Saep 43

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Engineering Procedure

SAEP-43 18 August 2019

Lay-up and Preservation Methods
Document Responsibility: Corrosion Control Standards Committee


1 Scope ..................................................................... 2
2 Conflicts and Deviations ......................................... 2
3 References ............................................................. 2
4 Definitions and Abbreviations ................................. 4
5 Roles and Responsibilities ..................................... 6
6 Selection of Lay-Up and Preservation Methods ..... 9
7 Lay-Up Methods ................................................... 10
8 Preservation Methods .......................................... 18
9 Health, Safety and Environmental Requirements . 24
REVISION SUMMARY................................................ 26
APPENDIX A - Acceptable Oxygen Scavengers ........ 27
APPENDIX B - Dew Point of Natural Gases ............... 28
APPENDIX C – Pipelines Preservation Methods
Decision Tree........................................................ 29

Previous Issue: New Next Planned Update: 18 August 2024

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Contact: Abbas, Faisal Mohammed (ABBAFM0A) on phone +966-13-8800693

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Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

Document Responsibility: Corrosion Control Standards Committee SAEP-43
Issue Date: 18 August 2019
Next Planned Update: 18 August 2024 Lay-up and Preservation Methods

1 Scope
1.1 This procedure provides the minimum requirements and guidelines for lay-up
and preservation methods, both short-term and long-term, of on-site, new and
existing onshore and offshore assets including; pipelines, piping and valves,
pressure vessels, heat exchangers and fin-fan coolers, and tanks.
1.2 This procedure aims to minimize the potential of corrosion damage, i.e. oxygen
pitting, microbiologically-influenced corrosion and/or under-deposit corrosion
associated with idle systems.
1.3 The following is not specifically covered by this procedure:
1.3.1 Steam generation systems; fired boilers, water-tube boilers, fire-tube
boilers, waste heat boilers, and heat recovery steam generators. The lay-up
and preservation of these systems shall follow SAEP-1026.
1.3.2 Rotating equipment, electrical, instrumentation, and control systems. The
preservation of these systems should follow manufacturer
recommendations and respective SAMSS guidelines.
1.3.3 Preservation of project materials and equipment not associated with on-
site hydrostatic testing including procurement, construction, pre-
commissioning, commissioning, and start-up stages; refer to SAEP-385.
1.3.4 Preservation of non-scrapable pipelines if installing temporary scraper
launcher and receiver are not possible.

2 Conflicts and Deviations

Any conflicts between this document and other applicable Mandatory Saudi Aramco
Engineering Requirements (MSAERs) shall be addressed to the EK&RD Coordinator.
Any deviation from the requirements herein shall follow internal company procedure

3 References
The selection of material and equipment, and the design, construction, maintenance, and
repair of equipment and facilities covered by this standard shall comply with the latest
edition of the references listed below, unless otherwise noted.
3.1 Saudi Aramco References
Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedures
SAEP-68 Inspection Coverage on C1 Projects
SAEP-302 Waiver of a Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering
SAEP-327 Management of Wastewater from Cleaning,
Flushing and Dewatering Pipelines and Vessels

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Next Planned Update: 18 August 2024 Lay-up and Preservation Methods

SAEP-385 Preservation of Project Materials and Equipment

SAEP-1026 Lay-Up and Preservation of Steam Generation
SAEP-1150 Inspection Coverage on Projects
Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards
SAES-A-007 Hydrostatic Testing Fluids and Lay-Up
SAES-A-008 Chemical Cleaning Requirements
SAES-A-103 Protection of the Marine Environment
SAES-A-133 Internal Corrosion Protection Requirements
SAES-A-134 External Corrosion Protection Requirements
SAES-A-210 Management of Pyrophoric Wastes
SAES-B-008 Restrictions to Use of Cellars, Pits, and Trenches
SAES-B-069 Emergency Eyewashes and Showers
Saudi Aramco General Instructions
GI-2.100 Work Permit System
GI-2.102 Pressure Testing Safety
GI-150.100 Hazardous Materials Communication (HazCom)
Saudi Aramco Hazardous Waste Code (SAHWC)
Saudi Aramco Safety Management Guide
06-003-2013 Job Safety Analysis
Saudi Aramco Form
SA-924-4 Confined Space Entry
3.2 Industry Codes and Standards
ASTM International
ASTM D4412 Standard Test Methods for Sulfate-Reducing
Bacteria in Water and Water-Formed Deposits

NACE International
NACE TM0194 Field Monitoring of Bacterial Growth in Oil and
Gas Systems

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NACE TM0208 Laboratory Test to Evaluate the Vapor-Inhibiting

Ability of Volatile Corrosion Inhibitor Materials
for Temporary Protection of Ferrous Metal
McKetta, J.J. and Wehe, A.H. 1958. Petroleum Refiner 37 (8): 153.

4 Definitions and Abbreviations

Biocide: A chemical added to preserve fluids and systems by controlling the
proliferation and growth of micro-organisms that can affect corrosion and system
Construction Agency: The Construction and Service Contractors, Manufacturers,
Vendors, and other similar organizations, having a contractual relationship or a
prospective contractual relationship with Saudi Aramco to construct, fabricate and build
equipment or plants. Subcontractors shall also be considered as Contractors.
Dew Point: The temperature at which a given concentration of water vapor in a gas
will form moisture (liquid water). The lower a gas dew point temperature becomes, the
less amount of moisture is in the gas; refer to Appendix B.
Dry Hydrocarbon: Liquid hydrocarbon stream containing less than 0.2% water by
volume or gas hydrocarbon stream containing less than 7 pounds (lbs.) per million
standard cubic feet (MMSCF).
Flash Point: The lowest temperature at which vapors of a volatile material will ignite
in presence of an ignition source.
General Aerobic Bacteria (GAB): Prokaryotic (Bacteria and Archaea) micro-
organisms that obtain their biochemical energy and reproduce in the presence of
oxygen, e.g. acid-producing bacteria and iron-oxidizing bacteria. GAB can be
determined by serial dilution laboratory test methods following NACE TM0194 or by
on-site detection test kits.
Hydrostatic Test: A pressure test conducted to piping or equipment by subjecting it to
an internal pressure using water or other approved liquid as the test medium to ensure
strength of the system at the test pressure.
Idle System: A plant, equipment, pipeline, or part of either that are not in operation for
periods shown in Table 1 of this procedure.
Inhibitor: A chemical added to the process/water to retard corrosion.
Inspection Authority: Project Inspection for capital projects or Plant Inspection &
Corrosion Units for C1 projects.
Lay-up: The preservation process that is deployed to prevent corrosion during and
after conducting hydrostatic testing and filling/flushing with water.

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Microbiologically-Influenced Corrosion (MIC): Refers to corrosion mechanisms

attributed to micro-organisms including bacteria, archaea, fungi and their by-products.
These micro-organisms could be General Aerobic Bacteria (GAB) or anaerobic Sulfate-
Reducing Bacteria (SRB).
Non-Scrapable Pipelines: Pipelines that cannot be cleaned or inspected using a
scraper due to operational, design or cost constraints.
Preservation: The protection of existing facility assets against internal and external
corrosion when in idle conditions for a defined period.
Oxygen Scavenger: A chemical added to the process/water to help remove or decrease
the level of dissolved oxygen in the system to control corrosion. A list of acceptable
oxygen scavengers are provided in Appendix A.
Project Management Team (PMT): The Saudi Aramco organization that contracts
engineering, procurement, and/or construction work to outside contractors under their
Proponent: The Saudi Aramco organization that owns and operates the facility,
including operations, engineering and maintenance.
Scrapable Pipelines: Pipelines that can be cost-effectively cleaned through mechanical
scraping irrespective of whether or not permanent launcher/receiver facilities are
Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria (SRB): Prokaryotic (Bacteria and Archaea) micro-
organisms that obtain their biochemical energy by metabolizing sulfate with natural
organic compounds to produce hydrogen sulfide and sulfide (H2S, HS-) as metabolic
by-products in anaerobic environments. SRB is determined by serial dilution laboratory
test methods following ASTM D4412 or NACE TM0194 or by on-site detection test
Total Bacteria: Prokaryotic (Bacteria and Archaea) micro-organisms that obtain their
biochemical energy, grow and re-produce in the presence of oxygen-rich (aerobic)
environments and/or oxygen-free (anaerobic) environments. It is the sum of SRB and
GAB in the water sample.
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS): A measure of the combined content of all inorganic and
organic substances contained in a liquid.
Total Suspended Solids (TSS): A measure of the dry weight of particles contained in
a liquid trapped by a filter.
Volatile Corrosion Inhibitor (VCI): A chemical whose molecules are transported by
diffusion in a gas or vapor state from the source to be absorbed onto metal surfaces
forming a thin layer.

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Issue Date: 18 August 2019
Next Planned Update: 18 August 2024 Lay-up and Preservation Methods

5 Roles and Responsibilities

5.1 Project Management Team (PMT)
For new construction, PMT shall be responsible to:
5.1.1 Ensure the implementation of this procedure and compliance with all
5.1.2 Facilitate and resolve any issues related to the implementation of these
procedures with other Saudi Aramco organizations.
5.1.3 Facilitate, review and approve water quality for hydrostatic test, lay-up
and short term/long-term preservation procedure(s) for each equipment
or system prior to the Inspection Authority as per SAEP-1150, SAEP-68
and requirements of this document.
5.1.4 Review any hydrostatic testing fluid or lay-up requirement.
5.1.5 Maintain a permanent written record of the water supplied for testing
Materials Category II (A & B) per SAES-A-007, including a record of
tests performed on the water.
5.2 Construction Agency
For new construction, the Construction Agency shall be responsible to:
5.2.1 Develop and propose the hydrostatic, lay-up and preservation
procedure(s), when required, to PMT and the Proponent for review and
approval prior to hydrostatic testing.
5.2.2 Ensure the implementation of this procedure and compliance with all
5.2.3 Provide all resources and materials required to implement the hydrostatic
test, lay-up and preservation procedures.
5.2.4 Implement, monitor, and conduct proper checks/tests for each
hydrostatic test, lay-up and preservation activities through an established
tracking system.
5.2.5 Regularly report all hydrostatic test, lay-up and preservation testing
results to PMT.
5.2.6 Provide records for water supplied for testing Materials Category II (A &
B) per SAES-A-007 for examination by PMT and Inspection Authority
at all times.
5.2.7 Provide all records to PMT for each hydrostatic test and lay-up,
preservation and mothballing activity that shall be included in the Project
Records turnover to PMT at the end of the project.

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5.3 Project Inspection

5.3.1 For new construction, except for C1 projects, the responsible Projects
Inspection Division (PID), Inspection Department (ID), shall be the
monitoring authority. A complete list of responsibilities are provided in
5.3.2 Conduct the required quality checks for each hydrostatic test, lay-up and
preservation activities per the approved inspection test plans.
5.3.3 Review hydrostatic test, lay-up and preservation activities testing results.
5.3.4 In case procedures are not meeting minimum mandatory requirements
outlined in this procedure or SAES-A-007, then the Inspection Authority
shall reject with the violation and outline necessary remedial action plan.
5.3.5 Review any hydrostatic testing fluid or lay-up requirement.
5.3.6 Ensure the implementation of this procedure and compliance with all
5.4 Project Proponent
5.4.1 For new pipelines under the responsibility of a Pipeline Department,
hydrostatic test and lay-up procedures shall be approved prior to
hydrostatic testing by the General Supervisor, Pipelines Technical
Support Division (PTSD), PD&T Projects & Technical Support
Department, and by the Saudi Aramco Engineering Superintendent of the
concerned Pipeline Department (Proponent) or his designate.
5.4.2 For new facilities, other than pipelines, the hydrostatic test and lay-up
procedures shall be approved by the Saudi Aramco Engineering
Superintendent (Proponent) or his designate.
5.5 Plant Operations
For existing facilities, Plant Operations shall be responsible for the following:
5.5.1 Executing and adhering to the approved hydrostatic test, lay-up and
preservation procedures.
5.5.2 Tracking and monitoring of the lay-up and preservation operations-
related activities.
5.5.3 Initiating Management of Change (MOC).
5.6 Plant Engineering
For existing facilities, Plant Engineering shall be responsible for the following:
5.6.1 Preparing the procedures for hydrostatic test, lay-up and preservation
5.6.2 Provide assistance to Plant Operations during execution, which includes
but is not limited to:

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Document Responsibility: Corrosion Control Standards Committee SAEP-43
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Next Planned Update: 18 August 2024 Lay-up and Preservation Methods Obtain feedback on recent plant preservation problems. Select the optimum preservation procedure through an
economic evaluation of approved alternatives. Provide preservation cost estimates, recommissioning costs and
option comparisons. Clearly define the assumptions used for developing the
procedures and ensure that the assumptions do not change. Identify and develop lay-up and preservation procedures per the
requirements of this procedure. Obtain management approval of developed procedures. Ensure tracking and monitoring of the lay-up and preservation
activities through an established tracking system.
5.7 Plant Inspection and Corrosion
5.7.1 For C1 projects, refer to SAEP-68 for a complete list of responsibilities. Conduct the required quality checks for each hydrostatic test,
lay-up and preservation activities per the approved inspection
test plans. Review each hydrostatic test, lay-up and preservation activities
testing results. In case procedures are not meeting minimum mandatory
requirements outlined in this procedure or SAES-A-007, then
the Inspection Authority shall reject with the violation and
outline necessary remedial action plan. Review any hydrostatic testing fluid or lay-up requirement. Ensure the implementation of this procedure and compliance
with all requirements.
5.7.2 For existing facilities, Plant Inspection and Corrosion shall review and
approve each hydrostatic test, lay-up and preservation procedures per the
requirements of this procedure including, but is not limited to, the
following: Provide preservation data such as preservation media, chemical
type and concentration upon Plant Engineering request. Review, track and monitor the hydrostatic test, lay-up and
preservation media and testing results. Issue quarterly status report of preservation activities indicating
assets that are idle without preservation.

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Next Planned Update: 18 August 2024 Lay-up and Preservation Methods Conduct external inspection per 8.1 of this document. Track the Cathodic Protection (CP) annual potential
measurements to ensure adequate external corrosion protection. Maintain updated records of the inspection activities.
5.8 Plant Maintenance
For existing facilities, Plant Maintenance shall provide the necessary materials
and personnel to prepare and perform hydrostatic testing, lay-up and preservation
activities procedures and other maintenance activities.
5.9 Consulting Services Department (CSD)
CSD shall provide clarification, consultation, and technical support, as needed,
for the general requirement of this procedure.

6 Selection of Lay-Up and Preservation Methods

6.1 Lay-Up
6.1.1 The requirement to conduct lay-up and the selection of the lay-up type
shall follow the mandatory requirements of SAES-A-007.
6.1.2 The execution of different lay-up procedures shall follow the
requirements of Section 7 in this procedure.
6.2 Preservation
6.2.1 Preservation shall be performed when the assets are idle for more than
one (1) month. Table 1 outlines when short-term or long-term
preservation is required for different existing assets.
Table 1 – Short-Term and Long-Term for Existing Assets
Short-Term Long-Term
Asset Type
Preservation Preservation
Pipelines 1 to 12 months More than 12 months
Pressure Vessels
Heat Exchangers 1 to 6 months More than 6 months
Fin-Fan Coolers

6.2.2 The preservation procedure shall be developed and optimized based on

the effectiveness in preventing corrosion, the cost of preservation, and
the ease of re-commissioning.

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6.2.3 An economic evaluation of alternatives should be performed for

selecting an optimum preservation procedure. The economic analysis
should be conducted for the entire preservation process (i.e. from
shutdown until return-to-service) against the costs of routine
maintenance, replacement, abandonment-in-place or demolition.
6.2.4 The preservation procedure shall evaluate the availability of the
preservation media and its logistics.
Commentary Note:
For example, nitrogen may be generated and used as inert media within
one facility, while another location may not have nitrogen readily
available. In some cases, dry sweet gas or dry crude may be more
convenient to use as inert media.
6.2.5 The selection of short and long-term preservations methods shall follow
the guidelines provided in Section 8 of this document.

7 Lay-Up Methods
Commentary Note:
Refer to SAES-A-007 for acceptable, recommended and prohibited lay-up methods for
different Materials Categories or special systems.
7.1 Wet Lay-up
7.1.1 If possible, wet lay-up shall be implemented by displacing the water
from the system after hydrostatic testing and replacing it with
appropriately treated lay-up water meeting the quality specifications in
SAES-A-007. This minimizes personnel safety and environmental risks
associated with hydrostatic test ruptures releasing biocide-treated water.
If this is not possible, wet lay-up will require the use of water treated
with oxygen scavenger and biocide at the beginning of the hydrostatic
7.1.2 Conduct wet lay-up as follows: Add oxygen scavenger to maintain a minimum residual oxygen
scavenger concentration of 20 ppm in the water and a
maximum oxygen concentration of 20 ppb throughout the
system. This includes dead legs. Analyze water sample(s) for residual levels of oxygen
scavenger and the dissolved oxygen concentration at the
location most remote from the oxygen scavenger inlet.
Record the test results in the hydrostatic test report.

Commentary Note:

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Next Planned Update: 18 August 2024 Lay-up and Preservation Methods

In case hydrostatic testing fluid is drained and fresh, treated

lay-up fluid is used, the hydrostatic test report shall indicate this
along with the test results. Once minimum residuals are verified, keep the system tightly
closed to prevent air entry. Repeat testing and ensure chemical residual levels every month
during the lay-up period unless the physical location of the line
or equipment makes this impossible. If a leak occurs or air
enters the system, replace the lay-up water after completing
repairs. Maintain the system under a positive pressure of 15 to 30 psig
(105 to 210 kPa) using nitrogen, sweet hydrocarbon gas, or the
hydraulic pressure of the treated water. In cases where the
system’s design pressure is lower than 15 psig (105 kPa) or a
safe-distance per GI-2.102 cannot be maintained, the pressures
shall be adjusted accordingly. Install thermal relief for systems
that are laid up with hydraulic pressure. The pressure shall be
monitored daily for 7 days, then weekly for the next 3 weeks
and then monthly for the remaining duration of the lay-up
Commentary Note:
Systems laid up under positive pressure may also require restricted access.
Organizations that have overall responsibility for lay-up shall ensure that the stored
energy is calculated per GI-2.102 to determine safe-distance requirement, if required. Use gauges with a scale range not exceeding three (3) times the
target pressure to monitor the positive pressure in the system
during lay-up.
Commentary Note:
The gauges shall be capable of withstanding the design
maximum allowable operating pressure of the system or shall
be protected with adequate gauge saver devices. When the total equipment contact time with water can exceed
30 days, Total Bacteria growth shall be controlled by using one
(1) of the following chemicals:
a) Use proprietary 3-in-1 combined chemical (biocide,
corrosion inhibitor and oxygen scavenger) at
recommended concentrations.
b) Use proprietary 2-in-1 combined chemical (biocide and
corrosion inhibitor) at recommended concentrations with
compatible oxygen scavenger.

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c) For discharge to environmentally sensitive locations, use

Tetrakis Hydroxymethyl Phoshonium Sulfate (THPS),
which degrades to non-toxic components. 70% pure THPS
shall be applied at 50 ppm. THPS is also available as
blends with other products, which may be less
environmentally friendly.
d) Use Polyhexamethylene biguanide hydrochloride (PHMB)
at 200 ppm.
e) Other biocides can be used if approved by the Supervisor,
Applied Microbiology Unit, Research & Development
Center (R&DC), and the Supervisor, Environmental
Engineering Unit, Environmental Protection Department
(EPD). Ensure that the biocide is compatible the oxygen
scavenger, if both are required.
f) When prolonged lay-up periods are required to meet
project requirements, the concentration values shall be
increased based on maximum acceptable chemical limits
and corrosion protection tests by the Supplier.
g) The storage and disposal plans for these treatment
chemicals shall be approved as per SAEP-327.
7.1.3 At the time of re-instatement, the Contractor shall take all necessary
measures to protect test packages, specifically those constructed out of
Materials Category II (A and B), from premature corrosion during the
required steps for re-instatement. Test packages shall be protected by proper means, e.g. pipe-end
capping, to avoid moisture and dust entering from surround
atmosphere during the re-instatement period. Contractor is required to identify all completed loops in several
test packages (main and sub-systems) that can be grouped and
isolated for lay-up with positive pressures. Contractor shall develop a schedule for all loops with a defined
time-frame, from de-pressurization for re-instatement to start of
pressurization for the complete re-instatement, of the whole
system. The time-frame shall not exceed three (3) months. The preservation status shall be shared weekly with the
Inspection Authority.
7.2 Dry lay-up

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Dry lay-up can be achieved using several different drying media. These include
hot dry air, dew point controlled inert gas, and drying chemicals such as glycol
or methanol applied between two pipeline scrapers or as a gelled scraper.
7.2.1 High purity (> 95%) nitrogen (N2) gas, either vaporized from liquid N2
or generated on-site, should always be considered as blowing and
pressurization medium for dry lay-up.
7.2.2 Dry lay-up using hot/dew point-controlled air should only be used for
systems where the required dew point can be successfully reached within
one (1) week.
Commentary Note:
Longer drying periods using air can contribute to the generation of
excessive quantities of corrosion products. Dry lay-up using air is
therefore only appropriate for systems that can be easily dried. One
means to assure effective drying within the required time frame is to limit
the size of the system being hydrostatically tested at one time.
Experience can be used to judge the duration required to complete the
dry out process based on the equipment/pipeline size and configuration.
Available prediction models in literature or prediction software can be
used if there is a high level of confidence. The use of hot, dry air as pressurization medium is prohibited
for services outlined in Section 7.5 of this procedure. Dry air
can be used for blowing if pre-commissioning chemical
cleaning will be performed. As per SAES-A-007, the use of hot, dry air as pressurizing
medium is prohibited for Materials Category II (A & B) piping
systems. Air can result in pitting and/or crevice corrosion. If
necessary, dry air may only be used as blowing medium if all
the following requirements are met:
a) There are no adverse effects on commissioning integrity
when introducing the process stream that maintain strict
product specifications, e.g. sales gas, NGL, chemicals that
degrade by air, etc.
b) There is no increase in risk of failure due to pitting
corrosion based on the piping system risk level determined
from the Corrosion Risk Assessment or Risk Based
Inspection (RBI) studies.
c) There is no risk of corrosion/damage to installed valves
and/or auxiliaries during hydrostatic test, if these are not
d) If it does not lead to explosive or unsafe conditions.
e) If it is not used in oxygen service piping systems.

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7.2.3 Sweet gas can be used for blowing or drying a pipeline only if it does not
lead to explosive or unsafe conditions. Hydrate formation shall also be
confirmed to not occur at low temperatures and elevated pressures.
7.2.4 Ensure the removal of the hydrostatic test water from the system: For facilities other than pipelines, drain the system completely,
sweep and mop, as required, to ensure that no visible traces of
water remain. For pipelines, dewatering shall be performed by scraping with a
three (3) or four (4) cup displacement scrapers or better system.
7.2.5 When seawater or similar high salinity water is used as the hydrostatic
test media, the following shall be applied: Remove salts from the metal internal surfaces by rinsing with
low-salinity water (TDS < 4,500 ppm). For pipelines, use a slug of low salinity water between two (2)
scrapers to rinse salts from the walls. More than two (2)
scrapers can be required in cases where a large slug of water is
required. Present calculations and assumptions made to justify
the size of slug to be used in the lay-up procedure.
7.2.6 If using inert gas to dry a pipeline, the remaining water can be removed
with a methanol or glycol slug between two scrapers to achieve drying in
a short period. Then, dry with dehydrated inert gas. Gelled chemicals
can also be used. Ensure compatibility of dehydrating chemicals with all
materials in the system, including coating, if present.
7.2.7 Hydrostatic testing should be performed after the valves are removed.
However, if not possible: At the final stage of the dewatering process, remove water from
pipeline valves, and all other valves that can be damaged by
trapped hydrostatic test water, by blowing nitrogen through the
top drain and displacing the water through the valve bottom
drain. Do not operate the valve during this dewatering sequence. When the bulk of the water has been removed, blow a
compatible vapor corrosion inhibitor (VCI) at the required
concentration (see NACE TM0208), with nitrogen until it is
visibly discharged at the bottom of the valve.
7.2.8 Immediately after dewatering, start drying the system to a dew point of
30°F (-1°C) or less at the final lay-up pressure at all exit points.

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dry air through the system for a minimum of 12 hours. After the blowing cycle, shut in the system and maintain a
positive pressure of 15 to 30 psig (105 to 210 kPa) for a
minimum of 12 hours. The objective is to allow any remaining
moisture to come to equilibrium with the above drying gases.
In case the design pressure is less than 15 psig (105 kPa) or a
safe-distance per GI-2.102 cannot be maintained, the pressures
shall be adjusted accordingly. If allowed, use the normal
operating pressure as lay-up pressure. Check and ensure that all measurement locations are at or
below the dew point of 30°F (-1°C). Repeat the drying
procedure in and if the measured dew point at
any one location is above 30°F (-1°C). For pipelines, dew point readings shall be recorded at the
beginning, end, all valve locations, and each test location. Record the pressure of the line or system at the time of the dew
point measurement. Record the pressure at which the dew
point measurement is made if different from the actual system
or line pressure. If the dew point temperature is derived at a different pressure to
the lay-up pressure, use Appendix B, equivalent conversion
charts, or calculations to yield the dew point at lay-up pressure.
Safety Note:
See paragraph 9.4.1 on separation of air and gas mixtures.
See paragraph 9.4.3 on safety issues concerning nitrogen. If valves were removed for hydrostatic testing, re-install all
valves when the required dew point is reached, and repeat steps
in paragraph to When the required dew point is reached, pressurize the system
to the final lay-up pressure. The system shall be maintained at
a positive pressure of 15 to 30 psig (105 to 210 kPa) unless this
exceeds the design pressure or a safe-distance per GI-2.102
cannot be maintained. In such cases, the pressures shall be
adjusted accordingly. If allowed, use the normal operating
pressure as lay-up pressure. The dew point at the final lay-up
pressure shall be 30°F (-1°C) or lower.

Commentary Note:

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Pressurize and seal piping systems as early as possible after

hydrostatic testing to avoid premature corrosion damage. Shut in the system, maintain and monitor the pressure per
paragraph during the lay-up period. The pressure shall
be monitored daily for 7 days, then weekly for the next 3 weeks
and then monthly for the duration of the lay-up period. For pipelines, re-measure the dew point at all original test
locations one (1) week after reaching the final lay-up pressure.
If any dew point reading is higher at the lay-up pressure, then
the entire line shall be dried again as per paragraph 7.2 or an
alternative acceptable lay-up method shall be implemented.
7.2.9 At the time of re-instatement, the Contractor shall take all necessary
measures to protect test packages, specifically those constructed out of
Materials Category II (A and B), from premature corrosion during the
required steps for re-instatement, refer to section 7.1.3 above.
7.3 Inert Gas Lay-up
7.3.1 Displace the hydrostatic test water under nitrogen or sweet gas positive
pressure until no water drains out of the low points in the system.
7.3.2 Do not vent the system or allow air entry; water displacement shall only
be accomplished under positive pressure.
7.3.3 Shut in the system under positive pressure from 15 to 30 psig (105 to 210
kPa) until commissioning and start-up. If the lay-up pressure exceeds
design conditions or a safe-distance per GI-2.102 cannot be maintained,
the pressures shall be adjusted accordingly. If allowed, use the normal
operating pressure as lay-up pressure.
7.3.4 Ensure that the systems being drained have vacuum relief valves and
pressure relief valves, as necessary.
7.3.5 The pressure shall be monitored daily for 7 days, then weekly for the
next 3 weeks and then monthly for the remaining duration of the lay-up
7.3.6 For pipelines where inert gas lay-up will be used, the valves shall remain
in place during hydrostatic testing. After hydrostatic testing, the
requirements outlined in paragraph shall be followed.
For pipelines, displace the hydrostatic test water by pushing a scraper
which shall have a three (3) or four (4) cup displacement scraper or
better (for example a gelled scraper), through the pipeline.
7.3.7 Microbial control per paragraph is not required even though some
residual water may be left in the system.
Commentary Note:

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Enough attention shall be given to conduct proper drainage of critical

systems, especially for Materials Category II (A and B), per SAES-A-007.
Residual water can cause MIC.
7.4 Ambient Lay-up
7.4.1 Remove all water from the system. For facilities other than pipelines,
drain the system completely, sweep and mop as required to ensure that
no visible traces of water remain.
7.4.2 For pipelines, dewatering shall be performed by scraping with a three (3)
or four (4) cup displacement scraper or better.
7.4.3 After removal of all water, immediately close the system to prevent the
entry of external debris, sand, or water.
7.4.4 Install a vacuum breaker unless it can be demonstrated that the system
will not collapse under vacuum.
Commentary Note:
Volatile Corrosion Inhibitors (VCI) should be used in small enclosures,
e.g. valves, and in vessels or tanks where vapor leakage is minimum.
The VCI shall be applied in a manner that assures uniform distribution to
the interior surface of the protected equipment. Seal the opening and
7.4.5 For tanks, add VCI to the hydrostatic test water or apply VCI after
draining using the fogging application method described in SAES-A-
007, section 9.5.
7.4.6 Install corrosion coupons, preferably in the roof internal space. Retrieve
them every three months to monitor corrosion rates. The VCI shall be
replenished if the corrosion rates are above 1 mpy (0.025 mm/yr).
7.4.7 For the internal walls above the floating roof, solvent cut-back
preservatives shall be applied if the area classification is “Severely
Corrosive” or “Highly Corrosive” per SAES-A-134. This requirement
includes tanks with internal floating roofs, if the dome roof is not
installed before the maximum period outlined in SAES-A-007, Table 3.
7.5 Special Requirements for Pipelines
7.5.1 Sales Gas and NGL Pipelines In scrapable pipelines all debris shall be removed before
hydrostatic testing using brush scrapers and magnetic scrapers. Use batching scrapers and a slug of nitrogen to separate the air
in the system from coming in contact with the treated water. Fill the system with treated water by injecting sufficient oxygen
scavenger and biocide.

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Next Planned Update: 18 August 2024 Lay-up and Preservation Methods Perform dry lay-up (preferred), or wet lay-up procedure if

drying is not feasible. Pressurize the pipeline between 30 to 50 psig (210 to 350 kPa)
with nitrogen or dry sweet gas. If the design pressure is below
30 psig (210 kPa) or a safe-distance per GI-2.102 cannot be
maintained, the pressures shall be adjusted accordingly. If
allowed, use the normal operating pressure as lay-up pressure. When water is drained after hydrostatic testing, cleaning
(chemical and/or mechanical), or wet lay-up, the system shall
be thoroughly dried to a dew point of 30°F (-1°C) or less as
required by SAES-A-007, Table 3.
Commentary Note:
The recommended sequence for pre-commissioning is to
conduct hydrostatic testing, perform chemical cleaning, and
then perform lay-up. Once the pipeline is laid-up, dry air shall
not be used to drain, dry, or pressurize the system.
7.5.2 Sour Gas and Sour Crude Pipelines
Commentary Note:
Sour service is defined in SAES-A-133. Perform dry lay-up (preferred), wet lay-up, or inert gas lay-up
procedures. For upstream pipelines located offshore, proceed
directly to the batch treatment recommended in paragraph Immediately prior to commissioning new or re-commissioning
existing pipelines, the pipelines shall be batch treated with a
corrosion inhibitor if an injection system is not available during
commissioning. This shall be achieved by using a slug of
corrosion inhibitor between two (2) scrapers, or through the use
of a liquid spray distribution scraper.
Commentary Note:
The inhibitor slug volume shall be calculated as follows:
Vol. (gallons) = Pipeline length (km) x Diameter (in) x 3

8 Preservation Methods
8.1 External Corrosion Protection
8.1.1 CP systems shall remain active for the preservation period.
8.1.2 External coatings shall be maintained during long-term preservation.
8.1.3 During long-term preservation, inspection of insulation and underlying
metal (via exposed windows), shall be performed as detailed below. If

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unacceptable corrosion damage is detected, the insulation shall be

removed and the damage repaired prior to start-up. Annually for insulated, non-coated metal in “Severely
Corrosive” and “Highly Corrosive” area classifications per
SAES-A-134. Every two (2) years for insulated, coated metal.
8.1.4 For valves, lubricate and grease, stroke, leave in half open position, wrap
with tape and coat stem with paste.
8.2 Pipeline Internal Corrosion Protection
The selection of pipeline preservation methods shall follow the decision tree in
Appendix C.
8.2.1 Short-Term Preservation for Wet Hydrocarbon Pipelines
This method is applicable for wet hydrocarbon pipelines including but
not limited to crude, gas, NGL, condensate and refined products. Stagnant water, accumulated solids and debris shall be removed
before preservation using a minimum of two (2) cleaning
Commentary Note:
The pipeline is considered clean if the quantity of solids
removed by the last cleaning run is 10% of that removed
during the previous run. Fill the pipeline with the same process fluid that it is normally
exposed to. The process shall be fluid batch-treated with
corrosion inhibitor and biocide. The concentration of
chemicals shall be determined by the facility Corrosion
Commentary Note:
Other process media such as treated seawater or dry crude,
dry gas, diesel, or nitrogen can be used in wet hydrocarbon
pipelines. Maintain the system under a positive pressure of 30 to 50 psig
(210 to 350 kPa). If the design pressure is below 30 psig (210
kPa) or a safe-distance per GI-2.102 cannot be maintained, the
pressures shall be adjusted accordingly. If allowed, use the
normal operating pressure as preservation pressure. Monitor the pressure daily for 7 days, weekly for the next 3
weeks and then monthly for the remaining preservation period.

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at the location most remote from where the chemicals are
injected. Repeat testing every month and ensure that the chemical
residual are maintained during the preservation period unless
the physical location of the line or equipment makes this
impossible. If a leak occurs or air enters the system, repeat the
preservation procedure after repairs. Monitor the corrosion rate using corrosion coupons/probes. If
access for corrosion monitoring is not available, the on-stream
inspection (OSI) thickness measurements shall be tracked and
trended to estimate the corrosion rate. Record the test results in the preservation tracking report.
8.2.2 Long-Term Preservation for Wet Hydrocarbon Pipelines Run two (2) cleaning scrapers to remove stagnant water,
accumulated solids and debris before preservation. Fill the pipeline with an inert medium such as nitrogen, dry gas,
dry crude, diesel, or treated water. When diesel or dry crude are used as preservation media, the
water concentrations shall be checked before filling the
pipeline. If water is detected, a corrosion inhibitor shall be
added to prevent corrosion. When water is used as preservation medium, it shall be treated
with a non-oxidizing biocide, a corrosion inhibitor and an
oxygen scavenger meeting the water quality mandated in
SAES-A-007. In addition, the system shall be monitored as
a) Analyze water sample(s) for the residual levels of biocide,
corrosion inhibitor and oxygen scavenger/maximum
dissolved oxygen concentration at the location most remote
from the injection inlet.
b) Repeat testing every month and ensure that the chemical
residual levels are maintained during the preservation
period unless the physical location of the line or equipment
makes this impossible. The requirements of paragraph 7.5.2 shall be applied for sour
gas and sour crude pipelines.

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350 kPa). If the design pressure is below 30 psig (210 kPa) or a
safe-distance per GI-2.102 cannot be maintained, the pressures
shall be adjusted accordingly. If allowed, use the normal
operating pressure as preservation pressure. Monitor the pressure daily for 7 days, then monthly for the next
3 months and then quarterly (3 months) for the remaining
duration of the preservation period. If a leak occurs or air enters the system, repeat the preservation
procedure after repairs. Monitor the corrosion rate using corrosion coupons/probes. If
access for corrosion monitoring is not available, the OSI
thickness measurements shall be tracked and trended to
estimate the corrosion rate. Record the test results in the preservation tracking report.
8.2.3 Short-Term Preservation for Dry Hydrocarbon Pipelines
This procedure shall be applied for dry hydrocarbon pipelines including
but not limited to crude, gas, NGL, condensate and refined products Shut in and maintain the system under a positive pressure of 30
to 50 psig (210 to 350 kPa) using nitrogen or the hydraulic
pressure to prevent oxygen ingress. If the design pressure is
below 30 psig (210 kPa) or a safe-distance per GI-2.102 cannot
be maintained, the pressures shall be adjusted accordingly. If
allowed, use the normal operating pressure as preservation
Commentary Note:
If water has been carried over into the pipeline system,
cleaning scraping shall be performed to remove accumulated
water and deposits. Monitor the pressure daily for 7 days, then weekly for the next
3 weeks and then monthly for the remaining duration of the
preservation period. If a leak occurs or air enters the system, repeat the preservation
procedure after repairs. For sales gas and NGL pipelines, chemical cleaning as per
SAES-A-008 shall be performed before re-commissioning. Monitor the corrosion rate using corrosion coupons/probes. If
access for corrosion monitoring is not available, the OSI

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thickness measurements shall be tracked and trended to

estimate the corrosion rate. Record the test results in the preservation tracking report.
8.2.4 Long-Term Preservation for Dry Hydrocarbon Pipelines Run a cleaning scraper to remove possible stagnant water,
accumulated solids and debris before preservation. Fill the pipeline with nitrogen, dry gas, dry crude, or diesel. Shut in and maintain the system under a positive pressure of 30
to 50 psig (210 to 350 kPa) using nitrogen or the hydraulic
pressure to prevent oxygen ingress. If the design pressure is
below 30 psig (210 kPa) or a safe-distance per GI-2.102 cannot
be maintained, the pressures shall be adjusted accordingly. If
allowed, use the normal operating pressure as preservation
pressure. Monitor the pressure daily for 7 days for the first week of
preservation, then monthly for the next 3 months and then
quarterly (three months) for the remaining duration of the
preservation period. If a leak occurs or air enters the system, repeat the preservation
procedure after repairs. For sales gas and NGL pipelines, chemical cleaning shall be
performed as per SAES-A-008 before re-commissioning. Monitor the corrosion rate using corrosion coupons/probes. If
access for corrosion monitoring is not available, the OSI
thickness measurements shall be tracked and trended to
estimate the corrosion rate. Record the test results in the preservation tracking report.
8.2.5 Short-Term Preservation for Water Pipelines
This procedure shall be applied for water injection, supply and
production pipelines. Run two cleaning scrapers to remove water, accumulated solids
and debris before preservation. Fill the pipeline with the same water that it is normally exposed
to. The water shall be batch-treated with corrosion inhibitor,
oxygen scavenger and non-oxidizing biocide. Shut in and maintain the system under a positive pressure of 30
to 50 psig (210 to 350 kPa) using nitrogen or the hydraulic

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pressure to prevent oxygen ingress. If the design pressure is

below 30 psig (210 kPa) or a safe-distance per GI-2.102 cannot
be maintained, the pressures shall be adjusted accordingly. If
allowed, use the normal operating pressure as preservation
pressure. Analyze water sample(s) for the residual levels of biocide,
corrosion inhibitor, oxygen scavenger/maximum dissolved
oxygen concentration at the location most remote from the
injection inlet. Repeat testing every month and ensure that the chemical
residual are maintained during the preservation period unless
the physical location of the line or equipment makes this
impossible. Monitor the pressure daily for 7 days, then weekly for the next
3 weeks and then monthly for the remaining duration of the
preservation period. If a leak occurs or air enters the system, repeat the preservation
procedure after repairs. Monitor the corrosion rate using corrosion coupons/probes. If
access for corrosion monitoring is not available, the OSI
thickness measurements shall be tracked and trended to
estimate the corrosion rate. Record the test results in the preservation tracking report.
8.2.6 Long-Term Preservation for Water Pipelines Run two cleaning scrapers to remove water, accumulated solids
and debris before preservation. Apply one of the lay-up procedures with associated monitoring
as detailed in Section 7 of this procedure. If a leak occurs or air enters the system, repeat the preservation
procedure after repairs. Monitor the corrosion rate using corrosion coupons/probes. If
access for corrosion monitoring is not available, the OSI
thickness measurements shall be tracked and trended to
estimate the corrosion rate. Record the test results in the preservation tracking report.
8.3 Process Equipment and Piping System Internal Corrosion Protection
8.3.1 Drain any remaining liquids and remove solids and sludge.

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Commentary Note:
Different methods, e.g. steam-out, mechanical or chemical cleaning
can be used to remove the solids and sludge.
8.3.2 Apply one of the lay-up methods described in sections 9.4 of SAES-A-
007. The monitoring shall follow Section 7 of this procedure.
8.3.3 Preservation of Tanks For short-term preservation of Floating-Roof Tanks, drain the
water and maintain the hydrocarbon level full or such that the
roof legs are at least 6 inches (152.4 mm) from the tank
bottom. For long-term preservation of Floating-Roof Tanks, maintain a
maximum hydrocarbon level and perform dewatering
periodically to prevent water settlement at the tank bottom. If above is not possible and for other types of tanks, perform
preservation as per paragraphs 7.4.5 - 7.4.7 of this procedure.
8.3.4 For short-term preservation, monitoring shall be conducted every day for
7 days, weekly for the next three weeks and monthly for the remaining
8.3.5 For long-term preservation, monitoring shall be conducted every day for
7 days, monthly for the next 3 months and quarterly for the remaining
preservation period.
8.3.6 If possible, remove the valves and preserve them per applicable SAMSS
and/or manufacturer recommendations. Otherwise, apply a similar
preservation method as for the connected piping.
8.3.7 If a leak occurs or air enters a pressurized system, then preserve the
system after repair completion.
8.3.8 Monitor the corrosion rate using corrosion coupons/probes. If access for
corrosion monitoring is not available, the OSI thickness measurements
shall be tracked and trended to estimate the corrosion rate.
8.3.9 Record the test results in the preservation tracking report.

9 Health, Safety and Environmental Requirements

9.1 Storage and disposal of all fluids shall be in accordance with the requirements of
SAEP-327, SAES-A-103 and Saudi Aramco Hazardous Waste Code (SAHWC).
Storage and disposal plans of all fluids and hazardous wastes shall be part of all
hydrostatic and lay-up procedures. In cases where environmental concerns may
arise, obtain the approval of the General Supervisor, Environmental Engineering
Division, EPD.

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9.2 Follow the procedures outlined in the Chemical Hazard Bulletins and Hazardous
Materials Communications Program (HazCom) labeling per GI-150.100
provided by the Environmental Compliance Division, EPD, for handling,
storage, and mixing of the chemicals used for hydrostatic test water treatment.
Commentary Note
Manufacturers MSDS/SDS chemical information should supersede Chemical
Hazard Bulletins and Hazardous Materials Communications Program
(HazCom), if discrepancy is noted. This is due to manufacturers chemical
testing during development.
9.3 Provide an eyewash station and emergency shower per SAES-B-069 at the
mixing site of the chemicals.
9.4 Hydrostatic test procedures can involve the displacement of hydrocarbon by
fluids, the displacement of air, and the use of nitrogen.
9.4.1 Procedures shall ensure that explosive mixtures are avoided.
Commentary Notes:
When using air, the pneumatic testing and lay-up procedures shall comply
with GI-2.102 Pressure Testing Safely.
The use of a single scraper in a pipeline is not sufficient to prevent a
dangerous mixture occurring between sweet gas and air. Common
practice is to use a train of scrapers with at least two (2) batches of
nitrogen separating air and the combustible gas.
9.4.2 Methanol and other toxic and inflammable chemicals can be used only
when adequate safety and environmental precautions are in place as per
9.4.3 Caution shall be exercised when using nitrogen. While nitrogen is not
toxic, it displaces breathable air in confined spaces, as defined in
SAES-B-008, such as pipe trenches, vessel skirts, or vessels that can lead
to suffocation. Caution shall also be given to the use of cryogenic
nitrogen and its effect on both personnel and equipment.
9.4.4 The hydrostatic test procedure shall include a complete copy of all
relevant Safety Data Sheets (SDS) and chemical hazard bulletins for the
chemicals used in the hydrostatic test. The hydrostatic test procedures
shall address safety and environmental concerns listed in the SDS or
chemical hazard bulletin as per GI-150.100.
9.5 Caution shall be taken in situations where pyrophoric iron sulfide, as defined by
SAES-A-210, might be present. Personnel shall not be exposed to fluids
containing hydrogen sulfide levels that will result in 10 ppmw in the air. Refer
questions concerning the safety of air and water to the General Supervisor,
Workplace Environment Division, EPD.

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9.6 All work shall be undertaken using work permits as governed by GI-2.100.
Perform a job safety analysis (JSA), as per Saudi Aramco Safety Management
Guide #06-003-2013, for all lay-up or preservation activities to ensure that
hazards are identified and mitigated.
9.7 Vessel entry must be conducted in accordance with the Construction Safety
Manual Vol. II. Part I, Chapter 6, including issuing a confined space entry
(CSE) permit (Form SA-924-4) and wearing adequate protective equipment.
9.8 Ensure that all nitrogen cylinders are in the upright position, firmly supported,
and that they have individual regulators. Install a safety relief valve to the
manifold to which the nitrogen cylinders are attached.
9.9 Blind fuel gas and pilot gas lines. Isolate igniters and do not enter the fireside
until a confined space entry (Form SA-924-4) permit is issued.
9.10 Discharge of the ammoniated test water from storage facility to an approved
disposal site/facility shall be subject to approval by Environmental Protection
Department. Disposal of such water shall be carried out via an authorized Water
Disposal Approval Form, in accordance with SAEP-327. Written procedures
shall be followed for disposal of water containing conditioning and corrosion
control additives and biocides.

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Appendix A - Acceptable Oxygen Scavengers

Typical Feed Ratio

Scavenger Formula (Scavenger to O2) Description Comments
by wt.
Catalyzed sodium Na2SO3 10 60 kg drum, 91% Shall be dissolved in water to give
sulfite anhydrous powder a 3-5% solution.
Catalyzed sodium NaHSO3 10 25 liter drum Tends to react with atmospheric
meta bisulfite of 25 wt% sodium oxygen over time. More acidic
meta bisulfite solution than ammonium bisulfite.
Ammonium bisulfite NH4HSO3 10 55 gallon Chemical is often selected for use
drum of 37 wt% due to ease of handling. However,
solution of NH4HSO3 ammonium ion can provide an
additional food source for bacteria.

Calculation of Oxygen Scavenger Requirement

Use the following steps:
a) Calculate the mass of oxygen in solution.
b) Multiply the mass of oxygen in solution (a) by the feed ratio.
c) Add additional 20 mg/liter in excess.
d) Take into account the concentration of the oxygen scavenger in the supplied chemical.

Example Calculation:
How much ammonium bisulfite (37%wt concentration) will be required to treat 10,000 liters of
water containing 8 mg/liter of dissolved oxygen?

(𝐹𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜 𝑥 𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 𝑥 𝑂2 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑡) + (𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 𝑥 𝑅𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝑂2 𝑆𝑐𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑟 𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛)


𝑚𝑔 𝑚𝑔
(10 𝑥 10,000 𝑙 𝑥 8 ) + (10,000 𝑙 𝑥 20 )
𝑙 𝑙 = 2.702.703 𝑚𝑔

 This is approx. 2.7 kg of 37% wt. ammonium bisulfite

 Assuming a specific gravity of 37 weight % ammonium bisulfite is 1.185
 2.7 kg/1.185 kg/liter = 2.3 liters of ammonium bisulfite to be injected.

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Appendix B - Dew Point of Natural Gases

McKetta, J.J. and Wehe, A.H. 1958. Use This Chart for Water Content of Natural Gases. Petroleum Refiner 37 (8): 153.

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Appendix C – Pipelines Preservation Methods Decision Tree

Scrapable Pipeline
Preservation Requirements

Pipeline fully
Yes Preservation not


Pipeline fully Historical

Idle for short
coated coating
Yes term? No
internally? damage?

Selection of preservation
methods based on type of

No Hydrocarbon
Water Service


Yes Idle for short

term? No
Wet Service? Dry Hydrocarbon

Short-Term Preservation for Long-Term Preservation for
Water Pipelines Water Pipelines
(Section 8.2.5) (Section 8.2.6)
Idle for short Idle for short
term? term?

Yes No

No Yes

Short-Term Preservation for Long-Term Preservation for Short-Term Preservation for Long-Term Preservation for
Wet Hydrocarbon Pipelines Wet Hydrocarbon Pipelines Dry Hydrocarbon Pipelines Dry Hydrocarbon Pipelines
(Section 8.2.1) (Section 8.2.2) (Section 8.2.3) (Section 8.2.4)

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