Conducting Feasibility Studies For Knowledge Based Systems

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Conducting Feasibility Studies for Knowledge

Based Systems
John Kingston
Joseph Bell Centre for Forensic Statistics and Legal Reasoning
University of Edinburgh
[email protected]


This paper describes how to carry out a feasibility study for a

potential knowledge based system application. It discusses factors to
be considered under three headings: the business case, the technical
feasibility, and stakeholder issues. It concludes with a case study of a
feasibility study for a KBS to guide surgeons in diagnosis and
treatment of thyroid conditions.

1. Introduction
Many years of experience have demonstrated that knowledge based systems (KBS)
are one of the most effective methods of managing knowledge in organisations – if
they are applied in appropriate areas and to appropriate tasks. The identification of
appropriate tasks and areas is therefore critical – and yet little has been published on
this subject, despite renewed interest in the area from knowledge management
practitioners. The purpose of this paper is to outline an approach to conducting
feasibility studies for knowledge based systems.1
There are three major aspects to consider when carrying out such a feasibility study:
the business case; technical feasibility; and project feasibility (i.e. involvement and
commitment of the various stakeholders). These will be considered in turn. The
paper will then conclude with a case study, illustrating these principles being put
into practice.

2. Feasibility Studies: The Business Case

If a KBS is not expected to bring business benefits, then there is no point in an
organisation investing in its development, so the business case must be part of any
feasibility study. That much is obvious; what is less obvious is the types of business
benefit that a knowledge based system can bring to an organisation.

Acknowledgements are due to the following: Ian Filby (for general knowledge engineering
contributions), Knox Haggie (for the case study), Robert Inder (who coined the “telephone
test”), Ann Macintosh (for managing and marketing the training course that drove the
development of these ideas) and Neil Molony (domain expert for the case study). The case
study was supported by EPSRC grant number GR/R60348/01, “Master’s Training Package
in Knowledge Management and Knowledge Engineering”.
The most obvious business benefit is increased productivity, which KBS systems
may deliver by reducing the time taken to perform a problem solving task.
However, this is rarely the initial motivation for building a knowledge based system;
the reasons are normally to do with the need for a knowledge management solution
– that is, some operation within the organisation requires expertise, and the
expertise is either not available often enough, or not exercised fully. The most
common problem with expertise is that it is not available widely enough. The
experts may be simply too busy to answer all the queries which require their
expertise; alternatively, the experts may be frequently employed on routine cases
that do not optimise the use of their scarce expertise. A good example of the latter
arose within Ferranti several years ago, when Alan Pridder, one of their staff was
tasked with analysing core dumps from military software that had crashed. He
became so fed up with poring over mountains of printout, only to find out that
someone had kicked the plug out again, that he threatened to resign unless Ferranti
did something about it. Their solution was to build a knowledge-based system based
on his knowledge that could identify the most common causes of core dumps, thus
leaving him with the more interesting cases; the process of having his knowledge
elicited was also considered to be an interesting diversion. The resulting system,
known as APRES (the Alan Pridder Replacement Expert System) was sufficiently
successful that he was still working for Ferranti several years later.
There are also situations where the best expertise is not applied to the problem,
usually because of time restrictions; a KBS can provide support in making the best
decision. A good example of this is American Express’ Authorizer’s Assistant
system [1], which helps to decide whether transactions can be charged to an
American Express card. This is necessary because American Express is a charge
card, not a credit card, so the effective credit limit varies according to an
individual’s credit history, use of the card, and several other factors, rather than
being a fixed limit. Transactions on the borderline of acceptability are processed by
“authorizers” whose task is to discuss the transaction with a retailer by telephone,
look up the customer’s credit records, and then make a decision, all in about 90
seconds. The transaction may be granted, rejected, or the card may even be
destroyed by the retailer. American Express noticed that some of their authorizers
performed much better than others, and so decided to implement a KBS to make
the knowledge of the best authorizer available to all others. The project was a major
undertaking, but when successfully completed, it saved far more money from the
improvements in decision making than from the small reduction in the time required
to process each authorisation.
Other cases where improvements in decision making are required include cases
where ‘experts’ disagree (in which case the most senior expert or manager may
want to use the KBS to enforce the approach s/he considers best), and cases where
there is no real expert. An example of the latter can be found in a system developed
by a telecommunications company for diagnosing faults in a new switching system;
the system did not exist beyond its paper specifications, so there was no-one with
any expertise in diagnosing it! The company’s solution to this was to build a model-
based reasoning system that could reason from first principles.
There are also further business benefits that may arise from developing a KBS.
These may include training of users when they ask for explanations of the system’s
decisions; it has been shown that providing training to someone when they need to
know the answer is a very effective training technique. Management information can
also be derived from the workings of the KBS. The organisation may obtain a
profile as a user of high technology. One advantage that should definitely not be
overlooked is that when an expert is getting close to retirement; the KBS can act as
an archive of some or all of the expertise. This approach was used by Campbell’s
when the expert who diagnosed faults in their giant soup cookers came up to
retirement; the expert was described as “slightly bemused that his life’s experience
had been encapsulated in about a hundred rules”.
It is sensible to perform a full cost/benefit analysis, taking into account costs of staff
training (to develop the KBS and to use it), hardware and software, and KBS
maintenance. As an example, consider ICL’s Advanced Coating Plant Advisor, a
system for diagnosing faults and advising on recovery of a particular manufacturing
plant. In a DTI-sponsored study of this system [2], it was determined that the
system had cost £30K to develop (6 man months at a notional rate of £50K per man
year, plus £5K for hardware and software) plus an annual charge for knowledge
base maintenance of about £5K (1 – 3 man days per month). The benefits were in
reduced downtime of the plant (the plant was now online for 95% of the time rather
than 92.5%), saving £100K per year; there were also far fewer calls on the expert,
cutting his workload by about 80% (equivalent to £50K x 0.8 = £40K per year). So
the system paid for itself in 3 months – and rolling out the system to other plants
would multiply the benefits.

2.1 Organisational feasibility

For a successful feasibility study, it is not sufficient to establish that a KBS could
bring benefits to an organisation; it is also important to ensure that the system fits in
with the organisation’s current or future ways of working. If this criterion is not
fulfilled, the system is unlikely to be used after a short period of time.
The most important requirement is to determine how much organisational change
will be required in order for the system to be used. It is inevitable that the
introduction of a KBS will bring about some organisational changes -- typically
some authority will be devolved from the experts to more junior staff. Techniques
for handling changes like this are described in the section on Project Feasibility
below. However, a KBS that requires major changes in authority or structure is
unlikely to be used unless these changes are being carried out independently. A
good example of this comes from one of the UK’s savings banks, which set up an
AI group in the 1980s. The AI group asked for suggested KBS applications from
staff, and spent a lot of effort on making a good choice. The final choice was to
build a KBS to support the task of mortgage application assessment. Technically
and commercially, this was a good decision -- other financial institutions have
successfully built KBS to address the same task. However, once the system was
built, tested, and demonstrated (successfully), it became clear that the system would
be most useful if used by staff in the bank’s branches to make good mortgage
lending decisions. This would require the bank to devolve its mortgage processing
from 6 regional centres to 16,000 branches - a major organisational change which
would require considerable redeployment of staff within the regional centres. As a
result, the system was quietly shelved.
Another organisational issue is whether the task will continue to be performed. It’s
reasonably obvious that, if a piece of machinery is obsolete and will soon be phased
out, it’s pointless to build a KBS to diagnose faults in that machine. However, the
longevity of some organisational roles and functions is sometimes less obvious. In
practice, it’s often easy to spot tasks that will continue to be performed, because
they deal with the core of the business, or because there will always be a need for
these tasks; in other cases, it’s worth making enquiries among management if this
task is expected to continue for 3-5 years, which is the typical lifetime of an
(unmaintained) KBS.
One enquiry that is often useful is “Have you tried any other solutions to this
problem? If so, why did they fail?” This is a good way of finding out about any
organisational resistance to restructuring or to new technology, which may have a
significant effect on the feasibility of the system. It’s also possible that other
automated solutions have been tried; enquiring about the reasons for the failure of
these can provide illuminating technical information. For example, Barclaycard’s
Fraudwatch system, which monitors Barclaycard transactions to detect spending
patterns indicative of possible fraudulent use, was originally implemented using a
non-AI computing approach. The reason for failure of this system was that the
pattern matching algorithm was not specific enough; with about 100,000 cards
being used every day, this system would identify up to 1,000 cards with possible
fraudulent transactions, which was far too many for Barclaycard to follow up. The
current Fraudwatch system identifies far fewer cards, allowing Barclaycard to
telephone many of the card holders and ask if the card is indeed being used
fraudulently; if so, the card is cancelled immediately. This system identified 11
frauds in its first 7 days of use, saving Barclaycard an average of £400 per card.
Once a KBS is installed, the effects of knowledge transfer and knowledge seepage
may occur. Knowledge transfer occurs when the KBS has an explanation facility
which has a training effect upon the users; the users eventually learn all the
knowledge embodied within the system. This effect was observed in the American
Express Authorizer’s Assistant system, where the use of the explanation facility by
new users was monitored. At first, the users accepted the system’s recommend-
ations with little interest in the explanations. After a while, they began to look at the
explanations frequently; after some more time, they ceased to look at the
explanations, having presumably learned everything that the explanations could tell
them. It’s possible that users may cease to use the system at this stage. A solution to
this problem (if it is a problem) is to build a KBS that supplies other benefits of
automation; the Authorizer’s Assistant, for example, performs fast pattern matching
on a database of credit records.
Knowledge seepage occurs when all human expertise in the area is gradually lost as
the experts and users become dependent upon the system. This is most frequently
encountered in AI systems with adaptive capabilities that update their own
knowledge (e.g. neural networks), but may also occur with highly complex KBS.
This may be a significant risk to the organisation, particularly in a commercial
climate where reorganisations are frequent and far-reaching. Feasibility studies
should therefore use the technique of identifying “risk factors” and assessing the
impact on the project if these factors should change. For example, the departure of
a particular expert who has supplied knowledge for a KBS might be of medium
likelihood, but have only a low impact on the project, because knowledge in this
domain is very stable. It is wise to build in contingencies to the project plan if there
are several risks with both medium/high likelihood and medium/high impact.

3. Technical feasibility

3.1 Task & knowledge

When assessing the technical feasibility of a proposed system there are various
issues to consider. The key one – indeed, this is often the first question asked in a
good feasibility study – is the type of task being tackled. KBS have been used to
perform a variety of knowledge-based tasks, such as classification, monitoring,
diagnosis, assessment, prediction, planning, design, configuration and control tasks.
If the task type is not in this list, it is worth asking if it is not more suited to being
implemented using non-KBS techniques; for example, a task that primarily involves
correlation is better suited to a statistical package than to a KBS.
The form of knowledge is also important in technical feasibility. If the reasoning
involved is primarily symbolic reasoning based on concepts, objects or states, then a
KBS should be suitable. If there is a significant requirement for calculation, based
on numerical data; or a requirement for geometric reasoning, based on graphical
data; or (worst of all) a requirement for perceptual input, based on textures, shapes,
photographs or facial expressions, then it will be difficult to program a KBS to
perform all the necessary operations. Alternative approaches to consider might
include CAD packages or computer-based training for humans.
It is often obvious to a knowledge engineer when perceptual input is required,
because textbooks or training materials will contain many photographs. However, a
good heuristic to determine if any non-symbolic knowledge is required is the
“telephone test”. It requires the knowledge engineer to ask the expert if, in an
emergency, the solution to the problem could be described over the telephone. If the
answer is “No”, or “It would take a very long time”, it’s likely that non-symbolic
knowledge is involved.
There are some types of knowledge that are definitely suitable for a KBS, and less
suitable for other approaches. If the knowledge contains procedures, regulations or
heuristics in the form of condition-action statements (If A is true then do B), a
taxonomic hierarchy, or a set of alternatives which need to be searched through,
then knowledge-based systems are probably the most suitable technology for
automating this task. Also, if there is any uncertainty about the knowledge (either
knowledge which has confidence factors attached to it, or knowledge which is
assumed to be true based on continued belief in other knowledge) then KBS
technology has techniques for representing this uncertainty that other technologies
do not explicitly support.
A feature that KBS are known to provide well is providing explanations. The
explicit representation of knowledge in modular units (i.e. rules or objects) allows
the knowledge engineer to attach explanations to individual rules or objects.
Explanations are useful both for checking the accuracy of the system’s decisions
and, as described above, for providing on-the-job training. From a commercial
viewpoint, the ability to provide good explanations is one of the most useful
features of KBS technology.
Another point which should be included in the feasibility study is to make sure that
the knowledge in the KBS is verifiable. In other words, there needs to be an agreed
way of checking that the knowledge is correct. This can present quite a problem, for
if there is only one expert in a task, who is to say whether the knowledge provided
is correct or not? In practice, this is rarely a major problem in the commercial
world; perhaps this is because of a greater emphasis on knowledge that achieves the
correct result than on knowledge that is provably correct. A knowledge engineer
should make sure that the manager funding the project either agrees that the
expert’s opinions should be considered to be correct, or supplies an alternative
“knowledge standard” against which checking can take place.
While discussing verifiability of knowledge with the appropriate manager, it’s a
good idea to continue to determine what proportion of the task the system should
tackle. In other words, when is the project considered to be finished? If this is not
specified at the outset, then it’s common to find all sorts of extra features or
knowledge coverage being requested; if it is specified at the beginning, the
knowledge engineer has a clear definition of a successful system. The chief difficulty
is that early knowledge acquisition often reveals information about the task and its
complexity that affects the definition of success considerably. It’s therefore wise to
do one or two knowledge acquisition sessions before settling down the definition of
a successful system.

3.2 Application complexity

Having looked at the task and knowledge to decide whether this problem is feasible
for a KBS solution, it’s also important to look at how complex the proposed KBS
solution would be, for these systems vary widely in levels of complexity; the amount
of effort required to implement a commercial KBS can vary from a few weeks to
many man years.
A good heuristic for initial estimation of the task complexity is based on the task
type. Some task types (principally diagnosis and assessment) are well understood
and underlie many KBS applications; others (e.g. planning, design and control) only
support a few applications, which are typically complex systems. Task types can be
divided into analytic tasks such as diagnosis, classification, monitoring and
assessment (where there is a finite number of solutions) and synthetic tasks such as
planning, scheduling, configuration and design (where there is a theoretically infinite
number of solutions); the knowledge engineer’s heuristic is that analytic tasks are
typically less complex than synthetic tasks. This is only a heuristic, however;
compare MYCIN, CASNET and INTERNIST, which all have the same task type
(diagnosis) and the same general domain (medicine), but have very different levels
of complexity.
Another feature worth checking to determine the complexity of the task is the time
required by experts to do it. Opinions vary on this, but ideally the expert should take
between 3 minutes and 1 hour to solve the problem. If the expert takes less than 3
minutes, then it will be difficult to build a KBS that accepts a meaningful amount of
input and solves the problem as quickly as the expert; American Express managed
it, but that was a million-dollar project. If the expert takes more than an hour to
solve the problem, then it may be that the problem has many sub-components, and it
would be better to begin by implementing a KBS to tackle one of the component
The biggest potential time sinks in any project are the interfaces. Interfaces may
take up to 80% of the code for the whole system, and will take up 10-50% of the
project time. If the application requires several interfaces to other systems (e.g.
databases), or if an impressive-looking user interface is required, then the
knowledge engineer should make allowances in the project budget for 30-50% of
the effort to be spent on interfaces. If the client will be content with an embedded
system or a simple mouse-and-menu interface, then 10-15% is more realistic.
Another factor that greatly affects complexity is criticality. If it is critical that the
system’s answers are always correct and provide 100% coverage of the domain (for
reasons of safety, or because there is the risk of significant loss of money, etc.) then
the development process will require much more effort. The “80/20” rule states that
building a system with 80% coverage (and 100% accuracy) takes 20% of the time
required to build a system with 100% coverage, so it’s sensible to aim for 80%
coverage if that is acceptable.
Looking at the knowledge again, it isn’t sufficient to determine if the knowledge is
symbolic or not. Certain types of knowledge may be represented as concepts,
objects or states, but may still be very complex for a KBS to reason with. These
include temporal knowledge (time-based orderings or time restrictions), spatial
knowledge (e.g. the location of a desk relative to a door in an office layout
problem), cause-effect reasoning at a ‘deep’ level (e.g. encoding the laws of physics
and using them to make predictions), or a requirement to process real-time data
inputs. There are existing KBS systems which work with each of these types of
knowledge, so none of them make a KBS infeasible, but they do increase the
complexity of the task. However, if common-sense reasoning is required, then a
KBS is likely to have severe problems. Intelligence and common sense are not the
same thing, as many parents of intelligent children will tell you, and without a huge
“life knowledge” database, which is beyond the current scope of KBS technology,
KBS cannot perform common sense reasoning.
The final factor to consider is validation; that is, judging if the system gives the
correct answers based on the knowledge put into it. This can be difficult to do in a
live situation, because the correctness of some systems (e.g. loan advisory systems)
cannot be judged by their results until years later. The accepted practice is to devise
a test suite based on past cases of problem solving, and to make sure that the KBS
produces the correct answer for each of these. It’s wise to ask the client to agree to
the adequacy of this test suite, since conformance to the test suite will be a
significant factor in defining a successful system.
Just as with the business feasibility, there will be risk factors that might affect the
technical feasibility of the KBS. These should be identified, with high-likelihood
high-impact risks being noted in the feasibility study, and contingency plans made.

4. Stakeholder issues
Stakeholder issues – getting involvement and commitment from all parties involved
with the system – is often considered the last important area in a feasibility study. In
practice, however, more systems fail to be used because of project factors than for
any business or technical reasons. The stakeholders involved will be management,
users, developers, and the experts whose knowledge is being used in the system;
these will be considered in turn.

4.1 Management
Management must agree that the feasibility study is adequate, must be willing to
fund the system and make key personnel available throughout its development, and
should support any organisational changes required to introduce the system. Some
organisational change is inevitable, but if the organisational changes are small (e.g.
devolving authority for routine problem solving from the expert to junior staff or an
autonomous system) and well-justified (explanations of the KBS’ reasoning can
help here), then the changes can be made easier by allowing the expert a monitoring
role. If the system is being introduced as part of a deliberate organisational change,
it is up to management to ensure an adequate role (and adequate support) for the
KBS in the new structure.

4.2 Users
Users must be willing and able to use the system. The ability to use the system can
be ensured through training - typically a day’s training for one or two people from
each user department is sufficient, though training for all users is (of course) ideal.
Willingness to use the system is sometimes more difficult to create; giving the users
increased authority via the system may be a sufficient incentive, but it’s most
important that the users understand the justification for the system. An example can
be found in a system built for police patrol officers in Ottawa to help with
identification of patterns in residential burglaries [3]. The system required patrol
officers to spend more time collecting data than they had done previously, so there
was a risk that they might not use it. The knowledge engineers handled this by
giving the patrol officers slightly more authority (they were permitted to close some
cases, rather than referring everything to detectives) and also by giving a 2-hour
presentation to all patrol officers in which 90 minutes was spent explaining the
justification for the system, and half an hour on how to use the system. The
knowledge engineers also demonstrated their own commitment to the project by
giving these presentations at 5am, which was the only time when significant
numbers of patrol officers could be spared from policing duties!

4.3 Developers
The KBS developers need to know how to do knowledge acquisition, how to build
KBS in a structured manner, and how to use the chosen programming tool. The
best way to deal with this is to choose a tool that the developers already know well.
Any deficiencies in developers’ abilities can be remedied by sending them on
training courses, which should be built into the cost/benefit analysis of the project.

4.4 Experts
For the expert, the issues that might arise are as follows:
• The expert may be senior to the knowledge engineer;
• The expert may be uncomfortable with describing his job verbally;
• The expert may be too busy to spend time with the knowledge engineer;
• The expert may perceive the system as a threat to his job security;
• The ‘expert’ is not really an expert at all.
The first two issues can be handled by starting knowledge acquisition with
techniques that the expert is comfortable with (e.g. interviews) rather than
techniques that are most beneficial to the knowledge engineer (e.g. card sorting). If
the expert is very busy, it is important to ensure that knowledge is available from
some alternate source, whether it be lesser experts, manuals, previous cases of
problem solving, so that meetings with the expert can be kept to a minimum. The
‘threat’ issue can be handled by building an “80/20” system, thus retaining an active
role for the expert; by giving the expert authority over maintenance or knowledge
updates to the system; or by choosing an expert who is about to retire, when this is
no longer an issue. The issue of non-expert experts is a difficult one, because there
is a significant risk that the knowledge engineer will make himself very unpopular by
exposing this; some quiet words with an sympathetic senior figure in the client
organisation might result in a change of expert, or a change of focus for the KBS.

4.5 Other project issues

An issue that is of great significance for KBS is maintenance. Although the
knowledge within KBS is often easier to maintain than the code in many other
computing systems, many knowledge-based applications require the knowledge to
be updated much more frequently. For this reason, systems that have fast-changing
knowledge (such as help desks for rapidly changing products such as computer
hardware or software) are often based on case-based reasoning, which combines
aspects of knowledge-based and adaptive technologies. For a KBS, the knowledge
engineer should ensure that the feasibility study considers knowledge maintenance,
and encourages management to select someone capable of knowledge maintenance.
A good solution is to give the expert himself enough training that he is able to
understand the knowledge base himself; he can then take on responsibility for
knowledge maintenance, even if he does not do the actual programming.

5. Case Study: An Internet-based Clinical Protocol

The preparation of a feasibility study will be illustrated by referring to a case study
of the development of systems to support doctors in using clinical protocols via the
Internet. The protocols are for treatment of thyroid problems, and the system for
which this study was prepared has recently been developed to prototype level for
New Cross Hospital in Wolverhampton. The technical approach used is similar to
that described in [4].
Medicine was one of the earliest application areas for knowledge-based systems: the
MYCIN system [5], which recommended antibiotics based on clinical data was the
first commercially viable KBS to be produced. Since then, KBS have been
introduced throughout the medical field; today, systems can be found in routine use
in areas such as managing ventilators in ICUs [6], hepatitis serology [7], clinical
event monitoring (based on the Arden syntax) [8; 9], diagnosis of dysmorphic
syndromes [10], CSF interpretation [11], and other areas [12].
All these KBS examples are from the practice of medicine or anaesthesia; in many
surgical specialties, sharing and re-use of knowledge in many medical fields is still
limited to the dissemination of experiences and distilled knowledge by the traditional
approaches of seminars, journals, and practical training. However, there is a
growing trend to promote "best practice" within a specialised area through the use
of clinical protocols. The idea is to provide guidelines based on strong scientific
evidence. Protocols at present exist as intra-department guidelines for the
management of clinical situations; where they exist, it is expected that they will
normally be adhered to unless there is a good counter-argument. They are
principally used to benefit sub-consultant grades. There are as yet only the
beginnings of formalised nationally agreed protocols (e.g. those published by the
Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network). They are usually printed sheets rather
than computer-based, with copious references to the published clinical studies that
justify each recommendation.
This feasibility studies considers development of a system that will assist clinicians
in following clinical protocols for the diagnosis and treatment of thyroid-related
conditions. The systems will reason about the weight of available evidence (in the
form of published clinical trials), and will also provide access to relevant
publications if requested. The expected users are surgeons who would normally
make use of a written protocol, and who will make the final decision on whether to
follow the system’s recommendations.
5.1 Business Case
The heart of the business case lies in improving decision making by automating the
protocol, making it easier for surgeons to follow (or seek justification of) its
recommendations. This can achieved by encoding details of the published clinical
studies and reports that justify each step, together with a measure of the reliability
(see [13]) of each study. These measures could then be combined to produce
qualified recommendations.
The system would also have associated benefits in providing on-the-job training. If
the system is regularly updated (and the beauty of an Internet-based system is that it
only needs updating on one computer), then all users of the system will be made
aware of new studies in the field which support or supersede old studies – or at
least, of the effects of those studies on decision making.
The analysis of costs and benefits is an important issue for any IT system. The
financial benefits obtained by obtaining faster cures can be estimated in terms of
savings in salary, time and associated costs. If a new out-patients appointment costs
£70, and a review £50, there are huge savings to be made by minimising reviews
and reaching a decision at the first clinic visit. To halve the review appointments in a
single department would save £600,000 per year; alternatively the routine new
patient waiting time for an appointment could reduce from 8-10 weeks to around 2
weeks if referral rate remained steady. The positive effect of this on patient
satisfaction should be significant.
There are also possibilities of more effective cures or longer lasting cures, by
reducing erroneous (or, more likely, sub-optimal) decisions made by junior
clinicians. The financial benefits of this are hard to quantify, but should manifest in
fewer repeat visits, a reduction in exposure to claims for financial damages, and
further increases in patient satisfaction. The potential benefits of a system like this
are therefore greater than the “bottom line” figure of £600,000 p.a. would suggest.
Balanced against these expected benefits, we must consider the investment required.
Based on the experience of similar KBS projects, it is estimated that a fully
functional prototype system would take about six months of effort to complete,
with a further three months of effort for testing, revision, installation and training.
This translates roughly to £45,000 of development costs (at a notional rate of
£60,000 per man year). In addition, there will be hardware and software costs to
cover. For software, the ideal software package, chosen after a review of available
packages (see [14]) is CORVID from Exsys, whose list price is $10,000 for a
development version plus $6,000 for a server-based runtime license. Hardware costs
and maintenance could be around £3,000, with replacement every three years. Also,
there will be maintenance of the knowledge base to read clinical studies and keep
them up to date; allowing two or three days per month, this is estimated at £7,500
per year. Altogether, these figures produce an initial required investment of around
£55,000 plus a total annual maintenance cost of approximately £9,000. The system
would therefore pay for itself in less than 2 months if a 50% reduction in review
appointments could be achieved across a whole department; it is sensible, however,
to roll out a prototype first to see how achievable this 50% reduction is.
There are some further organisational considerations that should be considered
before the business case for this system is declared to be sound. The system doesn’t
require any change to organisational responsibilities, unlike some pioneering expert
systems that aimed to replace doctors rather than supporting them, although it may
result in in junior consultants being able to take more responsibility in the decision
process. The task of following surgical protocols is highly unlikely to be phased out
in the near future. And for a relatively short IT project such as this one, the risk of
funding being cut before the end of the project is comparatively low.

5.2 Technical issues

The technical issues affecting these systems are as follows:
• Task type: It is clear that clinical protocols are used to carry out a diagnostic
task, so KBS technology looks like a suitable approach.
• Telephone test: Protocols are initially drafted in textual form by a consultant
using a specialised vocabulary, and the decision-making process seems to be
couched entirely in symbolic terms. This suggests that a KBS approach is
appropriate for the task. Some terms do refer to the classification of patterns
seen through a microscope, but these descriptions ("sheets", "follicular cells",
etc) are manipulated entirely symbolically as far as the protocol is concerned. In
other words, the pattern recognition (performed in the hospital’s Cytology
laboratory) is clearly outside the scope of the system.
• Uncertain knowledge: the knowledge appears to be largely procedural with a
need to handle some uncertainty at the decision points.
• Safety-critical: Clearly the task of effective use of protocols is a safety-critical
task; however, it is impossible to ensure that an expert system is infallible when
agreement amongst surgeons on what is the “best” procedure is still being
developed. The aim of this application is to represent the best available
knowledge, thus improving on the current situation.
• Verifiability: the knowledge can be verified through clinical trials.
• Complexity: there is little or no requirement for representing temporal or
spatial information, cause-effect reasoning or in handling real-time inputs.
• Time required: while the diagnostic process may be spread out over a long
period (days or weeks) while test results are awaited, the actual problem-
solving time for the vast majority of cases seems to fall into the 3 – 60 minutes
range deemed acceptable for a KBS. Very occasionally, consultants will meet
together to discuss a more complicated case.
• Interfaces: The aim of this project would be to implement a system that runs
within an Internet browser, so that it can be used on an intranet or over the
Internet. All interfaces will therefore be written in HTML. Providing links to
the studies that provide the evidence for decisions is also required; it is planned
that hyperlinks to the Medline online abstracting/publications service will
suffice. Links to electronic medical records are not planned since there is no
agreed format for these at present.

5.3 Stakeholder issues

• Management: The ‘management’ for this project are hospital consultants who
will also function as domain experts. All the consultants involved seem very
keen to pursue the project.
• Users: will initially be junior doctors working for these consultants, so should
be enthused and encouraged by management. The development of a prototype,
fielded to a limited number of health care professionals for evaluation purposes,
will give prospective users a chance to comment on all aspects of the system;
its usability, its content, and its decision-making. It is also hoped that a medical
evaluation will be possible, in which some patients are treated according to
advice given by the system (and approved by the health care professionals), and
the results are evaluated
• Developers: University of Edinburgh staff with experience in programming
KBS are available to develop the system.
• Experts: see above.

6. Conclusion
This paper has shown how a feasibility study can be developed for a knowledge-
based system, focusing on business, technical, and stakeholder-related issues. In
each section, it has highlighted important factors to consider and explained why
they are important. A case study was also presented that demonstrated the
feasibility – with some caveats regarding interfaces, safety criticality and user
acceptance – of a knowledge based system to support the use of clinical protocols
in the diagnosis and treatment of thyroid conditions.

Since the task of developing a feasibility study is itself a knowledge-based

assessment task, further work in this area might focus on a meta-analysis of these
various factors. Issues that might be considered are:

• Priority: which of the factors considered above are showstoppers, and which
are merely risk factors that can be managed with contingency plans?

• Tradeoffs: e.g. is it worth making sacrifices in technical feasibility to enhance

user acceptance of the system?

• Ideals: what are the features of an ideal KBS application domain?

• Extensibility: how many of these factors apply to approaches similar to KBS:
case based reasoning, neural networks, other approaches?

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