Tender Document FM S
Tender Document FM S
Tender Document FM S
A-Block, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi –110003
Dated: 24/01/2022
Open Tender Notice No. NIC/TPS/2021/01
NIC invites online bids (Technical & Financial) from eligible bidders which are valid for a minimum period of 180 days
from the date of opening (i.e. 09/03/2022) on behalf of the President of India for “SELECTION OF FACILTY
Estimated Tender Value per Year and period of 100 X 3=300 Crore
contract is three years
Venue of Pre-Bid Conference NIC HQ, A-Block, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road,
New Delhi -110003
Last Date and Time for Uploading of Bids 08/03/2022(1530 Hrs)
Prospective bidders desirous of participating in this tender may submit their written queries
to the undersigned before clarification end date and time mentioned above. Based on queries
received, if required, NIC may amend the tender/issue corrigendum.
Interested parties may view and download the tender document containing the detailed
terms & conditions, free of cost from the website https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app
Tender No: NIC/TPS/2021/001
The bidders are required to submit soft copies of their bids electronically on the CPP Portal, using
valid Digital Signature Certificates. The instructions given below are meant to assist the bidders in
registering on the CPP Portal, prepare their bids in accordance with the requirements and submitting
their bids online on the CPP Portal.
More information useful for submitting online bids on the CPP Portal may be obtained at:
1) Bidders are required to enrol on the e-Procurement module of the Central Public Procurement Portal
(URL: https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app) by clicking on the link “Online bidder Enrolment” on the
CPP Portal which is free of charge.
2) As part of the enrolment process, the bidders will be required to choose a unique username and
assign a password for their accounts.
3) Bidders are advised to register their valid email address and mobile numbers as part of the
registration process. These would be used for any communication from the CPP Portal.
4) Upon enrolment, the bidders will be required to register their valid Digital Signature Certificate (Class
II or Class III Certificates with signing key usage) issued by any Certifying Authority recognized by CCA
India (e.g. Sify/nCode/eMudhra etc.), with their profile.
5) Only one valid DSC should be registered by a bidder. Please note that the bidders are responsible to
ensure that they do not lend their DSC’s to others which may lead to misuse.
6) Bidder then logs in to the site through the secured log-in by entering their user ID / password and the
password of the DSC / e-Token.
1) Bidder should take into account any corrigendum published on the tender document before
submitting their bids.
2) Please go through the tender advertisement and the tender document carefully to understand the
documents required to be submitted as part of the bid. Please note the number of covers in which the
bid documents have to be submitted, the number of documents - including the names and content of
each of the document that need to be submitted. Any deviations from these may lead to rejection of
the bid.
3) Bidder, in advance, should get ready the bid documents to be submitted as indicated in the tender
document / schedule and generally, they can be in PDF / XLS / RAR / DWF/JPG formats. Bid
documents may be scanned with 100 dpi with black and white option which helps in reducing size of
the scanned document.
4) To avoid the time and effort required in uploading the same set of standard documents which are
required to be submitted as a part of every bid, a provision of uploading such standard documents
(e.g. PAN card copy, annual reports, auditor certificates etc.) has been provided to the bidders.
Bidders can use “My Space” or ‘’Other Important Documents’’ area available to them to upload such
documents. These documents may be directly submitted from the “My Space” area while submitting a
bid, and need not be uploaded again and again. This will lead to a reduction in the time required for
bid submission process.
Note: My Documents space is only a repository given to the Bidders to ease the uploading process. If
Bidder has uploaded hid Documents in My Documents space, this does not automatically ensure
these Documents being part of Technical Bid.
1) Bidder should log into the site well in advance for bid submission so that they can upload the bid in
time i.e. on or before the bid submission time. Bidder will be responsible for any delay due to other
2) The bidder has to digitally sign and upload the required bid documents one by one as indicated in the
tender document.
3) Bidders are requested to note that they should necessarily submit their financial bids in the format
provided and no other format is acceptable. If the price bid has been given as a standard BoQ format
with the tender document, then the same is to be downloaded and to be filled by all the bidders.
Bidders are required to download the BoQ file, open it and complete the white coloured
(unprotected) cells with their respective financial quotes and other details (such as name of the
bidder). No other cells should be changed. Once the details have been completed, the bidder should
save it and submit it online, without changing the filename. If the BoQ file is found to be modified by
the bidder, the bid will be rejected.
4) The server time (which is displayed on the bidders’ dashboard) will be considered as the standard
time for referencing the deadlines for submission of the bids by the bidders, opening of bids etc. The
bidders should follow this time during bid submission.
7) All the documents being submitted by the bidders would be encrypted using PKI encryption
techniques to ensure the secrecy of the data. The data entered cannot be viewed by unauthorized
persons until the time of bid opening. The confidentiality of the bids is maintained using the secured
Socket Layer 128 bit encryption technology. Data storage encryption of sensitive fields is done.Any bid
document that is uploaded to the server is subjected to symmetric encryption using a system
generated symmetric key. Further this key is subjected to asymmetric encryption using buyers/bid
opener’s public keys. Overall, the uploaded tender documents become readable only after the tender
opening by the authorized bid openers.
8) The uploaded tender documents become readable only after the tender opening by the authorized
bid openers.
9) Upon the successful and timely submission of bids (i.e. after Clicking “Freeze Bid Submission” in the
portal), the portal will give a successful bid submission message & a bid summary will be displayed
with the bid no. and the date & time of submission of the bid with all other relevant details.
10) The bid summary has to be printed and kept as an acknowledgement of the submission of the bid.
This acknowledgement may be used as an entry pass for any bid opening meetings.
1) Any queries relating to the tender document and the terms and conditions contained therein should
be addressed to the Tender Inviting Authority for a tender or the relevant contact person indicated in
the tender.
2) Any queries relating to the process of online bid submission or queries relating to CPP Portal in
general may be directed to the 24x7 CPP Portal Helpdesk.
The world has converged by replacing the physical boundaries with virtual seamless connection between the
societies across the world. This has happened with path breaking Information Technology revolution, which has
changed the way the people think and work. The physical face-to-face interaction has been replaced with
virtual any time communication through interactive information technology. The technology growth and
advancement has been extensively used by organizations across the countries to bring work, information and e-
governance to the doorsteps of its citizens.
Innovative ICT Technologies provide the best solution to reach the common man. The cyber revolution in India
is as critical for people in rural areas and smaller towns as it is for those in big metros. The availability and
access to information on Passport, Immigration, Agriculture, Treasury, Courts, Department of Post applications,
Farming technologies, Weather, Census and other Government initiatives and programmes like Telemedicine,
Education, Training has become critical to bring up the less privileged part of society in IT knowledge domain.
National Informatics Centre (NIC) was established in 1976, and has since emerged as a "prime builder" of e-
Government / e-Governance applications up to the grassroots level as well as a promoter of digital opportunities
for sustainable development. NIC, through its ICT Network, "NICNET", has institutional linkages with all the
Ministries /Departments of the Central Government, 36State Governments/ Union Territories, and about 718
District administrations of India. NIC has been instrumental in steering e-Government/e-Governance
applications in government ministries/departments at the Centre, States, Districts and Blocks, facilitating
improvement in government services, wider transparency, promoting decentralized planning and management,
resulting in better efficiency and accountability to the people of India.
To bring the idea of providing quality of service into reality it is envisioned to have end-to-end, seamless,
secure, managed services, implemented on state-of-the-art technology platforms. This requires a National level
Access Network to meet both, narrow band as well as broadband requirements of users to enable G-to-G and G-
to-C application. The chosen access methodology shall provide end-to-end solutions delivering technological
excellence backed up by high customer service.
The approach shall enable scaling capabilities, supporting large bandwidths as may be demanded by new
services in the future. The aggregation, concentration, protocol conversion and switching function for intra-state
as well as inter-state traffic will be managed by high end technological resources to be put in place in all the 36
States/UT’s and 718Districts of the country.
NIC is acting as an integrator and implementing various projects which are under funding directly from various
Government and International bodies. Typical scenarios include National Knowledge NetworkState Data
Centres (SDCs), projects under Government’s Mission Mode Projects (MMP) for e-Governance or other
initiatives desired from time to time.
now grown to round the clock services (24 x 7 x 365); furthermore, such needs are obstructed by shortage of
support manpower of NIC. The facility management service is required through facility management operators
for NICNET and Networks implemented and managed by NIC like NKN, etc.
NIC invites Online bids (Technical & Financial) from eligible bidders who are Facility Management
Operator(s) for the purpose of day to day operations, network management, vendor management and
management of network and peripherals of NICNET and Network Implemented and Managed by NIC. Facility
Management Operator(s) would also be required to assist in managing all the network facility created at NIC
HQ, NIC Shastri Park at Delhi, NIC Data Centre site at Shastri Park (Delhi), Hyderabad, Pune and
BhubaneswarNIC-Data Centre, State HQs (SHQ), District HQs (DHQ)and Bhawans in their respective States.
In order to provide efficient and timely ICT services to various State and Central Government departments and
offices across the nation, NIC wishes to outsource operations of NICNET ICT infrastructure through successful
bidders (through this RFP). These successful bidders (also referred to as NICNET Facility Management
Operator {NFO} in this document) will be providing quality and timely services on 24 x 7 x 365 basis. The
NFO(s) will be providing technically skilled and competent personnel at the identified locations i.e. PoPs for
facility Management of NICNET. NIC endeavors to provide quality service, as per the agreed service levels (as
perSection3.6.2) through the NFO(s) for NICNET to all the government departments and offices across the
nation. Thus NFO(s) will be able to satisfy the needs of NIC.
National HQ (NHQ)
(CGO Complex and Shastri Park)
State HQ (SHQ) 37
NIC at its discretion can increase or decrease the number of PoPs, Manpower and last mile links after the
signing of the agreement and adjust the Bi-monthly revenue proportionately.
Phase 2:Operations and Management (O&M) Phase – as per Contract Period (including Initiation Phase)
NFO(s) shall start deployment of manpower as per the work order placed by NIC and complete the deployment
process at all the PoPs as per the terms and condition of the bid. This duration will be handholding duration,
where NIC will provide details of NICNET, administrative & management functionality of NIC & NICNET
and other relevant details related to NICNET. Additionally, these NFO(s) will also initiate the operations &
management support for NICNET including links and hardware. Furthermore, NFO(s) will also start
commissioning & integration of lease lines which are already applied by NIC (with Service/Bandwidth
Providers). In coordination and liaison with Bandwidth/Service Provider these links would be commissioned by
NFO(s), within time frame of two months only, else respective NFO(s) will face liquidity damages.
The liquidity damages shall be levied after the completion period of Handholding duration and for the
cases where NFO has not carried out any follow up with Bandwidth/Service Provider
Each NFO would provide end-to-end support of NICNETand its peripherals including links/ NKN PoPs. The
support will be as per the scope of work in Section 3.4 and roles and responsibilities of NFO as detailed in
Section3.5.2. The service levels objective, indicators and relevant penalties for various services under this RFP
are defined in Section 3.6 and Section 2of Annexure Service Level Agreement.
software will have to be done by the bidder. The accounting of trouble tickets will be done from the ticketing
NIC is also using an Open-source IP address management system (IPAM) for the maintenance of IP addresses
for NICNET. All IP addresses in the network are recorded in IPAM with other necessary details. The bidder has
to ensure that the same is done at all facilities. Any changes in the details related to IPs have to be updated in
the IPAM in specified time frame. The bidder has to also maintain the ticketing software, IPAM software and
other such Open-source solutions used to facilitate facility management in terms of security & functional
patches, upgrades, custom change requests, custom reports etc.
NIC has commissioned most of the lease lines from BandwidthService Provider for NICNET across the
nation. New NICNET links as and when required to be commissioned need to be integrated by the NFO.
The list of the links required to be commissioned by respective NFO will be given from time to time after
completion of the NFO(s) selection.
NFO(s) would be required to Manage the existing NMS and Service Desk/Help Desk for NICNET. The
NMS and Service Desk/Help Desk would be seamlessly integrated with each other for smoother operations
and maintenance of NICNET. Suitable hardware, software and tools will be provided by NIC for the same.
Currently NIC uses a blend of open source and commercial tools. Open source tools like the
Nagios/MRTG/NESSUS/SNORT/WIRESHARK etc. are being used extensively in the network.
The Horizontal connectivity is extended from NHQ, SHQ and DHQ through leased line and Broad Band
VPN links. The NFO(s) will deploy separate group of additional manpower (Network Operator cum Field
Engineers) to attend, monitor and maintain all last mile connectivity at NHQ, SHQ and DHQs etc., as and
when required, to meet the SLA and Scope of work. The manpower deployed at NHQ, SHQs and DHQs
shall be utilised for only respective PoP activity assigned to them and not for last mile connectivity
management. The separate group of manpower deployed by NFO(s) for last mile monitoring and
maintenance will work in consultation with respective NIC PoP in-charge/Nodal Person. NFO(s) shall also
help NIC local office for roll out of e-Governance projects.
NFO(s) shall be paid annual maintenance charge per link basis for Horizontal Connectivity (leased line &
Broad Band VPN) at user’s location. Rates are required to be quoted as per Form 6 of the detailed financial
All user locations where manpower is deployed by the NFO(s) for FMS shall be treated as PoP. The SLA
and Scope of work for all such user locations shall remain same as it is for the PoPs as per the bid.
• Last Mile users of NIC - NFO(s) shall maintain all the last mile connectivity, network components
at user end. NFO(s) will install network items at user end.
• Last Mile user of Projects- NFO(s) shall maintain all such last mile connectivity of last mile users
of various projects. NFO(s) will install or coordinate with suppliers of network items for installation
at user’s end and maintain it.
All user locations where manpower is deployed by the NFO(s) for FMS shall be treated as PoP. The
SLA and Scope of work for all such user location shall remain same as it is for the PoPs as per the
• Other Last mile users – NIC has only provided port connectivity and leased line/network items
installed by the respective user department. NFO(s) shall monitor and maintain all such last mile
NIC is executing large number of e-Governance projects like health, agriculture, transport etc. where
Broadband VPN is the last mile connectivity. The NFO(s) will install, configure, test, monitor and
maintain the last mile broadband VPN connectivity for various projects in coordination with the
service provider.
i. Help Desk accessible via Toll Free Number, email & B2B web portal for logging faults,
status of restoration etc – Single point of contact for roll out & maintenance.
ii. Proactive monitoring and fault identification of any link related problems
iii. Online Incident Management tools for SLA measurement & management based on SLA
signed between Bandwidth Service Provider & NIC
iv. SLA –
• DC to initiate resolution 30 Min from detection of fault.
• Update on resolution 2 hrs from Detection
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Tender Document for the Selection of Facility Management Service Operator for NICNET and Networks Implemented and Managed by NIC
v. Dashboard on branch uptime and accessible to NIC coordinator(s) for status on availability
of branches near to real time
vi. Bandwidth Service Provider’s fault Categorization
vii. Local docket booking with concerned Bandwidth Service Provider SSA by NFO
viii. Escalation to Bandwidth Service Provider’s SSA & circle heads
ix. NFO engineer visit to
• local exchange to resolve modem, mux, system & power issues
• Branch along with Bandwidth Service Provider Lineman/DE to resolve last mile issues,
modem configurations.
• Resolve last mile issues like disconnections due to non payment, local bill generation,
faulty modem / power supply, replacement of modem / power supply etc.
• May interact with Bandwidth Service Provider NOC for resolving the connectivity /
configuration issues.
x. keep the configuration information of each location.
The Diesel Generator Sets for the PoPs shall be procured by NIC. The maintenance of Diesel Generator Sets
at the PoPs shall be maintained as per the AMC . The Diesel Generator Sets at PoPs will be of various
capacities like 5, 7.5, 25, 30 KVA etc.
The UPS for the PoPs shall be procured by NIC. The maintenance of UPS at the PoPs shall be maintained as
per the AMC with vendor. The UPS at PoPs will be of various capacities like 7.5, 15 and 30 , 250, 500
KVA etc.
• NFO(s) shall operate all Diesel Generator sets for all PoPs for entire contract period.
• NFO(s) shall raise the bi- monthly bill for operation of the Diesel Generator set.
• NFO(s) shall do all kind of vendor management and follow up required to keep the Diesel
Generator set/UPS operational and running during entire contract period.
The penalty of DG Set power outage at the PoP will be linked with SLA. If the PoP is down due to power
outage and DG Set/UPS is not operational due to negligence of NFO(s), then NFO(s) will be responsible for
the PoP down time and penalty will be imposed as per the SLA.
i. Project Management of NICNET/NKN operations and management activities as per the roles and
ii. Operations and Management (O&M) for all networking items at all the PoPs including Voice & Video
communication, network security infrastructure and services.
iv. End to end network responsibility as per agreed service levels in Section3.6.2.
v. Maintaining & monitoring all Broadband VPN connection in coordination with Service Providers.
vii. Carry out round the clock O&M of network security infrastructure and ensuring secured NICNET set up
from any external threats.
viii. Delivering quality of FMS services as per the SLA and Scope of work.
ix. To ensure 24 x 7 x 365 (i.e. NHQ, SHQof NKN and NICNET)support at least 2 Network Engineer should
be available in each shift to manage any issue. All the relevant resources should be available to cater the
SLA requirement and as per roster created by the respective NIC NA for shift duties.
xiii. Activities such as addition, deletion, and modification of network component in NICNET and networks
implemented and managed by NIC. This includes installation, configuration, implementation, integration of
all new or existing network, security related components (Hardware or Software) & documentation of such
xiv. Depending on the nature of the requirement, NFO(s) has to carry out the implementation, integration and
support (O&M) activities for the same under the guidance of NIC and as per NICNET Policy
xv. Third party vendor co-ordination for ensuring ICT infrastructure fault resolution and timely serviceability.
xvi. Carryout all activities with bandwidth service providers for Network connectivity.
xvii. Scope of support will be applicable for all lease lines, Broad Band VPN, ISDN PRI etc for any type of
media such as Copper, OFC, OFC system, etc.
xviii. LAN support, maintenance, monitoring, installation at PoPs. LAN components, LAN Cables, Connectors
etc. will be provided to NFO (s). NFO(s) is responsible and accountable for items handed over to NFO(s) by
xix. Inventory of all the hardware and software at the PoPs under FMS (including licenses, spares, faulty items
etc.) shall be prepared for each PoP and the concerned NFO on duty shall be responsible for security and
upkeep of all the items appearing in inventory list at each location.
xx. Managing the OEM Hardware and/or Software CDs and Manuals.
xxi. Up-gradation and patch management of all required Network infrastructure items under FMS.
xxiii. Coordination for spares management and inventory management of hardware, software and manuals etc.
xxiv. Packaging, transportation and freight of the spares/components across the country as and when required
during entire tenure. A penalty of 2% of the total PoP annual work order value shall be imposed in case
NFO(s) does not undertake packaging, transportation and freight of the spares/components across the
country as and when required during entire tenure. The faulty spares/components will be returned back to
NHQ/SHQ by the NFO(s) or at any location desired by NIC. All these spares are meant for network
equipment under FMS Contract. NIC shall provide 10% spares of network equipment to NFO (s) for FMS.
Expenditure towards Spare movement / management shall be raised along with the FMS bill Bi-monthly
cycle. All such spare movement and its bill shall be verified and approved by NIC / designated personnel. It
would also be responsibility of NFO to maintain such transactions in log book duly counter signed by NIC /
designated personnel.
xxv. Operating and managing the diesel generator sets and UPS for routine operations for Contract period.
xxvi. Billing management with bandwidth service provider etc. to avoid any sort of disruption of NICNET
xxvii. Managing the Network Operations Centre, NMS, SERVICE DESK/HELP DESK and related tools for
round the clock monitoring and troubleshooting of NICNET/NKN infrastructure.
xxviii. Workshops and training on PoP network infrastructure as per the requirement on regular interval. The
workshops will also be planned for NIC officials, in order to get the day-to-day operation, issues, related
risks, etc.
xxix. SLA and Performance reports for smoother day to day operations.
xxx. Creation and preparation of manuals, procedures, documents and MIS reports.
a. NIC
b. NFO
c. Bandwidth Service Provider
d. State Governments / Project owners.
The responsibility of administration, management and policy framing for NICNET and networks implemented
and managed by NIC like NKN will be the sole responsibility of NIC.
• Providing information about existing NICNET/NKN to NFO. This would include:
o Existing NICNET/NKN architecture
o Administrative functioning of NIC as an organization
o Detailed network and security architecture
o Various applications running over NICNET/NKN
• Provide the details to NFO(s) about the links to be commissioned.
• List out the nodal officers at various PoPs.
• Help in coordinating with the various agencies (bandwidth provider, respective different state
departments and project owners etc.), if required.
• Provide support to NFO(s) for smoother functioning.
• Provide space and available infrastructure facilities to the NFO(s) personnel.
• Reviewing the NFO performance, as per agreed service level.
• Reviewing the NICNET/NKN infrastructure availability and performance reports.
• Reviewing the routine issues and resolve the internal issues, if any.
• Escalation of issues related to NFO’s services of FMS.
• Calculate the relevant penalties if applicable.
• Interface and coordinate with various agencies (bandwidth provider, NKN, NIC and different state
departments, etc.).
• Provide technical and other relevant information to NFO(s) as and when required for any new
implementation and deployment.
• Provide Network IP addressing schema, network and security policy to the NFO(s) to run smooth
operations of NICNET/NKN.
• Provide roadmap, details and any migration plans to new technology and/or up gradation.
• Provide new network, security related equipment to be installed at PoPs.
• Provide LAN components, LAN cables, and connectors etc. to be installed at PoPs.
• Provide space and available infrastructure facilities to the NFO(s) personnel.
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Tender Document for the Selection of Facility Management Service Operator for NICNET and Networks Implemented and Managed by NIC
• Conduct routine review meetings with NFO(s) and bandwidth provider for orderly availability of
NICNET/NKN services.
• Ensure timely payment to NFO(s)
• For operational charges on running the diesel generator set(s), the NFO(s) shall raise bill on bi-monthly
basis. A log book has to be maintained at each PoP, for power failure duration and generator set usage.
NIC designated officer shall countersign the usage and approve the bills. NFO shall be paid by NIC as
per actual raised bill.
• NIC shall be responsible for timely site readiness. NIC agrees that NFO shall not be in any manner
liable for any delay arising out of NIC failure to make the site ready within the stipulated period.
Network Facility Management Operator(s) (NFO) would be the key agency for facility management services,
operating and maintenance of the NICNET and Networks implemented and managed by NIC. NFO(s) will be
doing the FMS and O&M for the contract period.
• Understanding details of NICNET and Networks implemented and managed by NIC and gathering
current information regarding network from NIC.
• Deployment of technical manpower as per work order at all the PoPs during Initiation Phase.
• Commissioning of all the required links for PoPs and documentation of the integrated and commissioned
• Prepare Inventory list of all Hardware, Software, Spares and Technical Manuals etc. available in the PoP
and ensure the security and upkeep of these items in consultation with NIC PoP in-charge/designated
nodal officer.
• Ensuring complete Network infrastructure availability as per SLA and Scope of work.
• Monitoring the network using Network Management System (NMS).
• Resolving all the incidents, problems and user queries of NICNET and other networks as per SLA and
Scope of work.
• Analyzing the frequent incidents and conduct detailed analysis of the same.
• Feasibility study for any new connectivity of NICNET as and when desired by NIC.
• Network Management – managing and monitoring the entire Network PoPs and perform link
management and link failures.
• Managing and monitoring the entire Broadband VPN Network nodes assigned to NFO(s) and perform
link management and link failures.
• Managing and monitoring the entire Last Mile/Horizontal Connectivity assigned to NFO(s) and perform
link management and link failures.
• Carry out preventive maintenance scheduled by NIC in an uninterrupted way.
• Perform Service Desk/Help Desk management.
• Perform incident and fault management for all kind of terrestrial links (leased line, broadband);
o Physical testing of all links
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Tender Document for the Selection of Facility Management Service Operator for NICNET and Networks Implemented and Managed by NIC
• NFO shall manage the existing Service desk /Help Desk , Open Source Ticketing System , Open source
IP Address management System etc.
Bandwidth Operator(s) would be the key agency for provisioning and availability of
link/connectivity/bandwidth for the Network. There can be multiple bandwidth providers for providing the
connectivity. NFO (s) will coordinate with respective bandwidth operators.
NIC will share the SLAs signed (if any) with bandwidth service providers to NFO(s) for ensuring compliance.
During mission critical events like elections, Examination-results etc. and exigency at PoPs, SHQ, DHQ, and
Bhawans service window should be extended beyond the aforesaid specified time and day. NFO (s) has to meet
such requirements with adequate skilled manpower as per the terms and conditions of the bid without any
additional cost.
Service window indicates, network service availability and it does not mean that, all the manpower deployed for
a PoP are continuously available in the duration of service window.
Network availability requirement for all network components incl. of NOC, network services, security
infrastructure& bandwidth links is as below:
NFO(s) needs to have capable skilled manpower in sufficient numbers, capable of supporting the functioning of
the project in a manner desired by NIC and adhere to the SLA and Scope of work. If required, NFO(s) needs to
deploy additional capable skilled manpower as per the bid to meet the SLA and Scope of work in consultation
with NIC. In case there is any change in the technology requirements in the network, and as a result of that the
equipment/configuration/topology/resources/etc are to be changed, the NFO(s) will have to provide support for
the required changes.
It is advisable for the NFO(s) to rotate the manpower within the NHQ, Bhawans and SHQ between one division
to another division once the deployed manpower has completed two year period in particular division.
To Maintain physical presence of FMS staff at all levels at per allotted shift, following steps to be taken by
NFO(s) mandatorily:-
1. Bio-metric device with SIM need to be installed by the NFO(s) at all locations wherever more than five (05)
nos. of FMS manpower deployed. It is compulsory for every FMS manpower to mark entry and exit as per shift
timing allotted to him at the locations of deployment. Bio-metric attendance data need to be populated through
internet in the server/attendance system of NFO(s). Access to this data must be provided to designated officers
of NIC.
2. For the premises, where five(05) or less no. of manpower deployed, alternate arrangement must be done by
NFO(s). For such FMS staffs need to mark attendance either through portal or application deployed by NFO(s).
Access to this data must be provided to designated officers of NIC
• The NFO(s) should provide the documentary proof for the qualifications and experience for the manpower
being provided by them. The NFO should also certify that the bio-data, qualifications and experience of the
manpower is as per the terms and conditions of the bid.
• NIC may cross check/verify the original documentary proof provided by the NFO any time during the contract
period. If the manpower is found to be inadequately qualified as per the terms & conditions of tender, the
NFO will be liable to pay a penalty of twice the amount of the fee being paid to the NFO for the
manpower on a pro-rata basis. For example, if manpower costs INR 10,000 per month to NIC, and he is
deployed for 5 months and he is found to be inadequately qualified as per the terms & conditions of
tender, then the NFO will be liable to pay NIC a penalty to the tune of INR 1,00,000 (INR 10,000 x 5
months x 2). At the discretion of NIC (based on the severity of the false presentation), suitable penal action
might be taken against NFO(s), including termination of contract.
• The NFO(s) has to place all the required Manpower (as per Contract) at respective PoPs / locations within
Initiation Phase. NIC would make full payment for PoPs / locations which are fully manned by NFO as per
contract. However, if NFO(s) fails to provide all the requisite manpower as per the contract after the
Initiation phase, then NIC will not pay for the unfilled posts based on the resource types. Additionally
NIC will charge 3 % value of unfilled posts per month as penalty. For example, NIC places an order to
NFO to deploy 10 manpower for a PoP and NFO deploys only 8 manpower. In this case, NIC will only pay the
fees for 8 manpower (based on the filled resource types) and no payment will be made for rest 2 . A penalty of 3
% value of fees per month of 2 unmanned manpower (based on the resource types) shall be applicable for that
• The NFO(s) shall pay 5% (Five percent only) annual increment on the Initial gross Salary (salary at the
time of joining) which shall not include NFO overhead charges to all the resource type(s) only after every
completed year of service throughout the contract period. The 5% annual increment after 1st year shall
be only on initial Gross Salary (salary at the time of joining excluding any NFO overhead charges) as
mentioned in the tender. The 5% annual increment shall not be considered for the resource type(s)
without completing full one year of service in this contract. If the date of joining of the employee is not on
1st day of the month, then for increment purpose the date of joining will be considered as 1 st day of next
month. (For example if a resource has joined on 16th Nov 2021, his/her date of next increment will be from
1st Dec 2022). Any fresh resource(s) deployed against deployed resource(s) at any point of time in contract
shall get the minimum Gross Salary as defined in the tender document i.e. no increments will be given to
fresh resource unless and until he completes 1 year of contract period. However in case the resource who
is working as part of the contract and is redeployed from one location to other and continue as part of the
contract for more than 1 year shall be eligible for increment. The NFO (s) for the reimbursement of
annual increment shall also provide the details of the incumbent resource types considered for annual
increment to NIC.
• If a manpower allotted to a certain place is temporarily absent or permanently leaves the job, the NFO will
ensure that a replacement is found, within 48 hours in case of temporary absence, and within 5 days in case of
permanent termination. NIC will also not pay to the NFO the manpower fees for the period of
temporarily/permanently absence. During this time, any mishap/downtime/fault will be the responsibility of the
NFO(s) and any penalty arising of the same will be payable by the NFO(s). In case the NFO is unable to
replace the manpower within the stipulated period of time, it will be liable to pay a penalty to the tune of
twice the amount of the fee being paid to the NFO for the manpower on a pro-rata basis. For example, if
manpower costs INR 50,000 per month to NIC, and he is absent without replacement for 7 days, then the NFO
will be liable to pay NIC a penalty to the tune of INR 12,500 (INR 50,000 x 0.25 month).This penalty will be
over and above the service penalties for which the NFO will be liable as well.
• The overall penalty shall not exceed the total work order value.
• The PoP cost shall remain fixed during entire contract period with respect to manpower deployed at respective
PoP. The minimum Resource Type to be deployed at respective PoP is mentioned under this section. Any other
responsibility to be met by the NFO in order to meet the SLA and Scope of work will have to be completed by
the NFO by deploying adequate additional resources at the respective PoP, the cost associated with increased
manpower resources will have to be borne by the NFO.
NIC will issue work order (WO) to the NFO(s) PoP wise (NHQ, SHQ, DHQ, Bhawan etc.) only as per
resources mentioned in this section. The WO for individual Resource Type (like Network Administrator,
Security Administrator, System Administrator, Voice and Video Administrator etc.) shall not be issued by NIC.
NFO(s) shall provide additional manpower type if required to meet the SLA and Scope of work of the
respective PoP without additional cost to NIC. Work order for the manpower should be released by NIC before
commencement of the work. Penalties as per terms & conditions mentioned in the tender will only be applicable
from the date of issuance of the work order & for the post facto period of work orders, penalties will not be
• NFO(s) shall deploy separate group of adequate additional manpower (Network cum Field Engineers) to meet
the SLA and Scope of work as per terms and condition of the bid, to attend, maintain, monitor and install the
last mile user nodes and connectivity over leased line and broadband VPN to meet SLA and Scope of work. The
manpower deployed for PoPs shall not be utilised for maintaining last mile connectivity. NFO(s) shall provide
the complete details of manpower to NIC PoP In-charge.
NFO shall submit a plan along with the bid proposal for carrying out the activities as desired in this
• All manpower shall report to the NIC PoP In charge/Designated Nodal Officer. The leave plan of the
manpower, replacement of manpower must be approved by the NIC PoP In charge in advance as per the bid. It
is to be adhered strictly by the NFO(s). All manpower will be entitled to take one day of weekly leave and
holidays as per respective location Public Holidays keeping the SLA and service window intact. However if
required in special cases manpower may be called at office during the public holidays.NFO(s) shall do proper
planning and reserve manpower for backup support, may be 10% of total strength & deployed region wise, for
timely placement of backup resources at PoPs. Backup resource must be a person of same capacity to whom
NFO(s) is replacing with and must be a permanent manpower of NFO(s).
• NFO(s) shall arrange and bear the expenditure towards local conveyance, telephone, mobile communication etc.
for the Manpower assigned the job for attending the complaint of PoP/last mile to meet the SLA and Scope of
work as per the terms and conditions of the bid.
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• NFO(s) shall practice routine Training and Review activities for all the deployed manpower with no cost to
NIC. There should be provision for motivation and up-gradation of deployed resource.
• NFO shall deploy minimum two Office Assistants each at NIC HQ and NIC Shastri Park and One Office
Assistants at Every SHQ to carry out day to day work like record keeping, maintaining inventory, equipment in-
out and other activities to support resource types at NHQ and SHQ. All these resources shall be provided by
NFO with no additional cost to user.NFO shall also deploy one HR executive at NHQ to track resource
movement, attendance and training. The above mentioned administrative resources may or may not be regular
employees of NFO.
a) NHQ PoP:
at NHQ) Science) with 4+ years of Protocol (OSPF and BGP) , LAN Switching (STP,
experience or M.E /M.Tech VTP) ,WAN (Modem, Leased Line, L2 Circuit, and
with 2+ years of experience Ethernet Circuits), Network Security, L2 & L3
and should have relevant VPN, MPLS , Wi Fi and RF devices and
certifications in the area of components
networking. • Good IP Network design skill set.
• Knowledge of DDOS detection and mitigation
• Good communication and Interpersonal skills
(English and Hindi)
• Strong analytical and numerical skills.
• Knowledge of OS (Windows and Linux).
• Call Management through Service Desk and vendor
• Monitoring and Report generation through Network
Management System and other Monitoring Tools.
• Lead and Coordinate with the rest of team to meet
the team objectives
10 Voice & Video B.E / B.Tech/M.CA/M.Sc • Good Knowledge of Audio, Video equipment such
Administrator minimum (IT)/M.Sc (Computer as Bridge and End Point, IP Network (Routing
5 numbers at NHQ) Science) with 4+ years of Protocol, LAN Switching, ISDN) and components ,
experience or M.E /M.Tech video codecs (H.264, H.264+, H.265) and
with 2+ years of relevant resolutions (HDMI, VGA etc.) , audio codecs
experience and should have (G.711, G.722, G.729), Call Manager and VoiP
relevant certifications in the equipment.
area of networking. • Basic knowledge of Software based
• Perform a wide range of video administration duties
including installation, maintenance and general
• Evaluate, test and deploy all videoconferencing
endpoints, Operations of MCU and other related
• Assist in configuration and deployment of core and
peripheral videoconferencing devices, which will
require continuous learning of new devices
• Work closely with the fellow tech team members to
provide end-user support and issue resolution.
• Proactive monitoring of all devices, services using a
combination of tools to ensure high availability
• Manage and troubleshoot network components for
• Create documentation, rigorous testing and
documentation of issues, SOPs
• Coordinate with the rest of team to meet the team
• Good communication and Interpersonal skills
(English and Hindi)
• Strong analytical and numerical skills.
• Basic Knowledge of OS (Windows and Linux).
• Call Management through Service Desk and vendor
• Monitoring and Report generation through Network
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Tender Document for the Selection of Facility Management Service Operator for NICNET and Networks Implemented and Managed by NIC
Note: The tentative number of Resource Type in various category of post in NIC Head Quarter at New
Delhi is given below:
6 System Administrator 22
7 Senior Security Administrator 11
8 Security Administrator 36
9 Senior Voice & Video Administrator 7
10 Voice & Video Administrator 5
11 Senior Network Operator cum Field Engineer 34
(Network/Security/Voice & Video)
12 Network Operator cum Field Engineer Network/Security/Voice 91
& Video)
13 Service Desk/Help Desk Operator 10
b) SHQ PoP:
5 Senior Network/Security/Video and B.Sc./BCA or higher B.E / • Knowledge on IP Network Devices and components
Voice Operator cum Field Engineer B.Tech./M.CA/M.Sc(IT)/M.Sc (Router and Switches) ,IP Routing Protocol (OSPF and
(Computer Science) or Diploma BGP) , LAN Switching (STP, VTP) ,WAN (Modem,
(Minimum 72 at 3/2/1 SHQ) (3 Years) in Computers/ Leased Line, L2 Circuit, and Ethernet Circuits) and
Electronics/ IT with minimum 2 Field level troubleshooting, Network Monitoring
Note :- Years experience. System, Email, L2 & L3 VPN, MPLS , Wi Fi , RF
Telengana 02 additional Communication and Network Security.
( For NIU Hydrabad ) OR
• Knowledge of firewalls, UTMs, IPS sensors, Security
Devices, SIEM etc.
• Monitoring of firewalls, UTMs, IPS sensors, Security
Devices, SIEM etc.
• Report generation for various security devices
(firewalls, UTMs, IPS sensors, Security Devices, SIEM
• Knowledge of Audio, Video equipment such as Bridge
and End Point, IP Network (Routing Protocol, LAN
Switching, ISDN) and components , video codecs
(H.264, H.264+, H.265) and resolutions (HDMI, VGA
etc.) , audio codecs (G.711, G.722, G.729), Call
Manager and VoiP equipment.
• Good communication and Interpersonal skills (English
and Hindi)
• Strong analytical and numerical skills.
• Basic Knowledge of OS (Windows and Linux).
• Call Management through Service Desk and vendor
• Monitoring and Report generation through Network
Management System and other Monitoring Tools.
Perform other related duties as assigned.
6 Network/Security/Video and Voice B.Sc./BCA or higher B.E / • Basic Knowledge on IP Network Devices and
Operator cum Field Engineer B.Tech/M.CA/M.Sc (IT)/ M.Sc components (Router and Switches) ,IP Routing
(Computer Science) or Diploma Protocol (OSPF and BGP) , LAN Switching
(Minimum total 216 - 8/6/4 at SHQ) (3 Years) in Computers/ (STP, VTP) ,WAN (Modem, Leased Line, L2
Electronics/IT Circuit, and Ethernet Circuits) and Field level
troubleshooting, Network Monitoring System,
Email, L2 & L3 VPN, Wi Fi and RF
Communication and Network Security.
vendor escalation.
• Monitoring and Report generation through
Network Management System and other
Monitoring Tools.
Perform other related duties as assigned.
7 Service Desk/Help Desk Operator Graduate with excellent • Good communication and Interpersonal skills
(minimum 1 at each SHQ) communication skills and with of • Strong analytical and numerical skills.
Note :- similar experience • Basic Knowledge of OS (Windows and Linux).
Telengana 01 additional • Knowledge of MS word Ex and PPT.
( For NIU Hydrabad ) • Call Management through Service Desk and
vendor escalation.
Perform other related duties as assigned
Note: The tentative number of Resource Type in various category of post in SHQ is given below:
c) DHQ PoP:
Note: The tentative number of Resource Type in various category of post in DHQ is given below:
Note: The tentative number of Resource Type in various category of post in Bhawans at New Delhi is
given below:
However Bhawans with less than 1000 LAN nodes will be supported by Network Administrator’s of R &S category
Note: The tentative number of Resource Type in various category of post in Bhawan at State Level is given
Note: Due to expansion of activities/projects undertaken at any of the PoP, it may be decided by the approval of
competent authority to increase number of resources at any required level.
NFO shall have to arrange for the following components for smooth functioning of the overall process.
a. Manpower to carry out smooth installation, commissioning, support, management , maintenance monitoring
etc. to meet the SLA and Scope of work and other terms & condition of the FMS tender.
b. Toolkits with all required items like LAN tester, Multi Meter, Power Meter, Screw driver set, crimping tool,
punching tool, Traffic monitoring tools for LAN etc. for each PoP.
c. Test and Measurement meter for Lease, OFC system etc. as and when need arises for that PoP.
d. A/V/Ohm meter (digital) for each PoP.
e. Laptop with Internet – Minimum 20 at NHQ and Minimum 2 at SHQ.
f. It will be prudent of NFO to provide Laptop for all manpower who may have to work at user site /location
or during any critical event. Mobile Phones bills reimbursement for FMS support Staff where ever required.
In case NFO(s) fails to provide above indicated items in (b) to (f) in good working condition to the manpower in
the PoP, then a penalty of 3% of the annual work order value of the respective PoP shall be imposed by NIC
after Initiation Phase.
NIC will provide all the required equipment, with necessary hardware/ software support or AMC from
respective OEMs or vendors. NFO(s) shall co-ordinate with OEM/vendor in order to facilitate timely and
cordial support to NICNET.
a. Site readiness
b. Electrical power availability with proper earthing.
c. Furniture & Fixtures
d. Access control mechanism/physical security
e. Existing phone line at POP
f. Arranging necessary minimum constructed rooms/space permanent construction/prefabricated construction
for setting up State Head Quarter (SHQ), District Head Quarters (DHQs)and Bhawans for operation of the
g. Provide NMS and Service Desk/Help Desk software along with necessary Hardware.
h. Deputing a nodal officer for each POP.
a. Network policies
b. Security policies
c. IP addressing schema
d. Any migration plan
a) The bidder should give details like name, profile etc. as per Annexure – Covering Letter for Technical Bid
The bidder should be registered with the Service Tax department and carry valid PAN and TAN numbers.
Proof of the same must be submitted.
b) The bidder company should be registered under Indian Companies Act and should produce Articles of
Association (in case of registered firms), Bye laws and certificates for registration issued by the Registrar of
Companies. (Please upload only relevant portions).
c) The bidder should have an annual turnover of minimum 400 Crore (Four Hundred Crore) for each of the last
two financial years (2019-2020 and 2020-2021) and this shall include Rs. 100Crore exclusively from IT
Network Management Services . Audited Balance Sheets mentioning the Revenue from IT Network
Management Services or a certificate to this effect from Chartered Accountant must be submitted.
d) Bidder should have a positive net worth during financial year 2019-20and 2020-2021.A certificate to this
effect from Chartered Accountant must be submitted.
e) An undertaking that the bidder has not been blacklisted in any central / state Government, Public Sector
undertaking and Autonomous bodies in last 3 years w.e.f. date of bid submission. (Self-Certificate, as per
format provided in Tech Bid: Declaration that the bidder has not been blacklisted, has to be submitted)
f) The bidder should inform whether it complies with requirements of Registration under contract labour
(Regulation & Abolish) Act, wherever applicable. (Self-Declaration as per ANNEXURE - Tech Bid:
Declaration that the bidder complies with Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolish) Act needs to be
g) The bidder should have branch offices in all the 5 zones in India namely North India, South India, West
India, East India and North East India. A self-declaration along with the list of offices in these five zones
needs to be submitted.
h) Experience in Managed Services: The bidder should have completed at least 2 (two) projects of Network
Managed Services/Network Facility Management Services/ Network maintenance projects with minimum
cumulative value of INR 20 Crores for 2 projects only in the last 2 completed financial years.
For e.g.: If one project is of INR 15Crore, then the Second project can be of INR 05Crore for meeting the
eligibility requirement.
Copies of work order / purchase orders/ linked performance completion certificates for the last 2 financial
years may be submitted as supporting documents. Info on the projects may be furnished as per Annexure:
Tech Bid – Client Details of the Bidder.
i) The bidder should have minimum 3 years of existence during last 5 Years in the Area of Network
Management, Network Implementation and Facility Management. (Copies of work orders to be uploaded)
k) The bidder should have an experience in managing single IT project covering more than 10 States across the
country, in India. Bidders must have supported / supporting 100 locations of Single user. (Attach certified
actual list of locations)
l) NIC may request the bidders to make a presentation on their proposal, to an evaluation committee to be
constituted for the purpose, if required.
m) No additional documents will be asked from bidders at any stage and tenders will be evaluated on the basis
of documents already submitted by the bidder in the CPPP. However, NIC reserves the right to seek
clarifications on the already submitted documents.
Agencies are requested to upload documents for each of the above clauses.
Bidders are advised to study the Bid Document carefully. Submission of the Bid will be deemed to have been
done after careful study and examination of all instructions, eligibility norms, terms and requirement
specifications in the tender document with full understanding of its implications. Bids not complying with all
the given clauses in this tender document are liable to be rejected. Failure to furnish all information required in
the tender Document or submission of a bid not substantially responsive to the tender document in all respects
will be at the bidder’s risk and may result in the rejection of the bid.
b) The Technical Bid and ABRIDGED FINANCIAL BID – Annexure-AF shall be uploaded respectively as
packet 2 and 3 of the UPLOADING PROCEDURE given in the tender document.
NIC shall hold a pre bid meeting with the prospective bidders as per the schedule provided in Section –
Important Dates in the NIC conference hall. Queries received from the bidders regarding bidding conditions,
bidding process, item specifications, evaluation criteria, etc., in writing, or over email, up till two days prior to
the pre bid meeting, shall be addressed. The queries can be sent to NIC through email at
[email protected], contact No.011-24305433. Queries should be sent through email in an excel (.xls or
.xlsx) file.
Only those pre-bid queries which are received in the following format shall be entertained:
Note: Inputs/suggestions/queries submitted by bidders as part of the pre-bid meeting will be given due
consideration by the RFP committee, however NIC is not mandated to accept any submission made by the
bidder and nor will the bidder be given any written response to their submissions. If an input is considered valid
by the committee the same will be accepted and incorporated as part of the corrigendum
At any time prior to the last date for receipt of bids, NIC, may, for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in
response to a clarification requested by a prospective bidder, modify the tender documents by an amendment.
In order to give prospective bidders reasonable time to take the amendment into account in preparing their bids,
NIC may, at its discretion, extend the last date for the receipt of bids.
No bid may be modified subsequent to the last date for receipt of bids. No bid may be withdrawn in the interval
between the last date for receipt of bids and the expiry of the bid validity period specified by the bidder in the
bid. Withdrawal of a bid during this interval may result in forfeiture of Bidder's EMD.
The bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of their bids. NIC will, in no
case, be responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the outcome of the tendering process
5.6. EMD
Original copies of EMD and may be placed in an envelope that should be sealed and superscripted “EMD for
NIC tender for Selection of Facility Management Service Operator for NICNET and Networks Implemented
and Managed by NIC vide tender no. NIC/TPS/2021/01”. The envelope may be addressed to Dy. Director,
Tender Section, NIC and submitted at NIC, New Delhi office before the due date and time specified.
Scanned copy of the EMD may be uploaded as packet 1 of the UPLOADING PROCEDURE.
The Bidder shall furnish, as part of its bid, Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)/bid security of Rs. 600,00,000/- (i.e.
Rupees Six Crore only) in the form of Bank Guarantee/Demand Draft/Bankers' Cheque, from a scheduled
commercial bank, drawn in favour of NIC, payable at New Delhi
The EMD of unsuccessful bidders shall be returned without interest after finalization of the tender. EMD of the
successful bidders shall be returned without any interest, on receipt of Security Deposit in the form of Bank
Guarantee of equal amount of EMD valid for the period of empanelment plus Three months
• In case of the successful bidder fails to sign the contract within the stipulated time on
mutually agreed upon terms and conditions
b) NIC may, at its own discretion, extend the date for uploading of bids. In such a case all rights and
obligations of NIC and the bidders shall be applicable to the extended time frame.
c) NIC will not be responsible for any delay on the part of bidders in downloading the tender document or
uploading of the bid on NIC’s e-procurement portal or submission of bid documents (EMD, before the due
date and time of submission.
d) The offers submitted by telex/telegram/fax/email or any manner other than specified above will not be
considered. No correspondence will be entertained on this matter.
e) At any time prior to the last date for receipt of bids, NIC, may, for any reason, whether at its own initiative
or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective bidder, modify the Tender Document by an
amendment. The amendment will be notified on NIC’s website http://eproc.nic.inas well as on e-
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f) In order to give prospective bidders reasonable time to take the amendment into account in preparing their
bids, NIC may, at its discretion, extend the last date for the receipt of bids. No bid may be modified
subsequent to the last date for receipt of bids. No bid may be withdrawn in the interval between the last date
for receipt of bids and the expiry of the bid validity period specified by the bidder in the bid. Withdrawal of
a bid during this interval may result in forfeiture of bidder’s EMD.
g) Printed terms and conditions of the bidders, as uploaded, will not be considered as forming part of their bid.
b) NIC will download the technical bid from its e-proc portal of only those agencies whose EMD draft are
found to be in order and haven’t withdrawn their bids. One representative from each bidding agency can
remain present during the bids download process.
c) The bids will then be passed on to a duly constituted Technical Evaluation Committee (TEC).
a) The two stage selection procedure shall be adopted that will proceed as follows: The first stage proposal will
consist of technical bid and the second stage will be financial bid. The financial bids shall be opened only
for successful technically qualified bidders based on the evaluation of technical bid. A decision as to
whether or not a bidder will be qualified will be based on the bidder’s experience, financial standings,
technical & general capabilities as demonstrated by the bidder in response to the requirements of the RFP
document, as evaluated by Technical/Financial evaluation committee duly constituted by NIC.
b) When deemed necessary, NIC may seek clarifications on any aspect of the bid from the bidder. However,
that would not entitle the bidder to change or cause any change in the substance of the tender submitted or
price quoted. The request for clarification and the response shall be in writing. If the response to the
clarification is not received before the expiration of deadline prescribed in the request, NIC reserves the
right to make its own reasonable assumptions at the total risk and cost of the Bidder. This would also not
mean that their bid has been accepted.
c) Completeness of Bids:NIC will examine the bids to determine whether they are complete, whether they
meet all the conditions of the contract and technical specifications and whether any computational errors
have been made, whether required sureties have been furnished, whether the documents have been properly
signed, and whether the bids are generally in order.
d) Rectification of Errors: Arithmetical errors will be rectified on the following basis. If there is a
discrepancy between the unit price and the total price that is obtained by multiplying the unit price and
quantity, the unit price shall prevail and the total price shall be corrected. If there is a discrepancy between
words and figures, the amount in words shall prevail. If the supplier does not accept the correction of errors,
its bid will be rejected and its bid security may be forfeited.
NIC may waive any minor informality or non-conformity or irregularity in a bid, provided such waiver does
not prejudice or affect the relative ranking of any other bidder.
e) Rejection of Bid: If a bid is not responsive and not fulfilling all the conditions it will be rejected by NIC
and may not subsequently be made responsive by the bidder by correction of the non-conformity. In case
any of the bid documents is found corrupt or not in proper format as per tender document, the bid shall be
f) Any effort by a bidder to influence NIC's bid evaluation, bid comparison or contract award decisions may
result in the rejection of it’s bid and forfeiture of the bidder's EMD.
g) NIC reserves the right to accept any bid, and to cancel/abort the Tender process and reject all bids at any
time prior to award of Contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected agencies or agencies
and of any obligation to inform the affected agencies of the grounds for NIC’s action and without assigning
any reasons.
h) NIC also reserves the right to float a fresh tender any time during the currency of empanelment for this
tender without assigning any reason.
a) The technical bids will be evaluated by a duly constituted Technical Evaluation Committee (TEC). The first
process for the TEC is to examine the eligibility of the agencies as per the tender specifications. Bids, not
satisfying the eligibility criteria will be rejected. However, the TEC reserves the right to call for additional
information from the bidders to fully establish their eligibility.
b) Subsequently, the TEC would examine the technical details and may ask for additional information and may
call the eligible bidders for a presentation of the projects handled by them and quoted in their bids. The
time limit, in which the agencies’ have to submit the additional information or present their projects, will be
decided by the TEC and its decision will be final in this regard. The agencies shall also assist the TEC in
getting relevant information from the agencies’ references. Agencies failing to adhere to the specified time
limit will not be considered for further evaluation.
a) The financial bids of only those bidders who qualify in the technical bid evaluation process will be
considered for financial bid evaluation.
b) The Abridged Financial Bid – Annexure AF (Packet 3) containing Gross Total Value (GTV) shall be
opened first. The lowest quoting bidder (LQ-1) will be determined on the basis of the lowest quote of X1, as
quoted in Annexure-AF
• If LQ-1 bidder as decided on basis of GTV, failed to quote for any of the items in Forms F1 to F7 of
Annexure-DF (Detailed Financial Bid) then its bid will be rejected and EMD will be forfeited. The
next successive lowest quoting bidder will be declared as LQ-1, if found in order as per tender terms
and condition and so on.
c) NIC shall then open the containing Detailed Financial Bid (Annexure-DF, item wise values) only for the
LQ-1 bidder. This would enable NIC to get the Item wise cost as per Forms F1 to F7 of Annexure-DF and
verifying the Sum Total of items in Form F1 to F7 with Gross Total Value in Abridged Financial Bid for
LQ-1 bidder.
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• There should be no deviation in the financial Performa (Form No. F1 to F7) and the numbers
provided by the NIC in Tender document. The bidder must provide information against each of the
items in these forms.
d) Then SUM of TOTALs of individual items in Annexure-DF of LQ-1 will be compared with GTV and in
case of discrepancy, following criteria will be adopted to resolve the discrepancies.
• If GTV is LESS than sum total of items in Form F1 to F7, then the values for F1 to F7 will be
reduced proportionately. Thus revised GTV and F1 to F7 will be applicable.
For e.g. If GTV (as per Packet 3) = 98 & if item wise sum (as per Annexure-DF Detailed Financial
Bid) = 100, then each item in Forms F1 to F7 will be multiplied by a factor 98/100. Thus the new
item wise values in Form F1 to F7 shall be the final quote.
If LQ-1 bidder fails to accept the individual unit rates rationalized as per above procedure, their bid
will be treated as cancelled and EMD will be forfeited.
• If GTV is GREATER than sum total of items in Forms F1 to F7, then sum total of items in Form F1
to F7 shall be treated as GTV.
b) Upon the successful bidder furnishing his acknowledgement, NIC shall promptly request the bidder to
provide performance guarantee. On receipt of the performance guarantee NIC shall prepare the contract
agreement. The successful bidder shall also sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA).
c) The Vendor has to furnish a Performance Bank Guarantee (PG) as part of the project. The selected
vendor(s) has to submit within 21 days of the receipt of PO from NIC. The performance guarantee at the
rate of revenue equal to 3% of the PO value on pro rata rate basis in accordance with the Conditions of
tender document, in the form of Bank Guarantee as per ANNEXURE - V: or Demand Draft / Bankers’
Cheque drawn in favour of “NIC, New Delhi”. The validity of PG shall be for the period of PO plus three
• PG needs to be submitted for each new PO added from time to time in accordance to this clause
• Failure of the successful bidder to comply with the requirement shall constitute sufficient ground for
the annulment of the award and forfeiture of the bid security of the bidder, in which event NIC may
make the award to the next lowest evaluated bidder or call for new bids.
d) The incidental expenses for execution of agreement / contract shall be borne by the successful bidder.
e) The conditions stipulated in the contract shall be strictly adhered to and violation of any of these conditions
by the selected bidder will entail termination of the contract without prejudice to the rights of the NIC. In
addition, NIC shall be free to forfeit the EMD/Security deposit and getting the assigned work done from
alternate sources at the risk and cost of the defaulting bidder.
f) During empanelment period if the bidder’s name got changed due to acquisition, amalgamation etc., the
bidder must inform NIC with all required documents within one month of its name change. Failing which
the empanelment will be cancelled and EMD/PG forfeited.
b) NIC can convey specific observations to any incorrect/wrong-invoiced amounts by written notice to NFO.
c) Penalty if any will be adjusted from the bill. The Manpower Power related penalty, Operation &
Maintenance/Service related (SLA) penalty and any other penalty as per the Tender terms and conditions
will be calculated separately by the NIC PoP in-charge/designated authority and adjusted from the bill.
e) It is the binding duty of the NFO empanelled to regularly pay the deployed manpower their entitlements like
monthly salaries/wages and NFO need to submit self declaration stating payment made to manpower to
submit the bills to NIC for processing of payment. NIC can ask for documentary proof of the salary paid as
per the terms and conditions of the tender, whenever deemed necessary.
f) Payments shall be subject to deductions of any amount for which the NFO is liable under the empanelment
or tender conditions. Further all payments to NFO will be made subject to deduction of TDS (Tax deduction
at Source) as per the income Tax Act, 1961, applicable penalty and other taxes, if any, as per Government of
India rules.
g) The NFO will submit Pre-receipted bills in triplicate (having details of concerned work-order number, Date
and Project-Number of NIC) in the name of NIC-New Delhi by the 5th day of the succeeding month along
with duly certified Performance Certificate by the NIC PoP in-charge/designated authority for the
satisfactory services rendered by the NFO(s) for the specified period. The format of Performance
Certificate will be decided by NIC and NFO(s) shall adhere to it. Payment will be made days of submission
of the Bill along with all the completed documents and after deducting the applicable penalty etc.
i) In case the submission of monthly bills to NIC is delayed by the NFO beyond 15 days from the last day of
the month in which the services has been provided (as per the bi-monthly cycle), the entire liability towards
payment of interest/penalty to the tax authorities would be borne by the respective NFO so that NIC is not
burdened unnecessarily with this amount/penalty etc.. The entire amount will be deducted from the payment
due to respective NFO.
a) The empanelled NFO will undertake all the indicative activities defined in the detailed Scope and any other
associated activities. Adequate resources will be deployed by the NFO so that no activities are lost sight of
and all of them are handled with reasonable efficiency.
• Detailed Network diagrams with documentation of PoP for Network, Security, Voice, Video solutions
and other services at the PoP
• Documentation regarding problem management, change management, configuration management and
assets/inventory management
• NMS reports
These reports should be maintained at regular intervals and should be presented to NIC as and when
c) Training & Workshops: Training and Workshops under this FMS would be TWO - WAY between NIC
and NFO(s).
1. At the Start of FMS, NIC would be acting like “Train-the-trainer”. In simple words, management and
administrative team of NIC shall give synopsis of the NICNET and its services, along with ICT set-up to
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the NFO personnel. This would be like handholding for NICNET. The cost of such sessions would be
totally borne by NFO(s). This session shall be one time activity from NIC to respective NFO(s).
2. However, while operations and maintenance of the Network, NFO(s) would be similarly updating NIC
and respective project owners for:
3. Furthermore, at the time of Contract termination, NFO(s) has to submit detailed Project documentation
and workshop (including Training) manuals to NIC or any other party, as desired by NIC. These
workshops shall be pertaining to the following domain:
• administrative;
• technical; and
• All the 6 functions defined in #2 above.
Performance Audit may be done on a yearly basis by an external auditor or internal agencies. The auditor will
gauge the performance levels of the NFO(s) in the past year and to ascertain whether the NFO(s) has performed
as per SLA and Scope of work. If it is found that the NFO(s) has not performed as per SLA and Scope of work,
then a penalty will be levied on the NFO(s). This amount of the penalty will be decided by a committee set up
by NIC, and the liable penalty will be restricted to a maximum of 5% of the contractual amount for the audited
Network and Security Audit - On regular interval NIC may hire external or internal agencies for Network and
Security Audit for NICNET. NFO(s) are required to:
• Co-operate in all such activities
• Provide details to such agencies
• Along with NIC, act on recommendation of such agencies
• Support for any activity related to such audits
a) The selected bidder shall indemnify and defend NIC against all third party claims of infringement of patent,
trademark/copyright or industrial design rights arising from the use of the supplied software/ hardware,
documents, other artefacts, deployed resources and related services or any part thereof (“Deliverables”). The
selected bidder shall have no obligations with respect to any claims to the extent such claim results from: (i)
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the selected bidder’s compliance with NIC specific technical designs, specifications or instructions where
the selected bidder has notified NIC in writing (with proper reasons) prior to implementation of such
specific technical designs, specifications or instructions that the implementation of such specific technical
designs, specifications or instructions will result in infringement claims; (ii) inclusion in a Deliverable of
any content or other materials provided by NIC and the infringement relates to or arises solely from such
NIC materials or provided material; (iii) modification of a Deliverable after delivery by the selected Bidder
to NIC if such modification was not made by or on behalf of the selected bidder and the claim arises solely
due to such modification; (iv) operation or use of some or all of the Deliverable in combination with
materials not provided by the selected bidder and the claim arises solely due to such reason; or (v) use of the
Deliverable for any purposes for which the NIC/ NIC have been advised in advance in writing that the same
have not been designed or developed or other than in accordance with any applicable specifications or
documentation provided by the selected Bidder; or (v) use of a superseded release of some or all of the
Deliverables or NIC's failure to use any modification of the Deliverable furnished under the contract
including, but not limited to, corrections, fixes, or enhancements made available by the selected bidder
provided that such modifications or new releases are made available by selected bidder free of cost and the
use of such modifications or new releases does not adversely impact the performance / service levels.
b) NIC stand indemnified from any claims that the hired manpower / vendor’s manpower may opt to have
towards the discharge of their duties in the fulfillment of the work orders/empanelment.
c) NIC also stand indemnified from any compensation arising out of accidental loss of life or injury sustained
by the hired manpower / vendor’s manpower while discharging their duty towards fulfilment of the
purchase orders/empanelment.
The empanelled bidder and their deployed personnel will not, either during the term or after expiration of this
contract, use, sell, disclose any proprietary or confidential information relating to the software, services,
contract or business or operations of NIC or its clients without the prior written consent of NIC.
The successful bidder will execute Non-Disclosure Agreement as per the terms and conditions of NIC. The
NFO will also follow all the NICNET security policy.
a) The bidder will ensure that no information about the software, hardware,database and the policies of the
client organization is taken out in any form including electronic form or otherwise, by the manpower posted
by them.
b) The bidder or its deployed personnel, by virtue of working on NIC/Client’s projects, can’t claim any rights
on the work performed by them. NIC/Client will have absolute rights on the work assigned and performed
by them. Neither any claims of the bidder or its deployed professionals will be entertained on the
b) The NFO(s)will not outsource the work to any other associate/franchisee/third party under any
circumstances. If it so happens then NICwill impose sanctions which willinclude: forfeiture of the security
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Tender Document for the Selection of Facility Management Service Operator for NICNET and Networks Implemented and Managed by NIC
deposit, revocation of bank guarantees (including the ones submitted for other work orders) and termination
of the Contract for default.
c) The all deployed requisite manpower by the NFO(s) at PoPs as per the terms and conditions of the Tender
must be a permanent employee of the organisation and no subcontracting is allowed.
d) In the event of the bidding company’s or the concerned division of the company being taken over / bought
over by another company, all the obligations under the agreement with NIC, should be passed on for
compliance by the new company / new division in the negotiation for their transfer.
e) All panel agencies automatically agree with NIC for honouring all aspects of fair trade practices in
executing the work orders placed by NIC.
f) The selected bidder will be responsible for any damage to equipment, property and third party liabilities due to the
gross negligence and wilful omission of its deployed manpower . All equipment will be used only for the purpose
of carrying out legitimate business and will not be put into any other use.
g) In case Work Orders are placed on more than one selected bidder, the distribution of work orders will be at
the sole discretion of NIC.
h) Work order will be placed on the empanelled bidder(s) in hardcopy format or in softcopy mode either
through e-mail containing the scanned copy of the Work Order or an alert through e-mail for downloading
the Work Order from the official Web Site of NIC.
i) Objection, if any, to the Work Order must be reported to NIC by the selected bidder within five (5) working
days counted from the Date of Issue of Work Order for modifications, otherwise it is assumed that the
selected bidder has accepted the Work Order in totality. This is applicable in case of electronic
publishing/delivery of Work Order also.
j) Bidder should furnish copies of all appointment documents of the deployed manpower to NIC for its records
from time to time
k) The bidderwill get the police verification done of the deployed manpower.
l) Retaining a candidate deployed by the NFO shall be the prerogative of NIC and no resource change shall be
made without written consent of the NIC PoP in-charge/designated nodal officer.
m) For the manpower deployed, the bidder will keep with them, their Aadhaar Number, Permanent Account
Number (PAN), present and permanent address, educational and technical qualification details, character
verification certificates, specimen signature and two passport size photographs and furnish these
details/information to NIC, as and when required. On NIC projects only character verified resources would
be deployed and it will be the responsibility of the bidder to verify the details of its deployed manpower.
n) The bidder shall be solely responsible for discharge of all the legal obligations/ statutory requirements under
various labour legislations as may be in force from time to time so far as the workmen engaged by him for
this work are concerned. Such deployed manpower or the bidder will have no right or claim of any kind
from NIC or its clients.
o) Staff of the NFO must carry Identity card issued by the NFO while on duty. Be it private or public areas,
the employees are to be frisked/ checked by the security personnel, both while entering and leaving the
p) The resources to be deployed for support services have to be on the payroll of the bidder, and their EPF,
ESIC and other allowances shall be the responsibility of the NFO.NIC or its clients shall remain
indemnified of any conflict of such nature arising between the bidder and its employees.NIC may ask the
NFO to submit documentary proofs of such nature as and when need arises.
q) The selected bidder will provide escalation matrix for problem resolution.
r) All pages of Technical Bid and Financial Bid are to be signed and stamped by an authorised signatory of the
NIC reserves the right to suspend any of the services and/or terminate this agreement in the following
circumstances by giving 90 days’ notice in writing:
• In case the NFO fails to provide services at the minimum agreed service level continually for 1 (ONE) bi-
monthly cycle.
NIC may at any time terminate the contract by giving written notice to the qualified bidder without
compensation to the qualified bidder, if the qualified bidder becomes bankrupt or otherwise insolvent or in case
of dissolution of firm or winding up of company, provided that such termination will not prejudice or effect any
right of action or remedy which has accrued thereafter to NIC.
a) If the NFO fails to deliver any or all of the services within the time period(s) specified in the contract,or any extension
thereof granted by NIC, or
b) If NFO fails to perform any other obligation under the contract NIC reserves the right to cancel the remaining part and
pay to the selected bidder an agreed amount for partially completed Services
The qualified bidder shall not, be entitled to make any claim, whatsoever, against NIC under or by virtue of or
arising out of this contract nor shall NIC entertain or consider any such claim after Bidder shall have signed a
"no claim" certificate in favour of NIC in such forms as shall be required by NIC after the works are finally
Performance Guarantee, levy of penalties, or termination for default if and to the extent that it’s delay in
performance or other failure to perform its obligations under the agreement is the result of Force Majeure.
If a Force Majeure situation arises, the qualified bidder shall promptly notify NIC in writing of such conditions
and the cause thereof. Unless otherwise directed by NIC in writing, the Bidder shall continue to perform its
obligations under the contract as far as reasonably practical and shall seek all reasonable alternative means for
performance not prevented by the Force Majeure event. NIC may terminate this contract, by giving a written
notice of minimum 30 days to the bidder, if as a result of Force Majeure, the Bidder being unable to perform a
material portion of the services for a period of more than 60 days.
“Natural Events” to the extent they satisfy the foregoing requirements including:
(a) any material effect on the natural elements, including lightning, fire, earthquake, tsunami, cyclone, flood,
storm, tornado, or typhoon;
(b) explosion or chemical, nuclear, biological contamination (other than resulting from an act of war);
(c) epidemic such as plague;
(d) any event or circumstance of a nature analogous to any of the foregoing.
“Political Events” to the extent that they satisfy the foregoing requirements including:
(a) Political Events, which occur inside the state where NICNET is being implemented or involve directly the
state government and the central government (“Direct Political Event”), including:
(i) Act of war (whether declared or undeclared), invasion, armed conflict or act of foreign enemy,
blockade, embargo, revolution, riot, insurrection, civil commotion, act of terrorism or sabotage; (ii)
strikes, work to rules, go-slows which are either widespread, nation-wide, or state-wide and are of
political nature;
(ii) Any event or circumstance of a nature analogous to any of the foregoing.
(b) Political Events which occur outside the State where NICNET is being implemented and the Republic of India
do not involve the State Government and/or the Central Government (“Foreign Political Events” or “Indirect
Political Events”) including, but not limited to:
(i) Act of war (whether declared or un-declared), invasion, armed conflict or act of foreign enemy,
blockade, embargo, revolution, riot, insurrection, civil commotion, or act of terrorism;
(ii) Strikes, work to rule, go-slows
(iii) Any event or circumstance of a nature analogous to any of the foregoing
Force Majeure shall not include the following event(s) and/or circumstances, except to the extent that they are
consequences of an event of Force Majeure:
(a) Unavailability, late delivery, or changes in cost of the NICNET machinery, equipment, materials, spare parts
(b) Non-performance resulting from normal wear and tear of the materials and equipment; and
(c) Non-performance caused by, or connected with, the affected party’s:
(i) Negligent or intentional acts, errors or omissions; and/or
(ii) Failure to comply with an Indian law or Indian directive; and/or
(iii) Breach of, or default under the agreement
i) Where an affected party claims relief on account of Force Majeure event then the rights and obligations of both
parties under the agreement shall be suspended to the extent that they are affected by such Force Majeure
ii) In an event of Force Majeure:
a) The affected party shall use its best efforts to minimise the effects of Force Majeure and remedy any
inability to perform due to Force Majeure;
b) The affected party shall provide weekly written reports to the other party regarding its progress in
overcoming the adverse effects of the Force Majeure event;
c) The affected party shall, as soon as reasonably practicable after claiming such relief, provide the other
party with written notice containing such information as may be reasonably required to justify the claim
for relief due to Force Majeure;
d) The affected party shall claim in respect of physical loss or damage resulting from the event constituting
Force Majeure which are available from insurances pursuant to any insurance maintained by the affected
party and ensure such claims are made as soon as is reasonably possible and that the proceeds of any such
insurance claims are applied to remedy the effects of the event constituting Force Majeure as soon as is
reasonably possible; and
e) The affected party shall, at its own cost, take all steps reasonably required to restore its ability to perform
its obligations under the agreement as soon as possible, including the re commissioning of any affected
part of the network implemented and managed by NIC.
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iii) When the affected party is able to resume performance of its obligations under the agreement, it shall
promptly give the other party written notice to that effect. In no event shall the suspension of performance be of
greater scope and of longer duration than is necessitated by Force Majeure.
Neither party shall be responsible or liable for, or deemed to be in breach of the agreement because of any
failure or delay in complying with its obligations under the agreement, due solely to one or more events of
Force Majeure, and the periods allowed for the performance by the parties of such obligation(s) shall be
extended on a day-for-day basis from the date of the event of Force Majeure provided that no relief shall be
granted to the affected party to the extent that such failure or delay would have nevertheless been experienced
by that party had such Force Majeure event not occurred.
Notwithstanding anything contained herein, in case the period of Force Majeure lasts for more than 3 (three)
months from the occurrence of the event of force majeure, whether such force majeure event occurs before or
after commissioning of the project, either party shall have the right to terminate the agreement by a written
notice of 30 (Thirty) days to the other party.
The NFO shall give notice to the NIC of:
(a) the cessation of the event or circumstance of Force Majeure being claimed; and
(b) the cessation of the effects of the event or circumstance of Force Majeure being claimed on the enjoyment by
such party of its rights or the performance of its obligations pursuant to the agreement, as soon as possible
after becoming aware thereof.
(c) In the event of termination, NFO shall be paid for services rendered up to the effective date of termination, not
applicable in case of default in services by vendor
17.1 If a dispute arises out of or in connection with this contract, or in respect of any defined legal
relationship associated therewith or derived there from, the parties agree to submit that dispute to
arbitration under the ICADR Arbitration Rules, 1996.
17.2 NIC and the empaneled agency shall make every effort to resolve any contentious aspect amicably by
direct negotiation with Agency towards any disagreement, confusion, lack of understanding or dispute
arising between them under or in connection with the contract.
17.3 If any unresolved dispute shall arise between parties on aspects either covered or not covered by this
empanelment, or the construction or operation thereof, or the rights, duties or liabilities under these except
as to any matters the decision of which is specially provided for by the general or the special conditions,
such dispute shall be referred to two arbitrators, one to be appointed by each party and the said arbitrators
shall appoint an umpire in writing before entering on the reference and the award of the arbitration or
umpire , as the case may be, shall be final and binding on both the parties. The arbitrators or the umpire, as
the case may be, with the consent of parties, may modify the time frame for making and publishing the
Award. Such arbitration shall be governed in all respects by the provisions of the Indian Arbitration Act,
1996 and the rules there under and any statutory modification or re-enactment, thereof. The arbitration
proceedings shall be held in New Delhi, India.
17.4 The Authority to appoint the arbitrator(s) shall be the International Centre for Alternative Dispute
Resolution (ICADR).
17.5 The International Centre for Alternative Dispute Resolution will provide administrative services in
accordance with the ICADR Arbitration Rules, 1996.
The bidder and their deployed personnel either during the contract of after its completion, shall not disclose any
proprietary or confidential information relating to the services, contract or business or operations of NIC or its
clients without the prior written consent of NIC.
Service Level Agreement (SLA) for Facility Management Service for NICNET and Networks
Implemented and Managed by NIC
(i) The National Informatics Centre, having its office at A-Block, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-
110003, hereinafter referred to as "NIC" (which term or expression shall unless repugnant to the context
or meaning thereof shall mean and include his successors-in office and assigns) of the FIRST PART;
(ii) ___________, a company registered under the Indian Companies Act, 1956 having its registered office
at __________ and place of business at ______________________________ hereinafter referred to as
"NFO" (which expression shall unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof shall include its
successors-in business and assigns) of the SECOND PART.
a. NIC (hereinafter “Client”) is desirous of Selection of NFO as described in the RFP document.
b. The NFO has been selected as the successful bidder to undertake the Facility Management Project involving the
scope of work as indicated in the RFP and sustained operations and maintenance and increase the usage of the
network by provisioning new and innovative set of services and provide staffing and maintenance services;
c. NIC intends to accord to the NFO the right to undertake and operate the NICNET Locations on the terms and
conditions set forth herein for a period of Five years starting from the date of signing of this agreement
(hereinafter referred to as the “Term”)
This Agreement covers all clauses mentioned in the RFP and the following under its scope:
* Scope of NFO is only for NMS and Servers related to Networks and Security. Web Server / Database Server
and Mail Server Management are restricted in terms of network availability.
# Inventory of all the hardware and software at the PoPs under FMS (including licenses, spares, faulty items
etc.) shall be prepared for each PoP and the concerned NFO on duty shall be responsible for security and
upkeep of all the items appearing in inventory list at each location.
1.2. Bandwidth Management and Diesel Generator set and UPS Operation and Management
(i) Bandwidth Optimisation
(ii) Lease Lines and Local Loops
(iii) Internet Connectivity
(iv) Constant Monitoring of the Internet Service
(v) To Evaluate the SLA Achievement on specified parameters.
(vi) Liaison with Bandwidth and Internet Service Provider and vendors
(vii) Liaison with Diesel Generator set and UPS vendors for maintenance and for proper operation
(viii) Diesel Generator set and UPS operation at PoPs and maintain the log register for outage, breakdown etc.
NFO is engaged to provide Facility Management services for a period of 3 (Three) years and may be further
extended by a period of upto 2 year solely at the discretion of NIC. The operation and management of the
Network, Security, LAN, Wireless, Anti-Virus, Peripherals, Database, Intranet, Domain, E-mail messages,
Bandwidth, Internet, and allied services etc as per the SLA and Scope of work to NIC will be provided for a
period of contract except for Force Majeure Events, reasons attributable to NIC or reasons provided for in this
All the IPR related to any of the property of NIC shall remain with NIC only.
Network Management
The network availability for NICNET including NOC shall be as per scope of work.
The Network Security Infrastructure availability for NICNET shall be as per scope of work.
Severity A functional query or fault that has no business impact for the organization
(i) Network Availability is defined as end-to-end connectivity and accessibility on the network.
(ii) In case of Leased Line/WAN Link Management, a trouble ticket will be generated after logging a call with
Bandwidth Provider; and NFO for the same will do follow up, to restore at the earliest.
(iii) A ticket will be generated when a complaint is lodged. This call logging shall also be automated through
NMS-Service Desk/Help Desk integration. Time is recorded from that point onwards till the point the
complaint is resolved or client confirms, whichever is earlier.
(iv) If the problem is pertaining to network, then this duration will be treated as outage. Overall Link outage
owing to problem related to last mile connectivity would also be attributable to NFO.
(v) Scheduled and Preventive Maintenance should be planned only on Non-business hours or Sundays or
Holidays. Scheduled and Preventive Maintenance anytime during service hours will be considered
unavailability of service.
(vi) Scheduled and Preventive Maintenance by NFO for the Network shall not exceed 24 hours in a quarter
subject to a maximum of 3 (Three) hours at a stretch. This will not be applicable for the first 21 days after
commissioning of the link.
(vii) For Scheduled and Preventive Maintenance by NFO for the Hardware /or Software /or Active /or Passive
shall be done with written prior intimation to client at least 72 hours in advance.
(viii) Network Link and Network Availability shall not be considered unavailable for reasons attributable to
failure of applications, equipment, or facilities that are:
i. Acts of omissions or commission of client, or any unauthorised use of the service by client under this
agreement, or
ii. Force Majeure events as defined hereunder.
Network Availability for all Services/links will be calculated in the following way:
1. Definition
Suppose Bi-monthly Costof Supporting a PoP/Horizontal Connectivity Link is BCP
a) BCP for NHQ = 2* Total Cost in Form F1
b) BCP for SHQ PoP = 2 * Total Cost for respective state
c) BCP for DHQ PoP = 2 * Total Cost in Form F3 / 718
d) BCP for BHAWAN PoP = 2 * Total Cost of individual Bhawan as per Form F4
e) BCP for HC = AMC charged for individual HC as per Form F5
2. Availability Target
3. Measure
Actual availability of each PoP and HC will be derived From NMS and Help Desk/Service Desk; this will be in
percentage and hours. Based on the reports the actual downtime (in hours and percentage) attributable to NFO
will be calculated.
4. Penalty Calculation
(i) PA- Penalty calculation for Services/Links which is down less than 4 hours/12 hours (as per point 2
above) continuously
Penalty for all services/links (PoP 1, PoP 2, PoP 3 …..PoPn) which are down will be calculated as per the
measured uptime, availability target and slab-wise penalty conditions mentioned in points 2 and 3 above
(ii) PB - Penalty calculation for Services/Links which is down more than 4 hours/12 hours (as per point 2
above) continuously
The exceeded downtime in hours (greater than 4 hours for NHQ, SHQ, Bhawan and HCs at NHQ, greater than
12 hours for DHQ, and HC at SHQ, DHQ) shall be calculated for respective services/links (PoP 1, PoP 2, PoP 3
….. PoPn).
Suppose: The total exceeded downtime for PoP1 is N1, for PoP2 is N2 …..forPoPn is Nn during a Bi-Monthly
cycle then
During a Bi-Monthly cycle the penalty imposed on the NFO for a service/link shall be the sum of PA and PB
for the respective PoP and shall not exceed 10% of the Bi-monthly Costof Supporting the corresponding
PoP/Horizontal Connectivity Link.
Penalty for PoP1 (say P1) = PA1 + PB1 (up to a maximum of 10% of BCP of PoP1)
Penalty for PoP2 (say P2) = PA2 + PB2 (up to a maximum of 10% of BCP of PoP2)
Penalty for PoPn (say Pn) = PAn + PBn (up to a maximum of 10% of BCP of PoPn)
The total Penalty imposed on the NFO during the bi-monthly cycle shall be:
P = P1 + P2 + P3 + ….. + Pn
• Network Availability and Penalty shall be calculated for Bi-monthly (Every 2 Months) cycle not quarterly,
using Helpdesk / Service Desk system.
• Total Operation & Maintenance/ Services related penalty for FMS is limited to 10% of the annual payment
to the NFO(s) as per the contract.
• The Manpower related penalty and other penalties if any as per the terms & condition of FMS Tender is
over and above the Operation & Maintenance/ Services related penalty for FMS.
• The Operation & Maintenance/Services related penalty & Manpower related penalties if any for NKN PoPs
and other PoPs of networks implemented and managed by NIC may be calculated in a similar manner as it
is worked out for NICNET PoPs.
i. Failure or malfunctioning of the equipment, systems not owned or controlled by NFO. However, NFO
will troubleshoot the failure and rectify the problem with spares/equipment/software/components provided
by NIC and maintain the SLA.
ii. Failure of Bandwidth from Bandwidth Service Provider. However, proof of failure at the level of
bandwidth will have to be provided by the NFO through NMS (with due acknowledgement from
Bandwidth Provider) and maintain the SLA.
iii. Circumstances or instances of Force Majeure
iv. Scheduled or preventive maintenance
v. Alterations or implementations
Network outage to NFO due to service or bandwidth provider, the table below quantifies the responsibilities and
penalties accordingly.
1.Network equipment or its ▪ Not responsible for ▪ Will be responsible for outage
accessories failure / Unavailable outage ▪ Duration of outage will be penalized
▪ Duration of outage ▪ Will be responsible for identifying/analysing and troubleshooting of
2.Delay in installation of will not be penalized the problems
equipments/software ▪ Network service outage due to power outage and non- functioning of
3. Power Outage at PoP due to non- DG Set, UPS.
functioning of DG Set ▪ NFO will be responsible and will be penalized for the duration of
Link unavailable ▪ Will be responsible Not responsible for outage, but need to log complaint with BP, co-
for outage ordinate & liaison with Bandwidth Provider for restoring the services
▪ And duration of at the earliest.
outage will be ▪ In case backup link is available and NFO is still not able to make the
penalized Network operational then the NFO will be penalised for the outage.
5. Handling of Assets
During the Term the NFO shall:
(i) Take all reasonable and proper care of the entire network and all its components, hardware and
software or any other information technology infrastructure components used for the Project and
other facilities managed by the NFO (hereinafter referred as “Assets”). This will also include all
up-gradation/ enhancements/installation and improvements to meet the needs of the Project.
(ii) Keep all the tangible Assets in good and serviceable condition, responsible for damages of assets as
per the agreement.
(iii) Use the Assets exclusively for the purpose of providing the Services as per the agreement.
(iv) Not sell, offer for sale, assign, mortgage, encumbrance, pledge, sub-let or lend out any of the
(v) Use the Assets only in accordance with the terms hereof and those contained in the SLA and RFP.
6. Protection and Limitations
6.1. Third Party Claims
NFO (the "Indemnifying Party") undertakes to indemnify NIC (the "Indemnified Party") from and
against all losses, claims or damages including losses, claims or damages on account of bodily injury,
death or damage to tangible
6.2. Limitation of Liability:-“Except for liability arising out of IP infringement claims and damages for
bodily injury, the vendors total aggregate liability shall be limited to the annual contract value. Except for
claims by a party for infringement of their intellectual property rights against the other party, in no event
will either party be liable for any incidental, indirect, special or consequential costs or damages including,
without limitation, downtime cost, lost business, revenues, or profits; failure to realize expected savings
loss or unavailability of or damage to data; or software restoration. To the extend allowed by local law,
these limitations shall apply regardless of the basis of liability, including negligence, misrepresentation,
breach of any kind, or any other claims in contract, Tort or otherwise.”
6.3. Personnel
(i) Personnel assigned by NFO to perform the Services shall be permanent employees of NFO, and
under no circumstances will such personnel be considered employees of client. NFO shall have
the sole responsibility for supervision and control of its personnel and for payment of such
personnel's entire compensation, including salary, salary increment, PF, Group insurance,
worker's compensation, employee and disability benefits etc. and shall be responsible for all
employer obligations under all applicable laws including obligations for withholding tax under
the Income Tax Act and other social security taxes under the relevant laws.
(ii) NFO shall use its best efforts to ensure availability of NFO personnel to perform the Services,
and that such personnel have appropriate qualifications to perform the Services. NIC shall have
the right to direct removal or replacement of any NFO personnel performing work under this
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Agreement. In the event that NIC requests that any NFO personnel be replaced, the substitution
of such personnel shall be accomplished pursuant to a mutually agreed upon schedule but not
later than 15 working days.
(iii) Neither party shall, without the prior written approval of the other party, disclose the other
Party’s designated confidential information, and shall take all necessary steps to ensure that its
employees, agents and sub-NFOs do not disclose the other party’s confidential information.
This clause however is not applicable in case such designated confidential information is the
subject of a subpoena or other legal or administrative demand for disclosure.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Parties have by duly authorized representatives set their respective hands and
seal on the date first above written in the presence of:
Signed by:
Signed by:
The aim of this schedule is to:
A. set out the exit strategy; and
B. require the NFO to support, in the period prior to the Expiry Date, as appropriate, an orderly, controlled
transition of responsibility for the provision of the FMS from the NFO to a New Service Provider or NIC, at
NICs direction, with the minimum of disruption and so as to prevent or mitigate any inconvenience to NIC
or NICNET by means of the implementation of the Exit Plan.
Exit Duration
The Exit Plan shall cover the period commencing on the Trigger Date and end on the Termination Date, the
Expiry Date or the end of the transition or notice Period as applicable. The NFO may be required by NIC to
provide support services beyond the Termination Date or Expiry Date in accordance with the SLA.
Transition Plan
A. From time to time:
a. if requested by NIC; or
b. if a notice of termination is served by any party in respect of this Agreement; or
c. at the point where there is Six (6) months of the tenure remaining (each of the dates referred in this
point and in above point b being referred to, in this schedule as the “Trigger Date”),
B. The NFO shall promptly produce a detailed Exit Plan (the “Transition Plan”) by creating and refining the
Exit Plan and shall deliver such Transition Plan to NIC for its review and approval within thirty (30)
Working Days of the relevant Trigger Date or the date of NIC’s request, as appropriate.
C. The NFO shall ensure that the Transition Plan deals as a minimum with developing in more detail those
areas set out in the Exit Plan and together with such other provisions as the NFO deems necessary in
accordance with Good Industry Practice or NIC may request from time to time and shall revise and update
the Transition Plan in accordance with any instructions of NIC from time to time in each case so as to
establish a detailed plan and management structure for all activities required for exit of the NFO under the
specific conditions applying at the time and to enable a smooth and orderly transition of the Services to a
New Service Provider within the specified timescales.
D. Production, revision and updating of the Exit Plan and the Transition Plan shall be at the NFO’s cost and
C. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, neither NIC nor a New Service Provider shall have
any liability for any claim which may be made against the NFO for or in respect of any breach by the NFO
after the occurrence of the Trigger Date and prior to the Termination Date or Expiry Date (as appropriate) of
any term or obligation under any of the Relevant Contracts or failure by the Service Provider prior to the
Termination Date or Expiry Date (as appropriate) to perform any of its obligations there under. Theselected
vendor shall indemnify the NIC/User department against all third party claims of infringement of patent,
trademark/copyright or industrial design rights arising from the use of the supplied software/ hardware etc.
and related services or any part thereof. NIC/User department stand indemnified from any claims that the
hired manpower may opt to have by virtue of working on the project for whatever period. NIC/User
department also stand indemnified from any compensation arising out of accidental loss of life or injury
sustained by the hired manpower while working on the project.
Upon approval of the Transition Plan by NIC, following a Trigger Date, the NFO shall implement the
Transition Plan in accordance with the approval by NIC.
A. set out the respective obligations of the parties and applicable timescales;
B. document the key service outputs, which shall include, but not be limited to, a breakdown of the volumes of
key service measures to be determined by the NFO for last six (6) Months;
C. document details of any work in progress the NFO will deliver to NIC or a New Service Provider on the
expiry or termination of this Agreement;
D. document the levels of resources employed by the NFO in the provision of the Services in the previous year
including but not limited to the numbers and grades of all Personnel employed in the provision of the
E. include a list of Key Personnel of NFO;
F. document each party's responsibilities for the provision of the Services:
(1) commencing on the Trigger Date up to the Termination Date or Expiry Date;
(2) on the Termination Date or Expiry Date; and
(3) during any parallel running of the Services by the NFO and NIC or any New Service Provider;
G. include details of the parties’ respective responsibilities and obligations during preparation for, and the
transfer of:
(1) all warranties and guarantees associated with the Assets;
(2) Data;
(3) required consents;
(4) Operational documentation for NICNET records and databases, configuration documentation and
manuals; and
(5) Software licenses if any;
H. include the timetable for the transfer of the Services which shall include:
(1) a list of the meetings that shall take place during the implementation of the Transition Plan and,
unless otherwise agreed, the Exit Team shall meet at least once a week;
(2) the transfer and cut-over milestones (being the points at which the Services transfer from the NFO to
NIC and/or New Service Provider), identifying dates, events, and criteria to be met for completion of
the transfer;
(3) dependencies on NIC, NFO, New Service Provider and 3rd Parties;
(4) the timing of the NFO to provide Data, make Assets available for inspection by NIC, provide Design
Documents, provide Specifications, provide Software, provide Software licences and handover of
(5) the timing of NIC and New Service Provider to review Data, inspect Assets, receive and purchase
Assets, including due diligence;
(6) the timing of the training of the employees of NIC and/or the New Service Provider;
I. document the key activities to be undertaken during exit including, without limitation:
(1) the arrangements for continuing provision of the Services in accordance with this Agreement for
such period as may be required by NIC.
(2) handing over to NIC Assets and Spares, other relevant records, Design Documents, Specifications,
Software, Software Licenses, configuration information, databases, Documentation, Asset Register,
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programs, fault databases, Asset maintenance history and status, manuals, procedure documentation,
associated warranties and guarantees, and any other similar items used or produced during the
course of the provision of the Services by the NFO. The NFO shall comply with all data protection
policies in force from time to time;
(3) due diligence on Assets, spares, contracts and other resources;
(4) briefings on all the items handed over, their status and completeness and knowledge transfer on the
(5) the means by which no interruption of the provision of the Services or reduction in Service Levels
will occur during the notice or termination Period and during transfer to the New Service Provider;
(6) the transfer to NIC of all Software and licenses used in the provision of the Services by the NFO
including an outline of any special transition provisions relating to the transfer or removal of any
Software or the transfer or termination of any Software licenses;
(7) an outline of any training of NIC’s and/or New Service Provider’s employees required to effect an
orderly and successful transition of the Services;
(8) procedures and timeframe for the destruction of documents and assets containing the other party’s
Intellectual Property Rights;
(9) arrangements for sharing Data to enable parallel running and/or testing by the New Service Provider
and/or NIC;
J. detail the Documentation to be prepared and made available by the NFO during exit including without
(1) Asset Register including release and version numbers;
(2) configuration data for the Infrastructure;
(3) service structure;
(4) service documentation covering Incidents, Problems, Change, Disaster Recovery events and Service
Levels achieved over the past 12 months, and Service Level measurement method;
(5) status of 3rd Party Software covering supplier, version, upgrade status;
(6) status of custom developed programs, including Source Code and documentation;
(7) System and equipment fault databases;
(8) Asset maintenance history and status;
(9) Asset warranties and guarantees;
(10) Manuals for the key applications;
(11) Process and procedure documentation;
(12) Outline of the commercial information relevant to the Services including;
(13) Other items relating to the provision of the Services by the NFO or relating to the configuration
control of the Infrastructure provided under the Services;
(14) Specifications of any technical and/or administrative interfaces between the Service continuity
Assets and any external Systems;
(15) Details of any work in progress;
(16) The list of all required consents;
(17) An inventory of spare equipment and parts ("Spares"), if any, purchased by the NFO necessarily
or with the written approval of NIC in order to provide the Services or any part of it;
(18) Any other information or action pertaining to the Transition Plan required by NIC to ensure a
smooth and timely transfer to NIC and/or New Service Provider as the case may be.
2. The NFO shall promptly comply with all instructions from NIC with regard to the implementation and
execution of the Exit Plan including, without limitation to the generality of the foregoing:
A. co-operating fully with any New Service Provider, or NIC as appropriate; and
B. Making such Key Personnel available to the New Service Provider or NFO as appropriate, for a reasonable
period of time after expiry or termination as the case may be to be agreed between the outgoing NFO and
NIC in order to assist in the transfer of responsibility for the provision of the Services.
Required Documentation
The Exit Plan will contain a list of all Documentation, including design Documentation, and the action to be
undertaken with each of these documents at the point of transition. These may be:
A. Transfer to NIC team member
B. Transfer to New Service Provider;
C. Retain by the Service Provider (where Intellectual Property Rights are owned by the NFO);
D. Disposal.
Within the Exit Plan, along with the action for each document the timeframe, process and terms of transfer will
also be stated.
Operational Activities
The Exit Plan and the Transition Plan shall detail the milestones and tasks that require being undertaken, and
the named resources required to transfer the Services to a New Service Provider from NFO The plan will
contain, but not be limited to, the following key activities:
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A. Software Audit;
B. Hardware Audit;
C. Site Audit;
D. Agreement on Assets to be transferred in accordance with the Agreement;
E. Identification of Intellectual Property Rights;
F. Documentation to be transferred;
G. Provision of key outputs;
H. Software & Licenses - procedures and details of the necessary Software licences and Software removals (if
I. Support activities such as training on systems and procedures; and
J. Other activities not envisioned at the time of writing this agreement.
The Exit Plan and Service Transfer Plan will identify any activities that would be required for a phased transfer.
Project Management
The NFO shall treat Exit Plan as a separate project from the routine Services, and as such the NFO shall employ
a range of project management methodologies and tools, following the Project Management best practice
Required Consents
The Exit Plan will contain a list of all approvals, consents, licenses, permissions, certificates and statutory
agreements, permits or authorisations required by the NFO for the performance of the Services. It will also
detail the current status and expiry for each of these items, and the required actions to be undertaken to maintain
or transfer certifications in the event of transition.
After the Trigger Date and on or before the Termination Date or Expiry Date and in accordance with the
Transition Plan or at such other time as NIC may by notice in writing to the NFO specify the NFO shall effect
an orderly withdrawal from all of NIC premises and surrender the same and any Assets to be transferred to NIC
on the basis of a timetable to be set out in the Transition Plan, with withdrawal being completed in such manner
that the Services are not to the extent practicable materially disrupted or compromised in any way and following
the completion of the withdrawal the NFO shall deliver to NIC all keys to those premises. During the Transition
or notice Period or the six (6) Month period prior to the Expiry Date (as appropriate) the NFO shall ensure that
no equipment, hardware or materials are removed from any Premises by or on behalf of the NFO other than in
the normal course of its business.
A. The NFO shall comply with the Exit Plan, the Transition Plan and the provisions of this Agreement in
relation to the supply of information about personnel involved in the provision of the Services during
implementation of the Exit Plan and Transition Plan.
B. Within the Exit Plan, details of the skills and the training records of the Personnel will be referenced.
If requested in writing from NIC, after the termination or expiry of this Agreement, the NFO shall provide
A. support and Operations & maintenance, of any elements of the NICNET Infrastructure (including but not
limited to any Hardware, Software or other items), to NIC and/or the New Service Provider, which are to
continue to be used by NIC or New Service Provider and
B. support and Operations & maintenance of which the proprietary knowledge or skills of the NFO is required,
including but not limited to correction of defects, provision of upgrades and replacements and design
Exit Strategy
A. The NFO shall nominate its Project Head(s) as the single point of contact to be responsible for the Exit
Strategy, Exit Plan, and the Transition Plan throughout the term of this Agreement (the “Exit Plan
Manager”). After occurrence of the Trigger Date the Exit Plan Manager will act as the NFO’s Exit Manager.
B. The Exit Plan Manager shall be responsible for developing and reviewing the Exit Plan at six (6) monthly
intervals, and shall inform NIC as to the outcome of the review. The scope and detail of any Changes will be
agreed with NIC. The Exit Plan Manager shall also be responsible for reviewing the Exit Strategy and
producing the Transition Plan.
C. The Exit Plan Manager shall have appropriate technical, business and management skills.
D. The Exit Plan Manager shall assist NIC and/or New Service Provider with operational knowledge of
specific services and Transition Plan furthermore.
Exit Team
A. NIC and the NFO shall nominate its members of the exit team following the Effective Date. The number of
such nominations can be decided mutually by both the parties in writing. These nominations will be referred
as Exit Managers who besides as key representatives of individual parties can also deal with operational
B. Unless the parties agree otherwise in writing an Exit Board constituting senior management of NIC and the
NFO shall oversee the exit team (of Exit Managers) and determine the strategy of the exit team to the extent
not already set out in the Exit Plan and the Transition Plan.
C. Liaison lines between both parties will, at a strategic level be handled at the Exit Board level. And at an
operational level, communication will be through these “Exit Managers”.
D. The Exit Board will approve strategic documentation, plans and proposals. The “Exit Managers” would
approve operational level documentation and plans.
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Tender Document for the Selection of Facility Management Service Operator for NICNET and Networks Implemented and Managed by NIC
E. Escalation processes - With issues being escalated to the “Exit Managers” for resolution in the first instance.
Where issues cannot be resolved at this level, will be escalated to the Exit board.
Subject: Submission of Bid for Selection of Facility Management Service Operator for NICNET and
Networks Implemented and Managed by NIC
Dear Sir,
This is to notify that our company is submitting technical bid in response to Tender No NIC/…for Selection of
Facility Management Service Operator for NICNET and Networks Implemented and Managed by NIC.
Primary & Secondary contact for our company are as follows:
Company Name
We are responsible for communicating to the NIC in case of any change in the Primary or/and Secondary
contact information mentioned above. We shall not hold NIC responsible for any non-receipt of bid process
communication in case such change of information is not communicated and confirmed with NIC on time.
By submitting the proposal, we acknowledge that we have carefully read all the sections of this tender
document including all forms, scheduled and appendices hereto, and are fully informed to all existing
conditions and limitations. We also acknowledge that the company is in agreement with terms and conditions of
the tender and the procedure for bidding and evaluation.
We have enclosed the earnest money in the form of <……………..> as per the tender Conditions. It is liable to
be forfeited in accordance with the provisions of tender documents.
We declare that all the services shall be performed strictly in accordance with the fine-tuned Technical
specifications as in compliance with the Tender Document. Further we agree additional conditions, if any,
found in the proposal documents, other than those stated, shall not be given effect to.
Bid Pricing:
We do hereby confirm that our bid prices include all taxes, as applicable on the last date of submission of bid.
We further declare that the prices stated in our proposal are in accordance with your terms & conditions in the
bidding documents.
Qualifying Data:
We confirm having submitted in qualifying data as required by you in your tender document. In case you
require any further information/documentary proof in this regard before evaluation of your bid, we agree to
furnish the same in time to your satisfaction.
We confirm that information contained in this response or any part thereof, including documents and
instruments delivered or to be delivered to NIC are true, accurate, verifiable and complete. This response
includes all information necessary to ensure that the statements therein do not in whole or in part misled NIC in
its evaluation process.
Bid submitted by us is properly sealed and prepared so as to prevent any subsequent alteration and replacement.
We fully understand and agree that on verification, if any of the information provided here is found to be
misleading the evaluation process or unduly favours our company in evaluation process, we are liable to be
dismissed from the selection process or termination of the contract during the project, if selected to do so, for
supplying the solution to NIC.
We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any bid you may receive.
It is hereby confirmed that I/We are entitled to act on behalf of our corporation/company/firm/organization and
empowered to sign this document as well as such other documents, which may be required in this connection.
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Tender Document for the Selection of Facility Management Service Operator for NICNET and Networks Implemented and Managed by NIC
Yours sincerely,
Name of Firm:
Seal/Stamp of bidder:
Page No Reason
of for
# Description Document / Proof Compliance
attached deviation,
proof if any
Bank Guarantee / Demand
1 EMD/Security Deposit
Draft / Bankers' Cheque
Annexure- Covering Letter of
Technical Bid
3 Certificate of Incorporation
4 Details of the Bidder Articles of Association
Copy of Service Tax
6 Copy of PAN Card
7 Copy of TAN Card
Audited Balance Sheets
Annual turnover of minimum
Clearly mentioning the
Rs 400( FourHundred) Crores
Revenue from IT Network
for each of the last two
Management Services
financial years (2019-2020 and
8 (highlight the relevant portion
2020-2021) and this shall
of the balance sheets)
include Rs. 100 Crore
exclusively from IT Network
A certificate to this effect from
Management Services
Chartered Accountant
Bidder should have a positive
net worth during the last two A certificate to this effect from
financial years (2019-2020 and Chartered Accountant
Bidder hasn’t been blacklisted
by a central / state Government
institution and there has been Self-Declaration, as per format
no litigation with any provided in Tech Bid:
10 government department on Declaration that the bidder has
account of IT services and that not been blacklisted.
there has been no prior default
in FMS service in NIC for last
3 years.
The bidder should inform Self-Declaration as per
11 whether it complies with ANNEXURE - Tech Bid:
requirements of Registration Declaration that the bidder
Page No Reason
of for
# Description Document / Proof Compliance
attached deviation,
proof if any
under contract labour complies with Contract Labour
(Regulation & Abolish) Act, (Regulation & Abolish) Act
wherever applicable.
The bidder should have branch
offices in all the 5 zones in A self-declaration along with
12 India namely North India, the list of offices in these five
South India, West India, East zones needs to be submitted
India and North East India.
Experience in Managed
Copies of work order /
Services: The bidder should
purchase orders / linked
have completed at least 2 (two)
performance completion
projects of Network Managed
certificates for the last 2
Services/Network Facility
financial years may be
13 Management Services/Network
submitted as supporting
maintenance projects with
documents. Info on the
minimum cumulative value of
projects may be furnished as
INR 20Crores for 2 projects
per Annexure: Tech Bid –
only in the last 2 completed
Client Details of the Bidder.
financial years.
The bidder should have
minimum 3 years of existence
Copies of work orders to be
during last 5 Years in the Area
14 uploaded
of Network Management,
Network Implementation and
Facility Management.
The bidder should hold valid Valid
ISO/IEC20001:2018certificates ISO/IEC20001:2018Certificate
15 in IT Infrastructure. for relevant scope
The bidder should have an
experience in managing single
IT project covering more than Attach certified actual list of
16 10 States across the country, in locations
India. Bidders must have
supported / supporting100
locations of Single user.
I. General Information
a. Client Name
b. Start Date
c. End Date
e. Contract Tenure
Bank Guarantee No.
Dear Sir,
WHEREAS…………………. (Name of Bidder) hereinafter called “the Bidder” has undertaken, in pursuance of
Contract dated ….. 2021 (hereinafter referred to as “the Contract”) to implement for NIC.
AND WHEREAS it has been stipulated in the said Contract that the Bidder shall furnish a Bank Guarantee
(“the Guarantee”) from a scheduled bank for the sum specified therein as security for the performance of
Facility Management of NICNET as per the agreement.
WHEREAS we____________(“the Bank”, which expression shall be deemed to include it successors and
permitted assigns) have agreed to give NIC) the Guarantee:
1. The Bank hereby irrevocably and unconditionally guarantees the payment of all sums due and payable by the
BIDDER to NIC under the terms of their Agreement dated _________ on account of full or partial non-
implementation and/or delayed and/or defective implementation of Facility Management Service and/or
discrepancies in handing over the assets at the respective PoPs and Locations. Provided, however, that the
maximum liability of the Bank towards NIC under this Guarantee shall not, under any circumstances, exceed
__________________in aggregate.
2. In pursuance of this Guarantee, the Bank shall, immediately upon the receipt of a written notice from NIC
stating full or partial non-implementation and/or delayed and/ or defective implementation, which shall not be
called in question, in that behalf and without delay/demur or set off, pay to NIC any and all sums demanded by
NIC under the said demand notice, subject to the maximum limits specified in Clause 1 above. A notice from
NIC to the Bank shall be sent by Registered Post (Acknowledgement Due) at the following address:
Attention Mr.__________
3. This Guarantee shall come into effect immediately upon execution and shall remain in force for a period of 12
months from the date of its execution. However, the Guarantee shall, not less than 30 days prior to its expiry,
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Tender Document for the Selection of Facility Management Service Operator for NICNET and Networks Implemented and Managed by NIC
be extended by the Bank for a further period of 12 months. The Bank shall extend the Guarantee annually in
the manner hereinbefore provided for a period of five years from the date of issue of this Guarantee.
4. The liability of the Bank under the terms of this Guarantee shall not, in any manner whatsoever, be modified,
discharged or otherwise affected by:
i) any change or amendment to the terms and conditions of the Contract or the execution of any further
ii) ii) any breach or non-compliance by the Operator with any of the terms and conditions of any
Agreements/credit arrangement, present or future, between Operator and the Bank.
5. The Bank also agrees that NIC at its option shall be entitled to enforce this Guarantee against the Bank as a
Principal Debtor, in the first instance without proceeding against BIDDER and not withstanding any security or
other guarantee that NIC may have in relation to the BIDDER’s liabilities.
6. The BANK shall not be released of its obligations under these presents by reason of any act of omission or
commission on the part of NIC or any other indulgence shown by NIC or by any other matter or thing
whatsoever which under law would, but for this provision, have the effect of relieving the BANK.
7. This Guarantee shall be governed by the laws of India and only the courts of State Capital shall have exclusive
jurisdiction in the adjudication of any dispute, which may arise hereunder.
(Signature) (Signature)
ANNEXURE - VIII: Tech Bid: Declaration that the bidder has not been blacklisted
Dear Sir,
We confirm that our company is not blacklisted in any manner whatsoever by any state/central government
department, autonomous organizations, Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) or any other Government
Organization in India in last three yearw.e.f date of bid submission. We also confirm that there has been no
prior default in FMS service in NIC for last 3 years.
It is hereby confirmed that I/We are entitled to act on behalf of our company/corporation/firm/organization and
empowered to sign this document as well as such other documents, which may be required in this connection.
Yours sincerely,
ANNEXURE - IX: Tech Bid: Declaration that the bidder complies with Contract Labour (Regulation
& Abolish) Act
Dear Sir,
We confirm that our company Complies with requirements of Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolish) Act,
wherever applicable.
It is hereby confirmed that I/We are entitled to act on behalf of our company/corporation/firm/organization and
empowered to sign this document as well as such other documents, which may be required in this connection.
Yours sincerely,
S. No Detailed Financial Corresponding Value in Value as derived from Detailed Financial Bid Forms
Bid Form Detailed Financial Bid
1 F1 V1 0.00
2 F2 V2 0.00
3 F3 V3 0.00
4 F4 V4 0.00
5 F5 V5 0.00
6 F6 V6 0.00
7 F7 V7 0.00
1. The participating agencies must first fill rates for all Forms (F1 to F7) in Detailed Financial Bid (Annexure
– DF). Rates for all the items have to be quoted for consideration of their bid.
NHQ (NIC HQ, Delhi)
Name of Bidder :
S. Resource Type Minimum Gross Man Overhead Applicable Total Cost in
N. Requiremen month Cost to be Taxes in Rs Rs.
t as per Charges to charged per man-
Annexure - be paid to separately month
FMS manpower by NFO
Resource by NFO in per man-
Requiremen Rs. month
ts (Exclusive
of Taxes)
A B C D E=(B+C+D)*A
1 Project Incharge 1 210000 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 Project Manager 2 155000 0.00 0.00 0.00
3 Senior Network 9 95000 0.00 0.00 0.00
4 Network 19 0.00 0.00 0.00
Administrator 65000
5 Senior System 7 0.00 0.00 0.00
Administrator 95000
6 System 22 0.00 0.00 0.00
Administrator 65000
7 Senior Security 11 0.00 0.00 0.00
Administrator 95000
8 Security 36 0.00 0.00 0.00
Administrator 65000
9 Senior Voice & 7 0.00 0.00 0.00
Video 95000
10 Voice & Video 5 0.00 0.00 0.00
Administrator 65000
11 Senior 24/5/5 0.00 0.00 0.00
Network/Security/ 37000
Video and Voice
Operator cum
Field Engineer
12 Network/Security/ 46/25/20 0.00 0.00 0.00
Video and Voice 27000
Operator cum
Field Engineer
13 Service Desk/Help 10 22000 0.00 0.00 0.00
Desk Operator
Total (say V1) 0.00
Total in Words for
value V1
Name of Bidder :
Note: The resource-wise break-up of Column –D (i.e D1 to D7) of Form F2 must be equal to (D1 to D7) of the Form
Name of Bidder
Security Administrator
System Administrator
Senior network
Resource Type
Field Engineer
Field Engineer
A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Andaman 0 1 0 0 1 4 1
Andhra Pradesh 0 2 1 0 2 6 1
Arunachal Pradesh 0 2 1 0 2 6 1
Assam 0 2 1 0 2 6 1
Bihar 1 2 2 1 3 8 1
Chandigarh UT 0 1 0 0 1 4 1
Chhattisgarh 0 2 1 0 2 6 1
Dadra Nagar 0 1 0 0 1 4 1
Diu & Daman 0 1 0 0 1 4 1
NCT Delhi 0 2 1 0 2 6 1
Goa 0 1 0 0 1 4 1
Gujarat 0 2 1 0 2 6 1
Haryana 0 2 1 0 2 6 1
C - Name of the State
Himachal Pradesh 0 2 1 0 2 6 1
J&K 0 2 1 0 2 6 1
Jharkhand 0 2 1 0 2 6 1
Karnataka 1 2 2 1 3 8 1
Kerala 0 2 1 0 2 6 1
Ladakh 0 1 0 0 1 4 1
Lakshadweep 0 1 0 0 1 4 1
Madhya Pradesh 1 2 2 1 3 8 1
Maharashtra 1 2 2 1 3 8 1
Manipur 0 2 1 0 2 6 1
Mizoram 0 1 0 0 1 4 1
Meghalaya 0 2 1 0 2 6 1
Nagaland 0 2 1 0 2 6 1
Orissa 1 2 2 1 3 8 1
Puducherry 0 1 0 0 1 4 1
Pune 0 2 1 1 2 6 1
Punjab 0 2 1 0 2 6 1
Rajasthan 1 2 2 1 3 8 1
No. NIC/TPS/2021/001 Page 99 of 109
Tender Document for the Selection of Facility Management Service Operator for NICNET and Networks Implemented and Managed by NIC
Sikkim 0 1 0 0 1 4 1
Tamil Nadu 1 2 2 1 3 8 1
Tripura 0 1 0 0 1 4 1
Telengana (including NIU) 1 4 3 1 4 8 2
Uttar Pradesh 1 2 2 1 3 8 1
Uttarakhand 0 2 1 0 2 6 1
West Bengal 0 2 1 0 2 6 1
9 67 36 10 75 224 39
D Total
D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7
Name of Bidder :
S. Resource Type No. of Gross Man Overhead Applicable Total No of Total Cost in Rs.
No DHQ month Cost to be Taxes in Rs Manpower
Charges to charged per man- to be
be paid to separately month provided
manpower by NFO by bidder
by NFO in per man-
Rs. month
of Taxes)
A B C D E=(A+B+C)*D
1 Network Operator 718 0.00 0.00 1436 0.00
cum Field 27000
Total (say V3) 0.00
Total in Words for value V3
Name of Bidder :
S. Resource Gross Man Overhead Applicable Total No Total Cost in
No Type month Cost to be Taxes in of Rs.
Charges to charged Rs per Manpower
be paid to separately man- to be
manpower by NFO month provided
by NFO in per man- by bidder
Rs. month
of Taxes)
A B C D E=(A+B+C)*D
1 Network 0.00 0.00 33 0.00
Administrator 65000
Number of Bhawans may vary in the contract period of NFO. The costing of actual numbers will be considered
for calculation of payments and penalty.
Last Mile Connectivity (Horizontal
Connectivity over leased line/Broad Band VPN from PoPs)
Name of Bidder :
Unit Cost Per Site
Approximate Applicable Taxes Total Cost
Sl.No. Activity in Rs. (Exclusive
Sites per Unit in Rs. in Rs.
of Taxes)
One Time Charges for
coordination of
Installation of Leased
Line/Broadband VPN
1 1,500 0.00 0.00 0.00
Link and Network
Component (Router,
Switch, Modem etc.)
for any New Site
Per Year Maintenance
Charges of Leased
Line/Broadband VPN
2 Links and Network 0.00 0.00 0.00
Component (Router,
Switch, Modem etc.)
for Operational Sites
Total (say V5) 0.00
Total in words for
value V5
Diesel Generator Set Operations/running Cost
Name of Bidder :
Unit Price
(operations / Per Unit Estimated no.
running cost) Amount of All of Hours usage
S. Expected per hour basis Taxes and other of Diesel
Item Total Cost
No Quantity per PoP charges etc. for Generator Set
(Exclusive of all Column B in per PoP Per
taxes and Rs. Month
levies) in Rs.
For 30KVA
1 15 0.00 0.00 60 0.00
Generator Set
at SHQ
For 15KVA
2 100 0.00 0.00 60 0.00
Generator Set
at DHQ
Total (V6) 0.00
Value V6 in Words
Note: Figures mentioned in Column D are indicative and are subject for bid evaluation.
Spares Management Charges
Name of Bidder :
Unit Price for Spare
Expected No. of Movement for every 2
Per Unit
Spare Spare Kilograms of Spare (incl. of
Amount of
S. No Management Movement (of Packaging, transportation, Total Cost
Taxes for
for Category 2Kg each for handling, insurance, levies
Column C
each) and other charges)
(Exclusive of taxes) in Rs.
1 I 240 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 II 110 0.00 0.00 0.00
3 III 175 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total (say V7) 0.00
Total in Words for Value
Note: Figures mentioned in Column B are indicative and are subject for bid evaluation.
I/We, herby, declare that the particulars given above are correct and complete. If the transaction is delayed or
not effected at all for reasons of incomplete or incorrect information, I/we would not hold NIC responsible.
a) The bids for this tender have to be uploaded online on the NIC e-procurement portal
https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app. For this the Agencies must have obtained a class 2/class 3 digital
signature certificate as described on the afore-mentioned portal.
b) All the bid documents to be uploaded must be digitally signed and sequentially numbered.
c) Scanned copy of bank draft (in PDF) meant for EMD has also to be uploaded. The actual draft has to be
submitted to NIC office in a sealed cover superscripting “Tender for Selection of Facility Management
Service Operator for NICNET and Networks Implemented and Managed by NIC”. The envelope should
be addressed to the Deputy Director, TPS,NIC and submitted before the Bid submission date and time
mentioned in the table given below.
The Online bids (complete in all respect) must be uploaded online in Two Envelops as explained
Envelope – 1
(Following documents to be provided as single PDF file)
Documen File
S. No. Content
ts Types
Scanned copy of Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) to .PDF
1. EMD
be uploaded in pdf
Eligibility/S The requirements as mentioned in the Eligibility .PDF
2. election Criteria.
3 Bank Bank Details - The bank details as per .PDF
f) The successful uploading of the bid, complete in all respects, delivers an automatically generated Bid-id.
Non-generation of Bid-id means the bid hasn’t been successfully uploaded. A snapshot of this screen
should be obtained and produced at the time of bid opening as a proof of successfully uploaded bid.
Activity Date