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Mobile phase— Dissolve 132 g of ammonium sulfate in 900 mL of water, dilute

with water to 1000 mL, and mix. Adjust with phosphoric acid to a pH of 3.5 ± 0.1,

filter, and degas. Make adjustments if necessary 

Standard preparation— Dissolve an accurately weighed quantity of sucralfate

working standard in Mobile phase, and dilute quantitatively, and stepwise if

necessary, with Mobile phase to obtain a solution having a known concentration

of about 10 mg of anhydrous potassium sucrose octasulfate (as determined from

the concentration of USP Potassium Sucrose Octasulfate RS corrected for water

content by a titrimetric water determination) per mL.

Assay preparation— Transfer about 450 mg of Sucralfate equivalent cream

accurately weighed, to a 35-mL centrifuge tube, and shake at a moderate rate on

a vortex mixer. While shaking add 10.0 mL of a mixture of 4.0 N sulfuric acid and

2.2 N sodium hydroxide (1:1). Sonicate with swirling for 5 minutes, keeping the

temperature of the mixture below 30°. Without delay transfer the tube to a vortex

mixer and while shaking at moderate rate, add an accurately measured volume, V,

in mL, of 0.1 N sodium hydroxide to bring the pH of the solution to approximately

2, and dilute the solution with (15.0 − V) mL of water. Shake for 1 minute, and

centrifuge for 5 minutes. Separate the clear supernatant layer, and allow it to
stand at room temperature until the pH stabilizes. If the pH is not between 2.3 and

3.5, repeat the test using a different volume of 0.1 N sodium hydroxide. Use the

clear supernatant layer.

The liquid chromatograph is equipped with a refractive index detector and a 3.9-

mm × 30-cm column that contains packing L8. The detector and column

temperatures are maintained at 30°. The flow rate is about 1 mL per minute.

Chromatograph the Standard preparation, and record the peak responses as

directed for Procedure: the column efficiency determined from the sucrose

octasulfate peak is not less than 400 theoretical plates; the tailing factor for the

sucrose octasulfate peak is not more than 4.0; and the relative standard deviation

for replicate injections is not more than 2.0%.

Procedure— Separately inject equal volumes (about 50 µL) of the Standard

preparation and the Assay preparation into the chromatograph, record the

chromatograms, and measure the responses for the major peaks.

Content of sucralfate in 50 ml of sample:

Sample area     std wt        25        wt/ml     %sucrose octa sulfate in std          100     50

----------------X---------X--------X----------X---------------------------- ----X-----X

Std area             25       sam.wt                          100                                34

Where 34 is corresponding to 100 % of sucralfate.

Reference sucralfate tablets IP

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