Selection and Application Guide To Personal Body Armor
Selection and Application Guide To Personal Body Armor
Selection and Application Guide To Personal Body Armor
Department of Justice
Office of Justice Programs
National Institute of Justice
John Ashcroft
Attorney General
Deborah J. Daniels
Assistant Attorney General
Sarah V. Hart
Director, National Institute of Justice
November 2001
Published by:
The National Institute of Justice’s
National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center
Lance Miller, Testing Manager
P.O. Box 1160, Rockville, MD 20849–1160
800–248–2742; 301–519–5060
NCJ 189633
National Institute of Justice
Sarah V. Hart
Wendy Howe
Program Manager, Standards and Testing
Points of view are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the U.S.
Department of Justice. This document is not intended to create, does not create, and may not be relied
upon to create any rights, substantive or procedural, enforceable by any party in any matter civil or
The National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center is supported by Cooperative
Agreement 96–MU–MU–K011 awarded by the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice
Programs, National Institute of Justice. The products, manufacturers, and organizations discussed in
this publication are presented for informational purposes only and do not constitute product approval
or endorsement by the National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice; National Institute of
Standards and Technology, U.S. Department of Commerce; or Aspen Systems Corporation.
The National Institute of Justice is a component of the Office of Justice Programs, which also includes the
Bureau of Justice Assistance, the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency
Prevention, and the Office for Victims of Crime.
NIJ is pleased to release this updated edition of NIJ’s guide to selecting body armor. The update
incorporates several important changes:
First, it includes information from the new Ballistic Resistance of Personal Body Armor, NIJ
Standard–0101.04, which was the result of 3 years of study, research, and collaboration by the
Office of Law Enforcement Standards (OLES) at the National Institute of Standards and Tech-
nology. It also contains information on NIJ’s new Stab Resistance of Personal Body Armor, NIJ
Standard–0115.00, which was developed by OLES in conjunction with the Police Scientific
Development Branch of the United Kingdom and released in September 2000.
Second, the title has changed from the Selection and Application Guide to Police Body Armor to
the Selection and Application Guide to Personal Body Armor. The title change reflects recogni-
tion of the need for corrections officers to wear body armor just as law enforcement officers do.
We at NIJ, the National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center (NLECTC) sys-
tem, and OLES are excited about the forward progress and momentum that these new standards
will produce in body armor technology.
We hope criminal justice agencies will use this guide as they select protective armor that is suit-
ed to their individual needs.
Your comments on the usefulness of this document or suggestions for future editions are
welcome. Please send them to NLECTC, c/o Selection and Application Guide to Personal
Body Armor, P.O. Box 1160, Rockville, MD 20849–1160; fax to 301–519–5149; or e-mail
Sarah V. Hart
National Institute of Justice
Table of Contents
Foreword ....................................................................................................................................iii
1. Overview of the Guide ............................................................................................................1
2. A History of Body Armor........................................................................................................3
The History of NIJ’s Body Armor Testing Program ........................................................4
The Use of Body Armor Today ........................................................................................6
3. Why Wear Body Armor? ........................................................................................................7
The Cost ............................................................................................................................7
The Ballistic Threat ..........................................................................................................8
The Stab Threat................................................................................................................11
Not Just Bullets and Knives ............................................................................................11
2,500 Reasons ..................................................................................................................12
4. Body Armor Construction ....................................................................................................15
How Does Ballistic-Resistant Body Armor Work? ........................................................15
How Does Stab-Resistant Body Armor Work? ..............................................................15
Construction Methods......................................................................................................16
Model and Style Designation ..........................................................................................17
ISO 9000 ..........................................................................................................................19
Materials Used ................................................................................................................20
5. The NIJ Standards ................................................................................................................23
Developing the NIJ Standard for Ballistic Resistance of Personal Body Armor............23
The Current Standard, NIJ Standard–0101.04 ................................................................24
Introducing Stab-Resistance of Personal Body Armor, NIJ Standard–0115.00..............25
Cooperative Efforts Between NLECTC and Industry ....................................................26
The Standards Review Process ........................................................................................28
6. Ballistic-Resistant Personal Body Armor ............................................................................31
Selecting the Appropriate Level of Protection ................................................................31
The “Takeaway” Problem ................................................................................................32
The Corrections Threat ....................................................................................................33
Armor Classifications for Ballistic-Resistant Armor ......................................................34
Requirements ..................................................................................................................36
Performance Testing ........................................................................................................38
V50 Testing ......................................................................................................................40
Ballistic Limit Testing ....................................................................................................41
Acceptance and In-Service Testing ................................................................................41
7. Stab-Resistant Personal Body Armor ..................................................................................43
Armor Classifications for Stab-Resistant Armor ............................................................43
Developing the Testing Procedure ..................................................................................44
Overtest ............................................................................................................................44
Homicide Trend
160 (1964–73 data)
Officer Homicides
Total Homicides
'68 '72 '73 '74 '75 '78 '85 '87 '93 '94 '97 '00
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Source: FBI Uniform Crime Reports: Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted, 1999, 1998, 1997, 1996, 1995, 1994
The National Institute of Justice2 (NIJ) has developed standards for body armor performance
through its Office of Law Enforcement Standards (OLES). The standard for ballistic resistance
of body armor was developed 28 years ago and has gone through four revisions. In September
2000, NIJ introduced its standard for stab and puncture resistance of body armor.
Body armor is tested as a part of the National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology
Center (NLECTC) voluntary equipment testing program to determine compliance with the NIJ
standards, and NLECTC disseminates those test results and other pertinent information to the
law enforcement and corrections communities. A consumer product list of armor models that
comply with the requirements of the standards is available from NLECTC through its Web
site, JUSTNET, at
While body armor is a household word in the criminal justice community, questions about its
selection and use are frequently asked. This guide responds to commonly expressed concerns.
It provides information to help determine what level of protection is consistent with the threats
to which individual officers are exposed. It also discusses armor selection from the variety of
styles available, together with the proper care of armor in service. The NIJ standards are dis-
cussed in detail, as well as the use of the standards in armor procurement. In addition, the guide
discusses administrative concerns, including the issue of replacing inservice armor, and
describes other sources of information.
NIJ asks all departments to exercise prudent judgment in selecting armor appropriate to their
needs. In so doing, NIJ urges proper attention to those factors that affect the wearability of
armor in order to encourage routine, full-time use by all on-duty officers. The temptation to
order armor that provides more protection than realistically needed should be resisted, because
doing so may increase the likelihood that the armor will not be worn routinely.
This guide opens with a history of the development of body armor and background on the lives
it has saved. The heart of the guide—how to proceed to select and purchase body armor—
begins with chapter 6 and includes chapters explaining how to assess the level of protection
needed, things to think about when selecting armor, and ways to keep it in proper working
order. An extensive collection of appendixes is available for reference.
jacket,” constructed of ballistic nylon, provided protection primarily from munitions fragments
and was ineffective against most pistol and rifle threats. These vests also were very cumber-
some and bulky and were restricted primarily to military use. It would not be until the late
1960s that new fibers would be discovered that would make today’s generation of concealable
body armor possible.
The development of body armor by NIJ was a four-phase effort that took place over several
years. The first phase involved testing Kevlar® fabric to determine whether it could stop a lead
bullet. The second phase involved determining the number of layers of material necessary to
prevent penetration by bullets of varying speeds and calibers and developing a prototype vest
that would protect officers against the most common threats—the .38 Special and the .22 Long
Rifle bullets. Bullets from 9mm, .45, and .32 caliber weapons also were investigated.
By 1973, researchers at the Army’s Edgewood Arsenal responsible for vest design had devel-
oped a garment made of seven layers of Kevlar® fabric for use in field trials. During this pre-
liminary testing, environmental trials determined that the penetration resistance of Kevlar® was
degraded when wet. The bullet-resistant properties of the fabric also diminished upon exposure
to ultraviolet light, including sunlight. Drycleaning agents and bleach also had a negative effect
on the antiballistic properties of the fabric, as did repeated washing. To protect against these
problems, the vest was designed with waterproofing, as well as with fabric coverings to prevent
exposure to sunlight and other degrading agents.
The third phase of the initiative involved extensive medical testing to determine the perfor-
mance level of body armor that would be necessary to save police officers’ lives. It was clear to
researchers that even when a bullet was stopped by the flexible fabric, the impact and resulting
trauma from the bullet would leave a severe bruise at a minimum and, at worst, could kill by
damaging critical organs. Subsequently, Army scientists designed tests to determine the effects
of blunt trauma—the injuries suffered from forces created by the bullet impacting the armor.
A byproduct of the research on blunt trauma was the improvement of tests that measure blood
gases, which indicate the extent of injuries to the lungs.
The final phase involved monitoring the armor’s wearability and effectiveness. An initial test in
three cities determined that the vest was wearable, it did not cause undue stress or pressure on
the torso, and it did not prevent the normal body movement necessary for police work. In 1975,
an extensive field test of the new Kevlar® body armor was conducted, with 15 urban police
departments cooperating. Each department served a population larger than 250,000, and each
had experienced officer assault rates higher than the national average. The tests involved 5,000
garments, including 800 purchased from commercial sources. Among the factors evaluated
were comfort when worn for a full working day, its adaptability in extreme temperatures, and
its durability through long periods of use.
Equally important in this test was the psychological effect of the garments on the officers—
whether wearing them would enable them to be more confident or relaxed in their encounters
with the public or inspire them to take more chances with their lives or the lives of others. The
tests showed that the armor could be worn without restricting officers’ ability to do their jobs
and, more importantly, that the vests worked.
The first instance of a vest saving a participating officer’s life occurred less than 6 months after
it was issued to him. During the 1-year demonstration period, 18 shooting incidents occurred in
which body armor successfully protected the officers. The demonstration project armor issued
by NIJ was designed to ensure a 95-percent probability of survival after being hit with a .38 cal-
iber bullet at a velocity of 800 ft/s. Furthermore, the probability of requiring surgery if hit by a
projectile was to be 10 percent or less.
The Cost
Since the death of New York City Deputy Sheriff Isaac Smith in 1792, more than 15,000 offi-
cers have fallen in the line of duty—many of these men and women killed by firearms.8
The use of weapons of all types, particularly handguns, by those with criminal intent, poses a
constant threat to police officers, whether they are responding to a domestic quarrel or to an
armed robbery. All too frequently, a domestic disturbance erupts into violence when family
members redirect their anger toward the officer attempting to effect a peaceful resolution. Simi-
larly, a routine traffic stop can result in an unexpected armed confrontation. At times like these,
an officer needs the protection provided by body armor.
Logic dictates the routine use of body armor. Still there are those who do not wear it regularly,
often in spite of departmental regulations to do so. Those who do not wear armor usually claim
that the bulk and weight of armor make it uncomfortable. But case studies and statistics support
the importance of the routine use of body armor. As part of the Uniform Crime Reports, the
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) publishes its annual report Law Enforcement Officers
Killed and Assaulted (LEOKA), which contains detailed analysis of the situations and circum-
stances surrounding assaults on law enforcement officers—a “must read” for all law enforcement
The 1994 edition of the LEOKA report contains a summary of an FBI study that demonstrates
that the risk of sustaining a fatal injury for officers who do not routinely wear body armor is 14
times greater than for officers who do. (A copy of the report summary is included in appendix
C of this guide.)
The National Institute of Justice (NIJ) believes that it is in the best interest of all police depart-
ments to promote the full-time use of body armor. Aside from armor sparing officers and their
families pain and suffering, the economic impact on a department when an officer is killed in
the line of duty is staggering.
The following statistics illustrate the importance of wearing body armor to the entire law
enforcement community and beyond. Since 1973 and as of January 1, 2001, a total of 2,500
“saves” have been attributed to the use of body armor. Fifty-eight percent of these saves were
connected with felonious assaults and 42 percent with accidents, such as car crashes. Forty
percent of the felonious assaults involved firearms, 12 percent represented cutting or slashing
assaults, and 6 percent involved other types of assaults. According to the International Associa-
tion of Chiefs of Police (IACP)/DuPont Kevlar Survivors’ Club®, the estimated cost of an officer’s
death is $1.3 million. This figure is based on funeral expenses, death and pension benefits, and
the cost to a department to hire and train a replacement officer.
In 1976, the Public Safety Officers’ Benefits (PSOB) Act (42 U.S.C. 3796, et. seq.) was enacted
into law by Congress to assist the families of State and local law enforcement officers and fire-
fighters killed or permanently disabled in the line of duty. The families of these officers slain on
or after September 29, 1976, were eligible to receive a $50,000 death benefit payment. In 1984,
families of Federal law enforcement officers and firefighters killed or disabled in the line of
duty were also made eligible. The benefit was increased to $100,000 in 1988, with a provision
that this amount would be adjusted each October 1 to reflect the percentage of increase in the
Consumer Price Index. For fiscal year (FY) 1999, the amount was $143,943. Since 1977, the
Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), which administers this program, has received an average
of 275 claims each year. In FY99, the PSOB program paid out a total of $29,837,908 in death
and disability benefits to qualifying survivors under this program, and in FY00, a total of
$28,292,684 in death and disability benefits.9
In addition to the Federal PSOB program, many States also have benefits available to the sur-
vivors; however, each State varies as to the benefits they provide. Among the various benefits
available are a one-time death benefit, a pension payment, waiver of property taxes, tuition-free
education, and continuation of health care coverage for surviving children and/or spouses.
Concerns of Police Survivors (COPS), an organization dedicated to assisting and providing
resources to the families of slain officers, has compiled information on benefits available to law
enforcement survivors in all 50 States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. Information
is updated on an ongoing basis. This information includes benefits sources and contact informa-
tion. Information on how to contact COPS is included in the resource list (appendix A) at the
end of this publication.
Source: FBI Uniform Crime Reports: Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted 1999, 1998, 1997,
1996, 1995, 1994
In the case of hard armor, such as metal, rigid reinforced plastic, or ceramic materials, it is
possible to use armor of such a thickness that it does not appreciably deform from the bullet
impact. If, however, the armor that covers the torso deforms from the bullet impact, the surface
of the armor against the body at the point of impact will be forced against or into the skin.
Unlike a penetrating wound, in which the skin is broken and the bullet tears through the body,
the deformation of armor from bullet impact results in blunt trauma. This type of nonpenetrat-
ing injury can cause severe contusions (bruises) or internal damage and can even result in
death. As a result, this NIJ standard also evaluates the capabilities of the armor to prevent injury
from blunt trauma.
Simply speaking, the design of ballistic-resistant armor requires identifying the threat, selecting
a material or combination of materials that will resist that threat, and determining the number of
layers of material necessary to prevent both penetration and blunt trauma injury. The armor’s
final weight is an important design factor in the selection of the ballistic-resistant material or
materials to be used. The goal is to design the lightest possible unit that achieves the desired
protection while still providing comfort and not restricting movement.
The degree of threat to armor from handguns depends on many factors: caliber, bullet configu-
ration and composition (e.g., lead roundnose, jacketed hollow-point, full metal jacketed, armor
piercing), weight, and impact velocity. Thus, armor that defeats a specific projectile at one
impact velocity may not defeat the same caliber projectile at a higher velocity or of a different
composition or configuration.
On the whole, a continuous range of threat levels undoubtedly exists for the different weapon
and ammunition combinations available. As with clothing, which allows selection from a limit-
ed range of garment type and weight depending on climate and season, it has proven satisfac-
tory to establish six armor types (protection level classifications) that enable the selection of
armor to protect against most common threats, including sporting and armor-piercing rifle
All departments should periodically review the information used to select the level of protec-
tion (armor type classification) when the armor was purchased. Evaluate changes in service
weapons or ammunition with respect to the type of armor used by officers. Equally important
are changes in the weapons or ammunition of the local criminal population. If changes have
occurred and increased the threat to officers, the department should consider upgrading its
It should be noted that concealable ballistic-resistant body armor is potentially vulnerable to
knife attack; hence, all officers should exercise due caution when confronted with these situa-
tions. However, numerous incidents have been documented in which body armor lessened
injury. Several manufacturers currently market vests claiming to offer protection against knife
attacks, although most of these vests carry warnings indicating that they do not provide protec-
tion against all sharp-edged and pointed threats, just as a ballistic-resistant vest cannot be total-
ly bulletproof.
The details of armor classification and selection are discussed in chapters 6, 7, and 8. For the
moment, it is sufficient to recognize the importance of being realistic in assessing the threat to
officers. The weight and bulk of body armor can increase significantly as greater threat protec-
tion is demanded; both of these factors can discourage full-time use of body armor.
armor can offer. In addition, body armor also has protected numerous officers from injury from
physical assault with 2 by 4’s, baseball bats, and other rigid objects.
2,500 Reasons
The first recorded incident of a U.S. law enforcement officer’s life being saved as a result of
wearing a concealable ballistic vest occurred May 17, 1973, in Detroit, Michigan. Police Officer
Ron Jagielski, along with several other officers, was working on a plainclothes assignment
involving narcotics trafficking. Ready to enter the residence under surveillance and make the
bust, Jagielski was hit in the chest when a bullet pierced the building’s front door. A .38 caliber
special bullet was later found embedded in his ballistic vest, just below the area of his heart.
Had it not been for the protection afforded by the body armor, Jagielski would surely have
suffered a fatal injury.
Nearly a quarter-century later, on January 3, 1997, Deputy Henry Huff became the 2,000th law
enforcement official to be placed on the IACP/DuPont list of those saved by concealable body
armor. A member of the Walton County, Georgia, Sheriff’s Office, Huff was shot at point blank
range during a traffic stop by a 16-year-old male armed with a 9mm weapon. The surveillance
camera in Huff’s squad car caught the entire incident on videotape. Despite being shot twice in
the chest, Huff was spared from serious injury.
The IACP/DuPont Kevlar Survivors’ Club® commemorated the 2,500th body armor save in
November 2000 by recognizing five officers selected from five different branches of law
enforcement. One of the saves was Officer Jeffrey Seaman of the Philadelphia (Pennsylvania)
Police Department, who found himself the subject of cartoonist Rob Armstrong’s syndicated
strip, “Jump Start.” For 2 weeks, the strip featured Officer Seaman’s story, depicting the actual
shooting event, the reactions of his department and family, including his mother, a corporal in
the same department, who had always encouraged her son to wear his body armor. The strip
concluded during National Police Week in Washington, D.C., with Officer Seaman visiting the
wall at the National Law Enforcement Officers’ Memorial, and, in the final strip, being inducted
in the Survivors’ Club.
In 1987, a study by DuPont found that while most police officers recognized the dangers of
their jobs and 65 percent of those surveyed owned body armor, only 15 to 20 percent actually
used it. The reasons given for not wearing body armor ranged from legitimate concerns such as
comfort and weight, to misconceptions about an officer’s ability to survive blunt trauma caused
by a bullet that has been stopped by a vest.
In that same year, the IACP Board of Officers authorized the formation of the IACP/DuPont
Kevlar Survivors’ Club®. The objectives of this club are to:
• Reduce death and disability by encouraging the increased wear of personal body armor
through documentation of the armor’s effectiveness.
• Recognize individuals who, as a result of wearing personal body armor, have survived a
life-threatening incident.
• Serve the law enforcement community by collecting these important data and sharing
valuable information related to these survivor incidents.
By publishing the accounts of saves in Police Chief magazine and engaging in other supportive
efforts, the Survivors’ Club has helped educate law enforcement officers about the benefits of
always wearing body armor. Many departments now routinely provide body armor and mandate
its wear while officers are on duty. In some locations, concerned citizens have undertaken
fundraising activities to purchase body armor for local law enforcement officers.
According to a 1997 Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) survey of 700 State and local law
enforcement agencies with 100 or more officers,10 approximately 40 percent of sheriff’s and
municipal police departments, and 25 percent of State and county police departments, require
all field officers to wear body armor, compared to almost 30 percent in the same survey con-
ducted in 1993.11
The 1993 BJS survey also reported that more than 80 percent of the 661 agencies surveyed for
that year provided either body armor or cash allowances to purchase body armor to all of their
uniformed patrol officers. In comparison, the same survey conducted by BJS in 1987 indicated
that only 28 percent of agencies surveyed provided armor or a cash allowance to purchase
Construction Methods
Typically, concealable body armor is constructed of multiple layers of ballistic- or stab-resistant
materials, assembled into the “protective panel.” The protective panel is then inserted into the
“carrier,” which is constructed of conventional garment fabrics such as nylon or cotton. The
protective panel may be permanently sewn into the carrier or may be removable. Although the
overall finished product looks relatively simple in construction, the protective panel is very
Manmade fabrics are available from a number of manufacturers in various styles and composi-
tions, each type having unique ballistic- or stab-resistant properties. The body armor manufac-
turer may construct a given model of ballistic- or stab-resistant panel from a single fabric style
or from two or more styles in combination. The location and number of layers of each style
within the multiple-layer protective panel influence the overall performance of the panel. In
addition, some manufacturers coat the fabric with various materials. For example, the manufac-
turer may add a layer of nonballistic or stab-resistant material for the sole purpose of increasing
blunt trauma protection. Even composites of two or more different ballistic materials are avail-
able. As a consequence, it is impossible to compare one product with another based solely on
the number of fabric layers in the protective panel.
The manner in which the ballistic- or stab-resistant panels are assembled into a single unit also
differs from one manufacturer to another. In some cases, the multiple layers are bias stitched
around the entire edge of the panel; in others, the layers are tack stitched together at several
locations. Some manufacturers assemble the fabrics with a number of rows of vertical or hori-
zontal stitching; some may even quilt the entire panel. No evidence exists that stitching impairs
the ballistic- or stab-resistant properties of a panel. Instead, stitching tends to improve the over-
all performance, especially in cases of blunt trauma, depending on the type of fabric used.
The differences between protective panels in various manufacturers’ products result from indi-
vidual design concepts meant to achieve a given level of performance with minimum weight
and maximum comfort or wearability. If armor has been demonstrated to provide the desired
level of protection in accordance with the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) standards, the user
should not be concerned with the design, but should look for proper fit and comfort.
Body armor intended for routine use is most often designed to be worn beneath the normal
uniform shirt. Again, manufacturers tend to design different methods of attaching armor to the
body. Hook-and-pile fasteners are common, as are “D” ring tightening straps. With the excep-
tion of metal fasteners of any type (which can deflect a bullet on impact and pose a hazard), the
method of attachment is a matter of personal preference.
Since 1987, the National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center (NLECTC) has
tested more than 2,600 models of body armor for compliance with NIJ’s ballistic-resistant per-
formance standard. Of these, more than 1,600 comply with the requirements of the NIJ standard
and are listed in the Personal Body Armor Consumer Product List (CPL), available from
NLECTC. Testing for compliance with NIJ’s stab- and puncture-resistant performance standard
began in October 2000. The number of body armor configurations available (including armor
designed specifically for female officers) makes it possible for an officer to find comfortable
armor suitable for routine use, consistent with his or her personal taste in appearance.
3) Changes in fabric used to encase ballistic panels; provided, however, that if the fabric used in
the model tested for compliance was waterproof, the replacement fabric must exhibit equal
or improved resistance to water.
4) Changes in the fabric of the carrier material; provided, however, that if any portion of the
carrier of the sample tested for compliance contained elastic materials such as rubber or
foam rubber, the replacement fabric must provide an equivalent amount and thickness of
such material to maintain the original energy absorption.
5) Changes in the perimeter shape of the ballistic panels, including the shape and size of neck
and arm openings, and extending or reducing the overall width of the ballistic panels to
increase, decrease, or eliminate overlap of the ballistic panels.
6) Changes to the kind, style, or location of fabric attachment and adjustment mechanisms; pro-
vided, however, that such changes do not incorporate hard materials that could potentially be
a ricochet hazard.
7) Changing from a removable panel carrier to one in which the ballistic panel is not remov-
The manufacturer must assign a new model number and submit the new model for compli-
ance testing if any of the following modifications are made to a model on the CPL:
1) The addition or elimination of any layers of ballistic- or stab-resistant materials of the pro-
tective panel resulting in a different number of total layers in the panel.
2) Any alteration or changes to the sequence in which the layers are arranged or configured
within the ballistic panel for vests consisting of multiple styles or types of materials.
3) Any change in the manner in which the ballistic panel is assembled (e.g., the addition or
elimination of stitching and changes in stitch density or material).
4) Modification of an approved side-opening (solid front/back panels) of the concealable vest to
create a front- or back-opening (commonly referred to as “tactical” or “detective” style) vest.
5) Changing from a permanent/nonremovable carrier to a removable ballistic carrier.
6) Changes to the closure mechanism (including the type or location, interior flaps or panels
associated with the mechanism, and any exterior cover device) of front- or back-opening
armor configurations.
7) Changing from a snug-fitting carrier to one that allows too much movement of the ballistic
panel (e.g., ballistic panel sized to fit 38-inch chest inserted in a size-40 carrier).
Modifications not specifically addressed in these guidelines will be reviewed on a case-by-case
basis and a determination will be rendered by NIJ. In all cases, the originally tested and
archived vest will serve as the benchmark to determine if a change has occurred.
Once a model of armor has been tested and approved, and a letter of compliance has been
issued by NLECTC, it becomes the responsibility of the manufacturer to ensure that all subse-
quent production units sold to law enforcement agencies or personnel labeled as being in
compliance with NIJ standards are constructed identically to the model submitted to NLECTC
for testing and which was found to comply with the requirements of the standards.
ISO 9000
Several armor manufacturers advertise that their companies have obtained ISO 9000 certifica-
tion. Some confusion exists as to what this certification means and its relationship to NIJ
compliance testing. The following explains ISO 9000 and its significance to purchasers.
ISO stands for the International Organization for Standardization. Founded in 1946, its charter
calls for it to provide harmonized standards for manufacturing quality that are to be used
throughout the world. Through the years, ISO’s role has expanded beyond the quality system
into environmental issues, occupational health and safety, laboratory accreditations, and confor-
mity assessment. Approximately 110 countries participate in ISO standards programs. Interna-
tional standards are prepared through the efforts of technical committees, working groups, and
technical advisory groups.
ISO 9000 defines minimum guidelines for quality management in the manufacturing process.
This voluntary certification process is designed to provide consistency in the manufacturing
process that companies use. Companies are required to have a documented quality control
system and their employees must follow these established procedures.
The three quality objectives of ISO 9000 are as follows:
• Achieve and sustain the quality of service so as to meet customer requirements consistently.
• Provide assurance to management that intended quality is achieved and sustained.
• Provide assurance to customers that intended quality is being achieved and sustained.
ISO 9000 has three levels of certification. The basic level, ISO 9003, has 16 requirements.
The next level, ISO 9002, requires companies to meet all ISO 9003 requirements, plus servic-
ing, process control, and purchasing requirements. The highest level, ISO 9001, requires
companies to meet all the ISO 9002 requirements, as well as documented product design
control requirements.
It is important to note that the ISO 9000 certification process certifies the quality control
system of companies, not the quality of their products or service. ISO 9000 certification
does not imply product conformity to any given set of requirements (such as the NIJ standards).
Therefore, a clear and significant distinction exists between manufacturers that are ISO certified
and whether their products comply with the NIJ standards. ISO certification addresses the quali-
ty of the manufacturing process used by armor manufacturers, while the NIJ standards address
the performance capabilities of specific models of armor produced by manufacturers.
Materials Used
Note: The following information has been prepared from product literature supplied by the
manufacturer. All product descriptions and performance claims are the manufacturer’s and do
not represent findings or endorsement of these claims by the National Institute of Justice, U.S.
Department of Justice; Office of Law Enforcement Standards, U.S. Department of Commerce;
or Aspen Systems Corporation.
Several manufacturers have been involved in developing and refining materials used in body
armor. DuPont has developed law enforcement protection products for more than 25 years. Its
Kevlar® brand fiber, first developed in 1965, was the first material identified for use in the mod-
ern generation of concealable body armor. Kevlar® is a manmade organic fiber, with a combina-
tion of properties allowing for high strength with low weight, high chemical resistance, and
high cut resistance. Kevlar® is also flame resistant; does not melt, soften, or flow; and the fiber
is unaffected by immersion in water (see the wet testing discussion in chapter 6 on page 36).
Kevlar® 29, introduced in the early 1970s, was the first generation of bullet-resistant fibers
developed by DuPont and helped to make the production of flexible, concealable body armor
practical for the first time. In 1988, DuPont introduced the second generation of Kevlar® fiber,
known as Kevlar® 129. According to DuPont, this fabric offered increased ballistic protection
capabilities against high-energy rounds such as the 9mm full metal jacket (FMJ). In 1995,
Kevlar® Correctional™ was introduced, which provides puncture-resistant technology to both
law enforcement and correctional officers against puncture-type threats.
The newest addition to the Kevlar® line is Kevlar® Protera, which DuPont made available in
1996. DuPont contends that the Kevlar® Protera is a high-performance fabric that allows lighter
weight, more flexibility, and greater ballistic protection in a vest design due to the molecular
structure of the fiber. Its tensile strength and energy-absorbing capabilities have been increased
by the development of a new spinning process.
DuPont Kevlar® continues to develop and design new generations of high-performance solutions
and innovations to provide multithreat protection to officers in the criminal justice community.
This patented multithreat technology will enable the creation of armor that protects against
firearms, commercially manufactured knives, and puncture-producing weapons like ice picks.
Spectra® fiber, manufactured by Honeywell, is an ultra-high-strength polyethylene fiber. Ultra
high molecular weight polyethylene is dissolved in a solvent and spun through a series of small
orifices, called spinnerets. This solution is solidified by cooling, and the cooled fiber has a gel-
like appearance. Spectra® fiber, which Honeywell claims is the highest strength-to-weight fiber
in the world, is resistant to water penetration, has extremely high chemical resistance and very
high cut resistance properties. Honeywell uses its Spectra® fiber to make its patented Spectra
Shield® composite. A layer of Spectra Shield® composite consists of two unidirectional layers
of Spectra® fiber, arranged to cross each other at 0- and 90-degree angles and held in place by a
flexible resin. Both the fiber and resin layers are sealed between two thin sheets of polyethylene
film. According to Honeywell, the resulting nonwoven fabric is incredibly strong, lightweight,
flexible, and has excellent ballistic protection capabilities. Spectra Shield® is made in a variety
of styles for use in both concealable and hard armor applications.
Honeywell also uses the Shield Technology process to manufacture another type of shield com-
posite called GoldFlex®. GoldFlex® is manufactured using aramid fibers in place of the Spectra
fiber. GoldFlex®, Spectra Shield®, and Spectra® fabrics offer body armor manufacturers an array
of products to meet today’s demanding and changing threats.
Another manufacturer, Twaron Products, has developed various forms of its aramid fiber
Twaron® for body armor. According to Twaron, this fiber uses 1,000 or more finely spun single
filaments that act as an energy sponge, absorbing a bullet’s impact and quickly dissipating its
energy through engaged and adjacent fibers. Because more filaments are used, the impact is dis-
persed more quickly. Twaron claims their patented Microfilament technology allows maximum
energy absorption at minimum weights while enhancing comfort and flexibility.
Twaron Products maintains that the use of Twaron® in body armor significantly reduces the
overall weight of the finished product, thus making vests more comfortable. Twaron Products
continues to develop and manufacture lighter weight yarns with finer filaments, expanding their
patented Microfilament product line.
Another fiber used to manufacture body armor is Dyneema®. Originated in the Netherlands,
Dyneema® has an extremely high strength-to-weight ratio (a 1-mm-diameter rope of Dyneema®
can bear up to a 240-kg load), is light enough that it can float on water, and has high energy
absorption characteristics.
Zylon®, manufactured by Japanese company, Toyobo, is a PBO (polyphehylenebenzobisoxa-
zole), a promising new entrant to the high-performance organic fibers market. PBO has out-
standing thermal properties and almost twice the tensile strength of conventional para-aramid
fibers. According to Toyobo, Zylon® will allow construction of comfortable protective garments
because its excellent heat- and mechanical-resistant properties will provide light and flexible
fabrics with improved comfort and mobility.
All fibers and materials noted in this chapter have a wide variety of uses in addition to ballistic
garments. They are used for other types of protective clothing and equipment (e.g., bicycle and
skateboarding helmets), marine and aircraft components, industrial cables, and recreational
equipment such as fishing rods and tennis rackets. The materials described are some of the most
commonly used; other materials (e.g., ballistic nylon) can also be used.
The introduction of newer, high-performance fibers has dramatically decreased the weight and
bulk of today’s body armor and increased its comfort and wearability. It can be anticipated that
newer materials will be developed and in conjunction with further advances in ballistic vest
design, technology will continue to enhance the performance and comfort of tomorrow’s body
protection from various threats. The issue of whether the armor could prevent injury from blunt
trauma was not addressed.
In 1975, NIJ requested that the Law Enforcement Standards Laboratory (LESL), the predeces-
sor to OLES, begin revision of the first standard to reflect contemporary research on blunt trau-
ma and the degradation of armor when wet. A revised standard, STD–0101.01,13 was published
in December 1978 to introduce the backface signature test for blunt trauma and wet testing.
At approximately the same time, the law enforcement community asked NIJ to establish an
equipment testing program to provide independent verification of body armor compliance to the
NIJ standard. NIJ entered into a cooperative agreement with the International Association of
Chiefs of Police (IACP) to conduct the testing. The first results were published in 1978. Since
then, the models and the names of their manufacturers that pass compliance testing have been
published in the Police Body Armor Consumer Product List, now known as the Personal Body
Armor Consumer Product List (CPL), which since 1999 has been available electronically
through the NLECTC Web site, JUSTNET, at NLECTC also publishes
other documents and guides, such as this one, to help police departments select and procure
body armor.
In March 1985, NIJ amended the standard, issuing STD–0101.02, to take into account armors’
susceptibility to angle shots and multishot assaults. NIJ STD–0101.02 also introduced threat
level III-A, the highest protection level in concealable armor, in response to concerns from the
law enforcement community about the need for protection from high-velocity and high-energy
handgun rounds such as the submachine gun 9mm and .44 Magnum.14 Published in April 1987,
STD–0101.03 clarified labeling requirements, acceptance criteria, and backface signature mea-
surement procedures.15 NIJ also strengthened its administrative procedures for archiving models.
incorporate as many of the lessons learned from the long period of 0101.03 testing experience
as possible, particularly in regard to clarification and definition of many of the methods and
equipment used to test body armor for NIJ compliance.
In addition to the introduction of new test threat rounds, the new standard reinstates the “pat
down” procedure or the smoothing of the armor panel between shots, which was performed in
NIJ Standard–0101.02 and previous editions, and an increase from one to two measurements
per panel for backface signature. The techniques and equipment for wet conditioning of the test
armor, construction of the backing material fixture, and firing the test threat ammunition also
have been updated and revised. A single, highly automated, computer-based reporting format
and comprehensive database archival system will standardize reports, making testing data more
manageable and accessible to users.
is a modified ice pick commonly used in the “California Ice Pick” test. A more complete dis-
cussion of the testing procedures, protection classes, and threat levels can be found in chapter 7.
This standard and the revised standard for ballistic-resistant body armor were circulated for
review among the membership of the Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Advisory
Council (LECTAC), LECTAC’s Weapons and Protective Systems Subcommittee, LECTAC’s
Executive Committee, and the National Armor Advisory Board (NAAB). NAAB is made up of
law enforcement officers and body armor industry representatives, including fiber and fabric
manufacturers, weavers, and armor manufacturers.
NIJ’s policy on body armor has always been that preserving the life of the police or corrections
officer is the sole criterion on which to judge body armor effectiveness. At present, an officer
may select a garment that corresponds to an appropriate threat level and be confident that armor
in compliance with NIJ’s standard will defeat the stated threat level.
National Armor
Advisory Board
• Suggests equipment to be tested and recommends the development of guides, bulletins, and
other program publications.
• Strengthens links between NIJ and the criminal justice community.
LECTAC subcommittees. LECTAC’s subcommittees report to the full council and meet on an
as-needed basis. Subcommittees are formed to address major areas of technology research and
development such as law enforcement and corrections operations, weapons and protective sys-
tems, communications, and contraband detection, among others. The chair of a subcommittee
also serves as or appoints the chair of any advisory board assigned to that subcommittee.
NLECTC. NLECTC coordinates the testing of all equipment under the program and fields
requests for information and technical assistance from law enforcement and corrections
agencies. The criminal justice community looks to NLECTC for authoritative information on
the latest technology and products. NLECTC:
• Coordinates equipment testing activities and collects results from laboratories.
• Publishes consumer product lists of products that comply with NIJ standards.
• Operates a toll-free information service and Internet site.
Change to NLECTC Technical
Standard Subcommittee*
to NIJ,
Publish LECTAC,
OLES for and
Office of Comment OLES
General Counsel for
Program Publish
Decision Decision
NAAB Suggester
submitted to NLECTC. NLECTC then conducts an immediate review to ensure that the sugges-
tion is intelligible, relevant to the equipment in question, and has not been considered previously.
If the suggestion passes this review, copies are forwarded to the Weapons and Protective Sys-
tems Subcommittee and NAAB. If the suggestion has technical merit and is feasible, the sub-
committee directs NLECTC to publish the suggestion and to solicit comments from the field.
NLECTC also circulates the suggested change to NIJ, LECTAC, and OLES for review.
Comments from the field regarding the recommendations are provided to NLECTC in a speci-
fied number of copies. Copies are also provided by the commenter directly to the person or
organization who made the suggestion. NLECTC forwards the comments, along with its recom-
mendations regarding the comments, to NIJ, OLES, the Weapons and Protective System Sub-
committee, and NAAB for review. The subcommittee then makes a final recommendation to
LECTAC, which passes it on to NIJ. NIJ and the Office of General Counsel review the recom-
mendation to ensure that it fully complies with the law and relevant policy. If it does, NLECTC
publishes the decision and the effective date of the change.
The following options are available to the reviewers when they consider a suggestion:
• Accept the suggestion as offered.
• Accept the suggestion with modifications.
• Refer the suggestion for further research.
• Reject the suggestion because it was improperly submitted, previously rejected, irrelevant, or
not feasible.
Suggestions are processed at least annually. If a suggestion is rejected, an explanation is provid-
ed. NIJ does not consider revising the standard unless supporting research is presented, nor does
NIJ change the standard without comments from law enforcement and the body armor industry.
If NIJ errs, it is on the side of the user. The standards review process is similar for other equip-
ment standards.
NIJ’s responsiveness to law enforcement and industry concerns is evident in recent changes in
the program. These changes include strengthening the program’s management and policy struc-
ture, creating a process for modifying standards, inviting industry representatives to participate
in the standards review process, and sending letters to manufacturers to clarify the responsibili-
ties of those who choose to participate in the body armor program. (This last step is to prevent
confusion and misunderstandings that might develop in the use of the NIJ standard and testing
program for manufacturers’ product advertising and marketing.)
NIJ is proud of the partnership it is forging among government, industry, and the Nation’s
police and corrections officers. Like all partnerships, the one between NIJ and body armor man-
ufacturers must be based on mutual rights and responsibilities. In return for permission to use
the NIJ label, NIJ also asks manufacturers to take responsibility for the safety of their products
that are sold to law enforcement officers. Reciprocally, NIJ is committed to working with the
manufacturers to adjust the standards and testing program to accommodate the needs and tech-
nological advancements of the body armor industry.
Shotgun 32 4.9%
Knife 10 1.5%
Bomb 11 1.6%
Personal Weapons 5 0.7%
Automobiles/Other 22 3.3%
Source: FBI Uniform Crime Reports: Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted 1999
the reported assaults resulted in the death of the staff member who was assaulted. By compari-
son, in 1995, 14 staff members were killed as a result of the assault.20
While the threat faced by the police officer is most frequently from firearms, a corrections offi-
cer faces an entirely different variety of threats. Because corrections officers are rarely equipped
with firearms, and it is extremely rare for an inmate to obtain a firearm within a correctional
facility, the most common threat faced is from pointed- and sharp-edged weapons. Most of
these are homemade or improvised weapons, made from scraps of metal obtained through a
variety of sources in the corrections environment.
While these threats are different from firearms, they are equally capable of inflicting serious or
fatal injuries. Until recently, many protective garments designed for use against corrections
threats were much heavier and bulkier than the ballistic-resistant counterparts worn by police
officers, as materials technology generally did not allow for a protective vest for corrections
applications to be made entirely of woven materials. Quite frequently, these vests incorporated
thin sheets of metal and other types of hard plating to protect against typical corrections threats.
However, in recent years significant breakthroughs in materials technology have made it possi-
ble for corrections officers to have access to stab- and puncture-resistant vests that are similar in
weight and bulk to the ballistic-resistant vests worn by their police counterparts. It is anticipated
that as these vests become more commonplace in the corrections workplace, corrections officer
fatalities will decrease as police officer fatalities decreased after the introduction of ballistic-
resistant armor in the mid- to late 1970s.
nominal masses of 11.7 g (180 gr), impacting at a minimum velocity of 312 m/s (1025 ft/s) or
less. It also provides protection against Type I threats.
Type II-A body armor is well suited for full-time use by police departments, particularly those
seeking protection for their officers from lower velocity 9mm and 40 S&W ammunition.
Type II (9mm; .357 Magnum). This armor protects against 9mm full metal jacketed round
nose (FMJ RN) bullets, with nominal masses of 8.0 g (124 gr), impacting at a minimum velocity
of 358 m/s (1175 ft/s) or less, and .357 Magnum jacketed soft point (JSP) bullets, with nominal
masses of 10.2 g (158 gr), impacting at a minimum velocity of 427 m/s (1400 ft/s) or less. It
also provides protection against Type I and Type IIA threats.
Type II body armor is heavier and more bulky than either Types I or II-A. It is worn full time
by officers seeking protection against higher velocity .357 Magnum and 9mm ammunition.
Type III-A (High Velocity 9mm; .44 Magnum). This armor protects against 9mm full metal
jacketed round nose (FJM RN) bullets, with nominal masses of 8.0 g (124 gr), impacting at a
minimum velocity of 427 m/s (1400 ft/s) or less, and .44 Magnum jacketed hollow point (JHP)
bullets, with nominal masses of 15.6 g (240 gr), impacting at a minimum velocity of 427 m/s
(1400 ft/s) or less. It also provides protection against most handgun threats, as well as the Type
I, II-A, and II threats.
Type III-A body armor provides the highest level of protection currently available from conceal-
able body armor and is generally suitable for routine wear in many situations. However, depart-
ments located in hot, humid climates may need to evaluate the use of Type III-A armor carefully.
Type III (Rifles). This armor protects against 7.62mm full metal jacketed (FMJ) bullets (U.S.
military designation M80), with nominal masses of 9.6 g (148 gr), impacting at a minimum
velocity of 838 m/s (2750 ft/s) or less. It also provides protection against Type I through III-A
Type III body armor is clearly intended only for tactical situations when the threat warrants
such protection, such as barricade confrontations involving sporting rifles.
Type IV (Armor Piercing Rifle). This armor protects against .30 caliber armor piercing (AP)
bullets (U.S. military designation M2 AP), with nominal masses of 10.8 g (166 gr), impacting at
a minimum velocity of 869 m/s (2850 ft/s) or less. It also provides at least single-hit protection
against the Type I through III threats.
Type IV body armor provides the highest level of protection currently available. Because this
armor is intended to resist “armor piercing” bullets, it often uses ceramic materials. Such mate-
rials are brittle in nature and may provide only single-shot protection, since the ceramic tends to
break up when struck. As with Type III armor, Type IV armor is clearly intended only for tacti-
cal situations when the threat warrants such protection.
Special type. A purchaser who has a special requirement for a level of protection other than one
of the above standard threat levels should specify the exact test rounds and minimum impact
velocities to be used and indicate that this standard shall govern in all other respects.
The performance requirements of NIJ Standard–0101.04, which were developed with the active
participation of body armor manufacturers, ensure that each armor type will provide a well-
defined minimum level of ballistic protection.
Exhibit 7, reproduced from the standard, identifies the specific bullets and impact velocities that
each armor type must withstand.
Types I, II–A, II, and III–A armor are required to prevent penetration from the impact of six
bullets per panel, for two complete samples (front and back panels) at specified velocities and
locations for two types of ammunition. Two of the impacts in each six-shot sequence must be at
a 30-degree angle. A total of 48 shots are completed on four samples. Furthermore, the defor-
mation of the backing material (a measure of blunt trauma protection) must not exceed 44mm
(1.73 in). Deformation readings are taken on each panel at shot location 1, then at either shot
location 2 or 3, whichever one had the highest shot velocity. The armor must meet these
requirements while wet.
Type III armor requirements are identical to those above, except that only one type of ammuni-
tion is specified, and all six test rounds are fired perpendicular to the surface of the armor. A
total of 12 shots are completed (6 shots per sample).
Type IV armor is required to resist penetration from only a single type of ammunition (armor
piercing) and is only required to prevent penetration and backface deformation greater than
44mm (1.73 in) from a single perpendicular impact. A total of two samples are tested.
In addition to the ballistic requirements, the NIJ standard requires quality workmanship and
specifies the minimum information that must be included on the armor’s label. The maximum
allowable deformation of the clay-backing material was determined through an extensive series
of ballistic gelatin measurements and experiments conducted by a team of medical experts. This
limit ensures protection from blunt trauma that arises from an impact occurring over vital loca-
tions. Even this level of protection, however, does not give an absolute guarantee of protection
against internal injuries.
The rationale for the requirement that armor resist bullet penetration is obvious. The reasons for
other ballistic requirements may not be apparent.
Wet testing. Certain ballistic fabrics lose ballistic-resistant efficiency when wet, but fully
return to normal ballistic efficiency upon drying. Laboratory tests of non-water-repellent treated
vests soaked in water have shown a reduction in ballistic efficiency of more than 20 percent
Notes: Armor parts covering the torso front and torso back, with or without side coverage, shall each be impacted with the indicated
number of fair hits. Armor parts covering the groin and coccyx shall each be impacted with three fair hits at 0° angle of incidence.
The deformation due to the first fair hit shall be measured to determine compliance. No fair hit bullet or one impacting at a velocity
lower than the minimum required bullet velocity shall penetrate the armor.
compared to that of dry vests. The cause of this phenomenon is not known, but it is theorized
that water acts as a lubricant, which allows the bullet to pass through the fibers more easily.
An officer may confront an armed assailant in the rain, and body perspiration can also signifi-
cantly reduce the ballistic efficiency of untreated fabrics. Laboratory tests conducted by the
U.S. Army Natick R&D Command, using a mannequin that simulates human perspiration, veri-
fied that vests will absorb perspiration in amounts comparable to a vest that has been allowed to
drain following immersion in water. A series of tests was also conducted by a research team
from the U.S. Department of Justice, in which officers wearing untreated vests were subjected
to strenuous exercise on a hot humid day. The amount of perspiration in the vests corresponded
to the Natick experiments, and when ballistic tests were conducted, a significant reduction in the
efficiency was noted. In view of this, the NIJ standard requires that a vest continue to provide
the rated level of ballistic protection when wet.
The vast majority of body armor manufactured today uses materials that (1) are inherently
waterproof or are treated with water repellants; (2) have a permanent water-repellant covering
(such as rip-stop nylon); or (3) both. However, the standard requires wet testing to ensure that
these vests still provide adequate protection in situations in which they are exposed to moisture.
Those purchasing body armor should be aware that some manufacturers offer models that are
supposedly identical in construction to NIJ-tested and -approved models, except that they do not
have the water-repellant treatment. NIJ considers the removal or alteration of water-repellant
treatment to be a change in the design of the vest. NIJ does not, under any circumstances, rec-
ognize any model that “partially” complies with the standard.
Angle shots. All Type I through Type III-A body armors are required to resist the penetration of
bullets striking at an angle to the surface, because the probability of being hit exactly perpendic-
ular to the surface is low. Certain fabrics are less efficient ballistically by as much as 20 percent
when a bullet strikes at an angle. Armor must provide the rated level of protection regardless of
the angle of impact.
Performance Testing
As a service to law enforcement, corrections, and manufacturers, NIJ’s body armor compliance
testing program tests body armor using independent testing laboratories to determine compli-
ance with the requirements of NIJ Standard–0101.04. The models that comply with the require-
ments of this NIJ standard are added to its Personal Body Armor Consumer Product List (CPL),
which is widely distributed to law enforcement agencies as a procurement aid.
Exhibit 8, from NIJ Standard–0101.04, shows the test setup for ballistic testing of police body
armor. The chronograph measures the bullet velocity to ensure that each test round is within the
range required by the standard. The armor being tested is mounted on a clay-backing material
whose consistency is controlled.
Backing Material Fixture
Armor Panel
Line of Flight
Stop Trigger (1 & 2)
C - Approximately 1.5 m ± 6 mm
Exhibit 9, also from NIJ Standard–0101.04, shows the general locations of points of impact for
each round fired in the six-shot sequence for each type of ammunition specified in exhibit 7 for
the type of armor being tested. The deformation of the clay behind the impact of the first shot
(location 1) is measured to determine compliance with the blunt trauma requirement. Following
the deformation measurement, the armor is repositioned on the clay and the remaining five shots
are fired, two of which (locations 5 and 6) are fired at an angle of 30 degrees to the armor sur-
face. The armor is smoothed out, or “patted down,” after each shot. After the first shot is taken,
the panel is removed from the test fixture and the clay is trimmed, or “struck,” back to its origi-
nal level surface. A second deformation measurement is taken at either shot number 2 or number
3, depending on which shot had the highest velocity.
The armor is tested after being sprayed with a measured quantity of water for 3 minutes on each
side before being mounted on the clay. Both the front and back of the armor are tested, and, if
present, tests are conducted on groin and coccyx (end of spine) protection panels.
V50 Testing
V50 ballistic limit testing is a statistical test developed by the U.S. military to evaluate hard
armor of homogenous construction used to protect vehicles. Many body armor manufacturers
use a modified form of the military V50 testing as a design tool to develop and assess new body
armor designs. V50 testing as used by body armor manufacturers experimentally identifies a
velocity at which a specific projectile has a 50-percent chance of penetrating the armor being
In this form of testing, the armor is mounted on the clay-backing material, and specified bullets
are fired to determine the velocities at which the bullets do and do not penetrate the armor. A
sufficient number of bullets are fired at various velocities to obtain groups of five nonpenetrat-
ing bullets and five penetrating bullets, with a velocity range of no more than 38 m/s (125 ft/s)
between the lowest velocity nonpenetrating bullet and the highest velocity penetrating bullet.
The V50 ballistic limit is calculated as the average velocity of the 10 bullets.
V50 ballistic limit testing allows manufacturers to evaluate various designs against one another
to optimize their design for a specific type of body armor. A trend has emerged in which manu-
facturers publish V50 test data and also put V50 test information on the labels of some of their
body armor.
V50 ballistic limit testing is a useful and informative statistical tool for evaluating certain char-
acteristics of armor. In addition to being helpful during the design phase of armor development,
it may also have the potential for being a valuable tool in evaluating armor’s degradation over
time. However, it does not evaluate the level of protection afforded against blunt trauma, nor is
a uniform standard for V50 ballistic limit testing used by all manufacturers.
A department can accurately estimate testing costs only if it knows how many tests will need
to be conducted. Thus, a department that requires acceptance testing—especially for small-
quantity purchases—may want to include in its contract a clause limiting the number of ballistic
material lots that will be used to manufacture the armor to a few lots or even one. Testing costs
are either directly paid by the department or absorbed into the manufacturer’s unit cost. Indirect
costs associated with acceptance testing and later service-life testing include administrative
paperwork; time for analyzing the results; and travel, if the department wants a representative
to witness the ballistic testing.
Police departments often include armor testing costs and departmental travel as manufacturer-
related expenses, which are part of the bid price. However, NIJ does not recommend this prac-
tice because the public served by a department might doubt the propriety of an officer who
accepts travel expenses from the manufacturer when the performance of armor purchased is
in question. Instead, NIJ suggests that the department separately budget for armor testing and
contract directly with a National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center
(NLECTC)-approved laboratory. This provides a clearer picture of the armor purchase price
per unit and provides the department with more flexibility in its testing program.
Finally, a department that elects to conduct acceptance or service-life testing must remember to
order an adequate number of additional sets of armor to be used for testing. For more informa-
tion on service life, or life cycle testing, please see the discussion on this topic in chapter 10
(page 60).
for homemade weapons as is used for commercial knives, but the threat weapon is a modified
ice pick commonly used in the “California Ice Pick” test.
As part of the testing procedure, an overtest is performed for each level of protection. The test
protocol increases the kinetic energy of the knife blade or spike by 50 percent to ensure that
there is an adequate margin of safety in the armor design. At the higher energy condition, a
maximum blade or spike penetration of 20mm (.79 inch) is allowable.
8. Armor Selection
Armor Styles
Concealable body armor. The most widely used type of body armor is the protective undergar-
ment, which is worn under the normal uniform shirt. If properly designed, these garments are
relatively comfortable, lightweight, are not unduly restrictive of movement, and are available in
a variety of designs.
Typical male and female undergarment body armor garments are designed to provide full front,
side, and rear protection. Most undergarment armor uses a hook-and-pile tape fastening system;
some older models may feature a “D” ring-fastening system. The ballistic panel is often con-
tained in pouches in a polyester/cotton carrier. When purchasing undergarments of this type,
two carriers should be ordered to permit one to be laundered while the other is worn. Metal fas-
teners should be avoided, for they can become secondary missiles. Hook-and-pile tape fasten-
ers, such as those manufactured by Velcro Corp., should be at least 11/2 inches wide and should
provide approximately 2 inches of adjustment. In addition, the fasteners should be anchored to
a good-quality elastic, approximately 3 inches long, to facilitate proper adjustment and to com-
pensate for body movement.
The concealed undergarments for female officers should conform to the female anatomy. The
seam construction for such garments that include seams is critical. It is very important that the
joined pieces overlap each other a minimum of 1 inch. Particular attention should be paid to the
length of the garment, which is a frequent problem. The adjustment straps for the female under-
garment may be fastened to the back to improve the overall appearance of the uniform.
Many manufacturers market loose-weave undershirts to be worn with body armor. These under-
shirts may appear to improve airflow over the armor, minimizing heat build-up and perspiration.
Protective undergarments are also available with special pouches that allow additional ballistic
protection by inserting armor panels, commonly known as “trauma packs,” in the front and in
some cases, the rear. These panels may be hard, composed of metal, ceramic, or rigid plastic, or
may be soft, made from additional layers of typical vest materials. Note that the increased pro-
tection applies only to the portion of the torso behind the insert. Thus far, the National Institute
of Justice (NIJ) has not conducted research to determine the effectiveness of such inserts. In
general, NIJ believes that agencies should select armor that provides the rated level of protec-
tion over the entire area of coverage, not just isolated areas.
Materials used to construct concealable body armor also permit the design of various other
armor configurations, which are sometimes used by police officers assigned to nonuniform duty,
such as detective or security details. These include the ballistic-protective sports coats and vests.
In addition, raincoats and a variety of jackets, all with ballistic liners, are available. Officers can
even purchase shirts with ballistic protection. Even more casual appearing protective vests, such
as a simulated down outer vest and a denim work jacket, are on the market. Numerous designs
of tactical protective vests are also available. All these styles of body armor can meet the
requirements for the NIJ standards.
Semirigid body armor. Body armor that provides protection against higher threat levels (III
and IV), as specified in NIJ Standard–0101.04, will be of either semirigid or rigid construction.
Semirigid armor can consist of a somewhat flexible material with impregnated ballistic fabrics
or a garment composed of small articulated plates of ballistic material such as steel, ceramic,
or plastic, reinforced with some type of woven ballistic material. This design borrows from the
naturally occurring armor design of the armadillo. Semirigid vests are difficult to conceal and
allow the use of dense materials (high areal density), while retaining limited movement.
Rigid body armor. Rigid body armor is composed of molded ballistic material, designed to
cover certain portions of the body. Rigid body armor is perhaps the most restrictive of body
movement and is also difficult to conceal. A typical tactical vest incorporates a panel of rigid
armor into a typical concealable armor vest and is worn externally. In general, semirigid and
rigid body armors are used only for short periods when expecting confrontation with high-level
threats. Users should carefully review the labels of rigid armor to determine if it offers single-
shot or multihit capability.
The introduction of several new fabrics used to make the permanent protective cover for the
ballistic- or stab-resistant element and the removable outershell carrier have greatly enhanced
the comfort and wearability of body armor. GoreTex®, a fabric made of expanded Teflon®, is a
water-resistant fabric that, according to the manufacturer, allows perspiration to evaporate but
prevents moisture from reaching the ballistic material. By using GoreTex®, some manufacturers
have eliminated the water-repellent treatment on the ballistic material, which they claim
improves the “breatheability” of the vest.
CoolMax®, a fabric originally developed for use in athletic apparel, is now being used by some
manufacturers in place of traditional cotton and nylon fabric in manufacturing the removable
outershell carrier of the vest. According to the manufacturer, CoolMax® acts like a wick, draw-
ing perspiration away from the body to the outer surface of the garment, where it can more
easily evaporate.
Laboratory tests and comments from officers who wear body armor during their daily shifts have
identified a number of factors that bear on the comfort of body armor when worn for extended
periods of time. See exhibit 10 for a listing of factors to consider when evaluating armor.
It is possible to purchase armor that covers only the front torso, with a separate section that can
be added to protect the rear torso and the sides. An officer who spends nearly the entire duty
shift in a vehicle may be tempted to wear only chest protection, but this is not advisable.
Statistics bear grim testimony to the importance of using armor that provides full coverage.
According to the UCR data from the period 1990 to 1999, 290 law enforcement officers were
killed while wearing protective armor (see exhibit 11). Of those officers 160 (55.2 percent)
were killed by gunshot wounds to the head; 101 (34.8 percent) died as a result of gunshot
wounds to the upper torso; 18 (6.2 percent) died as a result of gunshot wounds below the waist;
5 (1.7 percent) were struck by automobiles; 2 (0.7 percent) were stabbed; and 4 (1.4 percent)
died by other means.
Of the 101 officers killed by gunshot wounds to the upper torso, 40 (39.6 percent) were killed
when the round entered the torso region between the panels of the vest or through the arm
openings, and 34 (33.7 percent) were killed when the round landed above the coverage area of
the vest (see exhibit 12). Therefore, a vest must provide full front, side, and back protection
with the wrap-around portion going from front to back. Proper fit is equally important for
ensuring adequate coverage and protection. Ideally, officers should be individually measured
and fitted for concealable body armor. Because a large weight gain or loss can have an adverse
impact on proper fit, armor should also be inspected routinely to ensure proper fit. Improperly
fitting armor needs to be brought to a supervisor’s attention immediately for corrective action.
Exhibit 11: Officers Killed Wearing Protective Armor, by Cause of Death 1990–1999
Other 4 1.4%
Stabbing 2 0.7%
Gunshot Wounds to
Head 160 55.2% Automobiles 5 1.7%
Source: FBI Uniform Crime Reports: Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted 1999
Between Vest
Panels 40 39.6%
Above Vest Panel 34 33.7%
Source: FBI Uniform Crime Reports: Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted 1999
Twenty of the 101 officers killed by gunshot wounds to the upper torso died as a result of
rounds penetrating the body armor. Of these 20 incidents, all were the reported result of rifle
rounds, which the armor was not designed to protect against. It is important to note that no
documented fatal injury has ever resulted from a round of ammunition penetrating body
armor that NIJ had approved as protection against that level of threat.
Before purchasing body armor, an agency must first assess its potential threats and determine
what level of protection is required for its officers. Only after determining the protection needs
of the department should those responsible for purchasing body armor begin to review specific
products. Next, the department should select several models, preferably from several different
manufacturers, from the Personal Body Armor Consumer Product List (CPL) that meet the
department’s protection needs. This document, published electronically on the National Law
Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center (NLECTC) JUSTNET Web site, provides a
listing of the armor models that have been tested and found to comply with National Institute
of Justice (NIJ) standards, which independently validate the manufacturer’s claims regarding
the performance characteristics of the vest.
The next step is to solicit competitive bids from the companies or company representatives that
manufacture these models and to choose a model, usually the most cost-effective option. When
the armor arrives, the purchaser should verify that the armor received is the specific model that
was ordered.
Criminal justice agencies can buy ballistic- and stab-resistant body armor for half the price by
taking advantage of the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bulletproof Vest Partnership (BVP) Grant
Act of 1998, administered by the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA). The chief executive
officer of a law enforcement agency can apply online to purchase NIJ-approved vests. (Go to to learn more about how the chief executive officer is defined and
to learn more about the application process.) BJA will match up to 50 percent of the cost of the
armor, including the cost of shipping and taxes. The Bulletproof Vest Partnership Program was
enacted to save the lives of law enforcement officers by helping States and local and tribal gov-
ernments equip their officers with body armor.
Congress appropriated $25 million for the program’s second year. At least half the funds are
provided to local government units with fewer than 100,000 residents. The Bulletproof Vest
Partnership Grant Act of 2000 was recently enacted. This means the program will remain in
effect for 3 more years, from 2002 to 2004. It also provides priority funding for jurisdictions
with populations under 100,000 and increases the authorized funding level to $50 million each
year. These changes will not take effect until 2002. The applications accepted in 2001 will be
governed by the current BVP Act of 1998.
At a glance, purchasing body armor may seem like a relatively simple process. However, com-
plications sometimes arise from various sources that make the purchasing process much more
involved. Two of the principal problems that can complicate the purchasing process are obtain-
ing objective information from salespeople and the tendency to overspecify departmental needs
through the departmental procurement process.
A salesperson’s goal is to persuade a department that his or her product is the best available.
Sometimes, a salesperson will suggest a department include requirements unique to his or her
company’s product in purchase specifications. Also, some manufacturers use product demon-
strations that are designed to show that their armor is superior to that of competitors. Depart-
ments should be cautious of these practices. Basing purchasing decisions on NIJ standards and
the Personal Body Armor CPL can help departments avoid the problems caused by the use of a
single manufacturer’s construction and/or design specifications. These problems include paying
higher rates if the specifications limit competition to a single source or purchasing armor that
may not meet department needs.
Police departments often handle armor procurement as a committee action. This approach can
result in overspecification of department needs, caused by trying to satisfy all of the committee
members by including each member’s personal preferences in the product specifications. A
more efficient approach is to assign the task to two or three officers, provide resources to help
them familiarize themselves with armor technology, and allow them to independently assess
the department’s needs. The officers should then make a decision, informing the department’s
administration, justifying their selection, and being prepared to demonstrate why their choice
represents the needs of the majority of officers.
Procurement of law enforcement equipment should always focus on the following areas:
• Clarity. Ensure that the purchase agreement is not ambiguous in any way.
• Simplicity. Include only items essential to the purchase agreement.
• Internal consistency. Ensure that requirements for each individual item do not conflict with
one another.
To ensure that bids involve only armor in compliance with NIJ Standard–0101.04 or NIJ
Standard–0115.00, a typical purchase agreement might include the following wording:
The body armor model shall be tested by NLECTC and found to comply with all requirements
of NIJ Standard–0101.04 (or NIJ Standard–0115.00). It shall be of Type (specify appropriate
threat level and test ammunitions) as defined in that standard, and shall afford full protection to
the torso front, torso back, and sides.
A purchaser needing special ballistic protection that would require additional testing should
specify the exact test rounds to be used (listing such variables as caliber, bullet shape, bullet
mass, configuration, and velocity) and state that NIJ Standard–0101.04 (or NIJ Standard–
0115.00) will govern in other respects. When additional testing is needed, the police department
should place reasonable time demands on the manufacturers.
A department developing a purchase agreement should be aware of two issues that may com-
plicate the procurement process. The first, mentioned earlier in this chapter, is to describe
a particular product in the product specifications section of the solicitation for bids, which
would eliminate the chance of a truly competitive process. Instead, the department should
consider requesting bids for armor that complies with NIJ standards and then add specific,
nonprotective features only if essential. The second issue is the requirement that the depart-
ment accept the lowest bid. Instead, the department should consider adding a clause in the bid
solicitation that allows the agency to buy from the manufacturer offering the armor that best
meets the department’s needs and that the officers find most comfortable.
should use another supplier. If a department still has questions about the compliance status
of a particular model, they should contact NLECTC at 800–248–2742 or 301–519–5060.
Bidding and award process. The clauses in procurement packages should be self-explanatory
and furnish adequate flexibility in purchasing the armor considered most appropriate for the
department. Again, the Personal Body Armor CPL should be the main resource for departments.
In the bid, the manufacturer should identify the specific model it proposes to provide. More-
over, the final purchase agreement, if other than the bid solicitation package, must specify the
model selected.
Invoicing and delivery. This section of the package should propose a detailed delivery sched-
ule and should specify departmental invoicing and payment regulations and procedures.
Warranty and insurance. These clauses clarify the warranty on the purchased units. Here the
department must specify the amount of product liability insurance required based on its needs
or on the options available from the manufacturer. Product liability insurance can be expensive;
a department should consult with counsel about liability insurance’s benefits to the department
before including an insurance clause.
Armor specifications. This section is the focal point of a procurement program, because here
the department delineates the protection performance it expects of the armor to be purchased as
well as departmental preferences about design and configuration. (See appendix D.)
Item A—Compliance with NIJ standards. Citing the ballistic performance required by speci-
fying the appropriate armor type, as defined by NIJ Standard–0101.04, or the stab-performance
requirements of NIJ Standard–0115.00, is a mandatory component of the specifications section.
This information ensures that the armor ordered provides a known performance level.
Item B—Labeling. The label included on the protective panel is another critical item, as it
alerts the wearer to how limited the protection provided is. It also states that the individual unit
complies with NIJ Standard–0101.04 or NIJ Standard–0115.00. If the unit does not perform as
stated on the label, a department may have the right to legal recourse.
Inclusion of the manufacturer’s model number on the protective panel label is also important
because it is the primary means for verifying that the armor received is that ordered and that
the compliance matches the armor type listed on the purchase order. In past cases reviewed by
NLECTC, armor has been labeled differently (i.e., providing a lower level of protection than
that ordered) than what the purchase agreement has specified.
A manufacturer or distributor may use catalog numbers or similar designations to further identi-
fy the product if the armor is properly identified as a specific model in compliance with either
NIJ Standard–0101.04 or NIJ Standard–0115.00. The catalog number must be separate from the
model or style number. Meanwhile, the model number should be unique and the same as the
model number tested by NLECTC.
Again, it is important that departments purchase only models that have been tested by NLECTC
and found to comply with either NIJ Standard–0101.04 or NIJ Standard–0115.00. By doing so,
if there ever is any question about an individual unit’s configuration or construction, the armor
can be compared with the unit of that particular model that was originally tested by NLECTC,
which NLECTC retains in archival storage.
Item C—Configuration. Specifying a particular configuration of protective panel in a particu-
lar carrier is essential if the department believes that only one type of configuration will meet
the department’s needs. A department that wants to explore its configuration options may not
want to include such a statement.
Manufacturers sometimes use protective panels that were tested and found to comply with NIJ
Standard–0101.04 or NIJ Standard–0115.00 in more than one configuration. For instance, a pro-
tective panel may have been tested in a configuration with an open, unprotected area on the side
of the torso; an identical protective panel may also be manufactured with the sides extended to
create an overlapping configuration. These two are considered to be the same model.
Item D—Adjustment options. This clause identifies design features that will make the armor
more comfortable for the wearer. However, this clause may not apply to tactical armor or other
armor configurations worn outside of clothing.
Item E—“Riding up.” Wearing armor for long periods of time can cause the armor to move
up on the wearer’s body, which decreases the officer’s comfort. This clause applies only to
concealable armor and may not be necessary if the adjustments in Item D are completed.
Item F—Metals. Departments should carefully evaluate purchasing armor that includes any
metal components, as the wearer may be injured if a bullet strikes the metal part and ricochets,
or if a piece of the metal component breaks off and becomes a secondary projectile.
Item G—Color. To ensure that the armor is properly concealed, it is important for departments
to choose a color that will not be visible through the wearer’s uniform.
Item H—Quality. This clause ensures that the manufacturer will produce the armor using
suitable materials and high workmanship quality.
Departments should not include any specifications that are unique to one manufacturer’s prod-
uct so as not to reduce their available options to a single model. Likewise, they should not try
to dictate how the protective panel used in the armor is constructed. For instance, a department
should never specify a specific fabric or weave for the ballistic- or stab-resistant material, nor
should it specify the number of layers of material to be used. Doing so could restrict the bid to
a single manufacturer, result in armor that does not meet the requirements of NIJ Standard–
0101.04 or NIJ Standard–0115.00, or create conflicting requirements, in which case the manu-
facturer could be released from liability if the armor does not perform properly. In addition,
departments should not name a maximum weight, which could mean that officers would not
receive the needed ballistic- or stab-resistant protection because the required type of armor
weighed more than the specified limit.
Departments should also include in the procurement specifications any features identified as
essential in the needs assessment phase. For instance, some departments have required that
armor be designed so that the front and back panels cannot be worn separately, to prevent offi-
cers from wearing only the front part of the armor. Other departments require that concealable
armor be supplied with two carriers, so that one can be laundered while the other is in use.
Regarding armor configuration, NIJ recommends that armor provide side protection for full
torso coverage. Overlapping the front and back panels by at least 1 inch—preferably 2 inches—
will accomplish this. NIJ suggests that when overlapping the two panels, the front panel should
overlap the back panel to prevent a round from “skipping” between the two panels.
If the department wants each officer’s armor to be custom fitted, the specifications section
should include a clause to that effect, stating how and where fittings will take place. Also, label-
ing specifications should require that a space be included on the label where the name of the
officer can be printed on the armor label by the purchasing agency.
A number of other items can be included in the procurement specifications, such as requiring
that the armor use nonmetallic “D” rings or hook-and-pile fasteners, but NIJ does not recom-
mend this practice. Items of personal preference are best addressed when departments are
inspecting the manufacturers’ samples and evaluating them for comfort. In addition, prospective
buyers should remember that specifying a number of required design characteristics increases
the chance that the armor will become a custom or nonstandard design, which could require
additional testing to ensure compliance with NIJ standards.
Items to be submitted with the bid. This section—a listing of the required items to be included
in the bid package—should be self-explanatory to bidders. Because each department is subject
to a particular set of procurement regulations, additional clauses addressing these requirements
will most likely be necessary.
Termination of agreement. A clause that specifies the conditions under which the department
can terminate the contract must be included in any procurement documents. If a department is
purchasing through a blanket agreement or term contract, it may want to include a “for the con-
venience of the department” 30-day, written-notice clause allowing the department to cancel the
agreement if officers find the armor received to be unacceptable—even though in full compli-
ance with the procurement specifications.
Another justifiable reason for breaking the contract is if the armor is not delivered according to
the predetermined shipping schedule, in which case the department should be allowed to cancel
the contract and begin legal proceedings for default. Receiving a substandard product should
also justify canceling the contract. When listing the product specifications, a department must
be sure to define the reasons why the product may be rejected and the contract terminated. For
instance, poor workmanship is a legitimate cause for rejection, but may be difficult to objectively
establish unless previously defined in the purchase agreement.
Protection/Testing Considerations
Although body armor for routine, full-time wear has been available for approximately 25 years,
the state-of-the-art technology continues to change. For instance, manufacturers once used
almost exclusively a single type of fabric in constructing concealable body armor. Today, at
least five different types of fiber are used to manufacture ballistic-resistant fabric, each of
which is available in a variety of woven and nonwoven fabrics and panels. The ballistic pro-
tection properties differ among materials and often two or more types of fabrics or composites
are used in combination to manufacture a vest. Because of these complexities, a department
should not attempt to dictate how the ballistic element will be constructed, such as by specify-
ing the number or types of layers of ballistic material. Armor performance is the critical issue,
not the manufacturer’s construction of the armor.
Many of these concepts are also true for stab-resistant armor, which has emerged as a viable
option for corrections officers over the past several years. Advances in materials technology has
allowed body armor manufacturers to design stab-resistant vests that are considerably lighter,
more flexible, and wearable than models previously available, which were extremely bulky and
frequently contained layers of metal or chain-mail type material.
waterproofing the fabric. The owner of such armor must routinely inspect it to be sure that the
cover of the protective inserts has not been cut or damaged, which would allow moisture to pen-
etrate the protective panel. Even if the outer covers have not been cut or otherwise damaged,
the moisture barrier can still be damaged. When the protective material or the outershell carrier
rubs over the protective panel cover as a result of the normal flexing that occurs when body
armor is in use, it can wear through the cover and expose the armor to moisture penetration.
It should also be noted that certain types of covering materials tend to make the armor much
warmer to wear, because it significantly reduces the rate at which perspiration can evaporate
or be absorbed.
The exceptional ballistic- and stab-resistant efficiency of materials used to construct body armor
compensates for any of these limitations associated with maintenance and care. The user can
easily care for and properly maintain body armor and ensure that it provides its rated protection
throughout its service life.
When caring for hard armor, it is important to remember that hard body armor, particularly
ceramic material, must be handled carefully because it is fragile. Ceramic materials—such as
boron carbide, aluminum oxide, or silicon carbide—are extremely brittle. Such armor should
not be dropped on hard surfaces and when used, the ceramic must serve as the striking (exterior)
surface. It should also be inspected before each use to ensure that no surface cracks are present
that would degrade ballistic performance.
Age alone does not cause body armor’s ballistic resistance to deteriorate. The care and mainte-
nance of a garment—or the lack thereof—have been shown to have a greater impact than age
on the length of service life of a unit of body armor. Armor that is 10 years old and has never
been issued may be perfectly acceptable for use, provided that the rated level of protection is
still appropriate for the typical threats faced. Conversely, 2- or 3-year-old armor that has been
worn regularly and improperly cared for may not be serviceable.
Limited studies of the ballistic-resistant capabilities of armor used for extended periods of time
were initiated in 1983 by DuPont, at which time some of the armor tested had been in service
for more than 8 years. Both the DuPont testing and a 1986 study by NIJ22 (Ballistic Tests of Used
Body Armor) found that age alone does not degrade the ballistic properties of armor. Armor
manufactured in 1975 that remained in inventory without issue exhibited ballistic-resistant prop-
erties identical to those at the time of manufacture. Both research studies included armor that
had been in use for as long as 10 years and that had ballistic properties that were indistinguish-
able from those of unused armor manufactured at the same time.
NIJ tests failed to demonstrate any significant differences in 10-year-old armor, regardless
of the extent of use or apparent physical condition. For this testing, 24 Type I vests made of
Kevlar®, issued as part of the original NIJ demonstration project in 1975, were returned by the
departments. The vests were separated into categories based on use and wear. Eight vests had
never been worn, another eight showed signs of heavy wear, and four showed signs of moderate
or light wear. The test demonstrated that the armor that had been used showed no significant
loss of ballistic performance when compared to the units that were not used.
In contrast, data from the DuPont study showed that used vests had lesser ballistic performance
than new vests. Some vests with marginal performance had been in use for only 3 to 5 years.
DuPont researchers concluded that, regardless of age, use and abuse can cause ballistic decay.
For example, one poorly performing 3-year-old vest appeared to have been exposed to excessive
ultraviolet radiation.
DuPont suggests that testing be considered at between 3 and 5 years of use,23 but NIJ believes that
tests are not necessary until the armor has been in service for 5 years. NIJ agrees, however, that
armor should be visually inspected at least once a year and that ballistic tests should be conducted
if the armor shows signs of excessive wear. If armor is worn only occasionally and properly
maintained, there is no reason to be concerned that ballistic-resistant properties have deteriorated.
Independent of the above research studies, some departments have established formal replace-
ment policies based solely on the length of time since the date of issuance. Some departments
have selected 5 years for an automatic replacement cycle. Departments need to recognize that a
replacement policy should be consistent with the way officers use their armor. If armor is worn
only occasionally, such as tactical armor, the policy might be limited to purchasing armor for
newly hired recruits and replacing a defined percentage to accommodate problems of fit or
excessive wear and tear. However, a department with a high wear rate may wish to select a
routine cycle, based on length of service.
Another issue relative to replacement guidelines is the manufacturer’s warranty. Many body
armor manufacturers currently offer a 5-year warranty on the products they sell to criminal jus-
tice agencies. This 5-year period is generally thought to be a reflection of the guidelines estab-
lished by the early research conducted by DuPont. Recently, some manufacturers have offered
warranties as long as for 12 years after purchase. It is important for agencies to recognize that a
manufacturer’s warranty should not be interpreted as a benchmark for service life. The warranty
exists solely to limit the manufacturer’s liability on the product and is not a reflection of the
anticipated service life of the product.
For example, most new cars come with some type of manufacturer’s warranty, such as 3 years
or 36,000 miles, whichever comes first. The condition of each car sold under this warranty will
vary due to any number of conditions (e.g., type/frequency of maintenance, variations in driving
habits and conditions), but it is safe to say that the vast majority of these cars will still be oper-
ating at the end of this warranty period, and a significant number of these cars will offer many
more miles of reliable service afterward. However, the manufacturer will no longer be responsi-
ble for any future major maintenance problems or cosmetic flaws. The same is true for protec-
tive armor. If the armor is properly cared for, shows no visible flaws or defects, still properly
fits the officer, and still provides an adequate level of protection based upon a current assess-
ment of the threats encountered, then it should be reasonable to presume that unit of armor is
still serviceable. However, the manufacturer will not be held liable for any claims of inadequate
performance after the expiration of the warranty period. For agencies that determine that it is
not feasible to replace armor in accordance with a manufacturer’s warranty cycle, the continued
use of serviceable units of armor is definitely better than the alternative—to not wear the armor
and have no protection. In this case, however, it is advisable for the agency to consult its liabili-
ty insurance carrier to determine the implications this may have for its respective policy.
The performance assurance program is based on a modified form of ballistic limit testing, com-
monly known as V50. (See the discussion of V50 testing in chapter 6, page 40.)
As a guideline, an agency should test extensively only when purchasing a significant quantity
of armor. Armor testing is expensive, and departments must plan their actions based on their
circumstances. For example, a department could probably buy at least four new sets of armor,
depending on the threat level, for the cost of one NIJ test.
A department that elects to implement an armor-testing program for used or inservice armor
must clearly establish the testing objective. Generally, this objective is to satisfy the department
that its armor still provides as consistent a level of protection as when originally purchased. In
these cases, the ballistic limit determination test outlined in sections 5.17 through 5.21 of NIJ
Standard–0101.04 provides an abbreviated methodology for performing these tests.
An agency considering performing the ballistic limit determination test in accordance with NIJ
Standard–0101.04 should initially select a sample of armor for testing that shows the heaviest
signs of wear and use. This should be done for two reasons. First, it represents the “worst-case”
scenario for testing, and second, it is the most logical unit of armor to be replaced, since the
testing is destructive and the sample cannot be reissued after the test is completed. It is also
highly recommended that the test be performed by a qualified independent testing laboratory,
preferably one that is NIJ/NLECTC approved to perform compliance tests in accordance with
NIJ Standard-0101.04. (A list of approved laboratories can be obtained by calling NLECTC at
800–248–2742, or from NLECTC’s Internet site, JUSTNET, at It is
important to note that these test procedures are only applicable to models of armor that comply
with NIJ Standard-0101.04. A vest that complies with a previous edition of the standard cannot
be tested in this manner, as no baseline ballistic limit data exists for these models.
If armor passes the test, there should be no cause for concern. If the armor fails the test, the
department should not automatically assume that all of the vests of that particular model owned
by the department are unsafe. Rather, this suggests that these particular used vests have ques-
tionable protection capabilities. The agency may want to consider conducting additional testing
of other units of this model from the same material production lot number, which should be
indicated on the ballistic panel label. This testing will help determine if the failure was an iso-
lated one or is representative of the entire purchase lot. If further testing results in additional
failures, all vests from that lot of material should be replaced. Also, agencies that experience
retest failures should contact NLECTC at 800–248–2742 and arrange to have their vests com-
pared to the originally tested vests stored in NLECTC’s archives. On several occasions, vests
that have failed an agency’s retesting have been found to differ in construction from the vest
originally tested by the manufacturer as part of NIJ’s voluntary compliance testing program.
When a unit of armor fails testing, the department will probably consider seeking redress from
the manufacturer. Before taking such action, departments should do the following:
• Ensure that the vests were originally tested to an NIJ standard (and to which version of the
NIJ standard) before testing samples to that standard’s requirements. A manufacturer can be
held responsible only for the terms of the contract it signed and the standards and specifica-
tions in that contract. Unless the department’s purchase contract clearly addresses testing
armor in service, lists the tests that will be conducted, and specifies the department’s recourse
should armor fail tests, NIJ recommends that the department carefully study its situation
before proceeding.
• Have the legal adviser examine the contract and any statement on the armor label to deter-
mine whether grounds for legal action exist.
If the department decides to go forward with testing, it should contact the manufacturer. Estab-
lish in advance testing objectives, action to be taken based on the test results, and the manufac-
turer’s position concerning the nature of tests to be performed. The manufacturer should have
the right to be present during the testing. Given the opportunity to work with a department to
determine a mutually satisfactory course of action, reputable manufacturers will normally coop-
erate. Conversely, a manufacturer suddenly confronted with allegations of a problem with its
product without prior indication of the department’s planned actions can be expected to become
defensive, if not adversarial. Also, a manufacturer may have a legitimate complaint if its prod-
uct’s performance is questioned based on incorrect or improper test results. Even worse, if offi-
cers know of questionable data, they may lose confidence in their armor and stop wearing it.
A department that wants to conduct its own testing must, at a minimum, have a reliable chrono-
graph and properly conditioned backing material. The use of alternate backing material (phone
books, newspapers), and of commercially loaded ammunition of unknown velocity, is certain to
provide inconsistent test data that cannot be correlated to testing conducted through NLECTC’s
voluntary compliance-testing program.
Departments that cannot afford to conduct ballistic testing at independent laboratories should at
least follow these NIJ-recommended procedures:
• Inspect each unit of armor carefully upon purchase and prior to issue. Any evidence of poor
workmanship or visible differences from samples shown before purchase should be brought
to the manufacturer’s attention immediately.
• Ensure that each unit of armor is properly and durably labeled in accordance with the
requirements of the NIJ standard. Each ballistic panel should be clearly labeled with the
NIJ-complying model designation as it appears in the Personal Body Armor Consumer
Product List.
• Upon issue, the quartermaster or supervisor responsible for issuing the equipment should use
a permanent marker to legibly enter on the label the name of the officer to whom the armor
is issued and the date of issue. If possible, photocopies of these labels should be made and
placed in a designated file.
• Institute a routine inspection program for body armor, just as a department would with vehi-
cles or firearms. Develop a written policy on the frequency and extent of these inspections.
At a minimum, inspect armor annually in conjunction with firearms training and qualifica-
tion. The sample form in this manual (appendix E) can be used for this purpose. The Interna-
tional Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) has prepared a model policy for the use of
police body armor, and copies can be obtained from the association. Information on contact-
ing IACP can be found in the resource list in appendix A.
• Instruct personnel to report any defects or damage to the body armor immediately. The quar-
termaster or supervisor should take immediate action to replace any body armor found to be
unserviceable. NIJ does not recommend that the agency or anyone else other than the manu-
facturer attempt to repair damaged body armor.
• Develop written policies regarding guidelines for armor’s replacement. A department must
thoroughly assess its needs and requirements before instituting such a policy.
When concealable body armor was first introduced, the limits of deformation to evaluate blunt
trauma protection had not yet been established. Sufficient historical data were not yet available
to establish a reasonable service life for armor to provide the rated level of ballistic protection.
The performance requirements for deformation were first established in 1978, when the NIJ
standard was first revised. Consequently, armor purchased prior to 1978 was not tested for com-
pliance with the current deformation requirement.
Similarly, body armor manufactured prior to 1985, when the NIJ standard was revised for the
second time, was not tested for penetration resistance when struck at an angle. From 1985 to
April 1987, manufacturers had their armor tested for compliance with the requirements of NIJ
Standard–0101.02. Unfortunately, testing occurred prior to NLECTC’s establishment and the
testing program was administered differently; testing records are incomplete; and the samples
tested were not retained in archival storage. Consequently, NLECTC cannot validate the results
of testing done in accordance with NIJ Standard–0101.02. Should the manufacturer certification
of compliance to NIJ Standard–0101.02 come into question, NLECTC cannot verify that a given
armor model was in compliance with the standard or that it is identical to the armor tested.
Thus, any department with armor in its inventory that was purchased prior to the issuance of
NIJ Standard–0101.03 in April 1987 might wonder whether that armor is suitable for current
use or if it should be replaced. If the armor issued to officers was not tested to determine if it
complies with NIJ Standard–0101.03, even if its rated level of protection (armor type) is consis-
tent with current needs, it would be advisable to verify its performance. The only way to ensure
that armor purchased to a prior edition of the NIJ standard conforms to the current requirements
of NIJ standards is to test the armor. The names of NLECTC-approved independent testing
laboratories (and the individuals to contact to arrange such tests) are available from NLECTC.
the department’s liability insurance and what waivers the recipient department would be
required to sign.
All administrators are painfully aware of the frequent lawsuits filed against police departments.
Body armor liability centers on the protection that ballistic-resistant body armor does or does
not provide.
In one incident, an officer wearing a vest was killed from an ambush with a high-powered rifle.
The survivors’ suit alleged that the officer did not know that the armor, intended to protect
against handguns only, was incapable of protecting against a bullet from a high-powered rifle.
One individual made the fatal mistake of participating in a live demonstration of body armor
involving a knife. The individual encouraged an “assailant” to attack with a knife and subse-
quently died from wounds received when the knife penetrated the armor. The distributor had
covered the armor manufacturer’s label with a second label, which stated that the armor would
protect against lesser threats than the rated threat level. This resulted in a major lawsuit for
compensation against several parties based on the mistaken assumption that a knife is a lesser
threat than the ballistic threat specified on the armor label.
NIJ Standard–0101.04 defines levels of ballistic protection only. A knife is not a ballistic threat,
and when considered in the context of the level of protection provided by ballistic-resistant
body armor, it is not a lesser threat—it is an entirely different type of threat. To be considered
stab or puncture resistant, body armor must be tested under NIJ’s Standard–0115.00 for stab-
resistant body armor.
Because of incidents such as those described above, the NIJ standard for ballistic-resistant body
armor requires that the manufacturer clearly label the level of ballistic protection that the armor
is capable of providing in accordance with the types classified in the standard. In addition, the
standard requires that the labels on Type I through Type III-A armor include a warning notice
that the armor is not intended to protect the wearer against rifle fire and, if appropriate, that the
armor is not intended to protect the wearer from sharp-edged or pointed instruments. All admin-
istrators should insist on full compliance with the labeling requirements of the standard.
For more than 30 years, the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) has been committed to ensuring
the safety of the Nation’s law enforcement officers through its research efforts and voluntary
compliance testing program for body armor. The 2,500 lives that have been spared as a result
of the use of body armor bears testament to the fact that, as the National Law Enforcement and
Corrections Technology Center system’s motto states, “Technology Saves Lives.”
The information presented in this guide emphasizes the importance of thorough planning at
every step in the selection and procurement process. Police administrators and procurement
officials need to be aware of the many pitfalls that can result from body armor that is either
inadequate or excessive. Both cases can result in deadly consequences for the line officer.
Ultimately, an agency’s goal is to obtain armor that meets its needs and will be worn routinely
by its officers. One thing is certain: The only armor that is absolutely guaranteed to fail to
protect the wearer is the armor that is not worn.
Administrators should adopt policies to encourage the full-time use of body armor by field
personnel. Field supervisors should set an example for officers under their command by
always wearing their armor when on duty. All personnel should receive training regarding
body armor’s capabilities and limitations, as well as proper care methods. All armor should be
routinely inspected and when it is determined that it no longer fits properly or is no longer ser-
viceable, it should be replaced immediately.
By disseminating the information in the guide to the appropriate personnel, it is NIJ’s goal to
save even more lives and continue to build upon the success resulting from its body armor
standards and testing program.
1. Source is International Association of Chiefs of Police/DuPont Kevlar Survivors’ Club®.
2. The National Institute of Justice is the successor to the Law Enforcement Assistance
Administration (LEAA), National Institute of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice
3. Write to NLECTC, P.O. Box 1160, Rockville, MD 20849–1160, or call 800–248–2742 or
4. Source is National Law Enforcement Officers’ Memorial Fund, Inc.
5. Dean, Bashford, Helmets and Body Armor in Modern Warfare, New Haven, CT: Yale Uni-
versity Press, 1920.
6. National Institute of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice, Ballistic Resistance of Police
Body Armor, NILECJ–STD–0101.00, Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice,
National Institute of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice, March 1972.
7. Chappell, Kevin, “A Death-Defying Business: Fashion and Fear Fuel Sales of Bulletproof
Clothing,” U.S. News & World Report, 123:6 (August 11, 1997):46–47.
8. Source is National Law Enforcement Officers’ Memorial Fund, Inc.
9. Source is the Bureau of Justice Assistance, Public Safety Officers’ Benefits Program.
10. Reaves, Brian A. and Andrew L. Goldberg, Law Enforcement Management and Administra-
tive Statistics, 1997: Data for Individual State and Local Agencies with 100 or More Offi-
cers, Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of
Justice Statistics, April 1999, NCJ 171681.
11. Reaves, Brian A. and Pheny Z. Smith, Law Enforcement Management and Administrative
Statistics, 1993: Data for Individual State and Local Agencies with 100 or More Officers,
Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of
Justice Statistics, September 1995, NCJ 148825.
12. Reaves, Brian A., Police Departments in Large Cities: 1987, Washington, D.C.: U.S. Depart-
ment of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics, 1989, NCJ 119220.
13. National Institute of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice, Ballistic Resistance of Police
Body Armor, NILECJ–STD–0101.01, Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice,
National Institute of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice, December 1978.
14. National Institute of Justice, Ballistic Resistance of Police Body Armor, NIJ Standard–
0101.02, Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice,
March 1985.
15. National Institute of Justice, Ballistic Resistance of Police Body Armor, NIJ Standard–
0101.03, Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice,
April 1987.
16. National Institute of Justice, Ballistic Resistance of Personal Body Armor, NIJ Standard–
0101.04, Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice,
September 2000, NCJ 183651.
17. National Institute of Justice, Stab Resistance of Personal Body Armor, NIJ Standard–
0115.00, Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice,
October 2000, NCJ 183652.
18. Federal Bureau of Investigation, Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted, Uniform
Crime Reports, Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, FBI, Annual.
19. Bureau of Justice Statistics, Correctional Populations in the United States, 1997 (Executive
Summary), Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics,
November 2000, NCJ 177614.
20. Bureau of Justice Statistics, Census of State and Federal Correctional Facilities, 1995,
Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics, August 1997,
NCJ 164266.
21. Personal Body Armor Facts Book, DuPont, June 1994.
22. Frank, Daniel E., Ballistic Tests of Used Body Armor, NBSIR–86–3444, National Bureau
of Standards (U.S.), August 1986.
23. See note 21 above.
Body Armor Field Evaluation Test and Evaluation Plan. Aerospace Report No. ATR–75
(7921)–1. June 1975.
Bureau of Justice Statistics. Census of State and Federal Correctional Facilities, 1995. Washing-
ton, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics, August 1997. NCJ 164266.
Bureau of Justice Statistics. Correctional Populations in the United States, 1997 (Executive
Summary). Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics,
November 2000. NCJ 177614.
Carroll, A. and C. Soderstrom. “A New Nonpenetrating Ballistic Injury.” Annals of Surgery,
188:6 (December 1978):753–757.
Chappell, Kevin. “A Death-Defying Business: Fashion and Fear Fuel Sales of Bulletproof
Clothing.” U.S. News & World Report, 123:6 (August 11, 1997):46–47.
Clare, V., J. Lewis, A. Mickiewicz, and L. Sturdivan. Body Armor Blunt Trauma Data.
EB–SR–75016. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, May 1976.
Dean, Bashford. Helmets and Body Armor in Modern Warfare. New Haven, CT: Yale University
Press, 1920.
Equipment Technology Center Bulletins. No. 76–9 and No. 79–3. International Association of
Chiefs of Police, Gaithersburg, MD.
Estey, J. “2,000 Survivors’ Club Hits.” The Police Chief, May 1997.
Federal Bureau of Investigation. Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted. Uniform
Crime Reports. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, FBI, Annual.
Frank, Daniel E. Ballistic Tests of Used Body Armor, NBSIR–86–3444, National Bureau of
Standards (U.S.), August 1986.
Goldfarb, M., T. Ciurej, M. Wienstein, and L. Metker. Body Armor Medical Assessment.
Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, May 1976.
Limited Production Purchase Description for Body Armor, Small Arms (Handgun) Protective,
Undergarment. MP–1, LP/P DES 1–78A. Natick, MA: U.S. Army Natick R&D Command,
April 1978.
Limited Production Purchase Description for Cloth, Ballistic, Aramid, Water Repellent Treated
Kevlar®. LP/P DES 32–75A. Natick, MA: U.S. Army Natick R&D Command, March 1978.
Metker, L., R. Prather, P. Coon, C. Swann, C. Hopkins, and W. Sacco. A Method of Soft Body
Armor Evaluation: Cardiac Testing. Technical Report ARCSL–TR–78034. Aberdeen Proving
Ground, MD: Chemical Systems Laboratory, U.S. Army Armament Research and Development
Command, November 1978.
Model Body Armor Procurement Package. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice,
Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice, Technology Assessment Program,
January 1990.
Montanarelli, N., C. Hawkins, and L. Shubin. Lightweight Body Armor for Law Enforcement
Officers. EB–SR–75001. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, March 1975.
National Institute of Justice. Ballistic Resistance of Police Body Armor, NIJ Standard–0101.02.
Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice, March 1985.
National Institute of Justice. Ballistic Resistance of Police Body Armor, NIJ Standard–0101.03.
Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice, April 1987.
National Institute of Justice. Ballistic Resistance of Personal Body Armor, NIJ Standard– 0101.04.
Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice, September 2000.
NCJ 183651.
National Institute of Justice. Stab Resistance of Personal Body Armor, NIJ Standard–0115.00.
Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice, October 2000.
NCJ 183652.
National Institute of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice. Ballistic Resistance of Police Body
Armor, NILECJ–STD–0101.00. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, National Insti-
tute of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice, March 1972.
National Institute of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice. Ballistic Resistance of Police Body
Armor, NILECJ–STD–0101.01. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, National Insti-
tute of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice, December 1978.
NIJ’s New Body Armor Initiative. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Jus-
tice Programs, National Institute of Justice, Technology Assessment Program, November 1993.
Personal Body Armor Facts Book, DuPont, June 1994.
Police Body Armor Testing and Summary of Performance Testing Data. Gaithersburg, MD:
International Association of Chiefs of Police, December 1978.
Prather, R., C. Swann, and C. Hawkins. Backface Signature of Soft Body Armors and the Asso-
ciated Trauma Effects. Technical Report No. ARCSL–TR–77–55. Aberdeen Proving Ground,
MD: U.S. Army Armament Research and Development Command, November 1977.
Protective Armor Development Program. Vol. I: Executive Summary. Aerospace Reports No.
ATR–75(7905)–1. Vol. II: Technical Discussion. No. ATR–75(7906)-1. Vol. III: Appendices.
No. ATR–75(7906)–1, December 1974.
Purchase Description for Jacket, Raid, Small Arms (Handgun) Protective, D–1. Natick, MA:
U.S. Army Natick R&D Command, August 1978.
Reaves, Brian A. Police Departments in Large Cities: 1987. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Depart-
ment of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics, 1989, NCJ 119220.
Reaves, Brian A. and Andrew L. Goldberg. Law Enforcement Management and Administrative
Statistics, 1997: Data for Individual State and Local Agencies With 100 or More Officers.
Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice
Statistics, April 1999, NCJ 171681.
Reaves, Brian A. and Pheny Z. Smith. Law Enforcement Management and Administrative
Statistics, 1993: Data for Individual State and Local Agencies With 100 or More Officers.
Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice
Statistics, September 1995, NCJ 148825.
Rodzen, R., C. Ogden, F. Scribano, M. Burns, and E. Barron. Design, Development and Fabri-
cation of Full Scale Anatomical Load Distribution Analyzer. Technical Report No. 73–18–CE.
Natick, MA: U.S. Army Natick Development Center, November 1972.
Soderstrom, C., A. Carroll, and L. Shubin. The Medical Assessment of a New Soft Body Armor.
Technical Report ARCSL–TR–77–57. Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD: Chemical Systems
Laboratory, U.S. Army Armament Research and Development Command, January 1978.
V50 Testing. Technical Brief. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice
Programs, National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center–Rocky Mountain,
July 1997.
Kevlar Survivors’ Club®
5401 Jefferson Davis Highway
Richmond, VA 23234
Tel: 800–441–2746 or 804–383–3853
Fax: 804–383–2477
Contact: Ron McBride, Law Enforcement Consultant, or Anna Knight, Club Administrator
Maintains the latest statistics on body armor “saves.”
National Fraternal Order of Police (FOP)
1410 Donelson Pike, #A17
Nashville, TN 37217
Tel: 615–399–0900
Fax: 615–399–0400
The FOP supports the routine use of body armor by all of its members.
National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, Inc.
605 E Street N.W.
Washington, DC 20004
Tel: 202–737–3400
Fax: 202–737–3405
Contact: Craig W. Floyd
Honors all law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty.
National Rifle Association (NRA)
Law Enforcement Activities Division
11250 Waples Mill Road
Fairfax, VA 22030–9400
Tel: 703–267–1640
Contact: Marion Mayer
Through the NRA, selected body armor manufacturers offer discounts on their products to law
enforcement officers who are NRA members.
the material to make the bust cup, and to place one of the shots on that seam. This is done to
ensure the weakest point of the vest (typically a seam) provides the minimum level of ballistic
protection required by the standard.
It is important to note that this is a generalization. There are many different types and styles of
female vests, and different ways of fitting vests to accommodate all of the various sizes and
shapes needed for female officers. Some manufacturers have developed methods that “mold”
the bust cups into the material, negating the need for cutting and stitching to create a bust cup.
Other manufacturers simply alter the outside dimensions of the panel (e.g., enlarging the arm
hole openings) to accommodate certain types of builds and body types (commonly referred to
as a “unisex” vest).
In summary, when selecting a female vest, NIJ and NLECTC recommend that an agency look
at and have its officers try on a variety of models from different manufacturers that have been
tested and found to comply with the NIJ standard for personal body armor. This will assist in
selecting the model that provides the best combination of comfort, fit, protection capability, and
accessories and features. Be sure to ask the manufacturer’s representative about ongoing cus-
tomer support and what steps they will take to properly measure and fit the vests, as well as
making adjustments once the vests have been delivered. Ask the representative for references
from other agencies that have purchased their armor, and contact other agencies in your area
who have recently purchased armor to learn about their experiences.
Q: What type and threat level of armor should I wear?
A: First, assess the type of threat you face on a daily basis. Review data from shooting incidents
in your area, as well as the types of weapons (firearms, knives, etc.) being confiscated from sus-
pects. Also factor in what type of sidearm and duty ammunition you are carrying. FBI Uniform
Crime Report (UCR) data indicate that approximately one in six officers who are killed in the
line of duty are shot with their own weapon. Other considerations are the climate in which you
work, typical duty assignment, and personal preference considerations (comfort and fit). Again,
the decision is ultimately yours. The same concepts apply for correctional officers seeking stab-
or puncture-resistant armor.
Q: What are trauma plates?
A: Trauma plates are devices that can be added to the vest over a localized area (most common-
ly the mass center of the torso) to increase the wearer’s protection against blunt trauma injuries.
Blunt trauma injuries are caused by the impact forces of the bullet against the armor, resulting
in nonpenetrating internal injuries such as bruises, broken ribs, or other injuries to internal
organs. Trauma plates can be made of a hard substance such as metal wrapped in rubber or
ballistic fabric, or they can be made of additional layers of ballistic fabric, similar to an armor
panel. Some manufacturers even build trauma plates into the armor panel itself.
Q: I understand that NIJ has published a new standard for ballistic-resistant armor.
What are the major differences between the new version and NIJ Standard–0101.03?
A: In September 2000, NIJ released Ballistic Resistance of Personal Body Armor, NIJ Stan-
dard–0101.04. This revision, the first of this standard in 13 years, was the result of a 3-year
effort that included input from the law enforcement, body armor manufacturing, and fiber man-
ufacturing communities. The Office of Law Enforcement Standards (OLES) coordinated the
development of this new revision, performing most of the research with support from various
components of the NLECTC system.
Technical highlights of the new standard (0101.04) include:
• Updated test rounds for certain NIJ armor types, replacing outdated or obsolete ammunition:
- For Type I armor, the .38 Special has been replaced by the .380 ACP.
- For Type IIA, the .357 Magnum has been replaced by the .40 S&W.
- For Type IIIA, the .44 Magnum remains, but the test bullet has been changed to a semi-
jacketed hollow point (SJHP) from the lead semi-wadcutter gas check (LSWGC), which is
no longer manufactured.
All other test rounds remain unchanged from NIJ Standard–0101.03.
• A second backface signature (BFS) measurement on each panel.
• A single environmental test condition (wet).
• Restoration of the armor’s original physical condition between impacts (commonly referred
to as “pat-down”).
• A Baseline Ballistic Limit test to establish benchmark penetration performance of the armor,
which is useful for enhanced understanding of its protection, and to provide a consistent
baseline for any future retesting that might be required.
Q: Do models that comply with NIJ Standard–0101.03 automatically comply with NIJ
A: No. NIJ still continues to recognize the compliance status of models found to comply with
NIJ Standard–0101.03 to that edition of the standard. If a manufacturer desires to submit a
model of 0101.03-compliant armor to NLECTC for testing to 0101.04, they can, and if it is
found to comply with 0101.04, then it will be recognized as complying with both editions of
the standard.
Q: OK, but what happens if that 0101.03-compliant model fails to comply with the
requirements of 0101.04?
A: Models that comply with NIJ Standard–0101.03 cannot “lose” their compliance status to that
edition of the standard if they do not comply with the requirements of 0101.04. The model will
still be recognized as compliant with 0101.03, but cannot be considered for further testing to
Q: Can manufacturers still submit new models of armor for testing to NIJ Standard–
A: No. As of October 2, 2000, all models of armor submitted to NLECTC for compliance test-
ing will be tested in accordance with NIJ Standard–0101.04.
Q: Is armor that complies with NIJ Standard–0101.04 “better” than armor that complies
with NIJ Standard–0101.03?
A: NO. It has only been tested to a different version of the standard. The development of NIJ
Standard–0101.04 incorporates the knowledge and experience that has been gained in the past
13 years of armor testing, takes into account the advances in materials and design technology
that have occurred in the industry, and updates the threats which the armor is tested against. It is
simply the next evolutionary step in the development of NIJ’s voluntary compliance testing pro-
gram for ballistic-resistant armor, ensuring that law enforcement and corrections officers have
access to armor that is safe, reliable, and meets currently defined protection needs.
Q: With the release of NIJ Standard–0101.04, does this mean that we have to replace all
the armor we have that complies with NIJ Standard–0101.03, including those we just
A: NO. The advent and exclusive use of NIJ Standard–0101.04 in the Voluntary Compliance
Testing Program does not imply that existing NIJ Standard–0101.03 compliant armor is in any
way unsuitable for continued purchase and everyday use. In fact, such armor will still provide
the same proven high degree of protection and performance that NIJ Standard–0101.03
demanded and produced. NIJ Standard–0101.03 compliant armor should not be considered
inadequate or obsolete; it is simply armor that has not been tested and found compliant to NIJ
Standard–0101.04’s different requirements.
Q: If a manufacturer offers to sell us a model that complies with NIJ Standard–0101.03,
should we purchase it?
A: If you determine that this model meets all of your protection and user defined requirements,
then there is no reason not to purchase it. NIJ Standard–0101.03 compliant armor should not
be considered inadequate or obsolete; it is simply armor that has not been tested and found
compliant to NIJ Standard–0101.04’s different requirements.
Q: I’m a correctional officer, and I’m more interested in a vest that provides stab/puncture
protection instead of ballistic protection. What assistance can you provide?
A: For almost 30 years, NIJ has been a leader in the development and testing of ballistic-
resistant armor. In September 2000, NIJ released Stab Resistance of Personal Body Armor, NIJ
Standard–0115.00. This standard is the result of a 3-year collaborative effort between the Office
of Law Enforcement Standards, the U.S. Secret Service, and the Police Scientific Development
Branch of the United Kingdom, and establishes the first national minimum performance
requirements for stab- and puncture-resistant armor. NIJ Standard–0115.00 classifies armor into
two protection classes, spike (puncture-resistant) and edged blade. For each protection class,
there are three protection levels against which the armor can be tested. A voluntary compliance
testing program has been established by NLECTC in accordance with this new standard, and
models found to comply are listed in the Body Armor Database at
It is also important to note that armor models found to comply with NIJ Standard–0115.00 are
also eligible for funding under the Bulletproof Vest Partnership Grant Act (BVPGA). For more
details, visit the BVPGA Web site at
Q: Who tests the armor to determine if it complies with NIJ Standards?
A: Only NIJ-approved independent testing laboratories are recognized as official testing facil-
ities for compliance testing to NIJ standards. A complete list of NIJ-approved laboratories
can be found on JUSTNET at, or call NLECTC at 800–248–2742 or
Q: How is armor submitted for testing?
A: The manufacturer submitting an armor model for testing must first negotiate a testing con-
tract with an NIJ-approved testing laboratory. Neither NIJ nor NLECTC accepts any payment
for testing services. The manufacturer then submits samples to NLECTC, where they are exam-
ined for workmanship and labeling requirements, which are defined in the NIJ standards. If the
samples successfully complete this examination, they are sent to the approved laboratory with
whom the manufacturer has negotiated the testing contract. The laboratory performs the test in
accordance with the standard, and prepares a report of the test. The samples and the report are
returned to NLECTC, where they are again examined and compared to the laboratory report. If
the armor complies with the standard, a letter is issued to the manufacturer for that model and
the model is listed on the Personal Body Armor Consumer Product List (CPL), which can be
accessed at
Q: How does a laboratory obtain NIJ approval to conduct body armor testing?
A: To become an NIJ-approved laboratory, the laboratory must submit an application (available
from NLECTC) that will be reviewed by NIJ to determine if the laboratory is technically capable
of performing the testing. NLECTC will then conduct an onsite inspection that includes witness-
ing the testing of actual samples. The laboratory prepares a report of the test and returns the test-
ed samples and report to NLECTC, where they are checked for accuracy. If the laboratory suc-
cessfully completes all of these requirements, NIJ will issue a letter to the laboratory notifying it
that it is an NIJ-approved laboratory and is authorized to conduct testing in accordance with NIJ
standards. Manufacturers and other interested parties also will be notified of the laboratory’s
status. NIJ accepts applications from interested laboratories on a continuing basis. Laboratories
seeking NIJ-approved status should contact NLECTC at 800–248–2742 or 301–519–5060. It is
also important to note that laboratories are approved to perform testing in accordance with a spe-
cific NIJ standard. A test laboratory must complete a separate application and go through the
complete approval process for each NIJ standard for which it wishes to perform testing.
officers who survived after being shot with firearms in the upper torso. The officers in the sepa-
rate groups differed only on the survival outcome of their assaults. By comparing the survival
outcome of the officers based on their use of body armor, a risk factor can be computed for the
odds of fatality for officers shot in the upper torso while not wearing body armor.
In the following table, the relative risk of fatality for officers not wearing body armor is com-
puted. The first column lists the total, 25 officers, who did not survive an assault with a firearm.
As shown, only four of the slain officers were wearing body armor at the time of the assault. In
contrast, for officers that survived, 18 wore armor at the time of the assault. The odds of fatality
for officers not wearing armor is computed as (21/7), or 3. The odds of fatality for officers
wearing armor is computed as (4/18), or .22. To arrive at the relative risk between the two
groups, the odds of fatality while not wearing armor are divided by the odds of fatality while
wearing armor (3/.22), or 13.5. This number can be interpreted as the odds, or relative risk, of
fatality. For an officer shot in the torso while not wearing body armor, the relative risk of fatali-
ty is 14 times higher than for an officer who is wearing body armor. Equation 1 shows the com-
putation of the relative risk (Ψ).
Table 1.
While the absolute risk of fatality could not be computed in this study, it is clear that officers
who are not wearing armor at the time of an assault with a firearm are at significantly greater
risk of fatality than officers who are wearing body armor at the time of assault. Further, this rel-
ative risk of term (Ψ) is not influenced by sample size, so it is likely that this relative risk of
fatality would have been observed in samples of any size.
The results of this study affirm what law enforcement trainers have long been telling officers:
body armor saves lives. By wearing body armor, a law enforcement officer can significantly
increase his or her chances of surviving an assault with a firearm.
Terms of agreement
A) Specific Quantity
The (jurisdiction) intends to purchase a total of (number spelled out) (number) units of body
Of this total, (number spelled out) (number) shall be specially designed for issue to female
officers. The successful bidder further agrees to supply the same model of armor at the unit
price cost of the above quantity order for an additional period of (select appropriate period of
time) months for issue to new officers or replacement purposes.
B) Open End Purchase Agreement (Term Contract)
The (jurisdiction) anticipates the purchase of a total of (number spelled out) (number) units of
body armor during a (appropriate period of time)-month period beginning on or about (date).
During this period, purchase orders will be issued for armor as needed at the contract unit price.
It is estimated that (number) percent of the armor purchased will be specifically designated for
issue to female officers. The term of this agreement shall be (appropriate period of time) months;
however, the (jurisdiction) does not guarantee the purchase of any specific or minimum quantity
of armor during the term of this agreement. The (jurisdiction) may, at its option and subject to
agreement by the contractor, extend the term of this agreement at the same contract unit price
for an additional period of (appropriate period of time) months.
The successful bidder agrees to provide (name of manufacturer) model (designation) armor
properly identified on the label of each unit of armor.
Note: The model selected, which must be verified as having been tested by a NLECTC-
approved testing laboratory and found to comply with NIJ Standard–0101.04 or 0115.00, must
be incorporated in this document or separate purchase document at the time of award of said
Prebid conference
Specify date, time, and location. If attendance is a condition of bid acceptance, this must be
Armor specifications
Each unit of armor shall be new, unused, constructed of the highest quality materials, and shall:
A) Be constructed identically to the original model tested by NLECTC and found to comply with
the minimum performance requirements for Type (appropriate classification) armor as specified in
NIJ Standard–0101.04 (or current edition) or NIJ Standard–0115.00 for stab-resistance.
B) Be labeled in accordance with the requirements of NIJ Standard–0101.04 or NIJ Standard–
0115.00, clearly identifying the exact manufacturer model and, if appropriate, style specified in
the contract document.
The manufacturer may, at its option, include in addition a catalog number for supplier or dis-
tributor convenience, provided that such number is properly identified and totally separate from
the model/style designation line. Labels shall remain readable throughout the warranty period.
C) Be designed to be concealable under the standard (jurisdiction) uniform shirt. Provide full
torso coverage, with front-to-back side overlap of ballistic panels. (Alternately, state other side
protection requirements or other intended manner of use, such as a specific type of outerwear,
i.e., tactical vest.)
D) Provide adjustment for the chest, waist, and shoulders with the minimum relief under arms,
neck, and shoulder necessary to prevent chafing of the wearer.
E) Be designed in such a manner as to prevent the armor from “riding up” on the wearer during
normal duty activities.
F) All closure, fastening, or accessory attachment devices should be made of materials that do
not present a “secondary projectile” or “ricochet” hazard if struck by a bullet.
G) Incorporate a carrier for the ballistic element that is (appropriate choice) in color, and the
coloring shall be permanent and not “bleed” onto other garments.
H) Be free from any defects affecting durability, serviceability, appearance, or the safety of the
user. Workmanship and construction details, cutting, stitching, and finishing shall be in all cases
in accordance with first-class commercial textile standard practices for the intended purpose.
1. The risk of loss if goods are damaged or lost in transit with the Seller or the Buyer, depending on the shipping terms negotiated. The term
F.O.B. means Free on Board, which means only that the Seller will place goods in or on the carrier’s equipment without cost to the Buyer.
Termination of agreement
See commentary.
Acceptance testing
See commentary.
Yes No
A. Labeling:
____ ____ 1. Is a label securely attached to each part of the carrier and ballistic- or
stab-resistant panels?
____ ____ 2. Is information on the labels legible?
____ ____ 3. Does the model comply with NIJ Standard–0101.04 (or NIJ
Standard–0115.00 for stab-resistant models)?
B. General Condition/Appearance
____ ____ 1. Does the carrier or permanent cover have any visible rips/tears/holes?
____ ____ 2. Is the armor relatively clean and free of dirt and debris?
____ ____ 3. Are closure devices securely attached to the vest and operating properly?
____ ____ 4. If protective element is encased in a nonremovable cover, is any material
(fabric) exposed?
____ ____ 5. If protective element is not encased in a nonremovable cover, is the
material frayed?
____ ____ 6. Are there creases in the armor?
____ ____ 7. Is the armor free from odor?
Yes No
C. Care and Maintenance
____ ____ 1. Does the officer responsible for the vest understand and follow the
manufacturer’s care and cleaning instructions?
____ ____ 2. Does the officer responsible for the vest understand and follow
department policy regarding care, maintenance, and wearing of vest
(if applicable)?
D. Size/Fit
____ ____ 1. Does the vest fit the officer properly and securely?
E. Overall Evaluation:
________ Excellent/New ________ Good ________ Fair ________ Poor
NIJ’s Mission
In partnership with others, NIJ’s mission is to prevent and reduce crime, improve law enforce-
ment and the administration of justice, and promote public safety. By applying the disciplines
of the social and physical sciences, NIJ—
• Researches the nature and impact of crime and delinquency.
• Develops applied technologies, standards, and tools for criminal justice practitioners.
• Evaluates existing programs and responses to crime.
• Tests innovative concepts and program models in the field.
• Assists policymakers, program partners, and justice agencies.
• Disseminates knowledge to many audiences.
NIJ’s Structure
The NIJ Director is appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. The NIJ Director
establishes the Institute’s objectives, guided by the priorities of the Office of Justice Programs,
the U.S. Department of Justice, and the needs of the field. NIJ actively solicits the views of
criminal justice and other professionals and researchers to inform its search for the knowledge
and tools to guide policy and practice.
NIJ has three operating units. The Office of Research and Evaluation manages social science
research and evaluation and crime mapping research. The Office of Science and Technology
manages technology research and development, standards development, and technology assis-
tance to State and local law enforcement and corrections agencies. The Office of Development
and Communications manages field tests of model programs, international research, and knowl-
edge dissemination programs. NIJ is a component of the Office of Justice Programs, which also
includes the Bureau of Justice Assistance, the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the Office of Juvenile
Justice and Delinquency Prevention, and the Office for Victims of Crime.
To find out more about the National Institute of Justice, please contact:
National Criminal Justice Reference Service
P.O. Box 6000
Rockville, MD 20849–6000
To obtain an electronic version of this document, access the NIJ Web site
If you have questions, call or e-mail NCJRS.
in consumer product reports designed to help justice system procurement officials make
informed purchasing decisions.
Publications are available at no charge through NLECTC. Some documents are also available
online through the Justice Technology Information Network (JUSTNET), the center’s Inter-
net/World Wide Web site. To request a document or additional information, call 800–248–2742
or 301–519–5060, or write:
National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center
P.O. Box 1160
Rockville, MD 20849–1160
World Wide Web address:
the needs of law enforcement and corrections. They help to link the end user with the developer
to create technologies that adequately meet operational requirements and establish which poten-
tial technologies should be pursued for development.
All of the current regional centers have distinctive roles or focus areas, that, in many cases, are
aligned with the expertise of host organizations and agencies. The centers are currently operated
under cooperative agreements or interagency agreements with host organizations and agencies
whose employees staff the centers.
To receive more information or to add your name to the NLECTC mailing list, call
800–248–2742 or 301–519–5060, or write:
National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center
P.O. Box 1160
Rockville, MD 20849–1160
World Wide Web address:
The following is a list of NLECTC regional and affiliated facilities that assist NIJ in fulfilling
its mission.
NLECTC–Northeast NLECTC–West
26 Electronic Parkway c/o The Aerospace Corporation
Rome, NY 13441–4514 2350 East El Segundo Boulevard
(p) 888–338–0584 El Segundo, CA 90245–4691
(f) 315–330–4315 (p) 888–548–1618
E-mail: (f) 310–336–2227
5300 International Boulevard NLECTC–Northwest
North Charleston, SC 29418 4000 Old Seward Highway
(p) 800–292–4385 Suite 301
(f) 843–760–4611 Anchorage, AK 99503–6068
E-mail: (p) 866–569–2969
(f) 907–569–6939
NLECTC–Rocky Mountain E-mail:
2050 East Iliff Avenue
Denver, CO 80208 Border Research and Technology Center
(p) 800–416–8086 1010 Second Avenue
(f) 303–871–2500 Suite 1920
E-mail: San Diego, CA 92101
(p) 888–656–2782
(f) 888–660–2782
For more information on the National Institute of Justice, please contact: