Production Handbook - Facilities & Maintenance
Production Handbook - Facilities & Maintenance
Production Handbook - Facilities & Maintenance
The Handbook is confidential and holders should note the conditions stated opposite the
title page. Issue and recovery should be registered by company secretariats/libraries.
The Production Handbook was first published by SIPM in 1986. It is the successor to the
Field Pocketbookversionsof 1933,1947,1952 and 1955 and the Field Handbook oil 963.
The 1986 version comprised 3000 pages in five A5 ringbinders; 6000 copies were distri-
An update of some 250 revised pages was issued in 1987 and a list of further corrections
was published in the Production Newsletter of November 1988.
A complete reprint is necessary at this time (1991). For flexibility and cost-effectiveness
this updated reprint is in nine paperback volumes, each one dedicated to a major
discipline with clear `ownership' by the SIPM-EP department concerned. These
‘custodian' departments will initiate further updates of their respective volumes as and
when necessary. Additional volumes and state-of-the-art manuals in the same format
may be added later as special supplements.
Suggestions for revising and updating the Handbook should be directed to the SIPM-EP
custodian department of the respective volume, using copies of the Specimen
Amendment Sheet at the back of each volume.
Overall editorial custodianship of the Handbook rests with SIPM-EPDI1 1.
SIPM Custodian
Volume I Production General
The subjects covered in this Volume were formerly included in the 1 S86version
of the Production Handbook as Chapter 12, Specialist Engineering, Maintenance
and Inspection.
For a more logical grouping of material, subjects have also been incorporated
that were formerly covered under:
For the contents of the following Chapters, reference is made to the individual
contents listings preceding each Chapter
Gas turbines and reciprocating engines require complex support systems for
lubrication, cooling and control and are available only in discrete power
sizes. Also their speeds are such that a gearbox is often needed to match the
driver with driven equipment speed requirements.
In many cases however the decision is not clear and will depend on unique
circumstances. For example, on an offshore oil production platform there
may be perhaps 5 major machinery drives accounting for 80% of the total
power requirements. At first sight, electric drives may appear to be a capex
intensive solution due to the necessary generation equipment, high voltage
switchgear and cabling. However the alternative is to install a large number
of gas turbines as direct drives, which are considerably more maintenance
intensive and result in lower package availabilities. A system effectiveness
study can assist in developing the optimum solution but electric power gen-
eration will, in any case, need to be available. Furthermore, distributed gas
turbines can have safety implications with fuel supplies and air intakes in
several areas of the platform.
The current developments with high speed motors and simplified machinery
packages together with the higher availability of electric motor drives, result
in the concept of central power generation becoming increasingly acceptable.
Except for sizes up to 200 KW the manufacturer will build the motor exactly to
the user's specification on power output, supply voltage, and frequency, and
therefore establish an ideal match between supplied and required power.
Important characteristics of the variable speed drive are the torque and the
current developed when starting. Both can be selected such that at standstill,
high torque values can be developed while operating at current limitation.
This results in generally ample accelerating torques and at the same time a
much lower current consumption from the electrical system.
Most of the energy loss due to motor inefficiency is evolved as heat, and
allowance must be made for dissipation of this energy. Most installations of
large electric motors are in hazardous areas, and as the motor casing needs
to comply with area classification requirements, an external form of cooling
is necessary. In the internal motor circuit the air will be circulated by shaft
driven fans. This circuit is in turn cooled by an open circuit air system or a
water cooling arrangement. In a water cooled motor it is essential to ensure
that any leaks from the heat exchanger do not contaminate the electrical
system. Where sea water is used as the cooling medium, corrosion resistant
materials such as copper-nickel alloy or titanium must be in the heat ex-
changer fabrication.
Where open circuit air cooling is used, the heat exchanger is considerably
larger than that for a water cooling system, and in addition, allowances must
be made for large cross-section ducting to supply cooling air to motors in
enclosed modules.
It may also be unacceptable to discharge hot air into an enclosed module and
so additional ducting may also be required to discharge the air elsewhere.
Anti-friction bearings are used in the majority of small motors and require
little attention apart from periodic replacement and lubrication.
Slow speed motors (6 pole and greater) below 2 MW and two pole motors
between 200 kW and 5 MW are likely to be fitted with sleeve bearings. Heat
dissipation from motor bearings of this size is not large and a relatively
simple oil flinger or self-contained pumping system is satisfactory.
Bearings for slower speed motors above 2 MW and two pole motors larger
than 5MW are likely to require a pressurised oil supply system which may be
common with the driven equipment system. General
Gas turbines provide a compact power source, are tolerant to different fuels,
relatively easy to maintain and are reliable.
Simple cycle turbine thermal efficiencies have improved from around 16% to
over 37% during the last 20 years, and the efficiencies of over 50% are now
achievable in combined cycle operation. The development of a modern gas
turbine is extremely costly and so units are available only in discrete
Aero-derivatives are however not suitable for use with non-premium fuels
such as residual and crude oil. The more compact combustion system cannot
tolerate the extended combustion pattern of the heavier liquid fuels and the
larger combustion chambers of the industrial turbine are required. However
for the majority of EP applications, gas fuel is available so the aero-derivative
is judged fully suitable.
The distinction between the two types of gas turbines is becoming increas-
ingly blurred as technology first developed for military aero-engines has
been passed on to civilian aircraft engines, aero-derivatives and on to in-
dustrial types.
Compressor design, hot section component materials, and bucket cooling
techniques are three such areas of major advances.
Also some of the smaller industrial manufacturers have developed remov-
able gas producers and modularised sections to facilitate maintenance ac-
- A design of gas turbine whose leading engine has not yet achieved
98% reliability over 25,000 hours, or where the total population of
identical gas turbines has achieved less than 300,000 fired hours.
Where a variable speed drive is required, using a single shaft machine and
the gas turbine compressor speed is varied according to process require-
ments, serious throughput limitations can be experienced at reduced speed.
Therefore when a wide operating speed range is required, a two shaft should
be used. The power turbine speed is varied to meet the process require-
ments, and the compressor turbine or gas producer either runs freely to
provide the hot gas to meet load conditions, or is controlled by variable
geometry power turbine entry nozzles.
Figure 1.1.1-3 shows one air filtration arrangement for an offshore environ-
ment, comprising weather hood, a two-stage bag filter arrangement to re-
move solid contaminants and coalesce moisture, with a vane pack down-
stream to separate out the coalesced droplets. This arrangement should not
be considered definitive but does provide an effective maintainable filtration
Similarly, good performance can be achieved from a ‘self-cleaning' type filter
without the filter pulsing equipment fitted.
The type of filter most suitable for desert applications is dependent on the
levels of humidity encountered. For inland areas with low humidity, the self-
cleaning systems provide excellent service. Cleaning is initiated by a timer
or differential pressure switch and causes a pulse of air to be directed op-
posite to that of the normal direction of flow.
The pulse (usually 100 microseconds) causes a momentary flow reversal and
the accompanying shock wave clears accumulated dust from the filter ex-
terior. The conical/cylindrical filter arrangement has a major advantage in
that the element sealing area is small compared with the large sealing area
found on the of the square panel arrangements, and the seal integrity can be
easily confirmed. Figure 1.1.1-4 shows the layout of a current production
self-cleaning filter.
In older three stage systems, blow-in or bypass doors were commonly fitted
in association with filtration systems. The current philosophy is to avoid this
arrangement and maintain turbine protection by monitoring pressure in the
clean air duct with prealarm and shut-down differential pressure switches.
Blow-in and bypass doors seldom seal satisfactorily, and therefore contin-
ually provide a source of unfiltered air and allow water ingress to the clean
air duct. In many existing installations, operators allow units to continue
operation for extended intervals with bypass doors open, often in ignorance
of the effects on turbine performance and life.
acceptable to place an air intake in a Zone 2 area if the pressure drop and
cost to duct to a safe area are excessive. A gas turbine will not necessarily
accelerate and disintegrate if it ingests a flammable gas; the outcome of such
an event would depend upon the actual concentration, and the engine type.
The intake should be positioned so that the prevailing wind does not carry hot
exhaust gases or waste heat from other process equipment into the inlet. Any
increase in inlet air temperature above ambient will adversely affect turbine
For offshore platforms, plume studies should be carried out, not only to
ensure there is no hot gas recirculation to the turbine inlet, but also ensure
there is no ingestion by other equipment and services. The plume effect on
the helideck environment must also be carefully studied.
In the past anti-icing systems have been specified for North Sea environ-
ments. However in most locations it has been found that the anti-icing sys-
tems are not required if an effective air filtration system is fitted and most
anti-icing systems have major disadvantages. Compressor discharge air
bled from the turbine and recirculated to the compressor inlet guide vanes or
to the inlet filter housing can significantly influence turbine power output.
Recirculation of hot exhaust gases provides contamination of the inlet air
system with combustion by-products. As a result few installed anti-icing
systems are operational and most North Sea Operators specifying new
equipment now omit any reference to anti-icing systems.
However for developments in harsher offshore environments, or for Arctic
onshore locations, anti-icing systems may be required, but studies of alter-
native heating arrangements should be carried out.
Carboblast, wheatings or rice can be introduced into the compressor with the
machine under load. This method has the effect of dislodging fouling build-up
and has the advantage of being able to be carried out without affecting
machine availability. However it has significant disadvantages. Oily deposits
either as a result of leakage from bearing systems or from oil vapours con-
taminating the atmosphere, are not effectively removed by this method. Also
most turbines use compressor extraction air for cooling and sealing pur-
poses, and with repeated compressor cleans, bearing labyrinth seals be-
come choked with the solid cleaning agent allowing oil leakage, and turbine
hot section cooling passages become blocked causing component overtem-
perature. This method was considered the traditional means of compressor
cleaning, but with the advances in gas turbine design over the last twenty
years, it must now be considered a redundant method.
The accepted method of compressor cleaning is now the crank soak method.
The machine is shut down, allowed to cool and a water/detergent mixture is
sprayed into the compressor bell mouth while it is rotated at crank speed. The
mixture is allowed to soak for 15-20 minutes and is then rinsed off at the same
compressor speed using clean water. The advantage of this method is that
the cleanliness of the compressor first stages can be verified before the
machine is returned to service. With the quality of detergents now available,
a high standard of compressor wash can be achieved. The primary disad-
vantage is that the machine must be off-line for several hours to allow cool-
down prior to washing, and this can have an appreciable availability impact.
The on-line wash can improve machine availability but implementation must
be carried out under strict supervision. Some turbine manufacturers have yet
to endorse on-line washing, and others only approve a limited range of
detergents for on-line cleaning. Also the type and layout of the spray nozzles
for an on-line system is often considerably different from that used for a crank
soak. An on-line wash should be considered as a method of assisting in
maintaining a compressor in good condition and cannot replace a crank soak
system. An accurate method of turbine monitoring is required in order to
achieve the correct wash interval - if the wash is too frequent, excessive
detergent costs are incurred; if it is not frequent enough, then the on-line
clean will not restore the performance and the machine must be taken off-I me
for a crank soak wash. If a turbine is in critical service, and further improv-
ements to the air filtration system are not possible, on line washing can
provide availability improvements, depending on the turbine manufacturer, if
implemented in a structured and supervised manner.
Gas turbines emit a sound level and spectrum which are unacceptable in a
modern environment, and so are housed in acoustic enclosures which are
designed so that the package meets current limits on emission levels. How-
ever the enclosure can have the adverse effect of making access for main-
tenance and trouble-shooting difficult if the package design is inappropriate.
All gas turbine manufacturers issue specifications on the type of fuels which
can be tolerated by their equipment. The calorific value and Wobbe Index of
gas fuel are particularly important, as they can generally only vary by + 5%
before changes to turbine control calibration setpoints are required. The
Wobbe Index allows comparison of the volumetric energy content of different
gases at different temperatures. Gas turbines can operate on low calorific
value gases - up to 40% carbon dioxide in methane has been successfully
used as fuel gas. However no gas turbine can operate successfully with
hydrocarbon liquid in gas fuel, and there are numerous instances of major
equipment failures following the carryover of liquids into the gas fuel system.
It is essential to ensure that all liquids are removed and the gas is at least 20
degrees Celsius above the dew point at the turbine gas control valve or as
prescribed by the gas turbine manufacturer. Dewpoint control can be
achieved by either low temperature separation or fuel gas heating but when
heating, most manufacturers set inlet conditions to a maximum of 70 degrees
When using these fuels, it is necessary to ensure that the fuel is supplied at
the correct viscosity and that all solid impurities have been removed by
centrifuging and filtration. If salt is present in the fuel, it must be washed using
fresh water, and vanadium must be inhibited by dosing the fuel with a mag-
nesium salt. Both sodium and vanadium, especially in the presence of sulphur,
are extremely corrosive and serious hot section component life limitation can
occur, depending on the level of fuel contamination and turbine load unless
adequate conditioning is carried out. Where distillate fuel is used offshore, it is
almost always salt contaminated and so facilities must be provided on the
platform for fresh water washing and centrifuging.
process operations. Gas turbines are high capex and opex items and due
regard should be made to the protection of these important assets; as an
example a replacement industrial RB211 gas generator costs over USD 6
Gas turbines have extremely large airflows (e.g. RB211 - up to 70 m3(st)/s)
and any gas releases in their vicinity are likely to be drawn into combustion
air intakes. It is appreciated that a very large amount of gas would have to be
ingested to cause a catastrophic failure, however, any sustained ingestion of
gas through the combustion air intake will almost certainly have detrimental
effects on the long-term integrity of the equipment. Due to these very large
airflow rates, gas turbines effectively act as vacuum cleaners and it can be
argued that, irrespective of whether there is a potential to damage the engine
or not; a gas turbine air inlet is the perfect place to fit detectors for early
indications of gas releases.
Statistically, the gas turbine system is most vulnerable during the start-up
sequence. It is crucial that the correct light off fuel flow is attained for a
controlled ignition. With the small compressor air flow at light off the effect of
a relatively small amount of gas leakage into the inlet may have a significant
effect causing as a minimum a ‘heavy' light off and with the potential for an
explosion and major equipment damage.
With the incorporation of new gas detection instrumentation and careful
thought to installation, gas detectors in the combustion air inlet need not
compromise the overall system reliability, nor impose an additional main-
tenance burden. The use of beam detectors would also minimise the difficulty
in detection caused by stratification often experienced with gas releases.
However, the alarm and trip settings for the detection need to be realistic if
the protection is to be effective, e.g. 10% and 20% LFL.
The assessment of the potential for gas ingestion based on the location of a
gas turbine intake with respect to possible sources of gas such as the fuel gas
treatment skid, pipelines and equipment containing process gas, is of prime
importance. If it is concluded there is a possibility of gas entering a gas
turbine, and it cannot be guaranteed that the presence of gas will be detected
by other means, then gas detectors should be fitted to the combustion air
For sizes less than 1.5 MW the integral engine is not competitive with the
large production engine manufacturers like Caterpillar, Waukesha, and Su-
perior. These engines drive a separate compressor, as shown in Figure 1.1.1-6
and there is an extensive fleet of this type of compressor in service within EP.
The engines are often turbocharged, using the exhaust flow to boost the inlet
air pressure. In combination with aftercooling, the combustion air mass flow
rate is significantly increased and can improve output by up to 45% and fuel
efficiency by upto 8%. Turbocharging has the additional benefit of reducing
altitude derating factors. Both two-and four-stroke engines are used, with the
latter having a greater specific power output and being much more commonly
used. The former usually has fewer moving parts but is normally found used in
very large gas engines:
As with gas turbines, gas engines come in discreet sizes resulting from the
various manufacturers' development activities. Product development is an
ongoing process but care must be taken in selection to ensure that prototype
designs are not chosen in the EP environment.
Ignition systems remain the area of most concern on gas engines. The solid
state capacitor discharge system has provided major reliability improve-
ments, but timing set-up procedures remain critical. A spark plug life of 5000
hours is now considered normal, but poor timing, overload or poor quality
fuel will drastically reduce this life.
Gas engines are designed primarily to operate on almost pure methane fuel.
The composite fuel gas usually used in EP environments has the effect of
reducing the octane rating of the fuel. The effects of a reduced octane rating
fuel are pre-ignition, detonation, cylinder head cracking and piston burning.
In order to avoid this, the engine manufacturer can provide an engine with
low compression cylinder heads, which results in a derate but allows satis-
factory operation on higher molecular weight gases.
These engines are used within the Group primarily for standby power gen-
eration and temporary facilities like remote water supply wells in desert
environments. In many applications, diesel engines burn crude oil, either
because alternatives are unavailable, as in a remote oil pipeline booster
station, or because this represents a sound economic alternative.
For a diesel engine, quality control of the fuel supply is very important,
especially if run on crude oil. When burning crude oil it is necessary to wash,
centrifuge and possibly heat the fuel to meet the manufacturer's specifica-
tion. It is desirable to test the engine at the packager's facility using a re-
presentative sample of the proposed fuel to ensure that no fuel filtration or
combustion problems are encountered.
For applications where an output greater than 700 kW is required, slow speed
engines running at speeds less than 1000 RPM are preferred. General
Most oil/gas separator gases, or NGL stabiliser gases do not comply with
manufacturer's specifications in that they are saturated with heavy hydro-
carbons and liquid carry-over. These heavy ends and carry-over cause burn-
er fouling and combustion problems.
Figure 1.1.1-7 shows the recommended fuel gas system. Its features are:
(a) Dual fuel sources. For start-up, the available gas is used for fuel, when
the compressors are operational the higher pressure fuel will automa-
tically take over. The fuel should be delivered to the fuel treatment sys-
tem at least 20% higher in pressure than that required by the equipment.
If the gas is water-wet, check that hydrates will not form in the fuel
(b) Filter separators with removable lambswool or cotton filters elements via
a quick-opening closure, followed by a liquid removal section-vane type,
(Peco, Peerless, horizontal type). Two in parallel, each 100% duty. These
will remove particulates, pipeline corrosion products and coalesce out
heavy hydrocarbons. The volume of the condensate tanks must equal the
largest liquid slug size expected. Alternatively, use a separate slugcatch-
er upstream.
(c) Heater (optional). Use only if hydrate formation is likely upon pressure
(d) Compression (optional). Use only if supply gas pressure is too low for fuel
purposes. Use two, each 100% duty in parallel. Aftercooling may be
required, dependent on compression ratio and flash calculations after
pressure reduction.
(e) Pressure reduction. Use two 100% self-acting regulators; one set at de-
sired pressure, the second set 10% lower pressure in case of failure of
first regulator. Never rely on manual bypass for this critical service.
(f) Liquid knockout. Use one SMS type separator. The volume for liquid
holdup should equal one of the filter separators.
(g) Fuel gas superheater. Use one heater, using an appropriate fuel to su-
perheat the gas 20 oC above its dew point, or as prescribed by the gas
turbine vendor, but the fuel gas temperature should not exceed 70 0C. If
there are fuel gas compressors, use gas/gas exchangers to superheat
the fuel gas using the heat of compression.
(h) Fuel gas manifold must be insulated; fit a drain valve at its furthest end for
draining condensate before starting any engine.
(i) If dehydrated, dew point depressed gas is available, (c) may be dis-
pensed with, (g) only if the temperature on pressure reduction ap-
proaches within 20 oCof the dew point or ± 5 oC, whichever is the higher.
(I) The recommended system is suitable forall equipment. For gas engines,
the composition after the superheater will determine whether engine
derating is required. Check with the engine Vendor, if CH4 less than 90%,
and C4 greater than 1.0%, then derating will be necessary.
Figure 1.1.1-8 shows the recommended distillate fuel storage and prepara-
tion system. The features of the system are:
(a) Two storage tanks, each providing a minimum of 24 hours settling of each
fill. Tanks have conical bottoms and sight glasses to ensure no water/fuel
interface, sampling points and a filling distributor to reduce turbulence
during filling.
(b) Transfer pumps and coarse filters. Filters should be 100 µm wire wound,
self-cleaning type with magnetic elements. Twin pumps and filters.
(c) Centrifuges, primarily to remove salt water. Use potable water to seal the
centrifuges, this will also wash the salt out of the fuel. Centrifuge man-
ufacturers will advise flow rates. Cleaning may be batch or continuous.
(d) Day tank, cleaned fuel storage for at least 24 hours consumption, at
maximum rate. Spillback from engines to this tank. Sampling point. If
distillate fuel is used only as a standby, this tank should be kept full.
(e) Fuel supply pumps and fine filters. Fine filters 10 µm absolute type, paper
filters are unacceptable. The filters must have magnetic elements. All
pipework downstream of filters to be stainless steel.
It is beyond the scope of this Handbook to provide designs for these systems,
as there are too many variables. There are several reputable suppliers of
liquid fuel treatment systems, e.g. Plenty Metrol, Newbury, UK, and Petrolite
Corp., London, UK. These firms will tailor the fuel treatment system to suit the
requirements of the engine and specification of the fuel oil supply - within
limits. Basically, particulates, alkali metals and water have to be removed or
inhibited, and the viscosity corrected to meet the engine Manufacturer's
There are several proven means of starting gas turbines and IC engines,
(a) Battery and Starter Motor. Used for gas turbines up to 1500 kW, and IC
engines up to 300 kW. Trouble free and reliable, only the batteries require
regular checking for electrolyte and charge. Requires special starter
motors in Hazardous Areas.
(b) AC Motors. Used for larger gas turbines. (A single shaft gas turbine of 20
MW will require a 200 kW starter.) Cannot be used for `black start' of
generator sets.
(c) Hydraulic Starters. Hydraulic fluid is stored under inert gas pressure to
drive a hydraulic starter motor. The storage cylinder is recharged by a
motor driven or manual pump after each start. Used for emergency fire
pump or generator sets in Hazardous Areas. Reliable, but the hydraulic
fluid must be kept clinically clean.
On large gas turbines, an electric motor driven pump can be used to
supply hydraulic fluid to a starter motor on the turbine if there is insuf-
ficient space in the enclosure for a large electric motor.
(d) Gas Expansion Motors. Used frequently on gas turbines and IC engines
on compressor stations, or where high pressure gas is available. Highly
reliable, but the following points have to be considered:
(i) The starter gas must not be supplied from the fuel gas header. The
drawdown of pressure during starting can stall the already running
engines. (See also Figure 1.1.1-7.)
(ii) The starter exhaust must not be connected to a Common vent system.
The variable back pressure destroys the starter shaft seals when at
rest, gas will then escape into the engine enclosure. Use a separate
exhaust for each starter, discharging 2 to 3 metres above the air
filter, upward velocity disperses the plume of gas very rapidly.
(iii) Ensure proper lubrication for the starter - this is often over-
(g) Large (over 2 MW) IC engines are started by direct injection of air into the
cylinders. This method is very effective and reliable.
(h) The following points have to be considered in sizing a starting air sys-
(i) Size the air vessels for three consecutive starts between highest and
lowest allowable air pressure.
(ii) Use at least two air compressors, capable of recharging the vessels
in 30 minutes from lowest to highest pressure. The first compressor
must start at half the difference between highest and lowest pressure
is reached (for routine topping up), the second at the minimum start-
ing air pressure.
(iv) Do not supply maintenance or service air from the starting air
(v) Ensure that water and oil separators are working efficiently.
(vi) Put a checkvalve in the air supply to each engine, and a bursting disc
downstream of it. This prevents starting air system explosions
caused by engine backfires during starting.
(i) All gas turbine starters must be rated for continuous service, Intermittent
rating will cause starter failures when the starter is run during crank-soak
washing of the engine air compressor. Also ensure that the starter en-
ergy supply is sufficient for the engine Vendor's required crank-soak
washing cycle.
Most field installations have surplus gas for which there is no commercial
exploitation which can be used as fuel. Therefore low first cost, reliable
drivers are selected without concern for fuel efficiency. The most reliable
system in this instance is to use large gas turbines to generate electric power
and use motor drives for all machines, although it might represent a greater
capital expenditure, depending on the type of installation. Of significant effect
in the achievement of early commissioning, is the selection of equipment
which can be fully works tested prior to delivery.
Where fuel has a premium value, a more careful evaluation of the simplicity
and high reliability of a gas turbine will have to be set against the higher
efficiency of the IC engine. Unless there is a use for gas turbine exhaust heat
for process heating or district heating, the IC engine will invariably offer a
more satisfactory annual return if fuel gas is valued at its sales value.
Gas turbines are normally rated at ISO conditions (15 degrees Celsius,
1013.25 mbar and 60% relative humidity), excluding inlet and exhaust duct
losses. The factors in Table 1.1.2-1 give the derating to be applied for air inlet
and exhaust losses, losses due to altitude, ambient temperature loss, and the
margin to be allowed for fouling and wear. Conversely at ambients below 15
degrees Celsius, there is an equivalent power gain. However the increase
may be limited by load gearbox ratings or speed limitations on compressor
turbine or gas producer shafts.
The losses for intake and exhaust are based on a three stage inlet system,
with intake and exhaust silencing to 85 dBA, and no waste heat- recovery
system. The fouling and wear loss is to account for compressor fouling which
will reduce the power output between water washes, and the irreversible
wear on aerofoil profiles and tip seals which takes place during operation.
This gives a satisfactory margin at the design stage to ensure that the design
output can be achieved throughout the period between overhauls.
records, the approximate number of hours per year that any chosen design
temperature will be exceeded can be calculated. The shortfall of turbine
power under these conditions can be compared with the loss of throughput,
and it may be possible to increase throughput during cooler periods to make
up the shortfall. However, it is often the case than production requirements
will be for rated throughput irrespective of ambient conditions and so the
turbine must be rated for the highest maximum temperature. If the plant is
designed for a temperature less than the absolute maximum temperature air
heat exchangers must be designed for the absolute maximum, otherwise
shut-downs will occur as a result of over-temperature whenever the design
temperature is exceeded.
Note that at high ambient temperatures (> 40ºC) and for high altitudes
(> 1000 m) gas engines become very fuel sensitive. If the C3 + content of the
fuel exceeds 1.0 mol% further derating will be necessary (see also, in
consultation with the engine Manufacturer.
Within the EP environment, gas compressors have the following field appi Ca-
- Gas lift
- Gas transmission
- Gas injection
- Welihead separator boosting
- Casing head gas collection
- Refrigeration
- horizontal split
- barrel type
Positive Displacement
- Reciprocating
- low speed integral
- low speed separable
- high speed separable
- Rotary
- Screw type General
Centrifugal compressors are the second most widely used compressor after
reciprocating machines. A centrifugal compressor functions by increasing
the velocity of the gas as it passes through an impeller. The velocity is then
reduced in the diffuser at the same time as the temperature and pressure
increase. Very high speed compressors are available, with speeds up to
30,000 RPM, and discharge pressures of up to 700 bar are achievable. Limitations
The maximum tip speed of the first stage impeller should not exceed 85% of
the speed of sound in the suction gas. Higher velocities lead to choking and a
reduction in throughput. At pressures up to 100 bar the maximum head which
can be developed `by one impeller is approximately 30 kJ/kg and reduces
significantly above this pressure. This maximum allowable impeller head
determines the number of impellers required to meet the desired pressure
ratio. However the maximum number of impellers is restricted by rotor dy-
namic considerations, and standard manufacturers casing designs which
limit the number of stages which can be accommodated. In most cases there
exists an upper limit of 9 impellers per casing.
The compressor shaft seal is designed to prevent the process gas from
escaping along the shaft to atmosphere. In non-toxic and non-hazardous
environments, a labyrinth seal is utilised which allows a small leakage of gas
to atmosphere. In the EP environment with the hazard of allowing hydrocar-
bons escape to atmosphere, a seal arrangement is utilised to contain the
process gas within the compressor. The traditional method has used one of
two types of seal which require the injection of sealing oil at a pressure
greater than that- of the gas pressure in the sealing chamber. However the
recent developments in dry gas- seals have effectively eliminated the re-
quirement for seal oil systems from new installations. The design of seals
and seal systems is covered in API 614 and API 617.
Contact seals use a fixed and a rotating ring, between which a floating carbon
ring is placed. Seal oil injected at the outer periphery of the rings at a
pressure greater than gas pressure forces itself between the rings and the
carbon seal, thereby cooling the contact faces and preventing the escape of
gas. This oil is drained from the casing to a sour seal oil trap. The contact seal
has the advantage of providing a positive seal even when stationary, and so
no back up seal oil system is required. Also the seal oil flows are low and so
extensive degassing facilities are seldom required, and the seals are rela-
tively inexpensive. Seal layout is shown in Figure 1.2.1-3.
However this seal type is not suitable for high pressure duty or with a dirty
gas stream, and is prone to overheating in high speed applications.
Seal oil is injected into the seal chamber and passes between a pair of rings,
which cannot rotate but are free to move in a radial direction. The seal oil at a
pressure slightly higher than gas pressure flows through the clearance be-
tween the inner ring and the shaft, preventing the escape of process gas. This
oil is drained from the sour seal oil chamber to the sour seal oil trap. A
greater quantity of seal oil flows between the outer ring and the shaft toward
the atmospheric drain chamber. A labyrinth is placed to prevent seal oil
entering the bearing chamber if the seal and lube oil systems are segregated.
Film seals are used in high pressure or particularly hazardous applications,
or where the process gas is dirty. Oil film seal layouts are shown in Figure 1.2.1-4.
Both oil film and contact seals rely on a supply of seal oil controlled at a
pressure slightly above the reference gas pressure of the compressor. This
is normally achieved using an overhead seal oil tank and applying reference
gas to the top of the vessel. The required differential pressure (determined by
the compressor vendor) is established by the physical elevation of the vessel
above the centreline of the compressor, with seal oil flow being regulated to
maintain a setpoint level in the vessel. The seal oil tank is sized to ensure that
during a loss of power shut-down, adequate sealing and cooling is achieved
during rundown and depressurisation. An alternative but less suitable ar-
rangement is to rely on a differential pressure control valve to control the
seal oil systems, and provide auxiliary DC motor driven seal oil pumps for the
loss of power shut-down situation.
Whether oil film or contact seals are used, there will always be a flow of oil
which mixes with the process, gas and drains to the sour seal traps. If the flow
is very low, it may be returned to the reservoir with degassing taking place
there. However, this will lead to a gradual deterioration in flash point and
viscosity of the complete oil charge, and possibly provide an explosive en--
vironment in the air space in the reservoir, so some active method of de-
gassing is always required in the EP environment. The gas may also become
contaminated with impurities including hydrogen sulphide and so may be-
come acid and develop sludge deposits in the reservoir and machine cavi-
ties. Contamination can eventually result in the ineffective operation of tilting
pad bearings, `resulting in increased vibration levels.
Sour seal oil recovered from the traps can be actively degassed by allowing it
to reside for some time in a heated degassing tank before returning it to the
oil reservoir. This degassing may not be fully effective and further treatment
may be necessary. There is considerable EP experience with nitrogen or air
sparging and vacuum stripping although the last option if often found to be
maintenance intensive.
With the high cost of lubricating oils, recovery of sour oil is almost always
justified, rather than disposal to be bulk separators.
In the situation where the vendor offers a seal oil system which is entirely
independent from the lube system, this has the effect of increasing the rotor
bearing span with the attendant adverse effect on rotor dynamics.
Gas seals were developed over twenty years ago and until recently, only
three manufacturers made them in two basic designs. The first design, the
Raleigh pad type, has scallops in one face which traps gas in the hollow area
as the seal turns, and as pressure builds up forces the faces apart. When the
faces become too far apart, the pressure falls allowing the seal springs to
close the faces and develop a dynamic balance when the gap between the
faces is maintained at approximately 50 microns.
The second design uses spiral grooves cut in one face which face the di-
rection of rotation so that gas is forced down the groove producing a pressure
rise. The seal then operates in the same manner described for the Raleigh
pad seal except that the sealing gap stabilises between only 3 and 10 mi-
crons. User experience has shown that the second design is more stable, can
operate better under off-design conditions and results in extremely low lea-
kage rates. The only complication is that the seal is unidirectional and so
dedicated seal faces are required for each end of a compressor. A typical dry
gas seal cross-section is shown in Figure 1.2.1-5.
Running Equipment
Therefore justification of dry gas seals on new installations can also be made
on the basis of capital savings, especially if carried out in conjunction with
magnetic bearings as the complete compressor lube oil system can be elim-
inated. On existing machines with seal oil systems, retrofit of dry gas seals
can be difficult to justify unless serious reliability problems exist with the seal
oil system which cannot easily be resolved, or there are possible major
consequences resulting from a gas leakage.
Dry gas seals are now considered standard for all new EP equipment pur-
chases with guidelines for incorporation outlined in the following report: Bearings
For large relatively slow speed equipment operating well below the rotor first
critical the standard liner or sleeve bearing may be utilised. The bearing may
be pressure fed or oil ring lubricated.
At higher speeds, in association with longer and lighter rotors standard liner
bearing may be machined to establish ‘dams' in operation which convert oil
film velocity into static pressure. These dams act to damp the effect of half
frequency oil whirl and rotor induced vibrations. This type of bearing is
always pressure fed.
However the majority of compressors operate above the first critical speed,
and the tilting shoe bearing is usually then standard. This bearing provides
excellent damping capability and can be fitted with bearing metal tempera-
ture detection devices in one or more of the shoes.
The most recent innovation is the introduction of the magnetic bearing which
uses magnetic forces to support the rotor and damp resonant vibrations.
Shaft position is detected by position sensors, which can also serve as vi-
bration probes. This position information is then used to vary the magnetic
forces imposed by an array of electromagnets located in the place of the
normal bearing housing. Figure 1.2.1-6 shows one layout for a magnetic
bearing arrangement. In combination with dry gas seals, this then produces
the `dry' compressor, which is rapidly gaining acceptance with compressor
Users. However caution must be used as the magnetic bearing arrangement
on a flexible rotor can create a complex rotor dynamic response. A careful
review of the rotor dynamic study by the compressor manufacturer and
Rotating Equipment engineering is required if this arrangement is being
(i) Check variation of gas composition with time and production rate. Check
temperature range; summer, winter, day and night. Check that all oper-
ating conditions fall within the compressor operating envelope. On re-
frigeration compressors check that there is sufficient head and power to
condense the refrigerant at the maximum condensing temperature at
the highest ambient temperature conditions.
(ii) If there are solids in the gas stream use a suction filter separator with a
25 µm filter. Liquids up to 150 g/m3 can be tolerated provided that they
are free of dissolved solids (salts in water) and are in particle sizes less
than 100 µm.
(iii) The Head Capacity curve for a centrifugal compressor should normally
have a shape which provides the following margins between the duty
point and surge:
- Head rise to surge: 5% mm.
- Flow stability: 25% mm.
(i) Reject any Vendor who is unable to perform a detailed torsional and
lateral critical speed analysis for the entire rotating train. The analysis
must consider shaft seal stiffness and aerodynamic cross-coupling.
(i) Check that the casing design pressure will withstand the pressure de-
veloped at maximum speed, suction pressure and molar mass.
(ii) Check that the inner surfaces of the compressor casing are sufficiently
smooth to prevent seizing of the inner bundle or deterioration of the
elastomer seals.
(iii) In multi casing line-ups, the casing nearest the driver should be hori-
zontally split, to facilitate maintenance.
(i) For field applications, combined lubricating and seal oil systems are
acceptable unless the process gas contains a level of H2S which cannot
be adequately removed by the sour seal oil reclaimer.
(ii) The driver and gears may be lubricated from the compressor system,
but ensure that aircraft derivative gas turbine lubricating oil and com-
pressor lubricating oil do not mix. Check also that the driver/gear man-
ufacturer designs for the oil quality and viscosity in the compressor
(iii) Do not reduce the eight minutes lubricating oil reservoir residence time
called for in API Std 614.
(v) If the reservoirs are in the base plate, ensure that the Vendor has
allowed for thermal expansion which will affect alignment.
(vi) Attach flame trap coalescers on all breathers and vents with a separate
drain line back to the reservoir.
(i) Use direct drive without gearboxes wherever possible, but do not com-
promise Vendor's proven operating speeds in fulfilling this require-
(iii) Have the Vendor supply instruments for hot alignment checking of the
drive train. General
For a given stroke of standard frame size and running speed, the capacity is
limited by cylinder diameter. This is turn is limited by allowable working
pressure. To increase capacity, it is possible to connect several cylinders in
parallel. Therefore the reciprocating machine is very flexible in application
during the equipment selection process.
Reciprocating compressors may well be the most widely used of all gas
compression equipment in E&P oil and gas field production installations.
Reciprocating machines certainly provide the widest range of sizes and
types, and are still the most efficient for most oil and gas applications when
suitably matched to the required capacity.
There are two basic groups of reciprocating compressors:
Note: This does not mean that they may not operate for extended periods at
full load. It does mean that the operating cost and maintenance burden will
be greater than for heavy duty compressors.
Both low-speed and high-speed machines are well worth considering for a
particular application. However neither can satisfactorily handle liquids and
dirt entrained in the gas which will destroy lubrication and cause excessive
In any operational comparison of gas compression equipment, the prevailing
local service conditions can be more detrimental to availability than any
other aspect, regardless of the degree of reliability of the detailed compres-
sor design. If these service conditions are not within certain acceptable
limits, any compressor installation, whether employing high-speed or low-
speed machines, is bound to fail.
The majority of E&P reciprocating compressors currently in operation are
low-speed units. Low-speed compressors have been the industry standard
and yet operating costs, and in particular long-term maintenance costs, have
While there is little argument over the critical first cost advantage of high-
speed units, many engineers are uncertain about the overall economy, par-
ticularly since the Group's early experience indicated that maintenance
costs were higher.
From a technical point of view there does not seem to be a lot of difference.
Both high- and low-speed units should be designed in accordance with the
same basic criteria. This implies that stresses and resulting reliability and
wear are similar.
Probably the most important aspects in the mechanical design are the cyclic
If the above design requirements are met, then in view of the similarity in
design it is considered that the following advantages and disadvantages of
high-speed versus low-speed machines are the only important criteria in
determining optimal suitability for a given application.
* Main driver
- A fast running (up to 1200 rpm) gas engine or electric motor is of smaller
size and weight and first costs are low.
- A gas engine has inherently variable speed, hence built-in variable ca-
pacity for the compressor.
* Compressor
- Because of the limited average piston velocity, which is near the same
value as for low-speed reciprocating compressors, high-speed recips are
not significantly smaller.
- The higher rotational speed and related shorter stroke result in shorter
connecting rods and cylinder lengths. Hence better compactness, allowing
for a smaller cylinder head-to-head width with reduced installation space,
weight and foundation costs.
* Application
diameters which in turn limits the piston displacement for a given number
of cranks.
- For higher capacities therefore more units, or a single low-speed unit, are
The latter, it is believed, is the only real practical difference between high-
speed and low-speed machines. However, since the introduction and suc-
cessful operation of compressor valves which are more tolerant to liquids
and dirt in the gas stream, there is less reason for the long-standing reser-
vations against the use of high-speed reciprocating compressors.
In Summary (High-Speed)
After selecting the sizes and numbers of cylinders for a particular duty, there
is usually a requirement to have the capability of varying the throughput of
the compressor in normal operation. The speed can be varied throughout the
operating range of the driver, if variable speed, and the volumetric efficiency
can be changed by opening or closing fixed pocket clearances. Further turn-
down can be achieved by use of a station recycle control valve but this option
is not attractive if overall efficiency levels are important. Some designs allow
for the use of valve depressor or plug-type unloaders, but these are not
recommended for EP use as they increase significantly the complexity of the
machine and impose maintenance penalties. Limitations Pulsations Foundations Valves
Proprietary valve manufacturers are normally used within EP, but with the
continued development of non-metallic valve components a wider range of
options is now available. In applications where liquid carryover cannot be
avoided, non-metallic valve plates have proved extremely effective in pro-
viding satisfactory valve life.
The following subjects provide a check-list for the selection of field recip-
rocating compressors with discharge pressures up to 100 bar. For gas in-
jecfion, see
(i) Always check the maximum variation in gas flow, composition, pres-
sure and temperatures. Plot these on a performance map to ensure that
the selected compressor and driver can meet all expected operating
conditions. It is always easier to reduce the capacity of a reciprocating
compressor than to increase it.
(ii) Ensure that under no circumstances liquid can enter the compressor.
Suction scrubbers must be big enough to catch slugs forming in station
pipework. Use vane type separators or filter-separators with renewable
If a filter separator is to be employed, it may also require protection
from slugs by means of an upstream slug catcher.
(iii) With H2S and CO2 in water-wet gas it is preferable to dehydrate before
compression, but is frequently uneconomic. Corrosion-resistant mater-
ials must be used; for H2S they must comply with NACE specification
(iv) Piston, rods should be in chrome alloy steel. Where NACE material is
specified the piston rod must still be surface hardened in the packing
(v) The piston should preferably be shorter than the stroke length to ensure
adequate cylinder-wall cooling.
(i) Check that sufficient access is provided to get at the packings. This is
often obstructed by process or cooling piping.
(ii) Check that the packing vents are of sufficient size. For a leak of 0.1% of
throughput, the vent system back-pressure must be less than 2 bar.
Packing vents from the cylinders on one compressor may be mani-
folded together. However the vents from several compressors should
never be manifolded together.
(iv) Cooled packings are required for lubricated PTFE packings at pres-
sures above 50 bar, all packings above 85 bar. If closed circuit oil or de-
mineralised and inhibited water cooling systems are used, 10 µm fil-
tration is required.
(iv) Ensure that, as far as possible, the driver, gear unit and compressor
frame use the same lubricant.
(ii) The block system of lubrication (Trabon) must not be used on pressures
exceeding 50 bar or if the lubricant has a viscosity exceeding 100 mm2/s
(cSt) at the pumping temperature. If so, use a pump-to-point lubricator.
The pressure differential on points connected to the same pump and
distributor in a block system must not exceed 20 bar.
(iii) If the lubricant has a viscosity exceeding 100 mm2/s (cSt) at atmos-
pheric temperature, heat the lubricator box. This will improve lubrica-
tor pump life.
(iii) Gas turbine drivers for reciprocating compressors are acceptable pro-
vided that the Vendor can demonstrate his capability in analysing the
torsional characteristics of the drive train. The use of Bibby ‘Form-
Gard' torque limiters will prevent drive train failures.
(v) Provide a means of barring (turning) the drive train for maintenance.
Access must be without removing guards or couplings. General
This is the only other type of compressor which may be used in the EP
environment. This compressor consists of counter-rotating geared screws
which compress the gas by means of the progressive cavity technique. Fig-
ure 1.2.1-12 outlines one arrangement of this compressor. While it is simple
in concept, the screw compressor has serious limitations in process appli-
EP experience of screw compressors in hydrocarbon service has not been
satisfactory. However oil injected air compressors provide excellent service,
although not providing oil free air, and good service has been achieved with
some non-hydrocarbon refrigerant compressor applications. Limitations
The dry twin screw arrangement requires four shaft seals, and while man-
ufacturers claim their seal designs are satisfactory, EP experience has
shown that only seals to API 614 are suitable, which adds significantly to
initial and operating costs. Only relatively low compression ratios are al-
lowable as differential heating of the rotors causes a change in clearances
which allows greater leakage. Injection of oil into the suction dramatically
improves efficiency, and reduces the shaft seals to one, but requires an
effective separator on the discharge. This is not suitable for hydrocarbon
processes because the oil quickly becomes contaminated. General
There are few field installations today where compressors are not found.
Experience has shown that certain compressor types are best suited for
particular applications. In the past, the compressor and auxiliary selection
and package design was left entirely to the Vendor, who had been selected as
the lowest price bidder. Highly unsatisfactory compressor installations have
resulted. Adherence to the notes in this Section which are based on wide field
experience, should eliminate the worst problems of operability and reliability.
The commonest applications are described here, together with notes on the
requirements for acceptable compressor selection.
In the design of the separator train, the pressure levels should be co-ordi-
Rated with compressor selection to achieve a satisfactory match of com-
pressor size and driver power. Also, compressor staging must be selected
such that discharge temperatures do not exceed 150 oC. An uneconomic,
inflexible compressor installation can result if separator pressures are fixed
without regard to compressor requirements.
The volume of gas usually allows the use of centrifugal compressors. The
flow rate and density can be highly variable, therefore for maximum flexibility
each compressor stage should utilise a separate variable speed driver.
Maintenance of steady separator pressure is essential if carry-over is to be
avoided. Centrifugal compressor anti-surge recycle control cannot be used
to control separator pressures, particularly during compressor start-up. Use
a back pressure controller on each separator gas offtake; Figure 1.2.1-13
illustrates a system which enables independent, stable operation of com-
pressor and separator trains.
Oil/gas separators do not remove all liquids from the gas stream. Use ele-
ment type filter-separators or vane type suction separator on each
compressor stage to catch the inevitable carry-over.
As in the case of separator gas collection, the gas density often declines as a
field ages.
Although suction and discharge pressures are reasonably steady, flow rates
can vary widely in compliance with production requirements. Many appli-
cations have sufficient volume for centrifugal compressors; use multiple
variable speed machines for satisfactory flexibility. If electric drive is con-
sidered, the need for performance flexibility must be carefully analysed and
this will generally result in the use of reciprocating compressors because of
their inherent flexibility.
The use of Variable Speed Electric Drive Systems (VSDS) may be considered
as an alternative but cost penalties still exist.
The gas is usually dry and non-corrosive. High average pressures and low
compression ratios are typical. Either reciprocating or centrifugal compres-
sors are used, the former where high efficiency is paramount. Variable speed
drives are essential for throughput control.
Condensates rarely occur in dry gas lines, the principal contaminant is de-
bris from pigging operations. Always use cartridge type filter separators on
this duty.
Gas in the Dense Fluid (supercritical) phase is injected into the petroleum
bearing strata for pressure maintenance or disposal. Injection pressures
often range from 200 bar upwards, gas compositions can vary widely and
contaminants in the gas stream impair reservoir injectivity.
As with other compression duties, the volume flow rate, the required flexi-
bility and turndown should all be considered in deciding upon which type of
compressors to be used. Acceptable high pressure centrifugal and recipro-
cating compressors are manufactured by very few vendors.
1. Slow speed, long stroke; maximum speed 375 rpm and 4 m/s average
piston speed are maxima.
3. No more than 5 piston rings, with the rider rings in the centre of the
1. Maximum six (6) impellers in one casing, with a head rise not exceeding
18 kJ/kg.
Usually these are low pressure applications, and handle small flows of high
molar mass gas. The gas is always saturated with hydrocarbons and water.
Single and two stage centrifugal motor driven compressors with variable
inlet guide vanes are used. The variable IGVs give good capacity control. The
anti-surge recycle cannot be returned to the compressor suction as there is
usually a lot of condensation in the aftercooler. The recycle gas must be
either flared or taken back to the flow tank.
On oil wells with beam pumping it is sometimes required to collect the gas
accumulating in the well annulus. Small volumes of gas are involved, careful
control is required to prevent pulling a vacuum on the wellhead. If wellheads
are grouped a central compression plant can be used with a low pressure
gathering system. Reciprocating compressors with high clearance cylinders
are self-regulating and are preferred for this service. Refrigeration
The type of compressor will depend upon the type and size of plant and the
refrigerant used. In the field, hydrocarbon refrigerants are preferred to Freon
on the grounds of availability and environmental concerns. However, it
should be determined whether the `readily available' propane is indeed
process grade.
In hot desert environments, ensure that the condensers are large enough to
condense the refrigerant at the highest ambient temperatures, and that the
compressor driver has sufficient power for the higher condensing pressures
required. General
Production installations have become more complex whilst at the same time
there has been a drive to achieve lower levels of manning. To maintain a
satisfactory degree of production control and maintain reliability and safety,
there is greater emphasis on instrumentation. This intrumentation is to fulfil
several functions, viz:
Instrumentation thus falls into three categories, for protection, control, and
monitoring purposes. There is considerable overlap between these three
This section will discuss the requirements for throughput control of multiple
compressor installations. It will be assumed that the compressors are sup-
plied with the logic controls for the start-up and shut-down sequences. The
logic described herein will be integrated with the compressor unit control
panels as well as the station control panel.
Station suction and discharge pressures are required for control, station and
unit flow for monitoring only. Note that centrifugal compressor surge control
is entirely separate and plays no part in compressor throughput control.
Normally the driver speed is controlled by suction pressure, with high dis-
charge pressure override. Thus if the downstream system cannot accept the
compressor throughput, PRC-2 will assume compressor control. If the up-
stream pressure rises as a result, PRC-1 will allow gas to flare via PCV-1. This
system is more sensitive and stable than trying to control on compressor flow
and allowing pressures to settle out.
The common speed signal to each train is biased in the train control panel to
balance the flows, measured on Fl-1, 2 and 3. The compressors are unlikely to
PCV-3 is the station recycle, and is used only to prevent the suction header
pressure falling too low. This can occur when there is only one compressor
running at minimum speed and the process flow is less than the compressor
throughput. PC-3 and PCV-3 will prevent the station shutting down on low
suction pressure trip.
This applies to centrifugal compressors only (see Figure 1.2.2-2). There are
two usual applications:
1. Pipeline boosting, all compressors identical
2. Reservoir depletion, all compressors may not be identical.
The method of control of both cases is similar. All compressors will not run at
the same speed or pressure ratio, but all will have the same mass flow. Each
will contribute to the overall station pressure rise.
The Station Logic Controller will be programmed with the performance char-
acteristics of each compressor and the system characteristic. For a given
throughput entered by the system operator, and the prevailing station suction
and discharge pressures, the SLC will select the number of compressors
required and set the speeds for optimum efficiency. The station is not con-
trolled on suction and discharge pressures alone.
ESD of any of the running compressors can surge the remaining compres-
sors. When one unit shuts down, the remaining units must be unloaded by
opening their anti-surge recycle valves and run down to minimum speed. As
the suction pressure rises, and the discharge pressure falls, the remaining
units can be reloaded.
Series compressors are ideal for applications where gas reservoir pressures
can fluctuate widely with production rate or age, or on pipeline booster
application. It offers greater flexibility of operation than parallel compressors
in these applications.
The object of a surge control system is to ensure that the flow into a cen-
trifugal compressor is sufficient to maintain stability at the required pressure
differential across the compressor. Figure 1.2.2-3 shows a typical arrange-
ment of a surge control system. It must be stressed that the surge control
system must be used only for surge control and should never be confused
with a plant or process control system. Detailed guidance on surge control
systems for centrifugal compressors can be obtained from SIPM. There is
also a tendency to overcomplicate surge control systems; adherence to the
principles set out here will fulfil surge control without unnecessary compli-
Surge control systems are characterised by their quick response. The con-
trols should be adjacent to the anti-surge recycle valve (ASRV) in a lockable
enclosure. Externally mounted indicators show the anti-surge parameter,
internal set point and controller output. Any adjustments can be made only
inside the panel.
The ASRV should be a globe type, cage-guided plug valve with linear action.
The actuator should be a yoke-mounted pneumatic (air to close, spring open).
The valve must open on signal failure to unload the compressor, and achieve
full opening in 2 seconds.
The Foxboro model 58 and the Moore model 50 meet these criteria. The cutoff
relay between the output and the external reset feedback connection is set to
limit the reset chamber to 1.03 bar. This limits controller output pressure,
preventing ‘reset wind-up'. By moving the control line to the right, this action
makes the controller follow the compressor operating point and increasing
the safety margin against rapid pressure fluctuations driving the compressor
into surge. The surge control cabinet should have an indicating control sta
tion (Moore 524 or equal) to allow monitoring of the surge parameter, setpoint
and output. These indicators also facilitate calibration and commissioning.
Solenoid valves SV-1 and SV-2 allow the ASRV to be actuated during purging
and start-up. SV-2 holds the ASRV open until the start-up logic calls for
activation of the surge control system. SV-1 will de-energise upon ESD al-
lowing rapid opening of the ASRV.
For surge control, absolute accuracy of the flow signal is not essential, re-
peatability is. Flange tap orifices are recommended. Some manufacturers
calibrate the compressor suction for flow measurement; this has proven to be
accurate and effective. PT and DPT must be downstream of the suction
The ASRV should pass the required flow under all process conditions. To
match the rapid dynamics of compressor surge, the ASRV and its actuator
require setting. The quick-exhaust is sized to allow ASRV opening in less
than 2 seconds following signal failure. The restrictor in the booster relay air
supply is adjusted to allow closing of the ASRV in 20 to 60 seconds upon
application of full controller output to the booster relay. The response time is
determined during commissioning of the anti-surge system.
The recycle line to the ASRV must not be pocketed, and must slope upwards
all the way to the valve. Place the valve as close to the high pressure end as
possible to reduce the inventory of high pressure gas the valve needs to
handle upon opening the ASRV. The check valve positioned as near as
possible to the compressor discharge nozzle will also reduce the high pres-
sure gas inventory.
of the useful operating envelope is cut off as the surge control system has to
take the worst performance of the stages in series. Equally, it is impossible to
attempt to control compressors in parallel with one surge control system.
Apart from being virtually impossible to operate, neither compressor is ef-
fectively protected and there is a certainty of damage.
There is a close overlap between the requirements for control and for mon-
itoring instrumentation. For the latter requirements, refer to 1.9. Introduction
The purpose of this Section is to enable the user to carry out a preliminary
sizing of compressors for hydrocarbon gases, and driver requirements for
estimating purposes. It also provides a means of checking the performance
of operating compressors, and a means of determining the performance of
compressors under off-design conditions, or for a different application. It is
beyond the scope of this Handbook to provide derivation of formulae and
charts, or for detailed sizing of a compressor, the user may consult the
references to this Section for more rigorous selection procedures. In all
cases, selections should be confirmed by SIPM or a reputable Vendor.
Note: For practical purposes zs and zd are considered to be 1.0 for preliminary
2. Efficiency.
- Adiabatic efficiency η a
This assumes that work done in compressing the gas is reversible, i.e.
there is no heat loss or gain, and on re-expansion to the original pressure,
volume and temperature will be the same as original. For practical pur-
poses similar to Isentropic efficiency.
- Polytropic efficiency η p
n-1 k-1
= (3)
n kη p
- mechanical efficiency η m
- volumetric efficiency ηv
This is the ratio between the swept volume of a piston moving in a cylinder
and the actual volume inhaled at intake conditions (see
3. Head Hp or Ha
Unlike a pump which will lift a column of liquid a finite, measurable height,
`head' is less tangible in a compressor, and is a measure of the energy added
to the gas by the compressor. It may be polytropic, or adiabatic (see 2.
above). It is totally incorrect to quote compressor head in units of length,
metres, feet, etc., as it is an energy term, i.e.
Hp = kJ/kg
These can be determined from the gas composition. In most cases, computer
routines are used for calculation of molar mass (M), ratio of specific heats (k),
critical pressure (pc), critical temperature (Tc), and compressibility factor (z).
If the composition is given use the GPSA Engineering Data Book (Section 4)
method for calculation of the other properties required. These are essential
to obtain satisfactory accuracy in any compression calculations.
Tc pc
Tr = , pr =
Tc = absolute critical temperature
pc = absolute critical pressure
T = absolute temperature at which the gas exists
p = absolute pressure at which the gas exists
See Figure 1.2.3-2 for flow diagram, which also explains the symbols
Always allow 2% pressure drop (with a minimum of 0.2 bar) for suction
separators and aftercoolers, and 3.5% pressure drop (with a minimum of 0.35
bar) between compressor stages for intercoolers and separators. For esti-
mating purposes, the interstage pressure drop is always added to the dis-
charge pressure of the previous stage.
Use equations (1) or (2), substituting discharge conditions and assuming that
the temperature is the maximum allowable of 150 oC (423 K) (see 1.2.1). Note
that for this rough calculation zd can be assumed as 1.0, unless the discharge
pressure exceeds 65 bar when it must be calculated. Ask the question:
Note: This is not the only test, as reciprocating compressors are more flexible and
more efficient than centrifugals, but are usually more expensive. Operating economics
may decide in favour of a reciprocating compressor although the flow will be sufficient
for a centrifugal (see also 1.2.1).
1. Calculate the polytropic η for the compression process, using Equation (3),
and a suitable value of ηp from Table 1.2.3-1.
Note: The factor 1.035 is the interstage pressure drop allowance, subject to a min-
imum of 0.35 bar.
r1 = pd1/ps1 (12)
Note: The power absorbed charts (Figures 1.2.3-3a, b) include a variable efficiency
factor, decreasing inversely with pressure ratio, and a variable bearing and seal loss
factor. This W1 is the total power absorbed by the stage, no further losses need be
Note: Centrifugal compressor ‘head' is an energy term and cannot be compared with
the measurable head of liquid raised by a centrifugal pump. It is thus totally incorrect to
quote centrifugal compressor head in units of length (feet, meters, etc.). To do so will
result in errors in calculations.
21. With the power requirement and size of the compressor it will be possible
to prepare a layout of the installation, and estimation of the size, weight
and cost of the installation.
ro = pdN/ps1 (23)
This is calculated using the highest of either the suction or intercooled gas
temperature and maximum allowable discharge temperature of 150 oC
(423 K), (k = ratio of specific heats cp/cv or adiabatic exponent for gas),
rQ = (ro) (27)
Note: The factor 1.035 is the interstage pressure drop allowance, subject to a min-
imum of 0.35 bar.
r1 = pd1/ps1 (29)
Using charts, Figures 1.2.3-4 a to c, for r1 and k read the specific power
absorbed k W/ {(m3(st)/s)ּ K}.
Note: The `power absorbed' charts unlike those in the GPSA data book give the shaft
power required, and are calculated with decreasing efficiency with increasing r as
cylinder and valve losses increase, and have been verified in practice. Note also that
the value of kW read from the charts has only to be multiplied by the absolute suction
temperature Ts, not the ratio of Ts to standard temperature, as in the GPSA
Then use Equation (1) or (2) substituting the appropriate values of P, T and
Use these volume flow rates to check suction and discharge piping size.
ps2 = pd1/1 .035 [bar] or ps2 = Pd1 - 0.35 [bar] (whichever is the smallest)
12. Second stage suction temperature will be the recooled gas temperature,
modified by any sidestreams, etc.
14. Proceed now as first stage Steps 6 to 10 to obtain 2nd stage power and
suction and discharge volume flow rates. Repeat procedure for all
Note: The crankcase and crank mechanism is always standard for a frame size; only
the number and diameter of cylinders per stage is variable.
ηv = (36)
Thus Vpd = (37)
(I) Volumetric efficiency is the ratio of the volume inhaled in a cylinder at suction
conditions to the swept volume of the cylinder (see Figure 1.2.3-5). It has nothing to
do with power absorbed or compressor mechanical efficiency. Volumetric effi-
ciency (VE) will vary according to pressure ratio valve losses, piston ring leakage.
See Figure 1.2.3-6 to select required VE vs. r. Applicable to most commonly en-
countered hydrocarbon gases, and gives a cylinder selection with satisfactory
flexibility and economy.
(ii) All volumes in the calculations are given in m /s instead of the actual displacement
per piston stroke. This is because Vendor's standard tables of cylinder displace-
ment are calculated at the design running speed of the compressor. The methods -
given here will therefore yield compatible results.
ηv = K – r - NcL (r -1) [%] (38)
where NcL = x 100 (see also Figure 1.2.3-5)
Most Vendors have tables of cylinder swept volume vs. cylinder diameter and
running speed. If not available, use the formula (for double-acting cylin-
π ω
qpd = (2D2 - d2) x L x [m3/s] (39)
4 60
D = cylinder diameter, m
d = piston rod diameter, m
L = piston stroke, m
ω =running speed, rpm
qpd = cylinder displacement, m3/s
Thus D = [ 0.5 x ( + d2)] 0.5 [m] (40)
0.0131 x L x ω
Useful tip:
This equation is cumbersome to use, and will be repeated for each stage of
compression. As the piston rod diameter and therefore its swept volume, is
constant for each cylinder, it is useful to precalculate its swept volume and
add it to the required cylinder swept volume before calculating the cylinder
Note: Manufactures tables of cylinder diameters do not include liners. A cylinder will
have to be selected which is at least 30 mm larger than the 0 you have calculated. This
allows for the cylinder casting to be selected for the diameter you have calculated.
Check that the cylinder has sufficient margin of working pressure above Pd.
Compression = x [(pd x D2) - ps(D2 - d2)] x 10-2 [MN] (44)
Note: As ps and pd are in bar, the multiplier 10-2 must be used to express the force in
mega Newtons.
Tension = x [(ps x D2) - pd(D2 - d2)] x 10-2 [MN] (45)
(ii) If the value of Equation (45) is negative, then there is no piston rod thrust reversal
and lubrication of the cross-head pin will be inadequate. The solution is beyond the
scope of these notes, advice should be sought from SIPM, as special cylinders are
21. Proceed to second and subsequent stages and repeat Steps 18,19 and 20
for each stage to select cylinder diameter. Remember that all cylinders
must have the same stroke length and piston rod diameter.
22. Having found the cylinder sizes, the pulsation bottle sizes can be esti-
mated using 1.4. All data will now be available for preparing a layout of
the installation, estimation of size, weight and cost of the installation. The
above techniques are useful for calculation of the performance of a
reciprocating compressor under off-design conditions (see
qs2 ω2 (46)
qs1 ω1
W2 (ω2)3 (48)
W1 (ω1)3
W2 M2 (49)
W1 M1
W2 w2 (49)
W1 w1
1.3.1 Applications
Pumps are also employed for ancillary and utility applications, for exam-
- chemical injection
- fuel transfer
- lube oil circulation
- cooling medium circulation
- fire water
- domestic sewerage
- drinking water
There are also pumps employed for special applications, such as downhole
electric submersible pumps (ESPs), downhole progressive cavity pumps
(PCPs) and beam pumps.
- volute
- diffuser
Positive Displacement
- Reciprocating
- piston
- plunger
- Rotary
- twin screw
- single screw (progressive cavity)
- gear
- vane
- lobe
1.3.2 General
The ancillary, utility and special application pumps are not specifically cov-
ered in this section, however it is essential that the same basic procedures as
provided in this section for the requisitioning and evaluation of pumps are
also applied to these units. In particular the selection of the minimum re-
quirement of component materials should be adhered to.
The theoretical aspects of pumps are adequately covered in text books and
various notes available to individuals within the Shell organisations. No
attempt is made to cover the same ground in this section.
This section does not supersede the various SIPM Design and Engineering
Practice (DEP) publications, but is intended to highlight specific information
which is likely to be useful on a routine basis. General
Depending on the application, and especially the flow and differential head,
equipment selection may be limited to certain types of pump. The pump
range chart (figure 1.3-1) indicates the capacity and head limitations of the
various pump types which are likely to be employed. Table 1.3-1 lists the
pump types which should be used in typical EP applications, with the order of
preference and approximate maximum casing pressure capabilities
If at all possible, the centrifugal pump is always the pump of choice in the EP
Every effort should also be made to minimise the variety of makes and types
of pumps, drivers, and auxiliary equipment selected for a given installation,
or group of installations. This rationalisation should be balanced with the
need to select the best and most cost-effective pump for the specified oper-
ating conditions.
As indicated, centrifugal pumps are shown as the preferred first choice. They
should be selected where possible, but not in the following circum-
- When handling highly viscous fluids (gross viscosity >800 cSt contin-
- When handling fluids containing free gases (1 to 2%).
- Where the duty involves high head at relatively low capacity.
- For metering applications.
- Capacity
- Differential head/pressure
- Viscosity range at minimum and maximum temperature
- Net Positive Suction Head Available (NPSHA)
- Maximum allowable speed
In addition, any other important operating conditions that can affect the pump
and materials selection need to be identified, e.g.:
Once the various operating conditions have been established, the design
duty can be calculated as the first stage in the selection and specification
procedure. General
The simplest capacity control is pump on/off, but this is seldom acceptable,
especially in larger multistage applications where the rotating assembly
represents a significant moment.
Speed control provides good capacity control, and is one reason for using
gas turbine driven pumps in pipeline booster applications. In applications
where the driver requirement is less than 2.5 MW, VSDS are gaining wider
acceptance for good capacity control.
Discharge throttling is the most common form of capacity control used in EP.
This produces a modified system resistance curve, and forces the pump to
operate further up the performance curve. However this control means is
inefficient in that the pump is required to produce a head which is then
partially dissipated over a control valve.
Adjustable inlet guide vanes or diffuser vanes can be used to control through-
put, but these means of control are seldom used in the EP environment.
Within the mechanical limitations of the pump design, the diameter of the
pump impeller or impellers may be changed to modify the pump perfor-
mance. Close co-ordination is required with the pump vendor if impeller
changes are contemplated.
Q = flow
H = head
N = speed
D = impeller diameter
P = power
The laws are only to be applied to centrifugal (radial flow) pumps. The re-
lationship holds only for small changes in impeller diameter. It can be seen
that changes of the speed ratio or the diameter ratio will have the same effect
on capacity, head and power. Limitations
The centrifugal pump has difficulties performing in low flow, high head ap-
plications. Under these conditions, positive displacement pumps are a more
suitable choice.
To limit out of operating range conditions during start-up, the centifugal pump
should be started against a closed discharge valve. Similarly, if a pump is
allowed to operate with flows significantly higher than design, then cavitation
may develop. This can be avoided by providing maximum flow protection
arrangements. Selection
Ns = NQ0.5 H-0.75
N = speed, rpm
Q = capacity, m3/s
H =head, m
Typical shapes of impellers for different Ns values are shown in Figure 1.3-2.
If Q, H and N are known the specific speed can be calculated and the shape of
the impeller identified. By using more than one stage, e.g. x stages, the Ns for
each individual impeller will be x0.75 larger than for a single stage pump and
hence an impeller shape with a higher efficiency can be used.
Experience has shown that maintenance costs are low for this type of
When the process data fall outside the range of the vertical in-line pump a
choice should be made from the following pump types in descending order of
The efficiency varies with the output and is maximum at the pump design
point, falling with increased as well as reduced output. The maximum effi-
ciency varies considerably with different types of centrifugal pumps. In gen-
eral a low head (H), high capacity (Q) pump will have a high efficiency,
whereas a high head, low capacity pump will have a low efficiency:
An approximate prediction of the maximum efficiency at the design point
for a single stage centrifugal pump, pumping a liquid with a viscosity of
1 mm2/s can be made using Figure 1.3-3. For liquids with-a viscosity greater
than 1 mm2/s the correction for capacity, head and efficiency are shown in
Figure 1.3-4. For multistage pumps the head per stage must be taken.
P = QρgH
Q = capacity, m3/s
H = actual head, m liquid
p = density of liquid, kg/m3
η = total efficiency of pump
1) Enter the chart at the bottom with the required viscous fluid capacity (Qvisc)
and proceed upwards to the required viscous head per stage (Hvisc).
The following equations are used for determining the equivalent water per-
Qw =
Hw =
Nvisc = NW x Cη
1) Locate the water capacity at BEP (QNW) from the efficiency curve.
3) Enter the chart at the bottom at QNW, project vertically upwards to locate
the head per stage (HW).
5) Read CQ, CH and Cη (CE) for all four capacities (CH at 0.6/0.8/1.0/1.2
The following equations are used for determining the viscous performance
Qvisc = QW x CQ
Hvisc = HW x CH
Nvisc = NW x Cη
Qvisc = 0.6 QW x CQ
Hvisc = (HW @ 0.6 Qnw) x CH (@0.6 QNW)
Nvisc = NW (@0.6 QNW) x Cη General
The reciprocating pump is the second most common type of pump used in EP,
with the majority being of the plunger pump design. Figure 1.3-7 shows basic
details of one type of plunger pump. As a positive displacement machine, it is
essentially a constant flow device, and this must be taken into consideration
during the selection process. Pump performance will be limited by the driver
power input or by discharge pressure relief valves.
Running Equipment Limitations
The majority of positive displacement pumps are used for high head, low flow
applications and for viscous liquid duty. Particular attention needs to be paid
to ‘cold start' conditions for sizing the driver, defining pipework and pump
case pressure capacity, and the limiting affect on available NPSH and fluid
inlet velocity. Selection
A piston pump consists of two main parts, the power end and the fluid end.
The fluid end consists of two or more single or double acting pistons mounted
in individual or mono-block cylinders. The piston with piston rings runs in a
renewable metal liner with the piston rod passing through a packing. Parts
heavily subjected to wear while pumping abrasive liquids like drilling mud
and sandy crude oil are valves, piston rod and rings and cylinder liner. A
maximum flow of about 0.135 m3/s and pressures of 27.5 MPa have been
achieved on mud pump applications. Suitable piston pump designs should
prevent liquid ingress into the power end in the event of piston ring and
packing failure. Excessive velocities through valves should be avoided. Dur-
ing operation, liners should be rotated regularly to prevent eccentric wear.
Generally the power end is similar to that of piston pumps. The difference lies
in the fluid end, where the plunger runs through the packing like a piston rod
(see Figure 1.3-7). The stuffing box can be fitted with a flushing arrangement
to prevent abrasive solids from lodging in the packing where they could score
the plungers and destroy the packing. Plungers tend to be heavy and their
weight causes eccentric wear to the plunger packing.
There is also a possibility of scoring between the stuffing box bushings and
the plungers. These problems are overcome by using pumps with plunger
diameters less than 0.102 m (4 inch) or pumps with vertical plungers. A ver-
tical plunger pump design with the valves at a distance from the fluid cylinder
has the advantages of facilitating maintenance and allows the use of a great-
er variety of valves.
Instead of having a crankshaft arrangement at the power end, steam, air, gas
or hydraulic oil can be used to directly operate the piston. During 80-90% of
the stroke the velocity of the piston will be constant. By adjusting the power-
end cylinder valves, a small flow overlap can be achieved.
λ includes losses due to, leaks in packing, piston and valves; delayed valve
closing, air or vapour in the liquid and design or manufacturing errors.
Some maximum total efficiencies for power pumps (piston and plunger
pumps) pumping water at practical pump speeds are shown in Table 1.3-3. General Limitations
1. Suction lines should be short and without elbows, but if necessary use
45º elbows.
2. The velocity of the liquid should fall within the range of 0.1-0. 5 m/s.
3. A minimum suction head of 1.2-3m liquid at the pump suction is nec-
essary, but will increase with the viscosity of the fluid pumped (see
4. Use full opening valves, avoid constricting valves.
5. Use eccentric reducers (top flat) near the pump for keeping the line level
to eliminate gas pockets.
6. A uniform slope down to the pump will eliminate gas pockets.
7. Recycle design should take the fluid back to the source, not into the
suction line.
8. Anchor the suction line firmly.
9. Never use a smaller line size than pump inlet.
10. It should be noted that unlike a reciprocating pump, a centrifugal pump
cannot handle any air or vapour unless a special self-priming device is
built in.
1. Do not have flows into ends of tees and out through branches on multi-
pump installations.
2. Anchor the discharge lines firmly.
3. Run lines straight from the pump for at least 3 in before bending.
4. Install a full opening valve, which will allow for maintenance, and up-
stream of this valve a check valve, which will protect the pump from
harmonic pulsations from other installations on the line.
5. Recommended discharge velocities vary between 1,5-2 m/s.
The suction valve should always be fully opened. Usually a centrifugal pump
is started against a temporarily closed discharge valve. This is not necessary
with a variable speed pump. Standby pumps, which are required for auto-
start on loss of system pressure, will start against a closed check valve, which
will open at sufficient head. If the pressure drop in the system is appreciable,
the auto-starting pump can begin to take on load before the running speed is
reached. The driver and pump characteristics should then be checked to ensure
sufficient margin between them. to prevent stalling.
All the requirements mentioned under reciprocating pumps are valid, with
exception of point 7.
As reciprocating pumps.
For pumps covering a wide range of capacities and speeds some of the most
complicated and serious field problems occur from insufficient NPSH.
NPSHA: Net positive suction head available to the pump determined by the
system upstream of the pump.
NPSHR: Net positive suction head required by the pump, determined by
pump type and the pumped liquid.
Suction lift:
NPSHA should preferably be greater than 2 in liquid and exceed NPSHR with
1 in liquid, at least (see DEP
S = N. Q0-5. NPSHR-0.75
Parallel Operation
Series Operation
The combined characteristic of pumps operating in series is obtained by
adding their `H' characteristic at any value of `Q'.
Shaft speeds are normally dictated by the electric motor, which is the most
common pump drive. These motors offer 1500 rpm with four poles and 3000
rpm with two poles running at 50 Hz (at 60 Hz, 1800 rpm and 3600 rpm
respectively). A variable speed electric motor may be beneficial for a large
pump or a requirement for system control.
Other drivers:
For Division 0 areas the use of hydraulic drive should be considered, allow-
ing the power unit to be installed remote from the pump.
Comparison items
- energy source and availability/continuity
- cost of providing energy source
- energy cost
- initial cost
- maintenance cost
- site/location/altitude/temperature.
1.3.8 Seals
Statistically, seal failure is the most frequent cause of pump failure in service,
and therefore deserves far more attention than it normally receives. Seals
can be classified in the following groups.
- labyrinth seal
- dynamic screw seal
- lip seal
- packed gland seal
- mechanical seal
The last three are more commonly used in EP duty, with the mechanical seal
being by far the most common. Figure 1.3-10 shows a typical mechanical seal
- seal temperature
- sealing pressure
- seal face peripheral velocity
- presence of abrasives
- gas bubbles
- vibration or shaft misalignment
Most commonly, pulsation bottles are added to the suction and discharge of
each compressor cylinder. For the calculations an analog computer is pre-
fered. Modifications can be introduced easily to the system and the resulting
response is instantly observable. Many different modifications can be tried
out in a short time to reach a satisfactory solution. Also harmonics of a higher
order can be studied. Most major reciprocating compressor vendors have
their own pulsation analog computers, while independent laboratories such
as South West Research Institute, San Antonio, Texas USA and Pulsim, Deift,
the Netherlands, are able to perform check analyses. Digital computer-pro-
grammes are improving rapidly and have been used inside the Group with
satisfactory results.
Pulsations can result in forces high enough to reduce pump life and cause
equipment and piping failures.
If a defective (always open) suction valve exists, the pump plunger simply
forces the liquid in and out of the defective valve and no net flow occurs
through the discharge valve. A leaking discharge valve also produces low-
amplitude first and second harmonics. In either case a 50 percent reduction
of flow through at least one valve was necessary to produce significant levels
of pulsation below the primary pumping frequency.
pump manifold and adjacent filter which acts as an acoustical pipe open
end. Cavitation
Pressure pulsations caused by the piston motion, forcing the liquid through
the spring loaded valve into the discharge manifold, result in pressure waves
which create mechanical shaking forces, as the momentum of the fluid
changes due to various flow discontinuities (restrictions, piping bends,
closed ends). The purpose of discharge pulsation filters is to impede the
energy transmitted by these waves while offering minimum resistance to the
Filters with gain factors of 0.20 to 0.30 are prefered; that is 20% to 30% of the
pulsation levels at the pump discharge exist at the filter discharge. Design
criteria are discussed below for three types of filters:
See Figure 1.4.2-1b. The high compressibility of gas provides pulsation ab-
sorption. A gas pressure slightly higher than the mean liquid pressure is
needed. Depending on whether contamination of liquid by the gas is per-
missible or not, a liquid float device or a flexible membrane (impervious to
chemical action by the pumped liquid) are used. From experience with a
triplex pump the minimum volume needed is about 100 times the swept
volume of one plunger; for a quintuplex pump the minimum volume needed is
about 30 times the swept volume of one plunger, or more if possible.
See Figure 1.4.2-1c. These involve two liquid filled vessels, connected by a
short section of small diameter pipe called a choke tube. The size of the two
vessels and the diameter and length of the choke tube determine the res-
onance frequency of the filter. Acceptable pulsation levels for tuned filters
can normally be achieved by using a design such that the resonance fre-
quency is below 60% to 70% of the primary pumping frequency (revolutions
per second times the number of pistons). The filter can be made more ef-
fective (lower resonance frequency) by:
However, it must be remembered that (a) and (b) will affect the piping head
This kind of filter is normally designed by a trial and error method. Frequently
the design of a similar installation is updated. In designing a tuned filter the
following should be considered:
(b) By properly locating the entrance and exit of the filter and the choke tube,
possible standing wave organ pipe resonances within the filter vessels
(particularly relatively long ones) can be eliminated.
(c) From experience with reciprocating compressors, the choke tube length
in most filters is limited to 2 to 2.5 in by a possibility of having low fre-
quency organ pipe resonances within the choke tube corresponding to
low frequency harmonic of the pumping frequency. For liquid filters a
maximum choke tube length of 6 in is recommended.
(d) A bell mouth entrance should be used at the entrance of the choke tube
(reduction of entrance losses by a factor of 10).
(e) A choke tube diameter of one half the pump discharge pipe size is a good
first choice, choke tube pressure drop ∆p in Pa can be calculated
(g) The two vessels should be preferably of the same size, however, if over-
all physical size is a problem, V1 should be made as large as possible and
V2 may be as small as 40 to 50 percent of V1.
For large pumps, i.e. over 100 kW, or discharge pressures over 50 bar, an
acoustic analog study of the pumping system is recommended. This study is
similar to those undertaken for gas compressors (see 1.4.1).
1. Recovery of energy from expanding gas where power costs are high
2. Recovery of liquids from gas streams
3. Dew point control of pipeline gases.
The simplest to achieve is 2., where the turbine and the compressor are
carried on the same short, rigid, shaft, the arrangement being similar to a
vehicle exhaust turbocharger. Recompression is often required if the gas is
to be transmitted or utilised for some purpose. Electric power generation is
attractive in sizes greater than 1 MW. Figure 1.5-1 is a cross-section of a
typical turbo-expander/compressor.
A typical field gas turbo-expander system for liquid recovery or dew point
control is shown in Figure 1.5-2. The expansion ratio, and hence the tem-
perature drop, will be determined by the liquid recovery required or the dew
point specification of the product gas. Turbo-expanders with matching re-
compressors are available for a wide range of pressure and enthalpy drop.
For this duty, sizes up to about 5 MW are available, and up to 80% of the
enthalpy drop can be recovered as work. A typical turbo-expander/recoin-
pressor will have an overall efficiency in the range 50-65%.
The two principal problems with a turbo-expander are:
2. Thrust balancing.
All radial inflow turbines used for this purpose are designed to condense up
to 50% of the flow in the turbine. However, hydrates can form on the nozzles,
preventing their movement by the load controller. Hydrates can be control led
by methanol or glycol injection into the inlet gas stream at a rate up to
150 g/m3 and in droplets smaller than 100µm. If these rates do not depress
the hydrate formation sufficiently or if the inlet temperature is below 30C, it is
preferable to dehydrate the gas before expansion.
By means of variable inlet guide vanes, the expansion ratio and flow can be
controlled over a wide range. The resulting speed and power change results
in a corresponding change in compressor throughout, which can be matched
to the turbo-expander throughput, maintaining cold separator conditions.
These processes can be satisfactorily simulated by a process computer
1.6.1 General
The formulae are based on conservative assumptions and do not provide for
some of the important influencing factors, such as:
In most cases this results in oversized gears, which means that a larger (and
more expensive) frame size has to be selected. It is recommended that gear
boxes are purchased conforming to API Std 613 but sized according to AGMA
which -takes the above-mentioned factors into account.
Use AGMA 421.06 when the pinion speeds are 3600 rpm and higher or the
pitch line speeds are 25.4 in/s (5000 ft/min) and higher. Otherwise use AGMA
1.6.4 Misalignment
The torsional vibrations must be considered for all large running equipment
trains, especially when using reciprocating machinery, as they can lead to
failures of gears. The torsional critical speeds must be well outside of the
operating speed range. Changes in torsional stiffness of the couplings and
proper sizing of flywheels are some of the methods used to tune the natural
frequency of the machinery train.
The different gear tooth distress modes (for illustrations see API Std 613)
rarely occur alone, one may be a result of continued nature of another, which
may make it difficult to identify their causes. The most typical gear tooth prob-
lems are: Pitting
Pitting often takes place during the initial operation of gears. The machining
process results in microscopic high and low spots which cause overstressing
of the high spots. They can develop into:
- ‘destructive pitting' - when the pits become larger and closer together,
finally becoming big enough to act as a start of a fatigue crack, then a tooth
breakage (this condition can be caused by overloads or inferior lubricating
oil quality). Spalling
Spalling is a more severe form of pitting where the cavities are larger, deeper
and of a cleaner definition. It can appear after relatively few cycles under
excessive internal stresses.
The high root stresses above the endurance limit of material resulting in
tooth breakage or fatigue failure can be caused by:
It has been demonstrated that the majority (up to 80%) of gear start-up
problems can be traced back to design and quality control errors, with the
rest caused by installation errors, maloperation and miscellaneous others.
The most common are the tooth geometry errors, which can cause mechan-
ical vibration and noise. The poor contacts resulting from these errors will
give localised gear overloads, pitting and scoring, possibly leading to tooth
The gears with insufficient tooth contact may go unnoticed during the factory
mechanical no-load test, without exhibiting any signs of distress. However,
few manufacturers have the facilities for load testing.
If poor contact is suspected, a gear contact check (red and blue stationary
checks, Red Dykem or copper sulphate running check may be neces-
The purpose of this Section is to explain briefly the function and behaviour of
shaft couplings.
The simplest way of achieving this is by using a rigid coupling. This could be
in the form of flanged ends on the driving and driven machine shaft ends
connected together by a series of bolts. However, more usually rigid coupling
arrangements comprise half couplings or hubs, which are assembled to the
shaft ends using keys, press fits of shrink fits (Figure 1.7-1). Such arrangements
may be acceptable if the shaft lengths concerned are short and of relative
large diameter, and where both machines are mounted on a common
torsionally stiff base plate.
If a rigid coupling is employed, it is essential that the driving and driven shafts
are carefully and accurately aligned to ensure that cyclic bending stresses
are not introduced into the shafts. Such bending stresses will cause fatigue
failure of the shafts over a period of time. Misalignment will impose loads on
the machine journal bearings, significantly reducing their life. Also any axial
loads will be transmitted across the coupling so the machines are not inde-
pendent and the position of thrust bearings must be carefully considered.
Sulzer have successfully used solid couplings on many machinery trains
between compressors and a speed increasing gearbox, with the thrust bear-
ing located on the low-speed shaft. The thrust from the compressors is trans-
mitted through a single helical gearbox using cones on the gear and pin-
From a practical point of view, it is very difficult to perfectly align two mating
shafts. Even if trouble is taken to achieve perfect alignment on installation,
the likelihood of the two shafts remaining perfectly aligned throughout their
service life is remote.
These factors will cause the shafts of the driving and driven shafts to be
misaligned relative to each other. Misalignment can be classified as fol-
In either case the coupling flexible element is free (within certain limits) to
move axially, at an angle and radially. Some types of flexible coupling are
radially stiff, in which case lateral misalignment between shafts is catered for
by installing two flexible elements with a spacer in between. This feature can
be exploited to ensure there is adequate distance between machines to
permit maintenance of bearings and seals.
These quoted ratings are typically for a service factor of one and must be
multiplied by a factor corresponding to the torque behaviour of both driver
and driven machines. Standardised factors are given in AGMA514.02, how-
ever, manufacturers often use values based on their own experience and
designs. Factors determined for driven and driving machines must be added
to reach the factor for coupling rating. Typical factors are shown in the table
in Figure 1.7-4. Service factors are higher for greater torque fluctuations such
that the highest factor normally used is for a reciprocating gas or diesel-
engine driving a reciprocating compressor.
Coupling rating must be based on the rated output power of the driving (not
driven) machine. This will prevent any possibility of encroaching on service
factors, or indeed overloading, the coupling in the event of a future uprating
of the driven machine. It should be noted that the juncture of shaft to coupling
hub must be designed to transmit the same torque as the coupling itself. Such
junctures are made by shrinking or keying the coupling hub to the shaft in
parallel or taper configuration.
In the oil industry coupling duties are divided into two categories, general
purpose and special purpose, which should be in compliance with API 671.
Service factors and application factors should be used with caution to avoid
oversizing a coupling for a given duty. Refer to section: Coupling Selec-
A common misconception is that API 671 applies to only high duty (energy)
couplings. In fact the specification categorises three classes of duty:
Rating =
5) Select the coupling configuration, hub design and distance between shaft
ends (DBSE) to suit the application.
In common with the rigid coupling, the main function of the flexible coupling is
to transmit the power and torque from a prime mover (the driving machine) to
a driven machine. In addition, the flexible coupling has the important secon-
dary function of absorbing limited amounts of shaft misalignment and re-
ducing the forces associated with such misalignments to acceptable levels.
Many different principles and materials are employed in the construction of
flexible couplings, but all fall within two main categories:
All these designs of flexible coupling will transmit torque and accommodate
shaft misalignment. Thus, when selecting a flexible coupling, the final choice
will probably be the result of other benefits inherent in the coupling. Low cost
would be such a benefit, but there are other characteristics which all flexible
couplings are designed to possess to a greater or lesser extent, examples
Operating envelopes for various coupling types are shown in Figure 1.7-12.
Various coupling types are used in the oil industry, such as the segmental
Facilities and Maintenance
Over the last 20 (or so) years the membrane has superseded the gear type,
such that Shell EP operating companies are now advised to specify it when-
ever possible.
The pros and cons of both types of coupling are summarized below.
Need complete replacement when Failures are sudden
worn Large size
Need lubrication Heavy (kg/torque transmitted)
When worn loses balance Relatively noisy
Difficult to balance when dismant-
led and then rebuilt
Additional filters (down to 0.5 microns) and even cyclones have been fitted
into the oil feed to gear couplings in an attempt to minimise sludging, how-
ever, this extra equipment all requires maintenance. Also, so-called anti-
sludge couplings have been marketed by manufacturers, however, they gen-
erally require a greater flow of oil, and the additional filtration equipment
would be fitted as a precaution.
Gear couplings which are packed with grease are available for lower energy
duties, however, it has been found in some cases that the metal soaps used in
the manufacture of greases separate out and starve the teeth of lubrica-
There are two categories of flexible membrane couplings; those with a single
contoured diaphragm and those with multiple membrane ‘packs'. Both types
are radially stiff so, two units are necessary, with a spacer in between, to
cater for the lateral misalignment of shafts.
Maximum misalignment increases with less bolts (i.e. less links). Torque
transmission increases with more bolts (i.e. more links) - lighter/smaller
coupling. Consequently there is a compromise to be made between torque
transmission and misalignment. Refer to Figure 1.7-14.
This type of coupling is similar to the multiple membrane type, with a solid
diaphragm in place of the membrane packs. Refer to Figure 1.7-11.
The coupling has three major parts: two rigid hubs and a spool piece. These
parts are solidly bolted together and misalignment is accommodated through
flexing of the two discs of the spool. The spool piece is made up of three
separate parts: two discs and a spacer tube, which are electron-beam
welded together.
The diaphragm is contoured to maintain uniform stress when all the forces
acting on it are at their maximum. Under normal operating conditions a
diaphragm of a coupling is subjected to uniform and cyclic stresses. The
uniform stresses are generated by torque, centrifugal forces and axial defle-
ction. Cyclic stresses are induced by the angular misalignment seen-by the
a. Torque transmission
b. Centrifugal forces
c. Axial deflection
This type of disc deformation is similar to the head of a drum as the rim
diameter remains constant. The disc deformation has two effects: radial
stretch (the distance between rim and hub increases) and bending. The
stresses imposed by axial deflection are larger at the hub than at the rim.
d. Angular misalignment
The use of stainless steel membranes makes the multiple membrane cou-
pling suitable for most industrial environments including marine and refinery
installations. Alternative membranes manufactured from Monel 400 and In-
conel 718 can be supplied to meet more arduous conditions. The remainder
of the coupling would normally be manufactured from carbon or alloy steel
and these materials, together with an appropriate surface finish, would again
be suitable for most industrial environments. Special materials, such as
titanium, stainless steel and brass can be employed to meet special require-
ments. The choice of metals available means that designs of membrane
couplings can be provided to meet most environments and to permit oper-
ation from sub-zero temperatures to + 3000C.
The forces generated by membrane couplings are very low, particularly the
bending moment imposed on the shaft ends by angular misalignment. Loads
generated by axial misalignment are predictable and very small for small
misalignments (refer to Figure 1.7-15). The very high axial loads which may
be generated by gear couplings under `lock-up' conditions do not occur with
membrane couplings.
The radial or shear stiffness of a pack of membranes is very high, and hence
no radial displacement takes place across the membrane pack under the
action of any radial load which might be imposed in service. This high radial
stiffness, together with the lack of any wearing parts, endows the membrane
coupling with good dynamic balance retention properties. The residual un-
balance of the coupling as installed does not change until the coupling is
disturbed, and is not affected by the speed of operation. By comparison, the
balance of a gear coupling deteriorates during its working life and the Installation
The low axial stiffness of multiple membrane couplings under small- axial.
misalignment conditions means that comparatively small axial forces will
compress the coupling to some degree. Refer to Figure 1.7-15. This feature is
of benefit when installing the coupling, as the transmission unit can be com-
pressed to permit spigots to engage in location recesses.
These are necessary for electric motors with sleeve bearings to restrict the
motor rotor axial movement at times when the motor cannot centre itself. The
requirements of a limited end float coupling are:
1) To allow the motor to remain on its magnetic centre during normal run-
2) To allow some axial movement from thermal growths without significantly
displacing the rotor.
3) To restrict the motor rotor movement under abnormal or shutdown con-
- It has a very low axial restoring force at low levels of axial displacement,
thus absorbing thermal growth without significantly disturbing the motor
- The low axial forces generated by small axial displacements allow the
motor to run on its own magnetic centre;
- Large axial movements of the motor rotor are prevented under shutdown
conditions as the axial loads generated in the membranes by large axial
displacements are generally higher than the aerodynamic forces, etc.,
imposed on the motor rotor.
Following are some of the major design features (extracted from API 671)
required in special purpose coupling installations, particularly high speed
`(2.1.4) All couplings shall be of the spacer type. Spacer shall be of sufficient
length to allow removal of coupling hubs and to allow maintenance of ad-
jacent bearings and seals without the removal of the shaft and without dis-
turbing equipment-alignment. Therefore, the minimum spacer length shall
correspond to a between-shaft-ends dimension of 18 inches (457 millimetres)
unless otherwise specified by the purchaser.'
The intention of this clause is to provide better inherent balance and relia-
`(2.3.4) Actual axial natural frequencies of the coupling shall not fall within 10
percent of any of the following:
1) Any speed within the range from the minimum allowable speed to the
maximum continuous speed;
2) Two times any speed within the above speed range;
3) Any other speed or exciting frequency specified by the purchaser.
It can be seen that, in principle, API 671 places great importance on ensuring
a high degree of balance with the installed coupling, both when new and
following removal and replacement. In addition to the above the specification
includes the following requirements:
Other notable features of an API 671 coupling are: (see Fig. 1.7-16). Guards Enclosures
Coupling enclosures were successfully used with oil lubricated couplings for
many years. When the first membrane couplings were installed in oil tight
enclosures, it was found that the enclosures could become very hot. The oil
flow to the gear type couplings had not only lubricated the coupling, but also
cooled it.
It was initially believed that heat was generated by the friction between the
gear coupling teeth, however, tests have shown that this friction is very small
and accounts only for a few degrees of the total temperature rise. It is now
believed that ‘windage' is the principle cause of heat generation in a coupling
Typically the three elements of a coupling (two flexing elements and one
spacer) have dissimilar diameters. The spacer is smaller in diameter than
the rest of the coupling; this being particularly evident with diaphragm type
couplings. Due to the friction between the air and the face of the discs a
circular motion is generated, and this motion generates additional heat.
Turbulence is also generated by the heads of bolts and nuts connecting the
various components of the coupling. A well designed coupling incorporates
shrouds over bolt heads and nuts, particularly those which are placed at
large diameters.
(1) Radiation
The heat generated within the enclosure is normally dissipated by its outside
surface into the surrounding air. To increase this dissipation common engi-
neering sense should be used:
- increase the surface area, either by making the enclosure large, or by
adding radiating fins;
- allow air circulation over the enclosure;
- shade the enclosure from exposure to the sun or from other hot compo-
nents, such as turbine exhausts.
If the dry coupling has been installed as a retrofit such that the enclosure
cannot be modified, and its temperature is unacceptable high, spraying the
coupling or the inside surface of the enclosure with oil will dissipate addi-
tional heat.
If the air heated by friction is allowed to escape from the enclosure and be
replaced by outside air, the enclosure's temperature can be significantly
reduced. Venting the air out of the enclosure could create the problem of oil
mist escaping into the atmosphere, however, this problem can be eliminated
by the proper design of enclosure vents, ports and baffles.
The following features should be considered when designing an enclosure
with air cooling:
The intake and exhaust ports should be placed so that no ‘dead zone' is left
in the enclosure. Hence, if one exhaust port is placed in the middle of the
enclosure's length, one intake port should be used at each end of the en-
closure. Conversely, if two exhaust ports are used (this is desirable for
enclosures longer than 36 inch), then one intake port should be placed half-
way between the exhaust ports.
The total intake port area should be half the total exhaust area. For example,
if one exhaust port of 3 inch diameter is used, each of the two intake ports
should be 1.5 inch in diameter.
The amount of oil that escapes past a seal is usually very small. However,
some compressor manufacturers prefer to eliminate the seals completely
and to recapture the bearing oil from the coupling enclosure rather than from
the compressor housing. It is therefore possible that flow rates of up to 3 gpm
are still flowing into the enclosure, even with a non-lubricated coupling. This
is hot oil and does not necessarily provide cooling.
To prevent oil from becoming a mist, many enclosures rely on the centrifugal
effect created by the rotation of the air, similar to the working of a cyclone
separator. One way to help the air rotation is to install the intake port(s)
tangentially to the enclosure, as shown in Figure 1.7-17. Another way to
prevent the formation of oil mist is to shorten the residency in the enclosure of
any oil particle. An oil tight baffle should be installed along the enclosure,
over the exit port (Figure 1.7-17). This baffle will direct the oil out of the
enclosure and prevent if from rotating more than one revolution.
The actual separation between air and oil is done outside the enclosure in a
vertical separation chamber. All ports should have breather caps, provided
with a coarse wire mesh filter.
When large diameter discs are mounted on shafts in the vicinity of the seals,
their rotation generates a negative pressure, which induces oil to be sucked
out from the machine bearing housings into the coupling enclosure. As cou-
plings are mounted closer and closer to the bearings (in order to reduce the
overhung moment), the problem of oil being lost into the enclosure is en-
countered more often.
To minimise the problem, an air tube can be installed close to the coupling.
This tube allows atmospheric pressure near the seal and cancels the nega-
tive pressures (Figure 1.7-18). Preferably, this air tube should be in addition
to the normal air inlet. If the tube does not eliminate oil loss it should be
connected to an area of positive pressure; usually over the largest diameter
rotating element.
(a) A coupling enclosure should be free to float at both ends. If the enclosure
were bolted at one end it would be free more axially, but would be rigid
with respect to offset motions.
(b) The enclosure should be oil tight. The usual leakage path is at the ho-
rizontal flanges; gaskets and caulking seldom can stop leaks. One so-
lution is to include dams on the inside of the enclosure at the flanges to
prevent oil mist being centrifuged directly onto the joint (Figure-1.7-17)
Foundation bolts should be set in sleeves which are at least twice the diame-
ter of the bolt. The bolt should have a free length of 40 bolt diameters within
the sleeve. This allows sufficient stretch in the bolts when they are tightened
to the required torque so that the nuts do not slacken under vibrating load.
The method of attachment of the bolt head to the sleeve base is important,
if it should break loose, the entire bolt will have to be removed. Under no cir-
cumstances must the sleeve annulus be filled with any concrete, grouting
material, etc. It is essential to ensure that the annulus is properly plugged
with soft packing before concrete pouring commences (see Figure 1.8-1).
Foundation bolts, in their sleeves, should be supported from a rigid frame
during pouring of the concrete. Needless to say, the set-out of the bolts must
be accurately checked against the drawings as mistakes can be very difficult
to correct once the concrete has set.
Refer to Figure 1.8-2. After the concrete has cured, it is good practice to coat
the entire foundation block with an epoxy paint to prevent oil penetration of
the concrete. The area where the chocks are to be grouted should not be
painted but should be scarified to remove ‘laitence' and loosely adhering
material, a good bond between the grout and sound concrete is essential.
The chocks are now placed, aligned and accurately levelled using their
Running Equipment
The shims are first placed on the chocks. These shims are accurately ma-
chined in thickness to 25 ± 0.1 mm and are profiled to fit around the foun-
dation bolts and machine levelling screws. The machine is lowered onto the
foundation, and allowed to rest on the shims. All alignments and crankshaft
web deflections are checked, final adjustments are made using the machine
levelling screws. When alignment is complete, use feeler gauges to accu-
rately measure the gap between the bed plate and the top of the shim at
locations where the levelling screws have been adjusted. The best way of
compensating for these adjustments is to reduce the thickness of the thicker
shims on a surface grinder, each by an amount such that the machine is
perfectly aligned when standing on the shims and all levelling screws slack.
Alternatively, where a surface grinder is not available, the gaps should be
made up by packing stainless steel shim stock, profiled to the shape of the
shims and placed between the chock and the shim. Slacken all levelling
screws and tighten the foundation screws to the correct torque, and finally
recheck alignment. Always use a nut and lock-nut on the foundation bolts of
reciprocating machinery.
To prevent oil spillage from flowing into the void beneath the bed plate, the
edges of the void may be packed with a stiff Portland cement grout. This grout
should be faired off level with the underside of the base plate to deflect
spillage away from the edge of the base plate. The grout should never over-
lap the machine base, any vibration will break it away.
It is almost inevitable that after ten years running the concrete will have
absorbed sufficient oil as to seriously impair its strength. At this stage it is
preferable to remove the machine entirely and to break down the foundation
until clean concrete has been reached. The foundation should be rebuilt,
using new foundation bolts, as described herein.
(a) Position the heaviest machinery on the baseplate at the end with the two
(c) The baseplate must allow lifting at one end only without distortion.
(d) Each mounting must be designed to withstand all static and dynamic
loads and for deflection of the module up to 60 in any direction.
(f) Module and baseplate design must be co-ordinated to ensure that the
module has strong points where required for the three-point mounts for
the baseplate.
(a) The machine Vendor should check the baseplate vibration response at
the running speed, first and second harmonics to ensure that there are no
coinciding resonant frequencies.
(b) Ensure that the baseplate foundation bolts and the machinery holding-
down bolts are in the same vertical line (see Figure 1.8-5). Offsetting can
cause resonances.
(c) Baseplates are designed either low of `high' tuned. Low tuned means
that the resonant frequency of the baseplate is below the running fre-
quency. The baseplate is supported on flexible mounts and vibration will
transmit only a small force to the surrounding structure. Used for offshore
platform design. High tuned means that the resonant frequency is above
the running speed, implying a heavy foundation structure. The decision
for either type of support depends upon the nature of the machine, the
structure it is installed in, and the nature of the soil.
(f) Check that hot piping near a baseplate does not distort it. Lube oil tanks in
the baseplate cause distortion unless design has accounted for the thermal
growth induced by the hot oil in the tank.
Running Equipment
new installations, hand-held data loggers used in conjunction with desk top
computers are all that can be justified. However a clear and precise need for
the accumulation of data must be established prior to the implementation of
any system, otherwise a proliferation of superfluous data can quickly develop.
The following survey outlines the parameters which can be monitored for
each equipment type. Whether or not these are applied will depend on the
individual application and maintenance strategy.
Gas turbines are provided with a standard alarm- and trip system, which
provide equipment protection on five key parameters:
- overspeed
(a) Non-Intrusive
Exhaust Temperature: The exhaust temperature of the gas turbine is the best
parameter for assessing the condition of the combustion and hot section
components. Damage to the turbine can occur very rapidly as a result of
operation at a firing temperature above the manufacturer's recommended
maximum, or as a result of an uneven exhaust temperature distribution.
Depending on the type of gas turbine, the temperature measured will be the
power turbine entry temperature (T5), or the turbine exhaust temperature
(T7). Most combustion or hot section problems will be manifest as deviations
- in measured exhaust temperatures. Some turbine manufacturers now pro-
vide temperature spread protection associated with the over temperature
protection, but trending can highlight combustion or hot section problems as
they begin to develop. The exhaust temperature can also be used as an
indirect parameter to indicate compressor fouling and intake filter problems.
When efficiency decreases as a result of fouling, more fuel will be required
for the same output, resulting in an increased exhaust temperature. For
example, an increase of 15 degrees Celsius exhaust temperature for similar
load conditions could indicate the need for compressor washing.
Alignment: With the more widespread use of dry flexible couplings and their
greater tolerance to misalignment, monitoring of alignment need only be
carried out when known problems exists. Unless the equipment is mounted
on an offshore platform, and assuming it is dowelled in location, there should
be no shifting in service except for thermal effects. Hot alignment techniques
have been in use for a considerable time, using Essinger bars, but more
recent developments now enable hot alignment checks to be performed
using laser alignment instrumentation with an on-line monitoring capability.
This provides and accurate check on whether calculated growths have been
achieved and can assess any diurnal or seasonal influences on alignment.
Air Inlet Filters: Air inlet filters are a major source of normal operating costs
but can be the cause of turbine unreliability if the differential pressure rises
quickly to the shut-down value during, for example, short periods of high
humidity. Trending of pressure drop over the filters enables the performance
of a partially clogged filter to be assessed during periods of climatic change
so that filter change-out intervals can be optimised without impacting ma-
chine reliability.
Lube Oil Analysis: If the load is a compressor with a common lube and seal oil
system, regular viscosity and flash point tests must be carried out. In other
applications, only infrequent analysis is required, as turbine oil is not ex-
posed to combustion products.
For aero-derivative gas turbines with roller or ball bearing systems there are
three additional testing procedures available:
- Magnetic Particle
- Ferrography
(b) Intrusive
(a) Non-Intrusive
Sour Seal Oil Flows: Monitoring of the individual seal oil flow rates to the
traps gives a good indication of the condition of individual seals and can warn
of high sour seal flows before the sour seal handling facilities become over-
loaded. On systems using differential pressure seal oil controllers, excessive
sour seal flows can be the result of incorrect control set points.
A load cell mounted in the thrust bearing can also be used to detect excessive
thrust load and is a direct measurement. However this measurement is
usually not standard and often only used to confirm thrust load calculations
during development testing.
Alignment: The same comments made under gas turbines apply equally well
to centrifugal compressors.
Lube Oil: Even if there are separate lube and seal oil systems, viscosity and
flash point tests must be carried out at regular intervals on both systems.
Depending on the size of the pump, the following protection systems may be
provided for the followed parameters:
- high vibration
- pump casing high temperature
- seal leakage flow high.
For single or two stage process centrifugal pumps designed to API 610 Stan-
dard with an installed spare, a 3 - 4 year run life should be achievable
without condition monitoring, and this should be reflected in the maintenance
philosophy developed. Monitoring may be required to assist in the resolution
of specific problems, but can seldom be justified on an ongoing basis.
For large multistage `between bearing' shipping and water injection pumps,
the maintenance philosophy chosen should be similar to that for centrifugal
compressors, that is overhaul on-condition with a 7 year TBO target.
(a) Non-Intrusive
Gas Engines are provided with standard alarm and trip systems which pro-
vide equipment protection on several key parameters: -
- overspeed
- lube oil low pressure or high temperature
- high cooling water temperature.
(a) Non-Intrusive
Lube Oil Analysis: In addition to viscosity and flash point checks, TAN (Total
Acid Number) tests should to be carried out due to the inevitable contami-
nation of the oil system with combustion products. More than any other
analysis parameter, TAN will dictate the lube oil change interval. Once the
lube oil change intervals have been optimised for a given gas engine ap-
plication, only infrequent checks to confirm the service interval can usually
be justified.
(a) Non-Intrusive
Rod Runout: Runout monitoring provides indication of rider ring and cross-
head bearing wear.
Reciprocating pumps are provided with a trip system which provides equip-
ment protection for the following parameters:
- lube oil low pressure (if pressure-fed bearings)
- high vibration (on some machines).
(a) Non-Intrusive.
Packing Leakage: The condition of the packing can best be monitored by the
amount of leakage.
1.9.9 Gearboxes
- vibration
- bearing temperature
- thrust position.
The lube oil system protection is normally catered for elsewhere in the
(a) Non-Intrusive.
Alignment: The same comments made under gas turbines apply equally well
to gearboxes.
Lube Oil Analysis: Magnetic chip detectors mounted in the gearbox lube oil
drain can give an early indication of any tooth distress and provide infor-
mation on abnormal wear rates.
(b) Intrusive:
Tooth Contact Checks: Tooth contact checks need usually only be made on
site during initial installation. However if gearbox problems are experienced
in service, changes in tooth contact over extended time intervals can be a
useful condition monitoring technique.
1.10.1 General
Testing is intended to reveal the fitness of the equipment for the purpose, to
discover any defects in design, manufacture or assembly, and most impor-
tant, that the entire package will work as an entity. Testing cannot be left until
the equipment has been delivered to the Job Site; it must be completed prior
to delivery of the equipment package.
These shall be tested in accordance with DEP, API Std 616,
and ASME PTC-22. Essentially the rotors are balanced, and the gas turbine is
run in the works against a dynamometer. The performance is checked, and
the governing system calibrated, It is essential to conduct this test with the
contract engine control system. During this test, a full set of pressure, tem-
perature and vibration spectra data is taken as a ‘base-line' for future on-line
condition monitoring. For an aero-derivative gas turbine, the works test
should be performed using a shop hot gas generator as running starts and
hours of the contract hot gas generator on the test stand will be included in
the Vendor's guarantee period. The contract hot gas generator will have
been fully tested, as above, in the Manufacturer's works.
If the contract fuel has inert constituents in excess of 25%, or a lower heating
value (LHV) less than 22 MJ/m3 (st), the Manufacturer shall conduct perform-
ance trials in the works (before commencing manufacture) with his engine
burning a gas mixture similar to the contract fuel gas to demonstrate satisfac-
tory starting, load acceptance and load rejection. The test shall include a run
at full load of not less than four hours, after which the hot gas path shall be
inspected. An identical test shall be performed for crude oil or residual oil
These shall be tested in accordance with API Std 618 or API Std 7B-11C. Tests
shall include starting, stopping, and fuel consumption against a shop dynamom-
eter. As for gas turbines, if the contract fuel is ‘unusual', the test shall be done
using a sample of the proposed fuel. Base-line data such as firing pressure cur-
ves, governor valve calibration and vibration spectra shall be recorded during
the test.
1.10.3 Compressors
Tests are performed in accordance with DEP, API Std 614
and API Std 617. These will include balance checks on the rotor which must
be done in stages as the impellers are added. Final balancing is done in two
planes only. If the rotordynamic stability analysis gave a logarithmic decre-
ment less than 2.5, the final balance of the rotor should be done at up to 110%
of running speed in a vacuum balancing pit. In its casing, the rotor will be run
up to 110% of maximum continuous speed as part of the mechanical run test.
During either run up or more usually during run down the first critical speed
should be established, If it proves to be impossible to determine the first
critical speed, a further attempt should be made after adding an unbalance
weight to the coupling so as to cause excitation at the first critical speed. It is
essential to establish the first critical speed.
Class 1: test performed on the specified gas, at the speed, inlet pressure and
temperature for which the compressor is intended to operate.
Class 2: performance under site conditions are predicted from tests con-
ducted at different operating conditions and with other gases.
For each constant speed line on the Head-Capacity graph for which the
performance is to be verified, six points are required for complete curve
The design point performance shall have tolerances on head, flow and power
in accordance with API Std 617 (Nov. 1979). Curve shape (surge margin)
guarantees should be sought from the Vendor, in line with
The mechanical running tests should be in accordance with API Std. 617 as
modified by DEP This test may be performed using a shop
driver or it may be performed as a Complete Unit (or `String') test using
contract driver, gear unit, oil console, control panel, etc. as appropriate.
Refer to 1.10.7 below.
Tests are performed in accordance with DEP and API Std
618. Nominally the compressor is checked for bearing clearances, piston rod
runout, and piston ring and packing ring clearances, It is run at no load
(suction valves removed) for six hours. Vibration levels are checked against
ISO 2372-1974. Pistons are pulled at the conclusion of the run and the con-
dition of the cylinder liner, piston rings, packings, cross-head and-bearings is
examined. As reciprocating compressor failures are usually time-dependent,
there is no purpose in performing a running test at full gas pressure.
1.10.4 Pumps
The proper testing of pumps and their ancillaries is intended to confirm the
overall fitness for purpose of the equipment purchased. It is recommended
that all such testing is carried out in the vendor's works prior to shipment. Site
testing as a means of reducing the delivery schedule should be avoided
wherever possible.
Note: For small pump units less than 250 kW, it is considered acceptable for a
third-party inspector to witness the tests. However, for larger units, and for smaller
non-standard units, it is recommended that the responsible project/requisitioning
engineer, or an appointed representative (design contractor) engineer, should also be
present during all tests not indicated as ‘by inspector'.
Note: In addition to the recording of all condition monitoring readouts the requisi-
tioning engineer should ensure that the seal leakage rate is checked/monitored.
These tests shall be in accordance with API Std 613 or API Std 677.
1.10.6 Couplings
This test shall comprise the connecting together of all equipment in the
driving train, i.e. driver, gears and driven equipment on the contract base-
plate. All contract auxiliary equipment, including control panels, lubricating
and seal oil systems, but excluding the contract air filter and exhaust silencer
on a gas turbine, shall be included in the test. The entire starting, stopping,
load acceptance and rejection tests shall be performed, and not less than
three malfunction shut-downs shall be tested, one of which shall be over-
Any faults revealed by the above test shall be rectified before the package
leaves the shop, and any similar packages shall be identically treated. De-
pending upon the extent of faults and repairs, the right should be reserved to
test all identical packages. Any modifications resulting from the tests must be
fully recorded.
The selection of Vendors should be restricted only to those willing and cap-
able of performing tests as described herein.
Pending the completion of this list, users are recommended to consult SIPM-
EPD/62 for references and further reading regarding Running Equipment,
insofar as not already included in the preceding material.
Chapter 2
2.3 Stages of Development of a Project from Process and Instrument Diagrams to Requisitions......................2-5
2.7.1 Fittings......................................................................................................................................................2-16
2.7.2 Joints........................................................................................................................................................2-17
2.7.3 Valves ......................................................................................................................................................2-17
2.9 References....................................................................................................................................................2-18
The most commonly used piping codes and standards are those produced
under the sponsorship of the American National Standard Institute (ANSI)
and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). The ANSI/ASME
Code for pressure piping, B31, consists of a number of individually published
sections (also called codes) and is shown in Table 2-1. Selection of material
to resist deterioration in service is not covered in the code, therefore con-
sultation with a corrosion and/or materials engineer for specialist advice is
strongly recommended.
National Standards on dimension, rating and design for the large number of
piping components have been developed by the industry. The standards are
incorporated in the Code, which greatly reduces the design cost of piping.
The most important standards are listed in Table 2-2.
This Code prescribes the requirements for the materials, design, fabrication,
assembly, erection, examination, inspection and testing of piping systems
subject to pressure or vacuum. It applies to piping systems for all fluids,
including raw, intermediate and finished chemicals, oil and other petroleum
products, gas, steam, air, water, refrigerants and fluidised solids.
This Code covers all piping within the property limits of facilities engaged in
the processing or handling of chemical, petroleum, or related products.
a) Piping systems designed for internal pressure at or above zero but less
than 15 psi (103 kPa), provided the fluid handled is non-flammable, non-
toxic, and not damaging to human tissue as defined in the Code and its
design temperature is from –20ºF (-29ºC) through 366ºF (186ºC).
b) Power boilers in accordance with ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
Section I and boiler external piping which is required to conform to
c) Tubes, tube headers, crossovers, and manifolds of fired heaters, which
are internal to the heater enclosure.
d) Pressure vessels, heat exchangers, pumps, compressors, and other fluid
handling or processing equipment, including internal piping and connec-
tions for external piping.
e) Piping located on company property which has been set aside for pipe-
lines conforming to B31.4, B31.8 or B31.11 or applicable governmental
f) Plumbing, sanitary sewers, and storm sewers.
g) Fire protection systems constructed in compliance with insurance under-
writers' or other recognised fire protection engineering standards.
2.3 Stages of Development of a Project from Process and Instrument Diagrams to Requisitions
P and IDs give all the essential details on the piping such as: line size, line
number, piping class. Lines are numbered sequentially for each service.
Line sizes are determined to suit the flow rate and condition of the fluid (see
2.4). The piping class is selected from tables which have been assembled for
the project (see 2.5).
a) The location and orientation of all static and running equipment nozzles,
including sight and light glasses, manholes and instrument connections.
b) The location of major valves, control sets, orifice assemblies, piping spe-
Cialities and equipment and all instruments.
c) Main or subsidiary pipe tracks, instrument and cable ducts.
d) Single runs of specialist piping such as alloy and long delivery materials.
2.3.3 Models
Piping models are of great assistance in the design layout stage where piping
is of a very high density and are very useful in respect of access, maintenance
and training operators. Their scale is normally 1 in 33.3.
The isometric drawings are produced from the piping arrangement (or direct
from the model) and are used for the purpose of fabrication. The drawings
identify all in-Iine components and jointing materials required for fabrication
and assembly.
Once the arrangement studies have been completed the detailed layout
drawings are prepared. These drawings show the final relevant details of all
equipment, vessels, piping, supports, etc. and to a reasonably large scale,
say 1 in 50, and are mainly intended to provide information for the proper
installation of the piping systems.
Stress analysis should be performed on all critical lines, which are listed
a) Hot lines at 315ºC (600ºF) and above.
For lines in severe cyclic service, fatigue analysis of line sections or com-
ponents may be required.
During the early stages of the design, a preliminary bulk piping material
take-off can made, based on flow schemes and equipment layout, for cost
estimating and tendering. As the work progresses (production of isometrics
with related material lists), the material requirements become more accu-
rate and the material requisitions are updated as required.
Computer aided design (CAD) has evolved from a simple 2D drafting system
for schematics to a powerful engineering design tool for complex installations
and is more and more used by major engineering contractors. A fully integr-
ated 3D model is developed with computer graphics and when finalised,
isometrics, arrangement drawings and material listings are automatically
generated by the system.
The use of CAD benefits the overall quality of the design, allows a high level
of design control and provides a pay-off in the fabrication and construction
Proper line sizing is of great economic importance because the cost of pro-
cess piping is typically 10 to 20% of total plant investment. Line size is
dependent on required inlet and outlet conditions, namely the allowable
pressure drop, quantity of liquid flowing and the physical properties of the
liquid. There may also be a maximum allowable velocity to be taken into
account, for reasons of corrosion and erosion or excess noise and vibra-
Tables and graphics used for line sizing are generally based on new pipe.
Usually, corrosion, erosion and solids deposition may foul-up the line in time
and would increase the hydraulic roughness and friction factor. Also one
should realise that e.g. a 5% decrease of the internal diameter of the pipe will
increase the pressure drop by more than 25% for the same flow.
Pump suction pressures should not be less than the vapour pressure of the
liquid at temperature. Two-phase flows need special attention in line sizing
and layout. Pressure drop may be unpredictable.
Line pressure drop for controlled flow should be consistent with the selected
control valve (specified by instrument engineering).
Outside diameter and wall thickness (schedule number) of welded and seam-
less steel pipe is standardised and shown in Table 2-4 which should be used
with the following limitations:
b) Nominal pipe size in pipe tracks and pipe bridges shall not be less than
c) Nominal pipe sizes DN30, DN55, DN95, DN125 and DN550 should not be
For tentative line sizing, velocity ranges for various services are given in
Table 2-3.
Approximate line sizes for liquid lines can be obtained from Figure 2-2. This
gives also the line sizes of the discharge and suction of liquid lines for a given
flow rate. Velocities may also be obtained from this chart.
Table 2-5 enables a provisional line size to be found for either liquid or gas
lines. For example, if a flow of 1200 m3/h is required at a velocity of 4.50 m/s,
then a DN 300 (NPS 12) pipe which has a wall thickness of Schedule 30 is
Figures 2-3 and 2-4 provide charts for the sizing of steam lines. Figure 2-5 is a
chart for determining pressure drop in carbon steel water lines.
Line sizes obtained by the above methods are satisfactory for the process
flow schemes stage, but when the engineering design stage has been
reached it is necessary to finalise the line size for the engineering flow
scheme and to check the allowable pressure drop or required pumping
Pressure drop calculations may be carried out either by employing the gen-
eral equation for pressure drop (Ref. 1), or with the aid of a proven computer
Because of the wide range of suitable materials and the extensive variety
in available components, general (standard) piping specifications are devel-
oped, engineered and maintained by SIPM, with input from materials/cor-
rosion engineering, mechanical engineering, procurement and user's ex-
perience and recommendations in Operating Companies. During this pro-
cess due account is given to standardisation by limiting the variety in se-
lected materials and type of components, while observing the availability and
economics of the selection. The piping specifications are grouped in piping
classes (Refs. 3 and 4), covering the services generally dealt with by Oper-
ating Companies. Each piping class forms an assembly of fully specified
piping components that under certain conditions and within defined limits
can be used together. Currently some 40,000 individually coded components
(defining material, type, size and rating) are included in the classes. For a
project the applicable piping classes shall be selected from this set of gen-
eral piping classes.
Every effort should be made to reduce the number of pipe classes for a
project to a minimum. This lessens the risk of inadvertently using the wrong
material, e.g. ordinary grade of carbon steel where fine grain has been
specified. Introducing a class which has not been used previously at a lo-
cation will involve the stocking of additional spare pipe, valves, jointing
materials, fittings, etc.
Deviation from the general piping classes or the introduction of new piping
classes should follow the procedures as given in Ref. 5.
The material listed in the piping classes is coded, referring to the detailed
specifications (buying descriptions) in the MESC (Ref. 8). The complete
MESC catalogue is also available on CD-ROM.
For bulk piping materials the following MESC groups are applicable:
In the Index to Service Experience (Ref. 2), selected piping classes are iden-
tified by means of a four-digit figure (e.g. 1010) of which the first digit points to
the general group of selected materials, e.g.
The three remaining digits have been more or less randomly chosen, al-
though they sometimes, in combination with the material-related digit, are
associated with specific services (e.g. 1260 for steam services).
Preceding this four-digit figure is placed a one- or two-digit prefix that indi-
cates the ANS class rating, e.g.
d) Table of schedules, giving the selected pipe wall thickness (schedule) for
each nominal pipe diameter.
The design limits for the allowable internal pressure related to the design
temperature are usually set by the pressure-temperature ratings of the
flanges (see 2.6.4).
The interconnecting pipe shall be at least compatible with the flange rating,
however, for large-bore piping, the wall thickness of the pipe may be the
limiting factor. For small-bore piping (DN40 or less), generally a heavier
schedule than required for internal pressure is used to increase the struc-
tural stability.
For carbon steel pipe, both seamless and welded, tables 2-6 to 2-9 give the
allowable internal design pressure in bar(g). They are calculated in accord-
ance with ANSI B31.3 with the factor values S, E and corrosion allowance as
shown in the Tables, using the formula below.
p =
D - 2tY
t = tm - ca (2)
For the sake of simplicity, mechanical and erosion allowances are ignored
and only the corrosion allowance is considered in the determination of t. The
value of tm is found by subtracting the manufacturer's tolerance, as specified
in the relevant ASTM specification, from the nominal wall thickness (tn) as
specified in ANSI B36.1OM and B36.19M.
A branch connection welded to a run pipe weakens this pipe by the opening
required for the branch. Unless the branch fitting used has sufficient inherent
reinforcement (i.e. oversized wall thickness), a reinforcement ring is required
to restore the original strength of the run pipe.
For a 90-degree branch connection, the material taken out by the opening has
to be replaced (by the same amount) as reinforcement, within a limited zone
around the connection. Lateral branches require up to 100% more reinforce-
ment and are not recommended. When the branch size approaches the run
size, standard butt welding fittings (tees, reducing tees) should be used.
The standard flanges, fittings and valves have been rated according to ANSI
B16.5 (see 2.5.5). The ANS Class ratings are nominal service pressure rat-
ings. For a range of usually applied materials for forging, casting and plate,
pressure-temperature ratings have been established and listed in ANSI
B16.5. The rating ceiling values derived from the ANSI tables are shown in
Table 2-12.
2.7.1 Fittings
Bends, elbows, tees, reducers, etc. may be cast, forged or hot or cold formed
from pipe. Cold bending of pipe is normally restricted to 5 times the nominal
pipe diameter for the centre line radius of the bend. End connections of
reducers may be concentric or eccentric. The latter permit complete drain-
age of branched horizontal piping systems or permit liquid flow in horizontal
pipe to sweep the pipe free of gas or vapour. Tees instead of branch con-
nections (also when the ratio of branch size to run size is small) may be
preferred in view of the better controllability of the welding.
2.7.2 Joints
The most widely used joint in piping systems is the butt-welding joint. Careful
alignment and skilled labour is required. Depending on inspection level, joint
strength may be taken equal to the original pipe. Socket weld joints are not
favoured because the crevice between pipe and socket may promote cor-
Threaded pipe joints are normally restricted to 2 inch and below and only
acceptable for mild, non-process services. Preassembly of piping using
threaded connection is severely limited.
For pipe connections to equipment, valves, etc., the flanged joint is the most
used. Flanges are attached to pipe by various types of joints, such as
screwed, slip-on welding, socket welding, lap joint or buttwelding to a weld-
ing neck of which the latter is usually applied. A number of flange facings are
available of which the raised face is normally used. The usual flange face
finish is standardised on an average roughness of Ra3.2-6.3 µm (‘smooth
finish’), suitable for flat gaskets and spiral wound gaskets.
2.7.3 Valves
Valves are the most important piping accessories and offered in a wide
variety of types and designs. For economy and interchangeability the number
of different varieties of valves should be limited.
Valve bodies may be cast, forged or machined from bar stock (smaller sizes).
Their design should prevent distortion or misalignment of the seating sur-
faces, due to pressure, temperature changes and strain from connecting
piping. The sealing surfaces should be of such materials and design that the
valve will keep its shut-off characteristics over a reasonable service period.
Various alloys are available for valve parts such as seats, discs and stems
(the valve trim), which must retain smooth finish for successful operation.
Valve types or ranges not covered by the British Standards are specified in
accordance with API, ANSI or other appropriate standards (see also table
2-2). For further information on valves with respect to selection, application,
failure modes and operational aspects see Ref. 1.
2.9 References
Note: Calculations made for this table have the following factor values:
CA = 1.0 mm
E = 0.85
S = as per table
Note: Calculations made for this table have the following values:
CA = 3.0 mm
E = 0.85
S = as per table
3.1 Introduction
Together with the fact that many production locations are remote from man-
ufacturers, often in harsh environments and subject to varying local regu-
lations, this emphasises the main requirements of the electrical system for a
cost-effective operation, i.e., reliability, maintainability and flexibility.
The foregoing illustrates that, generally, rigid rules cannot be given. Accord-
ingly this Chapter should be used as a guideline to Shell practice for the main
electrical engineering aspects of an EP project, leaving the details to the
local project engineering departments. It is divided hierarchically into nine
sections, dealing respectively with the basic principles of operational safety
and reliability, protection against explosion and fire hazards, electrical sys-
tem design, requirements for studies, installation practices, maintenance,
electrical safe working practices, additional information and relevant DEPs
and standards.
Frequent reference is made to DEPs and other publications and a list related
to electrical engineering is given in Section 3.10.
The design of electrical systems and equipment shall ensure that all oper-
ating and maintenance activities can be performed safely and conveniently
3.3.1 General
To permit the proper selection of electrical apparatus for use in areas where
flammable gas or vapour risks may arise, an area classification drawing(s)
shall be prepared, on the basis of the Institute of Petroleum Model Code of
Safe Practice - Part 15.
- For Zone 1 type ‘e’ protection should be used where possible, rather than
type ‘d' protection. Ex(d) equipment is in general more expensive than its
Ex(e) counterpart and its integrity for explosion proofness is heavily main-
tenance-quality dependent. The type of protection ‘e' is specially attractive
for the construction of lighting fixtures, terminals jointboxes and low vol-
tage squirrel cage induction motors.
- Ex(p) equipment requires clean and safe air supply and therefore requires
auxiliary equipment in the form of aircompressors, filters, ducts and con-
trol/alarm equipment for air pressure and flow.
- When installing Ex(p) type of equipment due attention shall be paid to the
design of ducting, filters, air supply source and safety devices (control/
For liquefaction gas plants type ‘n’ equipment shall be used on the jetties in
non-hazardous areas, with the exception of lighting fixtures, which shall be
type ‘e' in accordance with the above.
Type ‘n' restricted breathing equipment shall not be utilised, as its integrity
depends on the quality of maintenance. In non-hazardous areas type ‘n’
restricted breathing may be utilised, e.g. for floodlights.
Note: The use of Zone 1 equipment in Zone 2 areas may be considered necessary for
unmanned platforms or installations where leaks may persist for some time before
they are dealt with.
3.4.1 Preface
In the subsequent clauses of this Section deviations from the above DEP,
which are applicable for EP environments, will be stated. For ease of refer-
ence the applicable DEP clause number and title will be repeated. The de-
viation may be in the form of an addition, deletion, modification or a re-
Section 3.4 must therefore be seen as an EP addendum to DEP
Gen. - 1992 edition.
A good insight into the merits of the various alternatives may be obtained via
a system effectiveness study, when taking into account the impact of the
electrical system selected on the whole of the process.
For large production areas (i.e. onshore) ring type distribution systems as
opposed to radial type systems are an acceptable economic solution.
In addition to the preparation of Utility Data sheets for the total installation, for
complex and for large installations, consideration may be given to preparing
load summaries for the various modes of operation, such as:
- Emergency mode
- Life support mode
- Production and export
- Production and gas reinjection
- Production and water injection
- Non-industrial loads
3.4.4 DEP Clause 4.3.3 - Deviations and Variations in Supply Wave Forms
Equipment over 3-4 MW shall be equipped with a restrictive start relay and
Motors located in Zone 1 and 2 areas shall have residual current earth fault
See also condition monitoring of major rotating equipment elsewhere in this
3.4.9 DEP Clause 5.8/6.3 - Cables, Wires and Accessories/Cabling and Wiring
Design of the lighting and small power system shall fulfil the following func-
1. It shall provide the required level of illumination of the whole of the in-
stallation and power a structure's obstruction lights.
2. It shall provide an adequate number of small power socket outlets to meet
the needs of construction and maintenance activities.
3. It shall provide suitable fixed and portable emergency lighting sys-
(a) General
(i) In general, fluorescent luminaires, or floodlights shall be used where
practicable for large open areas.
(ii) The lighting installation shall be designed to obviate stroboscopic ef-
(iii) Lighting shall be divided into three categories:
- General lighting
- Emergency lighting
- Escape lighting for offshore installations.
(iv) Emergency lighting shall account for about 25% of the total ‘General
Lighting' and shall receive its supply from the standby generator bus bar
section. Consideration may be given to the use of fittings equipped with
batteries and self contained chargers.
(v) All lighting circuits shall be switched via double pole switches. Fuses
shall be provided on each circuit for short circuit protection and for
isolation purposes.
(vi) Special lighting shall be given consideration in areas beyond the util-
isation of normal lighting, e.g. gauge lights.
(vii) Portable emergency lighting units shall be available at all locations
where operating personnel will be present for 24 hours per day. In
addition ‘electrical' rooms shall have such units mounted next to each
Each unit shall comprise a fixed wall-mounted trickle charger and ac-
cumulator powered handlamp suitable for use in a hazardous area.
Each unit shall be kept on trickle charge when not in use and shall
receive its power direct from a distribution board supplied from the
standby generator.
Particularly for offshore installations these outlets shall be kept to the min-
imum and there should preferably be none provided in hazardous areas.
Small power outlets shall be limited to single phase only and controlled by
double pole switches. These shall be protected against short circuit and earth
leakage protection (30 mA earth leakage sensitivity for socket outlet supply-
ing portable equipment).
3-phase power outlets shall have short circuit and earth leakage (500 mA)
(a) General
All exposed metal of the electrical installation other than current carrying
parts, shall be earthed.
The resistance to earth shall be as low as practicable, such that in the case of
earth faults the electrical protective devices shall prevent shock hazard po-
tentials in any part of the equipment which is not part of the electrical cir-
Navigation aids shall be provided on all offshore structures and in the case of
an existing structure or an existing multi-platform complex, the designer
shall be responsible for taking into account the existing Navigation aids
All lights shall exhibit the MORSE letter ‘U' about every 15 seconds. The
composition of the Morse character shall conform to the following:
- The duration of each dot, darkness period between dots and darkness
period between the dot and the dash, shall be the same
- The duration of the dash shall be three times the duration of the dot
- The eclipse between successive Morse letters shall be 8 seconds mini-
mum and 12 seconds maximum.
All lights shall be mounted with their beam axis directed in order to be neither
elevated above the horizontal, nor depressed below the horizon. The total
beam width in the vertical plane shall be not less than 2.5 degrees at the point
where, on the curve of intensity distribution, the intensity is 10% of the
maximum value.
The control equipment for triggering the lights, shall consist of a solid state
timer and will exhibit the following characteristics in every 15 second period:
The intensity of each light, after all losses have been taken into account,
including lantern glazing, etc., must be 14 000 candela minimum.
In exceptional cases, where the height of the platform (module) is such that
the main lights cannot be mounted below 30 metres, they may be mounted at
a height about MHSW of 35 metres maximum. In such cases the beam axis
shall be directed at the horizon.
The intensity of each red light, after all losses have been taken into account,
including red filters and lantern glazing, etc., must be 15 candelas minimum.
The fog signals, by means of fog horns, are to sound the Morse letter ‘U' as
The fog signal emitters shall be installed between 12 metres (minimum) and
35 metres (maximum) above MHWS and shall be designed to have a usual
range of at least two sea miles, in any direction.
The fog signal shall be sounded whenever the meteorological visibility in any
direction is less than two sea miles.
All structures shall be equipped with a secondary fog signal system with a
usual range of at least one half sea mile in any direction. The secondary
system which shall be independent of the main system, shall come into
operation in case of total failure of the main system, or if partial failure of the
main system results in the usual signal falling below one half sea mile in any
The main and secondary fog signals shall be each capable of operating for at
least 96 hours from a power source independent of the main supply. An alarm
signal is to be installed in the radio room to give a warning, should the main
system fail.
(v) Remarks
The Usual Range of the fog signal is to be computed in accordance with the
IALA report ‘The Definition and Method of Calculation of the Nominal Range
and Usual Range of a Fog Signal'.
Nothing in the marking explained in this Section shall effect the requirements
for all ‘vessels' to comply with the relevant rules of the ‘International Regulations
for Prevention of Collisions at Sea'.
- Protection studies
- Lighting calculations.
These studies provide a powerful tool for comparing the economies of direct-
driven vs. indirect-driven (electric motor driven) equipment. For the electrical
3.6.1 Introduction
Further applicable instructions and practices can be found in the Fire and
Safety Philosophy manuals issued by various Operating Companies.
3.6.2 General
8. The locks used on doors shall be of a special series, different from locks
used for non-electrical premises.
9. The safety (pad) locks used to lock off switches of enclosures, chambers
or cells containing exposed live parts shall be of a different series to door
12. An overhead lifting facility shall be provided for lifting the heaviest piece
of equipment.
13. Fire and gas protection system shall be provided for offshore installations.
14. Earthing bars for system earthing and equipment bonding shall be provided.
1. The battery room shall be located next to the rectifier and inverter
2. No service lines shall be permitted.
3. No cables permitted other than cables connecting rectifier or inverter
unit and local lighting.
4. Lighting fittings shall be of type certified for use in hydrogen atmosphere.
5. Switches controlling lighting fittings shall be located outside.
6. Walls and floors shall be A60 rated.
7. The ventilation system shall be independent of any other system.
8. The battery room should not form a means of access to any other compartment.
9. The battery room shall be gas tight and pressure inside shall be negative
relative to adjacent room.
10. A gas detection system shall be provided.
3.6.7 Cables
5. Supports for horizontal cable racks shall be spaced according to the type
and width of rack and weight of cables run on it. The maximum spacing of
support shall not exceed 3 metres.
Cables shall not be fixed to pipes or structural members other than via
racks etc. or structural steel specially designed i.e. control station columns.
7. The armour of single core cables shall be earthed at one end only.
8. Each cable shall be identified at its point of origin and termination, at both
sides of a cable transit, at every 15 m throughout its length and at each
change of direction.
Identification markers shall be fitted to both the cables and the cores.
- Blast walls
- Fire walls
- Walls between safe and hazardous areas
- Through walls, roofs and floors to the open air.
All transits shall be individually and uniquely numbered and the cables
passing through a transit recorded.
Spare ways in transit frames shall be fitted with blank filling blocks.
10. Multicore cables shall have preference over single core cables, except
for generator and transformer secondary cables where high current ratings
are required. Cables shall be selected in accordance with the requirement
of services to which cables serve. Selection guidance is given
in the MESC Data Sheet for cables.
12. Where cables pass above access ways adequate protection for personnel
shall be provided.
R = Radio Frequency
S = Status/Alarm
H = Thermocouple/RTDs
A = Analog
N = Pneumatic
3.6.8 Lighting
3.6.9 Earthing
1. The structural steel of the modules and other structures shall act as the
main earth.
6. The use of tapped entries into sheet metal enclosures shall not be permitted.
HV and LV Generators
HV and LV Switchboards
Motors (250 kW and above)
Rectifiers and Inverter Units
3.7 Maintenance
- The reliability of the system should be adequate, i.e. the amount of spare/
standby equipment installed should be based on sound engineering prac-
tice and system effectiveness studies for the whole of the project.
- The electrical system should be flexible such that revamps and extensions
do not result in interruptions and/or major shut-downs. This usually means
the provision of spare capacity in equipment at the time of start-up.
From an electrical point of view the operational phase of a project covers two
aspects, namely the operation of the electrical system (generation, switching
in the distribution system) and the maintenance of both the electrical distri-
bution system and the electrical equipment of the actual production facilities,
including (for certain Opcos) the related infrastructure such as houses, clubs,
street-lighting, etc. To maintain a given plant cost-effectively the following
points should be evaluated and conditions satisfied:
Safe working practices for electrical systems and equipment are of extreme
importance as they are a definite requirement to safeguard staff working on
or near electrical equipment and to ensure continuity of supply, where applicable.
Every Operating Company shall have a set of safety rules including a permit
to the work system, with which electrical staff should be conversant in detail.
The safety rules should at least cover the following topics:
- Definitions of terms and expression
- Responsibilities for the operation of power systems (switching and isolat-
- Switching procedures
- Isolating/earthing procedures
- Work on electrical equipment
- Permit to work procedures.
The purpose of the permit to work systems is to ensure safe working practices
but this document can also serve as evidence in the case of mishaps
which might have legal implications.
3.10.1 DEPs*)
- The IP Model Code of Safe Practice Part 15; Area Classification Code for
Petroleum Installations.
- All statutory rules and regulations constituting the electrical code of the
country concerned.
4.3.1 Function.............................................................................................................................................12
4.3.2 Type of System.............................................................................................................................. 4-13
4.3.3 Design Philosophy for Shut-Down and Depressurising Systems ................................................. 4-13
4.3.4 Shut-Down/Depressurising Actions............................................................................................... 4-13
4.4 Flow Quantity Measurement for Tax and Revenue Purposes ......................................................... 4-14
4.1 Introduction
Note: Regarding engineering and design activities and other aspects of Process
Control and Instrumentation, the responsible Instrument engineer should be con-
tacted whenever possible.
Common process variables in the oil and gas industries to be measured (for
control purposes) are:
- Flow (rate and volume)
- Level
- Pressure
- Temperature.
4.2.3 Accuracy
The purpose of all measurement is to obtain the true value of the quantity
measured, and error is thought of as being the difference between the measured
and the true value.
Figure 4-1 Block diagram of an automatic control loop (crude oil to be heated to a
given temperature) Self-Acting
Self-acting control takes its energy from the process and is normally limited
The concept in general is limited to simple control loops due to the limitations
of these devices.
In the oil and gas industries a control valve is almost invariably installed as
the final control element influencing the actual process. These valves are
applied in a wide range of types, models, characteristics and construction
executions in order to fulfil their designated specific duties.
Basically, however, there are two major categories:
- Regulators or self-acting control valves
- Control valves operated by an instrument system.
These control valves in contrast to regulators are available for almost any
process application.
(b) Constructing the electrical and mechanical components such that there
will normally be no spark (non-sparking - non-incendive - increased
(c) Preventing the flammable atmosphere from reaching the electrical com-
ponents under normal conditions (immersion in oil, sand or powder filling,
encapsulation, hermetic sealing).
(e) Preventing an ignition inside the enclosure from igniting the external
flammable atmosphere (explosion proof - flameproof).
For EP field operations usually (a), (b) or (e) are applied, (d) is often used for
(a) Controls to be laid out for convenience of operation and ease of main-
(c) Equipment not essential for the operator should be located in the auxiliary
(f) Plant fire and/or explosion risks are also to be taken into consideration.
Usually either the building has to be adapted to the risk (bunker type CCR)
or the distance has to be increased considerably in consultation with the
safety engineer (see also the related DEP manuals).
The layout of the control room shall provide ample working space, arranged
for maximum efficiency, safety and accessibility.
Traffic through the CCR shall be minimised. Control room layout shall be
co-ordinated with the control panel design, duly considering ergonomic re-
The best control room layout usually places the operator's desk at the centre
of his area of responsibilities.
Selecting testing instruments and tools for the instrument work shop should
be left to the instrument engineer. If necessary contact SIPM, The Hague
(EPD/64) for detailed specifications. See also DEP
When electronic instruments are to be handled in tropical areas, part of the
instrument work shop is to be air-conditioned. Some administrative facilities
have to be catered for as well.
Documents listed in these indexes can be obtained from SIPM, The Hague,
4.3.1 Function
The actions to be carried out depend on the safety philosophy laid down for
the emergency shut-down and depressurising/emptying of the unit (part
plant isolation and sectionalising or total shut-down).
The usual action items for an ESD and/or EDP system are:
The depressurising system design shall be made in close liaison with the
process, the safety and the instrument engineer. In many cases Government
requirements exist which have to be adhered to as a minimum.
- ‘Fiscal Metering' is the basis for paying royalties and taxes on produced
oil and gas to the relevant government(s).
- Turbine meters
(a) Monitor process and other equipment including fire and gas detection
and protective systems.
(b) Control, i.e. start/stop equipment or process trains and adjust set points
of control loops during normal operation.
(c) Initiate separate control sequences, e.g. well tests, meter proving, emer-
gency shut-down.
(d) Record/report production and condition of wells, process and equipment
to assess performance.
The functions (a) and emergency shut-down initiation should always be cent-
ral, while in small production plants, it may be more cost-effective to have
recording and start/stop of processes and equipment locally or on local
panels. All aspects should be considered in the cost analysis, including
remote monitoring and future needs.
In selecting the control system and instrumentation for a ‘grass roots' pro-
duction facility, the following main aspects have to be taken into account:
- Environmental conditions.
For instrumentation in particular the climate may have far-reaching con-
sequences on the installation and its protection.
- Sociographical situation.
Locations near densely populated areas may require from the beginning,
or in the future, enhanced pollution control and data acquisition systems.
Considering these factors, a choice has to be made between local and cen-
tralised control. For the more complicated production facilities increasing
integration of the control functions will be seen in the future, aiming for fully
automatic, unmanned or unattended operation. The technical options may be
for pneumatic/hydraulic or for electric/electronic equipment. The actual
choice should take the following considerations into account:
4.6 Systems
The process control system governs the processes and flows under normal
conditions. Various parts of the process, each having its own control require-
ments, can be distinguished:
- The first level (SCADA and manual inputs) provides data and information
for monitoring and control of the operations, i.e. through terminals/VDUs in
the control room, as well as data and information for further processing in
second level systems.
- The third level administers a selection of data and information for long
term (corporate) planning and evaluation (strategic level).
4.6.3 Metering
Meter proving facilities should be available for custody transfer and fiscal
flow metering as well as for calibration of other flow meters.
For calibration of flow meters and measuring instruments for operational use,
no strict rules exist. Calibration shall always be carried out at the installation
and after breakdown and repair. The frequency of regular checks depends on
the conditions of service (see 4.7), and should be adapted to local experience.
In principle it should be possible to inspect and change out orifice plates and
flow meters that provide data for production administration systems without
facility shut-down. Similarly, valving and connections must be provided for
in-situ calibration of liquid flow meters performing that role.
The main parts of the air supply system are the compressor to compress air
to 8 bar in the buffer vessel and the drying equipment to reduce the dew point
to about 10 ºC below the lowest temperature occurring in the system.
The required quantity of air shall be based on use for pneumatically operated
instrumentation, pressurisation of enclosures in hazardous areas and dilution
for process analysers.
The use of associated gas should only be applied in exceptional cases, e.g.
small equipment on remote locations. It shall never be used for transmission
to a control room and for panel mounted pneumatic instruments.
A main feature of a system for fire and gas detection is, that it shall be
separate from any other system. It normally operates from a 24 V DC power
system, with continuous self-checking facilities and its own back-up power
Also facilities shall be provided to carry out periodic testing of the shut-down
systems with as few sensors as practicable in the override position at the
time of test. All emergency trips shall be active at start-up.
4.7 Instruments
For local indication the Bourdon-type and bellows are mostly used.
In the case of electronic signal transfer, various manufacturers supply in-
struments based on deflection of a membrane, its motion being measured
according to different physical principles (capacitive, inductive, etc.).
For more directives on pressure measurements, see DEP, sec-
tion 8.
For special applications such as high pressure (over ANSI class 900), very
viscous liquids, etc., differential-pressure measurement is recommended.
For simple level switching, external float type instruments shall be used.
In the process industry the term quality measurement often refers to the
measurement of variables other than temperature, pressure, level or flow.
4.8 Maintenance
To-date, no general rules or DEPs have been issued on the technical aspects
of plant instrument maintenance. However, the following general considerati-
ons should be taken into account.
Firstly the design should aim for good maintainability. This has various aspects.
It means that the design should contain as few and as simple instruments as
required to fulfil the specifications. The instruments should be of a well-proven
design and the number of different types should be kept to a minimum. This
may sometimes require an overdesigned instrument, but the benefits of standa-
rdisation come from a reduced number of spares (parts), less work errors and
reduced training requirements.
Secondly, one should provide for adequate expertise and good facilities to
execute the maintenance work tasks efficiently. In order to achieve this,
maintenance personnel should, apart from general instrument training, be
made familiar with the operating principles of the plant. Therefore they
should be involved in inspection and commissioning of the plant instruments.
Sufficient spares and spare parts should be available on site, well on time
Chapter 5
5.1 Introduction
The user's interface to the telecoms network is either the telephone instru-
ment or terminals for telex, facsimile and data. These are linked to other,
distant counterparts via a network of cables, radio links and strategically
located switches or exchanges to provide a functionally cost-effective infras-
Depending upon the country in which the Opco is established, these services
may be directly supplied by third parties such as the local PTT, or in the
absence of a reliable public infrastructure, constructed by the telecommunica-
tion organisation themselves. In the latter case, the networks will be constru-
cted from a wide variety of technologies which are likely to include:
With the increase in the importance and sophistication of computing and the
heavy reliance on telecommunications to deliver computing service to the
end user, the telecommunications and computing functions are considered
as a single Information Technology (IT) department. Different Operating
Companies will have their own organisation structure - there is no univer-
sally correct organigram. However, the following points should be borne in
- Maintenance must be structured so that the end user has one contact for
reporting faults and there should be single point responsibility for restora-
tion and repair.
It is essential that all the work is appropriately planned, organised and con-
trolled to provide optimum service at minimum cost.
For companies in the start-up phase which are too small to justify a full-time
IT staff member, someone should be nominated as the IT focal point to deal
with the local telecommunications authority and telecommunications con-
tractors. As the operation grows, the telecommunications and computing
planning infrastructure should evolve together.
Below are outlined typical aspects of some of the more pertinent topics.
Record Maintenance
As in any other function, it is essential that records be maintained. These
should include:
- Cable network administration
- Frequency allocation records
- Radio channel multiplex records
Part of the control function of most modern radio systems requires that each
individual radio unit identifies itself from time to time. This involves the
transmitter ‘keying' and sending its identification number at predetermined
intervals. This will occur automatically without the need for the user to man-
ually key the transmitter, and thus if such equipments are to be used in areas,
say, where explosives are being handled, it is essential that they are powered
off at the main on-off switch. Simply leaving the radio in standby mode is insu-
RF fields when induced in the human body result in localised heating. Even
relatively low field strengths can permanently damage the tissue of the eyes
and reproductive organs causing blindness and sterility. High RF currents
induced in the human body will cause very painful, lingering burns.
Figure 5-2 lists the various hazards together with a list of references.
5.7 Summary
The ability to extend such services to mobile units such as drilling rigs,
construction barges, marine vessels and road transport is technically quite
feasible although the economic justifications and legislative hurdles may
preclude their implementation.
Chapter 6
6.1 Introduction
System availability assessment can be carried out for proposed new facilities
as soon as outline flowschemes are available during concept selection, as
well as during the operational phases of the facilities lifecycle. It takes into
account individual equipment reliability data, system design configuration,
equipment design or operating capacities and expected outages for repair
and scheduled maintenance.
The availability assessment tools enable to consider the above aspects and
indicate where control can be exercised.
Failure and recovery time data are required at system, subsystem and equip-
ment item level, depending on the required detail of the analysis to be carried
out. Their validity is crucial to the result of the study, although some com-
promise on data accuracy is acceptable when carrying out comparative
studies for different configurations of the same types of equipment. Com-
pensation for data inaccuracies should be made by sensitivity analysis. It is
recommended that the input of experienced local operators and mainten-
ance staff be sought when selecting data. Their intuition can be a guide to
sensitivity analysis.
Data can be retrieved from open literature (i.e. OREDA), from maintenance
records and from previous reliability studies.
6.4 Methodology
Computer-based models were, and are still being, developed to assist in the
analysis of system performance calculations and allow the critical areas to
be identified and the effects of proposed solutions to be qualified. The tools
range from simply applied to sophisticated programs using a variety of pro-
babilistic techniques, analytical and (Monte Carlo) simulation techniques.
They have their application in oil and gas process systems optimisation
studies (i.e. minimum topside facilities, satellite development), gas flaring
consent and gas sales optimisation studies.
6.6 Definitions
Failure rate The expected number of failures per calendar year or per recorded total
running time of the equipment item concerned. The reciprocal of failure rate
measured against total running time is equal to MTBF (Mean Time Between
MTTR Mean Time To Recover. It is the total time since detection of failure to
bringing the item to an available state.
Capacity Throughput rate measured as a volumetric quantity per unit of time, e.g. in
thousands m /day. Note that the capacity of each equipment item can also
be expressed as a fraction of the system demand. In fact any unit can be
adopted, if it is consistently used throughout the system.
Overcapacity The installed total field capacity minus the nominated capacity (= system
Contract period Period over which the nominated volumetric quantity should be deliv-
Chapter 7
Preface................................................................................................................................... 7-5
7.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 7-5
A broad awareness amongst all staff of the potential threats that materials
and corrosion problems can pose to the business is essential if materials and
corrosion matters are to be adequately managed.
Most operating companies have materials and corrosion engineers on their
staff who can assist with the management of corrosion. Additional advice can
be obtained from the Materials/Corrosion department in SIPM-EPD, and
through them, from Group laboratories.
7.1 Introduction
Metals can react with various chemicals, often dissolved in water, to form
metal compounds. The resulting loss of metal is called corrosion. Corrosive
attack can be uniform or localized in the form of, for example, pitting or
Most of the corrosion problems in production are associated with the pre-
sence of liquid water. `Wet' corrosion of equipment can occur due to expo-
sure to produced fluids or due to external factors such as exposure to the
atmosphere, the sea or soil.
The corrosivity of water is dictated by what is dissolved in it. The main
corrosive agents in production are carbon dioxide (CO2), hydrogen sulphide
(H2S) and oxygen (O2).
In many cases the speed with which corrosion occurs can be expressed as a
corrosion rate. The corrosion rate of any construction material which can be
tolerated will be dependent on the design life foreseen in relation to the
corrosion allowance' applied. An economic assessment of the life cycle
costs of alternative materials in the same application could show that, given
the corrosion rate predicted for carbon steel, a more corrosion resistant (and
often more expensive) material might be more attractive.
The Sections which follow describe and illustrate the most important sources
of materials and corrosion concerns in an Exploration and Production envi-
ronment. In the main, the text describes the corrosion behaviour of carbon
steels though the more common alternatives amongst corrosion-resistant
alloys and non-metallic materials and their associated behaviours are also
introduced. Some of the options available to monitor and to reduce corrosion
are described and appropriate references to further reading and Group Stan-
dards are provided in the respective Sections.
The corrosion of steel releases positively charged iron ions into the water
phase to which it is exposed. In other words, a corroding metal atom leaves a
number of electrons (indicated with e) behind in the metal, e.g.:
++ -
Fe ---------> Fe + 2e (1)
metal water metal
In this way the metal would become more and more negatively charged as
corrosion proceeds, while the water would become more positively charged.
This separation of charge cannot continue indefinitely, and the reaction
quickly comes to a halt unless the excess of negative charge in the metal is
reduced, e.g.
+ -
2 H + 2e ------> H2 (2)
water metal water
Reaction 1 is called the anodic reaction (or the corrosion reaction), reaction 2
the cathodic reaction. The cathodic reaction consumes the excess electrons
left behind in the metal by the anodic reaction. Both reactions occur side by
side on the metal's surface, which can be thought of as being covered with
tiny electrical cells (Fig. 7-1), each consisting of an anode and a cathode, and
electrically shorted by the water. To this end the water has to be an elec-
trolyte i.e. it has to be electrically conductive. Electrolytes are formed when
ionic salts, such as sodium chloride, are dissolved in water.
A completely homogeneous distribution of anodes and cathodes will lead to
homogeneous loss of metal. It is possible that an area of the metal has
relatively more anodes, which has to be offset by an adjacent area having
more cathodes. This leads to uneven corrosion, referred to as localised
corrosion or pitting corrosion, which is often observed in practice.
There are two basic cathodic reactions: one follows from the presence of
acids, the other from the presence of dissolved oxygen in the water. They
differ fundamentally in the mechanism of the corrosion reaction. Acid cor-
rosion rates are controlled by the reaction rate constant of the cathodic
reaction (charge transfer), while oxygen corrosion rates are controlled by the
mass transport of dissolved oxygen to the metal's surface. Other cathodic
reactions with other chemical species are possible, but are relatively rare in
oil and gas production.
which consumes the electrons left in the metal by the anodic reaction:
++ -
Fe ----> Fe + 2e (5)
The transport of electrons through the water and the metal causes the flow of
an electrical current. The current carried by the cathodic reaction is exactly
equal to the current carried by the anodic reaction. The strength of this
current is directly related to the corrosion rate, and is called the corrosion
current. The overall ionic reaction is obtained by adding reactions 4 and
+ ++
Fe ± 2H ----------> Fe + H2 (6)
The corrosion rate is governed by the rate of transfer of electrons at the metal
surface (charge transfer control) and not by the rate of supply of H . A higher
+ +
acidity (more H ), will increase the corrosion rate. For a given H concentrat-
ion, the resulting corrosion rate depends mainly on temperature. Corrosion
rates often increase with the velocity of the electrolyte flowing past the metal,
but with acid corrosion this dependence is very weak.
In contrast with the hydrogen evolution reaction (4) the reaction rate is not
governed by the rate of electron transfer, but is controlled by the rate of
transport of O2 to the surface of the corroding steel, and is consequently very
dependent on the rate of O2 diffusion and on the flow velocity and turbulence
of the water (mass transfer control). The anodic reaction is the same as
before, and the overall reaction is, for this case:
which can react further with oxygen to form a mixture of ferrous and ferric
hydroxides and oxides which is normally referred to as rust.
* In this Table, the commonly used practical reference electrodes are themselves
compared to a standard laboratory reference electrode which involves a platinum
electrode covered with hydrogen bubbles immersed in a 1N solution of strong
Potentials reported for corroding systems are always with respect to the
arbitrary zero potential of a reference electrode.
Fig. 7-3 gives an example of this for corrosion in oxygen containing water or
wet soil in the presence of oxygen. This is referred to as a practical galvanic
series. Very negative potentials indicate very reactive metals, which can
corrode at high rates e.g. magnesium. These metals are called base metals.
Less negative or positive potentials refer to more corrosion resistant metals.
They are called noble metals e.g. platinum. One metal can be nobler than
The fact that different metals (and alloys) have different potentials when
exposed to the same electrolyte implies that current will flow when they are
in metallic contact with each other (Fig. 7-4). This current will increase the
anodic reaction rate (corrosion rate) for one metal, while for the other metal
the cathodic reaction rate is increased. For example, in seawater steel has a
potential of -0.7 V, while copper is at -0.2 V, giving a voltage between them of
-0.2 - (-0.7) = 0.5 V. When these materials are in metallic contact, the cor-
rosion rate of the more base metal, steel, is enhanced. On the more noble
metal, copper, the cathodic reaction is increased, while the anodic reaction
(dissolution of copper) is decreased. The increase in corrosion current on the
steel (Eq. 1) is exactly equal to the increase of the cathodic reaction current
on the copper (predominantly oxygen reduction, Eq. 7).
For a small area of steel attached to a large area of copper, this increase
leads to a very high corrosion current per unit of area, and dramatic damage
of the steel can be the result. Especially in the presence of oxygen, the
simultaneous use of different metals can cause problems, which are referred
to as bimetallic or galvanic corrosion.
Sometimes, bimetallic corrosion is made to occur on purpose. In these cases
zinc (or aluminium or magnesium) metal is electrically connected to steel,
which reduces the corrosion rate of the steel, at the cost of increased cor-
rosion of the zinc, which is sacrificed to protect the steel. This is called
cathodic protection by means of sacrificial anodes (see also Section 7.7).
Since the two pieces of steel would be corroding at different rates, they also
would have different potentials, the higher oxygen concentration leading to a
more positive potential.
When these pieces are in metallic contact, current will flow such as to in-
crease the cathodic reaction rate on the high oxygen side, but on the low
oxygen side the corrosion current will be increased. This is particularly
important where the area of the cathode is large compared to the anode. In
practice this occurs under deposits like sand, etc. in vessels and pipelines
(Fig. 7-6): the oxygen at the steel under the deposit will be depleted by
corrosion, while the oxygen in the bulk of the electrolyte will remain constant.
The result is an increased corrosion under the deposit, while the rest of the
steel is less attacked. The corrosion is concentrated at the edge of the deposit
where the electrical resistance to corrosion current flow is least.
7.2.7 Passivity
Some metals are much less susceptible to corrosion than would be expected
from their theoretical position in a galvanic series like in Fig. 7-3. Examples
are chromium, stainless steels (i.e. chromium containing alloys) and titan-
ium. This is caused by a corrosion product film on the metal's surface (some-
times called the passive layer), which protects the metal against further
corrosion and reduces the corrosion rate by several orders of magnitude. It
can be very thin (thickness of a few molecules) and is often invisible. A metal
in this condition is said to be passive.
When the metal is in the passive state, the potential is that of the passive
layer, which is nobler than that of the metal in the active state. If the passive
layer is damaged, for whatever reason, galvanic action between active and
passive material can lead to high rates of localised corrosion.
The distinction between passivity and some high degree of protection from a
corrosion product film is not exact. For example, steel covered by rust is
normally not called passive, although the rust layer might have reduced the
corrosion rate considerably by the formation of a relatively thick physical
barrier to further attack.
Not all corrosion products form a protective layer. When a metal loses pas-
sivity , e.g. by exposure to a ‘wrong' environment, it can revert to the active
state and become very susceptible to corrosion.
For many metals specific environments exist in which they become passive.
The stainless steels are a special case since they are passive in a large
range of practical environments. They are discussed separately in Section
7.5.2 and in Section 7.6.
Further reading:
- Report EP 87-1780 Principles of Materials Engineering and Corrosion Con-
trol in E&P operations, Chapter VI, parts 2,3.
- NACE Corrosion Engineer's Reference Book, edited by R.S.Treseder, 2nd
printing, Houston 1980.
- Introductory Textbook: H.H.Uhlig, Corrosion and Corrosion Control, John
Wiley & Sons Inc.
- -
H2C03 + e -----> H + HCO3 (12)
For a given pH the corrosion rate of steel in carbonic acid exceeds that in
hydrochloric acid.
The corrosion rate caused by this reaction can be predicted by means of a
nomogram (Fig. 7-8), which gives a ‘worst case' corrosion rate as a function
of CO2 partial pressure and temperature. It represents the following relation
between corrosion rate Vcor (in mm/y) ,pCO2 (in bar) and temperature t (in C)
The iron carbonate which is formed is only slightly soluble in water. It forms a
film on the steel's surface which can be easily washed away at low temper-
atures, but which at higher temperatures becomes more adherent and forms
a protective scale, which then reduces the corrosion rate (see Fig. 7-7).
The extent of this reduction is the ‘scale factor', which can be conservatively
estimated from the nomogram in Fig. 7-8, which assumes relatively turbulent
flow conditions.
The temperature where the scale survives the effects of liquid flow is called
the scaling temperature. It becomes lower for milder flow conditions, but
quantitative information about this is not available. Corrosion occurs often at
locations with more turbulent flow, leading to a localised corrosion pattern
which is very characteristic, and which is sometimes referred to as `mesa-
type' corrosion.
The exact composition of the fluid can change the basic CO2 corrosion rate
read from the nomogram. For example, if the pH is not that of CO2 and water,
a correction has to be applied; a higher pH (less acid) lowers the corrosion
rate w.r.t. the predicted value. This will occur, for example, when the elec-
trolyte contains dissolved sodium-carbonate or -bicarbonate, as is often the
case with formation water co-produced with oil. In the nomogram, a correc-
tion for the expected presence of dissolved FeCO3, which is slightly alkaline,
is already incorporated.
CO2 corrosion can occur in production tubing, in piping and separators and
also in pipelines carrying wet gas or wet oil where the water has dissolved
CO2 in it.
The corrosion rates are, in first approximation, independent of the type of
carbon steel and its condition w.r.t. heat treatment, although small amounts
of alloying elements can have an influence.
Further reading:
- ARGR.90.090, Waard cs, `Predictive model for CO2 corrosion engi-
- ARGR.91;028, Waard, Prediction of CO2 corrosion rates: Manual for
the use of computer spreadsheet `FLOLINE5'.
7.3.2 Erosion-Corrosion
The presence of a protective corrosion product film on the steel's surface can
appreciably reduce the corrosion rate. Although flow past the steel surface
can shear off some of this layer, under normal circumstances new film forms
faster than the rate of film removal. At very high flow velocities, however, the
film can be eroded away faster than new film can be formed. Under these
conditions, the corrosion rate can become extremely high.
In relation to CO2 corrosion, the phenomenon is mainly restricted to situa-
tions where fluid droplets are carried in a high velocity gas stream. The
impingement of these droplets on the protective iron carbonate film is very
effective in eroding this film away.
Verosion = c/ √σ (16)
where σ is the average density of the fluid (gas + liquid), and c is a constant
which has the value 122 when SI units are used. Application of this formula
can be misleading. The velocity obtained from Eq. 16 coincides roughly with a
change in flow pattern (see PHB, Vol.8, Pipelines) from stratified flow to mist
flow. A mist flowpattern itself does not necessary lead to film erosion as long
as it is smooth; the flow should also be disturbed to some extent for this to
occur, for example by geometric effects (flanges!). Since it is not possible to
predict these effects, it is recommended to use 20 m/s as an estimate for
Verosion for production tubing and gas flowlines. Below this velocity, expe-
rience has shown that erosion-corrosion does normally not occur.
Further reading:
- API RP 14E, Design and Installation of Offshore Production Platform Piping
For pipelines transporting wet crude oil, the water in the oil is not corrosive
as long as it is entrained in the oil, and is not the main (continuous) phase. In
this case the steel will be wetted by the oil and not by the water, and corrosion
is prevented. Entrainment of water is achieved when the flow velocity of the
liquid exceeds a critical value of about 1 m/s. This critical velocity is weakly
dependent on the type of crude. The water content should not exceed about
30%, otherwise water-wetting of the pipewall can occur, even if the water is
entrained. Also this critical water content depends on the type of crude. When
water separates as a separate phase below the oil, corrosion can occur
(depending on the composition of the water) which is sometimes referred to
as `low flow' corrosion. ‘Oversizing' of a pipeline can be one of the reasons
for this to occur.
With gas condensate liquids, water wetting and corrosion often occurs even
when the quantities of water are small and, based on the 1 m/s rule, would
normally be entrained.
Fe+H2S----->FeS + H2 (17)
+ -
2H2S ------>2H + 2H (18)
+ -
2H + 2e --------> 2H followed by: 2H ----> H 2 (19)
The last reaction is slow in the presence of H2S, the result being a relatively
high concentration of H atoms at the interface steel-electrolyte. These atoms
can diffuse into and through the metal. Some metals, including iron and steel,
can dissolve appreciable quantities of hydrogen in this way. When this hap-
pens, the mechanical properties of the metal change, and especially its
ductility can be reduced dramatically. This is called hydrogen embrittlement.
With increasing temperatures, the hydrogen diffusion through the steel goes
faster, leaving less hydrogen in the steel itself. The maximum susceptibility
of steel to hydrogen embrittlement problems is at room temperature. Above
80 ºC the degree of embrittlement becomes small.
SSCC can occur when a metal is stressed while in contact with H2S and
sulphides dissolved in water. Cracking is fast and can occur suddenly, which
can lead to an unacceptable release of toxic fluids. The phenomenon has
received considerable attention over the last 30 years, which has resulted in
a guidance document issued by NACE (National Association of Corrosion
Engineers in Houston, USA), referred to as MR-01-75. It is a basic code of
conduct to which most oil companies (voluntarily) adhere.
The document gives, in a graph, the concentration of H2S above which crack-
ing of steel with high hardness can be expected (Fig. 7-11) for gas systems
and for multiphase systems.
The left-hand sloping line of the graph corresponds to a partial pressure of
H2S of 0.05 psi (0.00345 bar). The same H2S concentration is often used to
distinguish between sweet and sour conditions.
For carbon steels this hardness limitation is 22 Rc (the Rockwell C hardness
scale) or 248 HV10 (Vickers hardness with 10 kg indenter weight). These
hardnesses should not be exceeded anywhere, e.g. not in the pipe nor in the
heat-affected zones of any associated welds. The result of this requirement is
a limitation in the strength of the steel which can be used in sour service. For
example, the hardness of a carbon steel tubing with an API grade higher than
L-80 (tensile strength 80.000 psi (552 MPa)) is likely to exceed 22 Rc. Harder
steels may sometimes be qualified for use after a special (expensive) qual-
ification procedure at the steel mill. For other alloys different hardness lim-
itations are applicable.
Further reading:
- MR0175-90, Standard Material Requirements, Sulphide Stress Cracking
Resistant Metallic Materials for OiIfield Equipment, National Association of
Corrosion Engineers, Houston. Texas, USA.
- Shell Specification Dr-1-2/3, C-95 casing and tubing for sour service.
This hydrogen can reach high pressures and this induces high stresses in the
embrittled steel at the edges of the platelets, which can then be the starting
points of internal cracks. The cracks from different inclusions can then join to
form the characteristic step-wise cracking which is referred to as HIC. On the
surface of the steel blisters can be formed, while internally hydrogen-filled
voids can develop.
HIC can develop rapidly insusceptible steels. In situations where HIC may be
anticipated it is strongly recommended that ultrasonic inspection followed by
a fitness-for-purpose analysis is carried out.
Further reading:
- Shell Standard Specification L-3-2/3, Line Pipe for use in Oil and Gas
Operations under Sour Conditions.
On the bottoms of oil tanks, water can separate which can be highly corrosive
when the tank is open to the air. Since about six times more oxygen dissolves
in oil than in water, the oil can act as a huge reservoir of oxygen to supply the
corrosion reaction. In the airspace under the tank roof the oxygen dissolved
in condensing water droplets is also readily replenished, and severe corro-
sion is the result.
In cases where the total amount of oxygen is limited, as with line fills for
pipelines, the oxygen is quickly depleted and the amount of corrosion re-
mains limited. However, when this depletion occurs locally under a deposit, a
differential aeration cell can be formed which causes `under-deposit' corro-
sion (see Section 7.2.6).
In handling water with low dissolved oxygen, anaerobic bacteria can become
active, and the addition of biocides may be necessary to avoid the forming of
H2S and pitting corrosion (see Section 7.4.4).
The simultaneous presence of oxygen and sulphides can be especially dan-
gerous. The sulphides can be partially oxidised by the oxygen to polysulfides
(H2Sx salts, x>1), which provide a particularly effective cathodic reaction
Table 7-2 Examples of metal-liquid combinations which give stress corrosion cracking
In order to reduce the corrosion rate of carbon steel, one option is to add a
chemical corrosion inhibitor. There are various kinds of corrosion inhibitors,
depending on the mechanisms of their action. This can be interference with
the anodic (e.g. tubing corrosion inhibitors for acidizing of wells), or the
cathodic part of the corrosion reaction, or by inducing passivation (cooling
water). The most important type of corrosion inhibitor for the production of oil
and gas are the adsorption inhibitors, which form a protective organic film on
the surface of the metal.
For protection of production tubing in oil and gas wells both continuous
injection and batch inhibition can be applied. Continuous injection is nor-
mally done by filling the annulus between tubing and casing with inhibitor
solution, and pumping this into the bottom of the well (Fig. 7-14). For gas
wells, condensate is a common solvent, but if this is not available, diesel may
be used. Concentrations are designed to provide 100-200 ppmw on total
liquids in the tubing.
Batch inhibition is done by shutting in the well, and pumping inhibitor solution
into the tubing and leaving it for some 24 hours for the protective film to form,
before the well is put on stream again. The main drawback is lack of infor-
mation on how often this needs to be done.
With pipelines or flowlines, the inhibitor solution can be injected at the be-
ginning of the line, aiming at concentrations of 10-40 ppm. For flowlines,
however, the inhibitor is often carried over from the well when continuous
downhole injection is applied.
With less than the stochiometric amount of oxygen, sulphates are also
formed. The sulphite is often added after the bulk of the oxygen has been
removed by stripping or vacuum pumping. Often cobalt-based catalysts are
also added. The reaction is adversely affected by the presence of H2S.
7.4.4 Biocides
Most natural waters contain sulphate reducing bacteria (SRB's), which can
become active in anaerobic conditions, e.g. after de-aeration. They can con-
vert dissolved sulphates into sulphides, e.g.:
Na2SO4 + 2H2O + 2 C----------------------------> 2 NaHCO3 + H2S (21)
(from organic matter)
The resulting H2S can cause corrosion, SSCC and HIC (see Section 7.3.5).
When conditions are not conducive to their growth, they become dormant and
can survive very adverse conditions e.g. high temperatures, for long periods.
One method to control fouling and SRB problems is to add chlorine to the
system, either intermittently or by continuous injection. It should be remem-
bered that solutions of chlorine gas in water containing more than about 2
ppm are corrosive to steels.
An alternate method is to add bactericides (or more generally, biocides) to
sterilise SRB-infested systems. These chemicals are often related to gluta-
raldehyde, but other proprietary chemicals are also used in concentrations in
the 10-50 ppm range. Most of them are highly specific to one bacterial spe-
cies, and universally applicable biocides do not exist.
The vast bulk of steels used for engineering purposes such as offshore
structures or process equipment and piping, can collectively be described as
low carbon, or carbon-manganese steels. These are essentially alloys of iron
with small amounts of carbon (up to around 0.30%wt), manganese (up to
around 1 %wt), and some other elements such as silicon. The total amount of
alloying elements is typically less than 1.5% by weight. Measures are taken
during production of these steels to reduce the level of deleterious impuri-
ties, notably sulphur and phosphorous. Unless ordered to a more stringent
specification, these elements will typically be at levels of around 0.01% and
0.02% respectively.
austenite (in which the carbon is readily soluble) is the stable phase, then
allowed to cool slowly to room temperature. During cooling, ferrite and iron
carbide form from the austenite in a stable, fine grained structure to give a
steel with relatively low strength but good ductility and toughness. Welding
A wide range of processes exist for the welding of steels. In the oil industry,
where high quality welds are essential, processes which gain their energy
from an electric arc struck between an electrode and the workpiece, are
virtually exclusively used. Each process has its own characteristics in terms
of the amount of weld metal which can be deposited in one weld pass, the
heat input used, etc, which together determine the properties of the com-
pleted weld. Examples are:
Because of the very large number of variables which apply (e.g. process,
heat input, travel speed, weld metal composition, etc.) it is necessary to
perform the welding in accordance with a written welding procedure spe-
cification (WPS). The WPS specifies the allowable ranges of the essential
variables and must be qualified before use by performing a series of tests on
a trial weld to produce a Procedure Qualification Record (PQR). Guidelines
for the performance of such welding procedure qualification testing are given
in industry design codes for pipelines, piping, equipment and structures (e.g.
ASME Section 9 for pressure vessels or API 1104 for pipelines).
Table 7-3 Name, approximate composition and typical application of some corrosion resistant
The 12-13% Cr alloys (e.g. AISI 420) are the lowest alloyed and consequently,
the least expensive in the family of stainless steels. Their structure can be
ferritic or martensitic, depending on the carbon content and they have high
strength (typical martensitic grades have yield strengths in the range 550-650
MPa) but they suffer from very poor weldability. Some low carbon, ferritic
grades can be welded, but the alloy is most widely used in unwelded com-
ponents like production tubing in moderately corrosive gas or oil wells.
However, if the medium is very acidic, then the chromium simply dissolves as
chromium ions, again under hydrogen evolution. The film is often only a few
molecules thick and opaque, and therefore invisible. The only corrosion
which occurs is that needed for maintenance of the protective film to form
new oxide at defects on a molecular scale.
At about 12-13% Cr the surface of the alloy is almost completely covered with
chromium oxide.
The corrosion resistance of the protective film can be further enhanced by
increasing nickel and chromium, culminating in various types of nickel al-
loys. The cost of an alloy increases sharply with its nickel content. Some of
these alloys are shown in Table 7-3.
In crevices, corrosion products can build up in the liquid film between metal
surfaces (Fig. 7-15), and the presence of chlorides can lead to the formation of
a concentrated metal chloride solution which can become very acidic. This in
turn can cause the loss of passivity, and subsequent high rates of corrosion in
these crevices.
In most cases of practical interest the main cathodic reaction is oxygen
reduction on the passive metal outside the crevice. Inside the crevice the
oxygen will be depleted when corrosion occurs, and both the differential
aeration cell and the active/passive galvanic cell between the metal inside
and that outside the crevice will contribute to the rate of attack.
The protective film on a passive steel acts as a noble material, which, when
connected to a more base material, can cause galvanic corrosion. When
defects occur in a passive layer as the result of the presence of chloride ions,
the galvanic cell between active and passive steel will enhance corrosion at
these defects (Fig. 7-16), and sharp deep pits can develop. The same cell
protects the area immediately around each pit, and this keeps them separate
from each other. Once initiated, repassivation of the metal inside a pit is
hindered by the acidity of the metal chlorides which can accumulate there.
The susceptibility to pitting corrosion can be significantly reduced by adding
molybdenum (Mo) to the alloy.
7.6.4 Sensitisation
Prolonged heating in the sensitisation range will tend to even out the local
dips in chromium concentration at the grain boundaries. By heating at a
sufficientIy high temperature, the chromium carbide can be decomposed
again to release the chromium (solution annealing).
Welding of stainless steels can lead to sensitisation at the heat affected zone
of the weld, which can lead to pronounced corrosion adjacent to the weld
(weld decay and `knife line' attack).
One of the remedies is to use low carbon stainless steels e.g. 316L. A second
approach involves the addition of alloying elements such as Ti or Nb. These
elements react more readily than chromium with carbon when heated in the
sensitising range. Examples are AISI 321 (Ti) and AISI 347 (Nb).
The potential of the steel is changed in the base -more negative direction- by
the application of the protective current. The current is designed or adjusted
to depress the potential below a generally accepted threshold value of -0.850
V w.r.t. Cu/CuSO4 reference electrode. For other reference electrodes the
corresponding value can be obtained by using Table 7-1.
For the Shell Group, offshore structures, like the jackets for production plat-
forms, are made of bare (uncoated) steel, which relies completely on ca-
thodic protection by means of sacrificial aluminium anodes for corrosion
protection under water. Special aluminium alloys are needed to counteract
the tendency of aluminium to passivate in cold water or in seabottom
Offshore pipelines are coated, and sacrificial anodes are applied most com-
monly in the form of zinc bracelets e.g. on every 10th pipe joint.
Onshore buried pipelines are also coated and are normally cathodically
protected by impressed current (Fig. 7-17). The anode -referred to as anode
ground bed in this case- can consist of any metal like scrap iron, which is
buried. Longer lasting anode ground beds can be made of silicon iron rods or
graphite, surrounded by a low resistivity carbonaceous backfill medium to
reduce the electrical resistance of the bed.
The groundbed is typically situated about between 50 and 100 m from the
pipe. The protection is strongest near the anode ground bed, and attenuates
with distance. For a well coated pipeline, one anode bed may protect a
distance in the order of 40 km, but this is highly dependent on soil conductivity
and corrosivity. Impressed current systems can give rise to ‘overprotection'
which can cause deterioration of pipe and coating material through the gen-
eration of hydrogen at the metal surface.
Cathodic protection systems of different pipelines can interfere with each
other, which can lead to ‘stray current' corrosion problems.
where i is the total current required for protection (from surface area x
current density), C is the electrochemical consumption rate (see Table 7-4) of
the anode material, and U is a utilisation factor of about 0.9.
The total amount of material needed is distributed over the surface of the
protected steel in the form of individual anodes. Determination of the opti-
mum size and shape of these anodes requires special calculation. Individual
anodes often weigh several hundred kilograms, and for an offshore platform
thousands of these may be needed.
Table 7-4 Typical values of electrochemical consumption rates of some anode ma-
For systems where oxygen is the potential cause of corrosion (e.g. (sea)
water tanks) sacrificial anodes can be successfully applied, following rules
similar to those described above, though special attention must be given to
anode distribution and their limited `throwing power' in confined spaces.
Anodes are also sometimes applied in process equipment where CO2 and
H2S corrosion is to be suppressed. The design rules for such systems are less
well defined, but there is evidence that, for example, the internal protection of
tank bottoms often requires high current densities in excess of those needed
in oxygen corrosion situations. However, normal corrosion (`self corrosion')
of the anode material can be mistaken for cathodic protection activity.
Further reading:
- DEP, Cathodic Protection (June 1983, in revision).
- DDD, Design of Cathodic Protection Systems for Offshore
Structures (in revision.).
- DEP, Design of cathodic protection systems for onshore
buried pipelines (Final Draft, December 1991).
Further reading:
-- DEP Non-metallic materials selection and application.
Dec. 1984.
7.8.1 Plastics
Further reading:
- DEP Non-metallic materials selection and application.
Dec. 1984.
- ASTM D-883. Standard definitions of terms relating to plastics. Properties
Thermoplastics' properties are usually markedly dependent on both tem-
perature (even below 100 C) and strain rate.
Further reading:
- API-15LE. API specification for polyethylene line pipe.
- DEP Requirements for thermoplastics pipes and fittings.
- DEP Fabrication and installation of thermoplastics piping
Polyethylene (PE) lined steel pipe aims to provide the corrosion resistance of
PE with the strength and familiarity of carbon steel. The PE liner provides the
corrosion-resistant fluid barrier whilst the steel carrier provides the
The system comprises a thick (5-10mm typically) PE pipe, the liner, fitted
tightly inside a carbon steel carrier pipe. Pressure and mechanical loads are
borne by the steel pipe. The maximum operating temperature is currently
considered to be about 65 C. There are a number of installation techniques
by which the liner is fitted into the steel. The two most common are:
1. An undersize PE pipe is pulled into the steel pipe and later swaged into
intimate contact with the steel, usually by pressurising with hot water.
2. An oversize/interference PE pipe is temporarily reduced in diameter by
passing through a set of rollers. Before the PE relaxes back to its original
dimensions (this can take some considerable time) it is pulled into the
steel pipe.
Further reading:
- EP 89-1260. The applicability of PE-liners to protect carbon steel
pipelines against corrosion.
- DEP Application and installation of plastic-lined steel pip-
ing. Thermosets
Thermosets are plastics which, upon curing by heat or other means, become
essentially infusible.
Thermosets fall into a number of main groups according to their chemistry.
The main groups are epoxies, polyesters, vinylesters and furane resins.
Applications for unreinforced thermosets include coatings and encapsula-
tion, but they are almost exclusively used in combination with other materials
to reinforce them or otherwise modify their properties. Examples include
glass fibre reinforced plastics, glass flake filled plastic for paints and coat-
ings, and filled plastics to form syntactic foams and polymer concretes.
Although the main materials in contact with the internal and external fluids,
the polymer layers, are not susceptible to electrochemical corrosion, several
corrosion and degradation phenomena are possible.
For wet/subsea applications (sacrificial) cathodic protection is generally pro-
vided for the end fittings and/or for the steel reinforcement should the outer
polymer sheath be locally damaged.
Further reading:
Preparation of a DEP on flexibles is in the current SIPM Standards Action
In GRP the reinforcement is usually E-glass. Two other glass types are used,
S-glass for higher strength (used infrequently because of high cost) and
C-glass for increased chemical resistance.
Both thermoplastic and thermoset plastics can be used for the matrix but
thermosets currently predominate, particularly epoxies and vinylesters.
Some high performance thermoplastic systems are available but are cur-
rently too expensive to be considered as commodity products. Cheaper ther-
moplastics are likely to become more widely used in the near future.
Fire resistant enclosures for pipeline and riser emergency shutdown valves
made from GRP sandwich materials are in service. They were selected
following full-scale test demonstrations of their ability to protect the valves
against jet-fire impingement exceeding two hours, the design requirement
for this application.
Piping has been the most common use of GRP to date. The attraction of GRP
pipe lies in its light weight, ease of installation, and resistance to electro-
chemical corrosion and chemical attack. These features can result in cost-
effective piping systems with low maintenance and high reliability and safety.
Typically, material costs for GRP pipe components exceed those of carbon
steel but installation costs are significantly less. The resulting installed cost
of GRP is usually about the same as carbon steel. The corrosion resistance of
GRP compared to carbon steel gives improved life-cycle costs in corrosive
Pressure ratings are worthy of special mention because GRP behaves dif-
ferently to steel and manufacturer's pressure ratings have often proved op-
timistic in independent tests. GRP pipe normally fails in a time-dependent
manner and hence it is important that pressure rating methods are based on
long-term strength properties. API-15HR and API-15LR address pressure
ratings of high (static) pressure and low (cyclic) pressure components res-
pectively. A new Group DEP will be issued in 1992 which is based on API-
15HR but encompasses and extends the scope of both documents.
Further reading:
- EP 91-1450 GRP in EP/MF Operations.
- API-15HR. Specification for high pressure fiberglass line pipe.
- API-15LR. Specification for low pressure fiberglass line pipe.
- DEP Technical specification. Requirements for glass fibre
reinforced plastic pipes and fittings. (Publication due
- EP 91-1830 Technical manual for DEP (Requirements
for glass fibre reinforced plastic pipes and fittings).
(Publication of revised version due mid-1992).
- EPD/6 Memo. 91-03 The use of GRP piping in offshore fire water systems:
the VaIhall project.
- DEP 31 .22.30.14. Design and calculation of glass-fibre reinforced
epoxy vessels and equipment. 1977.
- DEP 31 .22.30.34. Requirements for glass-fibre reinforced epoxy ves-
sels and equipment. 1978.
- DEP Installation of glass-fibre reinforced epoxy vessels
and equipment. 1978.
Lightweight ‘fillers' are used to produce foams either for their buoyancy or
thermal insulation properties - both gas and syntactic foamed pipeline in-
sulation systems have been developed which are capable of withstanding the
mechanical loads imposed by reel-barge installation. The `fillers' may be gas
bubbles, which produce ‘gas-blown' foams, or lightweight (solid or hollow)
particles which produce ‘syntactic' foams.
Further reading:
An EP report summarising the ‘state of the art' of (pipeline) thermal insulation
materials is under preparation. Publication is due mid-1992.
Several types of non-metallic material are used for fire protective coatings
including mineral and ceramic fibres, lightweight cements and epoxy-based
intumescent (swell on exposure to fire) materials. All of these either start off
with, or develop on heating, low thermal conductivities. Some also reduce
heat gain to the substrate by absorbing incident heat in chemical reactions or
dehydration within the coating, or by using low-emissivity surfaces.
In selecting a fire protective coating system, not only should thermal aspects
be considered but also features such as toxic emissions and resistance to
impact and weathering. Two types of fire condition have traditionally been
considered, characterised by different time/temperature profiles: cellulosic
(e.g. SOLAS fire curve) and hydrocarbon (e.g. MOBIL fire curve). The hy-
drocarbon curve is the more severe, having a faster temperature rise rate
and higher ultimate temperature, and has generally been used in the oil
industry. Fires arising from ignition of a high-pressure hydrocarbon leak,
known as `jet fires', are even more severe due to the high heat flux and
erosional effects they produce. Jet fire resistance is increasingly being con-
sidered in the design of hydrocarbon installations.
Further reading:
- EP 88-0387. A catalogue of fire protective coatings and allied ma-
terials for offshore platforms and related structures.
Further reading:
- ASTM D-1566. Standard terminology relating to rubber.
- DEP Design and installation of rubber-lined process equip-
ment piping and concrete structures.
- DEP Requirements for rubber linings for process equipment
and linings. Paints
Paints are normally classified according to their binder. The types most
commonly used in EP are epoxies, chlorinated rubbers, vinyls, silicones and
Blasting and painting operations often involve toxic materials and careful
consideration must be given to personnel protection.
Further reading:
- DEP Paints and paint materials.
- DEP Painting and coating.
- DEP Painting and coating for new construction projects.
Further reading
- L-4-1/2/3. External polyethylene coating for line pipe.
- L-5-1/2/3. External fusion-bonded epoxy powder coating for line
7.8.5 Cements
Cementitious materials are used, not only in the familiar structural concrete,
but in diverse applications such as pipe linings (where recent experience has
often been unsatisfactory), weight coatings, and some fire protective coatings.
Further reading:
- DEP Cement lining of new pipelines.
- DEP 31 .40.30.30. Concrete coating of linepipe.
These are samples of the steel concerned, which are mounted in the system
in such a way that they are exposed to the corrosive environment inside the
equipment. They are retrieved at regular intervals to be examined for weight
loss and depth of pitting corrosion. Mounting is done with the aid of a
threaded nipple, which can also be used for on-stream retrieval by means of
special tools (Fig. 7-19). Often they consist of a rectangular piece of steel
which is mounted perpendicular to the wall of the equipment. For pipelines,
special coupons which are mounted flush with the wall of the pipe are also
These probes consist of steel sample, often in the form of a wire (Fig. 7-18) or
a strip of metal of which the electrical resistance is measured at intervals of
days or weeks. This can be done on-stream, without retrieval of the probe.
Corrosion will make the probe thinner, which can be detected as an increase
in electrical resistance. In order to compensate for the effect of temperature,
a reference wire is incorporated in the probe which is embedded in a resin to
prevent its corrosion.
All probes have in common that they only give information pertinent to the
location of the probe, and extrapolation of this to the equipment as a whole
can lead to serious errors. Low or zero corrosion rate readings are often
caused by incorrect installation or malfunctioning of a probe, and should
never be accepted at face value.
Better coverage can be obtained with tools like calipers (for tubing) and
‘intelligent pigs' for pipelines. The latter are based on the detection of metal
loss using magnetic principles or ultrasound. Rapid developments are taking
place in this area, however, at present ‘intelligent pigs' are better suited to
evaluate system integrity than corrosion rates.
Chapter 8
Spares. The individual items held (in addition to those installed already) for
the purpose of providing replacements for those removed for overhaul,
repair, or rectification.
Subassembly. Two or more parts which form a portion of an assembly or a
unit replaceable as a whole, but having a part or parts which are indi-
vidually replaceable.
Subsystem. A major functional part of a system which contributes to oper-
ational completeness of the system.
System. A combination of interrelated items arranged to perform a specific
Unit. A part or any combination of parts, mounted together, normally cap-
able of independent operation.
8.3 Materials
Life cycle costs. The total cost of an item throughout Its life including initial,
maintenance and support costs.
Direct maintenance cost. Those maintenance labour and material costs
directly expended in performing maintenance on an item or plant. Does
not include those indirect maintenance labour and material expendi-
tures which contribute to the overall maintenance operations, servicing,
administration, record, keeping, supervision, tooling, test equipment
facilities and transportation.
Indirect maintenance cost. Those maintenance labour and material costs
not considered to be direct maintenance costs, but which contribute to
the overall maintenance programme through overhead operations, ad-
ministration, record-keeping, supervision, tooling, test equipment fad I-
ities and transportation. Also called `maintenance burden'.
Reliability. The ability of an item to perform a required function under
stated conditions for a stated period of time. This may be expressed as a
Reliability analysis. The assessment of probabilities of satisfactory perfor-
mance of an item over a given service period by means of statistical
Maintainability. A function of the rapidity and ease with which maintenance
operations can be performed to help prevent malfunctions of to correct
them if they occur.
History. Record of usages, events and actions as appropriate relating to a
particular item. (Maybe kept on cards or computerised as appro-
Feedback. A written or verbal report of failures, defects, shortcomings and
other experience which can be used to influence design, performance
and costs.
Deterioration rate. The rate at which an item approaches a departure from
an acceptable condition.
Availability. The fraction of a specified period for which an item is capable
of performing a specified function at a specified level of perfor-
Down time. The period of time during which an item is not in a condition to
perform its intended function.
Utilisation factor. The ratio of the period of actual use to availability.
Physical asset register. A record of items, including information such as
constructional and technical details about each. This may be combined
with an inventory or history also known as equipment data base.
Life. A period of time which is related to the usability of an item.
Chapter 9
9.1 Introduction
Once the decision to undertake essential subsea work has been made and a
scope of work developed, it will be necessary to assess the possible alter-
native methods for accomplishing the work from both practical and economic
standpoints. To do this, the parameters under which the work is to be per-
formed, must be defined. Careful consideration of these factors before de-
tailed planning and bar charts are drawn up will invariably lead to a more
effective underwater operation.
The depth of water, its temperature and underwater visibility, the time of year
and prevailing weather conditions, tidal streams and currents will all influence the method
chosen. An air diving operation in 50 m of very cold
The area of the world, location of potential support bases, logistics of supply
and the import and entry restrictions of a country may influence the method.
This factor is very important and may for instance lead to a situation where a
‘shallow' saturation dive may be more economical and practical than a pro-
tracted surface air diving operation. This is especially true for complex work
in the 20-50 m depth range.
Many other `local' factors may affect the efficiency of the operation and where
known, should be communicated to the diving contractor, e.g. dangerous
marine animals, heavy marine fouling or debris.
It is important to ensure that divers and ROV pilots receive a thorough brief-
ing before they start the work, in order that they clearly understand their task
and the underwater equipment and environment which they will encounter.
Part of this briefing should include study of records of previous dives at the
same locality or for a similar task/situation. Detailed and accurate records of
all dives should thus be maintained to help reduce the work-load and increase
the safety of future dives.
The underwater work to be done will be the basis on which the means of
intervention is selected, taking into account the relevant health, safety, en-
vironmental and cost aspects.
- The depth of water and what type of drilling rig is to be used, jack-up,
drilling ship or semi-submersible drilling rig.
- Advancing technology, including the ability to drill, install and change out
sea bed installations in very deep water, is reducing the requirement for
divers. Whether or not diving support for these operations is really nec-
essary, should be very carefully considered.
The construction phase of the gas or oil field often requires diver intervention
and it is essential that relevant expertise should be integrated into the project
at the earliest possible time. This should preferably be during the design
phase of the structure and certainly during its building. Care taken at the
design stage to place identifying marks, work stages and rigging aids at
salient points on the structure, will result in considerable simplication of the
underwater tasks and speed up their completion. Diver or ROV operated
equipment, such as grouting connections, should be positioned in easily
accessible positions.
The depth of water in the field and possibly on the pipeline route to shore is a
significant consideration when choosing the underwater support required.
The field may require only air or bounce mixed gas diving, while the pipe-
laying support may require saturation diving. An ROV may be capable of all
or part of the work.
9.3.3 Tasks
The use of ROVs to survey and inspect the sea bed prior to the installation of
the platform and the type of vessel to be used for underwater support during
the platform installation should be carefully considered.
The type of tie-in to be used for pipelines and risers should be decided at an
early stage of the development of the field; if hyperbaric welding is specified,
the long lead time for selection, training, certification and acceptance of the
welders should be taken into account.
The depth of the platform and the scope of work will determine the range of
diving equipment required. Except in very shallow water, a full range from air
to saturation diving facilities may be required, although an increasing pro-
portion of such work is carried out by ROV. Inspection and maintenance
programmes may depend on the legal requirements of the country in which
the Company is operating and the relevant Certifying Authority as well as
those of the Company itself.
(f) Repair
Repairs may be required on any part of a field or its associated pipelines. The
Repairs have tended to require extensive diving operations and in only rare
instances have they been completed by ROVs.
The geography of the area will pose the main operational limitations of the
underwater operation in the development and should be carefully con-
sidered. The availability of local resources and the capability of local per-
sonnel should also be assessed.
The diver plays an essential role in the development of many offshore fields
and this is expected to remain so for some years. However, the advancement
of technology is producing rapid changes in underwater activities. Some of
these changes have been forced by the steady progress into very deep water
beyond effective diver capability, i.e. deeper than 300-400 m.
Alternatives to Divers
Amongst the alternatives to divers that may be considered for underwater
intervention are:
Geography may well be a decisive factor in the choice of base, e.g. the most
operationally convenient base may not be acceptable politically.
When establishing the support base, some of the factors which should be
taken into consideration are:
- The type of docks or jetties available and the depth of water in the harbour.
An alongside berth with good cranage is ideal, but it may be necessary to
move stores and equipment on intermediate craft from the shore to the
supply vessels in the harbour, or even outside the harbour.
- The requirement to set up good lines of communication between the shore
base, the field, the Company headquarters and emergency services.
- The presence of other diving operations in the area. If possible, the oper-
ators should be approached to establish contacts, background information
and for mutual support, emergency procedures etc.
- A smooth arrangement must be made for the clearance of financial trans-
actions, imported goods, or the re-export of goods from the chosen base to
the work site. Delays in the delivery of diving gas, for instance, could prove
very costly.
- In remote locations it may be necessary for the Diving Contractor to pro-
Vessels and craft used for construction and maintenance range from simple
barges equipped with a small crane, to purpose-built, multi-purpose semi-
submersibles (MSV), with in-built diving spreads. Selection of craft will de-
pend principally on the scope of work, weather conditions and economic
Companies wishing to charter such ships for the first time should seek advice
from SIPM, but as a basic guide the vessel chosen should at least comply with
the `Guidelines for the Specification and Operation of Dynamically Positioned
Diving Support Vessels' published jointly by the UK Department of Energy
and the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate in 1983 (Ref. 3).
- Surface-orientated, in which one or two divers leave the surface, work for
short periods at depths to a maximum of 50 metres, and then return to the
surface after carrying out essential decompression.
Minimum team layouts will vary according to scope of work and operation
parameters. Examples are detailed in Reference 1 -.Report EP89-0777 ‘Un-
derwater Handbook - Diving'.
9.10.1 General
Electrical power may be required for the handling system, life support equipment,
hot water supply unit, LP and HP compressors etc. and may be 20 to 150
kVA from a 380 or 440 V 3-phase supply.
9.11.1 Regulations
There are several important aspects of the above legislation which should be
understood by Managers and Engineers, as follows:
- The Regulations require that divers must work directly for the Diving Con-
tractor and not for some third party, thereby insisting that the Diving Con-
tractor is fully responsible for the divers that he employs.
- Every diving company must produce a set of Diving Rules. Copies of the
rules are to be readily accessible to all members of the diving team on site.
- The requirement to provide a means for heating the diver at depths below
50 m and to provide a means of heating the diver's breathing gas at depth
below 150 m.
9.11.2 Responsibilities
The Diving Supervisor has the authority to stop all operations under his
control, should he consider them unsafe. The OIM does not have the authority
to override this decision; however, the OIM does have the overall appreciation of
all activities taking place at the work-site and does have the authority
to stop them, including diving. He should not hesitate to do so, if he foresees a
possibly dangerous situation arising. It is essential that a close liaison is
maintained between the OIM and the Diving Supervisor. Daily meetings of
competent persons involved in work on site are recommended.
It is vital that the vulnerability of divers in transit from the working platform to
the water and when below the water, from ship or crane movements and from
items dropped overboard, is fully appreciated by all persons at the worksite.
Further Reading
Chapter 10
W (per occupant)
Lying down 70- 95
Sitting 80-105
Standing 95-125
Moving slowly 175-235
Labour/Moving fast 235-470
Average will vary between 100-200W per occupant in buildings. Refer also to
ASHRAE Handbook ‘Fundamentals'.
*) Values are equal for exposure from equivalent Western angles. Calculate heat for
largest sun exposed window area.
Electric motors, per rated kW 1100
Gas burners 1750
Coffee makers, glass 260
Coffee machines 400
For heat load from equipment in locations with positive exhaust reduce by
Rates of circulation and fresh air intake ratio's vary with the functional use of
the enclosed space.
The cooling load which results is proportional to the product of both factors
(see Ventilation factor C below, which should be inserted in calculation sheet,
Table 10-1).
Air will infiltrate through doors and various leaks which will add to the cooling
Since leakage represents a non-intentional fresh air intake, it can be com-
pensated for by reducing the intentional fresh air intake somewhat.
For an initial estimate of the cooling load, infiltration can be ignored.
For office and accommodation units, the following are generally acceptable
comfort levels:
Temperature range 20-22 C
Humidity range 35% - 65% (relative humidity)
Air movement 0.15 m/s max.
Noise, offices 55 decibels at 1 metre
Noise, plant rooms 60 decibels at 1 metre
Note: The power requirements for condenser/cooling fans, circulation pumps, etc.
should be added to obtain full power load.
Further Reading