SFF-8679 018
SFF-8679 018
SFF-8679 018
Specification for
Abstract: This specification defines the contact pads, the electrical, power
supply, ESD and thermal characteristics of the pluggable QSFP+ module or cable
This draft specification is made available for public review, and written comments
are solicited from readers. Comments received at http://www.snia.org/feedback will
be considered for inclusion in future revisions of this specification.
Editor: [email protected]
Chairman: [email protected]
Public feedback: http://www.snia.org/feedback
Change History
Rev 1.5:
- Moved referenced SFF specs to 2.1 Industry Documents and expanded the list.
Rev 1.6:
- Updated Figure 1 to show retimers.
- Removed two-wire interface timing diagram which is now in SFF-8636.
- Complete rewrite of power supply section to add support for Power Classes 5
to 7.
- Added section 8 "Timing Requirements".
Rev 1.7
- Editorial only, no technical changes.
Rev 1.8
- Converted to SNIA SFF template.
- Editorial updates throughout.
- Title changed to “Hardware and Electrical” to better reflect contents
- Updated abstract
- Updated editor contact information.
- Section 1 Scope – rewrote to better reflect content.
- Section 2 References – replaced several entries with updated document
numbers and names.
- Section 2.3 Acronyms – deleted several unused entries and added several
new ones based on content.
- Section 3 General Description – Rewrote most of this section to reflect
updated content. Added several relevant applications to Table 3 -1.
- Section 4 Compliance Testing – updated Figure 4-1 and corrected test point
descriptions in Table 4-1.
- Section 5 Electrical Specification –
o Updated Figure 5-1 and Table 5-1 to show the new dual-purpose
signals LPMode/TxDis and IntL/RxLOSL on pads 31 and 28
respectively. Rewrote Note 2 of Table 5-1 for clarity.
o Replaced “pin” by “pad” throughout
o Replaced Figures 5-2 and 5-3 to better reflect current
o Extensive updates of Section 5.3 describing Low Speed Signals.
o Updates to Table 5-2 to explain SCL and SDA electrical
requirements and maximum pull-up resistor values for 400 kHz
o Significant revisions to text in 5.4 Low Speed Signal Electrical
Specifications and 5.5 High Speed Signal Electrical
o Re-ordered and rewrote section 5.6 Power Supply Requirements
including adding a new Power Class 8 with a maximum power limited
only by the connector current rating.
- Section 6 Mechanical and Board Definition – cleaned up this section to
reference the relevant documents instead of including non
hardware/electrical features.
- Section 7 Environmental and Temperature – added a “custom” temperature
class for modules that do not comply with any of the legacy case
temperature ranges, e.g., hyperscale data center applications.
- Section 8 Timing Requirements
o Major updates to Table 8-1 including re-writes of many entries in
the “Conditions” column.
o Changed limit for “Reset Init Assert Time” from a maximum of 2 us
QSFP+ 4X Hardware and Electrical Specification Page 2
Copyright © 2018 SNIA.
PUBLISHED SFF-8679 Revision 1.8
to a minimum of 10 us.
o Table 8-1: added new entries for “LPMode/TxDis mode change time”,
“IntL/RxLOSL mode change time”, “RxLOSL Assert Time (Optional
Fast Mode)”, and “RxLOSL Deassert Time (Optional Fast Mode)”.
o Table 8-1: changed limit for “LPMode Assert Time” from 100 us to
100 ms.
o Table 8-1: rewrote notes 1-5 and added new notes 6-7.
o Table 8-2: changed maximum limits for “Rx Squelch Assert Time”
and “Rx Squelch Deassert Time” from 80 us to 15 ms.
o Table 8-2: added new parameters for “Tx Disable Assert Time
(Optional Fast Mode)” and “Tx Disable Deassert Time (Optional
Fast Mode)”.
o Table 8-2: corrected text in descriptions of Tx Squelch assert &
o Added section 8.3 and Table 8-3 with timing for ModSelL setup and
hold times, plus time for aborted sequence – bus release.
- Appendix A two-wire interface timing – Added a copy of the two-wire
interface timing diagram (Figure A-1), timing parameters (Table A-1) and
non-volatile memory timing specifications (Table A-2).
The development work on this specification was done by the SNIA SFF TWG, an
industry group. Since its formation as the SFF Committee in August 1990, the
membership has included a mix of companies which are leaders across the industry.
When 2 1/2" diameter disk drives were introduced, there was no commonality on
external dimensions e.g. physical size, mounting locations, connector type,
connector location, between vendors. The SFF Committee provided a forum for system
integrators and vendors to define the form factor of disk drives.
In July 2016, the SFF Committee transitioned to SNIA (Storage Networking Industry
Association), as a TA (Technology Affiliate) TWG (Technical Work Group).
SFF meets during the T10 (see http://www.incits.org/committees/t10) and T11 (see
http://www.incits.org/committees/t11) weeks, and SSWGs (Specific Subject Working
Groups) are held at the convenience of the participants.
Many of the specifications developed by SFF have either been incorporated into
standards or adopted as standards by ANSI, EIA, JEDEC and SAE.
For those who wish to participate in the activities of the SFF TWG, the signup for
membership can be found at: http://www.snia.org/sff/join
The complete list of SFF Specifications which have been completed or are currently
being worked on by the SFF Committee can be found at:
1 Scope 7
1.1 Copyright 7
1.2 Disclaimer 7
2 References 8
2.1 Industry Documents 8
2.1.1 Relevant SFF Specifications 8
2.2 Conventions 9
2.3 Acronyms and Abbreviations 9
3 General Description 11
4 Compliance boards and reference points 12
5 Electrical Specification 14
5.1 Electrical Connector 14
5.2 QSFP Example Circuits 16
5.3 Low Speed Signal Descriptions 18
5.3.1 ModSelL 18
5.3.2 ResetL 18
5.3.3 LPMode/TxDis 18
5.3.4 ModPrsL 19
5.3.5 IntL/RxLOSL 19
5.4 Low Speed Signal Electrical Specifications 20
5.4.1 Low Speed Signaling 20
5.4.2 Low Speed Signal Timing 20
5.5 High Speed Signal Electrical Specifications 20
5.5.1 Rxip and Rxin 20
5.5.2 Txip and Txin 21
5.6 Power Supply Requirements 21
5.6.1 Host Board Power Supply Filtering 22
5.6.2 Power Classes and Maximum Power Consumption 23
5.6.3 Module Power Supply Specification 25
5.6.4 Host Board Power Supply Noise Output 28
5.6.5 Module Power Supply Noise Output 28
5.6.6 Module Power Supply Noise Tolerance 28
5.7 ESD 28
6 Mechanical and Board Definition 29
6.1 Mechanical general 29
6.2 Color Coding and Labeling of Modules 29
6.3 Optical Interface 30
6.3.1 MPO Optical Cable Connection 31
6.3.2 Dual LC Optical Cable Connection 32
7 Environmental and Temperature 33
7.1 Temperature Requirements 33
8 Timing Requirements 34
8.1 Control and Status Timing Requirements 35
8.2 Squelch and Tx/Rx Disable Assert, Deassert and Enable/Disable Timing 37
8.3 QSFP Management Interface Timing Parameters 38
Appendix A. Two-wire Interface Timing 39
A.1 Timing Diagram 39
A.2 Timing Parameters 40
A.3 Timing for non-volatile memory writes 41
Figure 3-1 Application reference model 11
Figure 4-1 Reference Points and Compliance Boards 12
Figure 5-1 Module Pad Layout 14
Figure 5-2 Example: Host Board Schematic for Optical Modules 16
Figure 5-3 Example: Host Board Schematic for Passive Copper Cables 17
Figure 5-4 Recommended Host Board Power Supply Filtering 22
Figure 5-5 Example: Schematic of multiple qsfp+ power supply arrangement 23
Figure 5-6 QSFP+ Inrush Current Timing 26
Figure 6-1 Pluggable Module and Cable Plug Rendering 29
Figure 6-2 Optical Receptacle and Lane Orientation for MPO connector 31
Figure 6-3 Optical Receptacle for Dual LC Connector 31
Figure 6-4 MPO Optical Patch Cord 32
Figure 6-5 Dual LC Optical Connector Plug 33
Figure 8-1 Block diagram of module control signals 34
Figure A-1 Two-wire Interface Timing Diagram 39
Table 3-1 Example uses for QSFP+ 11
Table 4-1 Reference Points 13
Table 5-1 Pad Function Definition 15
Table 5-2 Low Speed Electrical Specifications 20
Table 5-3 QSFP+ Module Power Classes 24
Table 5-4 Power Mode Control Bits in SFF-8636, Page 00h, Byte 93) 24
Table 5-5 Power Mode Truth Table 25
Table 5-6 QSFP+ Module Power Supply Specification 27
Table 7-1 Temperature Range Class of Operation 33
Table 8-1 Control and Status Timing Requirements 35
Table 8-2 QSFP+ Squelch and Tx/Rx Disable timing 37
Table 8-3 QSFP Management interface timing parameters 38
Table A-1 Management interface timing parameters 40
Table A-2 Non-Volatile Memory Specification 41
1 Scope
This document specifies the electrical requirements for the QSFP10/14/28 pluggable
4-lane interfaces, hereafter referred to as QSFP+. The scope includes: electrical
contacts for the host connector; status, control and management interface signals;
power supply requirements; fiber positions for optical interfaces; ESD and thermal
characteristics and color coding of pluggable QSFP+ modules and cables.
This specification supersedes and extends INF-8438 QSFP (Quad SFP) 4 Gb/s 4X
Transceiver and SFF-8436 QSFP+ 10 Gb/s 4X Pluggable Transceiver by supporting
higher transfer rates.
1.1 Copyright
The SNIA hereby grants permission for individuals to use this document for personal
use only, and for corporations and other business entities to use this document f or
internal use only (including internal copying, distribution, and display) provided
Other than as explicitly provided above, there may be no commercial use of this
document, or sale of any part, or this entire document, or distribution of this
document to third parties. All rights not explicitly granted are expressly reserved
to SNIA.
Permission to use this document for purposes other than those enumerated
(Exception) above may be requested by e-mailing mailto:[email protected].
Please include the identity of the requesting individual and/or company and a brief
description of the purpose, nature, and scope of the requested use. Permission for
the Exception shall not be unreasonably withheld. It can be assumed permission is
granted if the Exception request is not acknowledged within ten (10) business days
of SNIA's receipt. Any denial of permission for the Exception shall include an
explanation of such refusal.
1.2 Disclaimer
The information contained in this publication is subject to change without notice.
The SNIA makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this specification,
including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and
fitness for a particular purpose. The SNIA shall not be liable for errors contained
herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the
furnishing, performance, or use of this specification.
2 References
2.2 Conventions
The ISO convention of numbering is used i.e., the thousands and higher multiples
are separated by a space and a period is used as the decimal point. This is
equivalent to the English/American convention of a comma and a period.
3 General Description
This specification covers the following items:
This specification may be compatible with the example optical and electrical
specifications in Table 3-1.
The Application Reference Model in Figure 3-1 shows the high-speed data interface
between an ASIC (SerDes) and the module. Only one lane of the interface is shown
for simplicity. Either parallel MPO or duplex LC fiber connectors can be used for
the optical interface.
Only one channel (i) shown for simplicity
Output Rx
Host Card Edge Connector
Host PCB Trace Trace
Host-to-Module TP1a
Transmit function
Receive function TP5
Host Channel TP4a
TP1 Host-to-Module
Receive function
TP4 T ransmit function
Module Channel
TP1 TP1a
Reference Channel TP4
5 Electrical Specification
This clause contains pad definition data for the module. The pad definition data is
generic for high speed datacom applications such as Fibre Channel, Ethernet and
SONET/ATM. Compliance Points for high-speed electrical measurements are defined in
Table 4-1 and illustrated in Figure 4-1. Compliance points for all other electrical
signals are at comparable points at the host card edge connector.
5.1 Electrical Connector
Figure 5-1 shows the signal symbols and pad numbering for the module edge
connector. The diagram shows the module PCB edge as a top and bottom view, where
bottom is nearer the host PCB. There are 38 pads intended for high speed signals,
low speed signals, power and ground connections. Table 5-1 provides more
information about each of the 38 pads.
The module contains a printed circuit board that mates with the elec trical
connector. The pads are designed for a sequenced mating:
For EMI protection the signals to the connector should be shut off when the module
is absent. Standard board layout practices such as connections to Vcc and GND with
vias, the use of short and equal-length differential signal lines, and the use of
microstrip-lines and 50 Ω terminations are recommended. The chassis ground (case
common) of the module should be isolated from the module's circuit ground, GND, to
provide the equipment designer flexibility regarding connections between external
electromagnetic interference shields and circuit ground, GND, of the module.
38 GND GND 1
37 Tx1n Tx2n 2
36 Tx1p Tx2p 3
35 GND GND 4
Module Card Edge
34 Tx3n Tx4n 5
33 Tx3p Tx4p 6
32 GND GND 7
31 LPMode/TxDis ModselL 8
30 Vcc1 ResetL 9
29 VccTx VccRx 10
28 IntL/RxLOSL SCL 11
27 ModPrsL SDA 12
26 GND GND 13
25 Rx4p Rx3p 14
24 Rx4n Rx3n 15
23 GND GND 16
22 Rx2p Rx1p 17
21 Rx2n Rx1n 18
20 GND GND 19
100 Ω Rx1p/n
Quad Quad
CDR / Optical
Equalizer Receiver
Quad Quad
Equalizer / Optical
CDR Transmitter
Vcc Host = +3.3V
Host Power
Supply VccTx
Filters Vcc1 Note: CDRs and Equalizers are not
present in certain low er-speed
GND modules
QSFP+ Module
Module ModSelL
Controller ResetL Controller
LPMode/Tx Dis
100 Ω Rx1p/n
100 Ω Rx2p/n
100 Ω Rx3p/n
100 Ω Rx4p/n
Host SerDes
Vcc Host = +3.3V
Host Power
Supply VccTx
Filters Vcc1
The behavior of these signals is given in 5.3.1 to 5.3.5, the electrical
specifications are in 5.4.1, and timing requirements are in 5.4.2 and 8. Timing
requirements for the two-wire interface are in Appendix A.
5.3.1 ModSelL
ModSelL is an input signal. When held low by the host, the module responds to two-
wire serial communication commands. The ModSelL signal allows the use of multiple
modules on a single two-wire interface. When ModSelL is high, the module shall not
respond to or acknowledge any two-wire interface communication from the host. The
ModSelL signal input node shall be pulled towards Vcc in the module.
In order to avoid conflicts, the host system shall not attempt two-wire interface
communications within the ModSelL de-assert time after any modules are deselected.
Similarly, the host shall wait at least for the period of the ModSelL assert time
before communicating with the newly selected module. The assertion and de-assertion
periods of different modules may overlap as long as the above timing requirements
are met.
5.3.2 ResetL
The ResetL signal shall be pulled towards Vcc in the module. A low level on ResetL
for longer than the minimum pulse length (t_Reset_init) initiates a complete module
reset, returning all user module settings to their default state. Module Reset
Assert Time (t_init) starts on the rising edge after the low level of the ResetL
pad is released. During the execution of a reset (t_init) the host shall disregard
all status bits until the module indicates a completion of reset interrupt by
asserting "low" on the IntL/RxLOSL signal (see SFF-8636 for details). However, on
power up (including hot insertion) the module should post this completion of reset
interrupt without the host pulling ResetL low.
5.3.3 LPMode/TxDis
LPMode/TxDis is a dual-mode input signal from the host operating with active high
logic. It shall be pulled towards Vcc in the module. At power-up or after ResetL is
deasserted LPMode/TxDis behaves as LPMode. If supported, LPMode/TxDis can be
configured as TxDis using the two-wire interface except during the execution of a
reset. TxDis provides an optional fast mode, see definition in SFF-8636.
Changing LPMode/TxDis mode from LPMode to TxDis when the LPMode/TxDis state is high
disables all optical transmitters. If the module was in low power mode, then the
module transitions out of low power mode at the same time. If the module is already
in high power state (Power Override control bits) with transmitters already
enabled, the module shall disable all optical transmitters.
Changing the LPMode/TxDis mode from LPMode to TxDis when the LPMode/TxDis state is
low, simply changes the behavior of the mode of LPMode/TxDis. The behavior of the
module depends on the Power Override control bits.
Timing requirements for LPMode/TxDis mode changes are found in Table 8-1.
Note that the “soft” functions of TxDis, LPMode, IntL and RxLOSL allow the host to
poll or set these values over the two-wire interface as an alternative to
monitoring/setting signal values. Asserting either the “hard pin” or “soft bit”
(or both) for TxDis or LPMode results in that function being asserted.
5.3.4 ModPrsL
ModPrsL is pulled up towards Vcc_Host on the host board and pulled towards ground
in the module. ModPrsL is pulled low when inserted and released to high when it is
physically absent from the host connector.
5.3.5 IntL/RxLOSL
Timing requirements for IntL/RxLOSL mode change are found in Table 8-1. If the
module has no interrupt flags asserted (IntL/RxLOSL is high), there should be no
change in IntL/RxLOSL states after the mode change.
Low speed signaling other than SCL and SDA is based on Low Voltage TTL (LVTTL)
operating at Vcc. Vcc refers to the generic supply voltages of VccTx, VccRx,
Vcc_host or Vcc1. Hosts shall use a pull-up resistor connected to Vcc_host on each
of the two-wire interface SCL (clock) and SDA (data), and all low speed status
The SCL and SDA is a hot plug interface that may support a bus topology. During
module insertion or removal, the module may implement a pre -charge circuit which
prevents corrupting data transfers from other modules that are already using the
Compliance with Table 5-2 provides compatibility between host bus masters and the
two-wire interface.
Timing for SCL and SDA is defined in a management interface document, SFF-8636 and
is duplicated in Appendix A for convenience. Timing of the hardware control
functions and ModSelL are specified in section 8.
Rxip and Rxin are module receiver data outputs. They are AC-coupled 100 Ω
differential lines that should be terminated with 100 Ω differentially at the host
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Copyright © 2018 SNIA.
PUBLISHED SFF-8679 Revision 1.8
ASIC (SerDes). The AC coupling is inside the module and not required on the Host
Due to the possibility of insertion of legacy QSFP and QSFP+ modules into a host
designed for higher speed operation, it is recommended that the damage threshold of
the host input be at least 1600 mV peak to peak differential.
Output squelch for loss of optical input signal, hereafter Rx Squelch, is required
and shall function as follows. In the event that the optical signal on any lane
becomes less than or equal to the level required to assert LOS, then the receiver
data output for that lane shall be squelched or disabled and the associated RxLOS
flag set. In the squelched or disabled state output impedance levels are maintained
while the differential voltage swing shall be less than 50 mVpp or the value in the
relevant standard.
In normal operation the default case has Rx Squelch active. Rx Squelch can be
deactivated using Rx Squelch Disable through the two-wire interface. Rx Squelch
Disable is an optional function. For specific details refer to SFF -8636.
Txip and Txin are module transmitter data inputs. They are AC-coupled 100 Ω
differential lines with 100 Ω differential terminations inside the module. The AC
coupling is inside the module and not required on the Host board.
Due to the possibility of insertion of modules into a host designed for lower speed
operation, the damage threshold of the module input shall be at least 1600 mV peak
to peak differential.
Output squelch, hereafter Tx Squelch, for loss of input signal, hereafter Tx LOS,
is an optional function. Where implemented it shall function as follows. In the
event that the input signal becomes less than 50 mVpp or the value in the relevant
standard, then the transmitter optical output for that lane shall be squelched or
disabled and the associated TxLOS flag set.
Where squelched, the transmitter OMA shall be less than or equal to -26 dBm and
when disabled the transmitter power shall be less than or equal to -30 dBm or the
value(s) defined by the relevant standard. For applications, e.g. Ethernet, where
the transmitter off condition is defined in terms of average power, disabling the
transmitter is recommended and for applications, e.g. InfiniBand, where the
transmitter off condition is defined in terms of OMA, squelching the transmitter is
The circuit card in a QSFP+ module has three designated power pads, designated VccTx,
VccRx and Vcc1. When the QSFP+ module is "hot plugged" into a connector with power
already present, the three pads have power applied concurrently. The module is
responsible for limiting the inrush current surge from the reference power supply
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Copyright © 2018 SNIA.
PUBLISHED SFF-8679 Revision 1.8
filtering circuit during a hot plug event. The host power supply may supply up to the
maximum inrush current limits during a hot plug event without causing disturbance to
other modules and components on the same power supply.
All specifications shall be met at the maximum power supply current. No power
sequencing of the power supply is required of the host system. The module sequences
the contacts in the order of ground, supply and signals during insertion.
The host board should use a power supply filtering network equivalent to that shown
in Figure 5-4.
1 µH
0.1 µF 22 µF
GND Vcc_host = 3.3 V
1 µH
0.1 µF 22 µF 0.1 µF 22 µF
QSFP+ Module GND
1 µH
0.1 µF 22 µF
The specification of the host power supply filtering network is bey ond the scope of
this specification, particularly because of the wide range of QSFP+ module Power
Classes. An example current waveform into a host filter, labeled I1 in Figure 5-5 is
plotted in Figure 5-6. Each power connection has a supply filter for reducing high
frequency noise and ripple from host-to-module. During a hot-plug event, the filter
network limits any voltage drop on the host supply so that neighboring modules sharing
the same supply stay within their specified supply voltage limits.
Since different classes of modules exist with pre-defined maximum power consumption
limits, it is necessary to avoid exceeding the host power supply limits and cooling
capacity when a module is inserted into a host designed to use only lower power
modules. It is recommended that the host, through the management interface, identify
the power consumption class of the module before allowing the module to go into High
Power Mode.
QSFP+ modules are categorized into several Power Classes as listed in Table 5-3.
Power Classes are advertised in SFF-8636, Page 00h, Byte 129. The maximum power
consumption may be advertised in SFF-8636, Page 00h, Byte 107.
In order to avoid exceeding the host system power cap acity and thermal management,
upon hot-plug, power cycle or reset, all QSFP+ modules shall power up as if they were
Power Class 1, designated as "Low Power Mode". QSFP+ modules that are Power Class 1
are fully functional after initialization and remain in Low Power Mode during
operation. All other QSFP+ modules reach fully functional operation only after the
host system enables High Power Mode".
High Power Mode is defined as the Power Class advertised in SFF-8636, Page 00h, Byte
129 and is enabled by the host if the host can supply sufficient power to the module .
The host system controls whether a particular Power Class is enabled using the LPMode
input pad and/or by writing to four control bits in SFF-8636, Page 00h, Byte 93. The
management interface specification, SFF-8636 provides complete details but for
explanation of power supply control, the bits are listed in Table 5-4.
Bit Name Description
7-4 Reserved
3 High Power Class Enable When set to 1 enables Power Class 8 if listed in
(Class 8) Byte 129. When cleared to 0, modules with Power
Class 8 shall dissipate less than the power
specified by bit 2, but are not required to be fully
functional. Refer to Table 5-5. Default=0.
2 High_Power_Class_Enable When set to 1 enables Power Classes 5 to 7 if listed
(Classes 5-7) in Byte 129. When cleared to 0, modules with Power
Classes 5 to 8 shall dissipate less than 3.5 W, but
are not required to be fully functional. Default=0.
1 Power_set Power set to Low Power Mode (Power Class 1).
0 Power_override Override of LPMode/TxDis pad state to allow power
mode setting by software.
Note: Power Class 8 is managed by SFF-8636 rev 3.0 or higher.
A truth table showing the allowed Power Classes is shown in Table 5-5.
QSFP+ modules operate from the host supplied voltage at the three power pads. To
protect the host and system operation, each QSFP+ module during hot plug and normal
operation shall follow the requirements listed in Table 5-6 and illustrated in
Figure 5-6.
The test configuration for measuring the supply current is a module power compliance
board with reference power supply filters, similar to the circuit shown in Appendix
D and Figure 56 of SFF-8431. The current limits in Table 5-6 refer to the sum of the
three currents, e.g. the equivalent of the current through the 0.1 Ω sense resistor
in Figure 56 of SFF-8431.
An example current waveform into a host filter, labeled I1 in Figure 5-5 is plotted
in Figure 5-6. This figure also shows the timing of the initial module turn -on in Low
Power Mode, and the later transition to full power mode after the host system has
enabled it via the two-wire interface.
The host shall generate an effective weighted integrated spectrum RMS noise less
than the value in Table 5-6 when tested by the methods of SFF-8431, section D.17.1.
The resistive load for the test needs to be tailored for the QSFP power class and
may be implemented using constant current sink circuits attached to each host
supply filter output.
The QSFP+ module shall generate less than the value in Table 5-6 when tested by the
methods of SFF-8431, section D.17.2. The test fixture source resistor should be
scaled by the ratio: (1.5W / maximum module power consumption), where maximum
module power consumption is either the maximum of the advertised power class, or
the advertised maximum power.
The QSFP+ module shall meet all requirements and remain fully operational in the
presence of a sinusoidal tolerance signal of amplitude given by Table 5-6, swept
from 10 Hz to 10 MHz according to the methods of SFF-8431, section D.17.3. This
emulates the worst-case noise output of the host. The source resistance for the
power supply and sine wave generator may need to be reduced from 0.5 Ω to a lower
value for high powered modules.
5.7 ESD
Where ESD performance is not otherwise specified, e.g. in the InfiniBand
specification, the module shall meet ESD requirements given in EN61000 -4-2,
criterion B test specification when installed in a properly grounded cage and
chassis. The units are subjected to 15 kV air discharges during operation and 8 kV
direct contact discharges to the case.
The module and host shall withstand 1000 V electrosta tic discharge based on Human
Body Model per JEDEC JESD22-A114-B for all pins.
Each module shall be clearly labeled. The complete labeling need not be visible
when the module is installed. The bottom of the module is the recommended location
for the label. Labeling shall include:
The label should also include clear specification of the external port
characteristics such as:
The labeling shall not interfere with the mechanical, thermal or EMI features.
The four fiber positions on the left as shown in Figure 6-2, with the key up, are
used for the optical transmit signals (Lane 1 to 4). The fiber positions on the
right are used for the optical receive signals (Lane 4 to 1).
Aligned key (Type B) MPO patch cords should be used to ensure alignment of the
signals between the modules. The aligned key patch cord is defined in IEC 61754-7
and shown in Figure 6-4. The optical connector is orientated such that the keying
feature of the MPO receptacle is on the top.
The Dual LC optical connector plug is defined in IEC 61754-20 and also in TIA/EIA-
604-10A and is shown in Figure 6-5.
8 Timing Requirements
A block diagram illustrating the control and status signals between a host system
and a QSFP+ module is shown in Figure 8-1. Timing requirements for the signals SCL
and SDA are provided in the SFF-8636 specification. Timing requirements for:
ResetL, LPMode/TxDis, ModSelL, IntL/RxLOSL signals are provided in this section. In
addition, the timing of control and status functions implemented via the two-wire
interface are provided.
3.3V_Host Vcc1
Power Supply VccTx
Filters VccRx
Host Connector
Hot Plug / Unplug Module
Host ResetL
8.2 Squelch and Tx/Rx Disable Assert, Deassert and Enable/Disable Timing
Table 8-2 lists the required timing performance for assert, deassert, enable and
disable of the Tx Squelch, Rx Squelch, Tx Disable and Rx Output Disable functions.