EAP1 - Tense Review
EAP1 - Tense Review
EAP1 - Tense Review
01 Tense review
flf,] Present simple and lnp- State verbs such asbelieve, know, mean; like, prefer,
want; belong, own, possess; contqtn, depend, and matter
continuous are usually used in the present simple.
. The Church Commissioners' report indicates that the
1.1 studg Church of Englandisewnittg owns around lzo,ooo
In academic writing and speaking, the primary use of acres of rural land.
the present simple is for factual descriptions.
. Almost a billion people ere+peaking speah Mandarin,
the official language of the People's Republic of China. 1.1 test Uourselt
. When you heat a substance, its particles moue faster, Circle the correct option.
and so collide more frequently. 1 Boston College tooks for/is looking for an
international marketing manager for their
This includes:
overseas recruitment drive.
1 describing regular activities 2 Social enterprises can be defined as those which
. 49,000 people ere<ntering enter the underground are placing/ptace environmental concerns
stqtion at Waterloo euery day, during the three-hour alongside profit.
morning peah. 3 Monetary policy is operating/operates by
influencing the price at which money is lent.
2 describing processes (often in the passive in academic 4 Smartphones are establishing/establish
English) or giving instructions (in the active) themselves as the dominant mobile device
. The fabic is thenwasheil, dyed, and cut into patterns. amongst younger consumers.
. Then you wash the fabric, ilge it, and cut it into 5 David Hare's plays, as Felton (2009) notes/
patterns. is noting, provide actresses with some of the
strongest roles in modern drama.
3 summarizing or reporting the main arguments of 6 According to the Broadcasters'Audience
other academics. Research Board, the average Briton watches/
. Steele explains that suruiuors oftragic euents often is watching just over thirty hours oftelevision
undergo periods of guilt. per week.
(See page 145 in unit 16 Paraphrasing for more 7 Most people are recognizing/recognize that a
examples of reporting verbs.) respect for the law is the fundamental basis for
a civilized society.
4 talking about the plots of books, films, etc.
. Brooklyn by Colm T6ibin tells the story of Ellis Lacey,
I When a team works/is working intensively on
a project, the ieam leader should protect them
o young u)oman who is sent by her family from lreland
from distraction.
to the USA to get a good job.
9 Stevens argues that consumers these days are
The present continuous is used to describe events preferring/prefer to do business with companies
or actions that are happening at the moment that have environmentally-friendly policies.
(now or around now). These might be continuous 10 Babcock suggests that attitudes to work
events/actions or a series of regular events/actions. amongst young people are changing/change.
. Kayston plc is aduertising for a new CEO after
Hugh Alexander's sudden departure.
. Chinese construction companies are securing a
number of major contracts to rebuild Ethiopia's
They include temporary situations and trends in
society or the world around us.
. Kingston Enterprises, which is currently operating
from premises in Wandsworth while its new factory
outside Cambridge is being completeil, is one of the
UK's leading manufacturers of computer hqrd diues.
. More people are shopping online these days, and the
seruice standards that consumers expect are ising.
Note again that state verbs are rarely used with the
continuous form.
01 Tense review
& X Challenge yourself
A Complete the text with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
The business of tourism 1- (grow) massively over the past century.
phenomenon i a fact
While extensive foreign travel has always been one of the pleasures of the wealthy, or an event in nature
its extension to the mass market 2- (be) a phenomenon of the last or societg, especiallg
Iifty years. Domestic tourism really 3- (begin) in the mid-nineteenth one that is not fullg
century, as workers 4- (gain) paid annual leave,. at flrst for one week understood
and then for two. Longer periods gradually 5- (become) common, in
domestic iof or inside a
some cases granted by benevolent employers such as Cadbury's, but more often
7- particular countrg; not
6- (light) for and (win) by the trade unions. This
foreign or international
was made possible as a result of the concentration of the labour force in factories
during the Industrial Revolution of the nineteenth century, which
8- grant:to agree to give
somebodg what theU
(change) the balance of power between employers and employees.
ask for, especiallg formal
or legal permission to do
concentrationia lot of
something in one place
labour;the people who
work or are available
for work in a countrg or
a travel en masse to the pristine shores ofthe lakes ofthe Central Asian republics,
where doctors examined them on arrival and prescribed speciflc food, drink,
exercise, and activities for the month.
b spend their vacation building up their strength, socializing with colleagues, and
relaxing with their families.
c move to the seaside, a resort town, or a spa, to spend their holiday together with
their workmates and immediate family.
d amplified in the Soviet Union.
e walk in the pine forests for an hour a day.
01 Challenge gourself
C Circle the correct option Ia-dJ to complete the sentences from a short text about
air travel.
1 The development oflarger planes in the 1950s and 60s down the cost of
air travel. -
a brings b brought c had brought d is bringing
? This led to the business of tourism that we today.
a are seeing b have seen c see - d saw
3 The relatively prosperous citizens of northern Europe their holidays within
their own country. -
a used to take b take c were taking d took
4 Now they to coastal resorts in Greece and Spain.
a are flying
- b were able to fly c had flown d had been flying
5 These sunny holiday destinations popular for decades.
a are b are being c used to be d had been
5 Previously, however, they a long journey by road or boat, taking several days in
each direction. -
a had required b were required c were requiring d require
7 This was not possible for someone with only a couple of weeks'vacation
allowance. With the advent of cheaper air travel, foreign destinations
accessible in a way they had never been before. -
a become b became c are becoming d did become
D Complete this paragraph about shopping, usingthe correct form ofone ofthe
verbs in the box. You will have to use the passive for one verb. @challengeia newor
01 Challenge gourself
E Correct the mistakes in the verb forms. There is one mistake in each
numbered section.
technological i relating
1 'There are fewer wheelbarrows waiting to be invented.' This contention appears to the practical use in
in a millennial essay on 'The road to riches', which was seeking to develop an industrg of scientific
explanation for the astonishing rise in living standards in the West over the past knowledge
couple of centuries.
innovation ithe
2 Why did The Economist's anonymous writers choose the wheelbarrow as their
introduction of new
exemplar of progress? Because it had transformed construction.
things, ideas or wags of
3 The pyramids of Eglpt are built without them; nineteenth-c€ntury skyscrapers
doing something
could not have been.
4 A corollary of this argument will be that the pace of technological innovation is previouslg i happening
bound to slow down, instead of, as was previously assumed, endlessly increasing. or existing before the
5 Scientilic discoveries are likely to continue indefinitely, subject to funding. If blue- event or object that gou
sky research is curtailed in one area, for example genetics in the United States, it are talking about
wheelbarrows - sturdy objects that anyone can use and understand - our future something new,
inventors may have been working at a microscopic, or indeed molecular, level. unusual, or unexpected
capable i having the
abilitg or qualities
necessarU for doing
device i an object or a
interaction i a process
or situation in which two
things communicate
with or have an effect on
each other
01 Challenge gourself