Dentition and Detection of Age in Animals

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Dentition and detection of

age in animals
Presented by Muhammad Ali
2 Dentition
 Dentition means the development of teeth and their
arrangement in the mouth.
3 Number of teeth

 Dogs:
• 28 deciduous teeth
• 42 permanent teeth

 Cats:
• 26 deciduous teeth
• 30 permanent teeth
4 Dentition in dog and cat

Deciduous teeth Permanent teeth

Begin to erupt Fully erupted Begin to replace fully replaced

0 3 6 9 12 4 months 5 months 6 months

weeks weeks weeks weeks
Age determination
Estimated age Cat’s teeth Dog’s teeth
2-4 weeks Deciduous incisors No tooth growth
coming in.
3-4 weeks Deciduous canines Deciduous canines coming in.
coming in.
4-6 weeks Deciduous premolars Deciduous incisors and premolars
coming in on lower jaw coming in.
8 weeks All deciduous teeth are in. All deciduous teeth are in.

4-5 months Permanent canines, Permanent incisors coming in,

premolars and molars some growth of premolar and
coming in. molars.
5-7 months All permanent teeth are Permanent canines, premolars
in. and molars coming in.
1 year Teeth are white and Teeth are white and clean.
Estimated Cat’s teeth Dog’s teeth
1-2 years Teeth may appear dark with Teeth may appear dull with
some tartar build up. some tartar build up.

3-5 years Teeth show more tartar build up Teeth show more tartar
and some tooth wear build up and some tooth
5-10 years Teeth show increase wear and Teeth show increased wear
disease, pigment visible on and disease
10-15 years Teeth are worn and show Teeth are show worn, show
heavy tartar build up, some heavy tartar build up,
teeth may be missing. some teeth may be
7 Determination of age in cattle

Age can be determined by many ways:

 Teeth method
 Horn method
 Tail brush method
 Others method
8 Teeth method

 Cattle are placed in a cattle crush in order to restrain

them prior inspecting the mouth and amount of teeth of
each animal.

Fig: Restraining of cattle

9 Dentition

 The temporary teeth are erupted at birth.

 All the incisors are erupted in twenty days.
 Second and third pairs of temporary molars are erupted
in thirty days.
 The teeth are large enough to touch other.
10 Number of teeth

 Total 32
 Upper jaw: 0 incisors, 6 premolars & 6 molar
 Lower jaw: 8 incisors, 6 premolars & 6 molar
11 Development of teeth
Teeth Age
All the calf teeth are in place 12 months
Center permanent incisors appear 15 months
Center permanent incisors 18 months
showing some wear
First intermediate up 24 months
Six broad incisors up 30 months
Six broad incisors showing wear 36 months
Corner teeth up 39 months
Eight broad incisors showing wear 42 months
14 Horn method

Number of ring Age

First ring 10 to 12 months
Second ring 20 to24 months
Third ring 30 to 32 months
Fourth ring 40 to 46 months
Fifth ring 54 to 60 months
15 Continued

Fig: Rings on horns

16 Dentition in horse

 Total number of teeth: 42 or 40 when wolf teeth absent

18 Continued

There are four major ways to estimate age of horses by

appearance of their teeth:

 Occurrence of permanent teeth

 Disappearance of cups
 Angle of incidence
 Shape of the surface of the teeth
19 Occurrence of permanent teeth

One year of age. All temporary teeth Two-year-old mouth showing corners
are present. The corners are not yet in wear.
in wear.
20 Continued

A typical 3-year-old mouth showing Well-developed permanent centers,

the large permanent center teeth, immature intermediates and milk teeth
both upper and lower. at the corners in this 4-year-old mouth
21 Continued

At 5 years, all of the temporary teeth have been

replaced by permanent teeth. This is called a “full
22 Disappearance of cups

6-year-old mouth shows some wear At 7 years, dovetail has usually

on the corner teeth as viewed from developed to its maximum.
the side.
23 Continued

8-year-old mouth shows the notch 9-year-old mouth shows a

almost completely gone from the tendency toward less width of
upper corner tooth. Cups have all the teeth and more length.
disappeared from the lower jaw
24 Continued

A 15-year-old mouth. All of the cups are gone. Length of teeth, acute angle of
incidence and triangular surfaces
characterize this 21-year-old mouth.

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