Drink Up Me Hearties, Yo Ho!

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Written by Luke Bayne

Art by Luke Bayne


This playset is an accessory for the Fiasco role-playing game by 

Bully Pulpit Games.
This Playset is released into the public domain by the author, Luke 
Bayne. Fiasco is copyright 2009 by Jason Morningstar. All rights 

For more information of about Fiasco or to download other 

playsets and materials, visit www.bullypulpitgames.com 

“When you play, play hard.” - Theodore Roosevelt  

The Score  

The siren call of the open sea... 

So ye want to be a pirate, eh? It’s not all drinkin’ rum and firin’ 
pistols and countin’ yer doubloons, young pup. There’s lyin’ and 
cheatin’, backstabbin’ and hoodwinkin’, bleedin’ and dyin’. And that 
might just be from your own mates, see? There’s no tellin’ what ye 
might run afoul of, once ye make land. The honest men can be just 
as dangerous to a pirate as the crooked ones. And that’s if you 
make land. The sea can be a harsh mistress. One minute she’s 
poundin’ ya with 50-foot waves, the next yer becalmed for days, 
bedeviled by your own thoughts and fightin’ with your mates. And 
don’t even get me started on the nasty things what ain’t supposed 
to exist. I’ve seen more than my fair share, I have. So you best 
think twice before you decide that a pirate’s life is the life for you.  

Movie Night
Pirates of the Caribbean, Hook, Cutthroat Island, Treasure Island, 
Peter Pan 

Book Club
Treasure Island 


1. A debt to be paid
1. Vendetta!
2. “But I saved your life!”
3. “Do this for me, and you will receive a full pardon.”
4. Making up for a huge mistake
5. Because that's what family does
6. Because otherwise they’ll never let it go

2. Romance
1. That one night in Tortuga...
2. Unrequited love
3. “S/he doesn’t even know I’m alive.”
4. Star-crossed lovers
5. “If I have to spend another minute with you…”
6. It would never work out. But it would be so hot... 

3. It’s just good business

1. Cooperating only until this is done
2. They have leverage over you
3. In service to the East India Trading Company
4. It wasn’t personal; it was just good business 
5. Partners for nigh on 20 years
6. S/he’s always done right by you in the past

4. Rivals
1. Pirate and British Naval officer
2. For command 
3. For the same lover
4. For the same treasure
5. Out of habit
6. Mutineer and former captain

5. Maties
1. Take all you can, give nothing back!
2. He that falls behind gets left behind.
3. S/he’s always had your back.
4. “Come on, I’ll show you the ropes.”
5. “Remember that time in Tortuga?”
6. “I told ya, I’m not piratin’ no more.”

6. Supernatural
1. Under the same curse
2. One what’s cursed & one what did the cursing
3. Voodoo shaman & supplicant
4. “I’ll free you. I swear it.”
5. Destined for Davy Jones’s locker
6. “It ain’t rightly human.”


1. To get rich...
1. … at your crewmates’ expense
2. … because gold is so beautiful!
3. … even though you hate to work with these bastards
4. … in friends. Well, allies... You’d settle for not enemies. 
5. … and quit pirating
6. … so you can pay off your debts before they get you!

2. To set sail...
1. … before the law catches up with you
2. … in Her Majesty’s ship 
3. … before Wayleota catches up with you
4. … with a full load of cargo to sell
5. … and return safely
6. … with that traitor still aboard. He’ll soon walk the plank.

3. To get back...
1. … to where you buried it before anyone else does
2. … your ship, damn it!
3. … home
4. … the treasure
5. … what was taken from you
6. … your rank and station 

4. To get out...
1. … of this foolhardy accord
2. … of this stinking cell
3. … of harm’s way
4. … of debt 
5. … from under this blasted curse
6. … of Tortuga with your money and your life

5. To get revenge...
1. … on those mutineers
2. … on Wayleota, that meddler!
3. … on your ex-lover
4. … on those bastards at the East India Trading Company
5. … for that business in Singapore
6. … on your black-hearted father

6. To...
1. … change your villainous ways. Or appear to...
2. … get the respect of your crewmates
3. … get in good with the East India Trading Company
4. … get that double-dealing captain’s keys
5. … win back your “true love”
6. … catch ‘em all! 


1. In port
1. Harglow the blacksmith’s shop 
2. The manor of Governor Cheswick
3. The docks
4. The Broken Drum, a tavern of some renown
5. A dark and fetid alley
6. Madame Chanteel’s tea house… 

2. At sea
1. Among the wreckage of a merchant vessel 
2. Approaching Smuggler’s Bay
3. A beautiful tropical isle. Uninhabited, right…?
4. Storm-tossed
5. A tiny atoll in the middle of nowhere
6. Becalmed 

3. Off the map

1. The Bermuda Triangle 
2. The Unknowable Isle 
3. Where the water flows upstream
4. Davy Jones’s Locker
5. Along the river of moonbeams
6. Thera, capital of Atlantis

4. There be pirates here...
1. Tortuga, the smugglers’ port
2. Among a native tribe
3. Shipwreck Cove
4. Orlando, Florida
5. Stockade at Port Royal
6. The gallows

5. On board
1. Captain’s cabin
2. The brig
3. The leaky hold
4. The crow’s nest
5. The longboat
6. The hole in the hull

6. Around the world

1. Singapore 
2. Port Royal 
3. London
4. Cartagena
5. Buenos Aires
6. Just off the coast of Madagascar

1. Ancient
1. “A bottle o’ rum what ol’ Pickle fished out the depths”
2. A stone amulet of Mayan make
3. An Atlantean artifact the size of a cannon
4. Plato’s sea charts
5. “Mark my words, that idol will be trouble.”
6. Viking long boat

2. From the armoury

1. A pair of old, notched cutlasses
2. A 10 pound cask of gunpowder
3. A pistol, powder, and shot 
4. A beautifully crafted sword 
5. A hatchet 
6. A blunderbuss

3. Last time we made land

1. A jar of dirt 
2. Two pregnant goats. Or maybe one is just fat...
3. A wedding dress, slightly foxed, a little small for you
4. A stowaway! 
5. The name of the traitor
6. A letter of marque, bearing Governor Cheswick’s seal

4. What, this old thing?
1. A pistol with a single shot 
2. A map with a big red X
3. A beautifully decorated Moorish telescope
4. “This hat has been in my family for generations.”
5. The Pirate Codex
6. “Did you bring… The Letter?”

5. Aboard ship
1. The keys to the captain’s wardrobe
2. The keys to the armoury
3. A rusty razor
4. Our lucky Jolly Roger
5. A barrel of rum 
6. Black Alice, the ship’s fiery old cat

6. Creepy
1. A little pouch that makes tinkly noises when you shake it
2. “That ship is just a legend.”
3. A locked chest with no keyhole
4. An amulet of shrunken heads from a voodoo shaman
5. A compass that points to your heart’s desire
6. A Black Spot in the centre of your palm


Relationships in your setting

For three players...
● Cooperating only until this is done
● Rivals - For the same treasure
● He that falls behind gets left behind.

For four players, add...

● One what’s cursed & one what did the cursing

For five players, add...

● Romance - “If I have to spend another minute with you…”

Needs in your setting

For three players...
● To get that double-dealing captain’s keys 

For four and five players, add...

● To set sail before Wayleota catches up with you

Objects in your setting

For three or four players...
● “Mark my words, that idol will be trouble.”
For five players, add...
● A little pouch that makes tinkly noises when you shake it 
Locations in your setting
For three, four, or five players...
● Where the water flows upstream 


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