The Impact of Modular Learning On The Academic Performances of The Home Economics Students of Sagayen National High School

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A Research Presented to the
Faculty of the Senior High School Department of
Maryknoll High School of Asuncion, Inc., Davao del Norte

In Partial Fulfillment of
The Requirements for the Research Project


Duldulao John Kevin
Templado Rizalito
Neri Angelyn
Pastor Angeline
Pastor Deserie
Chapter 1

The outbreak of COVID-19 caught the education system off guard. As a result,
the education sector in the Philippines is one of the most affected in society, with
schools and community learning centers closing for the physical conduct of lessons. As
a result, face-to-face learning engagement of students and teachers within the school
has been discontinued from March 2020, further transforming the lives of all learners.
According to DepEd Secretary Leonor Briones, education must continue despite the
COVID-19 problem in this environment. With the health dangers that the pandemic
poses to instructors, the Department of Education issued rules and policies on various
teaching modalities and approaches to deliver quality education to students in the face
of the pandemic. This protects the learners' and teachers' health, safety, and well-being.


International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research.

The development of remote learning in the United Kingdom has prompted the
Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) for Higher Education to publish quality assurance
criteria as part of its code of practices. The rules recognize four elements of distant
learning: materials-based learning, program components provided by traveling teachers,
learning supported locally, and learning supported remotely from the delivering
institution. Learning materials, such as paper-based, audio/visual, web-based materials,
and other computer-based resources, are made available by the University to its
students studying at a distance.
Bentley, Y., Shegunshi, A., & Scannell, M. (2009). Evaluating the impact of distance
learning support systems on the learning experience of MBA students in a global
context. In Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on e-Learning: ECEL (p. 69).
Academic Conferences Limited.

Several papers published in recent months have discussed teachers' and

students' experiences using distant learning as an educational medium during the
COVID-19 epidemic. Personal barriers to remote learning include a lack of enthusiasm
and difficulty grasping specific courses without classroom interaction and direct
instruction. Obstacles to studying relevant courses and directed work remotely, and
completing assessments in an e-learning environment are pedagogical. Financial and
organizational barriers to using electronic multimedia and the absence of uniform
control among all professors confuse receiving information and students' difficulty
understanding the lessons.

Agaton, C. B., & Cueto, L. J. (2021). Learning at Home: Parents' Lived Experiences on
Distance Learning during COVID-19 Pandemic in the Philippines. International Journal
of Evaluation and Research in Education, 10(3), 901-911.

The researchers observed the impact of modular learning on the academic

performance of Senior High School students at Maryknoll High School of Asuncion, Inc.
The modules allow instructors to organize content to help control the flow of the course.
Modules are used to manage course content by weeks, units, or various organizational
structures. Modules essentially create a one-way direct flow of what students should do
in a course. Records, debates, assignments, examinations, and other learning
resources can all be accessed in each module. Existing material or modern content
shells within the modules can be used to populate the course. Course content can be
spread across multiple modules or iterated numerous times inside a single module.

The researchers have not come across any study that specifically discusses the
impact of modular on the academic performance. Due to the data reflected on the
paragraph above there is an urgent to conduct the study to solve this situation modular
learning as an alternative modality to use in these times of pandemic. This study will
give benefits and it shall be presented and should be published.
Research Objectives

The purpose of this study is to determine how modular learning affects the academic

performance among students of the Sagayen National High School. Specifically, this
study sought answers to the following objectives:
1. To determine the effect of distance learning in terms of:
1.1 ) Skills of Self-study.
1.2 ) Time Management Skills.
1.3 ) Computer Self-competency

2. To determine the academic performance of a student in terms of:

2.1 ) Organizing and Processing information
2.2 ) Modular Activity.
2.3 ) Students’ Achievements.

3. To determine the significant relationship between modular learning and academic

performance among students of Sagayen National High School

Theoretical Framework
The Constructivism, Schema Theory, and Spady’s theorY are used to support
this research on the impact of modular learning on the academic performances.

Individuals develop knowledge through interactions with their environment,

according to Perkins' (1991) Constructivism Theory, and everyone’s knowledge
construction is unique. As a result, an individual learns through constructing new
information by expanding on their existing knowledge through studies, talks, or activities

"One of the most obvious reasons why a particular content schema may fail to
exist for a reader is because the schema is culturally specific and is not part of a
particular reader's cultural background," Carrell and Eisterhold (1983) write in The
Schema Theory. The schema theory's central premise is that written word does not
convey meaning on its own. This idea is most likely linked to the Cognitive Theory, as
they both deal with cognitive abilities. Similar to cognitive theory, a learner's
understanding of a single word is likely to improve when the learner relates existing
knowledge to the new one and then stores it in their memory.

According to Spady's (1998) theory, all students can learn and succeed, but not
on the same day or in the same way; successful learning promotes even more
successful learning; schools control many of the conditions that directly affect
successful school learning; what and how students learn is more important than when
and how they learn; the purpose of school is to prepare students for their lives after
school; students learn best when they have a clear picture of what is expected of them;
and students learn best when they have a clear picture of what is expected

Conceptual Framework
Presented in Figure 1 is the conceptual framework of the study. The
independent variable of this study is the impact of modular learning indicated by the
self-study skills, time management skills and computer-self competency.

The dependent variable is the academic performances indicated by the

organizing and processing information, modular activity and student’s achievements.

Impact of Modular Learning Academic Performances

 Self-study skills  Organizing and Processing
 Time management skills information
 Computer-self competency
Concentration and Memory  Modular Activity
 Student’s achievements

Figure 1. The Conceptual Paradigm of the Study

Null hypothesis

There is no significant relationship between the Effects of Online Gaming

towards the study habits among the Senior High School Students in Maryknoll High
School Asuncion.
Review of Related Literatures

This chapter provides a strong frame of reference for the variables under
evaluation by presenting theories, concepts, facts, information, viewpoints, and readings
relating to the effects of online games towards the study habits.

The independent variable of this study is the impact of modular learning. There
are times in human history when it appears that all human activity and social systems
are geared toward knowledge expansion. Human efforts to understand the world and
meet social, cultural, and economic requirements have resulted in a global educational
system. Every civilization, culture, and nation are competing to develop an educational
system based on solid information, learning, and expertise. Today, a country with a
superior educational system is dominant and superior.

Ancheta, R., & Ancheta, H. (2020). The new normal in education: A challenge to the private basic
education institutions in the Philippines. International Journal of Educational Management and
Development Studies, 1(1).

A module is a sort of educational resource. Modules are essentially self-

contained, self-instructional packages, with each learner pacing his or her own learning
according to his or her own needs and abilities. A module is a distinct unit of subject
matter or area of expertise that encompasses either a single element of subject matter
content or a group of content elements. A module's objectives are well-defined and,
ideally, behavioral.

Dziuban, C., Graham, C. R., Moskal, P. D., Norberg, A., & Sicilia, N. (2018). Blended learning:
the new normal and emerging technologies. International journal of educational technology in Higher
education, 15(1), 1-16.

Although most learning programs are completely personalized, group

experiences might be included. The fact that modules have roles that can help solve
significant educational difficulties is the main driving force behind their introduction into
the teaching learning process. This is largely because they meet the basic requirements
for effective learning and may be implemented in a variety of ways. Individual variances
are considered when using such products, and pupils can work at their own pace.
and Development. https://doi. org/10.36713/epra7330.

Self-study skills

The content scope and grasp of the notion of self-study necessitate a brief
explanation. Terms like "student's own study," "self-learning," "self-education,"
"independent study," and "independent mental activity" are used to describe self-study.
In the first approach, studying may manifest itself in the student's independence in
planning and carrying out educational activities (in this case, independence is a feature
of learning). In the second approach, a distinction is made between the activities of
studying carried out during curriculum classes and those performed by the student
outside the university.

Maiier, N. V. (2017). Distance learning technologies in organizing self-study work of students

majoring in philology. Інформаційні технології і засоби навчання, (59, вип. 3), 96-102.

Self-study is also linked to a student's autonomy, which is consistent with current

educational thought. The search of self-realization and the growth of an individual's
autonomy are described as the main trends determining human action in humanistic
psychology. Here, a man is viewed as a self-contained subject who acts deliberately
and consciously and can shape himself. The ability to accept responsibility for one's
own learning is external evidence of a student’s autonomy, which is a set of attitudes,
skills, and personality qualities.

Kasumbiwal, A. (2017). Effectiveness of educating the medical students about the “study
skills”. Journal of Education Technology in Health Sciences, 4(3), 89-92.

As a result, the development of a positive attitude toward learning as well as the

development of self-motivation and self-control abilities will be intimately linked to the
student's autonomy. The online self-learning process is complicated and influenced by a
variety of objective and subjective elements. The appropriate conditions in which remote
study takes place, the planning and organization of the course of classes, the scope of
the possibility of using various forms and sources of transferring knowledge, or a real
impact on the course of study thanks to their individualization are all objective factors
influencing the increase in the level of effectiveness of self-study.

Robertovich, G. A., Vasilyevna, P. N., & Nikolaevich, R. I. (2017). Innovative Activity in the
Formation of Cross-Cultural Communication and Self-Study Skills in the Pedagogical Higher Educational
Establishment. Journal of History Culture and Art Research, 6(4), 381-391.

Time Management Skills

Time management has been shown to have a favorable influence in a number of

research. Time management skills have been shown to improve student learning and
outcomes. The ability to successfully manage their time is the foundation of students
developing good study habits and strategies for success. Time management allows
people to structure and control their activities. Time management is important outside of
the university campus, where the ability to manage one’s, free time is found to improve
one's quality of life.

Learning, according to Ponton, Carr, and Confessore (2000), is a function of

effort and resilience, with students actively engaging with their studies in the face of
hurdles such as a perceived lack of time. The term "planning behavior” refers to a time
management method in which effective time management entails comprehending the
effort required to handle the numerous components of learning and is increased through
motivation and goal orientation.

Individual student characteristics such as motivational drivers, self-control, and

attention needs influence their ability to persist in times of perceived difficulty, and a
heavy course load and a variety of challenges in academic curricula necessitate the use
of effective study strategies.

Concentration and Memory

Concentration refers to a person's ability to put their mind to work in any
scenario. The ability to concentrate allows a person to concentrate on their job and
duties. The ability to ignore all other distractions and focus on a single task is known as
concentration. A focused mind is like a searchlight. The immediate concentration is
used to observe the environment. Long periods of focus are required for reading,
learning, and thinking.

Concentration is required to complete every day occupational tasks. Students

should focus on improving their ability to memorize information over extended periods of
time. The ability to stay focused and listen to the teacher's instructions is an important
skill for the learner. Concentration will assist students in completing the activity in a
shorter time and with fewer errors. If students' concentration is good, they will be able to
understand subjects more readily. The ability to concentrate will determine the students'
academic performance. Students' skills will be improved via the online learning
platform's individualized, project-based curriculum.

Academic Performances

Academic achievement has a big impact on a student's self-esteem, motivation,

and perseverance in college. Poor academic performance or high failure rates can lead
to unacceptable levels of attrition, reduced graduate throughout, and higher costs of

Significance of the Study

The Sagayen National Highschool officials and school Academic Coordinator
may use the results of this study as basis in educational planning and evaluation
concerning with teachers’ competence in using the information and communication
technology that would facilitate the student academic performance.
In the same manner, the conduct of this study helped the teachers to
evaluate their skill and competence in making innovative and appropriate learning
activities that would assist student in learning online class and enhancing student’s
academic performance. Further, this also helped them in the formulation of
learning objectives that are suited to students learning needs. Consequently, findings of
this study also helped the students in the evaluation of their conscious learning in
modular class method. This also allowed to the students that would help them to
achieve success in their goal.
Finally, this study served future researchers as a valuable reference that will help
them conduct their own related studies. The weaknesses and other
limitation challenged them to either replicate or conduct the study using other
research methodologies.

Definition of Terms
In a desire to have a better understanding on the terminologies used in the study
the following terms are defined conceptually and operationally.

Academic Performance.  It is the outcome of education; it is the extent to which a

student, teacher or institution has achieved their educational goals. Thus, performance
is characterized by performance on tests associated with coursework and the
performance of students on other types of examinations (Kyoshaba, 2014).

Modular Learning. The uses learning modules that facilitate student learning by

themselves. Modular learning is a form of distance learning that uses Self-Learning
Modules (SLM) based on the most essential learning competencies (MELCS)
developed by the teachers with the aid of curriculum developers.

Included in this chapter are the research design, locale,

respondents, sampling techniques, data gathering procedure, and statistical treatment
Research Design
   This study used a descriptive-correlation research design. Descriptive
research involves gathering data that describe events and then organizes,
tabulate, depicts, and describe the data collected. The research uses description as a
tool to organize data into pattern that immerse during analysis (Glass and Hopkins,
   Correlation research is looking for variables that seem to interact with each other, so
that when you can see one changing, you have an idea of how the other will change.
The purpose of correlational research is to determine the relations among two or more
variables. Moreover, this research investigates a range of factors, including the nature
of relationship between two or more variables and the theoretical model that might be
developed and tested to explain these resultant correlations (Glass and Hopkins, 2007).
Research Locale
   This study will be conducted at the Municipality of Asuncion, Davao del
Norte, Philippines. The Sagayen National High School, which is the venue of
the study is located in Prk. 4 Sagayen, Asuncion, Davao del Norte. The school is
headed by Dr. Evelyn Piad Lucas

Figure 2: Map of Sagayen Asuncion Davao del Norte
Population and Sample
   The number of respondents is anchored to the theory of Creswell (1998)
which recommends 25 – 60 individuals or respondents for research.
   The study involved selected students at Sagayen National High School.,
Asuncion, Davao del Norte. The researchers will select 15 students in every year level
from Grade 11 to Grade 12who choose the H.E. strand. Therefore, there will be a total
of 30respondents that will participate in the study.
Table 1
Frequency Distribution of Respondents
Respondents Population Sampl Percentage
G-11 and G-12 15 30 100%
Total 15 30 100%
Research Instrument
One  major  research  instrument  is  use  in  this  study,  which  is
survey questionnaire,  it  is  the  survey  questionnaire  on  academic  performance
which  is formulate by the researchers and the questionnaire is validate by panel of
experts. The  said  material  measures  the  respondents’  correct  usage  and
awareness  of academic performance.
The  five  orderable  gradations  of  Effect of  Modular  Learning  with  their respective
means are shown in Table 2 as follows:
Table 2
The Five Orderable Gradations of Effect of Distance Learning with their
Perspective Means
Range of  Descriptive  Description
Means Equivalent
4.20 – 5.0 Always This means that the  Effect of Modular Learning
are manifested at all times.
3.40 – 4.19 Often  This means that the  Effect of Modular Learning
are manifested most of the time.
2.60 – 3.39 Sometimes This means that the  Effect of Modular Learning
are fairly manifested.
1.80 – 2.59 Rarely  This means that the  Effect of Modular Learning
are manifested very rarely.
1.0 – 1.79 Never This means that the  Effect of Modular Learning
are never manifested.
The five orderable gradations of Academic Performance with their respective means are
shown in Table 3 are as follows:
Table 3
The Five Orderable Gradations of Academic Performance with their 
Respective Means
Range Descriptive  Description
of  Equivalent
4.3 – 5.0 Always  This means that the Academic Performance are 
manifested at all times.
3.5 – 4.2 Often This means that the Academic Performance are 
manifested most of the time.
2.7 – 3.4 Sometimes This means that the  Academic Performance
fairly manifested.
1.9 – 2.6 Rarely  This means that the Academic Performance are 
manifested very rarely.
1.0 – 1.8 Never This means that the Academic Performance are 
never manifested
Research Procedure
In gathering the data, the researcher observes the following steps:
The researchers sought permission from the principal of Sagayen National High School.
After the approval of the conduct of the study, letters will be sent to Dr.
Evelyn Piad Lucas, of Sagayen National High School, for the collection of data.  The
process of asking permission to conduct the study will take three days before the
researcher will be given the approval from the principal. Furthermore, the researchers
also send letters to the respondents to seek approval on participating the research.
Upon  the  approval  of  the  letter,  the  researchers  personally  distribute  the research
instruments to the respondents for them to answer. With the help of the school heads,
100% of the questionnaires are properly distributed and retrieve. Since the survey is
personally administering by the researcher, it will take three days for the distribution,
administration and retrieval process to be complete.
At this point, the research instruments are retrieving and tabulate. The researchers find
it hard and tedious work since there are all 30 respondents from G-11 and G-12 levels
of Sagayen National High School. It will take only day for the researchers to tabulate the
data and it will take two weeks to finish the statistical results.
Statistical Data Analysis
The following statistical tools are used in the computation of the data as well as in the
testing of the hypothesis at a 0.05 level of significance.
Mean is use to determine the levels of learners’ knowledge of distance learning and
academic performance.
Pearson r is use to determine the significant relationship between distance learning and
academic performance of students.
ANOVA is use to determine the significant difference of the students’
academic performance across all students of SagayenNational High School.
Multiple regression is use to determine the effect of distance learning to the academic
T-Test is use to determine the significant deference of the level of distance learning and
academic performance students in Sagayen National High School.

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