SL.NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
DATE 18.1.11 18.1.11 25.1.11 25.1.11 1.2.11 1.2.11 8.2.11 15.2.11 22.2.11 1.3.11 15.3.11 22.3.11 29.3.11
To write a java program for client server application for chatting using UDP. ALGORITHM: CLIENT: Step1:Start the program. Step2:Include necessary package in java. Step3:Create a socket in client to server. Step4:The client establishes a connection to the server. Step5:Send the data from client to server or viceversa. Step6:Press ctrl+c to come out of the client. Step7:Stop the program. SERVER: Step1:Start the program. Step2:Include necessary package in java. Step3:Create a socket in server to client. Step4:The server establishes a connection to the client. Step5:Send the data from server to client or viceversa. Step6:Press ctrl+c to come out of the server. Step7:Stop the program.
SOURCE CODE: CLIENT: import java.io.*; import java.net.*; class clientchat { public static void main(String args[])throws Exception { BufferedReader inFromUser=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); DatagramSocket ClientSocket=new DatagramSocket(); InetAddress IPAddress=InetAddress.getByName("localhost"); byte[] receiveData=new byte[1024]; byte[] sendData=new byte[1024]; while(true) { String sentence=inFromUser.readLine(); sendData=sentence.getBytes(); DatagramPacket sendPacket=new DatagramPacket(sendData,sendData.length,IPAddress,9876); ClientSocket.send(sendPacket); DatagramPacket receivePacket=new DatagramPacket(receiveData,receiveData.length); ClientSocket.receive(receivePacket); String modifiedsentence=new String(receivePacket.getData()); System.out.println("From server:"+modifiedsentence); } } }
SERVER: import java.io.*; import java.net.*; class serverchat { public static void main(String args[])throws Exception { DatagramSocket ServerSocket=new DatagramSocket(9876); byte[] receiveData=new byte[1024]; byte[] sendData=new byte[1024]; while(true) { DatagramPacket receivePacket=new DatagramPacket(receiveData,receiveData.length); ServerSocket.receive(receivePacket); String ssentence=new String(receivePacket.getData()); System.out.println("Received Fromclient:"+ssentence); InetAddress IPAddress=receivePacket.getAddress(); int port=receivePacket.getPort(); BufferedReader inFromUser=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); String sentence=inFromUser.readLine(); String capitalizedsentence=sentence.toUpperCase(); sendData=capitalizedsentence.getBytes(); DatagramPacket sendPacket=new DatagramPacket(sendData,sendData.length,IPAddress,port); ServerSocket.send(sendPacket); } } }
RESULT: Thus the Java program to implement chatting using UDP was executed successfully and the output was verified.
EX.NO:2 ECHO USING UDP 18.01.11 AIM: To write a java program for client server application for sending message to server from client with echo using UDP. ALGORITHM: CLIENT: Step 1 :Start the program. Step 2 :Include the necessary packages in Java. Step 3 :To create aa socket in client to server. Step 4 :The client establishes a connection to the server. Step 5 :Send the data from client to server. Step 6 : Get the echo from the server and display the string. Step 7 :Stop the program. SERVER: Step 1 :Start the program. Step 2 :Include the necessary packages in Java. Step 3 :To create a socket in server to client. Step 4 :The server establishes a connection to the client using a port number. Step 5 :Get the message from the client port number. Step 6 :Capitalize the received message. Step 7 :Send that message to the client.
Step 8 :Stop the program. SOURCE CODE: CLIENT: import java.io.*; import java.net.*; class clientecho { public static void main(String args[])throws Exception { BufferedReader inFromUser=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); DatagramSocket clientSocket=new DatagramSocket(); InetAddress IpAddress=InetAddress.getByName("localhost"); byte[] receiveData=new byte[1024]; byte[] sendData=new byte[1024]; String sentence=inFromUser.readLine(); sendData=sentence.getBytes(); DatagramPacket sendPacket=new DatagramPacket(sendData,sendData.length,IpAddress,9876); clientSocket.send(sendPacket); DatagramPacket receivePacket=new DatagramPacket(receiveData,receiveData.length); clientSocket.receive(receivePacket); String modifiedsentence=new String(receivePacket.getData()); System.out.println("from server"+modifiedsentence); clientSocket.close(); } }
SERVER: import java.io.*; import java.net.*; class serverecho { public static void main(String args[])throws Exception { DatagramSocket serverSocket=new DatagramSocket(9876); byte[] receiveData=new byte[1024]; byte[] sendData=new byte[1024]; while(true) { DatagramPacket receivePacket=new DatagramPacket(receiveData,receiveData.length); serverSocket.receive(receivePacket); String sentence=new String(receivePacket.getData()); System.out.println("received"+sentence); InetAddress IpAddress=receivePacket.getAddress(); int port=receivePacket.getPort(); String capitalizedsentence=sentence.toUpperCase(); sendData=capitalizedsentence.getBytes(); DatagramPacket sendPacket=new DatagramPacket(sendData,sendData.length,IpAddress,port); serverSocket.send(sendPacket); } } }
RESULT: Thus the Java program to implement echo using UDP was executed successfully and the output was verified.
EX.NO:3MULTICASTING USING UDP 25.01.11 AIM: To write a java program to implement multicasting in Java.
ALGORITHM: CLIENT: Step 1 :Start the program. Step 2 :Include necessary header files. Step 3 :Get the port number of server. Step 4 :Assign the IP address. Step 5 :Stop the program. SERVER: Step 1 :Start the program. Step 2 :Include necessary header files. Step 3 :Send the message to client. Step 4 :End the editor. Step 5 :Stop the program.
SOURCE CODE: CLIENT: import java.io.*; import java.net.*; class mc { public static void main(String args[])throws Exception { DatagramPacket dp; MulticastSocket ds; String s; byte b[]=new byte[2048]; ds=new MulticastSocket(1234); InetAddress add=InetAddress.getByName(""); ds.joinGroup(add); while(true) { dp=new DatagramPacket(b,2048); ds.receive(dp); s=new String(dp.getData()); System.out.println("received(client)"+s.trim()); } } }
SERVER: import java.io.*; import java.net.*; class ms { public static void main(String args[])throws Exception { String sendmsg=new String(); String a="end"; DatagramSocket ds; int len=0; byte b[]=new byte[2048]; ds=new DatagramSocket(1117); BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); while(!sendmsg.equals(a)) { System.out.println("enter the text server"); sendmsg=br.readLine(); len=sendmsg.length(); ds.send(new DatagramPacket(sendmsg.getBytes(),len,InetAddress.getByName(""),12 34)); } } }
RESULT: Thus the Java program to implement multicasting using UDP was executed successfully and the output was verified.
EX.NO:4 MULTICAST ENCRYPTION AND DECRYPTION 25.01.11 AIM: To write a Java program to implement encryption and decryption using multicast. ALGORITHM: PACKAGE ENCRYPTION: Step 1 :Start the program. Step 2 :Include the necessary packages in Java. Step 3 :Define a class decr and declare the necessary variables. Step 4 :Perform the function decrypte. Step 5 :Get the public key,prime value and primary key. Step 6 :Perform the while loop. Step 7 :Define a class encr and declare the necessary variables. Step 8 :Perform encrypt function. Step 9 :Get the number of users,public key,data,prime value and primary key. Step10:Perform the while loop. Step11:Stop the program.
Step 3 :Get the port number of server and assign group IP address. Step 4 :Receive the packet and perform trim function. Step 5 :Decrypt the data. Step 6 :Stop the program.
SERVER: Step 1 :Start the program. Step 2 :Import the package. Step 3 :Assign the group IP address. Step 4 :Call the method encrypte() in the package. Step 5 :Get the encrypted data. Step 6 :Stop the program.
SOURCE CODE: PACKAGE ENCRYPTION: package encryption; import java.io.*; import java.util.Scanner; import java.lang.*; public class encr { double data,prime,pub_key,result=1; double[] pri_key=new double[10]; double[] p=new double[10]; double cipher=0,plain; int n;
public double encrypte() { Scanner ip=new Scanner(System.in); System.out.println("Enter the no of users"); n=ip.nextInt(); System.out.println("Enter the public key"); pub_key=ip.nextDouble(); System.out.println("Enter the data"); data=ip.nextDouble(); System.out.println("Enter the prime value"); prime=ip.nextDouble(); System.out.println("Enter the primary key"); for(int i=0;i<n;i++) { pri_key[i]=ip.nextDouble(); } for(int i=0;i<n;i++) { p[i]=((Math.pow(pub_key,pri_key[i]))%prime); } for(int i=0;i<n;i++) { double temp=p[i],f=1; while(temp>=1) { temp=temp/10; f=f*10; } p[i]=p[i]+f; result=result*p[i]; } for(int i=0;i<n;i++) {
cipher=data+result; } return cipher; } } PACKAGE ENCRYPTION: package encryption; import java.io.*; importjava.util.Scanner; import java.lang.*; public class decr { double prime,pub_key,result=1; double pri_key,p; double plain; int n; public double decrypte(double ciph) { Scanner ip=new Scanner(System.in); System.out.println("Enter the public key"); pub_key=ip.nextDouble(); System.out.println("Enter the prime value"); prime=ip.nextDouble(); System.out.println("Enter the primary key"); pri_key=ip.nextDouble(); p=((Math.pow(pub_key,pri_key))%prime); double temp=p,f=1; while(temp>=1) { temp=temp/10; f=f*10; } p=p+f; plain=ciph%p; return plain; }}
CLIENT: import java.net.*; import java.util.*; import encryption.*; public class mclient { public static void main(String args[])throws Exception { double rec=0,rec1; char c; decr d=new decr(); MulticastSocket socket; DatagramPacket packet; InetAddress add; add=InetAddress.getByName(""); socket=new MulticastSocket(1200); socket.joinGroup(add); byte[] data=new byte[2048]; packet=new DatagramPacket(data,data.length); while(true) { socket.receive(packet); String str=new String(packet.getData()); str=str.trim(); for(int i=0;i<str.trim().length()-2;i++) { c=str.charAt(i); rec=rec*10+(c-48); } rec1=d.decrypte(rec); System.out.println("Received client(encrypted value):"+rec); System.out.println("Received client(decrypted value):"+rec1); } } }
SERVER: import java.net.*; import java.util.Scanner; import encryption.*; public class mserver { public static void main(String args[])throws Exception { encr e=new encr(); double input; String st; MulticastSocket socket; DatagramPacket packet; InetAddress add; add=InetAddress.getByName(""); socket=new MulticastSocket(); socket.joinGroup(add); byte[] data=new byte[2048]; while(true) { Scanner br=new Scanner(System.in); input=e.encrypte(); System.out.println("encrypted data:"+input); st=""+input; data=st.getBytes(); packet=new DatagramPacket(data,st.length(),add,1200); socket.send(packet); String str=new String(packet.getData()); } } } RESULT: Thus the Java program to implement multicast encryption and decryption was executed successfully and the output was verified.
EX.NO:5ECHO USING TCP 01.02.11 AIM: To write a java program for echo server and client for passing information from client to server using TCP. ALGORITHM: CLIENT: Step 1 :Start the program. Step 2 :Include necessary packages in Java. Step 3 :To create a socket in client to server. Step 4 :The client establishes a connection to server. Step 5 :The client accepts the connection to send data from client to server. Step 6 :The client sends the data and it sends the acknowledge to server. Step 7 :Stop the program. SERVER: Step 1 :Start the program. Step 2 :Include the necessary packages in Java. Step 3 :To create server socket in server to client. Step 4 :The server establishes a connection to the client. Step 5 :The server accepts the connection to send echo to server. Step 6 :The server sends the echo and sends the acknowledgement to the client. Step 7 :Stop the program.
SOURCE CODE: CLIENT: import java.io.*; import java.net.*; public class tcpcli { public static void main(String args[]) { Socket c=null; String line; DataInputStream is,is1; PrintStream os; try { c=new Socket("",9999); } catch(IOException e) { } try { os=new PrintStream(c.getOutputStream());
is=new DataInputStream(System.in); is1=new DataInputStream(c.getInputStream()); System.out.println("Type quit to exit"); do { System.out.println("client:"); line=is.readLine(); os.println(line); System.out.println("FROM SERVER:"+is1.readLine()); } while(line.equalsIgnoreCase("quit")==false); is1.close(); os.close(); } catch(IOException e) { System.out.println("SOCKET CLOSED"); } } }
SERVER: import java.io.*; import java.net.*; import java.util.*; public class tcpser { public static void main(String args[]) { Socket c=null; String line; DataInputStream is=null,is1=null; PrintStream os=null; ServerSocket s=null; try { s=new ServerSocket(9999); } catch(IOException e) { System.out.println(e); } try
{ c=s.accept(); is=new DataInputStream(c.getInputStream()); is1=new DataInputStream(System.in); os=new PrintStream(c.getOutputStream()); do { line=is.readLine(); System.out.println("from client:"+line); String line1=line.toUpperCase(); os.println(line1); } while(line.equalsIgnoreCase("quit")==false); is.close(); os.close(); } catch(IOException e){ } } } RESULT: Thus the Java program to implement echo using TCP was executed successfully and the output was verified.
EX.NO:6CHATTING USING TCP 01.02.11 AIM:To write a client-server application for chatting using TCP. ALGORITHM: CLIENT: Step1:Start the program. Step2:Include the necessary package in java. Step3:To create a socket in client to server. Step4:The client established a connection to the server. Step5:The client accept the connection and to send the data from client to server and viceversa. Step6:The client communicate the server to send the end of the message. Step7:Stop the program. SERVER: Step1:Start the program. Step2: :Include the necessary package in java. Step3:To create a socket in server to client. Step4:The server established a connection to the client . Step5:The server accept the connection and to send the data from server To client and viceversa. Step6:The client communicate the server to send the end of the message. Step7:Stop the program.
SOURCE CODE: CLIENT: import java.io.*; import java.net.*; public class tc { public static void main(String args[]) { Socket c=null; String line; try { c=new Socket("",9999); } catch(IOException e) { } try { PrintStream os=new PrintStream(c.getOutputStream()); DataInputStream is=new DataInputStream(System.in); DataInputStream is1=new DataInputStream(c.getInputStream()); do { System.out.println("client:"); line=is.readLine(); os.println(line); System.out.println("SERVER:"+is1.readLine()); } while(line.equalsIgnoreCase("quit")==false); is1.close(); os.close(); } catch(IOException e){ } }}
SERVER: import java.io.*; import java.net.*; import java.util.*; public class ts { public static void main(String args[])throws Exception { Socket c=null;String line; DataInputStream is=null,is1=null; PrintStream os=null; ServerSocket s=null; try{ s=new ServerSocket(9999); } catch(IOException e){} c=s.accept(); is=new DataInputStream(c.getInputStream()); is1=new DataInputStream(System.in); os=new PrintStream(c.getOutputStream()); do { line=is.readLine(); System.out.println("from client:"+line); System.out.println("server:"); line=is1.readLine(); os.println(line); } while(line.equalsIgnoreCase("quit")==false); is.close(); os.close(); }}} RESULT: Thus the Java program to implement chatting using TCP was executed successfully and the output was verified.
EX.NO:7DATE AND TIME SERVER USING TCP 08.02.11 AIM: To write a client-server application for chatting using TCP and also display the date.
ALGORITHM: CLIENT: Step1:Start the program. Step2:Include the necessary package in java. Step3:To create a socket in client to server. Step4:Then communicate with server to send message to get date and time. Step5:Stop the program. SERVER: Step1:Start the program. Step2:Include the necessary package in java. Step3:Include the utility package with Necessary classes. Step4:To create a socket in server to client. Step5:If the client asks the date and time,then using the class date find the current date and time. Step6:Then send it to client. Step7:Stop the program.
SOURCE CODE: CLIENT: import java.io.*; import java.net.*; import java.util.*; import java.text.*; public class tcpclidate { public static void main(String args[])throws Exception { Socket c=null; String line; DataInputStream is,is1; PrintStream os; try { c=new Socket("",9999); } catch(IOException e) { System.out.println(e); } try{os=new PrintStream(c.getOutputStream()); is=new DataInputStream(System.in); is1=new DataInputStream(c.getInputStream()); do { System.out.println("client"); line=is.readLine(); os.println(line);System.out.println("server:"+is1.readLine()); } while(line.equalsIgnoreCase("quit")==false); is1.close(); os.close(); } catch(IOException e) {
System.out.println("socket closed,message passing is over"); } } } SERVER: import java.io.*; import java.net.*; import java.util.*; import java.text.*; public class tcpserverdate { public static void main(String args[])throws Exception { Socket c=null; ServerSocket s=null; String line; DataInputStream is,is1; PrintStream os=null; Date date=new Date(); SimpleDateFormat d; try { s=new ServerSocket(9999); } catch(IOException e) { System.out.println(e); } try { c=s.accept(); is=new DataInputStream(c.getInputStream()); is1=new DataInputStream(System.in); os=new PrintStream(c.getOutputStream()); do
{ line=is.readLine(); System.out.println("client"+line); System.out.println("server"); if(line.equalsIgnoreCase("date")) { d=new SimpleDateFormat("dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss zzz"); String str=d.format(date); os.println(str); System.out.println(str); } else { line=is1.readLine(); os.println(line); } } while(line.equalsIgnoreCase("quit")==false); is.close(); os.close(); } catch(IOException e) { System.out.println("socket closed"); } } }
RESULT: Thus the Java program to implement date and time server using TCP was executed successfully and the output was verified.
ALGORITHM: Step1:Start the program. Step2:Include the necessary package in java. Step3:Create a process object p to implement the ping command. Step4:Declare one BufferedReader stream class object. Step5:Get the details of server ie.length of ip address,time required to get the details,send packets,received packets and lost packets and minimum,maximum and average times. Step6:Print the results. Step7:Stop the program.
SOURCE CODE: import java.io.*; import java.net.*; import java.util.*; public class ping { public static void main(String[] args)throws IOException { String ip=""; String pingResult=""; String pingCmd="ping "+ip; try { Runtime r=Runtime.getRuntime(); Process p=r.exec(pingCmd); BufferedReader in=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream())); String inputLine; while((inputLine=in.readLine())!=null) { System.out.println(inputLine); pingResult+=inputLine; } in.close(); } catch(IOException e) { System.out.println(e); } } } RESULT: Thus the Java program to implement PING command was executed successfully and the output was verified.
EX.NO:9REMOTE PROCEDURE CALL 22.02.11 AIM: To write a Java program to implement the RPC.
ALGORITHM: Step 1 :Start the program. Step2 :Declare the necessary packages in Java. Step 3 :Create an interface as UCET and extend the predefined interface remote Into it. Step 4 :Declare the remote methods inside the interface UCET. Step 5 :Declare the class rpc and extend the predefined class UniCastRemoteObject and implement the interface UCET into it. Step 6 :Write the remote methods definition into the class rpc. Step 7 :Declare the class server and create an object ob for the class rpc. Step 8 :Declare the class client and call the remote methods using the object ob Which is the object of interface UCET. Step 9 :The remote method contains the methods such as function(a,b), power(a,b) and log(a). Step 10 :Stop the program.
SOURCE CODE: CLIENT: import java.io.*; import java.rmi.*; import java.rmi.server.*; public class client { public static void main(String args[]) { try { DataInputStream s=new DataInputStream(System.in); ucet ob=(ucet)Naming.lookup("IT"); System.out.println("Enter the values of a and b"); int a=Integer.parseInt(s.readLine()); int b=Integer.parseInt(s.readLine()); int r=ob.function(a,b); System.out.println("The answer of (a+b)^2 is:"+r); int t=ob.power(a,b); System.out.println("The answer of(a)^(b) is:"+t); double d=ob.log(a); System.out.println("The log value of the given number "+a+" is:"+d); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println(e); } } }
SERVER: import java.rmi.*; import java.rmi.server.*; public class server { public static void main(String s[]) { try { rpc ob=new rpc(); Naming.rebind("IT",ob); } catch(Exception e) { } } }
RPC: import java.rmi.*; import java.lang.Math; import java.rmi.server.*; public class rpc extends UnicastRemoteObject implements ucet { public rpc() throws RemoteException { } public int function(int a,int b) throws RemoteException { int m; m=(a*a)+(b*b)+(2*a*b); return m; } public int power(int a,int b) throws RemoteException {
UCET: import java.rmi.*; public interface ucet extends Remote { public int function(int a,int b) throws RemoteException; public int power(int a,int b) throws RemoteException; public double log(int a) throws RemoteException; }
RESULT: Thus the Java program to implement Remote Procedure Call(RPC) was executed successfully and the output was verified.
EX.NO:10SLIDING WINDOW PROTOCOL 01.03.11 AIM: To write a java program to implement sliding window protocol. ALGORITHM: CLIENT: Step 1 :Start the program. Step 2 :Include the necessary packages. Step 3 :Create a socket in client to server. Step 4 :The client establishes a connection to the server. Step 5 :Get the number of frames that are going to receive. Step 6 :Get the nf number of messages from server and display it. Step 7 :Send the acknowledgement for the last frame received plus one. Step 8:Stop the program. SERVER: Step 1 :Start the program. Step 2 :Include the necessary packages. Step 3 :Accept the socket from the client. Step 4 :The server establishes a connection to the client. Step 5 :Get the frames and messages less than the given window size. Step 6 :Send the messages to the client. Step 7 :Stop the program.
SOURCE CODE: CLIENT: import java.io.*; import java.net.*; class slideclient { public static void main(String args[])throws Exception { Socket s=new Socket(InetAddress.getLocalHost(),10); DataInputStream dis=new DataInputStream(s.getInputStream()); PrintStream p=new PrintStream(s.getOutputStream()); int i=0,rptr=-1,nf,rws=10; String rtrf[]=new String[10]; String ch; do { nf=Integer.parseInt(dis.readLine()); if(nf<=rws-1) { for(i=1;i<=nf;i++) { rptr=++rptr%10;
rtrf[rptr]=dis.readLine(); System.out.println("Frame"+rptr+" "+rtrf[rptr]); } rws-=nf; System.out.println("Acknowledgement sent.....\n"); p.println(rptr+1); rws+=nf; } else break; ch=dis.readLine(); } while(ch.equals("yes")); }}
SERVER: import java.io.*; import java.net.*; class slideserver { public static void main(String args[])throws Exception {
ServerSocket ser=new ServerSocket(10); Socket s=ser.accept(); DataInputStream d=new DataInputStream(System.in); DataInputStream d1=new DataInputStream(s.getInputStream()); String strf[]=new String[10]; PrintStream p; int sptr=0,sws=10,nf,ano,i; String ch; do { p=new PrintStream(s.getOutputStream()); System.out.println("Enter the number of frames:"); nf=Integer.parseInt(d.readLine()); p.println(nf); if(nf<=sws-1){ System.out.println("Enter"+nf+"message\n"); for(i=1;i<=nf;i++){ strf[sptr]=d.readLine(); p.println(strf[sptr]); sptr=++sptr%10;} sws-=nf; System.out.println("Acknowledgement received\n");
ano=Integer.parseInt(d1.readLine()); System.out.println("Ack"+ano); sws+=nf; } else { System.out.println("Exceeds windows size"); break; } System.out.println("Do you want to send some more frame:"); ch=d.readLine(); p.println(ch); } while(ch.equals("yes")); s.close(); }}
RESULT: Thus the program is created for sliding window protocol and the output is verified by sending the frames from server to client and acknowledgement is received from client.
To write a ns2 program for implementing unicast routing protocol. ALGORITHM: Step 1: start the program. Step 2: Declare the global variable ns for creating a new simulator. Step 3: Set the color for packets. Step 4: Open the network animator file in the name of file2 in the write mode. Step 5: Open the trace file in the name of file1 in the write mode. Step 6: Set the unicast routing protocol to transfer the packets in network. Step 7: Create the required number of nodes. Step 8: Create the duplex-link between the nodes including the delay time, bandwidth and dropping queue mechanism. Step 9: Give the position for the links between the nodes. Step 10: Set a tcp reno connection for source node. Step 11: Set the destination node using tcp sink. Step 12: Setup a ftp connection over the tcp connection. Step 13: Down the connection between any nodes at a particular time. Step 14: Reconnect the downed connection at a particular time. Step 15: Define the finish procedure.
Step 16: In the destination of the finish procedure declare the global variables ns, file1, file2. Step 17: Close the trace file and nam file and execute the network animator file. Step 18: At the particular time call the finish procedure. Step 19: Stop the program.
SOURCE CODE: set ns [new Simulator] $ns color 1 blue $ns color 2 purple set file1 [open out.tr w] $ns trace-all $file1 set file2 [open out.nam w] $ns namtrace-all $file2 proc finish {} { global ns file1 file2 $ns flush-trace close $file1 close $file2 exec nam out.nam & exit 0 } $ns rtproto Session set n0 [$ns node] set n1 [$ns node] set n2 [$ns node] set n3 [$ns node] set n4 [$ns node] set n5 [$ns node] set n6 [$ns node] set n7 [$ns node] $ns duplex-link $n0 $n1 0.3Mb 10ms RED $ns duplex-link $n1 $n2 0.3Mb 10ms RED
$ns duplex-link $n2 $n6 0.3Mb 10ms RED $ns duplex-link $n1 $n3 0.3Mb 10ms RED $ns duplex-link $n3 $n4 0.3Mb 10ms RED $ns duplex-link $n4 $n5 0.3Mb 10ms RED $ns duplex-link $n5 $n6 0.3Mb 10ms RED $ns duplex-link $n6 $n7 0.3Mb 10ms RED $ns duplex-link-op $n0 $n1 orient right $ns duplex-link-op $n1 $n2 orient right $ns duplex-link-op $n2 $n6 orient right $ns duplex-link-op $n1 $n3 orient up $ns duplex-link-op $n3 $n4 orient up-left $ns duplex-link-op $n4 $n5 orient left-up $ns duplex-link-op $n5 $n6 orient right-up $ns duplex-link-op $n6 $n7 orient up-right #setup a TCP connection tcp [new Agent/TCP/Newreno] set tcp [new Agent/TCP/Newreno] $ns attach-agent $n0 $tcp set sink [new Agent/TCPSink/DelAck] $ns attach-agent $n7 $sink $ns connect $tcp $sink $tcp set fid_ 2
#setup a FTP over TCP connection set ftp [new Application/FTP] $ftp attach-agent $tcp $ftp set type_ FTP $ns rtmodel-at 1.0 down $n1 $n2 $ns rtmodel-at 4.5 up $n1 $n2 $ns at 0.1 "$ftp start" $ns at 12.0 "finish" $ns run RESULT: Thus the program is executed and the output is displayed in the network animator file.
To write a ns2 program for implementing multicast routing protocol. ALGORITHM: Step 1:Start the program. Step 2: Declare the global variables ns for creating a new simulator. Step 3: Set the color for packets. Step 4: Open the network animator file in the write mode. Step 5: Open the trace file in the write mode. Step 6: Set the multicast routing protocol to transfer the packets in the network. Step 7: Allocate a multicast address for the group. Step 8: Create the multicast capable nodes. Step 9: Create the duplex-link between the nodes. Step 10: Set a udp connection for source node. Step 11: Set the destination node using udp null. Step 12: Create the traffic generator CBR for the source and the destination files. Step 13: Set the destination address, port and random-false for the source and the destination files. Step 14: Create the receiver agent for joining and leaving of the nodes in the group. Step 15: Define the finish procedure. Step 16: In the definition of the finish procedure declare the global variables ns.
Step 17: Close the trace file and nam file and execute the network animator file. Step 18: At the particular tme call the finish procedure. Step 19: Stop the program.
SOURCE CODE: set ns [new Simulator -multicast on] set f [open out.tr w] $ns trace-all $f $ns namtrace-all [open out.nam w] $ns color 1 Red $ns color 30 Purple $ns color 31 Green set group [Node allocaddr] set nod 7 for {set i 1} {$i <=$nod} {incr i} { set n$i [$ns node] } $ns duplex-link $n1 $n2 0.3Mb 10ms DRR $ns duplex-link $n2 $n3 0.3Mb 10ms DRR $ns duplex-link $n2 $n5 0.3Mb 10ms DRR $ns duplex-link $n2 $n4 0.3Mb 10ms DRR $ns duplex-link $n3 $n4 0.3Mb 10ms DRR $ns duplex-link $n4 $n5 0.3Mb 10ms DRR $ns duplex-link $n4 $n7 0.3Mb 10ms DRR $ns duplex-link $n5 $n6 0.3Mb 10ms DRR $ns duplex-link $n6 $n7 0.3Mb 10ms DRR DM set RP_($group) $n2 $ns mrtproto DM set udp1 [new Agent/UDP] set udp2 [new Agent/UDP] $ns attach-agent $n1 $udp1 $ns attach-agent $n2 $udp2 set src1 [new Application/Traffic/CBR] $src1 attach-agent $udp1
$udp1 set dst_addr_ $group $udp1 set dst_port_ 0 $udp1 set fid_ 31 $src1 set random_ false set src2 [new Application/Traffic/CBR] $src2 attach-agent $udp2 $udp2 set dst_addr_ $group $udp2 set dst_port_ 1 $udp2 set fid_ 30 $src2 set random_ false set rcvr [new Agent/LossMonitor] $ns at 0.6 "$n3 join-group $rcvr $group" $ns at 1.3 "$n4 join-group $rcvr $group" $ns at 1.6 "$n5 join-group $rcvr $group" $ns at 1.9 "$n4 leave-group $rcvr $group" $ns at 2.3 "$n6 join-group $rcvr $group" $ns at 3.2 "$n7 join-group $rcvr $group" $ns at 0.4 "$src1 start" $ns at 2.0 "$src2 start" $ns at 4.0 "finish" proc finish {} { global ns $ns flush-trace exec nam out.nam & exit 0 } $ns run
RESULT: Thus the program is executed and the output is displayed in the network animator file.
To write a ns2 program for implementing carrier sense multiple access. ALGORITHM: Step 1:Start the program. Step 2: Declare the global variables ns for creating a new simulator. Step 3: Set the color for packets. Step 4: Open the network animator file in the write mode. Step 5: Open the trace file and the win file in the write mode. Step 6: Create the capable nodes. Step 7: Ceate the duplex-link between the nodes. Step 8: Set the lan network to the specific nodes including the bandwidth, delay & queue type. Step 9: Set the positions for the nodes. Step 10: Set a tcp reno connection for source node. Step 11: Set the destination node using tcp sink. Step 12: Set the window size and the packet size for the tcp. Step 13: Set up the ftp over tcp connection. Step 14: Set the udp connection for the source and destination . Step 15: Create the traffic generator CBR for the source and the destination files. Step 16: Start and stop the connections of the ftp and cbr at a particular time.
Step 17: Define the plot window and finish procedure. Step 18: Define the global variables inside the procedure finish. Step 19: Close the trace file and nam file and execute the network animator file. Step 20: At the particular time call the finish procedure. Step 21: Stop the program.
SOURCE CODE: set ns [new Simulator] $ns color 1 green $ns color 2 purple set fi1 [open out.tr w] set winfile [open WinFile w] $ns trace-all $fi1 set fi2 [open out.nam w] $ns namtrace-all $fi2 proc finish {} { global ns fi1 fi2 $ns flush-trace close $fi1 close $fi2 exec nam out.nam & exit 0 } set n0 [$ns node] set n1 [$ns node] set n2 [$ns node] set n3 [$ns node] set n4 [$ns node] set n5 [$ns node] set n6 [$ns node]
$n1 color red $n1 shape box s$ns duplex-link $n0 $n2 2Mb 10ms DropTail $ns duplex-link $n1 $n2 2Mb 10ms DropTail $ns duplex-link $n3 $n6 2Mb 10ms DropTail $ns simplex-link $n2 $n3 0.5Mb 100ms DropTail $ns simplex-link $n3 $n2 0.5Mb 100ms DropTail set lan [$ns newLan "$n3 $n4 $n5 $n6" 0.5Mb 40ms LL Queue/DropTail MAC/Csma/Cd Channel] set tcp [new Agent/TCP/Newreno] $ns attach-agent $n0 $tcp set sink [new Agent/TCPSink/DelAck] $ns attach-agent $n4 $sink $ns connect $tcp $sink $tcp set fid_ 1 $tcp set window_ 5000 $tcp set packetsize_ 552 set ftp [new Application/FTP] $ftp attach-agent $tcp $ftp set type_ FTP set udp [new Agent/UDP] $ns attach-agent $n1 $udp set null [new Agent/Null] $ns attach-agent $n6 $null $ns connect $udp $null $udp set fid_ 2 set cbr [new Application/Traffic/CBR] $cbr attach-agent $udp $cbr set type_ CBR $cbr set packet_size_ 1000 $cbr set rate_ 0.02mb $cbr set random_ false $ns at 0.3 "$cbr start" $ns at 2.2 "$ftp start" $ns at 15.0 "$ftp stop" $ns at 15.6 "$cbr stop"
proc plotwindow { tcpSource file } { global ns set time 0.1 set now [$ns now] set cwnd [$tcpSource set cwnd_] set wnd [$tcpSource set window_] puts $file "$now $cwnd" $ns at [expr $now+$time] "plotwindow $tcpSource $file" } $ns at 0.1 "plotwindow $tcp $winfile" $ns at 5 "$ns trace-annotate \"packet drop\"" $ns at 100.0 "finish" $ns run
RESULT: Thus the program is executed and the output is displayed in the network animator file.