings.

KAQM37338-E An attempt to perform an An attempt to perform an operation on

operation on the file system the file system failed.
failed. (reason = {insufficient (O)
memory|an I/O error|no disk
space|some other error}) If the reason for the error is
insufficient memory, wait until the load
on the system decreases, and then
retry the operation. If the reason is
insufficient disk space, expand the file
system, and then retry the operation.
In all other cases, acquire all the log

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-439

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
data, and then contact maintenance

KAQM37339-E The OS versions in the cluster The versions of the installed OSs in the
are not the same. cluster are not the same.
Check the OS versions in the cluster,
install OS products of the same
version, and then retry the operation.

KAQM37340-E An attempt to set information An attempt to set information for a file

for a file or directory failed. or directory failed due to the indicated
(reason = {insufficient reason.
memory|an I/O error|no disk (O)
space|some other error}, file
or directory path = file or In the list of file systems, check the
directory-path) status of the file system. If an error
occurred on the file system, follow the
error recovery procedure provided in
online Help. If there is not enough
memory, wait until the load on the
system decreases, and then retry the
operation. If there is not enough
unused capacity, free up the necessary
amount, and then retry the operation.
If the problem cannot be resolved,
acquire all the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM37341-E Acquisition of file information An error occurred during acquisition of

or directory information failed. file information or directory
(file or directory path =file or information. An error might have
directory-path) occurred in the file system.
In the list of file systems, check the
status of the file system. If an error
occurred on the file system, follow the
error recovery procedure provided in
online Help. In all other cases, acquire
all the log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM37342-E An unexpected error occurred There might be a problem with the

while accessing the import- network or import-source file system.
source file or directory. (O)
(import-source file or
directory path = import- Check the status of the network and
source-file or directory-path) import-source file system, resolve any
problems, and then retry the
operation. If the problem persists,
acquire all the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM37343-E An unexpected error occurred There might be a problem with the

while accessing the import- network or import-source file system.
source file or directory. (O)

5-440 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Check the HSM Core log (hsmarc.log),
and see if the KAQM37342-E message
has been output. If it has, identify the
import-source file or directory path.
Check the status of the network and
the import-source server file system.
After removing the cause of the
problem, retry the operation. If the
problem persists, acquire all the log
data, and then contact maintenance

KAQM37344-E Importing from another file Before an import from another file
server failed because import server could be completed, import
definition information was definition information might have been
deleted or re-created. (file or deleted or re-created.
directory path = file or (O)
If necessary, delete the import
definition information, delete the file or
directory, and then manually copy the
data from the import-source server.

KAQM37345-E Importing from another file Before an import from another file
server failed because import server could be completed, import
definition information was definition information might have been
deleted or re-created. deleted or re-created.
If necessary, delete the import
definition information, delete the file or
directory, and then manually copy the
data from the import-source server.

KAQM37346-E The import-source file server The host name is invalid, or there
could not be connected to. might be a problem with the status or
(service information = setting up of the import-source file
maintenance-information) server or the network.
Check the import-source host name,
and the status of the import-source file
server settings and the network,
remove the cause of the problem, and
then retry the operation. If the
problem persists, acquire all the log
data, and then contact maintenance

KAQM37347-E The import-source share could The import-source share path is

not be connected to. (service invalid, or there might be a problem
information = maintenance- with the import-source file server
information) settings or the NFS service status.
Revise the settings so that the import-
source file server can correctly export
files. If the settings are okay, check
the host name or share path of the
import-source file server, and the

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-441

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
status of the network of the NFS
service, remove the cause of the
problem, and then retry the operation.
If the problem persists, acquire all the
log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM37350-E The namespace used to store The namespace used to store system
system settings information settings information does not exist, or
cannot be accessed. (HTTP you do not have the proper access
return code = HTTP-return- privileges for the data access account.
code, details = error-details) (O)
Revise the settings for the namespace
used to store system settings
information, and then retry the
Supplementary note:
If a remote HCP system cannot be
accessed in an environment where a
system is connected to the HCP
system over a network, determine the
cause of the problem, and then resolve
the problem. Before taking action
according to the message, see the
Troubleshooting Guide.
The cause of the error and the action
to take for each HTTP request return
code is as follows:
• 400: The user account for
accessing tenants or namespaces
might not have the necessary
permissions for this operation. Ask
the HCP administrator to revise
the permissions.
• 403: The cause of the error and
the action to take might be one of
the following:
- The user account information for
accessing tenants or namespaces
might be incorrect. Confirm the
user name and password with the
HCP administrator, and specify the
correct information.
- The user account for accessing
tenants or namespaces might not
have the necessary permissions
for this operation. Ask the HCP
administrator to revise the
- The namespace might not exist.
Check with the HCP administrator
whether the namespace exists.
- The settings might not allow
custom metadata to be added to

5-442 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
or deleted from namespace
objects, or the settings might not
allow you to overwrite metadata.
Ask the HCP administrator to
revise the namespace settings.
- Retention Class might be set
for the namespace. Use the HDI
WORM functionality to set the
retention period when the HCP
and HDI systems are linked
- The communication protocol
(HTTP/HTTPS) settings for the HDI
and HCP systems might not
match. Revise the communication
protocol settings by using the
arcsslctl command. Ask the HCP
administrator to revise the
communication protocol settings.
• 409: The cause of the error and
the action to take might be one of
the following:
- A conflict might have occurred
with other HCP processing. Wait a
while, and then try again.
- Version management might not
be enabled in the namespace
settings. Ask the HCP
administrator to enable version
• 413: The namespace might be out
of space. Ask the HCP
administrator to expand the
capacity of the namespace.
• 500: An internal error might have
occurred in HCP. Wait a while, and
then try again.
• 503: HCP might be temporarily
unable to perform processing.
Wait a while, and then try again.
• none: An HCP access failure might
have occurred. Follow the
instructions in the Troubleshooting
Guide to resolve the HCP access

KAQM37351-E Importing of a hard link Another subtree quota might be set for
failed. (import-source file path the same hard link as the import-
= import-source-file-path) target file path.
Revise the subtree quota settings.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-443

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM37352-E Importing of a hard link Another subtree quota might be set for
failed. the same hard link as the import-
target file path.
Check the HSM Core log (hsmarc.log),
and see if the KAQM37351-E message
has been output. If it has, identify the
import-source file path from the
message. Revise the subtree quota

KAQM37353-E Importing from another file Importing from another file server
server failed because an failed because an attempt to perform
attempt to perform an an operation on the management
operation on the management information file on the file system
information file on the file failed due to the indicated reason.
system failed. (reason = (O)
{insufficient memory|an I/O
error|no disk space|some In the list of file systems, check the
other error}, file system = status of the file system. If an error
file-system-name, import- occurred on the file system, follow the
source file or directory path = error recovery procedure provided in
import-source-file-path) online Help. If there is not enough
memory, wait until the load on the
system decreases, and then retry the
operation. If there is not enough
unused capacity, free up the necessary
amount, and then retry the operation.
If the problem cannot be resolved,
acquire all the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM37354-E Importing from another file Importing from another file server
server failed because an failed because an attempt to perform
attempt to perform an an operation on the management
operation on the management information file on the file system
information file on the file failed due to the indicated reason.
system failed. (reason = (O)
{insufficient memory|an I/O
error|no disk space|some In the list of file systems, check the
other error}, file system = status of the file system. If an error
file-system-name) occurred on the file system, follow the
error recovery procedure provided in
online Help. If there is not enough
memory, wait until the load on the
system decreases, and then retry the
operation. If there is not enough
unused capacity, free up the necessary
amount, and then retry the operation.
If the problem cannot be resolved,
acquire all the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM37355-E Importing from another file Importing from another file server
server failed because an failed because an attempt to update a
attempt to update a system system directory or file failed due to
directory or file failed. (reason the indicated reason.
= {insufficient memory|some (O)

5-444 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
other error}, import-source If there is not enough memory, wait
file or directory path = until the load on the system
import-source-file or decreases, and then retry the
directory-path) operation. In all other cases, acquire
all the log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.
KAQM37356-E Importing from another file Importing from another file server
server failed because an failed because an attempt to update a
attempt to update a system system directory or file failed due to
directory or file failed. (reason the indicated reason.
= {insufficient memory|some (O)
other error})
Check the HSM Core log (hsmarc.log),
and see if the KAQM37355-E message
has been output. If it has, identify the
import-source file path from the
message. If there is not enough
memory, wait until the load on the
system decreases, and then retry the
operation. In all other cases, acquire
all the log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM37357-E The import-source file or The import-source file or directory

directory could not be could not be accessed because you do
accessed. (import-source file not have the proper access
or directory path = import- permissions.
source-file or directory-path) (O)
Revise the settings so that the import-
source file server can correctly export
files, and then retry the operation. If
the problem persists, acquire all the
log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM37358-E The import-source file or The import-source file or directory

directory could not be could not be accessed because you do
accessed. not have the proper access
Revise the settings so that the import-
source file server can correctly export
files, and then retry the operation. If
the problem persists, acquire all the
log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM37359-E The specified command The specified command cannot be

cannot be executed in the executed in the current status.
current status. (O)
Check the import status, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM37360-I The scan is complete. The scan is complete.


KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-445

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Perform an all-data import.

KAQM37361-I Now scanning... Now scanning.

No action is required.

KAQM37362-I The import was canceled. The import was canceled.

No action is required.

KAQM37363-E The scan failed. The scan failed.

Acquire all the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM37364-E The scan failed because the The scan failed because the user or
user or group set for the group set for the import-source file or
import-source file or directory directory cannot be recognized due to
cannot be recognized. (reason the indicated reason.
= {a domain controller access (O)
failure|the user or group was
not found|CIFS service user If access to the domain controller
mapping is not set|insufficient failed, then check for network
memory|some other error}) problems. If the user or group was not
found, make sure that the user or
group set for the import-source file or
directory is registered in the domain
controller or an account mapping file.
If the problem cannot be resolved,
revise the CIFS service operation
status, authentication mode, and user
mapping settings. If there is
insufficient memory, wait a while, and
then retry the operation. In all other
cases, acquire all the log data, and
then contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM37365-W Some ACEs could not be Some ACEs could not be acquired
acquired. because an attempt to access the
domain controller failed, or the ACE
user or group set for the import-source
files or directories has not been
registered in the domain controller.
Check for network problems. If there
are no network problems, make sure
that the user or group set for the
import-source files or directories is
registered in the domain controller or
an account mapping file. If the
problem cannot be resolved, revise the
CIFS service operation status,
authentication mode, and user
mapping settings.

5-446 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM37366-E The scan failed because ACEs ACEs could not be acquired because an
could not be acquired. attempt to access the domain
controller failed, or the ACE user or
group set for the import-source files or
directories has not been registered in
the domain controller.
Check for network problems. If there
are no network problems, make sure
that the user or group set for the
import-source files or directories is
registered in the domain controller or
an account mapping file. If the
problem cannot be resolved, revise the
CIFS service operation status,
authentication mode, and user
mapping settings.

KAQM37367-E The user mapping settings for The user mapping settings for the
the import definition import definition information are
information are invalid. invalid.
If security mode is enabled in a
domain, verify that the CIFS user
mappings are running without any
problems. If security mode is enabled
locally, verify that an account mapping
file is registered that contains accounts
for which name resolution can be

KAQM37368-E The task log cannot be The task log cannot be deleted
deleted because the target because the target task is not
task is not complete. complete.
After the task is complete, retry the

KAQM37369-W Some of the task logs could A task might not be complete.
not be deleted. (file system = (O)
file-system-name, policy =
policy-name) After the tasks for the target policy are
complete, retry the operation.

KAQM37370-E An attempt to delete a task An attempt to delete a task log failed.

log failed. (file system = file- (O)
system-name, policy = policy-
name) In the list of file systems, check the
status of the file system. If an error
occurred on the file system, follow the
error recovery procedure provided in
online Help. In all other cases, acquire
all the log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM37371-I The task log targeted for The task log targeted for deletion does
deletion does not exist. not exist.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-447

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
No action is required.

KAQM37372-W The number of ACEs at the The number of ACEs at the import
import source exceeds the source exceeds the number that can
number that can be imported. be imported.
Check the ACE information on the
import source, and change the ACEs so
that there are 700 or less.

KAQM37373-E Acquisition of a file or An error occurred during acquisition of

directory attribute failed. a file or directory attribute.
Check the status of the network and
import-source file system, resolve any
problems, and then retry the
operation. If the problem persists,
acquire all the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM37374-E A communication failure There might be a problem with the

occurred during a scan. network or import-source file system.
Check the status of the network and
import-source file system, resolve any
problems, and then retry the
operation. If the problem persists,
acquire all the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM37375-E The import-source file or The import-source file or directory

directory does not exist. does not exist.
Specify the path of an existing file or

KAQM37376-E Acquisition of file or directory An error occurred during acquisition of

information failed. file or directory information.
Check the status of the network and
import-source file system, resolve any
problems, and then retry the
operation. If the problem persists,
acquire all the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM37377-E Initialization of a past-version Initialization of a past-version

directory, which is no longer directory, which is no longer required,
required, failed. (reason = failed due to the cause explained in
{no such directory|insufficient the reason.
memory|an I/O error|no disk (O)
space|currently being
accessed|some other error}) See the KAQM37225-E message
related to the failed directory in the
Management log file

5-448 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
(management.log). If there is
insufficient memory, wait a while, and
then retry the operation. If there is
insufficient disk space, expand the file
system, and then retry the operation.
If the directory is currently being
accessed, ask the client to stop
accessing the failed directory. In all
other cases, acquire all the log data,
and then contact maintenance

KAQM37378-I The rebuilding of task The rebuilding of task management

management information will information will now start so that all
now start so that all the data the data in a file system for which a
in a file system for which a migration is to be performed can be
migration is to be performed transferred to the HCP system.
can be transferred to the HCP (O)
system. (file system = file-
system-name) See the system messages to check the
status of the rebuilding of the task
management information.

KAQM37379-I The system is now starting or The system is now starting or stopping
stopping the rebuilding of task the rebuilding of task management
management information for information.
the file system file-system- (O)
No action is necessary.

KAQM37380-W Rebuild processing was Rebuild processing was canceled and

canceled and the the arccorrection command was
arccorrection command was started because the arccorrection
started because the command was executed with 'all'
arccorrection command was specified for the -t option during the
executed with 'all' specified rebuilding of the task management
for the -t option during the information of the file system.
rebuilding of the task (O)
management information of
the file system (file-system- No action is necessary.

KAQM37381-E The specified file system is The specified file system is not a tiered
not a tiered file system. file system.
Specify another file system, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM37382-E The import of data from The import of data from another file
another file server failed server failed because the user or group
because the user or group set set for the import-source file or
for the import-source file or directory cannot be recognized due to
directory cannot be the indicated reason.
recognized. (reason = {a (O)
domain controller access
failure|the user or group was If access to the domain controller
not found|CIFS service user failed, then check for network
problems. If the user or group was not
found, make sure that the user or

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-449

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
mapping is not set|insufficient group set for the import-source file or
memory|some other error}) directory is registered in the domain
controller or an account mapping file.
If the problem cannot be resolved,
revise the CIFS service operation
status, authentication mode, and user
mapping settings. If there is
insufficient memory, wait a while, and
then retry the operation. In other
cases, acquire all the log data, and
then contact maintenance personnel.
KAQM37383-E The import of data from ACEs could not be imported because
another file server failed an attempt to access the domain
because ACEs could not be controller failed, or the ACE user or
imported. group set for the import-source files or
directories has not been registered in
the domain controller.
Check for network problems. If there
are no network problems, make sure
that the user or group set for the
import-source files or directories is
registered in the domain controller or
an account mapping file. If the
problem cannot be resolved, revise the
CIFS service operation status,
authentication mode, and user
mapping settings.

KAQM37384-W A file was updated during A file was updated during archiving.
archiving. (O)
No action is necessary.

KAQM37385-E Migration failed because the There might be a problem with the
data is not synchronized with HCP system or the network, or the
the HCP data. data in the home directory of the other
site is currently being updated.
No action is necessary because the
data will be migrated to the HCP the
next time a migration is performed.

KAQM37386-E An attempt to read file system An attempt to read file system

information failed because the information failed because the ACL
ACL type of the home- type of the home-directory-roaming
directory-roaming file systems file systems at the two sites is
at the two sites is different. different.
(file system name = file- (O)
Check the ACL type of the home-
directory-roaming file system at the
other site, and then create the file
system again.

KAQM37387-E The update of the home The update of the home directory
directory status failed. status failed.

5-450 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
No action is necessary because the
home directory status will be updated
the next time an automatic update is
performed. For details about the failed
home directory, see the KAQM37388-E
message output to the Management
log file (management.log).

KAQM37388-E The update of the home The update of the home directory
directory status failed. (home status failed.
directory = home-directory- (O)
No action is necessary because the
home directory status will be updated
the next time an automatic update is

KAQM37389-E A home-directory-roaming file The file system is compatible with the

system cannot be specified. home-directory-roaming functionality.
Specify a file system that is not
compatible with the directory-roaming
functionality, and then retry the

KAQM37390-E The automatic update of the The automatic update of the home-
home-directory-roaming file directory-roaming file system failed.
system failed. (O)
Follow the instructions in the
KAQM37391-E message output to the
HSM Core log (hsmarc.log).

KAQM37391-E The automatic update of the The automatic update of the home-
home-directory-roaming file directory-roaming file system failed.
system failed. (reason = (O)
{insufficient memory|I/O
error|no disk space|HCP If there is not enough memory,
communication error| increase the amount of available
authentication error|some memory. If there is not enough disk
other error}, file system space, increase the size of the file
name = file-system-name, system. If an I/O error occurred,
home directory = {home- confirm the status of the file system
directory-name|all home from the list of file systems. If an HCP
directories in the file system}) communication error occurred, confirm
the status of the network. If an
authentication error occurred, revise
the HCP access settings. If the
problem persists, acquire all the log
files, and contact maintenance

KAQM37392-E Migration failed because a A conflict occurred between the home-

conflict occurred between the directory-roaming file systems at the
home-directory-roaming file two sites.
systems at the two sites. (O)
There might have been a
delay in synchronizing the

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-451

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
home directories between the No action is necessary because the
sites. data will be forwarded to the HCP
system the next time a migration is
KAQM37393-E You cannot specify a file The specified file system is not
system that is not compatible compatible with the home-directory-
with the home-directory- roaming functionality.
roaming functionality. (O)
Specify a file system that is compatible
with the home-directory-roaming
functionality, and then retry the

KAQM37394-W Home directory data on this Home directory data on the other site
site cannot be updated is being updated.
because home directory data (O)
on the other site is being
updated. (file system name = Ask the end-user to wait a while before
file-system-name, home logging in to the home directory again
directory name = home- or attempting to update the data
directory-name) again.

KAQM37395-W Home directory data cannot The home directory data is currently
be updated because the data being synchronized with the most
must be synchronized with recent data on the HCP system.
the most recent data on the (O)
HCP system. (file system
name = file-system-name, Ask the end-user to wait a while before
home directory name = attempting to update the data again.

KAQM37396-E An HTTP request to the HCP HCP communication failed or an HTTP

system failed during access to request to the HCP system failed.
the home directory. (file (O)
system name = file-system-
name, home directory name Check the HSM Core log (hsmarc.log),
= home-directory-name) and follow the instructions in the
message that was output before this

KAQM37397-W Processing to delete one or The updating of a system file for the
more HCP files was executed purpose of deleting unsynchronized
because the updating of a HCP files failed.
system file for the purpose of (O)
deleting unsynchronized HCP
files failed. No action is necessary.

KAQM37398-E Configuration of the settings Configuration of the settings for using

for using the namespace used the namespace used by the home-
by the home-directory- directory-roaming functionality failed.
roaming functionality failed. (O)
(file system name = file-
system-name) Remount the file system. If a share
has been created, delete the share,
remount the file system, and then re-
create the share. If the problem
persists, acquire all the log data, and
then contact maintenance personnel.

5-452 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM37399-E The option (option-name) The specified file system is compatible

cannot be specified for a with the home-directory-roaming
home-directory-roaming file functionality.
system. (O)
Specify a file system that is not
compatible with the home-directory-
roaming functionality, and then retry
the operation.

KAQM37400-E Processing was canceled Acquisition of a local data encryption

because acquisition of a local key when the OS started might have
data encryption key when the failed.
OS started might have failed. (O)
See the system messages to check
whether any errors occurred when the
OS was started. If an error occurred,
recover from the error and then retry
the operation.

KAQM37401-E Home directory data on this A migration was performed for a

site was moved temporarily home-directory-roaming file system on
because the data on the HCP another site, causing the data on the
system was updated by HCP system to be updated. This
another site. (file system caused the home directory data on this
name = file-system-name, site to be moved temporarily.
home directory name = (O)
The moved data was placed in
the .conflict directory under the
home directory. Ask the end-user to
log in to the home directory again, to
check the contents of the .conflict
directory (or to wait a while if
the .conflict directory does not
exist), and then to copy the files as

KAQM37402-W Files on the import source Files on the import source might not
might not have been have been accessible, or the number
accessible, or the number of of objects might have failed to be
objects might have failed to calculated.
be calculated. Confirm the (O)
error, take appropriate action,
and then retry the operation. Confirm the error, take appropriate
action, and then retry the operation.

KAQM37404-Q Are you sure you want to This confirmation message is output
delete the filtering policy? (y/ before a filtering policy is deleted.
n) (O)
Enter y or n.

KAQM37405-E The specified path is not of a The specified path is not of a file.
file. (O)
Revise the path, and then retry the

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-453

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM37407-I Recall processing of the Recall processing of the specified file is

specified file is already already complete.
complete. (O)
No action is necessary.

KAQM37409-I Recall processing of the Recall processing of the specified file

specified file will now start. will now start.
No action is necessary.

KAQM37410-E Recall processing ended Recall processing ended abnormally

abnormally. due to a problem such as insufficient
space on the file system or a timeout
occurring during communication with
See the system messages and the
HSM Core log (hsmarc.log). If an
error message that begins with
KAQM37 was output, identify the cause
of the problem by checking the
message, and then resolve the

KAQM37411-E The specified file system The specified file system contains a file
contains a file or directory. or directory.
If processing of the arcrestore
command is interrupted (for example,
by a power shutdown) and you then
re-execute the arcrestore command,
re-execute it with the --skip option
specified. In other cases, re-create the
file system, and then re-execute the

KAQM37412-E The file system that contains The file system that contains the
the specified file is not a specified file is not a namespace-
namespace-referencing file referencing file system.
system. (file system name = (O)
Specify the path of a file that is on a
namespace-referencing file system,
and then retry the operation.

KAQM37413-E Updating of the list or count Updating of the list or count file used
file used for import- for import-completion verification
completion verification failed. failed.
(reason = {I/O error|no disk (O)
space|some other error})
In the list of file systems, check the
status of the file system. If the file
system has an error, follow the error
recovery procedure provided in online
Help. If the file system has insufficient
unused capacity, free up the necessary

5-454 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
amount. In other cases, acquire all log
files, and then contact maintenance

KAQM37414-E Updating of the list or count Updating of the list or count file used
file used for import- for import-completion verification
completion verification failed. failed.
The number of files that were (O)
imported might have been
acquired incorrectly. (reason In the list of file systems, check the
= {I/O error|no disk space| status of the file system. If the file
some other error}) system has an error, follow the error
recovery procedure provided in online
Help. If the file system has insufficient
unused capacity, free up the necessary
amount. In other cases, acquire all log
files, and then contact maintenance
personnel. Also, take actions such as
checking the files that were not
imported and then manually copying
those files one by one.

KAQM37415-W After a filtering policy is The filtering policy was deleted or

deleted or updated, in order updated.
to re-target a file that was (O)
outside the scope of the
single-instancing, rebuild the Rebuild the task management
task management information.

KAQM37417-E A migration to HCP is not set A migration to HCP is not set for the
for the specified file system. specified file system.
Set a file system where migration to
HCP is specified and then try again, or
follow the instructions in Help and
enter an appropriate option.

KAQM37418-E For the specified file system, For the specified file system, the unit
the unit for assigning for assigning namespaces cannot be
namespaces cannot be changed to shares.
changed to shares. (O)
To change the unit for assigning
namespaces to shares, specify a file
system that can link with HCP in units
of shares.

KAQM37419-E The unit for assigning The unit for assigning namespaces on
namespaces on the specified the specified file system cannot be
file system cannot be changed changed to shares, because a share is
to shares, because a share is set for the mount point.
set for the mount point. (O)
To change the unit for assigning
namespaces to shares, specify a file
system where the share set for the
mount point has been canceled.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-455

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM37420-E The namespace type of the The namespace type of the specified
specified file system is already file system is already set for the
set for the subtree. subtree.
Make sure the specified option and
argument are correct, and then try

KAQM37421-E The information on the The information on the namespace

namespace that is assigned to that is assigned to a share cannot be
a share cannot be set, as the set, as the HCP information for data
HCP information for data access has not been set.
access has not been set. (O)
Set the HCP information to migrate the

KAQM37423-E The namespace information The maximum number of namespaces

cannot be set, because the that can be created on the system has
maximum number of been reached.
namespaces has been (O)
Ask your HCP administrator to delete
unnecessary namespaces.

KAQM37424-E The namespace type of the The namespace type of the specified
specified file system is not set file system is not set for the subtree.
for the subtree. (O)
Set the namespace type for the

KAQM37425-E The specified directory does The specified directory does not exist.
not exist. (O)
Specify an existing directory.

KAQM37426-E The namespace type of the The namespace type of the file system
file system to be created does to be created does not match the
not match the namespace namespace type of the referenced file
type of the referenced file system.
system. (O)
Create a file system whose namespace
type matches that of the referenced
file system.

KAQM37427-E The resource group containing The resource group that contains the
the specified file system (file- specified file system is not running on
system-name) is not running the node that executed this operation.
on the node that executed This operation can be executed only on
this operation. a node on which the resource group
containing the specified file system is
Check the resource group status. If the
resource group is running on a
different node in the cluster, execute
this operation on that node. If the

5-456 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
resource group is offline, start the
resource group and then execute the
operation again.

KAQM37428-E Do you want to use the data This confirmation message is displayed
migrated to HCP in units of when you try to use the data migrated
file systems to restore data to to HCP in units of file systems to
the file system that performs restore data to the file system that
migration in units of shares? performs migration to HCP in units of
(y/n) shares.
Enter y or n.

KAQM37429-E A namespace is already set A namespace is already set for the

for the specified directory. specified directory.
(namespace = namespace- (O)
Specify a directory for which no
namespace is set, and then try again.

KAQM37430-E The specified namespace The specified namespace is already

cannot be set, because it is assigned to another file system in the
already assigned to another system.
file system in the system. (O)
Check which namespaces are assigned
to file systems or shares, specify the
name of an unassigned namespace,
and then try again.

KAQM37431-E The maximum number of An attempt was made to configure

configurable namespaces has more than the maximum number of
been exceeded. (number of namespaces that can be created on
namespaces exceeding the the system.
maximum = number-of- (O)
maximum-has-been- Ask your HCP administrator to delete
exceeded) unnecessary namespaces.

KAQM37432-E Shared data cannot be A namespace was specified to which

acquired because none exists. data has never been migrated from a
(file system name = read- file system, and then an attempt was
only-file-system-name, made to acquire shared data.
directory name = directory- (O)
name, FQDN = FQDN-of-the-
namespace-associated-with- Make sure that the specified FQDN of
the-file-system-being-read- the namespace is correct. If the FQDN
from) of the namespace is correct, perform a
migration from the file system being
read from. Then, wait a while or
execute the arcrestore command on
the read-only file system.

KAQM37433-E An error occurred during No data to be shared exists on the HCP

acquisition of shared data. system. An error might have occurred
(file system name = read- during a migration from the file system
only-file-system-name, being read from.
directory name = directory- (O)

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-457

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
name, FQDN = FQDN-of-the- Make sure that the file system being
namespace-associated-with- read from is successfully migrated.
the-file-system-being-read- Then, wait a while or execute the
from) arcrestore command on the read-
only file system.
KAQM37434-E An error occurred during There is not enough unused capacity
acquisition of shared data. to acquire the data to be shared.
(file system name = read- (O)
directory name = directory- Expand the read-only file system.
name) Then, wait a while or execute the
arcrestore command on the read-
only file system.

KAQM37435-E An insufficient memory error Memory allocation failed.

occurred during acquisition of (O)
shared data. (file system
name = read-only-file- Wait a while, and then execute the
system-name, directory name arcrestore command on the read-
= directory-name) only file system. If the error persists,
acquire all the log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM37436-E The connection with the HCP An error occurred while communicating
system failed during with the HCP system. The FQDN of the
acquisition of shared data. namespace associated with the file
(file system name = read- system being read from might have
only-file-system-name, been changed.
directory name = directory- (O)
name, FQDN = FQDN-of-the-
namespace-associated-with- Make sure that the specified FQDN of
the-file-system-being-read- the namespace is correct and the
from) network status is okay. Then, wait a
while or execute the arcrestore
command on the read-only file system.
If the error persists, acquire all the log
data, and then contact maintenance

KAQM37437-E The connection with the HCP There might be a problem with the
system failed during HCP system or the network.
acquisition of shared data. (O)
(file system name = read-
only-file-system-name, Check the status of the HCP system
directory name = directory- and the network, and resolve the
name, FQDN = FQDN-of-the- problem. Then, wait a while or execute
namespace-associated-with- the arcrestore command on the
the-file-system-being-read- read-only file system. If the error
from) persists, acquire all the log data, and
then contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM37438-E The connection with the HCP There might be a problem with the
system timed out during HCP system or the network.
acquisition of shared data. (O)
(file system name = read-
only-file-system-name, Check the status of the HCP system
directory name = directory- and the network, and resolve the
name, FQDN = FQDN-of-the- problem. Then, wait a while or execute
namespace-associated-with- the arcrestore command on the

5-458 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
the-file-system-being-read- read-only file system. If the error
from) persists, acquire all the log data, and
then contact maintenance personnel.
KAQM37439-E The SSL connection with the The SSL connection with the HCP
HCP system failed during system failed.
acquisition of shared data. (O)
(file system name = read-
only-file-system-name, Check the status of the HCP system,
directory name = directory- the SSL settings, and the network, and
name, FQDN = FQDN-of-the- resolve the problem. Then, wait a
namespace-associated-with- while or execute the arcrestore
the-file-system-being-read- command on the read-only file system.
from) If the error persists, acquire all the log
data, and then contact maintenance

KAQM37440-E Authentication failed during The user name, password, FQDN of the
acquisition of shared data. namespace, or an HCP SSL setting for
(file system name = read- the read-only file system is invalid.
only-file-system-name, (O)
directory name = directory-
name, FQDN = FQDN-of-the- Revise the input values and settings.

KAQM37441-E Name resolution of the FQDN Name resolution could not be properly
failed during acquisition of performed. The HCP system could not
shared data. (file system be temporarily communicated with due
name = read-only-file- to, for example, a network error or a
system-name, directory name high load on the HCP system.
= directory-name, FQDN = (O)
associated-with-the-file- Make sure that name resolution can be
system-being-read-from) performed in the environment. Then,
wait a while or execute the
arcrestore command on the read-
only file system.

KAQM37442-E The connection with the HCP Communication with the HCP system
system ended during ended due to a resource group being
acquisition of shared data. moved or stopped, or a file system
(file system name = read- being unmounted.
only-file-system-name, (O)
directory name = directory-
name) If a resource group was moved or
stopped, or a file system was
unmounted, mount the file system.
Then, wait a while or execute the
arcrestore command on the read-
only file system.

KAQM37443-E The acquisition of file An error occurred during acquisition of

information failed during file information. An error might have
acquisition of shared data. occurred with the file system.
(file system name = read- (O)
directory name = directory- In the list of file systems, check the
name) status of the file system. If the file

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-459

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
system is in an error status, follow the
error recovery procedure provided in
online Help. In all other cases, acquire
all the log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM37444-E The restoration of a file or Possible causes are as follows: During

directory attribute failed a migration from the file system being
during acquisition of shared read from to the HCP system, an
data. (file system name = attribute failed to be saved or was
read-only-file-system-name, changed, or an error occurred in the
directory name = directory- file system.
name, FQDN = FQDN-of-the- (O)
the-file-system-being-read- In the list of file systems, check the
from) status of the file system. If the file
system is in an error status, follow the
error recovery procedure provided in
online Help. Then, wait a while or
execute the arcrestore command on
the read-only file system. If the file
system is not in an error status, make
sure the file system being read from is
migrated. Then, wait a while or
execute the arcrestore command on
the read-only file system. In all other
cases, acquire all the log data, and
then contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM37445-W Shared data cannot be The file system is mounted as read-

acquired because the file only.
system is mounted as read- (O)
only. (file system name =
read-only-file-system-name, To acquire shared data, mount the file
directory name = directory- system as both readable and writable.
name) Then, wait a while or execute the
arcrestore command on the read-
only file system.

KAQM37446-E The data to be shared cannot The namespace type of the file system
be restored, because the to be restored is not set for the
namespace type of the file subtree.
system to be restored is not (O)
set for the subtree. (file
system name = read-only- Set the namespace type of the target
file-system-name, directory reference file system for the subtree,
name = directory-name) and then execute the arcrestore
command for that file system.

KAQM37447-E The directory to which the The directory to which the data to be
data to be shared is to be shared is to be restored does not exist.
restored does not exist. (file (O)
system name = read-only-
file-system-name, directory Create a directory for the target
name = directory-name) reference file system, and then
execute the arcrestore command for
that file system.

5-460 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM37448-E Data cannot be restored, Data cannot be restored, because

because backup information backup information for the specified
for the specified file system file system does not exist.
does not exist. (O)
Make sure the name of the file system
for which data is to be restored is
correct, and then perform restoration

KAQM37449-Q This operation deletes all data This message is displayed before all
under the specified directory. data under the specified directory is
Are you sure you want to deleted.
delete the data? (y/n) (O)
Enter y or n.

KAQM37450-E No namespace is assigned to No namespace is assigned to the

the specified directory. specified directory.
Make sure the specified option and
argument are correct, and then try

KAQM37451-E The directory cannot be An NFS share was created under the
deleted, because an NFS directory to be deleted.
share was created. (O)
Delete the NFS share and then try

KAQM37452-E The directory cannot be A CIFS share was created under the
deleted, because a CIFS share directory to be deleted.
was created. (O)
Delete the CIFS share and then try

KAQM37453-E The data cannot be restored, The system directory was specified.
because the specified (O)
directory is the system
directory. Specify a different directory and then
perform restoration again.

KAQM37454-E Updating of some files or Updating of some files or directories

directories failed. (reason = failed due to the cause explained in
{insufficient memory|an I/O the reason.
error|no disk space|an HCP (O)
communication error|an
authentication error|a device If there is not enough memory,
or resource is in use|some increase the amount of available
other error}, file system memory. If there is not enough disk
name = file-system-name, space, increase the size of the file
directory name = directory- system. If an I/O error occurred,
name) confirm the status of the file system
from the list of file systems. If an HCP
communication error occurred, confirm
the status of the network. If an
authentication error occurred, revise
the HCP access settings. If the device

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-461

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
or resource is in use, confirm that no
shares have been created under the
directory. If such shares exist, delete
them. Take action according to the
error details, and then execute the
arcrestore command. If the problem
persists, acquire all the log files, and
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM37455-E Automatic updating of the Automatic updating of the data-

data-referencing file system referencing file system failed.
failed. (reason = {insufficient (O)
memory|I/O error|no disk
space|HCP communication If there is not enough memory,
error|authentication error| increase the amount of available
some other error}, file system memory. If there is not enough disk
name = file-system-name, space, increase the size of the file
directory name = directory- system. If an I/O error occurred,
name) confirm the status of the file system
from the list of file systems. If an HCP
communication error occurred, confirm
the status of the network. If an
authentication error occurred, revise
the HCP access settings. For all other
errors, execute the arcrestore
command. If the problem persists,
acquire all the log files, and contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM37456-I Restoration of a data- Restoration of a data-referencing file

referencing file system system started.
started. (file system name = (O)
file-system-name, directory
name = directory-name) No action is necessary.

KAQM37457-I Restoration of a data- Restoration of a data-referencing file

referencing file system ended. system ended.
(file system name = file- (O)
system-name, directory name
= directory-name) No action is necessary.

KAQM37458-E Restoration of a data- Restoration of a data-referencing file

referencing file system failed. system failed.
(reason = {insufficient (O)
memory|no disk space|HCP
communication error| Identify the cause of the problem by
authentication error|some looking at the message that was
other error}, file system output before this message, and then
name = file-system-name, take appropriate action.
directory name = directory-

KAQM37459-W Shared data could not be Shared data could not be acquired
acquired. (file system name = because it was not migrated to the
file-system-name, directory HCP system or migration of the shared
name = directory-name) data failed.
Wait until a migration is executed for
the file system containing the shared

5-462 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
data, or ask the system administrator
managing the shared data to perform
a migration as soon as possible.

KAQM37460-W File consistency could not be Information about HCP data could not
verified for some directories. be obtained.
File consistency for these (O)
directories must be verified
again. See the HSM Core log (hsmarc.log). If
the message KAQM37461-E was
output, identify the namespace of the
target HCP from the message. For
details about how to handle HCP data,
see the manual for HCP. Remove the
cause of the failure in accordance with
the messages output before the
message KAQM37461-E.

KAQM37461-E Verification of file consistency Verification of file consistency failed.

failed. (file system = file- (O)
system-name, directory =
directory-name, namespace = See the HSM Core log (hsmarc.log),
namespace name) and then remove the cause of the
failure in accordance with the
messages output before this message.

KAQM37462-E You cannot specify a WORM The specified file system is a WORM
file system. file system.
You cannot delete data from a
directory on a WORM file system.
Check and, if necessary, revise the
specified file system.

KAQM37463-W More than one file or directory The path of the file or directory
is not a target of the task contains a newline character.
because the path of the file or (O)
directory contains newline
characters. Check the HSM Core log (hsmarc.log)
and identify the files or directories
whose paths contain newline
characters. If you want a file or
directory to be a target of the task,
delete the newline character from its
path, and then execute the
arccorrection command.

KAQM37464-W A file or directory is not a A file or directory is not a target of the

target of the task because the task because the path of the file or
path of the file or directory directory contains a newline character.
contains a newline character. (O)
(path = path)
If you want the file or directory to be a
target of the task, delete the newline
character from the path, and then
execute the arccorrection command.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-463

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM37465-Q Data deleted by using this This message is displayed before all
operation cannot be restored. data under the specified directory is
Do you want to continue? (y/ deleted.
n) (O)
Enter y or n.

KAQM37466-E The directory cannot be The directory cannot be deleted

deleted because a subtree because a subtree quota has been set.
quota has been set. (O)
Remove the subtree quota, and then
retry the operation.

KAQM37467-E The directory cannot be The directory cannot be deleted

deleted because an import because an import from another file
from another file server is in server is in progress.
progress. (O)
Delete the import definition
information, and then retry the

KAQM37468-E An update of a system file An update of a system file failed.

failed. (O)
In the list of file systems, check the
status of the file systems. If a file
system has an error, follow the error
recovery procedure provided in the
online Help, and then try executing the
task again. If a file system has
insufficient unused capacity, free up
the necessary amount, and then try
executing the task again. In other
cases, acquire all log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM37469-I The operation to make the The operation to make the past-
past-version directories visible version directories visible within the
within the file share started. file share started.
(resource group name = (O)
No action is required.

KAQM37470-I The operation to make the The operation to make the past-
past-version directories visible version directories visible within the
within the file share finished. file share finished.
(resource group name = (O)
No action is required.

KAQM37471-E The operation to make the The operation to make the past-
past-version directories visible version directories visible within the
within the file share failed. file share failed.
(resource group name = (O)
See the File Services Manager log file
(management.log). If the KAQM37208-
E message was output, take action
according to the message. If you try

5-464 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
the failed operation again, identify the
shared path from the message to re-
create the share, or restart the
resource groups. If no message was
output, acquire all log data, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM37472-I The operation to make the The operation to make the past-
past-version directories visible version directories visible within the
within the file share started. file share started.
No action is required.

KAQM37473-I The operation to make the The operation to make the past-
past-version directories visible version directories visible within the
within the file share finished. file share finished.
No action is required.

KAQM37474-E The operation to make the The operation to make the past-
past-version directories visible version directories visible within the
within the file share failed. file share failed.
See the File Services Manager log file
(management.log). If the KAQM37208-
E message was output, take action
according to the message. If you try
the failed operation again, identify the
shared path from the message to re-
create the file share, or restart the
resource groups or virtual servers. If
no message was output, acquire all log
data, and then contact maintenance

KAQM37475-E The test connection to the The test connection to the rwcs-
rwcs-system namespace system namespace failed.
failed. (O)
Take the appropriate action based on
the message that is output after this

KAQM37476-E You cannot specify a read- The read-write-content-sharing

write-content-sharing file functionality is enabled for the
system. specified file system.
Specify a file system for which the
functionality is not enabled, and then
try the operation again.

KAQM37477-W A read-write-content-sharing A read-write-content-sharing file

file system exists. Turn on the system exists.
power for this node in the (O)
time frame before the storage
period ends and before

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-465

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
pruning of the data in the Turn on the power for this node in the
rwcs-system namespace time frame before the storage period
starts. If you do not turn on ends and before pruning of the data in
the power in this time frame, the rwcs-system namespace starts.
all of the data on the file
system will be restored from
the HCP system and, as a
result, access performance for
end users might be degraded.
(number of days in the
storage period until pruning is
performed = number-of-days-

KAQM37478-W The number of days in the The number of days in the storage
storage period until the data period until the data in the rwcs-
in the rwcs-system system namespace is pruned could not
namespace is pruned could be confirmed.
not be confirmed. If a read- (O)
write-content-sharing file
system exists, check with the Check whether a read-write-content-
HCP administrator regarding sharing file system exists. If such a file
the number of days in the system exists, check with the HCP
storage period until pruning is administrator regarding the number of
performed, and make sure to days in the storage period until the
turn on the power for this data in the rwcs-system namespace is
node in the time frame before pruned, and make sure to turn on the
the storage period ends and power for this node before the end of
before pruning of the data in the storage period. If no such file
the rwcs-system namespace system exists, no action is necessary.
starts. If you do not turn on
the power in this time frame,
all of the data on the file
system will be restored from
the HCP system and, as a
result, access performance for
end users might be degraded.

KAQM37479-E You cannot specify a file The read-write-content-sharing

system for which the read- functionality is not enabled for the
write-content-sharing specified file system.
functionality is not enabled. (O)
Specify a read-write-content-sharing
file system, and then try the operation

KAQM37481-E The read-write-content- The read-write-content-sharing

sharing functionality cannot functionality cannot be used because
be used because the ACL type the ACL type of the read-write-
of the read-write-content- content-sharing file system differs
sharing file system differs between sites.
between sites. (file system (O)
name = file-system-name)
Check the ACL types of the read-write-
content-sharing file system at the
other sites, and then create the file
system again.

5-466 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM37482-E An attempt to expand the An attempt to expand the namespace

namespace failed. (FQDN = failed.
Ask the HCP administrator to expand
the tenant capacity.

KAQM37483-E The option (option-name) The read-write-content-sharing

cannot be specified for a file functionality is enabled for the
system for which the read- specified file system.
write-content-sharing (O)
functionality is enabled.
Specify a file system for which the
functionality is not enabled, and then
try the operation again.

KAQM37484-W Acquisition of a lock for Acquisition of a lock for directory

directory operations among operations among the sites failed.
the sites failed. (path = path) (O)
No action is necessary.

KAQM37486-E The processing to update the The processing to update the read-
read-write-content-sharing write-content-sharing file system
file system failed. (reason = failed.
{insufficient memory|I/O (O)
error|no disk space|HCP
communication error| If an error occurred in the
authentication error|some communication with the HCP system,
other error}, file system check the status of the network. If an
name = file-system-name) authentication error occurred, check
and, if necessary, revise the access
settings on the HCP system. If an error
occurred other than those previously
mentioned, take the following actions,
and then restart the resource group:
- If there is not enough memory,
increase the amount of available
- If there is not enough disk capacity,
increase the amount of free space on
the file system.
- If an I/O error occurred, check the
status of the file system in the list of
file systems.
- If the problem persists, acquire all
log files, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM37487-I The processing to update the The processing to update the read-
read-write-content-sharing write-content-sharing file system
file system started. started.
No action is necessary.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-467

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM37488-I The processing to update the The processing to update the read-
read-write-content-sharing write-content-sharing file system
file system ended. ended.
No action is necessary.

KAQM37489-I The processing to update the The read-write-content-sharing file

read-write-content-sharing system has already been updated.
file system was skipped. (O)
No action is necessary.

KAQM37490-E The processing to update the The processing was terminated,

read-write-content-sharing because an error occurred during the
file system failed. update of the read-write-content-
sharing file system.
Identify the cause of the problem by
looking at the message that was
output before this message, and then
take appropriate action.

KAQM37491-I The processing to restore the The processing to restore the file
file system started. (file system started.
system name = file-system- (O)
No action is necessary.

KAQM37492-I The processing to restore the The processing to restore the file
file system ended. (file system ended.
system name = file-system- (O)
No action is necessary.

KAQM37493-E The processing to restore the The processing to restore the file
file system failed. (reason = system failed.
{insufficient memory|no disk (O)
space|HCP communication
error|authentication error| Identify the cause of the problem by
some other error}, file system looking at the message that was
name = file-system-name) output before this message, and then
take appropriate action.

KAQM37494-E The specified amount of The specified amount of reserved

reserved space has exceeded space has exceeded the maximum.
the maximum. (O)
Confirm the specified amount of
reserved space, and then try the
operation again. For details about the
maximum reserved space, see the CLI
Administrator's Guide.

KAQM37495-W There is not enough free There is not enough free space in the
space in the file system where file system where the reserved space
the reserved space was set. was set.

5-468 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Make sure there is enough free space
on the file system on which the
reserved space will be set.

KAQM37496-E Failed to specify the reserved An attempt to reservation capacity on

space or the data acquisition the file system setting or acquisition
failed. (reason = {insufficient failed.
memory|an I/O error|no disk (O)
space|some other error})
If the reason for the error is
insufficient memory, wait until the load
on the system decreases, and then
retry the operation. If the reason is
insufficient disk space, expand the file
system, and then retry the operation.
In all other cases, acquire all the log
data, and then contact maintenance

KAQM37497-W Data in the .conflict directory An attempt was made to specify that
can still be changed or data in the .conflict directory cannot
deleted. (path = path-to-the- be changed or deleted, but the
data) attempt failed.
Data in the .conflict directory has not
been migrated. Ask the end-users to
be careful not to change or delete
necessary data.

KAQM37498-E A namespace quota has been Failed to specify the namespace quota.
specified for a directory for (O)
which a subtree namespace
has not been set. Set a subtree namespace, and then try
the operation again.

KAQM37499-I The namespace quota for the The namespace quota for the subtree
subtree of the specified file of the specified file system was
system was enabled. enabled.
Disable the namespace quota as

KAQM37500-E Failed to specify the Failed to specify the namespace quota.

namespace quota. (Details: (O)
message ID = message-ID,
file system name = file- See the details of the message ID that
system-name) is output, and then take the necessary

KAQM37501-W The reserved space specified The reserved space specified for the
for the file system is less than file system is less than the space
the space required for required for migration or stub
migration or stub processing. processing.
As a result, the next migration (O)
or stub processing might fail.
(file system = file-system- Specify a reserved space for the file
name, required reserved system that is greater than the space
space = space) required for migration or stub

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-469

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM37502-E The target file system was The operation is not possible because
mounted without the Quota the target file system was mounted
function being specified. without the Quota function being
If you are using the GUI, the most
recent information about the file
system might not be displayed.
Execute refresh processing, specify the
Quota function, mount the target file
system, and then retry the operation.
If you are using a command, specify
the Quota function in the mount
options, and then re-execute the

KAQM37503-E The total number of file The number of file shares linked to the
shares linked to the HCP HCP system exceeds the maximum
system exceeds the maximum value that can be set per file system.
value. (O)
Delete any unnecessary file shares
linked to the HCP system.

KAQM37504-E The file system is full. The file system is full.

Reduce the capacity used by the file

KAQM37505-W There is not enough free There is not enough free space in the
space in the file share on file share on which the namespace
which the namespace quota quota was set.
was set. (file system name = (O)
file-system-name, directory
name = directory-name) Make sure there is enough free space
in the file share. For details about how
to reserve free space in a file share,
see the Installation and Configuration

KAQM37506-W The file was moved to The file was moved to the .conflict
the .conflict directory, directory, because it conflicted with
because it conflicted with the the files migrated from another site.
files migrated from another (O)
site. (file path = file-path)
No action is necessary.

KAQM37507-E The processing to update the Migration was terminated, because an

read-write-content-sharing error occurred during the update of the
file system failed. read-write-content-sharing file system.
Use the HSM core log (hsmarc.log) to
locate the cause of the failure, and
take appropriate action.

KAQM37508-E An attempt to read the file An attempt to read the file system
system information failed, information failed, because the ACL
because the ACL type of the type of the read-write-content-sharing

5-470 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
read-write-content-sharing file system is different at the other
file system is different at the sites.
other sites. (file system name (O)
= file-system-name)
Check the ACL types of the read-write-
content-sharing file system at the
other sites, and then create the file
system again.
KAQM37509-E An inconsistency exists in the The processing of the read-write-
data on the read-write- content-sharing functionality was
content-sharing file system. terminated due to a failure.
(file system name = file- (O)
Use the HSM core log (hsmarc.log) to
locate the cause of the failure, and
take appropriate action. Then restart
the resource group.

KAQM37510-E Data updated in the read- An attempt to reflect updated data into
write-content-sharing file the HCP system failed because of an
system could not be applied error.
to the HCP system. (file (O)
system = file-system-name)
Use the HSM core log (hsmarc.log) to
locate the cause of the failure, and
take appropriate action. Then, wait
awhile. Migration will start and the
updated data will be reflected into the
HCP system.

KAQM37511-E An end-user's directory Processing of the read-write-content-

operation in a read-write- sharing functionality failed because of
content-sharing file system an error.
failed. (file system = file- (O)
Use the HSM core log (hsmarc.log) to
locate the cause of the failure, and
take appropriate action. Then, inform
the end-users that the problem has
been fixed.

KAQM37512-E An end-user's directory Processing of the read-write-content-

operation in a read-write- sharing functionality failed because of
content-sharing file system an error.
failed, and data integrity was (O)
lost. (file system = file-
system-name) Use the HSM core log (hsmarc.log) to
locate the cause of the failure, take
appropriate action, and then restart
the resource group. Then, inform the
end-users that the problem has been

KAQM37513-E Migration failed because an Migration failed because an exclusive

exclusive lock between sites lock between sites failed.
failed. (path = path) (O)
No action is necessary because the
data will be migrated to the HCP the
next time a migration is performed.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-471

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM37514-E An end-user's file access to Processing of the read-write-content-

the read-write-content- sharing functionality failed because of
sharing file system failed, and an error.
data integrity was lost. (file (O)
system = file-system-name)
Use the HSM core log (hsmarc.log) to
locate the cause of the failure, take
appropriate action, and then restart
the resource group. Then, inform the
end-users that the problem has been

KAQM37515-E The process cannot be The common key used for encrypting
executed because the data stored in HCP was not recovered.
common key used for (O)
encrypting data stored in HCP
was not recovered. Recover the common key used for
encrypting data stored in HCP.

KAQM37516-E An import from another file An import from another file server
server failed. (path = path) failed.
Restart the resource group or the
virtual server, or manually copy the
data from the import-source server.
Then, try the import again from
another file server. If an error occurs
again, acquire all the log data, and
then contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM37517-E An import from another file An import from another file server
server failed. failed.
Restart the resource group or the
virtual server, or manually copy the
data from the import-source server.
Then, try the import again from
another file server. If an error occurs
again, acquire all the log data, and
then contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM38 messages
This section explains messages that have a message ID beginning with
KAQM38, and the actions to be taken if such messages appear.

Table 5-26 KAQM38 messages

Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM38003-E An unexpected error occurred. An error occurred in internal


5-472 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
If you are the system administrator,
acquire all the Management log files
and then contact maintenance
personnel. If you are maintenance
personnel, acquire the OS log by using
the oslogget command, and then
contact the Support Center.

KAQM38004-Q Do you want to delete all This message is output to confirm that
converted dump files? (y/n) the user wants to delete all converted
dump files.
Enter y or n.

KAQM38007-E An attempt to reset the other A network error might have occurred,
node in the cluster failed. or an error might have occurred in
internal processing.
Make sure that no network error has
occurred, and retry execution. If the
error still occurs, acquire the OS log by
using the oslogget command, and
then contact the Support Center.

KAQM38008-E The reset processing timed An OS error or a hardware malfunction

out. might have occurred.
Follow the instructions in the
maintenance manual to identify the

KAQM38009-Q Do you want to reset the This message is output to confirm

other node in the cluster? (y/ whether the user wants to reset the
n) other node in the cluster.
Enter y or n.

KAQM38012-E The specified file format is The specified file is not supported by
invalid. the program to be installed.
Be sure to specify the correct archive
file required for the installation, and
then retry the operation.

KAQM38015-I installed-program-name has The specified program has been

been installed. (installation installed.
file = name-of-rpm-file-used- (O)
No action is required.

KAQM38021-I Dump files will now be Dump files will be converted because
converted. Conversion will unconverted dump file exist.
take time. (O)

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-473

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
If you are the system administrator,
check system message KAQG62004-I
to confirm whether dump file
conversion is complete. If it is
complete, download the dump files. If
you are maintenance personnel, check
SIM trouble message KAQK39528-I to
confirm whether dump file conversion
is complete. If it is complete, download
the dump files.

KAQM38027-Q Do you want to reset this This message is output to confirm that
node? (y/n) the user wants to reset the node being
Enter y or n.

KAQM38036-E The contents of the specified The contents of the specified schedule
schedule are invalid. are invalid.
Make sure the specified values are
correct, and then retry the operation.

KAQM38037-W Schedule settings were Relearn for the internal RAID battery is
processed successfully, but disabled.
relearn is disabled. (O)
If you are the system administrator,
ask maintenance personnel to enable
relearn for the internal RAID battery. If
you are one of the maintenance
personnel, enable relearn to execute
relearn on the specified schedule.

KAQM38038-E An attempt to read a system An unexpected error occurred when

file has failed. reading a file.
If you are the system administrator,
acquire all log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel. If you are one
of the maintenance personnel, acquire
the OS log by using the oslogget
command, and then contact the
Support Center.

KAQM38039-E An attempt to write a system An unexpected error occurred writing a

file has failed. file.
If you are the system administrator,
acquire all log data, and then contact
maintenance personnel. If you are one
of the maintenance personnel, acquire
the OS log by using the oslogget
command, and then contact the
Support Center.

5-474 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM38040-E The specified virtual server is The specified virtual server is running
running on the other node or on the other node or the status is
the status is incorrect. incorrect.
Use the vnaslist command to confirm
which node the virtual server is
running on and the status of the node.
Depending on the cause, re-execute
the command on the other node, or
return the virtual server to a normal

KAQM38042-Q Do you want to reset the (O)

virtual server virtual-server- Enter "y" to proceed, or "n" to cancel.
name? (y/n)

KAQM38043-E The specified virtual server The specified virtual server does not
does not exist. exist.
Use the vnaslist command to confirm
whether the virtual server exists.

KAQM50 messages
This section explains messages that have a message ID beginning with
KAQM50, and the actions to be taken if such messages appear.

Table 5-27 KAQM50 messages

Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM50001-E Authentication failed, please Failed in the authentication. Try again.

try again. (S)
Stop processing to open the dialog.
Open the dialog again. If same error
continues, acquire log files, and
contact to maintenance personnel.

KAQM50002-E The session is being used, The session is in use. Close all
please close all browsers and browsers and retry.
retry. (S)
Close the dialog.
Confirm whether other dialog have
been connected to the same node. If
not, close all browsers and retry.

KAQM50003-E Failed in the capacity Failed in the acquisition of capacity

information acquisition of file information of file system.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-475

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Confirm whether malfunction does not
occur in the file system.

KAQM50004-E An internal error occurred. An internal error occurred.

(Check policy name (S)
Acquire log files, and contact to
maintenance personnel.

KAQM50005-E An internal error occurred. An internal error occurred.

(Check file system name (S)
Acquire log files, and contact to
maintenance personnel.

KAQM50006-E An internal error occurred. An internal error occurred.

(Check file system detail (S)
Acquire log files, and contact to
maintenance personnel.

KAQM50007-E An internal error occurred. An internal error occurred.

(Check HCP exception.) (S)
Acquire log files, and contact to
maintenance personnel.

KAQM50008-E An error occurred. (detail- An error occurred.

message) (S)
Please restart. If same error continues,
acquire log files, and contact to
maintenance personnel.

KAQM50009-E Your session has expired due The session has expired. Please retry.
to inactivity. Please retry. (S)
Close the dialog.
Please retry.

5-476 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM50010-E An internal error occurred. An internal error occurred.

(Check query exception.) (S)
Acquire log files, and contact to
maintenance personnel.

KAQM50011-E Checking of HCP access was Checking of HCP access was

interrupted. interrupted.
Please retry the operation. If same
error continues, acquire log files, and
contact to maintenance personnel.

KAQM50012-E An internal error occurred. An internal error occurred.

(Password conversion (S)
Acquire log files, and contact to
maintenance personnel.

KAQM50013-E An error occurred while An error occurred while reading HCP

reading HCP access result. access result.
Please retry the operation. If same
error continues, acquire log files, and
contact to maintenance personnel.

KAQM50014-E The service is not available. The service is not available.

Stop processing to open the dialog.
Wait for a while and try again. If same
error continues, confirm whether the
KAQM509nn message(s) was notified
to the system message(s) or SNMP
notification message(s).

KAQM50015-E Acquiring information of file Acquiring information of file systems

systems was interrupted. was interrupted.
Wait for a while and try again. If same
error continues, acquire log files, and
contact to maintenance personnel.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-477

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM50016-E An error occurred while An error occurred while acquiring

acquiring information of file information of file systems.
systems. (return code=1) (S)
Wait for a while and try again. If same
error continues, acquire log files, and
contact to maintenance personnel.

KAQM50017-E An error occurred while An error occurred while acquiring

acquiring information of file information of file systems.
systems. (return code=20) (S)
Wait for a while and try again. If same
error continues, acquire log files, and
contact to maintenance personnel.

KAQM50018-E An unexpected error occurred An unexpected error occurred while

while acquiring information of acquiring information of file systems.
file systems. (S)
Wait for a while and try again. If same
error continues, acquire log files, and
contact to maintenance personnel.

KAQM50019-E HTTP status error. HTTP status error. Retry the operation.
(Code=status-code) Please (S)
retry the operation.
• Please retry the operation. Open
the dialog again if necessary.
• Check whether a network is
• Confirm whether resource group is
• Confirm whether the KAQM509nn
message(s) was notified to the
system message(s) or SNMP
notification message(s).

KAQM50020-E An I/O error occurred. An I/O error occurred while saving the
(Saving policy setting failed.) setting information.
Wait for a while and try again. If same
error continues, acquire log files, and
contact to maintenance personnel.

5-478 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM50021-E An error occurred while An error occurred while accessing HCP

accessing HCP server server information.
information. (S)
Please retry the operation. If same
error continues, acquire log files, and
contact to maintenance personnel.

KAQM50701-E Invalid argument exists. Argument of command is invalid.

(detail-message) (S)
Stop execution of this command.
Make sure the specified argument, and
then try again.

KAQM50702-E Operation failed. (detail- Error occurred in operation with policy.

message) (S)
Stop execution of this command.
Make sure status of the policy and its
related file system, and then try again.

KAQM50703-E Connection error occurred. Error occurred in connection to Web

(detail-message) Server or database.
Stop execution of this command.
• Confirm whether resource group is
running. If it is not running, start
resource group. Otherwise,
confirm whether the KAQM509nn
message(s) was notified to the
system message(s) or SNMP
notification message(s).
• Wait a while, and then try again.

KAQM50704-E An error occurred. (detail- An error occurred.

message) (S)
Stop execution of this command.
Wait a while, and then try again. If
same error continues, acquire log files,
and contact to maintenance personnel.

KAQM50705-E An I/O error occurred. (detail- An I/O error occurred.

message) (S)
Stop execution of this command.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-479

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Wait a while, and then try again. If
same error continues, acquire log files,
and contact to maintenance personnel.

KAQM50706-E Internal error occurred. An internal error occurred.

(detail-message) (S)
Stop execution of this command.
Acquire log files, and contact to
maintenance personnel.

KAQM50711-E Operation failed. (policy-name The specified policy already exists.

already exists.) (S)
Stop execution of this command.
Specify policy name which is not same
with existing policies, and then try
again. If you cannot specify other
policy name, change the name of the
existing policy or delete the policy, and
then try again.

KAQM50712-E Operation failed. (policy-name The specified policy does not exist.
does not exist.) (S)
Stop execution of this command.
Make sure the specified policy name,
and then try again.

KAQM50800-I Migration terminated. (Policy Migration terminated.

name: policy-name, Task id: (S)
task-id, Task status: task-
status, Lastexec start time: -
lastexec-start-time, Lastexec (O)
end time: lastexec-end-time,
If there are failed files or directories,
Target files: target-files,
check Details (failure-list) in Task
Succeeded files: succeeded-
Management window, and then take
files, Failed files: failed-files,
action appropriate for the message.
Post-command result: post-

KAQM50801-W Number of running tasks Number of running tasks exceeds the

exceeds the warning warning threshold.
threshold. (S)
• Verify the schedule to reduce the
number of concurrent running
• Stop or cancel some running tasks
when the progress of them doesn't
proceed properly.

5-480 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM50802-I Analysis of files terminated. Analysis of files terminated.

(Policy name: policy-name, (S)
Task id: task-id, Task status:
task-status, Lastexec start -
time: lastexec-start-time, (O)
Lastexec end time: lastexec-
end-time, Analyzed files:
analyzed-files, Analyzed size:
analyzed-size Bytes)

KAQM50803-W The used capacity of the The used capacity of the database has
database(database-path) has exceeded warning threshold.
reached used-capacity-of-the- (S)
• Delete policies if unused policies

KAQM50804-E Acquisition of information of Failed in acquiring information of

targets failed. (return code = targets of the task.
return-code) (S)
Confirm whether the target file system
is mounted, and then try again. If
same error continues, acquire log files,
and contact to maintenance personnel.

KAQM50805-E Acquisition of information of Failed in acquiring information of

targets failed. (reason = {an targets of the task.
I/O error|no disk space|no (S)
work directory})
If the reason is "no disk space",
expand the file system capacity, and
then try again. Otherwise, acquire log
files, and contact to maintenance

KAQM50806-E The specified file system does Processing cannot be performed

not exist or has not been because the specified file system does
mounted in writable mode. not exist or has not been mounted in
(file system = file-system- writable mode.
name) (S)
Confirm whether the specified file
system exists and has been mounted
in writable mode, and then try again.

KAQM50807-E The specified file system must Processing cannot be performed

be a tiered file system. (file because the specified file system is not
system = file-system-name) a tiered file system.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-481

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Confirm whether the specified file
system is a tiered file system, and
then try again. If same error
continues, acquire log files, and
contact to maintenance personnel.

KAQM50808-E The specified file system must Processing cannot be performed

not be a tiered file system. because the specified file system is a
(file system = file-system- tiered file system.
name) (S)
Confirm whether the specified file
system is not a tiered file system, and
then try again. If same error
continues, acquire log files, and
contact to maintenance personnel.

KAQM50809-E A device error occurred while A device error occurred while accessing
accessing file system file system management table.
management table. (S)
Acquire log files, and contact to
maintenance personnel.

KAQM50810-E An internal error occurred. An internal error occurred.

(detail-message) (S)
Confirm the status of the file system
that is related to the policy, and then
try again. If the same error occurs,
acquire the log files, and then contact
maintenance personnel.

KAQM50811-I Single instancing terminated. Single instancing terminated.

(Policy name: policy-name, (S)
Task id: task-id, Task status:
task-status, Lastexec start -
time: lastexec-start-time, (O)
Lastexec end time: lastexec-
If there are failed files, check Details
end-time, Target files: target-
(failure-list) in Task Management
files, Succeeded files:
window, and then take action
succeeded-files, Failed files:
appropriate for the message.
failed-files, Total compacted
size: total-compacted-size

KAQM50812-I Migration terminated. (Policy Migration terminated.

name: policy-name, Task id:

5-482 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
task-id, Task status: task- (S)
status, Lastexec start time: -
lastexec-start-time, Lastexec
end time: lastexec-end-time, (O)
Target files: target-files, If there are failed files, check Details
Succeeded files: succeeded- (failure-list) in Task Management
files, Failed files: failed-files) window, and then take action
appropriate for the message.
KAQM50813-E The service (RMI Server) was The service was stopped by a failure.
restarted because the service (S)
was stopped by a failure.
Some running policies might be
interrupted. Confirm the status of each
policy, and schedule again as needed.

KAQM50814-E The file paths of succeeded All or some of file paths cannot be
files/failed files/analyzed files confirmed in Task Management
after processed-files files in window.
total cannot be confirmed in (S)
Task Management window
because the database is full. -
(Policy name: policy-name, (O)
Task id: task-id, Lastexec
Take the following action to reduce the
start time: lastexec-start-
capacity of the database:
• Delete policies if unused policies

KAQM50815-W Task execution was Task execution was interrupted

interrupted. (Policy name: because the specified maximum
policy-name, Task id: task-id) duration passed.
In the Task Management window, see
"evaluation-of-duration", and then
change the maximum duration setting
to ensure sufficient time to execute the

KAQM50816-E An analysis of a system file An analysis of a system file failed.

failed. (S)
In the list of file systems, check the
status of the file systems. If a file
system has an error, follow the error
recovery procedure provided in the
online Help, and then try executing the
task again. If a file system has
insufficient unused capacity, free up
the necessary amount, and then try
executing the task again. In other

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-483

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
cases, acquire all log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel.

KAQM50900-E Starting service failed. Service IP is not set.

(Service IP is not set.) (S)
Stop start processing.
Acquire log files, and contact to
maintenance personnel.

KAQM50901-E Starting service failed. Failed in the start of a database.

(Database) (S)
Continue start processing.
Confirm whether malfunction does not
occur in cluster management LU or file
system, and restart resource group. If
same error continues, Acquire log files,
and contact to maintenance personnel.

KAQM50902-E Starting service failed. (Web Failed in the start of a Web Server.
Server) (S)
Continue start processing.
Restart resource group. If same error
continues, Acquire log files, and
contact to maintenance personnel.

KAQM50903-E Starting service failed. (RMI Failed in the start of an RMI Server.
Server) (S)
Continue start processing.
Restart resource group. If same error
continues, Acquire log files, and
contact to maintenance personnel.

KAQM50904-E Starting service failed. (Failed Failed in the mount of cluster

to mount device-name.) management LU to use on the
Continue start processing.
Confirm whether malfunction does not
occur in cluster management LU or file
system, and restart resource group.

KAQM50905-E Starting service failed. (File I/ Starting service failed.

O error) (S)
Continue start processing.

5-484 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Acquire log files, and contact to
maintenance personnel.

KAQM50906-E Starting service failed. (Failed Failed in the initialization of database.

to initialize database.) (S)
Continue start processing.
Acquire log files, and contact to
maintenance personnel.

KAQM50921-E Configuration database failed. Failed in making of the file system to

(Making a file system for use on the database.
database failed.) (S)
Stop execution of the command.
Confirm whether malfunction does not
occur in cluster management LU or file
system, and retry.

KAQM50922-E Configuration database failed. Failed in initialization of a database.

(Initializing database failed.) (S)
Stop execution of the command.
Acquire log files, and contact to
maintenance personnel.

KAQM50923-E Configuration database failed. Failed to check contents of cluster

(Failed in the contents management LU.
confirmation of database- (S)
Stop execution of the command.
Acquire log files, and contact to
maintenance personnel.

KAQM50924-E Configuration database failed. Failed in deletion of existing database.

(Failed in deletion of existing (S)
Stop execution of the command.
Acquire log files, and contact to
maintenance personnel.

KAQM50925-E Configuration database failed. Cluster management LU to use on the

(device-name is not found.) database is not found.
Stop execution of the command.
Confirm whether malfunction does not
occur in cluster management LU or file
system, and retry.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-485

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM50926-E Configuration database failed. Failed in unmount of cluster

(Failed to unmount device- management LU to use on the
name.) database.
Stop execution of the command.
Confirm whether malfunction does not
occur in cluster management LU or file
system, and retry.

KAQM50927-E Configuration database failed. Because a process to access a

(Because database-path is database is remained, Cannot
being accessed, cannot unmount cluster management LU.
unmount.) (S)
Stop execution of the command.
Acquire log files, and contact to
maintenance personnel.

KAQM50928-E Configuration database failed. Cluster management LU is mounted.

(device-name is mounted. Stop service before running this
Stop service at first.) command.
Stop execution of the command.
Retry after stopping resource group.

KAQM50929-E Configuration database failed. Cluster management LU to use on the

(device-name may be used by database may be used by another
another node of cluster.) node of cluster.
Stop execution of the command.
• Retry after stopping resource
• If another node is not running,
retry after starting the other node.
• Check whether a network is

KAQM50930-E Configuration database failed. Failed in the mount of cluster

(Failed to mount device- management LU to use on the
name.) database.
Stop execution of the command.
Confirm whether malfunction does not
occur in cluster management LU or file
system, and retry.

5-486 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM50941-E The database backup/restore Failed to start backup/restore

failed. (Number of arguments command. Because the number of
is invalid.) specified argument is invalid.
Stop execution of the command.
Acquire log files, and contact to
maintenance personnel.

KAQM50942-E The database backup/restore Failed to start backup/restore

failed. (Unknown operation command. Because the specified
was specified in the operation in argument is invalid.
arguments. first-argument) (S)
Stop execution of the command.
Acquire log files, and contact to
maintenance personnel.

KAQM50943-E The database backup failed. Failed to start backup command.

(The specified directory Because the specified directory is not
second-argument storing found or is not a directory.
backup file is not found or is (S)
not a directory.)
Stop execution of the command.
Confirm whether there is the specified

KAQM50944-E The database restore failed. Failed to start restore command.

(There is not backup file in Because there is not backup file in the
the specified directory specified directory.
second-argument.) (S)
Stop execution of the command.
Confirm whether there is the backup
file in the specified directory.

KAQM50945-E The database backup/restore Cluster management LU to use on the

failed. (The database database is not found.
directory device-name is not (S)
Stop execution of the command.
Confirm whether malfunction does not
occur in cluster management LU or file
system, and retry.

KAQM50946-E The database restore failed. Cluster management LU is mounted.

(The database directory (S)
device-name is mounted.
Stop service at first.) Stop execution of the command.

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-487

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Retry after stopping resource group
and initializing database.

KAQM50947-E The database backup/restore Failed in the start of a database.

failed. (Failed to start (S)
Stop execution of the command.
Confirm whether malfunction does not
occur in cluster management LU or file
system, and retry.

KAQM50948-E The database backup failed. Failed in the backing up a database.

Stop execution of the command. If the
command started a database the
command stop it before stop execution
of the command.
Confirm whether the directory can be
written, and retry. If same error
continues, acquire log files, and
contact to maintenance personnel.

KAQM50949-E The database restore failed. Failed in the restoring the database.
Stop execution of the command after
stop a database.
Confirm whether it is a backup file
normally acquired.

KAQM50950-E The database backup/restore Failed in the stop of a database.

failed. (Failed to stop (S)
Stop execution of the command.
Confirm whether malfunction does not
occur in cluster management LU or file
system, and retry.

KAQM71 messages
This section explains messages that have a message ID beginning with
KAQM71, and the actions to be taken if such messages appear.

Table 5-28 KAQM71 messages

Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQM71002-E An internal error occurred. An internal occurred during processing.

5-488 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Contact the HCP Anywhere

KAQM71003-E An operation on a system file An operation on a system file failed.

failed. (reason = {insufficient (O)
memory|I/O error|out of disk
space|some other error}) If the reason for the error is
insufficient memory, wait until the load
on the system decreases, and then
retry the operation. If this does not
resolve the problem, contact the HCP
Anywhere administrator.

KAQM71004-E Node configuration See the error reason that corresponds

information could not be to the message ID that was output.
acquired. (Details: message (O)
ID = message-ID)
Contact the HCP Anywhere

KAQM71005-E The connected server is not The connected server is not an HCP
an HCP Anywhere server. Anywhere server.
Make sure that the URL is correct, and
then retry the operation. If this does
not resolve the problem, contact the
HCP Anywhere administrator.

KAQM71006-E An attempt to connect to HCP An attempt to connect to HCP

Anywhere failed. Anywhere failed.
Make sure that the specified URL is
correct. If you are using a proxy
server, check the proxy server
settings. Check the network status,
and then retry the operation. If this
does not resolve the problem, contact
the HCP Anywhere administrator.

KAQM71007-E Authentication with the HCP The password might be incorrect.

Anywhere system failed. (O)
Make sure that the password is
correct, and then retry the operation.
If this does not resolve the problem,
contact the HCP Anywhere

KAQM71008-E A request to the HCP Communication with the HCP

Anywhere system failed. Anywhere system might have been
temporarily lost due to a heavy load on
the HCP Anywhere system.
Wait a few minutes, and then retry the
operation. If this does not resolve the

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-489

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
problem, contact the HCP Anywhere

KAQM71009-E Node configuration See the error reason that corresponds

information could not be to the message ID that was output.
updated. (Details: message (O)
ID = message-ID[, message-
ID...]) Contact the HCP Anywhere

KAQM71010-E The configuration information The configuration information that is

that was acquired from HCP set in HCP Anywhere might be
Anywhere does not apply to incorrect.
the current state. (reason = (O)
{invalid host name|reduced
file system size|changes to Contact the HCP Anywhere
the connection-target administrator.
namespace|changes to the
WORM file system settings|
insufficient disk space on the
node|changes to the service
automatic-launch settings|
settings to disable encryption|
some other error})

KAQM71011-E The HCP Anywhere host name Name resolution did not complete
could not be resolved. correctly.
Make sure that the URL is correct, and
then retry the operation. If the error
occurs again, make sure that the
network environment allows name

KAQM71012-E An attempt to connect to HCP There might be a problem with either

Anywhere failed. the HCP Anywhere system or the
Check the network status, and then
retry the operation. If the error occurs
again, contact the HCP Anywhere

KAQM71013-E An attempt to establish an An attempt to establish an SSL

SSL connection with HCP connection with HCP Anywhere failed.
Anywhere failed. (O)
Check the network status, and then
retry the operation. If the error occurs
again, contact the HCP Anywhere

KAQM71014-E A timeout occurred during There might be a problem with either

communication with HCP the HCP Anywhere system or the
Anywhere. network, or HCP Anywhere might be
under heavy load.

5-490 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Check the network status, and then
retry the operation. If the error occurs
again, contact the HCP Anywhere

KAQM71015-E A communication error A communication error occurred in the

occurred in the connection connection with HCP Anywhere.
with HCP Anywhere. (O)
Check the network status, and then
retry the operation. If the error occurs
again, contact the HCP Anywhere

KAQM71016-E The service was stopped The service was stopped because of a
because of a request from the request from the HCP Anywhere
HCP Anywhere administrator. administrator.
Contact the HCP Anywhere

KAQM71017-E A timeout occurred during a The system might be under heavy

resource operation. load, or another resource operation
might be in progress.
No action is required. The operation
will be executed again when the
reporting function is next executed.

KAQM71018-E Authentication with the HCP The HCP Anywhere administrator

Anywhere system failed. might have changed the password.
Contact the HCP Anywhere
administrator to obtain an
authentication password, and then try
to authenticate with HCP Anywhere

KAQM71019-E The service for the target Either the service for the target device
device was not started in HCP might not have started in HCP
Anywhere. Anywhere, or the specified serial
number might be wrong.
Check whether the entered information
is correct, and revise it if necessary. If
the information is correct, contact the
HCP Anywhere administrator.

KAQM71021-E A request to HCP Anywhere An HCP Anywhere version that is older

failed because the current than a version that supports the node
version of HCP Anywhere does is being used.
not support the node. (O)
Check the version of HCP Anywhere,
and then ask your HCP Anywhere
administrator to install an appropriate

KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages) 5-491

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
5-492 KAQM Messages (File Services Manager Messages)
Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
KAQV Messages (Anti-Virus Enabler
This chapter describes the meanings of the KAQV messages by HDI systems
(Anti-Virus Enabler messages).

□ KAQV messages

KAQV Messages (Anti-Virus Enabler Messages) 6-1

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
KAQV messages
This section explains messages that have a message ID beginning with KAQV
(Anti-Virus Enabler messages), and the actions to be taken if such messages

Table 6-1 KAQV messages

Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQV00001-I Anti-Virus Enabler was Anti-Virus Enabler was uninstalled.

uninstalled. (O)
No action is required.

KAQV10001-E An attempt to read the A problem may exist in the processing

configuration file of the OS disk or the configuration file.
(configuration-file) has failed. (O)
Check the settings and for problems in
the OS disk. Acquire all the log files if
there is no problem, and then inform
maintenance personnel. See the help
for a list of the log files.

KAQV10002-W The scanner server (server- An error might have occurred in a scan
name) is blocked. server, or a problem might have
occurred in communication processing.
Also, scanning might not have
completed due to a heavy load on the
scan servers.
Check the status of the scan server
and remove the cause of the error. If
you cannot identify the cause, collect
all the log files, and then contact
maintenance personnel. See online
Help for a list of the log files.

KAQV10003-I The blocking of the server The state of a server became normal.
(server-name) was cancelled. (O)
No action is required.

KAQV10004-E The specified server (server- The scanner server may not be
name) was not found. running, or the server information may
be invalid.
Check the server information. If the
server information is correct, confirm
that the scanner server is running, and
then retry execution.

KAQV10005-E An attempt to create a A problem may exist in the internal

network socket has failed. processing.
Acquire all the log files and inform
maintenance personnel. See the help
for a list of the log files.

6-2 KAQV Messages (Anti-Virus Enabler Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQV10006-E The server (server-name) The scanner server may not be

cannot be connected. running, or the server information may
be invalid.
Check the server information. If the
server information is correct, confirm
that the scanner server is running, and
then retry execution.

KAQV10007-E A timeout occurred while the The scanner server may not be
server (server-name) was running, or the server information may
being connected. be invalid.
Check the server information. If the
server information is correct, confirm
that the scanner server is running, and
then retry execution.

KAQV10008-E An error occurred during A problem may exist in the network

sending to the server (server- environment.
name). (O)
Execute the same processing again
after waiting. Acquire all the log files if
the error occurs when you execute
again, and then inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
log files.

KAQV10009-E An attempt to receive a A problem may exist in the network

response from the server traffic.
(server-name) has failed. (O)
Execute the same processing again
after waiting. Acquire all the log files if
the error occurs when you execute
again, and then inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
log files.

KAQV10010-E The status of the response A problem may exist in the internal
data from the server (server- processing.
name) cannot be judged. (O)
Acquire all the log files and inform
maintenance personnel. See the help
for a list of the log files.

KAQV10011-E The server (server-name) A problem may exist in the scanner

responded with a timeout. server.
Remove the cause of the scanner
server error, and then retry execution.

KAQV10012-E The server (server-name) A problem may exist in the scanner

responded with an internal server.
server error. (O)

KAQV Messages (Anti-Virus Enabler Messages) 6-3

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Remove the cause of the scanner
server error, and then retry execution.

KAQV10013-E The server (server-name) The processing is not possible because

responded with the service the service was stopped or there are
unavailable or with an too many scanning requests.
overload. (O)
If the service is stopped, start the
service. If there are many scanning
requests, add a scanner server.

KAQV10014-E The server (server-name) The ICAP version is not supported.

responded that the ICAP (O)
version is not supported.
Check the ICAP version.

KAQV10015-E The server (server-name) A problem may exist in the scanner

responded that resources server.
were unavailable. (O)
Remove the cause of the scanner
server error, and then retry execution.

KAQV10016-E The server (server-name) A problem may exist in the internal

responded with an unknown processing.
status. (O)
Acquire all the log files and inform
maintenance personnel. See the help
for a list of the log files.

KAQV10018-W No server has been registered. No server has been registered.

Register the scanner server.

KAQV10019-E All the scanner servers are An error might have occurred in a scan
blocked. server, or a problem might have
occurred in communication processing.
Also, scanning might not have
completed due to a heavy load on the
scan servers.
Check the status of all the scan
servers and remove the cause of the
error. If you cannot identify the cause,
collect all the log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel. See
online Help for a list of the log files.

KAQV10020-W All the attempts to retry A problem may exist in the network
connection with the server environment.
have failed. (O)
Execute the same processing again
after waiting. Acquire all the log files if
the error occurs when you execute
again, and then inform maintenance

6-4 KAQV Messages (Anti-Virus Enabler Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
personnel. See the help for a list of the
log files.

KAQV10022-E A virus infected file was A virus infected file was detected.
detected. (virus-information) (O)
Prevent the virus from infecting the
system. In addition, investigate the
cause of the infection, such as by
pinpointing the source of the infection.
If required, take measures for
preventing the virus from further
infecting the system; for example,
temporarily stop users from using the
system, or stop the system.

KAQV10023-W A virus infected file was A file was deleted because the file was
deleted. (virus-information) detected to have been infected with a
If necessary, notify the client that the
file has been deleted.

KAQV10024-W A virus infected file was A file was repaired because the file
repaired. (virus-information) was detected to have been infected
with a virus.
If necessary, notify the client that the
file has been restored.

KAQV10025-E An attempt to make a The disk does not have the available
temporary file failed. (file space required to output the
name=file-name) temporary file, or a problem may exist
in the internal processing.
Execute the same processing again
after increasing the available disk
space. Acquire all the log files if the
error occurs when you execute again,
and then inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
log files.
Supplementary note:
This message is sometimes output
when there is a problem with a file
system or an LU. Check the status of
the file system or LU, check for any
SNMP notification messages or email
notifications, and if there is a problem,
take action according to the
instructions in online Help.

KAQV10026-E An attempt to remove a A problem may exist in the OS disk or

temporary file failed. (file in the internal processing.
name=file-name) (O)

KAQV Messages (Anti-Virus Enabler Messages) 6-5

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Delete the files that could not be
deleted. Acquire all the log files if this
error message continues to be output,
and then inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
log files.

KAQV10027-W A file that cannot be scanned A file to be scanned cannot be scanned

was detected. (detailed- because of the scanner server settings.
information) (O)
Check the scanner server settings.

KAQV10028-W The file was deleted. A file to be scanned cannot be scanned

(cause=the-cause-of-why-the- because of virus scanning has failed or
file-was-deleted, user = user- the settings of the Scan Conditions.
name(user-id). IP address = (O)
was-using-the-file. File Path = If necessary, notify the client that the
file-name.) file has been deleted. Also, check the
status of the scan server and the scan-
condition settings.

KAQV10029-W The file was not updated. Either the file had a virus, or it could
(cause=the-cause-of-why-the- not be scanned because the virus scan
file-could-not-be-updated, failed or the scan-condition settings
detailed-information) were not properly set.
If necessary, notify the client that the
file has been updated. Also, if the
reason the file was not scanned is
something other than a virus, then
check the status of the scan server
and the scan-condition settings.

KAQV10030-W The versions of the scan The versions of the scan software
software installed on the installed on the registered scanner
registered scanner servers are servers are different.
different. (O)
Upgrade the scan software so that the
versions of the software installed on
the scanner servers are the same.

KAQV10031-W The versions of the virus The versions of the virus definition files
definition files used on the used on the registered scanner servers
registered scanner servers are are different.
different. (O)
Upgrade the virus definition files to the
latest versions so that the versions on
the scanner servers are the same. If
you use an older version of a virus
definition file, the scanner server
might not be able to detect a virus.

KAQV10032-W Virus scanning has not Virus scanning was interrupted.

finished. (cause = cause-of- (O)

6-6 KAQV Messages (Anti-Virus Enabler Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
file name = path-of-file-that- Virus scanning has not finished.
was-being-scanned) Rescan the files in which an error
Revise the setting as follows,
depending on the cause.
If the scan size was exceeded:
Increase the maximum scan size
or register the files as scan-
exception files.
If a scan timeout occurred:
If the files for which scanning
failed are large, a timeout might
occur. Increase the timeout
period, or register the files as
scan-exception files.
If an internal error occurred:
Retry the operation. If an error
occurs again,acquire all the log
files, and then contact
maintenance personnel. See
online Help for a list of the log
If the server was busy:
Retry the operation. If the
problem persists, add another
scan server.
If a server error occurred:
Check the status of all the scan
servers, and remove the cause of
the error.
KAQV10034-W New information has been New information has been reported to
reported to the report the report information file about a file
information file about a file for for which virus scanning has not
which virus scanning has not finished.
finished. (O)
See the report information file and, if
necessary, re-execute virus scanning
for the file for which virus scanning
has not finished.

KAQV10036-E A server (server-name) is Because there are too many scan

busy. requests, the scan server could not
perform processing.
Re-execute the virus scan. If this
message is repeatedly output, add
another scan server.

KAQV20001-I The server monitoring daemon Real-time scanning was started.

was started. (O)
No action is required.

KAQV Messages (Anti-Virus Enabler Messages) 6-7

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQV20002-E An attempt to start the server A problem may exist in the OS disk or
monitoring daemon failed. in the internal processing.
Execute the same processing again
after waiting. Acquire all the log files if
the error occurs when you execute
again, and then inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
log files.

KAQV20003-I The server monitoring daemon Real-time scanning was stopped.

will now end. (O)
No action is required.

KAQV20004-I Shared memory (shared- Shared memory was allocated.

memory-key) was allocated. (O)
No action is required.

KAQV20005-E An attempt to allocate shared A problem may exist in the OS disk or

memory (shared-memory- in the internal processing.
key) has failed. (O)
Execute the same processing again
after waiting. Acquire all the log files if
the error occurs when you execute
again, and then inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
log files.

KAQV20006-I The shared memory (shared- Shared memory was removed.

memory-key) was discarded. (O)
No action is required.

KAQV20008-W An attempt to create a system The upper limit for resources might
resource (semaphore-key) has have been reached.
failed. (O)
No action is required because a system
resource is automatically re-created. If
this message appears repeatedly,
acquire all the log files, and then
contact maintenance personnel. For a
list of the log files, see the online Help.

KAQV30001-E An attempt to read the A problem may exist in the processing

configuration file of the OS disk or the configuration file.
(nasav.conf) has failed. (O)
Check the settings and for problems in
the OS disk. Acquire all the log files if
there is no problem, and then inform
maintenance personnel. See the help
for a list of the log files.

KAQV30002-E An attempt to write to the This may be in use by another user.

configuration file (O)
(nasav.conf) has failed.

6-8 KAQV Messages (Anti-Virus Enabler Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Retry execution. Acquire all the log
files if the error occurs when you
execute again, and then inform
maintenance personnel. See the help
for a list of the log files.

KAQV30003-E An attempt to read the HTML An attempt to install the program may
file has failed. have failed.
Execute the re-installation again.
Acquire all the log files if the error
occurs when you execute again, and
then inform maintenance personnel.
See the help for a list of the log files.

KAQV30006-E No license has been specified The license may have been invalidated
for the system. or canceled.
Specify the license, and then retry.
Acquire all the log files if the error
occurs when you execute again, and
then inform maintenance personnel.
See the help for a list of the log files.

KAQV30007-E The data entered in the The entered server address or port
window for changing the number is invalid.
scanner server is invalid. (O)
Return to the front window and enter
valid data. Acquire all the log files if
the error occurs when you execute
again, and then inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
log files.

KAQV30008-E The entered server address is Registration is not possible because

duplicated. the server address is already
Return to the List of Scanner Servers
window and check the contents of the
server. Acquire all the log files if the
error occurs when you execute again,
and then inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
log files.

KAQV30009-E The change of the scanning There is a possibility that another user
conditions was not reported to might have stopped the real-time
the real-time scanning scanning.
function. (O)
Return to the List of Scanner Servers
window and check the status of the
real-time scanning. If the error occurs
again, acquire all the operation log

KAQV Messages (Anti-Virus Enabler Messages) 6-9

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
files, and inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
operation log files.

KAQV30010-W Real-time scanning has Real-time scanning has already

already started. started.
Return to the List of Scanner Servers
window and check the status of the
real-time scanning. If the error occurs
again, acquire all the operation log
files, and inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
operation log files.

KAQV30011-W Real-time scanning has Real-time scanning has already

already stopped. stopped.
Return to the List of Scanner Servers
window and check the status of the
real-time scanning. If the error occurs
again, acquire all the operation log
files, and inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
operation log files.

KAQV30012-E Real-time scanning could not An attempt to start real-time scanning

start. has failed.
Retry execution. Acquire all the log
files if the error occurs when you
execute again,and then inform
maintenance personnel. See the help
for a list of the log files.

KAQV30013-E Real-time scanning could not An attempt to stop real-time scanning

be stopped. has failed.
Retry execution. Acquire all the log
files if the error occurs when you
execute again, and then inform
maintenance personnel. See the help
for a list of the log files.

KAQV30014-E The Anti-Virus Enabler This may be in use by another user.

information cannot be (O)
registered in the system file
(crontab). Retry execution. Acquire all the log
files if the error occurs when you
execute again, and then inform
maintenance personnel. See the help
for a list of the log files.

KAQV30015-E The Anti-Virus Enabler This may be in use by another user.

information cannot be deleted (O)
from the system file (crontab).

6-10 KAQV Messages (Anti-Virus Enabler Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Retry execution. Acquire all the log
files if the error occurs when you
execute again, and then inform
maintenance personnel. See the help
for a list of the log files.

KAQV30016-E An attempt to change the An attempt to install the program may

symbolic link has failed. have failed.
Execute the re-installation again.
Acquire all the log files if the error
occurs when you execute again, and
then inform maintenance personnel.
See the help for a list of the log files.

KAQV30018-E The server information is Other users may already have updated
already updated. the server information.
Return to the List of Scanner Servers
window and check the contents of the
server. Acquire all the log files if the
error occurs when you execute again,
and then inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
log files.

KAQV30019-E Rollback processing failed. This may be in use by another user.

Retry execution. Acquire all the log
files if the error occurs when you
execute again, and then inform
maintenance personnel. See the help
for a list of the log files.

KAQV30020-W The server for setup has The server may have already been
already been deleted. deleted by another user.
Return to the List of Scanner Servers
window and check the contents of the
server. Acquire all the log files if the
error occurs when you execute again,
and then inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
log files.

KAQV30021-E Execution cannot start No server has been registered.

because the server is not (O)
Return to the List of Scanner Servers
window and check the contents of the
server. Acquire all the log files if the
error occurs when you execute again,
and then inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
log files.

KAQV Messages (Anti-Virus Enabler Messages) 6-11

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQV30022-E An attempt to acquire the A problem may exist in the internal

server status has failed. processing.
Re-install File Services Manager and
Execute the re-installation again.
Acquire all the Management log files if
the error occurs when you execute
again, and then inform maintenance
personnel. See the help for a list of the
Management log files.

KAQV30023-I The system license will expire The expiration date of the license is
in remaining-license-days imminent.
days. (O)
Acquire a license, and then execute
the setting of the license.

KAQV30024-E An attempt to acquire the A problem may exist in the internal

server status has failed. processing.
Acquire all the log files and inform
maintenance personnel. See the help
for a list of the log files.

KAQV30025-E The scanner server could not 32 sets of scanner servers are already
be registered. registered.
Delete the already registered scanner
server, and then register the new
scanner server.

KAQV30026-W The contents of the server The settings file may have been
setup are invalid. updated by accident.
Correct the information of the
registered server.

KAQV30027-W An error exists in the contents The configuration file may have been
of the configuration file. updated by accident.
Check the contents of the Scan
Conditions window. Acquire all the log
files if the error occurs when you
execute again, and then inform
maintenance personnel. See the help
for a list of the log files.

KAQV30028-E A device error occurred. A device error occurred.

Contact maintenance personnel.

KAQV30029-E Other users might be Other users might be occupying some

occupying some of the of the resources used for the

6-12 KAQV Messages (Anti-Virus Enabler Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
resources used for the processing, or an exclusively used
processing. node has been stopped.
Wait a while, and then retry. If the
node stops during processing, wait
about 15 minutes or boot the stopped
node. If the error occurs again, inform
maintenance personnel.
KAQV30032-E All scanner servers cannot be An attempt to delete all scanner
deleted if real-time scanning is servers was performed while real-time
enabled. scanning was enabled.
If you do not want to perform virus
scanning, disable real-time scanning,
and then try again. If you want to
perform virus scanning, register
another scanner server, and then
specify the server that you want to

KAQV30050-E An internal error occurred. A system error might have occurred.

Retry execution. Acquire all the log
files if the error occurs when you
execute again, and then inform
maintenance personnel. See the help
for a list of the log files.

KAQV30051-E A syntax error exists in the A syntax error exists in the specified
parameter (specified- parameter.
parameter). (O)
Specify valid syntax according to the

KAQV30053-I Usage: usage This message displays the format of

the command.
If a syntax error occurs, check the
format of the command, and then

KAQV30054-E There are too many or too few There are too many or too few
parameters. parameters.
Check the format of the command,
and retry specifying a suitable

KAQV30056-E The specified information An invalid character was entered, or a

(input-value) is invalid. value that exceeds the maximum
number of characters was entered.

KAQV Messages (Anti-Virus Enabler Messages) 6-13

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Enter a value that is suitable according
to Help.

KAQV30057-E An attempt to register an item The number of registered items has

failed, because the number of reached the maximum.
registered items has reached (O)
the maximum. (item = item-
name) Delete any unnecessary registered
items, and then try again.

KAQV30058-E An error occurred during file A conflict with another operation might
operations. have occurred.
Retry the operation. If an error occurs
again, acquire all the log files, and
then contact maintenance personnel.
See Help for a list of the log files.

KAQV30059-I "user-entered-key-of- The specified value has already been

information-that-user-wants- deleted by another user or virus scan
to-delete-or-view" has not settings have not been set.
been set. (O)

KAQV30060-E You cannot delete the entry An entry that cannot be deleted was
"input-value" from the specified.
settings file. (O)

KAQV30061-E Another user is currently Another user is currently updating the

updating the settings. settings.
Wait until the other user finishes
updating the settings, and then try
again. If the error still occurs, collect
all the log files, and then contact
maintenance personnel. For details
about the log files, see online Help.

KAQV30062-E At least one file extension to At least one file extension to be

be scanned must be specified. scanned must be specified.
If you do not want files that have a
specific extension to be scanned,
specify the scanning settings to
exclude that extension. If you do not
want to perform virus scanning,
disable real-time scanning.

KAQV30063-Q Are you sure you want to (O)

delete "specified-value" from If you want to proceed, enter y. If you
extension? (y/n) do not want to proceed, enter n.

KAQV30064-Q "entered-value" will be deleted (O)

from the scan-excluded paths.
Is this OK? (y/n)

6-14 KAQV Messages (Anti-Virus Enabler Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
If you want to continue the processing,
enter y. If you want to cancel the
processing, enter n.

KAQV30065-Q All the registered scan- (O)

excluded paths will be deleted. If you want to continue the processing,
Is this OK? (y/n) enter y. If you want to cancel the
processing, enter n.

KAQV30066-E The scanning software The scanning software settings cannot

settings cannot be changed be changed while real-time scanning is
while real-time scanning is enabled.
enabled. (O)
Disable real-time scanning and retry
the operation.

KAQV30067-E The current scanning software The selected setting is not supported
does not support the selected by the scanning software in use.
setting (setting-item). (O)
Check the scanning software settings.
If necessary, change the settings, and
then retry the operation.

KAQV30071-I Real-time scanning was not Real-time scanning was enabled while
performed for the clients clients were connected to the CIFS
connected to the current CIFS share
share. Restart the CIFS (O)
service, or ask the clients to
reconnect to the CIFS service. Ask the clients to reconnect to the
CIFS service, or restart the CIFS
service (all CIFS clients will need to

KAQV30072-Q If a different scanning (O)

software is chosen, the scan Enter "y" to proceed, or "n" to cancel.
conditions will be re-initialized
and the scan server
information will be deleted.
Are you sure you want to
change the scanning
software? (y/n)

KAQV30073-E No scanning software is No scanning software is configured.

configured. (O)
Configure the scanning software and
retry the operation.

KAQV30075-I The specified scanning Scanning software was set.

software settings have not (O)
been applied to the other
node. Apply the same No action is required.
scanning software settings to
both nodes in the cluster.

KAQV30076-Q Are you sure you want to (O)

delete the scan server scan- Enter "y" to proceed, or "n" to cancel.
server? (y/n)

KAQV Messages (Anti-Virus Enabler Messages) 6-15

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQV30077-Q Are you sure you want to (O)

delete all registered scan Enter "y" to proceed, or "n" to cancel.
servers? (y/n)

KAQV30078-E The format of the specified IP The format of the specified IP address
address is invalid.(specified is invalid.
value = IP-address) (O)
Please verify the format and retry the

KAQV30079-E The specified IP address The specified IP address is a special

cannot be set.(specified value address that cannot be set.
= IP-address) (O)
Check the specified value, and then
retry the operation.

KAQV30080-E The server cannot be modified A server that cannot be modified was
because it is being removed. specified.
Instead of editing a server that is in
the process of being deleted, add a
new server using the server settings
you wanted to enter.

KAQV30081-E The same value was specified The same value was specified multiple
multiple times. (specified times.
value = specified-value) (O)
Do not specify the same value multiple
times, and then retry the operation.

KAQV40001-E This OS is not supported. An unsupported OS was installed.

Refer to the product documentation for
the list of supported Operating

KAQV40002-E An I/O error occurred. An error occurred during I/O

processing. A user without
Administrator permissions might have
attempted the operation.
Login with Administrator permissions.
If the problem persists, download the
Hitachi Server Protect Agent Manager
log files, and contact Product Support.

KAQV40003-E An internal error occurred. A system error has occurred.

Retry the operation. If the problem
persists, download the Hitachi Server
Protect Agent Manager log files, and
contact Product Support.

6-16 KAQV Messages (Anti-Virus Enabler Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action

KAQV40004-W The user name is already The user name cannot be registered if
registered for the specified the user name is already registered on
node. the node.
Only one user can be registered per
node. To re-register a user name,
delete the registered information, and
then retry the operation.

KAQV40005-E The service is not registered. The installation of the service failed.
Please reinstall the service again, and
retry the operation.

KAQV40006-E The default settings were The settings could not be acquired
loaded because the because the configuration file is
configuration file is invalid. invalid.
Retry the operation. If the problem
persists, download the Hitachi Server
Protect Agent Manager log files, and
then contact Product Support.

KAQV40007-E The IP address of node (node- An error occurred during name

name) could not be acquired. resolution.
Confirm that name resolution can be
performed using nslookup, and retry
the operation if necessary.

KAQV40009-E The configuration file could There might not be enough unused
not be saved. capacity on the installation-destination
Check the unused capacity on the
installation-destination disk, and then
retry the operation. If the problem
persists, acquire the Hitachi Server
Protect Agent Manager log files, and
then contact maintenance personnel.

KAQV40010-E The settings could not be There is not enough available capacity
applied to the configuration on the installation-destination disk.
file. (O)
Check the available capacity on the
installation-destination disk, and retry
the operation. If the problem persists,
download the Hitachi Server Protect
Agent Manager log files, and then
contact Product Support.

KAQV40011-E The temporary file could not An error occurred during deletion of
be deleted. (file = path-of- the temporary file.
temporary-file) (O)

KAQV Messages (Anti-Virus Enabler Messages) 6-17

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Please manually delete the temporary

KAQV40012-E The service could not start The service cannot start because the
because the configuration file configuration file does not exist.
does not exist. (O)
Set the information in Hitachi Server
Protect Agent Manager, and then start
the service.

KAQV40013-E An error occurred during An error prevented the service from

service startup. (cause = starting up.
cause) (O)
Retry the operation. If the problem
persists, download the Hitachi Server
Protect Agent Manager log files, and
then contact Product Support.

KAQV40014-E The node could not connect to An error occurred while connecting to
a network resource. (node = a network resource.
IP-address, cause = Windows- (O)
Please refer to the settings, and
modify the settings.

KAQV40015-E An error occurred during An error occurred during network

network processing. (cause = processing.
Windows-error-code) (O)
Retry the operation. If the problem
persists, download the Hitachi Server
Protect Agent Manager log files, and
then contact Product Support.

KAQV40016-E A file was detected that might The scanning software might have
contain a virus. (node = IP- denied access to the file.
address-of-node, file = path- (O)
of-file, IP address = IP-
address-of-client, user name View the scanning software logs to
= user-name-of-client) confirm whether the file is infected. If
the file is infected, stop it from
infecting other files. Also, investigate
the cause of the infection. If
necessary, prevent user access to the
file or stop the system to prevent the
spreading of the virus.

KAQV40017-I The service started. The service started.

No action is required.

KAQV40018-I The service stopped. The service stopped.

No action is required.

KAQV40019-Q The settings have not been (O)

applied. Are you sure you
want to stop the process?

6-18 KAQV Messages (Anti-Virus Enabler Messages)

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Description and Action
Click "OK" to stop the process or
"Cancel" to cancel.

KAQV40020-W Information cannot be added The maximum number of users has

because the maximum been reached.
number of users has been (O)
Delete at least one user before
retrying the operation.

KAQV40021-E The service cannot start The settings cannot be acquired.

because the settings cannot (O)
be acquired.
Retry the operation. If the problem
persists, download the Hitachi Server
Protect Agent Manager log files, and
then contact Product Support.

KAQV40022-E The service could not be An integrity check detected corruption

started because the in the configuration file.
configuration file is corrupted. (O)
Set the information in Hitachi Server
Protect Agent Manager, and then start
the service.

KAQV40023-E A notification about changed An error occurred during processing to

settings could not be reported report changed settings.
to the running service. (O)
Restart the Hitachi Server Protect
Agent service.

KAQV40024-E The service failed to start. An error occurred during the service
Start the Hitachi Server Protect Agent

KAQV40025-E Notification of changed The service is starting.

settings could not be (O)
generated because the service
is starting. Restart the Hitachi Server Protect
Agent service.

KAQV40026-E The service could not start The service is stopping.

because it was stopping. (O)
Stop the Hitachi Server Protect Agent
service, and then start the service.

KAQV40027-E The specified IP address The specified IP address is a special

cannot be set. address that cannot be set.
Check the specified value, and retry
the operation

KAQV Messages (Anti-Virus Enabler Messages) 6-19

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
6-20 KAQV Messages (Anti-Virus Enabler Messages)
Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Error Messages Output by Hitachi
Command Suite Common Component
This chapter lists and describes the error messages output by the Hitachi
Command Suite Common Component. An error message consists of a
message ID and the message text (error message text).

□ Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

□ Details of HiRDB Messages

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-1

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common
• Format:
KAPMmmmmm-z message-text (see Table A-1, A-2, A-3)
KDJEmmmmm-z message-text (see Table A-4)
mmmmm is a message number, and z is one of the following message
¢ I: Information
¢ W: Warning
¢ E: Error
• Output destination:
Output level 0
The error message is output to syslog or the event log, integrated
trace, and original log trace.
Output level 10, 20, 30
The error message is output to the original log trace.
Some of the error messages might be output to the integrated log trace
for UNIX.
Tables list the Hitachi Command Suite Common Component error messages,
and provide recommended actions for resolving the error conditions. If the
problem cannot be solved, collect maintenance information, and then contact
the Support Center.

Table A-1 KAPM00000 - KAPM09999 (Messages Output by Hitachi

Command Suite Common Component)

Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM00001-E ID=aa...aa,LogTraceLibrary An attempt to start the log trace has

error. Trace START failed. failed.
bb...bb To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: ID of the program the problem, detailed investigation is
using the log required. Contact Support Center, who
bb...bb: Error message output may ask you to collect troubleshooting
by the log trace library when information.
the system failed to start the

KAPM00002-E ID=aa...aa,LogtraceLibrary An attempt to stop the log trace has

error. Trace STOP failed. failed.
bb...bb To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: ID of the program the problem, detailed investigation is
using the log required. Contact Support Center, who
bb...bb: Error message output may ask you to collect troubleshooting
by the log trace library when information.
the system failed to stop the

A-2 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM00003-W ID=aa...aa,Trace output error. An attempt to output the log trace has
aa...aa: ID of the program failed.
using the log Check whether the log file is read only.

KAPM00004-W ID=aa...aa,Integrated trace An attempt to output an integrated log

output error. trace has failed.
aa...aa: ID of the program Check whether the Hitachi Network
using the log Objectplaza Trace Monitor 2 service is

KAPM00005-E File I/O failed. An attempt to create a version file has

(filename=aa...aa). failed.
aa...aa: Name of the version Check whether the version file
file specified for aa...aacan be written.

KAPM00006-E ID=aa...aa,Invalid eventlog The registry for Eventlog was not

source. Eventlog's config not found.
found in the registry(source To determine the cause and resolve
name="HiCommand Log") the problem, detailed investigation is
aa...aa: ID of the program required. Contact Support Center, who
using the log may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM00011-E ID=aa...aa,Versionfile name is The version file name has not been
null. specified.
aa...aa: ID of the program To determine the cause and resolve
using the log the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM00012-E ID=aa...aa,PP version is null. The version of each PP has not been
aa...aa: ID of the program specified.
using the log To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM00013-E ID=aa...aa,Trace log file name The name of the individual log trace
is null. has not been specified.
aa...aa: ID of the program To determine the cause and resolve
using the log the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM00014-E ID=aa...aa,Class name is null. The class name of the program to be

aa...aa: ID of the program used to output the log has not been
using the log specified.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-3

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM00015-E ID=aa...aa,Kind of Event is The value that indicates the type of

null. message event for output has not
aa...aa: ID of the program been specified.
using the log To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM00016-E ID=aa...aa,Message-ID is null. The message ID for the message to be

aa...aa: ID of the program output has not been specified.
using the log To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM00017-E aa...aa A NullPointerException occurred in

aa...aa: NullPointerException LogTraceManager.
message To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM00018-E aa...aa An unexpected exception occurred in

aa...aa: Exception message LogTraceManager.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM00019-E ID=aa...aa,SyslogID size The ID (bb...bb) length attached to

error:idEnt=bb...bb Eventlog is too long.
aa...aa: ID of the program To determine the cause and resolve
using the log the problem, detailed investigation is
bb...bb: Eventlog ID required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM00020-E ID=aa...aa,Invalid version The version character string is too

length:version=bb...bb long.
aa...aa: ID of the program To determine the cause and resolve
using the log the problem, detailed investigation is
bb...bb: Version character required. Contact Support Center, who
string may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM00021-E ID=aa...aa,Invalid log file The number of individual log trace files
number:logNum=bb...bb is invalid.
aa...aa: ID of the program To determine the cause and resolve
using the log the problem, detailed investigation is
bb...bb: Number of individual required. Contact Support Center, who
log trace files may ask you to collect troubleshooting

A-4 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM00022-E ID=aa...aa,Invalid log file The size of an individual log trace file
size:logSize=bb...bb is invalid.
aa...aa: ID of the program To determine the cause and resolve
using the log the problem, detailed investigation is
bb...bb: File size of the required. Contact Support Center, who
individual log trace may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM00023-E ID=aa...aa,Invalid message A value indicating the message type is

type:kind=bb...bb invalid.
aa...aa: ID of the program To determine the cause and resolve
using the log the problem, detailed investigation is
bb...bb: Message type required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM00024-E ID=aa...aa,Invalid output An invalid log output level exists in the

level:level=bb...bb code.
aa...aa: ID of the program To determine the cause and resolve
using the log the problem, detailed investigation is
bb...bb: Output level required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM00025-E The value of the encoding The value of the encoding setting
setting bb...bb of the unique bb...bb of the unique log output of
log output of aa...aa is invalid. aa...aa is invalid.
aa...aa: Program name request To determine the cause and resolve
to output log the problem, detailed investigation is
bb...bb: Encoding required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM00090-I The SSO server started The SSO server started successfully.

KAPM00091-E An attempt to start the SSO An attempt to start the SSO server has
server has failed. failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM00092-I The SSO server was stopped The SSO server was stopped
successfully. successfully.

KAPM00101-E An authentication error An authentication error occurred.

occurred. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM00102-E An error occurred during DBMS An error occurred during DBMS access
access processing. processing.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-5

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM00103-E The DBMS is not running. The DBMS is not running.

Make sure the DBMS has started.

KAPM00104-E The product name is not The product name is not specified.
specified. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM00105-E An unexpected value was An unexpected value was returned

returned from the integrated from the integrated authentication
authentication server. (aa...aa) server.
aa...aa: Unexpected return To determine the cause and resolve
value the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM00106-E An attempt to update the An attempt to update the

authentication data has failed. authentication data has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM00107-E An attempt to delete the An attempt to delete the

authentication data has failed. authentication data has failed.
Retry execution. If the problem cannot
be resolved, detailed investigation is
required to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you to
collect troubleshooting information.

KAPM00108-E An attempt to print the An attempt to print the authentication

authentication data has failed. data has failed.
Retry execution. If the problem cannot
be resolved, detailed investigation is
required to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you to
collect troubleshooting information.

KAPM00110-E The HSSOContext value is The HSSOContext value is invalid.

invalid. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

A-6 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM00111-I The authentication data was The authentication data was

successfully updated. successfully updated.

KAPM00112-I The authentication data was The authentication data was

successfully deleted. (aa...aa) successfully deleted.
aa...aa: Product name

KAPM00113-I The authentication data is The authentication data is already

already deleted. (aa...aa) deleted.
aa...aa: Product name

KAPM00114-I The authentication data was The authentication data was

successfully displayed. successfully displayed.

KAPM00115-E An attempt to communicate An attempt to communicate with the

with the SSO server has failed. SSO server has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM00116-E An attempt to update This message is displayed when an

authentication data has failed. attempt to update authentication data
Please restart the Single Sign On

KAPM00117-E The RD area of HBase is The RD area of HBase is blocked.

blocked. Remove the cause of the HiRDB
blockage, and then try again.

KAPM00119-E Deletion of the license event Deletion of the license event data has
data has failed. failed.
Confirm that the DBMS is running, and
then retry the operation. If the
problem cannot be resolved, detailed
investigation is required to determine
the cause and resolve the problem.
Contact the Support Center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM00130-E There is no value in the There is no value in the request.

request. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM00131-E A required token is not A required token is not specified.

specified. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-7

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM00132-E The event name is invalid. The event name is invalid.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM00133-E The DBMS is not running. The DBMS is not running.

Make sure the DBMS has started.

KAPM00134-E An error occurred during a An error occurred during a DBMS

DBMS access. access.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM00137-E An authentication error An authentication error occurred.

occurred. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM00138-E Authentication data for delete Authentication data for delete

processing is invalid. processing is invalid.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM00139-I Deletion of authentication data Deletion of authentication data for all

for all products will now start. products will now start.

KAPM00140-I Deletion of authentication data Deletion of authentication data will

will now start. now start.
Application name: aa...aa
Service name: bb...bb
aa...aa: Application name
bb...bb: Service name

KAPM00141-E An attempt to lock the table An attempt to lock the table has failed.
has failed. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM00145-E The RD area of HBase is The RD area of HBase is blocked.

blocked. Remove the cause of the HiRDB
blockage, and then try again.

KAPM00162-E There is an error in the There is an error in the protocol.

protocol. (element = aa...aa)

A-8 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
aa...aa: Element To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting
KAPM00163-E There is an error in the There is an error in the protocol.
protocol. (element = aa...aa, To determine the cause and resolve
attribute = bb...bb, value = the problem, detailed investigation is
cc...cc) required. Contact Support Center, who
aa...aa: Element may ask you to collect troubleshooting
bb...bb: Attribute information.

cc...cc: Value

KAPM00192-E An exception was detected. An exception was detected.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM00199-E aa...aa Detailed information for KAPMxxxxx-E.

aa...aa: Name of the exception This indicates the thrown exception
object and the reason that object and the backtrace for that
object was thrown, or the object.
backtrace for that object See the message KAPMxxxxx-E.

KAPM00203-E The DBMS is not running. The DBMS is not running.

Make sure the DBMS has started.

KAPM00204-E The RD area of HBase is The RD area of HBase is blocked.

blocked. Remove the cause of the HiRDB
blockage, and then try again.

KAPM00205-E An error occurred during An error occurred during access to the

access to the DBMS. DBMS.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM00206-E The specified event data has The specified event data has already
already been registered. been registered.
(application type = aa...aa, To determine the cause and resolve
event type = bb...bb, event the problem, detailed investigation is
code = cc...cc) required. Contact Support Center, who
aa...aa: Application type may ask you to collect troubleshooting
bb...bb: Event type information.

cc...cc: Event code

KAPM00207-E Event data cannot be updated Event data cannot be updated because
because no event data exists. no event data exists.
(application type = aa...aa, To determine the cause and resolve
event type = bb...bb, event the problem, detailed investigation is
code = cc...cc) required. Contact Support Center, who

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-9

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
aa...aa: Application type may ask you to collect troubleshooting
bb...bb: Event type information.

cc...cc: Event code

KAPM00208-E Communication with the SSO Communication with the SSO server
server has failed. has failed.
Make sure the following have started:
the HBase Storage Mgmt Common
Service or HBase Storage Mgmt Web
Service, and the database.

KAPM00209-E Authentication has failed. Authentication has failed.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM00210-E A program type specified for A program type specified for

TNB_SoftwareFeature is not TNB_SoftwareFeature is not
registered. (application type = registered.
aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Application type the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM00211-E Associated data does not exist. Associated data does not exist.
(application type = aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Application type the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM00212-E An event management object An event management object cannot

cannot be deleted because the be deleted because the specified
specified parameter is invalid. parameter is invalid.
(application type = aa...aa, To determine the cause and resolve
event type = bb...bb, event the problem, detailed investigation is
code = cc...cc) required. Contact Support Center, who
aa...aa: Application type may ask you to collect troubleshooting
bb...bb: Event type information.

cc...cc: Event code

KAPM00213-E The value registered in the The value registered in the database is
database is invalid. (application invalid.
type = aa...aa, event type = To determine the cause and resolve
bb...bb, event code = cc...cc) the problem, detailed investigation is
aa...aa: Application type required. Contact Support Center, who
bb...bb: Event type may ask you to collect troubleshooting
cc...cc: Event code

KAPM00214-E The same information is The same information is already

already registered in the registered in the database.

A-10 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
database. (application type = To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa, event type = bb...bb, the problem, detailed investigation is
event code = cc...cc) required. Contact Support Center, who
aa...aa: Application type may ask you to collect troubleshooting
bb...bb: Event type
cc...cc: Event code

KAPM00215-E An attribute value is invalid. An attribute value is invalid.

(attribute = aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Attribute the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM00216-W The attribute length exceeds The attribute length exceeds the
the maximum limit. (attribute maximum limit.
= aa...aa, value = bb...bb, To determine the cause and resolve
maximum limit = cc...cc) the problem, detailed investigation is
aa...aa: Attribute required. Contact Support Center, who
bb...bb: Value may ask you to collect troubleshooting
cc...cc: Maximum limit

KAPM00217-E An invalid parameter is An invalid parameter is specified.

specified. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM00218-W The relation between the The relation between the license
license warning window and warning window and the version
the version window is not window is not registered. (application
registered. (application type = type = aa...aa)
aa...aa: Application type

KAPM00252-E The license information file The license information file does not
does not exist. (license exist.
information file = aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: License information file the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM00253-E The license information file The license information file might be
might be corrupted. (license corrupted.
information file = aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: License information file the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM00254-E An attempt to read the license An attempt to read the license

information file has failed. information file has failed.
(license information file =

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-11

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
aa...aa: License information file To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting
KAPM00255-E The license information file The license information file cannot be
cannot be accessed. (license accessed.
information file = aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: License information file the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM00256-E The license information file The license information file contains
contains invalid information. invalid information.
(line number = aa...aa, value To determine the cause and resolve
= bb...bb) the problem, detailed investigation is
aa...aa: Line number required. Contact Support Center, who
bb...bb: Value may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM00257-E The format ID of the license The format ID of the license

information in the license information in the license information
information file is invalid. file is invalid.
(format ID = aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Format ID the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM00258-E The length of the license The length of license information in the
information in the license license information file is invalid.
information file is invalid. To determine the cause and resolve
(format ID = aa...aa, number the problem, detailed investigation is
of characters = bb...bb) required. Contact Support Center, who
aa...aa: Format ID may ask you to collect troubleshooting
bb...bb: Number of characters information.

KAPM00259-E Valid license information does Valid license information does not
not exist. exist.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM00260-E The PPID in the license The PPID in the license information file
information file contains non- contains non-hexadecimal characters.
hexadecimal characters. (PPID To determine the cause and resolve
= aa...aa) the problem, detailed investigation is
aa...aa: PPID required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

A-12 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM00261-E The device number in the The device number in the license
license information file contains information file contains non-
non-alphanumeric characters. alphanumeric characters.
(device number = aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Device number the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM00262-E The license type in the license The license type in the license
information file is invalid. information file is invalid.
(license type = aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: License type the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM00263-E The license capacity in the The license capacity in the license
license information file contains information file contains non-
non-alphanumeric characters. alphanumeric characters.
(license capacity = aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: License capacity the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM00264-E The expiration date in the The expiration date in the license
license information file contains information file contains non-numerical
non-numerical characters. characters.
(expiration date = aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Expiration date the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM00265-E The serial number in the The serial number in the license
license information file contains information file contains non-
non-alphanumeric characters. alphanumeric characters.
(serial number = aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Serial number the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM00266-E The subscription license The subscription license capacity in the

capacity in the license license information file contains non-
information file contains non- alphanumeric characters.
alphanumeric characters. To determine the cause and resolve
(capacity of subscription the problem, detailed investigation is
license = aa...aa) required. Contact Support Center, who
aa...aa: Capacity of may ask you to collect troubleshooting
subscription license information.

KAPM00267-E The device type in the license The device type in the license
information file contains non- information file contains non-
alphanumeric characters. alphanumeric characters.
(device type = aa...aa)

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-13

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
aa...aa: Device type To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting
KAPM00269-E The specified argument is The specified argument is invalid.
invalid. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM00270-E The used capacity of the The used capacity of the specified
specified storage system is storage system is invalid.
invalid. (used capacity = To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa) the problem, detailed investigation is
aa...aa: Used capacity required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM00271-E The license is in emergency The license is in emergency status.

status. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM00272-E The meter-based term license The meter-based term license capacity
capacity cannot be reduced cannot be reduced because a meter-
because a meter-based term based term license cannot be applied
license cannot be applied to the to the target storage system.
target storage system. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM00273-E The capacity after reduction The capacity after reduction falls below
falls below the minimum of the minimum of -99,999,999 TB.
-99,999,999 TB. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM00274-E The specified license The specified license information is

information is invalid. invalid.
(attribute = aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Attribute the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM00275-W The current storage system's The current storage system's used
used capacity is within the capacity is within the range of the
range of the usable capacity usable capacity under a permanent
under a permanent license. license.

A-14 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
(usable capacity under
permanent license = aa...aa,
usable capacity under meter-
based term license = bb...bb)
aa...aa: Usable capacity under
a permanent license
bb...bb: Usable capacity under
a meter-based term license

KAPM00276-E The usable capacity under the The usable capacity under the meter-
meter-based term license is based term license is less than 0.
less than 0. (usable capacity To determine the cause and resolve
under meter-based term the problem, detailed investigation is
license = aa...aa) required. Contact Support Center, who
aa...aa: Usable capacity under may ask you to collect troubleshooting
a meter-based term license information.

KAPM00277-W An attempt to write to the An attempt to write to the license

license history has failed. history has failed.

KAPM00278-W An attempt to modify the file An attempt to modify the file

attribute failed. (file name = attribute failed.
aa...aa: file name

KAPM00279-E Exclusive control has failed. Exclusive control has failed.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM00280-E A time out occurred during A timeout occurred during exclusive

exclusive control. control.
Retry execution. If the problem cannot
be resolved, detailed investigation is
required to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you to
collect troubleshooting information.

KAPM00281-E The meter-based term licensed The meter-based term licensed

capacity cannot be reduced capacity cannot be reduced because
because aa...aa day(s) passed aa...aa day(s) passed since the usable
since the usable license license capacity became negative.
capacity became negative. Check the meter-based term license
aa...aa: Number of days since information, and then add a license
the usable licensed capacity key if necessary.
became negative

KAPM00282-W The license information file There is no license information file for
does not exist. (application the application output in the message.
type = aa...aa) If no license has been entered, this
aa...aa: Application type message might be output even during
normal operation.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-15

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM00283-E The license information file The license information file might be
might be corrupted. corrupted.
(application type = aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Application type the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM00284-E An attempt to read the license An attempt to read the license

information file failed. information file failed.
(application type = aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Application type the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM00285-E The license information file The license information file cannot be
cannot be accessed. accessed.
(application type = aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Application type the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM00286-E The number of servers after The number of servers after the
the subtraction operation fell subtraction operation fell below the
below the minimum value minimum value -99,999,999.
-99,999,999. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required.Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM00287-E Information related to the Information related to the exclusion

exclusion control failure will be control failure will be output.
output. (function name = Take action according to the previous
aa...aa, detailed error code = message.
bb...bb, processing time =
aa...aa: Function name
bb...bb: Detailed error code
cc...cc: Processing time

KAPM00288-E An attempt to release the lock An attempt to release the lock failed.
failed. Retry the operation. If the problem
cannot be resolved, detailed
investigation is required to determine
the cause and resolve the problem.
Contact the Support Center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM00900-I The SSO server started The SSO server started successfully.

A-16 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM00901-E An attempt to start the SSO An attempt to start the SSO server has
server has failed. failed.

KAPM00902-I The SSO server was stopped The SSO server was stopped
successfully. successfully.

KAPM01001-I Initializing HssoServer Servlet initialization has started.


KAPM01002-E The system property indicated The system property indicated by

by hcmds.home could not be hcmds.home could not be found.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM01003-E HssoServerRes1_0.dtd was not HssoServerRes1_0.dtd was not

found. path= aa...aa found.
aa...aa: Path of file To determine the cause and resolve
HssoServerRes1_0.dtd the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM01004-E Can't read DTD files. An attempt to read the DTD file has
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM01005-W Failed to close FileStream. An attempt to close FileStream has


KAPM01008-I HTTP:POST from aa...aa The IP address of the requesting

aa...aa: IP address client.

KAPM01010-E Can't get InputStream from An attempt to acquire an InputStream

Request. from a client's request has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM01013-E Unsupported command was The requested command name is

requested. invalid.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM01017-E Unsupported method was The requested method name is invalid.

requested. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-17

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM01019-E Unsupported method was The requested method name is invalid.

requested. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM01024-I Request Information: Version The request information will be

= aa...aa, Command = bb...bb, displayed.
ID = cc...cc
aa...aa: Version
bb...bb: Command
cc...cc: ID

KAPM01025-E A fatal error occurred. A fatal error occurred.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM01026-E An attempt to initialize the An attempt to initialize the HSSO

HSSO Server configuration has server configuration has failed.
failed. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM01028-E The file "aa...aa" could not be The file "aa...aa" could not be read.
read. Path = bb...bb Check the specified file path and the
aa...aa: File name permission for reading the specified
bb...bb: File path name file.

KAPM01034-E Can't get the required The request format is invalid (analysis
information from request. was successful).
Request is invalid. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM01036-E Request XML can't parse to The format of the request is invalid.
DOM. - aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Exception message the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM01040-E XML version aa...aa for The version of the specified request is
HssoClient is not supported. not supported.
aa...aa: Request version

A-18 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM01042-E An attempt to parse the An attempt to parse the request has

request has failed. failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM01046-E The format of the request was The format of the request was invalid.
invalid. Cause = aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Cause the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM01051-E The creation of HSSOContext An attempt to create HSSOContext has

for authentication has failed. failed.
aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Exception message the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM01052-I aa...aa accessed. Indicates the ID of the accessing user.

aa...aa: User ID

KAPM01053-E Authentication Failed. An attempt at client authentication has

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM01055-E The system property specified The system property specified in

in hcmds.home cannot be hcmds.home cannot be found.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM01056-E HDVM.user not found at HDVM.user not found at hcmds.home.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM01057-E HDVM.password not found at HDVM.password not found at

hcmds.home. hcmds.home.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-19

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM01059-E The specified HSSO session is The specified HSSO session is invalid,
invalid, or does not exist. or does not exist.
Session ID = aa...aa Log in again.
aa...aa: Session ID

KAPM01061-E An invalid value is set in the An invalid value is set in the

configuration file. Parameter = configuration file.
aa...aa Check the value of the parameter
aa...aa: Parameter name specified for aa...aa in the
configuration file.
Windows: Hitachi-Command-Suite-
Solaris SPARC : /opt/HiCommand/
Solaris10(x64) or Linux: Hitachi-

KAPM01062-E A parameter is not set in the A parameter is not set in the

configuration file. Parameter = configuration file.
aa...aa Check the value of the parameter
aa...aa: Parameter name specified for aa...aa in the
configuration file.
Windows: Hitachi-Command-Suite-
Solaris SPARC : /opt/HiCommand/
Solaris10(x64) or Linux: Hitachi-

KAPM01063-I HSSO configuration: Virtual The set virtual host name will now be
Host Name = aa...aa displayed.
aa...aa: Virtual host name

KAPM01065-E Can't create DOM tree. - An attempt to create a DOM tree from
aa...aa the client request has failed.
aa...aa: Exception message To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM01066-E A CIM Repository exception A CIM Repository exception occurred.


A-20 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
For the HiCommand V3.x series,
confirm that InterBase or InterClient is
For the HiCommand V4.x series or
later, confirm that HiRDB is running.
If the problem cannot be resolved,
detailed investigation is required to
determine the cause and resolve the
problem. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM01067-E The status of the response The status of the response from
from Device Manager was Device Manager was FAILED. See the
FAILED. following message KAPM01068-E for
the cause.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM01068-E aa...aa aa...aa: Information that is included in

aa...aa: Information that is the response of Device Manager.
included in the response of To determine the cause and resolve
Device Manager the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM01069-E The protocol version aa...aa for The protocol version aa...aa for HSSO
HSSO Client is not supported. Client is not supported.
aa...aa: Protocol version An error might have occurred in an
HSSO operation requested by a
secondary server. Check whether an
HSSO error has occurred by referring
to the log data output by the
secondary server. If an error has
occurred, upgrade the Suite product
installed on the primary server.

KAPM01073-E The format of the response The format of the response from
from Device Manager was Device Manager was invalid.
invalid. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM01081-E Authentication has failed. User Authentication has failed.

ID = aa...aa Log in again using a valid user ID and
aa...aa: User ID password.

KAPM01084-I The HSSO session has started. The HSSO session has started.
Session ID = aa...aa
aa...aa: Session ID

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-21

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM01088-E An attempt to load the class An attempt to load the class failed.
failed. Class = aa...aa Confirm that the class specified for
aa...aa: Class name aa...aa is the class specified in
Windows: Hitachi-Command-Suite-
Solaris SPARC : /opt/HiCommand/
Solaris10(x64) or Linux: Hitachi-

KAPM01089-E An attempt to create the An attempt to create the instance of

instance of the class for the class for authentication failed.
authentication failed. Class = Check the value of
aa...aa HSSO.authentication.module in the
aa...aa: Class name configuration file.
Windows: Hitachi-Command-Suite-
Solaris SPARC : /opt/HiCommand/
Solaris10(x64) or Linux: Hitachi-

KAPM01090-E An attempt to create the An attempt to create the instance of

instance of the class for the class for authorization failed.
authorization failed. Class = Check the value of
aa...aa HSSO.authorization.module in the
aa...aa: Class name configuration file.
Windows: Hitachi-Command-Suite-
Solaris SPARC : /opt/HiCommand/
Solaris10(x64) or Linux: Hitachi-

KAPM01091-E An attempt to initialize the An attempt to initialize the

authentication class failed. authentication class failed.
Class = aa...aa Take action according to the
aa...aa: Class name proceeding message.

KAPM01092-E An attempt to initialize the An attempt to initialize the

authorization class failed. Class authorization class failed.
= aa...aa Take action according to the
proceeding message.

A-22 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
aa...aa: Class name

KAPM01093-I HSSO configuration: The authentication class that HSSO

Authentication class = aa...aa uses will now be displayed.
aa...aa: Class name

KAPM01094-I HSSO configuration: The authorization class that HSSO

Authorization class = aa...aa uses will now be displayed.
aa...aa: Class name

KAPM01095-E The authenticated user does The authenticated user does not have
not have permission. User ID = permission.
aa...aa, Application = bb...bb Log in again as a user having the
aa...aa: User ID permission.
bb...bb: Application

KAPM01096-E An attempt to authenticate the An attempt to authenticate the internal

internal user has failed. user has failed.
Confirm that the user specified by the
value of HDVM.user and
HDVM.password in the following
configuration file is registered in
Device Manager.
Windows: Hitachi-Command-Suite-
Solaris or Linux: /opt/HiCommand/

KAPM01097-E An exception occurred during An exception occurred during internal

internal authentication module authentication module processing.
processing. Take action according to the
proceeding message.

KAPM01098-E An exception occurred during An exception occurred during

authentication module authentication module processing.
processing. Take action according to the
proceeding message.

KAPM01099-E An exception occurred during An exception occurred during

authorization module authorization module processing.
processing. Take action according to the
proceeding message.

KAPM01103-I HSSO configuration: Device The URL of the Device Manager server
Manager Server URL = aa...aa that HSSO uses will now be displayed.
aa...aa: Device Manager server

KAPM01104-I HSSO configuration: Device The timeout value for the connection
Manager Server Connection with the Device Manager server that
Timeout = aa...aa HSSO uses will now be displayed.
aa...aa: Device Manager server
connection timeout

KAPM01105-E The JP1 token is invalid. The JP1 token is invalid.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-23

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
Log in again.

KAPM01106-E An attempt to communicate An attempt to communicate with JP1/

with JP1/Base has failed. Base has failed.
Check the status of JP1/Base.

KAPM01107-E An error occurred due to a An error occurred due to a virtual host

virtual host name. Function name.
Code = aa...aa, Result Code = Check the value of
bb...bb hbase.virtualhost in the
aa...aa: Function code configuration file.
bb...bb: Result code Windows: Hitachi-Command-Suite-
Solaris or Linux: /opt/HiCommand/

KAPM01108-E An attempt to load the library An attempt to load the associated with
associated with JP1/Base has JP1/Base library has failed.
failed. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM01109-E An exception occurred during An exception occurred during JP1

JP1 token authentication token authentication processing.
processing. Function Code = To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa, Result Code = bb...bb the problem, detailed investigation is
aa...aa: Function code required. Contact Support Center, who
bb...bb: Result code may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM01114-E An attempt to acquire the link An attempt to acquire the link and
and launch information failed. launch information failed.
Take action according to the
proceeding message.

KAPM01115-E Exception in DeviceManager. The response status of Device Manager

DeviceManager returns FAILED. is "FAILED".
- aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Error message the problem, detailed investigation is
acquired from Device Manager required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM01116-E No user was returned from The GetUser response does not contain
DeviceManager. any user information.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM01119-E No user information is set in No user information is set in the HSSO

the HSSO session. session.

A-24 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
Log in again.

KAPM01123-I HSSO configuration: HSSO The timeout value (in seconds) of the
Session Timeout = aa...aa HSSO session will now be displayed.
aa...aa: HSSO session timeout

KAPM01124-I The login process has This audit log data indicates that login
completed properly. was successful.

KAPM01125-E The login process has failed. This audit log data indicates that login

KAPM01152-E Can't get the application name The application name cannot be
from request. Request is acquired from the request. The
invalid. request is invalid.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM01154-W aa...aa is not registered. aa...aa is not registered.

aa...aa: Application name

KAPM01156-E Exception in Repository. - An error occurred when the Common

aa...aa Repository was accessed.
aa...aa: Message See the message KAPM02xxx-E.

KAPM01167-I The database has stopped. The database has stopped.

KAPM01168-E The RD area of HBase is The RD area of HBase is blocked.

blocked. Remove the cause of the HiRDB
blockage, and then try again.

KAPM01169-E Authentication of the JP1 token Authentication of the JP1 token failed.
failed. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact the support center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM01170-I The JP1 token will now be The JP1 token will now be
authenticated. authenticated.

KAPM01171-I The JP1 token was successfully The JP1 token was successfully
authenticated. authenticated.

KAPM01172-E An error occurred while linking An error occurred while linking to the
to the external authentication external authentication server.
server. Perform one of the following
1. Use the host, port, and protocol
set in exauth.propertiesto verify
whether the external
authentication server can be
accessed, and verify the external

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-25

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
authentication server settings and
network status.
2. Use the hcmdsldapuser command
to verify whether information is
registered about the server whose
name is set for the
auth.server.name attribute in
3. If STARTTLS is used, verify that
SSL is set.
4. If OCSP is enabled, verify that the
certificate is valid.
5. If the problem cannot be resolved,
detailed investigation is required
to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
support center, who may ask you
to collect troubleshooting
1. Use the host, port, and protocol
set in exauth.propertiesto verify
whether the external
authentication server can be
accessed, and verify the external
authentication server settings and
network status.
2. Use the hcmdsradiussecret
command to verify whether
information is registered about the
server whose name is set for the
auth.server.name attribute in
3. If the problem cannot be resolved,
detailed investigation is required
to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
support center, who may ask you
to collect troubleshooting
For Kerberos:
1. Verify that the realm name and
KDC set in exauth.properties
are correct.
2. Verify that the network is properly
set up.
3. Verify that the external
authentication server supports the
Kerberos V5 protocol.
4. If the problem cannot be resolved,
detailed investigation is required

A-26 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
support center, who may ask you
to collect troubleshooting
For JP1/Base:
1. Verify that JP1/Base on the
primary server is running
2. If the problem cannot be resolved,
detailed investigation is required
to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
support center, who may ask you
to collect troubleshooting

KAPM01178-E An attempt to load init.conf An attempt to load init.conf failed.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required.Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect

KAPM01179-E The list of library files could not The list of library files could not be
be retrieved properly. retrieved properly.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required.Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect

KAPM01205-E No instance of Service An attempt to acquire the service

associated with associated with ServiceAccessPoint has
ServiceAccessPoint. failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM01206-E No instance of SoftwareFeature An attempt to acquire the

associated with Service. SoftwareFeature associated with the
Service has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM01208-E Exception in Repository. - An error occurred in the access to the

aa...aa repository.
aa...aa: Details about the See the message KAPM02xxx-E.
repository access error

KAPM01209-W ServiceAccessPoint is not ServiceAccessPoint is not registered.


Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-27

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM01220-E Communication with the Communication with the external

external authentication server authentication server has failed.
has failed. Perform one of the following
1. Confirm whether the
authentication server can be
accessed by using the host, port,
and protocol set in
exauth.properties, and check
the settings of the external
authentication server and the
status of the network.
2. Use the hcmdsldapuser command
to confirm that the information for
the server names specified for the
auth.server.name attribute in
exauth.properties is registered.
3. If StartTLS is used, check the SSL
4. If an OCSP is enabled, make sure
that the certificate is valid.
5. If the problem cannot be resolved,
detailed investigation is required
to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you
to collect troubleshooting
1. Confirm whether the
authentication server can be
accessed by using the host, port,
and protocol set in
exauth.properties, and check
the settings of the external
authentication server and the
status of the network.
2. Use the hcmdsradiussecret
command to confirm that the
information for the server names
specified for the
auth.server.name attribute in
exauth.properties is registered.
3. If the problem cannot be resolved,
detailed investigation is required
to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you
to collect troubleshooting
For Kerberos:

A-28 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
1. Make sure that the realm name
and KDC specified in
exauth.properties are correct.
2. Make sure that the network is
correctly connected.
3. Make sure that the external
authentication server is
compatible with the Kerberos V5
4. If the problem cannot be resolved,
detailed investigation is required
to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you
to collect troubleshooting

KAPM01255-E Exception in DeviceManager. The response status of Device Manager

DeviceManager returns FAILED. is "FAILED".
- aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Error message the problem, detailed investigation is
acquired from Device Manager required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM01302-E Can't get the host name or port The host name or port number of
number of DeviceManager from Device Manager cannot be acquired
configuration. from the configuration.
Confirm that the value of the
properties HDVM.host and HDVM.port
are set in init.conf.

KAPM01308-E An attempt to communicate An attempt to communicate with

with Device Manager failed. Device Manager failed.
URL = aa...aa Check the status of Device Manager,
aa...aa: URL and check the values of
HDVM.protocol, HDVM.host and
HDVM.port in the configuration file.
Windows: Hitachi-Command-Suite-
Solaris or Linux: /opt/HiCommand/

KAPM01309-E The Device Manager Server Device Manager server XML API
XML API version aa...aa is not version aa...aa is not supported.
supported. To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Version the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM01312-E DeviceManager Server version Device Manager server version aa...aa

aa...aa is not supported. is not supported.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-29

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
aa...aa: Version of Device To determine the cause and resolve
Manager the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting
KAPM01314-E The connection to Device The connection to Device Manager
Manager timed out. timed out.
Confirm that Device Manager is

KAPM01331-I Connecting to DeviceManager The connection to Device Manager is

Server specified by aa...aa being established.
aa...aa: URL of Device Manager

KAPM01336-E URL aa...aa is invalid to The format of the URL aa...aa for
DeviceManager Server. Device Manager server is invalid.
aa...aa: URL of Device Manager Confirm that the values of the
HDVM.host and HDVM.port properties
are valid in init.conf.

KAPM01337-E Authentication Failed in An authentication error occurred in

DeviceManager. Device Manager.
Confirm that the specified user was
registered in Device Manager.

KAPM01338-E I/O Error regarding connection An I/O Error occurred in the

to DeviceManager. communication with Device Manager.
Confirm that Device Manager is

KAPM01353-E Can not map aa...aa. User permissions could not be

aa...aa: User permissions mapped.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM01401-I Creating CIMClient. CIMClient creation is starting.

KAPM01402-E Can't create CIMClient. - An attempt to create CIMClient has

aa...aa failed.
aa...aa: Exception message See the message KAPM02xxx-E.

KAPM02001-E Can not be found database. The database could not be found.
Check the value of DATABASE.path in
the following file.
Windows: Hitachi-Command-Suite-
Solaris or Linux: /opt/HiCommand/

A-30 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM02001-W Some of connection updated Some of connection updated the same

the same instance together. So instance together. So didn't update the
didn't update the instance. instance.
Confirm that the candidate for
updating was updated. If it was not
updated, try again.

KAPM02002-E Your user name and password The name or password of the user
are not defined. accessing the database is invalid.
Check the value of DATABASE.user or
DATABASE.password in the following
Windows: Hitachi-Command-Suite-
Solaris or Linux: /opt/HiCommand/

KAPM02003-E An unknown host exception The host name of the database to be

occurred while trying to open a accessed is invalid.
socket connection to server. Check the value of
DATABASE.hostname in the following
Windows: Hitachi-Command-Suite-
Solaris or Linux: /opt/HiCommand/

KAPM02004-E No suitable driver. The driver name for accessing the

database is invalid.
Check the value of DATABASE.type in
the following file.
Windows: Hitachi-Command-Suite-
Solaris or Linux: /opt/HiCommand/

KAPM02005-E A socket exception occurred A socket exception occurred while

while trying to establish a trying to establish a socket connection
socket connection to server. to server.
Make sure that InterClient is running.

KAPM02006-E InterServer is unable to locate InterServer is unable to locate the

the InterBase application or InterBase application or service.
service. Make sure that InterBase is running.

KAPM02007-E aa...aa An SQLException has occurred.

aa...aa: Exception message To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-31

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02008-E aa...aa Another type of exception occurred.

aa...aa: Exception message To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02009-E Failed to unlock a table when The table-unlock process that set the
inserting a record or records. connection during the insert has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02010-E Update data doesn't exist. The data could not be found.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02011-E Delete data doesn't exist. The data could not be found.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02012-E Search data doesn't exist. The data could not be found.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02013-E Exception happened when An error occurred while reading or

some CIM class was used. using the value specified in CIM.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02014-E An attempt to load the An attempt to load the definition for a

definition for a class has failed. class has failed.
Class name = aa...aa Take action according to the
aa...aa: Class name proceeding message.

KAPM02015-E A class definition could not be A class definition could not be found.
found. Class name = aa...aa Reboot the single signon service.
aa...aa: Class name

A-32 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM02016-E A RepositoryException A RepositoryException occurred.

occurred. Take action according to the
proceeding message.

KAPM02017-E The parameter is null. The parameter is null.

This message provides additional
information. Check the other messages
that were output around the same
time, and then follow the instructions
given in those messages.

KAPM02018-E The parameter is invalid. The parameter is invalid.

Take action according to the
proceeding message.

KAPM02019-E The CIMElement already exists. The CIMElement already exists.

Take action according to the
proceeding message.

KAPM02020-E Duplicate data exists. Duplicate data exists.

Take action according to the
proceeding message.

KAPM02021-E The CIMElement could not be The CIMElement could not be found.
found. Take action according to the
proceeding message.

KAPM02023-E The CIMObjectPath is incorrect. The CIMObjectPath is incorrect. A key

A key is required. is required.
Take action according to the
proceeding message.

KAPM02025-E The CIMObjectPath contains an The CIMObjectPath contains an invalid

invalid property. property.
Take action according to the
proceeding message.

KAPM02027-E The key property could not be The key property could not be
changed. changed.
Take action according to the
proceeding message.

KAPM02029-E The initialize parameter is The initialize parameter in init.conf

invalid. is invalid.
Take action according to the
proceeding message.

KAPM02030-E An unsupported data type was An unsupported data type was used.
used. Take action according to the
proceeding message.

KAPM02031-E The CIMClass is invalid. A KEY The CIMClass is invalid. A KEY

property is required. property is required.
Take action according to the
proceeding message.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-33

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM02032-E The CIMClass could not be The CIMClass could not be deleted,
deleted, because it contains because it contains instances.
instances. Take action according to the
proceeding message.

KAPM02033-E The CIMClass could not be The CIMClass could not be deleted,
deleted, because it contains because it contains subclasses.
subclasses. Take action according to the
proceeding message.

KAPM02034-E A ClassNotFoundException A ClassNotFoundException occurred.

occurred. Take action according to the
proceeding message.

KAPM02035-E A A CIMInConnectionPoolException
CIMInConnectionPoolException occurred.
occurred. Take action according to the
proceeding message.

KAPM02036-E A connection to the database A connection to the database could not

could not be established. be established.
Take action according to the
proceeding message.

KAPM02038-W A DeadLockException occurred. A DeadLockException occurred.

Description = aa...aa Take action according to the
aa...aa: Class name proceeding message.

KAPM02039-W A CIMInDeadLockException A CIMInDeadLockException occurred.

occurred. Take action according to the
proceeding message.

KAPM02040-E The CIMInstance is invalid. The CIMInstance is invalid.

Take action according to the
proceeding message.

KAPM02041-E The CIMObjectPath is invalid. The CIMObjectPath is invalid.

This message provides additional
information. Check the other messages
that were output around the same
time, and then follow the instructions
given in those messages.

KAPM02042-E The name of property is The name of property is invalid.

invalid. Take action according to the
proceeding message.

KAPM02044-E A DBNotFoundException A DBNotFoundException occurred.

occurred. Take action according to the
proceeding message.

KAPM02045-E The CIMClass is invalid. The CIMClass is invalid.

Take action according to the
proceeding message.

A-34 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM02046-E The CIMProperty is invalid. The The CIMProperty is invalid. The KEY
KEY property must be set. property must be set.
Take action according to the
proceeding message.

KAPM02047-E The type of class is invalid. The type of class is invalid.

Take action according to the
proceeding message.

KAPM02048-E Failed to get membership Failed to get membership groups.

groups. Take action according to the
proceeding message.

KAPM02049-E Not authorized object. Not authorized object.

ObjectName = aa...aa Take action according to the
aa...aa: Object name proceeding message.

KAPM02050-E Host name is invalid. Host name is invalid.

Take action according to the
proceeding message.

KAPM02051-E Cannot connect to InterClient. Cannot connect to InterClient.

Take action according to the
proceeding message.

KAPM02052-E Cannot connect to InterBase. Cannot connect to InterBase.

Take action according to the
proceeding message.

KAPM02053-E SQLException occurred. SQLException occurred.

Description = aa...aa Take action according to the
aa...aa: Description proceeding message.

KAPM02054-E Exception occurred. Description Exception occurred.

= aa...aa Take action according to the
aa...aa: Description proceeding message.

KAPM02055-E CIMException occurred. CIMException occurred.

Description = aa...aa This message provides additional
aa...aa: Description information. Check the other messages
that were output around the same
time, and then follow the instructions
given in those messages.

KAPM02056-E A CIMClassNotFoundException A CIMClassNotFoundException

occurred. occurred.
Take action according to the
proceeding message.

KAPM02057-E IOException occurred. IOException occurred.

Description = aa...aa Take action according to the
aa...aa: Description proceeding message.

KAPM02058-E InterruptedException occurred. InterruptedException occurred.

Description = aa...aa Take action according to the
aa...aa: Description proceeding message.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-35

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM02059-E The time limit for establishing a The time limit for establishing a
connection is over. connection is over.
Take action according to the
proceeding message.

KAPM02060-E An attempt to establish a An attempt to establish a connection

connection has failed. has failed.
Take action according to the
proceeding message.

KAPM02061-E aa...aa Detailed information for KAPMxxxxx-E.

aa...aa: Name of the exception This indicates the thrown exception
object and the reason that object and the backtrace for that
object was thrown, or the object.
backtrace for that object See the message KAPMxxxxx-E.

KAPM02062-I The get method changed the The get method changed the state to
state to the standby state. the standby state.

KAPM02063-I The createConnection method The createConnection method changed

changed the state to the the state to the standby state.
standby state.

KAPM02069-E A time-over error occurred A time-over error occurred when

when connecting to the connecting to the repository.
repository. If you are trying to log in, log in again.
If you have already logged in, retry
the operation.

KAPM02070-E A A CIMUnavailableDatabaseException
CIMUnavailableDatabaseExcept occurred.
ion occurred. Detailed message Take action according to the
of exception = aa...aa proceeding message.
aa...aa: Detailed message of

KAPM02071-E HiRDB is not running. HiRDB is not running.

Please start HiRDB.

KAPM02072-E The password of a user The password of a user connected to

connected to HiRDB is invalid. HiRDB is invalid.
(user name = aa...aa) Check the value of HiRDB.password in
aa...aa: User name the user.conf file. If the problem
cannot be resolved, detailed
investigation is required to determine
the cause and resolve the problem.
Contact the Support Center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02073-E The user name of a user The user name of a user connected to
connected to HiRDB is invalid. HiRDB is invalid.
(user name = aa...aa) Check the value of HiRDB.user in the
aa...aa: User name user.conf file. If the problem cannot
be resolved, detailed investigation is
required to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the

A-36 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
Support Center, who may ask you to
collect troubleshooting information.

KAPM02074-W The table name registered into The table name to be registered in the
DBMS is changed. Before= DBMS will be changed.
aa...aa After = bb...bb
aa...aa: Before
bb...bb: After

KAPM02075-E An attempt to set a connection An attempt to set a connection to the

to the factory has failed. factory has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02076-I Processing to initialize the Processing to initialize the connection

connection pool was executed. pool was executed.
aa...aa: Initial value, bb...bb:
Increment value, cc...cc:
Maximum value, dd...dd: Keep-
alive period, ee...ee: Timeout
period, ff...ff: Number of
retries, gg...gg: Retry interval
aa...aa: Initial value
bb...bb: Increment value
cc...cc: Maximum value
dd...dd: Keep-alive period
ee...ee: Timeout period
ff...ff: Number of retries
gg...gg: Retry interval

KAPM02077-E An attempt to release the This message is displayed when an

connection of the connection attempt to release the connection of
pool has failed. the connection pool fails.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02078-E A RepositoryException This message is displayed when a

occurred. (details = aa...aa) RepositoryException occurs.
aa...aa: Details To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02079-E An attempt to release the JDBC This message is displayed when an

connection has failed. attempt to release the JDBC
connection fails.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-37

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02080-E A CIMHeldRepositoryException A CIMHeldRepositoryException has

has occurred. Exception occurred.
message = aa...aa Remove the cause of the HiRDB
aa...aa: Detailed message of blockage, and then try again.

KAPM02081-E A A hcmdsDBUserManagementException
hcmdsDBUserManagementExce has occurred.
ption has occurred. (exception Check the settings and the status of
message = aa...aa) the HiRDB.
aa...aa: Exception message

KAPM02201-I The method was invoked. The method was invoked.

KAPM02202-I The following arguments were The following arguments were

specified: aa...aa specified: aa...aa
aa...aa: Arguments

KAPM02203-I External module processing has External module processing has

started. (module = aa...aa) started.
aa...aa: Module

KAPM02204-I External module processing has External module processing has

terminated. (module = aa...aa) terminated.
aa...aa: Module

KAPM02210-E The specified argument is null. The specified argument is null.

KAPM02211-E The password is not set. The password is not set.

KAPM02212-E Authentication has failed. Authentication has failed.

KAPM02213-E An attempt to read the An attempt to read the password file

password file has failed. has failed.
Confirm that you have read
permissions for the following file.
In Windows: Hitachi-Command-Suite-
In Solaris or Linux: /opt/HiCommand/
If you do not have read permissions,
detailed investigation is required to
determine the cause and resolve the
problem. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM02214-E An attempt to write to the An attempt to write to the password

password file has failed. file has failed.

A-38 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
Make sure that you have write
permissions for the following file.
In Windows: Hitachi-Command-Suite-
In Solaris or Linux: /opt/HiCommand/
If you do not have write permissions,
detailed investigation is required to
determine the cause and resolve the
problem. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM02215-E The authenticated user does The authenticated user does not have
not have permission to execute permission to execute the method.
the method.

KAPM02216-E The specified user was not The specified user was not found.

KAPM02217-E The specified group was not The specified group was not found.

KAPM02218-E The specified user already The specified user already exists.

KAPM02219-E The specified group already The specified group already exists.

KAPM02220-E The specified user is already The specified user is already registered
registered in the group. in the group.

KAPM02221-E hadmin cannot be registered in hadmin cannot be registered in the

the group. group.

KAPM02222-E An error occurred during user An error occurred during user

database access. database access.
Confirm that the DBMS, HBase Storage
Mgmt Web service, and HBase Storage
Mgmt Common service are running. If
they are running, detailed
investigation is required to determine
the cause and resolve the problem.
Contact the Support Center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02223-E The specified mode is The specified mode is unsupported.

unsupported. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02224-E A fatal error occurred. A fatal error occurred.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-39

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02225-E The specified user cannot be The specified user cannot be deleted.

KAPM02226-E The specified group cannot be The specified group cannot be deleted.

KAPM02227-E The common repository is The common repository has stopped.

stopping. Make sure the DBMS has started.

KAPM02228-E The user ID is not set. The user ID is not set.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02229-E The specified user ID is invalid. The specified user ID is invalid.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02230-E The specified password is The specified password is invalid.

invalid. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02231-E The application type is not set. The application type is not set.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02232-E The resource group ID is not The resource group ID is not set.
set. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02233-E The specified application is not The specified application is not

registered. registered.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

A-40 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM02234-I The permissions for aa...aa will The permissions for aa...aa will now be
now be changed. (User ID = changed.
aa...aa: User ID

KAPM02235-I The permissions for aa...aa The permissions for aa...aa were
were changed. (User ID = changed.
aa...aa: User ID

KAPM02236-I A user account will now be A user account will now be created.
created. (User ID = aa...aa)
aa...aa: User ID

KAPM02237-I The user account was created The user account was created
successfully. (User ID = successfully.
aa...aa: User ID

KAPM02238-I The user-account properties The user account properties will now
will now be changed. (aa...aa) be changed.
aa...aa: Properties list before
the change

KAPM02239-I The user-account properties The user account properties were

were changed. (aa...aa) changed.
aa...aa: Properties list after the

KAPM02240-I The resource-group properties The resource group properties will now
will now be changed. (aa...aa) be changed.
aa...aa: Properties list before
the change

KAPM02241-I The resource-group properties The resource group properties were

were changed. (aa...aa) changed.
aa...aa: Properties list after the

KAPM02242-I The allocation status of the The allocation status of the resource
resource group will now be group will now be changed.
changed. (aa...aa)
aa...aa: Allocation status
before the change

KAPM02243-I The allocation status of the The allocation status of the resource
resource group was changed. group was changed.
aa...aa: Allocation status after
the change

KAPM02244-I The password will now be The password will now be changed.
changed. (User ID = aa...aa)
aa...aa: User ID

KAPM02245-I The password was changed. The password was changed.

(User ID = aa...aa)

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-41

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
aa...aa: User ID

KAPM02246-I The user account will now be The user account will now be deleted.
deleted. (User ID = aa...aa)
aa...aa: User ID

KAPM02247-I The user account was deleted. The user account was deleted.
(User ID = aa...aa)
aa...aa: User ID

KAPM02248-I The resource group will now be The resource group will now be
deleted. (resource group ID = deleted.
aa...aa, resource group name
= bb...bb)
aa...aa: Resource-group ID
bb...bb: Resource-group name

KAPM02249-I The resource group was The resource group was deleted.
deleted. (resource group ID =
aa...aa, resource group name
= bb...bb)
aa...aa: Resource-group ID
bb...bb: Resource-group name

KAPM02250-E A resource group with the A resource group with the same name
same name has already been has already been registered.
registered. (resource group
name = aa...aa)
aa...aa: Resource-group name

KAPM02251-E A user account with the same A user account with the same user ID
user ID has already been has already been registered.
registered. (User ID = aa...aa)
aa...aa: User ID

KAPM02252-E A resource group with the A resource group with the same ID has
same ID has already been already been registered.
registered. (group ID =
aa...aa: Group ID

KAPM02254-I Request information: (API Request information.

version = aa...aa, Command
name = bb...bb, User ID or
session ID = cc...cc)
aa...aa: API version
bb...bb: Command name
cc...cc: User ID or session ID

KAPM02255-E The specified version is not The specified version is not supported.
supported. (version = aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: API version the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

A-42 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM02256-E The specified command is not The specified command is not

supported. (command = supported.
aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Command name the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02257-E Authentication has failed. (user Authentication has failed.

ID = aa...aa) Make sure the combination of user ID
aa...aa: User ID and password is correct.

KAPM02258-I Response information: (API Response information.

version = aa...aa, Command
name = bb...bb, Response
status = cc...cc)
aa...aa: API version
bb...bb: Command name
cc...cc: Response status

KAPM02259-I Response information when an Response information when an error

error occurs: (Error code = occurs.
aa...aa, Description = bb...bb)
aa...aa: Error code
bb...bb: Description

KAPM02260-E An attempt to communicate An attempt to communicate with a

with a server has failed. (URL server has failed.
= aa...aa) Make sure the HBase Storage Mgmt
aa...aa: URL of the server Common Service or the HBase Storage
Mgmt Web Service of the server
specified in the URL has started.

KAPM02261-E An attempt to parse the An attempt to parse the response has

response has failed. failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02262-E The request parameter is The request parameter is invalid.

invalid. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02263-E This user does not have This user does not have execution
execution permissions. (ID = permissions.
aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Session ID the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-43

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM02269-E The specified user was not The specified user was not found.
found. Another user might have deleted the
specified user.
Refresh the display and make sure the
selected user is registered.

KAPM02270-E The same user ID already The same user ID already exists.
exists. Specify another user ID.

KAPM02271-E An attempt to communicate An attempt to communicate with a

with a database has failed. database has failed.
Make sure that HiRDB has started.

KAPM02272-E An error occurred within the An error occurred within the server.
server. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02273-I The user will now be added. The user will now be added.
(ID = aa...aa, user ID =
aa...aa: Session ID
bb...bb: User ID

KAPM02274-I The user was added The user was added successfully.
successfully. (ID = aa...aa,
user ID = bb...bb)
aa...aa: Session ID
bb...bb: User ID

KAPM02275-I The password will now be The password will now be changed.
changed. (ID = aa...aa, user
ID = bb...bb)
aa...aa: Session ID
bb...bb: User ID

KAPM02276-I The password was changed The password was changed

successfully. (ID = aa...aa, successfully.
user ID = bb...bb)
aa...aa: Session ID
bb...bb: User ID

KAPM02277-I The user profile will now be The user profile will now be changed.
changed. (ID = aa...aa, user
ID = bb...bb)
aa...aa: Session ID
bb...bb: User ID

KAPM02278-I The user profile was changed The user profile was changed
successfully. (ID = aa...aa, successfully.
user ID = bb...bb)
aa...aa: Session ID

A-44 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
bb...bb: User ID

KAPM02279-I The permissions will now be The permissions will now be changed.
changed. (ID = aa...aa, user
ID = bb...bb, permissions =
aa...aa: Session ID
bb...bb: User ID
cc...cc: Permissions after the

KAPM02280-I The permissions were changed The permissions were changed

successfully. (ID = aa...aa, successfully.
user ID = bb...bb, permissions
= cc...cc)
aa...aa: Session ID
bb...bb: User ID
cc...cc: Permissions after the

KAPM02281-I The user will now be deleted. The user will now be deleted.
(ID = aa...aa, user ID =
aa...aa: Session ID
bb...bb: User ID

KAPM02282-I The user was deleted The user was deleted successfully.
successfully. (ID = aa...aa,
user ID = bb...bb)
aa...aa: Session ID
bb...bb: User ID

KAPM02283-E The old password is incorrect. The old password is incorrect.

(ID = aa...aa, user ID =
aa...aa: Session ID
bb...bb: User ID

KAPM02284-I The user will now be locked. The user will now be locked.
(ID = aa...aa, user ID =
aa...aa: Session ID
bb...bb: User ID

KAPM02285-I The user was locked The user was locked successfully.
successfully. (ID = aa...aa,
user ID = bb...bb)
aa...aa: Session ID
bb...bb: User ID

KAPM02286-E An attempt to lock the user has An attempt to lock the user has failed.
failed. aa...aa See the message that follows.
aa...aa: Detailed information

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-45

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM02287-I The user will now be unlocked. The user will now be unlocked.
(ID = aa...aa, user ID =
aa...aa: Session ID
bb...bb: User ID

KAPM02288-I The user was unlocked The user was unlocked successfully.
successfully. (ID = aa...aa,
user ID = bb...bb)
aa...aa: Session ID
bb...bb: User ID

KAPM02289-E An attempt to unlock the user An attempt to unlock the user has
has failed. aa...aa failed.
aa...aa: Detailed information See the Message of the next message.

KAPM02290-I Authentication was successful. Authentication was successful.

(user ID =aa...aa)
aa...aa: User ID

KAPM02291-W Authentication has failed. Authentication has failed.

aa...aa: Detailed information

KAPM02292-W Authentication has failed for Authentication has failed for aa...aa
aa...aa times in a row, so the times in a row, so the user (bb...bb)
user (bb...bb) was locked. was locked.
aa...aa: Failure times
bb...bb: User ID

KAPM02294-E The RD area of HBase is The RD area of HBase is blocked.

blocked. Remove the cause of the HiRDB
blockage, and then try again.

KAPM02295-E A distinguished name has not A distinguished name has not been
been set. set.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02296-E A domain name has not been A domain name has not been set.
set. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02297-E The specified distinguished The specified distinguished name

name already exists. already exists.
(distinguished name = aa...aa) Specify a different distinguished name.
aa...aa: Distinguished name

A-46 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM02298-E The specified distinguished The specified distinguished name could

name could not be found. not be found.
(distinguished name = aa...aa) Another user might have already
aa...aa: Distinguished name deleted the specified authorization
group. Refresh the screen, and then
check whether the specified
authorization group is registered.

KAPM02301-E hcmds.home is not set in the hcmds.home is not set in the Java
Java system properties. system properties.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02302-E An error occurred during An error occurred during loading of a

loading of a library. library.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02303-E An attempt to acquire user An attempt to acquire user information

information about a HiRDB- about a HiRDB-connected user has
connected user has failed. error failed.
code = aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Error code the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02304-E An attempt to set a system An attempt to set a system

environment variable has environment variable has failed.
failed. error code = aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Error code the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02305-E Attempts to set the system Attempts to set the system

environment variables PDDIR environment variables PDDIR and
and PATH have failed. error PATH have failed.
code = aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Error code the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02306-E An attempt to clear an HiRDB An attempt to clear an HiRDB system

system environment variable environment variable has failed.
has failed. error code = aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Error code the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-47

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02307-E The application type is The application type is required, but is

required, but is not set. not set.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02401-E An attempt to read the file An attempt to read the file failed.
failed. (path = aa...aa) Confirm that a file exists in the
aa...aa: Path specified location.

KAPM02409-E A communication error A communication error occurred in an

occurred in an external external authentication server.
authentication server. (error Perform one of the following
code = aa...aa) procedures:
aa...aa: error code For LDAP:
1. Confirm whether the
authentication server can be
accessed by using the host, port,
and protocol set in
exauth.properties, and check
the settings of the external
authentication server and the
status of the network.
2. Use the hcmdsldapuser command
to confirm that the information for
the server names specified for the
auth.server.name attribute in
exauth.properties is registered.
3. If StartTLS is used, check the SSL
4. If an OCSP is enabled, make sure
that the certificate is valid.
5. If the problem cannot be resolved,
detailed investigation is required
to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you
to collect troubleshooting
1. Confirm whether the
authentication server can be
accessed by using the host, port,
and protocol set in
exauth.properties, and check
the settings of the external
authentication server and the
status of the network.

A-48 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
2. Use the hcmdsradiussecret
command to confirm that the
information for the server names
specified for the
auth.server.name attribute in
exauth.properties is registered.
3. If the problem cannot be resolved,
detailed investigation is required
to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you
to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02410-W Authentication with an external The login user failed to be

authentication server has authenticated on the external
failed. (user ID = aa...aa, host authentication server.
= bb...bb, port = cc...cc, Log in again using a valid user ID and
protocol = dd...dd) password.
aa...aa: User ID
bb...bb: Host
cc...cc: Port
dd...dd: Protocol

KAPM02411-W Authentication with an external The login user was not found in the
authentication server has external authentication server.
failed. The specified user was Log in again using a valid user ID and
not found in the external password.
authentication server. (user ID
= aa...aa, host = bb...bb)
aa...aa: User ID
bb...bb: Host

KAPM02412-E A naming exception occurred. A naming exception occurred.

(host = aa...aa, port = bb...bb, Perform one of the following
protocol = cc...cc) procedures:
aa...aa: Host For LDAP:
bb...bb: Port 1. By using the host, port, and
cc...cc: Protocol protocol set in
"exauth.properties", check
whether the authentication server
can be accessed, the settings of
the external authentication server,
and the status of the network.
2. By using the hcmdsldapuser
command, check that the
information for the server names
specified in the
"auth.server.name" attribute in
"exauth.properties" is
3. If StartTLS is used, check the SSL

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-49

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
4. If an OCSP is effective, check the
- Make sure the certificate is valid.
5. If you cannot resolve the problem,
collect maintenance information,
and then contact the Support
1. By using the host, port, and
protocol set in
"exauth.properties", check
whether the authentication server
can be accessed, the settings of
the external authentication server,
and the status of the network.
2. By using the hcmdsradiussecret
command, check that the
information for the server names
specified in the
"auth.server.name" attribute in
"exauth.properties" is
3. If you cannot resolve the problem,
collect maintenance information,
and then contact the Support

KAPM02413-E The negotiation for a TLS Negotiation for a TLS session has
session has failed. (host = failed.
aa...aa, port = bb...bb, Perform one of the following
protocol = cc...cc) procedures:
aa...aa: Host For LDAP:
bb...bb: Port 1. Confirm whether the
cc...cc: Protocol authentication server can be
accessed by using the host, port,
and protocol set in
exauth.properties, and check
the settings of the external
authentication server and the
status of the network.
2. Use the hcmdsldapuser command
to confirm that the information for
the server names specified for the
auth.server.name attribute in
exauth.properties is registered.
3. If StartTLS is used, check the SSL
4. If an OCSP is enabled, make sure
that the certificate is valid.
5. If the problem cannot be resolved,
detailed investigation is required
to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the

A-50 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
Support Center, who may ask you
to collect troubleshooting
1. Confirm whether the
authentication server can be
accessed by using the host, port,
and protocol set in
exauth.properties, and check
the settings of the external
authentication server and the
status of the network.
2. Use the hcmdsradiussecret
command to confirm that the
information for the server names
specified for the
auth.server.name attribute in
exauth.properties is registered.
3. If the problem cannot be resolved,
detailed investigation is required
to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you
to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02414-I Authentication with an external The login user was successfully

authentication server was authenticated on the external
successful. (user ID = aa...aa, authentication server.
host = bb...bb, port = cc...cc,
protocol = dd...dd)
aa...aa: User ID
bb...bb: Host
cc...cc: Port
dd...dd: Protocol

KAPM02416-E A communication error A communication error occurred in an

occurred in an external external authentication server.
authentication server. Perform one of the following
1. By using the host, port, and
protocol set in
"exauth.properties", check
whether the authentication server
can be accessed, the settings of
the external authentication server,
and the status of the network.
2. By using the hcmdsldapuser
command, check that the
information for the server names
specified in the

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-51

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
"auth.server.name" attribute in
"exauth.properties" is
3. If StartTLS is used, check the SSL
4. If an OCSP is effective, check the
- Make sure the certificate is valid.
5. If you cannot resolve the problem,
collect maintenance information,
and then contact the Support
1. By using the host, port, and
protocol set in
"exauth.properties", check
whether the authentication server
can be accessed, the settings of
the external authentication server,
and the status of the network.
2. By using the hcmdsradiussecret
command, check that the
information for the server names
specified in the
"auth.server.name" attribute in
"exauth.properties" is
3. If you cannot resolve the problem,
collect maintenance information,
and then contact the Support

KAPM02417-E Communication with an An attempt to communicate with the

external authentication server LDAP server has failed.
has failed. (host = aa...aa, port Perform one of the following
= bb...bb, protocol = cc...cc) procedures:
aa...aa: Host For LDAP:
bb...bb: Port 1. Confirm whether the
cc...cc: Protocol authentication server can be
accessed by using the host, port,
and protocol set in
exauth.properties, and check
the settings of the external
authentication server and the
status of the network.
2. Use the hcmdsldapuser command
to confirm that the information for
the server names specified for the
auth.server.name attribute in
exauth.properties is registered.
3. If StartTLS is used, check the SSL

A-52 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
4. If an OCSP is enabled, make sure
that the certificate is valid.
5. If the problem cannot be resolved,
detailed investigation is required
to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you
to collect troubleshooting
1. Confirm whether the
authentication server can be
accessed by using the host, port,
and protocol set in
exauth.properties, and check
the settings of the external
authentication server and the
status of the network.
2. Use the hcmdsradiussecret
command to confirm that the
information for the server names
specified for the
auth.server.name attribute in
exauth.properties is registered.
3. If the problem cannot be resolved,
detailed investigation is required
to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you
to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02418-E The LDAP service cannot be The LDAP service cannot be used.
used. (host = aa...aa, port = Perform one of the following
bb...bb, protocol = cc...cc) procedures:
aa...aa: Host For LDAP:
bb...bb: Port 1. Confirm whether the
cc...cc: Protocol authentication server can be
accessed by using the host, port,
and protocol set in
exauth.properties, and check
the settings of the external
authentication server and the
status of the network.
2. Use the hcmdsldapuser command
to confirm that the information for
the server names specified for the
auth.server.name attribute in
exauth.properties is registered.
3. If StartTLS is used, check the SSL
4. If an OCSP is enabled, make sure
that the certificate is valid.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-53

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
5. If the problem cannot be resolved,
detailed investigation is required
to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you
to collect troubleshooting
1. Confirm whether the
authentication server can be
accessed by using the host, port,
and protocol set in
exauth.properties, and check
the settings of the external
authentication server and the
status of the network.
2. Use the hcmdsradiussecret
command to confirm that the
information for the server names
specified for the
auth.server.name attribute in
exauth.properties is registered.
3. If the problem cannot be resolved,
detailed investigation is required
to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you
to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02419-W Only local operation is available Only local operation is available

because the attempt to read because the attempt to read the
the configuration file for the configuration file for the external
external authentication server authentication server has failed.
has failed. Review the settings in the
configuration file for the external
authentication server.

KAPM02422-W A parameter in the The exauth.properties file

exauth.properties file contains (configuration file for the external
an invalid value (aa...aa = authentication server) contains an
bb...bb). The default value invalid parameter file.
(cc...cc) will be used.
Review the settings in the
aa...aa: Parameter name configuration file for the external
bb...bb: Parameter value authentication server.

cc...cc: Default value

KAPM02423-E Authentication of the search Authentication of the search user at

user has failed. (host = the LDAP server has failed.
aa...aa) Use the hcmdsldapuser command to
aa...aa: Host register the access user in the external
authentication server. If the user has
already been registered, check the
settings for that user.

A-54 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM02424-E An error occurred in the An error occurred in the LDAP server.

external authentication server. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02425-E A parameter was not specified. A parameter is not specified in the

(parameter = aa...aa) configuration file for the external
aa...aa: Parameter name authentication server.
Review the settings in the
configuration file for the external
authentication server.

KAPM02426-E Authentication stopped Authentication stopped because a

because a setting in the setting in the configuration file for the
configuration file for the external authentication server was
external authentication server invalid.
was invalid. Review the settings in the
configuration file for the external
authentication server.

KAPM02427-E An invalid character was A URL for a host name or a port

specified in the URL for a host number, specified in the configuration
name or a port number. (host file for the external authentication
= aa...aa, port = bb...bb) server, contains invalid characters.
aa...aa: Host Review the settings in the
bb...bb: Port configuration file for the external
authentication server.

KAPM02429-I A RADIUS packet has been A RADIUS packet has been received.
received. (packet information =
aa...aa: Packet information

KAPM02430-E Verification of a RADIUS packet Verification of a RADIUS packet has

has failed. (host = aa...aa, port failed.
= bb...bb, protocol = cc...cc,
cause = dd...dd)
aa...aa: Host
bb...bb: Port
cc...cc: Protocol
dd...dd: Cause of failure

KAPM02431-E The connection to an external The connection to an external

authentication server has timed authentication server has timed out.
out. (host = aa...aa, port = Perform one of the following
bb...bb, protocol = cc...cc) procedures:
aa...aa: Host For LDAP:
bb...bb: Port 1. Confirm whether the
cc...cc: Protocol authentication server can be
accessed by using the host, port,
and protocol set in
exauth.properties, and check
the settings of the external

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-55

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
authentication server and the
status of the network.
2. Use the hcmdsldapuser command
to confirm that the information for
the server names specified for the
auth.server.name attribute in
exauth.properties is registered.
3. If StartTLS is used, check the SSL
4. If an OCSP is enabled, make sure
that the certificate is valid.
5. If the problem cannot be resolved,
detailed investigation is required
to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you
to collect troubleshooting
1. Confirm whether the
authentication server can be
accessed by using the host, port,
and protocol set in
exauth.properties, and check
the settings of the external
authentication server and the
status of the network.
2. Use the hcmdsradiussecret
command to confirm that the
information for the server names
specified for the
auth.server.name attribute in
exauth.properties is registered.
3. If the problem cannot be resolved,
detailed investigation is required
to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you
to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02432-E SSL-encrypted communication SSL-encrypted communication with

with the external the external authentication server has
authentication server has failed.
failed. (host = aa...aa, port = Perform one of the following
bb...bb, protocol = cc...cc) procedures:
aa...aa: Host For LDAP:
bb...bb: Port 1. Confirm whether the
cc...cc: Protocol authentication server can be
accessed by using the host, port,
and protocol set in
exauth.properties, and check

A-56 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
the settings of the external
authentication server and the
status of the network.
2. Use the hcmdsldapuser command
to confirm that the information for
the server names specified for the
auth.server.name attribute in
exauth.properties is registered.
3. If StartTLS is used, check the SSL
4. If an OCSP is enabled, make sure
that the certificate is valid.
5. If the problem cannot be resolved,
detailed investigation is required
to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you
to collect troubleshooting
1. Confirm whether the
authentication server can be
accessed by using the host, port,
and protocol set in
exauth.properties, and check
the settings of the external
authentication server and the
status of the network.
2. Use the hcmdsradiussecret
command to confirm that the
information for the server names
specified for the
auth.server.name attribute in
exauth.properties is registered.
3. If the problem cannot be resolved,
detailed investigation is required
to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you
to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02434-W The lock processing was The lock processing was interrupted.
interrupted. Make a selection such that at least one
user has the User Management

KAPM02435-W If the selected user accounts If the selected user accounts are
are locked, no more users will locked, no more users will have the
have the User Management User Management permission.
permission. Make a selection such that at least one
user has the User Management

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-57

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM02436-E Determination of whether lock Determination of whether lock

processing was performed has processing was performed has failed.
failed. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02450-I Authentication by an external This audit log data indicates that login
authentication server was was successful.
successful. (server type =
aa...aa, host = bb...bb)
aa...aa: Server type
bb...bb: Host

KAPM02451-W Authentication by an external This audit log data indicates that login
authentication server has has failed.
failed. (server type = aa...aa,
host = bb...bb)
aa...aa: Server type
bb...bb: Host

KAPM02452-I A user's authentication method This audit log data indicates that a
has been successfully changed. user's authentication method has been
(authentication method = successfully changed.
aa...aa, user ID = bb...bb)
aa...aa: Authentication method
bb...bb: User ID

KAPM02453-E An attempt to change a user's This audit log data indicates that an
authentication method has attempt to change a user's
failed. (authentication method authentication method has failed.
= aa...aa, user ID = bb...bb)
aa...aa: Authentication method
bb...bb: User ID

KAPM02454-E Acquisition of SRV records Acquisition of SRV records failed.

failed. (domain name = Make sure that SRV records have been
aa...aa, protocol = bb...bb) defined on the DNS server.
aa...aa: Domain name
bb...bb: Protocol

KAPM02455-E A domain has been removed A domain has been removed from the
from the domain list because domain list because the acquisition of
the acquisition of SRV records SRV records failed.
failed. (domain name = Make sure that SRV records have been
aa...aa) defined on the DNS server.
aa...aa: Domain name

KAPM02456-E A function cannot be used A function cannot be used because

because group mapping is group mapping is disabled.
disabled. (function name = Revise the settings in the configuration
aa...aa) file for the external authentication
aa...aa: Function name server (exauth.properties).

A-58 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM02457-E Acquisition of the password file Acquisition of the password file failed.
failed. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02458-E A setting in the configuration A setting in the configuration file for

file for the external the external authentication server
authentication server (exauth.properties) is invalid.
(exauth.properties) is invalid.
Revise the settings in the configuration
file for the external authentication
server (exauth.properties).

KAPM02459-E The domain cannot be linked The domain cannot be linked to.
to. (domain name = aa...aa) Use a domain that can be linked to.
aa...aa: Domain name

KAPM02460-E The specified instance is The specified instance is invalid.

invalid. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02461-E No device type has been No device type has been specified.
specified. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02462-E The specified device type is too The specified device type is too long.
long. (device type = aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Device type the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02463-E The specified device type The specified device type includes non-
includes non-alphanumeric alphanumeric characters.
characters. (device type = To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa) the problem, detailed investigation is
aa...aa: Device type required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02464-E No device number has been No device number has been specified.
specified. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02465-E The specified device number is The specified device number is too
too long. (device number = long.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-59

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
aa...aa: Device number To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting
KAPM02466-E The specified device number The specified device number includes
includes non-alphanumeric non-alphanumeric characters.
characters. (device number = To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa) the problem, detailed investigation is
aa...aa: Device number required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02467-E The specified description is too The specified description is too long.
long. (description = aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Description the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02468-E The specified ID is too long. The specified ID is too long.

(ID = aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: ID the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02469-E The specified display name is The specified display name is too long.
too long. (display name = To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa) the problem, detailed investigation is
aa...aa: Display name required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02470-E No application has been No application has been specified.

specified. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02471-E No authorization information is No authorization information is

specified for the user group. specified for the user group.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02472-E A resource group has been A resource group has been specified
specified for the authorization for the authorization information.
information. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

A-60 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM02473-E A role has been specified for A role has been specified for the
the authorization information. authorization information.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02474-E No display name has been No display name has been specified.
specified. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02475-E The specified resource group The specified resource group was not
was not found. (resource group found.
ID = aa...aa, device type = To determine the cause and resolve
bb...bb, device number = the problem, detailed investigation is
cc...cc) required. Contact Support Center, who
aa...aa: Resource group ID may ask you to collect troubleshooting
bb...bb: Device type information.

cc...cc: Device number

KAPM02476-E The specified user group was The specified user group was not
not found. (user group ID = found.
aa...aa, device type = bb...bb, To determine the cause and resolve
device number = cc...cc) the problem, detailed investigation is
aa...aa: Resource group ID required. Contact Support Center, who
bb...bb: Device type may ask you to collect troubleshooting
cc...cc: Device number

KAPM02477-E A user group with the same ID A user group with the same ID is
is already registered. (user already registered.
group ID = aa...aa, device type To determine the cause and resolve
= bb...bb, device number = the problem, detailed investigation is
cc...cc) required. Contact Support Center, who
aa...aa: Resource group ID may ask you to collect troubleshooting
bb...bb: Device type information.

cc...cc: Device number

KAPM02478-E No ID has been specified. No ID has been specified.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02479-E An empty string has been An empty string has been specified for
specified for the ID. the ID.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-61

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02480-W The specified application is not The specified application is not

registered. (application type = registered.
aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Application type the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02481-E An application not compatible An application not compatible with the

with the function was specified. function was specified.
(application type = aa...aa, To determine the cause and resolve
function name = bb...bb) the problem, detailed investigation is
aa...aa: Application type required. Contact Support Center, who
bb...bb: Function name may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02482-E The method cannot be used. The method cannot be used.

(class name = aa...aa, method To determine the cause and resolve
name = bb...bb) the problem, detailed investigation is
aa...aa: Class name required. Contact Support Center, who
bb...bb: Method name may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02483-W Invalid authentication Invalid authentication information has

information has been been registered.
registered. (application type = Use the hcmdsintg command to delete
the invalid authentication information.
aa...aa: Application type

KAPM02484-E The specified user account is The specified user account is not
not registered. (user ID = registered.
aa...aa) Make sure that a user account is
aa...aa: User ID registered.

KAPM02485-E The specified role was not The specified role was not found.
found. (role ID = aa...aa, To determine the cause and resolve
device type = bb...bb, device the problem, detailed investigation is
number = cc...cc) required. Contact Support Center, who
aa...aa: Role ID may ask you to collect troubleshooting
bb...bb: Device type information.

cc...cc: Device number

KAPM02486-E A role with the same ID has A role with the same ID has already
already been registered. (role been registered.
ID = aa...aa, device type = To determine the cause and resolve
bb...bb, device number = the problem, detailed investigation is
cc...cc) required. Contact Support Center, who
aa...aa: Role ID may ask you to collect troubleshooting
bb...bb: Device type information.

cc...cc: Device number

KAPM02487-E The same role name has The same role name has already been
already been registered. (role registered.

A-62 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
name = aa...aa, device type = To determine the cause and resolve
bb...bb, device number = the problem, detailed investigation is
cc...cc) required. Contact Support Center, who
aa...aa: Role name may ask you to collect troubleshooting
bb...bb: Device type
cc...cc: Device number

KAPM02488-E The specified permission was The specified permission was not
not found. (permission = found.
aa...aa, application type = To determine the cause and resolve
bb...bb) the problem, detailed investigation is
aa...aa: Permission name required. Contact Support Center, who
bb...bb: Application type may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02489-E Encoding failed. (character Encoding failed.

string = aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Character string the problem, detailed investigation is
required.Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02490-E An attempt to read the An attempt to read the

BuiltInUserGroup.properties file BuiltInUserGroup.properties file
failed. failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required.Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02491-E A user group with the same A user group with the same name is
name is already registered. already registered.
(user group name = aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: User group name the problem, detailed investigation is
required.Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02492-E The specified user group was The specified user group was not
not found. (user group name = found.
aa...aa, device type = bb...bb, To determine the cause and resolve
device number = cc...cc) the problem, detailed investigation is
aa...aa: User group name required.Contact Support Center, who
bb...bb: Device type may ask you to collect troubleshooting
cc...cc: Device number

KAPM02493-E Multiple resource groups Multiple resource groups contain the

contain the same data. (class = same data.
aa...aa, data = bb...bb) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Class the problem, detailed investigation is
bb...bb: Data required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-63

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM02494-E The specified resource group The specified resource group was not
was not found. (resource group found.
name = aa...aa, device type = To determine the cause and resolve
bb...bb, device number = the problem, detailed investigation is
cc...cc) required. Contact Support Center, who
aa...aa: Resource group name may ask you to collect troubleshooting
bb...bb: Device type information.

cc...cc: Device number

KAPM02502-E Please enter a password that Please enter a password that satisfies
satisfies the following the following conditions:
conditions: A minimum of aa...aa upper-case
A minimum of aa...aa upper- characters.
case characters. A minimum of bb...bb lower-case
A minimum of bb...bb lower- characters.
case characters. A minimum of cc...cc numerals.
A minimum of cc...cc numerals. A minimum of dd...dd symbols.
A minimum of dd...dd symbols. Different from the user ID.
Different from the user ID. Enter an appropriate value according
aa...aa: The minimum number to the error message.
of characters
bb...bb: The minimum number
of characters
cc...cc: The minimum number
of characters
dd...dd: The minimum number
of characters

KAPM02503-E A minimum of aa...aa upper- A minimum of aa...aa upper-case

case characters. characters.
aa...aa:the minimum number Enter an appropriate value according
of characters to the error message.

KAPM02504-E A minimum of aa...aa lower- A minimum of aa...aa lower-case

case characters. characters.
aa...aa:the minimum number Enter an appropriate value according
of characters to the error message.

KAPM02505-E A minimum of aa...aa A minimum of aa...aa numerals.

numerals. Enter an appropriate value according
aa...aa:the minimum number to the error message.
of characters

KAPM02506-E A minimum of aa...aa symbols. A minimum of aa...aa symbols.

aa...aa:the minimum number Enter an appropriate value according
of characters to the error message.

KAPM02507-E Different from the user ID. Different from the user ID.
Enter an appropriate value according
to the error message.

KAPM02508-E Enter a value that is exactly Enter a value that is exactly aa...aa
aa...aa characters long. characters long.

A-64 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
aa...aa:the maximum number Enter an appropriate value according
of characters to the error message.

KAPM02509-E The following characters can be The following characters can be used
used for the value: for the value:
A-Z a-z 0-9 # + - . @ _ A-Za-z0-9#+-.@_
Enter an appropriate value according
to the error message.

KAPM02510-I Authentication by using a KDC Authentication by using a KDC was

was successful. (Kerberos successful.
principal = aa...aa, KDC =
aa...aa: Kerberos principal
bb...bb: KDC

KAPM02511-E Communication with KDC Communication with KDC failed.

failed. (KDC = aa...aa) Make sure the specified KDC is correct.
aa...aa: KDC

KAPM02512-E Resolution of the KDC host Resolution of the KDC host name
name failed. (KDC = aa...aa) failed.
aa...aa: KDC Perform one of the following
• Make sure the specified KDC is
• Make sure the specified host name
in the KDC is registered in the
DNS server.

KAPM02513-W Authentication by using a KDC Authentication by using a KDC failed.

failed. (Kerberos principal =
aa...aa, KDC = bb...bb)
aa...aa: Kerberos principal
bb...bb: KDC

KAPM02514-I The krb5.conf file, used for The krb5.conf file, used for internal
internal processing, was processing, was successfully deleted.
successfully deleted. (file name
= aa...aa)
aa...aa: File name

KAPM02515-W Deletion of the krb5.conf file, Deletion of the krb5.conf file, used
used for internal processing, for internal processing, was successful.
failed. (file name = aa...aa)
aa...aa: File name

KAPM02516-I The krb5.conf file, used for The krb5.conf file, used for internal
internal processing, was processing, was successfully created.
successfully created. (file name
= aa...aa)
aa...aa: File name

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-65

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM02517-E Creation of the krb5.conf file, Creation of the krb5.conf file, used
used for internal processing, for internal processing, failed.
failed. (file name = aa...aa)
Make sure you have the necessary
aa...aa: File name permissions to create the file on the
specified path.

KAPM02518-I A request to acquire SRV A request to acquire SRV records was

records was sent. (record key sent.
= aa...aa)
aa...aa: SRV record key

KAPM02519-E Communication with the DNS Communication with the DNS server
server failed. failed.
Make sure the DNS server settings in
the OS are correct. Make sure the
status of the network connected with
the DNS server is normal.

KAPM02520-E The Kerberos authentication The Kerberos authentication settings

settings are invalid. are invalid.
Revise the Kerberos authentication
settings in the exauth.properties file
or the search user definition.

KAPM02521-E The Kerberos realm or KDC The Kerberos realm or KDC definition
definition is invalid. (realm is invalid.
name = aa...aa) Check and, if necessary, revise the
aa...aa: Realm name exauth.properties file realm or the
KDC definition.

KAPM02522-W The SRV records are undefined. The SRV records are undefined.
(record key = aa...aa)
aa...aa: SRV record key

KAPM02523-I Acquisition of the SRV records Acquisition of the SRV records was
was successful. (SRV record = successful.
aa...aa: SRV record

KAPM02524-E Acquisition of the SRV records Acquisition of the SRV records failed.
failed. (record key = aa...aa) Make sure that the SRV records are
aa...aa: SRV record key defined on the DNS server.

KAPM02525-E An error occurred on the DNS An error occurred on the DNS server.
server. Check the operation status of the DNS

KAPM02526-I Processing to identify the user Processing to identify the user account
account will now start. (user ID will now start.
= aa...aa, server type =
aa...aa: User ID
bb...bb: Server type

A-66 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM02527-I The user account was found. The user account was found.
(user ID = aa...aa, internal =
aa...aa: User ID
bb...bb: Boolean value that
shows whether an external
authentication server is used

KAPM02528-I The user account was not The user account was not found.
found. (user ID = aa...aa)
aa...aa: User ID

KAPM02529-I The user account was The user account was identified.
identified. (user ID = aa...aa,
external = bb...bb, Kerberos
user = cc...cc, Kerberos realm
= dd...dd)
aa...aa: User ID
bb...bb: Boolean value that
shows whether an external
authentication server is used
cc...cc: Kerberos user name
dd...dd: Kerberos realm name

KAPM02551-E The following characters can be The following characters can be used
used for the value: aa...aa for the value.
aa...aa: Value Enter an appropriate value according
to the error message.

KAPM02552-W An invalid permission is An invalid permission is registered.

registered. (application type = Use the hcmdsintg command to delete
the invalid authentication data.
aa...aa: Application type

KAPM02603-E The resource group already The resource group aa...aa already
exists. (resource group name = exists.
aa...aa) Check the resource group name, and
aa...aa: Resource group name then change it to a name that differs
from the others.

KAPM02604-E An Settings for adding a user are invalid.

HcmdsInvalidOperationExceptio Make sure that the settings for adding
n occurred. users are valid.

KAPM02605-E An The logged in user does not have the

HcmdsAuthorizationException required permissions to add users.
occurred. Add users by using an account that
has the required permissions.

KAPM02606-E An A problem occurred while adding a

HcmdsUserManagementExcepti user.
on occurred. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-67

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02607-E Make sure that the users can Make sure that the users can be
be added. added.

KAPM02615-E An HSSOException occurred. An HSSOException occurred.

Make sure that the repository is
running. If you cannot, detailed
investigation is required to determine
the cause and resolve the problem.
Contact the Support Center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02616-E An IOException occurred. An IOException occurred.

Confirm that the file I/Os are valid. If
that cannot be confirmed, detailed
investigation is required to determine
the cause and resolve the problem.
Contact the Support Center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02617-E A CIMException occurred. A CIMException occurred.

Make sure that the access method for
the repository is correct. If you cannot,
detailed investigation is required to
determine the cause and resolve the
problem. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM02618-E A A CIMUnavailableDatabaseException
CIMUnavailableDatabaseExcept occurred.
ion occurred. Make sure that the connection to the
repository is correct. If you cannot,
detailed investigation is required to
determine the cause and resolve the
problem. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM02620-E The resource group was not The resource group was not found.

KAPM02625-E The specified software The specified software definition

definition aa...aa was not aa...aa was not found.
aa...aa: Application name

KAPM02630-I A resource group has been A resource group has been created.
created. (login ID = aa...aa, (login ID = aa...aa, resource group
resource group name = name = bb...bb, module name =
bb...bb, module name = cc...cc)
aa...aa: Login ID
bb...bb: Resource group name

A-68 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
cc...cc: Module name

KAPM02631-I A resource group has been A resource group has been deleted.
deleted. (login ID = aa...aa, (login ID =aa...aa, resource group ID
resource group ID = bb...bb, = bb...bb, module name = cc...cc)
module name = cc...cc)
aa...aa: Login ID
bb...bb: Resource group ID
cc...cc: Module name

KAPM02632-I A resource has been added. A resource has been added. (login ID
(login ID = aa...aa, resource = aa...aa, resource group ID =
group ID = bb...bb, module bb...bb, module name = cc...cc)
name = cc...cc)
aa...aa: Login ID
bb...bb: Resource group ID
cc...cc: Module name

KAPM02633-I A resource has been removed. A resource has been removed. (login
(login ID = aa...aa, resource ID = aa...aa, resource group ID =
group ID = bb...bb, module bb...bb, module name = cc...cc)
name = cc...cc)
aa...aa: Login ID
bb...bb: Resource group ID
cc...cc: Module name

KAPM02634-I A resource group property has A resource group property has been
been edited. (login ID = edited. (login ID = aa...aa, resource
aa...aa, resource group ID = group ID = bb...bb, module name =
bb...bb, module name = cc...cc)
aa...aa: Login ID
bb...bb: Resource group ID
cc...cc: Module name

KAPM02635-E Creation of a resource group Creation of a resource group has

has failed. (login ID = aa...aa, failed. (login ID =aa...aa, resource
resource group name = group ID = bb...bb, module name =
bb...bb, module name = cc...cc)
aa...aa: Login ID
bb...bb: Resource group name
cc...cc: Module name

KAPM02636-E Deletion of a resource group Deletion of a resource group has

has failed. (login ID = aa...aa, failed. (login ID = aa...aa, resource
resource group ID = bb...bb, group ID = bb...bb, module name =
module name = cc...cc) cc...cc)
aa...aa: Login ID
bb...bb: Resource group ID
cc...cc: Module name

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-69

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM02637-E Addition of a resource has Addition of a resource has failed. (login

failed. (login ID = aa...aa, ID =aa...aa, resource group ID =
resource group ID = bb...bb, bb...bb, module name = cc...cc)
module name = cc...cc)
aa...aa: Login ID
bb...bb: Resource group ID
cc...cc: Module name

KAPM02638-E Removal of a resource has Removal of a resource has failed.

failed. (login ID = aa...aa, (login ID = aa...aa, resource group ID
resource group ID = bb...bb, = bb...bb, module name = cc...cc)
module name = cc...cc)
aa...aa: Login ID
bb...bb: Resource group ID
cc...cc: Module name

KAPM02639-E An attempt to edit a resource An attempt to edit a resource group

group property has failed. property has failed. (login ID =
(login ID = aa...aa, resource aa...aa, resource group ID = bb...bb,
group ID = bb...bb, module module name = cc...cc)
name = cc...cc)
aa...aa: Login ID
bb...bb: Resource group ID
cc...cc: Module name

KAPM02650-I A parameter has been sent. A parameter has been sent. (HSSO
(HSSO token = aa...aa, token = aa...aa, application name =
application name = bb...bb) bb...bb)
aa...aa: HSSO token
bb...bb: Application name

KAPM02651-I The software definition aa...aa The specified software definition

does not exist. aa...aa does not exist in the
aa...aa: Application name repository.

KAPM02652-I aa...aa is not associated with a aa...aa is not associated with a

resource bundle. resource bundle.
aa...aa: Application name

KAPM02654-E A ResourceTabHandleException A ResourceTabHandleException

occurred. occurred.
Check and, if necessary, revise the
registered software definitions and
resource bundles.

KAPM02656-I A parameter has been sent. A parameter has been sent. (HSSO
(HSSO token = aa...aa, token = aa...aa, application name =
application name = bb...bb, bb...bb, resource group ID = cc...cc,
resource group ID = cc...cc, resource group name = dd...dd)
resource group name =
aa...aa: HSSO token
bb...bb: Application name

A-70 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
cc...cc: Resource group ID
dd...dd: Resource group name

KAPM02659-I No users that can be added No users that can be added exist.

KAPM02660-I A user has been added A user has been added successfully.
successfully. (resource group (resource group name = aa...aa, user
name = aa...aa, user name = name = bb...bb)
aa...aa: Resource group name
bb...bb: User name

KAPM02661-I A user has been removed A user has been removed successfully.
successfully. (resource group (resource group name = aa...aa, user
name = aa...aa, user name = name = bb...bb)
aa...aa: Resource group name
bb...bb: User name

KAPM02670-I A resource group has been A resource group has been created.

KAPM02671-I A resource group has been A resource group has been deleted.

KAPM02672-I A resource has been added. A resource has been added.

KAPM02674-I A resource group property has A resource group property has been
been edited. edited.

KAPM02675-E Creation of a resource group Creation of a resource group has

has failed. failed.

KAPM02676-E Deletion of a resource group Deletion of a resource group has

has failed. failed.

KAPM02677-E Addition of a resource has Addition of a resource has failed.


KAPM02679-E An attempt to edit a resource An attempt to edit a resource group

group property has failed. property has failed.

KAPM02704-W An invalid RUAccessPoint object An invalid RUAccessPoint object was

was created. Addition to the created. Addition to the launch list is
launch list is not performed. not performed.
Name=aa...aa, URL=bb...bb,
aa...aa: Name
bb...bb: URL
cc...cc: Token version
dd...dd: Icon URL
ee...ee: Icon message

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-71

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM02705-E CIMException occurred. The CIMException occurred. The processing

processing that acquires that acquires RUAccessPoint will now
RUAccessPoint will now be be interrupted.
interrupted. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02706-E The URL format is failed. The URL format is failed.

URL=aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: URL the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02801-I [SQL]: aa...aa An SQL statement was executed.

aa...aa: Execution SQL Take action according to the
statement proceeding message.

KAPM02802-E A HcmdsExecException A HcmdsExecException occurred.

occurred. Message=aa...aa, Take action according to the
Reason=bb...bb proceeding message.
aa...aa: Message
bb...bb: Reason

KAPM02803-E Option is invalid. Option is invalid.

Check the options.

KAPM02804-E A Exception occurred. A Exception occurred.

Message=aa...aa Take action according to the
aa...aa: Message proceeding message.

KAPM02805-E [Stack Trace]:aa...aa A stack trace will be output.

aa...aa: Stack trace Take action according to the
proceeding message.

KAPM02806-E A FileNotFoundException A FileNotFoundException occurred.

occurred. Confirm that a file exists in the
specified location.

KAPM02807-E A IOException occurred. A IOException occurred.

Take action according to the
proceeding message.

KAPM02809-E A SQLException occurred. A SQLException occurred.

Message=aa...aa Take action according to the
aa...aa: Message proceeding message.

KAPM02810-E An EXECUPDATE statement An EXECUPDATE statement failed.

failed. Execution SQL Take action according to the
statement = aa...aa proceeding message.
aa...aa: Execution SQL

A-72 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM02811-E A ClassNotFoundException A ClassNotFoundException occurred.

occurred. Take action according to the
proceeding message.

KAPM02812-E A SQL statement failed. A SQL statement failed.

Message=aa...aa, Take action according to the
Reason=bb...bb proceeding message.
aa...aa: Message
bb...bb: Reason

KAPM02813-E An EXECQUERY statement An EXECQUERY statement failed.

failed. Execution SQL Take action according to the
statement = aa...aa proceeding message.
aa...aa: Execution SQL

KAPM02814-E A SQLException occurred. A SQLException occurred.

Take action according to the
proceeding message.

KAPM02815-E File is not found. file-name = File is not found.

aa...aa Confirm that a file exists in the
aa...aa: File name specified location.

KAPM02816-I Record No.: aa...aa Displays the record number.

aa...aa: Record number

KAPM02817-I Column count: aa...aa Displays the number of columns.

aa...aa: Number of columns

KAPM02818-I aa...aa: bb...bb Displays the column name and value.

aa...aa: Column name
bb...bb: Value

KAPM02891-E DB is not found. Database is not found.

Check the value of DATABASE.path in
the configuration file.
Windows: Hitachi-Command-Suite-
Solaris or Linux: /opt/HiCommand/

KAPM02892-E User name or password is User name or password is invalid.

invalid. Check the value of DATABASE.user and
DATABASE.password in the
configuration file.
Windows: Hitachi-Command-Suite-
Solaris or Linux: /opt/HiCommand/

KAPM02893-E The host name is invalid. The host name is invalid.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-73

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
Check the value of
DATABASE.hostname in the
configuration file.
Windows: Hitachi-Command-Suite-
Solaris or Linux: /opt/HiCommand/

KAPM02894-E No suitable driver exists. No suitable driver exists.

Check the value of DATABASE.type in
the configuration file.
Windows: Hitachi-Command-Suite-
Solaris or Linux: /opt/HiCommand/

KAPM02895-E A connection to InterClient A connection to InterClient could not

could not be established. be established.
Confirm that the InterClient service is

KAPM02896-E A connection to InterBase A connection to InterBase could not be

could not be established. established.
Confirm that the InterBase service is

KAPM02899-E Fatal error. Processing continuation is impossible.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02901-I [Trace]: aa...aa A trace message will be output.

aa...aa: Trace message - Read legacy record.
- Order of hcmdsID change from x to
- Change legacy record.
- Update CIMClient From 01-00 to
- Already update.
- Update DB Version.
- Create TNB_Classes.
- Create TNB_ClassAttribute.
- Drop
- Drop CIMClasses.

A-74 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
- Succeed in update DataBase.

KAPM02902-E A ClassNotFoundException A ClassNotFoundException occurred.

occurred. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02903-E A HcmdsUpdateException A HcmdsUpdateException occurred.

occurred. Message = aa...aa, To determine the cause and resolve
Reason = bb...bb the problem, detailed investigation is
aa...aa: Message required. Contact Support Center, who
bb...bb: Reason may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02904-E An option is invalid. An option is invalid.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02905-E An exception occurred. An exception occurred.

Message = aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Message the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02906-E [Stack Trace]: aa...aa A stack trace is output.

aa...aa: Stack trace To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02907-E A SQLException occurred. A SQLException occurred.

Message = aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Message the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02910-E A SELECT statement failed. A SELECT statement failed.

Table name = aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Table name the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02911-E An ALTER statement failed. An ALTER statement failed.

Table name = aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Table name the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-75

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM02912-E A DROP statement failed. Table A DROP statement failed.

name = aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Table name the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02913-E An UPDATE statement failed. An UPDATE statement failed.

Table name = aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Table name the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02914-E An EXECUPDATE statement An EXECUPDATE statement failed.

failed. Execution SQL To determine the cause and resolve
statement = aa...aa the problem, detailed investigation is
aa...aa: Execution SQL required. Contact Support Center, who
statement may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM02980-I Update CIMClient from 01-00 Update CIMClient from 01-00 to

to 01-01. 01-01.

KAPM02981-I The database has already been The database has already been
updated. updated.

KAPM02982-I The database was successfully The database was successfully

updated. updated.

KAPM02991-E DB is not found. Database is not found.

Check the value of DATABASE.path in
the configuration file.
Windows: Hitachi-Command-Suite-
Solaris or Linux: /opt/HiCommand/

KAPM02992-E User name or password is User name or password is invalid.

invalid. Check the value of DATABASE.user and
DATABASE.password in the
configuration file.
Windows: Hitachi-Command-Suite-
Solaris or Linux: /opt/HiCommand/

KAPM02993-E The host name is invalid. The host name is invalid.

Check the value of
DATABASE.hostname in the
configuration file.

A-76 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
Windows: Hitachi-Command-Suite-
Solaris or Linux: /opt/HiCommand/

KAPM02994-E No suitable driver exists. No suitable driver exists.

Check the value of DATABASE.type in
the configuration file.
Windows: Hitachi-Command-Suite-
Solaris or Linux: /opt/HiCommand/

KAPM02995-E A connection to InterClient A connection to InterClient could not

could not be established. be established.
Confirm that the InterClient service is

KAPM02996-E A connection to InterBase A connection to InterBase could not be

could not be established. established.
Confirm that the InterBase service is

KAPM02999-E Fatal error. Fatal error occurred.

Take action according to the
proceeding message.

KAPM03001-E Illegal parameters have been Illegal parameters have been specified
specified to create HSSO to create HSSO Context.
Context. Specify the correct user ID and

KAPM03004-E An error occurred on the HSSO An error occurred on the HSSO server.
Server. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM03005-E An error occurred when CIM An error occurred when CIM Client was
Client was created. created.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM03006-E An unexpected error occurred. An unexpected error occurred.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-77

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM03007-E A frame-enabled browser is A frame-enabled browser is required.

required. Use Internet Explorer 5.5 later or
Netscape 6 later.

KAPM03026-E A CIMException was generated A CIMException was generated during

during Console screen display Console screen display processing.
processing. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM03050-E The parameter sent from the The parameter sent from the JP1/IM-
JP1/IM-View is invalid. View is invalid.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM03051-E The Launchurl is invalid. The Launchurl is invalid.

KAPM03052-E The JP1user ID is invalid. The JP1user ID is invalid.

KAPM03053-E The JP1token is invalid. The JP1token is invalid.

KAPM03054-E An acquisition failure occurred An acquisition failure occurred in

in RequestDispatcher. RequestDispatcher.

KAPM03055-E A JavaScript-enabled browser A JavaScript-enabled browser is

is required. required.
Use a browser that can use JavaScript.
Alternatively, change the setting of the
browser to use JavaScript if the use of
script is disabled.

KAPM03080-E HSSOIllegalArgumentException HSSOIllegalArgumentException:Illegal

:Illegal parameters have been parameters have been specified to
specified to create HSSO create HSSO Context.
Context. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM03081-E HSSONotRegisteredException: HSSONotRegisteredException: The

The application is not application is not registered.
registered. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM03082-E HSSOAuthenticationException: HSSOAuthenticationException:

Authentication failed. Authentication failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who

A-78 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM03083-E HSSOServerException: An HSSOServerException: An error

error occurred in HSSO Server. occurred in HSSO Server.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting


Connection Error. Connection Error.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM03085-E HSSOIllegalArgumentException HSSOIllegalArgumentException:

: "createToken()" was used "createToken()" was used before
before authentication. authentication.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM03086-E HSSOIllegalStateException: An HSSOIllegalStateException: An

unsupported version is unsupported version is specified.
specified. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM03087-E An error occurred while An error occurred while accessing the

accessing the DBMS. DBMS.
Verify that the DBMS, the HBase
Storage Mgmt Web Service, and the
HBase Storage Mgmt Common Service
are running. If they are running,
detailed investigation is required to
determine the cause and resolve the
problem. Contact the support center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM03105-E A CIMException was generated A CIMException was generated during

during menu bar display menu bar display processing.
processing. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-79

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM03106-E A CIMException was generated A CIMException was generated during

during subwindow display subwindow display processing.
processing. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM03107-E A CIMRepositoryException was A CIMRepositoryException was

generated during menu bar generated during menu bar display
display processing. processing.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM03108-E A CIMRepositoryException was A CIMRepositoryException was

generated during subwindow generated during subwindow display
display processing. processing.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM03109-E A CIMProviderException was A CIMProviderException was generated

generated during menu bar during menu bar display processing.
display processing. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM03110-E A CIMProviderException was A CIMProviderException was generated

generated during subwindow during subwindow display processing.
display processing. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM03111-E An exception was generated An exception was generated during

during menu bar display menu bar display processing.
processing. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM03112-E An exception was generated An exception was generated during

during subwindow display subwindow display processing.
processing. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who

A-80 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM03113-E A NoSuchElementException A NoSuchElementException was

was generated during menu generated during menu bar display
bar display processing. processing.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM03114-E A NoSuchElementException A NoSuchElementException was

was generated during generated during subwindow display
subwindow display processing. processing.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM03119-I Are you sure that you want to Are you sure that you want to log out?
log out?

KAPM03120-I Do you want to end the Do you want to end the application?

KAPM03122-E The request parameter for a The request parameter for a launch is
launch is invalid. invalid.
Retry execution. If the problem cannot
be resolved, detailed investigation is
required to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you to
collect troubleshooting information.

KAPM03123-E Could not acquire the required The required parameter could not be
parameter. ParmName=aa...aa acquired.
aa...aa: Parameter name Retry execution. If the problem cannot
be resolved, detailed investigation is
required to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you to
collect troubleshooting information.

KAPM03124-E Failed to changing of token An attempt to change the token

version. Token=aa...aa version has failed.
aa...aa: Token Retry execution. If the problem cannot
be resolved, detailed investigation is
required to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you to
collect troubleshooting information.

KAPM03125-E Failed to getting of service The acquisition of the service

information. information has failed.
Description=aa...aa Retry execution. If the problem cannot
aa...aa: Description be resolved, detailed investigation is

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-81

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
required to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you to
collect troubleshooting information.

KAPM03304-E An attempt to get the path An attempt to get the path string
string failed. failed.
Log in again.

KAPM03354-W A value is not set because an A value is not set because an

argument is invalid. argument is invalid.

KAPM03355-W A value is not acquired because A value is not acquired because an

an argument is invalid. argument is invalid.

KAPM03356-W A default is set because an A default is set because an argument

argument is invalid. default = is invalid.
aa...aa: Default

KAPM03357-E A parameter of request is A parameter of request is invalid.

invalid. paramName = aa...aa, Log in again.
value = bb...bb
aa...aa: Parameter name
bb...bb: Value

KAPM03358-E The tree element is invalid. The tree element is invalid.

treeElement = aa...aa Log in again.
aa...aa: Tree element

KAPM03361-E An attempt to get the root An attempt to get the root element
element data has failed. data has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM03362-E An attempt to get the common An attempt to get the common

repository has failed. repository has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM03363-E An attempt to get the common An attempt to get the common

resource has failed. resource has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM03364-E The registered data in the The registered data in the common
common repository is invalid. repository is invalid.

A-82 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM03366-E An attempt to get the name of An attempt to get the name of default
default view is invalid. view is invalid.
application name = aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Application name the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM03368-W An invalid association definition An invalid association definition exists

exists in the repository. in the repository.
instance = aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Instance the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM03370-W A tree element relation A tree element relation

(TNB_AssocNavigationDef) is (TNB_AssocNavigationDef) is invalid.
invalid. name=aa...aa,
fromRole=ee...ee, toRole=ff...ff
aa...aa: Related name
bb...bb: Related class name
cc...cc: Class name of a
relation place
dd...dd: Class name of a
related agency
ee...ee: Attribute of a relation
ff...ff: Attribute of a related

KAPM03371-W A tree element relation A tree element relation

(TNB_AllInstanceNavigationDef (TNB_AllInstanceNavigationDef) is
) is invalid. name=aa...aa, invalid.
aa...aa: Related name
bb...bb: Class name of a
relation place
cc...cc: Class name of a related

KAPM03375-W An attempt to get the tree An attempt to get the tree element
element data has failed. data has failed.
element = aa...aa
aa...aa: Element

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-83

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM03377-W A tree has not been created in A tree has not been created in the
the state where the state where the specification object
specification object was was opened.
opened. objectName = aa...aa
aa...aa: Object name

KAPM03378-W The specified object does not The specified object does not exist or
exist or is not shown in the is not shown in the tree.
tree. pathName = aa...aa,
objectName = bb...bb
aa...aa: Path name
bb...bb: Object name

KAPM03379-E An attempt to create a tree An attempt to create a tree from a

from a request has failed. request has failed.
Log in again.

KAPM03380-W An active object was not found. An active object was not found. By
By default, the root object will default, the root object will be set.
be set.

KAPM03381-E An internal error occurred. If An internal error occurred.

you click the Refresh button, Click the "Refresh" button to display
the initial object tree will be the initial object tree. If the initial
displayed. If you cannot display object tree cannot be displayed, log in
the tree, log in again and then again. If the problem cannot be
retry. resolved, detailed investigation is
required to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you to
collect troubleshooting information.

KAPM03382-E An internal error occurred. If An internal error occurred.

you click the Refresh button, Click the "Refresh" button to display
the initial object tree will be the initial object tree. If the initial
displayed. If you cannot display object tree cannot be displayed,
the tree, collect maintenance detailed investigation is required to
information, and then contact determine the cause and resolve the
customer support. problem. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM03383-E An internal error has occurred. An internal error has occurred. Retry
Retry the operation. If the the operation. If the problem still
problem still cannot be solved, cannot be solved, log in again and
log in again and then retry. then retry.
Do the following:
1. Retry the operation.
2. If the problem still cannot be
solved, log in again and then
3. If the problem still cannot be
solved, collect maintenance
information, and then contact the
Support Center.

A-84 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM03384-E An internal error has occurred. An internal error has occurred.

Retry the operation. If the Retry the previous operation. If the
problem still cannot be solved, problem cannot be resolved, detailed
collect maintenance investigation is required to determine
information, and then contact the cause and resolve the problem.
customer support. Contact the Support Center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting
information. Restore the data from the
backup file.

KAPM03501-E A CIM object name is not A CIM object name is not available for
available for the selected the selected object.
object. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM03502-W There is no default method. There is no default method.

KAPM03503-W The repository data is invalid, The repository data is invalid, so the
so the localization object localization object acquisition failed.
acquisition failed. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM03504-W A resource is not found, so the A resource is not found, so the

localization object acquisition localization object acquisition failed.
failed. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM03505-W The selected object is already The selected object is already deleted.
deleted. Click the Refresh in NavigationFrame.

KAPM03702-E A HSSOIllegalStateException A HSSOIllegalStateException occurred

occurred during launch. during launch.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM03703-E An attempt to get to the URL An attempt to get to the URL encoding
encoding of a token failed. of a token failed.
token = aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Token the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-85

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM03708-E A A HSSOAuthenticationException was

HSSOAuthenticationException generated during user profile display
was generated during user processing.
profile display processing. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM03709-E A A HSSOIllegalArgumentException was

HSSOIllegalArgumentException generated during user profile display
was generated during user processing.
profile display processing. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM03710-E A HSSOServerException was A HSSOServerException was

generated during user profile generated during user profile display
display processing. processing.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM03712-E An attempt to get membership An attempt to get membership groups

groups failed. failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM03716-E The format of the URL bb...bb The format of the URL bb...bb for the
for the object aa...aa is invalid. object aa...aa is invalid.
aa...aa: Object name To determine the cause and resolve
bb...bb: URL the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM03717-W The resource bb...bb for object The resource bb...bb for object aa...aa
aa...aa cannot be accessed. cannot be accessed.
aa...aa: Object name
bb...bb: Resource name

KAPM03718-E The data format of the The data format of the resource
resource bb...bb for the object bb...bb for the object aa...aa is invalid.
aa...aa is invalid. To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Object name the problem, detailed investigation is
bb...bb: Resource name required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

A-86 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM03721-E The attribute bb...bb for object The attribute bb...bb for object aa...aa
aa...aa is missing. is missing.
aa...aa: Object name To determine the cause and resolve
bb...bb: Value of attribute the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM03722-E The resource information of The resource information of bb...bb for

bb...bb for object aa...aa is object aa...aa is missing.
missing. To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Object name the problem, detailed investigation is
bb...bb: Related name required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM03723-E Property cc...cc of bb...bb for Property cc...cc of bb...bb for object
object aa...aais missing. aa...aais missing.
aa...aa: Object name To determine the cause and resolve
bb...bb: Related name the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
cc...cc: Value of attribute may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM03931-W Your session is invalid. Logout, Your session is invalid. Logout, and
and then login again. then login again.
Your session is invalid. Logout, and
then login again.

KAPM03951-E An internal server error has An internal server error has occurred.
occurred. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM03952-E An attempt to get the Session An attempt to get the Session has
has failed. failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM03954-E An attempt to get the An attempt to get the HSSOSubject

HSSOSubject has failed. has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM03956-E The login process has not The login process has not completed
completed properly. properly.
Specify the correct user ID and

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-87

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM03957-E An error occurred when the An error occurred when the Common
Common Repository was Repository was accessed.
accessed. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM03958-E The request type is not correct. The request type is not correct.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM03960-E An attempt to get the string An attempt to get the string from the
from the ResourceBundle ResourceBundle failed.
failed. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM03961-E An attempt to get the An attempt to get the

RequestDispatcher for "aa...aa" RequestDispatcher for "aa...aa" failed.
failed. To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Unexpected operation the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM03962-E An attempt to get the An attempt to get the application

application name has failed. name has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM03963-E Authentication has failed. Authentication has failed.

Log in again. If the problem cannot be
resolved, detailed investigation is
required to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you to
collect troubleshooting information.
Restore the data from the backup file.

KAPM03964-E An error occurred on the Single An error occurred on the Single Sign
Sign On server. On server.
Do the following:
1. When using HiCommand V3.x
series, make sure that the
InterBase service is running.
When using the HiCommand V4.x

A-88 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
series or later, make sure that
HiRDB is running.
2. If you are using Device Manager,
make sure its services are
3. Make sure that the settings and
statuses of the Single Sign On
server service are appropriate.
4. If the problem cannot be solved,
collect maintenance information,
and then contact the Support

KAPM03965-E An error occurred on the Single An error occurred on the Single Sign
Sign On server. On server.
Do the following:
1. When using HiCommand V3.x
series, make sure that the
InterBase service is running. If it
is not running, start InterBase and
log in again. If it is running,
restart the Single Sign On Server,
and log in again.
When using the HiCommand V4.x
series or later, make sure that
HiRDB is running. If it is not
running, start HiRDB and log in
again. If it is running, restart the
Single Sign On Server, and log in
2. If you are using Device Manager,
make sure its services are
3. Make sure that the settings and
statuses of the Single Sign On
Server are appropriate.
4. If the problem cannot be solved,
collect maintenance information,
and then contact the Support

KAPM03966-E Communications of the Single Communications of the Single Sign On

Sign On server have failed. server have failed.
An error occurred on the web server or
proxy server. Do the following:
1. Make sure that the services of the
Single Sign On server are running.
2. Make sure that the settings and
statuses of the Single Sign On
server service are appropriate.

KAPM03967-E Communications of the Single Communications of the Single Sign On

Sign On server have failed. server have failed.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-89

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
An error occurred on the web server or
proxy server. Do the following:
1. Make sure that Hitachi Command
Suite Common Web Service is
2. Make sure that the settings and
statuses of the Single Sign On
server service are appropriate.

KAPM03968-E The token is invalid. The token is invalid.

token=aa...aa. Log in again.
aa...aa: Token

KAPM03969-E The request is The request is invalid.

invalid.token=aa...aa. The Log in again. If the problem cannot be
name of application=bb...bb. resolved, detailed investigation is
aa...aa: Token required to determine the cause and
bb...bb: Name of application resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you to
collect troubleshooting information.
Restore the data from the backup file.

KAPM03970-E The request is The request is invalid.

invalid.token=aa...aa. The Log in again. If the problem cannot be
name of application=bb...bb. resolved, detailed investigation is
aa...aa: Token required to determine the cause and
bb...bb: Name of application resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you to
collect troubleshooting information.
Restore the data from the backup file.

KAPM03971-E The application is not The application is not registered.

registered. The name of Log in again. If the problem cannot be
application=aa...aa. resolved, detailed investigation is
aa...aa: Name of application required to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you to
collect troubleshooting information.
Restore the data from the backup file.

KAPM04001-I usage start. This message is displayed when the

usage output method of the command

KAPM04002-I usage is finished. This message is displayed when the

usage output method of the command

KAPM04003-I hcmdssup start. The hcmdssup command has started.

KAPM04004-I hcmdssup is finished. The hcmdssup command has stopped.

KAPM04006-W Log initialization has failed. The process outputting the hcmdssup
log has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who

A-90 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04007-E File is not found. file- The file could not be found.
name=aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: File name the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04008-E The error has occurred in file An error occurred while the hsso.conf
access. file-name=aa...aa file was being accessed.
aa...aa: File name To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04009-E aa...aa A NumberFormatException occurred

aa...aa: NumberFormat during the processing of hcmdssup.
exception message To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04010-E aa...aa An IllegalArgumentException occurred

aa...aa: IllegalArgument during the processing of hcmdssup.
exception message To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04011-E aa...aa A NullPointerException occurred during

aa...aa: NullPointerException the creation of an object, such as a file
message object.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04012-E aa...aa An IndexOutOfBoundsException

aa...aa: IndexOutOfBounds occurred during the processing of
exception message hcmdssup.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04013-E aa...aa A SecurityException occurred while a

aa...aa: SecurityException system property was being accessed.
message To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-91

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04014-E aa...aa An unexpected exception occurred.

aa...aa: Exception message To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04022-E Hostname is too long. The host name is too long.

Specify a host name less than 64

KAPM04023-E Portnumber is invalid. The port number is invalid.

Specify a port number from 1 to

KAPM04024-E Portnumber is invalid. The port number is invalid.

The specified value is outside the
integer range. Check the port number.

KAPM04025-I hcmdssup has succeeded. The hcmdssup was executed


KAPM04026-E hcmdssup has failed. hcmdssup has failed.

Take action according to the
proceeding message.

KAPM04027-E The SSL port number is invalid. The SSL port number is invalid.
Specify a port number with a value
from 1 to 65535.

KAPM04028-E The SSL port number is invalid. The SSL port number is invalid.
The type of the port number is not an
integer. Check the specified value.

KAPM04034-E An attempt to read the file An attempt to read the file hsso.conf
hsso.conf has failed. has failed.
Make sure that the hsso.conf file
exists,that you have access
permissions for this file, and that the
file is not in use.

KAPM04035-E An attempt to write to the file An attempt to write to the file

hsso.conf has failed. hsso.conf has failed.
Make sure that the hsso.conf file
exists,that you have access
permissions for this file, and that the
file is not in use.

KAPM04036-E The specified command line The specified command line input is
input is invalid. (input data = invalid.
aa...aa) Specify a valid option, and then re-
aa...aa: Input data execute the command.

A-92 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM04038-E The specified host name is The specified host name is invalid.
invalid. Specify a valid option, and then re-
execute the command.

KAPM04040-E The specified port number is The specified port number is invalid.
invalid. Specify a valid option, and then re-
execute the command.

KAPM04042-E The specified SSL port number The specified SSL port number is
is invalid. invalid.
Specify a valid option, and then re-
execute the command.

KAPM04050-I The command hcmdsprmset The command ended successfully.

ended successfully.

KAPM04051-E The command hcmdsprmset The command failed.

has failed. Specify a valid option, and then re-
execute the command.

KAPM04052-E An option is invalid. The specified command line input was

Make sure the command format is

KAPM04059-E The specified host name is too The specified host name is too long.
long. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04061-E The value specified for an The value specified for an option is
option is invalid. invalid.
Revise the values specified for the

KAPM04101-E Container server name is Container server name is invalid.

invalid. Server= aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Container server name the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04102-E Archive file is not found. Archive file is not found.

file=aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Archive file name the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04103-E Program type is invalid. Program type is invalid.

type=aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Program type the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-93

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04104-I Starting web application Web Application registration is now

registration... starting.

KAPM04105-E Privilege is invalid. The user does not have sufficient

permissions to execute the command.
Execute the command as a user with
Administrator permission.

KAPM04106-E Cannot get Cannot get tmpjavavm.properties file

tmpjavavm.properties file name.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04107-E Failed to get service Failed to get service registration

registration status. status.
service=aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Service name the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04108-E Cannot get javavm.properties Cannot get javavm.properties file

file name. name.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04109-E Cannot set JavaVM option. Cannot set JavaVM option.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04110-E Cannot set Java options. Cannot set Java options.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04111-E An attempt to check whether a An attempt to check whether a

program type exists in the program type exists in the
hcmdswebpp.ini file has failed. hcmdswebpp.ini file has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

A-94 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM04112-E Cannot write hcmdswebpp.ini Cannot write hcmdswebpp.ini file.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04113-E Service registration has failed. Service registration has failed.

service=aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Service name the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04114-E Failed to get service Failed to get service registration

registration status. status.
service=aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Service name the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04115-E Service registration has failed. Service registration has failed.

service=aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Service name the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04116-I hcmdsweb registration has hcmdsweb registration was successful.


KAPM04117-I Starting web application Web application deletion is now

deletion... starting.

KAPM04118-E Program type is not registered. Program type is not registered.

type=aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Program type the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04119-E Cannot delete service and Cannot delete service and folder.
folder. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04120-E Cannot delete hcmdswebpp.ini Cannot delete hcmdswebpp.ini file.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-95

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM04121-I hcmdsweb deletion has hcmdsweb deletion was successful.


KAPM04122-E Cannot get only a war file Cannot get only a war file name.
name. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04123-E Cannot get hcmdswebpp.ini file Cannot get hcmdswebpp.ini file name.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04124-E Cannot get tmphcmdswebpp.ini Cannot get tmphcmdswebpp.ini file

file name. name.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04125-E Log initialization has failed. Log initialization has failed.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04126-E Cannot insert new line Cannot insert new line character.
character. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04127-E An attempt to exchange An attempt to exchange

hcmdswebpp.ini with hcmdswebpp.ini with
tmphcmdswebpp.ini has failed. tmphcmdswebpp.ini has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04128-E hcmdsweb registration has hcmdsweb registration has failed.

Take action according to the last

KAPM04129-E hcmdsweb deletion has failed. hcmdsweb deletion has failed.

Take action according to the last

A-96 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM04130-E Cannot read hcmdswebpp.ini Cannot read hcmdswebpp.ini file.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04131-E OpenSCManager command OpenSCManager command error.

error. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04132-E Access is denied. Access is denied.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04133-E The parameter is incorrect. The parameter is incorrect.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04134-E The database specified does The database specified does not exist.
not exist. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04135-E An unexpected error occurred. An unexpected error occurred.

Error code = aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Error code the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04136-E RegOpenKeyEx command RegOpenKeyEx command error.

error.ErrorCode(aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Error code the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04137-E A duplicate name exists on the A duplicate name exists on the

network. network.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-97

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM04138-E The filename, directory name, The filename, directory name, or

or volume label syntax is volume label syntax is incorrect.
incorrect. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04139-E The account name is invalid or The account name is invalid or does
does not exist. not exist.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04140-E Circular service dependency Circular service dependency was

was specified. specified.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04141-E Service already exists. Service already exists.

service=aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Service name the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04142-E The handle is invalid. The handle is invalid.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04143-E The specified service has been The specified service has been marked
marked for deletion. for deletion.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04144-E CreateService command CreateService command error.

error. code=aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Error code the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04145-E DeleteService command DeleteService command error.

error. code=aa...aa
aa...aa: Error code

A-98 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04146-E OpenService command error. OpenService command error.

code=aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Error code the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04147-E The specified service does not The specified service does not exist as
exist as an installed service. an installed service.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04148-E RegQueryValueEx command RegQueryValueEx command error.

error. code=aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Error code the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04149-E The error has occurred in The error has occurred in aa...aa
aa...aa command. command.
code=bb...bb To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Command the problem, detailed investigation is
bb...bb: Error code required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04150-E The directory cannot be The directory cannot be removed.

removed. directory=aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Directory name the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04151-E The directory is not empty. The directory is not empty.

directory=aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Directory name the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04152-E The directory name is invalid. The directory name is invalid.

directory=aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Directory name the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-99

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM04153-E QueryServiceStatus QueryServiceStatus command error.

command error. code=aa...aa
To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Error code the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04154-E Failed to get installation Failed to get installation directory.

directory. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04155-E Failed to get Service name. Failed to get Service name.

service=aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Service name the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04156-E Service is running. Service is running.

service=aa...aa Stop the service, and then execute the
aa...aa: Service name command again.

KAPM04157-E Failed to get service status. Failed to get service status.

service=aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Service name the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04158-E File is not found. file=aa...aa File is not found.

aa...aa: File name To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04159-E Failed to delete specified file. Failed to delete specified file.

file=aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: File name the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04160-E Failed to rename aa...aa to Failed to rename aa...aa to bb...bb.

bb...bb. To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Original file name the problem, detailed investigation is
bb...bb: New file name required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04161-E Privilege is invalid to access Permission to access the file is

aa...aa file. insufficient.
aa...aa: File name

A-100 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04162-E Failed to copy from aa...aa to Failed to copy from aa...aa to bb...bb.
bb...bb. To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Name of the source file the problem, detailed investigation is
bb...bb: Name of the required. Contact Support Center, who
destination file may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04163-E Failed to delete service. Failed to delete service.

service=aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Service name the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04164-W Failed to delete the war file. Failed to delete the war file.
file=aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: War file name the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04165-W Failed to delete the folder. Failed to delete the folder.

folder=aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Folder name the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04166-E Failed to delete service. Failed to delete service.

service=aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Service name the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04167-E Failed to get service folder. Failed to get service folder.

service-folder=aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Service folder name the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04168-W Failed to delete service folder. Failed to delete service folder.

service-folder=aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Service folder name the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04169-E File is not found. file=aa...aa File is not found.

aa...aa: File name

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-101

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04172-E Failed to write Failed to write usrconf.properties to

usrconf.properties to installation information.
installation information.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04173-E Failed to read Failed to read usrconf.properties

usrconf.properties file. file.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04174-E Failed to exchange Failed to exchange

usrconf.properties to usrconf.properties to
tmpusrconf.properties. tmpusrconf.properties.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04175-E Failed to create directory. Failed to create directory.

directory=aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Directory name the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04176-E Failed to get the war file name. Failed to get the war file name.
file=aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: File name the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04177-E Failed to read Failed to read javavm.properties file.

javavm.properties file.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04178-E An attempt to exchange An attempt to exchange

javavm.properties with javavm.properties with
tmpjavavm.properties has tmpjavavm.properties has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is

A-102 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04197-I Service registration has The service was successfully

succeeded. service=aa...aa registered.
aa...aa: Service name

KAPM04198-I Service registration has The service was successfully

succeeded. service=aa...aa registered.
aa...aa: Service name

KAPM04202-I Service deletion has The service was successfully deleted.

succeeded. service=aa...aa
aa...aa: Service name

KAPM04205-E Memory alloc error. Memory alloc error.

code=aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Error code the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04206-E The system cannot find the file The system cannot find the file
specified. specified.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04207-E The system cannot find the The system cannot find the path
path specified. specified.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04208-E The system cannot open the The system cannot open the file.
file. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04209-E The process cannot access the The process cannot access the file
file because it is being used by because it is being used by another
another process. process.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-103

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM04211-E Failed to get Failed to get tmpusrconf.properties

tmpusrconf.properties file file name.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04212-E Failed to get usrconf.properties Failed to get usrconf.properties file

file name. name.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04213-E ExtractionWarFolderPath ExtractionWarFolderPath function

function error. error.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04214-E Failed to get web-users.xml file Failed to get web-users.xml file name.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04215-E Failed to get template Failed to get template

usrconf.properties file name. usrconf.properties file name.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04216-E Failed to get template web- Failed to get template web-users.xml

users.xml file name. file name.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04217-E Failed to get template Failed to get template

javavm.properties file name. javavm.properties file name.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04218-E Failed to get Display name. Failed to get Display name.

A-104 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04219-E Failed to load hntr2t.dll. Failed to load hntr2t.dll.

To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Error code the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04220-E The file option is invalid. The file option is invalid.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04221-E The type option is invalid. The type option is invalid.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04222-E The server option is invalid. The server option is invalid.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04223-E The classpath option is invalid. The classpath option is invalid.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04224-E The librarypath option is The librarypath option is invalid.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04225-E The javaoption option is The javaoption option is invalid.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04226-E The Xms option is invalid. The Xms option is invalid.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-105

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04227-E The Xmx option is invalid. The Xmx option is invalid.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04228-E RegCreateKeyEx command RegCreateKeyEx command error.

error. code=aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Error code the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04229-E RegSetValueEx command RegSetValueEx command error.

error. code=aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Error code the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04230-I Service deletion has Service deletion has succeeded.

succeeded. service=aa...aa
aa...aa: Service name

KAPM04231-E Failed to read Failed to read usrconf.properties

usrconf.properties file. file.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04232-E An attempt to register the An attempt to register the program

program type in the registry type in the registry failed.
failed. To determine the cause and resolve
program type = aa...aa the problem, detailed investigation is
aa...aa: Program type required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04233-E An attempt to delete the An attempt to delete the program type

program type in the registry in the registry failed.
failed. To determine the cause and resolve
program type = aa...aa the problem, detailed investigation is
aa...aa: Program type required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04234-E Failed to remake service. Failed to remake service.

A-106 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04235-E The minimum heap size has The minimum heap size has exceeded
exceeded the maximum heap the maximum heap size.
size. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04236-E The minimum heap size has The minimum heap size has exceeded
exceeded the already set up the already set up maximum heap
maximum heap size. size.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04237-E The service name exceeds 256 The service name exceeds 256
characters. characters.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04238-E The service registration is not The service registration is not possible
possible because the service because the service name exceeds 256
name exceeds 256 characters. characters.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04239-E An attempt to get the service An attempt to get the service control
control manager execution file manager execution file path failed.
path failed. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04240-E An error occurred when the An error occurred when the

environment settings folder environment settings folder was
was created. created.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-107

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM04241-E An error occurred when the An error occurred when the

environment settings file was environment settings file was set.
set. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04242-E An error occurred when the An error occurred when the web
web application archive file was application archive file was expanded.
expanded. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04243-E An error occurred when a An error occurred when a directory

directory expanded with the expanded with the web application
web application archive file was archive file was deleted.
deleted. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04244-E An error occurred when An error occurred when registering

registering and updating the and updating the web server.
web server. If you are using Windows, close the
Services window, and then perform
the operation again. If the problem
cannot be resolved, detailed
investigation is required to determine
the cause and resolve the problem.
Contact the Support Center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting
information. Restore the data from the
backup file.

KAPM04245-E An error occurred when An error occurred when registering

registering and updating and updating Tomcat.
Tomcat. If you are using Windows, close the
Services window, and then retry the
operation. If you are using a platform
other than Windows, detailed
investigation is required to determine
the cause and resolve the problem.
Contact the Support Center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04246-E An error occurred when the An error occurred when the

usrconf.properties file was usrconf.properties file was merged.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who

A-108 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04247-E An attempt to acquire the An attempt to acquire the number of

number of file lines has failed. file lines has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04248-E An attempt to create Map An attempt to create Map information

information has failed. has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04249-E An attempt to read data from a An attempt to read data from a file has
file has failed. failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04250-E An attempt to set the javaVM An attempt to set the JavaVM debug
debug option has failed. option has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04251-E The jvmoption option is invalid. The jvmoption option is invalid.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04252-E An error occurred in an internal An error occurred in an internal

function. (call function = function.
aa...aa, use function = bb...bb, To determine the cause and resolve
note = cc...cc, error code = the problem, detailed investigation is
dd...dd) required. Contact Support Center, who
aa...aa: Call function may ask you to collect troubleshooting
bb...bb: Use function information.

cc...cc: Note
dd...dd: Error code

KAPM04253-E A memory allocation error A memory allocation error occurred.

occurred. (call function = To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa, use function = bb...bb, the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-109

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
note = cc...cc, error code = may ask you to collect troubleshooting
dd...dd) information.
aa...aa: Call function
bb...bb: Use function
cc...cc: Note
dd...dd: Error code

KAPM04254-E An attempt to acquire the An attempt to acquire the daemon

daemon shell name has failed. shell name has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04255-E An attempt to write service An attempt to write service

registration information to the registration information to the version
version file has failed. file has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04256-E An attempt to delete service An attempt to delete service

registration information from registration information from the
the version file has failed. version file has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04257-E An attempt to start the An attempt to start the hcmdssrv

hcmdssrv command has failed. command has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04258-E An error occurred during An error occurred during execution of

execution of the hcmdssrv the hcmdssrv command.
command. For details, refer to the hcmdssrv
command log.

KAPM04259-E An attempt to create the boot An attempt to create the boot shell has
shell has failed. failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

A-110 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM04260-E The startup mode of the The startup mode of the service is
service is invalid. (start mode invalid.
= aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Start mode the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04261-E The starttype option is invalid. The starttype option is invalid.

Confirm the specification of the
starttype option.

KAPM04262-E An attempt to create the An attempt to create the usrconf.cfg

usrconf.cfg file has failed. file has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04263-E An attempt to deploy the An attempt to deploy the compiled JSP

compiled JSP file has failed. file has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04264-E A path was not found for the A path was not found for the Web
Web application folder. (folder application folder.
path = aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Folder path the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04265-E A path was not found for the A path was not found for the compiled
compiled JSP storage folder. JSP storage folder.
(folder path = aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Folder path the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04266-E The contents of the directory The contents of the directory are
are invalid. (Directory path = invalid.
aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Directory path the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04267-W An attempt to delete the hwc An attempt to delete the hwc directory
directory has failed. (Directory has failed.
path = aa...aa)
aa...aa: Directory path

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-111

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM04271-E An attempt to update the web An attempt to update the web

application version has failed. application version has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04272-E Failed to delete specified Failed to delete specified directory.

directory. Directory=aa...aa See the message KAPMxxxxx-W.
aa...aa: Directory

KAPM04273-W An attempt to execute the This message is displayed if an

aa...aa function has failed. attempt to add a service description
(error code = bb...bb, has failed.
description = cc...cc) The service explanation was not
aa...aa: Function name added. It will be added the next time
bb...bb: Error code the hcmdsweb command is executed.

cc...cc: Error description

KAPM04274-E An attempt to load the DLL has This message is displayed if an

failed. attempt to load the DLL has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04275-E An attempt to acquire the This message is displayed if an

function address in the DLL has attempt to acquire the function
failed. address in the DLL has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04276-E The file does not exist. (file This message is displayed if the file
name = aa...aa) does not exist.
aa...aa: File name To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04279-E An attempt to add a service This message is displayed if an

description has failed. attempt to add a service description
has failed.
Take the appropriate action based on
the preceding message.

KAPM04280-E A memory allocation error This message is displayed if a memory

occurred. allocation error has occurred.
Please see the message that follows.

A-112 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM04281-E The specified service is not This message is displayed if the

registered. specified service is not registered.
Please see the message that follows.

KAPM04282-E An attempt to acquire the This message is displayed if an

installation directory has failed. attempt to acquire the path of the
Hitachi Command Suite Common
Component installation folder has
Please see the message that follows.

KAPM04283-E The name of the specified This message is displayed if the

service is invalid. specified service name is invalid.
Please see the message that follows.

KAPM04284-E An attempt to access the This message is displayed if an

service explanation definition attempt to access the service
file has failed. explanation definition file has failed.
Please see the message that follows.

KAPM04285-E The service explanation This message is displayed if the

definition file is invalid. service explanation definition file is
Please see the message that follows.

KAPM04286-E An attempt to change a service This message is displayed if an

configuration parameter has attempt to change a service
failed. configuration parameter has failed.
Please see the message that follows.

KAPM04287-E An attempt to connect the This message is displayed if an

service control manager has attempt to connect the service control
failed. manager has failed.
Please see the message that follows.

KAPM04288-E An attempt to open the service This message is displayed if an

handle has failed. attempt to open the service handle has
Please see the message that follows.

KAPM04289-E An attempt to access the This message is displayed if an

service explanation definition attempt to access the service
file has failed. explanation definition file has failed.
Please see the message that follows.

KAPM04290-E The service name was not This message is displayed if the
specified. service name is not specified.
Please see the message that follows.

KAPM04291-I Registration of the aa...aa Web Web application registration is now

application will now start. starting.
aa...aa: Product name

KAPM04292-I Deletion of the aa...aa Web Web application deletion is now

application will now start. starting.
aa...aa: Product name

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-113

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM04293-E An attempt to delete the JSP An attempt to delete the JSP servlet
servlet class file has failed. class file has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04294-I The JSP servlet class file was The JSP servlet class file was deleted
deleted successfully. successfully.

KAPM04295-I Deletion of the JSP servlet Deletion of the JSP servlet class file
class file will now start. will now start.

KAPM04296-I Deletion of the JSP servlet Deletion of the JSP servlet class file
class file will now end. will now end.

KAPM04300-I Uninstallation of aa...aa has Uninstallation of aa...aa has started.

aa...aa: Product name

KAPM04301-I [All processing has finished.] All processing has finished.

KAPM04302-I Uninstallation was successful. Uninstallation was successful.

KAPM04303-I All of the services for aa...aa All of the services for aa...aa have
have been deleted. been deleted.
aa...aa: Product name

KAPM04304-I Restart the machine, and then Restart the machine, and then execute
execute the program again. the program again.

KAPM04305-E Uninstallation has failed. Uninstallation has failed.

Manually perform the deletion.

KAPM04306-I Uninstallation was successful. Uninstallation was successful. Restart

Restart the machine. the machine.

KAPM04307-E "aa...aa" has not stopped. Stop aa...aa has not stopped.
the service, and then try again. Stop the service, and then try again.
aa...aa: Service name

KAPM04311-E An attempt to acquire an An attempt to acquire an installation

installation path for aa...aa has path for aa...aa has failed.
failed. Manually delete the Manually delete the installation
installation directory. directory.
aa...aa: Product name

KAPM04312-E An attempt to acquire registry An attempt to acquire registry

information has failed. information has failed.

KAPM04313-E An attempt to acquire the An attempt to acquire the registry

registry information has failed. information has failed. Manually delete
Manually delete the registry the registry information.

KAPM04314-E Some files remained. Manually Some files remained. Manually delete
delete them. them.

A-114 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM04315-W All the files for aa...aa will now All the files for aa...aa will now be
be deleted. Is this OK? deleted. Is this OK?
aa...aa: Product name

KAPM04316-W Are you sure you want to Are you sure you want to delete all of
delete all of the files? the files?

KAPM04317-I Uninstallation was interrupted. Uninstallation was interrupted.

KAPM04318-I The OS setting information was The OS setting information was

successfully deleted. successfully deleted.

KAPM04319-E An attempt to delete the OS An attempt to delete the OS setting

setting information has failed. information has failed.
manually perform the deletion.

KAPM04320-W The resident process "aa...aa" The resident process aa...aa has not
has not stopped. stopped.
aa...aa: Process name

KAPM04321-I The OS settings information The OS settings information will now

will now be deleted to stop the be deleted to stop the resident
resident process. process.

KAPM04378-E DOMException: aa...aa A DOMException has occurred.

aa...aa: Exception message To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04379-E RuntimeException occurred. A RuntimeException has occurred.

aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Exception message the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04380-E MalformedURLException A MalformedURLException has

occurred. aa...aa occurred.
aa...aa: Exception message To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04381-E IllegalDataException occurred. An IllegalDataException has occurred.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04382-E IllegalOptionException An IllegalOptionException has

occurred. occurred.
Specify a valid option to execute the

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-115

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM04383-E IOException occurred. aa...aa An IOException has occurred.

aa...aa: Exception message To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04384-E SAXException occurred. aa...aa A SAXException has occurred.

aa...aa: Exception message To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04385-E HttpProtocolException An HttpProtocolException has

occurred. aa...aa occurred.
aa...aa: Exception message To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04386-E ServerNotStartException A ServerNotStartException has

occurred. occurred.
Confirm that Device Manager, Hitachi
Command Suite Common Web
Service, and Hitachi Command Suite
Single Sign On Service are running,
and that the port numbers used by
these services are correct.

KAPM04389-E Exception occurred. aa...aa An Exception has occurred.

aa...aa: Exception message To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04401-I Initializing servlet. Servlet initialization has started.

KAPM04405-E Can't read DTD file. An attempt to read the DTD file has
Windows: Copy the file
hcmdsrepClient.dtd and
hcmdsrepServer.dtd from Hitachi-
Solaris or Linux: Copy the file
hcmdsrepClient.dtd and
hcmdsrepServer.dtd from /opt/
HiCommand/Base/sample/conf to /

A-116 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM04411-I HTTP:POST from aa...aa The IP address of the requesting

aa...aa: IP address client.

KAPM04421-E The error has occurred in The error has occurred in Repository
Repository process. process.
For the HiCommand V3.x series,
confirm that InterBase or InterClient is
For the HiCommand V4.x series or
later, confirm that HiRDB is running.
If the problem cannot be resolved,
detailed investigation is required to
determine the cause and resolve the
problem. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM04422-E The illegal data has detected in The illegal data has detected during
Server process. server process.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04423-E The error has occurred in An error occurred during server

Server process. processing.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04426-E The version is incorrect. The client version is not 1.0.

Version aa...aa is required. To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Versions supported by the problem, detailed investigation is
the server required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04429-E An error occurred during server An error occurred during server

processing. processing.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04440-E Token has timed out. Token has timed out.

Execute hcmdsrep again.

KAPM04446-I Starting information Repository registration is now starting.


KAPM04455-W aa...aa has already registered aa...aa was already registered in the
in Repository. repository.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-117

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
aa...aa: Value specified by the Specify a different combination of the
type option and the type option and the displayname
displayname option option to execute hcmdsrep.

KAPM04463-W aa...aa is not found in aa...aa was not found in the

Repository. repository.
aa...aa: Value specified by the Specify registered information to
type option and the execute hcmdsrep.
displayname option

KAPM04464-E aa...aa is associated with more aa...aa is associated with more than
than one ServiceAccessPoint one ServiceAccessPoint Instance.
Instances. The database might be corrupted.
aa...aa: Value specified by the detailed investigation is required to
type option and the determine the cause and resolve the
displayname option problem. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM04465-I Starting information deletion... Deletion of product information from

the repository is now starting.

KAPM04468-W aa...aa is not found in aa...aa was not found in the

Repository. repository.
aa...aa: Value specified by the Specify a valid program type to
type option and the execute hcmdsrep.
displayname option

KAPM04472-I Starting information display... Acquisition of display information from

the repository is now starting.

KAPM04475-W No results were found in No results were found in Repository.


KAPM04480-E Type name is too Long. Type name is too Long.

The database might be corrupted.
detailed investigation is required to
determine the cause and resolve the
problem. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM04481-E Type or URL is not set. Type or URL is not set.

The database might be corrupted.
detailed investigation is required to
determine the cause and resolve the
problem. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM04489-E This version does not support This version does not support the add
the add option. option.
The add option cannot be used.

KAPM04499-E Detail of exception: aa...aa Detail of exception.

aa...aa: Contents of the

A-118 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM04510-E Option is invalid. option= An option is invalid.

aa...aa Specify a valid option.
aa...aa: Option

KAPM04511-E Option is invalid. option= An option is invalid.

aa...aa Specify a valid option.
aa...aa: Option

KAPM04512-E Option is invalid. option= An option is invalid.

aa...aa Specify a valid option.
aa...aa: Option

KAPM04513-E Option value is invalid. option- An option value is invalid.

value=aa...aa Specify a valid option.
aa...aa: Option value

KAPM04514-E Following Option is not An option is invalid.

supported: aa...aa Specify a valid option.
aa...aa: Option

KAPM04515-E Option is invalid. option= An option is invalid.

aa...aa Specify a valid option.
aa...aa: Option

KAPM04516-E Option is invalid. option= An option is invalid.

aa...aa Specify a valid option.
aa...aa: Option

KAPM04517-E Option is invalid. Option is invalid.

Specify a valid option.

KAPM04518-E Option is invalid. Option is invalid.

Specify a valid option.

KAPM04519-E Option is invalid. Option is invalid.

Specify a valid option.

KAPM04520-E Option is invalid. Option is invalid.

Specify a valid option.

KAPM04521-E Option is invalid. Option is invalid.

Specify a valid option.

KAPM04522-E Invalid Group or Role. Invalid Group or Role.

Specify the name and password of a
user who belongs to the GROUP
"Global" and ROLE "Admin".

KAPM04523-E Username or password is Username or password is invalid.

invalid. Specify a user name and password
registered in Device Manager.

KAPM04524-E Failed to connect to Failed to connect to Hitachi Command

HiCommand Suite Single Sign Suite Single Sign On Service.
On Service. Confirm that Hitachi Command Suite
Single Sign On Service is running.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-119

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM04525-E Failed to connect to Failed to connect to Device Manager.

HiCommand Device Manager. Confirm that the Device Manager
service is running.

KAPM04526-E HSSOException occurred. An HSSOException has occurred.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04527-E FileNotFoundException A FileNotFoundException has occurred.

occurred. Windows: Copy the file
hcmdsrepClient.dtd and
hcmdsrepServer.dtd from Hitachi-
Solaris or Linux: Copy the file
hcmdsrepClient.dtd and
hcmdsrepServer.dtd from /opt/
HiCommand/Base/sample/conf to /

KAPM04528-E IOException occurred. An IOException has occurred.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04529-E Option needs value. An option requires a value.

option=aa...aa Specify a value for the option.
aa...aa: Option

KAPM04553-E IOException occurred. aa...aa An IOException has occurred.

aa...aa: Exception message To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04554-E Not support tag type detected. An unsupported tag type was
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04555-E Value is too long. The value is too long.

Enter a string that does not exceed the
character limit.

A-120 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM04556-E Failed to connect to Hitachi Command Suite Common Web

HiCommand Suite Common Service could not be connected.
Web Service. Confirm that Hitachi Command Suite
Common Web Service is running.

KAPM04557-E A single sign-on server A single sign-on server exception has

exception has occurred. occurred.
Confirm that Hitachi Command Suite
Server and the database to be used
are running. If the problem cannot be
resolved, detailed investigation is
required to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you to
collect troubleshooting information.

KAPM04558-E An invalid role was detected. An invalid role was detected.

Specify a user belonging to the group
"Admin" or "Peer" and the user's

KAPM04560-I hcmdsrep add has succeeded. hcmdsrep add has succeeded.

aa...aa: Program type

KAPM04561-I hcmdsrep delete has hcmdsrep delete has succeeded.

succeeded. aa...aa
aa...aa: Program type

KAPM04562-E hcmdsrep add has failed. hcmdsrep add has failed.

See the message output prior to
aa...aa: Program type receiving this message.

KAPM04563-E hcmdsrep delete has failed. hcmdsrep delete has failed.

See the message output prior to
aa...aa: Program type receiving this message.

KAPM04601-E Command format is invalid. The command format is invalid.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04602-E Command format is invalid. The command format is invalid.

invalid-param=aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Invalid parameter the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04603-E File is not found. file- The file could not be found.
name=aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: File name the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-121

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04604-E Directory is not found. The directory could not be found.

directory-name=aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Directory name the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04605-E Bundle PP Name is invalid. The value of the type option is invalid.
To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Invalid value the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04606-E Web Container server is The value of the server option is

invalid. name=aa...aa invalid.
aa...aa: Invalid value To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04608-I Setup completed successfully. Setup completed successfully.

KAPM04609-E Failed to create file. file- An attempt to create a file has failed.
name=aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: File name the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04613-I Delete completed successfully. Delete completed successfully.

KAPM04614-E Failed to setup server. An attempt to set up the server has

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04615-E Failed to delete server. An attempt to delete the server has

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04616-E Server is running. pid=aa...aa The server is running.

aa...aa: Process ID To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who

A-122 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04702-E The option(s) specified is The option(s) specified is insufficient.

insufficient. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04703-E The option value specified is The option value specified is invalid.
invalid. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04705-E The option "aa...aa" is not The option "aa...aa" is not supported.
supported. To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Option the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04706-E The option "aa...aa" appears 2 The option "aa...aa" appears 2 times
times or more. or more.
aa...aa: Option To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04707-E The combination of options is The combination of options is invalid.

invalid. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04710-E An exception occurred. An exception occurred. See the

following message KAPM49001-E for
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04711-E The file "aa...aa" could not be The file "aa...aa" could not be read.
read. To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: File name the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04713-E The input XML contains a The input XML contains a grammar
grammar mistake. mistake.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-123

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04714-E Failed to connect to HBase Failed to connect to HBase Storage

Storage Mgmt Common Mgmt Common Service.
Service. Confirm that HBase Storage Mgmt
Common Service is running.

KAPM04715-E Failed to connect to HBase Failed to connect to HBase Storage

Storage Mgmt Web Service. Mgmt Web Service.
Confirm that the HBase Storage Mgmt
Web Service has started. If the HBase
Storage Mgmt Web Service has
started, confirm that the hostname in
hsso.conf is correct.
Windows: Hitachi-Command-Suite-
Solaris or Linux: /opt/HiCommand/

KAPM04716-E Failed to connect to the host Failed to connect to the host specified
specified in hsso.conf. in hsso.conf.
Confirm that the host name in
hsso.conf is correct.
Windows: Hitachi-Command-Suite-
Solaris or Linux: /opt/HiCommand/

KAPM04717-E An invalid URL was detected. An invalid URL was detected.

( aa...aa ) Confirm that the URL is correct.
aa...aa: URL

KAPM04718-E The server returned an empty The server returned an empty

response. response.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04719-E An unsupported element type An unsupported element type was

was detected in the XML. detected in the XML.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04722-W aa...aa error(s) were detected aa...aa error(s) were detected in the
in the response. response.

A-124 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
aa...aa: Number of errors To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting
KAPM04723-E Invalid error information was Invalid error information was detected.
detected. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04724-E Invalid server information was Invalid server information was

detected. detected.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04800-E Authentication information is Authentication information is

insufficient. insufficient.
Use a SOAP Client that send
Authentication information.

KAPM04801-E Authentication has failed. Authentication has failed to

authenticate the specified user id or
password. See the following message
KAPM49001-E for details.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04802-E A single sign-on server Communication between a single sign-

communication exception has on client and the server has failed. See
occurred. the following message KAPM49001-E
for details.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04803-E A single sign-on server A single sign-on server exception has

exception has occurred. occurred. See the following message
KAPM49001-E for details.
For the HiCommand V3.x series,
confirm that InterServer/InterBase or
Device Manager is running.
For the HiCommand V4.x series or
later, confirm that HiRDB or Device
Manager is running.
In all other cases, detailed
investigation is required to determine

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-125

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
the cause and resolve the problem.
Contact the Support Center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04805-E An XML parser exception An XML parser exception occurred.

occurred. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04806-E The received XML element The received XML element aa...aa
aa...aa contains an unexpected contains an unexpected value cc...cc
value cc...cc for attribute for attribute bb...bb. The expected
bb...bb. The expected value is value is dd...dd.
dd...dd. TARGET=ee...ee To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: XML tag name the problem, detailed investigation is
including unexpected value required. Contact Support Center, who
bb...bb: Name of attribute may ask you to collect troubleshooting
unexpected value is set information.

cc...cc: Unexpected value of

dd...dd: Value of attribute the
server expects
ee...ee: Information for

KAPM04807-E The XML element aa...aa is not The XML element aa...aa is not allowed
allowed as a child of element as a child of element bb...bb.
bb...bb. TARGET=cc...cc To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Tag name of the problem, detailed investigation is
unexpected element required. Contact Support Center, who
bb...bb: Tag name of element may ask you to collect troubleshooting
including unexpected element information.

cc...cc: Information for


KAPM04808-W The received XML attribute The XML attribute aa...aa is not
aa...aa is not allowed as an allowed as an attribute of bb...bb.
attribute of bb...bb. To determine the cause and resolve
TARGET=cc...cc the problem, detailed investigation is
aa...aa: Unexpected attribute required. Contact Support Center, who
name may ask you to collect troubleshooting
bb...bb: Tag name of element information.
including unexpected attribute
cc...cc: Information for

KAPM04809-E Message catalog information is Message catalog information is

insufficient for the log insufficient for the log message.
message. TARGET=aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Information for the problem, detailed investigation is

A-126 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04810-E A CIM Repository exception A CIM Repository exception occurred.

occurred. TARGET=aa...aa See the following message
aa...aa: Information for KAPM49001-E for details.
processing To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04812-E Failed to connect to Failed to connect to Device Manager.

HiCommand Device Manager. Confirm that the service is running and
check the value of HDVM.host in the
init.conf file.

KAPM04813-E An exception occurred. An exception occurred.

TARGET=aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Information for the problem, detailed investigation is
processing required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04814-W The CIM datatype aa...aa is The CIM datatype aa...aa is invalid for
invalid for bb...bb; it will be bb...bb; it will be handled as a string
handled as a string type. type.
aa...aa: Specified CIM data Specify a supported data type.
type name
bb...bb: Attribute name
Specified CIM data type is

KAPM04815-E This operation aa...aa is This operation aa...aa is unknown.

unknown. TARGET= bb...bb To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Unexpected operation the problem, detailed investigation is
bb...bb: Information for required. Contact Support Center, who
processing may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04816-E INSTANCENAME cannot be INSTANCENAME cannot be used for the

used for the set operation. setoperation.
To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Information for the problem, detailed investigation is
processing required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04817-E The CIM operation aa...aa is The CIM operation aa...aa is missing a
missing required argument required argument bb...bb.
bb...bb. TARGET=cc...cc
To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: CIM operation name the problem, detailed investigation is
bb...bb: Essential parameter required. Contact Support Center, who
name may ask you to collect troubleshooting

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-127

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
cc...cc: Information for

KAPM04818-I Starting CIM access... Method CIM access is starting.

= aa...aa
aa...aa: Name of the method of
the repository API

KAPM04819-I Ending CIM access... Ending CIM access.

KAPM04820-I Receiving a request.. Receiving a SOAP request.

KAPM04821-I Replying to the request.... Replying to the SOAP request.

KAPM04826-I The instance has been The instance has been updated by the
updated. TARGET=aa...aa set operation.
aa...aa: Information for

KAPM04827-I A new instance has been A new instance has been created by
created. TARGET=aa...aa the set operation.
aa...aa: Information for

KAPM04828-I The class is empty. The result of the enumerate operation

TARGET=aa...aa shows the class is empty.
aa...aa: Information for

KAPM04829-I The instance could not be The instance could not be found.
found. TARGET=aa...aa
aa...aa: Information for

KAPM04830-I The instance was deleted. The instance was deleted.

aa...aa: Information for

KAPM04832-E The input data aa...aa is not The input data aa...aa is not valid for
valid for data type bb...bb. data type bb...bb. See the following
TARGET=cc...cc message KAPM49001-E for details.
aa...aa: Input data value To determine the cause and resolve
bb...bb: Input data type the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
cc...cc: Information for may ask you to collect troubleshooting
processing information.

KAPM04833-E The received XML element The received XML element bb...bb is
bb...bb is missing a required missing a required attribute aa...aa.
attribute aa...aa. To determine the cause and resolve
TARGET=cc...cc the problem, detailed investigation is
aa...aa: Required attribute required. Contact Support Center, who
name may ask you to collect troubleshooting
bb...bb: XML tag name which information.
contains attribute of aa...aa

A-128 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
cc...cc: Information for

KAPM04834-E The received XML element The received XML element bb...bb is
bb...bb is missing a required missing a required child element
child element aa...aa. aa...aa.
TARGET=cc...cc To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: XML tag name of the the problem, detailed investigation is
required element required. Contact Support Center, who
bb...bb: XML tag name of the may ask you to collect troubleshooting
parent element information.

cc...cc: Information for


KAPM04835-W The received XML element The received XML element bb...bb has
bb...bb has no child element no child element aa...aa.
aa...aa. TARGET=cc...cc Specify the bb...bb element for the
aa...aa: Required tag name aa...aa element in the XML file.
bb...bb: Tag name of parent
cc...cc: Information for

KAPM04836-E The received XML element The received XML element aa...aa with
aa...aa with attribute attribute bb...bb=cc...cc is duplicated.
bb...bb=cc...cc is duplicated. To determine the cause and resolve
TARGET=dd...dd the problem, detailed investigation is
aa...aa: Duplicated tag name required. Contact Support Center, who
of XML element may ask you to collect troubleshooting
bb...bb: Attribute name information.

cc...cc: Attribute value

dd...dd: Information for

KAPM04837-E The XML element aa...aa as The XML element aa...aa as child of
child of element bb...bb is element bb...bb is duplicated.
duplicated. TARGET=cc...cc To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Duplicated tag name the problem, detailed investigation is
of XML element required. Contact Support Center, who
bb...bb: Tag name of parent may ask you to collect troubleshooting
element information.

cc...cc: Information for


KAPM04838-I The class has been created. The class has been created.
aa...aa: Information for

KAPM04839-I The class already exist. The class already exists.

aa...aa: Information for

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-129

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM04840-I The class could not be found. The class could not be found.
aa...aa: Information for

KAPM04841-I The class was deleted. The class was deleted.

aa...aa: Information for

KAPM04842-E The class aa...aa of the The class aa...aa of the instance is
instance is invalid. invalid.
TARGET=aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Information for the problem, detailed investigation is
processing required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04901-E The parameter is invalid. The parameter is invalid.

Set the valid parameter.

KAPM04902-E A fatal error occurred. A fatal error occurred.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04905-E An attempt to open the file An attempt to open the file failed.
failed. Path = aa...aa Confirm that a file exists in the
aa...aa: File path name specified location or does not in use.

KAPM04906-I The alias for aa...aa was set. The alias for aa...aa was set.
aa...aa: Program product name

KAPM04907-I The alias for aa...aa was The alias for aa...aa was overwritten.
aa...aa: Program product name

KAPM04908-I The alias for aa...aa was The alias for aa...aa was deleted.
aa...aa: Program product name

KAPM04909-E The alias for aa...aa does not The alias for aa...aa does not exist.
aa...aa: Program product name

KAPM04910-W The alias for aa...aa does not The alias for aa...aa does not exist.
aa...aa: Program product name

KAPM04933-E An option is invalid. An option is invalid.

KAPM04950-I PrintWriter was created. path = PrintWriter was created.

"aa...aa", file = "bb...bb"
aa...aa: Path of file bb...bb

A-130 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
bb...bb: File name

KAPM04951-I BufferedReader was created. BufferedReader was created.

path = "aa...aa", file =
aa...aa: Path of file bb...bb
bb...bb: File name

KAPM04952-E The file was not found. path = The file was not found.
"aa...aa", file = "bb...bb" To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Path of file bb...bb the problem, detailed investigation is
bb...bb: File name required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04953-I PrintWriter has closed. PrintWriter has closed.

KAPM04954-W PrintWriter cannot be closed. PrintWriter cannot be closed.

PrintWriter is null. PrintWriteris null.

KAPM04955-I BufferedReader has closed. BufferedReader has closed.

KAPM04956-W BufferedReader cannot be BufferedReader cannot be closed.

closed. BufferedReader is null. BufferedReader is null.

KAPM04957-E The specified application The specified application command is

command is not registered. not registered.
application name = "aa...aa"
aa...aa: Specified application

KAPM04958-E The specified application The specified application command is

command is already registered. already registered.
application name = "aa...aa"
aa...aa: Specified application

KAPM04959-I aa...aa has been added to the aa...aa has been added to the file.
aa...aa: Application name

KAPM04960-I aa...aa has been removed from aa...aa has been removed from the
the file. file.
aa...aa: Application name

KAPM04970-I Processing ended normally. Processing ended normally.

KAPM04971-E The specified command is The specified command is already

already registered. registered.

KAPM04972-E The specified command is not The specified command is not

registered. registered.

KAPM04973-E An option is invalid. An option is invalid.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-131

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04974-E An unexpected error occurred. An unexpected error occurred.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04975-E The type of OS is unknown. The type of OS is unknown.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04976-E IllegalOptionException IllegalOptionException occurred.

occurred. Description = To determine the cause and resolve
"aa...aa" the problem, detailed investigation is
aa...aa: Error details required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM04977-E InconsistencyException InconsistencyException occurred.

occurred. Description = To determine the cause and resolve
"aa...aa" the problem, detailed investigation is
aa...aa: Error details required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05001-I hcmdssrv was entered. The hcmdssrv command was entered.

KAPM05002-E Command format is invalid. The option is invalid.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05003-E Option is invalid. The option is invalid.

option=aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Invalid option the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05004-E Server name is invalid. server- The server name is invalid.

name=aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Server name the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05005-E The Win32API has failed. API An error has occurred in WIN32API.
name=aa...aa, error To determine the cause and resolve
code=bb...bb the problem, detailed investigation is

A-132 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
aa...aa: Name of the WIN32API required. Contact Support Center, who
bb...bb: Results of may ask you to collect troubleshooting
GetLastError() information.

KAPM05006-E Failed to start service. service- An attempt to start the service has
name=aa...aa failed.
aa...aa: Service name To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05007-I Already started service. The service is already running.

aa...aa: Service name

KAPM05008-E Failed to stop service. service- An attempt to stop the service has
name=aa...aa failed.
aa...aa: Service name To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05009-I Already stopped service. The service is already stopped.

aa...aa: Service name

KAPM05010-E Failed to query service. An attempt to query the service status

service-name=aa...aa has failed.
aa...aa: Service name To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05011-E Failed to control service. An attempt to control the service has

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05012-E Failed to access registry. An attempt to access the registry has

maintenance-code=aa...aa failed.
aa...aa: Maintenance code To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05013-W Failed to read init.conf. An attempt to read init.conf has

maintenance-code=aa...aa failed.
aa...aa: Maintenance code To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-133

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05014-W Failed to initialize trace. api- An attempt to initialize the log has
name=aa...aa,reason=bb...bb failed.
aa...aa: Log trace API name Confirm that the hcmdssrv command
bb...bb: Maintenance code is not being executed at the same
time. If this problem occurs frequently,
detailed investigation is required to
determine the cause and resolve the
problem. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM05015-E An internal function has failed. An internal function has failed.

Function name=aa...aa, error Take action according to the
code=bb...bb proceeding message.
aa...aa: Internal function name
bb...bb: Maintenance code

KAPM05016-I Succeeded in starting of A request to start the service was

service. service-name=aa...aa accepted.
aa...aa: Service name

KAPM05017-I Succeeded in stopping of A request to stop the service was

service. service-name=aa...aa accepted.
aa...aa: Service name

KAPM05018-E A system call has failed. API A system call has failed.
name=aa...aa, error To determine the cause and resolve
code=bb...bb the problem, detailed investigation is
aa...aa: System call name required. Contact Support Center, who
bb...bb: Maintenance code may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05019-W Definition is invalid. The definition is invalid.

name=aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Definition value name the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05020-E Failed to open file. An attempt to open the file has failed.
maintenance-code=aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Maintenance code the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05021-E Service does not exist. The service does not exist.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05022-W Service does not exist. The service does not exist.

A-134 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05023-E Could not find executable file. Could not find executable file.
file-name=aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Executable file the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05024-W Failed to initialize trace. Failed to initialize trace.

Reason=aa...aa Processing is continued without a
aa...aa: Reason trace.

KAPM05025-I The start type has been The start type has been successfully
successfully changed. service- changed.
name = aa...aa
aa...aa: Service name

KAPM05026-E An attempt to change the start An attempt to change the start type
type has failed. service-name has failed.
= aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Service name the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05027-E An attempt to start the DBMS An attempt to start the DBMS service
service has failed. has failed.
Refer to details to the hcmdsdbsrv log.

KAPM05028-E An attempt to stop the DBMS An attempt to stop the DBMS service
service has failed. has failed.
Refer to details to the hcmdsdbsrv log.

KAPM05029-E An attempt to acquire the An attempt to acquire the status of the

status of the DBMS service has DBMS service has failed.
failed. Refer to details to the hcmdsdbsrv log.

KAPM05030-E An attempt to query the status An attempt to query the status of a

of a service has failed. (service service failed.
name = aa...aa) Take action according to the message
aa...aa: Service name output before or after this message.

KAPM05035-E An attempt to execute the An attempt to execute a command has

command aa...aa has failed. failed.
aa...aa: Executable file name To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-135

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM05036-I The command aa...aa was A command was executed

executed successfully. (return successfully.
code = bb...bb)
aa...aa: Executable file name,
bb...bb: Return code

KAPM05037-E An attempt to query a service An attempt to query a service has

has failed. failed.
Take action according to the message
output before or after this message.

KAPM05038-W The error has occurred in The error has occurred in aa...aa
aa...aa command. command.
aa...aa: Command
bb...bb: Error code

KAPM05201-E The memory is insufficient. The memory is insufficient.

(aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Variable name the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05202-E The number of options is The number of options is insufficient.

insufficient. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05203-E There is no value following the An option has been specified without a
option. value.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05204-E Option is invalid. An option contains an error.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05205-E There is only a value though Only a value is specified for

there is no option. arguments, and not the corresponding
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

A-136 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM05206-E The error occurred in An error occurred in the dispatcher.

dispatcher. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05207-E The error occurred in the An error occurred in the registration of

registration of the service the service controller.
controller. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05208-E The error occurred in the An error occurred during list addition
HandlerRoutine. of the process's handler function.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05209-I The service_stop_thread is A service stop request thread was

started. opened.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05210-E The error occurred in the An error occurred in the service stop
service_stop_thread. request thread.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05211-E The error occurred in the An attempt to report progress to the

Report Status. service control manager has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05212-E The error occurred in create An error occurred while generating the
JavaVM. JavaVM.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05213-E Failed to set processing of An attempt to set up the JavaVM has

JavaVM. failed.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-137

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05214-I aa...aa started. The service has started.

aa...aa: Service name

KAPM05215-I aa...aa stopped. The service has stopped.

aa...aa: Service name

KAPM05216-E The error occurred in the start An attempt to start the service failed
of service. or the service stopped abnormally.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05217-E Failed to get to the option An attempt to get the value of the
definition file value. option definition file has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05218-E Failed to change the current An attempt to change the current

directory. directory has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05219-E Failed to create JavaVM. An attempt to create the JavaVM has

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05220-E Failed to connect to JavaVM. An attempt to connect to the JavaVM

has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05221-E The class is not found. The class was not found.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who

A-138 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05222-E The method is not found. The method was not found.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05223-E The error occurred in the An error occurred while acquiring a

Getinstpath.(aa...aa) key or path from the registry.
aa...aa: Registry key or To determine the cause and resolve
registry path the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05224-E The error occurred in the An attempt to load the DLL has failed.
LoadLibrary. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05225-E The error occurred in the An attempt to get the function address
GetProcAddress. in the DLL has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05226-E The error occurred in the An error occurred while allocating a

AllocConsole. new console to a process.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05227-E The error occurred in the An error occurred while deleting a file.
DeleteFile. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05228-E The error occurred in the An error occurred while sending the
GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent. specified signal to the console process
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-139

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM05229-E An attempt to execute the An attempt to execute the command

command to start the Web to start the Web container server has
container server has failed. failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05230-E An attempt to execute the An attempt to execute the command

command to stop the Web to stop the Web container server has
container server has failed. failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05231-E An attempt to execute the An attempt to execute the thread-

thread-dump acquisition dump acquisition command has failed.
command has failed. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05232-E The service stopped The service stopped abnormally.

abnormally. (service name = To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa) the problem, detailed investigation is
aa...aa: Service name required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05250-I Registration of the information- Registration of the information-search

search user has finished. user has finished.

KAPM05251-I Deletion of the information- Deletion of the information-search

search user has finished. user has finished.

KAPM05252-E An option is invalid. An option specified for the command is

Specify a correct option.

KAPM05253-E The specified option contains The specified option parameter

an invalid character. contains an invalid character.
Specify valid characters for the option

KAPM05255-E An internal error occurred. An internal error occurred.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05256-E A fatal error occurred. A fatal error occurred.

A-140 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05257-E Log initialization has failed. Log initialization has failed.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05258-I The command has started. The command has started.

KAPM05259-I The command has ended. The command has ended.

KAPM05263-W No registered information No registered information exists.

exists. Register user information by using the
set option, and then re-execute the
command. If the same message is
output again, detailed investigation is
required to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you to
collect troubleshooting information.

KAPM05264-E The file format is invalid. The file format is invalid.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05265-E An error occurred during file I/ An error occurred during file I/O
O processing. processing.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05266-W A server has not been No information was displayed when

registered. the list option was specified.
Register user information by using the
set option, and then re-execute the
command. If the same message is
output again, detailed investigation is
required to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you to
collect troubleshooting information.

KAPM05280-I Registration of a secret has Registration of a secret has succeeded.


KAPM05281-I Deletion of a secret has Deletion of a secret has succeeded.


Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-141

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM05282-E An option is invalid. An option is invalid.

Specify a valid option.

KAPM05285-E An internal error occurred. An internal error occurred.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05286-E A fatal error occurred. A fatal error occurred.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05288-I The command has started. The command hcmdsradiussecret has


KAPM05289-I The command has finished. The command hcmdsradiussecret has


KAPM05293-W No registered information No registered information exists.

exists. Register a secret by using the set
option, and then re-execute the
command. If the same message is
output again, detailed investigation is
required to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you to
collect troubleshooting information.

KAPM05294-E The file format is invalid. The file format is invalid.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05295-E An error occurred during file I/ An error occurred during file I/O
O processing. processing.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05296-W A server has not been No information was displayed when

registered. the list option was specified.
Register a secret by using the set
option, and then re-execute the
command. If the same message is
output again, detailed investigation is
required to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the

A-142 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
Support Center, who may ask you to
collect troubleshooting information.

KAPM05301-E The license has expired. The license has expired.

Use a license key that has not expired.

KAPM05302-E The system environment is The system environment is incorrect.

incorrect. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05303-E The entered license key is The entered license key is invalid.
invalid. Use a regular license key published by
the license server.

KAPM05304-I Processing ended normally. Processing ended normally.

KAPM05308-I The acquiring of aa...aa logs The acquiring of aa...aa logs started.
aa...aa: Application name

KAPM05309-I Backup of aa...aa started. Backup of aa...aa started.

aa...aa: Application name

KAPM05310-E The acquiring of aa...aa logs The acquiring of aa...aa logs

abnormally ended. abnormally ended.
aa...aa: Application name To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05311-I The acquiring of aa...aa logs The acquiring of aa...aa logs

successfully ended. successfully ended.
aa...aa: Application name

KAPM05312-E Backup of aa...aa abnormally Backup of aa...aa abnormally ended.

ended. To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Application name the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05313-I Backup of aa...aa successfully Backup of aa...aa successfully ended.

aa...aa: Application name

KAPM05314-E The specified directory is not The specified directory is not empty.
empty. Specify an empty directory.

KAPM05315-E An option is invalid. An option is invalid.

Check the options of the command.

KAPM05316-E The specified directory name The specified directory name aa...aa is
aa...aa is invalid. invalid.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-143

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
aa...aa: Invalid directory name Confirm that the specified directory is
KAPM05317-E aa...aa is not registered. aa...aa is not registered. bb...bb is
bb...bb is available. available.
aa...aa: Program product name Specify the registered program
specified in option product name.
bb...bb: Program product name
registered in the command

KAPM05318-I The acquiring of logs The acquiring of aa...aa logs

successfully ended. aa...aa successfully ended.
aa...aa: Program product name

KAPM05319-E The acquiring of logs The acquiring of aa...aa logs

abnormally ended. aa...aa abnormally ended.
aa...aa: Program product name To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05320-I Backup successfully ended. Backup successfully ended.

aa...aa: Program product name

KAPM05321-E Backup abnormally ended. Backup abnormally ended.

(aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Program product name the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05322-E aa...aa does not exist. aa...aa does not exist.

aa...aa: File name Confirm that the file exists in the
specified directory.

KAPM05323-I Information for restore: Information for restore:

To restore the HiCommand To restore the Hitachi Command Suite
shared repository, specify the shared repository, specify the "/
"/enforce" option. enforce" option.
Before restoring, you have to Before restoring, you have to stop the
stop the services "InterServer" services "InterServer" and "InterBase
and "InterBase Server". Server".
Note that the HiCommand Note that the Hitachi Command Suite
shared repository is shared repository is overwritten with
overwritten with old backup old backup data after the restore.
data after the restore.

KAPM05324-E The privilege is invalid. The privilege is invalid.

Execute as a user with execution

KAPM05325-E An attempt to execute An attempt to execute hcmdsras

hcmdsras failed. failed.

A-144 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05326-E An attempt to execute jar has An attempt to execute jar has failed.
failed. Confirm that the path name is included
in the file name specified for the arc
option. If the problem cannot be
resolved, detailed investigation is
required to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you to
collect troubleshooting information.

KAPM05328-I The hcmdsbasebackup The hcmdsbasebackup processing has

processing has succeeded. succeeded.

KAPM05329-E The hcmdsbasebackup The hcmdsbasebackup processing has

processing has failed. failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05330-E An option is invalid. An option is invalid.

Check the options of the command.

KAPM05331-E The license has expired. The license has expired.

Use a license key that has not expired.

KAPM05332-E The system environment is The system environment is incorrect.

incorrect. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05333-E The entered license key is The entered license key is invalid.
invalid. Use a regular license key published by
the license server.

KAPM05334-I Processing ended normally. Processing ended normally.

KAPM05335-E The license key file that was The license key file that was entered
entered could not be found. could not be found.
Confirm that the specified path is

KAPM05336-E The license key file that was The license key file that was entered is
entered is invalid. invalid.
The license key file that was input may
be damaged. Contact the Support
Center and acquire a new license key

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-145

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM05337-I The license key that should be The license key that should be entered
entered does not exist in the does not exist in the license key file.
license key file. Confirm that the specified license key
file is correct.

KAPM05390-I The hcmdsras processing has The hcmdsras processing has

succeeded. succeeded.

KAPM05392-W An attempt to get the System An attempt to get the System Log
Log failed. failed.
Retry execution. If the problem cannot
be resolved, detailed investigation is
required to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you to
collect troubleshooting information.

KAPM05393-W An attempt to get the An attempt to get the Application Log

Application Log failed. failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required.Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05394-W An attempt to get the Syslog An attempt to get the Syslog Daemon
Daemon configuration file configuration file failed.
failed. Retry execution. If the problem cannot
be resolved, detailed investigation is
required to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you to
collect troubleshooting information.

KAPM05402-E The option(s) specified is The option(s) specified is insufficient.

insufficient. Specify all the necessary options.

KAPM05403-E The option value specified is The option value specified is invalid.
invalid. Specify the option and specify the
necessary proceeding values (user
name and password, etc.).

KAPM05405-E The option "aa...aa" is not The option "aa...aa" is not supported.
supported. Do not specify an unsupported option.
aa...aa: Option

KAPM05406-E The option "aa...aa" appears 2 The option "aa...aa" appears 2 times
times or more. or more.
aa...aa: Option Check the specification of the option.

KAPM05407-E The combination of options is The combination of options is invalid.

invalid. Confirm that no option that should be
specified exclusively is specified at the
same time.

A-146 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM05410-E An exception occurred. An exception occurred. See the

following message KAPM49001-E for
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05411-E The file "aa...aa" could not be The file "aa...aa" could not be read.
read. Confirm that the file exists, that the
aa...aa: File name file is not in use, and that the make
directory of the file is correct.

KAPM05413-E The input XML contains a The input XML contains a grammar
grammar mistake. mistake.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05414-E A fatal structure error was A fatal structure error was detected in
detected in the input XML. the input XML.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05415-E An error occurred during An error occurred during

communication processing. communication processing. See the
(Detail: aa...aa) following message KAPM49001-E for
aa...aa: Error details details.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05417-E An invalid URL was detected. An invalid URL was detected.

( aa...aa ) Check the specification of the URL.
aa...aa: URL

KAPM05418-E The server returned an empty The server returned an empty

response. response.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05419-E An unsupported element type An unsupported element type was

was detected in the XML. detected in the XML.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-147

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05422-W aa...aa error(s) were detected aa...aa error(s) were detected in the
in the response. response.
aa...aa: Number of errors To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05423-E Invalid error information was Invalid error information was detected.
detected. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05424-E Invalid server information was Invalid server information was

detected. detected.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05425-E The input file contains a The input file contains a grammar
grammar mistake. mistake.
Correct the syntax error in the
specified definition file.

KAPM05426-E An error occurred when An error occurred when inputting the

inputting the file. file.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05427-E The specified value is invalid. The specified value is invalid.

value = aa...aa Confirm the value in the user definition
aa...aa: Value application file.

KAPM05432-E Link registration processing has Link registration processing has failed.
failed. Processing is Processing is interrupted.
interrupted. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05433-E The acquisition as a result of The acquisition as a result of

registration processing has registration processing has failed.

A-148 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05434-E I/O of XML has failed. I/O of XML has failed.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05435-E An error occurred in the SAX An error occurred in the SAX parser.
parser. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05436-E An attempt to analyze the An attempt to analyze the execution

execution result has failed. result has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05437-E The execution result of the The execution result of the XREP
XREP processing was null. processing was null.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05438-W The "aa...aa" xrep processing The "aa...aa" xrep processing result is
result is bb...bb. bb...bb.
aa...aa: Result of hcmdsxrep To determine the cause and resolve
command the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
bb...bb: Result of the
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05439-E An attempt to register a link An attempt to register a link has

has failed. failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05440-E An attempt to delete a link has An attempt to delete a link has failed.
failed. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-149

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05441-W An attempt to check the result An attempt to check the result has
has failed. failed.
Confirm the value in the user definition
application file.

KAPM05442-E The registered information was The registered information was not
not found. found.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05443-E The table that registers a link The table that registers a link does not
does not exist. exist.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05444-E An error occurred within the An error occurred within the server.
server. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05445-E An unexpected error occurred An unexpected error occurred within

within the server. the server.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05446-I Processing ended normally. Processing ended normally.

KAPM05501-I Backing up the database to file Backing up the database to file

aa...aa... aa...aa.
aa...aa: File name


aa...aa: InterBase process ID

KAPM05503-W The file aa...aa will be The file aa...aa will be overwritten. Is
overwritten. Is this OK? this OK?
aa...aa: File name The continuation will overwrite the

KAPM05504-W The HiCommand Server The Hitachi Command Suite Common

database will be overwritten by Component database will be
this procedure. Is this OK? overwritten by this procedure. Is this

A-150 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
The continuation will overwrite the
Hitachi Command Suite Common
Component database.

KAPM05505-E The aa...aa file does not exist The aa...aa file does not exist or is not
or is not readable. The readable. The Hitachi Command Suite
HiCommand Server database Common Component database was not
was not altered. altered.
aa...aa: File name Confirm that aa...aa file exists.
Alternatively, check the permission of
the aa...aa file.

KAPM05506-E The aa...aa file does not exist The aa...aa file does not exist or is not
or is not readable.The readable. The Hitachi Command Suite
HiCommand Server database Common Component database was not
was not altered. altered.
aa...aa: File name Confirm that the aa...aa file exists.

KAPM05507-I Restoring the database from Restoring the database from the
the aa...aafile... aa...aa file.
aa...aa: File name

KAPM05508-E The path of the specified The path of the specified database file
database file is invalid. is invalid.
Check the value of DATABASE.path in
the configuration file.
Windows: Hitachi-Command-Suite-
Solaris or Linux: /opt/HiCommand/

KAPM05509-E The specified database file was The specified database file was not
not found. found.
Check the value of DATABASE.path in
the configuration file.
Windows: Hitachi-Command-Suite-
Solaris or Linux: /opt/HiCommand/

KAPM05510-E An attempt to read to a file has An attempt to read to a file has failed.
failed. file name=aa...aa. To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: File name the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05511-E An unexpected error occurred. An unexpected error occurred.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-151

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM05512-I Backup has succeeded. Backup has succeeded.

KAPM05513-E An attempt to back up has An attempt to back up has failed.

failed. Take action according to the message
output in the window after command

KAPM05514-I Restoration has succeeded. Restoration has succeeded.

KAPM05515-E An attempt to restore has An attempt to restore has failed.

failed. Take action according to the message
output in the window after command

KAPM05516-E The setup of the specified The setup of the specified database is
database is invalid. invalid.
Make sure the setting for the key that
the file DATABASE starts is correct.
Solaris: /opt/HiCommand/Base/conf/

KAPM05530-I Backup of the database has Backup of the database has started.

KAPM05531-I Backup of the database has Backup of the database has ended.

KAPM05532-I Restoration of the database Restoration of the database has

has started. started.

KAPM05533-I Restoration of the database Restoration of the database has

has ended. ended.

KAPM05534-I The database will now be The database will now be backed up to
backed up to file aa...aa. file aa...aa.
aa...aa: Backup file

KAPM05535-I The system area has been The system area has been damaged.
damaged. Do you want to Please select whether to restore this
recover the system? [y or n] system. Enter y (for yes) or n (for do

KAPM05536-I Please press the Enter key. Please press the Enter key.

KAPM05537-I Stop the HiRDB service before Stop the HiRDB service before
restoring the database. restoring the database.

KAPM05538-I Re-creation of the system area Re-creation of the system area has
has started. started.

KAPM05539-I Re-creation of the system area Re-creation of the system area has
has ended. ended.

KAPM05540-I Re-creation of the RD area has Re-creation of the RD area has

started. started.

A-152 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM05541-I Re-creation of the RD area has Re-creation of the RD area has ended.

KAPM05544-E An attempt to back up the An attempt to back up the database

database has failed. has failed.
Confirm that there are no errors in the
directory specification. If there are no
errors, detailed investigation is
required to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you to
collect troubleshooting information.

KAPM05545-E An attempt to restore the An attempt to restore the database

database has failed. has failed.
Confirm that there are no errors in the
directory specification. If there are no
errors, detailed investigation is
required to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you to
collect troubleshooting information.

KAPM05546-W The backed-up version is The backed-up version is different

different from the version in from the version in the current
the current environment. environment.

KAPM05547-I Do you want to continue and Do you want to continue and restore
restore the database? the database?

KAPM05548-I Restoration of the database will Restoration of the database will

continue. continue.

KAPM05550-E The option(s) specified is The option(s) specified is invalid.

invalid. Specify the option correctly.

KAPM05551-E An attempt to execute the An attempt to execute the aa...aa

aa...aa command has failed. command has failed.
aa...aa: Command name Confirm that there are no syntax
errors in the command specification. If
there are no syntax errors, detailed
investigation is required to determine
the cause and resolve the problem.
Contact the Support Center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05552-E HiRDB has not been installed. HiRDB has not been installed.
Make sure that HiRDB has been

KAPM05553-E The RD area of the specified The RD area of the specified program
program type could not be type could not be found.
found. Make sure that HiRDB has been set up.

KAPM05554-E The file aa...aa could not be The file aa...aa could not be deleted.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-153

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
aa...aa: File name

KAPM05555-E An attempt to set the An attempt to set the environment

environment variable has variable has failed.
failed. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05556-E An attempt to create the An attempt to create the backup file

backup file has failed. has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05557-E An I/O error occurred. An I/O error occurred.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05558-E An attempt to open the archive An attempt to open the archive file has
file has failed. failed.
Confirm that there are no errors in the
file specification. If there are no errors,
detailed investigation is required to
determine the cause and resolve the
problem. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM05559-E The backup file format is The backup file format is invalid.
invalid. Specify a valid backup file.

KAPM05560-E The database location of the The database location of the specified
specified program type has not program type has not been created.
been created. Make sure that the specified
application is installed.

KAPM05561-I The database was backed up The database was backed up

successfully. successfully.

KAPM05562-E An attempt to back up the An attempt to back up the database

database has failed. has failed.

KAPM05563-I The database was completely The database was completely restored.

KAPM05564-E An attempt to completely An attempt to completely restore the

restore the database has failed. database has failed.

KAPM05565-I The database was partially The database was partially restored.

A-154 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM05566-E An attempt to partially restore An attempt to partially restore the

the database has failed. database has failed.

KAPM05567-E An exception occurred. An exception occurred.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05568-E aa...aa:bb...bb Message for debugging.

aa...aa: Command name
bb...bb: Message

KAPM05569-E aa...aa Message for debugging.

aa...aa: Command name

KAPM05570-I Processing ended normally. Processing ended normally.

KAPM05573-E The option(s) specified is The option(s) specified is invalid.

invalid. Specify the option correctly.

KAPM05574-E An attempt to execute the An attempt to execute the aa...aa

aa...aa command has failed. command has failed.
aa...aa: Command name Confirm that there are no syntax
errors in the command specification. If
there are no syntax errors, detailed
investigation is required to determine
the cause and resolve the problem.
Contact the Support Center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05575-E HiRDB has not been installed. HiRDB has not been installed.
Confirm that HiRDB has already

KAPM05576-E The RD area of the specified The RD area of the specified program
program type could not be type could not be found.
found. Confirm that HiRDB has already set

KAPM05577-E An attempt to clear an HiRDB An attempt to clear an HiRDB

environment variable has environment variable has failed.
failed. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05578-E The database location of the The database location of the specified
specified program type has not program type has not been created.
been created. Make sure that the specified
application is installed.

KAPM05579-E An exception occurred. An exception occurred.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-155

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05580-I Re-creation of the database Re-creation of the database has

has started. started.

KAPM05581-I Re-creation of the database Re-creation of the database has

has ended. ended.

KAPM05582-I Unsetup of aa...aa has started. Unsetup of aa...aa has started.

aa...aa: Product name

KAPM05583-I Unsetup of aa...aa has ended. Unsetup of aa...aa has ended.

aa...aa: Product name

KAPM05584-I Setup of aa...aa has started. Setup of aa...aa has started.

aa...aa: Product name

KAPM05585-I Setup of aa...aa has ended. Setup of aa...aa has ended.

aa...aa: Product name

KAPM05586-I Execution of the aa...aa Execution of the aa...aa command has

command has started. started.
aa...aa: Command name

KAPM05587-I Execution of the aa...aa Execution of the aa...aa command

command ended normally. ended normally.
aa...aa: Command name

KAPM05588-I Backup of the parameter Backup of the parameter definition file

definition file has ended. has ended.

KAPM05589-I The backup file of the The backup file of the parameter
parameter definition file has definition file has been deleted.
been deleted.

KAPM05590-E The option(s) specified is The option(s) specified is invalid.

invalid. Specify the option correctly.

KAPM05591-E An attempt to execute the An attempt to execute the aa...aa

aa...aa command has failed. command has failed.
aa...aa: Command name Confirm that there are no syntax
errors in the command specification. If
there are no syntax errors, detailed
investigation is required to determine
the cause and resolve the problem.
Contact the Support Center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05592-E HiRDB has not been set up. HiRDB has not been set up.
Confirm that HiRDB has already set

KAPM05593-E The aa...aa file was not found. The aa...aa file was not found.

A-156 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
aa...aa: File name Confirm that HiRDB is set up. If the
problem cannot be resolved, detailed
investigation is required to determine
the cause and resolve the problem.
Contact the Support Center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting
KAPM05594-E The aa...aa file could not be The aa...aa file could not be read.
read. Confirm that HiRDB is set up. If the
aa...aa: File name problem cannot be resolved, detailed
investigation is required to determine
the cause and resolve the problem.
Contact the Support Center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05595-E The aa...aa folder could not be The aa...aa folder could not be
deleted. deleted.
aa...aa: Folder name To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05596-E An SQL exception occurred. An SQL exception occurred.

Confirm that HiRDB is running. If
HiRDB is running, detailed
investigation is required to determine
the cause and resolve the problem.
Contact the Support Center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05597-E An attempt to clear the HiRDB An attempt to clear the HiRDB system
system environment variables environment variables has failed.
has failed. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05598-E An exception occurred. An exception occurred.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05599-E aa...aa:bb...bb aa...aa : Command name

aa...aa: Command name bb...bb : Message
bb...bb: Message To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-157

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM05601-I The acquisition of HiRDB detail The acquisition of HiRDB detail logs
logs has started. has started.

KAPM05602-I The acquisition of HiRDB detail The acquisition of HiRDB detail logs
logs was successful. was successful.

KAPM05603-I The acquisition of the HiRDB The acquisition of the HiRDB RDAREA
RDAREA has started. has started.

KAPM05604-I The acquisition of the HiRDB The acquisition of the HiRDB RDAREA
RDAREA was successful. was successful.

KAPM05605-I The acquisition of the table The acquisition of the table data has
data has started. started.

KAPM05606-I The acquisition of the table The acquisition of the table data was
data was successful. successful.

KAPM05607-E The command aa...aa is The command is executing in another

executing in another process. process.
aa...aa: Command name After the command executing in the
other process finishes, re-execute the

KAPM05608-E The wait for the end of the The wait for the end of the command
command aa...aa has failed. executing in another process has
aa...aa: Command name failed.
Re-execute the command. If the
problem cannot be resolved, detailed
investigation is required to determine
the cause and resolve the problem.
Contact the Support Center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05609-E The command aa...aa timed The command executing in another

out and ended. process timed out.
aa...aa: Command name Re-execute the command. If the
problem cannot be resolved, detailed
investigation is required to determine
the cause and resolve the problem.
Contact the Support Center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05610-I The specified product is a The specified product is a version for

version for which registration which registration data can be moved.
data can be moved. (This was (This was determined by comparing
determined by comparing the the versions of the specified product
versions of the specified and the product to be installed.)
product and the product to be

KAPM05611-E The specified product is a The specified product is a version for

version for which registration which registration data cannot be
data cannot be moved. (This moved. (This was determined by
was determined by comparing comparing the versions of the specified
the versions of the specified product and the product to be

A-158 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
product and the product to be To determine the cause and resolve
installed.) the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting
KAPM05612-E The version of the specified An attempt to execute the version
product could not be acquired. acquisition function has failed.
(product name = aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Product name the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05613-E The format of the version The format of the version number file
number file for the specified for the specified product is invalid.
product is invalid. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05614-E The specified product is not The product specified by the version
installed. (product name = check command is not installed.
aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Product name the problem, detailed investigation is
required.Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05615-E An internal error occurred: An internal error occurred. A detailed

aa...aa message to pinpoint the cause is
aa...aa: Detailed message displayed in the log.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05616-E The number of specified The number of options to specify in the

options is invalid. version check function is invalid.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05617-E The contents of the version file The version number file contains
are invalid. characters that are not numbers.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05618-I The hcmdsppcheck command The version check function has

has started. started.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-159

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM05619-I The hcmdsppcheck command The version check function has ended.
has ended.

KAPM05620-I The hcmdsppvrs command was The version acquisition function was
successful. successful.

KAPM05621-E The hcmdsppvrs command An attempt to execute the version

failed. acquisition function has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05622-E Initialization of the log failed. Initialization of the log failed.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05623-E An attempt to assign memory An attempt to assign memory to store

to store the log file path has the log file path has failed.
failed. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05624-E An attempt to acquire the An attempt to acquire the installation

installation path has failed. path has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05625-E The product names do not The product name specified by the
match. version check function does not match
the registered product name.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05626-E The product name is not The product name that must be
specified. specified by the version check function
is not specified.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

A-160 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM05627-E There is no version number There is no version number file in the

file. location specified by the version check
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05628-I A file already exists at the Upgrade permission file already exists.
specified output destination.

KAPM05629-E A folder already exists at the A folder already exists at the output
specified output destination. destination specified by the version
check function.
After deleting the output destination
folder, re-execute the command, or
specify an empty directory.

KAPM05630-E There is no registry key for There is no registry key for Hitachi
HBase. Command Suite Common Component.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05640-I The user ID and password were The specified user ID and password
changed successfully. were changed successfully.

KAPM05641-I There is no password file to The password file that writes the user
reference. ID and password was not found.

KAPM05642-W Neither the user ID nor the The specified user ID and password
password was changed. are the same as before.
Specify a new (different) ID and

KAPM05643-E The format of the password file The password file might have been
is invalid. corrupted.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05644-E An attempt to change the user An attempt to change the specified

ID and password has failed. user ID and password failed because
an error occurred.
Check the preceding log.

KAPM05645-E An option is invalid. Please make sure the specification of

the option is correct.
Specify the option correctly, and
execute the command again.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-161

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM05646-E The specified argument An invalid character was specified in

contains an invalid character. the option.
Enter valid characters only.

KAPM05647-E An attempt to acquire the An attempt to acquire the Hitachi

HiCommand Suite Common Command Suite Common Component
Component installation path installation path has failed.
has failed. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05648-E An attempt to initialize the log An attempt to initialize the log has
has failed. failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05649-E An internal error occurred. An internal error occurred.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05650-E A fatal error occurred. A fatal error occurred.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05654-E An attempt to output the An error occurred during processing to

password file has failed. write to the password file.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05655-E The character string specified The character string specified by the
by the option is too long. option exceeds the maximum number
of characters.
Enter a character string that is within
the maximum number of characters.

KAPM05656-E The character string specified The length of the character string
by the option is too short. specified by the option is less than the
minimum number of characters.
Enter a character string that is at least
the minimum number of characters.

A-162 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM05657-I The hcmdschangeaccount The hcmdschangeaccount command

command has started. has started.

KAPM05658-I The hcmdschangeaccount The hcmdschangeaccount command

command has ended. has ended.

KAPM05659-E The program product specified The value specified for the type option
by the type option is invalid. is invalid.
Enter a correct value.

KAPM05660-E The user ID specified by the The value specified for the newid
newid option is invalid. option is invalid.
Enter a correct value.

KAPM05661-E The password specified by the The value specified for the newpass
newpass option is invalid. option is invalid.
Enter a correct value.

KAPM05662-E An attempt to read the An error occurred during processing to

password file has failed. load the password file.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05663-E The specified user already The specified user already exists.
exists. Please execute it again after changing
the user name.

KAPM05672-I The memory size was changed The memory size was changed
successfully. successfully.

KAPM05673-E An attempt to change the An attempt to change the memory size

memory size has failed. has failed.
Check the message output before or
after this message, and take action
appropriate to that message.

KAPM05674-E A fatal error occurred during A fatal error occurred during

processing. processing.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05675-E The service is running. The service is running.

Stop the service, and then execute the
command again.

KAPM05676-E In a Windows x32 In a Windows x32 environment, the

environment, the memory size memory size cannot be changed to
cannot be changed to Large. Large.
Specify a valid option to execute the

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-163

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM05677-E The parameter is invalid. The parameter is invalid.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05678-I The current memory size is The current memory size is displayed.
aa...aa: Memory size

KAPM05679-E The current memory size is The current memory size is unknown.
unknown. Use the hcmdschgheap command to
reset the memory size.

KAPM05680-E An option is invalid. An option is invalid.

Specify a valid option, and then re-
execute the command.

KAPM05681-E An entered argument is invalid. An entered argument is invalid.

Specify an appropriate argument.

KAPM05682-E The specified options are A necessary option is not specified.

insufficient. Specify a valid option, and then try

KAPM05683-E The value specified for an The value specified for an option is
option is invalid. (option = invalid. (option = aa...aa)
aa...aa) Check the value specified for the
aa...aa: Option option.

KAPM05684-E The specified value is invalid. The specified value is invalid. (value =
(value = aa...aa) aa...aa)
aa...aa: Value Specify an appropriate value.

KAPM05685-E The hcmds.home value cannot The hcmds.home value cannot be

be acquired. acquired.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05686-E An attempt to load the file has An attempt to load the file has failed.
failed. (file = aa...aa) (file = aa...aa)
aa...aa: File name To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05687-I Processing ended normally. Processing ended normally.

KAPM05688-E Execution of the hcmdsweb Execution of the hcmdsweb command

command has failed. has failed.

A-164 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05689-E Execution of the hcmdsweb2 Execution of the hcmdsweb2 command

command has failed. has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05690-E In Windows x86 version, you In Windows x86 version, you cannot
cannot specify Large. specify Large.
Specify a valid option, and then re-
execute the command.

KAPM05691-E Command execution failed Command execution failed because

because services were running. services were running.
Stop all Suite products, Single Sign On
Server, and Common Web Service,
and then re-execute the command.

KAPM05692-E The command cannot be The command cannot be executed

executed because multiple because multiple containers are not
containers are not registered. registered.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05699-E An exception occurred. An exception occurred.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05802-E The option is invalid. The option is invalid.

Specify the option correctly.

KAPM05803-E The specified arguments are The specified arguments are

insufficient. insufficient.
Specify the option correctly.

KAPM05804-E The specified value of option is The specified value of option is invalid.
invalid. (Option = aa...aa) Check the specified value of the
aa...aa: Option name option.

KAPM05805-E The specified directory cannot The specified directory cannot be

be created. (directory = created.
aa...aa) Make sure that you have write
aa...aa: Directory name permission for the directory.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-165

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM05806-E The specified directory name The specified directory name already
already existed as a file. (file = existed as a file.
aa...aa) Specify another directory name.
aa...aa: File name

KAPM05807-E The specified value is invalid. The specified value is invalid.

(value = aa...aa) Specify a valid value.
aa...aa: Specified value

KAPM05808-E The file aa...aa does not exist. The file aa...aa does not exist.
aa...aa: File name Confirm that there are no errors in the
file specification. If there are no errors,
detailed investigation is required to
determine the cause and resolve the
problem. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM05809-E The directory aa...aa does not The directory aa...aa does not exist.
exist. Confirm that there are no errors in the
aa...aa: Directory name file specification. If there are no errors,
detailed investigation is required to
determine the cause and resolve the
problem. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM05810-E The file aa...aa already exists. The file aa...aa already exists.
aa...aa: File name Delete the file, or move to another

KAPM05811-E Command aa...aa returns value Command aa...aa returns value

bb...bb. The error message is bb...bb. The error message is cc...cc.
cc...cc. Confirm that the value specified for the
aa...aa: Command name option is correct. If the value is
bb...bb: Return code correct, detailed investigation is
required to determine the cause and
cc...cc: Error message resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you to
collect troubleshooting information.

KAPM05812-I Processing ended normally. Processing ended normally.

KAPM05813-E An IOException occurred. An IOException occurred.

(details = aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Exception details the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05814-E An exception occurred. (details An exception occurred.

= aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Exception details the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

A-166 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM05815-E A NullPointerException A NullPointerException occurred.

occurred. (details = aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Exception details the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05816-E An error occurred while An error occurred while executing the

executing the hcmdsauthmode hcmdsauthmodecommand.
command. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05817-E There is no RD area in the There is no RD area in the system.

system. Make sure that the Hitachi Command
Suite product has been installed.

KAPM05818-I The hcmdsauthmove command The hcmdsauthmove command has

has started. started.

KAPM05819-I Processing to import data has Processing to import data has started.

KAPM05820-I Processing to import data has Processing to import data has ended.

KAPM05821-I Processing to export data has Processing to export data has started.

KAPM05822-I Processing to export data has Processing to export data has ended.

KAPM05823-E HiRDB has not started. HiRDB has not started.

Start HiRDB.

KAPM05824-E The directory aa...aa already The directory aa...aa already exists.
exists. Specify another directory.
aa...aa: Directory name

KAPM05825-E An HSSOException occurred. An HSSOException occurred.

(details = aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Exception details the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05826-E A CIMException occurred. A CIMException occurred.

(details = aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Exception details the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05827-E The specified directory is not The specified directory is not empty.
empty. (directory name = Specify an empty directory.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-167

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
aa...aa: Directory name

KAPM05828-E An attempt to execute the An attempt to execute the

hcmdsauthmove command has hcmdsauthmove command has failed.
failed. See the message KAPMxxxxx-E.

KAPM05829-E A fatal error occurred. A fatal error occurred.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05830-E An attempt to establish a An attempt to establish a connection

connection has failed. has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05831-E An attempt to execute SQL has An attempt to execute SQL has failed.
failed. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05832-I The authentication data was The authentication data was backed up
backed up successfully. successfully.

KAPM05833-E An attempt to back up the An attempt to back up the

authentication data has failed. authentication data has failed.

KAPM05834-I The authentication data was The authentication data was restored
restored successfully. successfully.

KAPM05835-E An attempt to restore the An attempt to restore the

authentication data has failed. authentication data has failed.

KAPM05836-E An attempt to acquire the The physical table name was not
physical table name has failed. requested from the logical table name.
(table name = aa...aa) Confirm that the DBMS is running, and
aa...aa: Table name then retry the operation. If the
problem cannot be resolved, detailed
investigation is required to determine
the cause and resolve the problem.
Contact the Support Center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05837-W The column data exceeds 80 The column data of the

characters. (column data = TNB_AccountUser table could not be
aa...aa) reduced to within 80 characters.
aa...aa: Column data

KAPM05838-E An attempt to execute the SQL An attempt to execute the SQL has
has failed. (SQL = aa...aa, failed.
error code = bb...bb)

A-168 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
aa...aa: Executed SQL To determine the cause and resolve
statement the problem, detailed investigation is
bb...bb: Error code required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting
KAPM05840-E The option is invalid. The option is invalid.
Specify correct options, and then re-
execute the command.

KAPM05841-E The option is invalid. The option is invalid.

Code=[aa...aa], Specify correct options, and then re-
Data=[bb...bb] execute the command.
aa...aa: Generated code
bb...bb: Generated option and

KAPM05842-I hcmdsbanner [aa...aa]{, The options specified for the command

[bb...bb],......[.....]} will be displayed.
aa...aa: Command line
bb...bb: Command line

KAPM05843-E The message file does not The message file specified in the
exist. "file"option does not exist.
Please specify the correct file, and
then execute the command.

KAPM05844-E The path specified for the The path of the message file specified
message file is not a file. in the "file"option is not a file.
Please specify the correct file, and
then execute the command.

KAPM05845-E The message exceeded 1000 The message of the message file
characters. specified in the "file"option exceeded
1,000 characters.
Please keep the message to 1,000
characters or less.

KAPM05846-E The path specified in the The path specified in the aa...aa option
aa...aa option is not an is not an absolute path.
absolute path. Specify the absolute path, and then try
aa...aa: Option again.

KAPM05850-E An attempt to set the banner An attempt to set the banner message
message display has failed. has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05851-E An attempt to set the banner An attempt to set the banner message
message display has failed. File has failed.
= [aa...aa], Code = [bb...bb]

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-169

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
aa...aa: File or directory To determine the cause and resolve
bb...bb: Generated code the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting
KAPM05852-I Setting of the banner message The setting of the banner message has
display has been completed. been completed.

KAPM05860-W The banner message display The banner message has already been
has already been cancelled. deleted.

KAPM05861-E An attempt to cancel the An attempt to delete the banner

banner message display has message has failed.
failed. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05862-E An attempt to cancel the An attempt to delete the banner

banner message display has message has failed.
failed. File = [aa...aa], To determine the cause and resolve
Code=[bb...bb] the problem, detailed investigation is
aa...aa: File or directory required. Contact Support Center, who
bb...bb: Generated code may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05863-I Cancellation of the banner The banner message has been

message display has been released.

KAPM05876-E A fatal error occurred during A fatal error occurred during

processing. processing.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05879-E aa...aa Information for debugging.

aa...aa: Information for

KAPM05880-E The value of EXCurrentVersion The value of EXCurrentVersion is

is invalid. invalid.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05881-E EXCurrentVersion does not EXCurrentVersion does not exist.

exist. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

A-170 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM05882-E The registry key that must be The registry key that must be acquired
acquired does not exist. does not exist.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05883-E A fatal error occurred. A fatal error occurred.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05884-E The version management file is The version management file is invalid
invalid To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05885-E The version management file The version management file that
that must be acquired does not must be acquired does not exist.
exist. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05886-E An attempt to acquire the An attempt to acquire the version has

version has failed. failed.
Make sure that the product has been
correctly installed. If it has been,
detailed investigation is required to
determine the cause and resolve the
problem. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM05887-I The hcmdsvrsutil utility was The processing of the version

successful. acquisition function was succeeded.

KAPM05890-I The hcmdsbasevrs command The version display function was

was successful. successful.

KAPM05891-E The sub-key that shows the The sub-key that shows the version
version does not exist. does not exist.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05892-I The hcmdsbasevrs command The version display function has

has started. started.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-171

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM05893-I The hcmdsbasevrs command The version display function has

has ended. ended.

KAPM05894-E A fatal error occurred. A fatal error occurred.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05895-E The registry key that must be The registry key that must be acquired
acquired does not exist. does not exist.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05896-E Initialization of the log failed. Initialization of the log failed.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05897-E An attempt to acquire the An attempt to acquire the installation

installation path has failed. path has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05898-E An attempt to create the log An attempt to create the log file path
file path has failed. has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05899-E There is no registry key for There is no registry key for Hitachi
HBase. Command Suite Common Component.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05900-I The hcmdsdbtrans command The hcmdsdbtrans command has

has started. started.

KAPM05901-I The hcmdsdbtrans command The hcmdsdbtrans command ended

ended normally. normally.

KAPM05902-E An option is invalid. An option is invalid.

A-172 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
Specify correct options, and then re-
execute the command.

KAPM05903-E An option is invalid. An option is invalid.

Code=[aa...aa], Specify correct options, and then re-
Data=[bb...bb] execute the command.
aa...aa: Code indicating
generation location
bb...bb: Generated option and

KAPM05904-I hcmdsdbtrans [aa...aa]{, The options specified for the command

[bb...bb],......[.....]} are displayed.
aa...aa: Command line
bb...bb: Command line

KAPM05905-E The path specified in the The path specified in the aa...aa option
aa...aa option is not an is not an absolute path.
absolute path. Specify the absolute path, and then try
aa...aa: Option again.

KAPM05909-E An unexpected exception An unexpected exception occurred.

occurred. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05910-E An attempt to acquire the An attempt to acquire the version of

version of aa...aa has failed. the installed aa...aa failed.
aa...aa: Product name Make sure that the product has been
properly installed. If an error still
occurs after taking the above action,
detailed investigation is required to
determine the cause and resolve the
problem. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM05911-E aa...aa is a version that cannot The aa...aa data in the registration
be registered. data cannot be registered because the
aa...aa: Product name data cannot be used with the installed
aa...aa version.
Change the installed aa...aa version to
the version used when the registration
data was created, or to a version for
which the registration data can be
If operation is possible without
registering the aa...aa data, exclude
this data and register the data for the
other products.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-173

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM05912-I aa...aa cannot be registered aa...aa cannot be registered because it

because it is not installed. is not installed.
aa...aa: Product name If the aa...aa data is necessary, install
aa...aa, and then re-execute the

KAPM05913-E Processing to register aa...aa Processing to register data will stop

will stop because it is not because aa...aa, specified in the type
installed. option, is not installed.
aa...aa: Product name If registration of aa...aa is necessary,
install aa...aa and then re-execute the
If operation is possible without
registering the aa...aa data, exclude
this data and register the data for the
other products.

KAPM05914-E Processing to register aa...aa Processing to register data will stop

will stop because it is not in the because aa...aa, specified in the type
registration data. option, is not in the registration data.
aa...aa: Product name Use the type option to specify only the
products that are included in the
archive file or in the directory specified
by the workpath option.

KAPM05915-E An attempt was made to An attempt was made to register

register primary server data primary server data into the secondary
into the secondary server. server.
Check the data to be imported.

KAPM05916-E An attempt was made to An attempt was made to register

register secondary server data secondary server data into the primary
into the primary server. server.
Check the data to be imported and the
setting of the server to which the data
is to be imported.

KAPM05917-E An attempt to import the An attempt to import the database has

database has failed. failed.
Re-execute the command. If the
problem cannot be resolved, detailed
investigation is required to determine
the cause and resolve the problem.
Contact the Support Center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05918-E An attempt to export the An attempt to export the database has

database has failed. failed.
Re-execute the command. If the
problem cannot be resolved, detailed
investigation is required to determine
the cause and resolve the problem.
Contact the Support Center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting

A-174 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM05919-E The hcmdsdbtrans command The hcmdsdbtrans command cannot

cannot be executed because be executed because the database is
the database is currently in currently in use.
use. Stop the Hitachi Command Suite
product connected to HiRDB, and then
retry the operation.
Even after retrying the operation, if
the problem cannot be resolved,
detailed investigation is required to
determine the cause and resolve the
problem. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM05920-E The archive file specification is The archive file name specified in the
incorrect. file option is incorrect.
Revise the path specified in the
command option.

KAPM05921-E An attempt to extract the An attempt to extract the archive file

archive file has failed. specified in the fileoption has failed.
Make sure that the following conditions
are met:
• The capacity of the disk used for
the directory specified by the
workpath option is sufficient.
• The archive file is for the
hcmdsdbtrans command.
If an error still occurs after taking the
above action, detailed investigation is
required to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you to
collect troubleshooting information.

KAPM05922-E An attempt to create an An attempt to create an archive file

archive file has failed. has failed.
Allocate enough disk space for the
archive file storage destination. If an
error occurs while allocating disk
space, detailed investigation is
required to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you to
collect troubleshooting information.

KAPM05923-E An archive file cannot be An archive file cannot be created

created because the data because the data exceeds 2 GB.
exceeds 2 GB. Instead of the archive file, transfer the
data stored in the directory specified
by the workpath option to the
migration destination server.

KAPM05924-E The work directory specification The work directory specification is

is incorrect. incorrect.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-175

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
Revise the path specified in the
workpath option.

KAPM05925-E The work directory is not The work directory is not empty.
empty. Specify an empty directory or
uncreated directory as the work

KAPM05926-E The format of the registration A file or directory required by the

data in the work directory is hcmdsdbtrans command is not in the
incorrect. work directory specified by the
• If the file option is specified
Check whether the specified
archive file is an hcmdsdbtrans
command archive file.
• If the file option is not specified
Check whether the entire contents
of the directory specified for the
work path option during an export
operation are saved in the
directory specified for the work
path option.
Even after the above action, if the
problem cannot be resolved, detailed
investigation is required to determine
the cause and resolve the problem.
Contact the Support Center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05927-E DBMS is not running. Data I/O cannot be performed because

the DBMS is not running.
Start the DBMS by using the
hcmdsdbsrv command.

KAPM05928-E DBMS is not set up. Data I/O cannot be performed because
the DBMS is not set up.
Make sure the installation status of the
product is correct.

KAPM05929-W An attempt to delete the work An attempt to delete a file or directory

directory has failed. made in the work directory has failed.
Please delete the work directory.

KAPM05930-I aa...aa will now be exported. aa...aa will now be exported.

aa...aa: "The application data"
or "The authentication data"

KAPM05931-I aa...aa has been exported. aa...aa has been exported.

aa...aa: "The application data"
or "The authentication data"

KAPM05932-I aa...aa has been deleted from aa...aa has been deleted from the
the authentication data. authentication data.

A-176 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
aa...aa: Product name

KAPM05933-I The archive file will now be The archive file will now be created.

KAPM05934-I The archive file has been The archive file has been created.

KAPM05935-I The archive file will now be The archive file will now be extracted.

KAPM05936-I The archive file has been The archive file has been extracted.

KAPM05937-I aa...aa will now be imported. aa...aa will now be imported.

aa...aa: "The application data"
or "The authentication data"

KAPM05938-I aa...aa has been imported. aa...aa has been imported.

aa...aa: "The application data"
or "The authentication data"

KAPM05939-E aa...aa See the preceding detailed error

aa...aa: Details from the time message.
of the error Take action according to the preceding

KAPM05950-E The specified product is not The product specified by the version
supported. acquisition function is not supported.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05951-E The sub-key that shows the There is no sub-key that indicates the
version does not exist. version.
Make sure that the product has been
correctly installed. If it has been,
detailed investigation is required to
determine the cause and resolve the
problem. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM05952-E The specified product is not The product specified by the version
installed. acquisition function is not installed.
Please install the product specified by
the option.

KAPM05953-I The processing of the The processing of the version

hcmdsvrsutil library succeeded. acquisition function succeeded.

KAPM05954-E The product name is not The product name is not specified.
specified. Please specify the product name, and
then re-execute the command.

KAPM05955-E The product names do not The product names do not match.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-177

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
Please specify the correct product
name, and then re-execute the

KAPM05956-E The processing of the The processing of the version

hcmdsvrsutil library failed. acquisition function failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05957-E There is no registry key for the There is no registry key for the
specified product. product specified by the version
acquisition function.
Make sure that the product has been
correctly installed. If it has been,
detailed investigation is required to
determine the cause and resolve the
problem. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM05958-E An attempt to acquire the sub- There is no sub-key that indicates the
key that shows the version of version of the product specified by the
the specified product has version acquisition function.
failed. Make sure that the product has been
correctly installed. If it has been,
detailed investigation is required to
determine the cause and resolve the
problem. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM05959-E The file that stores the The file that stores the installation
installation path is invalid. path is invalid.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05970-I The hcmdsppvrs command was The version acquisition function was
successful. successful.

KAPM05971-E The specified product is not The product specified by the version
installed. (product name = acquisition function is not installed.
aa...aa) Please install the specified product.
aa...aa: Product name

KAPM05972-E An attempt to acquire version The version of the product specified by

information for the specified the version acquisition function could
product has failed. not be acquired.
Make sure that the product has been
correctly installed. If it has been,
detailed investigation is required to
determine the cause and resolve the
problem. Contact the Support Center,

A-178 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM05973-I The hcmdsppvrs command has The version acquisition function

started. started.

KAPM05974-I The hcmdsppvrs command has The version acquisition function ended.

KAPM05975-E A fatal error occurred. A fatal error occurred.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05976-E Log initialization failed. Initialization of the log failed.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05977-E Initialization of the installation Initialization of the installation path

path has failed. failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05978-E An attempt to assign memory An attempt to assign memory to store

to store the log file path has the log file path has failed.
failed. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05979-E The number of specified The number of options specified by the

options is invalid. version acquisition function is invalid.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05980-E A file already exists at the The file already exists at the output
specified output destination. destination specified by the version
acquisition function.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-179

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM05981-E A folder already exists at the The folder already exists at the output
specified output destination. destination specified by the version
acquisition function.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05982-E The file-creation function failed. The function that creates the file for
writing the version value failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required.Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05983-E The file-writing function failed. The function that writes the version
value to the file failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05984-I The version was successfully The version acquisition was successful.
acquired. (product name =
aa...aa, version = bb...bb)
aa...aa: Product name
bb...bb: Version

KAPM05985-E An attempt to acquire the An attempt to acquire the version has

version has failed. (product failed.
name = aa...aa) Make sure that the product has been
aa...aa: Product name correctly installed. If it has been,
detailed investigation is required to
determine the cause and resolve the
problem. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM05986-E A fatal error occurred: aa...aa A fatal error occurred. A detailed

aa...aa: Detailed message message showing the cause is output.
Make sure the specified product is
supported. If it is supported, the
specified product name might be
incorrect; so enter the correct product
name, and then re-execute the

KAPM05987-I The processing of the The processing of the version

hcmdsvrsutil library succeeded. acquisition function succeeded.

KAPM05988-E The processing of the The processing of the version

hcmdsvrsutil library failed. acquisition function failed.
(RTN = aa...aa, message =

A-180 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
aa...aa: Version acquisition To determine the cause and resolve
function return code the problem, detailed investigation is
bb...bb: Version acquisition required. Contact Support Center, who
function error message may ask you to collect troubleshooting
KAPM05990-E The version file does not exist. The version file does not exist.
(command line = aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: command-line the problem, detailed investigation is
required.Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05991-E The argument is invalid. The argument is invalid.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required.Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM05999-E Fatal error. Fatal error.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06001-I Updating of the database has Updating of the database has started.

KAPM06002-I The database was updated The database was updated from 01-00
from 01-00 to 01-01. to 01-01.

KAPM06003-I The database need not be The database does not need to be
updated to 01-01. updated to 01-01.

KAPM06004-I The database updating from The database updating from 01-01 to
01-01 to 03-00 has started. 03-00 has started.

KAPM06005-I The database was updated The database was updated from 01-01
from 01-01 to 03-00. to 03-00.

KAPM06006-I The database need not be The database does not need updating
updated to 03-00. to 03-00.

KAPM06007-I The database is already The database is already updated.


KAPM06008-E Updating of the database Updating of the database has

abnormally ended. abnormally ended.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06009-I Updating of the database has Updating of the database has ended.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-181

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM06010-E An attempt to backup of the An attempt to backup the database

database has failed. has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06011-E An attempt to restore of the An attempt to restore the database

database has failed. has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06012-I The database does not need to The database does not need to be
be updated to aa...aa. updated to aa...aa.
aa...aa: Version

KAPM06013-I The database has been The database has been updated from
updated from aa...aa to aa...aa to bb...bb.
aa...aa: Old version
bb...bb: New version

KAPM06015-E An attempt to change the An attempt to change the database

database meta definition has meta definition has failed.
failed. Confirm that InterBase is running. If
InterBase is running, detailed
investigation is required to determine
the cause and resolve the problem.
Contact the Support Center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06016-E The version of the database to The version of the database to be

be upgraded is unknown. upgraded is unknown.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06017-E The current database version The current database version could not
could not be obtained. be obtained.
Confirm that InterBase is running. If
InterBase is running, detailed
investigation is required to determine
the cause and resolve the problem.
Contact the Support Center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06018-E An attempt to acquire the An attempt to acquire the connection

connection has failed. has failed.

A-182 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
Confirm that InterBase is running. If
InterBase is running, detailed
investigation is required to determine
the cause and resolve the problem.
Contact the Support Center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06019-E An attempt to set up the auto- An attempt to set up the auto-commit

commit function has failed. function has failed.
Confirm that InterBase is running. If
InterBase is running, detailed
investigation is required to determine
the cause and resolve the problem.
Contact the Support Center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06020-E An attempt to create the lock An attempt to create the lock table has
table has failed. failed.
Confirm that InterBase is running. If
InterBase is running, detailed
investigation is required to determine
the cause and resolve the problem.
Contact the Support Center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06021-E An attempt to lock the table An attempt to lock the table has failed.
has failed. Confirm that InterBase is running. If
InterBase is running, detailed
investigation is required to determine
the cause and resolve the problem.
Contact the Support Center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06022-E An attempt to execute SQL has An attempt to execute SQL has failed.
failed. Confirm that InterBase is running. If
InterBase is running, detailed
investigation is required to determine
the cause and resolve the problem.
Contact the Support Center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06023-E An attempt to update the An attempt to update the version of

version of the database version the database version table has failed.
table has failed. Confirm that InterBase is running. If
InterBase is running, detailed
investigation is required to determine
the cause and resolve the problem.
Contact the Support Center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-183

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM06024-E An error occurred during an An error occurred during an attempt to

attempt to read a file. read a file.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06025-E An attempt to acquire the An attempt to acquire the database

database version has failed. version has failed.
Confirm that InterBase is running. If
InterBase is running, detailed
investigation is required to determine
the cause and resolve the problem.
Contact the Support Center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06026-E An attempt to upgrade the An attempt to upgrade the database

database has failed. has failed.
Confirm that InterBase is running. If
InterBase is running, detailed
investigation is required to determine
the cause and resolve the problem.
Contact the Support Center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06027-I The database was successfully The database was successfully

updated. updated.

KAPM06028-E An attempt to set up the An attempt to set up the environment

environment has failed. has failed.
(system property name = To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa) the problem, detailed investigation is
aa...aa: System property name required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06029-E Database is not running. The DBMS is not running.

This message might be output because
the DBMS was starting immediately
after the OS started.
If the message was output at a time
other than immediately after the OS
started, start the DBMS.

KAPM06030-E Disk capacity is insufficient. Disk capacity is insufficient.

Restore the repository from the
backup file, increase the database
capacity, and then re-execute.

KAPM06031-E An attempt to upgrade the An attempt to upgrade the database

database has failed. has failed.

A-184 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
Restore the repository from a backup
file, and then retry the operation. If
the problem cannot be resolved,
detailed investigation is required to
determine the cause and resolve the
problem. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM06032-E An attempt to acquire the An attempt to acquire the database

database version has failed. version has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06033-E The current database version is The current database version is

incorrect. incorrect.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06034-E Exclusion control of a Exclusion control of a TNB_DBVersion

TNB_DBVersion table has table has failed.
failed. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06035-E The access class of a database The access class of a database could
could not be found. not be found.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06036-E Access of a database has An attempt to access a database

failed. failed.
This message might be output because
the DBMS was starting immediately
after the OS started.
If the message was output at a time
other than immediately after the OS
started, a detailed investigation is
required to determine the cause and
resolve the problem.
Collect failure information, and then
contact the Support Center.

KAPM06037-I The database has been update The database has been update from
from version aa...aa to bb...bb. version aa...aa to bb...bb.
aa...aa: Version

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-185

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
bb...bb: Version

KAPM06038-E An attempt to acquire the user An attempt to acquire the user names
names of users who access the of users who access the database has
database has failed. failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06039-E The version of the target The version of the target database is
database is unknown. unknown.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06040-E An unexpected error occurred. An unexpected error occurred.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06041-E An attempt to clear an HiRDB An attempt to clear an HiRDB

environment variable has environment variable has failed.
failed. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06042-W The SQL will be disregarded. This message is displayed when the
(SQL = aa...aa, error code = executed SQL statement is to be
bb...bb) disregarded during processing to
aa...aa: Executed SQL upgrade the database version.
bb...bb: Error code

KAPM06043-E An attempt to perform a This message is displayed when an

rollback has failed. attempt to perform a rollback during
processing to upgrade the database
version has failed.
Confirm that the DBMS is running, and
then retry the operation. If the
problem cannot be resolved, detailed
investigation is required to determine
the cause and resolve the problem.
Contact the Support Center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06044-E The version upgrade definition The version upgrade definition file is
file is invalid. invalid.

A-186 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06045-I The SQL will now be executed. This message is displayed when the
(SQL = aa...aa) SQL statement is to be executed
aa...aa: SQL statement during processing to upgrade the
database version.

KAPM06046-I Processing to upgrade the Processing to upgrade the database

database version started. version started.
(version = aa...aa)
aa...aa: Database version

KAPM06047-I Processing to upgrade the Processing to upgrade the database

database version ended. version ended.
(version = aa...aa)
aa...aa: Database version

KAPM06048-E An attempt to execute the SQL This message is displayed when an

has failed. (SQL = aa...aa, attempt to execute the SQL during
error code = bb...bb) processing to upgrade the database
aa...aa: Executed SQL version has failed.
statement Confirm that the DBMS is running, and
bb...bb: Error code then retry the operation. If the
problem cannot be resolved, detailed
investigation is required to determine
the cause and resolve the problem.
Contact the Support Center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06049-E The RD area of HBase is The RD area of HBase is blocked.

blocked. Remove the cause of the HiRDB
blockage, and then try again.

KAPM06050-E An attempt to add a built-in An attempt to add a built-in user

user group failed. group failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required.Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06052-E An attempt to change a An attempt to change a resource

resource group attribute has group attribute has failed.
failed. (attribute = aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Attribute the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM06100-I The hcmdschgurl command The hcmdschgurl command started.


Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-187

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM06101-I The hcmdschgurl command The hcmdschgurl command

successfully ended. successfully ended.

KAPM06102-E The hcmdschgurl command The hcmdschgurl command

abnormally ended. abnormally ended.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06103-I An attempt to back up the An attempt to back up the database

database has succeeded. has succeeded.

KAPM06104-E An attempt to back up the An attempt to back up the database

database has failed. has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06105-I An attempt to restore the An attempt to restore the database

database has succeeded. has succeeded.

KAPM06106-E An attempt to restore the An attempt to restore the database

database has failed. has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06111-I The URL was changed from The URL was changed from "aa...aa"
"aa...aa" to "bb...bb". to "bb...bb".
aa...aa: Old URL
bb...bb: New URL

KAPM06112-E The specified URL before the The specified URL before the change is
change is invalid. URL = invalid.
"aa...aa" Confirm that the URL is valid.
aa...aa: URL

KAPM06113-E The specified URL after the The specified URL after the change is
change is invalid. URL = invalid.
"aa...aa" Confirm that the URL is valid.
aa...aa: URL

KAPM06114-E An attempt to connect to the An attempt to connect to the database

database has failed. has failed.
Confirm that the InterBase or the
InterClient service is running.

KAPM06115-E An option is invalid. An option is invalid.

Confirm that the option is valid.

A-188 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM06116-E CIMException occurred. CIMException occurred.

Description = "aa...aa" To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Error details the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06117-E An unexpected error occurred. An unexpected error occurred.

Description = "aa...aa" To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Error details the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06118-E The BaseURL column does not The BaseURL column does not exist in
exist in the class. class name = the class.
"aa...aa" To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Class name the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06119-W The specified URL does not The specified URL does not exist in the
exist in the class. URL = class.
"aa...aa" Confirm that the URL is valid.
aa...aa: URL

KAPM06120-I The URL is not registered. The URL is not registered.

KAPM06121-E IllegalDataException occurred. IllegalDataException occurred.

Description = "aa...aa" To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Details the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06122-W The specified URL before the The specified URL before the change
change and after the change and after the change are same.
are same. Confirm that the URL is valid.

KAPM06123-W The program product specified The value specified for the type option
by the type option is invalid. is invalid.
Enter a correct value.

KAPM06130-I The hcmdsinitsetup command The hcmdsinitsetup command has

has started. started.

KAPM06131-I The hcmdsinitsetup command The hcmdsinitsetup command was

was successful. successful.

KAPM06132-E The hcmdsinitsetup command The hcmdsinitsetup command has

has failed. failed.

KAPM06138-E A required database path is A required database path is missing.


KAPM06139-E An error occurred during a An error occurred during a parameter

parameter check. check.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-189

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM06140-E Memory is insufficient. Memory is insufficient.

Check the memory capacity for the
operation environment. If necessary,
increase the memory.

KAPM06141-E The HiRDB environment The HiRDB environment already exists.

already exists. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06142-E Free disk space is insufficient. Free disk space is insufficient.

Check the disk capacity for the
operation environment. If necessary,
free some disk area.

KAPM06143-E An error occurred in the system An error occurred in the system

definition entry file. definition entry file.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06144-E The port is already being used. The port is already being used.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06145-E Other errors. Other errors.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06146-E An attempt to create the file An attempt to create the file has
has failed. failed.

KAPM06147-E An attempt to write to the file An attempt to write to the file has
has failed. failed.

KAPM06149-E An attempt to delete the file An attempt to delete the file has failed.
has failed.

KAPM06153-E An attempt to execute the An attempt to execute the command

command has failed. has failed.

KAPM06154-E An unexpected exception An unexpected exception occurred.

occurred. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

A-190 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM06159-E An attempt to acquire a cluster An attempt to acquire a cluster

configuration file has failed. configuration file has failed.
Check the cluster configuration file.

KAPM06160-E The value of hcmds.home The value of hcmds.home cannot be

cannot be acquired. acquired.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06161-E The cluster configuration file The cluster configuration file was not
was not found. found.
Check the cluster configuration file.

KAPM06162-E An attempt to acquire the key An attempt to acquire the key name
name has failed. has failed.
Check the cluster configuration file.

KAPM06163-E An attempt to acquire a value An attempt to acquire a value has

has failed. failed.
Check the cluster configuration file.

KAPM06164-E A CIMClassNotFoundException A CIMClassNotFoundException

occurred. occurred.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06165-E An attempt to delete the file An attempt to delete the file has failed.
has failed. (file = "aa...aa") See the next message.
aa...aa: File name

KAPM06166-E An attempt to register the An attempt to register the

authentication data has failed. authentication data has failed.
If the hcmdschgurl command is
executed, and then this message is
displayed after the KAPM06111-I
message, registration information was
successfully registered in the local
repository of the distributed
environment, but the registration
information on the remote computer
was not applied. To apply the
registration information on the remote
computer, start or restart the single
sign-on server for the remote
computer. If starting or restarting the
server does not resolve the problem,
confirm the network connection and
settings. Even after that, if the
problem cannot be resolved, detailed

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-191

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
investigation is required to determine
the cause and resolve the problem.
Contact the Support Center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06169-E An attempt to log in as an An attempt to log in as an internal

internal user has failed. user has failed.
See the next message.

KAPM06170-I The hcmdsdbstatus command The hcmdsdbstatus command has

has started. started.

KAPM06171-I The hcmdsdbstatus command The hcmdsdbstatus command has

has ended. terminated.

KAPM06172-I The hcmdsdbstatus command The hcmdsdbstatus command was

was successful. successful.

KAPM06173-E The hcmdsdbstatus command The hcmdsdbstatus command has

has failed. failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06176-I The DBMS is running. The DBMS is running.

KAPM06177-I The DBMS is now starting or The DBMS is now starting or shutting
shutting down. down.

KAPM06178-I The DBMS service has stopped. The DBMS stopped.

KAPM06179-E The DBMS restart was The restart of the DBMS was
interrupted. interrupted.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06180-E The DBMS service has stopped The DBMS service has stopped or does
or does not exist. not exist.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06181-E The database has not been set The database has not been set up.
up. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06182-E An internal error occurred. An internal error occurred.

A-192 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06183-I Command execution results: Execution result of command.

aa...aa: Displayed output of
the executed command

KAPM06184-E An attempt to execute the The execution of the command failed.

command has failed. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06185-E An exception occurred. An exception occurred.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06186-E The value of hcmds.home could The value of hcmds.home cannot be

not be acquired. acquired.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06187-E An attempt to judge the DBMS An attempt to judge the DBMS status
status has failed. has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06190-E An attempt to acquire a An attempt to acquire, from the file,

parameter failed. (file name = the parameter value that corresponds
aa...aa, key = bb...bb, value = to the key failed.
cc...cc) The file from which the parameter was
aa...aa: File path to be acquired might have been
bb...bb: Key value for setting inaccessible when the hcmdsdbsetup
the value command was executed.

cc...cc: Value corresponding to Re-execute the hcmdsdbsetup

the key command. If the problem cannot be
resolved, detailed investigation is
required to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you to
collect troubleshooting information.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-193

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM06191-E An attempt to set a parameter An attempt to acquire, from the file,

failed. (file name = aa...aa, the parameter value that corresponds
key = bb...bb, value = cc...cc) to the key failed.
aa...aa: File path The file from which the parameter was
bb...bb: Key value for setting to be acquired might have been
the value inaccessible when the hcmdsdbsetup
command was executed.
cc...cc: Value corresponding to
the key Re-execute the hcmdsdbsetup
command. If the problem cannot be
resolved, detailed investigation is
required to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you to
collect troubleshooting information.

KAPM06192-I The command was executed. The command was executed.

(command name = aa...aa,
return code = bb...bb)
aa...aa: Command name
bb...bb: Return code

KAPM06193-I aa...aa Debug information is output.

aa...aa: Debug information

KAPM06203-E The list of table name is empty. The list of table name is empty.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06206-E An unexpected error occurred An unexpected error occurred during

during InterBase processing. InterBase processing.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06207-E The list of table names is The list of table names is empty.
empty. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06209-I A table aa...aa has been A table aa...aa has been created.
aa...aa: Table name

KAPM06214-E InterBaseServer is not running. InterBaseServer is not running.

Make sure that InterBaseServer is

KAPM06215-E InterServer is not running. InterServer is not running.

A-194 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
Make sure that InterServer is running.

KAPM06216-E An argument contains a null An argument contains a null value.

value. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06217-E The option is invalid. The option is invalid.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06218-E The specified directory cannot The specified directory cannot be

be created. (directory = created.
aa...aa). To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Directory name the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06219-E The specified directory name The specified directory name already
already exists as a file. (file = exists as a file.
aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: File name the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06220-E The specified file name already The specified file name already exists
exists as a directory. (directory as a directory.
= aa...aa ) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Directory name the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06221-E The specified database file The specified database file (aa...aa )
(aa...aa ) does not exist. does not exist.
aa...aa: Database file name To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06222-E The specified XML file (aa...aa) The specified XML file (aa...aa) does
does not exist. not exist.
aa...aa: XML file name To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06223-E The specified value is invalid. The specified value is invalid.

(value = aa...aa)

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-195

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
aa...aa: Value To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting
KAPM06224-E The specified arguments are The specified arguments are
insufficient. insufficient.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06226-E The specified file (aa...aa) does The specified file (aa...aa) does not
not exist in the argument of exist in the argument of the pdload
the pdload command. command.
aa...aa: Name of non-existent To determine the cause and resolve
file the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06227-I The processing on table aa...aa The processing on table aa...aa

finished successfully. finished successfully.
aa...aa: Table name

KAPM06228-E The CSV file (aa...aa) contains The CSV file (aa...aa) contains an
an invalid line. invalid line.
aa...aa: File name To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06229-E An attempt to read the data An attempt to read the data from table
from table aa...aa has failed. aa...aa has failed.
aa...aa: Table name To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06230-E An unexpected return value An unexpected return value (aa...aa)

(aa...aa) was returned from was returned from the pdload
the pdload command. command.
aa...aa: Unexpected return To determine the cause and resolve
value the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06231-E An attempt to upgrade An attempt to upgrade InterBase has

InterBase has failed. failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who

A-196 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06232-E An SQL exception occurred. An SQL exception occurred.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06234-E A table name in XML is null or A table name in XML is null or 0 bytes.
0 bytes. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06235-E An unexpected XML tag An unexpected XML tag (aa...aa) has

(aa...aa) has been detected. been detected.
aa...aa: Unexpected XML tag To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06239-E An error occurred during SAX An error occurred during SAX

processing. processing.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06241-E A fatal error occurred during A fatal error occurred during SAX
SAX processing. processing.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06242-E An unexpected data length An unexpected data length (aa...aa)

(aa...aa) was detected. was detected.
aa...aa: Unexpected value To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06243-E A SAXException occurred. A SAXException occurred.

(details = aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: SAXException detailed the problem, detailed investigation is
information required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06244-E The length of the data to be The length of the data to be moved to
moved to HiRDB exceeds the HiRDB exceeds the HiRDB limit.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-197

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
HiRDB limit. (data type of To determine the cause and resolve
excessively long data, length) the problem, detailed investigation is
= (aa...aa, bb...bb) required. Contact Support Center, who
aa...aa: Data type of the may ask you to collect troubleshooting
excessively long data information.

bb...bb: Length of the

excessively long data

KAPM06245-E HiRDB has not started. HiRDB has not started.

Please start HiRDB.

KAPM06246-I The table aa...aa was Table aa...aa was successfully created.
successfully created.
aa...aa: Table name

KAPM06247-E The table aa...aa was not Table aa...aa was not created.
created. To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Table name the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06248-I Processing ended normally. Processing ended normally.

KAPM06249-E An unexpected exception An unexpected exception occurred.

occurred. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06250-I The data was registered The data was registered successfully in
successfully in table aa...aa. table aa...aa.
aa...aa: Table name

KAPM06251-E The data was not registered in The data was not registered in table
table aa...aa. aa...aa.
aa...aa: Table name To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06252-E Authentication has failed at Authentication has failed at aa...aa.

aa...aa. To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Database name the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06253-E Application aa...aa is not Databases of application aa...aa are

supported. not supported.
aa...aa: Application name To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who

A-198 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06255-I Processing to initialize Processing to initialize database

database conversion is being conversion is being performed.

KAPM06256-E The specified file could not be The specified file could not be created.
created. (file = aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: File name the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06257-I Data is now being read from The database is now being converted.
the old database. (progress =
aa...aa: Number of converted
bb...bb: Total number of tables
to be converted

KAPM06258-I The database is now being The database is now being converted.
converted. (progress = aa...aa/
aa...aa: Number of converted
bb...bb: Total number of tables
to be converted

KAPM06259-E The file aa...aa does not exist. The file aa...aa does not exist.
aa...aa: File name To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06262-I The hcmdssslsetup command This message is output when the

has started. hcmdssslsetup command starts.

KAPM06263-I The hcmdssslsetup command This message is output when the

has ended. hcmdssslsetup command ends.

KAPM06264-I The hcmdssslsetup command This message is output when the

ended successfully. hcmdssslsetup command ends

KAPM06266-E An option is invalid. This message is output when an option

specified for a command is invalid.
Specify valid options.

KAPM06267-E The sslc.cnf file was not found. This message is output when the
sslc.cnf file does not exist at the
storage location.
If the file option is specified, confirm
that the path specified as an argument
is in the sslc.cnf file.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-199

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
If the file option is not specified,
detailed investigation is required to
determine the cause and resolve the
problem. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM06268-E The sslc.cnf file is invalid. This message is output when the
format of the sslc.cnf file is invalid.
Confirm the permissions for the
sslc.cnf file or the permissions of the
user who executed the command, and
then re-execute the command.
Even after that, if the problem cannot
be resolved, detailed investigation is
required to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you to
collect troubleshooting information.

KAPM06269-E Execution of the sslc This message is output when

command failed. execution of the sslc command fails.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06270-I Processing to create a private This message is output when

key has started. processing to create a private key

KAPM06271-I Processing to create a private This message is output when

key has ended. processing to create a private key

KAPM06272-E Processing to create a private This message is output when

key failed. processing to create a private key
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06273-I Processing to create a self- This message is output when

signed certificate has started. processing to create a self-signed
certificate starts.

KAPM06274-I Processing to create a self- This message is output when

signed certificate has ended. processing to create a self-signed
certificate ends.

KAPM06275-E Processing to create a self- This message is output when

signed certificate failed. processing to create a self-signed
certificate fails.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is

A-200 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06276-I Processing to create a self- This message is output when

signed certificate in DER format processing to create a self-signed
has started. certificate in DER format starts.

KAPM06277-I Processing to create a self- This message is output when

signed certificate in DER format processing to create a self-signed
has ended. certificate in DER format ends.

KAPM06278-E Processing to create a self- This message is output when

signed certificate in DER format processing to create a self-signed
failed. certificate in DER format fails.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06280-E An internal error occurred. This message is output when an

internal error occurs.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06281-I Processing to create a Processing to create a certificate

certificate content file started. content file started.

KAPM06282-I Processing to create a Processing to create a certificate

certificate content file ended. content file ended.

KAPM06283-E Processing to create a Processing to create a certificate

certificate content file has content file has failed.
failed. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06284-E The sslc command was not The sslc command was not found.
found. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06285-E File deletion has failed. Deletion of a private key, self-signed

certificate, DER format self-signed
certificate, or certificate content file
created by the hcmdssslsetup
command has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-201

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06286-E The private key was not found. The private key was not found in the
storage destination after it was
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06287-E The self-signed certificate was The self-signed certificate was not
not found. found in the storage destination after
it was created.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06288-E The DER format self-signed The DER format self-signed certificate
certificate was not found. was not found in the storage
destination after it was created.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06289-E The certificate contents file was After the certificate contents file had
not found. been created, it was not found in the
storage destination.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06290-E An exception occurred. An exception occurred.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06303-E The option(s) specified is The option(s) specified is insufficient.

insufficient. Specify all the necessary options.

KAPM06304-E The option value specified is The option value specified is invalid.
invalid. Specify the option and specify the
necessary proceeding values. (user
name and password, etc.)

KAPM06305-E The option "aa...aa" is not The option "aa...aa" is not supported.
supported. Do not specify an unsupported option.

A-202 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
aa...aa: Option name

KAPM06306-E The option "aa...aa" appears 2 The option "aa...aa" appears 2 times
times or more. or more.
aa...aa: Option name Check the specification of the option.

KAPM06307-E The combination of options is The combination of options is invalid.

invalid. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06308-E An argument contains a null An argument contains a null value.

value. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06309-E An exception occurred. An exception occurred. See the

following message KAPM49001-E for
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06310-E The file "aa...aa" could not be The file "aa...aa" could not be read.
read. Confirm that the file exists, that the
aa...aa: File name file is not in use, and that the make
directory of the file is correct.

KAPM06311-E The input file contains a The input file contains a grammar
grammar mistake. mistake.
Correct the syntax error in the
specified definition file.

KAPM06312-E An error occurred when An error occurred when inputting the

inputting the file. file.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06313-E The specified value is invalid. The specified value is invalid.

value = aa...aa Confirm the value in the user definition
aa...aa: Value application file.

KAPM06317-E I/O of XML has failed. I/O of XML has failed.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-203

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM06318-E An error occurred in the SAX An error occurred in the SAX parser.
parser. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06319-I Processing ended normally. Processing ended normally.

KAPM06321-E The "bb...bb" file to be used by The bb...bb file to be used by aa...aa
"aa...aa" does not exist. does not exist.
aa...aa: Command name, class Check whether the file is in the
name, etc. specified location.
bb...bb: Name of the file that
does not exist

KAPM06322-E An SQL exception occurred. An SQL exception occurred.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06323-I Execution of the "aa...aa" Execution of the aa...aa command

command ended normally. ended normally.
aa...aa: Command name

KAPM06324-E An attempt to execute the An attempt to execute the aa...aa

"aa...aa" command has failed. command has failed.
aa...aa: Command name To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06325-I HiRDB was started. HiRDB was started.

KAPM06326-E HiRDB was not started. HiRDB was not started.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06327-I HiRDB was stopped. HiRDB was stopped.

KAPM06328-E HiRDB was not stopped. HiRDB was not stopped.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06330-I aa...aa processing started. aa...aa processing started.

aa...aa: Method name

KAPM06331-I aa...aa processing finished. aa...aa processing finished.

A-204 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
aa...aa: Method name

KAPM06332-E The database of the specified The database of the specified product
product has not been set up. has not been set up.
Use the hcmdsdbsetup command to
set up the database of the specified

KAPM06333-E HiRDB cannot be stopped HiRDB cannot be stopped because a

because a Suite product is Suite product is connected to HiRDB.
connected to HiRDB. Stop the Suite product that is
connected to HiRDB, and then try

KAPM06334-E InterBase is not running. InterBase is not running.

Check whether InterBaseServer is
running. For details, check

KAPM06335-E The DBMS has not started. The DBMS has not started.
Check whether DBMS is running. For
details, check

KAPM06336-E Authentication has failed at Authentication has failed at InterBase.

InterBase. Specify the correct user ID and
password. For details, check

KAPM06337-E Authentication has failed in the Authentication has failed in the DBMS.
DBMS. Specify the correct user ID and
password. For details, check

KAPM06338-E An unexpected exception An unexpected exception occurred.

occurred. Check hcmdsdbconvert[n].log.

KAPM06339-E An unexpected exception An unexpected exception occurred.

occurred. Check hcmdsdbconvert[n].log.

KAPM06340-E Memory is insufficient. Memory is insufficient.

Check hcmdsdbinitsetup[n].log.

KAPM06341-E The DBMS environment already The DBMS environment already exists.
exists. Check hcmdsdbinitsetup[n].log.

KAPM06342-E Free disk space is insufficient. Free disk space is insufficient.

Check the operating environment for
the disk capacity. If necessary, free up
some disk space. For details, check

KAPM06343-E An error occurred in the system An error occurred in the system

definition entry file. definition entry file.
Check hcmdsdbinitsetup[n].log.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-205

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM06344-E The port is already being used. The port is already being used.
Check hcmdsdbinitsetup[n].log.

KAPM06345-E An unexpected exception An unexpected exception occurred.

occurred. Check hcmdsdbinitsetup[n].log.

KAPM06346-E The file "aa...aa" already The file aa...aa already exists.
exists. If the target file is
aa...aa: File name hcmdsdbsetRDArea.ini, a database
might already exist at the specified
database creation destination. If such
a database exists, change the
database creation destination, and
then perform setup again. If such a
database does not exist, delete the file
indicated by aa...aa, and then perform
setup again.

KAPM06347-W The specified file system area The specified file system area aa...aa
"aa...aa" already existed, so it already existed, so it was deleted.
was deleted.
aa...aa: File system area

KAPM06348-I The database was created The database was created

successfully. successfully.

KAPM06349-E An attempt to create the An attempt to create the database has

database has failed. failed.

KAPM06350-I The database was deleted The database was deleted successfully.

KAPM06351-E An attempt to delete the An attempt to delete the database has

database has failed. failed.

KAPM06352-E Directory creation has failed. Directory creation has failed.

(directory = aa...aa) Revise the creation destination of the
aa...aa: Directory name database. If necessary, change the
creation destination of the database,
and then perform the setup again.
If the problem cannot be resolved,
detailed investigation is required to
determine the cause and resolve the
problem. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM06353-I Set up the database again. Set up the database again.

KAPM06354-E There are no parameter No parameter definition files (files that

definition files in the specified can be used to set up a database) are
directory. Specify a directory in the directory specified for the
that contains a parameter prmfile option of the hcmdsdbsetup
definition file. command.
Specify a directory that contains a
parameter definition file for the

A-206 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
prmfile option, and then re-execute
the command.

KAPM06355-W Database unsetup processing This message is output when unsetup

failed. (product name = fails for the product specified in the
aa...aa) type option of the
aa...aa: Product name hcmdsdbsetupcommand.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06356-W A database has not been set up This message is output when a
for the specified product. database is not set up for the product
(product name = aa...aa) specified in the type option of the
aa...aa: Product name hcmdsdbsetupcommand.

KAPM06357-I The database was successfully The specified product database was
unsetup. (product name = unsetup.
aa...aa: Product name

KAPM06358-I The initial unsetup processing The initial unsetup processing was
succeeded. successful.

KAPM06359-W The initial unsetup processing The initial unsetup processing failed.

KAPM06360-W Deletion of the RD area failed. Deletion of the RD area failed.

(RD area file = aa...aa) If another database exists at the
aa...aa: RD area file name database creation destination, delete

KAPM06361-I The method was executed. The method was executed.

(method name = aa...aa,
return code = bb...bb)
aa...aa: Method name
bb...bb: Return code

KAPM06362-E Acquisition of the name of a set Acquisition of the name of a set up

up product failed. product failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06363-I The service is stopped. The service is stopped.

KAPM06364-I The service is running. The service is running.

KAPM06365-I The service is starting. The service is starting.

KAPM06366-I The service is stopping. The service is stopping.

KAPM06367-I The service is now being The service is now being resumed.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-207

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM06368-I The service is now being The service is now being paused.

KAPM06369-I The service is paused. The service is paused.

KAPM06370-I The service does not exist. The service does not exist.

KAPM06371-W The service is disabled. The service is disabled.

KAPM06372-W Acquisition of the service status Acquisition of the service status failed.

KAPM06373-W The service status is currently The service status is currently

unknown. unknown.

KAPM06374-I Execution of the "aa...aa" Execution of the "aa...aa" command

command ended successfully. ended successfully.
(return code = bb...bb) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Command name the problem, detailed investigation is
bb...bb: Return code required.Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06375-E Execution of the "aa...aa" Execution of the "aa...aa" command

command failed. (return code failed.
= bb...bb) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Command name the problem, detailed investigation is
bb...bb: Return code required.Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06396-E "aa...aa":"bb...bb" Message for debugging.

aa...aa: Command name
bb...bb: Message

KAPM06398-E "aa...aa" Message for debugging.

aa...aa: Message

KAPM06399-E An unexpected exception An unexpected exception occurred.

occurred. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06403-E An exception occurred. An exception occurred. See the

following message KAPM49001-E for
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06404-E The file "aa...aa" could not be The file "aa...aa" could not be read.
read. Confirm that the file exists, that the
aa...aa: File name file is not in use, and that the make
directory of the file is correct.

A-208 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM06405-I Processing ended normally. Processing ended normally.

KAPM06407-E The "bb...bb" file to be used by The bb...bb file to be used by aa...aa
"aa...aa" does not exist. does not exist.
aa...aa: Command name, class To determine the cause and resolve
name, etc. the problem, detailed investigation is
bb...bb: Name of the file that required. Contact Support Center, who
does not exist may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06408-I Execution of the "aa...aa" Execution of the aa...aa command

command ended normally. ended normally.
aa...aa: Command name

KAPM06409-E An attempt to execute the An attempt to execute the aa...aa

"aa...aa" command has failed. command has failed.
aa...aa: Command name

KAPM06410-I The setup status is "not set The setup status is "not set up".

KAPM06411-I The setup status is "stand- The setup status is "stand-alone".


KAPM06412-I The setup status is "active The setup status is "active system".

KAPM06413-I The setup status is "standby The setup status is "standby system".

KAPM06414-E The option specification is The option specification is incorrect.

incorrect. Review and, if necessary, revise the
option specification.

KAPM06429-E An unexpected exception An unexpected exception occurred.

occurred. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06433-E An exception occurred. An exception occurred. See the

following message KAPM49001-E for
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06434-I Processing ended normally. Processing ended normally.

KAPM06436-E An attempt to execute the An attempt to execute the aa...aa

"aa...aa" command has failed. command has failed.
aa...aa: Command name

KAPM06437-E The option(s) specified is The option(s) specified is insufficient.


Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-209

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
Please review the specification of the

KAPM06438-I The HiRDB service has started. The HiRDB service has started.

KAPM06439-I The HiRDB service has The HiRDB service has stopped.

KAPM06440-I The HiRDB service has already The HiRDB service has already started.

KAPM06441-I The HiRDB service has already It is already stopped by HiRDB service.

KAPM06442-E The HiRDB service has not The HiRDB service has not been set
been set up. up.
For products that use the DBMS:
Confirm that the product is properly
installed, and then take action as
necessary. Even after taking action, if
the problem cannot be resolved,
detailed investigation is required to
determine the cause and resolve the
problem. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.
For products that do not use the DBMS
There is no effect on the behavior of
these products.

KAPM06443-E An attempt to start the HiRDB An attempt to start the HiRDB service
service has failed. has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06444-E An attempt to stop the HiRDB An attempt to stop the HiRDB service
service has failed. has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06445-E HiRDB cannot be stopped HiRDB cannot be stopped because a

because a Suite product is Suite product is connected to HiRDB.
connected to HiRDB. HiRDB cannot be stopped because a
Hitachi Command Suite product is
connected to it.
Stop the Hitachi Command Suite
product connected to HiRDB, and then
retry the operation.
Even after retrying the operation, if
the problem cannot be resolved,

A-210 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
detailed investigation is required to
determine the cause and resolve the
problem. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM06459-E An unexpected exception An unexpected exception occurred.

occurred. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06470-I The hcmdsdbconnectcheck The hcmdsdbconnectcheck command

command will now start. started.

KAPM06471-I Now checking the HiRDB Now checking the HiRDB connection...
connection... (number of (number of executions = aa...aa,
executions = aa...aa, specified specified number of executions =
number of executions = bb...bb)
aa...aa: Number of executions
bb...bb: Specified number of

KAPM06472-I HiRDB can be connected to. HiRDB can be connected to.

KAPM06473-I The hcmdsdbconnectcheck The hcmdsdbconnectcheck command

command will now end. will now end.

KAPM06474-E A connection with HiRDB could A connection with HiRDB could not be
not be confirmed. confirmed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required.Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06475-E The hcmdsdbconnectcheck The hcmdsdbconnectcheck command

command could not be could not be executed successfully.
executed successfully. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required.Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06476-E An option is invalid. An option is invalid.

KAPM06477-E The value of hcmds.home could The value of hcmds.home could not be
not be acquired. acquired.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM06501-I The method has started. The method has started.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-211

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM06502-I The method has finished. The method has finished.

KAPM06503-E The option is invalid. The option is invalid.

Specify the option correctly.

KAPM06504-E A specified option is A specified option is insufficient.

insufficient. Specify the option correctly.

KAPM06505-E The value specified in the The value specified in the option is
option is invalid. (option = invalid.
aa...aa) Check the specified value of the
aa...aa: Option name option.

KAPM06506-E The specified directory cannot The specified directory cannot be

be created. (directory = created.
aa...aa) Make sure that you have write
aa...aa: Directory permission for the directory.

KAPM06507-E The specified directory already The specified directory already exists
exists as a file. (file = aa...aa) as a file.
aa...aa: File name Specify another directory name.

KAPM06508-E The specified value is invalid. The specified value is invalid.

(value = aa...aa) Specify a valid value.
aa...aa: Specified value

KAPM06509-E The file aa...aa does not exist. The file aa...aa does not exist.
aa...aa: File name Confirm that there are no errors in the
file specification. If there are no errors,
detailed investigation is required to
determine the cause and resolve the
problem. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM06510-E The directory aa...aa does not The directory aa...aa does not exist.
exist. Confirm that there are no errors in the
aa...aa: Directory name directory specification. If there are no
errors, detailed investigation is
required to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you to
collect troubleshooting information.

KAPM06511-E The file aa...aa already exists. The file aa...aa already exists.
aa...aa: File name Delete the file, or move to another

KAPM06512-E The directory aa...aa already The directory aa...aa already exists.
exists. Specify another directory.
aa...aa: Directory name

KAPM06513-E Command aa...aa returned the Command aa...aa returned the value
value bb...bb. The error bb...bb. The error message is cc...cc.
message is cc...cc. Confirm that the value specified for the
aa...aa: Command name option is correct. If the value is
correct, detailed investigation is

A-212 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
bb...bb: Return code required to determine the cause and
cc...cc: Error message resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you to
collect troubleshooting information.
KAPM06514-I Processing ended normally. Processing ended normally.

KAPM06515-E An IOException occurred. An IOException occurred.

(details = aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Exception details the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06516-E An exception occurred. (details An exception occurred.

= aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Exception details the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06517-E A NullPointerException A NullPointerException occurred.

occurred. (details = aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Exception details the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06518-E HiRDB has not been installed. HiRDB has not been installed.
Make sure that HiRDB is installed.
When a product of HiCommand 4.0 or
later is installed, HiRDB is
automatically installed.

KAPM06519-E An error occurred while An error occurred while executing the

executing the hcmdsdbmode hcmdsdbmodecommand.
command. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06520-E HiRDB has not started. HiRDB has not started.

Start HiRDB.

KAPM06521-E The RD area for aa...aa has not The RD area for aa...aa has not been
been set up. set up.
aa...aa: Product name In the type option, specify the
installed product name.

KAPM06522-E There is no RD area in the There is no RD area in the system.

system. Make sure that the Hitachi Command
Suite product has been installed.

KAPM06523-I The hcmdsdbmove command The hcmdsdbmove command has

has started. started.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-213

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM06524-I Initialization for moving the Initialization for moving the database
database is being performed. is being performed.

KAPM06525-I The data for aa...aa will now be The data for aa...aa will now be
moved. moved.
aa...aa: Product name

KAPM06526-I Processing to import data has Processing to import data has started.

KAPM06527-I The table definitions of the The table definitions of the database
database are being imported. are being imported.

KAPM06528-I The data is being imported. The data is being imported.

KAPM06529-I The database procedures are The database procedures are being
being imported. imported.

KAPM06530-I Processing to import data has Processing to import data has ended.

KAPM06531-I Processing to export data has Processing to export data has started.

KAPM06532-I The table definitions of the The table definitions of the database
database are being exported. are being exported.

KAPM06533-I The data is being exported. The data is being exported.

KAPM06534-I The database procedures are The database procedures are being
being exported. exported.

KAPM06535-I Processing to export data has Processing to export data has ended.

KAPM06536-I The data is being imported. The data is being imported.

(progress = aa...aa/bb...bb)
aa...aa: Amount of imported
bb...bb: Total amount of data
to be imported

KAPM06537-I The data is being exported. The data is being exported.

(progress = aa...aa/bb...bb)
aa...aa: Amount of exported
bb...bb: Total amount of data
to be exported

KAPM06540-I The view is being imported. The view is being imported.

KAPM06541-I The view is being exported. The view is being exported.

KAPM06542-E The data to be imported to When the import option was specified
aa...aa is not in the directory in in the hcmdsdbmove command, the
the datapath option. data to be imported from the product
aa...aa: The product for which displayed in the message was not in
the data to be imported cannot the directory specified by the
be found. datapath option.

A-214 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
Please check that the data to be
imported exists in the directory
specified by the datapath option.
Also, if import data of multiple
products exists in different directories,
specify the type option, and then
import the data for each product one
product at a time.

KAPM06543-I The database was exported The database was exported

successfully. successfully.

KAPM06544-E An attempt to export the An attempt to export the database has

database has failed. failed.
Re-execute the command. If the
problem cannot be resolved, detailed
investigation is required to determine
the cause and resolve the problem.
Contact the Support Center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06545-I The database was imported The database was imported

successfully. successfully.

KAPM06546-E An attempt to import the An attempt to import the database has

database has failed. failed.
Re-execute the command. If the
problem cannot be resolved, detailed
investigation is required to determine
the cause and resolve the problem.
Contact the Support Center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06548-E An attempt to delete a table An attempt to delete a table definition

definition from the database from the database failed.
failed. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06549-E An attempt to defragment the An attempt to defragment the

database failed. database failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06570-E An option is invalid. This message is displayed when the

format of the specified option is
Specify a valid option, and then try

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-215

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM06571-E The specified options are This message is displayed when a

insufficient. required option is not specified or an
unnecessary option is specified.
Specify a valid option, and then try

KAPM06572-E The specified option value is This message is displayed when the
invalid. specified value of the option is invalid.
Specify a valid option value, and then
try again.

KAPM06573-E The specified directory name This message is displayed when the
already exists as a file name. directory name specified in the
(file name = aa...aa) command option already exists as a
aa...aa: File name file.
Specify a valid option value, and then
try again.

KAPM06574-E The directory name exceeds This message is displayed when the
aa...aa characters. length (number of characters) of the
aa...aa: Length of directory directory name specified in the option
name (number of characters) exceeds the maximum.
Specify a valid option value, and then
try again.

KAPM06575-E The same value cannot be This message is displayed when the
specified for the databasepath character strings specified for the
and exportpath parameters. databasepath and exportpath
parameters are the same.
Specify a different directory name, and
then try again.

KAPM06576-E An attempt to acquire the key This message is displayed when a

name has failed. required property has not been set in
the cluster settings file.
Make sure the contents of the cluster
settings file are correct.

KAPM06577-E An attempt to acquire a value This message is displayed when a

has failed. value has not been set correctly in the
cluster settings file.
Make sure the values in the cluster
settings file are correct.

KAPM06578-E The cluster settings file was not This message is displayed when there
found. is no cluster settings file in the conf
Make sure that cluster.conf is in the

KAPM06579-E The value of hcmds.home This message is displayed when

cannot be acquired. hcmds.home has not been set in the
system properties.
Make sure that hcmds.home has been
set in the system properties.

A-216 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM06580-E An attempt to clear a DBMS This message is displayed when an

environment variable has attempt to delete the DBMS client
failed. environment variable has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06581-E The DBMS has not stopped. This message is displayed when the
DBMS did not stop when the command
was executed.
Before executing a command, stop the
DBMS service.

KAPM06582-E An attempt to load the file has This message is displayed when an
failed. (file = aa...aa) attempt to load the file has failed.
aa...aa: File name To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06583-E An attempt to write to the file This message is displayed when an

has failed. (file = aa...aa) attempt to write to the file has failed.
aa...aa: File name To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06584-I Processing to export data was This message is displayed when data
successful. was exported successfully.

KAPM06585-I Re-creation of the database This message is displayed when the

was successful. database was re-created successfully.

KAPM06586-I Processing to import data was This message is displayed when data
successful. was imported successfully.

KAPM06587-E An attempt to export data has This message is displayed when an

failed. attempt to export data has failed.
Remove the cause of the failure, and
then try again. If the problem cannot
be resolved, detailed investigation is
required to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you to
collect troubleshooting information.

KAPM06588-E An attempt to re-create the This message is displayed when an

database has failed. attempt to re-create the database has
Remove the cause of the failure, and
then try again. If the problem cannot
be resolved, detailed investigation is
required to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-217

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
Support Center, who may ask you to
collect troubleshooting information.

KAPM06589-E An attempt to import data has This message is displayed when an

failed. attempt to import data has failed.
Remove the cause of the failure, and
then try again. If the problem cannot
be resolved, detailed investigation is
required to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you to
collect troubleshooting information.

KAPM06590-I Processing ended normally. This message is displayed when

command execution ended normally.

KAPM06591-E The data to be imported was This message is displayed when the
not found in the specified data to be imported could not be found
directory. in the specified directory.
Specify the directory to which the data
was exported, and then re-execute the
command. If the problem cannot be
resolved, detailed investigation is
required to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you to
collect troubleshooting information.

KAPM06592-E The data to be imported to The data to be imported of the product

aa...aa is not in the directory displayed in the message is not in the
specified in the exportpath directory specified for the exportpath
option. option.
aa...aa: The product that the Please confirm to exist an import data
import data could not be found. in the directory specified by the
exportpath option.

KAPM06600-I Entered parameter: aa...aa Entered parameter.

aa...aa: Parameter entered by
the user

KAPM06601-I User ID = aa...aa, application User ID = aa...aa, application =

= bb...bb, permissions = bb...bb, permissions = cc...cc
aa...aa: User ID of the target
bb...bb: Target application
cc...cc: Permission set by the
target user

KAPM06602-E A specified parameter is A specified parameter is invalid.

invalid. Check the specified parameter.

KAPM06603-E An attempt to read the file has An attempt to read the file has failed.
failed. (file = aa...aa) Make sure the file exists on the
aa...aa: Absolute path of the specified path aa...aa.

A-218 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM06604-E The database has not started. The database has not started.
Make sure the database has started.

KAPM06605-E An attempt to communicate An attempt to communicate with the

with the server or database has server or database has failed.
failed. Make sure the following have started:
the HBase Storage Mgmt Common
Service or HBase Storage Mgmt Web
Service, and the database.

KAPM06606-E An error has occurred. An error has occurred.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06609-I The command ended normally. The command ended normally.

KAPM06610-E An option specification is An option specification is invalid.

invalid. Specify a valid option as shown in the
message, and then execute the

KAPM06611-E An attempt to load the An attempt to load the hsso.conf file

hsso.conf file has failed. has failed.
Make sure the host name in hsso.conf
is correct.

KAPM06612-E Authentication has failed. Authentication has failed.

Make sure that the user name and
password are correct.
If the problem cannot be resolved,
detailed investigation is required to
determine the cause and resolve the
problem. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM06613-W Authentication data was not Authentication data was not found in
found in the repository. the repository.

KAPM06614-E An attempt to communicate An attempt to communicate with SSO

with SSO Server has failed. Server has failed.
Perform one of the following
1. For a distributed environment:
If you executed the command
from the primary side, make sure
that the single sign-on server on
the primary side is running.
If you executed the command
from the secondary side, make
sure that the single sign-on server
on the primary side is running. If
the single sign-on server on the

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-219

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
primary side is not running, start
it, and then restart the single
sign-on server on the secondary
side. If the single sign-on server
on the primary side is running,
make sure that the single sign-on
server on the secondary side is
2. For a non-distributed
Make sure that the single sign-on
server is running.
3. If the problem cannot be resolved,
detailed investigation is required
to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you
to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06640-E A fatal error occurred during A fatal error occurred during

processing. processing.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06641-E An internal error occurred. An internal error occurred.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06642-E An error occurred during file An error occurred during file input.
input. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06643-E An attempt to acquire file An attempt to acquire file information

information has failed. has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06644-E An option is invalid. An option is invalid.

Code=[aa...aa], To determine the cause and resolve
Data=[bb...bb] the problem, detailed investigation is
aa...aa: Code indicating the required. Contact Support Center, who
error location may ask you to collect troubleshooting

A-220 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
bb...bb: Problematic option and
its value

KAPM06645-I hcmdsdbpath [aa...aa]{, The options specified for the command

[bb...bb],......[.....]} are displayed.
aa...aa: Command line
bb...bb: Command line

KAPM06654-E The specified backup directory The backup directory specified for the
is invalid. Path=[aa...aa], backupsdir option is invalid.
For the backupsdir option, specify the
aa...aa: Path to the backup directory specified for the output
directory destination of the hcmdsbackups
bb...bb: Code indicating the command.
error location

KAPM06659-E aa...aa Detailed information for KAPMxxxxx-E.

aa...aa: Name of the exception This indicates the thrown exception
object and the reason that object and the backtrace for that
object was thrown, or the object.
backtrace for that object See the message KAPMxxxxx-E.

KAPM06665-I The DBMS has started. The DBMS has started.

KAPM06666-I The DBMS has stopped. The DBMS has stopped.

KAPM06667-I aa...aa processing has started. Processing has started.

aa...aa: Processing name

KAPM06668-I aa...aa processing has finished. Processing has finished.

aa...aa: Processing name

KAPM06669-E An argument contains a null An argument contains a null value.

value. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06670-E An exception occurred. An exception occurred.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06671-E The specified value is invalid. The specified value is invalid.

(value = aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Value the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06672-E Execution of the command Execution of the command has failed.

aa...aa has failed.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-221

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
aa...aa: Command name To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting
KAPM06673-E The DBMS did not start. The DBMS did not start.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06674-E The DBMS did not stop. The DBMS did not stop.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06675-I The DBMS has not been set up The DBMS has not been set up

KAPM06676-I The database of the specified The database of the specified product
product has not been set up. has not been set up.

KAPM06679-E The value of hcmds.home The value of hcmds.home cannot be

cannot be acquired. acquired.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06683-E "aa...aa":"bb...bb" Message for debugging.

aa...aa: Command name
bb...bb: Message

KAPM06689-E Processing has terminated Processing has terminated abnormally.

abnormally. (processing name (processing name = aa...aa)
= aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Processing name the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06690-E The file hcmdsdbsetRDArea.ini The file hcmdsdbsetRDArea.ini does

does not exist. not exist.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06691-E An error occurred during file I/ An error occurred during file I/O
O processing. processing.

A-222 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06692-W Execution of the command Execution of the command has failed.

aa...aa has failed. To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Command name the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06700-I The hcmdsscmquery command The hcmdsscmquery command started.


KAPM06701-I The hcmdsscmquery command The hcmdsscmquery command ended

ended successfully. successfully.

KAPM06702-E The hcmdsscmquery command The hcmdsscmquery command failed.

failed. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06703-I The aa...aa function started. The function started.

aa...aa: Function name

KAPM06704-I The aa...aa function ended. The function ended.

aa...aa: Function name

KAPM06705-E Acquisition of the installation Acquisition of the installation path

path failed. failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06706-E One or more options are One or more options are invalid.
invalid. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06707-E Allocation of memory to store Allocation of memory to store the log

the log file path failed. file path failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06708-E Log initialization failed. Log initialization failed.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-223

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06709-E An internal error occurred. An internal error occurred.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06710-I The service is stopped. The service is stopped.

KAPM06711-I The service is running. The service is running.

KAPM06712-I The service is starting. The service is starting.

KAPM06713-I The service is stopping. The service is stopping.

KAPM06714-I The service is now being The service is now being resumed.

KAPM06715-I The service is now being The service is now being paused.

KAPM06716-I The service is paused. The service is paused.

KAPM06717-I The service does not exist. The service does not exist.

KAPM06718-I The service is disabled. The service is disabled.

KAPM06719-E The service status is currently The service status is currently

unknown. unknown.

KAPM06720-E A fatal error occurred. A fatal error occurred.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06721-I The hcmdsscmquery command The hcmdsscmquery command ended.


KAPM06722-E An error occurred in the Win32 An error occurred in the Win32 API.
API.. (API name = aa...aa, To determine the cause and resolve
error code = bb...bb) the problem, detailed investigation is
aa...aa: API name required. Contact Support Center, who
bb...bb: Error code may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06723-I The service name is aa...aa. The name of the service currently
aa...aa: Service name processing

KAPM06753-E A property value in the A property value in the installation

installation information file is information file is invalid.
invalid. (aa...aa) Check the contents of the installation
aa...aa: Property value information file.

KAPM06760-I A method has started. A method has started.

A-224 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM06761-I A method has finished. A method has finished.

KAPM06762-I The hcmdsssltool command The hcmdsssltool command has

has started. started.

KAPM06763-I The hcmdsssltool command The hcmdsssltool command has

has ended. ended.

KAPM06764-I The hcmdsssltool command The hcmdsssltool command ended

ended successfully. successfully.

KAPM06765-E An option is invalid. An option is invalid.

Check the options.

KAPM06766-E Creation of a private key failed. Creation of a private key failed.

Check the file output location and the
specified distinguished name, and then
re-execute the command.
If the problem cannot be resolved,
detailed investigation is required to
determine the cause and resolve the
problem. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM06767-E Creation of a self-signed Creation of a self-signed certificate

certificate failed. failed.
Check the file output location and the
specified distinguished name, and then
re-execute the command.
If the problem cannot be resolved,
detailed investigation is required to
determine the cause and resolve the
problem. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM06768-E Creation of a CSR failed. Creation of a CSR failed.

Check the file output location and the
specified distinguished name, and then
re-execute the command.
If the problem cannot be resolved,
detailed investigation is required to
determine the cause and resolve the
problem. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM06769-E Creation of a certificate content Creation of a certificate content file

file failed. failed.
Check the file output location and the
specified distinguished name, and then
re-execute the command.
If the problem cannot be resolved,
detailed investigation is required to
determine the cause and resolve the

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-225

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
problem. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM06770-E An internal error occurred. An internal error occurred.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06771-W Failed to delete a key store. Failed to delete a key store.

KAPM06772-E No value has been specified for No value has been specified for an
an option. option.
Check the options.

KAPM06773-E A fatal error occurred. A fatal error occurred.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06774-E The hcmds.home value cannot The hcmds.home value cannot be

be acquired. acquired.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06775-E Analysis of binary data failed. Analysis of binary data failed.

(position = aa...aa,part = To determine the cause and resolve
bb...bb) the problem, detailed investigation is
aa...aa: Position required. Contact Support Center, who
bb...bb: Part may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06776-E The keytool command failed. The keytool command failed.

Take action according to the content of
the following messages:
• KAPM06766-E
• KAPM06767-E
• KAPM06768-E
• KAPM06769-E

KAPM06777-I The keytool command has The keytool command has ended.
ended.(Return code = aa...aa)
aa...aa: Return code

KAPM06780-I Enter Server Name Enter Server Name.

aa...aa: Host name

KAPM06781-I Enter Organizational Unit: Enter Organizational Unit.

A-226 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM06782-I Enter Organization Name Enter Organization Name.

aa...aa: Host name

KAPM06783-I Enter your City or Locality: Enter your City or Locality:

KAPM06784-I Enter your State or Province: Enter your State or Province.

KAPM06785-I Enter your two-character Enter your two-character country-

country-code: code.

KAPM06786-I Is aa...aa correct? (y/n) The Distinguished Name is confirmed.

aa...aa: Distinguished name

KAPM06787-E Creation of a distinguished Creation of a distinguished name

name failed. failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06790-E An IllegalArgumentException An IllegalArgumentException occurred.

occurred. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06791-E An IOException occurred. An IOException occurred.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06792-E A HBaseDeleteFileException A HBaseDeleteFileException occurred.

occurred. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06793-E An exception occurred. An exception occurred.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06794-E A KeyStoreException occurred. A KeyStoreException occurred.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-227

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM06795-E A CertificateException A CertificateException occurred.

occurred. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06796-E An UnrecoverableKeyException An UnrecoverableKeyException

occurred. occurred.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06797-E A NoSuchAlgorithmException A NoSuchAlgorithmException occurred.

occurred. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06799-I aa...aa This message contains debug

aa...aa: Debug information information.

KAPM06900-I Processing to start the service This message is displayed when

has started. processing to start the service starts.

KAPM06901-I The service was started This message is displayed when the
successfully. service starts successfully. However, if
the HiCommand version is earlier than
5.7, you might need to start some of
the services manually because they do
not start automatically.

KAPM06902-I Processing to stop the service This message is displayed when

has started. processing to stop the service starts.

KAPM06903-I The service was stopped This message is displayed when the
successfully. service stops successfully.

KAPM06904-I Processing to start the DBMS This message is displayed when

has started. processing to start the DBMS starts.

KAPM06905-I The DBMS was started This message is displayed when the
successfully. DBMS starts successfully.

KAPM06906-I Processing to stop the DBMS This message is displayed when

has started. processing to stop the DBMS starts.

KAPM06907-I The DBMS was stopped This message is displayed when the
successfully. DBMS stops successfully.

KAPM06908-E An attempt to start the service This message is displayed when an

has failed. attempt to start the service fails.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who

A-228 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06909-E An attempt to stop the service This message is displayed when an

has failed. attempt to stop the service fails.
Stop any suite products connected to
the DBMS, and then retry the
operation. If the problem cannot be
resolved, detailed investigation is
required to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you to
collect troubleshooting information.

KAPM06910-E An attempt to start the DBMS This message is displayed when an

has failed. attempt to start the DBMS fails.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06911-E An attempt to stop the DBMS This message is displayed when an

has failed. attempt to stop the DBMS fails.
Stop any suite products connected to
the DBMS, and then retry the
operation. If the problem cannot be
resolved, detailed investigation is
required to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you to
collect troubleshooting information.

KAPM06912-E An attempt to start the service This message is displayed when an

or the DBMS has failed. attempt to start the service or the
DBMS fails.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06913-E An attempt to stop the service This message is displayed when an

or the DBMS has failed. attempt to stop the service or the
DBMS fails.
Stop any suite products connected to
the DBMS, and then retry the
operation. If the problem cannot be
resolved, detailed investigation is
required to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you to
collect troubleshooting information.

KAPM06914-E The database has not been The database has not been initialized.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-229

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06915-E An attempt to release the This message is displayed when an

connection of the connection attempt to release the connection of
pool has failed. the connection pool fails.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06920-W Log initialization failed. Log initialization failed.

If the problem occurs frequently,
detailed investigation is required to
determine the cause and resolve the
problem. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM06921-E A memory allocation error A memory allocation error occurred.

occurred. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06922-E The aa...aa command will stop The specified command stopped
because setting an because setting an environment
environment variable failed. variable failed.
(details = bb...bb) Re-execute the command. If the
aa...aa: Command name problem cannot be resolved, detailed
bb...bb: Details investigation is required to determine
the cause and resolve the problem.
Contact the Support Center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06923-E The aa...aa command will stop The specified command stopped
because internal processing because internal processing failed.
failed. (details = bb...bb) Re-execute the command. If the
aa...aa: Command name problem cannot be resolved, detailed
bb...bb: Details investigation is required to determine
the cause and resolve the problem.
Contact the Support Center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06924-E An error occurred in an internal An error occurred in an internal

function. (function = aa...aa, function.
error code = bb...bb) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Function the problem, detailed investigation is
bb...bb: Error code required. Contact Support Center, who

A-230 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06925-E A system environment variable A system environment variable was

is invalid. invalid.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06926-E The aa...aa command will stop The specified command stopped
because setting an because setting an environment
environment variable failed. variable failed.
(details = bb...bb) Re-execute the command. If the
aa...aa: Command name problem cannot be resolved, detailed
bb...bb: Details investigation is required to determine
the cause and resolve the problem.
Contact the Support Center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM06927-E The aa...aa command will stop The specified command stopped
because internal processing because internal processing failed.
failed. (details = bb...bb) Re-execute the command. If the
aa...aa: Command name problem cannot be resolved, detailed
bb...bb: Details investigation is required to determine
the cause and resolve the problem.
Contact the Support Center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM07000-W Update the current JavaScript Update the current JavaScript to the
to the latest version. latest version.

KAPM07001-E The specified user cannot log in The specified user cannot log in
because the user does not because the user does not have
have permission to access the permission to access the manager
manager screen. screen.
Log in as a user who has Hitachi
Command Suite Common Component
Administrator permissions.

KAPM07002-E The application is not The application is not registered on the

registered on the HSSO Server. HSSO Server.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM07003-E The user ID and/or password The user ID and/or password are not
are not correct. correct.
Input the correct user ID and

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-231

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM07004-E The executing user does not The executing user does not have
have permission to execute the permission to execute the method.
method. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM07005-E The specified user does not The specified user does not exist.
exist. Confirm the user information.

KAPM07006-E The specified user already The specified user already exists.
exists. Input a value other than the specified
user name.

KAPM07007-E This user has already been This user has already been deleted.
deleted. Confirm the user information.

KAPM07008-E A problem occurred during A problem occurred during processing.

processing. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM07009-E A communication error A communication error occurred during

occurred during processing. processing.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM07010-E Null is specified for the Null is specified for the argument.
argument. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM07011-E A fatal error occurred during A fatal error occurred during

processing. processing.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM07012-E The specified group does not The specified group does not exist.
exist. Confirm the group information.

KAPM07013-E An attempt to register user An attempt to register user

information has failed, because information has failed, because a
a problem occurred during problem occurred during registration
registration processing. processing.

A-232 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM07014-E An attempt to update user An attempt to update user information

information has failed, because has failed, because a problem occurred
a problem occurred during during update processing.
update processing. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM07015-E An attempt to delete user An attempt to delete user information

information has failed, because has failed, because a problem occurred
a problem occurred during during deletion processing.
deletion processing. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM07016-E An attempt to change the An attempt to change the password

password has failed, because a has failed, because a problem occurred
problem occurred while while processing the change.
processing the change. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM07017-E A problem occurred during an A problem occurred during an attempt

attempt to acquire user to acquire user information.
information. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM07018-E A problem occurred during an A problem occurred during an attempt

attempt to acquire group to acquire group information.
information. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM07019-I The user information was The user information was successfully
successfully deleted. deleted.

KAPM07020-I User ID aa...aa will be deleted. User ID aa...aa will be deleted.

If deleted, this user will not be If deleted, this user will not be able to
able to log on. Is this OK? log on. Is this OK?
aa...aa: User ID

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-233

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM07021-E A problem occurred during an A problem occurred during an attempt

attempt to acquire HiCommand to acquire Hitachi Command Suite
application information. application information.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM07022-E An attempt to update An attempt to update Hitachi

HiCommand application Command Suite application
information has failed, because information has failed, because a
a problem occurred during problem occurred during update
update processing. processing.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM07023-I HiCommand application Hitachi Command Suite application

information will now be information will now be updated.

KAPM07024-E A problem occurred during an A problem occurred during an attempt

attempt to acquire user to acquire user application information.
application information. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM07025-E An attempt to update user An attempt to update user application

application information has information has failed, because a
failed, because a problem problem occurred during update
occurred during update processing.
processing. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM07026-I User application information User application information will now

will now be updated. be updated.

KAPM07027-W The specified user application The specified user application name
name already exists. already exists.
application name = aa...aa Input a value other than the specified
aa...aa: Application name application name.

KAPM07028-E Input Item:aa...aa This entry is required. Enter a value.

This entry is required. Enter a Input a value.
aa...aa: Input item

KAPM07029-E Input Item:aa...aa A character that cannot be used for

this entry has been entered.

A-234 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
A character that cannot be Use only characters that are valid for
used for this entry has been this item.
aa...aa: Input item

KAPM07030-E Input Item:aa...aa The number of characters in this entry

The number of characters in exceeds the maximum.
this entry exceeds the Input a character string of a length
maximum. less than or equal to the maximum.
aa...aa: Input item

KAPM07031-E The password entries do not The password entries do not match.
match. Make sure that the values for the
password and password confirmation
input items are identical.

KAPM07032-E Input Item:aa...aa Enter from 4 to 255 characters for this

Enter from 4 to 255 characters entry.
for this entry.
aa...aa: Input item

KAPM07033-W The specified URL does not The specified URL does not exist in the
exist in the class. URL = class.
aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: URL the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM07034-E IllegalDataException occurred. IllegalDataException occurred.

(details = aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Details the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM07035-E The format of the specified URL The format of the specified URL is
is invalid. URL = aa...aa invalid.
aa...aa: URL Check the entered URL. If necessary,
enter the correct URL.

KAPM07036-I The password will change. Is The password will change. Is this OK?
this OK?

KAPM07037-I The password will change. Is The password will change. Is this OK?
this OK? After the password changes, you must
After the password changes, log in again.
you must log in again.

KAPM07038-E Input Item:aa...aa The same value cannot be specified

The same value cannot be into these input items.
specified into these input Please reinput other values in an input
items. item.
aa...aa: Input item

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-235

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM07230-I The user was registered This is an audit log showing that the
successfully. (operator = user has been registered successfully.
aa...aa, user ID = bb...bb,
function = cc...cc)
aa...aa: Operator name
bb...bb: Processed user ID
cc...cc: Function name

KAPM07231-I The user was deleted This is an audit log showing that the
successfully. (operator = user has been deleted successfully.
aa...aa, user ID = bb...bb,
function = cc...cc)
aa...aa: Operator name
bb...bb: Processed user ID
cc...cc: Function name

KAPM07232-I The password was changed This is an audit log showing that the
successfully. (operator = password has been changed
aa...aa, user ID = bb...bb, successfully.
function = cc...cc)
aa...aa: Operator name
bb...bb: Processed user ID
cc...cc: Function name

KAPM07233-I The user information was This is an audit log showing that the
modified successfully. user information has been modified
(operator = aa...aa, user ID = successfully.
bb...bb, function = cc...cc)
aa...aa: Operator name
bb...bb: Processed user ID
cc...cc: Function name

KAPM07235-I The user was locked This is an audit log showing that the
successfully. (operator = user has been locked successfully.
aa...aa, user ID = bb...bb,
function = cc...cc)
aa...aa: Operator name
bb...bb: Processed user ID
cc...cc: Function name

KAPM07236-I The user was unlocked This is an audit log showing that the
successfully. (operator = user has been unlocked successfully.
aa...aa, user ID = bb...bb,
function = cc...cc)
aa...aa: Operator name
bb...bb: Processed user ID
cc...cc: Function name

KAPM07237-E The specified password does This is an audit log that shows that the
not satisfy the entry conditions. password that doesn't meet the input
(operator = aa...aa, user ID = requirement is specified.
bb...bb, function = cc...cc)

A-236 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
aa...aa: Operator name
bb...bb: Processed user ID
cc...cc: Function name

KAPM07238-E The specified e-mail is too This is an audit log that shows that the
long. (operator = aa...aa, user e-mail string that is too long is
ID = bb...bb, function = specified.
aa...aa: Operator name
bb...bb: Processed user ID
cc...cc: Function name

KAPM07239-E The old password is incorrect. This is an audit log that shows that the
(operator = aa...aa, user ID = old password is incorrect.
bb...bb, function = cc...cc)
aa...aa: Operator name
bb...bb: Processed user ID
cc...cc: Function name

KAPM07240-E An attempt to execute the This is an audit log that shows that the
aa...aa operation has failed. aa...aaprocess has failed.
(operator = bb...bb, user ID =
cc...cc, function = dd...dd)
aa...aa: Operation name
bb...bb: Operator name
cc...cc: Processed user ID
dd...dd: Function name

KAPM07241-I A user was registered This audit log data indicates that a
successfully. (user ID = user was registered successfully.
aa...aa: User ID

KAPM07242-E Registration of a user has This audit log data indicates that
failed. (user ID = aa...aa) registration of a user has failed.
aa...aa: User ID

KAPM07243-I The user information was This audit log data indicates that the
updated successfully. (user ID user information was modified
= aa...aa) successfully.
aa...aa: User ID

KAPM07244-E An attempt to update the user This audit log data indicates that an
information has failed. (user ID attempt to update the user information
= aa...aa) has failed.
aa...aa: User ID

KAPM07245-I A user was deleted This audit log data indicates that a
successfully. (user ID = user was deleted successfully.
aa...aa: User ID

KAPM07246-E Deletion of a user has failed. This audit log data indicates that
(user ID = aa...aa) deletion of a user has failed.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-237

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
aa...aa: User ID

KAPM07247-I The authorization group was This is an audit log that shows all the
added successfully. (operator = authorization groups that have been
aa...aa, distinguished name = added successfully.
bb...bb, function = cc...cc)
aa...aa: Operator name
bb...bb: Distinguished name
cc...cc: Function name

KAPM07248-E An attempt to execute the This is an audit log that shows the
aa...aa operation has failed. failed aa...aaprocesses.
(operator = bb...bb,
distinguished name = cc...cc,
function = dd...dd)
aa...aa: Operation name
bb...bb: Operator name
cc...cc: Distinguished name
dd...dd: Function name

KAPM07249-I The authorization group was This is an audit log that shows all the
deleted successfully. (operator authorization groups that have been
= aa...aa, distinguished name deleted successfully.
= bb...bb, function = cc...cc)
aa...aa: Operator name
bb...bb: Distinguished name
cc...cc: Function name

KAPM07250-I The permissions were changed This is an audit log that shows all the
successfully. (operator = permissions that have been changed
aa...aa, distinguished name = successfully.
bb...bb, permissions = cc...cc)
aa...aa: Operator name
bb...bb: Distinguished name
cc...cc: Permissions after they
were changed

KAPM07251-I The authorization group was This is an audit log that shows all the
registered successfully. authorization groups that have been
(distinguished name = aa...aa) registered successfully.
aa...aa: Distinguished name

KAPM07252-E An attempt to register the This is an audit log that shows all the
authorization group has failed. authorization groups that have failed
(distinguished name = aa...aa) to be registered.
aa...aa: Distinguished name

KAPM07253-I The authorization group was This is an audit log that shows all the
deleted successfully. authorization groups that have been
(distinguished name = aa...aa) deleted successfully.
aa...aa: Distinguished name

A-238 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM07254-E An attempt to delete the This is an audit log that shows all the
authorization group has failed. authorization groups that have failed
(distinguished name = aa...aa) to be deleted.
aa...aa: Distinguished name

KAPM07255-I The authorization group's This is an audit log that shows all the
permissions were changed authorization group permissions that
successfully. (distinguished have been changed successfully.
name = aa...aa)
aa...aa: Distinguished name

KAPM07256-E An attempt to change the This is an audit log that shows all the
authorization group's authorization group permissions that
permissions has failed. have failed to be changed.
(distinguished name = aa...aa)
aa...aa: Distinguished name

KAPM07257-I The resource group was This audit log entry shows that the
successfully registered. resource group was successfully
(resource group name = registered.
aa...aa, device type = bb...bb,
device number = cc...cc)
aa...aa: Resource group name
bb...bb: Device type
cc...cc: Device number

KAPM07258-E Registration of the resource This audit log entry shows that
group failed. (resource group registration of the resource group
name = aa...aa, device type = failed.
bb...bb, device number =
aa...aa: Resource group name
bb...bb: Device type
cc...cc: Device number

KAPM07259-I The resource group was This audit log entry shows that the
successfully deleted. (resource resource group was successfully
group name = aa...aa, device deleted.
type = bb...bb, device number
= cc...cc)
aa...aa: Resource group name
bb...bb: Device type
cc...cc: Device number

KAPM07260-E Deletion of the resource group This audit log entry shows that
failed. (resource group name = deletion of the resource group failed.
aa...aa, device type = bb...bb,
device number = cc...cc)
aa...aa: Resource group name
bb...bb: Device type
cc...cc: Device number

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-239

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM07261-I The resource group was This audit log entry shows that the
successfully updated. (resource resource group was successfully
group name = aa...aa, device updated.
type = bb...bb, device number
= cc...cc)
aa...aa: Resource group name
bb...bb: Device type
cc...cc: Device number

KAPM07262-E Updating of the resource group This audit log entry shows that
failed. (resource group name = updating of the resource group failed.
aa...aa, device type = bb...bb,
device number = cc...cc)
aa...aa: Resource group name
bb...bb: Device type
cc...cc: Device number

KAPM07263-I The user group was This audit log entry shows that the
successfully registered. user group was successfully
(resource group name = registered.
aa...aa, device type = bb...bb,
device number = cc...cc)
aa...aa: User group name
bb...bb: Device type
cc...cc: Device number

KAPM07264-E Registration of the user group This audit log entry shows that the
failed. (user group name = user group was successfully
aa...aa, device type = bb...bb, registered.
device number = cc...cc)
aa...aa: User group name
bb...bb: Device type
cc...cc: Device number

KAPM07265-I The user group was This audit log entry shows that the
successfully deleted. (user user group was successfully deleted.
group name = aa...aa, device
type = bb...bb, device number
= cc...cc)
aa...aa: User group name
bb...bb: Device type
cc...cc: Device number

KAPM07266-E Deletion of the user group This audit log entry shows that
failed. (user group name = deletion of the user group failed.
aa...aa, device type = bb...bb,
device number = cc...cc)
aa...aa: User group name
bb...bb: Device type
cc...cc: Device number

A-240 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM07267-I The user group was This audit log entry shows that the
successfully updated. (user user group was successfully updated.
group name = aa...aa, device
type = bb...bb, device number
= cc...cc)
aa...aa: User group name
bb...bb: Device type
cc...cc: Device number

KAPM07268-E Updating of the user group This audit log entry shows that
failed. (user group name = updating of the user group failed.
aa...aa, device type = bb...bb,
device number = cc...cc)
aa...aa: User group name
bb...bb: Device type
cc...cc: Device number

KAPM07269-I The role was successfully This audit log entry shows that the
registered. (role name = role was successfully registered.
aa...aa, device type = bb...bb,
device number = cc...cc)
aa...aa: Role name
bb...bb: Device type
cc...cc: Device number

KAPM07270-E Registration of the role failed. This audit log entry shows that
(role name = aa...aa, device registration of the role failed.
type = bb...bb, device number
= cc...cc)
aa...aa: Role name
bb...bb: Device type
cc...cc: Device number

KAPM07271-I The role was successfully This audit log entry shows that the
deleted. (role name = aa...aa, role was successfully deleted.
device type = bb...bb, device
number = cc...cc)
aa...aa: Role name
bb...bb: Device type
cc...cc: Device number

KAPM07272-E Deletion of the role failed. (role This audit log entry shows that
name = aa...aa, device type = deletion of the role failed.
bb...bb, device number =
aa...aa: Role name
bb...bb: Device type
cc...cc: Device number

KAPM07273-I The role was successfully This audit log entry shows that the
updated. (role name = aa...aa, role was successfully updated.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-241

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
device type = bb...bb, device
number = cc...cc)
aa...aa: Role name
bb...bb: Device type
cc...cc: Device number

KAPM07274-E Updating of the role failed. This audit log entry shows that
(role name = aa...aa, device updating of the role failed.
type = bb...bb, device number
= cc...cc)
aa...aa: Role name
bb...bb: Device type
cc...cc: Device number

KAPM07275-I The user account was This audit log entry shows that the
successfully assigned to the user account was successfully assigned
user group. (user group name to the user group.
= aa...aa, user ID = bb...bb)
aa...aa: User group name
bb...bb: User ID

KAPM07276-E The user account failed to be This audit log entry shows that the
assigned to the user group. user account failed to be assigned to
(user group name = aa...aa, the user group.
user ID = bb...bb)
aa...aa: User group name
bb...bb: User ID

KAPM07277-I The permission was This audit log entry shows that the
successfully assigned to the permission was successfully assigned
role. (role name = aa...aa, to the role.
permission name = bb...bb)
aa...aa: Role name
bb...bb: Permission name

KAPM07278-E The permission failed to be This audit log entry shows that the
assigned to the role. (role permission failed to be assigned to the
name = aa...aa, permission role.
name = bb...bb)
aa...aa: Role name
bb...bb: Permission name

KAPM07279-I Assignment processing was This audit log entry shows that
successful for a user group and assignment processing was successful
an external authentication for the following:
group, a resource group, and a • A user group and an external
role. (user group name and authentication group
external authentication group
name = aa...aa, resource • A resource group
group name = bb...bb, role • A role
name = cc...cc)
aa...aa: User group name and
external authentication group

A-242 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
bb...bb: Resource group name
cc...cc: Role name

KAPM07280-E Assignment processing failed This audit log entry shows that
for a user group and an assignment processing failed for the
external authentication group, following:
a resource group, and a role. • A user group and an external
(user group name and external authentication group
authentication group name =
aa...aa, resource group name • A resource group
= bb...bb, role name = cc...cc) • A role
aa...aa: User group name and
external authentication group
bb...bb: Resource group name
cc...cc: Role name

KAPM07300-I The hcmdshpsimcert command The hcmdshpsimcert command

has started. started.

KAPM07301-I The hcmdshpsimcert command The hcmdshpsimcert command ended.

has terminated.

KAPM07302-I The hcmdshpsimcert command The hcmdshpsimcert command was

was successful. successful.

KAPM07303-E The hcmdshpsimcert command The hcmdshpsimcert command failed.

has failed. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM07306-E The value of hcmds.home The hcmds.home value cannot be

cannot be acquired. acquired.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM07307-E An option is invalid. An option is invalid.

Please revise the option specification.

KAPM07308-E An exception occurred. An exception occurred.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM07309-E An internal error occurred. An internal error occurred.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-243

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM07310-I Importing of the certificate has Importing of the certificate started.


KAPM07311-I Importing of the certificate has Importing of the certificate ended.


KAPM07312-E The host name or the port The host name is invalid.
number is invalid. Please revise the specified host name.

KAPM07313-E An attempt to communicate Communication with the HPSIM server

with the HPSIM server has failed.
failed. Please confirm whether the HPSIM
server running.

KAPM07314-E The format of the certificate The format of the certificate acquired
acquired from the HPSIM from the HPSIM server is invalid.
server is invalid. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM07315-E An attempt to load the An attempt to load the keystore file

keystore file has failed. has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM07316-W The certificate of the specified The certificate of the specified host has
host is already registered. already been registered.

KAPM07317-I The following certificate was The following certificate was imported
imported into the keystore. to the keystore.

KAPM07318-E An attempt to output the An attempt to output the keystore file

keystore file has failed. has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM07319-E An attempt to input the An attempt to input the keystore file

keystore file has failed. has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM07320-I Host name: "aa...aa" Host name.

aa...aa: Host name

A-244 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM07321-I Processing to display the Processing to display the certificate list

certificate list has started. started.

KAPM07322-I Processing to display the Processing to display the certificate list

certificate list has ended. ended.

KAPM07323-I The certificate is not stored. The certificate is not stored.

KAPM07324-E A problem occurred while A problem occurred while displaying

displaying the certificate list. the certificate list.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM07325-I Deletion of the certificate has Deletion of the certificate started.


KAPM07326-I The certificate has been The certificate has been deleted.

KAPM07327-I The certificate for the aa...aa The certificate of the specified host
host was deleted. was deleted.
aa...aa: Host name

KAPM07328-W The certificate for the aa...aa The certificate of the specified host
host is not registered. name is not registered.
aa...aa: Host name

KAPM07329-E An attempt to delete the An attempt to delete the certificate has

certificate has failed. failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM07330-E An attempt to renew the An attempt to modify the keystore has

keystore has failed. failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM07342-E An exception occurred. An exception occurred.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM07343-E An internal error occurred. An internal error occurred.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-245

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM07344-I GET processing for "/Proxy/ The GET processing of "/Proxy/

Getkey" has started. GetKey" started.

KAPM07345-I GET processing for "/Proxy/ The GET processing of "/Proxy/

Getkey" has ended. GetKey" ended.

KAPM07346-I The request from "aa...aa" was The request from aa...aa was
accepted. accepted.
aa...aa: Host name

KAPM07347-I The one-time key was issued. The one-time key was issued. (key =
(key = aa...aa) aa...aa)
aa...aa: Onetimekey

KAPM07348-E An attempt to issue the one- An attempt to issue the one-time key
time key has failed. has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM07349-E An attempt to create the one- An attempt to create the one-time key
time key failed because the failed because the number of keys
number of keys had exceeded exceeded the maximum.
the maximum. Please check whether a one-time key
has been generated illegally.

KAPM07350-W The one-time key does not The one-time key does not exist. (key
exist. (key = aa...aa) = aa...aa)
aa...aa: Onetimekey

KAPM07351-W The expiration date of the one- The one-time key expired. (key =
time key has passed. (key = aa...aa)
aa...aa: Onetimekey

KAPM07352-I The one-time key was deleted The one time key was deleted
normally. (key = aa...aa) normally. (key = aa...aa)
aa...aa: Onetimekey

KAPM07355-I The one-time key that passed The expired one-time key was deleted.
the expiration date was (key = aa...aa)
deleted. (key = aa...aa)
aa...aa: Onetimekey

KAPM07356-I GET processing for "/Proxy/ The GET processing of "/Proxy/SSO"

SSO" has started. started.

KAPM07357-I GET processing for "/Proxy/ The GET processing of "/Proxy/SSO"

SSO" has ended. ended.

KAPM07358-E An error occurred during a An error occurred during a parameter

parameter check. check.

A-246 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM07359-I Parameter output: "aa...aa" = Parameter output: aa...aa = bb...bb

aa...aa: Parameter
bb...bb: Value

KAPM07360-E An attempt to load the An attempt to load the keystore has

keystore has failed. failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM07363-I The host name is valid. The host name is valid.

KAPM07364-E The host name is invalid. The host name is invalid.

Please make sure the certificate from
the launch-source has been imported.

KAPM07367-I The one-time key is valid. The one-time key is valid.

KAPM07368-W The one-time key is invalid. The one-time key is invalid.

KAPM07371-I Verification of the request Verification of the request parameter

parameter was successful. was successful.

KAPM07372-E An attempt to verify the Verification of the request parameter

request parameter has failed. failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM07375-I The URL is a normal value. The URL value is normal.

KAPM07376-E The URL is an invalid value. The URL value is invalid.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM07377-E An attempt to convert the An attempt to convert the aa...aa

aa...aa permission has failed. permission has failed.
aa...aa: Authority name To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM07378-I A redirection to "aa...aa" will The user will be redirected to aa...aa.

be performed.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-247

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
aa...aa: redirect URL

KAPM07379-E An attempt to load the An attempt to load the keystore file

keystore file has failed. has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM07380-I The certificate of aa...aa has The aa...aa certificate has been
been imported. imported.
aa...aa: Alias

KAPM07381-E The certificate of aa...aa has The aa...aa certificate has not been
not been imported. imported.
aa...aa: Alias Please confirm whether the certificate
is importing done.

KAPM07382-E A server problem occurred. A problem with the server occurred.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM07383-I Data verification has started. Verification of the data started.

KAPM07384-I Data verification has ended. Verification of the data ended.

KAPM07385-E An invalid character string was An invalid character string was

specified for the token. specified for the token.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM07386-E "SHA1with RSA" is not "SHA1withRSA" is not supported.

supported. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM07387-E The certificate format is invalid. The format of the certificate is invalid.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM07388-E The signature object has not The signature object has not been
been initialized. initialized.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who

A-248 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM07389-E "US-ASCII" is not supported. "US-ASCII" is not supported.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM07390-I Generation of the HSSO token Generation of the HSSO token started.
has started.

KAPM07391-I Generation of the HSSO token Generation of the HSSO token ended.
has ended.

KAPM07392-E The permission conversion The permission conversion definition

definition file was not found. file was not found.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM07393-E An attempt to load the An attempt to load the permission

permission conversion conversion definition file has failed.
definition file has failed. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM07400-E The definition file was not The definition file was not found.
found. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM07401-I Generation of the X509 Generation of the X509 certificate

certificate object has started. object started.

KAPM07402-I Generation of the X509 Generation of the X509 certificate

certificate object has ended. object ended.

KAPM07403-E The specified port number is The specified port number is invalid.
invalid. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM07404-E The host name is invalid. The host name is invalid.

Take action according to the
proceeding message.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-249

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM07405-E An attempt to communicate An attempt to communicate with the

with the HPSIM server has HPSIM server has failed.
failed. Please confirm whether the HPSIM
server running.

KAPM07406-E The format of the certificate The format of the certificate acquired
acquired from HPSIM is invalid. from HPSIM is invalid.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM07407-E An attempt to output the An attempt to output the keystore file

keystore file has failed. has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM07410-I Authentication succeeded. Authentication succeeded.

KAPM07411-W Authentication failed. Authentication failed.

KAPM07420-E Null is specified for the Null is specified for the argument.
argument. (aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Argument the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM07421-E A specified value is invalid. The specified value is invalid.

(aa...aa, bb...bb) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Parameter the problem, detailed investigation is
bb...bb: Value required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM07422-E An exception occurred. An exception occurred.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM07423-E The domain name is invalid. There is an unusable character in the

domain name sent from HPSIM.
Please revise the HPSIM domain name.

KAPM07424-E The user name is invalid. There is an unusable character in the

user name sent from HPSIM.
Please revise the HPSIM user name.

KAPM07430-E Authentication failed. Authentication failed.

A-250 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
Please fix the cause of the error. For
details on the cause, see the

KAPM08001-E A fatal error occurred during A fatal error occurred during

processing. processing.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM08002-E Illegal parameters have been Illegal parameters have been specified
specified to create HSSO to create HSSO Context.
Context. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM08003-E A CIMException was generated A CIMException was generated during

during Console screen display Console screen display processing.
processing. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM08004-E A CIMRepositoryException was A CIMRepositoryException was

generated during menu bar generated during menu bar display
display processing. processing.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM08005-E A CIMProviderException was A CIMProviderException was generated

generated during menu bar during menu bar display processing.
display processing. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM08006-E A NoSuchElementException A NoSuchElementException was

was generated during menu generated during menu bar display
bar display processing. processing.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM08007-E A CIMException was generated A CIMException was generated during

during menu bar display menu bar display processing.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-251

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM08008-E An error occurred on the HSSO An error occurred on the HSSO Server.
Server. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM08009-I The logout process has The logout process has completed.

KAPM08010-E An internal error occurred. An internal error occurred.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM08011-E Your session is invalid. Your session is invalid.

Logout, and then login again.

KAPM08013-E A frame-enabled browser is A frame-enabled browser is required.

required. Use a browser supported by the
Hitachi Command Suite product being

KAPM08014-I Now loading... Now loading.

KAPM08015-E The registered data in the The registered data in the common
common repository is invalid. repository is invalid.
(aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Class name the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM08016-E The registered data in the The registered data in the common
common repository is invalid. repository is invalid.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM08017-E The registered data in the The registered data in the common
common repository is invalid. repository is invalid.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM08018-E The token is invalid. The token is invalid.

A-252 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
Logout, and then login again.

KAPM08019-E An error occurred on the SSO An error occurred on the SSO server.
Server. Logout, and then login again.

KAPM08020-E An attempt to communicate An attempt to communicate with the

with the SSO server has failed. SSO server has failed.
Logout, and then login again.

KAPM08021-E The DBMS is stopped. The DBMS is stopped.

Make sure the DBMS has started.

KAPM08022-E The Common Component The Common Component database is

database is blocked. blocked.
Please contact the server

KAPM08100-E Null is specified for the Null is specified for the argument.
argument. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM08101-E The specified node was not The specified node was not found.
found. key=(aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Node key the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM08102-E The object tree has not been The object tree has not been created.
created. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM08103-E An attempt to create the object An attempt to create the object tree
tree has failed. has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM08104-E An attempt to add a child node An attempt to add a child node to the
to the object tree has failed. object tree has failed.
(aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Node key the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM08105-E The specified node has already The specified node has already been
been registered. key=(aa...aa) registered.
aa...aa: Node key

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-253

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM08106-E The tree information cannot be The tree information cannot be

acquired. (aa...aa) acquired.
aa...aa: Node key To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM08107-E The node information is invalid. The node information is invalid.

(aa...aa, bb...bb) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Parameter name the problem, detailed investigation is
bb...bb: Acquired value required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM08108-E An invalid argument was An invalid argument was specified

specified during node creation. during node creation.
(aa...aa, bb...bb) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Parameter name the problem, detailed investigation is
bb...bb: Acquired value required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM08109-E The tree information is invalid. The tree information is invalid.

(aa...aa, bb...bb) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Route-node key the problem, detailed investigation is
(database) required. Contact Support Center, who
bb...bb: Route-node key may ask you to collect troubleshooting
(memory) information.

KAPM08110-E The node array cannot be The node array cannot be acquired.
acquired. (aa...aa, bb...bb) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Parameter name the problem, detailed investigation is
bb...bb: Acquired value required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM08111-E The hierarchy number of the The hierarchy number of the node
node array cannot be acquired. array cannot be acquired.
(aa...aa, bb...bb) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Parameter name the problem, detailed investigation is
bb...bb: Acquired value required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM08112-E The node array is invalid. The node array is invalid.

(aa...aa, bb...bb) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Parameter name the problem, detailed investigation is
bb...bb: Acquired value required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

A-254 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM08113-E The hierarchy number of the The hierarchy number of the node
node array is invalid. (aa...aa) array is invalid.
aa...aa: Hierarchy number of To determine the cause and resolve
the node the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM08114-W An invalid argument was An invalid argument was specified

specified during node creation. during node creation.
(aa...aa, bb...bb) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Parameter name the problem, detailed investigation is
bb...bb: Acquired value required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM08115-E An internal error occurred. An internal error occurred.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM08116-E A value that exceeds the A value that exceeds the maximum
maximum value has been value has been specified.
specified. (aa...aa, bb...bb) Check and, if necessary, revise the
aa...aa: Parameter name settings.
bb...bb: Acquired value

KAPM08150-E The request is invalid. (aa...aa, The request is invalid.

bb...bb) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Key the problem, detailed investigation is
bb...bb: Value required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM08152-E The request is invalid. (aa...aa) The request is invalid.

aa...aa: Key To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM08154-E An attempt to display the An attempt to display the object tree

object tree has failed. has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM08160-E The data registered in the The data registered in the common
common repository is invalid. repository is invalid.
(aa...aa, bb...bb) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Key the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-255

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
bb...bb: Value may ask you to collect troubleshooting
KAPM08200-E The request parameter The request parameter required for
required for the display of the the display of the Application Bar Area
Application Bar area is invalid. is invalid.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM08201-E An internal error occurred. An internal error occurred.

If you click the "Refresh Tree" If you click the "Refresh Tree" button,
button, the initial object tree the initial object tree will be displayed.
will be displayed. If you cannot If you cannot display the tree, log out,
display the tree, log out, and and then log in again.
then log in again. Click the "Refresh Tree" button to
display the initial object tree. If the
initial object tree cannot be displayed,
log in again. If the problem cannot be
resolved, detailed investigation is
required to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you to
collect troubleshooting information.

KAPM08202-E The number of elements in the The number of elements in the array
array does not match the other does not match the other arrays.
arrays. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM08203-E The request parameter The request parameter required for

required for the display of the the display of the Summary area is
Summary area is invalid. invalid.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM08302-E An error occurred while An error occurred while acquiring

acquiring the resource bundle. resource bundle.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM08303-E An error occurred while reading An error occurred during resource file
the resource file. input.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who

A-256 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM08304-E An attempt to access the An attempt to access the resource file

resource file has failed. has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM08308-E An internal error occurred. An internal error occurred.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM08309-E The URL object cannot be URL object was not able to be made.
created. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM08311-E An attempt to access the file An attempt to access the file has
has failed. failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM08402-E An unusable HTML tag is This message is displayed when the

included. message entered by the user contains
an unusable HTML tag.
Please enter supported HTML tags

KAPM08403-E The warning banner message This message is displayed when the
exceeded 1000 characters. warning banner message entered by
the user exceeds 1000 characters.
Enter no more than 1000 characters.

KAPM08404-E An attempt to register the This message is displayed when an

warning banner message has attempt to register a warning banner
failed. message from the security GUI
window fails.
Perform the following procedure:
1. Confirm that the following folder
In Windows: Hitachi-Command-

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-257

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
In Solaris: /opt/HiCommand/Base/
In Linux: Hitachi-Command-Suite-
2. Delete the following folder if it
In Windows: Hitachi-Command-
In Solaris: /opt/HiCommand/Base/
In Linux: Hitachi-Command-Suite-
3. Make sure that you have access
permissions for the following file.
In Windows: Hitachi-Command-
In Solaris: /opt/HiCommand/Base/
In Linux: Hitachi-Command-Suite-
4. If the problem cannot be resolved,
detailed investigation is required
to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you
to collect troubleshooting

KAPM08405-E An attempt to delete the This message is displayed when an

warning banner message has attempt to delete a warning banner
failed. message from the security GUI
window fails.
Perform the following procedure:
1. Confirm that the following file
In Windows: Hitachi-Command-

A-258 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
In Solaris: /opt/HiCommand/Base/
In Linux: Hitachi-Command-Suite-
2. If the problem cannot be resolved,
detailed investigation is required
to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you
to collect troubleshooting

KAPM08406-E The specified file name already This message is output to the log
exists as a directory name. when an attempt to register a warning
(directory name = aa...aa) banner message from the security GUI
aa...aa: Directory name window fails.
The system environment is invalid.
detailed investigation is required to
determine the cause and resolve the
problem. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM08407-E The specified directory name This message is output to the log
already exists as a file name. when an attempt to register a warning
(file name = aa...aa) banner message from the security GUI
aa...aa: File name window fails.
The system environment is invalid.
detailed investigation is required to
determine the cause and resolve the
problem. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM08408-E The directory does not exist. This message is output to the log
(directory name = aa...aa) when an attempt to register a warning
aa...aa: Directory name banner message from the security GUI
window fails.
Please create the following folder, and
then try again:

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-259

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM08409-E An attempt to delete the This message is output to the log

warning banner message has when an attempt to delete a warning
failed. banner message from the security GUI
window fails.
Check that the following file exists:
Solaris: /opt/HiCommand/Base/conf/

KAPM08410-E The specified node is invalid. This message is displayed when an

(node name = aa...aa) invalid node is specified in the tree
aa...aa: Node name display in the security GUI window.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM08411-E hcmds.home is not set in the hcmds.home has not been set in the
Java system properties. Java system properties.
Make sure that hcmds.home has been
set in the Java system properties.

KAPM08412-E The bannertaglist.conf file does This message is displayed when no

not exist. bannertaglist.conf file exists during
processing to acquire a supported tag
Check that the following file exists:

A-260 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM08431-E An attempt to register the When failing from security GUI screen
security settings information to the security configuration
has failed. registration will be displayed.
Perform the following procedure:
1. Confirm that the following folder
In Windows: Hitachi-Command-
In Solaris: /opt/HiCommand/Base/
In Linux: Hitachi-Command-Suite-
2. Delete the following folder if it
In Windows: Hitachi-Command-
In Solaris: /opt/HiCommand/Base/
In Linux: Hitachi-Command-Suite-
3. Make sure that you have access
permissions for the following file:
In Windows: Hitachi-Command-
In Solaris: /opt/HiCommand/Base/
In Linux: Hitachi-Command-Suite-
4. If the problem cannot be resolved,
detailed investigation is required
to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-261

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
to collect troubleshooting

KAPM08910-E An exception occurred. An exception occurred.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM08911-E A fatal error occurred during A fatal error occurred during

processing. processing.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM08912-E Null is specified for the Null is specified for the argument.
argument.(aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Arguments the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM08913-E A value is invalid.(aa...aa, A value is invalid.

bb...bb) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Key the problem, detailed investigation is
bb...bb: Value required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM08914-E The request is invalid. The request is invalid.

Logout, and then login again.

KAPM08915-E There is an invalid statement in The settings or environment might be

the configuration file of HBase invalid. For example, the HBase
Storage Mgmt Web Service. Storage Mgmt Web Service
configuration file might contain one or
more invalid definitions.
Revise the httpsd.conf file as follows,
and then restart all Hitachi Command
Suite products, Single Sign On Server,
and Common Web Service.
• Make sure that the Listen
definitions for IPv4 non-SSL ports
appear in the file before other
Listen definitions.
• Make sure that the values
specified for the Listen definitions
of IPv4 non-SSL ports are valid.

KAPM08916-I Succeeded in starting of A request to start the service was

service. accepted.

KAPM08917-I Succeeded in stopping of A request to stop the service was

service. accepted.

A-262 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM08918-E Failed to start service. An attempt to start the service has

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required.Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM08919-E Failed to stop service. An attempt to stop the service has

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required.Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM08920-E The value of hcmds.home The hcmds.home value cannot be

cannot be acquired. acquired.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required.Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM08921-E An attempt to acquire a value An attempt to acquire a value has

has failed. failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM08922-E Communication with the HBase Confirmation of the connection with

Storage Mgmt Web Service the HBase Storage Mgmt Web Service
failed. failed.
Start the HBase Storage Mgmt Web
If the service stops immediately after
being started, there might be a
problem with the configuration file.
Check and, if necessary, revise the
httpsd.conf file.
In Windows, if there is a problem with
the system PATH environment
variable, the HBase Storage Mgmt
Web Service might not start. Check
and, if necessary, revise the PATH
environment variable, and then restart
the OS.
In addition, when you close a non-SSL
port of the HBase Storage Mgmt Web
Service, check the following
• Check that a host name, not an IP
address, is specified in the

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-263

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
ServerName directive of the
httpsd.conf file.
• Check that the host name in the
ServerName directive of the
httpsd.conf file can be resolved
to an IP address.
• Check that the host name
specified in the ServerName
directive of the httpsd.conf file is
the same as the Common Name of
the certificate specified in the
SSLCertificateFile directive.
• Check that the certificate that is
necessary to trust HBase Storage
Mgmt Web Service has been
correctly imported to the Hitachi
Command Suite Common
Component truststore
If the problem persists, detailed
investigation is required to determine
the cause and resolve the problem.
Contact the Support Center, who
might ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM08980-E An attempt to acquire An attempt to acquire

RequestDispatcher has failed. RequestDispatcher has failed.
aa...aa: Jsp name To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM08999-E aa...aa Detailed information for KAPMxxxxx-E.

aa...aa: Name of the exception This indicates the thrown exception
object and the reason that object and the backtrace for that
object was thrown, or the object.
backtrace for that object See the message KAPMxxxxx-E.

KAPM09062-E An internal error occurred. An internal error occurred.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM09064-E No registered information No registered information exists.

exists. Register user information by using the
set option, and then re-execute the
command. If the same message is
output again, detailed investigation is
required to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the

A-264 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
Support Center, who may ask you to
collect troubleshooting information.

KAPM09065-E The file format is invalid. The file format is invalid.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM09066-E An error occurred during file I/ An error occurred during file I/O
O processing. processing.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM09067-E A server has not been A server has not been registered.
registered. Register user information by using the
set option, and then re-execute the
command. If the same message is
output again, detailed investigation is
required to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you to
collect troubleshooting information.

KAPM09068-E An attempt to read a file has An attempt to read a file has failed.
failed. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM09069-E An attempt to output a file has An attempt to output a file has failed.
failed. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM09070-E An argument contains a null An argument contains a null value.

value. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM09090-E hcmds.home is not specified in hcmds.home is not specified in the Java

the Java system properties. system properties.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-265

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM09091-E An error occurred during An error occurred during reading of a

reading of a library. library library.
path = aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: library path the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM09092-E A timeout was generated A timeout was generated during lock

during lock acquisition. acquisition.
Retry execution. If the problem cannot
be resolved, detailed investigation is
required to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you to
collect troubleshooting information.

KAPM09093-E The acquisition of the lock has The acquisition of the lock has failed.
failed. error code = aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: error code the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM09094-E The release of the lock has The release of the lock has failed.
failed. error code = aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM09100-I Enter a value for the option. A value is not set for one or more
(option name = aa...aa) command options.
aa...aa: Option name

KAPM09101-I For confirmation, re-enter the The value of the specified option must
value of the aa...aaoption. be re-entered for confirmation.
aa...aa: Option name

KAPM09102-E hcmds.home is not set in the hcmds.home is not set in the Java
Java system properties. system properties.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM09103-E An error occurred during the An error occurred during the reading
reading of the library. (library of the library.
path = aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Library path the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

A-266 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM09104-E The value entered the first time The value entered the first time does
does not match the value not match the value entered the
entered the second time. second time.
Enter valid values.

Table A-2 KAPM10000 - KAPM19999 (Messages Output by Hitachi

Command Suite Common Component)

Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM10009-E The specified authorization The specified authorization group

group already exists. already exists.
(distinguished name = aa...aa) Revise the name of the external
aa...aa: distinguished-name authentication group.

KAPM10011-E Communication with the Communication with the external

external authentication server authentication server has failed.
has failed. (domain name = Check the settings for the information
aa...aa) search user, the settings of
aa...aa: domain-name exauth.properties, and the
operation of the external
authentication server.

KAPM10012-E The information search user is Authentication of the information

not registered. (domain name search user has failed.
= aa...aa) Register the information search user.
aa...aa: domain-name

KAPM10013-E An attempt to search for the An attempt to search for the specified
specified distinguished name distinguished name has failed.
has failed. (distinguished name Confirm that the external
= aa...aa) authentication server is operating
aa...aa: distinguished-name normally.

KAPM10014-E DNS communication with the DNS communication with the external
external authentication server authentication server has failed.
has failed. (domain name = Revise the settings and IP address of
aa...aa) the external authorization server.
aa...aa: domain-name

KAPM10015-E The SRV record in the LDAP The SRV record in the LDAP server is
server is not registered. not registered.
(distinguished name = aa...aa, Revise the SRV record settings for the
domain name = bb...bb) LDAP server on DNS.
aa...aa: distinguished-name
bb...bb: domain-name

KAPM10016-E A DNS error has occurred. A DNS error has occurred.

(distinguished name = aa...aa, Revise the DNS settings.
domain name = bb...bb)
aa...aa: distinguished-name
bb...bb: domain-name

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-267

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM10017-W The length of the specified The length of the specified

distinguished name is invalid. distinguished name is invalid.
(line number = aa...aa, Revise the length of specified
distinguished name = bb...bb) distinguished name.
aa...aa: line number
bb...bb: distinguished-name

KAPM10022-E The SRV record of the Kerberos The SRV record of the Kerberos server
server is not registered in DNS. is not registered in DNS.
(distinguished name = aa...aa, Revise the SRV record settings for the
domain name = bb...bb) Kerberos server on DNS.
aa...aa: distinguished-name
bb...bb: domain-name

KAPM10029-E The specified Distinguished The specified Distinguished Name

Name cannot be found. cannot be found.
(Distinguished Name = aa...aa) Check that the Distinguished Name for
aa...aa: Distinguished Name the specified group is correct. If it is
correct, confirm that the information
search user has been granted the
following permissions:
• Retrieval permission for the
attribute to be retrieved
• Reference permission for
Distinguished Names for groups

KAPM10030-W The specified Distinguished The specified Distinguished Name

Name already exists. already exists.
(Distinguished Name = aa...aa) Check that the specified Distinguished
aa...aa: Distinguished Name Name is correct.

KAPM10031-E The specified Distinguished The specified Distinguished Name

Name already exists in another already exists in another domain.
domain. (Distinguished Name Check that the specified Distinguished
= aa...aa) Name is correct.
aa...aa: Distinguished Name

KAPM10032-E The operation cannot proceed The operation cannot proceed because
because the external the external authentication group
authentication group linkage linkage function is disabled.
function is disabled. Enable the external authentication
group linkage function.

KAPM10033-E No groups that the user No groups that the user belongs to are
belongs to are registered. (user registered.
name = aa...aa) Register a group that the user belongs
aa...aa: User name to and that is on the external
authentication server, and then grant
the proper permissions to the group.

KAPM10034-E No groups that the user No groups that the user belongs to
belongs to exist. (user name = exist.
aa...aa) Add the user to an appropriate group
aa...aa: User name on the external authentication server.

A-268 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM10035-E The format of the specified The format of the specified

Distinguished Name is invalid. Distinguished Name is invalid.
(Distinguished Name = aa...aa) Revise the format of the specified
aa...aa: Distinguished Name Distinguished Name.

KAPM10036-E No information regarding the No information regarding the specified

specified group was found. group was found.
Refresh the tree display, and then
check whether there is any information
on the specified group.

KAPM10037-I Nest group information for the Nest group information for the group.
group. (group name = aa...aa)
aa...aa: Group name

KAPM10038-I Nest group: aa...aa Nest group information.

aa...aa: Nest group name

KAPM10039-W The group was not found. The group was not found.
(group name = aa...aa)
aa...aa: Group name

KAPM10040-E The thread was interrupted. The thread was interrupted.

Retry execution. If the problem cannot
be resolved, detailed investigation is
required to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you to
collect troubleshooting information.

KAPM10041-E The installed version of JP1/ The installed version of JP1/Base is not
Base is not supported. supported.
Install JP1/Base 10-00 or later.

KAPM10042-E JP1/Base initialization failed. JP1/Base initialization failed.

Verify that JP1/Base on the primary
server is running properly. If the
problem cannot be resolved, detailed
investigation is required to determine
the cause and resolve the problem.
Contact the support center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM10043-E An attempt to connect to JP1/ An attempt to connect to JP1/Base

Base failed. failed.
Verify that JP1/Base on the primary
server is running properly. If the
problem cannot be resolved, detailed
investigation is required to determine
the cause and resolve the problem.
Contact the support center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM10044-E Authentication of the JP1 token Authentication of the JP1 token failed.
failed. (JP1 token = aa...aa)

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-269

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
aa...aa: JP1 token To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact the support center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.
KAPM10045-E An error occurred while linking An error occurred while linking to JP1/
to JP1/Base. (internal code = Base.
aa...aa) Retry the operation. If the problem
aa...aa: Internal code cannot be resolved, detailed
investigation is required to determine
the cause and resolve the problem.
Contact the support center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM10046-E An error occurred because the An error occurred because the value is
value is invalid. (value = invalid.
aa...aa) Retry the operation. If the problem
aa...aa: Value cannot be resolved, detailed
investigation is required to determine
the cause and resolve the problem.
Contact the support center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM10047-E An error occurred because the An error occurred because the virtual
virtual host does not exist. host does not exist.
(virtual host = aa...aa) Verify that JP1/Base on the primary
aa...aa: Virtual host server is running properly. If the
problem cannot be resolved, detailed
investigation is required to determine
the cause and resolve the problem.
Contact the support center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM10048-E An error occurred because the An error occurred because the virtual
virtual host definition is invalid. host definition is invalid.
(virtual host = aa...aa) Verify that JP1/Base on the primary
aa...aa: Virtual host server is running properly. If the
problem cannot be resolved, detailed
investigation is required to determine
the cause and resolve the problem.
Contact the support center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM10049-W The value is invalid. (value = The value is invalid.

aa...aa: Value

KAPM10050-E Acquisition of the JP1/Base Acquisition of the JP1/Base version

version failed. failed.
Verify that JP1/Base on the primary
server is running properly. If the

A-270 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
problem cannot be resolved, detailed
investigation is required to determine
the cause and resolve the problem.
Contact the support center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM10051-W Valid suite product permissions Valid suite product permissions were
were not allocated to the JP1 not allocated to the JP1 resource
resource group. (JP1 resource group.
group = aa...aa)
aa...aa: JP1 resource group

KAPM10052-E Acquisition of the table failed. Acquisition of the table failed.

(table = aa...aa) Verify that the DBMS, the HBase
aa...aa: Table name Storage Mgmt Web Service, and the
HBase Storage Mgmt Common Service
are running. If they are running,
detailed investigation is required to
determine the cause and resolve the
problem. Contact the support center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM10053-E No authentication server is set No authentication server is set up.

up. Verify that JP1/Base on the primary
server is running properly. If the
problem cannot be resolved, detailed
investigation is required to determine
the cause and resolve the problem.
Contact the support center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM10054-E Permissions are not assigned to Permissions are not assigned to the
the user. (user name = user.
aa...aa) Assign suite product permissions to
aa...aa: User name the user from JP1/Base.

KAPM10055-E Suite product permissions are Suite product permissions are not
not assigned to the user. (user assigned to the user.
name = aa...aa) Assign suite product permissions to
aa...aa: User name the user from JP1/Base.

KAPM10056-E A buffer error occurred. A buffer error occurred.

Retry the operation. If the problem
cannot be resolved, detailed
investigation is required to determine
the cause and resolve the problem.
Contact the support center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM10057-W The format of the value is The format of the value is invalid.
invalid. (value = aa...aa)
aa...aa: Value

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-271

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM10058-W The permissions do not The permissions do not correspond to

correspond to the suite product the suite product permissions.
permissions. (permissions =
aa...aa: Permissions

KAPM10059-W The permissions could not be The permissions could not be

converted to suite product converted to suite product
permissions. (permissions = permissions.
aa...aa: Permissions

KAPM10060-E Loading of the library failed. Loading of the library failed.

(library = aa...aa) Verify that JP1/Base 10-00 or later is
aa...aa: Library installed on the primary server.

KAPM10061-E hcmds.home is not set in the hcmds.home is not set in the Java
Java system properties. system properties.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact the support center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM10062-E Acquisition of user permission Acquisition of user permission

information from JP1/Base information from JP1/Base failed.
failed. Perform the following:
• Verify that permissions are
assigned to the user from JP1/
• Verify that JP1/Base on the
primary server is running
If the problem persists, acquire the
maintenance information, and then
contact the support center.

KAPM10063-E Preprocessing failed. Preprocessing failed.

Perform the following:
• Verify that JP1/Base 10-00 or later
is installed on the primary server.
• Verify that hcmds.home is set in
the Java system properties.

KAPM10064-E JP1/Base initialization failed. JP1/Base initialization failed.

Verify that JP1/Base on the primary
server is running properly. If the
problem cannot be resolved, detailed
investigation is required to determine
the cause and resolve the problem.
Contact the support center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting

A-272 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM10065-E Authentication of the JP1 token Authentication of the JP1 token failed.
failed. (JP1 token = aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: JP1 token the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact the support center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM10066-I The external authentication The external authentication server

server successfully successfully authenticated the
authenticated the information. information.
(user name = aa...aa, protocol
= bb...bb)
aa...aa: User name
bb...bb: Protocol

KAPM10067-I User permission information User permission information was

was successfully acquired from successfully acquired from JP1/Base.
JP1/Base. (user name =
aa...aa: User name

KAPM10100-E Authentication was canceled Authentication was canceled because

because a search user has not the search user has not been
been registered. (domain name registered.
= aa...aa, host = bb...bb, port Make sure the search user has been
= cc...cc, protocol = dd...dd) registered.
aa...aa: Domain name
bb...bb: Host
cc...cc: Port
dd...dd: Protocol

KAPM10101-E Authentication was canceled Authentication was canceled because a

because a setting in the setting in the configuration file for the
configuration file for the external authentication server
external authentication server (exauth.properties) is invalid.
(exauth.properties) is invalid.
Revise the settings in the configuration
file for the external authentication
server (exauth.properties).

KAPM10102-I The group information was The group information was acquired
acquired from the LDAP server. from an LDAP server.
(domain name = aa...aa, host
= bb...bb, port = cc...cc,
protocol = dd...dd, basedn =
aa...aa: Domain name
bb...bb: Host
cc...cc: Port
dd...dd: Protocol
ee...ee: BaseDN

KAPM10103-E Acquisition of group Acquisition of group information has

information failed. (userId = failed.
aa...aa, domain name =

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-273

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
bb...bb, host = cc...cc, port = Revise the settings in the configuration
dd...dd, protocol = ee...ee, file for the external authentication
basedn = ff...ff) server (exauth.properties).
aa...aa: User ID
bb...bb: Domain name
cc...cc: Host
dd...dd: Port
ee...ee: Protocol
ff...ff: BaseDN

KAPM10104-E Confirmation of the existence Confirmation of the existence of a

of a group failed because a group failed because a setting in the
setting in the configuration file configuration file for the external
for the external authentication authentication server
server (exauth.properties) is (exauth.properties) is invalid or a
invalid or a search user setting search user setting is invalid.
is invalid.
Revise the settings in the configuration
file for the external authentication
server (exauth.properties) and the
search user settings.

KAPM10105-E A search user has not been The search user has not been
registered. (domain name = registered.
aa...aa) Make sure the search user has been
aa...aa: Domain name registered.

KAPM10106-I The existence of a group was The existence of a group was

successfully confirmed. successfully confirmed.
(groupDN = aa...aa, domain
name = bb...bb, host = cc...cc,
port = dd...dd, protocol =
aa...aa: GroupDN
bb...bb: Domain name
cc...cc: Host
dd...dd: Port
ee...ee: Protocol

KAPM10112-I Authentication by a search user Authentication by a search user was

was successful. (host=aa...aa, successful.
aa...aa: Host
bb...bb: Port
cc...cc: Protocol

KAPM10114-E Authentication stopped Authentication stopped because a

because a setting in the setting in the configuration file for the
configuration file for the external authentication server
external authentication server (exauth.properties) or a search user
(exauth.properties) or a search setting is invalid.
user setting is invalid.
Revise the exauth.properties file or
the search user definition.

A-274 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM10115-E The Kerberos realm, KDC, or a The Kerberos realm, KDC, or a search
search user definition is invalid. user definition is invalid.
(realm name = aa...aa) Check and, if necessary, revise the
aa...aa: realm-name exauth.properties file realm, the
KDC or a search user definition.

KAPM10116-I Communication with the Information output to the audit log

directory server was indicating that communication with the
successfully established. (host directory server was successfully
= aa...aa, port = bb...bb, established.
protocol = cc...cc)
aa...aa: Host name
bb...bb: Port number
cc...cc: Protocol

KAPM10117-E Communication with the Information output to the audit log

directory server failed to be indicating that communication with the
established. (host = aa...aa, directory server failed to be
port = bb...bb, protocol = established.
aa...aa: Host name
bb...bb: Port number
cc...cc: Protocol

KAPM10118-I Communication with the Information output to the audit log

RADIUS server was indicating that communication with the
successfully established. (host RADIUS server was successfully
= aa...aa, port = bb...bb, established.
protocol = cc...cc)
aa...aa: Host name
bb...bb: Port number
cc...cc: Protocol

KAPM10119-E Communication with the Information output to the audit log

RADIUS server failed to be indicating that communication with the
established. (host = aa...aa, RADIUS server failed to be
port = bb...bb, protocol = established.
aa...aa: Host name
bb...bb: Port number
cc...cc: Protocol

KAPM10120-I Communication with the Information output to the audit log

Kerberos server was indicating that communication with the
successfully established. (KDC Kerberos server was successfully
= aa...aa) established.
aa...aa: KDC

KAPM10121-E Communication with the Information output to the audit log

Kerberos server failed to be indicating that communication with the
established. (KDC = aa...aa) Kerberos server failed to be
aa...aa: KDC established.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-275

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM10122-I Communication with the DNS Information output to the audit log
server was successfully indicating that communication with the
established. DNS server was successfully

KAPM10123-E Communication with the DNS Information output to the audit log
server failed to be established. indicating that communication with the
DNS server failed to be established.

KAPM10124-I A TLS session with a directory Information output to the audit log
server was successfully indicating that a TLS session with a
negotiated. (host = aa...aa, directory server was successfully
port = bb...bb, protocol = negotiated.
aa...aa: Host name
bb...bb: Port number
cc...cc: Protocol

KAPM10125-E A TLS session with a directory Information output to the audit log
server failed to be negotiated. indicating that a TLS session with a
(host = aa...aa, port = bb...bb, directory server failed to be
protocol = cc...cc) negotiated.
aa...aa: Host name
bb...bb: Port number
cc...cc: Protocol

KAPM10126-I An information-search user was Information output to the audit log

successfully authenticated by indicating that an information-search
the directory server. user was successfully authenticated by
(distinguished name = aa...aa, the directory server.
host = bb...bb, port = cc...cc,
protocol = dd...dd)
aa...aa: Distinguished name
bb...bb: Host name
cc...cc: Port number
dd...dd: Protocol

KAPM10127-W An information-search user Information output to the audit log

failed to be authenticated by indicating that an information-search
the directory server. user failed to be authenticated by the
(distinguished name = aa...aa, directory server.
host = bb...bb, port = cc...cc,
protocol = dd...dd)
aa...aa: Distinguished name
bb...bb: Host name
cc...cc: Port number
dd...dd: Protocol

KAPM10128-I A user was successfully Information output to the audit log

authenticated by the directory indicating that a user was successfully
server. (user ID = aa...aa, host authenticated by the directory server.
= bb...bb, port = cc...cc,
protocol = dd...dd)
aa...aa: User ID

A-276 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
bb...bb: Host name
cc...cc: Port number
dd...dd: Protocol

KAPM10129-W No users are registered on the Information output to the audit log
directory server. (user ID = indicating that no users are registered
aa...aa, host = bb...bb, port = on the directory server.
cc...cc, protocol = dd...dd)
aa...aa: User ID
bb...bb: Host name
cc...cc: Port number
dd...dd: Protocol

KAPM10130-W A user failed to be Information output to the audit log

authenticated by the directory indicating that a user failed to be
server. (user ID = aa...aa, host authenticated by the directory server.
= bb...bb, port = cc...cc,
protocol = dd...dd)
aa...aa: User ID
bb...bb: Host name
cc...cc: Port number
dd...dd: Protocol

KAPM10131-I A user was successfully Information output to the audit log

authenticated by the RADIUS indicating that a user was successfully
server. (user ID = aa...aa, host authenticated by the RADIUS server.
= bb...bb, port = cc...cc,
protocol = dd...dd)
aa...aa: User ID
bb...bb: Host name
cc...cc: Port number
dd...dd: Protocol

KAPM10132-W A user failed to be Information output to the audit log

authenticated by the RADIUS indicating that a user failed to be
server. (user ID = aa...aa, host authenticated by the RADIUS server.
= bb...bb, port = cc...cc,
protocol = dd...dd)
aa...aa: User ID
bb...bb: Host name
cc...cc: Port number
dd...dd: Protocol

KAPM10133-I A user was successfully Information output to the audit log

authenticated by the Kerberos indicating that a user was successfully
server. (Kerberos principal = authenticated by the Kerberos server.
aa...aa, KDC = bb...bb)
aa...aa: Kerberos principal
bb...bb: KDC

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-277

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM10134-W A user failed to be Information output to the audit log

authenticated by the Kerberos indicating that a user failed to be
server. (Kerberos principal = authenticated by the Kerberos server.
aa...aa, KDC = bb...bb)
aa...aa: Kerberos principal
bb...bb: KDC

KAPM10135-I User information was The audit log indicates that user
successfully acquired from the information was successfully acquired
directory server. (user ID = from the directory server.
aa...aa, domain name =
bb...bb, host = cc...cc, port =
dd...dd, protocol = ee...ee,
base DN = ff...ff)
aa...aa: User ID
bb...bb: Domain name
cc...cc: Host name
dd...dd: Port number
ee...ee: Protocol
ff...ff: Base DN

KAPM10136-E Acquisition of user information The audit log indicates that an attempt
from the directory server to acquire user information from the
failed. (user ID = aa...aa, directory server failed.
domain name = bb...bb, host =
cc...cc, port = dd...dd, protocol
= ee...ee, base DN = ff...ff)
aa...aa: User ID
bb...bb: Domain name
cc...cc: Host name
dd...dd: Port number
ee...ee: Protocol
ff...ff: Base DN

KAPM10137-I An SRV record was successfully Information output to the audit log
acquired from the DNS server. indicating that an SRV record was
(record key = aa...aa) successfully acquired from the DNS
aa...aa: SRV record key server.

KAPM10138-E An SRV record failed to be Information output to the audit log

acquired from the DNS server. indicating that an SRV record failed to
(record key = aa...aa) be acquired from the DNS server.
aa...aa: SRV record key

KAPM10139-I JP1/Base was successfully This audit log entry reports that JP1/
connected to. Base was successfully connected to.

KAPM10140-E An attempt to connect to JP1/ This audit log entry reports that an
Base failed. attempt to connect to JP1/Base failed.

KAPM10141-I User authentication in JP1/Base This audit log entry reports that user
was successful. (aa...aa = authentication in JP1/Base was
bb...bb) successful.

A-278 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
aa...aa: Key
bb...bb: Value

KAPM10142-W JP1/Base user authentication This audit log entry reports that JP1/
failed. (aa...aa = bb...bb) Base user authentication failed.
aa...aa: Key
bb...bb: Value

KAPM10143-I JP1/Base was successfully This audit log entry reports that JP1/
logged out from. (JP1 token = Base was successfully logged out from.
aa...aa: JP1 token

KAPM10144-I User permission information This audit log entry reports that user
was successfully acquired from permission information was
JP1/Base. (user name = successfully acquired from JP1/Base.
aa...aa: User name

KAPM10145-E Acquisition of user permission This audit log entry reports that
information from JP1/Base acquisition of user permission
failed. (user name = aa...aa) information from JP1/Base failed.
aa...aa: User name

KAPM10146-I JP1/Base was successfully This audit log entry reports that JP1/
initialized. Base was successfully initialized.

KAPM10147-E JP1/Base initialization failed. This audit log entry reports that JP1/
Base initialization failed.

KAPM10148-I The JP1/Base version was This audit log entry reports that the
successfully acquired. JP1/Base version was successfully

KAPM10149-E Acquisition of the JP1/Base This audit log entry reports that the
version failed. acquisition of the JP1/Base version

KAPM14000-E An exception occurred. An exception occurred.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM14003-I Command execution started. Command execution started.

KAPM14004-I The command was executed The command was executed

successfully. successfully.

KAPM14005-E Command execution failed. Command execution failed.

See the message KAPMxxxxx-E.

KAPM14006-E An option is invalid. An option is invalid.

Check and, if necessary, revise the
specified options.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-279

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM14007-E The command cannot be The command cannot be executed

executed because the database because the database is down.
is down. Make sure of the following, and then
retry the command:
• Make sure that HiRDB is running.
• Make sure that HiRDB has been
set up.

KAPM14008-E Command execution failed. Command execution failed.

(command name = aa...aa) Retry execution. If the problem cannot
aa...aa: command name be resolved, detailed investigation is
required to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you to
collect troubleshooting information.

KAPM14009-E An attempt to read a file failed. An attempt to read a file failed.

(file name = aa...aa) Retry execution. If the problem cannot
aa...aa: file name be resolved, detailed investigation is
required to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you to
collect troubleshooting information.

KAPM14010-E Table information could not be Table information could not be

acquired. (table name = acquired.
aa...aa) Retry execution. If the problem cannot
aa...aa: table name be resolved, detailed investigation is
required to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you to
collect troubleshooting information.

KAPM14011-W A key is invalid. (key name = A key is invalid.

aa...aa: key name

KAPM14012-I Association information will be Association information will be deleted

deleted because the chain was because the chain was broken.
broken. (hcmdsID = aa...aa,
association = bb...bb)
aa...aa: hcmdsID
bb...bb: association

KAPM14013-I Incorrect product information Incorrect product information will be

will be removed. (product removed.
name = aa...aa)
aa...aa: product name

KAPM14014-E The value of hcmds.home could The value of hcmds.home could not be
not be acquired. acquired.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact the Support Center,

A-280 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM14015-E An attempt to delete the An attempt to delete the product

product information has failed. information has failed.
(product name = aa...aa) Retry execution. If the problem cannot
aa...aa: product name be resolved, detailed investigation is
required to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you to
collect troubleshooting information.

KAPM14016-E An attempt to delete the An attempt to delete the association

association information has information has failed.
failed. (association = aa...aa) Retry execution. If the problem cannot
aa...aa: association be resolved, detailed investigation is
required to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you to
collect troubleshooting information.

KAPM14017-E The DBMS is blocked. The DBMS is blocked.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required.Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM14018-E An attempt to get association An attempt to get association

information failed. information failed.
Retry execution. If the problem cannot
be resolved, detailed investigation is
required to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you to
collect troubleshooting information.

KAPM14019-E An attempt to get the class An attempt to get the class name
name failed. failed.
Retry execution. If the problem cannot
be resolved, detailed investigation is
required to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you to
collect troubleshooting information.

KAPM14020-W Processing is being re- Processing is being re-executed.


KAPM14021-E An authentication error An authentication error occurred.

occurred. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required.Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM14022-E An error occurred during DBMS An error occurred during DBMS access
access processing. processing.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-281

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required.Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15002-I The hcmdscheckauth command The hcmdscheckauth command will

will now start. now start.

KAPM15003-I The configuration check of The configuration check will now start.
aa...aa will now start.
aa...aa: Phase number

KAPM15004-I The result of the configuration The result of the configuration check
check of aa...aa was normal. was normal.
aa...aa: Phase number

KAPM15005-E The result of the configuration The result of the configuration check
check of aa...aa was abnormal. was abnormal.
aa...aa: Phase number See the immediately preceding
message KAPMxxxxx-E.

KAPM15006-I The configuration of the server The configuration of the server will
aa...aa will now be checked. now be checked.
aa...aa: Server name

KAPM15007-I The result of the configuration The result of the configuration check of
check of the server aa...aa was the server was normal.
aa...aa: Server name

KAPM15008-E The result of the configuration The result of the configuration check of
check of the server aa...aa was the server was abnormal.
abnormal. See the immediately preceding
aa...aa: Server name message KAPMxxxxx-E.

KAPM15009-I The configuration check of The configuration check has finished

aa...aa has finished normally. normally.
aa...aa: Phase number

KAPM15010-I The connection to the server The connection to the server will now
aa...aa will now be checked. be checked.
(host = bb...bb, port = cc...cc,
protocol = dd...dd)
aa...aa: Server name
bb...bb: Host name
cc...cc: Port number
dd...dd: Protocol

KAPM15011-I The server aa...aa can be The connection to the server has been
connected to normally. checked successfully.
aa...aa: Server name

KAPM15012-E The result of checking the An attempt to check the connection to

connection to the server the server has failed.
aa...aa indicated an error.

A-282 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
aa...aa: Server name Refer to error message KAPM15010-I
and the related messages that follow
KAPM15013-E A connection error occurred. A connection error occurred.
Make sure that the external
authentication server is running
correctly, and then perform one of the
following procedures:
If the KAPM15084-E message is
displayed after this message, it shows
the details of the LDAP connection
error. Refer to the following to resolve
the problem:
1. Make sure that the host or IP
address, port, and protocol
specified in exauth.properties
are correct.
2. Make sure that the network is
correctly connected.
3. Check the firewall settings.
4. Make sure that the LDAP directory
server is compatible with the
LDAPv3 protocol.
5. If StartTLS is used, check the SSL
settings. For StartTLS, specify the
host, not the IP address.
6. If an OCSP is enabled, check the
- Make sure that the certificate is
7. If the problem cannot be resolved,
detailed investigation is required
to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you
to collect troubleshooting
1. Make sure that the host or IP
address, port, and protocol
specified in exauth.properties
are correct.
2. Check and then respecify the
client secret set for the external
authentication server and the
secret set for the client.
3. Make sure that the network is
correctly connected.
4. Check the firewall settings.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-283

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
5. If the problem cannot be resolved,
detailed investigation is required
to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you
to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15014-E An authentication error An authentication error occurred.

occurred. Make sure that the user who made the
specification is registered in the
external authentication server.

KAPM15015-I The command hcmdscheckauth The command hcmdscheckauth will

will now finish. now finish.

KAPM15016-E A file was not found. (file name A file was not found.
= aa...aa) Make sure that the file exists in the
aa...aa: File name specified folder.

KAPM15017-E A file could not be read. (file A file could not be read.
name = aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: File name the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15018-E The settings of the external The settings of the external

authentication server are authentication server are invalid.
invalid. Check and revise the configuration file,
specifying valid settings for the
external authentication server.

KAPM15019-E The configuration file contains The configuration file contains a syntax
a syntax error. (line number = error.
aa...aa, value = bb...bb) The value bb...bb on line aa...aa
aa...aa: Line number caused a syntax error. Check and, if
bb...bb: Value necessary, revise the configuration
file, and then retry the operation.

KAPM15020-E The same property key already The same property key already exists.
exists. (line number = aa...aa, The key bb...bb on line aa...aa is a
key = bb...bb) duplicate. Check and, if necessary,
aa...aa: Line number revise the configuration file, and then
bb...bb: Key retry the operation.

KAPM15021-E A required parameter has not A required parameter has not been
been specified. (key = aa...aa) specified.
aa...aa: Key Specify all required parameters, and
then retry the operation.

KAPM15022-W An optional parameter has An optional parameter has been

been omitted. (value = aa...aa) omitted. (value = aa...aa)
aa...aa: Value

A-284 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM15023-W A property key cannot be A property key cannot be identified.

identified. (line number = Check and, if necessary, review the
aa...aa) settings in the configuration file for the
aa...aa: Line number external authentication server.

KAPM15024-E A secret does not exist. A secret does not exist.

Specify a secret, and then retry the

KAPM15025-E No connection could be made No connection could be made from the

from the secondary server. secondary server.
Connect from the primary server.

KAPM15026-E A fatal error occurred during A fatal error occurred during

processing. processing.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15027-E An option is invalid. An option is invalid.

Check and, if necessary, revise the
specified options.

KAPM15028-E No value has been specified for No value has been specified for an
an option. option.
Specify all required options.

KAPM15029-E The value of hcmds.home could The value of hcmds.home could not be
not be acquired. acquired.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15030-I Processing has finished Processing has finished normally.


KAPM15031-E An exception occurred. An exception occurred.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15032-E The configuration file was not The configuration file was not found.
found. (file name = aa...aa) Confirm that the file exists, that the
aa...aa: File name file is not in use.

KAPM15033-E An error occurred on the A server error occurred.

aa...aa server. Perform one of the following
aa...aa: Server name procedures:

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-285

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
1. Confirm whether the
authentication server can be
accessed by using the host, port,
and protocol set in
exauth.properties, and check
the settings of the external
authentication server and the
status of the network.
2. Use the hcmdsldapuser command
to confirm that the information for
the server names specified for the
auth.server.name attribute in
exauth.properties is registered.
3. If StartTLS is used, check the SSL
4. If an OCSP is enabled, make sure
that the certificate is valid.
5. If the problem cannot be resolved,
detailed investigation is required
to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you
to collect troubleshooting
1. Confirm whether the
authentication server can be
accessed by using the host, port,
and protocol set in
exauth.properties, and check
the settings of the external
authentication server and the
status of the network.
2. Use the hcmdsradiussecret
command to confirm that the
information for the server names
specified for the
auth.server.name attribute in
exauth.properties is registered.
3. If the problem cannot be resolved,
detailed investigation is required
to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you
to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15034-E Authentication information Authentication information cannot be

cannot be acquired. (server acquired.
name = aa...aa) Use the hcmdsldapuser command or
aa...aa: Server name the hcmdsradiussecret command to
reconfigure the authentication
information. If the problem cannot be
resolved, detailed investigation is

A-286 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
required to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you to
collect troubleshooting information.

KAPM15035-I Authentication information has Authentication information has been

been acquired. acquired.

KAPM15036-E Authentication information Authentication information cannot be

cannot be acquired. acquired.
Use the hcmdsldapuser command or
the hcmdsradiussecret command to
reconfigure the authentication
information. If the problem cannot be
resolved, detailed investigation is
required to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you to
collect troubleshooting information.

KAPM15037-E Specify a value for at least one Specify a value for at least one key.
key. (key = aa...aa) Specify key values, and then retry the
aa...aa: Key operation.

KAPM15039-I A connection was successfully A connection was successfully

established. (server name = established.
aa...aa: Server name

KAPM15040-E A connection attempt has A connection attempt has failed.

failed. (server name = aa...aa) Make sure that the external
aa...aa: Server name authentication server is running
correctly, and then perform one of the
following procedures:
1. Make sure that the host or IP
address, port, and protocol
specified in exauth.properties
are correct.
2. Make sure that the network is
correctly connected.
3. Check the firewall settings.
4. Make sure that the LDAP directory
server is compatible with the
LDAPv3 protocol.
5. If StartTLS is used, check the SSL
settings. For StartTLS, specify the
host, not the IP address.
6. If an OCSP is enabled, check the
- Make sure that the certificate is
7. If the problem cannot be resolved,
detailed investigation is required

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-287

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you
to collect troubleshooting
1. Make sure that the host or IP
address, port, and protocol
specified in exauth.properties
are correct.
2. Check and then respecify the
client secret set for the external
authentication server and the
secret set for the client.
3. Make sure that the network is
correctly connected.
4. Check the firewall settings.
5. If the problem cannot be resolved,
detailed investigation is required
to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you
to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15041-E Authentication has failed. Authentication has failed.

(server name = aa...aa) See the KAPMxxxxx-E message of the
aa...aa: Server name server aa...aa, above.

KAPM15042-E A syntax error occurred. A syntax error occurred.

(server name = aa...aa) See the KAPMxxxxx-E message of the
aa...aa: Server name server aa...aa, above.

KAPM15043-E A check cannot be performed A check cannot be performed because

because the external the external authentication server type
authentication server type is is unknown.
unknown. If necessary, revise the value of
auth.server.type, and then retry the

KAPM15044-E A check cannot be performed A check cannot be performed because

because the server the server identification name is
identification name is unknown. unknown.
If necessary, revise the value of
auth.server.name, and then retry the

KAPM15045-E A parameter has not been The value for a parameter has not
specified. (key = aa...aa) been specified.
aa...aa: Key Specify the value of the parameter
aa...aa, and then retry the operation.

KAPM15046-E An invalid value has been An invalid value has been specified for
specified for a parameter. (key a parameter.
= aa...aa)

A-288 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
aa...aa: Key If necessary, revise the value of the
parameter aa...aa, and then retry the
KAPM15047-I The authentication method will The authentication method will now be
now be internal authentication. internal authentication.

KAPM15049-E The configuration file could not The configuration file could not be
be accessed. (File name = accessed.
aa...aa) Make sure that the configuration file
aa...aa: File name exists, that you have access
permissions for this file, and that the
file is not in use.

KAPM15050-E Authentication of the user Authentication of the user account

account used for information used for information searching failed.
searching has failed. Perform one of the following
If the message KAPM15084-E is
displayed after this message, the
message KAPM15084-E shows the
details of the LDAP connection error.
Please refer to the following and
correct the problem:
For LDAP hierarchical structure model:
Make sure the DN and the password of
the user who is used for searching for
information are correct, and then re-
execute the hcmdsldapusercommand.
For LDAP flat model:
Using the hcmdsldapuser command,
confirm that the information for the
server name specified to the
auth.server.name attribute of
exauth.properties is not registered.

KAPM15051-E The DN of the user account The DN of the user account used for
used for information searching information searching was not found.
was not found. Perform one of the following
If the message KAPM15084-E is
displayed after this message, the
message KAPM15084-E shows the
details of the LDAP connection error.
Please refer to the following and
correct the problem:
For LDAP hierarchical structure model:
Make sure the DN of the user account
used for information searching is
correct, and then re-execute the
command hcmdsldapuser.
For LDAP flat model:
Using the hcmdsldapuser command,
confirm that the information for the

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-289

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
server name specified to the
auth.server.name attribute of
exauth.properties is not registered.

KAPM15052-E Authentication of the specified Authentication of the specified user

user has failed. failed.
Perform one of the following
If the KAPM15084-E message is
displayed after this message, it shows
the details of the LDAP connection
error. Refer to the following to resolve
the problem:
1. Make sure that the user is
specified correctly. The user must
be specified using only the user
name, not the DN format.
2. Make sure that the password for
the specified user is correct.
3. Make sure that the specified user
is registered in the external
authentication server and is
4. Check and, if necessary, revise
the values of basedn and attr in
exauth.properties for the
corresponding server.
5. If an LDAP hierarchical structure
model is used, do the following:
- Use the hcmdsldapuser
command to confirm that the
information for the server names
specified for the
auth.server.name attribute in
exauth.properties is registered.
- Make sure that the user account
used for information searching has
the necessary permissions.
6. If an LDAP flat model is used, use
the hcmdsldapusercommand to
confirm that the information for
the server name specified for the
auth.server.name attribute of
exauth.properties is not
7. If the problem cannot be resolved,
detailed investigation is required
to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you
to collect troubleshooting

A-290 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
1. Make sure that the user is
specified correctly.
2. Make sure that the password for
the specified user is correct.
3. Make sure that the specified user
is registered in the external
authentication server and is
4. Make sure that the PAP and CHAP
settings are valid.
5. If the problem cannot be resolved,
detailed investigation is required
to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you
to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15053-E The specified user was not The specified user was not found.
found. Perform one of the following
If the KAPM15084-E message is
displayed after this message, it shows
the details of the LDAP connection
error. Refer to the following to resolve
the problem:
1. Make sure that the user is
specified correctly. The user must
be specified using only the user
name, not the DN format.
2. Make sure that the specified user
is registered in the external
authentication server and is
3. Check and, if necessary, revise
the values of basedn and attr in
exauth.properties for the
corresponding server.
4. 4If an LDAP hierarchical structure
model is used, do the following:
- Use the hcmdsldapuser
command to confirm that the
information for the server names
specified for the
auth.server.name attribute in
exauth.properties is registered.
- Make sure that the user account
used for information searching has
the necessary permissions.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-291

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
5. If an LDAP flat model is used, use
the hcmdsldapusercommand to
confirm that the information for
the server name specified for the
auth.server.name attribute of
exauth.properties is not
6. If the problem cannot be resolved,
detailed investigation is required
to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you
to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15054-E The specified user was not The specified user was not found.
found. (error code = aa...aa) Perform one of the following
aa...aa: Error code procedures:
If the KAPM15084-E message is
displayed after this message, it shows
the details of the LDAP connection
error. Refer to the following to resolve
the problem:
• Make sure that the user is
specified correctly. The user must
be specified using only the user
name, not the DN format.
• Make sure that the specified user
is registered in the external
authentication server and is
• Check and, if necessary, revise
the values of basedn and attr in
exauth.properties for the
corresponding server.
• If an LDAP hierarchical structure
model is used, do the following:
- Use the hcmdsldapuser
command to confirm that the
information for the server names
specified for the
auth.server.name attribute in
exauth.properties is registered.
- Make sure that the user account
used for information searching has
the necessary permissions.
• If an LDAP flat model is used, use
the hcmdsldapusercommand to
confirm that the information for
the server name specified for the
auth.server.name attribute of
exauth.properties is not

A-292 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
• If the problem cannot be resolved,
detailed investigation is required
to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you
to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15056-E The specified user was not The specified user was not found.
found. Perform the following:
1. Make sure that the specified user
is registered in the external
authentication server.
2. Check, and if necessary, revise
the basedn and attr values for
the corresponding server in
3. If an LDAP hierarchical structure
model is used, check the
Using the hcmdsldapuser
command, confirm that the
information for the server name
specified to the
auth.server.name attribute of
exauth.properties is registered.
Make sure the user who is used
for searching for information has
the correct permissions.

KAPM15057-E A dn value is invalid. A dn value is invalid.

Perform the following:
1. Check, and if necessary, revise
the basedn value for the
corresponding server in the file
2. If you use the hcmdsldapuser
command to register the
information for the server
specified for the attribute
auth.server.name in the file
exauth.properties make sure
you specify a valid value for the
dn option.

KAPM15058-I The message outputs LDAP The message outputs LDAP connection
connection information. information.
(aa...aa = bb...bb, aa...aa =
bb...bb, ......)
aa...aa: Key
bb...bb: Value

KAPM15059-E aa...aa This message displays details of the

previous error message.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-293

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
aa...aa: Error code details Take action according to the preceding
KAPM15060-I The file targeted for generation The file specified by the command was
management was successfully saved successfully.

KAPM15061-E No file targeted for generation The file specified by the command
management exists. does not exist.
Correctly specify the path to the file to
be saved.

KAPM15062-E There is not enough free space There is not enough free space where
to save the file. the file is to be saved.
Secure enough disk space where the
file is to be saved, and then re-execute
the command.
If the problem cannot be resolved,
detailed investigation is required to
determine the cause and resolve the
problem. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM15063-E The specified management A directory was specified for the

target is a directory. argument of the option that specifies
the file.
Specify the absolute path to the file to
be saved.

KAPM15064-E The permissions for the file to The permissions for the file specified
be managed are invalid. by the command are invalid.
Make sure that you have permissions
for the specified file, and then re-
execute the command.
If the problem cannot be resolved,
detailed investigation is required to
determine the cause and resolve the
problem. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM15065-E An attempt to store the An attempt to save the specified file

managed file has failed. has failed.
Check the permissions and location for
the specified file, and then re-execute
the command. If the problem cannot
be resolved, detailed investigation is
required to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you to
collect troubleshooting information.

KAPM15066-W The specified number of The value of the option that specifies
generations exceeds the the number of generations exceeds the
maximum (99). maximum.

A-294 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
Specify a value from 2 to 98 for the
number of generations.

KAPM15067-E Creation of the directory has Creation of the directory has failed.
failed. Make sure that the location of the
directory in which the specified file is
to be saved is correct, and then re-
execute the command.
If the problem cannot be resolved,
detailed investigation is required to
determine the cause and resolve the
problem. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM15068-E An option is invalid. An option is invalid.

Specify valid options.

KAPM15069-E A fatal error occurred. A fatal error occurred.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15070-I The hcmdsfilerotate The hcmdsfilerotate command has

command has started. started.

KAPM15071-I The hcmdsfilerotate The hcmdsfilerotate command has

command has ended. ended.

KAPM15072-I A file whose file number is 99 If the hcmdsfilerotate command

has been overwritten. executes 99 times or more within one
second, all copied files whose file
number was equal to or more than 99
(which is the maximum file number)
will be saved with the file number

KAPM15073-W The command log cannot be The command log cannot be output
output. because an environment variable
needed for the output is invalid.
Revise the environment variables set
for outputting command log
If the problem cannot be resolved,
detailed investigation is required to
determine the cause and resolve the
problem. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM15074-E The value specified for an This message indicates that the value
option is invalid. specified for an option is invalid.
Revise the values specified for the

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-295

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM15080-E Authentication of the user Authentication of the user account

account used for information used for information searching failed.
searching has failed. (server Perform one of the following
name = aa...aa) procedures:
aa...aa: Server name For LDAP hierarchical structure model:
Make sure the DN and the password of
the user who is used for searching for
information are correct, and then re-
execute the hcmdsldapusercommand.
For LDAP flat model:
Using the hcmdsldapuser command,
confirm that the information for the
server name specified to the
auth.server.name attribute of
exauth.properties is not registered.

KAPM15081-E The DN of the user account The DN of the user account used for
used for information searching information searching was not found.
was not found. (server name = Perform one of the following
aa...aa) procedures:
aa...aa: Server name For LDAP hierarchical structure model:
Make sure the DN of the user account
used for information searching is
correct, and then re-execute the
command hcmdsldapuser.
For LDAP flat model:
Using the hcmdsldapuser command,
confirm that the information for the
server name specified to the
auth.server.name attribute of
exauth.properties is not registered.

KAPM15082-E Authentication of the specified Authentication of the specified user

user has failed. (server name = failed.
aa...aa) Perform one of the following
aa...aa: Server name procedures for LDAP:
1. Make sure the user is specified
correctly. The user must be
specified using only the user
name, not the DN format.
2. Make sure the password for the
specified user is correct.
3. Make sure the specified user is
registered on the external
authentication server and is
4. Check, and if necessary, revise
the values of basedn and attr for
the corresponding server in

A-296 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
5. If an LDAP hierarchical structure
model is used, check the
Using the hcmdsldapuser
command, confirm that the
information for the server name
specified to the
auth.server.name attribute of
exauth.properties is registered.
Make sure the user who is used
for searching for information has
the correct permissions.
6. If an LDAP flat model is used,
check the following:
Using the hcmdsldapuser
command, confirm that the
information for the server name
specified to the
auth.server.name attribute of
exauth.properties is not
7. If this does not resolve the
problem, acquire the maintenance
information, and then contact the
Support Center.
1. Make sure the user is specified
2. Make sure the password of the
specified user is specified
3. Make sure the specified user is
registered on the external
authentication server and is
4. Make sure that the PAP and CHAP
settings are valid.
5. If this does not resolve the
problem, acquire the maintenance
information, and then contact the
Support Center.

KAPM15083-E The specified user was not The specified user was not found.
found. (server name = aa...aa) Perform the following procedure:
aa...aa: Server name 1. Make sure that the user is
specified correctly. The user must
be specified using only the user
name, not the DN format.
2. Make sure that the specified user
is registered in the external
authentication server and is

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-297

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
3. Check and, if necessary, revise
the values of basedn and attr in
exauth.properties for the
corresponding server.
4. If an LDAP hierarchical structure
model is used, do the following:
- Use the hcmdsldapuser
command to confirm that the
information for the server names
specified for the
auth.server.name attribute in
exauth.properties is registered.
- Make sure that the user account
used for information searching has
the necessary permissions.
5. If an LDAP flat model is used, use
the hcmdsldapusercommand to
confirm that the information for
the server name specified for the
auth.server.name attribute of
exauth.properties is not
6. If the problem cannot be resolved,
detailed investigation is required
to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you
to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15084-E LDAP directory server error is LDAP directory server error is

detected. (information = detected.
aa...aa: Information

KAPM15085-E An SSL setting is invalid. An SSL setting is invalid.

Check and, if necessary, revise the
SSL settings.

KAPM15086-E The specified user was not The specified user was not found.
found. (server name = aa...aa) Perform the following:
aa...aa: Server name 1. Make sure that the specified user
is registered in the external
authentication server.
2. Check, and if necessary, revise
the basedn and attr values for
the corresponding server in
3. If an LDAP hierarchical structure
model is used, check the

A-298 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
- Using the hcmdsldapuser
command, confirm that the
information for the server name
specified to the
auth.server.name attribute of
exauth.properties is registered.
- Make sure the user who is used
for searching for information has
the correct permissions.

KAPM15087-E A dn value is invalid. (server A dn value is invalid.

name = aa...aa) Perform the following:
aa...aa: Server name 1. Check, and if necessary, revise
the basedn value for the
corresponding server in the file
2. If you use the hcmdsldapuser
command to register the
information for the server
specified for the attribute
auth.server.name in the file
exauth.properties make sure
you specify a valid value for the
dn option.

KAPM15088-I The common-items check will The common-items check will now
now start. start.

KAPM15089-I The results of the common- The results of the common-items

items check were normal. check were normal.

KAPM15090-E The results of the common- The results of the common-items

items check include abnormal check include abnormal values.
values. See the message KAPMxxxxx-E.

KAPM15091-I The individual-realm check will The individual-realm check will now
now start. start.

KAPM15092-I The results of the realm The results of the realm identified
identified name aa...aacheck name aa...aacheck were normal.
were normal.
aa...aa: Realm identified name

KAPM15093-E The results of the realm The results of the realm identified
identified name aa...aacheck name aa...aacheck include abnormal
include abnormal values. values.
aa...aa: Realm identified name See the message KAPMxxxxx-E.

KAPM15094-I The results of the individual- The results of the individual-realm

realm check were normal. check were normal.

KAPM15095-E The results of the individual- The results of the individual-realm

realm check include abnormal check include abnormal values.
values. See the message KAPMxxxxx-E.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-299

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM15096-E The same value already exists. The same value already exists.
(line number = aa...aa, value There are duplicate bb...bb values on
= bb...bb) line aa...aa. Check and, if necessary,
aa...aa: Line number revise the configuration file, and then
bb...bb: Value retry the operation.

KAPM15097-E There is no There is no auth.kerberos.realm-

auth.kerberos.<realm identification-name.realmthat
identification name>.realm that corresponds to
corresponds to auth.kerberos.default_realm.
Specify auth.kerberos.realm-
identification-name.realmas the realm
that corresponds to
auth.kerberos.default_realm in

KAPM15098-I The server connection will now The server connection will now be
be checked. (user id = aa...aa, checked.
realm name = bb...bb)
aa...aa: User ID
bb...bb: Realm name

KAPM15102-I The hcmdsunlockaccount The hcmdsunlockaccount command

command has started. has started.

KAPM15103-I The hcmdsunlockaccount The hcmdsunlockaccount command

command has finished. has finished.

KAPM15104-E The hcmdsunlockaccount The hcmdsunlockaccount command

command cannot be executed cannot be executed on the secondary
on the secondary server. server. Execute this command on the
Execute this command on the primary server.
primary server. Execute the hcmdsunlockaccount
command on the primary server.

KAPM15105-E The user account to be The user account to be unlocked does

unlocked does not have the not have the User Management
User Management permission. permission.
Specify a user who has the User
Management permission.

KAPM15108-I The user account was unlocked The user account was unlocked
successfully. successfully.

KAPM15109-I The user account "aa...aa" will The user account "aa...aa" will now be
now be unlocked. unlocked.
aa...aa: User name

KAPM15110-E The value of hcmds.home could The value of hcmds.home could not be
not be acquired. acquired.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

A-300 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM15111-E A command option is invalid. A command option is invalid.

Check the options.

KAPM15112-E No value has been specified for No value has been specified for an
an option. option.
Check the options.

KAPM15113-E A fatal error occurred. A fatal error occurred.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15114-E Communication with the Communication with the authentication

authentication server has server has failed.
failed. Make sure the HBase Storage Mgmt
Common Service or the HBase Storage
Mgmt Web Service on the server has

KAPM15115-E The user ID or password is The user ID or password is incorrect.

incorrect. Make sure that the user ID and
password are correct.

KAPM15116-E An HSSOException occurred. An HSSOException occurred.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15117-E An IOException occurred. An IOException occurred.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15118-E An An HcmdsIllegalArgumentException
HcmdsIllegalArgumentExceptio occurred.
n occurred. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15119-E An An HcmdsUserManagementException
HcmdsUserManagementExcepti occurred.
on occurred. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15120-E An exception occurred. An exception occurred.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-301

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15170-E Acquisition of the installation Acquisition of the installation path has

path has failed. failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15171-E The command aa...aa will stop The specified command will stop
because internal processing because internal processing failed.
failed. (details = bb...bb) Re-execute the command. If the
aa...aa: Command name problem cannot be resolved, detailed
bb...bb: Details investigation is required to determine
the cause and resolve the problem.
Contact the Support Center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15172-W Log initialization failed. Log initialization failed.

If the problem occurs frequently,
detailed investigation is required to
determine the cause and resolve the
problem. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM15173-E A memory allocation error A memory allocation error occurred.

occurred. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15174-E The command aa...aa will stop The command will stop because
because setting of an setting of an environment variable
environment variable failed. failed.
(details = bb...bb) Re-execute the command. If the
aa...aa: Command name problem cannot be resolved, detailed
bb...bb: Details investigation is required to determine
the cause and resolve the problem.
Contact the Support Center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15175-E An error occurred in an internal An error occurred in an internal

function. (function = aa...aa, function.
error code = bb...bb) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Function the problem, detailed investigation is
bb...bb: Error code required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

A-302 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM15200-I A connection was successfully A connection was successfully

established. (KDC = aa...aa) established.
aa...aa: KDC

KAPM15201-E An attempt to connect failed. An attempt to connect failed.

(KDC = aa...aa) Make sure that the external
aa...aa: KDC authentication server is running
correctly, and then perform the
following procedure:
1. Make sure that the realm name
and KDC specified in
exauth.properties are correct.
2. Make sure that the network is
correctly connected.
3. Check the firewall settings.
4. Make sure that Kerberos is
compatible with the external
authentication server.
5. If the problem cannot be resolved,
detailed investigation is required
to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you
to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15202-E An attempt to connect to the An attempt to connect to the DNS

DNS server failed. server failed.
Check and, if necessary, revise the
DNS server settings.

KAPM15203-E On the DNS server,the SRV On the DNS server,the SRV record
record corresponding to the corresponding to the realm name is
realm name is not defined. not defined.
(realm name = aa...aa) Perform one of the following
aa...aa: Realm name procedures:
• Make sure that the realm name is
• On the DNS server, define the
SRV record corresponding to the
realm name.

KAPM15204-E An unexpected error occurred An unexpected error occurred on the

on the DNS server. DNS server.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15205-E The KDC resolution failed. The KDC resolution failed.

(KDC = aa...aa) Check and, if necessary, revise the
aa...aa: KDC DNS server settings.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-303

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM15206-E An attempt to authenticate An attempt to authenticate failed.

failed. (KDC = aa...aa) Perform one of the following
aa...aa: KDC procedures:
• Make sure the specified user is
registered on the external
authentication server.
• Check the password of the
specified user.
• Make sure the time difference
between servers not exceeds the
specified value in the
• Make sure the authentication user
password has not expired.
• Make sure the authentication user
account is not invalid.

KAPM15207-E The specified user was not The specified user was not found.
found. (KDC = aa...aa) Make sure the specified user is
aa...aa: KDC registered on the external
authentication server.

KAPM15208-E The specified password is The specified password is invalid.

invalid. (KDC = aa...aa) Check the password of the specified
aa...aa: KDC user.

KAPM15209-E The time difference between The time difference between servers
servers exceeds the specified exceeds the specified value in the
value in exauth.properties. exauth.properties.
(KDC = aa...aa)
Make sure that the server times are
aa...aa: KDC synchronized.

KAPM15210-E The authentication user The authentication user password has

password has expired. (KDC = expired.
aa...aa) Change the password of the specified
aa...aa: KDC user.

KAPM15211-E The authentication user The authentication user account is

account is invalid. (KDC = invalid.
aa...aa) Validate the registered user on the
aa...aa: KDC external authentication server.

KAPM15212-I Check the DNS server to Check the DNS server to confirm the
confirm the connection status. connection status.

KAPM15213-I Use the default realm to Use the default realm to confirm the
confirm the connection status. connection status.

KAPM15214-E The command cannot be The command cannot be executed on

executed on the secondary the secondary server.

KAPM15215-E Creation of the file failed. (file Creation of the file failed. (file name =
name = aa...aa) aa...aa)
aa...aa: File name

A-304 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
Perform one of the following
• Make sure the file path is correct.
• Make sure you have permission to
create a file on the specified path.
• Make sure there are no files that
have the same name as the
specified file.

KAPM15216-E A syntax error occurred. A syntax error occurred.

See the message KAPMxxxxx-E.

KAPM15217-W The DBMS is not running. The DBMS is not running.

Make sure that the DBMS is running.

KAPM15218-W The DBMS is blocked. The DBMS is blocked.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15219-W An error occurred while the An error occurred while the DBMS was
DBMS was being accessed. being accessed.
Confirm that the DBMS, HBase Storage
Mgmt Web service, and HBase Storage
Mgmt Common service are running. If
they are running, detailed
investigation is required to determine
the cause and resolve the problem.
Contact the Support Center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15220-W The user to be authenticated The user to be authenticated was not

was not found in the DBMS. found in the DBMS. (user id = aa...aa)
(user id = aa...aa) Make sure aa...aa is registered in the
aa...aa: User ID DBMS.

KAPM15221-W An unexpected error occurred An unexpected error occurred on the

on the DBMS. DBMS.
Retry execution. If the problem cannot
be resolved, detailed investigation is
required to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you to
collect troubleshooting information.

KAPM15222-E Acquisition of the KDC from Acquisition of the KDC from aa...aa
aa...aa failed. failed.
aa...aa: Realm name Perform one of the following
• Make sure that the realm name is

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-305

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
• Make sure that there is a KDC
corresponding to the realm name.

KAPM15223-E An unexpected error occurred. An unexpected error occurred. (KDC =

(KDC = aa...aa) aa...aa)
aa...aa: KDC Retry execution. If the problem cannot
be resolved, detailed investigation is
required to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you to
collect troubleshooting information.

KAPM15224-W The specified user is not The specified user is not registered in
registered in the DBMS as a the DBMS as a user of the Kerberos
user of the Kerberos authentication method. (user id =
authentication method. (user id aa...aa)
= aa...aa) Perform one of the following
aa...aa: User ID procedures:
• Change the specified user
authentication method to
• Create a new user of the Kerberos
authentication method.

KAPM15225-W The configuration file contains The configuration file contains a syntax
a syntax error. (line number = error.
aa...aa, value = bb...bb) The value bb...bb on line aa...aa
aa...aa: Line number caused a syntax error. Check and, if
bb...bb: Value necessary, revise the configuration
file, and then retry the operation.

KAPM15226-E An information search user is An information search user is not

not registered. (aa...aa = registered.
bb...bb) Register an information search user for
aa...aa: Property name bb...bb.
bb...bb: Property value

KAPM15227-I Group linkage is enabled. Group linkage is enabled.

KAPM15228-W The external authentication The external authentication group was

group was not linked to not linked to because an
because an authentication user authentication user was found on the
was found on the DBMS. DBMS.
When linking to an external
authentication group, specify a user
not registered in Hitachi Command

KAPM15229-I Group acquisition for the server Group acquisition for the server will
will now be checked. (aa...aa = now be checked.
bb...bb, host = cc...cc, port =
dd...dd, protocol = ee...ee)
aa...aa: Property name
bb...bb: Property value
cc...cc: Host name

A-306 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
dd...dd: Port number
ee...ee: Protocol

KAPM15230-I Group acquisition was Group acquisition was successful.


KAPM15231-E Group acquisition failed. Group acquisition failed.

Perform one of the following actions:
• Make sure that the specified user
is registered in a group.
• Check, and if necessary, revise
the values of basedn for the
corresponding server in

KAPM15232-E The group was not registered. The group was not registered.
Register the group to the specified
user. Alternatively, specify the user to
whom the group is registered.

KAPM15233-E On the DNS server,the SRV On the DNS server, the SRV record
record corresponding to the corresponding to the domain name is
domain name is not defined. not defined.
(domain name = aa...aa) Perform one of the following actions:
aa...aa: Domain name • On the DNS server, define the
SRV record corresponding to the
domain name.
• Make sure that the domain name
is correct.

KAPM15234-I The DNS server has been The DNS server has been referenced.
referenced. (aa...aa = bb...bb,
domain name = cc...cc)
aa...aa: Property name
bb...bb: Property value
cc...cc: Domain name

KAPM15235-E A server error occurred. A server error occurred.

(aa...aa = bb...bb) Perform the following procedure:
aa...aa: Property name 1. Confirm whether the
bb...bb: Property value authentication server can be
accessed by using the host, port,
and protocol set in
exauth.properties, and check
the settings of the external
authentication server and the
status of the network.
2. Use the hcmdsldapuser command
to confirm that the information for
the server names specified for the
auth.server.name attribute in
exauth.properties is registered.
3. If StartTLS is used, check the SSL

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-307

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
4. If an OCSP is enabled, make sure
that the certificate is valid.
5. If the problem cannot be resolved,
detailed investigation is required
to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you
to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15236-E A check cannot be performed A check cannot be performed because

because the group definition is the group definition is invalid.
invalid. Revise the auth.group.mapping value,
and then retry the operation.

KAPM15237-I Group acquisition was Group acquisition was successful.

successful. (aa...aa = bb...bb)
aa...aa: Property name
bb...bb: Property value

KAPM15238-E Group acquisition failed. Group acquisition failed.

(aa...aa = bb...bb) Perform one of the following actions:
aa...aa: Property name • Make sure that the specified user
bb...bb: Property value is registered in a group.
• Check, and if necessary, revise
the values of basedn for the
corresponding server in

KAPM15239-E The group was not registered. The group was not registered.
(aa...aa = bb...bb) Register the group to the specified
aa...aa: Property name user. Alternatively, specify the user to
bb...bb: Property value whom the group is registered.

KAPM15240-E On the DNS server,the SRV On the DNS server,the SRV record
record corresponding to the corresponding to the domain name is
domain name is not defined. not defined.
(aa...aa = bb...bb) Perform one of the following actions:
aa...aa: Property name • On the DNS server, define the
bb...bb: Property value SRV record corresponding to the
domain name.
• Make sure that the domain name
is correct.

KAPM15241-E An attempt to connect to the An attempt to connect to the DNS

DNS server failed. (aa...aa = server failed.
bb...bb) Check and, if necessary, revise the
aa...aa: Property name DNS server settings.
bb...bb: Property value

KAPM15242-E An unexpected error occurred An unexpected error occurred on the

on the DNS server. (aa...aa = DNS server.
bb...bb) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Property name the problem, detailed investigation is

A-308 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
bb...bb: Property value required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting
KAPM15243-E The common items cannot be The common items cannot be checked
checked because they are not because they are not set correctly.
set correctly. Revise the settings for the common
items, and then retry the operation.

KAPM15244-I The connection for realm The connection for realm aa...aa was
aa...aa was checked. checked.
aa...aa: Realm name

KAPM15245-I A connection was successfully A connection was successfully

established. (aa...aa = bb...bb) established.
aa...aa: Property name
bb...bb: Property value

KAPM15246-E A connection attempt has A connection attempt has failed.

failed. (aa...aa = bb...bb) Make sure that the external
aa...aa: Property name authentication server is running
bb...bb: Property value correctly, and then perform one of the
following procedures:
1. Make sure that the host or IP
address, port, and protocol
specified in exauth.properties
are correct.
2. Make sure that the network is
correctly connected.
3. Check the firewall settings.
4. Make sure that the LDAP directory
server is compatible with the
LDAPv3 protocol.
5. If StartTLS is used, check the SSL
settings. For StartTLS, specify the
host, not the IP address.
6. If an OCSP is enabled, check the
- Make sure that the certificate is
7. If the problem cannot be resolved,
detailed investigation is required
to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you
to collect troubleshooting
1. Make sure that the host or IP
address, port, and protocol
specified in exauth.properties
are correct.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-309

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
2. Check and then respecify the
client secret set for the external
authentication server and the
secret set for the client.
3. Make sure that the network is
correctly connected.
4. Check the firewall settings.
5. If the problem cannot be resolved,
detailed investigation is required
to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you
to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15247-E Authentication of the user Authentication of the user account

account used for information used for information searching failed.
searching has failed. (aa...aa = Perform one of the following
bb...bb) procedures:
aa...aa: Property name For LDAP hierarchical structure model:
bb...bb: Property value Make sure the DN and the password of
the user who is used for searching for
information are correct, and then re-
execute the hcmdsldapusercommand.
For LDAP flat model:
Using the hcmdsldapuser command,
confirm that the information for the
server name specified to the
auth.server.name attribute of
exauth.properties is not registered.

KAPM15248-E The DN of the user account The DN of the user account used for
used for information searching information searching was not found.
was not found. (aa...aa = Perform one of the following
bb...bb) procedures:
aa...aa: Property name For LDAP hierarchical structure model:
bb...bb: Property value Make sure the DN of the user account
used for information searching is
correct, and then re-execute the
command hcmdsldapuser.
For LDAP flat model:
Using the hcmdsldapuser command,
confirm that the information for the
server name specified to the
auth.server.name attribute of
exauth.properties is not registered.

KAPM15249-E Authentication of the specified Authentication of the specified user

user has failed. (aa...aa = failed.
bb...bb) Perform one of the following
aa...aa: Property name procedures:
bb...bb: Property value For LDAP:

A-310 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
1. Make sure that the user is
specified correctly. The user must
be specified using only the user
name, not the DN format.
2. Make sure that the password for
the specified user is correct.
3. Make sure that the specified user
is registered in the external
authentication server and is
4. Check and, if necessary, revise
the values of basedn and attr in
exauth.properties for the
corresponding server.
5. If an LDAP hierarchical structure
model is used, do the following:
- Use the hcmdsldapuser
command to confirm that the
information for the server names
specified for the
auth.server.name attribute in
exauth.properties is registered.
- Make sure that the user account
used for information searching has
the necessary permissions.
6. If an LDAP flat model is used, use
the hcmdsldapusercommand to
confirm that the information for
the server name specified for the
auth.server.name attribute of
exauth.properties is not
7. If the problem cannot be resolved,
detailed investigation is required
to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you
to collect troubleshooting
1. Make sure that the user is
specified correctly.
2. Make sure that the password for
the specified user is correct.
3. Make sure that the specified user
is registered in the external
authentication server and is
4. Make sure that the PAP and CHAP
settings are valid.
5. If the problem cannot be resolved,
detailed investigation is required

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-311

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you
to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15250-E The specified user was not The specified user was not found.
found. (aa...aa = bb...bb) Perform the following procedure:
aa...aa: Property name 1. Make sure that the user is
bb...bb: Property value specified correctly. The user must
be specified using only the user
name, not the DN format.
2. Make sure that the specified user
is registered in the external
authentication server and is
3. Check and, if necessary, revise
the values of basedn and attr in
exauth.properties for the
corresponding server.
4. If an LDAP hierarchical structure
model is used, do the following:
- Use the hcmdsldapuser
command to confirm that the
information for the server names
specified for the
auth.server.name attribute in
exauth.properties is registered.
- Make sure that the user account
used for information searching has
the necessary permissions.
5. If an LDAP flat model is used, use
the hcmdsldapusercommand to
confirm that the information for
the server name specified for the
auth.server.name attribute of
exauth.properties is not
6. If the problem cannot be resolved,
detailed investigation is required
to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you
to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15251-E The specified user was not The specified user was not found.
found. (aa...aa = bb...bb) Perform the following:
aa...aa: Property name 1. Make sure that the specified user
bb...bb: Property value is registered in the external
authentication server.
2. Check, and if necessary, revise
the basedn and attr values for

A-312 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
the corresponding server in
3. If an LDAP hierarchical structure
model is used, check the
- Using the hcmdsldapuser
command, confirm that the
information for the server name
specified to the
auth.server.name attribute of
exauth.properties is registered.
- Make sure the user who is used
for searching for information has
the correct permissions.

KAPM15252-E A dn value is invalid. (aa...aa = A dn value is invalid.

bb...bb) Perform the following:
aa...aa: Property name 1. Check, and if necessary, revise
bb...bb: Property value the basedn value for the
corresponding server in the file
2. If you use the hcmdsldapuser
command to register the
information for the server
specified for the attribute
auth.server.name in the file
exauth.properties make sure
you specify a valid value for the
dn option.

KAPM15253-E The JP1/Base connection could The JP1/Base connection could not be
not be verified because the verified because the authentication
authentication user was not user was not found in the DBMS.
found in the DBMS. Delete the specified user from the
suite product DBMS, or specify a user
who is not registered in the suite
product database.

KAPM15254-E HiCommand Base does not HiCommand Base does not support
support this version of JP1/ this version of JP1/Base.
Base. Use JP1/Base 10-00 or later.

KAPM15255-E Acquisition of the JP1/Base Acquisition of the JP1/Base version

version failed. failed.
Verify that JP1/Base on the primary
server is running properly. If the
problem cannot be resolved, detailed
investigation is required to determine
the cause and resolve the problem.
Contact the support center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15256-E An attempt to connect to JP1/ An attempt to connect to JP1/Base

Base failed. failed.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-313

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
Verify that JP1/Base on the primary
server is running properly. If the
problem cannot be resolved, detailed
investigation is required to determine
the cause and resolve the problem.
Contact the support center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15257-E JP1/Base initialization failed. JP1/Base initialization failed.

Verify that JP1/Base on the primary
server is running properly. If the
problem cannot be resolved, detailed
investigation is required to determine
the cause and resolve the problem.
Contact the support center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15258-I The JP1/Base connection will The JP1/Base connection will now be
now be checked. checked.

KAPM15259-I The JP1/Base connection was The JP1/Base connection was

successfully checked. successfully checked.

KAPM15260-E JP1/Base user authentication JP1/Base user authentication failed.

failed. Enter the correct user ID and
password. If the problem cannot be
resolved, detailed investigation is
required to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
support center, who may ask you to
collect troubleshooting information.

KAPM15261-E JP1/Base authentication failed JP1/Base authentication failed because

because the user ID or the user ID or password is incorrect.
password is incorrect. Enter the correct user ID and

KAPM15262-I HiCommand Base will now HiCommand Base will now check
check whether user permission whether user permission information
information can be acquired can be acquired from JP1/Base.
from JP1/Base.

KAPM15263-I User permission information User permission information was

was successfully acquired from successfully acquired from JP1/Base.

KAPM15264-E Permissions have not been Permissions have not been assigned to
assigned to the user in JP1/ the user in JP1/Base.
Base. Assign permissions to the user from

KAPM15265-E JP1/Base is not installed. JP1/Base is not installed.

Install JP1/Base on the primary server.

KAPM15266-E Acquisition of user permission Acquisition of user permission

information from JP1/Base information from JP1/Base failed.

A-314 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
Retry the operation. If the problem
cannot be resolved, detailed
investigation is required to determine
the cause and resolve the problem.
Contact the support center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15267-E This JP1/Base version is not This JP1/Base version is not

supported. supported.
Use JP1/Base 10-00 or later.

KAPM15268-I The user permission The user permission information will

information will now be now be acquired from JP1/Base and
acquired from JP1/Base and checked.

KAPM15300-I The hcmdslicense3 command The hcmdslicense3 command started.


KAPM15301-I The hcmdslicense3 command The hcmdslicense3 command

successfully executed. successfully executed.

KAPM15302-E The hcmdslicense3 command The hcmdslicense3 command failed.


KAPM15303-I The aa...aa function started. The function started.

aa...aa: function name

KAPM15304-I The aa...aa function ended. The function ended.

aa...aa: function name

KAPM15305-E Acquisition of the installation Acquisition of the installation path

path failed. failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15306-E One or more options are One or more options are invalid.
invalid. Check the options.

KAPM15307-E Allocation of memory to store Allocation of memory to store the log

the log file path failed. file path failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15308-E Log initialization failed. Log initialization failed.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-315

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM15309-I The license was successfully The license was successfully displayed.

KAPM15310-E An attempt to display the An attempt to display the license

license failed. failed.

KAPM15311-E Encoding failed. Encoding failed.

KAPM15312-E Decoding failed. Decoding failed.

KAPM15313-I License registration processing License registration processing started.


KAPM15314-I License deletion processing License deletion processing started.


KAPM15315-I License display processing License display processing started.


KAPM15316-I License reset processing License reset processing started.


KAPM15317-E The entered total capacity The entered total capacity license is
license is not supported. not supported.
Enter a valid license.

KAPM15318-E The entered server capacity The entered server capacity license is
license is not supported. not supported.
Enter a valid license.

KAPM15319-I The license key was processed. The message displays information
(identifier = aa...aa, number = about the processed license key.
aa...aa: Identifier
bb...bb: Number

KAPM15320-I aa...aa The message displays the command-

aa...aa: Command line line options.

KAPM15321-E A memory allocation error A memory allocation error occurred.

occurred. Retry execution. If the problem cannot
be resolved, detailed investigation is
required to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you to
collect troubleshooting information.

KAPM15322-E Exclusion processing failed. Exclusion processing failed.

(function = aa...aa, detailed Retry the operation. If the problem is
error code = bb...bb) not resolved, a detailed investigation is
aa...aa: Function required to determine the cause and
bb...bb: Detailed error code resolve the problem.
Collect failure information, and then
contact the Support Center.

KAPM15323-E Exclusive control has failed. Exclusive control has failed.

A-316 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required.Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15324-E Information related to the Information related to the exclusion

exclusion control failure will be control failure will be output.
output. (function name = Take action according to the previous
aa...aa, detailed error code = message.
bb...bb, processing time =
aa...aa: Function name
bb...bb: Detailed error code
cc...cc: Processing time

KAPM15325-E An attempt to release the lock An attempt to release the lock failed.
failed. Retry the operation. If the problem
cannot be resolved, detailed
investigation is required to determine
the cause and resolve the problem.
Contact the Support Center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15330-I Processing ended normally. Processing ended normally.

(aa...aa : bb...bb) cc...cc
aa...aa: return code
bb...bb: error code
cc...cc: license information

KAPM15331-E The system environment is The system environment is invalid.

invalid. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15332-E The license has expired. The license has expired.

Enter a valid license key or license key

KAPM15333-E The entered license key is The entered license key is invalid.
invalid. (aa...aa : bb...bb) Enter a valid license key.
aa...aa: return code
bb...bb: error code
cc...cc: license information

KAPM15334-E The license key file that was The license key file that was entered
entered could not be found. could not be found.
Enter a valid license key file.

KAPM15335-E The license key file that was The license key file that was entered is
entered is invalid. invalid.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-317

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
Enter a valid license key file.

KAPM15336-E The license key to be The license key to be processed does

processed does not exist in the not exist in the license key file.
license key file. Enter a valid license key file.

KAPM15337-E The license to be deleted does The license to be deleted does not
not exist. exist.
Specify another license to delete.

KAPM15338-E The entered subscription The entered subscription license key

license key has expired. has expired.
Enter a valid subscription license.

KAPM15400-I A Daemon will now start. A Daemon will now start.

KAPM15401-I A Daemon has stopped. A Daemon has stopped.

KAPM15402-E A Daemon has terminated A Daemon has terminated abnormally.

abnormally. Code=[aa...aa] To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: end code of Daemon the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15411-I hcmdssvlog [aa...aa]{, The options specified for the command

[bb...bb],......[.....]} are displayed.
aa...aa: command line
bb...bb: command line

KAPM15417-E An option is invalid. An option is invalid.

Code=[aa...aa], To determine the cause and resolve
Data=[bb...bb] the problem, detailed investigation is
aa...aa: code indicating the required. Contact Support Center, who
error location may ask you to collect troubleshooting
bb...bb: problematic option and information.
its value

KAPM15418-E An unexpected exception An unexpected exception occurred.

occurred. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15422-E The option is invalid. The option is invalid.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15423-E The specified value of option is The specified value of option is invalid.
invalid. (option = aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: option name the problem, detailed investigation is

A-318 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15424-E The directory aa...aa does not The directory aa...aa does not exist.
exist. To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: directory name the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15425-E A file with the same name as A file with the same name as the
the specified directory already specified directory already exists.
exists. (file = aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: file name the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15426-E The license information file The license information file does not
does not exist in the specified exist in the specified directory.
directory. (license information To determine the cause and resolve
file = aa...aa) the problem, detailed investigation is
aa...aa: license information file required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15427-E The license information file The license information file cannot be
cannot be accessed. (license accessed.
information file = aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: license information file the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15428-E The license information file The license information file might be
might be corrupted. (license corrupted.
information file = aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: license information file the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15429-E The license information file at The license information file at the
the transfer destination cannot transfer destination cannot be
be accessed. (license accessed.
information file = aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: license information file the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15430-E An attempt to write to the An attempt to write to the license

license information file failed. information file failed.
(license information file = To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa) the problem, detailed investigation is
aa...aa: license information file required. Contact Support Center, who

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-319

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15431-E Comparison of the license Comparison of the license definition

definition files at the transfer files at the transfer source and transfer
source and transfer destination destination failed.
failed. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15433-E An attempt to give the license An attempt to give the license

information file the hidden information file the hidden attribute
attribute failed. failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15434-E An attempt to transfer license An attempt to transfer license

information in the DKC_info information in the DKC_info format
format failed. failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15435-E The numbers of license The numbers of license information

information items on the items on the transfer source and the
transfer source and the transfer destination do not match.
transfer destination do not (transfer source = aa...aa, transfer
match. (transfer source = destination = bb...bb)
aa...aa, transfer destination = To determine the cause and resolve
bb...bb) the problem, detailed investigation is
aa...aa: number of license required. Contact Support Center, who
information items on transfer may ask you to collect troubleshooting
source information.
bb...bb: number of license
information items on transfer

KAPM15436-E The status lines of the license The status lines of the license
information files at the transfer information files at the transfer source
source and transfer destination and transfer destination do not match.
do not match. (line number = To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa) the problem, detailed investigation is
aa...aa: line number of the required. Contact Support Center, who
license information file at the may ask you to collect troubleshooting
transfer source information.

KAPM15437-E The PPID values of the transfer The PPID values of the transfer source
source and transfer destination and transfer destination do not match.
do not match. (transfer source To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is

A-320 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
= aa...aa, transfer destination required. Contact Support Center, who
= bb...bb) may ask you to collect troubleshooting
aa...aa: PPID value of the information.
transfer source
bb...bb: PPID value of the
transfer destination

KAPM15438-E The device numbers of the The device numbers of the transfer
transfer source and transfer source and transfer destination do not
destination do not match. match.
(transfer source = aa...aa, To determine the cause and resolve
transfer destination = bb...bb) the problem, detailed investigation is
aa...aa: device number of the required. Contact Support Center, who
transfer source may ask you to collect troubleshooting
bb...bb: device number of the information.
transfer destination

KAPM15439-E The license key types of the The license key types of the transfer
transfer source and the source and the transfer destination do
transfer destination do not not match.
match. (transfer source = To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa, transfer destination = the problem, detailed investigation is
bb...bb) required. Contact Support Center, who
aa...aa: license key type of the may ask you to collect troubleshooting
transfer source information.
bb...bb: license key type of the
transfer destination

KAPM15440-E The device types of the The device types of the transfer source
transfer source and the and the transfer destination do not
transfer destination do not match.
match. (transfer source = To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa, transfer destination = the problem, detailed investigation is
bb...bb) required. Contact Support Center, who
aa...aa: device type of the may ask you to collect troubleshooting
transfer source information.
bb...bb: device type of the
transfer destination

KAPM15442-E The license capacities of the The license capacities of the transfer
transfer source and the source and the transfer destination do
transfer destination do not not match.
match. (transfer source = To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa, transfer destination = the problem, detailed investigation is
bb...bb) required. Contact Support Center, who
aa...aa: license capacity of the may ask you to collect troubleshooting
transfer source information.
bb...bb: license capacity of the
transfer destination

KAPM15443-E The expiration dates of the The expiration dates of the transfer
transfer source and the source and the transfer destination do
transfer destination do not not match.
match. (transfer source = To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-321

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
aa...aa, transfer destination = required. Contact Support Center, who
bb...bb) may ask you to collect troubleshooting
aa...aa: expiration date of the information.
transfer source
bb...bb: expiration date of the
transfer destination

KAPM15444-E The serial numbers of the The serial numbers of the transfer
transfer source and the source and the transfer destination do
transfer destination do not not match.
match. (transfer source = To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa, transfer destination = the problem, detailed investigation is
bb...bb) required. Contact Support Center, who
aa...aa: serial number of the may ask you to collect troubleshooting
transfer source information.
bb...bb: serial number of the
transfer destination

KAPM15445-E The license information file at The license information file at the
the transfer destination cannot transfer destination cannot be
be accessed. (type = aa...aa) accessed.
aa...aa: product name To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15446-E The license information file at The license information file at the
the transfer destination might transfer destination might be
be corrupted. (type = aa...aa) corrupted.
aa...aa: product name To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15447-E Execution of the Execution of the hcmdssethiddenfile

hcmdssethiddenfile command failed.
command failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15448-I The hcmdslicenseconvert The hcmdslicenseconvert command

command ended normally. ended normally.

KAPM15449-E An unexpected exception An unexpected exception occurred.

occurred. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15450-I hcmdslicenseconvert [aa...aa] This message displays the command

{,[bb...bb],......[.....]} line arguments that were specified for
the command.

A-322 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
aa...aa: command line
bb...bb: command line

KAPM15451-E An attempt to transfer a license An attempt to transfer a license failed

failed because the fixed because the fixed character string
character string inserted into inserted into the license information
the license information file on file on the transfer destination was
the transfer destination was invalid.
invalid. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15452-I License information before This message displays the license

migration: aa...aa information before migration.
aa...aa: License information

KAPM15460-I The hcmdschgjdk command The hcmdschgjdk command started.


KAPM15461-I The hcmdschgjdk command The hcmdschgjdk command

successfully ended. successfully ended.

KAPM15462-E The hcmdschgjdk command The hcmdschgjdk command failed.


KAPM15463-I The aa...aa function started. A function started.

aa...aa: function name

KAPM15464-I The aa...aa function ended. A function ended.

aa...aa: function name

KAPM15465-E Acquisition of the installation Acquisition of the installation path

path failed. failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15466-E One or more options are One or more command options are
invalid. invalid.
Revise the options.

KAPM15467-E Allocation of memory to store Allocation of memory to store the log

the log file path failed. file path failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15468-E Log initialization failed. Log initialization failed.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-323

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15469-E An internal error occurred. An internal error occurred.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15470-E A fatal error occurred. A fatal error occurred.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15471-I The hcmdschgjdk command The hcmdschgjdk command ended.


KAPM15472-I The JDK being used was The JDK being used was changed.

KAPM15473-I The JDK being used was not The JDK being used was not changed.

KAPM15474-E The platform is not supported. The platform is not supported.

KAPM15475-E Creation of a symbolic link Creation of a symbolic link failed.

failed. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15476-W A JDK could not be detected A JDK could not be detected from the
from the installation installation information of this OS.
information of this OS. A JDK could not be detected from the
installation information of this OS.
If the OS is Solaris or Linux and the
default installation destination for the
Oracle JDK is changed, the Oracle JDK
installation destination cannot be
acquired, and the Oracle JDK will not
appear as a choice in the JDK selection
window. To change the JDK that is
used, select Use the Java Development
Kit bundled with the product or Set the
installation path to a Java
Development Kit.

KAPM15477-E Detection of a JDK failed. Detection of a JDK failed.

Make sure that a JDK is installed. If
this error occurs again, directly enter
the JDK installation path.

A-324 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM15478-I JDK version = aa...aa Indicates the JDK version.

aa...aa: JDK version

KAPM15479-I JDK currently being used: Indicates the JDK currently being
name = aa...aa used.
aa...aa: JDK type

KAPM15480-I Selected JDK: name = aa...aa, Indicates the selected JDK.

installation path = bb...bb
aa...aa: JDK type
bb...bb: JDK installation path

KAPM15481-E The file "aa...aa" does not The specified file does not exist.
exist. To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: file name the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15482-E Execution of the aa...aa Execution of a command failed.

command failed. To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: command name the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15483-I Enter the number of the JDK to Enter the number of the JDK to use.

KAPM15484-I JDK currently being used: Indicates the JDK currently being
aa...aa used.
aa...aa: JDK type

KAPM15485-I Enter the JDK installation path. Enter the JDK installation path.

KAPM15486-I To maintain the current To maintain the current settings, do

settings, do not enter anything, not enter anything, and then press
and then press [Enter]. [Enter].

KAPM15487-I Bundled JDK Indicates the bundled JDK.

KAPM15488-I Enter the JDK installation path. Enter the JDK installation path.

KAPM15489-E The specified value is invalid. The specified value is invalid.

Revise the specified value.

KAPM15490-E The specified JDK could not be The specified JDK could not be used.
used. Check the status of the installed JDK.

KAPM15491-I Detected JDK: name = aa...aa, Indicates the detected JDK.

installation path = bb...bb
aa...aa: JDK type
bb...bb: JDK installation path

KAPM15492-E The file system at the The file system at the installation
installation destination is not destination is not NTFS.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-325

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM15493-E An error occurred during An error occurred during command

execution of the execution.
aa...aacommand. To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: command name the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15494-E An attempt to copy from the An attempt to copy from one file to
file "aa...aa" to the file another file failed.
"bb...bb" failed. To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: name of the source file the problem, detailed investigation is
bb...bb: name of the required. Contact Support Center, who
destination file may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15495-E An attempt to edit the file An attempt to edit a file failed.

"aa...aa" failed. To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: file name the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15496-I The command was executed. The command was executed.

(command name = aa...aa,
return code = bb...bb)
aa...aa: Command name
bb...bb: Return code

KAPM15497-E A memory allocation error A memory allocation error occurred.

occurred. Retry the operation. If the problem
cannot be resolved, detailed
investigation is required to determine
the cause and resolve the problem.
Contact the Support Center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15500-I Execution of the "aa...aa" Execution of the "aa...aa" command

command has started. has started.
aa...aa: Command name

KAPM15501-I The command was executed. The command was executed.

(command name = aa...aa,
return code = bb...bb)
aa...aa: Command name
bb...bb: Return code

KAPM15502-E The error has occurred in The error has occurred in aa...aa
aa...aa command. command.
code=bb...bb Confirm that there are no syntax
aa...aa: Command errors in the command specification. If
bb...bb: Error code the problem cannot be resolved,
detailed investigation is required to
determine the cause and resolve the
problem. Contact the Support Center,

A-326 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM15503-I aa...aa The message displays the command-

aa...aa: Command line line options.

KAPM15504-E An error occurred in an internal An error occurred in an internal

function. (function = aa...aa, function.
error code = bb...bb) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Function the problem, detailed investigation is
bb...bb: Error code required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15505-E Log initialization failed. Log initialization failed.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15506-E Acquisition of the installation Acquisition of the installation path

path failed. failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15507-E Allocation of memory to store Allocation of memory to store the log

the log file path failed. file path failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15510-I The hcmdsdbpdls command The hcmdsdbpdls command ended

ended successfully. successfully.

KAPM15511-E Execution of the hcmdsdbpdls Execution of the hcmdsdbpdls

command failed. command failed.
See the KAPMxxxxx-E message output
right before this message.

KAPM15512-E An option is invalid. An option is invalid.

Specify a valid option, and then re-
execute the command.

KAPM15513-E The directory does not exist. The directory does not exist.
(directory path = aa...aa) Confirm that the directory exists.
aa...aa: Directory path

KAPM15514-E Hitachi Command Suite Hitachi Command Suite Common

Common Component has not Component has not been installed.
been installed.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-327

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
Confirm that Hitachi Command Suite
Common Component has been

KAPM15515-E Execution of the pdls Execution of the pdls command failed.

command failed. Start the DBMS.
If the DBMS is already running,
determine the cause of the problem,
and resolve it. Collect the error
information, and then contact the
Support Center.

KAPM15516-I The pdls command execution The pdls command execution results
results: aa...aa
aa...aa: Screen output of the
executed command

KAPM15517-I The hcmdsdbpdls command The hcmdsdbpdls command has

has started. started.

KAPM15518-I A connection with HiRDB has A connection with HiRDB has been
been established. established.

KAPM15519-I A connection with HiRDB has A connection with HiRDB has not been
not been established. established.

KAPM15520-E An attempt to output a file has An attempt to output a file has failed.
failed. (file path = aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: File path the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15521-E The path is not an absolute The path is not an absolute path.
path. (file path = aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: File path the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15522-E Acquisition of the HiCommand Acquisition of the HiCommand Base

Base installation path failed. installation path failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15523-E An attempt to set the An attempt to set the environment

environment variable has variable failed.
failed. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15524-W An attempt to delete the file An attempt to delete the file failed.
failed. (file path = aa...aa)

A-328 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
aa...aa: File path Confirm the following, and then
manually delete the CSV file:
- The file is not in use.
- You have the proper access
KAPM15525-E An attempt to delete the file to An attempt to delete the file to which
which the HiRDB connection the HiRDB connection status is output
status is output failed. (file failed.
path = aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: File path the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15526-E Analysis of the pdls results Analysis of the pdls results failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15527-E Memory allocation failed. Memory allocation failed.

Retry the operation. If the problem
persists, collect the maintenance
information, and then contact the
Support Center.

KAPM15528-E An error occurred in an internal An error occurred in an internal

function. (function = aa...aa, function.
error code = bb...bb) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Function the problem, detailed investigation is
bb...bb: Error code required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15529-E One or more arguments One or more arguments specified for

specified for the hcmdsPutenv the hcmdsPutenv function are invalid.
function are invalid.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15530-W An attempt to output the An attempt to output the execution

execution results of the pdls results of the pdlscommand to the log
command to the log file failed. file failed.

KAPM15550-E Acquisition of the version of Acquisition of the product version

aa...aa failed. failed.
aa...aa: Product name To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-329

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM15551-E The system environment is The system environment is invalid.

invalid. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15552-E Reading of the file failed. (file Reading of the file failed.
name = aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: File path the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15553-E The product version of the The product version associated with
backup is different from the the data backed up with the hcmdsdb
product version of the current command is different from the product
environment. version of the environment attempting
to be restored to.
Make the version of the product being
restored to the same as the version of
the product when it was backed up,
and then re-execute the command.
If the problem is not resolved, detailed
investigation is required to determine
the cause and resolve the problem.
Contact the Support Center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15554-W Deletion of a file failed. (file Deletion of a temporary file used by

name = aa...aa) this command failed.
aa...aa: File path Confirm the following points, manually
delete the file, and then re-execute the
• Confirm that the file is not in use.
• Confirm that you have the proper
If the problem is not resolved, detailed
investigation is required to determine
the cause and resolve the problem.
Contact the Support Center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15555-W Deletion of a directory failed. Deletion of a temporary directory used

(directory name = aa...aa) by this command failed.
aa...aa: Directory path Confirm the following points, manually
delete the directory, and then re-
execute the command:
• Confirm that the directory is not in
• Confirm that you have the proper

A-330 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
If the problem is not resolved, detailed
investigation is required to determine
the cause and resolve the problem.
Contact the Support Center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15556-W Creation of a directory failed. Creation of a temporary directory used

(directory name = aa...aa) by this command failed.
aa...aa: Directory path Confirm the point below, manually
delete the directory, and then re-
execute the command. If the problem
is not resolved, detailed investigation
is required to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you to
collect troubleshooting information.
• Confirm that you have the proper

KAPM15557-E The configuration of the The configuration of the product when

product when it was backed up it was backed up is different from the
is different from the configuration of the product in the
configuration of the product in current environment.
the current environment. Make the configuration of the product
being restored to the same as the
configuration of the product when it
was backed up, and then re-execute
the command.
If the problem is not resolved, detailed
investigation is required to determine
the cause and resolve the problem.
Contact the Support Center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15560-I The host name was changed The host name was changed
successfully. (before = aa...aa, successfully.
after = bb...bb)
aa...aa: Host name before
bb...bb: Host name after

KAPM15561-I The set host name will now be The set host name will now be
displayed. (host name = displayed. (host name = aa...aa)
aa...aa: Host name

KAPM15562-E One or more arguments are One or more arguments are invalid.
invalid. Confirm that the arguments exist.

KAPM15563-E The specified host name is The specified host name is invalid.
invalid. Revise the specified host name.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-331

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM15564-E The configuration file could not The configuration file could not be
be accessed. accessed.
Confirm the following:
- The httpsd.conf file exists.
- The httpsd.conf file is not in use.
- The httpsd.conf file creation
directory is appropriate.

KAPM15565-E The configuration file format is The configuration file format is invalid.
invalid. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15566-E An unexpected error occurred. An unexpected error occurred.

Retry the operation. If the problem is
not resolved, a detailed investigation is
required to determine the cause and
resolve the problem.
Collect failure information, and then
contact the Support Center.

KAPM15567-E An attempt to acquire the An attempt to acquire the installation

installation path has failed. path has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15568-E A memory allocation error A memory allocation error occurred.

occurred. Retry the operation. If the problem is
not resolved, a detailed investigation is
required to determine the cause and
resolve the problem.
Collect failure information, and then
contact the Support Center.

KAPM15569-E An attempt to output a file has An attempt to output a file has failed.
failed. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15570-E Log initialization failed. Log initialization failed.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

A-332 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM15580-E One or more arguments are One or more arguments are invalid.
invalid. Confirm that the arguments exist.

KAPM15581-E An unexpected error occurred. An unexpected error occurred.

Retry the operation. If the problem is
not resolved, a detailed investigation is
required to determine the cause and
resolve the problem.
Collect failure information, and then
contact the Support Center.

KAPM15582-E An attempt to acquire the An attempt to acquire the installation

installation path has failed. path has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required.Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15583-E A memory allocation error A memory allocation error occurred.

occurred. Retry the operation. If the problem is
not resolved, a detailed investigation is
required to determine the cause and
resolve the problem.
Collect failure information, and then
contact the Support Center.

KAPM15584-E Log initialization failed. Log initialization failed.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required.Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15585-E The service will not be stopped The service will not be stopped
because the status of the because the status of the service could
service could not be confirmed. not be confirmed.
(service name = aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Displayed service the problem, detailed investigation is
name required.Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15586-E The service will not be started The service will not be started because
because the status of the the status of the service could not be
service could not be confirmed. confirmed.
(service name = aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Displayed service the problem, detailed investigation is
name required.Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15587-E Acquisition of the displayed Acquisition of the displayed service

service name failed. (service name failed.
name = aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-333

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
aa...aa: Service name required.Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting
KAPM15588-E The Win32API has failed. API An error has occurred in WIN32API.
name=aa...aa, error To determine the cause and resolve
code=bb...bb the problem, detailed investigation is
aa...aa: Name of the WIN32API required.Contact Support Center, who
bb...bb: Results of may ask you to collect troubleshooting
GetLastError() information.

KAPM15608-I JDK currently being used: Indicates the JDK currently being
aa...aa[bb...bb] used.
aa...aa: JDK type
aa...aa: JDK install path

KAPM15609-W An attempt to get the symbolic An attempt to get the symbolic link
link information failed. information failed.

KAPM15610-E Execution of the readlink Execution of the readlink function

function failed. (error code = failed.
aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: error code the problem, detailed investigation is
required.Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15611-E Addition of a parameter to the Addition of a parameter to the

sysconf.cfg file failed. sysconf.cfg file failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required.Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15612-E The JDK version check failed. The JDK version check failed.
(version = aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Version the problem, detailed investigation is
required.Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15613-E Information about supported Information about supported JDK

JDK versions could not be versions could not be acquired.
acquired. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required.Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15614-E Execution of the aa...aa Execution of the aa...aa function

function failed. (error code = failed.
bb...bb) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Function name the problem, detailed investigation is
bb...bb: Error code required.Contact Support Center, who

A-334 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15620-I The method has started. The method has started.

KAPM15621-I The method has finished. The method has finished.

KAPM15622-I The hcmdsdbrepair command The hcmdsdbrepair command has

has started. started.

KAPM15623-I The hcmdsdbrepair command The hcmdsdbrepair command has

has finished. finished.

KAPM15624-E The hcmdsdbrepair command The hcmdsdbrepair command cannot

cannot be executed in a be executed in a standby system.
standby system. Execute this Please execute this command in an
command in an online system. online system.
Execute this command in an online

KAPM15625-E The value of hcmds.home could The value of hcmds.home could not be
not be acquired. acquired.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM15626-E An option is invalid. An option is invalid.

Specify a valid option, and then re-
execute the command.

KAPM15627-E No value has been specified for No value has been specified for an
an option. option.
Specify a valid option, and then re-
execute the command.

KAPM15628-E The backup data is invalid. The backup data is invalid.

Specify valid backup data, and then
re-execute the command.

KAPM15629-E A fatal error occurred. A fatal error occurred.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM15630-I The parameter definition file The parameter definition file has been
has been backed up. backed up.

KAPM15631-I The backup file of the The backup file of the parameter
parameter definition file has definition file has been deleted.
been deleted.

KAPM15632-E An attempt to execute the An attempt to execute the command

aa...aa command has failed. has failed.
aa...aa: command name To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-335

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
required. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM15633-E An attempt to acquire the key An attempt to acquire the key name
name has failed. has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM15634-E An attempt to acquire a value An attempt to acquire a value has

has failed. failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM15635-E HiRDB has not been set up. HiRDB has not been set up.

KAPM15636-E The backup data format The backup data format contains an
contains an error. (target data error.
= aa...aa) Specify valid backup data, and then
aa...aa: target data re-execute the command.

KAPM15637-E An attempt to extract the An attempt to extract the archive file

archive file has failed. has failed.
Specify valid backup data, and then
re-execute the command.

KAPM15638-E Processing cannot be continued Processing cannot be continued

because the backed-up product because the backed-up product data is
data is insufficient. insufficient.
Specify other backup data that
contains the backup data of the
installed product, and then re-execute
the command.

KAPM15639-W The installed product and The installed product and backed-up
backed-up product versions do product versions do not match.
not match.

KAPM15640-W If you continue, the database If processing continues, the database

might become corrupted. Do might become corrupted.
you want to continue? (y/n) Cancel processing if database
[default=n] corruption is a problem. Continue
processing only if database corruption
is not a problem.

KAPM15641-W Are you sure you want to If processing continues, the database
continue? (y/n) [default=n] might become corrupted.
Cancel processing if database
corruption is a problem. Continue
processing only if database corruption
is not a problem.

A-336 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM15642-E An exception occurred. An exception occurred.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM15643-I The unsetup operation has The unsetup operation has started.

KAPM15644-I The unsetup operation has The unsetup operation has ended.

KAPM15645-I Setup has started. Setup has started.

KAPM15646-I Setup has ended. Setup has ended.

KAPM15647-E The aa...aa file was not found. The file was not found.
aa...aa: file name To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM15648-E The aa...aa file could not be The file could not be read.
read. To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: file name the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM15649-E The aa...aa directory could not The directory could not be deleted.
be deleted. To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: directory name the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM15650-E You cannot continue because You cannot continue because the
the parameter definition file is parameter definition file is insufficient.

KAPM15651-W Processing of the Processing of the hcmdsdbrepair

hcmdsdbrepair command was command was interrupted.

KAPM15652-I Version information is output. Version information is output.

(product name = aa...aa,
installed product version =
bb...bb, backup data version =
aa...aa: product name
bb...bb: installed product
cc...cc: backup data version

KAPM15653-E The unsetup operation on the The unsetup operation on the database
database has failed. has failed.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-337

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM15655-E Starting of the HiRDB service Starting of the HiRDB service has
has failed. failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM15656-I Data import was successful. Data import was successful.

KAPM15657-E An attempt to re-create the An attempt to re-create the database

database has failed. has failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM15658-E An attempt to import data has An attempt to import data has failed.
failed. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM15659-E The data to be imported was The data to be imported was not found
not found in the specified in the specified directory.
directory. (product name = To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa) the problem, detailed investigation is
aa...aa: product name required. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM15660-I Processing ended normally. Processing ended normally.

KAPM15661-E An attempt to clear a DBMS An attempt to clear a DBMS

environment variable has environment variable has failed.
failed. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM15662-E An attempt to stop the service An attempt to stop the service or the
or the DBMS has failed. DBMS has failed.
Execute the hcmdssrv command to
stop all services before executing the
hcmdsdbrepair command. If the
services do not stop, collect
troubleshooting information and
contact the support center.

A-338 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM15663-E An internal error occurred. An internal error occurred.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM15664-E The "bb...bb" file to be used by The required file does not exist.
"aa...aa" does not exist. To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: function name the problem, detailed investigation is
bb...bb: file name required. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM15665-E An attempt to write to the file An attempt to write to the file has
has failed. (file name = failed.
aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: file name the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM15667-I The value of parameter aa...aa The value of the parameter is output.
is bb...bb.
aa...aa: parameter name
bb...bb: value

KAPM15720-E An exception occurred. An exception occurred.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15723-I The hcmdsdbuser command The hcmdsdbuser command will now

will now start. start.

KAPM15724-I The command hcmdsdbuser The command hcmdsdbuser will now

will now finish. finish.

KAPM15726-E An option is invalid. An option is invalid.

Specify valid options.

KAPM15727-E The command cannot be The command cannot be executed

executed because the database because the database is down.
is down. Make sure of the following, and then
retry the command:
• Make sure that HiRDB is running.
• Make sure that HiRDB has been
set up.

KAPM15728-E hcmds.home is not specified in hcmds.home is not specified in the Java

the Java system properties. system properties.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-339

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15729-E An error occurred during An error occurred during reading of a

reading of a library. library library.
path = aa...aa To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: library path the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15730-E The system environment is The system environment is invalid.

invalid. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15731-E An error occurred in an internal An error occurred in an internal

function. (function = aa...aa, function.
error code = bb...bb) Retry. If you cannot resolve the
aa...aa: Function problem, collect maintenance
bb...bb: Error code information, and then contact the
Support Center.

KAPM15732-E A file was not found. (file name A file was not found.
= aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: File name the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15733-E An attempt to access the file An attempt to access the file has
has failed. (file name = failed.
aa...aa) Retry. If you cannot resolve the
aa...aa: File name problem, collect maintenance
information, and then contact the
Support Center.

KAPM15748-E The file format is invalid. (file The file format is invalid.
name = aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: File name the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM15749-E An attempt to output a file An attempt to output a file failed.

failed. (file path = aa...aa) Retry execution. If you cannot resolve
aa...aa: File path the problem, collect maintenance
information, and then contact the
Support Center.

KAPM15750-I The command was executed The command was executed

successfully. successfully.

KAPM15751-E Command execution failed. Command execution failed.

A-340 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
If a KAPMxxxxx-E message was output
before this one, see the message.
If a KAPMxxxxx-E message was not
output before this one, collect
maintenance information, and then
contact the Support Center.

KAPM15752-I The database user The database user authentication

authentication information will information will now be changed.
now be changed. (type =
aa...aa: Program type

KAPM15753-I The database user The database user authentication

authentication information will information will now be restored to
now be restored to default. default.
(type = aa...aa)
aa...aa: Program type

KAPM15754-I The database user The database user authentication

authentication information will information will now be reset.
now be reset. (type = aa...aa)
aa...aa: Program type

KAPM15755-E An attempt to execute JNI An attempt to execute JNI failed.

failed. Retry execution. If you cannot resolve
the problem, collect maintenance
information, and then contact the
Support Center.

KAPM15756-E An error occurred during file I/ An error occurred during file I/O
O processing. processing.
Retry execution. If you cannot resolve
the problem, collect maintenance
information, and then contact the
Support Center.

KAPM15757-I Registration processing was Registration processing was

successful. (target = aa...aa, successful.
return code = bb...bb)
aa...aa: Information for
bb...bb: Return code

KAPM15758-I Deletion processing was Deletion processing was successful.

successful. (target = aa...aa,
return code = bb...bb)
aa...aa: Information for
bb...bb: Return code

KAPM15759-E An error occurred during An error occurred during access to the

access to the DBMS. DBMS.
Perform the following:
1. Re-execute the command.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-341

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
2. If Common Component
authentication information failed
to be changed, specify the value
you entered for newid when the
failure occurred for both oldid and
newid. Similarly, specify the value
you entered for newpass for both
oldpass and newpass.
3. If the problem cannot be resolved,
detailed investigation is required
to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you
to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15760-E An error occurred during An error occurred during access to the

access to the DBMS. (error DBMS.
code = aa...aa) Perform the following:
aa...aa: Error code 1. Re-execute the command.
2. If Common Component
authentication information failed
to be changed, specify the value
you entered for newid when the
failure occurred for both oldid and
newid. Similarly, specify the value
you entered for newpass for both
oldpass and newpass.
3. If the problem cannot be resolved,
detailed investigation is required
to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you
to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15765-E The ID or password is invalid. The ID or password is invalid.

Perform the following:
1. Confirm that the specified ID and
password are correct.
2. Confirm that the ID and password
do not contain any invalid
3. Confirm that the ID and password
do not exceed the maximum
4. If you specified an ID and
password other than a Common
Component ID and password, use
the hcmdsdbuser command to set
up Common Component.
5. If the problem cannot be resolved,
detailed investigation is required
to determine the cause and

A-342 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you
to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15766-E The ID or password is invalid. The ID or password is invalid.

(error code = aa...aa) Perform the following:
aa...aa: Error code 1. Confirm that the specified ID and
password are correct.
2. Confirm that the ID and password
do not contain any invalid
3. Confirm that the ID and password
do not exceed the maximum
4. If you specified an ID and
password other than a Common
Component ID and password, use
the hcmdsdbuser command to set
up Common Component.
5. If the problem cannot be resolved,
detailed investigation is required
to determine the cause and
resolve the problem. Contact the
Support Center, who may ask you
to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15767-I Common Component is set to Common Component is set to the

the default settings. default settings.

KAPM15768-I Common Component is not set Common Component is not set to the
to the default settings. default settings.

KAPM15769-E The specified ID cannot be The specified ID cannot be used,

used, because it is reserved. because it is reserved.
Specify a different ID, and then try

KAPM15770-I Confirm that the Common Confirm that the Common Component
Component settings are the settings are the default settings.
default settings.

KAPM15781-E A fatal error occurred. A fatal error occurred.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM15782-E The specified argument is The specified argument is invalid.

invalid. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-343

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM15783-I The specified string contains The specified string contains one or
one or more invalid characters. more invalid characters.

KAPM15784-I The command ended normally. The command ended normally.

KAPM15785-E The specified string contains an The invalid letter is included in the
invalid character. specified string.
Specified a valid string, and then re-
execute the command.

KAPM15792-E An option is invalid. An option is invalid.

Specify valid options.

KAPM15793-E An internal error occurred. An internal error occurred.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM15794-E The file format is invalid. The file format is invalid.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact Support Center, who
may ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15800-I The size of the work area was The size of the work area was
successfully changed. successfully changed.

KAPM15801-I The size of the system file area The size of the system file area was
was successfully changed. successfully changed.

KAPM15802-I Are you sure you want to This message is output to confirm that
execute the hcmdsdbchgwork you want to execute the command.
command? (Y/N)

KAPM15804-I The size of the work area is This message outputs the current size
aa...aa. of the work area.
aa...aa: Set size

KAPM15805-I The size of the system file area This message outputs the current size
is aa...aa. of the system file area.
aa...aa: Set size

KAPM15808-I The command will now be The command is executed.

executed. (specified command
= aa...aa)
aa...aa: Specified command

KAPM15810-I The size of the work area will The size of the work area will now be
now be changed. changed.

KAPM15811-I The size of the system file area The size of the system file area will
will now be changed. now be changed.

KAPM15812-I Change processing completed. Change processing completed.

A-344 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM15813-I The service and database were The service and database were
stopped. stopped.

KAPM15814-I The HiRDB service was The HiRDB service was successfully
successfully stopped. stopped.

KAPM15815-I bb...bb was set for the aa...aa A value was set in the
key in the hcmdsdbchgwork_setting file.
hcmdsdbchgwork_setting file.
aa...aa: Key name
bb...bb: Set value

KAPM15816-I The hcmdsdbchgwork_setting The hcmdsdbchgwork_setting file was

file was created. created.

KAPM15820-E HiRDB is not set up. The command cannot be executed

because HiRDB is not set up.
Check the HiRDB setup status.

KAPM15821-E The HiRDB setup status is The HiRDB setup status is "Standby".
"Standby". Execute the command from a stand-
alone or active system.

KAPM15822-E Stopping of the service or Stopping of the service or database

database failed. failed.
Wait a while, execute the hcmdssrv
command with the stop option, and
then confirm that both the service and
HiRDB stopped properly. If the
problem persists, to determine the
cause and resolve the problem,
detailed investigation is required.
Contact the Support Center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15823-E An internal error occurred. An internal error occurred.

To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM15824-E An unexpected exception An unexpected exception occurred.

occurred. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM15825-E Starting of the HiRDB service Starting of the HiRDB service failed.
failed. Wait a while, execute the hcmdssrv
command with the stop option, and
then confirm that both the service and
HiRDB stopped properly. If the
problem persists, to determine the
cause and resolve the problem,

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-345

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
detailed investigation is required.
Contact the Support Center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15826-E Stopping of the HiRDB service Stopping of the HiRDB service failed.
failed. Wait a while, execute the hcmdssrv
command with the stop option, and
then confirm that both the service and
HiRDB stopped properly. If the
problem persists, to determine the
cause and resolve the problem,
detailed investigation is required.
Contact the Support Center, who may
ask you to collect troubleshooting

KAPM15827-E Reading of the configuration Reading of the configuration file failed.

file failed. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM15828-E One or more command options One or more command options are
are invalid. invalid.
Specify valid options, and then re-
execute the command.

KAPM15829-E A user operation interrupted Another user operation interrupted the

the command execution. command execution.
To execute the command, enter Y for
the KAPM15802-I message.

KAPM15830-E hcmdsdbchgwork command hcmdsdbchgwork command execution

execution failed. failed.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM15831-E Command execution failed. Command execution failed.

(return code = aa...aa) To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: Return code the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM15832-E An invalid value is set in the An invalid value is set in the file.
aa...aa file. To determine the cause and resolve
aa...aa: File name the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

A-346 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM15833-E An exception occurred during An exception occurred during

command execution. command execution.
To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

KAPM15834-E No command arguments are No command arguments are specified.

specified. To determine the cause and resolve
the problem, detailed investigation is
required. Contact the Support Center,
who may ask you to collect
troubleshooting information.

Table A-3 KAPM40000 - KAPM49999 (Messages Output by Hitachi

Command Suite Common Component)

Message ID Message Text Description

KAPM49001-E aa...aa Detailed information for KAPMxxxxx-E.

aa...aa: Name of the exception This indicates the thrown exception
object and the reason that object and the backtrace for that
object was thrown, or the object.
backtrace for that object See the message KAPMxxxxx-E.

Table A-4 KDJE40000 - KDJE49999 (Messages Output by Hitachi

Command Suite Common Component)

Message ID Message Text Description

KDJE41000-E Failed to connect to Web An attempt to connect to the Web

container. errno=aa...aa, container has failed.
bb...bb, cc...cc Make sure that:
aa...aa: System-specific error 1. The worker port number is
number correct.
bb...bb: Web container IP 2. The worker host name or IP
address used to communicate address is correct.
with the web server
3. The queue for web container
cc...cc: Web container port execution does not exceed the
number used to communicate maximum limit.
with the web server
4. The web container has started.
Output destinations: syslog/
Eventlog Remove the cause of the error by
following the error's system-specific
error number (this is a value defined in
errno.h in a UNIX system, and the
return value of WSAGetLastError() in
a Windows system).

KDJE41001-E Redirection to worker aa...aa An error occurred while communicating

failed. with the worker.
aa...aa: Worker name

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-347

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
Output destinations: syslog/ An error occurred while communicating
Eventlog to worker aa...aa. Follow the message
last output (such as KDJE41000) to
solve the problem.
KDJE41002-E Could not redirect the request The request could not be redirected to
to worker. Because redirector the worker because the redirector
could not access the definition could not access the definition file.
file : aa...aa The definition file of aa...aa could not
aa...aa: File name be accessed. Check the access
Output destinations: syslog/ permissions and whether the definition
Eventlog file exists, and restart the web server.

KDJE41003-W Invalid parameter value is The value specified in the parameter is

specified in aa...aa file : invalid. The default value will be used.
(bb...bb=cc...cc). Default To change the value of the bb...bb
parameter value is used : parameter of aa...aa file from the
dd...dd default value to an appropriate value,
aa...aa: File name and restart the web server.
bb...bb: Parameter name
cc...cc: Value
dd...dd: Default value
Output destinations: syslog/

KDJE41004-E Could not redirect the request The redirector could not make a
to a worker because request request to the worker, because the
header was too long. header size of the HTTP request is too
Output destinations: syslog/ large.
Eventlog Remove the cause of the overly large
HTTP request header, and re-access
the worker. A possible cause is that
the HTTP GET method is being used
instead of the POST method.

KDJE41005-E Could not redirect the request The redirector cannot redirect the
to a worker because worker request to the worker because the
name which is specified in the worker specified in the mapping
mapping definition file was not definition file is not defined in the
defined to worker.list worker.list parameters.
parameter in the workers
Specify the worker name (aa...aa)
definition file. (worker
defined in the mapping definition file
(default name:
aa...aa: Worker name uriworkermap.properties) in the
Output destinations: syslog/ worker.list parameters of the worker
Eventlog definition file (default name:
uriworkermap.properties), and
restart the web server.

KDJE41006-E Could not redirect the request The redirector cannot redirect the
to a worker because a required request to the worker because a
parameter was not specified in required parameter has not been
the workers definition file. specified in the worker definition file.
(parameter=aa...aa) Specify the aa...aa parameter in the
aa...aa: Parameter name worker definition file (default name:

A-348 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
Output destinations: syslog/ workers.properties), and restart the
Eventlog web server.
KDJE41007-E Could not redirect the request The redirector could not redirect the
to a worker because invalid request to the worker because the
value was specified in the parameter value specified in the
workers definition file. worker definition file is invalid.
(parameter=aa...aa,value=bb.. Specify an appropriate value for the
.bb) worker definition file (default name:
aa...aa: Parameter name workers.properties) parameter
bb...bb: Value (aa...aa), and restart the web server.

Output destinations: syslog/


KDJE41008-W Invalid parameter value is The parameter value specified in the

specified in the workers worker definition file is invalid. The
definition file default value will be used.
(parameter=aa...aa,value=bb.. To change the worker definition file
.bb). Default parameter value (default name: workers.properties)
is used : cc...cc
parameter (aa...aa) from the default
aa...aa: Parameter name value, specify an appropriate value in
bb...bb: Value the aa...aa parameter, and restart the
web server.
cc...cc: Default value
Output destinations: syslog/

KDJE41009-E Could not create worker The worker could not be created
because it is out of memory. because memory is insufficient.
Output destinations: syslog/ Memory has become insufficient.
Eventlog Secure more memory for the system,
and restart the web server. This
happens when a value specified in the
worker definition file parameter
(worker.worker-name.cachesize) is
too large. The worker.worker-
name.cachesize value consumes
memory as per the following formula:
Memory consumption =
value) * 10 kilobytes

KDJE41010-E Failed to connect to web client. An attempt to communicate with the

errno=aa...aa client that submitted the requested
aa...aa: System-specific error has failed.
number The client who submitted the request
Output destinations: syslog/ may have stopped during
Eventlog communication. Remove the cause of
the error by following the error's
system-specific error number (this is
the definition value of errno.h in a
UNIX system, and the return value of
WSAGetLastError() in a Windows

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-349

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description

KDJE41012-E The uri pattern that does not The URI pattern specified in the
start with '/' was specified in definition file does not start with the
the aa...aa file. This parameter "/" character. This parameter will be
is ignored(bb...bb to cc...cc). ignored.
aa...aa: File name To validate the specified URI pattern
bb...bb: URI pattern and worker name, start the bb...bb
URI pattern of the aa...aa file with a
cc...cc: Worker name "/" character, and restart the web
Output destinations: syslog/ server.

KDJE41016-E Could not redirect the request The redirector cannot transfer the
because it is out of memory. request because memory is
Output destinations: syslog/ insufficient.
Eventlog Memory has become insufficient.
Secure more memory for the system,
and restart the web server.

Details of HiRDB Messages

This section lists and describes the error messages related to HiRDB.

Table A-5 Description of Error Messages Output by HiRDB

Message Description and

Table Table Title Table Contents

Table A-6 HiRDB Messages Messages are classified Follow the instructions in the
HiRDB (KFPH) by prefix and described Description and Action
Messages in each table. column for each message.
on page

Table A-7 HiRDB Messages

on page

Table A-8 HiRDB Messages

on page

Table A-9 HiRDB Messages

on page

A-350 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message Description and
Table Table Title Table Contents

Table HiRDB Messages Messages that are not No action is required for the
A-10 (which require no output frequently are message.
HiRDB action) classified according to
Messages the required action, and
(No listed in each table.
on page

Table HiRDB Messages Collect maintenance

A-11 (which require information, and then
HiRDB collection of contact customer support.
Messages maintenance
(Require information, and
Collecting contact to customer
Maintena support)
on and
on page

Table HiRDB Messages Re-execute the operation in

A-12 (which require re- which an error occurred. If
HiRDB execution of the the same message is output,
Messages operation) collect maintenance
(Require information, and then
Re- contact customer support.
) on page

Table HiRDB Messages Messages that are not Use the hcmdsdb command
A-13 (which require output frequently are to restore the database by
HiRDB restoration of the classified according to using the backup obtained
Messages database) the required action, and by the hcmdsbackups
(Require listed in each table. command.
) on page

Table HiRDB Messages Stop the service programs of

A-14 (which require the the Hitachi program
HiRDB system to be products, restart the system,
Messages restarted, and re- and then re-execute the
(Require execution of the operation. If the same
Restartin operation) message is output, collect
maintenance information,

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-351

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message Description and
Table Table Title Table Contents
g the and then contact customer
System support.
and Re-
) on page

A HiRDB error message consists of a message ID and the error message text.
The format is as follows:
• Format:
KFPAmmmmm-z message-text (see Table A-11 HiRDB Messages (Require
Collecting Maintenance Information and Contacting Customer Support) on
page A-357)
KFPCmmmmm-z message-text (see Table A-10 HiRDB Messages (No
Action Required) on page A-356 and Table A-11 HiRDB Messages (Require
Collecting Maintenance Information and Contacting Customer Support) on
page A-357)
KFPDmmmmm-z message-text (see Table A-10 HiRDB Messages (No
Action Required) on page A-356 and Table A-12 HiRDB Messages (Require
Re-executing the Operation) on page A-359)
KFPHmmmmm-z message-text (see Table A-6 HiRDB Messages (KFPH) on
page A-353, and Table A-10 HiRDB Messages (No Action Required) on
page A-356 to Table A-13 HiRDB Messages (Require Restoring the
Database) on page A-360)
KFPImmmmm-z message-text (see Table A-12 HiRDB Messages (Require
Re-executing the Operation) on page A-359 and Table A-13 HiRDB
Messages (Require Restoring the Database) on page A-360)
KFPKmmmmm-z message-text (see Table A-11 HiRDB Messages (Require
Collecting Maintenance Information and Contacting Customer Support) on
page A-357)
KFPLmmmmm-z message-text (see Table A-10 HiRDB Messages (No
Action Required) on page A-356 to Table A-14 HiRDB Messages (Require
Restarting the System and Re-executing the Operation) on page A-360)
KFPOmmmmm-z message-text (see Table A-7 HiRDB Messages (KFPO) on
page A-354 and Table A-11 HiRDB Messages (Require Collecting
Maintenance Information and Contacting Customer Support) on page
KFPRmmmmm-z message-text (see Table A-8 HiRDB Messages (KFPR) on
page A-355, and Table A-10 HiRDB Messages (No Action Required) on
page A-356 to Table A-13 HiRDB Messages (Require Restoring the
Database) on page A-360)
KFPSmmmmm-z message-text (see Table A-9 HiRDB Messages (KFPS) on
page A-356 to Table A-14 HiRDB Messages (Require Restarting the
System and Re-executing the Operation) on page A-360)

A-352 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
KFPUmmmmm-z message-text (see Table A-10 HiRDB Messages (No
Action Required) on page A-356 to Table A-12 HiRDB Messages (Require
Re-executing the Operation) on page A-359)
KFPXmmmmm-z message-text (see Table A-10 HiRDB Messages (No
Action Required) on page A-356 to Table A-13 HiRDB Messages (Require
Restoring the Database) on page A-360)
mmmmm is the message number, and z is one of the following message
I: Information
Q: Question
W: Warning
E: Error
• Output destination:
The error message is output to syslog or the event log.

Table A-6 HiRDB Messages (KFPH)

Message ID Message Text Description

KFPH00135-E aa....aa command failed, The server SDS01 could not execute
server = SDS01 the operation command aa....aa. The
aa....aa: Command name system cancels the operation from the
server SDS01, and continues
Output destination: original log processing.
trace and either syslog or the
event log Re-execute the operation executed
immediately before this message was
output. If the same message is output,
collect maintenance information, and
then contact customer support.

KFPH20004-E Server SDS01 termination During termination of the server

failed, function=aa....aa, return SDS01, a bbbb error occurred in
code=bbbb aa....aa. The system stops termination
aa....aa: Function resulting in of the server SDS01.
the error An operation submitted before
bbbb: Return code termination of the server was
submitted has not finished. Wait until
Output destination: syslog or the executing operation finishes, and
the event log then re-execute termination of the
server. If the same message is output,
collect maintenance information, and
then contact customer support.

KFPH23006-E Failed to allocate semaphore, An attempt to allocate the semaphore

errno=aa....aa resource has failed. The system
aa....aa: Error cause code terminates abnormally.

4: The semaphore count per Restart the system. If the same

semaphore identifier exceeded message is output, collect
the maximum value of the maintenance information, and then
system. contact customer support.

8: The number of semaphores

used by the entire system or
the number of semaphore

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-353

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
identifiers exceeded the
maximum value of the system.
Output destination: syslog or
the event log

Table A-7 HiRDB Messages (KFPO)

Message ID Message Text Description

KFPO00113-E "shmget(manager)" failed. The shmget system call that was

size=aa....aa, errno=bbb issued in order to obtain shared
aa....aa: Size of the shared memory resulted in an error. The
memory to be obtained (in system terminates abnormally.
bytes) Stop the service programs of the
bbb: Value of errno for the Hitachi Command Suite program
shmget system call products, restart the system, and then
re-execute the operation. If the same
Output destination: syslog or message is output, take appropriate
the event log actions according to the value of errno
for the shmget system call (see Note).

KFPO00114-E "shmget(aa....aa)" failed. When obtaining the shared memory

size=bb....bb, errno=ccc used by the server aa....aa, the
aa....aa: Server identifier shmget system call resulted in an
error. The system terminates
bb....bb Size of the shared processing.
memory to be obtained (in
bytes) Stop the service programs of the
Hitachi Command Suite program
ccc: Value of errno for the products, restart the system, and then
shmget system call re-execute the operation. If the same
Output destination: syslog or message is output, take appropriate
the event log actions according to the value of errno
for the shmget system call (see Note).

Note: The table below shows the cause of the error and actions to be taken
for each errno.

Cause Action
Errno Windows Solaris, Linux Solaris, Linux
Windows Systems
Systems Systems Systems

12 Resources are The size of the Check whether the performance of the
insufficient. shared memory system in which the Hitachi Command Suite
to be obtained program products are set up satisfies the
exceeds the requirements.
memory size of If the system does not satisfy the
the machine. requirements, tune it appropriately.
If the system satisfies the requirements,
collect maintenance information, and then
contact customer support.

A-354 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Cause Action
Errno Windows Solaris, Linux Solaris, Linux
Windows Systems
Systems Systems Systems

22 A work file in The size of the Use the hcmdssrv / Solaris:

the HiRDB shared memory stop command to Specify a larger value
installation to be obtained stop the Hitachi in the kernel
directory might exceeds the Command Suite parameter
have been value specified in Common shmsys:shminfo_shm
deleted while the OS kernel Component service, max, and then restart
HiRDB was parameter and then use the the corresponding
operating. shmmax. hcmdssrv /start server.
command to restart
the Hitachi Linux:
Command Suite Specify a larger value
Component service. in the kernel
kernel.shmmax, and
then restart the
corresponding server.

28 The capacity of The number of In the installation Perform the

the installation identifiers for the drive, reserve a following:
drive is shared memory space larger than - Reduce the number
insufficient. exceeds the the shared memory. of shared memory
maximum for the segments in a single
OS. machine
- Increase the value
specified in the kernel
parameter shmmni.

Other --- --- Collect maintenance information, and then

s contact customer support.

Table A-8 HiRDB Messages (KFPR)

Message ID Message Text Description

KFPR26032-E Unable to remove temporary A temporary file cannot be deleted.

file, host=aa....aa, file=bb....bb The system continues processing.
aa....aa: Name of the host After the operation finishes, delete the
where the file that cannot be file bb....bb. If the same message is
deleted is located output, collect maintenance
bb....bb: Name of the file that information, and then contact
cannot be deleted customer support.

Output destination: syslog or

the event log

KFPR26243-E Unable to remove temporary A temporary file cannot be deleted.

file, host=aa....aa, file=bb....bb The system continues processing.
aa....aa: Name of the host After the operation finishes, delete the
where the file that cannot be file bb....bb. If the same message is
deleted is located output, collect maintenance
bb....bb: Name of the file that information, and then contact
cannot be deleted customer support.

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-355

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID Message Text Description
Output destination: syslog or
the event log

Table A-9 HiRDB Messages (KFPS)

Message ID Message Text Description

KFPS00719-E Message output error. message Memory was insufficient when a

ID= aaa message was output. The system
aaa: Message ID of the continues processing.
message to be output Stop the service programs of the
Output destination: original log Hitachi Command Suite program
trace and either syslog or the products, and then restart the system.
event log Follow the instructions described in the
Description and Action column for the
message with the ID aaa.

Table A-10 HiRDB Messages (No Action Required)

Message ID



KFPH KFPH00035-W, KFPH00110-I, KFPH00115-I, KFPH00130-I, KFPH00134-I,

KFPH00157-W, KFPH00210-I, KFPH00211-I, KFPH00212-I, KFPH00213-W,
KFPH00372-I, KFPH20006-W, KFPH20007-W, KFPH20008-W, KFPH20009-W,
KFPH20010-W, KFPH20015-I, KFPH22004-W, KFPH22012-W, KFPH22017-I,
KFPH22019-I, KFPH22020-W, KFPH22021-W, KFPH22022-E, KFPH22023-W,
KFPH22024-I, KFPH22030-W, KFPH22031-W, KFPH22034-W, KFPH23008-W,
KFPH23013-W, KFPH23014-W, KFPH23017-W, KFPH23018-W, KFPH23024-I,
KFPH23030-I, KFPH23201-W, KFPH23202-W, KFPH24004-I, KFPH26001-I,
KFPH26010-I, KFPH29005-W, KFPH29006-W, KFPH29008-I

KFPL KFPL00700-I, KFPL00701-I, KFPL00702-I, KFPL00703-I, KFPL00704-I,

KFPL00705-I, KFPL00707-I, KFPL00708-I, KFPL00709-I, KFPL00710-I,
KFPL00712-I, KFPL00713-I, KFPL00714-I, KFPL00715-I, KFPL00716-I,
KFPL00717-I, KFPL00719-I, KFPL00720-I, KFPL00721-I, KFPL00722-I,
KFPL00723-I, KFPL00724-I, KFPL00725-I, KFPL00726-I, KFPL00727-I,
KFPL00728-I, KFPL00732-I, KFPL00733-I, KFPL00734-I, KFPL00735-I,
KFPL00736-I, KFPL00738-I, KFPL00739-I, KFPL00750-I, KFPL00751-I,
KFPL00800-I, KFPL00810-I, KFPL00900-I, KFPL22222-I, KFPL22223-I,
KFPL25700-I, KFPL50000-I, KFPL50001-I

KFPR KFPR00754-I, KFPR00756-I, KFPR00757-I, KFPR00758-I, KFPR00764-I,

KFPR00765-I, KFPR00766-I, KFPR00767-I, KFPR00768-I, KFPR00786-I,
KFPR16110-I, KFPR26022-I, KFPR26023-I, KFPR26028-I, KFPR26029-I,
KFPR26052-I, KFPR26053-I, KFPR26057-I, KFPR26058-I, KFPR26060-I,
KFPR26061-W, KFPR26062-W, KFPR26063-I, KFPR26109-I, KFPR26222-I,
KFPR26233-I, KFPR26241-W, KFPR26257-I, KFPR26258-I, KFPR26262-W,
KFPR26264-I, KFPR26265-I, KFPR26270-W, KFPR26272-W, KFPR26275-I,

KFPS KFPS00056-I, KFPS00354-W, KFPS00441-I, KFPS00444-I, KFPS00446-W,

KFPS00447-I, KFPS00450-W, KFPS00451-I, KFPS00610-I, KFPS00611-I,

A-356 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID
KFPS00847-W, KFPS00860-W, KFPS00958-I, KFPS00971-I, KFPS00972-I,
KFPS00973-I, KFPS00980-W, KFPS00983-I, KFPS00985-I, KFPS00986-W,
KFPS00988-I, KFPS00990-I, KFPS00991-I, KFPS00993-I, KFPS01001-I,
KFPS01008-I, KFPS01011-I, KFPS01012-I, KFPS01041-I, KFPS01043-I,
KFPS01044-I, KFPS01051-I, KFPS01060-I, KFPS01061-I, KFPS01062-I,
KFPS01063-I, KFPS01104-W, KFPS01108-W, KFPS01109-W, KFPS01114-W,
KFPS01116-W, KFPS01128-W, KFPS01130-W, KFPS01151-I, KFPS01152-W,
KFPS01153-I, KFPS01154-I, KFPS01155-W, KFPS01156-I, KFPS01157-W,
KFPS01161-I, KFPS01162-W, KFPS01163-W, KFPS01175-W, KFPS01182-I,
KFPS01206-W, KFPS01211-I, KFPS01212-I, KFPS01213-W, KFPS01215-I,
KFPS01216-I, KFPS01217-I, KFPS01218-I, KFPS01221-I, KFPS01222-I,
KFPS01224-I, KFPS01225-I, KFPS01227-W, KFPS01228-W, KFPS01229-I,
KFPS01234-I, KFPS01250-I, KFPS01252-I, KFPS01253-I, KFPS01255-W,
KFPS01258-W, KFPS01262-I, KFPS01263-I, KFPS01265-I, KFPS01266-I,
KFPS01269-I, KFPS01271-I, KFPS01278-W, KFPS01279-W, KFPS01800-I,
KFPS01803-I, KFPS01813-I, KFPS01814-I, KFPS01819-I, KFPS01826-I,
KFPS01830-I, KFPS01831-I, KFPS01832-I, KFPS01833-I, KFPS01836-W,
KFPS01837-I, KFPS01838-W, KFPS01840-I, KFPS01842-I, KFPS01843-I,
KFPS01849-W, KFPS01872-I, KFPS01877-I, KFPS01878-I, KFPS01888-W,
KFPS01890-I, KFPS01894-I, KFPS01900-I, KFPS02101-I, KFPS02104-W,
KFPS02105-W, KFPS02112-W, KFPS02118-I, KFPS02119-I, KFPS02122-W,
KFPS02123-W, KFPS02124-W, KFPS02125-W, KFPS02127-W, KFPS02176-I,
KFPS02177-I, KFPS02179-I, KFPS02181-I, KFPS02183-I, KFPS02185-I,
KFPS02186-W, KFPS02187-I, KFPS02188-I, KFPS02189-W, KFPS02194-I,
KFPS02195-W, KFPS02196-W, KFPS02240-W, KFPS04320-W, KFPS04321-W,
KFPS04322-W, KFPS04323-W, KFPS04370-W, KFPS04371-W, KFPS04372-I,
KFPS04373-I, KFPS04605-W, KFPS04620-I, KFPS04624-I, KFPS04629-I,
KFPS04643-I, KFPS04644-I, KFPS04650-I, KFPS04651-W, KFPS04654-W,
KFPS04660-I, KFPS04661-I, KFPS04663-W, KFPS04664-I, KFPS05024-I,
KFPS05025-I, KFPS05048-Q, KFPS05072-W, KFPS05078-I, KFPS05110-I,

KFPU KFPU00210-W, KFPU00211-W, KFPU00212-W

KFPX KFPX14045-W, KFPX14046-W, KFPX14047-W, KFPX14078-W, KFPX14245-W,

KFPX14246-W, KFPX14247-W, KFPX14250-I, KFPX18507-W, KFPX24012-I,
KFPX24013-I, KFPX24212-I, KFPX24213-I, KFPX24225-I, KFPX24226-I,
KFPX24237-I, KFPX24239-I, KFPX24261-I, KFPX24402-E, KFPX24404-I,
KFPX28400-I, KFPX28401-I, KFPX28402-I

Table A-11 HiRDB Messages (Require Collecting Maintenance Information

and Contacting Customer Support)

Message ID

KFPA KFPA20005-E, KFPA20006-E

KFPC KFPC00102-E, KFPC00103-I, KFPC00104-E

KFPD KFPD00011-E, KFPD00013-E, KFPD00014-E, KFPD00024-W, KFPD00030-W

KFPH KFPH00131-E, KFPH00133-E, KFPH00141-E, KFPH00142-E, KFPH00153-E,

KFPH00154-E, KFPH00155-W, KFPH00156-E, KFPH20001-E, KFPH20011-E,
KFPH20012-E, KFPH20013-E, KFPH20016-E, KFPH22005-E, KFPH22006-E,
KFPH22007-E, KFPH22008-E, KFPH22009-E, KFPH22010-E, KFPH22011-E,
KFPH22014-E, KFPH22015-E, KFPH22016-E, KFPH23001-E, KFPH23002-E,

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-357

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID
KFPH23009-E, KFPH23010-E, KFPH23011-W, KFPH23012-E, KFPH23015-E,
KFPH23016-E, KFPH23021-E, KFPH23029-E, KFPH23031-E, KFPH23032-E,
KFPH23033-E, KFPH23034-E, KFPH25101-E, KFPH26000-E, KFPH27000-E,
KFPH27004-E, KFPH27009-E, KFPH27010-E, KFPH27011-E, KFPH27030-E,
KFPH27032-E, KFPH28001-E


KFPL KFPL10000-E, KFPL10001-E, KFPL10002-E, KFPL10003-E, KFPL10004-E,

KFPL10005-E, KFPL10006-E, KFPL11111-E, KFPL15010-E, KFPL15030-E,
KFPL15036-E, KFPL15046-E, KFPL15047-E, KFPL15052-E, KFPL15059-E,
KFPL15060-E, KFPL15061-E, KFPL15062-E, KFPL15063-E, KFPL15064-E,
KFPL15065-E, KFPL15066-E, KFPL15067-E, KFPL15068-E, KFPL15069-E,
KFPL15070-E, KFPL15199-E, KFPL15224-E, KFPL15225-E, KFPL15226-E,
KFPL15229-E, KFPL15231-E, KFPL15234-E, KFPL15246-E, KFPL15281-E,
KFPL15282-E, KFPL15283-E, KFPL15288-E, KFPL15300-E, KFPL15301-E,
KFPL15302-E, KFPL15305-E, KFPL15308-E, KFPL15310-E, KFPL15311-E,
KFPL15312-E, KFPL15313-E, KFPL15314-E, KFPL15315-E, KFPL15316-E,
KFPL15317-E, KFPL15318-E, KFPL15319-E, KFPL15321-E, KFPL15322-E,
KFPL15323-E, KFPL15326-E, KFPL15331-E, KFPL15333-E, KFPL15334-E,
KFPL15335-E, KFPL15336-E, KFPL15337-E, KFPL15338-E, KFPL15339-E,
KFPL15340-E, KFPL15341-E, KFPL15342-E, KFPL15343-E, KFPL15344-W,
KFPL15346-W, KFPL15347-E, KFPL15348-E, KFPL15349-E, KFPL16300-E,
KFPL16310-E, KFPL16320-E, KFPL16321-E, KFPL16322-E, KFPL16323-E,
KFPL16324-E, KFPL16325-W, KFPL16327-E, KFPL17000-E, KFPL17001-E,
KFPL17010-E, KFPL20005-E, KFPL20090-E, KFPL20091-E, KFPL20100-E,
KFPL22001-E, KFPL23100-E, KFPL23500-E, KFPL24100-E, KFPL24152-E,
KFPL24500-E, KFPL24509-E, KFPL24510-E, KFPL25040-E, KFPL25200-E,
KFPL25210-E, KFPL25212-E, KFPL25213-E, KFPL25222-W, KFPL25338-E,
KFPL25339-E, KFPL25340-E, KFPL25342-E, KFPL25343-E, KFPL25344-E,
KFPL25347-E, KFPL25352-E, KFPL25353-E, KFPL25354-E, KFPL25355-E,
KFPL25356-E, KFPL25357-E, KFPL25358-E, KFPL25359-E, KFPL25710-E,
KFPL25999-E, KFPL26339-E, KFPL26340-E, KFPL26342-E, KFPL27100-E,
KFPL27500-E, KFPL28000-E, KFPL28002-E, KFPL28101-E, KFPL28102-E,
KFPL28103-E, KFPL28104-E, KFPL51203-E

KFPO KFPO00100-E, KFPO00109-E, KFPO00111-E, KFPO00112-E, KFPO00115-E

KFPR KFPR16003-E, KFPR16014-E, KFPR16101-E, KFPR16102-E, KFPR16108-E,

KFPR16126-E, KFPR16127-E, KFPR16128-E, KFPR16203-E, KFPR16214-E,
KFPR16301-E, KFPR16302-E, KFPR16303-E, KFPR16308-E, KFPR16318-E,
KFPR16328-E, KFPR16330-E, KFPR16333-E, KFPR16334-E, KFPR16338-E,
KFPR16339-E, KFPR26003-E, KFPR26005-E, KFPR26006-E, KFPR26007-E,
KFPR26008-E, KFPR26009-E, KFPR26010-E, KFPR26011-E, KFPR26012-E,
KFPR26015-E, KFPR26016-E, KFPR26018-E, KFPR26020-E, KFPR26021-E,
KFPR26024-E, KFPR26025-E, KFPR26026-E, KFPR26027-E, KFPR26030-E,
KFPR26031-E, KFPR26033-E, KFPR26051-E, KFPR26054-E, KFPR26055-E,
KFPR26056-E, KFPR26059-E, KFPR26110-E, KFPR26111-E, KFPR26203-E,
KFPR26205-E, KFPR26206-E, KFPR26207-E, KFPR26208-E, KFPR26209-E,
KFPR26210-E, KFPR26212-E, KFPR26215-E, KFPR26216-E, KFPR26218-E,
KFPR26220-E, KFPR26221-E, KFPR26224-E, KFPR26225-E, KFPR26226-E,
KFPR26227-E, KFPR26228-E, KFPR26229-E, KFPR26230-E, KFPR26232-E,
KFPR26234-E, KFPR26235-E, KFPR26236-E, KFPR26237-E, KFPR26238-E,
KFPR26239-E, KFPR26240-E, KFPR26242-E, KFPR26244-E, KFPR26254-E,
KFPR26255-E, KFPR26273-E, KFPR26277-E, KFPR26280-E

KFPS KFPS00345-W, KFPS00346-E, KFPS00347-E, KFPS00348-E, KFPS00349-E,

KFPS00412-E, KFPS00440-W, KFPS00442-E, KFPS00448-E, KFPS00452-E,

A-358 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID
KFPS00612-E, KFPS00700-E, KFPS00701-E, KFPS00707-E, KFPS00709-E,
KFPS00710-E, KFPS00712-E, KFPS00713-E, KFPS00714-E, KFPS00715-E,
KFPS00717-E, KFPS00720-E, KFPS00722-E, KFPS00729-E, KFPS00803-E,
KFPS00835-E, KFPS00840-E, KFPS00841-E, KFPS00850-E, KFPS00856-E,
KFPS00857-E, KFPS00957-E, KFPS00961-E, KFPS00962-E, KFPS00992-E,
KFPS01005-E, KFPS01006-E, KFPS01009-E, KFPS01010-E, KFPS01040-E,
KFPS01042-E, KFPS01064-E, KFPS01070-E, KFPS01090-E, KFPS01121-E,
KFPS01129-E, KFPS01150-E, KFPS01160-E, KFPS01220-E, KFPS01226-E,
KFPS01275-E, KFPS01277-E, KFPS01301-E, KFPS01820-E, KFPS01823-E,
KFPS01824-E, KFPS01835-E, KFPS01862-E, KFPS01864-E, KFPS01865-E,
KFPS01866-E, KFPS01868-E, KFPS01874-E, KFPS01875-E, KFPS01891-E,
KFPS01898-E, KFPS02102-E, KFPS02111-E, KFPS02126-E, KFPS02135-E,
KFPS02137-E, KFPS02139-E, KFPS02141-E, KFPS02143-E, KFPS02144-E,
KFPS02145-E, KFPS02147-E, KFPS02148-E, KFPS02149-E, KFPS02153-E,
KFPS02154-E, KFPS02155-E, KFPS02156-E, KFPS02157-E, KFPS02158-E,
KFPS02160-E, KFPS02173-E, KFPS02190-E, KFPS02256-E, KFPS03302-E,
KFPS04621-E, KFPS04622-E, KFPS04623-E, KFPS04625-E, KFPS04670-E,
KFPS05047-E, KFPS05076-E, KFPS05091-E, KFPS05100-E, KFPS05101-E,
KFPS05102-E, KFPS05111-E, KFPS05236-E

KFPU KFPU00215-E, KFPU00216-E, KFPU00217-E, KFPU00218-E, KFPU00219-E,

KFPU00220-E, KFPU00222-E, KFPU00223-E, KFPU00240-E, KFPU00241-E,
KFPU00242-E, KFPU00243-E, KFPU00244-E, KFPU00245-E, KFPU00246-E,
KFPU00247-E, KFPU00248-E, KFPU00249-E, KFPU00250-E, KFPU00251-E

KFPX KFPX14004-E, KFPX14017-E, KFPX14018-E, KFPX14019-E, KFPX14020-E,

KFPX14023-E, KFPX14024-E, KFPX14025-E, KFPX14026-E, KFPX14027-E,
KFPX14029-E, KFPX14030-E, KFPX14035-E, KFPX14051-E, KFPX14204-E,
KFPX14217-E, KFPX14218-E, KFPX14220-E, KFPX14223-E, KFPX14224-E,
KFPX14225-E, KFPX14226-E, KFPX14227-E, KFPX14229-E, KFPX14230-E,
KFPX14235-E, KFPX14236-E, KFPX14238-E, KFPX14251-E, KFPX14253-E,
KFPX14255-W, KFPX14259-E, KFPX14262-E, KFPX14268-W, KFPX14280-E,
KFPX14302-W, KFPX18502-E, KFPX18506-E, KFPX18508-E, KFPX18550-E,
KFPX18551-E, KFPX18555-E, KFPX18560-E, KFPX18562-E, KFPX18563-E,
KFPX18566-E, KFPX24004-E, KFPX24005-E, KFPX24006-E, KFPX24007-E,
KFPX24009-W, KFPX24011-W, KFPX24018-E, KFPX24019-E, KFPX24020-E,
KFPX24022-E, KFPX24025-W, KFPX24026-E, KFPX24028-W, KFPX24029-W,
KFPX24030-E, KFPX24202-E, KFPX24204-E, KFPX24205-E, KFPX24206-E,
KFPX24207-E, KFPX24211-W, KFPX24218-E, KFPX24219-E, KFPX24220-E,
KFPX24222-E, KFPX24223-E, KFPX24227-E, KFPX24228-E, KFPX24229-E,
KFPX24230-E, KFPX24231-W, KFPX24232-E, KFPX24233-E, KFPX24234-E,
KFPX24235-E, KFPX24236-E, KFPX24238-W, KFPX24240-W, KFPX24241-E,
KFPX24242-W, KFPX24243-E, KFPX24244-I , KFPX24246-W, KFPX24262-E,
KFPX24263-E, KFPX24264-E, KFPX24265-E, KFPX24266-E, KFPX24268-E,
KFPX24269-E, KFPX24270-E, KFPX24271-E, KFPX24272-E, KFPX24273-E,
KFPX24274-E, KFPX24275-E, KFPX24403-E, KFPX24407-E, KFPX24408-E,
KFPX24409-E, KFPX24410-E, KFPX28405-E, KFPX28407-E, KFPX28502-E,
KFPX28503-E, KFPX28504-W

Table A-12 HiRDB Messages (Require Re-executing the Operation)

Message ID

KFPD KFPD00012-E, KFPD00020-E, KFPD00021-E

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-359

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID

KFPH KFPH00132-E, KFPH00145-E, KFPH20003-E, KFPH21001-E, KFPH22002-E,

KFPH22013-E, KFPH23003-E, KFPH23004-E, KFPH23005-E, KFPH23025-E,
KFPH23026-E, KFPH25002-E, KFPH27005-E, KFPH29009-W


KFPL KFPL15040-E, KFPL15048-E, KFPL15240-E, KFPL20001-E, KFPL20003-E,

KFPL20200-E, KFPL22000-E, KFPL25341-E

KFPR KFPR16005-E, KFPR16205-E, KFPR26001-E, KFPR26002-E, KFPR26017-E,

KFPR26201-E, KFPR26202-E, KFPR26217-E

KFPS KFPS00430-E, KFPS00443-I, KFPS00460-E, KFPS00609-E, KFPS00703-E,

KFPS00836-E, KFPS00854-W, KFPS00855-W, KFPS00888-W, KFPS00889-E,
KFPS00900-I, KFPS00955-E, KFPS00965-E, KFPS01091-E, KFPS01099-E,
KFPS01103-E, KFPS01113-E, KFPS01115-E, KFPS01125-E, KFPS01200-E,
KFPS01201-E, KFPS01204-E, KFPS01205-E, KFPS01223-E, KFPS01274-E,
KFPS01300-E, KFPS01303-E, KFPS01812-E, KFPS01844-E, KFPS01847-E,
KFPS01861-E, KFPS01871-E, KFPS02182-E, KFPS02200-E, KFPS02210-E,
KFPS02255-E, KFPS04652-E


KFPX KFPX18410-E, KFPX24001-E, KFPX24015-E, KFPX24024-E, KFPX24201-E,

KFPX24208-E, KFPX24215-E, KFPX24405-E

Table A-13 HiRDB Messages (Require Restoring the Database)

Message ID

KFPH KFPH00306-E, KFPH00307-E, KFPH00308-E, KFPH00309-E, KFPH20005-E,

KFPH22001-E, KFPH22003-E, KFPH22018-W, KFPH22025-E, KFPH22026-E,
KFPH23007-E, KFPH23023-I, KFPH23100-E, KFPH23101-E, KFPH25000-E,
KFPH25001-E, KFPH27006-E, KFPH27007-E, KFPH27008-E

KFPI KFPI21561-E, KFPI21562-E



KFPS KFPS01180-E, KFPS01181-E, KFPS01183-E, KFPS01184-E, KFPS01185-E,

KFPS01202-E, KFPS01203-E, KFPS01251-E, KFPS01256-E, KFPS01257-E,
KFPS01260-E, KFPS01261-E, KFPS01264-E, KFPS01267-E, KFPS01268-E,
KFPS01270-E, KFPS01272-E, KFPS01273-E, KFPS01302-E, KFPS02174-E,

KFPX KFPX24017-E, KFPX24217-E

Table A-14 HiRDB Messages (Require Restarting the System and Re-
executing the Operation)

Message ID

KFPL KFPL20000-E, KFPL23000-E, KFPL23001-E

A-360 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Message ID

KFPS KFPS00403-E, KFPS00705-E, KFPS00830-E, KFPS01821-E, KFPS01845-E,

KFPS01846-E, KFPS01851-E, KFPS01870-E, KFPS02110-E, KFPS02114-E,
KFPS02115-E, KFPS02159-E, KFPS02254-E, KFPS04655-E

Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component A-361

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
A-362 Error Messages Output by Hitachi Command Suite Common Component
Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Troubleshooting for Message
The KAQB11880-E message is output when an error occurs during command
execution. If this message is output, resolve the problem according to the
function name and error code indicated in the message.

□ Troubleshooting for Message KAQB11880-E

Troubleshooting for Message KAQB11880-E B-1

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Troubleshooting for Message KAQB11880-E
If the KAQB11880-E message is output, take appropriate actions according to
the tables below.

Table B-1 When KAQB11880-E displays bur_svolimport as the function


Cause and action
60 The copy destination file system that contains the specified device file could
not be connected to the node. The horcfreeze command might not have
been executed before the pair was split. After resynchronizing the pair, try
again by using the proper procedure. If this error message is still output,
collect all the log data, and then contact maintenance personnel.
69 An error occurred in the specified device file.
Remove the cause, and then re-execute.
71 The copy destination file system that contains the specified device file could
not be connected to the node due to one of the following causes:
• If the SSUS status of the copy destination file system contained in the
specified device file does not have read/write permissions, change the
SSUS status to have read/write permissions, and then re-execute.
• If the device files specified with the horcvmimport command are
excessive or insufficient, check all the device files that are to contain
the new copy destination file system, specify the correct device file
numbers, and then re-execute.
• If the specified device file continues to fail, remove the cause, and then
If the error does not correspond to any of the above, acquire all the log
data, and then contact maintenance personnel.
77 The copy destination file system that contains the specified device file is
already connected to the nodes.
Check the specified device file, and then re-execute.
80 An attempt to reserve memory has failed.
Wait a while, and then re-execute.
1-16,99 An unexpected error occurred.
Acquire all the log files, and then contact the maintenance personnel.
If you are using local data encryption, check the system messages on both
nodes to see whether the KAQM05256-E message, or a message ranging
from KAQM05258-E to KAQM05264-E was output during OS startup. If an
error occurred, take action as described in the error message, and then
retry the operation. If an error occurs again, acquire all the log data, and
then contact maintenance personnel.

B-2 Troubleshooting for Message KAQB11880-E

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Table B-2 When KAQB11880-E displays enas_chninfo or enas_luinfo as the
function name

Cause and action
1 An internal error (incorrect option) occurred.
Acquire all the log files, and then contact the maintenance personnel.
2 An internal error occurred.
Acquire all the log files, and then contact the maintenance personnel.

Table B-3 When KAQB11880-E displays fs_attach_set as the function


Cause and action
1 An internal error (incorrect option) occurred.
Acquire all the log files, and then contact the maintenance personnel.
23 An internal error occurred.
Acquire all the log files, and then contact the maintenance personnel.

Table B-4 When KAQB11880-E displays fs_define_lvm_resource as the

function name

Cause and action
1 An unexpected error occurred.
Acquire all the log files, and then contact the maintenance personnel.
2 An internal error (incorrect option) occurred.
Acquire all the log files, and then contact the maintenance personnel.
3 An error occurred during registration into a resource group or virtual server.
Check the statuses of the cluster, nodes, and resource groups. Otherwise
check the status of a virtual server. If the statuses are normal, acquire all
log files, and then contact maintenance personnel.

Table B-5 When KAQB11880-E displays fs_delete_lvm_resource as the

function name

Cause and action
1 An unexpected error occurred.
Acquire all the log files, and then contact the maintenance personnel.
2 An internal error (incorrect option) occurred.
Acquire all the log files, and then contact the maintenance personnel.

Troubleshooting for Message KAQB11880-E B-3

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Cause and action
3 An error occurred during deletion from a resource group or virtual server.
Check the statuses of the cluster, nodes, and resource groups. Otherwise
check the status of a virtual server. If the statuses are normal, acquire all
log files, and then contact maintenance personnel.

Table B-6 When KAQB11880-E displays fs_mkdir as the function name

Cause and action
1 An internal error (incorrect option) occurred.
Acquire all the log files, and then contact the maintenance personnel.
255 An attempt to create the mount point directory has failed.
Check to see whether an error has occurred in the OS disk.

Table B-7 When KAQB11880-E displays fs_phy_info as the function name

Cause and action
1 An internal error (incorrect option) occurred.
Acquire all the log files, and then contact the maintenance personnel.

Table B-8 When KAQB11880-E displays fs_phy_set as the function name

Cause and action
1 An internal error (incorrect option) occurred.
Acquire all the log files, and then contact the maintenance personnel.

Table B-9 When KAQB11880-E displays fs_set as the function name

Cause and action
1 An internal error (incorrect option) occurred.
Acquire all the log files, and then contact the maintenance personnel.
2 The specified device file cannot be accessed because of one of the following
reasons. If the recommended action does not fix the problem, acquire all
the log files, and then contact the maintenance personnel.
• If the device file specified with the horcimport command contains no
file system, copy a file system onto the device file and then re-execute.
• If an error occurs in the specified device file, remove the error and then

B-4 Troubleshooting for Message KAQB11880-E

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Cause and action
3 The total capacity of the copy destination file system exceeds the upper
Check whether there is a mistake in the specification of the device files.
6 Another file system is already using the specified copy destination file
system name.
Specify a new file system name, and then re-execute.
22 An attempt to access the specified device file has failed.
Check to see whether an error has occurred in the device file.
23 An attempt to check the status of the specified device file has failed.
Check to see whether an error has occurred in the device file.

Table B-10 When KAQB11880-E displays fs_setvm as the function name

Cause and action
1 An internal error (incorrect option) occurred.
Acquire all the log files, and then contact the maintenance personnel.
2 An attempt to access the specified file system has failed.
Check to see whether an error has occurred in the file system. If no error
has occurred, acquire all the log files, and then contact the maintenance
10 An internal error (incorrect option) occurred.
Acquire all the log files, and then contact the maintenance personnel.

Table B-11 When KAQB11880-E displays horc_freezelock as the function


Cause and action
1 An internal error (incorrect option) occurred.
Acquire all the log files, and then contact the maintenance personnel.
99 An unexpected error occurred.
Acquire all the log files, and then contact the maintenance personnel.

Table B-12 When KAQB11880-E displays lvdisplay as the function name

Cause and action
3 An internal error (syntax error) occurred.
Acquire all the log files, and then contact the maintenance personnel.
5 An internal error occurred.

Troubleshooting for Message KAQB11880-E B-5

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Cause and action
Acquire all the log files, and then contact the maintenance personnel.

Table B-13 When KAQB11880-E displays lvrename as the function name

Cause and action
3 An internal error (syntax error) occurred.
Acquire all the log files, and then contact the maintenance personnel.
5 An internal error occurred.
Acquire all the log files, and then contact the maintenance personnel.

Table B-14 When KAQB11880-E displays pvdata as the function name

Cause and action
3 An internal error (syntax error) occurred.
Acquire all the log files, and then contact the maintenance personnel.
5 An internal error occurred.
Acquire all the log files, and then contact the maintenance personnel.

Table B-15 When KAQB11880-E displays pvscan as the function name

Cause and action
3 An internal error (syntax error) occurred.
Acquire all the log files, and then contact the maintenance personnel.
5 An internal error occurred.
Acquire all the log files, and then contact the maintenance personnel.

Table B-16 When KAQB11880-E displays synclock as the function name

Cause and action
1 An internal error (incorrect option) occurred.
Acquire all the log files, and then contact the maintenance personnel.
99 An unexpected error occurred.
Acquire all the log files, and then contact the maintenance personnel.

B-6 Troubleshooting for Message KAQB11880-E

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Table B-17 When KAQB11880-E displays syncscan as the function name

Cause and action
1 An internal error (incorrect option) occurred.
Acquire all the log files, and then contact the maintenance personnel.
2 An internal error (incorrect number of argument) occurred.
Acquire all the log files, and then contact the maintenance personnel.
3 An internal error (incorrect file system name) occurred.
Acquire all the log files, and then contact the maintenance personnel.
10 An internal error (incorrect file system name) occurred.
Acquire all the log files, and then contact the maintenance personnel.
11 An internal error (incorrect file system name) occurred.
Acquire all the log files, and then contact the maintenance personnel.
12 An internal error (incorrect file system name) occurred.
Acquire all the log files, and then contact the maintenance personnel.
13 An internal error (incorrect file system name) occurred.
Acquire all the log files, and then contact the maintenance personnel.
15 An internal error (incorrect file system name) occurred.
Acquire all the log files, and then contact the maintenance personnel.
19 An internal error (incorrect file system name) occurred.
Acquire all the log files, and then contact the maintenance personnel.
20 An internal error (incorrect file system name) occurred.
Acquire all the log files, and then contact the maintenance personnel.
27 An internal error (incorrect file system name) occurred.
Acquire all the log files, and then contact the maintenance personnel.
57 Another user has part of the resources used in processing.
Wait for a while, and then re-execute.
80 An attempt to reserve memory has failed.
Wait a while, and then re-execute. If the error occurs again, acquire all log
files, and then contact maintenance personnel.
99 An unexpected error occurred.
Acquire all the log files, and then contact the maintenance personnel.

Table B-18 When KAQB11880-E displays syncunlock as the function name

Cause and action
1 An internal error (incorrect option) occurred.
Acquire all the log files, and then contact the maintenance personnel.

Troubleshooting for Message KAQB11880-E B-7

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Cause and action
99 An unexpected error occurred.
Acquire all the log files, and then contact the maintenance personnel.

Table B-19 When KAQB11880-E displays utlmgrfilsysludetach.pl as the

function name

Cause and action
1 The specified device file could not be disconnected from the node due to
one of the following causes:
• If a problem exists in the communication processing between nodes,
check whether the OS on the partner node is inactive, check whether
the cable of the management LAN is disconnected, remove the
problem, and then re-execute.
• If a problem exists in the specified device file, remove the problem, and
then re-execute.

Table B-20 When KAQB11880-E displays utlmyselffochk.pl or

utlotherfochk.pl as the function name

Cause and action
3 An internal error occurred.
Acquire all the log files, and then contact the maintenance personnel.

Table B-21 When KAQB11880-E displays vgchange as the function name

Cause and action
3 An internal error (syntax error) occurred.
Acquire all the log files, and then contact the maintenance personnel.
5 An internal error occurred.
Acquire all the log files, and then contact the maintenance personnel.

Table B-22 When KAQB11880-E displays vgdisplay as the function name

Cause and action
3 An internal error (syntax error) occurred.
Acquire all the log files, and then contact the maintenance personnel.
5 An internal error occurred.
Acquire all the log files, and then contact the maintenance personnel.

B-8 Troubleshooting for Message KAQB11880-E

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Table B-23 When KAQB11880-E displays vgrename as the function name

Cause and action
3 An internal error (syntax error) occurred.
Acquire all the log files, and then contact the maintenance personnel.
5 An internal error occurred.
Acquire all the log files, and then contact the maintenance personnel.

Troubleshooting for Message KAQB11880-E B-9

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
B-10 Troubleshooting for Message KAQB11880-E
Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Troubleshooting for Messages
KAQB14200-E, KAQB14208-W,
KAQM37072-E, KAQM37076-E,
KAQM37078-W, or KAQM37079-W
If the KAQB14200-E, KAQB14208-W, KAQM37072-E, KAQM37076-E,
KAQM37078-W, or KAQM37079-W message is output, you must take action
according to the additional message output by the tar command.

□ Troubleshooting for Messages KAQB14200-E, KAQB14208-W,

KAQM37072-E, KAQM37076-E, KAQM37078-W, or KAQM37079-W

Troubleshooting for Messages KAQB14200-E, KAQB14208-W, KAQM37072-E,

KAQM37076-E, KAQM37078-W, or KAQM37079-W C-1
Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Troubleshooting for Messages KAQB14200-E, KAQB14208-
W, KAQM37072-E, KAQM37076-E, KAQM37078-W, or
The following tables describe the causes of the error and the actions to be
taken for KAQB14200-E and KAQB14208-W messages.

Table C-1 Causes and actions for the KAQB14200-E, KAQM37072-E, or

KAQM37076-E message

Additional message Description

/usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error:Can not /usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error:Can not

stat: directory-or-file-name: No such file or stat: directory-or-file-name: No such file or
directory. directory.
The directory or file specified in the FILES
environment variable does not exist.
Specify an existing directory or file.

/usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error:Cowardly /usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error:Cowardly

refusing to create an empty archive. refusing to create an empty archive.
A backup failed because the directory
specified as the base directory from which
a backup starts does not contain a
subdirectory or file.

/usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error: details : /usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error: details:

Input/output error. Input/output error.
An error may have occurred in the file
system on which the operation was being
Check the status of the file system. If an
error occurred, take action appropriate to
the status. If you are unable to check the
status, or if the error recurs, contact
maintenance personnel.

/usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error: directory- /usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error: directory-

or-file-name: Wrote only bytes-written of or-file-name: Wrote only bytes-written of
total-number-of-bytes-to-write bytes: total-number-of-bytes-to-write bytes:
Input/output error. Input/output error.
An error occurred in the restoration-target
file system.

Troubleshooting for Messages KAQB14200-E, KAQB14208-W, KAQM37072-E,

C-2 KAQM37076-E, KAQM37078-W, or KAQM37079-W
Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Additional message Description
Correct the error that occurred in the
restoration-target file system.

/usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error: detail- /usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error: detail-

information: No space left on device. information : No space left on device.
There is no free capacity on the target file
system of the restoration.
Increase the capacity of the file system at
the restore destination, or delete or move
unnecessary files from the file system. For
details about the free capacity required for
the file system at the restore destination,
see the online Help.
When using a tiered file system, it might
appear from the client that there is free
space on the file system but data cannot be
written. When using a tiered file system,
temporarily suspend any file migration
tasks and perform restoration again. For
details about how to perform file migration
tasks, see the Administrator's Guide.

/usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error: Quota /usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error: Quota

information cannot be restored to specified information cannot be restored to specified
file system. file system.
An attempt was made to restore only quota
information to a file system mounted with
quota settings disabled.
Make sure that the restoration-target file
system is mounted with the quota settings

/usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error: Quota /usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error: Quota

settings are disabled for the specified file settings are disabled for the specified file
system. system.
Quota information was backed up from a
volume mounted with the quota settings
Make sure that the backup-target file
system is mounted with the quota settings

/usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error: An attempt /usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error: An attempt

to specify the settings failed because the to specify the settings failed because the
file system (file-system-name) is full. file system (file-system-name) is full.

Troubleshooting for Messages KAQB14200-E, KAQB14208-W, KAQM37072-E,

KAQM37076-E, KAQM37078-W, or KAQM37079-W C-3
Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Additional message Description
The capacity of the restoration-target file
system is insufficient.
Expand the restoration-target file system,
or delete or move unnecessary files.

/usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error:The /usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error:The

specified file system (file-system-name) is specified file system (file-system-name) is
not in a normal state. not in a normal state.
There might be a problem in the
restoration-target file system.
Check whether an error occurred in the
restoration-target file system.

/usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error: file-name: /usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error: file-name:

File shrank by n bytes; padding with zeros. File shrank by n bytes; padding with zeros.
A backup-target file was updated while an
offline backup was being executed.
Stop access from clients. For details about
how to back up data onto a tape device,
see the Administrator's Guide.

/usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error: directory- /usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error: directory-

or-file-name: file changed as we read it. or-file-name: file changed as we read it.
A backup-target directory or file was
updated while an offline backup was being
Stop access from clients. For details about
how to back up data onto a tape device,
see the Administrator's Guide.

/usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error: directory- /usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error: directory-

or-file-name:Cannot change ownership to or-file-name:Cannot change ownership to
uid UID, gid GID: No such file or directory. uid UID, gid GID: No such file or directory.
A directory or file was deleted from the
restoration target while a restoration was
being executed.
Stop access from clients. For details about
how to back up data onto a tape device,
see the Administrator's Guide.

/usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error: The file /usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error: The file

system was unmounted during backup or system was unmounted during backup or
restoration processing. restoration processing.

Troubleshooting for Messages KAQB14200-E, KAQB14208-W, KAQM37072-E,

C-4 KAQM37076-E, KAQM37078-W, or KAQM37079-W
Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Additional message Description
The file system or differential-data
snapshot was unmounted during backup or
restoration processing.
Restore the file system or differential-data
snapshot to the status in which backup and
restoration can be performed.

/usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error: link-source- /usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error: link-source-

file-name: Cannot hard link to 'link- file-name: Cannot hard link to 'link-
destination-file-name': No such file or destination-file-name': No such file or
directory. directory.
Hard link could not be restored correctly.
No action that can be taken. When you
specify more than one directory or file in
the FILES environment variable and
attempt to perform backup, if the backed
up data includes hard links, the data may
not be restored. Review the backup target

/usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error: Data /usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error: Data

restoration failed. (directory-for-which- restoration failed. (directory-for-which-
data-restoration-failed) data-restoration-failed)
There was an attempt to restore data to
the differential-data snapshot open in the
file share. The path of the directory that
contains the restore-source data is
duplicated with the path of the directory for
the differential-data snapshot open in the
file share.
Change the restore destination so that the
data will not be restored to the differential-
data snapshot open in the file share, and
the try again.

/usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error: Cannot /usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error: Cannot

allocate memory for blocking factor allocate memory for blocking factor
number-of-blocks. number-of-blocks.
An attempt to reserve memory has failed.
Wait a while, and then try again.

/usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error: getcwd /usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error: getcwd

failed: No such file or directory. failed: No such file or directory.

Troubleshooting for Messages KAQB14200-E, KAQB14208-W, KAQM37072-E,

KAQM37076-E, KAQM37078-W, or KAQM37079-W C-5
Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Additional message Description
The target directory was deleted while a
backup or restoration was being executed.
Stop access from clients.

/usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error: The default /usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error: The default

quota is not enabled for the specified quota is not enabled for the specified
volume. volume.
An attempt was made to back up quota
information from a volume, used for the
differential-data snapshot, which was
mounted with quota settings disabled.
Make sure that the backup-target file
system is mounted with the quota settings

/usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error: can't get /usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error: can't get

the working directory.: No such file or the working directory.: No such file or
directory. directory.
The target directory was deleted while a
backup or restoration was being executed.
Stop access from clients.

/usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error: can't find /usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error: can't find

directory directory-name. directory directory-name.
The target directory was deleted while a
backup or restoration was being executed.
Stop access from clients.

/usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error: directory- /usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error: directory-

name: Cannot mkdir: No such file or name: Cannot mkdir: No such file or
directory. directory.
Possible causes are as follows:
• The capacity of the restore-destination
file system is insufficient.
• The restore-destination or restore-
target directory was deleted.
Take either of the following corrective
• Expand the restoration-target file
system. Alternatively, delete or move
unnecessary files from the file system.

Troubleshooting for Messages KAQB14200-E, KAQB14208-W, KAQM37072-E,

C-6 KAQM37076-E, KAQM37078-W, or KAQM37079-W
Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Additional message Description
• Stop access from clients.

/usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error: directory- /usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error: directory-

name: Cannot chdir: No such file or name: Cannot chdir: No such file or
directory. directory.
The target directory was deleted while a
backup or restoration was being executed.
Stop access from clients.

/usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error: cannot get /usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error: cannot get

current working directory: No such file or current working directory: No such file or
directory. directory.
The target directory was deleted while a
backup or restoration was being executed.
Stop access from clients.

/usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error: Recovery /usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error: Recovery

from the error is not possible. Processing from the error is not possible. Processing
will now stop. will now stop.
The processing stops because an error
could not be resolved.
Take appropriate action according to the
message that was displayed before this

/usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error:file-name: /usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error:file-name:

The file is too fragmented. The file is too fragmented.
The file management area might have
become too large due to fragmentation.
After allocating sufficient free space for the
file system, re-create the file by copying
the file from the CIFS client or the NFS
client, and then retry.

Processing failed because memory was Processing failed because memory was
insufficient. insufficient.
Memory is insufficient.
Wait for a while, and then try again.

Processing failed because system resources Processing failed because system resources
were insufficient. were insufficient.

Troubleshooting for Messages KAQB14200-E, KAQB14208-W, KAQM37072-E,

KAQM37076-E, KAQM37078-W, or KAQM37079-W C-7
Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Additional message Description
System resources are insufficient.
Wait for a while, and then try again.

/usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error: details : /usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error: details: An

Cannot allocate memory. attempt to allocate the required memory
An attempt to allocate memory has failed.
Wait for a while, and then try again.

/usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error: The /usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error: The

restoration failed because the ACL type of restoration failed because the ACL types of
the source file system and target file the restoration-source file system and the
system are different. restoration-target file system are different.
ACL information could not be converted
because the ACL types of the restoration-
source file system and restoration-target
file system are different.
System Action:
Cancels processing.
Operator Action:
Create a WORM file system for the
restoration target that is of the same ACL
type as the restoration source, and then
retry the operation.

/usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error: The /usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error: The

specified directory is not a valid restore specified directory is not a valid restore
destination. destination.
The file system specified as the restore
destination is not a WORM file system.
System Action:
Cancels processing.
Operator Action:
Specify a WORM file system as the restore
destination, and then retry the operation.

/usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error: A file at the /usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error: A file at

restore destination is protected. the restore destination is protected.
An attempt was made to overwrite the
WORM file system at the restore
destination. The paths of the restoration-
target WORM file system and the
restoration-source file system are the
System Action:

Troubleshooting for Messages KAQB14200-E, KAQB14208-W, KAQM37072-E,

C-8 KAQM37076-E, KAQM37078-W, or KAQM37079-W
Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Additional message Description
Cancels processing.
Operator Action:
If you have backed up the WORM file
system data, perform the following
procedure, and then retry the operation:
• Recreate the WORM file system to be
specified as the restore destination.
• Specify the base directory of the
backup for the path of the restore
If you have not backed up the data, specify
a different file system as the restore
destination, and then retry the operation.

/usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error: The path of /usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error: The

the directory specified for the restore directory specified for the restore
destination is invalid. destination is invalid.
The directory specified for the restore
destination is invalid.
System Action:
Cancels processing
Operator Action:
Specify the base directory of the backup for
the path of the restore destination, and
then retry the operation.

gzip: stdout: No space left on device gzip: stdout: No space left on device
The file system ran out of free space during
the backup. There is not enough free space
left to finish the backup.
Expand the file system, or move or delete
any unnecessary files.

gzip: stdout: Out of memory gzip: stdout: Out of memory

There is not enough memory.
Wait a while, and then retry the operation.

/usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error:Child /usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error:Child

returned status 1 returned status 1
This message is output as additional
information when an error occurs.
Refer to the messages output before and
after this one to resolve the problem.

Troubleshooting for Messages KAQB14200-E, KAQB14208-W, KAQM37072-E,

KAQM37076-E, KAQM37078-W, or KAQM37079-W C-9
Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Additional message Description

gzip: stdout: Broken pipe gzip: stdout: Broken pipe

This message is output as additional
information when an error occurs.
Refer to the messages output before and
after this one to resolve the problem.

/usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error: link-source- /usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error: link-source-

file-name: Cannot hard link to 'link- file-name: Cannot hard link to 'link-
destination-file-name': No such file or destination-file-name': No such file or
directory. directory.
Reason the KAQB14200-E message was
A hard link could not be restored correctly.
Reason the KAQM37076-E message was
A file was modified during the restoration.
Action to take when the KAQB14200-E
message is output:
No action can be taken. When you specify
more than one directory or file in the FILES
environment variable and attempt to
perform a backup, if the backed up data
includes hard links, the data might not be
restored. Revise the backup target
Action to take when the KAQM37076-E
message is output:
Retry the restoration.

An error in getting attribute of directory-or- An error in getting attribute of directory-or-

file-name for attribute-name. : No data file-name for attribute-name.
available Cause:
At the time of migration execution, the
attribute-name information on directory-or-
file-name was not able to be acquired.
Time is placed and it migrates once again.

/usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error: A file /usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error: A file

system with data on it cannot be restored. system with data on it cannot be restored.
Single-instanced data on the restored file
system and the restore-destination file
system are not the same because the
restored file system has data on it.

Troubleshooting for Messages KAQB14200-E, KAQB14208-W, KAQM37072-E,

C-10 KAQM37076-E, KAQM37078-W, or KAQM37079-W
Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Additional message Description
Re-create the restore-destination file
system, and then retry the operation.

/usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error: Single /usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error: Single

instancing is disabled for the restore- instancing is disabled for the restore-
destination file system. destination file system.
A path to a file system for which single
instancing is disabled was specified for the
restore destination.
Specify a path to a file system for which
single instancing is enabled, and then retry
the operation.

/usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error: Restoration /usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Error: Restoration

of a single-instanced file failed. (file-name) of a single-instanced file failed. (file-name)
A subdirectory or file was specified for the
restore source, a subdirectory was specified
for the restore destination, or backup data
that is being single instanced during the
backup might be invalid.
Revise the specifications for the restore
source and destination, and then retry the
operation. If the problem persists, restore
some other backup data.

Table C-2 Causes and actions for the KAQB14208-W, KAQM37078-W, or

KAQM37079-W message

Additional message Description

/usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Warning:Quota /usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Warning:Quota

information cannot be restored to specified information cannot be restored to specified
file system. file system.
An attempt was made to restore quota
information and directories (or files) to a
file system mounted with the quota
settings disabled.
System Action:
Restores the directories or files correctly,
but does not restore the quota information.
Operator Action:

/usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Warning: A /usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: A writable

writable filesystem is required for the filesystem is required for the incremental
incremental backup. backup.

Troubleshooting for Messages KAQB14200-E, KAQB14208-W, KAQM37072-E,

KAQM37076-E, KAQM37078-W, or KAQM37079-W C-11
Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Additional message Description
The historical information for the backup
could not be recorded because the volume
in which the specified directory exists was
blocked, was mounted in read-only mode,
or was not mounted. This message is
output when the volume that includes the
following is backed up.
• A differential-data snapshot of a file
system that is blocked.
• A differential-data snapshot of a file
system that has been mounted in
read-only mode.
• A differential-data snapshot of a file
system that has been unmounted.
System Action:
Acquires a full backup.
Operator Action:

/usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: /usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Warning: Quota

Warning:Restoration of quota information information could not be restored in the
failed because the restoration-destination directory.
directory does not exist. Cause:
The restoration destination directory for
the quota information does not exist. The
system operation directory, files, and a
portion of the quota information were
restored correctly, but there is subtree
quota information that could not be
Operator Action:

/usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Warning: The /usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Warning: The

volume to be backed up is mounted with volume to be backed up is mounted with
disabled quota settings. disabled quota settings.
An attempt was made to perform an online
backup of quota information from a
volume, used for the differential-data
snapshot, which was mounted with quota
settings disabled.
System Action:
Quota information is not backed up.
Operator Action:

/usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Warning: The /usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Warning: The

number of directories for which a quota has number of directories for which a quota
been set has reached the maximum. has been set has reached the maximum.

Troubleshooting for Messages KAQB14200-E, KAQB14208-W, KAQM37072-E,

C-12 KAQM37076-E, KAQM37078-W, or KAQM37079-W
Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Additional message Description
Quota could not be newly restored because
the number of directories for which a quota
has been set has reached the maximum.
System Action:
There is subtree quota information that
could not be restored.
Operator Action:

/usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Warning: /usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Warning:

Processing will end with an error due to Processing will end with an error due to
problems that occurred previously. problems that occurred previously.
The processing ends with an error due to
an error that occurred before this
System Action:
The processing ends with an error.
Operator Action:

/usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Warning: Classic /usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Warning: Classic

ACL information was converted to Advanced ACL information was converted to
ACL information. Advanced ACL information.
The backup data acquired from a file
system of the Classic ACL type was
restored to a file system of the Advanced
ACL type.
System Action:
Converts Classic ACL information to
Advanced ACL information, and then
restores the information.
Operator Action:
Check the ACL settings of the restored
directory and files.

/usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Warning: /usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Warning:

Advanced ACL information was not Advanced ACL information was not
restored. restored.
The backup data acquired from a file
system of the Advanced ACL type was
restored to a file system of the Classic ACL
System Action:
Only restores data, and does not restore
the Advanced ACL information.
Operator Action:

Troubleshooting for Messages KAQB14200-E, KAQB14208-W, KAQM37072-E,

KAQM37076-E, KAQM37078-W, or KAQM37079-W C-13
Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Additional message Description
Check the ACL settings of the restored
directory and files. If you want to restore
the Advanced ACL information, specify a
file system of the Advanced ACL type as
the restoration target, and then retry the

/usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Warning: The /usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Warning: The

specified file (name-of-file-you-attempted- specified file (name-of-file-you-attempted-
to-restore) could not be restored. to-restore) could not be restored.
The quota information could not be
correctly restored (by using DAR) because
the directory that stores the subtree quota
was specified.
System Action:
The quota information was not restored.
Operator Action:
When restoring the subtree quota, specify
a file that contains the quota information,
not a directory. If the problem cannot be
solved, contact maintenance personnel.

/usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: number-of-files /usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Warning:

files were edited or deleted during the number-of-files files were changed or
backup process. deleted during the backup process.
Files exist that were backed up in an
incomplete state.
Operator Action:
Perform an incremental backup.

/usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Warning: An /usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Warning: An

attempt to specify the subtree quota failed. attempt to specify the subtree quota failed.
One of the following errors occurred, and
the attempt to specify the subtree quota
• The subtree quota has already been
set in the directory above or below the
directory of the restore destination,
and the specified subtree quota tree
exceeds three directory layers.
• Above the directory of the restore
destination, one of the following is
specified: the subtree quota for the
user or the group, or the default quota
of the directory.
A subtree quota is already set for the
Operator Action:

Troubleshooting for Messages KAQB14200-E, KAQB14208-W, KAQM37072-E,

C-14 KAQM37076-E, KAQM37078-W, or KAQM37079-W
Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Additional message Description
Check the subtree quota at the file system
for the restore destination, and revise if
necessary, and then try again.

/usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Warning: An /usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Warning: An

attempt to specify the subtree quota for the attempt to specify the subtree quota for
user or the group, or the default quota of the user or the group, or the default quota
the directory failed because the subtree of the directory failed because the subtree
quota below the directory of the restore quota below the directory of the restore
destination is specified. destination is specified.
An attempt to specify the subtree quota for
the user or the group, or the default quota
of the directory failed because the subtree
quota below the directory of the restore
destination is specified.
Operator Action:
After the user finishes specifying the
subtree quota, restore the files that
contain quota information.

/usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Warning: An /usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Warning: An

attempt to specify the subtree quota failed attempt to specify the subtree quota failed
because another user is currently setting because another user is currently setting
the subtree quota. the subtree quota.
An attempt to specify the subtree quota
failed because another user is currently
setting the subtree quota.
Operator Action:
After the user finishes specifying the
subtree quota, restore the files that
contain quota information.

/usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Warning: An /usr/local/sbin/ndmptar: Warning: An

attempt to specify the subtree quota failed attempt to specify the subtree quota failed
because the restore destination was set to a because the restore destination was set to
different destination than the directory for a different destination than the directory
the backup. for the backup.
An attempt to specify the subtree quota
failed because the restore destination was
set to a different destination than the
directory for the backup.
Operator Action:
If the restore destination is set to a
different destination than the directory for
the target backup, this message is output.
Set the restore destination directory to the
same directory as the backup, and then try

Internal error occurred.: Cannot open An internal error occurred.

system file.: file-name: details Failed to open a system file.

Troubleshooting for Messages KAQB14200-E, KAQB14208-W, KAQM37072-E,

KAQM37076-E, KAQM37078-W, or KAQM37079-W C-15
Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Additional message Description
An internal error (failed attempt to open a
system file) occurred during backup or
restore processing.
Operator Action:
Obtain all of the File Services Manager log
files, and then contact the maintenance
personnel. For details about the log file list
for File Services Manager, see Help.

Internal error occurred.: Cannot read An internal error occurred.

system file.: file-name: details Failed to read a system file.
An internal error (failed attempt to read a
system file) occurred during backup or
restore processing.
Operator Action:
Obtain all of the File Services Manager log
files, and then contact the maintenance
personnel. For details about the log file list
for File Services Manager, see Help.

Troubleshooting for Messages KAQB14200-E, KAQB14208-W, KAQM37072-E,

C-16 KAQM37076-E, KAQM37078-W, or KAQM37079-W
Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Troubleshooting for Message
The KAQM16058-E message is output when the configuration definition of the
CIFS service is not correctly changed and an attempt to restore the system
file (smb.conf) fails. Restore the configuration definition to the state it was in
before being changed.

□ Restoring the CIFS service configuration definition

Troubleshooting for Message KAQM16058-E D-1

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Restoring the CIFS service configuration definition
To restore the CIFS service configuration definition to the state it was in
before being changed, the method differs depending on the setting of the
CIFS service authentication mode.

When Active Directory authentication is set

Check the following contents, correct the problem and then restore the CIFS
service configuration definition to the state it was in before being changed.
• Check that the domain controller (before the CIFS service configuration
definition was changed) is running correctly or if there is a network
• Use the DNS, NIS, LDAP Setup window in File Services Manager to check
the following:
Whether a domain name to be used for the Active Directory domain is set
for Default domain name
Whether a DNS server to be used for the Active Directory domain is set
for Primary DNS server
• Check whether the domain management password of the domain
controller was changed after the CIFS service authentication mode was
set. If changed, use the Active Directory Authentication window to reset
the password to the changed password.
• After restoring the CIFS service configuration definition to the state it was
in before being changed, you may be unable to use it correctly even if the
CIFS service is restarted. In that case, click the Rejoin Active Directory
Domain in the CIFS Service Maintenance window to rejoin the Active
Directory domain.
If the CIFS service configuration definition cannot be restored even after the
above problems are solved, acquire all the log files of File Services Manager
and contact the maintenance personnel. For details about how to acquire the
File Services Manager log files, see the Administrator's Guide.

When NT domain authentication, NT server authentication, or Local

authentication is set
Acquire all the File Services Manager log files and contact the maintenance
personnel. For details about how to acquire the File Services Manager log
files, see the Administrator's Guide.

D-2 Troubleshooting for Message KAQM16058-E

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Troubleshooting for Message
The KAQM16068-E message is output when you fail to connect to the LDAP
server used for user mapping. When this message is output, take the
following action in accordance with the error details in the message.

□ Troubleshooting for Message KAQM16068-E

Troubleshooting for Message KAQM16068-E E-1

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Troubleshooting for Message KAQM16068-E

When "An attempt to set initial settings for the LDAP server failed."
is output in the error details:
Check the following contents, correct the problem and then try again.
• Check whether the schema file of the created LDAP server is correctly
• Check whether write permission is granted to the entry that stores the
LDAP user mapping account, and whether administrator permissions are
granted to the user (the user with the administrator-identifier name of
the LDAP server) set in CIFS Service Management window.
• Check whether there are multiple entries that store the LDAP user
mapping account in the LDAP server to be used. If there is an entry that
stored the LDAP user mapping account in the past, delete it.
If none of the above problems are identified as the cause, acquire all of the
File Services Manager log files and contact the maintenance personnel. For
details about how to acquire the File Services Manager log files, see the
Administrator's Guide.

When the error details is not "An attempt to set initial settings for
the LDAP server failed.":
In accordance with the output error details, correct the problem and then try
For details on restoring the CIFS service configuration definition to the state it
was in before being changed, see Restoring the CIFS service configuration
definition on page D-2.

E-2 Troubleshooting for Message KAQM16068-E

Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Troubleshooting When the Name of a
File System in a Tier Other Than Tier 1
Was Output to the Message
This appendix describes the action to be taken when the name of a file
system in a tier other than Tier 1 was output to the message.

□ Action to be taken when the name of a file system in a tier other than Tier
1 was output to the message

Troubleshooting When the Name of a File System in a Tier Other Than Tier 1 Was
Output to the Message F-1
Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Action to be taken when the name of a file system in a tier
other than Tier 1 was output to the message
Identify the file system according to the following procedure.
1. Make a note of the file system name. If the file system name contains a
hyphen (-), make a note of the character string before the hyphen.
2. In the File Systems subwindow, check the file system whose name begins
with the character string you noted in step 1.
3. If Enable Tiering is set to Yes, check the mount status. If Enable
Tiering is set to No, return to step 2.

Troubleshooting When the Name of a File System in a Tier Other Than Tier 1 Was
F-2 Output to the Message
Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Actions for when a timeout occurs due
to the inability to secure the resources
used for processing
The following section explains the actions to take when a timeout occurs due
to the inability to secure the resources used for processing.

□ Actions for when a timeout occurs due to the inability to secure the
resources used for processing

Actions for when a timeout occurs due to the inability to secure the resources used for
processing G-1
Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Actions for when a timeout occurs due to the inability to
secure the resources used for processing
If a timeout occurs due to the inability to secure the resources used for
processing, other operations might be executed through the GUI, by a
command, or by a schedule at the same time. After those operations have
finished, try executing the processing for which the timeout occurred again.
The following is a list of operations executed by schedules that might cause a
• Quota monitoring
• Periodical saving of the system settings
• Migration to HCP when the File version restore functionality is used

Actions for when a timeout occurs due to the inability to secure the resources used for
G-2 processing
Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
Hitachi Data Ingestor Error Codes
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