Syllabus For INTB 3353

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Bauer College of Business Economics of Globalization

Dr. Olivia Miljanic

INTB 3353 ECONOMICS OF GLOBALIZATION SUMMER 2011 SECTION 14256 MWF 12-2pm (in-class meeting), MH 170

Dr. Olivia Miljanic Office: 325P Melcher Hall E-mail: Blackboard Vista (preferred); [email protected] (for emergencies) Phone: 713-743-5316 Office Hours: W 2:15-4:15pm and by appointment Teaching Assistants There are two teaching assistants (TAs) for this course. Each TA will be responsible for four of the eight country groups (see below). You will sign up for a country group on Blackboard Vista and will be assigned to the corresponding TA. The TAs will give you advice on how to succeed in this class and will address your questions, concerns, comments, and complaints. If an issue is not resolved with the TAs, contact the professor. Check your e-mail messages in Blackboard Vista daily.

TA Shu Zhang [substituted by Michael Clark August 1-9]

Groups Canada, Japan, United Kingdom, Sudan

Office 325N Melcher Hall

Vijay Rayapudi

Egypt, Venezuela, India, Italy

325N Melcher Hall

E-mail Blackboard Vista (preferred); [email protected] (for emergencies) [to contact Michael Clark, use Blackboard Vista] Blackboard Vista (preferred); [email protected] (for emergencies)

Office Hours M 9:45-11:45am and by appointment

F 9:45-11:45am and by appointment 1

Introduction International business has grown so rapidly in the past decade that many experts emphasize the globalization tendencies of the era we live in. The economics of globalization is growing in importance as a field of study because of the rapid integration of international economic markets. Markets have been going global, and everyone knows it. This course builds on the knowledge of macroeconomic fundamentals in order to identify issues and forces in the context of globalization. Course Objectives The primary objective of the course is to equip you, the future manager, with a skill set that enables you to analyze changes in global economic conditions. Globalization requires managers to use economic models for analysis as the global economy changes. The goal of this course is to help you become more confident and effective managers in the competitive global market place. By the end of the course, you should be able to: 1. Explain the macroeconomic variables that benefit from the globalization process; 2. Discuss the process of economic growth and how it relates to globalization; 3. Describe the causes and consequences of global financial crises; 4. Summarize the role that multilateral institutions play in global financial markets.

Reading Materials All required readings for the course are accessible on Blackboard. The assigned readings are to be completed prior to attending class lectures.


Extra-credit 1. There will be clicker questions administered in lecture. These questions, starting on July 18, count for extra-credit. 2. The midterm and final exam will have extra-credit questions. 3. Extra-credit is designed as a privilege. Students who violate class rules or exhibit behaviors that are deemed improper (i.e., selling exam reviews) will no longer be eligible for extra-credit. 4. Please take full advantage of the extra-credit opportunities. Be advised that extra-credit is crucial if you are not satisfied with your current grade. Do not ask for ways to improve your grade at the end of the semester.

Grading Scale A = 93 and above; C+ = 77-79; D- = 60-63; A- = 90-92; B+ = 87-89; C = 74-76; C- = 70-73; F = 59 and below. B = 84-86; D+ = 67-69; B- = 80-83; D = 64-66;

Online Country News Updates In the beginning of the course, you will sign-up on Blackboard for a country group. The sign-up is firstcome, first-served, and it closes on Wednesday, July 13, at 11:59pm. There will be 3 online, bulletinboard country news updates. Each one of the updates should be about the country for which you signed up, it should be between one and two paragraphs in length, and it should be based on a minimum of two current news sources (can be print, online, audio, or video, and must have citations, including title, author, date, time, location, url, if applicable). The class will be divided into eight country groups: Canada, Japan, United Kingdom, Sudan, Egypt, Venezuela, India, and Italy. Each group will be headed by one of the TAs. You will be assigned to the same country group and TA for the entire course. Detailed instructions will be posted on Blackboard. Make sure you look at the syllabus and plan ahead for each country news update. There are no make-ups for the country news updates.

Online Country Evaluations There will be 2 online, bulletin-board country evaluations. Each evaluation will be based on the country for which you signed up in the beginning of the semester. For each evaluation, you are expected to make a minimum of two posts, one responding to the questions posed by the professor, and a second one in response to the post of a classmate from your country group.

Exams The exams will consist of multiple choice and short answer questions. Exam reviews will be provided. The midterm exam will cover material studied up to that date. The final exam is cumulative, i.e. it covers all the material studied in the course. There is no make-up for either of the exams unless a student has been seriously ill or involved in an accident that required hospitalization (the student needs to provide proof from the doctor/hospital). It is the professors decision whether the student can take the exam, after showing the required proof. The student has to announce the professor (not the TA) that she/he will not be able to take an exam before the exam starts.

Important exam rules: Please do not forget to bring your student ID to the exams, otherwise you will not be able to take them.

If you arrive late for an exam, you will have the same finish time as your classmates who started on time. If you arrive more than 30 minutes after the exam started, you have to take a different exam that is based on the same course material, but is 100% in essay format. You cannot complain about a missing grade after one week has passed since the grades have been posted. Grades will be posted on Blackboard one week after the date of the exams to give the TAs time to accurately grade them. If you want to see your exam, please contact your assigned TA.

Hybrid Format/Blackboard Vista Because of the heavy online component you must have access to a computer and Internet connection to complete this class without major difficulties. There are many computer terminals at the library and in Melcher Hall if you do not have a reliable computer at home. The Gateway Computer Lab on the second floor of Melcher Hall (next to Starbucks) is a good place to view video clips or presentations assigned for the class. All of the computers have been set for streaming video. There are 40 headphones that can be checked out in the lab with your Cougar One card. These headphones are available exclusively for students in the Globalization classes. Due to the large number of students in the class, the TAs are not responsible for any individual technical errors or problems (i.e. computers crashing/freezing, internet not working, forgetting the username/password, no access to a computer, not saving or submitting an assignment correctly, or any excuses similar to my computer ate my homework, etc.). If there is an issue on our part we will notify all students through announcements and will take immediate action to fix the issue.

Everything you need to know about the course and all online materials will be accessible on Blackboard Vista. You are responsible for the information posted on Blackboard, including emails and announcements. Make sure you check Blackboard regularly.

How do I log into Blackboard Vista? o Go to . o Click on the blue Blackboard Vista button. o Enter your User Name and password . User Name is your Student ID. The initial password is your birth date in the format mmddyyx! where yy is your two digit birth year and x is the first character of your last name in lowercase. Then add an exclamation point (shift + 1) at the end. (For example, if your birth date is January 15, 1980, and your name is Jane Smith, then your initial password is 011580s!) You will be prompted to change the password the first time you log on. Blackboard passwords expire every 90 days; you will be prompted to change your password when it expires. How do I get help using Blackboard Vista? Go to . 4

Click on Student Help to see a variety of options. You can call 713-743-1411 or send email to [email protected] . Important: Internet Explorer 8 browser is not supported by Blackboard Vista . When can I get access to my courses in Blackboard? You will be able to access Blackboard on the first day of class. If you register late, allow 1-3 working days after you register for the class to get access to this course on Blackboard. How is the hybrid format different from a traditional class? In addition to the obvious difference (the class meets twice a week) the main difference is that the hybrid format puts a lot more responsibility on the shoulders of the student. It is up to the student to determine when during the week to complete the online component of the class. This has both advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage is the flexibility of schedule it gives the student. The main disadvantage is that it requires more scheduling and covers more material than the traditional format. It is this latter issue that most students ignore. Many students think that because the hybrid class meets only twice a week there is less work than a traditional course. The exact opposite is true. The hybrid course requires more work by the students because more of the material is presented outside the lectures and responsibility is given to the students. Understanding these differences is important to success in this course.

Attendance The course will meet on campus for a total of 11 in-class sessions, and there will be a weekly online component. You are responsible for all the material presented in lecture, so I strongly encourage you to attend every lecture, actively listen, and take your own notes. Class attendance is very important for completing this course successfully. In addition, the main source of extra-credit for this course are the clicker questions administered in class. The TAs and the professor will answer substantive and procedural questions, either by e-mail or in person, but will not compensate for lecture material missed due to your absence from class. Feel free to raise your hand and ask questions during the lectures. Clicker Instructions and Policies What academic honesty policies apply to clicker use? The same academic honesty policies apply to the use of clickers in class as they do to any online or paper quiz, test or assignment. You should operate only your own clicker. Using more than one clicker (operating one on someone elses behalf) is considered academic dishonesty and will invite consequences. Please uphold the values of our college and do not allow anyone else to operate your clicker. How can I register my clicker? What if I lose my clicker? On your course home page, you will find a link to register your device. Click on this link and follow the instructions for registration. You will need your device ID. This sixcharacter alphanumeric ID is located below the barcode on the BACK of your clicker. 5

This device ID is unique to you, and is used to track your participation and grades. Please make a note of it and enter it correctly when registering your device. NOTE: There is no letter O or I in the ID. Enter it as 0 or 1. IMPORTANT: If you are taking another class that uses clickers, please make sure to register your clicker in that class also, by logging into that course and following the same steps. Mark your clicker. Since all clickers look the same, it is recommended that you mark yours with a unique identifier. The Device ID on the back should be noted and stored in a secure place. If for any reason you change your clicker after registration (such as when you lose your clicker and replace it with a new one), make sure to register the new device in all your classes again. Once you do that, it is important that you inform the instructors of all your courses that are using clickers. This is so that they can update their class lists with your new clicker Device ID. Many instructors may not update their class lists unless they become aware of a change. Please Note: The clicker registration system will not be used to track lost or stolen clickers. You cannot ask to see if anyone has registered the clicker you lost. How do I set the channel on the response card? Which channel is this course set to? How often do I need to set channels? When you enter the class, select Go (CH) > select the two digit channel number for this course > select Go (CH) to confirm. A green light indicates a successful change. If you are using a Clicker with an LCD screen you will see the channel number on the screen. IMPORTANT nnel number for this course is 72. rent. Please verify you are on the correct channel EACH time you come to class. How do I know if my response was received? Will the device let me know if I made an invalid entry? How do I change my answer? Your clicker will flash orange after sending a signal and waiting for confirmation from the RF Receiver. Once it receives confirmation that your response was received the light will flash green. A red light indicates that the response was not received. It could be because of any of these reasons: You have made an invalid answer choice. Ex: You may have selected 7/G when there are only four answer choices. Go ahead and select your new answer, for example the 3/C button. Turning Point will only remember the last answer sent while the question is open for polling. You are on the wrong channel. Try resetting the channel and answering again. Your device is not registered in this class. You must be on the Participant List for your Response Card clicker to work in class. The Device ID number may be typed incorrectly or not on the list. Check with your instructor. Do clicker questions count towards my grade? 6

Clicker questions are not a required course component. However, they count for extra-credit. What type of battery does the Response Card RF require? Each Response Card RF keypad comes equipped with two 3.0V lithium coin cell batteries model number CR2032. Replacements can easily be purchased at most electronic retail outlets. Your campus bookstore may also carry these batteries. Technical Help Line If you need help troubleshooting any clicker-related issue, contact Turning Point support. Turning Technologies: Customer Service Hours of operation: Monday through Friday (7 AM 9 PM ET) Customer Service Line: 1-866-746-3015 Customer Service Email: [email protected]

Classroom Conduct Please arrive to class on-time and prepared (that is, having read the material assigned for the day). If you arrive late, you will not only miss part of the lecture, but you will disrupt the other students. Likewise, if you leave early, you will disrupt the class. Be respectful of other students. All students will abide by the following CODE OF CONDUCT: 1) No arriving late or leaving early. If you are 15 minutes late or more, do not bother coming to class. No leaving in the middle of class without a valid, pre-approved excuse. No leaving in the middle of class to answer a vibrating cell phone. If you absolutely have to leave class early, please inform me beforehand and take a seat near the exit. 2) No cell phones. No talking on cell phones or sending/receiving text messages during class. TURN OFF CELL PHONES completely (do not set them on vibrate) before arriving to class. A ringing cell phone is a violation of the code. If, for emergency or work reasons you need to be reached by cell phone, please notify me in advance, put your phone on vibrate, take a seat near the exit, and answer your phone outside. 3) No reading newspapers, magazines, or books unrelated to the course. These will be confiscated and returned at the end of class. 4) No web surfing, emailing, or doing work for other classes on laptop computers. No studying or reading materials for other courses in the classroom. 5) No conversations, whispering, or giggling with your friend or neighbor. 6) No bringing friends to class. Everyone who attends this class must be registered for this class.

Grade Disputes Students are responsible for checking their grades on Blackboard periodically. Grades will be posted within a week of the due date for each class component. Students have one week from when the assignment grades were posted to dispute their grades if they believe there was an error. It is the students responsibility to keep up with their grades. 7

No Excuses for Late Work Late work is not accepted under any circumstances. Students MUST turn in their assignments on the due date and time. Since the professor allows a reasonable amount of time to complete assignments, it is expected that the students do their work in a timely manner. Please do not email the TAs your grievances and excuses for incomplete assignments after the due date. Scheduling/traveling conflicts, issues at home, work, school, and/or relationships, etc. are not justifications for failing to do your work. If major problems should arise, you are required to notify the TA in advance and try to work on a solution that would best benefit both parties. We understand that certain occurrences are unavoidable such as a death in the family or other major issues; however, we will need proper documentation as proof immediately afterwards, otherwise the failure to complete the work is unexcused and students will receive a 0. There will be no make-up given on missed assignments please do not ask for one. Most assignments will have guidelines. For the sake of your grades and the sake of our time, please follow those guidelines. We are not liable for lost papers or any other issues if you choose not to follow instructions. Course Evaluations The C.T. Bauer College of Business requires all its instructors to be evaluated by their students. The results of these evaluations are important to provide feedback to instructors on how their performance can be improved. We encourage you to take advantage of the evaluation process. Academic Honesty and Plagiarism UH Definition of Plagiarism: Plagiarism is defined as representing as ones own work the work of another without appropriately acknowledging the source. The university does not institutionalize plagiarism by acknowledging, excusing or condoning ignorance under the rubric of unintentional plagiarism. The University of Houston Academic Honesty Policy is strictly enforced by the C.T. Bauer College of Business. No violations of this policy will be tolerated in this course. A discussion of the policy is included in the University of Houston Student Handbook which can be found at Students are expected to be familiar with this policy.

UH Statement for Students with Disabilities Students who need to take their exams at the CSD must contact their TA in a timely manner to make such arrangements. The University of Houston is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for eligible students with disabilities, including students who have learning disabilities, health impairments, psychiatric disabilities, and/or other disabilities. Visit for further information or call 713749-1527.


WEEK 1: M 7/11 W 7/13 F 7/15 Sun 7/17 Lecture: Introduction to the Economics of Globalization

Lecture: Economic Growth Country Sign-Up closes at 11:59pm Lecture: Global Economic Growth

Online Country News Update #1 closes at 11:59pm (for instructions, see Blackboard) Clicker Registration closes at 11:59pm

WEEK 2: M 7/18 W 7/20 F 7/22 Sun 7/24 Lecture: Lecture: Current Global Business Cycles Midterm Review

MIDTERM EXAM (in-class) Online Country News Update #2 closes at 11:59pm (for instructions, see Blackboard)

WEEK 3: M 7/25 Tu 7/26 W 7/27 Th 7/28 F 7/29 Sun 7/31 Lecture: International Trade

Online Country Evaluation #1 1st deadline at 11:59pm (for instructions, see Blackboard) Lecture: Labor Market Debates

Online Country Evaluation #1 closes at 11:59pm (for instructions, see Blackboard) Lecture: Assessing Globalization

Online Country News Update #3 closes at 11:59pm (for instructions, see Blackboard)

WEEK 4: M 8/1 Tu 8/2 W 8/3 Th 8/4 F 8/5 Lecture: The Macroeconomic Policy Trilemma

Online Country Evaluation #2 1st deadline at 11:59pm (for instructions, see Blackboard) Lecture: Final Review

Online Country Evaluation #2 closes at 11:59pm (for instructions, see Blackboard) No class

WEEK 5: Tu 8/9 FINAL EXAM (11am-1pm)


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