This document contains a list of 76 individuals with their identification numbers, names, dates of birth, current ages, and residential addresses in Desa Sambeng Wetan. Most of the individuals are in their 20s and 30s, with a few in their 40s and older. Their address is listed as being in Desa Sambeng Wetan village and their action is noted as "Usulkan", which likely means to propose or recommend.
This document contains a list of 76 individuals with their identification numbers, names, dates of birth, current ages, and residential addresses in Desa Sambeng Wetan. Most of the individuals are in their 20s and 30s, with a few in their 40s and older. Their address is listed as being in Desa Sambeng Wetan village and their action is noted as "Usulkan", which likely means to propose or recommend.
This document contains a list of 76 individuals with their identification numbers, names, dates of birth, current ages, and residential addresses in Desa Sambeng Wetan. Most of the individuals are in their 20s and 30s, with a few in their 40s and older. Their address is listed as being in Desa Sambeng Wetan village and their action is noted as "Usulkan", which likely means to propose or recommend.
This document contains a list of 76 individuals with their identification numbers, names, dates of birth, current ages, and residential addresses in Desa Sambeng Wetan. Most of the individuals are in their 20s and 30s, with a few in their 40s and older. Their address is listed as being in Desa Sambeng Wetan village and their action is noted as "Usulkan", which likely means to propose or recommend.