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Form 1-4



Read the Passage below at least twice to understand and answer the
questions that follows:


The two prostrations for forgetfulness are normally offered to make up for the shortcomings that occur
due to forgetfulness or error. If one omits a necessary element because of forgetfulness, validity can be
restored by performing the prostrations of forgetfulness (sujud as-sahw), but if the omission is deliberate,
the salah will be null and void. It is not surprising if we forget something while offering salah. Allah's
Messenger (S.A.W. ) used to make the sujud at the end of the salah if he made a mistake in it.
Sujud as-sahw becomes necessary when one adds or omits anything of importance to or from the acts of
salah. Examples of additions: praying five rakahs instead of four, performing three prostrations instead of
two , or sitting for tashahhud at the end of the first or the third rak'ah. Examples of omissions: praying
three rakahs instead of four and performing only one sajdah instead of two. When one forgets the
number of raka'hs, becomes doubtful whether he is in the third or the fourth rak'ah.
Sujud as-sahw can be performed in two ways: It can be done immediately before tasleem at the end of
the prayer, or it can be done after the tasleem. When done after completing the tashahhud before
tasleem, we say Allaahu Akbar and then make the first sajdah (prostration), in which we recite the usual
tasbeeh – Subhaana rabbiyal allaa - three times at least. We then say Allaahu Akbar again and return to
the posture of jalsah, that is sitting between the two sajdahs. We say our usual du'aa (Rabbighfir-lee) in
the jalsah. We then make the second sajdah as we have done in the first, saying Allaahu Akbar. We then
finally say Allaahu Akbar and return to the sitting posture and do the tasleem.
In the second form, sujud as-sahw is done in the following way: After completing the prayer with the
tasleem, remain seated; Prostrate, saying Allaahu Akbar with the intention to amend the prayer; Raise
your head, saying Allaahu Akbar and sit again as described above; Repeat the prostration-with the same
words and sit again; and End the prayer with the tasleem. However, if someone leaves his place where he
prayed before he remembers the omission or lapse, it is too late to amend it. The prayer is considered
invalid, and he should repeat it.
It is, however, much disliked for someone to be absentminded and heedless during prayer. So it is
essential to try to avoid anything that may cause one's thoughts to wander during prayer. The Prophet (
S.A.W. ) said, If a man prays two cycles of prayer without the distraction of any worldly thought, all his
previous sins will be forgiven. (Muslim)
Hence, when entering into prayer, you should know that you are in the Presence of Almighty Allah as you
will be on the Day of Reckoning. When you have raised your hands and said 'AIIaahu Akbar' to start the
prayer, then let nothing remain in your heart except His Remembrance, and let nothing be in your mind at
the time of His Remembrance other than the Glory of Allah Most High.
A. Choose the correct letter for the correct choices give for the questions below:
(5 marks)
1. What is the purpose of sujud as-sahw?
A. To reduce the sins in prayers
B. To make up for the shortcomings that occur due to forgetfulness or error
C. To increase rewards in prayers
D. To make your mind sharp on what you forgot
2. Why do we perform sujud as-sahw?
A. If one omits a necessary element because of forgetfulness
B. If one deliberately omits some necessary elements in prayers
C. If one leaves the prayer position and remembers
D. None of the above
3. When do we perform sujud as-sahw?
A. After tasleem during forgetfulness in prayers only
B. Before tasleem during forgetfulness in prayers only
C. Either after or before tasleem during forgetfulness
D. All of the above
4. One of the following cannot help you avoid forgetting in prayers?
A. Feel that you are standing before the Almighty Allah
B. Remember the day of reckoning
C. Avoid distractions of the worldly affairs
D. Wonder about in your prayers
5. The following is example of addition in prayers (salah)
A. Praying 3 rakahs instead of 4
B. Performing only 1 sajdah instead of 2.
C. Doubt whether you are in the third or the fourth rak'ah.
D. Sitting for tashahhud at the end of the first or the third rak'ah

Question 1 2 3 4 5

B. Write True (T), for the CORRECT statement and False (F), for the WRONG statement.
(5 marks)
(i) Sujud as-sahw is performed when you deliberately omit or delete necessary element of salah
(ii) Sujud as-sahw is perfomed as two prostrations
(iii) The sujud as-sahw is performed after tasleem only
(iv) After Sujud as-sahw, one must end with Tasleem
(v) Someone can perform sujud as-sahw after he leaves his prayer place before he remembers
the omission or lapse.

Statement (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)


C. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

1. The place for the intention is the_____________________________________________(1 mark)
2. If one adds or omits anything of importance to or from the acts of salah, he has to perform
________________________________________________________________________(1 mark)
3. Qiblah is the direction of the_________________________________________________(1 mark)
4. Tayammum means (2 mark)
5. What is sujud as-sahw? (2 mark)
6. Maryam was praying Dhuhr, but after the end of the third rak'ah she recited the tasleem and
returned to her work. Soon she realized that she had offered only three rak'ahs. Describe what
and how should she do in this situation? (3 marks)

Wa Billahit-Tawfiq

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