DANCEL-BALUYOT - Development of Permanent Dentition
DANCEL-BALUYOT - Development of Permanent Dentition
DANCEL-BALUYOT - Development of Permanent Dentition
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DENT 114 | Development of the Permanent Dentition 2nd Exam | 3
- if the primary tooth is extracted after the permanent successor has > the anterior component of force can be countered by the
begun its active eruptive movements, the permanent tooth will erupt approximal contacts of the teeth and by the musculature of the lips and
earlier (Moyers, p.114) cheeks (Moyers, 119)
- if the primary tooth is extracted prior to the onset of permanent
eruptive movements (prior to root formation), the permanent tooth is
likely to be delayed in its eruption (Moyers, p. 114)
- girls erupt their permanent teeth with an average of approximately 5
months earlier than boys. except for third molars (Moyers, p. 117)
- during the intra-alveolar eruption, the tooth’s position is also
affected by:
> the presence or absence of adjacent teeth
> rate of resorption of the primary teeth
> early loss of primary teeth
> localized pathologic conditions
> other factors that alter the growth or conformation of the
alveolar process (Moyers, p. 118)
- MESIAL DRIFTING TENDENCY – tendency of the teeth to drift mesially
even before they are in occlusion. (Moyers, p. 119)
> they can be moved by the lip, cheek, tongue, or by extraneous
objects brought into the mouth, and the teeth drift into spaces created
by caries or extractions (Moyers, p. 118) Figure 4. The position of the incisors relative to the lip and tongue posture. (Moyers, p.
- ANTERIOR COMPONENT OF FORCE – tendency for the teeth to move 119)
forward as a result of mastication and swallowing
C. Pattern of Eruption in the Mandible
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DENT 114 | Development of the Permanent Dentition 2nd Exam | 3
- the canines erupt first because it tends to maintain the arch 4. SECOND MOLAR (11-13 years old)
perimeter and prevents the lingual tipping of incisors which may - as the second molar erupts, it makes the mandibular first molar to
overerupt (Moyers, p. 135) be upright (because the crowns of the mandibular first molars are tipped
somewhat lingually when it erupted) (Moyers, p. 123)
2. FIRST PREMOLAR (10-12 years old) - because they usually erupt at 12 years of age, they are also called
- developing premolars are within the bifurcation of primary molar 12-year molars. (Wheeler’s, p. 31)
roots (Wheeler’s, p. 30)
- the appearance of second molar ahead of the canines or
premolars has a strong tendency to shorten the arch perimeter and may
also create space difficulties which leads to crowding (Moyers, p.117)
- can also be impacted (Cobourne, p.103) Figure 14. Note the crowns of permanent maxillary premolars located between the
roots of the first and second primary molars, with their roots still intact. (Wheeler's, p.
- developing premolars are within the bifurcation of primary molar
roots (Wheeler’s, p. 30)
- LEEWAY SPACE – maxilla has approximately 1.5 mm per quadrant
- placed further distally in the arch
- it erupts pointing mesially and labially
- their eruption is also an important factor in widening and
Figure 12. Impaction of second molars. (Cobourne, p.103) changing the shape of the maxillary dental arch
E. Pattern of Eruption in the Maxilla
- developing premolars are within the bifurcation of primary molar
roots (Wheeler’s, p. 30)
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DENT 114 | Development of the Permanent Dentition 2nd Exam | 3
Figure 15. Note the placement of the permanent maxillary canine and second Figure 17. Transposed maxillary canine and maxillary first premolar, (Moyers, p. 387)
premolar, and the position and stage of development of the maxillary second
permanent molar. (Wheeler's, p. 30) - most vulnerable for potential crowding (Cobourne, p. 102)
- only erupts when all of the teeth anterior to it has already erupted
- the appearance of second molar ahead of the canines or
premolars has a strong tendency to shorten the arch perimeter and may
also create space difficulties (Moyers, p.117)
- one of the most frequently congenitally absent tooth (Moyers, p
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DENT 114 | Development of the Permanent Dentition 2nd Exam | 3
Figure 19. Development of the maxillary and mandibular third molars. (Wheeler's, p. 32)
- also called anisomerism
- means a reduction of the number of teeth by loss or fusion
(Moyers, p. 121)
- reported congenitally absent as much as 25% of the time in North
American whites
- the claim that the “third molars are the primary cause of incisal
crowding” does not have enough evidence to support it (Moyers, p. 124) Figure 22. Impacted third molar adjacent to second mandibular molar. (Wheeler's,
- agenesis means lack or failure of development. agenesis of third
molars is related to:
> agenesis of other teeth
> delayed calcification of other posterior teeth
> different developmental sequences (Moyers, p. 121)
- most frequently impacted teeth are the mandibular third molars
(Moyers, p. 118)
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DENT 114 | Development of the Permanent Dentition 2nd Exam | 3
C. Dimensional Changes
- vertical overlap of the incisors (Moyers, p. 125)
- from the early mixed dentition to the completion of the
permanent occlusion, it increases slightly then decreases
- overbite is also correlated with a number of vertical facial
dimensions such as ramus height (Moyers, p. 126)
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DENT 114 | Development of the Permanent Dentition 2nd Exam | 3
Figure 28. Severe root resorption during orthodontic treatment. (Cobourne, p. 19)
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DENT 114 | Development of the Permanent Dentition 2nd Exam | 3
Nelson, S.J. & Ash, Jr., M.M. (2010). Wheeler’s Dental Anatomy,
Physiology, and Occlusion. 9th edition. Saunders, Elsevier Inc.: Missouri.
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