Business Studies Assignments ch6 Staffing

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Managing Director of Rathi India Limited conveyed a meeting of employees working at all
managerial levels. Two main issues were discussed in the meeting. First, how the employees
Assignment:- XII COMMERCE should perform all activities more efficiently which are being carried out currently. Second how
Chapter- 3 (STAFFING) to enable the employees to take upon itself big responsibilities in future. Through the medium of
meeting the company was seeking the possibilities of extension. When the managing director felt
satisfied that the employees were taking interest in both the issues, then he conveyed a meeting
Q1. Manu, a chief manager in a company using highly sophisticated machines and equipments,
of board of directors to give final shape to the decision regarding extension of the company.
wants that every employee should be fully trained before using the machines and equipments.
a. Identity different managerial levels.
Suggest the best method of training of the employees. (1)
b. Identify and explain those concepts of management which relate to both the issues
Q2. Name the method of training in which a newly appointed employee is acquainted with the
discussed in the meeting. (4)
organisation. (1)
Q10. Resolution Pvt Ltd. is a publishing company. Its book on Business Studies for class XII is
Q3. Ramesh is working under guidance of Harish, a carpenter for last 2 years to learn different
in great demand. As a result, the employees in the marketing department are always racing against
skills of the job. Name the method of training Ramesh is undergoing. (1)
time. The employees have to work overtime on holidays to cater to the demand.
Q4. Mr. R is working as a personal manager in a company of Delhi. Although he is not well
Managers in the marketing department are under stress as they have to handle more than 2
educated, he is an experience person. Before this he has worked on this post in three large
territories. The work stress has led to dissatisfaction among the managers and employees.
companies. His intention is always in prompting an efficient employee to a higher post and in
a. Name and explain the step of staffing process which has not been performed properly.
demoting inefficient one to a lower vacant post.
b. State the next two stages immediately following the step identified in part a. (4)
State on what source of recruitment is Mr. R is concentrating and explain its benefits. (3)
Q11. Atul -The Assistant Manager, Vikas -The Marketing Manager and Leena -The Human
Q5. Himesh is working as a supervisor in a company. Due to his hard work, he is promoted to
Resource Manager of ‘Montac Enterprise Ltd. decided to leave the company.
the post of production manager. Now the post of supervisor is vacant and no one can be
The Chief Executive Officer of the company called the Human Resource Manager, Leena and
transferred or promoted to this post. Name the source of recruitment the company will use to fill
requested her to fill up the vacancies before leaving the organization. Leena suggested that her
up this post. State any two advantages of using this source of recruitment. (3)
subordinate Miss Rama wadhwa is very competent and trustworthy, if she could be moved up in
Q6. In a company all recruiting, screening and training process for data entry etc. are done by one
the hierarchy, she would do the needful. The Chief Executive Office agreed for the same, Miss
officer only. Their competitor was attracting most qualified employees. As a result this company
Rama Wadhwa contacted ‘Smith Recruiters' who advertised for the post of marketing head for
had to choose from candidates who have soft skills and less qualifications. On the basis of above
'Montac Enterprises Ltd’. They were able recruit a suitable candidate for the company . Atul’s
case answer the following questions.
vacancy was filled up by screening the database of unsolicited application lying in the office.
(i) What problem do you see company is facing?
a. Name the internal/external sources of recruitment used by Montac Enterprises Ltd to fill
(ii) How can this problem be solved? (3)
up the above vacancies.
Q7. A company is manufacturing paper plates and bowls. It produces 1 lakh plates and bowls
b. Also state any merits of each of the above identified sources of recruitment. (5)
each day. Due to local festival, it got an urgent order of extra 50 thousand plates and bowls.
Advise how company will fulfil its order and which method of recruitment would you suggest
Q12. Sahil, the Director of a garments company, is planning to manufacture bags for the
and why? (3)
utilization of waste material of one of his garments unit. He decided that this manufacturing unit
Q8. Zenith Ltd. is a highly reputed company and many people wanted to join this company. The
will be set up in rural area of Orissa where people have very less opportunities and labour is
employees of this organization are very happy and they discussed how they came in contact with
available at very low rate. He also though of giving equal opportunities to men and women.
this organization.
For this he selected S. Chatteejee, Inderjeet Kaur, Aslam and Sahibjeet as heads of sale, accounts,
Aman said that he was introduced by the present sales manager, Mr John.
purchase and production department.
Beny said that he had applied through the newspaper and was appointed as HR manager.
a. Identify and state the next two steps that Sahil has to follow in the staffing process after
Vibhv said that he was directly called from IIM Ahmadabad from where he was about to complete
selecting the above heads.
his MBA.
b. Also identify two values which Sahil wants to communicate. (5)
a. The above discussion is indicating an important function of management. Name the
function of management.
Q13. Mr. Ram recently completed his post graduate diploma in Human Resource Management.
b. The management function identified in part a, follows a particular process. Explain the
A few months from now a large steel manufacturing company appointed her as a HR manager.
step of this process. (3)
As of now the company employs 800 persons and has an expansion plan in hand which may
require another 200 persons for various types of additional requirements. Mr. Ram has been given
complete charge of the company's HR department.
a. Point out what function he should suppose to perform? (iv) Identify these two values that Mr. Garg has been dedicating to the society by
b. What problem do you foresee in his job? establishing this new unit. (6)
c. What steps is he going to take to perform his job efficiently? Q18. “Shiv Shakti Ltd.” keeps constant vigil over business environment and studies it. During
d. How significant is his role in the organization? (6) the course of this study, he noticed a considerable fall in bank interest rate. On the basis of this
Q14. You are the personal manager of the Kapila and Company Ltd. You have been directed by information, CEO of the company, Mr. Rajan Aggarwal anticipated rapid rise in demand for his
the directors of the company to select a CA for the company. Explain the steps you will follow products. Consequently, company decided to produce more than the normal production.
for the same. (6) Company also decided to take special care of the health and safety of the people and to keep the
Q15. Some learning opportunities are designed and delivered to improve the skills and abilities profits at low level while fixing the price of the products. To achieve its objective of increase in
of employees where as some others are designed to help in growth of individuals in all respects. production, company will need 50 additional workers. Similarly, company will also require some
Identity and differentiate the two concepts (6) more managerial staff. Regarding appointment of the employees, it is the desire of the company
Q16. Mr. Vikas Goyal is an HR manager of Sun Furniture Private Ltd. At the beginning of the to recruit such like youngmen as are fully familiar with the new and modern ideas. No matter
New Year he anticipated that the company will need new 30 additional persons to fill different they may have less experience. Mr. Ram Oberoi, H.R. Manager of the company, arranged the
vacancies. He gave an advertisement in the newspaper inviting applications for filling up different requisite staff. It was brought to the notice of Mr. Oberoi that some of the machine operators
post. As many as 120 applications were received. The same were scrutinized. Out of these needed training. He set-up a training centre for this purpose. In this training centre, a trainer
conditions of15 applicants were not acceptable to the company. Letters of regret, giving reason imparted them one-month training. Thus by adopting these measures, company achieved its
were sent to them. Remaining candidates were called for preliminary interview. The candidates objective of large-scale production.
called were asked to fill up blank application form. Thereafter, they were given 4 tests. (a) Quoting the lines identify the component of business environment.
The objective of the first test was to find out how much interest the applicant does take in his (b) Quoting the lines identify the objective of management.
work. The objective of the second test was to find out specialisation of the applicant in any (c) Company will get different kinds of persons from which sources of recruitment?
particular area. Third test aimed at making sure whether the applicant was capable of learning (d) Which training method is being used by company? (6)
through training or not. The purpose of fourth test was to find out how much capability a person Q19. “Mohindra Rice Land Limited” is known as the king of rice trade. The company has large
has to mix up with other persons, and whether he can influence other persons and get influence market share. Company’s internal environment is exceedingly pleasant. Chief Executive officer
by them. of the company has delegated most of the decision making authorities to departmental managers.
a. Quoting the lines, identify the first 2 steps of staffing. For instance, all departmental managers have the authority to appoint any employee getting a
b. Identity different tests given to the applicants by Mr. Goel. (2+4) salary up to Rs. 50,000 per month. They need not obtain prior permission from the CEO for this
Q17. Mr. Anil Garg is working as Managing Director of “CLS Packaging Limited”. He is not in purpose. It is the practice of the company to entrust to one person the responsibility of performing
favour of selling waste material in the market. Instead he is planning to make himself new identical activities. It increases the efficiency of the organisation. Since everything is positive in
products of this material. For this purpose, a new unit will have to be set up. Accordingly, he the company, all persons are keen to seek employment there. Some of the employees are
decided to establish this unit in an area where large number of persons are unemployed and so conversing with one another as to how they got appointment in the company. Deepak Miglani
labour is available at cheap rate. In order to attract workers to his new unit, a special told that he applied for the job after reading an advertisement in the newspaper. He was called
Remuneration Scheme was introduced. As per this scheme, workers will get their remuneration for interview. He was selected on this basis. Deepak Sharma told that he was introduced by the
on the basis of their work. There will be two rates of wages: higher wage rate and lower wage existing finance manager. Deepak Pathak told that he had neither seen any advertisement in the
rate. A worker who will work upto a given standardised units or beyond will be paid his/her newspaper nor was he introduced to the company by any person, rather he was directly appointed
remuneration at a higher rate. On the other hand, a worker who will work less than the given on the basis of interview conducted in the University where he was about to finish his M.A
standardised units will be paid his/her remuneration at a lower rate. Economics(Hons) course.
In order to operate this new unit, Mr. Garg established a separate ‘Waste Material Division’. It Answer the following questions on the basis of the above paragraphs.
consisted of four departments, such as, Purchase, Sales, Production and Accounts. Company (a) Which factor of the organising function of the management has been referred to here?
required four managers to run these departments, of these, two managers were appointed from (b) Which principle of management has been high-lighted here? Clarify the same.
the existing business, by way of promotion; while the other two were selected out of the waiting (c) Which factor of the staffing function of the management has been referred to here?
list maintained by the company. (d) Describe the above mentioned three methods concerning the sources of recruitment as
(i) Which form of organisation structure is being adopted by the company? identified vide point (c). (6)
(ii) Identify and give the meaning of wage payment scheme adopted by the company to
motivate the workers.
(iii) What methods of recruitment have been adopted by the company?

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