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Measure what you see


Operating Instructions
BYK-Gardner GmbH

© Copyright 2020 BYK-Gardner GmbH

All rights reserved

300 003 099 E 2012 smart-robotic 2

BYK-Gardner GmbH Table of Contents

Table of Contents
1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................................. 7
1.1 Copyright............................................................................................................................................... 7
1.2 Prerequisites........................................................................................................................................... 8
1.3 Requirements......................................................................................................................................... 8
1.3.1 Hardware .................................................................................................................................... 8
1.3.2 Software ..................................................................................................................................... 8

2 System Description ...................................................................................................................................... 9

2.1 Overview................................................................................................................................................ 9
2.2 Mounting............................................................................................................................................... 10
2.3 Integration ............................................................................................................................................. 11

3 System Installation ...................................................................................................................................... 13

3.1 OPC Server (3rd Party)............................................................................................................................ 13
3.1.1 Common Control Signals ............................................................................................................ 13
3.1.2 Control Signals for BYK-mac i ROBOTIC ...................................................................................... 14
3.1.3 Control Signals for wave-scan ROBOTIC ...................................................................................... 14
3.1.4 Example List of OPC Signals......................................................................................................... 15
3.1.5 Description of Example List.......................................................................................................... 17
3.2 Software smart-chart ............................................................................................................................. 17
3.2.1 Download ................................................................................................................................... 18
3.2.2 Installation .................................................................................................................................. 19
3.2.3 Robotic ....................................................................................................................................... 21
3.2.4 Runtime ...................................................................................................................................... 21
3.2.5 Upgrade...................................................................................................................................... 21
3.3 Robotic Instruments ............................................................................................................................... 22
3.3.1 FTDI Driver .................................................................................................................................. 22
3.3.2 USB Bulk Driver ........................................................................................................................... 23

4 System Basics ............................................................................................................................................... 25

4.1 Startup................................................................................................................................................... 25
4.2 Shutdown .............................................................................................................................................. 26
4.3 Monitoring............................................................................................................................................. 27
4.4 Operation .............................................................................................................................................. 28

5 OPC................................................................................................................................................................ 29
5.1 OPC Signal Basics................................................................................................................................... 29
5.2 OPC Server Settings ............................................................................................................................... 30
5.3 Common Control Signals ....................................................................................................................... 32
5.4 Common Job Signals.............................................................................................................................. 32

6 Devices.......................................................................................................................................................... 35
6.1 7036 - BYK-mac i ROBOTIC.................................................................................................................... 36
6.1.1 Connection Settings .................................................................................................................... 37
6.1.2 Device Configuration................................................................................................................... 38
6.1.3 OPC Control Signals .................................................................................................................... 39
6.1.4 OPC Point Signals........................................................................................................................ 40
6.1.5 Device Calibration ....................................................................................................................... 42

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Table of Contents BYK-Gardner GmbH Data in Certificate ....................................................................................................... 42 Calibration Sequence................................................................................................... 44 Daily Check Sequence ................................................................................................. 45
6.1.6 Error Handling............................................................................................................................. 46
6.1.7 Device Test.................................................................................................................................. 47 Initialize ....................................................................................................................... 48 Measure ...................................................................................................................... 49 Read Data ................................................................................................................... 49 Calibrate on White ...................................................................................................... 50 Color check ................................................................................................................. 53 Effect check................................................................................................................. 54
6.2 4822 - wave-scan ROBOTIC ................................................................................................................... 55
6.2.1 Connection Settings .................................................................................................................... 56
6.2.2 Device Configuration................................................................................................................... 56
6.2.3 OPC Control Signals .................................................................................................................... 58
6.2.4 OPC Point Signals........................................................................................................................ 58
6.2.5 Device Test.................................................................................................................................. 59
6.2.6 Daily Check ................................................................................................................................. 61
6.2.7 Error Handling............................................................................................................................. 62
6.3 7410 - wave-scan 3 ROBOTIC ................................................................................................................ 63
6.3.1 Connection Settings - USB........................................................................................................... 64
6.3.2 Connection Settings - LAN .......................................................................................................... 65
6.3.3 Device Test.................................................................................................................................. 66

7 Output Files .................................................................................................................................................. 67

7.1 Output Directory .................................................................................................................................... 69
7.2 Output Filename .................................................................................................................................... 70
7.3 Template File.......................................................................................................................................... 71
7.4 Quality Status......................................................................................................................................... 74
7.5 Active Devices ........................................................................................................................................ 76

8 smart-chart link ............................................................................................................................................ 77

8.1 Configuration in smart-chart .................................................................................................................. 77
8.1.1 Database..................................................................................................................................... 77 Standard Database ...................................................................................................... 77 Measurement Database ............................................................................................... 78
8.1.2 Catalog ....................................................................................................................................... 79
8.1.3 Standards.................................................................................................................................... 79 Standard Family ........................................................................................................... 79 Standard ..................................................................................................................... 81
8.1.4 Organizers................................................................................................................................... 82 Model Selection........................................................................................................... 83 Standard Selection....................................................................................................... 84 Paint Lines ................................................................................................................... 85 Active Instruments ....................................................................................................... 86 Check Zones................................................................................................................ 87 Settings ..................................................................................................... 87 Test Procedure ........................................................................................... 88
8.1.5 Data Analysis............................................................................................................................... 89
8.2 Configuration in smart-robotic ............................................................................................................... 90
8.2.1 Standard Database ...................................................................................................................... 90
8.2.2 wave-scan Settings...................................................................................................................... 91 Signal Mapping ........................................................................................................... 91

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BYK-Gardner GmbH Table of Contents Job Items ................................................................................................... 93 Point Item .................................................................................................. 94 Check Zones................................................................................................................ 96 Output Database ......................................................................................................... 97
8.2.3 Color Standards .......................................................................................................................... 98
8.2.4 Paint Lines................................................................................................................................... 98
8.2.5 Quality Alarm .............................................................................................................................. 99
8.3 Testing the Configuration ...................................................................................................................... 100
8.3.1 Prepare Measurements................................................................................................................ 100
8.3.2 Perform Measurements ............................................................................................................... 102 Quality Status "None" ................................................................................................. 102 Quality Status "Red" ................................................................................................... 103 Quality Status "Yellow"............................................................................................... 104 Quality Status "Green"................................................................................................ 105
8.3.3 Check Results.............................................................................................................................. 106
8.4 Thickness Measurement ......................................................................................................................... 106
8.4.1 Prerequisites................................................................................................................................ 106
8.4.2 Input XML File ............................................................................................................................. 107
8.4.3 Configuration in smart-chart ....................................................................................................... 108 License File .................................................................................................................. 108 Color Standard ............................................................................................................ 109 Organizer Instruments ................................................................................................. 111 Organizer Settings ....................................................................................................... 111 Organizer Procedure .................................................................................................... 112
8.4.4 Configuration in smart-robotic .................................................................................................... 112 Source Folders ............................................................................................................. 112 Symbol Mapping ......................................................................................................... 113 Check Zones................................................................................................................ 115 Output Databases........................................................................................................ 115 Color Standards........................................................................................................... 116 Paint Lines ................................................................................................................... 116 Output Files ................................................................................................................. 117
8.4.5 Testing the Configuration............................................................................................................ 119
8.5 PELT Measurement................................................................................................................................. 121
8.5.1 Prerequisites................................................................................................................................ 121
8.5.2 Input XML File ............................................................................................................................. 121
8.5.3 Configuration in smart-chart ....................................................................................................... 123 License File .................................................................................................................. 123 Color Standard ............................................................................................................ 123 Organizer Instruments ................................................................................................. 124 Organizer Settings ....................................................................................................... 124 Organizer Procedure .................................................................................................... 124
8.5.4 Configuration in smart-robotic .................................................................................................... 124 Source Folders ............................................................................................................. 125 Symbol Mapping ......................................................................................................... 125 Check Zones................................................................................................................ 127 Multi-Layer Scales ........................................................................................................ 128 Output Databases........................................................................................................ 129 Color Standards........................................................................................................... 130 Paint Lines ................................................................................................................... 130 Output Files ................................................................................................................. 131
8.5.5 Testing the Configuration............................................................................................................ 134
8.5.6 Confidence Level......................................................................................................................... 136
8.5.7 Allow Missed............................................................................................................................... 137

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Table of Contents BYK-Gardner GmbH

9 Robot Simulator ...........................................................................................................................................139

9.1 Prepare Simulation ................................................................................................................................. 139
9.2 Activate Simulation ................................................................................................................................ 140
9.3 Configure Instrument............................................................................................................................. 141
9.4 Control Simulation ................................................................................................................................. 142
9.5 Monitor Simulation ................................................................................................................................ 143
9.6 Check Results......................................................................................................................................... 144

10 Run Procedure ..............................................................................................................................................145

10.1 Measurement Mode - BYK-mac ............................................................................................................. 145
10.1.1 General ....................................................................................................................................... 145
10.1.2 Sequence .................................................................................................................................... 146
10.1.3 Diagram ...................................................................................................................................... 147
10.1.4 Workflow.................................................................................................................................... 148
10.2 Calibration Mode - BYK-mac.................................................................................................................. 150
10.3 Masterpanel Mode - BYK-mac................................................................................................................ 150
10.4 Measurement Mode - wave scan............................................................................................................ 152
10.4.1 Sequence .................................................................................................................................... 152
10.4.2 Diagram ...................................................................................................................................... 153
10.4.3 Workflow.................................................................................................................................... 154

11 Appendix ......................................................................................................................................................155
11.1 Abbreviations......................................................................................................................................... 155
11.2 Error Handling........................................................................................................................................ 155
11.2.1 Error Code Transmission.............................................................................................................. 155
11.2.2 Usage of OPC Signals .................................................................................................................. 156 System-wide Error Messages........................................................................................ 156 Instrument-specific Error Messages .............................................................................. 156
11.3 Troubleshooting..................................................................................................................................... 157
11.4 XML Input File PELT................................................................................................................................ 158
11.4.1 Job Information........................................................................................................................... 158
11.4.2 Multiple Measurements............................................................................................................... 158 Measurement 1 ........................................................................................................... 158 Layer 1.......................................................................................................159 Layer 2.......................................................................................................159 Layer 3.......................................................................................................159 Layer 4.......................................................................................................159 Measurement 2 ........................................................................................................... 160 Layer 1.......................................................................................................160 Layer 2.......................................................................................................160 Layer 3.......................................................................................................161 Layer 4.......................................................................................................161

6 smart-robotic 300 003 099 E 2012

BYK-Gardner GmbH Introduction | 1

1 Introduction
Dear customer,
thank you for having decided for a BYK-Gardner product. BYK-Gardner is commit-
ted to providing you with quality products and services. We offer complete system
solutions to solve your problems in areas of color, appearance and physical proper-
ties. As the basis of our worldwide business, we strongly believe in total customer
satisfaction. Therefore, in addition to our products, we offer VALUE-ADDED ser-
• Technical Sales Force
• Technical & Application Support
• Application and Technical Seminars
• Repair & Certification Service
BYK-Gardner is part of the Altana Group and a direct subsidiary of BYK, the world-
wide leader of additives for coatings and plastics. Together we offer complete and
unique solutions for you, our customer.
Thank you for your trust and confidence. If there is anything we can do better to
serve your needs, do not hesitate to let us know.
Your BYK-Gardner Team

1.1 Copyright
Specific properties and structural characteristics of the instrument are intellectual
property of BYK-Gardner. The copyright of this manual remains with BYK-Gardner.
This document must not be reproduced fully or in party, published or used for any
other competitive purposes, no matter whether against payment or not, without
prior written authorization from BYK-Gardner.
BYK-Gardner reserves the right to update the instrument, software and written
documentation without prior notice.

© Copyright 2020 BYK-Gardner GmbH

All rights reserved

300 003 099 E 2012 smart-robotic 7

1 | Introduction BYK-Gardner GmbH

1.2 Prerequisites
In order to operate the software basic understanding of following topics is re-
• Products from BYK-Gardner:
– Instrument BYK-mac i ROBOTIC to measure effect colors
– Instrument wave-scan ROBOTIC and wave-scan 3 ROBOTIC to measure
appearance (orange peel)
– Software smart-process to monitor the measurement results
• Third-party products:
– Instruments for measuring the thickness
– OPC server for the control of the robot
– Pre-positioning system for robot moves

The software smart-process is a variant of the software smart-chart. After a trial
period of 30 days the software smart-chart has to be registered. During registra-
tion the variant smart-process has to be selected.

1.3 Requirements

1.3.1 Hardware
• Hardware: Intel Core-i3 2.5 GHz; Core-i7 recommended, or equivalent
• Memory: 8 GB RAM, 16 GB recommended
• Hard-disk capacity: 4 GB during installation
• Monitor resolution: 1920 x 1080 pixel or higher
• Interface: LAN port and free USB port

1.3.2 Software
• Operating system: Windows® 10 1607 or later
• Software smart-chart V7.1 or later
• Runtime: .NET core 3.1.0 or later

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BYK-Gardner GmbH System Description | 2

2 System Description
The software smart-robotic is the interface software for the BYK-Gardner robotic
color and appearance measurement instruments and for compatible thickness
measurement systems.
It provides all necessary modules for system configuration and monitoring for the
BYK-Gardner robotic instruments and for storing the measurement results:
1. Monitoring [} 27]: Check the logging of events such as errors, warnings,
debug events and info.
2. OPC [} 29]: Configure and test connection to the server hosting the interface
to the robot.
3. Devices [} 35]: Configure and test the physical robotic measurement instru-
4. Results Management:
– Without smart-chart: Generate Output Files [} 67] as CSV / XML.
– With smart-chart: Store results via smart-chart link [} 77] in the DB.
5. Robot Simulator [} 139]: Test the existing configuration and the physical in-
struments without the need of a robot.

2.1 Overview
The software can control following robotic measuring instruments:
• Color meter for effect colors: BYK-Gardner BYK-mac i ROBOTIC
• Appearance measurement:
– BYK-Gardner wave-scan ROBOTIC
– BYK-Gardner wave-scan 3 ROBOTIC
• Thickness measurement: Fisher or PELT

Illustration 1: Car body in robot cell with two robots

The measuring instruments mounted to a robot arm are providing measurement
raw data.

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2 | System Description BYK-Gardner GmbH

Illustration 2: Instrument wave-scan ROBOTIC on robot arm

The raw data are received and evaluated by smart-robotic and stored in CSV / XML
files or in the database of the BYK-Gardner software smart-chart for further pro-

2.2 Mounting
The measurement instruments and a pre-positioning system are mounted to a ro-
bot arm. Via the pre-positioning system the target position is reached. The robot
arm rotates to bring the required instrument into measurement position. After-
wards the measurement is started. The measurement data are transferred immedi-
ately to smart-robotic and evaluated there.

Illustration 3: BYK-Gardner instruments mounted to robot arm

1 BYK-mac i ROBOTIC: Color & Effect Measurement

2 Rotatable Adapter: 0°, 90°, 180°
3 Pre-Positioning System: Ultrasonic or Vision
4 Wave-Scan ROBOTIC: Appearance Measurement
After successful measurement the procedure is repeated for the next measurement
point / check point.

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BYK-Gardner GmbH System Description | 2

2.3 Integration
Following figure shows the basic integration principle of smart-robotic.

Illustration 4: Integration of smart-robotic with instruments and robot

The products connected with blue arrows are delivered by BYK-Gardner. The prod-
ucts connected with white arrows are delivered by third parties.

The software smart-robotic is designed to fulfill following tasks:

• Provide the interfaces to the measurement instruments mounted on the robot.
• Process and store measurement data in the smart-chart database or in CSV /
XML files.
• Communicate via Open Platform Communications (OPC) with the Program-
mable Logic Controller (PLC).

The thickness measuring instruments are not controlled by smart-robotic. The
supported instruments create XML files (in a predefined format) which can be read
by smart-robotic and processed in smart-chart. Details see Thickness Measure-
ment [} 106] and PELT Measurement [} 121].

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3 | System Installation BYK-Gardner GmbH

12 smart-robotic 300 003 099 E 2012

BYK-Gardner GmbH System Installation | 3

3 System Installation
Install and configure following components:
1. OPC Server (3rd Party) [} 13]
2. Software smart-chart [} 17]
3. Robotic Instruments [} 22]

3.1 OPC Server (3rd Party)

The OPC server is required to communicate with the PLC robot. It is a 3rd party
software and thus not in the scope of this documentation. Perform following
1. Install the OPC server
2. Configure the OPC server
Step 1 depends on the OPC server and is described in the documentation for this
product. Step 2 is smart-robotic specific and described below.

OPC Signals / Items

The OPC server communicates with the robot via “OPC signals” – sometimes also
called “OPC items”. These signals have to be configured in smart-robotic. Follow-
ing signals are mandatory:
1. Common Control Signals [} 13]
2. Control Signals for BYK-mac i ROBOTIC [} 14]
3. Control Signals for wave-scan ROBOTIC [} 14]
These signals / items must meet following requirements. For the creation of this
documentation the OPC signals have been used as described in Example List of
OPC Signals [} 15].

The suggested refresh rate for each signal on the server is 10 ms.

3.1.1 Common Control Signals

Following common OPC signals are required in smart-robotic.
Group Symbol name Symbol type Direction

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3 | System Installation BYK-Gardner GmbH

Group Symbol name Symbol type Direction

ALL_CTRL OUT_ERR_NO Integer (4 byte) SR to PLC
These items are to be created once in the OPC server. Details see Common Con-
trol Signals [} 32].

3.1.2 Control Signals for BYK-mac i ROBOTIC

In order to address the correct instrument an index is used:
• BYK-mac i ROBOTIC on robot 1: MAC1_CTRL
• BYK-mac i ROBOTIC on robot 2: MAC2_CTRL
For BYK-mac i ROBOTIC with index 1 following OPC signals have to be created.
Details see OPC Control Signals [} 39].
Group Symbol name Symbol type Direction
MAC1_CTRL OUT_CORR_Z Short (2 byte) SR to PLC
MAC1_CTRL OUT_CORR_K Short (2 byte) SR to PLC
MAC1_CTRL OUT_CORR_Q Short (2 byte) SR to PLC
MAC1_CTRL OUT_ERROR_NR Integer (4 byte) SR to PLC
For BYK-mac i ROBOTIC with index 2 the same OPC items with prefix
MAC2_CTRL have to be created.

3.1.3 Control Signals for wave-scan ROBOTIC

In order to address the correct instrument an index is used:
• wave-scan ROBOTIC on robot 1: WAVE1_CTRL
• wave-scan ROBOTIC on robot 2: WAVE2_CTRL
For wave-scan ROBOTIC with index 1 following OPC signals have to be created.
Details see OPC Control Signals [} 58].
Group Symbol name Symbol type Direction
WAVE1_CTRL OUT_SYS_ERR Short (2 byte) SR to PLC

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BYK-Gardner GmbH System Installation | 3

Group Symbol name Symbol type Direction

WAVE1_CTRL OUT_ERROR_NR Integer (4 byte) SR to PLC
For wave-scan ROBOTIC with index 2 the same OPC items with prefix
WAVE2_CTRL have to be created.

3.1.4 Example List of OPC Signals

For the creation of this documentation following instruments - and corresponding
OPC signals - have been created:
• BYK-mac i ROBOTIC [} 36] for robot #1 (USB)
• BYK-mac i ROBOTIC for robot #2 (USB)
• wave-scan ROBOTIC [} 55] for robot #1 (USB)
• wave-scan 3 ROBOTIC [} 63] for robot #2 (USB)
• wave-scan 3 ROBOTIC for robot #2 (LAN)
This results in the following list of OPC signals required. The different sections are
described more detailed below the list in Description of Example List [} 17].

ALL_CTRL.IN_ERR_ACK // Section #1

ALL_JOB.DATA_COLOR // Section #2

MAC1_CTRL.IN_ENABLE // Section #3

MAC2_CTRL.IN_ENABLE // Section #4

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3 | System Installation BYK-Gardner GmbH


WAVE1_CTRL.IN_ENABLE // Section #5

WAVE2_CTRL.IN_ENABLE // Section #6

WAVE3_CTRL.IN_ENABLE // Section #7

RESULT_CTRL.IN_ACK // Section #8

For the configuration of these signals in smart-robotic see OPC [} 29].

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BYK-Gardner GmbH System Installation | 3

1 This example list is required to describe the corresponding items in the configu-
ration of smart-robotic.
2 The signals listed above are examples only – you always HAVE to adapt the sig-
nals according to YOUR configuration(!).

3.1.5 Description of Example List

The example list of OPC signals shown above consists of the following sections.

No. Prefix Meaning

1 ALL_CTRL Common control items (mandatory); valid for all instruments, see Common Control Sig-
nals [} 32].
2 ALL_JOB Common job items (specific), valid for a specific car / body, see Common Job Signals
[} 32].
3 MAC1_xxx Items for BYK-mac i ROBOTIC with index 1 (mandatory)
MAC1_CTRL Items for instrument control
MAC1_POINT Items for measurement point / check zone
4 MAC2_xxx Items for BYK-mac i ROBOTIC with index 2 (mandatory in case of 2nd instrument)
MAC2_CTRL Items for instrument control
MAC2_POINT Items for measurement point / check zone
5 WAVE1_xxx Items for wave-scan ROBOTIC with index 1 (mandatory)
WAVE1_CTRL Items for instrument control, see OPC Control Signals [} 58].
WAVE1_POINT Items for measurement point / check zone, see OPC Point Signals
[} 58].
6 WAVE2_xxx Items for wave-scan ROBOTIC with index 2 (mandatory in case of 2nd instrument)
WAVE2_CTRL Items for instrument control
WAVE2_POINT Items for measurement point / check zone
7 WAVE3_xxx Items for wave-scan ROBOTIC with index 3 (mandatory in case of 3rd instrument)
WAVE3_CTRL Items for instrument control
WAVE3_POINT Items for measurement point / check zone
8 RESULT Measurement result items (specific), see Quality Alarm [} 99].
RESULT_CTRL Items for result control
RESULT_DATA Items for result data

Do not forget to adapt the list of OPC signals according to your required configu-

3.2 Software smart-chart

The software smart-robotic is installed along with smart-chart. It offers close in-
terworking with smart-chart.
If smart-chart is used, measurement results can be transferred automatically to
smart-chart - according to the organizers and standards in the DB.

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3 | System Installation BYK-Gardner GmbH

The software package also includes the necessary drivers for the BYK-Gardner ro-
botic instruments.

3.2.1 Download
The software package for BYK-mac i ROBOTIC and wave-scan ROBOTIC is the
same. To download the package go to following web-site:
• www.byk-instruments.com/byk-maci or
• www.byk-instruments.com/wave-scan
Via these links you can easily open and view the software package with your pre-
ferred browser application.

Illustration 5: Download-Software-Package
It is recommended to save the package on the hard drive of your PC before extrac-
tion or installation.

During beta phase an alternatively download link may be provided. In this case use
the alternative link. It will take some time until the latest software package has
been placed on our website.

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3.2.2 Installation

You need administrator privilege on the PC in order to install the software pack-

Perform following steps:

1. Save the ZIP file on your hard drive into a new folder.
2. Extract the complete ZIP archive.
3. In the extracted folder, right mouse click on the file “install.exe“.
4. In the context menu select Run as administrator.
5. Follow the setup instructions on the screen.
For smart-chart following information is relevant:
• Program files: “C:\Program Files (x86)\BykWare\smart-chart3”
• Configuration and DB: “C:\ProgramData\BYK\smart-chart 3.0”
To start the software open the file “App.SmartChart.exe”. After program start fol-
lowing sections are available:
• General
• smart-process
• smart-lab
For smart-robotic the section smart-process is relevant.

Illustration 6: Installed-Software-Package

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3 | System Installation BYK-Gardner GmbH

After download and installation the software package can be used for 30 days
free trial. Thereafter, you need to register your software package. The standard de-
livery includes two PC licenses for the selected software package.

During registration you have to decide for smart-process. Afterwards the section
smart-lab will not be available anymore.

In the section General of smart-chart the measurement database can be linked.

Illustration 7: Link to measurement database in smart-chart

The option shown above was chosen for the creation of this documentation.

For a productive smart-robotic system the option SQL Server Connections >
Link existing database is recommended, see Integration [} 11].

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3.2.3 Robotic
The software smart-robotic is installed along with smart-chart. For smart-robotic
following information is relevant:
• Program files: “C:\Program Files (x86)\BykWare\smart-robotic”
• Configuration files: “C:\ProgramData\BYK\smart-robotic”
To start the software open the file “SmartRobotic.exe”.

3.2.4 Runtime
Both smart-chart and smart-robotic are written in C# (C-Sharp). In order to run
the program the runtime .NET core is required.

Illustration 8: Installation of smart-chart - Runtimes

If this runtime is not yet available in the system, it will be installed during the in-
stallation of smart-chart.

3.2.5 Upgrade
The installer for smart-chart will uninstall an existing installation prior to the in-
stallation of a newer software version.
In case of fallback to an older version (downgrade) deinstall the older version man-
ually using the Windows functions.
In both scenarios the information stored in “C:\ProgramData\BYK\smart-chart”
and “C:\ProgramData\BYK\smart-robotic” remains unchanged.

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3.3 Robotic Instruments

The software package for smart-chart also includes the necessary drivers for the
BYK-Gardner ROBOTIC instruments. Use these drivers to create following setups:
1. FTDI Driver [} 22]
2. USB Bulk Driver [} 23]

To avoid instrument damage, only use the cables which are part of the delivery for
connecting the instruments!

3.3.1 FTDI Driver

The instruments BYK-mac i ROBOTIC and wave scan ROBOTIC are using an
RS422 interface for data communication. They are connected via a USB to serial in-
terface adapter with a Future Technology Devices International (FTDI) driver. The
driver is available in “..\smart-chart-\Tools\USBDriver”.

Illustration 9: FTDI driver in smart-chart software package

Perform following steps:
1. Extract the folder with the driver.
2. Run the file “CDM21228_Setup.exe”.
3. Connect instrument via appropriate cable to your PC. Wiring details see instru-
ment documentation.
4. The driver creates a new USB Serial Port (COMx).
5. Check the installation in the Windows device manager.

Illustration 10: COM port from FTDI driver in Windows device manager

This COM port will be used later on in smart-robotic.

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Illustration 11: Sample test setup for wave-scan ROBOTIC

Power supply and data interface are provided to the instrument via the 9-pole
RS422 plug. The data interface is provided via USB to serial adapter. This interface
can also be provided through a PC interface card with physical serial ports.

3.3.2 USB Bulk Driver

The instrument wave scan 3 ROBOTIC is using an Ethernet interface for data
communication. For system integration and test an additional USB3 port is pro-
vided. The driver is available in “..\smart-chart-\Tools\USBBulkDriver

Illustration 12: USB driver in smart-chart software package

Perform following steps:
1. Extract the folder with the driver.
2. Install the device driver “USBBulkx64.inf” / “USBBulkx64.sys”.
3. Connect instrument via USB3 cable to your PC.
4. The driver will be installed in the Windows system.
5. Check the installation in the Windows device manager.

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3 | System Installation BYK-Gardner GmbH

Illustration 13: USB device for wave-scan 3 ROBOTIC in Windows device manager

The new USB device will be detected later on in smart-robotic. A possible test
setup may look like following example.

Illustration 14: Sample test setup for wave-scan 3 ROBOTIC

Power is provided to the instrument via the black 8-pole plug. The data interface
for test is provided via USB. The green 4-pole plug is the Ethernet interface. It will
be used in the production system. The cables are part of the instrument delivery.

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BYK-Gardner GmbH System Basics | 4

4 System Basics
It is recommended to perform all steps in a test environment in a first phase and to
bring the final configuration to the productive system in a second phase.

4.1 Startup
To startup the system perform following steps:
1. Start the OPC server.
2. Connect power supply to the instruments.
3. Connect the data cable to the instruments.
4. Start smart-robotic.

Illustration 15: Initial monitoring screen in smart-robotic

The complete configuration of the system - including connection testing and in-
strument testing - takes place in smart-robotic; no other software is needed.

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4.2 Shutdown
The shutdown procedure is the startup procedure in reverse order. Perform follow-
ing steps:
1. Close smart-robotic with Alt + F4 or with the X symbol in the upper right
2. Disconnect the data cables from the instruments, if required.
3. Disconnect the power supply from the instruments, if required.
4. Close the OPC server.
The configuration done in smart-robotic is stored in an XML file. The file is placed
in the folder “C:\ProgramData\BYK\Robotic”. The name of the file is “Configura-
Every day a new file is created. It is read when smart-robotic is started and writ-
ten when smart-robotic is closed. Backup these files in regular intervals.

Illustration 16: Shutdown smart-robotic – confirmation message

In the upper left corner the button Save Configuration is available. It is recom-
mended to click this button after important changes. This writes all configuration
data immediately into the XML file – without the need of closing the application.
The button is inactive if no changes took place after last save.

If you have unsaved changes in the configuration, a confirmation message is dis-
played. You can close and save, close without saving or abort the program shut-

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4.3 Monitoring
On the Monitoring tab all important system messages are displayed. This tab is
used to check the logging of events such as errors, warnings, debug events and
The log files are placed in the folder “C:\ProgramData\BYK\smart-robotic\Logs”.
Every day a separate file is written. Backup these files in regular intervals.

Illustration 17: Monitoring screen in smart-robotic

Following colors are used:
• White: Debug / Information
• Red: Error / Exception
• Yellow: Warning
The entries can be sorted by clicking into the corresponding tab. A 2nd click inverts
the sorting.

For more details on the error messages see Error Handling [} 46].

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4.4 Operation
When all configuration and testing has finished in the test system the final config-
uration can be delivered to the productive system. Perform following steps:
1. Setup the productive system.
2. Copy the XML configuration file for smart-robotic.
3. Place it in the program folder for the productive system.
4. Start smart-robotic it in the productive system.
5. Make all necessary adaptations and save.
6. Restart smart-robotic.
The application is now listening to OPC signals coming from the OPC server. When
the signals arrive, the measurements are started according to the operation modes
described in Run Procedure [} 145].

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On the tab OPC the connection to the OPC server and the communication be-
tween OPC server and smart-robotic is configured.
This communication is based on “OPC signals”. In general an OPC signal is defined
by its type and by its content / data. Different types of signals are supported.
Following information is provided:
1. OPC Signal Basics [} 29]
2. OPC Server Settings [} 30]
3. Common Control Signals [} 32]
4. Common Job Signals [} 32]

5.1 OPC Signal Basics

The communication between smart-robotic and OPC server is based on OPC sig-
nals. The OPC signals carry data e.g. to initialize the measurement instruments and
hand over information about the measurement object from the PLC to smart-ro-

Signal Types
In smart-robotic different types of OPC signals are used for communication:
• Control Signals
• Job Data
• Point Data

Control Signals
Control data is needed for the operation of the measuring head. They represent a
so called handshake to the PLC. Here information is handed over such as start
measurement, measurement finished or errors. Control data is handed over for a
complete measuring instrument group and separately for each BYK-mac i RO-
BOTIC or wave-scan ROBOTIC.
Example: IN_JOB_START = Start a new measurement series on a car body.

Job Data
General data for a job. A job is e.g. a vehicle or a component and can consist of
many measuring points. These data are valid for all measuring instruments used in
a group.
Example: TYPE = Denotes the model of the measured car body, e.g. “SUV”.

Point Data
General data for a measuring point, for example measuring point coordinates or
point numbers. These data are handed over separately for each measuring instru-
Example: PART = Denotes the measured part on the car body, e.g. “Roof”.

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OPC Naming Conventions

All signals must have one of the following group names be placed in front - ac-
cording to their function:
• ALL_CTRL: Contains general control data, job start, error handshake etc. for a
• ALL_JOB: Contains all job data for a group.
• MAC1_CTRL: Addresses a BYK-mac i ROBOTIC with index 1.
• MAC1_POINT: Contains check point data for a BYK-mac i ROBOTIC with in-
dex 1.
• WAVE1_CTRL: Addresses a wave-scan ROBOTIC with index 1.
• WAVE1_POINT: Contains check point data for a wave-scan ROBOTIC with in-
dex 1.
For all signals a prefix must be defined and preset in the OPC server configuration
as well as in the OPC settings of smart-robotic, see also OPC Signals.

5.2 OPC Server Settings

Click on the tab OPC Server Settings.

Illustration 18: OPC server settings

Perform following steps:
1. Host: Enter hostname or IP address of the machine where the OPC server is in-
stalled. In the example shown above the OPC server is installed on the same
machine as smart-robotic.
2. Server: Enter the name / ID of the OPC server. This ID is manufacturer depen-
dent and must be taken from the documentation of the OPC server. Alterna-
tively click the Browse button to select the OPC server. All servers available on
the target machine are displayed. In the sample shown below one server was
found - supporting the protocols Data Access V1 and V2.

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Illustration 19: OPC server list on target machine

3. Prefix / Group: Enter a unique name under which all smart-robotic signals
are summarized in the OPC signal definition, see Example List of OPC Signals
[} 15]. This comprises control signals, job signals and a group item for each in-
dividual instrument. This unique group item ensures that the correct instru-
ment is addressed always (and this one only).

Illustration 20: OPC items with hierarchical structure / grouping

4. Flat Signal Definition: Activate this option if the Prefix / Group does not
have a hierarchy (not recommended). In the OPC signal definition hierarchies /
subgroups are formed by e.g. points as with MAC1_CTRL.IN_ENABLE. If the
OPC server does not offer any hierarchies the checkbox must be activated,
then MAC1_CTRL_IN_ENABLE is a single signal and not a signal of the group

Illustration 21: OPC items with flat structure / no grouping

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5. Legacy BYKlink Error Handling: Check this option to activate the global er-
ror handling. Uncheck this option to activate instrument-specific error han-
dling. For more details see Error Handling [} 155] in the appendix.

1 In earlier versions of smart-robotic the “OPC signals” were referenced as “OPC
2 The list of signals must match on OPC server and in smart-robotic.
3 “BYKlink” was the predecessor of the software smart-robotic.

5.3 Common Control Signals

The Common OPC Control Signals (ALL_CTRL) define high level commands
which can be executed by the PLC.

Illustration 22: Common OPC control signal in status Connected

Perform following steps:
1. Click the tab Common OPC Control Signals.
2. Check if the connection status is Connected.
3. If status is Not found, check / edit the signals in the OPC server and restart
The common OPC control signals are well known in smart-robotic. Thus they
have a fix implementation here – there is no need to manage these items (add /
modify / delete).

5.4 Common Job Signals

By using these types of parameters the data can be accordingly filtered and ana-
lyzed. This is not mandatory and may be skipped (not recommended).
The Common Job Signals (ALL_JOB) define the necessary information to store
the measurement results for the corresponding object in the smart-chart data-
• Model
• Color

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• Paintline
• Comment
• Vehicle ID
Perform following steps:
1. Click the tab Common Job Signals.
2. Add a new entry by clicking on the button Add.
3. Modify an existing entry by clicking on the button Edit.
4. Delete an existing entry (without confirmation) by clicking on the button Re-
5. Check if the connection status for all signals is Connected.
6. If status is Not found, check / edit the signals in the OPC server and restart

Illustration 23: Common job signals – initial state

When adding or editing a signal, a dialogue box opens.

Illustration 24: Common job signals – adding a new entry

A job item has following parameters:
1. Name: Corresponds to the OPC item on that occasion, it must be defined pre-
cisely as in the OPC server configuration, e.g. DATA_MODEL.

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2. Alias: A free value. Under this name the parameter can be used for outputting
the measurement result files and for naming the files.
3. Type: Defines the parameter type used.
– Boolean
– Double
– Float
– Integer
– String

For Name and Alias the value can be entered manually or via copy / paste func-

The results can look like the following.

Illustration 25: Common job signals – all entries created and connected

With this step the OPC configuration in smart-robotic is finished.

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4 System Basics
It is recommended to perform all steps in a test environment in a first phase and to
bring the final configuration to the productive system in a second phase.

4.1 Startup
To startup the system perform following steps:
1. Start the OPC server.
2. Connect power supply to the instruments.
3. Connect the data cable to the instruments.
4. Start smart-robotic.

Illustration 15: Initial monitoring screen in smart-robotic

The complete configuration of the system - including connection testing and in-
strument testing - takes place in smart-robotic; no other software is needed.

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6.1 7036 - BYK-mac i ROBOTIC

The BYK-mac i ROBOTIC (catalog number 7036) is the BYK-Gardner colorimeter
for effect colors.

Illustration 27: BYK-mac-i ROBOTIC

For product details see: https://www.byk-instruments.com/p/7036.
The product operation is described in:
• Operating Instructions: 300 000 877 - 1309
The configuration comprises following steps:
1. Connection Settings [} 37]
2. Device Configuration [} 38]
3. OPC Control Signals [} 39]
4. OPC Point Signals [} 40]
5. Device Calibration [} 42]
6. Error Handling [} 46]
7. Device Test [} 47]
These steps are described below.

If necessary, restart smart-robotic in order to take changes made to the configura-
tion into effect.

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6.1.1 Connection Settings

The BYK-mac i ROBOTIC communicates via RS422 with smart-robotic, see FTDI
Driver [} 22]. It requires a COM port.

Illustration 28: BYK-mac i ROBOTIC – Connection details

Perform following steps:
1. Choose the correct COM port to establish a connection to the device.
2. Use the button Check connection to verify the connection.
You can select only free COM ports here. If you try a COM port which is already in
use, you get a system message.

Illustration 29: BYK-mac i ROBOTIC – COM port selection

In this case you have following options:
• Choose another COM port.
• Unassign the COM port from the other device.
You can unassign a COM port by selecting a different COM port or by deleting the

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6.1.2 Device Configuration

This Configuration tab manages the measurement data captured by the respective

Illustration 30: BYK-mac i ROBOTIC – Configuration details

You have following options:
• Temperature control: Sends an alarm if the measurement surface temperature
is out of the given limits.
– Temperature Alarm Minimum: Send alarm, if temperature is below this
– Temperature Alarm Maximum: Send alarm, if temperature is above this
• Illumination/Observer: Defines the measurement conditions. Default is D65
(Daylight) and 10° for the observer.
• Maximum number of position adjustments: Sets a limit to the number of posi-
tion corrections the BYK-mac i ROBOTIC can reach before skipping a check
zone. Range is 5..15. Recommended is a maximum of 10.
• Color Data / Effect Data / Color Spectrum: If activated, the BYK-mac i ROBOTIC
performs all these measurements sequentially.

These configurations options are known from smart-chart. For the hand-held in-
struments, these configurations are covered by the smart-chart items Standard and
Organizer Management.

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6.1.3 OPC Control Signals

Control data are compellingly necessary for the operation of the measuring head,
the symbolic names are fix defined in smart-robotic.
The control data are to be found in the OPC group of MACx_CTRL, the x stands
for the index of the current BYK-mac i ROBOTIC.

Illustration 31: BYK-mac i ROBOTIC – OPC control signals

Perform following steps:
1. Click the OPC control signals tab.
2. Check if the connection status is Connected, see also Control Signals for
BYK-mac i ROBOTIC [} 14].
3. If status is Not found, check / edit the signals in the OPC server and restart
The OPC control signals have following meaning.
Symbol / Signal Description
IN_ENABLE The BYK-mac i ROBOTIC is chosen.
IN_POINT_POS The measuring point hit.
IN_CURVATURE Surface curvature at the measuring point.
IN_SYS_ERR_ACK System error acknowledged.
OUT_SYS_ERR System error, measurement series aborted.
OUT_CAL_OK At present not used, must be existing, however.
OUT_CORR_VAL Correction values valid.
OUT_POINT_READY Point finished, off to the next one.
OUT_POINT_RESULT Measurement at the point was successful
OUT_CORR_Z Correction value distance (1/1000mm).
OUT_CORR_K Correction value tilt angle K (1/1000°).
OUT_CORR_Q Correction value tilt angle Q (1/1000°).
OUT_ERROR_NO The number / ID of a system error.
OUT_ERROR_STROBE The details for the system error.
These OPC control signals are predefined by smart-robotic.

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6.1.4 OPC Point Signals

Point data give information to a measuring point. If they are defined, this informa-
tion is stored internally with the results of measurement of this point and are avail-
able by the symbolic names for outpassing with the measuring data. The list of
symbols can be defined at will.

Illustration 32: BYK-mac i ROBOTIC – Add OPC point items

In the OPC server configuration these signals must be compellingly contained then.
The point data are to be found in the OPC group of MACx_POINT. The x stands
for the current number of the BYK-mac i ROBOTIC in the plant.
Perform following steps:
1. Click the OPC control items tab.
2. Check if the connection status is Connected, see also Example List of OPC
Signals [} 15].
3. If status is Not found, check / edit the items in the OPC server and restart
In the example shown above following OPC signals have been created:
• MAC1_POINT.IN_POINTNR: The PLC / robot programmer can send (increasing)
number > smart-robotic can map it to the correct check zone in smart-chart.
• MAC1_POINT.IN_CHECKZONE: The PLC / robot programmer can also send the
correct check zone name > in this case no additional mapping is necessary.

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An example list of defined signals may look like the following.

OPC item Alias Type Description
PART Part String Part number
POINT Point String Measuring point number
ROBOTX robot_x Integer X-coordinate of measuring point
ROBOTY robot_y Integer Y-coordinate of measuring point
It is also possible to copy existing OPC point items from another device (if already
created in that device). Click the Copy from others button.

Illustration 33: BYK-mac i ROBOTIC – Copy OPC point signals

The dialog box Selected instruments opens. It lists all devices created in the system.
The copy from function works as a pure adding – if the selected instrument has no
items created, no item will be added (and no item will be deleted).

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6.1.5 Device Calibration

On this screen the calibration and check details can be configured.

Illustration 34: BYK-mac i ROBOTIC – Calibration

The check and calibration details comprises following items:
1. Data in Certificate [} 42]
2. Calibration Sequence [} 44]
3. Daily Check Sequence [} 45]
Make sure that the configured sequence is also programmed in the robot se-
quence. Data in Certificate

The BYK-mac i ROBOTIC comes with three different standard tiles:
1. White: Calibration tile
2. Green: Color check tile
3. Silver: Effect check tile
These tiles and their measurement values are instrument specific and can vary from
instrument to instrument. Therefore, the values and tolerances of color check tile
and effect tile must be filled in. The color and effect standard values and toler-
ances are documented in the certification letter which is delivered with the instru-
ment. The serial number of the device is important here.

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Illustration 35: BYK-mac i ROBOTIC – Certificate / header

The standard values to be entered in smart-robotic can be found in the lower part
of the certificate.


2 4

Illustration 36: BYK-mac i ROBOTIC – Certificate / standards

1 Color standard values 3 Permissible tolerances

2 Effect standard limits 4 Graininess
Click the button Save configuration to write the new configuration data immedi-
ately into the XML file.

1 Checks are recommended daily.
2 Calibration is recommended monthly.
3 New certificate is recommended yearly.

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The calibration performs following steps – details see Device Test [} 47]:
1. On white calibration tile:
– Pin calibration
– White calibration
– Effect calibration
– Measurement
2. On green color check tile:
– Color check
3. On silver effect check tile:
– Effect check
The sequence of the process for calibration can be set:
1. Calibration always takes place first and can not be swapped.
2. The test of color and effect can be swapped. Click on the green double arrow
to the right of the tests.
The standards are mounted to the wall in the robot cell. For calibration and test,
the robot first runs over the white standard, then over the green and finally over
the silver standard.

3 2 1

Illustration 37: BYK-mac i ROBOTIC – Calibration sequence

1 White: BYK-mac i ROBOTIC - calibration tile

2 Green: BYK-mac i ROBOTIC - color check tile
3 Silver: BYK-mac i ROBOTIC - effect check tile
4 Black: wave-scan ROBOTIC – check tile (see Daily Check [} 61])
All standards provide an orientation:
1. One pin is located in the middle.
2. One pin is located outside the middle.
These pins can be used to fit the instrument precisely to the standard. Make sure
to mount the standards with correct orientation to the wall.

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Illustration 38: BYK-mac i ROBOTIC – Effect check standard

1 Pin is located in the middle.

2 Pin is located outside the middle.
3 Rubber buffers are damping movements.
During calibration, the measured values are compared with the standards belong-
ing to that specific instrument.

1 It is recommended to mount the tiles vertically. This avoids collection of dust on
the tiles, which could falsify the calibration and test process.
2 Make sure the four rubber buffers on the feet of each standard are in place and
in good condition. Order spare parts if necessary. Daily Check Sequence

This sequence is linked to the calibration sequence. The daily check performs fol-
lowing steps:
1. On white calibration tile:
– Pin calibration
– Measurement
2. On green color check tile:
– Color check
3. On silver effect check tile:
– Effect check
The color and effect check only checks the values of the measurment. There is no
change in the device. It is up to the PCL programmer how often the “daily check”
should take place.

For more details on calibration and check see Device Test [} 47].

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6.1.6 Error Handling

On the Error Handling tab possible error messages for the BYK-mac i ROBOTIC are

Illustration 39: BYK-mac i ROBOTIC – Error handling

Two types of error are possible:
• Red: System error
• Grey: No system error
In case of a system error the measurement will be aborted. Click the option System
Error to the right of an entry to mark this entry accordingly. For more details see
Error Handling [} 155] in the appendix.

1 Some entries are always system errors and can not be deactivated.
2 Some entries are never system errors and can not be activated.

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6.1.7 Device Test

The Device Test offers functions for measurement, check and calibration of the in-
strument. Additionally, the position adjustment using the instrument pins can be

Illustration 40: BYK-mac i ROBOTIC - Device-test initial state

To test the device perform following steps:
1. Initialize
2. Measure
3. Read data
4. Calibrate on white
5. Check color
6. Check effect
These steps are described below.

Make sure the standard values given in the certificate for your instrument have
been stored in smart-robotic, see Data in Certificate [} 42]. Otherwise the device
test will not finish successfully.

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To initialize the device test perform following steps:
1. Make sure the instrument is connected – see Connection Settings [} 37].
2. Remove the dust protection from one of the standards.
3. Remove protective cap from the instrument.
4. Place the instrument on the standard.
5. Click the button Initialize.
This function prepares the instrument for measuring and calibration / testing.

Illustration 41: BYK-mac-Device-Test-Initialize
The systems responses with Preparing OK.

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Click the button Measure to take a measurement.

Illustration 42: BYK-mac-Device-Test-Measure
The measured data is stored in the instrument memory. Read Data

Click the button Read data. This reads the measured data in the instrument mem-
ory and displays it.

Illustration 43: BYK-mac-Device-Test-Reading
Scroll up and down to see all data.

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6 | Devices BYK-Gardner GmbH Calibrate on White

To calibrate in a test environment without robot, place the white calibration stan-
dard on a table.

Illustration 44: BYK-mac - Device and calibration tile

The instrument has four positioning pins on the bottom. It measures only, if all for
pins are pressed. This way the correct position of the instrument can be detected.

1 2

3 4

Illustration 45: BYK-mac-Calibration-Pins
Place the instrument on the white calibration standard.

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Illustration 46: BYK-mac-Device on calibration tile

To calibrate the instrument perform following steps:
1. Press the instrument with both hands down – ca. 4 mm – until you hear the 1st
“Click” from the four positioning pins.
2. Press the instrument with both hands further down until you hear the 2nd
“Click” from the four positioning pins.
3. Hold the instrument in this position and click the button calibrate on white.
4. A message is displayed stating this procedure.
5. Click on OK to start the process.
6. Wait ca. 25 seconds for the end.
The procedure needs some exercise. Help from a 2nd person is recommended in or-
der to click the button in the correct state.

Illustration 47: BYK-mac-Device-Test-Calibrate-Message
If the positioning was not performed correctly, the message “Robotic calibration
switch not pressed” will be displayed. Repeat the procedure.

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Illustration 48: BYK-mac-Device-Test-Calibrate-Failed
If the positioning was performed correctly the instrument performs following steps
– see Data in Certificate [} 42]:
1. Pin calibration
2. White calibration
3. Camera / effect calibration
4. Measurement
The progress is displayed in the screen.

Illustration 49: BYK-mac-Device-Test-Calibrate-OK

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For the calibration process following rules apply:

• Calibration is required, if the measurement results are not in the range of the
• If calibration fails, try cleaning the standards, details see instrument documen-
• If cleaning does not help, send instrument to BYK-Gardener service team.
• The service team will re-calibrate the instrument and provide new certificate.

The re-calibration and the issue of a new certificate is recommended once a year. Color check

This function checks if the instruments color readings are within the specified tol-
erances. The target values and tolerances can be set in the Device Calibration
[} 42] tab.
Perform following steps:
1. Please place the instrument on the green color check tile.
2. Click the button Color check to perform the color check.

Illustration 50: BYK-mac-Device-Test-Color
The results of the color check - in the L*a*b* color system - are shown on the

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6 | Devices BYK-Gardner GmbH Effect check

This function checks if the instruments effect readings are within the specified tol-
erances. The target values and tolerances can be set in the Device Calibration
[} 42] tab.
Perform following steps:
1. Please place the instrument on the silver effect check tile.
2. Click the button Effect check to perform the effect check.

Illustration 51: BYK-mac-Device-Test-Effect
The results of the effect check - amount of sparkle under different angles - are
shown on the screen.

Information, warnings and errors will be logged in the log file and displayed in the
Monitoring [} 27] screen.

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6.2 4822 - wave-scan ROBOTIC

The wave-scan ROBOTIC (catalog number 4822) is the BYK-Gardner instrument for
appearance measurement.

Illustration 52: BYK-Gardner wave-scan ROBOTIC

For product details see: https://www.byk-instruments.com/p/4822.
The product operation is described in:
• Operating Instructions: 266 018 740 - 0606
The configuration comprises following steps:
1. Connection Settings [} 56]
2. Device Configuration [} 56]
3. OPC Control Signals [} 58]
4. OPC Point Signals [} 58]
5. Device Test [} 59]
6. Daily Check [} 61]
7. Error Handling [} 62]
These steps are described below.

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8.1.4 Organizers
The module Organizer is used to configure the check points / zones to be mea-
sured. The organizer management comprises following steps:
• Model [} 83]
• Standards [} 84]
• Paint line [} 85]
• Instruments [} 86]
• Check zones [} 87]

Illustration 81: List of organizers in smart-chart

For this example the following organizers were created:
• “Robot-Cell-Compact”
• “Robot-Cell-Pickup”
• “Robot-Cell-Sedan”
• “Robot-Cell-Station”
These organizers will be used by smart-robotic to identify the parameters 1..5
listed above. In the color standards the corresponding tolerance values will be

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• Auto Correction: Defects on the sample surface, such as scratches or craters,

can cause major errors in measurement values. When Auto correction is acti-
vated, the affected scan areas are cut out and the measurement values are cal-
culated from the corrected data.
• Plausibility Check: An option for comparing the corrected and uncorrected
measurement value. The greater the difference between the corrected and un-
corrected data, the more critical is the surface defect. If the difference is
greater than 20 %, the measurement will be evaluated as a faulty measure-
• Scan Length / Speed: Defines the length of the scan trajectory and the required
speed of the instrument. The robot must be programmed to move according
the definitions.

It is recommended to program the robot with an offset scan length for the acceler-
ation ramp.

• Available Scales: The measurement results can be calculated according the var-
ious scales available. All these scales are customer-specific.
• Basic Scales (Always included): The calculation according to these scales takes
place always.
• Selected Scales (User defined): Select required scales by clicking the arrow but-
ton in the Available Scales list. They appear under Selected Scales and can be
removed from here using the X button.

With the hand-held instruments, these configurations are covered by the smart-
chart Standard and Organizer Management or via the measurement parameters in
the device configuration.

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6.2.3 OPC Control Signals

Control data are compellingly necessary for the operation of the measuring head,
the symbolic names are fix defined in smart-robotic.
The control data are to be found in the OPC group of WAVEx_CTRL, The x stands
for the index of the current wave-scan ROBOTIC.

Illustration 55: BYK-Gardner wave-scan ROBOTIC – Control signals

Perform following steps:
1. Click the OPC control signals tab.
2. Check if the connection status is Connected, see also Control Signals for
wave-scan ROBOTIC [} 14].
3. If status is Not found, check / edit the signals in the OPC server and restart
These OPC control signals are predefined by smart-robotic. For a description see
OPC Control Signals [} 39] for the BYK-mac i ROBOTIC.

6.2.4 OPC Point Signals

Details see OPC Point Signals [} 40] for the BYK-mac i ROBOTIC.

Illustration 56: BYK-Gardner wave-scan ROBOTIC – OPC Point Signals

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6.2.5 Device Test

The tab Device Test offers functions for checking the instrument and performing
test measurements.
In difference to the BYK-mac i ROBOTIC the wave-scan ROBOTIC performs a non-
contact measurement.
A possible test setup is shown below.


Illustration 57: BYK-Gardner wave-scan ROBOTIC – Test setup (example)

1 Sample to be used for device test

2 Measurement distance of ~ 15 mm
3 Instrument wave-scan ROBOTIC
Perform following steps:
1. Initialize
2. Measure
3. Get status
4. Read data
5. Delete data to perform new test
These results are shown in the following example.

Illustration 58: BYK-Gardner wave-scan ROBOTIC – Device test (static)

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In the test setup shown above the probe is fix installed. Thus only the dullness can
be measured – all other values are zero. In order to get all data included wave-
length details you have two options:
• Slowly move the sample or
• slowly move the instrument.

Illustration 59: BYK-Gardner wave-scan ROBOTIC – Device test (moved)

Now all other values can also be measured.

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The example file shown above contains meta data including time stamp, car
model, color and check points / zones as well as measurement data of the wave-
scan ROBOTIC. In order to process this data with the corresponding organizer and
standard in smart-chart, the data must be mapped.

Illustration 92: Signal mapping for wave-scan in smart-robotic

The mapping is to be done for the two types of OPC signals:
• Job Items [} 93]
• Point Item [} 94]

Below the example device wave-scan ROBOTIC is shown. The configuration for
the BYK-mac i ROBOTIC is analogue.

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6.2.7 Error Handling

The error handling for the wave-scan ROBOTIC is similar to the BYK-mac i RO-

Illustration 62: BYK-Gardner wave-scan ROBOTIC – Error handling

For more details see Error Handling [} 46] for the BYK-mac i ROBOTIC.

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6.3 7410 - wave-scan 3 ROBOTIC

The wave-scan 3 ROBOTIC (catalog number 7410) is the successor of the 4822 -
wave-scan ROBOTIC [} 55].

Illustration 63: BYK-Gardner wave-scan 3 ROBOTIC

For product details see: https://www.byk-instruments.com/p/7410.
The product operation is described in:
• Operating Instructions: 301 200 141 - 2009
The configuration comprises following steps:
1. Connection Settings - USB [} 64]
2. Connection Settings - LAN [} 65]
3. Device Configuration
4. OPC Control Items
5. OPC Point Items
6. Device Test [} 66]
7. Daily Check
8. Error Handling
Steps 1, 2 and 6 are described below. All other steps are similar to 4822 - wave-
scan ROBOTIC [} 55].

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6.3.1 Connection Settings - USB

The wave-scan 3 ROBOTIC communicates via USB with smart-robotic during setup,
see USB Bulk Driver [} 23]. It requires a free USB port.

Illustration 64: BYK-Gardner wave-scan 3 ROBOTIC – Connection details USB

Perform following steps:
1. Click the option Work with USB.
2. Choose the correct USB identifier to establish a connection to the device.
3. Use the button Check connection to verify the connection.
Proceed if status is Connected.

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6.3.2 Connection Settings - LAN

The wave-scan 3 ROBOTIC communicates via Ethernet / LAN with smart-robotic
during operation. In this connection mode it requires an IP address.

Illustration 65: BYK-Gardner wave-scan 3 ROBOTIC – Connection details LAN

Perform following steps:
1. Enter the IP address foreseen for the connection to the device.
2. Connect the instrument via USB cable to your PC.
3. Activate the option Work with USB.
Now you have following options for the IP Address:
• Get from device: Click this button to receive IP data from device.
• Send to device: Click this button, if the device has no IP data yet.
Perform following steps:
1. Deactivate the option Work with USB.
2. Disconnect the USB cable from instrument and / or PC.
3. Use the button Check connection to verify the IP connection.
Proceed if status is Connected.

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6.3.3 Device Test

The functions available in the tab Device Test are different, see Device Test [} 59]
for the wave-scan ROBOTIC.

Illustration 66: BYK-Gardner wave-scan ROBOTIC 3- Device test

Perform following steps:
1. Initialize: Load device driver.
2. Measure: Get measurement data.
3. De-Initialize: Unload device driver.

The wave-scan 3 ROBOTIC is much more powerful than its predecessor wave-scan
ROBOTIC. The new device has a modern processor and sufficient memory to calcu-
late ALL scales immediately. Thus the configuration of the scales can be omitted
here – all this data will be available always.

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7 Output Files
In the Output files tab, additional user-defined output files can be defined for fol-
lowing instruments:
• BYK-Gardner BYK-mac i ROBOTIC
• BYK-Gardner wave-scan ROBOTIC
• Compatible thickness measurement instruments
This is optional and does not influence the measurement data stored in the smart-
chart database.

Illustration 67: Output-Files-Main-Window
In order to create such an additional output file, select an instrument and click the
button Add Storage to add a new output file for configuration.

Illustration 68: Output-Files-Add-Menu
Depending on the instrument, different options appear in the context menu to
generate different output files:
• Normal measurement
• Calibration
• Daily check

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• Measure on master panel

After selection the output file can be defined on the right side.

Illustration 69: Output-Files-Add-Details
Complete configurations get a green icon; incomplete a red icon. To complete en-
ter following details:
1. Output Directory [} 69]
2. Output Filename [} 70]
3. Template File [} 71]
4. Quality Status [} 74]
5. Active Devices [} 76]
These tasks are described below.

1 If multiple output files have been defined, multiple output files will be gener-
2 In the example shown above three configurations exist for “Measurement”.
3 So for each measurement job these three files will be generated.

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7.1 Output Directory

In the Directory tab the path can be defined, under which the output files are
stored. Use the Browse button to navigate to the desired directory.

Illustration 70: Output-Files-Directory-Set
In the example shown above following directories will be used:
• C:\ProgramData\BYK\Robotic\TemplateFiles
Following sub-directories will also be created in the given location:
• ..\TemplateFiles\BykMacJob
• ..\TemplateFiles\WavescanJob

The application allows copy and paste for most input options. This way you can ex-
change existing information between different configurations or external editors.

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7.2 Output Filename

The Filename defines a template to dynamically create the name of the file for
each measurement.

Illustration 71: Output-Files-Filename-Set
The button Define opens an editor to configure the file name using predefined
items of measurement metadata - e.g. timestamp, color or vehicle ID – and free
text – e.g. separators and file extension.

1 After adding all required fields use Drag & Drop to bring a field into correct posi-
2 Do not forget to append the file name with an appropriate file type like “.csv”
or “.xml”.
3 The extension is to be entered in the Definition designer – not in the Output file

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7.3 Template File

The Template defines the actual content of the output file:
• If no template is existent, a new template must be created.
• The button Create new opens the Template editor for a new template.
• The button Edit selected opens the template editor for a blank template.

Illustration 72: Output-Files-Template-Editor
Perform following steps:
1. Choose a File Name for the template.
2. Add the Predefined Items in the Header box.
3. Add the Predefined Items in the Measurement Data box.
4. Add appropriate text in the Footer box.
Following rules apply:
• The section Header will appear once at the top.
• The section Measurement data will appear for every check zone.
• The section Footer will appear once at the end of the file.
Write free text to structure the data with XML tags or CSV column names.

Follow conventions such as “;” separator for CSV files for structuring text and pre-
defined items.

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In the example shown above following template file is created.


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<points count="$MEAS_COUNT§">

Measurement data

    <serialnr>$Serial number§</serialnr>
    <catalognr>$Catalogue nr.§</catalognr>
    <scale Id="01 LW" value="$LW§" />
    <scale Id="02 SW" value="$SW§" />
    <scale Id="19 We" value="$We§" />
    <scale Id="20 Wd" value="$Wd§" />
    <scale Id="21 Wc" value="$Wc§" />
    <scale Id="22 Wb" value="$Wb§" />
    <scale Id="23 Wa" value="$Wa§" />
    <scale Id="24 Du" value="$du§" />


</points count>

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With the example template shown above the following output XML file will be
created after a measurement.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <comment>Created with simulator.</comment>
<points count="1">
    <zone>rear bumper</zone>
    <scale Id="01 LW" value="0" />
    <scale Id="02 SW" value="0" />
    <scale Id="19 We" value="0" />
    <scale Id="20 Wd" value="0" />
    <scale Id="21 Wc" value="0" />
    <scale Id="22 Wb" value="0" />
    <scale Id="23 Wa" value="0" />
    <scale Id="24 Du" value="12,1" />
</points count>

The template files will be stored with extension “.btmp” in the sub-folders for the
BYK-mac and the wave-scan.

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7.4 Quality Status

The software can handle the quality status. This status denotes if measured values
are within tolerances. For this the function smart-chart link [} 77] is required –
the tolerances are part of the standards stored in smart-chart. The quality status
can have following values:
• Green: Measured values within tolerances.
• Yellow: Measured values in warning area.
• Red: Measured values out of tolerances.
The Texts for Quality Status can be modified in the text fields right to the
green / yellow / red rectangle.

Illustration 73: Output-Files-Quality-Status
If you want to use traffic light status for pass / fail indication you can enter for ex-
• Within tolerances: Green
• In warning area: Yellow
• Out of tolerances: Red
If you want to use just OK / NOK for pass / fail indication only can enter for exam-
• Within tolerances: OK
• In warning area: OK or NOK (depending on your requirements)
• Out of tolerances: NOK
The defined text will appear in the Filename if the QUALITY item is inserted.

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Illustration 74: Output-Files-Quality-Field
With the example configuration shown above the following file will be created.


Th status will also appear in the content of the output file if it is part of the tem-
plate, see example template file above.



These entries have the following meaning:

• $QUALITY§: The quality status for the complete job / car body.
• $STATUS§: The quality status for one single measurement point / check zone.
In the example output file shown above following entries have been created by



These entries have the following meaning:

• Job Quality: The overall quality status for the complete job is “Green”.
– It will be “Red” if at least one check point is red.
– It will be “Yellow” if at least one check points is yellow.
– It will be “Green” if all check points are green.
• Status: The quality status for this measurement point / check zone will be
"None" if no standard can be associated (for example if smart-chart link has
not been configured yet).
For more details see Testing the Configuration [} 100].

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In an output file with multiple measurement points (check zones) the status will be
inserted separately within each single point.

7.5 Active Devices

On the bottom of the window the devices can be selected for which the output
files have to be generated. The device list is depending on the device type.

Illustration 75: Output-Files-Device-Select
The output file configuration for the other instrument types is analogue.

The output files will be generated when performing measurements with the ro-
botic instruments. The configuration can be tested with the Robot Simulator
[} 139].

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8 smart-chart link
When using the software smart-chart for data analysis and tolerance settings, the
tab smart-chart link manages the connection between measurement devices,
OPC server and smart-chart. With the configuration of smart-chart link follow-
ing operations are supported:
• The information in the standard and organizer database is retrieved for pass /
fail check.
• The measurement results are stored in the measurement database according
to existing standards and organizers.

The generation of Output Files [} 67] can be used in addition to the storage in
the smart-chart database.

8.1 Configuration in smart-chart

In the application smart-chart the color standards and the organizers are defined.
The configuration required for the interaction with smart-chart comprises follow-
ing steps:
• Databases [} 77]
• Catalog [} 79]
• Standards [} 79]
• Organizers [} 82]
• Data Analysis [} 89]

Do not use the module Instrument Management. It is not required for the inter-
action with smart-robotic and it is not possible to access the instrument from
smart-chart and smart-robotic at the same time. If you have used the module,
restart smart-chart without using it again.

See also
2 Installation [} 19]

8.1.1 Database
In smart-chart following databases are used:
• Standard Database [} 77]
• Measurement Database [} 78] Standard Database

This database stores the definitions for color standards and organizers.

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Illustration 76: Standard database in smart-chart

Name and location of this database are fix assigned in smart-chart: “C:\Program-
Data\BYK\smart-chart 3.0\bykmainDB_3.sdf”.

For the creation of this documentation a compact database file was used. Alter-
natively an SQL server connection can be used. This is the preferred option in a
production environment, see also Installation [} 19] of smart-chart. Measurement Database

This database stores the measurement data. Name and location of the database
can be defined here.

Illustration 77: Measurement database in smart-chart

In the example shown above the database “Measurement-Data.sdf” was selected.
If more than one database is existing, the measurement data will be stored in all of

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8.1.2 Catalog
In the Catalog configuration the various parameters for identification of the mea-
sured objects are selected.

Illustration 78: Catalog configuration in smart-chart

For the creation of this documentation following catalogs were selected:
• Catalog for parameter 1: “Model”
• [Catalog for parameter 2: “Color”]
• Catalog for parameter 3: “Paintline”
• Catalog for parameter 4: “Comment”
• Catalog for parameter 5: “Serial No.”

The Catalog for parameter 2 can not be configured here. It is always mapped to
the catalog “Color”.

8.1.3 Standards
The module Standard Management is used to configure the settings for the vari-
ous color standards. These standards can then be added the check zone organizers
later on. The configuration of color standards comprises following steps:
• Standard Family [} 79]
• Standard [} 81] Standard Family

Via the button Add Family a new standard family - or group of standards - can be

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Measurement data

<SerialNo>None - PELT is OEM product.</SerialNo>
<CatalogNo>None - PELT is OEM product.</CatalogNo>
<scale Id = "1 Elec. coat" - value ="$EC1 mic§"></scale>
<scale Id = "2 Prime coat" - value ="$PR1 mic§"></scale>
<scale Id = "3 Basis coat" - value ="$BC1 mic§"></scale>
<scale Id = "4 Clear coat" - value ="$CC1 mic§"></scale>
<!-- Sum calculated by smart-robotic ----- -->
<scale Id = "T Total coat" - value ="$total mic§"></scale>



With this step the configuration in smart-robotic is complete for PELT thickness

Thickness measurement instruments of type PELT don’t have a “Serial Number” or
a “Catalog Number” – these parameters can be skipped in the output files.

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For the creation of this documentation the standard “Silver – Moondust” was cre-

Below following pass / fail tolerances were configured in this standard for the scale
“Dullness (du)”:
• Below 10 = Red: Measured value = Not in tolerance.
• 10 … 20 = Yellow: Measured value = In warning area.
• 20 … 30 = Green: Measured value = In tolerance.
• 30 … 40 = Yellow: Measured value = In warning area.
• Above 40 = Red: Measured value = Not in tolerance.
These values have been entered for Horizontal check points / zones only. The en-
tries Horizontal and Vertical are relevant later on for the check zones, see below.

Illustration 80: Color standard and tolerances in smart-chart

Tolerance values can be entered via the plus (+) symbol and removed via the minus
(–) symbol. To do so the Edit icon (pencil) has to be activated. This only works on
Standard level – here: “Silver – Moondust”.

All changes are stored via the Save button in the top level button row.

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8.1.4 Organizers
The module Organizer is used to configure the check points / zones to be mea-
sured. The organizer management comprises following steps:
• Model [} 83]
• Standards [} 84]
• Paint line [} 85]
• Instruments [} 86]
• Check zones [} 87]

Illustration 81: List of organizers in smart-chart

For this example the following organizers were created:
• “Robot-Cell-Compact”
• “Robot-Cell-Pickup”
• “Robot-Cell-Sedan”
• “Robot-Cell-Station”
These organizers will be used by smart-robotic to identify the parameters 1..5
listed above. In the color standards the corresponding tolerance values will be

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On the tab Parameter 1 the “car models” can be selected. You have following
• Use the buttons Create Model and Delete Model to manage the models in
the catalog.
• Use the Add / Remove (All) buttons to manage the models in the organizer.
You can create for example an organizer for “Compact” cars and add all models
habe the same measurement procedure.

Illustration 82: Organizer and model selection in smart-chart

For the example tests later on in smart-robotic the model entry “Compact” is im-

The combo box with selected entry “Model” appears only, if this entry has been
created in the Catalog [} 79] before.

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On the tab Standards the color standards can be added to this organizer. You
have following options:
• Standards are managed in the module Standards [} 79].
• Use the Add / Remove (all) buttons to manage the models in the organizer.
You can add here all color standards you want to measure with smart-robotic.

Illustration 83: Organizer and standards in smart-chart

For the example tests later on in smart-robotic the entry “Silver - Moondust” is

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On the tab Parameter 3 the “Paint Lines” can be selected. You have following
• Use the buttons Create Paintline and Delete Paintline to manage the paint
lines in the catalog.
• Use the Add / Remove (all) buttons to manage the paint lines in the orga-

Illustration 84: Organizer and paint lines in smart-chart

For the example tests later on in smart-robotic the entries “PL 1”, “PL 2” and
“RL” are important.

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8 | smart-chart link BYK-Gardner GmbH Active Instruments

On the tab Instruments the measurement devices to be used can be activated.

Illustration 85: Organizer and active instruments in smart-chart

For smart-robotic the instruments BYK-mac, wave-scan and Film Thickness are

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On the tab wave-scan the check zones valid for this device type can be config-
ured. You have following options:
• Settings [} 87]
• Test Procedure [} 88] Settings
On the tab Settings the parameters are available for selection which can be con-
figured in the handheld device. These parameters are not relevant for smart-ro-

Illustration 86: Organizer settings in smart-chart

The tab provides following options:
• Advanced Settings: These settings apply to wave-scan 2 and wave-scan 3.
• Wave-scan 2 Settings: These settings apply only to the wave-scan 2; they are
not required for the wave-scan 3 anymore.

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On the tab Test Procedure the check zones for this type of car can be defined.
The appropriate car schematic can be selected and the check zones can be added
via Drag & Drop from the catalog.

Illustration 87: Organizer check-zones in smart-chart

For this example the following check zones were created:
• “Hood”
• “Roof”
• “Trunk”
All these check zones have the orientation Horizontal. These check zones will be
used in smart-robotic to receive the valid tolerance values for the pass / fail indi-

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8.1.5 Data Analysis

The module Data Analysis is used to view and evaluate the measurement data.
After starting the module the required measurement database is to be selected.

Illustration 88: Data analysis – database selection in smart-chart

After selecting the database the measurement data in this database are displayed.

Illustration 89: Data analysis – measurement details in smart-chart

The data display consists of following sections:
• Top: Filter list
• Left: Results list
• Right: Details for selected result
In the example shown above the filter criteria have been selected which will be
used in the next step – the measurements with smart-robotic.

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8.2 Configuration in smart-robotic

The configuration in smart-robotic comprises following steps:
• Database [} 90]
• wave-scan Settings [} 91]
• Color Standards [} 98]
• Paint Lines [} 98]
• Quality Alarm [} 99]
For the creation of this documentation the wave-scan ROBOTIC has been used.
The configuration of smart-chart link for the BYK-mac i ROBOTIC is analogue.

The configuration in smart-chart is read by smart-robotic during program start.
After each change in standards and organizers the program smart-robotic has to
be restarted.

8.2.1 Standard Database

On the tab Database the standards and organizer database “bykmainDB_3.sdf”
from smart-chart is to be linked.

Illustration 90: Link to standard database in smart-robotic

For using a local database, its path is: “C:\ProgramData\BYK\smart-chart 3.0”, see
Standard Database [} 77].

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8.2.2 wave-scan Settings

The wave-scan settings comprise following steps:
• Signal Mapping [} 91]
• Check Zones [} 96]
• Output Database [} 97] Signal Mapping

The smart-chart data import settings define, how the unprocessed measurement
data is linked to smart-chart organizers and standards, e.g. target values, toler-
ances and check zones. A car model can have a different name in the robotic sys-
tem than defined in the organizer, e.g. the PLC is limited in characters. Therefore,
a mapping is required. Following XML file gives an example of a wave-scan RO-
BOTIC device output for unprocessed measurement data.

Paint Line

Vehicle ID

Check Zone Number

Check Zone Name

Illustration 91: Example XML output file and mapping

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The example file shown above contains meta data including time stamp, car
model, color and check points / zones as well as measurement data of the wave-
scan ROBOTIC. In order to process this data with the corresponding organizer and
standard in smart-chart, the data must be mapped.

Illustration 92: Signal mapping for wave-scan in smart-robotic

The mapping is to be done for the two types of OPC signals:
• Job Items [} 93]
• Point Item [} 94]

Below the example device wave-scan ROBOTIC is shown. The configuration for
the BYK-mac i ROBOTIC is analogue.

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BYK-Gardner GmbH smart-chart link | 8 Job Items

Click the Define / Check button to open the Definition Designer.

Illustration 93: Job signal mapping for wave-scan in smart-robotic

Use the Predefined Items to create the Formula for Parameter Model. You can
also add User-defined Text here – similar to the options described in the Output
Files [} 67] under Output Filename [} 70].

The Predefined Items are coming from the OPC [} 29] settings > section Com-
mon Job Signals [} 32]. These signals are common to all devices - they have to be
created once in the system.

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Click the Define / Check button to open the Definition Designer.

Illustration 94: Point signal mapping for wave-scan in smart-robotic

Use the Predefined Items to create the Formula for Parameter Model. You can
also add User-defined Text here – similar to the options described in the Output
Files [} 67] under Output Filename [} 70].

The Predefined Items for the wave-scan are coming from the device 4822 -
wave-scan ROBOTIC [} 55] > section OPC Point Signals [} 58] - and from all
other devices(!). These signals have to be created separately for each device in the

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The signal mapping connects the OPC signals containing standard and organizer
information with the objects in the smart-chart database.

Illustration 95: Signal mapping for wave-scan between smart-robotic and smart-chart

In the smart-chart database these data are visible in the module Data Analysis
[} 89].

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The organizers created in smart-chart are characterized by check zones defined
by the user, see Organizers [} 82].

Illustration 96: Definition of organizer check zones in smart-chart

In the PLC environment, check zones are often given technical names different
than the naming in smart-chart domain. Therefore, also the check zones must be

Illustration 97: Check zone mapping for wave-scan in smart-robotic

Perform following steps:
1. Symbol Value: Enter the name of the check zone in the PLC domain.
2. Name in smart-chart: Open the drop down menu to select the corresponding
check zone in smart-chart.
3. Add new entry: Click the button to be linked both values.

The names of the check zones in the PLC domain are case-sensitive.

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BYK-Gardner GmbH smart-chart link | 8 Output Database

The section Output Databases specifies the measurement database, in which the
measurement data is stored, see Measurement Database [} 78].

Illustration 98: Measurement database for wave-scan in smart-robotic

New entries can be created using the Add new button and selecting the desired
option (compact or server) from the context menu.

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8.2.3 Color Standards

On the tab Color Standards the mapping to the objects in the smart-chart data-
base is to be done, see Standards [} 79].

Illustration 99: Smart-Robotic-Color-Standards
The mapping is analogue to the mapping of the Check Zones [} 96]. In the exam-
ple shown above the value “Silver” in smart-robotic is linked to the value “Silver -
Moondust” in smart-chart.

8.2.4 Paint Lines

In smart-chart the paint lines are configured in the Organizers [} 82], see Paint
Lines [} 85].

Illustration 100: Paint line mapping in smart-robotic

The mapping is analogue to the mapping of the Check Zones [} 96] and the
Standards [} 79]. In the example shown above the value “Repairline” in smart-ro-
botic is linked to the value “RL” in smart-chart.

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8.2.5 Quality Alarm

To give feedback to the PLC about the measurement status of the car body or
measured object, the tab Quality Alarm can be used.

Illustration 101: Quality alarm settings in smart-robotic

Perform following steps:
1. Activate the flag Quality Alarm Active.
2. Select the Quality Alarm Triggers to be used, see Quality Status [} 74].
3. Check the OPC Control signals, and the OPC Data Signals, see Example
List of OPC Signals [} 15] and Description of Example List [} 17] > Section
An example for each alarm trigger is shown in Testing the Configuration
[} 100].

It is up to the PLC domain to evaluate these triggers and to communicate the
alarm situation.

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8.3 Testing the Configuration

To test the configuration perform measurements with smart-robotic and check
the results in the smart-chart database. Perform following steps:
• Prepare Measurements [} 100]
• Perform Measurements [} 102]
• Check Results [} 106]
The test measurements shown below have been made with the Robot Simulator.

8.3.1 Prepare Measurements

On the device tab for your current measurement instrument create a check zone
which can be mapped to the corresponding check zone in an existing organizer –
for example “Front”. Enable the device.

Illustration 102: Test measurement – check zone definition in simulator

On the Control tab first create a car model which can be mapped to an existing
organizer, for example “Compact”.

Illustration 103: Test measurement – car model definition in simulator

Second create a car color which can be mapped to a color standard in that orga-
nizer, for example “Silver”.

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Illustration 104: Test measurement – color standard definition in simulator

Start the simulator and wait for the data output.

Illustration 105: Test measurement – log for data output in simulator

With the given information the organizer and standard can be found in smart-
chart. In the organizer the check zone can be found. In the standard the tolerance
values can be found.

1 Make sure the color standard has been added to the organizer, see Standard
Selection [} 84].
2 Create an additional output file with the quality status as part of the Output
Filename [} 70].

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8.3.2 Perform Measurements

Below an example is shown for each quality status scenario:
• Quality Status "None" [} 102]: Standard / organizer not found
• Quality Status "Red" [} 103]: Measurement values not in tolerances
• Quality Status "Yellow" [} 104]: Measurement values in warning area
• Quality Status "Green" [} 105]: Measurement values in tolerances
For the meaning of each status and the impact of each check zone status on the
overall job status see Quality Status [} 74].

In the following examples the tolerance settings in smart-chart will be changed.
Remember to restart smart-robotic after each change in smart-chart in order to
read the changed values in the database. Quality Status "None"

The quality status for a check zone will be “None”, if organizer or standard can
not be found in the smart-chart database. In this case the simulator will generate
the following data output:
• Job Quality = Green
• Zone Status = None

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <paintline>Paintline 1</paintline>
    <comment>Created with simulator.</comment>
<points count="1">
    <scale Id="01 LW" value="0" />
    <scale Id="02 SW" value="0" />
    <scale Id="19 We" value="0" />
    <scale Id="23 Wa" value="0" />
    <scale Id="24 Du" value="38,8" />
</points count>

Check the measurement value for the scale “Dullness (du)”, here: “38,8”. In the
following examples this value will be used as base for the modification of the toler-
ance settings.

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Enter a tolerance value, which can not be achieved during measurement.

Illustration 106: Test measurement – tolerance for quality status “Red” in smart-chart

In our example the dullness measured is “38,8”. Setting a limit of “35” will give
the condition “Red = Out of tolerance”. The simulator will generate the following
data output:
• Job Quality = Red
• Zone Status = Red

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <paintline>Paintline 1</paintline>
    <comment>Created with simulator.</comment>
<points count="1">
    <scale Id="01 LW" value="0" />
    <scale Id="02 SW" value="0" />
    <scale Id="19 We" value="0" />
    <scale Id="23 Wa" value="0" />
    <scale Id="24 Du" value="38,8" />
</points count>

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Now enter a tolerance value, which will lead the quality status to the condition

Illustration 107: Test measurement – tolerance for quality status “Yellow” in smart-chart

In the example shown above all values between “10..20” and “30..40” will set
the condition “Yellow = In warning area”. The simulator will generate the follow-
ing data output:
• Job Quality = Yellow
• Zone Status = Yellow

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <paintline>Paintline 1</paintline>
    <comment>Created with simulator.</comment>
<points count="1">
    <scale Id="01 LW" value="0" />
    <scale Id="02 SW" value="0" />
    <scale Id="19 We" value="0" />
    <scale Id="23 Wa" value="0" />
    <scale Id="24 Du" value="38,8" />
</points count>

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BYK-Gardner GmbH smart-chart link | 8 Quality Status "Green"

Now enter a tolerance value, which will lead the quality status to the condition

Illustration 108: Test measurement – tolerance for quality status “Green” in smart-chart

In the example shown above all values between “20..40” will set the condition
“Green = Within tolerances”. The simulator will generate the following data out-
• Job Quality = Green
• Zone Status = Green

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <paintline>Paintline 1</paintline>
    <comment>Created with simulator.</comment>
<points count="1">
    <scale Id="01 LW" value="0" />
    <scale Id="02 SW" value="0" />
    <scale Id="19 We" value="0" />
    <scale Id="23 Wa" value="0" />
    <scale Id="24 Du" value="38,8" />
</points count>

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8.3.3 Check Results

Final step is the check of the measurement results in the smart-chart database us-
ing the module Data Analysis [} 89].

Illustration 109: Test measurements – data analysis in smart-chart

With this check the configuration of smart-chart link for the wave-scan RO-
BOTIC is complete. You can now configure the BYK-mac i ROBOTIC analogue.

8.4 Thickness Measurement

The software smart-robotic can process measurement data from Fisher thickness
measurement instruments:
• https://www.helmut-fischer.com
In difference to the BYK-Gardner instruments BYK-mac i ROBOTIC and wave-
scan ROBOTIC the thickness measurement instruments are not controlled by
These instruments create XML files which can be processed by smart-robotic.

The XML files are required in a specific structure to be processed by smart-ro-
botic. Details see below.

8.4.1 Prerequisites
Understanding of following topics is required:
• Configuration of Output Files [} 67]
• Configuration in smart-chart [} 77]
• Configuration in smart-robotic [} 90]
These topics are about the BYK-Gardner ROBOTIC instruments. In the following
the differences are described.

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8.4.2 Input XML File

The XML data file to be processed by smart-robotic needs to include following in-

<scale Id ="102" value ="<mic-value>"></scale>

<scale Id ="103" value ="<mil-value>"></scale>

Each entry for a scale has the following syntax:

1. The “Scale ID” is the name of the thickness scale used.
2. The “Value” is the measurement for the thickness in μm or mil.
A complete XML data file may look like the following example.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Comment>This is a comment.</Comment>
<VID>Vehicle 12458</VID>
<points count="2">
<PartNo>01</PartNo >
<PointNo>08</PointNo >
<Name>SAMPLE 01</Name>
<scale Id ="112 (mic/µm)" value ="302"></scale>
<PartNo>02</PartNo >
<PointNo>09</PointNo >
<Name>SAMPLE 02</Name>
<scale Id ="112 (mic/µm)" value ="259"></scale>

With this information smart-robotic can search for the corresponding standard in
the smart-chart standard database and save the measured values in the results
database – including pass / fail indication.

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8.4.3 Configuration in smart-chart

The configuration in smart-chart comprises following steps:
1. License File [} 108]
2. Color Standard [} 109]
3. Organizer Instruments [} 111]
4. Organizer Settings [} 111]
5. Organizer Procedure [} 112]
These steps are described below. License File

For the thickness measurement instruments a separate license is required.

Illustration 110: License information in smart-chart

With this license the thickness measurement instruments can be activated in the
organizers, see Organizer Instruments [} 111].

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In each used color standard the scale for the thickness measurement is to be
added. For the Fisher instruments the scale Thickness in μm or mil is relevant.

Illustration 111: Color standard family in smart-chart

In the scale μm the tolerance value(s) for the pass / fail indication have to be en-
tered. This can be once done for all colors in the family or separately for each

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Illustration 112: Color standard details in smart-chart

In the example shown above for the color standard “White - Glacier” following
tolerances have been set:
• < 100 = Red
• 100..200 = Yellow
• 200..300 = Green
• 300..400 Yellow
• > 400 = Red
These tolerances will be used in the description below.

Refer also to Allow Missed [} 137] for more information on color standards.

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In the Organizer on the tab Instruments the option film thickness is to be acti-

Illustration 113: Organizer instruments in smart-chart

With activated option this organizer becomes relevant for the thickness measure-
ments. Organizer Settings

In the module Organizer on the tab Settings the correct Scale Thickness Unit is
to be selected.

Illustration 114: Organizer settings in smart-chart

Following options are supported:
• Micrometer: μm
• Mil: mil
Following table shows the conversion.
mil inch μm mm
1 0.001 2.54 0.0254
The option Interrupt allows a test series to be aborted before all check zones in
the organizer have been measured.

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In the Organizer on the tab Test Procedure the check zones are defined.

Illustration 115: Organizer procedure in smart-chart

In the box Properties the Scale Thickness Mode is to be selected. Following op-
tions are supported:
• Ferrous metal: FE
• Non-ferrous metals: NFE
• Detection of metal: Auto
With this step the configuration in smart-chart is complete.

8.4.4 Configuration in smart-robotic

The configuration in smart-robotic comprises following steps:
1. Source Folders [} 112]
2. Symbol Mapping [} 113]
3. Check Zones [} 115]
4. Output Databases [} 115]
5. Color Standards [} 116]
6. Paint Lines [} 116]
7. Output Files [} 117]
These steps are described below. Source Folders

In smart-chart link on the tab Thickness Settings selected directories can be set
to monitoring. If an XML file is placed in a monitored directory it is processed auto-
matically by smart-robotic.

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Illustration 116: Monitored thickness-folders in smart-robotic

You have following options:
• Add: Click this button to select a directory for monitoring.
• Remove: The selected directory will not be monitored anymore.
An existing folder can be added or a new folder can be created in the browse dia-
log. Symbol Mapping

The measurement data of the thickness measurement system can use own param-
eter names. Thus the parameter names of the thickness measurement system must
be mapped to the corresponding parameter names in smart-chart.

Illustration 117: Thickness parameter mapping in smart-robotic

Perform following steps:
1. Click the button Define / Check beside a parameter.
2. Load an XML data file from the Fisher system.
3. Select the corresponding parameter in the file.
4. Click the button Add XML Node.

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5. Save with the button OK.

When you open the dialog the 1st time, it is empty.

Illustration 118: Thickness parameter mapping – initial state

Click the button Load Thickness File to open an existing XML file.

Illustration 119: Thickness parameter mapping – final state

Following rules apply:
• When you open the dialog a 2nd time during the same session, the previous
XML file is still loaded.
• The option Custom String can be used to combine parameters and or fix text,
for example “Model - Color”.
• The output field Formula shows the current selection.
• The output field Current Value shows the content of the fields in the current
Repeat this procedure for all Job Items and for the Point Item.

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BYK-Gardner GmbH smart-chart link | 8 Check Zones

The measurement data of the thickness measurement system can use own check
zone names. Thus the check zone names of the thickness measurement system
must be mapped to the corresponding check zone names in smart-chart.

Illustration 120: Check zones for thickness measuring in smart-robotic

Perform following steps:
1. Enter the Symbol Value present in the input XML file.
2. Select the corresponding Name in smart-chart from the combo box.
Repeat this procedure for all other check zones present in the input XML file. Output Databases

Final step on the Thickness Settings tab is the selection of the measurement
database in smart-chart.

Illustration 121: Output database for thickness measuring in smart-robotic

In this database the results from the thickness input XML files will be stored.

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If the thickness input XML files use additional values for the color, these values are
also to be mapped on the Color Standards tab.

Illustration 122: Color mapping for thickness measuring in smart-robotic

In the example shown above the highlighted colors are mapped to the correspond-
ing entries in the color family “BYK Solid Colors”, see Color Standard [} 109]. Paint Lines

If the thickness input XML files use different values for the identification of the
paint line, these values are also to be mapped on the Paint Lines tab.

Illustration 123: Paint line mapping for thickness measuring in smart-robotic

In the example shown above the input values X / Y / Z are mapped to PL 1 / PL 2 /

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This step is optional. Output Files [} 67] can be configured, if the Quality Status
[} 74] is required for further processing.

Illustration 124: Output file configuration for thickness measuring in smart-robotic

The configuration of the Filename is similar to that for the BYK-Gardner devices,
see Output Filename [} 70].

Illustration 125: Output file name configuration for thickness measuring in smart-robotic

The configuration of the Template file is similar to that for the BYK-Gardner de-
vices, see Template File [} 71]. The differences are:
• There is a new option Thickness Scales under Predefined Items.
• OPC signals are NOT relevant here, instead the values from smart-chart link >
Thickness are used.
This is shown in the following example.

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Illustration 126: Output file template configuration for thickness measuring in smart-robotic

Remember that valid parameters are highlighted in cyan color. Check this for all
parameters to be replaced with current values. The syntax check is performed
when opening the template for editing.

Following example shows a possible template file.


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<points count="$MEAS_COUNT§">

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Measurement data

<SerialNo>$Serial No.§</SerialNo>
<CatalogNo>None - Fisher is OEM product.</CatalogNo>
<scale Id = "102" value ="$mic§"></scale>
<scale Id = "103" value ="$mil§"></scale>



With this step the configuration in smart-robotic is complete for Fisher thickness

Thickness measurement instruments of type Fisher can have a “Serial Number” -
but they don’t have a “Catalog Number”, which is specific to BYK-Gardner prod-

8.4.5 Testing the Configuration

Perform following steps:
1. Create an XML data file.
2. Place it in the monitored folder.
3. Check folder content and Monitoring tab.
The file is automatically processed by smart-robotic.

Illustration 127: Process monitoring for thickness measuring XML files in smart-robotic

After data extraction the file will be moved to the sub-folder “ProcessedDir”.

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Illustration 128: Processed directory for thickness measuring XML files

The measurement data will be stored in the smart-chart database.

Illustration 129: Data analysis in smart-chart

An additional output file will be generated – including the pass / fail indication.
With the template defined in Output Files [} 117] the following result file was

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<carcolor>White - Glacier</carcolor>
<paintline>PL 1</paintline>
<comment>This is a comment.</comment>
<vehicleid>Vehicle 123456</vehicleid>
<points count="2">
<CatalogNo>None - Fisher is OEM product.</CatalogNo>
<scale Id = "102" value ="222"></scale>
<scale Id = "103" value ="UNDEFINED"></scale>

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<CatalogNo>None - Fisher is OEM product.</CatalogNo>
<scale Id = "102" value ="265"></scale>
<scale Id = "103" value ="UNDEFINED"></scale>

Do not forget to clean-up the file system in regular intervals. This applies to both
input and output files.

8.5 PELT Measurement

The software smart-robotic can process measurement data from PELT (Pulse/
Echo Layer Thickness) thickness measurement instruments:
• http://www.jsrultrasonics.com/robotic-pelt
In difference to the BYK-Gardner instruments BYK-mac i ROBOTIC and wave-
scan ROBOTIC the PELT measurement instruments are not controlled by smart-
These instruments create XML files which can be processed by smart-robotic.

The XML files are required in a specific structure to be processed by smart-ro-
botic. Details see below.

8.5.1 Prerequisites
Understanding of following topics is required:
• Configuration of Output Files [} 67]
• Configuration in smart-chart [} 77]
• Configuration in smart-robotic [} 90]
• Thickness Measurement [} 106] (Fisher)
In the following the differences to these topics are described.

8.5.2 Input XML File

The PELT thickness measurement system is a special thickness measurement since
it measures multiple layers of the coating:
• EC: Electro Coating
• PR: Prime Coating
• BC: Base Coating
• CC: Clear Coating

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Each layer can have a different tolerance, thus multiple tolerances are usually de-
fined in smart-chart, see Color Standard [} 123].

The XML data file to be processed by smart-robotic consists typically of following

1. <JobInformation>
2. <MultipleMeasurements>
3. <Layers>

For the complete job the following data is relevant.


For each measurement the following data is relevant.


For each layer following information is required.

<Thickness> 34.46</Thickness>

These data are to be mapped in smart-robotic. In smart-robotic the total of all

measured layers is calculated and stored in the smart-chart database.
With this information smart-robotic can search for the corresponding standard in
the smart-chart standard database and save the measured values in the results
database – including pass / fail indication.

The PELT input XML files used to create this documentation are large – they in-
clude multiple measurements. An example file has been added to the appendix –
see XML Input File PELT [} 158].

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8.5.3 Configuration in smart-chart

The configuration in smart-chart comprises following steps:
1. License File [} 123]
2. Color Standard [} 123]
3. Organizer Instruments [} 124]
4. Organizer Settings [} 124]
5. Organizer Procedure [} 124]
These steps are described below. License File

For the PELT measurement instruments a separate license is required. This is the
same as for the thickness measurement instruments, see License File [} 108].
With this license the PELT measurement instruments can be activated in the orga-
nizers, see Organizer Instruments [} 124]. Color Standard

In the color standards the scales for the multilayer thickness measurements are to
be added on the tab Film Thickness.

Illustration 130: Multilayer color standard family for PELT in smart-chart

For the PELT measurements instruments these are following scales:
• Multilayer – Total
• Multilayer – E-coat
• Multilayer - Primer
• Multilayer - Basecoat
• Multilayer - Clearcoat
For each layer the subscales 1..3 can be added. To keep it simple only subscale 1
has been added for each layer the example shown above.

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In the scale μm for each layer the tolerance value(s) for the pass / fail indication
have to be entered. This can be once done for all colors in the family or separately
for each color, see Color Standard [} 109].
In the example shown above for the complete standard family “BYK Solid Colors -
Multilayer” following tolerances have been set:
• < 50 = Red
• 50..90 = Yellow
• 90..100 = Green
• > 100 = Red
These tolerances will be used in the description below.

It is recommend to create separate color standard families for Fisher (single-layer)
and for PELT (multi-layer) thickness measurements and to add required scales only. Organizer Instruments

In the Organizer on the tab Instruments the option Film Thickness is to be acti-
vated, see Organizer Instruments [} 111].
With activated option this organizer becomes relevant for the thickness measure-
ments for Fisher and for PELT. Organizer Settings

In the module Organizer on the tab Settings the correct Scale Thickness Unit is
to be selected, see Organizer Settings [} 111]. Organizer Procedure

In the Organizer on the tab Test Procedure the check zones are defined, see Or-
ganizer Procedure [} 112].
With this step the configuration in smart-chart is complete.

8.5.4 Configuration in smart-robotic

The configuration in smart-robotic comprises following steps:
1. Source Folders [} 125]
2. Symbol Mapping [} 125]
3. Check Zones [} 127]
4. Multi-Layer Scales [} 128]
5. Output Databases [} 129]
6. Color Standards [} 130]
7. Paint Lines [} 130]
8. Output Files [} 131]
These steps are described below.

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In smart-chart link on the tab PELT Settings selected directories can be set to
monitoring. If an XML file is placed in a monitored directory it is processed auto-
matically by smart-robotic.

Illustration 131: Monitored PELT folders in smart-robotic

You have following options:
• Add: Click this button to select a directory for monitoring.
• Remove: The selected directory will not be monitored anymore.
An existing folder can be added or a new folder can be created in the browse dia-
log. Symbol Mapping

The measurement data of the PELT measurement system can use own parameter

Illustration 132: Car model in PELT thickness input XML file

Thus the parameter names of the PELT measurement system must be mapped to
the corresponding parameter names in smart-chart.

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Illustration 133: PELT parameter mapping in smart-robotic

Perform following steps:
1. Click the button Define / Check beside a parameter.
2. Load an XML data file from the PELT system.
3. Select the corresponding parameter in the file.
4. Click the button Add XML Node.
5. Save with the button OK.
When you open the dialog the 1st time, it is empty.

Illustration 134: PELT parameter mapping – initial state

Click the button Load PELT File to open an existing XML file.

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Illustration 135: PELT parameter mapping – final state

Following rules apply:
• When you open the dialog a 2nd time during the same session, the previous
XML file is still loaded.
• The option Custom String can be used to combine parameters and or fix text,
for example “StyleNumber - BaseColor”.
• The output field Formula shows the current selection.
• The output field Current Value shows the content of the fields in the current
Repeat this procedure for all Job Items and for the Point Item. Check Zones

The measurement data of the PELT measurement system can use own check zone

Illustration 136: Check zone in PELT thickness input XML file

Thus the check zone names of the PELT measurement system must be mapped to
the corresponding check zone names in smart-chart.

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Illustration 137: Check zones for PELT measuring in smart-robotic

Perform following steps:
1. Enter the Symbol Value present in the input XML file.
2. Select the corresponding Name in smart-chart from the combo box.
Repeat this procedure for all other check zones present in the input XML file. Multi-Layer Scales

The measurement data of the PELT measurement system can use own layer

Illustration 138: Layer name in PELT thickness input XML file

Thus the layer names of the PELT measurement system must be mapped to the
corresponding layer names in smart-chart.

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Illustration 139: Multi-layer names for PELT measuring in smart-robotic

Perform following steps:
1. Enter the Symbol Value present in the input XML file.
2. Select the corresponding Name in smart-chart from the combo box.
Repeat this procedure for all other layer names present in the input XML file. Output Databases

Final step on the PELT Settings tab is the selection of the measurement database
in smart-chart.

Illustration 140: Output database for PELT measuring in smart-robotic

In this database the results from the PELT input XML files will be stored.

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If the PELT input XML files use additional values for the color, these values are also
to be mapped on the Color Standards tab.

Illustration 141: Color mapping for PELT measuring in smart-robotic

In the example shown above the highlighted colors are mapped to the correspond-
ing entries in the color family “Multi-Layer”, see Color Standard [} 123]. Paint Lines

If the PELT input XML files use different values for the identification of the paint
line, these values are also to be mapped on the Paint Lines tab.

Illustration 142: Paint line mapping for PELT measuring in smart-robotic

In the example shown above the input values A / B / C are mapped to PL 1 / PL 2 /

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This step is optional. Output Files [} 67] can be configured, if the Quality Status
[} 74] is required for further processing.

Illustration 143: Output file configuration for PELT measuring in smart-robotic

The configuration of the Filename is similar to that for the BYK-Gardner devices,
see Output Filename [} 70].

Illustration 144: Output file name configuration for PELT measuring in smart-robotic

The configuration of the Template file is similar to that for the BYK-Gardner de-
vices, see Template File [} 71]. The differences are:
• There is a new option Thickness Scales under Predefined Items.
• OPC signals are NOT relevant here, instead the values from smart-chart link >
Thickness are used.
This is shown in the following example.

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Illustration 145: Output file template configuration for PELT measuring in smart-robotic

Remember that valid parameters are highlighted in cyan color. Check this for all
parameters to be replaced with current values. The syntax check is performed
when opening the template for editing.

Following example shows a possible template file.


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<comment>Units: $COMMENT§ (Mics)</comment>
<points count="$MEAS_COUNT§">

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Measurement data

<SerialNo>None - PELT is OEM product.</SerialNo>
<CatalogNo>None - PELT is OEM product.</CatalogNo>
<scale Id = "1 Elec. coat" - value ="$EC1 mic§"></scale>
<scale Id = "2 Prime coat" - value ="$PR1 mic§"></scale>
<scale Id = "3 Basis coat" - value ="$BC1 mic§"></scale>
<scale Id = "4 Clear coat" - value ="$CC1 mic§"></scale>
<!-- Sum calculated by smart-robotic ----- -->
<scale Id = "T Total coat" - value ="$total mic§"></scale>



With this step the configuration in smart-robotic is complete for PELT thickness

Thickness measurement instruments of type PELT don’t have a “Serial Number” or
a “Catalog Number” – these parameters can be skipped in the output files.

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8.5.5 Testing the Configuration

Perform following steps:
1. Create an XML data file.
2. Place it in the monitored folder.
3. Check folder content and Monitoring tab.
The file is automatically processed by smart-robotic.

Illustration 146: Process monitoring for PELT measuring XML files in smart-robotic

After data extraction the file will be moved to the sub-folder “ProcessedDir”.

Illustration 147: Processed directory for PELT measuring XML files

The measurement data will be stored in the smart-chart database.

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Illustration 148: Data analysis for PELT thickness in smart-chart

An additional output file will be generated – including the pass / fail indication.
With the template defined in Output Files [} 131] the following result file was

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<paintline>PL 2</paintline>
<comment>Units: Microns (Mics)</comment>
<points count="1">
<SerialNo>None - PELT is OEM product.</SerialNo>
<CatalogNo>None - PELT is OEM product.</CatalogNo>
<scale Id = "1 Elec. coat" - value ="24,94"></scale>
<scale Id = "2 Prime coat" - value ="22,66"></scale>
<scale Id = "3 Basis coat" - value ="27,18"></scale>
<scale Id = "4 Clear coat" - value ="24,46"></scale>
<!-- Sum calculated by smart-robotic ----- -->
<scale Id = "T Total coat" - value ="99,24"></scale>

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Do not forget to clean-up the file system in regular intervals. This applies to both
input and output files.

8.5.6 Confidence Level

Both PELT measurement system and smart-robotic support the feature Confi-
dence Level:
• A measurement is valid, if the confidence level is above a configurable thresh-
• Measurements with a lower value will not be saved in the smart-chart data-
The confidence level is written by the PELT system for each layer.

<Thickness> 24.94</Thickness>
<Confidence> 44.0</Confidence>

The threshold for the Confidence Level can be entered on the tab Scales, see
also Multi-Layer Scales [} 128].

Illustration 149: Confidence level threshold for PELT measurement system

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The resulting output file may look like the following example.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<paintline>PL 2</paintline>
<comment>Units: Microns (Mics)</comment>
<points count="1">
<SerialNo>None - PELT is OEM product.</SerialNo>
<CatalogNo>None - PELT is OEM product.</CatalogNo>
<scale Id = "1 Elec. coat" - value ="UNDEFINED"></scale>
<scale Id = "2 Prime coat" - value ="22,66"></scale>
<scale Id = "3 Basis coat" - value ="UNDEFINED"></scale>
<scale Id = "4 Clear coat" - value ="24,46"></scale>
<!-- Sum calculated by smart-robotic ----- -->
<scale Id = "T Total coat" - value ="UNDEFINED"></scale>

If at least one measurement is “Undefined”, the total thickness cannot be calcu-

lated. The quality status for this measurement is “None”.

8.5.7 Allow Missed

The overall quality status for a complete job will always have the lowest status of
all measurements in the job, see Quality Status [} 74]. To avoid that single failed
measurements lead to a failed / red overall quality status a threshold (in percent)
can be set for red and yellow measurements.

Illustration 150: PELT-Allow-Missed
The two fields Allow Missed indicate how many tests for this scale may be out of
tolerance over the whole job before the status of the test series changes.

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In the example shown above the threshold is 50 percent. This will result in the fol-
lowing output file.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<paintline>PL 2</paintline>
<comment>Units: Microns (Mics)</comment>
<points count="2">
<SerialNo>None - PELT is OEM product.</SerialNo>
<CatalogNo>None - PELT is OEM product.</CatalogNo>
<scale Id = "1 Elec. coat" - value ="24,94"></scale>
<scale Id = "2 Prime coat" - value ="22,66"></scale>
<scale Id = "3 Basis coat" - value ="27,18"></scale>
<scale Id = "4 Clear coat" - value ="24,46"></scale>
<!-- Sum calculated by smart-robotic ----- -->
<scale Id = "T Total coat" - value ="99,24"></scale>
<SerialNo>None - PELT is OEM product.</SerialNo>
<CatalogNo>None - PELT is OEM product.</CatalogNo>
<scale Id = "1 Elec. coat" - value ="21,01"></scale>
<scale Id = "2 Prime coat" - value ="29,79"></scale>
<scale Id = "3 Basis coat" - value ="10,53"></scale>
<scale Id = "4 Clear coat" - value ="22,86"></scale>
<!-- Sum calculated by smart-robotic ----- -->
<scale Id = "T Total coat" - value ="84,19"></scale>

The overall status is “Good”, although one of the two measurements was only

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9 Robot Simulator
The simulation allows testing of software configuration and physical instruments
without the need of a robot.
Instead of sending the OPC signals to the PLC the signals are sent to the simula-
tion. The simulation fills in all data.
The results of each operation can be checked directly in the smart-robotic appli-
Perform following steps:
1. Prepare Simulation [} 139]
2. Activate Simulation [} 140]
3. Configure Instrument [} 141]
4. Control Simulation [} 142]
5. Monitor Simulation [} 143]
6. Check Results [} 144]
These steps are described below. For the examples given below the device wave-
scan ROBOTIC is used. The usage of the simulation with the BYK-mac i RO-
BOTIC or wave-scan 3 ROBOTIC is analogue.

9.1 Prepare Simulation

Setup instrument and sample(s) as described in Device Test [} 59] for the wave-

Illustration 151: BYK-Gardner wave-scan ROBOTIC - Simulator setup

Connect the instrument to power supply and the data interface.

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9.2 Activate Simulation

Click the button Activate Robot Simulator in the upper right corner. A warning
message is displayed.

Illustration 152: Activate robot simulator – confirmation message

Make sure that no communication to the PLC in the productive environment is ac-
tive and confirm the message. The button disappears. Instead a new tab is in-

The button will be displayed again after restarting smart-robotic.

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9.3 Configure Instrument

Click the new tab Robot simulator and configure your (physical) measurement in-
strument. For each device created a separate tab is displayed. In the example
shown below the tab for the device “Wavescan1” is selected.

Illustration 153: Robot simulator – device configuration

The device configuration consists of following elements:
1. Enable / Disable: In mode “Disabled” you can change the configuration. In
mode “Enabled” you can start the simulation.
2. Measure Point Quantity: Select the number of measurement points / check
zones from the list. The range is 1..9. The according entries will be taken from
the values on the right side.
3. Point Data Signals: For the example instrument wave-scan ROBOTIC these
are the point items as defined in OPC Point Signals [} 58].
4. Job Data Values: In the productive system these data are transferred from the
PLC. Here in the simulation all entries have to be created using the Add but-
ton. Remove an entry using the X symbol to the right of the entry.
– Checkzone-Index: Create for example “1”, “2”, “3” and “4”.
– Checkzone-Name: Create for example “Front”, “Hood”, “Rear” and
5. Log: Here all events for the current measurement instrument are displayed.
When configuration is finished click the button Enable to proceed.

To change an existing configuration which is already in status Enabled first click
the button Disable.

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9.4 Control Simulation

When the device has been set to status “Enabled” click the tab Control.

Illustration 154: Robot simulator – Control of the simulation

The control tab consists of following elements:
1. Start / Stop: With these buttons you can start and stop the simulation. Stop is
only required in case of long running jobs. The simulation stops automatically
when all jobs are done. If both buttons are inactive enable a device first.
2. Heart Beat: The availability of the communication partners can be simulated.
BEAT” are used.
– PLC sets IN to 1.
– SR sets OUT to the inverse value = 0.
– PLC checks that OUT is 0 and sets IN to 0.
– SR checks that OUT is 0 and sets IN to the inverse value = 1.
– This happens as long as the communication is active (good).
3. Job Quantity: Select the number of jobs (cars) from the list. The range is 1..9
or Endless processing. The according values will be taken from the values on
the right side.
4. Job Mode: Select the mode from the list. The range is Measurement, Cali-
bration (BYK-mac only), Master Panel and Daily Check.
5. Job Data Items: For the given example instrument wave-scan ROBOTIC the
job items in OPC Control Signals [} 58] are used.

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6. Job Data Values: In the productive system these data are transferred from the
PLC. Here in the simulation all entries have to be created using the Add but-
ton. Remove an entry using the X symbol to the right of the entry.
– Car-Model: Create for example “Limousine”, “Convertible”, “Station
Wagon” and “SUV”.
– Car-Color: Create for example “Black”, “Pearl”, “Red” and “White”.
– Paint-Line: Create for example “PL1”, “PL2”, and “PL3”.
– Free-Comment: Create for example “Created with Simulator”.
– Vehicle-ID: Create for example “123456” and “654321”.
7. Log: Here all events for the simulation are displayed.
When configuration is finished click the button Start to proceed.

1 To calculate the number of measurements: If the quantity for the Device is for
example “4” and for the Control it is for example “5” the robot simulation will
make “20” measurements.
2 If Job Quantity is “1” it will use the 1st data value for the 1st run, the 2nd data
value for the 2nd run (etc.) If the quantity is higher it will use one data value after
the other within one run.

9.5 Monitor Simulation

When the simulation has been started click the tab Monitoring in the main pro-

Illustration 155: Robot Simulator – Monitoring the simulation

Here the messages from the simulation are displayed. This information is stored in
the file “C:\ProgramData\BYK\Robotic\Logs\RobotSimulator.log”.

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9.6 Check Results

When the simulation has finished check the output result file(s). With the template
defined in Output Files [} 67] the following result file was generated.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <comment>Created with simulator.</comment>
<points count="1">
    <zone>rear bumper</zone>
    <scale Id="01 LW" value="0" />
    <scale Id="02 SW" value="0" />
    <scale Id="19 We" value="0" />
    <scale Id="20 Wd" value="0" />
    <scale Id="21 Wc" value="0" />
    <scale Id="22 Wb" value="0" />
    <scale Id="23 Wa" value="0" />
    <scale Id="24 Du" value="12,1" />
</points count>

Now you can modify the various settings in the tabs for the Devices and in the
Control tab and restart the simulation as often as you need to check the results.

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10 Run Procedure
With BYK-mac i ROBOTIC the measurements can be accomplished in three differ-
ent operation modes. In addition the appropriate bit for the operation mode must
be set by the PLC. The wave-scan ROBOTIC has only one measurement mode. Fol-
lowing operation modes are to be programed on the PLC side:
1. Measurement Mode - BYK-mac [} 145]
2. Calibration Mode - BYK-mac [} 150]
3. Masterpanel Mode - BYK-mac [} 150]
4. Measurement Mode - wave scan [} 152]

10.1 Measurement Mode - BYK-mac

10.1.1 General
The operation mode “Normal Measurement” is reached by not setting one of the
A new measuring group is started by the handshake IN_JOB_START. A normal
measurement can be divided into four partial sequences:
1. Start job
2. Fine position correction
3. Points end
4. Terminate job
Since a job can contain more than one point, the procedure jumps from partial se-
quence 3 to 2 at the next measuring point. Only with receipt of the signal
IN_JOB_STOP smart-robotic is instructed to regard the job as terminated and
passes all data out.

The signal IN_JOB_STOP always causes a complete end of measurement. Up to
then measured data are passed out as result data. In the operating mode “Normal
Measurement“ this signal can be used as reset.

If the fine positioning (point 3) was not successful it is repeated several times. If it
should not be successful nevertheless, the point is not measured. For the robot,
handshake ends however normal (point 4) with the signal OUT_POINT_READY.
The signal OUT_POINT_RESULT indicates the result of the measurement at the time
• 0 = NOK
• 1 = OK
After a point is reached (IN_POINT_POS), BYK-mac i ROBOTIC evaluates the 4 posi-
tioning pins. If the equipment is too near at the surface or too far, errors x99200
or x99201 are announced in connection with OUT_POINT_READY/ and
If a calculation of the correction values is possible, the necessary correction values
are handed over via OUT_CORR-Z/K/Q to the PLC and are indicated with
The robot must thereupon correct the position and indicate it in IN_POINT_POS

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If the position according to the handed over curvature is in the permitted toler-
ances, a measurement is deployed, subsequently OUT_POINT_READY and

10.1.2 Sequence
No. Description PLC smart-robotic
10 If defined, job data must be available. Job data..↑..
11 New job is started. IN_JOB_START..↑.. Internal start of a new job,
takeover of the job data on the
12 ..↑..OUT_JOB_RUN Feedback to PLC that job runs.
..↑..OUT_JOB_SUCCESS Retraction of the job success sig-
13 Retraction of the job start signal. IN_JOB_START..↓..
14 Job data do not need to be valid any Job data..↓..

20 Robot hit point. If defined, point data Point data..↑.. New point hit or correction exe-
must be on the agenda. IN_CURVATURE..↑.. cuted.
A curvature must be reported.
21 Robot reports that a matching position is IN_POINT_POS..↑..
BYK-mac calculates correction values
BYK-mac reports back a correction value
(continue at 22).
BYK-mac reports that measurement was OUT_POINT_RESULT=1
successful (continue at 32).
BYK-mac reports error, abort (continue at OUT_POINT_RESULT=0

22 Return of values for Z, K, Q to SR: ..←..OUT_CORR_Z

Z=1/1000mm, K=1/1000°; Q=1/1000° ..←..OUT_CORR_K
23 Setting the correction values valid. ..↑..OUT_CORR_VAL
24 Point data become invalid. Point data..↓..
24 Robot takes back positioning message IN_POINT_POS..↓..
and starts next correction.
25 Cancelling of the correction value. ..↓..OUT_CORR_AKQ
Setting the distance value invalid. ..↓..OUT_CORR_VAL
Continue at 20.

32 Report at PLC that point is finished. ..↑..OUT_POINT_READY Point is finished.

33 Point data become invalid. Point data..↓..
33 Robot takes positioning message back IN_POINT_POS..↓..
and starts next correction.
34 Retraction of the finished report. ..↓..OUT_POINT_READY

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No. Description PLC smart-robotic

Continue at 20 (new point) or 40 (job
40 Robot reports that the job is finished. IN_JOB_STOP..↑.. Job is finished.
41 SR finishes the job and generates measur- ..↓..OUT_JOB_RUN
ing file.
If measuring data are written successfully ..↑..OUT_JOB_ SUCCESS
to disk, job success is reported to PLC.
42 Retraction of the handshake. IN_JOB_STOP..↓.. If measurements are available, an
output file is generated.

10.1.3 Diagram

OPC Signals for BYK-Mac i ROBOTIC at the PLC

Illustration 156: BYK-mac-Time-Diagram-PLC

OPC Signals for BYK-Mac i ROBOTIC in smart-robotic

Illustration 157: BYK-mac-Time-Diagram-SR

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10.1.4 Workflow

Illustration 158: BYK-mac-Flow-Diagram-Part1

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Illustration 159: BYK-mac-Flow-Diagram-Part2

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10.2 Calibration Mode - BYK-mac

The operation mode “Calibration“ is reached, as the signal IN_REQU_CAL is set.
During the calibration the head is driven by robots into the calibration station.
Here it is docked over so-called tile holders. The holders are suspended elastic, thus
it is guaranteed that the measuring head is positioned accurately parallel and in
firm distance to the tile. An active fine positioning by the robot / BYK-mac does
not take place here.
For the sequence of the calibration tiles and their meaning see Device Calibration
[} 42].

No. Description PLC smart-robotic

Start Job:
1 Operation mode bit “Calibration“. IN_REQ_CAL..↑..
2 New Job is startet IN_JOB_START..↑..
3 ..↑..OUT_JOB_RUN
4 Retraction of the job start signal. IN_JOB_START..↓..

Start tile:
10 Robot is at the first calibration tile IN_POINT_POS..↑..
Start measurement

Tile O.K.:
11 Report at robot that point is finished. ..↑..OUT_POINT_READY
12 Robot reports that point is left. ..↓..IN_POINT_POS
13 Retraction of the handshake. ..↓..OUT_POINT_READY
If further tile is measured, continue at 10.

End Job:
40 Robot reports that the job is finished. IN_JOB_STOP..↑..
41 FL finishes the job and generates measur- ..↓..OUT_JOB_RUN
ing file.
42 Retraction of the handshake. ..↓..IN_JOB_STOP
If control measurements are avail-
able, output file is generated.

10.3 Masterpanel Mode - BYK-mac

In order to be able to make statements about the color deviation, it is necessary to
measure a so-called ‘original’ or ‘masterpanel’ of a color. The result of the mea-
surement is needed later on customer side in the quality database, in order to
compute the deviation between item under test and the original.
The operation mode “Masterpanel” does not differ in the sequence from a normal
measurement, since a fine positioning is accomplished here. Only for the output
format of the results of the measurement, another format can be selected.
The output format which can be used must be freely adjustable. Job and point
data can be made available by the PLC. Thus e.g. the color number of the new
original can be stored.

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The sequence given below is nearly the same as in shown in Measurement Mode
- BYK-mac [} 145]. Except the positions 1 and 14 differ from the normal measure-
ment mode.

No. Description PLC smart-robotic

1 Request to the reading of the original is IN_REQU_MAST..↑..
on the agenda.
10 If defined, job data must be available. Job data..↑..
11 New job is started. IN_JOB_START..↑.. Internal start of a new job,
takeover of the job data on the
12 ..↑..OUT_JOB_RUN Feedback to PLC that job runs.
..↑..OUT_JOB_SUCCESS Retraction of the job success sig-
13 Retraction of the job start signal. IN_JOB_START..↓..
14 Retraction of the original request. IN_REQU_MAST..↓..
15 Job data do not need to be valid any Job data..↓..

20 Robot hit point. If defined, point data Point data..↑.. New point hit or correction exe-
must be on the agenda. IN_CURVATURE..↑.. cuted.
A curvature must be reported.
21 Robot reports that a matching position is IN_POINT_POS..↑..
BYK-mac calculates correction values
BYK-mac reports back a correction value
(continue at 22).
BYK-mac reports that measurement was OUT_POINT_RESULT=1
successful (continue at 32).
BYK-mac reports error, abort (continue at OUT_POINT_RESULT=0

22 Return of values for Z, K, Q to SR: ..←..OUT_CORR_Z

Z=1/1000mm, K=1/1000°; Q=1/1000° ..←..OUT_CORR_K
23 Setting the correction values valid. ..↑..OUT_CORR_VAL
24 Point data become invalid. Point data..↓..
24 Robot takes back positioning message IN_POINT_POS..↓..
and starts next correction.
25 Cancelling of the correction value. ..↓..OUT_CORR_AKQ
Setting the distance value invalid. ..↓..OUT_CORR_VAL
Continue at 20.

32 Report at PLC that point is finished. ..↑..OUT_POINT_READY Point is finished.

33 Point data become invalid. Point data..↓..
33 Robot takes positioning message back IN_POINT_POS..↓..
and starts next correction.
34 Retraction of the finished report. ..↓..OUT_POINT_READY

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No. Description PLC smart-robotic

Continue at 20 (new point) or 40 (job
40 Robot reports that the job is finished. IN_JOB_STOP..↑.. Job is finished.
41 SR finishes the job and generates measur- ..↓..OUT_JOB_RUN
ing file.
If measuring data are written successfully ..↑..OUT_JOB_ SUCCESS
to disk, job success is reported to PLC.
42 Retraction of the handshake. IN_JOB_STOP..↓.. If measurements are available, an
output file is generated.

10.4 Measurement Mode - wave scan

The wave-scan only has the operation mode “Normal Measurement“.

10.4.1 Sequence
No. Description PLC smart-robotic
10 If defined, job data must be available. Job data..↑..
11 New job is started. IN_JOB_START..↑.. Internal start of a new job,
takeover of the job data on the
12 ..↑..OUT_JOB_RUN Feedback to PLC that job runs.
..↑..OUT_JOB_SUCCESS Retraction of the job success sig-
13 Retraction of the job start signal. IN_JOB_START..↓..
14 Job data do not need to be valid any Job data..↓..

20 Robot hit point. If defined, point data Point data..↑.. New point hit or correction exe-
must be on the agenda. cuted.
21 Robot reports that a matching position is IN_POINT_POS..↑..
The wave-scan reports that measurement OUT_POINT_RESULT=1
was successful (continue at 32).
The wave-scan reports error, abort (con- OUT_POINT_RESULT=0
tinue at 32).

24 Point data become invalid. Point data..↓..

Robot takes back positioning message IN_POINT_POS..↓..
and starts next correction.
Continue at 20.

32 Report at PLC that point is finished. ..↑..OUT_POINT_READY Point is finished.

33 Point data become invalid. Point data..↓..
33 Robot takes positioning message back IN_POINT_POS..↓..
and starts next correction.

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No. Description PLC smart-robotic

34 Retraction of the finished report. ..↓..OUT_POINT_READY
Continue at 20 (new point) or 40 (job
40 Robot reports that the job is finished. IN_JOB_STOP..↑.. Job is finished.
41 SR finishes the job and generates measur- ..↓..OUT_JOB_RUN
ing file.
If measuring data are written successfully ..↑..OUT_JOB_ SUCCESS
to disk, job success is reported to PLC.
42 Retraction of the handshake. IN_JOB_STOP..↓.. If measurements are available, an
output file is generated.

10.4.2 Diagram

OPC Signals for wave-scan ROBOTIC at the PLC

Illustration 160: Wave-Scan-Time-Diagram-PLC

OPC Signals for wave-scan ROBOTIC in smart-robotic

Illustration 161: Wave-Scan-Time-Diagram-SR

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10.4.3 Workflow

Illustration 162: Wave-Scan-Flow-Diagram

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BYK-Gardner GmbH Appendix | 11

11 Appendix
11.1 Abbreviations
The following abbreviations are used in this documentation.
BMi BYK-Gardner BYK-mac i (handheld instrument)
BMi-R BYK-Gardner BYK-mac i ROBOTIC
CSV Comma Separated Values
DB Database
FTDI Future Technology Devices International
IP Internet Protocol
LAN Local Area Network
PLC Programmable Logic Controller
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
OPC Open Platform Communications
SC BYK-Gardner smart-chart
SR BYK-Gardner smart-robotic
USB Universal Serial Bus
WS BYK-Gardner wave-scan (handheld instrument)
WS-R BYK-Gardner wave-scan ROBOTIC
WS3 BYK-Gardner wave-scan 3 (handheld instrument)
WS3-R BYK-Gardner wave-scan 3 ROBOTIC
XML Extensible Markup Language

11.2 Error Handling

Error conditions of a measuring instrument are transferred as an error code via
OPC signal. It must be decided at the PLC side about the use of this information.
An exception forms for example following signal, that is directly available as bit-in-
All error codes set this bit additionally as a signal of a critical disturbance, at which
the measurement must be aborted. Since it however makes sense not to stop the
measurement at some errors, but to simply go to the next measuring point, certain
error codes can be configured in the device Error Handling [} 46] list that no
“OUT_SYS_ERR” is set.

11.2.1 Error Code Transmission

The transmission of the error codes to the PLC is done sequentially by a variable.
The transfer is controlled via handshake. Following variables are used:
• xxx.OUT_ERR_NO
• xxx.IN_ERR_ACK
The following procedure applies:

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1. As soon as a new error is on the agenda, “OUT_ERR_NO” is updated with the

error code. If the OPC server surely has updated the error code,
“OUT_ERR_STROBE” is set to high.
2. This is the signal for the PLC that a new valid error code is to be done and can
be read.
3. As soon as the PLC reads the code, the signal “IN_ERR_ACK” is set to high by
the PLC.
4. Then smart-robotic sets back the signal “OUT_ERR_STROBE” to low again, and
in the sequence PLC sets “IN_ERR_ACK” to low.
5. If further errors should occur, the handshake is repeated.

11.2.2 Usage of OPC Signals

The scenario to be used for error code transmission is selected in the OPC Server
Settings [} 30]:
• System-wide Error Messages [} 156]
• Instrument-specific Error Messages [} 156]
For possible OPC signals see Example List of OPC Signals [} 15]. System-wide Error Messages

In this scenario the OPC signals in the common group ALL_CTRL are used:
This scenario is not recommended anymore as it does not give details about the
device raising the error. Instrument-specific Error Messages

In this scenario the OPC signals in the device-specific groups MACx_CTRL and
WAVEx_CTRL are used:
• BYK-mac i ROBOTIC with index “1”:
• wave-scan ROBOTIC with index “1”:
This is the recommended scenario as the device raising the error can be easily iden-

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BYK-Gardner GmbH Appendix | 11

11.3 Troubleshooting
Module Problem Solution
Main Configuration is yet not possible or can Restart smart-robotic.
program not be reached.
Main There is a problem with smart-robotic. Check log file in “C:\ProgramData\BYK\smart-ro-
program botic\Logs\ SmartRobotic.log”.

Main Adding data is not possible on a configu- Add the data input value first. Click the Add button
program ration. second.
Main There are too many XML files in the pro- Backup all files, for example in a ZIP archive.
program gram data directory.
Main There are too many log files in the log di- Backup all files, for example in a ZIP archive.
program rectory.
OPC OPC control signal in status “Not con- Check / correct configuration on OPC server. Restart
config nected”. OPC server.
OPC OPC point signal in status “Not con- 1 Check / correct configuration on OPC server.
config nected”. Restart OPC server.
2 Check / correct configuration in smart-robotic.
Restart smart-robotic.
Device COM port can not be assigned, it is occu- 1 Assign a free COM port.
connect pied by other device. 2 If not possible, delete the other device.
Device Device initialization failed with “Error at 1 Click the button De-Initialize first.
test Initialize”. 2 Reconnect USB cable and repeat with new con-
3 Reconnect power cable and repeat after new in-
strument start.
Output Output files have no or unknown file ex- Append the correct extension in the file name defi-
files tension. nition designer.
Output Output file is not written after measure- Activate the device used during measurement for
files ment. this type of storage.
smart-chart link Simulation hangs during a measurement. 1 Close smart-robotic.
2 Restart OPC server.
3 Restart smart-robotic.
4 Reactivate device and simulator.
5 Restart measurement.
smart-chart link Expected quality status is not achieved A Save last modification in smart-chart and restart
during measurement. smart-robotic.
B Check if matching car model AND color standard
is used in smart-robotic.
Robot Robot simulator can not be started. Enable a measurement device first.
Robot There is a problem with the robot simula- Check log file in “C:\ProgramData\BYK\ smart-ro-
simulator tor. botic\Logs\ RobotSimulator.log”.
Robot There are too many log files in the log di- Backup all files, for example in a ZIP archive.
simulator rectory.

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11.4 XML Input File PELT

Following XML input files have been used to create this documentation. Details see
PELT Measurement [} 121].

11.4.1 Job Information

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

11.4.2 Multiple Measurements



</RobotPELT> Measurement 1
<PanelName>R01 X01 0:1</PanelName>
<Temperature> 18.0</Temperature>

158 smart-robotic 300 003 099 E 2012

BYK-Gardner GmbH Appendix | 11 Layer 1

<Thickness> 34.46</Thickness>
<Confidence> 59.0</Confidence>
</Layer> Layer 2

<Thickness> 17.18</Thickness>
<Confidence> 59.0</Confidence>
<LayerName>TP Color_T</LayerName>
</Layer> Layer 3

<Thickness> 22.66</Thickness>
<Confidence> 83.0</Confidence>
</Layer> Layer 4

<Thickness> 14.94</Thickness>
<Confidence> 84.0</Confidence>

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</Layer> Measurement 2
<PanelName>R01 X01 1:21</PanelName>
<Temperature> 19.0</Temperature>
<Layers> Layer 1

<Thickness> 42.86</Thickness>
<Confidence> 48.0</Confidence>
<LayerName>2K Clearcoat</LayerName>
<LayerCode>ALD 096050/ALZ</LayerCode>
</Layer> Layer 2

<Thickness> 10.53</Thickness>
<Confidence> 48.0</Confidence>
<TOF> 9.00</TOF>
<LayerName>Deepblack Per_5</LayerName>

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BYK-Gardner GmbH Appendix | 11 Layer 3

<Thickness> 29.79</Thickness>
<Confidence> 95.0</Confidence>
<LayerName>Anthrazit Prime</LayerName>
<LayerCode>ALG 670008</LayerCode>
</Layer> Layer 4

<Thickness> 21.01</Thickness>
<Confidence> 95.0</Confidence>
<LayerName>CathoGuard 800</LayerName>
<LayerCode>ALE 074507</LayerCode>

The value for the “Multi-Layer Total Thickness” is not present in the file. It is calcu-
lated by smart-robotic from the values of the different layers belonging to the
same check zone.

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