Atifact 2-Week 3-Ead 533 - The Shared Leadership Initiative
Atifact 2-Week 3-Ead 533 - The Shared Leadership Initiative
Atifact 2-Week 3-Ead 533 - The Shared Leadership Initiative
Necla Kucuk
When we think of schools, the first thing that comes to mind is teachers, students and
administration. However, there are so many other staff members who work so hard every day to
make sure students are learning and engaging in a safe and welcoming environment, such as
security, custodians, secretaries, IT personnel, coaches, nurses, school counsellor, social workers,
food service personnel and many more adults in the central office. For schools to operate safely,
non-teaching staff plays a huge role and should not be taken lightly. Just like teachers, non-
teaching staff members are also hired by school principals, and they need to meet specific criteria
that align with the school's mission and vision to be selected. Non-teaching staff may not be in
the classrooms but still interact with students and the teaching staff. Therefore, they need to fit
for school culture and climate to have positive collaboration and support between the school
Measurable Criteria
and four people are working in different parts of this area. The objectives and criteria for hiring
these individuals depend on their responsibilities and role. The IT coordinator oversees them and
deals with the IT budget, purchasing all devices for teachers, students and classrooms. IT
technicians take care of all broken devices of teachers, students and classrooms. The web
designer is dealing with the school website, and all the updates go there regarding the school,
students and parent communication, school database and Schoology integration. The network
specialist deals with internet connections and accessibility. So, each of these individuals needs
specific knowledge and speciality in their area, but the essential quality to look for is to make
sure they are adjustable and flexible to school culture and climate. They must effectively
communicate, interact and collaborate with the rest of the staff members, students and parents for
As a school principal, if I have to hire these individuals, I will create a questionnaire that
fits their job description and specialty. Also, I will include some items that address the
communication among the students, staff and parents. Then I will need to measure his abilities to
handle conflict and problems in the school community since these individuals will interact with
parents, students and staff. When I set up the meeting time with the candidate, I will include the
IT coordinator to interview to ensure I have someone from the department who knows the
expectations and collaboration among the staff members in the same department.
Leaders must be mindful of keeping the school culture and climate positive when hiring
non-instructional staff. Therefore, before the hiring process, during the interview, as a principal, I
will have a conversation with the candidate along with my assistant principal and make sure to
share our school culture and climate, the collaboration among the staff members, and how we
shared the responsibilities and our core values such as respect, trust, communication and
integrity to support our student's academic and social-emotional well-being. Also, I will ask the
candidate how he or she can handle uncomfortable situations with staff, students or parents to
understand the professional attitude of the person and share our expectations as a school.
Team dynamics are essential for all schools' success; without this, schools cannot reach
their academic goals or fully benefit from their employees' potential. Therefore, It is crucial to
endorse efficient team dynamics to alleviate possible conflicts among the staff members within
the same departments. If everyone is transparent with their roles and responsibilities and school
expectations, we all have a smooth operation while keeping a positive school culture and climate.
As a principal, I must ensure all staff members know how we operate, communicate, and go for
specific needs or challenges, so I will model for my staff to show my expectations because
influential leaders lead by example. Also, I will constantly promote positive and collective
decision-making and how we can keep each other accountable to get things done to support trust,
positive and creative interactions and mutual understanding in our school. However, to
successfully promote all the positive and practical strategies, I need to know the staff members
by doing short observations or individual conversations in a private and safe space with my
assistant principal to prevent any possible conflicts. I will also have a separate meeting with all
department coordinators to ensure the rest of the staff members get clear direction and
building exercises to help my team get to know one another, especially when new staff members
join our team. I will continue to model open communication; I will try different strategies to get
to know my staff; I will work collaboratively to tackle issues quickly and give them clear
directions and guidance while promoting respect, trust and positive feedback.