Delta Hedging
Delta Hedging
Delta Hedging
Derivative Securities
Hedging an option
Delta hedging
Hedging errors
Synthetic options
Hedging an option
refers to the degree of uncertainty in the future value of
(or change in the value) of a variable – price of a stock (or
some other asset)
Already has exposure to the future price of a stock and
seeks to reduce this risk – stock price risk
Hedging reduces or eliminates an exposure
Perfect hedge = eliminate 100% of the risk
An option (or other derivative) may be used to hedge an
exposure to a stock
A stock may be used to hedge an exposure to an option
Consider a bank that writes an OTC option for a client. Bank wants to
hedge this risk
Hedging an option
Static hedging
Simplest way to hedge an option exposure is to take
opposite position and hold to maturity
eg. Assume you write a call on a stock with strike K
and maturity T
ii) Assume you have just delta hedged your exposure and
the stock price immediately increases by 10 cents. Use
the delta to estimate the impact on the value of the
hedged portfolio.
Delta Hedging
Calculating delta of an option
Delta is model specific
If binomial model is being used to price the option, delta
at start of each one period sub-tree is
f − fd
∆= u
uS − dS
If BSM is being used delta at each instant is Non-div paying stock
Call : ∆ N ( d1 ) =
Put : ∆ N ( d1 ) − 1
Call : ∆ e − qT N ( d1 ) =
Put : ∆ e − qT N ( d1 ) − 1
Calculate d1 using St =
Γ= Γ call =
Γ put > 0
.. Sσ 2π T
St not S t
The BSM gamma is derived by setting q=0.
Gamma is greatest when at the money and decreases the
further the option goes either into or out of the money.
Hedging errors
In theory, delta hedging is perfect
Binomial & BSM models assume we can form a perfect
riskless hedge
This assumption is based on assumptions that are unlikely
to hold in practice
Binomial model assumes stock price can only take on one of
two possible values at the end of each period – many prices
are available.
BSM assumes
i) can trade & hence hedge continuously – can only trade at
discrete points in time
ii) stock prices change continuously (i.e at any time they
can change by a very small amount) – in reality stock prices
may jump even in the absence of divs
Delta hedging likely to be imperfect
Hedging errors
Assume you wish to hedge a call option against an
immediate change in the stock price. Let
∂S = S '− S = actual change in S
∂f = f '− f = actual change in f
For a small ∂S
Γ ( ∂S ) Γ ( ∂S )
2 2
∂f ≈ ∆∂S + → ∂f = ∆∂S + + ε2
2 2
Taylor series expansion
Γ ( ∂S )
ε 2 = ∂f − ∆∂S − < ε1
Delta hedge error
Synthetic options
Recall, you hedge an option by taking the opposite
position ( and holding to maturity)
e.g you hedge a short call by buying a long call
Key idea behind delta hedging is that rather than buying
(or selling) an option to hedge your exposure, you create
(or replicate) the required option position
e.g. you hedge a short call by creating a synthetic long call
Delta hedging creates a synthetic option by trading the
underlying stock and riskless bonds over the life of the
option (also referred to as a “replicating portfolio”)
Fundamental rule: You create a synthetic option position
in the same way as you would hedge the opposite option
Technical note: It may be better to delta hedge by trading in futures (lower
transaction costs, higher liquidity)
Synthetic options
Assume you seek to protect the value of a portfolio
(portfolio insurance)
Buy a put or create a long put synthetically
Create a long put same way as you would hedge a
short put
f =∆S − π
Sell put Long, but remember ∆<0
short ∆S and invest bonds
Create a call
Long 0.25 stock
Short $4.367 bonds
Delta hedging is an example of dynamic hedging
Delta of an option is not constant but changes with
changes in the stock price.
Option price will also change with time (even if stock price does not
Delta hedge (delta neutral portfolio) will need to be
rebalanced from time to time to remain delta neutral
Binomial at the start of each period, BSM each instant
A measure of importance of rebalancing is the gamma
Greater the gamma greater the change in delta
for a change in stock price greater potential for
hedging error from not rebalancing
Gamma is greatest when at the money and therefore
re-balancing is most important here.
Consider a European call with a strike of $80, and
maturity 4 weeks from now on a non div paying stock.
Current stock price $80, risk free rate 5% p.a, stock price
volatility is 25% p.a.
Assume a bank has just sold this option to a client for $3
and wants to immediately hedge the exposure.
Describe the dynamic hedging strategy assuming the bank
employs the BSM model, the hedge is rebalanced weekly
and the stock price path is
End of week 0 1 2 3 4
Stock price $80.00 $77.86 $83.10 $83.67 $82.00
Short position in riskless bonds
End of Delta # of shares Open Interest Shares Option Close
week bought/sold
St (1) (2) (4) (5) (6)