Obsn Reply EE, PWD Himachal

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Letter No______- Dated:12.07.



The Executive Engineer

Himachal Pradesh Public Works Department, NH Division
Nigam Vihar, Nirman Bhawan
Shimla -171002

Subject: Widening to two lane including road safety works on Paonta Sahib-
Rajban-Meenus-Hatkoti Road from Km 149/00 to 161/715 on NH-72B (New NH-707):
Reply to Observations-Reg.

Ref.: (i) Superintending Engineer, NH Circle, HPPWD, Shimla letter no.

PW/SE/NHCS/CTR(T)/Km 149/0 to Km 161/715 of NH 72 B /2022-1809-10 dated
(ii) Executive Engineer, PWD letter no. PWD/EE/NH/THEOG/EPC-32/2022-23-
2019-2021 dated 04.07.2022.
(iii) This office letter no. SCC/PO/2K22/1328 dated 02.07.2022.

Dear Sir,
With ref to above, the subject work has been awarded to M/s _____ and
appointed date fixed as ______.

2. Vide ref (iii) we have submitted the following design and drawing for your kind
review and approval:

a. Design of Precast Box Culvert

b. Design Report of Box Culvert 2*2 single cell
c. Stability analysis of PCC Breast Wall and Retaining Wall
d. Stability Analysis of RR Masonry Breast Wall and Retaining Wall
e. GAD of precast Box Culvert (2*1.5M)
f. GAD of Box Culvert (2*1.5M)
g. Plan and Profile for road (149/000 to 161.715

3. The same has been submitted by your office to Superintending Engineer,

HPPWD, Shimla vide ref (ii). Subsequently, the same was returned by the
Superintending Engineer, HPPWD vide ref (i) along with instructions to attend to the
observations and resubmit the case.
4. The para wise reply to observations raised by Superintending Engineer, NH Circle,
HPPWD are as under:

S. Observations Para-wise Reply

i. The cross section of road has As per standard practice of EPC project first approval of Plan and profile
not been attached with the case. is required based on horizontal, vertical profile within ROW then Cross
Also the plan is not clearly section at every 20m are submitted for execution purpose but since it is
showing the existing and final asked, we are also submitting cross section drawing in this letter. In
proposal. scanned copy existing and final proposal might not be visible, hence, to
improve visibility in the scanned copy, a darker colour has been used.
ii. Location of R/wall, B/Wall and The locations of R/Wall, B/Wall and culverts in Schedule-B do not match
culvert has not been mentioned the site conditions. We have proposed R/Wall and B/Wall based on fill
in design/drawings as per height valley side and cut height Hill side and the same is mentioned in
Schedule B. drawings. We are submitting schedules of chainages of R/Wall, B/Wall
and Culvert. It is submitted that there is no change in the quantities of
R/Wall, B/Wall and Culvert as per Schedule-B only the locations are
being changed.
iii. The design/drawing of B/Wall & As per Schedule B there is provision for PCC wall, however, as per site
R/Wall in R.R. Masonry is conditions it was found that there is soft strata/weathered rocks which is
submitted whereas there is no unsuitable for PCC wall and will cause damage and cracks. Also the
B/Wall and R/Wall are in R.R. height of PCC wall as per Schedule B is very less as per the actual site
masonry as per schedule B. conditions.

Therefore, we are proposing to implement B/Wall and R/Wall in R.R.

Masonry as it is more suitable against soft strata/weathered rocks and
the height of R.R. Masonry will be higher than that of PCC wall while
cost of construction will be the same.

Authority is requested to give further directions on which type of wall to

be implemented at site.
iv. As the proposed design & We would like to mention that Bridge design requires sufficient detailing
drawing is incomplete therefore and investigation of foundation has been completed. The design of all 6
it may be ensured that complete bridges will be submitted one after the other after vetting from proof and
drawing including bridges may safety consultants.
be submitted as per the handing However, PNP, R/Wall, B/Wall and Culvert design/drawing submitted
over memorandum. earlier have already been vetted by proof and safety consultants. The
same is being resubmitted vide this letter. In order to expedite the
progress of work it is requested to approve the same so that work may
be started at site.
v. The working programme may The working programme is enclosed herewith.
also be submitted.
5. In view of the above, the design/drawing for PNP, R/Wall, B/Wall and Culvert duly vetted
by proof and safety consultants along with work programme are being resubmitted along with
para-wise reply to the observations.

Thank you and assuring you of our best services at all times.

1. Design and Drawings of Box Culvert 2m x1,5m
2. Design and drawings of Cast In situ Box Culvert 2m x1.5
3. Design of PCC Retaining Wall and Breast Wall
4. Drawings of PCC Retaining Wall and Breast Wall
5. Plan and Profile with Cross sections
6. Work Plan to Execute all Milestone.

Yours faithfully

For SS Chauhan Construction Pvt.ltd

(Authorized Representative)

Copy for Information to: Superintending Engineer,NH Circle, HPPWD, Shimla -4.

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