CB4 020 1stobject+2d
CB4 020 1stobject+2d
CB4 020 1stobject+2d
2D Symbol
We can stay with PROJECT2 to make the 2D symbol, Dimensional settings
but we can be a bit clever with HOTSPOTs. Previously
we relied on default bounding-box hotspots, but now
we can write our own. HOTSPOT2 x,y is the word!
E VERYBODY works in different dimensions
depending on their country and regional building stand-
ards. The first simple Chair was hard coded (written into
Since you now converted the chair to use A and B the script) in metres and in feet/inches.
as parameters for width and depth, you can easily de- The improved Chair is parametric. Most of the exer-
fine the XY positions of the HOTSPOTs in the 2D GDL. cises here are in metric, in millimetres – even if the scripts
HOTSPOT2 0,0 are parametric, the Parameter Tables are usually metric.
HOTSPOT2 A,0 The settings you use do not affect the hard coding in the
HOTSPOT2 A,B scripts, but they make the Parameter Table look different.
HOTSPOT2 0,B If you are not sure of your Units, open a NEW Library ob-
PROJECT2 3,270,2
ject and look at A and B. If A is 1.00 you are in metres, and
if A is 1000 you are in millimetres. If A is 3’-3.37” it’s feet
Now the Hotspots will and decimal inches. If you wish to develop GDL in non-
show in the plan. The cor- metric, I advise you to work in Decimal Inches.
ner ones will enable You are advised to have a project floor plan file open
stretching, and the central in the background while you work in GDL to get the navi-
A/2,B/2 spot is a good gator palette to work correctly, and to set the dimensional
‘Pickup’ spot. environment. If you modify dimensional settings remem-
ber to set the number of decimals you can display.
About 2D Scripting
U NLESS you have a 2D Symbol or a 2D Script,
your object will not appear on the Project Plan!
If you been using ArchiCAD’s conventional tools to
With ArchiCAD 8, hotspots have acquired massive
importance as it possible to apply hotspots to differ-
ent parts of a GDL model and articulate parts of the
make library objects, you have been used to it making model – e.g. opening doors and pulling/pushing draw-
automatically generated scripts, and automatically ers in a furniture cabinet. Of which much more anon!
drawn 2D symbols generated from the view of the
object. But now, you have to do it! LINE2 x1,y1, x2,y2 : draws a line from one XY lo-
cation to another XY location – relative to your cur-
HOTSPOT2 x,y places a Hotspot at the point rent cursor position.
x,y in the 2D symbol of the object. It lights up when
you select the object.
HOTLINE2 x1,y1, x2,y2 : following a LINE2,
makes the whole line sensitive to your mouse – easy
The purpose of HOTSPOTs are 4-fold:
selection of objects!
1. To enable you to see objects when touched or
marqueed, RECT2 x1,y1, x2,y2 : draws a rectangle from one
2. to pick up the object, XY location to another XY location diagonally oppo-
3. to make objects stretchy, and site – relative to your current cursor position and an-
4. to provide ‘gravity’ for snapping objects to line or gle. RECT2 is always wireline (you can see through it).
to other hotspots. CIRCLE2 x,y, rad : draws a circle at point x,y with
radius rad.