Vortex Transport and Blade Interactions in High Pressure Turbines

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Vortex Transport and Blade

Interactions in High Pressure

V. S. P. Chaluvadi
This paper presents a study of the three-dimensional flow field within the blade rows of a
A. I. Kalfas high-pressure axial flow steam turbine stage. Half-delta wings were fixed to a rotating hub
to simulate an upstream rotor passage vortex. The flow field is investigated in a low-speed
H. P. Hodson research turbine using pneumatic and hot-wire probes downstream of the blade row. The
paper examines the impact of the delta wing vortex transport on the performance of the
Whittle Laboratory, downstream blade row. Steady and unsteady numerical simulations were performed using
Cambridge University Engineering Department, structured three-dimensional Navier-Stokes solver to further understand the flow field.
Madingley Road, The loss measurements at the exit of the stator blade showed an increase in stagnation
Cambridge CB3 0DY, UK pressure loss due to the delta wing vortex transport. The increase in loss was 21% of the
datum stator loss, demonstrating the importance of this vortex interaction. The transport
of the stator viscous flow through the rotor blade row is also described. The rotor exit flow
was affected by the interaction between the enhanced stator passage vortex and the rotor
blade row. Flow underturning near the hub and overturning towards the midspan was
observed, contrary to the classical model of overturning near the hub and underturning
towards the midspan. The unsteady numerical simulation results were further analyzed to
identify the entropy producing regions in the unsteady flow field.
关DOI: 10.1115/1.1773849兴

1 Introduction 2 Experimental and Numerical Approach

The most significant contribution to the unsteadiness in a tur- 2.1 Test Rig and Instrumentation. The present work has
bine is due to the periodic chopping of the wake 共Hodson 关1兴兲 and been carried out in a subsonic large-scale, axial flow high-pressure
secondary flow vortices from the upstream blade row by the turbine with a casing diameter of 1.524 m and a hub-tip ratio of
downstream blade row 共Chaluvadi et al. 关2,3兴, Sharma et al. 关4兴, 0.8. Hodson 关1兴 and Chaluvadi 关10兴 described the test facility in
Boletis and Sieverding 关5兴, Walraevens et al. 关6兴, and Ristic et al. detail. Figure 1 shows the schematic diagram of the test facility
关7兴兲. As modern engine design philosophy places emphasis on and the planes of measurement. The large scale of the rig makes it
higher blade loading and smaller engine length, the effects of possible to measure the flow field inside the blade passage, up-
stream and downstream of the blade rows. Trip wires of 1.2 mm
these interactions become even more important. For a turbine with
diameter were used to ensure that the boundary layers at the hub
a low aspect ratio and high blade turning angle, secondary flow
( ␦ * /h⫽0.008, H⫽1.31) and the casing ( ␦ * /h⫽0.0077, H
interactions could become more important than those due to ⫽1.30) are turbulent at the inlet to the delta wing row. These are
wakes. Sharma et al. 关4,8兴 showed that the interaction of the first located at two stator axial chords upstream of the delta wing row.
rotor secondary flows with the succeeding second stator blade row Further details of the turbine and the design condition of the test
appears to dominate the flow field. All the earlier studies were rig are given in Table 1. Figure 2共a兲 presents the three-
conducted in a stage environment wherein various forms of sec- dimensional solid model of the rig showing the delta wing row,
ondary flows 共blade wake, hub and casing secondary flow and tip the stator row and the rotor row with shroud arrangement. Figures
leakage flow兲 occur simultaneously in the blade row. This makes 2„b兲 and 2„c兲 show the stator vane and rotor blades, respectively.
it difficult to isolate the cause and effect of a particular secondary Half-delta wings were fixed to the rotating hub of a single-stage
flow interaction with the downstream blade row. low-speed rotating turbine upstream of the stator blade row. The
Chaluvadi et al. 关9兴 demonstrated the use of half-delta wings relative air angle at the inlet to the delta wing row varies from 74
for simulating the passage vortices of a rotor in a turbine. The deg at the hub to 70 deg at the tip. The delta wings were fixed to
same concept was used in the scope of the present paper too, the hub at 85 deg to the axial direction to maintain an incidence
where the interaction of these well-known vortices shed from the angle of 10 deg to represent a typical rotor passage vortex 共Chalu-
half-delta wings, with the downstream blade row is investigated. vadi et al. 关9兴兲. Initial experiments with 42 delta wings 共equal to
This paper also examines the impact of upstream streamwise vor- the number of rotor blades兲 upstream of the stator were not suc-
tices on the performance of the downstream blade row. The study cessful. This was due to the large amount of blockage created
focuses on understanding of the transport mechanism and the un- by the delta wings as they have a stagger angle of 85 deg. After
steady mixing process of the passage vortices inside the down- several trials, it was decided to use 21 delta wings instead of
stream blade row. These objectives are met through a comprehen- 42, resulting in less mass flow blockage and associated flow
sive experimental investigation and numerical simulation
A Scanivalve system with integral pressure transducer is fitted
to the rotor. Slip rings transfer power to and signals from the rotor
mounted instruments. The rotor is designed to accommodate a
Contributed by the International Gas Turbine Institute and presented at the Inter- three-axis relative frame traverse system in order to measure the
national Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exhibition, Atlanta, GA, June
16 –19, 2003. Manuscript received by the IGTI December 2002; final revision March flow field within and at the exit of the rotor. Area traverses were
2003. Paper No. 2003-GT-38389. Review Chair: H. R. Simmons. carried out downstream of the blade rows using a five-hole probe.

Journal of Turbomachinery Copyright © 2004 by ASME JULY 2004, Vol. 126 Õ 395

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Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of the test configuration

The five-hole probe has a diameter of 2.05 mm with cone semi-

angle of 45 deg and side pressure holes drilled perpendicular to Fig. 2 „a… Large-scale rotating delta wing in the turbine rig, „b…
stator vane, „c… rotor blade
the side of the cone. In all of the measurements, the probes were
small relative to the blade having diameters of less than 1.5% of
the blade pitch. The axes of the probes were aligned parallel to the
mean flow direction in order to minimize the errors. of the hot wire sensors (⬃200), it was not appropriate to use the
The probe calibration was performed over ⫾30 deg yaw and ‘‘cosine law’’ or its modifications to represent the response of the
⫾30 deg pitch in a low speed calibration tunnel at the typical sensors at different angles of attack 共Champagne et al. 关11兴兲. For
velocities encountered in the area traverses downstream of the this reason, a technique similar to that used for calibrating a five-
blade row. Calibration coefficients were chosen to give good reso- hole pneumatic probe was developed. The technique relies on the
lution over most of the calibrated range. The traversing was interpolation of the data contained in a look-up table. A fixed, low
achieved using a computer-controlled stepper motor system. The turbulence, constant velocity jet was used for probe calibration in
probes were traversed radially from hub to tip in 26 steps and a low speed calibration tunnel. The probe angular response was
circumferentially over one pitch in 45 steps. Fine data grid reso- calibrated by varying the yaw, pitch angles of the probe (⫾30
lution was used in the region of large gradients of total pressure deg兲 with respect to the calibration jet. Two nondimensional co-
such as the blade wake and secondary flows. efficients, derived from the apparent velocities indicated by the
three sensors were used as coordinates for the table. The nondi-
2.2 Hot Wire Anemometry. The development of the delta mensional calibration constants were selected to give good reso-
wing flow inside the stator and rotor blade passage was investi- lution over the calibration range and have been checked for
gated using a miniature three-axis hot wire probe. The probe had uniqueness for the calibration function.
a measurement volume of 2 mm in diameter and is made up of Each anemometer output signal was recorded at a logging fre-
three different single-axis inclined sensors arranged perpendicular quency of 5.2 KHz using a computer controlled 12-bit transient-
to each other as shown in Fig. 3. Due to the length-diameter ratio capture system. All the measured voltages were converted to ve-
locities before the determination of the statistical quantities. The
acquisition of the data was triggered using a once-per-revolution
Table 1 Turbine geometry and test conditions signal. For the phase locked data measurements, 48 samples were
recorded in the time taken for the rotor to move past three stator
Stator Rotor pitches. The data was ensembled over 200 revolutions and about
Flow coefficient (V x1 /U m ) 0.35 300 points 共17 points pitchwise, 19 points radially兲, were taken
Stage loading (⌬h 0 /U m2 ) 1.20 within the area traverse.
Stage reaction 0.5
Midspan upstream axial gap 共mm兲 41.2
Hub-tip radius ratio 0.8 0.8
Number of blades 36 42
Mean radius 共m兲 0.6858 0.6858
Rotational speed 共rpm兲 550
Midspan chord 共mm兲 142.5 114.5
Midspan pitch-chord ratio 0.84 0.896
Aspect ratio 1.07 1.33
Radial shroud clearance 共mm兲 1.0
Inlet axial velocity 共m/s兲 13.85
Midspan inlet angle 共from axial兲 0.0 deg 13.46 deg
Midspan exit angle 共from axial兲 71.03 deg ⫺70.86 deg
Chord based reynolds number 5.24⫻105 4.12⫻105
Inlet absolute Mach number 0.038
Exit absolute Mach number 0.13
Inlet freestream turbulence 0.25%
Fig. 3 Schematic of the three-axis hot-wire probe

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rotor passage vortex 共in size, velocity deficit and vorticity兲 indi-
cate that the delta wing vortex is a good simulation of a rotor
passage vortex at the hub 共Chaluvadi et al. 关9兴兲.
3.2 Stator Exit Flow. The flow field at the exit of the stator
is investigated with the help of measurements at plane 1, located
at 8.4% of stator C x downstream of the stator trailing edge in the
absolute frame of reference. The results are compared between
two test configurations.
3.2.1 Datum Configuration. In this configuration, the half-
delta wings were not fixed in front of the stator row; instead it had
a rotating end-wall. This configuration is referred to as the datum
configuration. Figure 5共a兲 presents the contours of stagnation
pressure loss coefficient (Y ). The loss regions due to the blade
Fig. 4 Secondary velocity vectors at delta-wing exit „plane 0… wake can be identified in the middle of the plot. In addition to
blade wake, there is a loss core near the casing and the hub from
the end-wall secondary flow.
3.2.2 Delta Wing Configuration. In this configuration, half-
2.3 Numerical Approach. The numerical simulations dis- delta wings were fixed to the rotating end-wall upstream of the
cussed in this paper were performed with a steady Navier-Stokes stator row. Figure 5共b兲 presents the contours of stagnation pres-
solver ‘‘MULTIP99’’ and time-accurate Navier-Stokes solver sure loss coefficient (Y ) at the exit of stator row. The axial loca-
‘‘UNSTREST’’ of Denton 关12–14兴. These codes solve the three- tion and the contour intervals are the same as Fig. 5共a兲. After
dimensional modified Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes equations comparing the Fig. 5共b兲 with Fig. 5共a兲, it can be observed that the
on a structured, nonadaptive mesh. The equations of motion are stator wake is stronger in the delta wing configuration than the
discretized to second-order accuracy and integrated forward in datum configuration. The loss core near the hub is larger in size
time. A mixing length model with wall function is used for mod- and higher in loss. It occupies almost 60% of the stator pitch. This
elling the turbulence in the flow. For the steady-state calculations, is due to the hub passage vortex. Also another region of loss
a full multigrid method and local time stepping are used to accel- 共region A兲 near the pressure surface can be observed.
erate the convergence. A sliding interface plane between the blade Figure 5共c兲 presents the contours of the predicted stagnation
rows allows properties to pass from one blade row to another. The pressure loss coefficient (Y ) from the steady numerical simula-
calculation is taken to be converged after a periodic solution is tions. It can be observed that the loss contours agree well with the
obtained in one blade passing period. measurements except near the region corresponding to the hub
A grid of 61⫻111⫻45 for the delta wing, 61⫻92⫻45 points passage vortex. In computations, the loss core corresponding to
for the stator and 61⫻105⫻45 points for the rotor has been em- the hub passage vortex can be observed at a higher radial location
ployed in these numerical simulations in the pitchwise, stream- of 30% blade span instead of 10% blade span from the measure-
wise and spanwise directions, respectively. Grid expansion ratios ments. The size and the strength of the loss core are also much
of 1.3 near the endwalls and 1.2 near the blade surfaces were used larger than the measurements indicating that the steady computa-
in these computations. A total of nine cells have been employed tions did not accurately predict the stator flow. The flow at this
inside the end-wall boundary layer thickness (⬃4% blade span兲 location is a combination of the interaction between the delta wing
to represent the vorticity accurately at the inlet to the stator blade vortex and the stator blade row.
row. Unless otherwise indicated, all the experiments and compu- Figure 5共d兲 presents the phase averaged time mean turbulence
tations have been carried out at the design operating condition. intensity (Tu) measured using a three axis hot-wire. It can be
observed that the turbulence intensity contours are in good agree-
ment with the loss coefficient contours at various viscous regions
3 Results and Discussion in the flow like the blade wake and the passage vortices. The
maximum turbulence intensities of 11.7% can be seen in the cen-
3.1 Delta Wing Exit Flow. Measurements were carried out ter of the vortex as compared to around 8% in the center of the
at the exit planes of the delta wing row, the stator row and the wake and 1.8% in the freestream regions. The passage vortex
rotor blade row. As there was no access for rotating traverse gear region near the casing has lower turbulence intensity levels of 8%
at the measurement location behind the delta wing, relative frame compared to the hub region. The turbulence intensity on the pres-
traverses were not carried out. Instead, radial and area traverses sure side of the blade 共region A兲 is around 4% and coincides with
were carried out in the absolute frame of reference with a five- the loss region as noticed in Fig. 5共b兲.
hole probe to quantify the loss generated due to the delta wing Figure 6 gives the comparisons of the pitch-wise average of the
vortex. The losses measured thus include the effect of potential stagnation pressure loss coefficient for the datum and delta-wing
interaction of the stator vane downstream of the delta wing. configurations. The loss coefficient (Y ) is derived using the mass
The unsteady velocity field downstream of the delta wing trail- averaged primitive variables in the pitchwise direction throughout
ing edge was measured using a single slant hot-wire technique the paper. The reference stagnation pressure for both of the mea-
described by Kuroumaru et al. 关15兴 and developed by Goto 关16兴. surements is the mean stagnation pressure measured at the inlet of
Figure 4 presents the secondary velocity vectors at the exit of the the rig at mid radius location. The loss behind the stator for ‘‘delta
delta wing measured using a single slant hot-wire 共23% of stator wing’’ configuration includes the loss and work exchange from the
C x before the stator leading edge, plane 0兲 at one circumferential delta wings. The loss coefficient corresponding to the passage
location. The time variation of the measured velocity is expressed vortex at the hub increased to 0.054 for the datum configuration
as a fraction of the rotor blade-passing period. The secondary and can be observed at 15% span. A larger increase in loss coef-
velocity vector is defined as the difference between the local ve- ficient to 0.11 for the delta wing configuration is observed at 15%
locity vector and the average velocity vector at that spanwise di- span. Some of this loss is due to the delta wing vortex and some
rection throughout the paper. The delta wing vortex can be iden- due to the interaction between the delta wing vortex and the stator
tified from 5% to 25% of blade span with a center at 17% span blade row as shown below. After 30% blade span no difference
and rotating in the counterclockwise direction. A comparison be- between the two configurations can be observed.
tween the vortex generated by the half-delta wing and a typical The measured stagnation pressure loss behind the airfoil row

Journal of Turbomachinery JULY 2004, Vol. 126 Õ 397

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Fig. 6 Pitchwise averaged spanwise variations of Y stator exit
„plane 1…

values of loss coefficient for the two test cases. The uncertainty
analysis has been carried out for the measurement system using
the method of Arts et al. 关17兴. The uncertainty in measuring ve-
locity is ⫾0.128 m/sec, for the flow density is ⫾0.002 kg/m3 , for
the mass flow rate is ⫾0.108 kg/sec. Similarly, the uncertainty
associated with the measurement of loss coefficient in the station-
ary frame of measurements can be calculated as ⫾0.0015. Table 2
shows the integrated loss coefficient behind the stator for the da-
tum case is 0.0246, while the loss coefficient for the delta wing
configuration is 0.0375. The integrated loss coefficient measured
behind the delta wing is 0.0077, which is 31.3% of the datum loss.
The delta wing loss includes the mixing loss associated with the
vortex in a constant volume. The difference in loss between the
delta wing and the datum test configuration can be evaluated as
52.4% of the datum stator loss. After considering the contribution
of the loss from delta wing 共31.3%兲, the additional loss generated
in the stator is 0.0052 or 21.1% with an error of ⫾6.1% of the
datum stator loss. Hence, this additional loss can be due to the
interaction between the delta wing vortex and the downstream
stator blade. These results show that the additional loss generated
in the stator blade is significant.
Another parameter, which characterises the flow, is the yaw
angle. Figure 7共a兲 presents the contours of the absolute yaw angle
from five-hole probe measurements. The flow overturning caused
by the strong hub secondary flow at suction side corner can be
observed, so is the flow overturning near the casing. The overturn-
ing near the hub can be seen up to 10% blade span while the flow
underturning can be observed from 10% to 25% of blade span.
This whole region corresponds to the loss core as presented in
Fig. 5共b兲 and associated with the hub passage vortex.
Figure 7共b兲 presents the secondary velocity vectors calculated
from the measured data. Near the hub, a strong secondary flow
pattern occupying almost 20% blade span can be identified. The
casing secondary flow is weaker than the hub and occupies up to
20% blade span from casing. Another vortical flow is also ob-
served near region ‘‘A’’ rotating opposite in direction to the hub
secondary flow at 20% blade span. It is the same region ‘‘A’’
observed in Fig. 5共b兲 and associated with a loss core on the pres-
Fig. 5 Flow field at stator exit „8.7% C x downstream of stator
TE , plane 1…; „a… Y contours for datum configuration, „b… Y
contours for ⌬-wing configuration, „c… Y contours from steady Table 2 Area integrated loss at stator exit „Plane 1…
simulations with ⌬-wings, „d… average turbulence intensity con-
Datum ⌬-Wing
tours with ⌬-wings
Delta wing exit Y measured - 0.0077
% of datum - 31.3
Stator exit Y measured 0.0246 0.0375
and the associated mixing losses are mass weighted and integrated % of datum 100.0 152.4
over the measurement area. The ‘‘mixed-out’’ losses were ob- Additional loss Total - 52.4
共% of datum兲 ⌬-wing - 31.3
tained by using control volume method mixing the non-uniform loss due to
pressures to a uniform static pressure distribution far downstream vortex transport - 21.1
of the measurement plane. Table 2 presents the area-integrated

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two configurations. This indicates that above 30% span, there is
no influence of delta wing vortex on the yaw angle of the stator
exit flow.
3.3 Unsteady Stator Exit Flow Field. It has been shown in
the previous section that there is a difference between the steady
numerical predictions and the measurements indicating the effect
of unsteadiness on the stator flow field. This unsteadiness arises
due to the relative motion between the delta wing vortex and the
stator row. Extensive time resolved data has been obtained down-
stream of the stator 共plane 1, 8.4% of stator C x downstream of
stator trailing edge兲 using a three-axis hot-wire probe in an abso-
lute frame of reference. This measurement plane is selected at the
same location as that of the five-hole probe measurement plane for
easy comparison. One appearance of the delta wing vortex behind
the stator can be expected over two rotor blade passing periods.
Figure 9 presents the contours of the instantaneous turbulence
intensity (Tu) in two rotor-passing periods. The stator wake, the
hub and the casing passage vortices can be identified by the high-
turbulence intensity regions, as marked in the figure. The maxi-
mum turbulence intensities correspond to the passage vortex at the
hub and in the intersection between the wake and the vortex. The
turbulence levels are as high as 11.7% in the center of hub passage
vortex compared to 7% in the center of the wake. It can be ob-
served that in the regions corresponding to hub passage vortex,
the turbulence intensity varies with time during the two-rotor
wake passing periods. This region has a minimum value of 9.9%
at time t/ ␶ ⫽0.750 and a maximum value of 11.7% at time t/ ␶
⫽1.50, where ␶ is defined as time taken by the one rotor blade to
travel through the stator pitch. The turbulence intensity corre-
sponding to region A of Fig. 5共b兲 is observed to vary from 1.8%
(t/ ␶ ⫽0.0) to 5.3% (t/ ␶ ⫽0.75) in one wake passing period indi-
cating the periodic nature of this region. After considering the
secondary velocity vector plots 共Fig. 7共b兲兲, loss measurements
Fig. 7 Flow field at stator exit „plane 1…; „a… yaw angle, „b… 共Fig. 5共b兲兲, it can be concluded that this structure may be due to
secondary velocity vectors the pressure leg of the delta-wing vortex.
The structure of the stator secondary flow near the suction sur-
face is similar at all instants of time with little variations from one
time instant to another. The turbulence intensity results combined
sure side of the stator. This vortical flow is further discussed in with the yaw and pitch angle data 共not presented in this paper兲
Section 3.3 with the help of the unsteady measurements. suggests that the delta-wing vortex has mixed with the stator pas-
Figure 8 presents the pitch-wise averages of the measured yaw sage vortex at the hub, hence cannot be identified as a separate
angle data for the two test configurations. The flow overturning entity. Nevertheless, the presence of the delta-wing vortex inside
near the hub region and underturning towards the midspan, indi- this region is confirmed using frequency spectrum data presented
cating a classical vortex pattern, can be observed at around 10% in Section 3.5.
blade height for the datum test configuration. The yaw angle
variation is larger for the delta wing configuration indicating in- 3.4 Unsteady Numerical Simulations. Unsteady numerical
creased strength of the passage vortex compared with the datum simulations were carried out with a three-dimensional multistage
test configuration. At all other locations from 40% blade span to solver ‘‘UNSTREST.’’ Denton 关18兴 illustrates that the accurate
casing there is little or no variation in the flow angle between the measure of loss in a flow is entropy. Entropy is a particularly
convenient measure because, unlike stagnation pressure, stagna-
tion enthalpy or the kinetic energy, its value does not depend upon
the frame of reference. The numerical results are discussed by
analysing the entropy function contours in quasi-orthogonal
planes at various time instants over one vortex passing period. The
entropy function is defined as e ( ⫺⌬s/R ) . For a cascade with uni-
form inlet flow, this function reduces to the stagnation pressure
recovery coefficient ( P 02 / P 01). The reference stagnation pressure
is taken as the midpassage inlet stagnation pressure at the blade
midspan location. A value of 1.0 for the entropy function corre-
sponds to the flow with no losses and any value less than 1.0
represents a loss.
Figure 10 presents the entropy function contours at 8.4% stator
C x distance downstream of the stator trailing edge over two rotor
passing periods. This plane is at the same location as that of the
measurement plane for the ‘‘delta wing’’ test case as discussed in
Section 3.2.2. At time, t/ ␶ ⫽0.0, the secondary flow near the stator
Fig. 8 Pitchwise averaged spanwise variations of yaw angle at hub is significant and covers up to 50% of the passage width. A
stator exit „plane 1… variation in the magnitude of the hub secondary flow can be ob-

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Fig. 9 Unsteady Tu contours at stator exit „plane 1…

served with a maximum size of the secondary flow at time t/ ␶ through the stator pitch. This plane is 25.2% C x downstream of
⫽1.6. At this axial plane, the delta wing vortex can no longer be the stator trailing edge. Measurements are not available at this
distinguished from the rest of the flow. axial location to compare the computational results. The stator
This is in agreement with the measurements carried out at the blade wakes can be identified by the contours of lower entropy
same location with a three-axis hot-wire and shown in Fig. 9. function in the middle of the passage. In addition to the stator
These results indicate that the stator viscous flow variation with wakes, the loss cores can be observed corresponding to the stator
the rotor-passing period is not substantial. A comparison of the hub and casing passage vortices in Fig. 11共a兲. At time t/ ␶ ⫽0.4,
contours of measured turbulence intensity in Fig. 9 and the the secondary flow near the hub has increased and also at the
present unsteady predictions indicate the similar stator hub sec- casing. At this instant in time 共Fig. 11共b兲兲, the wake is restricted to
ondary flow. The stator hub passage vortex can not be observed as the middle of the blade for about 15% blade span, while the sec-
a loss core in the middle of the blade passage in numerical simu- ondary flow at the hub and the casing occupied rest of the blade
lations, instead, it is attached to the stator blade wake. The dis- span. The hub secondary flow can be observed for about 75– 80%
crepancy between the turbulence intensity measurements and the blade pitch. After another 40% of vortex passing period at t/ ␶
predicted entropy function contours may be due to the type of ⫽0.8, the magnitudes of the entropy function corresponding to the
mixing model used in the present numerical simulation. Neverthe- stator flow has reduced to lower levels.
less, the unsteady numerical simulations were in good agreement The variation in the stator flow restricted to the hub secondary
in predicting the location and size of the stator passage vortex at flow. The time varying flow field presented in Fig. 11 shows oth-
the hub. erwise, a large variation in the incoming stator flow to the rotor
Figure 11 shows the results at 10% rotor axial chord upstream row. The axial plane is very close to the rotor leading edge 共10%
of the rotor leading edge over one stator blade-passing period, C x upstream of the rotor leading edge兲. This suggests that this
where ␶ is defined as time taken by the one rotor blade to travel variation in the stator flow may be due to the potential field of the

Fig. 10 Computed contours of entropy function at stator exit „8.4% C x downstream of the stator TE …

Fig. 11 Computed contours of the entropy function at rotor inlet in one stator wake passing period „25.2% C x downstream of
stator TE Õ10% upstream of rotor LE …

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Fig. 12 Power spectral density inside the stator hub passage
vortex; „a… datum configuration, „b… delta-wing configuration

rotor. It can also be due to the passage vortex interaction of the

stator with the rotor leading edge, which results in the turbulence
generation as suggested by Binder et al. 关19兴. This phenom-
enon has to be further investigated either numerically or by
3.5 Spectral Analysis at Stator Exit. Spectral analyses
have been carried out at the measurement location 共plane 1兲 by
recording the velocity from the three wires of three-axis hot-wire
probe over a long period of time. The data has been sampled at
various important locations in the area traverse such as the centres
of the wake, hub and casing passage vortices and in the free
stream. The data are logged at a frequency of 10 KHz to capture
all the frequency ranges of interest. The spectral analysis was
carried out using a fast Fourier transformation 共FFT兲 of the tan-
gential velocity data. The spectral analysis of the axial and radial
components of the velocity also resulted in similar conclusions
and hence only the tangential velocity data 共this component being
dominant in the total velocity兲 is presented here.
Figure 12共a兲 presents the results from the spectral analysis for
the datum test configuration at 8.4% C x downstream of the stator
trailing edge 共plane 1兲 inside the stator passage vortex near the
hub. No predominant frequencies can be observed at this location.
It is observed that the power spectral density 共psd兲 at the main
frequencies is reduced inside the viscous regions. It is worth not-
ing at this point that the number of half-delta wings is half of the
blade number resulting to a passing frequency exactly half of the
blade passing frequency, which is also a subharmonic of the blade Fig. 13 Flow field at rotor exit „10% C x downstream of rotor
passing frequency. Figure 12共b兲 presents the spectrum acquired TE , plane 3…; „a… Y contours for datum configuration, „b… Y
behind the stator for the ‘‘delta wing’’ test configuration. The contours for delta wing configuration, „c… TU contours for
spectrum in the center of the hub passage vortex is different when delta-wing configuration
compared to Fig. 12共a兲. There are two dominant frequencies at
this location. One is 193 Hz and the other is at 391 Hz. These
frequencies correspond to the delta wing and the rotor passing
frequencies, respectively. This suggests that the delta wing vortex which is located 10% of rotor C x distance downstream of the rotor
is responsible for the dominance at these frequencies. This also trailing edge, in the relative frame of reference. Figure 13共a兲 pre-
indicates that the vortex near the hub is a result of the combination sents the contours of the relative stagnation pressure loss coeffi-
of the stator hub passage vortex and the upstream delta-wing cient at plane 3 for the datum configuration. The data obtained
vortex. from five radially disposed rotor leading edge Pitot tubes have
been interpolated to provide reference stagnation pressure for the
3.6 Rotor Exit Flow. The flow field at the rotor exit is dis- traverse data at each radius. The rotor wake can be identified with
cussed with the help of measurements at the measurement plane 3 the high loss region with a loss of 0.27 in the middle of the blade

Journal of Turbomachinery JULY 2004, Vol. 126 Õ 401

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passage. The loss cores corresponding to the secondary flows at
the hub (Y max⫽0.39) and the casing (Y max⫽0.3) and correspond-
ing to the leakage flow (Y max⫽0.33) can also be observed. An-
other loss core can be identified on the pressure side of the blade
at 35% span 共region 1, Y max⫽0.09).
It has been shown in Section 3.2 that the interaction between
the delta-wing vortex and the stator blade row resulted in a strong
stator passage vortex at the hub. It occupied almost 60 to 75% of
the blade pitch and up to 20% of the blade height. This strong
stator passage vortex interacts with the downstream rotor blade
and generates a complex flow field in the rotor blade row. The
flow field at the rotor exit for the delta wing configuration is
discussed with the help of measurements at plane 3, same axial
location as that of the datum configuration in Fig. 13共a兲. Figure
13共b兲 presents the contours of relative stagnation pressure loss
coefficient (Y ) from five-hole probe measurements. The rotor
wake can be identified as a thin loss region in the center of the
area traverse. The loss core corresponding to the hub and the
casing secondary flow and shroud leakage flow are found at 12%,
73% and 95% blade span, respectively. In addition to these fea-
tures, another loss core can be identified to the right of the hub
secondary flow occupying the entire blade pitch 共region A兲 and on Fig. 14 Pitchwise averaged spanwise variations at rotor exit
the pressure side of the blade near casing region and denoted by
A comparison of the contours of the loss coefficient between
the datum configuration case in Fig. 13共a兲 and the delta wing The flow overturning near 30% span corresponds to the loss
configuration case in Fig. 13共b兲 indicate that the rotor flow field is core 共region A兲 in Fig. 13共b兲. The results from stator exit traverses
very similar including the magnitude of loss. The loss correspond- show that the passage vortex behind the stator is strong, occupies
ing to the region ‘‘A’’ in Fig. 13共b兲 is much higher (Y max⫽0.15) the whole stator pitch and has same sense of rotation as a classical
compared to the datum configuration case in Fig. 13共a兲 共region 1, stator passage vortex. The stator passage vortex while transporting
Y max⫽0.09) indicating the effect of stronger stator hub passage through downstream blade produced an overturned flow at 30%
vortex. span while in the ‘‘datum’’ configuration it did not result in over-
Figure 13共c兲 presents the contours of the phase averaged time- turned flow. This indicates that the flow overturning towards the
mean turbulence intensity (Tu) measured with a three-axis hot- midspan is due to the interaction of the stator flow with the rotor.
wire at the same measurement plane. The turbulence intensity in At other spanwise locations, a good agreement between both test
the center of the wake is 13%, with maximum of 18% in the configurations from 90 to 100% blade span can be observed indi-
center of shroud leakage flow and hub passage vortex. The high cating, little or negligible effect of the delta wing vortex transport
turbulence region near the hub extends from suction side to the on the shroud leakage flow. The difference in yaw angle distribu-
pressure side of the passage, occupying the whole blade pitch. The tion from 40 to 90% blade span between the two configurations
location of this region on the pressure side 共35% blade span兲 is also indicate the effect of the stator vortex transport on the rotor
much higher than on the suction side 共17% blade span兲 similar to flow field.
the observed for region A in Fig. 13共b兲. The secondary velocity The pitchwise averaged variations of the relative stagnation
vectors 共not presented in this paper兲 at this location 共region A兲 pressure loss coefficient (Y ) are shown in Fig. 14共b兲. The local
indicate a vortical structure rotating opposite in direction to the increase in loss is observed corresponding to the secondary flow
main hub passage vortex. It has been shown in Chaluvadi et al. regions at the hub and the casing. A difference in magnitudes of
关2,3兴 that this region is a result of the manifestation of the pressure loss between the two test cases is observed from the hub region to
leg of the stator hub passage vortex at the exit of the rotor. up to 38% blade span. The reduction in loss for the delta wing
The turbulence intensity in the free stream region is higher at case from 20% span to 38% span can be observed and may be
8% compared to the stator exit value of 1.8%. Hence, it can be attributed to the reduction in rotor secondary flow in the delta-
said that the rotor freestream turbulence has increased as a result wing test case.
of the interaction of the stator wake flow with the rotor flow field. The uncertainty associated with the measurement of loss coef-
The increase in turbulence intensity is also observed in the center ficient in the rotating frame of measurements is given as ⫾0.002.
of the wake 共13%兲 compared to the corresponding stator wake The integrated loss coefficient behind the rotor for the datum con-
figuration is 0.0691 and the corresponding value for the delta
value of 9%. The overall results of turbulence intensity match well
wing configuration is 0.0687. This reduction in loss coefficient is
with the stagnation pressure loss contours from five-hole probe
within the uncertainty limits. This loss coefficient data still indi-
cate that the loss has remained constant if not reduced in this
The pitchwise averaged spanwise distributions of the measured
delta-wing case in spite of having a strong incoming stator hub
flow for two test cases are presented in Fig. 14 at the exit of the
passage vortex.
rotor 共plane 3, 10% C x downstream of the rotor trailing edge兲.
Figure 14共a兲 presents the relative yaw angle distributions for the 3.7 Unsteady Rotor Exit Flow Field. Extensive time re-
two test configurations: datum and delta wing. The classical over- solved data has been obtained downstream of the rotor 共Plane 3,
turning near the hub end-wall and underturning towards the mid- 10% of rotor C x downstream of rotor trailing edge兲 using a three
span is seen in the case of datum configuration with a vortex at axis hot-wire probe in the relative frame of reference. These data
around 17% blade span. An entirely different phenomenon is ob- are used to understand the interaction between hub passage vortex
served for the delta-wing test case. Large underturning near the of the stator with the rotor row. The present ‘‘delta wing’’ test
hub region 共up to 15% blade span兲 and overturning towards the configuration has 21 delta wings, in comparison with 36 stator
midspan region 共from 20% to 40% blade span兲 can be observed blades and 42 rotor blades. Hence, one appearance of the delta
for the delta wing case. This is similar to the results obtained by wing vortex behind the rotor can be expected over two-stator
Sharma et al. 关4兴. blade passing periods.

402 Õ Vol. 126, JULY 2004 Transactions of the ASME

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Fig. 15 Unsteady Tu contours at rotor exit „plane 3…

Figure 15 presents the contours of instantaneous turbulence that there is a negligible effect of stator vortex transport on the
intensity (Tu) at rotor exit 共plane 3兲 over one stator wake passing unsteadiness of shroud leakage flow. Another region B located to
period. The blade wake, hub and casing secondary flow, stator the right of the rotor wake can be observed with higher turbulence
flow interaction regions can be observed with high turbulence intensity than the surrounding at time t/ ␶ ⫽0.75 共Fig. 15共c兲兲. This
intensities as shown in Fig. 15. The magnitude and size of the region moves to the right towards the rotor wake and thickens the
turbulence intensity corresponding to the stator interaction region rotor wake width after quarter of stator passing period at t/ ␶
共region A兲 varied periodically with time over one stator wake- ⫽0.00 共Fig. 15共a兲兲. This periodic variation indicates that this re-
passing period. Region A had a minimum value of 16.8% turbu- gion may be due to the transport of the stator wake in the rotor
lence intensity at time t/ ␶ ⫽0.375 共Fig. 15共b兲兲 and a maximum blade. The rotor blade wake can be distinguished from the rest of
value of 20.4% at time t/ ␶ ⫽0.00 共Fig. 15共a兲兲. This region occu- the secondary flow from 30% span to 75% span. In these spanwise
pied almost the whole of the blade pitch at 25% blade height. A locations the turbulence varied very little from 13.2–14.2% in one
comparison of the contours of the turbulence intensity between wake passing period. Another periodic variation in the turbulence
the datum configuration 共not presented in the paper兲 and the structure can be observed near region C located to the left of the
present case indicated that the rotor flow field is very similar shroud leakage flow. This region has maximum turbulence inten-
including the magnitudes of turbulence intensity. A large turbu- sity of 13.2% at time t/ ␶ ⫽0.375 and minimum turbulence inten-
lence intensity core 共region A兲 can be observed in the present test sity 9.6% at time t/ ␶ ⫽0.75. This may be due to the interaction of
case covering whole of the rotor blade pitch compared to a much the passage vortex near the stator casing.
smaller region in datum case. The radial migration of the turbu-
lence core on the pressure side is at higher radii than on the 3.8 Unsteady Loss From Numerical Simulations. The
suction side of the blade, which is similar to the observed for the steady and unsteady numerical simulations have been carried out
datum case. It has been shown from vortex dynamics by Chalu- with identical grids and solved using identical numerical schemes,
vadi et al. 关3兴 that the stator vortex moves radially downwards on mixing lengths, relaxation parameters, and boundary conditions.
the suction surface and upward on the pressure surface from the The steady and unsteady predicted flow fields were investigated to
action of image vortices inside the blade surfaces. determine the contribution of the unsteady flow to the stage loss.
The size and magnitude of turbulence intensity varied little in Figure 16 presents the variations of the mass flow averaged en-
the shroud region over one wake passing period. This suggests tropy function with meridional distance for the steady and the

Fig. 16 Comparison of the steady and unsteady numerical simulations: entropy function

Journal of Turbomachinery JULY 2004, Vol. 126 Õ 403

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unsteady calculations. The variations of the entropy function for dimensional flow field behind the stator and the rotor blade rows
unsteady simulations were plotted at three time instants over a has been described. The impact of the upstream delta wing vorti-
delta wing passing period. The locations of the interface planes, ces on the performance of the downstream blade is evaluated.
the leading and the trailing edges of the blade rows were marked. Comparison of the stagnation pressure loss at stator exit between
At any meridional location, the deviation of the entropy function the datum configuration and delta wing configuration indicated
from the value of 1.0 gives the cumulative loss generated up to that the additional losses were generated from the interaction of
that location. the delta wing vortex with the stator blade row. The increase in
It can be observed in Fig. 16 that up to the first 72 mm of the stagnation pressure loss is 21% of the datum stator loss, demon-
meridional distance there is little variation in entropy function strating the importance of this vortex interaction. Most of the
values between the steady and unsteady simulations and the mag- increase in stagnation pressure loss is from the increase in stator
nitude is very close to 1.0. This indicates little or no additional secondary flow.
loss generation until the leading edge of the delta wing. From the The transport of the delta wing vortices inside the stator row is
leading edge of the delta wing, the values of the entropy function described. At the exit of the stator in the present investigation, the
start to reduce representing the loss generation from the develop- pressure leg of the delta wing vortex was radially displaced up-
ment of the delta wing vortex. The reduction in entropy function wards and the suction leg of the delta wing vortex was entrained
continues until the delta wing row interface plane at 92 mm. After into the stator passage vortex. A large variation in the stator flow
the trailing edge of the delta wing, the loss generation is from the field between 8.4% C x and 25.2% C x downstream of the stator
mixing of the delta wing vortex with the surrounding flow. At the trailing edge due to the downstream rotor potential field is
mixing plane behind the delta wing row the sudden decrease in observed.
the entropy function value for steady calculations can be observed The rotor exit flow was also affected by the interaction between
due to the instantaneous mixing process being employed. For the the enhanced stator passage vortex and the rotor blade row. Flow
unsteady calculations, the entropy function continues to reduce underturning near the hub and overturning towards the midspan
with meridional distance without any steep variations across the was observed, contrary to the classical secondary flow theory. The
interface plane. The difference in entropy function between the measured stagnation pressure at the exit of the rotor remained
two simulations at any axial location after the delta wing interface constant for the delta wing configuration compared to the datum
plane is considered to be due to the loss generated from unsteady configuration even with a stronger incoming stator passage vortex.
flow. The transport of the stator passage vortex inside the rotor blade is
It can be observed that after the delta wing interface plane 共Fig. very similar to the delta wing vortex transport inside the stator
16兲 until the stator mid-chord location, the value of the entropy row. The pressure leg of the stator passage vortex radially dis-
function for unsteady simulations is higher than the steady simu- placed upwards and the suction leg is entrained inside of the rotor
lations indicating lower losses from the unsteady calculations. The hub passage vortex.
higher loss for the steady calculations is due to the instantaneous The unsteady numerical simulation results were further ana-
mixing of the delta wing vortex at the interface plane rather than lyzed to identify the entropy producing regions in the unsteady
mixing in the downstream blade row. Towards the end of the flow field. It has been shown from the entropy function variations
stator blade, the entropy function for the unsteady simulations is and the overall stage efficiency calculations that the additional
lower than the steady case indicating higher loss. The increase in loss was generated from the interaction of the delta wing vortex
loss is due to the interaction of the delta wing vortex with the with the downstream blade row. The agreement between the ex-
stator blade. The difference between the steady and time average perimental and computational results for the additional loss gen-
unsteady computations at the stator interface plane is 0.23% in eration is good.
efficiency while the total loss is 2.43% in efficiency. A loss audit
at 8.4% stator C x downstream of the stator trailing edge is carried
out using the results from steady and unsteady simulations. This Acknowledgments
axial location is the same as the measurement location 共plane 1兲
and hence an easy comparison can be made with the measure- The authors would like to acknowledge the financial support of
ments. The loss from the unsteady interaction can be defined as Mitsubishi Heavy Industries of Japan. In particular, thanks are
extended to Mr. Eichiro Watanabe and Mr. Hiroharu Ohyama of
␻ unsteady⫽ ␻ DW⫹stator⫺ ␻ stator⫺ ␻ DW (1) MHI Turbine Engineering Department, for the kind sharing of
where ␻ is the lost efficiency from inlet to the stage. The total loss their industrial experience and continuing support.
in efficiency up to the 8.4% stator C x ( ␻ DW⫹stator) can be evalu-
ated from unsteady simulation. The loss in efficiency from the
stator ( ␻ stator) only and from the delta wings ( ␻ DW ) only can be Nomenclature
calculated from steady simulations. The unsteady loss is calcu-
C ⫽ chord
lated to be 0.53% in efficiency from Eq. 共1兲.
H ⫽ enthalpy
This unsteady loss as a percentage of the stator loss is 22%,
H ⫽ blade span, boundary layer shape factor ( ␦ * / ␪ )
which is in good agreement with the measured value of 21% of
P ⫽ pressure
the stator loss coefficient (Y ) as shown in Table 2. Similarly,
R ⫽ universal gas constant
large differences between the two simulations in the rotor blade
s ⫽ entropy, streamwise distance
row can be observed from stator interface plane 共226 mm兲 to rotor
t ⫽ time from a datum point
exit plane located at 367 mm. The predicted efficiencies for the
Tu ⫽ turbulence
turbine stage with steady and time average unsteady simulations
are 95.13% and 94.68% respectively. This also indicates the re- intensity⫽ 冑1/3(«V x » 2 ⫹«V r » 2 ⫹«V ␪ » 2 )/V ref
duction in efficiency from unsteady flow is 0.45 % and arise due U ⫽ blade speed
to the additional loss generation from the interaction of the delta V ⫽ velocity
wing vortex with the stator and the rotor rows. x ⫽ axial distance
Y ⫽ total pressure loss
coefficient⫽( P 01⫺ P 02)/0.5 ␳ (V X1 /cos 74 deg) 2
4 Conclusions ␦* ⫽ boundary layer displacement thickness
Half-delta wings were fixed to the rotating hub, in front of the ␪ ⫽ boundary layer momentum thickness, flow angle
stator row, to simulate the incoming upstream rotor passage vor- ␶ ⫽ time for one wake passing period, time lag
tices. The development of the steady and the unsteady three- ␻ ⫽ efficiency loss

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