This document contains 50 multiple choice questions related to taxation and government budgets. The questions cover topics such as:
- Types of taxes (direct, indirect, VAT) and examples of each
- Objectives, merits and demerits of different tax types
- Tax revenue sources for governments including tax and non-tax sources
- Classifications of government revenue (Bastable's and Selingman's classifications)
- Government budgets, fiscal and monetary policy, and the role of taxes in economic stability
This document contains 50 multiple choice questions related to taxation and government budgets. The questions cover topics such as:
- Types of taxes (direct, indirect, VAT) and examples of each
- Objectives, merits and demerits of different tax types
- Tax revenue sources for governments including tax and non-tax sources
- Classifications of government revenue (Bastable's and Selingman's classifications)
- Government budgets, fiscal and monetary policy, and the role of taxes in economic stability
This document contains 50 multiple choice questions related to taxation and government budgets. The questions cover topics such as:
- Types of taxes (direct, indirect, VAT) and examples of each
- Objectives, merits and demerits of different tax types
- Tax revenue sources for governments including tax and non-tax sources
- Classifications of government revenue (Bastable's and Selingman's classifications)
- Government budgets, fiscal and monetary policy, and the role of taxes in economic stability
This document contains 50 multiple choice questions related to taxation and government budgets. The questions cover topics such as:
- Types of taxes (direct, indirect, VAT) and examples of each
- Objectives, merits and demerits of different tax types
- Tax revenue sources for governments including tax and non-tax sources
- Classifications of government revenue (Bastable's and Selingman's classifications)
- Government budgets, fiscal and monetary policy, and the role of taxes in economic stability
Firstly; MSQ 1) ……… forms a part of the Receipt Budget, which in turn is part of the Annual Financial Statement of the Union Budget and is the result of the application of a tax rate to a tax base. a. Tax revenue b. Direct tax c. Indirect tax d. Capital tax. 2) Tax revenue is the income that is gained by governments through ………..: a. Fees b. Fines penalties c. Taxation d. None of the above 3) Merits of direct tax: • uncertainty. • Creates private consciousness • inflationary • None of the above 4) Merits (advantages) of direct tax: • Equity • Certainty • Creates Public consciousness • Relatively elastic • all the above 5) A decrease in personal income taxes will rise : a. Disposable income b. Consumption spending c. Aggregate demand d. All the above 6) Tax base is: a. Always expressed as some form of income. b. An item that has a tax credit applied to it. c. Always expressed as percentage d. None the above 7) An example of direct tax: a. Sales tax b. Wealth tax c. Central excise duty d. All the above 8) An example or sources of direct tax: a. Expenditure tax b. Fringe benefit tax c. Interest tax d. Securities transaction tax e. All the above 9) Demerits (disadvantage) of Direct Taxes: - •Tax Evasion •Inconvenient •Narrow Coverage •Affects Capital formation •all the above 10) An example of indirect tax: a. Sales tax b. commodity tax c. Central excise duty d. All the above 11) Which of the following is not an indirect tax? a. Sales tax b. Gift tax c. Excise tax d. VAT 12) Government securities consist of: a. Government bonds and treasury bills. b. Corporate bonds and stocks. c. The reverse system d. All the above 13) The main objective of taxation is to: a. To promote imports and exports b. Raise revenue to the government c. Promote employment d. All the above 14) The incidence of a tax relies on: a. The market structures (competition, monopoly) b. The elasticity of demand in the market c. The production function for the good d. All the above 15) Merits of Indirect Taxes: - •Universality •Influence on Pattern of production. •Wide coverage •May not affect Motivation to work and save. •all the above 16) Demerits of Indirect Taxes •High cost of collection •Increase income inequalities •Lack of Social Consciousness • Inflationary •all the above 17) Which of the following is not Demerits of Indirect Taxes: a. Anti – inflationary b. High cost of collection c. Increase income inequalities d. Lack of Social Consciousness e. All the above 18) ……… is a tax levied on the value added to the product at all stages: a. Direct tax b. revenue tax c. VAT d. Capital tax 19) Benefits of VAT: - •Calculation of vat is easy and simple •It reduces the tax burden •It avoids double taxation •It brings more revenue to government •all the above 20) Which of the following is not Benefits of VAT: a. Calculation of vat is easy and simple b. It reduces the tax burden c. It avoids double taxation d. It brings uniform tax structure throughout the country. e. It increases tax evasion. 21) Which of the following are sources of non- tax: - •Public Enterprise • Interest receipts •Administrative revenue •Railways & Telegram •all the above. 22) ……. is “Any commercial or industrial undertaking which the government owns and manages with a view to maximize social welfare and uphold the public interest: a. Interest receipts b. Public Enterprise c. Administrative revenue d. Railways & Telegram 23) …. are those receipts which arise because of the administrative function of the government. Receipts from fees, licenses, special assessment, fines, forfeitures, escheats, are included under administrative revenue. A. Interest receipts b. Public Enterprise c. Administrative revenue d. Railways & Telegram 24) ….. any amounts other than Principal Receipts or Extraordinary Interest Amounts that are actually received or recovered by or on behalf of the Issuer in respect of the payments made pursuant to the Repackaged Loan Agreement on a Loan Interest Payment Date, but excluding any amounts receivable: a. Interest receipts b. Public Enterprise c. Railways & Telegram d. None the above 25) …. Railroads earn their inland revenue primarily from passenger and freight traffic. • Interest receipts •Administrative revenue •Railways & Telegram •Currency & mint 26) …. A mint is an industrial facility which manufactures coins that can be used as currency. In modern mints, coin dies are manufactured in large numbers and planchets are made into milled coins by the billions. • Public Enterprise • Interest receipts •Administrative revenue •Railways & Telegram •Currency & mint 27) Sources of capital receipts: a. Internal and external borrowings b. small savings c. Provident funds d. Loan recovery e. public deposits f. all the above. 28) …… When revenue Mobilized through tax and non-tax sources is insufficient to meet its expenditures, the central government will try to mobilize income. a. non tax revenue b. Capital receipts c. Tax revenue d. none the above 29) which of the following is not true of public budget: a. It refers to the policies of the government b. It reflects the programs of the government c. A budget contains only proposals of taxation d. All the above. 30) the shared burden of taxation on consumer and producer implies: a. Elastic supply and demand b. Inelastic supply and elastic demand c. Inelastic supply and demand d. None the above 31) the objective of taxation by the government are: a. Raising revenue for the state b. To maintain economic stability c. To remove the disparities in the distribution of income d. All the above 32) an increase in the direct tax means it is: a. Anti-inflationary b. Inflationary c. Having no impact on price d. All the above. 33) Monetary policy is related to: a. Money supply b. Managing foreign trade c. Planning for economic development d. Government revenue and expenditures 34) generally, the nature of direct tax is: a. Progressive b. Regressive c. Proportional d. All of the above 35) Fiscal policy is related to: e. Money supply f. Managing foreign trade g. Planning for economic development h. Government revenue and expenditures 36) the tax on net income of companies is: a. Personal income b. Corporation income c. Wealth income 37) increased government spending financed by government borrowings will generally cause: a. An increase in interest rates b. An expansion of the economy c. Inflationary effect d. All of the above 38) progressive tax: a. Taxes a larger percentage of income from high income people than from low-income people. b. Taxes the same percentage of income from low-income people than from low-income people. c. Taxes the same percentage of income from high income people than from low-income people. d. Taxes a larger percentage of income from low-income people than from high-income people. e. None of the above 39) which of the following is a regressive tax: a. Sales tax b. Social security tax c. Property tax d. None of the above 40) consider replacing the current Egyptian tax system with a proportional tax in which everyone would pay a constant fraction of their wages, and there would be no other taxes. Compared to the current personal tax system: a. The proportional tax would increase the amount of personal saving b. The proportional tax would make the tax system less progressive than it now. c. The proportional tax would increase the number of hours people work. d. All of the above e. None of the above هذا السؤال دكتورة هند أكدت عليه 41) generally, the nature of indirect tax is: a. Progressive b. Regressive c. Proportional d. All of the above 42) pick out the factor which is not a features of indirect taxes: a. Convenience b. Tax evasion is difficult c. Fair to the poor 43) Bastable’s classification: a. Direct Revenue b. Derivative Revenue c. Anticipatory Revenue d. None of the above 44) Bastable’s classification: a. Revenue Received by the Government through Various state functions. b. Revenue Received By the State by its own capacity. c. Revenue Received by the individuals through Various state functions. d. All of the above. e. A and B only 45) ….. The category includes all the income which the state derives from public enterprises like Rail. Road. Post & Telegraph. a. Direct Revenue b. Derivative Revenue c. Anticipatory Revenue d. None of the above 46) The Income Derived from the Public is Grouped under this category. Example: Taxes. Fees, Fines Penalties etc. a. Direct Revenue b. Derivative Revenue c. Anticipatory Revenue d. None of the above 47) it includes income from the sale of bond or other forms of commercial Revenue: a. Direct Revenue b. Derivative Revenue c. Anticipatory Revenue d. None of the above 48) Selingman’s classification: a. Gratuitous Revenue b. Contractual Revenue c. Compulsory Revenue d. All the above 49) …… It is a revenue which is received by the state without any cost. Example: Gifts a. Gratuitous Revenue b. Contractual Revenue c. Compulsory Revenue d. None the above 50) …… are those revenues which are derived by the government in the form of tax, fee, fine; etc. a. Gratuitous Revenue b. Contractual Revenue c. Compulsory Revenue d. None the above 51) It is a revenue received by the state as a result of the sale of commodities and services by the government to the people: a. Gratuitous Revenue b. Contractual Revenue c. Compulsory Revenue d. None the above 52) Dalton’s classification: a. Tax b. Price c. Cost d. A and B 53) …… is compulsory charge imposed by public authonity: a. Price b. Purchasers c. Taxes 54)……. are paid voluntarily by private persons, who enters into contracts with authorities: a. Prices b. Tax c. Revenue d. None of the above 55) Ideal classification: are Prof. Findlay Shirras classification public income into two categories a. Tax Revenue b. Non – Tax Revenue c. Public expenditures d. A and B 56) Taylor’s classification: a. Gifts and Grants b. Administrative Revenue c. Commercial Revenue d. Taxes 57) …. financial assistant provided by one government to another: a. Gifts and Grants b. Administrative Revenue c. Commercial Revenue d. None of the above 58)…… Revenue received by the state by performing administrative functions. For Example; fees, fine, penalty; a. Gifts and Grants b. Administrative Revenue c. Commercial Revenue d. None of the above 59) …… revenue received by the government in the form of prices paid for government produced goods and serves; for example; tuition fee paid in public education institution: a. Gifts and Grants b. Administrative Revenue c. Commercial Revenue d. None of the above 60) …… is most logical and scientific and since to be quite useful from the practical point of view: a. Taylor’s classification b. Dalton’s classification c. Selingman’s classification d. All of the above 61) Prof. JK Mehta’s classification: a. Tax b. Fee c. Duty d. All the of above 62) …… a levy, which has the object of discouraging the consumption of goods and services performed by the state: a. Tax b. Fee c. Duty 63) if the object is to discourage the production or the use of commodities produced by private agencies or functions performed by such agencies, the levy has been called as….. a. Tax b. Fee c. Duty
64) when the object is to obtain money for the finance of
services (production of goods included), the levy should be regarded as…… a. Tax b. Fee 65) …… is shifted by the payer to other. If sales tax is imposes on sugar, the producer or dealer who pays it passes it on to the next buyer and ultimately the burden is borne by the consumer: a. Direct Tax b. Indirect tax c. Fees d. Special assessment 66) ……. a tax is said to be direct, if the tax payer bears the burden of the tax. He cannot shift the burden to any other person. a. Direct Tax b. Indirect tax c. Fees d. Fines 67) …… is not a voluntary payment it is a compulsory payment: a. Fees b. Fines c. Escheats d. Forfeitures 68) the government can impose some levy on these …… to recover a part of expenses incurred: a. Special assessments b. Fines c. Fees d. Forfeitures 69) ……. Punishment imposed for infringement of law. a. Special assessments b. Fines and penalties c. Fees d. Forfeitures 70) …. It refers to the penalty Imposed By courts for the failure of individuals to appear in the court. a. Special assessments b. Fines and penalties c. Fees d. Forfeitures 71) …..are not important sources of public revenue: a- Forfeitures, Fines and penalties b- fees c- special assessment d- none of the above 72) …… are the claims of the government to the property of a person who dies without having any legal heirs or without keeping a will: a. Special assessments b. Fines and penalties c. Fees d. Forfeitures e. Escheats 73) which of the following are not exist in Non – Tax Revenue sources: a. Fees b. Special Assessments c. Fines and Penalties d. Forfeitures e. Service and sales taxes