Saep 43
Saep 43
Saep 43
1 Scope ..................................................................... 2
2 Conflicts and Deviations ......................................... 2
3 References ............................................................. 2
4 Definitions and Abbreviations ................................. 4
5 Roles and Responsibilities ..................................... 6
6 Selection of Lay-Up and Preservation Methods ..... 9
7 Lay-Up Methods ................................................... 10
8 Preservation Methods .......................................... 18
9 Health, Safety and Environmental Requirements . 24
REVISION SUMMARY................................................ 26
APPENDIX A - Acceptable Oxygen Scavengers ........ 27
APPENDIX B - Dew Point of Natural Gases ............... 28
APPENDIX C – Pipelines Preservation Methods
Decision Tree........................................................ 29
1 Scope
1.1 This procedure provides the minimum requirements and guidelines for lay-up
and preservation methods, both short-term and long-term, of on-site, new and
existing onshore and offshore assets including; pipelines, piping and valves,
pressure vessels, heat exchangers and fin-fan coolers, and tanks.
1.2 This procedure aims to minimize the potential of corrosion damage, i.e. oxygen
pitting, microbiologically-influenced corrosion and/or under-deposit corrosion
associated with idle systems.
1.3 The following is not specifically covered by this procedure:
1.3.1 Steam generation systems; fired boilers, water-tube boilers, fire-tube
boilers, waste heat boilers, and heat recovery steam generators. The lay-up
and preservation of these systems shall follow SAEP-1026.
1.3.2 Rotating equipment, electrical, instrumentation, and control systems. The
preservation of these systems should follow manufacturer
recommendations and respective SAMSS guidelines.
1.3.3 Preservation of project materials and equipment not associated with on-
site hydrostatic testing including procurement, construction, pre-
commissioning, commissioning, and start-up stages; refer to SAEP-385.
1.3.4 Preservation of non-scrapable pipelines if installing temporary scraper
launcher and receiver are not possible.
3 References
The selection of material and equipment, and the design, construction, maintenance, and
repair of equipment and facilities covered by this standard shall comply with the latest
edition of the references listed below, unless otherwise noted.
3.1 Saudi Aramco References
Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedures
SAEP-68 Inspection Coverage on C1 Projects
SAEP-302 Waiver of a Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering
SAEP-327 Management of Wastewater from Cleaning,
Flushing and Dewatering Pipelines and Vessels
NACE International
NACE TM0194 Field Monitoring of Bacterial Growth in Oil and
Gas Systems
7 Lay-Up Methods
Commentary Note:
Refer to SAES-A-007 for acceptable, recommended and prohibited lay-up methods for
different Materials Categories or special systems.
7.1 Wet Lay-up
7.1.1 If possible, wet lay-up shall be implemented by displacing the water
from the system after hydrostatic testing and replacing it with
appropriately treated lay-up water meeting the quality specifications in
SAES-A-007. This minimizes personnel safety and environmental risks
associated with hydrostatic test ruptures releasing biocide-treated water.
If this is not possible, wet lay-up will require the use of water treated
with oxygen scavenger and biocide at the beginning of the hydrostatic
7.1.2 Conduct wet lay-up as follows: Add oxygen scavenger to maintain a minimum residual oxygen
scavenger concentration of 20 ppm in the water and a
maximum oxygen concentration of 20 ppb throughout the
system. This includes dead legs. Analyze water sample(s) for residual levels of oxygen
scavenger and the dissolved oxygen concentration at the
location most remote from the oxygen scavenger inlet.
Record the test results in the hydrostatic test report.
Commentary Note:
Dry lay-up can be achieved using several different drying media. These include
hot dry air, dew point controlled inert gas, and drying chemicals such as glycol
or methanol applied between two pipeline scrapers or as a gelled scraper.
7.2.1 High purity (> 95%) nitrogen (N2) gas, either vaporized from liquid N2
or generated on-site, should always be considered as blowing and
pressurization medium for dry lay-up.
7.2.2 Dry lay-up using hot/dew point-controlled air should only be used for
systems where the required dew point can be successfully reached within
one (1) week.
Commentary Note:
Longer drying periods using air can contribute to the generation of
excessive quantities of corrosion products. Dry lay-up using air is
therefore only appropriate for systems that can be easily dried. One
means to assure effective drying within the required time frame is to limit
the size of the system being hydrostatically tested at one time.
Experience can be used to judge the duration required to complete the
dry out process based on the equipment/pipeline size and configuration.
Available prediction models in literature or prediction software can be
used if there is a high level of confidence. The use of hot, dry air as pressurization medium is prohibited
for services outlined in Section 7.5 of this procedure. Dry air
can be used for blowing if pre-commissioning chemical
cleaning will be performed. As per SAES-A-007, the use of hot, dry air as pressurizing
medium is prohibited for Materials Category II (A & B) piping
systems. Air can result in pitting and/or crevice corrosion. If
necessary, dry air may only be used as blowing medium if all
the following requirements are met:
a) There are no adverse effects on commissioning integrity
when introducing the process stream that maintain strict
product specifications, e.g. sales gas, NGL, chemicals that
degrade by air, etc.
b) There is no increase in risk of failure due to pitting
corrosion based on the piping system risk level determined
from the Corrosion Risk Assessment or Risk Based
Inspection (RBI) studies.
c) There is no risk of corrosion/damage to installed valves
and/or auxiliaries during hydrostatic test, if these are not
d) If it does not lead to explosive or unsafe conditions.
e) If it is not used in oxygen service piping systems.
7.2.3 Sweet gas can be used for blowing or drying a pipeline only if it does not
lead to explosive or unsafe conditions. Hydrate formation shall also be
confirmed to not occur at low temperatures and elevated pressures.
7.2.4 Ensure the removal of the hydrostatic test water from the system: For facilities other than pipelines, drain the system completely,
sweep and mop, as required, to ensure that no visible traces of
water remain. For pipelines, dewatering shall be performed by scraping with a
three (3) or four (4) cup displacement scrapers or better system.
7.2.5 When seawater or similar high salinity water is used as the hydrostatic
test media, the following shall be applied: Remove salts from the metal internal surfaces by rinsing with
low-salinity water (TDS < 4,500 ppm). For pipelines, use a slug of low salinity water between two (2)
scrapers to rinse salts from the walls. More than two (2)
scrapers can be required in cases where a large slug of water is
required. Present calculations and assumptions made to justify
the size of slug to be used in the lay-up procedure.
7.2.6 If using inert gas to dry a pipeline, the remaining water can be removed
with a methanol or glycol slug between two scrapers to achieve drying in
a short period. Then, dry with dehydrated inert gas. Gelled chemicals
can also be used. Ensure compatibility of dehydrating chemicals with all
materials in the system, including coating, if present.
7.2.7 Hydrostatic testing should be performed after the valves are removed.
However, if not possible: At the final stage of the dewatering process, remove water from
pipeline valves, and all other valves that can be damaged by
trapped hydrostatic test water, by blowing nitrogen through the
top drain and displacing the water through the valve bottom
drain. Do not operate the valve during this dewatering sequence. When the bulk of the water has been removed, blow a
compatible vapor corrosion inhibitor (VCI) at the required
concentration (see NACE TM0208), with nitrogen until it is
visibly discharged at the bottom of the valve.
7.2.8 Immediately after dewatering, start drying the system to a dew point of
30°F (-1°C) or less at the final lay-up pressure at all exit points.
Commentary Note:
8 Preservation Methods
8.1 External Corrosion Protection
8.1.1 CP systems shall remain active for the preservation period.
8.1.2 External coatings shall be maintained during long-term preservation.
8.1.3 During long-term preservation, inspection of insulation and underlying
metal (via exposed windows), shall be performed as detailed below. If
Commentary Note:
Different methods, e.g. steam-out, mechanical or chemical cleaning
can be used to remove the solids and sludge.
8.3.2 Apply one of the lay-up methods described in sections 9.4 of SAES-A-
007. The monitoring shall follow Section 7 of this procedure.
8.3.3 Preservation of Tanks For short-term preservation of Floating-Roof Tanks, drain the
water and maintain the hydrocarbon level full or such that the
roof legs are at least 6 inches (152.4 mm) from the tank
bottom. For long-term preservation of Floating-Roof Tanks, maintain a
maximum hydrocarbon level and perform dewatering
periodically to prevent water settlement at the tank bottom. If above is not possible and for other types of tanks, perform
preservation as per paragraphs 7.4.5 - 7.4.7 of this procedure.
8.3.4 For short-term preservation, monitoring shall be conducted every day for
7 days, weekly for the next three weeks and monthly for the remaining
8.3.5 For long-term preservation, monitoring shall be conducted every day for
7 days, monthly for the next 3 months and quarterly for the remaining
preservation period.
8.3.6 If possible, remove the valves and preserve them per applicable SAMSS
and/or manufacturer recommendations. Otherwise, apply a similar
preservation method as for the connected piping.
8.3.7 If a leak occurs or air enters a pressurized system, then preserve the
system after repair completion.
8.3.8 Monitor the corrosion rate using corrosion coupons/probes. If access for
corrosion monitoring is not available, the OSI thickness measurements
shall be tracked and trended to estimate the corrosion rate.
8.3.9 Record the test results in the preservation tracking report.
9.2 Follow the procedures outlined in the Chemical Hazard Bulletins and Hazardous
Materials Communications Program (HazCom) labeling per GI-150.100
provided by the Environmental Compliance Division, EPD, for handling,
storage, and mixing of the chemicals used for hydrostatic test water treatment.
Commentary Note
Manufacturers MSDS/SDS chemical information should supersede Chemical
Hazard Bulletins and Hazardous Materials Communications Program
(HazCom), if discrepancy is noted. This is due to manufacturers chemical
testing during development.
9.3 Provide an eyewash station and emergency shower per SAES-B-069 at the
mixing site of the chemicals.
9.4 Hydrostatic test procedures can involve the displacement of hydrocarbon by
fluids, the displacement of air, and the use of nitrogen.
9.4.1 Procedures shall ensure that explosive mixtures are avoided.
Commentary Notes:
When using air, the pneumatic testing and lay-up procedures shall comply
with GI-2.102 Pressure Testing Safely.
The use of a single scraper in a pipeline is not sufficient to prevent a
dangerous mixture occurring between sweet gas and air. Common
practice is to use a train of scrapers with at least two (2) batches of
nitrogen separating air and the combustible gas.
9.4.2 Methanol and other toxic and inflammable chemicals can be used only
when adequate safety and environmental precautions are in place as per
9.4.3 Caution shall be exercised when using nitrogen. While nitrogen is not
toxic, it displaces breathable air in confined spaces, as defined in
SAES-B-008, such as pipe trenches, vessel skirts, or vessels that can lead
to suffocation. Caution shall also be given to the use of cryogenic
nitrogen and its effect on both personnel and equipment.
9.4.4 The hydrostatic test procedure shall include a complete copy of all
relevant Safety Data Sheets (SDS) and chemical hazard bulletins for the
chemicals used in the hydrostatic test. The hydrostatic test procedures
shall address safety and environmental concerns listed in the SDS or
chemical hazard bulletin as per GI-150.100.
9.5 Caution shall be taken in situations where pyrophoric iron sulfide, as defined by
SAES-A-210, might be present. Personnel shall not be exposed to fluids
containing hydrogen sulfide levels that will result in 10 ppmw in the air. Refer
questions concerning the safety of air and water to the General Supervisor,
Workplace Environment Division, EPD.
9.6 All work shall be undertaken using work permits as governed by GI-2.100.
Perform a job safety analysis (JSA), as per Saudi Aramco Safety Management
Guide #06-003-2013, for all lay-up or preservation activities to ensure that
hazards are identified and mitigated.
9.7 Vessel entry must be conducted in accordance with the Construction Safety
Manual Vol. II. Part I, Chapter 6, including issuing a confined space entry
(CSE) permit (Form SA-924-4) and wearing adequate protective equipment.
9.8 Ensure that all nitrogen cylinders are in the upright position, firmly supported,
and that they have individual regulators. Install a safety relief valve to the
manifold to which the nitrogen cylinders are attached.
9.9 Blind fuel gas and pilot gas lines. Isolate igniters and do not enter the fireside
until a confined space entry (Form SA-924-4) permit is issued.
9.10 Discharge of the ammoniated test water from storage facility to an approved
disposal site/facility shall be subject to approval by Environmental Protection
Department. Disposal of such water shall be carried out via an authorized Water
Disposal Approval Form, in accordance with SAEP-327. Written procedures
shall be followed for disposal of water containing conditioning and corrosion
control additives and biocides.
Revision Summary
18 August 2019 New Document
Example Calculation:
How much ammonium bisulfite (37%wt concentration) will be required to treat 10,000 liters of
water containing 8 mg/liter of dissolved oxygen?
𝑚𝑔 𝑚𝑔
(10 𝑥 10,000 𝑙 𝑥 8 ) + (10,000 𝑙 𝑥 20 )
𝑙 𝑙 = 2.702.703 𝑚𝑔
McKetta, J.J. and Wehe, A.H. 1958. Use This Chart for Water Content of Natural Gases. Petroleum Refiner 37 (8): 153.
Scrapable Pipeline
Preservation Requirements
Pipeline fully
Yes Preservation not
Selection of preservation
methods based on type of
No Hydrocarbon
Water Service
Short-Term Preservation for Long-Term Preservation for
Water Pipelines Water Pipelines
(Section 8.2.5) (Section 8.2.6)
Idle for short Idle for short
term? term?
Yes No
No Yes
Short-Term Preservation for Long-Term Preservation for Short-Term Preservation for Long-Term Preservation for
Wet Hydrocarbon Pipelines Wet Hydrocarbon Pipelines Dry Hydrocarbon Pipelines Dry Hydrocarbon Pipelines
(Section 8.2.1) (Section 8.2.2) (Section 8.2.3) (Section 8.2.4)