A4.Pilot Pioneer Operation Guide V10.4 PDF

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Pilot Pioneer Operation Guide


1 Product Overview .................................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Introduction to Pilot Pioneer .................................................................................... 1

1.2 Operating System ....................................................................................................... 1

1.3 Required Configuration ............................................................................................ 1

1.4 Recommended Configuration .................................................................................. 1

1.5 Configuration for Carrier Aggregation Test........................................................... 1

2 Software Installation .............................................................................................................. 2

2.1 Install Drivers and Components .............................................................................. 2

2.2 Install Pilot Pioneer .................................................................................................... 5

2.3 Operations on 5G Protection Key Online ............................................................... 9

2.3.1 Activate 5G Protection Key Online .................................................................. 9

2.3.2 Update 5G Protection Key Online ................................................................. 11

2.4 Insert 5G Hard Dongle ............................................................................................ 13

2.5 5G Dongle License Query ....................................................................................... 13

3 Test Procedure ...................................................................................................................... 15

3.1 Project Management ................................................................................................ 15

3.1.1 Create a New Project........................................................................................ 15

3.1.2 Open a Project ................................................................................................... 15

3.1.3 Save a Project .................................................................................................... 16

3.2 Device Configuration............................................................................................... 16

3.2.1 Handset Settings ............................................................................................... 18 Qualcomm Chipset-based Handset ........................................... 18 Install Qualcomm Driver ..................................................... 18 Handset Settings ................................................................... 20 Port Configuration ............................................................... 22 HiSilicon Chipset-based Handset .............................................. 24 Pilot Pioneer Connection ..................................................... 24

Contents Port Configuration ............................................................... 26 SA Mode Settings ................................................................. 27

3.2.2 Automatic Detection ........................................................................................ 32

3.2.3 Manual Configuration ..................................................................................... 34

3.2.4 Undetected Devices.......................................................................................... 35

3.2.5 Select 5G NSA Scene ........................................................................................ 35

3.3 Configure Test Plans ................................................................................................ 37

3.3.1 Add/Edit Test Plans ........................................................................................ 37

3.3.2 Configure a Loop Test ..................................................................................... 39

3.3.3 Configure a Multi-Service Test ....................................................................... 40

3.3.4 Sequence Control.............................................................................................. 42

3.4 Data Collection ......................................................................................................... 42

3.4.1 Data Collection Configuration ....................................................................... 43 Data Storage Path Configuration ............................................... 43 Data Partition Configuration ...................................................... 43 Data Collection Configuration.................................................... 44 Data Storage Format Configuration........................................... 44

3.4.2 Device Connection ........................................................................................... 45

3.4.3 Recording Mode ............................................................................................... 47

3.4.4 Start/Stop Test .................................................................................................. 48

3.4.5 Force Command ............................................................................................... 50

3.4.6 AT Command Window ................................................................................... 52

3.4.7 Online and Offline Maps ................................................................................. 53 Load Online Maps ........................................................................ 54 Import Offline Maps .................................................................... 54

3.4.8 Cell Site Databases Configuration ................................................................. 55

3.4.9 Indoor Positioning Test ................................................................................... 58

3.4.10 Test Information ............................................................................................... 61 Loading Scene ............................................................................... 61

Contents Opening Information Windows ................................................. 63 Freezing Windows ....................................................................... 63

3.4.11 Test Recommendations.................................................................................... 64

3.5 Data Management .................................................................................................... 64

3.6 Data Replay ............................................................................................................... 66

4 5G NR Statistics and Analysis ................................................................................................... 67

4.1 Replay Logfiles ......................................................................................................... 67

4.1.1 Import Logfiles ................................................................................................. 67

4.1.2 Display Messages ............................................................................................. 68

4.1.3 RB scheduling/MCS/Modulation Mode Window Display....................... 68

4.1.4 MCS Ratio.......................................................................................................... 69

4.2 Display Parameter Information in Map Window................................................ 70

4.2.1 Customize Parameters Threshold ..................................................................... 70

4.2.2 Parameters Comparison......................................................................................... 71

4.2.3 Data Comparison in Map Window................................................................ 71

4.3 Export Data................................................................................................................ 72

4.3.1 Capture Abnormal Data .................................................................................. 72

4.3.2 Export Scanner Logfile in Excel Format .................................................................... 72

4.3.3 Export in Qualcomm MDM Format .............................................................. 73

4.3.4 Export Parameters, Messages and Events ........................................................... 73

4.3.5 Export Parameter Table ................................................................................... 74

4.4 Data Filtering ............................................................................................................ 75

4.4.1 Add a Filter and Bin Template ....................................................................... 75

4.4.2 Filter Data .......................................................................................................... 76

4.5 Merge/Partition Logfiles ........................................................................................ 77

4.5.1 Partition Logfiles .............................................................................................. 77

4.5.2 Partition By Region .......................................................................................... 79

4.6 Smart Analysis .......................................................................................................... 81

4.6.1 Antenna Feeder Reversed Analysis ............................................................... 81


4.6.2 Measurement Over Distance Analysis .......................................................... 82

4.6.3 Overlapping Coverage Analysis .................................................................... 83

4.6.4 Delay Analysis .................................................................................................. 83

4.7 Generate Statistics Reports...................................................................................... 84

4.7.1 5G NR Report.................................................................................................... 84

4.7.2 KPI Statistics Reports ....................................................................................... 84

5 Appendix ............................................................................................................................... 85

5.1 Default Test Plans..................................................................................................... 85

5.1.1 Call ..................................................................................................................... 85

5.1.2 MOS.................................................................................................................... 87

5.1.3 FTP Download .................................................................................................. 89

5.1.4 FTP Upload ....................................................................................................... 90

5.1.5 HTTP Page......................................................................................................... 92

5.1.6 Ping..................................................................................................................... 93

5.1.7 PBM .................................................................................................................... 94

5.1.8 Video Play ......................................................................................................... 95

5.1.9 UDP .................................................................................................................... 97

5.2 Troubleshooting for Dial-up Failure ..................................................................... 98

5.3 Test Task Execution Failure .................................................................................... 99

5.4 Service Execution Verification (Only for Default Services) ................................ 99

5.4.1 Call ..................................................................................................................... 99

5.4.2 MOS.................................................................................................................. 100

5.4.3 FTP Download ................................................................................................ 100

5.4.4 FTP Upload ..................................................................................................... 100

5.4.5 Ping................................................................................................................... 100

5.4.6 HTTP Page....................................................................................................... 101

5.4.7 PBM .................................................................................................................. 101

5.4.8 Video Play ....................................................................................................... 101

5.4.9 UDP .................................................................................................................. 102

Product Overview

1 Product Overview
1.1 Introduction to Pilot Pioneer
Pilot Pioneer is a real-time multi-technology mobile network and services performance, test and

measurement solution. Pilot Pioneer runs on MS Windows 10/8/7 operating system, and utilizes

the latest smartphone test devices and frequency scanners for the measurement collection.

1.2 Operating System

Windows 10 (32/64-bit)/Windows 8 (32/64-bit)/Windows 7 (32/64-bit) is required.

1.3 Required Configuration

The required configuration is as below:
• CPU: Intel i3
• Memory: 4.00 GB
• Display: VGA
• Resolution: 1366*768
• Hard Disk: 100 GB or more of free space

1.4 Recommended Configuration

The recommended configuration is as below:
• CPU: Intel i5
• Memory: 8.00 GB
• Display: SVGA; Color quality must be 16 bit or higher
• Resolution: 1366*768
• Hard Disk: 240 GB or more of free space

1.5 Configuration for Carrier Aggregation Test

• CPU: Intel i7
• Memory: 8.00 GB
• Hard Disk: 256GB SSD

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Software Installation

2 Software Installation
Users need to install required drivers and components before installing Pilot Pioneer.

1. Contact DingLi technical support for the installation packages.

2. Antivirus software in the computer may cause installation failure or abnormal operation,

please close the antivirus software and re-install Pioneer Drivers or add Pioneer Drivers to

the trust list.

2.1 Install Drivers and Components

Users need to install some drivers and operating environment when Pilot Pioneer is used for the first

time. Those drivers and operating environment are included in PioneerDriversSetup.exe.

Follow the instructions below:

1. Double click PioneerDriversSetup.exe.

Figure 2-1 PioneerDriversSetup.exe

2. Click Next on the Pioneer Drivers Setup window.

Figure 2-2 Pioneer Drivers Setup

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Software Installation

3. Click I Agree on the License Agreement window.

Figure 2-3 License Agreement

4. Define the installation path under Destination Folder.

Figure 2-4 Installation path

5. Select components to install on the Choose Components window that appears, and click Next.

The components that are selected by default are required to run Pilot Pioneer. Users may

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Software Installation

choose to install other components based on the actual test requirements.

Figure 2-5 Install components

Note: If your PC has already installed the components and drivers, it is unnecessary to re-install

them. You may directly install Pilot Pioneer.

The table below describes the functions of each component.

Component Description
The basic component of Microsoft .net framework.
Microsoft .net Framework4
Users need to install it for the first use of Pilot Pioneer.
Event speech engine program, based on which the audio
Event Speech Engine Pack alarm can be reported for events in Pilot Pioneer. It is
recommended to install.
MOS Driver and POLQA MOS test driver. Users may install it based on the actual
Environment test requirements.
TCP/IP sniffer component. Users may install it based on
TCP/IP Monitor Pack
the actual test requirements.
Windows and R&S Scanner SDK Components for R&S scan test. Users may install it
Pack based on the actual test requirements.
Microsoft XML package. Users need to install it for the
Microsoft XML 4 Pack
first use of Pilot Pioneer.
Run Selected Components The default system component. Users need to install it.

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Software Installation

6. Install the selected components. The figure below shows the Installation Wizard windows for

Microsoft .net Framework4. Click Next until the installation is finished.

Figure 2-6 Microsoft .net Framework4

7. After the installation is completed, click Finish on the Pioneer Drivers Setup window.

Figure 2-7 Complete installation

2.2 Install Pilot Pioneer

After the drivers and components are installed, users may install Pilot Pioneer.

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Software Installation

1. Double-click PioneerSetup.exe and install Pilot Pioneer according to the instructions.

(Pilot Pioneer 10.4 setup version: PioneerSetup

Figure 2-8 Installing Pilot Pioneer

1. Click Next on the Pilot Pioneer Setup window.

Figure 2-9 Pilot Pioneer Setup

2. Click I Agree on the License Agreement window.

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Software Installation

Figure 2-10 License Agreement

3. Select a dongle type based on the actual situation. Users must select Dongle Driver, and

select a dongle type (hereinafter take Soft Dongle as an example) as required.

4. Define the installation path under Destination Folder.

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Software Installation

Figure 2-11 Installation path

5. After the installation is completed, click Finish on the Pilot Pioneer Setup window.

Figure 2-12 Complete installation

Note: There are three solutions for 5G test, i.e. 5G hard dongle (i.e. Blue Hard Dongle, and

Black Hard Dongle) & 5G protection key (i.e. Soft Dongle). Users may select one solution as


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Software Installation

2.3 Operations on 5G Protection Key Online

DingLi has developed a dedicated platform (DingLi Products License Client with the URL of to activate and update 5G protection key online. Please see the

platform home page shown as below:

Figure 2-13 DingLi Products License Client Home Page

2.3.1 Activate 5G Protection Key Online

1. Open the website to enter DingLi Products License Client
home page.
2. Select Service: Activate Protection Key Online

Figure 2-14 Select activation service on home page

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Software Installation

3. Copy the license activation key that is received in mailbox to DingLi Products License
Client, and click Login.

Figure 2-15 Login DingLi Products License Client

4. Click Activate Product Online>Confirm in the 5G protection key activation page.

Figure 2-16 Activate 5G protection key

5. After the 5G protection key is activated, a successful activation prompt will be displayed
in the interface.

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Software Installation

Figure 2-17 5G protection key activation successful

2.3.2 Update 5G Protection Key Online

1. Open the website to enter DingLi Products License Client
home page.
2. Select Service: Update Protection Key Online

Figure 2-18 Select update service on home page

3. Click Update, and the 5G protection key will be automatically updated.

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Software Installation

Figure 2-19 Update 5G protection key

4. After the 5G protection key is updated, a successful activation prompt will be displayed in

the interface.

Figure 2-20 Update successful

*Note: After 5G protection key is activated or updated successfully, start Pilot Pioneer. If users
can successfully start Pilot Pioneer, 5G protection key is activated or updated successfully;
otherwise, please contact DingLi technical support.

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Software Installation

Figure 2-21 Run Pilot Pioneer

2.4 Insert 5G Hard Dongle

After Pilot Pioneer is successfully installed, insert the 5G dongle into the computer, and run Pilot

Pioneer. If no dongle is inserted, users may not run the Pilot Pioneer software.
Figure 2-22 Hardware dongle (Black Hard Dongle)

Figure 2-23 Hardware dongle (Blue Hard Dongle)

2.5 5G Dongle License Query

Users may tap on the top right corner, and then select Help> License Query to query the

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Software Installation

5G dongle license in Pilot Pioneer V10.4.

The “License Query” interface where users can view the Key ID, expiration data and other

permissions information (e.g. terminals, RATs, services, functions, reports and analysis), and online

upgrade option, is shown as follow. If the user wants the access to the online upgrade function,

he/she needs to select "HASP Dongle Driver and Update Tool" on Figure 2-5 installation interface.
Figure 2-24 License Query

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Test Procedure

3 Test Procedure
3.1 Project Management
The Project is the basic unit for data management and maintenance in Pilot Pioneer. Pilot Pioneer

operations are based on projects. Therefore, a new project must be created before users can perform

operations within a Project.

In addition, the external devices, test plan, test data, site database, and the workspaces can be saved

as projects. Once a saved project is opened, all relevant information will be loaded automatically.

3.1.1 Create a New Project

Users may click New/Open Project ( ) on the Menu bar to create a new project. If the user
creates, edits and then saves a new project, a dialog box which informs the user to whether save the
edited new project will appear.
In addition, if the user uses Pilot Pioneer for the first time or does not save any project before, the
software will automatically create a new project.

3.1.2 Open a Project

If users previously saved a project, Pilot Pioneer will display a dialog box for users to select whether

to open the recently saved project? Users may click Yes to open it or click No to create a new project.

Users can also click beside the button to view the previous saved projects.

Figure 3-1 Open a project

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Test Procedure

3.1.3 Save a Project

Users may click the Save Project button ( ) on the Toolbar to save a project. When users

terminate the software, Pilot Pioneer will display a dialog box for users to select whether to save a

created or modified project.

3.2 Device Configuration

Users need to perform basic configuration (e.g. device ports, network adapter) after required

drivers are installed. Otherwise, Pilot Pioneer may not collect data or control test devices.

There are two device configuration methods: automatic detection and manual configuration. For

GPS and test devices, users may use the one-click automatic detection method. However, in some

special cases (e.g. automatic detection failed) or for some special test devices (e.g. scanner), users

need to use the manual configuration method.

After the required drivers have been installed, users need to make sure that the device port has

been identified by the computer and detected by Pilot Pioneer in either mode.

❖ Identify device ports

Right-click Computer and select Manage, click Device Manager, and make sure that the device

port information is displayed under Ports, Modems, and Network adapters.

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Test Procedure

Figure 3-2 Identify device ports

❖ Detect devices

Click Test on the navigation pane. If Pilot Pioneer detects a device, a corresponding message will

be displayed. See the figure below (the number N indicates that a number of N devices have been

detected but not configured):

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Test Procedure

Figure 3-3 Detect devices

3.2.1 Handset Settings Qualcomm Chipset-based Handset Install Qualcomm Driver
1. Right click the Qualcomm driver setup package, and select Run as administrator.
Note: Please contact DingLi technical support to obtain the Qualcomm driver setup package.

2. Select ETHERNET-DHCP is used to get IPAddress, and click Next.

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Test Procedure

3. Click Next in the window that appears.

4. Select I accept the terms in the license agreement, and click Next in the License
Agreement window.

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Test Procedure

5. Click Install in the Ready to Install the Program window.

6. Click Finish in the InstallShield Wizard Completed window to complete the installation. Handset Settings

Hereinafter, we take Samsung handset as an example to illustrate Qualcomm chipset-based

handset settings.
1. Dial *#0808# in the handset.

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Test Procedure

Figure 3-4 Handset dial

2. Select RMNET+DM+MODEM+ADPL(5G) in the USB Settings interface.

Figure 3-5 USB settings

3. Start Pioneer Tools to check the connection status of Pilot Pioneer and the handset. If
the handset is connecting to the Pilot Pioneer, Service Status will be displayed as
“Waiting…” in Pioneer Tools.
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Test Procedure

Figure 3-6 Start Pioneer Tools Port Configuration

1. Add Device:Automatically Detect/Manually Add Device

Automatically Detect Device: Click (Automatic Detection) button to identify the handset’s

port information which is as shown below.

Note: Please add the device manually and enter relevant port information for the handset that is

connected to Pilot Pioneer for the first time. (Trace Port corresponding to MSM port, 5G Trace

Port corresponding to MDM port.)

Manually Add Device: Click (Add Device) button to enter Manual Configuration

window, and select corresponding handset model and ports. (4GTrace port

-MSM Diagnostics; 5G Trace port-MDM Diagnostics; At Port/Modem Port-MDM Modem)

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Test Procedure

Figure 3-7 Add device

2. Device Connection:

• Start PioneerTools.

• Click (Connect) in Pilot Pioneer to connect the device to Pilot Pioneer.

• View if Service Status is displayed as “Connected”. If not, click (Disconnect) to

disconnect the device from Pilot Pioneer, close all programs in the handset, restart

PioneerTools, and click (Connect) in Pilot Pioneer to connect the device to Pilot
Pioneer again.

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Test Procedure

Figure 3-8 Device connection HiSilicon Chipset-based Handset

Hereinafter, we take Huawei Mate 20X 5G as an example to illustrate the HiSilicon chipset-based

handset settings. Pilot Pioneer Connection

1. Enable Test Port:

• Dial *#*#2846579159#*#* on the mobile to enter Project Menu Act window

• Select Background setting

• Select Usb ports setting

• Select Balong Debug mode.

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Test Procedure

Figure 3-9 Enable test port

2. Install HiSilicon driver (Connect the phone with PC in ‘Transfer files’ mode and run the Hisuite

to install driver). After finish, reconnect and switch to ‘Charge only’ mode.

Figure 3-10 Select Charge only mode

3. Device Configuration: Click (Add Device) button to enter Manual Configuration

window, select corresponding handset model and ports, and click OK.

4. Install PioneerTools on the mobile phone

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Test Procedure

5. Enable cellular data.

6. Click (Connect) in Pilot Pioneer to connect the device to Pilot Pioneer, and PioneerTools
will automatically be enabled and popped up. View if the License Status is displayed as “Valid”

and Service Status as “Connected” in PioneerTools. Port Configuration

1. Add Device:Automatically Detect/Manually Add Device

Automatically Detect Device: Click (Automatic Detection) button to identify the

handset’s port information which is as shown below.

Note: Please add the device manually and enter relevant port information for the handset that is

connected to Pilot Pioneer for the first time. (Trace Port corresponding to Application Interface


Manually Add Device: Click (Add Device) button to enter Manual Configuration

window, and select corresponding handset model and ports. (Trace port

-Application Interface; At Port/Modem Port-Android Adapter PCUI)

Figure 3-11 Add device

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Test Procedure

2. Device Connection:

• Start PioneerTools.

• Click (Connect) in Pilot Pioneer to connect the device to Pilot Pioneer.

• View if Service Status is displayed as “Connected”. If not, click (Disconnect) to

disconnect the device from Pilot Pioneer, close all programs in the handset, restart

PioneerTools, and click (Connect) in Pilot Pioneer to connect the device to Pilot
Pioneer again.

Figure 3-12 Device connection SA Mode Settings

1. Install the Huawei HiSilicon Driver on the PC. ①Connect handset to the PC ②Double click

CD Driver HiSuite on the PC in WiFi connection ③Huawei HiSuite will be downloaded

automatically. ④Install HiSuite on the PC and disable the function Automatically Start When

the Device is Connected in the HiSuite.

2. Enable the 5G function under Settings> Mobile network>Mobile data in the phone.

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Test Procedure

3. Set the handset to data centric mode: ①Dial *#*#2846579159#*#* on the handset; ② Select

5. Background setting>11.Protocol Testability Configuration>71.Set voice or data Mode To

modem>data centric, and tap CONFIRM

Figure 3-13 Select data centric

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Test Procedure

4. Set the handset to SA mode: Settings->System&updates->Developer

options->NETWORKING->5G network mode->SA mode

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Test Procedure

5. The handset would be restarted to validate SA mode.

6. Set the handset’s service domain to PS only: ① Dial *#*#2846579159#*#* on the handset;

② Select 7. Network setting>1.Service domain setting>PS Only

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Test Procedure

7. Connect the handset to the PC with USB cable and enable the test port: ① Dial

*#*#2846579159#*#* on the handset; ② Select 5.Background setting>1.Usb ports setting>USB

Ports Setting>Balong Debug mode, and tap CONFIRM

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Test Procedure

3.2.2 Automatic Detection

Currently, Pilot Pioneer supports auto detection only for GPS and handsets, but not scanners.

Click Test, and click the Automatic Detection icon ( ; shortcut key: F5) on the toolbar to

perform automatic detection.

This section uses Handset as an example.

Figure 3-14 Automatic detection

If the device is used for the first time, users need to select the correct handset model (such as

SAMSUNG Note 10+5G here as an example) when the window as shown in the figure below is


Figure 3-15 Select a model

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Test Procedure

After the automatic detection is completed, the device will be listed under Handset on the Test

window. Users may click Yes on the dialog box as shown in the figure below to directly connect

the device, or click No and then click to connect the device.

Figure 3-16 Connect device

It is recommended to double click the connected device to verify the configuration information

after the automatic detection. The figure below shows the correct configuration for a test device:

Figure 3-17 Verify device configuration (Qualcomm chipset-based handset)

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Test Procedure

Figure 3-18 Verify device configuration (HiSilicon chipset-based handset)

3.2.3 Manual Configuration

Manual configuration is used to manually configure the device name, port number and other

information based on the device information.

Users may configure devices manually after devices are connected or when automatic detection fails.

Here Handset is used as an example. Other devices follow similar operations.

1. Click Test, and double-click Handset to enter the Manual Configuration window.

Figure 3-19 Manual Configuration (Handset)

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Test Procedure

2. Configure required information based on the actual situation, e.g. device name, trace port for

data collection, AT port, Modem, and Network (highest network technology supported by the


3. Click OK to complete the configuration and exit the device configuration, or click Apply to

complete the configuration and continue to configure the next device.

3.2.4 Undetected Devices

If the added device cannot be detected by Pilot Pioneer, the device will be tagged with an

exclamation mark (see the figure below). In this case, users may try to plug out and plug in the

device again, restart the device, or reinstall drivers for troubleshooting.

Figure 3-20 Undetected devices

3.2.5 Select 5G NSA Scene

1. After the handset is connected successfully, the corresponding Events and Messages
windows will be displayed in Pilot Pioneer.

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Test Procedure

Figure 3-21 Windows display

2. Click the Scene icon ( ) and select 5G NSA.

Figure 3-22 Select 5G NSA

After the handset is successfully connected to Pilot Pioneer, the corresponding 5G NSA Events

and Messages windows will be displayed in Pilot Pioneer.

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Test Procedure

Figure 3-23 5G NSA windows display

3.3 Configure Test Plans

A test plan consists of one or multiple specific services test. Each device matches a test plan.

After adding devices, choose Test> Handset, and click a device under Handset. Test template

matching the device will be automatically shown under Test Plan.

3.3.1 Add/Edit Test Plans

❖ Add a test plan

Follow the instructions below to add a test plan:

1. Click Test, click a device, and then the default test plan templates will be displayed under


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Test Procedure

Figure 3-24 Test Plan templates

2. If the required test service is not available under Test Plan, click or right-click a test

template and select Add to enter the Add Test Plan window, select the test service type, and
then click OK.
Figure 3-25 Add a test plan

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Test Procedure

❖ Edit test plans

After adding a test plan, users may double click it or right-click it and select Edit to configure

required information for the test plan.

Figure 3-26 Edit a test plan

For more information about the configuration, see the appendix 1.

3.3.2 Configure a Loop Test

Loop test is the way to execute several test services automatically in a loop sequence. Users may

select multiple (at least two) configured test plans to execute them based on the sequence.

Follow the instructions below to configure a loop test:

1. Add multiple test plans and configure required information by referring to the instructions in

section 3.3.1.

2. Select multiple test plans as required. This way, Pilot Pioneer will execute the selected test

services by sequence.

For example, Pilot Pioneer will execute the Call, FTP Upload, and FTP Download by

sequence if these test plans are selected as shown in the figure below:

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Test Procedure

Figure 3-27 Add a loop test plan

3.3.3 Configure a Multi-Service Test

Multi-Service Test is to run multiple test services simultaneously at the same time. For example,

users may perform FTP Download and FPT Upload tests simultaneously.

Follow the instructions below to configure a Multi-service test:

1. Click or right-click a test template and select Add to enter the Add Test Plan window.

2. Select multiple services (at least two) for Multi-service tests, and then select Multi-RAB.

Note: If the Multi-RAB option turns grey and is invalid, it indicates that the selected services

cannot be executed as Multi-RAB.

3. Click OK to add the services into the test plan list in the navigation pane.

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Test Procedure

Figure 3-28 Add a multi-service test plan

4. Double click or right click the added test plan to configure required information, and click OK.
Figure 3-29 Configure required information

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Test Procedure

3.3.4 Sequence Control

Sequence Control is used to control the service tests sequence for each test device based on users'

settings. Users may configure required information based on the actual test requirements.

Figure 3-30 Sequence Control

Function Name Description

Loop Times The outer loop count
Loop Interval(s) The interval between two loop tests.
Serial Interval (s) The interval between two service tests within a single loop.
Define the RAT within which the test service will be executed.
• Only 4G: to execute the service test only in 4G network
• Only 3G: to execute the service test only in 4G network
Serving RAT
• No Limit: no limitation on service test execution.
This option is valid only for FTP DL/UL,Multi FTP DL/UL, HTTP
DL/UL, HTTP Page,PBM and Ping test services.

3.4 Data Collection

Data collection includes real time test and recording of the test information. It is commonly used

to collect test information, observe real time status, and save test information into log files.

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3.4.1 Data Collection Configuration

Users can configure data collection based on the actual situation or keep the default settings. Be

aware that the data collection options need to be configured before recording the data. Users may

click button on the top right corner, and then select Configuration>Options to enter the

page where users can configure data collection. Data Storage Path Configuration

Under the General page, users can configure data storage path, or keep the default data storage

path in LogData directory in the installation path.

Figure 3-31 Data storage path configuration Data Partition Configuration

Under the General page, users can configure data partition mode (By time or By size), or keep the

default settings if no partition is required.

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Figure 3-32 Data partition configuration Data Collection Configuration

Under the Advanced page, users can select whether to save layer1 and layer2 message details, and

select the NR frame information which need to be collected. Users can also keep the default settings.
Figure 3-33 Data collection configuration Data Storage Format Configuration

Under the Advanced page, users can select one or multiple data storage formats, or keep the
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default data storage format as *.rcu.

Figure 3-34 Data storage format configuration

3.4.2 Device Connection

To connect a test device to Pilot Pioneer, do as follows:

1. Configure the device and test plans by referring to section 3.2 and section 3.3 herein


2. Click on the tool bar (shortcut key: F6) to enter the connection mode.

Once the device is successfully connected to Pilot Pioneer, the software will display the current

test information, and the user can start to perform various tests.

If the connection failed, a message box as shown in the figure below will be displayed.

Figure 3-35 Connecting information

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The options description are as follows:

➢ If users click Ignore, Pilot Pioneer will ignore the device with the connection failure, and

continue to enter the connection mode.

➢ If users click Reconnect, Pilot Pioneer will try to reconnect the device with connection


➢ If users click Disconnect, Pilot Pioneer will disconnect all devices and go back to the

disconnected mode.

Note: Users may check the device driver, plug out and plug in the derive, or restart the

device if a connection failure occurs.

To identify probable root cause of failed device connection, please do as follow:

➢ Users may identify the probable root cause according to the connecting information as shown

in the Figure 3-35, or send the error code to DingLi technical support if there is only error code

in the connecting information dialogue box.

➢ Check whether the failed-connection device is powered off.

➢ If the failed-connection device is enabled, please view the corresponding port information in

the PC's Device Manager window.

➢ If there is abnormal port information, please plug out and plug in the device, or restart the

device and reinstall the device driver.

If the connection is successful, the workspace will display information status windows such as

Message, Event List, Line Chart, Map and Device Control by default if there are none loaded


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Figure 3-36 Workspace display

3.4.3 Recording Mode

In the recording mode, Pilot Pioneer is able to save the test information as log files in a specified


Users may click the Start Recording icon ( ) on the toolbar, or press the shortcut key F7 to enter

the recording mode.

Figure 3-37 Save Logfile window

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Users may set the logfile name as required. The log file name consists of the user defined part and

default name (month+day+hour+minute+second), which can also be edited.

The log file is saved in the LogData directory in the installation path of Pilot Pioneer by default.

The *.ddib logfiles in the LogData directory are decoded files, while the *.rcu log files in

\LogData\BackupLogFiles are non-decoded files. Users may edit the target directory for the

logfiles to save.

The table below describes the functions related to Save Logfile:

Table 3-1 Save Logfiles

Name Description

Save Source Data Save the original data (*.rcu).

VoLTE Test

(Save VoLTE Save the frame information during VoLTE test. It is recommended to

frame select this option for VoLTE test.


Click this button to access to LTE frame information option.

Configuration Click Configuration to enter the Options window to conduct

settings related to service tests, e.g. data partition settings (by

time/size), message collection settings (Layer 1/2/message details).

Note: In the connection mode, users cannot set Save as another

format on the Advanced tab page of the Options window. Users

need to disconnect the device, and choose Configuration>Option

Manager>Advanced to conduct the settings.

Test Save some additional information to the logfiles, e.g. province, city,

personnel, car, place, etc.

3.4.4 Start/Stop Test

The Device Control window will appear by default after Pilot Pioneer enters the Connection mode.

1. Users may also click on the tool bar or press the shortcut key F8 to open the window.

2. Click Test Plan to modify or verify test plan corresponding to the selected device before the

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test starts.

3. For mobile to mobile call test and MO-MT MOS test, select MT terminal under Dialed MS

for the selected device. Users only need to configure test information for MO terminal.

Figure 3-38 Device Control

• / / : to start, stop or pause the service test corresponding to the selected device.

• Click after the service test has started to pause the service test, and the icon will be

changed into which indicates that the service test has been paused. Users may click

to continue the service test.

• Start All: to start the service tests of all test devices.

• Stop All: to stop the service tests of all test devices.

• Test Plan: to enter the Test Plan Manager window.

• Tag: to add tags for the selected device on the Event window. Options: Insert Start/End

Statistics Tag, Insert Custom Tags.

• AT Cmd: to control the selected device through AT commands.

Users may also view the service test information on this window, e.g. test count, test failure count,


Figure 3-39 Tag options

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❖ For AT Cmd option, users may enter AT command in AT Cmd window as shown below,

and then click Send to send AT command. The AT commands will be displayed in the right

pane of the AT Cmd window, and the send result in the left pane.

For more details about AT Cmd configuration, please refer to section 3.4.6
Figure 3-40 AT Cmd window

3.4.5 Force Command

To facilitate network analysis and troubleshooting, Pilot Pioneer enables force command in which

users may lock the network and cell, force reselection, and force handover, etc. Different test

devices may have different force command capability.

Execute force commands based on the following steps:

1. Connect the test device and enter the Connection or Recording mode.

2. Select a device, and click the drop-down arrow ( ) next to a command to send the force

command to the device. For some commands (e.g. SetAPN, Lock Band, Lock Cell, etc.), the

user needs to enter required information.

3. After the force command is executed, corresponding Force Event will be recorded to the

Event window. Users may observe the Layer 3 message, network/cell information, or device

to check if the force command takes effect.

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Figure 3-41 Force command settings tab page

The table below describes the force commands for Samsung Note10+ 5G:

Table 3-2 Force commands options

Power On Power on the device.

Power Off Power off the device.

Attach Attach the network.

General Detach Detach the network.

Get IP Address Obtain the IP address of the network

adapter (establish the dial-up connection)

Release IP Address Release the IP address of the network

adapter (disconnect the dial-up


Reset UE Reset the device.

Reboot UE Restart the device.

SetAPN Set the Access Point Name.

Lock Network Mode Force network lock.

Lock/unlock Auto Network Mode Enable the device to support any network.

Lock Band Force band lock.

Auto Band Enable the device to support any band.

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Lock Cell Force cell lock.

Unlock Cell Unlock the cell.

CA_State Disable/Enable the CA function of the


3.4.6 AT Command Window

AT command window is designed in Pilot Pioneer to realize the control of AT command on

terminal. To send the AT command to the terminal, do as follows:

1. Click on the tool bar (shortcut key: F6) to enter the connection mode, or click the Start

Recording icon ( ) on the toolbar (shortcut key: F7) to enter the recording mode.

2. Click on the tool bar or press the shortcut key F8 to open the window shown as below.

Figure 3-42 Device control window

3. Click AT Cmd to enter AT Cmd window as shown below.

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Figure 3-43 AT Cmd window

4. Select a terminal that needs AT command control under Device List, and then click Connect

to connect the selected device to the software.

5. Select a AT command from Default drop-down list box, and then click Send to send the

command to the terminal; or select Custom from Default drop-down list box, enter the user-

defined command in CMD box, and then click Send to send the command.

Users may right click the custom command in CMD box, and select Set as Default to add the

command to the Default drop-down list box for future use.

6. Set interval to send AT command(s) sequentially in a cycle manner under Start cycle to send

interval option.

7. View the AT command in the right pane of the AT Cmd window, and send result in the left pane.

All or multiple AT command execution records and results can be copied, exported, cleared, etc.

3.4.7 Online and Offline Maps

In Pilot Pioneer, users can load online maps which include Google maps, Google Earth, Bing map,

etc. or import the offline maps as required. The offline map format includes MapInfo(*. Tab,

*.Mif,*.Gst), Image(*.bmp, *.jpg,*.gif, *.tif,*.png, *.jpeg),Terrain(*.TMB,

*.TMD),AutoCAD(*.Dxf), USGS(*.DEM),ArcInfo(*.Shp), KML (*.kml, *.kmz), ZDF (*.zdf) and

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iBWave(*.ibwc). Load Online Maps

To load online maps, users need to enable GPS function and network support first and then follow

the instructions below.

Load online maps: Click the drop-down arrow as shown in the figure below on the Map window to

load the online map the customer wants to access.

Cancel online maps loading: Click the button in the online maps list.

Figure 3-44 Load online maps Import Offline Maps

Pilot Pioneer supports offline maps import, of which format includes MapInfo(*. Tab, *.Mif,*.Gst),

Image(*.bmp, *.jpg,*.gif, *.tif,*.png, *.jpeg),Terrain(*.TMB, *.TMD),AutoCAD(*.Dxf),

USGS(*.DEM),ArcInfo(*.Shp), KML (*.kml, *.kmz), ZDF (*.zdf) and iBWave(*.ibwc).

To import offline maps, please follow the instructions below:

1. Click Layer tab, and then double click the offline map format based on actual situation under

Geo Map or Indoor Map.

2. Select an offline map from local PC as required.

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3. Drag the offline map which has been imported in the software to the Map window, to display

the offline map.

If the user wants to delete the imported offline map, he/she may right click the offline map which

needs to be deleted, and then select Delete.

Figure 3-45 Import offline maps

3.4.8 Cell Site Databases Configuration

In the Samples directory of Pilot Pioneer installation path, there are various network-based cell site

database samples in *.txt and *.xls format. Before importing the cell site database to the software,

users need to complete the database based on the actual cell sites information for the test.

➢ Import Cell Site Database

After configuring cell site database, click Layer tab, double click the network technology

corresponding to the cell site database which needs to be imported under Site or right click the

network technology to select Import, and then select a cell site database file from local PC.

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Figure 3-46 Import cell site database

➢ Match Mandatory Information

Pilot Pioneer supports various network-based cell site databases import. Once the cell site database

is imported to the software, Pilot Pioneer will automatically identify and match the mandatory

information written in cell site database. If the software fails to identify and match the mandatory

information, there will be a manual configuration window for users to match the information


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Figure 3-47Match mandatory information

➢ Cell Settings

Users can also click button on the Map window to set such information as cell display,

properties, lable, cell line, etc.

Figure 3-48 Cell settings

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➢ Export Cell Site Database

Pilot Pioneer V10.4 supports entire or partial dedicated cell site database export, which facilitate

users' subsequent database use and information sharing. To export cell site database, follow the

export methods below:

Method one: Right click the cell site database that the customer wants to export under Site, and then

select Export.

Method two: Right click Site or the network technology corresponding to the cell site database

which needs to be exported, select Site Data Base Manager, select all or partial cell sites in the

window that appears, and then click Export.

➢ Delete Cell Site Database

Users need to right click Site, cell site database which needs to be deleted, or the network technology

corresponding to the cell site database which needs to be deleted, and then select Close.

3.4.9 Indoor Positioning Test

Users can conduct common pinpointing or predefined path pinpointing for indoor test through

Pilot Pioneer.

➢ Common Pinpointing

To conduct common pinpointing, do as follows:

1. Start the test and record test data.

2. Drag the imported indoor map from Layer tab to the Map window.

3. Click the drop-down arrow beside button in Map window, and select Pinpoint to

activate the common pinpointing function.

4. Pinpoint a test route on the indoor map.

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Figure 3-49 Common Pinpointing

➢ Predefined Path Pinpointing

To conduct predefined path pinpointing, do as follows:

1. Start the test and record test data.

2. Drag the imported indoor map from Lay tab to the Map window.

3. Click the drop-down arrow beside button in Map window, and select Customize Path

to activate the customized path drawing function.

4. Left click the mouse to customize a path on the indoor map, and then double click the mouse to

finish the path drawing.

The customized path is shown in the following figure as an example:

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Figure 3-50 Customized path

5. Click the drop-down arrow beside button in Map window, and select Pin point

Predefined Paths to activate the predefined path pinpointing function.

6. Click the button in the tool bar in Map window to pinpoint a predefined test route on

the indoor map.

Figure 3-51 Predefined Path Pinpointing

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➢ Remove, restore pinpoints on the test route and inverse the removal

Users may click to remove all pinpoints on the test route, click to restore the pinpoints

and click to revoke the removal of pinpoints.

Figure 3-52 Remove, restore pinpoints on the test route and inverse the removal

3.4.10 Test Information

Users may view test information (e.g. test status, test failure count, test progress, etc.) in real time

in Device Control window by using one of the following methods. Loading Scene

Pilot Pioneer provides the customized scene function and some default test scenes. To customize a

scene, users may collect and save some test information that they focus on as required, and to view

the default test scenes, follow the instructions below:

1. Click the drop-down arrow next to and open a scene as required to view various test

information. See the figure below:

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Figure 3-53 Open a scene

2. Directly drag the logfiles under Data List to the scene windows on the Workspace to display

the corresponding test information.

Note: As CSFB and VOLTE test scenes load MO and MT test data synchronously, users need to

drag both MO and MT test data to the upper zone and lower zone in the scene window respectively.

Figure 3-54 load a scene

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Test Procedure Opening Information Windows

During service test, all network technologies supported by the device will be displayed under

Network. After the logfile is decoded, only the network technology related to the logfile will be

displayed under Network. Pilot Pioneer displays test information tab according to the network

type. To view test information on information windows, do as follows:

1. Select a logfile under Data List.

2. Select a window, and double click the information windows (e.g. Message, Event List, Line

Chart, Map, Table, Statistics) under Network to display the test information in the

corresponding windows. Or directly drag logfiles under Data List to the windows to

display the corresponding test information.

Figure 3-55 View test information on information windows Freezing Windows

During real-time test information display, users may click on a window or right lick to select

Freeze window to view the test information. Users may also click on the tool bar to freeze

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all windows on the workspace. The information can be synchronized to all windows after users

freeze a window.

Figure 3-56 Freeze windows

3.4.11 Test Recommendations

It is recommended to stop all test services first and then stop recoding test data, to successfully

complete the test and collect full test data.

3.5 Data Management

➢ Data Storage Path

All the test data will be stored in the location set by the user in accordance with section

herein, or users may right click the logfile under Data List and select Open Log Path to view the

data storage path that has been set in advanced.

Figure 3-57 View data storage path

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All the non-decoded data (in the format such as RCU, DCF, etc, but except *. ddib format) will be

stored in the sub-directory BackupLogFiles under the data storage file.

➢ View Test Plan

Users may right click the logfile under Data List and select Test Plan Log to view test plan


Figure 3-58 View test plan

➢ View General Test Information

Users may right click the logfile under Data List and select Test Information to view general test

information, such as terminal name, test start time, test duration, test distance, etc.

Figure 3-59View general test information

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3.6 Data Replay

To replay logfiles, do as follows:

1. Double click the information windows which the user wants to replay under Network.

2. Click the button on tool bar to display replay icon, such as the pause button, speed

toolbar, position toolbar, etc.

3. Slide (left or right) the speed toolbar and position toolbar to synchronize the information in

various information windows.

Figure 3-60 Data replay

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5G NR Statistics and Analysis

4 5G NR Statistics and Analysis

4.1 Replay Logfiles
4.1.1 Import Logfiles

1. Click icon to add a data file (Qualcomm *isf data is supported).

2. Select an imported logfile, open windows (e.g. Message or Table) as required, and click
icon to replay the data.

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4.1.2 Display Messages

Customized messages display settings:

4.1.3 RB scheduling/MCS/Modulation Mode Window


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4.1.4 MCS Ratio

Scanner Data:

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Handset Data

4.2 Display Parameter Information in Map

4.2.1 Customize Parameters Threshold
Click Menu>Parameter Settings to customize the parameter threshold and corresponding color.

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4.2.2 Parameters Comparison

Pilot Pioneer support 5G PCI/beam/rsrp/sinr comparison in the map window.

4.2.3 Data Comparison in Map Window

Drag two data files to the map window.

Click Lay Control icon ( ) to enter the Layer Manager window, and set the X or Y axis

offset value of one data file to 50.

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4.3 Export Data

4.3.1 Capture Abnormal Data
Capture the abnormal events and automatically upload to the ftp server.

4.3.2 Export Scanner Logfile in Excel Format

Export File Struct: Set the template to export scanner source file.

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5G NR Statistics and Analysis

Export in ASPS Format

4.3.3 Export in Qualcomm MDM Format

*. source.rcu logfile that is generated by Pilot Pioneer may be exported to MDM format, and

replayed in Qualcomm QCAT.

4.3.4 Export Parameters, Messages and Events

⚫ Select parameters, messages and events to export as required.
⚫ Select sample Bin condition, e.g. Bin by Time, Bin by Grid, Bin by Distance, etc.
⚫ Select the contents that need to be exported, e.g. message details, event details, etc.

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Select contents that need to be exported, and save as a template.

Template Storage Path: Pilot Pioneer10.4.0.55\Config\Pioneer\ExportTemplate\

4.3.5 Export Parameter Table

Save the parameter table as a template.

Table template storage path: Pilot Pioneer10.4.0.55\Config\Pioneer\TableTemplate\

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4.4 Data Filtering

4.4.1 Add a Filter and Bin Template
⚫ Users may click Filter to enter Filter window.
✓ Doulbe-click a filter type (hereinafter we take Parameter as an example) or hover

the cursor over Parameter and click the icon in the position marked as 1 in

the figure below.

✓ Define filter conditions as required in the page that appears, e.g. define the filter name

in the position marked as 2 and define the expression as the filter condition in the

position marked as.

✓ Click Save to save the settings. The defined conditions will be dispalyed in the

position marked as 5 in the figure below.

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⚫ Click Filter to find Bin Template at the left bottom.

✓ Click the icon to open the template settings page.

✓ Define a template name, set Bin type, size, and value as required, and click Save.

4.4.2 Filter Data

⚫ Table: right click a parameter and select Table. Select a filter and bin template and enable the
Original icon to Apply.
⚫ Map: right click a parameter and select Map. Drag a filter and bin template to the map window.
⚫ Statistics: right click a parameter and select Statistics. Select a filter and bin template and
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enable the Original icon to Apply.

4.5 Merge/Partition Logfiles

4.5.1 Partition Logfiles
Select Copy Data under the Customize Quick Access Toolbar and the corresponding icon will


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Open the logfile in table format.

Select data to export: Select a start data as required, and then click Copy Data icon; select an end

data as required, and then click Copy Data icon.

Enter the name for the data that is copied.

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5G NR Statistics and Analysis

4.5.2 Partition By Region

Select Define Region and a shape tool (i.e. Rectangular Tool, Circular Tool, or Polygon Tool) to

draw out a region and export to *.zdf logfile.

Partition one logfile or multiple*.rcu,*.ddib and *.dcf logfiles.

Select Partition>Partition By Region, and click Add to import the *.zdf logfile that is saved in the

previous step (the customized region logfile exported from Pilot Pioneer).

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5G NR Statistics and Analysis

4.6 Smart Analysis

Based on test data and cell site database, the smart analysis function is used to analyze potential

network problems through the analysis of measurement samples, events, parameters, etc. Analysis

function such as Measurement Over Distance Analysis, Coverage Rate Analysis, Antenna Feeder

Reversed Analysis, Parameter Quadrant Analysis, Diff Value Analysis, etc. is supported. Hereinafter,

we take Antenna Feeder Reversed Analysis, Measurement Over Distance Analysis and Overlapping

Coverage Analysis as an example.

4.6.1 Antenna Feeder Reversed Analysis

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4.6.2 Measurement Over Distance Analysis

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4.6.3 Overlapping Coverage Analysis

4.6.4 Delay Analysis

Click Analysis, and double-click Delay Analysis to enter the settings page, and configure the

information as required.

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5G NR Statistics and Analysis

4.7 Generate Statistics Reports

Users may generate the default statistics reports or customize a statistics report.

4.7.1 5G NR Report

4.7.2 KPI Statistics Reports

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5 Appendix
5.1 Default Test Plans
5.1.1 Call
Figure 5-1 Call test settings window

The parameters as shown in the rectangle are mandatory. Users need to set the parameters based

on the actual test requirements. For other parameters, users may keep the default settings. The

following table describes the meanings of the required parameters:

Table 5-1 Parameter settings for Call test

Function Name Description

Called Number The MTC phone number. It is mandatory.
Connect (s) The maximum time in seconds to connect.
© DingLi 24-06-2020 DL1104PG 85

Function Name Description

Interval (s) The interval between successive calls in seconds, that is, the
interval between the end of a successful call and the start of a
new call.
Failure Interval (s) The interval between the end of a failed call and the start of a
new call.
Duration (s)/Long Call The programmed length of each call in seconds. If Long Call is
selected, the call will not be terminated unless the user manually
terminates it or the call is dropped.
Cycle Count / Infinite To set the number of test cycle if Infinite is not selected. Select
Infinite to test indefinitely.

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5.1.2 MOS
Figure 5-2MOS test settings window

The parameters as shown in the rectangle are mandatory. Users need to set the parameters based

on the actual test requirements. For other parameters, users may keep the default settings. The

following table describes the meanings of the required parameters:

Table 5-2 parameter settings for MOS test

Function Name Description

Select Default. The MOC and MTC mode is used for China
Called Mode
Called Number The mobile terminated phone number. This is a mandatory field.
Cycle Count /Infinite To set the number of test cycles if Infinite is not selected. Select

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Function Name Description

Infinite to test indefinitely.
The programmed length of each call(unit: second). If Infinite is
Duration(s) /Long Call selected, the call will not be terminated unless the user manually
terminates it or the call is dropped.
Connect(s) The maximum time in seconds to connect a call.
The interval between successive calls in seconds, that is, the
Interval(s) interval between the end of a successful call and the start of a new
The interval between the end of a failed MOS test and the start of
Failure Interval(s)
a new MOS test.
Select Local when the MOC and MTC are on the same PC. Select
Synchronous Type
Remote when the MOC and MTC are on different PCs.
MOS score mode.
MOS device version. Supports Single MOS, Multi MOS Version
MOS Device Version
3.0/3.1/4.0, and MOS Ver4.0Lite
Select an audio play channel for multi-channel MOS test. This
Group No.
option is valid only for multi-channel MOS test.
Select an audio play channel for MOS test. This option is valid
Channel No.
only when MOC or MTC is selected under Call Mode.

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5.1.3 FTP Download

Figure 5-3 FTP Download test settings window

The parameters as shown in the rectangle are mandatory. Users need to set the parameters based

on the actual test requirements. For other parameters, users may keep the default settings. The

following table describes the meanings of the required parameters:

Table 5-3 Parameter settings for the FTP Download test

Function Name Description

Server Host The FTP server IP address.
Options Port The FTP server access port number.
The FTP server username.
Username Attention: Make sure that user has the right to do the
corresponding test.
Password The password for the FTP server account.
Test File to
The download file path on the FTP server.
Options Download
Directory The local path for the downloaded file.
Cycle Count The number of test cycles.
Infinite Select this option to test indefinitely.
Duration (s) The download duration after selecting By Time.
By Time The settings for Duration takes effect only after this option is
© DingLi 24-06-2020 DL1104PG 89

Function Name Description

selected, and the test will be terminated when the duration
exceeds this specified value. Otherwise, the test will proceed
until the file is completely downloaded or the duration exceeds
the value specified by Timeout.
The maximum time, in seconds, for each FTP Download test
to complete. If the specified file is not completely downloaded
Timeout (s)
from the FTP server to the local PC during this specified time,
the download will be terminated.
The time, in seconds, to be allowed between successive FTP
Interval (s)
Failure Interval The interval between the end of a failed test and the start of the
(s) next test.
Thread Count The thread count.
No Data
The timeout, in seconds, when no data is received.
Timeout (s)

5.1.4 FTP Upload

Figure 5-4 FTP Upload test settings window

The parameters as shown in the rectangle are mandatory. Users need to set the parameters based
© DingLi 24-06-2020 DL1104PG 90

on the actual test requirements. For other parameters, users may keep the default settings. The

following table describes the meanings of the required parameters:

Table 5-4 Parameter settings for FTP Upload test

Function Name Description

Server Host The FTP server IP address.
Options Port The FTP server access port number.
The FTP server username.
Username Attention: Make sure that user has the right to do the
corresponding test.
Password The password for the FTP server account.
Test Upload File The local path of the file to be uploaded.
Options Directory The local path for the downloaded file.
Cycle Count The number of test cycles.
Infinite Select this option to test indefinitely.
Duration (s) The download duration after selecting By Time.
The settings for Duration takes effect only after this option is
selected, and the test will be terminated when the duration
By Time exceeds this specified value. Otherwise, the test will proceed
until the file is completely downloaded or the duration exceeds
the value specified by Timeout.
The maximum time, in seconds, for each FTP Upload test to
complete. If the specified file is not completely uploaded to the
Timeout (s)
FTP server during this specified time, the upload will be
The time, in seconds, to be allowed between successive FTP
Interval (s)
Failure The interval between the end of a failed test and the start of the
Interval (s) next test.
Test Thread Count The thread count.
Options No Data
The timeout, in seconds, when no data is received.
Timeout (s)

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5.1.5 HTTP Page

Figure 5-5HTTP Page test settings window

The parameters as shown in the rectangle are mandatory. Users need to set the parameters based

on the actual test requirements. For other parameters, users may keep the default settings. The

following table describes the meanings of the required parameters:

Table 5-5 Parameter settings for HTTP Page test

Function Name Description

Required Browse Select at least one web address to browse. Pilot Pioneer will
Address browse the selected address. It is a mandatory option.
Random Browse Select at least one web address to browse randomly. Pilot Pioneer
Address will browse the selected addresses randomly. It is optional.
The address count that Pilot Pioneer will browse random. For
example, if users have selected 4 addresses in Random Browse
Random Address Address and set 2 in Random Address Count, Pilot Pioneer will
Count browse 2 addresses randomly among these selected 4 addresses.
The number set here must be less than the number selected in
Random Browse Address.
Test Mode The test modes, including page logon and refresh page.
Clear Cache Select this option to clear the cache.
Interval (s) The time, in seconds, allowed between successive tests.
Cycle Count The number of test cycle.
Infinite Select this option to test indefinitely.

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Function Name Description

The maximum time, in seconds, for each HTTP Page test to
Timeout (s)
The timeout, in seconds, when no data is received. Once the
No Data Timeout(s) actual no traffic time meets the user-defined threshold, the Multi
FTP download test will be terminated and recorded as a failure.

5.1.6 Ping
Figure 5-6 Ping test settings window

The parameters as shown in the rectangle are mandatory. Users need to set the parameters based

on the actual test requirements. For other parameters, users may keep the default settings.The

following table describes the meanings of the required parameters:

Table 5-6 Parameter settings for Ping test

Function Name Description


© DingLi 24-06-2020 DL1104PG 93


Function Name Description

The device state under which the Ping test is performed. If None
UE State
is selected, the Ping test will be performed under any state.
Select to perform the NB-IoT test (AT Ping) under AT
command; otherwise, the common Ping test will be performed.

Host The IP address in Ping test.

Packet Size
The size of packets to be sent in the Ping test. The unit is Byte.
Test (B)
Options Timeout The maximum time, in milliseconds, for each Ping test to
(ms) complete.
The time, in seconds, to be allowed between successive Ping
Interval (ms)
Cycle Count The number of test cycles.

Infinite Select this option to test indefinitely.

5.1.7 PBM
Figure 5-7 PBM test settings window

The parameters as shown in the rectangle are mandatory. Users need to set the parameters based

on the actual test requirements. For other parameters, users may keep the default settings. The

© DingLi 24-06-2020 DL1104PG 94


following table describes the meanings of the required parameters:

Table 5-7 Parameter settings for the PBM test

Function Name Description

Server IP The server address
Port The port number of the server used for PBM test.
UL Sample The uplink sample ratio of the PBM test.
DL Sample The downlink sample ratio of the PBM test
Test Options Duration(s) The duration of the test. Unit: seconds.
The time, in seconds, to be allowed between successive
Cycle Count The number of test cycles.
Infinite Select this option to perform the PBM test indefinitely.
No Data
The timeout, in seconds, when no data is received.

5.1.8 Video Play

Figure 5-8 Video Play test settings window

The parameters as shown in the rectangle are mandatory. Users need to set the parameters based

on the actual test requirements. For other parameters, users may keep the default settings. The

following table describes the meanings of the required parameters:

© DingLi 24-06-2020 DL1104PG 95

Table 5-8 Parameter settings for the Video Play test

Function Name Description

URL Address The URL address of the video file.
Quality Select a play quality based on the selected video type.
Play Type Select a play type: By time or By percentage.
Video play duration. Unit: seconds. This option is available
Play Duration
only when By time is selected as the Play Type.
The settings for Play Duration takes effect only after this
option is selected, and the test will be terminated when the
By Time duration exceeds this specified value. Otherwise, the test will
proceed until the file is completely played or the duration
exceeds the value specified by Timeout.
The video play will be terminated when the actual play
percentage exceeds this user-defined value. This option is
Percentage (%)
Test available when By percentage is selected as the Play Type.
The settings for Play Percentage takes effect only after this
option is selected, and the test will be terminated when the
By Percentage play percentage exceeds this specified value. Otherwise, the
test will proceed until the file is completely played or the
duration exceeds the value specified by Timeout.
The maximum time, in seconds, for each Video Play test to
Timeout (s)

Interval (s) The time, in seconds, to be allowed between successive tests.

Failure The interval between the end of a failed test and the start of
Intervals (s) the next test.
Cycle Count The number of test cycles.

Infinite Select this option to test indefinitely.


Buffer Type Select a buffer type by time or by percentage.

Max Buffer
The maximum time allowed for buffering.
Max Buffer Set the maximum percentage of the video to be buffered
Ratio when By Percentage is selected for Play Type.
Buffering Total
The total time for buffering.
Max Buffer
The maximum buffer counts.

© DingLi 24-06-2020 DL1104PG 96


Function Name Description

Buffer The buffer period. Once time threshold is met, it will start to
Threshold (s) play the video.
Test No Data
The timeout, in seconds, when no data is received.
Options Timeout (s)

5.1.9 UDP
Figure 5-9 UDP settings window

All items in the above interface are mandatory, and need to be configured as required. The

following table describes the meanings of the required parameters:

Table 5-9 Parameter settings for the UDP test

Function Name Description

Test Mode Test mode, options: Uplink, Downlink
Select to conduct UDP through AT command; otherwise conduct
UDP over PPP.
Server IP The UDP server IP address
© DingLi 24-06-2020 DL1104PG 97

Function Name Description

Port The UDP server port number
Band Width (K) Set the network bandwidth. Unit: Kb
Packet Interval (ms) The time interval between two successive packets to be sent
Packet Size(Bytes) The size of packets to be sent in the AT UDP test. The unit is Byte.
Send packet
Continuous duration for sending packets in an AT UDP test.
Duration (s)
The timeout, in seconds, when no data is received. Once the
No Data Timeout(s) actual no traffic time meets the user-defined threshold, the Multi
AT UDP test will be terminated and recorded as a failure.
Waiting time for transmitting test results from UDP server after
Waiting time for test
the test is completed. That is, the duration between when the test
result transmission
is completed to the time when the test results are transmitted
from server (s)
from the UDP server.
The interval between successive AT UDP tests in seconds, that is,
Interval (s) the interval between the end of a successful AT UDP test and the
start of a new AT UDP test.
To set the number of test cycle if Infinite is not selected. Select
Cycle Count/Infinite
Infinite to test indefinitely.

5.2 Troubleshooting for Dial-up Failure

1. Make sure the Mobile Data on the mobile phone is disabled.

2. Make sure the device driver is normal under the Device Manager of the PC.

3. Make sure the port configuration is correct on Pilot Pioneer.

4. Make sure the LTE network is normal. Enable Mobile Data on the mobile phone, and check if

the 4G network icon is displayed on top of the phone screen, or check if the device can access

the network. Then disable Mobile Data. If LTE network exception occur, check the LTE

Radio Measurement window on Pilot Pioneer to judge whether the current signal strength and

quality meet the requirements for RAT accessibility.

• If the signal strength within LTE does not meet the requirements, optimize the signal
strength of the cell or change a cell for the test.
• If the signal strength within LTE meets the requirements, check if Attach Reject or E-
RAB establishment failure occurs on the Message window. If such events occur, try
to restart the phone, or execute the following force commands by sequence for
troubleshooting: Power Off, Set APN, Power On, Attach.
5. Make sure the system environment is normal. If the LTE network is normal but the dial-up

failure still occurs, users may verify the driver and the system environment on the PC. Follow
© DingLi 24-06-2020 DL1104PG 98

the instructions below:

a. If the force commands are executed successfully, but the dial-up connection duration

exceeds 20 seconds, Pilot Pioneer will report a dial-up failure during service tests as the

dial-up timeout value is set to 20 seconds by default. In this case, users may do as


• Enable Settings>Developer Options>USB Debugging.

• Disconnect the USB cable from the PC, and restart the phone and PC.

b. If the force commands are executed successfully, users may directly start the service test.

c. If the force commands are executed unsuccessfully, it is recommended to plug out and

plug in the phone or restart the phone. Users may wait for one to two minutes and observe

the Layer 3 messages or network connection status.

5.3 Test Task Execution Failure

Users may follow the instructions below for the troubleshooting of test task execution failure:

1. Check if the test task configuration is correct.

2. View the event reason code on the Event window.

3. Use other tools or software or manually verify the test.

• For FTP test failure, users may use File Zilla to conduct tests with the same test task
configuration after the dial-up connection is established. If the test is successful, then
the problem may be caused by the Pilot Pioneer software. If the test is failed, the
problem may not be caused by Pilot Pioneer software.
• For dial-up connection failure during test task execution, users may enable Mobile
Data on the phone and check the accessibility of the internet.
• For voice call failure, users may manually dial up the numbers and check if the test is

5.4 Service Execution Verification (Only for

Default Services)
5.4.1 Call
1. Device Control window: Check if service failure information is displayed under the Fail


© DingLi 24-06-2020 DL1104PG 99


2. Event window: Check the call process events, e.g. Call Attempt, Call Established, Call

End. Abnormal events (e.g. Blocked Call, Dropped Call) will be highlighted (in red).

5.4.2 MOS
1. Device Control window: Check if service failure information is displayed under the Fail

column, and if the MOS score is within the normal range.

2. Event window: Check the call process events, e.g. Call Attempt, Call Established, Call

End. Abnormal events (e.g. Blocked Call, Dropped Call) will be highlighted (in red).

Check the MOS result (POLQA/PESQ Result) and if the MOS score is too low (lower

than 2.4 by default) or varies widely. Abnormal events (e.g. MOS Double Mute, MOS

Single Mute, MOS Value Too Low) will be highlighted (in red).

5.4.3 FTP Download

1. Device Control window: If the service test execution is normal, data throughput

information (instantaneous and average data throughput) will be displayed under the

Other Info column. If the service execution is failed, the failure count will be displayed

under the Fail column.

2. Event window: Check the key events, e.g. Network Connect Start, Network Connect

Success, FTP Download First Data, FTP Download Last Data, etc. Abnormal events (e.g.

Network Connect Failed, FTP Download Drop) will be highlighted (in red).

5.4.4 FTP Upload

1. Device Control window: If the service test execution is normal, data throughput

information (instantaneous and average data throughput) will be displayed under the

Other Info column. If the service execution is failed, the failure count will be displayed

under the Fail column.

2. Event window: Check the key events, e.g. Network Connect Start, Network Connect

Success, FTP Upload First Data, FTP Upload Last Data, etc. Abnormal events (e.g.

Network Connect Failed, FTP Upload Drop) will be highlighted (in red).

5.4.5 Ping
1. Device Control window: If the service test execution is normal, the information about the
© DingLi 24-06-2020 DL1104PG 100

success rate, average delay, maximum and minimum values will be displayed under the

Other Info column. If the service execution is failed, the failure count will be displayed

under the Fail column.

2. Event window: Check the key events, e.g. Network Connect Start, Network Connect

Success, Ping Start, Ping Success, etc. Abnormal events (e.g. Network Connect Failed,

Ping Failure) will be highlighted (in red).

5.4.6 HTTP Page

1. The HTTP browser window will be displayed if the service execution is successful.

2. Device Control window: If the service test execution is normal, data throughput

information (instantaneous and average data throughput) will be displayed under the

Other Info column. If the service execution is failed, the failure count will be displayed

under the Fail column.

3. Event window: Check the key events, e.g. Network Connect Start, Network Connect

Success, HTTP Page First Data, HTTP Page Last Data, etc. Abnormal events (e.g.

Network Connect Failed, HTTP Page Drop) will be highlighted (in red).

5.4.7 PBM
1. Device Control window: If the service test execution is normal, data throughput

information (instantaneous and average data throughput) will be displayed under the

Other Info column. If the service execution is failed, the failure count will be displayed

under the Fail column.

2. Event window: Check the key events, e.g. Network Connect Start, Network Connect

Success, PBM Finish etc. Abnormal events (e.g. PBM Failure) will be highlighted (in


5.4.8 Video Play

1. The HTTP browser window will be displayed if the service execution is successful.

2. Device Control window: If the service test execution is normal, data throughput

information (instantaneous and average data throughput) will be displayed under the

Other Info column. If the service execution is failed, the failure count will be displayed

© DingLi 24-06-2020 DL1104PG 101


under the Fail column.

3. Event window: Check the key events, e.g. Network Connect Start, Network Connect

Success, Video Play First Data, Video Play Last Data, Video Play vMOS Report, Video

Play Finish, etc. Abnormal events (e.g. Network Connect Failed, Video Play Drop) will be

highlighted (in red).

5.4.9 UDP
Users may pay attention to the following items to judge whether the UDP service test execution is


1. Event window: Check the key events, e.g. UDP Connect Start, UDP Connect Success, UDP

Start, UDP End, UDP Finish, UDP Disconnect, etc. Abnormal events (e.g. UDP Connect

Failure) will be highlighted (in red).

2. Device Control window: If the service test execution is normal, data throughput

information (instantaneous data throughput) will be displayed under the Other Info column.

3. Throughput window: Check whether the throughput in PHY, MAC, etc. layer is 0.

© DingLi 24-06-2020 DL1104PG 102



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