Oracle Fusion Cloud Service Desc 1843611
Oracle Fusion Cloud Service Desc 1843611
Oracle Fusion Cloud Service Desc 1843611
1 Gigabyte Storage Capacity per year is defined, for the purposes of Commerce Cloud Service, as a
one-year entitlement to an additional 1 Gigabyte (one billion bytes) of storage available for use by a
single instance of the Commerce Cloud Service across all environments (production and non-
1 Order: is defined, for the purposes of Commerce Cloud Service, as an instruction initiated in
Commerce Cloud Service to process, deliver or otherwise fulfill a request for any good or service.
Commerce Cloud Orders are unaffected by downstream cancelations and returns.
100 Appointments: is defined as 100 individual activities (e.g., work order, office visit, time used to
assist another resource, lunch breaks, etc.) scheduled within the applicable service that your
resource (e.g., mobile employee) performs at a specific location.
100 Daily Visitor Sessions: is defined as 100 Daily Visitor Sessions per month during the Service
Period. A Daily Visitor Session is a unique individual who accesses the service during a 24 hour period
using a specific channel (e.g. web site, mobile app) and is identified through the use of cookie, device
id, IP or session id. Access across multiple channels counts for multiple visitor sessions.
1000 Interactions: 1000 Interactions means 1000 interactions in a 12-month period and is a
combination of all interactions that contain an Adaptive Intelligent offer, recommendation, action,
across all channels with which a brand interacts with its customers. For the purposes of this metric,
Web visit = 1 Interaction;
5 emails = 1 interaction;
5 SMS/chatbot = 1 interaction.
An interaction may include multiple offers, recommendations or actions. Web interactions expire
after 30 minutes of inactivity and thereafter count as a new interaction. In case of other channels
such as email, SMS, etc. an Interaction is a communication sent to a uniquely identified destination.
For the purposes of Intelligent Advisor, 1000 Interactions means 1000 advice interactions with
Intelligent Advisor, in a 12-month period. For the purposes of this metric,
1 Intelligent Advisor interview session by a single user = 1 advice interaction
20 Intelligent Advisor Determinations API assessments = 1 advice interaction
For Intelligent Advisor interview sessions:
An interview session is conducted by a single user over any continuous duration. After a
period of inactivity, interview sessions end automatically, and upon resumption will be
treated as an additional interview session.
Interview sessions conducted by a logged in Fusion Sales and Service agent user are
considered non-metered usage, and do not count as an advice interaction for the purposes
of this metric.
One (1) Intelligent Advisor Determinations API assessment corresponds to the following:
1) An invocation of the Determinations API Assess Service Simple Object Access protocol (SOAP)
Assess action
2) An invocation of the Determinations API Answer Service Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)
Fusion Cloud Service Descriptions v090822 Page 11 of 207
GetAnswer action
3) Each individual case POSTed to the Determinations API Batch Assessment Representational State
Transfer (REST) Service endpoint.
Note that an assessment is deemed to have occurred even if the provided data cannot be processed.
If a policy model has been constructed such that multiple independent assessments are processed
together (for example unrelated customers or unrelated incidents), each independent assessment
processed via the policy model will be counted separately for the purpose of Oracle Policy Automation
Cloud Service
1000 Offer Visits: means 1000 visits in a 12-month period and is a combination of all interactions that
contain an Adaptive Intelligent offer, recommendation, action, across all channels with which a brand
interacts with its customers.
1,000 API Requests is defined as 1,000 API Requests where one API request originates outside of the
Oracle Loyalty Cloud Service offerings. The request can originate from both Oracle and non-Oracle
systems such as Customer Reservation System, Customer Website, Customer ecommerce System,
Customer Retail POS Stores, Oracle Cloud Marketing, etc.
1,000 Sessions: is 1,000 Sessions where Session is defined as a unique individual who accesses the
Oracle Digital Assistant (ODA) through a specific channel (such as Slack, Web Client, MS Team, etc.)
and can have as many interactions with the ODA throught that channel until the user has closed the
chat client or after the session has timed out (maximum value equals 24 hours).
1,000 Subscriptions is defined as one thousand subscription lines where each is an individual, billable
service or managed asset with recurring billing processed by Oracle Subscription Management Cloud
1,000 in ARR is defined for purposes of Subscription Management Cloud Service as one thousand U.S.
dollars (or the equivalent amount in local currency stated in the order) of the total subscriptions ARR in
a given period processed by Oracle Subscription Management Cloud Service.
100K Subscribers: 100K Subscribers is defined as one hundred thousand (100,000) individuals who
are authorized by You to use one or more of Your licensed services with which the Oracle Fusion
Customer Experience for Communications services listed herein (the “CX4C Cloud Services”) are
used. For example, an individual subscriber may be tracked as a customer record/account in Your
licensed service or other related subscriber databases such as a customer master, ordering system,
etc. An individual subscriber is counted once, regardless of the number of licensed services used. For
CX4C Cloud Services, an individual subscriber is defined as an individual that purchases one or more
licensed services from the service provider that utilizes launch, buying or care capabilities of the
applicable service.
50M Revenue Under Management (RUM): Hosted 50M RUM is defined as 50 million U.S. dollars of
all income (interest income and non-interest income), before adjustments for expenses and taxes,
generated in the preceding 12 months by Your businesses that use the CX4C Cloud Services.
Hosted 1,000 Planned Item Locations is defined as (The number of Planned items) x (the number of
Planned Locations) where:
25,000 Transactions Per Hour is defined as 25,000 Transactions Per Hour where one transaction
represents one external API request per hour and this service increases the contractual limit set forth
in the “External API Transaction Processing Peak Capacity Limit” table by an additional 25,000
transactions per hour.
50 Gigabytes: is defined as 50 Gigabytes of additional computer storage space used by a storage filer
equal to fifty billion bytes through the Cloud Service. For products such as Oracle Planning and
Budgeting Cloud Service, that include two environments per Subscription ID, “50 Gigabytes” provides
entitlement to an additional 50 Gigabytes of storage per environment (production and non-
Offer Visit means: Web visit = 1 offer visit; email offer visit is calculated as 5 emails = 1 offer visit;
SMS/chatbot offer visit is calculated as 5 SMS/chatbot = 1 offer visit.
An Offer Visit may include multiple offers, recommendations or actions within one (1) offer visit.
Web Offer Visits expire after 30 minutes of inactivity and thereafter count as a new visit. In case of
other channels such as email, SMS, etc. an Offer Visit is a communication sent to a uniquely
identified destination.
Billable Service Customer is defined as the total number of Your and Your Affiliates’ individual utilities
services that are billable to each of Your and Your Affiliates’ customers . If You will bill multiple utility
services to one customer, each service will count as a single billable service. If a customer will be billed
for utility services at multiple locations (e.g., a chain store, an apartment building, or a municipality),
each utility service for each such location shall count as a single billable service.
Examples of utilities customer Billable Service types include but are not limited to: electric, gas, water,
and waste water.
Business Network Administrator: a Hosted Named User you authorize to access, use and configure
the Intelligent Track and Trace service. Business Network Administrators may include you and
Endorsing Trading Partners, but will not include any Participating Trading Partners.
Endorsing Trading Partners: trading partners that have their own blockchain instance with the ability
to define Smart Contracts, and define access to and visibility on transactions submitted using those
Smart Contracts. Endorsing Trading Partners have full access to the Intelligent Track and Trace web
application and REST API for submitting transactions.
Participating Trading Partners: trading partners that do not have a blockchain instance provisioned
for them and therefore do not have the ability to define Smart Contracts nor access to and visibility on
Smart Contract: Business rules defined by you or your Endorsing Trading Partners and implemented
in an Intelligent Track and Trace blockchain instance.
Companies: means Hosted Records that contain information provided by D&B about businesses, such
as Business Name, D&B numbers, Industry Classification, Address, etc.
Contacts: means Hosted Records that contain information provided by D&B about individuals, such
as Name, Email, Phone number, etc.
500 Hosted Trading Partners: is defined as up to 500 unique trading partner relationship records
(active or inactive) for an individual customer that allow for electronic message transmission between
the parties.
1000 Requests: For the purposes of Commerce Cloud Service, 1,000 requests is defined as 1,000 API
requests, originating outside of the set Oracle Commerce Cloud Service offerings, to Oracle Commerce
External API Access Cloud Service REST endpoints classified in the Oracle Commerce Cloud Service
Product Documentation as Storefront, Agent, or Server Side Extensions. A non-exhaustive list of
examples of requests considered to originate outside of Oracle Commerce Cloud Service offerings
includes requests from any website not hosted in Commerce Cloud Service, any mobile application, any
fulfillment system or order management system (including those offered by Oracle), and Oracle
Integration Cloud. Requests originating from inside Commerce Cloud Service include those that
originate in the Storefront UI application, Agent UI application, Admin UI application and Commerce
Cloud Server Side Extension code.
10000 Requests Per Month: is defined as maximum of 10,000 requests per month. A request is
defined as an API call from a mobile app or one round trip interaction (request to a bot and a response
from that bot) or a push initiated from the Oracle Cloud Service.
Hosted $M in Freight Under Management (FUM) is defined as one million U.S. dollars (or the
equivalent amount in local currency stated in the order) of the total transportation value of tendered
orders for all shipments for a given calendar year during the term of the Oracle Transportation
Management Cloud Service. FUM shall include the combined total of actual freight purchased by you,
plus the cost of freight for shipments managed by you, and any transportation management services
provided by you for your clients. Freight that is paid by a third party shall also be included in the FUM
total (e.g., inbound shipments from suppliers to you with freight terms of prepaid).
Hosted $M in Application Annual Revenue is defined for purposes of Oracle Global Trade
Management Cloud Service as one million United States dollars (or the equivalent amount in local
currency stated in the order) in all income (interest income and non-interest income) before
adjustments for expenses and taxes generated by you during a fiscal year.
Hosted Environment: is the combination of systems and supporting resources to which Oracle grants
you access as part of the Oracle Cloud Services ordered by you, that is (i) configured for the Oracle
Programs operating on it and for specific uses as part of the Oracle Public Cloud Services, and (ii) used
by Oracle to perform the Oracle Cloud Services. The Hosted Environment consists of the Production
Environment, and any non-Production Environment(s), as referenced in the applicable Ordering
Document and services policies.
Hosted Expense Report: is defined as the total number of expense reports processed by the Oracle
Fusion Expenses Cloud Service during a month period.
Hosted Full Time Equivalent (FTE) Student: For the purposes of Oracle Student Financial Planning
Cloud Service, the quantity of Hosted Full Time Equivalent (FTE) Students shall be the quantity of your
enrolled students receiving any form of Financial Aid (including grants, scholarships, loans, work,
stipends) processed through the system.
For the purposes of all other products, any full-time student enrolled in your institution and earning
academic credit counts as 100% of an FTE Student, any part-time student enrolled in your institution
and earning academic credit counts as 25% of an FTE Student, and any student enrolled in your
institution but not earning academic credit (for example, continuing education students) counts as
17.5% of an FTE Student. The definition of "full-time" and "part-time" is based on your policies for
student classification. If the total number of FTE Students is a fraction, that number will be rounded up
to the nearest whole number.
Hosted Fusion Month is defined as one calendar month of access to the Cloud Services.
Hosted Managed Resource: is defined as a physical asset subject to the applicable service (such as a
truck or a train) and individual users of the service, as well as all your employees, contractors, partners,
and any other individual or entity managed by the service.
Hosted Named User: is defined as an individual authorized by you to access the hosted service,
regardless of whether the individual is actively accessing the hosted service at any given time. Hosted
Named Users may include Business Network Administrators, Endorsing Trading Partners and
Participating Trading Partners. For the purposes of Talent Review & Succession Management Cloud
Service, Talent Review & Succession Management for Midsize Cloud Service, Fusion Talent
Management for Coexistence Cloud Service, Workforce Compensation Cloud Service, Workforce
Compensation for Midsize Cloud Service and Fusion Talent Management and Workforce
Compensation Cloud Service, Hosted Named User is calculated on a 12-month rolling basis.
Hosted 1000 Order Lines: is defined as one thousand order line items processed by the Cloud
Service during a 12 month period.
Hosted 1,000 Active Members is defined as 1,000 Active Members where one Active Member has a
Member Status of Active, Dormant, Payment Pending, Potential Fraudulent or any other customer
Member Status. All other members statuses of Cancelled, Inactive, or Merged are considered inactive.
Hosted Record (for Account Enrichment and Contact Enrichment Cloud Service): For the purposes
of the Oracle Account Enrichment Cloud Service, Oracle Contact Enrichment Cloud Service, Oracle
Account Enrichment Additional Application Cloud Service and Oracle Contact Enrichment Additional
Application Cloud Service, a Hosted Record is defined as database record in the Cloud Service that has
a collection of attributes or fields containing data about Accounts (aka Companies) and Contacts
provided by Dun & Bradstreet (D&B)..
• A database record that is created and first processed (e.g., when the record is either downloaded or
matched to enrich/clean an existing Hosted Record) constitutes a new Hosted Record for purposes
of the order including pricing. Further processing of that Hosted Record within twelve (12)
months of the first time the record is processed does not constitute a new Hosted Record for pricing
Hosted Record (for Oracle Address, Email and Phone Verification Cloud Service): For purposes of
the Oracle Address, Email and Phone Verification Cloud Service, a Hosted Record is defined as database
record in the Cloud Service that has (1) a collection of attributes or fields containing data such as street,
city, country, etc. about a postal address; (2) a collection of attributes or fields containing data such as
country code, area code, exchange and number etc about a phone number; (3) a collection of attributes
or fields containing data about an email address.. A Hosted Record in this context is the result of the
submission of one address record for purposes of either searching or verifying or cleaning an address
against Loqate’s worldwide reference data set; one phone or email for the purpose of verifying a phone
number or an email address against Loqate’s worldwide phone and email verification service. Each
submission of an address constitutes a new Hosted Record for purposes of the order including pricing.
Multiple submissions of a single address, email or phone will be treated as separate records.
Hosted 1,000 Records: is defined as 1,000 unique customer database records stored in the hosted
service. For the purposes of Fusion Customer Management Foundation for Organizations Cloud
Service, a customer database record is a unique business entity or company record which is stored as
an account or organization in the hosted service. For the purposes of Fusion Customer Management
Foundation for Persons Cloud Service, a customer database record is a unique consumer (i.e., physical
person) record which is stored as a contact or a person in the hosted service.
For the purposes of Fusion Data Quality Address Cleansing Cloud Service, the number of records should
match the number of records of the Fusion Customer Management Foundation for Organizations Cloud
Service and Fusion Customer Management Foundation for Persons Cloud Service ordered by you.
For the purposes of Fusion Automated Invoice Processing Cloud Service (and Fusion WebCenter Forms
Recognition Cloud Service, record is a unique invoice header, in the hosted service, entered during the
For the purposes of Fusion Product Hub Cloud Service a product record is defined by a unique product
that is used by an enterprise in the hosted service at any given time. A unique product record would
include all items including but not limited to finished goods, phantom items, style items, sku items,
pack items, assemblies, components, model and option items but does not include any instance items
(i.e. star items), or organization assignments, or revisions/versions of the same item, or items.
For the purposes of Fusion Product Hub Portal Cloud Service a hosted product record is defined by a
unique record that is uploaded through the Product Hub Portal Cloud Service and has been accepted
to be imported into the Product Hub Cloud Service at any given time.
For the purposes of Oracle In-Memory Cost Management Cloud Service a product record is defined by
a unique product that is used by an enterprise in the hosted service at any given time. A unique product
record would include all items including but not limited to finished goods, phantom items, style items,
sku items, pack items, assemblies, components, model and option items but does not include any
instance items (i.e. star items).
For the purposes of Fusion Accounting Hub Cloud Service, record is a unique external transaction row
uploaded to Accounting Hub Cloud Service during the month, and stored in the hosted service. It will
be based on unique records in the subledger accounting lines table.
For the purposes of Enterprise Data Management Cloud Service, a record is defined as a unique
instance by name of a specific business entity -- called a node -- such as, but not limited to, company,
account, cost center, product, customer, location, departments, or other critical business element that
is managed within the hosted service.
For the purposes of Oracle Adaptive Intelligent Apps for Customer Experience, Sales and Service
Enterprise Records or Oracle DataFox Enterprise Records or Oracle DataFox API Enterprise Records, a
customer database record is defined as a database record in the Cloud Service that has a collection of
attributes or fields containing data about companies provided by [Oracle/DataFox]. A database
record that is created and first processed (e.g., when the record is either downloaded or matched to
enrich/clean an existing customer database record) constitutes a new Hosted Record for the
purposes of the order, including for pricing purposes. Further processing of that database record
within the same one year period within the Services Period of the applicable order does not for pricing
purposes create a new Hosted Record. For the avoidance of doubt, the first one year period begins
on the Services Start Date as set forth in Your order and runs for one year thereafter and each
successive one year period begins the day after the end of the preceding one year period and runs for
one year thereafter.
Hosted 1,000 Warehouse Transactions: is defined as one thousand unique transactions processed
through the Oracle Warehouse Management Cloud Service. For the purpose of this metric, Hosted
Warehouse Transactions means license plate numbers (LPNs) that have been shipped or consumed by
use of this Oracle Cloud Service. An LPN is a method used in the warehouse management industry to
identify the cases, pallets, cartons, totes, etc. into which inventory is packaged for shipping. A given
order line within a Hosted Warehouse Transaction will be packaged into one or more LPNs for shipping.
You may not exceed the total number of Hosted Warehouse Transaction subscriptions under Your
order during the Services Period. If You exceed the quantity of Hosted Warehouse Transaction
subscriptions purchased under Your order, You must purchase additional quantities from Oracle.
Monitored Service User: is defined as a user account in Your SaaS applications which You are
authorized to monitor each hour for each service with the Oracle CASB Service. User accounts may
include individual user accounts as well as accounts shared by multiple users of the monitored SaaS
applications and are not limited to Customer and Customer’s affiliates’ employees, customers, partners,
consultants, contractors and agents.
Loqate’s worldwide address data packs: mean address data packs provided by third party
Loqate and used within the Oracle Address Verification Cloud Service. These data packs consist of
postal address data from sources such as Royal Mail, United States Postal Service, etc., and worldwide
coverage of countries covered for such data can be found at
Additional Storefront is defined as an added set of Commerce Cloud Service environments including
a production environment, staging environment and development environment. These environments
enable a shopper-facing website, a domain name, and dedicated administration interface permitting
independent content administration of the website.
Test Environment: is defined as a single test environment provided to You as part of the Cloud
Services. A test environment is used for testing and validating changes prior to promotion to the
production environment as well as for recreating events and duplicating issues occurring in the
production environment for the purposes of troubleshooting and facilitating incident resolution.
For the following services: Financial Consolidation and Close Cloud Service, Account Reconciliation
Cloud Service, Tax Reporting Cloud Service, Enterprise Planning and Budgeting Cloud Service,
Planning and Budgeting Cloud Service, Enterprise Performance Reporting Cloud Service, Oracle
Profitability and Cost Management Cloud Service or Enterprise Data Management Cloud Service, the
Additional Environment option will provide either (a) two additional non-production environments for
use with the associated Cloud Service or (b) two additional standby environments for use with the
associated Cloud Service for use during service disruption only.
10,000 Hosted Customer Records per Month: is defined as 10,000 unique Customer Records
accessed using the program during a calendar month, including contact records and unconverted lead
records (i.e. prospects).
Customer Records include all records accessed through campaigns (static, workflow, adaptive),
microsites, web forms, lead scoring, web tracking, import, and response processing, as well as contact
or prospect records that are stored in the system temporarily during the subscription term (for example
for rented prospect data). Customer Records do not include shared references that may be essential for
data management purposes and excludes anonymous website visitors.
Accounts with no associated contacts but are communicated to using the program are calculated as 1
contact per account.
50,000 Messages: is defined as a block of 50,000 email messages to be sent to marketing contacts
(including contacts, customers, prospects, or employees) from the Oracle Fusion Marketing system.
Unused or partially used email blocks expire at the end of the services period and do not rollover, and
are not otherwise applied, to a new term.
Unlimited Annual Subscription: For the purposes of the Oracle Address, Email and Phone Verification
Cloud Service, Unlimited Annual Subscription shall mean unlimited access to the service for purposes
of searching, verifying and cleaning addresses, emails and/or phone numbersagainst Loqate’s worldwide
address data packs and email and phone verification services for the duration of one year in the Services
Term. The Unlimited Subscription is a yearly subscription and valid for one year of the Service Term.
1,000 Page Views: is defined as one thousand requests to load a URL by an end user’s web browser.
For the purposes of this metric a new Page View is deemed to have occurred in each of the following
1. The first URL request of an end-user web session
2. When multiple URL requests occur within a single end user’s web session, every URL
request which is different from the URL request immediately preceding it.
3. Each URL request resulting from a forced page reload by the end user’s web browser.
$1000 Revenue: is defined for purposes of Oracle Commerce Cloud Service as one thousand United
States dollars (or 1000 units of the local currency stated in the order) of goods and services successfully
purchased using the site’s shopping cart, valued at the actual purchase price and excluding the value of
separately identified shipping and sales tax charges. Site revenue is unaffected by downstream returns
or cancellations except those that are communicated back to the Cloud Service in the same month in
which the original sale occurred.
$ M in Revenue is defined for purposes of Oracle Maps Cloud Service as one million United States
dollars (or the equivalent amount in local currency stated in the order) in all income (interest
income and non-interest income) before adjustments for expenses and taxes generated by you
during a fiscal year.
1 Million Messages: is defined as the number of 1,000,000 message quantities per month used as part
of the Oracle Cloud Service. A message is defined as up to 50Kb of in-and-out transmission from/to
the Oracle Cloud Service. Any messages over 50Kb in size must be counted as multiple messages, with
each 50Kb or portion thereof counting as equivalent to one message (e.g., 210Kb would be counted as
5 messages). Each named user for the process automation and/or the Visual Apps features is equal
to 5,000 messages.
Record: for the purposes of the Oracle Sales Cloud for Midsize Cloud Service, Record is defined as
a unique party database record stored in the hosted service. A party is the account, contact, employee
or organization that is the subject of the database record.
The maximum number of Records that may be uploaded and stored within your Oracle Sales Cloud for
Midsize Cloud Service environment is one hundred and ten thousand (110,000) times the total number
of Hosted Named User licenses purchased by You under Your Ordering Document specific to the Oracle
Sales Cloud for Midsize Cloud Service. (For example, if You have purchased one hundred (100) Hosted
Named User licenses under this Ordering Document, Your total storage capacity within your Oracle
Sales Cloud for Midsize Cloud Service environment for all such Hosted Named Users is eleven million
(11,000,000) Records.) The maximum aggregate quantity of files that may be stored within Oracle Sales
Cloud for Midsize Cloud Service environment for all Your Hosted Named Users, regardless of the
number of Records, is equal to two hundred (200) megabytes of file attachments per Hosted Named
Users licensed under Your Ordering Document specific to the Oracle Sales Cloud for Midsize Cloud
Service. (For example, if you have purchased one hundred (100) Hosted Fusion Named User licenses
under Your Ordering Document, the maximum aggregate quantity of files that may be stored is 20
Oracle Fusion Sales and Service Standard Cloud Service - Hosted Named User
Applicable Part # B91068
Users of the Oracle Fusion Sales and Service Standard Cloud Service are authorized to access the
following modules:
Customer Responsibilities
If purchased with the Oracle HIPAA Advanced Security for Fusion SaaS Service, You are responsible for
compliance with laws, rules, and regulations governing personal health information if choosing to use
Visual Builder, as these services have not be assessed by a third party entity against HIPAA controls.
Usage Limits: The Oracle Fusion Sales and Service Standard Cloud Service is subject to usage
limits based on:
* For the purposes of Oracle Fusion Sales and Service, Record is defined as a data record within
standard and custom objects stored in the Cloud Service environment
The maximum number of Records that may be uploaded and stored within your Fusion Sales
and Service Standard environment is one hundred and ten thousand (110,000) times the total
number of Hosted Named User licenses purchased by You under Your Ordering Document. (For
example, if You have purchased one hundred (100) Hosted Named User licenses under Your
Ordering Document, Your total storage capacity within your Fusion Sales and Service Standard
environment for all such Hosted Named Users is eleven million (11,000,000) Records.) The
maximum aggregate quantity of files that may be stored within Your Fusion Sales and Service
Standard Cloud Service environment for all Your Hosted Named Users, regardless of the number of
Records, is equal to two hundred (200) megabytes of file attachments per Hosted Named User
licensed under Your Ordering Document (For example, if You have purchased one hundred (100)
Hosted Named User licenses under Your Ordering Document, the maximum aggregate
quantity of files that may be stored is 20 gigabytes.)
Your Content, that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is
Oracle Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the
Oracle Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Oracle Fusion Sales and Service Enterprise Cloud Service- Hosted Named User
Applicable Part # B91069
Users of the Oracle Fusion Sales and Service Enterprise Cloud Service are authorized to access the
following modules:
Customer Responsibilities
If purchased with the Oracle HIPAA Advanced Security for Fusion SaaS Service, You are responsible for
compliance with laws, rules, and regulations governing personal health information if choosing to use
Visual Builder, as these services have not be assessed by a third party entity against HIPAA controls.
Usage Limits: The Oracle Fusion Sales and Service Enterprise Cloud Service is subject to usage
limits based on:
• A maximum number of Authorized Users (Hosted Named User) as defined in your order
Absolute Limit of 7,500,000 API Operations per day/site (regardless of the number of
Authorized Users purchased). API Operation consumption limited to Sales and Service Named
(1 Authorized User)
* For the purposes of Oracle Fusion Sales and Service, Record is defined as a data record within
standard and custom objects stored in the Cloud Service environment
The maximum number of Records that may be uploaded and stored within your Fusion Sales and
Service Enterprise environment is one hundred and eighty thousand (180,000) times the total
number of Hosted Named User licenses purchased by You under Your Ordering Document. (For
example, if You have purchased one hundred (100) Hosted Named User licenses under Your
Ordering Document, your total storage capacity within your Fusion Sales and Service Enterprise
environment for all such Hosted Named Users is eighteen million (18,000,000) Records.) The
maximum aggregate quantity of files that may be stored within Your Fusion Sales and Service
Cloud Service environment for all Your Hosted Named Users, regardless of the number of
Records, is equal to four hundred (400) megabytes of file attachments per Hosted Named
User licensed under Your Ordering Document. (For example, if You have purchased one
hundred (100) Hosted Named Users licenses under Your Ordering Document, the maximum
aggregate quantity of files that may be stored is 40 gigabytes.)
Your Content, that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is
Oracle Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the
Oracle Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Users of the Oracle Fusion Sales and Service Premium Cloud Service are authorized to access the
following modules:
• Sales Force Automation;
o Leads & Opportunity Management
o Activities Notes and Attachments
o Email Integration
o Mobile App & Offline Platform
o Sales Coach & Assessments
o Sales Forecast Management
o Sales Analytics
o Sales Contracts
o Asset Management
o Business Plans
• Sales Performance Management
o Territory Management
o Incentive Compensation
o Quota Management
• Customer Data Management
o Customer Hub
o Accounts, Contacts, Households
o Data Quality (50,000 Records per Customer)
• Partner Relationship Management for Channel Managers
• Service
o Service Requests Management
o Knowledge Foundation
o Service Request Queue Management
o Email Management for Service
o Omni Channel Routing
o Service Entitlement & SLA Milestones
o Chat (for customers who have not purchased Oracle HIPAA Cloud Service)
o Cobrowse (for customers who have not purchased Oracle HIPAA Cloud Service)
o Help Desk for Employees (non HR)
• Applications Extensibility Framework
• Transparent Data Encryption
• Access to and ability to deploy conversational user interface functionality. Ability to perform
limited configuration and extension to the delivered skills. For example, adding synonyms
and list values to existing entities; configuring supported channels; enabling and disabling
skills. Further configuration and extension requires the purchase of Oracle Digital Assistant
As part of the Oracle Fusion Sales and Service Premium Cloud Service, you will receive one of the
Industry Offerings:
Fusion Cloud Service Descriptions v090822 Page 26 of 207
o Oracle Fusion Sales and Service for Communications Cloud Service, or
o Oracle Fusion Sales and Service for Consumer Goods Cloud Service, or
o Oracle Fusion Sales and Service for Financial Services Cloud Service, or
o Oracle Fusion Sales and Service for High Tech and Manufacturing Cloud Service, or
o Oracle Fusion Sales and Service for Higher Education Cloud Service.
Customer Responsibilities:
If purchased with the Oracle HIPAA Advanced Security for Fusion SaaS Service, You are responsible
for compliance with laws, rules, and regulations governing personal health information if choosing
to use Chat, Cobrowse or Visual Builder as these services have not be assessed by a third party entity
against HIPAA controls.
Usage Limits: The Oracle Fusion Sales and Service Premium Cloud Service is subject to usage
limits based on:
The maximum number of Records that may be uploaded and stored within your Fusion Sales
and Service Premium environment is two hundred and forty thousand (240,000) times the total
number of Hosted Named User licenses purchased by You under Your Ordering Document. (For
example, if You have purchased one hundred (100) Hosted Named User licenses under Your
Ordering Document, Your total storage capacity within your Fusion Sales and Service environment
for all such Hosted Named Users is twenty-four million (24,000,000) Records.) The maximum
aggregate quantity of files that may be stored within Your Fusion Sales and Service environment for
all Your Hosted Named Users, regardless of the number of Records, is equal to six hundred (600)
Your Content, that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is
Oracle Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the
Oracle Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Oracle Live Experience for Fusion Sales and Service Cloud Service - Enterprise – Hosted Named
Applicable SKUs: B92151
Users of the Oracle Live Experience for Fusion Sales and Service Cloud Service - Enterprise are
authorized to access the following modules and features:
Usage Limits: The Oracle Live Experience for Fusion Sales and Service Cloud Service - Enterprise is
subject to usage limits based on:
A maximum number of the applicable metric as defined in Your order.
The following storage limits apply for this Oracle Cloud Service:
Per Licensed Metric Database Storage File Storage Outbound Data Transfer
Per Licensed Metric File
Hosted Named User 1000 per 1000 per
month month
Service Level Targets: For purposes System Availability Level as described in the Oracle Cloud
Policies referenced below, this Oracle Cloud Service has the following Service Level Targets:
The Target System Availability does not apply in the event of a declared disaster.
Oracle Live Experience for Fusion Sales and Service Cloud Service – Premium – Hosted Named
Applicable SKUs: B92152
Users of the Oracle Live Experience for Fusion Sales and Service Cloud Service - Premium are
authorized to access all the modules and features included in Oracle Live Experience for Fusion Sales
and Service Cloud Service - Enterprise with addition of the following modules and features:
iOS Customer
Per Licensed Metric Web SDK Experience Administration
Service Level Targets: For purposes System Availability Level as described in the Oracle Cloud
Policies referenced below, this Oracle Cloud Service has the following Service Level Targets:
The Target System Availability does not apply in the event of a declared disaster.
Oracle Cloud Policies and Pillar Documentation:
Your order for this Oracle Cloud Service is subject to the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies,
including the Oracle SaaS Public Cloud Services Pillar Document, which may be viewed at
Users of the Oracle Sales Planning Cloud Service are authorized to access the following module or
Usage Limits: The Oracle Sales Planning Cloud Service is subject to usage limits based upon:
a maximum number of Authorized Users (Hosted Named User) as defined in your order
Oracle will provision 2 environments for this Oracle Cloud Service. One environment is
dedicated for production use and the second environment is dedicated as a stage
environment for non- production use. Additional environments may be purchased subject to
additional fees.
The maximum allowable file storage per environment for the Oracle Sales Planning Cloud
Service service cannot exceed 150GB
Oracle Additional 50GB File Storage for Live Experience Cloud Service
Applicable SKUs: B92177
Additional 50GB File Storage Cloud Service is an option specifically for Oracle Live Experience for
Fusion Sales and Service Cloud Service Premium users when file storage space is consumed at the
operating system level for media capture and analytics including recording files, transcriptions, and
other captured assets, across any possible media types including, but not limited to voice, video,
screen sharing recordings. If users of Oracle Live Experience for Fusion Sales and Service Cloud
Service - Premium leverage any of the modules involving such media capture and analytics these
users would need to order sufficient quantity of 50 Gigabyte per month allocations ahead of their
storage consumption.
Users of Oracle Additional 50 GB File Storage Cloud Service are authorized to access the following:
Oracle Fusion Sales and Service Limited User Cloud Service - Hosted Named User
Applicable Part # B89673
Users of the Oracle Fusion Sales and Service Limited User Cloud Service are authorized to access the
following modules:
• Allows authorized employees limited use of Oracle Fusion Sales and Service as follows:
o Read reports
o Create Service Requests
o Create notes, comments and activities (tasks, appointments and call reports) and add
attachments to them
o Approve transactions configured using process composer.
• Transparent Data Encryption
Usage Limits: The Oracle Fusion Sales and Service Limited User Cloud Service is subject to usage
limits based upon the base offering it is associated with Your order. No additional environments or
storage are provided.
Your Content, that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is
Oracle Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the
Oracle Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Oracle Fusion Partner Relationship Management for Partners Cloud Service-Hosted Named User
Applicable Part # B67281
Users of the Oracle Fusion Partner Relationship Management for Partners Cloud Service are
authorized to access the following module:
• Oracle Fusion Partner Relationship Management for Partners allows external partner users
to access Sales and PRM data. External partner users can sign into Your Oracle Fusion
Sales and PRM application to manage Sales and PRM objects.
• Incentive Compensation for Partners (Partner Payments, MDF Consumption, Extended
Mobile Access for Partner Payments).
• Transparent Data Encryption
Usage Limits: The Oracle Fusion Partner Relationship Management for Partners Cloud Service is
subject to usage limits based on:
(1 Authorized User)
Record: is defined as a unique party database record stored in the hosted service. A party is
the account, contact, employee or organization that is the subject of the database record.
The maximum number of Records that may be uploaded and stored within Your environment is
five thousand (5000) times the total number of Hosted Named User licenses purchased by You
under Your Ordering Document. (For example, if You have purchased (100) Hosted Named User
licenses under Your Ordering Document, Your total storage capacity within Your environment for
all such Hosted Named Users is five hundred thousand (500,000) Records). The maximum
aggregate files that may be stored within Your environment for all Your Hosted Named Users,
regardless of the number of Records, is equal to twenty five (25) megabytes of file attachments per
Hosted Named User licensed under Your Ordering Document. (For example, if You have
purchased one hundred (100) Hosted Named User licenses under Your Ordering Document, the
maximum aggregate quantity of files that may be stored is 2.5 gigabytes).
Your Content, that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is
Oracle Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the
Oracle Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Oracle Fusion Sales and Service for Communications Cloud Service- Hosted Named User
Applicable Part # B81523
Users of the Oracle Fusion Sales and Service for Communications Cloud Service are authorized to
access the following:
Usage Limits: The Oracle Fusion Sales and Service for Communications Cloud Service is subject to
usage limits based upon:
Your Content, that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is
Oracle Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the
Oracle Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Oracle Fusion Sales and Service for Consumer Goods Cloud Service - Hosted Named User
Applicable Part # B81524
Users of the Oracle Fusion Sales and Service for Consumer Goods Cloud Service are authorized to
access the following:
• Oracle Fusion Sales and Service for Consumer Goods
• Retail Execution
o Store visit appointments
o Store visit tasks
o Account 360
o Store Check in
o Inventory Audit
o Store Visit Photos and Notes
o Promotion Presentation
o Shopping Cart and Order Capture
o Store Check Out
o Retail Execution Offline Mobile App – iPad and Android
• Trade Promotion Management
This service includes limited use of the Oracle Policy Automation Cloud Service (OPACS) during the
Services Period as follows: OPACS may only be used for conducting retail surveys on mobile devices,
using the provided mobile application with interviews designed using OPACS. Any other use of
OPACS, including add-on of other cloud services to OPACS, requires the purchase of a separate full-
use license for OPACS.
Usage Limits: The Oracle Fusion Sales and Service for Consumer Goods Cloud Service is subject to
usage limits based upon:
• a maximum number of Authorized Users (Hosted Named User)
• Oracle will provision 2 environments for this Oracle Cloud Service. One environment is
dedicated for production use and the second environment is dedicated as a stage
environment for nonproduction use. Additional environments may be purchased subject to
additional fees.
• One (1) Oracle Policy Automation Cloud Service instance:
o Access to the downloadable Policy Modeling desktop integrated with Microsoft Word
and Excel and a web interface with management and administrative capabilities
o One (1) Oracle Policy Automation named mobile user for each one (1) Hosted Named
User subscription of Sales and Service Cloud for Consumer Goods Cloud Service.
o Monthly Bandwidth limit of 120MB per named mobile user
o Database Storage limit of 1024 MB
o Five (5) Policy Modeling/Hub user accounts
o One (1) OPA test environment subject to the following usage limits: maximum two
hundred and fifty (250) Authorized Users with no more than twenty (20) concurrent
mobile users accessing the system at any one time.
o Automatic updates to later Oracle Policy Automation Cloud Service versions as Oracle
makes them available
Your Content, that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is
Oracle Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the
Oracle Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Users of the Oracle Fusion Sales and Service for Financial Services Cloud Service are authorized to
access the following:
This service includes limited use of the Oracle Policy Automation Cloud Service (OPACS) during the
Services Period as follows: OPACS may only be used for authoring and conducting online needs
analysis interviews to create leads and opportunities.. Any other use of OPACS, including add-on of
other cloud services to OPACS, requires the purchase of a separate full-use license for OPACS.
Usage Limits: The Oracle Fusion Sales and Service for Financial Services Cloud Service is subject to
usage limits based upon:
Your Content, that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is
Oracle Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the
Oracle Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Oracle Fusion Sales and Service for High Tech and Manufacturing Cloud Service Cloud Service-
Hosted Named User
Applicable Part # B81521
Users of the Oracle Fusion Sales and Service for High Tech and Manufacturing are authorized to
access the following modules:
Oracle Fusion Sales and Service for High Tech and Manufacturing
Oracle Fusion Sales and Service for Partner Manager Cloud Service
Transparent Data Encryption
Usage Limits: The Oracle Fusion Sales and Service for High Tech and Manufacturing is subject to
usage limits based upon:
a maximum number of Authorized Users (Hosted Named User)
Oracle will provision 2 environments for this Oracle Cloud Service. One environment is
dedicated for production use and the second environment is dedicated as a stage environment
for non-production use. Additional environments may be purchased subject to additional fees.
Your Content, that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is
Oracle Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the
Oracle Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Users of Oracle Chat Cloud Service are authorized to access the following
Customer Responsibilities:
If purchased with the Oracle HIPAA Advanced Security for Fusion SaaS Service, You are responsible
for implementing, enabling and configuring all controls applicable to Your organization’s HIPAA
related requirements, as these services have not be assessed by a third party entity against HIPAA
Usage Limits: Oracle Chat Cloud Service is subject to usage limits based on:
Oracle Fusion Digital Customer Service Cloud Service– 100 Daily Visitor Sessions
Applicable Part # B87853
Oracle Fusion Digital Customer Service Cloud provides access to the following module or function:
Oracle Digital Customer Service
Visual Builder
Transparent Data Encryption
Usage Limits: The Oracle Fusion Digital Customer Service is subject to usage limits based on:
A maximum number of Daily Visitor Sessions per month (starting on the first day of the term
as defined in your order)
Digital Customer Service (DCS) is intended to serve end-customers, and the Daily Visitor
Session metric is intended to capture that value. Implementation and use patterns that fall
outside of this scope may be disallowed. The Customer will not target a DCS application to
users other than their end-customers. The Customer will not attempt to circumvent Daily
Visitor Session metering via work-arounds (for example, by authenticating as one user but
completing tasks on behalf of other users, or by attempting to leverage a non-metered API
when executing interactions on behalf of an end customer).
System access that is not representative of an end-customer interaction (for example, an
integration script for data syncing) does not require the consumption of Daily Visitor Sessions.
DCS relies on Visual Builder and Oracle Fusion Sales and Service Cloud Service to provide its
customer experience. As such, the functionality of DCS may be impacted, in part or in full,
during maintenance windows of those services.
Oracle will provision 2 environments for this Oracle Fusion Digital Cloud Service by default.
One environment is dedicated for production use and the second environment is dedicated as
a stage environment for non-production use. If additional Sales and Service environments are
purchased, the same quantity of Oracle Fusion Digital Cloud Service environments will be
provisioned so they map 1:1.
In order to support the implementation, administration, and run-time delivery of the DCS
experience, access to a set of designer, configuration, and portal run-times ("platform tools")
is included with Daily Visitor Sessions. Specifically, access to Visual Builder is included, with an
included allocation of a Visual Builder instance. Use of Visual Builder is not required - an
implementing company can create a custom portal by accessing the Sales and Service APIs
Daily Visitor Sessions do not include an entitlement to: create Visual Builder applications
targeted to employees or staff, create Visual Builder applications that have no end-customer
support application interactions, or run Visual Builder applications that consume more than
Fusion Cloud Service Descriptions v090822 Page 39 of 207
the allotted storage, compute, or bandwidth (if exceeding your contracted limits, we reserve
the right to disable the service or collect for overage).
Oracle will provision 2 environments for Oracle Visual Builder. One environment is dedicated
for production use and the second environment is dedicated as a stage environment for non-
production use. If additional Sales and Service environments are purchased, the same quantity
of Oracle Visual Builder environments will be provisioned so they map 1:1.
Customer Responsibilities: If purchased with the Oracle HIPAA Advanced Security for Fusion SaaS
Service, You are responsible for implementing, enabling and configuring all controls applicable to
Your organization’s HIPAA related requirements, as this service has not be assessed by a third party
entity against HIPAA controls.
Usage Compliance: Oracle will meter compliance usage limits based on:
Oracle will validate compliance through the usage of Daily Visitor Sessions for all interactions
through Digital Customer Service, Visual Builder and Oracle Sales and Service Cloud APIs
Oracle IoT Service Monitoring for Connected Assets Cloud Service—Hosted Named User
Part# B89691
Users of the Oracle IoT Service Monitoring for Connected Assets Cloud Service are authorized to
access the following modules and features:
Real-time location and health monitoring of assets
Spatial analytics to detect asset misplacement and theft
Incident creation and management for faults detected in assets
Automatic creation of incidents in Oracle Engagement Cloud
Oracle Internet of Things Cloud Service – Enterprise for the purpose of running Oracle IoT
Service Monitoring for Connected Assets Cloud Service
Automated customer-controlled provisioning, backup, patching, scaling with cloud tooling
NOTE: The total number of users with IoTAMAdministrator role1 must not exceed the number of
Hosted Named User licenses. Each user with IoTAMAdministrator role entitles creation and
monitoring of up to 65 assets per month.
There are no limits on the number of users with roles1 other than IoTAMAdministrator. Users with
roles other than IoTAMAdministrator are not entitled for creation of additional assets.
1. For role definitions see
Customer Responsibilities
Certain aspects of the service are Your responsibilities. These include, but are not limited to the
Oracle will create Your instance of Oracle IoT Service Monitoring for Connected Assets Cloud
Service including managing and maintaining Your instance and its availability
Oracle is responsible for patching and upgrading Your instance of Oracle IoT Service
Monitoring for Connected Assets Cloud Service
You are responsible for compliance with laws, rules, and regulations governing the type of
data while using Oracle IoT Service Monitoring for Connected Assets Cloud Service
You agree to provide reasonable assistance to Oracle in order to configure, operate, maintain,
and secure the operating systems and other associated software of Your Cloud Services
You agree to provide reasonable assistance to Oracle in order to maintain appropriate
security, protection, and backup of Your Content to protect Your Content from unauthorized
access and routine archiving of Your Content
Oracle Cloud Services login credentials generated as part of the Oracle Cloud Services are for
Your internal use of the services only, and You may not sell, share, transfer or sublicense them
to any other entity or person, except that You may disclose Your login credentials to
Your subcontractors who are Users of the Oracle Cloud Services and who are performing work
on Your behalf
You will ensure that files provided for upload are scanned for viruses
You are responsible for any data stored in Oracle IoT Service Monitoring for Connected Assets
Cloud Service
Oracle Sales Planning Cloud Service for Sales and Service Cloud - Hosted Named User
Applicable Part #: B90523
Users of the Oracle Sales Planning Cloud Service for Sales and Service Cloud are authorized to access
the following module or functionality:
Usage Limits: The Oracle Sales Planning Cloud Service for Sales and Service Cloud is subject to usage
limits based upon:
a maximum number of Authorized Users (Hosted Named User) as defined in your order
Oracle will provision 2 environments for this Oracle Cloud Service. One environment is
dedicated for production use and the second environment is dedicated as a stage
environment for non- production use. Additional environments may be purchased subject to
additional fees.
The maximum allowable file storage per environment for the Oracle Sales Planning Cloud
Service for Sales and Service Cloud cannot exceed 150GB .
Oracle Additional Test Environment for Sales Planning Cloud Service - Test Environment
Applicable Part #: B90525
An Oracle Additional Test Environment provides for the hosting and maintenance of an additional
Test Environment, which is a reasonably similar replica of Your Production Service Environment for
non-production use such as development, training and testing activities but not for Production
operations or stress testing.
Certain programs and optional services may not be able to run in the Additional Test Environment.
The maintenance or upgrade schedule for the Additional Test Environment is the same as the
schedule for Your Stage Service Environment.
Each Additional Test Environment must be contracted for a minimum of twelve (12) months and
associated to a new or existing Oracle Cloud Ordering Document. Additional Test Environments will
automatically terminate at the end of the Service Period.
Usage Limits: Oracle Intelligent Advisor Cloud Service is subject to usage limits based on:
A maximum number of Oracle Intelligent Advisor Cloud Service advice interactions per month
Up to 3 environments. One environment is dedicated for production use. The other two
environments are for non-production use. Additional environments may be purchased for
additional fees. The non-production environments are subject to no more than 10,000
interactions per month – for pre-production use only.
The following limits are per subscription.
o Six (6) concurrent API requests
o One thousand (1,000) active deployments
o One thousand (1,000) Hub user accounts
The following usage limits apply per 1,000 Interactions:
Usage Limits: The Oracle Fusion Data Quality Cloud Service is subject to usage limits based on:
a maximum number of Authorized Records (Hosted 1,000 Records) as defined in your order
No additional storage is provided.
Your Content, that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is
Oracle Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the
Oracle Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Oracle Address, Email and Phone Verification Cloud Service Unlimited Annual Subscription –
Hosted Month
Applicable Part #: B79035
Users of the Oracle Address, E m a i l a n d P h o n e Verification Cloud Service have access to the
following functionality, separately or together, with respect to an individual Hosted Record postal
Verify address (verifiable as well as non verifiable) against Loqate’s worldwide address data
Clean and auto-correct address against Loqate’s worldwide address data packs
Search and look-up an address against Loqate’s worldwide address data packs
Suggest and select from multiple suggestions and matches for a single ambiguous address
submitted against Loqate’s worldwide address data packs
Obtain verification status for phone numbers
Obtain domain and account verification status for emails addresses. Note: account
verification is conditional on the capabilities of the target domain mail service.
Oracle Address, Email and Phone Cloud Verification Service Per Verification – Hosted Record
Applicable Part #: B79034
Users of the Oracle Address, Email and Phone Verification Cloud Service have access to the
following functionality, separately or together, with respect to an individual Hosted Record postal
Verify address (verifiable as well as non verifiable) against Loqate’s worldwide address data
Clean and auto-correct address against Loqate’s worldwide address data packs
Search and look-up an address against Loqate’s worldwide address data packs
Suggest and select from multiple suggestions and matches for a single ambiguous address
submitted against Loqate’s worldwide address data packs
Obtain verification status for phone numbers
Obtain domain and account verification status for emails addresses. Note: account
verification is conditional on the capabilities of the target domain mail service.
Users of the Oracle Account Enrichment Cloud Service are authorized to access the following
Usage Limits:
The Oracle Account Enrichment Cloud Service is subject to the following limits:
Maximum number of Hosted Records that a user may export, per export job: 100,000
Maximum number of Hosted Records that a user may submit for real-time mode
enrichment per job: 10
Maximum number of Hosted Records that a user may submit for batch mode enrichment,
per job: 250,000
Maximum number of matched Hosted Records, per job: 250,000. (The number of matched
Hosted Records is calculated by multiplying the number of input records by the "multi
match" value. For example, if 10 input records are run against a multiple matched value of 5,
this will yield 50 matched Hosted Records, if every input record results into 5 matches.)
Additional Restrictions:
The Oracle Account Enrichment Cloud Service is subject to the following restrictions:
You can purchase and use only a single Oracle Account Enrichment Cloud Service at any one
time (e.g., you may not purchase or use Cloud Service part numbers B75366 and B75367
during any same period of time).
You may use the D&B Companies Hosted Records in only one of the following Oracle
Cloud application suites:
Oracle Sales and Service Cloud suite and/or Oracle Service Cloud suite (this is considered to
be one Oracle Cloud application for the purposes of this limitation)
Oracle Marketing Cloud suite
Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud suite, which includes capabilities such as
Talent Management
Oracle Social Relationship Management Cloud suite, which includes capabilities such as
Social Engagement, Listening and Publishing
Oracle Cloud BI Apps suite
To use the Hosted Records in more than one of the Oracle Cloud application, You may be
required to purchase additional Oracle Account Enrichment subject to additional fees.
Users of the Oracle Contact Enrichment Cloud Service are authorized to access the following
The Oracle Contact Enrichment Cloud Service is subject to the following limits:
Maximum number of Hosted Records that a user may export per export job: 100,000
Maximum number of Hosted Records that a user may submit for real-time mode
enrichment, per job: 10
Maximum number of Hosted Records that a user may submit for batch mode
enrichment, per job: 250,000
Maximum number of matched Hosted Records, per job: 250,000. (The number of
matched Hosted Records is calculated by multiplying the number of input records by the
"multi match" value. For example, if 10 input records are run against a multiple match
value of 5, this will yield 50 matched Hosted Records, if every input record results into 5
Additional Restrictions:
The Oracle Contact Enrichment Cloud Service is subject to the following restrictions:
• You can purchase and use only a single Oracle Contact Enrichment Cloud Service at any
one time (e.g., you may not purchase or use Cloud Service part numbers B75366 and
B75367 during any same period of time).
• You may use the D&B Contacts Hosted Records in only one of the following Oracle
Cloud application suites:
Oracle Sales and Service Cloud suite and/or Oracle Service Cloud suite (this is
considered to be one Oracle Cloud application for the purposes of this
Oracle Marketing Cloud suite
Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud suite, which includes
capabilities such as Talent Management
Oracle Social Relationship Management Cloud suite, which includes
capabilities such as Social Engagement, Listening and Publishing
Oracle Cloud BI Apps suite
To use the Hosted Records in more than one of the Oracle Cloud application, You may
be required to purchase additional Oracle Contact Enrichment subject to additional fees.
Users of the Oracle Account and Contact Enrichment Additional Applications Cloud Service
are authorized to access the following functionality:
• For each additional application purchased hereunder, You may use the D&B Contacts
Hosted Records or D&B Company Records (but not both) in an additional one of the
following Oracle Cloud application suites as set forth in Your order:
o Oracle Sales and Service Cloud suite and/or Oracle Service Cloud suite (this is
considered to be one Oracle
Cloud application for the purposes of this limitation)
o Oracle Marketing Cloud suite
o Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud suite, which includes capabilities
such as Talent
o Oracle Social Relationship Management Cloud suite, which includes capabilities
such as Social
Engagement, Listening and Publishing
o Oracle Cloud BI Apps suite
Oracle Loyalty Standard Edition Cloud Service- Hosted 1,000 Active Members
Applicable Part # B87856
Users of the Oracle Loyalty Standard Edition Cloud Service are authorized to access the following
• Loyalty Program Management
• Loyalty Membership Management
• Loyalty Promotions Management
• Loyalty Transactions Engine
• Loyalty Bulk Membership Administration
• Hosted Loyalty User ( Loyalty Manager and Administrator)
As part of the Oracle Loyalty Standard Edition Cloud Service, you will also receive one Hosted Named
User of Oracle Fusion Applications Extensibility Framework Cloud Service for every 1,000 Hosted
Active Members
Usage Limits: The Oracle Loyalty Standard Edition Cloud Service is subject to usage limits based
• Oracle will provision 2 environments for this Oracle Cloud service. One environment is
dedicated for production use and the second environment is dedicated as a stage
environment for non-production use. Additional environments may be purchased subject to
additional fees.
• The following usage limits apply per 1,000 Hosted Active Members:
File Storage (MB) Bandwidth
200 N/A
Oracle Loyalty External API Access Cloud Service- 1,000 API Requests
Applicable Part # B87857
Users of the Oracle Loyalty External API Access Cloud Service are authorized to access the following:
Usage Limits: The Oracle Loyalty External API Access Cloud Service is subject to usage limits
based on:
Oracle Additional Environments for Oracle Sales Planning Cloud Service for Oracle Engagement
Cloud provides for the hosting and maintenance of two additional environments, which are a
reasonably similar replica of Your Production Service Environment, for nonproduction use such as
development, training and testing, but not for Production operations or stress testing. In addition, the
subscription may be used for Standby purposes and production use in the event of a service
disruption at the Production Service Environment. The maintenance or update schedule for the
Oracle Additional Environments for Oracle Sales Planning Cloud Service for Oracle Engagement
Cloud is the same as the associated Oracle Sales Planning Cloud Service for Oracle Engagement
Cloud. Additional licensed options and or modules that have been purchased for the associated
Oracle Sales Planning Cloud Service for Oracle Engagement Cloud also apply to Oracle Additional
Environments for Oracle Sales Planning Cloud Service for Oracle Engagement Cloud. Each Oracle
Additional Environments for Oracle Sales Planning Cloud Service for Oracle Engagement Cloud must
be contracted for a minimum of twelve (12) months and associated to a new or existing Oracle Cloud
Ordering Document for Oracle Sales Planning Cloud Service for Oracle Engagement Cloud. Oracle
Additional Environments for Oracle Sales Planning Cloud Service for Oracle Engagement Cloud will
automatically terminate at the end of the Service Period.
Usage Limits: The Oracle Additional Environments for Oracle Sales Planning Cloud Service for Oracle
Engagement Cloud defined above is subject to usage limits based upon:
• Future expansions of Your Oracle Cloud Services may be subject to additional fees.
Oracle Additional Environments for Oracle Sales Planning Cloud Service – Hosted Environment
Applicable Part # B90526
Oracle Additional Environments for Oracle Sales Planning Cloud Service provides for the hosting and
maintenance of two additional environments, which are a reasonably similar replica of Your
Production Service Environment, for nonproduction use such as development, training and testing,
but not for Production operations or stress testing. In addition, the subscription may be used for
Standby purposes and production use in the event of a service disruption at the Production Service
Environment. The maintenance or update schedule for the Oracle Additional Environments for Oracle
Sales Planning Cloud Service is the same as the associated Oracle Sales Planning Cloud Service
Environments. Additional licensed options and or modules that have been purchased for the
associated Oracle Sales Planning Cloud Service also apply to Oracle Additional Environments for
Oracle Sales Planning Cloud Service. Each Oracle Additional Environments for Oracle Sales Planning
Cloud Service must be contracted for a minimum of twelve (12) months and associated to a new or
existing Oracle Cloud Ordering Document for Oracle Sales Planning Cloud Service. Oracle Additional
Usage Limits: The Oracle Additional Environments for Oracle Sales Planning Cloud Service defined
above is subject to usage limits based upon:
• Future expansions of Your Oracle Cloud Services may be subject to additional fees.
Oracle Additional Test Environment For Oracle Intelligent Advisor Cloud Service - Test
Applicable Part #: B93303
An Oracle Additional Test Environment for Intelligent Advisor provides for the hosting and
maintenance of an additional Intelligent Advisor Test Environment, which is a reasonably similar replica
of Your Production Service Environment for non-production use such as development, training and
testing activities but not for Production operations or stress testing. An additional Intelligent Advisor
Test environment is subject to no more than 10,000 interactions per month. Certain programs and
optional services may not be able to run in the Additional Test Environment.
Each Additional Test Environment must be contracted for a minimum of twelve (12) months. Additional
Test Environments will automatically terminate at the end of the Service Period.
Oracle Cloud Policies:
Your order for this Oracle Cloud Service is subject to the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies,
including the Oracle SaaS Public Cloud Services Pillar Document, which may be viewed at
The Oracle Financial Services (FS) Cloud Service is a Fusion Software-as-a-Service offering
designed to help customers in the financial services industry meet their business, security, and
control requirements.
The Oracle FS Cloud Service is operated from Oracle’s North America and EMEA Data Center Region.
The Oracle FS Cloud Service is operated only by authorized employees of Oracle and its affiliates; no
third party subcontractors are used in the delivery of the Oracle FS Cloud Service, except for the
storage of encrypted backup tapes.
All customer User access to data within this Oracle Cloud Service is subject to username/password or
Single Sign- On, using identity federation via SAML 2.0 token assertion.
Usage Limits:
• Oracle will provision 2 environments for this Oracle Cloud Service. One environment is
dedicated for production use and the second environment is dedicated as a stage
environment for non-production use.
• No additional storage is provided. The Oracle FS Cloud Service uses the storage provided
under your existing Fusion Base Cloud Service.
Your Content, that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is
Oracle Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the
Oracle Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Oracle Customer Experience for Communications – Fusion Launch Cloud Service – 100K
Applicable Part # B92714
Users of the Oracle Customer Experience for Communications – Fusion Launch Cloud Service are
authorized to access the following modules:
Oracle Customer Experience for Communications - Fusion Launch Cloud Service
Usage Limits: Oracle Customer Experience for Communications - Fusion Launch Cloud Service – 100K
Subscribers is subject to usage limits based upon:
A maximum number of 100K Subscribers as set forth in Your order.
Limited use of Oracle Fusion Product Management Cloud Service capabilities only for the line
of business identified in Your order. Using Oracle Fusion Product Management Cloud Service
for other lines of business that are not identified in Your order requires additional licenses.
Every 100K Subscribers You purchase will grant You access to one (1) user of the Oracle Fusion
Product Management Cloud Service in the context of its use in the Oracle Customer
Experience for Communications - Fusion Launch Cloud Service.
Limited use of Visual Builder Cloud Service Studio within the Oracle Customer Experience for
Communications - Fusion Launch Cloud Service solely in order to extend user interface
applications that connect to the Oracle Customer Experience for Communications - Fusion
Launch Cloud Service. If You create applications that connect to systems outside of the Oracle
Customer Experience for Communications - Fusion Launch Cloud Service, You will need
additional licenses of the Visual Builder Cloud Service Studio.
Oracle will provision 2 environments for this Oracle Cloud Service. One environment will be
dedicated for production use and the second environment will be dedicated as a stage
environment for non-production use. You may purchase additional environments for
additional fees.
Oracle Customer Experience for Communications – Fusion Launch Cloud Service – 50M Revenue
Under Management
Applicable Part # B92715
Users of the Oracle Customer Experience for Communications – Fusion Launch Cloud Service are
authorized to access the following modules:
Oracle Customer Experience for Communications - Fusion Launch Cloud Service
Usage Limits: Oracle Customer Experience for Communications - Fusion Launch Cloud Service - 50M
Oracle Customer Experience for Communications – Fusion Care Cloud Service – 100K
Applicable Part # B92716
Users of the Oracle Customer Experience for Communications – Fusion Care Cloud Service are
authorized to access the following modules:
Oracle Customer Experience for Communications - Fusion Care Cloud Service, including:
Service Request Management
Knowledge Foundation
Service Request Queue Management
Email Management for Service
Omni Channel Routing
Service Entitlement and SLA Milestones
Customer Data Management
o Customer Hub
o Accounts, Contacts, Households
o Data Quality (50,000 records/customer)
Usage Limits: Oracle Customer Experience for Communications - Fusion Care Cloud Service – 100K
Subscribers is subject to usage limits based upon:
Fusion Cloud Service Descriptions v090822 Page 54 of 207
A maximum number of 100K Subscribers as set forth in Your order.
Limited use of Oracle Fusion Sales and Service Cloud Service capabilities only for the line of
business identified in Your order. Using Oracle Fusion Sales and Service Cloud Service for
other lines of business that are not identified in Your order requires additional licenses.
Limited use of Visual Builder Cloud Service Studio within the Oracle Customer Experience for
Communications - Fusion Care Cloud Service solely in order to extend user interface
applications that connect to the Oracle Customer Experience for Communications - Fusion
Care Cloud Service. If You create applications that connect to systems outside of the Oracle
Customer Experience for Communications - Fusion Care Cloud Service, You will need
additional licenses of the Visual Builder Cloud Service Studio.
Oracle will provision 2 environments for this Oracle Cloud Service. One environment will be
dedicated for production use and the second environment will be dedicated as a stage
environment for non-production use. You may purchase additional environments for
additional fees.
Oracle Customer Experience for Communications – Fusion Care Cloud Service – 50M Revenue
Under Management
Applicable Part # B92717
Users of the Oracle Customer Experience for Communications – Fusion Care Cloud Service are
authorized to access the following modules:
Oracle Fusion Customer Experience for Communications Care Fusion Cloud Service, including:
Service Request Management
Knowledge Foundation
Service Request Queue Management
Email Management for Service
Omni Channel Routing
Service Entitlement and SLA Milestones
Customer Data Management
o Customer Hub
o Accounts, Contacts, Households
o Data Quality (50,000 records/customer)
Usage Limits: Oracle Customer Experience for Communications - Fusion Care Cloud Service - 50M
Revenue Under Management is subject to usage limits based upon:
A maximum amount of 50M Revenue Under Management as set forth in Your order
Limited use of Oracle Fusion Sales and Service Cloud Service capabilities only for the line of
business identified in Your order. Using Oracle Fusion Sales and Service Cloud Service for
Oracle Customer Experience for Communications – Buying Cloud Service – 100K Individual Subscribers
Applicable Part # B92811
Users of the Oracle Customer Experience for Communications – Buying Cloud Service are authorized
to access the following modules:
Oracle Customer Experience for Communications Buying Cloud Service
Usage Limits: Oracle Customer Experience for Communications Buying Cloud Service – 100K
Individual Subscribers is subject to usage limits based upon:
A maximum number of 100K Individual Subscribers as set forth in Your order.
Oracle will provision 2 environments for this Oracle Cloud Service. One environment will be
dedicated for production use and the second environment will be dedicated as a stage
environment for non-production use. You may purchase additional environments for
additional fees.
Oracle Customer Experience for Communications – Buying Cloud Service – $50M Revenue Under Management
Applicable Part # B92812
Users of the Oracle Customer Experience for Communications – Buying Cloud Service are authorized
to access the following modules:
Oracle Customer Experience for Communications Buying Cloud Service
Additional Test Environment for Oracle Customer Experience for Communications Cloud
Service – Each
Additional Test Environment for Oracle Customer Experience for Communications -- BUYING
Cloud Service – Each
Oracle Customer Experience for Utilities – Fusion Agent Service Cloud Service – Billable Service
Applicable Part # B95373
Users of the Oracle Customer Experience for Utilties – Fusion Agent Service Cloud Service are
authorized to access the following modules:
Oracle Utilities Agent Service
Service Request Management, Knowledge Management, Service Request Queue
Management, Chat, Email Management for Service, Omni Channel Routing, Service
Entitlement & SLA Milestones,
Customer Data Management: Customer Hub, Accounts, Contacts, Households, Data Quality
Visual Builder for Oracle Utilities Service Extensions
Usage Limits: Oracle Customer Experience for Utilties – Fusion Agent Service Cloud Service – Billable
Service Customer is subject to usage limits based upon:
• A maximum number of Billable Service Customers per month as defined in your order.
• Limited use of Oracle Service Cloud capabilities only for the line of business identified in Your
• Visual Builder Cloud Service (VB) may be used to extend Fusion Agent Service Cloud Service.
This covers extending user interface applications that connect to the Customers Experience for
Utilities Advanced Customer Care solution and using VB with extensions. Creating applications
that connect to systems outside of Customers Experience for Utilities Advanced Service
application requires an separate Visual Buider license.
• Absolute Limit of 7,500,000 API Operations per day/site (regardless of the number of
Authorized Users purchased). API Operation consumption limited to Sales and Service
Named Users. API Operations are defined as Service transactions and Service communication
Oracle Customer Experience for Utilities – Fusion Sales Cloud Service – Hosted Named User
Applicable Part # B95374
Users of the Oracle Customer Experience for Utilities – Fusion Sales Cloud Service are authorized to
access the following modules:
• Sales Force Automation: Leads & Opportunity Management, Activities, Notes and
Attachments, Email Integration, Mobile App & Offline Platform, Sales Coach &
Assessments, Sales Forecast Management, Sales Analytics, Asset Management
• Customer Data Management, Customer Hub, Accounts, Contacts, Households, Data Quality
• Access to and ability to deploy conversational user interface functionality. Ability to perform
limited configuration and extension to the delivered skills. For example, adding synonyms and
list values to existing entities; configuring supported channels; enabling and disabling skills.
Further configuration and extension requires the purchase of Oracle Digital Assistant
Usage Limits: Oracle Customer Experience for Utilities – Fusion Sales Cloud Service – Hosted Named
User is subject to usage limits based upon:
• Visual Builder Cloud (VB) may be used to extend commercial Fusion Sales and Service
applications. This covers creating user interface applications that connect to the
commercial Fusion Sales and Service solution and using VB with extensions added to
commercial Fusion Sales and Service created through Application Composer. Creating
applications that connect to systems outside of CX Sales requires an additional license
• The maximum number of records that may be uploaded and stored within your Fusion
environment is 180,000 times the total number of Hosted Named Users purchased by
You under Your ordering document. A Record is defined as is an active
Account/Organization, Contact/Person*, Opportunity, Lead, Activity, Custom Object
[top level], Resource. Note: active Account/Organization would include Partner,
Competitor, etc. Contact/Person would include Partner Contacts.
* Excluded from the definition of Person are Persons containing only any/all of the HR_EMPLOYEE,
Users of the Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management Base Cloud Service are authorized to access
the following modules or functionalities:
Access to Workforce Health and Safety Incidents Cloud Service (Part # B89482) is provided at no
charge to enable you to manage your workplace health and safety issues during the covid-19
pandemic. This promotion is valid until August 31, 2021 and may be extended at the discretion of
Usage Limits: The Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management Base Cloud Service is subject to
usage limits based on:
(1 Authorized User)
Your Content, that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is
Oracle Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the
Oracle Fusion Advanced Human Capital Management Controls Cloud Service – Hosted
Applicable Part # B89448
Users of Oracle Fusion Advanced Human Capital Management Controls Cloud Service are authorized
to access the following modules:
Usage Limits: The Oracle Fusion Advanced Human Capital Management Controls Cloud Service is
subject to usage limits based on:
maximum number of Authorized Users (Hosted Employee) as defined in your order
Oracle will provision 2 environments for this Oracle Cloud service. One environment is
dedicated for production use and the second environment is dedicated as a stage
environment for non-production use. Additional environments may be purchased subject to
additional fees.
Your Content, that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is
Oracle Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the
Oracle Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Oracle Fusion Human Resource Help Desk Cloud Service – Hosted Employee
Applicable Part #B87388
Users of the Oracle Fusion Human Resource Help Desk Cloud Service are authorized to access the
following features:
Capture, assign and update Service Requests for employees
Track activities (tasks, appointments) related to Human Resource Help Desk Service Requests
Oracle Knowledge Foundation for HR
Capability to integrate with Human Resource Help Desk Service Requests using public APIs
and file based import/export
Transparent Data Encryption
Usage Limits: Oracle Fusion Human Resource Help Desk Cloud Service is subject to usage limits
based upon:
A maximum number of Authorized Users (Hosted Employee)
Your Content, that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is
Oracle Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the
Oracle Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Users of Oracle Fusion Recruiting Cloud Service are authorized to access the following modules:
• Oracle Recruiting
• Transparent Data Encryption
Usage Limits: The Oracle Fusion Recruiting Cloud Service is subject to usage limits based on:
*Consistent with Oracle Fusion HCM Base Cloud Service. Unrestricted usage for candidates data.
Usage Limits: The Oracle Fusion Recruiting Booster Cloud Service is subject to usage limits based on:
*Consistent with Oracle Fusion HCM Base Cloud Service. Unrestricted usage for candidates data.
Your Content, that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is
Oracle Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the
Oracle Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Users of the Oracle Fusion Payroll Cloud Service for Canada are authorized to access the following
Usage Limits: The Oracle Fusion Payroll Cloud Service for Canada is subject to usage limits based
• a maximum number of Authorized Users (Hosted Employee) as defined in your order. For the
avoidance of doubt, for the purposes of this service, Hosted Employee shall mean Hosted
Employee in the applicable country.
• Oracle will provision 2 environments for this Oracle Cloud Enterprise Applications. One
(1 Authorized User)
Your Content, that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is
Oracle Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the
Oracle Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Users of the Oracle Fusion Payroll Cloud Service for China are authorized to access the following
Usage Limits: The Oracle Fusion Payroll Cloud Service for China is subject to usage limits based
• a maximum number of Authorized Users (Hosted Employee) as defined in your order. For the
avoidance of doubt, for the purposes of this service, Hosted Employee shall mean Hosted
Employee in the applicable country.
• Oracle will provision 2 environments for this Oracle Cloud Enterprise Applications. One
environment is dedicated for production use and the second environment is dedicated as a
stage environment for non-production use. Additional environments may be purchased subject
to additional fees.
• The following usage limits apply per Hosted Employee:
Licensed Metric Database Storage (Records) Bandwidth
Your Content, that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is
Oracle Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the
Oracle Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Users of the Oracle Fusion Payroll Cloud Service for India are authorized to access the following
Usage Limits: The Oracle Fusion Payroll Cloud Service for India is subject to usage limits based on:
• a maximum number of Authorized Users (Hosted Employee) as defined in your order. For the
avoidance of doubt, for the purposes of this service, Hosted Employee shall mean Hosted
Employee in the applicable country.
• Oracle will provision 2 environments for this Oracle Cloud Service. One environment is
dedicated for production use and the second environment is dedicated as a stage environment
for non-production use. Additional environments may be purchased subject to additional fees.
• The following usage limits apply per Hosted Employee:
Licensed Metric Database Storage (Records) Bandwidth
(1 Authorized User)
Your Content, that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is
Oracle Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the
Oracle Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Users of the Oracle Fusion Payroll Cloud Service for Mexico are authorized to access the following
Usage Limits: The Oracle Fusion Payroll Cloud Service for Mexico is subject to usage limits based
• a maximum number of Authorized Users (Hosted Employee) as defined in your order. For the
avoidance of doubt, for the purposes of this service, Hosted Employee shall mean Hosted
Employee in the applicable country.
• Oracle will provision 2 environments for this Oracle Cloud Enterprise Applications. One
environment is dedicated for production use and the second environment is dedicated as a
stage environment for non-production use. Additional environments may be purchased subject
to additional fees.
• The following usage limits apply per Hosted Employee:
Licensed Metric Database Storage (Records) Bandwidth
(1 Authorized User)
Your Content, that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is
Oracle Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the
Oracle Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Oracle Fusion Payroll Cloud Service for the United States-Hosted Employee
Applicable Part # B86334
Usage Limits: The Oracle Fusion Global Payroll Cloud Service is subject to usage limits based on:
• a maximum number of Authorized Users (Hosted Employee) as defined in your order. For the
avoidance of doubt, for the purposes of this service, Hosted Employee shall mean Hosted
Employee in the applicable country.
• Oracle will provision 2 environments for this Oracle Cloud Enterprise Applications. One
environment is dedicated for production use and the second environment is dedicated as a
stage environment for non-production use. Additional environments may be purchased subject
to additional fees.
• The following usage limits apply per Hosted Employee:
(1 Authorized User)
Your Content, that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is
Oracle Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the
Oracle Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Oracle Fusion Payroll Cloud Service for the United Kingdom-Hosted Employee
Applicable Part # B86336
Users of the Oracle Fusion Payroll Cloud Service for the United Kingdom are authorized to access the
following modules:
Usage Limits: The Oracle Fusion Payroll Cloud Service for the United Kingdom is subject to usage
limits based on:
Your Content, that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is
Oracle Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the Oracle
Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Users of the Oracle Fusion Payroll Cloud Service for Middle East are authorized to access the
following modules:
Usage Limits: The Oracle Fusion Payroll Cloud Service for Middle East is subject to usage limits
based on:
• a maximum number of Authorized Users (Hosted Employee) as defined in your order. For the
avoidance of doubt, for the purposes of this service, Hosted Employee shall mean Hosted
Employee in the applicable country.
• Oracle will provision 2 environments for this Oracle Cloud Enterprise Applications. One
environment is dedicated for production use and the second environment is dedicated as a
stage environment for non-production use. Additional environments may be purchased subject
to additional fees.
• The following usage limits apply per Hosted Employee:
Licensed Metric Database Storage (Records) Bandwidth
(1 Authorized User)
Users of Oracle Fusion Payroll Core Cloud Service are authorized to access the following modules:
Usage Limits: The Oracle Fusion Payroll Core Cloud Service is subject to usage limits based on:
Your Content, that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is
Oracle Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the Oracle
Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Your order for this Oracle Cloud Service is subject to the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies,
including the Oracle SaaS Public Cloud Services Pillar Document, which may be viewed at
Users of Oracle Fusion Payroll Connect Cloud Service are authorized to access the following modules:
Usage Limits: The Oracle Fusion Payroll Connect Cloud Service is subject to usage limits based on:
Your Content, that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is
Oracle Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the
Oracle Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Your order for this Oracle Cloud Service is subject to the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies,
including the Oracle SaaS Public Cloud Services Pillar Document, which may be viewed at
Oracle Fusion Workforce Health and Safety Incidents Cloud Service- Hosted Employee
Applicable Part # B89482
Users of the Oracle Fusion Workforce Health and Safety Incidents Cloud Service are authorized to
access the following modules:
Fusion Oracle Fusion Workforce Health and Safety Incidents Cloud Service
Transparent Data Encryption
Users of Oracle Fusion Workforce Health and Safety Incidents Cloud Service are defined as the end
users of the actual program as well as your employees, contractors, partners and any other
individuals that are managed and/or tracked by this program.
Usage Limits: The Oracle Fusion Workforce Health and Safety Incidents Cloud Service is subject to
usage limits based on:
maximum number of Authorized Users (Hosted Employee) as defined in your order
Oracle will provision 2 environments for this Oracle Cloud service. One environment is
dedicated for production use and the second environment is dedicated as a stage
environment for non-production use. Additional environments may be purchased subject to
additional fees.
Your Content, that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is
Oracle Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the
Oracle Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Users of the Oracle Strategic Workforce Planning Cloud Service are authorized to access the following
module or functionality:
Oracle Strategic Workforce Planning Cloud Service
Usage Limits: The Oracle Strategic Workforce Planning Cloud Service is subject to usage limits based
a maximum number of Authorized Users (Hosted Employee) as defined in your order
Oracle will provision 2 environments for this Oracle Cloud Service. One environment is
dedicated for production use and the second environment is dedicated as a stage
environment for non- production use. Additional environments may be purchased subject to
additional fees.
The maximum allowable file storage per environment for the Oracle Strategic Workforce
Planning Cloud service cannot exceed 150GB
Users of the Oracle Fusion Learning Cloud Service are authorized to access the following modules:
Users of Oracle Fusion Learning Cloud Service are defined as the end users of the actual program
as well as your employees, contractors, partners and any other individuals that are managed and/or
tracked by this program.
Usage Limits: The Oracle Fusion Learning Cloud Service is subject to usage limits based on:
• a maximum number of Authorized Users (Hosted Named User) as defined in your order
• Oracle will provision 2 environments for this Oracle Cloud Enterprise Applications. One
environment is dedicated for production use and the second environment is dedicated as a
stage environment for non-production use. Additional environments may be purchased
subject to additional fees.
(1 Authorized User)
Your Content, that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is
Oracle Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the
Oracle Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Users of the Oracle Fusion Time and Labor Cloud Service are authorized to access the following
Usage Limits: The Oracle Fusion Time and Labor Cloud Service is subject to usage limits based
• A maximum number of Authorized Users (Hosted Named user) as defined in your order
• Oracle will provision 2 environments for this Oracle Cloud Enterprise service. One environment
is dedicated for production use and the second environment is dedicated as a stage
environment for non-production use. Additional environments may be purchased subject to
additional fees.
• The following usage limits apply per Hosted Named User:
Licensed Metric Database Storage (Records) Bandwidth
Your Content, that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is
Oracle Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the
Oracle Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Users of Oracle Fusion Dynamic Skills Cloud Service are authorized to access the following modules:
Usage Limits: The Oracle Fusion Dynamic Skills Cloud Service is subject to usage limits based on:
Users of Oracle Fusion Talent Management Cloud Service are authorized to access the following modules:
Usage Limits: The Oracle Fusion Talent Management Cloud Service is subject to usage limits based on:
Maximum number of Authorized Users (Hosted Named User) as defined in your order
Oracle will provision 2 environments for this Oracle Cloud service. One environment is dedicated for
production use and the second environment is dedicated as a stage environment for non-production
use. Additional environments may be purchased subject to additional fees.
The following usage limits apply per Hosted Named User:
(1 Authorized User)
Your Content, that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is Oracle Break
Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the Oracle Database Vault and
Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Users of Oracle Fusion Workforce Compensation Cloud Service are authorized to access the following modules:
Usage Limits: The Oracle Fusion Workforce Compensation Cloud Service is subject to usage limits based on:
Maximum number of Authorized Users (Hosted Named User) as defined in your order
Oracle will provision 2 environments for this Oracle Cloud service. One environment is dedicated for production
use and the second environment is dedicated as a stage environment for non-production use. Additional
environments may be purchased subject to additional fees.
The following usage limits apply per Hosted Employee:
(1 Authorized User)
Your Content, that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is Oracle Break
Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the Oracle Database Vault and
Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Users of Oracle Fusion HCM Communicate Cloud Service are authorized to access the following
Usage Limits: The Oracle Fusion HCM Communicate Cloud Service is subject to usage limits based
Maximum number of Authorized Users (Hosted Employee) as defined in your order
Your Content that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is
Oracle Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the Oracle
Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Users of Oracle Fusion Learning Connect Cloud Service are authorized to access the following
Usage Limits: The Oracle Fusion Learning Connect Cloud Service is subject to usage limits based on:
Maximum number of Authorized Users (Hosted Named User) as defined in your order
Oracle will provision 2 environments for this Oracle Cloud service. One environment is dedicated for
production use and the second environment is dedicated as a stage environment for non-production
use. Additional environments may be purchased subject to additional fees.
Your Content that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is
Oracle Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the Oracle
Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Fusion Learning Connect Cloud Service requires Fusion Learning Cloud Service (B85242). The
subscribed quantities of these products must match.
Usage Limits: The Oracle Fusion Touchpoints Cloud Service is subject to usage limits based on:
Maximum number of Authorized Users (Hosted Employee) as defined in your order
Oracle will provision 2 environments for this Oracle Cloud service. One environment is dedicated for
production use and the second environment is dedicated as a stage environment for non-production
use. Additional environments may be purchased subject to additional fees.
Your Content that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is
Oracle Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the Oracle
Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Oracle Fusion Enterprise Resource Planning Cloud Service - Hosted Named User
Applicable Part # B91079
Users of Oracle Fusion Enterprise Resource Planning Cloud Service - Hosted Named User are
authorized to access Oracle Fusion Enterprise Resource Planning Cloud Service – Hosted Named User
which includes:
Financials Cloud Service
Fusion Financial Reports Center Cloud Service
Advanced Collections Cloud Service
Revenue Management Cloud Service
Grants Management Cloud Service
Project Contract Billing Cloud Service
Project Financials Cloud Service
Project Management Cloud Service
Automated Invoice Processing (Requires B73948 Fusion WebCenter Forms Recognition Cloud
Service - Hosted 1,000 Records)
Fusion Transactional Business Intelligence Cloud Service
Transparent Data Encryption
Joint Venture Management
Access to and ability to deploy conversational user interface functionality. Ability to perform
limited configuration and extension to the delivered skills. For example, adding synonyms
and list values to existing entities; configuring supported channels; enabling and disabling
skills. Further configuration and extension requires the purchase of Oracle Digital Assistant
Usage Limits: The Oracle Fusion Enterprise Resource Planning Cloud Service - Hosted Named User
is subject to usage limits based upon:
Your Content that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database is Oracle
Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the Oracle
Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service). This Cloud Service includes additional
Oracle Fusion Enterprise Resource Planning for Self Service Cloud Service - Hosted Named User
Applicable Part # B91080
Users of Oracle Fusion Enterprise Resource Planning for Self Service Cloud Service - Hosted Named
User are authorized to access Oracle Fusion Enterprise Resource Planning for Self Service Cloud
Service - Hosted Named User which includes:
Self Service ERP Reporting Access
o View Access to reports generated from: Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence,
Business Intelligence Publisher, Financial Reporting Web Studio
View access to corresponding transaction and inquiry screens via natively
supported drill-down paths from above report types
o Report retrieval via distribution channels including Financial Reporting Center, email
and Digital Assistant
Self Service Approval for ERP transactions and workflows
o View access to corresponding transactions and workflows via natively supported drill-
down paths from email and worklist approvals
Self Service ERP Transactions:
o Expenses: Expense entry and approval.
o Bill Management: Invoice view, Invoice print, make payment, dispute transaction
o Time and Labor: Capture, maintain, and approve project related time entries.
o Task Management: View project plan, create tasks, track progress, manage
deliverables, issues and change orders
o Resource Management: Maintain skills and qualifications, and areas of expertise, view
project assignment schedules, maintain non available time
Your Content, that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is
Oracle Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the Oracle
Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Users of Oracle Fusion Risk Management Cloud Service - Hosted Named User are authorized to
access Oracle Fusion Risk Management Cloud Service - Hosted Named User which includes:
Fusion Advanced Access Controls Cloud Service
Fusion Advanced Financial Controls Cloud Service
Includes 10 users of Fusion Financial Reporting Compliance Cloud Service
Transparent Data Encryption
Usage Limits: The Oracle Fusion Risk Management Cloud Service - Hosted Named User is subject
to usage limits based upon:
Your Content, that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is
Oracle Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the
Oracle Fusion Financial Reporting Compliance Cloud Service - Hosted Named User
Applicable Part # B81510
Users of the Oracle Fusion Financial Reporting Compliance Cloud Service – Hosted Named User
are authorized to access the following module:
Usage Limits: The Oracle Fusion Financial Reporting Compliance Cloud Service is subject to usage
limits based upon:
Your Content, that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is
Oracle Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the
Oracle Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Users of Oracle Fusion Procurement Cloud Service - Hosted Named User are authorized to access
Oracle Fusion Procurement Cloud Service - Hosted Named User which includes:
Fusion Purchasing Cloud Service
Fusion Procurement Contracts Cloud Service
Fusion Sourcing Cloud Service
Fusion Supplier Portal Cloud Service
Fusion Supplier Qualification Management Cloud Service
Usage Limits: The Oracle Fusion Procurement Cloud Service - Hosted Named User is subject to
usage limits based upon:
Your Content, that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is
Oracle Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the
Oracle Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Oracle Fusion Procurement for Self Service Cloud Service - Hosted Named User
Applicable Part # B91083
Users of Oracle Fusion Procurement for Self Service Cloud Service - Hosted Named User are
authorized to access Oracle Fusion Procurement for Self Service Cloud Service - Hosted Named User
which includes:
Fusion Self Service Procurement Cloud Service
Fusion Enterprise Contracts Essential User Cloud Service (Read only access and deliverables
management for all contract types)
Transparent Data Encryption
Usage Limits: The Oracle Fusion Procurement for Self Service Cloud Service - Hosted Named User
is subject to usage limits based upon:
Your Content, that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is
Oracle Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the
Users of the Oracle Fusion Accounting Hub Cloud Service - Hosted 1,000 Records are authorized to
access the following module:
Usage Limits: The Oracle Fusion Accounting Hub Cloud Service is subject to usage limits based
Your Content, that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is
Oracle Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the
Oracle Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Users of the Oracle Forms Recognition Cloud Service are authorized to access the following module:
• A maximum number of Authorized Records (Hosted 1,000 Records) as defined in your order
• Oracle will provision 2 environments for this Oracle Cloud Enterprise service. One environment is
dedicated for production use and the second environment is dedicated as a stage environment
for non-production use. Additional environments may be purchased subject to additional fees.
• No additional storage is provided. Oracle Forms Recognition Cloud Service uses the storage
provided under your Oracle Fusion Financials Cloud Services.
Your Content that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database is Oracle
Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the Oracle
Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service). This Cloud Service includes additional
functionality that is not Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (i.e., such additional functionality
utilizes storage outside the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database and as such is not covered by the
Oracle Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service)
Users of the Oracle CPQ for ERP Cloud Service are authorized to access the following module:
Usage Limits: The Oracle Oracle CPQ for ERP Cloud Service is subject to usage limits based upon:
Oracle Fusion Subscription Management for ERP Cloud Service – 1,000 Subscriptions
Users of the Oracle Fusion Subscription Management for ERP Cloud Service are authorized to access
the following modules:
• Subscription Management Administration Console
• Subscription Management Platform
• Transparent Data Encryption
Usage Limits: The Oracle Fusion Subscription Management for ERP Cloud Service is subject to
usage limits based upon:
Your Content, that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is
Oracle Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the
Oracle Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Oracle Fusion Subscription Management for ERP Cloud Service – 1,000 in ARR
Users of the Oracle Fusion Subscription Management for ERP Cloud Service are authorized to access
the following modules:
• Subscription Management Administration Console
Fusion Cloud Service Descriptions v090822 Page 86 of 207
• Subscription Management Platform
• Transparent Data Encryption
Usage Limits: The Oracle Subscription Management for ERP Cloud Service is subject to usage limits
based upon:
Your Content, that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is
Oracle Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the
Oracle Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Oracle Fusion Payroll for Financials Cloud Service for United States – Hosted Employee
Applicable Part # B94413
Users of Oracle Fusion Payroll for Financials Cloud Service for United States are authorized to access the
following modules:
Oracle Fusion Payroll for Financials Cloud Service for United States
Usage Limits: The Oracle Fusion Payroll for Financials Cloud Service for United States is subject to usage limits
based on:
Your Content, that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is Oracle Break
Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the Oracle Database Vault and
Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Fusion Cloud Service Descriptions v090822 Page 87 of 207
Oracle Cloud Policies:
Your order for this Oracle Cloud Service is subject to the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies, including the
Oracle SaaS Public Cloud Services Pillar Document, which may be viewed at
Oracle Fusion Payroll for Financials Cloud Service for United Kingdom – Hosted Employee
Applicable Part # B94414
Users of Oracle Fusion Payroll for Financials Cloud Service for United Kingdom are authorized to access the
following modules:
Oracle Fusion Payroll for Financials Cloud Service for United Kingdom
Usage Limits: The Fusion Payroll for Financials Cloud Service for United Kingdom is subject to usage limits
based on:
Your Content, that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is Oracle Break
Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the Oracle Database Vault and
Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Users of Oracle Fusion HCM Journeys Cloud Service are authorized to access the following modules:
Usage Limits: The Oracle Fusion HCM Journeys Cloud Service is subject to usage limits based on:
Oracle will provision 2 environments for this Oracle Cloud service. One environment is
dedicated for production use and the second environment is dedicated as a stage
environment for non-production use. Additional environments may be purchased subject to
additional fees.
Your Content, that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is
Oracle Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the Oracle
Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Your order for this Oracle Cloud Service is subject to the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies,
including the Oracle SaaS Public Cloud Services Pillar Document, which may be viewed at
Usage Limits: The Oracle Fusion HCM Journeys Cloud Service is subject to usage limits based on:
maximum number of Authorized Users (Hosted Named User) as defined in your order
Oracle will provision 2 environments for this Oracle Cloud service. One environment is
dedicated for production use and the second environment is dedicated as a stage
environment for non-production use. Additional environments may be purchased subject
to additional fees.
Your Content, that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is
Oracle Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the Oracle
Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Users of Oracle Fusion Order Management Cloud Service - Hosted Named User are authorized to
access Oracle Fusion Order Management Cloud Service - Hosted Named User.
The service includes:
Transparent Data Encryption
Usage Limits: The Oracle Fusion Order Management Cloud Service - Hosted Named User is
subject to usage limits based upon:
Your Content, that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is
Oracle Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the
Oracle Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Oracle Product Management - Oracle Fusion Product Management Cloud Service - Hosted
Named User
Applicable Part # B91056
Users of the Oracle Fusion Product Management Cloud Service - Hosted Named User are
authorized to access t o Oracle Fusion Product Management Cloud Service - Hosted Named User.
The service includes:
Transparent Data Encryption
Usage Limits: The Oracle Fusion Product Management Cloud Service - Hosted Named User is
subject to usage limits based upon:
Your Content, that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is
Oracle Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the
Oracle Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Users of the Oracle Fusion Supply Chain Execution Cloud Service - Hosted Named User are
authorized to access to Oracle Fusion Supply Chain Execution Cloud Service - Hosted Named User.
The service includes:
Transparent Data Encryption
Usage Limits:
Your use of the Oracle Fusion Supply Chain Execution Cloud Service - Hosted Named User is subject
to usage limits based on:
A maximum number of Authorized Users (Hosted Named User)
Oracle will provision 2 environments for this Oracle Cloud Service. One environment is
dedicated for production use and the second environment is dedicated as a stage
environment for non-production use. Additional environments may be purchased subject to
additional fees
For the avoidance of doubt, this serice does not include CX Helpdesk.
Your Content, that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is
Oracle Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the
Oracle Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Users of Oracle Fusion Supply Planning Cloud Service - Hosted Named User are authorized to
access Oracle Fusion Supply Planning Cloud Service - Hosted Named User.
The service includes:
Transparent Data Encryption
Usage Limits: The Oracle Fusion Supply Planning Cloud Service - Hosted Named User is subject
to usage limits based upon:
A maximum number of Authorized Users (Hosted Named User)
Oracle will provision 2 environments for this Oracle Cloud Service. One environment is
dedicated for production use and the second environment is dedicated as a stage environment
for non- production use. Additional environments may be purchased subject to additional fees.
Users of the Oracle Fusion Demand Management Cloud Service - Hosted Named User are
authorized to access Oracle Fusion Demand Management Cloud Service - Hosted Named User.
The service includes:
Transparent Data Encryption
Usage Limits: The Oracle Fusion Demand Management Cloud Service - Hosted Named User is
subject to usage limits based upon:
Your Content, that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is
Oracle Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the
Oracle Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Oracle Fusion Sales and Operations Planning Cloud Service- Hosted Named User
Applicable Part # B91061
Users of the Oracle Fusion Sales & Operations Planning Cloud Service - Hosted Named User are
authorized to access Oracle Fusion Sales & Operations Planning Cloud Service - Hosted Named
The service includes:
Transparent Data Encryption
Your Content, that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is
Oracle Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the
Oracle Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Oracle Fusion Supply Chain Collaboration Cloud Service - Hosted Named User
Applicable Part # B87862
Users of the Oracle Supply Chain Collaboration Cloud Service are authorized to access the
following module:
Usage Limits: The Oracle Supply Chain Collaboration Cloud Service is subject to usage limits
based upon:
Your Content, that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is
Oracle Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the
Oracle Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Users of Oracle Fusion Supply Planning are authorized to access the following module:
Usage Limits: Oracle Fusion Supply Planning is subject to usage limits based upon:
Your Content, that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is
Oracle Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the
Oracle Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Users of Oracle Fusion Demand Management are authorized to access the following module:
Usage Limits: Oracle Fusion Demand Management is subject to usage limits based upon:
Your Content, that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is
Users of Oracle Fusion Sales and Operations Planning are authorized to access the following module:
Usage Limits: Oracle Fusion Sales and Operations Planning is subject to usage limits based upon:
Your Content, that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is
Oracle Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the
Oracle Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Users of Oracle Fusion Supply Chain Collaboration are authorized to access the following module:
Your Content, that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is
Oracle Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the
Oracle Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Users of Oracle Fusion SCM Analytics are authorized to access the following module:
Pre packaged metrics from Oracle Financials and SCM Cloud Service
Usage Limits: Oracle Fusion Supply Chain Collaboration is subject to usage limits based upon:
Your Content, that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is
Oracle Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the
Oracle Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Usage Limits: The Oracle Service Contracts Cloud Service is subject to usage limits based on:
• A maximum number of Authorized Users (Hosted Named User) as defined in your order
• Oracle will provision 2 environments for this Oracle Cloud Enterprise Applications. One
environment is dedicated for production use and the second environment is dedicated as a
stage environment for non-production use. Additional environments may be purchased subject
to additional fees.
• The following usage limits apply per Hosted Named User:
Your Content, that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is
Oracle Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the
Oracle Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Users of the Oracle Fusion Enterprise Contracts Cloud Service are authorized to access the
following module:
Usage Limits: The Oracle Fusion Enterprise Contracts Cloud Service is subject to usage limits
based upon:
Your Content, that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is
Oracle Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the
Oracle Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Oracle Fusion Enterprise Contracts Essential User Cloud Service - Hosted Named User
Applicable Part # B86733
Users of the Oracle Fusion Enterprise Contracts Essential User Cloud Service are authorized to
access the following module:
• Limited use of Oracle Fusion Enterprise Contracts for contracts search, viewing contract
details and documents and deliverables management
Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence
Transparent Data Encryption
Usage Limits: The Oracle Fusion Enterprise Contracts Essential User Cloud Service is subject to
usage limits based upon:
Oracle will provision 2 environments for this Oracle Cloud Service. One environment is
dedicated for production use and the second environment is dedicated as a stage environment
for non- production use. Additional environments may be purchased subject to additional fees.
Your Content, that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is
Oracle Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the
Oracle Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Users of the Oracle Warehouse Management Enterprise Cloud Service are authorized to access
the following modules:
Oracle Warehouse Management Enterprise Cloud Service
Oracle Warehouse Management Business Intelligence Cloud Service
Usage Limits: Your use of the Oracle Warehouse Management Enterprise Cloud Service is
subject to usage limits based on:
You are responsible for managing and enforcing their end-user devices security controls, so that
antivirus checks are performed on data or files before importing them or uploading data into the
Services environment(s) or downloading it from the Services environment(s).
Users of the Oracle Warehouse Workforce Management Cloud Service are authorized to access
the following modules:
Oracle Warehouse Workforce Management Cloud Service
Usage Limits: Your use of the Oracle Warehouse Workforce Management Cloud Service is
Customers are responsible for managing and enforcing their end-user devices security controls, so
that antivirus checks are performed on data or files before importing them or uploading data into the
Services environment(s) or downloading it from the Services environment(s).
Users of the Oracle Warehouse Management Automation Cloud Service are authorized to access
the following modules:
Oracle Warehouse Management Automation Cloud Service
Usage Limits: Your use of the Oracle Warehouse Management Automation Cloud Service is
subject to usage limits based on:
Additional Test Environment for Warehouse Management Cloud Service – Test Environment
Applicable Part # B87752
Each Additional Test Environment must be contracted for a minimum of twelve (12) months and will
automatically terminate at the end of the Service Period of the associated Oracle Cloud Ordering
Usage Limits: Your use of the Oracle Additional Test Environment defined above is subject to
usage limits based upon:
A maximum number of two hundred and fifty (250) Authorized Users with no more than
twenty (20) concurrent users accessing the system at any one time
Expansions of Your Oracle Cloud Services beyond your number of Authorized Users may result in
additional fees.
Virtual Private Network for Warehouse Management Cloud Service – VPN Connection
Applicable Part # B87753
Under this Cloud Service, Oracle provides one LAN-to-LAN IPSEC based software VPN connection
designed for the encrypted transmission of data between the Oracle Cloud Service firewalls and the
firewall at Your facilities.
Usage Limits: Your use of the Virtual Private Network for Warehouse Management Cloud Service is
subject to usage limits based upon:
Virtual Private Network Setup for Warehouse Management Cloud Service – VPN Connection
Applicable Part # B87748
The Per VPN Connection Setup Fee applies to each Virtual Private Network for Warehouse
Fusion Cloud Service Descriptions v090822 Page 102 of 207
Management Cloud Service. For the Per Customer Set Up Fee, Oracle will setup and configure the
software based VPN between Your facilities and this Oracle Cloud Service.
Users of the Oracle Fusion Student Management Cloud Service are authorized to access the
following module:
As part of the Oracle Fusion Student Management Cloud Service you are authorized to access the
following modules only for the purposes set forth herein:
Accounts Receivable to support the creation and management of the student account
modeled as a customer in AR and the corresponding generated financial transactions
modeled using core transactions in AR limited to invoices, credit memos, receipts, payment
application, and refunds.
Payments solely to support the processing of student payments (credit card and AFT) for any
course offered via Oracle Fusion Student Management Cloud Service.
Usage Limits: The Oracle Fusion Student Management Cloud Service is subject to usage limits
based upon:
a maximum number of Authorized Users (Hosted FTE Student) as set forth in Your order.
Oracle will provision 2 environments for this Oracle Cloud Service. One environment is
dedicated for production use and the second environment (amongst the modules included in
this Cloud Service) is dedicated as a stage environment for non-production use. Additional
environments may be purchased subject to additional fees.
Your Content, that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is
Oracle Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the
Oracle Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Users of the Oracle Student Financial Planning Cloud Service are authorized to access the following
• Student Financial Planning
Usage Limits: The Oracle Student Management Cloud Service is subject to usage limits based upon:
• a maximum number of authorized Users (Hosted FTE Student) as set forth in Your order.
• Oracle will provision 2 environments for this Oracle Cloud Service. One environment is dedicated
for production use and the second environment (amongst the modules included in this Oracle
Cloud Service) is dedicated as a stage environment for non-production use. Additional
environments may be purchased subject to additional fees.
Additional Test Environment for Vocado Student Financial Planning Cloud Service - Test
An Oracle Additional Test Environment provides for the hosting and maintenance of an additional
Test Environment, which is a reasonably similar replica of Your Production Service Environment for
non-production use such as development, training and testing activities but not for Production
operations or stress testing.
Certain programs and optional services may not be able to run in the Additional Test Environment.
The maintenance or upgrade schedule for the Additional Test Environment is the same as the
schedule for Your Stage Service Environment.
Each Additional Test Environment must be contracted for a minimum of twelve (12) months and
associated to a new or existing Oracle Cloud Ordering Document. Additional Test Environments will
automatically terminate at the end of the Service Period.
Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Standard Cloud Service - Hosted Named User
Applicable Part #: B91073
Users of Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Standard Cloud Service are authorized to
access the following Cloud Service:
Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Standard Cloud Service
Usage Limits: The Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Standard Cloud Service is subject to
usage limits based upon:
a maximum number of Authorized Users (Hosted Named User)
This Cloud Service entitles the customer to use any one of the following Business Processes.
o Account Reconciliation. Does not include Transaction Matching. Does not support
Task Manager Integrations.
o Financial Consolidation and Close, including custom consolidations with support for
complex ownership structures and custom calculations. Does not support Task
Manager Integrations, customization of Groovy scripts and Enterprise Journals.
o Narrative Reporting. Does not include Disclosure Management
o Planning, includes Module-based applications (Workforce Planning, Capital
Expenditure Planning, Financial Statement Planning, Project Financial Planning) and
includes only one Custom Planning Cube and one Custom Reporting Cube. Includes
Scenario Modeling. Does not include Custom and Free Form applications. Does not
allow for the creation or customization of Groovy Scripts. Does not support Task
Manager Integrations.
Oracle will provision two (2) environments for this Oracle Cloud Service.
o One environment is dedicated for production use and the second environment is
dedicated as a stage environment for non- production use.
o Subscriptions for additional environments / Business Processes must be additionally
ordered and provisioned with Oracle Additional Application for Oracle Enterprise
Performance Management Standard Cloud Service – Hosted Environment subject to
additional fees
Additional subscriptions may be purchased subject to additional fees.
Users of Oracle Additional Application for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Standard
Cloud Service are authorized to access the following Cloud Service:
Oracle Additional Application for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Standard Cloud
Usage Limits: The Oracle Additional Application for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management
Standard Cloud Service is subject to usage limits based upon:
a maximum number of Authorized Users (Hosted Named User) as purchased with Oracle
Enterprise Performance Management Standard Cloud Service
This Cloud Service entitles the customer to use any one of the following Business Processes.
o Account Reconciliation. Does not include Transaction Matching. Does not support
Task Manager Integrations.
o Financial Consolidation and Close, including custom consolidations with support
for complex ownership structures and custom calculations. Does not support Task
Manager Integrations, customization of Groovy scripts and Enterprise Journals.
o Narrative Reporting. Does not include Disclosure Management
o Planning, includes Module-based applications (Workforce Planning, Capital
Expenditure Planning, Financial Statement Planning, Project Financial Planning) and
includes only one Custom Planning Cube and one Custom Reporting Cube. Includes
Scenario Modeling. Does not include Custom and Free Form applications. Does not
allow for the creation or customization of Groovy Scripts. Does not support Task
Manager Integrations.
Oracle will provision two (2) environments for this Oracle Cloud Service. One environment is
dedicated for production use and the second environment is dedicated as a stage
environment for non- production use. Additional subscriptions may be purchased subject to
additional fees
Each Oracle Additional Application for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Standard
Cloud Service must be associated to a new or existing Oracle Cloud Ordering Document for
Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Standard Cloud Service. Oracle Additional
Application for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Standard Cloud Service will
automatically terminate at the end of the Service Period.
Users of Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Enterprise Cloud Service are authorized to
access the following Cloud Service:
Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Enterprise Cloud Service
Usage Limits: The Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Enterprise Cloud Service is subject
to usage limits based upon:
a maximum number of Authorized Users (Hosted Named User)
This Cloud Service entitles the customer to use any of the following Business Processes:
o Account Reconciliation, including Transaction Matching and Task Manager
o Enterprise Data Management, restricted to 5,000 records (five “Hosted 1,000 Records”)
o Financial Consolidation and Close, including custom consolidations with support for
complex ownership structures and custom calculations. Supports Task Manager
o FreeForm
o Narrative Reporting, including Disclosure Management
o Planning, includes Module-based applications (Workforce Planning, Capital
Expenditure Planning, Financial Statement Planning and Project Financial Planning)
with additional custom planning and reporting cubes. Also includes Custom and Free
Form applications and Scenario Modeling. Also allows for the creation and
customization of Groovy Scripts.
o Profitability and Cost Management
o Tax Reporting
Oracle will provision two (2) environments for this Oracle Cloud Service for use with any one
Business Process above.
o One environment is dedicated for production use and the second environment is
dedicated as a stage environment for non-production use.
o Subscriptions for additional environments / Business Processes must be additionally
ordered and provisioned with Oracle Additional Application for Oracle Enterprise
Performance Management Enterprise Cloud Service – Hosted Environment
Additional subscriptions may be purchased subject to additional fees
Users of Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Enterprise Cloud Service are authorized to
access the following Cloud Service:
Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Enterprise Cloud Service
Usage Limits: The Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Enterprise Cloud Service is subject
to usage limits based upon:
a maximum number of Authorized Users (Hosted Employee)
This Cloud Service entitles the customer to use any of the following Business Processes.
Users of Oracle Additional Application for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Enterprise
Cloud Service are authorized to access the following Cloud Service:
Oracle Additional Application for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Enterprise
Cloud Service
Usage Limits: The Oracle Additional Application for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management
Enterprise Cloud Service is subject to usage limits based upon:
a maximum number of Authorized Users (Hosted Named User / Hosted Employee) as
purchased with Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Enterprise Cloud Service
This Cloud Service entitles the customer to use any one of the following Business Processes:
o Account Reconciliation, including Transaction Matching and Task Manager
o Enterprise Data Management
Restricted to five “Hosted 1,000 Records” (not expandable) when this Oracle
Cloud Service is purchased with Oracle Enterprise Performance Management
Enterprise Cloud Service - Hosted Named User
Unrestricted “Hosted 1,000 Records” when this Oracle Cloud Service is
purchased with Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Enterprise Cloud
Service - Hosted Employee
o Financial Consolidation and Close, including custom consolidations with support for
complex ownership structures and custom calculations. Supports Task Manager
o FreeForm
o Narrative Reporting, including Disclosure Management
o Planning, includes Module-based applications (Workforce Planning, Capital
Expenditure Planning, Financial Statement Planning and Project Financial Planning)
with additional custom planning and reporting cubes. Also includes Custom and Free
Form applications and Scenario Modeling. Also allows for the creation and
customization of Groovy Scripts.
o Profitability and Cost Management
o Tax Reporting
Oracle will provision two (2) environments for this Oracle Cloud Service for use with any one
Business Process above.
o One environment is dedicated for production use and the second environment is
dedicated as a stage environment for non- production use.
o Subscriptions for additional environments / Business Processes of this Oracle Cloud
Service must be additionally ordered and provisioned.
Each Oracle Additional Application for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Enterprise
Cloud Service must be associated to a new or existing Oracle Cloud Ordering Document for
Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Enterprise Cloud Service. Oracle Additional
Users of Oracle Enterprise Data Management Cloud Service are authorized to access the following
module or functionality:
Oracle Enterprise Data Management Cloud Service
Usage Limits: The Enterprise Data Management Cloud Service is subject to usage limits based upon:
a maximum number of Authorized Users (Hosted Employee)
Oracle will provision two (2) environments for this Oracle Cloud Service. One environment is
dedicated for production use and the second environment is dedicated as a stage
environment for non- production use. Additional subscriptions may be purchased subject to
additional fees.
Users of the Oracle Enterprise Data Management Cloud Service are authorized to access the following
Usage Limits: The Oracle Enterprise Data Management Cloud Service is subject to usage limits based
A maximum number of Hosted 1,000 Records as defined in your order.
Oracle will provision 2 environments for this Oracle Cloud Service. One environment is
dedicated for production use and the second environment is dedicated as a stage
Oracle Additional Environments for Enterprise Data Management (EDM) Cloud Service – Test
Applicable Part # B94392
Oracle Additional Environments for Enterprise Data Management (EDM) Cloud Service provides for the
hosting and maintenance of two additional environments, which are a reasonably similar replica of Your
Production Service Environment, for nonproduction use such as development, training and testing, but not
for Production operations or stress testing. In addition, the subscription may be used for Standby purposes
and production use in the event of a service disruption at the Production Service Environment. The
maintenance or update schedule for the Oracle Additional Environments for Enterprise Data Management
(EDM) Cloud Service is the same as the schedule for the associated Oracle Enterprise Data Management
(EDM) Cloud Service environments. Additional licensed options and or modules that have been purchased
for the associated Oracle Enterprise Data Management (EDM) Cloud Service also apply to Oracle Additional
Environments for Oracle Enterprise Data Management (EDM) Cloud Service. Each Oracle Additional
Environments for Oracle Enterprise Data Management (EDM) Cloud Service must be contracted for a
minimum of twelve (12) months and associated to a new or existing Oracle Cloud Ordering Document for
Oracle Enterprise Data Management (EDM) Service. Oracle Additional Environments for Enterprise Data
Management (EDM) Cloud Service will automatically terminate at the end of the Service Period.
Oracle Enterprise Performance Management for United Kingdom Government Cloud Service
Applicable Part Number: B88524
For Oracle Enterprise Performance Management for United Kingdom Government Cloud, Your Content
is hosted within a UK based primary data center. Oracle’s access to Your transactional data stored in
the cloud service will be restricted to UK Nationals who are residing in UK unless You provide prior
written consent.
UK Nationals with access to Your transactional data will also have a minimum of SC Clearance provided
that Oracle has the continued ability to sponsor applications for SC clearance; and/or a central
government department has agreed to sponsor individuals for SC clearance where required by Oracle.
Oracle European Union Restricted Access Cloud Service for Enterprise Performance
Applicable Part #: B93432
The Oracle European Union Restricted Access Cloud Service for Enterprise Performance Management
is an optional Oracle Cloud Service for implementation only with Enterprise Performance
Management Cloud Services, including Enterprise Data Management Cloud Services and available
only in the European Union. The Service provides that for Enterprise Performance Management:
• “Your Content”, (as defined in the master agreement governing Your order) will reside in data centers
located only in countries that are member states of the European Union (EU).
• Oracle staff who may access Your Content pursuant to the EU Restricted Access Cloud Service will be EU-
based staff.
The EU Restricted Access Cloud Service is an add-on Oracle Cloud Service for implementation with
the Enterprise Performance Management Cloud Services, including Enterprise Data Management
Cloud Services. An order for Oracle European Union Restricted Access Cloud Service for Enterprise
Performance Management must be accompanied by an order (i.e., separate SKU purchase) for the
applicable Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud Service(s). Likewise, once European
Union Restricted Access Cloud Service for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management hasbeen
purchased, any subsequent renewal must also include European Union Restricted Access Cloud
Service for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management.
Any migration of Your Content from pre-existing cloud service instances to Oracle European Union
Restricted Access Cloud Service for Enterprise Performance Management instances or from EU
Restricted Access Cloud Service instances to standard cloud service instances is the sole responsibility
of the customer; the European Union Restricted Access Cloud Service for Oracle Enterprise
Performance Management does not include migration assistance from Oracle.
Users of the Oracle Strategic Workforce Planning Cloud Service are authorized to access the following
module or functionality:
• Oracle Strategic Workforce Planning Cloud Service
Usage Limits: The Oracle Enterprise Planning and Budgeting Cloud Service is subject to usage limits
based upon:
a maximum number of Authorized Users (Hosted Employee) as defined in your order
Oracle will provision 2 environments for this Oracle Cloud Service. One environment is
dedicated for production use and the second environment is dedicated as a stage
environment for non- production use. Additional environments may be purchased subject to
additional fees.
The maximum allowable file storage per environment for the Oracle Strategic Workforce
Planning Cloud service cannot exceed 150GB
Oracle Additional Environments for Oracle Strategic Workforce Planning Cloud Service
Applicable Part # B89575
Oracle Additional Environments for Oracle Strategic Workforce Planning Cloud Service provides for
the hosting and maintenance of two additional environments, which are a reasonably similar replica
of Your Production Service Environment, for nonproduction use such as development, training and
testing, but not for Production operations or stress testing. In addition, the subscription may be used
for Standby purposes and production use in the event of a service disruption at the Production
Service Environment. The maintenance or update schedule for the Oracle Additional Environments
for Oracle Strategic Workforce Planning Cloud Service is the same as the associated Oracle Strategic
Workforce Planning Cloud Service Environments. Additional licensed options and or modules that
have been purchased for the associated Oracle Strategic Workforce Planning Cloud Service also apply
to Oracle Additional Environments for Oracle Strategic Workforce Planning Cloud Service. Each
Oracle Additional Environments for Oracle Strategic Workforce Planning Cloud Service must be
contracted for a minimum of twelve (12) months and associated to a new or existing Oracle Cloud
Usage Limits: The Oracle Additional Environments for Oracle Strategic Workforce Planning Cloud
Service defined above is subject to usage limits based upon:
• Future expansions of Your Oracle Cloud Services may be subject to additional fees.
Usage Limits: The Oracle Transportation Management Cloud Service - Hosted $M in Freight Under
Management is subject to usage limits based upon:
Record count is based on the total number of Order Base Lines, Order Base Ship Units, Order Release
Lines, Shipment Stops, Invoice Lines, Tracking Events, and Claim Lines stored in the database.
Users of the Oracle Transportation Operational Planning Cloud Service - Hosted $M in Freight
Under Management are authorized to access Oracle Transportation Operational Planning Cloud
Service - Hosted $M in Freight Under Management.
Usage Limits: The Oracle Transportation Operational Planning Cloud Service - Hosted $M in Freight
Under Management is subject to usage limits based upon:
Users of the Oracle Fleet Management Cloud Service are authorized to access the following module:
Usage Limits: The Oracle Fleet Management Cloud Service is subject to usage limits based upon:
Oracle Logistics Network Modeling Cloud Service – Hosted $M Freight Under Management
Applicable Part # B90903
Users of the Oracle Logistics Network Modeling Cloud Service are authorized to access the following
Oracle Logistics Network Modeling Cloud Service
Usage Limits:
Your use of the Oracle Logistics Network Modeling Cloud Service is subject to usage limits based on:
A maximum amount of freight under management (Hosted $M Freight Under Management).
This storage allocation is in addition to the storage provided under your Oracle Transportation
Management Cloud Service.
Record count is based on the total number of Order Base Lines, Order Base Ship Units, Order
Release Lines, Shipment Stops, Invoice Lines, Tracking Events, and Claim Lines stored in the
Users of Oracle Global Trade Management Cloud Service - Hosted $ Million in Revenue are
authorized to access the following modules:
Usage Limits: The Oracle Global Trade Management Cloud Service - Hosted $ Million in Revenue is
subject to usage limits based upon:
Record count is based on the total number of GTM Parties and GTM Transaction Lines stored in the
Database Replication Enablement for Oracle Transportation & Global Trade Management Cloud
Applicable Part#: B91919
An integration that allows replication of data from the Oracle Transportation Management or Global
Trade Management Cloud Service database, via the Golden Gate data replication engine, to populate
data warehouse, enabling consolidated reporting management.
Usage Limits: The Database Replication Enablement for Oracle Transportation & Global Trade
Management Cloud Service is subject to usage limits based upon:
The Service may be temporarily disrupted during Disaster Recovery.
This service provides access to the raw data model. Any changes made to the data model
during upgrades or patching could potentially disrupt any of these integration access flows.
Any changes made to the SaaS database hosting OTM may require in-house reports to be
If you enable this on a DEV or TEST instance, you will be limited to one P2T or P2D per year.
Also, re-enabling replication after a P2T / P2D could take up to 7 days.
You must already own Golden Gate licenses.
Does not include additional storage.
Additional Test Environment for Oracle Transportation Management and Global Trade
Management Cloud Service- Test Environment
Applicable Part # B78958
An Oracle Additional Test Environment provides for the hosting and maintenance of an additional
Test Environment, which is a reasonably similar replica of a Production Service Environment. The
Additional Test Environment is designed for non-production use such as development, training and
testing activities but not for Production operations or stress testing. Certain programs and optional
services may not be able to run in the Additional Test Environment. The maintenance or upgrade
schedule for the Additional Test Environment is the same as the schedule for Your Stage Service
Each Additional Test Environment must be contracted for a minimum of twelve (12) months and will
automatically terminate at the end of the Service Period of the associated Oracle Cloud Ordering
Usage Limits: The Oracle Additional Test Environment defined above is subject to usage limits based
• A maximum number of two hundred and fifty (250) Authorized Users with no more than
twenty (20) concurrent users accessing the system at any one time
• Future expansions of Your Oracle Cloud Services may result in additional fees
Oracle Database Vault for Oracle Transportation and Global Trade Management Security Cloud
Applicable Part # B84598
Oracle Database Vault for Oracle Transportation and Global Trade Management Security Cloud
Service consists of the installation and configuration of the following Oracle database security option:
Usage Limits: The Oracle Database Vault for Oracle Transportation and Global Trade
Security Cloud Service defined above is subject to usage limits based on:
• Oracle Database Vault for Oracle Transportation and Global Trade Management Security
Cloud Service must be purchased for all supported environments under your Cloud Services
order. Future expansions of Your Oracle Cloud Services may be subject to additional fees.
• No additional storage is provided.
Oracle Transportation and Global Trade Management Additional Storage Cloud Service- Hosted
Fusion Month
Applicable Part # B78959
Oracle Transportation and Global Trade Management Additional Storage Cloud Service increases the
per month total storage capacity under Your Cloud Services order.
Usage Limits: The Oracle Transportation and Global Trade Management Additional Storage Cloud
Service is subject to usage limits based on:
• See table below for usage limits allocated per licensed metric
Virtual Private Network Setup Fee for Oracle Transportation and Global Trade Management
Cloud Service- VPN Connection
Applicable Part # B78986
The Per VPN Connection Setup Fee applies to each Virtual Private Network for Oracle Transportation
and Global Trade Management Cloud Service. For the Per Customer Set Up Fee, Oracle will setup and
configure the software based VPN between Your facilities and this Oracle Cloud Service.
Virtual Private Network for Oracle Transportation and Global Trade Management Cloud
Service- VPN Connection
Applicable Part # B78960
Under this Cloud Service, Oracle provides one LAN-to-LAN IPSEC based software VPN connection
designed for the encrypted transmission of data between the Oracle Cloud Service firewalls and the
firewall at Your facilities.
Usage Limits: The Virtual Private Network for Oracle Transportation and Global Trade Management
Service is subject to usage limits based upon:
Oracle Additional Test Environment for Oracle Fusion Cloud Service-Test Environment
Applicable Part #: B84490
An Oracle Additional Test Environment provides for the hosting and maintenance of an additional
Test Environment, which is a reasonably similar replica of Your Production Service Environment for
non- production use such as development, training and testing activities but not for Production
operations or stress testing. Certain programs and optional services may not be able to run in the
Additional Test Environment. The maintenance or upgrade schedule for the Additional Test
Environment is the same as the schedule for Your Stage Service Environment.
Each Additional Test Environment must be contracted for a minimum of twelve (12) months and
associated to a new or existing Oracle Cloud Ordering Document. Additional Test Environments will
automatically terminate at the end of the Service Period.
Oracle Data Masking for Fusion Cloud Services consists of the installation and configuration of the
following Oracle database security options:
Usage Limits: The Oracle Data Masking for Fusion Cloud Services defined above is subject to
usage limits based on:
Oracle Data Masking for Fusion Cloud Services can only be applied to non-production
environment(s). This includes standard Test environment and, if subscribed, Additional Test
Environment(s). Oracle Data Masking for Fusion Cloud Services cannot be applied to
production environment(s).
No additional storage is provided. The Oracle Data Masking for Fusion Cloud Services uses the
storage provided under Your existing Cloud Service.
Oracle Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service consists of the provisioning of the
following services:
Oracle Database Vault for Fusion Cloud Service
Oracle Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service
To use this Oracle Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service, You are required
to first purchase and maintain Oracle Fusion Cloud Services. If the Oracle Fusion Cloud
Services lapse or otherwise end, this Oracle Cloud Service will also automatically end.
Oracle Database Vault for Fusion Cloud Service is intended to increase the security of Oracle Fusion
Cloud Services by protecting application data from being accessed by privileged database users and
controlling sensitive operations inside Oracle Fusion Cloud using multi-factor authorization.
When enabled on the services, Oracle Database Vault for Fusion Cloud Service:
- Forms realms which act like firewalls inside Oracle Fusion Cloud
- Restricts the DBA and other privileged users from accessing application data
- Creates strong controls over when and where the applications can be accessed
- Protects the database and applications from unauthorized changes
- Allows for discovery and reporting on captured runtime privileges and roles used in the
Usage Limits: Oracle Database Vault for Fusion Cloud Service is subject to the following usage limits:
No additional storage is provided. The Oracle Database Vault for Oracle Fusion Cloud Service
uses the storage under Your existing Oracle Fusion Cloud Services.
Future expansion of Oracle Database Vault for Fusion Cloud Service may be subject to
additional fees.
Oracle Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service enables You to restrict and control Oracle's access to
Your data stored in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database. By use of Oracle Break Glass for
Fusion Cloud Service, You control access to passwords required for data level access to the Oracle
Fusion Cloud Service database, thereby limiting access by Oracle personnel to Your Content residing
within the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database. Your passwords are stored in a secured escrow
account not generally accessible to Oracle Fusion Cloud Service personnel.
During the Services Period of the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service, Oracle personnel may require access to
those Services, including data layer access to Your Content residing within the Oracle Fusion Cloud
Service database, in order to perform service-related activities, such as maintenance, upgrades,
support, and responding to service requests. If Oracle requires data layer access, Oracle will request
Oracle will publish maintenance notifications in the Oracle Cloud Portal – You are required to
check these notifications before performing any action related to managing TDE master keys
to avoid conflicts with scheduled activity.
Disclaimers: The Oracle Cloud Services and related service performance, including but not limited to
Target System Availability Level, scheduled maintenance periods, and service request response times,
may be adversely impacted if requested access for Oracle personnel is delayed or denied, and in such
case, Oracle is not responsible for such impacts, including any related service level credits. If You
submit a service request to Oracle for support regarding an issue involving data (e.g., loading issues,
duplications, etc.), You will ensure that such service request contains only randomized data and not
any of Your Content.
The Oracle Fusion Cloud Service and related service performance, including but not limited to Target
System Availability Level, scheduled maintenance periods, and service request response times, will be
adversely impacted if You do not provide to Oracle the correct version of Your TDE master key in a
timely manner, and in such case, Oracle is not responsible for such impacts, including any related
service level credits. If You submit a service request to Oracle for support regarding an issue
involving data (e.g., loading issues, duplications, etc.), You will ensure that such service request
contains only randomized data and not any of Your Content.
It is solely Your responsibility to keep the history of the TDE master key for the duration that matches
Oracle Fusion Cloud Service’s backup and retention policy. Failure to provide Oracle with the correct
TDE master key will result in data backup being unrecoverable. If the TDE master key is lost, access to
the database will no longer be possible, resulting in a complete loss of data.
Your Oracle Fusion Cloud Service may include additional functionality that does not utilize the Oracle
Fusion Cloud Service database, and that additional functionality is therefore not covered by the
Oracle Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service (which service enables You to restrict and control Oracle's
The Oracle Fusion for Retail Services Cloud Service is designed to help customers in the retail services
industry meet their business, security, and control requirements. Oracle Fusion for Retail Services
Cloud Service provides an update cadence to help minimize any disruptions to Oracle retail
customers’ environments. The Oracle Fusion for Retail Services Cloud Service is operated from
Oracle’s North America Data Center region. This service includes Transparent Data Encryption
For the purposes of this Cloud Service the following shall apply notwithstanding anything to the
contrary in the applicable Oracle policies and practices:
US National holidays are: New Year's Day; Martin Luther King Day; Presidents' Day (Washington's Birthday); Memorial Day; Independence
Day observed; Independence Day; Labor Day; Columbus Day; Veterans Day; Thanksgiving Day; Christmas Day
Users of the Oracle Integration Access Cloud Service are authorized to access the following:
Near real-time, secured and performant approach for schema level replication and data
extraction solution for data warehousing scenarios from one or more Fusion SaaS Pods to a
corresponding Target Database or Data Lake platform
Enterprise grade large Cloud customers can build their own comprehensive Data Warehousing
solution to mashup near real-time data from Fusion SaaS Cloud with other On-Premise, 3rd
party and PaaS applications for data warehouse type reporting requirements
Fusion Cloud Service Descriptions v090822 Page 125 of 207
Usage Limits: The Oracle Integration Access Cloud Service is subject to usage limits based upon:
The service provides a base list of raw schema level entity objects that can be replicated to a
Target database or Data Lake platform. Customer can tailor the entities they are interested in,
from the base list
The customer can enable direct access to entities in the Target database or Data Lake
platform. The customer will need to ensure and apply security to these entities accordingly
Any data model changes via patching or updates in Fusion SaaS could potentially disrupt
solutions that reference these replicated entities
The service may get temporarily disrupted during disaster recovery period
Oracle HIPAA Advanced Security for Fusion SaaS in the Oracle Public Cloud - Each
Applicable Part # B87365
Oracle HIPAA Advanced Security for Fusion SaaS in the Oracle Public Cloud consists of the installation
and configuration of the following additional Oracle database security options:
Oracle Database Vault; and
Oracle Break Glass
Your Obligations:
You must purchase Oracle Fusion Cloud Services, and maintain those services for the duration of
Oracle HIPAA Advanced Security for Fusion SaaS in the Oracle Public Cloud.
You are responsible for implementing, enabling and configuring all user entity controls applicable
to Your organization’s HIPAA related requirements, including the following:
o Restrictions on email attachments, and associated required training.
o Limitations in the security model for BI Publisher, and associated required training.
Usage Limits: The Oracle HIPAA Advanced Security for Fusion SaaS in the Oracle Public Cloud is
subject to the following usage limits:
Oracle HIPAA Advanced Security for Fusion SaaS in the Oracle Public Cloud must be purchased
for all environments of Oracle Fusion Cloud Services. Future expansions of the Oracle Fusion
Cloud Services may be subject to additional fees for Oracle HIPAA Advanced Security for Fusion
SaaS in the Oracle Public Cloud.
No additional storage is provided. The Oracle HIPAA Advanced Security for Fusion SaaS in the
Oracle Public Cloud uses the storage provided under Your existing Oracle Fusion Cloud Service.
Oracle Cloud Policies:
Your order for this Oracle Cloud Service is subject to the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies,
including the Oracle SaaS Public Cloud Services Pillar Document, which may be viewed at
Oracle Load Testing Cloud Service for Fusion Management. This service will load test up to 5
business flows to the expected level of concurrency identified by the Customer. Oracle Load Testing
Cloud Service for Fusion is not a stress test of the service.
An Oracle Technical Operations Manager (TOM) will be assigned to you during the Load Testing
Customer Responsibilities:
Identify a point of contact to work with the TOM.
Identify Business Flows, with valid dataset to support the scripted Load Testing.
Identify one target test environment that is fully configured to support load testing effort.
o The target test environment will be re-sized to support in scope Business Flows only.
Oracle Load Testing Cloud Service for Fusion is subject to usage limits based on:
Oracle Additional Load Testing Cloud Service for Fusion – Five Business Flows - Each
Applicable Part # B86075
Oracle Additional Load Testing Cloud Service for Fusion consists of:
Oracle Load Testing Cloud Service for Fusion is subject to usage limits based on:
Oracle Additional Storage for Oracle Fusion Cloud Service - Hosted Month
Applicable Part # B84491
Oracle Additional Storage for Oracle Fusion Cloud Service increases storage per month to the
customer's total storage capacity under their Cloud Service contract.
Usage Limits: The Oracle Fusion Additional Storage Cloud Service is subject to usage limits based
Oracle offers a LAN-to-LAN IPSEC based software VPN Connection allowing for the encryption of all
data between Oracle's data center firewalls, where Oracle Cloud Services are hosted, and your firewall.
Usage Limits: The Oracle Virtual Private Network for Fusion Cloud Services is subject to usage limits
based upon:
Oracle Enterprise Performance Management for United States Government Cloud Service
Applicable Part #: B82309
The Oracle Enterprise Performance Management for United States Government Cloud Service
provides customers with a software-as-a-service offering targeted to control requirements of the
Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP).
This Oracle Cloud Service is hosted within U.S. data centers which provide an isolated hosting
environment that aligns to U.S. Federal information security frameworks as defined by FISMA,
including NIST SP 800-37, NIST SP 800-53 and FIPS 199. Physical access requires 5 layers of security
including biometric hand readers and visual verification by security guards. Oracle does not offer
Disaster Recovery with defined Recovery-Point Objectives (RPO) and Recovery-Time Objectives (RTO).
Rather, Oracle periodically makes backups of production data for Oracle's sole use to limit data loss
and service downtime in the event of a disaster. Oracle Customer support in included with this service
and is provided by Oracle Global Support.
Access to a U.S. Cloud Operations public sector compliance analyst is included with this Cloud Service
to assist customers who seek to complete a FedRAMP authorization. Thereafter, Oracle will work with
customers to maintain the FedRAMP authorization. Oracle may reuse or leverage prior assessment
documentation to meet customer requests. Oracle reserves the right to manage, operate and support
this Oracle Cloud Service in its sole discretion to meet FedRAMP and other requirements.
The Oracle Enterprise Performance Management for United States Government Cloud Service is
Fusion Cloud Service Descriptions v090822 Page 129 of 207
available only in the United States.
The Oracle Enterprise Performance Management for United State Government Cloud Service does not
scan uploaded files for viruses.
For this Oracle Fusion for United Kingdom Government Cloud Service, Your Content is hosted within
a UK based data center for both primary and DR.
Oracle’s access to Your transactional data stored in the cloud service will be restricted to UK Nationals
who are residing in UK unless You provide prior written consent. UK Nationals with access to Your
transactional data will also have a minimum of SC Clearance provided that (i) Oracle has the
continued ability to sponsor applications for SC clearance; and/or (ii) a central government
department has agreed to sponsor individuals for SC clearance where required by Oracle. if
requested to do so.
The Oracle Fusion for United Kingdom Government Cloud Service includes support from a UK Cloud
Operations public sector compliance analyst to assist You with Your initial assessment against the
Supplier Assurance Framework and Cloud Security Principles.
Oracle will endeavour to maintain this Cloud Service to meet the requirements of ISO 27001 and
Cyber Essentials and align with the Cloud Security Principles.
The Oracle Financial Services (FS) Cloud Service is a Fusion Software-as-a-Service offering
designed to help customers in the financial services industry meet their business, security, and
control requirements.
The Oracle FS Cloud Service is operated from Oracle’s North America and EMEA Data Center Region.
The Oracle FS Cloud Service is operated only by authorized employees of Oracle and its affiliates; no
third party subcontractors are used in the delivery of the Oracle FS Cloud Service, except for the
storage of encrypted backup tapes.
All customer User access to data within this Oracle Cloud Service is subject to username/password or
Single Sign- On, using identity federation via SAML 2.0 token assertion.
Usage Limits:
• Oracle will provision 2 environments for this Oracle Cloud Service. One environment is
dedicated for production use and the second environment is dedicated as a stage environment
for non-production use.
• No additional storage is provided. The Oracle FS Cloud Service uses the storage provided under
your existing Fusion Base Cloud Service.
Oracle Fusion Public Sector Community Development Cloud Service – Hosted Named User
Applicable Part # B90142
Users of Oracle Public Sector Community Development Cloud Service have access to the following
The Oracle Fusion Public Sector Community Development Cloud Service provides access to the
following features:
Oracle Public Sector Community Development containing permit, planning and zoning, code
enforcement, online application and fee payment, inspections, communications, calendars,
analytics and workflow functionality for city or county permits for community development
Limited use of Oracle Autonomous Integration Cloud – Enterprise solely to implement process
definitions and fee schedules, and to migrate legacy data and records for Public Sector
Community Development. A full and separate license is required to use Oracle Autonomous
Integration Cloud functions not associated with Public Sector Community Development
process definitions or fee schedules, or legacy data migration.
Access to and ability to deploy conversational user interface functionality. Ability to perform
limited configuration and extension to the delivered skills. For example, adding synonyms
and list values to existing entities; configuring supported channels; enabling and disabling
skills. Further configuration and extension requires the purchase of Oracle Digital Assistant
Usage Limits: Oracle Public Sector Community Development Cloud Service is subject to usage limits:
A maximum number of Authorized Users (Hosted Named User) as defined in Your order.
Oracle will provision 2 environments of this Oracle Cloud Application. One environment is
dedicated for production use and the second environment is dedicated as a staging
environment for non-production use. Additional environments may be purchased for
additional fees.
Your Content that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database is Oracle
Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the Oracle
Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service). This Cloud Service includes additional
functionality that is not Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (i.e., such additional functionality
utilizes storage outside the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database and as such is not covered by the
Oracle Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Oracle Fusion Public Sector Business Licenses Cloud Service – Hosted Named User
Applicable Part # B92534
Users of Oracle Fusion Public Sector Business Licenses Cloud Service have access to the following
modules and features:
Fusion Cloud Service Descriptions v090822 Page 133 of 207
Oracle Fusion Public Sector Business Licenses includes functionality designed to allow
business owners or responsible parties to apply online to open and operate their enterprise
within a city or county. Additionally, the software automates the business license amendment
and renewal process.
Limited use of Oracle Autonomous Integration Cloud – Enterprise solely to implement process
definitions and fee schedules, and to migrate legacy data and records for Oracle Fusion Public
Sector Business Licenses. A full and separate license is required to use Oracle Autonomous
Integration Cloud functions not associated with Oracle Fusion Public Sector Business Licenses
process definitions or fee schedules, or legacy data migration.
Usage Limits: Oracle Fusion Public Sector Business Licenses Cloud Service is subject to usage limits:
A maximum number of Authorized Users (Hosted Named User) as defined in Your order.
Oracle will provision 2 environments of this Oracle Cloud Application. One environment is
dedicated for production use and the second environment is dedicated as a staging
environment for nonproduction use. Additional environments may be purchased for
additional fees.
Your Content that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database is Oracle
Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the Oracle
Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service). This Cloud Service includes additional
functionality that is not Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (i.e., such additional functionality
utilizes storage outside the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database and as such is not covered by the
Oracle Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Oracle Fusion Business Licenses for Public Sector Community Development Cloud Service -
Hosted Named User
Applicable Part # B92535
Users of Oracle Fusion Public Sector Business Licenses Cloud Service have access to the following
modules and features:
Oracle Fusion Public Sector Business Licenses includes functionality designed to allow
business owners or responsible parties to apply online to open and operate their enterprise
within a city or county. Additionally, the software automates the business license amendment
and renewal process.
Usage Limits: Oracle Fusion Public Sector Business Licenses Cloud Service is subject to usage limits:
A maximum number of Authorized Users (Hosted Named User) as defined in Your order.
Oracle will provision 2 environments of this Oracle Cloud Application. One environment is
dedicated for production use and the second environment is dedicated as a staging
environment for nonproduction use. Additional environments may be purchased for
additional fees.
Your Content that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database is Oracle
Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the Oracle
Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service). This Cloud Service includes additional
functionality that is not Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (i.e., such additional functionality
utilizes storage outside the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database and as such is not covered by the
Oracle Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Users of the Oracle Fusion Subscription Management Cloud Service are authorized to access the
following modules:
Subscription Management Administration Console
Subscription Management Platform
Transparent Data Encryption
Usage Limits: The Oracle Fusion Subscription Management Cloud Service is subject to usage limits
based upon:
Users of the Oracle Fusion Subscription Management Cloud Service are authorized to access the
following modules:
Subscription Management Administration Console
Subscription Management Platform
Transparent Data Encryption
Usage Limits: The Oracle Fusion Subscription Management Cloud Service is subject to usage limits
based upon:
Your Content, that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is
Oracle Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the
Oracle Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Users of the Oracle Subscription Management for ERP Cloud Service are authorized to access the
following modules:
Subscription Management Administration Console
Subscription Management Platform
Usage Limits: The Oracle Subscription Management for ERP Cloud Service is subject to usage limits
based upon:
Users of the Oracle Subscription Management for ERP Cloud Service are authorized to access the
following modules:
Subscription Management Administration Console
Subscription Management Platform
Usage Limits: The Oracle Subscription Management for ERP Cloud Service is subject to usage limits
based upon:
Users of the Oracle Fusion Enterprise Resource Planning Cloud Service - Hosted Employee are
authorized to access Oracle Fusion Enterprise Resource Planning Cloud Service - Hosted Employee.
Financials Cloud Service
Fusion Financial Reports Center Cloud Service
Advanced Collections Cloud Service
Revenue Management Cloud Service
Grants Management Cloud Service
Project Contract Billing Cloud Service
Project Financials Cloud Service
Project Management Cloud Service
Automated Invoice Processing (Requires B86841 Fusion WebCenter Forms Recognition Cloud
Service - Hosted 1,000 Records)
Fusion Transactional Business Intelligence Cloud Service
Transparent Data Encryption
Joint Venture Management
Access to and ability to deploy conversational user interface functionality. Ability to perform
limited configuration and extension to the delivered skills. For example, adding synonyms
and list values to existing entities; configuring supported channels; enabling and disabling
skills. Further configuration and extension requires the purchase of Oracle Digital Assistant
Usage Limits: The Oracle Fusion Enterprise Resource Planning Cloud Service - Hosted Employee is
subject to usage limits based upon:
Your Content that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database is Oracle
Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the Oracle
Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service). This Cloud Service includes additional
functionality that is not Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (i.e., such additional functionality
utilizes storage outside the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database and as such is not covered by the
Oracle Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Users of Oracle Fusion Risk Management Cloud Service - Hosted Employee are authorized to access
Oracle Fusion Risk Management Cloud Service - Hosted Employee.
The service includes:
Transparent Data Encryption
Usage Limits: The Oracle Fusion Risk Management Cloud Service - Hosted Employee is subject to
usage limits based upon:
Your Content, that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is
Oracle Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the
Oracle Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Users of Oracle Fusion Procurement Cloud Service - Hosted Employee are authorized to access
Oracle Fusion Procurement Cloud Service - Hosted Employee.
The service includes:
Transparent Data Encryption
Usage Limits: The Oracle Fusion Procurement Cloud Service - Hosted Employee is subject to usage
limits based upon:
Your Content, that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is
Oracle Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the
Oracle Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Users of the Oracle Fusion Financial Reporting Compliance Cloud Service – Hosted Employee are
authorized to access the following module:
Usage Limits: The Oracle Fusion Financial Reporting Compliance Cloud Service is subject to usage
limits based upon:
Oracle will provision 2 environments for this Oracle Cloud Service. One environment is
dedicated for production use and the second environment is dedicated as a stage environment
for non- production use. Additional environments may be purchased subject to additional fees.
Your Content, that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is
Oracle Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the
Oracle Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Usage Limits: The Oracle Forms Recognition Cloud Service is subject to usage limits based on:
Your Content that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database is Oracle
Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the Oracle
Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service). This Cloud Service includes additional
functionality that is not Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (i.e., such additional functionality
utilizes storage outside the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database and as such is not covered by the
Oracle Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Users of Oracle Fusion Order Management Cloud Service - Hosted Employee are authorized to
access Oracle Fusion Order Management Cloud Service - Hosted Employee.
The service includes:
Transparent Data Encryption
Usage Limits: The Oracle Fusion Order Management Cloud Service - Hosted Employee is subject
to usage limits based upon:
Your Content, that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is
Oracle Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the
Oracle Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Oracle Fusion Product Management Reviewer Cloud Service - Hosted Named User
Applicable Part # B95242
Users of the Oracle Fusion Product Management Reviewer Cloud Service - Hosted Named User are
authorized to access to Oracle Fusion Product Management Reviewer Cloud Service - Hosted Named
User, subject to the limitations set forth below, which includes:
Usage Limits: The Oracle Fusion Product Management Reviewer Cloud Service - Hosted Named User
is subject to usage limits based upon:
A maximum number of Hosted Named Users as set forth in Your order.
Users designated as Internal Product Management Reviewers may only read or review
information managed through the user interface/web services of the following Product
Management applications: Innovation Management, Product Development, Product Hub,
Quality Management, Configurator Modeling. Internal Product Management Reviewer Named
Users are also able to participate in Product Management workflows (including change,
quality, innovation and new item request workflows) only for the purposes of reviewing,
approving, rejecting or receiving notifications. Internal Product Management Reviewer users
will have the ability to download/access reports but do not have the ability to create, update,
delete, import/export, or publish any product or related data through the user interface,
import, FBDI or web services.
Users designated as External Product Manager Reviewers (For example: suppliers, contract
manufacturers, vendors, distributors, etc.) that requires access to create, view,
upload/download products, items, documents, related data, reports and participation in
approval/review/creation of related workflows must perform these actions through the
Product Management Supplier Portal task flows in the Supplier Portal in the Fusion
Procurement Cloud Service. External users accessing Product Management Cloud through the
standard user interface or web services are considered full use and must be licensed as such.
Reviewer User(s) shall not have the ability to use any of the following advanced features and
capabilities: Import Workbench, Mass Update, Advanced Catalog Management, Publication
Your Content, that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is
Oracle Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the Oracle
Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Users of the Oracle Fusion Product Management Cloud Service - Hosted Employee are authorized
to access:
Oracle Fusion Product Management Cloud Service - Hosted Employee
Fusion Innovation Management Cloud Service
Fusion Product Development Cloud Service
Fusion Product Hub Cloud Service
Fusion Product Hub Portal Cloud Service
Fusion Quality Management Cloud Service
Fusion Configurator Modeling Cloud Service
Fusion Supplier Portal Cloud Service
Fusion Transactional Business Intelligence Cloud Service
Usage Limits: The Oracle Fusion Product Management Cloud Service - Hosted Employee User is
subject to usage limits based upon:
Your Content, that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is
Oracle Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the
Oracle Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Users of the Oracle Fusion Supply Chain Execution Cloud Service - Hosted Employee are authorized
to access to Oracle Fusion Supply Chain Execution Cloud Service - Hosted Employee.
The service includes:
Transparent Data Encryption
Usage Limits:
Your use of the Oracle Fusion Supply Chain Execution Cloud Service - Hosted Employee is subject to
usage limits based on:
A maximum number of Authorized Users (Hosted Employee)
Oracle will provision 2 environments for this Oracle Cloud Service. One environment is
dedicated for production use and the second environment is dedicated as a stage
environment for non-production use. Additional environments may be purchased subject to
additional fees
Your Content, that is stored by this Cloud Service in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service database, is
Oracle Break Glass Cloud Service Coverage Eligible (as defined in the Service Description of the
Oracle Database Vault and Break Glass for Fusion Cloud Service).
Users of the Oracle Warehouse Management Enterprise Cloud Service are authorized to access
the following modules:
Oracle Warehouse Management Enterprise Cloud Service
Oracle Warehouse Management Business Intelligence Cloud Service
Usage Limits: Your use of the Oracle Warehouse Management Enterprise Cloud Service is
subject to usage limits based on:
You are responsible for managing and enforcing their end-user devices security controls, so that
antivirus checks are performed on data or files before importing them or uploading data into the
Services environment(s) or downloading it from the Services environment(s).
Users of the Oracle Warehouse Workforce Management Cloud Service are authorized to access
the following modules:
Oracle Warehouse Workforce Management Cloud Service
Usage Limits: Your use of the Oracle Warehouse Workforce Management Cloud Service is
subject to usage limits based on:
Customers are responsible for managing and enforcing their end-user devices security controls, so
that antivirus checks are performed on data or files before importing them or uploading data into the
Services environment(s) or downloading it from the Services environment(s).
Users of Oracle Commerce Standard Edition Cloud Service are authorized to access the following
modules and features:
Usage Limits:
• a maximum number of Oracle Commerce Agent Console Cloud Service Authorized Users
(Hosted Named User) as defined in your order. Oracle Commerce Standard includes ten
(10) Authorized Users (Hosted Named User) for the Oracle Commerce Agent Console
Cloud Service.
• a maximum number of Page Views as defined in your order.
• a maximum amount of file storage as defined in your order. Oracle Commerce Standard
Edition includes 150 GB of file storage per instance across all environments
• a maximum number of Oracle Commerce External API Access Requests as defined in
your order.
Oracle Commerce Standard Edition includes twelve million (12,000,000) Requests
for the Oracle Commerce External API Access Cloud Service.
Requests to Oracle Commerce External API Access Cloud Service Admin REST
endpoints (endpoints classified as “Admin” in the Oracle Commerce Cloud Service
Product Documentation) are intended to support back-office administrative
activities. Requests to Admin REST endpoints made in direct support of shopper
flows are prohibited. Examples of prohibited requests include requests to Admin
endpoints from any storefront application (including the Commerce Cloud Service
Storefront) and requests to Admin REST endpoints from any mobile app.
Requests to Admin REST endpoints are subject to a maximum rate of 50,000
requests per hour. Requests to Admin REST endpoints made in excess of this rate
may adversely impact the performance, stability or availability of the service.
• Oracle will provision 3 environments for this Oracle Cloud Service. One environment is
dedicated for production use, a second environment is dedicated as a stage environment for
non-production use and a third environment is dedicated as a development environment for
non-production use. Additional environments may be purchased subject to additional fees.
• Peak Capacity Limit. This Oracle Cloud Service is subject to peak capacity limits. Any use of
this Oracle Cloud Service that exceed the limits set forth in the table below may adversely
impact the performance, stability or availability of the service. Any impact or outage
associated with excess use will not constitute “Unplanned Downtime” as described in the
applicable Oracle
Users of Oracle Commerce Premium Edition Cloud Service are authorized to access the following
modules and features:
Usage Limits:
• a maximum number of Oracle Commerce Agent Console Cloud Service Authorized Users
(Hosted Named User) as defined in your order. Oracle Commerce Premium Edition includes
ten (10) Authorized Users (Hosted Named User) for the Oracle Commerce Agent Console
Cloud Service.
• a maximum number of Page Views as defined in your order.
• a maximum amount of file storage as defined in your order. Oracle Commerce Premium
Edition includes 150 GB of file storage per instance across all environments.
• a maximum number of Oracle Commerce External API Access Requests as defined in your
Oracle Commerce Standard Edition includes twelve million (12,000,000) Requests
for the Oracle Commerce External API Access Cloud Service.
Requests to Oracle Commerce External API Access Cloud Service Admin REST
endpoints (endpoints classified as “Admin” in the Oracle Commerce Cloud Service
Product Documentation) are intended to support back-office administrative
activities. Requests to Admin REST endpoints made in direct support of shopper
flows are prohibited. Examples of prohibited requests include requests to Admin
endpoints from any storefront application (including the Commerce Cloud Service
Storefront) and requests to Admin REST endpoints from any mobile app.
Requests to Admin REST endpoints are subject to a maximum rate of 50,000
requests per hour. Requests to Admin REST endpoints made in excess of this rate
may adversely impact the performance, stability or availability of the service.
• Oracle will provision 3 environments for this Oracle Cloud Service. One environment is
dedicated for production use, a second environment is dedicated as a stage environment for
non-production use and a third environment is dedicated as a development environment for
• Peak Capacity Limit. This Oracle Cloud Service is subject to peak capacity limits. Any use of
this Oracle Cloud Service that exceed the limits set forth in the table below may adversely
impact the performance, stability or availability of the service. Any impact or outage
associated with excess use will not constitute “Unplanned Downtime” as described in the
applicable Oracle Hosting and Delivery Policies and will not affect Service Level Objective
Users of Oracle Commerce Premium Edition Cloud Service are authorized to access the following
modules and features:
Usage Limits:
• a maximum number of Oracle Commerce Agent Console Cloud Service Authorized Users (Hosted
Named User) as defined in your order. Oracle Commerce Premium Edition includes ten (10) Authorized
Users (Hosted Named User) for the Oracle Commerce Agent Console Cloud Service.
• a maximum number of Commerce Orders as defined in your order.
A maximum amount of file storage as defined in your order. Oracle Commerce premium Edition
includes 150 GB of file storage per instance across all environments.
• a maximum number of Oracle Commerce External API Access Requests as defined in your order.
Oracle Commerce Premium Edition includes twelve million (12,000,000) Requests for the
Oracle Commerce External API Access Cloud Service.
Requests to Oracle Commerce External API Access Cloud Service Admin REST endpoints
(endpoints classified as “Admin” in the Oracle Commerce Cloud Service Product
Documentation) are intended to support back-office administrative activities. Requests to
Admin REST endpoints made in direct support of shopper flows are prohibited. Examples of
prohibited requests include requests to Admin endpoints from any storefront application
(including the Commerce Cloud Service Storefront) and requests to Admin REST endpoints
from any mobile app.
Requests to Admin REST endpoints are subject to a maximum rate of 50,000 requests per
hour. Requests to Admin REST endpoints made in excess of this rate may adversely impact
the performance, stability or availability of the service.
• Peak Capacity Limit. This Oracle Cloud Service is subject to peak capacity limits. Any use of
this Oracle Cloud Service that exceed the limits set forth in the table below may adversely
impact the performance, stability or availability of the service. Any impact or outage
associated with excess use will not constitute “Unplanned Downtime” as described in the
applicable Oracle Hosting and Delivery Policies and will not affect Service Level Objective
Oracle Commerce Additional Storage provides Oracle Commerce instances with additional data
storage capacity. Data storage capacity is principally consumed by product catalog media assets and
data created to support the operation of the customer’s site including catalog text and metadata,
order data and customer profile data.
Usage limits:
A maximum Gigabyte Storage Capacity Per Year as set forth in Your order. For the purposes of the
Oracle Commerce, storage usage data is collected at daily intervals and multiplied by the hourly
storage rate and then added up at the end of each calendar month.
Oracle Commerce Agent Console Cloud Service – Additional User – Hosted Named User
Users of Oracle Commerce Cloud Agent Console Cloud Service are authorized to access the following
modules and features:
You are required to purchase and maintain the Oracle Commerce Cloud Standard Edition Cloud
Service for the duration of this Oracle Cloud Service.
Usage Limits: The Oracle Commerce Agent Console Cloud Service is subject to usage limits as
• a maximum number of Authorized Users (Hosted Named User) as defined in your order
Users of Oracle Commerce External API Access Cloud Service are authorized to access the following
modules and features:
You are required to purchase and maintain the Oracle Commerce Cloud Standard Edition Cloud
Service for the duration of this Oracle Cloud Service.
Usage Limits: The Oracle Commerce External API Access Cloud Service is subject to usage
limits as follows:
• Peak Capacity Limit. This Oracle Cloud Service is subject to peak capacity limits. Any use of
this Oracle Cloud Service that exceed the limits set forth in the table below may adversely
impact the performance, stability or availability of the service. Any impact or outage
associated with excess use will not constitute “Unplanned Downtime” as described in the
applicable Oracle
Hosting and Delivery Policies and will not affect Service Level Objective calculations.
20 55,000
50 140,000
100 280,000
200 560,000
300 840,000
An Oracle Additional Test Environment provides for the hosting and maintenance of an additional
Test Environment, which is a reasonably similar replica of Your Production Service Environment for
non- production use such as development, training and testing activities but not for Production
operations or stress testing. Certain programs and optional services may not be able to run in the
Additional Test Environment. The maintenance or upgrade schedule for the Additional Test
Environment is the same as the schedule for Your Stage Service Environment.
Each Additional Test Environment must be contracted for a minimum of twelve (12) months and
associated to a new or existing Oracle Cloud Ordering Document. Additional Test Environments will
automatically terminate at the end of the Service Period.
Usage Limits: The Oracle Additional Test Environment for Oracle Fusion Cloud Services defined
above are subject to usage limits based upon:
• a maximum number of two hundred and fifty (250) Authorized Users with no more than twenty
concurrent users accessing the system at any one time
• Future expansions of Your Oracle Cloud Services may be subject to additional fees.
The Target System Availability Level for this service is set forth below. The measurement period is
0400 ET to 0000 ET, 7 days a week:
• Target System Availability 99.9%
You are responsible for the agreements with supported payment gateways. The Oracle Fusion
Cloud Service only provides the integration that facilitates the credit card tokenization and
payment processing with supported payment gateways.
You must never send credit card numbers that aren't tokenized or truncated to PCI standards
to Oracle Fusion Cloud Service.
You must never create an inbound or outbound integration involving the transfer of credit
card data including tokens sent via file, attachment, email, descriptive flexfield or any other
Oracle Integration Cloud Service for Oracle SaaS (all editions) is a cloud-based integration and
process automation platform. The Oracle Integration for Oracle SaaS (all editions) tracks each 1
Million Message quantity per Month that is processed by each instance. The Oracle Integration Cloud
Service for Oracle SaaS (all editions) requires a minimum of 1 Million Messages per Month per service
instance, and high availability is provided for all services instances along with underlying
infrastructure components needed to run this Oracle Cloud Service, including databases and storage.
Users of the Oracle Integration Cloud Service for Oracle SaaS – Standard have access to the Oracle
Integration Cloud Service for Oracle SaaS – Standard feature sets, which include the following
Usage limits: The Oracle Integration Cloud Service for Oracle SaaS – Standard is subject to the
• Messages incoming or outgoing via all protocols except file (file, sftp, ftps, or
attachments) are limited to 10 MB in size
• Files or attachments over 1MB and up to 1GB in size are temporarily stored in the
Oracle Integration for Oracle SaaS instance while being processed with a limit of 10GB
at any point in time. Individual file or attachment size limitations are clearly visible in
the product design time UI, and are subject to change as this Oracle Cloud Service
• Instance information about processed messages or message traces are retained in the
database for up to 3 days.
• Each Visual Builder application must utilize at least one business object or API Call from
an Oracle Cloud SaaS Application
Usage limits: The Oracle Integration Cloud Service for Oracle SaaS – Enterprise is subject to the
• Messages incoming or outgoing via all protocols except file (file, sftp, ftps, or
attachments) are limited to 10 MB in size
• Files or attachments over 1MB and up-to 1GB in size are temporarily stored in the
Oracle Integration for Oracle SaaS instance while being processed with a limit of 10GB
at any point in time. Individual file or attachment size limitations are clearly visible in
the product design time UI, and are subject to change as this Oracle Cloud Service
• Instance information about processed messages or message traces are retained in the
database for up to 3 days.
• Each Visual Builder application must utilize at least one business object or API Call from
an Oracle Cloud SaaS Application
• Each process application must utilize at least one business object or API Call from an
Oracle Cloud SaaS Application
Customer Responsibilities
Certain aspects of service management are Your responsibility. These include, but are not limited to
the following:
The Oracle Integration Cloud Service for Oracle SaaS (all editions) each provides automation for
provisioning, which is controlled or configured by You. Before the applicable Oracle Cloud Service
instance is provisioned, You are responsible for sizing. Oracle is responsible for backup/restore,
patching, upgrading, managing, maintaining, and monitoring the instance.
All of these Oracle Cloud Services may enable You to link to, transmit Your Content or Third Party
Content to, or otherwise access, other Web sites, platforms or services of third parties. Oracle does
not control and is not responsible for such third party Web sites or platforms or services. You bear all
risks associated with Your access to and use of such third party Web sites, platforms, and services and
You are solely responsible for entering into and being in compliance with separate terms with such
third party. Oracle is not responsible for the security, protection or confidentiality of such content
(including obligations in the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies and the Data Processing
Oracle Digital Assistant Platform for SaaS – B91938 Hosted Named User
Hosted Named User
Oracle Digital Assistant Platform for SaaS – B91939 Hosted Employee
Hosted Employee
Oracle Digital Assistant Platform for SaaS – 1,000 B91940 1,000 Sessions
Oracle Digital Assistant Platform for SaaS – 100K B93304 100K Subscribers
Oracle Digital Assistant Platform for SaaS – 50M B93305 50M Revenue Under
Revenue Under Management Management
Oracle Digital Assistant Platform for SaaS introduces conversation interactions via the chatbots
functionality. With the Digital Assistant, users can interact with SaaS skills (also known as Bots)
or build their own skills. Users of Oracle Digital Assistant for Oracle SaaS are authorized to
access the following modules or features:
AI powered Natural Language Processing (NLP) for Intent and Entity detection
Deployment of Skills and Digital Assistants to multiple channels, abstracting the differences
Bots Builder UI for creating Skills: defining Intents, Entities, Conversation Flows, and
Channel Configuration.
Embedded webview that allows blending advanced UI into Bots interface
Configuration of Digital Assistants that routes requests between multiple Skills
Container that enables integration with any enterprise applications and data sources through
published APIs
Analytics and dashboards that offers insights into conversational bottlenecks and metrics, and
ability to retrain the Skills through supervised-learning capabilities
Usage limits: Oracle Digital Assistant Platform for SaaS is subject to the following quantities:
Oracle Digital Assistant Platform for SaaS is not intended to hold sensitive or
regulated information. You must not use the Cloud Service to store or process any
health, payment card or similarly sensitive information that imposes specific data
security obligations for the processing of such data.
You agree to provide reasonable assistance to Oracle in order to configure, operate,
maintain, and secure the operating systems and other associated software of Your
Cloud Services including Your applications. You agree to provide reasonable
assistance to Oracle in order to maintain appropriate security, protection, and backup
of Your Content, which may include the use of encryption technology to protect Your
Content from unauthorized access and routine archiving of Your Content. Oracle
Cloud Services log-in credentials and private keys generated as part of the Oracle
Cloud Services are for Your internal use of the services only, and You may not sell,
share, transfer or sublicense them to any other entity or person, except that You may
disclose Your private key to Your subcontractors who are Users of the Oracle Cloud
Services and who are performing work on Your behalf.
Oracle Content Management for SaaS is a cloud-based content hub to drive omni-channel content
management and accelerate experience delivery. Collaboration and workflow management
capabilities streamline the creation and delivery of content and improve customer and employee
5,000 ASSETS PER MONTH: is defined as 5,000 Assets Per Month, where one (1) asset is one (1) item
of any type (published or not published) stored in the Oracle Content Management asset repository.
An asset stored in the asset repository can be either a file based asset (e.g., a document, an image, a
video) or a content item and a content item is a block of information created using a content type.
Every twenty (20) files of any type stored in the Oracle Content Management documents file
repository counts as one (1) asset; Every one hundred (100) files of any type stored in an Oracle
Content Management business asset repository counts as one (1) asset; and every two hundred (200)
files of any type that has been archived counts as one (1) asset..
If the number total number of assets utilized during a month exceeds the number of assets that are
entitled per 5,000 Assets Per Month an additional 5,000 Assets Per Month will be charged.
Only the current top level revision of any given file or asset is counted toward the assets counts.
If an Oracle Content Management instance has been provisioned and designated as a non-primary
instance, only a single quantity of 5,000 Assets Per Month will be charged regardless of the total
number of assets being replicated. A non-primary instance can be used for Development, Staging, QA
or Disaster Recovery.
250 VIDEO ASSETS PER MONTH: is defined as 250 Video Assets per Month, where one (1) video
asset is one (1) video file (published or not published) stored in an Oracle Content and Experience
asset repository or twenty (20) advanced videos stored in an Oracle Management video project
If the number total number of video assets utilized during a month exceeds the number of video
assets that are entitled per 250 Video Assets per Month, an additional 250 Video Assets per Month
will be charged. Only the current top level revision of any given video asset is counted toward the
video assets counts.
Users of Oracle Content Management for SaaS have access to Oracle Content Management with the
following usage limits: 5000 Assets per month
Customer Responsibilities
By default, Oracle makes an attempt to scan files marked for upload using commercially available
virus signatures. The default setting for this service will reject the upload if a virus is detected. Some
files, such as encrypted or otherwise protected files may not be scanned. You have the option to
disable the virus scan and allow un-scanned files to be uploaded. Disabling or limiting the virus scan
is at your own risk and you bear all liability for any resulting damage. While the Oracle Content and
Experience Cloud Service interface will mark files that have not been scanned, this visual indicator will
not be available in all interfaces and users may not have any notice that one or more files were not
virus scanned.
This Oracle Cloud Service enables You to deploy software code (such as website templates or other
applications) onto websites developed by use of this service. For purposes of this Oracle Cloud
Service, such software code shall be deemed to be “Your Applications” as defined in the Agreement.
You are solely responsible for making any disclosures to, and obtaining any consents from, such any
users as may be required under applicable laws, rules, regulations and industry self-regulatory
guidelines, regarding Your use or placement of any pixels tags, cookies, or other identifiers that allow
for the tracking of activity on any websites or other web assets developed by Your use of this Oracle
Cloud Service. You also remain solely responsible for Your legal and regulatory compliance (including
accessibility requirements, e.g., Section 508 compliance) in connection with use of this Oracle Cloud
Oracle Content Management for SaaS – Gigabyte Outbound Data Transfer Per Month
Applicable Part # B91222
Outbound Data Transfer per Month. This is defined as the quantity during month of
the Oracle Cloud Service of both the data You download from the Oracle Cloud Service
and any transfer of data from the Oracle Cloud Service over the internet including
responses to Your client requests.
For purposes of Oracle Content Management for SaaS -Outbound Data Transfer, Your
usage is measured by calculating for each calendar month the total GB of Outbound
Data Transfer directly from the Oracle Cloud Service including downloads by You or
transfers over the internet.
Customer Responsibilities
By default, Oracle makes an attempt to scan files marked for upload using commercially available
virus signatures. The default setting for this service will reject the upload if a virus is detected. Some
files, such as encrypted or otherwise protected files may not be scanned. You have the option to
disable the virus scan and allow un-scanned files to be uploaded. Disabling or limiting the virus scan
is at your own risk and you bear all liability for any resulting damage. While the Oracle Content
Management interface will mark files that have not been scanned, this visual indicator will not be
available in all interfaces and users may not have any notice that one or more files were not virus
This Oracle Cloud Service enables You to deploy software code (such as website templates or other
applications) onto websites developed by use of this service. For purposes of this Oracle Cloud
Service, such software code shall be deemed to be “Your Applications” as defined in the Agreement.
You are solely responsible for making any disclosures to, and obtaining any consents from, such any
users as may be required under applicable laws, rules, regulations and industry self-regulatory
guidelines, regarding Your use or placement of any pixels tags, cookies, or other identifiers that allow
for the tracking of activity on any websites or other web assets developed by Your use of this Oracle
Cloud Service. You also remain solely responsible for Your legal and regulatory compliance (including
accessibility requirements, e.g., Section 508 compliance) in connection with use of this Oracle Cloud
Oracle Content Management for SaaS – Object Storage – Gigabyte Storage Capacity Per Month
Applicable Part # B92353
Usage limits:
A maximum Gigabyte Storage Capacity Per Month as set forth in Your order. For the purposes of the
Oracle Content Management for SaaS – Object Storage, usage data is collected at one-hour intervals
and multiplied by the hourly storage rate and then added up at the end of each calendar month.
Customer Responsibilities
Oracle Content Management for SaaS – Video Creation Platform - Video Pack (500 Videos - 500
GB) Per Month
Applicable Part # B95432
Users of Oracle Content Management – Video Creation Platform have access to Oracle Content
Management – Video Creation Platform application with the following usage limits: Each Video Pack
provides capacity for managing up to 500 videos per month consuming 500GB of Storage.
Usage limits:
A maximum of multiples of Video Pack (500 Videos - 500 GB) Per Month as set forth in Your order.
Customer Responsibilities:By default, Oracle makes an attempt to scan files marked for upload
using commercially available virus signatures. The default setting for this service will reject the
upload if a virus is detected. Some files, such as encrypted or otherwise protected files may not be
scanned. You have the option to disable the virus scan and allow un-scanned files to be
uploaded. Disabling or limiting the virus scan is at your own risk and you bear all liability for any
resulting damage. While the Oracle Content Management interface will mark files that have not been
scanned, this visual indicator will not be available in all interfaces and users may not have any notice
that one or more files were not virus scanned.
You are solely responsible for making any disclosures to, and obtaining any consents from, such any
users as may be required under applicable laws, rules, regulations and industry self-regulatory
guidelines, regarding Your use or placement of any pixels tags, cookies, or other identifiers that allow
for the tracking of activity on any websites or other web assets developed by Your use of this Oracle
Cloud Service. You also remain solely responsible for Your legal and regulatory compliance (including
Users of Oracle Content Management for SaaS – Sales Accelerator are authorized to access the Oracle
Content Management for SaaS – Sales Accelerator Application.
Usage limits:
A maximum number of Authorized Users (Hosted Named User) as set forth in Your order.
Customer Responsibilities
By default, Oracle makes an attempt to scan files marked for upload using commercially available virus
signatures. The default setting for this service will reject the upload if a virus is detected. Some files,
such as encrypted or otherwise protected files may not be scanned. You have the option to disable the
virus scan and allow un-scanned files to be uploaded. Disabling or limiting the virus scan is at your own
risk and you bear all liability for any resulting damage. While the Oracle Content Management interface
will mark files that have not been scanned, this visual indicator will not be available in all interfaces and
users may not have any notice that one or more files were not virus scanned.
You are solely responsible for making any disclosures to, and obtaining any consents from, such any
users as may be required under applicable laws, rules, regulations and industry self-regulatory
guidelines, regarding Your use or placement of any pixels tags, cookies, or other identifiers that allow
for the tracking of activity on any websites or other web assets developed by Your use of this Oracle
Cloud Service. You also remain solely responsible for Your legal and regulatory compliance (including
accessibility requirements, e.g., Section 508 compliance) in connection with use of this Oracle Cloud
Oracle Content Management for SaaS – Starter Edition - 5000 Assets Per Month
Applicable Part # B93582
Users of Oracle Content Management for SaaS - Starter Edition have access to Oracle Content
Management Cloud Service for SaaS – Starter Edition. Users of Oracle Content Management for SaaS
– Starter Edition do not have access to all product functionality that is available in the full version of
Content Management for SaaS. Key restrictions of Oracle Content Management for SaaS – Starter
Edition are: (a) a limit of one (1) asset repository and (b) no documents file repository support. The
complete list of Oracle Content Management for SaaS – Starter Edition functionality that is available for
use is detailed in the product documentation.
Usage Limits
A maximum number of 5,000 Assets per Month as defined in your order.
For each 5,000 Assets per Month, You will be entitled to 100GB per month of Outbound Data
Transfer and 100GB of Object Storage. Such storage may only be used in connection with Oracle
Content Management for SaaS—Starter Edition.
This Oracle Cloud Service enables You to deploy software code (such as website templates or other
applications) onto websites developed by use of this service. For purposes of this Oracle Cloud Service,
such software code shall be deemed to be “Your Applications” as defined in the Agreement.
You are solely responsible for making any disclosures to, and obtaining any consents from, such any
users as may be required under applicable laws, rules, regulations and industry self-regulatory
guidelines, regarding Your use or placement of any pixels tags, cookies, or other identifiers that allow
for the tracking of activity on any websites or other web assets developed by Your use of this Oracle
Cloud Service. You also remain solely responsible for Your legal and regulatory compliance (including
accessibility requirements, e.g., Section 508 compliance) in connection with use of this Oracle Cloud
Oracle Content Management for SaaS – Video Creation Platform - 500 Video Assets Per Month
Applicable Part # B95376
Users of Oracle Content Management for SaaS – Video Creation Platform have access to Oracle
Content Management for SaaS – Video Creation Platform.
Usage limits:
A maximum of multiples of 500 Video Assets Per Month as set forth in Your order.
For each 500 Video Assets per Month, You will be entitled to 500GB per month of Object Storage.
Such storage may only be used in connection with Oracle Content Management for SaaS—Video
Creation Platform.
Customer Responsibilities:
By default, Oracle makes an attempt to scan files marked for upload using commercially available
virus signatures. The default setting for this service will reject the upload if a virus is detected. Some
files, such as encrypted or otherwise protected files may not be scanned. You have the option to
disable the virus scan and allow un-scanned files to be uploaded. Disabling or limiting the virus scan
is at your own risk and you bear all liability for any resulting damage. While the Oracle Content
Fusion Cloud Service Descriptions v090822 Page 169 of 207
Management interface will mark files that have not been scanned, this visual indicator will not be
available in all interfaces and users may not have any notice that one or more files were not virus
You are solely responsible for making any disclosures to, and obtaining any consents from, such any
users as may be required under applicable laws, rules, regulations and industry self-regulatory
guidelines, regarding Your use or placement of any pixels tags, cookies, or other identifiers that allow
for the tracking of activity on any websites or other web assets developed by Your use of this Oracle
Cloud Service. You also remain solely responsible for Your legal and regulatory compliance (including
accessibility requirements, e.g., Section 508 compliance) in connection with use of this Oracle Cloud
Oracle CASB for Oracle SaaS monitors users of target Oracle SaaS applications. Users of Oracle CASB
for Oracle SaaS are authorized to access modules or features that include the following
Provisioning of security configurations and controls into the target Oracle SaaS application
Key Security Indicators that provide early warning signs of risks to the target Oracle SaaS
User Behavioral Analytics that quantify risk scores when anomalies in user activity is identified
Usage Limits
A maximum number of Monitored Service Users as defined in your order.
Oracle CASB for Oracle SaaS monitors users of target Oracle SaaS applications. Users of Oracle CASB
for Oracle SaaS are authorized to access modules or features that include the following
Provisioning of security configurations and controls into the target Oracle SaaS application
Key Security Indicators that provide early warning signs of risks to the target Oracle SaaS
User Behavioral Analytics that quantify risk scores when anomalies in user activity is identified
Usage Limits
A maximum number of Hosted Employee as defined in your order.
Users of the Oracle Maps Cloud Service for PeopleSoft have access to the following module: Oracle
Maps Cloud Service for Peoplesoft. With this Cloud Service, licensed PeopleSoft products may display
maps (and overlay related information on the maps), geocode addresses, and present driving
directions for use in PeopleSoft products.
Users of the Oracle Maps Cloud Service for PeopleSoft have access to the following module: Oracle
Maps Cloud Service for JD Edwards. With this Cloud Service, licensed JD Edwards products may
display maps (and overlay related information on the maps), geocode addresses, and present driving
directions for use in JD Edwards products.
Usage Limits:
Users of the Oracle Maps Cloud Service for PeopleSoft have access to the following module: Oracle
Maps Cloud Service for JD Edwards. With this Cloud Service, licensed JD Edwards products may
display maps (and overlay related information on the maps), geocode addresses, and present driving
directions for use in JD Edwards products.
Usage Limits:
Users of the Oracle Maps Cloud Service for PeopleSoft have access to the following module: Oracle
Maps Cloud Service for Peoplesoft. With this Cloud Service, licensed PeopleSoft products may display
maps (and overlay related information on the maps), geocode addresses, and present driving
directions for use in PeopleSoft products.
Usage Limits:
Oracle Maps Cloud Service for Asset Tracking – Hosted Managed Resource
Applicable Part # B86908
Users of the Oracle Maps Cloud Service for Asset Tracking have access to the following module:
Oracle Maps Cloud Service for Asset Tracking. With this Cloud Service, users of Oracle applications
that already use Oracle Maps Cloud Service to provide geocoding and mapping, may track the
position of identified moving assets.
Usage Limits:
This cloud service must only be used with Oracle applications that already use Oracle Maps Cloud
Oracle Cloud Policies:
Your order for this Oracle Cloud Service is subject to the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies,
including the Oracle SaaS Public Cloud Services Pillar Document, which may be viewed at
Users of the Oracle Maps Cloud Service for Asset Tracking have access to the following module:
Oracle Maps Cloud Service for Asset Tracking. With this Cloud Service, users of Oracle applications
that already use Oracle Maps Cloud Service to provide geocoding and mapping, may track the
position of identified moving assets.
Usage Limits:
This cloud service must only be used with Oracle applications that already use Oracle Maps Cloud
Oracle Cloud Policies:
Your order for this Oracle Cloud Service is subject to the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies,
including the Oracle SaaS Public Cloud Services Pillar Document, which may be viewed at
Oracle Maps Cloud Service for Asset Optimization – Hosted Managed Resource
Applicable Part # B86910
Users of the Oracle Maps Cloud Service for Asset Optimization have access to the following module:
Oracle Maps Cloud Service for Asset Optimization. With this Cloud Service, users of Oracle
applications that already use Oracle Maps Cloud Service to provide geocoding and mapping, may
perform many to many optimization analysis based on results of the service.
Usage Limits:
This cloud service must only be used with Oracle applications that already use Oracle Maps Cloud
Oracle Cloud Policies:
Your order for this Oracle Cloud Service is subject to the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies,
including the Oracle SaaS Public Cloud Services Pillar Document, which may be viewed at
Oracle Supplier Network Adapter for Partners Cloud Service- 500 Hosted Trading Partners
Applicable Part # B85692
Users of the Oracle Supplier Network Adapter for Partners Cloud Service are authorized to access
the following module:
Usage Limits: The Oracle Supplier Network Adapter for Partners Cloud Service is subject to usage
limits based upon:
• a maximum number of 500 Hosted Trading Partners as set forth in Your order
Users of the Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Service are authorized to access the
following modules:
• Customer Data Management dashboard
• Data Quality – Matching
• Data Quality – Standardization
• Data Steward productivity tools
• Data import & file import
• Survivorship and agreement rules
• Manual merge and auto merge
• Linking
• Audit reporting
• Fusion Data Quality Records
Usage Limits: The Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Service is subject to usage limits
based on:
• a maximum number of Authorized Users (Hosted Named User) as defined in your order
• Oracle will provision 2 environments for this Oracle Cloud Enterprise Applications. One
environment is dedicated for production use and the second environment is dedicated as a
stage environment for non-production use. Additional environments may be purchased subject
to additional fees.
• The following usage limits apply per Hosted Named User:
Licensed Metric Database Storage Fusion Data Quality File Storage (MB) Bandwidt
(Records) Records
Hosted Named User 50,000 50,000 per customer 200 N/A
(1 Authorized User)
European Union Restricted Access Cloud Service for Oracle Fusion Applications
Applicable Part #: B91905
The European Union Restricted Access Cloud Service for Oracle Fusion Applications (EU Restricted
Access Cloud Service) is an add-on Oracle Cloud Service for implementation only with Oracle Fusion
The EU Restricted Access Cloud Service is an add-on Oracle Cloud Service for implementation with the
CRM, ERP, HCM and Supply Chain Oracle Fusion Cloud Services. An order for EU Restricted Access
Cloud Service must be accompanied by an order (i.e., separate SKU purchase) for the applicable Oracle
Fusion Cloud Service(s). Likewise, once EU Restricted Access Cloud Service has been purchased any
subsequent renewal must include the add-on EU Restricted Access Cloud Service. EU Restricted Access
Cloud Service is not available for the following services:
Oracle Strategic Workforce Planning Cloud Service.
Oracle Additional Environments for Oracle Strategic Workforce Planning Cloud Service.
Oracle Sales Planning Cloud Service.
Oracle Additional Environments for Oracle Sales Planning Cloud Service.
Oracle Sales Planning Cloud Service for Sales and Service Cloud.
Oracle Additional Environments for Sales Planning Cloud Service for Engagement Cloud.
Any migration of Your Content from pre-existing cloud service instances to EU Restricted Access Cloud
Service instances or from EU Restricted Access Cloud Service instances to standard cloud service
instances is the sole responsibility of the customer; the EU Restricted Access Cloud Service does not
include migration assistance from Oracle.
A select set of Fusion Application features rely on shared global services. Services provided by Akamai
(a Third Party Subprocessor) are not limited to EU-based resources/EU-based personnel.
Oracle Cloud Policies:
Your order for this Oracle Cloud Service is subject to the terms and conditions of the agreement
between You and Oracle, including the applicable Oracle privacy and security policies referenced
therein, available at
Usage limits: The Fusion ERP Analytics Cloud Service is subject to the following quantities:
One non-production environment and one production environment.
A maximum number of Hosted Named Users per month as set forth in Your order.
Entitlement to OCPUs and storage for the Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse Cloud Service,
with the amount of entitlement proportional to the number of Hosted Employees. Based on
various factors including Your usage patterns, the type of queries run by the Hosted Named
Users and the amount of data stored in the Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse Cloud
Service, You may need to purchase additional OCPUs or storage for the Oracle Autonomous
Data Warehouse Cloud Service to meet Your requirements.
You may subscribe to additional OCPUs and storage for the Oracle Autonomous Data
Warehouse Cloud Service using Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits.
The included amount of OCPUs and storage for the Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse
Cloud Service requires You to do a full load of the Oracle Fusion ERP data first before loading
any other data.
Usage limits: The Oracle FusionCX Analytics Cloud Service is subject to the following quantities:
One non-production environment and one production environment.
A maximum number of Hosted Users as set forth in Your order.
Entitlement to OCPUs and storage for the Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse Cloud Service, with the
amount of entitlement proportional to the number of Hosted Employees. Based on various factors
including Your usage patterns, the type of queries run by the Hosted Employees and the amount of
data stored in the Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse Cloud Service, You may need to subscribe to
additional OCPUs or storage for the Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse Cloud Service to meet Your
You may subscribe to additional OCPUs and storage for the Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse Cloud
Service using Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits.
Your order for this Oracle Cloud Service is subject to the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies,
including the Oracle SaaS Public Cloud Services Pillar Document, which may be viewed at
Usage limits: The Oracle SCM Analytics Cloud Service is subject to the following quantities:
The Fusion SCM Analytics Cloud Service is subject to the following quantities:
One non-production environment and one production environment.
A maximum number of Hosted Employees per month as set forth in Your order.
Entitlement to OCPUs and storage for the Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse Cloud Service, with the
amount of entitlement proportional to the number of Hosted Employees. Based on various factors
including Your usage patterns, the type of queries run by the Hosted Employees and the amount of
data stored in the Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse Cloud Service, You may need to subscribe to
additional OCPUs or storage for the Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse Cloud Service to meet Your
You may subscribe to additional OCPUs and storage for the Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse Cloud
Service using Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits.
The included amount of OCPUs and storage for the Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse Cloud Service
requires You to do a full load of the Oracle Fusion SCM data first before loading any other data.
Your order for this Oracle Cloud Service is subject to the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies,
including the Oracle SaaS Public Cloud Services Pillar Document, which may be viewed at
Users of Oracle Internet of Things Intelligent Applications Cloud Service are defined as the end users
of the actual program as well as your employees, contractors, partners and any other individuals that
are managed and/or tracked by this program.
Usage Limits:
The Oracle Internet of Things Intelligent Applications Cloud Service is subject to usage limits based on:
maximum number of Authorized Users (Hosted Employee) as defined in your order
Oracle will provision 2 environments for this Oracle Cloud service. One environment is
dedicated for production use and the second environment is dedicated as a stage
environment for non-production use. Additional environments may be purchased subject to
additional fees.
NOTE: The total quantity of units for this SKU is fixed at 1 per Oracle IoT Application, irrespective of
quantity of pre-requisite Oracle Internet of Things Application.
Usage Limits
This SKU enables the 3D Digital Twin functionality in the corresponding pre-requisite Oracle
Internet of Things Application. No new environment is provisioned for this SKU.
Customer Responsibilities
Certain aspects of the service are Your responsibilities. These include, but are not limited to the
Oracle will enable Your instance of Oracle Internet of Things Application with the 3D Digital
Twin functionality
Oracle is responsible for patching and upgrading Your instance of Oracle Internet of Things
You are responsible for compliance with laws, rules, and regulations governing the type of
data while using Oracle Internet of Things, 3D Digital Twin
You agree to provide reasonable assistance to Oracle in order to configure, operate, maintain,
and secure the operating systems and other associated software of Your Cloud Services
You agree to provide reasonable assistance to Oracle in order to maintain appropriate
security, protection, and backup of Your Content to protect Your Content from unauthorized
access and routine archiving of Your Content
Oracle Cloud Services login credentials generated as part of the Oracle Cloud Services are for
Your internal use of the services only, and You may not sell, share, transfer or sublicense them
to any other entity or person, except that You may disclose Your login credentials to
Your subcontractors who are Users of the Oracle Cloud Services and who are performing work
on Your behalf
You will ensure that files provided for upload are scanned for viruses
You are responsible for any data stored in Your instance of Oracle Internet of Things
Application with the 3D Digital Twin functionality
Oracle Internet of Things Intelligent Applications Cloud Service – Hosted Named User
Applicable Part # B92519
Users of the Oracle Internet of Things Intelligent Applications Cloud Service are authorized to access
the following modules and features in their environment:
IoT Asset Monitoring for real-time location and health monitoring of assets, spatial analytics
to detect asset misplacement and theft, and incident creation and management for faults
detected in assets
IoT Production Monitoring for real-time visibility into status of production processes,
identification of production anomalies and machine faults, identification and analysis of
production KPI such as utilization, idle time, down time, etc.
IoT Fleet Monitoring for real-time location tracking of shipments and vehicles , trip status
monitoring, shipment condition monitoring, vehicle condition monitoring, driver behavior
tracking, and incident creation and management for faults detected
IoT Connected Worker for real-time visibility into worker health and safety, worksites
monitoring and hazards monitoring, time and labor tracking automation, and incident creation
and management for accidents and issues detected
Usage Limits:
The Oracle Internet of Things Intelligent Applications Cloud Service is subject to usage limits based
maximum number of Authorized Users (Hosted Named User) as defined in your order
Oracle will provision 2 environments for this Oracle Cloud service. One environment is
dedicated for production use and the second environment is dedicated as a stage
environment for non-production use. Additional environments may be purchased subject to
additional fees.
Oracle Internet of Things Intelligent Applications, Mobile Worker – Hosted Named User
Applicable Part # B92520
Oracle Internet of Things Intelligent Applications, Mobile Worker is an optional offering only for
Oracle Internet of Things Intelligent Applications Cloud Service that enables access to intermittent
users who access the hosted service only via the companion IoT Applications mobile app that
provides a restricted set of capabilities. Examples of Mobile Worker Users include, but are not limited
to, vehicle drivers that need to use the companion mobile app to start and stop trips, seasonal
construction workers at a construction project. Please contact the IoT Applications product
management team to verify eligibility for other use cases.
Usage Limits:
Oracle Internet of Things Intelligent Applications, Mobile Worker is subject to following usage limits
for a single unit of the SKU:
User accounts provisioned by this SKU will not enable access to the web-based console from
any type of device
User accounts provisioned by this SKU may only access the hosted service via the companion
IoT Applications mobile app
Oracle Internet of Things Intelligent Applications, Additional Test Environment is an optional offering
only for Oracle Internet of Things Intelligent Applications Cloud Service that provides for the hosting
and maintenance of an additional Test Environment, that is a reasonably similar replica of a
Production Service Environment. The Additional Test Environment is designed for non-production
use such as development, training and testing activities but may not be used for Production
operations or stress testing. Certain programs and optional services may not be able to run in the
Additional Test Environment. The maintenance or upgrade schedule for the Additional Test
Environment is the same as the schedule of the Production Service Environment.
Each Additional Test Environment must be contracted for a minimum of twelve (12) months and will
automatically terminate at the end of the Service Period of the associated Oracle Cloud Ordering
Usage Limits:
The Oracle Internet of Things Intelligent Applications, Additional Test Environment defined above is
subject to usage limits based upon:
A maximum number of ten (10) Users authorized to access the hosted service, regardless of
whether the user is actively accessing the hosted service at any given time
Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace Cloud Service – Hosted Named User
Applicable Part # B91001
Customers purchasing the Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace service are authorized to access the
following modules and features:
Setup and manage a business network consisting of trading partners
NOTE: The total number of Business Network Administrator users must not exceed the number of
Hosted Named User licenses. One Business Network Admin User is equivalent to one Hosted Named
NOTE: Each subscription of Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace allows the Business Network
Administrators to invite a minimum of 20 Hosted Named Users.
NOTE: High availability provides in-pod components redundancy to prevent outage when one or
more compute nodes are unavailable. Disaster Recovery that provides geographic redundancy and
automatic failover is not supported for this service.
Oracle Responsibilities
Oracle’s responsibilities include:
Oracle will create Your instance of Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace including managing and
maintaining Your instance and its availability
Oracle is responsible for patching and upgrading Your instance of Oracle Intelligent Track and
Customer Responsibilities
Certain aspects of the service are Your responsibilities. These include, but are not limited to the
You are responsible for compliance with laws, rules, and regulations governing the type of
data and the use of blockchain technology while using Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace
You are responsible for appointing Business Network Administrators to define, implemente
and manage Smart Contracts
You agree to provide reasonable assistance to Oracle in order to configure, operate, maintain,
and secure the operating systems and other associated software of Your Cloud Services
Customers purchasing the Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace service are authorized to access the
following modules and features:
Setup and manage a business network consisting of trading partners
Invite and manage Endorsing Trading partners
Invite and manage Participating Trading Partners
Authorize Business Network Administrators
Setup and manage document types and business flows to be tracked on the business network
Define business rules via Smart Contracts for validating transactions submitted to the network
End-to-end view of supply chain transactions across organizations, subject to the user’s role
and privileges on the network
Ingest supply chain transaction documents into the network
Track progress of business flows based on transactions submitted to the business network
Trace transaction history
Trace physical items such as products, raw material etc. referenced by supply chain
transactions submitted to the network
Automated customer-controlled provisioning, backup, patching, scaling with cloud tooling
Provisioned capacity for a single production environment with high availability
Provisioned capacity for a single development environment without high availability
Usage Limits: Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace Cloud Service is subject to usage limits based upon:
NOTE: High availability provides in-pod components redundancy to prevent outage when one or
more compute nodes are unavailable. Disaster Recovery that provides geographic redundancy and
automatic failover is not supported for this service.
Oracle Responsibilities
Oracle’s responsibilities include:
Oracle will create Your instance of Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace including managing and
maintaining Your instance and its availability
Oracle is responsible for patching and upgrading Your instance of Oracle Intelligent Track and
Customer Responsibilities
Certain aspects of the service are Your responsibilities. These include, but are not limited to the
You are responsible for compliance with laws, rules, and regulations governing the type of
data and the use of blockchain technology while using Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace
You are responsible for appointing Business Network Administrators to define, implement and
manage Smart Contracts
You agree to provide reasonable assistance to Oracle in order to configure, operate, maintain,
and secure the operating systems and other associated software of Your Cloud Services
You agree to provide reasonable assistance to Oracle in order to maintain appropriate
security, protection, and backup of Your Content to protect Your Content from unauthorized
access and routine archiving of Your Content
Oracle Cloud Services login credentials generated as part of the Oracle Cloud Services are for
Your internal use of the services only, and You may not sell, share, transfer or sublicense them
to any other entity or person, except that You may disclose Your login credentials to
Your subcontractors who are Users of the Oracle Cloud Services and who are performing work
on Your behalf
You will ensure that files provided for upload are scanned for viruses
You are responsible for any data stored in Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace
Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace, Additional Endorsing User Option Cloud Service – Hosted
Named User
Part # B91002
The Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace Additional Endorsing User Option allows the customer to add
at least 5 additional Hosted Named Users to their Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace subscription.
This option allows adding users for Endorsing Trading Partners.
Endorsing Trading Partners have their own blockchain instance with ability to define their own
Smart Contracts and define access to and visibility on transactions submitted by them.
This option requires an active subscription to Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace.
Third Party Web Sites, Platforms and Services
This Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace Service may enable You to link to, transmit Your Content or
Third Party Content to, or otherwise access, other Web sites, platforms or services of third parties.
Oracle does not control and is not responsible for such third party Web sites or platforms or services.
You bear all risks associated with access to and use of such third party Web sites, platforms, and
services and are solely responsible for entering into and compliance with separate terms with such
third party. Oracle is not responsible for the security, protection or confidentiality of such content
(including obligations in the Hosting and Delivery Policies and Data Processing Agreement and
Oracle's Privacy Policy, which may be viewed at that is transmitted to
such third parties.
Oracle Cloud Policies:
Your order for this Oracle Cloud Service is subject to the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies,
including the Oracle SaaS Public Cloud Services Pillar Document, which may be viewed at
Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace, Additional Participating User Option Cloud Service – Hosted
Named User
Part # B91003
The Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace Additional Participating User Option allows the customer to
add at least 5 additional Hosted Named Users to their Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace subscription.
This option allows adding users for Participating Trading Partners.
Participating Trading Partners do not have a blockchain instance provisioned for them and
therefore do not have the ability to define Smart Contracts and access and visibility rules.
This option requires an active subscription to Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace
Third Party Web Sites, Platforms and Services
Oracle Oracle SaaS at Customer Cloud Service-Data Center Service Descriptions @ Your data
Oracle SaaS at Customer enables Fusion Cloud Services and Enterprise Performance Management
(EPM) to be deployed and consumed within Your datacenter. Oracle will supply the Oracle hardware
and software required for the Fusion and EPM Cloud Service.
Unless otherwise noted in this section, the remainder of this service description applies only when the
Oracle SaaS at Customer Cloud Service is delivered at Your datacenter.
During the Services Period, and at Oracle’s sole discretion, Oracle may update, repair or replace the
hardware or any component within the hardware. Any such update, repair or replacement will not
materially reduce the level of performance, functionality, security or availability of the Oracle SaaS at
Customer Cloud Service.
The Oracle SaaS at Customer Cloud Service is offered in two modes under which Oracle manages the
Fusion and EPM Cloud Service as listed below:
1. Connected Mode of Operation
Part number B87889 (if specified in Your order) is for Connected Mode of Operation. In this mode,
Oracle remotely manages your Fusion and EPM Cloud Service deployment using bidirectional Internet
connectivity over a secure virtual private network. Oracle provides a secure gateway to establish this
bidirectional virtual private network.
Oracle staff performing the service management may be located in several countries around the world
as determined by Oracle.
Note that the part number B88368 (Oracle Disaster Recovery for SaaS at Customer Cloud Service) will
be included in an order for this service if You opt for disaster recovery. The presence of this part
number in Your order indicates that Fusion entitlement for a disaster recovery site is provided to You
as part of the service. This means that Oracle will provide hardware, deploy Fusion and EPM SaaS and
manage such service at a Disaster Recover location designated by you.
Part number B88369 (if specified in Your order) in Your order is for Oracle SaaS at Customer
Disconnected Cloud Service. In this mode, Oracle staff manages Your Fusion deployment without any
need for an Internet connection between the deployment site and Oracle. Oracle staff will perform
service management of your network from your premises.
Oracle staff performing the service management shall be located in the same country where your
Fusion and EPM Cloud Service is deployed.
Note that the part number B88368 (Oracle Disaster Recovery for SaaS at Customer Cloud Service) is
included in an order for this service if You opt for disaster recovery. The presence of this part number
in the order indicates that Fusion entitlement for a disaster recovery site is provided to You as part of
the service. This means that Oracle will provide hardware, deploy Fusion and EPM SaaS and manage
such service at a Disaster Recover location designated by You.
Oracle Cloud Policies:
Your order for this Oracle Cloud Service is subject to the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies,
including the Oracle SaaS Public Cloud Services Pillar Document, which may be viewed at; however, this Oracle Cloud Service does not scan uploaded files for viruses.
Description of Services. Oracle SaaS for Dedicated Region Cloud@Customer (DRCC) allows you to
house and consume Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) services and capabilities in your data center.
Oracle SaaS for Dedicated Region Cloud@Customer provides subscription-based pricing in your data
center, managed by Oracle, as follows:
1. Dedicated Region: Standard
You provide the data center with a bidirectional connection between your site and the Oracle Cloud.
Oracle staff performing the service management may be located in several countries around the world
as determined by Oracle.
2. Dedicated Region: Co-Location
Oracle selects and contracts a co-location provider close to your data center and builds a dedicated OCI
region that connects to your data center. Oracle staff performing the service management may be
located in several countries around the world as determined by Oracle.
Additional Obligations and Assumptions. In addition to the obligations stated in Your order, You
acknowledge that Oracle’s ability to provide SaaS for DRCC depends upon Your fulfillment of the
following additional obligations and project assumptions:
Your Obligations
Those obligations specified in the Dedicated Region Data Center Facilities Build
Requirements which are part of the Program Documentation.
Oracle Additional Test Environment for SaaS at Customer Cloud Service and Dedicated Region
Part Number: B92133
An Oracle Additional Test Environment provides for the hosting and maintenance of an additional Test
Environment, which is a reasonably similar replica of Your Production Service Environment for non-
production use such as development, training and testing activities but not for Production operations
or stress testing. Certain programs and optional services may not be able to run in the Additional Test
Environment. The maintenance or upgrade schedule for the Additional Test Environment is the same
as the schedule for Your Stage Service Environment.
Each Additional Test Environment must be contracted for a minimum of twelve (12) months and
associated to a new or existing Oracle Cloud Ordering Document. Additional Test Environments will
automatically terminate at the end of the Service Period.
Oracle Data and Device Retention for SaaS at Customer Cloud Service
Applicable Part Numbers
Part Number Description DDR Add-On for Part Numbers
B91916 Oracle Data and Device Retention for Oracle SaaS at Customer Cloud
SaaS at Customer Cloud Service Service Parts B87889, and
B91917 Oracle Data and Device Retention SaaS at Customer ATE Part
Additional Test Environment for SaaS at B92133 and Fusion ATE Part
Customer Cloud Service B84490 (each) Purchased with
Oracle SaaS at Customer Cloud
B91918 Oracle Data and Device Retention EPM Parts B91073 (once),
Enterprise Performance Management for B91074 (once), B88773 (once),
SaaS at Customer Cloud Service and B91076 (each) Purchased
with Oracle SaaS at Customer
Cloud Service
Additional Obligations and Assumptions. In addition to the obligations stated in Your order, You
acknowledge that Oracle’s ability to perform DDR depends upon Your fulfillment of the following
additional obligations and project assumptions:
Your Obligations:
Obtain Cloud Services in conjunction with or prior to the commencement of DDR under this
Service Description and maintain such Cloud Services for the duration of the Term.
Identify a designated contact to Oracle, with the appropriate level of authority, to accept the
Retained Hardware.
You shall not retain any central processing units (“CPU”) chips.
Properly store/dispose/destroy all replaced disk drive(s), flash cache and/or parts.
You must acquire and maintain DDR for all hardware installed in Your Oracle Cloud at
Customer environment.
Provide any notices, and obtain any consents, required for Oracle to perform DDR.
If DDR services are purchased under the same order as Your Fusion Cloud or SaaS at
Customer order, DDR shall commence on the Cloud Services Start Date identified in Your
If DDR services are purchased under a separate order, the DDR services shall commence as
identified in Your order.
DDR will be provided by local delivery resources (i.e., delivery resources local to Your location).
For the purposes of DDR, Retained Hardware shall refer to the following that may contain Your
sensitive, confidential or classified data:
i. disk drives, which is defined as a spinning media device that stores data accessed by
the server, storage array, or tape system;
You acknowledge that if Oracle’s cost of providing DDR is increased because of Your failure to meet
the obligations listed in this Service Description, failure to provide cooperation, or because of any
other circumstance outside of Oracle’s control, then You agree to pay Oracle for such increased costs.
DDR Fees. You shall pay Oracle the DDR fees for the entire Oracle Cloud Services Period as defined in
Your Oracle Fusion Cloud or SaaS at Customer order, regardless of when You purchase DDR. If you
did not acquire DDR at the time of Your Oracle Oracle SaaS at Customer Cloud Service order, then the
DDR fees shall be for the entire term had DDR had been ordered initially with Your Oracle Oracle SaaS
at Customer Cloud Service order. Once placed, Your order for DDR is non-cancelable and the sums
paid non-refundable.
End of Services. DDR is coterminous with the Oracle Cloud Services Period as defined in Your order
for Oracle Oracle SaaS at Customer Cloud Service order associated with Your DDR order.
Oracle Audit Compliance Reporting for SaaS at Customer Cloud Service and SaaS for Dedicated
Region Cloud@Customer - Each
Applicable Part #: B92531, B92352
Description of Services. Audit Compliance Reporting for SaaS at Customer Cloud Service and Saas
for Dedicated Region Cloud@Customer provides audit reporting of common Oracle controls for SaaS
at Customer and Saas for Dedicated Region Cloud@Customer platforms. The reporting delivered
from these services provides audit reporting for Your internal or regulatory compliance program. For
example, You may combine the SKU deliverables with Your own audit reporting of physical
subsections controlled by You.
Each Audit Compliance Reporting SKU is an add-on service for:
Oracle SaaS at Customer Cloud Service (Connected) Part B87889 or
Oracle SaaS for Dedicated Region Cloud@Customer Part B93516
Usage Limits:
SKU purchase entitles You to one set of Audit Reports for the designated period as described in Your
Additional Obligations and Assumptions. In addition to the obligations stated in Your order, you
acknowledge that Oracle’s ability to complete the audit reporting of the given SKU depends upon
Your fulfillment of the following additional obligations plus the listed project assumptions
Your Obligations
Obtain Cloud Services in conjunction with or prior to the commencement of Audit reporting
described herein and maintain such Cloud Service for the duration of the Term
Cloud Service for applicable Audit Reporting SKU may need to be active for 90 days prior to
the start of the end of the current audit period
Purchase the appropriate Audit Reporting SKU for the desired period. For example, an annual
report would require You purchase a quantity of three to cover a three year term
A “Connected” SaaS at Customer environment or a Standard Dedicated Cloud@Customer
No exceptions to standard contractual terms that would impact standard audit reporting
Any other Services not expressly identified herein are considered out of scope
You acknowledge that if Oracle’s cost of providing Audit Reporting as described herein is increased
because of your failure to meet the obligations listed in this Service Description, failure to provide
Oracle Financial Controls Compliance Reporting for SaaS at Customer and SaaS for Dedicated
Region Cloud@Customer--Each
Part Number B92351
SOC 1 Type 1 and Type 2 reporting on SaaS at Customer and Saas for Dedicated Region
Cloud@Customer common financial controls.
Oracle ISO Reporting for SaaS at Customer and SaaS for Dedicated Region Cloud@Customer
Part Number B92352
Compliance assessment summary report aligned to Oracle SaaS at Customer ISO 27001 Certification
The compliance summary report delivered with the purchase of this SKU is a report for the customer
environment aligned to the International standard ISO 27001 that covers the planning,
implementation, monitoring, and improvement of Oracle SaaS Information Security Management
System (ISMS). The report contains the independent auditor’s assessment of customer specific Annex
This assessment will be conducted by Oracle’s independent third party and the scope of the assessment
will include all the ISO 27001 security domains and controls that are designed, developed, implemented,
maintained, monitored and controlled by Oracle for a SaaS at Customer and Saas for Dedicated Region
Cloud@Customer environment. However, controls that are under the responsibility and boundaries of
the customer are out of the scope of the certification and hence the compliance report.
The content and schedule for the compliance assessment summary report aligned to Oracle SaaS at
Customer and Saas for Dedicated Region Cloud@Customer ISO 27001 Certificate will be determined by
Ownership, access and distribution list of this report will be customer’s responsibility. This report may
be distributed to whoever the customer deems appropriate.
Oracle PCI Compliance Reporting for SaaS at Customer and Saas for Dedicated Region
Cloud@Customer - Each
Applicable Part # B92737
Description of Services. Payment Card Industry (PCI) Compliance Reporting for SaaS at Customer
Cloud Service and Saas for Dedicated Region Cloud@Customer provides reporting of common Oracle
controls for a Connected Oracle SaaS at Customer Cloud Service or a Standard Dedicated
Cloud@Customer Region. The reporting delivered from this SKU provides PCI audit reporting as a part
of a customer’s internal or regulatory compliance program. The customer may incorporate the Oracle
PCI reporting from this SKU in conjunction with their own control testing as deliverables to the
customer’s auditors to obtain PCI Certification. SKU purchase entitles customer to Payment Card
Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard (DSS) Attestation of Compliance (AOC) for Onsite Assessments
by Service Provider, Oracle, for the designated period.
This PCI Compliance Reporting SKU is an add-on service for:
Oracle SaaS at Customer Cloud Service (Connected) Part B87889 Or
Oracle SaaS for Dedicated Region Cloud@Customer Part B93516
Additional Obligations and Assumptions. In addition to the obligations stated in Your order, you
acknowledge that Oracle’s ability to complete the PCI reporting of this SKU depends upon Your
fulfillment of the following additional obligations plus the listed project assumptions
A “Connected” SaaS at Customer setup or a Standard Dedicated Cloud@Customer Region
Accepted standard SaaS Hosting and Delivery Policies, SaaS Pillar Document
No exceptions to standard contractual terms that would impact standard audit reporting
Customer will maintain their PCI responsibilities to maintain certification
Customer must procure an environment identity solution that supports PCI-Compliant
multifactor authentication for users
AOC will encompass Applications / Software of Hosting Provider
Any other Services not expressly identified herein are considered out of scope
You acknowledge that if Oracle’s cost of providing PCI Compliance Reporting in this service description
is increased because of your failure to meet the obligations listed in this Service Description, failure to
provide cooperation, or because of any other circumstance outside of Oracle’s control, then you agree
to pay Oracle for such increased costs.
Service Timing. The PCI Compliance Reporting SKU will have a distinct maintenance and reporting
delivery calendar common to all customers who purchase the SKU.
Renewal. Renewal is required 90 days before the start of the next reporting period
PCI DSS AOC Control Objectives Covered
The annual Attestation of Compliance deliverable with this SKU to the customer will include
Description of the Payment Card Business
Listing of Locations
Payment Applications
Description of Environment
Third Party Service Providers
Summary of PCI DSS Requirements Tested
Oracle Additional Test Environment for SaaS at Customer Cloud Service and Saas for Dedicated
Region Cloud@Customer
Applicable Part # B92133
An Oracle Additional Test Environment provides for the hosting and maintenance of an additional
Test Environment, which is a reasonably similar replica of Your Production Service Environment for
non- production use such as development, training and testing activities but not for Production
operations or stress testing. Certain programs and optional services may not be able to run in the
Additional Test Environment. The maintenance or upgrade schedule for the Additional Test
Environment is the same as the schedule for Your Stage Service Environment.
Each Additional Test Environment must be contracted for a minimum of twelve (12) months and
associated to a new or existing Oracle Cloud Ordering Document. Additional Test Environments will
automatically terminate at the end of the Service Period.
Oracle Process Automation for Fusion Applications is a cloud-based process automation platform
that enables customers to automate Business Processes. Users of the Process Automation for Fusion
Applications Standard feature sets, which include the following capabilities:
You may begin using the Oracle Cloud Services after Oracle has activated your Cloud Services
Account. You may view Your usage of the Oracle Cloud Service in the Oracle Cloud Service console
daily. Oracle will measure Your usage every month for billing purposes
Usage Limits:
Customer Responsibilities:
Certain aspects of service management are Your responsibility. These include, but are not limited to
the following:
Process Automation for Fusion Applications is not intended to hold sensitive or regulated
information. You must not use the Cloud Service to store or process any health, payment card or
similarly sensitive information that imposes specific data security obligations for the processing of
such data.
You agree to provide reasonable assistance to Oracle in order to configure, operate, maintain, and
secure the operating systems and other associated software of Your Cloud Services including Your
applications. You agree to provide reasonable assistance to Oracle in order to maintain appropriate
security, protection, and backup of Your Content, which may include the use of encryption
technology to protect Your Content from unauthorized access and routine archiving of Your Content.
Oracle Cloud Services log-in credentials and private keys generated as part of the Oracle Cloud
Services are for Your internal use of the services only, and You may not sell, share, transfer or
Users of the Oracle Datafox Cloud Service are authorized to access the following module:
Usage Limits: The Oracle Datafox Cloud Service is subject to usage limits based upon:
Users of Oracle DataFox for Eloqua Cloud Service are authorized to access the following module and
Oracle DataFox for Eloqua Cloud Service
Usage Limits: Oracle DataFox for Eloqua Cloud Service is subject to the following usage limits:
a maximum number of Hosted 10,000 Records as set forth in Your order.
A maximum of 5 users to manage your account unless otherwise specified in your order.
A maximum of 5 new DataFox Request Conference Information submissions per month unless
otherwise specified in Your order or in the Oracle SaaS Public Cloud Services Pillar Document
Users of the Oracle Datafox Connector for Salesforce Cloud Service are authorized to access the
following module:
Usage Limits: The Oracle Datafox Connector for Salesforce Cloud Service is subject to usage limits
based upon:
A maximum number of authorized users (Hosted Named User) as defined in Your order.
Users of the Oracle Datafox API Enterprise Records Cloud Service are authorized to access the
following module:
Usage Limits: The Oracle Datafox API Enterprise Records Cloud Service is subject to usage limits
based upon:
Usage Limits: The Oracle Datafox Enterprise Records Cloud Service is subject to usage limits based
Usage Limits: The Oracle DataFox Supplier Intelligence Cloud Service – Hosted Named User is subject
to the following usage limits:
Oracle will provision one (1) production instance and one (1) test instance of this Oracle Cloud
Service to You.
a maximum number of Authorized Users (Hosted Named User) as set forth in Your order.
Usage Limits: The Oracle DataFox Supplier Intelligence Cloud Service – Hosted Employee is subject to
the following usage limits:
B93703 Each
Data Center Tour
Audit Units, equivalent to a dollar amount, are established based on an agreed upon scope.
Each – This will be a fixed cost for one data center tour.
This service is specifically available to customers, ISV’s customers, or Oracle partners who have
identified audit requirements that are not fully addressed in the scope of a SOC, ISO, PCI DSS, HIPAA
or similar audit report issued by a qualified third-party assessor.
Inspection of control evidence already certified under an existing third party standard (a
SOC, ISO, PCI DSS, HIPAA or similar)
Custom scope or additional controls not covered by an existing third party standard
Audit of Oracle’s strategic sub-contractors
Additional evidence or reporting
To use this service, You must submit a detailed audit request to Oracle at least one month in advance
of the intended audit date. The proposed audit plan must describe the desired scope, duration, and
start date of the audit.
Oracle will review Your request and, in its sole discretion, provide a statement of work with the
proposed scope, deliverables, and associated costs.
Upon mutual agreement of the statement of work, You will execute an Ordering Document for the
Enhanced Customer Audit service and fee associated with the agreed upon scope of work.
An Oracle confidentiality agreement must be in place prior to commencing the Enhanced Customer
Audit service. If a third party is to conduct or participate in the Enhanced Customer Audit service, the
third party must be mutually agreed to by You and Oracle. The third party must execute a written
confidentiality agreement acceptable to Oracle or otherwise be bound by a statutory or legal
confidentiality obligation.
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Upon completion of the audit, (i) You will provide Oracle with a copy of the audit report, which is
subject to the confidentiality terms of Your Services Agreement and (ii) You may use the Enhanced
Customer Audit reports only for the purposes of meeting Your regulatory audit requirements and/or
confirming compliance with your requirements.
This service is specifically available to customers, ISVs, or Oracle partners who have identified audit
requirements that are not fully addressed in a SOC, ISO, PCI DSS, HIPAA or similar audit report issued
by a qualified third party auditor.
To use this service, You must submit a Data Center Tour request to Oracle at least one month in
advance of the intended tour date. The request must describe the proposed scope, duration, and
desired tour date.
Oracle will review your request and provide a statement of work with a proposed location and
associated cost. Oracle will work with You to adjust scope to meet your requirements. An ISV may
submit an audit on behalf of their customers and the statement of work with associated costs will be
confirmed with the ISV.
In all cases an Oracle confidentiality agreement must be in place prior to commencing the Data Center
Tour service. If a third party is to conduct or participate in the Data Center Tour service, the third party
must be mutually agreed to by you and Oracle. The third party must execute a written confidentiality
agreement acceptable to Oracle or otherwise be bound by a statutory or legal confidentiality
Upon completion of the Data Center Tour, (i) You will provide Oracle with a copy of the data center
assessment report, which is subject to the confidentiality terms of Your Services Agreement and (ii)
You may use the Data Center Tour reports only for the purposes of meeting Your regulatory audit
requirements and/or confirming compliance with the requirements of Your Services Agreement,