Book No. 13 Accountancy Financial Sybcom Final
Book No. 13 Accountancy Financial Sybcom Final
Book No. 13 Accountancy Financial Sybcom Final
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Unit No. Title Page No.
Accountancy and Financial Management Paper - II
With Effect from the Academic Year 2014-2015
Modules at a Glance
Sr. Modules No. of
No. Lectures
1 Partnership Final Accounts based on 18
Adjustment of Admission or Retirement /
Death of a Partner during the Year
2 Piecemeal Distribution of Cash 14
3 Amalgamation of Firms 14
4 Accounting with the use of Accounting Software 14
Total 60
1 Partnership Final Accounts based on Adjustment of
Admission or Retirement
Simple final accounts questions to demonstrate the effect on final
Accounts when a partner is admitted during the year or when
Retires / dies during the year
Allocation of gross profit prior to and after admission / retirement
/ death when stock on the date of admission / retirement is not
given and apportionment of other expenses based on time /
Sales/other given basis
Ascertainment of gross profit prior to and after
admission/retirement / death when stock on the date of admission /
retirement is given and apportionment of other expenses based on
time / Sales / other given basis
Excluding Questions where admission / retirement / death takes
place in the same year
Modules at a Glance
Sr. Modules No. of
No. Lectures
5 Fire Insurance Claims 15
6 Redemption of Preference Shares 15
7 Redemption of Debentures 15
8 Accounting with the use of Accounting Software 15
Total 60
5 Fire Insurance Claims
Computation of loss of stock by fire
Ascertainment of claim as per the insurance policy
Excluding loss of profit and consequential loss
6 Redemption of Preference Shares
Company Law / Legal Provisions for redemption of
preference shares in Companies Act
Sources of redemption including divisible profits and proceeds of
fresh issue of shares
Premium on redemption from security premium and profits of
Capital Redemption Reserve Account - creation and use
7 Redemption of Debentures
Redemption of debentures by payment from sources including out
of capital and / or out of profits.
Debenture redemption reserve and debenture redemption sinking
fund excluding insurance policy.
Redemption of debentures by conversion into new class of
shares or debentures with options- including at par, premium and
8 Accounting with the use of Accounting Software
Advance accounting and Inventory Vouchers: Purchase and Sales
Order, Reorder, Delivery Notes, Budgeting and Controls,
Invoice-Product Invoice and Service Invoice
Shortcut Keys: Special key Combination, Special Functional key
Management Information System (MIS)
Reference Books
Unit Structure :
1.0 Objective
1.2 Introduction
1.3 Partnership Deed
1.4 Partnership Final Account
1.5 Profit and Loss Appropriation Accounts
1.6 Guarantee of Profits to / Or by a Partner
1.7 Joint Life Policy
Unit Structure
2.0 Objectives
2.1 Adjustment to Final Accounts
2.2 Revaluation Assets and Liabilities on Admission or
Retirement of Partner
2.3 Adjustment Relating to Reserves / Goodwill
2.4 Hidden Adjustments
2.5 Proforma of Final Accounts
2.6 Accounting Procedure
2. Outstanding Income Interest Receivable A/c - Dr. Add to the Income on Show on the Assets Side
or Income not received or To Interest A/c credit side, e.g. from as Outstanding Interest.
Income Receivable or Interest
Income Earned but not
Received e.g. Interest
due but not received.
Show on the Assets Side
3. Prepaid Expenses or Prepaid Insurance A/c – Dr. Deduct from that as Prepaid Insurance.
Expenditure paid in To Insurance A/c expenditure on debit side
advance or Unexpired e.g. from Insurance.
Insurance e.g. Prepaid
Insurance. Deduct from the Debtors
on Assets Side.
4. Bad Debts written off. Bad Debts A/c - Dr. Show on the debit side as
To Sundry Debtors A/c. addition to the bad debts
given in trial balance. Show on the Liability
Side as Interest
5. Income Received in Interest (Income) A/c - Dr. Deduct from the Income Received in Advance.
Advance, e.g. Interest To Interest Received in on credit side e.g. from
for three months Advance. Interest Received. Deduct from that assets
Received in Advance. on the assets side e.g.
Show on the debit side as from machinery.
6. Depreciation on Fixed Depreciation a/c - Dr. depreciation on
Assets (like depreciation To Machinery a/c. machinery.
on machinery.) Deduct from Creditors on
Liability Side.
7. Reserve for Discount on Reserve for Dis. On Cr. A/c-Dr. Show on the Credit Side.
Creditors. To Discount Received A/c.
Deduct from the Debtors.
Show separately on the
8. Reserve for Discount on Discount Allowed A/c - Dr.
Debit side.
Debtors. (Calculate at To Reserve for discount on
given % on the balance of Debtors A/c
Debtors after deducting
Bad Debts and R.D.D. Deduct from the Bank
given in the adjustments.) A/c and Add to the
Debtors on the Assets
-- Side
9. Bills Receivable Debtors A/c - Dr.
Discounted is To Bank A/c.
10. Writing off differed P & L A/c - Dr. Debit Side of P & L A/c Deduct from that
Revenue Expenditure e.g. To Preliminary Expenses A/c Account on the Assets
Write Off Preliminary Side e.g. from
Expenses. Preliminary Expenses
11. Bill Receivable Debtors A/c - Dr. -- Deduct from BIR & Add
dishonored is remained to To Bills Receivable A/c. to Debtors on the assets
be adjusted. side.
12. Sundry Debtors include a Bad Debts A/c - Dr. Show on the Debit Side as Deduct from the Debtors
Debtor for Dishonor Bill To Debtors A/c Bad Debts. on the Asset Side.
and half the amount is
Deduct from the Capital
13. Goods withdrawn by the Drawings A/c - Dr. Show on the credit side of A/c of the Partner on the
Partner. To Trading A/c Trading A/c. Liability Side.
14. Goods Purchased Purchases A/c - Dr. Add to Purchases on Add to the Creditors on
remained to be recorded To Creditors A/c Debit side of the Trading the Liability Side.
though included in Stock. A/c.
15. Goods sold are included -- Deduct from the Closing Deduct from the
in the closing stock as it Stock on the credit side of Closing Stock on the
was not delivered. Trading A/c Assets Side.
16. Sale includes goods sent At Selling Price: (a) Deduct from sale on (a) Deduct from Debtors
on sale or return basis. Sales A/c – Dr. credit side of Trading A/c on Assets Side at sales
To Debtors A/c at selling price to the price.
At Cost Price: extent it is not approved (b) Add to the Closing
Stock with Customers A/c-Dr. by customers. Stock at cost on Assets
To Trading A/c (b) Add to the Closing Side.
Stock at cost on credit
side of Trading A/c.
18. Wages paid for Machinery A/c – Dr. Deduct from the Wages Add to the Machinery on
installation of Machinery To Wages A/c on the debit side of the Assets Side.
debited to Wages A/c. Trading a/c.
19. Loss of goods by fire and Insurance Claim A/c – Dr. (a) Show on credit side of Show on the Assets Side
Insurance Company Loss by Fire A/c – Dr. Trading A/c the total loss. the amount of claim
Admitted Claim. To Trading A/c. (b) Show on debit side of Admitted by the
P & L A/c the actual loss Insurance Company.
i.e. Amt. of goods lost by
fire Less Amt. Of claim
Admitted by the Insurance
20. Legal charges paid for Property A/c – Dr. Deduct from the legal Add to the Property
Acquisition of property To Legal Charges A/c expenses on debit side of acquired on Assets Side.
debited to Legal Expenses P & L A/c
21. Interest on Partner’s Interest on Capital A/c – Dr. Show on the debit side of Add to Capital on the
capital. To Partners Capital A/c P & L Appropriation A/c. Liability Side.
22. Salary to Partner. P & L Appropriation A/c – Dr. Show on the debit side of Add to the Capital A/c of
To Partners Capital A/c P & L Appropriation A/c. the Partner.
23. Interest on Partner’s Partners Cap. A/c – Dr. Show on the credit side of Deduct from the Capital.
Drawing To P & L Appropriation A/c P & L Appropriation A/c
24. Closing Stock. (a) Stock of Material A/c – Dr. (a)Stock of Raw Material On Assets Side.
Work In Progress A/c – Dr. on the credit side of
To Manufacturing A/c Manufacturing A/c
(b) Stock of Finished Goods (b) of Work In Progress as On Assets Side.
A/c – Dr. above.
To Trading A/c (c) of Finished Goods on On Assets Side.
credit side of the Trading
25. Commission to Manager Managers Commission Show on the debit side of Show on the Liability
as % Net Profit. A/c – Dr. P & L A/c. Side as Outstanding
To Outstanding Comm. A/c Commission
26. Goods received as free Trading A/c – Dr. (a) Show on the debit side --
sample, and included in To P & L A/c of Trading A/c.
Closing Stock. (b) Show on the credit --
side of P & L A/c.
i) Revaluation A/c is also known as profit & Loss Adjustment A/c.
ii) Revaluation of Assets etc. may not be included in syllabus.
However not specially excluded also.
Profit & Loss A/c for the ended
To salaries T X X By Gross S X X
To Insurance T X X Profit T X X
To T X X By T X X
Administrative Interest
Exp. T X X By Rent S X X
To S X X X X
Depreciation S X X By
To S X X Discount
Commission S X X By Net
To Bad Debts S X X Loss C/d
To Discount X X
To Travelling
To N.P. C/d.
Profit and Loss Appropriation A/c
Unit Structure
3.0 Objectives
3.1 Illustration
A & B sharing ratio of 2:1 Admitted C on 1st May, 2013 and agreed
to share P & L in a ratio of 2:1:1. Sales before C admission were
100000 out of total for the year Rs. 500000.
Depreciate Fixed Assets @ 10% p.a.
Provide interest on capital 6% p.a. You are required to prepare
Final A/c of the firm.
Profit and Loss A/c
Dr. For the year ended 31st December, 2013 Cr.
Particulars 4 mths. 8 mths. Particulars 4 mths. 8mths.
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
To Salaries 8,000 16,000 By Gross Profit 60,000 2,40,000
To Advertisement 12,000 48,000 By Interest 4,000 8,000
To Rent 12,000 Received
To Bad Debts 3,600 14,400
To Dep. On Fixed 13,333 26,667
To Net Profit (Bal. 15,067 1,18,933
C/d) 64,000 2,48,000 64,000 2,48,000
To New profit
transferred to A,B
& C in 2:1:1 ratio. 98933
Balance sheet
as on 31st December, 2013
Rs. Rs. Assets Rs. Rs.
7,56,000 7,56,000
Working Note:
Partners Capital A/c
Dr. Cr.
Particulars A B C Particulars A B C
By Interest on
Balance Sheet
As on 31st December, 2013
748000 748000
Partners Capital A/c.
Dr. For the year ended 31st December, 2013 Cr.
A B C Particulars A B C
(In the book of Rana, Balu & Kaka)
Trading and P & L Appropriation A/c.
For the year ended 31-3-2014
Dr. Cr.
1-4-13 1-10-13 1-4-13 1-10-13
Particulars to to Particulars to to
30-9-13 31-3-14
30-9-13 31-3-14
(a) Old 3 : 2
3 2
5 5
(b) New 2 : 2 : 1
Illustration : 4
[Admission of Partner]
5,00,000 5,00,000
On 1st July 2013 Sonu retired and the following adjustments were
agreed upon:
3,33,600 3,33,600
To Salary 27,000 By Gross Profit 1,51,100
To Office Expenses 16,500
To Bad Debts 2,100
To Carriage Outward 6,750
To Deprecation
Machinery 3,600
Premises 2,500
Furniture 750 6,850
To Net Profit 91,900
1,51,100 1,51,100
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
To Interest on Capital By Net Profit
(91,900 X ½) 45,950 45,950
Sonu 1,500= 1,500 --
Kalu 3,000= 1,500 1,500
Motu 3,000= 1,500 1,500
Goodwill 90,000
3,61,100 3,61,100
4,38,000 4,38,000
Note : Rs. 6000 goods with customer on approval basis have been
deducted both sales and debtors.
108800 108800
Partners Current Account
Dr. Cr.
Particulars A B C Particulars A B C
5,00,000 5,00,000
1) Provide 10% depreciation on Equipment and Furniture.
2) The business has handled 50% more work in each of the
months of the last quarter compared with the previous
3) Outstanding Fees 31-12-2013 includes Rs. 45000 for fees to
be collected for the period in the last quarter of 2013. All
outstanding fees should be provided.
4) Rent has been increased by Rs. 500 p.m. from 1-7-2013
5) A clerk was appointed at Rs. 1000 p.m. from 1-9-2013
Prepare Final accounts for the year ended 31st December 2013
In the books of Dr. Gandhi, Dr. Gujar and Dr. Jani
Profit and Loss A/c.
For the year ended 31st December 2013
Dr. Cr.
Particulars Upto After Particulars Upto After
30-9 1-10 30-9 1-10
To Provision for
outstanding fees
To Partners
Capital A/c (profit)
(bal. Fig.) 74,700 6,960
2,64,000 2,64,000
Working Note:
Partners Capital A/c
Dr. Cr.
Particulars Gandhi Gujar Jani Particulars Gandhi Gujar Jani
Solution :
In the books of Kumar and Co. Trading Account
for the year ended 31st March, 2014
Dr. Cr.
Particulars AMT. Particulars Amt.
To Interest on
Capital: 7,200 2,400
@ 10% on 96000
3,600 1,200
@ 10% on 48000
@ 10% on 16000 -- 200
note 4)
Ram 1/3 and
12,400 2,625
Amit (-) and
-- 1,550
note 4
Total Rs. 98975 49825 6000 Total Rs. 98975 49825 6000
Balance Sheet
As on 31st March 2014
Liabilities AMT. AMT. Assets AMT. AMT.
Partners Capital Office Furniture 20000
A/c Less: Pro. For Dep. 9200 10800
Deepak 128000 (note 3)
Ram 64000 Delivery Vans 48000
Carriage-outward 2000
paid in adv.
Partners Current 2000
A/c Amit
258800 258800
Working Note:-
1) Sale or Return Goods:
(a) 50% of the goods accepted by the customer and 10% of the
goods for which no intimation is received but period of
approval has expired should be considered as a sale. These
goods are already include in sales and debtors & therefore
no adjustment entry is required for 60% of the goods.
(b) Balance 40% (i.e. 100%-50%-10%) goods, for which period
of approval is not expired cannot be considered as sale.
(i) Cancel sales (i.e. less from sales and less from
debtors) = 40% for Rs. 25000=Rs. 10000
(ii) Include in closing stock = 40% of 15000 (cost) = Rs.
6000 (i.e., at cost and market value, whichever is less).
2) Sales ratio:
Let us assume sales for remaining months=2x each.
Sales for specified months = x each.
Sales from 1-4-2008 to 31-12-2008 (9 months)
Apr May Jun July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
2x +x +x +2x +x +x +x +x +x =11x
Sales from 1-1-2009 to 31-3-2009 (3 months)
Jan Feb Mar Total
X +2x +x =4x
Therefore, Sales 9 months : months :11:4.
(3) Depreciation :
Method of depreciation is not specified and therefore dep. is
provided on reducing balance method.
Particulars Off.Fumit. Delivery van
1) X and Y were partners sharing profits and losses equally.
2) Mr. Z was admitted to the partnership on 1st July, 2013.
3) On 31st December, 2013 stock was valued at Rs. 23,500.
4) Rent & Taxes paid in advance Rs. 900.
5) General Exp. Were outstanding Rs. 750.
6) Depreciate Furniture @ 10% p.a.
7) Share of Goodwill of new partner was valued at Rs. 1,000 on
1st July, 2013 and is yet to be adjusted
8) Interest on capital to be charged at the rate of 10% p.a.
You are required to prepare Trading, Profit and Loss
Account for the year ended on 31st December, 2013 and
Balance sheet as of that date.
[Modified, M.U. Oct., 08]
Solution :
(In the Books of X, Y, Z)
Trading and Profit and Loss A/c.
For the year ended 31st Dec., 2013
Dr. Cr.
Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs.
To Opening Stock 25,000 By Sales 1,80,000
To Purchases 1,10,000 By Closing Stock 23,500
To Gross Profit c/d 68,500
2,03,500 2,03,500
To General Expenses 5,200 By Gross Profit
Add: Outstanding 750
To Salary
To Rent & Taxes 5,900
Less: Prepaid 900
To Depreciate Furniture
@ 10% p.a
To Net Profit (full year)
68,500 68,500
22,250 22,250
(a)+(b) 22,250 22,250
Interest + Profit = 19,375
A (11,425 + 7,950) = 18,175
B (10,825 + 7,350) = 6,950
C ( Nil + 6,950)
44,500 44,500
Partners Capital A/c
Dr. Cr.
Particulars A B C Particulars A B C
RS. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
To Drawing 15,000 7,500 1,500 By Balance b/d 24,000 12,000 5,000
To Goodwill -- -- 1,000 By Goodwill 500 500 --
To Balance C/d 28,875 23,175 9,450 By P & L Appro. 19,375 18,175 6,950
43,875 30,675 11,950 43,875 30,675 11,950
75,750 75,750
Note :
In the absence of any information / Instruction, it is assumed
(a) Profit Sharing Ratio before and after Admission of C as a
partner is equal
(b) Interest on Drawings is to be ignored.
(c) Sales and other expenses were uniform throughout year.
ILLUSTRATIONS: 9 [Admission of partner, when stock on date
of admission given]
13,50,000 13,50,000
Working Notes:
1) New P.S. Ratio: C was admitted for 1/6 share
6 −1
Bal. 1- 1/6 = = 5/6 to old partners
Partners in old ratio
A = 3/5 x 5/6 b= 2/5 x 5/6 C = 5/5 x 1/6
= 15 = 10 =5
A: B: C = 3: 2: 1
3) Insurance Rs. 12,000 p.a. from 1st July 13 to 30th June 14. i.e.
Rs.1000 p.m.
I 01 July 13 to 30 Sept. 13 i.e 3 months = 1,000 x 3 = 3,000
II 10 Oct. 13 to 31st Mar. 14 i.e. 6 months = 1,000 x 6 = 6,000
Prepaid from 1st April to 30th June 14 3000
X, Y & Z sharing in the ratio of 5:3:2 X retired on 1st Oct. 2013 B &
C continue business sharing equally.
Following Balances are as on 31st Dec. 2013
Particulars Dr. Cr.
Rs. Rs.
Opening Stock 40000
Sales 600000
Discount 9000
Purchases 260000
Wages 20000
Salaries 24000
Rent 10000
Bad Debts 15000
Insurance 4000
Sundry Expenses 10000
Capiral’s AIC’s:
X’s 200000
Y’s 150000
Z’s 100000
Land & Building 200000
Plant & Machinery 150000
Building Under construction 326000
1059000 1059000
1) Outstanding Salary Rs. 4000 & outstanding Rent Rs. 2000 to be
2) Sales upto X’s retirement amounted Rs. 400000.
3) As per Partnership deed:
a] Provide interest on capital @ 6% p.a
b] Partners salary x’s Rs. 20000 p.a. & z’s Rs. 500 per mth.
c] X was entitled for commission of 1% on net sales.
4) Closing Stock on 31st Dec. 13 valued at Rs. 50000.
5) Depreciate Land & Building by 5% & Plant & Machinery 10%
6) Balance due to Z on his retirement to be transferred to his loan
a/c carrying interest at 12% p.a.
Ascertain balance payable to Mr. A on 31 Dec. 2013.
Prepare Trading, P & L A/c for the year ended 31st Dec. 2013 &
Balance Sheet as on 31st Dec. 2013.
Trading a/c
For the year ended 31st Dec. 2013
Dr. Cr.
Particulars AMT. AMT. Particulars AMT. AMT.
To Opening Stock 40000 By Sales 600000
To Purchases 260000
To Wages 20000
To Gross Profit c/d 330000 By Closing Stock 50000
650000 650000
Profit & Loss A/C.
For the year ended 31st Dec. 2013.
Dr. Cr.
Particulars 9 mth. 3 mth. Particulars 9 mth. 3 mth.
To Salaries (24000+ 21000 7000 By Gross Profit o/d 220000 110000
O/S-4000) (in sales ratio 2 1)
To Rent (10000+ 9000 3000 By Discount 6000 3000
O/S 2000)
To Bad Debts 10000 5000
To Insurance 3000 1000
To Sundry Expenses 7500 2500
To Depreciation on:
Building 7500 2500
Plant & Machinery 11250 3750
To Interest on Loan -- 8535
(@ 12% p.a. on
Rs.284500) 3 mth.
To Net Profit c/d 156750 79715
Balance Sheet
As on 31st Dec. 2013
Liabilities AMT AMT. Assets AMT. AMT.
701000 701000
Partners Capital A/c
Dr. Cr.
Particulars X Y Z Particulars X Y Z
To X Loan a/c By Bal. B/d 200000 150000 100000
(Bal By Interest on 9000 9000 6000
Transferred) 284500 -- Capital 6000
By Salaries 15000
By Commission 4000
To Bal. B/d -- 230132 171833 By Net Profit 56500 33900 22600
(Upto Sep)
By Net Profit -- 37232 37233
(1 Oct to 31
284500 230132 171833 284500 230132 171833
Working Notes:-
1] Time ratio ABC partners 1st Jan. 2013 to 31st Sep. 2013 = 9
B & C partners 1st Oct. to 31st Dec. 2013 = 3 months.
Therefore time ratio = 3:1.
2] Sales ratio from 1st Jan. 2013 to 30th Sep. 2013 Rs. 400000.
Sales from 1st Oct. 2013 to 31st Dec. 2013 Rs. 200000
Therefore Sales ratio = 2:1.
3] Salaries, rent, insurance, depreciation, sundry exp., are
allocated on time basis as these are related with time.
4] Gross Profit, discount received, bad debts allocated on sales
basis as these are related with turnover.
192090 192090
7550 By Gross Profit b/d 350
To Salaries
2630 By Discount
To Rent & Rates
To General Expenses 3750
& Expenses
To Interest on Capital for 6
T 1000
Z 500 1500
To Net Profit transferred to
Capital A/c
T 6330
Z 6330
33890 33890
Capital : Z
Add: Interest
Profit 26,830
Less : Drawings 23,330
84,160 84,160
Because Z has to purchase the share of T The journal entry will be:
Z’s Capital A/c-------------------------Dr. 24,000
To T’s Capital A/c 24,000
Illustration: - 12 [Death of a Partner in between the year].
K, R & T were sharing in the ratio of 3:2:5 T died on 1st July 2013.
Business was continued & K & R were sharing equally same books
of a/c were continued and following.
Trial balance was extracted as on 31st March, 2014.
Particulars Dr. Cr.
Rs. Rs.
Gross Profit 360000
Salaries 18000
Rent 15000
Insurance 9000
Plant & Machinery 260000
Land & Building 300000
12% Investment 100000
Interest on Investment 6000
K’s Capital 200000
R’s Capital 270000
T’s Capital 350000
Sundry Debtors/Creditors 200000 150000
Bills Receivable/Payable. 75000 60000
Cash 15000
Stock 404000
1396000 1396000
Additional Information:
1] Provide outstanding salary Rs. 2,000
2] Rent was paid Rs. 1,000 per month for the premises
acquired on 1st Oct. 2013.
3] Depreciate Land & Building @ 5% & Plant & Machinery 10%
4] Plant includes Plant costing Rs. 1, 00,000 acquired on 1 st
Jan. 2014.
Profit and Loss A/c
for the year ended 31st March 2014
Dr. Cr.
Particulars 3 mth. 9 mth. Particulars 3 mth. 9 mth.
To Salaries (8000+ o/s 2000) 5000 15,000 By-Gross Profit b/d 72000 288000
To Rent 6000 (in sales ratio 1:4)
To insurance 2250 6750 By income from 3000 9000
To Depreciation 3750 11250 Investment
Land & Building 4000 14500
Plant -- 59279
To Int. on T’s executors loan A/c 60000 184221
To Net Profit C/d
75000 2,97,000 75000 297000
To Depreciation
Land & Building 4,000
Motor Vehicle 10,000 14,000
To loss by fire 200
To Net Profit
Jinal 26,240
Sameer 17,493
Jatin 8,747 52,480
89,125 89,125
Capital Account
Illustration 14 :
Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2014
To Professional Charges 3,500
To Printing & Stationary 6,900
Add : o/s 2,400 9,300
To Dep
Building 5,000
Plant 30,000
Motor Vehicles 12,000
Furniture 4,700 51,700
To Net Profit
Bhavana 43,680
Ravina 21,840
Kangana 43,680 1,09,200
3,00,500 3,00,500
Furniture 47,000
Stock 66,500
5,33,800 5,33,800
Illustration 15 :
Purchases 27,160
Sales 41,265
Furniture 2,050
Bad debts 40
Prepaid insurance 24
Karan 21,500
Aditya 21,000
Current accounts :
Karan 5,500
Aditya 5,200
Ashish 6,200
You are required to prepare the firm’s Trading and Profit and
Loss Account for the year ending 31st March, 2014 and Balance
Sheet as on that date having regard to the following information :
Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2014
To Rent 420
To dep on Furniture 205
To loss by Fire 300
To Net Profit
Karan 11,838
Aditya 7,892
Ashish 4,932 24,662
28,800 28,800
Working Notes :
1. New Profit Sharing Ratio Karan Aditya Ashish
Old Ratio 3/5 2/5
New Partner 1/5
Remaining in old 3/5 × 4/5 2/5 × 4/5
New Ratio 12/25 8/25 5/25
Theory Questions
1. Define partnership. what are the main features of partnership?
2. Write short note on Profit & Loss Appropriation A/c of a firm.
3. Explain the adjustments in accounts when a new partner is
4. Explain division of expenses based on Time Ratio
5. Distinguish between Fixed Capitals and fluctuating Capitals.
6. Write short notes
a) Fixed capital accounts of the partners.
b) Interest on Drawings by the partners.
c) Salary or commission payable to partners.
d) Calculation of new profit sharing ratio on admission of
7. What are rules applicable in the absence of partnership Deed.
a) Interest on Drawings
b) Profit sharing ratio.
c) Interest on partners loan
d) Salary to partner
e) Interest on capital
ii) The profit sharing ratio among the partner may be --------------
from the ratio to share losses.
a) Equal
b) Same
c) In the Capital ratio
d) Different
[Ans. I-c, ii-d, iii-c, iv-b, v-b, vi-b, vii-a, viii-c, ix-a, x-b, xi-c, xii-c, xiii-c, xiv- b]
B) Fill in the Blanks.
[Ans. I) Individual ii) illegal iii) different iv) capital v) minor vi) capital vii)
capital viii) Ten ix) losses x) absence].
[Ans. I-Partnership Deed, ii) Gross profit iii) Dormant partner, iv) Balance
sheet, v) net loss, vi) Bad debts vii) outstanding expenses. Viii) prepaid
expenses ix) profit & loss appropriation x) 5.5 month xi) joint life policy xii)
fixed capital xiii) nominal partner xiv) the Indian partnership Act 1932.
Column A Column B
Column A Column B
Column A Column B
Column A Column B
Column A Column B
Ex. No.3
Prepare Trading, Profit and Loss Account for the year ended
31st March, 2014 and the Balance Sheet as on that date from the
following information available from the books of HR & Co.
a) Trial Balance as on 31st March 2014
b) Additional Information:
1. Stock in trade on 31st March, 2014 was Rs. 75,000
2. Outstanding salaries as on 31st March 2014 was Rs. 4,.300 and
prepaid insurance included in office expenses was Rs. 2,000.
3. Depreciate premises @ 5% and Machinery & Equipment @
4. Sales include Rs. 20,000 being goods sent on sale or return
basis, the cost of which was Rs. 15,000. Approval was received
for 50% of the goods sent. Sales also include Rs. 10,000 being
sale proceeds of equipment of the book value of Rs. 8,000
realized on 1-4-2013.
5. Sundry Debtors include Rs. 20,000 on account of dishonoure of
a Bill Receivable accepted by a customer. Only 50% of the
amount is likely to be recovered. On the balance debtors 5%
provision for doubtful debts is to be created.
6. H and R shared Profits and Losses in the ratio 2:1.
7. C was admitted as a partner on 1-10-2014 and deposited Rs.
75,000 with the firm as his capital. ‘C’s is entitled to share 25%,
of the Profit/Losses of the firm. The net profit between the pre
admission and post-admission period is to be on time basis.
Ex. 4
Ashok and Ketan are equal partners. Their trial balance
as on 31st Mar., 2014 is as follows:
Particulars Dr.Rs. Cr. Rs.
Ashok Capital 2,16,000
Ketan’s Capital 66,000
Opening Stock 43,800
Office Rent (Rs.2000 per month) 23,100
Purchase and Sales 1,19,400 2,16,000
Provident Fund and Provident Fund Investments 24,000 25,000
Debtors and Creditors 84,000 48,000
Discount 1,800 1,200
Furniture 6,000
Drawings : Ashok 15,000
Ketan 15,000 30,000
Returns Outward 3,000
Dead Stock 1,500
Demurrage 600
Freight and Duty 3,000
Advertisements 10,000
Bad Debts Reserve 6,000
Salaries and Wages 25,200
Cash and Bank 12,000 58,800
Sunil’s Loan (1-10-2013) 30,000
Plant and Machinery 83,250
Land and Buildings 2,10,000
Depreciation on Plant & Machinery 6,750
Contribution to Provident Fund 1,800
Insurance Premium (incl. Rs. 3,600 paid for the year ended 9,000
Bills Payable 25,200
6,95,200 6,95,200
you are required to prepare final accounts for the year ended 31st
March, 2014 after taking into account the following adjustments:
(1) The closing stock was valued at Rs. 110,000
(2) Provide Depreciation on furniture at 10% p.a.
(3) Of the Sundry Debtors Rs. 1,800 are bad and should
be written off. Also maintain a reserve for doubtful debts at
5% on debtors.
(4) Goods of the value Rs. 6,000 had been received on 25 th
March, 2014 but the purchase invoice was omitted to be
recorded in the purchase book.
(5) Goods valued at Rs. 4,300, withdrawn for personal use by
Ketan, were recorded as credit sales in the sales book as
Rs. 6000.
Ram and Bharat were in partnership in a business sharing
profits in proportion of 2:3. As from 1st January 2014 they admitted
Kran in to partnership giving him one-fifth of the profits. Kran
brought in Rs. 30,000 in cash of which Rs. 10000 were considered
as being in payment for his share of goodwill and remainder as his
The following Trail Balance was extracted from the books as on
31st March 2014.
4,96,550 4,96,550
You are required to prepare the firm’s Trading and Profit and
Loss Account for the year ending 31st March, 2014 and Balance
Sheet as on that date having regard to the following information.
1) Stock at the end was Rs. 35000.
2) Depreciation on Computer and Furniture is to be charged 10%
3) One-fifth of the Shop fittings to be written off.
4) Goods worth Rs. 2800 have been destroyed fire and the
Insurance Co. has admitted the claim for Rs. 1,600 only.
5) Bills receivable include a dishonoured bill for Rs. 4,000/-
6) Debtors include Rs. 3,000 for goods costing Rs. 2,000, supplied
to Bharat and item of Rs. 3,000 due from Customer on account
of sales, who has become insolvent.
7) Net Sales upto 31.12.2013 were Rs. 2, 83,520.
Hint :
[Net sale = 362650 – Sales Return 5250 – Goods taken by
Bharat Rs. 3,000.
= Rs. 3, 54,400
∴ Sales Ratio = 2, 83,520: 70,880
= 4:1]
Example 12 :
You are required to prepare the firm’s trading and Profit and
Loss Account for the year ending 31st March, 2014 and Balance
Sheet as on that date having regard to the following information :
Example 13 :
You are required to prepare the firm’s trading and Profit and
Loss Account for the year ending 31st March, 2014 and Balance
Sheet as on that date having regard to the following information :
Example 14 :
Teena, Meena and Beena carried on a retail business in
partnership, sharing profits and losses in the ratio 5:3:2.
The Trial Balance of the firm as at 31st December 2013 was as
Unit Structure :
4.0 Objective
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Classification of Liabilities
4.3 Order of Payment of Cash to Partners
4.4 Important Points
4.5 Illustrations on Piecemeal Distribution
4.6 Exercise
1. External Liabilities
2. Internal Liabilities
3. Partner’s Capital Accounts
b. Other Liabilities :
Partners loans: If a partner has given any loan to the firm then it
will be paid after all the above liabilities have been paid in full but
before anything is paid to partners against their capital accounts. If
two or more partners have given loans to the firm and cash
available is insufficient to pay these loans in full then the amount
will be paid in the ratio of outstanding balance of the loan.
After all the above liabilities are paid the cash available is
paid to partners against their capital account by adopting any one
of the following two methods.
III Find Capital Contribution per unit of profit i.e. Step I / Step II
IV Find out the partners with lowest capital contribution per unit
of profit. Taking his capital as base find out Proportionate
Capital of all the partners.
VIII Find out the partners with lowest capital contribution per unit
of profit. Taking this capital as base find out proportionate
capital of all the partners.
After cash is paid for all internal and external liabilities cash should
be paid to partners against their capital accounts as follows : (Step
No. IX, Step No. VIII, Step No. IV)
Illustration 1:
Balance Sheet
Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs.
Creditors 23,200 Cash in hand 680
General Reserve 37,800 Investment 60,000
Bank Overdraft 65,000 Stock 2,56,600
Capital : P 1,60,000 Debtors 90,800
Q 3,20,000 Machinery 65,200
R 2,60,000 Furniture 9,800
Building 3,82,920
8,66,000 8,66,000
P Q R Total Order
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
Payment order:
(1) Pay 1st Rs.100000/- to R.
(2) Then Rs.240000 and Rs.120000 to Q and R respectively.
(3) Then to P, Q and R in their profit sharing ratio 4:2:1.
Statement showing Piecemeal Distribution of Cash
Balance (Loss on -
=131720 75,270 37,634 18,816
Illustration 2:-
ABC dissolved their firm on 31st Dec 2013 when their Balance
Sheet as follows :-
Payment Chart
I (9) - 8000 -
II (8) - 10000 10000
III (4) 60000 30000 30000
Solution :
Date Particulars Cash Total Claims Sundry Partners Loan Partners Capital
Cr. A B A B C
01/01/09 Balance b/d - 264000 80000 20000 16000 60000 48000 40000
1st Cash Realised 50000
Less : Paid to (50000) (50000) (50000) - - - - -
2nd Balance - 214000 30000 20000 16000 60000 48000 40000
Cash Realised 98000
Less : Paid to (30000) (30000) (30000) - - - - -
Balance 68000 184000 - 20000 16000 60000 48000 40000
Less: Paid to Partners (36000) 36000 - 20000 16000 - - -
Balance 32000 148000 - - - 60000 48000 40000
Less : Paid to B (8000) (8000) - - - - (8000) -
Balance 24000 140000 - - - 60000 40000 40000
Less : Paid to B & C (20000) (20000) - - - - (10000) (10000)
Illustration 3:-
173000 173000
Payment Chart
I Steps : 9 15000 - -
II Steps : 8 15000 15000 -
III Steps : 4 30000 30000 30000
Illustration 4:-
A, B, C were in business sharing profits and losses 3:4:5 they
decided to dissolve their firm 1st July 2013. Following is the
Balance Sheet as on 1st July 2013.
Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs.
Capital Sundry Assets 36000
A 12000
B 8000
C 4000 24000
Sundry Creditors 10000
A’s Loan 2000
36000 36000
Working Notes
1. Step Excess Capital
Payment Chart
Steps : 9 6000 - -
8 3600 4800 -
4 2400 3200 4000
Illustration 5:-
37750 37750
Illustration 6:-
Ajay, Vijay & Vishal were in partnership in profit sharing ration5:3:2.
Balance sheet as on 31st March 2014.
Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs.
Capital Cash 500
Ajay 40000 Debtors 44000
Vijay NIL 40000 Stock 49500
Ajay’s Loan 14000 Vishal Capital 10000
Sunil’s Loan 16000
Bank Loan 4000
Creditors 30000
104000 104000
Realizations were –
15/04/2014 19500
31/05/2014 10000
31/07/2014 20000
31/08/2014 6000
30/09/2014 8000
Vishal brought necessary cash at the time of last realization. Show
Piecemeal Distribution of Cash.
Date Particulars Cash Total Creditors Bank Loan Sunil Ajay Ajay Vijay Vishal
1/4 Balance b/d 500 94000 30000 4000 16000 14000 40000 - (10000)
15/4 Cash Realised 19500
Cash 20000 - - - -
Less : Paid to (20000) (20000) (12000) (1600) (6400) - - - -
Creditors, Bank Loan,
Balance - 74000 18000 2400 9600 14000 4000 - (10000)
31/5 Cash Realized 10000
Less: Paid to (10000) (10000) (6000) (800) (3200) - - - -
Creditors, Bank Loan,
Balance - 64000 12000 1600 6400 14000 4000 - (10000)
31/6 Cash Realized 30000
Less: Paid to (20000) (20000) (12000) (1600) (6400) - - - -
Creditors, Bank Loan,
Note - Since only Ajay has Credit Balance in Capital Statement of excess Capital can not be prorated.
Illustration 7:-
Following is the Balance Sheet of A, B & C who share P&L in the
ratio 4:3:1 on 31st March 2013 on which date they dissolve their
partnership. Balance Sheet as on 31st March 2013.
Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs.
Sundry Creditors 26250 Bldg 50000
Bank O/D 8750 Machinery 55000
Capital A/c Stock 20000
A 70000 Debtors 60000
B 30000
C 50000 150000
185000 185000
Payment Chart
Steps : 9 - - 32500
8 30000 - 7500
4 40000 30000 10000
Total 70000 30000 50000
Illustration 8:-
A, B & C are partners sharing profits and losses equally. Their
Balance Sheet as on date of dissolution was follows.
Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs.
Sundry Creditors 11000 Cash 140
General Reserves 18000 Investment 30000
Due to Bank 33000 Stationary 128300
Capital A/c Sundry debtors 45400
A 80000 Bank 32600
B 160000 Furniture 4120
C 130000 370000 Land & Building 191440
432000 432000
Payment Chart
Steps : 9 - 30000 -
8 - 50000 50000
4 86000 86000 86000
Total 86000 166000 136000
Illustration 9:-
P, Q & R were in Partnership sharing Profits & Losses in the ratio of
4:5:1. Their Balance Sheet as on 31st December 2013 is as under:-
Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs.
Capital A/c Cash in hand 15000
P 75000 Other Assets 280000
Q 60000
R 15000
Sundry Creditors 50000
P 30000
Q 15000
Reserves 50000
295000 295000
The Partnership is dissolved and the assets were realized as
1st Realisation: Rs.50000/-
2nd Realisation: Rs.100000/-
3rd Realisation: Rs.85000/-
On the date of the dissolution there was a contingent liability of
Rs.5000/- against the firm which was settled at Rs.3500/- at the
time of 2nd realization. Realisation expenses were estimated at
Rs.10000/- but those actually amounted to Rs.7500/-. R took over
stock worth Rs.2500/- at the time of 3rd realization. The firm was
forced to pay Rs.3000 to sales tax authorities as fine out of the 3 rd
realization for which no provision was made prepare a statement
showing distribution under Excess Capital Method.
Date Particulars Cash Rs. Creditors Loan P Loan Q Capital P Capital Q Capital R
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
1 Opening Balances 15,000 50,000 30,000 15,000 95,000 85,000 20,000
Add : First Realisation 50,000
Less: Cash Kept aside for contingent 15,000
Liab. Rs. 5,000 estimated realization
exp. Rs. 10,000
Less: Paid to creditors 50,000 50,000
Second Realisation 1,00,000
Add: Surplus available from amount
Kept aside for contingent liab.
(5000-3500) 1,500
Less: Paid to P & Q loan 45,000 30,000 15,000
56,500 NIL NIL
Less: Extra Excess Cap. Paid to P 15,000 15,000
41,500 80,000
Cash paid 4 5 1
(Proportionately in PSR)
Illustration 10:-
The partners X,Y & Z have called upon you to assist them in
winding up the affairs of their partnership on 30th June 2013. Their
Balance Sheet as on that date is given below:
3,21,000 3,21,000
Rs. Rs. Rs.
Balance 1,34,000 90,000 63,000
Less: Loans 24,000 15,000 -
1,10,000 75,000 63,000
Profit sharing Ratio 5 3 2
Taking X’s capital as the (22,000) (25,000) (31,500)
Basis (1=22,000) 1,10,000 66,000 44,000
9,000 19,000
Profit sharing Ration 3 2
Unit value (3000) (9500)
Taking Y’s Capital as the 9,000 6,000
basis (1= 3000)
- 13,000
Rs. Rs. Rs.
Balance on 1.9.2013 1,10,000 67,000 30,000
Profit Sharing Ratio 5 3 2
Unit value (22,000) (22,334) (15,000)
Taking Z’s capital as the
basis 1 = 15,000 75,000 45,000 30,000
35,000 22,000 -
Note: If the share of partner in that realisation less than the value of
asset the asset is given to the partner concerned but it disturbs the
earlier calculation of surplus capital. Hence Surplus capital of
partners is decided again.
Aug 2013
Second Realisation
July Balance retained 16,000
Less: Expenses 3,000
Less: Cash retained 5,000
Paid to Y 8,000 8,000 - 8,000
Equipment given to Z - 20,000 - 20,000
- 2,07,000 1,10,000 67,000 30,000
Sep 2013
Final Realisation
August Balance retained 5,000
Sale of plant 1,50,000
Less: Expenses 2,000
Less: Paid to X & Y 57,000 57,000 35,000 22,000
96,000 1,50,000 75,000 45,000 30,000
Paid to X, Y & Z
In 5 : 3: 2 96,000 96,000 48,000 28800 19200
Illustration No. 11
4,40,000 4,40,000
The partners were sharing profits & loss in the ratio of 3:2:1
respectively. They decided to distribute the cash as and when it
was received L agreed to work as receiver on a remuneration of
Rs. 5,000 and to bear all expenses of realization when it was
completed be found that he had spent Rs. 1050 towards the
expenses. Following details of realization were available:
There was some stock of the book value of Rs. 9,000 lying unsold
and it was taken over by N at an agreed value of Rs. 5,000.
You are required to prepare the following (using excess capital
I - - 25,000
II - 50,000 25,000
III 1,50,000 1,00,000 50,000
1,50,000 1,50,000 1,00,000
Illustration 12 :
1st 20,000
2nd 3,500
3rd 46,000
4 24,000
Solution :
Balance 200
Less : 200
Balance 23,800
Illustration 13 :
Bank took over Stock and could realize Rs. 25,000 only. Rs. 3,000
were paid for repairing furniture to get better price.
Solution :
Sr. Particulars Cash Total I.T. *Bank Creditors Jams Jam Bread Butter
No. Available claims payable loan loan
Balance B/f 9,000 1,45,000 4,000 5,000 15,000 11,000 40,000 40,000 30,000
Less : 3,000
Balance 6,000 4,000 5,000 15,000 11,000 40,000 40,000 30,000
Less : paid 4,000 4,000 4,000
to I.T.
Balance 2,000 1,41,000 -- 5,000 15,000 11,000 40,000 40,000 30,000
Less : paid 2,000 2,000 500 1,500
to bank &
Balance -- 1,39,000 -- 4,500 13,500 11,000 40,000 40,000 30,000
Jan Add 1st 12,000
Less : Paid 12,000 12,000 3,000 9,000
to Bank &
Balance -- 1,27,000 -- 1,500 4,500 11,000 40,000 40,000 30,000
Illustration 14 :
1st 60,300
2nd 50,000
3rd 79,000
4 27,700
Solution :
Pr.1 A, B, and C carrying on business is partnership decided to
dissolve it on and from 30th Sept. 2013. The following was their
Balance sheet on that date:
Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs.
Capital Accounts: Sundry Assets 8,000
A 2,800 Cash & Bank 1,000
B 200 Advertisement 900
Suspense A/c
C 1,000 4,000
Profit & Loss 3,900
Loan from A 2,000
9,900 9,900
Gross Realisation
Realisation Expenses
Rs. Rs.
March 1, 2014 4,450 150
April 15, 2014 6,850 250
April 30, 2014 2,250 250
3,40,000 3,40,000
Pr. 4 Gunen, Dinen, and Biren who were partners sharing profit and
losses in the ratio of 3:2:1 decided to dissolve their firm as on 1st
January, 2014 on the basis of the following balance sheet:
1,50,000 1,50,000
5.0 Objectives
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Meaning and Objectives of Amalgamation
5.3 Accounting procedures for closing books of old firm
(amalgamating firm):
5.4 Accounting Entries in the Books of the New Firm
[Amalgamated Firm]:
A partnership firm is formed with two or more persons. But it
can also be formed in any of the following ways.
Objectives of Amalgamation
Primarily the following consequences take place upon
Purchase Consideration:
` `
A. Agreed values of assets taken over
Goodwill X
Land & Building X
Stock X
Sundry Debtors X
Cash & Bank X XX
Less: B. Agreed values of liabilities
Sundry Creditors X
Bill Payable X
Bank Loan X
Outstanding Expenses X [XX]
Purchase consideration [A-B] XXXX
i) Business is taken over, implies all assets & Liabilities are taken
over at agreed value unless mentioned that particular asset or
liability is not taken.
iii) If it is mentioned that only trade liabilities are taken over, then
creditors and bills payable are taken over by the by new firm,
not any other liabilities.
Note :
In case p.c. is taken by lump sum method, GOODWILL OR
CAPITAL RESERVE may be bal. fig.
Partner’s capital accounts shall be credited by the amounts
transferred from old firm.
Similar entry should be passed for recording various Assets &
liabilities taken over from other firm.
• Goodwill treatment
Capital Balance transferred from old firm may not be in their new
P.S.R., Total Capital of the new firm may fixed & to be maintained
for individual capital contribution of the partners working should be
as under:
Unit Structure
6.0 Objectives
6.1 Solved Problems
6.2 Exercises
After studying the unit the students will be able to solve the
practical problems on amalgamation.
Illustrations : 1
A and B carrying on independent business and their position
on 31.03.2013 is reflected in the Balance Sheet given below:
Liabilities ` ` Assets ` `
Sundry 2,20,000 94,000 Stock-in- 3,40,000 1,96,000
Creditors trade
Outstanding 1,500 4,000 Sundry 1,78,000 74,000
Expenses Debtors
Bills Payable 25,000 --- Cash 2,000 400
Capital 3,06,000 1,91,000 Bank 26,000 15.000
Furniture 5,500 3.600
Investments 1,000 ---
5,52,500 2,89,000 5,52,500 2,89,000
In the books of B
Liabilitie ` ` Assets ` `
Partners Furniture 7,600
A 3,20,000 Investment 2,000
B 1,60,000 4,80,000 Stock 5,04,600
Sundry 3,14,000 Sundry 2,52,000
Creditors Debtors
Bills 25,000 RDD (23,626) 2,28,374
Bank 37,000
Cash 90
brought in 82,026
by A
Less: Paid (43,500) 39,426
to B
8,19,000 8,19,000
Particulars A` B` Total `
A) Assets taken over.
Furniture 4,000 3,600 7,600
Investments 2,000 - 2,000
Stock 2,89,000 2,15,600 5,04,600
Sundry debtors 1,78,000 74,000 2,52,000
Bank 26,000 11,000 37,000
Cash 500 400 900
A 4,99,500 3,04,600 8,04,100
B Less: Liabilities assumed
Sundry Creditors 2,20,000 94,000 3,14,000
Bills Payable 25,000 - 25,000
R.D.D 16,526 7,100 23,626
B 2,61,526 1,01,100 3,62,626
Net Assets taken over by the AB 2,37,974 2,03,500 4,41,474
& Co Purchase consideration
Fixed Capital as per agreement ` 3,20,000 1,60,000
Less : Capital balance transferred ` (2,37,974) (2,03,500)
Cash to be introduced + / withdrawn [-] 82,026 (43,500)
Illustration 2
Two partnership firm, carrying on business under the style of
Anand & Co. [partners N & C] and Ashok & Co. [partners K & P]
respectively, decided to amalgamate into 2 A & Co. with effect from
01st April 2014. the respective Balance Sheet of the both the firms
as on 31st March 2014 are a below:
Liabilities Anand & Ashok & Assets Anand & Ashok &
Co ` Co ` Co ` Co `
Capital : C 1,90,000 Goodwill 50,000
K 1,00,000 Land & 1,00,000 -
P 20,000 Stock 2,00,000 50,000
Bank Loan 1,50,000 Sundry 1,00,000 1,00,000
Creditors 1,00,000 95,000 Cash in - 15,000
Capital N 40,000
Total ` 4,40,000 2,15,000 Total ` 4,40,000 2,15,000
In the book of Anand & Co.
Liabilities ` Assets `
Partner’s Capital : Land & 80,000
N 20,000 Stock 3,75,000
C 30,000 Sundry
K 10,000 [1,70,000- 1,50,000
P 40,000
Sundry Creditors 1,65,000
Less : Inter-co.
Owing 20,000 1,45,000
C’s Loan 3,60,000
Total ` 6,05,000 Total ` 6,05,000
Illustrations : 3
Liabilities ` Assets `
Capital Accounts Machinery 60,000
A 75,000 Furniture 5,000
B 50,000 Stock 50,000
Reserves 40,000 Debtors 75,000
Loan from UTI 20,000 Bank 7,000
Creditors 15,000 Cash 3,000
Total ` 2,00,000 Total ` 2,00,000
Liabilities ` Assets `
Capital Accounts Goodwill 25,000
C 60,000 Furniture 5,000
D 55,000 Stock 70,000
Reserves 25,000 Debtors 45,000
Loan from IDBI 10,000 Bank 3,000
Cash 2,000
Total ` 1,50,000 Total ` 1,50,000
Terms of amalgamation :
1) The new firm shall take over all the assets and liabilities of both
the firms.
2) Provision for doubtful debts shall be made at 5% on debtors.
3) Goodwill is to be valued at 2 years purchase of the last 4 years
average profits.
Solution :
In the books of A & Co.
Realisation A/c
Dr. Cr.
Particulars ` ` Particulars ` `
To Machinery 60,000 By Creditors 15,000
To Furniture 5,000 By UTI Loan 20,000
To Stock 50,000 By ABCD & Co 2,58,250
To Debtors 75,000
To Bank 7,000
To Cash 3,000
To Profit on
Transferred to
A 55,950
B 37,300 93,250
Total ` 2,93,250 Total ` 2,93,250
Particulars ` ` Assets ` `
Capital A/c’s Goodwill 1,42,000
A 1,54,950 Furniture 10,000
B 1,03,300 Machinery 75,000
C 88,875 Stock 1,20,000
d 83,875 4,31,000 Debtors 75,000
Creditors 15,000 45,000
Uti Bank Loan 20,000 1,20,000
IDBI Loan 10,000 Less : 6,000 1,14,000
Bank 10,000
Cash 5,000
Total ` 4,76,000 Total ` 4,76,000
Working Notes :
Purchase Consideration :
Illustration : 4.
XY & Sons
Liabilities ` Assets `
Capital A/c’s Furniture 5,600
X 56,000 Building 56,000
Y 28,000 Stock 28,560
Creditors 20,000 Debtors 21,000
Bills Payable 8,000 Bank 7,840
Mortgage Loan 7,000
Total ` 1,19,000 Total ` 1,19,000
AB & Associates
Liabilities ` Assets `
Capital A/c’s Furniture 7,000
A 33,600 Stock 25,620
B 22,400 Debtors 28,000
Creditors 28,000 Investmen 21,000
Bills Payable 7,000 Bank 9,380
Total ` 91,000 Total ` 91,000
a) The new firm shall carry on business under the name and style
AXBY & Associates
b) Mortgage Loan of XY and Sons and investments of AB &
Associates shall not be taken over by the new firm.
c) Goodwill of XY & Sons was valued at ` 10,200/- and that of AB
& Associates at ` 12,000/-.
d) Building of XY and sons was taken as undervalued by `
e) Stock of XY and Sons to be depreciated by ` 5,600/- and that of
AB and Associates to be appreciated of ` 2,800/-.
f) 5% may be provided as Bad Debts Reserve of both the firms.
g) The capital of the new firm shall be ` 1,12,000/- which will be
contributed by each partner in the profit sharing ratio i.e. x-3, Y-
2, A-3, B-2 to be adjusted through current accounts.
Journal entries in the books of XY & Sons.
Particulars ` Particulars `
To Furniture 5,600 By Creditors 20,000
To Building 56,000 By Bills 8,000
To Stock 28,560 By AX By A/c 1,01,550
To Debtors 21,000
To Bank 840
To Profit
Transferred to
porter’s capital
X : 11,700
Y : 5,850 17,550
Total ` 1,29,550 Total ` 1,29,550
Particulars ` Particulars `
To Realisation 1,01,550 By X Capital 67,700
By Y Capital 33,850
1,01,550 1,01,550
Particulars X Y Particulars X Y
To AXB y.s A/c 67,700 33,850 By Balance 56,000 28,000
By 11,700 5,850
67,700 33,850 67,700 33,850
Particulars ` Particulars `
To Furniture 7,000 By Creditors 28,000
To Stock 25,620 By Bills Payable 7,000
To Debtors 28,000 By New Firm 48,400
To Investments 21,000 By Partner’s Capital 21,000
To Bank 9,380
To Profit transferred
To Capital A/c
A 8,040
B 5,360 13,400
Total ` 1,04,400 Total ` 1,04,400
Particulars A B Particulars A B
To Realisation 12,600 8,400 By Balance b/d 33,600 22,400
To New Firm 29,040 19,360 By Realisation 8,040 5,360
41,640 27,760 41,640 27,760
Particulars ` Particulars `
To Realisation 48,400 By Partner’s Capital
A 29,040
B 19,360
Total ` 48,400 Total ` 48,400
Journal Entries :
Particular X Y A B Particulars X Y A B
To 6,660 4,440 6,660 4,440 By Old Firm 67,700 33,850 29,040 19,360
To Current 27,440 7,010 - - By Current - - 11,220 7,480
A/c A/c
To 33,600 22,400 33,600 22,400
Total 67,700 33,850 40,260 26,840 67,700 33,850 40,260 26,840
Liabilities ` Assets `
Capital A/c’s Furniture 12,600
X 33,600 Building 70,000
Y 22,400 Stock 51,380
A 33,600 Debtors 49,000
B 22,400 1,12,000 Less:Rdd (2,450) 46,550
Creditors 48,000 Bank 10,220
Bills Payable 15,000 Current A/c’s
Current A/c
X 27,440 A 11,220
Y 7,010 34,450 B 7,480 18,700
Total ` 2,09,450 Total ` 2,09,450
Working Notes
Purchase Consideration:
Illustration : 5
R & Y were partners in O & Co. decided to amalgamate with I
& Co, where D & K, partner : New firm called as AK & Co.
Liabilities ` Assets `
Capital A/c’s Freehold Property 74,000
R 1,53,000 Furniture & Fixtures 18,000
Y 1,10,000 Motor Vehicles 30,000
Creditors 52,000 Stocks 83,000
Investments 8,000
Debtors 68,000
Bank Balance 34,000
Total 3,15,000 Total 3,15,000
I & Co.
Liabilities ` Assets `
Capital A/c’s Property 1,00,000
D 1,13,000 Furniture & Fixture 14,000
K 74,000 Vehicles 18,000
Creditors 60,000 Stock 66,000
Bank Overdraft 9,000 Debtors 58,000
Total 2,56,000 Total 2,56,000
You are required to give ledger accounts closing the books of old
Partner ship firms and also prepare the balance sheet of AK & Co.
In the books of O & Co.
Particulars R Y Particulars R Y
To Realisation 7,600 By balance 1,53,000 1,10,000
A/c B/d
To Cash A/c 19,430 14,570 By 48,000 36,000
To A.K. & Co 1,81,570 1,23,830
2,01,000 1,46,000 2,01,000 1,46,000
Particulars D K Particulars D K
To Cash 75,600 50,400 By balance 1,13,000 74,000
To AK & Co. 71,900 46,600 By 34,500 23,000
1,47,500 97,000 1,47,500 97,000
Partic R Y D K Parti R Y D K
ulars cular
To 1,570 - - - By 1,81,570 1,23,830 71,900 46,600
Cash Old
To 1,80,000 1,50,000 1,20,000 90,000 By 26,170 48,100 43,400
Balan Cash
Total 1,81,570 1,50,000 1,20,000 90,000 1,81,570 1,50,000 1,20,000 90,000
Liabilities ` ` Assets ` `
Capital Stock 1,48,400
R 1,80,000 Vehicles 41,000
Y 1,50,000 Fixtures 16,000
D 1,20,000 Property 1,00,000
K 90,000 5,40,000 Goodwill 1,08,000
Creditors 1,12,000 Debtors 1,26,000
Less:Prov 2,800 1,09,200 Less:R.D. (6,300) 1,19,700
Cash 1,16,100
Total ` 6,49,200 Total ` 6,49,200
Working Notes
1. Purchase Consideration
Illustration : 6
Liabilities ` Assets `
Amin’s Capital 22,000 Freehold Premises 37,000
Sundry Creditors 10,000 Plant 4,000
Bank overdraft 11,000 Stock 1,000
Debtors 1,000
Total 43,000 Total 43,000
Liabilities ` Assets `
Naman’s Capital 12,000 Leasehold Premises 15,000
Debtors 4,000
Bank 2,500
Trade Creditors 15,000 Plant 5,000
Stock 500
Total 27,000 Total 27,000
The profits & losses of the two businesses for the past three years
were as following.
In The Books of Amin & Co.
Dr. Realisation Account Cr.
Particulars ` Particulars `
To Freehold premises 37,000 By Creditors 10,000
To Plant 4,000 By Bank overdraft 11,000
To Stock 1,000 By Navamin of Ass. 29,200
To Debtors 1,000 By Bank (Sale of 32,000
freehold premises)
To bank 32,000
To Profit transferred 7,200
To Amins cap. a/c
82,200 82,200
Liabilities ` Assets `
Capital A/c’s Leasehold Premises 20,000
Amin 29,200 Plant 10,000
Less Goodwill (10,080) Stock 1,500
19,120 Debtors 4,000
Naman 30,000 Bank 34,500
Less Goodwill (15,120)
Creditors 25,000
Bank overdraft 11,000
Total ` 70,000 Total ` 70,000
Working notes:
I. Goodwill valuation
Illustration : 7
Mr. Bill and Mr. Will are partners in BW & Co. In a similar type of
business Mr. Mill & Mr. Gill are partners in MG & Co. It was agreed
that on 1st April, 2013 the old firms be amalgamated into one new
firm BMW Group.
4) Furniture and Land & Building not taken over by New Firm
were sold for ` 54,000 on 1st April, 2013 by MG & Co.
5) Mr. Bill to take over investments for ` 3,040.
6) The Capitals of the Partners in the New Firm were to be `
2,16,000 to be contributed in profit sharing ratio; any
adjustment to be made in cash.
You are required to close the books of the Old Firms and prepare
the Opening Balance Sheet of the New Firm. (IDE, Oct. 2003,
Particulars ` Particulars `
To Land & Building 29,600 By Creditors 20,800
To Furniture 7,200 By BMW Group A/c 1,35,656
To Vehicles 12,000 By Bill’s Capital 3,040
To Stock 33,200
To Investments 3,200
To Debtors 27,200
To Bank 13,600
To Partners Capital
Bill (4/7) 19,141
Will (3/7) 14,355 33,496
1,59,496 1,59,496
Particulars ` Particulars `
To Realisation A/c 1,35,656 By Bill’s Capital A/c 77,301
By Will’s Capital A/c 58,355
1,35,656 1,35,656
Particulars ` Particulars `
To Land & Building 40,000 By Creditors 24,000
To Furniture 5,600 By Bank Overdraft 3,600
To Vehicles 7,200 By Bank A/c (Land & 54,000
To Stock 26,400 By BMW Group A/c 43,680
To Debtors 23,200
To Partners Capital
Mill (3/5) 13,728
Gill (2/5) 9,152 22,880
1,25,280 1,25,280
Particulars ` Particulars `
To Realisation A/c 43,680 By Mill’s Capital A/c 26,528
By Gill’s Capital A/c 17,152
43,680 43,680
Particulars ` Particulars `
To Realisation A/c 54,000 By Mill’s Capital A/c 32,400
(Land & Building) (3/5)
By Gill’s Capital A/c 21,600
54,000 54,000
Particulars ` Assets `
Partners Capital Goodwill 43,200
- Bill 72,000 Land & 40,000
- Will 60,000 Furniture 6,400
- Mill 48,000 Vehicles 16,400
- Gill 36,000 2,16,000 Stock 59,360
Creditors 44,800 Debtors 50,400
Less : Rebate on 896 43,904 Less : Prove. 2,520 47,880
Creditors for D. Debts
Bank Overdraft 3,600 Bank 13,600
Add : Received
Will 1,645
Mill 21,472
Gill 18,848
Less : Paid to 5,301 50,264
2,63,504 2,63,504
Working Notes:
Illustration : 8
Liabilities ` ` Assets ` `
Capital Accounts: Goodwill 4,000 -
A 30,000 - Plant and 20,000 27,000
B 30,000 - Furniture 8,000 9,000
C - 25,000 Stock 20,000 24,000
D - 32,000 Debtors 19,000 17,000
Creditors 10,000 15,000 Fixtures 1,600 1,200
Bills Payable 4,000 8,000 Cash 3,400 3,300
Qutstanding Rent 2,000 1,500
76,000 81,500 76,000 81,500
1. Realisation A/c.
2. Partner’s Capital A/c in the books of both the firms and
3. Amalgamated Balance Sheet of the new firm.
Particulars ` Particulars `
To Goodwill 4,000 By Sundry Liabilities:
To Plant and Machinery 20,000 - Sundry Creditors 10,000
To Furniture 8,000 - Bills Payable 4,000
To Stock 20,000 - Partner’s Capital 9,600
(8,000 + 1,600)
To Debtors 19,000 - ABCD from A/c (PC) 54,000
To Fixtures 1,600
To Cash (3,400-2,000) 1,400
To Profit tfd. to
A’s Capital 2,700
B’s Capital 900 3,600
77,600 77,600
Capital A/c
Particulars A B Particulars A B
` ` ` `
To Realisation 7,200 2,400 By Balance 30,000 30,000
A/c b/d
To New Firm A/c 25,500 28,500 By 2,700 900
32,700 30,900 32,700 30,900
Particulars ` Particulars `
To Realisation A/c 54,000 By Capital A/c
A 25,500
B 28,500 54,000
54,000 54,000
Liabilities ` Assets `
To Sundry Assets By Sundry Liabilities
- Plant and Machinery 27,000 - Creditors 15,000
- Furniture 9,000 - Bills Payable 8,000 23,000
- Stock 24,000 By Cash (Furniture) 8,000
- Debtors 17,000 By C’s Capital A/c 600
- Fixtures 1,200 By D’s Capital A/c 600
- Cash 9,800 88,000 By New Firm (PC) 59,200
(3,300 + 8,800 - 1, 500)
To Capital A/c
C 1,700
D 1,700 3,400
91,400 91,400
Capital A/c
Particulars C D Particulars C D
` ` ` `
To Realisation 600 600 By Balance 25,000 32,000
A/c b/d
To New Firm A/c 26,100 33,100 By 1,700 1,700
26,700 33,700 26,700 33,700
Particulars ` Particulars `
To Realisation A/c 59,200 By Capital A/c
C 26,100
D 33,100 59,200
59,200 59,200
Liabilities ` Assets `
Capital A/cs Goodwill 14,000
A 25,000 Plant and 44,650
B 25,000 Stock 43,100
C 25,000 Debtors 36,000
D 25,000 1,00,000
Creditors 23,750
Bills Payable 12,000
Bank O/D 2,000
(13,200 - 11,200)
1,37,750 1,37,750
Capital A/c
Particulars A B C D
` ` ` `
B/f from Old Firm ………… 25,500 28,500 26,100 33,100
Less : Closing ………… 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000
Balance ………… 500 3,500 1,100 8,100
Illustration 9 :
Liabilities ` Assets `
Sundry Creditors 10,000 Plant & Machinery 7,500
Das Bank Ltd. 5,000 Stock in Trade 10,000
Capital Account 15,000 Sundry Debtors 12,500
30,000 30,000
Liabilities ` Assets `
Sundry Creditors 8,500 Plant & Machinery 10,500
Capital Account 20,000 Stock in Trade 5,000
Sundry Debtors 11,000
Cash at Bank 2,000
28,500 28,500
You are required to give the journal entries for recording the above
transactions in the books of A and B give also the amalgamated
balance sheet of the New Firm as on 1st January, 2014.
Liabilities ` ` Assets ` `
Capital Goodwill 10,000
-A 21,937 Plant and 16,200
-B 23,175 45,112 Stock 12,500
Sundry 18,500 Debtors 23,500
Less : Prov. for 588 22,912
Bad Debts
Cash at bank 2,000
63,612 63,612
Working Note :
Illustration : 10
Particulars ` Particulars `
To Fixed Assets 40,000 By Bills Payable 50,000
To Stock 50,000 By Bank Overdraft 25,000
To debtors 60,000 By M/s Jay P.C.) 1,09,500
To Vijay Capital 25,000
To Vijay’s Capital 9,500
1,84,500 1,84,500
Particulars ` Particulars `
To M/s Jay )P.C.) 1,09,500 By Balance b/d 75,000
By Realisation A/c 25,000
By Realisation A/c 9,500
1,09,500 1,09,500
Particulars ` Particulars `
To Realisation A/c 1,09,500 By Vijay’s Capital 1,09,500
(P.C.) A/c
1,09,500 1,09,500
Particulars ` Particulars `
To Fixed Assets 50,000 By Bills Payable 40,000
To Stock 25,000 By M/s Jay (P.C.) 1,21,125
To Debtors 55,000
To Cash 10,000
To Sanjay’s Capital 21,125,
1,61,125 1,61,125
Particulars ` Particulars `
To M/s Jay (P.C.) 1,21,125 By Balance b/d 1,00,000
By Realisation A/c 21,125
1,21,125 1,21,125
Particulars ` Particulars `
To Realisation A/c 1,21,125 By Sanjay Capital 1,21,125
C.P.C A/c
1,21,125 1,21,125
A. Liabilities of vendor firm 1. No entry.
paid firm, on Amalgamation
B. Assets of vendor firm taken 2. Credit to realization a/c.
over by creditors of vendor
C. Reserve fund appearing in 3. Credit to Partner’s capital
balance sheet of vendor a/c
4. Debit to realization a/c
A. Deferred Revenue exp. 1. Debit to Goodwill a/c in the
appearing on as on date books of purchasing firm.
of amalgamation
B. Realisation exp. of vendor 2. Credit to New firm’s a/c
firm paid by purchasing
firm a/c
C. Liabilities of vendor firm 3. No entry
taken over by new firm
4. Debit to its partners
5. Debit to old partners in old
A. Profit on realization on 1. Credit to old partner’s capital
amalgamation a/c
B. Debit balance on 2. Debit to all to partner’s capital
Realisation a/c a/c in new PSR
C. Goodwill written off by 3. Net Assets
new firm.
D. Purchase Consideration 4. Loss due dissolution of old
A. Purchase Consideration 1. Amalgamating firm
B. The firms decided to 2. Amalgamated firm
C. Repayment of partner’s 3. Debit new firm a/c
D. Amalgamation of firm 4. Credit to cash a/c
5. Eliminates competition
Ans. I: a-4, b-1, c-3, II: a-5, b-1, c-4, III:a-1, b-4, c-2, d-3, IV: a-3, b-1, c-4, d-5
F. Theoretical
1. What is amalgamation of firms?
2. What do you understand by the word Purchase
3. What are the basic objectives of amalgamation of firm?
4. What are the consequences of amalgamation of the firm?
5. Explain the term ‘Net Asset’
6. How you account for Goodwill in the books of the new firm?
7. What do you mean by the term ‘Trade Liabilities’?
G. Practical Problems:
1. Following are Balance Sheet of two firms M/s AB & CO. and CD
& Co. as on 31st March, 2014.
Terms of amalgamation:
A. In case of A & Co.
1. Goodwill was valued at ` 25,000.
2. A & Co. should pay its bank loan.
3. Building was taken to be worth ` 2,50,000
4. Stock to be valued at ` 55,000.
5. Provision for doubtful debts to be created at 4% on debtors.
C. It was further decided that the total capital of the new firms
shall be ` 2,00,000 and the capital of each shall be in profit
sharing partner shall be in profit sharing ratio i.e. ` 3:2:3:2. the
difference to be transferred to the current accounts.
P : K C S : T
Old Firm 4 : 1 : 3 : 2
New Firm 6 : 5 : 4 : 3
B] New firm to take over assets of old firms at the following values :
Close the books of old firms, and prepare Balance Sheet of the
New Firm.
Hints :
i. Investment not taken over by the new firm should be
transferred to Capital A/c’s in P.S.R
ii. Loan and R & S not taken over by the new firm should be
taken over by the Partner’s as the cash is not sufficient to play
iii. Typewriter worth ` 1,000 not taken by the new firm. It may be
assumed that it is sold by the old firm.
K 50,000 Advertisement
a) The new firm shall not take over the furniture of both the firms.
b) The new firm shall take over only the trade liabilities of both
the firms.
c) Goodwill of each firm was valued at two years purchase of the
average profits of the last three years. The profits were:
` `
Debtors 18,000 13,000
Investments 9,000 -
Stock 40,000 40,000
Machinery 18,000 16,000
Patent Rights 4,000 -
h) The cash required for working of the new firm was estimated
at ` 60,000 to be provided by the Partner’s in their new profit-
sharing proportions which was : K 310 , L 310 , M 2 10 , N 2 10
i. Closing Entries in the books of old firms; and
ii. Opening entries and Balance Sheet of the new firm.
i. Goodwill = Av. Profit x 2
ii. Employee’s PF is a liability.
iii. Investment Fluctuation Fund is a provision against loss on
investment. After adjustment of loss, it should be shared by
the Partner’s.
iv. Trade Liabilities are creditors & B.P only.
Unit Structure
7.0 Objectives
7.1 Inventory Accounting and Control Using Tally Erp9
7.2 Procedure Of Using Tally Erp9
7.3 Standard Vouchers Created in Tally Erp9 for Accounting of The
7.4 Batch Wise Management In Tallyerp9
7.5 Summary
7.6 Exercise
After studying the unit the students will be able to know the
importance of Accounting Software in making the accounting
procedure easy.
Price lists-Price lists are useful for orders and invoices. Price
lists are available only for inventory items and hence the feature
is available only if inventory and invoicing are activated for the
company. Tally ERP9 also helps to have more than one price
list for different groups of customers.
Stock group
Stock items
Units of Measure
Voucher Types.
Create Godown
Unit Structure
8.0 Objectives
8.1 Introduction
8.2 A Claim for loss of stock
8.3 Important points related to Memorandum Trading Account
8.4 Illustrations
8.5 Exercise
After studying the unit the students will be able:
• To introduce the topic
• To know about the term fire insurance claim
• To understand the meaning of Average Clause
• To make ready for calculating the claim amount
• To illustrate the practical problems
A business concern has always to face a danger of heavy
loss due to fire It is so great that if it occurs it destroys partly or
wholly the business assets as well as paralyses its day-to-day
actives. Besides it becomes very difficult for the business to replace
the lost assets due to the limited working capital. Therefore as a
safety measure a prudent businessman covers his risks by insuring
his business against loss by fire.
Losses due to fire are of two types:
• Loss of assets and
• Loss of profit
Loss of assets affects so badly on business activities which
ultimately affects profits of the business. Therefore the business
concerns take a fire insurance policy in respect of,
• Loss of stock only,
• Loss of profit only, OR
• A comprehensive or Package Policy which covers loss of all
the items i.e. stock, other assets, profit, expenses etc.
• Calculate the Gross Profit for the last year: If the Gross
Profit for the last year has not been given prepare the Trading
Account for the last year to calculate the G/P. If the information
is available for number of past years prepare the Trading
Account in the columnar form for all the years.
2) The stock on the date of fire is Rs. 18,000. The stock salvaged
is worth Rs. 1,200. The sum insured is Rs. 15,000. There is the
average clause in the policy. Calculate the amount of claim.
Particulars Rs.
Stock on 1-1-2007 30,600
Purchases from 1-1-2007 to 31-12-2007 1,22,000
Sales from 1-1-2007 to 31-12-2007 1,80,000
Stock on 31-12-2007 27,000
Purchases from 1-1-2008 to 14-10-08 1,47,000
Sales from 1-1-2008 to 14-10-08 1,50,000
Trading Account
Dr. For the year ending 31-12-07 Cr.
Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs.
To Stock( W.N.1) 34,000 By Sales 1,80,000
To Purchases 1,22,000 By Stock (W.N. 2) 30,000
To Gross Profit 54,000
2,10,000 2,10,000
2,22,000 2,22,000
Working Notes:
Illustration 2
A fire occurred in the business premises of Bonfire
Enterprises on 30th September, 2002. They close their books on
30th June every year. Following information could be gathered from
their books:
Particulars Rs.
Solution :
Memorandum Trading Account
Dr. Up to 30th September 2002. Cr.
Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs.
To Stock (W.N.1) 4,00,000 By Sales 10,00,000
To Purchases 5,75,000 By Stock on the date 4,60,000
(W.N.2) 2,30,000 of fire(Balancing
To Wages 5,000 figure)
To Carriage inward
(W.N.3) 2,50,000
To Gross Profit
(33 1/3 on cost it
means 1/4 on Sales
i.e.1/4 on
10,00,000.) 14,60,000 14,60,000
Illustration 3
A fire occurs in the godown of M/s. Blackday Enterprises on
20 July, 2008. Goods saved were Rs. 32,000. The proprietor
informs you that the Stock Insurance Policy is in force for
Rs. 1, 00,000.There is an Average Clause in the policy. Most of the
books of accounts were destroyed in the fire. He wants your help in
computing the claim for Loss of Stock due to fire. He informs that
Gross Profit ratio is evenly maintained and submits the following
2,48,000 2,48,000
Working Notes:
2,16,040 2,16,040
2,48,000 2,48,000
1,94,950 1,94,950
1,74,150 1,74,150
Illustration 4
1,68,500 1,68,500
67,500 67,500
Illustration 1 :
Further Information :
1) The Sales and Purchases for March 2007 may be assumed
as having been made at the same rate as in past two
Illustration 2 :
(Ans.: G/P Rs.25,000, Stock on the date of Fire Rs.17,600, Amount of Claim
Illustration 3 :
Illustration 4:
Illustration 5:
A fire Occurred in the factory of M/s Badmanners on 1 st
November 2007 and destroyed the stock of goods in their godown.
The following figures are available.
Opening Stock on 01-01-2006 31,570
Sales during the year of 2006 3,50,000
Purchase during the year of 2006 1,83,200
Purchases from 1-1-2007 to 01-11-2007 1,63,300
Sales from 1-1-2007 to 01-11-2003 2,69,350
Closing Stock on 31-12-2006 40,590
Other details are as follows:
a) A theft took place in September 2007 and goods of sale
value of Rs.19,040 were stolen and lost but were not
recorded in the books.
b) Goods costing Rs.5,205 were given away as free samples
but no entries were passed.
c) The goods saved from fire were subsequently sold by the
firm of Rs.17, 600 at a loss of Rs.1, 200.
d) The gross profit remained constant throughout.
e) The stock of goods was insured by the firm for Rs.38, 100
and there was an average clause in the policy.
f) The firm, as a practice, valued the stock of goods at 10%
above cost.
Calculate the amount of claim.
[Ans : Insurance Claim – Rs.24,900]
Illustration 6 :
Particulars Rs.
Purchases for the year 2003 90,516
Sales for the year 2003 1, 04,000
Purchases from 01/01/2004 to 01/09/2004 69,654
Sales from 01/01/2004 to 01/09/2004 98,340
Illustration 7 :
Further Information:
1) In 2005, while valuing closing stock, a slow moving item
costing Rs.5,000 was valued at Rs.4,000 and this was sold
in 2006, for Rs.4,500.
2) In 2006, while valuing closing stock, an item costing
Rs.6,000 was wrongly valued at Rs.7,000 and was sold in
2007 for Rs.5,500.
3) In 2007 while valuing closing stock, goods costing Rs.12,000
were valued at Rs.10,000. 50% of these goods were sold
before 30-06-2008 for Rs.6,000.
4) The goods salvaged were Rs.10, 000.
[Ans : Insurance Claim – Rs.40,020]
Illustration 8:
Illustration 9:
[Ans : Rs.2,50,000]
Illustration 10:
Illustration 11:
Illustration 12 :
There was a fire in the godown of M/s Fire Fighting
Equipments Ltd. on 1st July, 20 04. The entire stock was burnt with
an exception of some goods costing Rs.18,000. The following
information could be gathered from the records saved.
Illustration 13 :
B & Co. suffered loss of stock due to fire on May 16, 1999. From
the following information prepare a statement showing the claim to
be lodged.
Stock on 1-1-98 38,400
Purchase during 1998 1,60,000
Sales during 1998 2,02,600
Closing Stock on 31-12-98 31,800
Purchases from 1-1 to 15-5-1999 54,000
Sales from 1-1 to 15-5-1999 61,400
Illustration 14 :
The factory Building of H. Ltd. caught fire on 22nd October,
1998 and the stock was damaged. The Company had made up
Accounts to 31st Dec. each year. On 31st Dec. 97 the stock at cost
was Rs.26,544 as against Rs.19,228 as on 31st Dec. 1996.
Illustration 15 :
A fire occurred in the godown of Pratap & Co. on 31st Dec.
1990. Godown was situated behind their office premises. A
considerable part of the stock of readymade garments was
destroyed by fire, The salvaged stock realized Rs.1,520. The stock
and premises were fully insured against fire risks. Considering the
following particulars, prepare a statement showing the amount of
claim to be lodged by M/s Pratap & Co. with the New India General
Insurance Co. Ltd. for the loss of stock only.
Purchases Less returns for the year ending
31-3-1990 1, 56,940
Sales Less returns for the year ending 31-3-1990 1, 96,000
Stock on 1-4-1990 68,480
Stock on 31-3-1990 58,820
Sales for the period ending 31-12-1990 1, 09,200
Trade creditors on 31-3-1990 24,608
Trade creditors on 31-12-1990 22,121
Amount paid to the creditors during the period ending
31-12-1990 88,016
Goods returned to the creditors during the period
ending 31-12-1990 6,390
(Note : Working shall be treated as part of your answer)
(S.U.) (Ans. : Claim Rs.56,390)
Unit Structure
9.0 Objectives
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Legal provision
9.3 Sources of Redemption
9.4 Capital Redemption Reserve (C.R.R.)
9.5 Methods of Redemption
9.6 Accounting Procedure
9.7 Exercise
The time lag between the fresh issue and redemption should
not be more than one month.
C.R.R. = Nominal Value of Preference Less Proceeds of Fresh
Shares Capital issue of shares
Redemption of shares
Illustration 1
Redemption of Preference share capital Rs.6,00,000/-
Premium payable on redemption = 6,00,000 × 10% = Rs.60,000/-
can be provided out of Securities Premium balance available.
Case II: When the new issue of Equity share of Rs.10/- @ Rs.20/-
Minimum No. of shares = = 48, 000 Equity shares
of Rs. @ Rs.20/-
New Issue of Share Capital = 48,000 Equity shares of
Rs.10/- @ Rs.10/- premium.
Case III: When the new issue of Equity share of Rs.10/- @ Rs.
Minimum no. of share = = 50,526.32
New Issue of Share Capital = 50,527 Equity Share to be
issued of Rs.10/- each @ Rs.0.50 discounts per share.
Illustration 2:
Nominal value of Preference Share to be redeemed 2,00,000
, ,000
= = 2, 500 Shares
∴ 2500 Equity Shares of Rs.50/- each to be issued @
Rs.48/- per share.
1, 20, 000
Minimum No. Of shares = = 2, 400
∴ 2,400 Equity Shares to be issued at par
Case III : The new Equity Share of Rs.50/- each issued at Rs.55/-
i.e. Rs.5/- premium.
a. Forfeiture of shares
Share Capital A/c
[called up amount] Dr. X
To calls in Arrears X
To Forfeited shares A/c X
b. At Profit
Bank A/c Dr. X
To Investment A/c X
To Profit & Loss A/c X
c. At Loss
Bank A/c Dr. X
Profit & Loss A/c Dr. X
To Investment A/c X
a. At par
Bank A/c Dr. X
To Share Capital A/c X
b. At Premium
Bank A/c Dr. X
To share capital A/c X
To Securities Premium X
c. At Discount
Bank A/c Dr. X
Discount on issue of shares A/c Dr. X
To Share Capital A/c X
C.R.R. = Nominal Value of Preference Less Proceeds of Fresh
Shares redeemed issue of shares
• For making partly paid up Equity shares into fully paid up,
without asking shareholders to pay for call dues.
For any other transaction given in examination problem;
usual accounting entry should be passed.
Unit Structure
10.0 Objectives
10.1 Illustration (Simple Problem)
10.2 Key Points / Key Terms
10.3 Exercise
After studying the unit the students will be able to solve the
practical problems of redemption of preference shares
Illustration 1
Ketan Ltd.
C.R.R. = Face Value of Preference Less Proceeds of New
Share to be redeemed issue of shares
= 3, 00,000 - 2, 50,000
= 50,000
Illustration 2:
N. Ltd.
Journal (31st March 2012)
Bank A/c
Dr. Cr.
To Bal b/fd. 50,000 Bank Preference 1,10,000
Shareholders A/c
To Investment A/c 55,000
Bank Bal c/fd
To Equity Share Capital 65,000 76,250
To Securities Premium A/c 16,250
1,86,250 1,86,250
N Ltd.
Balance Sheet as at 31st March 2012
1. Shareholder’s Funds
a. Share Capital 1 2,65,000
b. Reserves and Surplus 2 3,46,250
2. Non-Current Liabilities
Long Term Borrowings 3 1,00,000
3. Current Liabilities
a. Trade Payables 4 35,000
Total 4,81,250
1. Non Current Assets
a. Fixed Assets
- Tangible Assets
b. Non Current Investments 50,000
2. Current Assets
a. Cash and cash
b. Other Current Assets. 1,45,000
Notes to Accounts
b. Securities Premium
Add: on fresh issue 16,250
Less: premium on 10,000 6,250
c. Surplus/(Deficit)
Balance in Statement
of P & L 50,00
Add: Profit on sale of 0
Less: Transfer to
Capital Redemption 15,000 40,000
19,60,000 19,60,000
3. Cost of Investment sold = 7,20,000 × = 8,00,000
Investment costing Rs.8,00,000/- sold for Rs.7,20,000/-
4. Bonus shares to be issued No. Rs.
Old Equity Share Capital 40,000 4,00,000
Add new issue of Equity Shares 60,000 6,00,000
1,00,000 10,00,000
Add Bonus(1:4)
= 100,000 × (Out of C.R.R.) = 25,000 2,50,000
Total Equity capital 1,25,000 12,50,000
Bank A/c
Dr. Cr.
Rs. Rs.
To Bal. b/fd 1,20,000 By Preference 10,74,000
To Investment A/c 7,20,000 Shareholders A/c
To Equity Share By Bal. c/fd 9,66,000
Capital A/c 6,00,000
To Securities Premium
A/c 6,00,000
20,40,000 20,40,000
Particulars Dr. Rs. Cr. Rs.
1. Bank A/c Dr. 7,20,000
Profit & Loss A/c Dr. 80,000
To Investment A/c 8,00,000
[Being Investment sold at loss]
2. Bank A/c Dr. 12,00,000
To Equity Share Capital A/c 6,00,000
To Securities Premium A/c 6,00,000
[Being 60,000 Equity shares of Rs.
10 each issued @ Rs.20 per shares]
3. 10% Preference Share Capital A/c Dr. 9,00,000
Premium of Redemption of
Preference Share Capital A/c Dr. 1,80,000
To Preference Shareholder A/c 10,80,000
[Being Preference shareholders
claim transferred]
T.T .Ltd.
Balance Sheet as on 31st March 2012
Total 20,06,000
ASSETS 6,00,000
3. Non Current Assets 50,000
a. Fixed Assets
- Tangible Assets
b. Non Current Investments 9,66,000
c. Current Assets 3,90,000
c. Cash and cash 13,56,000
d. Other Current Assets. 20,06,000
T.T. Ltd.
Notes to Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March, 2012
As at 31 March 2012
Number Rs
Authorised Shares
Equity Shares of `10 each
Issued, Subscribed & Fully Paid up Shares
Equity Shares of `10 each 1,25,000 12, 50,000
[Included 25000 Equity shares of Rs. 10 each
issued on fully paid bonus share by capitaling
As at 31
Note "2" : RESERVES & SURPLUS 2012
Reserves & Surplus
Securities Premium 60,000
Add: Received on new issue 6,00,000
Less : used for premium on redemption 1,80,000 4,80,000
Capital Redemption Reserve 3,00,000
less: Issue of Bonus shares 2,50,000 50,000
Profit & Loss Account (Surplus/Deficit) 4,00,000
(-)Transferred to capital redemption reserve 3,00,000
(-)Sale of investment at loss 80,000 20,000
Total 0
Illustration 4
[Forfeiture and reissue of forfeiture shares]
The following were the balance of Z ltd. as on 31st December, 09
10,000 Equity shares of Rs. 100 each 10, 00,000
100,000, 10% Preference share of Rs. each
Fully called-up 10, 00,000
Less: calls in arrear [on 1500 shares] (6000) 9, 94,000
Securities Premium 1, 20,000
Profit & Loss A/c 6, 40,000
Revenue Reserves 2, 60,000
Bank Balance 5, 60,000
15,00,000 15,00,000
K Ltd.
Date/ Particulars L/F Dr. Rs. Cr. Rs.
1. Bank A/c Dr. 3,30,000
To Investment A/c 3,00,000
To Profit & Loss A/c 30,000
[Being sale of Investment at profit]
2. Bank A/c Dr. 75,000
To Equity Share Capital A/c 50,000
To Securities Premium A/c 25,000
[Being 5000 Equity shares of Rs. 10
each issued at 50% premium]
3. 10% Preference Share Capital A/c Dr. 2,00,000
Premium on Redemption of
Preference Share Capital A/c Dr. 20,000
To Preference Shareholders A/c 2,20,000
[Being claims of Preference
shareholders transferred]
4. Securities Premium A/c Dr. 20,000
To Premium on Redemption of
Preference Capital A/c 20,000
[Being premium on redemption of
Preference shares of written off]
5. Profit & Loss A/c Dr. 1,50,000
To Capital Redemption Reserve A/c 1,50,000
[Being C.R.R. created to the extend
redemption of Preference share
capital out of profit.
6. Preference Shareholder's A/c Dr. 2,20,000
To Bank A/c 2,20,000
[Being Preference shareholders claim
1. Only fully paid Preference shares can be redeemed as per
sec. 80 companies Act.
2. As the call on 12% Preference share capital is not made
some cannot be repaid.
3. C.R.R. = Nominal value of proceeds of new Preference
share less issue of shares capital
= 200,000 - 50,000
= 150,000
K Ltd.
Balance sheet (after redemption)
Notes As on _____
K Ltd.
Notes to Financial Statements for the year ended ______
As at __________
Number Rs
Authorised Shares
Equity Shares of `10 each -
12% Cum Pref Shares of `100 each
Issued, Subscribed & Fully Paid up Shares
Equity Shares of `10 each 45,000 4,50,000
Issued, Subscribed &Partly Paid up Shares
12% Cum Pref Shares of `100 each(Rs. 75
called) 2,000 1,50,000
Total 47,000 6,00,000
As at ________
Total 510000
14,00,000 14,00,000
R.K. Ltd.
15,96,000 15,96,000
Working Notes:
Amount payable
1. No. of shares issued on conversion =
Issue price per share
∴ No. of Equity Shares issued to Preference shareholders
= = 8,400 Equity shares of Rs.10/- each @ Rs.12.50
2, 20,000
No. of shares issued to debenture = = 17,600 Equity
shareholders of Rs.10/- each @ Rs.12.50
H Ltd.
Balance sheet as on 1 April 2012
Notes As on _____
1 Shareholders’ funds
(a) Share capital 1 000
(b) Reserves and surplus 2 4,45,000
Total 000
2 Current liabilities
(c) Other current liabilities 0
TOTAL 16,01,000
1 Non-current assets
(a) Fixed assets
Tangible assets 00
Intangible assets 1,00,000
2 Current assets
(a) Inventories 00
(b) Short Term Advances
Advance Tax 1,25,000
(c) Trade Receivables
Debtors 2,45,000
Bills Receivable 50,000
(d) Cash and Cash Equivalents 20,000
TOTAL 16,01,000
H Ltd.
Notes to Financial Statements for the year ended ______
As at ________
Number Rs
Authorised Shares
Equity Shares of `10 each -
Issued, Subscribed & Fully Paid up Shares
Equity Shares of `10 each 1,06,000 10,60,000
[In dues 66,000 Equity shares of Rs.10/- each
issued on conversion to Preference
shareholders and debenture holders]
Total 1,06,000 10,60,000
As at ____
Reserves & Surplus
Securities Premium
Add: Received on new issue 1,00,000
Less : used for premium on redemption 15000
Less : used for premium on redemption 40,000
Add: Received on conversion of deb 44,000
Add: Received on conversion of pref sh 21,000
Less : used for Discount on debentures 15,000
Profit & Loss A/c 3,50,000
Total 4,45,000
M Ltd.
1.Non Current Assets
M Ltd.
Notes to Financial Statements for the year ended ______
As at __________
Number Rs
Authorised Shares
As at ____
Reserves & Surplus
Securities Premium
Add: Received on new issue 15,000
Less : used for premium on redemption 5000 10,000
Capital redemption reserve
Add: Tr. From Profit & Loss A/c 40,000
Profit & Loss A/c
Opg. Bal 62,000
Less: Tr to Capital redemption reserve 40,000
Add : Profit on Investment 5,000 27,000
Total 77,000
Working Note:
9,65,000 9,65,000
ABK Ltd.
M Ltd.
Notes to Financial Statements for the year ended ______
As at __________
Number Rs
Authorised Shares
As at
Note "2" : RESERVES & SURPLUS ________
Reserves & Surplus
Securities Premium
Opening Balance 1,00,000
Add: Received on new issue 40,000
Less : used for premium on redemption 20,000
Less: used for issue of bonus 75,000 45,000
Capital redemption reserve
Add: Tr. From Profit & Loss A/c 1,00,000
Less: used for issue of bonus 1,00,000
General Reserve
Opening Balance 2,00,000
Less: used for issue of bonus 1,00,000 1,00,000
Profit & Loss A/c
Opg. Bal 1,25,000
Less: Tr to Capital redemption reserve 1,00,000 25,000
Total 1,70,000
Working notes: 1
Bank A/c
3,61,000 3,61,000
Ledger of S Ltd.
Journal of S Ltd.
Working Note:
2. Rs. Rs.
Fresh issue of Equity Shares
9, 95,000
N.V. of Preference Share [99,500×10]
11,50,000 11,50,000
You are required to give the journal entries and prepare the
Balance Sheet.
MJ Ltd.
MJ Ltd.
Balance Sheet as on 31st March 2012
3. Non Current Assets
a. Fixed Assets
- Tangible Assets 1,36,
b. Current Assets 020
b. Cash and cash 4,25,000
c. Other current assets 12,25,020
MJ Ltd.
Notes to Financial Statements for the year ended ______
As at __________
Number Rs
Authorised Shares
Equity Shares of `10 each
Issued, Subscribed & Fully Paid up Shares
Equity Shares of `10 each 1,04,820
As at _____
Reserves & Surplus
Securities Premium
Opening Bal 5,000
Add: Received on new issue 44,820
Less : used for premium on redemption 49,820 -
Capital redemption reserve
Add: Tr. From Profit & Loss A/c 51,800
Profit & Loss A/c
Opg. Bal 45,000
Less: used for premium on redemption 180
Less: Tr to Capital redemption reserve 51,800
Add : Profit on Investment 7,000 20
Total 51,820
Working Note:
1. Final call = = 25,000 Preference Shares × Rs.5/ –
= Rs.1,25,000/ –
∴ No. of fresh issue of Equity Share = 20
= 22,409.10
= 22,410 Equity shares
i.e. 22,410 Equity shares of Rs.20/- each @ 10% premium
(Rs.2/- per share)
3. Premium on redemption = Rs.50,000/-
Sources of premium payable
Securities Premium [5000 + 44820] 49,820
Balance from Profit & Loss A/c 180
4. C.R.R. = N.V. of Preference share less proceeds of fresh issue
of shares
= 5,00,000 – 4,48,200
= Rs.51,800
5. Bank A/c
Dr. Cr.
Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs.
To Balance 10,000 By Preference 5,30,000
To Final Call A/c 1,25,000 Shareholder A/c
To Equity Share A/c 4,48,200 By Balance 1,36,020
To Securities Preference A/c 44,820
To Investment A/c 58,000
6,86,020 6,86,020
24,75,00 24,75,000
In the books of KPM Ltd
Preference Share Capital A/c
Dr. Cr.
Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs.
To Preference By Bal b/d 7,50,000
Shareholder A/c 7,50,000
7,50,000 7,50,000
7,00,000 7,00,000
75,000 75,000
2,10,000 2,10,000
37,500 37,500
3,60,000 3,60,000
23,80,000 23,80,000
6,50,000 6,50,000
7,87,500 7,87,500
Investment A/c
Dr. Cr.
Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs.
To Bal b/d 2,00,000 By Bank A/c 2,90,000
To Profit & Loss A/c 90,000
2,90,000 2,90,000
5,70,000 5,70,000
Notes to Accounts
As at 31 March
Number `
Authorised Shares
Equity Shares of `10 each
Redeemable Pref Shares of `5 each
Issued, Subscribed & Fully Paid up Shares
70,000 Equity Shares of `10 each 70,000
50,000 Redeemable Pref Shares of `5 each 5000 2,50,000
Total 75,000 950000
As at _______
Reserves & Surplus
Securities Premium
Opening Balance 75,000
Less: used for premium on redemption 37,500 37,500
Capital redemption reserve
Add: Tr. From Profit & Loss A/c 3,60,000
Add: Tr. From Dividend equalisation 2,10,000
reserve 5,70,000
Profit & Loss A/c
Op. Bal 2,45,000
Add : Profit on Investment 25,000
Add : Profit on Fixed Assets 90,000
Less: Tr to Capital redemption reserve 3,60,000 -
Capital Reserve 25,000
Total 6,32,500
Working Notes:
I. Only fully paid Preference Shares can be redeemed. As call
on 9% Preference shares is not made, it is not redeemed
II. Proceeds of new issue:
Nominal value of Preference shares 7,50,000
Less : Profits available for redemption
Dividend equalization reserve 2,10,000
Profit & Loss A/c 3,60,000 5,70,000
Proceeds of new issue 1,80,000
No. of Equity shares of Rs.10/- issued at Rs.9/- each
Proceeds reqired 1,80,000
= = 20,000
proceeds of one share 9
∴ 20,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- issued at Rs.9/-
III. Premium payable on redemption of Preference shares is
provided from Securities Premium.
IV Unsecured Loans
Fixed Deposits 50,000
V Current Liabilities
Provisions 1,20,500
15,83,000 15,83,000
Journal of Y Ltd.
No. Particulars Dr. Rs. Cr. Rs.
Working Notes:
1. Profit and loss A/c Bal. as on 31.3.09 Rs.
Balance as on 31.3.08 62,500
Profit for the year 1,75,000
Profit on sale of Investment 1,10,000
Preference dividend paid (60,000)
Balance used for C.R.R. 2,87,500
19,95,000 19,95,000
1,60,000 1,60,000
2,10,000 2,10,000
2,00,000 2,00,000
1,80,000 1,80,000
10,89,000 10,89,000
2,10,000 2,10,000
8,000 8,000
4,20,000 4,20,000
5,000 5,000
Bank A/c
Dr. Cr.
Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs.
To Balance B/fd 60,000 By Preference
To Calls in Arrears A/c 3,000 Shareholders A/c 10,78,000
To Marketable By Debenture holders
Securities A/c 4,20,000 A/c 1,99,500
To Equity Share
Capital A/c 6,00,000
To Securities Premium
A/c 1,50,000
To Balance c/fd 44,500
12,77,500 12,77,500
B.R. Ltd.
Balance sheet as on 1st April 2012
3. Non Current Assets
a. Fixed Assets
- Tangible Assets
4. Current Assets 3,20,000
a. Trade Receivables 2,00,000
b. Inventories 15,10,000
B.R. Ltd.
Notes to Financial Statements for the year ended ______
As at __________
Number Rs
Authorised Shares
As at
Note "2" : RESERVES & SURPLUS ________
Reserves & Surplus
Securities Premium
Opening Balance 10,000
Add: Received on new issue 150,000
Less: used for premium on redemption 99,000
Less: used for premium on redemption 10,000
Less : used for Discount on Deb. 5000 46,000
Total 4,94,000
j) C.R.R. = ____________ Less Proceeds of New
issue of shares
[Answer : (i – c), (ii – d), (iii – c), (iv – d), (v – d), (vi – d), (vii – d)]
Group A Group B
i) Pre-incorporation Profit a) Appropriation of Profit
ii) Capital Redemption b) Proceeds of issue of
Reserve can be used Debentures
iii) Preference Dividend c) Rs.1,50,000/-
iv) Redemption of Preference d) Not Free Reserve
Share Capital e) Fully Paid Bonus share
v) 7,500 Preference Share of f) Free Reserve + proceed of
Rs.100/- redeemable at fresh issue of share
10% premium, issued of g) Rs.2,16,000/-
new 60,000 Preference h) Rs.2,00,000/-
Share at Rs.10/- at 20% i) Rs.1,90,000/-
premium C.R.R. j) Can not be issued by Ltd.
vi) 8,000 Equity share of company
Rs.100/- each, issued at k) Partly paid Bonus share
2% discount for redemption
of Preference share capital
Rs.10,00,000/- C.R.R. =
vii) Irredeemable Preference
[Answer: (i – d), (ii - e), (iii – a), (iv – f), (v – c), (vi - g), (vii – j)]
Illustration 1
[For calculation of new issue to raised funds required]
The balance sheet of N J Ltd. as on 31st March 09 was as follows.
Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs.
Share Capital : Fixed Assets : 6,12,000
1,500, 9% Preference Investments : 90,000
Share of Rs.100/- each Current Assets :
fully paid 1,50,000 Bank Balance 63,000
50,000 Equity of Rs.10/- Other Current Assets 4,27,000
each fully paid. 5,00,000
Reserve surplus :
Securities Premium 50,000
Profit & Loss A/c 1,40,000
Secured Loans :
10% Debentures 2,00,000
Current Liabilities :
Sundry Creditors 1,52,000
11,92,000 11,92,000
Amount required
Number of Equity Shares =
Proceed of one equity share
2, 50, 000
= = 5, 000
2,95,000 2,95,000
3,14,000 3,14,000
Particulars Rs.
10% Preference share capital 4,00,000
(Shares of Rs.100/- each redeemable on 31-12-2008,
at a premium of Rs.5/- per share)
Security Premium A/c 1,00,000
Profit & Loss A/c (Cr.) 3,00,000
4,57,000 4,57,000
32,50,000 32,50,000
Unit Structure
11.0 Objectives
11.1 Introduction and Meaning
11.2 Definition
11.3 Types of Debentures
11.4 Debenture Interest
11.5 Issue of Debentures
11.6 Accounting Procedure for Issue of Debentures
11.7 Exercise
Debenture may be defined as a certificate issued by
company under its seal acknowledging a debt due by to its holder.
The essential characteristic of debentures is indebtedness Sec.2
(12) of the Companies Act, 1956. A Debenture includes debenture
stock bonds any other securities of a company whether constituting
a charge on company assets or not. A person who purchases a
debenture is called a debenture holder.
Total Discount
Discount to be written off
No.of years after which debentures will be redeemed
State whether true or false
1. Registered debentures are transferred only by transfer deed.
2. Redeemable Debentures are redeemed at any time.
3. Debenture interest is payable only when a company makes
4. When the price charged is more than its nominal value, a
debenture is said to be issued at a premium.
5. If the debentures are redeemed at discount such discount is a
revenue profit for the company.
Unit Structure :
12.0 Objectives
12.1 Solves Problems
12.2 Terms of redemption
12.3 Methods of Redemption of Debentures
12.4 Accounting Procedure for Redemption of Debentures
12.5 Solved Problems
12.6 Key Terms
12.7 Exercise
After studying the unit the students will be able to solve the
practical problems on redemption of debentures.
Journal of YES Ltd
Notes to Accounts
Journal of City Enterprise Ltd.
Journal of N Ltd.
2. By Draw of Lots :
Under this method the company does not redeem all the
debentures at the same time. Instead it will call back only a portion
of its debentures in the market for redemption each year. The
company select the debentures of a predetermined value, by
drawing lot and they are redeemed that year. This method of
redemption reduces the burden of redemption. Planning is relatively
easy and the impact of redemption on the finance of the company
is limited.
Illustration 6
On 31st December, 2010 XYZ Ltd. had 12% debentures of Rs.4,50,
000, 1/3rd of which were selected by lot to be redeemed. Pass
Journal Entries for the redemption.
Illustration 7
Journal Entries
Date Particulars Amount Amount
Dr. Cr.
2003 8% Debenture Account Dr. 50,000
Jan 01 To Bank 45,000
To Profit on redemption 5,000
(Purchase of Debentures from open market
for cancellation)
2003 Profit on Redemption of Debentures Dr. 5,000
Jan 01 To Capital Reserve 5,000
(Profit on Redemption transferred to capital
2003 Profit and Loss Appropriation a/c Dr. 45,000
Jan 01 To Debenture Redemption Reserve 45,000
(Reserve created for redemption of
III In the last year when the Debentures becomes due for
redemption (at the end of year).
2. On transfer of interest
Interest on Sinking fund investment A/c
To Sinking Fund A/c
b) At profit
Bank A/c Dr. Amount Profit
To Sinking Fund Investment cost of
To Sinking Fund A/c
c) At Loss
Bank A/c Dr.
Sinking fund A/c Dr. realized
loss on sale
To Sinking Fund Investment cost
5. On debentures are due for payment
a) At par
Debentures A/c Dr. Nominal
value of the
To Debenture holder A/c Debentures
b) i) At premium
Debentures A/c Dr. X
Premium on redemption of
debentures A/c Dr. X X
To Debenture holder's A/c
b) ii) On transferring premium
On redemption of debentures
(if it is not provided at time of issue
of debentures]
Sinking fund A/c Dr.
To premium on redemption of X
debentures A/c X
c) At discount
Debentures A/c Dr. Face value be
To Debenture holder's A/c paid
Dis. on
To Sinking Fund A/c redemption
6. On payment/Redemption
Debenture holder's A/c Dr. X
To Bank A/c X
Note: 3
i. No investment should be made in last year
ii. This method assures the availability of profit and sufficient
cash for purchasing investment.
iii. Where only part of the debentures redeemed it must be
ensured that the balance in Sinking fund is equal to 50% of
the amount of debentures issue on the date of redemptions
is obligatory. However, a company may create more reserve
if it so desires.
Illustration 8
Journal Entries
All above companies issued debenture on 1st January 2001
debenture interest paid annually on 31st December every year.
[Narration not required]
Important Note: Even though redemption is out of capital,
debenture redemption reserve is created as per 4/5 117C
requirement of the companies amendment Act 2000
Case I
Journal of K Ltd.
Date/ Particulars L Dr. Rs. Cr. Rs.
Year F
1 Jan 01 1. On issue of 5000 debenture of
Rs.100 each at par
Bank A/c Dr. 500,000
To 9% Debentures A/c 500,000
31 Dec 01 2. For debenture interest paid
Debenture interest A/c Dr. 45,000
To Bank A/c 45,000
31 Dec 01 3. For transferring debenture interest
Profit and Loss A/c Dr. 45,000
To debenture interest A/c 45,000
31 Dec 01 4. On transferring profit to D.R.R.
Profit and Loss Appropriation A/c Dr. 100,000
To Debentures redemption reserve 100,000
31.12.02 A/c
31.12.03 Entry no.2, 3, 04 will
31.12.04 be repeated every year
31.12.05 with same amount.
Case II
Journal of K.P.M. Ltd.
Date Particulars L Dr. Rs. Cr. Rs.
1 Jan 01 1. On issue
Bank A/c Dr. 487,500
Discount on issue of debentures A/c 12,500
Dr. 500,000
To 9% Debentures A/c
31 Dec 2. On payment debenture interest
01 Debenture interest A/c Dr. 45,000
To Bank A/c 45,000
31 Dec 3. On transferring debenture interest
01 Profit and Loss of discount of issue of 47,500
Profit & Loss A/c Dr.
To Debenture interest 45,000
To Discount on issue of debenture 2500
31 Dec 4. On transferring profit to D.R.R.
01 Profit and Loss Appropriation A/c Dr. 100,000
To Debentures redemption reserve 100,000
31.12.02 5. Entry no.2, 3, 04 will be repeated
31.12.03 every year
Case III
Journal of O.K. Ltd.
Case IV
Journal of Mama Ltd.
Date Particulars L Dr. Rs. Cr. Rs.
1 Jan 01 1. On issue
Bank A/c Dr. 500,000
Loss on issue of debentures A/c Dr. 25,000
To 9% Debentures A/c 500,000
To Premium on redemption of 25,000
31 Dec 01 2. On payment of debenture interest
Debenture interest A/c Dr. 45,000
To Bank A/c 45,000
31 Dec 01 3. On transferring debenture interest
and w/off 1/5 of loss on issue of
Profit & Loss A/c Dr. 50,000
To Debenture interest A/c 45,000
To Loss on redemption of 5,000
Case V
Journal of Yes Ltd.
Date Particulars L Dr. Rs. Cr. Rs.
01.01.01 1. On issue
Bank A/c Dr. 485,000
Loss on issue of debentures A/c Dr. 50,000
To 9% Debentures A/c 500,000
To Premium on redemption of 35,000
31.12.01 2. On payment of debenture interest
Debenture interest A/c Dr. 45,000
To Bank A/c 45,000
31.12.01 3. On transferring debenture interest
and w/off 1/5 of loss on issue of
Profit & Loss A/c Dr. 55,000
To Debenture interest A/c 45,000
To Loss on redemption of 10,000
31.12.01 4. For transferring profit to D.R.R.
Profit and Loss Appropriation A/c Dr. 100,000
To Debentures redemption reserve 100,000
31.12.02 5. Entry no.2, 3, 04 will be repeated
31.12.03 every year
Case VI
Journal of OM Ltd.
Date Particulars L Dr. Rs. Cr. Rs.
01.01.01 1. On issue
Bank A/c Dr. 475,000
Discount on issue of debentures A/c 25,000
To 9% Debentures A/c 500,000
31.12.01 2. On payment of debenture interest
Debenture interest A/c Dr. 45,000
To Bank A/c 45,000
31.12.01 3. On transferring debenture interest
and w/off 1/5 of Discount on issue of
Profit & Loss A/c Dr. 50,000
To Debenture interest A/c 45,000
To Loss on issue of debenture A/c 5,000
31.12.01 4. For transferring profit to D.R.R.
Profit and Loss Appropriation A/c Dr. 100,000
To Debentures Redemption 100,000
Reserve A/c
31.12.02 5. Entry no.2, 3, 04 will be repeated
31.12.03 every year
Journal of S Ltd.
Working Notes:
1. In year 2007, annual appropriation plus int. on Sinking fund
investment received is invested.
2. Profit on sale Sinking fund investment is credited to Sinking
3. On 31.12.08, no Sinking fund investment made as
debentures are due for redemption on that date.
4,00,000 4,00,000
12,000 12,000
16,000 16,000
16,000 16,000
16,000 16,000
1,24,000 1,24,000
2,60,400 2,60,400
2,62,000 2,62,000
Illustration 12
Half the debenture holders opted for cash and remaining half
opted for shares. Pass journal entries.
Illustration 13
Key Points:
Debenture may be issued at par, or at discount or at
premium. Similarly, Debentures may be redeemed at par, at
discount or at a premium.
Discount / Loss on issue of Debentures, is Capital Loss can
be transferred to Securities Premium A/c or Profit & Loss
A/c. Normally it is written off over the period of outstanding
Debentures. Till the Loss / Discount not written off, it
appears in the Balance sheet of the company on the asset
side, under heading Miscellaneous Expenditure” (to extent
not written off)
Any Profit or Loss on sale of Sinking Fund investment should
be transfer to Sinking Fund A/c.
Redemption of Debentures, balance Sinking Fund A/c
should be transferred to General Reserve A/c.
Debenture may be redeemed by conversion into shares on
new Debenture issued.
Group “A” Group “B”
a) Sinking Fund i) Carries Fixed Rate Interest
b) Price including accrued ii) Specified at the time of
interest issue
c) Debentures iii) Credited to S.F. A/c
d) Terms of Redemption iv) Credited to Trading A/c
e) Interest received on S.F. v) P&L Appropriation debit
vi) Cum – interest price
vii) Ex – interest price
Group “A” Group “B”
a) Sinking Fund i) Balance Sheet Assets side
b) Sinking Fund Investment ii) Annual appropriation
c) Amount to be invested Interest received on S.F.
d) Redemption of Debentures
iii) Profit & Loss A/c
e) Debenture interest
iv) Unsecured Loans
v) Optional
vi) Reduction in owed fund
vii) Own Debenture
viii)Reduction is own fund
Particulars Rs.
10% First mortgage Debentures 7,50,000
Debenture redemption Reserve Fund 7,25,000
The above Fund was invested the following
securities :
Rs.3,60,000/-, 5% Government Loan
Rs.3,80,000/-, 4% Government Loan
51,40,000 51,40,000
11) J. Ltd. Took over the assets of Rs. 150000 & liabilities of A
Ltd. For an agreed purchase consideration of Rs. 108000 is to be
satisfied by the issue of 10% debentures of Rs. 100 each. Show
journal entries in the books of J Ltd. Under the following
a) When Debentures are issued at par
b) When Debentures are issued at 20% premium &
c) When Debentures are issued at 10% discount.
Working Note:
a) Number of Debentures to be issued = Purchase consideration
Issued price
12) P.T. Ltd., took a loan of Rs. 100000 from a bank & deposited
1000, 8% Debentures of Rs. 100 each as Collateral security,
Company again took a loan of Rs. 100000 after 3 months from a
bank & deposited 1000, 8% Debentures of Rs. 100 each as a
collateral securities. With this amount company purchased plant
& machineries for Rs. 150000 pass necessary Journal entries in
the books of the company & prepare balance sheet.
Unit Structure :
13.0 Objectives
13.1 Purchase order and Sales order
13.2 Budgeting and Controls
13.3 Product Invoice and Service Invoice
13.4 Short - cut keys or keyboard shortcuts available in tally
13.5 Key combination used for navigation
13.6 Management information system
13.7 Exercise
After studying the unit students will be able to know the use
of accounting software for advance accounting and shortcut keys
for operating the software.
Purchase order:
It is a commercial document issued by a buyer to a seller
indicating details of quantity and agreed prices for products /
services the seller will provide to the buyer.
Sales order:
It can be created once the quote is accepted by prospective
customer. Sales order contains the following details:
Delivery Notes:
It is a document accompanying a shipment of goods that lists the
description, grade and quantity of the goods delivered. Delivery
note voucher is used to record the delivery of goods to customers.
The shortcut keys available in Tally ERP 9 are listed in the table
below :
1. Receivables
2. Payables
3. Cost Centre Reports
4. Ratio Analysis
5. Cash Flow
6. Funds Flow
7. Exceptional Reports
Trial Balance
Balance Sheet
Profit and Loss A/c
Stock summary
Ratio Analysis
Display Menu
Day Book
Bank Reconciliation Statement
Gateway of Tally ------- Display ------- Trial Balance
Gateway of Tally ------- Balance Sheet
Gateway of Tally ------- P & L A/c
Gateway of Tally ------- Stock summary
Gateway of Tally ------- Ratio Analysis
Display Menu –