Assignment of Economatrcs

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The company annual report 2011 to 2020 collect the data and put the data in the table

then I select
three variable of this data like gross profit dependent and net sales, fixed assets are independent
variable. Look at this table

Gross profit fixed assets net sales

823.053 26658.079 4742.593

3068.45 25897.105 11523.05

5080.473 24734.325 15967.9

6084. 20653.0 17532.0

7027.0 23881.0 18642.0

9165.0 21701.0 20044.0

4438.0 22090.544 20423.0

5115.0 22624.0 21161.0

5323.311 23289.5314 15474.771

6491.04 22224.5954 16582.605

Now then we apply six assumption on this data. Let see or chick out their results.

Assumption 1
Relation b/w the independent variable .
So the graph show that there is no relationship b/w independent variable becasuse the dots are

Assumption 2
There is no multicollinearity in your data.

Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients

Collinearity Statistics

Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig. Tolerance VIF

1 (Constant) 9793.794 12845.190 .762 .471

Fixedassete -.362 .448 -.308 -.809 .445 .358 2.792

netsales .243 .174 .531 1.396 .205 .358 2.792

a. Dependent Variable: Grossprofit

b. Independent variable fiixed assets , net sales

The data met the Vif. ViF value below 10 and above 0.2.

Assuunption 3
Model Summary(b)

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate Durbin-Watson

1 .799a .638 .534 1539.38362 1.898

a. Predictors: (Constant), netsales, Fixedassete

b. Dependent Variable: Grossprofit

value of durbin wastson which 1.898 can vary ffrom 0 to 4.

Assumption 4
The variance of the residuals is constant.

The graph show that the assumpution is perfect.

Assumption 5
The values of the residsal s are normally distributed.

Normal p-p plots of regression standardized residual.

Assummption 6
0.6363 Cooks distance value 1, accept the one values 1.1267.

So there is influential case bisasing our data model.




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