K9-Assignment 3 - MITS6002 Business Analytics
K9-Assignment 3 - MITS6002 Business Analytics
K9-Assignment 3 - MITS6002 Business Analytics
Assignment 3
Q1. Carefully Read the “CommBank Retail Business Insights Report FY18” provided with this
as an attachment and answer the below questions.
i. Comment on the insights report based on the overall features; including the
quality of visualisations, presentability, and the information provided.
The report “CommBank Retail Business Insights Report FY18” is a well establish
quantitative survey which is based on business owners about 2473, managers
and decision makers, and about 16 in deep interviews.
This report consists of responses from retailers about 262 within the sectors
including homewares and hardware, and all other retails like clothing, footwear,
food, liquor, etc.
In the month august 2017 and October 2017, A survey was conducted on the behalf of
Commonwealth Bank by DBM Consultants. And it was seen that participants were
drawn from businesses with an annual turnover of more than 500,000.
Across the entrepreneurial behaviour and management capability the commbank
innovation index measured 15 core elements of innovations.
To rank the businesses on the scale of -100 to + 100 the result combines into a
single numerical indicator.
ii. List the key information you derive from this insights report and explain how
they will be useful in decision making.
According to report “ CommBank Retail Business Insights Report FY18 ” instead
of a steady adoption rate a lot of retailers are lagging behind from the average
Of whole nation.
There is always a competitive pressure as the Australian retail sector continues
to respond and is determined to drive the efficiency of the organization,
maintain or improve their businesses.
Later, Market retailers seemed to gradually embrace the creative idea of
improving customer experience, leading the technology, and ensuring that the
opportunities available would be maximized by them. Many outstanding and
passionate changes are being made by many retailers for the return of keeping
our resources transformed in these areas, with some contributing to the money-
related benefits and undeniable benefits that translate into development.
In major cases, From investing in innovations market retailers are expected to realise a
short-term returns, The payback period is less then six months with one in two
ii. Collect height and weight data from 10 friends/relatives of yours and complete
the below table. Every student in class should have a unique set of values.
Height Weight
1 6.2 78
2 5.6 65
3 6.3 79
4 5.2 58
5 5.5 62
6 5.7 66
7 6.1 74
8 5.3 60
9 5.8 69
10 6.0 70
iii. Draw a scatterplot based on above data. Based on your plot comment on the
relationship between height and weight.
The relationship between the variables weight and height is strong positive correlation.
When the variable height increases the weight also increase and it is called as positive
It is very strong correlation as all the points are almost on linear regression line.
Xmean = ( 6.2 + 5.6 + 6.3 + 5.2 + 5.5 + 5.7 + 6.1 + 5.3 + 5.8 + 6.0 ) / 10
Xmean = 57.7 / 10
Xmean = 5.77
Ymean = ( 78 + 65 + 79 + 58 + 62 + 66 + 74 + 60 + 69 + 70 ) / 10
Ymean = 681 / 10
Ymean = 68.1
∑ y = 78 + 65 + 79 + 58 + 62 + 66 + 74 + 60 + 69 + 70
∑ y = 681
∑ x = 6.2 + 5.6 + 6.3 + 5.2 + 5.5 + 5.7 + 6.1 + 5.3 + 5.8 + 6.0
∑ x = 57.7
Intercept Formula:
Intercept = { ( ∑ y ) ( ∑ x² ) - ( ∑ x ) ( ∑ xy ) } / { n ( ∑ x² ) - ( ∑ x )² }
Slope formula:
Slope = { n ( ∑ xy ) - ( ∑ x ) ( ∑ y ) } / { n(∑x²) - (∑x)² }
R² = (Correlation)²
R² = (0.9864)²
R² = 0.973
Using Excel:
Regression Statistics
Multiple R 26
R Square 85
Adjusted R Square 08
Standard Error 49
Observations 10
df SS MS F nce F
462.09906 462.09906 288.79077
Regression 1 32 32 94 1.46E-07
12.800936 1.6001170
Residual 8 77 96
Total 9 474.9
ci. The following diagram shows a neural network with one hidden
Write down the algebraic equation for y1 in terms of input values i1,i2 and weights w.
Hidden layer 1:
Z(1)=W(1)X+ b(1)
Output Layer 2:
z(2) =W(2)a(1)+b(2)
Final output : z ( 2 ) = W * X + b
It is a linear function.
cii. Give at least three examples how clustering can be used in business
analytics. In your answer explain how each business case could be
addressed using clustering.
a. Retail businesses:
Shopping behaviours of customers, analysing how to retain their the
customers etc
b. Insurance industry:
Clustering is mostly used in fraud detection, identifying risk
associated with selling the product to the customer and analysing
how the company can retain their customers
c. Banking Sector:
Clustering is used to group types of customers in order to sell them
products effectively and analyze how profitable the customer is in
the bank.