Core Parameter Files Part II

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Core Parameter Files

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GEN6-Core Parameter Files-II

Published by:
Temenos Training Publications
Temenos Corporate Education Centre,
Temenos India Private Ltd,
No.146, Sterling Road, Nungambakkam, Chennai: 600 034, INDIA.
Ph: +91 44 2822 2001. E-mail: [email protected]

Authoring Contributions:
Alagammai Palaniappan (First Edition, 2001) – Temenos India Private Ltd.

Thankful Acknowledgements:
Temenos Corporate Training Team


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Information in this document is subject to change without notice.


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Date Version Changes By

2002 1.1 jBASE Changes Alagammai Palaniappan

2002 1.2 Infobasic Programming changes Alagammai Palaniappan

July 2004 1.3 G14 changes Alagammai Palaniappan
January 2007 1.4 Formatting Changes B.Nandakumar

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GEN6-Core Parameter Files-II

June 2007 1.5 Inclusion of additional Alagammai Palaniappan

information only

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GEN6-Core Parameter Files-II

Table of Content
Preface................................................................................................................................................... 5
Scope of this document...................................................................................................................... 5
Who should read this.......................................................................................................................... 5
Conventions Used............................................................................................................................... 5
Software and their versions................................................................................................................ 5
Additional Information............................................................................................................................. 6
DATES................................................................................................................................................ 6
COMPANY.......................................................................................................................................... 8
SPF................................................................................................................................................... 11

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GEN6-Core Parameter Files-II


Scope of this document

This document is meant to additional information of fields in certain parameter application in T24

Who should read this

A consultant who wishes to understand the T24 directory structure and important files in T24.
Basic Knowledge of T24 will ease understanding of this topic.

Conventions Used

– Features available in the latest available T24 release release are prefixed
with a symbol.

– Main informational notes are marked in italics and prefixed with a


– Information requiring special attention are marked in italics and prefixed with a symbol.

– Syntax / commands and source codes are given in colored


– Parameters/Environmental variables are marked in italics and prefixed using

Software and their versions

The following are the various software with their version / release numbers, that are required to run the
commands / source codes / examples given in this document:
– TEMENOS T24 release R4 or above.
– jBASE v 4.1 or above.

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Additional Information
DATES is a very important application in T24. It is of type INT and hence only one copy of the file will
exist irrespective of the number of branches that a bank may have. As the name denotes, the DATES
application is used to store the date of T24. It is vital to understand that t24 maintains its own date and
does not go by the system date.
The DATES application contains one dates record per branch (company).
ID : Company Code (Every branch(company) will have a company code in T24 to uniquely identify
itself. This is defined in the COMPANY file that is covered in the later part of this document).
ID : IN0010001

Field Description
TODAY Contains the current T24 date. This is not the system date on which
T24 is installed.
LAST.WORKING.DAY Contains the last working day of T24
NEXT.WORKING.DAY Contains the next working day of T24.
LOCAL.PAYMENT.DAY Used only for reference purposes. NA
LOCAL.DISPO.DAY Used only for reference purposes. NA
BACK.VALUE.MINIMUM The minimum date that can be supplied for back valued transactions.
BACK.VALUE.MAXIMUM The maximum date that can be supplied for back valued transactions.
FORW.VALUE.MINIMUM The minimum date that can be supplied for forward valued
FORW.VALUE.MAXIMUM The maximum date that can be supplied for forward valued
CO.BATCH.STATUS Contains the status of a company.
0 – Online
B – Batch (COB in progress)
(Not used by T24) releases lesser than 14)
PERIOD.END Close of business date.

Either the next working day minus one calendar day or the end of
month whichever is earlier.
JULIAN.DATE This field is the date in TODAY held in the Julian format. The Julian
format consists of the four-digit year followed by the day in the year.
Eg : The Julian value for 27th March 1986 is 1986086.

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COB, which stands for Close Of Business is run at the end of the day to mark the close of all financial
transactions for the day. During this process, the values in TODAY, NEXT.WORKING.DAY and
When COB is initiated, the value in CO.BATCH.STATUS is changed from O to B. The value B, as
mentioned above, denotes that the COB is running and hence will prevent certain action by the users.
(Please note that when the value is set to O – which denotes Online, all users can login and perform
any activity that is permitted by their user profile).
COB updates the
LAST.WORKING.DAY with the value of TODAY
TODAY field with the value of NEXT.WORKIN.DAY and
NEXT.WORKING.DAY with the appropriate value from the HOLIDAY file.
If you are using a T24 release 14 or above, then the you will find 2 dates records per company. Please
refer to the ‘T24 NonStop’ or ‘Basic Technical Training’ materials for more information on this.

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The Company file, as the name denotes contains the details of the various companies(branches) of a
bank. There will be one record per company in the COMPANY file. This is a INT type of file and hence
there will be only one copy of this file(F.COMPANY).
ID : CompanyCode
ID : IN0010001
Field Description
COMPANY.NAME Contains the name of the company being defined. Can be defined in
multiple languages.
NAME.ADDRESS Contains the name and address of the company being defined.
MNEMONIC Contains the mnemonic of the company being defined. It is unique for
each company and will be used as a prefix for FIN and CUS type of
LANGUAGE.CODE Contains the language of T24 installed in the bank. Can contain valid
values from the LANGUAGE application.
STAT.REP.AREA Identifies the area to which the Statutory reports are to be sent. Will be
printed in the header region of the statutory reports.
STAT.REP.NAME Identifies the person to whom the Statutory reports are to be sent. Will
be printed in the header region of the statutory reports.
STAT.REP.DELIV Identifies the location to which the Statutory reports are to be sent. Will
be printed in the header region of the statutory reports.
MGMT.REP.AREA Identifies the area to which the Company Management reports are to
be sent. Will be printed in the header region of the statutory reports.
MGMT.REP.NAME Similar to STAT.REP.NAME but will apply for MI reports.
MGMT.REP.DELIV Similar to STAT.REP.DELIV but will apply to MI reports
CONSOLIDATION.MARK Indicates whether the Company record has been set for consolidation
purposes only, or the company is a full processing company.
Valid values :
A : Live processing company
C : Used for consolidation purposes only
R : Used for reporting purposes only
DEFAULT.NO.OF.AUTH Contains the default number of authorisers for all applications in the
bank. This can be overridden in Versions.
Valid values : 0, 1 or 2
PGM.AUTOM.ID Contains the names of T24 applications that can automatically
generate IDs. If an application can generate IDs automatically, but foes
not have an entry in this field, then T24 does not allow Auto ID
LOCAL.COUNTRY Country in which the company is situated.
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LOCAL.CURRENCY Local currency of the bank. It is not mandatory to use the local
currency of the country in which the company is situated as the local
currency of the company.
Eg. A company with LOCAL.COUNTRY ‘DE’ can have local currency
as ‘USD.
Can contain valid currencies defined in the CURRENCY file.
RATE.SYSTEM Defines the rate system to be used.
CUSTOMER.COMPANY Used for multi company environments.
Defines the company that will hold the Customer information.
CUSTOMER.MNEMONIC Contains the mnemonic of the company defined in the field
DEFAULT.CUS.COM Indicates under which company the Customer table files(CUS type)are
DEFUALT.CUS.MNE Holds the mnemonic of the company defined in the field
SPCL.CUST.FILE Indicates the name of customer table file (CST) which is to be
maintained under a different company to the majority of the customer
table files for this company.
SPCL.CUST.COM Indicates under which company the Special Customer table file is
SPCL.CUST.MNE Indicates the mnemonic of the company defined in the
DEFAULT.FINAN.COM Indicates under which company the Financial Static table files are
maintained for this Company.
DEFAULT.FINAN.MNE Contains the mnemonic of the company defined in the field
SPCL.FIN.FILE Indicates the Mnemonic code for the company under which the
Financial Static table files are maintained for this Company.
CURRENCY.COMPANY Indicates under which company the currency files are maintained for
this company.
CURRENCY.MNEMONIC Indicates the Mnemonic code for the company under which the
currency files are maintained for this.
FINAN.FINAN.COM Indicates under which company the Financial Financial table files are
maintained for this Company.
FINAN.FINAN.MNE Indicates the Mnemonic code for the company under which the
Financial Financial table files are maintained for this company.
NOSTRO.COMPANY Indicates which company maintains the Nostro accounts used by this
NOSTRO.MNEMONIC Indicates the Mnemonic code for the company maintains the Nostro
accounts used by this company.
NOSTRO.SUB.DIV If Nostro accounts are maintained in another company then the Sub
division code from the Nostro company record is stored in this field.
If Nostro accounts are maintained in the company being processed
then this field is left blank.
INTER.COM.CATEGORY Contains the category code to be used when inter company
accounting entries are raised.
APPLICATIONS Contains the various applications installed for the company being
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LOCAL.PROCESS.NAME This field specifies the name of the local Central Bank processing.

Input to this field means that local Central Bank processing is to take
place. must be the ID of an existing record
DEFAULT.RATE.ALLOW Indicates the maximum variance allowed when inputting an exchange
rate when no variance has been loaded on the currency record.
FCY.CONV.TOLER.MIN Indicates the variance allowed when checking the conversion of
amounts for which no override will be requested.
FCY.CONV.TOLER.MAX Indicates the variance above which when checking the conversion of
amounts for which no override will be allowed.
CHARGE.CALCULATION Indicates the calculation period for charges.
Valid values :
M = Monthly
Q = Quarterly
S = Six monthly
FINANCIAL.YEAR.END Indicates the calculation period for charges.
This is the next financial year end with a twelve month frequency cycle.
So at the end of each year the next year end can be calculated.
Previous year end is stored in LAST.YEAR.END.
INACTIVITY.MONTHS Indicates the number of months without customer activity before an
account is declared as inactive.
SUB.DIVISION.CODE Indicates the sub division code allocated to this company. This code is
used when building the internal account number for inter company
accounting. This happens when Nostro Accounts are maintained in
one company for use by other companies.
SWIFT.ADD.COM.REF Specifies the 6 characters of the S.W.I.F.T address to be used as part
of the common reference for this company.
LAST.YEAR.END Specifies the last year-end of the company being defined.
ACCT.CHECKDIG.TYPE Identifies the check digit calculation method for the company being
ACC.BKNO.PREFIX Identifies, in countries like Belgium and Luxembourg, the Bank Prefix
which is part of the local account number.
ACCOUNT.MASK Contains the format of the account number in the company being
Eg : ####-####
Every hash denotes a character. Any special character (Like ‘-‘ as
specified above) that needs to be part of the account number needs to
be defined here.
The account mask for internal accounts is hard coded.
SEPARATE.EOD Used with the GP (Global Processing) product.
CONS.KEY.CO Used with the GP (Global Processing) product.
COMPANY.GROUP Used with the GP (Global Processing) product.
OFFICIAL.HOLIDAY Used with the GP (Global Processing) product.
BRANCH.HOLIDAY Used with the GP (Global Processing) product.
BATCH.HOLIDAY Used with the GP (Global Processing) product.
BRANCH.CLOSED Used with the GP (Global Processing) product.

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SPF stands for ‘SYSTEM PARAMETER FILE’. This file, as the name denotes is the parameter file for
the entire T24 and is one of the first files to be setup in a T24 installation. This file holds the details of
the system wide parameters that are required to run the T24 system.
This file will and can contain only ONE record with the ID ‘SYSTEM’.
Field Description
RUN.DATE Contains the system date on which the last EOD was run. Not
applicable for T24 release 14 and above.
SITE.NAME Name of the company
OP.MODE Contains the mode of the company.
O – Online
B – Batch
R - Recovery
Not applicable for T24 releases 14 and above. For T24 releases 14
and above, the CO.BATCH.STATUS field in the DATES record for the
company being defined is used to obtain the status of the company.
OP.CONSOLE Specifies the terminal numbers that will serve as operator consoles to
receive any messages from the system. The terminal numbers entered
here will receive any critical error messages sent out by the T24
MAIN.ACCOUNT Contains the name of the directory where all the data files of T24 are
stored. This will act as the main account of the company.
BACKUP.CYCLE.1 Specifies the backup areas and backup devices for the start of day
backup. This field should contain the names of the start of day backup
areas on disk corresponding to the list of accounts specified in MAIN
Not applicable for T24 releases 14 and above as backup is not part of
BACKUP.CYCLE.2 Specifies the backup areas and backup devices for the start of batch
backup. This field should contain the names of the start of batch
backup areas on disk corresponding to the list of accounts specified in
Not applicable for T24 releases 14 and above as backup is not part of
CURRENT.RELEASE Contains the current release of T24.
HIST.LIFE Defines the number of days for which the exception log in
EXCEPTION.LOG.HIST file should be retained.
BREAK.KEY.NUMBER Specifies the ascii number of the break key.
Eg. <CNTRL>P would be ascii character 16.
CATALOG Provides the option to locally catalog the T24 programs.
Used only when the database used is universe.

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ENQ.PAGE.LIMIT The maximum number of pages that can be displayed when an

enquiry is executed in T24. This value only restricts the number of
pages that can be viewed in T24 but not the number of pages that can
be printed
RECV.DATE.TIME Indicates the date and time (seconds since midnight) on which the last
system recovery was done.
Not applicable for T24 releases 14 and above.
SYS.ABCKUP.MODE The default media that is to be used to take a backup during EOD. Not
applicable for T24 releases 14 and above.
HOLD.BATCH.OUTPUT If this flag is set to 'Y' then all output from the batch is stored in the
HOLD file. This can be printed (in sorted order) by using the
REPORT.RETENTION Specifies the number of days after which a report will be removed from
the hold file &HOLD&.
RESTRICT.RPT.VIEW Restricts the reprint and view of reports to those
received at end of day.If this is set a user will only be allowed to reprint
or view reports which he specifically receives from the end of day
run.This is in addition to any SMS controls applied to the
HOLD.CONTROL application.
DATA.ACC.NAME Specifies the directory where the data files are stored. Usually set to
RUN.ACC.NAME Specifies the directory that is to be used as the home directory of the
user. Usually set to ‘’
DICT.ACC.NAME Specifies the directory where all the dictionary files are to be stored.
Usually set to ‘bnk.dict’.
AUTO.MANUAL.BATCH Not applicable for T24 releases 14 and above.
Used for EOD purposes. When set to ‘AUTO’, it will suffice if the user
initiates the EOD, the ‘Auto Batch’ and ‘Start Online’ will be
automatically completed. If set to ‘MANUAL’, the
OPERATING.SYSTEM Contains the operating system on which T24 is installed.
UNIX.BACKUP Unix system backup commands to be used for BACKUP.CYCLE.1 and
BACKUP.CYCLE.2 should be entered in this field. Please refer to ‘End
Of Day’ section of the ‘Basic Technical Training’ material for detailed
explanation and examples on this.
UNIX.RESTORE Unix system restore commands to be used for BACKUP.CYCLE.1 and
BACKUP.CYCLE.2 should be entered in this field. Please refer to ‘End
Of Day’ section of the ‘Basic Technical Training’ material for detailed
explanation and examples on this.
PRODUCT.ACCOUNT Specifies the data account for specific products. Defaults to the data
account name (field 19). If any products are held on separate data
accounts they
may be specified here.
HELP.RPT.RETENTION Specifies the number of days after which a report that has been
spooled and held will be removed from the hold file, the customer held
file, and the &HOLD& file. If this field is set to null the number of days
will default to the standard report retention (REPORT RETENTION).
This value will be overridden by the value set up in the
REPORT.CONTROL record for the report if a value has been entered.
CACHE.SIZE Specifies the cache size to be used within the T24 system for record
PREVIOUS.RELEASE Contains the last release installed in this account.

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PATCH.INSTLD this field contains the numbers of any patch releases which have been
installed, when interim patch releases have been missed out.
BATCH.SESSIONS Used in conjunction with the T24 GUI End of Day process, this field
specifies the number of sessions which will run the end of day process.
LICENCE.CODE Specifies your license code code for T24.
MAINTENANCE.DATE Specifies the date on which your maintenance contract is due for
MAINTENANCE.CODE Code required to enable maintenance date to be amended.
PRODUCTS Specifies all the T24 products which have been installed.
PRODUCT.CODES Code required to enable a new product to be added.
EXTENDED.PREC This field specifies whether extended precision (string maths)is being
used. This increases the length of amount fields to allow up to 14
Extended precision can only be used if the revision of universe is rev or above.
Not applicable for other databases.
SOURCE.RELEASE Specifies whether source releases are required or not. Used only by
T24 release lesser than or equal to 8.
NO.OF.USERS Specifies the number of users for which T24 is licensed.
USER.CODE Code required to enable a new product to be added.
TXN.MANAGEMENT If set to ‘’ it denotes that transaction management is on. This will
ensure that all database transactions fall within a transaction block.
Can set it to ‘OFF’ to stop transaction management.
TIMEOUT.MODE Defines whether users are automatically signed off the system after
the specified time out period is exceeded, or whether sign off occurs at
the next input.
Valid Values :
ACTIVE : Will cause the automatic sign off of a user after the
TIME.OUT.MINUTES specified in the USER profile during normal
processing or after the AUTOLOG.TIME.MINS if defined in the SPF
record. The
AUTOLOG.TIME.MINS only becomes effective during the
authorisation/validation phase of the transaction.

PASSIVE(or ‘’) : Will sign the user off if the TIME.OUT.MINUTES

specifed in the user profile is exceeded, at the NEXT input made by
the user. There is no distinction made between the authorization /
validation phase and normal processing.
AUTOLOG.TIME.MINS Defines the time a user may be inactive during the
authorisation/validation phase of a transaction before the user is timed
out. The authorisation/commit phase inactivity is only considered when
PWD.REPETITION Defines the time a user may be inactive during the
authorisation/validation phase of a transaction before the user is timed
out. The authorization / commit phase inactivity is only considered
when ACTIVE TIMEOUT.MODE is selected.
Minimum Value : 3
POS.MVMT.HIST Specifies how many days history of position movement
entries are to be maintained.
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PRE.BATCH.ROUT Can specify a routine.
EOD : Gets executed once you choose 8 (Initiate EOD)
COB : Gets executed as the first job of COB
BROWSER.REC.LOCK To be used only when the front end used in Browser. When set to
‘YES’, will enable locking information being written into
GLOBAL.PROCESS Used for GP(Global Processing) module. If set to ‘YES’ will allow a
specific/group of companies to execute COB while other companies
are still online.
SERVICE.PCK.INSTLD Contains the service packs installed.

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