Conducting Feasibility Studies For Knowledge Based Systems
Conducting Feasibility Studies For Knowledge Based Systems
Conducting Feasibility Studies For Knowledge Based Systems
Based Systems
John Kingston
Joseph Bell Centre for Forensic Statistics and Legal Reasoning
University of Edinburgh
[email protected]
1. Introduction
Many years of experience have demonstrated that knowledge based systems (KBS)
are one of the most effective methods of managing knowledge in organisations – if
they are applied in appropriate areas and to appropriate tasks. The identification of
appropriate tasks and areas is therefore critical – and yet little has been published on
this subject, despite renewed interest in the area from knowledge management
practitioners. The purpose of this paper is to outline an approach to conducting
feasibility studies for knowledge based systems.1
There are three major aspects to consider when carrying out such a feasibility study:
the business case; technical feasibility; and project feasibility (i.e. involvement and
commitment of the various stakeholders). These will be considered in turn. The
paper will then conclude with a case study, illustrating these principles being put
into practice.
Acknowledgements are due to the following: Ian Filby (for general knowledge engineering
contributions), Knox Haggie (for the case study), Robert Inder (who coined the “telephone
test”), Ann Macintosh (for managing and marketing the training course that drove the
development of these ideas) and Neil Molony (domain expert for the case study). The case
study was supported by EPSRC grant number GR/R60348/01, “Master’s Training Package
in Knowledge Management and Knowledge Engineering”.
The most obvious business benefit is increased productivity, which KBS systems
may deliver by reducing the time taken to perform a problem solving task.
However, this is rarely the initial motivation for building a knowledge based system;
the reasons are normally to do with the need for a knowledge management solution
– that is, some operation within the organisation requires expertise, and the
expertise is either not available often enough, or not exercised fully. The most
common problem with expertise is that it is not available widely enough. The
experts may be simply too busy to answer all the queries which require their
expertise; alternatively, the experts may be frequently employed on routine cases
that do not optimise the use of their scarce expertise. A good example of the latter
arose within Ferranti several years ago, when Alan Pridder, one of their staff was
tasked with analysing core dumps from military software that had crashed. He
became so fed up with poring over mountains of printout, only to find out that
someone had kicked the plug out again, that he threatened to resign unless Ferranti
did something about it. Their solution was to build a knowledge-based system based
on his knowledge that could identify the most common causes of core dumps, thus
leaving him with the more interesting cases; the process of having his knowledge
elicited was also considered to be an interesting diversion. The resulting system,
known as APRES (the Alan Pridder Replacement Expert System) was sufficiently
successful that he was still working for Ferranti several years later.
There are also situations where the best expertise is not applied to the problem,
usually because of time restrictions; a KBS can provide support in making the best
decision. A good example of this is American Express’ Authorizer’s Assistant
system [1], which helps to decide whether transactions can be charged to an
American Express card. This is necessary because American Express is a charge
card, not a credit card, so the effective credit limit varies according to an
individual’s credit history, use of the card, and several other factors, rather than
being a fixed limit. Transactions on the borderline of acceptability are processed by
“authorizers” whose task is to discuss the transaction with a retailer by telephone,
look up the customer’s credit records, and then make a decision, all in about 90
seconds. The transaction may be granted, rejected, or the card may even be
destroyed by the retailer. American Express noticed that some of their authorizers
performed much better than others, and so decided to implement a KBS to make
the knowledge of the best authorizer available to all others. The project was a major
undertaking, but when successfully completed, it saved far more money from the
improvements in decision making than from the small reduction in the time required
to process each authorisation.
Other cases where improvements in decision making are required include cases
where ‘experts’ disagree (in which case the most senior expert or manager may
want to use the KBS to enforce the approach s/he considers best), and cases where
there is no real expert. An example of the latter can be found in a system developed
by a telecommunications company for diagnosing faults in a new switching system;
the system did not exist beyond its paper specifications, so there was no-one with
any expertise in diagnosing it! The company’s solution to this was to build a model-
based reasoning system that could reason from first principles.
There are also further business benefits that may arise from developing a KBS.
These may include training of users when they ask for explanations of the system’s
decisions; it has been shown that providing training to someone when they need to
know the answer is a very effective training technique. Management information can
also be derived from the workings of the KBS. The organisation may obtain a
profile as a user of high technology. One advantage that should definitely not be
overlooked is that when an expert is getting close to retirement; the KBS can act as
an archive of some or all of the expertise. This approach was used by Campbell’s
when the expert who diagnosed faults in their giant soup cookers came up to
retirement; the expert was described as “slightly bemused that his life’s experience
had been encapsulated in about a hundred rules”.
It is sensible to perform a full cost/benefit analysis, taking into account costs of staff
training (to develop the KBS and to use it), hardware and software, and KBS
maintenance. As an example, consider ICL’s Advanced Coating Plant Advisor, a
system for diagnosing faults and advising on recovery of a particular manufacturing
plant. In a DTI-sponsored study of this system [2], it was determined that the
system had cost £30K to develop (6 man months at a notional rate of £50K per man
year, plus £5K for hardware and software) plus an annual charge for knowledge
base maintenance of about £5K (1 – 3 man days per month). The benefits were in
reduced downtime of the plant (the plant was now online for 95% of the time rather
than 92.5%), saving £100K per year; there were also far fewer calls on the expert,
cutting his workload by about 80% (equivalent to £50K x 0.8 = £40K per year). So
the system paid for itself in 3 months – and rolling out the system to other plants
would multiply the benefits.
3. Technical feasibility
4. Stakeholder issues
Stakeholder issues – getting involvement and commitment from all parties involved
with the system – is often considered the last important area in a feasibility study. In
practice, however, more systems fail to be used because of project factors than for
any business or technical reasons. The stakeholders involved will be management,
users, developers, and the experts whose knowledge is being used in the system;
these will be considered in turn.
4.1 Management
Management must agree that the feasibility study is adequate, must be willing to
fund the system and make key personnel available throughout its development, and
should support any organisational changes required to introduce the system. Some
organisational change is inevitable, but if the organisational changes are small (e.g.
devolving authority for routine problem solving from the expert to junior staff or an
autonomous system) and well-justified (explanations of the KBS’ reasoning can
help here), then the changes can be made easier by allowing the expert a monitoring
role. If the system is being introduced as part of a deliberate organisational change,
it is up to management to ensure an adequate role (and adequate support) for the
KBS in the new structure.
4.2 Users
Users must be willing and able to use the system. The ability to use the system can
be ensured through training - typically a day’s training for one or two people from
each user department is sufficient, though training for all users is (of course) ideal.
Willingness to use the system is sometimes more difficult to create; giving the users
increased authority via the system may be a sufficient incentive, but it’s most
important that the users understand the justification for the system. An example can
be found in a system built for police patrol officers in Ottawa to help with
identification of patterns in residential burglaries [3]. The system required patrol
officers to spend more time collecting data than they had done previously, so there
was a risk that they might not use it. The knowledge engineers handled this by
giving the patrol officers slightly more authority (they were permitted to close some
cases, rather than referring everything to detectives) and also by giving a 2-hour
presentation to all patrol officers in which 90 minutes was spent explaining the
justification for the system, and half an hour on how to use the system. The
knowledge engineers also demonstrated their own commitment to the project by
giving these presentations at 5am, which was the only time when significant
numbers of patrol officers could be spared from policing duties!
4.3 Developers
The KBS developers need to know how to do knowledge acquisition, how to build
KBS in a structured manner, and how to use the chosen programming tool. The
best way to deal with this is to choose a tool that the developers already know well.
Any deficiencies in developers’ abilities can be remedied by sending them on
training courses, which should be built into the cost/benefit analysis of the project.
4.4 Experts
For the expert, the issues that might arise are as follows:
• The expert may be senior to the knowledge engineer;
• The expert may be uncomfortable with describing his job verbally;
• The expert may be too busy to spend time with the knowledge engineer;
• The expert may perceive the system as a threat to his job security;
• The ‘expert’ is not really an expert at all.
The first two issues can be handled by starting knowledge acquisition with
techniques that the expert is comfortable with (e.g. interviews) rather than
techniques that are most beneficial to the knowledge engineer (e.g. card sorting). If
the expert is very busy, it is important to ensure that knowledge is available from
some alternate source, whether it be lesser experts, manuals, previous cases of
problem solving, so that meetings with the expert can be kept to a minimum. The
‘threat’ issue can be handled by building an “80/20” system, thus retaining an active
role for the expert; by giving the expert authority over maintenance or knowledge
updates to the system; or by choosing an expert who is about to retire, when this is
no longer an issue. The issue of non-expert experts is a difficult one, because there
is a significant risk that the knowledge engineer will make himself very unpopular by
exposing this; some quiet words with an sympathetic senior figure in the client
organisation might result in a change of expert, or a change of focus for the KBS.
6. Conclusion
This paper has shown how a feasibility study can be developed for a knowledge-
based system, focusing on business, technical, and stakeholder-related issues. In
each section, it has highlighted important factors to consider and explained why
they are important. A case study was also presented that demonstrated the
feasibility – with some caveats regarding interfaces, safety criticality and user
acceptance – of a knowledge based system to support the use of clinical protocols
in the diagnosis and treatment of thyroid conditions.
• Priority: which of the factors considered above are showstoppers, and which
are merely risk factors that can be managed with contingency plans?
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