Chaluvadi Thesis
Chaluvadi Thesis
Chaluvadi Thesis
I,Q,R Second order polynomial functions of
k Coefficient of thermal conductivity, turbulence kinetic energy
K Probe calibration coefficient
l Length
Turbulence length scale
m Mass flow rate
M Mach number
n Ratio of axial gap to axial chord, number of realisation
Unit normal vector
N Total number of realisations, Blade number
P Pressure, blade pitch
psd Power spectral density
r Radius
R Universal gas constant, outer irrotational core radius
Boundary layer displacement thickness
Fractional change in air temperature from ambient conditions, turbulence
dissipation rate
Flow coefficient
Hot-wire slant angle, ratio of specific heat, vortex filament angle
Loss coefficient
Hot-wire probe pitch angle relative to probe stem
Overheat ratio of the hot-wire sensor, angular velocity
Boundary layer momentum thickness, flow angle
Time for one wake passing period, time lag
Blade circulation
Yaw angle
Efficiency, Kolmogorovs microscale of turbulence
Probe yaw angle, vorticity
Wave number
Kinematic viscosity
A,B,C of wire A, B, C
aru additional random unsteadiness
avg average
c corrected
d dynamic pressure
dyn dynamic head
eff effective
exit stage exit
hub hub
in inlet
m measured, mid-span
max maximum
min minimum
o,0 stagnation
p pitch
r radial, relative frame of reference
ref reference
rep representative
rms root-mean-square
s static, steady
sensor sensor
sw streamwise
t total pressure
tip tip
u unsteady
v total velocity
x axial
y yaw
1 blade row inlet
2 blade row exit
' perturbation of the quantity
time mean of the quantity
Biodata Registered name of Biodata Ltd.
Dantec Trade name of Dantec Ltd.
Digiplan Trade name of Parker Hannifin plc.
Druck Trade name of Druck Ltd.
Kulite Trade name of Kulite plc.
Microlink Registered name of Biodata Ltd.
Scanivalve Registered name of Scanivalve corp.
Zoc Trade name of Scanivalve corp.
1.1 Introduction
Sir Frank Whittle and Hans von Ohain were credited with being the first to use gas
turbines for aircraft propulsion. Independently and without knowledge of each others
activity, they developed the aircraft gas turbine. Their test engines ran and produced
thrust for the first time in the spring 1937. After 1945, aircraft gas turbine
development efforts have been directed towards increasing pressure ratios, turbine
inlet temperatures, component efficiencies, bypass ratios, reliability and durability. As
a result, the specific fuel consumption of the turbomachine has been reduced and
thrust to weight ratios have increased. The turbomachine is now one of the worlds
most important prime movers. The first jet engine developed only a few hundred
pounds of thrust, while the latest generation of engines exceed 100,000 pounds thrust
and the engines for the land-based power plants exceed 250MW in power output.
Figure 1.1 shows the cross section of a modern aircraft gas turbine.
The development of turbomachinery is aimed at further improvements in
efficiency, coupled together with an increase in the ratio of power output to weight
and size, especially in aircraft applications. Efficiency is probably the most important
performance parameter for turbomachines. This is especially true for gas turbine
engines, whether used for aircraft propulsion or for land-based power plants, because
their net power output is the difference between the turbine work and the compressor
work. These are roughly in the ratio of 2:1 (this ratio depends on engine pressure ratio
and turbine entry temperature), so a small change in the efficiency of either
component causes a much larger proportional change in the power output. Over the
years considerable effort has been expended in trying to improve the efficiency of all
types of turbomachines and for many large machines the component efficiencies are
now over 90 percent. This makes further improvements ever more difficult to achieve.
Present levels of efficiency have been achieved by an ever-improving understanding
of the fluid mechanics and thermodynamics of the flow, made possible by improved
experimental and theoretical (especially computational) methods applied both to
entire machines and to the individual components.
The lost efficiency in a turbine is in general caused by the irreversibilities
associated with viscous flow phenomena, heat transfer across finite temperature
differences and other non-equilibrium processes such as shock waves. Contrary to
external aerodynamics, in turbomachinery flows, viscous effects are not restricted to
boundary layers but are also present in the freestream due to the spanwise and the
pitchwise gradients of the flow. The viscous effects are also present within free shear
layers and in the dissipation and mixing of viscous flow structures.
In the past, the design of axial-flow machines was based on the experimental
evidence of a large number of cascade tests. In recent years, viscous 2D and 3D
steady flow prediction methods have become available, thus reducing the need for
cascade testing. The designer, in using the results of steady flow analyses or cascade
tests, assumes that the blade rows of an axial flow turbomachine are sufficiently far
apart, that the flow is steady in both the stationary and rotating frames of reference.
From the testing of completed designs, it has become apparent that the efficiency of
an axial flow turbine stage is less than predicted by this approach. Clearly, there are
differences between the flows which occur in rotating machines and their equivalent
cascades. One of these differences is that the flow in a real machine is unsteady from
the relative movements of the adjacent blade rows. The flows are also three-
dimensional due to the circumferential as well as spanwise gradients in total pressure
and temperature induced by upstream blade rows, combustors and inlet systems. In
addition, the upstream blade wakes and vortices while convecting through the
downstream blade rows undergo pressure and velocity changes continually so that
they mix in an unsteady environment that is different from that modelled in traditional
cascade tests. The blade wakes arise from blade surface boundary layers while the
streamwise vortices occur when the flow with inlet vorticity is turned by a cascade
due to the distortion of the inlet endwall boundary layer vortex filaments.
The requirement for the aero-engine manufacturers to produce lighter and more
powerful gas turbines has led to high pressure turbines with highly loaded, low aspect
ratio blades and smaller inter blade row gaps. These design factors have increased the
overall spatial and temporal complexities of the turbine flow field. Thus, the effects of
the blade wake and streamwise vortices interaction with downstream blade row have
become even more important.
Due to the lack of the realistic models for loss generation in the unsteady flow
environment, designers rely on the use of experience factors for steady state loss
correlations to account for these unsteady effects (Dunham (1996)). However, these
factors do not necessarily reflect the true physical nature of the loss generation
mechanisms in the unsteady environment. Improved analytical models of the loss
generation mechanisms in unsteady flow would provide increased understanding of
the turbine flow field and would lead to improved gas turbine performance.
A significant amount of research activity has recently been directed towards
understanding the effect of unsteadiness on turbine performance. One of the major
sources of unsteadiness was found to be the interaction between the streamwise
vortices with the downstream blade row (Binder (1985), Binder et. al. (1986), Sharma
et. al. (1988)). These vortices include passage vortices that are developed because of
the endwall boundary layers, the vortices that form from leakage flows and the
scrapping effects of the rotor, and the trailing edge vortices caused by a variation of
spanwise circulation. These streamwise vortices are shown to have a major influence
on the secondary flow and viscous flow behavior of the downstream blade row
(Sharma et. al. (1990)). There is paucity of investigations in the literature that are
directed towards understanding the interaction of these upstream vortices on the flow
characteristics of the downstream airfoil rows and practically none quantify the effect
of these vortices interactions on additional loss generation. The present study attempts
to address some of these issues.
1.2 Research Objectives
This thesis examines the interaction of the upstream viscous flow features on the
performance of the downstream blade row. This investigation has the following main
(1) Identify the unsteady phenomena of significance in high-pressure turbines.
(2) Understand the interaction of the streamwise vortices with the downstream
blade row. This includes understanding the transport mechanism of the
passage vortices inside the downstream blade row and the mixing of the
passage vortices unsteadily in the downstream blade row.
(3) Quantify the effect of upstream streamwise vortices interaction on the loss of
the downstream blade row.
(4) Translate this knowledge into design recommendations.
These objectives were met by a comprehensive experimental testing and numerical
simulation programme. The interaction of the stator passage vortices with the rotor
blade was studied in two different turbine stages. The first corresponded to a radially
stacked high-pressure gas turbine stage, while the second corresponded to a three
dimensionally stacked and swept high-pressure steam turbine stage. The interaction of
the streamwise vortices on the downstream blade row has been investigated by
shedding only the streamwise vortices into the downstream blade row. The following
section presents the organisation of the thesis.
1.3 Thesis Outline
General concepts in unsteady flows including the origins of unsteadiness and its
effect on the performance are discussed in chapter 2. This chapter also reviews the
work carried out by the other researchers on secondary vortex interactions with the
downstream blade row.
Chapter 3 describes the experimental apparatus, instrumentation and various
measurement techniques used in the present investigation. It also describes the steady
and unsteady computations used in this study.
Chapter 4 presents the results of the study on vortex - blade interaction in a typical
radially stacked high-pressure gas turbine stage. It describes the three-dimensional
flow field within the blade rows with the help of flow visualisation experiments,
steady and unsteady flow field measurements and CFD simulations. It proposes a
simple kinematic model for the transport of secondary passage vortices through the
downstream blade row.
Chapter 5 presents the results of the study on the interaction of stator passage
vortices with the downstream rotor blade row in a three dimensionally stacked and
swept high-pressure steam turbine stage representative of the modern design
methodology. The steady and unsteady three-dimensional flow field in the turbine
stage is discussed using surface flow visualisation, surface pressures, exit flow field
measurements and CFD calculations. This chapter presents a method of identifying
and quantifying the loss generated in various regions of the blade using the data from
numerical simulations. The effect of stator secondary flow on the development of
rotor secondary flow is also illustrated.
To isolate the effect of passage vortex interaction with the downstream blade row,
a method was devised to simulate the passage vortex with a half delta wing. The
characteristics of the delta wing vortex with downstream axial distance were
investigated in a wind tunnel and reported in Chapter 6. Chapter 6 also presents the
effect of rotating half-delta wing vortex interaction with the downstream stator and
rotor blade in the low-speed research turbine. The additional loss generated from the
vortex interaction with the downstream blade was evaluated both experimentally and
Chapter 7 discusses the numerical and analytical modeling of the vortex blade
transport in the downstream blade row. Finally, a discussion of the current work, the
main conclusions and suggestions for future work are presented in Chapter 8.
Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
The aim of this chapter is to provide an overview of the published work that is
relevant to the current investigation. Given the scope of the present research, a
comprehensive review of all of the contributing research is not possible. With a brief
discussion of the loss generation mechanisms and secondary flow development in
turbine blades, the present chapter focuses on the detailed unsteady phenomena in
turbomachines. This chapter discusses the sources of unsteady flow, unsteady loss
generation mechanisms and provides an insight into the mechanisms of interaction
between the stator and the rotor of a modern high-pressure turbine. Unsteady flow
calculations form an important part of the current investigation. A brief summary of
the steady and unsteady multi blade row prediction methods is given in this chapter.
This chapter also discusses briefly the use of lean and sweep in designing modern
steam turbine blades and reviews the analytical models for the wake-blade and vortex-
blade interactions in turbomachinery.
2.2 Loss Mechanisms
The principal aim of the current investigation is to achieve a greater level of
understanding of the complex flows in high-pressure turbines with particular
emphasis on loss generating mechanisms in unsteady flow. Denton (1993) gave an
extensive review of the loss generating mechanisms in turbomachinery. He stressed
the importance of the physical understanding of the origins of loss within the
turbomachinery flows and argued against the continued use of non-physical
correlations in the design process. He identified three principal sources of loss in a
turbomachinery environment:
(a) Viscous shear in boundary layers, shear layers and mixing processes
(b) Non-equilibrium processes such as shock waves
(c) Heat transfer across the finite temperature differences
Entropy is chosen as the most suitable measure of irreversibility or loss in the present
investigation because its value is independent of the frame of reference and it is a
convected quantity. Entropy, which is created during an irreversible process, may be
compared to smoke as it diffuses into the surrounding fluid and convected
downstream. These sources of loss generation are described briefly in the following
2.2.1 Losses in Boundary Layers
Boundary layers are regions of steep velocity gradients and large shear stresses.
These highly viscous regions are responsible for much of the loss created in a
turbomachine, with a high proportion of this loss being created in the inner part of the
boundary layer where the velocity gradients are the steepest as shown by Dawes
(1990a). Denton (1993) derived an expression for the entropy production rate per unit
surface area
. The entropy
production rate can be non-dimensionalised to give a dissipation coefficient C
is given as
The value of C
depends upon the state of the boundary layer and the Reynolds
number based on the local boundary layer thickness. Figure 2.1 compares the
dissipation coefficients for laminar and turbulent boundary layers following the work
of Schlichting (1966). For turbulent boundary layers, the value of dissipation
coefficient does not vary greatly. The large difference in dissipation coefficients for
laminar and turbulent boundary layers with Reynolds numbers in the range 300 < Re
< 1000 highlights the importance of transition prediction in the assessment of loss
production in the turbomachinery boundary layers. A large amount of research is
currently being undertaken in the field of transition prediction with particular
emphasis on the effect of unsteady wake passing on the transition process. Some of
this work is discussed in more detail in section 2.5.2.
2.2.2 Losses in shear flows and mixing processes
Regions of steep velocity gradients such as wakes, vortices, separated shear layers
and leakage jets are responsible for a large amount of entropy production. This is
partly a consequence of the high rates of shear but largely a result of the high levels of
turbulent viscosity present in these viscous flow regimes. The exact level of entropy
produced by the viscous shear forces acting to mix out these flow features depends on
the environment in which mixing occurs. Denton (1993) showed that a wake mixing
out in an accelerating flow would produce less entropy than mixing out in a diffusing
flow. Conversely, the application of Kelvins theorem to the streamwise vorticity in a
vortex shows that the vortex stretching will increase the secondary kinetic energy,
thereby increasing the loss as the vortex mixes out. In a turbomachine, the wakes and
the vortices formed by one blade row are rarely fully mixed out before the next blade
row is reached. Therefore, some of the mixing will occur in an unsteady environment.
The implications of this unsteadiness for the production of entropy are poorly
understood (Denton (1993)). As the unsteady loss generating mechanisms have
significant bearing on the present research, the available literature on unsteady flows
is discussed in more detail in the following sections.
2.3 Unsteady flows
Flow in turbine blade rows is highly unsteady (with the exception of the first stator
blade), because they periodically encounter flow distortions generated by the
upstream blade rows and combustors. This unsteadiness has important consequences
for the turbine stage efficiency, blade loading, mechanical fatigue, heat transfer,
thermal fatigue and noise generation. The induced unsteady flow depends upon the
scale of the upstream disturbances like streamwise vortices, wakes and temperature
streaks. These unsteady flow-generating factors can be classified based on the
physical mechanisms involved as
(a) Potential interactions of the upstream and the downstream blade rows.
(b) Interactions of the upstream wakes with the downstream blade rows.
(c) Shock wave interaction with the downstream blade rows.
(d) Leakage and secondary flow vortices interaction with the downstream blades.
Each of these interactions has their own zone of influence. It is useful to characterise
the degree of unsteadiness by evaluating the reduced frequency parameter as defined
by Lighthill (1954). The reduced frequency is the ratio of time taken by the given
particle for convection through the blade passage to the time taken for the rotor to
sweep past one stator passage. It is expressed as
time e Distrubenc
time Convection
x f
The magnitude of the reduced frequency is a measure of the relative importance of
unsteady effects compared to quasi-steady effects. If 1 f >> , unsteady effects are
significant, when 1 f , unsteady and quasi-steady effects coexist. The reduced
frequency f also represents the number of wakes (or other stator features) found in a
single rotor passage at any instant in time. Although the reduced frequency parameter
characterises the unsteadiness in a qualitative way, it does not shed much light on the
magnitude or the interplay of these effects. For this, the interactions themselves have
to be considered. These unsteady loss-generating mechanisms are discussed in the
following sections in some detail.
2.4 Potential Interactions
Potential interactions arise because all the blades have circulation and therefore a
potential field, which propagates, throughout the space. When one blade row is
moving relative to the next, the pressure field established by one blade row interacts
with the potential field of the other. The magnitude of this effect depends on a number
of factors. Parker and Watson (1972) gave series of relationships for unsteady
pressure and velocity fluctuations for a two dimensional cascade. The potential field
associated with a blade row propagates both upstream and downstream of the blade
row and it varies approximately in proportion to the quantity
M 1 2 exp
for values of M < 1.0 (2.3)
where x is the axial distance from the blade row, p is the pitch of the blade row
and M is the local Mach number. Note that the decay scales with the blade pitch and
not the blade chord. This is important if different blade loadings (pitch-chord ratios)
are being considered. While the equation represents an oversimplification of the
actual situation, it does serve to show that at low Mach numbers, the axial distance
from the blade row has more bearing on unsteady pressure than the inlet Mach
number. However, as the sonic condition is approached, the decay becomes much
less. This means that in high Mach number flows, potential interactions will tend to be
stronger than at lower speeds. If the Mach number is high enough, then the potential
field will propagate without decay.
Confirmation of the (relative) weakness of the propagation of downstream
potential fields, can be found in many experiments in literature. Parker and Watson
(1972) confirmed that the much earlier observations of Kemp and Sears (1955) were
applicable to blades in cascades and suggested the effects of potential interactions will
be insignificant for axial spacing greater than about 30% of the blade pitch. Walker
and Oliver (1972) demonstrated the separate existence of the potential and wake
effects in an axial flow compressor. Their measurements clearly demonstrated the
rapid decay of the potential influence when compared to that of the wake. Another
effect of potential interaction is due to the changes in flow incidence it brings to the
downstream blade row, which in turn result in unsteady blade circulation and vortex
shedding as reported by Kemp and Sears (1955).
In the turbine under investigation the flow is subsonic (turbine exit Mach number is
0.13) with a minimum blade row axial gap of approximately 25% blade pitch. This
short discussion of potential interactions suggests that these interactions will be weak
in the present investigation. Although these effects should not be dismissed entirely, it
is shown below that wake-blade interactions dominate the generation of unsteadiness
in the flow.
2.5 Wake Blade Interaction
The potential influence of a blade row extends upstream and downstream and
decays exponentially as discussed in the previous section, whereas a blade wake is
only convected downstream. A wake profile can be characterised by a relative
velocity deficit, typically 10-30% of the free stream value, wake width and turbulence
intensity. The values depend primarily on how far behind the blade row the
measurement is made. Raj and Lakshminarayana (1976) investigated the development
of the blade wakes shed from an isolated compressor rotor. They gave wake velocity
decay rate as
0 s
Where s is the streamwise distance from the blade trailing edge, S is blade throat,
V is the velocity deficit in the wake centreline and
0 s
V is the mean flow velocity
outside the wake. They have identified two different regions of interest: near wake
and far wake region. For the near wake region, the two constants in the equation 2.4
are given as R
=0.71 and S s
=0.013 and for the far-wake region the constants are
given as 14.00 and 3.46 respectively. The decay rate of the wakes was observed to be
more rapid in the near-wake and less rapid in the far-wake regions than the decay
rates of wakes shed from isolated airfoils or rectilinear cascades. They have also
found that the turbulence intensity decays much slower than the velocity deficit in the
The velocity deficit in a upstream blade wake can be perceived as an incidence
variation by the downstream blade row, while the turbulence inside the wake can
change the nature of the boundary layer from laminar to turbulent, generating
additional losses. It can also be shown that the influence of a wake will persist
through several blade rows even if they are spaced far apart. Other researchers like
Schlichting (1987) have shown that for a 2D steady wake, the velocity deficit is
known to decay as (s)
. However in a multistage environment, the wake mixing
could be somewhat different. The laser measurements of Stauter et al. (1991) in a two
stage axial flow compressor showed that the rotor wake decay to be proportional to
, where n is the ratio of the axial gap to the axial chord and the magnitude is
about 1/4 to 1/2.
Kerrebrock and Mikolajczak (1970) illustrated the effect of upstream velocity
variations due to wakes and hot streaks with velocity triangles as shown in figure 2.2.
In some flow situations, especially for the blade row downstream of a combustor,
high velocity jets exist due to large circumferential gradients in temperatures and are
generally referred as hot-streaks. Figure 2.2 shows that the low velocity fluid has a
normal velocity component towards the suction side of the downstream blade
indicating that the high turbulence, low-velocity fluid from the upstream airfoil wake
will migrate towards the suction side of the airfoil. In a similar manner, high velocity
fluid will migrate towards the pressure side of the downstream airfoil. This migration
of the fluid particles has the following major effects on the downstream blade row:
(i) Alterations in the boundary layer characteristics of the airfoil through its effect
on the transition process.
(ii) Effects the secondary flow generation for the downstream passages.
(iii) Effects the wake mixing loss due to wake stretching or compression.
These effects are discussed in detail in the following sections.
2.5.1 Wake transport in the downstream blade row
One of the first studies of the interaction of wake with blades was conducted by
Meyer (1958). Using thin airfoil theory and drawing upon the work of Kemp and
Sears (1955), he presented a solution for the interaction of a upstream blade wake
with the moving downstream blade row as illustrated in figure 2.3. Each wake is
initially represented as a perturbation of the uniform flow. The wakes are transported
with the main flow and are chopped into segments by the downstream blade row.
Inside the blade passage, the wake continues to behave as negative-jet. The velocity
induced by the negative jet causes a build up of the wake fluid on the suction surface
and a removal of the wake fluid from the pressure surface.
There are considerable differences between the flow over an un-cambered airfoil
and that through a turbomachinery blade row. Smith (1966) noted that as a result of
the blade circulation, the wake segments are sheared and stretched as they progress
through the blade passage. These phenomena are particularly evident in axial turbines.
The experimental results of Hodson(1985a) and the subsequent numerical results of
Hodson(1985b), Giles(1987), Rai(1987), Korakianitis(1991), Dawes(1993) and
Hodson and Dawes (1996) confirm that, a simple kinematic theory can be used to
explain the movement of wakes through the downstream blade rows.
The convection of a wake through the downstream blade row calculated from the
numerical simulations by Hodson and Dawes (1996) is presented in figure 2.4. The
wake before entering the blade passage undergoes bowing due to the higher
velocities in the middle of the passage compared to near the blade surfaces. It also
experiences shearing near the suction surface and stretching near the pressure
surface because the part adjacent to the suction surface convects more rapidly than the
part adjacent to the pressure surface. The net result of the bowing, stretching, shearing
and distortion is that the wake appears to be concentrated on the suction surface at
blade row exit with a tail stretching back to the rotor leading edge as shown in figure
2.4. This kinematic wake transport also effects the loss generated from mixing of
these wakes in the downstream blade row as shown by Smith(1966),
Adamczyk(1996), Deregel and Tan (1996), Valkov(1995), Van de Wall et al. (2000).
Smith (1966) showed that when the axial gap between the rotor and the stator reduced
from 37% chord to 7% chord a one-percent increase in efficiency was obtained in an
axial compressor.
The total loss associated with the blade wake can be taken as the loss generated
behind the blade row from the blade boundary layers and the loss that would occur if
the blade wake was allowed to mix-out with the surroundings in isolation by viscosity
alone. This is never the case in turbomachinery as the blade rows are close to each
other most of the time to reduce the engine length. If the blade wake can be thought of
as two vortex sheets, then the vorticity kinematics begins to play a role in changing
the decay of the wake. The wake mixing in the downstream blade row now involves
two mechanisms, viscosity as well as the kinematics of the wake stretching, shearing.
Van de Wall et al. (2000) has shown that the vorticity kinematics can act to reduce (or
increase) the velocity deficit associated with a wake from Kelvins theorem resulting
in reducing (or increasing) the mixing losses associated with the wake.
2.5.2 Effect of unsteady transition
The periodically changing upstream flow can have a large effect on the
development of the downstream blade boundary layers. The subject of wake induced
boundary layer transition is a large area of research by itself and a complete review of
the available literature is beyond the scope of this thesis. A comprehensive review of
transition in turbomachinery components is given by Mayle(1991). He lists the four
modes of transition and describes the mechanism by which they occur:
(i) Natural transition amplification of Tollmien-Schlichting instability waves
in low free stream turbulence
(ii) Bypass transition - high free stream turbulence level
(iii) Separated flow transition laminar separation bubbles
(iv) Periodic unsteady transition wake impingement (a special case of
unsteady bypass transition)
The influence of wake induced unsteadiness on the development of boundary
layers has been investigated by Pfeil et al.(1982) on a flat plate with upstream rotating
bars. They found that the impingement of the wakes on the flat plate forces early
transition of the boundary layer from laminar to turbulent. Hodson (1983) measured
detailed boundary layer velocity profiles on a rotor blade in both a stationary cascade
and a rotating rig environment. He showed that the profile loss of a rotor blade at mid
span was 50% higher than the same blade profile loss tested in a cascade with steady
As the wake convects through the blade passage, the suction surface boundary
layer is influenced by the patches of increased turbulence and perturbations of
pressure and velocity. Assuming the boundary layer to be of single state (i.e. either
laminar or turbulent but not transitional), the time-mean properties of the boundary
layer will be largely unaffected due to this turbulence as suggested by Lighthill
(1954). The same can not be said of the effect of wakes on the transition of a
boundary layer from laminar to a turbulent state. Schulte (1995) has shown that it is
possible to reduce loss generated by a highly loaded low pressure turbine blades at
low Reynolds numbers (typically of the order 1.3 x 10
), if they are subjected to
incoming wakes. This loss reduction is due to the periodic elimination of the laminar
separation bubbles in the diffusing region of the airfoil. By exploring this feature, one
can effectively increase the blade loading by as much as 20% above the current blade
designs for the same loss as shown by Howell (1999).
In addition to affecting the characteristics of the blade boundary layers, wakes from
upstream blade row also affect the generation of secondary flows as shown by Sharma
et al. (1985, 1988) and Herbert and Tiederman (1989). Sharma et al. (1985) described
the measurements obtained by using fast response pressure probes in a large scale-
rotating rig. They have shown that the hub secondary flow vortex varies from a
distinct structure to diffused structure and becomes non-existent at a later time during
one stator passing period. This indicates that the secondary flow generation
mechanisms are strongly influenced by the upstream circumferential distortions such
as wakes. Sharma et al. (1988) observed that the periodic variation in the size and the
strength of the secondary flow vortices in this experimental investigation resulted in
almost 40% variation in secondary flow losses for the rotor passage. The influence of
the unsteady flow on the secondary flow development of the downstream blade row is
further discussed in section 2.7.
2.6 Shock Wave Blade Interaction
Compression is seldom a desirable feature of turbines, however, transonic turbines
are commonly used to obtain high-stage pressure ratios and so shock waves do occur.
The most serious consequence of having a transonic flow in a turbine is a shock
system at the trailing edge, as illustrated in figure 2.5. The low base pressure formed
immediately behind the trailing edge can generate a very large trailing edge loss. The
flow expands around the trailing edge to this low pressure and is then re-compressed
by a strong shock wave at the point where the suction and pressure side flows meet.
Denton (1993) suggested that there is entropy generation from the intense viscous
dissipation at the edges of the separated region immediately behind the trailing edge
and also from the strong shock at the end of this region. The interaction between
shocks and boundary layers can lead to unsteady boundary layer separations and an
increase in loss for transonic velocities as shown by Atkin and Square (1992) and
Scherbakov et al. (1997). As the present investigation is restricted to low speed
research this shock-boundary layer interaction is not a source of unsteadiness and will
not be discussed further.
2.7 Vortex Blade Interactions
Harrison (1989) has shown that in low aspect ratio machines, the secondary flows
in the form of streamwise vortices are significant across the blade covering up to 30%
of the blade span. These vortices are convected downstream towards the next blade
row where they interact with the main flow. Although this form of interaction can be
significant, the phenomenon is not fully understood and a comprehensive review is
yet to be published. As it has significant bearing on the present research, the available
literature is discussed in more detail in the following sections. Before discussing the
streamwise vortices interaction with the downstream blade row, a brief description of
how these streamwise vortices (secondary flow vortex and tip leakage vortex) are
created and their effects on the flow is given below.
2.7.1 Secondary flow vortex
The secondary flow in a blade row can be defined as any flow, which is not in the
direction of the primary or streamwise flow. Figure 2.6(a) shows the classical
secondary flow model of Hawthorne (1955). This model shows how secondary flows
occur when the flow with inlet vorticity is turned by a cascade due to the distortion of
the inlet boundary layer vortex filaments. A comprehensive introduction to classical
secondary flow prediction is given by Gregory-Smith (1984).
A physical model describing the development of a secondary flow is depicted in
figure 2.6(b). Review papers by Sieverding (1984) and Wang (1995) provide
comprehensive summaries of the research on secondary flow structure and outline the
most significant developments. The illustrated model exaggerates the rate of rotation
of the vortices. The main passage vortex, for example, only undergoes a total of
rotation within the blade passage and a total of about rotation to a plane one chord
downstream of the cascade.
Sharma and Butler (1987) have shown that the main parameters that influence the
strength of secondary flows are blade turning, pitch to chord ratio, aspect ratio and
inlet vorticity. The main consequence of the secondary flow is an increase in loss near
endwalls and a radially non-uniform distribution of exit flow angle. This vortex gives
rise to an area of overturning close to the endwall and an area of underturning nearer
the mid-span. Most experimental studies have been performed with collateral endwall
boundary layers, which have only a normal component of vorticity. In a
turbomachine, the endwalls upstream of a blade row are, in general, rotating relative
to the blade row in question and the inlet boundary layer is skewed. The results from
the experiments of Bindon (1980), Boletis et al. (1983), Walsh and Gregory-
Smith(1987) show that skew has a significant effect on the development and
migration of the passage vortex and loss core. The direction of rotation in a turbine
means that the streamwise vorticity introduced by the skewed inlet boundary layer
strengthens the streamwise vorticity at the exit. Boletis et al. (1983) observed that
with a skew representative of a machine environment, the hub passage vortex was
convected beyond mid-span, counter to the radial pressure gradient and the results are
also confirmed by Walsh and Gregory-Smith(1987).
2.7.2 Tip Leakage Vortex
The necessary clearance between the rotating and the stationary components within
the turbine gives rise to a clearance flow and hence loss of efficiency. Blade sealing
configurations fall into two main categories: unshrouded and shrouded blades.
Pictorial representation of the tip leakage flow in shrouded and unshrouded blades is
given in figure 2.7. The leakage flow over unshrouded blades occurs as a result of the
pressure difference between the pressure and suction surfaces and is dominated by the
trailing vortex shed near the blade tip. The flow produced by this vortex reduces the
local turning performed by the blade and hence the work extracted from the flow. As
a consequence of the viscous effects in the tip clearance gap, entropy is produced. The
second major aspect is the subsequent mixing of the flow which has passed through
the tip clearance gap with that of the main flow. The detailed structure of the flow
within the tip region of a cascade has been extensively researched by Wadia and
Booth (1982); Sjolander and Amrud (1987); Moore and Tilton (1988); Bindon (1989);
Yaras and Sjolander (1990) and Heyes et al. (1992). Denton and Cumpsty (1987)
gave a simple prediction model for the first order estimates of loss and reduced work
due to tip clearance.
Comparatively very little published literature is available on leakage flows in
shrouded blades. The pressure difference over the shroud provides the driving force
for the fluid to pass into a shroud cavity and contract into a jet, downstream of a
knife-edge seal as shown in figure 2.7. As the jet diffuses, some of its kinetic energy
is dissipated in a turbulent mixing zone. Further downstream, the leakage flow is re-
introduced back into the main flow where another mixing process occurs.
Experimental studies have been limited to those of Denton and Johnson (1976),
Lewis(1993) and Wallis(1997). Denton(1993) provided a simple prediction model for
the leakage flow and loss in a shrouded blade.
The models for leakage loss in unshrouded blades neglect the relative motion
between the blade tip and the endwall. In a compressor this relative motion increases
the leakage flow and in a turbine it acts to reduce the leakage flow. This relative
motion introduces scrapping flow and scrapping vortex near the leading surface of the
blade. The importance of the relative motion has been investigated by Morphis and
Bindon (1988), Yaras and Sjolander (1992). Similar studies are yet to be conducted in
the tip gap of a shrouded turbine blade row.
2.7.3 Vortex Blade Interaction
One of the first studies of the interaction of streamwise vortices with downstream
blades was conducted by Binder (1985). He conducted the tests in a low aspect ratio,
high hub-to-tip ratio transonic turbine stage leading to a strong secondary flow from
the stator with non-uniform stator exit flow field characterised by high endwall losses
and large passage vortices. Under such circumstances, the passage vortices persist and
interacts with the downstream blade row. Binder (1985) took laser velocimeter
measurements inside the rotor to study this interaction. He measured large increase in
random unsteadiness in the front part of the rotor passage in the regions associated
with the stator secondary flow. This was attributed to the breakdown of the vortex and
proposed that the vortex breakdown occurred due to vortex filling and cutting and the
strong deformation of the vortex cross-sectional area as the vortex enters into the
rotor. The energy of the vortex motion is converted into random fluctuation energy
during breakdown. Binder et al. (1986) proposed a more detailed mechanism for the
vortex-rotor interaction. They suggested that shortly after the vortex is cut by the rotor
blade, a disturbance is created which propagates along the vortex axis at the local
speed of sound whilst simultaneously being swept downstream at the local convection
velocity. They located the origin of the turbulence production to be close to the
pressure-side stagnation region.
In another investigation in a one and half stage turbine, Sharma et al. (1985) have
shown that the flow in the first rotor is highly unsteady and strongly influenced by the
flow generated by the upstream stator. Two distinct rotor exit flow fields were
identified corresponding to the maximum and minimum interaction of the rotor flow
with the upstream stator wake and streamwise vortices. During the maximum
interaction, the stator flow merged with the rotor wake, the mid channel flow was
fairly uniform and two strong secondary flow vortices were present. During minimum
interaction, the stator flow entered the rotor passages between the airfoils, the mid
channel flow was non-uniform, and the secondary flow vortices were less defined.
Sharma et al. (1985) suggested that the upstream features convect through the rotor
passage without interacting with the rotor blades during the minimum interaction
period and vice versa. The present author considers the converse to be more correct.
The rotor exit flow is a result of the interaction between the rotor and upstream vane
at all the times in one stator passing period.
From the same tests, Sharma et al. (1988) presented the spanwise distribution of
the pitchwise averaged exit flow angle of the second stator and this compared with the
rotor exit data as shown in figure 2.8. The data for the rotor shows overturning in the
endwall regions and underturning in the midspan regions indicating the classical
secondary flow. However, the data for the secondary stator shows underturning in the
endwall regions and overturning in the mid-span regions, indicating that this flow is
strongly influenced by the incoming secondary vortices of the rotor. A similar
atypical distribution of flow angles in spanwise direction was also reported by Hobson
and Johnson (1990) in his two-stage turbine. Significant overturning, together with an
axial velocity deficit, was observed in their turbine downstream of the second stator at
30% blade span. This unsteady effect raised substantial interest, as it had not been
observed in the tests carried out by the other researchers (Boletis and Sieverding
(1991), Hodson et. al. (1993)). Although the configurations of Sharma et al. (1988)
and Boletis and Sieverding (1991) were similar, the influence of the unsteady
interactions on the steady performance was distinctly different and hence must be
related to the strength of the incoming secondary flow of the turbines.
Very few experiments have been conducted on the interaction of the streamwise
vortex with a downstream blade row. Reference has been made to the unpublished
work of LaFleur et al. (1988) by Sharma et al. (1990). They introduced tip and hub
vortices, generated by a stationary cascade of blades, at the inlet to the downstream
turbine cascade in a water tunnel. The flow interactions were visualised by utilising
dyes and laser lighting techniques at various axial planes in the downstream cascade.
The incoming vortices simulate the quasi-steady effect of the secondary flow vortices
generated by upstream blade rows in a multistage turbine. The results are shown in
figure 2.9. The vortices introduced close to the suction surface of a turbine blade were
found to convect along the surface in a stable manner hugging the airfoil suction
surface. When these vortices were introduced on the pressure side, they were found to
periodically collapse and reform in an unsteady manner. This result showed that even
from a steady incident vortex, an unsteady flow field has developed. However, in
reality, the vortex-blade interaction encountered in turbines is due to the relative
motion between the upstream vortices and the downstream blade row. Hence the
extent to which the conclusions from the above stationary incident vortex experiment
are applicable to actual conditions is unclear.
Moving upstream vortex interaction with the downstream blade was investigated
by Van de Wall et al. (1995). These tests were carried out in a water tunnel. The
vortex interaction was visualised using a pH based flow visualisation technique and
photographed using a video camera. Van de Wall et al. (1995) confirmed the
conclusions of LaFleur et al. (1988) regarding the existence of unsteady flow field
when stationary vortices were introduced on the pressure surface. In addition, they
showed that the periodic collapsing and reforming of the vortices when they are
introduced on the pressure surface is due to the helical breakdown of the incident
vortex identical to that observed by Chanaud(1965). The oscillatory behaviour of the
vortex occurred at a constant frequency. As the streamwise vortex approaches the
adverse pressure gradient near the stagnation region, it is perturbed from the primary
streamline. The vortex, which appears to oscillate, actually rotates around the initial
incident streamline forming a three-dimensional helical pattern as shown in figure
2.10. This rotation of the helix is in addition to the rotation within the vortex core.
The helical pattern of the vortex induces a velocity opposite to the initial velocity,
which thus produces a stagnation point in the flow field on the axis of the initial
In another experiment, the upstream vortex generators were moved at a constant
speed before the turbine cascade to simulate the preceding blade row. The unsteady
vortex motion associated with breakdown was not confined to the stagnation region
and the pressure surface, but occurred at all regions. The vortex breakdown was not
dominated exclusively by the classical helical breakdown but also by the vortex
cutting and vortex bursting as shown by Binder (1985). These tests are much closer to
actual conditions, but they still give only a qualitative picture of the vortex transport
and do not consider the effect of radial pressure gradient on the incoming vortex.
In another investigation in a one and half stage turbine, Walraevens et al. (1998)
has shown that the vortices leaving the rotor passage strongly influenced the flow
within and behind the second stator.
It is apparent from the above discussion that the incoming streamwise vortices
have an important effect on the flow distribution for the downstream blade row.
Needless to say these unsteady flow phenomena would not be expected to be
predicted by the available steady state three-dimensional codes. A brief discussion on
the multistage steady and unsteady blade row prediction methods is given section 2.8.
It is also very important to model these unsteady wake-blade interaction and vortex-
blade interaction using simple analytical methods for more physical understanding. A
brief review of the existing analytical models in this area is discussed in the following
2.7.4 Analytical Modelling of Wake-Blade and Vortex-Blade Interaction
One of the first studies of secondary flow generation using analytical modelling
was proposed by Hawthorne (1955) as shown in figure 2.11. He modelled the
incoming boundary layer as a vortex filament ab and showed that as this vortex
filament convects through the downstream blade row to def, it produces three forms of
vorticity. These are identified in figure 2.6(a). The distributed secondary vorticity is a
result of the turning of the inlet vortex filament while the trailing filament vorticity is
generated due to the velocity differential between the suction and pressure surfaces.
The trailing shed vorticity arises due to the spanwise variation of the blade circulation.
He has also postulated the individual contribution of these mechanisms towards the
overall secondary flow generation. Though this approach is idealised it provided an
insight into the origins of secondary flow.
Similar models were developed for understanding the wake-blade interaction in
axial flow compressors by Deregel and Tan (1996), Adamczyk (1996), Valkov (1995)
and van de Wall et al. (2000). If the blade wake can be thought of as two vortex
sheets, then vorticity kinematics can be used in understanding the wake interaction.
By calculating the change in wake length from inlet to the exit of the downstream
blade row, Valkov(1995) calculated the wake mixing loss. Deregel and Tan modelled
the interaction based on control volume approach and kinematics of wake-blade
A secondary flow vortex from one blade row convects through a downstream blade
row very much like a wake. However, the implications for the loss are very different.
According to Kelvins theorem, the circulation around a streamtube remains constant
and so if the diameter of the tube is reduced by stretching, the streamwise vorticity is
amplified. When a vortex is stretched (or compressed) longitudinally, it can be shown
that its secondary kinetic energy will vary as the square of its length (Denton (1993)).
Hence, stretching a vortex will greatly amplify its secondary kinetic energy and when
this is subsequently dissipated by viscous effects to a uniform flow, it will generate
additional loss. There is no simple model available in the literature for modelling
vortex-blade interaction. An attempt will be made to model the vortex-blade
interaction as a part of the present project.
2.8 Multi Blade Row Prediction Methods
Improved understanding into the development of the flow in a turbine environment
can be obtained through the analysis of numerical results obtained from the steady
and unsteady numerical simulations of the turbine stage. The relative motion between
the blade rows is being modelled at present by one of two types of computational
The first method simulates the time averaged flow field within a blade passage
with some modelling of the real flow to remove the effect of unsteadiness. This is
normally achieved by the use of a mixing plane approximation at some axial distance
between the blade rows (Denton and Singh (1979), Denton (1990), Dawes(1990b)) or
by the inclusion of deterministic stresses as described by Adamcyzk(1985,1999). In
the mixing plane approach, the stator/rotor interface plane matching conditions ensure
the overall conservation of mass, momentum and energy across the interface. This
approach assumes that the flow is mixed out at the mixing plane to a flow with
circumferentially uniform enthalpy and entropy before entering the next blade. This
approximation could be erroneous if the blade rows were physically very close to
each other, in which case the mixing would occur further downstream within the next
blade row.
Adamcyzk (1985) attempted to model the gradual, unsteady mixing that occurs in
practice by the addition of axisymmetric stress terms to the steady Navier-Stokes
equations. Adamcyzk (1985) approximated these terms by solving the convection of a
wake through an axisymmetric model of the downstream blade row. Although the
deterministic stress model is undoubtedly more realistic than the mixing plane model
it is still idealised. In particular, the real wake will collect on the suction surface rather
than mix out axisymmetrically.
The second type of model involves the calculation of the unsteady flow field within
the machine which is much more representative of the true environment. The
complexity and the expense of obtaining high quality time-accurate experimental data
has also given rise to a need for reliable unsteady calculations in order that a greater
understanding of unsteady turbomachine aerodynamics can be achieved, although at
present, unsteady calculations are computationally too expensive for routine use. As
the speed and storage capacity of computer increase, unsteady calculations will form
an important part of the design process and will help to improve performance and
reduce development costs. Unsteady calculations form an important part of the current
investigation. The following discussion summarises some of the work carried out in
this field and highlights the main findings.
Hodson (1985b) developed a code to predict the unsteady wake-rotor interaction
phenomena observed in his experimental investigation. He used a two-dimensional
inviscid formulation based on that of Denton (1982). To remove the restriction of
equal numbers of stator and rotor blades, a time-lagged periodic boundary condition
was imposed in the blade-blade plane. In the absence of any real viscous forces,
artificial viscosity inherent to the difference scheme was used to model the viscous
decay of the wakes. He presented calculations that agree reasonably well with the
measurements and concluded that the wake-rotor interaction is dominated by the
inviscid effects.
Giles (1987) also developed a code for calculating the two-dimensional inviscid
flow of the wake-rotor interaction. He solved the two-dimensional Euler equations
using Lax-Wendroff method of Ni (1982). His results showed similar trends to those
of Hodson (1985b). Giles (1990) extended his analysis to model stator-rotor
interaction in a turbine. He found good agreement between his calculations and
experimental results for the interaction of the stator trailing edge shocks with the
rotor. The analysis was further extended to three dimensions by Saxer and Giles
Gallus et al. (1994) compared the experimental results from a single stage turbine
with both steady and unsteady 3D Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes calculations.
They found that the unsteady interaction moved the stator hub secondary vortex away
from the hub region and that unsteady calculations gave a better match with the
experimental data than the steady calculations. Sharma et al. (1990), Ni and Sharma
(1990) and Sharma et al. (1994) carried out similar investigations using both steady
and unsteady codes. They found that the average loading was well predicted by the
steady calculation even in the presence of periodic unsteadiness. Takanashi and Ni
(1990) performed the calculations with hot streak into the stator inlet flow field. The
unsteady code showed how the hot gases migrated to the pressure side of the rotor
whilst the cooler gases migrated to the suction side. This phenomena was not
predicted by the steady calculation. Further unsteady calculations also showed how
stator vortices significantly affect the spanwise distribution of the rotor exit gas
angles. They concluded that the unsteady codes are expected to make a significant
contribution to the design of low aspect ratio turbines but further advancements in the
speed of computing were necessary before unsteady codes could be used on routine
scale. The unsteady numerical simulations were extensively used to understand the
unsteady flow phenomena in the present investigation.
One of the main problems faced by the turbomachinery designer is the difficulty in
quantifying the additional loss, which arises as a consequence of unsteady effects.
Current design procedures often rely on experience factors based on the empirical
data to account for the increased losses observed in the real turbine environment. The
experimental measure of the unsteady loss is extremely difficult since much of the
loss is generated in close proximity to solid surfaces and its evaluation requires
accurate measurement of the instantaneous pressure and temperature fields. In order
to overcome these experimental difficulties, some researchers have turned to CFD to
try and provide an estimate of the unsteady loss. This also has its limitations since the
quality of the answer depends upon the turbulence model and transition criteria
employed. Nevertheless, some progress has been made in this area.
Dawes (1994) performed a three-dimensional unsteady Navier-Stokes calculation
on a transonic compressor stage and compared the entropy production of the time-
averaged flow to the time averaged entropy production. The difference between the
two loss evaluation techniques was equal to 16% of the overall stage loss. He
attributed this unsteady loss to unsteady shock motion in the rotor and the interaction
of the rotor tip leakage vortex and the stator endwall flows. An attempt has been made
to calculate the entropy production rate and unsteady loss from the unsteady
numerical simulation results in the present investigation.
2.9 Three Dimensional Blade Design
The continual development of advanced axial turbines towards a higher degree of
stage loading increases the three-dimensional flow phenomena. It has been observed
that a considerable portion of efficiency debit is due to secondary flow not only in low
aspect ratio high-pressure turbines but also in highly loaded low-pressure turbines.
Many researchers have investigated the mechanism of the suppression of secondary
flows by three-dimensional stacking and blade sweep both experimentally and
analytically. The secondary flow phenomena are different in three dimensionally
designed blades to radially stacked blade in a turbomachine. The former design
philosophy emphasises the reduction of secondary flows compared to the latter. One
of the objectives of the present investigation is to understand the phenomena of
vortex-blade interaction in a high-pressure turbine. Therefore, it is important to
understand the differences in transport phenomena in both the turbines designed using
these philosophies. A brief review of the principles of three-dimensional design at this
juncture is considered appropriate and given in the following section.
The effects of sweep have been discussed in detail by Potts (1987). Sweep induces
stream surface twist because the spanwise component of velocity tends to remain
constant as the flow passes through the blade row whilst the axial velocity is increased
on the suction surface and decreased on the pressure surface. The angle of twist is
greatest near the mid-span but its effect on blade loading is greatest near the endwalls.
The result is that the swept forward leading edge is unloaded near the end-wall while
the swept back leading edge experiences an increased loading. The converse is true at
the trailing edge.
The effects of lean are even stronger than that of sweep. Hourmouziadis and
Hubner (1985) concluded that the compound lean stacking reduces the secondary
flows by reducing the blade to blade pressure gradient near the endwalls. The effect
has been confirmed experimentally by Walker (1987) and Harrison (1989). The effect
of blade lean can be understood by using the meridional streamline curvature equation
(Walker (1987)). If the pressure side of the blade is leaned towards the hub, for
example, producing a radially inward force on the fluid then the pressure level
increases at the hub (and decreases near the casing). The change of pressure level near
the end walls will force a corresponding change of velocity level. The reduced
velocity levels near the hub lead to reduced loss levels. The blade with compound
lean (i.e. the pressure side leaned towards both the hub and casing endwalls but
broadly radial in mid-span) should permit better overall performance by unloading the
blade near the lossy endwalls and loading the blade more in the supposedly more
efficient mid-span. Denton (1994) described the advantages of designing in three
dimensions. Further details of the present three-dimensionally designed stator and
rotor blades are given in section 3.3.
2.10 Conclusions
The sources of unsteadiness in a turbine blade have been listed and the individual
contributions of these sources to unsteadiness has been discussed. It has been shown
that unsteady flows effect the performance of the turbine stage to a large extent. The
streamwise vortices interaction with the downstream blade row resulted in large
variations in the downstream flow field especially on the development of downstream
secondary flow generation. A maximum of 40% variation in secondary flow losses
with time is observed in the rotor passage over one stator passing period by Sharma et
al. (1988). From this it can be concluded that this interaction is highly significant and
there is a need for understanding the interaction. The passage vortices transport inside
the downstream blade row is not well understood. Though some of the experiments
were conducted to visualise the same, they are all restricted to water tunnel
experiments in two-dimensional cascades at very low Mach numbers and Reynolds
numbers. The effect of the radial pressure gradient, which exists in actual turbine
environment, can not be represented in these tests.
Most of the studies in the literature are conducted in a multistage environment
where various forms of secondary flows occur simultaneously in the blade row and
difficulty is encountered in isolating a particular secondary flow, its cause and the
effect. There is a paucity of investigations in the literature directed towards
understanding the interaction of these upstream vortices on the flow characteristics of
the downstream airfoil rows. Practically none quantify the effect of these vortex
interactions in terms of additional loss generation. It is very important to know
whether these interactions are significant in terms of unsteady loss generation as this
will have a significant bearing in the design philosophy of the turbine.
These issues have been addressed in the present thesis. In the present study, a
systematic investigation of the interaction of the vortices on the downstream blade
row is carried out for understanding the phenomena of vortex interaction. The
objectives of the present investigation are given in section 1.2. These objectives are
met through a combination of experimental testing and numerical simulations. An
attempt has also been made to calculate the entropy production rate from the unsteady
numerical simulation results, and to calculate the contribution of various unsteady
flow phenomena to the stage loss.
Experimental Setup and Methods
3.1 Introduction
During the course of the research described in this dissertation, various
experimental and numerical investigations were undertaken on two low aspect ratio
high-pressure axial flow turbines. The first corresponded to a radially stacked high-
pressure gas turbine stage, while the second corresponded to a three dimensionally
stacked and swept high-pressure steam turbine stage. The flow field in the turbines
was investigated using both flow visualisation and steady and unsteady
measurements. This chapter describes the test vehicles, the instrumentation and the
measurement techniques used in performing the experiments. Steady and unsteady
numerical simulations also formed an important part of the present investigation, and
a brief description of these is also provided.
3.2 Test Facilities
Two of the test facilities at the Whittle Laboratory of Cambridge University were
used for the experiments described in this thesis. The first was the large-scale low
speed Peregrine rotating turbine rig. The second was the low speed rectilinear
Duplex wind tunnel. In addition to these low speed rigs, a low speed calibration
facility was used for the calibration of both pneumatic and hot-wire probes.
3.2.1 Low Speed Rotating Turbine Test Rig
The low speed rotating turbine test facility is shown in figure 3.1(a) and illustrated
schematically in figure 3.1(b). The large inlet contraction and honeycomb screens are
followed by a parallel section, which contains the single stage turbine. Air is drawn
from the atmosphere through the turbine by a 400 hp centrifugal fan operating at a
constant speed of 2100 rpm. The mass flow rate of the air is controlled by throttle
vanes situated downstream of the turbine at the inlet to the fan. Flow enters the rig
through a filter to remove dirt particles, then passes through a large inlet contraction
fitted with honeycomb flow straighteners to remove the effects of ground vortex or
other airborne disturbances. The power output from the turbine is absorbed by an
eddy current dynamometer, which automatically regulates the speed of the turbine to
within one rpm of a pre-set value.
The large scale of the rig made it possible to measure the flow field inside the
blade passage and both upstream and downstream of the blade rows. The present
work was carried out in high-pressure axial flow turbines with a casing diameter of
1.524m and a hub-tip ratio of 0.8. The rig is fitted with a slip ring system, which
transfers power to and signals from the rotor mounted instruments. Four different
configurations of axial flow turbine were tested in this facility. These are described in
the later sections of this chapter.
3.2.2 Low speed Wind tunnel
A half delta wing fitted to a flat plate was used to generate a vortex. The distance
between the delta wing and the leading edge of the flat plate was selected to represent
the endwall boundary layer at the inlet to the turbine in the Peregrine rig. A trip wire
of 1.2mm diameter was used to ensure that the boundary layer on the flat plate was
turbulent at the inlet to the delta wing. By varying the angle of incidence and the size
of the delta wing, the circulation and the size of the vortex were altered. Figure 3.2
shows the geometry of the half delta wing used in the present investigation.
The test section used for the low speed experiments is schematically shown in
figure 3.2. A variable speed centrifugal fan supplied the airflow and the fine
adjustment of the throughput was achieved by throttling the inlet. The flow enters the
test section through honeycomb flow straighteners followed by a large contraction,
which reduces the boundary layer thickness. The test section was not rigidly fixed to
the tunnel exit, thus avoiding the vibrations of the centrifugal fan being transferred to
the test section and the probes fixed to it. Instead, the test section was fixed to the
laboratory floor and the gap between the tunnel exit and the test section was sealed
with foam draft excluder. A three axis traverse system was fixed to the test section
wall to investigate the flow in both the pitchwise and spanwise directions at various
axial locations.
3.3 Turbine test cases
Two turbines were tested in the Peregrine test rig. The turbines are briefly
described in this section. The second turbine was tested in three different
3.3.1 Turbine 1 Conventional 2D high pressure turbine
Turbine 1 is representative of 2D-design philosophy used in gas turbine
applications. The stage consists of 36 stator blades of 150mm chord and 42 rotor
blades of 124mm chord with aspect ratios of 1.01 and 1.22 respectively. The blades
are radially stacked from hub to casing. The rotor blades have 1.0 mm of clearance
between the blade tip and the casing. Trip wires of 1.2 mm in diameter are used to
ensure that the boundary layers at the hub (
/h=0.0069, H=1.42) are turbulent at the inlet to the stator row. These are located at
two stator axial chords upstream of the stator blade row. Table 3.1 and figure 3.1(b)
gives the further details of the turbine. Hodson (1985a) described the test facility in
detail. The experimental data for this test case was acquired by Dr. R. Baneighbal.
However all the processing and interpretation of the data that form a part of the
present dissertation were performed by the present author.
3.3.2 Turbine 2 3D high pressure turbine
Turbine 2 is a high-pressure turbine representative of the 3D-design philosophy
used in steam turbines. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Japan, carried out the
aerodynamic design of the present blading. The blade design is aimed to produce a
geometrical arrangement that can reduce the secondary flow losses. The resultant
blade geometry is a combination of front loaded profiles at the mid-span and aft
loaded profiles close to the endwalls. Three-dimensional stacking of the blades at the
leading edge was given particular attention as it was considered to have a significant
effect on the secondary flow growth.
The stage consists of 36 stator blades of 150mm chord and 42 rotor blades of
124mm chord with aspect ratios of 1.01 and 1.22 respectively. The blades were
moulded from glass reinforced epoxy resin in a N.C. machined aluminium mould.
These were sealed to both hub and casing using silicon rubber. Figures 3.3(a) and (b)
show the stator and rotor blades respectively. The rotor blades are shrouded and have
minimum axial and radial clearances of 1mm. The casing above the rotor shroud was
formed as a two piece split ring. Sealing knife-edges are used over the rotating shroud
in order to form a labyrinth seal arrangement. Figure 3.4 shows the rotor shroud
arrangement. Sacrificial pieces made of balsa wood were placed against the rotating
faces of the shroud in the axial direction. It is important that in the radial direction any
possible contact between the shroud and the knife-edges to have no catastrophic
consequences, and are therefore made out of different materials. As an additional
precaution, an electronic circuit was devised which automatically shuts the rig when a
metal to metal contact between the rotating and the stationary equipment is detected.
This circuit proved to be particularly useful during the commissioning phase of the
present research programme. This is mainly because the rotor had to be balanced in
situ in which case the vibrations will often overshoot the running clearances in the
initial trails. In order to avoid leakage between the rotating and the stationary parts of
the hub and the casing into the working section, a V-ring seal was used. A general
view of the rotor at the time of assembly is shown in figure 3.5.
Trip wires of 1.2 mm in diameter were used to ensure that the boundary layers at
the hub and casing are turbulent at the inlet to the stator row. These were located two
stator axial chords upstream of the stator blade row. Further details of the turbine are
given in Table 3.2. This test configuration is hereafter referred to as the Turbine 2 -
Datum configuration.
To simulate a rotating endwall before the stator at hub, an additional rotor was
attached to the front of the turbine 2. The additional rotor had no blades. It consisted
of a rotating hub ring, a stationary casing of the rotor. This configuration is hereafter
referred to as the Rotating Hub configuration.
The interaction of the streamwise vortices on the downstream blade row was
investigated by shedding the streamwise vortices into the downstream blade row. The
present turbine rig test configuration is schematically represented in figure 3.6. Half
delta wings fitted to the rotating hub ahead of the stator were used to generate a row
of vortices that were shed into the downstream stator blade row. The delta wings were
fixed to the hub ring by means of a 3mm diameter high tensile screw. The gap
between the bottom of the delta wing and the cylindrical hub surface was filled with
RTV silicone rubber to avoid flow leakage. This test configuration henceforth is
referred to as the Delta Wing configuration.
3.4 Data Acquisition and Instrumentation
Details of the instrumentation used to study the flow field within the research stage
are described in this section. The data acquisition can be divided into two broad
categories: quantitative data acquisition and flow visualisation. The quantitative data
acquisition involved the sampling of pressures, temperatures, velocities and torque
using different types of transducers. The flow visualisation involved studying the
patterns made by the three-dimensional flow on the bounding surfaces of the test
The acquisition of all the quantitative data was performed using a 233MHz
Pentium II personal computer connected to a Biodata Microlink unit through an
IEE-488 interface. The Fortran data logging software controlled the data acquisition
hardware through the Microlink data bus. This Microlink contained a 16-channel
data acquisition card linked to a 12bit analogue to digital converter, which was used
to sample and store the analogue voltages from the transducers to a resolution of
For the measurement of pressures in the absolute frame of reference, two 48-port
Scanivalve systems were used. Each Scanivalve unit incorporated a t 3450 Pa Druck
PDCR-22 differential pressure transducer. In the rotating frame a separate 48-port
Scanivalve system mounted on the rig axis was used for the measurement of pressure.
This Scanivalve unit also incorporated the same type of pressure transducer. Control
of the port stepping and transducer voltage sampling was achieved through a slip-ring
system for the relative frame measurements.
The ZOC module has eight separate differential pressure transducers rated at
t 8620 pa with integrated amplifiers and has the advantage that all pressures can be
measured simultaneously. All the transducers were calibrated regularly using a
Druck DPI-520 pressure control system.
The temperatures were measured using T-type thermocouples referred to a cold
junction whose temperature was measured using a platinum resistance thermometer.
The rotor speed was measured using an optical switch mounted on the rotor shaft
coupled to a period timer, which measures the interval between successive once per
rev pulses.
The radial and circumferential traversing of various probes used in the course of
the experimental investigation was achieved using a three-axis closed loop traverse
system. A stepper motor coupled with an optical encoder drives each of the three
axes. A Digiplan CD IFX stepper motor drive system connected to the PC through a
serial port controlled the movement of the traverse gear.
3.5 Probes and Measurement techniques
During the course of the experiments, extensive measurements were taken using
various probes and measurement techniques. Measurements in the wind tunnel were
carried out with a five-hole pneumatic probe. Steady measurements in the test turbine
were made using five-hole probes to resolve the main flow. Flattened Pitot tubes were
used to measure the boundary layers. A single slanted hot-wire probe (SSHW) and a
three-axis hot-wire probe were extensively used for unsteady measurements in the test
turbine. The probes and the measurement techniques applied in the research are
described briefly in this section.
3.5.1 Five -Hole probe
A five-hole probe with a diameter of 2.05 mm was used to measure the flow field
downstream of the blade passage. It has a cone semi-angle of 45 and side pressure
holes drilled perpendicular to the sides of the cone, as shown in figure 3.7. It also
illustrates the convention used to number the 5-hole probe pressure tubes. The centre
hole responds to the local stagnation pressure of the flow while the difference
between the upper and lower holes is a measure of the pitch angle. Likewise, the
difference in pressure between the side holes is a measure of the yaw angle. The
pressure difference is not only a function of flow angle but also of the dynamic
pressure of the flow. The difference between the true and measured values of the
stagnation pressure is also dependent on these parameters. Thus, it is usual to calibrate
the probe at an appropriate velocity level and then form the data into non-dimensional
The calibration was performed over t 30
yaw and t 30
pitch to give a calibration
map made up of 29 yaw angles and 29 pitch angles. Geometric nulling was used to
define 0 degrees yaw and 0 degrees pitch both in the calibration and in the later
measurement set-ups. Calibration experiments were performed at the velocities of 45
m/sec and 35 m/sec, which are typical velocities encountered in the area traverses
downstream of the cascade. As the effect of Reynolds number was found to be very
weak, only the calibration map obtained at the high Reynolds number was used in
processing the experimental data. Calibration coefficients were chosen to give good
resolution over most of the calibrated range. The coefficients were defined as follows:
= (P
) / (P
) ------ Yaw angle coefficient (3.1)
= (P
) / (P
- P
) ------ Pitch angle coefficient (3.2)
= (P
) / (P
- P
) ------ Stagnation pressure loss coefficient (3.3)
= (P
) / (P
- P
) ------ Dynamic pressure coefficient (3.4)
Where P
= P
(probe centre pressure) and P
= Minimum of (P
, P
, P
, P
Figure 3.8 shows the sample calibration map of yaw and pitch coefficients with
respect to yaw and pitch angles. To avoid proximity errors, area traversing was
restricted to areas at least one probe diameter from the walls. Various extension
lengths of the five-hole probes were used in the present research due to the geometric
restrictions inside the stage. Some of the probes are of a modular design for easy
assembly inside the test rig. Figure 3.9 show the various five-hole probes used in this
3.5.2 Single Slant Hot-Wire
To derive all three components of the unsteady velocity vector requires either a
multi-wire probe or a single slanted wire that is positioned in at least three different
orientations with respect to the flow. Each method has its advantages and
disadvantages. The multi-wire probes give good resolution of the time-dependent
fluctuations within the flow, but lacks in spatial resolution and suffer from wire and
prong wake interference between the wires.
The hotwire inclined at 54.7
to the probe axis, when rotated about its probe
support to three positions 120 degrees apart, keeps the sensing element mutually
orthogonal to each other. This allows simpler data acquisition to derive the three
components of the velocity vector, thus reducing the problems of data processing.
Given the power of modern computers, this advantage hardly matters today. The
unsteady flow is unlikely to be of constant direction and significant prong-wake
interference can occur at some angles as the wake from the long prong spoils the flow
onto the wire. Inaccuracies in the manufacture of the wire also make this type of data
acquisition susceptible to errors.
For this experimental investigation, the unsteady velocity field downstream of the
rotor trailing edge was measured using the single slant hot-wire technique described
by Kuroumaru et. al. (1982) and developed to work on the low speed rotating
compressor rig in the Whittle Laboratory by Goto (1991). The sensor used was a
Dantec hot-wire probe type 55P12 with a wire angle of 45 degrees. The hotwire was
used in constant temperature mode with an overheat ratio of 1.8 and controlled by a
Dantec 56C17 bridge and 56N20 signal conditioner. Figure 3.10, shows a diagram
of the slant hot-wire and defines the notation used in the velocity vector calculation
The flow velocity V at the wire was evaluated using Kings law
c BV A E2
C 2
BV A E + (3.5)
where E is the measured voltage, while A, B and C are the constants that are
evaluated from hotwire calibration in a tunnel. A correction is made for changes in
ambient temperature following Bearman (1971)
2 1
m c
) 1 (
1 E E
After linearising the second term in the right hand side, the equation 3.6 is given as
) 1 ( 2
1 E E
m c
where E
is the measured voltage, E
is the corrected voltage, is the overheat ratio
of the hotwire sensor and is the fractional change in air temperature from reference
ambient conditions.
The technique of Kuroumaru et. al (1982) with the modifications suggested by
Goto (1991) was used to establish the mean velocity vector at a given point. The
technique relies on the calibration of the hotwire over a range of pitch and yaw angles.
For the present research turbine, the hotwire probe was calibrated from -35
to 40
pitch angle and between t 120
of yaw angle. For each pitch angle a curve similar to
the following form is fitted to the data:
{ { [ ] + ) ( Q sin ) ( R ) ( Q cos ) ( I
where V
is the effective velocity measured by the hot-wire and V is the actual
velocity, I, Q and R are second order polynomial functions of the pitch angle
(relative to the probe stem). The angle is measured between the velocity vector and
the hotwire sensor normal. It is given as follows
{ cos . sin ) cos( . cos . sin arcsin (3.9)
Figure 3.10 also defines the angles used in the calibration. In processing the
experimental data, the calibration was applied to measurements of V
obtained at
eight different probe positions. For the current experiments, these positions were 40
, 80
and 100
either sides of the estimated null position which is short prong of
the hotwire facing the flow direction. The velocity vector is then obtained by using
the method of least squares.
A Dantec 55N20 signal conditioner was used to amplify the signal so that the full
range of the analogue to digital converter could be utilised. The output of the
conditioning unit was sampled at 50 kHz frequency to capture 128 points across each
rotor pitch. Each ensemble was equivalent to two rotor blade pitches. The acquisition
of each ensemble was triggered by the once-per-rev sensor and repeated 130 times to
build up an ensemble average of the spatial non-uniformities in the rotor-relative
frame. The accuracy of this technique relies on the rotor speed remaining constant.
For sampling such a small sector of the rotor-relative flow this is a reasonable
assumption but becomes less so as the overall sample duration increases. In the
present investigation, the turbine speed was maintained t 1.0 rpm of the design value.
The slanted hotwire was also used behind the delta wing and the stator for measuring
the unsteady flow field.
3.5.3 Three Axis Hot-wire
The development of the stator flow within the rotor blade passage was investigated
in the relative frame of reference using a three-axis hotwire probe. The probe has a
measurement volume of 2mm in diameter as shown in figure 3.11. The three axis hot-
wire sensor is made up of three different single-axis inclined sensors arranged
perpendicular to each other.
Due to the length-diameter ratio of the hotwire sensor (l/d = 200), it was not
appropriate to use the cosine law or its modifications to represent the response of the
sensor at different angles of attack (Champagne et. al. (1967)). For this reason, a
technique similar to that used in 5-hole pneumatic probe was developed. The
technique relies on the interpolation of the data contained in a look-up table. A fixed,
low turbulence, constant velocity jet was used for probe calibration in a calibration
tunnel. The flow velocity at the wire was evaluated using Kings law with Bearman
correction. The probe angular response was calibrated by varying the yaw and pitch
angles of the probe (t 30 degrees) with respect to the calibration jet. The yaw and
pitch angles as well as the three-sensor voltages and velocity magnitude were
recorded at each angular position. Non-dimensional calibration coefficients were
chosen to give good resolution over most of the calibrated range. The choice of
representative pitch and yaw angle parameters depends on the orientation of the
sensors relative to the probe co-ordinate system. A representative velocity parameter
was found to be,
( )
A rep
V V V V + + (3.10)
where, V
, V
, V
are the apparent velocities measured by wires A, B and C
respectively. The coefficients were defined as follows,
= (V
--- Yaw angle coefficient (3.11)
= (V
--- Pitch angle coefficient (3.12)
= (V
--- Total velocity coefficient (3.13)
The two non-dimensional coefficients K
and K
were used as independent co-
ordinates for the calibration. From the rig test data, the values of K
and K
at a
particular point in the area traverse were evaluated. Using the look-up table for these
non-dimensional coefficients, the yaw angle, the pitch angle and the velocity of the
flow were evaluated by linear interpolation. The sample calibration map as a function
of yaw and pitch angle coefficients is given in figure 3.12.
3.5.4 Data Reduction
This section describes the definitions of statistical quantities used in high frequency
measurements. All the measured voltages were converted to velocities before the
determination of the statistical quantities. The acquisition of the data was triggered
using a once-per-revolution signal. The ensemble-mean of N realisations of a quantity
(t, n) is then defined by
> <
1 n
) n , t ( ) t ( (3.14)
where time t is measured from a once-per-cycle datum point for a periodic process.
The time mean of (t, n) is denoted by . The ensemble root-mean-square (rms) is
defined as
1 n
rms Tu Tu (3.17)
For the presentation of unsteady measurements, the time t is non-dimensionalised by
the stator wake passing period when measuring at rotor exit, and non-
dimensionalised by the rotor wake passing period when measuring at stator exit.
3.6 Flow visualisation experiments
In the present investigation, Oil-and-dye flow visualisation was used for
understanding stator blade flow patterns. Smoke flow visualisation was used in
understanding the stator flow transport phenomena in rotor.
3.6.1 Oil and Dye flow visualisation
The surface streamline patterns give an insight into the structure of the flows
within the turbomachinery blade passage, especially the secondary flows. Flow
visualisation experiments were carried out using oil and dye for this purpose. During
these experiments a thin coat of an appropriate mixture of fluorescent paint pigment
and diesel oil was applied to the blades and surrounding endwall surfaces. During the
experiment, the wall shear stress of the flow transports some of the applied mixture in
the direction of the near surface-flow.
In each experiment, the rig was run for 45 minutes at the appropriate flow
conditions. The resulting traces left by the flow on the investigated surfaces were
examined and recorded by photographic means under ultra violet light for further
analysis. The use of fluorescent pigments enables the use of very small amount of the
paint to obtain a very clear picture. This makes the current technique less intrusive.
Utmost care is essential in the application of the mixture, in the choice of oil with the
right viscosity and in the duration of the experiment in order to minimise the effects
of gravity and to maximise the responsiveness to local shear stress while still retaining
enough of the mixture to be photographed.
3.7 Flow Measurements
The rig is equipped with a large amount of fixed instrumentation as shown in figure
3.13. The air inlet temperature is measured using a T-type thermocouple. The inlet
total pressure is measured as the pneumatic mean of the pressures measured by the
four Pitot tubes located at 200mm upstream of the stator leading edge. Two sets of 22
static pressure tappings located in the hub and casing at the same location as the pitot
total pressure probes are used for the determination of the mass flow in the intake
section. Downstream of the rotor there are two further sets of 12 static pressure
tappings located at the hub and casing and equi-spaced around the annulus. Five static
pressure tappings are also used on the rotor hub in the relative frame across one rotor
blade pitch. The traverse ring at plane 1 is also equipped with one static pressure
tapping. In addition to this fixed instrumentation, line and area traverses were carried
out at planes 1 and 3 using variety of probes. These are described in this section. The
uncertainty analysis associated with the measurement of pressure, loss coefficient and
turbine efficiency is given in Appendix A1.
3.7.1 Inlet Boundary layer measurements
The inlet boundary layer was measured at a location 80% axial chord upstream of
the stator leading edge for turbine 1 and turbine 2 and 80% stator axial chord
upstream of the delta wing row for delta wing configuration. The boundary layer
profile was measured with a flattened Pitot tube having a thickness of 0.15 mm. The
probe was traversed radially from hub to casing in 178 points such that at least 30
points were measured inside the boundary layer thickness. The results for the turbine
2 are shown in figure 3.17 at hub (
H=1.30). The data is plotted in the form of a non-dimensional velocity profile. This
boundary layer data is used as input for the numerical simulations. The blockage due
to the hub and casing boundary layers were accounted while calculating the inlet mass
flow rate.
3.7.2 Blade surface static pressure measurements
Surface static pressure tappings were used to measure the pressure distributions
along the stator and rotor blade surfaces. Nylon tubing was cast into the surface of the
rotor and the stator blades. The pressure tappings were created by cross-drilling into
these pressure lines at 10, 25, 50, 75 and 90 percent span forming a matrix of pressure
tappings on each blade surface. Fig 3.15 shows the pressure surface of the
instrumented stator. Spanwise lines indicate the positions of the pressure lines. Each
spanwise row of tubes was covered with a strip of 0.04 mm thickness adhesive tape
which was wrapped around the leading and the trailing edges and covered the row of
holes. To make measurements of the chord-wise static pressure distribution at a
particular spanwise position, the adhesive tape was simply removed from the relevant
row of holes ensuring that all others remained covered.
3.7.3 Area Traverses
Area traverses were carried out downstream of the blade rows and within the blade
row using five-hole pneumatic, single slanted hotwire and three axis hotwire probes.
In all of the measurements, the probes were small relative to the blades having
diameters of less than 1.5 % of the blade pitch. The axes of the probes were aligned
parallel to the mean flow direction in order to minimise the errors. Probes fitted to the
traverse system were introduced into the turbine through the traverse ring. When a
particular traverse ring was not being used, further precautions against leakage were
taken by sealing the slot. Table 3.3 summarises the experimental traverses made
during the course of the present study.
The probes were traversed radially from hub to casing and circumferentially over
one blade pitch. Fine data grid resolution was used in regions of large total pressure
gradients, such as in the blade wakes and secondary flows. The accuracy of the probe
positioning is determined by the probe initial positioning, the linearity of the traverse
mechanism and the stepper motor step resolution. Table 3.4 summarises the probe
positioning accuracy for the present set of experiments. Important parameter, which
characterises the flow losses in a blade row, is the coefficient of stagnation pressure
loss. It is defined as
1 x
02 01
74 Cos
Where P
and P
corresponds to the stagnation pressure at the inlet to the blade row
and at the exit of the row respectively. The stagnation pressure loss is non-
dimensionalised with a reference dynamic head. The velocity of the flow at the exit of
the blade row is approximated by (V
), where V
is the axial velocity at the
inlet to the blade row and 74
was chosen as the representative exit flow angle. This
definition of loss coefficient is used throughout the thesis unless mentioned otherwise.
For the rotating frame measurements, the relative stagnation at the inlet to the row and
at the outlet to the row is used for evaluating the loss coefficient. Since the rotor exit
flow, as measured by a stationary probe, depends strongly on the relative position of
the probe and the stator it was decided that a full unsteady area traverse of the rotor
exit flow over one stator pitch was necessary. The area traverses were carried out
while using the slant hotwire behind the rotor and while using the five-hole probe
behind the rotating hub and behind the delta wing row.
3.8 Numerical Approach
The numerical simulations discussed in this thesis were performed with a steady
Navier-Stokes solver 'MULTIP81' of Denton (1997) and an unsteady Navier-Stokes
solver UNSTREST also of Denton (1996). Both these numerical simulation methods
are described in this section.
3.8.1 Steady Simulations with MULTIP
This code solves the three-dimensional modified Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes
equations on a structured, non-adaptive mesh. The equations of motion are discretised
to second order accuracy and integrated forward in time. MULTIP81 uses the
SCREE scheme, which has been recently developed by Denton (1997). A mixing
length model with wall function is used for modelling the turbulence in the flow. A
full multi-grid method and local time stepping are used to accelerate the convergence.
A mixing plane between blade rows allows the properties to mix out circumferentially
at the downstream plane whilst preserving the spanwise variations.
A grid of 41x92x45 points for the stator and 41x99x45 points for the rotor was
employed in the numerical simulations in the pitchwise, streamwise and spanwise
directions respectively. The grid expansion ratio determines the rate at which the grid
is stretched away from the solid boundaries until the maximum permitted cell size is
reached. Grid expansion ratios of 1.3 near the endwalls and 1.2 near the blade
surfaces were used in these computations. In order to represent the vorticity at the
inlet to the stator blade row, a total of 9 cells were employed inside the endwall
boundary layer thickness, which is of the order of 6% span.
All the numerical investigations were carried out at the design condition of the
turbine (i.e. flow coefficient of 0.351). The turbine inlet axial velocity was 13.85
m/sec (i.e. M=0.038). Since this is very low for numerical calculations, it is increased
by a factor of two. The non-dimensional design parameters were maintained by
suitably changing the rotor speed and mass flow rate. The exit Mach number from the
stator and rotor is approximately 0.28. The Reynolds number used in these
simulations were the same as the experimental Reynolds numbers to correctly model
the viscous effects on the blade surfaces and endwalls.
A large number of trials were carried out for different control parameters such as
smoothing, time step, relaxation before an acceptable solution was obtained. In steady
computations, convergence was deemed to have occurred when the average error
reaches the specified limit and the ratio of local mass flow to inlet mass flow is close
to one. Table 3.5 outlines the principle parameters used for the steady calculations
performed during the present investigation. The mixing length factor is used in the
evaluation of turbulent viscosity, which is the ratio between the maximum mixing
length allowed, and the blade pitch.
3.8.2 Unsteady Numerical Simulations UNSTREST
UNSTREST is an unsteady 3-D multi blade row code solving the Navier - Stokes
equations in a simplified form. This is essentially an unsteady version of MULTIP
with some important changes. The time stepping is performed using the Ni scheme
(Ni (1982)). Multiple blade passages per row are calculated with the blade count
adjusted to achieve an integer number of blades in each row. Each passage is
calculated in turn and the resulting primary variables stored globally. This greatly
reduces the storage requirements but prevents cusps from being easily used on leading
and trailing edges. Once all the passages have been updated, periodicity is applied
along the passage boundaries. A sliding interface plane between blade rows allows
properties to be interpolated from one row boundary to another. The time step is
uniform over the entire domain to achieve time accuracy and it is dictated by the
stability limit imposed by the smallest cell in the domain. The pressure, density and
velocity at the stator and the rotor exits were monitored to check for a periodic
solution and to establish the number of time steps required in a blade-passing period.
During the later stages of the investigation, a modified version of UNSTREST
called UNSTSS9 was used. This solver uses the Scree numerical scheme
employed earlier in MULTIP81. Figures 3.16 and 3.17 show the computational mesh
in the meridional plane and a blade-to-blade plane respectively. More grid points are
placed near the leading and the trailing edges of the blade rows to resolve the flow
properties more accurately. A detailed view of the grid at rotor mid-span near the
leading edge is shown in figure 3.18. Table 3.5 outlines the principle parameters used
for the steady and unsteady calculations performed during the present investigation.
Table 3.6 summarises the various steady and unsteady simulations carried out in the
present investigation for various test cases explained in section 3.3.
Vortex Transport in a Radially Stacked
Turbine Stage 4
4.1 Introduction
This chapter presents a study of the vortex-blade interaction within the blade rows
of a radially stacked high-pressure turbine. The steady flow field is investigated using
the blade surface static pressure distributions and pneumatic probe measurements
downstream of each blade row in both rotating and stationary frames of reference.
Furthermore, unsteady measurements have been carried out using a three axis hot-
wire. The transport mechanisms of the stator wake and passage vortices through the
rotor blade row have been studied using smoke flow visualisation. Steady and
unsteady numerical simulations have been performed using the structured three-
dimensional Navier-Stokes solver to further understand the blade row interactions.
The steady flow field in the turbine is first discussed and the unsteady rotor flow
field is discussed with the help of measurements and computations. The predicted
flow field is investigated from the perspective of loss production. The contribution of
the unsteady flow to the stage loss was evaluated using unsteady numerical
simulations. The effect of stator viscous flow transport on the rotor flow angles is also
discussed. Finally, a kinematic model is proposed for the transport of the secondary
flow vortices through the downstream blade row based on the understanding obtained
from the measurements and numerical simulations.
4.2 Steady flow field
The three-dimensional flow field is discussed with the help of measurements at
planes 1, 2, 3 which were located at 20% C
downstream of stator trailing edge, 60%
distance downstream of the rotor leading edge and 20% C
downstream of rotor
trailing edge, respectively. All measurements were undertaken at the turbine design
flow coefficient.
4.2.1 Stator Flow
Area traverses at plane 1 were performed with a five-hole pneumatic probe. The
stator exit flow is discussed using the contours of stagnation pressure loss (Y) (figure
4.1(a), see equation 3.18 for definition). The high loss region in the middle of the plot
corresponds to the stator blade wake. Figure 4.1(a) shows that core flow away from
the endwalls (60% of the span) is essentially two-dimensional flow. Most of the loss
over the span is associated with the blade wake but there is also additional loss near
the hub and casing due to the endwall secondary flows. These loss cores can be
identified at 10% and 85% of the blade span situated on the suction side of the
passage. At the casing, the loss core is more diffuse and the maximum pressure loss is
28% less than at the hub. The centres of the passage vortices are coincident with the
maximum streamwise vorticity and these locations are indicated in figure 4.1(a) by the
tips of the arrows. The centres of the passage vortices are located closer to the
endwalls than the location of the maximum stagnation pressure loss. A local increase
in loss can be seen at region 1 in figure 4.1(a). This is due to the interaction between
the blade surface flows and the new end-wall surface flows at the suction surface
At plane 1, the ensemble-mean velocities indicated that the maximum amplitude of
the periodic velocity fluctuation is less than 1% of the mean value. This is because the
potential field of the rotor is relatively weak. Contours of the time-mean phase-
averaged turbulence intensity (
Tu ) derived from 3-axis hot-wire data are presented
in figure 4.1(b). The mean turbulence intensity reaches a maximum value of 9% in the
hub secondary flow, whereas it is 7% in the casing secondary flow. This indicates that
the secondary flow at the hub is stronger than that at the casing, and is consistent with
the five-hole probe measurements of figure 4.1(a). The centre of the wake has a
relatively high turbulence intensity of 6%. In the free-stream region, the turbulence
intensity is very small (around 0.7%). The time-mean values of the turbulence
intensity (figure 4.1(b)) correlate well with the measurements of stagnation pressure
loss (figure 4.1(a)). This indicates that the turbulence intensity is a good marker for
identifying the flow structures.
4.2.2 Rotor Flow
Figure 4.2 presents the results of a relative frame five-hole probe traverse at plane
3. The data obtained from five radially disposed rotor leading edge Pitot tubes have
been interpolated to provide a reference stagnation pressure for the traverse data at
each radius. The high loss region near mid-span is the wake. Figure 4.2 shows that at
least 40% of the span (from 30-70%) is occupied by essentially two-dimensional flow.
Near the hub, losses associated with secondary flows are evident. A large hub passage
vortex can be seen covering up to 25% of the span. The loss associated with the tip
leakage is centred at 95% span (figure 4.2). This loss core occupied almost 55% of the
passage width and 10% of the span. This plot suggests that the tip leakage flow is the
dominant secondary flow at this location.
Figure 4.3 presents the secondary velocity vectors from five-hole probe
measurements at traverse plane 3. The secondary velocity vector is defined as the
difference between the local velocity vector and the reference flow direction, which is
in this particular case. This angle is chosen because it coincides with the mean
flow angle of the rotor hub and leakage vortices so that they become readily apparent.
Various secondary flow features can be identified in this figure. At 90% and 20%
blade span on the suction side of the passage (regions A & B), two clockwise rotating
vortices are observed. These are the rotor hub passage vortex and the tip leakage
vortex, respectively. In addition to these two vortices, near region D, a vortical
structure rotating anti-clockwise can be observed. This structure could be either due
to the interaction between the stator and rotor casing secondary flow or due to the
rotor secondary flow. This is discussed further in section 4.4 using the unsteady
4.3 Smoke Flow Visualisation of Rotor-Stator Interaction
Smoke flow visualisation was carried out to identify the transport mechanisms of
the stator wake and secondary flow features through the rotor blade row. The results
from two particular experiments are discussed. Firstly, smoke was introduced through
the stator trailing edge at blade mid-span to investigate the wake transport through the
rotor passage. In the second experiment, smoke was introduced in the stator hub
region to study the stator passage vortex transport through the rotor. Photographs were
obtained using a stroboscope while holding the camera shutter open to obtain a total
of eight superimposed exposures.
Results from the first experiment are shown in figure 4.4 in the form of a sequence
of smoke flow visualisation pictures separated by equal intervals in time over one
stator wake-passing period. The wake is identified by the white region in the middle
of the passage. Figure 4.4(a) shows the wake just inside the blade row. The bowing of
the wake is observed in figure 4.4(a). As the wake is drawn into the rotor passage, it is
convected at the local free stream velocity. The bowing of the wake is due to the
mean higher convection rate in the mid-passage flow compared to near the blade
surfaces. By the time t/=0.286 (figure 4.4(b)), the wake has been convected to 50%
of the surface length on the suction side. The re-orientation or shearing of the wake
can be seen in this figure. The shearing of the wake occurs because the fluid close to
the suction surface convects at a much higher rate than the fluid near the pressure
surface. This leads to the stretching on the pressure side leg of the wake (region 1).
The wake centre line distortion and re-orientation continues at t/=0.571 (figure
4.4(c)). By the time t/=0.857 (figure 4.4(d)), the wake has been convected further
towards the rotor trailing edge. The net result of all of the above phenomena is that the
wake appears to be concentrated on the suction surface at the exit of the rotor passage
with a tail stretching back to the leading edge of the pressure surface of the adjacent
blade (Hodson, 1985b, 1998). The same stator wake can be seen entering the
adjoining rotor passage at time t/=0.857 (region 2).
Results from the second experiment are shown in figure 4.5 as a sequence of smoke
flow visualisation pictures at four equal intervals in time, over one stator wake-
passing period. The pictures were taken at the exit of the rotor blade looking upstream
and perpendicular to the throat as shown in figure 4.5(e). Each picture shows the flow
across three blade pitches at any instant in time, designated as passages 1, 2 and 3,
respectively. In these pictures, the stator passage vortex is again identified with the
white regions.
Figure 4.5(a) shows the results at time t/=0.000, the smoke appears on the suction
surface inside the blade passage. The smoke structure is circular in nature and
confined to the rotor hub region on the suction surface of the third blade passage. In
the second blade passage, the smoke traces, which entered the blade passage at an
earlier instant in time, can now be observed near the throat region. The structure of the
smoke in this passage consists of two regions. One is circular in nature near the rotor
hub and the other is elongated in the spanwise direction above the circular region. The
smoke in the elongated region appears to be thinner. The smoke structure in the first
blade passage has some similarity with the smoke structure in the second blade
passage. The smoke traces from passage 1 appear downstream of the rotor trailing
edge. The smoke pattern is thinner than in the previous passages indicating the
dispersion of the smoke due to increased dissipation in the secondary flow.
Figure 4.5(b) occurs approximately after one-quarter of a stator passing period
(t/=0.286). Since the previous time instant, the smoke trace in the third blade passage
moved further downstream compared to figure 4.5(a). The smoke trace in the second
passage convected further downstream to the rotor trailing edge. The radial extent of
the smoke has increased. Smoke from the first blade passage moved downstream,
appearing even more dispersed. Figures 4.5(c) and 4.5(d) show the progression of the
incoming features of the stator secondary flow through the rotor blade passages, at
subsequent time instants. At time t/=0.571 (figure 4.5(c)), the smoke trace at the exit
of the first blade passage had almost disappeared, as the secondary flow of the stator
move downstream. At t/=0.857 (figure 4.5(d)), smoke can be observed entering a
new rotor passage designated as passage 4.
In general, it is observed that the secondary flow vortices are convected through the
downstream blade row in a similar but not identical way to the wake. Due to the
effects of vortex distortion, stretching and shearing, the vortically moving fluid
appears to be concentrated on the suction side. A detailed description of the kinematic
behaviour of the passage vortices is presented in section 4.5 after reviewing the results
from unsteady measurements.
4.4 Stator Wake and Vortex Transport
The turbulence intensity, obtained from 3-axis hot-wire measurements, was used in
tracking the stator flow inside the rotor. To better visualise the unsteadiness of the
flow, the minimum value of the turbulence intensity in one stator wake-passing period
at each traverse point has been subtracted from the local turbulence intensity. The
result is given as the additional random unsteadiness
rms aru
Tu Tu Tu
Figure 4.6(a)-(d) shows the contours of the additional random unsteadiness (
Tu ) at
plane 2 (rotor mid-chord), over one stator wake-passing period. Due to geometrical
constraints, the traverse does not cover the full pitch. Figure 4.6(a) shows that the
mid-span area of the suction surface is exposed to a low level of additional random
unsteadiness. In figure 4.6, the minimum turbulence intensities were subtracted out
from the total values. Therefore, if the rotor features are still observed in these plots,
they represent unsteadiness in the rotor flow, due to the presence of the stator flow
inside the rotor. The stator features can be observed to convect over one stator wake-
passing period in these plots as well. The stator viscous flows such as blade wake and
passage vortices can be identified with increased additional random unsteadiness. The
remnants of a previous wake (region 2) can be seen near the pressure surface with
higher values of additional random unsteadiness. Near the casing (region 1), the
viscous flow originating from the casing in the stator row is beginning to appear at
85% span. At stator exit (figure 4.1(a)), the same secondary flow can be observed at
90% span and hence indicating the inward radial movement of the stator flow at this
Figure 4.6(b) occurs at one-quarter of a stator passing period after figure 4.6(a).
Now the suction surface is exposed to the incoming wake (region 4). The minimum
levels of turbulence intensity at this plane are less than 0.5% in the free stream region.
This indicates that regions of low turbulence intensity separate the stator exit
perturbations as they pass through the rotor blades. Apart from the wake and stator
casing secondary flow, a feature that is identified with the stator secondary flow is
also present in figure 4.6(b) (region 3). This is at a higher radius (20% blade span)
than indicated by the stator exit traverse (10% blade span in figure 4.1(a)). Smoke
flow visualisation shows that the upward radial migration of the flow is due to the
effect of the stator secondary flow on the rotor flow near the hub. At t/=0.625, the
wake (region 4) now extends over the full span. The stator casing secondary flow is
just beginning to disappear in the plot whereas the hub secondary flow is still present.
The final plot (figure 4.6(d)) shows that the stator secondary flow now appears nearer
to the pressure surface at a lower radius.
The differing convection rates on the pressure and suction surfaces means that the
transport of fluid that lies near the suction surface is more rapid than that which lies
close to the pressure surface. Since the traverse plane is located near rotor mid-chord,
most of the distortion that this difference causes would have already taken place.
Consequently, the stator wakes and secondary flow features are expected to appear
first at this traverse plane, nearer the suction side of the passage. This is illustrated by
the data presented in figure 4.6. The maximum turbulence intensity (
Tu ) in the
stator wake in plane 2 is observed as 3.8% (not presented in the thesis). This value is
lower than the value at the stator exit (6.0%) indicating a decrease in turbulent kinetic
energy of the stator wake between stator exit and rotor mid-chord. This implies that
there is no turbulence generation due to vortex cutting in this turbine unlike the
observation of Binder (1985).
Figure 4.7 presents the contours of the additional random unsteadiness (
Tu )
equi-spaced in time, over one stator passing period, at traverse plane 3 (rotor exit). At
time t/=0.125 (figure 4.7(a)), the additional random unsteadiness is low throughout
the passage (0.5%) except in the rotor wake (region 1) and secondary flow (regions 2
and 3). At this time instant, the increased levels of additional random unsteadiness are
beginning to appear near the casing (to the right of region 2) and the hub (outwards of
region 3). Figure 4.7(b) occurs one-quarter of a stator passage period after figure
4.7(a). The unsteadiness has reached a maximum level of 6.5% to the right of the rotor
trailing edge separated by a low turbulence region. Regions 4 and 5 are the stator
casing and hub secondary flow vortices, respectively. Region 6 corresponds to the
stator wake. The interaction between the stator flow and the rotor secondary flow is
observed in figure 4.7(b) near the suction side of the blade, at around 25% and 70% of
the blade span. It is also observed that region 5 is radially outward of region 3,
indicating the radial movement of the stator flow features. By time t/=0.625 in figure
4.7(c), the stator flow features (region 8) appear right on the suction side with a very
high additional random unsteadiness of more than 6.5%, at the hub. Near the casing,
the rotor flow structure is more fragmented (region 7). This is due to the interaction of
the rotor leakage and passage vortices with the stator wake and passage vortices. At
time t/=0.875, the flow is slowly reverting to the values of t/=0.125 with the
maximum additional turbulence levels of the stator features reducing (regions 9 and
10) and the free stream fluid returning to low additional turbulence values.
Figure 4.8 presents the contours of turbulence intensity (
Tu ) at rotor exit (plane
3) in one stator wake-passing period. The stator viscous flow features and their
transport through the rotor blade row, observed in the figures 4.8(a)-(d), are similar to
the figure 4.7(a)-(d). The stator flow is observed in figure 4.8(b) and the maximum
interaction between the stator flow and rotor is observed at time t/=0.625. The stator
flow is more clearly visible in figure 4.7 than in figure 4.8. In figures 4.6 and 4.7, the
minimum turbulence intensities were subtracted out from the total values. Therefore,
if the rotor features are still observed in these plots, they have to be due to the
unsteadiness in the rotor wakes and secondary flows. This unsteadiness is due to the
presence of the stator flow inside the rotor. These stator flow features influence the
endwall boundary layers of the rotor and in turn influence the rotor secondary flow.
By affecting the laminar-turbulent transition of the blade boundary layers, the rotor
profile loss is also affected. By observing region 3 at all time instants in figure 4.7, it
can be seen that the rotor secondary flow at the hub moves radially and
circumferentially, varying in size over one stator-passing period.
The unsteady features of the flow are discussed with the help of hot-wire data
(figure 4.9). Figure 4.9 shows the time varying secondary flow field with the help of
secondary velocity vectors derived from hot-wire data. The secondary velocity vector
is defined in the same way as in the steady case. At 20% and 90% blade span on the
suction side of the passage (A & B), two clockwise rotating vortices can be seen at all
time instants. These represent the rotor hub passage vortex and tip leakage vortex,
respectively. At time t/=0.125 and t/=0.375, a counter-rotating vortex is observed
just on the side of the rotor hub passage vortex (region C). This is due to the hub
passage vortex of the stator. A close observation of the flow near the suction surface
corner at time t/=0.625 reveals the presence of a vortex (region D). This vortex is
below the leakage vortex at 80% blade span, rotating in the opposite direction to the
leakage vortex. As this vortex is not present at all time instants, it is probably due to
the interaction between the rotor and stator secondary flow. The varying strength of
tip leakage flow can be observed at all the time instants. This is due to the interaction
of the suction side leg of the stator passage vortex near the casing with the leakage
vortex, which is rotating in the same direction.
The contours of axial vorticity at plane 3 are shown in figure 4.10 at time
t/=0.625. The velocity gradients in the r and directions can only be calculated from
the measured data at a given traverse plane. Hence, only the axial component of the
vorticity is presented here. The axial vorticity is given by
( )
The positive values of
indicate clockwise motion. The leakage vortex is
confined to 15% of the span from the casing on the blade suction side. A region of
negative vorticity can be observed just below the leakage vortex at 80% span. This
corresponds to the interaction between the rotor and stator casing passage vortex.
Another region of positive vorticity can also be observed below this secondary
passage vortex at 75% blade span. This can be attributed to the stator passage vortex.
At the hub, a region of positive vorticity can be observed near 22% span
corresponding to the rotor hub passage vortex. The negative vorticity corresponding to
the stator hub secondary flow can be observed above the rotor secondary flow region
at 30% span.
4.5 A Simple Vortex Transport Model
A comprehensive picture of the wake-blade and the vortex-blade interactions can
be assembled from the flow visualisation and unsteady measurements and
simulations. The kinematic transport of the stator passage vortex through the rotor is
discussed with the help of figure 4.11. The stator wake transport through the rotor
blade row is also depicted at mid span.
The stator hub passage vortex is chopped by the downstream blade row in a similar
way to the wake. It is then convected through the rotor passage at the freestream
velocity. The pitchwise variation in convection velocity across the passage is
responsible for the distortion of the vortex centre-line as shown in figure 4.11. The
bowed vortex tube appears to have two counter-rotating legs extending back to the
leading edges of the adjacent blades. These are termed as the suction side leg (region
3, figure 4.11) and pressure side leg (region 2, figure 4.11). Reorientation and shearing
of the vortex occurs because a fluid particle will convect along the suction surface at a
much higher rate than the pressure surface. As the suction side leg of the vortex is
accelerated away from the pressure side leg, which remains in the vicinity of the
leading edge, it stretches along the suction surface. The pressure side leg of the vortex
stretches across the passage. It is expected that the stretching of the vortex tube will
result in the reduction in the vortex diameter with concurrent increase in its angular
velocity and subsequent increase in the dissipation rate. Due to the flow modifications
(distortion, stretching and shearing), the stator hub vortex appears to be concentrated
on the suction side with a tail extending up to the rotor leading edge on the pressure
side of the passage.
The presence of the rotor passage vortices affects the transport of the stator passage
vortices through the rotor. The kinematic interaction between the stator and the rotor
passage vortices has two effects. Firstly, the suction side leg of the stator passage
vortex is displaced radially upwards over the developing rotor passage vortex near the
hub. The pressure side leg of the stator passage vortex is counter-rotating to the rotor
hub passage vortex. Additionally, the pressure side leg of the stator passage vortex,
rotating in the same direction as the rotor passage vortex, is engulfed by the rotor
passage vortex. Similar phenomena are observed at the rotor tip, where the tip leakage
and passage vortex interaction causes the stator features to move towards the mid-
span on the suction surface.
4.6 Comparison of Steady and Unsteady Simulations
Steady and unsteady Navier-Stokes simulations of the turbine stage were carried
out using the solvers described in chapter 3. Identical grids, numerical schemes,
mixing length parameters, relaxation parameters and boundary conditions were used
for the steady and unsteady numerical simulations. In unsteady simulations, the
upstream viscous features pass through the downstream blade row. In order to reduce
the computation time and data storage, the unsteady simulations were carried out with
42 stator blades and 42 rotor blades instead of 36 and 42 blades of stator and rotor
respectively. For a better comparison, the steady calculations were also carried out
with 42 stator and rotor blades. This small variation in stator solidity has only a small
effect on the rotor flow field as illustrated in the later part of this section.
Figure 4.12 shows the stagnation pressure loss coefficient (Y) contours at plane 3
derived from steady numerical simulations, unsteady numerical simulations and five-
hole probe measurements. The relative stagnation pressure values at the rotor leading
edge were averaged in the pitchwise direction. These values were used in evaluating
the relative stagnation pressure loss at rotor exit, assuming cylindrical stream surfaces
for the steady and unsteady computations. The general flow structure agrees well with
the measurements both qualitatively and quantitatively. The leakage vortex (region 1)
is dominant at this location in both the steady and unsteady simulations and in the
measured data. The steady simulations over-predict the leakage losses, while the
unsteady simulations compare well to the measured loss. The difference is due to the
interaction between the rotor leakage flow with the periodically varying stator flow
field, which is modelled, only in the unsteady simulations. The rotor blade wake is
wider in both the steady and unsteady computations compared to the measured data.
This may be due to the difference in the rate of mixing in the wake in both the
computations and experiments, which arises from the mixing model. The loss core
corresponding to the secondary flow at rotor hub (region 2) can be observed at 25%
blade span. The flow structure appearing at 80% blade span (region 3) is due to the
stator-rotor interaction. Steady simulations did not predict the strength and location of
this feature, while the unsteady simulations predicted this structure well. Overall,
there is good agreement between the measurements and the unsteady simulations. This
increases the confidence in the unsteady numerical simulations and the conclusions
that can be drawn from them.
The use of pitchwise averaging in a three-dimensional flow such as this turbine
destroys much of the flow detail. Any radial displacement of the flow feature will
significantly change the pitchwise averaged profile. However, since a downstream
blade row will usually be designed to accept the pitchwise averaged flow from an
upstream blade row, it is instructive to compare the results in this way, in order that
any limitations may be noted.
Figure 4.13 presents the spanwise distributions of the pitchwise averaged rotor exit
relative yaw angle, the envelope of its variation from the mean and the stagnation
pressure loss coefficient. Results from the measurements, and both steady and
unsteady numerical simulations are compared in this figure. The familiar features of
the secondary flow with overturning near the end-wall and underturning towards the
mid-span can be seen in the relative yaw angle at the hub (figure 4.13(a)). Near the
casing, the flow is underturned due to the leakage vortex. A small underturning
followed by overturning can be observed at 80% span. This is due to the stator-rotor
interaction as explained in figure 4.9. Accordingly, the steady simulation does not
predict this flow feature. At blade heights corresponding to the strongest stator
secondary flow, differences between the steady and the unsteady computations are
greatest (5
difference). The maximum difference between the steady and unsteady
predictions of absolute flow angle is of the order of 10
at rotor exit at 25% and 80%
blade span. This illustrates the limitations of steady flow calculations. The time
average unsteady hot-wire data are in good agreement with the steady five-hole probe
data except near the tip region. This is because the hotwire measurement accuracy is
compromised in this region, due to the relatively large gradients in yaw angle and the
large random unsteadiness. Furthermore, the unsteady computations are in good
agreement with the measured data. This also shows that the small variation in stator
solidity in numerical simulations has only a small effect on the flow field at rotor exit.
Figure 4.13(a) also shows that there is no underturning at the endwalls and
overturning towards the mid-span for this particular turbine (unlike that of Sharma et.
al. (1988)).
Figure 4.13(b) shows the envelope of the phase-averaged variations around the
time mean value of relative yaw angle. The levels of unsteadiness over most of the
blade span is in agreement with the measured unsteady data except near the hub. The
amplitude of the fluctuation is much less than the difference between steady and
unsteady computations indicating that the non-linear effects are due to the vortex
transport rather than simple periodic fluctuations. Figure 4.13(c) shows the
comparison of stagnation pressure loss coefficient between measurements and steady
and unsteady computations. In calculating the relative stagnation pressure loss
coefficient, it is assumed that the stream surfaces are cylindrical. The local increase in
the loss can be observed corresponding to the hub and casing passage vortices regions
and in the tip leakage regions. There is a reasonable agreement between the five-hole
probe measurements and the time averaged unsteady computations. The steady
computations are not able to predict the losses accurately near the rotor secondary
flow regions and tip leakage flow.
4.7 Unsteady Loss
The predicted flow field was interrogated from the perspective of loss production to
determine the contribution of the unsteady flow to the time-average performance of
the stage. The only accurate measure of loss in an unsteady flow is provided by the
increase in entropy (Denton (1993)). All the entropy produced within the flow field
will eventually pass through the exit boundary of the stage and be perceived as the
stage loss. Various definitions are possible in defining unsteady loss. If the steady
flow field is defined as the flow with steady inlet to the turbine stator row and turbine
rotor row, it is not possible to measure the steady loss or unsteady loss experimentally.
This is because the rotor exit flow field is a result of the interaction between the rotor
and upstream stator at all times during one stator-passing period. It is easier to
evaluate the steady loss in numerical simulations for the designer by using a mixing
plane approach. The unsteady loss in the present investigation is defined as the
difference between the average entropy flux passing through the exit boundary, in one
wake passing cycle, of an unsteady calculation and the corresponding entropy flux
from a mixing plane steady calculation. This is given as,
x u
dy dr ) s V ( r 2 dt dy dr ) s V ( r 2
where s is the specific entropy of the fluid and is the time for one stator passing
period. The difference between the integrated entropy fluxes from steady and unsteady
computations were used in evaluating the contribution of unsteady loss to the stage
efficiency. This is given as
0 0
0 0
T h m
h m
T h m
h m
The efficiency measured for the turbine stage under investigation is 88.3% with an
uncertainty of t 0.8%. Further details of the uncertainty analysis are given in
Appendix A1. The stage efficiencies calculated from steady and unsteady
computations were 89.8% and 86.6% respectively. The contribution of the unsteady
flow to the stage loss is about 3.2 percentage points of efficiency, which is about 1/3
of the steady loss. The accuracy of calculated stage efficiencies depends on various
control parameters like the numerical scheme, the computational grid, the grid
resolution in resolving various viscous phenomena, smoothing factors, relaxation
factors and mixing length parameters. In the present investigation, all the factors
effecting the stage efficiency are the same in both steady and unsteady simulations.
Although the absolute magnitudes of calculated values may differ from measurement
values, the relative difference between the two types of simulations can be trusted.
The measured (88.3%) and predicted (86.6%) efficiency values for the present turbine
agree reasonably well, giving confidence to the predicted values of the unsteady loss.
Although the unsteady loss seems relatively high, it should be noted that the
additional loss includes contributions from other steady phenomena. For example, it is
known that when the wake passes through the downstream blade row, the flow
incidence to the blade row changes temporally. Additional loss will be generated due
to this effect, though it is likely to be small in this high-pressure turbine. In the mixing
plane steady calculations, the wakes and passage vortices are instantaneously mixed
out at the exit boundary of the blade row. Conversely, in unsteady simulations, these
viscous structures are transported through the downstream blade row, generating
additional losses due to wake mixing and vortex stretching. In the turbine under
investigation, unsteady measurements discussed in section 4.4 confirmed the
considerable effect of the stator flow on rotor blades. Hence, the main contributions to
the unsteady loss is due to wake mixing, vortex stretching and the subsequent effect of
these phenomena have on the development of rotor secondary flow in the downstream
blade row.
4.8 Conclusions
The development of steady and unsteady three-dimensional flow in the turbine 1
has been described. The transport of viscous flow features within the rotor blade row
has been analysed with smoke flow visualisation and three axis hotwire
measurements. It is observed that the stator secondary flow vortices are convected
through the downstream rotor blade row in a similar but not identical way to the wake.
At the hub, the kinematic interaction between the stator and the rotor passage vortices
has two effects. Firstly, the suction side leg of the stator passage vortex is displaced
radially upwards over the developing rotor passage vortex at the hub. Additionally, the
pressure side leg of the stator passage vortex is entrained into the rotor passage vortex.
A simple kinematic model is proposed for the transport of the secondary flow vortices
in the downstream blade row based on the understanding obtained from the
measurements and the numerical simulations.
The time averaged unsteady measurements are in good agreement with the steady
measurements except near the tip region. Unsteady numerical simulations were found
to be successful in predicting the flow accurately near the secondary flow interaction
regions. Comparisons between the steady and the unsteady numerical simulations with
measurements highlighted the need for unsteady computations. The contribution of
the unsteady flow to the stage loss has been evaluated using unsteady numerical
The Three Dimensional Flow Field in a
High Pressure Steam Turbine Stage
with Compound lean
5.1 Introduction
A considerable portion of efficiency debit in a low aspect ratio high-pressure
turbine is due to the secondary flow (Harrison (1989)). Several researchers have
investigated the mechanism of the suppression of secondary flows by three-
dimensional stacking and blade sweep both experimentally and analytically (Potts
(1987), Hourmouziadis and Hubner (1985), Walker (1987), Harrison (1989)). This
chapter describes the steady and unsteady flow field of a leaned and swept high-
pressure steam turbine. In the turbine under investigation, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
of Japan carried out the aerodynamic design of the blading. The blade design is aimed
at producing a geometrical arrangement that can reduce the secondary flow losses.
This chapter also highlights the sources of unsteady loss generation and provides an
insight into the mechanisms of the interaction between the stator and rotor of a
modern high-pressure turbine.
The steady flow field is investigated using the blade surface static pressure
measurements, miniature pneumatic probes downstream of each blade row and oil-dye
flow visualisation on the blade surfaces. The unsteady flow field of the rotor was
investigated using a single-slant hot wire probe and a three-axis hot-wire probe.
Steady and unsteady numerical simulations were performed using the structured 3D
Navier-Stokes solver to further understand the flow field. Unless otherwise indicated,
all the experiments and computations have been carried out at the design operating
condition. The data from the numerical simulations was also used to identify the
sources of loss generation. Concluding remarks are made in the last section of this
5.2 Blade Loading and Overall Performance
The turbine stage loading and overall performance are evaluated using blade static
pressure measurements on the stator and the rotor blade surfaces and torque
measurements at various flow coefficients.
5.2.1 Blade Loading
A series of experiments were performed to quantify the loading distribution along
the blade at 10%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 90% span. The surface static pressures have
been non-dimensionalised to give a static pressure coefficient (
C ). This is given as
in 0
where P
is the inlet stagnation pressure and U
is the rotor blade speed at mid span.
Figure 5.1 presents the static pressure coefficient distribution on the stator blade
surface plotted as a percentage of surface distance at various blade heights. The
symbols represent the data from measurements and the solid line from numerical
simulations. The maximum value of C
at mid-span is 2.03 while the values of C
10% span is 1.825 and 1.585 at 90% span. The locations of the peak suction at 10%
blade span is observed at around 70% surface distance, 28% surface distance at 50%
span and 58% surface distance at 90% span. These values indicate that the stator blade
is aft-loaded near the ends and front-loaded in the middle of the span. The stator blade
is off-loaded at the endwalls to reduce the secondary flow.
There is a very good agreement between the computations and the measurements
indicating that the blade loading levels were represented correctly in the calculations.
The difference between the suction and pressure side static pressure coefficient values
near the stator leading edge at 75% and 90% span indicated the positive incidence
angles of the flow near these regions. This is further illustrated with the help of flow
visualisation and velocity vector plots discussed in section 5.3. These figures show
that the flow stagnates on the pressure side of the blade surface, then accelerates
around the leading edge to the suction side.
Figure 5.2 presents the static pressure coefficient distribution on the rotor blade
surface plotted as a percentage of the surface distance at various blade heights. The
results indicate that the rotor blade is also off-loaded near the endwalls (C
p, max
of 1.64
at 10% blade span and 1.64 at 90% blade span) compared to the mid-span region (C
=1.784 at 50% blade span) to reduce the rotor secondary flow. Also the rotor blade
ends are aft-loaded (the peak suction is at 52% and 44% of surface distance at 10%
and 90% blade span respectively) and the mid-span sections are front-loaded (peak
suction is at 37% of surface distance). A small amount of flow diffusion is observed at
90% span near the leading edge of the rotor blade indicating a positive at this
spanwise location. The good overall agreement between the computations and
measurements at all heights of the rotor and stator blade gave confidence in the
5.2.2 Overall Performance
The overall performance of the turbine was evaluated at different flow coefficients.
The stage inlet conditions are determined using the free-stream values at stator inlet.
The exit conditions are determined by radially traversing a 3-hole cobra probe far
downstream of the rotor so that the flow is essentially axisymmetric. In these
experiments, the radial traverses at the rotor exit were performed at a traverse plane
located 186mm downstream of the rotor which is approximately 2.2 times the rotor
axial chord. The exit static pressure was measured by the rings of pressure tappings
fitted at the hub and the casing at two axial chords downstream of the rotor.
The definitions given in table 5.1 were used for evaluating the stage performance of
the turbine. The measurement of efficiency represents a particular challenge in low
speed facilities. This is due to the accuracy of the torque measurements. The tare of
the torque meter was first set to zero at zero torque. A check on the accuracy of this
setting was then provided by carrying out a test that is similar to the Willans test for
the reciprocating internal combustion engines. The LSRT was operated at constant
flow coefficient but at varying mass flow rates. If the effects of Reynolds number can
be ignored, then the efficiency should remain constant. Under these circumstances, a
plot of the measured torque against ( )
should be linear and pass through the
origin. Experiments showed that by extrapolating to zero pressure difference the tare
agrees with the zero torque value to within 0.1% of the torque at the design point of
the LSRT.
The test described above provides a check on the tare of the torque meter. This is
important for ensuring the repeatability of the measurements. Unfortunately, it does
not provide a measure of the windage torque. To determine the windage torque, the
following procedure of Lewis (1993) was adopted. This procedure relies on number of
assumptions. Firstly, the efficiency must be constant (or nearly constant) over a
suitable range of flow coefficients that include the design point. The initial estimates
of the efficiency revealed that this is the case. Secondly, the windage torque must not
be a function of the mass flow rate. Thirdly, the density at each measurement location
must remain constant as the flow coefficient changes. Under these circumstances, the
( )
( )
( )
exit 0 01
windage measured inlet
exit 0 01
P P m
P P m
has a constant value. The true torque is given by the symbol T in equation 5.2.
An experiment was conducted in which the mass flow rate was varied but the
rotational speed, and therefore the windage torque, was held constant. The above
equation can be rewritten as
( ) ( )
windage measured exit 0 01
The left-hand side of the above equation represents the isentropic power output. The
right hand side of the equation represents the actual power output. The slope of the
equation 5.3 gives 1/ of the turbine. The windage torque may then be determined by
plotting the left-hand side of the above relationship against the quantity
T and
determining the intercept with the ordinate when the abscissa is zero. This is shown in
figure 5.3 for the present turbine. A linear regression analysis provided the straight
line fit to the data. It should be noted that at this point the term windage torque
includes the torque generated by the rubbing seals, as it is virtually impossible to
separate the two effects in the present configuration. In this present test turbine, the
windage torque is calculated as 51.82 N-m.
Figure 5.4 presents the overall performance of the stage such as stage pressure
coefficient, stage loading coefficient and total-total efficiency as a function of the flow
coefficient. The efficiency measured for the turbine stage under investigation is
91.92% with an uncertainty of t 0.8 percentage. Further details of the uncertainty
analysis corresponding to the stage efficiency measurement are given in Appendix
A1. The stage efficiency is almost constant with varying flow coefficient whereas the
stage loading and stage pressure coefficient increased linearly with the increase in
flow coefficient.
5.3 Stator Flow Visualisation
The use of oil and dye flow visualisation on blade and endwall surfaces gives
valuable insight into the structure of the flow within the blade passage. Further details
of the visualisation technique are outlined in section 3.6. Figure 5.5(a) show the flow
visualisation on the suction surface of the stator. The line of sight has been chosen to
be nearly perpendicular to the blade chord line and is slightly tilted towards the casing.
In this way, the full extent of the blade as well as the blade to casing interaction can be
observed. Red dye was applied on the blade suction and pressure surfaces and green
dye on the endwalls.
It is observed from figure 5.5(a) that the suction surface flow is not two-
dimensional and significant radial flows exist near the hub and the casing. The hub
and casing endwall flow (green dye) can be observed on the blade suction surface. The
radial migration of the endwall flow is more deeper near the casing than near the hub.
The blade C
distributions discussed earlier show that the maximum static pressure
coefficient near the hub is higher than near the casing indicating higher blade loading
near the hub compared to near the casing. The lower blade loading near the casing
combined with larger radial migration of the endwall flow indicates that the secondary
flow near the casing is weaker than near the hub. Two hub passage vortex lift-off lines
(A and B) were observed on the suction surface. The lift-off line A is due to the
main passage vortex while the second line B corresponds to the turning of the new
endwall boundary layer developed after the lift-off of the main passage vortex.
An interesting feature observed in the flow visualisation is the radial jump (figure
5.5(a), region 1) on the suction surface. The radial jump extends the influence of the
endwall flow to nearly 40% of the blade span from the casing. The axial location of
this radial jump coincides with the blade throat. Hence, the affected area corresponds
to the region uncovered by the preceding blade. In this region, the streamwise wall
shear stresses are reduced due to the back surface diffusion. This reduced shear stress
combined with the existing radial pressure gradient is thought to enhance the radial
migration of the secondary flow on the suction surface.
Figure 5.5(b) shows the flow visualisation on the pressure surface of the stator and
on the casing endwall. The flow on the pressure surface is two-dimensional with an
overall tendency to move downward (from casing to hub). The lift-off line
corresponding to the main passage vortex on the casing endwall can be observed from
the pressure side of the blade to reach the suction side of the next blade around mid
chord position.
Figure 5.6 present the flow visualisation on the hub endwall. Two stator blades
have been removed from the hub in order to make the hub endwall more accessible.
The lift-off line around the blade leading edge, associated with the horseshoe vortex,
is clearly visible. At hub, the lift-off line reaches the suction surface from pressure
side of the blade by 1/3
of the axial stator chord. This is much earlier than the casing
endwall, which indicates higher blade loading at the hub.
The flow from the pressure surface (region 2 in figure 5.5(a)) can be observed on
the suction surface. This is due to the high positive incidence of the flow near the tip
section resulting in a small re-circulation region. This effect was also observed in the
static pressure coefficient distribution in figure 5.1 (90% span). The numerical
simulations also predict the flow movement from PS to SS as shown in figure 5.7.
Figure 5.7 presents the absolute velocity vectors of the flow near the stator leading
edge at 90% blade span. It can be observed that the stator inlet flow stagnates on the
pressure surface and accelerates around the leading edge to the blade suction surface.
The extent of this region is about 20% of the blade span near the casing while the
streamwise extent is very small. Hence, the effect of this region to the pressure
distribution is restricted to the vicinity of the leading edge.
5.4 Stator Exit Flow
The flow field at the stator exit is discussed with the help of measurements
obtained at a plane located at a distance 13% of C
downstream of the stator trailing
edge. Area traverses have been performed with a five-hole probe and a three-axis
hotwire. The measurement techniques and the probe details are outlined in section 3.5.
Figures 5.8 5.10 show the contour plots of the stagnation pressure loss (Y, see
equation 3.18 for definition), secondary velocity vectors and absolute yaw angle
compared with computed results (steady flows assumed) over two stator pitches. The
stator blade wake can be identified with the high loss region in the middle of the
figure 5.8(a). Most of the loss over the span is associated with the blade wake but
there is also additional loss near the hub and the casing. The accumulation of the high
loss fluid in these regions is a consequence of the hub and casing secondary flows.
These loss cores can be identified at 10% and 90% of the blade span situated on the
suction side of the blade passage. There is a good repeatability of the loss contours
throughout the measurement domain of two stator passages. Figure 5.8(b) presents the
loss coefficient predictions from steady numerical simulations. A comparison between
the measured and computational results reveals a good qualitative and quantitative
agreement with the main features of the stator flow being well captured. There is some
discrepancy in the location and magnitude of the loss in the centre of the wake at 20%
and 70% of blade span but the qualitative agreement is, nevertheless good. The
computed width of the wake is more than the measured wake width. This may be due
to the difference in the rate of mixing in the wake in the computations and in the
experiments, which arises from the mixing model.
The measured and the computed secondary velocity vectors at the stator exit plane
are shown in figure 5.9. The secondary flow velocities have been calculated using the
following equation
mean local local secondary
e . V V V
& & &
is the velocity determined from the 5-hole probe data at each point and
e is the unit vector in the mean exit flow direction. The secondary flow vectors
can also be defined using blade exit angle or based on inviscid flow direction at
various spanwise locations. All the definitions have given similar picture. At the
measurement location, the mean exit flow direction is
where and is the absolute yaw and pitch angles of the flow. In figure 5.9, two
counter rotating vortices are observed on the suction side of the blade at 10% and 90%
of the blade span. These are the stator hub passage vortex and casing passage vortex
respectively. It can also be observed that there is a good agreement between the
computations and measurements.
The absolute yaw angle contours of the flow field at stator exit plane both from
measurements and computations are presented in figure 5.10. The mean flow direction
at this plane is 74.5
. With respect to this angle, the flow near the hub and casing
endwalls is overturned as shown in figure 5.10. The underturning of the flow can be
observed above the underturned flow regions corresponding to the secondary passage
vortices. In the wake region, a distinctive pattern exists. On the blade suction side, the
flow is overturned, and on the pressure side, the flow is underturned. The majority of
the flow field is well predicted except near the wake regions. This again may due to
the type of mixing model used in the present calculation. The good agreement
between the experimental and the calculated flow angles indicates that the global
rotation of the bulk flow is well captured by the calculation.
The use of pitchwise averaging in a three-dimensional flow such as in this turbine
looses much of the flow detail. Any radial displacement of a flow feature will
significantly change the pitchwise-averaged value. However, since a downstream
blade row will usually be designed to accept the pitchwise averaged flow from an
upstream blade row, it is instructive to compare the results in this way, in order that
any limitations may be noted. Fig 5.11 presents the radial distributions of the
pitchwise averages of the absolute yaw angle and stagnation pressure loss coefficient
at plane 1 behind the stator.
The first plot (figure 5.11(a)) shows the absolute yaw angle distributions in the
spanwise direction. It can be observed that there is a small variation of yaw angle from
30 % to 65 % of the span. However, near to the hub and the casing the familiar
features of the passage vortex with overturning at the endwalls and under-turning
towards the mid-span are observed. The spread of the secondary flow in the radial
direction is more than that would occur with a conventionally designed blade. The
second plot (figure 5.11(b)) shows the variation of the stagnation pressure loss
coefficient in the spanwise direction. The loss coefficient is high at hub and casing
due to the endwall boundary layers. The local increase in loss coefficient is observed
corresponding to the secondary vortex cores near the hub and casing. There is a very
good agreement between the measurements and the computations as can be seen in
figure 5.11(b).
One of the advantages of the accurate numerical computations is that it enables us
to investigate the flow inside the blade row, which is otherwise impossible to measure
in the experiments. One particular example of the advantage of computations is
explained below. Figure 5.12(a) shows the details of the secondary velocity vectors,
defined with respect to the computational grid direction, near the casing region at a
distance of 91% of stator axial chord downstream of the blade leading edge. It can be
observed that near the pressure surface and casing endwall corner, there is a small re-
circulating region. Investigation of static pressure contours at the same location (figure
5.12(b)) revealed that this was due to the radial static pressure gradient existing in the
blade due to the blade lean. The re-circulation region corresponds to a higher static
pressure than the static pressure at the lower spanwise location. This increases the
radial migration of the flow near the casing towards the blade midspan and hence
develops a re-circulation region. This shows that the blade lean at the tip and hub
section may have to be reduced to produce the optimum performance from this blade
in the contest of using three-dimensional concepts.
5.5 Rotor Exit Flow
The flow field at the rotor exit is discussed with the help of measurements at plane
3, which is located at a distance of 26% rotor C
downstream of the rotor trailing edge
in the relative frame of reference. Area traverses at plane 3 have been performed using
a 5-hole probe and three-axis hot-wire. The measurement techniques and the probe
details are outlined in section 3.5.
The loss coefficient (Y, see equation 3.18 for definition) contours of the relative
stagnation pressure are presented in figure 5.13 and compared with the computed
results. The data obtained from five radially disposed rotor leading edge Pitot tubes
have been interpolated to provide a reference stagnation pressure for the traverse data
at each radius. The high loss region near the mid-span is identified with the rotor
blade wake. Figure 5.13(a) shows that at least 45% of the blade span (from 20% -
65%) is occupied by two-dimensional flow but there is additional loss near the hub
and casing. The accumulation of the high loss fluid in these regions is a consequence
of the hub and casing secondary flows and due to shroud leakage. At the hub, in
addition to the loss core corresponding to the hub secondary flow on suction side of
the blade, there is another loss core located near the pressure side of the blade (region
1). This is discussed further in section 5.6 with the help of the unsteady
measurements. At this measurement location, the shroud leakage loss dominates 15%
of the blade height from casing. The casing secondary flow is pushed radially inwards
by the growing leakage flow.
Figure 5.13(b) presents the contours of the loss coefficient predicted with a steady
CFD calculation. The predicted hub and casing secondary flows are stronger than the
measured values and are radially moved outward near the hub and inward near the
casing. The loss core corresponding to the shroud leakage is not to be seen in this plot,
as this feature is not modelled in this computation. Initially the shroud leakage
modelling was not thought to be important, as there was believed to be very little
chance of leakage from rotor leading edge to rotor trailing edge. This is because there
are five radial seals and two axial seals to discourage the leakage flow. The
comparison of experimental data and computations revealed that this leakage flow is
important and has to be modelled. The geometry of the rotor shroud and its
arrangement is discussed in section 3.4.
Numerical simulations were carried out by including the modelling of shroud
leakage flow (Denton (1999)) and the associated loss. In this shroud leakage model,
the leakage flow is estimated from the seal clearance and number of seals and is bled
off from the main flow. The change of angular momentum of the leakage flow due to
friction on the shroud and casing are estimated using input values of the skin friction
coefficient. The work done on the shroud by the leakage flow is also calculated. The
leakage flow is then injected into the main flow downstream of the blade row and the
conservation equations determine the mixing loss. Figure 5.13(c) presents the results
of this computation at the same measurement location. The loss core due to shroud
leakage flow can now be observed very near the casing above the secondary flow loss
as observed in the experiments. The computed magnitude of the shroud leakage loss is
20% more than the measured value. Given the simplicity of the model used for shroud
leakage the comparison between the computations and experiments is thought to be
very good especially in terms of the location and magnitude of this loss core
corresponding to shroud leakage flow. The efficiencies of the turbine stage with and
without including the shroud leakage flow are predicted from steady simulations.
They are given as 94.13% without shroud modelling and 92.74% with shroud
modelling. In comparison, the measured efficiency for the turbine stage is 91.92%
with an uncertainty of t 0.8%. A good agreement between the measured efficiency
and the predicted efficiency with shroud modelling can be observed. The difference in
efficiencies between the two simulations with and without shroud leakage modelling
is 1.4 %, indicating the importance of modelling the leakage flow in simulations.
It was noted above that the predicted location of the loss core due to the hub
secondary flow was found to be at a higher radius than measured. A close examination
of the secondary air path of the rig indicated that there is a possibility of flow leakage
from mainstream to the nose bullet (the lowest pressure region in the test rig) at the
gap between the rotating and the stationary parts of the hub drum. A rubber V-seal
was used to prevent this leakage flow. Although it was not possible to measure the
amount of leakage, an attempt has been made to understand the effect of hub bleed on
secondary flow development.
The latest version of the MULTIP called MULTALL (Denton (2000)) has the
provision for accounting the bleed flows. Simulations were carried with this code and
the results are presented in figure 5.13(d). The effect of hub bleed on the development
of the hub secondary flow can be clearly observed with the location of the hub
secondary flow at much lower radii. Further refinement of the prediction can be
carried out by varying the amount of bleed flow (0.9% of total mass flow in the
present case). This small exercise explains the importance of secondary flows like
shroud leakage and bleed on the overall performance prediction. As the unsteady
version of MULTIP does not include shroud leakage and bleed flow models, results
from the numerical simulations not incorporating these models are used for comparing
the steady and unsteady flow fields.
Figure 5.14 presents the secondary velocity vectors of the flow at the rotor exit
plane from measurements and computations. The secondary flow velocities have been
calculated using the equation 5.4. Various secondary flow features can be identified in
this figure. At 10% and 90% blade span on the suction side of the passage, two
counter rotating vortices are observed. These are the rotor hub passage vortex and
casing passage vortex respectively. The discrepancy in the radial location of the
passage vortices at the hub and the casing can be observed between the steady
computations and measurements. A vortical flow rotating in opposite to the main
passage vortex (region 1) can be identified on the pressure side of the blade. This
location also corresponds to the loss core on the pressure side, which was discussed in
the figure 5.13(a). This is discussed further in the following section with the help of
the unsteady measurements.
5.6 Unsteady Flow in the Rotor
It is evident from the measurements of the flow field at stator exit that the rotor
will experience fluctuations in the inlet flow. This unsteadiness arises due to the
relative motion of the rotor with the stator. The spatial gradients in the blade-to-blade
direction at the stator exit are seen as temporal disturbances by the rotor row as the
rotating blades sweep past the stator blade row. It is useful to characterise the
potential importance of unsteadiness by evaluating the reduced frequency parameter
(for definition, see equation 2.2). It represents the number of wakes (or other stator
features) found in a single rotor passage at any instant of time. The reduced frequency
for the present turbine is 1.67 indicating that the unsteady effects can be significant in
the turbine stage.
The work presented in this section was undertaken to give an insight into the
mechanisms of the interaction between the stator exit flow and the rotor. Extensive
time resolved data has been obtained downstream of the rotor (26% C
downstream of
the rotor TE, plane 3) using a single-slant hot wire probe (SSHW) in the absolute
frame of reference. The method used for the data acquisition and data reduction is
outlined in section 3.5.
5.6.1 Single Slant Hot-wire Data
An area traverse was performed in the stationary frame with a SSHW over one
stator pitch from 2.1% to 97.1% of the blade span. The results are presented below.
The measurement grid consisted of 21 equi-spaced points in the pitchwise direction,
28 points in the spanwise direction and 300 points over two rotor pitches. This gave
rise to a three dimensional data (r, , t) set that can be viewed in various cutting
Figure 5.15 presents the rotor exit absolute velocity contours in constant radius
plane at blade mid-span. The time variation of the ensemble averaged velocity trace at
a point in the measurement grid was expressed as rotor pitch and plotted as abscissa.
The circumferential distance was plotted as a fraction of stator pitch. The rotor wake
can be identified as a thin region of low absolute velocity surrounded by the higher
velocity fluid as can be observed in figure 5.15(a). The variation if any, of the velocity
in the rotor wake in stator pitch direction can be attributed to the influence of the
stator blade. One such region is observed between 75% to 100% of the stator pitch,
associated with low velocity covering a full rotor pitch. At this stator pitch region, the
rotor wake can not be identified separately. A region of velocity deficit (75-100%
stator pitch) with respect to local absolute velocity can be observed in the middle of
the rotor blade passage corresponding to the stator flow. A quantitative assessment of
this stator influence on the rotor flow is given in the following section.
Figure 5.15(b) shows the variation of the absolute velocity of the flow with rotor
pitch (across section AA) at 25% of the stator pitch. The narrow regions of low
absolute velocity are due to the rotor wake. The mass average value of the absolute
velocity at this pitchwise location is 15.9 m/sec. By comparing the average velocity at
various circumferential locations, the effect of stator influence on the rotor flow can
be evaluated. Figure 5.15(c) shows the variation of the absolute velocity with stator
pitch at section BB. The large velocity deficit corresponding to the stator flow
interaction can be observed towards the rear end of the stator pitch as described
earlier. The velocity in this region is 12m/sec i.e. around 4m/sec less than the average
velocity at section AA. The large magnitude of the velocity deficit at 75-100% stator
pitch indicates the significance of the unsteady interaction of the stator flow with the
The measurements carried out at six radial locations in the blade span are presented
in figure 5.16. The probe is traversed radially and the measurement grid is same at all
the radial locations. Hence, the rotor passages start at the same tangential location
(abscissa) at each radius. This figure also shows the absolute velocity contours with
time expressed as rotor pitch and stator pitch. The low velocity region can be observed
between 30-55% stator pitch at 10% span compared to 75-100% pitch at 50% span
and 10-60% pitch at 76.5% span indicating the three dimensionality of the stator flow
influence on rotor blade. It can also be observed at 35.2 % span and 76.5% span, the
stator flow influence covers almost full rotor blade pitch and the rotor blade wake can
not be distinguished with the rest of the flow. This may be due to the interaction of the
stator passage vortex with the downstream rotor flow. This interaction is further
investigated by analysing the data in the measurement plane in both absolute and
relative frames of reference.
The measurements carried out at various radial and circumferential locations in the
area traverse were assembled together in the absolute frame and presented over one
rotor blade passing period in figure 5.17(a). Figure 5.17(a) presents the secondary
flow lines in a quasi-orthogonal plane. The secondary flow lines were obtained by
allowing the imaginary fluid particles to convect in the rotor exit secondary flow field
for short period of time. The lines represent the response of the fluid particles to the
secondary flow field at the traverse plane and are not a depiction of the flow
development within the blade passage. At time t/ = 0.0, two rotor passage vortices
corresponding to the hub and casing can be observed at locations 1 and 2. After t/ =
0.4, the same vortices are moved towards the left side of the figure and the new set of
passage vortices from the adjoining rotor blade can be observed at locations 3 and 4.
The extent and the strength of the passage vortices 1 and 2 are altered as the rotor
sweeps through the stator field. At t/ = 0.8, the passage vortices 1 and 2 are no longer
visible in the measurement window and the vortices 3 and 4 move towards the centre
of the measurement window.
The unsteadiness in the rotor flow field is visualised better by analysing the data in
the relative frame of reference as shown in figure 5.17(b). The time trace of each
velocity signal is expressed as rotor pitch and plotted at all the spanwise locations
over one stator pitch. The influence of the relative stator location on the rotor flow
field can be understood from these plots. Figure 5.17(b) shows the secondary flow
lines in the relative frame of reference. In these plots the stator flow features will be
appearing and disappearing periodically at the frequency of the stator blade passing.
At t/ = 0.0 (where is the stator blade passing period), the regions 1 and 2
correspond to the rotor passage vortices at hub and casing. At time t/ = 0.2, the
region 3 which is rotating opposite in direction to the rotor passage vortex can be
observed on the pressure side of the blade. The same region 3 can be observed at a
higher radius of 40% span when t/ = 0.0 and at 24% span when t/ = 0.6 and at 18%
span when t/ = 0.8. Further analysis of the absolute velocity and turbulence intensity
data at these spanwise locations corresponding to region 3 reveal that at time t/ = 0.2,
this rotating structure is strongest and the rotor passage vortex (region 1) is much
smaller. At time t/ = 0.6, the rotating structure (region 3) is smaller and the rotor hub
passage vortex (region 1) is much larger. The sign of the rotation near the region 3 and
its periodic nature indicate that this region may be due to the hub passage vortex of
the previous stator.
Figure 5.18 presents the contours of the turbulence intensity in relative frame of
reference over one stator blade passing period. At time t/ = 0.0, the regions 1 and 2
corresponding to the rotor hub and the casing passage vortices can be observed. The
region 3 corresponding to the interaction of the stator flow with rotor as discussed in
the figure 5.17(b) can also be observed. The region 3 is at a much higher radius near
40% span at t/ = 0.0 and moves down to around 20% span at t/ = 0.8. This region 3
becomes stronger at time t/ = 0.2, which also corresponds to the lower magnitude of
the hub passage vortex of the rotor as shown in figure 5.17(b). This indicates that the
presence of the stator secondary flow at rotor exit reduced the secondary flow
corresponding to the rotor. The region 3 further discussed using the flow predictions
from the unsteady numerical simulations in the following section.
5.7 Comparison of Unsteady Measurements with Unsteady CFD Predictions
The results of the three-dimensional time-accurate calculations (UNSTREST) have
been used to give insight into the unsteady interactions occurring within the blade
row. Additional details of the calculation and the grid employed are given in section
3.8. Owing to a very fine grid in the endwall regions and near the blade surfaces, large
number of iterations (200,000) are needed before obtaining a periodic solution. The
pressure, the density and the velocity at a grid point in the flow field are monitored to
check for a periodic solution and number of time steps required in a wake-passing
period. The same grid as that used for steady simulations was employed for unsteady
simulations. All the numerical investigations were carried out at the design condition
of the turbine (i.e. flow coefficient of 0.351).
The time-mean solution is obtained by averaging all the flow properties in one
wake passing period (5188 iterations in this case). The time mean rotor exit flow field
is discussed with the help of the figure 5.19(a) and 5.19(b). Figure 5.19(a) presents the
contours of the relative stagnation pressure loss coefficient at the exit of the rotor, at
the same axial plane as in figure 5.13. The difference between the mixing plane steady
calculations and time mean calculations can be observed in the location of the rotor
secondary flow at the hub and the casing. The loss core near the hub is at a much
lower radii than in the steady calculation. Hence, the previous assumption of not
modelling the hub bleed in the calculation being the reason for the difference in
location of the secondary flow is incorrect. This unsteady calculation shows that the
interaction between the stator flow and rotor flow is responsible for radial location of
the hub secondary flow.
Figure 5.19(b) compares the measured pitchwise averaged relative flow angle with
the predictions from steady simulations and time mean unsteady simulations. The
overturning near the hub and underturning towards the midspan is due to the hub
secondary flow. The location of the hub passage vortex is predicted from unsteady
simulations to be near 10% blade span, which compares well with the measured value
of 13%. The magnitude of the yaw angle variation from time mean data also agrees
well with the measured angle variation in the hub region. The corresponding location
for the hub passage vortex from the steady computations is observed at 20% blade
span. Initially it was thought that the flow leakage at the hub may be responsible for
the discrepancy between the predicted and measured location of the hub secondary
flow but the unsteady predictions indicate otherwise. It was also established using the
unsteady measurements that there is a strong interaction between the stator secondary
flow and the rotor flow at hub. All these observations indicate that the rotor flow field
is better predicted by the time accurate calculation than the mixing plane steady
Figure 5.19(b) also show that there is a large difference between the measurements
and predictions of flow angle near the casing. This difference is due to the shroud
leakage flow, which is not modelled either by steady computations or by the time
accurate computations. The interaction between the stator flow and rotor flow near the
hub is further investigated using the instantaneous flow field at five equi-spaced time
steps from unsteady simulations in figure 5.20 over one stator wake-passing period.
The flow field is described using the entropy and streamwise vorticity contours.
Any irreversible flow process creates entropy and so inevitably reduces the isentropic
efficiency. Entropy is also a good marker of the flow. The entropy rise through a blade
row can be written as
r 01
r 02
r 02
r 01
ln R s (5.5)
where R is the universal gas constant and is the ratio of specific heats. For an
adiabatic flow, and provided there is no change in radius between the states 1 and 2 in
a rotating system, the relationship between the entropy change and relative stagnation
pressure ratio simplifies to
( ) R s
r 01 r 02
e P P
. This function
( ) R s
is referred to as
the entropy function and calculated from the unsteady numerical simulations based on
the instantaneous flow. Vorticity is another good marker of the flow. The calculated
velocity gradients in the r, and z direction can be used to calculate the three
components of the vorticity. The radial, axial and tangential components of the
vorticity can be combined to calculate the streamwise vorticity (
) in the mean flow
Figure 5.20(a) presents the contours of the entropy function and figure 5.20(b)
presents the contours of the streamwise vorticity at four time instants in one wake
passing period. The entropy function value of 1.0 represents the no loss region and
lower values represent the loss corresponding to the wake and secondary flow regions
in the flow. The positive values of
indicate the clockwise rotation of the fluid and
the negative values indicate the anti-clockwise rotation of the fluid.
Various secondary flow features can be observed at time t/ = 0.0 in regions 1, 2
and 3. Regions 1 and 2 correspond to the rotor hub and casing secondary flow and can
be identified in streamwise vorticity plot as two counter rotating flow regions. The
region 3 can be observed to the right of region 1 and is associated with a vortical
structure, rotating opposite to region 1 as seen in vorticity plots. The corresponding
entropy function plot also shows that the region 3 corresponds to a loss core indicating
that this region may be due to the hub secondary flow of the previous stator. After
one-quarter of a wake passing period at time t/ = 0.25, the region 3 is observed to
decrease and then disappear completely by time t/ = 0.50. It can also be observed at
time t/ = 0.50, region 1 covers the full rotor pitch indicating the amplification of rotor
hub secondary flow and corresponding loss contours strengthen this argument. After
another one-quarter of the wake passing period at time t/ = 0.75, the region 3 appears
again to the right side of region 1. Region 3 pushes the rotor secondary flow towards
the suction surface and in turn reducing the strength of the rotor passage vortex at hub.
These observations are in agreement with the measurements described in figure 5.17
and 5.18. The varying strengths of the casing secondary flow corresponding to region
2 can be observed indicating the interaction of the stator casing secondary flow with
the rotor flow field.
A comparison of the predicted pitchwise averaged unsteady flow field is made with
the measurements from the five-hole probe traverse at the exit of the rotor (plane 3) in
figure 5.21. The unsteady rotor flow field in one stator wake-passing period is
presented at five instants in time separated by equal intervals. Figure 5.21(a) presents
the spanwise distributions of the outlet to inlet ratio of the axial velocity density. This
ratio is a representation of the outlet to inlet mass flow distribution in the spanwise
direction. The mass flow passing through the hub and casing passage vortices regions
is higher due to flow underturning in these regions. The change in mass flow
distribution is negligible from 20% span to the blade tip at all instants in time. There
is a considerable change in the mass flow corresponding to the hub passage vortex
region between the various time instants in one wake passing period. This variation is
due to the interaction between the stator flow with the rotor, while this interaction is
minimal at all the other spanwise locations.
The relative yaw angle distributions at the exit of the rotor are presented in figure
5.21(b). Near to the hub and the casing, the familiar features of the passage vortex
with overturning at the endwalls and under-turning towards the mid-span are
observed. A very small variation in the yaw angles is observed between the various
time instants from 70% span to the blade tip. The variation between the time instants
is observed from 25% span to 70% span but there is negligible difference in the
corresponding mass flow distributions in figure 5.21(a). This indicates that the
difference in yaw angle is due to the variation in the lift of the rotor blade as the stator
wake convects through the rotor blade. There is a considerable variation in flow angle
between the time instants near the hub region. This reinforces the previous conclusion
that the effect of the interaction of the stator passage vortex at the hub is significant in
the turbine than near the casing. The flow visualisation, the static pressure
distributions and the measurements at the stator exit indicate that the secondary flow
at the casing in the stator blade is lower than the secondary flow at the hub region.
The numerical simulations indicate that the reduced secondary flow at the casing
reduced the unsteady variations of the mass flow and the corresponding flow angles
while interacting with the rotor blade row. The circles indicate the results from the
five-hole pneumatic probe measurements at the same plane. A good comparison
between the measurements and the unsteady numerical simulations can be observed
upto 70% span from the hub. The difference between the measurements and the
simulations near the casing is due to not modelling the shroud leakage flow in the
Finally, the spanwise variation of coefficient of relative stagnation pressure loss is
presented in figure 5.21(c). The predicted relative stagnation pressure at the rotor inlet
in the middle of the passage at various radial locations provided the reference
stagnation pressure in evaluating the loss coefficient. The measured relative
stagnation pressure using the rotor leading edge Pitot tubes at five radial locations
provided the reference pressure in evaluating the loss coefficient from the
measurements. A large magnitude of the loss is predicted very near the hub due to the
boundary layer on the hub endwall. The local increase in loss coefficient near the hub
and casing secondary flow regions can be observed. A large difference in loss
coefficient between the various time instants from 25% span to 70% span is observed.
Similarly, the difference between the five time instants near the hub region is due to
the effect of the stator vortex transport through the rotor row. The local increase in the
loss can be observed at 75% blade span corresponding to the passage vortex. The
difference between the predictions and the measurement from 73% span to the blade
tip arises from not modelling the shroud leakage flow.
A good agreement between the measurements and the numerical simulations can be
observed with respect to the interaction between the stator flow with the rotor (region
3). The predictions indicated the effect of unsteady flow on the mass flow distribution,
exit yaw angles and the loss coefficient. Further investigation of the sources and
locations of the loss generation is carried out section 5.8.
5.8 Loss Audit in the Turbine Stage
The historic breakdown of loss into profile loss, endwall loss and leakage loss
continues to be widely used although it is now clearly recognised that the loss
generation mechanisms are seldom independent. The relative magnitudes of the above
three categories of loss are dependent on the type of turbine and other details such as
blade aspect ratio and tip clearance. Generally, these losses are expressed in loss
coefficients. The most common definition is the stagnation pressure loss coefficient
(Y). The main disadvantage of using this definition is that when used in a rotating
blade row, the relative stagnation pressure can change as a result of change in radius
without there being any implied loss of efficiency. Denton (1993) clearly illustrates
that the only accurate measure of loss in a flow is entropy. Entropy is a particularly
convenient measure because, unlike stagnation pressure, stagnation enthalpy or the
kinetic energy, its value does not depend upon the frame of reference.
By evaluating the entropy creation or generation in a control volume and summing
many such control volumes in a blade passage, it is possible to calculate the entropy
increase for the whole blade row. It can be shown from the energy equation (Hughes
and Gaylord (1964)) that for a volume of vol, with a surface area A, the rate of
entropy production due to viscous dissipation can be written as,
A vol A vol
dA n V s dvol s
dA n
T k
where is the entropy production rate per unit volume due to viscous shear and k is
the thermal conductivity. The unit normal vector n
is positive when directed out of
the volume and the velocity vector is denoted as V
. As the present investigation is in
a low-speed research turbine involving only incompressible and adiabatic flows, the
entropy generation due to heat transfer is negligible. With these assumptions, equation
5.6 becomes
A vol vol
dA n V s dvol s
Since the numerical predictions were found to agree well with the experiments (see
figures 5.1-5.2, 5.8-5.11 and 5.13-5.14), the entropy production rate for the rotor and
the stator blade rows was calculated from simulations. The intention was to identify
the sources and regions of loss generation inside the blade row.
Figure 5.22(a) shows the specific entropy contours in a blade to blade plane at the
stator mid-span location indicating the losses in blade boundary layers and in the
blade wake. A typical control volume with the inlet and outlet entropy fluxes is
depicted in figure 5.22(a). After evaluating the entropy fluxes into and out of each cell
(control volume) of the computational domain, equation 5.7 was used to calculate the
entropy production rate in that cell. Using the method of Jennings and Shin (1993),
the whole blade was divided into the number of regions as shown in figure 5.22(b).
The 10% of the span from the endwalls of the blade are defined as the hub and the
casing region such that it will contain most of the endwall boundary layers. The
pitchwise extent of the pressure surface and suction surface was taken as 10% of
the blade pitch so that it will contain most of the blade boundary layer. The spanwise
extent of these regions starts from the top of hub endwall region to the bottom of the
casing endwall region. Two separate regions of upstream and downstream are also
defined to account for the whole of upstream region from inlet to the blade leading
edge and the downstream region from blade trailing edge to the mixing interface
plane. The rate of entropy generated inside the whole blade row was taken as 100%
and the entropy production rate in various regions of the blade was calculated as a
percentage of the blade value.
Figure 5.22(b) shows the rate of entropy generated in various regions of the flow in
the stator and the rotor though the total values of the entropy generated in the stator
and the rotor are different. The total loss generated in the stator is 0.056 (J/Sec. K) and
in the rotor is 0.076 (J/Sec. K). The maximum percentage of the rate of entropy is
generated in the suction surface of the blade (44.3% for the stator, 31.4% for the rotor)
compared to the other regions of the blade. The entropy generation rate in the casing
region of the rotor (32.4% for the rotor, 19.6% for the stator) is much higher than the
stator indicating a very strong rotor secondary flow at casing. The entropy generation
rate in the downstream region corresponds to the wake and vortices mixing loss. The
large magnitude of the rotor mixing loss (36.7% for the stator, 52% for the rotor) is
due to the larger downstream area considered in the analysis for the rotor. It is also
due to the mixing of the deeper rotor wake and the passage vortices in the downstream
of the rotor. This method of identifying the loss generating regions can be a useful
tool for the blade designer as it enables him to decide the area of the blade row to be
focussed on while optimising the new blade design.
A similar analysis was carried out using unsteady numerical simulations, where the
entropy generation rate in each control volume was integrated over one stator passing
period. Figure 5.23 presents the integrated entropy generation rate per unit volume
) results of such analysis in the rotor blade row. The magnitude of the entropy
generation rate is being very large, logarithmic of the entropy generation rate per unit
volume is presented in Figure 5.23(a) at the rotor mid-span radius in the blade-blade
plane. The entropy can be seen produced in the surface boundary layers of the rotor as
well as during wake mixing with the free stream flow. In addition to these, the entropy
generation rate can also observed in the middle of the passage. Further investigation
of the entropy generation rates was carried out at section A-A in a quasi-orthogonal
plane. Figure 5.23(b) presents the logarithmic of the entropy generation rate per unit
volume contours at section A-A. The entropy generation can be observed on the rotor
suction surface due to the surface boundary layers. The regions corresponding to the
rotor hub and casing passage vortices can also be observed. In addition to the above-
mentioned regions, a region in the middle of the passage is also observed. This is the
region, which corresponded to the loss observed in figure 5.23(a) and is near the rotor
blade throat. This unsteady loss-generating region may be due to the compression of
the stator wake near the rotor throat region, while convecting in the rotor blade row. It
is described as follows.
Figure 5.24(a) presents the instantaneous entropy function contours at the rotor
mid-span radius in the blade-blade plane. The stator wake can be identified in the
middle of the rotor passage. The stretching of the stator wake near the rotor pressure
surface and the shearing of the stator wake near the suction surface can be observed in
this figure. Consider a segment BB of the stator wake at the rotor inlet, while
convecting through the rotor blade from the conservation of mass flow inside the
wake, it can be shown that it modifies to B B near the rotor throat region. This
results in the compression of the wake in the middle of the blade passage. If the wake
is considered of as being two vortex sheets, from Kelvins theorem it can be shown
that the velocity difference is amplified if the wake is compressed. This increased
velocity difference inside the wake in turn increases the mixing losses and hence the
generation of unsteady loss as predicted in figure 5.23(b). Figure 5.24(b) presents the
instantaneous entropy function contours across section AA of figure 5.24(a). In
addition to the rotor wake, passage vortices, a region corresponding to the interaction
between the stator flow (stator blade wake and passage vortices) and rotor can be
observed in the middle of the passage. The two other entropy-generating regions
observed in the middle of the blade passage in figure 5.23(b) can be identified to the
stator hub and casing passage vortices from this figure. This unsteady loss generation
is from the stretching of the stator passage vortices in the rotor blade and the loss
generation can be observed at all the locations throughout the rotor blade. It is not
possible to evaluate only the unsteady loss, as specifying the unsteady loss regions at
each axial location is difficult. Instead, similar analysis of figure 5.22(b) is carried out
by defining the regions corresponding to the suction, pressure surfaces and the hub
and the casing and integrating the entropy generation rate in those regions. Figure
5.24(c) presents the results of the analysis. The entropy generation rate is 67.5% of the
whole blade for the suction surface region. This is higher in comparison to 31.4% for
the same region from the steady simulations. The entropy generation rate in the core
region is 8.8% of the total entropy generated in the rotor blade row. The entropy
generation rate in this region combined with some of the increase in suction surface
region can be assumed to be due to the unsteady loss. This analysis has demonstrated
the further use of the unsteady numerical simulations in identifying and understanding
the mechanisms of unsteady loss generation in the turbine stage.
5.9 Steady and Unsteady Flow field in Rotating Hub test configuration
The turbine tested in this configuration was same as the one described in the earlier
sections except that this turbine has a rotating hub attached before the stator. This is
done to simulate a rotating endwall before the stator at hub. Steady measurements
were performed with a five-hole probe and the unsteady measurements with a three-
axis hotwire. Area traverses were performed in the stationary frame over one stator
pitch behind the stator and in the rotating frame over one rotor pitch behind the rotor.
The details of the measurement grid and the blade span measured are given in table
3.3. The stator exit and rotor exit flow field is discussed with the help loss and
turbulence measurements at the respective measurement planes.
5.9.1 Stator Exit Flow
The figure 5.25(a) presents the contours of the stagnation pressure loss coefficient
behind the stator (8.4% C
downstream of stator trailing edge, plane 1). This
measurement plane is different to the datum configuration, which is at 13% C
downstream of the stator trailing edge. The measurement has to be carried out in this
plane due to the geometric constraints. Figure 5.25(b) shows the time mean turbulence
intensity contours measured at the same location with a three axis hot-wire probe. The
stator secondary flow is much stronger than the datum configuration (figure 5.8(a))
with a larger loss core near the hub. This is due to the skewed inlet boundary layer
coming from the rotating hub to the stationary stator row. The loss structure is not
much different compared to the datum configuration from 30% span to casing. The
time-mean turbulence intensity contours in figure 5.25(b) correlate well the contours
of the stagnation pressure loss. This again indicates that the turbulence intensity is a
good marker for identifying the flow structures. The turbulence intensity in the middle
of the stator wake is around 7% while in the middle of secondary flow regions are
10%. The integrated loss coefficient behind the stator for the datum case is 0.0210
(13% C
chord downstream of stator trailing edge), while the loss coefficient for the
rotating hub is 0.0246. The uncertainty associated with the measurement of loss
coefficient in the stationary frame of measurements is given as t 0.0015. Further
details of the uncertainty analysis are given in Appendix A1. The difference in loss
coefficient between the datum and the rotating hub configuration can be attributed to
the increase in loss due to the skewed incoming boundary layer. This is calculated as
17.1 ( t 7.1) % of the datum loss. The closer measurement plane to the stator trailing
edge may have also contributed to the increase in the loss coefficient. The results from
the present experiment show that the inlet skew has a significant effect on the
development and migration of the passage vortex and loss core. This is similar to the
findings of Bindon (1980), Boletis et al. (1983) and Walsh and Gregory-Smith (1987).
5.9.2 Rotor Exit Flow
The flow field at the rotor exit is discussed with the help of measurements at a new
plane 3 which is located 10% C
downstream of the rotor trailing edge in relative
frame of reference. This measurement plane is different to the datum configuration,
which is at 26% C
downstream of the stator trailing edge. A five-hole probe with an
extension length of 105mm was used to measure the rotor exit flow field very near to
the rotor trailing edge. Figure 5.26(a) presents the contours of the relative stagnation
pressure loss coefficient at plane 3. The rotor wake can be identified with the high loss
region in the middle of the blade passage. It can also be observed that the rotor wake
is two dimensional from 30-70% blade span and the width of the wake is much
thinner than in the datum configuration. This is due to the difference in the location of
the measurement planes between the datum and rotating hub configurations. The loss
cores corresponding to the secondary flows at the hub and the casing are observed.
The loss core corresponding to the leakage flow can also be identified. Another loss
core is observed on the pressure side of the blade at 35% span (region 1) similar to the
datum configuration. The origins of this region are discussed further in the section
with the help of the unsteady measurements.
Figure 5.26(b) shows the phase averaged time mean turbulence intensity contours
(Tu) derived from three-axis hotwire data at the exit of rotor (plane 3). The
measurements are carried out in a relative frame of reference. The turbulence intensity
in this figure and in all the subsequent figures in this thesis is defined by the following
( ) ( ) ( ) ) t ( V / ) t ( V ) n , t ( V ) t ( V ) n , t ( V ) t ( V ) n , t ( V
2 2
r r
1 n
x x
+ +
where n represent the ensemble number in a total N ensembles and time t is
measured from a once-per-cycle datum point for a periodic process. The velocity V(t)
is the ensemble mean of the instantaneous velocity at a point in the measurement grid.
The time mean turbulence intensity reaches a maximum of 18% in the middle of
the shroud leakage flow whereas it is 17% in the hub secondary flow. The turbulence
intensity in the centre of the wake is 13% and can be identified in the middle of the
plot. In the free stream region, the turbulence intensity is around 7%. There is a large
core of high turbulence intensity seen on the pressure side of the blade at 40% span
(region 1) with a magnitude of 14%. This region covers full rotor pitch from the
pressure side of the blade to the top of the hub passage vortex on the suction side of
the blade. Further analysis of this region is presented below in relation to figure 5.28.
The region below the shroud leakage flow is due to the rotor casing secondary flow
and has 13% turbulence intensity. The mean turbulence intensity contours present a
similar picture to the relative stagnation pressure loss data (figure 5.26(a)) again
confirming the use of turbulence intensity as a marker in the flow.
The contours of ensemble averaged time-mean relative velocity at the same rotor
exit plane 3 are presented in figure 5.27(a). The rotor wake, the hub and casing
secondary flow and shroud leakage flow can be identified with low velocity regions
and are marked in the figure. Figure 5.27(b) presents the relative yaw angle of the
flow at the same location. The regions of the hub and the casing secondary flow are
associated with flow overturning near the end walls and flow underturning towards
the mid-span. The yaw angle in the region 4 is associated with the underturning at the
bottom and overturning towards the mid-span in contrast to the classical secondary
passage vortex indicating that this vortical structure is rotating in opposite direction.
Figure 5.28 presents the instantaneous turbulence intensity (Tu) contours plotted
over one stator wake-passing period. The rotor wake and secondary flow features can
be identified with the regions of high turbulence intensity (regions 1, 2 & 3
respectively). It can be observed that region 4 which is on the pressure side of the
blade at 40% span and is varying with period equal to that of stator passing. The
maximum value of turbulence in the region 4 can be observed at t/ = 0.0 and it
gradually reduces to a minimum value at t/ = 0.50. By observing the region 2 at all
the time instants, it can be said that the rotor secondary flow at hub moves radially and
circumferentially, varying in size in one stator blade-passing period. The loss
measurements with a five-hole probe indicate that this region 4 correspond to a
relatively higher loss. The yaw angles and secondary velocity vectors show that this
region corresponds to a vortical flow rotating opposite in direction to the main passage
vortex. Furthermore, spectral analysis of the velocity trace in the centre of this region
4 showed a very strong stator blade passing frequency (330Hz) content indicating that
this region is associated with the passage vortex of the stator at the hub.
The location of this turbulence core on the pressure side is at a much higher radius
than on the suction side. This is slightly different to the vortex transport model
proposed in chapter 4. The stator passage vortex tube, when it convects to the
downstream rotor row, develops two counter rotating legs of the vortex on the
pressure and suction surface of the rotor passage. Both legs of the vortex convect
downstream with the local flow velocities. At the exit of the rotor in the present
investigation, the pressure leg of the stator passage vortex was radially displaced
upwards and the suction leg was entrained into the rotor passage vortex. This was due
to two different factors. The first factor stems from the three-dimensionality of the
blade and the existing static pressure gradient, which drives the flow near the pressure
surface towards the mid-span. The larger radial migration of the vortex on the
pressure surface than on the suction surface can also be explained with the help of
vortex dynamics.
The vortical flows in the presence of solid surface are often analysed with the help
of method of images. Wherein two or more flows in an unbounded fluid are arranged
so that a streamline is formed coinciding with the position and the shape of a desired
solid surface. The streamline is then replaced with a solid surface to give the desired
solution. The flow structures behind the solid surface are referred to as images. Their
only purpose is to create a streamline that can be defined as a solid surface. The
incoming stator vortex rotating in the anti-clockwise direction, near the walls
generates image vortex rotating opposite in direction inside the blade wall. The two
vortices are of equal strength but rotating in opposite directions form a vortex pair as
shown in figure 5.28(a). Each induces a velocity of same magnitude and direction in
the other and the vortex pair moves as a unit in a fluid otherwise at rest, in the
direction shown. Since, by definition, no flow crosses a streamline; streamlines in
inviscid flows can be replaced by solid walls. If a solid wall is placed at the central
streamline of the figure 5.28(a), the vortices will start moving opposite in direction to
the earlier one. This analysis indicates that the stator hub vortex will move radially up
on the pressure surface and down on the suction surface, which concurs with the
observation at the exit of the rotor blade as shown in figure 5.28.
In the two test cases considered in this chapter, the interaction of the stator blade
wake, the hub and the casing passage vortices with the rotor blade occur
simultaneously. This makes it difficult to isolate the cause and the effect of a
particular secondary flow on the rotor flow field. The interaction of only streamwise
vortices with the downstream blade row is investigated in chapter 6.
5.10 Conclusions
The development of the steady and the unsteady three-dimensional flow in the
turbine 2 has been described. The flow visualisation experiments, static pressure
distributions and the measurements at the blade exit indicated that the secondary flows
at the hub and the casing in the stator and rotor blades are lower from lower endwall
blade loading. The lower endwall loading and the three dimensional stacking of the
blades resulted in the reduced strength of the hub and casing passage vortices of the
stator and the rotor. The passage vortices are also distributed over a large blade span.
The presence of the stator secondary flow at rotor exit reduced the rotor secondary
flow development. The strongest rotor secondary flow occurs in the absence of the
stator flow at rotor exit. The transport of the stator passage vortices inside the rotor
blade is slightly different to the model proposed for the radially stacked blades. The
pressure leg of the stator passage vortex was radially displaced upwards and the
suction leg was entrained into the rotor passage vortex.
The agreement between the experimental and the computational results is good.
The need for modelling secondary flows such as shroud leakage flows is also
highlighted. Unsteady numerical simulations were found successful in accurately
predicting the flow near the regions of secondary flow interaction. Comparisons
between the steady and the unsteady numerical simulations with measurements
highlighted the need for unsteady computations.
A method to calculate the loss generation rate in the blade row was developed from
numerical simulations. The contribution of various regions of the blade row towards
the total blade loss was evaluated from steady numerical computations. The maximum
percentage of the loss was generated near the suction surface of the blade. A similar
analysis was carried out using unsteady numerical simulations, where the entropy
generation rate in each control volume was integrated over one stator passing period.
The unsteady loss generation from both the stretching of the stator passage vortices in
the rotor blade and the compression of the stator wake near the rotor throat in the mid-
pitch region were demonstrated.
Delta Wing Vortex Transport in a High
Pressure Steam Turbine Stage with
Compound lean
6.1 Introduction
The steady and unsteady flow field of a three-dimensionally stacked high-pressure
steam turbine blade was described in Chapter 5. The unsteady three-dimensional
numerical simulations have shown that the wake and passage vortices transport, in the
downstream blade row, generate additional losses. The interaction of the stator
streamwise vortices with the downstream rotor blade row resulted in large variations
in the rotor flow field. The earlier studies in chapters 4 and 5 were conducted in a
stage environment where interaction of various forms of stator viscous flows (blade
wake, hub and casing secondary flow) occur simultaneously with the downstream
blade row. This makes it difficult to isolate the cause and effect of a particular
secondary flow on the rotor flow field. In the present chapter, the interaction of the
streamwise vortices with the downstream blade row has been investigated by
shedding moving streamwise vortices into the downstream blade row using delta
This chapter describes the vortex generation using delta wings and the
characterisation of the vortex with angle of incidence and axial distance carried out in
wind tunnel tests. This concept is extended and the delta wings are used in the rotating
turbine rig to simulate the passage vortices of an upstream blade row. The flow field
in the rotating turbine rig is investigated using miniature pneumatic probes and three
axis hot-wire probes downstream of each blade row. This chapter also describes the
steady and unsteady numerical simulations that are performed to further understand
the flow field.
6.2 Delta Wing Tests in a Low Speed Wind Tunnel
The subsonic flow pattern over the top of a delta wing at an angle of attack is
sketched in figure 6.1(a). The dominant aspects of this flow are the two vortex
patterns that occur in the vicinity of the highly swept leading edges. These vortex
patterns are created by the following mechanism. The pressure on the bottom surface
of the wing at a flow incidence angle is higher than the pressure on the top surface.
Thus, the flow on the bottom surface near the leading edge tries to curl around the
leading edge from the bottom to the top. If the leading edge is sharp, the flow will
separate along its entire length. This separated flow curls into a primary vortex, which
exists above the wing inboard of each leading edge, as shown in figure 6.1(a). Figure
6.1(b) shows the smoke flow visualisation of the delta wing vortex in the present wind
tunnel tests. The photograph was taken from behind the delta wing. Smoke was
introduced through a smoke probe near the leading edge of the delta wing. Smoke
introduced in the inlet boundary layer rolls up as a vortex while attempting to move
from the bottom of the delta wing to the top of the delta wing. These vortices are
strong and stable and can be used to simulate the passage vortices.
The aim of the present set of experiments is to demonstrate that the vortex shed
from a delta wing is representative of a typical passage vortex. The characteristics of
the delta wing vortex and its convection downstream were also investigated in the
wind tunnel. The details of the delta wing geometry are given in figure 3.2. The
trailing edge of the delta wing was designed to be sharp to avoid having a strong wake
from the delta wing. The delta wing when mounted at an angle to the flow generates a
pair of strong counter rotating vortices from its edges. As the aim of the present
investigation is to understand the interaction of a vortex with the downstream blade, it
was not necessary to release two counter rotating vortices. Instead, the delta wing was
cut in the middle, fixed to the flat plate in the wind tunnel, thus producing a single
vortex. In a turbine, the upstream passage vortex convects through the downstream
blade passage, where the flow is accelerating in nature. The wind tunnel experiments
were also carried out for understanding the vortex transport in an accelerating flow.
The delta wing was tested in a wind tunnel for two different configurations. One
configuration produced a constant velocity flow, the other an accelerating flow. The
test section layout is presented in figures 6.2 (a) and (b). Trip wires were used to
ensure that the incoming boundary layer was turbulent in nature. A small gap between
the wind tunnel exit and the test section was maintained such that the wind tunnel
end-wall boundary layer was bled off. The delta wing was fixed to the flat plate at a
distance from the leading edge where the boundary layer was similar to that entered in
the rotating turbine Peregrine test rig. For simulating the accelerating flow, the flat
plate was rotated with respect to a hinge near the leading edge of the plate and locked
at the other end of the flat plate with the wind tunnel wall. A false bottom was made
for the test section such that it simulated the convergent area in the test section as
shown in figure 6.1(b). Area traverses were carried out behind the delta wing at
various axial locations for both test configurations.
Measurements were carried out with a five-hole pneumatic probe, for various
angles of the delta wing with the incoming flow. Figure 6.3 presents the results from
one such area traverse located at 60mm downstream of the delta wing. In this constant
velocity test configuration, the delta wing was fixed at an angle of 10
to the flow.
Figure 6.3(a) shows the contours of the coefficient of stagnation pressure loss (Y).
The reference total and reference static pressures were measured upstream of the delta
wing using a pitot-static pressure probe. The absolute stagnation pressure loss is non-
dimensionalised with respect to the inlet dynamic pressure. A large loss core can be
observed corresponding to the vortex with a maximum loss at the centre of the vortex.
The corresponding secondary velocity vectors are presented in figure 6.3(b). The
secondary flow in the present case is defined as the flow that is not in the main flow
direction. Figure 6.3(c) presents the axial vorticity contours at the same measurement
plane. These also indicate a large counter rotating vortex and the presence of
irrotational flow around the vortex.
Figure 6.4 presents the stagnation pressure loss coefficient contours at three axial
locations downstream of its generation. The measurement area is identical in all the
three area traverses. Figure 6.4(a) corresponds to 20mm axial distance behind the
delta wing and shows the vortex to be a concentrated region in the middle of the
measurement plane. The second plot (figure 6.4(b)) was measured a further 20mm
downstream of the first figure. It shows that the dissipation of the delta wing vortex
has occurred as it now fills almost half of the measurement window. After an
additional 60 mm, the vortex can now be observed in figure 6.4(c) to cover whole
width of the measurement plane.
Similar experiments were carried out for the accelerating flow configuration at
different delta wing incidence angles and at various axial locations. Static pressure
tappings at various axial locations of the flat plate were provided to evaluate the
isentropic velocity variation along the plate. Figure 6.5(a) presents the variations of
the isentropic velocity ratio along the flat plate for the two test configurations. The
velocity ratio is almost constant for the constant velocity configuration except near the
delta wing region. This local variation in velocity is due to the stagnation of the flow
while approaching the leading edge of the delta wing and immediate acceleration of
the same. The corresponding velocity ratio distribution for the accelerating flow test
case show that the velocities were increasing continuously with axial distance except
near the delta wing. This local variation in velocity is again due to the stagnation of
the flow while approaching the leading edge of the delta wing and immediate
acceleration of the same. The area contraction ratio for this test configuration is fixed
as 0.33 over a length of 910mm, which is the length of the plate.
Measurements were carried out with a five-hole pneumatic probe, for various
angles of attack of the delta wing with the incoming flow. The reference total and
reference static pressures were measured 160mm upstream of the delta wing using a
pitot-static pressure probe. The absolute stagnation pressure loss is non-
dimensionalised with respect to the inlet dynamic pressure. To compare different test
conditions such as at different delta wing incidence angles and axial distance
traverses, it is useful to integrate the loss over the traverse plane. The measurement
window was designed such that it contains all of the loss generating regions. The
measured stagnation pressure loss is mass weighted and corrected for the same mass
flow for all test cases. The correction for the same mass flow was essential because,
although the measurement window area is same for all the test cases, the mass flow
increases with axial distance due to flow acceleration in the accelerating flow case.
The correction is calculated as follows:
i ref 0 i
corr 0
0 * ) m m ( P m
m is the reference mass flow,
m is the mass flow of the measurement
window and P
is the stagnation pressure loss measured in a test condition.
Figure 6.5(b) present the variations of integrated loss coefficient with axial distance
for both the constant area tests and accelerating flow tests. The measured loss is
presented in two different forms. One is the stagnation pressure loss at the plane of
measurement and the other is the total loss for the test condition including the
constant area mixing losses. There is a very small increase in loss between the plane
at 20mm and the plane at 100mm axial distance for constant velocity configuration.
This is due to the dissipation of the vortex as shown in figure 6.4. The difference
between the mixed out loss and the measured loss is also almost constant. This
indicates that either the measurement grid resolution is not sufficient or there is only a
small change in mixing loss with axial distance. The mixed out loss remained almost
constant irrespective of the measurement location.
The situation is different in the accelerating flow tests. The measured loss has
increased from 20mm behind the delta wing to 125mm behind the delta wing. The
increase in loss is more than the constant area case. The loss coefficient in both the
test cases is defined with respect to the inlet dynamic head so as to have a common
reference for all the test configurations. The difference in the value of loss coefficient
between the two test configurations at 20mm axial distance is due to the different inlet
dynamic head between the test cases. The accelerating flow configuration has lower
dynamic head and hence the higher loss coefficient. The total loss coefficient, which
includes the mixing loss, follows the trend of measured loss from a value of 0.16 at
20mm axial distance to 0.23 at 125mm axial distance. The reason for the increase in
loss is considered to be due to the additional loss generation as the vortex convects
downstream. If the vortex is considered to be a streamtube, as the flow passes through
a convergent area the flow accelerates resulting in the reduction of the stream-tube
diameter. From Kelvins theorem, the circulation around a stream-tube remains
constant and so if the diameter of the tube is reduced by stretching, the streamwise
vorticity is amplified. When a vortex is stretched along its axis, it can be shown that
its secondary kinetic energy will vary as the square of its length (Denton (1993)).
Hence, stretching a vortex will amplify its secondary kinetic energy. When this
secondary kinetic energy is dissipated by viscous effects to a uniform flow, it will
generate additional loss. The accelerating flow configuration tests indicate that the
increase in loss with the downstream axial distance is significant. The difference
between the mixed out loss and the measured loss in this case is also almost constant
instead of reducing with axial distance. This indicates that either the measurement
grid resolution is not sufficient or the measurement window does not capture all the
loss generated in the delta wing vortex. It can also be due to the lower rate of mixing
associated with the vortex.
Figure 6.6 presents the variation of circulation and loss coefficient with the angle
of incidence for the accelerating flow configuration at 60mm axial distance
downstream of the delta wing. As the angle of delta wing incidence increases, the
pressure difference between the lower surface and the upper surface increases and
results in both a larger vortex and higher circulation around the vortex. It can be
observed in this figure that the circulation has increased linearly while the
corresponding stagnation pressure loss increased non-linearly. One reason being the
kinetic energy associated with the vortex scales with the square of the velocity, while
the circulation scales with the velocity. The wind tunnel experiments successfully
demonstrated the use of delta wings in representing a vortex. These delta wings are
used in the low speed rotating turbine rig to simulate the passage vortex and its
interaction with the downstream blade row. These experiments are discussed in the
following section.
6.3 Delta Wing Flow in the Rotating Turbine Rig
Following wind tunnel testing, the half-delta wings were fixed to the rotating hub
of a single stage low-speed rotating turbine upstream of the stator blade row. The
delta wing vortex transport in the downstream blade rows was studied in this
experiment. Measurements were carried out at the exit planes of the delta wing row,
the stator row and the rotor blade row, using pneumatic and slanted hot-wire probes.
The details of the delta wing geometry are given in figure 3.2. The delta wings were
fixed to the hub at an angle of 85
to the axial direction. This angle was required as
the relative inlet flow angle to the blade row varies from 74
at the hub to 70
at the
tip of the delta wing. An incidence of 10
is needed to simulate a representative
passage vortex with the delta wing.
A comparison between the vortex generated by the present delta wing and a typical
rotor passage vortex in a rotating turbine environment is presented in figure 6.7(a).
The comparisons are made with the help of axial vorticity contours and some
parameters as listed in the figure. As the measurements for the three-dimensionally
stacked turbine were not available at the time of delta wing design, the passage vortex
of the turbine investigated in chapter 4 was used in the delta wing design.
Figure 6.7(a)(i) presents the predicted contours of the axial vorticity at the exit of
the rotor. The corresponding predicted contours for the present delta wing at the exit
of the delta wing row is presented in figure 6.7(a)(ii). The contour levels for both the
plots were kept the same for easy comparison. A passage vortex can be observed near
the rotor hub in figure 6.7(a)(i) rotating in anti-clockwise direction and has a
maximum vorticity of 3000 rad/sec at the centre of the region. It has a maximum
velocity deficit of 20% of the freestream value with a diameter of 47.8mm. The
results at the delta wing exit are presented in two rotor passage widths, as the present
configuration has 21 delta wings in comparison to 42 rotor blades, for the reasons
explained later in the section. The delta wing vortex can be observed in figure
6.7(a)(ii) rotating anti-clockwise direction with a maximum vorticity 3000 rad/sec in
the centre of the region. It can be observed that the size of the vortex and velocity
deficit in the centre of the vortex also compares well with the rotor vortex. This
indicates that the delta wing vortex is a good simulation of a rotor passage vortex at
the hub.
Figure 6.7(b) presents the three dimensional solid model of the turbine rig showing
the delta wing row, the stator and the rotor with shroud arrangement. Initial
experiments with 42 delta wings (equal to the number of rotor blades) upstream of the
stator were not successful. This was due to the large amount of blockage created by
the delta wings because they have a stagger angle of 85
, which is almost
perpendicular to the axial direction. After several trials, it was decided to use 21 delta
wings instead of 42, resulting in less mass flow blockage and associated flow
Modelling this delta wing with a structured CFD is a very challenging problem due
to the grid skew of 85
to the axial direction. Extreme care has to be taken in terms of
selection of various control parameters, as these will be very crucial in getting an
accurate solution. The computational mesh for the delta wing and the stator and rotor
blade rows is shown in figure 6.7(c). Figure 6.7(d) shows the detail of the same mesh
near to the stator leading edge. The large skew in the delta wing mesh can be seen in
both the figures. Delta wing was represented in the computations as a blade of varying
chord and thickness with the height of the wing.
As there was no access for rotating traverse gear at the measurement location
behind the delta wings, relative frame traverses were not carried out. Instead, radial
traverses and area traverses were carried out in the absolute frame of reference with a
five-hole probe to quantify the loss generated due to the delta wing vortex. Figure 6.8
shows the secondary velocity vectors at the exit of the delta wing measured using a
single slant hot-wire (plane 0, 23% of stator C
before the stator leading edge). The
single slant hot-wire technique is described in detail in section 3.5.2. A much denser
measurement grid is used near the vortex for better resolution of the delta wing
vortex. The time variation of the measured velocity is expressed as rotor blade pitch
for visualising the delta wing exit flow. A vortex can be identified at 17% blade span
rotating in counter clockwise direction in figure 6.8. The vortex covers from 5% to
25% of blade span with a centre at 17% blade span. It was shown in chapters 4 and 5
that the turbulence intensity is a good indicator of the loss generating regions. Figure
6.9(a) presents the measured rms intensity data behind the delta wing. It is defined as
represents the
radial component of the Reynolds shear stress. The tangential component of the
Reynolds shear stress can be calculated as
( )( )
0 t
1 n
r r x x r x
) t ( V ) n , t ( V ) t ( V ) n , t ( V
1 1
V V (6.3)
where n represent the ensemble number in a total of N ensembles and time t is
measured from a once-per-cycle datum point for a periodic process. The velocity
(t) is the ensemble mean of the axial velocity at a point in the measurement grid.
Similarly, the other two Reynolds shear stresses are also defined. The Reynolds stress
components does not include any periodic terms as the ensemble mean is removed
from the velocity.
The highest values of these stresses occur near the casing and the hub secondary
flow regions and in the blade wake regions. These are also the regions of large
velocity gradients. Figure 6.19(a) shows the tangential component of the shear stress
with a maximum value of 1.6 in the centre of the hub passage vortex region, and -0.4
in the centre of the casing passage vortex. Figure 6.19(b) shows the axial component
of the shear stress with a value of -0.8 and 0.2 in the centre of the hub and casing
passage vortices respectively. The fact that the Reynolds shear stress
are positive at the casing and negative in the hub region indicates the two counter-
rotating vortical structures in the flow. The magnitude of the shear stress at hub is
large compared to the casing, indicating the stronger hub passage vortex compared to
the casing.
Figure 6.19(c) presents the radial component of the Reynolds shear stress (
behind the stator blade row. This component can identify the shear in the blade wakes.
Two different regions, one corresponding to suction surface (positive shear) and the
other due to pressure surface (negative shear) can be observed on the suction side and
the pressure side of the stator blade respectively. These are due to the boundary layers
on the respective blade surfaces. The value of the shear stress on the pressure side is
around -2.0 as compared to 0.6 on the suction side, indicating that the pressure side
boundary layer shear is stronger than the suction side. This is because of the thin
boundary layers on the pressure side of the blade compared to the suction side. It is
also to be noted that the magnitudes of radial and streamwise stresses are not of equal
The three individual components of the Reynolds normal stress in x, and r
directions were also calculated. The contours of these Reynolds normal stress
components are identical in shape to the turbulence intensity (Tu) data given in figure
6.15, but with different magnitudes. Hence, only the pitchwise averaged values of
these components are presented in figure 6.20. Figure 6.20(a) shows the pitchwise
averaged spanwise variations of Reynolds normal stresses. The local increase in the
normal stresses corresponding to hub and casing passage vortices can be observed at
around 15% and 90% blade span respectively. In isotropic turbulence, the Reynolds
normal stresses in x, r, directions would be equal. We can define non-isotropy as the
deviation of the normal stresses from being equal. In figure 6.20(a), it can be observed
that the radial component of the normal stress is much less compared to the axial and
tangential components. The maximum value of the Reynolds normal stress
corresponds to tangential direction at this plane. This shows that the turbulence in the
flow is non-isotropic.
The Reynolds shear stress data discussed earlier was pitchwise averaged and
presented as spanwise variations in figure 6.20(b). The magnitudes of the shear stress
are greatest near the spanwise location corresponding to hub and casing secondary
flows at 15% and 90% blade span. At other spanwise locations, the magnitudes are
smaller. The Reynolds stresses multiplied with the velocity gradients in the flow
represents the turbulence production terms in the flow. These turbulent eddies in turn
through turbulent dissipation generate energy losses. The evaluation of the Reynolds
normal and shear stress terms facilitated the identification and evaluation of loss
generating regions in the blade exit flow. These Reynolds stresses can be useful as
test data in the development of advanced turbulence models.
6.5 Rotor Exit Flow
It has been shown in section 6.4.1 that the interaction between the delta wing
vortex and the stator blade row resulted in very strong stator passage vortex at the
stator hub. It covered almost 60 to 75% of the blade pitch and up to 20% of the blade
height. This stator passage vortex interacts with the downstream rotor blade and
generates a complex flow field in the rotor blade row. The flow field at the rotor exit
is discussed with the help of measurements at plane 3, located 10% of rotor C
distance downstream of the rotor trailing edge, in the relative frame of reference. Area
traverses at plane 3 were performed in the relative frame using a five-hole probe for
steady flow field measurements and a three axis hot-wire for time resolved flow field
data. The measurement techniques and the probe details are outlined in section 3.5.
6.5.1 Steady Rotor Exit Flow Field - Delta wing configuration
The results at the exit of the rotor (plane 3, 10% C
from blade trailing edge) from
five-hole probe, three axis hot-wire measurements and numerical simulations are
presented in figure 6.21. This measurement plane is different to the datum
configuration, which is at 26% C
downstream of the stator trailing edge but same as
the rotating hub configuration. Hence, a direct comparison between the rotating
hub and delta wing configurations is possible. Figure 6.21(a) presents the contours
of relative stagnation pressure loss coefficient (Y, see equation 3.18 for definition)
from five-hole probe measurements and the corresponding results from numerical
simulations are shown in figure 6.21(b). The rotor wake can be identified as a thin
loss region in the centre of the area traverse. The loss cores corresponding to the hub
and the casing secondary flow and shroud leakage flow are found at 12%, 73% and
95% blade span respectively. In addition to these features, another loss core can be
identified to the right of the hub secondary flow occupying the entire blade pitch
(region A). There is another loss core observed on the pressure side of the blade near
casing region and denoted by B. Both these regions are further discussed with the help
of additional experimental data in the later parts of the section.
A comparison of the contours of the loss coefficient between the rotating hub case
in figure 5.26(a) and the present case indicated that the rotor flow field is very similar
including the magnitudes of loss. The loss corresponding to the rotor hub passage
vortex is lower in magnitude in delta wing case (Y
=0.325) than the corresponding
rotating hub case (Y
=0.390). The loss corresponding to the stator flow interaction
region in this test case is much higher (Y
=0.15) compared to the rotating hub case
=0.09). This indicates that the stronger stator hub passage vortex interaction with
the rotor blade row has reduced the loss corresponding to the rotor passage vortex at
the hub.
The results from numerical simulations are different to the measurements (figure
6.21(b)). The flow near the casing region is dominated by a secondary passage vortex.
The experimental data is different, with the shroud leakage flow dominating most of
the casing region. In the present simulation, the shroud leakage is not modelled in the
calculation. This explains the difference between the predicted and measured casing
secondary flows. Surprisingly, the hub secondary flow is entirely different to that
measured. There is no indication of the loss core corresponding to the hub passage
vortex. This shows that the steady computations in an unsteady flow situation like this
can not be used. Wherein the interaction between the upstream stator flow and the
downstream blade row is significant.
Figure 6.21(c) presents the contours of the phase averaged time-mean turbulence
intensity ( Tu , see equation 5.8 for definition) measured with a three-axis hotwire at
the same measurement plane. The turbulence intensity in the centre of the wake is
13%, with maximum (18%) in the centre of shroud leakage flow and hub passage
vortex. The high turbulence region near the hub extends from suction side to the
pressure side of the passage, occupying the whole blade pitch. The location of this
region on the pressure side (35% blade span) is much higher than on the suction side
(17% blade span) similar to the observed for region A in figure 6.21(a). The
turbulence intensity in the free stream region is higher at 8% compared to the stator
exit value of 1.8%. Hence, it can be said that the rotor free-stream turbulence has
increased as a result of the interaction of the stator wake flow with the rotor flow
field. The increase in turbulence intensity is also observed in the centre of the wake
(13%) compared to the corresponding stator wake value of 9%. The overall results of
turbulence intensity match well with the stagnation pressure loss contours from five-
hole probe measurements.
A comparison of the contours of the turbulence intensity between the rotating hub
case in figure 5.26(b) and the present case indicated that the rotor flow field is very
similar including the magnitudes of turbulence intensity. A large turbulence intensity
region can be observed in the present test case covering whole of the rotor blade pitch
compared to a much smaller region in rotating hub case. In both the test cases, the
radial upward migration of the turbulence region near the pressure surface can be
observed. The stator flow interaction with the rotor blade is further discussed with the
help of unsteady measurements in section 6.5.2.
The secondary velocity vectors at the measurement plane 3 are plotted in figure
6.22 in relative frame of reference. The secondary velocity vectors are defined as the
deviation from the mean flow angle for the whole area. Two vortices can be identified
in figure 6.22 from the five-hole probe measurements. The clockwise rotating vortical
structure can be observed at 10% blade span and in the middle of the plot. This vortex
is due to rotor passage vortex while the other vortex which is rotating in the opposite
direction (region A) can be observed at 20% blade span to the right of blade suction
Figure 6.23 presents the contours of the phase averaged time-mean relative yaw
angle from three axis hotwire measurements at the exit of the rotor (plane 3). The area
averaged relative yaw angle at this location is -69.96 degrees. With respect to this, the
overturned flow can be observed near the hub and casing regions due to the end wall
secondary flow and the underturned flow towards the mid span. In addition to this,
another region of overturned flow (region A) can be observed at 30% blade span
occupying the whole of rotor pitch from suction surface to pressure surface. The
corresponding region is identified with high loss and high turbulence intensities in
figure 6.21 and a vortical flow counter rotating to the rotor hub vortex in figure 6.22.
This suggests that this flow may be the time mean manifestation of the stator passage
vortex. The origin of this region is further discussed with the help of unsteady
measurements in section 6.5.2.
The pitchwise averaged spanwise distributions of the measured flow for two test
cases are presented in figure 6.24 at the exit of the rotor (plane 3, 10% C
of the rotor trailing edge). The comparisons are not made with the datum test
configuration as the measurement plane in that case is at 26% C
instead of 10% C
downstream of the rotor. Figure 6.24(a) presents the relative yaw angle distributions
for the two test configurations: rotating hub and delta wing. The classical overturning
near the hub endwall and underturning towards the midspan is seen in the case of a
rotating hub configuration with a vortex at around 17% blade span. An entirely
different phenomenon is observed for the delta wing test case. Large underturning
near the hub region (up to 15% blade span) and overturning towards the mid-span
region (from 20% to 40% blade span) can be observed for the delta wing case. This is
similar to the results obtained by Sharma et al. (1988). The flow overturning near
30% span corresponds to the loss core (region A) in figure 6.21(a) and the vortex
discussed in figure 6.22. The results from stator exit traverses show that the passage
vortex behind the stator is very strong, occupies the whole stator pitch and has same
sense of rotation as a classical stator passage vortex. The stator passage vortex while
transporting through downstream blade produced an overturned flow at 30% span
while in the datum and rotating hub configurations it did not result in overturned
flow. This indicates that the flow overturning towards the mid-span is due to the
interaction of the stator flow with the rotor and depends on the strength of the
incoming passage vortex. At other spanwise locations, a good agreement between
both test configurations from 90 to 100 % blade span can be observed indicating the
little or negligible effect of delta wing vortex transport on the shroud leakage flow.
The difference in yaw angle distribution from 40 to 90% blade span between the two
configurations also indicate the effect of the stator vortex transport on the rotor flow
Figure 6.24(b) shows the outlet to the inlet ratio of the axial velocity density with
blade span for both test configurations. There is a small difference between the two
test cases from 40% to 100% blade span. A large deficit in mass flow distribution is
observed corresponding to the overturned flow region of figure 6.24(a), indicating
that this region has much lower axial velocities than the end wall region.
The pitchwise averaged variations of the relative stagnation pressure loss
coefficient (Y) are shown in figure 6.24(c). The local increase in loss is observed
corresponding to the secondary flow regions at the hub and the casing. A difference in
magnitudes of loss between the two test cases is observed from the hub region to up to
38% blade span. The reduction in loss for the delta wing case from 20% span to 38%
span can be observed and may be attributed to the reduction in rotor secondary flow
in the delta wing test case.
Table 6.2 summarises the area-integrated values of the loss coefficient and the
relative yaw angle for both the test cases. The uncertainty associated with the
measurement of loss coefficient in the rotating frame of measurements is given as
t 0.002. Further details of the uncertainty analysis are given in Appendix A1. The
integrated loss coefficient behind the rotor for the rotating hub configuration is 0.0691
and the corresponding value for the delta wing configuration is 0.0687. This reduction
in loss coefficient is within the uncertainty limits. This loss coefficient data still
indicate that the loss has remained constant if not reduced in this delta wing case in
spite of having a strong incoming stator hub passage vortex.
6.5.2 Unsteady Rotor Exit Flow - Delta wing configuration
Extensive time resolved data has been obtained downstream of the rotor (Plane 3,
10% of rotor C
downstream of rotor trailing edge) using a three axis hot-wire probe
in the relative frame of reference. These data are used to understand the interaction
between hub passage vortex of the stator with the rotor row. The methods used for the
data acquisition and data reduction were outlined in section 3.5. The present delta
wing test configuration has 21 delta wings, in comparison with 36 stator blades and
42 rotor blades. Hence, one appearance of the delta wing vortex behind the rotor can
be expected over two-stator blade passing periods. The measurements are carried out
for three rotor pitches. However, no variation between the two subsequent rotor
passages is observed both in the measurements and in the unsteady simulations. The
unsteady simulations are further discussed in section 7.2. Measurements over only
one stator-passing period are shown in the thesis.
Figure 6.25 presents the contours of instantaneous turbulence intensity (Tu) at rotor
exit (plane 3) over one stator wake passing period. The blade wake, hub and casing
secondary flow, stator flow interaction regions can be observed with high turbulence
intensities as shown in figure 6.25. The magnitude and size turbulence intensity
corresponding to the stator interaction region (region A) varied periodically with time
over one stator wake-passing period. Region A had a minimum value of 16.8%
turbulence intensity at time t/=0.375 and a maximum value of 20.4% at time
t/=0.000. This region occupied almost the whole of the blade pitch at 25% blade
height. A comparison of the contours of the turbulence intensity between the rotating
hub case in figure 5.28 and the present case indicated that the rotor flow field is very
similar including the magnitudes of turbulence intensity. A large turbulence intensity
region (region A) can be observed in the present test case covering whole of the rotor
blade pitch compared to a much smaller region in rotating hub case. The radial
migration of the turbulence core on the pressure side is at higher radii than on the
suction side of the blade, which is similar to the observed in figure 5.28. It has been
shown from vortex dynamics in section 5.9 that the stator vortex moves radially
downwards on the suction surface and upward on the pressure surface from the action
of image vortices inside the blade surfaces. This is further discussed in section 7.3.
The size and magnitude of turbulence intensity varied little in the shroud region
over one wake passing period. This suggests that there is a negligible effect of stator
vortex transport on the unsteadiness of shroud leakage flow. Another region B located
to the right of the rotor wake can be observed with higher turbulence intensity than
the surrounding at time t/=0.50. This region moves to the right towards the rotor
wake and thickens the rotor wake width after quarter of stator passing period at
t/=0.75. The rotor wake movement continues to the right at time t/=0.875 and the
rotor wake reverts to a thin turbulence intensity region by time t/=0.00. This periodic
variation indicates that this region may be due to the transport of the stator wake in
the rotor blade. The rotor blade wake can be distinguished from the rest of the
secondary flow from 30% span to 75% span. In these spanwise locations the
turbulence varied very little from 13.2-14.2% in one wake passing period, in
comparison to the unsteadiness in the centre of the stator interaction region at the hub
of 16.8-20.4%. Another periodic variation in the turbulence structure can be observed
near region C located to the left of the shroud leakage flow. This region has maximum
turbulence intensity of 13.2% at time t/=0.375 and minimum turbulence intensity
9.6% at time t/=0.875. This may be due to the interaction of the passage vortex near
the stator casing. The rotor exit flow field is further investigated with the help of yaw
and pitch angle data.
Figure 6.26 presents the unsteady variation of the contours of the relative yaw
angle at rotor exit (plane 3) in one stator wake-passing period. The time-mean area
integrated yaw angle at this location is -69.96 degrees. With respect to this angle, the
flow overturning can be observed near the casing relating to the shroud leakage flow,
near the hub corresponding to the hub secondary flow. The flow overturning was also
observed at 30% blade height (near region A) to the right of the suction surface. The
flow structure corresponding to the region A varied periodically with time and has a
minimum angle of -75.25 degrees at t/=0.375 and a maximum angle of -80.5 degrees
at t/=0.875. This overturned flow region also has maximum turbulence intensities (as
observed in figure 6.25) at all the instants in time. The shroud leakage flow angles did
not vary significantly over the wake-passing period, further confirming the negligible
effect of the unsteadiness on the shroud leakage flow. In addition, the overturning
region can be observed very close to the hub due to the rotor secondary flow.
The contours of the pitch angle of the flow can be used for identifying the
secondary flow vortices in conjunction with yaw angle data. Figure 6.27 presents the
unsteady variation of the pitch angle at the exit of the rotor in one stator wake-passing
period. The flow coming out of the hub is considered positive and the flow going into
the hub is negative pitch angle. Defining the secondary velocity vector in a three
dimensional flow like this at the exit of the rotor is very difficult when spanwise
variations of the flow angle is high. An alternate approach of Binder and Romey
(1983) is used to identify vortices. The vortex can be identified in a contour plot of
yaw angle as a region of contour lines parallel to the circumferential direction (the
forced vortex core) and two sets of enclosed contours with their centres separated
radially (free vortex core). A similar pattern rotated by 90
would be seen in the
contours of pitch angle. Using this technique, the regions of rotor hub passage vortex,
and a vortex rotating opposite to this near the hub (region A) is identified in figure
6.27. This opposite rotating vortex is stronger at t/=0.875 and weak at t/=0.500 and
is periodic in one stator wake-passing period. The contours of the pitch angle together
with the turbulence intensity data and yaw angle data indicate that this region is due to
the stator passage vortex. The region corresponding to the rotor hub passage vortex
can be seen at all instants of time and can be observed to be weak at time t/=0.500
and strong at t/=0.875.
The consequence of the vortex transport corresponding to the stator passage in the
rotor blade on loss has already been discussed in section 6.5.1 and given in table 6.2.
In addition to the steady numerical simulations discussed in this chapter, unsteady
three-dimensional numerical simulations were also carried out for this test
configuration to further understand various interactions taking place. These results
will be discussed in chapter 7 in conjunction with other numerical and analytical
models describing the vortex transport in the downstream blade row.
In addition to the vortex interaction with the downstream blade discussed above
further useful information was gained from the measurements. The turbulence
parameters, which characterise the flow (e.g. turbulence kinetic energy, integral
length scales, turbulence diffusion rates and Kolmogorovs microscales of
turbulence), were evaluated in the regions of the blade wake, passage vortices and in
the free-stream regions. Higher integral length scales and turbulence diffusion rates
were found in the centres of passage vortices and blade wakes while two orders of
magnitude reduction in diffusion rate was found in the free-stream region. Further
details of the investigation and discussion on the turbulence parameters are given in
Appendix A2.
6.6 Conclusions
This chapter demonstrated the use of delta wings for simulating the passage
vortices in a turbine. In wind tunnel experiments, it has been shown that the total loss
generated behind a delta wing was almost constant with downstream axial distance for
a constant velocity flow. On the other hand, the total loss increased with downstream
axial distance for the accelerating flow condition. The generation of additional loss
was considered to be due to the stretching of the delta wing vortex. This is discussed
further in the next chapter.
The half-delta wings were fixed to a rotating hub in front of the stator blade row to
simulate an incoming upstream rotor passage vortex and tested in the low-speed
rotating rig. The loss measurements at the exit of the stator blade showed a significant
increase in stagnation pressure loss due to the delta wing vortex transport. Most of the
increase in stagnation pressure loss was due to the increase in stator secondary flow.
The comparison of the stagnation pressure loss at stator exit with the datum
configuration showed that additional losses were generated from the interaction of the
delta wing vortex with the stator blade row. The increase in loss was 25% of the
datum stator loss, demonstrating the importance of this vortex interaction.
The rotor exit flow was also affected by the interaction between the enhanced
stator passage vortex and the rotor blade row. Flow underturning near the hub and
overturning towards the midspan was observed, contrary to the classical model of
overturning near the hub and underturning towards the midspan. The spanwise
distribution of the exit flow angle was similar to the observation of Sharma et al.
(1988). This flow behaviour was not observed either in the radially stacked turbine or
in the 3-D turbine without the delta wings upstream. It was also observed that the
strength of the passage vortex at the stator hub for the delta wing test case was much
higher than the datum 3-D turbine case and the radially stacked turbine case. This
indicates that this phenomenon was a function of the incoming vortex strength at rotor
In addition to the vortex interaction with the downstream blade discussed above
further useful information was gained from the measurements. All the Reynolds
normal and shear stresses were evaluated behind the stator, which describes the
turbulence production rates in the flow. These showed that the regions corresponding
to passage vortices, blade wakes and leakage vortices were anisotropic in nature.
Modelling Vortex Transport through the
High Pressure Steam Turbine
7.1 Introduction
The interaction of the delta wing vortex with the stator blade row resulted in
additional loss generation inside the stator blade row as discussed in chapter 6. This
chapter further investigates the flow field using unsteady numerical simulations for
understanding the interaction of the delta wing vortex with the downstream blade row.
The entropy generated inside the delta wing, stator and rotor blade rows were
evaluated using unsteady numerical simulations and a comparison has been made
with the steady numerical simulations. Finally, a simple analytical model is proposed
for evaluating the additional losses generated from the vortex transport in the
downstream blade row.
7.2 Delta wing vortex transport
Unsteady numerical simulations were carried out with a three-dimensional multi-
blade solver UNSTREST. The details of the solver and the computational grid used
in the investigation are given in section 3.8.2. The test configuration consisted of 21
delta wings, 36 and 42 stator and rotor blades respectively. In the computation, the rig
is assumed to consist of 18 delta wings and 36 stator and rotor blades (a total of
1,136,520 nodes) to keep the ratio of the number of blades to 1:1 or 1:2. Although the
assumption of integer blade count change the solidity and in turn the secondary flow
development of the delta wing and rotor blades, it is assumed that this does not effect
the transport behaviour of the delta wing vortex. The computation time per node per
iteration on a DEC Alpha 533 MHz computer is 9.8 micro sec.
Owing to very fine grid in the endwall regions and near the blade surfaces, large
number of iterations (200,000) were needed to obtain a periodic solution. The
pressure, density and velocity at the delta wing exit and at stator and rotor exits were
monitored for a periodic solution and to establish the number of time steps required in
one delta wing passing period. The same grid as used for steady simulations was
employed for these unsteady simulations. The numerical investigations were carried
out at the design condition of the turbine (i.e. flow coefficient of 0.351).
The numerical results are discussed by analysing the entropy function contours in
blade-to-blade and quasi-orthogonal planes at various time instants over one vortex
passing period. The entropy function is defined as exp(-s/R). For a cascade with
uniform inlet flow, this function reduces to the stagnation pressure recovery
coefficient (P
). The reference stagnation pressure is taken as the mid-passage
inlet stagnation pressure at the blade mid-span location. A value of 1.0 for the entropy
function corresponds to the flow with no losses and any value less than 1.0 represents
a loss. Figure 7.1 presents the contours of entropy function in the blade-blade plane, at
14.4% blade span. The selected plane passes through the middle of the vortex at the
delta wing exit. The plot shows one delta wing blade passage and two stator and rotor
blade passages.
The vortex generated from the delta wing is identified by a low entropy function
region in figure 7.1(a) at time t/=0.0. The flow in the second passage of the stator
blade row is used for tracking the delta wing vortex through the stator. At time
t/=0.0, the delta wing vortex can be observed near the leading edge of the middle
stator, having reached to the pressure side of the preceding stator in the upper passage.
After 20% of the vortex passing period at time t/=0.2, the vortex convects just
beyond the leading edge of the middle stator blade. The vortex bends around the
leading edge of the stator. The incoming vortex has entered the lower stator blade
passage by the time t/=0.4. The delta wing vortex is chopped by the downstream
blade row in a similar way to the wake. The pitchwise variation in convection velocity
across the stator passage is responsible for the distortion of the vortex centre-line. The
bowing of the vortex can be observed in figure 7.1(d) at time t/=0.6, due to the
higher convection rate in the mid-passage flow compared to the blade surface flows.
The bowed vortex tube appears to have two counter-rotating legs extending back to
the leading edges of the adjacent blades. These are termed as the suction side leg and
pressure side leg. The re-orientation or shearing of the vortex can be seen in figure
7.1(e) and 7.1(f). Reorientation and shearing of the vortex occurs because a fluid
particle will convect along the suction surface at a much higher rate than the pressure
surface. This leads to the stretching of the vortex on the pressure side leg. The delta
wing vortex migrates radially also near the blade surfaces due to the dynamics of the
image vortices. This is discussed later in the section.
The vortex stretching continues at time t/=1.0. By the time t/=0.2 (figure 7.1(b),
passage 2), the suction and pressure legs are not together. This may be due to the
radial upward migration of the pressure leg of the delta wing vortex. This is further
discussed by investigating the flow at various axial locations in the stator row in the
quasi-orthogonal plane. The two legs of the vortex after this location observed to
convect downstream separately on the pressure and suction sides of the blade with the
respective local flow velocities. The suction leg of the vortex can be observed to
convect down in figs. 7.1(c) and 7.1(d). At the exit of the stator blade row, the blade
wake can be observed as a combination of the surface boundary layers and the
vortical fluid from the delta wing vortex. This stator blade wake enters the
downstream rotor. The transport of the combined flow structure is observed to be
similar to the stator wake transport inside the rotor blade as discussed in section 4.3.
The stator wake undergoes bowing while entering the rotor blade row, stretching, and
shearing while convecting through the blade row. The stator wake can be observed as
a concentrated fluid on the suction surface with a tail going to the pressure side of the
blade at rotor exit.
7.2.1 Unsteady Flow in the Stator Blade row- Delta wing configuration
The interaction of the delta wing vortex with the stator blade is discussed using
entropy function contours in four quasi-orthogonal planes as shown in figure 7.2. The
axial locations of the quasi-orthogonal planes are located at 13% stator C
upstream of the stator, and 31%, 61% and 82% stator C
distance inside the upper and
lower stator blade passages respectively. Only the contours between 0.998 and 0.98
were plotted for better visibility of all the axial sections simultaneously.
The instantaneous contours of the entropy function over one delta wing vortex
passing period are presented in figure 7.2. The delta wing vortex can be identified in
the first axial station as a loss core entering the stator computational domain. The
delta wing vortex is moved towards the stator suction surface in both figures 7.2(b)
and in figure 7.2(c). At time t/=0.6 (figure 7.2(d)), the incoming delta wing vortex
can be observed at the second axial plane. After an additional 20% of the delta wing
passing period (t/=0.8), a local increase in loss can be observed on the suction side of
the stator blade in figure 7.2(e). It can be observed that the suction and pressure legs
of the vortex are not connected together. The disappearance of the connection
between the suction side leg and the pressure side leg might be occurring between the
second and third axial planes. The suction side leg of the delta wing vortex can be
observed as a bulge in the loss core near the suction surface, reaching the fourth axial
plane by time t/=0.9 in figure 7.2(f). Another observation can be made regarding the
convection rates of the delta wing vortex inside the stator row. The delta wing vortex
took almost 60% of the vortex-passing period to convect from plane 1 to plane 2,
which are separated by a distance of 44% stator C
. While it took only 30% of the
vortex-passing period to convect from plane 2 to plane 5, which are separated by a
distance of 52% stator C
. This indicates that after reaching the stator suction surface,
the delta wing vortex convected at much higher velocity. This also indicates the
amount of vortex stretching possible near the stator suction surface.
The delta wing vortex transport shown in figure 7.2 is also illustrated in figures 7.3
to 7.5 over one vortex passing period in a quasi-orthogonal plane. Figure 7.3 presents
the contours of entropy function at 13% stator C
distance upstream of the stator
leading edge over one vortex passing period. The delta vortex can be identified near
the pressure surface side of the stator in figure 7.3(a) at time t/=0.0 and can be
tracked through the two stator passages over one delta wing vortex passing period.
The radial location of the vortex is around 20% blade span.
Figure 7.4 presents the entropy function contours at 61% stator C
distance inside
the stator blade passage over one vortex-passing period. Loss is observed on both the
suction and pressure surfaces of the stator due to the blade surface boundary layers.
The loss region corresponding to the stator secondary flow can also be observed near
the suction surface of the blade. There is a significant variation in the size and
magnitude of the secondary loss core over one vortex passing period. The presence of
a bulge in the loss region corresponding to the delta wing vortex is observed at time
t/=0.3 in the first stator passage. The same vortex can also be observed at time
t/=0.8 in the second stator passage. The pressure leg of the delta wing vortex can not
be observed separately at any of the time instants. This observation in conjunction
with the observations from figure 7.1 and 7.2 suggest that larger stretching of the
vortex near the pressure surface resulted in the dissipation of the same through
viscous mechanism. Hence, the pressure leg of the vortex can not be identified in any
of the axial planes after 61% stator C
inside the stator.
Figure 7.5 presents the entropy function contours at 8.4% stator C
downstream of the stator trailing edge over one vortex passing period in a quasi-
orthogonal plane. This plane is at the same location as that of the measurement plane
for rotating hub test case and the delta wing test case as discussed in sections 5.9
and 6.4 respectively. By this axial plane, the delta wing vortex can no longer be
distinguished from the rest of the flow. The secondary flow near the stator hub is
significant and covers up to 50% of the passage width. A variation in the magnitude
of the hub secondary flow can be observed with a maximum size of the secondary
flow at time t/=1.0. The delta wing vortex is transported with the stator secondary
flow and cannot be observed separately. This concurs with the measurements carried
out at the same location with a three-axis hot-wire shown in figure 6.15. This may be
the reason why the turbulence intensity contours in figure 6.15 look to be steady.
A comparison of the contours of the measured turbulence intensity in figure 6.15
and the present unsteady predictions indicate the similar stator hub secondary flow
structure. The stator hub passage vortex can not be observed as loss core in the middle
of the blade passage in the numerical simulations, instead, it is attached to the stator
blade wake. This discrepancy initially considered to be due to the numerical viscosity
(SF=0.0036) present in the solver. Another calculation with much lower numerical
smoothing (SF=0.0009) also indicated the similar stator hub secondary flow structure.
This indicates that the discrepancy between the turbulence intensity measurements
and the predicted entropy function contours may be due to the type of mixing model
used in the present calculation. Nevertheless, the unsteady numerical simulations were
in good agreement in predicting the location and size of the stator passage vortex at
the hub.
7.2.2 Unsteady Flow in the Rotor Blade row- Delta wing configuration
This stator viscous flow varying with time generates further unsteadiness while
convecting through the downstream rotor. The unsteady flow field in the rotor is
discussed by studying the flow at three axial locations. The results are again presented
as plots of entropy function contours in figures 7.6-7.8. The present delta wing
numerical test configuration has 18 delta wings, in comparison with 36 stator and
rotor blades each. Hence, one appearance of the delta wing vortex behind the rotor
can be expected over two-stator blade passing periods. No variation between the two
subsequent rotor passages is observed in the unsteady measurements and unsteady
simulations at the exit of the rotor. Hence, entropy function contours over only one
stator-passing period are presented.
Figure 7.6 shows the results at 10% rotor axial chord upstream of the rotor leading
edge over one stator blade-passing period. The stator blade wakes can be identified by
the contours of lower entropy function in the middle of the passage. In addition to the
stator wakes, the loss cores can be observed corresponding to the stator hub and
casing passage vortices in figure 7.6(a). After 20% of the stator passing period at time
t/=0.2, the stator blade wake thickness reduced and the secondary flow at the hub is
increased. At time t/=0.4, the secondary flow near the hub has increased and also at
the casing. At this instant in time (figure 7.6(c)), the wake is restricted to the middle
of the blade for about 15% blade span, while the secondary flow at the hub and the
casing covered rest of the blade span. The hub secondary flow can be observed for
about 75-80% blade pitch. At time t/=0.6, the stator wake and secondary flow fully
occupies the blade height and the wake is no longer distinguishable from the stator
secondary flow. After another 20% of vortex passing period at t/=0.8, the
magnitudes of the entropy function corresponding to the stator flow has reduced to
lower levels. The stator exit flow is similar to the time t/=0.0 after another 20% of
the period at t/=1.0. At this instant, again both the blade wake and the secondary
flow are distinguishable.
It can be observed in figure 7.5 that the stator viscous flow variation with the rotor
passing period is not substantial. The variation in the stator flow only restricted to the
hub secondary flow. The time varying flow field presented in figure 7.6 shows
otherwise. A large variation in the incoming stator flow to the rotor row. The axial
plane is very close to the rotor leading edge (10% C
upstream of the rotor leading
edge). This suggests that this variation in the stator flow may be due to the potential
field of the rotor. It can also be due to the passage vortex interaction of the stator with
the rotor leading edge, which results in the turbulence generation as suggested by
Binder et al. (1985). This phenomenon can be further investigated either numerically
or by measurements.
The interaction between the significantly varying stator flow in time with the rotor
blade flow is illustrated in figure 7.7. Figure 7.7 presents the entropy function
contours at 50% rotor C
distance inside the rotor blade passage from the leading edge
over one stator-passing period. The loss core corresponding to the rotor secondary
flow at the casing can be observed near the suction surface in both passages 1 and 2 at
time t/=0.0. After 20% of the stator passing period (figure 7.7(b)), the rotor
secondary flow has increased at the hub, while the secondary flow at casing did not
change much. A further increase in the rotor secondary flow can be observed at time
t/=0.4 near the hub and the casing. After an additional 20% of stator passing period
(figure 7.7(d)), loss regions (region 1) can be observed in both the rotor passages at
about 25% blade span. The increase in casing secondary flow is also visible at this
time instant. By observing the region 1 at all the instances in time, it can be concluded
that this region is periodic in one stator wake passing. This indicates that this region is
due to the stator flow. This region can be observed to move towards the pressure
surface by time t/=1.0. This is due to the differential velocity of the stator flow near
the suction and the pressure surface. The stator flow initially can be observed near the
suction surface due to higher convection rates than the pressure surface. At time
t/=0.2, this stator viscous flow cannot be observed while at time t/=0.6, the stator
flow is just passing through the present axial plane. At these corresponding times, the
rotor secondary flow at the hub is maximum at time t/=0.2 and minimum at time
t/=0.6. This indicates that the presence of the stator flow at this axial plane reduced
the development of the rotor secondary flow near the hub.
Further downstream, the rotor exit flow field at 10% rotor C
distance downstream
of the rotor trailing edge is presented in figure 7.8 over one stator wake passing
period. This axial plane is at the same location as that of the measurement plane for
rotating hub test case and the delta wing test case as discussed in sections 5.9.2
and 6.5.2 respectively. The loss generating regions are identified corresponding to the
rotor blade wake and the hub and casing passage vortices. The contours of the entropy
function show that the secondary flow at rotor hub varied significantly over one
stator-passing period. The presence of the stator hub passage vortex near the suction
surface can be observed from t/=0.4 to t/=0.6 and on the pressure surface at t/=0.8.
A comparison of the contours of the measured turbulence intensity in figure 6.25 and
the present unsteady predictions indicate the similar rotor hub secondary flow
structure. The rotor hub passage vortex in the predictions is much larger than the
turbulence intensity measurements indicating this may be due to the lower blade
solidity modelled than the test conditions. The rotor casing shroud leakage flow can
not be predicted by the unsteady simulations, as it is not modelled in the calculation.
The radial upward migration of the stator secondary flow can be observed at this
plane, which is in agreement with the hotwire measurements.
The unsteady numerical predictions combined with the hotwire measurements
presented in section 6.4.2 indicate that the delta wing vortex transport inside the stator
was different to the earlier models presented for the radially stacked turbine in section
4.5 and for the 3-D turbine in section 5.9.2. The stretching of the delta wing vortex
near the pressure surface resulted in disconnecting the pressure side leg of the vortex
from the suction side leg. The two legs of the delta wing vortex later convected
downstream with their respective surface boundary layers. The effect of the viscosity
in the flow on the observed vortex transport in the stator blade row is further
investigated and the results are discussed in the following section.
7.3 Inviscid transport
The effect of viscosity on the transport of the delta vortex is investigated by
switching off the viscous terms in the downstream blade rows (stator and rotor) after
generating the vortex in the delta wing row. The only dissipative mechanisms in the
flow field are the artificial and numerical viscosities present in the numerical scheme.
Unsteady numerical simulations were carried out for this special case. The results are
summarised in figure 7.9. The contours of the entropy function in a blade-blade plane
at 14.4% blade span is presented in figure 7.9(a). The flow-fields at four axial
locations inside the blade are shown in figures 7.9(b)-(e). The axial locations of the
quasi-orthogonal flow fields were kept identical to the viscous calculation presented
in section 7.2. Four quasi-orthogonal views of the flow field in the stator blade row
are presented at 13% C
upstream of the stator blade row, 22% and 61% C
inside the
stator row and 8.4% C
downstream of the stator.
The delta wing vortex can be identified with contours of lower entropy function as
shown in figure 7.9(a). After convecting into the downstream stator, the vortex travels
inside the blade row with the mainstream flow. The vortex, which is about to enter the
stator blade row, can be observed in figure 7.9(b). Figure 7.9(c) presents the flow
field at 22% C
inside the stator. The delta vortex can be observed on the pressure
side of the blade. The radial migration of the vortex flow is observed on both the
suction and pressure sides of the blade row. Another 40% inside the blade row at 61%
, the delta wing vortex cannot be identified separately as shown in figure 7.9(d).
This suggests that between 22% C
and 61% C
, the suction leg of the vortex tube is
separated from the pressure leg. Figure 7.9(e) presents the data at 7% C
of the stator. A large secondary flow corresponding to the stator blade row can be
observed near the hub. The unsteady flow-field at this plane over one vortex passing
period revealed the variation in secondary flow similar to the one shown in figure 7.5.
From this analysis, it can be said that the vortex transport in this investigation is
similar to that discussed in section 7.2. This indicates that viscosity of the flow has no
significant effect on the vortex transport phenomena. The effect of the interaction
between the vortex and the downstream blade on the unsteady loss generation is
discussed in the following section using numerical simulations of the flow.
7.4 Unsteady Loss and Entropy Production
The steady and unsteady predicted flow field was investigated to determine the
contribution of the unsteady flow to the stage loss. The steady and unsteady numerical
simulations have been carried out with identical grids and solved using identical
numerical schemes, mixing lengths, relaxation parameters, and boundary conditions.
Figure 7.10 presents the variations of the mass flow averaged entropy function with
meridional distance for the steady and the unsteady calculations. The variations of the
entropy function for unsteady simulations were plotted at three time instants over a
delta wing passing period. The locations of the interface planes, the leading and the
trailing edges of the blade rows were marked. At any meridional location, the
deviation of the entropy function from the value of 1.0 gives the cumulative loss
generated up to that location.
It can be observed in figure 7.10 that up to the first 72mm of the meridional
distance there is little variation in entropy function values between the steady and
unsteady simulations and the magnitude is very close to 1.0. This indicates little or no
additional loss generation until the leading edge of the delta wing. From the leading
edge of the delta wing, the values of the entropy function start to reduce representing
the loss generation from the development of the delta wing vortex. The reduction in
entropy function continues until the delta wing row interface plane at 92mm. After the
trailing edge of the delta wing, the loss generation is from the mixing of the delta
wing vortex with the surrounding flow. At the delta wing row interface plane, the
sudden decrease in the entropy function value for steady calculations can be observed
due to the instantaneous mixing process being employed. For the unsteady
calculations, the entropy function continues to reduce with meridional distance
without any steep variations across the interface plane. The difference in entropy
function between the two simulations at any axial location after the delta wing
interface plane can be considered due to the loss generated from unsteady flow.
It can be observed that after the delta wing interface plane (figure 7.10) until the
stator mid-chord location, the value of the entropy function for unsteady simulations
is higher than the steady simulations indicating lower losses from the unsteady
calculations. The higher losses from the steady calculations is due to the instantaneous
mixing of the delta wing vortex in the interface plane rather than mixing in the
downstream blade row. Towards the end of the stator blade, the entropy function for
the unsteady simulations is lower than the steady case indicating higher losses. The
increase in loss is due to the interaction of the delta wing vortex with the stator blade.
The difference between the steady and time average unsteady computations at the
stator interface plane in terms of efficiency is 0.23 % in 2.43% loss in efficiency until
that location. A loss audit at 8.4% stator C
downstream of the stator trailing edge can
be carried out using the results from steady and unsteady simulations. This axial
location is the same as the measurement location and hence an easy comparison can
be made with the measurements. The loss from the unsteady interaction can be
defined as
DW stator stator DW unsteady
) (
where is the loss in efficiency from the inlet to the stage. The total loss in efficiency
upto the 8.4% stator C
) can be evaluated from unsteady simulation. The
loss in efficiency from the stator (
) only and from the delta wings (
) only
can be calculated from steady simulations. The unsteady loss can then be calculated as
0.53% in efficiency. This loss also includes the mixing loss of the delta wing vortex.
The unsteady loss as a percentage of the stator loss is 22%, which is in good
agreement with the measured value of 25% of the stator loss coefficient (Y) as shown
in section 6.4.1.
Similarly, large differences between the two simulations in the rotor blade row can
be observed from stator interface plane (226mm) to stage exit (367mm) of the
meridional distance. The predicted efficiencies for the turbine stage with steady and
time average unsteady simulations are 95.13% and 94.68% respectively. This
indicates the reduction in efficiency from unsteady flow as 0.45 %.
Though the overall contribution of the unsteady flow to stage loss can be evaluated
based on figure 7.10, it is difficult to quantify the additional loss generated due to the
interaction of the delta wing vortex with the downstream stator. For this, the entropy
generation rate in each cell is calculated by evaluating the entropy fluxes into and out
of the control volume similar to that discussed in section 5.8. The analysis is carried
out for each cell in the computational domain with unsteady numerical simulations.
The entropy production rate (J/sec. K) is calculated for every time step in a time
accurate unsteady simulation and integrated over one delta vortex-passing period. The
results are presented at three axial locations in the stator blade row in figures 7.11(a)-
(c). The corresponding contours of the entropy function are also presented on the top
of entropy production rate plots. Figure 7.11(a) present the entropy generation rate
contours at 10% stator C
distance behind the delta wing row. The delta wing vortex
and the corresponding entropy production rate can be identified in the figure. The
entropy production rate at 20% C
inside the stator is presented in figure 7.11(b). The
delta wing vortex is evident inside first stator passage in the entropy function plot.
This plot presents the instantaneous flow field, unlike the entropy production rate
contours which is, integrated over one delta wing passing period. After a further 30%
stator C
distance, the flow inside the stator at 50% C
is shown in figure 7.11(c). By
the time the vortex tube reached this location, it is stretched on the pressure surface
that resulted in the suction and the pressure legs of the vortex being separated. The
entropy production rate on the suction side of the blade is significant compared to the
pressure side because of the higher flow velocity on the suction side. Similar analysis
can be carried out inside the rotor blade to understand the interaction of the stator
flow on the rotor row.
In summary, the unsteady numerical simulations were used for understanding the
vortex transport in the downstream blade row. The results were further analysed for
identifying the entropy producing regions in the unsteady flow field. It has been
shown that the additional loss was generated from the interaction of the vortex with
the downstream flow. An attempt has been made to model the vortex transport inside
the downstream blade and this is discussed in the following section.
7.5 Analytical Model
The previous sections of this chapter indicated that the vortex transport in the
downstream blade row is complex. It has also shown that the vortices undergo
bowing, shearing and stretching as they pass through the downstream blade row. The
vortex transport also generates additional losses in the process. It is helpful to use
unsteady Navier-Stokes numerical simulations to calculate the contribution of
unsteady losses from vortex interactions. Nevertheless, designers would like to know
the global effects of the vortex interaction without resorting to full unsteady Navier-
Stokes simulations. Hence, an attempt has been made to simplify various aspects of
the vortex transport to find a simple analytical solution for the calculation of unsteady
loss at the preliminary design stage.
One of the first studies of secondary flow generation using analytical modelling
was proposed by Hawthorne (1955). He modelled the incoming boundary layer as a
vortex filament in the tangential direction and showed that as this vortex filament
convected through the downstream blade row, it produced secondary, trailing filament
and trailing shed vorticity. Smith (1955) presented a theory for the determination of
secondary vorticity by considering the disposition of a vortex line as it moves through
the blade passage with fluid particles. This model can be used for an inclined vortex
filament unlike that of Hawthorne (1955). A comprehensive review on the generation
of secondary vorticity in cascades and blades is given by Lakshminarayana and
Horlock (1963) and by Hawthorne (1967). In the present investigation, a model
similar to that used by Smith (1955) was used and analysis can be carried out for the
transport of the vortex in the downstream blade row.
Figure 7.12 illustrates the kinematic model used in the present investigation. The
incoming passage vortex (AP) can be considered as a concentrated vortex filament,
which is at an angle to the main flow direction. The incoming freestream flow has a
velocity of W
with inlet flow angle of
. The exit flow has a velocity of W
flow angle
. The incoming vortex filament enters the downstream blade row
inclined at an angle of
to the tangential direction as shown in figure 7.12. The
assumptions used in the present analysis are
(a) The flow is incompressible and inviscid
(b) These is one vortex tube per passage at any instant in time
(c) The mass flow associated with the trailing filament vorticity is small and can
be neglected. There is no variation in blade loading in the spanwise direction
resulting in negligible trailing shed vorticity.
(d) The vortex tube diameter is small compared to the blade chord. It will be
represented as a straight line at exit. The vortical flow is convected by the
mean flow of the passage.
As the vortex filament is inclined to the flow direction, it first encounters the blade
leading edge near the pressure surface while convecting downstream. After travelling
distance e with the freestream velocity W
, the vortex filament now reaches the
suction surface of the succeeding blade row. The vortex filament moves with the fluid
downstream and satisfies the theorems of Kelvin and Helmholtz. The vortex will
always be composed of the same particles and its motion may be followed until it is
downstream of the blade row. Owing to the different velocities on the concave and
convex surfaces of the blade, it will take up different position at the exit of the row
(DQ). The length and the orientation of the vortex segment leaving the blade row can
then be determined from the difference between the times at which the pressure and
suction side legs of the vortex are discharged.
In the time taken by the particle on the pressure surface from leading edge at point
A to trailing edge point D, the particle near the suction surface would have
travelled to point Q which is at a distance of (f - (eW
)) away from the blade
trailing edge. This is due to the higher flow velocities on the suction surface compared
to the velocity on the pressure surface. The time taken by the flow at point P to
convect to the blade leading edge at B is given as e/W
. When expressed with
respect to exit velocity, the flow at point P would have moved by eW
at the
blade exit. The time f represents the difference in transit time of a particle travelling
from the leading to trailing edge of the blade when passing along the suction surface
and when passing along the pressure surface. This is given as follows,
f = W
. t = W
The integral
W / ds is taken around the surface of the blade. The integral is
approximated by an expression given by Smith (1955) as
W is the vector mean of the inlet and exit velocities and is the blade
circulation. The blade circulation is given by
) W r W r (
2 2 1 1
If the inlet and exit radius of the blade section is the same, the equation 7.4 becomes,
)) ( Sin W ) ( Sin W ( s ) W W ( s
2 2 1 1 2 1
is the exit angle of the flow and
is the exit angle of the incident vortex
filaments as defined in figure 7.12. The vector mean of the inlet and exit velocities
can be given as
2 1
2 x 1 x
From the conservation of mass, the ratio of outlet to inlet velocity is given as
) ( Cos
) ( Cos
Substituting equations 7.5 to 7.7 in equation 7.2 and simplifying results in
{ {
2 1 2
2 1
) ( Tan ) ( Tan 4 ) ( Cos
) ) ( Tan ) ( Tan ( s 4
Using the trigonometry and sine rule for the inlet and exit triangles shown in figure
7.12, the length of the inlet and exit vortex filament are given in terms of the blade
geometry, flow angles and wake inlet angles as;
) ( Cos
) ( Cos s
1 1
) ( Cos
) ( Cos s
2 2
The ratio of the exit vortex filament length to the inlet filament length can be defined
as stretching ratio S
and can be calculated from the inlet and exit angles as,
) ( Cos
) ( Cos
) ( Cos
) ( Cos
2 2
1 1
sr (7.11)
The exit angle of the vortex filament
is evaluated from the relation
) ( Cos
) ( Sin s
2 2
Substituting equations 7.7 and 7.8 in 7.12 and simplifying gives a relation between the
vortex inclination angle at blade exit as a function of the inlet and exit flow angles and
vortex inclination angle at blade inlet as
{ { ) ( Cos
) ( Cos ) ( Sin
) ( Tan ) ( Tan 4
) ) ( Tan ) ( Tan ( 4
) ( Tan )) ( Tan / 1 (
1 1
1 1
2 1
2 1
2 2
For the given blade geometry (s), inlet and exit flow angles (
) and vortex
filament incidence angle at inlet (
), the vortex filament angle at the blade exit and
the stretching ratio can be calculated from equations 7.13 and 7.11. The results of the
filament exit angle and the stretching ratio of the vortex filament for the turbine under
investigation is given in figure 7.13.
Figure 7.13(a) presents the variation of the exit vortex filament angle (
) as a
function of the vortex filament angle at the blade inlet (
) for the present turbine from
equation 7.13. The results of the unsteady numerical simulations performed for the 3-
D datum turbine case and delta wing case were used to evaluate the stator passage
vortex angle at the rotor exit. These data are also shown in the figure for comparing
with the analytical model results. As the inlet vortex angle approached zero degrees
(normal vortex filament), the exit filament angle increased. This is due to the
reduction of the time lag between the pressure and the suction legs of the vortex while
entering the blade row. A reasonably good agreement between the unsteady
simulations and the analytical model has been demonstrated.
Figure 7.13(b) presents variation of the stretching ratio as a function of vortex
filament angle at the inlet (
) from equation 7.11. The lengths of the passage vortex
filament at the rotor inlet and at the rotor exit were evaluated from the entropy
function contours in a blade-blade plane from unsteady numerical simulations. The
results for the two turbine test cases are presented in figure 7.13(b). There is a
reasonably good agreement between the simulations and the analytical model
increasing the confidence in the analytical model. The effect of vortex stretching on
the additional loss generation is discussed below.
The vortex filament can be approximated as a Rankines combined vortex
consisting of a core region containing all the vorticity and a outer region containing
the irrotational outer flow. Then the tangential velocity distribution across the vortex
with radius is given as
R r
r 2
r 0
) r ( V
< <
< <
Where and R corresponds to the rotational inner core radius and irrotational outer
core radius of the vortex respectively. Now consider a finite sized vortex tube as
shown in figure 7.14(a). The tube is stretched with tension forces from a length l
to a
= S
. l
Mass is conserved, and in incompressible flow, the volume is also conserved. This
gives rises to the relation
1 r
2 2
2 1
l . S . r l . r . l . r (7.16)
S / r r (7.17)
The total rotational kinetic energy for the vortex with length l
is given as
2 2 2
V m
r m
energy Kinetic
where V
is the tangential velocity inside the vortex and varies as per equation 7.14.
The total rotational kinetic energy for this vortex tube can be calculated by integrating
the velocity distribution over radius. It is given as
r 2
energy kinetic rotational Total
After evaluating the integral and assuming the outer irrotational core radius is five
times the rotational core, it can be simplified to
Total rotational kinetic energy =
The assumption of irrotational core radius is for guidance only. As we are working on
the ratio of outlet to inlet secondary kinetic energy, this value will not effect the
solution. Similarly, the total kinetic energy for the vortex tube after stretching can be
calculated as
. The ratio of the total kinetic energy after and before stretching
can be given as
Kinetic energy ratio =
60 17
60 17
This relation shows that the increase in stretching ratio increases the secondary kinetic
energy at blade exit. It can be shown that this total kinetic energy ratio for the vortex
tube rotating as a body varies as the vortex-stretching ratio S
. Figure 7.14(b)
presents the variation of the outlet to inlet total kinetic energy ratio as a function of
vortex stretching ratio. The results from unsteady numerical simulations for two test
cases described are used for evaluating the kinetic energy ratio. This increase in the
secondary kinetic energy result in additional losses while mixing with the freestream
flow. Despite the complexity of the actual vortex transport and the assumptions made
in modelling the flow analytically, the presented model demonstrated the salient
features of the vortex interaction. They are the effect of inlet filament angle of the
vortex tube on the vortex stretching ratio and the effect of stretching ratio on kinetic
energy ratio variation.
7.6 Conclusions
The unsteady numerical simulations were used for understanding the delta wing
vortex transport inside the downstream blade row. A good agreement between the
measurements and the unsteady numerical predictions has been observed for the
mechanism of vortex transport inside the stator row.
The unsteady numerical simulation results were further analysed to identify the
entropy producing regions in the unsteady flow field. It has been shown from entropy
function variations that the additional loss was generated from the interaction of the
vortex with the downstream flow. It has also been shown that the contribution of
unsteady flow to the stage loss is significant. An analytical model was developed
using the concepts of the kinematic vortex transport inside the downstream blade and
assuming the incoming vortex to be as a concentrated vortex filament. The model was
accurate enough in calculating the vortex filament exit angle and the increase in the
exit secondary kinetic energy from vortex stretching inside the blade for the given
blade parameters and inlet vortex angle. Despite the complexity of the actual vortex
transport, the analytical model brought out the significant effects of vortex interaction
with the downstream blade row very well.
Concluding Remarks and Suggestions for
Future work 8
8.1 Introduction
It was shown in section 2.7 that in a high-pressure axial turbine the interaction of
streamwise vortices with the downstream blade row resulted in large variations in the
downstream flow field, especially on the development of the secondary flow. A
maximum of 40% variation in secondary flow with time was observed in the rotor
passage over one stator passing period by Sharma et al. (1988). The mechanism of the
transport of passage vortices through the downstream blade row is not well
understood. Though some experiments have been conducted to visualise the vortex
interaction (LaFleur et al. (1988), Van de Wall et al. (1995)), they were restricted to
water tunnel experiments in two-dimensional cascades at very low Mach numbers and
Reynolds numbers. The additional loss generation due to the interaction of the vortex
with a downstream blade row has also not been quantified. Hence, the objectives for
the present investigations were
(1) Identify the unsteady phenomena of significance in high-pressure turbines.
(2) Understand the interaction of the streamwise vortices with the downstream
blade row.
(3) Quantify the effect of upstream streamwise vortices on the loss of the
downstream blade row.
(4) Translate this knowledge into design recommendations.
These objectives were met by a comprehensive experimental testing and numerical
simulation programme. The interaction of the stator passage vortices with the rotor
blade was studied in two very different turbine stages. The first corresponded to a
radially stacked high-pressure gas turbine stage, while the second corresponded to a
three dimensionally stacked and swept high-pressure steam turbine stage. The
interaction of the streamwise vortices on the downstream blade row has been
investigated by shedding the known streamwise vortices into the downstream blade
row. This chapter summarises the conclusions from the present investigation and
makes suggestions for further research.
8.2 Comparison of radially stacked and 3-D stacked turbines
The three dimensionally stacked turbine was aimed at reducing secondary flows
compared to conventional radially stacked designs. Although the two turbine stages
have different design requirements, it is still possible to compare both turbines. Both
turbines have the same blade heights, hub-tip ratio, blade numbers, mean radius,
angular speed, stage reaction and nearly the same stage-loading coefficient. The two
turbine configurations had different clearance configurations at the rotor tip. The three
dimensional stage has a shrouded rotor while the radially stacked turbine had an
unshrouded rotor.
A summary of the overall performance of both turbines is given in table 8.1. It is
observed that the coefficient of stagnation pressure loss is reduced considerably in the
3-D stator compared to the radially stacked stator. The reduction in loss was due to
the reduction in hub and casing secondary flows in the 3-D stator blade, which
resulted from the combination of reduced endwall blade loading and aft loading of the
blade near the endwalls. The coefficient of stagnation pressure loss in the rotor was
also reduced considerably in the 3-D turbine compared to the radially stacked case.
Most of the loss reduction came from reduced overtip leakage losses and reduced hub
and casing secondary flows. The overtip leakage loss was the major contributor to the
rotor loss in the radially stacked case. The efficiency of the 3-D stage was 2.78%
higher than the radially stacked stage. The comparison between the two indicates the
possible improvement that can be achieved through three-dimensional blading. The
present 3-D blade design is not optimised, and there is the potential for further
improving the performance as discussed in section 5.4.
8.3 Stator - rotor interaction and vortex transport
The interaction of the stator viscous flow features with the rotor blade row was
investigated with the help of flow visualisation, and both steady and unsteady
measurements and simulations.
The stator wake transport inside the rotor blade was investigated with the help of
smoke flow visualisation. The bowing, stretching and shearing of the wake through
the downstream rotor row were demonstrated in the flow visualisation. The net result
of the above phenomena was that the wake appeared to be concentrated on the suction
surface at the exit of the rotor passage with a tail stretching back to the leading edge
of the pressure surface of the adjacent blade.
The stator hub passage vortex is chopped by the downstream blade row in a similar
way to the wake. It is then convected through the rotor passage at the freestream
velocity. The bowed vortex tube near the inlet to the rotor appeared to develop two
counter-rotating legs extending back to the leading edges of the adjacent blades.
These were termed the suction side leg and pressure side leg. The pitchwise variation
in convection velocity across the passage is responsible for the bowing of the vortex
tube at rotor inlet. The two legs of the incoming passage vortex then convects with the
respective velocities on the blade surfaces. An analysis of the vortex dynamics has
shown that the stator passage vortices move radially outwards near the pressure
surface and move radially inward near the suction surface due to the effect of the
image vortices inside the blade surfaces. In addition to the vortex dynamics, the static
pressure gradient also effects the transport of the stator passage vortex through the
rotor blade. The results are discussed for the radially stacked turbine and the 3-D
turbine separately.
8.3.1 Radially stacked turbine
The static pressure gradient across the rotor blade passage resulted in the migration
of the pressure side leg of the stator passage vortex to the rotor suction surface,
similar to the endwall boundary layer. The presence of the rotor passage vortices
affects the transport of the stator passage vortices through the rotor. The kinematic
interaction between the stator and the rotor passage vortices has two effects. Firstly,
the suction side leg of the stator passage vortex was displaced radially upward over
the developing passage vortex of the rotor blade. Secondly, the pressure side leg of
the stator passage vortex was entrained into the rotor passage vortex. The pressure
side leg of the stator passage vortex had the same direction of rotation as that of the
rotor passage vortex at the hub, which accelerated the entrainment of the pressure side
leg into the rotor passage vortex.
The presence of stator viscous flow features in the rotor significantly enhanced the
rotor secondary flow. It was also shown that the rotor secondary flow at the hub
moved radially by 20% span, and circumferentially by one fourth of the rotor pitch,
and varied in size and strength over one stator-passing period.
8.3.2 Three dimensionally stacked turbine
The transport of the stator passage vortices inside the rotor blade was slightly
different to the radially stacked blades. The lower blade loading near the endwalls in
conjunction with the higher blade loading in the blade mid-span resulted in the strong
radial static pressure gradient towards the mid-span. In addition, the lower blade
loading near the endwalls resulted in lower static pressure gradient across the rotor
passage. The radial pressure gradient on the pressure surface combined with the lower
static pressure gradient across the passage resulted in the pressure leg of the stator
passage vortex to migrate to the higher radial location from the action of image
vortices inside the walls. The suction leg of the stator passage vortex is entrained in
the rotor passage vortex at the hub. This is due to the lower strength of the stator
passage vortex resulting from the three-dimensionally stacked stator blades.
The presence of the stator secondary flow at the rotor exit reduced the rotor
secondary flow in contrast to the radially stacked case. The strongest rotor secondary
flow occurs in the absence of the stator flow. Also, the lower velocities on the
pressure surface resulted in the lower mass flow being effected by the pressure leg of
the stator passage vortex. All these effects translated to lower interaction loss
compared to a radially stacked case. This indicates that the three dimensional blading
performed better from the perspective of stator viscous flow interaction with the rotor
8.4 Delta wing vortex - stator interaction
Previous studies concerning vortex interaction in the literature were conducted in a
multistage environment where various forms of secondary flows occur simultaneously
within the blade row. Difficulty is encountered in isolating a particular secondary
flow, then understanding its cause and effect. The use of delta wings for simulating
the passage vortices in a turbine has been demonstrated in the present investigation.
This gives the flexibility of varying the shed vortex size and strength without
redesigning the blade rows to simulate the same effect.
In wind tunnel experiments, it was shown that the total loss generated behind a
delta wing was almost constant with downstream axial distance for a constant velocity
flow. By contrast, the total loss increased with downstream axial distance for the
accelerating flow condition. The generation of additional loss was considered to be
due to the stretching of the delta wing vortex.
The half-delta wings were fixed to a rotating hub in front of the stator blade row to
simulate an in coming upstream rotor passage vortex and tested in the low-speed
rotating rig. The loss measurements at the exit of the stator blade showed a significant
increase in stagnation pressure loss due to the delta wing vortex transport. Most of the
increase in stagnation pressure loss was due to the increase in stator secondary flow.
The comparison of the stagnation pressure loss at stator exit with the datum
configuration showed that additional losses were generated from the interaction of the
delta wing vortex with the stator blade row.
The delta wing vortex transport inside the stator blade row was different to the
earlier models presented for the radially stacked turbine and the 3-D turbine. The
differential velocities on the pressure and the suction surfaces of the stator, combined
with the lower streamwise momentum of the delta wing vortex, resulted in the
stretching of the vortex near the pressure surface. This stretching eventually dissipated
the pressure side leg of the vortex and disconnected the pressure leg from the suction
side leg. The two separated legs of the delta wing vortex later convected downstream
with their respective surface boundary layers.
The rotor exit flow was also affected by the interaction between the enhanced
stator passage vortex and the rotor blade row. Flow underturning near the hub and
overturning towards the midspan was observed, contrary to the classical model of
overturning near the hub and underturning towards the midspan. The spanwise
distribution of the exit flow angle was similar to the observation of Sharma et al.
(1988). This flow behaviour was not observed either in the radially stacked turbine or
in the 3-D turbine. It was also observed for the delta wing test configuration, that the
strength of the incoming stator passage vortex at the hub was much higher than the
datum 3-D turbine case and the radially stacked turbine case. This indicates that this
phenomenon was a function of the incoming vortex strength at the rotor inlet. The
effect of stator and rotor blade viscosity on the vortex transport was found to be
negligible in the investigation in which the viscous terms in the downstream of the
delta wing row were switched off.
It was difficult to model all aspects of the vortex transport with analytical methods.
Nevertheless, designers would like to know the global effects of the vortex interaction
without resorting to full unsteady Navier-Stokes simulations. Hence, an analytical
model was developed using the concepts of the kinematic vortex transport inside the
downstream blade, and assuming the incoming vortex as a concentrated vortex
filament. The model was accurate in calculating the vortex filament angle at the blade
exit and the increase in the exit secondary kinetic energy from vortex stretching inside
the blade for the given blade parameters and inlet vortex filament angle. Despite the
complexity of the actual vortex transport and the assumptions made in modelling the
flow, the analytical model captured the significant effects of vortex interaction with
the downstream blade row.
In addition to the main conclusions discussed above further useful information was
gained from the measurements and simulations. The turbulence parameters, which
characterise the flow (e.g. turbulence kinetic energy, integral length scales, turbulence
diffusion rates and Kolmogorovs microscales of turbulence) were evaluated in the
regions of the blade wake, passage vortices and in the free-stream regions. Higher
integral length scales and turbulence diffusion rates were found in the centres of
passage vortices and blade wakes, while two orders of magnitude reduction in
diffusion rate was found in the free-stream region. In addition, all the Reynolds
normal and shear stresses were evaluated, which in combination with the velocity
gradients in the flow, describe the turbulence production rates in the flow. These
showed that the regions corresponding to passage vortices, blade wakes and leakage
vortices were anisotropic in nature. These Reynolds stresses and turbulence
parameters were considered useful as test data in the development of advanced
turbulence models.
8.5 Unsteady loss
It is known that unsteady performance measurements are complicated by the lack
of sufficient frequency response in unsteady temperature measurement, which is
essential in calculating the entropy of the fluid. Hence, the unsteady numerical
simulations were used in evaluating the contribution of unsteady flow to the stage
Various definitions are possible in defining unsteady loss. One such definition
relies on the assumption that the entropy produced within the flow field will
eventually pass through the exit boundary of the stage. By evaluating the entropy flux
passing through the stage exit boundary one can calculate the stage loss. The unsteady
loss is then defined as the difference between the average entropy flux passing
through the exit boundary, during one stator passing cycle, of an unsteady calculation
and the corresponding entropy flux from a mixing plane steady calculation. The
unsteady loss was found to be 33% of the steady stage loss using the results of the
CFD computations for the radially stacked turbine stage.
The stage loss was also calculated by evaluating the entropy generation in a control
volume and summing such control volumes in a blade passage. It was then possible to
calculate the entropy increase for the whole blade row. Using this concept, a method
was developed to calculate the loss generation in the blade row from numerical
simulations, identifying the contribution of various regions of the blade row towards
the total blade loss. It was observed that the maximum percentage of the loss was
generated near the suction surface of the blade.
Similar analysis was carried out using the results from the unsteady numerical
simulations, where the entropy generation in each control volume was integrated over
one stator passing period. The unsteady loss generation from both the stretching of the
stator passage inside the rotor blade, and the compression of the mid-pitch stator wake
near the rotor throat region, was shown for the datum three dimensionally stacked
turbine configuration.
In an another investigation, rotating delta wings were used to shed vortices into the
stator blade row. The comparison of the measured stagnation pressure loss at stator
exit with the datum configuration showed that additional losses were generated from
the interaction of the delta wing vortex with the stator blade row. The vortex
interaction increased the stator loss by 25% above the datum configuration.
The additional loss generation from the interaction of the delta wing vortex with
the stator was also illustrated by evaluating the integrated entropy generation rate
inside the stator row.
8.6 A note on the numerical simulations and on the measurements
The detailed measurements in the two turbine test cases, in conjunction with the
steady and unsteady numerical simulations, have helped to draw some conclusions
about the suitability of the numerical simulations. The steady numerical simulations
gave a good prediction of the flow behind the stator blade (first blade row). They were
not accurate in predicting the flow field behind the rotor. This was mainly due to the
inability in predicting the interaction between the stator and the rotor flows. The
unsteady numerical simulations were successful in predicting accurately the flow near
these interaction regions. It would be ideal to use unsteady numerical simulation for
design purposes. However, the large computation times required for calculating
unsteady flows makes this not possible. Instead, the designer has to note the
deficiencies of the steady simulations near the flow interaction regions and use
unsteady simulations for an analysis of the final design.
The present unsteady numerical simulations are based on solving the Reynolds
averaged Navier - Stokes equations. They model the turbulence with a simple mixing
length model. These calculations are accurate to predict the primary flow variables
such as pressure, velocities, flow angles and entropy. It has also been shown using
measurements that the regions corresponding to passage vortices, blade wakes and
leakage vortices were anisotropic in turbulence. Hence, simulations based on
advanced turbulence models which assume the flow to be isotropic may also have
similar disadvantages as the simple mixing length models in modelling the turbulence.
An alternative is to use large eddy simulation models (LES), these require huge
computing resources and time and are not yet in use as general-purpose tools. Hence,
for the designer, it seems to be sufficient to use simple mixing length model based
simulations for predicting the unsteady flow field.
It has to be noted that there are uncertainties in the measurements as well. The five-
hole pneumatic probes, the single slanted hot-wire and the three axis hot-wire were
calibrated in shear free steady flows. The regions corresponding to the vortices and
blade wakes are highly sheared and unsteady giving rise to an uncertainty in the
measurements. Another uncertainty in the measurements is that the loss investigation
behind the rotor was carried out using a five-hole probe. The acquisition time was
selected in such a way that it corresponds to ten rotor revolutions. This measurement
is considered to give the time average performance behind the rotor.
8.7 Suggestions for future work
There are several areas of interest highlighted by the current work, which warrant
further investigation. These are outlined below.
It has been observed in section 7.2 that the variation in the stator flow with time
only restricted to the hub secondary flow. The time varying flow field presented at
10% C
upstream of the rotor leading edge showed otherwise. A large variation in the
incoming stator flow was observed. The axial plane is very close to the rotor leading
edge suggesting that this variation in the stator flow may be due to the potential field
of the rotor. It can also be due to the passage vortex interaction of the stator with the
rotor leading edge, which results in the turbulence generation as suggested by Binder
et al. (1985). This phenomenon can be further investigated either numerically or by
In the delta wing test configuration, flow underturning near the hub and
overturning towards the midspan was observed at rotor exit, contrary to the classical
model of overturning near the hub and underturning towards the midspan. Further
analysis indicated that this phenomenon is a function of the strength of the stator
passage vortex. This can be further investigated by a parametric study of the incident
vortex strength, incident vortex angles and vortex size and the stage losses. This
investigation can be conducted both experimentally and numerically using delta
As vortex interaction with the downstream blade row was shown to result in
significant additional loss, it is suggested that a detailed investigation be carried out in
a low speed environment. The vortex-passing rig can be considered similar to a bar-
passing rig for understanding the vortex interaction with the blade row. This type of
rig would permit visualising and measuring the unsteady flow field inside the blade
row, which is very difficult in a low speed rotating turbine rig. This will also allow
further understanding of the transport mechanism of the vortex in the downstream
blade row.
Further experiments can be undertaken with increased free stream turbulence
representing the test environment to evaluate the effect of free stream turbulence on
the vortex interaction. This could be simulated by placing wire gauze in front of the
stator blade row. The unsteady measurements in the present investigation were carried
out with a three axis hot-wire probe. The measuring volume of the probe is around
2mm, which is large for more detailed investigation of Reynolds stresses, turbulent
diffusion rates and integral length scales. The use of laser velocimetry can reduce the
measurement volume and hence will be better suited for the more accurate
measurement of the flow inside the turbine.
Turbine designers have the need to estimate the aerodynamic impact of the vortex
interaction with the downstream blade row without always performing time
consuming three-dimensional unsteady computer simulations. The analytical model
developed in this thesis for modelling vortex transport through the downstream blade
rows can be used to estimate the increase in secondary kinetic energy from this
interaction. This model used in conjunction with the traditional secondary flow
analytical prediction models has the potential of predicting the total loss generated in
a turbine stage. This can be used as a design tool in the preliminary stages of the
design system.
It has been observed in the present investigation that secondary flow modelling is
strongly influenced by shroud leakage and hub bleed effects. The unsteady numerical
simulations used in the present investigation do not model these secondary flows.
Multi block computations can model these secondary flow paths, such as shroud
leakage and hub bleed flows, and will improve the predictions with unsteady
8.8 Concluding Remarks
The present work has demonstrated that the vortex interaction with the downstream
blade row can be significant in terms of additional loss generation and its effect on the
flow field. The effect of vortex interaction in a three-dimensionally stacked turbine
stage was less than the corresponding radially stacked turbine stage. The kinematic
vortex transport models were presented for the radially stacked turbine and three-
dimensionally designed turbine. The additional loss generation due to the vortex
interaction with the blade was evaluated from both experiments and computations. An
analytical model was developed using the concepts of the kinematic vortex transport
inside the downstream blade. Such modelling can be very useful in the preliminary
design stage.
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Appendix - A1: Uncertainty Analysis
Knowing the experimental uncertainty associated to a measurement allows the
comparison to be made with the same measurement taken under different
circumstances. The measurement of the same quantity by means of the same
equipment but in different facilities will most probably not produce identical results.
Differences are due to the variations in the calibration, environmental effects, and
human factors. The results of a repeated experiment are nevertheless expected to
remain within the interval around each measurement point. This interval is referred to
as the experimental uncertainty. It is a measure of possible error made on a particular
The overall uncertainty of a measurement system can be calculated by examining
the logarithmic derivative of the equation relating the unknown quantity to the
measured variables. A maximum possible uncertainty can then be computed by
simply summing the appropriate uncertainty terms (Arts et. al. (1994)). This approach
also allows to verify the importance of each uncertainty term. The calculation of some
important parameters measured in the experiment such as the uncertainty of velocity,
density, mass flow rate, coefficient of stagnation pressure loss and isentropic
efficiency are given below.
The flow at the inlet to the stage passes through a large inlet contraction fitted with
honeycomb flow straighteners and is uniform. The axial velocity of the flow inlet to
the turbine stage can then be calculated from the relation
) P P ( 2
1 x
The uncertainty equation for the same is given as
1 x
1 x
1 x
) P P (
) P P (
After replacing the partial derivatives, the equation A1.2 is given as
2 3
1 x
5 . 0
) P P ( 2
) P P (
) P P ( 2
By substituting typical values encountered in the experiment for , (P
-P) and the
error in measuring these flow parameters with various measuring devices, one can
calculate the uncertainty in measuring the axial velocity of the flow. Table A1.1
shows the estimated errors associated with each measurement with various measuring
devices. The uncertainty in measuring the velocity is calculated as t 0.128 m/sec.
Parameter Measurement
x / x
T Load cell 270 Nm 0.5 0.18
After replacing partial derivatives, the equation A1.5 can be written as
The uncertainty in measuring the flow density is calculated as t 0.002 Kg/m
Similarly, the mass flow rate passing through the test rig can be calculated from the
1 x
V A m (A1.7)
and the corresponding uncertainty equation is given as
1 x
1 x
m m
From the above equation, the uncertainty in measuring the mass flow rate passing
through the turbine is calculated as t 0.108 Kg/sec. Another important parameter,
which characterises the flow losses in a blade row, is the coefficient of stagnation
pressure loss. It is defined as
1 x
02 01
74 Cos
In order to calculate the uncertainty of in estimating the loss coefficient, the equation
A1.9 can be simplified to
02 01
V 581 . 6
and the corresponding uncertainty equation is given as
1 x
1 x
2 2
02 01
02 01
) P P (
) P P (
After replacing the partial derivatives, equation A1.11 becomes
1 x
1 x
02 01
2 2
1 x
02 01
02 01
1 x
V 581 . 6
) P P (
V 581 . 6
) P P (
) P P (
V 581 . 6
Typical values of 1.2, V
=14 m/sec and (P
)=118 pa are used in the analysis.
The uncertainties of individual (Vx1), () and ( m ) with (P
) are estimated
from the respective equations of density and velocity and from the accuracy of the
measuring devices for (P
) respectively. The uncertainty in measuring the
coefficient of stagnation pressure loss in absolute frame of reference is calculated as
t 0.00145. The uncertainty in measuring the coefficient of stagnation pressure loss in
relative frame of reference is calculated as t 0.00205. The difference in uncertainty in
two frames of reference is due to the use of different pressure measuring devices.
Another parameter, which characterises the performance of the turbine stage, is
the isentropic efficiency, as defined by table 5.1. This is given as
exit 0
01 p
1 T c m
The uncertainty equation for the equation A1.13 is given as
exit 0
exit 0
2 2 2
After substituting the respective values for the uncertainty of mass flow rate, density,
angular speed, torque and temperature in equation A1.14 gives an overall uncertainty
of t 0.8% for the measurement of brake efficiency.
Appendix - A2: Integral Length Scale and Diffusion
rate Measurements
It is useful to characterise the unsteady flow behind the stator for the delta wing
test configuration to analyse turbulence generating regions such as blade wake, hub
and casing passage vortices. Two parameters, which characterise an unsteady flow,
are the turbulence intensity and integral length scale. The turbulence intensity
expresses the strength of the turbulence while the integral length scale assigns a
spatial dimension to the turbulence structure, often identified as the average eddy size.
The route to calculating the integral length scale lies through the correlation of two
velocity signals or, if Taylors hypothesis is assumed as here, through the
autocorrelation of a single velocity signal. The autocorrelation function (ACF) for a
non-periodic signal is given by
dt ) t ( V
dt ) t ( V ) t ( V
) ( ACF (A2.1)
where T is large compared to the period of the lowest frequency component of the
signal with significant amplitude. To calculate the integral length scale, the
autocorrelation function is integrated with respect to the time lag () to obtain the
integral time scale, which is multiplied by the mean velocity to give the length scale
Integral length scale =
d ) ( ACF V (A2.2)
Figure A2.1(e) shows an auto-correlation function calculated from the measured data.
In practice, the integral length scale was evaluated from = 0 to the value of at
which ACF () first becomes zero. One can see that the definition of integral length
scale is only valid for random signals (those with no periodic order) because the
autocorrelation of a periodic signal is itself periodic and does not tend to zero as
increases. This condition imposes restriction on signals measured in turbomachinery
environments, which have inherent periodic blade passing frequency content.
The method of Camp (1995) was used to overcome the restriction imposed by the
definition of the integral length scale. In this method, the periodic components of the
signal (those components at blade passing and its harmonics) were digitally removed
by Fourier transforming the signal into a frequency domain and then setting the
components at blade passing frequency and its four harmonics to zero amplitude. This
method of calculating the turbulence intensity and integral length scale from the data
set is shown schematically in figure A2.1. Figure A2.1(a) represents a schematic
section of the raw velocity trace as recorded. The Fourier transform of this signal into
the frequency domain reveals the spectrum, shown in figure A2.1(b). At this point the
amplitudes of the components at blade passing frequencies and its harmonics are set
to zero. This operation gives the chopped spectrum shown in figure A2.1(c). This
chopped spectrum is now transferred back into the time domain to give the turbulent
signal, shown in figure A2.1(d) from which turbulence intensity is calculated. The
Fourier coefficients of the chopped spectrum are also used directly using Wiener-
Khinchin theorem (Press et. al. (1999)), to calculate the auto-correlation function
(figure A2.1(e)) from which length scale is calculated.
Table A2.1 summarises the turbulence intensity and integral length scale results for
the two test configurations (Rotating hub and Delta wing) at stator exit. The results
are given at the centre of the free-stream, the stator blade wake and the stator hub and
casing passage vortices regions. The length scales are non-dimensionalised by using
the stator throat dimension. The length scales in the centres of the hub and casing
passage vortices are 40% and 48% respectively for the rotating hub configuration.
The corresponding length scale values for the delta wing configuration are 40% at
both hub and 42% at the casing passage vortices. These results show that the eddy
size of the casing passage vortex is larger than the hub passage vortex. This can be
observed from the size of the high-turbulence intensity regions also. In the centre of
the wake the magnitude of the length scales are given as 23% and 22% for the rotating
hub and the delta wing configurations respectively. This indicates that the eddy size is
smaller in the wake than in the passage vortices.
For a better understanding and complete documentation of turbulence flow,
additional characterisation of the turbulent scales, turbulence kinetic energy (k) and
local turbulence dissipation rates () are needed. These quantities are particularly
useful in computational modelling using k- or large eddy simulation (LES) models.
Figure A2.2 presents the spectral distribution of the tangential velocity in the centre of
the stator passage vortex for the delta wing test configuration. This is a different type
of plot to the one discussed in figure 6.17. The figure A2.2 presents the power spectral
density based on wave number as a function of the wave number . Using Taylors
hypothesis, the wave number is defined as
f 2
where f is the frequency in the power spectrum. The power spectral density based in
the wave number domain can be expressed as
f V psd
) ( E (A2.4)
where psd is the power spectral density based on frequency. Figure A2.2 is useful in
determining the dissipation rate and length scales within the turbulent flow. At low
frequencies in the spectrum, the spectrum shows the energy associated with the large
eddies in the flow. At high frequencies, the spectra shows the inertial sub-range
(identified by the
relationship) and for higher the spectra denote the dissipation
range. At mid frequencies, the spectrum is related to the energy containing eddies in
flow. At these mid frequency range, a spike in the spectra can be observed in figure
A2.2 corresponding to the upstream delta wing vortex indicating the energy
corresponding to the delta wing vortex.
Power spectral density distributions can also be used to determine energy
dissipation rates when a -5/3 equilibrium inertial sub-range exists as explained by
Hinze (1975), Burd and Simon (1999). This is done using the following equation, in
which the dissipation rate is calculated by locating points (, E()), on the spectral
distributions that are tangent to a
3 5 3 2
x 62 . 1 x
) ( E
The selection of the coefficient 1.62 is consistent with Hinze (1975). In using this type
of analysis, an assumption of isotropy is made. These turbulent flows are not expected
to be isotropic in the larger scales, but in the inertial sub range, the turbulence is
anticipated to be reasonably isotropic. Thus, this model is considered to give a
suitable estimate of dissipation when a -5/3 relationship is visible in the power
Another important parameter characterising the turbulent flow is turbulent kinetic
energy and it is calculated using the measured rms velocity fluctuations. To determine
the turbulence kinetic energy, k, a formulation that assumes that the turbulence was
isotropic was used. The turbulence kinetic energy is calculated as:
r x
) V V V ( 5 . 1 k
+ + (A2.6)
The knowledge of turbulence kinetic energy and the dissipation rate also provides a
means of calculating the energy or dissipation length scale from Hancock and
Bradshaw (1983). The length scale is given as
2 3 3
) k ( 817 . 0 ) V ( 5 . 1
L (A2.7)
A final scale that is deducted from the measurements is the Kolmogorov or micro
scale of turbulence. It is given as
4 1
Table A2.2 summarises the results of turbulence kinetic energy, turbulence
dissipation rate, dissipation length scale and Kolmogorovs microscales for the delta
wing and rotating hub test configurations at the stator exit at various locations in the
area traverse. The length scale and microscales of turbulence are non-dimensionalised
using the stator chord.
It can be observed that the turbulence kinetic energy is very small in the freestream
region and increases in the blade wake and the passage vortices regions as expected.
In both the test configurations, it can also be seen that the hub passage vortices have
large turbulence kinetic energies compared to the casing passage vortices. The
turbulence dissipation rate varied from 78m
in the freestream region to
in the blade wake region and 7300m
in the centre of the casing
passage vortex regions for the rotating hub test configuration. The smallest eddies
associated with the freestream have lower diffusion rates compared to the wake which
has larger length scale. The passage vortex region has higher length scales than the
wake as explained in table A2.1. It also corresponds to the higher diffusion rates. The
trends are similar for the delta wing configuration. The higher dissipation rates in
centre of wake and vortices regions are observed and very low dissipation rate in the
freestream. The dissipation rates calculated here are for eddies in the inertial sub-
range only and do not represent all the eddy sizes/frequencies possible. Nevertheless,
it has demonstrated the wide range of diffusion rates (varying two orders of
magnitude from 78 to 7300) that are possible at the measurement plane. The
dissipation length scales also confirms the trend with lower length scales in the
freestream and higher values in the viscous flow regions. In contrast the microscales
of turbulence are high in the freestream region and lower in the viscous flow regions.
These data of turbulence parameters is considered useful for CFD and turbulence
Rotating Hub test configuration Delta wing test configuration
Tu (%) L
/stator throat
Tu (%) L
/stator throat
Casing passage vortex 8.260 48.51 6.600 42.16
Hub passage vortex 8.860 40.71 8.580 40.67
Blade wake 6.140 23.03 7.420 22.13
Free-stream region 1.020 103.7 0.975 175.33
Table A2.1 Turbulence intensity and length scales at stator exit
Rotating hub test configuration Delta wing test configuration
Casing passage
22.62 7328.2 8.53 1.819 18.38 7396.8 6.10 1.837
Hub passage
26.46 5750.5 13.57 1.933 33.85 7009.2 16.10 1.862
Blade wake 17.85 4296.4 10.07 2.079 15.84 7813.8 4.63 1.812
0.84 78.1 5.69 5.660 0.38 89.2 1.48 5.540
Table A2.2 Turbulence parameters and scales at stator exit
Stator Rotor
Flow Coefficient V
Stage Loading 1.0
Stage Reaction 0.5
Mid-Span upstream Axial Gap(mm) 47.4
Hub-Tip Radius Ratio 0.8 0.8
Number of Blades 36 42
Mean Radius (m) 0.6858 0.6858
Rotational Speed (rpm) 550
Mid-span Chord (mm) 150 124
Mid-span Pitch-Chord Ratio 0.8 0.83
Aspect Ratio 1.01 1.22
Tip Clearance (mm) 1.4
Inlet Axial Velocity (m/s) 11.8
Mid-span Inlet Angle (from axial) 0.0
Mid-span Exit Angle (from axial) 74.3
Chord based Reynolds Number 4.7x10
Inlet Free-Stream Turbulence 0.25%
Table 3.1 Turbine 1 - Turbine geometry and Test conditions
Stator Rotor
Flow Coefficient V
Stage Loading 1.22
Stage Reaction 0.5
Mid-Span upstream Axial Gap(mm) 41.2
Hub-Tip Radius Ratio 0.8 0.8
Number of Blades 36 42
Mean Radius (m) 0.6858 0.6858
Rotational Speed (rpm) 550
Mid-span Chord (mm) 142.5 114.5
Mid-span Pitch-Chord Ratio 0.84 0.896
Aspect Ratio 1.07 1.33
Shroud Clearance (mm) 1.0
Inlet Axial Velocity (m/s) 13.85
Mid-span Inlet Angle (from axial) 0.0
Mid-span Exit Angle (from axial) 71.03
Chord based Reynolds Number 5.24x10
Inlet Free-Stream Turbulence 0.25%
Table 3.2 Turbine 2 : 3D Turbine geometry and Test conditions
Measurement type Probe
Number of
Percent span
Number of
pitchwise points
Number of
spanwise points
0 Steady flow field 5-hole 1 stator 1.11 34.0 21 26 3, 4
0 Unsteady flow field SSHW 1 stator 5.84 97.7 1 16 4
1 Steady flow field 5-hole 2 stator 3.05 95.6 81 26 1,2,3,4
1 Unsteady flow field 3 hot-wire 1 stator 6.82 96.0 21 18 1,3,4
1 Unsteady flow field SSHW 1 stator 2.96 95.0 37 24 2,4
3 Steady flow field 5-hole 1 rotor 6.56 96.5 45 23 1,2,3,4
3 Unsteady flow field 3 hot-wire 1 rotor 3.94 94.5 45 25 1,3,4
4 Steady flow field 3-hole 2 stator 0.50 99.2 43 28 2
4 Unsteady flow field SSHW 1 stator 2.10 97.1 21 28 2
4 Unsteady flow field Kulite 1 stator 4.20 98.7 1 42 2
Table 3.3 Summary of experimental traverse measurements
Positioning Accuracy Stationary frame Accuracy Rotating frame
Circumferential t 0.017 degrees t 0.025 degrees
Radial t 0.25 mm t 0.25 mm
Yaw t 0.10 degrees t 0.10 degrees
Table 3.4 Probe positioning accuracy
Mixing length
of time
Steady Fully
0.03 (blade)
0.02 (walls)
0.001 0.8 15000
Unsteady Fully
0.001 0.8 > 200,
Table 3.5 Solver parameters for steady and unsteady calculations
Calculation Type Solver Number of grid points
(I * J * K)
Total number of
Grid expansion ratio
and maximum value
Other comments
Test case 1
Stator + Rotor
MULTIP 34 * 91 * 45
34 * 97 * 45
287,640 1.3, 20 Spanwise
1.2, 15 Pitchwise
Steady calculation
Test case 1
Stator + Rotor
UNSTREST 34 * 91 * 45
34 * 97 * 45
287,640 1.3, 20 Spanwise
1.2, 15 Pitchwise
Unsteady calculation
Test case 2
Stator + Rotor
MULTIP 41 * 92 * 45 Stator
41 * 99 * 45 - Rotor
352,395 1.3, 20 Spanwise
1.2, 20 Pitchwise
Steady calculation
Test case 2
Stator + Rotor
UNSTREST 61 * 92 * 45 Stator
61 * 99 * 45 - Rotor
710,711 1.3, 10 Spanwise
1.2, 5 Pitchwise
Unsteady calculation
Test case 4
DW + Stator + Rotor
MULTIP 61 * 111 * 45 DW
61 * 92 * 45 Stator
61 * 105 * 45 Rotor
845,460 1.3, 5 Spanwise
1.2, 5 Pitchwise
Steady calculation
Test case 4
DW + Stator + Rotor
UNSTREST 82 * 111 * 45 DW
82 * 92 * 45 Stator
82 * 105 * 45 Rotor
1,136,520 1.3, 5 Spanwise
1.2, 5 Pitchwise
Unsteady calculation
Test case 4
DW + Stator + Rotor
UNSTREST 61 * 92 * 45 DW
61 * 92 * 45 Stator
61 * 105 * 45 Rotor
1,075,369 1.3, 5 Spanwise
1.2, 5 Pitchwise
Unsteady calculation no
viscous terms in stator
and rotor
Delta wing MULTIP 41 * 91 * 32 - DW 120,704 1.3, 20 Spanwise Steady calculation
Table 3.6 Summary of the steady and unsteady numerical simulations
Flow Coefficient
Mass flow rate
hub hub
tip tip in in
r V m
Rotor mean exit stagnation pressure
dr r 2 V
dr r 2 P V
exit x exit
exit 0
exit x exit
exit 0
exit 0
01 p
1 T c m