Sportsfest 2019: BSN Program Snatches Second Straight Win

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Sportsfest 2019: BSN program got the 1st Runner up

and from then, it was pretty

Program Snatches
much a quick blur of
Second straight win performances, speeches, then
-Vhince Norben C. Pisco to what the event boiled down
to- the games!
The Bachelor of Science in The BSN gave the other
Nursing (BSN) program once programs a fair and square
again bagged the title as the game throughout the entire
overall champion in the 2019 event. The scores are close and
sports fest after finishing the cheers coming from the
grabbing 41 gold, 43 silver, and students were loud and
25 bronze medals. consistent. The players from the
The program ruled men's different courses also gave their
basketball,darts-single, scrabble best and challenged the BSN
women's table tennis, and program.
women's badminton-single. They Winning the sports fest is
also placed second in not new to the BSN because
swimming, athletics, women's ever since the program was
volleyball, and chess. They established they had only lost
finished third in women's thrice against their top
scrabble, parlor games and competitors, the IHTM and
athletics. A Special award is BSBA. But what secrets lie
given to BSN program for the underneath the program's
Most number of attendees. success?
The week-long sports event It has become a strategy for
was held last October 7-10, the nursing program to plan out
2019 which incorporates this ahead of time and conduct
year’s theme “PCZC @ 125 tryouts for interested students
Transformative Ignacian Marian two months before the event.
Education, Creating Horizons for Players practice in the heat of
the Youth throughout the the sun and go home to focus on
Years”. The Sports fest began their studies.
with a parade followed by the But its not just planning and
prayer and flag ceremony. An selecting good players that
opening message was delivered keep them winning for years.It
by one of the RVM Sisters and entails a lot of courage,
finally opening the event proper patience, energy, and teamwork
with flag hoisting and relaying to win the game, but without a
of the torch. thinking mind, it will not be
The first event was the possible for an athlete or a team
Yelling competition which set to win and thrive on the heat of
the overall mood of the sports the competition. It is important
fest on the first day. The BSN to teach athletes to be prudent
and smart enough to study their
The awarding ceremony was
held at the Mother Ignacia
Gymnasium. The BSN rejoiced
as their program was hailed as
the overall champion for the
said event. Though many were
discouraged because of the
cancellation of the disco, others
found time to enjoy the
simplicity of the event. Every
program celebrated for their
own success and received
recognitions for their hard work.
The Sportsfest 2019 had
made the BSN players hurdle,
hustle, and hit but nevertheless,
they persisted and they never
quit. Special recognition to the
BSN faculty for becoming the
all-around coach and adviser to
the players and to the rest of
the students who made
themselves available and useful
during the week-long event.
Indeed 2019 is another great
year for the Nursing
Department. All the
achievements are adding up and
the whole program continues to
grow in number. Who’s gonna be
the winner for the Sportsfest
2020? I bet you’re all excited to
know too.

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