The Euro: Europe's Construction or Destruction?
The Euro: Europe's Construction or Destruction?
The Euro: Europe's Construction or Destruction?
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ISBN: 2-930409-02-9
the time-honoured formula expresses it: "The views expressed here by Juan Carlos Gonzalez Alvarez and Daniel Guguen are entirely their own, and do not represent the opinion of Europe Information Service". This is doubly true, because some of the analyses, convictions and views of the authors diverge. But the aim is not to persuade the reader. Rather, it is to provoke reflection and individual analysis - on the future of the Euro, and on the future of the European Union.
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Juan Carlos Gonzalez e-mail : [email protected] Daniel Guguen e-mail : [email protected]
THE EURO: YESTERDAY UNIMAGINABLE, TODAY INDESTRUCTIBLE? THE LAUNCH CIRCUMSTANCES: 1999: Europe's economies diverge 2004: further and further
he idea of a single European currency provoked incredulity back in 1995 even at the most senior national and European levels. Ministers, Commissioners and senior officials of central banks privately admitted to deep scepticism: for them, at that time, a European currency was just an impossible dream. They pointed to the lack of structural coordination among the EU's economies, the incomplete single market, reticence over federalism. Interview after interview produced the same refrain: "A successful single currency requires three conditions: a single market, a federal state, and European citizenship...." - conditions that just didn't exist in 1995. Now, less than 10 years later, the Euro is in our pockets, and nobody questions its existence, its foundations or its durability. Any suggestion of the dismantling or disappearance of the Euro is viewed as sacrilege. Six years after its launch, the Euro is considered rock-solid, impregnable, indestructible. But in a broader historical perspective, six years might be considered hardly sufficient to validate this thesis, or to justify unquestioning confidence about the sustainability of the Euro. The assumption that a currency cannot disappear is not supported by recent events - notably the 2002 Argentine crisis - the consequence of an untenable fixed parity between the US dollar and the Argentine peso. And just a few years before that, the Yugoslav dinar collapsed under the combined effect of inter-regional economic instabilities and the break-up of the federal Yugoslavian model. These are challenging examples in the light of the current conditions in the Eurozone: The envisaged convergence of the economies of the Euro-zone countries has not happened: instead, they have diverged substantially over the last four years. As a result, competitive capacity varies widely across the member states, the countries with low productivity face increasing deficits and debts, and the maintenance of parity and a single interest rate imposes strains on economies evolving at different rhythms. While the Euro is a valuable economic lever for Euro-zone countries with buoyant economies, it is becoming a ball and chain for others: - they cannot devalue when faced with excessive exchange rates; - they must endure a single interest rate; 14
- their indebtedness is subject to ceilings; - they cannot relaunch economic activity through budgetary expansionism because of the limits on authorised deficits. In short, the greater the difficulties a Euro-zone member encounters, the less it enjoys a margin for manoeuvre and a capacity to react! While a single currency is essentially a federal tool, the European Union is not deepening its political integration; on the contrary, its ever-widening enlargement is reducing it to little more than a free trade area that has deliberately renounced any federal ambitions Meanwhile, however easy the public finds its use, the Euro has contributed nothing to the emergence of a sense of European citizenship. National sentiments in 2004 continue to predominate over Community spirit, and the "Citizen's Europe" simply doesn't exist. And as the EU grows larger, so Euroscepticism is likely to gain ground. Worse still, even if the Euro has become a medium of exchange and a store of value, it is not an economic tool. Its management has been handed over to the European Central Bank, which lacks political power and is disconnected from national economic policies. The management focus is on maintaining price stability rather than on promoting employment and growth. So the Euro is an expression of deep asymmetry between monetary policy and economic policy in total contrast to the US dollar. This asymmetry contains the seeds of social and political conflict.
goes on, the more they lose competitiveness. Weighed down by structural spending, they no longer have any margin for manoeuvre, while they refuse to put in place the liberal reforms required by the very nature of the single currency; Lacking labour market flexibility, but with a large public sector and high labour costs, these countries suffer persistent unemployment that drags the national accounts even further down: for both France and Germany, the Euro is becoming too expensive, and overvalued; If inflation starts to rise again - not an improbable hypothesis, in the face of higher oil prices and the prospect of increased US interest rates - the vulnerable Euro-zone economies - Germany, Belgium, France, Italy - with their high levels of debt will find themselves incapable of repaying even the interest on their debt... There are currently no answers to these predicaments. That is why the authors conceived this book - to shed light on a subject that is vital to every EU citizen, to give readers the elements to make their own assessment, and to suggest possible solutions that are technically achievable in the short/medium term. Neither of the authors has a cause to defend, and they do not always share the same opinions on each step of the argument. But this diversity may have the merit of stimulating readers to make their own analysis. The authors do however share a sense of unease and urgency about impending monetary disaster... Juan Carlos Gonzalez is more confident in the ability of the authorities to find solutions; Daniel Guguen sees a probable Euro-crisis and a serious threat to the very existence of the European Union in its current configuration. But both authors are, first and foremost, Europeans who believe objective analysis and debate should precede decision, and for whom prevention is better than cure.
Convergence criteria
Joining the Euro required compliance with convergence criteria, to ensure economic coherence among the Euro-zone countries - an essential condition for creating a single currency. The five criteria are: > 1 : an annual budget deficit below 3% of GDP; > 2 : public debt not exceeding 60% of GDP; > 3 : inflation no higher than 1.5 points above the average of the three best countries; > 4 : long-term interest rates no more than 2 points above the average of the three best countries; > 5 : two years membership of the European Monetary System, with no devaluation. The selection was carried out on the basis of results for 1997:
Budgetary deficit (as % of GDP) -3 -2.7 -2.5 -2.1 -2.6 -0.9 -3.0 0.9 -2.7 1.7 -1.4 -2.5 0.7 -1.9 -1.9 -4.0 - 3,2
Inflation (%)
LIMITS Germany Austria Belgium Spain Finland France Ireland Italy Luxembourg Netherlands Portugal Denmark United Kingdom Sweden Greece UE 15
60 61.3 66.1 122.2 68.3 55.8 58.0 66.3 121.6 6.7 72.1 62 64.1 53.4 76.6 108.7 63,6
2,7 1.4 1.1 1.4 1.8 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.8 1.4 1.8 1.8 1.9 1.8 1.9 5.2 2,9
12 month Membership long-term of European interest rate (%) Monetary System 7,1 5.6 YES 5.6 YES 5.7 YES 6.3 YES 5.9 YES 5.5 YES 6.2 YES 6.7 YES 5.6 YES 5.5 YES 6.2 YES 6.3 NO 7.1 NO 6.5 NO 9.8 NO 5,5
8 7 6 5 4 6,9 3 2 1 0 1,8
Italy Germany
Source : Eurostat
3,4 2 2
Belgium France
Austria Spain
As can be seen, the 1998 growth rates for Euro-zone countries varied between +1.8% in Italy and +8.6% in Ireland... The obvious question is how the European Central Bank could manage such a disparate economic situation with a single interest rate.
This is disturbing, because the Euro had not only failed to bring economies closer together, as had been expected; on the contrary, the Euro had accelerated the divergent trends: It was acting as a lever for virtuous countries; but as an impediment for the countries with high deficit and debt. Convergence criteria 2004 (estimates at 26 October)
Budget deficit (as % of GDP) Germany Austria Belgium Spain Finland France Greece Ireland Italy Luxembourg Netherlands Portugal Euro-zone - 3,9 - 1,3 - 0,1 0,6 2,3 - 3,7 - 5,5 - 0,2 - 3,0 - 0,8 - 2,9 - 2,9 - 2,9 Debt (as % of GDP) Inflation (%) Long-term interest rate (2003) 4,1 4,1 4,1 4,1 4,1 4,1 4,2 4,1 4,2 4,1 4,1 4,2 4,1 Growth rate
65,9 64,0 95,8 48,2 44,8 64,9 112,2 30,7 106,0 4,9 55,7 60,8 71,1
1,7 2,1 2,0 3,1 0,2 2,3 3,0 2,3 2,3 3,0 1,2 2,4 2,1
1,9 1,9 2,5 2,6 3,0 2,4 3,8 5,2 1,3 4,0 1,4 1,3 2,1
Budget deficit (as % of GDP) Denmark United Kingdom Sweden UE 15 1,0 - 2,8 0,6 - 2,7
Inflation (%)
Growth rate
As for most of the ten member states that joined the EU in May 2004, they have massive budgetary deficits, persistent inflation and growing debt. With the exception of Lithuania and Slovenia, they do not meet the five convergence criteria.
Budget deficit (as % of GDP) Cyprus Estonia Hungary Latvia Lithuania Malta Poland Czech Republic Slovakia Slovenia UE 25 - 5,2 0,5 - 5,5 - 2,0 - 2,6 - 5,1 - 5,6 - 4,8 - 3,9 - 2,3 - 2,8 Debt (as % of GDP) Inflation (%) Long-term interest rate (2003) 5,2 4,6 8,1 5,0 4,7 8,1 6,9 4,7 5,1 5,2 4,6 Growth rate
72,6 4,8 59,7 14,6 21,1 72,4 47,7 37,8 42,4 30,9 63,3
2,4 3,4 6,9 6,8 1,2 3,7 3,5 2,8 7,7 3,9 2,2
3,5 5,9 3,9 7,5 7,1 1,0 5,8 3,8 4,9 4,0 2,5
The conclusions are clear: 1. The five convergence criteria for admission to the Euro-zone have been systematically scorned by the member states. 2. Far from converging, the Euro-zone economies have increasingly diverged: in 2004, eight of the twelve still do not meet the criteria, and six of them (Germany, France, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands and Portugal) are much further away than they were in 1999! 3. Paradoxically, the three EU15 countries outside the Euro-zone have improved their economic performance and have substantially cut their debt levels - from an average of 64.7% in 1999 to 44.7% in 2004 (a drop of 30%). 4. While the Baltic States and Slovenia might be able to join the Euro in the next five to seven years, for the other new member states the prospects are very distant.
The observation is valid in respect of the USA, where productivity, growth and taxation may differ from one state to another. But the situation is self-correcting: Americans move from less-productive areas to where economic potential is high - and these population movements are easier because the country has a common language... The German case is different: it was only the transfer of 1,250 billion Euros in the shape of subsidies, favourable loans, and social provision which allowed the Federal State to maintain for over 10 years a single - and completely artificial parity between the old Federal and Democratic Republics of Germany. The existence of a common language might have facilitated population movements between eastern and western Lnder - had mobility been as well accepted in Germany as in the USA. Without any question, the EU is in the worst position possible to affect the economic and political integration within which the Euro could be the cornerstone. Because in addition to its many divergences of productivity and performance, its mosaic of languages precludes any significant regional shift of population in response to decline and boom.
The "virtuous circle" applies to the current era, in which the Keynesian scheme no longer functions: nowadays, major public undertakings create very few jobs - a few thousand even on a project as huge as the Channel Tunnel, in addition, the Stability Pact rules for the Euro effectively preclude any relaunch via budgetary policies - all the more so since countries with weak growth suffer a structural budget deficit that leaves little room for budgetary manoeuvre when circumstances deteriorate, as France experienced in 2003 and 2004. In the liberal logic of the "virtuous circle" approach, the state intervenes little, and instead provides economic players with a macro-economic context geared to a return to growth and to the balancing of the national accounts. Rather than digging a Keynesian budget deficit, the aim is to reduce or even eliminate it by sharp and rapid cuts in public spending, by slashing the civil service or state benefits...
Fiscal improvement
Increased consumption
At the same time, legislation promotes labour flexibility, encourages (or obliges) the long-term unemployed to return to work, and extends working time, while stimulating business competitiveness through lower interest rates, brusque monetary readjustment, cuts in corporate tax, investment incentives The return to work, the relaunch of private-sector investments, a business26
friendly legal and taxation environment set the virtuous circle in motion, leading to stable jobs, increased consumption, and a return to balanced public finances. It is a kill-or-cure approach... Some countries have adapted, to varying degrees: the UK, Ireland, Spain, the Scandinavian countries. Others - notably Germany - are not adapting, and others - notably Belgium and France - do not even wish to try. The "virtuous circle" has advantages: it combats budgetary waste it promotes economic efficiency and labour productivity it leads to the reduction of charges on labour But the "virtuous circle" has its own disadvantages: with zero inflation, cuts in interest rates become ineffective the focus on economic improvements tends to neglect social considerations it aggravates inequalities and generates exclusion An ultra-liberal logic also has an impact at the macro-economic level: larger companies that can benefit fully from economies of scale promote mergers and acquisitions the larger market that the Euro creates drags the larger companies into a competitive race the price transparency introduced by the Euro stimulates competition the demands of efficiency impose increasingly heavy social and fiscal consequences - including cuts in work-force, the imposition of wage ceilings, social deregulation, and relocations. The authors defend no specific thesis - still less any personal views - in this explanation of the link between the single currency and liberal economic logic. Their point is merely that the liberal economy - as defined in this chapter - is the inescapable background for modern European economies, and that no other approach offers a solution. 27
20,5 %
21,7 %
18,2 %
20,8 %
Exports In % of GDP
Exports In % of GDP
61,6 %
66,3 %
51,5 %
55,9 %
With the coming of the Euro, the proportion of foreign trade has fallen. IntraCommunity commerce is no longer treated as exports and imports, but as domestic trade. For companies, the domestic market has widened to the dimensions of the Euro-zone. This has a triple result: Since intra-community trade is no longer considered as exports and imports, the exchange rate for the Euro-zone countries has less importance; 28
The Euro-zone countries are thus protected by the "Euro-shield": without it, France, Germany and Italy would each have suffered at least one currency devaluation - and possibly more - between 1999 and 2004. The "Euro-shield" cuts both ways: it protects, but at the same time it masks the competitiveness gap springing up between countries - with the consequences outlined in this study.
15,6 %
16,9 %
In % of GDP
11,1 %
8,4 %
In % of GDP
8,6 %
10,7 %
Structure of tax receipts in Europe, the USA and Japan as % of GDP in 2002 (2001 for USA andJapan)
Others Taxes on goods and services
Sources : Eurostat, OECD
Sweden Denmark EU 25 Spain Ireland United States Japan
Others Taxes on goods and services Employers' social security contributions Workers' social security contributions Company taxation Income tax on individuals
Luxembourg United Kingdom Belgium Austria Denmark Finland Germany Greece France Italy EU 15 Spain Sweden Netherlands Portugal Ireland
Sources : Eurostat
50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0
Czech Republic Slovenia Poland Hungary Estonia Slovakia Latvia
Sources : Eurostat
EU 25
United Kingdom
Source : Eurostat
Alongside these differences, there is frequently a strong correlation between labour costs and labour productivity: the higher the labour cost, the higher the productivity. However, some countries combine high labour costs and relatively low labour productivity. This observation reveals in fact a different reality between countries with inflexible labour markets (Germany) and those with highly flexible labour markets (Sweden, Denmark, United Kingdom). The latter make up for any productivity deficits by increased margins for manoeuvre in the organisation of their labour markets.
Productivity and labour costs in the European Union in 2002 The index of 100 represents EU 15
160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0
Productivity Labour cost
United Kingdom
EU 15
Source : Eurostat
Up to the year 2000 business competitiveness was directly conditioned neither by tax pressure nor by labour costs. But the Euro is going to change that.
According to classical theory, the coexistence of weak and strong economies within the same monetary zone leads to one of two consequences: either wage differentials are maintained in line with productivity differentials, so differences in competitive capacity remain, or wage costs in the weak-economy countries become aligned with those of the strong-economy countries without a corresponding increase in productivity degrading their competitive capacity. But this classic scenario does not apply to the Euro, because the European Union's economic model paradoxically combines an ultra-liberal vision including social deregulation, and significant structural funds for the development of backward regions. This part-liberal, part-interventionist model is likely to generate some unexpected effects on the location of manufacturing industries in Europe. The cumulative effect of an attractive tax system, low wage costs, an active, young and well-educated population and longer annual working hours is to induce companies to relocate their industrial operations - towards the southern European states (Spain, Portugal), and even more towards the new member states in central and eastern Europe that will benefit most from structural funds from 2007. This industrial relocation will primarily affect the countries that are the least competitive in terms of costs and efficiency - the very same countries already facing unemployment, deficits and debt. Any additional unemployment will deepen the deficits in these countries. Any new deficit will create debt. And this spiral will widen still further the gap between the efficient and non-efficient countries, creating month after month increasing economic divergences which will have to be dealt with. Since the traditional adjustment mechanism of devaluation is no longer permitted within the Euro-zone, the only way of avoiding potentially explosive consequences is to create, as a matter of urgency, a common taxation policy and a common employment policy. But a cautionary note is necessary here, too: in the current context, any tax and social security harmonisation will not be a levelling up, but a levelling down - cutting the budgets of the spending countries, and adjusting their social benefits to the level of international competitiveness. 38
compromise to allow qualified majority voting for administrative cooperation and the fight against fraud and tax evasion in indirect taxes. But even that was no more than a pious aspiration. Under the current Treaty, unanimity remains the rule for taxation matters. And even if the Constitutional Treaty is ratified, unanimity will remain the rule.
No EU employment policy
Employment policy remains an entirely national matter, just as with taxation, which means any common action is also subject to the unanimity rule. So there is no social Europe, there is no harmonisation of collective agreements, working hours, or social legislation - and there is no European employment policy! 40
The fiscal and social distortions highlighted in the preceding pages are going to persist for a long time. So the Euro, this federal tool par excellence, is based on a disparate body of national legislation, national psychologies and national political interests.... It will be no surprise if the economic and social systems of the Euro-zone not only do not converge, but continue increasingly to diverge.
The European House: state of progress in 2004 A common currency without a common political project, and with an incomplete single market. In other words, the chimney has been superimposed on a structure that still lacks form...
Chimney: the Euro Roof: a common political project Walls: fiscal and social harmonisation
Serious imbalances for the Euro: the lack of symmetry between economic, political and monetary matters.
Analysis of the Euro-dollar parity between January 1999 and October 2004 demonstrates that the economic climate is linked closely to exchange rates within the European Union and in the USA. The table below shows how the Euro-dollar exchange rate is used as an economic weapon by the USA: at the beginning of 1999, the US economy was helped along by the low dollar in 2000-2001, the sharp fall in the Euro and parallel gains for the dollar coincide with the first signs of an economic slowdown in the USA 2002: US economic relaunch post 9/11 with tax breaks, budget deficits and a plunge in the dollar...
United States
High conjuncture, Dollar low Low conjuncture, Dollar high High conjuncture, Dollar low
Min = 0.8252 (26 Oct 2000) Max = 1.2858 (17 Feb 2004)
Euro space
The explanation lies in the respective objectives set for the European Central Bank and the US Federal Reserve. The ECB has just one task: to guarantee price stability. The Federal Reserve, by contrast, has three objectives: promoting full employment ensuring price stability keeping long-term interest rates down. The European Central Bank has only a monetary role, while the US Federal Reserve exercises overall economic responsibility - a fundamental distinction reflected in the overall economic organisation of the USA and the European Union: the US system is coherent: the Federal Government, responsible for overall economic policy, and the Federal Reserve, responsible for monetary policy, work in synergy. The evidence suggests that economic policy in the US - a federal state - involves close coordination of monetary, budgetary and fiscal decision-making. the central bank independence that Duisenberg and Trichet consider axiomatic for the European Central Bank is a mere sideshow in the USA: the Federal Reserve's theoretical independence takes second place to ensuring close political cooperation in defence of US interests and the American economy. in direct contrast, the European approach makes no link between economic and monetary policy. As the diagram on pages 48-49 shows, monetary policy is exclusively the domain of the inflexibly independent ECB, while economic, budgetary and fiscal matters are a member state competence and remain essentially national responsibilities. A system like Europe's simply cannot function
GENERAL ECONOMIC POLICY Federal Government Objective: economic relaunch and stability Fiscal policy Budgetary policy
The Fed's objectives cannot be pursued independently of government economic objectives The Fed's independence is limited by political influence and economic coordination
US economic policy results from close coordination of monetary, budget and fiscal instruments.
Objectives: full employment, price stability, long-term interest rates kept down .
Relative independence
Members are nominated for 14 years Independence in the choice of monetary policy instruments Ac ts in co o p era ti o n wi th the American Administration
Total independence
Members are nominated for 8 years May neither seek nor take instructions Independence in the choice of monetary policy instruments
3 objectives
Full employment Price stability Moderate long-term interest rates
Single objective
Price stability
Responsibility Responsibility
Hearing of the Fed President twice per year before Congress The President of the ECB presents a yearly report to the European Parliament
Policy coordination
Informal consultations between members of government and of the central bank Strict coordination of the economic and monetary policies
Absence of coordination
Centralised common monetary policy National economic and fiscal policies Total absence of coordination
The priority objective of the ECB is price stability
Conducts exchange operations, manages Euro-zone countries' exchange reserves and ensures proper functioning of payment systems.
Budgetary Policy
Fiscal Policy
European Union
Remains mainly a national competence Decision-making in fiscal matters requires unanimity
Council of Ministers of Economy and Finance
Broad economic policy guidelines
Mixed Policy
European orientation National implementation
Mixed Policy
mainly national level
National Policy
The management of the Euro was so passive that since its launch at the high rate of $US 1.18 in January 1999, it fell in the space of two years to $US 0.82 - a fall of 40%, without any intervention by the European Central Bank. And the subsequent rebound caught the European Central Bank almost un-awares. Its interventions to hold back the rise of the Euro were timid.
2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6
Sources : DRI, OECD, Forecast CDC IXIX Sources : Datastream CDC IXIX
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Nothing could better demonstrate the aggressive and successful management of interest rates by the Federal Reserve, and the defensive and tardy approach of the ECB. In fact the management of the Euro during its rise over the last eighteen months 51
was so ill-judged that - against all the rules of monetary orthodoxy - some of the ECB's headline rate reductions have led to further appreciations of the Euro against the dollar, instead of reducing its exchange rate. The reason is obvious. By repeatedly intervening too little and too late, the ECB's actions lacked credibility. The unanimous opinion of the financial community was that the deliberate US strategy would prevail over the timid and hesitant reaction of the EU - and the unequal combat created yet further falls in the dollar.
omano Prodi's repeated accusations that the Stability Pact was "stupid, like all inflexible decisions" shattered the soft consensus on the sanctions mechanisms applicable to countries who consistently fail to meet the Pact's criteria. The pact, invented in the autumn of 1995 by Germany, and imposed on its European partners, is based on supervision of member states' economic policy mechanisms, and sanctions for failure to abide by the rules. Hans Tietmeyer, President of the Bundesbank, also suggested that no member state would qualify for entry into the Euro if it was carrying a budget deficit above the 3% limit even by as little as a tenth of a point. The famous phrase of "Drei Komma Null" ("three point zero "), has a hollow ring today.... So far, the Commission has applied the excessive deficit procedure provided for to five member states: Portugal (2002), Germany (2003), France (2003), the Netherlands (2004) and Greece (2004). When the Euro was launched, none of these countries - except Portugal - was felt to be in any danger of ever breaking the norms of the Stability Pact. The patronising attitude of Germany towards the "Club Med" countries Portugal, Spain, Greece - which it felt to be unworthy of Euro-entry is still remembered in Madrid, with derision, but in Berlin with embarrassment. It is an irony that those countries considered virtuous at the time of the Euro's launch - particularly Germany, France and the Netherlands - today find themselves exposed to European ridicule for their inability to obey the rules that they themselves created.
of the 60% debt ceiling, currently breached by half the Euro-zone countries. Since one year's deficit is rolled over as debt in the following year, and member states guilty of excessive deficits have for years been repaying only the interest, these debts become one of the major headings in the state budget. The obvious danger is that any return to inflation - domestic or imported - could throw the most heavily indebted Euro-zone countries into non-payment, or even into bankruptcy.
As part of the Pact's prevention policy, Euro-zone countries annually provide the European Commission with stability programmes, describing the budgetary measures taken to attain balanced public expenditure - or even a surplus - over the medium term. They set out: the medium-term objectives and reduction forecasts for deficit and public debt in relation to GDP the principal economic development assumptions, in particular GDP growth, employment and unemployment, and inflation a description of budgetary measures envisaged to achieve the objectives of the programme. Programmes are validated by the ECOFIN Council of Ministers (Ministers of Economy and Finance). Twice a year, the ECOFIN Council is supposed to detect any actual or anticipated divergences from the agreed adjustment path, on the basis of European Commission recommendations. These preventive measures, detailed in regulations on the application of the Pact, allow no room for divergent interpretation. But practice has shown that without political will from the member states, the Pact cannot function, particularly when the major Euro-zone economies are the source of concern. The first warning intended to prevent a breach arose in 2001. In line with its duty, the Commission launched the so-called "early warning" procedure against Portugal, because the deficit of 1.1% of GDP foreseen in its stability programme was looking as though it was going to rise in reality to 2.1%. The early warning, once set in motion, contains recommendations addressed to 55
the defaulting country. But the ECOFIN Council did not follow up the Commission's proposals, judging sufficient instead Portugal's undertaking that it would take measures to re-establish a balanced budget by 2004. When the new Portuguese Government undertook an audit in 2002 of the 2001 accounts, the data were subject to serious modification: the real 2001 deficit was in fact 4.1% of GDP, as against the 2.1% announced by the previous government. Portugal became the first Euro-zone country to break the 3% limit, and there was then no option but to launch the excessive-deficit procedure that same year. The excessive-deficit procedure involves a total of 11 stages: from the budgetary surveillance of member states to the imposing of sanctions. ECOFIN adopts its decisions by a qualified majority of its members, with the country implicated in the procedure unable to vote. Throughout the entire preventive phase, all countries within the Council, including those not members of the Euro-zone, take part in the vote (with the exception of the member state concerned). However, from the moment a member state must submit the control of its public finances (as well as the ensuing stages and until the sanctions) only the Eurozone countries can take part in the vote, again with the exception of the member state concerned.
Once a country's deficit has exceeded 3% of GDP, the dissuasive part of the Pact comes into play, defining the corrective measures to be taken. Failure to comply risks penalties equivalent to 0.5% of GDP for the offending country - some 8 to 11 billion Euros for a large country. In addition, Spain, Ireland, Portugal and Greece would stand to lose the special structural assistance received from the European budget under the cohesion fund if they did not implement the corrective measures decided by ECOFIN. Against this background, Portugal opted for budgetary measures that enabled it to bring its deficit below the 3% ceiling by 2002, and it also respected the ceiling in 2003. But the treatment imposed on the country by Prime Minister Barroso, the new President of the European Commission, plunged Portugal into a recession. As a consequence, Portugal's growth rate fell from 1.7% in 2001 to 0.4% in 2002, and to minus 1.3% in 2003. 56
Germany was the second country to violate the Stability Pact rules: its stability programme for 2000 forecast a deficit of 1.5 % of GDP for 2001. In the event, this rose to 2.7% of GDP, dangerously close to the ceiling. As with Portugal, the Commission activated the "early warning" procedure. But again, ECOFIN did not feel it appropriate to approve the Commission's recommendations. The result was that in 2002, the deficit in the largest Eurozone economy reached 3.8% of GDP. The excessive deficit procedure was therefore initiated in January 2003. In 2002, France saw its deficit approach the 3% ceiling: official EU estimates put it at 2.7%, against the 1.4% predicted in France's stability programme. In January 2003, the early warning system was activated. But by June, the Council, noting that the 2002 deficit had exceeded 3%, activated the excessive-deficit procedure against France. Paris then had one year to reduce its deficit to beneath the ceiling.
The Stability Pact penalties must be paid as an interest-free deposit, which becomes a fine after two years if the offending country has not taken action to reduce its deficit. The deposit is set at a fixed amount equivalent to 0.2% of GDP, with an additional variable element of 0.1% of GDP for each point of the deficit above the 3% limit. For the fine to reach 0.5% of GDP, the deficit would have to be 6% of GDP. For a deficit of 4% of GDP, the fine would be 0.3% of GDP - still close to 7 billion Euros for the large countries. 57
ECOFIN also activated the excessive-deficit procedure against six of the member states which joined the EU in May 2004. Since these countries are not members of the Euro-zone, the Council accepted the timetables they put forward for complying with the 3% ceiling: Cyprus in 2005; Malta, 2006; Poland and Slovakia, 2007; and 2008 for the Czech Republic and Hungary. The Commission presented its proposals for amending the Stability Pact in September 2004. The package has four main elements: Reinforced serveillance of debt levels The aim is to specify a rhythm for bringing debt down to a prudent level within a reasonable time. Each member state's rate of economic growth would be taken into account in defining the period. If growth is running below its potential, the pace of reduction would be slower. The opposite would also be true. The underlying Commission objective is a closer link between budget deficits and debt levels. Setting national targets for a return to balanced accounts: The objective of balanced (or surplus) public accounts is linked to the mediumterm, to allow member states sufficient room for manoeuvre while staying under the 3% ceiling in difficult economic circumstances. This discipline would also make it possible to cut debt levels - although the Treaty does not set any timetable for bringing the debt of Euro-zone countries below the threshold of 60%. Setting national targets aims at smoothing out the deficits and surpluses over a period of several years: higher deficits in bad times, but return to surplus in good times. The overall intention is to reach a public finance equilibrium over the average of the period, while taking account of the diversity of national circumstances. This would imply that the deadline for balancing public accounts is tightest for countries with a high level of debt. This may be good in theory, but is unrealistic in the short/medium term: Belgium, Italy or Greece will not be able to bring debt below the 60% threshold in the foreseeable future. Taking account of exceptional circumstances : The Pact currently takes no account of unfavourable circumstances that cause persistently low growth. To remedy this, the Commission is proposing to redefine the exceptional circumstances clause as it currently figures in one of the Stability Pacts application regulations (1467/97): The notion of exceptional 59
circumstances is applied to an unusual event outside the control of the Member States concerned and which has a major impact on The "Stupid" Stability Pact the financial position of the general government, or when resulting from a severe economic downturn (in cases where there is an annual fall of real GDP of at least 2%). The Commissions Communication on the reform of the Stability Pact proposes to render this definition more flexible, without, however, specifying how. In parallel, a timetable would be set for member states in excessive deficit to get back below the 3% limit. This will require a rapid correction once the procedure is activated, with the pace adjusted in line with the economic situation of the country concerned. Currently, corrective measures must commence four months after the launch of the procedure, and the initial sanctions start six months later if the necessary measures are not taken. The Commission proposes to extend these unrealistic allowances. It wants the correction measures to be evaluated along with the convergence and stability programmes, at the beginning of each year. Intensified prevention measures: member states should adopt financial and budgetary policies in line with economic circumstances so as to create margins of manoeuvre adequate to prevent a recession.
The Convention that drafted the Treaty wanted to increase the Commission's powers
Under the present system, during the phases of prevention and dissuasion, the Commission can put forward "recommendations", which ECOFIN can reject with a simple blocking minority. To reinforce this arrangement, the Convention proposed that the Commission 60
should make "proposals" to states with excessive deficits: these "proposals" could be rejected or amended by ECOFIN only by unanimity.
It would be difficult to give less power to the Commission... It's almost as if the Commission didn't exist!
states to adjust their deficits and debts in a coordinated manner that counts: the problem is not the threshold levels per se. So deficits could be permitted in order to revive the economy, and reduced when growth returns... on condition that all countries work together. The Commission's proposals will do nothing to enhance the credibility of national budget figures, however. The case of Greece, which entered the Euro-zone in 2001, is of concern, since its latest corrected data confirm that since 2000 it has systematically exceeded the 3% of GDP ceiling, and the situation is continuing to deteriorate, with the prospect of a 2004 deficit close to 6% and debt close to 120%. Worse, while the Stability Pact provides the single currency with a sort of Highway Code to prevent bad driving and accidents, a Highway Code is useless in the absence of traffic police. There is real cause for concern about the future because of the absence of Commission power, the conduct of ECOFIN, the readiness of offending member states to support one another in order to avoid sanctions, and the Constitutional Treaty's weakening of the Commission's few remaining powers. To be blunt - it is the height of irresponsibility.
Prussian domination
The USA has been a monetary union for more than 200 years.
In 1789, when the American Constitution came into force, the Union consisted of 13 states. Subsequently, more joined so that now 50 states make up the United States. From the very beginning, the Constitution gave Congress the right to manage the monetary affairs of the country. This function has been handed over to the Federal Reserve since its foundation in 1913. In the management of the economy, the US Government essentially has three tools at its disposal: fiscal policy, budgetary policy and monetary policy. From the 1930s onwards, following the Great Depression, the government primarily used fiscal and budgetary policy to promote economic growth and stability. Under the Clinton administration, monetary policy became the leading tool. Since 2001, the Bush administration has used a mixture of the three instruments, fiscal, monetary and budgetary, to revive the US economy. Drawing-up monetary policy is specifically a Federal responsibility. This role is now carried out by the Federal Reserve, an independent agency operating under a fixed legislative mandate. This triple mandate is not prioritised: it is simultaneously to ensure high levels of employment, to maintain price stability, and to keep long-term interest rates down.
A successful EMU
The success of the US economic and monetary union rests largely on a combination of three elements: - government policies which offer the Federal State wide room for manoeuvre in the management of the economy,
- major market flexibility thanks to a relatively large mobility of jobs and of capital, - adjustable prices and wages. Together these elements allow the economy to adapt and to overcome internal problems of asymmetry as well as negative external problems.
Financial environment
Lessons to be drawn
Lack of coordination Ethnic and national tensions Disappearance of the single currency and of Yugoslavia
Incompatibility Restricted room for manoeuvre Inflation, deficits and economic crisis
A compelling demonstration
These four examples constitute a compelling demonstration of how things can go right - and wrong. First of all, they show that the eventual collapse of a monetary union is by no means fiction. It has not only happened often, but it has happened very recently. It could happen again. To suggest - as many observers do - that "it could never happen to the Euro" doesn't resist a moment's analysis. The four examples confirm that a monetary union cannot hope to sustain itself without: a single market, a federal State, a feeling of national (or according to case, international) affiliation The Zollverein, a model of the architecture necessary for the construction of a single currency, reveals the inadequacies of the EU's architecture (see diagram, page 41) The Zollverein is a perfect example: creation of a single market protected by a common customs tariff ensuring a "community preference" - as at the beginning of the European Economic Community. the existence of a common language and cultural identity, and a leading state, Prussia. a progressive approach: first a simple agreement on the establishment of fixedrate parities between different currencies within the zone, then an interval of several decades (the time necessary to bring together the appropriate conditions) before the Reichsgoldwhrung could be created. The Yugoslav dinar is the perfect demonstration that a single market and a federal State (two of the three required conditions) are insufficient to ensure the long-term existence of a monetary union. The dinar died because of Yugoslavia's inability to iron out the economic distortions between its regions, and because of the nationalism of the federated republics. The same is true for the $US-Argentine peso tandem, which neatly confirms that monetary union is incompatible with economies that evolve at different rates in terms of budgetary deficits, debt, and levels of growth, employment and productivity. 70
n parallel to the issue of the Euro's sustainability, the users of the Euro also deserve attention: public authorities, companies and consumers. What assessment can be made after three years of daily use? Has the Euro been accepted? Is it well integrated into the way people calculate prices, or is the consumer still thinking in terms of marks, francs, or lira? Have companies become more efficient because they are exposed to greater competition? And while the evidence shows that the Euro-shield is protecting member countries from having to devalue, this may have disadvantages as well as advantages.
European citizens are rapidly becoming used to the Euro: they find using it convenient, particularly when travelling abroad. And they have acquired the reflex of thinking in Euros, at least for small purchases. The downside is the feeling that businesses and shopkeepers have profited from the Euro's introduction to increase prices, sometimes very significantly, as in Italy. The European public seems to have lost its "monetary loyalty": the national attachment to the mark or the franc has gone. All the evidence points to the fact that Euro-cash is seen as just that - carrying no symbolic value nor based on any common cultural heritage, just bits of paper and circular bits of metal which carry purchasing power. But the overall balance for the public is positive.
This spiral of dispersion is just beginning, and can only get worse. It is difficult to see how a single exchange rate and a single headline interest rate can be compatible for economies which are evolving at very different rates.
Daniel Guguen We can always hope for a miracle, but in my opinion, this is a totally unrealistic scenario...
10 %
Juan Carlos Gonzalez The probability of this scenario is weak, but it is possible to imagine that political leaders will emerge who could restore the balance.
20 %
Daniel Guguen Too good to be true! Why should the laxity of previous years suddenly disappear? We've gone too far up the wrong road.
60 %
Juan Carlos Gonzalez This is the most likely scenario. Reinforced cooperation seems to me the right instrument for a solution.
50 %
Daniel Guguen This is the most likely scenario, combining major structural reform for the "rearguard" countries and rejection by society.
30 %
Juan Carlos Gonzalez It is a credible scenario. It is likely that public opinion would react badly to the necessary structural reforms.
30 %
Daniel Guguen It would be dramatic, but I fear that the Euro will suffer an Argentine scenario if measures are not taken urgently to remedy the deficiencies.
Juan Carlos Gonzalez Unthinkable. I cannot imagine it for one second, because the explosion of the Euro would mean, quite simply, the explosion of the European Union.
he conclusion of this study can be neatly commenced by questioning the title to its introduction: "The Euro: yesterday unimaginable, today, indestructible." This almost unanimous conviction among EU and national officialdom depicts the Euro as a permanent reality, widely accepted by the EU population. No parliamentary question and no pressure from journalists will ever induce JeanClaude Trichet, Jean-Claude Juncker or Joaquin Almunia to admit - even as an academic possibility - that an existentialist crisis could ever hit the Euro. But the authors of this study see things very differently. They are sceptical about a future of rosy continuity for the Euro in a harmoniously developing EU. With some differences of nuance, they concur that this scenario is unlikely, even impossible. For them, the medium- and long-term future of the Euro presents a serious challenge to the EU and its member states. This challenge demands a redefinition of the very purpose of the EU, a reorganisation of responsibilities within it, and a profound revolution in the way some Euro-zone members run their economies.
A national currency - and even more so an international currency - requires three intimately linked conditions to sustain itself, as demonstrated by the examples of monetary unions that have failed (Argentina, Yugoslavia) and those that have succeeded (the dollar, the DM). There must be a single market a federal state a common citizenship. The EU fulfils none of these conditions. The single market of 1993 provides some freedom of movement of people, services, goods and capital, but it is still incomplete. A federal state is so far from the real ambitions of any member state that the very word "federal" was banished from the Treaty. And the absence of anything that could be called a Europe of citizens is shocking and inexcusable, but incontestable.
Furthermore, any assessment of the feasibility of a single currency has to take full account of the enlargement of the EU. The question has to be asked, coldly and clearly: is the integration required by a single currency compatible with rapid enlargement of the EU? 84
For the authors of this study, the answer is a clear no. It is not possible to widen and deepen at the same time. The discussions over the EU's new Constitutional Treaty clearly demonstrated that the further the EU enlarges, the more it is diluted. The Treaty may reasonably be saluted as the best text possible in a Europe of 25 - but it still falls far short of what was needed, because it is based on the lowest common denominator. Nor is it possible to hope for more in the future, even if negotiations are reopened. There is nothing to suggest any route towards a fiscal, social or federal Europe through the current blockage. If the current situation is untenable, and will lead to crisis, what is to be done?
There is no doubt that status quo will lead to crisis, because the shielding effect of the Euro is not unlimited. Member states that continue to accumulate deficits and debts - and particularly those in the rearguard - are going to be faced with: loss of competitiveness, which will result in unemployment and a deterioration of their public finances risks of inflation - domestic or imported (from the US, in particular) grave difficulty even in meeting interest payments on their debt This situation, by 2015, will be quite simply unsustainable. A key element in the predicament is that several Euro-zone members are consistently guilty of serious laxity in economic and monetary policy. The French budget for 2005, for instance, is presented as respectable, although it is based on a 3% budget deficit attained only through a trick - the exceptional payment of 7 billion by Electricit de France. The 3% budget deficit is calculated on the basis of GDP, but French public expenditure will exceed tax revenues by 20%! The implausibility of the status quo is dramatically illustrated by the fact that this has been greeted as "a good budget". Similarly, Greece has camouflaged its national accounts with total impunity for years, and now the 2004 results turn out to be catastrophic: +/- 6% budget deficit and +/-115% public debt - twice the maximum permitted level for each! A subliminal perception of the unacceptability of the status quo is starting to provoke some timid responses from the member states. Some of them are now 85
urging a harmonisation of the corporate tax base or tax rate. And the member states have agreed to appoint Jean-Claude Juncker as Eurogroup president for a 30-month period - a significant extension from the six-month arrangement in force until now. But these responses are utterly inadequate to deal with an underlying problem of such a scale. So what should be done?
Some assistance to successful emergence from the crisis may be found in the following proposals.
company statute subjects that remain governed at national level as long as the EU fails to agree on new rules. But it will be necessary to go much further: administrative formalities of all types must be harmonised, educational systems brought closer together, retirement and social systems made compatible, collective labour agreements progressively harmonised... Feasibility: strong - a simple question of political will.
The help should be substantial, and delivered in areas such as free trade agreements, easier immigration, massive financial aid, technology transfers, and assistance in building stable democracy in these countries. This is as much in the interests of the EU as of these countries. But further enlargement will mean further attenuation of the already very limited common denominator that exists among the 25. Feasibility: zero - the EU summit of July 2004 gave a unanimous and unambiguous green light for further enlargement. Note: the authors diverge in their analysis of enlargement: Juan Carlos Gonzalez Alvarez takes a nuanced view. "Enlargement has gone so far that a few more countries hardly make a significant difference now". Daniel Guguen is more trenchant: he says enlargement has already gone too far, and any further enlargement will limit the EU's capacity to act and react. Juan Carlos Gonzalez Alvarez believes that enhanced cooperation could be an effective remedy - a life-raft - to overcome the dilution of the EU from its successive enlargements. Daniel Guguen disagrees: enhanced cooperation will not be enough to oblige the "rearguard countries" to carry out the necessary reforms. In any case, enhanced cooperation will be no more than a secondary legislative instrument, which will remain subject to agreement by all EU member states.
Amazingly, however, three countries currently display just these characteristics: Germany, Belgium, and France. And only Germany has made any start on the necessary structural reforms, such as a 40-hour working week, flexible working time, fixed-term contracts, easier redundancies, and making unemployment pay conditional on searching for other work. Even then, resistance and inertia holds back German progress. Feasibility: theoretically strong - but will happen only if member states are obliged to change.
The Euro's situation is disquieting, but not yet disastrous. There are plenty of measures that could be taken to strengthen the single currency and prevent its demise. But the essential component is political will. And if political will cannot be found - as is to be feared - then the solution may have to lie in the axiom that necessity is the mother of invention. Crisis itself may become a resource. But it would be better to act now and avoid that final recourse of the desperate.
European Training Institute (ETI)
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JC Gonzalez Alvarez
: Entered European affairs in 1975. Successively Head of the European Sugar Federation, and General Secretary of COPACOGECA, the European farmers' union. Currently Chief Executive Officer of CLAN Public Affairs, one of the principal European consultancies, and co-Director of Europe Information Service (EIS). A convinced European and a campaigner for a federal Europe. A prolific writer and speaker. Author of many books on Europe, including the Practical Guide to the EU Labyrinth, translated into 18 languages.
Daniel Guguen