NIJ-0101.06 Ballistic Resistance of Body Armor

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National Institute of Justice


Ballistic Resistance of Body Armor

NIJ Standard-0101.06
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U.S. Department of Justice

Office of Justice Programs
810 Seventh Street N.W.
Washington, DC 20531

Michael B. Mukasey
Attorney General

Jeffrey L. Sedgwick
Acting Assistant Attorney General

David W. Hagy
Director, National Institute of Justice

This and other publications and products of the National Institute

of Justice can be found at:

National Institute of Justice

Office of Justice Programs

Innovation • Partnerships • Safer Neighborhoods
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The Standards and Testing Program is sponsored by the Office of Science and Technology of
the National Institute of Justice (NIJ), Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice.
The program responds to the mandate of the Homeland Security Act of 2002, which directed the
Office of Science and Technology to establish and maintain performance standards in
accordance with the National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act of 1995 (Public Law
104–113) to test and evaluate law enforcement technologies that may be used by Federal, State,
and local law enforcement agencies. The Homeland Security Act of 2002 also directed the Office
of Science and Technology to establish and maintain a program to certify, validate, and mark or
otherwise recognize law enforcement technology products that conform to the standards
mentioned above.
The Standards and Testing Program is a basic and applied research effort that determines the
technological needs of justice system agencies, sets minimum performance standards for specific
devices, tests commercially available equipment against those standards, and disseminates the
standards and the test results to criminal justice agencies nationally and internationally.
The Office of Law Enforcement Standards (OLES) at the National Institute of Standards and
Technology develops voluntary national performance standards for compliance testing to ensure
that individual items of equipment are suitable for use by criminal justice agencies. The
standards are based upon laboratory testing and evaluation of representative samples of each
item of equipment to determine the key attributes, develop test methods, and establish minimum
performance requirements for each essential attribute. In addition to the technical standards,
OLES also produces technical reports and user guidelines that explain in nontechnical terms the
capabilities of available equipment.
The National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center (NLECTC), operated by
a grantee, coordinates a national compliance testing program conducted by independent
laboratories. The standards developed by OLES serve as performance benchmarks against which
commercial equipment is measured.
Publications are available at no charge through NLECTC. Some documents are also available
online at To request a document or additional information,
call 800–248–2742 or 301–519–5060, or write:

National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center

2277 Research Boulevard, Mailstop 8J
Rockville, MD 20850
E-mail: [email protected]
World Wide Web address:

The National Institute of Justice is a component of the Office of Justice Programs, which also
includes the Bureau of Justice Assistance, the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the Community Capacity
Development Office, the Office for Victims of Crime; the Office of Juvenile Justice and
Delinquency Prevention, and the Office of Sex Offender Sentencing, Monitoring, Apprehending,
Registering, and Tracking (SMART).

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U.S. Department of Justice

Office of Justice Programs
National Institute of Justice

Ballistic Resistance of Body Armor

NIJ Standard–0101.06

NIJ 2005 Interim Requirements, Ballistic Resistance of Body Armor (August 2005)
Also supersedes:
NIJ Standard–0101.04 Rev. A, Ballistic Resistance of Personal Body Armor (June 2001)

Coordination by:
Office of Law Enforcement Standards
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Gaithersburg, MD 20899–8102

Prepared for:
National Institute of Justice
Office of Science and Technology
Washington, DC 20531

July 2008

NCJ 223054

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David Hagy

John Morgan
Deputy Director for Science and Technology

Marc Caplan
Chief, Operational Technologies Division

Debra Stoe
Physical Scientist, Operational Technologies Division

The technical effort to develop this standard was conducted under

Interagency Agreement 2003–IJ–R–029.

This standard was formulated by the Office of Law Enforcement Standards (OLES) of the
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The participants in the research and
revision of this standard were:
Kirk Rice, Program Manager, Weapons and Protective Systems
Michael A. Riley, Program Manager, Weapons and Protective Systems, Testing and Evaluation
Amanda Forster, Materials Research Engineer

The preparation of this standard was sponsored by the National Institute of Justice.

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This document, NIJ Standard–0101.06, “Ballistic Resistance of Body Armor,” is a
minimum performance standard developed in collaboration with the Office of Law Enforcement
Standards (OLES) of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). It is produced
as part of the Standards and Testing Program of the National Institute of Justice (NIJ), Office of
Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. This standard is a technical document that
specifies the minimum performance requirements that equipment must meet to satisfy the
requirements of criminal justice agencies and the methods that shall be used to test this
performance. This standard is used by the NIJ Voluntary Compliance Testing Program (CTP) to
determine which body armor models meet the minimum performance requirements for inclusion
on the NIJ Compliant Products List. In addition, manufacturers, criminal justice agencies, and
others may use the tests described in this standard to determine whether a particular armor design
meets their own requirements. Users are strongly encouraged to have this testing conducted in
accordance with the NIJ CTP. Procurement officials may also refer to this standard in their
purchasing documents and require that equipment offered for purchase meet or exceed these

This document is a testing and performance standard and provides precise and detailed
test methods. Additional requirements, processes, and procedures for CTP participants are
detailed in the NIJ Voluntary CTP Administrative Procedures Manual. Those seeking guidance
concerning the selection and application of body armor should refer to the most recent revision
of the Selection and Application Guide to Personal Body Armor, NIJ Guide 100, which is
published as a separate document and explains in nontechnical language how to select equipment
that provides the level of performance required by a purchasing agency.

Publication of this revision of the standard does not invalidate or render

unsuitable any body armor models previously determined by NIJ to be
compliant to either the NIJ 2005 Interim Requirements or the NIJ Standard–
0101.04 Rev. A Requirements. While it may not necessary to remove these
existing armors from service, agencies are advised to always require their
procurements to meet or exceed the most recent and up-to-date version of
this standard.

Personal body armor that is independently tested to this standard by

manufacturers, purchasers, or other parties will not be considered as NIJ compliant
unless the body armor is submitted and tested through the NIJ CTP and found in
compliance with this standard.

When manufacturers seek NIJ compliance of their armor to this standard and the
armor contains unique materials or forms of construction that may not have been
anticipated when this standard was drafted, NIJ may modify the test methods of the
standard to take those features into account. If NIJ determines that the model meets
the requirements of the standard, modified test methods, and the NIJ CTP, NIJ will
include the armor on the NIJ Compliant Products List.

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NIJ standards are subjected to continued research, development, testing, review, and
revision. This standard and its successors will be re-evaluated and modified as necessary.
Because of ongoing advancements in ballistic-resistant materials, changes to armor designs and
manufacturing techniques, and improvements in testing methods, NIJ reserves the right to
withhold NIJ compliance status for body armor that meets the current requirements but is
deemed by NIJ to pose a risk to officer safety. NIJ also reserves the right to alter or modify
existing test methods and/or requirements to address perceived weaknesses in varying designs of
body armor submitted for inclusion on the NIJ Compliant Products List.

Technical comments and recommended revisions are welcome. Please send all written
comments and suggestions to the Deputy Director, Office of Science and Technology, National
Institute of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice, 810 Seventh Street,
NW, Washington, DC 20531. Before citing this or any other NIJ standard in a contract
document, users should verify that the most recent edition of the standard is used. The most
recent edition will be available on the Justice Technology Information Network (JUSTNET) at, or write to the Director, Office of Law Enforcement Standards, National
Institute of Standards and Technology, 100 Bureau Drive, Stop 8102, Gaithersburg, MD 20899.

John Morgan, Deputy Director for Science and

Technology, National Institute of Justice

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Foreword ......................................................................................................................................... v
Commonly Used Symbols And Abbreviations.............................................................................. xi
1. Purpose And Scope ................................................................................................................. 1
2. NIJ Body Armor Classification............................................................................................... 3
2.1 Type IIA (9 mm; .40 S&W)............................................................................................ 3
2.2 Type II (9 mm; .357 Magnum) ....................................................................................... 3
2.3 Type IIIA (.357 SIG; .44 Magnum)................................................................................ 3
2.4 Type III (Rifles) .............................................................................................................. 4
2.5 Type IV (Armor Piercing Rifle) ..................................................................................... 4
2.6 Special Type.................................................................................................................... 4
3. Definitions ............................................................................................................................... 5
4. Sample Requirements and Laboratory Configuration........................................................... 11
4.1 Test Samples ................................................................................................................. 11
4.1.1 Flexible Vests and Jackets .............................................................................. 11
4.1.2 Hard Armors and Plate Inserts........................................................................ 12
4.1.3 Accessory Ballistic Panels .............................................................................. 17
4.1.4 Workmanship.................................................................................................. 17
4.1.5 Labeling .......................................................................................................... 17
4.1.6 Armor Carriers With Removable Ballistic Panels .......................................... 20
4.1.7 Armors With Built-In Inserts or Trauma Packs.............................................. 20
4.2 Laboratory Configuration and Test Equipment ............................................................ 20
4.2.1 Range Configuration....................................................................................... 20
4.2.2 Test Rounds and Barrels ................................................................................. 22
4.2.3 Velocity Measurement Equipment ................................................................. 22
4.2.4 Armor Submersion Equipment ....................................................................... 23
4.2.5 Armor Backing Material ................................................................................. 23
5. Flexible Armor Conditioning Protocol.................................................................................. 27
5.1 Purpose and Scope ........................................................................................................ 27
5.2 Pretest Parameters......................................................................................................... 27
5.2.1 Storage of Armors........................................................................................... 27
5.2.2 Pretest Calibrations ......................................................................................... 27
5.2.3 Test Conditions ............................................................................................... 27
5.3 Laboratory Configuration and Test Equipment ............................................................ 28
5.3.1 General Parameters ......................................................................................... 28
5.3.2 Controls........................................................................................................... 29
5.3.3 Test Interruption.............................................................................................. 29
5.3.4 Procedure ........................................................................................................ 30
6. Hard Armor Conditioning Protocol....................................................................................... 33
6.1 Purpose and Scope ........................................................................................................ 33
6.2 Pretest Parameters......................................................................................................... 33
6.2.1 Storage of Armors........................................................................................... 33
6.2.2 Pretest Calibrations ......................................................................................... 33
6.2.3 Test Conditions ............................................................................................... 33
6.3 Laboratory Configuration and Test Equipment ............................................................ 35

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6.3.1 General Parameters ......................................................................................... 35

6.3.2 Controls........................................................................................................... 35
6.3.3 Test Interruption.............................................................................................. 35
6.3.4 Conditioning Procedure .................................................................................. 36
7. Ballistic Test Methods........................................................................................................... 39
7.1 Purpose and Scope ........................................................................................................ 39
7.2 Test Order ..................................................................................................................... 39
7.3 Workmanship Examination .......................................................................................... 39
7.3.1 Armor Carriers and Ballistic Panel Covers..................................................... 39
7.3.2 Ballistic Panels................................................................................................ 39
7.3.3 Label Examination .......................................................................................... 39
7.4 Sampling ....................................................................................................................... 40
7.5 Sample Acclimation...................................................................................................... 40
7.5.1 Inserts.............................................................................................................. 40
7.6 Fair Hit Requirements for All Ballistic Tests ............................................................... 40
7.6.1 Minimum Shot-to-Edge Distance ................................................................... 40
7.6.2 Minimum Shot-to-Shot Distance .................................................................... 40
7.7 Backing Material Preparation and Sample Mounting for All Ballistic Tests ............... 41
7.7.1 Backing Material Fixture Preparation............................................................. 41
7.7.2 Mounting Armor for Ballistic Testing ............................................................ 41
7.8 Perforation and Backface Signature Test (P-BFS) ....................................................... 43
7.8.1 Shot Location Marking ................................................................................... 43
7.8.2 Armor Submersion.......................................................................................... 45
7.8.3 Test Threats for P-BFS Tests.......................................................................... 45
7.8.4 Test Duration .................................................................................................. 45
7.8.5 Requirements for Number of Shots and Number of Armor Samples............. 45
7.8.6 P-BFS Test for Special Type Armor............................................................... 49
7.8.7 P-BFS Test for Accessory Ballistic Panels..................................................... 49
7.8.8 P-BFS Performance Requirements ................................................................. 49
7.9 Ballistic Limit (BL) Determination Test....................................................................... 50
7.9.1 Requirements for Number of BL Tests and Test Samples ............................. 51
7.9.2 Test Procedure Requirements ......................................................................... 51
7.9.3 Backing Material Conditioning....................................................................... 52
7.9.4 Data Set Tabulation......................................................................................... 52
7.9.5 Ballistic Limit Performance Requirements..................................................... 52
8. References ............................................................................................................................. 53
APPENDIX A –Acceptable Bullets for Handloading .................................................................. 55
APPENDIX B –Common Special Type Threats .......................................................................... 57
APPENDIX C –Armor Sizing Templates..................................................................................... 59
APPENDIX D –Analysis of Backface Signature Data................................................................. 65
APPENDIX E –Analysis of Ballistic Limit Data ......................................................................... 69
APPENDIX F –Explanatory Materials......................................................................................... 71

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Table 1. Armor samples required for each test threat (flexible vests and jackets) ....................... 11
Table 2. Uniform thermal exposure conditions ............................................................................ 33
Table 3. Thermal cycle testing conditions .................................................................................... 34
Table 4. P-BFS performance test summary .................................................................................. 46
Table 5. Number of shots and fair hits on each size of new condition armor samples................. 47
Table 6. Number of shots and fair hits on each size of conditioned samples ............................... 47
Table 7. Angle of incidence locations........................................................................................... 48
Table 8. Baseline ballistic limit determination test summary....................................................... 50
Table 9. Test parameters and requirements for ballistic limit test................................................ 51
Table 10. Acceptable bullets......................................................................................................... 55
Table 11. Special type threats of particular concern to law enforcement ..................................... 58
Table 12. Surface areas of armor sizing templates ....................................................................... 59
Table 13. Minimum allowable surface areas for production armor.............................................. 59
Table 14. Maximum allowable surface areas for production armor............................................. 59
Table 15. k Factors for 80 % Probability with 95 % Confidence…………………………………….67

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Figure 1. Angle of incidence........................................................................................................... 5
Figure 2. Examples of BFS measurements ..................................................................................... 6
Figure 3. Sample quantity and utilization for armor Types IIA, II, and IIIA ............................... 14
Figure 4. Sample quantity and utilization for flexible armor of Type III, Type IV, and Type
Special........................................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 5. Sample quantity and utilization for hard armors and plate inserts of Type III.............. 16
Figure 6. Sample quantity and utilization for hard armors and plate inserts of Type IV ............. 16
Figure 7. Example label for test samples ...................................................................................... 19
Figure 8. Test range configuration................................................................................................ 21
Figure 9. General pretest drop locations ....................................................................................... 25
Figure 10. Flexible armor conditioning test interruption flow chart ............................................ 31
Figure 11. Test interruption flowchart for hard armor.................................................................. 37
Figure 12. Proposed mechanical durability test apparatus ........................................................... 38
Figure 13. Acceptable strapping methods..................................................................................... 42
Figure 14. General armor panel impact locations (front and back) .............................................. 44

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ACP = Automatic Colt Pistol LR = Long Rifle
ANSI = American National Standards Institute LRN = Lead Round Nose
AP = Armor Piercing NLECTC = National Law Enforcement and Corrections
BFS = Backface Signature Technology Center
BL = Ballistic Limit P-BFS = Perforation and Backface Signature
CPO = Compliance Program Office RN = Round Nose
CTP = Compliance Testing Program S&W = Smith & Wesson
CTR = Compliance Test Report SAAMI = Sporting Arms and Ammunition
FMJ = Full Metal Jacket Manufacturers’ Institute
ISO = International Standards Organization
JHP = Jacketed Hollow Point SJHP = Semi Jacketed Hollow Point
JSP = Jacketed Soft Point SJSP = Semi Jacketed Soft Point


A ampere H henry nm nanometer
ac alternating current h hour No. number
AM amplitude modulation hf high frequency o.d. outside diameter
cd candela Hz hertz Ω ohm
cm centimeter i.d. inside diameter p. page
CP chemically pure in inch Pa pascal
c/s cycle per second IR infrared pe probable error
d day J joule pp. pages
dB decibel L lambert ppm parts per million
dc direct current L liter qt quart
°C degree Celsius Lb pound rad radian
°F degree Fahrenheit lbf pound force rf radio frequency
diam diameter lbf⋅in pound force inch rh relative humidity
emf electromotive force lm lumen s second
eq equation ln logarithm (base e) SD standard deviation
F farad log logarithm (base 10) sec. section
fc footcandle M molar SWR standing wave ratio
fig. figure m meter uhf ultrahigh frequency
FM frequency modulation min. minute UV ultraviolet
ft foot mm millimeter V volt
ft/s foot per second mph miles per hour vhf very high frequency
g acceleration m/s meter per second W watt
g gram N newton λ wavelength
gr grain N⋅m newton meter wt weight

area = unit2 (e.g., ft2, in2, etc.); volume = unit3 (e.g., ft3, m3, etc.)


(See ASTM E380)

d deci (10-1) da deka (10) 0.30480 m = 1 ft 4.448222 N = 1 lbf

c centi (10-2) h hecto (102) 2.54 cm = 1 in 1.355818 J = 1 ft⋅lbf
m milli (10-3) k kilo (103) 0.4535924 kg = 1 lb 0.1129848 N.m = 1 lbf⋅in
µ micro (10-6) M mega (106) 0.06479891 g = 1 gr 14.59390 N/m = 1 lbf/ft
n nano (10-9) G giga (109) 0.9463529 L = 1 qt 6894.757 Pa = 1 lbf/in2
p pico (10-12) T tera (1012) 3600000 J = 1 kW⋅h 1.609344 km/h = 1 mph

Temperature: T°C = (T°F - 32) × 5/9

Temperature: T°F = (T°C × 9/5) + 32

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The purpose of this standard is to establish minimum performance requirements and test
methods for the ballistic resistance of personal body armor intended to protect against gunfire.

This standard is a revision of NIJ Standard–0101.04, dated September 2000. It supersedes

the NIJ 2005 Interim Requirements, dated September 2005, NIJ Standard–0101.04, and all other
revisions and addenda to NIJ Standard–0101.04.

The scope of the standard is limited to ballistic resistance only; this standard does not
address threats from knives and sharply pointed instruments, which are different types of threats
and are addressed in the current version of NIJ Standard–0115 Stab Resistance of Personal Body

Body armor manufacturers and purchasers may use this standard to help to determine
whether specific armor models meet the minimum performance standards and test methods
identified in this document. However, NIJ strongly encourages body armor manufacturers to
participate in the NIJ Voluntary Compliance Testing Program (CTP) and encourages purchasers
to insist that the armor model(s) they purchase be tested by the NIJ CTP and be listed on the NIJ
Compliant Products List. This will help to assure that the armor models will meet the minimum
performance standards for use by the criminal justice community.

The ballistic tests described in this standard have inherent hazards. Adequate safeguards
for personnel and property must be employed when conducting these tests.

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Personal body armor covered by this standard is classified into five types (IIA, II, IIIA,
III, IV) by level of ballistic performance. In addition, a special test class is defined to allow
armor to be validated against threats that may not be covered by the five standard classes.

The classification of an armor panel that provides two or more levels of NIJ ballistic
protection at different locations on the ballistic panel shall be that of the minimum ballistic
protection provided at any location on the panel.

2.1 Type IIA (9 mm; .40 S&W)

Type IIA armor that is new and unworn shall be tested with 9 mm Full Metal Jacketed
Round Nose (FMJ RN) bullets with a specified mass of 8.0 g (124 gr) and a velocity of 373 m/s
± 9.1 m/s (1225 ft/s ± 30 ft/s) and with .40 S&W Full Metal Jacketed (FMJ) bullets with a
specified mass of 11.7 g (180 gr) and a velocity of 352 m/s ± 9.1 m/s (1155 ft/s ± 30 ft/s).

Type IIA armor that has been conditioned shall be tested with 9 mm FMJ RN bullets with
a specified mass of 8.0 g (124 gr) and a velocity of 355 m/s ± 9.1 m/s (1165 ft/s ± 30 ft/s) and
with .40 S&W FMJ bullets with a specified mass of 11.7 g (180 gr) and a velocity of 325 m/s ±
9.1 m/s (1065 ft/s ± 30 ft/s).

2.2 Type II (9 mm; .357 Magnum)

Type II armor that is new and unworn shall be tested with 9 mm FMJ RN bullets with a
specified mass of 8.0 g (124 gr) and a velocity of 398 m/s ± 9.1 m/s (1305 ft/s ± 30 ft/s) and with
.357 Magnum Jacketed Soft Point (JSP) bullets with a specified mass of 10.2 g (158 gr) and a
velocity of 436 m/s ± 9.1 m/s (1430 ft/s ± 30 ft/s).

Type II armor that has been conditioned shall be tested with 9 mm FMJ RN bullets with a
specified mass of 8.0 g (124 gr) and a velocity of 379 m/s ±9.1 m/s (1245 ft/s ± 30 ft/s) and with
.357 Magnum JSP bullets with a specified mass of 10.2 g (158 gr) and a velocity of 408 m/s ±9.1
m/s (1340 ft/s ± 30 ft/s).

2.3 Type IIIA (.357 SIG; .44 Magnum)

Type IIIA armor that is new and unworn shall be tested with .357 SIG FMJ Flat Nose
(FN) bullets with a specified mass of 8.1 g (125 gr) and a velocity of 448 m/s ± 9.1 m/s (1470
ft/s ± 30 ft/s) and with .44 Magnum Semi Jacketed Hollow Point (SJHP) bullets with a specified
mass of 15.6 g (240 gr) and a velocity of 436 m/s ± 9.1 m/s (1430 ft/s ± 30 ft/s).

Type IIIA armor that has been conditioned shall be tested with .357 SIG FMJ FN bullets
with a specified mass of 8.1 g (125 gr) and a velocity of 430 m/s ± 9.1 m/s (1410 ft/s ± 30 ft/s)
and with .44 Magnum SJHP bullets with a specified mass of 15.6 g (240 gr) and a velocity of
408 m/s ± 9.1 m/s (1340 ft/s ± 30 ft/s).

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2.4 Type III (Rifles)

Type III hard armor or plate inserts shall be tested in a conditioned state with 7.62 mm
FMJ, steel jacketed bullets (U.S. Military designation M80) with a specified mass of 9.6 g (147
gr) and a velocity of 847 m/s ± 9.1 m/s (2780 ft/s ± 30 ft/s).

Type III flexible armor shall be tested in both the “as new” state and the conditioned state
with 7.62 mm FMJ, steel jacketed bullets (U.S. Military designation M80) with a specified mass
of 9.6 g (147 gr) and a velocity of 847 m/s ± 9.1 m/s (2780 ft/s ± 30 ft/s).

For a Type III hard armor or plate insert that will be tested as an in conjunction design,
the flexible armor shall be tested in accordance with this standard and found compliant as a
stand-alone armor at its specified threat level. The combination of the flexible armor and hard
armor/plate shall then be tested as a system and found to provide protection at the system’s
specified threat level. NIJ-approved hard armors and plate inserts must be clearly labeled as
providing ballistic protection only when worn in conjunction with the NIJ-approved flexible
armor system with which they were tested.

2.5 Type IV (Armor Piercing Rifle)

Type IV hard armor or plate inserts shall be tested in a conditioned state with .30 caliber
armor piercing (AP) bullets (U.S. Military designation M2 AP) with a specified mass of 10.8 g
(166 gr) and a velocity of 878 m/s ± 9.1 m/s (2880 ft/s ± 30 ft/s).

Type IV flexible armor shall be tested in both the “as new” state and the conditioned state
with .30 caliber AP bullets (U.S. Military designation M2 AP) with a specified mass of 10.8 g
(166 gr) and a velocity of 878 m/s ± 9.1 m/s (2880 ft/s ± 30 ft/s).

For a Type IV hard armor or plate insert that will be tested as an in conjunction design,
the flexible armor shall be tested in accordance with this standard and found compliant as a
stand-alone armor at its specified threat level. The combination of the flexible armor and hard
armor/plate shall then be tested as a system and found to provide protection at the system’s
specified threat level. NIJ-approved hard armors and plate inserts must be clearly labeled as
providing ballistic protection only when worn in conjunction with the NIJ-approved flexible
armor system with which they were tested.

2.6 Special Type

A purchaser having a special requirement for a level of protection other than one of the
above standard types and threat levels should specify the exact test round(s) and reference
measurement velocities to be used and indicate that this standard shall govern all other aspects.
Guidance on common special type threats and the appropriate threat velocities is provided in
appendix B, along with a methodology for determining the correct reference velocity for other

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3.1 Absolute Humidity: The quantity of water in a given volume of air, often reported in
grams per cubic meter.

3.2 Accessory Ballistic Panels: Accessory panels are armor components that are detachable or
removable from the primary body armor sample and are intended to provide comparable
ballistic protection. Examples of accessory panels include groin, coccyx, and side
protection panels, which are attached to or inserted into the external armor carrier but are
not integral to the armor panels or armor sample.

3.3 Angle of Incidence: The angle between the bullet’s line of flight and the perpendicular to
the front surface of the backing material fixture as shown in figure 1.







Figure 1. Angle of incidence

3.4 Armor Carrier: A component of the armor sample or armor panel whose primary purpose
is to retain the ballistic panel and provide a means of supporting and securing the armor
garment to the user. Generally, the carrier is not ballistic resistant.

3.5 Armor Conditioning: Environmental and mechanical conditioning of armor prior to

ballistic testing, which consists of exposure to specified conditions of temperature,
humidity, and mechanical damage.

3.6 Armor Panel or Panel: The portion of an armor sample that consists of an external
ballistic cover and its internal ballistic panel. The word “panel,” if not preceded by the
word “ballistic,” refers to an armor panel in this standard.

3.7 Armor Sample: One complete armor garment. Typically, a front armor panel, a back
armor panel, and the armor carrier comprise a body armor sample. The armor sample may
be a single wraparound style or consist of multiple parts that are worn around the body.

3.8 Backface Signature (BFS): The greatest extent of indentation in the backing material
caused by a nonperforating impact on the armor. The BFS is the perpendicular distance
between two planes, both of which are parallel to the front surface of the backing material

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fixture. One plane contains the reference point on the original (pretest) backing material
surface that is co-linear with the bullet line of flight. (If armor were not present, the bullet

Figure 2. Examples of BFS measurements

would strike this point.) The other plane contains the point that represents the deepest
indentation in the backing material. Depending on bullet–armor–backing material
interactions, the two points that define the locations of the measurement planes may not be
co-linear with the bullet line of flight. Examples of how BFS is measured are shown in
figure 2.

3.9 Backing Material: A homogenous block of nonhardening, oil-based modeling clay placed
in contact with the back of the armor panel during ballistic testing.

3.10 Backing Material Fixture: A box-like rigid frame, with a removable back, which contains
the backing material. The removable back is used for perforation-backface signature testing
but is not used for ballistic limit testing.

3.11 Ballistic Limit: For a given bullet type, the velocity at which the bullet is expected to
perforate the armor 50 % of the time. The ballistic limit is typically denoted as the V50 or
V50 value.

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3.12 Ballistic Panel: The protective component of an armor sample or armor panel, consisting
primarily of ballistic resistant materials. The ballistic panel is usually enclosed in a non-
removable panel cover, which is considered part of the ballistic panel. The ballistic panel is
normally enclosed within an armor carrier.

3.13 Baseline Ballistic Limit: The experimentally derived ballistic limit of an armor model
when new.

3.14 Body Armor: An item of personal protective equipment that provides protection against
specific ballistic threats within its coverage area. In this standard, the term body armor
refers to that which provides coverage primarily for the torso.

3.15 Complete Penetration: This nomenclature is no longer used in this standard. See
“perforation.” Perforation replaces complete penetration. Although the terms partial
penetration and complete penetration are no longer used in this standard, they may still be
used by test laboratories for compatibility with military standards.

3.16 Compliance Test Group: A group of armor samples submitted for testing according to this

3.17 Condensation: Precipitation of water vapor on a surface whose temperature is lower than
the dew point of the ambient air. The dew point depends on the quantity of water vapor in
the air. The dew point, the absolute humidity, and the vapor pressure are directly
interdependent. Condensation occurs on a test item when the temperature at the surface of
the item placed in the test chamber is lower than the dew point of the air in the chamber. As
a result, the item may need to be preheated to prevent condensation.

3.18 Dewpoint (or dew point): The temperature to which a parcel of air must be cooled (at
constant barometric pressure) for water vapor present in the air to condense into water

3.19 Fair Hit: The impact of a bullet on an armor panel that meets the shot spacing and velocity
requirements of section 7.6.

3.20 Flexible Body Armor: Body armor constructed of pliable, textile-based materials such that
the complete system is capable of being flexed. Such systems are typically in the form of
vests or jackets that provide greater coverage area than rigid plate armor. Generally, these
armors provide protection against handgun threats.

3.21 Full Metal Jacketed Bullet (FMJ): A bullet consisting of a lead core completely covered,
except for the base, with copper alloy (approximately 90 % copper and 10 % zinc). “Total
Metal Jacket (TMJ),” “Totally Enclosed Metal Case (TEMC),” and other commercial
terminology for bullets with electro-deposited copper and copper alloy coatings have been
tested and are considered comparable to FMJ bullets for this standard.

3.22 Hard Armor or Rigid Armor: Rigid armor systems, plates, inserts, accessories, or semi-
rigid armor systems constructed with rigid plates that are typically designed to provide
protection against rifle threats.

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3.23 In Conjunction Armor: A combination of either two flexible armor panels or a flexible
armor with a plate insert that is designed to provide increased stab or ballistic protection.

For an in conjunction armor system designed with a separate flexible stab armor panel
insert added to the flexible ballistic panel and intended to provide dual threat protection
against stab and ballistic threats, the complete system must be tested in the end-use
configuration to meet the requirements of this standard. If the flexible ballistic armor is
designed to be worn separately from the stab armor panel, the flexible armor shall be tested
in accordance with this standard and found compliant as a stand-alone armor at its specified
threat level.

For an in conjunction armor designed to meet the requirements of NIJ Standard–0101.06,

the flexible armor shall be tested in accordance with this standard and found compliant as a
stand-alone armor at its specified threat level. The combination of the flexible armor and
hard armor/plate shall then be tested as a system and found to provide protection at the
system’s specified threat level. NIJ-approved hard armors and plate inserts must be clearly
labeled as providing ballistic protection only when worn in conjunction with the NIJ-
approved flexible armor system with which they were tested.

3.24 In Conjunction Plate: An insert that is designed to provide increased ballistic or stab
protection only when it is used with a particular model of a flexible armor vest or jacket.

3.25 Insert: A removable or nonremovable unit of ballistic material that can enhance the
ballistic performance of the armor panel in a localized area but not over the entire area
intended for ballistic protection. Some inserts are known as trauma packs, trauma plates,
or trauma inserts, but other forms of inserts are possible.

3.26 Jacketed Hollow Point Bullet (JHP): A bullet consisting of a lead core that has a hollow
cavity or hole located in the nose of the bullet and is completely covered, except for the
hollow point, with a copper alloy (approximately 90 % copper and 10 % zinc) jacket.

3.27 Jacketed Soft Point Bullet (JSP): A lead bullet that is completely covered, except for the
nose, with a copper alloy (approximately 90 % copper and 10 % zinc) jacket. This bullet is
also known as a Semi Jacketed Soft Point (SJSP).

3.28 Lead Bullet: A bullet made entirely of lead, which may be alloyed with hardening agents.

3.29 Maximum Velocity: The specified reference velocity for a given threat round (table 4)
plus 9.1 m/s (30 ft/s).

3.30 Minimum Velocity: The specified reference velocity for a given threat round (table 4)
minus 9.1 m/s (30 ft/s).

3.31 Nonplanar Armor: Body armor with features that prevent the armor from making full
contact with the backing material surface. Examples include female body armor with bust
cups and curved rigid plates.

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3.32 Panel: See Armor Panel.

3.33 Penetration: Any impact where the projectile passes into the armor is a penetration. A
penetration may either be a stop or a perforation. The result is considered a stop or partial
penetration if (1) the entire projectile is captured or deflected by the armor, and (2) no
fragments of either the projectile or the armor become embedded in the backing material. If
any part of the projectile passes through the armor, the result is considered a perforation or
a complete penetration. Although the terms partial penetration and complete penetration
are no longer used in this standard, they may still be used by test laboratories for
compatibility with military standards.

3.34 Perforation: Any impact that creates a hole passing through the armor. This may be
evidenced by any of the following: (1) the presence of the projectile, a projectile fragment,
or an armor fragment in the clay backing material; (2) a hole that passes through the armor
and/or backing material; or (3) any portion of the bullet being visible from the body side of
the armor panel. The term perforation is synonymous with the term complete penetration.

3.35 Plate Inserts: Hard armor plates or semi-rigid plates that are intended to be inserted into
pockets of flexible vests and jackets to provide increased protection, particularly to provide
protection against rifle threats.

3.36 Reference Velocity: The specified measurement velocity goal for test rounds used in
perforation-backface signature ballistic performance tests.

3.37 Relative Humidity: The ratio of the amount of water in a given parcel of air at a given
temperature to the maximum amount of water that the air can hold at that temperature.

3.38 Rigid Armor or Systems: See 3.22 Hard Armor.

3.39 Round Nose Bullet (RN): A bullet with a blunt or rounded nose. A bullet with a generally
blunt or rounded nose or tip, which possesses a small flat surface at the tip of the bullet,
shall also be considered a round nose bullet for this standard.

3.40 Semi Jacketed Hollow Point Bullet (SJHP): A bullet consisting of a lead core with a
copper alloy (approximately 90 % copper and 10 % zinc) jacket covering the base and bore
riding surface (major diameter), which leaves some portion of the lead core exposed, thus
forming a lead nose or tip, which has a hollow cavity or hole located in the nose or tip of
the bullet.

3.41 Semi Jacketed Soft Point Bullet (SJSP): A bullet, also known as a Jacketed Soft Point
(JSP), consisting of a lead core with a copper alloy (approximately 90 % copper and 10 %
zinc) jacket covering the base and bore riding surface (major diameter), which leaves some
portion of the lead core exposed, thus forming a lead nose or tip.

3.42 Shot-to-Edge Distance: The distance from the center of the bullet impact to the nearest
edge of the ballistic panel.

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3.43 Shot-to-Shot Distance: The distance from the center of the bullet impact to the center of
the nearest prior bullet impact.

3.44 Stop: The outcome of a shot where the projectile is either captured or deflected by the
armor, with no portion of the projectile or fragments of the armor perforating the armor.

3.45 Striking Device: A device used to establish an appropriate, flat reference surface for the
backing material (see 3.9 Backing Material).

3.46 Strike Face: The surface of an armor sample or panel designated by the manufacturer as
the surface that should face the incoming ballistic threat. Also, the side of the armor
opposite the wear face (see 3.51 Wear Face).

3.47 Test Series: The set of all shots necessary to obtain the required number of fair hits on a
single armor panel or plate, as defined in table 4, and the set of all shots necessary to
generate ballistic limit response data, as defined in table 8.

3.48 Textile-Based Materials: Materials manufactured by weaving or felting yarns into a

fabric, or by embedding or laminating fibers in sheets of plastic film.

3.49 Trauma Insert/Pack/Plate: See 3.25 Insert.

3.50 Vapor Pressure: The pressure exerted by a vapor in equilibrium with its solid or liquid

3.51 Wear Face: The side of the armor that is worn against the body. Also, the side of the armor
opposite the strike face (see 3.46 Strike Face).

3.52 Yaw: The angular deviation of the longitudinal axis of the projectile from its line of flight,
measured as close to the target as practical.

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For an armor model to comply with this standard, all requirements of this section shall be
met, and the appropriate number of samples shall be subjected to the tests defined in section 5,
section 6, and section 7.

4.1 Test Samples

4.1.1 Flexible Vests and Jackets

For flexible armor in the form of concealable or tactical vests or jackets, 14 complete
armors per test threat, sized as described in section, shall constitute the compliance test

Types IIA through IIIA armor shall be tested with two test threats and the compliance test
group will consist of 28 complete armors. Types III and IV armor shall be tested with a single
test threat, and the compliance test group will consist of 14 complete armors. If special testing is
to be performed with additional test threats, the compliance test group will require an additional
14 complete armors for each additional test threat.

Refer to table 1, figure 3, figure 4, and the following sections for details on the required
sample sizes and the tests to be performed on each. Additional samples may be required if
optional tests are to be performed or if all necessary testing cannot be completed on the standard
compliance test group. Test Sample Sizes

Two sizes are required in the compliance test group: larger sized and smaller sized. The
sizes of the armor samples will depend on the range of the sizes over which the armor model will
be produced. Sample armor sizing templates are provided in appendix C. Table 1 summarizes the
quantities required for each armor template size.

Larger sized test samples: The armor manufacturer shall determine which template size
most closely matches the largest size of the armor model that the manufacturer will produce.

Table 1. Armor samples required for each test threat (flexible vests and jackets)

(Note that quantities below should be doubled for types with 2 threats [Types IIA – IIIA])
Armor Armor Condition Ballistic Tests
Template Number P- Ballistic
Size Required New Conditioned BFS Limit Spare
8 New 2 5 1
Larger 11
3 Conditioned 1 1 1
2 New 2 - -
Smaller 3
1 Conditioned 1 - -
Total 14 10 4 6 6 2

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For each test threat, the manufacturer shall provide 11 armor samples that fit this selected
template. These armors will be referred to as the larger sized test samples.

Smaller sized test samples: The armor manufacturer shall determine which template size
most closely matches the smallest size of the armor model that the manufacturer will produce.
For each test threat, the manufacturer shall provide three armor samples that fit this selected
template. These armors will be referred to as the smaller sized test samples. Sample Utilization

Conditioned Samples: Refer to table 1, figure 3, and figure 4. From each group of 14
armors, one small sized armor and three large sized armors shall be selected at random and
subjected to the armor conditioning protocol described in section 5. After the selected samples
have been conditioned, the one small sized sample and one randomly selected large sized sample
shall be subjected to the Perforation and Backface Signature (P-BFS) test described in section 7.
Of the remaining two large sized samples, one shall be randomly selected and subjected to the
Ballistic Limit (BL) test described in section 7. The remaining sample is a spare.

New Samples: Refer to table 1, figure 3, and figure 4. From each group of 14 armors,
two small sized armors and two large sized armors shall be selected at random and subjected to
the P-BFS test described in section 7. Five large sized armors will be selected at random and
subjected to the BL test described in section 7. The remaining sample is a spare.

4.1.2 Hard Armors and Plate Inserts

All hard armors and plate inserts shall be subjected to a 24 shot P-BFS test and to either a
24 shot or a 12 shot BL test. All hard armors and plate inserts shall be conditioned per section 6
prior to ballistic testing. All hard armors and plate inserts shall be no larger than 254 mm x 305
mm (10.0 in x 12.0 in) for testing. The required number of armor samples is dependent on the
armor type, as described in the following sections. Type III

For hard armors and insert plates intended to provide Type III protection, the compliance
test group shall consist of nine armor panels. The armor panels shall be sufficiently large to
allow for a minimum of six shots per panel. These requirements are outlined in figure 5. Four
armor panels will be used for the P-BFS testing described in section 7. A minimum of four armor
panels will be subjected to the BL test described in section 7, with a minimum of 24 shots. The
remaining armor panel is a spare and be used if necessary. Type IV

For hard armors and insert plates intended to provide Type IV protection, the compliance
test group shall consist of a sufficient number of armor panels to allow a 24 shot P-BFS test and
a 12 shot BL test, with at least one spare armor panel. These requirements are outlined in figure
6. For armor models capable of withstanding only a single ballistic impact, the compliance test

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group shall consist of 37 armor panels. For armor models capable of withstanding multiple
ballistic impacts, the manufacture shall specify the number of shots to be fired at each panel, and
the compliance test group size may be reduced accordingly. However, a maximum of six P-BFS
shots may be taken on a single panel. The compliance test group must include one armor panel as
a spare.

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Threat 1:
4 armors
2 larger
P-BFS tests: 2 smaller
8 armors
4 larger
4 smaller Threat 2:
4 armors
2 larger
2 smaller
20 armors
in “as new” Spare:
condition 2 armors
16 of larger size 2 larger
4 of smaller size 0 smaller

Threat 1:
5 armors
5 larger
BL tests: 0 smaller
10 armors
10 larger
0 smaller Threat 2:
5 armors
28 armors
5 larger
provided by 0 smaller
22 of larger size
6 of smaller size Threat 1:
2 armors
1 larger
P-BFS tests: 1 smaller
4 armors
2 larger
2 smaller Threat 2:
2 armors
1 larger
8 armors 1 smaller

conditioned Spare:
per Section 5 2 armors
6 of larger size 2 larger
2 of smaller size 0 smaller

Threat 1:
1 armor
1 larger
BL tests: 0 smaller
2 armors
2 larger
0 smaller Threat 2:
1 armor
1 larger
0 smaller

Figure 3. Sample quantity and utilization for armor Types IIA, II, and IIIA

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P-BFS tests: Threat 1:

4 armors 4 armors
2 larger 2 larger
2 smaller 2 smaller

10 armors
in “as new” Spare:
condition 1 armor
8 of larger size 1 larger
2 of smaller size 0 smaller

BL tests: Threat 1:
5 armors 5 armors
5 larger 5 larger
0 smaller 0 smaller

14 armors
provided by
11 of larger size
3 of smaller size

P-BFS tests: Threat 1:

2 armors 2 armors
1 larger 1 larger
1 smaller 1 smaller

4 armors
conditioned Spare:
per Section 5 1 armor
3 of larger size 1 larger
1 of smaller size 0 smaller

BL tests: Threat 1:
1 armor 1 armor
1 larger 1 larger
0 smaller 0 smaller

Figure 4. Sample quantity and utilization for flexible armor

of Type III, Type IV, and Type Special

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Figure 5. Sample quantity and utilization for hard armors and plate inserts of Type III

Figure 6. Sample quantity and utilization for hard armors and plate inserts of Type IV

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4.1.3 Accessory Ballistic Panels

All accessory ballistic panels shall be subjected to a 24 shot P-BFS test for each threat
round. For groin and coccyx protectors, eight samples are required for each threat round, and
each sample will be subjected to at least three shots. For other types of accessory panels, the
required number of armor samples will be dependent on the panel size, and the number of
impacts per test sample shall be determined by the fair hit impact spacing criteria for flexible
armor panels. A maximum of six P-BFS shots may be taken on a single panel.

4.1.4 Workmanship

All armor shall be free from evidence of inferior workmanship, such as wrinkles, blisters,
cracks or fabric tears, fraying, crazing, or chipped or sharp corners and edges. Stitching must be
straight and secure. All samples shall be identical in appearance and manner of construction. All
samples of flexible vests and jackets shall be sized to meet the appropriate sizing templates, and
all armors in each size group shall be identically sized. There shall be no variance in construction
details between individual armor samples or between any armor sample and the manufacturer’s

4.1.5 Labeling

Armor shall be durably and clearly marked (labeled) in a readable type and font size, with
a pretest label in accordance with the requirements set forth below. An example is shown in
figure 7. Ballistic Panels

Every ballistic panel cover shall have a label. The label shall be permanently attached to
the face of the panel. The label shall contain the following information (figure 7):

(a) Name, logo or other identification of the manufacturer.

(b) The rated level of protection, according to section 2 of this standard and referenced to this
edition of the standard (i.e., Type II in accordance with NIJ Standard–0101.06).
(c) A test ID number or model designation that uniquely identifies the armor design for
testing purposes.
(d) The panel size.
(e) A sample number or serial number that uniquely identifies each armor sample.
(f) Location of manufacture.
(g) The date of manufacture.
(h) Identification of the proper orientation of the ballistic panel, i.e., strike face or wear face.
(i) A warning in 14 point or larger type and a minimum of 1 ½ times larger than the rest of
the type on the label, exclusive of the information required in (a) above, stating that the
armor panel is a test sample that has not yet been demonstrated to provide ballistic
resistance and that the armor panel is not intended to be worn. Printing color changes are
acceptable but cannot be substituted for the type size requirement herein.

These labeling requirements apply to armor samples of models that are being submitted
for precompliance or compliance testing.

Downloaded Form Labeling Requirements for Armors Listed on the NIJ Compliant Products List

Armor samples of models that have been listed on the NIJ Compliant Products List and
that are being retested, lot tested, etc. shall be labeled in accordance with the requirements of the
Compliance Testing Program (CTP). Label requirements for armors listed on the NIJ Compliant
Products List are provided in the NIJ Voluntary CTP Administrative Procedures Manual.

In addition to the requirements of the CTP, all armor panels of listed models shall include
the following:

(a) The rated level of protection, according to section 2 of this standard and referenced to this
edition of the standard (i.e., Type II in accordance with NIJ Standard–0101.06).
(b) Strike face or wear face. The proper orientation of the ballistic panel in the carrier must
be clearly identified.
(c) For Types IIA, II, and IIIA armor, a warning in type not less than 14 point and a
minimum of 1 ½ times larger than the rest of the type on the label, exclusive of the
manufacturer identification and logo, stating that the armor is not intended to protect the
wearer from rifle fire.
(d) If applicable, a warning in type not less than 14 point and a minimum of 1 ½ times larger
than the rest of the type on the label, exclusive of the manufacturer identification and
logo, stating that the armor is not intended to protect the wearer from sharp edged or
pointed instruments. This warning may be combined with the warning in (c) above. Armor Carriers With Nonremovable Ballistic Panels

Armor with ballistic panels that are nonremovable shall, in addition to the label required
for the ballistic panel, have a label on the carrier (figure 7) that is in conformance with the
requirements for the ballistic panels, unless the armor is so constructed that the ballistic panel
label is not covered by the carrier. The label may be positioned in a location where it is not
visible when the armor is worn, but it shall be easy to locate and easily readable when the armor
is donned and doffed. Label Permanency and Durability

All labels shall be sufficiently permanent and durable so that they will remain securely
attached to the armor or carrier and be fully legible for the life of the armor. The durability of the
label markings shall be checked with the following procedure:

[1] A representative area of the label markings shall be rubbed by hand for 15 s with a cotton
cloth soaked with distilled water.
[2] The same area shall then be rubbed by hand for 15 s with a cotton cloth soaked with
denatured alcohol (methylated spirit).
[3] Finally, the same area shall then be rubbed by hand for 15 s with cotton cloth soaked with
isopropyl alcohol.

The label markings within the representative area must remain legible.

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This test shall be performed on either a stand-alone example label or on a label of a spare
armor sample. This test shall not be performed on an armor sample that will subsequently
undergo ballistic testing, unless approved by the armor manufacturer.

The labels of armor samples subjected to the armor conditioning protocol in section 5
must remain legible after the conditioning has been completed; however, these samples will not
be subjected to the durability test described in the preceding paragraphs.

' $
Company Name
Company Address
[Company Logo - Optional]

Warning: Test Article

This armor panel is intended for
testing. It is not intended for
personal use. It has not been
demonstrated to have any
ballistic resistance.
Do Not Wear!
Test ID:
Location of Manufacture:
Date of Manufacture: / /
Lot Number:
Sample Number:
Threat Level (NIJ 0101.06):

Warning: Test Article

This armor panel is intended for
testing. It is not intended for
personal use. It has not been
demonstrated to have any
ballistic resistance.
Do Not Wear!
** Wear Face **
This side to be positioned
against backing material.
& %

Figure 7. Example label for test samples

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4.1.6 Armor Carriers With Removable Ballistic Panels

Armor with ballistic panels that are removable shall be submitted for testing with cotton
or polycotton carriers with an areal density of not more than 250 g/m2 (7.37 oz/yd2). The test
carriers shall not have strapping, strapping attachment points, pockets for accessory plates or
trauma packs, or any accessory mounting points, with the following exceptions:

(a) Armors submitted for testing in conjunction with Type III or Type IV plates shall
have the necessary pockets for the plates with which they will be tested.
(b) Armors that are to be tested using their own strapping for mounting and support
during the tests shall have appropriate strapping and strapping attachment points. If
the strapping or strapping attachment materials are deemed by the CTP to have a
significant influence on the ballistic performance, then the armor shall be treated as if
the ballistic panels were nonremovable and should be tested in carriers of the same
construction as will be used for production armors.
(c) Armor carriers for samples that will undergo the conditioning protocol described in
section 5 shall not have strapping, strapping attachment points, or any accessory
mounting points. For armors that are to be tested using their own strapping for
mounting and support, separate carriers may be provided for the conditioning
protocol and ballistic testing.

4.1.7 Armors With Built-In Inserts or Trauma Packs

For armor models that contain built-in inserts or trauma packs, manufacturers must
submit a detailed diagram of the location of each trauma pack. During the P-BFS test, the shot
locations shall be adjusted so that areas other than the built-in inserts or trauma packs are tested.

4.2 Laboratory Configuration and Test Equipment

The armor shall be tested in a facility and with test equipment that meets the following

4.2.1 Range Configuration Ambient Test Conditions

The ambient conditions shall be recorded before and after each armor panel firing
sequence (6 or 12 shots) and, unless otherwise specified, shall be as stated below.

(a) Temperature: 21 °C ± 2.9 °C (70 °F ± 5 °F).

(b) Relative humidity: 50 % ± 20 %.

Downloaded Form Range Preparation

The test equipment will be arranged as shown in figure 8. For handgun rounds, the armor
panel shall be mounted 5.0 m ± 1.0 m (16.4 ft ± 3.28 ft) from the muzzle of the test barrel, and
for rifle rounds, the armor panel should be mounted 15 m ± 1.0 m (49.2 ft ± 3.28 ft) from the
muzzle of the test barrel, with the following exception. In order to minimize the possibility of
excessive yaw at impact, or for other range configuration reasons, the distance may be adjusted
for each threat; however, the distance shall not be less than 4 m (13.1 ft) for any round. In the
case of rifle rounds, if the distance is adjusted to less than 14 m (45.9 ft), the bullet yaw shall be
experimentally verified to confirm that the angle of incidence is within 5° of the intended angle.

The backing material fixture should be rigidly held by a suitable test stand, which shall
permit the entire armor and backing material assembly to be shifted vertically and horizontally
such that the entire face of the backing material can be targeted. Instrumentation

Before testing, all electronic equipment will be allowed sufficient time to warm up so that
stability is achieved.

Handgun Rounds: 5.0 m ± 1.0 m (16.4 ft ± 3.28 ft)

Rifle Rounds*: 15.0 m ± 1.0 m (49.2 ft ± 3.28 ft)
2.5 m ± 25 mm† (8.2 ft ± 1.0 in)
Location of Velocity Measurement
(center of set of light screens or

Backing Material Fixture

other velocity sensors)

Start Sensor Set Stop Sensor Set

Armor Panel

Test Barrel

Length to be adjusted
to meet velocity
accuracy requirements

*For rifle rounds the length may be further adjusted to minimize yaw at impact; however, in such cases the
yaw at impact must be experimentally shown to be less than 5◦ and reasonably close to minimal.
† Tolerance for 0◦ shots. For 30 ◦ and 45◦ shots the tolerance shall be + 25 mm/- 190 mm (+ 1.0 in/- 7.5 in).

Figure 8. Test range configuration

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4.2.2 Test Rounds and Barrels Handloads

Handloaded rounds will generally be necessary to achieve the required velocities

specified for the P-BFS tests in table 4 of section 7. Actual velocities achieved shall be within ±
30 ft/s of the specified velocity. The bullets shall be as specified in appendix A. Test Barrels

The test barrels shall be ANSI/SAAMI unvented velocity test barrels (see section 8,
References [2], [3], and [4]). No firearms will be used. The rifling of all barrels shall meet the
ANSI/SAAMI specifications for that caliber round. Barrels shall not be shorter than the
ANSI/SAAMI specifications; however, longer barrels may be used when necessary for achieving
the required bullet velocity. Barrels with nonstandard chambers may also be used to allow the
velocities required for BL testing. Test Barrel Fixtures

The test barrels shall be mounted in an ANSI/SAAMI compatible universal receiver or an

equivalent mounting fixture. The receiver/mount will be attached to a table or other fixture
having sufficient mass and restraint to ensure accurate targeting of repetitively fired rounds.

4.2.3 Velocity Measurement Equipment

Test round velocities shall be determined using at least two independent sets of
instrumentation. Fair velocity measurements are individual velocity measurements within 3 m/s
(10 ft/s) of each other. The velocity recorded shall be the arithmetic mean of all fair velocity
measurements. The velocity measurement instrumentation shall have a combined uncertainty of
less than 1.0 m/s (3.3 ft/s). Configuration

The velocity shall be measured at 2.5 m ± 0.025 m (8.2 ft ± 1.0 in) from the front face of
the backing material. When a chronograph is used in conjunction with trigger screens, the
screens shall be centered at 2.5 m ± 0.025 m (8.2 ft ± 1.0 in) in front of the front surface of the
backing material. For angled shots only, the screens may be centered at 2.5 m + 0.025 m /
- 0.190 m (8.2 ft + 1.0 in / - 7.5 in) in front of the front surface of the backing material. Such
screens shall be securely mounted to maintain their required position and spacing.

For angled shots, the positioning tolerance for the trigger screens is relaxed to allow for
backing material supports that pivot the backing material around a fixed point such that the range
length will decrease slightly for angled shots. All instrumentation should be positioned with the
armor sample and backing material perpendicular to the line of fire and does not need to be
repositioned for the angled shots.

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4.2.4 Armor Submersion Equipment

The armor submersion equipment shall consist of a water bath sufficiently sized to allow
at least one armor panel of the largest template size defined in appendix C to hang vertically,
without any folds or bends, with the top edge of the armor at least 100 mm (3.9 in) below the
surface of the water, and with at least 50 mm (2.0 in) clearance around the panel.

The water in the bath shall be clean and shall be either potable tap or demineralized
water. The water shall be replaced anytime there are visible impurities in the water. The water
temperature shall be 21 °C +2.9 °C/-5.8 °C (70 °F +5 °F/-10 °F).

4.2.5 Armor Backing Material Backing Material Fixture

The inside dimensions of the backing material fixture shall be 610 mm x 610 mm with a
depth of 140 mm (24.0 in x 24.0 in x 5.5 in). The tolerance on all dimensions is ± 2 mm
(± 0.08 in).

The back of the fixture shall be removable and shall be constructed of 19.1 mm (0.75 in)
thick wood or plywood. Fixture Construction

The sides of the fixture shall be constructed of rigid wood or metal, preferably with a
metal front edge to reliably guide the preparation of the flat front surface of the backing material. Backing Material

In the interest of inter-laboratory conformity, Roma Plastilina No.1 1 oil-based modeling

clay shall be used as the backing material. The backing material shall be replaced on an annual
basis or more frequently if necessary. Backing Material Surface Preparation

The clay in each backing material fixture shall be manipulated to produce a block free of
voids, with a smooth front surface for the accurate and consistent measurement of depression
depths. The front surface of the backing material shall be even with the reference surface plane
defined by the fixture edges. Striking devices of sufficient length shall be used to ensure the
reference surface is established using the edges of the clay block fixture as index points.

For nonplanar body armor, backing material shall be built up to conform to the shape of
the nonplanar armor. Calibration drop testing shall not be performed in the built-up area. The

The use of brand names in this standard does not constitute endorsement by the U.S. Department of Justice; Office of Justice
Programs; National Institute of Justice; U.S. Department of Commerce; National Institute of Standards and Technology; Office
of Law Enforcement Standards; or any other agency of the United States Federal Government, nor does it imply that the product
is best suited for other applications.

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built-up backing material shall be conditioned to the same temperature as the backing material in
the fixture.

During preparation and post-test repair, effort shall be made to locate and remove any
debris, including but not limited to bullet fragments and armor components introduced into the
block during testing. Backing Material Conditioning

The clay backing material shall be conditioned in its fixture using a heated chamber or
enclosure. Actual conditioning temperature and recovery time between uses will be determined
by the results of the validation drop test described in section

Additional clay, conditioned to the same initial temperature as the fixture, shall be used to
fill voids and restore the front surface of the backing material as needed. Backing Material Consistency Validation

Drop-test validation of the backing material shall be accomplished before every six shot
P-BFS test sequence and before each 12 shot BL test sequence. During P-BFS testing, a post-test
drop series shall also be performed immediately following the last test sequence before the
backing material is returned to the conditioning chamber. Failure to meet drop-test depth
requirements will result in the invalidation of all shot series since the last drop-test with
acceptable depths of indentation, and will require that a new conditioned and drop test validated
backing material fixture be used. Validation shall be accomplished using the equipment and
techniques specified below:

(a) Drop weight: Steel sphere. 2

(b) Drop weight size: 63.5 mm ± 0.05 mm (2.5 in ± 0.001 in) in diameter.
(c) Drop weight mass: 1043 g ± 5 g (2.29 lb ± 0.01 lb).
(d) Drop height: 2.0 m (6.56 ft).
(e) Drop spacing: Minimum of 76 mm (3.0 in) from fixture edge to indent edge and a
minimum of 152 mm (6.0 in) between indent centers.

Each validation drop will consist of a free release, targeted fall of the steel sphere onto
the conditioned backing material. It is recommended that an aiming device, such as a pointing
laser, be used to indicate the intended drop point on the backing material fixture. Five drops will
be completed. The pretest and post-test drop positions will be located according to figure 9 and
item (e) above.

The arithmetic mean of the five indentation depth measurements shall be 19 mm ± 2 mm

(0.748 in ± 0.08 in). In addition, no indentation shall be greater than 22 mm (0.866 in) or less
than 16 mm (0.630 in).

A sphere, reference P/N 3606, supplied by Salem Specialty Ball Co., Inc., P.O. Box 145, West Simsbury, CT 06092, has been
found to be satisfactory, although any steel sphere meeting the requirements listed in this section is acceptable.

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2 1 4

Figure 9. General pretest drop locations

Depth of indentation measurements shall utilize measurement devices (± 1 mm accuracy)

indexed to the undisturbed reference surface or the edges of the fixture, establishing the
reference plane across the diameter of the indentation. Depending on the chosen measurement
method, the backing material may be struck flush with the edges of the fixture to reestablish the
reference surface prior to measuring each depth of indentation.

Backing material temperatures shall be measured using a thermometer or thermocouple

with a measurement accuracy of 0.5 °C (0.9 °F) or better. Temperature readings will be taken
prior to pre and post-test drop testing at a minimum of 254 mm x 254 mm (10.0 in x 10.0 in)
from any two fixture edges at a minimum depth of 25 mm (1.0 in) and a maximum depth of 51
mm (2.0 in) from the backing material surface.

A newly conditioned and drop-test validated backing material fixture shall be used for
each threat specific, 24 shot series of firings or more frequently when drop test results dictate.

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5.1 Purpose and Scope

This protocol applies to all Type IIA, II, and IIIA systems and to the flexible portion of
Type III and Type IV armor systems. After being subjected to the conditioning protocol, flexible
armor performance will be verified with ballistic testing as described in section 7.

This protocol is designed to subject test armors to conditions that are intended to provide
some indication of the armor’s ability to maintain ballistic performance after being exposed to
conditions of heat, moisture, and mechanical wear. This protocol will not predict the service life
of the vest nor does it simulate an exact period of time in the field.

5.2 Pretest Parameters

5.2.1 Storage of Armors

To allow for equilibration, store the test samples at a temperature of 25 °C ± 10 °C (77 °F

± 18 °F) with a relative humidity of 20 % to 50 % for at least 24 h prior to starting the armor
conditioning protocol. This may be achieved in a controlled laboratory environment, or if
conditions in the laboratory deviate from those specified, a chamber may be used to create these

5.2.2 Pretest Calibrations

Prior to and following each conditioning protocol, the accuracy of all instruments and test
equipment used to control or monitor the test parameters shall be verified. The calibration
intervals must meet ANSI or ISO guidelines for good laboratory practices.

5.2.3 Test Conditions Air Temperature

Keep the air temperature uniform, both inside the conditioning chamber and in the
storage environment. Verify that the air temperature is uniform by using verification sensors to
ensure that the air temperature is within ± 2 °C (± 3.6 °F) of the required temperature. Storage
temperatures are given in section 5.2.1.

The test temperature shall be 65 ºC (149 ºF). Relative Humidity

Keep the relative humidity uniform and noncondensing, both inside the test chamber and
in the storage environment. Verify that the relative humidity is uniform by using verification
sensors to ensure that the relative humidity is within ± 5 % of the required relative humidity. The
storage relative humidity is given in section 5.2.1.

The test relative humidity shall be 80 %.

Downloaded Form Tumbling

The drum rotation rate shall be 5.0 rpm ± 1.0 rpm.

The drum shall be rotated through 72,000 ± 1,500 complete rotations during the test. To
ensure that the proper number of complete rotations is obtained, a counter or totalizer shall be
used to record the total number of rotations. The drum rotation rate may be varied within the
given tolerance to achieve the necessary number of rotations, as long as the rate does not exceed
the above specified tolerance. Test duration

The test shall last a total of 10 d ± 1 h.

5.3 Laboratory Configuration and Test Equipment

5.3.1 General Parameters Facility Design

Use a stand-alone or walk-in temperature and humidity chamber with the tumbling
accessory inside. Monitoring Conditioning Chamber Parameters

To provide proof of parameter level maintenance, the laboratory must keep a manually or
electronically produced log of parameter levels. Exact parameter monitoring intervals and exact
methods of recording parameter levels may vary for different laboratories. The technology
involved in recording parameter levels may involve visual checks at prescribed intervals, real
time continuous recording such as a circular chart, periodic recording on a device such as a data
logger, or other techniques as appropriate for each individual laboratory. Humidity Generation

Use steam or water injection to create the relative humidity within the test chamber as
appropriate for the device. Set up a system to drain and discard any condensate developed within
the chamber during the test. Water Purity

It is essential that the water used for humidity tests not unfairly impose contaminants on
the test samples. Chemicals commonly found in commercial water supplies, such as chlorine, as
well as nonneutral pH, can cause unintended corrosive effects to materials. It is highly
recommended that the water used for this test be relatively free from impurities and chemicals
and have a pH in the range of 6.5 to 7.2. NOTE: A water resistivity of no less than 150,000 ohm
cm is recommended. This can be produced using distillation, demineralization, reverse osmosis,
or deionization. Many humidity chambers have a built in deionization system.

Downloaded Form Tumbling Generation

Use a tumbling device to generate tumbling action during the protocol.

The tumbler drum shall have an internal diameter of 832 mm ± 6 mm (32 3/4 in ± 1/4 in)
and an internal depth of 651 mm ± 6 mm (25 5/8 in ± 1/4 in). The tumbler drum shall have four
fins (ribs) running the full depth of the drum and spaced at 90º intervals about the circumference.
Each fin shall be 114 mm ± 3 mm (4 1/2 in ± 1/8 in) high. The top edge of the fins shall be
rounded with a minimum diameter of 19 mm ± 3 mm (3/4 in ± 1/8 in), and the width of the fin at
the top shall be 19 mm ± 3 mm (3/4 in ± 1/8 in). The fins may be either straight or tapered. The
base of the fin shall not be thinner than 19 mm (3/4 in) and shall not be thicker than 76 mm
(3.0 in). The inside of the drum shall be smooth, with no sharp edges to catch, tear, or abrade the
armor samples. The drum surface may be perforated. The drum shall have sufficient openings to
allow air flow such that the air within the drum remains within the specified tolerances.

The tumbling apparatus should be placed in a chamber capable of generating temperature

and humidity during the conditioning protocol. The tumbler must maintain tolerances of
temperature, humidity, and revolutions per minute specified in section 5.2.3. Verify the
apparatus maintains conditions within the tolerances specified at periodic intervals throughout
each cycle of the conditioning protocol. The tumbler and chamber must be arranged such that if
the chamber goes out of the tolerance conditions, the tumbler rotation will cease until the
chamber returns to its in-tolerance condition. Contamination Prevention

Do not bring any material other than water into physical contact with the test armors. Do
not introduce any material other than water into the chamber.

Care shall be taken to prevent condensation within the humidity chamber from coming in
contact with the armor samples.

5.3.2 Controls

(a) Ensure the test chamber includes measurement and recording device(s), separate from the
chamber controllers.
(b) Unless otherwise specified, make continuous analog temperature and relative humidity
measurements during the test. Conduct digital measurements at intervals of 10 min. or
(c) Use only instrumentation with the selected conditioning chamber that meets the
accuracies, tolerances, etc., described herein.

5.3.3 Test Interruption

Analyze any interruption carefully. If the decision is made to continue the protocol from
a point of interruption or to add additional time onto the protocol, and a failure occurs, it is
essential to be able to determine the effects of the protocol interruption. The flow chart shown in
figure 10 will assist in the determination of how to proceed if an interruption occurs.

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5.3.4 Procedure

This procedure consists of a 24-h acclimation period to ensure all armor samples start
with the same conditions followed by a 10-d period of temperature, humidity, and mechanical
wear exposure. This procedure shall be performed on only one compliance test group at a time.

[1] When a compliance test group is received, place the samples in a controlled laboratory
environment for at least 24 h prior to beginning the test as specified in section 5.2.1.
[2] Place the compliance test group inside of the tumbler at the specified conditions of
temperature and relative humidity (see section 5.2.3).
[3] Program the tumbler to rotate as specified in section
[4] Expose the armors to the specified conditions for the period specified in section
[5] Return armors to pretest conditions (see section 5.2.1).
[6] Perform a thorough visual examination of each test sample and document any change in
physical appearance resulting from exposure.
[7] Armors shall remain at pretest conditions (see section 5.2.1) for a minimum of 12 h
before transporting them to a different facility or before beginning ballistic testing.

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Flexible Armor
Protocol Started
and Interruption

Is the interruption
within the tolerances
Yes set by Section 5.2.3?

Were the protocol

Continue the protocol. conditions above or
Below below specifications?

Are any samples visibly

Did the conditions damaged due to the
return to the pretest No deviation? Or, did the
conditions specified No temperature exceed 80◦ C?
in Section 5.2.1? Or, did condensation form on
or in the specimens?


Record the deviation and
continue the protocol.

Extend the protocol for Consult with the armor manufacturer to

the time that conditions determine if the protocol should be
were in the pretest range. continued or restarted with new specimens.

Figure 10. Flexible armor conditioning test interruption flow chart

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6.1 Purpose and Scope

This section is designed to subject hard armors or plate inserts to conditions that are
intended to provide some indication of armor’s ability to maintain ballistic performance after
being exposed to conditions of heat, moisture, and mechanical wear. This protocol is intended to
apply only to rigid systems. After this armor conditioning protocol, the ballistic performance will
be verified with ballistic testing as described in section 7.

This protocol will not predict the service life of the armor nor does it simulate an exact
period of time in the field.

This protocol consists of a four step process: (1) a 24-h acclimation period to ensure all
items at any intended climatic test location will start with the same conditions, (2) a 10-d
uniform thermal exposure, (3) a thermal cycle exposure, and (4) mechanical durability testing.

6.2 Pretest Parameters

6.2.1 Storage of Armors

To allow for equilibration of armors, store the test armors at a temperature of 25 °C ±

10 °C (77 °F ± 18 °F) and relative humidity of 20 % to 50 % for at least 24 h prior to starting the
armor conditioning protocol.

6.2.2 Pretest Calibrations

Prior to and following each armor conditioning protocol, the accuracy of all instruments
and test equipment used to control or monitor the test parameters shall be verified. The
calibration intervals must meet ANSI or ISO guidelines for good laboratory practices.

6.2.3 Test Conditions Air Temperature

Keep the air temperature uniform, both inside the test chamber and in the storage
environment. Verify that the air temperature is uniform by using verification sensors to ensure
that the air temperature is within ± 2 °C (± 3.6 °F) of the required temperature. Storage
temperatures are given in section 6.2.1. Test temperatures are given in table 2 for uniform
thermal exposure testing and in table 3 for the thermal cycle testing.

Table 2. Uniform thermal exposure conditions

Time Temperature Relative Humidity

10 d 65 °C (149 °F) 80 %

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Table 3. Thermal cycle testing conditions

Time (hr) Temperature (°C) Relative humidity (%)

2 25 50
2 15 N/A
2 5 N/A
2 -5 N/A
2 -15 N/A
2 0 N/A
2 15 N/A
2 30 50
2 45 50
2 60 50
2 75 50
2 90 50 Relative Humidity

Keep the relative humidity uniform, both inside the test chamber and in the storage
environment. Verify that the relative humidity is uniform by using verification sensors to ensure
that the relative humidity is within ± 5 %. Storage relative humidities are given in section 6.2.1.
Test relative humidities are given in table 2 for uniform thermal exposure and in table 3 for the
thermal cycle testing. Armor Drop Test

A flat hardened concrete surface with a thickness of at least 76.2 mm (3.0 in) and a mass
much greater than that expected from the weighted plate must be available for mechanical
durability testing. Test Duration

The uniform thermal exposure test shall last a total of 10 d. The thermal cycle test will
last a total of 1 d. Monitoring Conditioning Chamber Parameters

(a) To provide proof of parameter level maintenance, keep a manually or electronically

produced log of parameter levels. Exact parameter monitoring intervals and exact
methods of recording parameter levels may vary for different laboratories.
(b) The technology involved in recording parameter levels may involve visual checks at
prescribed intervals, real time continuous recording such as a circular chart, periodic
recording on a device such as a data logger, or other techniques as appropriate for each
individual laboratory.

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6.3 Laboratory Configuration and Test Equipment

6.3.1 General Parameters Facility Design

Use a stand-alone or walk-in humidity chamber with racks positioned such that the plates
can be mounted in a vertical orientation (the orientation in which they will be used). Test Sensors and Measurements

The laboratory must have a method of measuring and recording the temperature and
relative humidity inside the chamber at intervals not less than once every 10 min. This can be
accomplished by using monitoring software on the humidity chamber, an array of sensors, a
chart recorder, or other appropriate methods. Humidity Generation

Use steam or water injection to create the relative humidity within the test chamber as
appropriate for the device. Set up a system to drain and discard any condensate developed within
the chamber during the test. Water Purity

It is essential that the water used for humidity tests not unfairly impose contaminants on
the test armors. Chemicals commonly found in commercial water supplies such as chlorine as
well as nonneutral pH can cause unintended corrosive effects to materials. It is highly
recommended that the water used for this test be relatively clean of impurities and chemicals,
and have a pH in the range of 6.5 to 7.2 at 25 ºC at the time of test. NOTE: A water resistivity of
no less than 150,000 ohm cm is recommended. This can be produced using distillation,
demineralization, reverse osmosis, or deionization. Many humidity chambers have a built-in
deionization system.

6.3.2 Controls

(a) Ensure the test chamber includes measurement and recording device(s), separate from the
chamber controllers.
(b) Unless otherwise specified, make continuous analog temperature and relative humidity
measurements during the test. Conduct digital measurements at intervals of 10 min or
(c) Use only instrumentation with the selected test chamber that meets the accuracies,
tolerances, etc., described herein.

6.3.3 Test Interruption

Analyze any interruption carefully. If the decision is made to continue the protocol from
a point of interruption or to add additional time onto the protocol, and a failure occurs, it is

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essential to be able to determine the effects of the test interruption. The flow chart shown in
figure 11 will assist in the determination of how to proceed if an interruption occurs.

6.3.4 Conditioning Procedure

The conditioning procedure is detailed below:

[1] When samples are received, place them in a controlled laboratory environment for at least
24 h prior to beginning the test.
[2] Place the armors inside of the chamber at the specified conditions of temperature and
relative humidity.
[3] Expose the armors to the conditions specified in table 2 for 10 d.
[4] Perform a thorough visual examination of the test item and document any change in
physical appearance resulting from exposure.
[5] Expose the armors to the conditions specified in table 3 for 24 h.
[6] Perform a thorough visual examination of the test item and document any change in
physical appearance resulting from exposure.
[7] Perform drop testing on the armors by attaching them with a strap, belt, or other
nonobstructive retaining device to the front surface of 10.0 lb of P-BFS backing material.
The backing material clay will be contoured to the back surface of the plate. If the plate is
part of an in conjunction system, the plate shall be backed for drop testing by the in
conjunction flexible armor design intended to be sold with the plate. This flexible armor
design must be supplied by the manufacturer in template size NIJ–C–2. This flexible
armor is placed between the armor and the weighted object as shown in figure 12. If the
plate is intended to be sold as a stand-alone item, no flexible armor backing will be used
in drop testing. A fixture similar to that shown in Figure 12 has been shown to provide
accurate and reproducible results. For further details and specifications on this fixture, see
the publication entitled, Description of Fixture for Hard Armor Drop Testing According
to NIJ Standard-0101.06. At a minimum free fall height of 48.0 in (90° from horizontal)
from the flat hardened surface and with the strike face of the armor pointing down, drop
the weighted fixture twice. Impacts must occur at the center of the face (not at an edge).

Following conditioning testing, the armor shall be subjected to further testing according to
section 7.

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Hard Armor
Protocol Started
and Interruption

Is the interruption
within the tolerances
Yes set by Section 6.2.3?

Were the protocol

Continue the protocol. conditions above or
Below below specifications?

Are any samples visibly

Did the conditions damaged due to the
return to the pretest No deviation? Or, did the
conditions specified No temperature exceed 80◦ C?
in Section 6.2.1? Or, did condensation form on
or in the specimens?


Record the deviation and
continue the protocol.

Extend the protocol for Consult with the armor manufacturer to

the time that conditions determine if the protocol should be
were in the pretest range. continued or restarted with new specimens.

Figure 11. Test interruption flowchart for hard armor

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direction of travel

weighted object,
typically wooden or
122 cm
metal box, solidly
(48 in) attached to pivot arm
pivot arm
and containing 10 lb
backing material

solid base
flat hardened surface

Not to scale

Figure 12. Proposed mechanical durability test apparatus 3

From Purchase Description Personal Armor, Enhanced Small Arms Protective Insert CO/PD 04–19A 28 February 2005.

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7.1 Purpose and Scope

This section specifies the methods and performance requirements for ballistic testing of
body armor and includes the formal test procedures for the Perforation-Backface Signature (P-
BFS) and baseline Ballistic Limit (BL) tests. The first test series is P-BFS testing and requires
the armor to demonstrate consistent ballistic resistance to both perforation and excessive blunt
force trauma. The second test series is BL testing and is designed to statistically estimate
perforation performance. In addition, for flexible vests and jackets, a portion of the sample set
will be subjected to the flexible armor conditioning protocol described in section 5. For hard
armor and plate inserts, the entire sample set will be subjected to the hard armor conditioning
protocol described in section 6. The conditioned samples will be subjected to ballistic testing.

7.2 Test Order

The ballistic test series may be performed in any order, at the discretion of the

7.3 Workmanship Examination

All armor samples received for compliance testing shall be inspected before testing, and
any deficiencies shall be noted. Samples that do meet the requirements of section 4.1 shall be
reported to both the armor manufacturer and the Compliance Testing Program (CTP) before
testing commences. Documentary photographs shall be taken for use in deficiency notification

7.3.1 Armor Carriers and Ballistic Panel Covers

All armor sample carriers and ballistic panel covers received for compliance testing will
be inspected for damage, material flaws, or poor workmanship as defined in section 4.1.4.
Documentary photographs shall be taken for use in deficiency notification reporting.

7.3.2 Ballistic Panels

Pretest – Before testing, all armor sample ballistic panels and inserts received for
compliance testing will be individually inspected for damage, material flaws, or poor
workmanship as defined in section 4.1.4.

Post-Test - Each sample’s ballistic components will be inspected immediately after

testing to verify their construction details (layers, weave, stitching, material, etc.).

7.3.3 Label Examination

The complete armor sample and each part (carrier and ballistic panels) will be examined
for conformance to the labeling requirements of section 4.1.5.

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7.4 Sampling

Test samples will be selected according to the requirements of section

7.5 Sample Acclimation

All armor samples received for compliance testing shall be stored and acclimated for a
minimum of 24 h at ambient range conditions.

7.5.1 Inserts

All armor samples will be tested in their final design and end use configuration, including
all system components (e.g., carriers and straps), with the following exceptions. Armors with
removable carriers that may be manufactured with more than one carrier design shall be tested
with the minimal carrier defined in section 4.1.6. Except for plate inserts being tested as in
conjunction armors, all removable inserts or trauma packs shall be removed from the armor
before acclimation and shall not be tested.

7.6 Fair Hit Requirements for All Ballistic Tests

A test shot shall be considered a fair hit if it impacts the armor panel at an angle of
incidence no greater than ± 5° from the intended angle of incidence, no closer to the edge of the
ballistic panel than the minimum shot-to-edge distance, and no closer to a prior hit than the
minimum shot-to-shot distance.

In addition, for a P-BFS test shot to be considered a fair hit, it must meet the impact
location requirements of section 7.8.1, and the measured velocity must either: (1) be within ± 9.1
m/s (30 ft/s) of the reference velocity for the specified bullet; (2) be less than the minimum
velocity and produce a perforation or an excessive BFS; or (3) be greater than the maximum
velocity and not produce a perforation or an excessive BFS.

7.6.1 Minimum Shot-to-Edge Distance

The armor manufacturer shall define the acceptable minimum shot-to-edge distance for
each armor model and each threat that will be tested against the armor. For armor types subjected
to a single threat and for the lighter weight threat round when two threats are specified, the
minimum shot-to-edge distance shall not be greater than 51 mm (2.0 in). For the heavier threat
round when two threats are specified, the minimum shot-to-edge distance shall not be greater
than 76 mm (3.0 in). Table 4 indicates which rounds are lighter weight and heavier weight.

7.6.2 Minimum Shot-to-Shot Distance

The minimum shot-to-shot distance shall be 51 mm (2.0 in).

This distance may be decreased at the request of the armor manufacturer.

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7.7 Backing Material Preparation and Sample Mounting for All Ballistic Tests

7.7.1 Backing Material Fixture Preparation

The backing material fixture shall meet the requirements of section 4.2.5.

The clay in each backing material fixture will be manipulated to produce a block free of
voids and with a smooth, flat front surface for the accurate and consistent measurement of
depression depths. The front surface of the backing material shall be even with the reference
surface plane defined by the fixture edges. Striking devices of sufficient length shall be used to
ensure the reference surface is established using the edges of the fixture as index points.

For BL tests only, the removable back shall be removed from the backing material

7.7.2 Mounting Armor for Ballistic Testing Strapping

The armor panel shall be positioned on the backing material such that the point of impact,
projected through the armor onto the surface of the backing material, is no closer that 106 mm
(4.2 in) from the edge of the backing material fixture.

Armor samples or panels shall be held in contact with the backing material and secured to
the backing material fixture using mounting straps that conform to one of the following two

(a) The default strapping method uses 51 mm (2.0 in) wide elastic straps, held together using
hook-and-loop fasteners. If these straps are used, two vertical and three horizontal straps
shall be positioned such that they do not interfere with the impact points on the armor
panel. Figure 13, diagram A shows a typical example of strapping using this method. For
larger armor sizes, the backing material fixture is not large enough to accommodate the
entire armor. For these cases, extension panels shall be added to the sides of the fixture,
as shown in figure 13, diagram B, such that the combined backing material, backing
material fixture, and extensions form a planar surface at least 1016 mm (40.0 in) wide by
610 mm (24.0 in) high. The extensions may be part of the backing material support
fixture, and this configuration may be used for smaller armors.
(b) The alternative strapping method applies to armor panels that normally would have
strapping as an integral part of their construction. This strapping method requires the
armor manufacturer to supply armor panels with extended strapping devices to allow the
armor, as a unit, to be mounted on the backing material fixture. Figure 13, diagram C
shows a typical example of strapping using this method.

The laboratory shall record which strapping arrangement was used.

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Backing Material

Elastic Straps

Armor Panel

Backing Material Fixture

A. Standard Strapping Arrangement for Smaller Samples

Backing Material

Backing Material Fixture

Elastic Straps

Armor Panel

Extension to Fixture
Shall be coplanar with front
face of backing material

B. Standard Strapping Arrangement for Larger Samples

Backing Material

Armor Panel

Straps Provided by
Armor Manufacturer

Backing Material Fixture

C. Special Strapping Arrangement Using the Armor’s Strap Attachments

Figure 13. Acceptable strapping methods

Downloaded Form Remounting of Armor

Once the armor panel has been subjected to any ballistic tests, no effort shall be made to
recover any bullets trapped in the armor panel, and no effort shall be made to fill in any BFS
indentations in the test fixture backing material. When necessary, the backing material shall be
struck to return the surface to a flat configuration; however, the BFS indentation should not be
repaired. The armor panel shall be manipulated by hand so that any deformations in the armor
are smoothed out. Also, the armor panel shall be repositioned on the backing material such that
the next impact will not occur over any BFS indentation and such that the panel is supported by
smooth clay backing material for a distance of no less than 76 mm (3.0 in) in all directions
around the next shot location. Backing Material Fixture Positioning

The backing material fixture shall be positioned to ensure proper bullet impact placement
and angle of incidence of the test round. For any shots requiring a nonzero angle of incidence,
the backing material fixture shall be positioned so that the bullet line of flight is directed toward
the vertical centerline of the armor panel at the point of impact. An exception will be made for
armors where shots directed in a different orientation will likely be more problematic for the
armor to stop. In these cases, for shots requiring a nonzero angle of incidence, the armor shall be
oriented such that the shot will exploit the perceived weakness.

7.8 Perforation and Backface Signature Test (P-BFS)

All armor models submitted for compliance testing will undergo P-BFS testing using the
threat rounds specified in section 2 and table 4. These impact tests measure three BFS indentions
and demonstrate the armor’s resistance to perforation. This test series requires the use of a
plastically deforming witness media (clay backing material) held in direct contact with the back
surface of the armor panel. This configuration is used to capture and measure the BFS depression
produced in the backing material during nonperforating threat round impacts.

The number of armor samples defined in section 4.1 shall be subjected to P-BFS tests in
accordance with the following procedures.

7.8.1 Shot Location Marking

Clearly mark the shot locations directly on each sample according to the following

Flexible Vests and Jackets: All flexible vests and jackets shall be tested with six shots in
the approximate pattern shown in figure 14. Shots 1, 2, and 3 shall meet the shot-to-edge
distance requirements, but they shall not be located more than the minimum shot-to-edge
distance plus 19 mm (0.75 in) from the edge of the panel. Shots 4, 5, and 6 shall meet the shot-
to-shot distance requirements, but all three shots shall be located within a 100 mm (3.94 in)
diameter circle. For panels with sufficient area, the locations of shots 4, 5, and 6 shall be
randomly moved to different areas on different panels. When there are no discontinuities or

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apparent weaknesses in the armor as considered below, refer to guidance from the CTP on the
specific locations for shots 4, 5, and 6 on each panel.

For the case of armor samples sized to Template NIJ–C–1 (smallest template) when
tested with threat 2 only, the panel may be subjected to only five shots if space limitations
prevent taking six shots. In this case, shots 1 through 5 shall be taken, but shot 6 may be skipped.
In this case only, the total number of shots required for a complete P-BFS test series shall be 66
shots per test threat.

For armors where the construction and material thickness vary across the panel, the
locations of shots 4, 5, and 6 shall be adjusted to exploit the weakest portion of the armor.

For armors that have folds, seams, or other discontinuities (such as the bust cups of some
female armors or the closures of front closing vests), additional shots shall be fired so that at
least one shot impacts each fold, seam, or discontinuity. If a single fold, seam, or discontinuity
extends more than one half the width or height of the armor (such as closure of a front closing
vest), at least two shots shall impact that discontinuity. For small armors with limited shot area,
the locations of shots 4, 5, and 6 may be varied such that one of these shots impacts the

Hard Armors and Plate Inserts: All hard armors and plate inserts shall be tested with
the appropriate number of shots as defined in section 4.1.2. The shots shall be placed on the
panel in any pattern that meets the shot-to-edge and shot-to-shot spacing requirements.

Figure 14. General armor panel impact locations (front and back)

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7.8.2 Armor Submersion

New Flexible Vests and Jackets: All new flexible vests and jackets shall be submersed
and tested wet. Each armor panel shall be hung vertically in a water bath meeting the
requirements of section 4.2.4 for 30 min (+ 5 min/- 0 min) with the top edge of the armor
positioned 100 mm ± 25 mm (3.9 in ± 1.0 in) below the water surface. For armors that are
buoyant, weights shall be attached to the bottom edge of the armor with clothes pins or similar
clips to allow the armor to hang vertically. After removing the panel from the water, it shall be
hung vertically and allowed to dry for 10 min (+ 5 min/- 0 min) before mounting on the test
fixture. All testing of the panel shall be completed within 40 min of when the panel is removed
from the water.

Conditioned Flexible Vests and Jackets: All flexible vests and jackets that have been
subjected to the conditioning protocol described in section 5 shall not be submersed but shall be
tested dry.

Hard Armors and Plate Inserts: All hard armors and plate inserts shall be submersed
and tested wet. When plate inserts are tested in conjunction with a flexible vest or jacket, the
flexible component shall have previously demonstrated its full compliance with this standard at
its appropriate level. Both the plate and the flexible vest or jacket shall be tested wet.

7.8.3 Test Threats for P-BFS Tests

All armors shall be tested with the appropriate threats for the armor type as defined in
section 2 and listed in table 4. In addition, a manufacturer may specify additional special type
threats for a particular armor model.

7.8.4 Test Duration

The duration of the ballistic test on each armor panel shall be no longer than 30 min, from
the time the first shot is fired until the last shot is fired. The first shot shall be fired within 10
min. after completion of the armor submersion cycle described in section 7.8.2. Testing shall be
repeated if either of these requirements is not met. All test results, including the noncompliant
test series, shall be reported. Test start and stop times shall be recorded for each test series.

7.8.5 Requirements for Number of Shots and Number of Armor Samples

A complete P-BFS test for an armor type consists of the total required number of fair hits
accumulated on the required number of armor samples for each of the specified test rounds, as
defined in table 5 for new condition armors and table 6 for conditioned armors. Each armor panel
or plate shall be subjected to the number of fair hits specified in table 5 or table 6, as appropriate,
using the specified test round. The shots on each panel shall be fired in order of their location
numbers, as shown in figure 14. The angles of the shots shall be as specified in table 7. For
flexible vests and jackets, one shot on each panel shall have an angle of incidence of 30°, and
one shot shall have an angle of incidence of 45°. The angle of incidence for location 4 on the first
P-BFS panel tested shall be randomly selected as either 30° or 45°, and the other angle used at
shot location 5. For all subsequent P-BFS panels of that model, the order of the two angles shall

Hits Per Hits Per
Conditioned New Panel Maximum Panel at Shots Total
Armor Test Test Bullet Armor Test Armor Test at 0◦ BFS 30◦ or 45◦ Per Panel Panel Panels Shots Shots
Type Round Bullet Mass Velocity* Velocity* Angle Depth Angle† Panel Size Condition Required Required Required

New 4 24
9 mm 8.0 g 355 m/s 373 m/s 44 mm Conditioned 2 12
1 4 2 6
FMJ RN (124 gr) (1165 ft/s) (1225 ft/s) (1.73 in) New 4 24
Conditioned 2 12
IIA 144
New 4 24
.40 S&W 11.7 g 325 m/s 352 m/s 44 mm Conditioned 2 12
2 4 2 6
FMJ (180 gr) (1065 ft/s) (1155 ft/s) (1.73 in) New 4 24
Conditioned 2 12

New 4 24
9 mm 8.0 g 379 m/s 398 m/s 44 mm Conditioned 2 12
1 4 2 6
FMJ RN (124 gr) (1245 ft/s) (1305 ft/s) (1.73 in) New 4 24
Conditioned 2 12
II 144
New 4 24
.357 Magnum 10.2 g 408 m/s 436 m/s 44 mm Conditioned 2 12
2 4 2 6
JSP (158 gr) (1340 ft/s) (1430 ft/s) (1.73 in) New 4 24
Conditioned 2 12

New 4 24
.357 SIG 8.1 g 430 m/s 448 m/s 44 mm Conditioned 2 12
1 4 2 6
FMJ FN (125 gr) (1410 ft/s) (1470 ft/s) (1.73 in) New 4 24
Conditioned 2 12
IIIA 144
New 4 24
.44 Magnum 15.6 g 408 m/s 436 m/s 44 mm Conditioned 2 12
2 4 2 6
SJHP (240 gr) (1340 ft/s) (1430 ft/s) (1.73 in) New 4 24
Conditioned 2 12

7.62 mm 9.6 g 847 m/s 44 mm

Table 4. P-BFS performance test summary

III 1 - 6 0 6 All Conditioned 4 24 24
NATO FMJ (147 gr) (2780 ft/s) (1.73 in)
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.30 Caliber 10.8 g 878 m/s 44 mm

IV 1 - 1 to 6 0 1 to 6 All Conditioned 4 to 24 24 24
M2 AP (166 gr) (2880 ft/s) (1.73 in)
Each test threat to be specified by armor
Special - Armor performance and shot requirements shall depend on armor type.
manufacturer or procuring organization.

*Target measurement velocity. Fair hit measurement velocities must be within ± 9.1 m/s (± 30 ft/s) of this value, as defined in Section 7.6.

Each armor that is to be shot at angles other than 0◦ shall be shot once at a 30◦ angle and once at a 45◦ angle.
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Table 5. Number of shots and fair hits on each size of new condition armor samples

Required Required Maximum

Number of Number of Required Number of
Required Complete Armor Fair Hits Shots Allowed Required
Armor Test Round Fair Hits Per Armor Panels or per Panel per Panel or Total Fair
Type (see table 4) Test Round Samples Plates or Plate Plate Hits per Size
1 24 2 4 6 8
IIA 48
2 24 2 4 6 8
1 24 2 4 6 8
II 48
2 24 2 4 6 8
1 24 2 4 6 8
2 24 2 4 6 8
III 1 24 4 4 6 6 24
IV 1 24 TBD TBD 1 to 6 6 24

Table 6. Number of shots and fair hits on each size of conditioned samples

Required Required Maximum

Number of Number of Required Number of
Required Complete Armor Fair Hits Shots Allowed Required
Armor Test Round Fair Hits Per Armor Panels or per Panel per Panel or Total Fair
Type (see table 4) Test Round Samples Plates or Plate Plate Hits per size
1 12 1 2 6 8
IIA 24
2 12 1 2 6 8
1 12 1 2 6 8
II 24
2 12 1 2 6 8
1 12 1 2 6 8
2 12 1 2 6 8
III 1 24 4 4 6 6 24
IV 1 24 TBD TBD 1 to 6 6 24

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Table 7. Angle of incidence locations

Shot Location(s) Location(s) for Fair Shot Locations

Armor Test Round for Fair Hits at 0° Hits at 30° or 45° for BFS
Type (see table 4) Angle of Incidence Angle of Incidence Measurement(s)
1 1, 2, 3, 6 4, 5 1, 2, 3
2 1, 2, 3, 6 4, 5 1, 2, 3
1 1, 2, 3, 6 4, 5 1, 2, 3
2 1, 2, 3, 6 4, 5 1, 2, 3
1 1, 2, 3, 6 4, 5 1, 2, 3
2 1, 2, 3, 6 4, 5 1, 2, 3
III 1 All - 1, 2
IV 1 All - 1, 2

Before each shot, the armor panel or plate shall be positioned as described in
section 7.7.2.

After each shot: The bullet velocity shall be recorded. The actual location of the shot
shall be examined to confirm that it complies with shot location requirements. The armor panel
or plate and the backing material shall be examined to determine if a perforation occurred. All of
the preceding observations shall be considered to determine if the shot was a fair hit, as defined
in section 7.6.

If impact is not a fair hit: If an impact is determined to not be a fair hit, a second attempt
shall be made immediately to obtain a fair hit in the same general location of the preceding
unfair hit. No more than two attempts shall be made to obtain a fair hit at any general shot
location. The maximum number of shots on any armor panel or plate shall not exceed the
number specified in table 5 or table 6, as appropriate.

If more than two attempts are required to obtain a fair hit for any shot location, the test
series on that panel shall be considered noncompliant. If the maximum number of allowable
shots on the given armor panel/plate is exceeded, the test series on that panel/plate shall be
considered noncompliant. Testing shall be repeated for any panel test series considered
noncompliant. All test results, including the noncompliant test series, shall be reported.

If impact is a fair hit: If the impact did not produce a perforation and the shot was a fair
hit, the BFS depression depth for the locations shown in table 7 shall be measured and recorded.
If necessary, the backing material shall be struck (as described in section or manipulated
to produce an acceptable surface for remounting the armor. BFS Measurement

The BFS shall be measured using a device capable of 1 mm (0.04 in) or better accuracy.
The BFS shall be recorded. All measurements necessary to determine the BFS for a shot shall
use a common reference surface. When the measured BFS exceeds 40 mm (1.58 in), the

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measurement shall be verified by a second measurement. Additionally, when the measurements

are not fully automated and human interaction is required with the measuring device or backing
material, a different individual shall make the second measurement.

7.8.6 P-BFS Test for Special Type Armor

The materials of construction and the construction details of special type armor shall be
examined to determine the appropriate test methodology.

7.8.7 P-BFS Test for Accessory Ballistic Panels Groin and Coccyx Protectors

Each protector shall be tested in its external carrier. Each protector shall be impacted with
at least three evenly spaced fair hits at an angle of incidence of 0° (24 shots total). A single BFS
depth measurement shall be taken on the first fair hit impact for each panel, for a total of eight
BFS measurements. Removable Side Protection

Removable side protection panels shall be tested in the primary armor’s external carriers
as appropriate for each armor model designation.

The samples shall be tested in accordance with the requirements of sections 7.6 and 7.7,
placing as many fair hit impacts as possible, but not more than six shots, on each test sample to
achieve a total of 24 fair hits per test caliber at the prescribed angles of incidence, per table 4. A
single BFS depth measurement shall be taken on the first fair hit impact for each panel.

7.8.8 P-BFS Performance Requirements

Each test panel must withstand the appropriate number of fair hits and may not
experience any perforations. Any complete perforation by a fair hit constitutes a failure. Fair hit
is as defined in section 7.6.

New Samples: Each tested size of an armor model shall either have no BFS depth
measurements that exceed 44 mm (1.73 in), or for each threat round an estimated probability of a
single BFS depth measurement exceeding 44 mm (1.73 in) of less than 20 % with a confidence
of 95 %.

The armor model shall be deemed to meet these requirements if no BFS depth
measurement due to a fair hit exceeds 50 mm (1.97 in), and either:

(a) All BFS depth measurements due to fair hits are 44 mm (1.73 in) or less.


(b) The one-sided tolerance interval for a normal distribution indicates that there is 95 %
probability that 80 % of the test BFS measurementsfor armor samples of that particular

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model, size, condition, and test threat will be 44 mm (1.73 in) or less. In this case the
average, Y , and sample standard deviation, s , of all recorded BFS measurements for
armor samples of that particular model, size, condition, and test threat shall be calculated,

Y + k1s ≤ 44 mm

For the case where there are 12 BFS measurements, k1 = 1.568 . For other quantities of
BFS measurements, or for more details, see appendix D or Reference [9], section

Conditioned Samples: For flexible armors that have been subjected to the conditioning
protocol described in section 5, the BFS depth shall be recorded. However, an excessive BFS
measurements will not constitute a failure.

Table 8. Baseline ballistic limit determination test summary

Armor Ballistic Minimum
Samples Test Panels Shots
Required Threat Required Required Minimum Penetration Results*
Type IIA Test At least 60 stops.
10 120
through IIIA Round 1 At least 30 perforations
5 armors per Test At least 60 stops.
10 120
caliber. Round 2 At least 30 perforations
Type III 7.62 mm 6 perforations, 12 stops, 6 either, velocity range of
4 24
4 Armors M80 FMJ 27 m/s (90 ft/s)

Type IV .30 caliber 3 perforations, 6 stops, 3 either, velocity range of 27

2 – 12** 12
2 to 12 Armors M2 AP m/s (90 ft/s)
* When the armor’s ballistic limit is sufficiently high that achieving the velocity necessary to perforate the armor is difficult or
impossible, the test laboratory shall document that this situation has occurred. In such cases, the test will be considered
acceptable even if the minimum number of perforations is not achieved.
** Quantity determined by section and panel, plate, or insert size and ability to withstand multiple impacts.

7.9 Ballistic Limit (BL) Determination Test

The appropriate number of armor samples, as defined in section 4.1, shall be subjected to
BL tests. The armor’s ballistic performance will be estimated from the results. Each ballistic
panel or plate shall be tested in accordance with the following procedures.

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7.9.1 Requirements for Number of BL Tests and Test Samples

A complete BL test for an armor type consists of successful individual BL tests being
conducted on the required number of armor samples specified in table 8. The armor panels or
plates that comprise a sample shall each be subjected to a BL test using all threat rounds for
which the armor will be certified (see table 4).

(a) Flexible Vests and Jackets: BL testing shall be conducted on complete armor samples
(e.g., ballistic fabric panels, covers, carriers, and strapping). Removable trauma
inserts/packs shall not be included as part of the complete armor sample used for BL
(b) Hard Plates: Testing shall be conducted on complete armor samples, except when the
armor’s Type III or IV protection is provided entirely by rigid panels, plates, or inserts. In
those instances, only the rigid panels, plates, or inserts shall be tested for baseline BL.
When plate inserts are tested in conjunction with a flexible vest or jacket, the flexible
component shall have previously demonstrated its full compliance with this standard at
its appropriate level.

7.9.2 Test Procedure Requirements

The angles of incidence for all shots shall be 0°. All samples shall be tested dry.

All BL testing shall follow the basic procedures of sections 5.3.3 and 5.3.5 of MIL–STD–
662F; however, the specific test parameters in table 9 shall be adopted. For each panel, shooting
shall continue until either 12 shots or the maximum number of shots allowed on the panel has
been reached. For armors that are limited to less than 12 shots, the firing sequence shall be
continued on additional panels until 12 shots are reached. After each 12 shot sequence, a new
sequence shall be performed until the total required number of shots as listed in table 8 has been

Table 9. Test parameters and requirements for ballistic limit test

Section Reference in
Parameter Description Value MIL–STD–662F
The reference velocity for the armor type and
Velocity of first shot 5.3.3
caliber (table 4).
– 30.5 m/s (– 100 ft/s) if first shot was a
Velocity step until first 5.3.5
+ 30.5 m/s (+ 100 ft/s) if first shot was a stop. exception to 5.3.5
Velocity step until a second ± 22.9 m/s (± 75 ft/s), depending on result of
reversal. previous shot
Velocity step after second ± 15.2 m/s (50 ft/s) ), depending on result of
reversal. previous shot

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When the armor’s ballistic limit is sufficiently high that achieving the velocity necessary
to perforate the armor is difficult or impossible, the test laboratory shall document this situation
has occurred. In such cases, the test will be considered acceptable even if the minimum number
of perforations is not achieved.

7.9.3 Backing Material Conditioning

The backing material fixtures shall be prepared and conditioned to the same temperatures
as those used to conduct the P-BFS tests for that armor model. Drop test validation shall be
performed before each 12 shot series. However, post-test validation is not necessary. The
backing material temperature shall be recorded before and after tests on a single armor

7.9.4 Data Set Tabulation

All shots fired for a BL test shall be reported. The shot information shall be reported in
the order fired and shall include, at a minimum, shot number, velocity desired, actual velocity,
and shot outcome.

7.9.5 Ballistic Limit Performance Requirements

All Armors: No perforations shall occur at or below the corresponding maxium P-BFS
fair hit velocity, which is equal to the P-BFS reference velocity plus 9.1 m/s (30 ft/s).

New Armors: For new condition armors the BL test data shall be analyzed as described in
appendix E, and the estimated probability of complete perforation at the corresponding P-BFS
reference velocity must be less than 5 %. In other words, Vˆ05, new ≥ Vref , new .

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The following references form a basis for and support the procedures described in this

[1] AATCC Recommended Washers and Dryers list, available from
[2] American National Standards Institute. SAAMI Z299.1–1992, Voluntary Industry
Standards for Pressure & Velocity of Rimfire Sporting Ammunition for the Use of
Commercial Manufacturers, 1992.
[3] American National Standards Institute. SAAMI Z299.3–1993, Voluntary Industry
Standards for Pressure and Velocity of Centerfire Pistol and Revolver Ammunition for
the Use of Commercial Manufacturers, 1993.
[4] American National Standards Institute. SAAMI Z299.4–1992, Voluntary Industry
Standards for Pressure & Velocity of Centerfire Rifle Sporting Ammunition for the Use of
Commercial Manufacturers, 1992.
[5] Department of Defense. MIL-STD-662F, Department of Defense Test Method Standard,
V50 Ballistic Test for Armor, 1997 or latest version.
[6] Department of Defense. MIL-STD-810F, Department of Defense Test Method Standard
for Environmental Engineering Considerations and Laboratory Tests, 2000 or latest
[7] National Institute of Justice. NIJ Standard–0101.04, Ballistic Resistance of Police Body
Armor, 2000.
[8] NIST/SEMATECH e-Handbook of Statistical Methods,, May 2008.
[9] U.S. Army Test and Evaluation Command. TOP 2–2–710, Test Operations Procedure,
Ballistic Tests of Armor Materials, 1984 or latest version.

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Table 10 below lists the acceptable bullets for testing. For the purpose of inter-laboratory
consistency, for threat levels IIA, II, and IIIA, only those model numbers specified in table 10
shall be acceptable. 1 For threat levels III and IV, bullets from alternate manufacturers may be
used if they meet the specified weight, geometry, jacket, and core material requirements.

All jacket materials shall be of copper or copper alloy (approximately 90 % copper and
10 % zinc), with the exception of Type III, which shall be steel.

Table 10. Acceptable bullets

Nominal Acceptable Bullet
Threat Bullet BULLET Bullet Manufacturer Model
Level Caliber Weight DESCRIPTION Diameter Number
8.0 g 9 mm
9 mm Luger FMJ RN Remington 23558
(124 gr) (.355 in)
11.7 g 10 mm
.40 S&W FMJ Remington 23686
(180 gr) (.400 in)
8.0 g 9 mm
9 mm Luger FMJ RN Remington 23558
(124 gr) (.355 in)
10.2 g 9.1 mm
.357 Mag JSP Remington 22847
(158 gr) (.357 in)
8.1 g 9.0 mm
.357 SIG TMJ Speer 4362
(125 gr) (.355 in)
IIIA 4453
15.6 g 10.9 mm
.44 Mag JHP Speer or
(240 gr) (.429 in)
9.6 g 7.62 mm
III 7.62 mm NATO FMJ – SPIRE PT BT* *** ***
(147 gr) (.308 in)
10.8 g 7.62 mm May be obtained from U.S.
IV 30.06 M2 AP FMJ – SPIRE PT AP Military M2 AP ammunition
(166 gr) (.308 in)

* Verify that jacket is ferrous (use of a magnet is acceptable).

** Note: These two models are the same bullet but sold in different quantities.
*** Bullet may be obtained from U.S. military/NATO M80 ammunition, or from other manufacturers meeting the
specifications for the projectile in the M80 cartridge.

The use of brand names and model numbers in this standard does not constitute endorsement by the U.S. Department of Justice;
Office of Justice Programs; National Institute of Justice; U.S. Department of Commerce; National Institute of Standards and
Technology; Office of Law Enforcement Standards; or any other agency of the United States Federal Government, nor does it
imply that the product is best suited for other applications.

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Table 11 lists some common threat rounds that may be problematic for some armors.
These threats, with their accompanying test velocities, may be used in the special type testing to
validate that a particular armor model may stop these rounds in addition to the standard threats.

The threat rounds listed in the table are not the only rounds that can be tested in the
special type tests. A purchaser or manufacturer may specify any round for testing with the
special type tests. These are included in the standard only to simplify the procedure of specifying
common special threat rounds.

Nominal Recommended Recommended
Manufacturer Model Caliber Weight Description Diameter (Factory) Conditioned New Armor Test
Velocity (ft/s) Test Velocity Velocity (ft/s)
Federal Tactical Bonded 9mm Luger 135 gr Tactical HP 9 mm (0.355 in) 1060 1120 1150
Federal Tactical Bonded .357 SIG 125 gr Tactical HP 9 mm (.355 in) 1350 1410 1440
Federal Tactical Bonded .40 S&W 165 gr Tactical HP 10 mm (.400 in) 1050 1110 1140
Federal Tactical Bonded .40 S&W 180 gr Tactical HP 10 mm (.400 in) 1000 1060 1090
Federal Tactical Bonded .45 ACP 230 gr Tactical HP 11.5mm (.451 in) 950 1010 1040
Speer Gold Dot 9 mm Luger 124 gr GDHP 9 mm (0.355 in) 1220 1280 1310
Speer Gold Dot .357 SIG 125 gr GDHP 9 mm (0.355 in) 1375 1435 1465
Speer Gold Dot .40 S&W 165 gr GDHP 10 mm (.400 in) 1150 1210 1240

Speer Gold Dot .40 S&W 180 gr GDHP 10 mm (.400 in) 1025 1085 1115
Speer Gold Dot .45 ACP 185 gr GDHP 11.5mm (.451 in) 1050 1110 1140
Speer Gold Dot .45 ACP 230 gr GDHP 11.5mm (.451 in) 890 950 980
Winchester Ranger T-Series 9 mm Luger 127 gr JHP 9 mm (0.355 in) 1250 1310 1340
Winchester Ranger T-Series .357 SIG 125 gr JHP 9 mm (0.355 in) 1350 1410 1440
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Winchester Ranger T-Series .40 S&W 165 gr JHP 10 mm (.400 in) 1140 1200 1230
Winchester Ranger T-Series .40 S&W 180 gr JHP 10 mm (.400 in) 990 1050 1080
Table 11. Special type threats of particular concern to law enforcement

Winchester Ranger T-Series .45 ACP 230 gr JHP 11.5mm (.451 in) 990 1050 1080
FN SS192 5.7 mm 28 gr JHP 5.7 mm (.224 in) 2050 2110 2140
FN/Hornady SS197SR 5.7 mm 40 gr V-Max 5.7 mm (.224 in) 1700 1760 1790
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The following five templates are intended for use with most models of flexible armor in
the form of concealable or tactical vests or jackets. The same templates may be used for male,
female, or unisex armor designs. The five templates are:

[1] Template NIJ–C–1 (Smallest)

[2] Template NIJ–C–2 (Small)
[3] Template NIJ–C–3 (Medium)
[4] Template NIJ–C–4 (Large)
[5] Template NIJ–C–5 (Largest)

The dimensions of these templates are shown in drawings on the following five pages,
and the maximum and minimum areas are shown in table 12 below. Table 13 and table 14 list the
smallest and largest allowable production armors for each of the available template sizes.

Table 12. Surface areas of armor sizing templates

Maximum Area Minimum Area

Template (Largest Rear Panel) (Smallest Front Panel)
NIJ–C–1 0.0939 m2 (146 in2) 0.0659 m2 (102 in2)
NIJ–C–2 0.1354 m2 (210 in2) 0.1020 m2 (158 in2)
NIJ–C–3 0.1835 m2 (284 in2) 0.1443 m2 (224 in2)
NIJ–C–4 0.2393 m2 (371 in2) 0.1945 m2 (301 in2)
NIJ–C–5 0.3022 m2 (468 in2) 0.2517 m2 (390 in2)

Table 13. Minimum allowable surface areas for production armor

If the smaller The minimum area of

template tested is: production armor shall be:
NIJ–C–1 No limit
NIJ–C–2 0.0980 m2 (152 in2)
NIJ–C–3 0.1399 m2 (217 in2)
NIJ–C–4 0.1890 m2 (293 in2)
NIJ–C–5 Not applicable

Table 14. Maximum allowable surface areas for production armor

If the larger The maximum area of

template tested is: production armor shall be:
NIJ–C–1 Not applicable
NIJ–C–2 0.1399 m2 (217 in2)
NIJ–C–3 0.1890 m2 (293 in2)
NIJ–C–4 0.2455 m2 (381 in2)
NIJ–C–5 No limit

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The measured backface signatures from a P-BFS test for new armor shall be analyzed to
determine if the armor will provide adequate protection against behind armor blunt trauma. The
requirements given in section 7.8.8 specify that either all measured BFS depths due to fair hits
shall be 44 mm (1.73 in) or less, or if any BFS depth exceeds 44 mm (1.73 in) then there shall be
95 % confidence that 80 % of all BFS depths will be 44 mm (1.73 in) or less. In no case may a
BFS depth exceed 50 mm (1.97 in).

The requirements of the second condition can be verified using a statistical tolerance
limit (see section 8, Reference [8]). In this case, we expect a stated portion of the entire
population of all BFS measurements to lie at or below the statistical upper tolerance limit. To
achieve this, the population of BFS measurements is assumed to be normally distributed, and the
upper tolerance limit, YU , must be less than or equal to 44 mm (1.73 in). The upper tolerance
limit is defined as:

YU = Y + k1 s

Here, Y is the average of all BFS measurements for armor samples of that particular
model, size, condition, and test threat; s is the sample standard deviation of the same set of BFS
measurements; and k1 is a factor that must be determined such that the interval covers the
appropriate proportion, p , with a confidence of γ .

The average, Y , is simply calculated as:

Y =
i =1

Here, N is the number of BFS measurements, and Yi are the individual BFS
measurements. The sample standard deviation, s , is then calculated as:

1 N
∑ (Yi − Y )2
N − 1 i =i

The approximate k factor, k1 , for a one-sided tolerance interval can now be calculated as
(see section 8, Reference [8]):

z1− p + z12− p − ab
k1 =

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Here, z1− p is the normal distribution critical value that is exceeded with a probability of
1 − p . The factors a and b are defined as:

z12−γ z12−γ
a = 1− ; b = z12− p −
2(N − 1) N

Here, z1−γ is the normal distribution critical value that is exceeded with a probability of
1− γ .

For the analysis of BFS measurements according to the requirements of this standard, the
probability that no BFS measurement exceeds 44 mm (1.73 in) must be at least 80 %, so p =
0.80, and the required confidence is 95 %, so γ = 0.95. The critical values for the normal
distribution can be calculated or obtained from tables in many statistical texts. For this case they

z1−γ = z 0.05 = 1.645 ; z1− p = z 0.20 = 0.842

Using these results, the factors a and b can be calculated for a given number, N , of
BFS measurements. For N = 12, factors a and b are:

1.645 2 1.645 2
a = 1− = 0.877 ; b = 0.842 2 − = 0.483
2(12 − 1) 12

Then, the k factor, k1 , is:

0.842 + 0.842 2 − (0.877 )(0.483)

k1 = = 1.568

Other k factors, for quantities of BFS measurements that will be typical of tests
performed to this standard, are listed in table 15.

The allowable excessive BFS probability, 20 %, may appear to be high; however, this
value is intended to account for both the variation in the armor’s performance, which should be
small, and the variation in the BFS measurement due to the backing material and the backing
material preparation. While careful treatment and preparation of the backing material by the test
laboratory can minimize the variation due to the backing material, there will always be some
inherent variation introduced into the test results by the backing material. The required
probability is chosen to reduce that possibility that an acceptable armor design will fail the P-
BFS test due to reasonable variation in the backing material.

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Table 15. k factors for 80 % probability with 95 % confidence

Number of BFS Measurements, N k factor, k1

6 2.143
7 1.961
8 1.837
9 1.745
10 1.673
11 1.616
12 1.568

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Once the ballistic limit testing has been completed, the test results should be analyzed for
each test threat by performing a regression to estimate what the armor’s performance will be
over a range of velocities. In particular, the analysis should attempt to estimate the velocity
where the probability of perforation becomes reasonably small. In general a logistic regression
can be used for this purpose; however, other probability distributions and regression methods
may be used when one can be shown to better estimate the performance of a particular armor

The logistic regression may be performed on the data using the method of maximum
likelihood to estimate the logistic parameters βˆ0 and β̂1 , which are the estimated logistic
constant and the estimated velocity coefficient, respectively. These parameters define the shape
of the S-shaped logistic curve, which is defined as:

e β 0 + vβ1
π (v ) =
1 + e β 0 + vβ 1

Here π (v ) is the probability of a complete perforation occurring at velocity, v. From the

estimated logistic parameters, the ballistic limit can be determined as:

− βˆ 0
Vˆ50 =
βˆ 1

In addition, the velocity at which the probability of a complete perforation is x %, Vˆx , can be
determined as:

⎛ x ⎞ ˆ
ln⎜ ⎟ − β0
⎝1 − x ⎠
Vx =
βˆ 1

The estimated logistic parameters for a conditioned armor and its ballistic limit can be
determined in the same method; however, care should be exercised when the analysis is
performed on a relatively small data set, as the reliability of the estimated perforation probability
will be poor for small data sets.

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The following information is provided as explanation for the sections indicated.

Explanatory Material for Section 2 NIJ Body Armor Classification

The ballistic threat posed by a bullet depends on its composition, shape, caliber, mass,
angle of incidence, and impact velocity, among other things. Because of the wide variety of
bullets and cartridges available in a given caliber and the existence of handloaded ammunition,
armors that will defeat a standard test round may not defeat other threats of the same caliber. An
armor that defeats a given lead bullet may not resist perforation by other bullets of the same
caliber having different construction or configuration. The test ammunitions specified in this
standard represent higher velocity versions of threats that law enforcement officers may face in
the United States, but which also are among the more difficult threats to safely stop. By testing
armors against these threats, the armor will generally be able to stop a wide variety of similar and
lesser threats.

As of the publication of this standard, ballistic resistant body armor suitable for full-time
wear throughout an entire shift of duty is available in classification Types IIA, II, and IIIA,
which provide increasing levels of protection from handgun threats. Type IIA body armor will
provide minimal protection against smaller caliber handgun threats. Type II body armor will
provide protection against many handgun threats, including many common, smaller caliber
pistols with standard pressure ammunition, and against many revolvers. Type IIIA body armor
provides a higher level of protection, and will generally protect against most pistol calibers,
including many law enforcement ammunitions, and against many higher powered revolvers.

Types III and IV armor, which protect against rifle rounds, are generally used only in
tactical situations or when the threat warrants such protection.

Type I body armor, which was first issued during the NIJ demonstration project in 1975,
has been removed from this test standard due to the increasing prevalence of higher powered
threats and the increased power of most law enforcement duty weapons. While it is not yet
necessary to remove Type IIA armor from service, agencies that are using this level of protection
are advised to review the threats they face and to consider upgrading to a higher level of
protection when their current armor reaches the end of its service life.

Explanatory Material for Section 3 Definitions

The definition of perforation was added to improve the clarity of the document and make
the terminology consistent with international standards. Perforation replaces complete
penetration. Although the terms partial penetration and complete penetration are no longer used
in this standard, they may still be used for compatibility with military standards.

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Explanatory Material for Section 4 Sample Requirements and Laboratory Configuration

4.1 Test Samples

Ballistic limit testing is not required on smaller sized armor panels for the following
reasons. Past research has shown that the size of the armor generally has only a small impact on
the penetrability of the armor and that the larger armors tend to be slightly easier to perforate.
Therefore, the larger armors are expected to perform slightly worse than the smaller armors.
Additionally, there is not enough area on the smaller armors for good ballistic limit testing, and
many more panels would be required for the smaller armors.

4.1.5 Labeling

The requirement for English on the label has been removed for the sake of allowing this
standard to be more widely used. The requirement for use of a particular language for the label
markings should be inserted into the appropriate conformity program or procurement
requirements. Handloads

Test laboratories are advised to consider factors that might produce variable ballistic
results (day-to-day variations, powder lot, bullet lot, etc.), and to confirm that required velocities
will be achieved before testing armor. For ballistic limit testing, sufficiently accurate records
should be kept for each test threat such that the load required for particular velocity can be
estimated with reasonable accuracy. Test Barrel Fixtures

Test laboratories are advised to verify that correct velocities will be achieved, ensure that
the test barrel has achieved thermal stability, and use an appropriate aiming system to ensure
proper placement of the test bullet.

4.2.4 Armor Submersion Equipment

No formal test method is provided for measuring impurities in the water used for armor
submersion. “Visible impurities” refers to seeing any debris, material, or particles floating in the
water or seeing discoloration in the water. Manufacturers may request fresh water for armor
submersion of their products.

Explanatory Material for Section 5 Flexible Armor Conditioning Protocol

This method may not reproduce all of the humidity effects associated with the natural
environment, such as long-term effects of exposure to high humidity or to low humidity
situations. This method does not attempt to duplicate the complex temperature/humidity
environment but provides a generally stressful situation that is intended to reveal potential
problem areas in the armor.

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Accordingly, this procedure does not reproduce naturally occurring or service-induced

temperature-humidity time histories, nor is it intended to produce humidity effects that have been
preceded by solar effects. It may induce problems that are indicative of long-term effects.

Explanatory Material for Section 6 Hard Armor Conditioning Protocol

This method may not reproduce all of the humidity effects associated with the natural
environment, such as long-term effects of exposure to high humidity or to low humidity
situations. This method does not attempt to duplicate the complex temperature/humidity
environment but, rather, provides a generally stressful situation that is intended to reveal
potential problem areas in the armor. This test method will not predict the service life of the
armor. Accordingly, this procedure does not reproduce naturally occurring or service-induced
temperature-humidity time histories, nor is it intended to produce humidity effects that have been
preceded by solar effects. It may induce problems that are indicative of long-term effects. This
method does not simulate an exact period of time in the field, nor is it intended as an absolute
predictor of actual armor service life.

There is no armor conditioning requirement for the in conjunction flexible armor

portions. The plate inserts are required to undergo conditioning, and the flexible armor shall be
listed on the NIJ Compliant Products List, indicating that they have already passed both
conditioning and ballistic testing.

Explanatory Material for Section 7 Ballistic Test Methods

7.3 Workmanship Examination

Photographs of all samples are not necessary; however, pretest and post-test photographs
of all samples, along with photographs of any deficiencies, failures, or unusual results can
provide useful information to both the armor manufacturer and the conformity assessment body,
and are, therefore, preferred. Such photographic documentation may be required by either the
manufacturer or the CTP.

7.6.1 Minimum Shot-to-Edge Distance

The minimum shot-to-edge distance for many test threats is now 51 mm (2.0 in), as
opposed to 76 mm (3.0 in) in NIJ Standard–0101.03 and NIJ Standard–0101.04. This returns the
limit to distance it was at in earlier versions of the standard.

For the heavier threat rounds used against the Type IIA, II, and IIIA armors, the
minimum shot-to-edge distance remains at 76 mm (3.0 in).

The minimum shot-to-edge distance may be further reduced for a particular model at the
request of the manufacturer.

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7.8 Ballistic Perforation and Backface Signature Testing

Neither the clay backing material nor the backface signature depth measurement reflects
characteristics of the human torso or its response to ballistic impact. The clay backing material
provides a medium for making BFS measurements.

Explanatory Material for Section 7.9.5

While not a requirement of the current standard, the ballistic limit results may be used to
estimate whether a conditioned or a field return has degraded to the point where its performance
may be questionable.

From the analysis described above, an acceptable degradation margin for aged armors,
Vm arg in , can be defined as:

This degradation margin is based on the assumption that while the armor’s performance
will have declined, the velocity coefficient of the performance curve will have remained nearly
the same. Once this margin has been estimated, and assuming that while the armor’s
performance will have declined, the velocity coefficient of the performance curve will have
remained nearly the same, a minimum allowable aged armor ballistic limit may be established.
For aged armors the ballistic limit should not have degraded more than the degradation margin.
Due to the limited amount of data available to determine the aged armor ballistic limit, some
additional reduction might be allowed to account for the variation in the aged armor ballistic
limit estimate. This leads to a minimal aged armor ballistic limit that can be defined as:


Care should be taken when analyzing response data from aged, and particularly field-
returned, armors. Ballistic limit test data from armors that have not been aged in the same way
should generally not be lumped together, and the results from any single specimen may not be
typical of an armor model. However, if estimated ballistic limits from more than a small
percentage of aged armors are either close to or less than the established minimum, there may be
reason to be concerned with the armor’s long term-performance.

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About the Law Enforcement and Corrections

Standards and Testing Program
The Standards and Testing Program is sponsored by the Office of Science and Technology of
the National Institute of Justice (NIJ), Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice.
The program responds to the mandate of the Homeland Security Act of 2002, which directed
the Office of Science and Technology to establish and maintain performance standards in
accordance with the National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act of 1995 (Public Law
104–113) to test and evaluate law enforcement technologies that may be used by Federal, State,
and local law enforcement agencies. The Homeland Security Act of 2002 also directed the
Office of Science and Technology to establish and maintain a program to certify, validate,
and mark or otherwise recognize law enforcement technology products that conform to the
standards mentioned above.
This document is not intended to cre-
The Standards and Testing Program is a basic and applied research effort that determines the ate, does not create, and may not be
technological needs of justice system agencies, sets minimum performance standards for relied upon to create any rights, sub-
specific devices, tests commercially available equipment against those standards, and stantive or procedural, enforceable at
disseminates the standards and the test results to criminal justice agencies nationally and law by any party in any matter civil or
internationally. criminal.

The Office of Law Enforcement Standards (OLES) at the National Institute of Standards and Opinions or points of view expressed in
Technology develops voluntary national performance standards for compliance testing to this document represent a consensus
ensure that individual items of equipment are suitable for use by criminal justice agencies. of the authors and do not represent the
The standards are based upon laboratory testing and evaluation of representative samples of official position or policies of the U.S.
each item of equipment to determine the key attributes, develop test methods, and establish Department of Justice. The products
minimum performance requirements for each essential attribute. In addition to the technical and manufacturers discussed in this
standards, OLES also produces technical reports and user guidelines that explain in document are presented for informa-
nontechnical terms the capabilities of available equipment. tional purposes only and do not consti-
tute product approval or endorsement
The National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center (NLECTC), operated by a by the U.S. Department of Justice.
grantee, coordinates a national compliance testing program conducted by independent
laboratories. The standards developed by OLES serve as performance benchmarks against The National Institute of Justice is a
which commercial equipment is measured. component of the Office of Justice
Programs, which also includes the
Publications are available at no charge through NLECTC. Some documents are also available Bureau of Justice Assistance; the
online at request a document or additional information, Bureau of Justice Statistics; the
call 800–248–2742 or 301–519–5060, or write: Community Capacity Development
Office; the Office for Victims of Crime;
National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center the Office of Juvenile Justice and
2277 Research Boulevard, Mailstop 8J Delinquency Prevention; and the
Rockville, MD 20850 Office of Sex Offender Sentencing,
E-mail: [email protected] Monitoring, Apprehending, Registering,
World Wide Web address: and Tracking (SMART).

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