Life-Span Human Development
Life-Span Human Development
Life-Span Human Development
WmmM f p
Carol K. S i g e l m a n
Elizabeth A. Rider
L i f e s p a n : A I V S y l t i m e d i a i n t r o d u c t i o n
to H u m a n D e v e l o p m e n t C O - R O M
ISBN 0-534-63742-6
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tions, drag-and-drop games for review of key terms and concepts, section
quizzes, and a final test. The CD-ROM also includes a video selector,
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figures throughout the text. Several figures from each chapter are posted
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grasp of the data.
L i f e - S p a n Human Development
Fifth Edition
Carol K. Sigelman
The George Washington University
Elizalietk A . Rider
Elizahethtown College
Publisher: Vicki Knight Production Editor: Denise DeLancey, Graphic World Publishing
Acquisitions Editor: Michele Sordi Services
6 Perception 143
7 Cognition 171
15 T l i e F a m i ly 42.1
W h a t Is t h e S c i e n c e o f L i f e - S p a n
D eve lo p m e n t ? 8 CHAPTER 2
Goals of Study 8
Tlieories of H u m a n
The Modern Life-Span Perspective 9
EXPLORATIONS: Pioneers of the Study of Life-Span
Development 10
D e v e l o p m e n t a l T l i e o r i e s an d tllie Issues
Mow Is D e v e l o p m e n t a l R e s e a r c h I hey Raise 27
Conducted? J1 EXPLORATIONS: Where Do You Stand on Major Developmental
Issues? 28
The Scientific Method II
Nature and Nurture 28
Sample Selection I1
The Goodness and Badness of Human Nature 29
Data Collection 12
Activity and Passivity 29
Verbal Reports 12
Behavioral Observations 12 Continuity and Discontinuity 29
Physiological Measurements 13 Universality and Context Specificity 30
The Experimental and Correlational Methods 13
The Experimental Method ] 4 Freud: Psychoanalytic T heory 30
The Correlational Method 15
Instincts and Unconscious Motives
Developmental Research Designs 17
Age, Cohort, and Time of Measurement Effects 17 Id, Ego, and Superego 30
Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Designs 17 Psychosexual Development 31
Strengths and Weaknesses of the Cross-Sectional
Design .18
Strengths and Weaknesses 32 Individual Heredity 57
EXPLORATIONS: Freud on Teenage Pregnancy 33
The Genetic Code 57
Erikson: Neo-Freudian Psychoanalytic EXPLORATIONS: The Human Genome Project 58
Genetic Uniqueness and Relatedness 59
T h e orv 33
Determination of Sex 60
Psychosocial Stages 34 Translation of the Genetic Code 60
EXPLORATIONS: Erikson on Teenage Pregnancy 35 Mechanisms of Inheritance 61
Strengths and Weaknesses 35 Single Gene-Pair Inheritance 61
Sex-Linked Inheritance 62
Learning' T h e o r i e s Polygenic Inheritance 62
Mutations 63
Watson: Classical Conditioning 36
Chromosome Abnormalities 63
Skinner: Operant Conditioning 36
Genetic Diagnosis and Counseling 65
Bandura: Social Cognitive Theory 39 EXPLORATIONS: Prenatal Detection of Abnormalities 66
EXPLORATIONS: Bandura on Teenage Pregnancy 40
Strengths and Weaknesses 40 Studying' G e n e t i c a n d E n v i r o n m e n t a l
Influences 68
Cognitive Developmental Theory 41
Experimental Breeding 68
Piaget: Constructivism 41
Twin, Adoption, and Family Studies 69
Stages of Cognitive Development 42
Estimating Influences 69
EXPLORATIONS: Piaget on Teenage Pregnancy 43
Molecular Genetics 70
Strengths and Weaknesses 43
Intellectual Abilities 71
Vygotsky: A Socioculturai Perspective 44
Temperament and Personality 72
Gottlieb: An Evolutionary ^pigenetic Systems View 45
Psychological Disorders 73
Strengths and Weaknesses 47
EXPLORATIONS: Gottlieb on Teenage Pregnancy 48 The Merit ability of Different Traits 74
Influences on Heritability 75
Theories in Perspective 49
APPLICATIONS: Using Developmental'Theories to Prevent Heredity and E n v i r o n m e n t Conspiring
7eenage Pregnancy 50
SUMMARY POINTS 53 Gene-Environment Interactions 76
CRITICAL T H I N K I N G 53 Gene-Environment Correlations 76
KEY T E R M S 53 Passive Gene-Environment Correlations 77
M E D I A RESOURCES 53 Evocative Gene-Environment Correlations 77
Active Gene-Environment Correlations 77
Genetic Influences on Environment 77
a n d Development 55 CRITICAL T H I N K I N G 80
Evolution and Species Heredity 56
T h e Infant 145
Tke Ckild 233 C H A P T E R 10
T k e Adult 375
CHAPTER 14 T l ie A d o l e s c e n t 407
T k e Infant 425 Remarriage and Reconstituted Families 448
T !i e A d o l e s c e n t 433
W k a t M a k e s D evelop m e n t
Ripples in the Parent-Child Relationship ^normal?
Renegotiating the Relationship 433
DSM-IV Diagnostic Criteria 456
Depression 47?
T l i e A d. d e s c e n t 500
Age and Sex Differences 477
Treatment 478
T k e Adult 501
Aging and Dementia 478
Alzheimer's Disease 4-79 Death in the Family Context 502
Other Causes of Cognitive Impairment 481 The Loss of a Spouse 502
SUMMARY POINTS 482 The Loss of a Child 503
CRITICAL T H I N K I N G 482 The Loss of a Parent 504
KEY T E R M S 4-83
Challenges to the Grief Work Perspective 504
Who Copes and Who Succumbs? 506
Personal Resources 506
The Nature of the Loss 506
CHAPTER 17 The Context of Supports and Stressors 506
Bereavement and Human Development 507
Tlie F m a enge: earn
T a k i n g tlie S t i n g O u t o f D e a t h 507
a n d D ym 484
For the Dying 507
L i f e and Death Issues 485 For the Bereaved 508
What Is Death? 485
Biological Definitions of Death 485
KEY T E R M S 509
EXPLORATIONS: Should We Hasten Death? 486
Social Meanings of Death 487
What Kills Us and When? 488
T h e o r i e s o f A g i n g : W h y D o We Age EPILOGUE
and Die? 489
F i t t i n g tlie P i e c e s
Programmed Theories 489
Damage Theories 490
T o s'etlier 511
Nature and Nurture Conspiring 491
M a j o r Freiias i n Development 512
Kiibler-Ross's Stages of Dying 492 School-Age Children (Ages 6 through 81) 5S3
Criticisms and Alternative Views 494 Adolescents (Ages 12 through 19) 514
Young Adults (Ages 20 through 39) 514
Middle-Aged Adults (Ages 40 through 64) 514
Older Adults (Age 65 and Up) 5S6
Major X hemes in H u m a n
Develop m en t 3 S8
Welcome to the fifth edition of Life-Span Human Develop- Finally, a predominantly topical approach is more com-
ment This new edition has many exciting changes, yet it re- patible with a life-span perspective, which views any period of
tains the core features valued by students and instructors over life in relation to what comes before and what is yet to come.
the years. We remain firmly committed to our unique inte- In chronologically organized textbooks, many topics are de-
grated topical-chronological approach and to a presentation scribed only in connection with the age group to which they
that is both research-oriented and relevant to the "real world." seem most relevant—for example, attachment in relation to
However, we cast an even brighter light on the all-important infancy or sexuality in relation to adolescence and adulthood.
nature-nurture issue, offer stronger and more up-to-date cov- A topical organization makes readers ask intriguing questions
erage of key topics and controversies in life-span human de- that they might otherwise not ask, such as these about attach-
velopment, and add new pedagogical features and supple- ment relationships:
ments to enhance the teaching-learning process.
• What do infants' attachments to their parents have in
common with, and how do they differ from, attach-
ments between childhood friends or between adult ro-
A Topical a n d C iironological mantic partners?
• Do securely attached infants later have a greater capacity
Approacli to form and sustain friendships or romantic partner-
ships than infants whose early social experiences are less
The most distinctive feature of this book is its unique inte- favorable?
grated topical-chronological approach. Almost all other life- • What are the consequences at different points in the life
span development textbooks adopt a chronological or span of lacking someone to be closely attached to?
"age-stage" approach, carving the life span into age ranges
and describing the prominent characteristics of individuals Attachments are important throughout the life span, and
within each age range. In contrast, we use a topical approach a topical organization helps make that clear.
for the overall organization of the book blended with a
chronological approach within chapters. Each chapter focuses
on a domain of development such as physical growth, cogni-
tion, or personality and traces developmental trends and in- We adopted a topical approach because we consider it the best
fluences in that domain from infancy to old age. Each chapter way to introduce the how and why of human development.
calls attention to age groups through major sections on in- We also appreciate the strengths of the chronological ap-
fancy, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. proach, particularly its ability to portray the whole person in
each period of the life span. For this reason, we integrated the
age-stage approach with the topical organization, aiming to
have the best of both worlds.
Why have we fought the tide? Like many other instructors, we Each topical chapter contains major sections on infancy,
have typically favored topically organized textbooks when childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. The existence of these
teaching child, adolescent, or adult development courses. As a sections is proof that the chapters consider development in
result, it seemed natural to use that topical approach in intro- each of the domains covered across the whole life span. These
ducing students to the whole life span. Besides, chronologi- age-stage sections call attention to the distinctive qualities of
cally organized texts often have to repeat themselves as they each phase of life and make it easier for students to find ma-
remind readers of where development left off in an earlier age terial on an age period of particular interest to them. Our de-
period (covered several chapters ago). gree of emphasis on each period of the life span varies de-
More importantly, a topic-by-topic organization conveys pending on the topic.
the flow of development in each area—the systematic, and of- We believe that our integrated topical-chronological ap-
ten dramatic, transformations that take place and the devel- proach allows us to convey the flow of life-span development
opmental continuities. The topical approach also helps us em- in particular areas and the factors influencing it while high-
phasize developmental processes—how nature and nurture lighting the major physical, cognitive, and psychosocial devel-
interact over the life span to bring change. opments within any particular developmental period.
Adaptability of the Integrated help anyone analyze issues that we all face—including such
Topicai-ChronoSogical Approach practical matters as raising children, working with troubled
adolescents, or coping with Alzheimer's disease in the family.
Even though links among chapters are noted throughout the
book, instructors who are teaching short courses or who are
otherwise pressed for time can omit a chapter without fear of
rendering other chapters incomprehensible. For example:
Highlighting the Mature-Murture issue As always, the book has been thoroughly updated from start
If students gain nothing else from their study of human de- to finish; it conveys the most recent discoveries and insights
velopment, we hope they gain a deeper understanding of the developmentalists have to offer. We take pride in having writ-
nature-nurture issue and of the many interacting forces act- ten a well-researched and wTell-referenced book that professors
ing on, and being acted on by, the developing person. We want and students can use as a resource. We added some exciting
students to understand that human development is an incred- new topics and greatly expanded and updated coverage of
ibly complex process that grows out of transactions between a other topics. A sampling follows.
changing person and a changing world and out of dynamic re-
lationships among biological, psychological, and social influ- C h a p t e r 1 * U n d e r s t a n d i n g Life-Span H u m a n
ences. No contributor to development—a gene, a tempera- Development
ment, a parent, a culture—acts alone and is unaffected by • New section, "Framing the Nature-Nurture Issue," to
other influences on development. put this all-important issue in a starring role from the
In this edition, we introduce the nature-nurture issue in start of the book
Chapter 1. Each subsequent chapter includes one or more il- ° Concrete illustration of research methods with a study
lustration of the intertwined con tributions of nature and nur- that uses verbal report, behavioral observation, and
ture to development. These topics are listed for easy reference physiological measures
in the theme index that appears on the books endpapers. ° Inclusion of Urie Bronfenbrenner's bioecological model
Along the way, we 'describe some exciting studies involving in the first chapter to call attention to issues in under-
molecular genetics that compare individuals with and without standing diversity in human development
particular genes and with and without particular life experi-
ences to bring home what it means to say that genes and envi- C h a p t e r 2 . T h e o r i e s of H u m a n D e v e l o p m e n t
ronment interact to influence development. For example, it • New coverage of Gilbert Gottlieb's evolutionary-epigenetic
becomes clear in Chapter 3 that the odds of depression be- systems perspective, including material on ethology
come high only when a person is at genetic risk for depression 0 New twists on this chapter's attempt to show how each
and experiences multiple stressful events. In the process of major theorist would explain teenage pregnancy
writing these nature-nurture segments—which cover topics
ranging from physical growth and the effects of prenatal alco- C h a p t e r 3. Genes, E n v i r o n m e n t , and
hol exposure, to temperament and theory of mind, to autism Development
and aging—we expanded coverage of evolution, genes, hor- • The latest from the Human Genome Project and the po-
mones, and other biological forces in development, enriched tentials of new molecular genetics research
descriptions of social and cultural influences on development, • New emphasis on how genes turn on and off over the
and, most importantly, illuminated the complex interrelation- course of development partly in response to environ-
ships between biological and environmental influences that mental influences
are at the heart of the developmental process. • New evidence of social class differences in the heritabil-
ity of intelligence
• Descriptions of both the contributions and the limita-
tions of behavioral genetics
Another feature new to this edition is "Summing Up" para-
graphs at the end of each major section of each chapter to C h a p t e r 4• Prenatal D e v e l o p m e n t and B i r t h
supplement the "Summary Points" at the conclusion of each • The latest research on prenatal development and te-
chapter. We believe that these internal summaries will help ratogens
students consolidate what they are learning when they read a • Expanded coverage of birthing practices
chapter and when they review the material afterward. • New reproductive technologies
C h a p t e r 5 . T h e Physical Self • Coverage of the controversy over the degree of continu-
• More material on early and later brain development, in- ity in adult personality
cluding a separate section that covers brain plasticity C h a p t e r 12, G e n d e r Roles and Sexuality
• A dynamic systems perspective on the emergence of mo-
• Clarification of which gender differences are not sub-
tor skills
stantiated by research
• Adolescent risk taking in relation to brain development
• The latest research on gender-role development includ-
during adolescence
ing the contributions of biology and environment
• The latest research on teens and sleep
Introductory material stimulates interest, lays out the plan The fifth edition of Life-Span Human Development is accom-
for the chapter, and introduces key concepts, theories, and panied by a better array of supplements prepared for both the
issues relevant to the area of development to be explored. instructor and the student to create the best learning environ-
ment inside and outside the classroom. All the continuing
Developmental sections (Chapters 5-17) describe-key
supplements have been thoroughly revised and updated, and
changes and continuities, as well as the mechanisms un-
several are new to this edition. Especially noteworthy are the
derlying them, during four developmental periods: in-
new media and Internet-based supplements. We invite in-
fancy, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood.
structors and students to examine and take advantage of the
ccExplorations" boxed features allow more in-depth inves- teaching and learning tools available.
tigation of research on a topic (for example, perception
and the performance of aging drivers, adolescent brain
development and adolescent risk taking, language acqui-
sition among deaf children, the big fish-little pond effect Instructor's Manual with Test Bank. Revised by Bradley
on academic self-concept, ethnic identity, genetic and Caskey, University of Wisconsin, River Falls. This manual con-
cultural influences on parenting styles, and issues sur- tains chapter-specific outlines; a list of print, video, and online
rounding euthanasia). resources; and student learning objectives. The manual has a
special emphasis on active learning with suggested student ac-
ccApplications" boxed features examine how knowledge
tivities and projects for each chapter. The test bank, in both
has been used to optimize development in a domain of
print and computerized form, consists of 135 multiple-choice,
development (for instance, to treat genetic defects, pro-
20 true or false, 20 fill-in-the-blank, and 10 essay questions for
mote lifelong health, improve cognitive functioning
each chapter, all with page references. Each multiple-choice
across the life span, combat the effects of stereotypes of
item is categorized based on type (factual or conceptual).
aging on the self-perceptions of older adults, treat ag-
gressive youth, help social isolates, prevent family vio- Exam View® Computerized Testing. Create, deliver, and cus-
lence, and lengthen life). tomize printed and online tests and study guides in minutes
with this easy-to-use assessment and tutorial system.
The "Summing Up" sections within and the "Summary
Exam View includes a Quick Test Wizard and an Online Test
Points" section at the end of each chapter give an
Wizard to guide instructors step by step through the process
overview of the chapter's main themes to facilitate stu-
of creating tests. The test appears on screen exactly as it will
dent learning and review of the material.
print or display online. Using ExamView's complete word-
The new " Understanding the Data: Exercises on the Web" processing capabilities, instructors can enter an unlimited
test students' comprehension of current research data number of new questions or edit questions included with
with online critical thinking exercises based on select ExamView.
figures and tables in the text.
Multimedia Manager Instructor's Resource CD-ROM. With
"Critical Thinking" questions challenge students to think the one-stop digital library and presentation tool, instructors
about or apply the chapter material in new ways. can assemble, edit, and present custom lectures with this
Microsoft PowerPoint tool The Multimedia Manager con- Current Perspectives: Readings from InfoTrac® College
tains lecture outlines for each chapter of the fifth edition of Edition. Compiled by Gabriela Martorell, Portland State
Life-Span Human Development, figures and tables from the University. This new reader includes at least one article per chap-
text, and animations. Instructors can use the material or add ter exploring the Nature/Nurture debate discussed throughout
their own material for a truly customized lecture presentation. the text. Each article is followed by 2 to 3 critical thinking ques-
This CD-ROM also contains the electronic Instructor's tions for class discussion or homework assignments.
Manual with Test Bank files.
H o w Slxould We Tliixil?
f all o u t Development?
Table I . I An 0v<arview of Periods of the Life Span
& Lowe, 1965; Settersten, 1998). In less-industrialized coun- stones of adulthood such as starting work, marrying, and
tries, where couples typically have children in their teens and having children earlier than individuals from middle-income
often become ill, disabled, and unable to work in middle age, families do (Shanahan, 2000).
age norms typically call for earlier achievement of such mile- Consider one example: Linda Burton (1996a) studied age
stones (Shanahan, 2000). norms in a low-income African American community and
Why are age norms important? First, they influence peo- found it is considered appropriate for a young woman to be-
ple's decisions about how to lead their lives. They are the basis come a mother at 16 and a grandmother at 34—earlier than
for what Neugarten (1968) termed the social clock—a sense in most middle-class communities, white or black. Teenage
mothers in this community looked to their own mothers and, brain contribute to cognitive changes such as increased mem-
especially, their grandmothers to help them care for their chil- ory skills and to psychosocial changes such as increased un-
dren. Similar norms prevail among low-income European derstanding of other people's feelings. Genetically influenced
Americans in rural Appalachia. It may seem unusual from a maturational processes guide all of us through many of the
middle-class perspective for children to be born to mothers so same developmental changes at about the same points in our
young and then to be raised largely by people other than their lives.
mothers and fathers. Yet it is not unusual in cultures around On the nurture side of the nature-nurture debate are
the world for child care responsibilities to be shared like this those who emphasize change in response to environment—all
with grandmothers and other relatives (Rogoff, 2003). Nor is the external physical and social conditions and events that can
there evidence that such care is damaging to development. affect us, from crowded living quarters and polluted air, to so-
As the Explorations box on page 6 illustrates, the mean- cial interactions with family members, peers, and teachers, to
ings of childhood, adolescence, and adulthood have also the broader cultural context in which we develop. Rather than
changed from historical period to historical period. Not until seeing maturation as the process behind development, those
the 17th and 18th centuries in Western cultures were children on the nurture side of the nature-nurture debate emphasize
viewed as innocents to be protected rather than as potential learning—the process through which experience (an aspect of
workers who should grow up quickly; not until the late 19th environment) brings about relatively permanent changes in
century was adolescence recognized as a distinct phase of the thoughts, feelings, or behavior. A certain degree of physical
life span; and not until the 20th century has our society de- maturation is clearly necessary before a child can dribble a
fined a period of middle age in which the nest is emptied of basketball, but careful instruction and long, hard hours of
children and a period of old age characterized by retirement. practice are just as clearly required if the child is to excel in
The broader message is clear: We must view development basketball.
in its historical, cultural, and subcultural context. We must If nature is important in development, we would expect
bear in mind that each social group settles on its own defini- all children to achieve similar developmental milestones at
tions of the life span, the age grades within it, and the norms similar times because of maturation, and we would expect dif-
appropriate to each age range, and that each grade experiences ferences among individuals to be largely caused by differences
its own set of life events. We must appreciate that the major in genetic makeup. If nurture or environment is important in
periods of the life span recognized today—adolescence, mid- development, we would expect humans to be alike if their en-
dle age, and so on—have not always been considered distinct vironments are alike but also expect human development to
and that they bring with them different experiences in differ- take different forms depending on the individuals life experi-
ent cultures. One of the most fascinating challenges in the ences. As you will see repeatedly in this book, developmental
study of human development is to understand which aspects changes are generally the products of a complex interplay be-
of development are universal and which aspects vary from so- tween nature (genetic endowment, biological influences, and
cial context to social context. maturation) and nurture (environmental influences, experi-
ences, and learning). It is not nature or nurture; it is nature
and nurture. To make matters more complex, it is nature af-
Framing the Nature-Nurture issue fecting nurture and nurture affecting nature. Much of the ex-
Developmental scientists want to understand the processes citement of developmental research comes from trying to de-
that shape human development, which means grappling with termine how these two forces combine to make us what we are
the nature-nurture issue, or the question of how biological (for example, see Ge, Donnellan, & Harper, 2003).
forces and environmental forces act and interact to make us Ponder this sample nature-nurture question. In the
what we are. We highlight this central issue in development United States, there is consistent evidence that, on average,
throughout the book. boys are more likely than girls to engage in physically aggres-
On the nature side of the debate are those who emphasize sive behavior and men commit m o r e violent crimes than
the influence of individual heredity, universal maturational women (Hyde, 1984; Knight, Fabes, & Higgins, 1996). Does
processes guided by the genes, biologically based predisposi- this sex difference reflect nature (biological differences be-
tions produced by evolution, and biological influences such as tween the sexes, such as different hormone balances) or nur-
hormones and brain growth spurts. To those who emphasize ture (for example, a tendency of parents to tolerate or even
nature, development is largely a process of maturation, the bi- encourage aggression in boys but to suppress it in girls)? How
ological unfolding of the individual according to a plan con- might you try to answer this nature-nurture question?
tained in the genes (the hereditary material passed from par- One approach is to find out whether sex differences in
ents to child at conception). Just as seeds turn into mature physical aggression are evident in different societies. This is
plants through a predictable process, humans "unfold" wi thin what prompted Robert Munroe and his colleagues (2000) to
the womb (assuming that they receive the necessary nourish- study aggression among 3- to 9-year-old children in four non-
ment from their environment). Their genetic program then industrialized societies from diverse parts of the globe: Belize,
makes it likely that they will walk and utter their first words at Kenya, Nepal, and American Samoa. In each society, 24 girls
about 1 year of age, achieve sexual maturity between 12 and and 24 boys were studied. Residents of the communities stud-
14, and gray in their 40s and 50s. Maturational changes in the ied were trained to observe children's social behavior, includ-
E very human lives and develops in a historical c o n t e x t . Being
a developing person today, therefore, differs from being a
developing person in o t h e r times. Moreover, the quick histor-
(Aries, 1962). Moreover, a 10-year-old convicted of stealing
could be hanged (Kean, 1937).
It is now clear that it is an exaggeration t o say that
ical t o u r that you are about t o take should convince you that p r e - 1 7 t h - c e n t u r y adults held a miniature-adult view o f child-
the phases o f the life span recognized today w e r e not always hood (Cunningham, 1996; Hanawalt, 2 0 0 3 ) . Parents through-
perceived as distinct and may not always be perceived as o u t history seem t o have recognized that children are differ-
distinct. ent from adults. Nevertheless, before t h e 17th and 18th
centuries, people in W e s t e r n societies pressured children t o
Childhood grow up, adopt adult roles, and contribute economically t o the
Phillippe Aries ( 1 9 6 2 ) conducted an ambitious historical analy- family's survival as soon as possible. During t h e 17th and 18th
sis and concluded that, before 1600, European societies had centuries, t h e modern c o n c e p t of childhood gradually c a m e
little c o n c e p t o f childhood as w e know it. Until then, he be- into being. Children c a m e t o be seen as m o r e distinctly
lieved, children w e r e viewed as miniature adults. In medieval childlike—as innocent beings w h o should be protected, given
Europe (A.D. 500-1500), for example, 6-year-olds were a proper moral and religious education, and taught skills such
dressed in miniature versions o f adult clothing and e x p e c t e d as reading and writing so that they would eventually b e c o m e
t o w o r k alongside adults at home, at a shop, o r in t h e fields good w o r k e r s (Cunningham, 1996).
T h e historical c o n t e x t of child development continues t o
change. S o m e o b s e r v e r s argue that modern society has been
reverting t o a medieval view of childhood—asking children t o
grow up quickly and t o c o p e with terrorists, drugs dealers,gun
violence, and o t h e r social ills (Efkind, 1992; Koops, 2 0 0 3 ) .
O t h e r s note that parents are m o r e anxious than ever before
a b o u t how t o raise children and less confident of their abili-
ties, given the challenges of modern life (Stearns, 2 0 0 3 ) . Might
w e be exposing children t o t o o many "adult" issues and situ-
ations t o o early in life? Maybe, but consider that children in
colonial America often slept in t h e same r o o m with their par-
ents and probably learned a bit about human sexuality in the
process, o r consider that the age of c o n s e n t for sexual rela-
tions was 12 o r younger as late as t h e end of the 19th cen-
tury ( C o o n t z , 2 0 0 0 b ) . Historians have discovered that the ex-
perience o f childhood is not clearly b e t t e r o r w o r s e than it
was in past eras; it is merely different. In all eras, it seems, par-
ents have tried t o be good p a r e n t s — b u t they have often
treated their children badly (Colon, 2 0 0 1 ) .
If t h e m o d e r n c o n c e p t of childhood a r o s e only during t h e
17th and 18th centuries, perhaps it is n o t surprising that
a d o l e s c e n c e — t h e transitional period b e t w e e n childhood
and adulthood that begins with puberty and ends when the in-
dividual has acquired adult competencies and responsibilities—
came t o be viewed as a distinct period of the life span in
W e s t e r n societies only at t h e end of the 19th century and be-
C Although medieval children were pressured to abandon their ginning o f t h e 2 0 t h c e n t u r y (Hine, 1999; Kett, 1977). B e f o r e
childish ways as soon as possible and were dressed like minia- t h e industrial revolution, w o r k t o o k place within t h e family
ture adults, it is doubtful that they were really viewed as minia- household; families farmed, built furniture, o r engaged in
ture adults. o t h e r trades at h o m e . Children c o n t r i b u t e d as they b e c a m e
able; age m a t t e r e d little (Gillis, 2 0 0 3 ) . Early in the industrial dramatically during this century in many c o u n t r i e s — a t first
revolution, factories needed cheap labor. At first they could because m o r e babies survived infancy and early childhood
make do with children; later they used immigrants. But as in- and m o r e recently because m o r e people are living into old
dustry advanced, it needed an educated labor f o r c e , so laws age (National Research Council, 2 0 0 1 ) . In 1900, the average
w e r e passed restricting child labor and making schooling life e x p e c t a n c y f o r a newborn born in the United States was
compulsory. By t h e middle of t h e 2 0 t h century, a d o l e s c e n c e a b o u t 4 7 years. By 2 0 0 1 , the life expectancy had climbed t o
had b e c o m e a distinct life stage in which youths spent their 7 7 years o v e r a l l — 8 0 for a white female, 75 for a black female,
days in s c h o o l — s e p a r a t e d from t h e adult world, living in 75 f o r a white male, and 6 9 for a black male (Freid e t al.,
their own p e e r culture, and s u b j e c t t o s t r o n g e r p e e r influ- 2003).
e n c e (Furstenberg, 2 0 0 0 ) . T h e makeup of t h e U.S. population also changed signifi-
As adolescents began t o attend college in large numbers cantly in t h e 20th century. In 1900, about 4 % of the population
after W o r l d W a r II, t h e age of entry into the adult world was was 6 5 and older. By t h e mid-1990s, the percentage was close
postponed further (Furstenberg, 2 0 0 0 ; Keniston, 1970).Today, t o I 3 % and climbing (Hobbs, 2 0 0 1 ) . Census takers are closely
many "emerging" adults spend years taking steps forward and watching t h e baby b o o m generation—the huge number of
steps backward (for example, leaving their parents' h o m e only people born between 1946 and 1 9 6 4 — m o v e into middle age.
t o return t o it) before they finally b e c o m e autonomous with By 2 0 3 0 , when m o s t baby b o o m e r s will have retired from
respect t o such key markers of adulthood as completing an work, an estimated 2 0 % of the U.S. population—one of five
education, leaving t h e nest, making a living, and forming a ro- Americans—will be 6 5 o r older (Hobbs, 2 0 0 1 ) . N o w o n d e r
mantic relationship ( C o h e n e t al., 2 0 0 3 ) . w e hear a lot about the challenges t o society that an aging
population will present.
Adyfthood W h a t are s o m e implications of t h e s e changes? As 20th-
Adulthood is also different today than it was in past eras. In century parents began t o bear fewer children and live long
ancient R o m e , t h e average age of death was 2 0 t o 30 years enough t o s e e their children empty t h e nest, W e s t e r n soci-
old; in t h e late 17th century, it was 35 t o 4 0 years (Dublin & eties began t o recognize middle age as a distinct period be-
Lotka, l 9 3 6 ) . T h e s e figures, which are averages, are low mainly tween early adulthood and old age (Moen & Wethington,
because so many m o r e infants died in t h e past. However, even 1999). Interestingly, middle age has been stereotyped as either
t h o s e lucky enough t o make it through early childhood had a time of midlife crisis and turmoil o r a time of stability and
relatively low odds, by modern standards, o f living t o be 65 o r little developmental change. It is now understood t o be a time
older. T h e average life e x p e c t a n c y has continued t o increase of good health, stable relationships, many responsibilities, and
high satisfaction for m o s t people. It is also a time when peo-
ple c o p e successfully with changes such as menopause and
o t h e r signs of aging and achieve peak levels of cognitive func-
tioning (Squires, 1999;Willis & Schaie, 1999).
T h e e x p e r i e n c e of old age also changed during t h e 20th
century, with the introduction of Social Security, Medicare, and
o t h e r such programs for t h e elderly (Cole, 1992). In earlier
centuries, people w h o survived t o old age literally worked un-
til they dropped; now they retire in their 60s. As a result, we
have c o m e t o define old age as t h e retirement phase of life.
Today's elderly adults also have fewer chronic diseases and dis-
abilities, and are less affected by t h e o n e s they have, than eld-
erly adults even a century ago (Costa, 2 0 0 2 ) . Kenneth Manton
estimated that today's 85-year-old is about as healthy as a 65-
year-old just 2 5 years ago (Trafford, 1996).
In sum, a g e — w h e t h e r it is 7, 17, o r 7 0 — h a s meant s o m e -
thing different in each historical era. And m o s t likely, the ex-
<T How might your childhood have been different if you had perience o f being 7, 17, o r 7 0 will be different in t h e 21 st cen-
worked in the coal mines like these boys? tury than it was in t h e 2 0 t h .
ing their aggressive behavior. Aggressive behavior was defined understand more fully why males, especially in some cultural
as assaulting (hitting, kicking, or otherwise attacking some- contexts, are more aggressive than females.
one), horseplay (roughhousing), and symbolic aggression >
ust as human development has changed through the ages, in studying people with rare conditions and disorders, when it
attempts t o understand development have evolved over is simply not possible t o assemble a large sample of people t o
time. Although philosophers have long expressed their views study, and it can be a good s o u r c e of hypotheses that can be
on t h e nature of humans and the proper methods of raising examined further in larger-scale studies.The main limitation of
children, it was not until the late 19th century that t h e first case studies is that conclusions based on a single case may not
scientific investigations of development w e r e undertaken. hold t r u e for o t h e r individuals; researchers cannot necessarily
Several scholars began t o carefully o b s e r v e t h e growth and generalize beyond the single case.
development o f their own children and t o publish their find- W e can give Darwin and o t h e r eminent baby biographers
ings in the form o f baby biographies. Perhaps t h e m o s t in- much credit for making human development a legitimate topic
fluential baby biographer was Charles Darwin (1809-1882), of study and influencing early views of it. Still, the man m o s t
w h o made daily r e c o r d s of his son's development (Darwin,
1877; see also Charlesworth, 1992). Darwin's curiosity a b o u t
child development s t e m m e d from his interest in evolution.
Q u i t e simply, he believed that infants share many characteris-
tics with their nonhuman a n c e s t o r s and that understanding
the development of t h e individual e m b r y o and child can offer
insights into t h e evolution o f t h e species. Darwin's evolution-
ary perspective strongly influenced early theories of human
development, which emphasized universal, biologically based
maturational changes (Cairns, 1998; Parke et al., 1994).
Baby biographies left much t o be desired as w o r k s of sci-
ence, however. Because different baby biographers emphasized
different aspects of their children's behavior, baby biographies
w e r e difficult t o compare. Moreover, parents are n o t entirely
objective o b s e r v e r s of their own children, and early baby bi-
ographers may have let their assumptions a b o u t evolution and
development bias their observations. Finally, each baby biogra-
phy was based on a single child—often the child of a distin-
guished family.The case study method—an in-depth exam-
ination o f an individual that often involves compiling and
analyzing information from a variety of sources, such as ob-
servation, testing, and interviewing the person o r people w h o
know her—is still used today.The case study method can pro-
vide rich information about the complexities o f an individual's <L G. Stanley Hall is widely recognized as the founder of the sci-
development and t h e influences on it. It is particularly useful entific study of human development.
one discipline to have all the answers. A full understanding of baby biographies w r i t t e n by Charles D a r w i n and others.
human development will come only when many disciplines, Through his use o f surveys and his attention t o all phases o f
each with its own perspectives and tools of study, join forces. t h e life span, including t h e s t o r m and stress o f adolescence,
Anthropologists, biologists, historians, psychologists, sociolo- A m e r i c a n psychologist G. Stanley Hall came t o be regarded
gists, and many others have something to contribute. Some as t h e f o u n d e r o f developmental psychology. By adopting
universities have established interdisciplinary human develop- t h e m o d e r n life-span perspective on human development
ment programs that bring members of different disciplines to- set f o r t h by Baltes, w e assume that development ( I ) occurs
gether to forge more integrated perspectives on development. t h r o u g h o u t the life span, (2) can take many different direc-
tions, (3) involves gains and losses at every age, (4) is char-
acterized by plasticity (5) is affected by its historical and cul-
5ymmiog Up
tural c o n t e x t (6) is influenced by multiple interacting causal
T h e study o f life-span d e v e l o p m e n t guided by t h e goals o f factors, and (7) can best be understood if scholars f r o m
description, explanation, and optimization, began w i t h t h e multiple disciplines join forces t o understand i t H
HsaSm There is nothing mysterious about the scientific method. It
is both a method and an attitude—a belief that investigators
should allow their systematic observations (or data) to de-
termine the merits of their thinking. For example, for every
"expert" who believes that psychological differences be-
tween males and females are largely biological in origin,
often cited as t h e founder of developmental psychology is
there is likely to be another expert who just as firmly insists
G . Stanley Hall ( 1 8 4 6 - 1 9 2 4 ) , t h e first president of t h e
that boys and girls differ because they are raised differently.
American Psychological Association. Well aware of the
shortcomings of baby biographies, Hall attempted t o collect
Whom should we believe? It is in the spirit of the scientific
m o r e objective data on large samples of individuals. He de- method to believe the data—that is, the findings of re-
veloped a now all-too-familiar research tool, the question- search. The scientist is willing to abandon a pet theory if the
naire, t o explore " t h e c o n t e n t s of children's minds" (Hall, data contradict it. Ultimately, then, the scientific method
1891). By asking children questions a b o u t every conceivable can help the scientific community and society at large weed
topic, he discovered that children's understanding of t h e out flawed ideas.
world grows rapidly during childhood and that t h e "logic" o f The scientific method involves a process of generating
young children is often not logical. ideas and testing them by making observations. Often, pre-
Hall w e n t on t o write an influential book, Ado/escence liminary observations provide ideas for a theory—a set of
(1904).Strongly influenced by Darwin's evolutionary theory, concepts and propositions intended to describe and explain
Hall drew parallels between adolescence and t h e turbulent some aspect of experience. Jean Piaget, for instance, observed
period in the evolution of human society during which bar- his own children's development and used these observations
barism gave way t o modern civilization. Adolescence, then, as the basis for his influential theory of cognitive development
was a t e m p e s t u o u s period of the life span, a time of e m o - (see Chapter 7).
tional ups and downs and rapid changes—a time of what
Theories generate specific predictions, or hypotheses, re-
Hall called storm and stress. Thus it is Hall w e have t o
garding a particular set of observations. Consider, for exam-
thank for the notion that m o s t teenagers are emotionally
ple, a theory claiming that psychological differences between
unstable—a largely inaccurate notion, as it turns out
the sexes are largely caused by differences in the ways that par-
(Arnett, 1999). Yet as Chapter 5 and o t h e r parts of this
ents and other adults treat boys and girls. Based on this the-
b o o k will reveal, Hall may have been right t o mark adoles-
ory, a researcher might hypothesize that if parents grant boys
c e n c e as a time of dramatic changes because substantial
changes in t h e brain and in cognitive functioning take place
and girls the same freedoms, the two sexes will be similarly in-
during this period. dependent, whereas if parents let boys do more things than
they let girls do, boys will be more independent than girls.
Hall capped his remarkable c a r e e r by turning his atten-
tion t o the end of the life span in Senescence ( 1 9 2 2 ) , an
Suppose that the study designed to test this hypothesis indi-
analysis of how society t r e a t s (or, really, mistreats) its older cates that boys are more independent than girls no matter
m e m b e r s . Although his methods w e r e limited by modern how their parents treat them. Then the hypothesis would be
standards, and although his ideas about evolution and its re- disconfirmed by the findings, and the researcher would want
lation t o periods o f human development w e r e flawed, he to rethink this theory of sex-linked differences. If other hy-
deserves much credit for stimulating scientific research on potheses based on this theory were inconsistent with the facts,
t h e entire human life span and for raising many important the theory would have to be significantly revised or aban-
questions about it (Cairns, 1998). doned in favor of a better theory.
This, then, is the heart of the scientific method: Theories
generate hypotheses tested through observation of behavior,
and new observations indicate which theories are worth keep-
ing and which are not (see Figure 1.2).
H o w Is D e v e l o p m e n t a l
Any study of development focuses on a particular research
Researcn Conducted? sample (the group of individuals studied) with the intention
of generalizing to a larger population from which the sample
How do developmental scholars gain understanding of the is drawn (a well-defined group such as premature infants,
complexities of life-span development? Through the scientific American high school students, or Chinese elders). Although
method used in any physical or social science. Let us review it is probably advocated more than it is used, the best ap-
for you, briefly, some basic concepts of scientific research and proach is to study a random sample of the population of
then turn to research strategies devised specifically for de- interest—a sample formed by identifying all members of the
scribing, explaining, and optimizing development. larger population and then, by a random means (such as
approaches. Hubbard was interested in the relationship be-
Initial Formulate Propose
tween anger and two styles of aggression among 8-year-olds,
observations theory hypothesis
*as determined by teachers' responses to questions about chil-
dren's behavior in the classroom: a "hot" kind of aggression in
Keep which children hit, pinch, and otherwise abuse other children
Reject when provoked, and a cooler, more calculating style of aggres-
and/or refine
current theory current theory sion in which children use aggression to get what they want.
The researchers expected aggressive children of the first type
to be more likely than aggressive children of the second type
to become angry in a laboratory situation in which another
child (a confederate of the researchers) cheated shamelessly in
Do research data a board game about astronauts and won.
confirm hypothesis? Obviously the researchers needed a way to measure anger
in the anger-provoking situation. How would you measure it?
t Verbal Reports
New observations
(research data) Interviews, written questionnaires or surveys, and tests and
scales designed to measure abilities or personality traits all in-
t volve asking people questions either about themselves (self-
Design research report measures) or about someone else (for example, child be-
to test havior as reported by parents or teachers). These verbal report
hypothesis measures are often standardized, meaning that they ask the
same questions in precisely the same order for everyone so that
Figure L 2 The scientific method in action. the responses of different individuals can be directly compared.
Hubbard's research team used a verbal report measure-
ment to assess anger. The researchers had the children in the
study watch a videotape of all the turns in the game they
drawing names blindly), selecting a portion of that popula- played with Lhe cheating confederate, stopped the tape at each
tion to study Random sampling increases confidence that the turn, and asked each child, "How angry did you feel now?"
sample studied is representative of the larger population of in- The child responded on a four-point scale ranging from 1 (not
terest and therefore that conclusions based on studying the at all) to 4 (a lot). The researchers were able to use these rat-
sample will be true of the whole population. ings to calculate for each child an average degree of self-
In practice, developmentalists often draw their samples— reported anger over the entire game and to look at changes in
sometimes random, sometimes not—from their local com- degree of anger as the game progressed.
munities. Thus, researchers might survey a random sample of Although self-report and other verbal report methods are
students at local high schools about their drug use but then be widely used to study human development, they have short-
unable to make statements about American teenagers in gen- comings. First, self-report measures typically cannot be used
eral if, for example, the school is in a suburb where drug-use with infants, young children, or other individuals who cannot
patterns are different than they might be in an inner-city area. read or understand speech well. Informant surveys, question-
They would certainly be unable to generalize about Kenyan or naires, or interviews are often used in these situations instead.
Brazilian high school students. As a result, researchers must be Second, because individuals of different ages may not under-
careful to describe the characteristics of the sample they stud- stand questions in the same way, age differences in responses
ied and to avoid ovcrgcneralizing their findings to populations may reflect age differences in comprehension or interpreta-
that might be socioeconomically or culturally different from tion rather than age differences in the quality of interest to the
the research sample (Rogoff, 2003). researcher. Developmental researchers always face the chal-
lenge of ensuring that their data-gathering tools measure the
same thing at all ages they intend to study. Finally, respon-
dents may try to present themselves (or those they are provid-
No matter what aspect of human development we are inter- ing information about) in a positive or socially desirable light.
ested in—such as the formation of bonds between infants and
their parents, adolescent drug use, or memory skills in elderly Behavioral Observations
adults—we must find appropriate ways to measure what in- Naturalistic observation involves observing people in their
terests us. Look briefly at some pros and cons of three major common, everyday (that is, natural) surroundings (Pellegrini,
methods of data collection used by developmental re- 1996). Ongoing behavior is observed in homes, schools, play-
searchers: self-report measures, behavioral observations, and grounds, workplaces, nursing homes, or wherever people are
physiological measurements. We illustrate them with a study going about their lives. Naturalistic observation has been used
by Julie Hubbard and her colleagues (2002) that used all three to study child development more often than adult develop-
ment, largely because infants and young children often cannot quently wear sensors when they go into space!). Emotionally
be studied through self-report techniques that demand verbal aroused people, including angry ones, often have sweaty
skills. The greatest advantage of naturalistic observation is palms and show low skin conductance, or electrical resistance
that it is the only technique that can tell what children or of the skin, as measured by electrodes attached to the hand.
adults do in everyday life. Their emotional arousal is also given away by a high heart
Yet naturalistic observation has its limitations. First, some rate, measured through electrodes on the chest.
behaviors (for example, heroic efforts to help other people) Physiological measurements have the advantage of being
occur too infrequently and unexpectedly to be observed in hard to fake; the person who tells you she is not angry may be
this manner. Second, it is difficult to pinpoint the causes of the aroused, and the adolescent who claims not to take drugs may be
behavior, or of any developmental trends in the behavior, be- given away by a blood test. Physiological measurements are also
cause in a natural setting many events are usually happening particularly useful in the study of infants because infants cannot
at the same time, any of which may be affecting behavior. tell us verbally what they are thinking or feeling. The main lim-
Finally, the mere presence of an observer can sometimes make itation of physiological measurements is that it is not always
people behave differently than they otherwise would. Children clear what they are assessing. In Hubbard's study, for example,
may "ham it up" when they have an audience; parents may be skin conductance was related to the other measures of anger as
on their best behavior. Therefore, researchers sometimes expected but heart rate was not. The researchers noted that indi-
videotape the proceedings from a hidden location or spend viduals' heart rates slow when they are interested in something,
time in the setting before they collect their "real" data so that so in the Hubbard study a slow heart rate may have meant either
the individuals they are observing become used to their pres- high interest or low anger, making its meaning ambiguous.
ence and behave more naturally These, then, are the most commonly used techniques of
To achieve greater control over the conditions under collecting data about human development: verbal report
which they gather behavioral data, researchers often use struc- measures (interviews, questionnaires, and tests), behavioral
tured observation; that is, they create special conditions de- observation (both naturalistic and structured), and physiolog-
signed to elicit the behavior of interest. Hubbard used struc- ical measures. Because each method has its limitations, knowl-
tured observation by setting up the astronaut game situation edge is advanced the most when multiple methods are used to
and having the confederate cheat to provoke children's anger. study the same aspect of human development and these differ-
The confederate was carefully trained to behave exactly the ent methods lead to similar conclusions. In the Hubbard study,
same with each of the 7.7?. participants in the study. Sessions the use of multiple methods of assessing anger allowed the re-
were videotaped; Hubbard then trained graduate and under- searchers to distinguish between children showing "hot" and
graduate students to code second by second whether the par- "cool" types of aggression, but only on some scales (especially,
ticipants5 facial expressions were angry, sad, happy, or neutral the structured observations of nonverbal behavior and the
and whether they showed nonverbal signs of anger (for exam- physiological skin conductance measurement).
ple, slamming game pieces on the table). Pairs of observers
coded some of the same videotapes to ensure that they would
come to similar conclusions about what facial emotion or
nonverbal behavior was being expressed. (Some other studies
of emotional expression use coding systems that measure dis- Once developmental scientists have formulated hypotheses,
crete movements of parts of the face.) chosen a sample, and figured out what they want to measure
Structured observation permits the study of behaviors
rarely observable in natural settings. By exposing all research
participants to the same stimuli, this approach also increases
the investigator's ability to compare the effect of a stimulus on
different individuals. Concerns about this method center on
whether conclusions based on behavior in specially designed
settings will generalize to behavior in natural settings.
Physiological M e a s u r e m e n t s
Finally, developmental scientists sometimes take physiological
measurements to assess variables of interest to them; for ex-
ample, they use brain scanning techniques to measure the ac-
tivity in particular parts of the brain while individuals engage
in learning tasks, chart changes in hormone levels in
menopausal women, or collect measurements of heart rate
and other signs of arousal to assess emotions.
Hubbard's team collected data on two physiological € Physiological measurement techniques include measuring brain ac-
measures of anger by attaching electrodes to children's hands tivity through electrodes attached to the scalp as infants respond to
and chests (after convincing the children that astronauts fre- different stimuli.
and how to measure it, they can test their hypotheses. The
most powerful research method for explaining behavior and
identifying the causes of developmental changes in behavior is
the experiment. When experiments cannot be conducted, cor-
relational research techniques may suggest answers to impor-
tant why questions.
Manipulation of an independent variable (investigator Study of people who have already had different experiences
exposes participants to different experiences)
Random assignment to treatment groups to ensure Assignment by "nature" to groups (groups may not be similar in all
similarity of group respects)
Experimental control of extraneous variables Lack of control over extraneous variables
Can establish a cause-effect relationship between Can suggest but not firmly establish that one variable causes another
independent variable and dependent variable
May not be possible for ethical reasons Can be used to study issues that cannot be studied experimentally for
ethical reasons
May be artificial (findings from contrived experimental Can study multiple influences operating in natural settings (findings
settings may not generalize well to the "real world") may generalize better to the "real world")
lence on television and behaving aggressively showed, there Finally, time of measurement effects in developmental
was a reliable relationship between the two (Anderson & research are the effects of historical events and trends occur-
Bushman, 2002; Bushman & Anderson, 2001). The magnitude ring when the data are collected (for example, effects of 9/11
of the correlation is usually between +0.10 and +0.30. That or of the creation of the World Wide Web). Time of measure-
may seem small, but it is larger than the average correlation ment effects are not unique to a particular cohort but can
between calcium intake and bone mass or between time spent affect anyone alive at the time. Once you are aware that
doing homework and academic achievement (Bushman & age, cohort, and time of measurement can all influence devel-
Anderson, 2001). Moreover, the relationship shows up in opmental research findings, you can appreciate that both the
studies using the correlational method and in studies using cross-sectional and the longitudinal designs have their
the experimental method and in both laboratory and natura- limitations.
listic settings.
Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Designs
In a cross-sectional design, the performances of people of dif-
ferent age groups, or cohorts, are compared. A researcher in-
Along with the experimental and correlational methods used terested in the development of vocabulary might gather sam-
by all kinds of researchers to study relationships between vari- ples of speech from several 2-, 3-, and 4-year-olds; calculate
ables, developmental researchers need specialized research de- the mean (or average) number of distinct words used per
signs to study how people change and remain the same as they child for each age group; and compare these means to describe
get older. To achieve the goal of describing development, re- how the vocabulary sizes of children age 2, 3, and 4 differ. The
searchers have relied extensively on two types of research de- cross-sectional study provides information about age differ-
signs: the cross-sectional design and the longitudinal design. ences. By seeing how different age groups differ, researchers
A third type of design, the sequential study, has come into use can attempt to draw conclusions about how performance
in an attempt to overcome the limitations of the other two changes with age.
techniques. First look at three influences on the outcomes of In a longitudinal design, the performance of one cohort
developmental studies, then explore the strengths and weak- of individuals is assessed repeatedly over time. The language
nesses of the cross-sectional and longitudinal designs. development study just described would be longitudinal
rather than cross-sectional if a researcher identified a group of
A g e , C o h o r t , and T i m e of M e a s u r e m e n t Effects 2-year-olds, measured their vocabulary sizes, waited a year
Developmental studies can be influenced by three factors: age until they were age 3 and measured their vocabularies again,
effects, cohort effects, and time of measurement effects. Age did the same thing a year later when they were age 4, then
effects are the effects of getting older. What interests re- compared the mean scores of these same children at the three
searchers in any developmental study is the relationship be- ages. In any longitudinal study, whether it covers only a few
tween age and an aspect of development. Cohort effects are months in infancy or 50 years, the same individuals are stud-
the effects of being born in a particular historical context. Any ied as they develop. Thus, the longitudinal design provides in-
cohort is a group of people born at the same time, either in formation about age changes rather than age differences.
the same year or within a specified span of years (that is, as Now, does it matter whether researchers choose the cross-
part of a particular generation). People who are in their 80s sectional or the longitudinal design to describe development?
today not only are older than people in their 50s and 20s but Suppose a team of researchers was interested in whether atti-
also belong to a different cohort or generation and have had tudes about the roles of men and women in society typically
different formative experiences. become more traditional or more liberated over the adult
years. Suppose they conducted a longitudinal study by admin-
istering the gender-role questionnaire three times to a group o
of men and women: in 1960 (when the men and women were E
CD Cross-sectional
30); in 1980 (when they were 50), and in 2000 (when they H—1
were 70). But in 2000, another research team conducted a GO O
cross-sectional study of this same question, comparing the -o
gender-role attitudes of adults 30, 50, and 70 years old at that cci
time. Figure 1.4 illustrates these two designs, and Figure 1.5 o
portrays the hypothetical age trends they might generate. 1
Longitudinal study
make inferences about development over the span of many
years that cohort effects become a serious problem.
o The second major limitation of the cross-sectional design
O 50-year-olds 70-year-olds
1930 _ 30-year-olds is that, because each person is observed at only one point, re-
searchers learn nothing about how each person changes with
age. They cannot see, for example, whether different people
1960 1980 2000
show divergent patterns of change in their gender-role atti-
Time of measurement
tudes over time or whether individuals especially liberated in
Figure 1.4 Cross-sectional and longitudinal studies of develop- their attitudes as 30-year-olds are also especially liberated at 70.
ment from age 30 to age 70. To address issues like these, they need longitudinal research.
related changes observed are true developmental trends or
whether they reflect historical events occurring at a particular
point of assessment or between assessments during the study.
The problem, then, is that researchers may not be able to
generalize what they find in a longitudinal study to people de-
veloping in eras different than the ones in the study. Gender-
role attitudes became more liberal in the United States from
the 1970s to the 1990s. For example, in 1977, more than half
of respondents to a survey said it was more important for a
wife to help her husband s career than to have her own; by
1996, only about one in five agreed (Brewster & Padavic,
2000). But perhaps we would obtain different "developmen-
tal" trends if we did a hypothetical longitudinal study in an era
in which sexism suddenly became popular again.
The longitudinal design has other disadvantages. One is
fairly obvious: this approach is costly and time-consuming, par-
ticularly if it is used to trace development over a long span and
at many points in time. Second, because knowledge is con-
stantly changing, measurement methods that seemed good at
the start of the study may seem dated or incomplete by the end.
Third, participants drop out of long-term studies; they may
move, lose interest, or, especially in studies of aging, die during
the course of the study. The result is a smaller and often less rep-
resentative sample on which to base conclusions. Finally, there
may be effects of repeated testing; sometimes simply taking a
test improves performance on that test the next time around.
Are both the cross-sectional and the longitudinal designs
£ For baby boomers growing up in the I 9o0s, sex roles were more hopelessly flawed, then? That would be overstating their
traditional than they are now. weaknesses. Cross-sectional studies are very efficient and in-
formative, especially when the cohorts studied are not widely
different in age or formative experiences. Meanwhile, longitu-
Strengths and W e a k n e s s e s dinal studies are extremely valuable for what they can reveal
of t h e Longitudinal Design about changes in performance that occur as individuals get
Because the longitudinal design traces changes in individuals older—even though it must be recognized that the cohort
as they age, it can tell whether most people change in die same studied may not develop in precisely the same way that an ear-
direction or whether different individuals travel different de- lier or later cohort does. Still, in an attempt to overcome the
velopmental paths. It can indicate whether the characteristics limitations of both cross-sectional and longitudinal designs,
and behaviors measured remain consistent over time—for ex- developmentalists have devised a more powerful method of
ample, whether the bright, aggressive, or dependent young describing developmental change: the sequential design.
person retains those same traits in later life. And it can tell
whether experiences early in life predict traits and behaviors Sequential Designs:The Best of B o t h W o r l d s
later in life. The cross-sectional design can do none of these. A sequential design combines the cross-sectional approach
What, then, are the limitations of the longitudinal design? and the longitudinal approach in a single study (Schaie,
In the hypothetical longitudinal study of gender-role atti- 1994). A sequential study of gender-role attitudes might be-
tudes, adults were first assessed at age 30, then reassessed at gin as a cross-sectional study comparing the attitudes of dif-
age 50 and age 70. The study centered on one cohort of indi- ferent age groups of adults (say groups of 30-, 40-, and 50-
viduals: members of the 1930 birth cohort. These people were year-olds in 1980). It might then repeatedly assess the
raised in a historical context in which gender-role attitudes attitudes of the individuals in these cohorts as they age (for
were traditional and then saw the women's movement change example, in 1990 and 2000). As shown in Figure 1.6, re-
many of those attitudes considerably. Their responses in 2000 searchers would then have three longitudinal studies of three
may have been more liberal than their responses in 1960 not cohorts, as well as three cross-sectional studies of different
because gender-role attitudes typically become more liberal as age groups, to analyze.
people get older but because major societal changes occurred Sequential designs, by combining the cross-sectional and
from one time of measurement to the next during the time longitudinal approaches, improve on both. They can tell re-
frame of the study. In the longitudinal study, then, age effects searchers (1) which age-related trends are truly developmen-
and time of measurement effects are confounded. The re- tal in nature and reflect how most people, regardless of co-
searchers would not be able to tell for sure whether the age-c hort, can be expected to change over time (age effects);
Summing Up
1950 - 30-year-olds 40-year-olds -^50-year-olds The scientific method involves formulating theories and
c testing hypotheses by conducting research with a sample
c (ideally a random sample) from a larger population. Com-
(f) mon data collection methods include verbal reports, be-
=3 havioral observations, and physiological measures.The goal
:> 1940 - 40-year-olds 50-year-olds - > - 60-year-olds of explaining development is best achieved through ex-
periments; in correlational studies, it is difficult to deter-
o mine the direction of influence and to rule out third vari-
b ables. Developmental research designs seek to describe
o age effects on development. Cross-sectional studies com-
1930 - 50-year-olds — • 60-year-olds — • 70-year-olds pare different age groups but confound age effects and co-
hort effects. Longitudinal studies confound age effects and
1980 1990 2000 time of measurement effects. Sequential studies combine
Time of measurement
the cross-sectional and longitudinal approaches. H
(2) which age trends differ from cohort to cohort and suggest
that each generation is affected by its distinct growing-up ex-
periences (cohort effects); and (3) which trends suggest that
events during a specific period similarly affect all cohorts alive Developmental researchers must be sensitive to issues involv-
at the time (time of measurement effects). In short, sequential ing research ethics—the standards of conduct that investiga-
designs can begin to untangle the effects of age, cohort, and tors are ethically bound to honor to protect their research
time of measurement and to indicate which age trends are participants from physical or psychological harm (Sales &
truly developmental in nature. Yet they are extremely complex Folkman, 2000). Remember the study by Hubbard and col-
and expensive and are not always able to provide definitive an- leagues (2002) described earlier in this chapter, in which 8-
swers. See Table 1.3 for a summary of the three basic develop- year-olds were deliberately provoked to become angry after
mental designs. witnessing another child cheat them and win a board game
:•••> •..'•[••'•Ui
Table 1.3 Crass-Sectional, Longitudinal, and Sequential Developmental Designs MmmMmmm
Procedure Observe people of different Observe people of one age group Combine cross-sectional and longitudinal
cohorts at one point in time repeatedly over time approaches; observe different cohorts on
multiple occasions
Information Describes age differences Describes age changes Describes age differences and age changes
Advantages Demonstrates age differences Indicates how individuals are alike Helps separate the effects of age, cohort,
in behavior and hints at and different in the way they change and time of measurement
developmental trends over time Indicates whether developmental changes
Takes little time to conduct Can reveal links between early experienced by one generation or cohort
and is inexpensive behavior or experiences and later are similar to those experienced by other
behavior cohorts
Disadvantages Age trends may reflect cohort Age trends may reflect time of Complex and time-consuming
effects rather than true measurement effects during the Despite being the strongest method, may
developmental change study rather than true developmental leave questions about whether a
Provides no information about change developmental change can be generalized
change in individuals over time Relatively time-consuming and
Measures may later prove inadequate
Participants drop out
Participants can be affected by
repeated testing
unfairly? The researchers recognized that their study raised dividual's behalf—for example, the parent or guardian of a
ethical issues. As a result, they arranged for the following: child or the legal representative of a nursing home resident.
(1) children's parents observed the session through a one-way Investigators must not pressure anyone to participate and
mirror so that they could call a halt to it if they thought their must respect participants' right to refuse to participate, to
child was becoming too upset; (2) so that children would not drop out during the study, and to refuse to have their data
leave with bad feelings about losing, they played another game used by the investigator.
with the confederate that was rigged so that they would win; 2. Debriefing. Researchers generally tell participants about
(3) children were debriefed about the real purposes of the the purposes of the study in advance, but in some cases doing
study; and (4) children enjoyed snack and play time with the so would ruin the study. If you told college students in ad-
confederate (who, by the way, was concerned that the partici- vance that you wTere studying cheating and then gave them an
pants would leave thinking that he or she was a cheater). opportunity to cheat on a test, do you think anyone would
Many such ethical issues arise. For example, is it ethical to cheat? Instead, you might set up a situation in which students
tell children that they performed poorly on a test to create a believe they can cheat without being detected and then debrief
temporary sense of failure? Is it an invasion of a family's pri- them afterward, explaining the true purpose of the study. You
vacy to ask adolescents questions about conversations they would also have an obligation to make sure that participants
have had with their parents about sex? Should a study of how do not leave feeling upset about cheating.
a hormone replacement pill affects menopausal women be 3. Protection from harm. Researchers are bound not to
halted if it appears that the drug is having harmful effects? If harm research participants either physically or psychologi-
a drug to treat memory loss in elderly adults with Alzheimer's cally. Infants may cry if they are left in a room with a stranger,
disease appears to be working, should it be withheld from the adolescents may be embarrassed if they are asked personal
control group in the study? questions, and investigators must try to anticipate such conse-
Such issues have led the federal government (through the quences (Koocher & Keith-Spiegel, 1994). If harm to the par-
Office of Human Research Protections), the American Psy- ticipants seems likely, the researcher should consider another
chological Association (1982), the Society for Research in way of answering the research question. If participants be-
Child Development (1990), and other organizations and come upset or are harmed, the researcher must take steps to
agencies to establish guidelines for ethical research with hu- undo the damage.
mans. Federal regulations require universities and other or- 4. Confidentiality. Researchers also have an ethical respon-
ganizations that conduct research with humans to have insti- sibility to keep confidential the information they collect. It
tutional review boards that determine whether proposed would be unacceptable, for example, to tell a child's teacher
research projects conform to ethical standards and to approve that the child performed poorly on an intelligence test or to
the projects only if they comply. The federal government has tell an adult's employer that a drinking problem was revealed
tightened its oversight of research in recent years as a result of in an interview. The confidentiality of medical records con-
past abuses (Fisher, 1999; Sales & Folkman, 2000). cerning a person's physical and mental health is now particu-
Deciding whether a proposed study is on safe ethical larly well protected by the Health Insurance Portability and
ground involves weighing the possible benefits of the research Accountability Act of 1996, or HIPPA (Gostin, 2001). Only if
(gains in knowledge and potential benefits to humanity or to participants give explicit permission to have information about
the participants) against the potential risks to participants. If them shared with someone else, or in rare cases in which the law
the potential benefits greatly outweigh the potential risks, and requires disclosure of information (such as when child abuse is
if there are no other, less risky procedures that could produce suspected), can that information be passed on.
these same benefits, the investigation is likely to be viewed as
ethical. The investigator's ethical responsibilities boil down to Symmiog Up
respecting the rights of research participants by (1) allowing
Researchers must adhere to standards of ethical research
them to make informed and uncoerced decisions about taking
practice, with attention to ensuring informed consent,
part in research, (2) debriefing them afterward (especially if
debriefing individuals from whom information has been
they are not told everything in advance or are deceived),
withheld, protecting research participants from harm, and
(3) protecting them from harm, and (4) treating any informa-
maintaining confidentiality of data. •
tion they provide as confidential.
1. Informed consent Researchers generally should inform
potential participants of all aspects of the research that might
affect their decision to participate so that they can make a vol-
H o w D o We Unci er stand
untary decision based on knowledge of what the research in- i n
volves. But are young children or mentally impaired children
or adults capable of understanding what they are being asked 2olodii c a l ?Q
Person with
Patterning of events biological Peer
over time and group
s°°ial networks
Developmental researchers have more awareness than time (chronosystem). Researchers must use complex,
ever of the need t o appreciate and study the influences longitudinal research designs; study samples from diverse
of the ecological context of development, as portrayed populations (for example, groups differing in ethnicity
in Bronfenbrenners bioecological model in which the in- and socioeconomic status); develop culturally sensitive
dividual (including his o r her biological characteristics) in- methods and measures; and keep their o w n cultural val-
teracts with environmental systems called the microsys- ues from biasing their conclusions. M
tem, mesosystem, exosystem, and macrosystem over
Gerontology Resources
For a comprehensive directory of web resources on statistics, profes-
sional organizations, and literature on aging, Alzheimer's disease,
and death and dying, try exploring the "Gerontology Resources"
links listed on the InfoQuest! Information Services gerontology page.
I lieory
Cognitive Developmental
Instincts and Unconscious Motives
Id, Ego, and Superego
Psychosexual Development Piaget: Constructivism
neither innately good nor innately bad but could develop in dividual fundamentally different in some way. The transfor-
any direction depending on their experiences. mations of a caterpillar into a butterfly rather than just a big-
These different visions of human nature are all repre- ger or smarter caterpillar, of a nonverbal infant into a
sented in one or more modern theories of development and speaking toddler, and of a prepubertal child into a sexually
have radically different implications for how people should mature adolescent are examples of qualitative changes.
raise children (Pinker, 2002). In teaching children to share, for So, continuity theorists typically hold that developmental
example, should people assume that their innate selfish ten- changes are gradual and quantitative, whereas discontinuity
dencies must be battled at every step, that they are predis- theorists hold that they are more abrupt and qualitative.
posed by nature to be helpful and caring, or that they have the Discontinuity theorists often propose that people progress
potential to become either selfish beasts or selfless wonders through developmental stages. A stage is a distinct phase of
depending on how they are brought up? the life cycle characterized by a particular set of abilities, mo-
tives, emotions, or behaviors that form a coherent pattern.
Each stage is viewed as qualitatively different from the stage
before or the stage after. Thus, the preschool child may be said
Are people active in their own development, or are they pas- to solve problems in a different manner than that of the in-
sively shaped by forces outside themselves? With respect to fant, adolescent, or adult.
this activity-passivity issue, some theorists believe that hu-
mans are curious, active creatures who orchestrate their own
development by exploring the world around them and shap- Continuity in development Discontinuity in development
ing their own environments. The girl who asks her mother for
dolls at the toy store and the boy who clamors instead for toy
trucks are actively contributing to their own gender-role de-
Other theorists view humans as passive beings largely the
products of forces beyond their control—usually environ-
mental influences but possibly strong biological forces. From Little frog Bigger frog Tadpole Frog
this vantage point, children's academic failings might be (A) (B)
blamed on the failure of their parents and teachers to provide Figure 2.1 Is development continuous (A) or discontinuous (B)?
them with the proper learning experiences, and the problems That is, do people change quantitatively, becoming different in degree
of socially isolated older adults might be attributed to societal (as shown in Panel A with size), or do they change qualitatively, be-
neglect of the elderly rather than to deficiencies within the in- coming different in kind (as shown in Panel B when a tadpole be-
dividual. Theorists disagree about how active individuals are comes a frog)?
reu Clio a n a
Finally, developmental theorists often disagree on the
universality-context-specificity issue—on the extent to T l i eory
which developmental changes are common to all humans
(universal) or different from person to person (context spe- It is difficult to think of a theorist who has had a greater effect
cific). Stage theorists typically believe that the stages they on Western thought than Sigmund Freud, the Viennese physi-
propose are universal. For example, a stage theorist might cian who lived from 1856 to 1939. This revolutionary thinker
claim that virtually all children enter a new stage in their in- challenged prevailing notions of human nature and human
tellectual development as they enter adolescence or that development by proposing that people are driven by motives
most adults, sometime around age 40, experience a midlife and emotions of which they are largely unaware and that they
crisis in which they raise major questions about their lives. are shaped by their earliest experiences in life (Hall, 1954). His
From this perspective, development proceeds in certain uni- psychoanalytic theory continues to influence thinking about
versal directions. human development, even though it is far less influential to-
But other theorists believe that human development is far day than it once was. Because you have undoubtedly been in-
more varied. Paths of development followed in one culture troduced to this theory before, we cover it only briefly.
may be different from paths followed in another culture. For
example, preschool children in die United States sometimes
believe that dreams are real but give up this belief as they age.
By contrast, children raised in the Atayal culture of Taiwan Central to Freudian psychoanalytic theory is the notion that
have been observed to become more convinced with age that humans have basic biological urges or drives that must be sat-
dreams are real, most likely because that is what adults in their isfied. Freud viewed the newborn as a "seething cauldron," an
culture believe (Kohlberg, 1966b). Even within a single cul- inherently selfish creature "driven" by instincts, or inborn bi-
ture, sequences of developmental change may differ from sub- ological forces that motivate behavior. These biological in-
cultural group to subcultural group, from family to family, or stincts are the source of the psychic (or mental) energy that
from individual to individual. fuels human behavior and that is channeled in new directions
over the course of human development.
Now that you are familiar wTith some major issues of hu-
Freud strongly believed in unconscious motivation—the
man development that different theories resolve in different
power of instincts and other inner forces to influence behav-
ways (see Table 2.1), we will begin our survey of the theories,
ior without awareness. A teenage boy, for example, may not
starting with Freud s well-known psychoanalytic perspective.
realize that his devotion to body building could be a way of
channeling his sexual or aggressive urges. So, you immediately
Summing Up
see that Freuds theory emphasizes the nature side of the
Theories are concepts and propositions that organize nature-nurture issue: biological instincts—forces that often
and explain the facts of human development They are provide an unconscious motivation for actions—are said to
adequate t o the extent that they are internally consis- guide human development.
tent, falsifiable, and supported by data.The five major is-
sues in the study of human development confronted by
developmental theorists are nature and nurture, the
goodness and badness o f human nature, activity and pas- According to Freud (1933), each individual has a fixed
sivity, continuity and discontinuity, and universality and amount of psychic energy that can be used to satisfy basic
context specificity. U urges or instincts and to grow psychologically. As a child de-
Issue Description
1. Nature-Nurture Is development primarily the product of genes, biology, and maturation—or of experi-
ence, learning, and social influences?
2. Goodness-Badness of Human Nature Are humans innately good, innately bad, neither (tabula rasae), or both?
Do humans actively shape their own environments and contribute to their own develop-
3. Activity-Passivity ment—or are they passively shaped by forces beyond their control?
Do humans change gradually and in quantitative ways—or do they progress through
4. Continuity-Discontinuity qualitatively different stages and change dramatically into different beings?
Is development similar from person to person and from culture to culture—or do path-
5. Universality-Context Specificity ways of development vary considerably depending on the social contexts?
Conflict among the id, ego, and superego is inevitable,
Freud said. In the mature, healthy personality, a dynamic balance
operates: the id communicates its basic needs, the ego restrains
the impulsive id long enough to find realistic ways to satisfy these
needs, and the superego decides whether the ego's problem-
solving strategies are morally acceptable. The ego must strike a
balance between the opposing demands of the id and the super-
ego while accommodating the realities of environment.
According to Freud (1964), psychological problems often
arise when the individual's limited amount of psychic energy
is unevenly distributed among the id, the ego, and the super-
ego. For example, a person diagnosed as an antisocial person-
ality, or sociopath, who routinely lies and cheats to get his way,
may have a weak superego, whereas a married woman who
cannot undress in front of her husband may have an overly
strong superego, perhaps because she was made to feel deeply
CQ ashamed about any interest she took in her body as a young
girl. Through analysis of the dynamics operating among the
three parts of the personality, Freud and his followers at-
tempted to describe and understand individual differences in
© personality and origins of psychological disorders.
Oral stage Libido is focused on the mouth as a Trust vs. mistrust Infants must learn to trust their
(birth to 1 year) source of pleasure. Obtaining oral (birth to 1 year) caregivers to meet their needs.
gratification from a mother figure is Responsive parenting is critical.
critical to later development. Autonomy vs. shame Children must learn to be
Anal stage Libido is focused on the anus, and and doubt (1 to 3 years) autonomous—to assert their wills
(1 to 3 years) toilet training creates conflicts and do things for themselves—or
between the child's biological urges they will doubt their abilities.
and the society's demands. Initiative vs. guilt Preschoolers develop initiative by
Phallic stage Libido centers on the genitals. (3 to 6 years) devising and carrying out bold
(3 to 6 years) Resolution of the Oedipus or the plans, but they must learn not to
Electra complex results in identifi- impinge on the rights of others.
cation with the same-sex parent and Industry vs. inferiority Children must master important
development of the superego. (6 to 12 years) social and academic skills and keep
Latent period Libido is quiet; psychic energy is up with their peers; otherwise, they
(6 to 12 years) invested in schoolwork and play will feel inferior.
with same-sex friends. Identity vs. role confusion Adolescents ask who they are and
Genital stage Pubertv reawakens the sexual
(12 to 20 years) must establish social and vocational
(12 years and older) instincts as youths seek to establish identities; otherwise, they will re-
mature sexual relationships and main confused about the roles they
pursue the biological goal of repro- should play as adults.
duction. Intimacy vs. isolation Young adults seek to form a shared
(20 to 40 years) identity with another person but
may fear intimacy and experience
loneliness and isolation.
Generativity vs. stagnation Middle-aged adults must feel that
(40 to 65 years) they are producing something that
will outlive them, either as parents
or as workers; otherwise, they will
become stagnant and self-centered.
Integrity vs. despair Older adults must come to view
(65 years'and older) their lives as meaningful to face
death without worries and regrets.
which involves retreating to an earlier, less traumatic stage of difficulty accepting their new sexuality, may reexperience
development. She may revert to infantile behavior—cooing some conflicting feelings toward their parents that they felt
like a beiby and demanding juice from a baby bottle. Similarly, during the phallic stage, and may distance themselves from
the man who has had a terrible day at work may want his wife their parents to defend themselves against these anxiety-
to act like his mother and "baby" him. In this way, Freud ar- producing feelings. During adulthood, people may develop a
gued, early experiences may have long-term effects on person- greater capacity to love and typically satisfy the mature sex in-
ality development. stinct by having children. However, Freud believed that psy-
The phallic stage from age 3 to age 6 is an especially chosexual development stops with adolescence and that the
treacherous time, according to Freud. Youngsters develop an individual remains in the genital stage throughout adulthood.
incestuous desire for the parent of the other sex. (The boy's In the Explorations box on page 33, we imagine what
Oedipus complex and the girl's Electra complex are explained Freud might have said about the causes of teenage pregnancy
in Chapter 12.). If all goes well, they resolve the emotional and about the case of Sherry and Robert described at the start
conflict they experience by identifying with the same-sex par- of the chapter. What might you say if you were Freud?
ent and in the process incorporating that parent's values into
the superego. After the lull of the latent period, during which
sexual urges are tame and 6- to 12-year-olds invest psychic en-
ergy in schoolwork and play, adolescents experience new psy- Many developmentalists fault Freud for proposing a theory
chic conflicts as they reach puberty and enter the final stage of that is ambiguous, internally inconsistent, difficult to pin
psychosexual development, the genital stage. They may have down and test, and therefore not easily falsifiable (Fonagy &
I w e l c o m e this opportunity t o return t o life t o c o m m e n t
on the problem of teenage pregnancy. As you know, I was
always fascinated by sex! W e must realize that teenagers e x -
sought immediate gratification of their sexual urges with no
thought of future c o n s e q u e n c e s and no sense of guilt.
Possibly t h e s e teenagers w e r e motivated by inner conflicts
perience intense emotional conflicts during t h e genital stage that had their roots in infancy o r t h e preschool years. For
of psychosexual development. T h e i r new sexual urges are instance, girls from homes without fathers are m o r e likely
anxiety-provoking and may reawaken t h e sexual conflicts of than o t h e r girls t o get pregnant (Ellis e t al., 2 0 0 3 ) . Perhaps
earlier psychosexual stages. Sherry never fully resolved her phallic stage issues and was
I would need t o find out m o r e about the early child- unconsciously seeking t o possess her father by possessing
hood experiences and psychic conflicts of Sherry and R o b e r t . R o b e r t might have been seeking t o gratify his un-
R o b e r t t o pinpoint the specific causes of their risky sexual conscious desire for his m o t h e r through Sherry. T h e s e
behavior, but basically I and o t h e r psychoanalytic theorists reawakened feelings of love for t h e o t h e r - s e x parent are
would tend t o view teenage pregnancy as an expression of c o m m o n and often cause adolescents t o distance them-
the a d o l e s c e n t s emotional needs o r psychological prob- selves from their parents.Teenagers are especially likely t o
lems (Farber, 2 0 0 3 ) . For example, stressful e x p e r i e n c e s in engage in risky sex, though, if they have significant psycho-
the family in early childhood have been found t o contribute logical problems (Lavan & Johnson, 2 0 0 2 ) .
t o teenage pregnancy (Russell, 2002).Teenagers w h o engage In short, teenage pregnancy is likely t o result from diffi-
in risky s e x may n o t have strong enough egos and superegos culty managing sexual urges because of personality prob-
t o keep their selfish ids in check (Babikian & Goldman, lems r o o t e d in early childhood experiences.
1971; Hart & Hilton, 1988). Perhaps Sherry and Robert
Target, 2000). Testing hypotheses that require studying un- ten slighted emotional development, focusing instead on ob-
conscious motivations and the workings of the unseen id, ego, servable behavior or on rational thought processes.
and superego has been challenging. Freud himself offered lit-
tle hard evidence to support his theory. Moreover, when the Summing Up
theory has been tested, many of its specific ideas have not been
Freud's psychoanalytic t h e o r y characterizes humans as ir-
supported (Crews, 1996; Fisher & Greenberg, 1977). As a re-
rational beings largely driven by i n b o r n biological instincts
sult, one critic called it "a theory in search of some facts''
o f w h i c h t h e y are largely unconscious; p a r t i t i o n s t h e per-
(Macmillan, 1991, p. 548).
sonality into t h e id, ego, and superego ( w h i c h e m e r g e in
To illustrate, Freud initially uncovered evidence that
t h a t o r d e r ) ; and p r o p o s e s t h a t libido is rechanneled
many of his patients had been sexually or physically abused
across five psychosexual stages: oral, anal, phallic, latent,
during childhood. Because he could not believe it, he said that
and genital. Each stage involves conflicts t h a t create t h e
children in the phallic stage wished for and fantasized about,
n e e d f o r defense mechanisms and have lasting effects o n
but did not experience, seduction by their parents (Gleaves &
personality. Parents significantly affect a child's success in
Hernandez, 1999; Masson, 1984). This claim has received lit-
dealing w i t h these conflicts, usually by being overly re-
tle support (Crews, 1996). We now know that child sexual
strictive. A l t h o u g h Freud called a t t e n t i o n t o t h e uncon-
abuse is widespread and can contribute to lasting psychologi-
scious, early experiences in t h e family and e m o t i o n a l de-
cal difficulties (see Chapter 12).
v e l o p m e n t , his t h e o r y is n o t easily falsifiable and many o f
Although many of Freud's specific ideas have been diffi-
its specifics lack s u p p o r t 0
cult to test or have not been supported by research, many of
his general insights have stood up well and have profoundly
influenced theories of human development and psychother-
apy (Fonagy & Target, 2000). First, Freud called attention to Erikson: Neo-Freudian
unconscious processes underlying human behavior; some of his
insights in this area are supported by modern neuropsycho- Psychoanalytic Theory
logical research (Guterl, 2002). Second, he was one of the first
to highlight the importance for later development of early ex- Another sign of Freud's immense influence is that he inspired
periences in the family. Finally, he pointed out the important so many disciples and descendants to contribute to the under-
role of emotions in development. Developmentalists have of- standing of human development. Among these well-known
neo-Freudians were Alfred Adler, who suggested that siblings (Erikson's psychosocial stages are next to Freud's in Table 2.2.)
(and rivalries among siblings) are significant in development; Whether the conflict of a particular stage is successfully re-
Carl Jung, a pioneer in the study of adult development who solved or not, the individual is pushed by both biological mat-
claimed that adults experience a kind of midlife crisis (see uration and social demands into the next stage. However, the
Chapter 11) then become freer to express both the "mascu- unsuccessful resolution of a conflict will influence how subse-
line" and the "feminine" sides of their personalities; Karen quent stages play out.
Horney, who challenged Freud's ideas about sex differences; For example, the first conflict, trust versus mistrust, revolves
Harry Stack Sullivan, who argued that close friendships in around whether or not infants become able to relv on other peo-
childhood set the stage for intimate relationships later in life ple to be responsive to their needs. To develop a sense of trust,
(see Chapter 14); and Freud's daughter Anna, who developed infants must be able to count on their primary caregivers to feed
techniques of psychoanalysis appropriate for children. them, relieve their discomfort, come when beckoned, and return
But the neo-Freudian who most influenced thinking their smiles and babbles. Whereas Freud focused on the signifi-
about life-span development was Erik Erikson (1902-1994; cance of the caregiver's feeding practices, Erikson believed that
see Chapter 11 for more detail). Erikson studied with Anna the caregiver's general responsiveness was critical to later devel-
Freud and emigrated from Germany to the United States opment. If caregivers neglect, reject, or respond inconsistently to
when Hitler rose to power (Friedman, 1999). Like Sigmund infants, the infants will mistrust others. A healthy balance be-
Freud, Erikson (1963,1968, 1982) concerned himself with the tween the terms of the conflict must be struck for development
inner dynamics of personality and proposed that the person- to proceed optimally. Trust should outweigh mistrust, but an el-
ality evolves through systematic stages. However, Erikson's ement of skepticism is also needed: an overindulged infant may
point of view differed from Freud's in the following ways: become too trusting (a gullible "sucker").
So it goes for the remaining stages of childhood. If all
• Erikson placed less emphasis on sexual urges as the drivers
goes well as children confront and resolve each conflict, they
of development and more emphasis on social influences
will gain a sense of self and learn to be autonomous, develop
such as peers, teachers, schools, and broader culture.
the initiative that allows them to plan and tackle big projects,
• Erikson placed less emphasis on the irrational, selfish id
and acquire the sense of industry that will result in mastering
and more on the rational ego and its adaptive powers.
important academic and social skills. This will position ado-
• Erikson held a more positive view of human nature, seeing
lescents to successfully resolve the conflict for which Erikson
people as active in their development, largely rational, and /
Cy^riCS^: elicits
White rat
Figure 2.3 Possible consequences of whining behavior. Moosie comes into the TV room
and sees his father talking and joking with his sister; Lulu, as the t w o watch a football game.
Soon Moosie begins to whine, louder and louder, that he wants them to turn off the television
so he can play Nintendo games. If you were Moosie's father how would you react? Here are
four possible consequences of Moosie's behavior Consider both the type of consequence—
whether it is a pleasant or aversive stimulus—and whether it is administered ("added to" the
situation) or withdrawn. Notice that reinforcers strengthen whining behavior, or make it more
likely in the future, whereas punishers weaken it.
In his social cognitive theory (formerly called social learning
theory), Stanford psychologist Bandura (1977, 1986, 1989,
2000) claimed that humans are cognitive beings whose active
processing of information plays a critical role in their learn-
ing, behavior, and development. Bandura argues that human
learning is very different from rat learning because humans
have far more sophisticated cognitive capabilities. He agrees
with Skinner that operant conditioning is an important type
of learning, but he notes that people think about the connec-
tions between their behavior and its consequences, anticipate
the consequences likely to follow from their behavior, and of-
ten are more affected by what they believe will happen than by
the consequences they actually encounter. Individuals also re-
inforce or punish themselves with mental pats on the back ([ A person is never too old to learn by observing others.
and self-criticism, and these cognitions affect behavior. More
generally, Bandura wanted his position to be called social cog-
must pay attention, construct and remember mental repre-
nitive theory rather than social learning theory for a reason: to
sentations (images and verbal summaries) of what they saw,
distance himself from some early, behavioral learning theories
retrieve these representations from memory later, and use
and to emphasize that his theory was about the motivating
them to guide behavior. It is an especially important form of
and self-regulating role of cognition in human behavior
learning in less industrialized societies, where children learn
(Bandura, 1986).
not in schools where they are segregated from adults and
Bandura s cognitive emphasis was clear when he called
given formal instruction but through participation in every-
attention to observational learning as the most important
day activities in which they actively observe and listen to their
mechanism through which human behavior changes.
elders and learn skills such as weaving and hunting without
Observational learning is simply learning by observing the
adults intentionally teaching them (Rogoff et al., 2003).
behavior of other people (called models). By imitating other
In a classic experiment, Bandura (1965) set out to
people, a child may learn how to speak a language and tackle
demonstrate that children could learn a response neither
math problems, as well as how to swear, snack between meals,
elicited by a conditioned stimulus (as in classical condition-
and smoke. Observational learning is regarded as a more cog-
ing) nor performed and then strengthened by a reinforcer (as
nitive form of learning than conditioning because learners
in operant conditioning). He had nursery school children
watch a short film in which an adult model attacked an inflat-
able "Bobo" doll: hitting the doll with a mallet while shouting
Sockeroo," throwing rubber balls at the doll while shouting
Bang, bang, bang," and so on. Some children saw the model
praised, others saw him punished, and still others saw no con-
sequences follow his violent attack. After the film ended, chil-
dren were observed in a playroom with the Bobo doll and
many of the props the model had used to work Bobo over.
What did the children learn? The children who saw the
model rewarded and the children in the no-consequences
condition imitated more of the model's aggressive acts than
did the children who had seen the model punished. But inter-
estingly, when the children who had seen the model punished
were asked to reproduce all of the model's behavior they could
remember, they showed that they had learned just as much as
the other children. Apparently, then, children can learn from
observation without necessarily imitating (performing) the
learned responses. Whether they will perform what they learn
depends partly on the process of vicarious reinforcement in
which learners become more or less likely to perform a be-
havior based on the consequences experienced by the model
they observe.
In recent years, Bandura (2000) has called attention to the
€ Albert Bandura highlighted the role of cognition in human learn- concept of human agency, ways in which people deliberately
ing. He is on the faculty at Stanford University. exercise cognitive control over their environments and lives.
People form intentions, foresee what will happen, evaluate Like Watson and Skinner, Bandura doubts that there are
and regulate their actions as they pursue plans, and reflect on universal stages of human development. He maintains that
their functioning. These cognitions play a real causal role in 'development is context specific and can proceed along many
influencing behavior. Most importantly, individuals develop a paths. It is also continuous, occurring gradually through a
high or low sense of self-efficacy about their ability to control lifetime of learning. Bandura acknowledges that children's
themselves and their environments in different areas of life. cognitive capacities mature, so they can remember more
Whether you undertake an action such as going on a diet or about what they have seen and can imitate a greater variety of
studying for a test and whether you succeed depend greatly on novel behaviors. Yet he also believes that children of the same
whether you have a sense of self-efficacy with respect to that age will be dissimilar if their learning experiences have dif-
behavior. fered considerably.
Watson and Skinner may have believed that people are Obviously/ there is a fundamental disagreement
o between
passively shaped by environment to become whatever those stage theorists such as Freud and Erikson and learning theo-
around them groom them to be, but Bandura does not. rists such as Bandura. Learning theorists do not give a general
Because he views humans as active, cognitive beings, he description of the normal course of human development
holds that human development occurs through a continuous because they insist that there is no such description to
reciprocal interaction among the person (the persons bio- give. Instead, they offer a rich account of the mechanisms
logical and psychological characteristics and cognitions), the through which behavior can change. They ask people to use
person's behavior, and the environment—a perspective he principles of learning that are universal in their applicability
calls reciprocal determinism. As Bandura sees it, environ- to understand how each individual changes with age in
ment does not rule, as it did in Skinner's thinking: people unique ways (Goldhaber, 2000). These learning principles can
choose, build, and change their environments; they are not certainly help you understand teenage pregnancy; we imagine
just shaped by them. Nor does biology rule; genetic influ- what Bandura would say about it in the Explorations box on
ences on human behavior are evident, but cultural forces this page.
also change human environments. This influences biological
evolution by influencing which traits increase the odds of
survival (Bandura, 2000). People's personal characteristics
and behaviors affect the people around them, just as these Watson's and Skinner's behavioral learning theories and
people are influencing their personal characteristics and fu- Bandura's modern social cognitive theory have contributed
ture behaviors. immensely to the understanding of development and con-
Summing Up
Stages of Cognitive Development € Jean Piaget believed that children are naturally curious explorers
Piaget proposed four major periods of cognitive development: who try to make sense of their surroundings.
the sensorimotor stage (birth to age 2), the preoperational
stage (ages 2 to 7), the concrete operations stage (ages 7 to 11), The key features of each stage are summarized in Table
and the formal operations stage (ages 11 to 12 or older). These 2.3; we will describe them in depth in Chapter 7. The core
stages form what Piaget called an invariant sequence; that is, all message is that humans of different ages think in qualitatively
children progress through the stages in the order they are different ways (Inhelder & Piaget, 1958).
listed without skipping stages or regressing to earlier stages. Infants in the sensorimotor stage deal with the world di-
The ages given are only guidelines. rectly through their perceptions (senses) and actions (motor
Sensorimotor Infants use their senses and motor actions to explore and understand the world. At the start they have
(birth to 2 years) only innate reflexes, but they develop increasingly "intelligent" actions. By the end, they are capable of
symbolic thought using images or words and can therefore plan solutions to problems mentally.
Preoperational Preschoolers use their capacity for symbolic thought to develop language, engage in pretend play, and
(2 to 7 years) solve problems. But their thinking is not yet logical; they are egocentric (unable to take others' perspec-
tives) and are easily fooled by perceptions because they cannot rely on logical operations.
Concrete operations School-age children acquire concrete logical operations that allow them to mentally classify, add, and
(7 to 11 years) otherwise act on concrete objects in their heads. They can solve practical, real-world problems through a
trial-and-error approach but have difficulty with hypothetical and abstract problems.
Formal operations Adolescents can think about abstract concepts and purely hypothetical possibilities and can trace the
(11 to 12 years or older) long-range consequences of possible actions. With age and experience, they can form hypotheses and sys-
tematically test them using the scientific method.
abilities). They are unable to use symbols (gestures, images, or school-age children. They can define justice abstractly, in
words representing real objects and events) to help them solve terms of fairness, rather than concretely, in terms of the cop
problems mentally. However, they learn a great deal about the on the corner or the judge in the courtroom. They can for-
world by exploring it, and they acquire tools for solving prob- mulate hypotheses or predictions in their heads, plan how to
lems through their sensory and motor experiences. systematically test their ideas experimentally, and imagine the
The preschooler who has entered the preoperational stage consequences of their tests. It often takes some years before
of cognitive development has the capacity for symbolic adolescents can adopt a thoroughly systematic and scientific
thought but is not yet capable of logical problem solving. The method of solving problems and can think logically about the
4- or 5-year-old can use words as symbols to talk about a prob- implications of purely hypothetical ideas. Then they may be
lem and can mentally imagine doing something before actually able to devise grand theories about what is wrong with par-
doing it. However, lacking the tools of logical thought, preop- ents, the school system, or the federal government.
erational children must rely on their perceptions and as a result Obviously, children's cognitive capacities change dramat-
are easily fooled by appearances. For example, they tend to ically between infancy and adolescence as they progress
think that large objects will sink in water, even if they are through Piagets four stages of cognitive development. Young
lightweight. According to Piaget, preschool children are also children simply do not think as adults do. And even adoles-
egocentric thinkers who have difficulty adopting perspectives cents do not always use their cognitive capacities, as illustrated
other than their own. As a result, they may cling to incorrect in the Explorations box on this page, where we imagine what
ideas simply because they want them to be true. Piaget might say about teenage pregnancy.
School-age children who have advanced to the concrete
operations stage are more logical than preschoolers. They use
a trial-and-error approach to problem solving and do well on
problems that involve thinking about concrete objects. These Like Freud, Piaget was a true pioneer whose work has left a
children can perform many important logical actions, or oper- deep and lasting imprint on thinking about human develop-
ations, in their heads on concrete objects (hence, the term con- ment. You will see his influence throughout this text, for the
crete operations). For example, they can mentally categorize or mind that "constructs" understanding of the physical world
add and subtract objects. They can also draw sound, general also comes, with age, to understand sex differences, moral val-
conclusions based on their observations. However, they have ues, emotions, death, and a range of other important aspects
difficulty dealing with abstract and hypothetical problems. of the human experience. Piagets cognitive developmental
Adolescents who have reached the formal operations perspective dominated the study of child development for 2 or
stage are able to think more abstractly and hypothetically than 3 decades, until the information-processing approach to
:: >' K
Summing Up
Contextual—Systems Tlieories
Lickliter, 1998; Lickliter & Honeycutt, 2003). Developmental bi- nurture,'genes and environment, jointly bring forth develop-
ologist Gilbert Gottlieb (1992,2000,2002; Gottlieb, Wahlsten, & ment in ways difficult to predict at the outset. In describing
Lickliter, 1998) is one, and he has put forth a modern evolution- the epigenetic process, Gottlieb emphasizes mutual influences
ary-epigenetic systems perspective on development. According over time involving (1) the activity of genes, which turn on
to this perspective, development is the product of complex in- and off at different points during development; (2) the activ-
terplays between nature and nurture—that is, between interact- ity of neurons; (3) the organisms behavior; and (4) environ-
ing biological and environmental forces that form a larger sys- mental influences of all kinds, as shown in Figure 2.4.
tem. Researchers can focus on the interplay of nature and Gottlieb accuses biologists of the past of wrongly claim-
nurture both at the level of the species interacting with its envi- ing that genes dictate development in a one-directional and
ronment over the course of evolution and at the level of the in- deterministic way. They need to appreciate that environmen-
dividual, with her unique genetic makeup, interacting with her tal factors influence the activity of genes just as genes influ-
unique environment over the course of a lifetime (Li, 2003). ence environment. The biochemical environment of a cell, as
The starting point in the evolutionary-epigenetic per- influenced by factors such as nutrition received, can influence
spective is recognition that evolution has endowed us with a whether and how the genes in that cell express themselves and,
human genetic makeup. We do not start out as tabula rasae. in turn, how they influence an individual's emerging traits.
Rather, we are predisposed to develop in certain directions Sensory stimulation, gained partly through the infant's ex-
rather than in others—for example, to develop so that we ploratory behavior, not only produces neural activity and
master language, use tools, display guilt, act aggressively, mate changes the brain but also affects the activity of genes, which
and bear children, and do the other things that humans do then influence the production of proteins that contribute to
(Pinker, 2002). However, genes do not dictate anything; they the building of the neural networks necessary for normal sen-
only make certain developmental outcomes more probable sory systems (Johnston & Edwards, 2002). If an individual
than others. What happens in development depends on the grows up in a typical environment that supplies normal sen-
epigenetic process, the process through which nature and sory experiences, all is likely to go well in development, but if
BIDIRECTIONAL INFLUENCES and begins to eat them (Johnston & Gottlieb, 1990). Eating the
seeds would be tough work, and the bone tissue of the mice's
Environment jaws and teeth might grow in response—a change in anatomy
(physical, social, cultural)
brought on by a change in the animals' environment and activ-
Behavior ity, not by a change in their genetic makeup. Chewing hard could
also activate genes that had been dormant. Over time, if seed-
Neural activity eating rodents survived and reproduced more often than leaf-
eating rodents, their genes would become more common in the
Genetic activity
Individual development over time population and the course of evolution would be affected. Thus,
a change in environment and behavior in one generation could
Figure 2A Gottlieb's model of bidirectional influences. Genes do not change the genetic makeup of a species over several generations.
determine development; rather, genetic influences interact with environ- Now think about humans. We actively and deliberately change
mental influences, the individual's behavior^ and activity at the neural level our environments by farming, urbanizing, polluting, fighting in-
to make certain developmental outcomes more or less probable in the
fectious diseases, and so on. As we change our environments
epigenetic process. Psychologists often focus on behavior-environment
through cultural evolution, we may change the course of biolog-
interactions, and biologists on genetic-neural interactions, but ALL parts
ical evolution because our new environments may make differ-
of the system influence every other part (Gottlieb, 2003). Can you think
of an example of each type of influence? ent genes critical to survival. An intriguing example: a gene as-
SOURCE: From Gottlieb, G . { 1 9 9 2 ) . Individual development and evolution: The genesis of novel behavior. N e w York:
sociated with a high tolerance of the lactose in milk is far more
Oxford University Press, p. 136. Copyright © 1991 by Oxford University Press, Inc. Used by permission of Oxford prevalent in human populations that have a tradition of dairy
University Press, Inc.
farming than in other human populations (Aolci, 1986).
Because genes only make particular developmental out-
an individual is deprived of sensory stimulation, the outcome comes more or less probable in epigenesis, we cannot tell how
may be different. the developmental story will end until we see what emerges
Gottlieb has made his case by demonstrating that behavior from the long history of interactions among the multiple
that most people assume is innate or instinctive—etched in the factors influencing development. We cannot easily predict
genetic code of all members of a species in the course of evolu- the specific directions in which a particular person will de-
tion—may or may not express itself depending on environ- velop; we must plan on being surprised. The evolutionary-
mental influences. He showed, for example, that the tendency of epigenetic systems perspective helps us appreciate that each
young ducks to prefer their mothers' vocal calls to those of person s development takes place in the context of our evolu-
other birds such as chickens is not as automatic as you might tionary history as a species. That is, we share certain genes
guess (Gottlieb, 1991). Duckling embryos that were exposed to with other humans because those genes enabled our ancestors
chicken calls before they hatched, then were preven ted from vo- to adapt to their environments. This perspective also helps us
calizing at birth, came to prefer the call of a chicken to that of a appreciate that the development of the individual arises from
mallard duck. Similarly, baby rats do not instinctively seek wa- complex interactions over time among genetic, neural, behav-
ter when they are dehydrated. They need to have had at least ioral, and environmental influences—interactions in which
one previous experience of being dehydrated and then being genes affect environment and, importantly, environment af-
able to drink water (Hall, Arnold, & Myers, 2000). A behavior as fects the ways in which genes are expressed.
basic as drinking water when thirsty, then, requires not only a No matter how contextual-systems theorists define the
biologically based sensitivity to dehydration but also specific forces that interact to shape development, they believe that
and early learning experience that allows the organism to asso- people and their environment are in continual flux, and that
ciate drinking with dehydration. changes in one inevitably produce changes in the other be-
The message is clear: genes do not determine anything. cause they are all part of a larger system. Modern theorists
They are partners with environment in directing organisms, cannot ignore that people develop in a changing cultural and
including humans, along certain universal developmental historical context—something that Piaget and other stage the-
pathways as well as in unique directions (Gandelman, 1992; orists tended to do. Nor can they focus all of their attention on
Gottlieb, Wahlsten, & Lickliter, 1998). Even seemingly instinc- environmental influences and ignore that humans are biolog-
tive, inborn patterns of behavior will not emerge unless the ical organisms whose genes contribute to their development
individual has both normal genes and normal early experi- and influence the experiences they have—something that
ences. And there is no point trying to figure out how much of early learning theorists tended to do. Some thoughts Gottlieb
an individuals traits and behavior is caused by nature and might have about contributors to teenage pregnancy are pre-
how much is caused by nurture because genes and environ- sented in the Explorations box on page 48.
ment "coact."
More recently, Gottlieb has argued that experiences during
the lives of organisms can influence genetic activity in those or-
ganisms and, ultimately, the course of biological evolution in Contextual-systems perspectives on development are com-
their species, imagine that a colony of rodents used to eating soft plex, but that is because life-span human development is com-
vegetation encounters some hard, but tasty and nutritious, seedst plex. We can applaud Gottlieb, Vygotsky, Bronfenbrenner, and
like-minded theorists for emphasizing some important truths contextual-systems perspectives may never provide any coher-
about human development. Development is the product of ent developmental theory. Why? If we take seriously the idea
both biological and environmental forces interacting within a that development can take a range of paths depending on a
complex system. And we cannot always predict how it will range of interacting influences both within and outside the
turn out unless we look more closely at the ongoing transac- person, how can we ever state generalizations about develop-
tions between the person and the environment. ment that will hold up for most people? If change over a life-
This means that contextual-systems theorists can be time depends on the ongoing transactions between a unique
faulted for failing to provide a clear picture of the course of hu- person and a unique environment, is each life span unique?
man development and for being only partially formulated and The problem is this: "For the contextualist, often the only gen-
tested at this point. But a more serious criticism can be made: eralization that holds is, cIt depends."' (Goldhaber, 2000, p. 33).
In light of these concerns, some theorists propose com- a learning theory model of human development are not likely
bining contextual-systems perspectives with the best features to trust genetically guided maturational forces to ensure that
of stage theories that propose universal paths of development their children develop in healthy directions. Such parents may
(Lerner & Kauffman, 1985). Researchers might then see hu- assume that their children will not develop (or at least will
mans as moving in orderly directions in some aspects of their never be Harvard material) unless they are systematically ex-
development, yet they could also try to understand how posed to particular learning experiences. These parents are
that developmental course differs in different social contexts. likely to take deliberate steps to shape desirable behaviors and
They might view developmental attainments such as formal- eliminate undesirable ones in their offspring.
operational thinking not as inevitable achievements but as at- Finally, contextual-systems theorists emphasize both bi-
tainments that are more or less probable depending on the in- ology and environment as components of a larger system.
dividual's genetic endowment and life experiences. Humans contribute actively to the developmental process (as
stage theorists such as Piaget maintain), but environment is also
Summing Up an active participant in the developmental drama (as learning
theorists maintain). The potential exists for both qualitative
Contextual-systems theories view development as the
(stagelike) change and quantitative change. Development can
product of ongoing transactions and mutual influence be-
proceed along many paths depending on the intricate interplay
tween the individual and his environment Vygotsky's so-
of nature and nurture. Parents who adopt a contextual-systems
ciocultural perspective called attention to collaborations
model of development, such as Vygotsky's sociocultural per-
between children and mentors that allow children to in-
spective or Gottlieb's evolutionary-epigenetic systems view, are
ternalize the tools of thinking available in their culture.
likely to appreciate that their children are influencing them just
Ethology asks how species-specific behaviors may have
as much as they are influencing their children. They are likely to
evolved, and Gottlieb's evolutionary-epigenetic systems
view themselves as partners with their children in the develop-
perspective highlights mutual influences among genesr
mental process.
neural activity, behavior; and environment both over the
It is because different theories rest on different basic as-
course of evolution and during the epigenetic process.
sumptions that they offer such different pictures of human de-
Contextual-systems theories are incomplete, however,
velopment and its causes. Theorists who view the world
and do not provide a coherent picture of human devel-
through different lenses not only study different things but are
opment m
likely to disagree even when the s a m e "facts" are set before
them because they will interpret those facts differently. This is
the nature of science. Our understanding of human develop-
Tlieories in Perspective ment has changed, and will continue to change, as one prevail-
ing view gives way to another. From the beginning of the study
That completes this survey of some grand and emerging the- of human development at the turn of the 20th century through
ories of human development. These theories can be grouped the heyday of Freud's psychoanalytic theory, a stage theory
into even grander categories based on the broad assumptions perspective prevailed, emphasizing biological forces in devel-
they make about human development (Pepper, 1942; Reese 8c opment (Cairns, 1998; Parke et al, 1994). In the 1950s and
Overton, 1970; Goldhaber, 2000). 1960s, learning theories came to the fore, and attention shifted
Stage theorists such as Freud, Erilcson, and Piaget form from biology toward environment and toward the view that
one broad group and have much in common. They believe children are blank tablets to be written on. Then, with the ris-
that development is guided in certain universal directions by ing influence of cognitive psychology and Piaget's theory of
biological-maturational forces within the individual Humans cognitive development in the late 1960s and 1970s, a stage the-
unfold—much as a rose unfolds from its beginnings as a ory model emphasizing the interaction of nature and nurture
seed—according to a master plan carried in their genes, as- gained prominence. Finally, in the 1980s and 1990s, we gained
suming that they grow up in a. reasonably normal environ- a fuller appreciation of the roles of both biological-genetic and
ment. They evolve through distinct or discontinuous stages cultural-historical influences on development.
that are universal and lead to the same final state of maturity. Where are we today? The broad perspective on key devel-
Parents who subscribe to the stage theory perspective on de- opmental issues taken by contextual-systems theorists such as
velopment are likely to be supportive but not pushy in their Vygotsky and Gottlieb is the perspective that most 21st-
efforts to enhance their children's development. They would century developmentalists have adopted. The field has moved
tend to trust their children to seek the learning opportunities beyond the extreme, blaclc-or-white positions taken by many
they most need at a given stage in their growth. They would of its pioneers. We now appreciate that humans, although not
respond to their children's changing needs and interests but tabula rasae, have evolved so that they have the potential to
would not feel compelled to structure all their children's develop in good and bad directions; that human development
learning experiences. is always the product of nature and nurture; that humans and
By contrast, learning theorists such as Watson, Skinner, their environments are active in the developmental process;
and Bandura emphasize the role of environment more than that development is both continuous and discontinuous in
the role of biology in development. Parents who subscribe to form; and that development has both universal aspects and
I n 1 9 9 5 , 4 9 % o f females and 5 5 % of males ages 15 t o 19 had
had s e x (U.S. Census Bureau, 2 0 0 0 ) . Although t h e teenage
pregnancy rate has dropped since it peaked in 1991, almost I
Adopting Jean Piaget's cognitive developmental
tive might make us pessimistic that young teenagers can learn
t o engage in long-term planning and rational decision making
in 10 females ages 15 t o 19 b e c o m e s pregnant each year, al- about sexual issues until they are solidly into the formal oper-
m o s t half o f t h e s e pregnant teenagers give birth, and m o r e of ations stage of cognitive development. However, if we could
them than ever are n o t married (Farber, 2 0 0 3 ) . Although the identify the kinds of faulty cognitive structures o r misunder-
c o n s e q u e n c e s vary greatly from family t o family and are not as standings that young adolescents have about their risks o f
bad as many people believe, they s o m e t i m e s include an inter- pregnancy and about contraceptive methods, w e could attempt
rupted education, low income, and a difficult start for both t o c o r r e c t their mistaken ideas using c o n c r e t e examples and
new parent and new child (Furstenberg, 2 0 0 3 ; Farber, 2 0 0 3 ) . simple explanations. T h e solution t o teenage pregnancy, then,
Meanwhile, sexually transmitted diseases, including AIDS, are would be improved s e x education programs—programs that
epidemic among adolescents; yet all t o o many continue t o en- provide teenagers with accurate information and help them
gage in risky s e x (Hogan, Sun, & Cornwell, 2 0 0 0 ) . W h a t prac- think clearly about t h e long-term consequences of their sexual
tical solutions t o t h e problem o f unwanted teenage pregnancy decisions. Sex education programs that are carefully designed
might different developmental theorists offer? and teach decision-making and communication skills can suc-
Psychoanalytic t h e o r i s t s tend t o locate the problem ceed in increasing t h e use of contraception and reducing preg-
within t h e p e r s o n . Sigmund Freud might w a n t t o identify and nancy rates (Franklin & C o r c o r a n , 2 0 0 0 ) . However, education
t a r g e t f o r intervention t e e n a g e r s w h o have especially strong alone is often not enough, s o perhaps w e need t o consider s o -
ids and w e a k egos and s u p e r e g o s o r w h o a r e experiencing lutions that locate the problem in the environment rather than
e x t r e m e s o f anxiety and strained relationships with t h e i r in t h e individual's psychological weaknesses or cognitive
parents. Erik Erikson might identify t e e n a g e r s w h o a r e hav- deficiencies.
ing significant p r o b l e m s resolving the crisis o f identity ver- Learning theorists strongly believe that changing t h e envi-
sus role confusion. High-risk teenagers might then be r o n m e n t will change t h e person. In support o f this belief, it ap-
t r e a t e d through psychoanalysis; t h e aim would be t o help pears that t h e m o s t effective approach t o teenage pregnancy
t h e m resolve t h e inner conflicts t h a t might g e t t h e m in prevention is t o make contraceptives readily available t o t e e n s
t r o u b l e . This approach might w o r k with t e e n a g e r s w h o are through health clinics and t o teach them how t o use them
psychologically d i s t u r b e d . T h e only problem is t h a t pregnant (Franklin & C o r c o r a n , 2 0 0 0 ; Kirby, 2 0 0 2 ) . This approach re-
t e e n a g e r s do n o t have much higher rates o f psychopathol- flects a Skinnerian philosophy of encouraging t h e desired be-
ogy overall than those who do not become pregnant havior by making it m o r e reinforcing and less punishing.Albert
(Farber, 2 0 0 3 ) . Bandura's social cognitive t h e o r y suggests that it might also
aspects particular to certain cultures, times, and individuals. you define a problem determines how you attempt to solve
In short, the assumptions and theories that guide the study of it. To illustrate, take one last look at teenage pregnancy. As
human development have become increasingly complex as the you have seen, different theorists hold radically different
incredible complexity of human development has become opinions about the causes of teenage pregnancy. How do you
more apparent. think each would go about trying to reduce the rate of
As we have emphasized, a main function of theories in teenage pregnancy? The Applications box on this page offers
any science is to guide research. Thus Freud stimulated re- some ideas.
searchers to study inner personality conflicts, Skinner inspired We hope you are convinced that theories are not just use-
them to analyze how behavior changes when its environmen- less ideas. Developmental researchers need theories to guide
tal consequences change, and Piaget inspired them to explore their work, and every parent, teacher, human services profes-
children's thinking about every imaginable topic. Different sional, and observer of humans is guided by some set of basic
theories stimulate different kinds of research and yield differ- assumptions about how humans develop and why they de-
ent kinds of facts. velop as they do. We hope that reading this chapter will stim-
Theories also guide practice. As you have seen, each the- ulate you to think about your own theory of human develop-
ory of human development represents a particular way of ment. One way to start is by comparing the answers you gave
defining developmental issues and problems. Often, how to the questions in the Explorations box on page 28 with the
• • M
•--:•- ...
ual takes has a profound effect on how that person attempts Four out of 10 giris get pregnant at (east once by age 20
t o optimize development.Yet, as you have also seen, each the- The onty way to be sure you don't get pregnant —
o r y may offer only a partial solution t o t h e problem being ad- or get someone pregnant — is If you don't have sex.
dressed. In all likelihood, multiple approaches will be needed
But If you do, use contraception.
•'.. Every time. V," ./
t o address c o m p l e x problems such as t h e high rate of teenage
pregnancy—and t o achieve t h e larger goal of understanding The National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy
human development. -
Theory: Theorist
Cognitive and Gottlieb's
Psychoanalytic Psychoanalytic Learning Theory: Developmental Evolutionary-
Theory: Freud's Theory: Erikson's Skinner's Learning Theory: Theory: Epigenetic
Psychosexual Psychosocial Behavioral Bandura's Social Piaget's Systems
Theory Theory Theory Cognitive Theory Constructivism Perspectives
NATURE- b. More nature c. Nature and e. Mostly nurture d. More nurture b. More nature c. Nature and
NURTURE (biology drives nurture equally (maturation nurture equally
development; interacting with
early experience experience guides
in the family in- all through the
fluences it, too) same stages)
GOODNESS- a. Bad (selfish, d. Good (capable b. Neither good b. Neither good d. Good (curious) c. Both good and
BADNESS OF aggressive urges) of growth) nor bad nor bad bad (people have
HUMAN biologically based
NATURE predispositions
toward both)
Media Resources
/? Websites to Explore
1. Jasper, age 6, has just started first grade and suddenly has a Visit Our Website
case of school phobia. Every morning he complains of headaches, For a chapter tutorial quiz and other useful features, visit
tummy aches, and foot aches and begs his mother to let him stay the book's companion website at http://psychology.wadsworth.corn/
home. His mother let him stay home almost all of last week and is sigelman_rider5e. You can also connect directly to the following sites:
trying desperately to understand why Jasper does not want to go to
school. Help her out by indicating what particular psychoanalytic,
learning, cognitive developmental, and contextual-systems theorists
This site of the Abraham A. Brill Library of the New York Psycho-
might propose as an explanation of school phobia.
analytic Institute and Society (see especially "Sigmund Freud on the
2. Matilda, age 78, fell and broke her hip recently and has be- Internet") offers biographical information and excerpts from a few of
come overly dependent on her daughter for help ever since, even the writings of the founder of psychoanalytic theory.
though she can get around quite well. How might particular psycho-
analytic, learning, cognitive developmental, and contextual-systems Piaget
theorists explain her old-age dependency?
The Jean Piaget Society provides biographical information, links to
3. Pick any two theorists from different theoretical camps and other Piaget resources on the web, and lists of suggested readings for
imagine what advice they might give to a room full of preschool those who would like to learn more about Piaget's research and
teachers about how best to enhance the social skills of their students.
4. You have decided to become an eclectic and to take from each
of the four major perspectives in this chapter (psychoanalytic, learn-
B. F. Skinner Life-Span CD-ROM
The B. F. Skinner Foundation works with Harvard University to
Go to the Wadsworth Life-Span CD-ROM for further
archive Skinner's literary estate and also publishes significant works
study of the concepts in this chapter. The CD-ROM in-
in the study of behavior Its website contains a brief biography of the
cludes narrated concept overviews, video clips, a multimedia glos-
late behaviorist by his daughter, Julie S. Vargas, and a nontechnical
sary, and additional activities to expand your learning experience.
summary of operant conditioning.
lilt R&W
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A N E W S P A P E R STORY A B O U T Jim Lewis and Jim e n v i r o n m e n t c a n m a k e any child develop well, and t h a t m o s t
Springer inspired T h o m a s B o u c h a r d Jr. and his a s s o c i a t e s o f t h e psychological differences a m o n g p e o p l e reflect their e x -
( B o u c h a r d , 1 9 8 4 ; B o u c h a r d e t al., 1 9 9 0 ) t o u n d e r t a k e a p e r i e n c e s over a lifetime. R e a d i n g this c h a p t e r s h o u l d increase
study in which t h e y reunited identical t w i n s w h o had b e e n y o u r appreciation o f g e n e t i c c o n t r i b u t i o n s t o d e v e l o p m e n t
s e p a r a t e d s o o n a f t e r birth and asked t h e m t o c o m p l e t e a a n d give y o u n e w insights into t h e i m p o r t a n c e o f e n v i r o n -
5 0 - h o u r b a t t e r y o f t e s t s . T o g e t h e r a f t e r spending all but t h e m e n t a l influences.
first 4 w e e k s o f t h e i r 3 9 years apart, Jim and Jim d i s c o v e r e d W e begin w i t h a b r i e f l o o k at ways in w h i c h genes m a k e
t h a t t h e y had b o t h married w o m e n n a m e d Linda—and t h e n h u m a n s similar in t h e i r c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s a n d development.
w o m e n named B e t t y . T h e y n a m e d t h e i r first s o n s J a m e s Alan T h e n t h e c h a p t e r t u r n s to what each p e r s o n i n h e r i t s at c o n -
and J a m e s Allan, had dogs n a m e d Toy, and liked Miller Lite c e p t i o n and h o w this g e n e t i c e n d o w m e n t c a n i n f l u e n c e traits.
b e e r and Salem c i g a r e t t e s . T h e n it explores research findings o n h o w genes a n d e n v i r o n -
B a r b a r a H e r b e r t and D a p h n e G o o d s h i p , also reunited m e n t m a k e individuals different f r o m o n e a n o t h e r in intel-
a f t e r 3 9 y e a r s apart, b o t h w o r e a beige d r e s s and a b r o w n ligence, personality, and other important characteristics.
velvet j a c k e t w h e n t h e y m e t f o r t h e first t i m e in L o n d o n . Finally, we draw s o m e general c o n c l u s i o n s a b o u t h e r e d i t y and
T h e y s h a r e d a habit o f "squidging" (pushing up t h e i r n o s e s ) , e n v i r o n m e n t f r o m a life-span perspective. W e start by f o c u s -
had fallen d o w n t h e stairs at age 15, laughed m o r e than any- ing o n t h e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s all h u m a n s share.
o n e t h e y knew, and n e v e r v o t e d .
Yet identical twins J e s s i c a and Rachel W e s s e l l , despite
growing up t o g e t h e r and being c l o s e , a r e far f r o m identical.
O n e e x c e l s in math, t h e o t h e r in English. O n e has c e r e b r a l Evolution an ecies
palsy, possibly b e c a u s e o f oxygen deprivation o r damage t o
h e r brain at birth, and is in a w h e e l c h a i r ; t h e o t h e r w a s in
t h e marching band in high s c h o o l ( H e l d e r m a n , 2 0 0 3 ) .
M o s t d e s c r i p t i o n s o f h e r e d i t y f o c u s o n its role in creating dif-
ferences a m o n g people. S o m e individuals i n h e r i t b l u e eyes,
o t h e r s b r o w n eyes; s o m e i n h e r i t b l o o d type O, o t h e r s b l o o d
Perhaps die i n f l u e n c e o f genes o n d e v e l o p m e n t m u s t b e taken
type A o r B. B u t it is r e m a r k a b l e that a l m o s t every o n e o f us
seriously. S o m u s t t h e i n f l u e n c e o f e n v i r o n m e n t . H o w d o n a -
has two eyes a n d t h a t we all have b l o o d c o u r s i n g t h r o u g h o u r
t u r e and n u r t u r e , h e r e d i t y and e n v i r o n m e n t , c o n t r i b u t e to t h e
veins. A n d virtually all o f us develop in similar ways at similar
s h a p i n g o f physical and psychological characteristics? T h a t is
a g e s — w a l k i n g and talking a r o u n d 1 year, m a t u r i n g sexually
t h e puzzle we grapple w i t h in this chapter. M a n y p e o p l e are
f r o m 12 t o 14, w a t c h i n g o u r skin w r i n k l e in o u r 4 0 s and 50s.
e n v i r o n m e n t a l i s t s at h e a r t , believing t h a t there is n o such
Such similarities in d e v e l o p m e n t a n d aging are a p r o d u c t o f
thing as a " b a d seed," t h a t p r o p e r p a r e n t i n g a n d a s t i m u l a t i n g
species h e r e d i t y — t h e genetic e n d o w m e n t that m e m b e r s o f a
species have in c o m m o n , i n c l u d i n g genes t h a t i n f l u e n c e m a t -
u r a t i o n a n d aging processes. H u m a n s c a n feel guilty but c a n -
n o t fly; birds c a n fly b u t c a n n o t feel guilty. E a c h species h a s a
distinct heredity. Species h e r e d i t y is o n e reason c e r t a i n pat-
terns o f d e v e l o p m e n t a n d aging are universal.
To u n d e r s t a n d w h e r e we got o u r species heredity, we
m u s t t u r n to e v o l u t i o n a r y theory. W e i n t r o d u c e d Gilbert
G o t t l i e b s m o d e r n e v o l u t i o n a r y - e p i g e n e t i c systems t h e o r y in
C h a p t e r 2, b u t h e r e we go b a c k to b a s i c s — t o t h e p a t h - b l a z i n g
w o r k o f C h a r l e s D a r w i n ( 1 8 0 9 - 1 8 8 2 ) . D a r w i n s t h e o r y o f evo-
l u t i o n s o u g h t t o explain h o w t h e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f a species
c h a n g e over t i m e a n d h o w n e w species c a n evolve f r o m earlier
o n e s ( D a r w i n , 1 8 5 9 ) . It has b e e n a n d c o n t i n u e s t o b e t r e m e n -
dously i m p o r t a n t t o o u r u n d e r s t a n d i n g o f w h y h u m a n s d e -
velop as t h e y do. T h e m a i n a r g u m e n t s o f D a r w i n ' s t h e o r y are
as follows:
t h e s e chemical letters. Interestingly, only a b o u t 3 t o 4 % o f
t h e human g e n o m e — I inch o u t o f an e s t i m a t e d 6 f e e t of
D N A — i s believed t o consist o f genes, each of which is a
ration, a private company that launched its own furious effort specific s e q u e n c e of from 1000 to 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 bases ( W e i s s ,
t o unscramble the genetic code, jointly announced t h e c o m - 2 0 0 0 ) . T h e functions o f o t h e r s t r e t c h e s o f D N A are n o t en-
pletion of a draft version of t h e human g e n o m e (International tirely clear, but t h e y appear t o play a role in regulating t h e
Human G e n o m e Sequencing Consortium, 2 0 0 1 ) . In April 2 0 0 3 , activity of genes, turning them on and off (Plomin e t al.,
they announced that the sequencing project was essentially 2 0 0 3 ) . A b o u t 9 9 9 of 1000 bases are identical in all humans;
complete, 13 years after it had begun and 5 0 years after James it is t h e remaining I of 1 0 0 0 t h a t makes us different. W e
W a t s o n and Francis Crick discovered t h e structure of D N A share m o s t o f o u r g e n e s n o t only with humans o f o t h e r
(Pennisi, 2 0 0 3 ) . W h a t did this massive project involve, and what races but also with o t h e r primates and even with mice
has it told us? (Simpson & Elias, 2 0 0 3 ) .
Researchers at several universities and companies in t h e O n c e a g e n e associated with a disease o r disorder is lo-
United States and England mapped t h e s e q u e n c e of t h e chem- cated on a particular c h r o m o s o m e amid t h e DNA sur-
ical units o r " l e t t e r s ' ' that make up t h e strands of D N A in hu- rounding it, much remains t o be d o n e b e f o r e useful applica-
man c h r o m o s o m e s . They still needed t o do a good deal of tions of this information are possible. R e s e a r c h e r s may
"spell checking" when they made their initial announcement, a t t e m p t t o devise a t e s t for t h e gene, study t h e functions of
but they had a pretty good draft of t h e human g e n o m e (Weiss t h e g e n e s products so t h a t they can begin t o understand
& Gillis, 2 0 0 0 ) . T h e drudgery of this monstrous task was done how t h e disease o r disorder c o m e s about, and only then at-
by supercomputers and r o b o t s the size of small cars working t e m p t t o develop n e w drugs and o t h e r means o f preventing
alongside human technicians. T h e raw material analyzed was o r curing t h e dysfunction associated with t h e gene (Hawley
D N A samples from a few humans of diverse racial back- & Mori, 1999; Weiss, 2 0 0 3 b ) . As James W a t s o n , c o d i s c o v e r e r
grounds. of t h e double helix s t r u c t u r e of D N A , put it, " W e have t h e
T h e four basic units o f t h e genetic c o d e are t h e bases A book, and n o w we've g o t t o learn h o w t o read it" (Weiss &
(adenine), C (cytosine), G (guanine), and T (thymine). It is Gillis, 2 0 0 0 , p. A 1 2 ) .
n o w estimated t h a t t h e human g e n o m e has 3.1 billion o f
The chromosomes in each cell consist of strands of DNA made up of sequences of the bases
A,T, C, and G, some of which are functional units called genes.
SOURCE: Adapted from Weiss, R. (2000, May 231. For DNA, a defining moment: W i t h code revealed, challenge will be to find its meaning and uses.
Washington Fost, p. A16.
O f the 2 3 pairs o f c h r o m o s o m e s t h a t each individual inherits, As you have seen, genes p r o v i d e i n s t r u c t i o n s for d e v e l o p m e n t
2 2 (called autosomes) are similar in males a n d females. T h e b y calling for t h e p r o d u c t i o n o f c h e m i c a l s u b s t a n c e s . F o r ex-
c h r o m o s o m e s o f the 2 3 r d pair are t h e sex c h r o m o s o m e s . A a m p l e , genes set in m o t i o n a process that lays a p i g m e n t called
m a l e child has o n e l o n g c h r o m o s o m e called an X c h r o m o - melanin in the iris o f t h e eye. S o m e people's genes call f o r
s o m e b e c a u s e o f its shape, a n d a s h o r t , s t u b b y c o m p a n i o n m u c h o f this p i g m e n t , a n d the result is b r o w n eyes; o t h e r p e o -
with fewer genes called a Y c h r o m o s o m e . F e m a l e s have two X p l e s genes call for less o f it, a n d the result is b l u e eyes.
c h r o m o s o m e s . T h e illustration o n this page shows c h r o m o - G e n e t i c a l l y c o d e d p r o t e i n s also guide the f o r m a t i o n o f cells
s o m e s that have b e e n p h o t o g r a p h e d t h r o u g h a p o w e r f u l m i - t h a t b e c o m e n e u r o n s in t h e b r a i n , i n f l u e n c i n g p o t e n t i a l intel-
c r o s c o p e , t h e n a r r a n g e d in pairs a n d r e p h o t o g r a p h e d in a pat- ligence.
tern called a k a r y o t y p e . G e n e s i n f l u e n c e a n d are i n f l u e n c e d b y t h e b i o c h e m i c a l
B e c a u s e the m o t h e r has o n l y X c h r o m o s o m e s a n d t h e fa- e n v i r o n m e n t s u r r o u n d i n g t h e m d u r i n g d e v e l o p m e n t a n d the
ther's s p e r m cell has either an X or a Y c h r o m o s o m e ( d e p e n d - b e h a v i o r o f t h e developing o r g a n i s m ( G o t t l i e b , 2 0 0 2 ) . As a re-
ing o n h o w t h e sex c h r o m o s o m e s sort o u t d u r i n g m e i o s i s ) , it sult, a p a r t i c u l a r cell c a n b e c o m e p a r t o f an eyeball o r p a r t o f
is the father w h o d e t e r m i n e s a child's gender. I f an o v u m w i t h a k n e e c a p d e p e n d i n g o n w h a t cells are n e x t t o it d u r i n g e m -
its o n e X c h r o m o s o m e is fertilized by a s p e r m bearing a Y b r y o n i c d e v e l o p m e n t and what t h e y are d o i n g . You s h o u l d
c h r o m o s o m e , t h e p r o d u c t is an X Y zygote, a g e n e t i c male. A t h e r e f o r e t h i n k o f t h e genetic " b l u e p r i n t " as w r i t t e n in erasa-
single gene o n t h e Y c h r o m o s o m e t h e n sets in m o t i o n the bi- ble p e n c i l r a t h e r t h a n in indelible i n k and o f genes as active
<[ The male karyotype (A) shows the 22 pairs of autosomal chromosomes and the 2 sex
chromosomes—an elongated X and a shorterY chromosome.The photographic arrangement
of a female's chromosomes (B) shows 2 X chromosomes.
forces in d e v e l o p m e n t t h r o u g h o u t the life span. A m u l t i t u d e As an illustration o f t h e p r i n c i p l e s o f M e n d e l i a n heredity,
o f e n v i r o n m e n t a l factors n o t o n l y in the w o m b b u t also c o n s i d e r the r e m a r k a b l e fact t h a t a b o u t t h r e e - f o u r t h s o f us
t h r o u g h o u t life i n f l u e n c e w h e r e a n d w h e n genes are activated can curl o u r t o n g u e s u p w a r d into a tubelike shape, whereas
and h o w t h e y are expressed. As a result, n o o n e c o m p l e t e l y u n - o n e - f o u r t h o f us c a n n o t . It h a p p e n s that there is a gene asso-
derstands t h e r e m a r k a b l e process that t r a n s f o r m s a single cell ciated with t o n g u e curling; it is a d o m i n a n t gene, m e a n i n g
into m i l l i o n s o f diverse c e l l s — b l o o d cells, n e r v e cells, skin that it will b e expressed w h e n paired with a recessive gene, a
cells, a n d so o n — a l l organized i n t o a living, behaving h u m a n . weaker gene that can b e d o m i n a t e d like t h e o n e associated
N o r do we fully u n d e r s t a n d h o w genes help b r i n g a b o u t with the a b s e n c e o f t o n g u e - c u r l i n g ability.
certain developments at c e r t a i n points in the life span. T h e p e r s o n w h o inherits o n e " t o n g u e - c u r l " gene (label it
C u r r e n t t h i n k i n g is that gene pairs with specific messages to U ) and o n e " n o - c u r l " gene (call it —) would be able to curl his
send are r e g u l a t e d — t u r n e d o n o r o f f — b y o t h e r stretches o f t o n g u e (that is, w o u l d have a t o n g u e - c u r l i n g p h e n o t y p e ) b e -
D N A over the c o u r s e o f d e v e l o p m e n t ( P l o m i n et al., 2 0 0 1 ; cause t h e d o m i n a n t , t o n g u e - c u r l gene overpowers t h e reces-
P l o m i n et al., 2 0 0 3 ) . It is b e c o m i n g clearer that genes are a c - sive, n o - c u r l gene. Using the p h o t o and diagram on page 62 as
tive players in the d e v e l o p m e n t a l p r o c e s s and t h a t having spe- a guide, y o u can calculate the o d d s that parents w i t h different
cific genes m a y b e less i m p o r t a n t in h u m a n d e v e l o p m e n t t h a n g e n o t y p e s for t o n g u e c u r l i n g will have children w h o c a n o r
w h i c h are activated and w h e n . c a n n o t curl their tongues. A father will c o n t r i b u t e o n e o f his
Ultimately, e n v i r o n m e n t a l factors have a great deal to d o t w o genes t o a s p e r m , and the m o t h e r will c o n t r i b u t e o n e o f
with which genetic potentials are t r a n s l a t e d i n t o physical a n d h e r two genes to an o v u m . Each c h i l d inherits o n e o f the
psychological realities. C o n s i d e r the genes that influence m o t h e r s genes and o n e o f the father s.
height. S o m e p e o p l e inherit genes calling for exceptional D o m i n a n t genes t r i u m p h over recessive genes. I f a father
height, and o t h e r s i n h e r i t genes calling f o r a s h o r t stature. B u t with the g e n o t y p e U U (a t o n g u e c u r l e r ) and a m o t h e r with
g e n o t y p e , the g e n e t i c m a k e u p a p e r s o n inherits, is different the g e n o t y p e (a n o n - t o n g u e c u r l e r ) have children, e a c h
from p h e n o t y p e , t h e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c or trait t h e person e v e n t u - child they p r o d u c e will have o n e gene for t o n g u e curling and
ally has (for e x a m p l e , a height o f 5 feet 8 i n c h e s ) . A n i n d i v i d - o n e f o r a lack o f t o n g u e curling ( g e n o t y p e U - ) , a n d e a c h will
ual w h o s e g e n o t y p e calls for exceptional height m a y o r m a y b e a t o n g u e curler. B e c a u s e t h e t o n g u e - c u r l gene d o m i n a t e s ,
not b e tall. Indeed, a child w h o is severely m a l n o u r i s h e d f r o m y o u can say that this c o u p l e has a 1 0 0 % c h a n c e o f having a
the prenatal p e r i o d o n w a r d m a y have the g e n e t i c p o t e n t i a l to t o n g u e - c u r l i n g child. N o t i c e t h a t two different g e n o t y p e s , U U
b e a basketball c e n t e r b u t m a y end up t o o short to m a k e the and U—, b o t h p r o d u c e the s a m e p h e n o t y p e : an acrobatic
team. E n v i r o n m e n t a l i n f l u e n c e s c o m b i n e with genetic influ- tongue.
ences to d e t e r m i n e h o w a p a r t i c u l a r g e n o t y p e is translated A t o n g u e - c u r l i n g m a n a n d a t o n g u e - c u r l i n g w o m a n can
i n t o a p a r t i c u l a r p h e n o t y p e — t h e way a person looks, thinks, surprise e v e r y o n e a n d have a child w h o lacks this a m a z i n g tal-
feels, and behaves. ent. T h e s e two parents m u s t b o t h have t h e U — g e n o t y p e . If
the father's recessive gene a n d the m o t h e r ' s recessive gene
happen to u n i t e in the zygote, t h e y will have a n o n - t o n g u e -
Mechanisms o f I n h e r i t a n c e
curling child (with the g e n o t y p e ). T h e c h a n c e s are
A n o t h e r way t o a p p r o a c h the riddle o f h o w g e n e s i n f l u e n c e 2 5 % — o n e o u t o f f o u r — t h a t this c o u p l e will have such a
p e o p l e is to c o n s i d e r the m a j o r m e c h a n i s m s o f i n h e r i t a n c e — child. O f c o u r s e , the laws o f c o n c e p t i o n are m u c h like t h e laws
h o w parents' genes i n f l u e n c e their children's traits. T h e r e arc o f cards. T h i s c o u p l e c o u l d b e a t the o d d s a n d have a w h o l e
three m a i n m e c h a n i s m s o f i n h e r i t a n c e : single g e n e - p a i r i n - family o f n o n - t o n g u e - c u r l i n g children o r could have n o n e .
h e r i t a n c e , sex-linked i n h e r i t a n c e , and polygenic ( o r m u l t i p l e Because p e o p l e w h o c a n n o t curl t h e i r t o n g u e s must have the
gene) i n h e r i t a n c e . — genotype, two n o n - t o n g u e - c u r l i n g p a r e n t s will have o n l y
non-tongue-curling ( ) children.
Single Gene-Pair Inheritance Table 3.1 lists several o t h e r e x a m p l e s o f d o m i n a n t and re-
T h r o u g h single g e n e - p a i r i n h e r i t a n c e , s o m e h u m a n c h a r a c - cessive traits associated with single g e n e - p a i r inheritance.
teristics are influenced b y o n l y o n e pair o f g e n e s — o n e f r o m S o m e physical characteristics in this table ( s u c h as eye c o l o r
the m o t h e r , o n e f r o m the father. A l t h o u g h he k n e w n o t h i n g o f a n d hair c o l o r a n d curliness) are i n f l u e n c e d b y m o r e than a
genes, a 1 9 t h - c e n t u r y m o n k named Gregor Mendel con- single pair o f genes. Also, in s o m e cases, a d o m i n a n t gene in-
t r i b u t e d greatly to o u r k n o w l e d g e o f single g e n e - p a i r i n h e r i - c o m p l e t e l y d o m i n a t e s a recessive p a r t n e r gene, so the recessive
tance and earned his place as t h e father o f genetics by cross- gene is expressed to s o m e extent, as when c r o s s i n g red and
b r e e d i n g different strains o f peas a n d carefully o b s e r v i n g the white flowers p r o d u c e s pink o n e s — a p h e n o m e n o n called in-
o u t c o m e s ( H e n i g , 2 0 0 0 ) . He n o t i c e d a predictable p a t t e r n t o c o m p l e t e d o m i n a n c e . In still o t h e r cases o f single g e n e - p a i r
t h e way in which two alternative characteristics would appear heredity, two genes i n f l u e n c e a trait but n e i t h e r d o m i n a t e s the
in t h e offspring o f c r o s s - b r e e d i n g s — f o r e x a m p l e , smooth o t h e r ; instead, both are expressed. T h i s is called c o d o m i n a n c e
seeds o r wrinkled seeds, g r e e n p o d s o r yellow p o d s . He called b e c a u s e the p h e n o t y p e o f the p e r s o n with two distinct genes
s o m e characteristics ( f o r e x a m p l e , s m o o t h seeds) dominant in a pair is a c o m p r o m i s e between the two genes. F o r e x a m p l e ,
b e c a u s e t h e y appeared m o r e often in later g e n e r a t i o n s than an A B b l o o d type is a m i x o f A and B b l o o d types. Single gene-
their o p p o s i t e traits, which h e called recessive. pair i n h e r i t a n c e is m o r e c o m p l e x t h a n it l o o k s at first glance.
IMSJfffiW. Ill'f'i-f Can Phenotype
o i
c 4S8B8B* u
o None can 2 cannot All can
2 can
s— c 4MB»>
0) cd
cs 2 can 1 cannot All can
2 cannot 3 can
c .
cc o kxJ kJ?
All can All can All can
c C
<D o
-C CD : > Dominant (tongue-curling ability)
Figure 3 J Can you curl your tongue as shown? Tongue-curling ability is determined by a
dominant gene; if you can curl your tongue, then either your mother or your father can, be-
cause one of them must have the dominant might still be able t o curl their tongues. All possi-
bilities are shown in the figure; each of the nine boxes shows the gene combinations of the
four possible children a particular mother and a particular father can have.
However, m a n y genetically linked diseases a n d defects are en- source o f his X c h r o m o s o m e . H e m o p h i l i a , a deficiency in the
tirely caused b y two recessive genes, o n e i n h e r i t e d f r o m each b l o o d s ability to clot, is also far m o r e c o m m o n a m o n g males
parent, as y o u will see shortly. t h a n females b e c a u s e it is associated with a gene on X c h r o -
Sex-Linked Inheritance
S e x - l i n k e d c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s are influenced b y single genes lo- Polygenic Inheritance
cated o n t h e sex c h r o m o s o m e s rather t h a n o n t h e o t h e r 22 S o far we have considered only t h e influence o f single genes o r
pairs o f c h r o m o s o m e s . Indeed, y o u c o u l d say X-linked rather gene pairs o n h u m a n traits. Every week, it seems, we read in
t h a n sex-linked b e c a u s e m o s t o f these attributes are associated t h e newspaper t h a t researchers have identified " t h e g e n e " for
with genes located only o n X c h r o m o s o m e s . cancer, bedwetting, happiness, o r s o m e o t h e r p h e n o m e n o n .
W h y do far m o r e males t h a n females display r e d - g r e e n However, m o s t i m p o r t a n t h u m a n characteristics are influ-
c o l o r blindness? T h e inability to distinguish red f r o m green is e n c e d b y multiple pairs o f genes, interacting with environ-
caused by a recessive gene that appears o n l y o n X c h r o m o - m e n t a l factors, rather t h a n b y a single pair o f genes; that is,
somes. Recall t h a t Y c h r o m o s o m e s are s h o r t e r than X c h r o - t h e y are p o l y g e n i c traits. E x a m p l e s o f polygenic traits include
m o s o m e s and have fewer genes. I f a b o y inherits t h e recessive height, weight, intelligence, t e m p e r a m e n t , a n d susceptibility
c o l o r - b l i n d n e s s gene on his X c h r o m o s o m e , there is n o color- to c a n c e r a n d depression ( P l o m i n et al., 2 0 0 1 ) .
vision gene on t h e Y c h r o m o s o m e that c o u l d d o m i n a t e the W h e n a trait is i n f l u e n c e d b y m u l t i p l e genes, there are
c o l o r - b l i n d n e s s gene. H e will be c o l o r blind. B y contrast, a girl m a n y degrees o f the trait d e p e n d i n g on w h i c h c o m b i n a t i o n s
w h o inherits t h e gene usually has a n o r m a l c o l o r - v i s i o n gene o f genes individuals inherit. T h e trait (for example, intelli-
on her other X chromosome that d o m i n a t e s the color- gence) tends to b e distributed in t h e p o p u l a t i o n according t o
blindness gene (see Figure 3 . 2 ) . S h e w o u l d have to inherit two the familiar bell-shaped o r n o r m a l curve. M a n y p e o p l e are
o f the recessive c o l o r - b l i n d n e s s genes ( o n e f r o m each p a r e n t ) n e a r the m e a n o f the distribution; fewer are at the extremes.
to b e color blind. W h i c h parent gives a b o y w h o is c o l o r b l i n d T h i s is t h e way intelligence and m o s t o t h e r m e a s u r a b l e h u m a n
his c o l o r - b l i n d n e s s gene? Definitely his m o t h e r , for she is t h e traits are distributed. At this p o i n t , we do n o t k n o w h o w m a n y
associated with sickle-cell disease, a b l o o d disease c o m m o n
Table I M
a m o n g A f r i c a n A m e r i c a n s in w h i c h red b l o o d cells take on a
and Recessive Genes
sickle shape, is a g o o d e x a m p l e (this is described further later
Dominant Trait Recessive Trait in t h e c h a p t e r ) . It probably arose as a m u t a t i o n but b e c a m e
m o r e prevalent in Africa, C e n t r a l A m e r i c a , a n d o t h e r tropical
Brown eyes Gray, green, hazel, or blue eyes
areas over m a n y g e n e r a t i o n s b e c a u s e having o n e o f t h e reces-
Dark hair Blond hair
sive sickle-cell genes p r o t e c t e d p e o p l e f r o m malaria and al-
Nonred hair Red hair lowed them t o live longer a n d p r o d u c e m o r e children than
Curly hair Straight hair people w i t h o u t t h e protective gene. Unfortunately, the sickle-
Normal vision Nearsightedness cell gene does m o r e h a r m t h a n g o o d where m a l a r i a is n o
Farsightedness Normal vision longer a p r o b l e m . T h u s , m u t a t i o n s c a n be either beneficial o r
h a r m f u l , d e p e n d i n g o n their nature a n d o n the e n v i r o n m e n t
Roman nose Straight nose
in which their bearers live.
Broad lips Thin lips
Extra digits Five digits
Double jointed Normal joints
Pigmented skin Albinism G e n e t i c e n d o w m e n t can also i n f l u e n c e h u m a n characteristics
Type A blood Type O blood t h r o u g h c h r o m o s o m e a b n o r m a l i t i e s , in w h i c h a child receives
t o o m a n y or t o o few c h r o m o s o m e s ( o r a b n o r m a l c h r o m o -
Type B blood Type O blood
s o m e s ) at c o n c e p t i o n . M o s t such a b n o r m a l i t i e s are because o f
Normal hearing Congenital deafness
errors i n c h r o m o s o m e division d u r i n g meiosis. T h r o u g h an
Normal blood cells Sickle-cell disease*
accident o f n a t u r e , an o v u m o r s p e r m cell m a y be p r o d u c e d
Huntington's disease* Normal physiology with m o r e or fewer t h a n t h e usual 2 3 c h r o m o s o m e s . In m o s t
Normal physiology Cystic fibrosis* cases, a zygote with t h e w r o n g n u m b e r o f c h r o m o s o m e s is
Normal physiology Phenylketonuria (PKU)* s p o n t a n e o u s l y a b o r t e d ; c h r o m o s o m e a b n o r m a l i t i e s are t h e
m a i n cause o f p r e g n a n c y loss. However, a r o u n d 1 child in 160
Normal physiology Tay-Sachs disease*
is b o r n with m o r e or, rarely, fewer c h r o m o s o m e s than the n o r -
* Condition described in this chapter. m a l 4 6 ( S i m p s o n & Elias, 2 0 0 3 ) .
SOURCES: Burns & Bottino, 1989; McKusick, 1990.
O n e familiar c h r o m o s o m e a b n o r m a l i t y is D o w n syn-
d r o m e , also k n o w n as trisomy 21 b e c a u s e it is associated with
three rather t h a n two 2 1 s t c h r o m o s o m e s . Children with
gene pairs influence intelligence o r o t h e r polygenic traits. D o w n s y n d r o m e have distinctive eyelid folds, short s t u b b y
W h a t we c a n say is t h a t u n k n o w n n u m b e r s o f genes, interact- limbs, and t h i c k tongues (see p h o t o page 6 4 ) . Their levels o f
ing with e n v i r o n m e n t a l forces, create a range o f individual intellectual f u n c t i o n i n g vary widely, b u t t h e y are typically
differences in m o s t i m p o r t a n t h u m a n traits.
(carries the recessive color-blindness
W e have described t h e three m a j o r m e c h a n i s m s b y w h i c h the g e n e on o n e X c h r o m o s o m e )
chances o f having a b a b y w i t h the s y n d r o m e are a b o u t 1 in a>
1 0 0 0 for m o t h e r s under 3 0 b u t c l i m b to a b o u t 1 in 140 for C1)
m o t h e r s age 4 0 o r older (see Figure 3 . 3 ) . A father's age has a cc
b e a r i n g o n t h e odds o f a D o w n s y n d r o m e b i r t h b u t n o t as 40
m u c h as the m o t h e r s age (Hawley & M o r i , 1 9 9 9 ) . T h i s is
p r o b a b l y because ova, w h i c h begin f o r m i n g d u r i n g the p r e n a -
tal period, have m o r e years in w h i c h to degenerate than
s p e r m , which do n o t begin to be p r o d u c e d until puberty, are 20
p r o d u c e d continuously, and m a t u r e in only a b o u t 7 5 days
(Hawley & M o r i , 1 9 9 9 ) . Older m o t h e r s a n d fathers are also
m o r e likely t h a n y o u n g e r ones to have b e e n exposed to envi-
r o n m e n t a l hazards that can d a m a g e ova o r s p e r m , such as ra- 0
20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39
diation, drugs, chemicals, a n d viruses (Strigini et al., 1 9 9 0 ) .
Maternal age (years)
M o s t o t h e r c h r o m o s o m e a b n o r m a l i t i e s involve cases in
which a child receives either t o o m a n y o r t o o few sex c h r o m o - Figure 3.3 The rate of Down syndrome births increases steeply
somes. Like D o w n s y n d r o m e , these sex c h r o m o s o m c a b n o r - as the mothers age increases.
malities can be attributed m a i n l y to errors in m e i o s i s t h a t b e - SOURCE: "Down Syndrome Prevalence st Birth" (1994)
CYSTIC Glandular problem results in mucus Recessive gene pair; carri- DNA test can identify most carriers,
FIBROSIS buildup in lungs that makes breathing ers were protected from but so many mutations are possible
difficult and shortens life; common epidemics of diarrhea in that tests for all are not feasible; hours
among Caucasians Europe of physical therapy and antibiotics to
keep lungs clear can prolong life, and
experimental gene therapy has had
some success
PHENYL- Lack of enzyme needed to metabolize Recessive gene pair Routinely screened for with a blood
KETONURIA phenylalanine in milk and many other test at birth; special diet low in
(PKU) foods results in conversion of phenyl- phenylalanine prevents brain damage
alanine into an acid that attacks the
nervous system and causes mental re-
HEMOPHILIA Deficiency in blood's ability to clot; Sex-linked inheritance DNA analysis of cells obtained
more common in males than in females (gene on X chromosome) through CVS or amniocentesis can
detect it; blood transfusions can im-
prove clotting and reduce the negative
effects of internal bleeding
HUNTINGTON'S Deterioration of the nervous system in Dominant gene Test enables relatives to find out
DISEASE middle age, associated with dementia, whether they have the gene; preim-
jerky movements, personality changes plantation genetic diagnosis of em-
bryonic cells may be used to assure a
healthy child
SICKLE-CELL Blood cells are sickle-shaped rather Recessive gene pair; carri Blood test can determine whether
DISEASE than round, stick together, make ers were protected from parents are carriers (newborns in the
breathing difficult, and cause painful malaria in Africa United States are screened with a
swelling of joints; common in African blood test); antibiotics and blood
Americans transfusions relieve symptoms
TAY-SACHS Metabolic defect results in accumula- Recessive gene pair Blood test can determine whether
DISEASE tion of fat in a child's brain, degenera- parents are carriers, and fetal DNA
tion of the nervous system, and early analysis can determine whether a
death; common in Jewish people from child is affected; medication may
Eastern Europe help, but .most victims die in child-
(( Ultrasound monitoring.
S u m m i n g Op
H o w do genes a n d e n v i r o n m e n t c o n t r i b u t e to differences in
Behavioral genetics seeks to establish the heritability of intellectual f u n c t i o n i n g , a n d h o w do their relative c o n t r i b u -
traits (the percentage of variability in a trait that can be t i o n s c h a n g e over t h e life span? C o n s i d e r t h e average correla-
linked to genetic differences among individuals), as well as t i o n s b e t w e e n t h e I Q scores o f different pairs o f relatives pre-
sented in Table 3.4. T h e s e averages are p r i m a r i l y f r o m a review b e c a u s e powerful m a t u r a t i o n a l forces keep redirecting infants
by T h o m a s B o u c h a r d Jr. a n d Matthew 7 M c G u e ( 1 9 8 1 ) o f stud- b a c k to t h e s a m e species-wide d e v e l o p m e n t a l pathway, re-
ies involving 5 2 6 correlations based o n 1 1 3 , 9 4 2 pairs o f chil- gardless o f specific genetic m a k e u p or experiences ( M c C a l l ,
dren, adolescents, and adults. Clearly, these correlations i n - 1 9 8 1 ) . T h e i n f l u e n c e o f individual heredity began to s h o w
crease w h e n people are closely related genetically and are a r o u n d 18 m o n t h s o f age. Identical twins even e x p e r i e n c e d
highest w h e n t h e y are identical twins. Overall, t h e heritability m o r e similar spurts in intellectual d e v e l o p m e n t t h a n fraternal
o f I Q scores is a b o u t 0 . 5 0 , m e a n i n g that genetic differences ac- twins. T h e identical twins in t h e study stayed highly similar
c o u n t for a b o u t 5 0 % o f t h e variation in I Q scores and envi- t h r o u g h o u t c h i l d h o o d and into adolescence, t h e correlation
r o n m e n t a l differences a c c o u n t for t h e o t h e r h a l f o f the varia- between their I Q scores averaging a b o u t 0 . 8 5 . Meanwhile, fra-
t i o n in the samples studied ( P l o m i n , 1 9 9 0 ) . ternal twins b e c a m e less similar over the years; the c o r r e l a t i o n
C a n y o u detect t h e workings o f e n v i r o n m e n t ? N o t i c e that b e t w e e n their I Q scores h a d d r o p p e d to 0 . 5 4 b y adolescence.
( 1 ) pairs o f family m e m b e r s reared together are s o m e w h a t As a result, the heritability o f I Q scores increased f r o m i n f a n c y
m o r e similar in I Q t h a n pairs reared apart; ( 2 ) fraternal twins, to adolescence. T h e c o n t r i b u t i o n o f genes t o individual differ-
w h o s h o u l d have especially similar family experiences b e c a u s e ences in I Q r e m a i n s high during a d u l t h o o d a n d m a y b e even
they grow up at t h e same t i m e , t e n d to be m o r e alike t h a n sib- greater in old age t h a n earlier in life ( P o s t h u m a , de G e u s , 8c
lings b o r n at different times; a n d ( 3 ) t h e I Q s o f a d o p t e d chil- Boomsma, 2003).
dren are related to t h o s e o f their adoptive parents. All o f these W h e r e a s the heritability o f intelligence test p e r f o r m a n c e
findings suggest t h a t shared e n v i r o n m e n t a l influences t e n d to increases with age, shared e n v i r o n m e n t a l influences b e c o m e
m a k e individuals w h o live t o g e t h e r m o r e alike t h a n i f t h e y less significant with age, explaining a b o u t 3 0 % o f the varia-
lived separately. Notice, however, that genetically identical t i o n in I Q in c h i l d h o o d but close to 0 % in a d u l t h o o d ( M c G u e
twins reared together are n o t perfectly similar. T h i s is evidence et a l , 1 9 9 3 ; P l o m i n 8c S p i n a t h , 2 0 0 4 ) . W h y m i g h t this be?
t h a t their u n i q u e o r nonshared experiences have m a d e t h e m Siblings m a y b e exposed to similar (shared) learning experi-
different. ences w h e n t h e y are y o u n g , b u t as they age, partly because o f
D o the c o n t r i b u t i o n s o f genes and e n v i r o n m e n t to differ- their different genetic m a k e u p s , they m a y seek and have dif-
ences in intellectual ability c h a n g e over the life span? You ferent ( n o n s h a r e d ) life experiences. T h e y m a y elicit different
m i g h t guess that genetic influences w o u l d decrease as people reactions f r o m their parents, j o i n different peer groups, en-
a c c u m u l a t e experience, b u t y o u w o u l d be w r o n g : genetic e n - c o u n t e r different teachers, and so o n .
d o w m e n t appears to gain i m p o r t a n c e f r o m infancy to adult- D o e s this evidence o f the heritability o f I Q scores m e a n
h o o d as a source o f individual differences in intellectual per- that we c a n n o t i m p r o v e children's intellectual d e v e l o p m e n t b y
f o r m a n c e ( M c C a r t n e y , Harris, 8c Bernieri, 1990; M c G u e et al., e n r i c h i n g their e n v i r o n m e n t ? N o t at all. True, t h e I Q s of
1 9 9 3 ; P l o m i n 8c S p i n a t h , 2 0 0 4 ) . a d o p t e d children are, b y adolescence, correlated m o r e strongly
In a longitudinal study o f identical and fraternal twins with t h e I Q s o f their biological parents t h a n with the I Q s o f
c o n d u c t e d b y R o n a l d W i l s o n ( 1 9 7 8 , 1 9 8 3 ) , identical twins their adoptive parents. However, t h e level o f intellectual per-
scored n o m o r e similarly than fraternal twins o n a m e a s u r e o f f o r m a n c e that a d o p t e d children reach can increase d r a m a t i -
infant m e n t a l d e v e l o p m e n t during die first year o f life; thus, cally (by'20 points o n an I Q test) i f t h e y are a d o p t e d into m o r e
evidence o f heritability was lacking in infancy. T h i s m a y be intellectually stimulating h o m e s than those provided by their
biological parents ( S c a r r 8c W e i n b e r g , 1 9 7 8 , 1 9 8 3 ) . M o s t likely,
t h e n , stimulating e n v i r o n m e n t s help children realize m o r e
Table 3.4 Average Correlations between the IQ fully their genetically based potentials. It is critical for parents,
teachers, and others c o n c e r n e d with o p t i m i z i n g d e v e l o p m e n t
to u n d e r s t a n d t h a t genetically influenced qualities can still be
Raised Raised
Family Pairs Together Apart
€ The temperament of infants is genetically influenced. (These twins genes i n f l u e n c i n g p a r e n t s ' r e a c t i o n s to a child. T h e s e a n d
look a bit wary.) o t h e r studies suggest t h e value o f l o o k i n g m o r e closely at n o n -
s h a r e d e n v i r o n m e n t a l influences. D e v e l o p m e n t a l i s t s have as-
die t e m p e r a m e n t scores o f identical twins. T h e c o r r e s p o n d i n g s u m e d f o r t o o l o n g t h a t parents treat all their children m u c h
c o r r e l a t i o n s f o r fraternal twins were n o t m u c h greater t h a n t h e s a m e a n d steer t h e m a l o n g s i m i l a r d e v e l o p m e n t a l p a t h s
zero. T h i n k a b o u t that: a zero c o r r e l a t i o n is what you w o u l d ( H a r r i s , 1 9 9 8 ) . Increasingly, it s e e m s m o r e useful to ask h o w
e x p e c t i f t h e y were strangers living in different h o m e s r a t h e r genetic differences a n d n o n s h a r e d e x p e r i e n c e s , b o t h inside
t h a n fraternal twins w h o , o n average, share h a l f their genes, a n d o u t s i d e t h e h o m e , m i g h t e x p l a i n differences in t h e devel-
t h e s a m e h o m e , a n d o f t e n t h e s a m e b e d r o o m . It does h o t s e e m o p m e n t o f b r o t h e r s a n d sisters.
t o m a t t e r w h e t h e r researchers l o o k at fraternal twin pairs, o r -
d i n a r y siblings, o r unrelated children a d o p t e d i n t o t h e s a m e
family; living in the same home does not seem to make children
Psychological Disorders
more similar in personality (Dunn & Plomin, 1990). As y o u will see t h r o u g h o u t this b o o k , b o t h genes and envi-
S i m i l a r c o n c l u s i o n s have b e e n r e a c h e d a b o u t t h e c o n t r i - r o n m e n t c o n t r i b u t e t o psychological disorders across t h e life
butions of genes -and e n v i r o n m e n t to adult personality s p a n — t o a l c o h o l and drug abuse, depression, a t t e n t i o n deficit
( L o e h l i n et a l , 1 9 9 8 ; see also C h a p t e r 11). O f all t h e differ- hyperactivity disorder, eating disorders, c r i m i n a l behavior,
ences a m o n g adults o n m a j o r d i m e n s i o n s o f personality, a n d every o t h e r psychological disorder t h a t has been studied
a b o u t 4 0 % o f t h e v a r i a t i o n is a t t r i b u t a b l e to genetic differ- ( P l o m i n 8c M c G u f f i n , 2 0 0 3 ; State et a l , 2 0 0 0 ) . C o n s i d e r j u s t
ences ( L o e h l i n , 1 9 8 5 ) . O n l y 5 % o f t h e v a r i a t i o n reflects t h e ef- o n e e x a m p l e . S c h i z o p h r e n i a is a s e r i o u s m e n t a l illness t h a t in-
fects o f shared f a m i l y e n v i r o n m e n t . I n d e e d , identical t w i n s are volves d i s t u r b a n c e s in logical t h i n k i n g , e m o t i o n a l e x p r e s s i o n ,
a b o u t as similar in p e r s o n a l i t y w h e n t h e y are raised a p a r t as and social b e h a v i o r a n d that typically e m e r g e s in late adoles-
w h e n t h e y g r o w u p in t h e s a m e h o m e ( B o u c h a r d et al., 1 9 9 0 ) . c e n c e o r early a d u l t h o o d . In t h e 1 9 5 0 s a n d 1 9 6 0 s , experts were
T h e r e m a i n i n g 5 5 % o f the variability in adult personalities is c o n v i n c e d it was c a u s e d b y m o t h e r s w h o were cold a n d i n -
associated w i t h n o n s h a r e d e n v i r o n m e n t a l influences. c o n s i s t e n t in their p a r e n t i n g style ( R o w e & J a c o b s o n , 1 9 9 9 ) .
H e r e i n lies a significant m e s s a g e : T h e f a m i l y e n v i r o n m e n t N o w we k n o w t h a t genes c o n t r i b u t e substantially to this dis-
is i m p o r t a n t in personality d e v e l o p m e n t b u t usually n o t b e - order, a l t h o u g h it is n o t yet clear w h i c h genes are m o s t influ-
cause it has a s t a n d a r d effect o n all f a m i l y m e m b e r s t h a t ential. T h e average c o n c o r d a n c e rate f o r s c h i z o p h r e n i a a m o n g
m a k e s t h e m alike. Parents d o a p p e a r t o i n f l u e n c e their chil- identical t w i n s is 4 8 % ; that is, if o n e twin has t h e disorder, in
d r e n t o a d o p t attitudes a n d interests similar t o their o w n , at 4 8 % o f the pairs studied, t h e o t h e r has it, t o o ( G o t t e s m a n ,
least while t h e y are living at h o m e (Eaves et al., 1 9 9 7 ; P l o m i n 1 9 9 1 ; O w e n 8c O ' D o n o v a n , 2 0 0 3 ) . B y c o m p a r i s o n , t h e c o n -
et al., 2 0 0 1 ) . S h a r e d e n v i r o n m e n t also helps m a k e adolescent c o r d a n c e rate for fraternal twins is o n l y 1 7 % . In addition,
siblings s i m i l a r in the e x t e n t t o w h i c h t h e y engage in delin- children w h o have at least o n e biological p a r e n t w h o is schizo-
q u e n t b e h a v i o r (Rowe, 1 9 9 4 ) a n d s m o k e , d r i n k , a n d use o t h e r p h r e n i c have an i n c r e a s e d risk o f s c h i z o p h r e n i a even if they are
substances, m o r e b e c a u s e o f t h e i n f l u e n c e o f siblings o n o n e adopted away early in life ( H e s t o n , 1 9 7 0 ) . T h u s , the increased
a n o t h e r t h a n b e c a u s e o f p a r e n t a l influences (Hopfer, Crowley, risk these children face h a s m o r e t o d o w i t h their genes t h a n
8c H e w i t t , 2 0 0 3 ) . Yet behavioral geneticists have discovered re- w i t h b e i n g b r o u g h t up b y a s c h i z o p h r e n i c adult.
peatedly that e n v i r o n m e n t often plays a m o r e i m p o r t a n t role It is easy to conclude, mistakenly, that any child o f a schizo-
in creating differences a m o n g f a m i l y m e m b e r s t h a n in creat- p h r e n i c is d o o m e d to b e c o m e a schizophrenic. B u t here are the
ing similarities a m o n g t h e m (Reiss, 2 0 0 0 ; R o w e , 1 9 9 4 ) . W h e n facts: W h e r e a s a b o u t 1 % o f people in the general p o p u l a t i o n
it c o m e s to m a n y p e r s o n a l i t y traits, u n i q u e , n o n s h a r e d envi- develop schizophrenia, a b o u t 1 3 % o f children w h o have a
schizophrenic parent b e c o m e schizophrenic ( G o t t e s m a n , 1991;
C a r d n o & Murray, 2 0 0 3 ) . So, although children o f s c h i z o p h r e n -
ics are at greater risk for schizophrenia t h a n o t h e r children, 86 •Although genes c o n t r i b u t e to v a r i a t i o n in virtually all h u m a n
to 9 0 % o f the children o f o n e schizophrenic parent do n o t de- traits t h a t have b e e n studied, s o m e traits are m o r e h e r i t a b l e
velop t h e disorder. Even for the child o f two parents with t h a n others. Figure 3 . 4 p r e s e n t s s o m e c o r r e l a t i o n s o b t a i n e d in
schizophrenia o r for an identical twin w h o s e twin develops the the M i n n e s o t a T w i n S t u d y b e t w e e n t h e traits o f identical
disorder, the odds o f developing schizophrenia are o n l y a b o u t twins raised apart a n d r e u n i t e d later in life, a n d it m a k e s o u r
o n e in two. point.
Clearly, t h e n , e n v i r o n m e n t a l factors also c o n t r i b u t e sig- O b s e r v a b l e physical characteristics, f r o m eye c o l o r t o
nificantly to this m e n t a l illness. People d o n o t i n h e r i t p s y c h o - height, are s t r o n g l y associated w i t h individual g e n e t i c e n d o w -
logical disorders; t h e y i n h e r i t predispositions t o develop disor- m e n t . Even weight is heritable; a d o p t e d children resemble
ders. G e n e s a n d e n v i r o n m e n t p r o b a b l y i n t e r a c t so t h a t a their b i o l o g i c a l p a r e n t s b u t n o t their adoptive p a r e n t s in
p e r s o n w h o has i n h e r i t e d a g e n e t i c susceptibility t o schizo- w e i g h t ( G r i l o & P o g u e - G e i l e , 1 9 9 1 ) . C e r t a i n aspects o f physi-
p h r e n i a will n o t develop t h e disorder unless h e also has stress- ology, such as m e a s u r e d b r a i n activity a n d r e a c t i o n s to alco-
ful e x p e r i e n c e s t h a t trigger the i l l n e s s — f o r e x a m p l e , is ex- hol, are highly heritable, t o o (Lykken, Tellegen, & I a c o n o ,
posed to an infectious disease prenatally or experiences 1 9 8 2 ; Neale & M a r t i n , 1 9 8 9 ) . In addition, g e n e t i c differences
c o m p l i c a t i o n s d u r i n g delivery t h a t result in oxygen depriva- a m o n g older adults i n f l u e n c e b o t h levels o f p e r f o r m a n c e a n d
t i o n ( C a n n o n et al., 2 0 0 3 ) . M o r e o v e r , a d o p t e d children w h o c h a n g e s in p e r f o r m a n c e over t i m e in m a r k e r s o f aging s u c h as
have a b i o l o g i c a l p a r e n t with s c h i z o p h r e n i a are at greater risk l u n g c a p a c i t y a n d arterial b l o o d pressure ( F i n k e l et al., 2 0 0 3 a ) ,
o f developing s c h i z o p h r e n i a i f t h e y grow up in a dysfunctional a n d genes a c c o u n t f o r a b o u t h a l f o f the v a r i a t i o n in suscepti-
adoptive h o m e t h a n i f t h e y grow up in a h e a l t h y f a m i l y envi- bility t o diseases and death (Yashin, l a c h i n e , & Harris, 1 9 9 9 ;
r o n m e n t ( W a h l b e r g et al., 1 9 9 7 ) . see also C h a p t e r 17).
In s h o r t , y o u n o w k n o w that children m a y i n h e r i t predis- I f physical a n d physiological characteristics are s t r o n g l y
p o s i t i o n s t o develop several p r o b l e m s a n d disorders and that heritable, general intelligence is moderately heritable.
their e x p e r i e n c e s i n t e r a c t w i t h their g e n e t i c m a k e u p t o deter- S o m e w h a t less i n f l u e n c e d b y genes are aspects o f t e m p e r a -
m i n e h o w well adjusted t h e y t u r n o u t t o be. S u c h w o r k also m e n t a n d p e r s o n a l i t y and susceptibility t o m a n y psychologi-
indicates t h a t it is overly s i m p l e a n d often w r o n g t o a s s u m e cal disorders. G e n e t i c e n d o w m e n t c o n t r i b u t e s , b u t only m o d -
that any b e h a v i o r a l p r o b l e m a child displays m u s t be t h e result estly, t o d i f f c r c n c c s in attitudes a n d interests, w h i c h are
o f bad parenting. i n f l u e n c e d m a i n l y b y n o n s h a r e d e x p e r i e n c e s ( O l s o n et al.,
IQ score
Personality traits
Occupational interests
0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00
Twin correlation
Figure 3>A Correlations between the traits of identical twins raised apart in
the Minnesota Twin Study.
SOURCE: Souchard ct al. (1990)
2 0 0 1 ; R o w e , 1 9 9 4 ) . Finally, t h e r e is t h e o c c a s i o n a l trait t h a t
d o e s n o t s e e m t o b e i n f l u e n c e d b y genes. Creativity is an ex-
a m p l e . Identical twins are n o t m u c h m o r e alike t h a n fraternal
twins, so h e r i t a b i l i t y is low. However, twins o f b o t h sorts are
similar t o o n e another, suggesting that the shared e n v i r o n -
m e n t is s o m e h o w i m p o r t a n t in n u r t u r i n g creativity, possibly
b e c a u s e c e r t a i n p a r e n t s give their children a g o o d deal o f free-
d o m to b e inventive a n d o t h e r s m a k e their children c o l o r
within t h e lines ( P l o m i n et al., 2 0 0 1 ; R e z n i k o f f et al., 1 9 7 3 ) .
In s u m , h e r e d i t y i n f l u e n c e s physical traits m o r e t h a n psy- Low SES High SES
c h o l o g i c a l o n e s and i n f l u e n c e s a few traits, such as creativity,
little. However, m o s t psychological traits are heritable t o s o m e
e x t e n t , w i t h genes a c c o u n t i n g for up t o h a l f o f t h e v a r i a t i o n in
Shared i i Nonshared
Genes environment environment
a g r o u p a n d e n v i r o n m e n t a l f a c t o r s (shared environmental
o n e s in c h i l d h o o d b u t m o r e often n o n s h a r e d e n v i r o n m e n t a l Figure 3.5 The proportions of variance in child IQ
o n e s ) a c c o u n t i n g f o r t h e o t h e r h a l f or m o r e o f the v a r i a t i o n scores explained by genes, shared environment, and
( P l o m i n et al., 2 0 0 1 ; W a c h s , 2 0 0 0 ) . nonshared environment differ for children from low or
high socioeconomic status (SES) environments.
SOIJRCF: Data are from TurkhGimer et al. { 2 0 0 3 ]
t i o n s h i p ( P l o m i n & B e r g e m a n , 1 9 9 1 ; Reiss, 2 0 0 3 )
• T i m e spent w a t c h i n g television ( P l o m i n et al., 1 9 9 0 )
0 N u m b e r o f stressful life events e x p e r i e n c e d ( K e n d l e r et
al., 1 9 9 3 )
w.v.y v/.
vyfiOM VV W$kmm. as ••>••. tM& vMmym*
k m «
O N S E P T E M B E R I I , 2001, F l o r e n c e E n g o r a n , 4
m o n t h s p r e g n a n t , w a s s t e p p i n g off t h e e l e v a t o r o n t h e
Prenatal fldevelopment
55th floor of the south t o w e r of t h e W o r l d Trade C e n t e r
w h e n s h e realized s o m e t h i n g w a s t e r r i b l y w r o n g . S h e P e r h a p s at n o t i m e in the life span d o e s d e v e l o p m e n t o c c u r
m a d e it d o w n t h e 5 5 flights o f s t a i r s , t h e last 2 0 in d a r k - faster, o r is e n v i r o n m e n t m o r e i m p o r t a n t , t h a n b e t w e e n c o n -
n e s s and s u r r o u n d e d by t h i c k c l o u d s o f dust, following t h e c e p t i o n and b i r t h . W h a t m a t u r a t i o n a l m i l e s t o n e s n o r m a l l y
i m p a c t o f U n i t e d A i r l i n e s flight 175. A f t e r r e a c h i n g t h e o c c u r d u r i n g this period?
s t r e e t , Engoran ran a l o n g s i d e o t h e r s trying t o e s c a p e t h e
falling d e b r i s following t h e c o l l a p s e o f t h e huge building
until s h e fainted and w a s t a k e n t o a hospital. D e s p i t e a
f e w c o n t r a c t i o n s t h a t day, a t t r i b u t e d t o s t r e s s and dehy- M i d w a y t h r o u g h the m e n s t r u a l cycle, every 2 8 days or so, fe-
d r a t i o n , Engoran c a r r i e d h e r baby t o t e r m . F o r w e e k s , m a l e s ovulate: A n o v u m (egg cell) ripens, leaves t h e ovary, a n d
though, she e x p e r i e n c e d anxiety related t o t h e events of b e g i n s its j o u r n e y t h r o u g h die fallopian t u b e to t h e uterus.
t h a t day. Usually t h e egg disintegrates a n d leaves t h e b o d y as p a r t o f the
m e n s t r u a l flow. However, i f t h e w o m a n has i n t e r c o u r s e w i t h a
fertile m a n a r o u n d t h e t i m e o f ovulation, t h e 3 0 0 m i l l i o n o r
What are the possible effects of prenatal exposure to so s p e r m cells in his s e m i n a l fluid swim, t a d p o l e style, in all
m a t e r n a l stress? H o w m i g h t E n g o r a n ' s d a u g h t e r E m i l y b e directions. O f t h e 3 0 0 t o 5 0 0 s p e r m that survive t h e long, 6 -
affected by h e r mother's exposure to the dust, debris, h o u r j o u r n e y i n t o the fallopian tubes, 1 m a y m e e t a n d p e n e -
a n d a s b e s t o s r e l e a s e d t h a t day? T h e s e are t h e s o r t s o f q u e s - trate t h e o v u m on its descent f r o m t h e o v a r y (Sadler, 2 0 0 4 ; see
t i o n s t h a t w e address in t h i s c h a p t e r as w e e x p l o r e first also Figure 4 . 1 ) . O n c e this 1 s p e r m penetrates the egg cell, a
prenatal development and then the e n v i r o n m e n t o f the b i o c h e m i c a l r e a c t i o n o c c u r s t h a t repels o t h e r s p e r m and keeps
womb. t h e m f r o m e n t e r i n g t h e already fertilized egg. As e x p l a i n e d in
Fallopian tube
Mature ovum
Mature follicle
carriage (Sadler, 2 0 0 4 ) . M a n y o f these early losses are b e c a u s e 6-7 The embryo is almost 1 inch long. The heart
o f genetic defects. divides into four chambers. Fingers emerge from
the handplate, and primitive facial features are evi-
T h e E m b r y o n i c Period dent. The important process of sexual differentia-
tion begins.
T h e e m b r y o n i c p e r i o d o c c u r s f r o m t h e t h i r d to t h e eighth
week after c o n c e p t i o n . D u r i n g this short t i m e , every m a j o r o r - 8 Most structures and organs are present. Ovaries
and testes are evident. The embryo begins to
gan takes shape, in at least a primitive f o r m , in a process called
straighten and assumes a more human appearance.
organogenesis. The layers o f the blastocyst differentiate,
f o r m i n g structures that sustain d e v e l o p m e n t . T h e outer layer
b e c o m e s b o t h t h e a m n i o n , a watertight m e m b r a n e that fills
with fluid that c u s h i o n s and protects the e m b r y o , a n d the tects t h e developing child f r o m m a n y h a r m f u l substances, b u t
c h o r i o n , a m e m b r a n e that s u r r o u n d s the a m n i o n a n d attaches as y o u will see shortly, it is n o t infallible; s o m e dangerous s u b -
rootlike extensions called villi t o the uterine lining t o gather stances slip t h r o u g h .
n o u r i s h m e n t for the e m b r y o . T h e c h o r i o n eventually b e c o m e s Meanwhile, the cells in the interior o f the blastocyst give
the lining o f the placenta, a tissue fed b y b l o o d vessels f r o m rise to the ectoderm, m e s o d e r m , and e n d o d e r m . T h e s e will
the m o t h e r a n d c o n n e c t e d to the e m b r y o b y the u m b i l i c a l eventually evolve into specific tissues and organ systems, in-
cord. T h r o u g h the placenta and umbilical cord, t h e e m b r y o cluding the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) from
receives oxygen a n d n u t r i e n t s f r o m t h e m o t h e r a n d eliminates the ectoderm; muscle tissue, cartilage, b o n e , heart, arteries, kid-
c a r b o n dioxide and m e t a b o l i c wastes into t h e m o t h e r s b l o o d - neys, a n d gonads from the m e s o d e r m ; and gastrointestinal
stream. A m e m b r a n e called the placental barrier allows these tract, lungs, and bladder f r o m the e n d o d e r m (Sadler, 2 0 0 4 ) .
small molecules to pass t h r o u g h , b u t it prevents the large D e v e l o p m e n t proceeds at a breathtaking pace (see Table
b l o o d cells o f e m b r y o a n d m o t h e r f r o m mingling. It also pro- 4 . 2 ) . T h e b e g i n n i n g s o f a b r a i n are apparent after o n l y 3 t o 4
weeks, w h e n t h e neural plate folds u p to f o r m the neural t u b e
(see Figure 4 . 2 ) . T h e b o t t o m o f t h e t u b e b e c o m e s the spinal
Table 4.1 Events of the Germinal Period cord. " L u m p s " e m e r g e at t h e top o f t h e t u b e and f o r m the
forebrain, m i d b r a i n , and h i n d b r a i n (see Figure 4 . 3 ) . T h e so-
Day Event
called primitive o r lower p o r t i o n s o f the b r a i n develop ecirli-
1 Fertilization usually occurs within 24 hours of est. T h e y regulate such biological f u n c t i o n s as digestion, res-
ovulation. p i r a t i o n , and e l i m i n a t i o n ; t h e y also c o n t r o l s l e e p - w a k e states
2 The single-celled zygote begins to divide 2 4 - 3 6 a n d p e r m i t simple m o t o r reactions. T h e s e are t h e parts o f the
hours after fertilization. b r a i n t h a t m a k e life possible.
I n as m a n y as 5 o u t o f 1 0 0 0 pregnancies, t h e neural t u b e
3-4 The mass has 16 cells and is called a morula; it is
traveling down the fallopian tube to the uterus. fails t o fully close ( B i r n b a c h e r , M e s s e r s c h m i d t , & Pollak,
2 0 0 2 ) . W h e n this h a p p e n s at the b o t t o m o f t h e tube, it can
5 An inner cell mass forms; the entire mass is called
lead to spina bifida, in which part o f the spinal c o r d is n o t fully
a blastocyst and is the size of a pinhead.
encased in the protective covering o f t h e spinal column.
6-7 The blastocyst attaches to the wall of the uterus.
Failure to close at t h e t o p o f the neural t u b e can lead to a n e n -
8-14 The blastocyst becomes fully embedded in the wall
cephaly, in which the m a i n p o r t i o n o f t h e brain above t h e
of the uterus. It now has about 250 cells.
b r a i n stem fails to develop, o r encephalocele, in which a p o r -
a r m s and legs. D u r i n g t h e s e c o n d m o n t h , a primitive nervous
Future brain
Neural system also m a k e s newly f o r m e d muscles contract. O n l y 6 0
plate days after c o n c e p t i o n , at the close o f t h e e m b r y o n i c period,
Neural Developing
heart bulge t h e o r g a n i s m is a little over an i n c h long a n d has a distinctly
h u m a n appearance.
T h e i m p o r t a n t process o f sexual differentiation begins
Neural tube during t h e seventh and eighth prenatal weeks. First, undiffer-
entiated tissue b e c o m e s either m a l e testes o r female ovaries: I f
t h e e m b r y o i n h e r i t e d a Y c h r o m o s o m e at c o n c e p t i o n , a gene
o n it calls for the c o n s t r u c t i o n o f testes; in a genetic female
with two X c h r o m o s o m e s , ovaries f o r m instead. T h e testes o f
a male e m b r y o secrete t e s t o s t e r o n e , the p r i m a r y m a l e sex h o r -
m o n e that stimulates the d e v e l o p m e n t o f a m a l e internal re-
productive system, a n d a n o t h e r h o r m o n e that inhibits t h e de-
F i g u r e 4.2 The nervous system emerges from the neural plate,
v e l o p m e n t o f a female internal reproductive system. In the
which thickens and folds t o form the neural groove. When the edges
absence o f these h o r m o n e s , the e m b r y o develops the internal
of the groove meet, the neural tube is formed. All of this takes place
reproductive system o f a female.
between 18 and 26 days after conception.
Clearly, the e m b r y o n i c p e r i o d is d r a m a t i c a n d highly i m -
p o r t a n t b e c a u s e it is w h e n the structures that m a k e us h u m a n
t i o n o f t h e b r a i n p r o t r u d e s f r o m the skull. Neural tube defects evolve. Yet m o s t p r e g n a n t w o m e n , either b e c a u s e they do n o t
are m o r e c o m m o n w h e n the m o t h e r is deficient in folic acid, yet k n o w t h e y are p r e g n a n t or do n o t appreciate the value o f
illustrating t h e i m p o r t a n c e to d e v e l o p m e n t o f g o o d m a t e r n a l early prenatal care, do n o t go to a d o c t o r until after the eighth
n u t r i t i o n (Hall, 2 0 0 0 ) . W e will have m o r e to say a b o u t n u t r i - week o f prenatal d e v e l o p m e n t , too late to prevent the damage
t i o n in a later section. that can be caused b y an unhealthy lifestyle.
O t h e r critical organs are also taking shape. Just 4 weeks
after c o n c e p t i o n , a tiny heart n o t o n l y has f o r m e d b u t also has The Fetal Period
b e g u n to beat. T h e eyes, ears, nose, a n d m o u t h rapidly take T h e fetal p e r i o d lasts f r o m t h e n i n t h week o f p r e g n a n c y until
shape in the s e c o n d m o n t h , and b u d s appear that will b e c o m e birth (see Table 4 . 3 ) . Proliferation o f n e u r o n s c o n t i n u e s at a
Spinal cord
(hidden) 1
F i g u r e 4.3 The brain at four stages of development, showing hindbrain, midbrain, and
grate to the visual c o r t e x o f an animal's brain is transplanted
i n t o the area o f the c o r t e x that c o n t r o l s hearing, it will differ-
entiate as an a u d i t o r y n e u r o n instead o f a visual n e u r o n
( J o h n s o n , 1 9 9 7 ) . T h e s e early cells that have n o t yet specialized
are k n o w n as s t e m cells. I n 1998, researchers discovered h o w
to separate stem cells f r o m h u m a n e m b r y o s and grow these
cells in the laboratory. T h i s p r o c e d u r e has b e e n controversial
b e c a u s e o f its use o f h u m a n e m b r y o s , b u t it shows great
promise for someday treating serious diseases such as
P a r k i n s o n s disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer's disease b y engi-
neering specialized cells f r o m stem cells.
Organ systems that formed during the e m b r y o n i c period
continue to grow and begin to function. H a r m f u l agents will n o
longer cause m a j o r m a l f o r m a t i o n s because organs have already
formed, but they can stunt the growth o f the fetus and interfere
with the wiring o f its rapidly developing nervous system.
In the third m o n t h o f pregnancy, distinguishable external
sex o r g a n s appear, the b o n e s and muscles develop, a n d the fe-
tus b e c o m e s frisky: B y t h e end o f the third m o n t h (that is, b y
the end o f the first third o f pregnancy, o r trimester), it moves
its arms, kicks its legs, m a k e s fists, a n d even t u r n s somersaults.
T h e m o t h e r p r o b a b l y does n o t yet feel all this activity because
the fetus is still only a b o u t 3 i n c h e s long. Nonetheless, this tiny
b e i n g can swallow, digest food, and urinate. All this " b e h a v -
ing" c o n t r i b u t e s to the p r o p e r d e v e l o p m e n t o f the n e r v o u s
system, digestive system, and o t h e r systems o f the body
(Smotherman & Robinson, 1996).
(( During the fetal period, growth is substantial and there is little <L At 24 weeks of gestation, this fetus has reached the age of viabil-
room for the fetus to move in the womb.This 20-week-old fetus is ity when it might have a chance to survive outside the womb if born
curled into the classic "fetal position" in its tight quarters. early.
O n l y at 3 6 weeks o f gestation did heart rate activity a n d m o v e -
m e n t b e c o m e increasingly organized into coherent patterns o f
waking and sleeping k n o w n as i n f a n t states. Fetuses whose heart
rates and m o v e m e n t s were c o n c o r d a n t (that is, they m a t c h e d ) at
3 6 weeks showed better regulation o f their behavioral states 2
weeks after birth. T h e y were m o r e alert, less irritable, better able
to sustain their attention, and m o r e likely t o maintain control
even during stressful parts o f the postnatal e x a m i n a t i o n .
In o t h e r research b y D i P i e t r o a n d her colleagues ( 1 9 9 6 b ) ,
t h e y f o u n d that, with age, fetal h e a r t rates b e c o m e increasingly
responsive to such stimuli as a v i b r a t o r placed o n the m o t h e r s
a b d o m e n . Fetuses m o v e d , o n average, a b o u t o n c e a m i n u t e and
were active 2 0 to 3 0 % o f t h e t i m e . As Figure 4 . 4 shows, at
2 0 weeks, fetuses spent o n l y a b o u t 1 7 % o f their t i m e in o n e o r
a n o t h e r organized i n f a n t state such as quiet sleep, active sleep,
o r active waking. B y the e n d o f t h e prenatal period, t h e y were
in o n e distinct state o r a n o t h e r at least 8 5 % o f the t i m e . T h e y
spent m o s t o f their t i m e s n o o z i n g , especially in active sleep.
W h e r e a s in the 2 0 t h week o f p r e g n a n c y t h e y were a l m o s t never
active a n d awake, b y the 3 2 n d week they spent 11 t o 1 6 % o f
their t i m e in a n active, w a k i n g state. T h e patterns detected in
this a n d o t h e r studies suggest that i m p o r t a n t c h a n g e s in t h e
n e r v o u s system o c c u r 2 8 t o 3 2 weeks after c o n c e p t i o n , w h e n
p r e m a t u r e infants are typically well e q u i p p e d to survive. As t h e
n e r v o u s system b e c o m e s m o r e organized, so does behavior.
Interestingly, different fetuses displayed c o n s i s t e n t differ- € As it nears the end of the gestational period (38-40 weeks for a
ences in their patterns o f h e a r t rate and m o v e m e n t , a n d t h e full-term infant), the fetus engages in many behaviors observed in
researchers detected c o r r e l a t i o n s b e t w e e n m e a s u r e s o f fetal newborns (here, it sucks its thumb).
physiology a n d b e h a v i o r and m e a s u r e s o f i n f a n t t e m p e r a m e n t
( D i P i e t r o et al., 1 9 9 6 a ) . F o r e x a m p l e , active fetuses t e n d e d
to be active, difficult, a n d u n p r e d i c t a b l e babies, and fetuses
w h o s e states were b e t t e r o r g a n i z e d were also b e t t e r regulated
100 I- at 3 m o n t h s after b i r t h , as i n d i c a t e d b y t h e i r waking fewer
t i m e s d u r i n g t h e n i g h t . T h e message is clear: N e w b o r n b e h a v -
f«l ior does n o t spring f r o m n o w h e r e ; it e m e r g e s long before
b i r t h . T h e r e is a g o o d deal o f c o n t i n u i t y b e t w e e n prenatal b e -
(D h a v i o r a n d p o s t n a t a l behavior.
60 B y t h e m i d d l e o f t h e n i n t h m o n t h , t h e fetus is so large
CD t h a t its m o s t c o m f o r t a b l e p o s i t i o n in c r a m p e d quarters is
4—' h e a d d o w n w i t h l i m b s curled in ( t h e "fetal p o s i t i o n " ) . T h e
O 40 m o t h e r s uterus c o n t r a c t s at irregular intervals d u r i n g t h e last
CL m o n t h o f pregnancy. W h e n these c o n t r a c t i o n s are strong, fre-
q u e n t , a n d regular, the m o t h e r is in the first stage o f l a b o r a n d
the p r e n a t a l p e r i o d is drawing t o a close. U n d e r n o r m a l cir-
c u m s t a n c e s , b i r t h will o c c u r w i t h i n h o u r s .
20 24 28 32 36 Term
Su mmSrag Up
W e e k of p r e g n a n c y
Following conception, development during the prenatal
Quiet sleep
I Active awake period proceeds through three stages at an astonishing
rate. During the germinal stage, the zygote divides many
Active sleep No c o h e r e n t state
times, forming a blastocyst, which makes its way t o the
Figure 4A The percentage of time the fetus spends in uterus where it implants itself.The embryonic stage oc-
different states from the 20th week until the end of preg- curs from the third t o the eighth week after conception.
nancy.Time in one coherent state or another increases During this time, every major organ begins t o take shape
with age, and most time is spent in a state of sleep. through the process of organogenesis. During the last
SOURCE: From DiPietro, J . A . . Hodgson, D . M . , Costigen, K . A . , Hilton, S . C . , & Johnson, T. R. B. (1996b). Fetal stage, the fetus increases in size and undergoes tremen-
neurobehavioral development. Child Development, 67,2553-2567. Copyright © 1996 Society for Research in
Child Development, Inc. Reprinted by permission. dous brain development H
g o o d — d e m a n d serious a t t e n t i o n . S u c h influences interact
T k e Prenatal Environment w i t h genetic m a k e u p t h r o u g h o u t t h e life span to m a k e us w h o
we are. I f a c o m m o n g e n e t i c heritage c a n m a k e different h u -
T h e m o t h e r ' s w o m b is t h e p r e n a t a l e n v i r o n m e n t f o r t h e u n - m a n b e i n g s alike in s o m e respects, so c a n similar e n v i r o n -
b o r n child. Just as c h i l d r e n are i n f l u e n c e d b y t h e i r physical m e n t s . I f u n i q u e genes m a k e o n e p e r s o n different f r o m an-
and social e n v i r o n m e n t s , so t o o is t h e fetus affected. Physical other, so d o u n i q u e experiences.
e n v i r o n m e n t includes everything f r o m the molecules that
r e a c h t h e fetus's b l o o d s t r e a m b e f o r e b i r t h t o t h e a r c h i t e c t u r e
o f a h o m e to t h e c l i m a t e o u t s i d e it. Social e n v i r o n m e n t i n -
c l u d e s all t h e p e o p l e w h o c a n i n f l u e n c e a n d b e i n f l u e n c e d b y
A teratogen is any disease, drug, or other environmental agent
the developing person and the broader culture. Although
that can h a r m a developing fetus (for example, b y causing de-
early t h e o r i s t s t e n d e d to v i e w e n v i r o n m e n t as a set o f forces
formities, blindness, brain damage, or even death). T h e list o f
t h a t s h a p e d t h e individual, as t h o u g h a p e r s o n were j u s t a
teratogens has grown frighteningly long, and the e n v i r o n m e n t
l u m p o f clay to b e m o l d e d , we n o w k n o w this is n o t t h e case.
contains m a n y potential teratogens whose effects o n develop-
Recall t h e e x p l a n a t i o n f r o m C h a p t e r 2 o f reciprocal influences:
m e n t have n o t yet b e e n assessed. Before considering the effects
p e o p l e shape t h e i r physical a n d s o c i a l e n v i r o n m e n t s a n d are,
o f s o m e m a j o r teratogens, however, let us emphasize that only
in turn, a f f e c t e d b y t h e e n v i r o n m e n t s t h e y have h e l p e d create.
1 5 % o f n e w b o r n s have minor p r o b l e m s and even fewer—
F o r e x a m p l e , if a w o m a n uses c o c a i n e d u r i n g p r e g n a n c y , h e r
perhaps 5 % — h a v e m o r e significant anomalies (Sadler, 2 0 0 4 ) .
n e w b o r n m a y b e e x t r a o r d i n a r i l y fussy: E n v i r o n m e n t has af-
W e will start with a few generalizations a b o u t the effects o f ter-
f e c t e d d e v e l o p m e n t . B u t a fussy b a b y is likely t o affect his e n -
atogens, which we will t h e n illustrate with examples (Sadler,
v i r o n m e n t b y i r r i t a t i n g his m o t h e r , w h o t h e n expresses h e r
tenseness in h e r i n t e r a c t i o n s w i t h h i m ; this m a k e s him
fussier, w h i c h aggravates his m o t h e r even m o r e , a n d h e r ag- • Critical period. T h e effects o f a t e r a t o g e n i c agent are
g r a v a t i o n , in t u r n , m a k e s h i m even c r a n k i e r . S u c h t r a n s a c - w o r s t d u r i n g t h e critical p e r i o d w h e n an organ system
tions b e t w e e n p e r s o n a n d e n v i r o n m e n t b e g i n at the m o m e n t grows m o s t rapidly.
of conception. • Dosage and duration. T h e greater t h e e x p o s u r e a n d the
T h e d e v e l o p i n g e m b r y o - t h e n - f e t u s is a v u l n e r a b l e little l o n g e r t h e e x p o s u r e to a t e r a t o g e n , t h e m o r e likely it is
c r e a t u r e . H o w can its d e v e l o p m e n t b e o p t i m i z e d ? W h a t h a z - t h a t serious d a m a g e will occur.
ards d o e s it face? " E x p e r t s " t h r o u g h o u t h i s t o r y have o f f e r e d ° Genetic makeup. Susceptibility to h a r m is d e t e r m i n e d b y
several o d d ideas a b o u t t h e effects o f t h e prenatal physical the u n b o r n child's a n d b y the m o t h e r ' s genetic m a k e u p .
e n v i r o n m e n t o n g r o w t h . F o r e x a m p l e , it was o n c e believed T h e r e f o r e , n o t all e m b r y o s a n d fetuses are affected, n o r
that pregnant w o m e n could enhance their chances o f bear- are t h e y affected equally, b y a t e r a t o g e n .
ing s o n s i f t h e y ate red m e a t a n d salty s n a c k s , w h e r e a s e a t i n g ° Environment. T h e effects o f a t e r a t o g e n depend o n the
vegetables a n d sweet s n a c k s w o u l d s u p p o s e d l y i n c r e a s e t h e quality o f b o t h t h e p r e n a t a l a n d t h e p o s t n a t a l e n v i r o n -
likelihood o f having daughters (Springen, 2 0 0 4 ) . And until ments.
t h e early 1 9 4 0 s , it was w i d e l y — a n d w r o n g l y — b e l i e v e d t h a t
t h e p l a c e n t a was a m a r v e l o u s s c r e e n t h a t p r o t e c t e d the e m - L o o k m o r e closely at the first generalization, w h i c h is p a r -
b r y o a n d fetus f r o m n i c o t i n e , viruses, a n d all k i n d s o f o t h e r ticularly i m p o r t a n t . A p e r i o d o f rapid g r o w t h is a c r i t i c a l pe-
hazards. Today, we u n d e r s t a n d t h a t t r a n s a c t i o n s b e t w e e n t h e r i o d for an o r g a n s y s t e m — a t i m e d u r i n g w h i c h t h e develop-
o r g a n i s m a n d its e n v i r o n m e n t b e g i n at c o n c e p t i o n . W h e n all ing organism is especially sensitive to environmental
is r i g h t , the p r e n a t a l e n v i r o n m e n t p r o v i d e s j u s t t h e s t i m u l a - influences, positive o r negative. As y o u will recall, o r g a n o g e n -
t i o n a n d s u p p o r t n e e d e d f o r t h e fetus t o m a t u r e physically esis takes place d u r i n g the e m b r y o n i c p e r i o d (weeks 3 to 8 o f
a n d t o d e v e l o p a r e p e r t o i r e o f b e h a v i o r s t h a t a l l o w it to seek prenatal d e v e l o p m e n t ) . As Figure 4 . 5 shows, it is d u r i n g this
m o r e s t i m u l a t i o n , w h i c h i n t u r n c o n t r i b u t e s to t h e d e v e l o p - t i m e — b e f o r e m a n y w o m e n even realize t h e y are p r e g n a n t —
m e n t o f m o r e sophisticated behavior. W h e n the prenatal en- t h a t m o s t o r g a n systems are m o s t v u l n e r a b l e to damage.
v i r o n m e n t is a b n o r m a l , d e v e l o p m e n t c a n b e steered far o f f M o r e o v e r , e a c h o r g a n has a critical p e r i o d t h a t c o r r e s p o n d s to
t r a c k , as y o u will n o w see as we e x a m i n e t h e i n f l u e n c e o f v a r - its o w n t i m e o f m o s t r a p i d d e v e l o p m e n t ( f o r e x a m p l e , weeks
i o u s s u b s t a n c e s . B u t j u s t as e x p o s u r e to s o m e s u b s t a n c e s c a n 3 t o 6 for t h e h e a r t a n d 4 to 7 for t h e a r m s a n d fingers). O n c e
place c h i l d r e n at risk, o t h e r f a c t o r s c a n e n h a n c e t h e i r devel- an organ o r b o d y p a r t is fully f o r m e d , it is usually less suscep-
o p m e n t a l o u t c o m e , as y o u will see in later s e c t i o n s o f this tible to d a m a g e . However, b e c a u s e s o m e organ systems—
chapter. above all, t h e n e r v o u s s y s t e m — c a n b e d a m a g e d t h r o u g h o u t
Heart Palate
Heart External
Severity of defects
(dark orange shading
indicates the most highly
sensitive period for
teratogenic effects)
External genitalia
Epicanthal folds
Small eye o p e n i n g s
Low nasal b r i d g e
Flat m i d f a c e
M i n o r ear a n o m a l i e s
Indistinct g r o o v e b e t w e e n
nose and mouth
Table 4A Some Drug;s Taken by the Mother That Affect the Fetus or Newborn
Drug Effects
Alcohol Results include a small head, facial abnormalities, heart defects, low birth weight, and intellectual retarda-
tion (see main text).
Antiepileptic drugs Drugs such as Dilantin, Luminal, and Tegretol, used to treat seizures, increase the incidence of cleft lip
and palate, neural tube defects, and restricted growth.
Aspirin and nonsteroidal An occasional low dose is OK, but used in large quantities, such drugs may cause neonatal bleeding and
anti-inflammatory drugs gastrointestinal discomfort. Large amounts of these over-the-counter pain killers have been associated
(e.g., Advil) with low birth weight and increased risk of miscarriage (Li, Liu, & Odouli, 2003).
Such drugs cross the placenta and attack rapidly dividing cells. They can increase malformations and lead
Chemotherapy drugs to miscarriage.
Heavy use of marijuana has been linked to premature birth, low birth weight, and mild behavioral abnor-
Marijuana malities such as irritability at birth, but it does not cause physical abnormalities or have long-lasting ef-
fects on most children (Fried, O'Connell, & Watkinson, 1992).
Narcotics Addiction to heroin, codeine, methadone, or morphine increases the risk of premature delivery and low
birth weight. The newborn is often addicted and experiences potentially fatal withdrawal symptoms; e.g.,
vomiting and convulsions. Longer-term cognitive deficits are sometimes evident.
Sex h o r m o n e s Birth control pills containing female hormones have been known to produce heart dcfccts and cardiovas-
cular problems, but today's pill formulas are safer. Progesterone in drugs used to prevent miscarriage may
masculinize the fetus. Diethylstilbestrol, once prescribed to prevent miscarriage, increased the risk of cer-
vical cancer and created infertility and pregnancy problems in exposed daughters (DESAction, 2000;
Kaufman et a l , 2000).
Stimulants Heavy caffeine use has been linked to miscarriages (Cnattingius et a l , 2000), higher heart rates (Schuetze
& Zeskind, 1997), and abnormal reflexes and irritability at birth (Jacobson et al., 1984), but it does not
seem to have long-lasting effects on development (Barr & Streissguth, 1991). Cocaine use can cause pre-
mature delivery, spontaneous abortion, and low birth weight, and it may result in later learning and be-
havioral problems (see main text). Amphetamine use has been linked to aggressive behavior and low
school achievement (Billing et al., 1994).
Tobacco Babies of smokers tend to be small and premature, have respiratory problems, and sometimes show intel-
lectual deficits or behavioral problems later in development (see main text). Sons whose mothers smoked
during their pregnancy may later have fertility problems (Storgaard et al., 2003).
SOURCES: Based partly on information from Batshaw, 2002; Diaz, 1997; Friedman & Polifka, 1996; Winn & Hobbins, 2000.
plex t r a n s a c t i o n s between an individual with a certain genetic m o s t dangerous during t h e first trimester, a critical period in
m a k e u p and the prenatal, perinatal, a n d p o s t n a t a l environ- which the eyes, ears, heart, a n d brain are rapidly f o r m i n g . Yet
m e n t s influence w h e t h e r o r n o t prenatal drug e x p o s u r e does n o t all babies w h o s e m o t h e r s h a d rubella, even during the
lasting d a m a g e (Van Beveren, Little, & Spence, 2 0 0 0 ) . Still, m o s t critical p e r i o d o f prenatal d e v e l o p m e n t , will have p r o b -
w o m e n who are planning to b e c o m e p r e g n a n t or w h o are lems, Birth defects o c c u r in 6 0 to 8 5 % o f babies w h o s e m o t h -
p r e g n a n t should avoid all drugs unless t h e y are prescribed by ers held the disease in t h e first 2 m o n t h s o f pregnancy, in a b o u t
a physician and essential to health. 5 0 % o f those infected in t h e third m o n t h , and in o n l y 1 6 %
o f t h o s e infected in t h e f o u r t h o r fifth months (Kelley-
Diseases B u c h a n a n , 1 9 8 8 ) . C o n s i s t e n t with the critical-period p r i n c i -
Just as drugs can jeopardize the prenatal e n v i r o n m e n t , so can ple, d a m a g e to t h e nervous system, eyes, a n d heart is m o s t
diseases. Here, we take a l o o k at three diseases that illustrate likely during that part o f t h e first 8 weeks o f p r e g n a n c y when
principles o f teratogens—rubella, syphilis, and A I D S . Table 4 . 5 each o f these organs is f o r m i n g , whereas deafness is m o r e
summarizes these and o t h e r m a t e r n a l c o n d i t i o n s that m a y af- likely w h e n t h e m o t h e r c o n t r a c t s rubella in weeks 6 to 13 o f
fect prenatal development. t h e pregnancy. Today, d o c t o r s stress that a w o m a n s h o u l d n o t
try to b e c o m e p r e g n a n t unless she has b e e n immunized
Rubella. In the early 1940s, a d o c t o r discovered t h a t m a n y against rubella o r has already h a d it. As a result o f successful
infants b o r n to w o m e n affected by r u b e l l a ( G e r m a n measles) i m m u n i z a t i o n p r o g r a m s , 8 5 % o f w o m e n are n o w i m m u n e to
during p r e g n a n c y h a d o n e o r m o r e o f a variety o f defects, in- this previously c o m m o n i n f e c t i o n (Sadler, 2 0 0 4 ) .
cluding blindness, deafness, h e a r t defects, and m e n t a l retarda-
tion. B e c a u s e rubella was fairly c o m m o n , there were e n o u g h Syphilis. Now consider another teratogen, the sexually
cases for d o c t o r s to see that the e n v i r o n m e n t o f t h e w o m b t r a n s m i t t e d disease syphilis. Syphilis during p r e g n a n c y can
leaves the fetus vulnerable to outside influences. Rubella is cause miscarriage or stillbirth ( G e n e & Ledger, 2 0 0 0 ) . Babies
Table 4.5 Maternal Dise ases and Conditions Thai May Affect an Embiryo, Fetus, or Newborn
Disease or condition Effects
SOURCES: Based partly o n information f r o m Batshaw (2002); Ratcliffe, Byrd, 8c Sakornbut, (1996); Simpson & Creehan, (1996); and Winn & Hobbins (2000).
b o r n alive to m o t h e r s w h o have syphilis, like those b o r n to (Kodama, Mabuchi, & Shigematsu, 1996; Vorhees & Mollnow,
m o t h e r s w h o have rubella, o f t e n suffer blindness, deafness, 1 9 8 7 ) . Even clinical doses o f r a d i a t i o n , s u c h as those used in
h e a r t p r o b l e m s , o r b r a i n d a m a g e . T h i s shows t h a t different X - r a y s a n d c a n c e r t r e a t m e n t , are capable o f causing m u t a -
t e r a t o g e n s — h e r e , syphilis a n d r u b e l l a — c a n b e r e s p o n s i b l e f o r tions, s p o n t a n e o u s a b o r t i o n s , and a v a r i e t y o f b i r t h defects,
t h e s a m e p r o b l e m . However, whereas rubella is m o s t d a m a g - especially i f t h e m o t h e r is e x p o s e d b e t w e e n weeks 8 a n d 15
ing in t h e early stage o f pregnancy, syphilis is m o s t d a m a g i n g (Hill & Haffner, 2 0 0 2 ) . T h e r e f o r e , e x p e c t a n t m o t h e r s are r o u -
in t h e m i d d l e a n d later stages o f pregnancy. T h i s is b e c a u s e tinely advised to avoid X - r a y s unless t h e y are essential to their
syphilitic o r g a n i s m s c a n n o t cross t h e placental b a r r i e r until o w n survival, a n d w o m e n w h o w o r k w i t h X - r a y e q u i p m e n t
t h e 18th p r e n a t a l week, p r o v i d i n g a w i n d o w o f o p p o r t u n i t y m u s t take p r o p e r p r e c a u t i o n s . D e s p i t e s o m e c o n c e r n a b o u t it,
f o r treating the m o t h e r - t o - b e w h o finds o u t she has t h e dis- b y t h e way, a w o m a n w h o w o r k s in f r o n t o f a c o m p u t e r screen
ease. Even w i t h a p p r o p r i a t e t r e a t m e n t — p e n i c i l l i n — s o m e i n - all day d o e s n o t a p p e a r t o place h e r fetus at risk (Parazzini et
fants are i n f e c t e d or die ( G e n e & Ledger, 2 0 0 0 ) . al., 1 9 9 3 ) .
Eravironrrieotai Hazards
Radiation. A m o t h e r can c o n t r o l w h a t she ingests, but
s o m e t i m e s she c a n n o t avoid a h a z a r d o u s external e n v i r o n -
m e n t . After a t o m i c b o m b s were d r o p p e d o n H i r o s h i m a a n d
Nagasaki in 1 9 4 5 , n o t o n e p r e g n a n t w o m a n w h o was within A g e at t e s t i n g ( m o n t h s )
plications mmmM
Stage 2 V ' : :
m m
(E) E x p u l s i o n of the p l a c e n t a
& Patel, 2000). For years, doctors frequently used forceps (an traumatic than forceps (Shihadeh & Al-Najdawi, 2001). For the
instrument resembling an oversized pair of salad tongs). baby, however, there is likely to be swelling of the scalp and
However, forceps on the soft skull of the newborn occasionally some marking where the cup was attached. More serious in-
caused serious problems, including cranial bleeding and brain juries are possible if the vacuum is not properly used.
damage. Alternatively, doctors may use vacuum extraction Unfortunately, women who deliver with vacuum assistance re-
("suction'5) to assist difficult deliveries. This procedure has port less satisfaction than mothers who deliver by other meth-
fewer risks associated with it, although it is not risk free. In a ods with the overall birth experience (Schindl et al., 2003).
vacuum extraction, a cup is inserted through the opening of Cesarean sections, too, have been controversial. Use of
the birth canal and attached to the baby's head. Suction is ap- this alternative to normal vaginal delivery has prevented the
plied to make the cup adhere to the baby's scalp; during each death of many babies—for example, when the baby is too
contraction and with the mother bearing down, the doctor large or the mother is too small to permit normal delivery,
uses the traction created by the suction to help deliver the baby. when a fetus out of position cannot be repositioned, or when
From the mother's point of view, vacuum extraction is less fetal monitoring reveals that a birth complication is likely.
Medical advances have made cesarean sections about as safe as 2000). In short, they act as though they are drugged. Think
vaginal deliveries, and few ill effects on mothers and infants about it: Doses of medication large enough to affect mothers
have been observed. Mothers who have "C-sections" take can have much greater effects on newborns who weigh only 7
longer to recover from the birth process and are sometimes pounds and have immature circulatory and excretory systems
less positive toward and involved with their babies, at least that cannot get rid of drugs for days or even weeks.
during the first month after birth (DiMatteo et al., 1996). Regional analgesics, such as epidurals and spinal blocks,
Nonetheless, the development of babies born by cesarean ap- reduce sensation in specific parts of the body. Because they do
pears to be perfectly normal (Durilc, Hyde, & Clark, 2000). not cross the placenta, they have fewer ill effects on babies and
However, many observers have questioned why cesarean are preferred by many physicians. Epidurals are also rated by
deliveries have become so much more common—to the point mothers as more effective for pain control than other forms of
that they accounted for 26% of births in the United States in
analgesics (Macario et al., 2000; Sheiner et al., 2000). But with
2002 (Hamilton, Martin, & Sutton, 2003). The U.S. government these advantages mothers and physicians must weigh disad-
tried to reduce the rate of cesareans in the 1990s but managed vantages, including longer labor times with epidurals
to reduce it only slightly to 21% of all deliveries before it crept (Halpern et al, 1998).
back up to its current rate (Ventura et al., 2001). It is under- In sum, taking obstetric medications is not as risky a
stood now that mothers who have one cesarean birth need not business today as it once was, but it is still a decision that re-
have all their subsequent babies by cesarean, as was believed quires the pros and cons to be weighed carefully. The effects
only a short time ago (Harrington et al., 1997). Nonetheless, depend on which drug is used, how much is taken, when it is
some obstetricians continue to rely heavily on this procedure taken, and by which mother.
because it protects them from the costly malpractice suits that Possible hazards during birth include anoxia; breech
might arise from complications in vaginal deliveries (Castro, presentation; the need for assisted delivery through forceps,
1999). Not only do some physicians prefer C-section deliveries, vacuum extraction, or cesarean section; and the use of med-
but some mothers prefer them as well. Mothers who undergo ications for pain relief. Fortunately, most deliveries, although
planned C-sections rate the birth experience more positively unique from the parents' perspective, are routine from a clin-
than any other group, including those who deliver by pushing ical perspective. In the next section, you will look briefly at the
the baby out vaginally (Schindl et al., 2003). Finally, C-sections birth experience from a family perspective.
generate more revenue than vaginal deliveries. On average, a ce-
sarean delivery costs about $11,500 in the United States com-
pared with $7000 for a vaginal delivery (March of Dimes, 2003).
The Mother's Experience
In a few instances, tension between the hospital's con- What is it really like to give birth to a child? In a study of
cerns and the mother's wishes related to delivery practices can Swedish mothers (Waldenstrom et al., 1996), most mothers
put them at odds. In 2004, a hospital sought and received per- admitted that they experienced severe pain and a good deal of
mission from a judge for guardianship of a fetus so that it anxiety, including feelings of outright panic. Yet most also
could force the mother to deliver her baby by cesarean section emerged from the delivery room feeling good about their
(The Associated Press, 2004). The hospital argued that a vagi- achievement and their ability to cope ("I did it!"). Overall,
nal delivery would endanger the life of the child because an ul- 77% felt the experience was positive and only 10% said it was
trasound showed that it was large. The mother, on the other negative. And, despite longer labors and more medication,
hand, feared having a C-section because a friend had died fol- first-time mothers did not perceive labor and delivery much
lowing this surgery. Furthermore, she had successfully deliv- differently than experienced mothers did.
ered six previous children vaginally. By the time the hospital What factors influence a mothers experience? Psycho-
obtained the court order for guardianship, the parents had logical factors such as the mother's attitude toward her preg-
gone to another hospital, where the mother vaginally deliv- nancy, her knowledge and expectations about the birth process,
ered a healthy baby girl. her sense of control over childbirth, and the social support she
Overall, birth by cesarean delivery can be lifesaving in receives from her partner or someone else are important deter-
some cases and is unlikely to disrupt normal development, minants of her experience of delivery and of her new baby
but it is more common than it needs to be in our society. (Waldenstrom et al., 1996; Wilcock, Kobayashi, & Murray, 1997).
Social support can be especially important. When the father, or
Medications another supportive person wThose main role is to comfort the
Concerns have been raised about medications given to moth- mother, is continuously present during labor and delivery,
ers during the birth process—analgesics and anesthetics to re- women experience less pain, use less medication, are less likely to
duce their pain, sedatives to relax them, and stimulants to in- have cesarean sections, and are more likely to feel better about
duce or intensify uterine contractions (Simpson & Creehan, the birth process (Hodnett & Osborn, 1989; Kennell et al., 1991).
1996). Sedative drugs that act on the entire body cross the pla-
centa and can affect the baby. Babies whose mothers receive Cultural Factors
large doses of obstetrical medication are generally sluggish The experience of childbearing is shaped by the cultural con-
and irritable, are difficult to feed or cuddle during the first few text in which it occurs. For example, different cultures have
days of life, and smile infrequently (Elbourne & Wiseman, different views of the desirability of having children. In some,
a large family is a status symbol, whereas in the People's within the first few days after birth (Najman et al., 2000). This
Republic of China, a "one-child policy" discourages multiple condition—the baby blues—is relatively mild, passes quickly,
childbearing in hopes of slowing population growth and rais- and is probably linked to the steep drops in levels of female
ing the standard of living. As a result of this policy, the aver- hormones that normally occur after delivery and to the
age number of children a Chinese woman bears dropped from stresses associated with delivering a child and taking on the
nearly five children in 1970 to fewer than two in recent years. responsibilities of parenthood.
The ratio of boys to girls has also changed; many parents want A second, and far more serious, condition is postnatal
their one child to be a boy who can support them in old age depression—an episode of clinical depression that lasts
and therefore abort female fetuses identified through ultra- months rather than days in a woman who has just given birth.
sound tests or abandon their female babies after they are born. It affects approximately 1 in 10 new mothers (Cooper &
Practices surrounding birth also differ widely. Among the Murray, 1998). Only rarely does a woman who has never had
Pokot people of Kenya, for example, cultural beliefs and rituals significant emotional problems become clinically depressed
help ensure strong social support of the mother and a successful for the first time after giving birth. Most affected women have
birth (O'Dempsey, 1988). The community celebrates the com- histories of depression, and many were depressed during
ing birth, and the father-to-be stops hunting lest he be killed by pregnancy. Also, women vulnerable to depression are more
animals. As a result, he is available to support his wife. A mid- likely to become depressed if they are experiencing other life
wife, aided by female relatives, delivers the baby. The placenta is stresses on top of the stresses of becoming a mother (Honey,
buried in the goat enclosure, and the baby is washed in cold wa- Bennett, & Morgan, 2003). Lack of social support—especially
ter and given a mixture of hot ash and boiled herbs so that it will a poor relationship with a partner—also increases the odds
vomit the amniotic fluid it has swallowed. Mothers are given (Boyce, 2003; Heh, 2003).
plenty of time to recover. They go into seclusion for 1 month and Postnatal depression has significant implications for the
devote themselves entirely to their babies for 3 months. parent-infant relationship. One study compared the children
In Uttar Pradesh in northern India, by contrast, the blood of 58 mothers who experienced postnatal depression with the
associated with childbirth is viewed as polluting, and the whole children of 42 nondepressed mothers over a 5-year period
event as shameful (Jeffery & Jeffery, 1993). A dai? a poorly paid (Murray et al., 1999). The children of the depressed mothers
attendant hired bv the woman's mother-in-law, delivers the
/ 7
were less securely attached to their mothers during infancy
baby. The dai typically hates her menial, disgusting job, pro- and were less responsive during interactions with their moth-
vides no pain relievers, discourages the mother from crying out ers al age 5. They also tended to respond negatively when an-
in pain, and offers little emotional support. The mother is kept other child approached them in a friendly manner.
in the house for several days and in the family compound for Mothers who had been postnatally depressed report
weeks so that she will not pollute others. Because the baby is greater behavioral problems by their children. At age 11, chil-
also believed to be polluted, its hair is shaved off. dren of postnatally depressed mothers show more violent be-
Many observers charge that childbirth in highly industri- havior even when researchers control for family characteris-
alized Western societies has become too "medicalized," with tics and later episodes of depression (Hay et al., 2003). The
women hospitalized, hooked up to monitors, and separated violence' exhibited by these children is associated with anger
from most friends and family members. Should we return to management problems, attention problems, and hyperactive
more traditional ways of birthing that view delivery less like a behavior. In another study, adolescents whose mothers had
major medical event and more like a typical life event? As the been postnatally depressed showed elevated levels of Cortisol,
Indian example illustrates, not all "traditional" practices are in which is associated with major depression (Halligan et al.,
the best interests of parents and babies. Also, Western societies 2004). The implication of these results is that early experi-
do a far better job than developing countries of preventing ences with a depressed mother might predispose these chil-
mother and infant mortality. In some areas of sub-Saharan dren to later depression.
Africa, for example, about 15% of babies die during childbirth How might maternal depression in the weeks and months
or in the first year of life (Caldwell, 1996). In Western, indus- following delivery affect children's behavior and increase their
trial societies, infant mortality rates have dropped from al- odds of developing depression? Mothers who are depressed
most 30 infants out of 1000 in 1950 to 7 infants out of 1000 in tend to be relatively unresponsive to their babies and may even
2004 (Division of Vital Statistics, 2004). Unfortunately, infant feel hostility toward them. They are tired, distracted, and often
mortality is twice as high for black infants compared with lack the energy needed to be fully engaged with their infants.
white infants (Guyer et al., 2000). The secret to a more opti- Even though mothers typically recover from postnatal depres-
mal birth experience may be to blend beneficial traditional sion, research suggests that their early attitudes about their ba-
practices such as offering emotional support to new mothers bies and the resulting pattern of early mother-child interac-
with modern medical know-how. tions set the stage for ongoing interaction problems that affect
the child's behavior (Murray et al., 1999). The contribution of
Postnatal Depression genes inherited from their depression-prone mothers and of
Some new mothers suffer from depression following the stressful experiences before birth, after birth, or both may pre-
birth of their baby. As many as 60% of all new mothers report cipitate depression in the child (Goodman, 2002). Thus, for
feeling tearful, irritable, moody, anxious, and depressed their own sakes and for the sakes of their infants, mothers ex-
periencing more than a mild case of the baby blues should seek stump falls off between 4 and 5 days after birth, they begin to
professional help in overcoming their depression. inhabit this world but still vacillate between the two worlds for
another 4 to 5 years. During this time, the Beng regard their
children as vulnerable. Spiritual beliefs influence their child
The Father's Experience care practices, leading to, for example, twice daily enemas for
Until the 1970s, fathers in Western culture were routinelyj ex-
infants using a chili pepper solution.
eluded from the birth process. Today, however, many men pre- Among the !Kung, a hunting and gathering society of the
pare for fatherhood before delivery, attend prenatal classes Kalahari Desert in southern Africa, babies are carried upright
with their partner, and are present for their child's birth (Gage in slings during the day and they sleep in the same bed with
& Kirk, 2002). Like mothers, fathers experience the birth their mothers at night (Konner, 1981). They are breast-fed
process as a significant event in their lives that involves a mix whenever they want and may not be weaned until the ripe old
of positive and negative emotions. Also like mothers, fathers age of 4. In general, infants in hunter-gatherer societies are in-
tend to be anxious during pregnancy and birth. In several dulged considerably, at least until their survival is assured.
studies, new fathers admitted that they felt scared, unpre- Infant care practices are considerably different in mod-
pared, helpless, and frustrated during labor (Chandler & ern, industrialized societies where infant mortality is lower.
Field, 1997; Chapman, 2000; Hallgren et al., 1999). They Babies typically sleep apart from their parents; they breast-
found labor to be more work than they had expected and feed, if at all, for only a few months before being switched to
sometimes felt excluded as the nurses took over. For most the bottle and then to solid food; and they generally must
men, attending prenatal classes with their partner improves learn to accommodate their needs to their parents' schedules.
their experience of childbirth, although for a few men, the Mayan mothers in Guatemala, who sleep in the same bed with
added knowledge that comes with these classes increases their their babies until they are toddlers, express shock at the
anxiety (Greenhalgh, Slade, & Spiby, 2000). Despite the American practice of leaving infants alone in their own bed-
stresses, negative emotions usually give way to relief, pride, rooms (Morelli et al, 1992 ).
and joy when the baby finally arrives (Chandler & Field, Regardless of where they live, new parents are often uncer-
1997). Indeed, most fathers find early contact with their ba- tain about how to relate to their babies and may find the period
bies special. As one father put it, "when my wife handed Anna after birth stressful. T. Berry Brazelton (1979) has devised a way
to me, I was completely unprepared for the intense experience to help parents appreciate their baby's competencies and feel
of fatherhood. I was overwhelmed by my feeling of belonging competent themselves as parents. He developed a newborn as-
to and with this new child" (Reed, 1996, p. 52). sessment technique, the Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral
Assessment Scale, that assesses the strength of infant reflexes
Sommisig Up and the infant's responses to 26 situations (for example, reac-
T h e Neonatal Environment
So now that parents have a baby, what do they do? Here you
will look at the neonatal environment—the events of the first
month and how parents might optimize development of
young infants.
There are marked differences in how parents interact
with their newborns. For example, in societies where infant
mortality is high, babies may not even be named or viewed as
€ M o s t n e w b o r n s have n o t y e t a c q u i r e d t h e " c u t e n e s s " o f s o m e -
people until they seem likely to survive (Nsamenang, 1992). w h a t o l d e r babies. Instead, t h e y are o f t e n red, w r i n k l e d , a n d s w o l l e n
The Beng, who are concentrated in small farming towns along in places, a n d t h e y m a y b e c o v e r e d w i t h a m n i o t i c fluid, b l o o d , f i n e
the Ivory Coast, believe that newborns are not entirely in this d o w n y hair (lanugo), a n d a w h i t e greasy substance ( v e r n i x ) . T h e i r
world but exist in the world the babies will eventually inhabit heads m a y e v e n b e m i s s h a p e n f r o m c o m i n g t h r o u g h t h e b i r t h canal
after death (L. Gottlieb, 2000). Once their umbilical cord o r f r o m t h e use o f f o r c e p s o r s u c t i o n d u r i n g deiivery.
survival and well-being that they be identified as early as pos-
sible. Newborns are routinely screened using the Apgar test,
•which provides a quick assessment of the newborns heart rate,
respiration, color, muscle tone, and reflexes (see Table 4.6). The
test has been used for more than 50 years and, despite its "low-
tech" nature, is still considered a valuable diagnostic tool
(Casey, Mclntire, 8c Leveno 2001). The simple test is given im-
mediately and 5 minutes after birth. It yields scores of 0, 1, or
2 for each of the five factors, which are then added to yield a to-
tal score that can range from 0 to 10. Infants who score 7 or
higher are in good shape. Infants scoring 4 or lower are at
risk—their heartbeats are sluggish or nonexistent, their mus-
cles are limp, and their breathing, if they are breathing, is shal-
low and irregular. These babies will immediately experience a
different postnatal environment than the normal baby experi-
ences because they require medical intervention in intensive
care units to survive, as you will see at the end of the chapter.
One particular group of at-risk babies that should be ex-
amined more closely are those with low birth weight. Approx-
imately 8% of babies born in the United States have a low
birth weight (less than 2500 grams, or 5V2 pounds). Some of
these babies are born at term, but many are born preterm (less
than 37 weeks of gestation) and are more at risk. The survival
and health of these small infants is a concern, particularly
for infants born with very low birth weight—less than 1500
grams (Paneth, 1995). Although low-birth-weight infants ac-
count for cibout 8 % of all births, they account for 65% of all
infant deaths (Murphy, 2000). And according to one analysis,
€ In m a n y cultures, m o t h e r s k e e p t h e i r babies close t o t h e m all day
they account for more than 80% of the money spent on preg-
and night t o e n s u r e t h e i r survival. nancies and deliveries (Adams et al., 2003). As Table 4.7 illus-
trates, the younger (and smaller) babies are at birth, the lower
their chances of survival.
tions to cuddling, general irritability, and orienting to the ex- Low birth weight is strongly linked to low socioeconomic
aminer s face and voice). Brazelton uses this test to teach parents status. According to Hughes and Simpson (1995), "women
to understand their babies as individuals and to appreciate who live in poverty, who have low levels of education, who
many of the pleasing competencies that they possess. During work in low-wage jobs, and who have few other social re-
"Brazelton training," parents observe the test being adminis- sources are more likely to suffer adverse birth outcomes than
tered and learn how to administer it themselves to elicit smiles are more advantaged women" (p. 87). Most programs at-
and other heartwarming responses from their babies. tempting to prevent low birth weight target the health condi-
tions associated with poverty, such as poor nutrition and in-
adequate prenatal health care (Hughes & Simpson, 1995).
Unfortunately, such programs have not been terribly success-
In the end, a few infants are considered at risk for either short- ful because they do not address many entrenched behaviors
term or long-term problems because of genetic defects, prena- and beliefs that accompany socioeconomic disadvantage in
tal hazards, or perinatal damage. It is essential to these infants5 the United States.
Factors Score
0 1
HEART RATE Absent Slow (under 100 beats per minute) Moderate (over 100 beats per minute)
RESPIRATORY EFFORT Absent Slow or irregular Good; baby is crying
MUSCLE TONE Flaccid; limp Weak; some flexion Strong; active motion
COLOR Blue or pale Body pink, extremities blue Completely pink
REFLEX IRRITABILITY No response Frown, grimace, or weak cry- Vigorous cry
£ Table 4.7 Survival and Health of Premature Babies by Gestatio nal Age
Number of completed weeks since last menstruation < 2 3 weeks 23 weeks 24 weeks 25 weeks
Percentage of babies who survive 0-15% 2-35% 17-58% 35-85%
Percentage of survivors with chronic lung disease 89% 57-70% 33-89% 16-71%
Percentage of survivors with a severe neurodevelopmental disability* 69% 30% 17-45% 12-35%
4 Includes cerebral palsy, mental retardation, blindness or severe myopia, and deafness.
SOURCE: Based on data from Hack & Fanaroff> 1999.
In addition to poverty, there are many other risk factors children, low-birth-weight children are at greater risk for
for low birth weight, including factors that we have already blindness, deafness, cerebral palsy, poor academic achieve-
described such as smoking and stress. The more risk factors ment, autism, and health problems. Respiratory difficulties
experienced during pregnancy, the greater the likelihood of are likely because premature babies have not yet produced
delivering a small baby (Rosenberg, 2001). enough surfactant, a substance that prevents the air sacs of
Low birth weight is also associated with multiple births, the lungs from sticking together and therefore aids breathing.
which have increased substantially over the past several decades The most common neurological problem for low-birth-
largely because of increased use of ovulation-stimulating drugs weight infants is cerebral palsy.
to treat infertility (Guyer et al, 1999). In 1980, there were 37 Although the long-term prognosis for low-birth-weight
higher-order multiple births (three or more) for every 100,000 babies is now good, many children born with a very low birth
births; by 1997, this figure had jumped to 173 multiples for weight continue to experience neurosensory impairments and
every 100,000 births. Among single-birth infants, approxi- academic problems throughout their childhood and teen years
mately 5 % are low birth weight, but among twins, nearly half (Saigal et al., 2000). The fate of premature and low-birth-
are low birth weight. Among higher-order multiples, 86% are weight babies depends considerably on two factors. The first is
low birth weight (Cohen et al., 1999). their biological condition—their health and neurological status
The good news is that most low-birth-weight babies born in particular (Koller et al, 1997). The second is the quality of
since the advent of neonatal intensive care in the 1960s func- the postnatal environment they experience. For instance, in a
tion within the normal range of development (Hack, Klein, 8c study of more than 8000 infants, Dennis Hogan and Jennifer
Taylor, 1995). However, compared with normal-birth-weight Park (2000) found that the disadvantages of low birth weight
([ M o d e r n t e c h n o l o g y p e r m i t s t h e survival o f y o u n g e r a n d s m a l l e r babies, b u t m a n y e x p e r t s
beiieve w e have r e a c h e d t h e o w e s t limits o f viability b e t w e e n 2 3 a n d 2 4 w e e k s o f gestation.
were amplified for children of minority status growing up in what can go wrong before or during birth. Some damaging ef-
poverty with a single parent. In contrast, low-birth-weight ba- fects are clearly irreversible: The thalidomide baby will never
bies who live with two parents and whose mother is well edu- •grow normal arms or legs, and the child with FAS will always
cated, although they start out with delays, improve and may be mentally retarded. Yet throughout history, many children
even catch up to the average child by age 8 (Ment et al, 2003). turned out fine even though their mothers—unaware of many
Other research shows that at-risk infants can benefit from risk factors—smoked and drank during their pregnancies, re-
programs that teach their parents how to provide responsive ceived heavy doses of medication during delivery, or experi-
care and appropriate intellectual stimulation to them once enced serious illness. So, although many factors place a fetus at
they are home. Home visits to advise parents, combined with a risk and increase the likelihood of problems after birth, not all
stimulating day care program for low-birth-weight toddlers, at-risk infants end up with problems (Fraser, 2004). Is it also
can teach mothers how to be better teachers of their young possible that some babies exposed to and clearly affected by
children and stimulate these children's cognitive development. risks recover from their deficiencies later in life?
In an ambitious project called the Infant Health and Indeed it is, and researchers now have the results of ma-
Development Program, premature and low-birth-weight in- jor longitudinal studies that say so. Emmy Werner, with her
fants at eight sites have benefited from such early intervention colleague Ruth Smith, studied a group born in 1955
(Bradley et al, 1994; Brooks-Gunn et al., 1993; McCarton et on the island of Kauai in Hawaii for 40 years (Werner, 1989a,
al., 1997). The program involved weekly home visits during the 1989b; Werner & Smith, 1982, 1992, 2001). This was a monu-
first year after birth and then biweekly home visits and atten- mental undertaking. All women of Kauai who were to give
dance by the infant at a special day care center for half a day birth in 1955 were interviewed in each trimester of pregnancy,
every day from age 1 to age 3. Mothers were given childcare ed- and physicians noted any prenatal, perinatal, or postnatal
ucation and support. The program appears to help parents complications. On the basis of this information, each baby
provide a more growth-enhancing home environment—for was categorized as having been exposed to severe, moderate,
example, to give their babies appropriate toys and learning ma- mild, or no prenatal or perinatal stress. At ages 1, 2,10,18, 32,
terials and to interact with them in stimulating ways. and 40 years, researchers diligently tracked down their partic-
The intervention helped these at-risk babies, especially ipants and conducted interviews (initially with the mothers
the heavier ones, achieve more cognitive growth by age 3 than and later with the children), administered psychological and
they would otherwise have achieved. However, an impressive cognitive tests, rated the quality of the family environment,
14-point boost in IQ scores at age 3 for heavier low-birth- and conducted medical examinations. Remarkcibly, at the 40-
weight children who received the intervention had dropped to year follow-up, the researchers still had 70%, or 489 partici-
a 4-point advantage at age 8 (McCarton et al, 1997). Children pants, from their original group of 698 babies born in 1955.
who weighed 2000 grams (4 pounds 6 ounces) or less at birth One-third of the children classified as at risk showed con-
did not get much benefit. Researchers have more to learn, siderable resilience, getting themselves back on a normal
then, about what it takes to keep the development of at-risk course of development. Through this self-righting capacity,
children on a positive track after the perinatal period, the pe- they were able to mature into competent, successful adults
riod surrounding birth, comes to a close. However, everything with na evident learning, social, or vocational problems de-
researchers know about life-span environmental forces sug- spite being at risk for poor outcomes. Two major findings
gests that supportive parents and programs can do a great deal emerge from this research:
to optimize every child's development. It seems that prema-
• The effects of prenatal and perinatal complications de-
ture, low-birth-weight babies can achieve normal levels of in-
crease over time.
tellectual functioning during childhood when they live in
• The outcomes of early risk depend on the quality of the
middle-class homes, when their mothers are relatively edu-
postnatal environment.
cated, and most importantly, when their mothers, rich, or
poor, are attentive and responsive when interacting with them The postnatal environments of these successful at risk
(Brooks-Gunn et al., 1993; Miceli et al, 2000). children included two types of protective factors that helped
Studies such as these raise a larger issue about the impor- the children overcome their disadvantage:
tance of early experience. Some developmentalists take seri- • Personal resources. Possibly because of their genetic
ously the concept of critical (or sensitive) periods in early de- makeup, some children have qualities such as intelligence, so-
velopment. Others stress the resilience of human beings, their ciability, and communication skills that help them choose or
ability to rebound from early disadvantages and to respond to create more nurturing and stimulating environments and
environmental influences throughout their lives rather than cope with challenges. For example, parents and other ob-
only during so-called critical periods. Which is it? servers noted that these children were agreeable, cheerful, and
self-confident as infants, which elicited positive caregiving re-
sponses. They also believed that they were in control of their
own fates—that through their actions, they could bring about
To what extent does harm done in the prenatal or perinatal pe- positive outcomes.
riod last, and to what extent can postnatal experiences make up • Supportive postnatal environment Some at-risk children
for it? You have encountered many examples in this chapter of receive the social support they need within or outside the fam-
ily. Most importantly, they are able to find at least one person Summing Up
who loves them unconditionally and with whom they feel se-
As Chapters 3 and 4 have testified, both nature and nur-
ture contribute to life-span human development Certain
Clearly, hazards during the important prenatal and peri-
genes and early environments can have profound negative
natal periods can leave lasting scars, and yet many children
effects on development Yet most of us come into exis-
show remarkable resilience. There seem to be some points in
tence with an amazingly effective genetic program to guide
the life span, especially early on, in which both positive and
our development Most of us, whether we grow up in
negative environmental forces have especially strong effects.
Kenya or Japan or the United States, also receive the ben-
Yet environment matters throughout life. It would be a mistake
efits of a normal human environment one that joins forces
to assume that all children who have problems at birth are
with this genetic program to promote normal develop-
doomed. In short, early experience by itself can, but rarely
ment Sometimes, early insults cannot be undone; other
does, make or break development; later experience counts,
times, only very adverse conditions over a long period can
too, sometimes enough to turn around a negative course of
keep us from developing normally. Even then, we often
show resilience if given half a chance. R8
in 1
issl m m
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"JOSH ISA 1 2 - Y E A R - O L D B O Y with c o n s t i t u - allowing greater concentration and more sophisticated
tional g r o w t h delay. A l t h o u g h h e has g r o w n a t a n o r m a l r a t e thought processes. Their strength and coordination on motor
t h r o u g h o u t c h i l d h o o d , his h e i g h t is b e l o w t h e 5 t h p e r c e n t i l e •tasks will continue to improve, and their bodies will grow
line o n t h e g r o w t h c h a r t . His b o n e a g e is delayed by 2 t o 3 taller and heavier and will mature sexually.
y e a r s , s o h e is unlikely t o r e a c h a n o r m a l a d u l t height. H e Human growth and development is an incredibly com-
has always b e e n t h e s m a l l e s t child in his class, and t h e size plex process, occurring over years. It is influenced by both ge-
d i f f e r e n c e is g e t t i n g m o r e n o t i c e a b l e as s o m e o f his class- netic and environmental factors. At certain times and for cer-
m a t e s begin t h e i r g r o w t h s p u r t s : J o s h l o o k s m o r e like a 4 t h tain developments, genetic influences are greater, whereas at
g r a d e r than a 7 t h g r a d e r . H e is having s c h o o l p r o b l e m s this other times, environmental influences are more powerful. But
year, a f t e r m o v i n g i n t o a n e w s c h o o l . His t e a c h e r s r e p o r t as we explained in previous chapters, genetic and environ-
t h a t ' h e ' s e i t h e r a c l o w n o r a bully in class, and h e j u s t d o e s mental forces are always working together. Consider height.
n o t pay attention. 1 H e likes s p o r t s and is g o o d a t s o c c e r , b u t The average female in the United States is about 5 feet 4 inches
t h e c o a c h d o e s n o t w a n t t o let him t r y o u t f o r t h e t e a m — (162 cm) and the average male is 5 feet 9 inches (175 cm), but
h e is afraid J o s h will g e t h u r t . T h e o l d e r b o y s a t s c h o o l there is considerable variability. Sandy Allen from the state of
s o m e t i m e s pick him up and c a r r y him a r o u n d , calling him Indiana, for instance, is considered the tallest woman in the
' P e e w e e ' and 'Squirt.' H e has s t a r t e d s p e n d i n g a l o t o f t i m e world at 7 feet 7 inches; most women with Turner syndrome
a l o n e in his r o o m and d o e s n o t s e e m i n t e r e s t e d in anything. are nearly 3 feet shorter than this—4 feet 8 inches on average.
A f t e r his last visit t o t h e d o c t o r , h e s a i d , T m sick o f h e a r i n g Even among those considered within the average range of
h o w tall I'll b e in 10 y e a r s . Pm a s h r i m p n o w , and t h a t is all height, there is variability. Genes account for some of this: Tall
that matters.'" (Rieser & Underwood, 2 0 0 4 ) people tend to have tall parents, whereas short people often
have "short genes" hanging on their family tree. Research with
identical twins confirms a fairly strong genetic component to
Josh's case illustrates the complexity as well as the significance height.
of growth and development. Although he is growing at the But even if you inherit the genetic propensity to be tall
normal rate of development, he is still markedly shorter than (or short), environment can influence the expression of those
other boys his age. What are the processes underlying Josh's genes. If you lack adequate nutrition, for example, you may
growth? And what are the psychological implications for Josh not realize your full growth potential. And consider the case of
and other children, adolcsccnts, and adults of the physical children with celiac syndrome. An abnormality with their
changes that occur throughout the life span? stomach lining leaves them unable to absorb nutrients from
These are the sorts of questions that we address in this food despite adequate consumption. Their disease leads to
chapter on the physical self. We start by examining the major malnutrition, which stunts growth. As Figure 5.1 shows, how-
physical systems that underlie human functioning, including ever, treatment that restores absorption of nutrients leads to
the endocrine and nervous systems. We also look at the repro- dramatic catch-up growth. This catch-up growth after a pe-
ductive system as it matures during adolescence and changes riod of malnutrition or illness reflects the body's struggle to
during adulthood. And we watch the physical self in action, as get back*on the growth course it is genetically programmed to
motor skills develop during childhood and physical fitness follow.
and motor behavior change during adulthood. We identify in- Even features of the natural environment can influence
fluences on physical development and aging so that you can growth and development. People who live in colder climates
better understand why some children develop—and some tend to be shorter and somewhat heavier than those in warmer
older adults age—more rapidly than others. climates (Schell & Knutsen, 2002). This seems to be explained
by the body's temperature control system—people in cold cli-
mates benefit from a smaller surface area through which body
Building B l o c k s o f G r o w t h heat can be lost, and the opposite is true of people in warm cli-
mates. Moreover, children's height gain is fastest in the warm
an d D evelopment spring months and slowest in the cool fall months (Schell &
Knutsen, 2002). Air pollution and noise have also been shown
Physical capabilities are fundamental to what people are able to slightly retard growth and development both prenatally and
to do in life. A 5-year-old child is physically able to experience postnatally (Schell 8c Knutsen, 2002).
the world in ways markedly different from those available to a To understand how growth can be influenced by genes
5-month-old infant. Mariah, for example, can throw a ball and environments, you need to consider the workings of the
with her mom, run with her dog, play hopscotch with her endocrine and nervous systems.
friends, feed and dress herself, and enjoy many of the rides at
the amusement park. Changes in her brain have increased her
memory abilities and capacity to think, and her language skills
are astounding compared with those of the 5-month-old. Yet The endocrine, or hormonal, system consists of a group of en-
Mariah and other 5-year-olds are limited by their physical docrine glands that secrete chemicals called hormones directly
selves. It will be years before their brains are fully developed, into the bloodstream. Perhaps the most critical of the en-
cm i—i—i—r In Chapter 4, you learned about another critical role of the
endocrine system. A male fetus will not develop male repro-
GIRLS Height ductive organs unless (1) a gene on his Y chromosome triggers
97 the development of the testes (which are endocrine glands), and
90 ^^
j u
(2) the testes secrete the most important of the male hormones,
testosterone. Male sex hormones become highly important
t>0 CD
25 2.
10 O again during adolescence. When people speak of adolescence as
a time of "raging hormones," they are quite right. The testes of
a male secrete large quantities of testosterone and other male
hormones (called androgens). These hormones stimulate the
production of growth hormone, which in turn triggers the ado-
lescent growth spurt. Androgens are also responsible for the de-
velopment of the male sex organs and contribute to sexual mo-
tivation during adulthood.
Meanwhile, in adolescent girls, the ovaries (also en-
docrine glands) produce larger quantities of the primary fe-
male hormone, estrogen, and of progesterone. Estrogen in-
creases dramatically at puberty> stimulating the production of
growth hormone and the adolescent growth spurt, much as
testosterone does in males. It is also responsible for the devel-
opment of the breasts, pubic hair, and female sex organs and
for the control of menstrual cycles throughout a woman's re-
J I ! I ! I 1 I I J I L
mone to children who are simply short and do not have an en- functioning of the endocrine glands late in life bring about ag-
docrine problem is likely to do no good and can even backfire. ing and death.
Hormone treatment tends to induce an early and short pu- In short, the endocrine system, in collaboration with the
berty, and treated children are either early in attaining the nervous system, is centrally involved in growth during child-
height they would have reached anyway or end up smaller hood, physical and sexual maturation during adolescence,
than they would otherwise have been (Rosenfeld, 1997). functioning over the life span, and aging later in life.
The thyroid gland also plays a key role in physical growth
and development and in the development of the nervous sys-
tem. Babies born to mothers who had a thyroid deficiency
during pregnancy have lower IQ scores as children (Haddow None of the physical or mental achievements that we regard as
et al., 1999). Thyroid deficiency during infancy can also lead human would be possible without a functioning nervous sys-
to mental retardation and slow growth if unnoticed and un- tem. Briefly, the nervous system consists of the brain and
treated (Robertson, 1993). Children who develop a thyroid spinal cord (central nervous system) and the neural tissue that
deficiency later in life will not suffer brain damage, because extends into all parts of the body (peripheral nervous system).
most of their brain growth has already occurred, but their Its basic unit is a neuron (see Figure 5.2). Although neurons
physical growth will slow drastically. come in many shapes and sizes, they have some common fea-
Table 5*1 Hormonal Influences on Growth and Development
Pituitary Growth hormone Regulates growth from birth through adolescence; triggers adolescent growth spurt
Activating hormones Signal other endocrine glands (such as ovaries and testes) to secrete their hormones
Thyroid Thyroxine Affects growth and development of the brain and helps regulate growth of the body
during childhood
Testes Testosterone Is responsible for development of the male reproductive system during the prenatal
period; directs male sexual development during adolescence
Ovaries Estrogen and Is responsible for regulating the menstrual cycle; estrogen directs female sexual
progesterone development during adolescence
Adrenal glands Adrenal androgens Play a supportive role in the development of muscle and bones; contribute to sexual
tures. Branching, bushy dendrites receive signals from other stored at the ends of its axons, one neuron can either stimu-
neurons, and the long axon of a neuron transmits signals to late or inhibit the action of another neuron. The axons of
other neurons or, in some cases, directly to a muscle cell. The many neurons become covered by a fatty sheath called myelin,
axon of one neuron makes a connection with another neuron which acts like insulation to speed the transmission of neural
at a tiny gap called a synapse. By releasing neurotransmitters impulses. Myelination begins prenatally but continues for
Nerve impulse
Another neuron
V v
Myelin sheath
N e r v e cell fiber
(A) Neuron
• Smoking f r e q u e n t l y ( r e p o r t e d by 17% of a d o l e s c e n t s )
• Drinking a l c o h o l ( a b o u t 5 0 % )
• Drinking and driving ( 1 3 % )
• Riding with a driver w h o has b e e n drinking ( 3 3 % )
• Using marijuana ( 2 7 % )
• Carrying w e a p o n s ( 1 7 % )
• Having u n p r o t e c t e d s e x ( 4 2 % )
ing and are seen in abundance in people with Alzheimer's dis- degeneration, as you will see later, is that older brains typically
ease; and reduced blood flow to the brain, which may starve process information more slowly than younger brains do.
neurons of the oxygen and nutrients they need to function On the positive side, research shows that the brain can
(Hof 8c Mobbs, 2001). One of the main implications of such change in response to experience and develop new capabilities
vary widely in how effectively they learn, remember, and think
and in how well their intellectual abilities hold up as they age.
'On average, however, plasticity and growth may make up for
degeneration until people are in their 70s and 80s. One key to
maintaining or even improving performance in old age is to
avoid the many diseases that can interfere with nervous system
functioning. Another key is to remain intellectually active—to
create an "enriched environment" for the brain. You can reject
the view that aging involves nothing but a slow death of neural
tissue. Old brains can learn new tricks.
Principles of G r o w t h
To complete this explanation of the building blocks of growth
and physical development, we will look at three principles that
underlie growth. Knowledge of these principles allows re-
€ M e n t a l "exercise 1 ' l a t e r in life is likely t o c o n t r i b u t e t o n e u r a l searchers to make general predictions about growth patterns. It
g r o w t h in t h e aging b r a i n a n d c o m p e n s a t e f o r n e u r a l d e g e n e r a t i o n . is easiest to see these principles in action during infancy when
growth is fast. For instance, you have probably noticed that
throughout: the life span (see Nelson & Luciana, 2001). young infants seem to be all head compared with older chil-
Neurons can form new synapses and extend their dendrites dren and adults. That is because growth follows the cephalo-
(Kolb 8c Whishaw, 2003), thus filling in gaps left by dying neu- caudal principle according to which growth occurs in a head-
rons. This self-repair demonstrates at least some degree of to-tail direction. This pattern is clear in Figure 5.3: The head is
plasticity in the aging brain, just as in the young brain. far ahead of the rest of the body during the prenatal period and
What does it mean for older adults that both degeneration accounts for about 25% of the newborn's length and 13% of
and plasticity—both losses and gains—characterize the aging total body weight. But the head accounts for only 12% of an
brain? In some people, degeneration may win and declines in adult's height and 2 % of adult weight (Zemel, 2002). During
intellectual performance will occur. In other people, plasticity the first year after birth, the trunk grows the fastest; in the sec-
may prevail; their brains may form new and adaptive neural ond year, the legs are the fastest growing part of the body.
connections faster than they are lost so that performance on When infants are growing from the head downward, they
some tasks may actually improve with age (at least until very are also growing and developing muscles from the center out-
old age). As you will see in Chapters 7, 8, and 9, older adults ward to the extremities. This proximodistal principle of
Breathing reflex Permanent Provides oxygen; expels carbon dioxide
Eye-blink reflex Permanent Protects eyes from bright light or foreign
Pupillary reflex: Constriction of pupils Permanent Protects against bright light; adapts visual
to bright light; dilation to dark or dimly system to low illumination
lit surroundings
Rooting reflex: Turning a cheek toward Weakens by 2 months; disappears by Orients child to breast or bottle
a tactile (touch) stimulus 5 months
Sucking reflex: Sucking on objects placed Is gradually modified by experience over Allows child to take in nutrients
(or taken) into mouth the first few months after birth; disappears
by 7 months
Swallowing reflex Is permanent but modified by experience Allows child to take in nutrients; protects
against choking
Babinski reflex: Fanning then curling toes Disappears 12-18 months after birth Presence at birth and disappearance in first
when bottom of foot is stroked year indicate normal neurological
Grasping reflex: Curling fingers around Disappears in first 3 - 4 months; is replaced Presence at birth and later disappearance
objects (such as a finger) that touch the by a voluntary grasp indicate normal neurological development
baby's palm
Moro reflex: Loud noise or sudden change Disappears by 4 months; however, child Presence at birth and later disappearance
in position of baby's head will cause baby continues to react to unexpected noises or a (or evolution into startle reflex) indicate
to throw arms outward, arch back, then loss of bodily support by showing startle normal neurological development
bring arms toward each other reflex (which does not disappear)
Swimming reflex: Infant immersed in water Disappears in first 4 - 6 months Presence at birth and later disappearance
will display active movements of arms and indicate normal neurological development
legs and will involuntarily hold breath
(thus staying afloat for some time)
Stepping reflex: Infants held upright so that Disappears in first 8 weeks unless infant has Presence at birth and later disappearance
their feet touch a flat surface will step as regular opportunities to practice it * indicate normal neurological development
if to walk
Preterm infants may show little to no cvidencc o f primitive reflexes at birth, and their survival reflexes are likely to be irregular or immature. However, the
missing reflexes will typically appear soon after birth and will disappear a little later than they do among full-term infants.
can "overload" the immature nervous system. To reduce the Crying 4 3 2 <1
stimulation, infants tend to become less active, grow quieter, Note especially the increase in time awake. Because o f rounding, the
and shift into sleep. This may explain why infants are notori- columns do not total 100%.
ously fussy at the end of a busy day—often at dinnertime SOURCE: Adapted from St. James-Roberts & Plewis, 1996, Table 2.
I mpaired by sleep loss, individuals s t a r t a task feeling fine.
* Percent of
CL total sleep
20-23 o
4 -
NREM sleep o
2 -
Age 0-12 3-5 6-23 2-3 3-5 5-9 10- 14-18 19-30 33-45 50 70+
wks mos mos yrs yrs yrs 13 yrs yrs yrs yrs yrs
Neonate Ado-
Infants Children Adults Old age
If you look at what infants can do with their hands, you will
find another progression from reflexive activity to more vol-
untary, coordinated behavior. As you have seen, newborns
come equipped with a grasping reflex. It weakens from age 2
to 4 months, and for a time infants cannot aim their grasps
well. They take swipes at objects and even make contact more
than you would expect by chance, but they often miss. And
rather than opening their hands to grasp what they are reach-
ing for, they make a fist (Wallace & Whishaw, 2003).
([ Y o u n g t o d d l e r s have d i f f i c u l t y m a i n t a i n i n g t h e i r balance because o f By the middle of the first year, infants can once again
t h e i r large, heavy heads a n d t o r s o s a n c t h e i r w e a k muscles, grasp objects well, although they use a rather clumsy, clamp-
Esther Thelen and Linda Smith (1994) propose a dy-
Motor s c a l e namic systems approach to explain such motor develop-
Mental s c a l e
ments. According to this view, developments take place over
120 time through a "self-organizing" process in which children use
the sensory feedback they receive when they try different
movements to modify' their motor behavior in adaptive ways
(Smith & Thelen, 1993). In this view, motor milestones such
as crawling and walking are the learned outcomes of a process
o of interaction with the environment in which infants do the
best they can with what they have to achieve their goals
(Thelen, 1995). Neural maturation, physical growth, muscle
strength, balance, and other characteristics of the child inter-
act with gravity, floor surfaces, and characteristics of the spe-
5 MftVr cific task to influence what children can and cannot learn to
tell do with their bodies. Recall the infants who could not see their
m m
legs or feet in the newer walkers: it took them longer to
80 achieve certain motor milestones than infants who could see
No walkers Older Newer
walkers walkers their legs and learn how their movements affected their rela-
tionship to their environment.
Figure 5.4 Scores o n t h e Bayley Scales o f M e n t a l and Consistent with the dynamic systems approach, Karen
P s y c h o m o t o r D e v e l o p m e n t f o r infants w h o use n o walkers, o l d e r Adolph and Anthony Avolio (2000) found that young tod-
(can see t h e i r feet) walkers, o r n e w e r (feet are n o t visible) walkers.
dlers could adjust their walking to changes in both body di-
SOURCE: Adapted with perm ssion from Siegel, A. C., & Burton, R. V. (1998). Effects of baby walkers on motor and
mental development in human infants. Journal of Development and Behavioral Pediatrics, 20,355-361.
mensions and slope of a walkway. The researchers had infants
walk on slopes of different degrees while wearing a vest with
removable "saddlebags" that could be weighted to simulate
like grasp in which they press the palm and outer fingers to- changes in their body dimensions (see Figure 5.5). The
gether. As they gain postural control of their trunks and heads weights added mass and shifted the infants' center of gravity,
and visual control of their eyes, they become increasingly akin to what happens when infants grow. Would infants be
skillful at reaching for and manipulating objects with their able to compensate for the changes in their body and their
hands (Bertenthal & von Hofsten, 1998). The workings of the environment? Yes—they adjusted their motor skills to adapt
proximodistal principle of development can be seen when in- to rapid "growth" of their bodies and to changes in their en-
fants who could control their arms and then their hands fi- vironment (Adolph, 1997). Like adults carrying a heavy load
nally become able to control the individual fingers enough to on their shoulders, infants bent their knees and kept their
use a pincer grasp. Involving only the thumb and the forefin-
ger (or another finger), the pincer grasp appears as early as 5
months (Wallace & Whishaw, 2003).
By 16 months, infants can scribble with a crayon, and by
the end of the second year they can copy a simple horizontal
or vertical line and even build towers of five or more blocks.
They are rapidly gaining control of specific, differentiated
movements, then integrating those movements into whole, co-
ordinated actions. They use their new locomotor and manip-
ulation skills to learn about and adapt to the world around
them. By cornering bugs and stacking Cheerios, they develop
their minds.
E m e r g e n c e o f M o t o r Skills
How do motor skills emerge? Thelen (1996) observed infants
diroughout their first year and discovered that they spent a
great deal of time engaged in rhythmic stereotypies. The in-
fants moved their bodies in repetitive ways—rocking, sway-
ing, bouncing, mouthing objects, and banging their arms up
and dowrn. Thelen found that infants performed these rhyth-
mic stereotypies shortly before a new skill emerged but not af-
ter the skill had become established. Thus, infants might rock
back and forth while on their hands and knees, but once they C O n c e infants have m a s t e r e d t h e p i n c e r grasp, t h e y can pick u p all
were crawling, they no longer rocked. s o r t s o f objects.
master these challenges, infants need opportunities to gather
feedback from each motor activity.
Finally, an important contribution of the dynamic sys-
tems approach to motor development is its integration of ac-
tion with thought. The motor behaviors we have been de-
scribing are not separate and distinct from the child's
knowledge. Children have to think about how to organize
their movements to optimize what they are able to get from
their ever-changing environment. Thus, there is far more to
motor development than implied by norms indicating when
we might expect infants to sit up, stand alone, or walk inde-
pendently. The emergence of motor skills is complex and is
closely connected to perceptual-cognitive developments
(Bushnell & Boudreau, 1993).
Summing Up
Summing Up
Tlie Adolescent
• a>
Adolescents are intensely focused on their physical self, and
C C h i l d r e n are n o t as c o o r d i n a t e d in p r e s c h o o l as t h e y w i l l b e a f e w rightly so—dramatic physical changes are taking place during
years later. this period. Consider your own transformation from child to
adult. You rapidly grew taller and took on the body size and pro-
Finally, older children have quicker reactions than young portions of an adult during a growth spurt. Moreover, you ex-
children do. When dogs suddenly run in front of their bikes, perienced puberty—the processes of biological change that re-
they can do something about it. In studies of reaction time, a sult in an individuals attaining sexual maturity and becoming
stimulus, such as a light, suddenly appears and the subject's capable of producing a child. We look at both of these processes.
8-13 10-16
10.5 14.5
8-14 14-15
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 '17 18
A g e in y e a r s
(A) Females
12.5 14
10.5-16 12.5-15.5
12 14.5
10.5-14.5 12.5-16
12 15
10-15 14-17
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
A g e in y e a r s
(B) Males
Figure 5.6 Sequence of events in the sexual maturation of females (A) and
males (B).The numbers represent the variation among individuals in the ages at
which each aspect of maturation begins or ends. For example, growth of the pe-
nis may begin as early as age 1 0 ' / 2 or as late as age I 4 ' / 2 -
Boys and girls have similar levels of both male and female sex greater body size. In 1840, for example, the average age of
hormones during childhood. By the time sexual maturation is menarche was 16V2 years, a full 4 years later than it is today
complete, however, males have larger quantities of male hor- (Rees, 1993). Today, researchers can still find cultures in which
mones (androgens, including testosterone) circulating in their sexual maturity is reached much later than it is in Western na-
blood than females do, whereas females have larger quantities of tions. For example, in one region of Saudi Arabia the average
female hormones (estrogen, progesterone, and others). age of menarche is 15, and in one part of New Guinea the av-
Physical and sexual maturation, then, are processes set in erage girl does not reach menarche until age 18 (Dosoky &
motion by the genes and executed by hormones. But environ- Amoudi, 1997; Tanner, 1990).
ment also plays its part in the timing of maturation. This is What explains the secular trend? Better nutrition and ad-
dramatically illustrated by the secular trend—the historical vances in medical care seem to be the major factors (Johnston,
trend in industrialized societies toward earlier maturation and 2002). Worldwide, the age of menarche is earlier in countries
with good nutrition, long life expectancies, and high literacy positive and negative feelings and some confusion about the
rates, reflecting the effect of both biological and environmental process (Koff & Rierdan, 1995; Moore, 1995). Unfortunately,
factors (Thomas et al., 2001). In industrialized nations, today's cultural viewTs about menstruation are often negative, and
children are more likely than their parents or grandparents to girls internalize these negative myths about what to expect.
reach their genetic potential for maturation and growth be- Many also develop poor body images because they are both-
cause they are better fed and less likely to experience growth-re- ered by the weight gains that typically accompany menarche
tarding illnesses. Even within the relatively affluent U.S. society, (Seiffge-Krenke, 1998).
poorly nourished adolescents—both boys and girls—mature What about boys? Their body images are more positive
later than well-nourished ones do. Girls who are taller and than those of girls> and they are more likely to welcome their
heavier as children tend to mature earlier than other girls (St. weight gain and voice changes (Benjat & Hernandez-Guzman,
George, Williams, & Silva, 1994). By contrast, girls who engage 2002; Martin, 1996). But they hope to be tall, hairy, and hand-
regularly in strenuous physical activity and girls who suffer some, and they may become preoccupied with their physical
from anorexia nervosa (the life-threatening eating disorder that and athletic prowess. Whereas menarche is a memorable event
involves dieting to the point of starvation) may begin menstru- for girls, boys are often unaware of some of the physical
ating late or stop menstruating after they have begun. These changes they are experiencing. They notice their first ejacula-
variations seem to be tied not to overall weight but to skeletal tion, but they rarely tell anyone about it and often were not
development, particularly maturation of the pelvic bones nec- prepared for it (Stein & Reiser, 1994). Although males express
essary for delivering a baby (Ellison, 2002). a mix of positive and negative reactions to becoming sexually
Research by Bruce Ellis and Judy Garber (2000) shows mature, they generally react more positively to semenarche
that family and marital stress also affects the timing of pu- than girls do to menarche; 62% of boys regard semenarche
berty in girls. Girls whose mothers were depressed were likely positively, whereas only 23% of girls view menarche positively
to experience early puberty, as were girls who had a stepfather (Seiffge-Krenke, 1998).
or mother's boyfriend present in the home. In particular, girls Pubertal changes may prompt changes in family rela-
who were relatively young when an unrelated male moved tions. Adolescents physically distance themselves from their
into the house and whose mothers and stepfathers or parents by engaging in less body contact, especially with fa-
boyfriends had a more conflicted, stressful relationship were thers, and they go to great lengths to avoid being seen naked
likely to experience early sexual maturity. In other research, by their parents (Schulz, 1991, in Seiffge-Krenke, 1998).
however, Croatian girls living under the stressful conditions of Likewise, parents seem to restructure the parent-child rela-
war showed delayed sexual maturation (Prebeg & Bralic, tionship, placing greater distance between themselves and
2000). And girls from lower socioeconomic backgrounds lag their children. Perhaps as a result of the barriers erected be-
several months behind their higher socioeconomic counter- tween adolescents and their parents, teens become more inde-
parts, possibly because of less adequate nutrition and health pendent and less close to their parents (Steinberg, 1989). They
care (Dosoky & Amoudi, 1997). Truly, then, physical and sex- are also more likely to experience conflicts with their parents,
ual maturation are the products of an interaction between especially with their mothers—more often about minor issues
heredity and environment, with some environments delaying such as unmade beds, late hours, and loud music than about
maturation and others hastening it. core values. Hormone changes in early adolescence may con-
tribute to this increased conflict with parents and to moodi-
ness, bouts of depression, lower or more variable energy lev-
els, and restlessness (Buchanan, Eccles, & Becker, 1992).
As noted previously, there are large individual differences in However, cultural beliefs about family relations and about the
the timing of physical and sexual maturation. An early- significance of becoming an adult also influence paren t-child
maturing girl may develop breast buds at age 8 and reach interactions during adolescence. For example, many Mexican
menarche at age 10, whereas a late-developing boy may not American boys and their parents appear to become closer
begin to experience a growth of. his penis until age 14V2 or a rather than more distant during the peak of pubertal changes
height spurt until age 16. Within a middle school, then, there (Molina & Chassin, 1996).
is a wide assortment of bodies, ranging from entirely childlike Even when parent-child relationships are disrupted dur-
to fully adultlike. No wonder adolescents are self-conscious ing early adolescence, they become warmer once the pubertal
about their appearance. transition is completed. Parents—mothers and fathers alike—
What psychological effects do the many changes associ- can help adolescents adjust successfully to puberty by main-
ated with puberty have on adolescents? In many cultures, girls taining close relationships and helping adolescents accept
approaching or experiencing puberty tend to become con- themselves (Swarr & Richards, 1996). Overall, you should not
cerned about their appearance and worry about how others imagine that the physical and hormonal changes of puberty
will respond to them. One adolescent girl may think she is too cause direct and straightforward psychological changes in the
tall, another that she is too short. One may try to pad her individual. Instead, biological changes interact with psycho-
breasts; another may hunch her shoulders to hide hers. Not logical characteristics of the person and with changes in the
surprisingly, research confirms that individual reactions to social environment to influence how adolescence is experi-
menarche vary widely, with many girls reporting a mixture of enced (Magnusson, 1995; Paikoff & Brooks-Gunn, 1991).
early-maturing girls have a greater likelihood than all other
groups of experiencing lifetime adjustment problems, includ-
If "timely5' maturation has psychological implications, what is ing both anxiety and depression (Graber et al., 1997). Some of
it like to be "off time"—to be an especially early or late devel- the advantages of being an early-maturing boy may carry over
oper? The answer depends on whether we are talking about into adulthood, but early-maturing boys also seem to be more
males or females and also on whether we examine their ad- rigid and conforming than late-maturing ones, who may learn
justment during adolescence or later on. some lessons about coping in creative ways from their strug-
Consider the short-term effect of being an early- or late- gles as adolescents (Jones, 1965).
developing boy. Early-developing boys are judged to be socially Overall, then, late-maturing boys and early-maturing girls
competent, attractive, and self-assured, and they enjoy greater are especially likely to find the adolescent period disruptive.
social acceptance by their peers (Bulcroft, 1991). The only neg- However, psychological differences between early- and late-
ative aspect of being an early-maturing boy is earlier involve- maturing adolescents become smaller and more mixed in qual-
ment in substance use and other problem behaviors such as ity by adulthood. It is also important to note that differences be-
bullying (Kaltiala-Heino et al., 2003). By comparison, late mat- tween early and late maturers are relatively small and that many
uration in boys has several disadvantages. Late-maturing boys factors besides the timing of maturation influence whether this
tend to be more anxious and less sure of themselves, and they period goes smoothly or not. For example, girls who make the
experience more behavior and adjustment problems (Dorn, transition from elementary to middle school when they experi-
Susman, 8c Ponirakis, 2003). As a group, they even score lower ence puberty exhibit greater adjustment problems than girls
than other students do, at least in early adolescence, on school who do not experience a school transition and pubertal changes
achievement tests (Dubas, Graber, & Petersen, 1991). at the same time (Simmons & Blyth, 1987).
Now consider early- and late-maturing girls. Traditionally, Finally, and perhaps most important, the effects of the tim-
physical prowess has not been as important in girls' peer ing of puberty depend on the adolescent's perception of
groups as in boys', so an early-developing girl may not gain whether pubertal events are experienced early, on time, or late
much status from being larger and more muscled. In addition, (Seiffge-Krenke, 1998). Thus, one girl may believe she is a "late
because girls develop about 2 years earlier than boys do, a girl bloomer" when she does not menstruate until age 14. But an-
may be subjected to ridicule for a time—the only one in her other girl who exercises strenuously may believe that menarche
grade who is developed and thus the target of some teasing. at age 14 is normal because delayed menarche is typical of seri-
Perhaps for some of these reasons, early maturation appears to ous athletes. Peer and family-member reactions to an adoles-
be more of a disadvantage than an advantage for girls. Many cent's pubertal changes are also instrumental in determining
studies report an association between early maturation and the adolescents adjustment. This may help explain the differ-
lower self-esteem among girls (see, for example, Forys 8c Rider, ence in adjustment between early-maturing boys and early-ma-
2000; Williams 8c Currie, 2000). The early-maturing girl tends turing girls. Parents may be more concerned and negative about
to be less popular than her prepubertal classmates, and she is their daughter's emerging sexuality than they are about their
more likely to report symptoms of depression and anxiety, es- son's. These attitudes may be inadvertently conveyed to teens,
pecially if she had psychological problems as a child (Graber et affecting their experience of puberty and their self-concept.
al., 1997; Hayward et al., 1997). In addition, early-maturing
girls often end up socializing with an older peer group; conse-
quently, they are likely to become involved in dating, drinking,
having sex, and engaging in minor troublemaking at an early The dramatic physical growth that occurs during adolescence
age (Dick et al., 2000; Lanza & Collins, 2002). makes teenagers more physically competent than children.
Late-maturing girls (like late-maturing boys) may experi- Rapid muscle development over the adolescent years makes
ence some anxiety as they wait to mature, but they are not both boys and girls noticeably stronger than they were as chil-
nearly as disadvantaged as late-maturing boys. Indeed, dren (Seger 8c Thorstensson, 2000). Their performance of large -
whereas later-developing boys tend to perform poorly on muscle activities continues to improve: An adolescent can
school achievement tests, later-developing girls outperform throw a ball farther, cover more ground in the standing long
other students (Dubas, Graber, 8c Petersen, 1991). Perhaps jump, and run much faster than a child can (Keough 8c Sugden,
late-developing girls focus on academic skills when other girls 1985). However, as the adolescent years progress, the physical
have shifted some of their focus to extracurricular activities. performance of boys continues to improve, whereas that of girls
Do differences between early and late developers persist often levels off or even declines (Seger 8c Thorstensson, 2000).
into later adolescence and adulthood? Typically, they fade Clearly, larger muscles enable boys to outperform girls in
with time. By late high school, for example, differences in ac- activities that require strength. But biological differences can-
ademic performance between early and late maturers have al- not entirely explain sex differences in physical performance
ready disappeared (Dubas, Graber, & Petersen, 1991), and (Smoll 8c Schutz, 1990). Gender-role socialization may be
early-maturing girls are no longer less popular than other girls partly responsible. As girls mature sexually and physically,
(Hayward et al., 1997). However, there may be lasting effects they are often encouraged to be less "tomboyish" and to be-
of some of the risky behaviors engaged in by early-maturing come more interested in traditionally "feminine" (often more
girls (such as sex and drinking). And some research shows that sedentary) activities. Studies of world records in track, swim-
ming, and cycling suggest that as gender roles have changed in Disease Control, 2002). Indeed, more middle-aged people are
the past few decades, women have been improving their per- overweight than in the normal weight range.
formances, and the male-female gap in physical performance The body shows additional effects of ciging in old age.
has narrowed dramatically (Sparling, O'Donnell, & Snow, After gaining weight throughout early and middle adulthood,
1998; Whipp & Ward, 1992). A small gender gap remains in people typically begin to lose weight starting in their 60s
some areas of physical activity, largely related to biological dif- (Haber, 1994). Loss of weight in old age is usually coupled
ferences—greater muscle mass in males, greater body fat in with loss of muscle over the span of adulthood. However, it is
females, and differences in oxygen transport capacity not age per se that reduces muscle mass but rather the seden-
(Sparling, O'Donnell, & Snow, 1998). But as today's girls par- tary lifestyle adopted by many older adults (Harper, 1999).
ticipate more often in sports and other strenuous physical ac- When Abby King and colleagues (2000) surveyed nearly 3000
tivities, their performance on tests of large-muscle activity is women in middle and later adulthood, they found that only
likely to remain stable or improve during adolescence, rather 9 % met the criteria for being regularly active. And as age in-
than declining as it did in previous generations. Then both creased, level of activity decreased. Age is not the only culprit,
young women and young men will be likely to enter adult- however, in making adults less active; low level of education,
hood in peak physical condition. poor neighborhood characteristics, and personal factors (such
as caregiving responsibilities and lack of energy) also influ-
ence whether or not adults exercise (King et al., 2000).
Summing Up
Aging is also associated with decreased bone density
The adolescent period, then, is marked by physical which, with reduced muscle mass and joint changes, can lead
growth and attainment of sexual maturity.These changes to shortened stature, stooped posture, fractures, and pain.
are significant and have psychological implications. Most Most older adults are not bothered by the slight decrease in
adolescents, but especially giris, react to the maturation height they experience (about half an inch for men and an
process with mixed feelings and worry about their phys- inch for women by age 70), but they are troubled by joint pain
ical appearance and capabilities. Early maturation tends and fractures because these changes can impair mobility and
to give boys an advantage over their peers but appears detract from the quality of life.
to be disadvantageous for girls. For girls, the best course Extreme bone loss in later life results from o s t e o p o r o s i s ,
would be to mature "on time.." that is, when peers are ex- a disease in which a serious loss of minerals leaves the bones
periencing the same changes. M fragile and easily fractured. It involves pain and can result in
death if the victim falls and fractures a hip. As many as one-
third of elderly adults who fracture a hip die within 1 year
(Rose & Maffulli, 1999). Osteoporosis is a special problem for
older women, who never had as much bone mass as men
and whose bones tend to thin rapidly after menopause
The body of the mature adolescent or young adult is at its (Henderson & Goltzman, 2000). European and Asian women
prime in many ways. It is strong and fit; its organs are func- with light frames, those who smoke, and those with a family
tioning efficiently. But it is aging, as it has been all along. history of osteoporosis are especially at risk. Women with os-
Physical aging occurs slowly and steadily over the life span. teoporosis may eventually develop the so-called dowagers
hump, a noticeably rounded upper back. One long-term vic-
tim lost almost 6 inches in height by age 70 (far more than the
average loss of 1 inch) and ended up with her ribcage sitting
Physical changes begin to have noticeable effects on appear- on her hipbones (Franklin, 1995).
ance and functioning in middle age and have an even more What can be done to prevent osteoporosis? For starters,
significant effect by the time old age is reached, although more dietary habits can influence a person s risk for osteoporosis.
in some people than in others. We will now examine the phys- Many individuals do not get enough calcium to develop
ical aging process. strong bones when they are young or to maintain bone health
as they age (Kart, Metress, & Metress, 1992). Weight-bearing
A p p e a r a n c e and Structure exercises such as walking or jogging can help prevent osteo-
Only minor changes in physical appearance occur in the 20s and porosis, as can the hormone replacement therapy (HRT) that
30s, but many people notice signs that they are aging as they some women take following menopause (but see page 138 for
reach their 40s. Skin becomes wrinkled, dry, and loose, especially concerns about HRT). It is increasingly evident that good
among people who have spent more time in the sun. Hair thins bone health starts in childhood and adolescence (Krucoff,
and often turns gray from loss of pigment-producing cells. And 2000). Girls and young women who are physically active and
to most people s dismay, they put on extra weight throughout eat a healthy diet develop higher bone density that protects
much of adulthood as their metabolism declines but their eating them from bone loss in later life.
and exercise habits do not adjust accordingly (Kart, Metress, & The joints also age over the adult years. The cushioning
Metress, 1992). Among middle-aged adults, more than half are between bones wears out, and the joints stiffen. Many older
overweight, whereas only 2 % are underweight (Centers for adults experience pain or discomfort from arthritis, or joint
inflammation. The most common joint problem among older
Table 5,5 Physical Skills of Adults 70 and Older
adults is osteoarthritis, which results from gradual deteriora-
tion of the cartilage that cushions the bones from rubbing Skill Men Women
against one another. For some older adults, joint disease is de-
Walk one-quarter mile 88% 82%
forming and painful and limits their activities. The older per-
Climb 10 stairs without resting 92 88
son who can no longer fasten buttons, stoop to pick up
dropped items, or even get into and out of the bathtub may Stoop, crouch, or kneel 90 84
easily feel incompetent and dependent (Whitbourne, 2001). Reach over head 97 86
levels detected in June and July (Andersson et aL, 2003), and more "masculine" than that of the premenopausal woman.
daily (Harman 8c Talbert, 1985). Men with high levels of When menopause is completed, a woman is no longer ovulat-
testosterone tend to be more sexually active and aggressive ing, no longer menstruating, and no longer capable of con-
than other men (Schiavi et al., 1991; Archer, 1991), Otherwise, ceiving a child.
it is not clear that changes in men s hormone levels are tied to The age at which a woman reaches menopause is some-
changes in their moods and behavior. what related to both the age at which she reached menarche
By contrast, hormone levels in women shift drastically and the age at which her mother reached menopause (Varea et
each month as they progress through their menstrual cycles. al., 2000). Although life expectancy has increased and the age
These shifts have psychological implications for some women. of menarche has decreased over history as part of the secular
Estrogen and progesterone levels rise to a peak at midcycle, trend, the age of menopause does not appear to have changed
when a woman is ovulating, and decline as she approaches her much and is similar from culture to culture (Brody et al.,
menstrual period. The cyclic changes in hormones may lead 2000). What has changed is that women are now living long
to such symptoms as bloating, moodiness, breast tenderness, enough to experience a considerable period of post-
and headaches during the days just before the menstrual flow, menopausal life.
symptoms collectively referred to as premenstrual syndrome Society holds rather stereotypic views of menopausal
(PMS). Among women age 21 to age 64, 41% report that they women. They are regarded as irritable, emotional, depressed,
experience PMS and another 17% report at least some symp- and unstable. How much truth is there to this stereotype? Not
toms before menstruation (Singh et aL, 1998). Many adoles- much. About two-thirds of women in U.S. society experience
cent women (88%) report moderate or severe symptoms hot flashes—sudden experiences of warmth and sweating,
(Cleckner-Smith, Doughty, & Grossman, 1998). usually centered around the face and upper body, that occur at
However, there is some debate about the validity of PMS. unpredictable times, last for a few seconds or minutes, and are
In research where women are simply asked to complete mood often followed by a cold shiver (Robinson, 1996). Many also
surveys every day and do not know that their menstrual cycles experience vaginal dryness and irritation or pain during in-
are being studied, most report li ttle premenstrual mood change tercourse. Still other women experience no symptoms.
(Englander-Golden et al., 1986). This suggests that expectations What about the psychological symptoms—irritability and
and not hormones play a role in many cases of PMS. Only a few depression? Again, researchers have discovered wide variation
women—probably fewer than 5%—experience significant among menopausal women—and not much truth to the neg-
PMS. Changes in estrogen and progesterone levels may be re- ative stereotypes. In a particularly wrell-designed study, Karen
sponsible for the severe PMS these women experience (Schmidt Matthews and her associates (Matthews, 1992; Matthews et al.,
et al., 1998). Women with severe PMS may find relief when 1990) studied 541 initially premenopausal women over a 3-
treated with antidepressant drugs such as Prozac (Dimmock et year period, comparing those who subsequently experienced
al., 2000). For women with milder forms of PMS, treatment menopause with women of similar ages who did not become
menopausal. The typical woman entering menopause initially psychological and social factors of the sort that influence
experienced some physical symptoms such as hot flashes. women's reactions to sexual maturation and to their men-
Some women also reported mild depression and temporary strual cycles also influence the severity of menopausal symp-
emotional distress, probably in reaction to their physical symp- toms. For example, women who expect menopause to be a
toms, but only about 10% could be said to have become seri- negative experience are likely to get what they expect
ously depressed in response to menopause. Typically, meno- (Matthews, 1992). There is also a good deal of variation across
pause had no effect on the women's levels of anxiety, anger, cultures in how menopause is experienced (see the
perceived stress, or job dissatisfaction. When women do expe- Explorations box on this page). It appears that the effect of
rience severe psychological problems during the menopausal menopause is colored by the meaning it has for the woman, as
transition, they often had those problems well before the age of influenced by her society's prevailing views of menopause and
menopause (Greene, 1984). by her own personal characteristics.
Women who have been through menopause generally say For years, hormone replacement therapy, or HRT (taking
it had little effect on them or that it even improved their lives; estrogen and progestin to compensate for hormone loss at
they are usually more positive about it than women who have menopause), was considered an effective cure for the symp-
not been through it yet (Gannon & Ekstrom, 1993; Wilbur, toms that many women experience with menopause. This
Miller, & Montgomery, 1995). For most women, menopause hormone treatment relieves physical symptoms of
brings no changes in sexual interest and activity, although sex- menopause, such as hot flashes and vaginal dryness, and pre-
ual activity gradually declines in both women and men over vents or slows osteoporosis (National Institutes of Health,
the adult years (Laumann, Pailc, & Rosen, 1999). In short, de- 2002). Unfortunately, researchers have learned that this relief
spite all the negative stereotypes, menopause seems to be "no comes with a price. HRT increases women's chances of devel-
big deal" for most women. oping breast cancer and experiencing heart attacks and
Why do some women experience more severe meno- strokes (Women's Health Initiative, 2004). For most women,
pausal symptoms than others do? Again, part of the answer these risks outweigh the benefits of HRT, particularly if the
may lie with biology. Women who have a history of menstrual hormones estrogen and progestin are taken over a long pe-
problems (such as PMS) report more menopausal symptoms, riod. For women with severe menopausal symptoms associ-
both physical and psychological (Morse et al, 1998). Thus, ated with decreasing production of hormones, short-term
some women may experience greater biological changes. But HRT (for example, up to 2 years) may be warranted.
(first menstruation) at an average age of 127 2 ; boys experience seme- estrogen, 113 menarche, 131
narche (first ejaculation) a bit later. Rates of maturation vary widely, neuron, 113 semenarche, 131
partly because of genetic makeup and partly because of nutrition and synapse, 114 secular trend, 132
health status.
plasticity, 115 osteoporosis, 135
7. Most adolescent girls and boys react to the maturation
process with mixed feelings, worry about their physical appearance lateralization, 115 osteoarthritis, 136
and capabilities, and experience heightened conflict with parents in cephalocaudal principle, 118 reserve capacity, 136
early adolescence. Early maturation tends to give boys an advantage
proximodistal principle, 118 ageism, 136
over their peers but appears to be disadvantageous for girls. Physical
capabilities of boys improve, but those of many girls level off or even orthogenetic principle, 119 premenstrual syndrome
decline during adolescence, perhaps because of gender stereotypes. reflex, 119 (PMS), 137
8. Most systems of the body reach a peak of functioning be- menopause, 137
REM sleep, 121
tween childhood and early adulthood and decline gradually there-
developmental norm, 124 hot flashes, 137
after; decreases in reserve capacity are especially noticeable. However,
individual differences in physiological functioning become greater gross motor skills, 124 hormone replacement therapy
with age. Older adults lose bone density, which may lead to fractures (HRT), 138
fine motor skills, 124
or osteoporosis. Good bone health starts in childhood with adequate andropause, 139
pmcer grasp, 126
* 1 /A /-
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Understanding t h e Data:
Exercises on t h e W e b
t h e early m o n t h s o f life, a n o r m a l l y d e v e l o p i n g child begins tory of learning experiences. Does a newborn perceive the
t h e t a s k o f making o r d e r o u t o f t h e s e n s a t i o n s t h a t s t r e a m world, then, or merely sense it? And what happens to sensory
unbidden and u n c h a n n e l e d t h r o u g h h e r m a t u r i n g s e n s e s . and perceptual capacities as the person ages? Perhaps we
First s h e m u s t attain c o n t r o l o v e r h e r b o d y s m o t i o n s and should start with a more basic question: Why should you care
internal s e n s a t i o n s and o v e r h e r o w n a t t e n t i o n . . . t h e s e about the development of sensation and perception?
abilities t o p r o c e s s sights, s o u n d s , and o t h e r s e n s a t i o n s and Sensation and perception are at the heart of human func-
t o o r g a n i z e r e s p o n s e s in a c a l m , f o c u s e d m a n n e r s u p p o r t tioning. Everything you do depends on your ability to perceive
m a s t e r y o f f u r t h e r basic skills o f d e v e l o p m e n t ( G r e e n s p a n , the world around you. You would have a tough time as a student
1 9 9 7 , p. 4 5 ) . if you could neither read printed words nor understand speech.
Indeed, you would not be able to walk to class without the aid
of the body senses that control movement. Possibly one reason
Psychologists have long distinguished between sensation and that sensation and perception may not seem important is that
perception. Sensation is the process by which sensory receptor they occur so effortlessly for most people. And as long as the
neurons detect information and transmit it to the brain. From sensory-perceptual systems are in good working order, we tend
birth, infants sense their environment. They detect light, to take them for granted. But as soon as there is a "glitch" in the
sound, odor-bearing molecules in the air, and other stimuli. system, we become painfully aware of the limitations imposed
But do they make "sense" of it? Perception is the interpretation when, for example, we lose our vision or sense of smell.
There is another reason to be interested in sensation and
perception. They have been at the center of a debate among
philosophers and, more recently, developmental scientists
about how wre gain knowledge of reality.
Issues of N a t u r e a n d N u r t u r e
Pattern Perception
Over years of testing, researchers have found that even young
infants prefer to look at certain patterns more than others.
What are the properties of patterns that "turn infants on?" For
one thing, young infants are attracted to patterns that have a
large amount of light-dark transition, or contour; they are re-
sponsive to sharp boundaries between light and dark areas
(Banks & Shannon, 1993). This is perhaps why it was once
mistakenly thought that infants could only see in black and
white. They can detect color, but often the pastel colors pre-
sented to young infants do not have enough contrast to be in-
teresting. Black and white objects, however, offer this contrast.
Second, young infants are attracted to movement> espe-
cially the onset of motion (Abrams & Christ, 2003). Newborns
can and do track a moving target with their eyes, although
their tracking at first is imprecise and likely to falter unless the
target is moving slowly (Easterbrook et al, 1999; Slater, 2004).
Attractive and interesting targets, such as faces, elicit more vi-
sual tracking than other targets (Game, Carchon, & Vital-
Durand, 2003). Infants also look longer at moving objects and
perceive their forms better than those of stationary ones
(Johnson & Aslin, 1995; Slater 2004).
Finally, young infants seem to be attracted to moderately
complex patterns. They prefer a clear pattern (for example, a
bold checkerboard pattern) to either a blank stimulus or an
elaborate one such as a page from the New York Times (Fantz
& Fagan, 1975). As infants mature, they prefer more complex
stimuli. C At 2 months, Jordan is attracted to the mobile's well-defined con-
One special pattern that has garnered much attention tours (or light-dark contrasts) and bold patterns (which are neither
from researchers is the human face. Early research showing too simple nor too complex).
that young infants preferred to look at schematic drawings of
faces rather than other patterned stimuli seemed to suggest an been able to predict how different patterns might look to a
inborn tendency to orient to faces (see, for example, Johnson young infant. Figure 6.3 gives an example. Because the young
& de Haan, 2001). But as you have just learned, infants prefer infant s eye is small and its neural receptors are immature, it
contour, movement, and moderate complexity. Human faces has poor visual acuity and sees a highly complex checkerboard
have all of these physical properties. In addition, recent re- as a big, dark blob. The pattern in a moderately complex
search shows that newborns have a bias towrard viewing pat- checkerboard can be seen. Less-than-perfect vision would
terns that have more information in their upper visual field, therefore explain why young infants prefer moderate com-
that is, patterns that are "top-heavy" (Cassia, Turati, & Simion, plexity to high complexity. Indeed, limited vision can account
2004; Turati, 2004). Again, faces are top-heavy. When pre- for several of the infant's visual preferences. Young infants
sented with a normal face and a face that is scrambled but still seem to actively seek the visual input they can see well—input
top-heavy (see Figure 6.2), newborns do not prefer one over that will stimulate the development of the visual centers of
the other, but they prefer a normal (upright) face to one that their brains (Banks & Shannon, 1993; Hainline, 1998).
is upside down or one that is scrambled and not top-heavy Finding that young infants discriminate patterns and pre-
(Cassia, Turati, & Simion, 2004). fer some over others raises another question. Can infants re-
To recap what has been covered up to this point, re- ally perceive forms or patterns? For example, do they just see
searchers know that infants younger than 2 months have vi- an angle or two when they view a triangle, or do they see a
sual preferences, and they also know something about the whole triangular form that stands out from its background as
physical properties of stimuli that attract infants' attention. a distinct shape? Some research suggests that even newborns
Martin Banks and his colleagues have offered a simple expla- and 1-month-olds are sensitive to information about whole
nation for these early visual preferences: Young infants prefer shapes or forms (Slater, 2004). But most studies point to an
to look at whatever they can see well (Banks & Ginsburg, important breakthrough in the perception of forms starting
1985). Based on a complex mathematical model, Banks has around 2 or 3 months. Part of the story is told in Figure 6.4.
Upright face Upside-down Top-heavy Bottom-heavy Upright face Top-heavy
face configuration configuration configuration
(A) (B) (C)
> >
F i g u r e 6.2 In a series o f studies, Cassia,Turati, a n d Sirnion ( 2 0 0 4 ) s h o w e d t h a t n e w b o r n s p r e f e r
an u p r i g h t face o v e r an u p s i d e - d o w n o n e ( A ) a n d p r e f e r a t o p - h e a v y c o n f i g u r a t i o n o v e r a b o t t o m -
heavy o n e (B), b u t d o n o t s h o w a p r e f e r e n c e f o r an u p r i g h t face w h e n p a i r e d w i t h a t o p - h e a v y con-
figuration (C).
SOURCE: Cassia, Turati, & Sirnion (2004, p. 381).
One-month-olds focus on the outer contours of forms such as as though they are no longer content to locate where an object
faces (Johnson, 1997). Even babies a few days old can recog- starts and where it ends, as 1-month-olds tend to do; they
nize their mothers5 faces—but only when they can see the seem to want to know what it is. During this time, infants also
shape of the mother's head, not when they have only her facial become better at shifting their gaze from one object to an-
features to work with (Pascalis et al, 1995). Starting around 2 other (Butcher, Kalverboer, & Geuze, 2000). Initially, their
months, infants no longer focus on some external boundary gaze seems to become "stuck" on the fixated object, and they
or contour; instead, they explore the interiors of figures thor- have difficulty shifting it to another object. As you might
oughly (for example, looking at a person's facial features imagine, this difficulty with shifting gaze limits what young
rather than just at the chin, hairline, and top of the head). It is infants can take in from their environment.
Much remains to be learned about early perception of
faces. An intense nature-nurture debate still rages about
What an adult sees What an infant sees whether infants have an innate ability to perceive face forms
or can do so only after they have had some experience looking
at faces (Johnson & de Haan, 2001; Slater, 2004). Still, we can
E<o conclude that infants truly perceive a meaningful face form,
o "O
o _
not merely an appealing pattern, by 2 to 3 months of age.
CD _ Q
j— Infants smile when they see faces as though they recognize
o them as familiar and appreciate their significance. So it goes
c with pattern perception more generally: As infants gain expe-
rience with different objects, their attention is drawn to cer-
tain objects not only because they have certain physical prop-
erties, but also because their forms are recognized as familiar.
X X D e p t h Perception
0 CD
E •o
Another important aspect of visual perception involves per-
o CO ceiving depth and knowing when objects are near or far.
Although it can take years to learn to judge the size of objects
O) Q)
in the distance, very young infants have some intriguing abil-
ities to interpret spatial cues involving nearby objects. For ex-
ample, they react defensively when objects move toward their
faces; blinking in response to looming objects first appears
Ffigyre 6.3 W h a t t h e y o u n g eye sees. By t h e t i m e t h e s e t w o around 1 month and becomes more consistent over the next
c h e c k e r b o a r d s are p r o c e s s e d by eyes w i t h u n d e v e l o p e d vision, o n l y
few months (Nanez & Yonas, 1994). Moreover, even newborns
t h e c h e c k e r b o a r d at t o p left m a y have a p a t t e r n remaining. B l u r r y vi-
seem to operate by the principle of size constancy: They rec-
sion in early infancy helps explain a p r e f e r e n c e f o r m o d e r a t e l y c o m -
ognize that an object is the same size despite changes in its dis-
p l e x r a t h e r t h a n highly c o m p l e x stimuli.
tance from the eyes. In one study, newborns who were habit-
SOURCE: From Mussen. P. H . (19831. Handbook of child psychology: Vol. 2. Infancy and developmental psychology
(4th ed.). N e w York: Wiley. Copyright <£> 1983 by Jo'nn W i l e y & Sons, Inc. Adaptec) with permission. uated to a particular cube presented at different distances
sion of a drop-off or "cliff." Infants are placed on the center
board and coaxed by their mothers to cross both the shallow
and the deep sides. Testing infants 6L/2 months of age and older,
Gibson and Walk found that 27 of 36 infants would cross the
shallow side to reach Mom, but only 3 of 36 would cross the
deep side. Most infants of crawling age (typically 7 months or
older) clearly perceive depth and are afraid of drop-offs.
But the testing procedure used by Gibson and Walk de-
pended on the ability of infants to crawl. Would younger in-
1-month-old 2-month-old fants who cannot yet crawl be able to perceive a drop-off?
Visual s c a n n i n g of a g e o m e t r i c f i g u r e b y 1- a n d 2 - m o n t h - o l d infants
Joseph Campos and his colleagues (Campos, Langer, &
Krowitz, 1970) found that when they slowly lowered babies
over the shallow and deep sides of the visual cliff, babies as
young as 2 months had a slower heart rate on the deep side
— than on the shallow side. Why slower? When we are afraid, our
hearts beat faster, not slower. A slow heart rate is a sign of in-
terest. So, 2-month-old infants perceive a difference between
the deep and the shallow sides of the visual cliff, but they have
not yet learned to fear drop-offs.
Finish Fear of drop-offs appears to be learned through crawling—
and perhaps falling now and then, or at least coming close to it
(Campos, Bertenthal, & Kermoian, 1992). Some beginning
crawlers will shuffle right off the ends of beds or the tops of
stairwells if they are not watched carefully. However, fear of
drop-offs is stronger in infants who have logged a few weeks of
crawling than in infants of the same age who do not yet crawl;
also, providing infants who do not crawl with walkers that allow
them to move about hastens the development of a healthy fear
of heights (Campos, Bertenthal, & Kermoian, 1992). Both mat-
uration and normal experiences moving about contribute to
the perception and interpretation of depth, it seems.
Katherine Van Giffen and Marshall Haith (1984) reported that Pick, 2000). Amy Needham (1999) has found that 4-month-
3-month-olds, but not 1-month-olds, will focus their atten- old babies, like adults, use object shape to figure out that two
tion on a small irregularity in an otherwise well-formed circle objects side by side are separate. They also use good form (for
or square pattern, as if they appreciated that it is a deviation example, logical continuation of a line) to perceive an object's
from an otherwise well-formed and symmetrical pattern. unity or wholeness (Johnson et al., 2000). Thus, babies appear
Infants must also determine where one object ends and to have an unlearned ability to organize a visual scene into dis-
another begins. Elizabeth Spelke and her colleagues (Kellman tinct objects, and they are better able to make sense of a world
& Spelke, 1983; Spelke, 1990) have concluded that young in- in motion—a world like the one they live in—than to make
fants are sensitive to several cues about the wholeness of ob- sense of a stationary world.
jects, especially cues available when an object moves. For ex-
ample, 4-month-olds seem to expect all parts of an object to T h e i n f a n t as a n I n t u i t i v e T h e o r i s t
move in the same direction at the same time, and they there- That is not all. Researchers have been exploring infants' un-
fore use common motion as an important cue in determining derstandings of the physical laws that govern objects. For ex-
what is or is not part of the same object (Kellman & Spelke, ample, Spelke and her colleagues have been testing infants to
1983). It takes infants longer, until about 6 months of age, to determine what they know of Newtonian physics and the ba-
determine the stationary boundaries of objects (Gibson & sic laws of object motion (Spelke & Hermer, 1996). Do babies
Sequence of events:
1. O b j e c t p l a c e d in c a s e 2. S c r e e n c o m e s u p 3. S e c o n d o b j e c t a d d e d 4. H a n d l e a v e s e m p t y
Then see:
/ \
know that a falling object will move downward along a con- sense of the world (Wellman & Gelman, 1992; Gelman, 1996).
tinuous path until it encounters an obstruction? Spelke s stud- From an early age, children distinguish between the domains
ies suggest that infants only 4 months of age seem surprised of knowledge adults know as physics, biology, and psychology.
when a ball dropped behind a screen is later revealed below a They organize their knowledge in each domain around causal
shelf rather than resting on it. They look longer at this "im- principles and seem to understand that different causal forces
possible" event than at the comparison event in which the operate in different domains (for example, that desires influ-
ball's motion stops when it reaches a barrier. By 6 months, in- ence the behavior of humans but not of rocks). According to
fants seem surprised when a ball drops behind a screen and this intuitive theories perspective, young infants have innate
then, when the screen is lifted, appears to be suspended in knowledge of the world, and they perceive and even reason
midair rather than lying at the bottom of the display unit about it much as adults do. Coming to know the physical
(Kim & Spelke, 1992; Spelke et al., 1992). This hints that they world is then a matter of fleshing out understandings they
know something about the laws of gravity. have had all along rather than constructing entirely new ones
Findings such as these have led some developmentalists as they age (Spelke, 1994).
to conclude that young infants do more than just sense the As you will see in the Explorations box beginning on
world—that they come equipped with organized systems of page 150, some researchers also believe that babies understand
knowledge, called intuitive theories, that allow them to mak$ number concepts long before they ever step into a math class.
All in all, it is becoming clearer that young infants know a
good deal more about the world around them than anyone
imagined, although they learn more as they get older.
Hearing is at least as important to us as vision, especially be-
cause we depend on it to communicate with others through
spoken language. As Anne Fernald (2004) notes, "while vision
may be primary in enabling infants to learn about the physi-
cal world, audition plays a powerful role in initiating infants
into a social world" (p. 37).
The process of hearing begins when moving air mole-
cules enter the ear and vibrate the eardrum. These vibrations
are transmitted to the cochlea in the inner ear and are con-
verted to signals that the brain interprets as sounds.
Basic C a p a c i t i e s
Newborns can hear well—better than they can see. They can
also localize sounds: They are startled by loud noises and will
turn from them, but they will turn toward softer sounds (Field
et al., 1980; Morrongiello et al, 1994). Even unborn infants
can hear some of what is going on in the world outside the
womb as much as 3 months before birth (Fernald, 2004).
Researchers have detected changes in fetal heart rates that cor-
respond to changes in sounds from the mother s environment
(Fifer, Monk, & Grose-Fifer, 2004)
Although the auditory sense is working before birth, in-
fants appear to be a little less sensitive to very soft sounds than
adults are (Fernald, 2004). As a result, a soft whisper may not
be heard. Still, newborns can discriminate among sounds
within their range of hearing that differ in loudness, duration,
€ F r o m b i r t h , infants w i l l l o o k in t h e d i r e c t i o n o f an i n t e r e s t i n g
direction, and frequency or pitch, and these basic capacities
s o u n d . T h i s ability t o localize s o u n d i m p r o v e s a n d b e c o m e s m o r e
improve rapidly during the first months after birth (Fernald,
v o l u n t a r y by 4 m o n t h s .
2004). In general, the sounds that penetrate the womb before
birth are the ones that are the easiest for the infant to hear af-
ter birth (Eliot, 1999). anywhere speak. As they mature, they become especially sen-
sitive to the sound differences significant in their own lan-
Speech Perception guage and less sensitive to sound differences irrelevant to that
Young infants seem to be well equipped to respond to human language. For example, young infants can easily discriminate
speech; they can discriminate basic speech sounds—called the consonants r and I (Eimas, 1975a). So can adults who
phonemes—very early in life. Peter Eimas (1975b, 1985) pio- speak English, French, Spanish, or German. However, the
neered research in this area by demonstrating that infants 2 to Chinese and Japanese languages make no distinction between
3 months old could distinguish similar consonant sounds (for r and /, and adult native speakers of those languages cannot
example, ha and pa). Indeed, infants seem to detect the differ- make this particular auditory discrimination as well as young
ence between the vowels a and i from the second day after birth infants can ( al., 1975). Similarly, infants raised in
(Clarkson & Berg, 1983). They can even distinguish between English-speaking homes can make discriminations important
standard sounds (those that occur regularly in a language) and in Hindi but nonexistent in English, but English-speaking
deviant sounds (those that occur rarely) in the first few days af- adults have trouble doing so (Werker et al., 1981).
ter birth (Ruusuvirta et al., 2003). By 3 months, they have de- By 1 year of age, when infants are just beginning to utter
veloped a sound category system that allows them to recognize their first words, they have already become insensitive to con-
a phoneme as the same phoneme even when it is spoken by dif- trasts of sounds that are not made in their native language
ferent people (Marean, Werner, & Kuhl, 1992; Winkler et al., (Werker 8c Desjardins, 1995). Their early auditory experiences
2003). These are impressive accomplishments. have shaped the formation of neural connections, or synapses,
Infants can actually make some speech sound discrimina- in the auditory areas of their brains so that they are optimally
tions better than adults (Werlcer 8c Desjardins, 1995). They be- sensitive to the sound contrasts that they have been listening
gin life biologically prepared to learn any language humans to and that are important in the language they are acquiring.
Newborns are especially attentive to female voices birth or to hear a different story. Remarkably, they preferred
(Ecklund-Flores & Turkewitz, 1996), but can they recognize the familiar story. Somehow these infants were able to recog-
their mother's voice? Indeed they can. Unborn fetuses can dis- nize the distinctive sound pattern of the story they had heard
tinguish their mother's voice from a stranger's voice. How do in the womb. Auditory learning before birth could also ex-
we know this? Canadian researchers measured fetal heart rate plain why newborns prefer to hear their mother's voice to
in response to a tape recording (played over the mother's those of unfamiliar women but do not show a preference for
stomach) of either their mother's voice or a stranger's voice their fathers voice. They are literally bombarded with their
(Kisileysky et al., 2003). Heart rates increased in response to mother's voice for months before birth, giving them ample
their mother's voice and decreased in response to the opportunity to learn its auditory qualities.
stranger's voice, indicating that they detected a difference be- You have now learned that hearing is more developed
tween the two. Following birth, newborns will learn to suck than vision at birth. Infants can distinguish between speech
faster on a special pacifier when it activates a recording of the sounds and recognize familiar sound patterns such as their
mother's voice (DeCasper & Fifer, 1980). mother's voice soon after birth. Within the first year, they lose
Does this early recognition extend to fathers' voices? sensitivity to sound contrasts insignificant in the language
Apparently not. Even by 4 months, infants show no preference they are starting to learn, and they further refine their audi-
for their father's voice over the voice of a strange man (Ward & tory perception skills. Unfortunately, some infants experience
Cooper, 1999). They can detect the difference between various hearing problems, placing them at risk for language and com-
male voices, however, indicating that die lack of preference for munication problems. The Applications box on page 154 ex-
the father's voice cannot be because of a failure to distinguish it. amines the importance of early identification and treatment
Why would infants prefer their mother's but not their fa- of hearing problems.
ther's voice? You must look at what is happening before birth
to answer this. Anthony DeCasper and Melanie Spence (1986)
T a s t e a n d SnueSl
had mothers recite a passage (for example, portions of Dr.
Seuss's The Cat in the Hat) many times during the last 6 weeks Can newborns detect different tastes and smells? Both of these
of their pregnancies. At birth, the infants were tested to see if senses rely 011 the detection of chemical molecules. The sen-
they would suck more to hear the story they had heard before sory receptors for taste—taste buds—are located mainly on
the tongue. In ways not fully understood, taste buds respond pronounced as a solution becomes sweeter or more bitter,
to chemical molecules and produce perceptions of sweet, suggesting that newborns can discriminate different concen-
salty, bitter, or sour tastes. At birth, babies can clearly distin- trations of a substance. Even before birth, babies show a
guish sweet, bitter, and sour tastes and show a preference for preference for sweets when they swallow more amniotic
sweets. Indeed, sugar water—but not plain water—seems to fluid that contains higher concentrations of sugars than am-
have a marvelous ability to calm even premature babies and niotic fluid with lower concentrations of sugar (Fifer, Monk,
can help them cope with painful events such as needle pricks 6 Grose-Fifer, 2004).
(Barr et al, 1999; Smith & Blass, 1996). Recent research by Julie Mennella and her colleagues
Different taste sensations also produce distinct facial ex- (2004) suggests that food preferences may be influenced by
pressions in the newborn. Jacob Steiner and his colleagues early tastes that we are exposed to during infancy. Starting at
(Ganchrow, Steiner, & Daher, 1983; Steiner, 1979) have 2 weeks of age, Mennella fed infants one of two formulas for
found that newborns lick their lips and sometimes smile 7 months. One formula was bland, and the other was bitter
when they are tasting a sugar solution but purse their lips and tasted sour, at least to most adults. After this period, the
and even drool to get rid of the foul taste when they are given babies who had been fed the sour formula continued to con-
bitter quinine. Their facial expressions become increasingly sume it, but the other infants refused when it was offered to
t h r o u g h surgery and c o n n e c t e d t o a m i c r o p h o n e w o r n o u t - A n o t h e r i m p o r t a n t e l e m e n t in early i n t e r v e n t i o n pro-
side t h e ear. It w o r k s by bypassing damaged hair cells and di- g r a m s f o r hearing-impaired children is p a r e n t involvement
rectly stimulating t h e auditory n e r v e with electrical impulses. (Maxon & Brackett, 1 9 9 2 ) . In o n e program for hearing-
By 2 0 0 0 , m o r e than 8 0 0 0 infants and children had received impaired children, infants a r e fitted with hearing aids and
c o c h l e a r implants; t h e n u m b e r implanted increases every y e a r t e a c h e r s then g o into t h e h o m e t o s h o w p a r e n t s h o w t o
( S c h e r y & Peters, 2 0 0 3 ) . m a k e t h e i r children m o r e a w a r e of t h e w o r l d of s o u n d ( B e s s
D e a f children provided with c o c h l e a r implants around age & M c C o n n e l l , 1 9 8 1 ) . F o r i n s t a n c e , on hearing t h e s c r e e c h of
4 recognize m o r e spoken w o r d s and s p e a k m o r e intelligibly a car's b r a k e s o u t s i d e , p a r e n t s might put t h e i r hands t o t h e i r
than d o children w h o receive t h e m later in childhood, though e a r s , rush t h e i r child t o t h e window, and talk a b o u t t h e
even children given implants later in life can benefit n o i s e . Similarly, p a r e n t s are urged t o slam d o o r s , deliberately
( O ' D o n o g h u e , Nikolopoulos, & A r c h b o l d , 2 0 0 0 ) . Indeed, re- r a t t l e p o t s and pans, and c r e a t e o t h e r such o p p o r t u n i t i e s f o r
search s h o w s t h a t t h e r a t e of language d e v e l o p m e n t a m o n g t h e child t o b e c o m e a l e r t t o s o u n d s . All t h e while, p a r e n t s
children with c o c h l e a r implants is similar t o t h a t of children a r e using w o r d s t o d e s c r i b e everyday o b j e c t s , p e o p l e , and
with normal hearing ( S c h e r y & P e t e r s , 2 0 0 3 ) . In addition, events.
s p e e c h production and s p e e c h p e r c e p t i o n are improved in T h i s c o m b i n a t i o n of t h e right amplification device and
children w h o have c o c h l e a r implants c o m p a r e d with children a u d i t o r y training in t h e h o m e has p r o v e n effective in im-
w h o have traditional hearing aids ( S c h e r y & Peters, 2 0 0 3 ) . proving t h e ability o f hearing-impaired infants and pre-
P e r f o r m a n c e is especially e n h a n c e d with earlier implantation s c h o o l e r s t o h e a r s p e e c h and learn t o s p e a k . Y e t f o r o t h e r
and m o r e auditory training following t h e implant. deaf and s e v e r e l y h e a r i n g - i m p a i r e d children, t h e m o s t im-
W h y , t h e n , are n o t all hearing-impaired children provided p o r t a n t thing may b e early e x p o s u r e t o sign language. Early
with c o c h l e a r implants? First, they require s u r g e r y and are i n t e r v e n t i o n p r o g r a m s f o r p a r e n t s o f d e a f infants can t e a c h
e x p e n s i v e — a l t h o u g h the e x p e n s e o f c o c h l e a r implants may be t h e m s t r a t e g i e s f o r getting t h e i r infants' a t t e n t i o n and in-
offset by educational savings down t h e road ( C h e n g e t al., volving t h e m in c o n v e r s a t i o n s using sign ( C h e n , 1 9 9 6 ) . T h e
2 0 0 0 ) . Also, despite t h e i r benefits, c o c h l e a r implants d o n o t e a r l i e r in life deaf children a c q u i r e s o m e language s y s t e m ,
have t h e full s u p p o r t of t h e deaf c o m m u n i t y (Tucker, 1998). w h e t h e r s p o k e n o r signed, t h e b e t t e r t h e i r c o m m a n d o f lan-
D e a f children w h o use t h e m , s o m e say, will be given t h e m e s - guage is likely t o b e l a t e r in life ( M a y b e r r y & Eichen, 1 9 9 1 ) .
sage t h a t t h e y should be a s h a m e d o f being d e a f . T h e y will b e D e a f children w h o s e p a r e n t s a r e deaf and u s e sign language
deprived o f participation in t h e unique culture t h a t has devel- with t h e m , as well as deaf children o f hearing p a r e n t s w h o
o p e d in c o m m u n i t i e s o f deaf p e o p l e w h o share a c o m m o n lan- p a r t i c i p a t e in early i n t e r v e n t i o n p r o g r a m s , generally s h o w
guage and identity. B e c a u s e t h e i r hearing will still b e far from n o r m a l p a t t e r n s o f d e v e l o p m e n t , w h e r e a s children w h o a r e
normal, t h e y may feel t h e y d o n o t belong t o e i t h e r t h e deaf o r n o t e x p o s e d t o any language s y s t e m early in life suffer f o r it
t h e hearing world ( A r a n a - W a r d , 1997; Fryauf-Bertschy e t al., (Marschark, 1993).
them. By 4 to 5 years, children fed the unpleasant-tasting for- well at birth. Newborns react vigorously to unpleasant smells
mula were more likely to consume other sour-tasting foods such as vinegar or ammonia and turn their heads away (Rieser,
(for example, a sour-flavored apple juice) than children ex- Yonas, & Wilkner, 1976). Even babies born at 28 weeks of ges-
posed to only bland-tasting formula (Mennella & Beauchamp, tation are capable of detecting various odors. Newborns also
2002). This research may be key to helping researchers under- reliably prefer the scent of their own amniotic fluid over that of
stand why some people are picky eaters, whereas others are other amniotic fluid, suggesting that olfactory cues are de-
open to a wide variety of tastes. Greater exposure to a variety tectable prenatally (Schaal, Barlier, & Soussignan, 1998).
of flavors during infancy—what a breast-fed baby with a Exposure to familiar amniotic fluid can also calm newborns,
mother who eats many different foods might experience— resulting in less crying when their mothers are absent (Varendi
may lead to a more adventuresome eater later on. These early et al., 1998). Furthermore, babies who are breast-fed can rec-
experiences with different flavors may also extend to the pre- ognize their mothers solely by the smell of their breasts or un-
natal period and exposure to different chemicals in the amni- derarms within 1 or 2 weeks of birth (Cernoch 8c Porter, 1985;
otic fluid (Fifer, Monk, & Grose-Fifer, 2004). Porter et al., 1992). Babies who are bottle-fed cannot, probably
The sensory receptors for smell, or olfaction, are located because they have less contact with their mothers' skin. On the
in the nasal passage. Like taste, the sense of smell is working flip side, mothers can identify their newborns by smell (Porter,
1999). Thus, the sense of smell we often take for granted may them from the stressful experience of pain (Anand & Hickey,
help babies and their parents get to know each other. 1992). And the American Academy of Pediatrics (2000) rec-
ommends that local anesthesia be given to newborn males un-
dergoing circumcision.
TeuchpTemperatore, and Pain
You have now seen that each of the major senses is oper-
Receptors in the skin detect touch or pressure, heat or cold, ating in some form at birth and that perceptual abilities im-
and painful stimuli. The sense of touch seems to be operating prove dramatically during infancy. Let us ask one final ques-
nicely before birth and, with the body senses that detect mo- tion about infant perception: Can infants meaningfully
tion, may be among the first senses to develop (Eliot, 1999; integrate information from the different senses?
Field, 1990). You saw in Chapter 5 that newborns respond
with reflexes if they are touched in appropriate areas. For ex-
ample, when touched on the check, a newborn will turn its
head and open its mouth. Even in their sleep, newborns will It would obviously be useful for an infant attempting to un-
habituate to strokes of the same spot on the skin but respond derstand the world to be able to put together information
again if the tactile stimulation is shifted to a new spot—from gained from viewing, fingering, sniffing, and otherwise ex-
the ear to the lips, for example (Kisilevsky & Muir, 1984). And ploring objects. It now seems clear that the senses function in
like the motor responses described in Chapter 5, sensitivity to an integrated way at birth. For instance, newborns will look in
tactile stimulation develops in a cephalocaudal direction, so the direction of a sound they hear, suggesting that vision and
the face and mouth are more sensitive than lower parts of the hearing are linked. Moreover, infants 8 to 31 days old expect
body. No wonder babies like to put everything in their to feel objects that they can see and are frustrated by a visual
mouths—the tactile sensors in and around the mouth allow illusion that looks like a graspable object but proves to be
babies to collect a great deal of information about the world. nothing but air when they reach for it (Bower, Broughton, 8c
Most parents quickly recognize the power of touch for sooth- Moore, 1970). Thus, vision and touch, as well as vision and
ing a fussy baby. Touch has even greater benefits. Premature hearing, seem to be interrelated early in life. This integration
babies who are systematically stroked over their entire body of the senses helps babies perceive and respond appropriately
gain weight and settle into a regular sleep-wake pattern faster to the objects and people they encounter (Hainline &
than premature babies who are not massaged (Field, 1995b; Abramov, 1992; Walker-Andrews, 1997).
Scafidi, Field, & Schanberg, 1993). A more difficult task is to recognize through one sense an
Newborns are also sensitive to warmth and cold; they can object familiar through another; this is called cross-modal
tell the difference between something cold and something perception. This capacity is required in children's games that
warm placed on their cheeks (Eliot, 1999). Finally, young ba- involve feeling objects hidden in a bag and identifying what
bies clearly respond to painful stimuli such as needle pricks they are by touch alone. Some researchers (for example, Streri,
(Guinsburg et al., 2000). For obvious ethical reasons, re- 2003; Streri 8c Gentez, 2004) report that newborns can recog-
searchers have not exposed infants to severely painful stimuli. nize an object by sight that they had previously touched with
However, analyses of babies' cries and facial movements as their hand. But other researchers have had trouble demon-
they receive injections and have blood drawn leave no doubt strating cross-modal perception in such young infants (for ex-
that these procedures are painful (Delevati 8c Bergamasco, ample, Maurer, Stager, & Mondloch, 1999). Apparently, early
1999). For example, researchers have compared infants born cross-modal perception is a fragile ability dependent on vari-
to diabetic mothers, who have their heels pricked every few ous task variables such as which hand is used to manipulate
hours after birth to test their blood sugar levels, with infants the object (Streri 8c Gentez, 2004). Consistent oral-to-visual
born to nondiabetic mothers (Taddio, 2002). Both groups of cross-modal transfer is shown by 3 months of age, and other
infants have blood drawn from the back of their hands before forms of cross-modal perception are reliably displayed at 4 to
they leave the hospital so several routine tests can be con- 7 months (Streri 8c Pecheux, 1986; Walker-Andrews, 1997). By
ducted. The infants who have already had their heels pricked that, age, for example, infants integrate vision and hearing to
show a larger response to having blood drawn than the infants judge distance; they prefer to look at an approaching train that
who have never experienced the presumably painful needle gets louder and a departing one that gets quieter rather than
pricks in their feet. Indeed, some infants who had already ex- at videos in which sound and sight are mismatched (Pickens,
perienced the heel pricks began to grimace when the nurse 1994). Nevertheless, performance on more complex cross-
was preparing their skin for the needle prick, indicating that modal perception tasks that require matching patterns of
they had learned from their prior experiences that a painful sounds with patterns of visual stimuli continues to improve
moment was coming. throughout childhood and even adolescence (Bushnell 8c
Such research challenges the medical wisdom of giving Baxt, 1999).
babies who must undergo major surgery little or no anesthe- Researchers now conclude that impressions from the dif-
sia. It turns out that infants are more likely to survive heart ferent senses are "fused" early in life, much as William James
surgery if they receive deep anesthesia that keeps them un- believed, but they do not create the "blooming, buzzing con-
conscious during the operation and for a day afterward than fusion" he described. Rather, this early sensory integration
if they receive light anesthesia that does not entirely protect may make it easier for babies to perceive and use information
What, then, is the role of early sensory experience in percep-
tual development?
Cultural Variation
Do infants who grow up in different cultural environments
encounter different sensory stimulation and perceive the
wrorld in different ways? Perceptual preferences obviously dif-
fer from culture to culture. In some cultures, people think Children ages 10 to 15 in Papua New Guinea, unless
F i g u r e 6.5
hefty women are more beautiful than slim ones or relish eat- they have attended school, lack experience with drawings of the hu-
ing sheep's eyeballs or chicken heads. Are more basic percep- man form and produce drawings much like those done by far
tual competencies also affected by socialization? younger children (such as 4-year-olds) in U.S. society Cultural experi-
People from different cultures differ little in basic sensory ence influences the ability to translate visual perceptions into repre-
capacities, such as the ability to discriminate degrees of sentations on the page.
brightness or loudness (Berry et al., 1992). However, their per- SOURCE: From Matthew, M „ & Connolly, K. J . <1996). Human figure drawings by schooled and unschooled chil-
dren in Papua N e w Guinea. Child Development, 67. Copyright © 1996 by Society for Research in Child
ceptions and interpretations of sensory input can vary con- Development. Inc. Reprinted by permission.
of the effects of cultural learning experiences on visual and L o n g e r A t t e n t i o n Span
auditory perception can be cited (Berry et al, 1992). Young children have short attention spans. Researchers know
that they should limit their experimental sessions with young
Summing Up children to a few minutes, and nursery-school teachers often
* /
The visual system is fairly well developed at birth. Infants switch classroom activities everyj 15 to 20 minutes. Even when
under 2 months of age discriminate brightness and col- they are doing things they like, such as watching a television
ors and are attracted t o contour; moderate complexity, program or playing with a toy, 2- and 3-year-olds spend far less
and movement. Starting at 2 or 3 months, they more time concentrating on the program or the toy than older chil-
clearly perceive whole patterns such as faces and seem dren do (Ruff 8c Capozzoli, 2003; Ruff 8c Lawson, 1990). In one
to understand a good deal about objects and their prop- study of sustained attention, children were asked to put strips of
erties, guided by intuitive theories of the physical world. colored paper in appropriately colored boxes (Yendovitskaya,
Spatial perception also develops rapidly and by about 7 1971). Children ages 2 to 3 worked for an average of 18 minutes
months infants not only perceive drop-offs but also fear and were easily distracted; children ages 5 to 6 often persisted
them. for 1 hour or more. Further improvements in attention span
Young infants can recognize their mother's voice and occur later in childhood as those parts of the brain involved
distinguish speech sounds that adults cannot discriminate. with attention become further myelinated (see Chapter 5).
The senses of taste and smell are also well developed at
M o r e Selective A t t e n t i o n
birth. In addition, newborns are sensitive to touch, tem-
perature, and pain. The senses are interrelated at birth, Although infants clearly deploy their senses in a selective
but as infants develop, performance on cross-modal per- manner, they are not good at controlling their attention—
ception tasks improves. H deliberately concentrating on one thing while ignoring some-
thing else, what is known as selective attention. With age, at-
tention becomes more discriminating, starting in infancy. As
infants approach 2 years, they become able to form plans of ac-
tion, which then guide what they focus on and what they ignore
(Ruff 8c Rothbart, 1996). Between approximately 2 years and
If most sensory and perceptual development is complete by 3 V2 years, there is a significant increase in focused attention; fur-
the end of infancy, what is left to accomplish during child- ther increases in attention occur throughout childhood (Ruff 8c
hood? Mostly, it is a matter of learning to use the senses more Capozzoli, 2003). These findings should suggest to teachers of
intelligently. For example, children rapidly build knowledge young children that performance will be better if distractions in
of the world so that they can recognize and label what they task materials and in the room are kept to a minimum.
sense, giving it greater meaning. As a result, it becomes even
harder to separate perceptual development from cognitive More Systematic A t t e n t i o n
Finally, as they age, children become more able to plan and carry
out systematic perceptual searches. You have already seen that
older infants are more likely than younger ones to thoroughly
explore a pattern. Research with children in the former Soviet
Much of perceptual development in childhood is really the de-
Union reveals that visual scanning becomes considerably more
velopment of attention—the focusing of perception and cog-
detailed or exhaustive over the first 6 years after birth
nition on something in particular. Youngsters become better
(Zaporozhets, 1965). But the most revealing findings come from
able to use their senses deliberately and strategically to gather
studies of how children go about a visual search. Elaine Vurpillot
the information most relevant to a task at hand.
(1968) recorded the eye movements of 4- to 10-year-olds trying
Infants actively use their senses to explore their environ- to decide whether two houses, each with several windows con-
ment, and they prefer some sensory stimuli to others. Still, taining various objects, were identical or different. As Figure 6.6
there is some truth to the idea that the attention of the infant illustrates, children ages 4 and 5 were not systematic. They often
or very young child is "captured by" something and that of looked at only a few windows and, as a result, came to wrong
the older child is "directed toward" something. Selective as conclusions. In contrast, most children older than 6 were very
they are, 1-month-old infants do not deliberately choose systematic; they typically checked each window in one house
to attend to faces and other engaging stimuli. Instead, a with the corresponding window in the other house, pair by pair.
novel stimulus attracts their attention and, once their atten- Improvements in visual search continue to be made throughout
tion is "caught," they sometimes seem unable to turn away childhood and into early adulthood (Burack et al., 2000).
(Butcher, Kalverboer, 8c Geuze, 2000; Ruff 8c Rothbart,
1996). As children get older, three things change: their atten-
tion spans become longer, they become more selective in Summing Up
what they attend to, and they are better able to plan and Learning to control attention is an important part of per-
carry out systematic strategies for using their senses to ceptual development during childhood. Infants and young
achieve goals. children are selectively attentive to the world around
5-year-old: "The s a m e " 8-year-old: "Not the s a m e "
them, but they have not fully taken charge of their atten- and young adults have incredibly long attention spans on oc-
tional processes. With age, children become more able to casion, as when they spend hours cramming for tests or typ-
concentrate on a task for a long period, to focus on rele- ing term papers into the wee hours of the morning. The abil-
vant information and ignore distractions, and to use their ity to sustain attention improves considerably between
senses in purposeful and systematic ways to achieve goals. childhood and adulthood (McKay et al., 1994).
As you might expect, infants and children who can control In addition, adolescents become still more efficient at ig-
and sustain their attention are more successful at problem noring irrelevant information so that they can concentrate on
solving (Choudhury & Gorman, 2000). M the task at hand. Not only do they learn more than children do
about material they are supposed to master, but they also learn
less about distracting information that could potentially inter-
fere with their performance (Miller & Weiss, 1981). Similarly,
T h e A d oleseent adolescents can divide their attention more systematically be-
tween two tasks. For instance, Andrew Schiff and Irwin Knopf
There is little to report about perception during adolescence> (1985) watched the eye movements of 9-year-olds and 13-year-
except that some developments of childhood are not com- olds during a two-part visual search task. Children were to
pleted until then. For example, portions of the brain that help push a response key when particular symbols appeared at the
regulate attention are not fully myelinated until adolescence center of a screen and to remember letters flashed at the cor-
(Tanner, 1990). Perhaps this helps explain why adolescents ners of the screen. The adolescents developed efficient strate-
gies for switching their eyes from the center to the corners and
back at the right times. The 9-year-olds had an unfortunate
tendency to look at blank areas of the screen or to focus too
much attention on the letters in the corners of the screen,
thereby failing to detect the symbols in the center.
f-rnm. kmmmg Up
T h e Adult
€ A d o l e s c e n t s are skilled at d i v i d i n g t h e i r a t t e n t i o n a m o n g several "What becomes of sensory and perceptual capacities during
tasks. adulthood? There is good news and bad news, and we might as
well dispense with the bad news first: Sensory and perceptual
Table 6.1 Percentage of Adults 70 Years and Older
capacities decline gradually with age in the normal person. Whn tyno i^ionrct
if no LApt riciiv.c ViciAn
Tisiuii PfAhlomc
Whispers become harder to hear, seeing in the dark becomes
difficult, food may not taste as good, and so on. Often these de- Vision Condition Percentage of Adults 70 and Older
clines begin in early adulthood and become noticeable in the
Blind in one eye 4.4
40s, sometimes giving middle-ciged people a feeling that they
Blind in both eyes 1.7
are getting old. Further declines take place in later life, to the
point that you would have a hard time finding a person age 65 Other trouble seeing 14.4
or older who does not have at least a mild sensory or percep- Glaucoma 7.9
tual impairment. The good news is that these changes are grad- Cataract(s) 24.5
ual and usually minor. As a result, we can usually compensate Use a magnifier 17.0
for them, making small adjustments such as turning up the
Wear glasses 91.5
volume on the TV set or adding a little extra seasoning to food.
Because the losses are usually not severe, and because of the SOURCE: Adapted from Campbell et al., 1999.
Muscles to
move the eye
Optic nerve
(to brain)
Muscles to
adjust the lens Optic disk
(and blind spot)
Figure 6o7 The human eye and retina. Light passes through the cornea, pupil, and lens and
falls on the light-sensitive surface of the retina, where images of objects are projected upside
down.The information is relayed to the brain by the optic nerve.
lens with age leads to presbyopia, or the decreased ability of ply be too short to do the trick any longer. .Middle-aged adults
the lens to accommodate objects close to the eye (Fozard & cope with problems of near vision by getting reading glasses
0 v"
Gordon-Salant, 2001). Over the years, an adult may, without (or, if they also have problems with distance vision, bifocals);
even being aware of it, gradually move newspapers and books reading fine print may still be a problem, however.
farther from the eye to make them clearer—a form of com- As for distance vision, visual acuity as measured by stan-
pensation for decline. Eventually, however, the arms may sim- dard eye' charts increases in childhood, peaks in the 20s, re-
mains steady through middle age, and steadily declines in old
age (Evans et al., 2002; Klein et al., 2001). The implications for
the average adult are fairly minor. For example, in one major
study, 76% of older adults (75 years and older) had good cor-
rected vision (Evans et al., 2002). At worst, most of them could
see at 20 feet what a person with standard acuity can see at 25
feet—not a big problem. Among adults in their 90s, 37% are
visually impaired, but only 7% are blind. Several studies show
that women experience greater declines in visual acuity than
men (see, for example, van der Pols et al., 2000). Older women
with declining vision are more susceptible to falling and frac-
turing a bone, which is a serious threat to their independence
(Coleman et al., 2004). Fracturing a hip often triggers a shift
from independent to assisted living and can even be fatal. And
poor vision that is not correctable can seriously decrease older
adults' quality of life. According to one estimate, older adults
with poor visual acuity (20/40 or worse) were as impaired as
those with a major medical problem such as stroke (Chia et
al., 2004).
Thus, even though most of us will not be blind, we will
€ As adults age, they typically find they are more bothered by glare need to wear corrective lenses and regularly monitor our vi-
and need corrective lenses. sion. The minority of elderly people who experience serious
declines in visual acuity typically suffer from pathological occurs, using eyedrops or surgery to lower eye fluid pressure.
conditions of the eye. These conditions become more preva- In many cases, however, the damage is done before people ex-
lent in old age but are not part of aging itself. For example, perience visual problems; only regular eye tests can reveal the
cataracts are the leading cause of visual impairment in old age. buildup of eye pressure that spells trouble (Fozard & Gordon-
Most older adults have some degree of lens clouding, and sig- Salant, 2001).
nificant clouding is present in roughly half of adults older To recap, you can expect some changes in vision as you
than 75 years, often from lifelong heavy exposure to sunlight age. Sensory thresholds increase with age so that you need
and its damaging ultraviolet rays (Fozard & Gordon-Salant, higher levels of stimulation than when you were young.
2001). Fortunately, cataracts can be removed through surgery, Acuity, or sharpness of vision, decreases, and it takes longer
improving vision and preventing blindness. for eyes to adapt to changes. Fortunately, it is possible to cor-
rect or compensate for most of these "normal5' changes. Some
Retinal Changes older adults will experience more serious visual problems,
Researchers also know that the web of sensory receptor cells in such as those caused by changes in the retina, but early detec-
the retina may die or not function in later life as efficiently as tion and treatment can preserve vision in most adults.
they once did. The serious retinal problem age-related macu-
lar degeneration results from damage to cells in the retina re- A t t e n t i o n and Visual Search
sponsible for central vision. Thus, vision becomes blurry; it As you learned earlier in this chapter, perception is more than
also begins to fade first from the center of the visual field, just seeing. It is using the senses intelligently and allocating at-
making reading and many other activities impossible. With tention efficiently. Young children have more difficulty per-
the success of corrective surgery for cataracts, age-related forming complex visual search tasks and ignoring irrelevant
macular degeneration is now a leading cause of blindness in information than older children do. Do older adults also have
older adults (Congdon et al., 2004). The causes of macular de- more difficulty than younger adults?
generation are largely unknown, but some research points to Older adults do worse than younger ones on several tests
a genetic role; other research shows a connection with ciga- that require dividing attention between two tasks (divided at-
rette smoking (Evans, 2001). Currently, there is no treatment tention) or selectively attending to certain stimuli while ig-
for macular degeneration, but several researchers are working noring others (selective attention; see Juola et aL, 2000;
to develop retinal implants that would stimulate the remain- Madden & Langley, 2003). The more distracters a task in-
ing cells of the retina and restore some useful vision (Boston volves, the more the performance of elderly adults falls short
Retinal Implant Project, 2004). of the performance of young adults. In everyday life, this may
Changes in the retina also lead to decreased visual field, translate into difficulty carrying on a conversation while driv-
or a loss of peripheral (side) vision (Fozard & Gordon-Salant, ing or problems locating the asparagus amid all the frozen
2001). Looking straight ahead, an older adult may see only vegetables at the supermarket.
half of what a young adult sees to the left and the right of cen- In one test of visual search skills, Charles Scialfa and his
ter. Can you think of activities that might be hindered by a de- colleagues (Scialfa, Esau, & Joffe, 1998) asked young adults
creased visual field? Driving a car comes to mind. For exam- and elderly adults to locate a target (for example, a blue hori-
ple, when approaching an intersection, you need to be able to zontal line) in a display where the distracter items were clearly
see what is coming toward you as well as what is coming from different (for example, red vertical lines) or in a more difficult
the side roads. The Explorations box on page 164 describes task where the distracters shared a common feature with the
some other sensory changes that might make driving more target (for example, blue vertical and red horizontal lines).
hazardous for older people. Older adults were slower and less accurate on the more chal-
Significant loss of peripheral vision can lead to tunnel vi- lenging search task. They were also more distracted by irrele-
sion, a condition often caused by retinitis pigmentosa or by vant information; they were especially slow compared with
glaucoma. Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a group of hereditary young adults when the number of distracter items in the dis-
disorders that all involve gradual deterioration of the light- play was high. In some situations, elderly people appear to
sensitive cells of the retina. Symptoms of RP can appear as have difficulty inhibiting responses to irrelevant stimuli so
early as childhood, but it is more likely to be diagnosed in that they can focus their attention more squarely on relevant
adulthood, when the symptoms have become more apparent. stimuli (Erber, 2005). Older adults can improve their visual
Individuals with RP often have a history of visual problems at search performance with practice, and they are more success-
night and a gradual loss of peripheral vision. There is no cure ful when they strategically use a feature of the display (for ex-
for retinal deterioration, but some promising research sug- ample, color) to help guide their search (Madden, Gottlob, &
gests that treatment with vitamin A can slow (not eliminate) Allen, 1999).
the progress of the disease (Berson, 2000; Sibulesky et al., In short, older adults have their greatest difficulties in pro-
1999). cessing visual information when the situation is novel (when
In glaucoma, increased fluid pressure in the eye can dam- they are not sure exactly what to look for or where to look) and
age the optic nerve and can cause a progressive loss of periph- when it is complex (when there is a great deal of distracting in-
eral vision and, ultimately, blindness. It becomes more com- formation to search through or when two tasks must be per-
mon over age 50. The key is to prevent the damage before it formed at once). By contrast, they have fewer problems when
O lder drivers are perceived by many as more accident
prone and slower than other drivers. Perhaps you have
had the experience of zipping down the interstate when a
ponent of problematic driving, but as noted in the main text,
poor acuity is fairly easy to correct.Therefore, although older
adults cite concerns about eyesight as one reason to limit or
slow-moving car driven by an elderly adult pulls into your path, avoid driving, it cannot account for all the problems older
forcing you to brake quickly. Is this experience representative, drivers have (Ragland, Satariano, & MacLeod, 2004).
and is the stereotype of older drivers accurate? This is an im- Diminished peripheral vision also makes driving hazardous
portant question, because 20% of all drivers will be older than (Owsley et al., 1998). Good drivers must be able to see vehi-
65 years by 2030 (Braver &Trempel, 2004; Lyman et al., 2002). cles and pedestrians approaching from the side. Half of the fa-
It is true that older adults (70 years and older) are in- tal automobile accidents involving older drivers occur at in-
volved in more automobile fatalities than middle-aged adults tersections, and older drivers are more than twice as likely as
(see the figure in this Explorations box). But the most acci- young drivers to have problems making left-hand turns
dent-prone group is young drivers between 16 and 24 years (Uchida, Fujita, & Katayama, 1999). Not only must drivers see
(U.S. Department of Transportation, 1997). When you take obstacles moving toward them, they must evaluate the speed
into account that young people drive more than elderly peo- and trajectory of these objects and integrate this information
ple do, it turns out that both elderly drivers and young drivers with their own speed and trajectory to determine a course of
have more accidents per mile driven than middle-aged drivers action. For example, is the car approaching from the left going
have (Williams & Carsten, 1989). to hit my car, or will I be through the intersection before it
Why is driving hazardous for elderly adults? Clearly, vision reaches me? Unfortunately, perceiving moving objects is a
is essential to driving; vision accounts for approximately 90% problem for older adults, even those who have good visual
of the information necessary to operate and navigate a car acuity (Erber, 2005). And simultaneously processing multiple
(Messinger-Rapport, 2003).Visual acuity or clarity is one com- pieces of information is also difficult for older adults. Thus,
19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75+
Driver age (years)
they have clear expectations about what they are to do and as 90% of individuals older than 65 have impaired hearing
when the task is not overly complex. Thus, an older factory (Fozard & Gordon-Salant, 2001). Most older people experi-
worker who has inspected radios for years may be just as ence mild to moderate hearing impairments, some experience
speedy and accurate as a younger worker at this well-practiced, severe hearing loss, and only a few are deaf (Dalton et al.,
familiar task, but he might perform relatively poorly if sud- 2004).
denly asked to inspect pocket calculators and look for a much
larger number of possible defects—a novel and complex task. Basic Capacities
Sources of hearing problems range from excess wax buildup
in the ears to infections to a sluggish nervous system. Most
Hearing age-related hearing problems seem to originate in the inner
There is some truth to the stereotype of the hard-of-hearing ear, however (Fozard & Gordon-Salant, 2001). The cochlear
older person. The older the age group, the greater the per- hair cells that serve as auditory receptors, their surrounding
centage of people who have at least mild hearing loss: as many structures, and the neurons leading from them to the brain
older drivers have trouble reading street signs while driving
(Dewar, Kline, & Swanson, 1995), and they are less able than
younger adults to quickly change their focus from the dash-
board to the rearview mirror to the road ahead.
After understanding the dynamics of a potentially dan-
gerous situation, the driver must be able to react quickly to
threats (for example, a child chasing a ball into the street).
As you learned in Chapter 5, older adults typically have
slower response times than younger adults; thus, they need
more time to react to the same stimulus. Finally, older
adults are slower to recover from glare and to adapt to the
dark, which makes night driving problematic.
But the driving records of older adults are not as bad as <[ An older adult is likely to find the ice cream as efficiently as a
might be expected, because many of them compensate for younger adult in a familiar supermarket but may have difficulty with
visual and other perceptual difficulties and slower reactions this visual search task if the supermarket is unfamiliar.
by driving less frequently, especially in conditions believed to
be more hazardous—at night, during rush hour, and when
the weather is poor (Messinger-Rapport, 2003). Older Is this loss of hearing with age the inevitable result of
adults with visual problems such as cataracts and those with basic aging processes, or is it caused by other factors?
cognitive problems are more likely to limit their driving than Researchers know that the loss is more noticeable among men
older adults without these problems (Messinger-Rapport, than among women, that men are more likely to work in noisy
2003). Some states have responded to concerns about eld- industrial jobs, and that those who hold such jobs experience
erly drivers with mandatory road retesting for license re- more hearing loss than other men (Martin & Clark, 2002;
newal (Cobb & Coughlin, 1998). But most states have no Reuben et al., 1998). But even when adults who have held rel-
distinct policies about license renewal for older adults. It is atively quiet jobs are studied, men show detectable hearing
not that states do not care; rather, they face strong opposi- losses earlier in life (in their 30s) and lose hearing sensitivity
tion from groups such as the American Association of at a faster rate than women do (Pearson et al., 1995). It seems,
Retired Persons and individual older adults (Cobb & then, that most people, men more than women, will experi-
Coughlin, 1998).To give up driving is to give up a big chunk ence some loss of sensitivity to high-frequency sounds as part
of independence, something anyone would be loathe to do. of the basic aging process, but that certain people will experi-
Most people want to find ways to drive safely as long as ence more severe losses because of their experiences. As Table
possible. By understanding the strengths and limitations of
6.2 shows, loud sounds—those above 75 decibels—may leave
their sensory-perceptual abilities, older adults will be in a
the listener with a loss of hearing. Fans of loud music, beware:
good position to keep driving safely. Remember that the
The noise at rock concerts and night clubs is often in the 120-
next time you are stuck behind a slow driver.
to 130-decibel range; this is loud enough to cause a temporary
rise in hearing thresholds) and possibly even permanent hear-
ing loss in individuals regularly exposed to it (Hetu & Fortin,
1995). And if you can hear the music coming from the head-
degenerate gradually over the adult years. The most noticeable set of your friend s MP3 player, your friend may be damaging
result is a loss of sensitivity to high-frequency or high-pitched her hearing (Schiffman, 2000).
sounds, the most common form of presbycusis, or problems
of the aging ear. Thus an older person may have difficulty Speech Perception
hearing a child's high voice, the flutes in an orchestra, and Perhaps the most important thing we do with our ears in
high-frequency consonant sounds such as 5, z, and ch everyday life is listening to other people during conversations.
(Whitbourne, 2001) but may have less trouble with deep The ability to hear is one requisite for understanding speech,
voices, tubas, and sounds such as b. After age 50, lower-fre- but this complex auditory perception task also depends on
quency sounds also become increasingly difficult to hear cognitive processes such as attention and memory. How well
(Kline & Scialfa, 1996). Thus, to be heard by the average older do aging adults do?
adult, a sound—especially a high-pitched sound but ulti- Older adults typically have more difficulty understanding
mately any sound—must be louder than it needs to be to ex- speech than younger adults do, even under ideal listening con-
ceed the auditory threshold of a younger adult. ditions. However, this age difference becomes small when dif-
ferences in hearing are controlled (Schneider, Daneman, et al.,
Table 6.2 Noise Levels
2000). Thus, older adults' difficulties with speech perception
Noise Number of Decibels under good listening conditions are largely because of hearing
Whisper problems rather than cognitive declines. However, under poor
listening conditions—for example, loud background noise—
Quiet room 40
differences between older and young adults are larger even
Normal speech 60 when individual differences in hearing are accounted for
City traffic 80 (Schneider, Daneman, et al., 2000). Thus, older adults may re-
Lawnmower 90 call fewer details of a conversation that takes place in a
Rock music 110 crowded, noisy restaurant.
In addition, auditory perception tasks, like visual percep-
Jet plane takeoff 120
tion tasks, are more difficult for older people when they are
Jackhammer 130
novel and complex. In familiar, everyday situations, older
Firearm discharge 140 adults are able to use contextual cues to interpret what they
T h e healthy ear can detect sounds starting at 0 decibels. Damage to hearing hear (Fozard & Gordon-Salant, 2001). In one study, for exam-
can start between 75 and 80 decibels and is more likely with long-term ex- ple, elderly adults were about as able as young adults to recall
posure to loud sounds. meaningful sentences they had just heard (Wingfield et al.,
1985). However, they had serious difficulty repeating back
lic^^ns mmmmmm
l i i t i H M M M s I M M • • a w mmwmm^
I M w wmmm
mmBm IRHHll
mm. m.
A i d i n g Adults with Hearing Impairments
Does the aging of sensory systems also mean that older peo- College Students Eldei'ly People
ple become less able to appreciate tastes and aromas? Studies Pureed Food Substance (ages 18-22) (ages 67-93)
designed to measure taste thresholds suggest that with in-
creasing age, some of us have more difficulty detecting weak
taste stimulation—for example, a small amount of salt on Apple 93 79
food or a few drops of lemon juice in a glass of water (Mattes, Banana 93 59
2002; Schiffman, 1997). Thus, older adults may report that Pear 93 86
food tastes bland and use larger amounts of salt and season-
Pineapple 93 86
ings than used when they were younger. In addition, both
middle-aged and older adults sometimes have difficulty dis- Strawberry 100 79
criminating among tastes that differ in intensity (Nordin et Tomato 93 93
al., 2003). In one study, for example, adults over 70 were less Vegetables
able than young adults to reliably judge one solution to be
Broccoli 81 62
saltier, more bitter, or .more acidic than another (Weiffenbach,
Cowart, & Baum, 1986). Interestingly, older adults did not Cabbage 74 69
have difficulty distinguishing degrees of sweetness; people do Carrot 79 55
not seem to lose the sweet tooth they are born with. Celery 89 55
The ability to perceive odors also typically declines with age. Corn 96 76
Sensitivity to odors increases from childhood to early adulthood Cucumber 44 28
then declines during adulthood, more so with increasing age
Green bean 85 62
(Finkelstein & Schiffman, 1999; Ship et al., 1996). Age takes a
greater toll on the sense of smell than on the sense of taste (Rolls, Green pepper 78 59
1999). However, differences among age groups are usually small, Potato 52 59
and many older people retain their sensitivity to odors. Women Meat/Fish
are more likely than men to maintain their ability to label odors
Beef 100 79
in scratch-and-sniff tests (Ship 8< Weiffenbach, 1993), partly be-
cause they are less likely than men to have worked in factories Fish 89 90
and been exposed to chemicals (Corwin, Loury, & Gilbert, Pork 93 72
1995). Also, healthy adults of both sexes retain their sense of Other
smell better than do those who have diseases and take medica-
Rice 81 55
tions (Ship & Weiffenbach, 1993). Again, then, perceptual losses
in later life are part of the basic aging process but vary from per- Walnut 33 28
son to person depending on environmental factors. Elderly adults have more difficulty than young college students in identify-
How do declines in the senses of taste and smell affect the ing most blended foods by taste and smell alone. Percentages of those recog-
older persons enjoyment of food? Susan Schiffman (1977) nizing food include reasonable guesses such as "orange" in response to "ap-
p l e " Notice that some foods (for example, cucumber) are difficult for people
blindfolded young adults and elderly adults and asked them to
of any age to identify by taste a n d smell alone. Appearance and texture are
identify blended foods by taste and smell alone. As Table 6.3 important to the recognition of such foods.
reveals, the older people were correct less often than the col- SOURCE: Schiffman, S. ( 1 9 7 7 ) . Food recognition by the elderly. Journal of
lege students were. But was this because of a loss of taste sen- Gerontology; 32. Reprinted by permission.
than because of losses in the sense of smell and declines in the osteoporosis, cancer, and other diseases who also experience
cognitive skills required to remember and name what has depression and anxiety are especially likely to perceive pain.
been tasted (Murphy, Nordin, & Acosta, 1997). Treating these secondary conditions and administering effec-
If foods do not have much taste, an older person may lose tive pain relief can improve the daily functioning and psycho-
interest in eating and may not get proper nourishment (Rolls, logical well-being of older adults.
1999). Alternatively, an older person may overuse seasonings
such as salt or may eat spoiled food, which can threaten health
in other ways. Yet these problems can be remedied. For exam-
ple, when flavor enhancers were added to the food in one nurs- Of all the changes in sensation and perception during adult-
ing home, elders ate more, gained muscle strength, and had hood that we have considered, those involving vision and
healthier immune system functioning than they did when they hearing appear to be the most important and the most uni-
ate the usual institutional fare (Schiffman & Warwick, 1993). versal. Not only are these senses less keen, but they also are
Conclusions about changes in taste and smell must be used less effectively in such complex perceptual tasks as
considered in perspective. These sensory and perceptual abil- searching a cluttered room for a missing book or following
ities are highly variable across the life span, not just older rapid conversation in a noisy room. Declines in the other
adulthood. Many older adults will not experience deficits: senses are less serious and do not affect as many people.
They can continue to smell the roses and enjoy their food. Although people compensate for many sensory declines,
their effects cannot be entirely eliminated. At some point, ag-
ing adults find that changes in sensory abilities affect their ac-
Touch^Temperature^ and Pain
tivities. As Table 6.4 shows, older adults with one or two sen-
By now, you have seen numerous indications that older adults sory impairments are more likely to experience difficulty with
are often less able than younger adults to detect weak sensory basic tasks of living—walking, getting outside, getting in or
stimulation. This holds true for the sense of touch. The detec- out of bed or a chair, taking medicines, or preparing meals.
tion threshold for touch increases and sensitivity is gradually Notice, however, that even older adults without sensory im-
lost from middle childhood on (Erber, 2005). It is not clear pairments report some difficulty with these tasks. People who
that minor losses in touch sensitivity have many implications are limited by sensory impairments usually have physical or
for daily life, however. intellectual impairments as well, most likely because of gen-
Similarly, older people may be less sensitive to changes in eral declines in neural functioning that affcct both perception
temperature than younger adults are (Frank et al, 2000). and cognition (Baltes & Lindenberger, 1997; Sakhouse et al.,
Some keep their homes too cool because they are unaware of 1996). Most older adults, even those with sensory impair-
being cold; others may fail to notice that it is too hot. Because ments, are engaged in a range of activities and are living full
older bodies are also less able than younger ones to maintain lives. Thus, although most adults will experience some de-
an even temperature, elderly people face an increased risk of clines in sensory abilities with age, these changes do not need
death in heat waves or cold snaps (Worfolk, 2000). to detract from their quality of life.
It seems only fair that older people should also be less
sensitive to painful stimulation, but are they? They are indeed
Summing Up
less likely than younger adults to report weak levels of stimu-
lation as painful, although the age differences in pain thresh- During adulthood, sensory and perceptual capacities
olds are not large or consistent (Verrillo & Verrillo, 1985). Yet gradually decline in most individuals, although many
older people seem to be no less sensitive to stronger pain changes are minor and can be compensated for Changes
stimuli. Unfortunately, older adults are more likely to experi- in the lens, pupil, cornea, and retina of the eye contribute
ence chronic pain than younger adults but are less likely to ob- t o decreased vision as we age. Hearing difficulty associ-
tain adequate pain relief (Gloth, 2000). Adults with arthritis, ated with aging most commonly involves loss of sensitiv-
kk > Table 6.4 Percentage o f Older Adults with Va rious Impairments \Vho Report Limits on Activ ities I
With Visual With Hearing With Both Visual and Without Visual or
Activity Impairments Impairments Hearing Impairments Hearing Impairments
Summary Points
1. Sensation is the detection of sensory stimulation; perception sensation, 144 olfaction, 155
is the interpretation of what is sensed. Developmentalists and perception, 144 cross-modal perception, 156
philosophers differ about whether basic knowledge of the world is
innate (the nativist position) or must be acquired through the senses empiricist, 144 attention, 159
(the empiricist position). nativist, 144 selective attention, 159
2. Methods of studying infant perception include habituation, habituation, 145 sensory threshold, 161
evoked potentials, preferential looking, and operant conditioning
visual acuity, 146 cataracts, 161
3. From birth, the visual system is working reasonably well The visual accommodation, 146 dark adaptation, 161
auditory sense is well developed at birth. Very young infants can rec- contour, 147 presbyopia, 162
ognize their mother's voice and can make distinctions among speech size constancy, 148 age-related macular
sounds that adults may no longer be able to make. The other senses degeneration, 163
visual cliff, 149
are also well developed at birth.
intuitive theories, 151 retinitis pigmentosa (RP), 163
4. During childhood we learn to sustain attention for longer pe-
riods, to direct it more selectively (filtering out distracting informa- phoneme, 152 glaucoma, 163
tion), and to plan and carry out more systematic pcrccptual searches. cochlear implant, 154 presbycusis, 165
5. During adolescence, the ability to sustain and control attention
improves further, and sensation and perception are at their peaks.
6. Throughout adulthood, sensory abilities gradually decline. Media Resources
However, these changes can often be compensated for wTith, for ex-
ample, corrective lenses for the eyes, amplification devices for the Websites t o Explore
ears, and more spices for the taste buds. Moderate to severe declines
Visit Our Website
that are not corrected can lead to declines in activities and quality of
life among older adults. For a chapter tutorial quiz and other useful features,
visit the books companion website at http://psychology.wadsworth
.com/sigelman_rider5e. You can also connect directly to the following
L A U R A (3 Y E A R S O L D ) , removing an opened can of it such as space, time, and causality. Epistemology is the
soda from the refrigerator, to her mother: "Whose is this? branch of philosophy that studies knowledge of reality, and
It's not yours 'cause it doesn't have lipstick." genetic can be translated as emergence or development In other
Matt (I I years old) wanted to go to a hobby store on words, Piaget sought to shed new light on the nature of hu-
Memorial Day. His mother, doubting it was open, told him man knowledge by studying how children come to know the
to call. Matt went to the phone, returned, and said,"Let's world.
go." They arrived to find the store closed.The frustrated His studies began with close observation of his own three
mother: "I thought you called." Matt:"I did, but they didn't children as infants: how they explored new toys, solved simple
answer, so I figured they were too busy to come to the problems that he arranged for them, and generally came to
phone" (DeLoache, Miller, & Pierroutsakos, 1998, p. 801). understand themselves and their world. Later, Piaget studied
larger samples of children through what has become known as
his clinical method, a flexible question-and-answer technique
From an early age, humans think and reason about the world used to discover how children think about problems. Consider
around them—sometimes coming to logical conclusions. At the following exchange between Piaget and 6-year-old Van
age 3, Laura shows remarkable logic when she concludes that (Piaget, 1926, p. 293):
a soda cannot be her mother's because it does not have lipstick
Piaget: Why is it dark at night?
on it. By contrast, Matt, age 11, does not use the rational pow-
Van: Because we sleep better, and so that it shall be dark
ers we assume 11-year-olds possess, perhaps because his
in the rooms.
wishes get in the way.
Piaget: Where does the darkness come from?
In this chapter, we begin to examine the development of
Van: Because the sky becomes grey.
cognition—the activity of knowing and the processes through
Piaget: What makes the sky become grey?
which knowledge is acquired and problems are solved.
Van: The clouds become dark.
Humans are cognitive beings throughout the life span, but as
Piaget: How is that?
the preceding examples suggest, their minds change in impor-
Van: God makes the clouds become dark.
tant ways. We concentrate on the influential theory of cogni-
tive development proposed by Jean Piaget, who traced growth Many contemporary researchers consider the method
in cognitive capacities during infancy, childhood, and adoles- imprecise because it does not involve asking standardized
cence, and then ask what becomes of these capacities during questions of all children tested, but Piaget (1926) believed that
adulthood. We also consider an alternative view: Lev the investigator should have the flexibility to pursue an indi-
Vygotsky's sociocultural perspective on cognitive develop- vidual child's line of reasoning to fully understand that child's
ment. Both theorists have changed how we think about cogni- mind. Using his naturalistic observations of his own children
tive functioning and education. We explore Piaget and and the clinical method to explore how children understand
Vygotsky's ideas for improving cognitive skills at the end of everything from the rules of games to the concepts of space
this chapter; we will revisit these ideas in Chapter 10 when we and time, Piaget formulated his view of the development of
cover language and education. intelligence.
ences (Siegler & Ellis, 1996). Their knowledge of the world ing existing schemes to better fit new experiences. Perhaps you
takes the form of cognitive structures or schemes, which will need to invent a new name for this animal or ask what it is
change as children organize and reorganize their existing and revise your concept of four-legged animals accordingly.
knowledge and adapt to new experiences. If we always assimilated new experiences, our understand-
Piaget believed that all schemes—all forms of under- ings would never advance. Piaget believed that all new experi-
standing—are created through the operation of two inborn ences are greeted with a mix of assimilation and accommoda-
intellectual functions, which he called organization and adap- tion. Once we have schemes, we apply them to make sense of
tation. These processes operate throughout the life span. the world, but we also encounter puzzles that force us to mod-
Through organization, children systematically combine exist- ify our understandings through accommodation. According to
ing schemes into new and more complex ones. Thus, their Piaget, when new events seriously challenge old schemes, or
minds are not cluttered with an endless number of independ- prove our existing understandings to be inadequate, we expe-
ent facts; they contain instead logically ordered and interre- rience cognitive conflict. This cognitive disequilibrium then
lated actions and ideas. For example, the infant wrho gazes, stimulates cognitive growth and the formation of more ade-
reaches, and grasps will organize these simple schemes into quate understandings (Piaget, 1985; see Figure 7.1).
the complex structure of visually directed reaching. Complex Intelligence, then, develops through the interaction of the
cognitive structures in older children grow out of reorganiza- individual with the environment. Nature provides the com-
tions of more primitive structures. plementary processes of assimilation and accommodation
Adaptation is the process of adjusting to the demands that make adaptation to environments possible. As a result of
of environment. It occurs through two complementary the interaction of biological maturation and experience, hu-
processes, assimilation and accommodation. Imagine that mans progress through four distinct stages of cognitive devel-
you are a 2-year-old, that the world is still new, and that opment:
you see your first horse. What will you make of it? You
1. The sensorimotor stage (birth to roughly 2 years)
likely will try to relate it to something familiar. Assimila-
2. The preoperational stage (roughly 2 to 7 years)
tion is the process by which we interpret new experiences
3. The concrete operations stage (roughly 7 to 11 years)
in terms of existing schemes or cognitive structures. Thus,
4. The formal operations stage (roughly 11 years and
if you already have a scheme that mentally represents your
knowledge of dogs, you may label this new beast "doggie
Through assimilation, we deal with our environment in These stages represent qualitatively different ways of
our own terms, sometimes bending the world to squeeze it thinking and occur in an invariant sequence—that is, in the
into our existing categories. Throughout the life span, we same order in all children. However, depending on their expe-
rely on our existing cognitive structures to understand new riences, children may progress through the stages at different
events. rates, with some moving more rapidly or more slowly than
Current understanding of the world (internal data) Small furry animals with fluffy tails are called cats.
is consistent with external data. They meow and smell nice.
Along comes a new piece of information that does not That's strange—this small furry creature has a fluffy
fit with current understanding of the world, leading to tail but it doesn't meow and it certainly doesn't
disequilibrium—an uncomfortable state of mind that the • smell nice!
child seeks to resolve.
mean mm
Assimilation and Accommodation
This unbalanced (confused) state can be resolved This can't be a cat. Mommy called it a skunk, which
through the processes of organization and adaptation must be a different kind of animal.
(assimilation and accommodation).
These lead to a new way of understanding the world— I'll have to remember that skunks and cats are
a new state of equilibrium. different types of animals.
others. Thus, the age ranges associated w i t h the stages are only coordinate sensory input (seeing and mouthing an object)
averages. A child's stage of development is determined by his and motor responses (grasping it). Because infants solve prob-
reasoning processes, not his age. lems through their actions rather than with their minds, their
mode of thought is qualitatively different from that of older
Summing Up children.
Substage Description
1. Reflex activity (birth to 1 month) Active exercise and refinement of inborn reflexes (e.g., accommodate sucking to fit the
shapes of different objects)
2. Primary circular reactions (1-4 months) Repetition of interesting acts centered on the child's own body (e.g., repeatedly suck a
thumb, kick legs, or blow bubbles)
3. Secondary circular reactions (4-8 months) Repetition of interesting acts on objects (e.g., repeatedly shake a rattle to make an
interesting noise or bat a mobile to make it wiggle)
4. Coordination of secondary schemes Combination of actions to solve simple problems (e.g., bat aside a barrier to grasp an
(8-12 months) object, using the scheme as a means to an end); first evidence of intentionality
5. Tertiary circular reactions (12--18 months) Experimentation to find new ways to solve problems or produce interesting outcomes
(e.g., explore bath water by gently patting it then hitting it vigorously and watching
the results or stroke, pinch, squeeze, and pat a cat to see how it responds to varied
6. Beginning of thought (18-24 months) First evidence of insight; solve problems mentally, using symbols to stand for objects
and actions, visualize how a stick could be used (e.g., move an out-of-reach toy
closer); no longer limited to thinking by doing
ively to internal and external stimulation. In the primary cir- Piaget believed that the concept of object permanence de-
cular reactions substage (1-4 months), they are more inter- velops gradually over the sensorimotor period. Up through
ested in their own bodies than in manipulating toys. By the roughly 4 to 8 months, it is out of sight, out of mind; infants
third substage of secondary circular reactions (4-8 months), will not search for a toy if it is covered with a cloth or screen.
they derive pleasure from repeatedly performing an action, By substage 4 (8-12 months), they master that trick but still
such as sucking or banging a toy. In the fourth substage (8- rely on their perceptions and actions to "know" an object
12 months), they can combine actions to achieve simple (Piaget, 1954). After his 10-month-old daughter, Jacqueline,
goals. Later, when they reach the substage of tertiary circular had repeatedly retrieved a toy parrot from one hiding place,
reactions (12-18 months), they experiment in varied ways Piaget put it in a new spot while she watched him. Amazingly,
with toys, exploring them thoroughly and learning all about she looked in the original hiding place. She seemed to assume
their properties. With the final substage, the beginning of that her behavior determined where the object would appear;
thought (about 18 months), comes the possibility of letting
one object represent another so that a cooking pot becomes
a hat or a shoe becomes a telephone—a simple form of pre-
tend play made possible by the capacity for symbolic
thought. It is also in this stage, according to Piaget, that in-
fants can imitate models no longer present, because they can
now create and later recall mental representations of what
they have seen.
Figure 7.3 There is nothing to be surprised about in the high-window event, but in the
low-window event, the doll should (but does not) appear in the middle space as it moves
along the track.
Sgurce: Aguiar & Baillargeon (2002). Developments of young infant's reasoning about occluded objects. Cognitive Psychology, 45,267-336. © 2002.
Reprinted with permission from Elsevier.
by task conditions such as the time interval between seeing ing. To illustrate, consider young Lucienne's actions after she
something hidden and being able to search for it. watches her father—Piaget—place an interesting chain inside
In general, then, it seems that babies sometimes know a a matchbox (Piaget, 1952, pp. 337-338):
good deal more about object permanence than they reveal
[To open the box], she only possesses two preceding
through their actions when they are given the kinds of search
schemes: turning the box over in order to empty it of its
tasks originally devised by Piaget (Baillargeon, 2002). Such
contents, and sliding her fingers into the slit to make the
findings, however, are not necessarily inconsistent with
chain come out. It is of course this last procedure that she
Piaget's findings (Haith & Benson, 1998). Indeed, Piaget con-
tries first: she puts her finger inside and gropes to reach
tended that looking behaviors were developmental precursors
the chain, but fails completely. A pause follows during
to the reaching behaviors that he assessed. He did not believe,
which Lucienne manifests a very curious reaction She
however, that looking represented complete understanding of
looks at the slit with great attention; then several times in
object permanence (Fischer 8c Bidell, 1991; Haith & Benson,
succession, she opens and shuts her mouth, at first
1998). An analysis of infants' looking behaviors by Carolyn
slightly, then wider and wider! [Then] . . . Lucienne un-
Rovee-Collier (2001) suggests that Piaget was wise to distin-
hesitatingly puts her finger in the slit, and instead of try-
guish between infants' looking and reaching. In some situa-
ing as before to reach the chain, she pulls so as to enlarge
tions, looking may developmentally precede reaching for an
the opening. She succeeds and grasps the chain.
object, as Piaget suggested. In other situations, however, in-
fants' actions may reveal a more sophisticated understanding Lucienne uses the symbol of opening and closing her
of the world than looking would indicate. Regardless of the mouth to "think" through the problem. In addition to per-
specific measure researchers use, infants gradually become mitting mental problem solving, the symbolic capacity will
more skilled at acting on their knowledge by searching in the appear in the language explosion and pretend play so evident
right spot. They improve their looking and reaching skills be- in the preschool years.
tween 8 and 12 months, and by the end of the sensorimotor In all, children's intellectual achievements during the six
period, they are masters of even very complex hide-and-seek substages of the sensorimotor period are remarkable. By its
games (Moore & Meltzoff, 1999; Newman, Atkinson, 8c end, they have become deliberate thinkers with a symbolic ca-
Braddick, 2001). pacity that allows them to solve some problems in their heads,
and they have a grasp of object permanence and many other
The Emergence of Symbols
The crowning achievement of the sensorimotor stage is inter-
Summing Up
nalizing behavioral schemes to construct mental symbols that
can guide future behavior. Now the toddler can experiment According t o Piaget, infants progress through six sub-
mentally and can therefore show a kind of insight into how to stages of the sensorimotor period by perceiving and act-
solve a problem. This new symbolic capacity—the ability to ing on the world; they progress from using their reflexes
use images, words, or gestures to represent or stand for objects to adapt t o their environment t o using symbolic or rep-
and experiences—enables more sophisticated problem solv- resentational thought t o solve problems in their heads.
Their symbolic capacity permits full mastery of object The Preoperational Stage
permanence, or the understanding that objects continue
t o exist even when not perceived by the child. M
The preoperational stage of cognitive development extends
from roughly 2 to 7 years of age. The symbolic capacity that
emerged at the end of the sensorimotor stage runs wild in the
preschool years and is the greatest cognitive strength of the
Tli c i ilia preschooler. Imagine the possibilities: The child can now use
words to refer to things, people, and events that are not phys-
No one has done more to make us aware of the surprising ically present. Instead of being trapped in the immediate pres-
turns that children's minds can take than Piaget, who de- ent, the child can refer to past and future. Pretend or fantasy
scribed how children enter the preoperational stage of cogni- play flourishes at this age: blocks can stand for telephones,
tive development in their preschool years and progress to the cardboard boxes for trains. Some children—especially first-
stage of concrete operations as they enter their elementary borns and only children who do not have ready access to play
school years. companions—even invent imaginary companions (Bouldin
€ In this conservation-of-area-task, Rachel first determines that the yellow boards have the
same amount of space covered by blocks. But after the blocks are rearranged on one of the
boards, she fails to conserve area, indicating that one board now has more open space.
Liquids: Two identical beakers are filled to Contents of one beaker are Conserving child recognizes that
the same level, and the child poured into a different- each beaker has the same amount
agrees that they have the same shaped beaker so that the to drink (on average, conservation
amount to drink. two columns of water are of of liquids is attained at age 6 - 7
unequal height. years).
Mass Two identical balls of playdough One ball is rolled into the Conserving child recognizes that
(continuous are presented. The child agrees shape of a sausage. each object contains the same
substance): that they have equal amounts of amount of dough (average age,
dough. 6-7).
Number: Child sees two rows of beads and One row of beads is Conserving child recognizes that
agrees that each row has the same increased in length. each row still contains the same
number. number of beads (average age, 6-7).
Area: The child sees two identical sheets, The blocks on one sheet Conserving child recognizes that
each covered by the same number are scattered. the amount of uncovered area
of blocks. The child agrees that remains the same for each sheet
each sheet has the same amount (average age, 9-10).
of uncovered area.
Volume Two identical balls of clay are One ball of clay is taken from Conserving child recognizes that
(water placed in two identical beakers the water, molded into a the water levels will be the same
displacement): that had been judged to have the different shape, and placed because nothing except the shape
same amount to drink. The child above the beaker. Child is of the clay has changed — that is,
sees the water level rise to the asked whether the water level the pieces of clay displace the
same point in each beaker. will be higher than, lower than, same amount of water (average
or the same as in the other age, 9-12).
beaker when the clay is
reinserted into the water.
Fail conservation tasks because they have: Solve conservation tasks because they have:
• Irreversible thought—Cannot mentally undo an action • Reversibility of thought—Can mentally reverse or undo an action
• Centration—Center on a single aspect of a problem rather than • Decentration—Can focus on two or more dimensions of a
two or more dimensions at once problem at once
• Static thought—Fail to understand transformations or processes • Transformational thought—Can understand the process of
of change from one state to another change from one state to another
Perceptual salience. Understanding is driven by how things look Logical reasoning. Children acquire a set of internal operations
rather than derived from logical reasoning. that can be applied to a variety of problems.
Transductive reasoning. Children combine unrelated facts, often Deductive reasoning. Children draw cause-effect conclusions logi-
leading them to draw faulty cause-effect conclusions simply be- cally, based on factual information presented to them.
cause two events occur close together in time or space.
Egocentrism. Children have difficulty seeing things from other Less egocentrism. Children understand that other people may
perspectives and assume that what is in their mind is also what have thoughts different from their own.
others are thinking.
Single classification. Children classify objects by a single dimen- Multiple classification. Children can classify objects by multiple
sion at one time. dimensions and can grasp class inclusion.
cannot be seen, heard, tasted, smelled., or touched. In other
The school-age child overcomes much of the egocentrism of words, formal-operational thought is more hypothetical and
the preoperational period, becoming increasingly better at abstract than concrete-operational thought; it also involves
recognizing other people's perspectives. Classification abilities adopting a more systematic and scientific approach to prob-
improve as the child comes to grasp the concept of class in- lem solving (Inhelder & Piaget, 1964).
clusion and can bear in mind that subclasses (brown beads
Hypothetical and A b s t r a c t Thinking
and white beads) are included in a whole class (wooden
beads). Mastery of mathematical operations improves the If you could have a third eye and put it anywhere on your body,
child's ability to solve arithmetic problems and results in an where would you put it, and why? That question was posed to
interest in measuring and counting things precisely (and 9-year-old fourth-graders (concrete operators) and to 11- to
sometimes in fury if companions do not keep accurate score 12-year-old sixth-graders (the age when the first signs of for-
in games). Overall, school-age children appear more logical mal operations often appear). In their drawings, all the 9-year-
than preschoolers because they possess a powerful arsenal of olds placed the third eye on their foreheads between their ex-
"actions in the head." isting eyes; many thought the exercise was stupid. The 11- and
But surely, if Piaget proposed a fourth stage of cognitive 12-year-olds were not as bound by the realities of eye location.
development, there must be some limitations to concrete op- They could invent ideas contrary to fact (for example, the idea
erations. Indeed, there are. This mode of thought is applied to of an eye in a palm) and think logically about the implications
objects, situations, and events that are real or readily imagina- of such ideas (see Figure 7.5). Thus, concrete operators deal
ble (thus the term concrete operations). As you will see in the with realities, whereas formal operators can deal with possibil-
next section, concrete operators have difficulty thinking about ities, including those that contradict known reality. This may
abstract ideas and unrealistic hypothetical propositions. be one reason adolescents come to appreciate absurd humor, as
shown in the Explorations box on page 185.
Formal-operational thought is also more abstract than
concrete-operational thought. The school-age child may de-
In Piaget's preoperational stage (ages 2-7), children make fine the justice system in terms of police and judges; the ado-
many uses of their symbolic capacity but are limited by lescent may define it more abstractly as a branch of govern-
their dependence on appearances, lack of logical mental ment concerned with balancing the rights of different
operations, and egocentrism.They fail to grasp the con- interests in society Also, the school-age child may be able to
cept of conservation because they engage in centration, think logically about concrete and factually true statements, as
irreversible thinking, and static thought, although recent in this syllogism: If you drink poison, you will die. Fred drank
research suggests that preschool children's capacities are poison. Therefore, Fred will die. The adolescent can engage in
greater than Piaget supposed. School-age children enter such if-then thinking about contrary-to-fact statements ("If
the stage of concrete operations (ages 7-11) and begin you drink milk, you will die") or symbols (If P, then Q. P,
to master conservation tasks through decentration, re- therefore, Q).
versibility, and transformational thought. They can think
about relations, grasping seriation and transitivity, and P r o b l e m Solving
they understand the concept of class inclusion. H Formal operations also permit systematic and scientific think-
ing about problems. One of Piaget s famous tests for formal-
operational thinking is the pendulum task (see Figure 7.6).
The child is given several weights that can be tied to a string to
T l ie o. make a pendulum and is told that he may vary the length of
the string, the amount of weight attached to it, and the height
Although tremendous advances in cognition occur from in- from which the weight is released to find out which of these
fancy to the end of childhood, other transformations of the factors, alone or in combination, determines how quickly the
mind are in store for the adolescent. If teenagers become in- pendulum makes its arc. How would you go about solving this
trospective, question their parents' authority, dream of perfect problem?
worlds, and contemplate their futures, cognitive development The concrete operator is likely to jump right in without
may help explain why. much advanced planning, using a trial-and-error approach.
That is, the child may try a variety of things but fail to test dif-
ferent hypotheses systematically—for example, the hypothesis
that the shorter the string is, the faster the pendulum swings,
Piaget set the beginning of the formal operations stage of cog- all other factors remaining constant. Concrete operators are
nitive development around age 11 or 12 and possibly later. If therefore unlikely to solve the problem. They can draw proper
concrete operations are mental actions on objects (tangible conclusions from their observations—for example, from
things and events), formal operations are mental actions on watching as someone else demonstrates what happens if a
ideas. Thus the adolescent who acquires formal operations pendulum with a short string is compared with a pendulum
can mentally juggle and think logically about ideas, which with a long string.
Tanya's response Ken's response John's response
Figure 7.5 Where would you put a third eye? Tanya (age 9) did not show much inventive-
ness in drawing her "third eye." But Ken (age I I) said of his eye on top of a tuft of hair;"!
could revolve the eye to look in all directions." John (also I I) wanted a third eye in his palm:"I
could see around corners and see what kind of cookie Id get out of the cookie jar" Ken and
John show early signs of formal-operational thoughts.
What will the formal-operational individual do? In all on). (It is, by the way, the length of the string that matters; the
likelihood, the child will first sit and think, planning an over- shorter the string, the faster the swing.)
all strategy for solving the problem. All the possible hypothe- In sum, formal-operational thought involves being
ses should be generated; after all, the one overlooked may be able to think systematically about hypothetical ideas and
the right one. Then it must be determined how each hypoth- abstract concepts. It also involves mastering the hypothetical-
esis can be tested. This is a matter of hypothetical-deductive deductive approach that scientists use—forming many hypo-
reasoning, or reasoning from general ideas to their specific theses and systematically testing them through an experimen-
implications. In the pendulum problem, it means starting tal method.
with a hypothesis and tracing the specific implications of this
idea in an if-then fashion: "If the length of the string matters, Progress t o w a r d M a s t e r y
then I should see a difference when I compare a long string Are 11- and 12-year-olds really capable of all these sophisti-
with a short string while holding other factors constant." The cated mental activities? Anyone who has had dealings with
trick in hypothesis testing is to vary each factor (for example, this age group will know that the answer to this question is
the length of the string) while holding all others constant (the usually not. Piaget (1970) described the transition from con-
weight, the height from which the weight is dropped, and so crete operations to formal operations as taking place gradually
A pendulum is made by
hanging a weight at the end
of a string fixed at the other
end. If released from A it
swings at a regular rate. Length of string Weight Amount of impetus
over years. Many researchers have found it useful to distin- Consider the findings of Suzanne Martorano (1977), who
guish between early and late formal operations. For example, gave 80 girls in grades 6, 8, 10, and 12 a battery of 10 Piagetian
11- to 13-year-olds just entering the formal operations stage tasks. Among them were the pendulum problem; a task re-
are able to consider simple hypothetical propositions such as quiring students to identify all the possible combinations of
the three-eye problem. But most are not yet able to devise an chemicals that could produce a particular chemical reaction;
overall game plan for solving a problem or to systematically and analyzing how the behavior of a balance beam is affected
generate and test hypotheses. These achievements are more by the heaviness of weights on the beam and their distances
likely later in adolescence. from the fulcrum, or center. The 6th- and 8th-graders (ages
C Adolescents are more likely than children to benefit from some types of science instruction
because formal-operational thought opens the door for reasoning about abstract and hypo-
thetical material.
11-12 and 13-14) accomplished only 2 or 3 of the 10 tasks on liefs (their intuitions) do not allow them to scientifically
the average; the 10th- and 12th-graders (ages 15-16 and process the new information. Decontextualizing increases the
17-18) accomplished an average of 5 or 6. Similarly, 10th- and likelihood of using reasoning to analyze a problem logically
llth-graders (ages 16-17) demonstrate more advanced scien- rather than relying on intuition or faulty existing knowledge.
tific reasoning than 7th- and 8th-graders (ages 13-14) when There is some evidence that todays teens (ages 13-15) are
asked to consider evidence and evaluate theories regarding re- better able than earlier cohorts to solve formal-operational
ligion and social class (Klaczynski, 2000). Still, the responses tasks. For example, 66% of teens tested in 1996 showed formal-
of older adolescents contain biases similar to those shown by operational thought on a probability test, whereas 49% of teens
younger adolescents. Both age groups more readily accept ev- tested in* 1967 showed such skills (Flieller, 1999). Why might
idence consistent with their preexisting beliefs than evidence formal-operational skills improve over time? Changes in school
inconsistent with these beliefs (Kuhn, 1993; Klaczynski & curricula are the likely explanation. The achievement of formal-
Gordon, 1996a, 1996b). Thus, although reasoning skills im- operational thinking depends on specific experiences, such
prove over the adolescent years, adolescents do not consis- as exposure to math and science education (Laurendeau-
tently show formal operations and logical scientific reasoning Bendavid, 1977). Research with Western and African popula-
skills on all tasks (Klaczynski & Narasimham, 1998). tions shows that both age and education level influence per-
Contrary to Piaget's claim that intuitive reasoning is re- formance on formal-operational tasks; college and university
placed by scientific reasoning as children age, the two forms of students outperform adults with no advanced education, who
reasoning—intuitive and scientific—seem to coexist in older in turn outperform adolescents (Mwamwenda & Mwamwenda,
thinkers (Klaczynski, 2000, 2001). Being able to shift between 1989; Mwamwenda, 1999).
intuitive and scientific reasoning provides flexibility in prob- Progress toward the mastery of formal operations is slow,
lem-solving situations as long as the thinker can effectively se- at least as measured by Piaget s scientific tasks. These findings
lect the appropriate strategy. However, like children (and have major implications for secondary-school teachers, who
adults), adolescents often seem to adopt an intuitive strategy, are often trying to teach abstract material to students with a
leading them to conclusions inconsistent with scientific judg- range of thinking patterns. Teachers may need to give concrete
ment (Klaczynski, 2001). With age, however, adolescents are thinkers extra assistance by using specific examples and
increasingly able to decontextualize, or separate prior knowl- demonstrations to help clarify general principles.
edge and beliefs from the demands of the task at hand
(Klaczynski, 2000; Stanovich & West, 1997). For example,
someone who believes that males are better at math than fe-
Implications of Formal T h o u g h t
males may find it difficult to accept new evidence that girls at- Formal-operational thought contributes to other changes
tain higher classroom math grades than boys if their prior be- in adolescence—some good, some not so good. First, the
good news: As you will see in upcoming chapters, formal- The imaginary audience phenomenon involves confus-
operational thought may prepare the individual to gain a ing your own thoughts with those of a hypothesized audience
sense of identity, think in more complex ways about moral is- for your behavior. Thus, the teenage girl who ends up with
sues, and understand other people. Advances in cognitive de- pizza sauce on the front of her shirt at a party may feel ex-
velopment help lay the groundwork for advances in many tremely self-conscious: "They're all thinking what a slob 1 am!
other areas of development. I wish I could crawl into a hole." She assumes that everyone in
Now, the bad news: Formal operations may also be re- the room is as preoccupied with the blunder as she is. Or a
lated to some of the more painful aspects of the adolescent ex- teenage boy may spend hours in front of the mirror getting
perience. Children tend to accept the world as it is and to heed ready for a date then may be so concerned with how he imag-
the words of authority figures. The adolescent armed with for- ines his date is reacting to him that he hardly notices her:
mal operations can think more independently, imagine alter- "Why did I say that? She looks bored. Did she notice my pim-
natives to present realities, and raise questions about every- ple?" (She, of course, is equally preoccupied with how she is
thing from why parents set certain rules to why there is playing to her audience. No wonder teenagers are often awk-
injustice in the world. Questioning can lead to confusion and ward and painfully aware of their every slip on first dates.)
sometimes to rebellion against ideas that do not seem logical The second form of adolescent egocentrism is the per-
enough. Some adolescents become idealists, inventing perfect sonal fable—a tendency to think that you and your thoughts
worlds and envisioning logical solutions to problems they de- and feelings are unique (Elkind, 1967). If the imaginary audi-
tect in the imperfect world around them, sometimes losing ence is a product of the inability to differentiate between self
sight of practical considerations and real barriers to social and other, the personal fable is a product of differentiating too
change. Just as infants flaunt the new schemes they develop, much. Thus, the adolescent in love for the first time imagines
adolescents may go overboard with their new cognitive skills, that no one in the history of the human race has ever felt such
irritate their parents, and become frustrated when the world heights of emotion. When the relationship breaks up, no
does not respond to their flawless logic. one—least of all a parent—could possibly understand the
Some years ago, David Elkind (1967) proposed that formal- crushing agony. The personal fable may also lead adolescents
operational thought also leads to adolescent egocentrism— to feel that rules that apply to others do not apply to them.
difficulty differentiating one's own thoughts and feelings from Thus, they will not be hurt if they speed down the highway
those of other people. The young child's egocentrism is rooted without wearing a seat belt or drive under the influence of al-
in ignorance that different people have different perspectives, cohol And they will not become pregnant if they engage in
but the adolescent's reflects an enhanced ability to reflect sex without contraception, so they do not need to bother with
about one's own and others' thoughts. Elkind identified two contraception. As it turns out, high scores on measures of
types of adolescent egocentrism: the imaginary audience and adolescent egocentrism are associated with behaving in risky
the personal fable. " ways (Greene et al, 1996; Holmbeck et al., 1994).
€ A teenage girl may feel that everyone is as preoccupied with her appearance as she is, a
form of adolescent egocentrism known as the imaginary audience phenomenon.
Elkind hypothesized that the imaginary audience and formance that must be explained, and it suggests that at
personal fable phenomena should increase when formal oper- least some adults progress beyond formal operations to
ations are first being acquired and then decrease as adoles- more advanced forms of thought (Jacobs 8c Klaczynsld,
cents get older, gain fuller control of formal operations, and 2002).
assume adult roles that require fuller consideration of others'
perspectives. Indeed, both the self-consciousness associated
with the imaginary audience and the sense of specialness as-
sociated with the personal fable are most evident in early ado- If many high school students are shaky in their command of
lescence and decline by late high school (Elkind 8c Bowen, formal operations, do most of them gain fuller mastery after
1979; Enright, Lapsley, 8c Shukla, 1979). Adolescent egocen- the high school years? Gains are indeed made between adoles-
trism may persist, however, when adolescents have insecure cence and adulthood (Blackburn 8c Papalia, 1992). However,
relationships with their parents that may make them self- only about half of all college students show firm and consis-
conscious and may make them appear to lack self-confidence tent mastery of formal operations on Piaget's scientific rea-
even as older adolescents (Ryan 8c Kuczkowski, 1994). soning tasks (Neimark, 1975). Similarly, sizable percentages of
Contrary to what Piaget and Elkind hypothesized, how- American adults do not solve scientific problems at the formal
ever, researchers have been unable to link the onset of the for- level, and there are some societies in which no adults solve
mal operations stage to the rise of adolescent egocentrism formal-operational problems (Neimark, 1975).
(Gray 8c Hudson, 1984; O'Connor 8c Nikolic, 1990). It seems Why do more adults not do well on Piagetian tasks? An
that adolescent egocentrism may arise when adolescents ac- average level of performance on standardized intelligence
quire advanced social perspective-taking abilities and contem- tests seems to be necessary for a person to achieve formal-
plate how other people might perceive them and react to their operational thought (Inhelder, 1966). What seems more im-
behavior (Lapsley et al., 1986; Vartanian 8c Powlishta, 1996). portant than basic intelligence, however, is formal education
Furthermore, recent research by Joanna Bell and Rachel (Neimark, 1979). In cultures in which virtually no one solves
Bromnick (2003) suggests that adolescents are preoccupied Piaget's problems, people do not receive advanced schooling.
with how they present themselves in public not because of an If achieving formal-operational thought requires education,
imaginary audience but because of a real audience. That is, re- Piaget's theory may be culturally biased, and his stages may
search indicates that adolescents are aware that there are real not be as universal as he believed.
consequences to how they present themselves. Their popular- But neither lack of intelligence nor lack of formal edu-
ity and peer approval, as well as their self-confidence and self- cation is a problem for most college students. Instead, they
esteem, are often influenced by how others (the real audience) have difficulty with tests of formal operations when they
perceive them. Adults, too, are aware that their actions and ap- lack expertise in a domain of knowledge. Piaget (1972) sug-
pearance are often judged by others, but al though these adult gested that adults are likely to use formal operations in a
concerns are usually assumed to be realistic, similar concerns field of expertise but to use concrete operations in less fa-
by adolescents are sometimes viewed, perhaps unfairly, as triv- miliar areas. This is precisely what seems to happen. For ex-
ial (Bell & Bromnick, 2003). ample, Richard De Lisi and Joanne Staudt (1980) gave three
kinds of formal-operational tasks—the pendulum problem,
Summing Up a political problem, and a literary criticism problem—to col-
lege students majoring in physics, political science, and
Adolescents often show the first signs of formal opera-
English. As Figure 7.7 illustrates, each group of students did
tions at I I or 12 and gradually master the hypothetical-
well on the problem relevant to that group's field of expert-
deductive reasoning skills required to solve scientific
ise. On problems outside their fields, however, about half the
problems. Cognitive changes result in other develop-
students failed. Possibly, then, many adolescents and adults
mental advances and may contribute to confusion, rebel-
fail to use formal reasoning on Piaget's scientific problems
lion, idealism, and adolescent egocentrism (the imaginary
simply because these problems are unfamiliar to them and
audience and the personal fable). •
they lack expertise.
As Kurt Fischer (1980; Fischer, ICenny, 8c Pipp, 1990)
maintains, each person may have an optimal level of cognitive
Tk Adult performance that will show itself in familiar and well-trained
content domains. However, performance is likely to be highly
Do adults think differently than adolescents do? Does cog- inconsistent across content areas unless the person has had a
nition change over the adult years? Until fairly recently, de- chance to build knowledge and skills in all these domains.
velopmentalists have not asked such questions. Piaget indi- More often, adults may use and strengthen formal modes of
cated that the highest stage of cognitive development, thinking only in their areas of expertise. By adopting a con-
formal operations, was fully mastered by most people be- textual perspective on cognitive development, you can appre-
tween age 15 and age 18. Why bother studying cognitive de- ciate that the individual's experience and the nature of the
velopment in adulthood? As it turns out, it has been worth tasks she is asked to perform influence cognitive performance
the effort. Research has revealed limitations in adult per- across the life span (Salthouse, 1990).
o 80
o 60
cr> 40 40
۩ 40
O 20
Pendulum problem Political problem Literary problem
Figure 7.7 Expertise and formal operations. College students show the great-
est command of formal-operational thought in the subject area most related to
their major.
SOURCE: Data from De Lisi & Staudi {1980).
tasks such as weaving and hunting. Instead, they learn their children. Spoken language is clearly the most impor-
through guided participation—by actively participating in tant tool, but writing, using numbers, and applying prob-
culturally relevant activities with the aid and support of their lem-solving and memory strategies also convey information
parents and other knowledgeable guides (Rogoff, 1998). and enable thinking (Bodrova & Leong, 1996; Grain, 2000;
Jerome Bruner (1983) had a similar concept in mind when he Vygotsky, 1978). The type of tool used to perform a task in-
wrote of the many ways in which parents provide "scaffold- fluences performance on the task. Consider a study by
ing" for their children's development, structuring learning sit- Dorothy Faulkner and her colleagues (2000) with 9- and 10-
uations so that learning becomes easier. By calling attention to year-old children. Children worked in pairs on a science
guided participation processes in the zone of proximal devel- project (Inhelder and Piaget's chemical combination task),
opment, Vygotsky was rejecting Piaget's view of children as in- using either a computer simulation of the task or the actual
dependent explorers in favor of the view that they learn more physical materials. The children who worked with the com-
sophisticated cognitive strategies through their interactions puterized version talked more, tested more possible chemi-
with more mature thinkers. To Piaget, the child's level of cog- cal combinations, and completed the task more quickly than
nitive development determines what he can learn; to children who worked with the physical materials. The com-
Vygotsky, learning in collaboration with more knowledgeable puter, then, was a tool that changed the nature of the
companions drives cognitive development. problem-solving activity and influenced performance, as
Vygotsky would have predicted.
Look more closely at Vygotsky's notion of how tools—
The Tools of Thought especially language—influence thought. Whereas Piaget
In Vygotsky's view, adults use a variety of tools to pass cul- maintained that cognitive development influences language
turally valued modes of thinking and problem solving to development, Vygotsky argued that language shapes thought
matched to the child's level of development are in the spirit of puppet was moving into. First, the children were tested to de-
Piaget. termine what they already knew about proper furniture place-
What would Vygotsky recommend to teachers who want ment. Then, each child worked at a similar task, either alone
to stimulate cognitive growth? As you might guess, Vygotsky's (as might be the case in Piaget's discovery-based education, al-
theoretical orientation leads to a different approach to edu- though here children were provided with corrective feedback
cation than Piaget's does—a more social one. Whereas stu- by the experimenter) or with his or her mother (Vygotsky's
dents in Piaget's classroom would most likely be engaged in guided learning). Finally, to assess what they had learned,
independent exploration, students in Vygotsky's classroom Freund asked the children to perform a final, rather complex,
would be involved in guided participation, "co-constructing" furniture-sorting task. The results were clear: Children who
knowledge during interactions with teachers and more knowl- had sorted furniture with help from their mothers showed
edgeable peers.The roles of teachers and other more skillful dramatic improvements in sorting ability, whereas those who
collaborators would be to organize the learning activity break had practiced on their own showed little improvement.
it into steps, provide hints and suggestions carefully tailored to Moreover, the children who gained the most from guided par-
the student's abilities, and gradually turn over more of the ticipation with their mothers were those whose mothers
mental work to the student. According to Vygotsky's sociocul- talked the most about how to tackle the task. Collaborating
tural perspective, the guidance provided by a skilled partner with a competent peer can also produce cognitive gains that
will then be internalized by the learner, first as private speech a child might not achieve working alone (Azmitia, 1992;
and eventually as silent inner speech. Education ends up being Gauvain & Rogoff, 1989).
a matter of providing children with tools of the mind impor- So, children do not always learn the most when they func-
tant in their culture, whether hunting strategies or computer tion as solitary scientists, seeking discoveries on their own; of-
skills (Bodrova & Leong, 1996; Berk & Winsler, 1995). ten, conceptual growth springs more readily from children's
Is there evidence that Vygotsky's guided participation ap- interactions with other people—particularly with competent
proach might be superior to Piaget's discovery approach? people who provide an optimal amount of guidance. Yet it
Consider what Lisa Freund (1990) found when she had 3- to would seem that many children might benefit most from the
5-year-old children help a puppet with a sorting task: deciding best of both worlds: opportunities to explore on their own
which furnishings (sofas, beds, bathtubs, stoves, and so on) and supportive companions to offer help when needed.
should be placed in each of six rooms of a dollhouse that the
in important ways and that thought changes fundamentally use externally, just as adults did with them. Gradually, this reg-
once we begin to think in words (Bodrova & Leong, 1996). ulatory speech is internalized.
Piaget and Vygotsky both noticed that preschool children of- Studies conducted by Vygotsky and other researchers
ten talk to themselves as they go about their daily activities, al- support his claim (Berk, 1992). For example, in one set of
most as if they were play-by-play sports announcers. ("I'm studies, Vygotsky (1962) measured children's private speech
putting the big piece in the corner. I need a pink one. Not that first as they worked unimpeded on a task, then as they worked
one—this one") Two preschool children playing next to each to overcome an obstacle placed in their path. Their use of pri-
other sometimes carry on separate monologues rather than vate speech increased dramatically when they confronted an
conversing. Piaget (1926) regarded such speech as egocen- interruption of their work—a problem to solve. Thus, young
tric—further evidence that preoperational thinkers cannot yet children rely most heavily on private speech when they are
take the perspectives of other people (in this case, their con- struggling to solve difficult problems (Berk, 1992). Even adults
versation partners) and therefore have not mastered the art of sometimes revert to thinking aloud when they are stumped by
social speech. He did not believe that egocentric speech played a problem (John-Steiner, 1992).
a useful role in cognitive development. The incidence of private speech varies with age and task
In contrast, Vygotsky called children's recitations private demands. Both 3- and 4-year-olds use private speech, but 4-
speech—speech to oneself that guides one's thought and be- year-olds are more likely to use it systematically when engaged
havior. Rather than viewing it as a sign of cognitive immatu- in a sustained activity. Four-year-olds are presumably more
rity, he saw it as a critical step in the development of mature goal oriented than 3-year-olds and use private speech to regu-
thought and as the forerunner of the silent thinldng-in-words late their behavior and achieve their goals (Winsler, Carlton, &
that adults engage in every day. Adults guide children's behav- Barry, 2000). As the task becomes familiar and children gain
ior with speech, a tool that children appropriate and initially competence, the use of private speech decreases (Duncan &
Cognitive development is different in different social and historical Cognitive development is mostly the same universally.
Appropriate unit of analysis is the social, cultural, and historical Appropriate unit of analysis is the individual.
context in which the individual develops.
Cognitive growth results from social interactions (guided participation Cognitive growth results from the child's independent
in the zone of proximal development). explorations of the world.
Children and their partners "co-construct" knowledge. Each child constructs knowledge on his or her own.
Social processes become individual psychological ones (e.g., social Individual, egocentric processes become more social (e.g.,
speech becomes inner speech). egocentric speech becomes social speech).
Adults are especially important (because they know the culture's Peers are especially important (because children must learn
tools of thinking). to take peers' perspectives into account).
Learning precedes development (tools learned with adult help Development precedes learning (children cannot master
become internalized). certain things until they have the requisite cognitive
Pratt, 1997). Private speech is also more frequent during then tries to work the puzzle on her own), which in turn goes
open-ended activities (such as pretend play) that have several "underground" to become first mutterings and lip movements
possible outcomes than during closed-ended tasks that have a and then inner speech (Annie's silent verbal thought).
single outcome (Krafft & Berk, 1998). Open-ended activities
tend to be directed more by the child than by an adult; they al-
low children to alter the difficulty level of the task so that it is
appropriately challenging. In contrast, adult-directed activi- Although many scholars find Vygotsky's ideas a refreshing ad-
ties provide fewer opportunities for children to regulate their dition to Piagets, some concerns should be noted. Piaget has
own behavior. been criticized for placing too much emphasis on the individ-
Intellectually capable children rely more heavily on pri- ual and not enough on the social environment; Vygotsky has
vate speech in the preschool years and make the transition to been criticized for placing too much emphasis on social inter-
inner speech earlier in the elementary school years than their action (Feldman & Fowler, 1997). Vygotsky seemed to assume
less academically capable peers do (Berk & Landau, 1993; that all knowledge and understanding of the world is trans-
Kohlberg, Yaeger, & Hjertholm, 1968). This suggests that the mitted through social interaction. But at least some under-
preschool child's self-talk is indeed a sign of cognitive matu- standing is individually constructed, as Piaget proposed.
rity, as Vygotsky claimed, rather than a sign of immature ego- Vygotsky and Piaget are often presented as opposites on a con-
centrism, as Piaget claimed. tinuum representing the extent to which cognitive develop-
In addition, heavy use of private speech contributes to ef- ment derives from social experience. However, a careful read-
fective problem-solving performance—if not immediately, ing of the two theorists reveals that they are not as dissimilar
then when children encounter similar problems in the future as they are often presented to be (DeVries, 2000; Matusov &
(Behrend, Rosengren, & Perlmutter, 1989; Bivens & Berk, Hayes, 2000). Both Piaget and Vygotsky acknowledge the im-
1990). The amount of private speech and the nature of what portance of the social context of development. Still, there are
the child says are both related to performance (Chiu & differences in their emphasis. Table 7.3 summarizes some of
Alexander, 2000). In particular, children who use metacogni- the differences between Vygotsky's sociocultural perspective
tive private speech ("No, I need to change this. Try it over here. and Piaget's cognitive developmental view. The Applications
Yes, that's good.") show greater motivation toward mastery; box on page 194 explains their views on improving cognitive
that is, they are more likely to persist on a task without adult functioning.
intervention (Chiu & Alexander, 2000). Thus, private speech Pause for a moment and consider the remarkable devel-
not only helps children think their way through challenging opmental accomplishments we described in this chapter. The
problems but also allows them to incorporate into their own capacity of the human mind for thought is awesome. Because
thinking the problem-solving strategies they learned during the human mind is so complex, you should not be surprised
their collaborations with adults. Notice that, as in guided par- that it is not yet understood. Piaget attacked only part of the
ticipation, what is at first a social process becomes an individ- puzzle, and he only partially succeeded. Vygotsky alerted us to
ual psychological process. In other words, social speech (for sociocultural influences on cognitive development but died
example, the conversation between Annie and her father as before he could formalize his theory. As you will see in
they jointly worked a puzzle) gives rise to private speech Chapters 8 and 9, other ways to think about mental develop-
(Annie talking aloud, much as her father talked to her, as she ment are needed.
Summing Up
Vygotsky's sociocultural perspective stresses social influ- corporate what skilled partners say t o them into what
ences on cognitive development that Piaget largely ig- they say t o themselves. As social speech is transformed
nored. Children's minds develop ( I ) in response t o cul- into private speech and then into inner speech, the cul-
tural influences; (2) in collaborative interactions with ture's preferred tools of problem solving w o r k their way
skilled partners, or guided participation, on tasks within from the language of competent guides into the thinking
their zone of proximal development; and (3) as they in- of the individual.
M e d i a Resources
Websites to Explore
1. Considering the differences between preoperational thought,
concrete-operational thought, and formal-operational thought, what Visit Our Website
should parents keep in mind as they interact with their 4-year-old, 8- For a chapter tutorial quiz and other useful features, visit
year-old, and 17-year-old children? the book's companion website at
2. Create descriptions of a Piagetian preschool and a Vygotskian sigelman_rider5e. You can also connect directly to the following sites:
preschool. What are the main differences in howr children will be as-
sessed, what they will be taught, and how they will be taught? Piaget
3. How might Piaget's theory be updated to accommodate the The Jean Piaget Society provides biographical information, links to
research findings that have emerged since he constructed his theory? other Piaget resources on the web, and lists of suggested readings for
those who would like to learn more about Piaget's research and Life-Span CD-ROM
Go to the Wadsworth Life-Span CD-ROM for further
Review of Vygotsky
study of the concepts in this chapter. The CD-ROM in-
cludes narrated concept overviews, video clips, a multimedia glos-
Maintained by an instructor at the University of Colorado at Denver,
sary, and additional activities to expand your learning experience.
the web page titled "Celebrities in Cognitive Science" contains links
For this chapter, check out the following clips, and others, in the
to profiles, interviews, papers, and other articles on cognitive scien-
video library:
tists living and dead, including Lev Vygotsky.
VIDEO Jean Piaget's Sensorimotor Stage
U n d e r s t a n d i n g t h e Data: VIDEO Preoperational Thinking: Piaget's Conservation
Exercises on t h e W e b Experiments
For additional insight on the data presented in this D E V E L O P M E N T A L
chapter, try the exercises for the following figure at http://psychology PsychologyONow TM
Developmental PsychologyNow is a web-based, intelli-
Figure 7.7 Expertise and formal operations
gent study system that provides a complete package of di-
agnostic quizzes, a personalized study plan, integrated multimedia
elements, and learning modules. Check it out at http://psychology
&&PW0 • ISII
M i M I
I N H I S B O O K The Mind of a Mnemonist, Aleksandr Luria Any computer has a limited capacity, associated with its
(1987) describes the case of "S," a newspaper reporter who hardware and software, for processing information. The com-
never took notes at news briefings yet would later demon- puter's hardware is the machine itself—its keyboard (or input
strate verbatim recall of all that was said. S thought it rather system), its storage capacity, and so on. The mind's "hardware"
strange that other reporters had to carry notebooks and is the nervous system, including the brain, the sensory recep-
were always writing copious notes in them. S could look at tors, and their neural connections. The computer's software
a chart with 50 digits for 2 to 3 minutes then reproduce it consists of the programs used to manipulate stored and re-
perfectly in any order, even in reverse or diagonally. Imagine ceived information: word processing, statistics programs, and
how you might perform on tests if you had S's memory. the like. The mind, too, has its "software"—rules, strategies,
Obviously, S's memory ability is highly unusual. Most of us and other mental "programs" that specify how information is
have more ordinary skills with a host of strengths and to be registered, interpreted, stored, retrieved, and analyzed.
weaknesses. Even so, our memory is a vital aspect of who The computer, then, was the model for the information-
we are and what we do, allowing us to function in the pres- processing approach to human cognition, which emphasizes
ent, act on the past, and plan for the future. the basic mental processes involved in attention, perception,
memory, and decision making. When the information-
processing approach began to guide studies of development,
In this chapter, we consider how memory develops and the challenge became one of determining how the hardware
changes over the life span. We also continue examining cogni- and software of the mind change over the life span. Just as to-
tive development by looking at a view different from Jean day's more highly developed computers have greater capacity
Piaget's and Lev Vygotsky's approaches, described in the last than those of the past, maturation of the nervous system plus
chapter. Cognitive psychologists, influenced by the rise of experience presumably enables adults to remember more than
computer technology, began to think of the brain as a com- young children can and to perform more complex cognitive
puter that processes input and converts it to output (correct feats with greater accuracy (Kail & Bisanz, 1992).
answers on tests, for example). This information-processing
perspective has revealed much about how the capacities to
acquire, remember, and use information change over the life
span. Figure 8.1 presents an early and influential conception of the
human information-processing system offered by Richard
Atkinson and Richard Shiffrin (1968). If your history profes-
Tlie I n f o r m a t i o n - P r o c e s s i n g sor says that the U.S. Constitution was ratified in 1789, this
statement is an environmental stimulus. Assuming that you
are not lost in a daydream, your sensory register will log it,
holding it for a fraction of a second as a kind of afterimage (or,
According to Howard Gardner (1985), the "cognitive revo- in this example, a kind of echo). Much that strikes the sensory
lution" in psychology that generated the information- register 4 quickly disappears without further processing.
processing approach could not have occurred without a Attentional processes (see Chapter 6) have a good deal to do
demonstration of the inadequacies of the behaviorist ap- with which sensory stimuli enter the sensory register and
proach and the rise of computer technology. which are processed further. If you think you may need to re-
Showing deficiencies in the behaviorist approach was eas- member 1789, it will be moved into short-term memory,
iest in relation to complex learning and memory tasks. which can hold a limited amount of information (perhaps
Consider learning from this textbook. Obviously, some com- only about seven items or chunks of information) for several
plex processes occur between when you register the pattern of seconds. For example, short-term memory can hold onto a
print on this page and when you write an essay about it* To ac- telephone number while you dial it. Today, cognitive re-
count for these processes, behaviorists such as John B. Watson searchers distinguish between passive and active forms of
and B. F. Skinner (see Chapter 2) would have to describe short-term memory and use the term working memory to re-
chains of mental stimuli and responses between an external fer to a mental "scratch pad" that temporarily stores informa-
stimulus (for instance, the printed page) and an overt re- tion while actively operating on it (Baddeley, 1986,1992). It is
sponse. This approach proved cumbersome at best, as more what is "on one's mind," or in one's consciousness, at any mo-
cognitively oriented learning theorists, such as Albert ment. As you know, people can juggle only so much informa-
Bandura, recognized. tion at once without having some of it slip away.
Then came computers with their capacity for systemati- To illustrate working memory, look at the following seven
cally converting input to output. The computer seemed to numbers. Then look away and add the numbers in your head
provide a good analogy to the human mind, and efforts to while trying to remember them:
program computers to play chess and solve other problems as
well as human experts do have revealed a great deal about the
strengths and limitations of human cognition (Newell & Most likely, having to actively manipulate the numbers in
Simon, 1961; Simon, 1995). working memory to add them disrupted your ability to re-
(recognition or recall)
Input from feeds into ^ Sensory register Attention Short-term memory Storage Long-term memory
the environment (logs input) (including working (relatively permanent
memory) store; knowledge of
(holds information the world, past events,
temporarily; executes information-processing
operations on strategies)
hearse them to remember them. People who are fast at adding Most people find questions requiring recognition memory eas-
numbers would have better luck than most people, because ier to answer than those requiring cued recall and those re-
they would have more working memory space left for remem- quiring cued recall easier than those requiring pure recall. This
bering the items (Byrnes, 1996). holds true across the life span, which suggests that many things
To be remembered for any length of time, information people have apparently encoded or learned are "in there some-
must be moved from short-term memory into long-term place" even though they may be difficult to retrieve without
memory, a relatively permanent store of information that cues. Breakdowns in remembering may involve difficulties in
represents what most people mean by memory. More than initial encoding, storage, or retrieval.
likely, you will hold the professor's statement in short-term
memory just long enough to record it in your notes. Later, as
you study your notes, you will rehearse the information in
working memory to move it into long-term memory so that Memory researchers have concluded that the long-term mem-
you can retrieve it the next day or week when you are taking ory store responds differently depending on the nature of the
the test. task. They distinguish between implicit memory, which oc-
This simplified model shows what you must do to learn curs unintentionally, automatically, and without awareness,
and remember something. The first step is encoding the in- and explicit memory, which involves deliberate, effortful rec-
formation: getting it into the system, learning it, and moving ollection of events. Explicit memory is tested through tradi-
it from the sensory register to short-term memory then to tional recognition and recall tests. When implicit memory is
long-term memory while organizing it in a form suitable for tested, learners do not even know their memory is being as-
storage. If it never gets in, it cannot be remembered. Then sessed. For example, individuals might be exposed to a list of
there is storage—holding information in the long-term mem- words (orangey tablet, forest, and so on) to be rated for like-
ory store. Memories fade over time unless they are appropri- ability, not to be memorized. In a second task, they are given
ately stored in long-term memory. Finally, there is retrieval— word stems such as tab and asked to complete them
the process of getting information out when it is needed. with the first word that comes to mind. People who are ex-
People say they have successfully remembered something posed to the word tablet in the initial task are more likely than
when they can retrieve it from long-term memory. people who are not exposed to the word to come up with
Retrieval can be accomplished in several ways. If you are tablet rather than table or tabby to complete the word stem,
asked a multiple-choice question about when the Constitution demonstrating that they learned something from their earlier
was ratified, you need not actively retrieve the correct date; you exposure to the words even though they were not trying to
merely need to recognize it among the options. This is an ex- learn. Adults with amnesia do poorly 011 tests of explicit
ample of recognition memory. If, instead, you are asked, memory in which they study words and then are asked to fin-
"When was the Constitution ratified?" this is a test of recall ish word stems such as tab with a word they studied
memory; it requires active retrieval without the aid of cues. earlier. Amazingly, however, if they are merely exposed to a list
Between recognition and recall memory is cued recall mem- of words and then given an implicit memory test that asks
ory, in which you would be given a hint or cue to facilitate re- them to write the first word that comes to mind, they do fine
trieval (for example, "When was the Constitution ratified? It is (Graf, Squire, & Mandler, 1984). Many forms of amnesia de-
the year the French Revolution began and rhymes with wine."). stroy explicit memory but leave implicit memory intact
out the tongue or opening the mouth (see Meltzoff, 2004, for pable of recognition memory and prefer a new sight to some-
a review; see also the photo on this page). These findings are thing they have seen many times. As they age, infants need less
exciting because they challenge Piaget's claim that infants can- "study time" before a stimulus becomes old hat, and they can
not imitate actions until about 1 year, when they have some retain what they have learned for days or even weeks (Bahrick
ability to represent mentally what they have seen. & Pickens, 1995).
At first, such findings were viewed with skepticism by
some, who believed that early tongue protrusions did not O p e r a n t Conditioning
demonstrate true imitation but instead reflected reflexive re- To test long-term memory of young infants, Carolyn Rovee-
sponses to specific stimuli or attempts to "explore" interesting Collier and her colleague devised a clever task that relies on
sights (for example, Bjorklund, 1995; Jones, 1996). However, the operant conditioning techniques introduced in Chapter 2
observations of infants sticking out their tongues and moving (Rovee-Collier & Barr, 2004). When a ribbon is tied to a baby's
their mouths in ways consistent with a model have now been ankle and connected to an attractive mobile (see the photo on
replicated with different populations (Meltzoff & Moore, page 204), the infant will shake a leg now and then and learn
1997). In addition, 6-month-olds display deferred imitation, in minutes that leg kicking brings about a positively reinforc-
the ability to imitate a novel act after a delay, which clearly re- ing consequence: the jiggling of the mobile.
quires memory ability (Barr, Dowden, & Hayne, 1996; Bauer, To test infant memory, the mobile is presented later to see
2004). whether the infant will kick again. To succeed at this task, the
infant must not only recognize the mobile but also recall that
Habituation the thing to do is to kick. When given two 9-minute training
Another method to assess memory uses habituation, a simple sessions, 2-month-olds remember how to make the mobile
and often overlooked form of learning introduced in Chap- move for up to 2 days, 3-month-olds for about 1 week, and 6-
ter 6. Habituation—learning not to respond to a repeated month-olds for about 2 weeks (Rovee-Collier & Boiler, 1995).
stimulus—might be thought of as learning to be bored by the By 18 months, infants can remember for at least 3 months
familiar (for example, the continual ticking of a clock) and is (Rovee-Collier & Barr, 2004). The researchers could enhance
evidence that a stimulus is recognized as familiar. From birth, young infants' memory by giving them three 6-minute learn-
humans habituate to repeatedly presented lights, sounds, and ing sessions rather than two 9-minute sessions (Rovee-Collier,
smells; such stimuli are recognized as "old hat" (Bauer, 2004; 1999). Although the total training time is the same in the two
Rovee-Collier & Barr, 2004). In other words, newborns are ca- conditions, the distributed training is more effective. As it
context in which they encountered it (for example, the design
on the playpen liner) is even slightly different from the con-
text in which they learned. In short, early memories are cue-
dependent and context-specific.
When are infants capable of pure recall—of actively retrieving
information from memory when no cues are available? As
noted earlier, infants as young as 6 months, given repeated ex-
posure to a models actions, can imitate novel behaviors (for
example, pushing a button on a box to produce a beep) after
a 24-hour delay (Barr, Dowden, & Hayne, 1996; Meltzoff,
1988). As infants age, they demonstrate recall or deferred im-
itation over longer periods. For instance, 14- to 16-month-
olds show deferred imitation after delays of 4 months
(Meltzoff, 1995). By 24 months of age, recall is more flexible—
less bound by the specific cues present at the time of learning
(Herbert & Hayne, 2000; Klein & Meltzoff, 1999).
Patricia Bauer (1996, 2000) and her colleagues have
"lll^l I I f f : shown sequences of actions to infants of different ages then
•': " • • %fc: • yr r-- asked them to imitate what they saw—for example, putting a
•vv .fe.
P i l : teddy bear in bed, covering him with a blanket, and reading
him a story. Infants as young as 13 months can reconstruct a
1 sequence of actions for as long as 3 months afterward. Older
infants (16 and 20 months) can store and retrieve events for
• -I 12 months after exposure (Bauer et al., 2000). Much like chil-
dren and adults, they remember best when they have repeated
H exposures to what they are to remember, when they are given
plenty of cues to help them remember, and when the events
they must remember occur in a meaningful or logical order.
By age 2, infants have become verbal and can use words
([ When ribbons are tied to their ankles, young infants soon learn to
make a mobile move by kicking their legs. Carolyn Rovee-Collier has to reconstruct events that happened months earlier. In one
made use of this operant conditioning paradigm to find out how study, for example, researchers interviewed young children
long infants will remember the trick for making the mobile move. about emergency room visits for accidents the children had
between' about 1 and 3 years (Peterson & Rideout, 1998).
Interviews were conducted soon after the ER visits and 6, 12,
turns out, distributed practice is beneficial across the life span 18, or 24 months later. Children who were 18 months or
(Son, 2004). younger at the time of their ER visit were unable to verbally
What if stronger cues to aid recall are provided? Rovee- recall aspects of their visits after a 6-month delay, but children
Collier and her colleague (2004) found that 2 to 4 weeks after 20 months or older were able to do so. Children who were at
their original learning experience infants who were reminded least 26 months old at the time of their ER visit could retain
of their previous learning by seeing the mobile move kicked and answer verbal questions about their experiences for at
up a storm as soon as the ribbon was attached to their ankles, least 2 years following the event.
whereas infants who were not reminded showed no sign of re-
membering to kick. It seems, then, that cued recall (in this
case, memory cued by the presence of the mobile or, better
yet, its rotation by the experimenter) emerges during the first Infants, like children and adults, face problem-solving tasks
couple of months after birth and that infants remember best every day. For example, they may want to obtain an object be-
when they are reminded of what they have learned. Other re- yond their reach or make a toy repeat the interesting sound it
search shows that verbal reminders are also effective with 15- produced earlier. Can infants overcome obstacles to achieve
month-olds, helping them remember an event after a month desired goals? It appears they can. In one study, infants were
as well as they did after a week (Bauer, Hertsgaard, & presented with an object out of their reach; however, by
Wewerka, 1995; Bauer et al, 2000). pulling on a cloth, they could drag the object to within reach
However, this research also suggests that young infants (Willats, 1990). Although 6-month-olds did not retrieve the
have difficulty recalling what they have learned if cues are in- object, 9-month-olds solved this problem. Even the younger
sufficient. They have trouble remembering whether the mo- infants were successful when given hints about how they
bile (for example, the specific animals hanging from it) or the might retrieve the object (Kolstad & Aguiar, 1995). Simple
about six digits. And second-graders not only are faster learn-
ers than kindergartners but also retain information longer
(Howe, 2000). Why is this? Here are four major hypotheses
about why learning and memory improve, patterned after
those formulated by John Flavell and Henry Wellman (1977):
1. Changes in basic capacities. Older children have higher-
powered "hardware" than younger children do; their brains
have more working memory space for manipulating informa-
tion and can process information faster.
2. Changes in memory strategies. Older children have bet-
ter "software"; they have learned and consistently use effective
methods for putting information into long-term memory and
retrieving it when they need it.
3. Increased knowledge about memory Older children
know more about memory (for example, how long they must
€ Infants begin to learn problem-solving strategies around 6 months study to learn things thoroughly, which kinds of memory
of age. tasks take more effort, and which strategies best fit each task).
4. Increased knowledge about the world. Older children
problem-solving behaviors such as this improve considerably
know more than younger children about the world in general.
over the first 2 years after birth, then, as you will see shortly,
This knowledge, or expertise, makes material to be learned
flourish during childhood.
more familiar, and familiar material is easier to learn and re-
member than unfamiliar material.
Summing Up
fants have no memory beyond a few seconds t o appre- years after birth, it seems plausible that older children re-
ciating that even young I -year-olds can recall experiences member more than younger children do because they have a
for weeks and even months under certain conditions. better "computer"—a larger or more efficient information-
Infants clearly show recognition memory for familiar processing system. However, we can quickly rule out the idea
stimuli at birth and cued recall memory by about 2 that the storage capacity of long-term memory enlarges.
months. As they age, they can retain information longer There is no consistent evidence that it changes after the first
More explicit memory, which requires actively retrieving month of life (Perlmutter, 1986). In fact, young and old alike
an image of an object or event no longer present, ap- have more room for storage than they could ever use. Nor
pears to emerge toward the end of the first year: By age does the capacity of the sensory register to take in stimuli
2, it is even clearer that infants can consciously and de- seem to change much (Schneider & Bjorklund, 1998). It does
liberately recall events that happened long ago, for they, seem, however, that the speed of mental processes improves
like adults, use language t o represent and describe what with age and that this allows older children and adults to per-
happened. Simple problem solving improves throughout form more mental operations at once in working memory
infancy. H than young children can (Halford, 2004; Kail & Salthouse,
This idea has been featured in revisions of Piaget's theory
of cognitive development proposed by neo- Piagetian theorists
T k e Cliilcl such as Robbie Case (1985; Marini & Case, 1994). Case seeks
to build on Piaget's insights into cognitive development
The 2-year-old is already a highly capable information proces- but has also been strongly influenced by the information-
sor, as evidenced by the rapid language learning that takes processing approach. He proposes that more advanced stages
place at this age. But dramatic improvements in learning, of cognitive development are made possible because children
memory, and problem solving occur throughout the child- make better use of the available space in their working mem-
hood years as children learn everything from how to flush toi- ory. For example, Piaget s tressed the preschooler's tendency to
lets to how to work advanced math problems. center on one aspect of a problem and lose sight of another
(for example, to attend to the height of a glass but ignore its
width, or vice versa). Perhaps, say the neo-Piagetians, this is
not a matter of lacking certain cognitive structures; perhaps
In countless situations, older children learn faster and re- young children simply do not have enough working memory
member more than younger children do. For example, 2-year- capacity to keep both pieces of information in mind at once
olds can repeat back about two digits immediately after hear- and to coordinate them. Similarly, young children may do
ing them, 5-year-olds about four digits, and 10-year-olds poorly on memory tasks because they cannot keep the first
items on a list in mind while processing later ones. And they
may fail to solve mathematical problems correctly because
they cannot keep the facts of the problem in mind while they
are performing the calculations.
To test the capacity of short-term memory, researchers
quickly present a list of items (such as numbers) then count
the number of items that a person can recall in order.
Measured this way, short-term memory capacity seems to im-
prove from age 2 to adulthood from just over two items to
close to seven items (Rose et al., 1997). In addition, older chil-
dren are able to manipulate more information at once in ••••
working memory (Case, 1985; Kail, 1990). Partly, this is be-
cause they have become faster and more efficient at executing
basic mental processes, such as identifying numbers or words
to be learned (Kail, 1991); these processes become automatic Figure 8.2 A memory task. Imagine that you have 120 seconds to
so that they can be done with little mental effort. This, in turn, learn the 12 objects pictured here. What tricks or strategies might
frees space in working memory for other purposes, such as you devise to make your task easier?
storing the information needed to solve a problem.
Some research suggests that the degree of improvement called rehearsal—the repeating of items they are trying to
in short-term memory capacity evident as children age de- learn and remember (Baker-Ward, Ornstein, & Holden,
pends on what is being tested. That is, short-term memory ca- 1984). To rehearse the objects in Figure 8.2, you might simply
pacity is domain-specific—it varies with background knowl- say, "apple, truck, grapes . . ." repeatedly. John Flavell and his
edge (Schneider, 2004). Greater knowledge in a domain or associates found that only 10% of 5-year-olds repeated the
area of study increases the speed with which new, related in- names of pictures they were asked to recall, but more than half
formation can be processed. In other words, the more you of 7-year-olds and 85% of 10-year-olds used this strategy
know about a subject, the faster you can process information (Flavell, Beach, & Chinsky, 1966).
related to this subject. Other research, however, indicates that Another important memory strategy is organization, or
developmental changes in capacity are general, not domain- classifying items into meaningful groups. You might lump the
specific (Schneider, 2004; Swanson, 1999). So which is it? apple, the grapes, and the hamburger in Figure 8.2 into a cat-
Improvements with age in operating speed and working egory of foods and form other categories for animals, vehicles,
memory efficiency could be because of maturational changes and baseball equipment. You would then rehearse each cate-
in the brain; the older child's greater familiarity with num- gory and recall it as a cluster. Another organizational strategy,
bers, letters, and other stimuli; or both (Bjorklund, 1995). chunking, is used to break a long number (6065551843) into
There is agreement, however, that speed of processing affects manageable subunits (606-555-1843, a phone number).
short-term memory capacity; older children process informa- Organization is mastered later in childhood than rehearsal.
tion faster than younger children can, and this is one reason Until about age 9 or 10, children are not much better at re-
memory improves over childhood (Gathercole, 1998). calling lists of items that lend themselves readily to grouping
than they are at recalling lists of unrelated words (Flavell &
D o M e m o r y Strategies Change? Wellman, 1977).
If shown the 12 items in Figure 8.2, 4-year-olds might recall Finally, the strategy of elaboration involves actively creat-
only 2 to 4 of them, 8-year-olds would recall 7 to 9 items, and ing meaningful links between items to be remembered.
adults might recall 10 to 11 of the items after a delay of several Elaboration is achieved by adding something to the items, in
minutes. Arc there specific memory strategies that evolve dur- the form of either words or images. Creating and using a sen-
ing childhood to permit this dramatic improvement in per- tence such as "the apple fell on the horse's nose" could help
formance? you remember two of the items in Figure 8.2. Elaboration is
Children as young as 2 years can deliberately remember especially helpful in learning foreign languages. For example,
to do "important" things, such as reminding Mom to buy you might link the Spanish word pato (pronounced pot-o) to
candy at the grocery store (Somerville, Wellman, & Cultice, the English equivalent duck by imagining a duck in a pot of
1983). They are more likely to use external memory ciids (for boiling water.
example, pointing at or holding a toy pig when asked to re- Memory or encoding strategies develop in a fairly pre-
member where it was hidden) if they are instructed to re- dictable order, with rehearsal emerging first, followed by or-
member than if they are not (Fletcher & Bray, 1996). Yet ganization, and then by elaboration. Children do not suddenly
preschoolers have not mastered many effective strategies for start using strategies, however. According to Patricia Miller
moving information into long-term memory. For example, (1990, 1994; Miller & Seier, 1994), they typically progress
when instructed to remember toys they have been shown, 3- through four phases on their way to successful strategy use.
and 4-year-olds will look carefully at the objects and will often Initially, children have a mediation deficiency, which means
label them once, but they only rarely use the memory strategy they cannot spontaneously use or benefit from strategies, even
if they are taught how to use them. This gives way to a differ- knowledge might include an understanding that you are bet-
ent kind of problem, a production deficiency, in which chil- ter at learning language than at learning algebra, that it is
dren can use strategies they are taught but do not produce harder to pay attention to a task when there is distracting
them on their own. The third phase is a utilization deficiency, noise in the background than when it is quiet, and that it is
in which children spontaneously produce a strategy but their wise to check a proposed solution to a problem before con-
task performance does not yet benefit from using the strategy. cluding that it is correct.
Finally, children exhibit effective strategy use by both produc- When do children first show evidence of metacognition?
ing and benefiting from a memory strategy. If instructed to remember where the Sesame Street character
There is ample evidence of utilization deficiencies across Big Bird has been hidden so that they can later wake him up,
various age groups and for different types of strategies (see, even 2- and 3-year-olds will go stand near the hiding spot, or
for example, Coyle & Bjorklund, 1996; Miller & Seier, 1994; at least look or point at that spot; they do not do these things
also see Schneider, 2004, for a review). Why would children as often if Big Bird is visible and they do not need to remem-
who use a strategy fail to benefit from it? One possibility is ber where he is (DeLoache, Cassidy, 8c Brown, 1985). By age 2,
that using a new strategy is mentally taxing and leaves no free then, children understand that to remember something, you
cognitive resources for other aspects of the task (Bjorklund et have to work at it. Researchers have found that 3-year-olds un-
al., 1997). Once using the strategy becomes routine, then derstand the difference between thinking about an object and
other components of the task can be addressed simultane- perceiving it and that 4-year-olds realize behavior is guided by
ously. Whatever the reason for utilization deficiencies, they re- beliefs (Flavell, 1999). These findings indicate that metacogni-
flect a child-task interaction; that is, they depend on how dif- tive awareness is present at least in a rudimentary form at a
ficult a task is for a particular child rather than on task young age (Kuhn, 2000).
difficulty per se (Bjorklund et al., 1997). In another study (Ghetti 8c Alexander, 2004), children
Using effective storage strategies to learn material is only and adults were asked to rate the salience and memorability of
half the battle; retrieval strategies can also influence how past events. Even 5-year-olds detected differences in the
much is recalled. Indeed, retrieving something from memory salience of events and expected that more salient events would
can often be a complex adventure when solving problems, be easier to remember. These findings contrast with earlier
such as when you try to remember when you went on a trip ones in which children were asked to predict how many items
by searching for cues that might trigger your memory ("Well, they would be able to remember (for example, Yussen 8c Levy,
I still had long hair then, but it was after Muffy s wedding, 1975). Under these conditions, preschoolers' estimates were
and . . ."). Strange as it may seem, even when young school- highly unrealistic—as if they believed they could perform any
children are shown how to use the memory strategy of elabo- memory feat imaginable—and they were unfazed by informa-
ration, they may not do as well as older children on memory tion about how another child had done on the task. But if re-
tests because it does not occur to them to use the images they searchers gave children more time before asking them to esti-
worked so hard to create to help them retrieve what they have mate how much they would be able to recall of what they had
learned (Pressley & Levin, 1980). In general, young children just studied, accuracy was good among children as young as
rely more on external cues for both encoding and retrieving age 6 (Schneider, Roth, 8c Ennemoser, 2000). When asked im-
information than do older children (Schneider 8c Pressley, mediately after the learning task, children (and adults) overes-
1997). Thus, young children may need to put their tooth- timated their future ability to remember, presumably based on
brushes next to their pajamas so that they have a physical re- what was still in their short-term memory. After a few min-
minder to brush their teeth before they go to bed. Older chil- utes, this information is typically lost from short-term mem-
dren are less likely to need such external cues but may ory, and children base their estimates on what has made it into
continue to use them throughout elementary school (Eskritt long-term memory.
8c Lee, 2002). In many ways, then, command of memory Are increases in metamemory a major contributor to im-
strategies increases over the childhood years, but the path to proved memory performance over the childhood years?
effective strategy use is characterized more by ups and downs Children with greater metamemory awareness demonstrate
than by steady increases (Schneider, 2004). better memory ability, but several factors influence the
strength of this relationship (Bjork 8c Bjork, 1998; Schneider,
Does Knowledge about M e m o r y Change? 2004). Researchers are most likely to see a connection between
The term metamemory refers to knowledge of memory and metamemory and memory performance among older chil-
to monitoring and regulating memory processes (Schneider, dren and among children who have been in situations in
2004). It is knowing, for example, what your memory limits which they must remember something (DeMarie 8c Ferron,
are, which memory strategies are more or less effective, and 2003; Schneider 8c Bjorklund, 1998). Not only is task experi-
which memory tasks are more or less difficult (Flavell, Miller, ence important, but the nature of the task is also relevant.
8c Miller, 1993). It is also noting that your efforts to remember Awareness of memory processes benefits even young children
something are not working and that you need to try some- on tasks that are simple and familiar and where connections
thing different (Schneider, 2004). Metamemory is one aspect between metamemory knowledge and memory performance
of metacognition, or knowledge of the human mind and of are fairly obvious (Schneider 8c Sodian, 1988). Yet children
the range of cognitive processes. Your store of metacognitive who know what to do may not always do it, so good
metamemory is no guarantee of good recall (Schneider & which allowed them to remember more. When child experts
Pressley, 1997). It seems that children not only must know were compared with adult experts, there were no differences
that a strategy is useful but also must know why it is useful to in performance (Schneider et al., 1993).
be motivated to use it and to benefit from its use (Justice et al., Pause to consider the implications: On most tasks, young
1997). The links between metamemory and memory per- children are the novices and older children or adults are the
formance, although not perfect, are strong enough to suggest experts. Perhaps older children and adults recall longer strings
the merits of teaching children more about how memory of digits because they are more familiar with numbers than
works and how they can make it work more effectively for young children are, not because they have better basic learn-
them. ing capacities. Perhaps they recall more words in word lists
simply because they have more familiarity with language.
Does Knowledge of t h e W o r l d Change? Perhaps memory improves over childhood simply because
Ten-year-olds know considerably more about the world in gen- older children know more about all kinds of things than
eral than 2-year-olds do. The individual s knowledge of a con- younger children do (Bjorklund, 1995).
tent area to be learned, or knowledge base, as it has come to be In their areas of expertise—whether baseball, dinosaurs,
called, clearly affects learning and memory performance. Think Yu-Gi-Oh cards, or Lord of the Rings—children appear to de-
about the difference between reading about a topic that you al- velop highly specialized and effective strategies of information
ready know well and reading about a new topic. In the first case, processing, just as the young chess players studied by Chi ap-
you can read quickly because you are able to link the informa- parently had (see Schneider & Bjorklund, 1998, for review).
tion to the knowledge you have already stored. All you really Indeed, children with low general intellectual ability but high
need to do is check for any new information or information expertise sometimes understand and remember more about
that contradicts what you already know. Learning about a stories in their area of expertise than do children with higher
highly unfamiliar topic is more difficult ("It's Greek to me"). intellectual ability but less expertise (Schneider, Bjorklund, &
Perhaps the most dramatic illustration of the powerful Maier-Bruckner, 1996). It seems that the more you knowr, the
influence of knowledge base on memory was provided by more you can know. It also seems that how well a child does
Michelene Chi (1978). She demonstrated that even though on a memory task depends not only on age but also on famil-
adults typically outperform children on tests of memory, this iarity with the specific task.
age difference could be reversed if children have more expert-
ise than adults. Chi recruited children who were expert chess Revisiting t h e Explanations
players and compared their memory skills with those of adults We can now draw four conclusions about the development of
who were familiar with the game but lacked expertise. On a learning and memory:
test of memory for sequences of digits, the children recalled 1. Older children have a greater information-processing
fewer than the adults did, demonstrating their usual deficien- capacity than younger children do, particularly in the sense
cies. But on a test of memory for the locations of chess pieces, that they are faster information processors and can juggle
the children clearly beat the adults (see Figure 8.3). Because more information in working memory.
they wrere experts, these children were able to form more and 2. Older children use more effective memory strategies in
larger mental chunks, or meaningful groups of chess pieces, encoding and retrieving information.
Figure 8*3 Effects of expertise on memory. Michelene Chi found that child
chess experts outperformed adult chess novices on a test of recall for the loca-
tion of chess pieces (although, in keeping with the usual developmental trend,
these children could not recall strings of numbers as well as adults could).
SOURCE: Adapted from Chi, M . T. H. (1978). Knowledge structures and memory development. !n R. Siegier (Ed.), Children's thinking: V'/hat develops?
Hillsdale, N J : Erlbaum. Copyright © 1S78 by Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Inc. Reprinted by permission.
3. Older children know more about memory, and good 1.0
metamemory may help children choose more appropriate strate-
gies and control and monitor their learning more effectively. 0.9
4. Older children know more in general, and their larger Birth
gle-factor model. Use of memory strategies was an especially
^ 0.5
strong direct predictor of recall. Importantly, there were also cor- C
relations among factors. Having good basic capacities, for exam- cc
ple, was related to advanced metamemory and to command of
strategies and held both direct and indirect influences on recall.
So all these phenomena may contribute something to the dra- 0.3 -
matic improvements in learning and memory that occur over
die childhood years. We return to these four hypotheses when we 0.2
consider changes in learning and memory in adulthood.
0.1 -
how autobiographical memories are stored and organized and life events. Journal of Experimental Psychology:
Psychological Association. Reprinted by permission.
General, 122,155-'65. Copyright © 1293 by the American
<[ Children develop scripts in memory for routine activities that guide their behavior in these
better fits their script (Nelson & Hudson, 1988). This indicates provided one answer to this question by proposing that chil-
that memory is a reconstruction, not an exact replication dren progress through broad stages of cognitive growth, but
(Koriat, Goldsmith, & Pansky, 2000). This, in turn, has signif- information-processing theorists were not satisfied with this
icant implications for eyewitness memory (or testimony), or explanation. They sought to pinpoint more specific reasons
people reporting events that they witnessed or experienced— why problem-solving prowess improves so dramatically as
for example, you reporting that you saw your little brother children age.
snitch some candy before dinner. Children are increasingly Consider the problem of predicting what will happen to
asked to report events that have happened in the context of the balance beam in Figure 8.5 when weights are put on each
abuse cases or custody hearings (Bruck 8c Ceci, 1999; Ceci 8c side of the fulcrum, or balancing point. The goal is to decide
Bruck, 1998). To what extent can you "trust" a child's memory which way the balance beam will tip when it is released. To
in these situations? What factors influence the accuracy of judge correctly, you must take into account both the number
children's eyewitness memory? of weights and their distances from the fulcrum. Piaget be-
When asked generally about events ("Tell me what hap- lieved that concrete operational thinkers can appreciate the
pened at Uncle Joe's house"), preschoolers recall less informa- significance of either the amount of weight or its distance
tion than older children, but the recall of both groups is accu- from the center but will not grasp the inverse relationship be-
rate (Fivush & Hammond, 1989; Howe, Courage, 8c Peterson, tween the two factors. Only when they reach the stage of for-
1994). Specific questions ("Was Uncle Joe wearing a red mal operations will new cognitive structures allow them to
shirt?") elicit more information, but accuracy of recall begins understand that balance can be maintained by decreasing a
to slip (Hilgard 8c Loftus, 1979). This is especially true as the weight and moving it farther from the fulcrum or by increas-
questions become more directed or leading ("Uncle Joe ing a weight and moving it closer to the fulcrum (Piaget 8c
touched you here, didn't he?"). Preschool-age children, more Inhelder, 1969).
so than older children and adults, are suggestible; they can be Robert Siegler (1981,2000) proposed that the information-
influenced by information implied in direct questioning and processing perspective could provide a fuller analysis. His rule
by relevant information introduced after the event assessment approach determines what information about a
(Bjorklund, Brown, 8c Bjorklund, 2002). problem children take in and what rules they then formulate to
Perhaps it is unfortunate, then, that preschoolers, because account for this information. This approach assumes that
they initially offer less information in response to open-ended children's problem-solving attempts are not hit or miss but
questions, are asked a larger number of directed questions are governed by rules and that children fail to solve problems
(Baker-Ward et al., 1993; Price 8c Goodman, 1990). They are because they fail to encode all the critical aspects of the prob-
also frequently subjected to repeated questioning, which in- lem and are guided by faulty rules.
creases errors in reporting among children (Bjorklund, Siegler (1981) administered balance beam problems to
Brown, 8c Bjorklund, 2002). Although repeated questioning individuals ages 3 to 20. He detected clear age differences in
with general, open-ended questions can increase accuracy, re- the extent to which both weight and distance from the ful-
peated questioning with directed or closed questions can de- crum were taken into account in the rules that guided deci-
crease it (Memon 8c Vartoukian, 1996). For example, in a sions about which end of the balance beam would drop. Few
study with 5- and 6-year-olds, researchers "cross-examined" 3-year-olds used a rule; they guessed. By contrast, 4- and 5-
children about events that occurred on a field trip to a police year-olds were governed by rules. More than 80% of these
station during which the children saw a jail cell and police car children used a simple rule that said the side of the balance
and were fingerprinted and photographed (Zajac 8c Hayne, beam with greater weight would drop; they ignored distance
2003). After a delay of 8 months, children's memories wrere from the fulcrum. By age 8, most children had begun to con-
probed using irrelevant, leading, and ambiguous questions sider distance from the fulcrum and weight under some con-
like those you might hear in a courtroom. Many children ditions: when the weight on the two sides was equal, they ap-
"cracked" under the pressure as evidenced by backing down preciated that the side of the balance beam with the weights
and changing their answers in response to the questioning. farthest from the fulcrum would drop. By age 12, most chil-
Fully one out of three children changed all their answers, and dren considered both weight and distance on a range of prob-
most changed at least one answer. So although children can lems, although they still became confused on complex prob-
demonstrate accurate recall when asked clear and unbiased lems in which one side had more weights but the other had its
questions, this study shows that young children's memory for weights farther from the fulcrum. Finally, 30% of 20-year-olds
past events can quickly become muddied when the question-
ing becomes tough.
1 >
Memories are vital to problem-solving skills. To solve any
problem, a person must process information about the task, as Figure 80S The balance beam apparatus used by Robert Siegler
well as use stored information, to achieve a goal. How do to study children's problem-solving abilities. Which way will the bal-
problem-solving capacities change during childhood? Piaget ance beam tip?
discovered the correct rule—that the pull on each arm is a
function of weight times distance. For example, if there are
three weights on the second peg to the left and two weights on Strategy 1 Strategy 4 Strategy 5
the fourth peg to the right, the left torque is 3 X 2 = 6 and the O)
o Strategy 2
right torque is 2 X 4 = 8, so the right arm will drop. a—1
£ 3 2.80
:ie i o
j Q
Chapter 7, you saw that people in Piaget's highest stage of cog- Are the benefits of expertise content-specific, or does
nitive development, formal operations, often perform better gaining expertise in one domain carry over into other do-
in their areas of specialization than in unfamiliar areas. mains and make a person a more generally effective learner or
Similarly, information-processing research shows that adults problem solver? This is an interesting and important question.
often function best cognitively in domains in which they have One research team (Ericsson, Chase, & Faloon, 1980) put an
achieved expertise (Byrnes, 1996; Ericsson, 1996; Glaser & average college student to work improving the number of dig-
Chi, 1988). It seems to take about 10 years of training and ex- its he could recall. He practiced for about 1 hour a day, 3 to 5
perience to become a true expert in a field and to build a rich days a week, for more than 1V2 years—more than 200 hours
and well-organized knowledge base (Ericsson, 1996). But once in all. His improvement? He went from a memory span of 7
this base is achieved, the expert not only knows and remem- digits to one of 79 digits. His method involved forming mean-
bers more but thinks also more effectively than individuals ingful associations between strings of digits and running
who lack expertise. times—for example, seeing 3492 as "3 minutes and 49 point 2
Consider first the effects of knowledge base on memory. seconds, hear world-record mile time" (p. 1181). It also in-
How might adults who are baseball experts and adults who volved chunking numbers into groups of three or four then
organizing the chunks into large units.
Did all this work pay off in a better memory for informa-
tion other than numbers? Not really. When he was given let-
ters of the alphabet to recall, this young man s memory span
was unexceptional (about six letters). Clearly the memory
ability he developed wras based on strategies of use only in the
subject matter he was trying to remember. Similarly, Rajan
Mahadevan, a man with an exceptional memory for arrays of
numbers, turns out to possess no special ability for remem-
bering the positions and orientations of objects (Biederman et
al., 1992), and Shakuntala Devi, a woman who can solve com-
plex mathematical problems in her head at amazing speeds, is
apparently average at performing other cognitive operations
(Jensen, 1990). Each expert apparently relies on domain-
specific knowledge and domain-specific information-process-
ing strategies to achieve cognitive feats (Ericsson & Kintsch,
1995; Schunn & Anderson, 1999).
<[ Adults who have gained proficiency in their chosen fields can Sometimes, domain expertise can be a hindrance. Tax
draw from their well-organized knowledge bases to find just the experts typically outperform tax novices on hypothetical tax
right information to fit the problem at hand. Solving problems is au- cases that do not fit a general tax principle (Marchant et al.,
tomatic and effortless for experts. 1991). But when primed to think about a general tax princi-
pie, experts had more trouble than novices on a tax case that Finally, research on autobiographical memory has re-
violated this principle, presumably because they had trouble vealed that people recall more information from their late
"overriding" the rich source of information activated in their teens and early 20s than from any other time frame except
memory (Lewandowsky & Kirsner, 2000). And although for the near present (Fitzgerald, 1999; Rubin, 2002; Rybash,
older adults know more about the world than younger 1999). Figure 8.8 shows the number of memories recalled by
adults, they do not always perform better when given an ex- 70-year-old adults. Not surprisingly, they recalled a lot from
plicit memory task (Foos & Sarno, 1998). In one study for their recent past (for example, age 65). But the number of
example, older adults first demonstrated that they had memories recalled from about ages 15 to 25 was higher than
greater knowledge of U.S. presidents than younger adults. the number recalled from other points of the life span. Why?
Both groups were then given a set of 20 presidents' names to Possibly, this period of life is more memorable because it is
study for as long as they wanted before being tested for recall instrumental in shaping who people are as adults and is of-
and recognition of the list (Foos & Sarno, 1998). The ten full of significant life changes (Fitzgerald, 1999). David
younger adults outperformed the older ones. The older Rubin (2002) suggests that the bump, as he calls it, occurs
adults spent less time studying the list than the younger because memories from adolescence and early adulthood are
adults, possibly because they were confident that they al- more easily accessible than memories from other periods of
ready knew the familiar material. the life span. They are more accessible because of their dis-
It is evident that experts know more than novices do, tinctiveness and the effort applied to understanding the
their knowledge base is more organized, and they are able to meaning of the events recalled (Rubin, Rahhal, 8c Poon,
use their knowledge and the specialized strategies they have 1998).
devised to learn, remember, and solve problems efficiently in
their areas of expertise—but not in other domains. In effect,
experts do not need to think much; they are like experienced
drivers who can put themselves on "autopilot" and carry out No less an expert on learning than B. F. Skinner complained
wTell-learned routines quickly and accurately. By gaining ex- about memory problems: "One of the more disheartening ex-
pertise over the years, adults can often compensate for losses periences of old age is discovering that a point you have just
in information-processing capacities, the next topic. made—so significant, so beautifully expressed—was made by
you in something you published a long time ago" (Skinner,
1983, p. 242). Most elderly adults report that they have at least
minor difficulties remembering things (Smith et al., 1996).
Earlier in this chapter, we examined the emergence of autobi- They are especially likely to have trouble remembering names
ographical memories and you learned that most adults do not
remember much about, their early years. What, then, do adults
remember about their pasts? To begin to understand the na-
ture of autobiographical memories, Christopher Burt and his 35
colleagues (2003) had some adults record their daily experi-
ences in diaries and others take photographs, creating a visual
diary of their experiences. Both groups were then tested for re-
call of their experiences after an interval of 4 or 5 months.
From this, Burt and his colleagues learned that autobiograph- 25
ical memories of an event often include what was initially 0
Age, Memory Performance, and Clustering Scores of Healthy Adults and Adults with Alzheimer's Disease
Average Age
(in years) Digit Span Immediate Recall Delayed Recall Clustering Index
and items they will need later; they are also more upset than ber what they have learned less well. However, the following
young adults by memory lapses, perhaps because they view qualifications are important:
them as signs of aging (Cavanaugh, Grady, & Perlmutter, ° Most of the research is based on cross-sectional stud-
1983). The Explorations box on this page describes when for- ies that compare age groups, which suggests that the age
getfulness is normal and when it is indicative of a more seri- differences detected could be related to factors other than
ous problem. age.
• Declines, when observed, typically do not become no-
Areas of S t r e n g t h and W e a k n e s s ticeable until the late 60s and 70s. Indeed, the memory of
Much research indicates that, on average, older adults learn "young-old" adults (60-70 years) is more similar to that of
new material more slowly and sometimes learn it less well young adults (18-34 years) than to that of older adults (71-82
than young and middle-aged adults do and that they remem- years; Cregger & Rogers, 1998).
some of the major weaknesses—and, by implication,
strengths—of the older adult.
E x p l a i n i n g D e c l i n e s in O l d A g e
In asking why some older adults struggle with some learning
and memory tasks, first return to the hypotheses used to ex-
plain childhood improvements in performcince: knowledge
base, metamemory, strategy use, and basic processing capaci-
ties. Then consider some additional possibilities.
and late in life (Earles & Kersten, 1999; Salthouse, 1992; also
E see Chapter 5). Much research shows that speed of processing
o 3.45 increases during childhood and adolescence, peaks in early
q5 •
CL adulthood, then declines slowly over the adult years (Frieske &
o 2.03
Park, 1999; Kail & Salthouse, 1994). Much research also shows
1 ' that age differences in performance on cognitive tasks often
shrink when age differences in speed of information process-
~ j ing are taken into account and controlled. Experience in a do-
0 main of learning can certainly enhance performance, but if
Hearing Deaf Chinese children and older adults generally have sluggish "computers,"
adults (U.S.) adults (U.S.) adults
they simply may not be able to keep up with the processing
Figure 8.9 Declines in memory skills in old age are not universal. demands of complex learning and memory tasks (Kail &
In Chinese culture, elderly people are not stereotyped as forgetful or Salthouse, 1994). Slow neural transmission, then, may be be-
senile. Perhaps as a result, Chinese elders perform almost as well as hind limitations in working memory in both childhood and
young Chinese adults on memory tasks, whereas in the United old age. Limitations in working memory, in turn, may con-
States, elders, especially in the hearing population, perform poorly tribute not only to limitations in long-term memory but also
Soulier: From Levy, B., & Langer, E. (1994). Aging free from negative stereotypes: Successful memory in China
to difficulties performing a range of cognitive tasks, including
and among the American deaf. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 66,989-997. Copyright © 1994 by
the American Psychological Association. Reprinted by permission. problem-solving tasks and tests of intelligence, even those that
H ave you noticed that the material in this chapter has great
potential value to teachers? The information-processing
perspective has yielded better methods for diagnosing learning
How well do older adults respond to attempts to teach
them more effective memory strategies? To answer this, con-
sider the interesting work of Paul Baltes and his colleagues. In
problems and improving instruction. Here we focus on interven- one study (Kliegl, Smith, & Baltes, 1990), these researchers
tions aimed at boosting the memory skills of young children and trained young adults (ages 19-29) and old adults (ages 60-80)
older adults. Just how much can be achieved through training? in a mnemonic technique called the m e t h o d of loci. It in-
Garrett Lange and Sarah Pierce (1992) took on the chal- volves devising a mental map of a route through a familiar
lenge of teaching the memory strategy of organization (group- place (such as the person's home) and then creating images
ing) to 4- and 5-year-olds. Using pictures of objects and animals that link items to be learned to landmarks along the route. For
as the stimuli, they taught these preschoolers a "group-and- example, the German adults in the study were taught to asso-
name trick" that involved sorting items to be learned into ciate words on word lists with well-known landmarks in
groups based on similarity, naming the group, naming the items Berlin; they continued to practice for many sessions so that
within the group, and, at recall, naming the group before calling their maximal level of performance could be assessed.
out the items within that group. Because such memory-training The accomplishments of these adults were remarkable,
programs have not always been successful, these researchers as the figure in this Applications box shows. Older adults im-
attempted to increase motivation through encouragement and proved from recalling fewer than 3 words in correct order
praise.They even included training in metamemory:They made
sure children understood the rationale for the sorting strategy,
knew when it could be used, and could see firsthand that it
could improve their performance.
How successful was the training? These children did virtu-
ally no sorting of items to be learned before they were trained,
but they did a good deal of it after training, even 7 days later.
They clearly learned to use the organization strategy they were
taught.They also outperformed untrained control children on
measures of recall. However, the gains in recall were fairly small
compared with the much larger gains in strategy use. These
young children demonstrated utilization deficiencies:They could
not derive full benefit from the memory strategy they were
taught, possibly because they did not have the working memory
capacity to carry out the strategy. Other programs that teach
memory strategies and metacognitive skills to elementary 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
school children often work much better, especially with children Session ( = Instruction, = Practice)
who are underachievers and who may be capable of executing
strategies but fail to do so on their own (Hattie, Biggs, & Purdie, Trained to use the method of loci then given many practice ses-
1996). Still, the benefits of training are often domain-specific; sions, young adults improve their ability to recall word lists more
they do not generalize to learning tasks different from those than older adults do, suggesting that aging places limits on maximal
that were the focus of training. Perhaps this makes sense if you performance. Still, eiderly adults benefit considerably from training
realize that the strategies that work best in learning math skills in this memory strategy.
may be different from the strategies that work best in learning SOURCE: Adapted from Baltes. P. B., & Kliegl, P.. (19S2). Further testing of limits of cognitive plasticity:
have no time limits (Fry & Hale, 1996; Kail 8c Salthouse, pacity hypothesis cannot explain everything about age differ-
1994). ences in memory (Light, 1991). You must consider some ad-
To this point, then, you might conclude that many older ditional hypotheses, including sensory changes and a variety
adults, although they have a vast knowledge base and a good of contextual factors.
deal of knowledge about learning and memory, experience de-
clines in basic processing capacity that make it difficult for Sensory Changes. As you learned in Chapter 6, older
them to carry out memory strategies that will drain their lim- adults experience declines in sensory abilities. Might these
ited working-memory capacity. But the basic processing ca- affect memory performance? Yes indeed. Research shows
after hearing a 30-word list only once to recalling 13 words, were able to recall the names weeks later after training.The
and young adults upped their performance even more, from technique appears to work because it uses implicit memory
6 to more than 20 words. In another study, even older adults processes; adults learn effortlessly when they repeatedly en-
(ages 75-101) were similarly trained to use the method of counter the material to be learned.
loci then tested to see whether training influenced memory Finally, it sometimes makes more sense to change the
performance (Singer, Lindenberger, & Baltes, 2003). Again, it learning environment than to change the learner (Pressley,
did, although not as much as with the "younger" old adults. 1983). If, for example, young children and some older adults
Very old adults improved from about 3 to 7 words after do not spontaneously organize the material they are learning
training. to make it more meaningful, it can be organized for them.
These findings show that there is a great deal of cognitive Giving children practice at learning highly organized material
plasticity and potential throughout the life span. As Baltes and can help them master the grouping strategy on their own
his colleagues put it, older adults have considerable "reserve ca- (Best, 1993). Similarly, if the material to be learned is unfamil-
pacity" that can be tapped through intensive training. Despite iar, you can use examples or analogies that will help learners
limitations in basic processing capacity, older adults can master relate it to something that is familiar (for example, teaching a
powerful memory techniques that enable them to outperform senior citizens' group about the federal budget by likening it
young adults who have not learned and practiced these tech- to their personal budgets). If young children and older adults
niques. Memory training programs can also improve aspects of need more time, let them set their own pace.
metamemory, including elders' negative beliefs about their mem- To use a real-world example, older adults have more trou-
ory capacities and their memory monitoring skills (Dunlosky, ble understanding and remembering information about their
Kubat-Silman, & Hertzog, 2003; Floyd & Scogin, 1997). drug prescriptions than young adults do (Morrell, Park, &
This study and others also show that older adults, especially Poon, 1989). Yet by writing clear, organized instructions and
those who have experienced steep cognitive declines, profit less spending time explaining to older patients what they are to
from memory training than young adults do (Verhaeghen & do, health care professionals can simplify the learning task
Marcoen, 1996). Both children and elderly adults coached to use (Morrell, Park, & Poon, 1989).Alternatively, older adults can be
memory strategies often fail to use them in new learning situa- given external memory aids. Denise Park and her colleagues
tions, perhaps because these strategies simply require too much (1992) explored the benefits of two such aids: an organization
mental effort (Singer et al., 2003). chart (a poster or pocket-sized table giving an hour-by-hour
What, then, is the solution? If some memory strategies are account of when drugs should be taken) and a medication or-
too mentally taxing for many young children and elderly ganizer (a dispenser with columns for different days of the
adults, it may make more sense to capitalize on their memory week and pill compartments for times of the day). Adults over
strengths. Knowing that implicit memory holds up better than 70 more often took their pills correctly when they were given
explicit memory, for example, Cameron Camp and his col- both the chart and the organizer than when they were given
leagues (Camp et al., 1996; Camp & McKitrick, 1992) have one or neither. Because researchers know that poor health is
tried to help patients with dementia caused by Alzheimer's one contributor to poor memory functioning, it makes espe-
disease use the implicit memory capacities that they, like peo- cially good sense to reduce the cognitive demands on old and
ple with amnesia, retain even though they have serious deficits ailing patients by letting external memory aids do the mental
in explicit memory. For example, they have taught patients work for them. Surely the best of all possible worlds for the
with Alzheimer's disease to remember the names of staff learner would be one in which materials and teaching tech-
members by having the patients name photos of staff mem- niques are tailored to the learner's information-processing ca-
bers repeatedly and at ever-longer intervals between trials. pacities and in which training is offered in how to stretch
People who could not retain names for more than a minute those capacities.
that visual and auditory skills are often better predictors 2000). Sensory loss at any age may tax available processing
than processing speed of cognitive performance among resources, leading to memory deficits.
older adults (Anstey, Hofer, & Luszcz, 2003; Lindenberger &
Baltes, 1994). As noted in Chapter 6, many older adults ex- Contextual Contributors. Many researchers have adopted a
perience some hearing loss. When young adults are tested contextual perspective on learning and memory, which com-
under moderately noisy conditions, a situation that mimics bines biological and genetic factors with environmental and
the hearing loss experienced by many older adults, their situational factors (Blanch ard-Fields, Chen, & Norris, 1997;
short-term memory performance decreases (Murphy et al., Dixon, 1992). They emphasize that performance on learning
and memory tasks is the product of an interaction among (1) tive activities most important to them (Baltes, Smith, &
characteristics of the learner, such as goals, motivations, abili- Staudinger, 1992).
ties, and health; (2) characteristics of the task or situation; and
(3) characteristics of the broader environment, including the
cultural context, in which a task is performed. They are not
convinced that there is a universal biological decline in basic You know that problem-solving skills improve steadily from
learning and memory capacities because older individuals of- early childhood through adolescence, but what becomes of
ten perform capably in certain contexts. them in adulthood? On the one hand, you might expect to see
First, cohort differences in education and IQ can explain a decline in problem-solving prowess paralleling declines in
age differences in some learning and memory skills. Elderly learning and memory performance. On the other hand, if
people today are less educated, on average, than younger adults increase their knowledge bases and develop expertise as
adults are, and they are further removed from their school they age, might not older adults outwit younger novices on
days. When education level is controlled for, age differences many problem-solving tasks?
nearly disappear (Nilsson et al., 2002). Moreover, education When given traditional problem-solving tasks to perform
can compensate for aging. Older adults who are highly edu- in the laboratory, young adults typically perform better than
cated or who have high levels of intellectual ability often per- middle-aged adults, who in turn outperform older adults
form as well as younger adults (Cherry & LeCompte, 1999; (Denney, 1989). However, consider research using the Twenty
Haught et al., 2000). Questions task. Subjects are given an array of items and asked
Similarly, health and lifestyle differences between cohorts to find out, using as few questions as possible, which item the
may contribute to age differences in learning and memory. experimenter has in mind (see Figure 8.10). The soundest prob-
Older adults are more likely than younger adults to hcive lem-solving strategy is to ask constraint-seeking questions—
chronic or degenerative diseases, and even mild diseases can ones that rule out more than one item (for example, "Is it an an-
impair memory performance (Houx, Vreeling, & Jolles, 1991; imal?5'). Young children and older adults tend to pursue specific
Hultsch, Hammer, & Small, 1993). Older adults also lead less hypotheses instead ("Is it a pig?""Is it a pencil?"). Consequently,
active lifestyles and perform fewer cognitively demanding ac- they must ask more questions to identify the right object.
tivities than younger adults do, on average. These age group However, older adults do far better if the task is altered to make
differences in lifestyle also contribute to age differences in it more familiar; they then draw on their knowledge base to
cognitive performance (Finlcel & McGue, 1998; Luszcz, Bryan, solve the problem. For example, when Nancy Denney (1980)
Sc Kent, 1997). Older college professors, perhaps because they used an array of playing cards, older adults asked plenty of
remain mentally active, outperform other older adults and
perform similarly to young professors on some tests of recall
(Shimamura et al., 1995).
The implications of such research are clear: Declines in
information-processing skills are not inevitable or universal.
Nature may place some boundaries on the information-
processing system, but nurture plays a significant role in sus-
taining memory and problem-solving skills. Older adults may
be able to maintain their memory skills if they are relatively
well-educated, stay healthy, and exercise their minds. Simply
reviewing material after its presentation can help them im-
prove their memory performance (Koutstaal et al., 1998; see
the Applications box on page 220 for more ways to improve
memory across the life span). At the same time> factors such as
education and health cannot account completely for age dif-
ferences in cognitive performance (Smith 8c Earles, 1996).
Perhaps the truth lies somewhere between the basic pro-
cessing capacity view, which emphasizes nature by pointing to
a universal decline in cognitive resources such as speed and
working memory that affect performance on many cognitive
tasks, and the contextual view, which emphasizes nurture.
Contextual theorists stress variability from person to person
and situation to situation based on cohort differences, moti- Figure 8.10 ATwenty Questions game. You can try it on a young
vational factors, and task demands. Most adults, at least if they child or a friend by thinking of one item in the group and asking your
live to an advanced old age, may experience some loss of basic testee to find out which it is by asking you yes-no questions. Look
processing resources. However, they may also have developed for the constraint-seeking questions (for example, "Is it animate?"),
specialized knowledge and strategies that allow them to com- and note the total number of questions required to identify the cor-
pensate for these losses as they carry out the everyday cogni- rect item.
constraint-seeking questions ( " I s it a h e a r t ? " " I s it a face card?"). Finally, s o m e cognitive researchers believe t h a t w h a t ap-
T h u s , older adults are capable o f using effective p r o b l e m - pear to be cognitive deficits in old age may be signs o f cogni-
solving strategies b u t do n o t use t h e m i n s o m e contexts, espe- tive adaptation and growth ( D i x o n , 1 9 9 2 ; Perlmutter, 1 9 8 6 ) .
cially when given unfamiliar tasks in a laboratory. O l d e r adults m a y let little-needed cognitive skills grow rusty
W h a t i f adults are asked to deal with real-life p r o b l e m s to m a i n t a i n a n d strengthen t h o s e skills m o s t useful to t h e m in
such as grease fires in the k i t c h e n , w a r m refrigerators, or f a m - everyday life. T h e y m a y use their expertise in i m p o r t a n t d o -
ily squabbles? N a n c y D e n n e y a n d K a t h y Pearce ( 1 9 8 9 ) asked m a i n s to c o m p e n s a t e for losses in basic processing capacities
elderly adults to help t h e m devise everyday p r o b l e m s that (Baltes, S m i t h , & Staudinger, 1 9 9 2 ) . C h i l d r e n improve their
would be m e a n i n g f u l and familiar to older individuals. O n e abili ty to d o all kinds o f things; older adults m a y improve their
p r o b l e m was t o generate ideas a b o u t h o w a 6 5 - y e a r - o l d re- ability to p e r f o r m critical learning, m e m o r y , and p r o b l e m -
cently widowed w o m a n c o u l d i m p r o v e her social life; a n o t h e r solving tasks and m a y forget t h e rest.
was to advise an elderly couple living o n Social S e c u r i t y w h a t
to do w h e n they were u n a b l e to pay their heating bill o n e w i n - Summing Up
ter. O n these everyday p r o b l e m s , p e r f o r m a n c e increased f r o m
Adults increasingly develop larger and m o r e organized
early a d u l t h o o d t o middle age a n d declined in old age.
knowledge bases t h a t aid m e m o r y and problem solving.
O t h e r findings e c h o this o n e : W h e n given everyday p r o b -
S o m e older adults, however, may begin t o experience
lems to w h i c h t h e y can apply t h e expertise t h e y have gained
problems on tasks that require speed o r working with
t h r o u g h experience, m i d d l e - a g e d adults often outperform
unfamiliar material o r unexercised skills. Contextual fac-
young adults. Elderly adults s o m e t i m e s equal and s o m e t i m e s
t o r s such as motivation, c o h o r t , and t h e nature o f t h e
do worse t h a n y o u n g and m i d d l e - a g e d adults; either way, they
task also influence m e m o r y . T h e message a b o u t problem-
show smaller deficits t h a n they do o n u n f a m i l i a r p r o b l e m s in
solving skills is similar t o that a b o u t m e m o r y capacities.
the l a b o r a t o r y (Berg & Klaczynski, 1 9 9 6 ; Marsiske & Willis,
Although performance on unfamiliar; meaningless labora-
1 9 9 5 ) . Ultimately, declines in basic capacities m a y limit the
t o r y tasks often appears t o decline after early adulthood,
p r o b l e m - s o l v i n g skills o f m a n y elderly adults, n o t o n l y in the
t h e ability t o perform m o r e familiar everyday informa-
l a b o r a t o r y b u t also in real life (Denney, 1989; K a s w o r m &
tion-processing tasks often improves through middle age
M e d i n a , 1 9 9 0 ) . You should b e a r in m i n d , however, t h a t c o g n i -
and is maintained until late in life. M
tive c o m p e t e n c e a m o n g older adults varies widely b e c a u s e o f
differences in health, e d u c a t i o n , experience, and so o n .
implicit memory, 201 script, 210
explicit memory, 201 eyewitness memory, 211 Developmental PsychologyNow is a web-based, intelli-
gent study system that provides a complete package of di-
problem solving, 202 rule assessment approach, 211
agnostic quizzes, a personalized study plan, integrated multimedia
executive control processes, 202 mild cognitive impairment , 2 1 7 elements, and learning modules. Check it out at http://psyc.hology
deferred imitation, 203 method of loci, 220
rehearsal, 206 constraint-seeking questions, 220
Media Resources
Websites t o Explore
The Psychometric Approach Continuity between Childhood and Race and Ethnicity
Adulthood Culture Bias
Gardner's Theory of Multiple
Motivational Factors
Intelligences IQ and School Achievement
Genetic Influences
Sternberg's Triarchic Theory Environ men tal I n fluences
T h e Adult
The Infant IQ and Occupational Success rlie E x t r e m e s of
Developmental Quotients IQ and Health In tell i gfence
Infant Intelligence and Later Change in IQ with Age
Mental Retardation
Intelligence Predictors of Decline
Potential for Wisdom
T l i e Child
W h a t \s Creativity?
How Stable Are IQ Scores during F a c t o r s Tliat Influence I Q
c^ Creativity in Childhood and
Causes of Gain and Loss scores
Creative Achievement in Adulthood
Home Environment
GREG S M I T H W A S M E M O R I Z I N G BOOKS at 14 tellectual d e v e l o p m e n t and a b o u t variations in intellectual
months of age and adding numbers at 18 months (Lenhart, p e r f o r m a n c e . T h i s c h a p t e r e x a m i n e s h o w p e r f o r m a n c e on in-
1999). He sped from second to eighth grade in I year and telligence tests typically changes a n d stays the s a m e over t h e
completed high school in less than 2 years. He started col- life span, w h a t I Q tests reveal a b o u t a person, a n d w h y p e o p l e s
lege full-time when he was 10 years old and hopes to even- I Q scores differ. It also looks at b o t h gifted and m e n t a l l y re-
tually earn three doctoral degrees. tarded individuals f r o m a life-span perspective. Finally, it c o n -
At age 35, Michael lives in an institution for the men- siders creativity, a type o f intellectual ability n o t m e a s u r e d b y
tally retarded. He has been labeled profoundly retarded and traditional intelligence tests. B e f o r e g o i n g further, take the
has an IQ score of 17, as nearly as it can be estimated. quiz in Table 9.1 t o see i f you m a y have s o m e m i s c o n c e p t i o n s
Michael responds to people with grins and is able to walk a b o u t intelligence a n d intelligence tests; this chapter will clar-
haltingly, but he cannot feed or dress himself and does not ify w h y the correct answers are correct.
use language.
Experiential subtheory
How experiences affect intelligence and how
intelligence affects a person's experiences.
1. Ability to deal with novelty
2, Ability to automatize processing
Summing Up
(( High-quality Head Start programs provide the nutrition, health care, parent training, and in-
tellectual stimulation that can get disadvantaged children off to a good start.
b e c a r r i e d into adult life unless t h e i n d i v i d u a l s e n v i r o n m e n t (Neisser et al., 1 9 9 6 ) . However, I Q scores do n o t predict col-
c h a n g e s dramatically. lege grades as well as they predict high s c h o o l grades ( B r o d y &
Brody, 1 9 7 6 ) . M o s t college students p r o b a b l y have at least t h e
average intellectual ability n e e d e d to s u c c e e d in college; s u c -
cess is t h e r e f o r e m o r e i n f l u e n c e d by p e r s o n a l qualities such as
T h e original p u r p o s e o f I Q tests was to e s t i m a t e h o w well m o t i v a t i o n . Overall, an I Q score is a g o o d p r e d i c t o r o f a c a -
children w o u l d d o in s c h o o l a n d they do this fairly well. T h e d e m i c a c h i e v e m e n t , b u t it does n o t reveal everything a b o u t a
c o r r e l a t i o n between children's a n d a d o l e s c e n t s ' I Q scores a n d s t u d e n t . F a c t o r s s u c h as w o r k habits, interests, a n d m o t i v a t i o n
their grades is a b o u t + 0 . 5 0 , m a k i n g general intellectual abil- to s u c c e e d also affect a c a d e m i c a c h i e v e m e n t .
ity o n e o f t h e best p r e d i c t o r s o f s c h o o l a c h i e v e m e n t available
Summing Up
(Neisser et al., 1 9 9 6 ) . Adolescents w i t h high I Q s are also less
likely t o d r o p o u t o f high s c h o o l a n d m o r e likely t o go o n t o IQ s c o r e s continue t o stabilize as intellectual perform-
college t h a n their peers w i t h lower I Q s ; t h e c o r r e l a t i o n b e - a n c e reaches near-adult level. IQ s c o r e s have proved use-
tween I Q a n d years o f e d u c a t i o n o b t a i n e d averages +0.55 ful at predicting academic a c h i e v e m e n t o f adolescents. M
m e a s u r e s o f j o b p e r f o r m a n c e as s u p e r v i s o r ratings averages
T h e Adult + 0 . 3 0 to + 0 . 5 0 (Neisser et al., 1 9 9 6 ) . G e n e r a l intellectual
"ability s e e m s t o p r e d i c t j o b p e r f o r m a n c e in a r a n g e o f o c c u -
D o I Q scores predict a c h i e v e m e n t a n d success after p e o p l e p a t i o n s b e t t e r t h a n a n y o t h e r indicator, a n d it predicts likeli-
have left school? D o e s p e r f o r m a n c e o n I Q tests c h a n g e d u r i n g h o o d o f success as accurately f o r m e m b e r s o f racial and e t h -
the adult years? A n d d o I Q scores decline in o l d age, as p e r - n i c m i n o r i t y groups as f o r whites ( G o t t f r e d s o n , 2 0 0 2 ; S c h m i d t
f o r m a n c e on Piagetian cognitive tasks a n d s o m e memory & Hunter, 1 9 9 8 , 2 0 0 4 ) . M o r e intellectually c a p a b l e adults are
tasks does? b e t t e r able t o learn w h a t t h e y n e e d to k n o w a b o u t t h e i r o c c u -
p a t i o n s a n d t o solve t h e p r o b l e m s t h a t arise. T h i s literally pays
off, as s h o w n in Figure 9 . 4 : Individuals w i t h greater cognitive
ability earn m o r e m o n e y t h a t t h o s e w i t h lower cognitive abil-
T h e r e is a relationship b e t w e e n I Q a n d o c c u p a t i o n a l status. ity ( C e c i & W i l l i a m s , 1 9 9 7 ) .
Professional a n d t e c h n i c a l workers p e r f o r m h i g h e r o n I Q tests
t h a n w h i t e - c o l l a r workers, w h o in t u r n score h i g h e r t h a n
blue-collar, o r m a n u a l , w o r k e r s ( S c h m i d t & H u n t e r , 2 0 0 4 ) . As
s h o w n in Figure 9.3, the average I Q score o f w o r k e r s increases People w h o score h i g h e r o n m e a s u r e s o f intelligence t e n d to
as t h e prestige o f t h e o c c u p a t i o n increases ( N y b o r g & J e n s e n , b e h e a l t h i e r a n d live l o n g e r t h a n t h o s e w h o score lower
2 0 0 1 ) . T h i s is true for b o t h A f r i c a n A m e r i c a n a n d E u r o p e a n ( G o t t f r e d s o n , 2 0 0 4 ) . Research in S c o t l a n d has investigated t h e
American workers, although the relationship is stronger r e l a t i o n s h i p b e t w e e n intelligence and health. Nearly e v e r y o n e
a m o n g African A m e r i c a n samples. T h e reason f o r this rela- in the c o u n t r y b o r n in 1 9 2 1 c o m p l e t e d an intelligence test in
t i o n s h i p is clear: It u n d o u b t e d l y takes m o r e intellectual ability 1 9 3 2 w h e n t h e y were 11 years old. F o l l o w i n g up o n h e a l t h a n d
t o c o m p l e t e law s c h o o l a n d b e c o m e a lawyer (a h i g h - s t a t u s o c - death records decades later, researchers f o u n d t h a t individuals
c u p a t i o n ) than it d o e s to b e a f a r m h a n d (a l o w - s t a t u s o c c u p a - w h o scored o n e s t a n d a r d deviation ( 1 5 p o i n t s ) b e l o w o t h e r
t i o n ) . However, t h e prestige o r status o f t h e o c c u p a t i o n is n o t individuals were less likely t o b e alive at age 7 6 a n d m o r e likely
as i m p o r t a n t as t h e c o m p l e x i t y o f t h e w o r k (Gottfredson, t o have e x p e r i e n c e d s t o m a c h o r l u n g c a n c e r s a n d cardiovas-
1 9 9 7 ; Kuncel, Hezlett, & O n e s , 2 0 0 4 ) . G r e a t e r intelligence is cular o r c o r o n a r y h e a r t disease (Deary, W h a l l e y , & Starr, 2 0 0 3 ;
r e q u i r e d to h a n d l e m o r e c o m p l e x o r cognitively challenging W h a l l e y & Deary, 2 0 0 1 ) .
w o r k . Still, I Q s v a r y c o n s i d e r a b l y in every o c c u p a t i o n a l group,
A c o m m o n e x p l a n a t i o n for this c o n n e c t i o n b e t w e e n I Q
so m a n y p e o p l e i n low-status j o b s have high I Q s .
a n d health is s o c i o e c o n o m i c status: S m a r t p e o p l e m a y have
N o w a s e c o n d q u e s t i o n : A r e b r i g h t lawyers, electricians, b e t t e r j o b s , giving t h e m t h e resources t o o b t a i n b e t t e r health
o r f a r m h a n d s m o r e successful o r p r o d u c t i v e t h a n their less i n - care. B u t w h e n living c o n d i t i o n s are statistically c o n t r o l l e d
r »
telligent colleagues? T h e a n s w e r h e r e is also yes. T h e c o r r e l a -
( t h a t is, held c o n s t a n t ) , there is still a c o n n e c t i o n b e t w e e n i n -
t i o n b e t w e e n scores o n tests o f intellectual ability a n d s u c h
telligence a n d health ( G o t t f r e d s o n & Deary, 2 0 0 4 ) . Similarly,
Figure 9.3 Job status in relation to intelligence test performance for African Americans and
European Americans.
SOURCE: Reprinted from Nyborg, H., & J e n s e n . A. R. (2001). Intelligence, 29, Fig. 1, p. 15. Copyright © 2001 w i t h permission from Elsevier Science.
year following diagnosis (Taylor et al., 2 0 0 3 ) . O t h e r research
500 477 shows t h a t m a n y people with diabetes w h o have limited liter-
440 acy, which correlates with intelligence, do n o t k n o w the signs
404 o f high or low b l o o d sugar a n d do n o t k n o w h o w to correct
400 381 u n h e a l t h y levels ( W i l l i a m s et a l , 1 9 9 8 ) .
Research o n relationships between I Q and health is rela-
"w 350
K5 320 tively new and ongoing. B u t it suggests that I Q influences so-
"O 300 c i o e c o n o m i c status, which in turn influences health, and also
« influences health directly. Smarter people are able to apply their
S 250 intellectual skills to understanding and managing their health..
|T 200
5 150 <b>
16-17 18-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 80-84 85-89
Age group
C an you teach old dogs new tricks? And can you reteach
old dogs who have suffered declines in mental abilities
the old tricks they have lost? K.Warner Schaie and Sherry
The training worked. Both those who had suffered abil-
ity declines and those who had maintained their abilities be-
fore the study improved, although decliners showed signifi-
Willis (1986) sought to find out by training elderly adults in cantly more improvement in spatial ability than
spatial ability and reasoning, two of the fluid mental abilities nondecliners did. Schaie and Willis estimated that 40% of
most likely to decline in old age. Within a group of older the decliners gained enough through training to bring them
people ranging in age from 64 to 95 who participated in back to the level of performance they had achieved 14 years
Schaie's longitudinal study of intelligence, they first identi- earlier, before decline set in. What is more, effects of the
fied individuals whose scores on one of the two abilities had training among those who had experienced declines in per-
declined over a 14-year period and individuals who had re- formance were still evident 7 years later (Schaie, 1996).
mained stable over the same period. The goal with the de- The larger messages? You can teach old dogs new
cliners would be to restore lost ability; the goal with those tricks—and reteach them old tricks—in a short amount of
who had maintained their ability would be to improve it. time. This research does not mean that cognitive abilities
Participants took pretests measuring both abilities, received can be restored in elderly people who have Alzheimer's dis-
5 hours of training in either spatial ability or reasoning, and ease or other brain disorders and have experienced signifi-
then were given posttests on both abilities.The spatial train- cant neural loss. Instead, it suggests that many intellectual
ing involved learning how to rotate objects in space, at first skills decline in later life because they are not used—and
physically and then mentally. Training in reasoning involved that these skills can be revived with a little coaching and
learning how to detect a recurring pattern in a series of practice.This research, combined with research on children,
stimuli (for example, musical notes) and to identify what the provides convincing evidence of the plasticity of cognitive
next stimulus in the sequence should be. abilities over the entire life span.
o n t h e a s s u m p t i o n t h a t clinical psychologists gain special s e n -
sitivity t o h u m a n p r o b l e m s f r o m t h e i r p r o f e s s i o n a l t r a i n i n g
a n d practice.
T h e s e w o m e n were interviewed a b o u t a p e r s o n n a m e d
M a r t h a , w h o had c h o s e n t o have a f a m i l y b u t n o career a n d
w h o m e t an old friend w h o h a d c h o s e n t o have a career b u t n o
family. T h e w o m e n were asked to talk a b o u t h o w M a r t h a
might review a n d evaluate her life after this encounter.
Answers were s c o r e d for the five p r e c e d i n g qualities j u d g e d t o
be indicators o f wisdom.
W h a t was f o u n d ? First, w i s d o m proved to be rare; it
s e e m s t h a t o n l y a b o u t 5 % o f t h e answers given by adults to
p r o b l e m s such as these qualify as wise ( S m i t h & Baltes, 1 9 9 0 ) .
S e c o n d , expertise p r o v e d to b e m o r e relevant t h a n age t o t h e
development of wisdom. That is, clinical psychologists,
w h e t h e r y o u n g o r old, displayed m o r e signs o f w i s d o m t h a n
o t h e r w o m e n did. O l d e r w o m e n were generally n o w i s e r — o r
less w i s e — t h a n y o u n g e r w o m e n .
Age, t h e n , does n o t predict w i s d o m , at least a m o n g adults
( t h e r e is s o m e evidence that age is related to w i s d o m - r e l a t e d
p e r f o r m a n c e a m o n g adolescents; see Pasupathi, Staudinger, &
Baltes, 2 0 0 1 ) . Yet t h e k n o w l e d g e b a s e t h a t c o n t r i b u t e s to wis-
d o m , like o t h e r crystallized intellectual abilities, h o l d s up well
later in life (Baltes et al., 1 9 9 5 ) . O l d e r adults, like y o u n g e r
adults, are m o r e likely t o display w i s d o m if t h e y have life ex-
periences (such as w o r k as a clinical psychologist) that
s h a r p e n t h e i r insights into t h e h u m a n c o n d i t i o n . T h e i m m e -
diate social c o n t e x t also i n f l u e n c e s t h e degree to w h i c h wis-
d o m is expressed; wiser s o l u t i o n s t o p r o b l e m s are g e n e r a t e d
w h e n adults have an o p p o r t u n i t y t o discuss p r o b l e m s w i t h
s o m e o n e w h o s e j u d g m e n t t h e y value a n d w h e n t h e y are e n -
couraged. t o reflect after s u c h discussions (Staudinger &
([ People tend to believe that age brings wisdom. It can—but wis- Baltes, 1 9 9 6 ) . T h u s , c o n s u l t i n g with y o u r fellow students a n d
dom is rare even in later life. w o r k colleagues a n d t h i n k i n g a b o u t their advice m a y b e t h e
beginning o f wisdom.
following five qualities (Baltes & Staudinger, 2 0 0 0 ; Pasupathi, Finally, w i s d o m s e e m s t o reflect a p a r t i c u l a r c o m b i n a t i o n
Staudinger, & Baltes, 2 0 0 1 ) : o f intelligence, personality, and cognitive style (Baltes &
° Rich factual knowledge a b o u t life (a k n o w l e d g e base re- Staudinger, 2 0 0 0 ) . F o r e x a m p l e , individuals w h o have a c o g n i -
garding such areas as h u m a n n a t u r e , i n t e r p e r s o n a l relations, tive style o f c o m p a r i n g a n d evaluating relevant issues and w h o
a n d critical events in life) s h o w t o l e r a n c e o f a m b i g u i t y are m o r e likely to d e m o n s t r a t e
° R i c h p r o c e d u r a l k n o w l e d g e (such as strategies f o r giving w i s d o m t h a n individuals w i t h o u t these characteristics. In ad-
advice and h a n d l i n g c o n f l i c t s ) d i t i o n , external factors i n f l u e n c e t h e d e v e l o p m e n t o f w i s d o m .
° A life-span c o n t e x t u a l perspective ( c o n s i d e r a t i o n o f the M o n i k a Ardelt ( 2 0 0 0 ) f o u n d t h a t a supportive social e n v i r o n -
contexts of life—family, education, work, and others) m e n t d u r i n g early a d u l t h o o d was positively associated w i t h
• Relativism o f values a n d life p r i o r i t i e s ( a c k n o w l e d g m e n t w i s d o m 4 0 years later.
a n d t o l e r a n c e o f different values) At this early stage in t h e study o f w i s d o m , there is m u c h
6 R e c o g n i t i o n and m a n a g e m e n t o f u n c e r t a i n t y ( u n d e r - d i s a g r e e m e n t a b o u t w h a t it is, h o w it develops, and h o w it is
s t a n d i n g t h a t k n o w l e d g e o f t h e w o r l d is l i m i t e d a n d t h e f u t u r e related to o t h e r m e n t a l abilities. However, research o n w i s d o m
is u n k n o w n ) provides f u r t h e r e v i d e n c e that different m e n t a l faculties de-
D o e s w i s d o m typically increase w i t h age, o r are life expe- velop and age differently over t h e adult years.
riences m o r e i m p o r t a n t t h a n age in d e t e r m i n i n g w h e t h e r or
n o t a p e r s o n is wise? Ursula Staudinger, J a c q u i S m i t h , a n d
Summing Up
Paul Baltes ( 1 9 9 2 ) a t t e m p t e d t o find out by interviewing
y o u n g (ages 2 5 - 3 5 ) a n d elderly (ages 6 5 - 8 2 ) w o m e n w h o IQ is related t o t h e status o r prestige o f an adult's o c c u -
were clinical psychologists o r similarly w e l l - e d u c a t e d profes- pation and to her success within that occupation.
sionals in o t h e r fields. T h e goal was to assess t h e relative c o n - Intelligence also affects health and longevity. Both cross-
t r i b u t i o n s o f age a n d specialized e x p e r i e n c e t o w i s d o m , based sectional studies and longitudinal studies t e n d t o s h o w
age-related d e c r e a s e s in IQ. S c h a i e s sequential study sug- their biological parents t h a n with t h o s e o f their adoptive par-
gests that ( I ) date o f birth ( c o h o r t ) influences t e s t per- ents. Overall, m o s t researchers find that a b o u t h a l f o f t h e vari-
f o r m a n c e , (2) no m a j o r declines in mental abilities o c c u r ation in I Q scores within a group o f individuals is associated
until t h e late 6 0 s o r 70s, (3) s o m e abilities (especially fluid w i t h genetic differences a m o n g t h e m ( P l o m i n & Spinath,
o n e s ) decline m o r e than o t h e r s (especially crystallized 2 0 0 4 ) . S o m e researchers report that genetic influence on I Q
ones), and (4) n o t all people's abilities decline. Decline is differences is s o m e w h a t greater t h a n e n v i r o n m e n t a l influ-
m o s t likely in t h o s e w h o have p o o r health and unstimu- ences (Rowe, Vesterdal, & Rodgers, 1 9 9 9 ) . I n either case, as
lating lifestyles. A few adults display wisdom, which re- m u c h as h a l f o f t h e variation in scores is attributable to dif-
quires a rich knowledge base along with particular per- ferences in the environments in which people develop.
sonality traits and cognitive styles that foster wisdom. H Children growing up in the s a m e h o m e s h o w family resem-
blance in I Q scores (an effect o f shared e n v i r o n m e n t ) when
they are y o u n g children b u t n o t by t h e time t h e y reach ado-
F a c t o r s T h a t Influence lescence and a d u l t h o o d (Bartels et al., 2 0 0 2 ; Loehlin, H o r n , &
W i l l e r m a n , 1 9 9 7 ; M c G u e et al., 1 9 9 3 ) . M o s t effects o f envi-
> I Q Scores r o n m e n t o n I Q are u n i q u e to the individual and are n o t
shared by siblings ( M a c c o b y , 2 0 0 0 ) .
N o w that we have surveyed changes in intellectual f u n c t i o n i n g A l t h o u g h differences in I Q are linked to differences in ge-
over t h e life span, we will address a different question: W h y do n e t i c m a k e u p , this says n o t h i n g a b o u t t h e extent to which I Q
children o r adults w h o are the s a m e age differ in IQ? Part o f can b e increased. Height, for example, is even m o r e strongly
t h e answer is t h a t they differ in t h e kinds o f m o t i v a t i o n a l and associated wTith genetic e n d o w m e n t t h a n I Q . Yet it can clearly
situational factors that can affect p e r f o r m a n c e o n a given day. b e decreased b y p o o r n u t r i t i o n o r increased by g o o d n u t r i -
Yet there are real differences in underlying intellectual ability tion, a n d it has increased over several g e n e r a t i o n s as n u t r i t i o n
that n e e d to be explained. As usual, die best explanation is that has i m p r o v e d ( S t e r n b e r g , 1 9 9 7 ) . S o l o o k further at aspects o f
genetic and e n v i r o n m e n t a l factors interact to m a k e us what t h e e n v i r o n m e n t in i n f a n c y a n d early c h i l d h o o d that can s t i m -
we are. ulate o r inhibit intellectual growth. T h e n you will see h o w far
this i n f o r m a t i o n c a n go in explaining differences in I Q scores
associated with s o c i o e c o n o m i c status and race o r ethnicity.
Table 9.3 How 10 Environmental Risk Factors As sociated with Low KI Affect ChiIdren
Mean IQ at Age 4
Risk Factor Child Experienced Risk Factor Child Did Not Experience Risk Factor
Table 9.4 Subscales and Sample Items from the HOME Inventory
SAMPLE ITEMS: Parent neither slaps nor spanks child during visit.
Parent does not scold or criticize child during visit.
Parent does not interfere with or restrict child more than three times during visit.
Subscale 3: Organization of Physical and Temporal Environment (6 items)
SAMPLE ITEMS: Child gets out of house at least four times a week.
Child's play environment is safe*
Subscale 4: Provision of Appropriate Play Materials (9 items)
o f m e n t a l retardation is o f the c u l t u r a l - f a m i l i a l type: exact the tasks d e m a n d e d o f t h e m in s c h o o l — " v a n i s h " into the gen-
cause u n k n o w n (Zigler & H o d a p p , 1 9 9 1 ) . eral p o p u l a t i o n after t h e y leave s c h o o l . Apparently they c a n
Historically, a b o u t 3 % o f s c h o o l - a g e children have b e e n adapt to the d e m a n d s o f adult life. As t h e authors put it, " I t
classified as m e n t a l l y retarded, although this rate is decreasing does n o t take as m a n y I Q p o i n t s as m o s t people believe to be
b e c a u s e fewer children are diagnosed as mildly retarded today productive, to get along with others, a n d to b e self-fulfilled"
( P a t t o n , 2 0 0 0 ) . W h a t b e c o m e s o f these children as t h e y grow (Ross et al., 1 9 8 5 , p. 1 4 9 ) .
up? Generally, they p r o c e e d along t h e s a m e paths and t h r o u g h
the same sequences o f d e v e l o p m e n t a l milestones as o t h e r chil-
dren do (Zigler & H o d a p p , 1 9 9 1 ) . T h e i r I Q s remain low be-
cause t h e y do n o t achieve the s a m e level o f growth that others T h e gifted child used to be identified solely b y an I Q s c o r e —
do. They, like n o n r e t a r d e d people, s h o w signs o f intellectual o n e that, was at least 130. P r o g r a m s for gifted children still fo-
aging in later life, especially o n tests t h a t require speed cus m a i n l y o n t h o s e with very h i g h IQs, b u t there is increased
( D e v e n n y et a l , 1 9 9 6 ) . Individuals with D o w n s y n d r o m e m a y r e c o g n i t i o n that s o m e children are gifted because they have
experience even greater intellectual d e t e r i o r a t i o n later in life special abilities rather than because they have high general i n -
b e c a u s e t h e y are at risk for p r e m a t u r e A l z h e i m e r s disease telligence. Even h i g h - I Q children are usually n o t equally tal-
( D a y & Jancar, 1 9 9 4 ) . ented in all areas; c o n t r a r y to m y t h , t h e y c a n n o t just b e c o m e
As f o r t h e i r o u t c o m e s in life, c o n s i d e r a f o l l o w - u p study anything they c h o o s e ( W i n n e r , 1 9 9 6 ) . M o r e often, h i g h - I Q
o f individuals w i t h m i l d a n d b o r d e r l i n e m e n t a l r e t a r d a t i o n children have exceptional talent in an area o r two and o t h e r -
w h o h a d b e e n p l a c e d in segregated special e d u c a t i o n classes wise are g o o d , b u t not exceptional, performers (Achter,
d u r i n g t h e 1 9 2 0 s a n d 1 9 3 0 s ( R o s s et al., 1 9 8 5 ) . T h e individ- B e n b o w , & Lubinski, 1 9 9 7 ) . So, t o d a y s definitions emphasize
uals studied had a m e a n I Q o f 6 7 . T h e y were c o m p a r e d w i t h
t h e i r siblings a n d with n o n r e t a r d e d peers a b o u t 35 years
later. Generally, these m e n t a l l y r e t a r d e d adults h a d p o o r life
o u t c o m e s in m i d d l e age in c o m p a r i s o n w i t h n o n r e t a r d e d
g r o u p s (see also S c h a l o c k et a l , 1 9 9 2 ) . A b o u t 8 0 % o f t h e
m e n w i t h r e t a r d a t i o n were e m p l o y e d , b u t t h e y usually held
semiskilled o r unskilled j o b s t h a t r e q u i r e d little e d u c a t i o n o r
intellectual ability. Women often married and became
h o m e m a k e r s . C o m p a r e d w i t h n o n r e t a r d e d peers, m e n a n d
w o m e n with r e t a r d a t i o n also fared w o r s e on o t h e r c o u n t s .
F o r e x a m p l e , t h e y h a d lower i n c o m e s , less a d e q u a t e h o u s i n g ,
p o o r e r a d j u s t m e n t in social r e l a t i o n s h i p s , a n d greater de-
pendency on others.
Yet the authors o f the study f o u n d g r o u n d s for o p t i m i s m .
T h e s e individuals had d o n e m u c h better during a d u l t h o o d
t h a n stereotyped expectations o f people with m e n t a l retarda-
t i o n would predict. M o s t o f t h e m w o r k e d and h a d m a r r i e d ,
a n d a b o u t 8 0 % r e p o r t e d having h a d n o n e e d for p u b l i c assis-
tance in t h e 10 years b e f o r e t h e y were interviewed. T h i s study, € Gifted children have either high IQ scores or special abilities.This
like o t h e r s before it, suggests that m a n y children labeled m e n - young girl is performing with the Pacific Symphony of Orange
tally retarded b y t h e s c h o o l s — a n d who have difficulty with County, California.
t h a t g i f t e d n e s s involves having a high I Q o r s h o w i n g special j u s t m e n t (see also Kulik & Kulik, 1 9 9 2 ) . O n several m e a s u r e s
abilities in areas v a l u e d in society, s u c h as m a t h e m a t i c s , t h e o f psychological a n d social m a t u r i t y a n d a d j u s t m e n t , t h e y
p e r f o r m i n g a n d visual arts, o r even leadership. e q u a l e d their m u c h older college classmates and similarly
Joseph Renzulli ( 1 9 9 8 ) has l o n g a r g u e d t h a t giftedness gifted students w h o a t t e n d e d high s c h o o l . M a n y o f t h e m
e m e r g e s f r o m a c o m b i n a t i o n o f above-average ability, creativ- thrived in college, for t h e first t i m e finding friends like t h e m -
ity, a n d task c o m m i t m e n t . A c c o r d i n g to this view, s o m e o n e s e l v e s — f r i e n d s w h o were l i k e - m i n d e d r a t h e r than like-aged
m i g h t have a h i g h I Q a n d even creative ability, b u t Renzulli ( B o o t h e , S e t h n a , 8c Stanley, 2 0 0 0 ) .
q u e s t i o n s w h e t h e r t h e y are t r u l y gifted i f t h e y are n o t m o t i - M o s t o f T e r m a n s gifted children r e m a i n e d as r e m a r k a b l e
vated t o use this intelligence. H e r e we f o c u s o n individuals in a d u l t h o o d as t h e y h a d b e e n in c h i l d h o o d . Fewer t h a n 5 %
w i t h exceptional I Q s . were rated as seriously m a l a d j u s t e d . T h e i r rates o f s u c h p r o b -
H o w early c a n i n t e l l e c t u a l l y gifted c h i l d r e n b e i d e n t i - l e m s as ill health, m e n t a l illness, a l c o h o l i s m , and d e l i n q u e n t
fied? B y t o d d l e r h o o d , a c c o r d i n g t o a l o n g i t u d i n a l s t u d y b y b e h a v i o r were b u t a f r a c t i o n o f t h o s e o b s e r v e d in t h e general
Allen G o t t f r i e d a n d his colleagues ( 1 9 9 4 ) . T h e y t r a c k e d a p o p u l a t i o n ( T e r m a n , 1 9 5 4 ) , a l t h o u g h t h e y were n o less likely
large s a m p l e o f c h i l d r e n f r o m age 1 t o age 8, d e t e r m i n e d t o divorce ( H o l a h a n & Sears, 1 9 9 5 ) .
w h i c h c h i l d r e n h a d I Q s o f 1 3 0 o r a b o v e at age 8, a n d t h e n T h e o c c u p a t i o n a l a c h i e v e m e n t s o f t h e m e n in t h e s a m p l e
looked for differences between these gifted children and were impressive. In m i d d l e age, 8 8 % were employed in p r o -
o t h e r c h i l d r e n earlier i n life. T h e gifted c h i l d r e n t u r n e d o u t fessional o r high-level b u s i n e s s j o b s , c o m p a r e d with 2 0 % o f
t o b e i d e n t i f i a b l e as early as 18 m o n t h s , p r i m a r i l y b y t h e i r m e n in the general p o p u l a t i o n ( O d e n , 1 9 6 8 ) . As a g r o u p , they
a d v a n c e d l a n g u a g e skills. T h e y were also h i g h l y c u r i o u s a n d h a d taken o u t m o r e t h a n 2 0 0 p a t e n t s a n d written s o m e 2 0 0 0
m o t i v a t e d t o l e a r n ; t h e y even e n j o y e d t h e c h a l l e n g e o f t a k i n g scientific reports, 1 0 0 b o o k s , 3 7 5 plays or s h o r t stories, a n d
I Q tests m o r e t h a n m o s t c h i l d r e n . L i n d a S i l v e r m a n a n d h e r m o r e t h a n 3 0 0 essays, sketches, m a g a z i n e articles, a n d cri-
colleagues at t h e G i f t e d D e v e l o p m e n t C e n t e r have used t h e tiques. A n d gifted w o m e n ? B e c a u s e o f t h e i n f l u e n c e o f g e n d e r -
C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f G i f t e d n e s s S c a l e t o i d e n t i f y gifted c h i l d r e n role e x p e c t a t i o n s d u r i n g t h e p e r i o d covered by t h e study,
(Rogers, 1986; Silverman, Chitwood, & Waters, 1986). T h e y gifted w o m e n achieved less t h a n gifted m e n vocationally, of-
have f o u n d t h a t gifted c h i l d r e n c a n be d i s t i n g u i s h e d f r o m ten i n t e r r u p t i n g t h e i r careers o r sacrificing their career goals
average c h i l d r e n in t e r m s of: r a p i d l e a r n i n g , extensive v o - to raise families. Still, t h e y were m o r e likely t o have careers,
cabulary, g o o d m e m o r y , long attention span, perfectionism, a n d distinguished ones, t h a n m o s t w o m e n o f their g e n e r a t i o n .
p r e f e r e n c e f o r o l d e r c o m p a n i o n s , e x c e l l e n t sense o f h u m o r , Finally, the T e r m i t e s <igcd well. In their 6 0 s a n d 70s, m o s t
early i n t e r e s t in r e a d i n g , s t r o n g a b i l i t y w i t h puzzles and o f t h e m e n a n d w o m e n in t h e T e r m a n s t u d y were h i g h l y ac-
mazes, maturity, and perseverance tive, involved, healthy, a n d h a p p y p e o p l e ( H o l a h a n & Sears,
T h e rest o f the s t o r y o f t h e d e v e l o p m e n t o f h i g h - I Q chil- 1 9 9 5 ) . T h e m e n kept w o r k i n g l o n g e r t h a n m o s t m e n do a n d
dren is told b y a m a j o r l o n g i t u d i n a l study l a u n c h e d in 1 9 2 1 b y stayed involved in w o r k even after t h e y retired. T h e w o m e n
Lewis T e r m a n , developer o f the S t a n f o r d - B i n e t test ( H o l a h a n t o o led e x c e p t i o n a l l y active lives. C o n t r a r y to t h e stereotype
& Sears, 1 9 9 5 ; T e r m a n , 1 9 5 4 ; O d e n , 1 9 6 8 ) . T h e p a r t i c i p a n t s t h a t gifted individuals b u r n o u t early, t h e T e r m i t e s c o n t i n u e d
were m o r e t h a n 1 5 0 0 C a l i f o r n i a s c h o o l c h i l d r e n n o m i n a t e d by t o b u r n b r i g h t t h r o u g h o u t t h e i r lives.
their teachers as gifted a n d w h o h a d I Q s o f 140 o r higher. It Yet, j u s t as it is w r o n g t o view intellectually gifted c h i l d r e n
s o o n b e c a m e a p p a r e n t t h a t these h i g h - I Q c h i l d r e n ( w h o c a m e as e m o t i o n a l l y disturbed misfits, it is i n a c c u r a t e t o c o n c l u d e
t o b e called Termites) were e x c e p t i o n a l in m a n y o t h e r ways. t h a t intellectually gifted children are m o d e l s o f g o o d a d j u s t -
F o r e x a m p l e , t h e y h a d weighed m o r e at b i r t h a n d h a d learned m e n t , perfect in every way. S o m e research suggests that chil-
t o walk a n d talk s o o n e r t h a n m o s t toddlers. T h e y r e a c h e d p u - dren w i t h I Q s closer to 1 8 0 t h a n 130 are o f t e n u n h a p p y a n d
b e r t y s o m e w h a t earlier t h a n average a n d had b e t t e r - t h a n - socially isolated, p e r h a p s b e c a u s e t h e y are so o u t o f step with
average health. T h e i r teachers rated t h e m as b e t t e r adjusted their peers, a n d sometimes even have serious problems
and m o r e m o r a l l y m a t u r e t h a n their less intelligent peers. ( W i n n e r , 1 9 9 6 ) . In Terman s Kids, Joel S h u r k i n ( 1 9 9 2 ) de-
And, a l t h o u g h t h e y were n o m o r e p o p u l a r t h a n t h e i r class- scribes several l e s s - t h a n - h a p p y life stories o f s o m e o f T e r m a n s
mates, t h e y were q u i c k t o take o n leadership responsibilities. Termites. A w o m a n w h o g r a d u a t e d f r o m S t a n f o r d at age 17
Taken together, these findings destroy t h e s t e r e o t y p e that m o s t a n d was h e a d e d for success as a writer b e c a m e a landlady; an
gifted children are frail, sickly y o u n g s t e r s w h o are socially i n - e m o t i o n a l l y d i s t u r b e d b o y t o o k c y a n i d e at age 18 after b e i n g
adequate a n d e m o t i o n a l l y i m m a t u r e . r e j e c t e d in love.
A n o t h e r d e m o n s t r a t i o n o f t h e p e r s o n a l a n d social m a t u - T h e s e are exceptions, however. Overall, m o s t o f T e r m a n s
rity o f m o s t gifted children c o m e s f r o m a study o f h i g h - I Q gifted children m o v e d t h r o u g h a d u l t h o o d as healthy, happy,
children w h o skipped h i g h s c h o o l a n d e n t e r e d the University a n d h i g h l y p r o d u c t i v e individuals. Yet s o m e fared b e t t e r t h a n
o f W a s h i n g t o n as part o f a special p r o g r a m t o accelerate their others. Even w i t h i n this elite g r o u p , for e x a m p l e , t h e quality o f
e d u c a t i o n ( R o b i n s o n & J a n o s , 1 9 8 6 ) . C o n t r a r y to t h e c o m - t h e i n d i v i d u a l s h o m e e n v i r o n m e n t was i m p o r t a n t . T h e m o s t
m o n w i s d o m that gifted children will suffer socially a n d e m o - w e l l - a d j u s t e d a n d successful adults h a d highly e d u c a t e d par-
tionally i f t h e y skip grades a n d are f o r c e d t o fit in w i t h m u c h e n t s w h o offered t h e m b o t h love a n d intellectual s t i m u l a t i o n
older students, these y o u n g s t e r s s h o w e d n o signs o f m a l a d - ( T o m l i n s o n - K e a s e y & Little, 1 9 9 0 ) .
Summing Up
T h e e x t r e m e s o f intelligence a r e r e p r e s e n t e d by mental
retardation at o n e end o f t h e continuum and giftedness
at t h e o t h e r end. Mental retardation is defined by deficits
in adaptive b e h a v i o r with low IQ scores. Functioning
varies by level o f retardation, but is often b e t t e r than e x -
pected during adulthood. Giftedness has m o s t often
udoi uo s6uiI|J L|JIM AIQEJ,,, :UOLULUOQ
b e e n defined by high IQ scores, although m o r e r e c e n t {1 S80J puB jooj,, :8nbiun
definitions recognize special talents n o t m e a s u r e d by tra-
ditional IQ tests. Life o u t c o m e s a r e generally a b o v e aver-
age. M
o o
o o
D e s p i t e t h e i r m a n y positive o u t c o m e s in life, n o t o n e of
Termans high-IQ gifted children became truly eminent. J E M O Y , , :UOIULUOQ
Recall t h a t T e r m a n h a d t e a c h e r s n o m i n a t e b r i g h t c h i l d r e n f o r lc seoejd 0}ui 6uiisjnq dodjno - ],, :enbiun
i n c l u s i o n in t h e study. Is it p o s s i b l e t h a t t e a c h e r s o v e r l o o k e d
s o m e c h i l d r e n w h o w o u l d b e c o n s i d e r e d gifted b y today's cri-
teria b e c a u s e o f t h e i r special t a l e n t s r a t h e r than t h e i r high
IQs? M i g h t t h e y have m i s s e d c h i l d r e n c a p a b l e o f o u t s t a n d i n g
w o r k in a p a r t i c u l a r area such as m u s i c , art, o r writing? T h e
w o r d creativity c o m e s t o m i n d . P e r h a p s creativity is m o r e i m - 6uiA|J B uo S^OBISABLI OMJ_„ :enbiun
f i |8djeo
p o r t a n t t h a n I Q in a l l o w i n g a M i c h e l a n g e l o o r a M o z a r t t o
b r e a k n e w g r o u n d . B u t w h a t is creativity, a n d w h a t is k n o w n
a b o u t its d e v e l o p m e n t ? Figure 9,7 Are you creative? Indicate what you see in each of the
C r e a t i v i t y is m o s t o f t e n d e f i n e d as the ability t o p r o d u c e three drawings. Below each drawing you will find examples of unique
novel responses a p p r o p r i a t e in c o n t e x t a n d valued b y o t h e r s — and common responses, drawn from a study of creativity in children.
SOURCE: W a l l a c h & K o g a n ( 1 9 6 5 ) .
products both original a n d m e a n i n g f u l (Csikszentmihalyi,
1 9 9 6 ; S i m o n t o n , 1 9 9 9 ; S t e r n b e r g , 2 0 0 3 ) . J. P. G u i l f o r d ( 1 9 6 7 ,
1 9 8 8 ) p r o p o s e d t h a t creativity involves divergent r a t h e r t h a n ativity. I n all l i k e l i h o o d , t h e n , t h e I Q s posted b y you a n d y o u r
c o n v e r g e n t t h i n k i n g . D i v e r g e n t t h i n l d n g requires c o m i n g up classmates will n o t necessarily p r e d i c t w h i c h o f y o u will give
with a v a r i e t y o f ideas o r s o l u t i o n s t o a p r o b l e m w h e n t h e r e is t h e m o s t creative answers to t h e p r o b l e m s in Figure 9.7.
n o o n e right answer. C o n v e r g e n t t h i n k i n g involves " c o n v e r g -
i n g " o n the best answer to a p r o b l e m and is precisely w h a t I Q
tests m e a s u r e . T h e m o s t c o m m o n m e a s u r e o f creativity, at least
in c h i l d r e n , is called i d e a t i o n a l fluency, o r t h e sheer n u m b e r o f W h a t is t h e c h i l d w h o scores h i g h 011 tests o f creativity like? T o
different ( i n c l u d i n g n o v e l ) ideas t h a t a p e r s o n can generate. a n s w e r this, o n e g r o u p o f r e s e a r c h e r s c o m p a r e d c h i l d r e n w h o
Q u i c k — l i s t all t h e uses y o u c a n t h i n k o f f o r a pencil. A n u n - h a d h i g h creativity scores b u t n o r m a l - r a n g e I Q scores w i t h
creative p e r s o n m i g h t say y o u c o u l d write letters, notes, p o s t - c h i l d r e n w h o s c o r e d h i g h in I Q b u t n o t in creativity (Getzels
cards, a n d so f o r t h ; b y c o n t r a s t , o n e creative p e r s o n e n v i s i o n e d a n d J a c k s o n , 1 9 6 2 ) . P e r s o n a l i t y m e a s u r e s suggested t h a t t h e
a p e n c i l as " a b a c k s c r a t c h e r , a po.tting stake, k i n d l i n g f o r a fire, creative c h i l d r e n s h o w e d m o r e f r e e d o m , originality, h u m o r ,
a rolling p i n f o r b a k i n g , a t o y f o r a w o o d p e c k e r , o r a small b o a t v i o l e n c e , a n d playfulness t h a n t h e h i g h - I Q c h i l d r e n . P e r h a p s
f o r a c r i c k e t " ( R i c h a r d s , 1 9 9 6 , p. 7 3 ) . as a result, t h e h i g h - I Q c h i l d r e n w e r e m o r e s u c c e s s - o r i e n t e d
C r e a t i v i t y a n d divergent t h i n k i n g are distinct f r o m general a n d received m o r e a p p r o v a l f r o m t e a c h e r s . C o m p a r e d w i t h
intelligence a n d c o n v e r g e n t t h i n k i n g . - I n d e e d , c o r r e l a t i o n s b e - t h e i r less creative peers, creative c h i l d r e n also e n g a g e d in m o r e
tween scores o n creativity m e a s u r e s a n d scores o n I Q tests are f a n t a s y o r p r e t e n d play, o f t e n i n v e n t i n g n e w uses f o r f a m i l i a r
l o w to m o d e r a t e , d e p e n d i n g o n t h e area o f creativity m e a s u r e d o b j e c t s a n d n e w roles f o r t h e m s e l v e s ( K o g a n , 1 9 8 3 ) . Finally,
( S t e r n b e r g , 2 0 0 3 ) . C r e a t i v i t y a n d general intelligence are re- t h e s e c h i l d r e n are m o r e o p e n t o n e w e x p e r i e n c e s a n d ideas
lated in t h e sense that h i g h l y creative p e o p l e rarely have b e l o w - (Simonton, 1999).
average I Q s . T h u s , a m i n i m u m o f intelligence is p r o b a b l y re- A l t h o u g h average I Q scores differ across racial a n d so-
q u i r e d f o r creativity ( R u n c o , 1 9 9 2 ; S i m o n t o n , 1 9 9 9 ) . However, c i o e c o n o m i c g r o u p s , scores o n creativity tests o f t e n d o n o t
a m o n g p e o p l e w h o have average o r above-average I Q s , a n i n - ( K o g a n , 1 9 8 3 ) . M o r e o v e r , g e n e t i c i n f l u e n c e s (a s o u r c e o f i n d i -
dividual's I Q s c o r e is essentially u n r e l a t e d to h e r level o f cre- v i d u a l d i f f e r e n c e s in I Q ) have little to d o w i t h p e r f o r m a n c e 011
tests o f creativity; twins are similar in t h e degree o f creativity m a t i c a l , musical, and so o n ) requires distinct skills a n d expe-
t h e y display, b u t identical t w i n s are n o m o r e s i m i l a r t h a n fra- riences, as suggested b y G a r d n e r s t h e o r y o f m u l t i p l e intelli-
ternal twins ( P l o m i n , 1 9 9 0 ; Reznilcoff et al., 1 9 7 3 ) . T h i s sug- gences.
gests that certain qualities o f the h o m e e n v i r o n m e n t t e n d t o Researchers are n o w l o o k i n g at individuals w h o show
m a k e b r o t h e r s and sisters alike in their degree o f creativity. e x c e p t i o n a l talent in a p a r t i c u l a r field and are trying t o i d e n -
W h a t qualities? A l t h o u g h there is little research t o go o n , par- tify t h e factors t h a t c o n t r i b u t e to t h e i r accomplishments
ents o f creative children a n d adolescents t e n d to value n o n - ( S t e r n b e r g 8c L u b a r t , 1 9 9 6 ) . D a v i d F e l d m a n ( 1 9 8 2 , 1 9 8 6 ) , for
c o n f o r m i t y and i n d e p e n d e n c e , accept their c h i l d r e n as t h e y e x a m p l e , has studied children w h o are prodigies in s u c h areas
are, e n c o u r a g e their c u r i o s i t y and playfulness, a n d g r a n t t h e m as chess, m u s i c , and m a t h e m a t i c s . T h e s e individuals were g e n -
a g o o d deal o f f r e e d o m t o explore n e w possibilities o n their erally similar t o o t h e r children in areas o u t s i d e their fields o f
own (Harrington, Block, & Block, 1987; Runco, 1992). In expertise. W h a t c o n t r i b u t e d to t h e i r special a c h i e v e m e n t s ? O n
s o m e cases, t h e p a r e n t - c h i l d r e l a t i o n s h i p is even distant; a t h e n a t u r e side, t h e y held talent as well as a powerful motiva-
surprising n u m b e r o f e m i n e n t creators s e e m t o have experi- tion to develop their special t a l e n t s — a real passion f o r what
enced rather lonely, insecure, and unhappy childhoods t h e y were d o i n g . O l y m p i c g y m n a s t Olga K o r b u t p u t it well: " I f
( O c h s e , 1990; S i m o n t o n , 1 9 9 9 ) . O u t o f their adversity m a y g y m n a s t i c s did n o t exist, I w o u l d have i n v e n t e d it" ( F e l d m a n ,
have c o m e an active i m a g i n a t i o n a n d a s t r o n g desire to de- 1 9 8 2 , p. 3 5 ) . O n the n u r t u r e side, these achievers were blessed
velop their talents. Overall, t h e n , creative abilities are influ- with environments t h a t r e c o g n i z e d , valued, and n u r t u r e d t h e i r
e n c e d b y factors distinct f r o m those t h a t i n f l u e n c e the c o g n i - talent and m o t i v a t i o n (see also W i n n e r , 1 9 9 6 ) . T h e y were
tive abilities measured o n I Q tests. strongly e n c o u r a g e d a n d s u p p o r t e d b y t h e i r families a n d i n -
H o w does the c a p a c i t y t o b e creative c h a n g e with age? tensively tutored or coached by experts. According to
R e s e a r c h e r s are n o t sure. P e r f o r m a n c e on tests o f creativity F e l d m a n , t h e child w i t h creative p o t e n t i a l in a specific field
generally i m p r o v e s over t h e c h i l d h o o d a n d a d o l e s c e n t years, m u s t b e c o m e i n t i m a t e l y familiar w i t h t h e state o f t h e field i f
b u t there appear t o b e certain ages at which it d r o p s off h e is to a d v a n c e o r t r a n s f o r m it, as t h e g r o u n d b r e a k i n g artist
( K o g a n , 1 9 8 3 ) . H o w a r d G a r d n e r ( G a r d n e r , Phelps, & Wolf, o r m u s i c i a n does. B u t p a r e n t s and t r a i n e r s m u s t n o t b e t o o
1 9 9 0 ) suggests t h a t preschool c h i l d r e n are highly original, pushy. F o r e x a m p l e , David Helfgott, t h e Australian pianist
playful, and u n i n h i b i t e d b u t t h a t s c h o o l - a g e c h i l d r e n b e c o m e w h o was the s u b j e c t o f t h e m o v i e Shine, was nearly destroyed
restricted in their creative expression as t h e y a t t e m p t t o m a s - b y an abusive father w h o p u s h e d h i m u n m e r c i f u l l y t o m a s t e r
ter their culture's rules f o r art, m u s i c , dance, and o t h e r cre- difficult p i c c c s (Page, 1 9 9 6 ) . Cellist Yo-Yo M a , a p r o d i g y h i m -
ative endeavors so t h a t t h e y c a n do t h i n g s t h e " r i g h t " way. self, says this a b o u t n u r t u r i n g y o u n g m u s i c i a n s :
D u r i n g a d o l e s c e n c e , G a r d n e r believes, s o m e individuals give
I f you lead t h e m toward m u s i c , teach t h e m that it is b e a u -
up t h e desire t o express themselves creatively b u t o t h e r s regain
tiful, a n d help t h e m l e a r n — s a y , " O h , you love m u s i c , well,
t h e innovativeness a n d f r e e d o m o f expression t h e y had as
l e t s w o r k o n this piece together, and I'll s h o w you
p r e s c h o o l e r s and put it to use, w i t h t h e t e c h n i c a l skills t h e y
something . . T h a t ' s a creative n u r t u r i n g . B u t if y o u j u s t
gained as children, to p r o d u c e h i g h l y creative works. T h e ages
push t h e m t o b e stars, a n d tell t h e m they'll b e c o m e rich
at which creativity flourishes o r is stifled s e e m t o v a r y f r o m
a n d f a m o u s — o r , worse, i f you t r y t o live t h r o u g h t h e m —
c u l t u r e to c u l t u r e d e p e n d i n g o n w h e n children are pressured
t h a t is d a m a g i n g (Page, 1 9 9 6 , p. G 1 0 ) .
to conform (Torrance, 1 9 7 5 ) . Overall, t h e developmental
c o u r s e o f creativity is n o t so p r e d i c t a b l e o r steady as t h e i n - K . A n d e r s E r i c s s o n a n d Neil C h a r n e s s ( 1 9 9 4 ) go even far-
crease in m e n t a l age seen o n m e a s u r e s o f I Q . Instead, creativ- t h e r t h a n F e l d m a n in e m p h a s i z i n g the i m p o r t a n c e o f envi-
ity s e e m s to w a x a n d w a n e w i t h age in r e s p o n s e to develop- r o n m e n t in the d e v e l o p m e n t o f creative talent. Indeed, t h e y
m e n t a l needs and c u l t u r a l d e m a n d s . m a i n t a i n t h a t it is p r a c t i c e r a t h e r than i n n a t e talent that
H o w well d o e s p e r f o r m a n c e o n tests o f creativity predict m a k e s great creators g r e a t — t h a t n a t u r e is overrated a n d n u r -
creative a c c o m p l i s h m e n t s , such as o r i g i n a l a r t w o r k o r o u t - ture is u n d e r r a t e d w h e n it c o m e s to creative a c h i e v e m e n t .
s t a n d i n g s c i e n c e projects? S o m e researchers have f o u n d that T h e i r research shows t h a t p r o l o n g e d t r a i n i n g in a set o f skills
scores o n creativity tests a d m i n i s t e r e d in either e l e m e n t a r y or can alter cognitive a n d physiological processes a n d p e r m i t lev-
s e c o n d a r y s c h o o l predict creative a c h i e v e m e n t s , such as i n - els o f p e r f o r m a n c e t h a t w o u l d have b e e n u n i m a g i n a b l e w i t h -
v e n t i o n s a n d novels, in a d u l t h o o d ( H o w i e s o n , 1 9 8 1 ; R u n c o , o u t t r a i n i n g . M o t i v a t i o n also enters in, however, b e c a u s e o n l y
1 9 9 2 ; T o r r a n c e , 1 9 8 8 ) . However, j u s t as it is a m i s t a k e t o ex- some individuals are willing to do what Ericsson and
pect I Q to predict a c c o m p l i s h m e n t s , it m a y also b e a m i s t a k e C h a r n e s s believe is n e c e s s a r y to b e c o m e o u t s t a n d i n g in a
t o e x p e c t tests o f creativity to do so w i t h any great a c c u r a c y field—work hard every day over a p e r i o d o f m o r e t h a n 10
(Albert, 1 9 9 6 ) . W h y ? First, creativity is expressed in different years.
ways at different p o i n t s in t h e life span; e n g a g i n g in i m a g i n a -
tive play as a child is c o r r e l a t e d w i t h high scores o n tests o f
creativity (Russ, 1 9 9 6 ) b u t m a y have little to d o w i t h b e i n g a
creative scientist o r m u s i c i a n as an adult. Also, creativity tests, Studies o f creativity d u r i n g t h e adult years have focused o n a
like I Q tests, a t t e m p t to m e a s u r e general cognitive abilities small n u m b e r o f s o - c a l l e d e m i n e n t creators in such fields as
w h e n m a n y specific talents exist, a n d each (artistic, m a t h e - art, m u s i c , science, a n d philosophy. T h e big q u e s t i o n has b e e n
this: W h e n in a d u l t h o o d are such individuals m o s t productive rehashes o f earlier t r i u m p h s . Michelangelo, for instance, was
and m o s t likely to create their best works? Is it early in adult- in his 70s a n d 80s w h e n he w o r k e d o n St. Peter's Cathedral,
h o o d , w h e n t h e y can benefit f r o m y o u t h s enthusiasm and a n d G o e t h e was polishing Faust at 83. Indeed, t h e m o s t e m i -
freshness o f approach? O r is it later in adulthood, w h e n t h e y n e n t a m o n g t h e e m i n e n t s e e m t o start early and finish late
have fully m a s t e r e d their field a n d have the experience and (Simonton, 1990).
knowledge necessary to m a k e a b r e a k t h r o u g h in it? And what H o w can researchers a c c o u n t for changes in creative pro-
b e c o m e s o f t h e careers o f e m i n e n t creators in old age? duction over the adult years? O n e explanation, p r o p o s e d long
Early studies by Harvey L e h m a n (1953) and Wayne ago (Beard, 1 8 7 4 , in S i m o n t o n , 1 9 8 4 ) , is that creative achieve-
D e n n i s ( 1 9 6 6 ) provided a fairly clear picture o f h o w creative m e n t requires b o t h enthusiasm a n d experience. In early adult-
careers u n f o l d (see also S i m o n t o n , 1 9 9 0 ) . I n m o s t fields, cre- h o o d , the e n t h u s i a s m is there, but the experience is not; in
ative p r o d u c t i o n increases steeply f r o m the 2 0 s to t h e late 30s later adulthood, t h e e x p e r i e n c e is there, b u t the e n t h u s i a s m o r
and early 4 0 s t h e n gradually declines thereafter, although n o t vigor has fallen off. People in their 30s and 40s have it all.
to t h e same low levels that characterized early a d u l t h o o d . Peak D e a n S i m o n t o n ( 1 9 8 4 , 1990, 1 9 9 1 ) has offered a n o t h e r
t i m e s o f creative a c h i e v e m e n t also v a r y f r o m field to field. As t h e o r y : Each creator m a y have a certain potential to create that
Figure 9 . 8 shows, t h e productivity o f scholars in the h u m a n i - is realized over the adult years; as t h e potential is realized, less
ties (for e x a m p l e , historians a n d p h i l o s o p h e r s ) c o n t i n u e s well is left to express. According to S i m o n t o n , creative activity in-
into old age and peaks in t h e 60s, possibly because creative volves two processes: ideation (generating creative ideas) a n d
w o r k in these fields often involves integrating knowledge that e l a b o r a t i o n (executing ideas to p r o d u c e p o e m s , paintings, o r
has crystallized over years. By contrast, productivity in the arts scientific p u b l i c a t i o n s ) . After a career is l a u n c h e d , s o m e time
(for example, m u s i c or d r a m a ) peaks in t h e 30s and 4 0 s and elapses b e f o r e any ideas are generated o r any works are c o m -
declines steeply thereafter, perhaps because artistic creativity pleted. T h i s w o u l d explain the rise in creative a c h i e v e m e n t be-
depends o n a m o r e fluid o r innovative kind o f thinking. tween the 20s a n d 30s. Also, s o m e kinds o f w o r k take longer to
Scientists seem to b e intermediate, peaking in their 4 0 s and f o r m u l a t e o r c o m p l e t e t h a n others, which helps explain why a
declining only in their 70s. Even within the s a m e general field, p o e t ( w h o can generate and c a r r y o u t ideas quickly) m i g h t
differences in p e a k t i m e s have b e e n noted. F o r example, poets reach a creative peak earlier in life than, say, a historian (who
reach their peak b e f o r e novelists do, a n d m a t h e m a t i c i a n s peak m a y need to devote years to the research and writing necessary
b e f o r e o t h e r scientists do ( D e n n i s , 1966; L e h m a n , 1 9 5 3 ) . to c o m p l e t e a b o o k o n c e the idea for it is hatched).
Still, in m a n y fields (including psychology), creative pro- Why does creative production begin to taper off?
d u c t i o n rises to a peak in t h e late 30s o r early 40s, and b o t h the S i m o n t o n ( 1 9 9 0 , 1 9 9 1 ) suggests that older creators m a y sim-
total n u m b e r o f works and t h e n u m b e r o f h i g h - q u a l i t y w o r k s ply have used up m u c h o f their s t o c k o f potential ideas. T h e y
decline thereafter ( S i m o n t o n , 1 9 9 0 ) . T h i s s a m e pattern can be never exhaust their creative potential, b u t they have less o f it
detected across different cultures and historical periods. Even left to realize. S i m o n t o n argues, t h e n , that changes in creative
so, the percentage o f a c r e a t o r s works that are m a j o r , signifi- p r o d u c t i o n over t h e adult years have m o r e to do with the na-
c a n t ones changes little over the years ( S i m o n t o n , 1 9 9 0 ) . T h i s ture o f the creative process than with a loss o f m e n t a l ability
m e a n s that m a n y creators are still p r o d u c i n g outstanding in later life. C r e a t o r s w h o start their careers late are likely to
works in old a g e — s o m e t i m e s their greatest w o r k s — n o t just experience the s a m e rise and fall o f creative o u t p u t that others
do, only later in life. A n d those l u c k y creators with i m m e n s e
creative potential to realize will n o t b u r n out; t h e y will keep
p r o d u c i n g great works until t h e y die.
W h a t a b o u t m e r e mortals? Here, researchers have fallen
b a c k o n tests designed to m e a s u r e creativity. In o n e study,
scores o n a test o f divergent t h i n k i n g abilities decreased at
least m o d e s t l y after a b o u t age 4 0 and decreased m o r e steeply
starting a r o u n d 7 0 ( M c C r a e , A r e n b e r g , & Costa, 1 9 8 7 ) . It
seems that elderly adults do n o t differ m u c h f r o m y o u n g e r
adults in t h e originality o f their ideas; the m a i n difference is
that t h e y generate fewer o f t h e m ( J a q u i s h & Ripple, 1 9 8 1 ) .
Generally, t h e n , these studies agree with t h e studies o f e m i -
n e n t achievers: Creative b e h a v i o r b e c o m e s less frequent in
Age period later life, b u t it r e m a i n s possible t h r o u g h o u t the adult years.
WHAT IS INTELLIGENCE? Cognitive structures that Tools of culture Attention, memory, and Mental abilities and
help people adapt other mental processes scores on IQ tests
WHAT CHANGES Stage of cognitive Ability to solve Hardware (speed) and Mental age (difficulty of
WITH AGE? development problems without software (strategies) of problems solved)
assistance of others the mind
and use of inner
WHAT IS OF MOST Universal changes Culturally influenced Universal processes Individual differences
INTEREST? changes and processes
Summary Points health in adulthood. Among older adults, fluid intelligence is more
likely to show declines than crystallized intelligence.
1. Most modern intelligence tests are based on the psychomet- 5. Individual differences in IQ at a given age are linked to ge-
ric approach, which assumes that intelligence consists of a set of netic factors and to intellectually stimulating qualities of the home
traits that can be measured. The Stanford-Binet and Wechsler scales environment.
are the most common intelligence tests and compare an individual's 6. Mentally retarded individuals show varied levels of function-
performance on a variety of cognitive tasks with the average per- ing, depending on their IQs and the causes (organic or cultural-
formance of age-mates. familial) of their retardation. Children identified as gifted on the ba-
2. In infancy, mental growth is rapid and is measured by DQs sis of high IQ scores have been found above average in all ways.
derived from tests such as the Bayley scales. However, infant scores do 7. Creativity—the ability to produce novel and socially valued
not predict later IQ as well as measures of speed of information pro- works—is a distinct mental ability that demands divergent rather than
cessing such as rapid habituation and preference for novelty do. convergent thinking; it is largely independent of IQ (above a certain
3. During childhood, mental growth continues, and IQs at one minimum level), increases with age during childhood, and is fostered in
age can predict IQs at later ages. However, many individuals show homes where independence is valued. Performance on creativity tests
wide variations in their IQ scores over time. Those who gain IQ declines in later life, but creative capacities clearly survive into old age.
points often have favorable home environments, whereas disadvan-
taged children often show a cumulative deficit.
4. IQ is relatively stable throughout adolescence and adulthood.
IQ scores predict school achievement and years of education ob- 1. How does intelligence change across the life span? Outline the
tained. IQ scores are also correlated with occupational status and pattern you would expect to find from infancy to older adulthood
and indicate what tests you would use to assess intelligence at differ-
ent ages.
2. Imagine that you are chosen to head a presidential commis- Websites t o Explore
sion on intelligence testing whose task it is to devise a better IQ test
for use in the schools than any that currently exists. Drawing on ma- Visit Our Website
terial in this chapter, sketch out the features of your model IQ test. For a chapter tutorial quiz and other useful features, visit
What would be included and excluded from your definition of intel- the book's companion website at
ligence? How would you measure intelligence? In what ways would sigelman_rider5e. You can also connect directly to the following sites:
your test improve upon the tests that are currently used?
3. Putting together material from Chapters 7, 8, and 9, how
The Role of Intelligence in Modern Society
would you describe the cognitive functioning of a typical 70-year-old An article by Earl Hunt, published in 1995 in The American Scientist,
person? What are the greatest cognitive strengths of older adults, addresses the controversy raised by Richard Herrnstein and Charles
what are their greatest limitations, and how much can an individual Murray's book, The Bell Curve.
do to optimize her functioning?
4. The Maori are a socioeconomically disadvantaged group in Gardner's Multiple Intelligences
New Zealand, a country colonized by the British long ago. Maori Follow up on the material in the chapter regarding Howard
children typically score lower on IQ tests than children of British Gardner s eight intelligences by pursuing one of the links provided by
background. Knowing what you know about minorities in the the Psi Cafe website.
United States, what are your top two hypotheses about why Maori
children perform relatively poorly, and how might you test these hy- Mental Retardation
potheses? The website for the Association for Retarded Citizens offers a wealth
of resources on mental retardation.
Key T e r m s U n d e r s t a n d i n g t h e Data:
Exercises on t h e W e b
psychometric approach, 227 cumulative-deficit
For additional insight on the data presented in this
fluid intelligence, 227 hypothesis, 233
chapter, try the exercises for these figures at http:/'/psychology
crystallized intelligence, 227 terminal drop, 238
mental age, 228 wisdom, 239
Unnumbered figure in Explorations box titled Measuring
intelligence quotient (IQ), 228 Home Observation for Intelligence
Measurement of the
test norms, 228 Figure 9.4 Weekly wages by level of cognitive ability
Environment (HOME)
normal distribution, 228 Figure 9.6 African American students perform poorly on tests
inventory, 242
of mental abilities when they think they are taking a test that
dynamic assessment, 229 Flynn effect, 243 may result in their being stereotyped as unintelligent
savant syndrome, 229 culture bias, 244 Figure 9.8 Percentage of total works produced in each decade of
triarchic theory stereotype threat, 245 the lives of eminent creators
of intelligence, 230 mental retardation, 246
contextual subtheory, 231 Life-Span CD-ROM
organic retardation, 246
experiential subtheory, 231 cultural-familial retardation, 246 Go to the Wadsworth Life-Span CD-ROM for further
automatization, 231 study of the concepts in this chapter. The CD-ROM in-
giftedness, 248
cludes narrated concept overviews, video clips, a multimedia glos-
componential subtheory, 231 creativity, 249 sary, and additional activities to expand your learning experience.
successful intelligence, 231 divergent thinking, 249 For this chapter, check out the following clip, and others, in the video
developmental quotient library:
convergent thinking, 249
(DQ), 232
ideational fluency, 249 VIDEO Culture and Intelligence
Language and e d u c a t i o n
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AS T H E C O O L STREAM G U S H E D over one hand, she
[Annie] spelled into the other the word water, first slowly,
then rapidly. I stood still, my whole attention fixed upon the Linguists define l a n g u a g e as a c o m m u n i c a t i o n system in
motions of her fingers. Suddenly I felt a misty consciousness w h i c h a l i m i t e d n u m b e r o f s i g n a l s — s o u n d s o r letters ( o r ges-
as of something forgotten—a thrill of returning thought; and tures, in t h e case o f t h e sign language used b y d e a f p e o p l e ) —
somehow the mystery of language was revealed to me. I can b e c o m b i n e d a c c o r d i n g t o a g r e e d - u p o n rules t o p r o d u c e
knew then that W-A-T-E-R meant the wonderful cool some- an infinite n u m b e r o f messages. To m a s t e r a s p o k e n language
thing that was flowing over my hand I left the well-house s u c h as English, a child m u s t learn b a s i c s o u n d s , h o w s o u n d s
eager to learn. Everything had a name, and each name gave are c o m b i n e d to f o r m words, h o w words are c o m b i n e d to
birth to a new thought. As we returned to the house every f o r m m e a n i n g f u l s t a t e m e n t s , what words and sentences m e a n ,
object which I touched seemed to quiver with life (Keller, and h o w to use l a n g u a g e effectively in social interactions. T h a t
1954). is, t h e child m u s t m a s t e r five aspects o f language: p h o n o l o g y ,
m o r p h o l o g y , syntax, s e m a n t i c s , a n d p r a g m a t i c s .
P h o n o l o g y is t h e s o u n d system o f a language, and t h e b a -
T h e r e is possibly n o m o r e i m p o r t a n t skill t h a n mastering sic units o f s o u n d in any given language are its p h o n e m e s . A
s o m e t y p e o f language system. C o n s i d e r how the world child in an E n g l i s h - s p e a k i n g country must learn the 45
c h a n g e d for H e l e n Keller, d e a f and b l i n d f r o m a y o u n g age, p h o n e m e s used in E n g l i s h ( w h i c h c o r r e s p o n d r o u g h l y to t h e
w h e n she finally realized t h a t every o b j e c t , every p e r s o n , every familiar vowel and c o n s o n a n t s o u n d s ) a n d w h i c h o n e s can b e
c o n c e p t c o u l d b e r e p r e s e n t e d with a s y m b o l . F r o m this p o i n t c o m b i n e d in English a n d w h i c h o n e s c a n n o t (for e x a m p l e , st-
o n , she was able to c o m m u n i c a t e with the p e o p l e a r o u n d her b u t n o t sb-). O t h e r languages have o t h e r b a s i c s o u n d s (or, in a
a n d p a r t i c i p a t e in t h e world in ways that were n o t available sign language, basic h a n d shapes and m o t i o n s ) . Children
w i t h o u t a t o o l s u c h as sign o r s p o k e n language. As y o u learned m u s t learn to h e a r a n d to p r o n o u n c e t h e p h o n e m e s o f their
in C h a p t e r 7, psychologist Lev Vygotsky argued t h a t language language t o m a k e sense o f the s p e e c h t h e y hear a n d to b e u n -
is the p r i m a r y vehicle t h r o u g h w h i c h adults pass culturally d e r s t o o d w h e n t h e y speak.
valued m o d e s o f t h i n k i n g and p r o b l e m solving t o their chil- Rules o f m o r p h o l o g y are rules f o r f o r m i n g words f r o m
dren. H e also believed t h a t language is o u r m o s t i m p o r t a n t s o u n d s . Rules o f m o r p h o l o g y in English i n c l u d e t h e rule for
tool o f thinking. f o r m i n g past tenses o f verbs b y a d d i n g -ed, t h e rule f o r f o r m -
In this c h a p t e r , we b e g i n b y e x a m i n i n g h o w a n d w h e n ing plurals b y adding -5, a n d rules for using o t h e r prefixes and
l a n g u a g e is a c q u i r e d . B a s i c l a n g u a g e skills b e c o m e estab- suffixes. E x c e p t i o n s to these rules also m u s t b e learned.
lished largely t h r o u g h an i n f o r m a l e d u c a t i o n s y s t e m c o n s i s t - Rules o f s y n t a x are rules for f o r m i n g sentences f r o m
ing o f p a r e n t s , o t h e r g r o w n - u p s , peers, a n d even t h e m e d i a . w o r d s . C o n s i d e r these t h r e e s e n t e n c e s : ( 1 ) F a n g Fred bit. ( 2 )
W e t h e n c o n s i d e r f o r m a l e d u c a t i o n , w h i c h uses b a s i c l a n - F a n g bit Fred. ( 3 ) Fred bit Fang. T h e first, as even y o u n g chil-
g u a g e skills t o c u l t i v a t e t h e r e a d i n g , w r i t i n g , t h i n k i n g , a n d dren recognize, violates the rules o f English s e n t e n c e s t r u c t u r e
p r o b l e m - s o l v i n g skills t h a t allow i n d i v i d u a l s t o b e c o m e fully o r syntax, a l t h o u g h this word o r d e r w o u l d b e acceptable in
f u n c t i o n i n g m e m b e r s o f society. G e t t i n g t h e m o s t o u t o f ed- G e r m a n . T h e s e c o n d and third are b o t h g r a m m a t i c a l English
ucation requires m o r e than acquiring language and literacy sentences, b u t their different w r ord o r d e r s c o n v e y different
skills, however. As Terrel Bell, f o r m e r s e c r e t a r y o f e d u c a t i o n m e a n i n g s . C h i l d r e n m u s t m a s t e r rules o f s y n t a x t o u n d e r -
asserted, " t h e r e are t h r e e t h i n g s t o r e m e m b e r a b o u t e d u c a - stand o r use language, f r o m s i m p l e declarative sentences such
t i o n . T h e first o n e is m o t i v a t i o n . T h e s e c o n d o n e is m o t i v a - as these to c o m p l e x s e n t e n c e s w i t h m a n y clauses a n d phrases.
t i o n . T h e t h i r d o n e is m o t i v a t i o n " ( q u o t e d in M a e h r & S e m a n t i c s is t h e aspect o f language that c o n c e r n s m e a n -
M e y e r , 1 9 9 7 , p. 3 7 2 ) . T h u s , we also e x a m i n e a c h i e v e m e n t ings. W o r d s stand f o r things, a n d the child m u s t m a p the rela-
m o t i v a t i o n a n d its r e l a t i o n s h i p t o e d u c a t i o n a n d e d u c a t i o n a l t i o n s h i p s b e t w e e n words a n d things. K n o w l e d g e o f s e m a n t i c s
outcomes. is also required t o interpret sentences, speeches, o r para-
graphs. G r a s p i n g s e m a n t i c s d e p e n d s o n u n d e r s t a n d i n g t h e
w o r l d and t h u s on cognitive d e v e l o p m e n t .
Finally, language learners m u s t m a s t e r p r a g m a t i c s — r u l e s
Mastering Landua^e specifying h o w language is used a p p r o p r i a t e l y in different so-
cial c o n t e x t s . T h a t is, children have t o learn w h e n t o say w h a t
A l t h o u g h l a n g u a g e is o n e o f t h e m o s t i n t r i c a t e f o r m s of to w h o m . T h e y m u s t learn to c o m m u n i c a t e effectively by t a k -
k n o w l e d g e we will ever a c q u i r e , all n o r m a l c h i l d r e n m a s t e r a ing i n t o a c c o u n t w h o the listener is, w h a t the listener already
l a n g u a g e early in life. I n d e e d , m a n y i n f a n t s are t a l k i n g b e f o r e k n o w s , a n d w h a t the listener needs o r w a n t s to hear. " G i v e m e
t h e y c a n walk. C a n l a n g u a g e b e c o m p l e x , t h e n ? It c e r t a i n l y that c o o k i e " m a y b e g r a m m a t i c a l English, b u t t h e child is far
c a n be. L i n g u i s t s ( s c h o l a r s w h o s t u d y l a n g u a g e ) have yet t o m o r e likely to w i n G r a n d m a ' s h e a r t ( n o t t o m e n t i o n a c o o k i e )
fully d e s c r i b e t h e rules o f E n g l i s h ( o r o f a n y o t h e r l a n g u a g e ) , with a polite " M a y I please t r y o n e o f y o u r y u m m y cookies,
a n d so far c o m p u t e r s c a n n o t u n d e r s t a n d s p e e c h as well as Grandma?"
m o s t 5 - y e a r - o l d s c a n . W h a t is t h e t a s k y o u n g l a n g u a g e l e a r n - In s h o r t , m a s t e r i n g language is an incredible challenge
ers face? t h a t requires l e a r n i n g p h o n o l o g y , s e m a n t i c s , morphology,
syntax, a n d p r a g m a t i c s . W h a t is m o r e , h u m a n c o m m u n i c a -
t i o n involves n o t o n l y language b u t also f o r m s o f n o n v e r b a l
c o m m u n i c a t i o n (facial expressions, t o n e o f voice, gestures,
a n d so o n ) . F o r e x a m p l e , i n t o n a t i o n — t h e v a r i a t i o n s in pitch,
loudness, and t i m i n g used w h e n saying w o r d s o r s e n t e n c e s —
can b e important. Using intonation, speakers emphasize
g r a m m a t i c a l l y i m p o r t a n t words, signal that t h e y are asking
q u e s t i o n s r a t h e r t h a n m a k i n g s t a t e m e n t s , a n d so o n . C h i l d r e n
m u s t also learn these n o n v e r b a l signals, w h i c h o f t e n clarify t h e
m e a n i n g o f a verbal message a n d are i m p o r t a n t m e a n s o f
c o m m u n i c a t i n g . W e n o w l o o k at t h e c o u r s e o f language de-
v e l o p m e n t t h e n ask h o w n a t u r e a n d n u r t u r e c o n t r i b u t e to t h e
child's r e m a r k a b l e a c c o m p l i s h m e n t .
700 R-
22 24
gages in o v e r r e g u l a r i z a t i o n , overapplying the rules to cases in ticipate in the give-and-take o f conversation (despite not heeding his
mother and respecting the dignity o f potato bugs).
which the proper f o r m is irregular. W h e n the child masters ex-
ceptions to t h e rules, she will say " f e e t " and " w e n t " o n c e m o r e .
C h i l d r e n m u s t also m a s t e r rules for creating variations o f
Later Language Development
the basic declarative sentence; t h a t is, they m u s t learn t h e rules S c h o o l - a g e children i m p r o v e their p r o n u n c i a t i o n skills, p r o -
for converting a basic idea such as "I a m eating pizza" into d u c e l o n g e r and m o r e c o m p l e x sentences, a n d c o n t i n u e to ex-
such f o r m s as q u e s t i o n s ("Am I eating pizza?"), negative s e n - p a n d their vocabularies. T h e average first-grader starts s c h o o l
tences ( " I a m n o t eating pizza"), and imperatives ( " E a t the with a v o c a b u l a r y o f a b o u t 1 0 , 0 0 0 words a n d adds s o m e w h e r e
pizza!"). T h e prominent linguist N o a m Chomsky (1968, between 5 a n d 13 n e w words a day t h r o u g h o u t the s c h o o l
1 9 7 5 ) drew a t t e n t i o n to t h e child's learning o f these rules b y years (Anglin, 1 9 9 3 ; B l o o m , 1 9 9 8 ) . D u r i n g adolescence, with
proposing that language be described in t e r m s o f a t r a n s f o r - the help o f f o r m a l o p e r a t i o n a l t h o u g h t , teens b e c o m e better
m a t i o n a l g r a m m a r , or rules o f syntax for t r a n s f o r m i n g basic able to understand a n d define abstract t e r m s (McGhee-
underlying t h o u g h t s into a variety o f sentence f o r m s . Bidlack, 1 9 9 1 ) . T h e y also b e c o m e better able to infer m e a n -
H o w do y o u n g children learn to phrase the questions that ings that are n o t explicitly stated (Beal, 1 9 9 0 ) .
t h e y so frequently ask to fuel their cognitive growth? T h e ear- S c h o o l - a g e children also begin to t h i n k a b o u t and m a -
liest q u e s t i o n s often consist o f n o t h i n g m o r e t h a n t w o - o r nipulate language in ways previously impossible (Ely, 2 0 0 5 ;
t h r e e - w o r d sentences with rising i n t o n a t i o n ( " S e e kitty?"). Klein, 1 9 9 6 ) . T h e y can, for example, interpret passive sen-
Sometimes wh- words such as what o r where appear ( " W h e r e tences such as " G o o f y was liked by D o n a l d " and c o n d i t i o n a l
kitty?"). D u r i n g the s e c o n d stage o f q u e s t i o n asking, children sentences such as " I f G o o f y had c o m e , D o n a l d wrould have
begin to use auxiliary, o r helping, verbs, b u t their questions been delighted" (Boloh & Champaud, 1993; Sudhalter &
are o f this f o r m : " W h a t D a d d y is eating?" " W h e r e the kitty is Braine, 1 9 8 5 ) . C o m m a n d o f g r a m m a r c o n t i n u e s to improve
g o i n g ? " T h e i r u n d e r s t a n d i n g o f t r a n s f o r m a t i o n rules is still t h r o u g h adolescence; teenagers' spoken a n d w r i t t e n sentences
incomplete (Tager-Flusberg, 2 0 0 5 ) . Finally, they learn the b e c o m e increasingly long and c o m p l e x (Christie, 2 0 0 2 ) .
t r a n s f o r m a t i o n rule that calls for m o v i n g t h e auxiliary verb C h i l d r e n are also m a s t e r i n g the p r a g m a t i c s o f language,
ahead o f the s u b j e c t (as in t h e adultlike sentence " W h a t is b e c o m i n g increasingly able to c o m m u n i c a t e effectively in dif-
Daddy eating?"). ferent situations (Oliver, 1 9 9 5 ) . T h e y increasingly use d e c o n -
By t h e e n d o f the p r e s c h o o l p e r i o d (ages 5 - 6 ) , children's t e x t u a l i z e d l a n g u a g e as t h e y m o v e f r o m talking a b o u t the i m -
sentences are m u c h like t h o s e o f adults even t h o u g h t h e y have mediate conversational c o n t e x t ( " I see a dog over t h e r e " ) to
never h a d a f o r m a l lesson in g r a m m a r . It is an a m a z i n g ac- talking a b o u t past o r r e m o t e events ( " I saw a dog while on va-
c o m p l i s h m e n t . Yet there is m o r e g r o w t h that needs to occur. c a t i o n last week"; Ely, 2 0 0 5 ) . T h e y can tell stories a b o u t events
that h a p p e n e d in t h e past o r are n o t p a r t o f t h e c u r r e n t c o n - How Language Develops
text. B y a d o l e s c e n c e , these narratives are o f t e n detailed a n d
W e c a n n o t h e l p b u t b e awed by t h e pace at w h i c h children
m a s t e r t h e f u n d a m e n t a l s o f language d u r i n g t h e i r first 5 years
T h r o u g h o u t c h i l d h o o d a n d a d o l e s c e n c e , advances in cog-
o f life, b u t we m u s t also appreciate the c o n t i n u e d g r o w t h t h a t
nitive d e v e l o p m e n t are a c c o m p a n i e d b y advances in language
o c c u r s in c h i l d h o o d a n d a d o l e s c e n c e a n d the m a i n t e n a n c e o f
and c o m m u n i c a t i o n skills. F o r e x a m p l e , as c h i l d r e n b e c o m e
language skills t h r o u g h o u t t h e life s p a n . H o w are these re-
less cognitively e g o c e n t r i c , t h e y are m o r e a b l e t o take t h e p e r -
m a r k a b l e skills acquired? T h e o r i s t s a t t e m p t i n g t o explain lan-
spective o f their listeners ( H o f f , 2 0 0 4 ) . M i d d l e c h i l d h o o d a n d
guage a c q u i s i t i o n have differed c o n s i d e r a b l y in their p o s i t i o n s
adolescence also b r i n g i n c r e a s e d m e t a l i n g u i s t i c awareness, or
on t h e n a t u r e - n u r t u r e issue, as illustrated b y t h e learning, n a -
k n o w l e d g e o f language as a system (Ely, 2 0 0 5 ) . C h i l d r e n w i t h
tivist, a n d i n t e r a c t i o n i s t perspectives o n language d e v e l o p -
m e t a l i n g u i s t i c awareness u n d e r s t a n d t h e c o n c e p t o f words
ment ( B o h a n n o n & Bonvillian, 2 0 0 5 ) .
a n d can define words ( s e m a n t i c s ) . A d o l e s c e n t s are i n c r e a s -
ingly able t o define a b s t r a c t w o r d s ( s u c h as courage or pride)
b u t are still o u t p e r f o r m e d b y adults o n difficult w o r d s (such T h e Learning Perspective
as idleness or goodness; N i p p o l d et al., 1 9 9 9 ) . D e v e l o p m e n t o f H o w do children l e a r n language? To answer this, y o u have an-
m e t a l i n g u i s t i c awareness also m e a n s t h a t children a n d adoles- o t h e r o p p o r t u n i t y t o e x a m i n e t h e role o f n a t u r e a n d n u r t u r e .
cents can distinguish b e t w e e n grammatically correct and Intuitively, m a n y p e o p l e believe t h a t language learning is a
grammatically incorrect sentences (syntax) and can under- m a t t e r o f n u r t u r e : C h i l d r e n i m i t a t e w h a t t h e y hear, receiving
stand h o w language c a n b e altered to fit t h e needs o f t h e spe- praise w h e n t h e y get it r i g h t and b e i n g c o r r e c t e d when
cific social c o n t e x t in w h i c h it is used ( p r a g m a t i c s ) . t h e y get it w r o n g . Different learning theorists e m p h a s i z e dif-
W h a t h a p p e n s t o language skills during adulthood? Adults ferent aspects o f this b r o a d process. Social l e a r n i n g t h e o r i s t
simply h o l d o n t o t h e knowledge o f the p h o n o l o g y they gained Albert Bandura ( 1 9 7 1 ) and others emphasize observational
as children, a l t h o u g h elders c a n have difficulty distinguishing l e a r n i n g — l e a r n i n g b y listening to t h e n i m i t a t i n g o l d e r c o m -
speech s o u n d s if t h e y have h e a r i n g i m p a i r m e n t s o r deficits in p a n i o n s . B e h a v i o r i s t B. F. S k i n n e r ( 1 9 5 7 ) a n d o t h e r s have e m -
t h e cognitive abilities required to m a k e o u t what t h e y h e a r phasized t h e role o f r e i n f o r c e m e n t . As children achieve b e t t e r
( S o m m e r s , 1 9 9 7 ) . T h e y also retain their knowledge o f g r a m - a p p r o x i m a t i o n s o f adult language, p a r e n t s a n d o t h e r adults
m a r or syntax. O l d e r adults t e n d to use less c o m p l e x sentences praise m e a n i n g f u l s p e e c h a n d c o r r e c t errors. C h i l d r e n are also
t h a n y o u n g e r adults do, however. Also, those w i t h m e m o r y dif r e i n f o r c e d b y getting w h a t t h e y w a n t w h e n t h e y speak c o r -
Acuities m a y have t r o u b l e u n d e r s t a n d i n g sentences t h a t are rectly. In general, l e a r n i n g theorists c o n s i d e r the child's social
highly c o m p l e x syntactically (for example, " T h e children e n v i r o n m e n t to b e critical to w h a t a n d h o w m u c h she learns.
w a r n e d a b o u t r o a d hazards refused to fix the bicycle o f t h e b o y H o w well does the learning perspective a c c o u n t f o r l a n -
w h o c r a s h e d " ) ; t h e y m a y n o t be able to r e m e m b e r the b e g i n - guage d e v e l o p m e n t ? It is n o a c c i d e n t that children learn t h e
n i n g o f the s e n t e n c e by the t i m e t h e y get t o the end ( K e m t e s & language their parents speak, d o w n to the regional accent.
Kemper, 1 9 9 7 ; Stine, S o e d e r b e r g , & M o r r o w , 1 9 9 6 ) . C h i l d r e n learn t h e words t h e y h e a r s p o k e n by o t h e r s — e v e n
M e a n w h i l e , k n o w l e d g e o f the s e m a n t i c s o f language, o f w h e n tire words are n o t s p o k e n directly t o t h e m (Akhtar,
word m e a n i n g s , often e x p a n d s d u r i n g a d u l t h o o d , at least u n - J i p s o n , 8c C a l l a n a n , 2 0 0 1 ) . F o r e x a m p l e , 2 - y e a r - o l d s can learn
til people are in their 7 0 s o r 80s ( O b l e r , 2 0 0 5 ; S c h a i e , 1 9 9 6 ) . o b j e c t labels a n d verbs b y " e a v e s d r o p p i n g " o n a c o n v e r s a t i o n
After all, adults gain e x p e r i e n c e w i t h t h e w o r l d f r o m year t o b e t w e e n two adults (so b e careful a b o u t w h a t y o u say within
year, so it is n o t surprising t h a t their v o c a b u l a r i e s c o n t i n u e t o e a r s h o t o f t o d d l e r s ) . In a d d i t i o n , y o u n g children are m o r e
grow and that t h e y e n r i c h t h e i r u n d e r s t a n d i n g s o f t h e m e a n - likely to start using n e w w o r d s if t h e y are reinforced f o r doing
ings o f words. However, older adults m o r e often have t h e " t i p - so t h a n i f t h e y are n o t (Whitehurst & Valdez-Menchaca,
o f - t h e - t o n g u e " e x p e r i e n c e o f n o t being able to c o m e up w i t h 1 9 8 8 ) . Finally, children w h o s e caregivers f r e q u e n t l y e n c o u r a g e
t h e n a m e o f an o b j e c t ( o r especially a p e r s o n s n a m e ) w h e n t h e m t o converse b y asking q u e s t i o n s , m a k i n g requests, a n d
t h e y n e e d it (Au et al., 1 9 9 5 ; K e m p e r & M i t z n e r , 2 0 0 1 ) . T h i s the like are m o r e a d v a n c e d in early language d e v e l o p m e n t
p r o b l e m is a m a t t e r o f n o t b e i n g able t o retrieve i n f o r m a t i o n t h a n those w h o s e parents are less c o n v e r s a t i o n a l ( B o h a n n o n
stored in m e m o r y r a t h e r t h a n a m a t t e r o f n o l o n g e r k n o w i n g & Bonvillian, 2005; Pine, 1994).
t h e words. However, l e a r n i n g t h e o r i s t s have h a d a n easier t i m e ex-
Adults also refine their p r a g m a t i c use o f language— plaining the development o f phonology and semantics than
adjusting it to different social and professional contexts a c c o u n t i n g for h o w syntactical rules are acquired. F o r e x a m -
(Obler, 2 0 0 5 ) . Physicians, f o r e x a m p l e , m u s t develop a c o m - ple, after analyzing c o n v e r s a t i o n s b e t w e e n m o t h e r s a n d y o u n g
m u n i c a t i o n style that is effective with their patients. P a r t n e r s children, R o g e r B r o w n , C o u r t n e y C a z d e n , cind U r s u l a Bellugi
w h o have b e e n t o g e t h e r f o r years often develop a u n i q u e w a y ( 1 9 6 9 ) discovered t h a t a m o t h e r ' s approval o r disapproval de-
o f c o m m u n i c a t i n g w i t h o n e a n o t h e r t h a t is distinctly different p e n d e d o n t h e t r u t h value or s e m a n t i c s o f w h a t was said, n o t
f r o m how r t h e y c o m m u n i c a t e w i t h others. Overall, c o m m a n d on the grammatical correctness o f the statement. Thus, when
o f language holds up well in later life unless t h e individual ex- a child l o o k i n g at a c o w says, " H e r c o w " ( a c c u r a t e b u t g r a m -
periences m a j o r declines in cognitive f u n c t i o n i n g ( K e m p e r & m a t i c a l l y i n c o r r e c t ) , M o m is likely t o p r o v i d e r e i n f o r c e m e n t
Mitzner, 2 0 0 1 ; Stine et al., 1 9 9 6 ) . ( " T h a t ' s right, d a r l i n g " ) , whereas i f t h e child were t o say,
1 9 9 8 ) . C h o m s k y ( 1 9 6 8 , 1 9 7 5 , 1 9 9 5 ) p r o p o s e d that h u m a n s
have an i n b o r n m e c h a n i s m for m a s t e r i n g language called the
l a n g u a g e a c q u i s i t i o n device ( L A D ) . T h e L A D was conceived
as an area in the brain equipped to identify certain universal
features o f language c\nd to figure o u t the specific rules o f any
particular language. To learn to speak, children need only to
hear o t h e r h u m a n s speak; using the LAD, t h e y quickly grasp
the rules o f whatever language t h e y hear (see Figure 10.2).
W h a t evidence s u p p o r t s a nativist perspective on lan-
guage development? First, there are areas o f the b r a i n that spe-
cialize in language f u n c t i o n s ; Broca's area in the frontal l o b e
controls speaking, for example, whereas Wernicke's area c o n -
trols speech r e c o g n i t i o n (Bear, C o n n o r s , & Paradiso, 2 0 0 1 ) .
S e c o n d , children acquire an incredibly c o m p l e x c o m m u n i c a -
t i o n system rapidly. F o r e x a m p l e , 7 - m o n t h - o l d s are able t o ex-
tract g r a m m a t i c a l rules o f language a n d generalize these rules
to novel i t e m s ( M a r c u s & Vijayan, 1 9 9 9 ) . Researchers have
€ A is for apple. The learning perspective heips explain how young
also d e m o n s t r a t e d t h a t 1 8 - m o n t h - o l d s s h o w an understand-
children learn the meaning of words,
ing o f syntax t h a t t h e y could n o t have acquired solely from in-
f o r m a t i o n provided b y the researchers (Lidz, W a x m a n , &
" T h e r e ' s a dog, M o m m y " ( g r a m m a t i c a l l y c o r r e c t b u t u n t r u t h - F r e e d m a n , 2 0 0 3 ) . T h i r d , children all progress t h r o u g h t h e
ful), M o m would p r o b a b l y correct t h e child ( " N o , silly—that's s a m e sequences at roughly similar ages, a n d they even m a k e
a c o w " ) . Similarly, parents s e e m j u s t as likely to reward a the s a m e kinds o f errors, w h i c h suggests that language devel-
g r a m m a t i c a l l y primitive request ( " W a n t m i l k " ) as a well- opment is guided b y a species-wide maturational plan.
f o r m e d version o f the s a m e idea ( B r o w n & H a n l o n , 1 9 7 0 ) . F o u r t h , these universal aspects o f early language d e v e l o p m e n t
Such evidence casts d o u b t o n the idea that the m a j o r m e c h a - o c c u r despite cultural differences in the styles o f speech that
nism b e h i n d syntactic d e v e l o p m e n t is r e i n f o r c e m e n t . adults use in talking to y o u n g children. In s o m e cultures, for
C o u l d imitation o f adults a c c o u n t for t h e acquisition o f example, parents believe that babies are incapable o f u n d e r -
syntax? You have already seen that y o u n g children p r o d u c e standing speech a n d do n o t even talk directly to t h e m (Crago,
m a n y sentences they are unlikely to have heard adults using Allen, & I i o u g h - E y a m i r , 1 9 9 7 ) .
("All g o n e cookie," overregularizations such as " I t s w i m m e d , " Finally, there is evidence that the capacity for acquiring
and so o n ) . T h e s e kinds o f sentences are n o t imitations. Also, language has a genetic basis. S o m e o f o u r linguistic c o m p e -
an adult is likely to get n o w h e r e in teaching syntax b y saying tencies, including t h e ability to c o m b i n e s y m b o l s to f o r m
" R e p e a t after m e " unless t h e child already has at least s o m e s h o r t sentences, are shared with c h i m p a n z e e s and o t h e r pri-
knowledge o f t h e g r a m m a t i c a l f o r m to b e learned ( B a r o n , mates, suggesting that t h e y arose during t h e course o f evolu-
1992; McNeill, 1 9 7 0 ) . Young children frequently imitate o t h e r t i o n a n d are part o f o u r g e n e t i c e n d o w m e n t as h u m a n s
people's speech, a n d this mciy help t h e m get to the p o i n t o f (Greenfield & Savage-Rumbaugh, 1993; Pinker, 2000).
p r o d u c i n g new structures. B u t it is h a r d to see h o w i m i t a t i o n Identical twins score m o r e similarly t h a n fraternal twins o n
and r e i n f o r c e m e n t alone can a c c o u n t for t h e learning of measures o f verbal skills, a n d certain speech, language, and
g r a m m a t i c a l rules. reading disorders run in families, indicating that individual
heredity influences the course o f language development
T h e N a t i v i s t Perspective (Lewis & T h o m p s o n , 1 9 9 2 ; P l o m i n , 1 9 9 0 ) .
In c o n t r a s t to the learning theorists w h o a d o p t a n u r t u r e p e r - Although nativists are correct to emphasize t h e i m p o r -
spective, nativists m i n i m i z e t h e role o f the language e n v i r o n - tance o f biologically based capacities in language acquisition,
m e n t and m a x i m i z e the role o f the child's biologically p r o - the nativist perspective has two m a j o r limitations. First, at-
g r a m m e d capacities in explaining language d e v e l o p m e n t (see, t r i b u t i n g language d e v e l o p m e n t to a b u i l t - i n L A D does n o t
f o r example, C h o m s k y , 1 9 9 5 ; Pinker, 2 0 0 2 ; see also M a r a t s o s , really explain it. E x p l a n a t i o n s would require k n o w i n g h o w
A theory of language grammatical
LAD (brain module) competence
Linguistic feeds into which generates which determines
Linguistic processing >• Comprehension
input skills of others1 speech
Morphology Speech production
Existing knowledge
that y o u n g children are s u p r e m e l y capable o f learning lan- izenship. B u t unlike language, w h i c h seems to develop effort-
guages a n d advancing their cognitive d e v e l o p m e n t in the lessly in t h e absence o f f o r m a l e d u c a t i o n , these o t h e r skills
process. Meanwhile, college students learning a foreign lan- typically require directed e d u c a t i o n . I n t h e following sections,
guage for t h e first t i m e m u s t appreciate that they m a y never we l o o k at e d u c a t i o n across t h e life span, e x a m i n i n g changes
speak it as well as s o m e o n e w h o learned it as a y o u n g child. in m o t i v a t i o n for learning a n d changes in e d u c a t i o n a l envi-
D e v e l o p i n g language c o m p e t e n c e m a y b e o u r earliest a n d r o n m e n t s as learners get older.
greatest learning challenge, b u t it is o n l y the b e g i n n i n g . T h e r e
Summing Up
is m u c h m o r e to be m a s t e r e d during t h e s c h o o l years and b e -
yond. Language lays the f o u n d a t i o n for acquiring reading, To acquire language, children must m a s t e r phonology
writing, and countless o t h e r skills required for productive cit- (sound), semantics (meaning), morphology (word struc-
b e c o m e less e g o c e n t r i c c o m m u n i c a t o r s . T h e o r i e s o f lan-
guage d e v e l o p m e n t include learning theories, nativist t h e -
ories, and interactionist t h e o r i e s t h a t emphasize the
child's biologically based capacities and e x p e r i e n c e c o n -
versing with adults w h o use child-directed s p e e c h and
strategies such as expansion t h a t simplify t h e language-
learning t a s k Eli
around the same age that children put sequences of actions
together in their play (Spencer, 1996).
The language environment experienced by deaf infants is
also far more similar to that of hearing infants than you would Tlxe I n f a n t
imagine. For example, deaf mothers sign in child-directed
speech; they present signs at a slower pace, repeat signs more, B e f o r e c h i l d r e n b e g i n their f o r m a l e d u c a t i o n , they are l e a r n -
and exaggerate their signing motions more when they talk to ing a great deal f r o m the i n f o r m a l c u r r i c u l u m o f their lives.
their infants than when they talk to their deaf friends A b o v e all, t h e y are learning to m a s t e r t h e i r e n v i r o n m e n t s .
(Masataka, 1996). Moreover, just as hearing babies prefer the
exaggerated intonations of child-directed speech, deaf infants
pay more attention and give more emotional response when
they are shown videos of infant-directed signing than tapes of
I n f a n t s s e e m t o be intrinsically m o t i v a t e d t o m a s t e r their e n -
adult-directed signing.
v i r o n m e n t ( M o r g a n , M a c T u r k , & ITrncir, 1 9 9 5 ) . T h i s m a s t e r y
Finally, it turns out that language areas of the brain de-
m o t i v a t i o n c a n b e seen clearly w h e n infants struggle t o o p e n
velop much the same in deaf children exposed to sign as in
k i t c h e n c a b i n e t s , take their first steps, o r figure o u t h o w n e w
hearing children exposed to speech. For example, Helen
toys w o r k — a n d derive great pleasure from their efforts
Neville and her colleagues (1997) examined brain activity
( J e n n i n g s & Dietz, 2 0 0 3 ; M a s t e n & Reed, 2 0 0 2 ) .
during the processing of sentences by deaf and hearing ASL
users, hearing individuals (interpreters) who acquired sign M u c h evidence supports the claim that infants are curious,
late in life, and hearing individuals who did not know ASL. active explorers constantly striving to understand and t o exert
Mostly, reliance on areas of the left hemisphere of the cortex c o n t r o l over t h e world a r o u n d t h e m . This, you should recall,
to process sentences was as evident among those who ac- was o n e o f P i a g e t s m a j o r t h e m e s . A striving for mastery o r
quired ASL early in life as among hearing individuals who ac-
quired English early in life. Reliance on the left hemisphere to
process syntax was not as clear among individuals who ac-
quired a language later in life. Early learners of ASL used their
right hemispheres more in responding to sentences, perhaps
because spatial skills based in the right hemisphere come into
play in interpreting the gestures of someone who is signing.
As you have seen, language development is sometimes
delayed among deaf children of hearing parents if they can-
not hear well enough to understand spoken language but
are not exposed to sign language (Mayberry, 1994). Overall,
then, studies of language acquisition among deaf children
suggest that young humans are biologically prepared to
master language and will do so if given the opportunity,
whether that language is signed or spoken and whether it
involves visual-spatial skills or auditory ones (Meier, 1991).
Control group (children who did not
i— 100 -
o participate in Abecedarian)
10.5 12 13.5
nurtured by sensory stimulation and a responsive envi- ers for approval when they succeed and for disapproval when
r o n m e n t at h o m e . Early education can help prepare dis- they fail (Stipek, Recchia, 8c McClintic, 1992). By age 3, children
advantaged children for formal schooling, but an o v e r e m - have clearly internalized standards o f p e r f o r m a n c e and experi-
phasis on academics at t h e e x p e n s e o f o t h e r activities ence true pride or shame, depending o n h o w successfully they
may hinder young children's d e v e l o p m e n t M m e e t those standards (Stipek et aL, 1992). S o m e children are
clearly m o r e achievement oriented and high achieving than oth-
ers, however, and it is these differences we n o w seek to explain.
W i t h infancy behind t h e m , children begin to show true achieve- All children occasionally experience failure in their efforts to
m e n t motivation. Even b y age 2, they seem capable o f apprais- m a s t e r challenges a n d m e e t a c h i e v e m e n t standards. W h a t are
ing their performances as successes o r failures and look to oth- t h e differences b e t w e e n children w h o persist a n d t r i u m p h in
<L Preschools that offer a healthy combination of preacademic and social activities can help
children prepare for school.
the face o f failure and t h o s e who give up? Carol D w e c k ( 2 0 0 2 ;
Table 10.4 Comparison of Learning and Performance
H e y m a n , Dweck, & C a i n , 1 9 9 2 ) finds that high achievers t e n d
to attribute their successes to internal a n d stable causes such
as high ability. However, t h e y b l a m e their failures either on ex- Learning Goals
ternal factors b e y o n d their c o n t r o l ( " T h a t test was i m p o s s i b l y
• Ability as a changeable trait
h a r d " " T h a t professor's grading is b i a s e d " ) o r — a n d this is
• Ability to focus on increasing competence or knowledge ("I
even m o r e a d a p t i v e — o n i n t e r n a l causes that they can over-
understand this material better than I did before")
c o m e (particularly insufficient effort). T h e y do n o t b l a m e t h e
• Self-regulated learning; ability to monitor understanding of
internal but stable factor o f low ability ( c T m terrible at this
material and adjust behavior (for example, effort) accordingly
and will never do any b e t t e r " ) . S t u d e n t s with this healthy at-
tributional style are said to have a m a s t e r y o r i e n t a t i o n ; they • Deep-level processing of material (for example, learning to un-
thrive o n challenges a n d persist in t h e face o f failure, believing
that their increased effort will pay off. • Feelings of pride and satisfaction associated with success, with
By contrast, children w h o t e n d to be low achievers often failures indicating a need for more effort or different learning
attribute their successes either to the internal cause o f h a r d
work o r to external causes such as luck o r the easiness o f the Performance Goals
task. T h u s , t h e y do n o t e x p e r i e n c e the pride a n d self-esteem
• Ability as a fixed trait
t h a t c o m e f r o m viewing themselves as highly capable. Yet t h e y
• Ability to focus on increasing status relative to others ("I did
often attribute their failures t o an internal a n d stable c a u s e —
better on this than the other students did")
namely, lack o f ability. As a result, t h e y have low expectancies
• Other-regulated learning; ability to monitor performance rela-
o f success a n d tend to give up. D w e c k describes children with
tive to peers and increase effort (approach) to outperform
this a t t r i b u t i o n a l style as having a l e a r n e d helplessness o r i e n -
them or decrease effort (avoidance) to save face (to say that
t a t i o n — a t e n d e n c y to avoid challenges and to cease trying
failures are because of a lack of effort, not incompetence)
w h e n t h e y experience failure, based on t h e b e l i e f t h a t they can
• Superficial-level processing of material (for example, memo-
do little to improve.
rizing for a test)
After children have received reading instruction, why are s o m e a n d r e m e m b e r i n g w h a t they have read. Dyslexic children c o n -
t h e m o s t basic reading material? For starters, skilled readers and tests o f w o r d r e c o g n i t i o n as adolescents and adults, even
have a solid understanding o f the alphabetic p r i n c i p l e — t h e n o - i f they have b e c o m e decent readers (Bruck, 1990, 1992;
tion that letters must b e associated with p h o n e m e s . Thus, w h e n Shaywitz et al., 1 9 9 9 ) . It is n o w clear that dyslexia is a lifelong
they see the letter b, they k n o w the s o u n d that it represents. A disability, n o t j u s t a d e v e l o p m e n t a l delay that is eventually
Table 10.5 One Boy's Mi sreading of the Sentence "A Boy Said, 'Run, Little G i r l / "
0 _J I I I L
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Peer Pressures
School year T h e a d o l e s c e n t s e n v i r o n m e n t also c h a n g e s in the sense t h a t
peers b e c o m e increasingly i m p o r t a n t a n d s o m e t i m e s can u n -
F i g u r e 10.4 Grade point average from I st grade t o
12th grade for students with high and low risk and IQ. d e r m i n e p a r e n t s ' a n d teachers 7 efforts t o e n c o u r a g e s c h o o l
SOURCE: Gutman, Sameroff, & Cole (2003), p. 785, Figure 1.
a c h i e v e m e n t . M a n y years ago, w h e n J a m e s C o l e m a n (1961)
asked high s c h o o l students h o w t h e y w o u l d like t o b e r e m e m -
b e r e d , o n l y 3 1 % o f t h e b o y s a n d 2 8 % o f t h e girls w a n t e d to b e
a n d father absence. S t u d e n t s with m o r e risk factors s h o w e d a r e m e m b e r e d as b r i g h t students. T h e y were m o r e c o n c e r n e d
steady decline in a c a d e m i c a c h i e v e m e n t t h r o u g h o u t their w i t h having the athletic a n d social skills t h a t lead to p o p u l a r -
s c h o o l i n g , regardless o f w h e t h e r t h e y h a d high o r low I Q ity. N o t m u c h has c h a n g e d (see S u i t o r & Reavis, 1 9 9 5 ) .
scores t o begin w i t h . S t u d e n t s w i t h few risk factors s h o w e d a Peer pressures t h a t u n d e r m i n e a c h i e v e m e n t m o t i v a t i o n
slight increase in a c h i e v e m e n t until a r o u n d g r a d e 6 o r 7, at t e n d t o b e especially s t r o n g for m a n y l o w e r - i n c o m e m i n o r i t y
w h i c h t i m e a c h i e v e m e n t b e g a n t o d r o p slowly. students. In particular, African A m e r i c a n and H i s p a n i c peer
W h a t m i g h t explain these d i s c o u r a g i n g trends? C o n s i d e r cultures in many low-income areas actively discourage
six c o n t r i b u t o r s : f a m i l y characteristics, cognitive g r o w t h , n e g - a c a d e m i c a c h i e v e m e n t , w h e r e a s E u r o p e a n A m e r i c a n a n d es-
ative feedback, peer pressures, p u b e r t a l c h a n g e s , a n d p o o r fit pecially Asian A m e r i c a n peer g r o u p s t e n d to value a n d e n -
Table 10.6 Average Mathematics and Science Achievement of Eighth-Grade Students in Various Nations
(1999 scores)
Mathematics Science
€ Many older adults remain motivated t o learn and seek challenging experiences.
j o y greater physical and psychological w e l l - b e i n g t h a n t h o s e C e n t e r for E d u c a t i o n Statistics, 1 9 9 8 ) . T h e n u m b e r o f " o l d e r "
w h o d o n o t ( H o o k e r & Siegler, 1 9 9 3 ; R a p k i n 8c Fischer, 1 9 9 2 ; adults a t t e n d i n g college is e x p e c t e d t o increase as t h e overall
Reker, P e a c o c k , 8c W o n g , 1 9 8 7 ) . T h r o u g h o u t t h e life span, p o p u l a t i o n ages. W h e t h e r we call t h e m adult learners, n o n t r a -
then, setting a n d a c h i e v i n g goals are i m p o r t a n t . ditionals, r e t u r n i n g students, m a t u r e students, o r lifelong
learners, these adults represent a diverse group. T h e y b r i n g
different w o r k a n d life e x p e r i e n c e s to t h e c l a s s r o o m , a n d t h e y
r e p o r t a variety o f reasons f o r enrolling in p o s t s e c o n d a r y ed-
L i t e r a c y is t h e ability t o use p r i n t e d i n f o r m a t i o n to f u n c t i o n u c a t i o n ( K o p k a 8c Peng, 1 9 9 3 ) .
in society, achieve goals, a n d develop one's p o t e n t i a l ( K i r s c h et M a n y " t r a d i t i o n a l " studen ts ( 1 7 - to 2 4 - y e a r - o l d s ) are m o -
al., 1 9 9 3 ) . F e w adults are c o m p l e t e l y illiterate, b u t m a n y adults tivated t o a t t e n d college by e x t e r n a l e x p e c t a t i o n s , b u t older
do n o t have f u n c t i o n a l literacy skills despite years o f f o r m a l s t u d e n t s are often m o t i v a t e d b y internal factors (Dinmore,
e d u c a t i o n . T h e N a t i o n a l Adult L i t e r a c y Survey, w h i c h uses a 1 9 9 7 ) . W o m e n are m o r e likely to return t o t h e c l a s s r o o m f o r
5 - p o i n t scale to e s t i m a t e literacy, finds that a b o u t 2 2 % of personal e n r i c h m e n t or interest, whereas m e n are m o r e likely
adults in the U n i t e d States d e m o n s t r a t e t h e lowest level o f lit- to take classes r e q u i r e d o r r e c o m m e n d e d for their work
e r a c y skills (Kirsch et al., 1 9 9 3 ) . T h i s is r o u g h l y equivalent t o ( S a r g a n t et al., 1 9 9 7 ) . T h e i n t e r n a l m o t i v a t i o n o f adult stu-
a t h i r d - g r a d e o r lower reading ability; s u c h an adult c o u l d dents often leads t o deeper levels o f processing i n f o r m a t i o n
p r o b a b l y find an e x p i r a t i o n date o n a driver's license o r locate ( H a r p e r 8c K e m b e r , 1 9 8 6 ) . In o t h e r words, r e t u r n i n g s t u d e n t s
a specific w o r d o r p h r a s e in a s h o r t b o d y o f text b u t w o u l d m a y p u t f o r t h greater effort to t r u l y u n d e r s t a n d m a t e r i a l b e -
have t r o u b l e filling o u t an a p p l i c a t i o n o r r e a d i n g a s i m p l e cause t h e y w a n t t o learn a n d w a n t ( o r n e e d ) to use t h e m a t e -
b o o k to a child. A l t h o u g h o n e - q u a r t e r o f this g r o u p consists rial. Traditional students w h o do n o t have t h e benefit o f expe-
o f i m m i g r a n t s l e a r n i n g English as a s e c o n d language, m o s t i n - r i e n c e m a y learn t h e m a t e r i a l necessary t o do well o n an
dividuals in this g r o u p are U . S . - b o r n citizens. Nearly t w o - e x a m i n a t i o n b u t m a y n o t process the m a t e r i a l in ways that
thirds did n o t finish high s c h o o l . W h e n t h e U.S. literacy rate is will lead t o l o n g - t e r m r e t e n t i o n .
c o m p a r e d wTith rates in o t h e r c o u n t r i e s , researchers find t h a t Continued or lifelong education has its drawbacks.
t h e U n i t e d Suites h a s o n e o f t h e largest p o c k e t s o f illiterate Mainly, it is often difficult f o r adults already b u s y with j o b s
adults b u t also has s o m e o f the m o s t highly literate adults and f a m i l y to find the t i m e t o take classes. Successful c o n t i n u -
(U.S. D e p a r t m e n t o f E d u c a t i o n , 1 9 9 7 ) . T h u s , literacy in the ing e d u c a t i o n p r o g r a m s m u s t devise ways t o s c h e d u l e classes
United States is u n e v e n l y d i s t r i b u t e d . at c o n v e n i e n t t i m e s a n d m u s t be responsive t o t h e lifestyles o f
L i t e r a c y c o n t r i b u t e s to e c o n o m i c s e c u r i t y t h r o u g h o c c u - their adult learners ( P a r n h a m , 2 0 0 1 ) . Yet t h e benefits o f life-
p a t i o n a l a d v a n c e m e n t . Nearly h a l f o f t h e adults with t h e l o w - l o n g e d u c a t i o n typically outweigh drawbacks. F o r instance,
est literacy scores live in poverty, whereas few adults w i t h t h e c o n t i n u e d e d u c a t i o n allows adults to r e m a i n k n o w l e d g e a b l e
highest literacy scores do ( B o w e n , 1 9 9 9 ) . I m p r o v i n g t h e liter- a n d c o m p e t i t i v e in fields that c h a n g e rapidly. Adults w h o re-
a c y skills o f i m p o v e r i s h e d adults, however, does n o t a u t o m a t - t u r n to s c h o o l for b a c h e l o r ' s o r master's degrees can also ad-
ically raise t h e m o u t o f poverty. F o r m a n y l o w - i n c o m e a n d v a n c e t h e i r careers, p a r t i c u l a r l y i f their e d u c a t i o n a n d w o r k
f u n c t i o n a l l y illiterate adults, o t h e r obstacles m u s t b e over- are closely related ( S e n t e r & Senter, 1 9 9 7 ) . Finally, h i g h e r ed-
c o m e , i n c l u d i n g a d d i c t i o n , d i s c r i m i n a t i o n , a n d disabilities u c a t i o n is associated w i t h m a i n t a i n i n g o r i m p r o v i n g physical
(Bowen, 1999). a n d m e n t a l h e a l t h (Fischer, Blazey, 8c L i p m a n , 1 9 9 2 ) .
P r o g r a m s to raise the literacy level o f adults are rarely suc-
Summing Up
cessful. Several factors limit the success o f such p r o g r a m s . F o r
o n e thing, despite having limited literacy skills, m a n y o f these Adults o f different ages are similar in their levels of
adults ( 7 5 % ) r e p o r t e d that t h e y c o u l d read o r write " w e l l " or a c h i e v e m e n t motivation, although w o m e n w h o turn their
" v e r y w e l l " — a t t i t u d e s that m u s t m a k e it difficult to m o t i v a t e attention t o child rearing may lose s o m e o f their career-
t h e m t o improve their literacy skills. S e c o n d , adults do n o t stay o r i e n t e d a c h i e v e m e n t motivation. S o m e adults, despite
in literacy p r o g r a m s long e n o u g h to m a k e improvements years o f education, have n o t acquired t h e skills o f func-
( A m s t u t z 8c Sheared, 2 0 0 0 ) . T h e d r o p o u t rate is as high as 70 tional literacy. Literacy programs have had minimal suc-
t o 8 0 % , and m a n y leave in t h e first weeks o f t h e p r o g r a m cess in improving literacy rates. Adults increasingly are
( Q u i g l e y 8c U h l a n d , 2 0 0 0 ) . Adults w h o do n o t persist r e p o r t seeking continued educational opportunities f o r both
t h a t t h e p r o g r a m s are b o r i n g and d o n o t m e e t their needs personal and w o r k - r e l a t e d reasons.
(Imel, 1996; Kerka, 1995; Quigley, 1 9 9 7 ) . Materials, for e x a m - In this and previous chapters, you have e x a m i n e d a
ple, are often geared toward children, n o t adults w h o often great deal o f material on thinking and learning across t h e
have families, j o b s , and different interests t h a n children do. life span. H o w can principles o f cognitive d e v e l o p m e n t b e
used t o improve education f o r all ages? B e f o r e closing
this chapter, w e summarize, in t h e Applications b o x on
page 2 8 3 , what theorists Piaget and Vygotsky contribute
Increasingly, adults are seeking e d u c a t i o n b e y o n d b a s i c liter- t o education and w h a t research on information p r o c e s s -
acy skills. Nearly 4 0 % o f college students are 2 5 years o r older, ing, intelligence, and perception suggests a b o u t optimal
representing 15 m i l l i o n adults enrolled in college ( N a t i o n a l learning environments. S
o help you appreciate the practical implications for Research on information Processing
school reform and school achievement of the material • Provide opportunities for rehearsal and other mem-
in Chapters 6 through 9, we provide the following recom- ory strategies to move information into long-term
mendations. memory. Realize that young children do not sponta-
neously use memory strategies but can use them
Piaget when prompted.
• Provide opportunities for independent, hands-on in- • Structure assignments so that retrieval cues are con-
teraction with the physical environment, especially sistent with cues present at acquisition to facilitate
for younger children. Children need to "see" for retrieval of information from long-term memory.
themselves how things work and from this construct • Enable learners to develop some knowledge base
their own understanding of the world. and expertise in domains of study.This means pre-
• Be aware of children's cognitive strengths and limita- senting "facts and figures" through readings, lectures,
tions (their stage of development). For example, observations, and other appropriate methods. When
teachers and parents should recognize that a preop- beginning a new lesson, start with and build on what
erational child is cognitively unable to master multi- students already know.
dimensional or abstract tasks. • Assess the knowledge and strategies required to
• With the child's current level of understanding in solve assigned problems; then determine which as-
mind, create some disequilibrium by presenting new pects of a task pose difficulties for learners and tar-
information slightly above the child's current Jevel. get these for further instruction.
Children who experience disequilibrium—cognitive ° Be aware that well-learned and frequently repeated
discomfort with their understanding (or lack of tasks become automatized over time, freeing infor-
understanding)—will work to resolve it, achieving a mation-processing capacity for other tasks. For ex-
higher level of mastery of the material. ample, reading is labor intensive for those new to
Encourage interaction with peers, which will expose the task, but with practice, the process of reading
children to other perspectives and give them an op- becomes "invisible" and learners focus their process-
portunity to reevaluate and revise their own view. ing resources on other aspects of the task.
• Connect abstract ideas to concrete information as
much as possible. Research on Intelligence
• Realize that individual differences in intelligence have
Vygotsky implications for the classroom. Students at both ends
• Provide opportunities for children to interact with of the continuum may need special educational serv-
others who have greater mastery of the material— ices to optimize their learning.
an older peer, teacher, or parent.These more ad- • Recognize that although IQ scores do a reasonably
vanced thinkers can help "pull" children to a level of good job of predicting achievement in the classroom,
understanding they would be unable to achieve on such tests have weaknesses that limit their useful-
their own. ness, especially in assessing members of minority
• Encourage students, especially young ones, to talk to groups.
themselves as they work on difficult tasks. Such pri-
vate speech can guide behavior and facilitate Research on Sensory and Perceptual Abilities
thought. • Test all children early and regularly for sensory and
• Present challenging tasks, but do not expect students perceptual problems that might limit their ability to
to complete such tasks successfully without guid- benefit from regular classroom instruction.
ance. With support, students can accomplish more • Be aware of developmental differences in attention
difficult tasks than those they would be able to span. Clearly, a young child will not be able to attend
achieve independently. to a task for as long as a teenager. Determine what
• Help children master the cognitive tools of their "captures" students' attention at different ages.
culture—writing, computers, and so on—so that • Minimize distractions in the learning environment.
they can function successfully in the culture. Younger students have trouble "tuning out" back-
ground noise and focusing on the task at hand.
Summary Points semantics, 255 child-directed speech, 262
pragmatics, 255 expansion, 263
1. The complex process of language acquisition appears to oc-
intonation, 256 mastery motivation, 265
cur effortlessly through an interaction of inborn readiness and a lan-
guage environment. Over the first few years of life, children master cooing, 256 mastery orientation, 268
many elements of language, including phonology, semantics, mor- babbling, 256 learned helplessness
phology, syntax, and pragmatics. Language skills are refined through- joint attention, 256 orientation, 268
out childhood and adolescence. Most language abilities remain
holophrase, 257 learning goal, 268
strong throughout adulthood.
vocabulary spurt, 257 performance goal, 268
2. Precursors of achievement motivation can be seen among in-
fants who strive to master their environments. Opportunities to succeed overextension, 257 alphabetic principle, 269
are important for children of all ages. Without such opportunities, chil- phonological awareness, 270
underextension, 257
dren are at risk for developing a learned helplessness orientation.
telegraphic speech, 258 emergent literacy, 270
3. Learning to read is typically an effortful process that relies on
understanding the alphabetic principle and acquiring phonological functional grammar, 258 dyslexia, 271
awareness. There is a great deal of variability in reading ability among overregularization, 259 inclusion, 272
children and among adults. cooperative learning, 273
transformational grammar, 259
4. Effective schools are characterized by a focus on academics
decontextualized language, 259 ability grouping, 274
and a good fit between the learners and the instruction they receive.
Student achievement is not strongly influenced by spending, class metalinguistic awareness, 260 goodness of fit, 275
size, ability grouping, or length of the school day or year. language acquisition device literacy, 282
5. Some students (for example, those from advantaged homes) (LAD) ,261
typically outperform others, and some learning environments (espe-
cially those in which teachers create a motivating, comfortable, and
task-oriented setting and involve parents in their children's school-
ing) are generally more conducive to learning than others. Still, what
Media Resources
works best for one kind of student may not work as well for another
kind of student.
Websites t o Explore
6. Achievement motivation and grades tend to drop during ado-
lescence for a variety of reasons. Students from Asian cultures often Visit Our Website
outperform U.S. adolescents in mathematics and science, partly be- For a chapter tutorial quiz and other useful features, visit
cause they spend many more hours a week on homework and have the book's companion website al
parents who highly value academics. sigelman_rider5e. You can also connect directly to the following sites:
7. Level of achievement carries over from adolescence into
adulthood. There may be some decline in achievement motivation Reading Instruction
among women who set aside career goals to raise children, but career From the Center for Academic and Reading Skills, Barbara Foorman
goals reemerge as their children age, especially among women with and her colleagues describe their "Scientific Approach to Reading
higher levels of education. Some adults struggle with literacy, and Instruction."
some return to school.
National Network for Child Care
Critical Thinking This website provides information about all aspects of child develop-
ment. Look for the links that relate to language development, read-
1. Research shows that achievement motivation and grades of- ing, and education.
ten drop as students move through middle school and high school.
Develop a program to combat this trend, keeping in mind that stu- Baby Babble
dents of different backgrounds may lose motivation for different rea- The late psychologist Peter Jusczyk of Johns Hopkins University
sons. wrote a book about how children acquire language. The Johns
2. Based on what you have learned about memory, thinking, Hopkins Magazine published an interesting article titled "The Origins
problem solving, and language skills, how would you teach students of Babble" about Jusczyk's research.
of different ages? What would you need to do differently for the dif-
ferent ages? Psychology of Language
3. Using the material on effective schools, evaluate your local Psychology professor Roger Kreuz at the University of Memphis
school district and indicate ways it could improve to become a highly maintains a web page listing psychology of language resources such
effective school. as current researchers, organizations, journals, and databases.
4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of grouping chil-
dren by ability versus grouping them by age in the classroom? The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
The website of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
posts information pages geared toward the general public. One of
Key Terms these pages features speech and language development.
life-Spara CD-
Go to the Wadsworth Life-Span CD-ROM for further
study of the concepts in this chapter. The CD-ROM in-
cludes narrated concept overviews, video clips, a multimedia glos-
sary, and additional activities to expand your learning experience.
For this chapter, check out the following clips, and others, in the
video library:
VIDEO Early and Middle Childhood: Language Development
VIDEO Learning Deaf Language
c h a p t e r e I e v e n
an ona
70, and why? To get a feel for current debates about the nature of personal-
Do humans remain "the same people" in most significant ity development, look at the striking differences among three
respects, or do they undergo dramatic transformations in per- major theoretical perspectives on the nature of personality
sonality from infancy to old age? The issue of continuity (sta- and personality development: psychoanalytic theory, trait the-
bility) and discontinuity (change) in the individual is central ory, and social learning theory.
in the study of human development (see Chapter 2). This
chapter is about the ways in which personalities, and percep-
Psychoanalytic Theory
tions of those personalities, change—and remain the same—
over the life span; it is also about the implications of person- Psychoanalytic theorists generally use in-depth interviews,
ality for adjustment. We begin by clarifying some terms and dream analysis, and similar techniques to get below the sur-
laying out key theoretical perspectives on personality. Then face of the person and her behavior and to understand the in-
you will see how self-perceptions and aspects of temperament ner dynamics of personality. As you should recall from
and personality change from infancy to old age. Chapter 2, Sigmund Freud believed that biological urges re-
siding within the id push all children through universal stages
of psychosexual development, starting with the oral stage of
infancy and ending with the genital stage of adolescence.
C o n c e p t u a l i s i n g tlie Self Freud did not see psychosexual growth continuing during
adulthood. He believed that the personality was formed dur-
Personality is often defined as an organized combination of ing the first 5 years of life and showed considerable continuity
attributes, motives, values, and behaviors unique to each indi- thereafter. Anxieties arising from harsh parenting, overindul-
vidual. Most people describe personalities in terms of person- gence, or other unfavorable early experiences, he said, would
ality traits—dispositions such as sociability, independence, leave a permanent mark on the personality and reveal them-
dominance, and so on. Traits are assumed to be relatively con- selves in adult personality traits.
sistent across different situations and over time; if you peg a The psychosocial theory of personality development for-
classmate as insecure, you expect this person to behave inse- mulated by neo-Freudian Erik Erikson was also introduced in
curely at school and at work, now and next year. Chapter 2 and will be highlighted in this chapter. Like Freud,
When you describe yourself, you may not be describing Erikson concerned himself with the inner dynamics of per-
your personality so much as revealing your self-concept— sonality and proposed that the personality evolves through
your perceptions, positive or negative, of your unique attri- systematic stages that confront people with different chal-
butes and traits. We all know people who seem to have unre- lenges (Erikson 1963, 1968, 1982). Compared with Freud,
alistic self-conceptions—the fellow who thinks he is "God's however, Erikson placed more emphasis on social influences
gift to women" (who do not agree) or the woman who believes such as peers, teachers, and cultures; the rational ego and its
she is a dull plodder (but is actually brilliant). A closely related adaptive powers; possibilities for overcoming the effects of
aspect of self-perception is self-esteem—your overall evalua- harmful early experiences; and the potential for growth dur-
tion of your worth as a person, high or low, based on all the ing the adult years. Later in this chapter, you will encounter
positive and negative self-perceptions that make up your self- the work of Daniel Levinson and colleagues (1978), a psycho-
concept. Self-concept is about "what I am," whereas self- analytic theorist best known for saying that adults experience
esteem concerns "how good 1 am" (Harter, 1999). This chap- a midlife crisis.
ter examines how self-concept and self-esteem change and Erikson and Levinson clearly did not agree with Freud
remain the same over the life span. It also takes up the ques- that the personality is largely formed by the end of early child-
tion of how adolescents pull together their various self-per- hood; they appreciated possibilities for personality change
Table 11.1
Openness to experience Curiosity and interest in variety vs. preference Openness to fantasy, esthetics, feelings,
for sameness actions, ideas, values
Conscientiousness Discipline and organization vs. lack of Competence, order, dutifulness, striving for
seriousness achievement, self-discipline, deliberation
Extraversion Sociability and outgoingness vs. introversion Warmth, gregariousness, assertiveness, activity,
seeking excitement, positive emotions
Agreeabieness Compliance and cooperativeness vs. suspiciousness Trust, straightforwardness, altruism, compliance,
modesty, tender-mindedness
Neuroticism Emotional instability vs. stability Anxiety, hostility, depression, self-consciousness,
impulsiveness, vulnerability
As a m n e m o n i c device, notice that the first letters o f the dimensions spell ocean.
H ere are several personality traits that may or may not
apply to you. Write a number next to each statement
to indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with
Calm, emotionally stable
Conventional, uncreative
that statement.You should rate the extent to which the pair To score yourself, reverse the scoring of items marked
of traits applies to you, even if one characteristic applies here with R so that a score of I becomes 7, 2 becomes 6, 3
more strongly than the other. becomes 5,4 stays 4, 5 becomes 3, 6 becomes 2, and 7 be-
comes I.Then add the pair of scores listed here for each of
1 = Disagree strongly 5 = Agree a little
the Big Five personality dimensions:
2 = Disagree moderately 6 = Agree moderately
Extraversion = Item I + item 6R —
3 = Disagree a little 7 = Agree strongly
4 = Neither agree nor Agreeableness = Item 2R + item 7 =
disagree Conscientiousness = Item 3 4- item 8R =
I see myself as:
Low neuroticism (high emotional stability) =
1. Extraverted, enthusiastic Item 4R + item 9 =
2. Critical, quarrelsome Openness to experience = Item 5 4-
item I OR =
3. Dependable, self-disciplined
* To help you see where you stand, mean scores for a
4. u Anxious, easily upset sample of 1813 individuals tested by Samuel Gosling and
colleagues (2003) were 4.44 for extraversion, 5.23 for
5. Open to new experiences, complex agreeableness, 5.40 for conscientiousness, 4.83 for low neu-
6. Reserved, quiet roticism (high emotional stability), and 5.38 for openness to
7. Sympathetic, warm
SOURCE: Reprinted from Journal of Research in Personality, Vol.
8. Disorganized, careless
37, Gosling/Rentfrow/Swann, "A Brief Personality Scale", Page 525,
Copyright 2003, with permission from Elsevier.
than Asians or Africans) and even though traits may be ex- Social learning theorists believe strongly in situational in-
pressed differently in different cultures. You will soon see what fluences on behavior (Shoda & Mischel, 2000). They argue
happens to these trait dimensions as we age. that consistency over time in personality is most likely if the
social environment remains the same. Thus, if Rick the
rancher continues to run the same ranch in the same small
town for a lifetime, he might stay the "same old Rick."
Finally, social learning (or social cognitive) theorists such as However, most of us experience changes in our social envi-
Albert Bandura (1986) and Walter Mischel (1973; Mischel & ronments as we become older. Just as we behave differently
Shoda, 1995; Shoda & Mischel, 2000) not only reject the no- when we are in a library than when we are at a party, we be-
tion of universal stages of personality development but also come "different people" as we take on new roles, develop new
have questioned the existence of enduring personality traits relationships, or move to new locations.
that show themselves in a variety of situations and over long An excellent example of this principle comes from re-
stretches of the life span. Instead, they emphasize that people search on the relationship between birth order and personal-
change if their environments change. An aggressive boy can ity. How would you characterize firstborns? Second-borns?
become a warm and caring man if his aggression is no longer Last-borns? Many of us have strong beliefs about the differ-
reinforced; a woman who has been socially withdrawn can be- ences; we think of firstborns as bossy and dominant, for ex-
come more outgoing if she begins to socialize with friends ample, and last-borns as rebellious and spoiled. Yet most re-
who serve as models of outgoing, sociable behavior. From this search reveals few consistent differences between the
perspective, personality is a set of behavioral tendencies personalities of firstborns and those of later-borns (Harris,
shaped by interactions with other people in specific social sit- 2000b). Why might we be misled into thinking such differ-
uations. ences exist? Judith Rich Harris (2000b) notes that we see
The difficult children studied by Chess and Thomas
(1999), like Kagan's inhibited toddlers, often continued to
Tlie Child
display difficult temperaments later in life if the person-en-
vironment fit was bad—for example, if their parents were Children's personalities continue to form, and children ac-
impatient and overly demanding with them. However, diffi- quire much richer understandings of themselves as individu-
cult infants whose parents adapted to their temperaments als, as they continue to experience cognitive growth and inter-
and gave them more time to adjust to new experiences en- act with other people. Ask children of different ages to tell you
joyed a good fit to the environment and became able to mas- about themselves. You will find their responses amusing, and
ter new situations effectively and energetically (see the you will learn something about how children come to know
Explorations box on page 293). themselves as individuals.
Parents5 personalities and perceptions help determine
whether an infant s home environment is a good or poor fit
to her personality. Mothers who are low in empathy tend to
use threats and physical force with infants who show a lot of Once toddlers begin to talk, they can and do tell us about their
negative emotion, perhaps because they cannot understand emerging self-concepts. By age 2, some toddlers are already
why these babies are so irritable (Clark, Kochanska, 8c Ready, using the personal pronouns I, me, my, and mine (or their
2000). By contrast, mothers who are high in empathy are names) when referring to the self and you when addressing a
able to refrain from strong-arm tactics even when they are companion (Lewis & Brooks-Gunn, 1979; Stipek, Gralinski, 8c
faced with an irritable child. They are therefore able to pro- Kopp, 1990). Toddlers also show their emerging categorical
vide care that is a better fit to the child's difficult tempera- selves when they describe themselves in terms of age and sex
ment. Similarly, whereas parents who perceive their infants ("Katie big girl").
to be high in negative emotionality may strengthen their in- The preschool child's self-concept is concrete and physi-
fants' tendencies to be irritable, parents who perceive their cal (Damon 8c Hart, 1988). Asked to describe themselves,
babies' temperaments more positively may contribute to a preschoolers dwell on their physical characteristics ("I look
more sunny disposition over time (Pauli-Pott et ah, 2003). like a kid. I have skin. I have clothes."), their possessions ("I
Infants' temperaments and their parents' parenting behav- have a bike."), their physical activities and accomplishments
iors reciprocally influence and interact over time to steer the ("I can jump"), and their preferences ("I like cake"). One ex-
direction of later personality development (Sanson, uberant 3-year-old said the following (Harter, 1999, p. 37):
Hemphill, & Smart, 2004). Teaching parents of irritable ba-
I'm 3 years old and I live in a big house with my mother
bies how to interpret their infants' cues and respond sensi-
and father and my brother, Jason, and my sister, Lisa. I
tively and appropriately to them can produce calmer infants
have blue eyes and a kitty that is orange and a television
who cry less and become less irritable preschoolers than
in my own room. I know all of my ABC's, listen: A, B, C,
temperamentally similar children whose mothers do not re-
D, E, F, G, H, J, L, K,0, M, P, Q, X, Z. I can run real fast. I
ceive training (van den Boom, 1995; Crockenberg & Leerkes,
like pizza and I have a nice teacher at preschool. I can
count up to 100, want to hear me? I love my dog Skipper.
Few young children mention their psychological traits or
Summing Up
inner qualities. At most, young children use global terms such
In sumf 2- to 3-month-olds discover they are physically
distinct from the world around them and can act upon it
By 18 to 24 months, toddlers show self-awareness by
recognizing themselves in a mirror and they form a cat-
egorical self. Cognitive development and experiences
with the social looking glass make this new self-
awareness possible. Moreover; each toddler has distinct
temperamental qualities sketched in the genetic code
and expressed from the first days of life—qualities such
as emotionality, activity and sociability; behavioral inhibi-
tion; and an easy, difficult, or slow-to-warm-up tempera-
ment (see Table I 1.2). However; the personality is by no
means set in infancy; there is both continuity and discon-
tinuity in development. Early temperamental qualities
may or may not be elaborated into later personality
traits, depending on the goodness of fit between the in-
dividual's predispositions and his social environment and C Preschool children emphasize the "active self" in their self-descrip-
on the kinds of transactions that take place between tions, noting things they can do but saying little about their psycho-
child and significant others. M logical traits.
as nice or mean and good or bad, to describe themselves and receive it (Butler, 1990; Ruble, 1983). They tend to believe that
others (Livesley & Bromley, 1973). However, their descrip- they are the greatest, even in the face of compelling evidence
tions of their characteristic behavioral patterns and prefer- that they have been outclassed. By contrast, first-grade chil-
ences ("I like to play by myself at school") may provide the dren glance at each other's papers, ask "How many did you
foundation for their later personality trait descriptions ("I'm miss?" say things like CCI got more right than you did," and, in
shy"; Eder, 1989). the process, learn about their strengths and weaknesses (Frey
Self-conceptions become more sophisticated around age & Ruble, 1985; Pomerantz et al., 1995).
8, partly because of cognitive development (Harter, 2003). Although social comparison generally becomes more
First, children begin to form social identities, defining them- common with age, the extent to which children engage in so-
selves as part of social units f T m a Kimball, a second-grader cial comparison is greatly influenced by the sociocultural con-
at Brookside School, a Brownie Scout"; Damon & Hart, 1988). text. Social comparison is common in the United States be-
Second, they begin to describe their enduring inner qualities cause parents, teachers, and others place heavy emphasis on
using personality trait terms such as funny and smart (Harter, individual achievement. However, Israeli children living in
1999; Livesley & Bromley, 1973). Third, they are now capable communal kibbutzim do less of it than children raised in
of social comparison—of using information about how they Israeli cities, perhaps because cooperation and teamwork are
compare with other individuals to characterize and evaluate so strongly emphasized in the kibbutzim (Butler & Ruzany,
themselves (Pomerantz et aL, 1995). The preschooler who said 1993).
she could hit a baseball becomes the elementarv-school
j child
who says she is a better batter than her teammates.
Young children often seem oblivious to information As children amass a range of perceptions of themselves and
about how they compare with others and seem to have diffi- engage in social comparisons, they begin to evaluate their
culty interpreting and acting on such information when they worth. Susan Harter (1999, 2003) has developed self-percep-
tion scales for use across the life span and has found that pre-
school children distinguish two broad aspects of self-esteem:
their competence (both physical and cognitive) and their per-
sonal and social adequacy (for example, their social accept-
ance). By mid—elementary school, children differentiate
among five aspects of self-worth, all measured by Harter's self-
perception scale: scholastic competence (feeling smart or do-
ing well in school); social acceptance (being popular or feeling
liked); behavioral conduct (staying out of trouble); athletic
competence (being good at sports); and physical appearance
(feeling good-looking). When Harter s scale was given to
third- through ninth-graders, even third-graders showed that
they had well-defined positive or negative feelings about
themselves. Moreover, children made clear distinctions be-
tween their competency in one area and their competency in
another. They did not just have generally high or generally low
This suggests that self-esteem is multidimensional rather
than unidimensional. As children organize their perceptions
of themselves over the elementary-school years, they differen-
tiate more sharply among distinct aspects of the self-concept.
Self-esteem is also hierarchical in nature; children integrate
self-perceptions in distinct domains to form an overall, ab-
stract sense of self-worth (Harter, 1999; Marsh & Ayotte,
2003). Figure 11.1 shows the land of self-esteem hierarchy
that results, with global self-worth at the top and specific di-
mensions of self-concept below it.
The accuracy of children's self-evaluations increases
steadily over the elementary-school years (Marsh, Craven, &
Debus, 1999; Harter, 1999). Children as young as 5 already
have some sense of whether they are worthy and lovable
(Verschueren, Buyck, & Marcoen, 2001). However, the self-
esteem scores of young children (4- to 7-year-olds) sometimes
€ The looking-glass self takes shape as children receive social feed- reflect their desires to be liked or to be good at various activi-
back from the people around them. ties as much as they reveal their competencies. Overall, they
Overall self-worth
tend to have unrealistically positive views of themselves basis for evaluating their behavior and sends them the mes-
(Eccles, Wigfield, et al, 1993; Harter 8c Pike, 1984). sage that their opinions are respected. The relationship be-
Starting about age 8, partly because of cognitive develop- tween high self-esteem and a warm, democratic parenting
ment, children's self-evaluations become more accurate. For style has been observed in most ethnic groups in the United
example, those with high scholastic self-esteem are more likely States and in other countries (Scott, Scott, 8c McCabe, 1991;
than those with low scholastic self-esteem to be rated as intel- Steinberg, Dornbusch, 8c Brown, 1992). Interestingly, children
lectually competent by their teachers, and those with high ath- with high self-esteem may also contribute to their own high
letic self-esteem are frequently chosen by peers in sporting self-esteem by actively seeking positive feedback; children
events (Harter, 1999). At the same time, children are increas- with low self-esteem do not seem as hungry for pats on the
ingly realizing what they "should" be like and are forming an back and therefore may not get as many (Cassidy et al., 2003).
ever-grander ideal self. As a result, the gap between the real The judgments of other people, with all the information
self and the ideal self increases with age, and older children that children collect by observing their own behavior and
run a greater risk than younger children do of thinking that comparing it with that of their peers, shape children's overall
they fall short of what they could or should be (Glick & Zigler, self-evaluations. Once a child's level of self-esteem has been
1985; Oosterwegel & Oppenheimer, 1993). established, it tends to remain stable over the elementary-
school years. Moreover, high self-esteem is positively corre-
Influences on S e l f - E s t e e m lated with a variety of measures of good adjustment
Why do some children have higher self-esteem than others? It (Coopersmith, 1967; Harter, 1999).
is simple: Some children are more competent than others,
and, apart from their competence, some children receive more
Forming Personality . .
positive social feedback than others (Harter, 1999). Children
who are more capable and socially attractive than other chil- The biologically based response tendencies called tempera-
dren experience more success in areas important to them and ment are shaped, with the help of the individual's social expe-
come out better in social comparisons (Luster 8c McAdoo, riences, * into a full-blown personality during childhood.
1995). For example, achievement in school has a positive Although links between temperament in early childhood and
effect on academic self-concept; a positive academic self- later personality are often weak, such links have been identi-
concept, in turn, contributes to future academic achievement fied (Halverson et al., 2003; Sanson, Hemphill, 8c Smart,
(Guay, Marsh, 8c Boivin, 2003). 2004). For example, in a longitudinal study of 1000 children
Apart from competence, social feedback from parents, in New Zealand, Avshalom Caspi and his colleagues (Caspi,
teachers, and peers plays a critical role in shaping self-percep- 2000; Caspi, Harrington, et al., 2003) found that inhibited
tions. Most notably, children with high self-esteem tend to be 3-year-olds who are shy and fearful tend to become teenagers
securely attached to parents who are warm and democratic who are cautious and unassertive and young adults who have
(Arbona & Power, 2003; Coopersmith, 1967). Parents who little social support, tend to be depressed, and are barely en-
are loving, form secure attachments with their children, gaged in life. By contrast, 3-year-olds who are difficult to con-
and frequently communicate approval and acceptance help trol, irritable, and highly emotional tend to be difficult to
their children think positively about themselves (Doyle, manage later in childhood and end up as impulsive adoles-
Markiewicz, et al., 2000). Saying, through words, looks, or ac- cents and adults who do not get along wrell with other people
tions, "You re not important" or "Why can't you be more like at home and on the job, are easily upset, get into scrapes with
your older brother?" is likely to have the opposite effect. This the law, and abuse alcohol. Finally, well-adjusted ("easy")
is the concept of the looking-glass self in action: children will 3-year-olds tend to remain well adjusted. Interestingly, the as-
form self-concepts that reflect the evaluations of significant sessments of personality at age 3 that proved predictive of
people in their lives. later personality and adjustment were made on the basis of
Parents whose children have high self-esteem also enforce only 90 minutes of observation by an adult examiner who did
clearly stated rules of behavior and allow their children to ex- not know the child (see Pesonen et al., 2003).
press their opinions and participate in decision making. This Yet relationships between early temperament and later
democratic parenting style most likely gives children a firm personality are not well understood. Temperament re-
searchers and personality researchers have tended to go their sonality traits and carry over into adulthood, but other
separate ways, developing distinct conceptual schemes and aspects of personality do not gel until middle childhood
methods of assessing individual differences. Efforts are only and still others do not stabilize until adolescence or early
recently being made to map various dimensions of tempera- adulthood. M
ment onto Big Five personality trait dimensions and to study
Big Five trait dimensions in childhood. For example, high ac-
tivity, high sociability, and low shyness or inhibition in the
preschool period have been found to correlate with extraver- e
sion in middle childhood, and high negative emotionality is
related to later neuroticism (Hagekull 8c Bohlin, 1998). The Perhaps no period of the life span is more important to the
ability of infants to regulate themselves, or to exert effortful development of the self than adolescence. Adolescence is truly
control over their attention and arousal (for example, to calm a time for "finding oneself," as research on adolescent self-con-
themselves) may also be linked to later conscientiousness, and ceptions, self-esteem, identity formation, and vocational
an uninhibited temperament that embraces novelty may re- choice illustrates.
late to openness to experience (Rothbart, Ahadi, 8c Evans,
2000; Sanson, Hemphill, 8c Smart, 2004). Charles Halverson
and his colleagues (2003) report that parents in all seven
countries they studied describe children as young as age 3 in Raymond Montemayor and Marvin Eisen (1977) learned a
Big Five terms, suggesting that these adult personality dimen- great deal about the self-concepts of children and adolescents
sions begin to show themselves in early childhood and need to from grades 4 to 12 by asking students to write 20 different
be studied more thoroughly during childhood. answers to the question "Who am I?" What age differences can
Yet we cannot accept Freud's view that the personali ty is you detect in these answers given by a 9-year-old, an ll l / 2 -
mostly formed by age 5. The correlations between early child- year-old, and a 17-year-old (pp. 317-318)?
hood traits and adult traits are small. Some dimensions of
9-year-old: My name is Bruce C. I have brown eyes. I have
personality do not seem to "gel" until the elementary-school
brown hair. I love! sports. I have seven people in my fam-
years, when they begin to predict adult personality and ad-
ily. I have great! eye sight. I have lots! of friends. I live
justment much better (Hartup 8c van Lieshout, 1995; Shiner,
at I have an uncle who is almost 7 feet tall. My teacher
Masten, 8c Roberts, 2003). Other aspects of personality do not
is Mrs. V. I play hockey! I'm almost the smartest boy in
seem to stabilize until adolescence or even early adulthood
the class. I love! food .... I love! school.
(Caspi 8c Roberts, 2001; McCrae 8c Costa, 2003). The older the
1 iy2-year-old: My name is A. I'm a human being . . .
child, the more accurately personality traits predict later per-
a girl... a truthful person. I'm not pretty. I do so-so in my
sonality and adjustment.
studies. I'm a very good cellist. I'm a little tall for my age.
Certain behavioral patterns are probably reinforced and
I like several boys I'm old fashioned. I am a very good
strengthened as years pass because they set in motion certain
swimmer.... I try to be helpful.... Mostly I'm good, but
kinds of social interactions and evoke certain reactions from
I lose my temper. I'm not well liked by some girls and
other people (Caspi, Elder, 8c Bern, 1987, 1988). For example,
boys. I don't know if boys like me....
a child who has an explosive personality and is irritable and
17-year-old: I am a human being . . . a girl... an in-
prone to temper tantrums may lose friends and alienate teach-
dividual. . . . I am a Pisces. I am a moody person . . . an
ers as a child, lose jobs or experience marital problems as an
indecisive person . . . an ambitious person. I am a big cu-
adult, and therefore experience a snowballing of the negative
rious person. . . . I am lonely. I am an American (God
consequences of his early personality. He may also evoke hos-
help me). I am a Democrat. I am a liberal person. I am a
tile reactions from other people that reinforce his tendency to
radical. I am conservative. I am a pseudoliberal. I am an
be ill tempered.
Atheist. I am not a classifiable person (i.e., I don't want
to be).
S u m m i n g Up
There are several notable differences between the self-
In sum, major changes in self-conceptions occur about descriptions of children and adolescents (Damon 8c Hart,
age 8 as children shift from describing their physical and 1988; Harter, 1999, 2003). First, self-descriptions become less
active selves to talking about their psychological and so- physical and more psychological as children age. Second, self-
cial qualities. Other changes include increased social com- portraits become less concrete and more abstract Recall
parison, formation of a multidimensional and hierarchi- Piaget's theory that children begin to shift from concrete op-
cally organized self-concept with an overall sense of erational to formal operational thinking at about age 11 or 12.
self-worth at the top, more accurate self-evaluation, and Children entering adolescence (11- to 12-year-olds) go be-
widening of the ideal self-real self gap. Competence, with yond describing their traits in largely concrete terms ("I love!
positive social feedback from warm, democratic parents food") and more often generalize about their broader person-
and others, contributes to high self-esteem. Some as- ality traits ("I am a truthful person"). High school students'
pects of temperament may translate into Big Five per- self-descriptions are even more abstract, focusing not only on
personality traits but also 011 important values and ideologies be that way with everyone because I think that's my true self,
or beliefs ("I am a pseudoliberal"). but I get depressed with my family and it bugs me because
Third, adolescents reflect more about what they are like; •that's not what I want to be like" (Harter h Monsour, 1992, p.
they are more self-aware than children are (Selman, 1980). 253). These 15-year-olds, especially the girls, seemed painfully
Indeed, their new ability to think about their own and other aware that they had several different selves and were con-
people's thoughts and feelings can make them painfully self- cerned about figuring out which was the "real me."
conscious. Fourth, adolescents have a more differentiated self- The oldest adolescents studied by Harter and Monsour,
concept than children. For example, the child's "social self," the 17-year-olds, overcame many of the uncomfortable feel-
which reflects perceived acceptance by peers, splits into dis- ings the 15-year-olds had. They were able to integrate their
tinct aspects such as acceptance by the larger peer group, ac- conflicting self-perceptions into a more coherent view of
ceptance by close friends, and acceptance by romantic part- themselves. Thus a 17-year-old boy might conclude that it is
ners (Harter, 1999). Finally, older adolescents gain the ability understandable to be relaxed and confident in most situations
to combine their differentiated self-perceptions into a more but nervous on dates if he has not had much dating experi-
integrated, coherent self-portrait. Instead of merely listing ence. He might realize that the concept of moodiness can ex-
traits, they organize their self-perceptions, including those plain being cheerful 011 some occasions but irritable on others.
that seem contradictory, into a coherent picture—a theory of Harter and Monsour believe that cognitive development—
what makes them tick. specifically the ability to compare abstract trait concepts
To illustrate the phases through which adolescents pass in and integrate them through higher-order concepts such as
coming to know and accept themselves, consider an interest- moodiness—is behind this change in self-perceptions.
ing study by Susan Harter and Ann Monsour (1992). In sum, self-understandings become more psychological,
Adolescents 13, 15, and 17 years old were asked to describe abstract, differentiated, and integrated and self-awareness in-
themselves when they are with their parents, with friends, in creases from childhood to adolescence and over the course of
romantic relationships, and in the classroom. The adolescents adolescence. At first oblivious to contradictions within the
were then asked to sort through their self-descriptions, iden- self, teenagers become painfully aware of them and, eventu-
tify any opposites or inconsistencies, and indicate which op- ally, can better integrate their various selves. Many adolescents
posites confused or upset them. even become sophisticated personality theorists who reflect
The 13-year-olds were unaware of inconsistencies within upon the workings of their own personalities and those of
themselves—and when they did detect any, they were not es- their companions.
pecially bothered by them. By age 15, students identified many
more inconsistencies and were clearly confused by them (see
Figure 11.2). One ninth-grade girl, for example, recognizing
her tendency to be happy with friends but depressed at home, Overall, self-esteem tends to decrease from childhood to early
said, CCI really think of myself as a happy person, and I want to adolescence, partly because adolescents are more knowledge-
able and realistic than children about their strengths and
weaknesses (Jacobs et ah, 2002; Robins et al., 2002) and be-
What I am like with different people
cause they move from elementary school to middle school or
responsible' rowdy junior high school and may become temporarily unsure of
serious talkative themselves (Cole et al., 2001). This dip in self-esteem affects
withdrawn cheerful
cooperative, assertive, some teens more than others. It tends to be greatest among
frustrated, ^ Wt/^ ^ outgoing white females, especially those facing multiple stressors—for
respectful sarcastic example, making the transition from elementary school to
self-conscious comfortable, middle school, coping with pubertal changes, beginning to
m •oSvv
date, and perhaps dealing with a family move all at the same
good listener
airing time (Gray-Little & Hafdahl, 2000; Simmons et al., 1987). A
shy With a
With my understanduig drop in self-esteem also tends to be especially likely among
ru>t always m* imerest best friend wx>0 adolescents who base their self-worth 011 the approval of
nervous 1 quiet others and then experience losses of approval (Harter &
m, ffffiu
Whitesell, 2003). In addition, self-esteem is affected by how
sensitive myself
WMk'% competent an adolescent's classmates are, as shown in the
WW/. S serious Explorations box on page 299.
stubborn. '•Vtf/.y. er distant
honest m defensive, Overall, adolescence is not as hazardous to the self as
short tempered,
wXffSy not open most people believe. Although some adolescents experience
open, respectful significant drops in self-esteem in early adolescence, most
at ease, admiring
emerge from this developmental period with higher self-
Figure I 1.2 The multiple selves experienced by a 15-year-old girl. esteem than they had at: the onset (Robins et al., 2002).
Can you identify any inconsistencies in her self-perceptions? Apparently, they revise their self-concepts in fairly minor ways
SOURCE: Harter (1999). as they experience the physical, cognitive, and social changes
I f the goal is high self-esteem, is it better to be a big fish in
a small pond or a small fish in a big pond? Herbert Marsh
and Kit-Tai Hau (2003) conducted an ambitious study in-
or from an unselective high school to a selective college or
university, could threaten an adolescent's self-esteem.
Indeed, gifted children moved from regular classes into
volving more than 100,000 15-year-olds in 26 countries to gifted programs sometimes suffer drops in academic self-
better understand the big-fish-little-pond effect, in concept (Marsh et al., 1995).The big-fish—little-pond effect
which, holding factors such as academic competence equal, may also explain why special education students tend to
a student's academic self-concept is likely to be more posi- have higher academic self-esteem when they are placed in
tive in an academically unselective school than in a highly se- homogeneous special education classes than when they are
lective one with many high-achieving students. Marsh and placed in regular classes with higher-achieving classmates
Hau found that individual achievement is positively related to (Marsh & Hau, 2003).This is just what you would expect if
academic self-concept, as they expected. However, they also students who have high-achieving classmates fare poorly in
found that schoolwide average achievement is negatively re- social comparisons with students whose classmates are not
lated to academic self-concept.That is, a student's academic so high achieving. Unfortunately, this means that otherwise
self-concept tends to be less positive when the average aca- desirable educational decisions such as including students
demic achievement of her classmates is high (when she is a with learning disabilities and mental retardation in the main-
smallfishin a big pond) than when school average academic stream of education may have unintended side effects, un-
achievement is low (when she is a bigfishin a small pond). dermining self-esteem and possibly future academic
The big-fish-little-pond effect suggests that making the achievement.
transition from regular classes to classes for gifted students,
C A little fish in a big pond is likely to have lower academic self-esteem than a big fish in a lit-
tle pond.
of adolescence. Assuming that they have opportunities to feel
competent in areas important to them and have the approval
and support of parents, peers, and other important people in
their lives, they are likely to feel good about themselves
(Harter, 1999).
The individual has not yet thought about or resolved The individual seems to know who she is but
identity issues and has failed to chart directions in life. has latched onto an identity prematurely
Example: "I haven't really thought much about religion, with little thought (e.g., by uncritically
and I guess I don't know what I believe exactly." becoming what parents or other authority
figures suggest she should). Example: "My
parents are Baptists, and I'm a Baptist; it's
just the way I grew up."
The individual is experiencing an identity crisis, actively The individual has resolved her identity crisis
raising questions, and seeking answers. Example: "I'm in and made commitments to particular goals,
the middle of evaluating my beliefs and hope that I'll be beliefs, and values. Example: "I really did
able to figure out what's right for me. I like many of the some soul-searching about my religion and
answers provided by my Catholic upbringing, but I've also other religions, too, and finally know what I
become skeptical about some teachings and have been believe and what I don't."
looking into Unitarianism to see if it might help me
answer my questions."
fall into the moratorium status, in which they are currently half of the 24-year-olds in Meilmans study had achieved a
experiencing a crisis or actively exploring identity issues. firm identity based on a careful weighing of alternatives (the
Presumably, entering the moratorium status is a good sign; if identity achievement status).
the individual can find answers to the questions raised, he will Is the identity formation process different for females
move to the identi ty achievement status. About 20% of the 18- than it is for males? In most respects, no (Meeus et al., 1999;
year-olds, 40% of the college students, and slightly more than Kroger, 1997). Females progress toward achieving a clear sense
80 r-
Identity achievement
70 -
Identity diffusion
H— 1
o> Foreclosure
60 -
"O . /
Z 50 - jT
CD /
-+—> 40 - / SI
30 - ./X
c 20 -
10 -
12 15 18 21 24
Fsgyre I 1.3 Percentage of subjects in each of James Marcia's four identity sta-
tuses as a function of age. Note that only 4% of the 15-year-olds and 20% of the
I 8-year-olds had achieved a stable identity.
SOJRCF: B a s e d on M a i l m a n (1979}.
T he process of identity development includes forging an
4.10 A O
4.00 Q Total
E 3.60
CO 3.50
1 3.40
CO 3.30 O
3.20 O'^hs^f:
Q' ''
- -
3.00 AO A
9-12 13-17 18-22 23-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89
F i g u r e 1 1.4 Self-esteem dips in early adolescence and rises during the adult years until it
declines in very old age. Males have higher scores than females except in childhood and late
old age.
Source: Robins et al. (2002).
D o People Retain T h e i r Rankings? years apart average about 0.60 across the five personality di-
Paul Costa, Robert McCrae, and their colleagues have mensions. Correlations of this size suggest consistency in
closely studied personality change and continuity by giving personality over time but also room for change in response
adults from their 20s to their 90s personality tests and ad- to life events (McCrae & Costa, 2003; Morizot & Le Blanc,
ministering these tests repeatedly over the years (McCrae & 2003).
Costa, 2003). Focusing on the Big Five dimensions of per- The tendency to be consistent increases with age. In a
sonality listed in Table 11.1, they have found a good deal of meta-analysis of 152 studies in which personality was assessed
stability in rankings within a group, as indicated by high cor- on two or more occasions, Brent Roberts and Wendy
relations between scores on the same trait dimensions at DelVecchio (2000) found that the average correlation between
different ages. In other words, the person who tends to be scores at two testings 6 to 7 years apart was 0.31 in infancy and
extraverted as a young adult is likely to be extraverted as an early childhood, 0.54 in the college years, 0.64 at age 30, and
elderly adult, and the introvert is likely to remain intro- 0.74 from age 50 on. Because they are still forming, personal-
verted over the years. Similarly, the adult who shows high or ities are unsettled in childhood and even in a persons teens
low levels of neuroticism, conscientiousness, agreeableness, and 20s. McCrae and Costa (2003) conclude that rankings on
or openness to new experiences is likely to retain that rank- the Big Five are stable by the time adults are in their 30s, but
ing compared with that of peers years later. Correlations be- Roberts and DelVecchio (2000) conclude that personalities
tween personality trait scores on two occasions 20 to 30 stabilize even more by age 50 or 60.
These researchers asked German adults ages 54 to 77 residents after discovering that 80% blamed physical aging
at the start of the study to rate a "typical old person" and for many of their difficulties in functioning and did not con-
to rate themselves on the same scale.The sample was then sider that the nursing home environment could be a source
studied over 8 years so that relationships between earlier of their problems. In an experiment, Rodin and Langer ex-
and later stereotyped beliefs and self-perceptions could be posed one group of nursing home residents to a new the-
assessed.The adults in this study clearly had a more positive ory highlighting environmental causes of their limitations in
view of themselves than they had of the typical old person, functioning: That they had difficulty walking, for example,
although they became more charitable in their evaluations was attributed to the nursing home floors, which were tiled
of old people as they aged. Overall, the results supported and therefore slippery for people of any age. Compared
Levy's view that aging stereotypes damage self-perceptions. with an untreated control group and a group that received
Holding negative aging stereotypes at the outset of the medical information that physical aging was not the major
study led to negative self-perceptions later, whereas early source of their difficulties, the group that learned to attrib-
self-perceptions did not affect later aging stereotypes. The ute everyday problems in functioning to the nursing home
link between negative stereotypes of old age and negative environment rather than to old age became more active,
self views was especially strong among the oldest adults in more sociable, and even more healthy.
the study, perhaps helping explain the tendency for self- Ultimately, societal-level change may be needed. Some
esteem to drop in late old age. countries (China, for example) clearly have more positive
This research points to the value of combating ageist views of old age than America does (Levy & Langer, 1994). It
stereotypes and calling attention to positive aspects of old age may be possible for our ageist society, by instituting new so-
and aging. Intervention might best begin in childhood. For ex- cial policies and programs, to reduce ageism and promote
ample, intergenerational programs in which elderly adults more positive views of aging across the life span (Braithwaite,
work with children in the schools not only help children learn 2002). Meanwhile, it seems that elderly people who can avoid
but also can improve their attitudes toward old people taking negative stereotypes of old people to heart and who
(Cummings, Williams, & Ellis, 2003). Interventions to combat can avoid blaming the difficulties they encounter on the rav-
ageism also need to be aimed at elderly people. For example, ages of old age—that is, older adults who can avoid thinking
Levy's (2003) work-suggests that activating positive stereo- like ageists—stand a good chance of feeling good about them-
types of aging before elderly people perform cognitive tasks selves.
may boost their performance, at least temporarily.
Some years ago, Judith Rodin and Ellen Langer (1980)
set out to boost the self-esteem of elderly nursing home
D o Mean Personality Scores Change? Twenge (2000) has shown that recent cohorts of children and
Do most people change systematically in common directions adults have scored higher on measures of anxiety and neu-
over the years? You may be consistently more extraverted than roticism than earlier generations did. Indeed, the average child
your best friend over the years, and yet both of you, with your living in the United States in the 1980s reported levels of anx-
peers, could become less extraverted at age 70 than you were iety higher than those reported by children receiving psychi-
at age 20. A second major meaning of continuity in personal- atric treatment in the 1950s. Possibly high crime and divorce
ity, stability in the average level of a trait, is relevant in assess- rates and other social problems are making it harder for us to
ing the truth of stereotypes of older adults—for example, that feel connected to others and safe today (Twenge, 2000).
they are more rigid, grumpy, depressed, and passive than When age-group differences appear consistently in differ-
younger adults. ent cultures undergoing different social changes at different
Early cross-sectional studies suggested that younger and times, they are not likely to be because of cohort effects.
older adults have different personalities on average. However, McCrae, Costa, and their colleagues (2000) have examined
some age-group differences have turned out to be genera- age-group differences in scores on the Big Five personality di-
tional, or cohort, differences rather than true maturational mensions in countries as diverse as Turkey, the Czech
changes. That is, people's personalities are affected by when Republic, and Japan. They find that neuroticism, extraversion
they were born and by the experiences they had in their for- (especially excitement-seeking tendencies), and openness to
mative years (Schaie & Parham, 1976). For example, Jean experience all decline modestly from adolescence to middle
sonality trait dimensions are genetically influenced, has led
McCrae and Costa (2003) to conclude that the Big Five:
• Are biologically based temperaments
• Are relatively resistant to environmental influences
° Undergo a universal process of maturational change
McCrae and Costa go on to theorize that evolution is
behind maturational changes in personality. For our ances-
tors, they argue, a good deal of extraversion and openness to
new experiences during adolescence might have proved use-
ful in exploring the environment and, in the process, finding
mates and other valued resources. For adults raising chil-
dren, a keen sense of responsibility (conscientiousness) and
helpfulness (agreeableness) may have proved more adaptive.
This may explain why extraversion, openness to experience,
and neuroticism appear to. decrease from adolescence to
middle age and why conscientiousness and agreeableness
Although they are convinced that developmental trends
in Big Five personality dimensions are universal, McCrae and
Costa acknowledge that cultural and social influences shape
the specific ways in which people adapt to their environments
€ Middle-aged adults tend to be less neurotic, extraverted, and and learn habits and attitudes. Still, these leading experts on
open to experiences but more agreeable and conscientious than adult personality conclude that personality changes lives more
adolescents. than lives change personality: "Ask not how life's experiences
change personality; ask instead how personality shapes lives
age, whereas agreeableness and conscientiousness increase and gives order, continuity, and predictability to the life
modestly over this same age range. That is, during the years course." (p. 235).
from adolescence to middle adulthood, we become less anx- Not everyone agrees with the McCrae-Costa position
ious and emotionally unstable, less outgoing, less open to new that personality is largely biologically based and firmly in
experiences, more cooperative and easy to get along with, and place by around age 30. For example, Ravenna Helson and her
more disciplined and responsible. colleagues (2002) find that mean personality scores continue
Longitudinal studies confirm some of these patterns of to change after age 30 and that societal changes such as an in-
change in the Big Five (McCrae 8c Costa, 2003). Generally, creased emphasis on individualism affect adults' personalities.
longitudinal studies point to personality growth from adoles- Even McCrae and Costa (2003) allow that some aspects of
cence to middle adulthood—for example, to increased personality are more changeable and more subject to environ-
achievement orientation and self confidence (Haan, 1981; mental influence than the Big Five personality dimensions
Jones 8c Meredith, 1996), and to increased dominance and in- are—for example, attitudes and values, social roles, relation-
dependence (Helson, Jones, 8c Kwan, 2002). The studies are ships, and self-concept.
not all consistent, however, and the age changes in personality What should you conclude, then? Most evidence points to
are not always large (McCrae 8c Costa, 2003). (1) a good deal of cross-age consistency in people's rankings
What personality changes can people expect from middle compared with other people on Big Five personality trait di-
age to old age? There are only a few signs that most people mensions such as extraversion and neuroticism but also
change in similar ways during this period. Activity level—the changes in rankings; (2) cohort effects suggesting that the his-
tendency to be energetic and action oriented, an aspect of ex- torical context in which people grow up affects their person-
traversion—begins to decline in people's 50s and continue de- ality development; (3) personality growth from adolescence to
clining through the 80s and 90s (McCrae 8c Costa, 2003). middle adulthood, or a strengthening of qualities such as
People may also become more introverted and introspective achievement orientation and changes in the Big Five suggest-
in later life (Field 8c Millsap, 1991; Leon et al., 1979). Still, ing less neuroticism, extraversion, and openness to experience
most of us will not undergo similar personality changes as but more conscientiousness and agreeableness; and (4) little
part of the aging experience. Either we will remain much the personality change from middle adulthood to later adulthood
same or we will change in response to life experiences in our except for modest decreases in activity level and increases in
own ways and at our own times (Helson, Jones, & Kwan, introversion. In short, there is both continuity and disconti-
2002). nuity in personality during adulthood, and although some as-
Evidence of similar age differences in personality in dif- pects of personality may be largely biologically based, others
ferent cultures, coupled with evidence that the Big Five per- are more environmentally influenced.
W h y D o People Change or Remain the Same? mismatch between personality and environment (or lifestyle)
Having figured out that personality exhibits both stability and prompted personality change. This message about the impor-
change over the life span, developmentalists naturally want to tance of person-environment fit is the one that has emerged
know why people stay the same and why they change. What from research on children with different temperaments.
makes a personality stable? First, heredity is at work. As we Thus, genes, lasting effects of early childhood experi-
have explained, genes contribute to individual differences in ences, stable environments, and gene-environment correla-
adult personality, including all five of the Big Five personality tions (in which people seek and experience environments
factors (Borkenau et aL, 2001; Loehlin et aL, 1998). Second, that match and reinforce earlier predispositions) all con-
lasting effects of childhood experiences may contribute; you tribute to the considerable continuity seen in adult person-
have seen, for example, that parents can either help a child ality. Change in personality becomes more likely if people s
overcome a difficult temperament or contribute to it becom- biologies or environments change considerably or if there is
ing an enduring pattern of response. Third, traits may remain a poor fit between their personalities and their lifestyles. To
stable because people's environments remain stable. Fourth, the extent that there is continuity in personality, people can
gene-environment correlations may promote continuity. That predict what they and other people will be like in the future
is, genetic endowment may influence the kinds of experiences or how they will respond to life events. For example, indi-
we have, and those experiences, in turn, may strengthen our viduals who score high on measures of neuroticism and low
genetically based predispositions (Roberts & Caspi, 2003; also on measures of extraversion are likely to experience more
see Chapter 3). Thus, an extraverfs early sociability will elicit negative and fewer positive life events than other people
friendly responses from others, and she will seek and create (Magnus et al., 1993) and to have more difficulty coping
environments to her liking—places where she can socialize with negative life events when they occur (Hoffman, Levy-
and where her initial tendency to be extraverted will be Shiff, & Malinski, 1996), whereas older adults who are ex-
strengthened. The individual genetically predisposed to be an traverted and open to experience adapt well to potential
introvert, by contrast, may avoid crowds, keep to herself, and stressors such as moving, gaining rather than losing self-
therefore remain an introverted individual, comfortable with esteem (Kling et aL, 2003).
herself and her lifestyle. In a kind of snowball effect, the con-
sequences of having one early temperament rather than an-
other will cumulate over the years (Caspi, 1998).
What, then, might cause the significant changes in per- Researchers who conclude that adults hardly change over the
sonality that some adults experience? Biological factors such as years typically study personality by administering standard-
disease could contribute. The nervous system deterioration ized personality scales. These tests were designed to assess en-
associated with Huntington's disease or Alzheimer's disease, during traits and probably reveal the most stable aspects of
for example, can cause victims to become moody, irritable, personality. Researchers who interview people in depth about
and irresponsible (McCrae & Costa, 2003). Adults also change their lives or look at aspects of personality such as perceived
in response to changes in the social environment, including ma- social acceptance and loneliness often detect considerably
jor life events (Caspi, 1998; Maiden et al, 2003). For example, more change and growth (Asendorpf & van Aken, 2003;
young adults who land good jobs after college tend to gain McCrae & Costa, 2003).
confidence, whereas those who face job insecurity and unem- This is clear in research on Eriksons theory of psychoso-
ployment in their early careers lose it (Mortimer, Finch, & cial development through the life span. Erikson s eight stages
Kumka, 1982). In this way, life events help determine whether of psychosocial development, listed in Table 11.5, will be re-
traits evident in early adulthood will persist or change, much viewed briefly here, with emphasis on their implications for
as social learning theorists claim. development during adulthood. Both maturational forces and
Finally, change is more likely when there is a poor fit be- social demands, Erikson believed, push humans everywhere
tween person and environment (Roberts & Robins, 2004). For through these eight psychosocial crises. Later conflicts may
example, Florine Livson (1976) discovered that independent prove difficult to resolve if early conflicts were not resolved
women who did not have traditionally feminine traits experi- successfully. For development to proceed optimally, a healthy
enced more personality change during midlife than tradi- balance between the terms of the conflict must be struck.
tional women who fit the stereotypically feminine roles of
wife and mother better. Bothered by the mismatch between
their personalities and their traditionally feminine roles, the During Erikson's first psychosocial conflict, trust versus mis-
nontraditional women redirected their lives in their 40s, ex- trust, infants learn to trust other people if their caregivers are
pressed their masculine sides, and experienced improvements responsive to their needs; otherwise, the balance of trust ver-
in psychological health by their 50s. Similarly, men who fit the sus mistrust will tip in the direction of mistrust. Erikson be-
traditional male role changed less over the years than nontra- lieved that infants, in resolving the psychosocial conflict of ba-
ditional men who felt cramped by this role and who, after a sic trust versus mistrust, begin to recognize that they are
crisis in their 40s, began to express their more feminine, emo- separate from the caregivers who respond to their needs.
tional sides (Livson, 1981). For both men and women, then, a Indeed, as you saw earlier in this chapter, infants begin to dis-
Table 11.5 The Eight Stages of Erikson's Psychosocial Theory
tinguish self from other (typically the mother) during the first ing a committed, long-term relationship and being "tied
2 or 3 months of life. down," or he may become overdependent on a romantic part-
Toddlers acquire an even clearer sense of themselves as ner (or possibly a close friend) as a source of identity.
individuals as they struggle with the psychosocial conflict of Does identity indeed pave the way for genuine intimacy?
autonomy versus shame and doubt. According to Erikson, To find out, Susan Whitbourne and Stephanie Tesch (1985)
they develop a sense of themselves and assert that they have measured identity status and intimacy status among college
wills of their own. Consistent with this view, toddlers recog- seniors and 24- to 27-year-old alumni from the same univer-
nize themselves in a mirror and lace their speech with "me" sity. The researchers interviewed people about their closest re-
and "no" around 18 months of age. Four- and 5-year-olds who
have achieved a sense of autonomy then enter Erikson s stage
of initiative versus guilt. They develop a sense of purpose by
devising bold plans and taking great pride in accomplishing
the goals they set. As you have seen, preschoolers define them-
selves primarily in terms of their physical activities and ac-
A sense of initiative, Erikson believed, paves the way for
success when elementary-school children face the conflict of
industry versus inferiority and focus on mastering important
cognitive and social skills. As you have seen, elementary-
school children seem intent on evaluating their competencies;
they engage in more social comparison than younger children
and are likely to acquire a sense of industry rather than one of
inferiority if those comparisons turn out favorably.
According to Erikson, children who successfully master
each of these childhood psychosocial conflicts gain new ego
strengths. Moreover, they learn a good deal about themselves
and position themselves to resolve the adolescent crisis of
identity versus role confusion, Erikson's fifth stage and a con-
cept introduced earlier in this chapter. As you have seen in
some detail, adolescence is a time for raising and answering
identity questions. But what happens to adolescents with new-
found identities during the adult years? Erikson thought that
stagelike changes in personality continue during adulthood.
Early A d u l t I n t i m a c y
As Erikson saw it, early adulthood is a time for dealing with
the psychosocial conflict of intimacy versus isolation. He the-
orized that a person must achieve a sense of individual iden-
tity before becoming able to commit himself to a shared iden-
tity with another person—that is, you must know yourself
before you can love someone else. The young adult who has C Early adulthood is the time, according to Erik Erikson, for deciding
no clear sense of self may be threatened by the idea of enter- whether t o commit t o a shared identity with another person.
lationships and placed each person in one of six intimacy sta- ence as they struggle with identity issues. Few experienced a
tuses. These included being a social isolate with no close rela- full-blown and turbulent midlife crisis, just as few had experi-
tionships, being in a shallow relationship with little commu- enced a severe identity crisis as college students. Nonetheless,
nication or involvement, being in a deep relationship but not they were growing as individuals, often becoming more caring
yet being ready to make a long-term commitment to a part- and self-aware as they entered their 50s. One of these men ex-
ner, and being in a genuinely intimate relationship that has it pressed the developmental progression Vaillant detected per-
all—involvement, open communication, and a long-term fectly: "At 20 to 30,1 think I learned how to get along with my
commitment. College graduates had progressed farther than wife. From 30 to 40,1 learned how to be a success in my job.
college seniors in resolving intimacy issues; more of them And at 40 to 50, I worried less about myself and more about
were in long-term, committed relationships. In addition, the the children" (1977, p. 195).
college graduates who had well-formed identities were more Dan McAdams and others have been studying midlife
likely than those who did not to be capable of genuine and generativity in more depth (de St. Aubin, McAdams, 8c Kim,
lasting intimacy. 2004). Their studies show that middle-aged men and women
As Erikson theorized, then, we must know ourselves be- are more likely than young adults to have achieved a sense of
fore we can truly love another person. Yet Erikson believed generativity (McAdams, Hart, 8c Mar una, 1998; Timmer,
that women resolve identity questions when they choose a Bode, 8c Dittmann-Kohli, 2003). Moreover, those adults who
mate and fashion an identity around their roles as wife and have achieved a sense of identity and intimacy are more likely
mother-to-be. Is this rather sexist view correct? Not quite. than other adults to achieve generativity, as Erikson predicted
Influenced by traditional sex-role expectations, some women (Christiansen 8c Palkovitz, 1998). Adults who score high on
resolve intimacy issues before identity issues: they marry, raise measures of generativity are caring people, committed par-
children, and only after the children are more self-sufficient ents, productive workers and mentors, and community lead-
ask who they are as individuals (Hodgson 8c Fischer, 1979). ers. Influenced by gender roles, women often express genera-
Other women with feminine gender-role orientations tackle tivity through caring for their families; men typically express
identity and intimacy issues simultaneously, perhaps forging a it through their careers and leadership roles in the community
personal identity that centers on caring for other people or (McAdams 8c Logan, 2004). In Big Five terms, generative
defining themselves in the context of a love relationship (Dylc adults tend to be agreeable, open to new experiences, and low
& Adams, 1990). in neuroticism (McAdams et al., 1998), and they are more sat-
However, still other women with more masculine gender- isfied with their lives (McAdams & Logan, 2004). Overall, re-
role orientations tend to follow the identity-before-intimacy search on generativity supports Eriksons view that both
route that characterizes men, settling on a career then think- women and men are capable of impressive psychosocial
ing about a serious relationship (Dyk & Adams, 1990). growth during middle adulthood.
Overall, then, Erikson s theory seems to fit men better than it
fits women because fewer women follow the hypothesized Old Age Integrity
identity-then-intimacy path. Sex differences in routes to iden- Elderly adults, according to Erikson, confront the psychoso-
tity and intimacy are likely to diminish, however, as more cial issue of integrity versus despair. They try to find a sense
women postpone marriage to pursue careers. of meaning in their lives that will help them face the in-
evitability of death. Most older adults, when asked what they
Midlife Generativity would do differently if they had their lives to live over, say
Does psychosocial growth continue in middle age? George there is little, if anything, they would change (Erikson,
Vaillant (1977), a psychoanalytic theorist, conducted an in- Erikson, 8c Kivnick, 1986). This suggests that most older
depth longitudinal study of mentally healthy Harvard men adults attain a sense of integrity. But how?
from college to middle age and a longitudinal study of blue- Some years ago, gerontologist Robert Butler (1963) pro-
collar workers (Vaillant, 1983; Vaillant & Milofsky, 1980). posed that elderly adults engage in a process called life review,
Vaillant found support for Eriksons view that the 20s are a in which they reflect on unresolved conflicts of the past, to
time for intimacy issues. He found that in their 30s, men come to terms with themselves, find new meaning and coher-
shifted their energies to advancing their careers and were sel- ence in their lives, and prepare for death (see Webster 8c
dom reflective or concerned about others. Finally, in their 40s, Haight, 2002). Do older adults engage in life review, and does
many men became concerned with Eriksons issue of genera- it help them achieve a healthy sense of integrity? Contrary to
tivity versus stagnation, which involves gaining the capacity stereotypes, elderly people do not spend more time dwelling
to generate or produce something that outlives you and to in the past than younger people do (Webster 8c McCall, 1999).
care about the welfare of future generations through such ac- However, whereas younger adults often reminisce to relieve
tivities as parenting, teaching, mentoring, and leading (de St boredom or to work on identity issues, older adults use their
Aubin, McAdams, 8c Kim, 2004; Slater, 2003). Vaillanfs 40- reminiscences to evaluate and integrate the pieces of their lives
something men expressed more interest in passing on some- and to prepare for death—exactly what life review is all about
thing of value, either to their own children or to younger peo- (Molmari 8c Reichlin, 1984-1985; Webster 8c McCall, 1999).
ple at work. They reflected on their lives and experienced the Elderly adults are also more likely than younger adults to fo-
kind of intellectual vitality that adolescents sometimes experi- cus on positive experiences and to emphasize the positive
from research. Although few studies have directly tested
Erikson s ideas about psychosocial development during child-
hood, his theorizing about the adolescent stage of identity ver-
sus role confusion has been tested extensively and is well sup-
ported. In addition, achieving a sense of identity in
adolescence paves the way for forming a truly intimate rela-
tionship with another person as a young adult, many middle-
aged adults go on to attain a sense of generativity, and many
older adults work toward a sense of integrity through the
process of life review.
Early adult transition 17--21 Young people make the transition from adolescence to early adulthood, try to establish
independence from parents, and explore possibilities for an adult identity. They form
the dream, a vision of their life goals.
Entering the adult world 22--28 Adults build their first life structure, often by making and testing a career choice and
by getting married. They work to succeed; find a supportive spouse, mentor, or both if
possible; and do not question their lives much.
Age 30 transition 28--33 In this period of questioning, adults ask whether their career choices and marriages are
what they want. If uncomfortable feelings arise from their questioning, they ignore
them and plug away, make small adjustments in their life structure, or plan major life
changes (e.g., a job change, a divorce, or a decision to return to school).
Settling down 33--40 This is a time for building and living a new, and often different, life structure and for
"making it," or realizing one's dream. An adult may outgrow his need for a mentor and
become his own person. As in the structure-building period of entering the adult
world, adults tend to be ambitious, task oriented, and unreflective.
Midlife transition 40--45 In this major period of questioning, Levinson believes successful adults ask whether
the dreams they formulated as young adults were worth achieving. If they have not
achieved their dreams, they face that they may never achieve them. They may make
major changes in their life structures.
an adult's life, but the basic pattern of building, questioning, tentative commitments, revising them if necessary, seeking
and rebuilding will still be evident under the surface. advancement, and establishing yourself firmly in what you
According to Levinson, the transition period from age 40 hope is a suitable occupation. Using data from a longitudinal
to age 45 is an especially significant time developmentally, a study of males tracked from adolescence to age 36 (see Super,
time of midlife crisis—of a person questioning his entire life Savickas, & Super, 1996), Susan Phillips (1982) examined
structure and raising unsettling issues about where he has been whether men's decisions about jobs at different ages were ten-
and where he is heading. Most middle-aged men Levinson tative and exploratory (for example, "to see if I really liked that
studied did not seek divorces, quit their jobs, buy red sports kind of work") or more final (for example, "to get started in a
cars, or behave like lovesick adolescents, as popular images of field I wanted [to enter]"). The proportions of decisions that
the midlife crisis would have it. However, Levinson character- were predominantly exploratory were 80% at age 21, 50% at
ized 80% of the men in his study as having experienced a bona age 25, and 37% at age 36. From age 21 to age 36, then, young
fide crisis—a period of intense inner struggles and disturbing adults progressed from wide-open exploration of different ca-
realizations—in their early 40s. And, in his in-depth study of 45 reer possibilities to tentative or trial commitments to a stabi-
women between age 35 and age 45, Levinson (1996) concluded lization of their choices. Even in their mid-30s, however, about
that women experience significant crises during both the age 30 a third of adults were still exploring what they wanted to be
transition (28 to 33) and the midlife transition (40 to 45) often when they grew up. The average man held seven full-time jobs
centered on the balancing of career and family. or training positions between age 18 and age 36 (Phillips,
Many researchers agree that middle age is a time when 1982). The picture for women is similar (Jenkins, 1989).
many important issues arise and when some men and women After their relatively unsettled 20s and decision-making
perceive themselves to be engaged in a painful self-evaluation 30s, adults often reach the peaks of their careers in their 40s
process (Hermans & Oles, 1999; Rosenberg, Rosenberg, & (Simonton, 1990). They often have major responsibilities and
Farrell, 1999). Still, there is not much support for Levinsons define themselves in terms of their work. Personality is an im-
claim that most adults experience a genuine "crisis" in their portant influence on how it goes. For example, aggressive boys
early 40s. Although many middle-aged adults evaluate their tend to become poorly adjusted adolescents and then men
lives, only a minority experience a painful upheaval that could with unstable careers and long stretches of unemployment
be called a crisis (Hedlund & Ebersole, 1983; Vaillant, 1977). (Margit et al., 2003; Roenkae & Pulkkinen, 1995). By contrast,
What is more, people question their lives at a variety of ages adults who score high in conscientiousness and extraversion
rather than only in their early 40s and often do so in response and low in neuroticism tend to achieve more vocational suc-
to specific life events such as a heart attack or a divorce. cess and are more satisfied with their jobs than other workers
If a stage of midlife crisis in the early 40s was widespread, (Bajor & Baltes, 2003; Seibert & ICraimer, 2001). Person-
researchers might expect men and women to experience sig- environment fit can be critical, too: people tend to become
nificant personality changes at midlife or to show signs of dissatisfied and open to changing jobs when the fit between
emotional disturbance, decreasing well-being, or dissatisfac- their personality and aptitudes and the demands of their job
tion with their job. This does not seem to be the case (Charles, is poor (Bretz & Judge, 1994).
Reynolds, & Gatz, 2001; McCrae & Costa, 2003; Warr, 1992). Gender is another significant influence on vocational de-
In sum, Levinson may have overestimated the extent to which velopment. Although women are entering a much wider range
midlife crisis occurs. It would seem more appropriate to call of fields today than they were a few decades ago, most secre-
the phenomenon midlife questioning, to recognize that it can taries, teachers, and nurses are still women. Partly because
occur in response to life events at a variety of ages, and to ap- they are clustered in traditionally feminine-stereotyped occu-
preciate that it is usually not a true psychological crisis. pations, U.S. women earn about 80 cents for every dollar men
earn (Associated Press, 2003). Why the gap? It is probably
caused by a combination of the influence of gender-role
norms on the choices women make in their careers and of dis-
Although Levinsons concept of midlife crisis is not well sup- crimination in the workplace.
ported, he was right to emphasize that adults revise important Gender-role norms have prompted many women to sub-
life decisions as they develop. To illustrate, consider vocational ordinate career goals to family goals. Women often interrupt
development during adulthood, a reflection of personality and their careers, drop down to part-time work, or take less-
self-concept (Judge & Bono, 2001). After much experimenting demanding jobs so that they can bear and raise children
in early adulthood, people settle into chosen occupations, ideally (Moen, 1992). In the process, they hurt their chances of rising
ones that suit their self-concepts and personalities, in their 30s to high-paid, more responsible positions. Meanwhile, the
and strive for success. Ultimately, they prepare for the end of women who make it to the top of the career ladder, especially
their careers, make the transition into retirement, and attempt to in male-dominated fields, sometimes achieve this success by
establish a satisfying lifestyle during their "golden years." remaining single, divorcing, or limiting their childbearing
(Jenkins, 1989). Overall, women without children achieve
Establishing a C a r e e r more in their careers than women with children (Carr et al.,
Much as Levinson discovered, early adulthood is a time for ex- 1998; Wilson, 2003). Each additional child reduces a woman's
ploring vocational possibilities, launching careers, making earnings further (Avellar & Smock, 2003).
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o >
The second factor limiting women's vocational develop- ter they have retired. Second, many older workers have accu-
ment, discrimination, is evidenced by the following: mulated a good deal of on-the-job expertise that helps them
• Traditionally "female" jobs pay less than "male" jobs continue to perform well (Hansson et al., 1997). Finally, the
even when the intellectual demands of the work are similar answer may lie in the strategies that aging adults use to cope
(England, Reid, & Kilbourne, 1996). with aging. Gerontologists Paul and Margaret Baltes (1990)
° Women who enter jobs with the same management de- have theorized that older people can best cope with aging
grees and salaries as men, and receive equal performance rat- through a strategy they call selective optimization with com-
ings, still do not rise as far in the organization or earn as much pensation (Baltes & Baltes, 1990; Baltes & Freund, 2003).
as men (Cox & Harquail, 1991). Three processes are involved: selection (focus on the skills the
• Women earn about 20% less than men even when re- person most needs and wants to keep sharp), optimization
searchers control for women typically working less, stepping (practice of those skills to keep them sharp), and compensa-
out of the work force more, and entering lower-paying occu- tion (development of ways to get around the need for other
pations more often than men do (Associated Press, 2003). skills). Using selective optimization with compensation, an
Thus, although we make preliminary vocational choices overworked 60-year-old lawyer might, for example, avoid
as adolescents, we remain open to making new choices as spreading herself too thin by delegating lower-priority tasks to
young adults and take some time to settle on careers that fit younger workers (selection), putting a lot of time into staying
our personalities and gender roles. Vocational experiences af- up-to-date in her main area of specialization (optimization),
fect personality development and adjustment. For example, and making up for her failing memory by taking more notes
people whose work is complex and intellectually challenging at meetings (compensation).
grow as a result of the intellectual stimulation they receive on
the job, becoming more able to handle intellectual problems
adeptly, more self-confident, and even more tolerant of other
people (Kohn & Schooler, 1982; Schooler, Mulatu, & Oates,
T h e Aging W o r k e r
Many people believe that adults become less able or less moti-
vated to perform well on the job as they approach retirement.
As it turns out, the job performance of workers in their 50s
and 60s is similar overall to that of younger workers (Avolio &
Sosik, 1999; Hansson et al., 1997). Not only are older workers
generally as competent as younger workers, but they tend to
be more satisfied with their jobs, more involved in their work,
and less interested in finding new jobs than younger workers
are (Rhodes, 1983).
Why is the performance of older workers not hurt by
some of the age-related physical and cognitive declines de- <[ Older workers generally perform as well as younger ones, possibly
scribed in this book? First, these declines typically do not be- because they use selective optimization with compensation to cope
come significant until people are in their 70s and 80s, long af- with aging.
In a study of this coping strategy (Abraham 8c Hansson, abound in our society; the retiree supposedly ends up feeling
1995), workers age 40 to age 69 completed scales measuring useless, old, bored, sicldy, and dissatisfied with life. Yet re-
their reliance on selection, optimization, and compensation search shows that retirement has few effects on adults (Gall et
strategies. Among older adults in the sample, especially those al, 1997; Hansson et al., 1997; Palmore et al, 1985).
with highly stressful jobs, heavy reliance on selective opti- Retirement's most consistent effect is to reduce the individ-
mization with compensation helped workers maintain a high ual's income—on average, to about three-fourths of what it
level of performance and achieve their goals at work. The fed- was before retirement (Palmore et al., 1985). Retired people
eral government seems to have recognized that older workers generally do not experience a decline in health simply because
are typically effective workers. It has raised or eliminated they retire. Poor health more often causes retirement than re-
mandatory retirement ages, increased the age of eligibility for tirement causes poor health. Retirees' activity patterns and so-
receiving Social Security, and, through the Age Discrimination cial lives do not change much either (Palmore et al., 1985).
in Employment Act, protected older workers from age dis- Retirement typically has no noticeable effect on the size of
crimination in hiring and retention (Hansson et al., 1997). people's social networks, the frequency of their social con-
tacts, or their satisfaction with the social support they receive.
Retirement Finally, retirement does not seem to disrupt marriages or re-
A century ago, most adults continued working as long as they duce life satisfaction or mental health.
were able. As late as 1930, more than half of all men age 65 or Overall, then, retirees are likely to experience an adjust-
older were still working (Palmore et al., 1985). The introduc- ment process involving preretirement then honeymoon, dis-
tion of Social Security in 1934, affluence, and increased avail- enchantment, and reorientation phases. They end up adapting
ability of private pension plans has changed that, making it fi- successfully to retirement and to the drop in income that it
nancially possible for more men and women to retire and to typically involves. Yet there are huge individual differences in
do so earlier. In 1960, for example, 78% of men age 60 to age adjustment. What makes for a favorable adjustment? Adults
64 were still in the labor force; by 2000, only 55% were who retire voluntarily rather than involuntarily, enjoy good
(Samuelson, 2002). health, have the financial resources to live comfortably, and
How do people adjust to the final chapter of the work life are married or otherwise have strong social support typically
cycle? Robert Atchley (1976) proposed that adults" progress fare better than those forced to retire because of poor health
through a series of phases as they make die transition from or those who find themselves with inadequate incomes and
worker to retiree. The process of adjustment begins with a pre- few social ties (Gall et al., 1997; Palmore et al., 1985; Szinovacz
retirement phase in which workers nearing retirement gather & Ekerdt, 1995).
information, talk about retirement, and plan for the future
(Ekerdt, Kosloski, 8c DeViney, 2000). Deciding when to retire
is an important part of the process. Some workers are forced
to retire early because of poor health or because they are What makes not only for a successful transition to retirement
pushed out of their jobs, but others choose to retire early be- but also, more generally, for a happy and fulfilling old age?
cause they have enough money to do so, do not feel attached Theories of successful aging have been offered to answer that
to their jobs, or simply like the idea (Beehr et al., 2000; question. Activity theory holds that aging adults will find
Hansson et al., 1997). their lives satisfying to the extent that they can maintain their
Just after they retire, workers often experience a honey- previous lifestyles and activity levels, either by continuing old
moon phase in which they relish their newfound freedom— activities or by finding substitutes—for example, by replacing
perhaps they head for the beach, golf course, or camping work with hobbies, volunteer work, or other stimulating pur-
grounds and do all the projects they never had time to do suits (Havighurst, Neugarten, & Tobin, 1968; Fry, 1992).
while they worked. Then, according to Atchley, many enter a According to this theory, psychological needs do not really
disenchantment phase as the novelty wears off; they feel aim- change as people enter old age: most aging individuals con-
less and sometimes unhappy. Finally, they move to a reorien- tinue to want an active lifestyle.
tation phase in which they begin to put together a realistic and By contrast, disengagement theory says that successful
satisfying lifestyle. Research supports this view. For example, aging involves a withdrawal of the aging individual from soci-
David Ekerdt and his colleagues (Ekerdt, Bosse, 8c Levkoff, ety that is satisfying to both (Cumming & Henry, 1961;
1985) found that (1) men who had been retired only a few Achenbaum 8c Bengtson, 1994). The aging individual is said to
months were in a honeymoon period in which they were have needs different from those he once had and to seek to
highly satisfied with life and optimistic about the future, (2) leave old roles behind and reduce activity. Meanwhile, society
men who had been retired 13 to 18 months were rather disen- both encourages and benefits from the older person's disen-
chanted, and (3) men who had been retired for longer periods gagement.
were relatively satisfied (see also Gall, Evans, & Howard, Which is it? Throughout this text, you have seen evidence
1997). that individuals who remain active in old age benefit from
Clearly retirement takes some getting used to. After re- their activity. Those who are physically active maintain their
tirees have adjusted, however, are they worse off than they health longer (see Chapter 5), those who are intellectually ac-
were before they retired? Negative images of the retired person tive maintain their cognitive functions longer (see Chapter 9),
€ Many older adults subscribe to the activity theory of aging, attempting to find substitutes
for lost roles and activities. Others find happiness through disengagement and prefer to sit
and watch.
and those who remain involved in meaningful social relation- theorists assume that most people will be best off if they dis-
ships are likely to be more satisfied with their lives (see engage. In fact, an energetic and outgoing person may want to
Chapter 14). In other words, there is more support for activ- maintain her active lifestyle in old age, whereas a person who
ity theory than for disengagement theory. always found work to be a hassle may like nothing better than
But before you conclude that activity theory explains all to sit in a rocking chair and might be miserable if forced to
you need to know about successful aging, add three qualifica- continue working or to participate in a retirement commu-
tions. First, the relationship between level of activity and life nity's sing-alongs, dances, and skits.
satisfaction or well-being is surprisingly weak (Fry, 1992). Still other older adults may find satisfaction in maintaining
Apparently, many inactive individuals are nonetheless satisfied a few highly important roles, relationships, and personally
with their lives, and many busy individuals are nonetheless mis- meaningful projects but selectively withdrawing from others
erable. This suggests that quality of activity is probably more (Turk-Charles 8c Carstensen, 1999; Law ton et al., 2002). That, is,
important than its quantity (Pinquart Sc Sorensen, 2000). selective optimization with compensation, which as you saw
Second, some messages of disengagement theory have helps aging workers maintain good job performance, may also
merit (Achenbaum 8c Bengtson, 1994). As you saw earlier in this work as a strategy for maintaining a sense of well-being in old
chapter, for example, older adults sometimes become more in- age (Freund 8c Baltes, 1998; Baltes 8c Carstensen, 2003). By se-
trospective than they were earlier in life. This sort of psycholog- lecting a few priority areas, optimizing competencies in those
ical withdrawal could be viewed as a form of disengagement. areas, and compensating for performance declines in other ar-
Moreover, most older people today withdraw voluntarily from eas, older adults can continue to feel good about themselves and
certain roles and activities. Most retire, for example, and society their lives. In short, you cannot assume, as both activity theory
generally supports the concept of their doing so. and disengagement theory do, that what suits one suits all.
But third, neither activity theory nor disengagement the- Rather, you should again adopt an interactional model of de-
ory adequately allows that the personality traits people carry velopment that emphasizes the goodness of fit between person
with them from childhood influence their well-being in old and environment. In the next chapter, we explore some fasci-
age. Generally, for example, people who are highly extraverted nating interactions between biology and environment that con-
and conscientious and score low in neuroticism have a greater tribute to differences between males and females.
sense of well-being than other adults (Siegler & Brummett,
2000). Even more important, a good fit between the individ-
S u m m i n g Up
ual's lifestyle and the individual's needs, preferences, and per-
sonality may be the real secret to successful aging (Fry, 1992; People of different ages describe themselves in largely
Seleen, 1982). Activity theorists assume that most people will similar ways, and older adults are generally able to main-
benefit from maintaining an active lifestyle; disengagement tain self-esteem by closing the gap between the ideal and
the real self, altering goals and standards, and comparing generativity, and integrity in adulthood. Levinson's stage
themselves with other aging people until self-esteem theory of adult development, featuring a midlife crisis in
drops for some in late old age.There is both continuity the person's 40s, is only partly supported, although adults
and discontinuity in personality; individual rankings on Big do evaluate their lives and make changes at various times.
Five dimensions stay stable after 30, but mean scores shift In support of Levinson, adults engage in much career ex-
toward less neuroticism, extraversion, and openness t o ploration before they settle down in their 30s and
experience—and more agreeableness and conscien- achieve peak vocational success in their 40s. Personality
tiousness—from adolescence t o middle age. Few sys- and gender play a role in vocational development, and
tematic changes occur from middle age to old age ex- older workers remain productive and satisfied, perhaps
cept for a decrease in activity level and an increase in partly through the use of the coping device of selective
introversion. Stability may be caused by genes, early ex- optimization with compensation.
perience, stable environments, and gene-environment Retiring workers experience preretirement, honey-
correlations; change may be caused by biological or envi- moon, disenchantment, and reorientation phases and
ronmental changes and a poor person-environment f i t typically experience a drop in income but little change in
Erikson's theory of psychosocial development is sup- health or psychological well-being. More generally, neither
ported by evidence that resolution of conflicts centering activity theory nor disengagement theory explains suc-
on trust, autonomy, initiative, and industry pave the way cessful aging because a good fit between lifestyle and
for identity achievement in adolescence and for intimacy, personality is important I I
Psychology!! ftawTM
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C H A P T E R tI w
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Summing Up
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study emphasized the role of nurture in Chris's development, normal females), or if a male fetus's cells are insensitive to the
expecting her to be influenced by the masculinizing environ- male sex hormones he produces, female external genitalia
ment in which she was raised. Where do you come down in (labia and cli toris) will form.
this debate, and why? 4. The relative amount of testosterone alters the develop-
Several theories about the development of gender roles ment of the brain and nervous system. For example, it signals
have been proposed. Some theories emphasize die role of bio- the male brain to stop secreting hormones in a cyclical pattern
logical differences between the sexes, whereas others empha- so that males do not experience menstrual cycles at puberty.
size social influences on children. Some emphasize what soci- Thus, fertilized eggs have the potential to acquire the
ety does to children; others focus on what children do to anatomical and physiological features of either sex. Events at
themselves as they try to understand gender and all its impli- each critical step in the sexual differentiation process deter-
cations. Briefly examine a biologically oriented theory then mine the outcome.
consider the more "social" approaches offered by psychoana- Once a biological male or female is born, social labeling
lytic theory, social learning theory cognitive developmental and differential treatment of girls and boys interact with bio-
theory, and gender schema theory. logical factors to steer development. Parents and other people
label and begin to react to children on the basis of the appear-
Biosocial Theory ance of their genitalia. If children's genitals are abnormal and
The biosocial theory of gender-role development proposed by they are mislabeled as members of the other sex, this incorrect
John Money and Alike Ehrhardt (1972) calls attention to the label will affect their future development. For example, if a bi-
ways in which biological events influence the development of ological male were consistently labeled and treated as a girl, he
boys and girls. But it also focuses on ways in which early bio- would, by about age 3, acquire the gender identity of a girl.
logical developments influence how people react to a child Finally, biological factors reenter the scene at puberty when
and suggests that these social reactions have much to do with large quantities of hormones are released, stimulating the
children's assuming gender roles. growth of the reproductive system and the appearance of sec-
ondary sex characteristics. These events, with a person's earlier
Chromosomes, Hormones, and Social Labeling. Money and self-concept as a male or female, provide the basis for adult
Ehrhardt stress that the male (XY) or female (XX) chromo- gender identity and role behavior. The complex series of crit-
somes most of us receive at conception are merely a starting ical points in biological maturation and social reactions to bi-
point in biological differentiation of the sexes. Several critical ological changes that Money and Ehrhardt (1972) propose is
events affect a person's eventual preference for the masculine diagrammed in Figure 12.3. But how much is nature, and how
or feminine role (see also Breedlove, 1994): much is nurture?
1. If certain genes on the Y chromosome are present, a
previously undifferentiated tissue develops into testes as the Evidence of Biological Influences. Much evidence suggests
embryo develops; otherwise, it develops into ovaries. that biological factors influence the development of males
2. The testes of a male embryo normally secrete more of and females in many species of animals (Breedlove, 1994).
the male hormone testosterone, which stimulates the develop- Evolutionary psychologists notice that most societies socialize
ment of a male internal reproductive system, and another males to have agentic traits and females to have communal
hormone that inhibits the development of female organs. ones; they conclude that traditional gender roles may be a re-
Without these hormones, the internal reproductive system of flection of species heredity (Archer, 1996; Buss, 1995). In addi-
a female will develop from the same tissues. tion, individual differences in masculinity and femininity may
3. Three to four months after conception, secretion of be partly genetic. Twin studies suggest that individual heredity
additional testosterone by the testes normally leads to the accounts for 20 to 50% of the variation in the extent to which
growth of a penis and scrotum. If testosterone is absent (as in people describe themselves as having masculine and feminine
Reactions of
other people
to the child's
of male or
F i g u r e 12.3 Critical events in John Money and Anke Ehrhardt's biosocial theory of gender
SOURCE: Money & Ehrhardt (19721.
psychological traits (Loehlin, 1992; Mitchell, Baker, 8c Jacklin, In addition, male exposure to testosterone and other
1989). In other words, experience does not explain everything. male hormones may be part of the reason males are more
Biological influences on development are also evident in likely than females to commit violent acts (Rubinow 8c
studies of children exposed to the "wrong" hormones prena- Schmidt, 1996). Evidence from experiments conducted with
tally (Ehrhardt 8c Baker, 1974; Money 8c Ehrhardt, 1972; see animals is quite convincing. For example, female rhesus
also Gandelman, 1992). Before the consequences were known, monkeys exposed prenatally to the male hormone testos-
some mothers who previously had problems carrying preg- terone often threaten other monkeys, engage in rough-and-
nancies to term were given drugs containing progestins, which tumble play, and try to "mount" a partner as males do at the
are converted by the body into the male hormone testosterone. beginning of a sexual encounter (Young, Gov, 8c Phoenix,
These drugs had the effect of masculinizing female fetuses so 1964; Wallen, 1996). Men with high testosterone levels tend
that, despite their XX genetic endowment and female internal to have high rates of delinquency, drug abuse, abusiveness,
organs, they were born with external organs that resembled and violence, although nature interacts with nurture so that
those of a boy (for example, a large clitoris that looked like a these links between testosterone and antisocial behavior are
penis and fused labia that resembled a scrotum). Several of not nearly as evident among men high in socioeconomic sta-
these androgenized females (girls exposed to excess andro- tus as among men low in socioeconomic status (Dabbs 8c
gens) were recognized as genetic females, underwent surgery to Morris, 1990).
alter their genitals, and were then raised as girls. When Money Because testosterone levels rise as a result of aggressive
and Ehrhardt compared them with their sisters and other girls, and competitive activities, it has been difficult to establish un-
it became apparent that many more androgenized girls were ambiguously that high concentrations of male hormones
tomboys and preferred boys' toys and vigorous activities to tra- cause aggressive behavior in humans (Archer, 1991). Still, an-
ditionally feminine pursuits (see also Meyer-Bahlburg et al., imal studies show that early experiences can alter the develop-
2004). As adolescents, they began dating somewhat later than ing nervous systems of males and females and, in turn, their
other girls and felt that marriage should be delayed until they behavior (Breedlove, 1994). Much evidence suggests that pre-
had established their careers. A high proportion (37%) de- natal exposure to male or female hormones has lasting effects
scribed themselves as homosexual or bisexual (Money, 1985; on the organization of the brain and, in turn, on sexual be-
see also Dittman, Kappes, 8c Kappes, 1992). Androgenized fe- havior, aggression, cognitive abilities, and other aspects of de-
males also perform better than most other females on tests of velopment (Rubinow 8c Schmidt, 1996). Yet biology does not
spatial ability, further evidence that early exposure to male dictate gender-role development. Instead, gender-role devel-
hormones has "masculinizing" effects on a female fetus opment evolves from the complex interaction of biology, so-
(Kimura, 1992; Resnick et al., 1986). cial experience, and the individual's behavior.
W hen biological sex and social labeling conflict, which
wins out? Consider the unfortunate case of a male
identical twin whose penis was damaged beyond repair during
a botched circumcision (Money & Tucker, 1975). On the advice
of Dr. John Money, the parents agreed to a surgical procedure
that removed what was left of the damaged penis and altered
their 21-month-old boy's external genitals to appear feminine.
From then on, they treated him like a girl. By age 5, this boy-
turned-girl was reportedly different from her genetically iden-
tical brother. According to Money and the team in charge of
her treatment, she clearly knew she was a girl; had developed
strong preferences for feminine toys, activities, and apparel;
and was far neater and daintier than her brother.This, then, is
a vivid demonstration that the most decisive influence on gen-
der-role development is how a child is labeled and treated
during the critical period for such development. Or is it?
Milton Diamond and H.Keith Sigmundson (1997) followed
up on this "John" turned "Joan" and found that the story had
a twist ending (see also Colapinto, 1997; 2000). Joan was never
comfortable with doll play and other traditionally feminine
pursuits; she preferred to dress up in men's clothing, play with
her twin brother's toys, and take things apart to see how they
worked. She used the jumping rope she was given to whip
people and tie them up; she was miserable when she was
forced to become a Girl Scout rather than a Boy Scout and
make daisy chains (Colapinto, 1997). Somewhere around age
10, she had the distinct feeling that she was not a girl:"l began
€ John-Joan-John
to see how different I felt and was ... I thought I was a freak
or something ... but I didn't want to admit it. I figured I didn't any longer. When finally told that she was a chromosomal
want to wind up opening a can of worms" (Colapinto, 2000, male, Joan was relieved: "Suddenly it all made sense why I felt
pp. 299-300). Being rejected by other children because of her the way I did. I wasn't some sort of weirdo" (Colapinto, 1997,
masculine looks and feminine dress and being called "cave- p. 92). She then received male hormone shots, a double mas-
woman" and "gorilla" also took their toll, as did continued tectomy, and surgery to construct a penis and emerged as a
pressure from psychiatrists to behave in a more feminine man- nice young man who eventually dated girls, married at age 25,
ner. Finally, at age 14 and after years of inner turmoil and sui- and appears to be comfortable with his hard-won identity as
cidal thinking, Joan had had it and simply refused to take the John. He now speaks out against the sex reassignment treat-
female hormones prescribed for her and pretend to be a girl ment that has long been applied to infants with injured or am-
Evider&ce of Social-Labeling Influences. We must also take culine gender typing and had already labeled themselves as
seriously the social aspect of Money and Ehrhardt s biosocial boys. These findings led Money and Ehrhardt to conclude that
theory. How a child is labeled and treated can considerably af- there is a critical period (between 18 months and 3 years) for
fect gender development. For instance, some androgenized fe- the establishment of gender identity when the label society at-
males were labeled as bovs at birth and raised as such until
taches to the child is likely to stick. Yet some studies in which
their abnormalities were detected. Money and Ehrhardt infants are presented to some people as boys but to others as
(1972) report that the discovery and correction of this condi- girls indicate that labeling has little effect on how people per-
tion (by surgery and relabeling as a girl) caused few adjust- ceive and treat these infants (Stern & Karraker, 1989). And, as
ment problems if the sex change took place before 18 months. the Explorations box on this page shows, biological males who
After age 3, sexual reassignment was exceedingly difficult be- are labeled as girls during the so-called critical period some-
cause these genetic females had experienced prolonged mas- times adopt a male gender identity later in life despite their
j/: \.,ijv;y£ • ?•;•:• ' j internal conflict and anxiety as a result of this incestuous de-
. :''•• :'.';•'• ••v;: '.: :V-'•:•::•>•'•'-. ••
sire, and resolve the conflict through a process of identifica-
tion with the same-sex parent. According to Freud, a boy ex-
periencing his Oedipus complex loves his mother, fears that
his father will retaliate by castrating him, and is forced to
f identify with his father, thereby emulating his father and
adopting his father's attitudes and behaviors. Freud believed
biguous genitals (Colapinto, 1997). This case study shows that a boy would show weak masculinity later in life if his fa-
that we should back off from the conclusion that social ther was inadequate as a masculine model, was often absent
learning is all that matters. Apparently biology matters, too. from the home, or was not dominant or threatening enough
A second source of evidence that biology matters is a to foster a strong identification based on fear.
study of 18 biological males in the Dominican Republic who Meanwhile, a preschool-age girl is said to experience an
had a genetic condition that made their cells insensitive to Electra complex involving a desire for her father (and envy of
the effects of male hormones (Imperato-McGinley et al., him for the penis she lacks) and a rivalry with her mother. To
1979; see also Herdt & Davidson, 1988).They had begun life resolve her unconscious conflict, she identifies with her
with ambiguous genitals, were mistaken for girls, and so
mother. Her father also contributes to gender-role develop-
were labeled and raised as girls. However, under the influ-
ment by reinforcing her for "feminine" behavior resembling
ence of male hormones produced at puberty, they sprouted
that of her mother. Thus, Freud emphasized the role of emo-
beards and became entirely masculine in appearance. How,
tions (love, fear, and so on) in motivating gender-role devel-
in light of Money and Ehrhardt's critical-period hypothesis,
could a person possibly adjust to becoming a man after opment and argued that children adopt their roles by pattern-
leading an entire childhood as a girl? ing themselves after their same-sex parents.
Amazingly, 16 of these 18 individuals seemed able to ac- We can applaud Freud for identifying the preschool years
cept their late conversion from female to male and to adopt as a critical time for gender-role development. In addition, his
masculine lifestyles, including the establishment of hetero- view that boys, because of fear of castration, have a more pow-
sexual relationships. One retained a female identity and gen- erful motivation than girls to adopt their gender role is con-
der role, and the remaining individual switched to a male sistent with the finding that boys seem to learn gender stereo-
gender identity but still dressed as a female.This study also types and gender-typed behaviors faster and more completely
casts doubt on the notion that socialization during the first than girls do. It is also true that boys whose fathers are absent
3 years is critical to later gender-role development. Instead, from the home tend to be less traditionally sex-typed than
it suggests that hormonal influences may be more important other boys (Stevenson & Black, 1988). Finally, Freud's notion
than social influences. It is possible, however, that Dominican that fathers play an important role in the gender typing of
adults, knowing that'this genetic disorder was common in their daughters and of their sons has been confirmed (Parke,
their society, treated these girls-turned-boys differently from 1996).
other girls when they were young or that these youngsters On other counts, however, psychoanalytic theory has not
recognized on their own that their genitals were not normal fared well. Many preschool children are so ignorant of male
(Ehrhardt, 1985). As a result, these "girls" may never have
and female anatomy that it is hard to see how most boys could
fully committed themselves to being girls.
fear castration or most girls could experience penis envy
What studies such as these of individuals with genital (Bern, 1989). Moreover, Freud assumed that a boy's identifica-
abnormalities appear to teach us is this:We are predisposed
tion with his father is based on fear, but most researchers find
by our biology to develop as males or females; the first 3
that boys identify most strongly with fathers who are warm
years of life are a sensitive period perhaps, but not a critical
and nurturant rather than overly punitive and threatening
period, for gender-role development; and both biology and
(Hetherington & Frankie, 1967; Mussen & Rutherford, 1963).
social labeling contribute to gender-role development.
Finally, children are not especially similar psychologically to
their same-sex parents (Maccoby & Jacklin, 1974). Apparently,
other individuals besides parents influence a child's gender-
related characteristics. It seems we must look elsewhere for
early labeling and socialization, suggesting that we should re- more complete explanations of gender-role development.
fer to a sensitive rather than a critical period. Once again,
then, we see both nature and nurture at work in development.
Therefore Avoid;
For whom?
Truck For boys /
(I'm a girl)
Own-sex schema
For whom?
Doll >~ For girls
Therefore gather
For me information;
F i g u r e \2A Gender schema theory in action. A young girl classifies new information ac-
cording t o an in-group-out-group schema as either "for boys" or "for girls" Information about
boys' toys and activities is ignored, but information about toys and activities for girls is relevant
to the self and is added to an ever-larger own-sex schema.
SOURCE: Adapted from Martin & Halverson <1987).
4- to 9-year-olds were given boxes of gender-neutral objects mined to learn their gender roles and pay special attention to
(hole punches, burglar alarms, and so on) and were told that same-sex models. Parents who want to avoid socializing their
some objects wTere "girl" items and some were "boy" items children into traditional gender roles are often amazed to see
(Bradbard et al, 1986). Boys explored boy items more than their children turn into traditional girls and boys on their
girls did, and girls explored girl items more than boys did. A own.
week later, the children easily recalled which items were for In short, children have a male or female biological en-
boys and which were for girls; they had apparently sorted the dowment that helps guide their development, are influenced
objects according to their in-group-out-group schemata. In by other people from birth on to become "real boys" or "real
addition, boys recalled more in-depth information about boy girls " and actively socialize themselves to behave in ways that
items than did girls, whereas girls recalled more than boys seem consistent with their understandings that they are either
about these same objects if they had been labeled girl items. If boys or girls (see Table 12.2). Most developmentalists today
children's information-gathering efforts are guided by their would agree that what children learn regarding how to be
own-sex schemata in this way, you can easily see how boys and male or female depends on an interaction between biological
girls might acquire different stores of knowledge as they factors and social influences. Thus, we must respect the role of
develop. genes and hormones in gender-role development but also
Once gender schemata are in place, children will distort view this process from a contextual perspective and appreciate
new information in memory so that it is consistent with their that the patterns of male and female development that we ob-
schemata (Liben 8c Signorella, 1993; Martin 8c ITalverson, serve in society today are not inevitable. In another era, in an-
1983). For example, Martin and Halverson (1983) showed 5- other culture, the process of gender-role socialization could
and 6-year-olds pictures of children performing gender- produce different kinds of boys and girls.
consistent activities (for example, a boy playing with a truck)
and pictures of children performing gender-inconsistent activ- S u m m i n g Up
ities (for example, a girl sawing wood). A week later, the
T h e o r i e s o f gender-role d e v e l o p m e n t include t h e bioso-
children easily recalled the sex of the actor performing gender-
cial t h e o r y p r o p o s e d by M o n e y and Ehrhardt, which e m -
consistent activities; when an actor expressed gender-inconsis-
phasizes prenatal biological d e v e l o p m e n t s and stresses
tent behavior, however, children often distorted the scene to re-
t h e i m p o r t a n c e o f h o w a child is labeled and t r e a t e d dur-
veal gender-consistent behavior (for example, by saying that it
ing a critical period f o r g e n d e r identity information. From
was a boy, not a girl, who had sawed wood). This research gives
Freud's psychoanalytic perspective, gender-role develop-
some insight into why inaccurate gender stereotypes persist.
m e n t results from t h e child's identification with t h e s a m e -
The child who believes that women cannot be doctors may be
s e x p a r e n t Social learning theorists focus on differential
introduced to a female doctor but is likely to remember meet-
r e i n f o r c e m e n t and observational learning. Cognitive per-
ing a nurse and may insist that women cannot be doctors.
spectives emphasize understanding o f g e n d e r and active
self-socialization: Kohlbergs cognitive developmental t h e -
An Attempt at Integration o r y emphasizes that children m a s t e r g e n d e r roles o n c e
t h e y m a s t e r t h e c o n c e p t s o f g e n d e r identity, g e n d e r sta-
The biosocial, social learning, and cognitive perspectives all
bility, and g e n d e r consistency. G e n d e r s c h e m a theory
contribute to our understanding of sex differences and
holds that children socialize t h e m s e l v e s as s o o n as t h e y
gender-role development. The biosocial model offered by
have a basic g e n d e r identity and can c o n s t r u c t g e n d e r
Money and Ehrhardt notes the importance of biological de-
schemata. Each t h e o r y has s o m e support, but n o n e is
velopments that influence how people label and treat a child.
completely right. H
Yet socialization agents—not only parents, as noted by Freud,
but also siblings, peers, and teachers, as noted by social learn-
ing theorists—are teaching children how to be girls or boys
well before they understand that they are girls or boys. T l ie A d u l t
Differences in social learning experiences may also help ex-
plain why, even though virtually all children form gender con- You might think that once children and adolescents have
cepts and schemata, some children are far more gender typed learned their gender roles, they simply play them out during
than others in their preferences and activities (Serbin, adulthood. Instead, as people face the challenges of adult life
Powlishta, 8c Gulko, 1993). and enter new social contexts, their gender roles and their
Kohlbergs cognitive developmental theory and Martin concepts of themselves as men and women change.
and Halverson's gender schema approach convince us that
cognitive growth and self-socialization processes also con-
tribute to gender-role development. Once children acquire a
basic gender identity as a boy or a girl and form gender Although males and females fill their masculine or feminine
schemata, they become highly motivated to learn their appro- roles throughout their lives, the specific content of those roles
priate roles. When they finally grasp, from age 5 to age 7, that changes considerably over the life span. The young boy may
their sex will never change, they become even more deter- act out his masculine role by playing with trucks or wrestling
Developmental Period Events and Outcomes Pertinent Theory or Theories
Prenatal period The fetus develops male or female genitalia, which others Biosocial
will react to once the child is born.
Birth to 3 years Parents and other companions label the child as a boy or Social learning
a girl; they begin to encourage gender-consistent behavior
and discourage cross-sex activities. As a result of these
social experiences and the development of basic classification
skills, the young child acquires some gender-typed behavioral
preferences and the knowledge that he or she is a boy or a girl
(basic gender identity).
3 to 6 years Once children acquire a basic gender identity, they begin to Gender schema
seek information about sex differences, form gender
schemata, and actively try to behave in ways viewed as
appropriate for their own sex.
7 to puberty Children finally acquire the concepts of gender stability and Cognitive developmental
consistency, recognizing that they will be males or females
all their lives and in all situations. They begin to look closely
at the behavior of same-sex models to acquire attributes
consistent with their firm self-categorization as male or
Puberty and beyond The biological changes of adolescence, with social pressures, Biosocial
intensify gender differences and stimulate formation of an Social learning
adult gender identity. Gender schema
Cognitive developmental
with his buddies; the grown man may play his role by holding What happens after the children are grown? The roles
down a job. Moreover, the degree of difference between male played by men and women become more similar again start-
and female roles also changes. Children and adolescents adopt ing in middle age, when the nest empties and child care re-
behaviors consistent with their "boy" or "girl" roles, but the sponsibilities end. The similarity between gender roles contin-
two sexes otherwise adopt similar roles in society—namely, ues to increase as adults enter old age; as retirees and
those of children and students. Even as they enter adulthood, grandparents, men and women lead similar lives. It would
males5 and females5 roles differ little because members of both seem, then, that the roles of men and women are fairly similar
sexes are often single and in school or working. before marriage, maximally different during the child-rearing
However, the roles of men and women become more dis- years, and similar again later (Gutmann, 1997).
tinct when they marry and, especially, when they have children.
In most couples, for example, the wife typically does more
housework than her husband, whether or not she is employed—
about 17 to 18 hours per week for her compared with 10 hours Do the shifts in the roles played by men and women during
for him (Bianchi et al., 2000). If this does not seem like a large adulthood affect them psychologically? For years, psycholo-
discrepancy on a weekly basis, consider that over 1 year, wives gists assumed that masculinity and femininity were at opposite
contribute more than 400 hours to housework beyond the ends of a continuum. If a person possessed highly masculine
amount their husbands contribute. By their silver wedding an- traits, then that person must be very unfeminine; being highly
niversary, wives will have logged about 10,000 more hours than feminine implied being unmasculine. Bern (1974) challenged
husbands have. Furthermore, specific tasks tend to be parceled this assumption by arguing that individuals of either sex can be
out along traditional lines—she does the cooking, he takes out characterized by psychological androgyny—that is> by a bal-
the garbage (Bianchi et al., 2000). The birth of a child tends to ancing or blending of both masculine-stereotyped traits (for
make even egalitarian couples divide their labors in more tradi- example, being assertive, analytical, and independent) and
tional ways than they did before the birth (Cowan & Cowan, feminine-stereotyped traits (for example, being affectionate,
2000). She becomes primarily responsible for child care and compassionate, and understanding). In Bern's model, then,
household tasks; he tends to emphasize his role as breadwinner masculinity and femininity are two separate dimensions of
and center his energies on providing for the family. Even as men personality. A male or female who has many masculine-
increase their participation in child care and housework, they stereotyped traits and few feminine ones is defined as a mas-
tend to play a helper role and spend only two-thirds as much culine sex-typed person. One who has many feminine- and few
time with their children as women do (Bianchi, 2000). masculine-stereotyped traits is said to be a feminine sex-typed
d After the androgyny shift, women may feel freer t o express their "masculine" side, and men
may express ''feminine" qualities that they suppressed during the parenting years.
person. The androgynous person possesses both masculine fied as androgynous (Boldizar, 1991; Hall & Halberstadt,
and feminine traits, whereas the undifferentiated individual 1980). Although constructed in the 1970s, these inventories
lacks both kinds of attributes (see Figure 12.5). remain valid measures of gender roles today (Holt & Ellis,
How many of us are androgynous? Research with college 1998). Androgynous individuals exist, and in sizable numbers.
students using self-perception inventories that contain both a But do perceived masculinity, femininity, and androgyny
f c-
Is Androgyny Advantageous?
If a person can be both assertive and sensitive, both inde-
pendent and understanding, being androgynous sounds psy- A central part of the process of becoming a woman or a man
chologically healthy Is it? College students—both males and is the process of becoming a sexual being, so it is appropriate
females—believe that the ideal person is androgynous that we examine sexual development here. It is a lifelong
(Slavkin & Stright, 2000). Bern (1975, 1978) demonstrated process that starts in infancy.
that androgynous men and women behave more flexibly than
more sex-typed individuals. For example, androgynous peo-
ple, like masculine sex-typed people, can display the "mascu-
line" agentic trait of independence by resisting social pressure Sigmund Freud made the seemingly outrageous claim that
to conform to undesirable group activities. Yet they are as humans are sexual beings from birth onward. We are born, he
likely as feminine sex-typed individuals to display the "femi- said, with a reserve of sexual energy redirected toward differ-
nine" communal trait of nurturance by interacting positively ent parts of the body as we develop. Freud may have been
with a baby. Androgynous people seem to be highly adaptable, wrong about some things, but he was right that infants are
able to adjust their behavior to the demands of the situation sexual beings.
at hand (Shaffer, Pegalis, & Cornell, 1992). Perhaps this is why Babies are biologically equipped at birth with male or fe-
androgynous parents are viewed as warmer and more sup- male chromosomes, hormones, and genitals. Moreover, young
portive than nonandrogynous parents (Witt, 1997). In addi- infants in Freud's oral stage of development appear to derive
•" -.LTIWF' _ .
i § M A t i t u l l s W M B^la^i^r
pleasure from sucking, mouthing, biting, and other oral activ- cially those that produce pleasurable sensations, and are likely
ities. But the clincher is this: Both male babies and female ba- to continue touching themselves unless reprimands from par-
bies have been observed to touch and manipulate their genital ents or other grown-ups discourage this behavior (at least in
areas, to experience physical arousal, and to undergo what ap- front of adults). From these early experiences, children begin
pear to be orgasms (Hyde & DeLamater, 2003; Leung & to learn what human sexuality is about and how the members
Robson, 1993). Parents in some cultures, well aware of the of their society regard it.
pleasure infants derive from their genitals, occasionally use
genital stimulation as a means of soothing fussy babies (Ford
& Beach, 1951).
What should you make of this infant sexuality? Infants Although boys and girls spend much of their time in gender-
feel bodily sensations, but they are hardly aware that their be- segregated groups, they are nonetheless preparing for the day
havior is "sexual" (Crooks & Baur, 2005). Infants are sexual they will participate in sexual relationships with the other sex.
beings primarily in the sense that their genitals are sensitive They learn a great deal about sexuality and reproduction, con-
and their nervous systems allow sexual responses. They are tinue to be curious about their bodies, and begin to interact
also as curious about their bodies as they are about the rest of with the other sex in ways that will prepare them for dating in
the world. They enjoy touching all parts of their body, espe- adolescence.
Sexual Behavior
According to Freudian theory, preschoolers in the phallic stage
of psychosexual development are actively interested in their
genitals and seek bodily pleasure through masturbation, but
school-age children enter a latency period during which they
repress their sexuality and turn their attention instead to
schoolwork and friendships with same-sex peers. It turns out
that Freud was half right and half wrong.
Freud was correct that preschoolers are highly curious
about their bodies, masturbate, and engage in both same-sex
and cross-sex sexual play. He was wrong to believe that such
activities occur infrequently among school-age children. By
age 6, about half of children have engaged in sexual play (play-
ing doctor or house), and sexual exploration (such as looking
at and touching genitals) is increasingly common in elemen-
C Preschoolers are naturally curious about the human body. tary school (Larsson & Svedin, 2002; Okami, Olmstead, &
Abramson, 1997; Simon & Gagnon, 1998). Elementary-school
aged children in Freud's latency period may be more discreet
Knowledge of Sex and R e p r o d u c t i o n about their sexual experimentation than preschoolers, but
With age, children learn that sexual anatomy is the key differ- they have by no means lost their sexual curiosity. Surveys
entiator between males and females, and they acquire a more show, for example, that about two-thirds of boys and one-half
correct and explicit vocabulary for discussing sexual organs of girls have masturbated by age 13 (Janus & Janus, 1993;
(Brilleslijper & Baartman, 2000; Gordon, Schroeder, & Larsson & Svedin, 2002).
Abrams, 1990). As Anne Bernstein and Philip Cowan (1975) Gilbert Herdt and Martha McClintock (2000) have gath-
have shown, children's understandings of where babies come ered evidence that age 10 is an important point in sexual de-
from also change as they develop cognitively. Young children velopment, a time when many boys and girls experience their
often seem to assume either that babies are just there all along first sexual attraction (often for a member of the other sex if
or that they are somehow manufactured, much as toys might they later become heterosexual or for a member of their own
be. According to Jane, age 3Y?> "You find [the baby] at a store sex if they later become gay or lesbian). This milestone in de-
that makes it. . . . Well, they get it and then they put it in the velopment appears to be influenced by the maturation of the
tummy and then it goes quicldy out5' (p. 81). Another pre- adrenal glands (which produce male androgens). It comes
schooler, interpreting what he could of an explanation about well before the maturation of the sex organs during puberty
reproduction from his mom, created this scenario (author's and therefore challenges the view of Freud (and many of the
files): rest of us) that puberty is the critical time in sexual develop-
ment. As Herdt and McClintock note, our society does little to
The woman has a seed in her tummyj that is fertilized bv
/ encourage fourth-graders to have sexual thoughts, especially
something in the man's penis. (How does this happen?) about members of their own sex, so perhaps a hormonal ex-
The fertilizer has to travel down through the man's body planation of early sexual attraction makes more sense than an
into the ground. Then it goes underground to get to the environmental one. Indeed, the adrenal glands mature around
woman's body. It's like in our garden. (Does the fertilizer age 6 to age 8 and produce low, but increasing, amounts of an-
come out of his penis?) Oh no. Only pee-pee comes out of drogens (McClintock & Herdt, 1996).
the penis. It's not big enough for fertilizer. Yet sexual development is also shaped by the sociocultu-
As these examples illustrate, young children construct ral context in which children develop. Eric Widmer and his
their own understandings of reproduction well before they are colleagues (Widmer, Treas, & Newcomb, 1998) compared at-
told the "facts of life." Consistent with Piaget's theory of cogni- titudes toward sex in 24 countries and found wide variations
tive development, children construct their understanding of in sexual beliefs. Still, the researchers were able to discern four
sex by assimilating and accommodating information into their sets of beliefs that characterized most of the countries. The
existing cognitive structures. Children "as young as age 7 know "teen permissive" countries, which included Germany,
that sexual intercourse plays a role in the making of babies, but Austria, and Sweden, reported the highest levels of acceptance
their understanding of just how this works is limited (Cipriani, of both early teenage sex and premarital sex. The United
2002; Hyde & DeLamater, 2003). By age 12, most children have States, Ireland, Northern Ireland, and Poland were categorized
integrated information about sexual intercourse with informa- as sexual conservatives. People in these countries were most
tion about the biological union of egg and sperm and can pro- disapproving of all types of nonmarital sex. For example, they
vide an accurate description of intercourse and its possible were more likely than people in other countries to report that
outcomes. Thus, as children mature cognitively and as they teenage sex, extramarital sex, and homosexual sex were "al-
gain access to information, they are able to construct ever more ways wrong." Several countries—the Netherlands, Norway,
accurate understandings of sexuality and reproduction. the Czech Republic, Canada, and Spain—were classified as
homosexual permissives because of their relatively high ac- from my body. . . . I developed a "good" self and a
ceptance of homosexual sex. Otherwise, these countries were "bad" self. This was the only way I could cope with the ex-
similar in attitudes to the sexual conservatives. Most of the re- periences. . . . I discovered people I trusted caused me
maining countries were classified as moderate and were rather harm It is difficult for me to accept the fact that peo-
heterogeneous in their sexual attitudes. ple can care for me and expect nothing in return I dis-
In the United States, children learn from their peers how to like closeness and despise people touching me.
relate to the other sex. As Barrie Thome's (1993) observations
Two problems seem to be especially linked to being sexu-
in elementary schools demonstrate, boys and girls may be seg-
ally abused. First, about a third of victims engage in sexualized
regated by gender, but they are hardly oblivious to each other.
behavior, acting out sexually by putting objects in vaginas,
They talk constantly about who likes whom and who is cute;
masturbating in public, behaving seductively, or if they are
they play kiss-and-chase games in which girls attempt to catch
older, behaving promiscuously (Kendall-Tackett et al., 1993).
boys and infect them with "cooties"; and they have steady
One theory is that this sexualized behavior helps victims mas-
boyfriends and girlfriends (if only for a few days). At times, boys
ter or control the traumatic events they experienced
and girls seem like mortal enemies. But by loving and hating
(Tharinger, 1990). Second, about a third of victims display the
each other, kissing and running away, they are grooming them-
symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder. This clinical dis-
selves for more explicitly sexual—but still often ambivalent—
order, involving nightmares, flashbacks to the traumatizing
heterosexual relationships later in life (Thorne, 1993).
events, and feelings of helplessness and anxiety in the face of
danger, affects some soldiers in combat and other victims of
ChflSdhood Sexual A b u s e extreme trauma (Kendall-Tackett et al., 1993).
Every day in this country, children, adolescents, and even in- In a few children, sexual abuse may contribute to severe
fants are sexually abused by the adults closest to them. A typical psychological disorders including multiple-personality disor-
scenario would be this: A girl age 12 or 13—although it happens der, the splitting of the psyche into distinct personalities (Cole
to boys, too—is abused repeatedly by her father, stepfather, or & Putnam, 1992; Ross et al., 1991). Yet about a third of chil-
another male relative or family friend (Putnam, 2003; Trickett dren seem to experience no psychological symptoms
& Putnam, 1993). Estimates of the percentages of girls and boys (Kendall-Tackett et al., 1993). Some of these symptomless
who are sexually abused vary wildly, perhaps because so many children may experience problems in later years. Nevertheless,
cases go unreported and because definitions vary substantially. some children are less severely damaged and more able to
In one representative sample of U.S. adults, 27% of the women cope than others are.
and 16% of the men reported having experienced some form of Which children have the most difficulty? The effects of
childhood sexual abuse, ranging from being touched in ways abuse are likely to be most severe when the abuse involved
they considered abusive to being raped (Finkelhor et al., 1989). penetration and force and occurred frequently over a long pe-
Controlling for differences in definitions and samples, Kevin riod, when the perpetrator was a close relative such as the fa-
Gorey and Donald Leslie (1997) report that 17% of women and ther, and when the child's mother did not serve as a reliable
8% of men have experienced childhood sexual abuse. In any source of emotional support (Beitchman et aL, 1991; Kendall-
case, childhood sexual abuse is a serious and widespread social Tackett et al., 1993; Trickett & Putnam, 1993). Children are
problem. Unfortunately, only one out of every four abused chil- likely to recover better if their mothers believe their stories
dren tells someone about the abuse within the first 24 hours and can offer them a stable and loving home environment
and one in four remains silent, never telling anyone about his or (Kendall-Tackett et al., 1993). Psychotherapy aimed at treating
her painful experience (Kogan, 2004). the anxiety and depression many victims experience and
What is the effect of sexual abuse on the victim? Kathleen teaching them coping and problem-solving skills so thcit they
Kendall-Tackett, Linda Williams, and David Finkelhor (1993) will not be revictimized can also contribute to the healing
offer a useful account, based on their review of 45 studies. No process (Finkelhor & Berliner, 1995). Recovery takes time, but
single distinctive "syndrome" of psychological problems char- it does take place.
acterizes abuse victims. Instead, they may experience any
number of problems commonly seen in emotionally dis-
turbed individuals, including anxiety, depression, low self-
esteem, aggression, acting out, withdrawal, and school learn-
Although infants and children are sexual beings, sexuality as-
ing problems. Roughly 20 to 30% experience each of these
sumes far greater importance once sexual maturity is
problems, and boys seem to experience the same types and de-
achieved. Adolescents must incorporate into their identities as
grees of disturbance as girls do.
males or females concepts of themselves as sexual males or fe-
Many of these aftereffects boil down to lack of self-worth
males. Moreover, they must figure out how to express their
and difficulty trusting others (Cole & Putnam, 1992). A college
sexuality in relationships. As part of their search for identity,
student who had been abused repeatedly by her father and
teenagers raise questions about their sexual attractiveness,
other relatives wrote this about her experience (author's files):
their sexual values, and their goals in close relationships. They
It was very painful, emotionally, physically, and psycho- also experiment with sexual behavior—sometimes with good
logically. I wanted to die to escape it. I wanted to escape outcomes, sometimes with bad ones.
Sexual O r i e n t a t i o n
Part of establishing a sexual identity, part of an individual's
larger task of resolving Eriksons conflict of identity versus role
confusion, is becoming aware of one's sexual orientation—
that is, one's preference for sexual partners of the same or other Identical Fraternal
sex. Sexual orientation exists on a continuum; not all cultures Twins Twins
categorize sexual preferences as ours does (Paul, 1993), but we Both male twins are gay or bisexual 52% 22%
commonly describe people as having primarily heterosexual, if one is
homosexual, or bisexual orientations. Most adolescents estab- Both female twins are lesbian or bisexual 48% 16%
lish a heterosexual sexual orientation without much soul- if one is
searching. For youths attracted to members of their own sex,
SOURCES: Male figures from Bailey & Pillard, 1 9 9 1 ; female figures from
however, the process of accepting that they have a homosexual
Bailey et al., 1993.
orientation and establishing a positive identity in the face of
Note: Higher rates of concordance (similarity) for identical twin pairs than
negative societal attitudes can be a long and torturous one. for fraternal twin pairs provide evidence o f genetic influence on homosexu-
Many have an initial awareness of their sexual preference be- ality. Less-than-perfect concordance points to the additional operation o f
fore reaching puberty but do not accept being gay or lesbian, environmental influences.
ties among those who are psychologically unready for sex or Among married couples, there is a small decline in qual-
who end up with an unintended pregnancy or an STD. ity of sex over the course of marriage (Liu, 2003). And mar-
Sexually active adolescent couples often fail to use con- ried women report somewhat less satisfaction with their sex
traception, partly because they are cognitively immature and lives than do married men (Liu, 2003). On average, married
do not take seriously the possibility that their behavior could middle-aged couples have sex about once a week and report
have unfortunate long-term consequences (Loewenstein 8c that they would have sex more often if they were not so busy
Furstenberg, 1991;'Morrison, 1985). Although condom use and tired from their jobs and raising kids (Deveny, 2003).
has increased over the past decade, it is still low (Kaplan et al., What becomes of people's sex lives as they age? Many
2001). In one study, for example, only 45% of adolescent young people can barely conceive of their parents or—heaven
males said they always used a condom during intercourse forbid—their grandparents as sexual beings. We tend to
(Kaplan et al, 2001). Adolescent females report less frequent stereotype older adults as sexless or asexual. But w7e are wrong:
condom use than males, possibly because their sexual partners people continue to be sexual beings throughout the life span.
are often several years older and because condom use among Perhaps the most amazing discoveries about sex in late adult-
males declines from mid- to late adolescence (Kaplan et al., hood are those of Bernard Starr and Marcella Weiner (1981),
2001; Sneed et al., 2001). This may reflect that adolescent cou- who surveyed 800 elderly volunteers ages 60 to 91. In this
ples who are in long-term, monogamous relationships stop group, more than 90% said they like sex, almost 80% were still
using condoms because they no longer fear transmission of sexually active, and 75% said that their sex lives were the same
HIV or STDs. as or were better than when they were younger. One 70-year-
For the adolescent wrho gives birth, the consequences of old widow, asked how often she would like to have sex, was
teenage sexuality are likely to include an interrupted educa- not bashful at all about replying, "Morning, noon, and night"
tion, a low income, and a difficult start for both her and her (p. 47).
child (Furstenberg, Brooks-Gunn, 8c Chase-Lansdale, 1989). Obviously, people can remain highly interested in sex and
This young mother's life situation and her child's develop- sexually active in old age. Yet Starr and Weiner's findings are
mental status are likely to improve later, especially if she goes likely to be exaggerated because only the most sexually active
back to school and limits her family size, but she is likely to re- people may have agreed to complete such a survey. More reli-
main economically disadvantaged compared with her peers able findings are reported by Tom Smith (1991) based on a
who postpone parenthood until their 20s (Furstenberg, survey of a representative sample of American adults that
Brooks-Gunn, 8c Morgan, 1987). asked about many things, including sexual behavior. As Figure
What effect has the threat of AIDS had on adolescent 12.6 shows, the percentage of adults who reported at least
sexual behavior? Most studies find change, but perhaps not some sexual contact in the past year declined steadily from age
enough. As noted, teens are more likely to use condoms (at group to age group, although almost a third of adults in their
least some of the time) than they used to be, and rates of 70s and older were still sexually active. Men were more likely
100 that both men and women are physiologically capable of sex-
<D ual behavior well into old age. Women retain this physiologi-
CO 80 cal capacity even longer than men, yet they are less sexually ac-
tive in old age.
> Apparently we must turn to factors other than biological
O 60
aging to explain changes in sexual behavior. In summarizing
50 these factors, Pauline Robinson (1983) quotes Alex Comfort
X 40 (1974): "In our experience, old folks stop having sex for the
30 same reason they stop riding a bicycle—general infirmity,
D) thinking it looks ridiculous, and no bicycle" (p. 440).
C 20
<D Under the category of infirmity, diseases and disabilities,
i— 10
CD as well as the drugs prescribed for them, can limit sexual func-
0 tioning (Marsiglio & Donnelly, 1991). This is a particular
18-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70+
problem for men, who may become impotent if they have
Age (in years) high blood pressure, coronary disease, diabetes, or other
health problems. Mental health problems are also important:
Figure S 2.6 Percentage of U.S. adults of different ages who re-
ported having at least one sexual partner in the past year Cross- Many cases of impotence among middle-aged and elderly
sectional data such as these can be misleading about the degree to men are attributable to psychological causes such as stress at
which sexual activity declines with age, but longitudinal studies also work and depression rather than to physiological causes
point to decreased involvement (Persson & Svanborg, 1992).
SOURCE: Adapted from Smith (1991). The second source of problems is social attitudes that
view sexual activity in old age as ridiculous, or at least inap-
lytic perspective, social learning theory, and the cognitive theories in-
cluding Lawrence Kohlberg's cognitive developmental theory and the
1. Differences between males and females can be detected in the gender schema theory. Each theory has some support, but none is
physical, psychological, and social realms; gender differences arise from completely right.
an interaction of biological influences and socialization into gender 7. Sexuality is an important component of our development
roles (including the learning of gender-role norms and stereotypes). throughout the life span. Infants and children are curious about their
2. Research comparing males and females indicates that the two bodies and begin experimenting with sexual behaviors. A significant
sexes are far more similar than different psychologically. The average increase in sexual behavior occurs during adolescence. Most adults
male is more aggressive and better at spatial and mathematical prob- marry and engage in regular sexual activity, with declines evident as
lem-solving tasks, but less adept at verbal tasks, than the average fe- they age. Declines in the physiological capacity for sex cannot fully
male. Males also tend to be more active, assertive, and developmen- explain declines in sexual activity; poor physical or mental health,
tally vulnerable than females, who tend to be more compliant with lack of a partner, negative societal attitudes, and periods of sexual ab-
adults' requests, tactful, nurturant, and anxious. Most sex differences stinence also contribute.
are small, however, and some are becoming smaller.
3. During infancy, boys and girls are similar but adults treat them
differently. By age 2, infants have often gained knowledge of their ba-
sic gender identity and display "gender-appropriate" play preferences. 1. Jen and Ben are fraternal twins whose parents are determined
4. Gender typing progresses most rapidly during the toddler that they should grow up to be androgynous. Nonetheless, when the
and preschool years, with 2- and 3-year-olds already learning gender twins are only 4, Jen wants frilly dresses and loves to play with her
stereotypes; school-age children are at first rigid and then more flex- Barbie doll, and Ben wants a machine gun and loves to pretend he's
ible in their thinking about gender norms, and they segregate them- a football player and taclde people. Each seems headed for a tradi-
selves by sex. tional gender role. Which of the theories in this chapter do you think
5. Adolescents become intolerant in their thinking about explains this best, which has the most difficulty explaining it, and
gender-role deviations and, through gender intensification, show in- why did you reach these conclusions?
creased concern with conforming to gender norms. 2. Fewer women than men become architects. Drawing on the
6. Theories of gender-role development include John Money material in this chapter, explain the extent to which nature and nur-
and Anke Ehrhardt's biosocial theory, Sigmund Freud's psychoana- ture may be responsible for this, citing evidence.
3. The extent to which males and females differ changes from zation aims to promote and advocate comprehensive sexual health
infancy to old age. When are gender differences in psychological education through media outreach, public policy, information dis-
characteristics and roles played in society greatest, and when are they semination, and educational programs, including two geared toward
least evident? How would you account for this pattern? youth development and school health education. If you click the
4. What factors are likely to influence the age at which young Publications tab, you will find a myriad of fact sheets on issues re-
people today become sexually active? If you wanted to delay the age lated to sexuality education and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgen-
of first intercourse, what would be some ways to do this? der youth.
The site of the Planned Parenthood Federation has a wealth of infor- Psychology||Now TM
mation about sexual and reproductive health, birth control, STDs,
Developmental PsychologyNow is a web-based, intelli-
and sex education.
gent study system that provides a complete package of di-
Another resource on sexual health is the Sexuality Information
agnostic quizzes, a personalized study plan, integrated multimedia
and Education Council of the United States. This nonprofit organi-
elements, and learning modules. Check it out at http://psychology
. wadsworth. com./sigehnan_rider5e/now.
c h a p t e r t n i r t e e n
eve J O
Imagine that you are a young child, are brought to the labora-
tory, and are led through the research scenario portrayed in
Figure 13.1. A girl named Sally puts her marble in her basket
and leaves the room. While she is gone, Anne moves the mar-
ble to her box. Sally returns to the room, Now you are asked
the critical question: Where will Sally look for her marble?
This task, called a false belief task, assesses the under-
standing that people can hold incorrect beliefs and that these
beliefs, even though incorrect, can influence their behavior.
The task was used in a pioneering study by Simon Baron-
Cohen, Alan Leslie, and Uta Frith (1985) to determine
whether young children, children with Down syndrome, and
children with autism (see Chapter 16) have a theory of mind.
A theory of mind is the understanding that people have men-
tal states such as desires, beliefs, and intentions and that these
mental states guide (or cause, if you like) their behavior. We all
rely on a theory of mind, also called mind-reading skills, to
<I Charles "Andy" Williams, age 15, in court, accused of murder in a predict and explain human behavior. We refer to mental states
school shooting in Santee, California.The obvious question: Why? every day, saying, for example, that people did what they did
1 Sally places her marble in basket 2 Sally exits
Anne Anne
Child Child
Experimenter Experimenter
Figure 13.1 The experimental arrangement in the false belief task involving Sally and Anne.
Because Sally does not know that Anne transferred Sally's marble from Sally's basket to Anne's
box, she falsely believes it is in her basket.The child who has a theory of mind should say that
she will look for it there.
SOURCE: Adapted from Baron-Cohen et al. {1985).
because they wanted to, intended to, or believed that doing so those of the children with Down syndrome, 80% of the autistic
would have a desired effect. children failed. They incorrectly said Sally would look where
Children who pass the false belief task in Figure 13.1, and they knew the marble to be (in the box) rather than where Sally
therefore show evidence of having a theory of mind to explain had every reason to believe it was (in the basket).
human behavior, say that Sally will look for her marble in the This study served as the basis for hypothesizing that
basket (where she falsely believes it to be) rather than in the box autistic children display severe social deficits because they lack
(where it is). Children who have a theory of mind believe that a theory of mind and suffer from a kind of mind blindness
Sally s behavior will be guided by her false belief about the mar- (Baron-Cohen, 1995; and see Chapter 16 on autism). Imagine
ble s location; they are able to set aside their own knowledge of trying to understand and interact with people if you were un-
where the marble ended up after Anne moved it. In the study by able to appreciate such fundamentals of human psychology as
Baron-Cohen and his colleagues, about 85% of 4-year-olds of people look for things where they believe they are, choose
normal intelligence and older children with Down syndrome things that they want, reject things that they hate, and some-
passed the false belief task. Yet despite mental ages greater than times attempt to plant false beliefs in others (that is, lie).
Temple Grandin, a woman with autism who is intelligent
enough to be a professor of animal sciences, describes having
to compensate for lack of a theory of mind: she must create a
memory bank of how people behave and what emotions they
express in various situations and then "compute" how people
might be expected to behave in similar situations (Sacks,
1993). Just as we cannot understand falling objects without
employing the concept of gravity, we cannot hope to under-
stand humans without invoking the concept of mental states.
First Steps
Research on theory of mind has not only stimulated much
thought about the nature and causes of autism but also
prompted many researchers to ask when and how normal chil-
dren develop the components of a theory of mind. Although
children normally do not pass false belief tasks until age 4 or at
the earliest age 3, researchers have detected forerunners of a
theory of mind as early as the end of the first year of life and
believe that a theory of mind begins to form long before chil-
dren pass false belief tasks (Flavell, 1999; Gopnik, Capps, &
Meltzoff, 2000). Four abilities are considered precursors or
early signs of a theory of mind: joint attention, pretend play,
imitation, and emotional understanding (Charman, 2000). All
four, as it turns out, are deficient in autistic children.
Starting around 9 months, infants and their caregivers
begin to engage in much joint attention, both looking at the
same object at the same time. At this age, infants sometimes
point to toys then look toward their companions, encouraging
others to look at what they are looking at. By doing so, infants
& Even I -year-olds show awareness that other people can have
show awareness that other people have different perceptual menta! states (perceptions) different from their own when they
experiences than they do—and that two people can share a point at objects so that their companions and they can jointly attend
perceptual experience. to the same object.
Similarly, when infants engage in their first simple pre-
tend play, between 1 and 2 years, they show at least a primitive
understanding of the difference between pretense (a kind of Finally, some research suggests that children as young as
false belief) and reality (see Chapter 14). They know the dif- 2lA years old will attempt to deceive an adult about which of
ference between a pretend tea party and a real one, for exam- several containers holds a bag of gold coins and jewels
ple. Yet if you pretend to spill pretend tea on the table and (Chandler, Fritz, & Hala, 1989). They seem capable of trying
hand a 2-year-old a paper towel, he will quickly wipe it up, no to plant a false belief in another person if they are shown how
questions asked (Harris, 1989). to erase telltale footprints leading toward the hiding place and
In addition, imitation of other people in the first year of to lay new footprints heading in the wrong direction. Other
life reveals an ability to mentally represent their actions and studies suggest that 3-year-olds may be too young to deceive
possibly the goals or intentions behind them. Finally, emo- other people deliberately; they sometimes lay false tracks even
tional understanding, as evidenced by comforting a playmate when they are supposed to help someone find a prize rather
who is crying (see a later section) or teasing a sibling in the than keep someone from finding it (Sodian, 1994).
second year of life, reflect an understanding that other people Interestingly, 77% of the mothers polled in one study said 4-
have emotions and that these emotions can be influenced year-olds are capable of deliberately lying, but only 29%
(Flavell, 1999). thought 3-year-olds have this capacity to plant false beliefs
We have even more solid evidence that children are de- (Stouthamer-Loeber, 1991). Overall, children clearly under-
veloping theories of mind when they begin to refer to mental stand perceptions, desires, pretense, and hide-and-seek decep-
states in their speech starting around age 2 (Bretherton & tion games before they pass false belief tasks. A theory of mind
Beeghly, 1982). For example, Ross (at 2 years, 7 months) was forms gradually, starting in infancy (Charman, 2000;
asked why he keeps asking why and replied, "I want to say Wellman, Phillips, & Rodriguez, 2000).
'why,'" explaining his behavior in terms of his desire; Adam (at
3 years, 3 months) commented about a bus, "I thought it was Desire and Belief-Desire Psychologies
a taxi," showing awareness that he held a false belief about the Henry Wellman (1990) has theorized that children's theories
bus (Wellman & Bartsch, 1994, p. 345). of mind first take shape about age 2 as a desire psychology.
Toddlers talk about what they want and even explain their rately. As it turns out, chimpanzees, gorillas, and other great
own behavior and that of others in terms of wants or desires. apes share with humans basic, although not advanced, theory-
This early desire psychology could be seen even among 18- of-mind skills, including a capacity to deceive others to get
month-olds in a clever study by Betty Repacholi and Alison what they want and to grasp what competitors have seen or
Gopnik (1997). An experimenter tried two foods—Goldfish have not seen about where food has been hidden (Hare, Call,
crackers and broccoli florets—and expressed happiness in re- & Tomasello, 2001; Tomasello, Call, & Hare, 2003).
sponse to one but disgust in response to the other. Because the Developing a theory of mind also requires a certain level
toddlers almost universally preferred the crackers to the broc- of biological maturation, especially neurological and cognitive
coli, the acid test was a scenario in which toddlers saw the ex- development. This may be why children everywhere develop a
perimenter express her liking for broccoli but her disgust at theory of mind and progress from a desire psychology to a
the crackers ("Eww! Crackers! I tasted crackers! Eww!"). When belief-desire psychology in the same manner (Tardif &
confronted with the two bowls of food and asked to give the Wellman, 2000). Abnormal brain development in children
experimenter some, would these toddlers give her broccoli or with autism is suspected to be behind their great difficulty
crackers? The 14-month-olds in the study either did not com- passing theory-of-mind tasks. One view is that evolution may
ply with the request or gave the experimenter crackers, despite have equipped the normal human brain with a specialized
her distaste for them. However, the 18-month-olds gave her module or modules devoted to understanding mental states
broccoli (undoubtedly against their better judgment), show- (Leslie, 1994; Scholl & Leslie, 2001). Using neuroimaging tech-
ing that they were able to infer her desire from her previous niques, researchers are beginning to identify areas of the brain
emotional reactions to the two foods. in the prefrontal cortex and temporal lobes that are activated
By age 4, children normally progress to a belief-desire during theory-of-mind tasks cind seem to be uniquely in-
psychology. Not only do they understand that peoples desires volved in thinking about people's beliefs (Gallagher & Frith,
guide their behavior, but they also understand that two people 2003; Saxe, Carey, & Kanwisher, 2004). The "brain module"
can have different beliefs and they begin to pass false belief view is not firmly supported, however. Other researchers ar-
tasks like the one about Sally and her marble, demonstrating gue that theory-of-mind skills are the outgrowth of broader
an understanding that beliefs are not always an accurate re- maturational changes in the brain and in cognitive function-
flection of reality (Wellman & Liu, 2004). They appreciate that ing (Gopnik et al., 2000). For example, children seem to need
people do what they do because they desire certain things and to attain a certain level of language development before they
they believe that certain actions will help them fulfill their de- can master false belief tasks (Ruffman et al., 2003). This may
sires. Based on a meta-analysis of 178 studies of theory of be because both language development and theory of mind
mind, Henry Wellman, David Cross, and Julanne Watson require representational or symbolic thinking skills or because
(2001) concluded that research strongly supports this shift language provides the vehicle through which humans can
from a desire psychology at age 2 to a belief-desire psychology think about and share information about their mental states.
at age 4, sometimes earlier if the tasks are simplified. On the nurture side of the nature-nurture debate is evi-
However, it is better to think of theory of mind as a set of dence that acquiring a theory of mind, much like acquiring
understandings that children begin to develop well before age language, requires not only a normal human brain but also
4, and continue to refine and learn to use long afterward, than experience interacting with other humans and participating
to view it as something children "have" at 4 years (Mitchell, in a "community of minds" (Nelson et al., 2003). Children
1997; Wellman & Liu, 2004). In late elementary school, chil- with siblings seem to grasp the elements of a theory of mind
dren are still mastering the complexities of thinking about earlier than children without siblings (Jenkins & Astington,
other people's beliefs (Bosacki, 2000; Keenan, 2003)—for ex- 1996). Engaging in pretend play with siblings may be espe-
ample, mciking sense of statements such as, "Mary thinks that cially helpful, because this provides good practice in under-
Jeff thinks that she hates him." Moreover, it is not until then standing that belief and reality are not necessarily the same
that children grasp that different human minds construct dif- (Taylor & Carlson, 1997; Youngblade & Dunn, 1995). In mul-
ferent views of reality and that their interpretations of events tichild families, there may also be more talk about mental
are influenced by these views (Flavell, 1999). states ("She thought you were done with your ice cream," "He
didn t mean to step on your head"). This kind of mind talk
N a t u r e and N u r t u r e seems to contribute to early mastery of a theory of mind
What roles do nature and nurture play in the development of (Dunn et al., 1991).
theory of mind? On the nature side, evolutionary theorists ar- Parents are important, too. They can contribute positively
gue that having a theory of mind proved adaptive to our an- to the development of theory-of-mind skills by forming se-
cestors and became part of our biological endowment as a cure attachments with their children, being sensitive to their
species (Bjorklund & Pellegrini, 2002; Mitchell, 1997). You can needs and perspectives, and talking about their own emotions
easily imagine that theory-of-mind skills would help humans and beliefs (Symons & Clark, 2000). Mothers who talk in elab-
function as members of a social group, gain resources, and orated ways about mental states and use them to explain
therefore survive. Social behaviors such as bargaining, conflict everyday behavior tend to have children with advanced
resolution, cooperation, and competition depend on under- theory-of-mind skills (Peterson & Slaughter, 2003). So do
standing other people and predicting their behavior accu- mothers who encourage their children, after they have misbe-
haved, to imagine what others may have thought or felt (Pears Finally, sensory impairments can delay the development
& Moses, 2003). As children discuss everyday experiences with of theory-of-mind understandings. Although they eventually
their parents, they begin to appreciate that they and other 'catch up to their seeing peers, blind children are slow to mas-
people do not always have the same perspectives, thoughts, or ter false belief tasks, probably because they do not get as much
feelings. Children who are physically abused, especially as tod- social input as other children (Peterson, Peterson, & Webb,
dlers, are slow to master theory-of-mind tasks, possibly be- 2000). Deaf children of hearing parents also take longer than
cause they are deprived of such parent-child conversations usual to master false belief tasks. Deaf children of deaf parents
about mental states (Cicchetti et al, 2003). develop theory-of-mind skills on schedule, however, probably
Children in certain cultures are also deprived of opportu- because they are able to communicate easily and frequently
nities to "talk psychology" every day, and the effects are evi- with their companions in sign language (Peterson & Siegal,
dent. Among the Junin Quechua people of Peru, adults rarely 1999; Woolfe, Want, & Siegal, 2002). That deaf children with
talk about beliefs and thoughts and have few words in their limited language experience show deficits in theory-of-mind
language for them. The result is that children as old as 8 years performance rivaling those of autistic children casts doubt on
have trouble understanding that beliefs can be false (Vinden & the brain module view of theory of mind, because there is no
Astington, 2000). Similarly, children as old as age 15 in a re- evidence that deaf children's brains function improperly
gion of Papua New7 Guinea could not answer questions about (Wellman & Lagattuta, 2000). Instead, from a nurture per-
other people's thoughts that 5-year-olds in our society handle spective, it may be that autistic children simply lack the social
easily (Vinden & Astington, 2000). So, although children input they need to learn to read minds.
everywhere develop theories of mind, there are cultural differ- In sum, acquiring a theory of mind—the foundation for
ences in the extent to which people focus on overt behavior all later social cognitive development—begins with first steps
versus mental states in talking about and explaining other such as joint attention, pretend play, imitation, and emotional
people's behavior and in the number of terms they have for understanding and advances from a desire psychology to a
mental states. These cultural differences may help explain dif- belief-desire psychology universally. It is the product of both
ferences in the rate at which children master theory-of-mind nature and nurture; that is, it requires normal neurological
tasks (Lillard, 1998; Vinden & Astington, 2000). Alternatively, and cognitive growth and social and language experiences that
our tasks may underestimate children in some non-Western involve talking about mental states with parents, siblings, and
cultures. Children who fail Western theory-of-mind tasks other companions. Forming a theory of mind has many im-
sometimes show keen sensitivity to the mental states of others portant consequences for development. Children who have
in culturally important, everyday situations such as teaching mastered theory-of-mind tasks generally tend to have more
younger siblings how to do chores (Greenfield et al, 2003; advanced social skills and better social adjustment than those
Maynard, 2002). who have not (Keenan, 2003; Repacholi et al., 2003), and as
£ Deaf children who can communicate with their companions through sign language develop
theory-of-mind skills on schedule.
you will see later, they think more maturely about moral is- Tonya: "She's funny and friendly to everyone, and she's in the
sues. However, mind-reading skills can be used for evil and gifted program because she's smart, but sometimes she's too
good ends; bullies and manipulative children often prove as bossy." Over the elementary-school years, children increas-
adept as socially competent children at mind reading ingly believe that traits such as being smart or getting along
(Repacholi et al., 2003). with others characterize other children across situations and
over time, and yet they also begin to appreciate that people
can change their traits if they work at it (Pomerantz & Saxon,
e 2001). As children reach age 11 or 12, they make more use of
Although research on theory of mind shows that even pre- psychological traits to explain why people behave as they do,
school children are budding psychologists, they still have a saying, for instance, that Mike pulled the dog's tail because
way to go to understand other people in terms of their endur- Mike is cruel (Gnepp & Chilamkurti, 1988). Clearly, then,
ing personality traits and to use their knowledge of other peo- children become more psychologically minded as their
ple's personalities to predict how they will react and what they emerging social cognitive abilities permit them to make infer-
will do. In studies of person perception, children are some- ences about enduring inner qualities from the concrete be-
times asked to describe people they know—parents, friends, havior they observe in the people around them.
disliked classmates, and so on. The descriptions offered by When asked to describe people they know, adolescents of-
young children and older children are very different. fer personality profiles that are even more psychological than
As you discovered in Chapter 11, children younger than 7 those provided by children (Livesley & Bromley, 1973). They
or 8 describe themselves primarily in physical rather than psy- see people as unique individuals with distinctive personality
chological terms. They describe other people that way, too traits, interests, values, and feelings. Moreover, they are able to
(Livesley & Bromley, 1973; Yuill, 1993). Thus, 4-year-old Evan create more integrated, or organized, person descriptions, an-
says of his father, "He has one nose, one Mom, two eyes, alyzing how an individual's diverse and often inconsistent
brown hair." And 5-year-old Keisha says, "My daddy is big. He traits fit together and make sense as a whole personality. Dan,
has hairy legs and eats mustard. Yuck! My daddy likes dogs— for example, may notice that Noriko brags about her abilities
do you?" Not much of a personality profile there. at times but seems unsure of herself at other times, and he
Young children perceive others in terms of their physical may integrate these seemingly discrepant impressions by con-
appearance, possessions, and activities. When they use psy- cluding that Noriko is basically insecure and boasts only to
chological terms, the terms are often global, evaluative ones hide her insecurity. Some adolescents spend hours psychoan-
such as "nice" or "mean," "good" or "bad," rather than specific alyzing their friends and acquaintances, trying to figure out
personality-trait labels (Livesley & Bromley, 1973; Ruble & what makes them tick.
Dweck, 1995). Moreover, they do not yet view traits as endur- As was the case for self-descriptions, then, you can detect
ing qualities that can predict how a person will behave in the a progression in person perception from (1) physical descrip-
future or explain why a person behaves as he does. The 5-year- tions and global evaluations of other people as good or bad
old who describes a friend as "dumb" may be using this trait during the preschool years to (2) more differentiated descrip-
label only to describe that friend's recent "dumb" behavior; he tions that refer to specific personality traits starting at age 7 or
may expect "smart" behavior tomorrow. Indeed, young chil- 8 and finally to (3) more integrated personality profiles that
dren tend to be optimists, believing that negative traits today show how even seemingly inconsistent traits fit together dur-
are likely to change into positive ones tomorrow (Lockhart, ing adolescence.
Chang, & Story, 2002). Young children sometimes use infor-
mation about classmates' previous behavior, good or bad, to
predict their future behavior if the task is simple enough
(Droege & Stipek, 1993). Yet they appear to do so based on Another important aspect of social cognitive development in-
their evaluations of how "good" or "bad" the person is rather volves outgrowing the egocentrism that Jean Piaget believed
than based on inferring specific personality traits and expect- characterizes young children and developing role-talcing
ing them to be expressed consistently (Alvarez, Ruble, & skills—the ability to adopt another person's perspective and
Bolger, 2001). So, when the traits portrayed in stories about understand her thoughts and feelings in relation to your own.
characters can be categorized cleanly as either good or bad Role-taking skills are really theory of mind in action (Blair,
(for example, generous versus selfish),-5- and 6-year-olds can 2003). They are essential in thinking about moral issues from
predict future behavior that is either generous or selfish based different points of view, predicting the consequences of a per-
on concluding that the character is either good or bad. son's actions for others, and empathizing with others (Gibbs,
However, when traits cannot be so clearly labeled as good or 2003). Robert Selman (1976, 1980; Yeates & Selman, 1989)
bad (for example, tough versus sensitive), children can infer contributed greatly to our understanding of role-talcing abili-
the character's trait but do not seem to use that information ties by asking children questions about interpersonal dilem-
to predict future behavior. mas (Selman, 1976, p. 302):
Around age 7 or 8, children become more able to "get be-
low the surface" of humans and infer their enduring psycho- Holly is an 8-year-old girl wrho likes to climb trees. She is
logical traits. Thus, 10-year-old Kim describes her friend the best tree climber in the neighborhood. One day while
climbing down from a tall tree, she falls... but does not hurt pable of mentally juggling multiple perspectives, including the
herself. Her father sees her fall. He is upset and asks her to perspective of the "generalized other," or the broader social
promise not to climb trees anymore. Holly promises. group. The adolescent might consider how fathers in general
Later that day, Holly and her friends meet Shawn. react when children disobey them and consider whether
Shawns kitten is caught in a tree and cant get down. Holly's father is similar to or different from the typical father
Something has to be done right away or the kitten may (Selman, 1980; Yeates & Selman, 1989). Adolescents thus be-
fall. Holly is the only one who climbs trees well enough to come mental jugglers, keeping in the air their own perspec-
reach the kitten and get it down but she remembers her tive, that of another person, and that of an abstract "general-
promise to her father. ized other" representing a larger social group.
These advances in social cognition have important
To assess how well a child understands the perspectives of implications for children's and adolescents' relationships.
Holly, her father, and Shawn, Selman asks: "Does Holly know Experience interacting with peers seems to sharpen role-tak-
how Shawn feels about the kitten? How7 will Holly's father feel ing skills; sophisticated role-taking skills, in turn, help make
if hefindsout she climbed the tree? What does Holly think her the child a more sensitive and desirable companion. Children
father will do if hefindsout she climbed the tree? What would whose role-taking skills are advanced are more likely than age-
you do in this situation?" Children's responses to these ques- mates who perform poorly on tests of role talcing to be socia-
tions led Selman (1976) to conclude that role-taking abilities ble and popular and to have established close peer relation-
develop in a stagelike manner: ships (Kurdek & Krile, 1982; LeMare & Rubin, 1987). What is
° Children 3 to 6 years old are largely egocentric, assum- more, coaching in perspective talcing can help improve the so-
ing that others share their point of view. If young ch ildren like cial behavior of disruptive children (Grizenlco et al., 2000).
kittens, for example, they assume that Holly's father does, too,
and therefore will be delighted if Holly saves the kitten.
• By age 8 to 10, as concrete operational cognitive abilities
solidify, children appreciate that two people can have different As you saw in earlier chapters, nonsocial cognitive abilities,
points of view even if they have access to the same informa- such as those used in remembering text and testing scientific
tion. Children are able to think about their own thoughts and hypotheses, often improve during early and middle adulthood
about the thoughts of another person, and they realize that and decline in later life, at least in many older adults. Do im-
their companions can do the same. Thus, they can appreciate portant social cognitive skills, such as the ability to think
that Holly may think about her father's concern for her safety through theory-of-mind problems or adopt other people's
but conclude that he will understand her reasons for climbing perspectives, also increase early in adulthood but decline in
the tree. later life?
° Adolescents who have reached the formal operational Social cognitive development during adulthood appears
stage of cognitive development, at roughly age 12, become ca- to involve both gains and losses (Blanchard-Fields, 1996; Hess,
1999). For example, Fredda Blanchard-Fields (1986) pre-
sented adolescents, young adults, and middle-aged adults with
three dilemmas that required them to engage in role taking
and to integrate discrepant perspectives: two conflicting his-
torical accounts, a conflict between a teenage boy and his par-
ents over whether he must visit his grandparents with the
family, and a disagreement between a man and a woman
about an unintended pregnancy. Adults, especially middle-
aged ones, were better able than adolescents to see both sides
of the issues and to integrate the perspectives of both parties
into a workable solution. Here, then, is evidence that the so-
cial cognitive skills of adults may continue to improve after
adolescence. Through a combination of social experience and
cognitive growth, middle-aged adults have the potential to be-
come sophisticated students of human psychology. As you saw
in Chapter 9, a few even gain a kind of wisdom that gives them
exceptional insight into the complexities of human existence.
Do elderly people continue to display the sophisticated
social cognitive skills that middle-aged adults display? The ev-
£ Adolescents who have advanced role-taking, or social perspective-
idence is mixed. They perform as well as young and middle-
taking, skills are better able than those who do not to resolve con- aged adults on some social cognitive tasks (Fless, 1994; Pratt &
flicts with their parents (Selman et al, 1986).They are better able to Norris, 1999). Yet other studies suggest that, on average, older
adopt the perspectives of their parents (and parents in general) and adults are not always as adept as middle-aged adults at taking
to identify a mutually beneficial agreement others' point of view, integrating different perspectives, and
thinking in complex ways about the causes of people's behav- they do or do not depends far more on the extent and nature
ior (Blanchard-Fields, 1996; Pratt et al, 1996). of their social experiences than on their age. Those elderly
Consider what happens when adults are given theory-of- adults who have the sharpest social cognitive skills tend to be
mind tasks suitable for adults. Susan Sullivan and Ted socially active and involved in meaningful social roles such as
Ruffman (2004) used one in which a burglar leaving a crime spouse, grandparent, church member, and worker (Dolen &
scene is stopped by a policeman who saw the burglar drop his Bearison, 1982). They have opportunities to talk to other peo-
glove. The burglar turns himself in, and the key question is ple about problems they are experiencing, they tend to be
what the burglar was thinking about the policeman's well-educated, and they are in good health (Pratt et al., 1996).
thoughts. In a previous study, elderly adults performed as well It is mainly when elderly people become socially isolated or
as college students on theory-of-mind tasks (Happe, Winner, inactive that their reasoning about personal and interpersonal
& Brownell, 1998). However, Sullivan and Ruffman found that issues becomes less complex.
adults who averaged age 73 performed more poorly than Having examined some important and dramatic changes
adults who averaged 30 and that age differences in fluid intel- in social cognition over the life span, focus on an important
ligence largely accounted for this variation (see also Maylor et area of development in which social cognitive skills play a cru-
al., 2002). This suggests that the declines in working memory cial role: moral development.
and processing speed that limit the performance of older
adults on nonsocial cognitive tasks also take some toll on their Summing Up
ability to take in and manipulate social information (Fless,
Social cognition, thinking about self and others, takes
1999). Still, social cognitive abilities appear to hold up better
shape in infancy through joint attention, pretend play im-
than nonsocial cognitive abilities, possibly because die areas of
itation, and emotional understanding—precursors of a
the cortex that support social cognition and emotional under-
theory of mind, or an understanding of mental states and
standing age more slowly than the areas that support nonso-
their role in guiding behavior. Children progress from a
cial cognition (MacPherson, Phillips, & Delia Sala, 2002).
desire psychology at 2 years t o a belief-desire psychol-
The most important message about adult social cogni-
ogy at 4 years, when they are able to pass false belief
tion, however, is that some older adults maintain their social
tasks. Developing a theory of mind depends on both na-
cognitive abilities extremely well and others do not. Whether
ture (normal neurological and cognitive maturation) and
nurture (social and language experience that may be
missed by autistic children, deaf children with hearing par-
ents, and children in cultures in which people talk little
about mental states).
Children's descriptions of other people reveal that
preschool children focus on physical features and activi-
ties, whereas 7- and 8-year-olds begin t o describe inner
psychological traits and use trait inferences to predict fu-
ture behavior Adolescents are better able to integrate
trait descriptions. W i t h age, children also gain role-taking
skills. Social cognitive skills often improve in early and
middle adulthood but sometimes decline in old age be-
cause of declines in working memory and processing
speed, especially in socially isolated adults. M
Perspectives o n M o r a l
than by self-interest.They would be able to forgive him Stage 5: The laws against mercy killing protect citi-
for what was essentially an act of kindness. zens from harm at the hands of unscrupulous doctors
Stage 4: The doctor should give the woman the and selfish relatives and should be upheld because they
drug because of the Hippocratic oath, which spells out a prevent harm. If the laws were to be changed through
doctors duty to relieve suffering.This oath is binding and the democratic process, that might be another thing. But
should be taken seriously by all doctors. right now the doctor can best serve society by adhering
to them.
D o Not Give the Drug
Stage 3: Most people are likely to disapprove of Stage 6: If we truly adhere to the principle that hu-
mercy killing.The doctor would clearly lose the respect man life should be valued above all else and all lives
of his colleagues and friends if he administered the drug. should be valued equally, it is morally wrong to "play
A good person simply would not do this. God" and decide that some lives are worth living and
others are not. Before long, we would have a world in
Stage 4: Mercy killing is against the laws that citi- which no life has value.
zens are obligated to uphold.The Bible is another com-
pelling authority, and it says,'Thou shalt not kill." The
By contrast, Bandura would be most interested in the ceptable behavior rather than brought up in the company of
moral habits Waldo has learned, the expectations he has liars, cheaters, and thieves; and if he has well-developed self-
formed about the probable consequences of his actions, his regulatory mechanisms that cause him to take responsibility
ability to self-regulate his behavior, and his ultimate behavior. for his actions rather than to disengage morally, he is likely to
If Waldos parents have consistently reinforced him when behave in morally acceptable ways. Yet Bandura and other so-
he has behaved morally and punished him when he has cial learning theorists believe in the power of situational in-
misbehaved; if he has been exposed to models of morally ac- fluences and predict that Waldo may still cheat on the math
test if he sees his classmates cheating and getting away with it mother's turn to explain the rules to Ursula. The problem
or if he is under pressure to get a B in math. continued until finally Burton came upon Ursula looking at
We are now ready to trace the development of morality some forbidden candy. Ursula looked up and said, "No, this is
from infancy to old age. Our coverage charts the development Maria's, not Ursula's" (p. 199).
of the self as a moral being, examining moral affect, cognition, It is through such social learning experiences, accumu-
and behavior over the life span. lated over years, that children come to understand and inter-
J *
nalize moral rules and standards. Children must learn two les-
SumroSng Up sons, really: to associate negative emotions with violating rules
and to exert self-control, or inhibit their impulses, when they
Morality has affective, cognitive, and behavioral compo-
are tempted to violate rules (Kochanska, 1993, 2002). Ursula
nents. Moral affect including guilt, empathy, and pride, is
and other young children learn from being reprimanded to
the focus of Freudian psychoanalytic theory, with its em-
associate the act of stealing with negative emotional re-
phasis on the formation of the superego and internaliza-
sponses. As they near age 2, children are already beginning to
tion of parental values during the preschool years. Moral
show visible signs of distress when they break things or other-
reasoning was the focus of Piaget's pioneering work on
wise violate standards of behavior (Cole, Barrett, & Zahn-
premoral, heteronomous, and autonomous stages of
Waxler, 1992; Kagan, 1981). Made to think that they have
moral development and the progression t o an under-
caused a doll's head to fall off, some toddlers even show signs
standing of the need to consider intentions as well as con-
of guilt, as opposed to mere distress, and try frantically to
sequences in judging actions and of rules as a consensus
make amends (Kochanska, Casey, & Fukumoto, 1995). This
of equals rather than the dictates of authority. Kohlberg's
means 18- to 24-month-old children are beginning to inter-
preconventional, conventional, and postconventional lev-
nalize rules and to anticipate disapproval when they fail to
els of morality, each with t w o stages, capture a progres-
comply with them.
sion from selfish egocentrism t o concern for others' per-
In her research on early moral socialization, Grazyna
spectives t o consideration of the reasons behind the rules
Kochanska (1997b, 2002) has found that moral development
and the perspectives of all. Finally, moral behavior is the fo-
goes best when a mutually responsive orientation exists be-
cus of social learning theory approaches to morality; so-
tween caregiver and child—when there is a close, affectively
cial cognitive theorist Bandura views morality as learned
positive, and cooperative relationship in which child and care-
behavior influenced by both self-regulatory cognitive
giver are attached to each other and are sensitive to each other's
processes and situational influences. •
needs. Such a relationship makes children want to comply with
caregivers' rules and adopt their values and standards. These
children then learn moral emotions such as guilt and empathy,
Tlie Infant develop the capacity for advanced moral reasoning, and be-
come able to resist temptation because they have learned to
Do infants have a sense of right or wrong? If a baby takes a toy regulate their behavior without external control.
that belongs to another child, would you label the act stealing? It is also important for parents to discuss their toddlers'
If an infant bashes another child in the head with a toy, would behavior in an open way, expressing their feelings and evalu-
you insist that the infant be put on trial for assault? Of course ating acts as good or bad (Laible & Thompson, 2000). This
not. Adults in our society, including psychologists, view in-
fants as amoral—that is, lacking any sense of morality.
Because we do not believe that infants are capable of evaluat-
ing their behavior in relation to moral standards, wre do not
hold them morally responsible for wTrongs they commit (al-
though we attempt to prevent them from harming others).
Nor do we expect them to be "good" wrhen we are not around
to watch them. Yet it is nowr clear that these initially amoral
creatures begin to learn fundamental moral lessons during
their first 2 years of life (Emde et al., 1991; Kochanska, 1993).
Tlie C k i l d
Not only are infants capable of internalizing rules of behavior, From age 2 to age 12, children's standards of morality and their
but they also are not so selfish, egocentric, and unconcerned motivation to live up to these standards grow out of their social
about other people as Freud, Piaget, Kohlberg, and many experiences in their family, peer group, and society. Research on
other theorists have assumed. Perhaps the strongest evidence moral development during childhood has explored how chil-
of this comes from studies of empathy and prosocial behavior. dren of different ages think about moral issues and how they
Even newborns display a primitive form of empathy: They be- behave w7hen their moral values are tested. As you will see,
come distressed by the cries of other newborns, suggesting Piaget and Kohlberg probably underestimated children. Other
that empathy may be part of our evolutionary heritage researchers have looked more closely at the moral reasoning of
(Hoffman, 2000; Martin & Clark, 1982). It is unlikely that children and find that they engage in some fairly sophisticated
young infants distinguish between another infant's distress thinking about right and wrong from an early age.
and their owrn, however.
From age 1 to age 2, infants become capable of a truer form
of empathy that is likely a key motivator of moral behavior, ac-
cording to Martin Hoffman (2000), and that becomes more so- Consider Piaget's claim that young children (heteronomous
phisticated with age as role-taking skills develop. They under- thinkers) judge acts as right or wrong on the basis of their
E ^
stand that someone else's distress is different from their own, consequences, whereas older children (autonomous thinkers)
and they try to comfort the person in distress. Carolyn Zahn- judge on the basis of the intentions that guided the act. His
Waxler and her colleagues (1992) report that more than half of moral-decision story about the two boys and the cups—
the 13- to 15-month-old infants they observed engaged in at asking whether a child w7ho causes a small amount of damage
least one act of prosocial behavior—helping, sharing, express- in the service of bad intentions is naughtier than a child who
ing concern, comforting, and so on. These behaviors became causes a large amount of damage despite good intentions—
increasingly common from age 1 to age 2, when all but one was flawed in that it confounded the two issues, goodness of
child in the study acted prosocially. intentions and amount of damage done.
Consider some concrete examples of early empathy de- Sharon Nelson (1980) overcame this flaw in an interest-
scribed by Hoffman (2000). One 10-month-old, watching a ing experiment. In the study, 3-year-olds listened to stories in
peer cry, looked sad and buried her head in her mother's lap, which a character threw a ball to a playmate. The actor's mo-
as she often did when she was distressed. A 2-year-old brought tive was described as good (his friend had nothing to play
his own teddy bear to comfort a distressed friend; when it with) or bad (the actor was mad at his friend), and the conse-
failed to do the trick, he offered the friend's teddy instead, be- quences of his act were either positive (the friend caught the
ginning to show an ability to take the perspective of the friend. ball and was happy to play with it) or negative (the ball hit his
Finally, consider the reaction of 21-month-old John to his dis- friend in the head and made him cry). To make the task sim-
tressed playmate, Jerry (Zahn-Waxler, Radke-Yarrow, & King, pler, Nelson showTed children drawings of what happened (see
1979, pp. 321-322): Figure 13.2 for an example).
Not surprisingly, the 3-year-olds in the study judged acts
Today Jerry was kind of cranky; he just started... bawling that had positive consequences more favorably than acts that
and he wouldn't stop. John kept coming over and handing caused harm. However, they also judged the well-intentioned
Jerry toys, trying to cheer him up.... He'd say things like child who had wanted to play more favorably than the child
"Here, Jerry," and I said to John, "Jerry's sad; he doesn't feel who intended to hurt his friend, regardless of the conse-
good; he had a shot today." John would look at me with his quences of his actions. Apparency, then, even young children
eyebrows wrinkled together like he really understood that can base their moral judgments on both an actor s intentions
Jerry was crying because he was unhappy. and the consequences of his act.
bitrarily restrict their children's friendships. And they main-
oi; tain that not even God can proclaim that stealing is morally
right and make it so (Nucci & Turiel, 1993). In other words,
school-age children will not blindly accept any dictate offered
by an authority figure as legitimate.
Stage 5
Tlie A d d e s c e n t
As adolescents gain the capacity to think about abstract and
hypothetical ideas, and as they begin to chart their future
identities, many of them reflect on their values and moral
standards. Indeed, some come to view being a moral person
(being caring, fair, honest, and so on) as an important part of
who they are. Their moral identity then motivates moral ac-
tion, and they end up being more capable of advanced moral
reasoning and more likely to engage in moral behavior than
adolescents who do not incorporate morality in their sense of
identity (Aquino & Reed, 2002; Gibbs, 2003). At the other ex-
treme are the adolescents who end up engaging in serious an-
10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36
tisocial behavior.
Age (in years)
1. Encoding of cues Search for, attend to, and register cues in the situation Focus on cues suggesting hostile intent;
ignore other relevant information
2. Interpretation of cues Interpret situation; infer others motive Infer that provoker had hostile intent
3. Clarification of goals Formulate goal in situation Make goal to retaliate
4. Response search Generate possible responses Generate few options, most of them
5. Response decision Assess likely consequences of responses generated; See advantages in responding aggressively
choose the best rather than nonaggressively (or fail to
evaluate consequences)
6. Behavioral enactment Produce chosen response; act Behave aggressively
Social information processors use a database of information about past social experiences, social rules, and social behavior at each step of the process and skip
from step to step. See Crick & Dodge (1994) for further details and relevant research.
mate's face); (2) make an attribution of hostile intent infer- lying classmates or otherwise misbehaving (Poulin 8c Boivin,
ring, based on the information gathered, that the classmate 2000).
meant to cause harm; (3) set a goal of getting even (rather Dodge's social information-processing model is helpful
than a goal of smoothing relations); (4) think of only a few in understanding why children and adolescents might behave
possible ways to react, mostly aggressive ones; (5) conclude, aggressively in particular situations. However, it leaves some-
after evaluating alternative actions, that an aggressive response what unclear the extent to which the underlying problem is
will have favorable outcomes (or perhaps not think through how one thinks (how skilled the person is at processing social
the possible negative consequences of an aggressive response); information), what one thinks (for example, whether the indi-
and (6) carry out the particular aggressive response selected vidual believes that other people are hostile or that aggression
(see Table 13.1). pays), or whether one thinks (how impulsive the person is).
Many aggressive youths also skip steps of the model and The role of emotions also needs more attention. Children who
act impulsively, "without thinking"; they respond automati- are by temperament high in emotionality but have difficulty
cally based on their database of past experiences. These youths regulating and controlling their emotions are especially likely
tend to see the world as a hostile place and are easily angered. to show deficiencies in social information processing and to
If a situation is ambiguous (as a tripping or bumping incident engage in problem behavior, perhaps because their strong
is likely to be), they are more likely than nonaggressive youths emotions cloud their thinking (Eisenberg et al., 1996;
to quickly attribute hostile intent to whoever harms them Lemerise 8c Arsenio, 2000). Finally, we need more research,
(Crick & Dodge, 1994; Orobio de Castro et al., 2002). like the work we will describe next, to tell us why only some
Interestingly, 4- to 6-year-olds who are rejected by peers be- children develop the social information-processing styles as-
cause of aggressive and otherwise irritating behavior do as sociated with aggressive behavior.
w7ell as their more popular peers on theory-of-mind tasks but
appear to have developed what Happe and Frith (1996b) have Patterson's C o e r c i v e F a m i l y E n v i r o n m e n t s
dubbed a "theory of'nasty minds,'" attributing hostile inten- Family influences on aggression may provide part of the an-
tions and motives to other people even at this early age swer. Gerald Patterson and his colleagues have found that
(Badenes, Estevan, & Garcia Bacete, 2000). Severely violent highly antisocial children and adolescents often experience
youths such as Andy Williams have often experienced aban- coercive family environments in which family members are
donment, neglect, abuse, and other traumas that may have locked in power struggles, each trying to control the others
given them cause to view the world as a hostile place and to through coercive tactics such as threatening, yelling, and hit-
feel morally justified in going after anyone who threatens or ting (Patterson, DeBaryshe 8c Ramsey, 1989; Kiesner, Dishion,
wrongs them (Gibbs, 2003; Margolin 8c Gordis, 2000). 8c Poulin, 2001). In some cases, parents use harsh discipline or
Aggressive youths also tend to evaluate the consequences are even abusive (Margolin 8c Gordis, 2000). Coercive family
of aggression far more positively than other adolescents do. processes were first identified in families with boys who were
They expect their aggressive acts to achieve the desired results, out of control, but they also surface in the families of girls
view being "tough" and controlling others as important to w7ith conduct problems (Compton et al, 2003; Eddy, Leve, 8c
their self-esteem, and feel morally justified in acting because Fagot, 2001). Parents learn (through negative reinforcement)
they believe they are only retaliating against individuals who that they can stop their children's misbehavior, temporarily at
are "out to get them" (Coie et al., 1991; Smithmyer, Hubbard, least, by threatening, yelling, and hitting. Meanwhile, children
8c Simons, 2000). They often belong to peer groups whose learn (also through negative reinforcement) that they can get
members value toughness and reinforce one another for bul- their parents to lay off them by ignoring requests, whining,
throwing full-blown temper tantrums, and otherwise being as (Hilton, Harris, 8c Rice, 2000; Pellegrini & Long, 2003).
difficult as possible. As both parents and children learn to rely Becoming dominant in the male peer group enables adoles-
on coercive tactics, parents increasingly lose control over their cent males to compete with other males for mates, bearing
children s behavior until even the loudest lectures and hardest many offspring and therefore succeeding in passing their
spankings have little effect and the child's conduct problems genes to future generations. Adolescent females can bear only
spiral out of control. It is easy to see how a child who has so many children and therefore may not need to be as com-
grown up in a coercive family environment might attribute petitive (Barash, 2002). However, even they may boost their
hostile intent to other people and rely 011 aggressive tactics to chances of finding mates by engaging in subtle and indirect
resolve disputes. forms of aggression such as spreading rumors about and
Growing up in a coercive family environment sets in mo- "trashing" other females (Pellegrini & Long, 2003).
tion the next steps in the making of an antisocial adolescent In addition, we now know that some individuals are more
(see Figure 13.4): The child, already aggressive and unpleasant genetically predisposed than others to have difficult, irritable
to be around, ends up performing poorly in school and being temperaments and other personality traits that incline them
rejected by other children. Having no better options, she to show aggressive, delinquent, and criminal behavior
becomes involved in a peer group made up of other low- (Cleveland, 2003; Rhee, & Waldman, 2002; Simonoff, 2001).
achieving, antisocial, and unpopular youths and is then Some aggressive individuals may be predisposed to violence
steered even further in the direction of a delinquent career by by neurological deficits that affect their impulse control and
these colleagues in crime, who positively reinforce one an- verbal skills (Quinsey et al., 2004; Teichner & Golden, 2000).
other's talk about rule breaking and delinquent acts (Dishion, Behavioral genetic research suggests that genetic differences
Andrews, & Crosby, 1995; Kiesner et al, 2001). Rejection by account for about 40% of the variation among individuals in
peers may further reinforce a tendency to attribute hostile in- antisocial behavior; nonshared environmental influences ac-
tent to others and in the process strengthen aggressive ten- count for another 45% of the variation, and shared environ-
dencies (Dodge et al., 2003). mental influences common to siblings in the same family con-
Overall, there is much support for the view that ineffec- text account for about 15% (Rhee & Waldman, 2002).
tive parenting in childhood contributes to behavioral prob- Through the mechanism of gene-environment correla-
lems, peer rejection, involvement with antisocial peers, and, in tion, children who inherit a genetic predisposition to become
turn, antisocial behavior in adolescence. The pattern even aggressive may evoke the coercive parenting that Patterson
seems to repeat itself across generations; aggressive youths and his colleagues find breeds aggression, even when they
who experienced coercive parenting become coercive parents grow up with adoptive parents rather than with their biologi-
and raise aggressive children (Conger et al, 2003; Thornberry cal parents. Coercive parenting, in turn, contributes to
et al, 2003). strengthening their aggressive tendencies (Lytton, 2000;
O'Connor et al., 1998). When identical twin pairs are
studied—therefore, only environmental influences can ex-
Severe antisocial behavior is the product of a complex inter- plain differences between the twins—the twin wrho receives
play between genetic predisposition and social learning expe- the most negative treatment and the least warmth from his
riences (Quinsey et al., 2004; Dodge & Pettit, 2003). We can mother tends to become the more aggressive of the two twins
start by putting aggression in an evolutionary context. For ex- (Caspi et al., 2004). When both genes predisposing a child to
ample, males are more aggressive overall than females and en- aggression and coercive parenting are at work, the child
gage in three or four times as much crime; the male edge in vi- quickly becomes out of control and the parents become so
olence is evident in many cultures and in many species frustrated that they may monitor their child's behavior less to
(Barash, 2002). It has been argued that aggression evolved in avoid the unpleasant battles of will that result when they at-
males because it serves adaptive functions in mate selection tempt to clamp down (Dodge & Pettit, 2003).
Rejection by
normal peers
Poor parental Child
discipline conduct
and monitoring problems
Figure 13.4 Gerald Patterson's mode! of the development of antisocial behavior starts
with poor discipline and coercive cycles of family influence.
SOURCE: Adapted from Patterson e : al. (1989).
Many other risk and protective factors in the environ-
ment can help determine whether a child genetically predis-
posed to be aggressive ends up on a healthy or unhealthy de-
velopmental trajectory. The prenatal environment—for
example, exposure to alcohol, opiate drugs, and lead poison-
ing—has been linked to conduct problems (Dodge 8c Pettit,
2003). Complications during delivery may also contribute, es-
pecially if the child later grows up in a deprived family envi-
ronment (Arseneault et al., 2002).
Some cultural contexts are more likely to breed aggres-
sion than others. In Japan, a collectivist culture in which chil-
dren are taught early to value social harmony, children are less
angered by interpersonal conflicts and less likely to react to
them aggressively than American children are (Zahn-Waxler
et al., 1996). Hispanic youths who have been brought up with
traditional Hispanic cultural values such as the importance of € Gangs in inner-city areas are only part of the larger problem of
youth violence.
family are less likely than those who are more acculturated
into American society to engage in antisocial behavior (Cota-
Robles, 2003; Soriano et al., 2004). Could this be partly be- Kenneth Dodge-and Gregory Pettit (2003) heive at-
cause children in the United States are so heavily exposed to tempted to integrate all these influences on aggression in a
violence on television every day? Research shows that children biopsychosocial model, illustrated in Figure 13.5. It is based
exposed to a lot of media violence are not only more aggres- primarily on their research tracing the development of ag-
sive in the short run but also more likely to engage in assaults, gression among 585 boys and girls who were studied from
spouse abuse, and other forms of violence as adults (Anderson preschool age to early adulthood. In the model, biological fac-
et al., 2003; Huesmann et al., 2003). More generally, the tors such as genes associated with aggression and sociocultu-
United States is an especially violent country. The homicide ral factors such as living in a violent area put certain children
rate is only 0.5 homicides per 1 million people in Iceland; it is at risk from birth. Then, experiences with harsh and coercive
closer to 10 per 1 million in Europe, and it is more than 100 parents, antisocial peers, and dysfunctional social institutions
per 1 million in the United States (Barash, 2002). such as violence-ridden schools translate risk into reality.
Subcultural and neighborhood factors can also con- Interactions between person and environment over time de-
tribute to youth violence. Rates of aggression and violent termine whether the developmental path leads toward more
crime are two to three times higher in lower socioeconomic or less antisocial behavior over the years. Cognitive and emo-
neighborhoods and communities, especially transient ones, tional processes also enter, as suggested by Dodge's social in-
than in middle-class ones (Elliott 8c Ageton, 1980; Maughan, formation-processing model; based on their life experiences,
2001). Community norms that support the use of violence to children' build databanks of social knowledge about such
resolve conflicts and social stressors that make it difficult for things as norms for responding to aggression, aggressive tac-
parents to monitor and manage their children may both con- tics, and information-processing habits such as attributing
tribute (Jagers, Bingham, 8c Hans, 1996). So may witnessing hostile intent to others. The more risk factors at work, the
community violence (Guerra, Huesmann, & Spindler, 2003). greater the odds of an aggressive adult. Interactions among
Interestingly, parental behaviors that can help control aggres-
sion, such as monitoring cidolescents' comings and goings, ap-
pear to make even more of a difference in disadvantaged, un-
stable, violence-prone neighborhoods than they do in Biological Biological
adequate ones (Beyers, Bates, et al., 2003; Cleveland, 2003). predisposition predisposition
Kohlberg argued (as did Piaget) that two factors are most im-
portant in moral development: cognitive growth and social
experiences, particularly interactions with peers. As Kohlberg
When adults assume responsibilities as parents, work supervi- predicted, reaching the conventional level of moral reasoning
sors, and community leaders, their moral decisions affect and becoming concerned about living up to the moral stan-
more people. How does moral thinking change during adult- dards of parents or society requires the ability to take other
hood, and what else must we consider to gain a perspective on people's perspectives (Walker, 1980). Gaining the capacity for
moral development across the life span? postconventional or "principled" moral reasoning requires
still more cognitive growth—namely, a solid command of for-
mal operational thinking, usually evident only in adulthood
(Tomlinson-Keasey & Keasey, 1974; Walker, 1980). The person
As you have discovered (see Figure 13.3 on page 370), who bases moral judgments on abstract principles must be
Kohlbergs postconventional moral reasoning appears to able to reason abstractly and take all possible perspectives on
emerge only during the adult years (if it emerges). In a moral issue. Milestones in moral development cannot be
Kohlberg's 20-year longitudinal study (Colby et al., 1983), achieved without the requisite cognitive skills.
most adults in their 30s still reasoned at the conventional Kohlberg also stressed the need for social experiences
level, although many of them had shifted from stage 3 to stage that require the individuals to take the perspectives of others
4. A minority of individuals—one-sixth to one-eighth of the so that they can appreciate that they are part of a larger so-
sample—had begun to use stage 5 postconventional reason- cial order and that moral rules are a consensus of individu-
ing, showing a deeper understanding of the basis for laws and als in society. Interacting with people who hold views differ-
distinguishing between just and unjust laws. Clearly, there is ent from their own also creates cognitive disequilibrium—a
opportunity for moral growth in early adulthood. conflict between existing cognitive structures and new
Do these growth trends continue into later adulthood? ideas—which in turn stimulates new ways of thinking. Like
Most studies find no major age differences in stage of moral Piaget, Kohlberg maintained that interactions with peers or
reasoning, at least when relatively educated adults are studied equals, in which we experience and discuss differences be-
I n recent years, U.S. society has been struggling with the prob-
lem of how to prevent youth violence and treat seriously ag-
gressive children and adolescents such as Andy Williams, the
troubled teenager described at the start of this chapter. Many
believe that violence prevention needs to start in infancy or
toddlerhood—perhaps even at conception—with a strong em-
phasis on positive parenting (Tremblay, 2000). Programs such as
Fast Track, aimed at improving the social skills and self-control
of young children at risk to become aggressive by using aca-
demic and social skills training at school, parent training, and
home visits, have had some success in improving parenting and,
in turn, reducing aggression (Conduct Problems Prevention
Research Group, 1999). School-based prevention programs
aimed at teaching social cognitive skills to either high-risk chil-
dren or all children can also be effective (Aber, Brown, & Jones,
€ Discussion of moral dilemmas may increase complexity of
2003; Wilson, Lipsey, & Derzon, 2003). Here, we focus on how
moral reasoning but does not necessarily reduce delinquency
three perspectives described in this chapter—Lawrence
Kohlberg's theory of moral reasoning, Kenneth Dodge's social
information-processing model, and Gerald Patterson's coercive Does participation in group discussions of moral issues
family environment model—have been applied to the challenge produce more mature moral reasoning? It appears so (Rest et
of treating youths who have already become antisocial. al., 1999). Average changes that are the equivalent of about 4
to 5 years of natural development have been achieved in pro-
Improving Moral Reasoning grams lasting only 3 to 12 weeks. Moreover, researchers have
How can we foster stronger moral values and more advanced learned what kinds of discussion are most helpful. For exam-
moral thinking among not-so-moral children and adolescents? ple, it is important that students be exposed to reasoning that
If, as both Jean Piaget and Lawrence Kohlberg said, peers are is more mature than their own (Lapsley, 1996). Also, moral
more important than parents in stimulating moral growth, one growth is most likely when students actively transform, ana-
sensible approach is to harness "peer power" This is what lyze, or otherwise act upon what their conversation partners
many psychologists and educators have tried to do, putting have said—when they say things like "You're missing an im-
children or adolescents in pairs or small groups to discuss hy- portant difference here" or "Here's something I think we can
pothetical moral dilemmas and creating school-based pro- agree on" (Berkowitz & Gibbs, 1983; Nucci, 2001).
grams involving discussion of violations of both moral and Participation in Kohlbergian moral discussion groups can
social-conventional rules (see Nucci, 2001). The rationale is even raise the level of moral thinking of institutionalized delin-
simple: Opportunities to take other people's perspectives and quents (Niles, 1986). However, unless it is combined with efforts
exposure to forms of moral reasoning more mature than their to combat self-serving cognitions and teach social skills, efforts
own will create cognitive disequilibrium, which will motivate to foster mature moral judgment are unlikely to cause delin-
children to devise more mature modes of thinking. quents to cease being delinquent (Gibbs, 2003; Niles, 1986).
tween our own and others' perspectives, probably contribute cussed moral dilemmas with a parent and then separately
more to moral growth than one-sided interactions with with a friend. Four years later, they were asked to respond to
adult authority figures in which children are expected to de- moral dilemmas. Interactions with both parents and friends
fer to the adult's power. Were Piaget and Kohlberg right? As influenced these individuals' moral development, but in
it turns out, peers are important, but so are parents, and not somewhat different ways. Friends were more likely than par-
just by using inductive discipline and being warm, support- ents to challenge and disagree with a child's or an adoles-
ive parents. cent's ideas, and they were most likely to contribute posi-
Lawrence Walker and his colleagues (Walker, Hennig, & tively to moral growth when they confronted and
Krettenauer, 2000) directly compared parent and peer influ- challenged. Parents, because they functioned at more ad-
ences on moral development. Both 11 - and 15-year-olds dis- vanced stages of moral development than their children, en-
Building Social information-Processing Skills closely with their son's school, to gather teachers' reports on
As you saw earlier, Dodge's social information-processing his performance and behavior at school, and, using methods
model identifies six steps at which a highly aggressive youth derived from social learning theory, to establish behavioral
may display deficient or biased information processing. contracts that detail what the youth can expect in the way of
Nancy Guerra and Ronald Slaby (1990) coached small reinforcement for prosocial behavior and punishment for an-
groups of incarcerated and violent juveniles of both sexes (I) tisocial behavior.
to look for situational cues other than those suggesting hos- Overall, the parent-training intervention was judged at
tile intentions, (2) to control their impulses so that they do least a partial success. It improved family processes, although
not lash out without considering the consequences, and (3) it did not fully resolve the problems these dysfunctional fami-
to generate more nonaggressive solutions to conflicts. After lies had. Rates of serious crime among this group dropped and
a 12-week intervention, these adolescents showed dramatic remained lower even 3 years after the intervention ended.The
improvements in social information-processing skills, be- usual juvenile services program also reduced crime rates but
lieved less strongly in the value of aggression, and behaved took longer to take effect.
less aggressively in their interactions with authority figures Other research shows that peers can undermine the ef-
and other inmates. fectiveness of treatment programs. Programs that put antiso-
Trained offenders were only somewhat less likely than un- cial adolescents together in treatment groups or facilities can
trained offenders (34% versus 46%) to violate their paroles af- increase problem behavior if they mainly provide antisocial
ter release, however, suggesting that they may have reverted youths with opportunities to reinforce one another's deviance
to their antisocial ways once back in the environment in which (Dishion, McCord, & Poulin, 1999). A better strategy is to
their aggressive tendencies originated. Indeed, for young form groups with a mix of well-adjusted and aggressive youths
African American and Hispanic males in gang-dominated inner- (and hope that the well-adjusted ones prevail).
city neighborhoods, being quick to detect others' hostile in- In surn, efforts to treat aggressive youths have included
tentions and defend themselves against assault may be an im- attempts to apply the work of Kohlberg (by discussing moral
portant survival skill (Hudley & Graham, 1993). issues to raise levels of moral reasoning), Dodge (by teach-
ing effective social information-processing skills), and
Breaking Coercive Cycles Patterson (by replacing coercive cycles in the family envi-
Patterson and his colleagues maintain that the secret to work- ronment with positive behavioral management techniques).
ing with violent youths is to change the dynamics of interac- Many interventions have achieved short-term gains in skills
tions in their families so that aggressive tactics of controlling but have failed to reduce rates of antisocial behavior in the
other family members are no longer reinforced and the cycle long run.The most promising approaches to preventing and
of coercive influence is broken. In one study, Patterson and his treating aggressive youths appear to recognize that modify-
team (Bank et al., 1991) randomly assigned adolescent boys ing patterns of antisocial behavior requires adopting a
who were repeat offenders to either a special parent-training biopsychosocial perspective and seeking to change not only
intervention or the service usually provided by the juvenile the individual but also his family, peers, and broader social
court. In the parent-training program, therapy sessions held environment (Dodge & Pettit, 2003; Elliott, Williams, &
with each family taught parents how to observe both proso- Hamburg, 1998).
cial and antisocial behaviors in their son, to communicate
gaged them in more intellectually stimulating discussions. ers or other adults and that discussions with peers are more
Parents contributed most to development when they used a likely to stimulate moral growth (Kruger, 1992; Kruger &
positive, supportive style in which they checked to make sure Tomasello, 1986). But although Piaget and Kohlberg were
they understood what their children were trying to say and right to call attention to the role of peers in moral develop-
probed their thinking in a gentle, Socratic manner. They did ment, they failed to appreciate that parents also have much to
more damage than good when they took an authoritarian contribute.
approach and lectured about right and wrong (see also Another social experience that contributes to moral
Walker & Taylor, 1991). growth is advanced schooling. Adults who go on to college
Other research suggests that children may think more ac- and receive years of education think more complexly about
tively and deeply about their own and their partners' moral moral issues than do those who are less educated (Pratt et al,
ideas in discussions with peers than in talks with their moth- 1991). Advanced educational experiences not only contribute
you saw earlier, young children are more sophisticated moral
thinkers than either Piaget or Kohlberg recognized. Moreover,
the idea that everyone progresses from preconventional to
conventional reasoning is better supported than the idea that
people continue to progress from conventional to postcon-
ventional reasoning (Boom, Brugman, 8c van der Heijden,
2001). Stage 3 or 4 seems to be the end of the developmental
journey for most individuals worldwide (Snarey, 1985).
Moreover, questions have been raised about whether the the-
ory is biased against people from non-Western cultures, polit-
ical conservatives, and women, as you shall now see.
C u l t u r e Bias?
Why does postconventional reasoning, as Kohlberg defines it,
not seem to exist in traditional, non-Western societies? Critics
C Some school environments breed aggressive behavior
charge that Kohlbergs highest stages reflect a Western ideal of
justice centered on individual rights, making the stage theory
to cognitive growth but also provide exposure to the diverse biased against people who live in non-Western societies
ideas and perspectives that produce cognitive conflict and (Shweder, Mahapatra, 8c Miller, 1990). People in collectivist
soul-searching. societies, which emphasize social harmony and place the good
Finally, participating in a complex, diverse, and demo- of the group ahead of the good of the individual, look like
cratic society can stimulate moral development. Just as we stage 3 conventional moral thinkers in Kohlbergs system but
learn the give and take of mutual perspective taking by dis- may have sophisticated concepts of justice that focus on the
cussing issues with our friends, we learn in a diverse democ- individual's responsibility for others' welfare (Snarey, 1985;
racy that the opinions of many groups must be weighed and Tietjen 8c Walker, 1985). Whereas American children learn to
that laws reflect a consensus of the citizens rather than the ar- be relatively self-centered in their moral perspective, children
bitrary rulings of a dictator. Indeed, cross-cultural studies in Asian collectivist cultures appear to learn earlier to consider
suggest that postconventional moral reasoning emerges pri- others' perspectives and to care about the welfare of the fam-
marily in Western democracies (Snarey, 1985). Adults in ho- ily and other social groups (Fang et al., 2003). Cultural influ-
mogeneous communities in traditional, non-Western soci- ences on moral development are explored further in the
eties may have less experience with the kinds of political Explorations box on page 379.
conflicts and compromises that take place in more complex
societies, so they may never have any need to question con- Liberal Bias?
ventional moral standards. Critics charge that Kohlberg's theory is biased not only against
In sum, advanced moral reasoning is most likely if the in- non-Westerners but also against political conservatives. A per-
dividual has acquired the necessary cognitive skills (particu- son must hold liberal values—for example, opposing capital
larly perspective-taking skills and, later, formal operational or punishment or supporting civil disobedience in the name of
abstract thinking). Moreover, an individual's moral develop- human rights—to be classified as a postconventional moral
ment is highly influenced by social learning experiences, in- reasoner, they say. In one study (de Vries 8c Walker, 1986),
cluding interactions with parents, discussions with peers, ex- 100% of the college students who showed signs of postcon-
posure to higher education, and participation in democracy. ventional thought opposed capital punishment, whereas none
of the men and only a third of the women who were transi-
tional between stage 2 and stage 3 moral reasoning opposed
capital punishment. As Brian de Vries and Lawrence Walker
You have now seen that children think about hypothetical (1986) note, it could be that opposition to capital punishment
moral dilemmas primarily in a preconventional manner, that is a more valid moral position than support of capital punish-
adolescents adopt a conventional mode of moral reasoning, ment in that it involves valuing life highly. However, it could
and that a few adults progress to the postconventional level. also be that the theory is unfair to law-and-order conserva-
Kohlberg appears to have discovered an important develop- tives (Lapsley et al., 1984).
mental progression in moral thought. He said that his stages
form an invariant and universal sequence of moral growth, G e n d e r Bias?
and longitudinal studies of moral growth in several countries Criticisms of culture bias and liberal bias may have some
support him (Colby 8c Kohlberg, 1987; Rest et al., 1999). merit, but no criticism of Kohlberg's theory has caused more
However, support for some parts of the stage progression stir than the charge that it is biased against women. Carol
is stronger than support for other parts. Questions have been Gilligan (1977, 1982, 1993) was disturbed because Kohlberg's
raised about whether stages 1 and 2 adequately capture the stages were developed based on interviews with males and
moral thinking of children (Dawson 8c Gabrielian, 2003); as that, in some studies, women seemed to reason at stage 3
Is each of the following acts wrong? If so, how serious is
the violation? — Americans
1. A young married woman is beaten by her husband - Brahmans
after going to a movie without his permission de- O IS Untouchables
spite having been warned not to do so. cd.E
80 -
CO ^
2. A brother and sister decide to marry and have chil- CD Q
dren. P§
Q. O
3. The day after his father died, the oldest son in a CD CO
d Adults in rural societies seem to have no need for postconventional moral reasoning be-
cause they share the same moral perspective.
2003). For instance, Elizabeth Midlarsky and her colleagues
(1999) gave elderly adults moral dilemmas focused on proso-
cial behavior (for example, about whether to donate blood to
a sick person at considerable cost to the donor). Adults whose
responses to these moral dilemmas were based on abstract
moral principles were more helpful in everyday life than those
who reasoned at less advanced levels. Advanced moral reason-
ers are also less likely to cheat or to engage in delinquent and
criminal activity (Judy & Nelson, 2000; Rest et al., 1999). For
instance, Kohlberg (1975) found that only 15% of students
who reasoned at the postconventional level cheated when
given an opportunity to do so, compared with 55% of stu-
dents at the conventional level reasoning and 70% of those at
the preconventional level.
Still, relationships between stage of moral reasoning
and moral behavior are typically weak, and researchers have
struggled to explain why there is often a gap between thought
and action (Bruggeman & Hart, 1996; Walker, 2004). As
Albert Bandura (2002) emphasizes, we not only develop self-
regulatory mechanisms that help us adhere to our internalized
moral standards but also devise tactics of moral disengage-
ment that let us distort reality, slither out from under respon-
sibility for our actions, and commit acts that violate our moral
values. Emotions also affect moral cognition and behavior. We
reason less maturely, for example, in real interpersonal con-
flicts with romantic partners, wrhen our egos are threatened
and our self-interests are at stake, than we do when pondering
hypothetical moral dilemmas of the sort Kohlberg posed
(Krebs et al., 2002). In the end, we do best recognizing that the
moral reasoning of interest to Piaget and Kohlberg, the moral
emotions of interest to Freud and Hoffman, and the self-
€ Carol Gilligan maintains that girls are socialized into a morality of regulatory and moral disengagement processes of interest to
care rather than the morality of justice that interested Lawrence
Bandura—together with many other personal and situational
factors—all help predict whether a person will behave morally
or immorally in daily life.
experience when they engage in immoral and moral behavior We have now completed our series of chapters on the de-
and at how they learn to regulate these emotions (Eisenberg, velopment of the self, or the person as an individual, looking
2000). They are also looking at how morality becomes central at the development of self-conceptions and distinctive per-
to some people5 identities and motivates them to live up to sonality traits (Chapter 11), identities as males or females
their values (Gibbs, 2003; Nucci, 2001). (Chapter 12), and now social cognitive skills and morality. But
In addition, researchers are looking more closely at the individual development does not occur in a vacuum.
relationship between moral reasoning and moral behavior. Repeatedly, you have seen that an individuals development
Although a person may decide to uphold or to break a law at may take different paths depending on the social and cultural
any of Kohlberg's stages of moral reasoning, Kohlberg argued context in which it occurs. Our task in upcoming chapters will
that more advanced moral reasoners are more likely to behave be to put the individual even more squarely into a social con-
morally than less advanced moral reasoners are. He would text. It should become clear that throughout our lives we are
predict, for example, that the preconventional thinker might both independent and interdependent—separate from and
readily decide to cheat if the chances of being detected were connected to other developing persons.
small and the potential rewards were high. The postconven-
Sumiming Up
tional thinker would be more likely to appreciate that cheat-
ing is wrong in principle, regardless of the chances of detec- In sum, a few adults progress from the conventional to the
tion, because it infringes on the rights of others and postconventional level of moral reasoning during the adult
undermines social order. years; moral reasoning skills are maintained in old age and
How well does a person's stage of moral reasoning predict may be tied t o spirituality and wisdom for some. Overall,
his behavior? Individuals at higher stages of moral reasoning, Kohlberg's theory of moral development describes a uni-
especially when their empathy is aroused, are more likely than versal sequence of changes in moral reasoning extending
individuals at lower stages to behave prosocially (Gibbs, from childhood through adulthood.The evidence supports
Kohlberg's view that both cognitive growth and experi- ones, or who emphasize what Gilligan calls a morality of
ences taking others' perspectives contribute to moral care as opposed t o a morality of justice. Furthermore, be-
growth. However; the theory, although rightly emphasizing * cause Kohlberg's theory focuses on moral reasoning, it
peer contributions t o moral development may not have needs to be supplemented by other perspectives t o help
appreciated parent contributions enough, and it may not us understand how moral affect and moral behavior de-
be entirely fair to people who live in non-Western soci- velop and how thought, emotion, and behavior interact to
eties, who hold values other than liberal and democratic make us the moral beings we become. 0
The Office for Studies in Moral Development and Moral Education Developmental PsychologyNow is a web-based, intelli-
at the University of Illinois-Chicago has on its website an overview gent study system that provides a complete package of di-
of moral development and moral education that includes informa- agnostic quizzes, a personalized study plan, integrated multimedia
tion about the theories of Jean Piaget, Lawrence Kohlberg, and Carol elements, and learning modules. Check it out at http://psychology
Gilligan. The website also details the research projects of faculty from
c h a p t e r f o u r *
t e e n
Attachment an ocia
T l ie Till a n t
Tke Ckild T k e Aclult
Early Emotional Development
Parent-Child Attachments Social Networks
Nature, Nurture, and Emotions
Emotion Regulation Peer Networks Attachment Styles
An Attachment Forms Play Adult Friendships
The Caregiver's Attachment to the Play Becomes More Social
Adult Relationships and Adult
Infant Play Becomes More Imaginative
The Infant's Attachment to the Play Becomes More Rule-Governed
Caregiver What Good Is Play?
Jessica's future, you would probably agree that close interper-
sonal relationships play a critical role in our lives and in de-
velopment. The poet John Donne wrote, "No man is an island,
entire of itself"; it seems equally true that no human can be-
come entire without the help of other humans.
This chapter addresses questions such as the following:
What social relationships are especially important during dif-
ferent phases of the life span, and what is the character of
these relationships? When and how do we develop the social
competence it takes to interact smoothly with other people
and to enter into intimate relationships with them? What are
the developmental implications of being deprived of close re-
lationships? We begin with some broad perspectives on social
Primary Emotions
Contentment—> Embarrassment
m Consciousness, as in
Interest Surprise
self-referential behavior m Shame
Sadness, disgust Empathy
Distress Guilt
H fear
F i g u r e S4J The emergence of different emotions. Primary emotions emerge in the first 6
months of life, secondary or seif-conscious emotions emerge starting from about I 8 months
t o 2 years.
SGIJRCE: L e w i s ( 2 0 0 0 } .
tress—help ensure that caregivers respond to them (Kopp 8c
Neufield, 2003).
Whether an individual infant tends to be predominantly
happy and eager to approach new stimuli, or he is irritable
and easily distressed or angered, is influenced by his individ-
ual genetic makeup (Goldsmith, 2003). However, the studies
that document genetic influence on temperamental qualities
associated with emotional expression also reveal effects of the
environment shared by siblings in the same family. This shows
that nurture is also important in emotional development and
that caregivers help shape an infant's predominant pattern of
emotional expression.
Observational studies of face-to-face interactions be-
tween mothers and infants suggest that young infants display
a range of positive and negative emotions, changing their ex-
pressions with lightning speed (once every 7 seconds) while
their mothers do the same (Malatesta et al., 1986; Malatesta et
al. 1989). Mothers mainly display interest, surprise, and joy,
thus serving as models of positive emotions and eliciting pos-
itive emotions from their babies. What is more, mothers re-
spond selectively to their babies' expressions; over the early
months, they become increasingly responsive to their babies'
expressions of happiness, interest, and surprise and less re-
sponsive to their negative emotions. Through basic learning <[ Parents help young infants develop emotion-regulation strategies
processes, then, infants are trained to show a pleasant face
more frequently and an unpleasant face less frequently—and
they do just that over time. They are beginning to learn what Michel, 8c Teti, 1994; Kopp, 1989). As infants age, and as they
emotional expressions mean in their sociocultural environ- gain control of emotion regulation strategies first learned in
ment and which are socially acceptable (Sroufe, 1996; Saarni, the context of the parent-child relationship, they become in-
1999). creasingly capable of regulating their emotions on their own.
Toward the end of the first year, infants also begin to Very young infants are able to reduce their negative
monitor their companions' emotional reactions in ambiguous arousal by turning from unpleasant stimuli or by sucking vig-
situations and use this information to decide how they should orously on a pacifier (Mangelsdorf, Shapiro, 8c Marzolf, 1995).
feel and behave—a phenomenon called social referencing By the end of thefirstyear, infants can also regulate their emo-
(Feinman, 1992). If their mothers are wary when a dog ap- tions by* rocking themselves or, now that they are mobile,
proaches, so are they; if their mothers pet a dog and smile, so moving from upsetting events. They also actively seek attach-
may they. It is not just that 1-year-olds are imitating their par- ment figures when they are upset because the presence of
ents' emotions; apparently they are able to understand what these individuals has a calming effect.
triggered these emotions and to regulate their behavior ac- By 18 to 24 months, toddlers will try to control the ac-
cordingly (Dunn, 2003). Gradually, in the context of a secure tions of people and objects, such as mechanical toys, that up-
parent-child relationship in which there is emotional com- set them (Mangelsdorf et al., 1995). They are able to cope with
munication, infants and young children learn to express and the frustration of waiting for snacks and gifts by playing with
understand emotions. toys and otherwise distracting themselves (Grolnick, Bridges,
8c Connell, 1996). They have been observed knitting their
E m o t i o n Regulation brows or compressing their lips in an attempt to suppress
To conform to their culture's rules and their caregiver's rules their anger or sadness (Malatesta et al., 1989). Finally, as chil-
about when and how different emotions should be expressed, dren gain the capacity for symbolic thought and language,
and to keep themselves from being overwhelmed by their they become able to regulate their distress symbolically—for
emotions, infants must develop strategies for emotion regula- example, by repeating the words, "Mommy coming soon,
tion—the processes involved in initiating, maintaining, and Mommy coming soon," after Mom goes out the door
altering emotional responses (Bridges & Grolnick, 1995; Cole, (Thompson, 1994).
Martin, & Dennis, 2004; Eisenberg 8c Morris, 2002; Kopp 8c The development of emotions and the development of
Neufield, 2003). Infants are active from the start in regulating strategies for regulating emotions are closely intertwined with
their emotions, but at first they have only a few, simple emo- the development of attachment relationships (Bell 8c Calkins,
tion regulation strategies of their own and must rely heavily 2000; Kopp 8c Neufield, 2003). Attachmentfiguresplay critical
on caregivers to help them—for example, by stroking them roles in helping infants regulate their emotions and in teach-
gently or rocking them wxhen they are distressed (Cole, ing them how to do so on their own. Attachmentfiguresalso
arouse powerful emotions, positive and negative, that need to
be controlled; infants can become uncomfortably overstimu-
lated during joyful bouts of play with parents, and they can
become highly distressed when their parents leave them.
Finally, infants develop distinct styles of emotional expression
designed to keep attachment figures close (Bridges &
Grolnick, 1995). One infant may learn to suppress negative
emotions such as fear and anger to avoid angering an irritable
caregiver, whereas another may learn to scream loud and long
to keep an unreliable caregiver close. Meanwhile, sensitive,
responsive parenting is associated with low levels of fear,
anger, and other negative emotions in infancy (Pauli-Pott,
Mertesacker, & Beckmann, 2004). Clearly, emotions and emo-
tion regulation develop in the context of attachment relation-
ships and both affect and are affected by the quality of these
and other relationships (Bell & Calkins, 2000).
T h e Caregiver's A t t a c h m e n t t o t h e Infant € Smiling is one behavior that helps ensure adults will fall in love
with babies.
Parents often begin to form emotional attachments to their
babies before birth. Mothers who have an opportunity for
skin-to-skin contact with their babies during the first few 1977; Tronick, 1989). Note the synchrony as this mother plays
hours after birth may feel a special bond forming (Klaus & peek-a-boo with her infant (Tronick, 1989, p. 112):
Kennell, 1976). Studies of other primates suggest that the 2 or
3 weeks after birth is a sensitive period for bonding in which The infant abruptly turns away from his mother as the
mothers are especially ready to respond to an infant; they will game reaches its "peak" of intensity and begins to suck
even adopt alien infants during this period, but not after it has on his thumb and stare into space with a dull facial
passed, if they are separated from their own infants expression. The mother stops playing and sits back
(Maestripieri, 2001). Moreover, premature human infants watching.... After a few seconds the infant turns back to
who have a daily session of skin-to-skin contact lying between her with an inviting expression. The mother moves closer,
their mothers' breasts while they are in the hospital nursery smiles, and says in a high-pitched, exaggerated voice, "Oh,
develop more rapidly neurologically, tolerate stress better, and now you're back!" He smiles in response and vocalizes. As
later receive more sensitive parenting from their mothers and they finish crowing together, the infant reinserts his
fathers than similar babies who do not receive this contact thumb and looks away. The mother again waits. [Soon]
(Feldman & Eidelman, 2003; Feldman et al., 2003). Secure at- the infant turns . . . to her and they greet each other with
tachments can develop without such early contact, however, big smiles.
so it is neither crucial nor sufficient for the development of
strong parent-infant attachments among humans. Smooth interactions like this are most likely to develop if
What else helps an attachment form? Not only are babies caregivers limit their social stimulation to those periods when a
cute, but their early reflexive behaviors such as sucking, root- baby is alert and receptive and avoid pushing things when the
ing, and grasping help endear them to their parents (Bowlby, infant's message is "Cool it—I need a break from all this stimu-
1969). Smiling may be an especially important signal. lation." Parents may have a difficult time establishing synchro-
Although it is initially a reflexive response to almost any stim- nized routines with irritable or unresponsive infants (Field,
ulus, it is triggered by voices at 3 weeks of age and by faces at 1987). Moreover, some adults—for example, mothers suffering
5 or 6 weeks (Bowlby, 1969; Wolff, 1963). As soon as infants from depression—may have difficulty responding sensitively to
begin to coo and babble, their parents can enjoy "conversa- their babies' signals (Hipwell et al., 2000; Stanley, Murray, &
tions" with them (Keller & Scholmerich, 1987; Stevenson et Stein, 2004). When synchrony in the vocalizations between par-
al., 1986). ent and infant can be achieved, the likely outcome is a secure at-
Over the weeks and months, caregivers and infants de- tachment relationship later in infancy (Jaffe et al., 2001).
velop synchronized routines much like dances, in which the In sum, infants play an active role in persuading adults to
partners take turns responding to each other's leads (Stern, love them. Babies are physically appealing, have several re-
flexes that promote the formation of an attachment, and are ments, peaks between 14 and 18 months, and gradually be-
highly responsive to people and capable of synchronizing comes less frequent and less intense throughout infancy and
their behavior with that of their "dance partners." As the care- the preschool period (Weinraub & Lewis, 1977). Still, even
giver and the infant perfect their interaction routines, the par- children and adolescents may become homesick and dis-
ent-infant attachment normally blossoms. tressed when separated from their parents for a long time
(Thurber, 1995).
T h e Infant's A t t a c h m e n t t o t h e C a r e g i v e r A second fearful response that often emerges shortly
Infants need time before they are developmentally ready to after an infant becomes attached to someone is stranger
form attachments. They progress through the following anxiety—a wary or fretful reaction to the approach of an
phases (Ainsworth, 1973; Bowlby, 1969): unfamiliar person (Schaffer 8c Emerson, 1964). Anxious re-
1. Undiscriminating social responsiveness (birth to 2 or 3 actions to strangers—often mixed with signs of interest—
months). Very young infants are responsive to voices, faces, become common between 8 and 10 months, continue
and other social stimuli, but any human interests them. They through the first year, and gradually decline in intensity over
do not yet show a clear preference for one person over an- the second year (Sroufe, 1996). The Explorations box on
other. page 393 describes the circumstances under which stranger
2. Discriminating social responsiveness (2 or 3 months to 6 anxiety is most and least likely to occur and suggests how
or 7 months). Infants begin to express preferences for familiar baby-sitters and health-care professionals can head off out-
companions. They are likely to direct their biggest grins and breaks of fear and trembling.
most enthusiastic babbles toward those companions, although
they are still friendly toward strangers. E x p l o r a t o r y Behavior
3. Active proximity seeking or true attachment (6 or 7 The formation of a strong attachment to a caregiver has an-
months to about 3 years). Around 6 or 7 months, infants form other important consequence: It facilitates exploratory behav-
their first clear attachments, most often to their mothers. Now ior. Ainsworth and her colleagues (1978) emphasized that an
able to crawl, an infant will follow her mother to stay close, attachment figure serves as a secure base for exploration—a
protest when her mother leaves, and greet her mother warmly point of safety from which an infant can feel free to venture
when she returns. Within weeks after forming their first at- and to which she can return if frightened. Thus Wendy, a se-
tachments, most infants become attached to other people as curely attached infant visiting a neighbor's home with Mom,
well—fathers, siblings, grandparents, and regular baby-sitters may be comfortable cruising the living room as long as she
(Schaffer & Emerson, 1964). By 18 months, few infants are at- can check occasionally to see that Mom is still on the couch
tached to only one person, and some are attached to several. but may freeze and fret if Mom disappears into the bathroom.
4. Goal-corrected partnership (3 years and older). By about Infants apparently need to rely on another person to feel con-
age 3, partly because they have more advanced social cognitive fident about acting independently.
abilities, children can take a parent's goals and plans into
consideration and adjust their behavior to achieve the all-
important goal of maintaining optimal proximity to the at-
tachment figure. Thus, a 1-year-old cries and tries to follow Ainsworth made her most notable contribution to attachment
when Dad leaves the house to talk to a neighbor, whereas a 4- theory by devising a way to assess differences in the quality of
year-old probably understands where Dad is going and can parent-infant attachments, thereby making Bowlby's psycho-
control the need for his attention until he returns. The child analytic hypotheses testable (Thompson & Raikes, 2003;
capable of symbolic thinking can also maintain proximity Weinfield et al., 1999). She and her associates created the
symbolically—conjuring up a mental representation of the Strange Situation, a now-famous procedure for measuring
parent, possibly even imagining the reassuring things Mom the quality of an attachment (Ainsworth et al., 1978). It con-
might do or say to provide comfort. To participate in a goal- sists of eight episodes that gradually escalate the amount of
corrected partnership, children need to understand other peo- stress infants experience as they react to the approach of an
ple's needs and intentions, using their emerging theories of adult stranger and the departure and return of their caregiver
mind (see Chapter 13), and they need skills in communication (see Table 14.1). On the basis of an infant's pattern of behav-
and cooperation (Kobalc & Esposito, 2004). This final, part- ior across the episodes, the quality of his attachment to a par-
nerlike phase of attachment lasts a lifetime. ent can be characterized as one of four types: secure, resistant,
avoidant, or disorganized-disoriented.
A t t a c h m e n t - R e l a t e d Fears 1. Secure attachment. About 60 to 65% of 1-year-olds in
Infants no sooner experience the pleasures of love than they our society are securely attached to their mothers (Colin,
discover the agonies of fear. One form of fear, separation anx- 1996). The securely attached infant actively explores the room
iety, is an important sign that an attachment has formed. when alone with his mother because she serves as a secure
Once attached to a parent, babies often become wary or fret- base. The infant may be upset by separation but greets his
ful when separated from that parent and will follow the parent mother warmly and is comforted by her presence when she re-
to try to avoid separation. Separation anxiety normally ap- turns. The securely attached child is outgoing with a stranger
pears when infants are forming their first genuine attach- when his mother is present.
I t is not unusual for I - or 2-year-olds meeting a new baby-
sitter or being approached by a nurse or doctor at the
doctors office to break into tears and cling to their parents.
anxiety should be less severe if the baby-sitter
comes to the child's home than if the child is taken
to the baby-sitter's home or some other unfamiliar
Stranger-wary infants often stare at the stranger for a mo- place.Yet an unfamiliar environment can become a
ment then turn away, whimper, and seek the comfort of familiar one if infants are given the time to get used
their parents. Occasionally, infants become terrified and to it, especially with their parents available as a se-
highly upset. Obviously, it is in the interests of baby-sitters cure base. L.Alan Sroufe and his colleagues (1974)
and other "strangers" to be able to prevent such negative found that more than 90% of 10-month-olds became
reactions. What might we suggest? upset if a stranger approached within I minute after
they had been placed in an unfamiliar room. Only
• Keep familiar companions Stranger anxiety is
50% did so when they were given 10 minutes to be-
less likely to occur if an attachment figure is nearby to
come accustomed to the room.
serve as a secure base. In one study, less than one-third
of 6- to 12-month-olds were wary of an approaching • Be a sensitive, unobtrusive stranger. Encounters with a
stranger when they were seated on their mothers' laps stranger are likely to go best if the stranger initially
(Morgan & Ricciuti, 1969).Yet about two-thirds of these keeps her distance and then approaches slowly while
infants frowned, turned away, whimpered, or cried if smiling, talking, and offering a familiar toy or suggest-
they were seated only 4 feet from their mothers. Baby- ing a familiar activity (Bretherton, Stolberg, & Kreye,
sitters would do well to insist that parents be present 1981; Sroufe, 1977). It also helps if the stranger, like
when they first meet the children they will tend. A se- any sensitive caregiver, takes her cues from the infant
curity blanket or beloved stuffed animal can have much (Mangelsdorf, 1992). Babies prefer strangers they can
the same calming effect as a parent's presence for some control. Intrusive strangers who approach quickly
infants (Passman, 1977). and force themselves on infants (for example, by
picking them up before they have time to adjust)
• Arrange for the infant's companions to respond positively
probably get what they deserve.
to you. As you have seen, infants about 9 months or
• Try not to look any stranger than you must Finally, in-
older engage in social referencing, using other peo-
ple's emotional reactions to guide their own re- fants are most likely to be afraid of people who vio-
sponses to a situation. By implication, infants are late their mental schemas or expectations (Kagan,
likely to respond more favorably to a strangers ap- 1972). Baby-sitters who have unusual physical fea-
proach if their mothers or fathers greet the stranger tures such as beards or Mohawks or who dress in
warmly than if parents react neutrally or negatively unusual outfits elicit more wariness than those who
toward the stranger. resemble the people infants encounter every day.
Baby-sitters who favor the latest faddish dress might
• Make the setting more "familiar" Stranger anxiety is
try to make themselves more readily recognizable as
less likely to occur in familiar settings than in unfa-
members of the human race.
miliar ones (Sroufe, Waters, & Matas, 1974). Stranger
Table 14. 1 The Episodes of the Strange Situation
2. Resistant attachment. About 10% of 1-year-olds show both the resistant and the avoidant styles and reflects confu-
a resistant attachment, an insecure attachment characterized sion about whether to approach or avoid the parent (Main &
by anxious, ambivalent reactions. The resistant infant is anx- Solomon, 1990). Reunited with their mothers after a separa-
ious and often does not venture off to play even when his tion, these infants may act dazed and freeze or lie on the floor
mother is present, which suggests that she does not serve as a immobilized or they may seek contact but then abruptly move
secure base for exploration. Yet this infant becomes distressed away as their mothers approach them, only to seek contact
when his mother departs, often showing more separation anx- again. Unlike secure, resistant, or avoidant infants, infants
iety than the securely attached infant—perhaps because he is with a disorganized-disoriented attachment have not been
uncertain whether his mother will return. When his mother able to devise a coherent strategy for regulating negative emo-
returns, the infant is ambivalent: He may try to remain near tions such as separation anxiety; they seem frightened of their
his mother but seems to resent her for having left, may resist parent and stuck between approaching and avoiding this
if she tries to make physical contact, and may even hit and frightening figure (Hesse 8c Main, 2000).
kick her in anger (Ainsworth et al., 1978). Resistant infants are Table 14.2 summarizes the features of these four patterns
also wary of strangers, even when their mothers are present. It of attachment, which have been the subject of considerable re-
seems, then, that resistant or ambivalent infants want affec- search. What determines which of these attachment patterns
tion and work hard to get the attention of their caregiver be- will characterize a parent-infant relationship? Early studies of
cause they are never sure it will be forthcoming. the quality of attachments focused almost entirely on the
3. Avoidant attachment. Infants with avoidant attach- qualities of caregivers that make infants form secure attach-
ments (about 15% of 1-year-olds) seem uninterested in ex- ments to them, but we now know that infants also contribute
ploring, show little distress when separated from their moth- to the attachment bond.
ers, and avoid contact when their mothers return. These
insecurely attached infants are not particularly wary of
strangers but sometimes avoid or ignore them in much the According to Freud, infants in the oral stage of psychosexual
same way that they avoid or ignore their mothers. Avoidant development become attached to the individual who provides
infants, then, seem to have distanced themselves from their them with oral pleasure, and the attachment bond will be
parents, almost as if they were denying their need for affection most secure if a mother is relaxed and generous in her feeding
or had learned not to express their emotional needs. Whereas practices. Early learning theorists put it differently but also be-
the attachment system of the resistantly attached infant is hy- lieved that an infant learns positive emotional responses to
peractivated, always alert to threats and ready to seek proxim- her mother by associating her with food. In a classic study
ity to the attachment figure, the attachment system of the conducted by Harry Harlow and Robert Zimmerman (1959),
avoidantly attached infant is deactivated (Mikulincer & the psychoanalytic and learning theory views dominant at the
Shaver, 2003). time were tested. Monkeys were reared with two surrogate
4. Disorganized-disoriented attachment. Ainsworth s mothers: a wire "mother" and a cloth "mother" wrapped in
work initially focused on secure, resistant, and avoidant at- foam rubber and covered with terrycloth (see the photo on
tachment styles. Some infants do not develop any of these co- page 395). Half the infants were fed by the cloth mother, and
herent ways of coping with their need for proximity to their the remaining infants were fed by the wire mother. To which
caregiver when they are stressed. Up to 15% of infants—more mother did these infants become attached? There was no con-
in high-risk families—display what is now recognized as a test: Infants strongly preferred the cuddly cloth mother, re-
fourth attachment classification, one that seems to be associ- gardless of which mother had fed them. Even if their food
ated with later emotional problems (Atkinson & Goldberg, came from the wire mother, they spent more time clinging to
2004; van IJzendoorn, Schuengel, 8< Bakermans-Kranenburg, the cloth mother, ran to her when they were upset or afraid,
1999). Disorganized-disoriented attachment has features of and showed every sign of being attached to her.
Table 14.2 Child Behaviors Associated with Attachment Styles in the Strange Situation Test
and Related Parenting Styles
Type of Attachment
Explores when caregiver Yes, actively No, clings Yes, but play is not as No
is present to provide a constructive as that of
secure base for exploration? secure infant
Responds positively to Yes, comfortable No, fearful even when No, often indifferent, No, confused responses
stranger? if caregiver is caregiver is present as with caregiver
Protests when separated Yes, at least mildly Yes, extremely upset No, seemingly unfazed Sometimes; unpredictable
from caregiver? distressed
Responds positively to Yes, happy to be Yes and no, seeks No, ignores or avoids Confused; may approach
caregiver at reunion? reunited contact, but resents caregiver or avoid caregiver or do
being left; ambivalent, both
sometimes angry
Parenting Style Sensitive, Inconsistent, often Rejecting-unresponsive Frightening (e.g., abusive)
responsive unresponsive or intrusive-overly or frightened (e.g.,
(e.g., depressed) stimulating overwhelmed)
Harlow's research demonstrated what he called contact nals, and resentful when the infant interferes with their plans
comfort, or the pleasurable tactile sensations provided by a (Ainsworth, 1979; Isabella, 1993). Other parents of infants
soft and cuddly "parent," is a more powerful contributor to at- with avoidant attachments have been called "intrusive"; they
tachment in monkeys than feeding or the reduction of are overzealous and provide high levels of stimulation even
hunger. Research with humans also contradicts Freud's view. when their babies become uncomfortably aroused and need a
Not only does contact comfort promote human attachments break so that they can regulate their emotions (Isabella 8c
(Anisfeld et al, 1990), but many infants also become attached
to someone other than the adult who feeds them, and varia-
tions in feeding schedules and the age at which infants are
weaned have little effect on the quality of infants' attachments
(Schaffer & Emerson, 1964).
We also know a great deal about the styles of parenting
associated with each of the types of attachment characterized
in Table 14.2. Infants who enjoy secure attachments to their
parents have parents who are sensitive and responsive to their
needs and emotional signals (Ainsworth et aL, 1978; De Wolff
& van IJzendoorn, 1997). These parents are good at reading
and empathizing with their children's feelings (Oppenheim,
Koren-Karie, & Sagi, 2001).
Babies who show a resistant pattern of attachment often
have parents who are inconsistent in their caregiving; they re-
act enthusiastically or indifferently, depending on their
moods, and are frequently unresponsive (Isabella, 1993;
Isabella & Belsky, 1991). Mothers who are depressed, for ex-
ample, often have difficulty responding sensitively to their ba-
bies' signals and do not provide the comforting that helps ba-
bies regulate their negative emotions (Dawson 8c Ashman,
2000). The infant copes with unreliable caregiving by trying
desperately—through clinging, crying, and other attachment
behaviors—to obtain emotional support and comfort, and
then becomes saddened and resentful when these efforts fail. C The wire and cloth surrogate "mothers'' used in Harry Harlow's
The parents of infants with an avoidant attachment tend research.This infant monkey has formed an attachment to the cioth
to provide either too little or too much stimulation. Some are mother that provides contact comfort even though it must stretch
rejecting; they are impatient, unresponsive to the infant's sig- to the wire mother t o feed.
Belsky, 1991; Swanson, Beckwith, & Howard, 2000). Infants 100
Nondepressed mother
with an avoidant attachment style may be responding adap-
tively by learning to avoid and make few emotional demands "O Depressed mother
on adults who seem to dislike their company or who bombard CD
Z 80
them with stimulation they cannot handle. B
Finally, a disorganized-disoriented style of attachment is CD
evident in as many as 80% of infants who have been physically Z>
o 60
abused or maltreated (Carlson et al, 1989). It is also common CO
among infants whose mothers are severely depressed or abuse c 50
normal levels of cognitive development, possibly because they started their lives in deprived institutions in Romania and
lacked the intellectual stimulation necessary for normal brain were adopted into British homes (either before 6 months or
development during infancy (Rutter & O'Connor, 2004). between 6 and 24 months of age) with British children
Generally, the longer children had experienced deprivation, adopted before 6 months of age. As Figure 14.3 shows, the
the more likely they were to experience long-term difficulties. longer the Romanian children had experienced early depriva-
Continuing problems in the area of interpersonal rela- tion, the less likely they were to be securely attached and the
tionships were evident, too (Gunnar, et al., 2000; Rutter & more likely they were to show an abnormal pattern of insecure
O'Connor, 2004). These children have proved more likely behavior that O'Connor and his associates called disinhibited
than most infants to display abnormal patterns of attachment attachment
and social behavior, being emotionally withdrawn, indiscrim- The children with a disinhibited attachment pattern were
inately friendly, or both (Smyke, Dumitrescu, & Zeanah, 2002; not very selective or discriminating in their responses to dif-
Zeanah, 2000). Thomas O'Connor and his colleagues (2003) ferent adults. Many were indiscriminately friendly toward
compared attachment quality at age 4 among children who both a stranger and their parent in a Strange Situation test.
clearly will suffer if he ends up with an alcoholic baby- 0 Parents' attitudes The outcomes of day
and behaviors.
sitter or must compete for adult attention as one of care placement are likely to be better if a mother has
many infants in a large, understaffed center. Good de- positive attitudes about working and about being a
velopmental outcomes are likely in high-quality day mother and if she has the personal qualities it takes to
care that has a reasonable child-to-caregiver ratio (up provide warm and sensitive care (Belsky & Rovine,
to three infants, four toddlers, or eight preschoolers 1988; Crockenberg & Litman, 1991).The quality of par-
per adult); caregivers who have been educated for their enting that infants receive at home has far more to do
roles and who are warm, emotionally expressive, and with their development than the kind of alternative
responsive to children; little staff turnover so that chil- care they receive when they are not at home (NICHD
dren can feel comfortable with and become attached Early Child Care Research Network, 2002b).
to their caregivers; and planned, age-appropriate activi-
Most important of all may be interactions between some
ties (Burchinal et al., 2000; Clarke-Stewart, 1993;
of these factors that suggest day care is good under some
Howes, Phillips, &Whitebrook, 1992).The NICHD
circumstances but not under others. In the NICHD (1997)
study indicates that the extent to which his day care
study, for example, infants fared poorly if their mothers were
setting provides high-quality cognitive stimulation (for
not sensitive and responsive to them and if they were sub-
example, lots of language stimulation from caregivers,
jected to poor-quality day care; under these circumstances,
less time watching TV, and a stimulating physical envi-
about half of the infants were insecurely attached to their
ronment) is linked to a child's cognitive functioning at
mothers. By contrast, infants who received high-quality care
age 4!/2, even with characteristics of children and/their
somewhere, either at home or at day care, were usually
parents controlled (NICHD Early Child Care Research
securely attached. Similarly, the combination of maternal
Network, 2003b).
insensitivity and many hours per week spent in day care is
• Characteristics of the child. Some infants fare better in associated with insecure attachment (NICHD Early Child
alternative care than others do. First, infants from dis- Care Research Network, 2001 b).
advantaged homes experience faster intellectual
In sum, you cannot draw simple conclusions about the ef-
growth if they attend a high-quality day care program
fects of alternative care on infant development. Infants and
specially designed to meet their needs than if they stay
young children who receive day care are, on average, not much
at home and receive little intellectual stimulation
different physically, cognitively, socially, or emotionally from in-
(Campbell & Ramey, 1994; Love et al., 2003). Second,
fants and young children cared for at home. However, the ef-
girls tend to adapt better to day care than boys
fects of day care on specific children can range from growth-
(Baydar & Brooks-Gunn, 1991; Belsky & Rovine, 1988).
enhancing to harmful and are likely to be best when children
Third, infants and toddlers with easy temperaments are
interact with both responsive substitute caregivers and re-
likely to adjust better than children who have difficult
sponsive parents.
or slow-to-warm-up temperaments (Belsky & Rovine,
They would eagerly approach the stranger in a coy or silly Why does institutional deprivation have such damaging
manner but then back off warily (rather than showing the effects on development? Lack of proper nutrition, hygiene,
normal pattern of wariness first and approach second). They and medical care; lack of stimulation; and lack of stable at-
were unable to regulate their emotions well enough to partic- tachment relationships may all contribute (Gunnar et al.,
ipate in a real, reciprocal social interaction. Interviews with 2000). The deficits are probably not entirely caused by lack of
their adoptive parents revealed that these children sometimes sensory and intellectual stimulation; institutionalized chil-
went off with a stranger in a new situation without ever dren who are provided with such stimulation but lack a stable
checking back with the parent. Avoidant, resistant, and even team of caregivers are still developmentally delayed and have
disorganized attachments were rare among these previously emotional difficulties even as adolescents (Flodges & Tizard,
institutionalized children. Although some of them had clearly 1989). Nor is the problem lack of a single "mother figure." In
formed secure attachments to their adoptive parents, the ab- adequately staffed institutions in the People's Republic of
normal, disinhibited pattern of attachment was evident in half China and Israel, infants cared for by a few responsive care-
of the children deprived for more than 6 months. givers turn out quite normal (Kessen, 1975; Oppenheim, Sagi,
were more socially competent in the nursery-school setting
than children who had been insecurely attached: They often
Initiated play activities, were sensitive to the needs and feelings
of other children, and were popular with their peers (see also
Clark & Ladd, 2000; Schneider, Atkinson, & Tardif, 2001).
Securely attached infants also became children whom teachers
described as curious, self-directed, and eager to learn, whereas
insecurely attached children, lacking a secure base for explo-
ration, were less independent.
Quality of attachment in infancy is also related to healthy
emotional development. For example, Grazyna Kochanska
(2001) assessed children at 9, 14, 22, and 33 months in labo-
ratory situations designed to provoke fear (for example, the
approach of an unpredictable toy dog), anger (confinement to
a car seat), and joy (a hand puppet show). Infants with resist-
ant attachments at 14 months were the most fearful and the
least joyful of the children tested; they showed fear even in
tests designed to provoke joy and displayed less positive emo-
tion as they aged. Infants with avoidant attachments showed
little emotional expression at first but became fearful by 33
months. Infants with disorganized attachments became an-
([ Infants do not develop normally if they lack continuing relation-
grier as they aged. Whereas these insecurely attached groups
ships with responsive caregivers—whether one or several.
expressed more negative emotions with age, securely attached
infants became less angry as they became older and were not
8c Lamb, 1988). We even know that institutionalized toddlers overlv/ fearful.
who receive care from a small number of caregivers are less A secure attachment is also associated with a capacity to
likely to show abnormal attachment patterns than similar in- cope with stress and regulate emotions later in life. In experi-
stitutionalized toddlers who have many caregivers (Smyke et mental studies by Stephen Suomi (1997, 1999; Suomi &
al., 2002). Apparently, then, normal development requires sus- Levine, 1998), infant monkeys who experienced traumatic
tained interactions with responsive caregivers—whether one separations from their mothers were compared with monkeys
or a few.
On the one hand, then, studies of children from deprived
institutions reveal that children have a good deal of resilience, 60
provided that they are given reasonable opportunities to so-
cialize and to find someone to love; on the other hand, they 50
support Freud and Bowlby's view that early social experiences
can have lasting effects on development. 40
L a t e r D e v e l o p m e n t of Securely and Insecurely H—'
A t t a c h e d Infants O
How much difference does having secure or insecure attach- 20
ment to caregivers in infancy make later in life? According to
Bowlby and AmswortlVs attachment theory, a secure attach- 10
ment allows exploration from a secure base. This implies that 9
securely attached children should be more cognitively compe- 0 iM
0 - < 6 mo. 0 - < 6 mo. 6-24 mo.
tent (because they will be curious, explore the environment U.K. Romanian Romanian
freely, and not shy from challenges) and more socially compe-
tent (because they will explore the world of people freely, ex-
pect positive reactions from others because of the positive in-
Secure i Avoidant S81 Resistant
ternal working models they form, and have learned in the Disorganized Disinhibited/
parent-child relationship how to interact smoothly with oth- other
ers). Does research support these predictions?
Figure 14.3 Percentages of secure, avoidant, resistant, disorgan-
Indeed it does. In an early longitudinal study, Everett ized, and disinhibited or other attachments among nondeprived
Waters and his associates (Waters, Wippman, & Sroufe, 1979) British children adopted before 6 months of age, deprived Romanian
measured the quality of infants' attachments to their mothers children adopted in the United Kingdom before 6 months, and de-
at 15 months then observed these children in nursery school prived Romanian children adopted between 6 and 24 months.
at 3 years. Children wTho had been securely attached as infants SOURCE: O ' C o n n o r e t a l . ( 2 0 0 3 } .
who enjoyed secure attachment relationships with their tion or if they never have the opportunity to form an attach-
mothers. Securely attached monkeys show more adaptive ment. By contrast, a secure attachment during infancy has
physiological responses to stress later in life and other positive many positive implications for social, emotional, and intellec-
outcomes, such as good parenting skills that result in their tual development. Yet you must avoid concluding that infants
own infants' becoming securely attached (Suomi, 1997, 1999; who are insecurely attached to their mothers are doomed—or
Suomi & Levine, 1998). Research also demonstrates that that infants who are securely attached to their mothers are
young rhesus monkeys genetically prone to be highly emo- forever blessed.
tionally reactive develop in healthy directions and are able to First, affectionate ties to fathers (or siblings or grandpar-
cope with stress if they are reared by calm mothers for the first ents) can compensate for insecure mother-infant relation-
6 months of their lives (Suomi, 1997). These infants turn out ships (Main 8c Weston, 1981). Second, early attachments may
to be socially incompetent if they are reared by emotionally have no long-term consequences if they change in quality
reactive mothers. Similarly, human infants temperamentally later. Stressful life events such as divorce and illness often con-
prone to be anxious show less of a rise in Cortisol (stress hor- vert secure attachments into insecure ones, and lifestyle im-
mone) levels and are better able to cope physiologically with provements can make insecure attachments more secure
stressful experiences if they have enjoyed secure attachments (Waters et al., 2000; Weinfield, Sroufe, 8c Egeland, 2000). In
than if they have not, indicating that nature and nurture in- the end, infancy is not the only period of the life span that
teract to influence later coping capacities (Gunnar, 1998, shapes development (Schaffer, 2000). As Arlene Skolnick
2000). (1986, p. 193) puts it, "Secure attachment to the mother does
Do the effects of quality of attachment in infancy on so- not make one invulnerable to later problems and socioemo-
cial competence, curiosity, emotional development, and cop- tional difficulties, and poor early relations with the mother do
ing capacities last? In late childhood and adolescence, children not doom a person to a life of loneliness, poor relationships,
who have enjoyed secure relationships with their parents con- or psychopathology."
tinue to be well adjusted—intellectually, socially, and emo- All things considered, the Bowlby-Ainsworth ethological
tionally. They are self-confident and do well in school attachment theory is well supported by research. Studies of
(Jacobsen 8c Hofmann, 1997), and they are accepted by the the long-term consequences of early attachment support
peer group and.have close friends (Elicker, Englund, '8c Sroufe, Bowlby's claim that "internal working models" of self and oth-
1992; Kerns, Klepac, 8c Cole, 1996). Infants who develop dis- ers formed early in life shape later relationships and develop-
organized attachments are more likely than secure, resistant, ment. Despite the significance of the infant-parent bond,
or avoidant infants to ' develop psychological problems however, many of us learn new social skills and different atti-
(Egeland 8c Carlson, 2004; van IJzendoorn et al., 1999). As you tudes toward relationships in our later interactions not only
will see later, lasting effects of secure and insecure attachments with parents but also with peers, close friends, lovers, and
can sometimes be detected even in adulthood. spouses. It is time, then, to supplement this description of par-
How can researchers be sure that relationships between ent-child relations with a look at the "second world of child-
attachment security and later adjustment are not the product hood"—the world of peer relations.
of genes shared by parent and child? Geert-Jan Stams and his
colleagues (2002) reasoned that a study of adopted children
might provide answers and followed a group of children
placed in adoptive homes before 6 months until they were 7 Evolution seems to have equipped human infants not only
years old. Children's temperaments, which are partly influ- with a capacity for forming attachments to caregivers but also
enced by genes, predicted their social and cognitive develop- with a capacity for entering social relationships with peers
ment, personality, and tendency to display behavioral prob- (Nash 8c Hay, 2003). Babies show an interest in other babies
lems; children with an easy temperament were better adjusted from an early age and begin to interact with them in earnest in
than children with a difficult temperament. However, mater- about the middle of the first year. By then, infants will often
nal sensitivity to the infant and .the infant's attachment secu- smile or babble at their tiny companions, vocalize, offer toys,
rity also contributed to positive developmental outcomes, and gesture to one another, although many of the friendly
more than the contributions of temperament did, even gestures go unnoticed and unreciprocated (Hay, Nash, 8c
though parent and child were not genetically related. Other Pedersen, 1983; Vandell, Wilson, 8c Buchanan, 1980). By
qualities of the child besides temperament, as measured in around 6 months, infants even show evidence that they are bi-
this study, still might evoke certain responses from caregivers ologically prepared for life in social groups, as illustrated by an
that then shape the child's development. In addition, re- ability to relate in meaningful ways to more than one peer at a
searchers cannot always tell whether later adjustment is the time (Selby 8c Bradley, 2003; and see the photo on page 402).
product of early parenting and quality of attachment, later By about 18 months, infants are able to engage in recip-
parenting and quality of attachment, or both. Still, evidence rocal, complementary play with peers (Mueller 8c Lucas, 1975;
like this is consistent with the view that early parenting makes Mueller 8c Vandell, 1979). They turn rounds of imitation into
a difference in development. social games (Eckerman 8c Stein, 1990; Howes 8c Matheson,
In sum, children are unlikely to develop normally if their 1992). They can also adopt and reverse roles in their play.
first relationships in life are repeatedly disrupted by separa- Thus, the toddler who receives a toy may immediately offer a
€ Even before I year of age, infants seem ready t o engage in social interactions, not only in
dyads but in groups.
toy in return, or the one who has been the chaser will become sponsiveness, discriminating social responsiveness, active
the chasee. Toward the end of the second year, infants have be proximity seeking, and goal-corrected partnership. The
come proficient at this kind of turn-taking and reciprocal ex- first attachment at 6 or 7 months brings with it both fear-
change, especially if they are securely attached to their parents ful emotions (separation and stranger anxiety) and con-
(Fagot, 1997). fidence (using the attachment figure as a secure base for
i- "5-
Surprising as it may seem, some infants also form special
exploration). The experiences of caregivers and infants
relationships with preferred playmates—friendships (Howes,
as they interact influence whether a secure, resistant,
1996). On Israeli kibbutzim, where children are cared for in
avoidant, or disorganized-disoriented attachment will be
groups, Martha Zaslow (1980) discovered that many pairs of
eviderrt in Ainsworth s Strange Situation. The Freudian
infants as young as 1 year became truly attached to each other.
view that infants become attached to the one who feeds
Hadara and Rivka, for instance, consistently sought each other
them was contradicted by Harlow's research on contact
as playmates, mourned each other's absence, and disturbed
comfort in monkeys. Secure attachments are associated
everyone with their loud babbling "conversations" when they
with sensitive, responsive parenting; resistant ones with
were confined to their cribs. Clearly the caregiver-infant rela-
inconsistent, unresponsive care; avoidant ones with either
tionship is not the only important social relationship that de-
rejection or intrusiveness; and disorganized attachments
velops during infancy; peer relations are well under way, too.
with frightening or frightened parenting. Long-term con-
scqucnccs of the quality of early attachments are evi-
Summing Up dent, but attachments often change, and early experience
does not make or break later development, except per-
Biologically based primary emotions emerge in a universal haps for infants who experience repeated permanent
sequence over the first months of life. Secondary, or self- separations or who spend months in severely deprived
conscious emotions, follow in the second and third years, institutional settings and develop a disinhibited attach-
and emotions increasingly become socialized through ment style. M
learning processes. As infants age, they rely less on care-
givers and more on emotion regulation strategies to man-
age the emotions aroused by their social interactions.
Caregivers start t o become attached t o infants even File Cliilcl
before birth and find evolved behaviors such as smiling
endearing. Although social from the start, as evidenced How do relationships with parents and peers change from in-
by their participation in synchronized routines, infants fancy to childhood? And how important are children's social
progress through phases of undiscriminating social re- relationships to their development?
3. Onlooker play. Children watch others play, taking an ac-
tive interest in and perhaps even talking to the players but not
The parent-child attachment changes qualitatively during directly participating.
childhood. According to John Bowlby (1969)> it becomes a 4. Parallel play. Children play next to one another, doing
goal-corrected partnership in which parent and child accom- much the same thing, but they interact little (for example, two
modate to each other's needs; the child becomes a more sen- girls might sit near each other, both drawing pictures, without
sitive partner and becomes more independent of the parent. talking to each other to any extent).
Older preschoolers still seek attention and approval from their
5. Associative play. Children interact by swapping materi-
parents, and they rush to their parents for comfort when they
als, conversing, or following each other's lead, but they are not
are frightened or hurt. But they also become increasingly de-
united by the same goal (for example, the two girls may swap
pendent on peers for social and emotional support (Furman
crayons and comment on each other's drawings as they draw).
8c Buhrmester, 1992).
6. Cooperative play. Children join forces to achieve a com-
mon goal; they act as a pair or group, dividing their labor and
coordinating their activities in a meaningful way (for example,
the two girls collaborate to draw a mural for their teacher).
From age 2 to age 12, children spend more time with peers and The major message of Parten's study (and of others like
less time with adults. This trend emerged clearly in a study by it) is that play becomes increasingly social and socially skilled
Sharri Ellis and her colleagues (Ellis, Rogoff, 8c Cromer, 1981), from age 2 to age 5 (Barnes, 1971; Smith, 1978; Howes 8c
who observed 436 children playing in their homes and around Matheson, 1992). Unoccupied and onlooker activities are rare
the neighborhood. Interestingly, this study revealed that young- at all ages. Solitary and parallel play become less frequent with
sters of all ages spent less time with age-mates (defined as chil- age, although solitary play has its place throughout childhood.
dren whose ages were within 1 year of their own) than with
children who were more than 1 year older or younger.
Another finding of this study is a familiar one: Even 1 - to
2-year-olds played more often with same-sex companions than m
with other-sex companions, and this gender segregation be-
came increasingly strong with age (see Chapter 12). Once in m
their sex-segregated worlds, boys and girls experience different
kinds of social relationships. There is truth, for example, to the •m-
saying that boys travel in packs, whereas girls travel in pairs:
m :$m
boys spend more time than girls in groups, and girls spend
more time than boys in dyads (Fabes, Martin, & Hanish, 2003). I v
Overall, then, children spend an increasing amount of time
with peers, typically same-sex children, roughly similar in age, m
who enjoy the same sex-typed activities.
Solitary Parallel Associative Cooperative
play play play play
though others dislike them. unpopular children enter at least one reciprocated friendship
To appreciate how social skills contribute to popularity, and many popular children do not. In one study of 7- and 8-
consider what happens when children try to enter and gain ac- year-olds, for example, 39% of children rejected by peers had
ceptance in play groups (Dodge et ah, 1990; Putallaz & at least one mutual friendship, whereas 31% of popular chil-
Wasserman, 1989). When children who ultimately become dren lacked a friendship (Gest, Graham-Bermann, & Hartup,
popular want to join a groups activity, they first hold back and 2001).
assess what is going on, then smoothly blend into the group, Having friends increases the odds that a child will be
commenting pleasantly about whatever the other children are happy and socially competent, especially if the friendships are
discussing. By contrast, children who are eventually rejected with peers who are well adjusted and supportive (Vaughn et
by their peers tend to be pushy and disruptive. Jimmy, for ex- al., 2000; Hartup & Stevens, 1997), and reduces the odds that
ample, may sit beside two boys who are playing a computer a child will be lonely and depressed (Nangle et al., 2003).
game and distract them by talking about a TV program he saw Having friends not only tcachcs children how to participate in
the night before. Even worse, he may criticize the way the boys emotionally intimate relationships but also provides social
are playing, start pecking computer keys, or threaten to turn support and comfort that can help children feel better about
off the computer if he is not allowed to play. By contrast, chil- themselves, weather stressful events such as a divorce, and feel
dren who end up being neglected by their peers often hover bolder when faced with challenges such as the first day of
around a group without taking positive steps to initiate con- kindergarten (Hartup, 1996; Ladd, 1999). Moreover, as
tact, and they shy from peers who attempt to make contact Sullivan theorized, a close chum can compensate for a poor
with them. relationship with parents, preventing maladjustment (Criss et
In sum, popularity is affected by many factors. It helps to al., 2002; Gauze et al., 1996).
have an attractive face and cognitive skills, but it is probably
more important to behave in socially competent ways. As
Summing Up
you have seen, children wrho experienced secure attachments
to their parents as infants tend to be popular because they Children participate in goal-corrected partnerships w i t h
have learned social skills and styles of interacting in the par- their parents and spend increasing amounts o f t i m e w i t h
ent-child relationship that shape the quality of their relation- peers, w i t h boys running in packs and girls interacting in
pairs. Play becomes more social (as illustrated by asso-
ciative and cooperative play) and imaginative (as illus-
trated by social pretend play) during the preschool years
and more often involves organized games in elementary
school. Physical attractiveness, cognitive ability, and espe-
cially social competence influence sociometric status, and
peer rejection negatively affects development. Having
friends, as distinct from gaining peer acceptance, also pro-
motes development.
You can now appreciate that peers, and especially
friends, may be as important as parents to child devel-
opment Parents may excel at caregiving and provide
their children with a sense of emotional security that en-
ables them t o explore their environment and participate
in social relationships. However; acceptance by and close
relationships with peers may be critical in the learning of C Going to college is a Strange Situation that activates attachment
social skills and normal patterns of social behavior and behaviors, such as hugging and e-mailing, designed to maintain con-
can also provide a good deal of emotional support. H tact with attachment figures.
As Dunphy s model suggests, the transition to dating takes place
in the context of the larger peer group (Collins 8c Laursen,
2004). These days, it involves heavy phone use, as illustrated by <T Early dating is mainly about gaining confidence in the ability to
this snippet from the life of a seventh-grade boy, Chris, who was date. No wonder there are awkward moments.
to engage in sexual experimentation with several partners be- relationship with parents (Furman 8c Shaffer, 2003).
fore they narrow in on a steady mate (Weisfeld & Woodward, Involvement in a steady relationship is good for self-esteem
2004). This is evident in B. Bradford Browns (1999) view that ° (although breakups hurt and can result in depression and
adolescent romantic relationships evolve through the follow- even suicide), and adolescents who date tend to be better ad-
ing four phases: justed overall than those who do not (Collins, 2003; Furman
1. Initiation phase. In early adolescence, the focus is on 8c Shaffer, 2003).
the self—specifically, on coming to see oneself as a person ca-
pable of relating to members of the other sex in a romantic
2. Status phase. In midadolescence, having a romantic re- Should parents worry about losing influence over their
lationship, and having it with the "right kind" of partner, is children as adolescents become more involved in both
important for the status it brings in the larger peer group. same-sex and cross-sex relationships with peers? Studies of
3. Affection phase. In late adolescence, the focus is on the conformity—the tendency to yield to the opinions and wishes
relationship rather than on the self or peer-group acceptance. of others—show that conformity to parents' wishes tends to
Romantic relationships become more personal, caring rela- decrease gradually and steadily during adolescence.
tionships; they are set in the context of a small, mixed-sex Conformity to peers, including peers who advocate lawbreak-
clique rather than in the context of the larger crowd, with ing, increases until about age 14 or 15 and then declines, al-
friends providing advice and emotional support. though age differences are weak and depend on the issue at
4. Bonding phase. In the transition to young adulthood, hand (Berndt, 1979; Berndt 8c Murphy, 2002). Thus, parents
the emotional intimacy achieved in the affection phase is cou- have some grounds for worrying that their adolescents may
pled with a long-term commitment to create a lasting bond. get into trouble by "going along with the crowd" to engage in
We can speak of a true attachment bond. delinquent acts, especially around age 14 or 15.
Brown's phases were evident in an 8-year longitudinal Increased dependence on peers in early adolescence may
study of German adolescents who were age 13 at the start of serve a positive function, however, representing a first step to-
the study. The 13-year-olds who had romantic relationships ward the development of autonomy (Steinberg 8c Silverberg,
tended to have relatively low quality and unstable, although 1986). Although parents whose teenagers end up at the police
emotionally intense, relationships that only lasted an average station may not be comforted by this thought, teenagers may
of about 3 months (Seiffge-Krenke, 2003). With age, rela- need the secure base that peer acceptance provides before they
tionships lasted longer (an average of 21 months by age 21) are ready to become autonomous in later adolescence. As ado-
and became more emotionally intimate and supportive. lescents progress in their quest for autonomy, they become
Moreover, having a committed romantic relationship at age less dependent on both parents and peers for guidance and
21 was associated with having a positive self-concept at age more able to make their own choices, as evidenced by de-
13, supportive peer relationships at age 15, and a supportive creased conformity to peers in later adolescence.
romantic relationship at age 17. Parents counted, too; sup- Parents retain more influence over their .adolescents than
portive relationships with both mothers and fathers proved is commonly believed, however. Peers influence adolescents'
to be at least as important as supportive relationships with social activities and tastes, but parents continue to be the ma-
peers overall in predicting involvement in a love relationship jor shapers of their educational and vocational plans and im-
in early adulthood (see also Miller 8c Hoicowitz, 2004). portant values (Sebald, 1986; Wilks, 1986). More importantly,
Other research suggests that adolescents who have secure at- teenagers who have close attachments to warm and authorita-
tachment styles based on their early experiences in the tive parents who establish and enforce clear standards of be-
parent-child relationship have more positive experiences havior are likely to be academically and socially competent
dating than anxious or resistant ones, who fall in love and and to associate with conventional rather than antisocial peer
have sex a lot but are ever fearful of abandonment, and groups. As a result, they are less likely to be exposed to nega-
avoidant ones, who are reluctant to get emotionally involved tive peer pressures—and are less susceptible to such pressures
(Tracy et al., 2003). when they do encounter them—than are adolescents whose
How does dating affect adolescent adjustment and devel- family relationships are poor (Brown et al., 1993; Fuligni 8c
opment? Dating at an early age appears to have more negative Eccles, 1993; Santor, Messervey, 8c Kusumakar, 2000).
than positive effects on social and emotional adjustment, ei- Problems for youths who "get in with the wrong crowd"
ther because troubled adolescents start dating early or because and engage in antisocial behavior usually begin at home with
they get hurt or become involved in teenage problem behav- parents who are too strict and who fail to adjust to adoles-
ior before their time (Collins, 2003; Compian, Gowen, 8c cents' needs for greater autonomy (Fuligni 8c Eccles, 1993) or
Hayward, 2004). However, both positive relationships in the with parents who fail to provide enough discipline and do not
family and positive relationships with same-gender peers can monitor their children's activities sufficiently (Brown et al.,
protect young adolescents from the negative effects of early 1993; Dishion et al., 1991). When parents are warm and firm
dating (Brendgen et al., 2002; Doyle et al., 2003). Among older but not too controlling, a continual war of parents versus
adolescents, dating typically has more positive than negative peers is unlikely. Instead, these two forces combine to guide
effects on development and can even compensate for a poor development in positive directions. Adolescents are most
€ It is no accident that teenagers wear the same hairstyles and dress alike. Peers exert more
influence than parents in these matters.
Table 14.3 Internal Working Models Associated with Views of Self and of Other People Based
on Experiences in Relationships
Model of Self
Positive Negative
Secure attachment history Resistant attachment history
Healthy balance of attachment and autonomy; Desperate for love to feel worthy as a person; worry
freedom to explore about abandonment; express anxiety and anger openly
Avoidant attachment history Disorganized-disoriented attachment history
Shut out emotions; defend against hurt by avoiding Need relationships but doubt own worth and fear
intimacy, dismissing the importance of relationships, intimacy; lack a coherent strategy for meeting
and being "compulsively self-reliant" attachment needs
givers were unreliable (Beckwith, Cohen, & Hamilton, 1999). Research using the AAI and similar instruments suggests
Like avoidantly attached infants, they defend themselves that adults can be classified based on their predominant styles
against hurt by not expressing their need for love or their fear of attachment. In a pioneering study conceptualizing roman-
of abandonment. They deny that they need people or that re- tic love as attachment, Cindy Hazan and Phillip Shaver (1987)
lationships matter to them, find it hard to trust partners, feel classified 56% of the adults they studied as having a secure at-
that others want them to be more intimate than they wish to tachment style, 19% as resistant, and 25% as avoidant. (They
be, and keep partners at a distance. Bowlby (1973) described did not measure the fearful or disorganized-disoriented at-
dismissing or avoidant individuals as "compulsively self-re- tachment style.) Adults' styles of attachment were related to
liant." Finally, adults with a fearful working model resemble in- the quality of their romantic relationships. For example,
fants with a disorganized-disoriented attachment; they take a adults with a secure attachment style experience a good deal
dim view of both themselves and other people and display a of trust and many positive emotions in their .current love re-
confusing mix of neediness and fear of closeness. You may wish lationships, and their relationships tend to last longer than
to see if you can identify the internal working models ex- those of adults with insecure attachment styles. Avoidant
pressed by the statements in the Explorations box on this page. lovers fear intimacy, whereas resistant individuals tend to be
Mary Main and her colleagues have stimulated much re- obsessed with their partners. Both avoidant and resistant
search on adult attachment with their Adult Attachment adults report a lot of jealousy and emotional extremes of love
Interview (AAI). It asks adults about their childhood experi- and pain in their romantic relationships. They also feel unable
ences with attachment figures and about their current rela- to regulate their negative emotions or to manage conflicts
tionships with their parents and romantic partners, including with their partners (Creasey, Kershaw, & Boston, 1999).
their experiences with separation and rejection, then classifies Hazan and Shaver also discovered that adults with a se-
respondents into categories similar to those in Table 14.3 cure attachment style recalled warm relationships with their
based on their state of mind concerning attachment (Main, parents during childhood. By contrast, adults with insecure
Kaplan, & Cassidy, 1985). Much is learned by seeing how attachment styles tended to remember their parents as unfair,
freely and coherently adults talk about their early relation- critical, or cold. They also tend to have experienced abuse,
ships and how objectively they view them. For example, dis- neglect, and losses such as divorce or death in their early re-
missing adults prove unable to reflect on their early relation- lationships or to have parents whose problems with sub-
ships with their parents; they may say all was great but provide stance abuse, depression, and so on made them unreliable
no supporting evidence. Preoccupied adults have a lot to say, caregivers (Mickelson, Kessler, & Shaver, 1997). Retrospective
much of it emotionally charged, but they have difficulty inte- data such as these are not very convincing, however, because
grating and gaining a perspective on their experiences. Secure people may distort memories of the past to fit present reali-
(also called autonomous) adults are able to reflect on their ties. More convincing is a study by Rand Conger and his col-
family experience and make sense of it, even when they have leagues (2000) in which a warm parent-child relationship in
had miserable childhoods. seventh grade was linked in a longitudinal study to a high-
and a focus on mastering challenges as opposed to avoiding
failure (Elliot 8c Reis, 2003). Securely attached adults also en-
joy their work and are good at it, whereas preoccupied, or re-
sistantly attached, adults want approval and grumble about
not being valued enough by their bosses and coworkers.
Dismissing, or avoidantly attached, adults bury themselves in
their work and do little socializing (Hazan 8c Shaver, 1990).
The internal working models of self and other that grow
out of early experiences in the family also affect an adult's ca-
pacity for caregiving—for empathizing with others, respond-
ing to their needs, and being a sensitive and responsive parent
(Mikulincer 8c Shaver, 2003). Mothers and fathers who had se-
cure relations with their parents tend to interact in more sen-
sitive ways with their children and form more secure attach-
ment relationships with them than parents whose early
attachments were insecure (van IJzendoorn, 1995). Mothers
whose AAIs reveal a dismissing attachment style experience
little positive emotion, for example, whereas preoccupied
mothers are anxious and behave angrily and intrusively with
their infants (Adam, Gunnar, 8c Tanalca, 2004).
What is more, in a study of the intergenerational trans-
mission of attachment styles, grandmothers who completed
the AAI, mothers-to-be who completed the AAI when preg-
nant, and infants tested in the Strange Situation with their
mothers all fell in the same attachment category in 64% of
the cases (Benoit 8c Parker, 1994). Researchers are not yet sure
how these family resemblances in attachment styles arise.
They could be caused partly by genetic influences on tem-
perament and behavior related to attachment. Intergen-
(( Romantic attachment shares qualities with parent-infant erational resemblances may also reflect a mother's current ad-
attachment. justment and orientation to relationships more than the
lasting effects of her early experiences in the family; for exam-
quality romantic relationship in early adulthood. Moreover, ple, a woman may recall her relationship with her mother pos-
in a study spanning the years from infancy to adulthood, itively if she enjoys a positive relationship with her infant and
adults who had experienced sensitive maternal care in in- with her partner or negatively if she is depressed and unable
fancy had positive mental representations of their romantic to respond appropriately to her infant. However, it is also
relationships (Grossmann et al., 2002b). The quality of an plausible that internal working models of relationships are
adult's romantic relationship was also related to the quality of passed from one generation to the next through observational
the parent-child attachment, only weakly in infancy but more learning.
strongly at ages 6, 10, and 16. Do attachment styles have bearing on adjustment in old
These and other studies suggest that adults' styles of at- age? Adults who recall loving relationships with their parents
tachment are a reflection of their history of attachment rela- during childhood tend to have better physical and mental
tionships (Fraley, 2002). Here, then, is at least, some support health than those who recall unsupportive relationships
for Bowlby's (1973) hypothesis that internal working models (Shaw et al., 2004). Interestingly, whereas most young and
of self and other formed on the basis of parent-child interac- middle-aged adults appear to have secure adult attachment
tions affect the quality of later relationships. Receiving warm styles, Carol Magai and her colleagues (2001) have found that
and supportive parenting as a child appears to be associated most European American and African American elderly
with engaging in warm, supportive behavior in romantic rela- adults fall in the dismissing-avoidant category based on their
tionships as a young adult—and, as a result, enjoying a high- responses to attachment measures; they express some discom-
quality relationship (Conger et al, 2000). fort with closeness and tend to be compulsively self-reliant.
As Bowlby theorized, internal working models of self and Elderly people with either a secure or a dismissive (avoidant)
other also predict the capacity for exploration—the extent to attachment style tend to be happier than those whose styles
which adults have the confidence and curiosity to explore are preoccupied or fearful, suggesting that the independent,
their environments and to take on and master challenges dismissive style may be adaptive in old age, possibly helping
(Mikulincer 8c Shaver, 2003). A secure attachment style in adults who have lost spouses to adapt to life on their own
adulthood is associated with strong achievement motivation (Webster, 1998).
Overall, internal working models of self and other, both
those formed in childhood and those operating in adulthood,
have implications for adult romantic relationships, explo-
ration, work, relationships with children, and overall adjust-
ment. But they are termed working models because they are
subject to revision if later experiences in relationships suggest
change is warranted. Although research on secure, preoccu-
pied, dismissing, and fearful styles of attachment in adulthood
is intriguing, remember that early attachment experiences
may predict the future but do not determine it.
Adult Friendships
Friendships remain important across the life span, although
they take on different characters at different ages (Blieszner 8c
Roberto, 2004). Young adults typically have more friends than
older adults do, but even adults age 85 and older usually have
at least one close friend and are in frequent contact with their
friends (Johnson & Troll, 1994). The friends of elderly adults
are generally elderly; in one study, 68% of adults over age
75 had no one in their social network younger than 35,
suggesting a good deal of age segregation (Uhlenberg & de
Jong-Gierveld, 2004). Elderly adults seem fine with this, how-
ever: Almost three-fourths of the women Rebecca Adams
(1985-1986) interviewed claimed that "old friends are the best
friends," even though they continued to make new friends late
in life.
What happens to friendships as older adults begin to
develop significant health problems and disabilities? When
one friend needs more ciid than the other and is able to give
less aid in return, this imbalance can strain the relationship
(Silverstein 8c Waite, 1993). Social psychologists have long em-
<[ Ciose friendships that have lasted for years are particularly impor-
phasized the importance of equity, or a balance of contribu-
tant to adults.
tions and gains, to satisfaction with close relationships
(Walster, Walster, 8c Berscheid, 1978). A person who receives
more from a relationship than he gives is likely to feel guilty;
a person who gives a great deal and receives little in return
may feel angry or resentful. We have emphasized throughout this chapter that close at-
Consistent with this equity view, involvement in relation- tachments to other people are essential to normal cognitive,
ships in which the balance of emotional support given and re- social, and emotional development. It should not surprise you
ceived is unequal is associated with lower emotional well- to learn, then, that adults are better off in many ways if they
being and more symptoms of depression than involvement in enjoy meaningful social relationships. Research tells us this:
more balanced relationships (Keyes, 2002; Ramos 8c Wilmoth, The quality rather than the quantity of an individual's social
2003). Interestingly, overbenefited, or dependent, friends in relationships is most closely related to that person's sense of
relationships often experience more distress than underbene- well-being or life satisfaction (O'Connor, 1995; Pinquart 8c
fited, or support-giving, friends (Roberto 8c Scott, 1986). Sorensen, 2000). Just as people can feel lonely despite being
Being able to help other people, or at least to reciprocate help, surrounded by other people, adults apparently can feel de-
tends to boost the self-esteem and reduce the depressive prived of social support even though they receive a lot of it—
symptoms of elderly adults (Krause 8c Shaw, 2000; Ramos & or they can have restricted social networks yet be highly satis-
Wilmoth, 2003). Perhaps because of gender-role norms, men fied with their relationships.
who have a strong desire to be independent react especially The size of an adult's social network is not nearly as im-
negatively to receiving help (Nagumey, Reich, 8c Newsom, portant as whether it includes at least one confidant—a
2004). Perhaps because inequity threatens friendships, older spouse, relative, or friend to whom the individual feels espe-
adults usually call on family rather than friends when they cially attached and with whom thoughts and feelings can be
need substantial help, unless they have no kin nearby (Felton shared (de Jong-Gierveld, 1986; Levitt, 1991). For most mar-
& Berry, 1992; Kendig et al, 1988). ried adults in our society, spouses are the most important con-
fidants, and the quality of an adult's marriage is one of the in to fill these needs; for single adults, siblings sometimes be-
strongest influences on overall satisfaction with life (Fleeson, come especially important (Connidis & Davies, 1992).
2004). Men are particularly dependent on their spouses; Cultural factors enter, too: in Japan, for example, relationships
women draw more on friends, siblings, and children for emo- with grown children appear to be more critical to the well-be-
tional support (Gurung, Taylor, & Seeman, 2003). For older ing of adults than relationships with husbands or wives
adults whose spouses have died, children or friends often step (Sugisawa et al., 2002).
S u m m a r y Points tionships; and more recently Judith Rich Harris, who argues that
children are socialized more by peer groups than by parents.
1. Social relationships contribute immensely to human devel- 3. Biologically based emotions such as anger and fear appear in
opment, primarily by providing critical learning opportunities and the first year of life, and self-conscious emotions emerge in the sec-
social support (through our changing social convoys). The develop- ond year; emotions are quickly socialized by caregivers. As infants
mental significance of early parent-child relationships was empha- age, they rely less on caregivers and more on their own emotion reg-
sized by Sigmund Freud and continues to be emphasized in the ulation strategies to manage their emotions in interactions with their
Bowlby-Ainsworth attachment theory, which draws on ethological, attachment objects.
psychoanalytic, and cognitive theory to argue that attachments are 4. Because infants have endearing qualities, parents typically be-
built into the human species, develop through an interaction of na- come attached to them before or shortly after birth. Parent and child
ture and nurture during a sensitive period early in life, and affect establish synchronized routines, and infants progress through phases
later development by shaping internal working models of self and of undiscriminating social responsiveness, discriminating social re-
other. sponsiveness, active proximity seeking, and goal-corrected partner-
2. The second world of childhood, the peer world, is believed to ship. The formation of a first attachment around 6 or 7 months is ac-
be especially important by Jean Piaget, who emphasized the recipro- companied by separation anxiety and stranger anxiety, as well as by
cal nature of peer relations; Flarry Stack Sullivan, who held that exploration from a secure base.
childhood chumships can compensate for poor parent-child rela- 5. Research using Mary Ainsworth s Strange Situation classifies
tionships or peer rejection and prepare children for romantic rela- the quality of parent-infant attachment as secure, resistant,
avoidant, or disorganized-disoriented. The Freudian view that in- chapter, hypothesize how she might have developed this attachment
fants become attached to those who feed them lacks support; Harry pattern and what kinds of relationships she will have as she grows up.
Harlow was correct to emphasize contact comfort. More generally, 2. Ethological theory, psychoanalytic theory, and cognitive psy-
secure attachments are associated with sensitive, responsive parent- chology all influenced John Bowlby as he formulated attachment the-
ing; resistant attachments with inconsistent, unresponsive care; ory. Which elements of attachment theory do you think most reflect
avoidant attachments with either rejection or overstimulation; and each of these three theoretical perspectives, and why?
disorganized-disoriented attachments with abuse. Infant character- 3. Billy, age 10, does not have a best friend and has never really
istics (temperament and achievement of cognitive developmental had one. Why do you think this is, and what implications might lack
milestones such as person permanence) also contribute. of a friend have for Billy s later development?
6. Repeated long-term separations from attachment figures can 4. Laura Carstensen's socioemotional selectivity theory suggests
result in withdrawal from relationships. Worse is social deprivation that adults narrow their social networks with age to better meet their
that makes it impossible for an infant to attach to anyone; recovery is emotional needs. Can you develop alternative hypotheses about why
evident, but so are disinhibited patterns of attachment and long- young adults might have larger social networks than elderly adults?
term developmental delays in children who spend much time in de-
prived institutions. By contrast, attending day care normally does not
disrupt development or parent-child attachments, assuming that the Key T e r m s
quality of care at home and in the day care facility is reasonably good.
Secure attachments contribute to later social competence and explo- social support, 385 secure attachment, 392
ration, but attachment quality often changes over time; insecurely at- social convoy, 385 resistant attachment, 394
tached infants are not inevitably doomed to a lifetime of poor rela- attachment theory, 386 avoidant attachment, 394
attachment, 386 disorganized-disoriented
7. Infants are interested in peers and become increasingly able
imprinting, 386 attachment, 394
to coordinate their own activity with that of their small companions.
By 18 months, they participate in complementary interactive ex- internal working model, 387 contact comfort, 395
changes and form friendships. peer, 387 pretend play, 403
8. From age 2 to age 12, children participate in goal-corrected social pretend play, 404
chumship, 387
partnerships with their parents and spend increasing amounts of
self-conscious emotion, 389 sociometric techniques, 405
time with peers, especially same-sex ones, engaging in increasingly
social and imaginative play and later in organized games. Physical at- social referencing, 390 clique, 408
tractiveness, cognitive ability, and social competence contribute to emotion regulation, 390 crowd, 408
popular—rather than rejected, neglected, or controversial—socio- conformity, 410
synchronized routines, 391
metric status. Children who are rejected by their peers or who have
no friends are especially at risk for future problems. separation anxiety, 392 socioemotional selectivity
theory, 411
9. During adolescence, same- and cross-sex friendships increas- stranger anxiety, 392
ingly involve emotional intimacy and self-disclosure, and a transition equity, 416
secure base, 392
is made from same-sex peer groups to mixed-sex cliques and larger confidant, 416
crowds and finally to dating relationships, which at first meet self- Strange Situation, 392
esteem and status needs and later become more truly affectionate.
Although susceptibility to negative peer pressure peaks around age
14 or 15, peers are more often a positive than a negative force in de-
Media. Resources
velopment, unless poor relationships with parents result in an ado-
Websites to Explore
lescents becoming involved with an antisocial crowd.
10. Most adults of all ages have high-quality relationships, but Visit Our Website
social networks shrink with age, possibly because of increased so- For a chapter tutorial quiz and other useful features, visit
cioemotional selectivity. Adults have secure, preoccupied, dismissing, the book's companion website at
or fearful internal working models of self and others that appear to sigelman_rider5e. You can also connect directly to the following sites:
be rooted in their early attachment experiences and that affect their
romantic relationships, approaches to work, and ability to form se- Attachment
cure attachments with their own children. The website of developmental psychologist Everett Waters gives you
11. Although adults are highly involved with their spouses or an opportunity to read several papers on attachment theory and at-
romantic partners, they continue to value friendships, especially tachment research, including papers by attachment theorist Mary
long-lasting and equitable ones. Having at least one confidant has Ainsworth.
beneficial effects on life satisfaction and on physical and cognitive
functioning. Pretend Play
This visually engaging and creative site focuses on pretend play, cov-
ering Jean Piagets views on play, types of play, and more. A fun ex-
For additional insight on the data presented in this VIDEO Attachment: Stranger Anxiety Secure Base Phenomenon
chapter, try the exercises for these figures at http://psychology DEVELOPMENTAL
Psychology{H)N°w TM
Figure 14.4 Frequency of activities engaged in by preschool chil-
Developmental PsychologyNow is a web-based, intelli-
dren of different ages
gent study system that provides a complete package of diagnostic
Figure 14.5 Changes during adolescence in the intimacy of quizzes, a personalized study plan, integrated multimedia elements,
same-sex and cross-sex friendships and learning modules. Check it out at http://psychology.wadsworth
. com/sigelman_rider5e/now.
C H A P T E R f 1 f t n
Parke, 1997). Yet fathers are able to adopt a "motherlike" care-
giver role if they have primary responsibility for their chil-
dren, so their playful parenting may be more about being in
the role of the "backup" parent than about being male rather
than female (Phares, 1999). It seems then that both nature
(evolution) and nurture (societal gender-role norms) con-
tribute to mother-father differences in parental involvement
and styles of interacting with young children.
In view of the roles that fathers play in their children's
lives, what are their contributions to child development?
Fathers contribute to healthy development by supporting
their children financially, whether they live together or not
(Marsiglio et al., 2000). They also contribute by being warm
and effective parents, just as mothers do; in the end, that is
more important than whether they serve as masculine role
models (Lamb & Tamis-Lemonda, 2004). Babies are likely to
be more socially competent if they are securely attached to
(L Fathers are just as capable as mothers of sensitive, responsive par- both parents than if they are securely attached to just one
enting. (Main & Weston, 1981). In addition, children whose fathers
are warm and involved with them tend to become high
achievers in school (Cabrera et al., 2000). A father's tendency
Tlie Cliild
to challenge his young children during play, egging them on to
take risks, may be particularly important, breeding a secure As children reach age 2 or 3, parents continue to be caregivers
attachment style later in life and encouraging exploration and playmates, but they also become more concerned with
(Grossmann et al., 2002). Finally, children generally have teaching their offspring how (and how not) to behave, using
fewer psychological disorders and problems if their fathers are some approach to child rearing and discipline to achieve this
caring, involved, and effective parents than if they are not end. Siblings also serve as socialization agents and become an
(Cabrera et al., 2000; Marsiglio et al., 2000). important part of the child's experience of the family.
fathers are more likely to become involved in their children's ness-restrictiveness) refers to how much control over decisions
education when their wives are involved (Flouri 8c Buchanan, lies with the parent as opposed to with the child. Controlling
2003), and fathers who have just had arguments with their and demanding parents set rules, expect their children to fol-
wives are less supportive and engaged when they interact with low them, and monitor their children closely to ensure that
their sons than fathers who have just had pleasant conversa- the rules are followed. Less controlling and demanding par-
tions with their wives (Kitzmann, 2000). Parents can truly co- ents (often called permissive parents) make fewer demands
parent, working as a team, or they can undermine each other's and allow their children a great deal of autonomy in exploring
effectiveness (Parke, 2004). the environment, expressing their opinions and emotions, and
making decisions cibout their activities.
Summing Up By crossing these two dimensions, we have four basic pat-
terns of child rearing to consider, as shown in Figure 15.1:
Mothers are tremendously important forces in human 1. Authoritarian parenting. This is a restrictive parenting
development, but fathers are, too. Although they spend style combining high demandingness-control and low accept-
less time than mothers with their children, and often ance-responsiveness. Parents impose many rules, expect strict
adopt a playful rather than a caregiving role, they are ca- obedience, rarely explain why the child should comply with
pable of sensitive and responsive parenting and con- rules, and often rely on power tactics such as physical punish-
tribute in many positive ways to their children's develop- ment to gain compliance.
ment. Both mothers and fathers affect their children not 2. Authoritative parenting. Authoritative parents are
only directly but also through indirect effects on their more flexible; they are demanding and exert control, but they
spouses. Overall, children are best off when the marital are also accepting and responsive. They set clear rules and
relationship is solid and couples provide mutual support consistently enforce them, but they also explain the rationales
and encouragement that allow both to be more sensitive for their rules and restrictions, are responsive to their chil-
and responsive parents. Socialization within the family is dren's needs and points of view, and involve their children in
not a one-way street in which influence flows only from family decision making. They are reasonable and democratic
parent to child; it is more like the busy intersection of in their approach; although it is clear that they are in charge,
many avenues of influence. • they communicate respect for their children.
Parental acceptance-responsiveness sive style can be effective with an older, more independent
High Low child.
Subsequent research has shown that the worst develop-
Authoritative Authoritarian mental outcomes are associated with a neglectful, uninvolved
o Reasonable demands, Many rules and
consistently enforced; demands; few style of parenting. Children of neglectful parents display be-
o with sensitivity to explanations and little havioral problems such as aggression and frequent temper
0 High
<f) and .acceptance of sensitivity to the tantrums as early as age 3 (Miller et al., 1993). They tend to
(f) the chffd i child's needs and
c perspectives become hostile and antisocial adolescents who abuse alcohol
C and drugs and get in trouble (Lamborn et al., 1991; Weiss &
c Schwarz, 1996). Parents who provide little guidance and com-
CS Permissive Neglectful
E municate that they do not care breed children who are resent-
"D Few rules and Few rules and
demands; children demands; parents are ful and prone to strike back at their uncaring parents and
•2 Low are allowed much uninvolved and other authority figures.
freedom by insensitive to their
cu In short, children develop best when they have love and
a. indulgent parents children's needs
limits. If they are indulged or neglected and given little guid-
ance, they will not learn self-control, may become selfish and
unruly, and may lack direction. If they receive too much guid-
Figure 15.1 The acceptance-responsiveness and demandingness-
control dimensions of parenting. Which combination best describes ance, as the children of authoritarian parents do, they will
your parents' approach? have few opportunities to learn self-reliance and may lack
SOURCE: B a s e d on Maccoby & Martin (1983/. confidence in their own decision-making abilities. The link
between authoritative parenting and positive developmental
outcomes is evident in most ethnic groups and socioeconomic
3. Permissive parenting. This style is high in accept- groups studied to date in the United States (Glasgow et al.,
ance-responsiveness but low in demandingness-control. 1997; Steinberg, 2001) and in a variety of other cultures
Permissive parents are indulgent; they have relatively few rules (Scott, Scott, & McCabe, 1991; Vazonyi, Hibbert, & Snider,
and make relatively few demands, encourage children to ex- 2003).
press their feelings and impulses, and rarely exert control over
their behavior. Social Class, Economic Hardship, and Parenting
4. Neglectful parenting. Finally, parents who combine Parenting styles are not traitlike characteristics that parents
low7 demandingness-control and low acceptance-responsive- display consistently regardless of the child, the child's age, or
ness are relatively uninvolved in their children's upbringing. the context. Although parents differ in their broad approaches
They seem not to care much about their children and may to parenting, they respond flexibly to the specific child-rearing
even reject them—or else they are so overwhelmed by their situations that face them (Holden & Miller, 1999). With that
own problems that they cannot devote sufficient energy to set- as warning, we can note that middle-class and lower-class par-
ting and enforcing rules (Maccoby & Martin, 1983). ents often pursue different goals, emphasize different values,
We assume that you have no difficulty deciding that and rely on different parenting styles in raising children.
parental acceptance and responsiveness are preferable to Compared with middle- and upper-class parents, lower- and
parental rejection and insensitivity. As you have seen in this working-class parents tend to stress obedience and respect for
book, warm, responsive parenting is associated with secure at- authority, be more restrictive and authoritarian, reason with
tachments to parents, academic competence, high self-esteem, their children less frequently, and show less warmth and affec-
positive social skills, peer acceptance, a strong sense of moral- tion (Maccoby, 1980; McLoyd, 1990). Although you will find a
ity, and many other virtues. By contrast, lack of parental ac- range of parenting styles in any social group, these average
ceptance and affection contributes to depression and other social-class differences in parenting have been observed in
psychological problems (Ge et aL, 1996). many cultures and across racial and ethnic groups in the
The degree of demandingness and control is also impor- United States.
tant. The authoritarian, authoritative, and permissive parent- Why might these social class differences exist? One expla-
ing styles were originally identified and defined by Diana nation focuses on the skills needed by workers in white-collar
Baumrind (1967, 1977, 1991). In a pioneering longitudinal and blue-collar jobs (Arnett, 1995; Kohn, 1969). Parents from
study, Baumrind found that children raised by authoritative lower socioeconomic groups may emphasize obedience to au-
parents were the best adjusted: They were cheerful, socially re- thority figures because that is what is required in blue-collar
sponsible, self-reliant, achievement oriented, and cooperative jobs like their own. Middle- and upper-class parents may rea-
with adults and peers. Children of authoritarian parents son with their children and stress individual initiative, curios-
tended to be moody and seemingly unhappy, easily annoyed, ity, and creativity because these are the attributes that count
relatively aimless, and unpleasant to be around. Finally, chil- for business executives, professionals, and other white-collar
dren of permissive parents were often impulsive, aggressive, workers.
self-centered, rebellious, without self-control, aimless, and low Most explanations, however, center on the stresses associ-
in independence and achievement, although a warm, permis- ated with low-income living and their effects on parenting
d The stresses of economic hardship can make it hard to be an effective parent.
(McLoyd, 1990; Seccombe, 2000). Rand Conger and his asso- Brooks-Gunn, Britto, & Brady, 1999). In high-crime poverty
ciates (1992, 1995, 2002), for example, have shown that par- areas, parents may feel the need to be more authoritarian and
ents experiencing financial problems tend to become de- controlling just to protect their children from danger (Taylor
pressed, which increases conflict between them. Marital et al., 2000).
conflict, in turn, disrupts each partner's ability to be a sup- Although parenting practices do not account for all neg-
portive, involved, and effective parent—another example of ative effects of poverty on child development, these effects are
indirect effects within the family. This breakdown in parent- serious and far-reaching. Poverty tends to bring with it a phys-
ing then contributes to negative child outcomes such as low ical environment characterized by pollution, noise, and
self-esteem, poor school performance, poor peer relations, crowded, unsafe living conditions and a social environment
and adjustment problems such as depression and aggression characterized by family instability, violence, harsh parenting,
(see Figure 15.2). and limited cognitive stimulation (Evans, 2004). The effects
Stresses are magnified for families living below the on child development include health problems, emotional
poverty line or moving in and out of poverty as a result of eco- and behavioral problems, and school failure (Bradley &
nomic crises. Research shows that parents living in poverty Corwyn, 2002; Evans, 2004). Federal and state welfare reform
tend to be restrictive, punitive, and inconsistent, sometimes to policies that require welfare mothers to work are not neces-
the point of being abusive and neglectful (Seccombe, 2000; sarily alleviating these problems. A single working mother
income depressed
Nonnurturant/ antisocial
employment Marital
uninvolved conduct and
conflict adjustment
Many debts
Job loss mood
Figure 8 5.2 A model of the relationship among family economic stress, patterns of parent-
ing, and adolescent adjustment
SOURCE: Adapted from Conger et al. (1292).
with two children who earns a minimum wage is unlikely to Is it not possible instead, they reasoned, that children who are
earn enough to rise above the poverty line (Seccombe, 2000). already ugood" are more likely than less responsive children to
She probably does not receive health coverage through her elicit inductive explanations from adults? Keller and Bell had
job, and she still has to worry about finding affordable child female college students attempt to convince 9-year-old girls to
care and a myriad of other problems. behave altruistically (for example, to spend more time sewing
In sum, the more authoritarian parenting style used by a pillow for a handicapped child than sewing a pillow for
many lower-income parents may reflect both an adaptive at- themselves). The girls had been coached to respond either at-
tempt to prepare children for jobs in which they will be ex- tentively or inattentively.
pected to obey a boss and the effects of economic stress, par- As expected, students confronted with an attentive child
ticularly of living in poverty, on parenting. used a great deal of induction, pointing out how other chil-
dren might feel if the child behaved selfishly. By contrast, col-
lege students who interacted with an inattentive child relied
on power-assertion techniques such as promising rewards for
In thinking about influences within the family, we will bet that altruism and threatening penalties for selfishness. A study of
you, like most developmental scientists, think first about par- the budding juvenile delinquents from age 14 to age 16 also
ents affecting children. But consider three different models of revealed child effects on parents (Kerr & Stattin, 2003). In re-
influence in the family: the parent effects, child effects, and sponse to their delinquent child's difficult behavior at age 14,
transactional models. parents became less warm and emotionally supportive and
less in control of their adolescents by the time the adolescents
P a r e n t Effects M o d e l were 16. By contrast, these researchers could detect few links
The study of human development has been guided through between parenting when adolescents were 14 and adolescent
most of its history by a simple parent effects model of family problem behavior at 16.
influence. This model assumes that influences run one way,
from parent (particularly mother) to child. You have just re-
viewed research demonstrating effects of parenting styles on Research now reveals that antisocial behavior probably results
child development. But what if you think a bit differently: when a child genetically predisposed to be aggressive behaves in
Could it be that a child's behavior influences the style of par- ways that elicit negative parenting and when this negative par-
enting his parents adopt and that what appear to be parent ef- enting, in turn, causes the child to become even more aggressive
fects are instead child effects? (Ge et al., 1996; O'Connor et al., 1998; and see Chapter 13).
When such a destructive family process develops—the child elic-
Child Effects M o d e l its coercive and ineffective parenting from parents and parents
A child effects model of family influence highlights instances contribute to the child's antisocial behavior—it becomes impos-
in which children influence their parents rather than vice sible to say who is more influential. This scenario is best de-
versa (Ambert, 1992; Crouter 8c Booth, 2003; Sanson, scribed by a transactional model of family influence, in which
Hemphill, 8c Smart, 2004). One good example of a child effect parent and child are seen as influencing one another reciprocally
is the influence of a child's age and competence on the style of (Sameroff, 1975; also see Cook, 2001). According to this model,
parenting used with that child. For example, infants in their child problems can develop if the relationship between parent
first year of life require and elicit sensitive care, wThereas older cind child goes bad as the two interact over time. Optimal child
infants who are asserting their wills and toddling here and development is likely to result when parent-child transactions
there force parents to provide more instruction and discipline evolve in more positive directions.
(Fagot 8c Kavanaugh, 1993). Normally, parents become less re- Genes clearly have a role in family processes. The
strictive as their children mature and gradually, with parental Explorations box on page 430 takes a closer look at how par-
guidance, become capable of making their own decisions ents' genes and their cultural environments influence how
(Steinberg, 2002). they approach parenting. And, as Chapter 3 showed, a child's
Now consider the possibility that a child's personality in- genetic endowment influences not only the child's behavior
fluences the parenting she receives. Is it not possible that easy- but also the parenting style and the home environment she
going, manageable children cause their parents to be warm experiences (Collins et al., 2000; Reiss et al., 2000). Through
and authoritative? Could not difficult; stubborn, and aggres- the process of gene-environment correlation (Scarr 8c
sive children help mold parents who are rejecting and who ei- McCartney, 1983; see Chapter 3), the genes children inherit
ther rule with an authoritarian iron hand or throw up their (and share with their parents) influence how their parents and
hands in defeat and become neglectful? Recall the description other people react to them and what experiences they seek.
in Chapter 13 of the discipline techniques of induction, power The child whose genes predispose him to antisocial behavior
assertion, and love withdrawal. In an early demonstration of is likely to elicit a harsh, controlling style of parenting even
child effects, Barbara Keller and Richard Bell (1979) set out to from adoptive parents; the child's hostile behavior and the
challenge the finding, reported in Chapter 13, that a parent's parent's ineffective parenting then feed on each other through
use of induction (explanations emphasizing the consequences a transactional process to aggravate the child's behavioral
of a child's behavior for other people) fosters moral maturity. problems (Ge et al., 1996).
Demonstrations of child effects and transactional effects programs can positively affect child development by changing
within the family are important. Yet parent effects remain sig- parenting practices (Forgatch & DeGarmo, 1999; Reynolds &
nificant. By using more sophisticated research designs, re- Robertson, 2003). Still, we should not assume, as early child
searchers have gathered more solid evidence than ever that development researchers did, that parents are solely responsi-
parents influence their children's development, even when ge- ble for whether their children turn out "good" or "bad." We
netic influences are controlled (Collins et al., 2000). For ex- must remind ourselves repeatedly that the family is a system
ample, longitudinal studies demonstrate that parents who in which family members are influenced in reciprocal ways by
adopt an authoritative parenting style and who firmly de- both their genetic endowments and the environments they
mand that their children follow their rules have children who create for one another.
become more compliant and well-behaved over time than
other children (Collins et al, 2000), whereas parents who re-
spond angrily to children with behavioral problems can make
Sibling Relationships
those problems worse over time (P. M. Cole, 2003). A family system consisting of mother, father, and child is per-
Meanwhile, experimental studies show that parent training turbed by the arrival of a new baby and becomes a new—and
( 1 9 9 4 , 2 0 0 0 ) w a s puzzled b e c a u s e C h i n e s e children d o no b e t - general style o f parenting, and t h e i r children's genes influence
t e r in s c h o o l w h e n t h e i r parents use an authoritative style o f h o w each o f t h e m is t r e a t e d . Cultural influences on parenting
parenting than w h e n t h e i r parents use an authoritarian style. are also i m p o r t a n t . Although authoritative parenting is an ef~
She o b s e r v e d t h a t C h i n e s e parents offer t h e i r children clear fective parenting approach in m o s t cultural c o n t e x t s , o t h e r
and specific guidelines f o r behavior, believing that this is t h e parenting styles can b e effective if t h e y a r e viewed as appro-
b e s t way t o e x p r e s s t h e i r love and train t h e i r children prop- priate in a particular cultural c o n t e x t . As a result, you should
erly.Although t h e style s e e m s overly controlling t o European b e careful n o t t o judge parenting in o t h e r cultures and sub-
Americans, C h i n e s e children d o n o t view it t h a t way. cultures as deficient just b e c a u s e it is n o t t h e style favored by
So, nature and n u r t u r e shape t h e parenting approach t h a t middle-class European A m e r i c a n parents ( O g b u , 1981).
p a r e n t s use and its effectiveness. Parents' g e n e s influence t h e i r
considerably more complex—family system. How do children firstborns are not above hitting, poking, and pinching their
adapt to a new baby in the house, and how does the sibling re- younger brothers or sisters. Security of attachment to their
lationship change as children age? mothers decreases, especially if firstborns are 2 years old or
older and can fully appreciate how much they have lost (Teti
A M e w Baby A r r i v e s et al., 1996). Although positive effects such as an increased in-
When Judy Dunn and Carol Kendrick (1982; see also Dunn, sistence on doing things independently are also common, it is
1993) carefully studied young children's reactions to a new clear that firstborns are not thrilled to have an attention-
sibling, they found that mothers typically pay less attention to grabbing new baby in the house. They resent losing their par-
their firstborns after the new baby arrives than before. Partly ents' attention, and their own difficult behavior may alienate
for this reason, firstborns often find being "dethroned" a their parents further.
stressful experience. They become more difficult and de- How can problems be minimized? Adjustment to a new
manding, or more dependent and clingy, and they often de- sibling is easier if the marital relationship is good and if the
velop problems with their sleeping, eating, and toileting rou- firstborn had secure relationships with both parents before
tines. Most of their battles are with their mothers, but a few the younger sibling arrived—and continues to enjoy close re-
able, if they are based on differences in the ages, competencies,
and personalities of the siblings (Kowal et al., 2002). Overall,
•the most important thing to know about sibling relationships
is that they are ambivalent—they involve both closeness and
8HM3 conflict.
Contributions to Development
For most children, interactions with siblings are mostly posi-
m&Pf tive, and siblings play mostly positive roles in one another's
development. Even the battles may contribute positively to so-
cial development by teaching children how to assert them-
selves, manage conflict, and tolerate negative emotions
(Bedford, Volling, & Avioli, 2000). Only when sibling relation-
ships are extremely hateful and destructive and children expe-
rience harsh parenting should parents worry that siblings may
€ Firstborns do not always accept a newcomer in the family contribute negatively to development (Garcia et al., 2000).
One of the important positive functions of siblings is to
lationships afterward (Dunn & Kendrick, 1982; Teti et al., provide emotional support Brothers and sisters confide in one
1996). Parents are advised to guard against ignoring their another, often more than they confide in their parents (Howe
firstborn, to continue providing love and attention, and to et al., 2000). They protect and comfort one another in rough
maintain the child's routines as much as possible. They can times. Even preschoolers jump in to comfort their infant sib-
also encourage older children to become aware of the new lings when their mothers leave them or when strangers ap-
baby's needs and feelings and to assist in her care (Dunn & proach (Stewart & Marvin, 1984).
Kendrick, 1982; Howe & Ross, 1990).
Age 9-10 Aae 11-12 Age 13-14 Age 15-16 Age 17-18
Figure 8 5 3 At age 13 or 14, sequences of behavior by parents and adolescents jump from
positive to negative and negative to positive as though parents and children-were trying to ne-
gotiate a new relationship.
SOUHCO: © 2003 by the American Psychological Association. Reprinted by permission.
the capacity to make decisions independently and manage life them is not (Beyers, et al., 2003). Some combination of auton-
tasks without being overly dependent on other people. If ado- omy and attachment, or independence and interdependence, is
lescents are to "make it" as adults, they cannot be rushing most desirable.
home for reassuring hugs after every little setback or depend- How much autonomy parents grant differs from culture
ing on parents to get them to work on time or manage their to culture. Andrew Fuligni (1998) found that adolescents from
checkbooks. different ethnic groups in the United States differ considerably
As children reach puberty and become more physically and in their beliefs about how much authority parents should have
cognitively mature and more capable of acting autonomously, and how much autonomy adolescents should have. For exam-
they assert themselves more. As they do so, parents turn over ple, Filipino and Mexican American adolescents are more
more power to them, and the parent-child relationship changes likely than European American adolescents to believe that
from one in which parents are dominant to one in which par- they should not disagree with their parents, and Chinese
ents and their sons and daughters are on a more equal footing Americans are less likely to expect the freedom to go to parties
(Steinberg, 2002). It is usually best for their development if ado- and to date at a young age. Adolescents in Japan are even more
lescents maintain a close attachment with their families even as strongly socialized to expect limited autonomy. They remain
they are gaining autonomy and preparing to leave the nest closer to their mothers and fathers than American adolescents
(Kobak et al., 1993; Lamborn 8c Steinberg, 1993). Gaining some throughout the adolescent years, do not feel as much need to
separation from parents is healthy; becoming detached from distance themselves from their parents, and spend less time
with peers (Rothbaum, Pott, et al., 2000). In collectivist Asian
cultures, then, parents continue to impose many rules and the
balance of power does not change as much, or at least as early,
during adolescence as it does in the United States.
Across cultures, adolescents are most likely to become au-
tonomous, achievement oriented, and well adjusted if their
parents consistently enforce a reasonable set of rules, involve
their teenagers in decision making, recognize their need for
greater autonomy, monitor their comings and goings, gradu-
ally loosen the reins, and continue to be warm, supportive,
and involved throughout adolescence (Beyers 8c Goossens,
1999; Lamborn et al., 1991). In other words, the winning ap-
procich is an authoritative style of parenting—the same style
that fosters healthy child development. Although you should
remind yourself that children also affect their parents, an au-
thoritative parenting style gives adolescents opportunities to
strengthen their independent decision-making skills and re-
tain the benefit of their parents' guidance and advice. It creates
a climate in which teenagers confide in their parents—and
parents, therefore, do not have to spy to monitor where their
children are and who they are with (Kerr 8c Stattin, 2003).
When parents are rejecting and extremely strict, or rejecting
and extremely lax, teenagers are most likely to be psychologi-
([ Asian adolescents do not expect as much freedom as American cally distressed and to get into trouble (Koestner, Zuroff, 8c
adolescents do. Powers, 1991; Lamborn et al., 1991).
Summing Up
, T k e .Adult
Establishing the Marriage € The honeymoon is great, but it often ends quickly.
In U.S. society more than 90% of adults choose to marry at
some point in their lives (Whitehead & Popenoe, 2003), and happens because couples begin to see <cwarts" that they did not
most choose to marry individuals they love. Marriages in many notice before marriage, stop trying to be on their best behav-
other cultures are not formed on the basis of love but are ior, have run-ins as an inevitable part of living together, or
arranged by leaders of kin groups who are concerned with ac- start to take each other for granted, it is normal.
quiring property, allies, and the rights to any children the mar- Does the quality of a couple's relationship early in their
riage produces (Ingoldsby & Smith, 1995). As Corinne marriage have any implications for their later marital adjust-
Nydegger (1986) put it, "These matters are too important to be ment? Apparently it does. Huston and his colleagues (2001)
left to youngsters" (p. 111). So, in reading what follows, remem- assessed couples 2 months, 1 year, and 2 years into their mar-
ber that our way of establishing families is not the only way. riages and again 13 to 14 years after the wedding. It is com-
Marriage is a significant life transition for most adults: It monly believed that marriages crumble when negative feelings
involves taking on a new role (as husband or wife) and ad- build up and conflicts escalate, but Huston's findings provide
justing to life as a couple. We rejoice at weddings and view little support for this escalating conflict viewr. Compared with
newlyweds as supremely happy beings. Indeed, they feel on couples who were happily married after 13 years, couples who
top of the world, their self-esteem rises, and at least some of remained married but were unhappy had had relatively poor
them adopt a more secure orientation toward attachment re- relationships all along. Even as newlyweds, and probably even
lationships as a result of marrying (Crowell, Treboux, & before they married, these couples wTere less blissfully in love
Waters, 2002; Giarrusso et al., 2000). Yet individuals who have and more negative toward each other than were couples who
just been struggling to achieve autonomy and assume adult stayed married and remained happy in their marriages.
roles soon find that they must compromise with their partners Apparently, it is not the case that all marriages start out bliss-
and adapt to each other's personalities and preferences. fully happy and then some turn sour: some start out sour.
Ted Huston and his colleagues have.found that the honey- Even couples who divorced did not experience a buildup of
moon is short (Huston, McHale, & Crouter, 1986; Huston et conflict over time; often they lost their positive feelings for
al., 2001; also see Kurdek, 1999). In a longitudinal study of each other.
newlywed couples, these researchers discovered that percep- The establishment phase of the family life cycle involves a
tions of the marital relationship became less favorable during loss of enthusiasm for most couples. Some couples are already
the first year after the wedding. For example, couples became on the path to long-term marital satisfaction, wrhereas others
less satisfied with their marriages and with their sex lives; they are headed for divorce or for staying in a marriage that will
less frequently said "I love you," complimented each other, or continue to be less than optimal. Couples seem best off when
disclosed their feelings to each other. Although they spent only they can maintain a high level of positive and supportive in-
somewhat less time together, more of that time was devoted to teractions to help them weather the conflicts that inevitably
getting tasks done and less to having fun or just talking. arise in any relationship (Fincham, 2003).
Although most couples are far more satisfied than dissat-
isfied with their relationships after the "honeymoon" is over,
adapting to marriage clearly involves strains. Blissfully happy
relationships evolve into still happy but more ambivalent ones How does the arrival of a new baby affect the wife, the hus-
as couples become somew7hat disillusioned with each other band, and the marital relationship? Some people believe that
and their relationship (Huston et al., 2001). Whether this having children draws a couple closer together; others believe
that children introduce additional strains into a relationship. ture and organize their lives to accommodate a new baby (Cox
Which is it? et al., 1999; Levy-Shiff, 1994). Similarly, parents who have re-
On average, new parenthood is best described as a stress- alistic expectations about how parenthood will change their
ful life transition that involves both positive and negative lives and about children tend to adjust more easily than those
changes (Cowan & Cowan, 2000; Nomaguchi 8c Milkie, 2003). who expect the experience to be more positive than it turns
On the positive side, parents claim that having a child brings out to be (Kalmuss, Davidson, 8c Cushman, 1992; Mylod,
them joy and fulfillment and contributes to their own growth Whitman, 8c Borkowski, 1997). Mentally healthy parents also
as individuals (Emery 8c Tuer, 1993; Palkovitz, 2002). New fare better than parents who are experiencing mental health
parents are also more socially integrated than childless adults; problems such as depression going into new parenthood (Cox
they interact more with family and friends (Nomaguchi 8c et al., 1999).
Milkie, 2003). Attachment styles are also important. New parents who
But analyze the situation more closely. Couples have remember their own parents as warm and accepting are likely
added new roles (as mothers and fathers) to their existing to experience a smoother transition to new parenthood than
roles (as spouses, workers, and so on). New parents often find couples who recall their parents as cold or rejecting
juggling work and family responsibilities stressful. They not (Florsheim et al., 2003; van IJzendoorn, 1992). In an interest-
only have an incredible amount of new work to do as care- ing study, Jeffry Simpson and his colleagues (2003) looked at
givers, but they lose sleep, worry about their baby, find that adjustment during the transition to parenthood in relation to
they have less time to themselves, and often face financial dif- the styles of adult attachment described in Chapter 14.
ficulties. In addition, even egalitarian couples who previously Viewing new parenthood as the kind of stressful transition
shared household tasks begin to divide their labors along likely to activate the attachment system, they administered
more traditional lines. She specializes in the "feminine" role by scales to assess ambivalence and avoidance in romantic at-
becoming the primary caregiver and housekeeper, often re- tachment relationships, husband s support for and anger to-
ducing her involvement in work outside the home, and he ward his wife, and depression symptoms in a sample of 106
concentrates on his "masculine" role as provider (Cowan 8c couples expecting their first child. As John Bowlby's attach-
Cowan, 2000; Sanchez 8c Thomson, 1997). ment theory predicts, mothers who had a preoccupied (resist-
What are the effects of increased stress and of the ten- ant) style of attachment—that is, emotionally needy and de-
dency of husband and wife to establish more separate pendent women wTho expressed a lot of anxiety and
lifestyles? Marital satisfaction typically declines in the first ambivalence about romantic relationships—were likely to be-
year after a baby is born (Belsky, Lang, 8c Rovine, 1.985; come increasingly depressed from before the birth to 6
Gottman 8c Notarius, 2000). This decline is usually steeper for months after birth if they perceived that their husbands gave
women than for men, primarily because the burden of child them little support or were angry before the birth and if they
care responsibilities typically falls more heavily on mothers then perceived that their husbands' support or anger wors-
and they may resent what they regard as an unfair division of ened during the transition. Women with preoccupied (resist-
labor (Levy-Shiff, 1994). New mothers often feel trapped, iso- ant) attachment styles who perceived low support from their
lated, and overwhelmed by their responsibility; new fathers husbands also experienced bigger declines in marital satisfac-
worry about money (Fox, 2001b). Overall, women are more tion than other mothers, and their husbands became less sat-
affected by parenthood in both positive and negative ways isfied with the marriage (Rholes et al., 2001). Women with
than men (Nomaguchi 8c Milkie, 2003). other attachment styles were not as vulnerable to depression
Flowever, individuals vary widely in their adjustment to and drops in marital satisfaction, even when they went into
new parenthood. Some new parents experience the transition parenthood feeling that their partners were not supportive.
as a bowl of cherries, others as the pits—as a full-blown crisis Finally, resources can make a great deal of difference to the
in their lives. Some get through the typical strains and con- new parent. Most important is spousal support: As suggested
flicts of the first year and regain a high level of marital satis- already, things go considerably better for a new mother when
faction; others do not (Cox et al., 1999). What might make she has a good relationship with her husband, and when he
this life event easier or harder to manage? We can answer that shares the burden of child care and housework, than when she
question by focusing on the nature of the event with which a has no partner or an unsupportive one (Levy-Shiff, 1994;
parent must cope, the person who must cope with it, and the Demo 8c Cox, 2000). Social support from friends and relatives
resources the individual has available. can also help new parents cope (Stemp, Turner, 8c Noh, 1986),
The event is the baby. Clearly, infants who are difficult as can interventions designed to help expecting parents pre-
(for example, because of an illness that causes endless crying pare realistically for the challenges ahead and support one an-
or an irritable temperament) create more stresses and anxi- other as they deal with these challenges (Cowan 8c Cowan,
eties for parents than infants who are quiet, sociable, respon- 2000).
sive, and otherwise easy to love (Levy-Shiff, 1994; Meredith 8c In sum, parents who have an easy baby to contend with;
Noller, 2003). who possess positive personal qualities and coping skills, in-
As for the person, some adults are better equipped than cluding a secure attachment style; and who receive reliable
others to cope with stress; they have good problem-solving support from their partners and others are in the best position
and communication skills and find adaptive ways to restruc- to cope adaptively with new parenthood, a transition nor-
mally both satisfying and stressful that can reduce marital sat- what they can expect next (Silverberg 8: Steinberg, 1990).
isfaction, especially for women. Here, then, may be another example of child effects within the
family system. Or is it? It is also possible that parents who are
psychologically distressed and preoccupied with their own
midlife problems cannot provide the emotional support their
The child-rearing family is the family with children in i t What children need and cause them to seek it elsewhere, in the peer
can parents look forward to as they have additional children group. Parents who are insecure about attachment relation-
and as their children age? A heavier workload! The stresses ships sometimes have trouble letting go of their adolescents
and strains of caring for a toddler are greater than those of and serving as a secure base as their children seek to become
caring for an infant, and the arrival of a second child means more autonomous (Hock et al, 2001).
additional stress (O'Brien, 1996). Parents must not only de- Children clearly complicate their parents' lives by de-
vote time to the new baby but also deal with their firstborn manding everything from fresh diapers and close monitoring
child's normal anxieties about this change in lifestyle. They to college tuition. By claiming time and energy that might
complain of the hassles of cleaning up food and toys, con- otherwise go into nourishing the marital relationship and by
stantly keeping an eye on their children, and dealing with their adding stresses to their parents' lives, children seem to have a
perfectly normal but irritating demands for attention, failures negative—although typically only slightly negative—effect on
to comply with requests, and bouts of whining (O'Brien, the marital relationship (Kurdek, 1999; Rollins 8c Feldman
1996). Because the workload increases, fathers often become 1970). Yet when parents are interviewed about the costs and
more involved in child care after a second child is born benefits of parenthood, they generally emphasize the positives
(Phares, 1999). However, the mother who is raising children and feel that parenthood has contributed a great deal to their
as a single parent or whose husband is not highly involved in personal development, making them more responsible and
family life may find herself without a moment's rest as she caring individuals (Palkovitz, 2002).
tries to keep up with two or more active, curious, mobile, and
needy youngsters.
Additional challenges sometimes arise for parents when
their children. enter adolescence. As you saw' earlier, As children reach maturity, the family becomes a "launching
parent-child conflicts become more frequent for a while as pad" that fires adolescents and young adults into work and
children enter adolescence. In addition, there is intriguing ev- starting their own families. The term empty nest describes the
idence that living with adolescents who are becoming physi- family after the departure of the last child—a phase of the
cally and sexually mature and beginning to date may cause family life cycle that became common only in the 20th century
parents to engage in more than the usual amount of midlife (Fox, 2001a). Clearly, the emptying of the nest involves
questioning about what they have done with their lives and changes in roles and lifestyle for parents, particularly for
Parent and child generations in most families are in close con- a person and that she has her own problems and her own
tact and enjoy affectionate give-and-take relationships life.... I accepted her as a mother—but she actually is a
throughout the adult years. When aging parents eventually human being.
need support, children are there to help.
What happens to the parent-child relationship when
Forming More Mutual Relationships. As young adults leave children become middle-aged and their parents become eld-
the nest, they do not sever ties with their parents; instead, they erly? The two generations typically continue to care about,
and their parents jointly negotiate a relationship in which they socialize with, and help each other throughout the adult
move beyond playing out their roles as child and parent and years (Umberson & Slaten, 2000), and both generations gain
become more like friends (Aquilino, 1997; Greene & Boxer, self-esteem when the parent-child relationship is good
1986). As a result, the parent-child relationship often becomes (Giarrusso et aL, 2000). Aging mothers enjoy closer relations
more positive between adolescence and early adulthood and more contact with their children, especially their daugh-
(Shulman & Ben-Artzi, 2003). This more mutual and warm ters, than aging fathers do (Umberson & Slaten, 2000). And
relationship is especially likely to develop when children are African American, Hispanic American, and other minority
married (but are still childless), are employed, and have elders often enjoy more supportive relationships with their
moved out of their parents' house (Aquilino, 1997; Belsky et families than European Americans do (Bengtson et aL,
al., 2003). Relationships are also closer and less conflictual if 1996). These findings suggest that the predominant family
parents were supportive, authoritative parents earlier in the form in the United States is neither the isolated nuclear fam-
child's life (Belsky et al., 2001). Children appreciate their more ily nor the extended family household but what has been
equal relationships with their parents (White, Speisman, & called the modified extended family—an arrangement in
Costos, 1983, p. 73): which nuclear families live in separate households but have
close ties and frequent communication and interaction with
I am understanding her now more than I ever did before. other kin (Litwak, 1960). Most elderly people in our society
I have started to understand that I had to stop blaming prefer this pattern. The last thing they want is to have to live
her for everything in my life. I felt she had been a lousy with and burden their children when their health fails (E.
parent. Now, I'm more understanding that my mother is Brody, 2004).
Relationships between the generations are not only close ones that they have a responsibility to help ailing parents, and
and affectionate, but they also are generally equitable: each they do help more (Conner, 2000; Shuey 8c Hardy, 2003). Some
generation gives something, and each generation gets some- ethnic groups have more potential helpers available, too; for
thing in return (Conner, 2000; Markides, Boldt, 8c Ray, 1986). example, compared with European American elders, African
If anything, aging parents give more (E. Brody, 2004). American ones can more often call on siblings and members of
Contrary to myth, then, most aging families do not experience the extended family such as cousins and nieces and nephews
what has been called role reversal—a switching of roles late in for help if their children cannot help (Johnson, 2000). As a re-
life such that the parent becomes the needy, dependent one sult, they are less likely to find themselves without family sup-
and the child becomes the caregiver (E. Brody, 2004). Only port when they reach advanced ages.
when parents reach advanced ages and begin to develop seri- Middle-aged adults who must foster their children's (and
ous physical or mental problems does the parent-child rela- possibly their grandchildren's) development while tending to
tionship sometimes become lopsided. their own development and caring for aging parents some-
times find their situation overwhelming. They may experience
Caring for Aging Parents. Elaine Brody (1985,2004) uses the caregiver burden—psychological distress associated with the
term middle generation squeeze (others call it the sandwich demands of providing care for someone with physical, cogni-
generation phenomenon) to describe the situation of middle- tive, or both impairments. Although caring for an aging par-
aged adults pressured by demands from both the younger and ent can be rewarding, many adult children providing such
the older generations simultaneously. Put yourself in the shoes care experience emotional, physical, and financial strains
of Julia, a 52-year-old African American working woman (Aneshensel et al., 1995; Pinquart 8c Sorensen, 2003). A
(Burton, 1996b, p. 155): woman who is almost wholly responsible for a dependent
elder may feel angry and resentful because she has no time for
My girl and grand girl had babies young. Now, they keep
herself. She may experience role conflict between her caregiver
on rushiri me, expectin' me to do this and that, tryin to
role and her roles as wife, mother, and employee that under-
make me old Tore my time. I ain't got no time for myself.
mines her sense of well-being (Stephens et al., 2001).
I takes care of babies, grown children, and the old peo-
Not all caregivers feel that providing care is a burden or
ples. I work too. I get so tired. I don t know if I'll ever get
suffer negative mental health effects such as depression, how-
to do somethin for myself.
ever. The burden of care is likely to be perceived as especially
Julia's situation may not be typical, but it is certainly weighty if the elderly parent engages in the disruptive and so-
middle generation squeeze. Adults with children increasingly cially inappropriate behaviors often shown by people with de-
find themselves caring for their aging parents; indeed, middle- mentia (Gaugler et al., 2000; Pinquart 8c Sorensen, 2003). The
aged adults who have children are more likely than those who caregiver's personality also makes a difference; caregivers who
do not to be drawn into caring for parents and other aging rel- lack a sense of mastery or control may have difficulty coping
atives, possibly because they are more closely tied to kin net- and may become more depressed over time (Li, Seltzer, 8c
works (Gallagher 8c Gerstel, 2001). Spouses are the first in line Greenberg, 1999). By contrast, those who have attained the
to care for frail elders, assuming they are alive and up to the sense of generativity that Erikson believes to be so important
challenge, but most caregivers of ailing elders are daughters or for middle-aged parents feel less caregiver burden than other
daughters-in-law in their 40s and 50s. Daughters are about women (Peterson, 2002).
three times more likely than sons to assist aging parents
(Dwyer 8< Coward, 1991). This imbalance exists partly be-
cause, according to traditional gender-role norms, women are
the "kinkeepers" of the family and therefore feel obligated to
provide care (E. Brody, 2004) and partly because women are
less likely than men to have jobs that prevent them from help-
ing (Sarkisian 8c Gerstel, 2004). ,
In many Asian societies, daughters-in-law are the first
choice. Aging parents are often taken in by a son, usually the
oldest, and cared for by his wife (Youn et al., 1999). In our so-
ciety, where most aging parents do not want to have to live
with their children, much elder care is provided from a dis-
tance (Bengtson et al., 1996). Either way, families are the ma-
jor providers of care for the frail elderly today. We see little
support here for the view that today's families have aban-
doned their elders or that adult children have failed to meet
their filial responsibility, a child's obligation to his parents (E.
Brody, 2004; Conner, 2000).
African American, Hispanic American, and Asian € Caring for an ailing parent can result in middle generation squeeze
American families feel more strongly than European American and caregiving burden.
The strain is also likely to be worse if a caregiving
daughter is unmarried and, therefore, does not have a hus- Diversity in F a m i l y L i f e
band to lean on for practical and emotional support (E.
Brody et al., 1992); if her marriage is an unsupportive one Useful as it is, the concept of a family life cycle does not cap-
(Stephens & Franks, 1995); or if for other reasons she ture the diversity of adult lifestyles and family experiences.
lacks social support (Clyburn et al., 2000). In the end, the Many of todays adults do not progress in a neat and orderly
caregiver-parent relationship and the marital relationship way through the stages of the traditional family life cycle—
affect each other. A solid marriage can provide social sup- marrying, having children, watching them leave the nest, and
port that lightens the burden of care; a troubled marriage so on. A small number never marry; a larger number never
can get in the way. Similarly, caring for an ailing parent can have children. Some continue working when their children are
detract from the marital relationship, or it can improve it by young; others stop or cut back. And many adults move in and
making a daughter feel better about herself (Stephens & out of wedded life by marrying, divorcing, and remarrying.
Franks, 1995). Examine some of these variations in family life.
Does it matter why adult children take on the burden of
care? In an interesting attempt to find out, Cicirelli (1993) as- Singles
sessed whether daughters helped their aging mothers out of
love ( U I feel lonely when I don't see my mother often") or out It is nearly impossible to describe the "typical" single adult.
of a sense of duty ("I feel that I should do my part in help- This category includes not only young adults who have not yet
ing"). Both daughters who were highly motivated to help married but also middle-aged and elderly people who experi-
based on a strong attachment to their mothers and daughters enced divorce or the death of a spouse or who never married.
who were motivated by a sense of obligation spent more time It is typical to start adulthood as a single person. Most adults
helping than women whose motivations to help were weaker. in the 18 to 29 age range are not married (U.S. Census Bureau,
However, those who helped out of love experienced helping as 2003). Because adults have been postponing marriage, the
far less stressful and burdensome than those who helped number of young, single adults has been growing.
mainly out of a sense of duty (see also Lyonette & Yardley, Cohabitation, living with a romantic partner without be-
2003). ing married, is also on the rise (Amato et al., 2003). Some
So, the caregivers most likely to experience psychological never-married people live together as a matter of conven-
distress are those who must care for parents or spouses with be- ience—because they are in a romantic relationship, need a
havioral problems, who lack social support, and whose assis- place to live, and want to save money. They usually do not
tance is not motivated by love. These individuals need support view cohabitation as a trial marriage, although they may later
and relief from their burden. Interventions can help them contemplate marriage if the relationship is working (Sassier,
sharpen their caregiving skills and learn to react less negatively 2004). Other cohabiters have seen their marriages end and are
to the difficult behavior often shown by elderly adults with de- looking for an alternative to marriage (Seltzer, 2000). Many
mentia, reducing their sense of burden in the process (Ostwald have children; by one estimate, 4 out of 10 children will live in
et al., 1999; and see Schultz et al., 2003). a family headed by a cohabiting couple sometime during
childhood (Whitehead & Popenoe, 2003).
Summing Up
Marital satisfaction d e c l i n e s s o o n a f t e r t h e h o n e y m o o n
p e r i o d a n d again in r e s p o n s e t o n e w parenthood—a
stressful t r a n s i t i o n especially if t h e b a b y is difficult, t h e
p a r e n t is ill e q u i p p e d t o c o p e , and social s u p p o r t is lack-
ing. T h e e m p t y n e s t t r a n s i t i o n is g e n e r a l l y s m o o t h , and
middle-aged adults enjoy playing a companionate
grandparental role. W o m e n a r e especially a f f e c t e d by
family life c y c l e transitions, b u t marital satisfaction is
m o r e strongly influenced by p e r s o n a l i t i e s t h a n by s t a g e
o f family life.
Adult siblings c o n t i n u e t o b e b o t h c l o s e and rival-
r o u s . T h e p a r e n t - c h i l d relationship b e c o m e s m o r e mu-
tual in a d u l t h o o d until s o m e middle-aged adults, particu-
larly daughters, experience the stress of caregiver
b u r d e n . T h e child w h o is d e p e n d e n t on p a r e n t s b e c o m e s
t h e adult w h o can b e i n t e r d e p e n d e n t with t h e m — a n d
s o m e t i m e s b e c o m e s t h e p e r s o n on w h o m aging p a r e n t s
depend. • € Single adults are diverse—not all are "swinging singles."
It makes sense to think that couples who live together be-
fore marrying would have more opportunity than those who
do not to determine whether they are truly compatible. Yet As more mothers have gone to work outside the home, devel-
couples who live together and then marry seem to be more opmental scientists have naturally asked wrhat effect maternal
dissatisfied with their marriages and more likely to divorce employment has on families. Some have focused on the con-
overall than couples who do not live together before marry- cept of spillover effects—ways in which events at work affect
ing. These risks are not evident when a woman cohabits only home life and events at home carry over into the workplace.
with her future husband but are evident if she has more than Most of their research has focused on negative spillover effects
one intimate premarital relationship (Teachman, 2003). It is (Barnett et al., 1995; Perry-Jenkins, Repetti, & Crouter, 2000).
unlikely that the experience of cohabitation itself is responsi- However, positive spillover effects can also occur: A good mar-
ble (Booth & Johnson, 1988). Instead, it seems that the kinds riage and rewarding interactions with children can protect
of people who choose to cohabit with multiple partners may a woman from the negative psychological effects of stresses
be more susceptible to marital problems and less committed at work and increase her job satisfaction (Barnett, 1994;
to the institution of marriage than the kinds of people who do Rogers 8c May, 2003), and a rewarding, stimulating job can
not. They tend, for example, to be less religious, less conven- have positive effects on her interactions within the family
tional in their family attitudes, less committed to the idea of (Greenberger, O'Neil, 8c Nagel, 1994).
marriage as a permanent arrangement, and more open to the Overall, dual-career families are faring well. Women are
idea of divorcing (Axinn & Barber, 1997; DeMaris 8c giving up personal leisure time (not to mention sleep) and
MacDonald, 1993). This may be why children who live with cutting back on housework to make time for their children;
cohabiting biological parents have more emotional and be- meanwhile, their husbands are slowly but steadily increasing
havioral problems and less engagement with school, on aver- their participation in household and child care activities
age, than children who live with married biological parents (Cabrera et al., 2000; Coltrane, 2000). There is no indication
(Brown, 2004). that a mother's decision to work has damaging effects on child
What of the 5% of adults who never marry? Stereotypes development; it can have positive or negative effects depend-
suggest that they are miserably lonely and maladjusted, but ing on the circumstances. It is likely to be best for children
they often make up for their lack of spouse and children by when it means an increase in family income, when mothers
forming close bonds with siblings, friends, or younger adults are satisfied with the choice they have made (that is, when
who become like sons or daughters to them (Rubinstein et al, they would rather be working than at home), when fathers be-
1991). As "old-old" people in their 80s and 90s, never-married come more involved, and when children are adequately super-
people sometimes lack relatives who can assist or care for vised after school (Hoffman, 2000; Lerner 8c Noh, 2000). Girls
them (Johnson 8c Troll, 1996). Yet it is divorced rather than may also benefit from the role model a working mother pro-
never-married single adults who tend to be the loneliest and vides and tend to adopt less stereotyped views of men's and
least happy adults (Kurdek, 1991b; Peters & Liefbroer, 1997). women's roles than children whose mothers do not work
(Hoffman, 2000).
Having a working mother can be a negative experience,
however (Goldberg, Greenberger, 8c Nagel, 1996). Latchkey
Like single adults who never marry, married couples who re- children and adolescents can get into trouble when their par-
main childless do not experience all the phases of the tradi- ents do not monitor them and they lack adult supervision af-
tional family life cycle. Many childless couples want children ter school (Perry-Jenkins et al., 2000). They can also suffer if a
but cannot have them. However, a growing number of adults, working mother is unable to remain a warm and involved par-
especially highly educated adults with high-status occupa- ent who shares "quality time" with them (Beyer, 1995).
tions, voluntarily decide to delay having children or decide Martha Moorehouse (1991) found that 6-year-olds whose
not to have them (Heaton, Jacobson, & Holland, 1999). mothers began working full-time wrere more cognitively and
How are childless couples faring when their peers are hav- socially competent (according to their teachers) than children
ing, raising, and launching children? Generally, they do well. whose mothers were homemakers if these youngsters fre-
Their marital satisfaction tends to be higher than that of cou- quently shared activities such as reading, telling stories, and
ples with children during the child-rearing years (Kurdek, talking with their mothers. However, they fared worse than
1999). And middle-aged and elderly childless couples seem to children with stay-at-home mothers if they lost out on such
be no less satisfied with their lives than parents whose children opportunities.
have left the nest (Allen, Blieszner, 8c Roberto, 2000; Rempel, Fortunately, most working mothers manage to spend al-
1985). However, elderly women who are childless and widowed most as much time with their children as nonworlcing moth-
may find themselves without anyone to help them if they de- ers do (Bryant 8c Zick, 1996; Nock 8c Kingston, 1988), and
velop health problems (Johnson 8c Troll, 1996). It seems, then, their husbands are more involved than ever in child care
that childless couples derive satisfaction from their marriages (Bianchi, 2000). As a result, most dual-career couples are able
and are happier than single adults but may suffer from a lack of to enjoy the personal and financial benefits of working with-
social support late in life after their marriages end. out compromising their children's development.
Is there reason to worry about the children? Not at all.
Comparing lesbian mothers with heterosexual mothers in
The family experiences of gay men and lesbian women are
^two-parent and single-parent homes, Susan Golombok and
most notable for their diversity (Savin-Williams & Esterberg,
her colleagues (2003) found that lesbian mothers tend to hit
2000; Patterson, 2004). In the United States, several million
children less and to engage in imaginative and domestic play
gay men and lesbian women are parents, most through previ-
more and that their lesbian partners are as involved in copar-
ous heterosexual marriages and others through adoption or
enting as fathers typically are. Overall, children who lived with
artificial insemination (Flaks et al, 1995). Some no longer live
two parents of the same sex were better off in terms of devel-
with their children, but others raise them as single parents and
opmental outcomes than children living with a single mother
still others raise them in families that have two mothers or two
and no different than children with two heterosexual parents.
fathers. Other gay men and lesbian women remain single and
Overall, this study and others suggest that gay and lesbian
childless or live as couples without children throughout their
adults wTho raise children are as likely as heterosexual parents
lives. The diverse families of gay and lesbian adults are poorly
to produce competent and well-adjusted children (Savin-
described by traditional family concepts such as the family life
Williams & Esterberg, 2000; Patterson, 2004). xMoreover, con-
cycle, which wTere developed with heterosexual nuclear fami-
trary to what many people believe, their children are no more
lies in mind. Gay and lesbian families also face special chal-
likely than the children of heterosexual parents to develop a
lenges, as the recent national controversy over the legality of
homosexual or bisexual orientation (Patterson, 2004).
gay marriages suggests, because they are not fully recognized
as families by society.
Those gay and lesbian adults who live as couples are likely
to have more egalitarian relationships than heterosexual cou-
Orderly progress through the family life cycle is disrupted
ples do. Rather than following traditional gender stereotypes,
when a couple divorces. Divorce is not just one life event;
partners tend to work out a division of labor, through trial
rather, it is a series of stressful experiences for the entire fam-
and error, based on who is especially talented at or who hates
ily that begins with marital conflict before the divorce and in-
doing certain tasks (Huston & Schwartz, 1995). Otherwise,
cludes a complex of life changes as the marriage unravels and
their relationships evolve through the same stages of develop-
its members reorganize their lives (Amato, 2000; Emery,
ment, are satisfying or dissatisfying for the same reasons, and
1999). Why do people divorce? What effects does divorce typ-
are typically as rewarding as those of married or cohabiting
ically have on family members? And how can we explain, as il-
heterosexuals (Kurdek, 1995).
lustrated by the twro contrasting quotes at the start of this
chapter, that some adults and children thrive after a divorce
whereas others experience persisting problems?
Before t h e Divorce
Gay Kitson and her colleagues (Kitson, Babri,.& Roach, 1985;
Kitson, 1-992) and Jay Teachman (2002) have pieced together
a profile of the couples at highest risk for divorce. Generally,
they are young adults, in their 20s and 30s, who have been
married for an average of 7 years and often have young chil-
dren. These days, only about 70% of marriages make it to the
10-year mark (Teachman, 2002). Couples are especially likely
to divorce if they married as teenagers, had a short courtship,
conceived a child before marrying, or are low in socioeco-
nomic status—all factors that might suggest an unreadiness
for marriage and unusually high financial and psychological
stress accompanying new parenthood. Finally, their parents
are likely to have divorced, and they are likely to be different
from each other in demographic characteristics such as age
and education (Teachman, 2002). Not surprisingly, divorcers
also express low satisfaction with their marriages, think about
breaking up, and express few positive emotions, many nega-
tive ones, or both wrhen they interact (Gottman & Levenson,
Contrary to the notion that today's couples do not give
their marriages a chance to work, research suggests that most
divorcing couples experience a few years of marital distress
C Children raised by lesbian couples develop much like other chil- and conflict and often try separations before they make the
dren do on average. final decision to divorce (Kitson, 1992). Reasons for divorc-
ing are no longer restricted to traditionally important pre- are likely to face the added problem of getting by with consid-
cipitators such as nonsupport, alcoholism, or abuse (Gigy & erably less money (Amato, 2000).
Kelly, 1992). Instead, couples today typically divorce because Because of all these stressors, divorced adults are at higher
they feel their marriages lack communication, emotional risk than married adults for depression and other forms of
fulfillment, or compatibility. Wives tend to have longer lists psychological distress, physical health problems, and even
of complaints than their husbands do and often have more death (Amato, 2000; Lillard & Panis, 1996). Their adjustment
to do with initiating the breakup (Thompson & Amato, is especially likely to be poor if they have little income, do not
1999). find a new relationship, take a dim view of divorce, and did
not initiate the divorce (Wang & Amato, 2000). Some feel bet-
A f t e r the Divorce ter about themselves and more in control of their lives after
Most families going through a divorce experience it as a gen- extracting themselves from a miserable marriage. Thus, di-
uine crisis—a period of considerable disruption that often vorce is at least temporarily stressful for most adults, but it can
lasts at least 1 to 2 years (Amato, 2000; Hetherington & Kelly, have negative or positive effects in the long run depending on
2002). The wife, who usually obtains custody of any children, the individual and the circumstances (Amato, 2000).
is likely to be angry, depressed, and otherwise distressed, al- As you might suspect, psychologically distressed adults do
though often she is relieved as well. The husband is also likely not make the best parents. Moreover, children going through a
to be distressed, particularly if he did not want the divorce and divorce do not make the best children because they, too, are suf-
feels shut off from his children. Both individuals must revise fering. They are often angry, fearful, depressed, and guilty, espe-
their identities (as single rather than married people) and re- cially if they fear that they were somehow7 responsible for what
vise their relationship. Both may feel isolated from former happened (Hetherington, 1981). They are also likely to be
friends and unsure of themselves as they become involved in whiny, dependent, disobedient, and disrespectful. A vicious cir-
new romantic relationships. Divorced women with children cle of the sort described by the transactional model of family in-
fluence results: childrens behavioral problems and parents' in- are likely to display not only behavioral problems at home but
effective parenting styles feed on each other. also strained relations with peers, low self-esteem, academic
Mavis Hetherington and her associates (Hetherington, problems, and adjustment difficulties at school (Amato, 2001;
Cox, & Cox, 1982; Hetherington 8c Kelly, 2002) have found Hetherington 8c Kelly, 2002).
that custodial mothers, preoccupied with their own problems, Families typically begin to pull themselves back together
often become impatient and insensitive to their childrens about 2 years after the divorce, and by the 6-ycar mark most
needs. In terms of the dimensions of child rearing we have differences between children of divorce and children of intact
described, they become less accepting and responsive, less au- families have disappeared (Hetherington 8c Kelly, 2002). Yet
thoritative, and less consistent in their discipline. They occa- even after the crisis phase has passed and most children and
sionally try to seize control of their children with a heavy- parents have adapted, divorce can leave a residue of negative
handed, authoritarian style of parenting, but more often they effects on at least a few individuals that lasts years ( Amato,
fail to carry through in enforcing rules and make few demands 2000; Hetherington 8c Kelly, 2002). For example, as adoles-
that their children behave maturely. Noncustodial fathers, cents, children of divorce are less likely than other children to
meanwhile, are likely to be overly permissive, indulging their perceive their relationships with their parents, especially their
children during visitations (Amato 8c Sobolewski, 2004). This fathers, as close and caring (Emery, 1999; Woodward,
is not the formula for producing well-adjusted, competent Fergusson, 8c Belsky, 2000), and many are still negative about
children. The behavioral problems that children display un- what divorce has done to their lives and unhappy that it hap-
doubtedly make effective parenting difficult, but deterioration pened (Emery, 1999).
in parenting style aggravates those behavioral problems. The negative aftereffects of the divorce experience even
When this breakdown in family functioning occurs, children carry into adulthood. About 20 to 25% of Hetherington's chil-
having lawyers duke it o u t , helps keep n o n c u s t o d i a l
p a r e n t s c o o p e r a t i n g with t h e i r s p o u s e s and involved in
t h e i r children's lives a f t e r t h e divorce. In an e x p e r i -
m e n t by R o b e r t E m e r y and his c o l l e a g u e s ( 2 0 0 1 ) on
mediation versus litigation, 3 0 % o f n o n c u s t o d i a l par-
e n t s randomly assigned t o a m e d i a t o r saw t h e i r chil-
dren w e e k l y o r m o r e , w h e r e a s only 9 % o f t h o s e as-
signed t o t h e normal litigation a p p r o a c h did.
5. Additional social support Divorcing adults are less de-
pressed if they have c l o s e confidants (Menaghan &
Lieberman, 1986). Children also benefit f r o m having
c l o s e friends t o give t h e m social s u p p o r t (Lustig,
W o l c h i k , & Braver, 1 9 9 2 ) and f r o m participating in peer-
s u p p o r t p r o g r a m s in which they and o t h e r children of
divorce can share t h e i r feelings and learn positive coping € Mediation can help warring couples resolve their issues dur-
skills ( G r y c h & Fincham, 1992). Friends, relatives, s c h o o l ing a divorce.
personnel, and o t h e r s o u r c e s of social s u p p o r t o u t s i d e
t h e family can all help families adjust t o divorce.
6. Minimal other changes. Generally, families r e s p o n d m o s t H e r e , then, are t h e first s t e p s on t h e path t o w a r d a posi-
dren of divorce still had emotional scars and psychological tive research methods, Mavis Hetherington, in her book For
problems as young adults (Hetherington 8c Kelly, 2002). And Better or for Worse (Hetherington 8c Kelly, 2002), concludes
a study of middle-aged adults revealed that 24% of those that most parents and children rebound from their crisis pe-
whose parents had divorced when they were younger had riod and adapt well in the long run—and sometimes even un-
never married, compared with 14% of adults from intact fam- dergo impressive growth as a result of their experience
ilies (Maier 8c Lachman, 2000). Adults whose parents divorced (Hetherington 8c Kelly, 2002; and see Harvey 8c Fine, 2004).
are also more likely than adults from intact families to experi- On the positive side, a conflict-ridden two-parent family
ence marital conflict and divorce themselves (Amato, 1996). is clearly more detrimental to a child's development than a co-
Some researchers paint a particularly gloomy picture of hesive single-parent family. Children from families experienc-
the typical divorce, whereas others offer more encouraging ing marital conflict display more behavioral problems after a
messages. Judith Wallerstein and her colleagues (2000), in The divorce than before, but they show even larger increases in be-
Unexpected Legacy of Divorce, summarize years of interviews havioral problems if they remain with their warring parents
with children of divorce by concluding that most have strug- (Morrison 8c Coiro, 1999)! Indeed, many of the behavioral
gled with relationships ever since. Many had not married, or problems that children display after a divorce are evident well
if they married had divorced, and most did not want children before the divorce. They may be caused not by divorce but by
for fear that their children would experience what they did. long-standing family conflict or even by genes that predispose
Wallerstein's findings might cause you to recommend that certain parents and their children to experience psychological
parents do all possible to hold a bad marriage together for the problems (Cherlin et al., 1991; O'Connor et al., 2000).
sake of the children. However, based on more careful sampling Moreover, whereas fathers who engage in low levels of antiso-
of divorced families and comparison families and more objec- cial behavior benefit their children by living with them, fathers
who engage in high levels of antisocial behavior are likely to in a reconstituted family as a child, like living in a single-
increase their children's conduct problems by spending more parent family after a divorce, tends to increase the risk that in-
time living with them (Jaffee et al, 2003), suggesting that the dividuals will enter marriages that are at risk to fail—for ex-
presence of a second parent is not always a plus. ample, marriages in which the partners are young, have rela-
Perhaps the most important message of research on di- tively little education, cohabit, and conceive a child before
vorce is that the outcomes of divorce vary widely. As Alan marriage (Teachman, 2004).
Booth and Paul Amato (2001) conclude, "divorce may be ben-
eficial or harmful to children, depending on whether it re- S u m m i n g Up
duces or increases the amount of stress to which children are
Cohabitation tends t o be associated with later marital
exposed" (p. 210). As you can see in the Explorations box on
problems. Childless married couples and gay and lesbian
page 446, several factors can help facilitate a positive adjust-
families generally fare well, and dual-career families can
ment to divorce and prevent lasting damage—among them
be good o r bad for children depending on the quality of
adequatefinances,effective parenting by the custodial parent,
parenting'children receive. Divorce creates a family crisis
effective parenting by the noncustodial parent, minimal con-
f o r I o r 2 years and has long-term negative effects on
flict between parents, social support, and minimal additional
some children, and becoming part of a reconstituted
changes and stressors.
family is a more difficult transition for girls than for boys.
Even this quick examination of diverse family experiences
Remarriage and Reconstituted Families should convince you that it is difficult t o generalize about
the family M
Within 3 to 5 years of a divorce, about 75% of single-parent
families experience yet another major transition when a par-
ent remarries and the children acquire a stepparent—and
sometimes new siblings (Hetherington, 1989; Hetherington &
Stanley-Hagan, 2000). Because about 60% of remarried cou-
Tlie P r o b l e m o f F a m i l y
ples divorce, some adults and children today find themselves Viol ence
in a recurring cycle of marriage, marital conflict, divorce, sin-
gle status, and remarriage. As this chapter makes clear, humans develop within a family
How do children fare when their custodial parent remar context, and family relationships normally contribute posi-
ries? The first few years are a time of conflict and disruption tively to human development at every point in the life span. At
as new family roles and relationships are ironed out the same time, families can be the cause of much anguish and
(Hetherington & Stanley-Hagan, 2000). The difficulties are of development gone astray. Nowhere is this more obvious
likely to be aggravated if both parents bring children to the than in cases of family violence (St. George, 2001, p. A20):
family (Mekos, Hetherington, & Reiss, 1996). Girls are often
so closely allied with their mothers that they may resent either From a young age, I have had to grow up fast. I see fami-
a stepfather competing for their mother's attention or a step- lies that are loving and fathers who care for their children,
mother attempting to play a substitute-mother role. Perhaps and I find myself hating them. . . . I have nightmares per-
as a result, they tend to benefit less than boys do from remar- taining to my father. I get angry and frustrated when fam-
riage, although most children adapt and fare well with time ily is around.
(Hetherington, Bridges, & Insabella, 1998). It seems that living These sobering words were written by Sonye Herrera, an
abused adolescent who for years had been hit, threatened with
guns, choked, and otherwise victimized—and had witnessed
her mother abused—by an alcoholic father. The abuse contin-
ued even after the couple divorced. At age 15, unable to stand
any more, Herrera had her father charged with assault, but he
returned one afternoon when she was 15, hit her, and shot and
killed both her and her mother before turning his gun on
himself (St. George, 2001, p. A21).
Child abuse is perhaps the most visible form of family vi-
olence. Every day, infants, children, and adolescents are
burned, bruised, beaten, starved, suffocated, sexually abused,
or otherwise mistreated by their caretakers. About 3 million
reports of child maltreatment are filed with social service
agencies in the United States every year; in 2002, almost
900,000 of them were substantiated as true, a rate estimated to
be 12 of every 1000 children (U.S. Department of Health and
C Most children adjust to being part of a reconstituted family but Human Services, 2004). Of the 900,000 children, 60% were
boys have an easier time than girls do. neglected, 19% physically abused, 10% sexually abused, and
6% emotionally or psychologically abused; another 19% ex-
perienced still other types of maltreatment (and some chil- Hard as it may be to believe, only about 1 child abuser in 10
dren experienced more than one of the preceding types). appears to have a severe psychological disorder (Kempe 8c
Surveys reveal even higher rates, as much child abuse goes un- Kempe, 1978). Rather, the abusive parent is most often a
reported. According to a national survey of U.S. families, for young mother, most often acting alone (U.S. Department of
example, 11% of children had reportedly been kicked, bitten, Health and Human Services, 2004). She tends to have many
hit, hit with an object, beaten, burned, or threatened or at- children, to live in poverty, to be unemployed, and to have no
tacked with a knife or gun by a parent in the past year partner to share her load (Wiehe, 1996; Wolfner 8c Gelles,
(Wolfner & Gelles, 1993). 1993). Yet child abusers come from all races, ethnic groups,
Abuse of children by their caregivers is only one form of and social classes. Many of them appear to be fairly typical,
family violence. The potential for abuse exists in all possible loving parents—except for their tendency to become ex-
relationships within the family. Children and adolescents bat- tremely irritated with their children and to do things they will
ter, and in rare cases kill, their parents (Agnew & Huguley, later regret.
1989); siblings abuse one another in countless ways (Cicirelli, A few reliable differences between parents who abuse
1995). And spousal abuse, rampant in our society, appears to their children and those who do not have been identified.
be the most common form of family violence worldwide.
/ First, child abusers tend to have been abused as children; abu-
Globally, it is estimated that about one-third of women are sive parenting, like effective parenting, tends to be passed from
beaten, coerced into sex, or emotionally abused by their part- generation to generation (van IJzendoorn, 1992; Conger et al.,
ners (Murphy, 2003). An anthropological analysis of family vi- 2003). Although most maltreated children do not abuse their
olence in 90 nonindUvStrial societies by David Levinson (1989) own children when they become parents, roughly 30% do
revealed that wife beating occurred in 85% of them; in almost (Kaufman 8c Zigler, 1989). They are also likely to become
half of these societies, it occurred in most or all households, spousal abusers; about 60% of men who abuse their partners
suggesting that it was an accepted part of family life. report that they either were abused or witnessed abuse as chil-
Although spousal abuse is viewed as intolerable in most dren, compared with about 20% of nonviolent men (Delsol 8c
segments of U.S. society, Murray Straus and Richard Gelles Margolin, 2004). Researchers do not know whether genes or
(1986,1990) nonetheless estimate, based on surveys they have environmental factors are primarily responsible for the inter-
conducted, that 16 of 100 married couples in the United States generational transmission of parenting. Howrever, all forms of
experience some form of marital violence in a year's time— witnessing or being the target of violence in adults' families of
often "only" a shove or a slap, but violence nonetheless—and origin predict all forms of perpetration and victimization
that almost 6% experience at least one instance of severe vio- later in life, suggesting that what children from violent homes
lence (such as kicking or beating). Much "mild" spousal abuse learn is that violence is an integral part of human relation-
is mutual; in more serious cases, one spouse, usually the ships (Kwong et al., 2003). The cycle of abuse is not inevitable,
woman, is repeatedly terrorized and injured by a partner however; it can be broken if abused individuals receive emo-
whose goal is control (Johnson 8c Ferraro, 2000). tional support from parent substitutes, therapists, or spouses
Elderly adults are also targets of family violence. Frail or and are spared from severe stress as adults (Egeland, Jacobvitz,
impaired older people are physically or psychologically mis- 8c Sroufe, 1988; Vondra 8c Belsky, 1993).
treated, neglected, financially exploited, and stripped of Second, abusive mothers are often battered by their part-
their rights—most often by adult children or spouses serv- ners (Coohey 8c Braun, 1997; McCloskey, Figueredo, 8c Koss,
ing as their caregivers (Flannery, 2003; Wolf, 2000 ). No one 1995). Because adults are more likely to be in an abusive ro-
knows how many cases of elder abuse there are, but all agree mantic relationship or marriage if they were abused or wit-
that many go unreported. Cognitive impairment is an im- nessed abuse as a child (Stith et al., 2000), abusive mothers
portant risk factor; in one sample of elderly adults with may have learned through their experiences both as children
Alzheimer's disease, 5% had been physically abused by their and as wives that violence is the way to solve problems, or they
caregivers in the year since they had been diagnosed (Paveza may take out some of their frustrations about being abused on
et al., 1992). their children.
This is not a pretty picture. Here is a social problem of Third, abusers are often insecure individuals with low
major dimensions that causes untold suffering and harms the self-esteem. Their unhappy experiences in insecure attachment
development of family members of all ages. What can be done relationships with their parents, reinforced by their negative
to prevent it, or to stop it once it occurs? To answer this ques- experiences in romantic relationships, may lead them to for-
tion, you must first try to gain some insight into why family mulate negative internal working models of themselves and
violence occurs. others (Pianta, Egeland, 8c Erickson, 1989; and see Chapter
14). These adults often feel like victims and feel powerless as
parents (Bugental 8c Beaulieu, 2003). However, they have also
Why Does Family Violence Occur? learned to be victimizers (Pianta et al., 1989).
The various forms of family violence have many similarities. Fourth, abusive parents seem to have unrealistic expecta-
Because child abuse has been studied the longest, we will look tions about what children can be expected to do at different
at what has been learned about the causes of child abuse. ages and have difficulty tolerating the normal behavior of
As you might imagine, child abuse is not good for human de-
velopment. Physically abused and otherwise maltreated chil-
dren tend to have many problems, ranging from physical in-
juries and cognitive and social deficits to behavioral problems
and psychological disorders (Margolin & Cordis, 2000).
Shaking and other physically abusive behaviors can cause
brain damage in infants and young children, the stress of ei-
ther being abused or witnessing abuse can interfere with nor-
mal brain development, and child neglect means receiving lit-
<[ Child abuse occurs in all ethnic and racial groups. tle of the intellectual stimulation from nurturing adults that
contributes so much to intellectual growth (Eckenrode, Laird,
& Doris, 1993). "O 0.70
CO — s / s genotype
Not surprisingly, then, intellectual deficits and academic
difficulties are common among mistreated children CD 0.60 — s / l genotype ^ ^
(Malinosky-Rummell & Hansen, 1993; Shonk & Cicchetti, o
'GOo —&—- l/l aenotvoe "
2001). A particularly revealing study focused on 5-year-old 0.50
identical and fraternal twins to rule out possible genetic influ- CD
^ 0.40
ences on the association between exposure to domestic vio- O
lence and intellectual development (Koenen et al., 2003). E *
Children exposed to high levels of domestic violence had IQ o
scores 8 points lower, on average, than those of children who
n 0.20
were not exposed to domestic violence, even taking genetic in- CD
_Q /
fluences on IQ into account. CL 0
Behavioral problems are also common among physically No Probable Severe
abused children. Many tend to be explosively aggressive maltreatment maltreatment maltreatment
youngsters, rejected by their peers for that reason (Bolger & F i g u r e i 5.S Genes interact to maltreatment as a child to influ-
Patterson, 2001). They learn from their experience with an ence the odds of depression as an adult. A short (s) variant of the
abusive parent to be supersensitive to angry emotions; as a re- gene studied increases risk, whereas a long (I) variant protects
sult, they may perceive anger in peers where there is none and against depression.
lash out to protect themselves (Reynolds, 2003). Even as SOURCE: Adapted from Caspi, Sugden et al. (2003, p. 388, Figure 2).
and gay and lesbian adults. Divorce creates a crisis in the family for 1
or 2 years; a few children experience long-lasting problems.
1. The family whether nuclear or extended, is best viewed as a 8. Parent characteristics, child characteristics, and contextual
changing social system embedded in larger social systems that are factors all contribute to child abuse and must be considered in for-
also changing. mulating prevention and treatment programs.
2. Infants affect and are affected by their parents. Fathers are less
involved in caregiving than mothers and specialize in challenging Critical Thinking
play. Developmental outcomes are likely to be positive when parents
have positive indirect effects on development because of their posi- 1. Focusing on three key statistics about changes in the family,
tive influence on each other. and drawing on other evidence in this chapter, make the case that the
3. Child rearing can be described in terms of the dimensions of family in the United States is weaker today than it was 50 years ago.
acceptance-responsiveness and demandingness-control; generally, Now argue, using other statistics, that the family is stronger than it
children are more competent when their parents adopt an authorita- was 50 years ago.
tive style of parenting, which is influenced by genes, socioeconomic 2. A 16-year-old girl, drunk as a skunk, has plowed the family
status, and culture. Both genes and cultural context affect parenting car into a tree and is being held at the police station for driving un-
styles. Research on the parent effects, child effects, and transactional der the influence. Her father must pick her up. What would you ex-
models of family influence reminds us that children's problem be- pect an authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, and neglectful father
haviors are not always solely caused by ineffective parenting. to say and do in this situation, and what implications might their
4. When a second child enters the family system, firstborns find contrasting approaches have for this young women's development?
the experience stressful. Sibling relationships are characterized by ri- 3. Martha, three months after her divorce, has become de-
valry and affection and can have positive or negative effects on de- pressed and increasingly withdrawn. Her son Matt, age 7, has become
velopment. Parent-child relationships typically remain close in ado- a terror around the house and a discipline problem at school. From
lescence but involve some conflict and are renegotiated to become the perspective of (a) the parent effects model, (b) the child effects
more equal. model, and (c) the transactional model of family influence, how
5. Marital satisfaction declines somewhat as newlyweds adjust would you explain what is going on in this single-parent family?
to each other and become parents, whereas the empty nest transition 4. Martha has just married George and wonders how her expe-
and grandparenthood are generally positive experiences. Marital sat- rience of the family life cycle is likely to differ from his. Tell her.
isfaction is also affected by earlier satisfaction, personality, and de-
gree of similarity in personality.
6. In adulthood, siblings have less contact but normally con-
tinue to feel both emotionally close and rivalrous. Young adults often
establish more mutual relationships with their parents. Middle-aged family systems theory, 422 indirect effect, 426
adults continue to experience mutually supportive relationships with nuclear family, 422 acceptance-responsiveness, 426
their elderly parents but sometimes suffer from the stresses of mid- extended family household, 422 demandingness-control, 426
dle generation squeeze and caregiver burden.
family life cycle, 423 authoritarian parenting, 426
7. Among the adults whose lives are inadequately described by
the traditional family life cycle concept are single adults (some of reconstituted family, 424 authoritative parenting, 426
whom cohabitate), childless married couples, dual-career families, beanpole family, 424 permissive parenting, 427
neglectful parenting, 427 role reversal, 441 Family Studies
parent effects model, 429 middle generation squeeze, 441 The World Wide Web Subject Catalog at the University of Kentucky
•has a page devoted to a multitude of Internet resources on family
child effects model, 429 filial responsibility, 441
transactional model, 429 caregiver burden, 441
sibling rivalry, 432 cohabitation, 442 Understanding the Data: Exercises on the
autonomy, 433 spillover effects, 443 Web
empty nest, 437 latchkey children, 443 For additional insight on the data presented in this
modified extended family, 440 chapter, try the exercises for these figures at http://psychology
Figure 15.4 Responses to distressed peers observed in abused
and nonabused toddlers in day care
Unnumbered Figure in Applications box "Battling Family
Violence." Empowerment training for low-income mothers un-
Websites to Explore der stress reduces harsh parenting practices
Parents Anonymous has chapters throughout the United States that PsychologytfNow TM
offer support to parents in an effort to prevent child abuse and neg-
lect. The national website has a network map that will help you find Developmental PsychologyNow is a web-based, intelli-
the Parents Anonymous organization in your state. gent study system that provides a complete package of
diagnostic quizzes, a personalized study plan, integrated multimedia
elements, and learning modules. Checks it out at http:/'/psychology
The website of the Foundation for Grandparenting is designed to
help grandparents get the most out of grandparenthood. It includes
ideas on the roles grandparents play and how they can relate to their
grandchildren, research on grandparenthood, and updates on legis-
lation affecting grandparents (for example, regarding visitation
C H A P T E R s i x t e e n
1 lie I n f a n t T l ie A d o l e s c e n t
Autism Storm and Stress?
Suspected Causes
Anorexia Nervosa
Developmental Outcomes and
Suspected Causes
Treatment „ ,
Depression and Suicidal
PEGGY, A ! 7 - Y E A R - O L D F E M A L E , w a s r e f e r r e d by h e r
pediatrician t o a child psychiatry clinic f o r evaluation o f an
eating disorder. S h e had l o s t 10 p o u n d s in 2 m o n t h s and h e r % Professionals who diagnose and treat psychological disorders
find more specific diagnostic criteria in the Diagnostic and
m o t h e r was concerned A t t h e clinic s h e stated t h a t s h e
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, published in 1994 by
was n o t trying t o l o s e weight, had begun t o sleep p o o r l y
the American Psychiatric Association. The fourth edition of
a b o u t 2 m o n t h s ago unless s h e had several b e e r s , and t h a t s h e
this manual, known as DSM-IV, spells out defining features
and friends " g o t t r a s h e d " o n w e e k e n d s . H e r relationship with
and symptoms for the range of psychological disorders.
h e r p a r e n t s w a s p o o r ; s h e had a t t e m p t e d suicide a y e a r previ-
Because we will be looking closely at depression in this chap-
ously with aspirin and w a s briefly h o s p i t a l i z e d . T h e day b e f o r e
ter, we will use it here as an example of how DSM-IV defines
this evaluation s h e had t a k e n a r a z o r t o s c h o o l t o t r y t o c u t
disorders. Depression is a family of several affective or mood
h e r wrists, but it w a s t a k e n away by a friend. S h e a d m i t t e d b e -
disorders, some relatively mild and some severe. One of the
ing d e p r e s s e d and wanting t o c o m m i t suicide and finally told
most important is major depressive disorder, defined in
o f discovering t h a t s h e w a s p r e g n a n t 4 m o n t h s earlier. H e r
DSM-IV as at least one episode of feeling profoundly de-
boyfriend w a n t e d h e r t o a b o r t , s h e w a s ambivalent, and t h e n
pressed, sad, and hopeless; of losing interest in the ability to
s h e miscarried s p o n t a n e o u s l y a b o u t 2 m o n t h s a f t e r h e r dis-
derive pleasure from almost all activities; or both for at least
c o v e r y A f t e r t h a t , " I t didn't really m a t t e r h o w I felt a b o u t any-
2 weeks (American Psychiatric Association, 1994). To qualify
thing" ( C o m m i t t e e o n A d o l e s c e n c e , 1 9 9 6 , pp. 7 1 - 7 2 ) .
as having a major depressive episode, the individual must ex-
perience at leastfiveof the following symptoms, including one
We do not all have as many problems as Peggy, but it is the rare
of the first two, persistently during a 2-week period:
person who makes it through the life span without having at
least some difficulty adapting to the challenges of living. Each
1. Depressed mood (or irritable mood in children and
phase of life has unique challenges, and some of us inevitably
adolescents) nearly every day
run into trouble mastering them. This chapter is about some of
2. Greatly decreased interest or pleasure in usual activities
the ways in which human development can go awry. It is about
3. Significant weight loss or weight gain (or in children,
how development influences psychopathology and how psy-
failure to make expected weight gains)
chopathology influences development. By applying knowledge
4. Insomnia or sleeping too much
of life-span human development to the study of psychological
5. Psychomotor agitation or sluggishness-slowing of behavior
disorders, you can understand them better. And by learning
6. Fatigue and loss of energy
more about abnormal patterns of development, you can gain
7. Feelings of worthlessness or extreme guilt
new perspectives on the forces that guide and channel—or
8. Decreased ability to concentrate or indecisiveness
block and distort—human development more generally.
9. Recurring thoughts of death, suicidal ideas, or a suicide
Wliat Makes Development By these criteria, a man suffering from major depression
Course of Life
Good adjustment
finish line
) CD
t Developmental
starting line
Figure 8 6.1 Developmental pathways leading to normal and abnormal outcomes. Some in-
dividuals start on a maladaptive course and deviate further from developmental norms as
they age (route A); some start poorly but return to a more adaptive course later (route B);
others stay on a route to competence and good adjustment all along (route C); and still oth-
ers start off well but deviate later in life (route D).
SOURCE: Adapted from Sroufe (1997).
things needs serious help. You simply cannot define abnormal developmental status of the individual changes?
T h e Diathesis-Stress M o d e l els of stress without becoming depressed. For example, inher-
In their efforts to understand how nature and nurture con- iting a particular variant of a gene involved in controlling lev-
tribute to psychopathology, developmental psychopatholo- els of the neurotransmitter serotonin in the brain and experi-
gists have found a diathesis-stress model of psychopathology encing multiple stressful events in early adulthood results in
useful (Coyne & Whiffen, 1995; Ingram & Price, 2001). This an especially high probability of major depression (Caspi,
model proposes that psychopathology results from the inter- Sugden et al., 2003; and see Chapter 3). Among people with
action over time of a predisposition or vulnerability to psy- one or two of the high-risk genes, about 10% became de-
chological disorder (a diathesis that can involve a particular pressed if they experienced no negative life events between
genetic makeup, physiology, cognitions, personality, or a com- ages 21 and 26, but 33% became depressed if they experienced
bination of these) and an experience of stressful events. This four or more such events. By comparison, even when exposed
model helps to explain why cccbad? things have 'bad5 effects to many stressful events, only 17% of individuals with two
among some—but not all—people, some—but not all—of low-risk versions of the gene became depressed.
the time" (Steinberg & Avenevoli, 2000). Depressive disorders (and many other psychological dis-
Consider depression. We know7 that certain people are ge- orders) evolve from an interaction of diathesis and stress—or,
netically predisposed to become depressed. Genetic factors ac- to use developmental terminology, from the interplay of na-
count for about 40% of the variation in a group of people in ture and nurture. It is messier than it appears at first glance.
symptoms of major depressive disorder; environmental fac- For example, it is clear that genes not only predispose some
tors unique to the individual rather than factors shared with people to depression but also help shape their environment,
siblings account for the rest (Glowinski et al., 2003). A genetic including the extent to which they experience stressful life
vulnerability to depression manifests itself as imbalances in events (Rice, Flarold, & Thapar, 2003). Moreover, the relation-
several key neurotransmitters that affect mood and in such ship between stress and disorder is reciprocal: Life stress ag-
characteristics as high emotional reactivity to stress and self- gravates disorder, and disorder makes lives more stressful
defeating patterns of cognition in the face of negative events (Grant et al., 2004). Finally, in a person genetically predis-
(Garber & Flynn, 2001). posed to depression, a depressive episode early in life in re-
According to the diathesis-stress model, howrever, indi- sponse to intense stress may bring about changes in gene ac-
viduals predisposed to become depressed are not likely to do tivity and in the neurobiology of the stress response system
so unless they experience significant losses or other stressful (the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis); these changes may
events, as illustrated in Figure 16.2. One stressful life event lower the threshold for a depressive episode (the diagonal line
(such as the death of a loved one or a divorce) is usually not in Figure 16.2) so that later in life even mild stress can trigger
enough to trigger major depression, but when negative events depression (Grossman et al., 2003).
pile up or become chronic, a vulnerable person may succumb. For some disorders we examine in this chapter, the
Meanwhile, individuals who do not have a diathesis—a vul- diathesis for disorder is strong, probably more important than
nerability to depression—may be able to withstand high lev- environmental influences in causing a disorder. Environment
Severe Mild
disorder disorder
Vulnerable individual Resilient individual
Vulnerability continuum
Figure 16*2 The diathesis-stress model. For a vulnerable individual, even mild stress can re-
sult in disorder For an individual who is resilient and does not have a vulnerability or diathesis
to disorder; it would take extremely high levels of stress to cause disorder; even then, the dis-
order might be only mild and temporary.
SOURCE: Adapted from Ingram 2* Price (20011
T l i e Iirtaxxt
Adults worry about infants who do not eat properly, who cry
endlessly, or who seem overly withdrawn and timid. Because
infant development is strongly channeled by biological matu-
ration, few infants develop severe psychological problems. Yet
psychopathology exists in infancy, and its effects can be tragic.
Jeremy, 3l/2 years old, has big brown eyes and a sturdy
body. His mother carries him down the corridor toward
the examiner, who greets them. Jeremy glances at the ex-
aminer's face but does not smile or say hello. They walk
together into a playroom. Jeremy's mother puts him
down, and he sits on the carpet in front of some toys. He
picks up two blocks, bangs them together, and begins to ([ Many individuals with autism continue to function poorly as ado-
stack the blocks, one on top of the other, not stopping un- lescents and adults, but some improve with age. One "improver;"
til he has used the entire set. Jeremy does not look at the Jerry, described his childhood as a reign of "confusion and terror" in
examiner or his mother while he works, nor when he fin- which "nothing seemed constant; everything was unpredictable and
ishes. And he does not make a sound. The examiner asks strange" (Bemporad, 1979, p. 192).
and emotions or responding with empathy when others are infant behaviors such as orientation to human voices, bab-
distressed. Although they can form attachments to their par- bling, preference for human over nonhuman stimuli, eye con-
ents, sometimes even secure ones, they often display what we tact and visual focus on faces in a scene (autistic babies tend
referred to in Chapter 14 as a disorganized-disoriented pat- to focus on objects in the background), joint attention, and
tern of attachment (Sigman & Capps, 1997). reciprocity or taking turns, as in mutual smiling and peek-a-
2. Deviant language and communicative skills. Some autis- boo games (Klin et al, 2004).
tic children are mute; others acquire language skills with some Many people believe that autistic individuals are excep-
degree of success but still cannot communicate—that is, carry tionally intelligent. Some have average or above average IQs,
on a true conversation (Tager-Flusberg, 2000). As infants, but some are mentally retarded. With more higher-function-
autistic children often do not babble, gesture, or speak single ing children being diagnosed today, the percentage of children
words at the normal ages (Filipek et al., 2000). When they do with autism who are also mentally retarded has dropped to
speak, they may use a flat, robotlike tone; reverse pronouns under half but is still significant (Volkmar et al., 2004;
(for example, use "you" to refer to the self); and engage in Chakrabarti & Fombonne, 2001). Meanwhile, many autistic
echolalia (a parroting of what someone else says). individuals, whether their IQs are high or low, show special
3. Repetitive, stereotyped behavior: Autistic children seek talents such as the ability to quickly calculate days of the week
sameness and repetition. They engage in stereotyped behav- corresponding to dates on the calendar or to memorize in-
iors such as rocking, flapping their hands in front of their credible amounts of information about train schedules (see
faces, or spinning toys; if they are more intellectually able, they Heaton & Wallace, 2004, and the description of savant syn-
carry out elaborate rituals such as a particular sequence of drome in Chapter 9).
getting-dressed activities. They also become obsessed with Autism used to be seen as a clear example of development
particular objects and interests and can become highly dis- that is qualitatively different from normal development. No
tressed when their physical environment is altered (for exam- more. The social impairment that defines autism is increas-
ple, when a chair in the living room is moved a few7 feet). ingly viewed as the extreme end of a genetically influenced
ft is important to recognize that individuals with autism continuum of social responsiveness, quantitatively rather
vary greatly in the degree and nature of their deficits. More than qualitatively different from normal social behavior
mild cases of autism have been identified recently, and it is (Constantino & Todd, 2003). In other words, many of us have
clear that there is a spectrum of autistic disorders that in- some of the traits associated with autism to some degree, and
cludes several syndromes (Brown, 2000c). Autism spectrum the dividing line between normality and abnormality is arbi-
disorders include Asperger syndrome, in which the child has trary. Instead of apples and oranges—normal functioning
normal or above-average intelligence and good verbal skills, versus autistic functioning—there are only degrees of apple-
and clearly wants to establish social relationships, but has se- ness, a principle that appears to hold for most other psycho-
riously deficient mind-reading and social skills. Affected chil- logical disorders.
dren are sometimes called "little professors" because they talk
rather stiffly and formally, and at mind-numbing length, Suspected Causes
about the particular subjects that obsess them. They have been Interest in solving the mysteries of autism is intense, and some
largely invisible until recently, although people around them fascinating hypotheses have been put forward in recent years
tend to view them as odd and socially aloof. to explain why individuals with autistic spectrum disorders
Rates of autism appear to have been rising, probably be- show the symptoms they do. Many ideas have fallen by the
cause of increased knowledge of the condition and increased wayside, such as the mistaken view that autism is caused by
diagnosis of higher-functioning individuals; autism in the vaccination for measles, mumps, and rubella (Frith, 2003). We
narrow sense now affects about 10 of 10,000 children, and will outline three leading contenders, then introduce a new
autism in the broader sense of a spectrum of disorders affects idea that has captured much attention. The main hypotheses
up to 40 children per 10,000 (Chakrabarti & Fombonne, are the theory-of-mind hypothesis, the executive function hy-
2001). At least 4 boys are affected for every girl (American pothesis, and the weak central coherence hypothesis (Frith,
Psychiatric Association, 1994), and among autistic individuals 2003).
with normal IQs, there may be as many as 10 males for every ° Theory-of-mind hypothesis. Individuals with autism
female (Baron-Cohen, 2003). regularly show limited understanding of mental states such as
Autistic children are autistic before age 3 and probably feelings, desires, beliefs, and intentions and of their role in hu-
from birth. However, because at first they often seem to be man behavior—that is, they lack of wrhat was characterized in
normal and exceptionally good babies, or because physicians Chapter 13 as a theory of mind (Baron-Cohen, 2000). As in-
are slow to make the diagnosis even when parents express con- fants, they do not show some of the early precursors of theory
cerns about their child's development, many autistic children of mind such as empathy for others, joint attention, pretend
are not diagnosed until age 4 or later (Filipek et al., 2000; Klin play, and imitation (Charman, 2000). As children, they have
et al., 2004). Efforts are being made to improve early screen- trouble understanding people's motives or appreciating that
ing and detection so that these children can receive early treat- people can hold false beliefs. Indeed, they may not understand
ment. Autistic infants are given away by their lack of normal that people have beliefs, false or otherwise. Higher-function-
social responses—for example, by failure to display normal ing autistic individuals struggle to construct a theory of mind,
M any years ago, t h e d i s c o v e r e r of A s p e r g e r
Hans Asperger, suggested t h a t t h e s y n d r o m e might r e -
f l e c t an e x t r e m e version of stereotypically masculine intelli-
but understanding people just does not come easily for them tention, and can be upset by change (Frith, 2003). But why are
(Frith, 2003). their planning and control deficits so much clearer for prob-
But is lack of a theory of mind the source of the social, lems that concern people than for problems that concern ob-
emotional, and communicative problems autistic children jects, and how7 are their executive control deficits different
display? Researchers are not sure. They note that autistic chil- from those of others with executive control problems, such as
dren are not so deficient on theory-of-mind tasks if they have ADHD children?
good verbal ability (Yirmiya et al., 1996) and that theory-of- Weak central coherence hypothesis. A related idea is
mind deficits help explain the social and communication that autistic individuals focus on details and are unable to in-
problems of autistic individuals but do not explain other key tegrate their perceptions, see the "big picture," or form gener-
features of autism, such as repetitive behavior (Joseph & alizations (Happe & Frith, 1996b). This would make a confus-
Tager-Flusberg, 2004). ing, fragmented world; dealing with people in particular,
• Executive dysfunction hypothesis. Other researchers given their unpredictability, would be challenging and possi-
think that autism is rooted in a deficit in executive functions, bly aversive. A focus on details rather than on the big picture
the higher-level control functions associated with the pre- also explains how autistic individuals are able to develop spe-
frontal cortex of the brain that allow us to plan, change flexi- cial talents and become trivia experts in specific areas. Yet
bly from one course of action to another, inhibit actions al- autistic individuals often seem to get the big picture of what
ready begun, and the like (Hill, 2004; Ozonoff, 1997). Deficits causes what when it comes to the world of objects (Baron-
in executive function would help explain why children with Cohen, 2003). Why does the world of people give them so
autism engage in repetitive, stereotyped behavior (they may much trouble?
not be able to switch to something else), cannot generate new7 Whether lack of a theory of mind, poor executive function,
ideas when asked to do so, have difficulty controlling their at- weak integrative abilities, or some other cognitive impairment
pathizing and e x t r e m e l y strong in systematizing. They, B a r o n - and A l b e r t Einstein had s o m e similar traits, Baron-Cohen
C o h e n argues, have t h e traits a s s o c i a t e d with autistic s p e c - points o u t t h a t A s p e r g e r s y n d r o m e t e n d s t o b e c o m m o n in
t r u m disorders. Clearly autistic individuals are w e a k a t e m - families with many " m a l e - b r a i n e d " scientists and engineers.
pathizing. M o r e o v e r , t h e i r repetitive a c t i o n s (spinning plates o r E x p o s u r e t o a high d o s e o f t h e male h o r m o n e t e s t o s t e r o n e
dropping sand through t h e i r fingers f o r h o u r s ) can be inter- during t h e prenatal period has b e e n linked t o strong spatial
preted as a t t e m p t s t o systematize, t o figure o u t t h e rules. and mechanical abilities, s o Baron-Cohen speculates that
To assess group differences, John Lawson, Simon Baron- c l o s e r examination o f t h e role o f t e s t o s t e r o n e in brain devel-
Cohen, and Sally W h e e l w r i g h t (2004) gave males with o p m e n t may yield a biological explanation for autism and tell
A s p e r g e r s y n d r o m e , males w i t h o u t it, and females tasks t o us why it is s o much m o r e c o m m o n a m o n g males than among
m e a s u r e empathizing (understanding social o u t c o m e s w h e n females.
o n e p e r s o n says s o m e t h i n g likely t o upset a n o t h e r c h a r a c t e r T h e e x t r e m e male brain hypothesis suggests t h a t a disor-
in a s t o r y ) and systematizing (predicting in mechanical dia- d e r many t h o u g h t t o b e a prime e x a m p l e o f truly deviant hu-
grams h o w t w o levers o r b o b s will respond t o t h e m o v e m e n t man d e v e l o p m e n t may instead just r e p r e s e n t o n e end of a
of a n o t h e r lever c o n n e c t e d t o t h e m ) . O n t h e empathizing continuum o f intellectual functioning. Again, then, t h e bound-
tasks, females did b e t t e r than males w i t h o u t A s p e r g e r syn- aries b e t w e e n normality and abnormality are blurred, as de-
drome; these males, in turn, outperformed males with velopmental psychopathologists have emphasized. T h e ex-
A s p e r g e r s y n d r o m e . O n t h e systematizing tasks, by c o n t r a s t , treme male brain hypothesis also calls attention to the
b o t h male groups o u t p e r f o r m e d t h e w o m e n . strengths o f individuals with autism and suggests that, if a c -
B a r o n - C o h e n also cites c o n c r e t e c a s e s of t h e extreme c o m m o d a t i o n s a r e made f o r t h e i r cognitive style, they can
will prove to be at the heart of the problems autistic children Indeed, many autistic children display neurological ab-
display this disorder clearly involves several cognitive impair- normalities, and many of them have epilepsy (Volkmar et aL,
ments (Frith, 2003). It could be that the three hypotheses can be 2004). However, the neurological abnormalities are varied,
integrated; there is truth in each (Frith, 2003). Or it could be and it is not clear which are most central to autism or how
that there is no single core cognitive deficit or that what is at the they arise. It has been observed, for example, that autistic chil-
root of autism is simply a lack of preference for social stimuli dren experience especially rapid and extensive brain growth
and social interaction (Volkmar et aL, 2004). To make the mys- during the first year of life, starting out with small heads at
tery more intriguing, Simon Baron-Cohen (2003) has put forth birth but ending up with big ones (Courchesne, Carper, &
an extreme male brain hypothesis regarding autistic spectrum Akshoomoff, 2003). It is hypothesized that their neurons pro-
disorders, described in the Explorations box on page 402. liferate wildly during this sensitive period for brain develop-
What causes the impairments associated with autism? We ment but do not become properly interconnected, perhaps ac-
are not yet sure. Early theorists suggested that rigid and cold counting for the autistic child's special abilities and difficulties
parenting by "refrigerator moms" caused autism, but this in integrating information (Volkmar et aL, 2004).
harmful myth has long been put to rest (Achenbach, 1982). It Genes clearly contribute strongly to autism (Veenstra-
is now understood that interacting with an autistic child can Vanderweele & Cook, 2003). One research team found that if
easily cause parents to be tense and frustrated and that the one identical twin was autistic, the other was autistic in 60%
parents of autistic children are the source of genes that con- of the twin pairs studied; the concordance rate for fraternal
tribute to autism and therefore may have some autistic spec- twin pairs was 0% (Bailey et al., 1995). Moreover, when the
trum traits themselves. Bad parenting is not responsible for broader spectrum of autism-related cognitive, linguistic, and
autism; rather, that autism is such a severe disorder present so social deficits was considered, 92% of the identical twins but
early in life strongly suggests it has a biological basis. only 10% of the fraternal twins were alike. Genes on several
chromosomes have been implicated, and most likely individ-
uals with autism inherit several genes that put them at risk
(Pericak-Vance, 2003). That one identical twin can be autistic
although die other is not suggests early environmental influ-
ences also contribute, although it is not clear how. One clear-
cut biological defect that can explain all cases of autism will
probably not be identified; autism is a complex spectrum of
disorders with diverse neurological and behavioral character-
istics and contributors.
D e v e l o p m e n t a l O u t c o m e s and T r e a t m e n t
What becomes of autistic children as they age? The long-term
outcome in the past has usually been poor, undoubtedly be-
cause autism is such a pervasive disorder, especially if it is ac-
companied by mental retardation. Many autistic individuals € Behavioral therapy starting early in life is effective with autistic
improve, but most are autistic for life, showing limited social children.
skills even as adults (Howlin, Mawhood, & Rutter, 2000).
Positive outcomes are most likely among those who have nor-
mal IQ scores and who can communicate through speech be- In the intensively.trained group, all but 2 children scored
fore they are 6 years old (Gillberg & Steffenburg, 1987). in the mentally retarded range on tests of intellectual func-
Can treatment help autistic children overcome their tioning at the start. Yet by age 6 or 7, their IQ scores averaged
problems? Researchers continue to search for drugs that will 83—about 30 points higher than the average in the control
correct the suspected brain dysfunctions of these children, but group. Moreover, 9 of the 19—47%—not only had average or
they are a long way from discovering a "magic pill." Some above-average IQ scores at follow-up but also had been main-
autistic children are given drugs to control behavioral prob- streamed into regular first-grade classes and were adapting
lems such as hyperactivity or obsessive-compulsive behavior, well. At age 13,8 of the 19 treated students were still within the
drugs that help them benefit from educational programs but normal range of both IQ and school adjustment (Lovaas,
do not cure autism (Volkmar, 2001). Smith, 8c McEachin, 1989). In contrast, children in tlie com-
The most effective approach to treating autism is inten- parison group displayed the usual intellectual deficits associ-
sive and highly structured behavioral and educational pro- ated with autism, and most attended special classes for autis-
gramming, beginning as early as possible, continuing tic and retarded children.
throughout childhood, and involving the family (Connor, Some researchers have criticized this study's design (no-
1998; Koegel, Koegel, & McNerney, 2001). The goal is to make tice that it wras not a true experiment with random assignment
the most of the plasticity of the young brain during its sensi- to treatment groups) and have concluded on the basis of later
tive period. O. Ivar Lovaas and his colleagues pioneered the studies that early behavioral interventions usually do not con-
application of reinforcement principles to shape social and vert autistic children into normally functioning ones
language skills in autistic children. In one study, Lovaas (1987) (Gresham & MacMillan, 1998; Volkmar et al., 2004). However,
compared two groups of autistic children treated at the research reinforces the conclusion that many autistic children,
University of California at Los Angeles. In the program, 19 especially those who are young and are not severely retarded,
children received intensive treatment—more than 40 hours a have potential if they receive intensive cognitive and behav-
week of one-on-one treatment for 2 or more years during ioral training and comprehensive family services starting early
their preschool years. Trained student therapists worked with in life (Connor, 1998; Lovaas 8c Smith, 2003). It may be espe-
these children using reinforcement principles to reduce their cially important to motivate autistic children to initiate social
aggressive and self-stimulatory behavior and to teach them interactions so that they do not miss out on so many impor-
developmentally appropriate skills such as how to imitate oth- tant social learning experiences (Koegel et al., 2001).
ers, play with toys and with peers, use language, and master
academic concepts. The training procedures involve many
repetitions of simple learning tasks and the delivery of rein-
forcers such as bits of cereal for successful performance. Does it seem possible that an infant could experience major
Parents were taught to use the same behavioral techniques at depressive disorder as defined by DSM-IV? Infants are surely
home, and these children were mainstreamed into preschools not capable of the negative cognitions common among de-
that served normal children. The children wTho received this pressed adults—the low self-esteem, guilt, worthlessness,
intensive treatment were compared with similarly disturbed hopelessness, and so on (Garber, 1984). After all, they have not
children who, because of staff shortages or transportation yet acquired the capacity for symbolic thought that would al-
problems, received a similar treatment program but were ex- low them to reflect on their experience. Yet infants can exhibit
posed to it for only 10 or fewer hours a week. some of the behavioral symptoms (such as loss of interest in
nfants diagnosed as having failure t o thrive have, by defini-
tion, failed t o g r o w normally O u t c o m e s associated with
failure t o thrive include illness, cognitive delays, and e m o -
tional maladjustment ( B e n o i t & C o o l b e a r , 2 0 0 4 ) . T h e r e are
several possible causes underlying t h e basic failure t o eat and
grow normally (Chatoor & Ganiban, 2 0 0 4 ; Lyons-Ruth,
Zeanah, & Benoit, 2 0 0 3 ) . In s o m e cases, an organic o r bio-
logical cause, such as an illness, a h e a r t defect, o r deficiencies
in t h e s e n s o r y and m o t o r p r o c e s s e s involved in feeding and
swallowing, can be identified ( W r i g h t & Birks, 2 0 0 0 ; C r e s k o f f
& Haas, 1999). Trauma t o t h e gastrointestinal t r a c t after
choking o r vomiting episodes can also be t h e r o o t cause
( C h a t o o r & Ganiban, 2 0 0 4 ) . In o t h e r cases, s o m e t i m e s la-
beled nonorganic failure t o thrive, t h e causes s e e m t o be
m o r e emotional than physical. Indeed, it s e e m s m o r e c o r r e c t
t o speak o f a problem in t h e parent-child relationship than
o f a problem within t h e child ( B e n o i t & C o o l b e a r , 2 0 0 4 ) .
To illustrate, a normally developing boy w h o s e m o t h e r
was coping with marital p r o b l e m s and an unwanted preg-
nancy b e c a m e t h e t a r g e t of his m o t h e r ' s r e s e n t m e n t w h e n
his f a t h e r walked o u t on her. S o o n this infant was a 13-
m o n t h - o l d w h o was a b o u t t h e size of t h e average 7 - m o n t h -
old, w h e r e a s his fraternal twin s i s t e r g r e w at a normal rate
(Gardner, 1972). Infants with nonorganic failure t o thrive of-
t e n have m o t h e r s w h o are stressed, d e p r e s s e d , and socially
isolated and m o t h e r s w h o s e own m o t h e r s w e r e e m o t i o n -
ally unresponsive o r even abusive t o t h e m (Chatoor &
Ganiban, 2 0 0 4 ; G o r m a n , Leifer, & G r o s s m a n , 1993). T h e s e
w o m e n tend t o n e g l e c t their babies, interact insensitively
with t h e m , and e x p r e s s tension and anger r a t h e r than af-
fection in t h e i r interactions (Lyons-Ruth e t al, 2 0 0 3 ) . T h e y Babies with nonorganic failure t o thrive gain weight and
often have unresolved losses and are insecure in t h e i r rela- overcome their depression-like emotional symptoms
tionships; t h e i r babies are similarly insecure, often displaying quickly when they are removed from their homes
a disorganized pattern o f a t t a c h m e n t in which t h e y s e e m (Bauchner, 1 9 9 6 ) . T h e y t e n d t o relapse if t h e y a r e r e t u r n e d
confused a b o u t h o w t o relate t o a t t a c h m e n t figures ( W a r d , t o parents w h o have n o t been helped t o b e c o m e more
Lee, & Lipper, 2 0 0 0 ) . S o m e o f t h e s e babies are fussy and un- emotionally responsive. T h e i r long-term development is
predictable ( C h a t o o r & Ganiban, 2 0 0 4 ) . T h e i r difficultness likely t o b e especially p o o r if they have a history o f b o t h fail-
may c o n t r i b u t e t o their parents' difficulties in responding t o ure to thrive and maltreatment (Kerr, Black, &
t h e m and help p r o d u c e an insecure a t t a c h m e n t ( B e n o i t & Krishnakumar, 2 0 0 0 ) , s o intervening t o change t h e family
Coolbear, 2004). system is critical.
activities or psychomotor slowing) and somatic symptoms Depressive symptoms are most likely to be observed in
(bodily symptoms such as loss of appetite and disruption of infants who lack a secure attachment relationship or who ex-
normal sleep patterns) of depression. Researchers are still de- perience a disruption of an all-important emotional bond
bating whether true depressive disorders can occur in infancy, (Boris & Zeanah, 1999; Lyons-Ruth, Zeanah, & Benoit, 2003).
but it is clear that babies can and do experience depression- It has long been observed that infants permanently separated
like states and symptoms (Cytryn & McKnew, 1996). from their mothers between 6 and 12 months of age tend to
become sad, weepy, listless, unresponsive, and withdrawn and S u m m i n g Up
to show delays in virtually all aspects of their development
Autism is characterized by deviant social development,
(Spitz, 1946). Abused and neglected infants sometimes show
deviant language and communication skills, and repetitive,
similar symptoms (Zeanah, Boris, & Scheeringa, 1997).
stereotyped behavior: There are several autistic spectrum
Infants w7ho display a disorganized pattern of attachment, in
disorders, including Asperger syndrome, and genetics
which they do not seem to know whether to approach or
plays a strong role in them. Hypotheses about the brain
avoid the attachment figure (see Chapter 14)—an attachment
dysfunctions and cognitive impairments at the root of
style common among abused children—are especially likely
this disorder include the theory-of-mind, executive dys-
to show symptoms of depression (Lyons-Ruthet al., 2003;
function, weak central coherence, and extreme male
Egeland & Carlson, 2004).
brain hypotheses. Early behavioral intervention is the
Infants whose mothers are depressed are also at risk. They
preferred treatment Even babies can display many of the
adopt an interaction style that resembles that of their de-
symptoms of depression, especially the behavioral and
pressed caregivers; they vocalize little and look sad, even when
somatic ones, or a failure t o thrive if they experience
interacting wTith women other than their mothers, and they
long-term or permanent separation from an attachment
begin to show developmental delays by age 1 (Field, 1995a).
figure or are brought up by depressed, unresponsive, or
They are at increased risk of becoming clinically depressed
rejecting caregivers. 13
themselves later in life and of developing other psychological
disorders. This may be because of a combination of genetic
endowment and stressful experiences with their unpredictable
mothers (that is, because of diathesis-stress). We know now
that stress during the prenatal period or early in life can pro-
duce children with an overactive stress-response system who
are easily distressed and unable to regulate their negative emo- Many children experience developmental problems—fears,
tions effectively (Dawson & Ashman, 2000; Goodman, 2002). recurring stomachaches, temper tantrums, and so on. A much
Moreover, these children are likely to interact negatively with smaller proportion are officially diagnosed as having one of
their own children, increasing the chances that depression will the psychological disorders that typically begins in infancy,
be passed on to yet another generation (Whitbeck et al., childhood, or adolescence—or as having one of the psycho-
1992). Interventions can help depressed mothers understand logical disorders (such as major depressive disorder) that can
and deal with their own attachment issues and appreciate and occur at any age. Table 16.1 lists the major childhood disor-
interact more sensitively with their babies (Cicchetti, Toth, & ders categorized in DSM-IV. In a study assessing children lon-
Rogosch, 2004). gitudinally through detailed interviews with parents and chil-
Some infants who are neglected, abused, separated from dren administered from age 9 to age 16, more than one-third
attachment figures, or otherwise raised in a stressful or unaf- of children proved to have at least one diagnosable psycholog-
fectionate manner not only display depression-like symptoms ical disorder by age 16 (Costello et al., 2003). In addition, 1 in
but also may develop the life-threatening disorder called fail- 5 young .children and 1 in 10 older children qualified as hav-
ure to thrive. These youngsters fail to grow normally, lose ing a diagnosable disorder in any given 3-month window
weight, and become seriously underweight for their age. They (problems were at their lowest at age 12 before a rise in rates
are the subject of the Explorations box on page 465. during adolescence).
Table 16.1 Some Psycholojjical Disorders Usually First Diag in liifancy, Childhood, or Adolescence
now appears that the main problem is low levels of dopamine Treatment
and related neurotransmitters that allow neurons in the Many children with ADHD are given stimulant drugs such as
frontal lobes to communicate with one another (Selikowitz, methylphenidate (Ritalin), and most are helped by these
2004). Abnormal functioning in an area of the brain specifi- drugs. Although some observers are concerned that we do not
cally involved in regulating motor behavior has also been de- yet know enough about the effects of stimulants on develop-
tected. Underactivity in this brain area seems to predict well ment, these drugs are now prescribed even for many preschool
the problems that children with ADHD have sitting still and children with ADHD and have positive effects on how their
paying attention (Teicher et al., 2000). behavior is judged by their parents and teachers (Short et aL,
We also know that genes predispose some individuals to 2004). Although it may seem odd to give overactive children
develop ADHD; one identical twin is highly likely to have it if stimulants, these drugs increase levels of dopamine and other
the other does, and first-degree relatives of someone with relevant neurotransmitters in the frontal lobes of the brain to
ADHD (including parents) have four to five times the usual normal levels and, by doing so, allow these children to con-
risk (Thapar, 2003). There is not one ADHD gene, however. centrate (Selikowitz, 2004). Listen to Greg's mother (she de-
Instead, researchers are identifying several specific gene vari- scribed his behavioral problems at the beginning of this sec-
ants that influence levels of dopamine and other relevant neu- tion) on the topic: "The change in his behavior and mood was
rotransmitters in the brain and that are common in ADHD miraculous. One hour after the tablet I had my first proper
populations (Selikowitz, 2004; Thapar, 2003). Genes that tend conversation with Greg. For the first time in his life he was
to make humans restless and willing to take risks may have able to sit still and look at a book" (Selikowitz, 2004, p. 34).
proved adaptive earlier in our evolutionary history, but inher- Why, then, does controversy surround the use of stimu-
iting too many of these genes today may not be adaptive lants with ADHD children? Some critics feel that these drugs
(Selikowitz, 2004). are prescribed to too many children, including some who do
not have ADHD. Although it is probably true that Ritalin and depressed. Feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness, and self-
other stimulants are overprescribed in some communities, it blame were not believed to be possible until the child was
is also true that many ADHD children who could benefit from older (Garber, 1984). Besides, childhood is supposedly a
drug treatment go untreated (Jensen, 2000). Other opponents happy, carefree time, right? When it was finally appreciated
of stimulant drug treatment are concerned that these drugs that even very young children could become depressed, some
have undesirable side effects such as loss of appetite and researchers argued that childhood depression is qualitatively
headaches and do not correct the central problems that indi- different from adult depression.
viduals with ADHD face or improve their academic and social We now know that young children—as early as age 3—
functioning in the long run (Riddle, Kastelic, & Frosch, 2001). can meet the same criteria for major depressive disorder that
It is true that stimulants improve functioning only until their are used in diagnosing adults (Garber & Flynn, 2001).
effects wear off at the end of the day (Schachar et al., 1997). Depression in children is rarer than depression in adolescents
And so far, there is not much evidence that individuals with and adults, but an estimated 2% of children have diagnosable
ADHD who took stimulants as children are better off as ado- depressive disorders (Gotlib & Hammen, 1992). It used to be
lescents or adults than those who did not (DuPaul & Stoner, thought that depression in children was expressed in a masked
2003; Hart et al., 1995). Many experts have concluded that manner as other problems. Many youngsters who show the
drugs alone cannot resolve all the difficulties faced by individ- key symptoms of depression have comorbid problems such as
uals with ADHD and their families. conduct disorder, ADHD, and anxiety disorder. These disor-
What, then, is the best approach to treatment? The ders are distinct problems, however, not just veiled symptoms
Multimodal Treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity of depression (Kaslow et al., 2000).
Disorder Study, a national study of 579 children with ADHD Developmentalists also appreciate that depression ex-
ranging in age from 7 to 9, is the best source of information presses itself somewhat differently in a young child than in an
about the pros and cons of medication and behavioral treat- adult and believe it is premature to conclude that depression
ment for ADHD (Jensen et al., 2001). This study compared in children is the equivalent of depression in adults (Weiss &
children who received optimally delivered medication, state- Garber, 2003). Like depressed infants, depressed preschool
of-the-art behavioral treatment (a combination of parent children are more likely to display the behavioral and somatic
training, child training through a summer program, and symptoms of depression (losing interest in activities, eating
school intervention), a combination of the two approaches, or
routine care in the community. The findings were clear:
Medication alone was more effective than behavioral treat-
ment alone or routine care in reducing ADHD symptoms.
However, a combination of medication and behavioral treat-
ment was superior to medication alone when the goal was de-
fined as not only reducing ADHD symptoms but also im-
proving academic performance, social adjustment, and
parent-child relations.
So, medication is effective, especially if psychiatrists mon-
itor doses closely and bear in mind that "children are not small
adults" when it comes to drug dosages (Riddle et al., 2001).
Medication can be even more effective, howYever, if supple-
mented by behavioral programs designed to teach children
with ADHD to stay focused on tasks and to control their im-
pulsiveness and by parent training designed to help parents
understand and manage the behavior of these often-difficult
youngsters (DuPaul 8c Stoner, 2003). The earlier children are
diagnosed and treated, the better problems in family and peer
relations that often flow from ADFID are prevented (Pelham
etaL, 2004).
poorly, and so on) than to display some of the cognitive try agairf (Shaffer & Pfeffer, 2001). The moral is clear: Parents
symptoms (hopelessness) or to talk about being depressed and other adults need to appreciate that childhood is not al-
(American Psychiatric Association, 1994; Kaslow et al., 2000). ways a happy, carefree time and that children can develop se-
Yet even young children who are depressed sometimes express rious depressive disorders and suicidal tendencies. Children s
excessive guilt, claiming that they are bad (Weiss & Garber, claims that they want to die should be taken dead seriously.
2003), and act out themes of death and suicide in their play Do depressed children tend to have recurring bouts of de-
(Luby, 2004). They can be recognized, through the application pression, becoming depressed adolescents and adults? Most
of developmentally sensitive modifications of DSM-IV crite- children make it through mild episodes of sadness. However,
ria, because they are sad or irritable and show the same lack of 5- and 6-ycar-olds who report many depression symptoms are
interest in usually enjoyable activities that depressed adults do more likely than their peers to be depressed, to think suicidal
(Luby, 2004). thoughts, to struggle academically, and to be perceived as in
Children as young as age 2 or 3 are also capable of at- need of mental health services when they are adolescents
tempting suicide (Rosenthal & Rosenthal, 1984; Shaffer & (Ialongo, Edelsohn, & Kellam, 2001). Moreover, it is estimated
Pfeffer, 2001). At age 3, Jeffrey repeatedly hurled himself down that half of children and adolescents diagnosed as having ma-
a flight of stairs and banged his head on the floor; upset by the jor depressive disorder have recurrences in adulthood
arrival of a new brother, he was heard to say, "Jeff is bad, and (Kessler, Avenevoli, & Merikangas, 2001). Even if depressed
bad boys have to die" (Cytryn 8c McICnew, 1996, p. 72). An 8- children do not have further episodes, their depression can
year-old, after writing her will, approached her father with a disrupt their intellectual development, school achievement,
large rock and asked in all seriousness, "Daddy, would you and social adjustment for years (Kovacs & Goldston, 1991).
crush my head, please?" (Cytryn & McKnew, 1996, pp. 69-70). Fortunately, most depressed children respond well to psy-
Other children have jumped from high places, run into traffic, chotherapy. Cognitive behavioral therapies that focus on
and stabbed themselves, often in response to abuse, rejection, changing distorted thinking have proved especially effective
or neglect. Moreover, children who attempt suicide once often (Asarnow, Jaycox, & Tompson, 2001). But because children are
p r o b l e m s (Kazdin, 2 0 0 0 ) . For e x a m p l e , young children c a n n o t Moreover, externalizing p r o b l e m s such as hyperactivity and
easily participate in t h e r a p i e s t h a t require t h e m t o verbalize c o n d u c t d i s o r d e r are just as responsive t o t r e a t m e n t as inter-
t h e i r p r o b l e m s and gain insight into t h e c a u s e s o f t h e i r b e - nalizing p r o b l e m s such as phobias (Farmer e t al., 2 0 0 2 ) .
havior. M o r e d e v e l o p m e n t a l ^ a p p r o p r i a t e t e c h n i q u e s include Behavioral t h e r a p i e s s e e m e d t o b e m o r e effective with chil-
play therapy, in which disturbed children are e n c o u r a g e d t o dren than nonbehavioral therapies, although such "talk t h e r a -
a c t o u t c o n c e r n s t h a t t h e y c a n n o t easily e x p r e s s in w o r d s , pies" have often proved equally effective in treating adults.
and behavioral a p p r o a c h e s t h a t d o n o t require insight and However, m o r e r e c e n t research suggests that cognitive behav-
verbal skills. ioral therapy can b e very effective with children, despite t h e i r
Is psychotherapy f o r children and a d o l e s c e n t s effective? cognitive limitations (Kazdin, 2 0 0 3 ) .
J o h n W e i s z and B a h r W e i s s ( 1 9 9 3 ) pulled t o g e t h e r research on Today, psychiatrists a r e increasingly turning t o medica-
t w o m a j o r c a t e g o r i e s of psychotherapy: behavioral therapies t i o n s t o t r e a t children—Ritalin f o r children with ADHD,
(those using r e i n f o r c e m e n t principles and modeling tech- P r o z a c and o t h e r a n t i d e p r e s s a n t s f o r d e p r e s s e d children as
niques t o alter maladaptive behaviors and t o t e a c h m o r e adap- young as p r e s c h o o l age, and s o on (Shute, Locy, & Pasternak,
tive o n e s ) and nonbehavioral therapies (primarily psychoana- 2 0 0 0 ) . B o t h psychological and pharmacological treatments
lytic therapies based on Freudian t h e o r y and o t h e r "talking f o r children and a d o l e s c e n t s with psychological disorders
c u r e s " in which therapists help clients t o e x p r e s s , understand, clearly achieve positive results ( A s a r n o w e t al., 2 0 0 1 ).Yet they
and solve t h e i r p r o b l e m s ) . T h e s e studies e x a m i n e d a range o f d o n o t always w o r k ; f o r e x a m p l e , 4 0 % o r m o r e o f clinically
p r o b l e m s (both externalizing and internalizing) and measured d e p r e s s e d children and a d o l e s c e n t s do n o t r e s p o n d t o psy-
a range o f o u t c o m e s (anxiety, cognitive skills and school chotherapy, and a b o u t t h e s a m e p e r c e n t a g e d o n o t r e s p o n d
achievement, personality and self-concept, social adjustment, to antidepressant medications (Asarnow et al., 2001).
and s o on). Apparently, t h e n , w e have much left t o learn a b o u t t h e special
Judging from W e i s z and W e i s s ' s analysis, psychotherapy f o r challenges o f treating children and a d o l e s c e n t s with psycho-
children and a d o l e s c e n t s w o r k s — a t least as well as it w o r k s logical p r o b l e m s .
with adults—and the benefits are lasting (Kazdin, 2003).
not adults, treating children with depression and other psycho- It is essential to view developmental disorders from a
logical disorders poses several challenges for psychotherapists, family systems perspective and to appreciate how emerging
as the Applications box on page 470 reveals. Many depressed problems affect and are affected by family interactions. This
children today are also being treated with antidepressant drugs perspective shows that the power of parents to influence their
such as Prozac (called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) that children's adjustment is not as great as many people believe.
correct for low levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin in the True, youngsters with depression and many other psycho-
brains of depressed individuals. Concerns have been raised, logical disorders often come from problem-ridden families
however, about their increasingly frequent use with children, and have insecure attachments to their parents (Graham
about whether they are as effective with children as with adults, & Easterbrooks, 2000; van IJzendoorn & Bakermans-
and about a recently discovered connection between their use Kranenburg, 1996). They are also more likely than other chil-
by children and adolescents and an increased risk of suicide dren to have mothers, fathers, or both who have histories of
(Jensen et al., 1999; Vedantam, 2004). psychological disorder (Connell & Goodman, 2002). Surely
this means that children develop problems because they live in
disturbed family environments with adults whose own psy-
chological problems and marital conflicts make it difficult for
Most of us have a strong belief in the power of the social en- them to parent effectively.
vironment, particularly the family, to shape child develop- Or are there other interpretations? We cannot always be
ment. This belief often leads us to blame parents—especially sure that unfavorable home environments cause childhood
mothers—if their children are sad and withdrawn, uncontrol- disorders. First, a child may have a genetic predisposition to
lable and "bratty," or otherwise different from most children disorder that would be expressed even if the child were
(see Chapter 15). Parents whose children develop problems adopted into another home early in life. In addition, "poor
often draw the same conclusion, feeling guilty because they as- parenting" could be partly the effect of a child's disorder
sume they are at fault. rather than its cause (Reiss et al., 2000). We cannot ignore the
possibility that children s problem behaviors negatively affect 30
their parents' moods, marital relationships, and parenting be-
m Well adjusted at age 3
O) : Undercontrolled at age 3
Unquestionably, family disruption and conflict and inef- <5
/ 20
fective parenting contribute to and aggravate many childhood £0
-C Inhibited at age 3
problems. Indeed, one study demonstrated that parents with
psychological disorders often use less effective parenting ap- O)
•i—> 10
proaches than parents without psychological disorders, but C
m m
the parenting they received was maladaptive (Johnson et al.,
2001). Apparently, it was not sufficient to inherit a genetic pre- 0
Antisocial personality Criminal
disposition to a disorder; as the diathesis-stress model sug- (A) disorder recidivism
gests, a stressful environment was also necessary.
Overall, it is time to move beyond the simple view that
parents are to blame for all their children's problems. It is also 30 r~
a mistake to view genes as the only important factor. GO
Abnormal development, like normal development, is the o
product of both nature and nurture and of a history of com- O)
20 -
plex transactions between person and environment in which £ 2
each influences the other (Rutter, 2000).
A> C M
O) +-—» PM
03 10 IP!
CD •
. ,
The parents of children who develop psychological problems
want to know this: Will my child outgrow these problems, or 0
(B) Anxiety Depression
will they persist? Parents are understandably concerned with
the issue of continuity versus discontinuity in development. F i g u r e I! 6 3 Relationships between behavior at age
You have already seen that autism, ADHD, and major depres- 3 and psychological disorders at age 21. Part A shows
sion tend to persist beyond childhood in many individuals. To that children with uncontrolled, externalizing behavioral
styles are more likely than other children t o show anti-
answer the continuity-discontinuity question more fully, con-
social behavior and repeated criminal behavior at age 21. Part B
sider the spectrum of childhood problems.
shows that inhibited, internalizing children are at high risk of depres-
Avshalom Caspi and his colleagues (1996) used data from
sion, but not anxiety disorders, at 21.
a longitudinal study in New Zealand to determine whether SOURCE Adapted from Caspi S I a!. (19S6).
children's behavioral styles, or temperamental characteristics,
at age 3 predicted their susceptibility to psychological disor-
ders at age 21—a span of 18 years. As Part A of Figure 16.3
shows, children who had externalizing problems as young
children and were described as irritable, impulsive, and rough in a 14-year follow-up of children and adolescents with be-
were more likely than either inhibited, overcontrolled children havioral and emotional problems, about 40% still had signifi-
or well-adjusted children to be diagnosed as having antisocial cant problems in adulthood, but most did not (Hofstra, Van
personality disorder and to have records of criminal behavior der Ende, 8c Verhulst, 2000). In other words, having serious
as young adults. psychological problems as a child does not doom most indi-
Meanwhile, as Part B of Figure 16.3 shows, inhibited, in- viduals to a life of maladjustment.
ternalizing children who were shy, anxious, and easily upset at Why might we see continuity of problem behavior in
age 3 were more likely than other children to be diagnosed as some children but discontinuity in others? If children have
depressed later in life; contrary to prediction, they were not at mild rather than severe psychological problems and receive
significantly higher risk for anxiety disorders. This study and help, their difficulties are likely to disappear. Some children
others point to continuity in susceptibility to problems over also show remarkable resilience, functioning well despite ex-
the years and suggest that early problems tend to have signifi- posure to risk factors for disorder or overcoming even severe
cance for later development (Costello et al., 2003; Mesman, early problems to become well adjusted (Garmezy, 1994;
Bongers, & Koot, 2001). Small & Memmo, 2004). Such children appear to have protec-
Relationships between early behavioral problems and tive factors working for them—processes that keep them from
later psychopathology in this study and others tend to be becoming maladjusted in the face of risk. These protective fac-
weak, however, so there is also discontinuity in development. tors include their own competencies (especially intellectual
Notice that most children with temperaments that put them ability and social skills) and strong social support (especially a
at risk did not have diagnosable problems as adults. Similarly, stable family situation with at least one caring parent figure).
Summing Up chological growth, although it is not unusual for them to feel
depressed, anxious, and irritable occasionally. For a minority,
A D H D manifests itself f r o m infancy into t h e adult y e a r s
a buildup of stressors during adolescence can precipitate seri-
but is expressed differently at different ages. Genetically
ous psychopathology. Their problems should not be dismissed
p r e d i s p o s e d t o A D H D , children with it a r e h e l p e d m o s t
as adolescent moodiness and irritability.
by a combination of stimulant drugs that increase
Many adolescents of both sexes get themselves into trou-
d o p a m i n e levels in t h e i r brains and behavioral therapy.
ble by overusing alcohol and drugs, engaging in delinquent
Even young children can m e e t D S M - I V criteria f o r d e -
behavior, and displaying other so-called adolescent problem
pression and b e c o m e suicidal (although rarely). N a t u r e
behaviors. These problem behaviors, although common, usu-
and n u r t u r e c o n s p i r e t o p r o d u c e such childhood disor-
ally do not reach the level of seriousness to qualify as psycho-
ders; t h e y a r e n o t just t h e p r o d u c t s o f bad parenting.
logical disorders and typically wane as adolescents become
T h e r e is also b o t h continuity and c h a n g e in d e v e l o p m e n t :
adults (Jessor, 1998). Here we focus on two types of disorder
S o m e children remain maladap'ted, and o t h e r s , especially
that clearly become more prevalent in adolescence. Among fe-
t h o s e with mild p r o b l e m s and many p r o t e c t i v e factors,
males, diagnosable eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa
o u t g r o w t h e i r difficulties, ffl
can make the adolescent period treacherous. In addition, rates
of depression increase dramatically from childhood to adoles-
cence, especially among females, and suicide rates climb ac-
i cordingly. These problems interfere wTith normal adolescent
development; yet they become far more understandable when
If any age group has a reputation for having problems and you view them in the context of this developmental period.
causing trouble, it is adolescents. This is supposedly the time
when angelic children are transformed into emotionally un-
stable, unruly, problem-ridden delinquents. The view that
adolescence is a time of emotional storm and stress was set Perhaps no psychological disorders are more associated with
forth by the founder of developmental psychology, G. Stanley adolescence than the eating disorders that disproportionately
Hall (1904). It has been with us ever since. strike adolescent girls, either during the transition from child-
hood to adolescence or during the transition from adoles-
cence to adulthood (Keel 8c Fulkerson, 2001). Both anorexia
nervosa and bulimia nervosa have become more common in
Are adolescents really more likely than either children or recent years in several industrialized countries (Gordon, 2000;
adults to experience psychological problems? In truth, adoles- Milos et al, 2004). And both are serious—indeed, potentially
cents have a far worse reputation than they deserve. Most ado- fatal—conditions that are difficult to cure.
lescents simply are not emotionally disturbed and do not Anorexia nervosa, which literally means "nervous loss of
develop serious problem behaviors such as drug abuse appetite/' has been defined as a refusal to maintain a weight
and chronic delinquency. Instead, significant mental health that is at least 85% of the expected weight for the person's
problems—real signs of storm and stress—characterize about height and age (American Psychiatric Association, 1994).
20% of adolescents (Kazdin, 2000; Offer & Schonert-Reichl, Anorexic individuals are also characterized by a strong fear of
1992). Moreover, many of these adolescents were maladjusted becoming overweight, a distorted body image (a tendency to
before they reached puberty and continue to be maladjusted view themselves as fat even when they are emaciated), and, if
during adulthood (Reinherz et al., 1999). they are females, an absence of regular menstrual cycles. The
Yet adolescence is a period of heightened vulnerability to typical individual with anorexia may begin dieting soon after
some forms of psychological disorder (Cicchetti & Rogosch, reaching puberty and simply continue, insisting, even when
2002). The 20% rate of diagnosable psychological disorder she weighs only 60 or 70 pounds and resembles a cadaver, that
among adolescents is higher than an estimated rate of about she is well nourished and could stand to lose a few more
10% among children (Ford, Goodman, & Meltzer, 2003), al- pounds (Hsu, 1990). Praised at first for losing weight, she be-
though it is no higher than that for adults (Kazdin, 2000). comes increasingly obsessed with dieting and exercising and
Teenagers face greater stress than children; they must cope gains a sense of power by resisting the urging of parents and
with physical maturation, changing brains and cognitive abil- friends to eat more (Levenkron, 2000). Fewer than 3 in every
ities, tribulations of dating, changes in family dynamics, 1000 adolescent girls suffer from this condition, and there are
moves to new and more complex school settings, societal de- about 11 female victims for every 1 male victim (van Hoeken,
mands to become more responsible and to assume adult roles, Seidell, & Hoek, 2003).
and more (Cicchetti 8c Rogosch, 2002; Hill, 1993). Mood Anorexia nervosa can be distinguished from bulimia ner-
swings, risk taking, and conflict with parents are all common vosa, the so-called binge-purge syndrome, which involves re-
(Arnett, 1999). Most adolescents cope with these challenges current episodes of consuming huge quantities of food fol-
remarkably well, maintain the level of adjustment they had lowed by purging activities such as self-induced vomiting, use
when they entered adolescence, and undergo impressive psy- of laxatives, or rigid dieting and fasting (American Psychiatric
tractiveness that makes it hard for young women to form pos-
itive identities (Gordon, 2000; Keel & Klump, 2003). As
Western, and especially European American, values emphasiz-
ing the desirability of a slimfigurehave spread to other coun-
tries, rates of eating disorders in those countries have risen
(Gordon, 2000). Interestingly, exposure to television on the is-
land of Fiji converted girls raised to view plump bodies as a
status symbol associated with the generous sharing of food
into girls who feel too fat and try to control their weight
(Becker et al., 2002).
Well before they reach puberty, large proportions of girls
in our society associate being thin with being attractive, fear
becoming fat, and wish they were thinner (Ricciardelli &
McCabe, 2001). About a fourth of second-grade girls diet
(Thelen et al., 1992). Being a 9-year-old in a school with girls
as old as 13 rather than in a school with girls no older than 11
only heightens this cultural pressure to be thin and breeds the
attitudes and dieting practices that lead to eating disorders
(Wardle & Watters, 2004). As girls experience normal puber-
tal changes, they naturally gain fat and become, in their
minds, less attractive. They have more reason than ever to be
obsessed with controlling their weight (Murnen & Smolak,
1997). This may be why adolescence is a prime time for the
emergence of eating disorders.
But why do relatively few adolescent females in our soci-
ety become anorexic or bulimic, even though almost all of
them experience social pressure to be thin? Most likely be-
cause genes serve as a diathesis, predisposing certain individ-
uals more than others to develop eating disorders, at least if
they live in a sociocultural context that encourages weight
concern and if other environmental influences come into play
(Bulik et al, 2000; Keel & Klump, 2003). Many biochemical
<[ Anorexia can be life threatening. abnormalities have been found in individuals with anorexia,
although some may be consequences rather than causes of the
condition (Wilson, Becker, & Hefferman, 2003). At least one
Association, 1994). Bulimia is especially prevalent in college gene involved in the control of appetite has been implicated
populations, affecting few men but as many as 5% of college (Vink et al., 2001), and even in early childhood adolescents
women (Hsu, 1990). A bulimic girl or woman typically binges and adults who later develop eating disorders experience con-
on the foods that are taboo to dieters, eating entire half gallons flicts over eating (Kotler et al., 2001). Genes may also con-
of ice cream, multiple bags of cookies and potato chips, or tribute to the low levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin as-
whole pies and cakes—as much as 55,000 calories in a single sociated with both eating disorders and mood disorders (Keel
binge session (Johnson et al., 1982). Whereas individuals with & Fulkerson, 2001). And genes may put certain individuals at
anorexia are by definition underweight, individuals with bu- risk by influencing their personalities. Anorexic females tend
limia can be found in all weight ranges (American Psychiatric to be introverted, anxious, and obsessive. They are perfection-
Association, 1994). It is a myth that these eating disorders are ists with low self-esteem and a high need for approval who
restricted to European American females from upper middle- desperately want to gain control of their lives and do so by di-
class backgrounds. They are evident at all socioeconomic lev- eting (Hsu, 1990; Wilson et al., 2003).
els (Gard & Freeman, 1996) and in all racial and ethnic Yet an eating disorder may still not emerge unless a sus-
groups, although African American females are less concerned ceptible girl experiences disturbed family relationships and
with being thin and dieting than European American and stressful events—unless heredity and environment interact in
Asian American females and have much lower rates of eating an unfavorable way (Keel & Fulkerson, 2001). Girls who are
disorders (Wildes, Emery, & Simons, 2001). overly concerned about their weight tend to come from fami-
lies preoccupied with weight (Gordon, 2000; Strober et al.,
Suspected Causes 2000). They are often insecurely attached to their parents
Both nature and nurture contribute to eating disorders. On and have often constructed internal working models of
the nurture side, cultural factors are significant. We live in a self and other that lead them to think poorly of themselves
society obsessed with thinness as the standard of physical at- and to expect others to think poorly of them (Sharpe et al.,
1998). Much emphasis has been placed on disturbed disorder at some time in the individual's life ranged from 1%
mother-daughter relationships, but poor father-daughter re- among girls younger than age 12 to more than 17% among
lationships may also contribute (Dominy, Johnson, & Koch, young women age 19 and older (Glowinski et al., 2003). Up to
2000). These young women seem unable to manage the 35% of adolescents experience depressed moods at some time,
adolescent task of gaining autonomy (Levenkron, 2000). So, and as many as 7% have diagnosable depressive disorders at
family dynamics may contribute to anorexia, although it is not any given time (Petersen et al., 1993). Symptoms are mostly
always clear whether disturbed family dynamics are contribu- like those displayed by depressed adults, although depressed
tors to, or only effects of, the condition (Gowers 8< Bryant- adolescents sometimes act out and look more like delinquents
Waugh, 2004). than like victims of depression.
Ultimately, it may take a pileup of stressors to push a Why is adolescence a depressing period for some? For one
young woman over the edge. For example, vulnerable adoles- thing, research suggests that genetic influences on symptoms
cents who are experiencing pubertal changes and weight of depression become stronger in adolescence than they were
gains, becoming involved in mixed-sex relationships, and in childhood (Scourfield et al., 2003). Pubertal changes may
changing schools may have more than they can handle and be responsible or may at least provide another part of the an-
may then develop an eating disorder (Smolak 8c Levine, 1996). swer. Xiaojia Ge and his colleagues (2003) studied African
Emotional, sexual, or physical abuse sometimes precipitates American adolescents at age 11 and again at age 13. For girls
the disorder (Kent & Waller, 2000). In anorexia nervosa, then, at both age 11 and age 13, being an early maturer was associ-
we have a prime example of the diathesis-stress model at ated with high levels of major depression symptoms. Among
work. A young woman who is at risk for it partly because of boys, the early maturation effect was only temporary, evident
her genetic makeup may not develop anorexia unless she also at age 11 but not at age 13, as shown in Figure 16.4. This may
grows up in a culture that overvalues thinness and in a family be part of the reason that girls have higher depression rates
that makes it hard to forge an identity as an individual—and than boys: the negative effects of early maturation last longer
then faces an accumulation of stressful events. for them than for boys. However, boys who were on time or
late at age 11 but who then underwent rapid pubertal growth
Treatment became significantly more depressed from age 11 to age 13;
Individuals with bulimia respond better to treatment than this stressful pubertal change effect was not as evident among
those with anorexia, but both can be successfully treated girls. Overall, then, pubertal changes and their timing con-
(Wilson, Becker, & Hefferman, 2003). Effective therapies for tribute to increased depression rates in adolescence among
individuals with eating disorders start with behavior modifi- both girls and boys but do so differently in the two sexes. To
cation programs designed to bring their eating behavior un- date, no clear and direct path from hormonal changes to de-
der control, help them gain weight if they are anorexic, and pression has been identified (Kuehner, 2003).
deal with any medical problems they may have, in a hospital Social factors also put adolescent females at risk for de-
or treatment facility if necessary (Patel, Pratt, & Greydarms, pression. They are more likely than males to experience a cu-
2003). Then it is possible to move on to individual psy- mulation of stressful events in early adolescence (Ge et al.,
chotherapy designed to help them understand and gain con-
trol over their problem, family therapy designed to help build
healthier parent-child relationships, and medication for de-
f§ Late maturers §J|f On-time maturers • Early maturers
pression and related psychological problems. Cognitive be-
havioral therapy and antidepressant drugs appear to work
well with bulimic patients (Gowers & Bryant-Waugh, 2004).
Women with anorexia are more difficult to treat because they
so strongly resist admitting that they have a problem and be-
c a u s e t h e d r u g s t r i e d t o d a t e do n o t s e e m t o h a v e r e l i a b l e b e n -
efits. However, they can benefit from psychotherapy and fam-
ily therapy (Gowers & Bryant-Waugh, 2004). Most overcome
their eating disorders with time, although they may continue
to have social and emotional difficulties and even diagnosable
problems such as obsessive-compulsive disorder as adults
(Wentzet al., 2001).
sion as they enter adolescence. Adults who suffer from bouts Figure 3 6.4 Early maturation is a risk factor for depression in
of depression often trace their first depressive episode to the adolescence—for boys, a t e m p o r a r y risk factor, but for girls a lasting
adolescent period (Gotlib 8c Hammen, 2002). In one study of one, evident in both fifth and seventh grades.
female adolescents, the rate of self-reported major depressive SOURCE: G e et al. { 7 m . Figure 2. p. 435).
1994; Nolen-Hoeksema & Girgus, 1994). Stress in the holds up across most cultures studied (Girard, 1993; Shaffer &
mother-daughter relationship, heightened concern with body Pfeffer, 2001). When we look at suicide attempts, this ratio is
image, and early maturation can combine to put adolescent Reversed, with females leading males by a ratio of about three
girls at risk (Seiffge-Krenke & Stemmler, 2002). to one. Apparently, then, females attempt suicide more often
As depression becomes more common from childhood to than males do, but males more often commit suicide when
adolescence, so do suicidal thoughts, suicide attempts, and ac- they try, probably because they use more lethal techniques (es-
tual suicides. Suicide is the third leading cause of death for this pecially guns).
age group, far behind accidental injuries and just behind If suicide rates are higher in adulthood than in adoles-
homicides; the yearly rate is now 10 per 100,000 15- to 24- cence, why do we hear so much about teenage suicide?
year-olds, quite a bit higher than it was in 1950 (Freid et al., Probably because adolescents attempt suicide more frequently
2003). Nevertheless, probably because of increased use of an- than adults do. The typical adolescent suicide attempt has
tidepressants to treat depression, teenage suicide rates have been characterized as a "cry for help"—a desperate effort to
been declining in the past 10 years (Gould et al., 2003; Olfson get others to notice and help resolve problems that have be-
et al, 2003). come unbearable (Berman & Jobes, 1991). The adolescent
For every adolescent suicide, there are many unsuccessful who attempts suicide often wants a better life rather than
attempts—as many as 50 to 200 by some estimates (Garland death (Lester, 1994). This by no means suggests that adoles-
& Zigler, 1993). Also, suicidal thoughts that may not lead to cent suicide attempts should be taken lightly. Their message is
action are even more common, to the point of being normal clear: "I've got serious problems; wake up and help me!"
during this period (Shaffer & Pfeffer, 2001). In one survey of Suicidal behavior-in adolescence is most likely the prod-
adolescents whose average age wTas 15, for instance, 56% re- uct of diathesis-stress. Four key risk factors are youth psycho-
ported at least one instance of suicidal thinking in their lives logical disorder, family pathology and psychopathology,
and 15% had attempted suicide (Windle & Windle, 1997). stressful life events, and access to firearms (Gould et al., 2003;
Before you conclude that adolescence is the peak time for and see Beautrais, 2003). More than 90% of adolescent suicide
suicidal behavior, however, consider the suicide rates for dif- victims, partly because of genetic predisposition, suffered
ferent age groups, as shown in Figure 16.5. It is clear that from depression, substance use disorder, anxiety disorder, or
adults are more likely to commit suicide than adolescents are. another diagnosable psychological problem at the time of
The suicide rate for females peaks in middle age, and the sui- their death, so screening teenagers for depression and other
cide rate for white males climbs throughout adulthood, mak- psychological disorders makes great sense as an approach to
ing elderly white men the group most likely to commit sui- prevention (Shaffer & Pfeffer, 2001). Many have histories of
cide. As a result, increased attention is being focused on the troubled family relationships, and often psychopathology and
problem of late-life suicide (Pearson, 2000). even suicide run in the family. In the period leading up to a
Overall, males are more likely to commit suicide than fe- suicide attempt, the adolescent has often experienced a
males, by a ratio of at least three to one—a difference that buildup of stressful life events—deteriorating relationships
White males
<D 10
15-24 25-44 45-64 65+
Fagure 8 6*5 Number of suicides per 100,000 people by age and sex among
European and African Americans in the United States.
«5SBE:-' SOURCE: Data from Freid et al. (2003}.
with parents and peers, academic and social failures, run-ins mood disorders), alcohol abuse and dependence, schizophre-
with the law—and begun to feel incapable of coping (Berman nia, anxiety disorders, and antisocial personality all decreased
& Jobes, 1991). The availability of firearms makes it easy to act from early adulthood to late adulthood. (As you appreciate,
on suicidal impulses. The adolescent who attempts suicide this could be either a true age effect or a cohort effect suggest-
once may try again if he receives little help and continues to ing that recent generations are more vulnerable than previous
feel incapable of coping with problems. As a result, profes- generations to psychological disorder.) The only type of im-
sional help is called for after an unsuccessful suicide attempt pairment that increased with age was cognitive impairment,
(Rotheram-Borus et al., 2000). undoubtedly because some older adults were developing
Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia (to be de-
Summing Up scribed shortly).
Mainly, it appears that young adults, because they experi-
Although most adolescents do not experience storm
ence more stress than older adults, are a group at high risk for
and stress, r a t e s o f psychological d i s o r d e r climb f r o m
mental health problems. With that as background, look more
about 1 0 % in c h i l d h o o d t o 2 0 % in a d o l e s c e n c e . T w o
closely at one of the disorders to which young adults are espe-
p r o b l e m s t h a t i n c r e a s e during a d o l e s c e n c e , eating disor-
cially susceptible, depression, and then turn to an examina-
d e r s and d e p r e s s i o n , strike f e m a l e s m o r e than males, and
tion of Alzheimer's disease and rekited cognitive impairments
both can be explained in t e r m s of diathesis-stress.
in later life.
F e m a l e s with a n o r e x i a n e r v o s a a r e genetically predis-
p o s e d t o it but also t e n d t o e x p e r i e n c e a culture o b -
s e s s e d with thinness, a disturbed family, and o v e r w h e l m -
ing stress. D e p r e s s i o n and suicide a r e also associated
Major depression and other affective disorders are among the
with a genetically b a s e d vulnerability and a pileup of
most common psychological problems experienced by adults.
stressors. Still, m o s t a d o l e s c e n t s , even t h o u g h t h e y m a y
Who gets depressed, and what does this reveal?
diet o r think a d e p r e s s i v e o r e v e n suicidal t h o u g h t n o w
and t h e n , e m e r g e f r o m this p e r i o d as well-adjusted and
Age and Sex Differences
c o m p e t e n t young adults. H
As just noted, and contrary to stereotypes of elderly people,
older adults tend, if anything, to be less vulnerable to major de-
pression and other severe affective disorders than young or
le middle-aged adults are (Blazer, 2003; Wolfe, Morrow, &
Fredrickson, 1996). Unless older adults develop physical health
Stressful experiences in childhood and adolescence increase a problems that contribute to depression or experience increasing
person's chances of-psychological disorder later in life (Turner rather than decreasing levels of stress as they age, their mental
& Lloyd, 2004). Psychological problems then emerge when a health is likely to be good (Lynch & George, 2002; Wrosch,
vulnerable individual, perhaps one with a history of adversity, Schulz, & Heckhausen, 2004). Still, there are good reasons to be
faces overwhelming stress. As it turns out, adults typically ex- concerned about depression in old age. We know that depressed
perience the greatest number of life strains in early adulthood elders are more likely than depressed adolescents to take their
(McLanahan & Sorensen, 1985; Pearlin, 1980). Life strains de- own lives, and some studies show an increase in depression
crease from early to middle adulthood, perhaps as adults set- symptoms in late old age (Rothermund & Brandtstadter,
tle into more stable lifestyles. And, despite increased stress re-
kited to health problems, elderly adults report fewer hassles
and strains overall than middle-aged adults do (Almeida &
Horn, 2004; Martin, Grunendahl, & Martin, 2001). This may
be because they have fewrer roles and responsibilities to juggle
or because they no longer perceive problems they have en-
countered before as stressful.
Age differences in stressful experiences may help explain
age differences in rates of psychological disorder. In a major
community mental health survey by the National Institute of
Mental Health, adults age 18 or older were interviewed in their
homes about the psychological symptoms they were experi-
encing, and estimates were then made of the percentages of
respondents who met the criteria for several psychological
disorders (Myers et al., 1984; Robins & Regier, 1991). Overall,
a fairly large proportion of adults—15% to 22% of those sur-
veyed in each city—were judged to have suffered from a diag-
nosable psychological disorder in the previous 6 months. C Although few elderly adults have diagnosed depression, a sizable
Rates of affective disorders (major depression and related minority experiences at least some symptoms of depression.
2003c). Also, although only about 1 to 3% of elderly adults have agnosed and untreated, particularly if they are minority group
major depressive disorder, about 15% experience symptoms of members suspicious of the mental health system (Baldwin,
depression (Mulsant & Ganguli, 1999). Might some of the indi- 2000; Charney et al., 2003). Possibly this is because todays
viduals who report symptoms of depression have a more seri- elderly generation grew up when it was considered shameful
ous but undiagnosed depressive disorder? to have psychological problems. Older adults and members of
Depression can be difficult to diagnose in later adulthood their families may also believe, wrongly, that problems such as
(Charney et al., 2003). Think about it: Symptoms of depression depression and anxiety are a normal part of getting older or
include fatigue, sleeping difficulties, cognitive deficits, and so- becoming ill. Still another barrier to treatment may be nega-
matic complaints. What if a clinician notes these symptoms in tive attitudes among mental health professionals that cause
an elderly person but interprets them as nothing more than them to prefer working with younger people, to perceive eld-
normal aging, as the result of the chronic illnesses so common erly individuals as untreatable, and to underdiagnose or mis-
in old age, or as signs of dementia? A case of depression can diagnose their problems (Graham et al., 2003).
easily be missed. Elderly adults who are depressed may also Despite these barriers, when depressed elderly adults seek
hide their depression, denying that they are sad and claiming psychotherapy, they benefit as much as younger adults (Karel
instead that they have medical problems (Mulsant & Ganguli, & Hinrichsen, 2000; Powers et al., 2002). Moreover, those
1999). This, too, can lead to underdiagnosis of depression in treated with antidepressant drugs, assuming they keep taking
the elderly population. Yet overdiagnosis of depression in older them, not only overcome their depression in most cases but
adults can also occur if bodily complaints such as lack of en- also show improved cognitive functioning (Blazer, 2003;
ergy caused by physical disease or disability are interpreted as Butters et al., 2000). As with many psychological problems,
symptoms of depression (Grayson et al., 2000). the most effective approach is often a combination of drug
Depression in elderly individuals is not so different from treatment and psychotherapy (Hollon, Thase, & Markowitz,
depression in young and middle-aged adults that different cri- 2002). So, just as humans can fall prey to psychological prob-
teria must be developed to detect it. Still, clinicians working lems at any point, in the life span, they have an impressive ca-
with elderly adults need to be sensitive to the differences be- pacity throughout the life span to overcome problems and to
tween normal aging processes, disease, and psychopathology. experience new psychological growth.
Moreover, the fact that relatively few elderly people suffer
from severe, diagnosable depression should not blind us to the
fact that a much larger number feel depressed or demoralized
and could benefit from treatment (Lynch & George, 2002). Perhaps nothing scares us more about aging than the thought
This is especially true of very old women who are physically that we will become "senile." Dementia, the technical term for
ill, poor, socially isolated, or a combination of these (Blazer, senility, is a progressive deterioration of neural functioning
1993; Falcon & Tucker, 2000). associated with memory impairment, declines in tested intel-
Starting in adolescence, and in a variety of cultures, females lectual ability, poor judgment, difficulty thinking abstractly,
are more likely than males to be diagnosed as depressed—by a and often personality changes. Becoming senile is not a nor-
margin of about two to one (Kuehner, 2003). What accounts for
this? It is not just because women are more likely than men to
admit they are depressed or to seek help when they are de-
pressed (Kessler, 2000). Nor is it clear that genetic factors con-
tribute differently to depression in females than in males.
Instead, higher rates of depression in females than in males have fMMMi.
been linked to gender differences in a variety of factors
(Kuehner, 2003; Nolen-Hoeksema, 2002): hormones and bio-
logical reactions to stress, levels of stress (including more expe-
rience of interpersonal stressors, especially sexual abuse, among
women), ways of expressing distress (women being more likely
to express classic depression symptoms, men being more likely
to become angry or overindulge in alcohol and drugs), and
styles of coping with distress (for example, women tend to ru-
minate about their problems, analyzing their despair, whereas
men distract themselves from problems and may be better off
for it). In short, there is no easy answer, but women are clearly -C
more at risk than men for depression. |
Treatment <
One of the biggest challenges in treating adults with major de-
pression and other psychological disorders is getting them to C Ronald Reagan brought attention to the tragedy of Alzheimer's
seek treatment. Elderly adults are especially likely to go undi- disease.
mal part of the aging process. Yet rates of dementia increase
steadily with age. Overall, dementia and other moderate and
severe cognitive impairments affect about 5% of the 65-and-
older population (Blazer, 1996; Regier et al., 1988). 'WW
Dementia is not a single disorder. Much damage can be
done by labeling any older person with cognitive impairments
as senile—or even as having Alzheimer's disease—and then
assuming that she is a lost cause. Many different conditions
can produce the symptoms we associate with senility, and
some of them are curable or reversible. It is also a mistake to
assume that any elderly person who becomes forgetful or ab-
sentminded—who occasionally misplaces keys or cannot re-
member someone's name—is becoming senile. As you saw in € Positron emission tomography (PET scanning) shows metabolic
Chapter 8, small declines in memory capacities in later life are activity in the brain and reveals areas of high brain activity (in red
common and usually have little effect on daily functioning. If and yellow) and low brain activity (in blue o r black). Here we see
this were all it took to warrant a diagnosis of dementia, many more activity in a normally functioning brain (left) than in the brain
young and middle-aged adults, not to mention textbook writ- of a person with Alzheimer's disease (right).
10 20 30 40 50 60 -70 80 90
Age (in years) Death
Figure 8 6.6 Alzheimer's disease emerges gradually over the adult years; brain cells are
damaged long before noticeable cognitive impairment results in old age. Changes in brain
functioning are significantly different from those associated with normal aging.
SOURCE: Adapted from Okie (2001).
inherits just one of these apparently dominant genes will lots of education, probably because they have less "cognitive
eventually develop the disease. Genes on other chromosomes reserve" or brain power to fall back on as aging and disease be-
associated with early-onset Alzheimer's disease have since gin to take a toll on brain functioning (Gatz et ah, 2001).
been discovered (Williams, 2003). However, only about 5% of Several pieces of evidence suggest that using their brains—
cases of Alzheimer's disease begin before age 60; 95% are late- and in the process forming new synapses or even brain cells—
onset cases (Clark, 1999). may help people hang on to their cognitive abilities (Verghese
Genetic contributors to late-onset Alzheimer's disease are etal., 2003). ' •
not as clear-cut or strong. Rather than making Alzheimer's The search for causes, both genetic and environmental,
disease inevitable, they only increase a person's risk (Tanzi 8c continues. It increasingly appears that psychological disorders
Parson, 2000; Williams, 2003). One variant of a gene on such as autism, ADHD, and Alzheimer's disease are not dis-
Chromosome 19 that is responsible for the production of tinct abnormal entities. Rather, they sit at the extreme ends of
ApoE, a protein involved in processing cholesterol, may be es- dimensions of human difference, influenced by the same ge-
pecially important. Having two of the risk-inducing ApoE4 netic and environmental factors that contribute to variation
genes means having up to eight times the normal risk of throughout the population (Plomin et al., 2003).
Alzheimer's disease; having one of the genes means two to What is being done to prevent and treat Alzheimer's dis-
four times the normal risk (Hendrie, 2001). Having another ease? Because victims have a deficit in the neurotransmitter
variant of the ApoE4 gene means having a good chance of acetylcholine, which is essential for normal learning and
maintaining cognitive functioning into very late adulthood memory, researchers have developed drugs to correct this
(Riley et al., 2000). It is believed that the ApoE4 gene may in- problem and related problems in neural functioning. No pill
crease the buildup of beta-amyloid—the damaging substance to prevent or reverse Alzheimer's disease has yet been discov-
in senile plaques—and therefore speed the progression of ered, but some drugs are regularly prescribed (Aricept, or
Alzheimer's disease (National Institute on Aging, 2000). Yet donepezil, for example, and more recently Namenda, or me-
not everyone with the ApoE4 gene, or even a pair of them, de- mantine). They modestly improve cognitive functioning, re-
velops Alzheimer's disease, and many people with Alzheimer's duce behavioral problems, and slow the progression of the
disease lack the gene; therefore, other, as-yet unidentified disease in some patients (Grossberg & Desai, 2003). More
genes, environmental factors, or both must also play a role. such drugs are likely to follow, and researchers have hopes that
What environmental factors? Head injuries in earlier a vaccine that would make the immune system mount an at-
adulthood increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease (Plassman tack on beta-amyloid can be made to work, despite adverse re-
et al, 2000), and a diet that increases the odds of high choles- actions in the first trials with humans (Samuels & Davis,
terol and cardiovascular disease is recognized as another con- 2003).
tributor (Hendrie, 2001; Nourhasbemi et al., 2000). Moreover, Another promising approach attempts to combat the
people with little education are more at risk than people with buildup of beta-amyloid in the brain. Antioxidants such as vi-
tamins E and C may delay the onset and progression of Similarly, some elderly adults are mistakenly diagnosed as
Alzheimer's disease by inhibiting the damaging oxidating ef- suffering from irreversible dementia when they are experienc-
fects of beta-amyloid (National Institute on Aging, 2000). And ing delirium. This reversible condition emerges more rapidly
lending support to the view that high cholesterol levels associ- than dementia, comes and goes over the course of the day, and
ated with the ApoE4 gene contribute to dementia, it has been is a disturbance of consciousness characterized by periods of
found that statin drugs, widely prescribed for people with disorientation, wandering attention, confusion, and halluci-
high cholesterol, improve cognitive functioning in people nations (American Psychiatric Association, 1994; Cole, 2004).
with dementia (Hajjar et al., 2002). It is beginning to look as Up to 50% of elderly hospital patients experience it in reac-
though the same lifestyle factors that contribute to cardiovas- tion to any number of stressors—for example, illness, surgery,
cular disease (eating too much and not getting enough exer- drug overdoses, interactions of different drugs, or malnutri-
cise) increase the risk of dementia and that we can reduce our tion (Cole, 2004). It is essential to watch for signs of delirium,
odds of Alzheimer's disease by living a healthy lifestyle from identify possible causes such as an incorrect drug prescrip-
an early age (Pope, Shue, & Beck, 2003; Underwood, 2004). tion, and intervene to change them quickly so that the indi-
Even if Alzheimer's disease cannot be prevented entirely, vidual can return to normal quickly (Flaherty & Morley,
researchers are hopeful that its onset and progression can be 2004). Death rates are high among elderly patients who expe-
slowed, especially if it is detected early. And, even though de- rience delirium, are not identified, and are sent home from the
terioration leading to death must be expected in today's hospital without treatment for it (Kakuma et al., 2003).
Alzheimer's patients, a great deal can be done through the use Finally, elderly adults who are depressed are all too fre-
of medications for behavioral problems, educational pro- quently misdiagnosed as suffering from dementia because
grams and psychological interventions for patients and their late-life depression brings with it cognitive impairments such
caregivers, and memory training to help people with the dis- as being forgetful and mentally slow (Butters et al, 2004). As
ease and their family members understand and cope with de- you have seen, treatment with antidepressant drugs and psy-
mentia and function better (Grossberg & Desai, 2003; Kasl- chotherapy can dramatically improve the functioning of such
Godley & Gatz, 2000). individuals. However, if their depression goes undetected and
they are written off as senile, they, too, are likely to deteriorate
O t h e r Causes of Cognitive I m p a i r m e n t further.
The second most common type of dementia, often occurring
with Alzheimer's disease, is vascular dementia (Roman, 2003).
Also called multi-infarct dementia, it is caused by a series of
minor strokes that cut off the blood supply to areas of the
brain. Whereas Alzheimer's disease usually progresses slowly
and steadily, vascular dementia often progresses in a steplike
manner as each small stroke brings about a new deterioration
in functioning (American Psychiatric Association, 1994).
Whereas Alzheimer's disease impairs memory most, vascular
dementia may do its greatest damage to executive functions
(Roman, 2003). And whereas Alzheimer's disease is more
strongly influenced by genes, vascular dementia is more closely
associated with environmental risk factors for cerebrovascular
diseases that affect blood flow in the brain, such as smoking,
eating a fatty diet, and being obese (Bergem, Engedal, &
Kringlen, 1997; Kaplan & Sadock, 1998). Huntington's disease
(a genetic disorder described in Chapter 3), Parkinson's dis-
ease, and even AIDS are among the other possible causes of ir-
reversible dementia (Heston & White, 1991).
Some cases of dementia—perhaps 10 to 20%—are not
related to any of these causes and, more important, are re-
versible or curable (Gurland, 1991; Lipton & Weiner, 2003).
Such problems as alcoholism, toxic reactions to medication,
infections, metabolic disorders, and malnutrition can cause
symptoms of dementia. If these problems are corrected—for
example, if the individual is taken off a recently prescribed
medicine or is placed on a proper diet—a once "senile" person
can be restored to normal mental functioning. By contrast, if
that same person is written off as senile or as a victim of
Alzheimer's disease, a potentially curable condition may be- € Delirium is common among elderly hospital patients and can be
come a progressively worse and irreversible one. treated.
The moral is clear: It is critical to distinguish among irre- a two-pronged strategy of eliminating risk factors (such as
versible dementias (notably, dementia of the Alzheimer's type abusive parenting) and strengthening protective factors (such
and vascular dementia), reversible dementias, delirium, de- 'as social support). If prevention proves impossible, most psy-
pression, and other conditions that may be mistaken for irre- chological disorders and developmental problems can be
versible dementias—including old age. This requires a thor- treated successfully, enabling the individual to move back
ough assessment, including a medical history, physical and onto a healthier developmental pathway.
neurological examinations, and assessments of cognitive
functioning (Beck et al., 2000). Only after all other causes, es-
Summing Up
pecially potentially treatable ones, have been ruled out should
a diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease be made. Unfortunately, Probably because young adults e x p e r i e n c e more life
many primary care physicians fail to notice symptoms of de- strains and s t r e s s o r s than o l d e r adults do, m o s t p s y c h o -
mentia or do not appreciate the importance of thorough test- logical disorders besides t h o s e involving d e m e n t i a or
ing to determine the underlying problem and whether it is cognitive i m p a i r m e n t a r e m o r e c o m m o n in early adult-
treatable (Boise et al., 1999). h o o d than in later a d u l t h o o d . D e p r e s s i o n t e n d s t o be
So ends our tour of psychopathology across the life span. m o s t c o m m o n a m o n g w o m e n ; elderly adults may b e un-
It can be discouraging to read about the countless ways in derdiagnosed.The most c o m m o n forms o f dementia are
which genes and environment can conspire to make human Alzheimer's disease, in which a buildup o f beta-amyloid
development go awry and about the high odds that most of us within senile plaques d a m a g e s n e u r o n s , and vascular d e -
will experience a psychological disorder sometime during our mentia. T h e s e irreversible d e m e n t i a s must b e carefully
lives. Yet research provides an increasingly solid basis for at- distinguished from corrective conditions such as re-
tempting to prevent developmental psychopathology through versible d e m e n t i a s , delirium, and d e p r e s s i o n . H
autism, 460 comorbidity, 467 The Attention Deficit Disorder Association also has a useful site.
echolalia, 461 anorexia nervosa, 473
Asperger syndrome, 461 bulimia nervosa, 473 Alzheimer's Disease
theory-of-mind hypothesis, 461 The Alzheimer's Association website offers much useful information
dementia, 478
about the fundamentals of Alzheimer's disease; see especially the list
executive dysfunction Alzheimer's disease, 479
of Ten Warning Signs that families can use to help them distinguish
hypothesis, 462 beta-amyloid, 479 between normal cognitive decline and emerging Alzheimer's disease.
executive function, 462 vascular dementia, 481 Another useful site is the Alzheimer's Disease Education and
weak central coherence Referral Center by the National Institute on Aging, with a searchable
delirium, 481
hypothesis, 462 database and a progress report on Alzheimer's research that was cited
in this chapter.
extreme male brain
Understanding the Data:
hypothesis, 462
General Resources on Psychological Disorders Go to the Wadsworth Life-Span CD-ROM for further
The National Institute-of Mental Health website provides general in- study of the concepts in this chapter. The CD-ROM in-
formation and research updates on most of the disorders described cludes narrated concept overviews, video clips, a multimedia glos-
in this chapter. sary, and additional activities to expand your learning experience.
Another good reference, Mental Help Net, is a searchable site For this chapter, check out the following clip, and others, in the video
that includes pages on most disorders and on a variety of mental library:
health topics, references to other websites, and help in finding thera- VIDEO Alzheimer's Disease: A Daughter's Experience
pists. For fun, take your problems to the computer therapist, Eliza
Developmental PsychologyNow is a web-based, intelli-
Information about depression is available at the preceding general
gent study system that provides a complete package of di-
sites, but die Planet Rx website has helpful informa-
agnostic quizzes, a personalized study plan, integrated multimedia
tion about research on and treatment of depression.
elements, and learning modules. Check it out at http://psychology
The TeenScreen program from Columbia University is a re-
source for school and mental health professionals and other leaders
who want to begin a mental health and suicide risk screening effort
in their own communities.
Dying to Be Thin
Watch this PBS program to learn more about the increasing preva-
lence of debilitating eating disorders. The companion website pro-
vides resources for seeking help and answers to frequently asked
questions. You can also read testimonies from readers and viewers
and learn more about the occurrence of eating disorders among
c h a p t e r s e v e n t e e n
Tli C JL I J l c t
D e at li anc
For t h e B e r e a v e d
K E L L Y C O L A S A N T P S H U S B A N D C H R I S was one
o f t h e unlucky p e o p l e w o r k i n g in t h e W o r l d T r a d e C e n t e r
There is a good deal of confusion in our society today about
o n S e p t e m b e r I I, 2 0 0 1 . T h e n e x t m o r n i n g , Kelly's 4 - y e a r - o l d
when life begins and when it ends. Proponents and opponents
d a u g h t e r C a r a s t o o d o u t s i d e h e r b e d r o o m , and Kelly had t o
of legalized abortion argue vehemently about when life really
say s o m e t h i n g ( M a r a n i s s , Hull, & S c h w a r t z m a n , 2 0 0 1 , p. A 1 8 ) :
begins. And we hear similarly heated debates about whether a
C a r a had n o t w a n t e d t o a c c e p t h e r m o t h e r ' s w o r d a t f i r s t person in an irreversible coma is truly alive and whether a ter-
" M a y b e D a d d y fainted," s h e said h o u r s a f t e r s h e had b e e n minally ill patient who is in agonizing pain should be kept
t o l d . "If h e did faint," Kelly a n s w e r e d , " h e also stopped alive with the help of life support machines or allowed to die
b r e a t h i n g and died." S h e could n o t believe h e r o w n w o r d s , naturally. Definitions of death as a biological phenomenon
b u t if nothing e l s e , C a r a had t o k n o w t h e t r u t h . change; so do the social meanings attached to death.
W h e n t h e h o u s e e m p t i e d , Kelly gave C a r a a b a t h ,
d r e s s e d h e r in p a j a m a s and h e l p e d h e r i n t o b e d . S h e lay
d o w n in t h e adjoining t r u n d l e b e d and s t a r t e d t o tell a
Biological death is hard to define because it is not a single
s t o r y t h a t C h r i s loved t o tell a b o u t his c h i l d h o o d — o n l y
event but a process (Medina, 1996). Different systems of the
s h e c o u l d n ' t tell it s o well. A t t h e e n d o f t h e s t o r y , t h e 4 -
body die at different rates, and some individuals who have
y e a r - o l d o r d e r e d h e r t o leave and s u g g e s t e d t h a t s h e g o
stopped breathing or who lack a heartbeat or pulse, and who
i n t o t h e o t h e r r o o m and r e a d H a r r y P o t t e r . Kelly w a s
would have been declared dead in earlier times, can now be re-
c r u s h e d ; s h e w a n t e d t o s l e e p right t h e r e n e x t t o her
vived before their brains cease to function. Moreover, basic
daughter. S h e w a n d e r e d a c r o s s t h e hall and fell into b e d ,
bodily processes such as respiration and blood circulation can
t h e n g o t up and w e n t t o t h e c l o s e t f o r C h r i s ' s blue and
be maintained by life support machines in patients who have
g r e e n flannel b a t h r o b e , t h e o n e he'd had f o r e v e r . S h e
fallen into a coma and whose brains have ceased to function.
t o o k t h e r o b e t o b e d , burying h e r f a c e in t h e c l o t h , again
In 1968 an ad hoc committee of the Harvard Medical
t r y i n g t o smell him. H e r c h e s t w e n t c o l d and h e r ribs
School offered a definition of biological death that has influ-
a c h e d and s h e o p e n e d h e r e y e s , staring a t t h e ceiling. My
enced modern legal definitions of death (Berger, 1993). The
h u s b a n d is d e a d , s h e said. I'm a l o n e .
Harvard group defined biological death as total brain death:
Death hurts. Whether we are 4, 34, or 84 when death an irreversible loss of functioning in the entire brain, both the
strikes a loved one, it still hurts. By adulthood, most of us have higher centers of the cerebral cortex that are involved in
experienced a significant loss, even if it was "only" the death of thought and the lower centers of the brain that control basic
a beloved pet. Even when death is not striking so closely, it is life processes such as breathing. Specifically, to be judged dead
there, lurking somewhere in the background as we go about a person must meet the following criteria:
the tasks of living—in the newspaper, on television, fleeting
1. Be totally unresponsive to stimuli, including painful
through our minds. Some psychologists argue that much of
human behavior is an effort to defend against the terror of
2. Fail to move for 1 hour and fail to breathe for 3 minutes
death (Pyszczynski, Solomon, & Greenberg, 2003). Yet sooner
after being removed from a ventilator
or later we all face the ultimate developmental task: the task of
3. Have no reflexes (for example, no eye blink and no con-
striction of the eye's pupil in response to light)
This chapter explores death and its place in life-span hu-
4. Register a flat electroencephalogram, indicating an ab-
man development. What is death, and why do we die? How
sence of electrical activity in the cortex of the brain
have theorists characterized the experiences of dying and be-
reaved people? How is death experienced in infancy, child- As an added precaution, the testing procedure is repeated
hood, adolescence, and adulthood? Why do some individuals 24 hours later. Moreover, because a coma is sometimes re-
cope far more ably with death than others do? You will dis- versible if the cause is either a drug overdose or an abnormally
cover that death is part of the human experience throughout low body temperature, these conditions must be ruled out be-
the life span, but that each person s experience of it depends fore a coma victim is pronounced dead.
on his level of development, personality, life circumstances, Now consider some of the life and death issues that have
and sociocultural context. Finally, you will see what can be revolved around this definition of biological death. In 1975, a
done to help dying and bereaved individuals. now famous young woman named Karen Ann Quinlan lapsed
into a coma at a party, probably because of the combination
of alcohol and drugs she had consumed (Cantor, 2001;
Urofsky, 1993). Quinlan was unconscious, but her bodily
L i t e a n d D e a t l i Issues functioning was maintained with the aid of a ventilator and
other life support systems. When a court finally granted her
What is death? When are we most vulnerable to it, and what parents permission to turn off the respirator, on the grounds
kills us? And why is it that all of us eventually die of "old age" that patients are entitled to choose their own course of treat-
if we do not die earlier? These "life and death" questions serve ment (or to have their surrogates do so on their behalf),
to introduce the topic of death and dying. Quinlan continued to breathe without it, much to everyone's
D o you believe in euthanasia if a p e r s o n is terminally ill
and in c o n s t a n t pain? B e f o r e you answer, n o t e t h a t
t h e r e are t w o v e r y different f o r m s o f euthanasia. A c t i v e
euthanasia, o r " m e r c y killing," is d e l i b e r a t e l y and directly
causing a p e r s o n ' s d e a t h — f o r e x a m p l e , by administering a
lethal d o s e o f drugs t o a pain-racked p a t i e n t in t h e late
stages o f c a n c e r o r s m o t h e r i n g a s p o u s e w h o is in t h e late
stages o f A l z h e i m e r ' s d i s e a s e . Passive euthanasia, by c o n -
t r a s t , m e a n s allowing a terminally ill p e r s o n t o die o f nat-
ural c a u s e s — f o r e x a m p l e , by withholding extraordinary
life-saving treatments, as happened when Karen Ann
Quinlan w a s r e m o v e d f r o m h e r respirator. B e t w e e n active
euthanasia and passive euthanasia is assisted suicide—
n o t killing s o m e o n e , as in active euthanasia, but making
available t o a p e r s o n w h o w i s h e s t o die t h e m e a n s by
which she may d o so. This includes physician-assisted
s u i c i d e — f o r e x a m p l e , a d o c t o r ' s writing a p r e s c r i p t i o n f o r life s u p p o r t m e a s u r e s (Cantor, 2 0 0 1 ) . A l i v i n g w i l l , o r an
sleeping pills a t t h e r e q u e s t of a terminally ill patient w h o advance directive, allows p e o p l e t o s t a t e , w h e n they a r e
has made known h e r d e s i r e t o die, in full k n o w l e d g e t h a t healthy and o f sound mind, t h a t they do n o t w a n t any e x -
she will probably t a k e an o v e r d o s e (Quill, 1 9 9 3 ) . traordinary medical procedures applied if they become
H o w do w e as a s o c i e t y view t h e s e options? T h e r e is hopelessly ill.
overwhelming s u p p o r t a m o n g medical p e r s o n n e l and m e m - In 1997, O r e g o n b e c a m e t h e first s t a t e t o legalize physi-
b e r s o f t h e general public f o r passive euthanasia (Stillion & cian-assisted suicide and allow terminally ill adults t o re-
M c D o w e l l , 1 9 9 6 ) . A n d m o r e than 6 8 % o f a T e x a s sample e x - q u e s t lethal medication. Although few p e o p l e have used this
pressed s u p p o r t f o r assisted suicide, especially w h e n t h e as- option ( W i n e b e r g & W e r t h , 2 0 0 3 ) , o t h e r s t a t e s have n o t fol-
sistance is provided by a d o c t o r r a t h e r than by a relative o r lowed O r e g o n ' s e x a m p l e . Indeed, several states have since
friend ( W o r t h e n & Yeatts, 2 0 0 0 - 2 0 0 1 ) . In addition, a sur- passed laws against assisted suicide (Emanuel, 2 0 0 1 ) . This
prising majority of A m e r i c a n s s u p p o r t active euthanasia in caution may b e w a r r a n t e d , b e c a u s e terminal patients e x p e -
which a d o c t o r ends a patient's life by s o m e painless means r i e n c e s o many e m o t i o n a l ups and d o w n s t h a t it can be dif-
if t h e patient and his family r e q u e s t it (Caddell & N e w t o n , ficult t o be certain t h a t t h e y truly w a n t t o end their lives
1995). Minority group m e m b e r s s e e m less accepting o f ac- ( C h o c h i n o v e t al., 1999). In addition, terminally ill patients
tions t o hasten death than European A m e r i c a n s , however, are s o m e t i m e s in n o shape t o make life-or-death decisions,
possibly b e c a u s e they d o n o t t r u s t t h e medical establish- and o t h e r s speaking f o r t h e m may n o t always have t h e i r
m e n t as much ( W e r t h e t al., 2 0 0 2 ) . b e s t i n t e r e s t s a t h e a r t ( C a n t o r , 2 0 0 1 ; Mishara, 1999).
Although active euthanasia is still viewed as m u r d e r in On many life-or-death issues, right-to-die advocates,
t h e United States and m o s t c o u n t r i e s , it is n o w legal in m o s t w h o maintain t h a t p e o p l e should have a say in h o w they die,
s t a t e s t o withhold e x t r a o r d i n a r y life-extending t r e a t m e n t s fight right-to-life advocates, w h o say t h a t everything possi-
from terminally ill patients and t o "pull t h e plug" on life sup- ble should be d o n e t o maintain life and t h a t nothing should
p o r t e q u i p m e n t w h e n t h a t is t h e wish o f t h e dying p e r s o n b e d o n e t o cut it s h o r t . It makes s e n s e t o think through
o r w h e n t h e immediate family can s h o w that t h e individual t h e s e issues n o w in c a s e you must s o m e d a y decide w h e t h e r
e x p r e s s e d , when she was able t o do so, a desire t o r e j e c t you o r a loved o n e should live o r die.
surprise. She lived on in a vegetative state, lacking all con- dead, even though she was in an irreversible coma, because the
sciousness and being fed through a tube, for 10 years. lower portion of her brain (the brain stem) was still function-
This famous right-to-die case highlighted the different ing enough to support breathing and other basic bodily func-
positions people can take on the issue of when a person is tions. Should not we keep such seemingly hopeless patients
dead. The position laid out in the Harvard definition of total alive in case we discover ways to revive them? A more liberal
brain death (and in the laws of most states and nations) is position is that a person should be declared dead when the
quite conservative. By the Harvard criteria, Quinlan was not cerebral cortex is irreversibly dead, even if bodily functioning
is still maintained by the more primitive portions of the brain.
After all, is a person really a person if she lacks any awareness
and if there is no hope that conscious mental activity will be
Cases such as Quinlan s raise issues concerning euthana-
sia—a term meaning "happy" or "good" death that usually
refers to hastening the death of someone suffering from an in-
curable illness or injury. The Explorations box on page 486 ex-
plores some of these issues. Clearly, we as a society continue to
grapple with defining life and death and deciding whether eu-
thanasia is morally and legally acceptable (Cantor, 2001;
Emanuel, 2001).
Social Meanings of D e a t h
Death is not only a biological process but also a psychological
and social one. The social meanings attached to death vary
widely from historical era to historical era and from culture to
culture (Rosenblatt, 2001). Indeed, you have just discovered
that society defines who is dead and who is alive. True, people
everywhere die, and people everywhere grieve deaths.
Moreover, all societies have evolved some manner of reacting
to this universal experience—of interpreting its meaning, dis-
posing of corpses, and expressing grief. Beyond these univer-
sals, however, the similarities end.
As Phillippe Aries (1981) has shown, the social meanings
of death have changed over the course of history. In Europe
during the Middle Ages, people were expected to recognize
that their deaths were approaching so that they could bid
their farewells and die with dignity surrounded by loved
ones. Since the late 19th century, Aries argues, Western soci-
eties have engaged in a "denial of death." We have taken death
out of the home and put it in the hospital and funeral parlor € Mourning rituals differ considerably from culture t o culture.
to be managed by physicians and funeral directors; as a result,
we have less direct experience with it than our ancestors did
(Rocke & Cherry, 2002; Taylor, 2003). We have made death a Depending on the society, "funerals are the occasion for
medical failure rather than a natural part of the life cycle. avoiding people or holding pcirties, for fighting or having sex-
Right-to-die and death-with-dignity advocates have been ar- ual orgies, for weeping or laughing, in a thousand different
guing forcefully that we should return to the old ways, bring- combinations" (Metcalf 8c Huntington, 1991, p. 24). Corpses
ing death into the open, allowing it to occur more naturally, are treated in a remarkable number of ways, too: They "are
and making it again an experience to be shared within the burned or buried, with or without animal or human sacrifice;
family. they are preserved by smoking, embalming, or pickling; they
The experience of dying also differs from culture to cul- are eaten—raw, cooked, or rotten; they are ritually exposed as
ture today. A comparison of the experiences of terminal can- carrion or simply abandoned; or they are dismembered and
cer patients in Scotland and Kenya is revealing (Murray et al., treated in a variety of these ways" (Metcalf 8c Huntington,
2003). Scottish patients had far better medical care because 1991, p. 24). In most societies, there is some concept of spiri-
their government provided free health care, social services, tual immortality. Yet here, too, there is much variety, from
and financial aid, but they often felt that their emotional concepts of heaven and hell to the idea of reincarnation to a
needs were not met and worried about burdening their fami- belief in ancestral ghosts who can meddle in the lives of the
lies. In Kenya, patients lived in poverty and had no money living (Rosenblatt, 1993).
with which to buy pain relievers, much less hospital care. We need not look beyond North America to find consid-
Their main concern was fighting unbearable pain; yet they felt erable variation in the social meanings of death. Different eth-
that their psychological, social, and spiritual needs were well nic and racial groups clearly have different rules for express-
met by their families, communities, and religious groups. ing grief. For example, it is customary among Puerto Ricans,
Finally, if we look at how people in other cultures grieve especially women, to display intense, hysterical emotions after
and mourn a death, we quickly realize that there are many al- a death (Cook 8c Dworkin, 1992). Japanese Americans, by
ternatives to our Western ways and no single, biologically contrast, are likely to have been taught to restrain their grief—
mandated grieving process (Klass, 2001; Rosenblatt, 2001). to smile so as not to burden others with their pain and to
avoid the shame associated with losing self-control (Cook & Death rates change over the life span. Infants are relatively
Dworkin, 1992). vulnerable; infant mortality in the United States has dropped
Different ethnic and racial groups also have different -considerably, however, and now stands at 7 out of 1000 live
mourning practices. Irish Americans have traditionally be- births (U.S. Bureau of the Census, 2003). Assuming that we
lieved that the dead deserve a good send-off, a wake with food, survive infancy, we have a relatively small chance of dying
drink, and jokes—the kind of party the deceased might have during childhood, adolescence, or early adulthood. Death
enjoyed (McGoldrick et al., 1991). African Americans tend to rates then climb steadily throughout middle age and old age.
regard the funeral not as a time for rowdy celebration but as a What kills us? The leading causes of death change dra-
forum for expressing grief, in some congregations by wailing matically over the life span, as shown in Table 17.1 (Freid et
and singing spirituals (McGoldrick et al., 1991; Perry, 1993). al., 2003). Infant deaths are mainly associated with complica-
Jewish families are even more restrained; they quietly with- tions in the period surrounding birth and congenital abnor-
draw from normal activities for a week of mourning, called malities that infants bring with them to life. The leading cause
shivahy then honor the dead again at the 1-month and 1-year of death among preschool and school-age children is acci-
marks (Cytron, 1993). The tradition among die Navajos is to dents (especially car accidents but also poisonings, falls, fires,
try to forget the loved one rapidly and resume normal activi- drownings, and so on). Adolescence and early adulthood are
ties after only 3 or 4 days of mourning (Cook & Dworkin, generally periods of good health. Accidents (especially car ac-
1992). cidents), homicides, and suicides are the leading killers of
In short, the experiences of dying individuals and of their adolescents; accidents and cancers kill young adults, but heart
survivors are shaped by the historical and cultural context in diseases also begin to.take a toll.
which death occurs. Death maybe universal, and the tendency Starting in the 45-to-64 age group, cancers and heart dis-
to react negatively to the loss of the objects of our attachment eases begin to dominate the list of leading killers, probably be-
may be universal (Parkes, 2000), but our specific experiences cause certain individuals' genetic endowments, unhealthy
of death and dying are not. Death is truly what we make of it;
there is no one "right" way to die or to grieve a death.
How long are we likely to live, and what is likely to kill us? In
the United States the life expectancy at birth—the average
number of years a newborn can be expected to live—is 76[A
United Kingdom
years (Freid et al., 2003). This average life expectancy disguises
important differences between males and females, among
Czech Republic
racial and ethnic groups, and among social classes. The life ex-
pectancy for white males has risen to almost 75 years, whereas
the life expectancy for white females is almost 80 years. Female
hormones seem to protect women from high blood pressure
and heart problems, and they are less vulnerable than men to
violent deaths and accidents and to the effects of smoking,
drinking, and similar health hazards (Kaplan 8c Erickson,
2000). No one is sure of all the reasons, but females live longer
than men in most other countries as well. Meanwhile, life ex-
pectancies for African Americans, many of whom experience
the health hazards associated with poverty, are a good deal
lower than those for European Americans: 68 years for males, Brazil
75 years for females. Life expectancies are also lower—and
have been rising less rapidly—in poor areas than in affluent South Africa
areas (Malmstrom et al., 1999).
Life expectancies have increased steadily over the cen- Uganda
turies, from 30 years in ancient Rome to around 80 years in
modern affluent societies such as Japan and Sweden (Harman,
2001). Life expectancies in some countries lag far behind,
however, as illustrated in Figure 17.1. In less-developed coun-
tries plagued by malaria, famine, AIDS, and other such F i g u r e 17.1 Male and female life expectancies at birth in selected
killers—in Uganda, for example—the life expectancy barely countries. Life expectancies vary widely from country t o country but
exceeds 40 years (Kinsella & Gist, 1998; U.S. Agency for are generally higher for females than for males.
International Development, 2000). SOIJRCF: Data from Kinsella & Gist (1998).
Table 17.1 Leadi ng Causes of I)eath for Different Age Ciroups in the United States i m p h r i b
Age Group Total Deaths No, 1 Cause No. 2 Cause No. 3 Cause
Under 1 year 27,568 Congenital anomalies Short gestation, low birth weight Sudden infant death syndrome
1 to 4 years 5,107 Accidents Congenital anomalies Cancers
5 to 14 years 7,095 Accidents Cancers Congenital anomalies
15 to 24 years 32,252 Accidents Homicide Suicide
25 to 44 years 133,357 Accidents Cancers Heart disease
45 to 64 years 412,204 Cancers Heart disease Accidents
65 years and older 1,798,420 Heart disease Cancers Cerebrovascular diseases
SOURCE: Based on data from Freid et a l , 2003> Table 32, pp. 148-149.
lifestyles, or both put them at risk to develop these and other age 122 (Coles, 2004). Nearly blind and deaf and confined to
diseases prematurely (Horiuchi et al., 2003). The incidence of a wheelchair, she maintained her sense of humor to the end,
chronic diseases climbs steadily with age. Among adults 65 attributing her longevity to everything from having a stomach
and older, heart disease leads the list by far, accounting for a like an ostrich's" to being forgotten by God (Trueheart,
third of all deaths, followed by cancers and cerebrovascular 1997). Calment and others who live almost as long are the ba-
diseases (strokes). By this age, general aging processes that af- sis for setting the maximum human life span around 120
fect all of us are probably increasing the odds that one disease years. There are probably only about 300 to 450 people docu-
or another will strike (Horiuchi et al., 2003). mented to be age 110 and older alive today (Coles, 2004).
In sum, life expectancies are higher than ever. After we Interestingly, the maximum life span has not increased much
make it through the vulnerable period of infancy, we are at but the average life expectancy has been increasing dramati-
low risk of death through early adulthood and are most likely cally (Wilmoth et al., 2000).
to die suddenly because of an accident if we do die. As wTe age, Humans are long-lived compared with most species. The
we become more vulnerable to death, especially because of maximum life span for the mouse is 3V2 years, for the dog 20,
chronic diseases. But now a more fundamental question: Why for the chimpanzee 50, and for the long-lived Galapagos tor-
is it that all of us die? Why does no one live to be 200 or 600? toise 150 (Walford, 1983). The fact that each species has its
To understand why death is an inevitable part of human de- own characteristic maximum life span should convince us
velopment, you need the help of theories of aging. that specieswide genes influence how7 long people generally
Moreover, we know that the individual's genetic makeup,
combined with environmental factors, influences how rapidly
T l i e o r i e s of Agfingf: W k y D o he ages and how long he lives compared with other humans.
For example, genetic differences among us account for more
We Ago a n d D i e ? than 50% of variation in the ability to stay free of major
chronic diseases at age 70 or older (Reed & Dick, 2003). A
There is no simple answer to the question of why we age and fairly good way to estimate how long you will live is to average
die. However, several theories have been proposed, and each of the longevity of your parents and grandparents (Medvedev,
them says something important about the aging process. 1991). Recently, Terry Reed and his colleagues (2004) at-
These theories can be divided into two main categories: tempted to identify specific genes associated with long life in
Programmed theories of aging emphasize the systematic ge- pairs of male fraternal twins who both made it to age 70 free
netic control of aging processes; damage theories of aging call of cardiovascular disease and prostate cancer. Several genes
attention to more haphazard processes that cause errors in were located, including one on Chromosome 4 that had pre-
cells to accumulate and organ systems to deteriorate (Clark, viously been found in families with many centenarians.
1999; Hayflick, 2004; Wickens, 1998).-The question, really, is Centenarians, it turns out, have exceptionally good cardiovas-
whether aging and death are the result of a biological master cular health.
plan or of random insults to the body while wre live. It is not clear yet exactly how genes influence aging and
longevity. There are almost certainly several genes, rather than
only one, involved in aging and death. And they are not just
genes that increase or decrease susceptibility to the diseases
Humans, like other species, have a characteristic maximum that tend to kill people; they include genes that influence the
life span—a ceiling on the number of years that anyone lives. human life span. Evolutionary theorists point to a puzzle:
The longest documented and verified life so far is that of Genes that extend or shorten life will not be selected for in the
Jeanne Louise Calment, a French woman who died in 1997 at course of evolution because they do not become relevant to
adaptation until the reproductive years are over (Arking,
2004). However, genes that proved adaptive to our ancestors
early in life but have negative effects later in life could have be-
come common in our species over time (Olshansky & Carnes,
2004). For example, recent research suggests that a gene called
p53, which protects against cancer early in life by affecting
how cells respond to damage, can, if it is made overly active
through genetic manipulation, contribute to cell aging
(Dumble et al., 2004; Ferbeyre & Lowe, 2002). This suggests
that cancer protection early in life may come at the price of
aging later in life. If other such intriguingfindingsemerge, we
might have to conclude that aging and death are the by-prod-
ucts of genes that served humans well during their reproduc-
tive years and therefore became more common in the species.
Biological researchers have also been exploring for some
time the possibility that we are programmed with an "aging
clock" in every cell of our bodies. Their work has built on that
of Leonard Hayflick (1976,1994), who grew cells in cultures, al-
lowed them to divide or double, and measured the number of
doublings that occurred. He discovered that cells from human
embryos could double only a certain number of times—50
times, plus or minus 10—an estimate now referred to as the
Hayflick limit. Hayflick also demonstrated that cells taken from
human adults divide even fewer times, presumably because they
have already used up some of their capacity for reproducing
themselves. Moreover, the maximum life span of a species is re-
lated to the Hayflick limit for that species: The short-lived
mouses cells can go through only 14 to 28 doublings; the long-
lived Galapagos tortoises cells can manage 90 to 125. <L Children with the genetic disorder progeria experience early gray-
Some believe that the cellular aging clock suggested by ing, wrinkling, and hair loss, cardiovascular problems, Alzheimer's dis-
Hayflick's limit on cell division is timed by a shortening of ease, and death.They provide clues t o the genetic basis for aging.
"Age spots" on the skin of older people are a visible sign Summing Up
of the damage free radicals and other products of oxidation
In defining d e a t h as a biological p r o c e s s , t h e Harvard
can cause. Free radicals have also been implicated in some of
definition of total brain death has been influential;
the major diseases that become more common with age—
m e a n w h i l e , active e u t h a n a s i a and assisted suicide are
most notably, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and
c o n t r o v e r s i a l . O u r s o c i e t y t e n d s t o d e n y d e a t h , but t h e
Alzheimer's disease (Harman, 2001). Moreover, they are im-
social m e a n i n g s o f d e a t h vary widely. T h e a v e r a g e life
plicated in the aging of the brain (Poon et al., 2004).
e x p e c t a n c y f o r a n e w b o r n in t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s is 7 6 / 7
However, the damage of most concern is damage to DNA be-
y e a r s and is higher f o r w o m e n t h a n m e n ; d e a t h rates
cause the result is more defective cells replicating themselves.
d e c l i n e a f t e r infancy and rise dramatically a f t e r early
Unfortunately, we cannot live and breathe without manufac-
a d u l t h o o d , w h e n a c c i d e n t s give w a y t o c h r o n i c d i s e a s e s
turing free radicals because they are produced whenever
as p r i m a r y c a u s e s o f d e a t h . P r o g r a m m e d t h e o r i e s o f ag-
oxygen is metabolized. No wonder many adults today are
ing claim t h a t aging is g o v e r n e d largely by species
popping antioxidants such as vitamins E and C. At least
h e r e d i t y and individual g e n e t i c e n d o w m e n t and include
when they are consumed in such foods as spinach and fruits
t h e n o t i o n t h a t t h e s h o r t e n i n g o f t e l o m e r e s is b e h i n d
rather than taken in pill form, antioxidants may increase
t h e Hayflick limit o n cell division. D a m a g e t h e o r i e s of
longevity, although not for long, by inhibiting free radical
aging f o c u s o n r a n d o m d a m a g e c a u s e d by d e s t r u c t i v e
activity and in turn helping prevent age-related diseases
f r e e radicals and o t h e r agents. In t h e e n d . g e n e t i c and
(Meydani, 2001). Caution is advised, though: Taking excep-
e n v i r o n m e n t a l f a c t o r s i n t e r a c t t o bring a b o u t aging and
tionally high doses of vitamin E may shorten rather than
prolong life (Stein, 2004).
N a t u r e and N u r t u r e Conspiring
ie E x p e r i e n c e o f D y i n g
The theories just described are some of the most promising
explanations of why we age and die. Programmed theories of People who die suddenly may be blessed, because those who
aging generally say that aging and dying are as much a part of develop life-threatening illnesses face the challenge of coping
natures plan as sprouting teeth or uttering first words and with the knowledge that they are seriously ill and are likely to
may be the by-products of genes that contributed to early die. Perhaps no one has done more to focus attention on the
growth and development. The maximum life span, the role of emotional needs of dying patients than psychiatrist Elisabeth
individual genetic makeup in longevity, the telomere explana- Kubler-Ross (1969, 1974), whose "stages of dying" are widely
tion of the Hayflick limit on cell replication, changes in the ac- known and whose 1969 book On Death and Dying revolu-
tivity7 levels of certain genes as we age, and systematic changes tionized the care of dying people.
W hat d o e s research on t h e basic causes o f aging and
death say a b o u t o u r p r o s p e c t s f o r finding t h e fountain
o f youth, o r extending t h e life span? Aging Baby B o o m e r s w a n t
A t present, t h e only t e c h n i q u e t h a t has been
s t r a t e d experimentally t o e x t e n d t h e life span is
restriction—a highly nutritious but severely r e s t r i c t e d diet
t o know, and in r e s p o n s e a field o f anti-aging medicine has representing a 3 0 t o 4 0 % o r m o r e cut in normal total caloric
sprung forth, bringing with it h u c k s t e r s offering magic diets, intake (Casadesus e t al., 2 0 0 4 ; Harman, 2 0 0 1 ; Lane e t al., 2 0 0 1 ) .
cosmetic changes, and c o u n t l e s s pills o f no proven value L a b o r a t o r y studies involving rats, and m o r e recently primates,
(Binstock, 2 0 0 4 ) . Both g e n e t i c t h e o r i e s and damage t h e o r i e s suggest that caloric restriction e x t e n d s n o t only t h e average
of aging provide ideas a b o u t h o w t o e x t e n d life. longevity but also t h e maximum life span o f a species and t h a t
It is n o t unthinkable t h a t r e s e a r c h e r s might d i s c o v e r ge- it delays o r slows t h e progression o f many age-related dis-
netic m e c h a n i s m s behind aging and dying and then devise e a s e s (Bodkin e t al., 2 0 0 3 ; Lane e t al., 2 0 0 1 ) . A 4 0 % reduction
ways o f manipulating g e n e s t o i n c r e a s e longevity o r even t h e in daily calories can result in a 4 0 % d e c r e a s e in body weight,
maximum life span (Arking, 2 0 0 4 ) . Life spans of 2 0 0 t o 6 0 0 a 4 0 % increase in average longevity, and a 4 9 % increase in t h e
years a r e probably n o t possible (and may n o t even be desir- maximum life span o f d i e t - r e s t r i c t e d rats (Harman, 2 0 0 1 ) .
able), but s o m e think r e s e a r c h e r s could raise t h e average age H o w d o e s caloric restriction achieve t h e s e results? It
of death t o around I 12 years and allow I 12-year-olds to clearly r e d u c e s t h e n u m b e r of f r e e radicals and o t h e r t o x i c
function m o r e like 7 8 - y e a r - o l d s (Miller, 2 0 0 4 ) . F o r e x a m p l e , p r o d u c t s o f metabolism ( W i c k e n s , 1 9 9 8 ) . By looking at t h e ac-
r e s e a r c h e r s a r e looking f o r ways t o keep t e l o m e r e s from tivity o f genes in r e s t r i c t e d - d i e t and normal-diet mice, r e -
s h o r t e n i n g and thus keep cells replicating longer. O t h e r s are s e a r c h e r s have also found t h a t caloric restriction prevents an
trying t o genetically e n g i n e e r antioxidant e n z y m e s t h a t would age-related d e c r e a s e in t h e activity of g e n e s involved in re-
slow t h e damage caused by f r e e radicals o r a r e trying t o ac- pairing t h e random damage caused by f r e e radicals (Lee e t al.,
tivate g e n e s t h a t improve t h e repair o f damage caused by o x - 1999). In effect, eating little slows metabolism and changes cell
idation. E x p e r i m e n t s with fruit flies have s h o w n t h a t t h e func- functioning so t h a t m o r e emphasis is placed on damage repair
tioning of t h e i r DNA repair systems can be improved (Arking, 2 0 0 4 ) .
through g e n e t i c engineering, but t h e c o n c e p t has n o t y e t However, w e do n o t k n o w w h e t h e r caloric restriction
w o r k e d in m i c e (Arking, 2 0 0 4 ) . w o r k s as well f o r humans as it apparently has f o r rats, w h a t
Yet if aging is t h e result of random damage r a t h e r than a calorie c o u n t s and c o m b i n a t i o n s of nutrients are optimal, o r
genetic program, o r if many g e n e t i c and environmental f a c t o r s w h e t h e r humans w h o have a c h o i c e would put up with being
c o n t r i b u t e t o it, t h e odds of long life through g e n e t i c engi- half-starved f o r m o s t o f t h e i r lives. W e d o k n o w t h a t c e n t e -
neering may be low b e c a u s e it will n o t b e a simple m a t t e r of narians are rarely o b e s e (Arking, 2 0 0 4 ) . W e aiso have s o m e in-
tinkering with a single "aging" g e n e . M o r e o v e r , w h a t w o r k s f o r triguing evidence f r o m B i o s p h e r e II in Arizona. Four men and
fruit flies o r even mice d o e s n o t always w o r k f o r h u m a n s ; g e n e f o u r w o m e n lived in this sealed ecological d o m e f o r 2 years.
therapy e x p e r i m e n t s with humans have been disappointing s o C r o p s h o r t a g e s had t h e m eating as little as a b o u t 1 8 0 0 calo-
far (Chapman, 2 0 0 4 ) . As students of human development ries a day f o r t h e first 6 m o n t h s and then a b o u t 2 0 0 0 calories
know, ongoing interactions b e t w e e n g e n e s and environmental a day f o r t h e r e s t of t h e i r stay, mostly vegetables they g r e w
f a c t o r s are c o m p l e x , and it is n o t always easy t o predict t h e t h e m s e l v e s (Walford e t a l . , 2 0 0 2 ) . T h e y u n d e r w e n t a 15 t o 2 0 %
o u t c o m e s (Chapman, 2 0 0 4 ) . weight loss.
• o
K IS' i
m cu o.
dying, care providers and family members often engage in cession from God, the medical staff, or someone else—if not
their own denial. for a cure, perhaps for a little more time, a little less pain, or
2. Anger. As the bad news begins to register, the dying per- provision for his children.
son asks, "Why me?" Feelings of rage or resentment may be di- 4• Depression. As the dying person becomes even more
rected at anyone who is handy—doctors, nurses, or family aware of the reality of the situation, depression, despair, and a
members. Kiibler-Ross advises those close to the dying person sense of hopelessness become the predominant emotional re-
to be sensitive to this reaction so that they will not try to avoid / /
sponses. Grief focuses on the losses that have already occurred
this irritable person or become angry in return. (for example, the loss of the ability to function as she once
3. Bargaining. When the dying person bargains, he says, did) and the losses to come (separation from loved ones, the
"Okay, me, but please. . . The bargainer begs for some con- inability to achieve her dreams, and so on).
5. Acceptance. If the dying person is able to work through fcct only minorities of dying people (Schulz & Aderman,
the emotional reactions of the preceding stages, he may accept 1974). Moreover, when these responses occur, they do not un-
the inevitability of death in a calm and peaceful manner. fold in a set order. It might have been better if Kubler-Ross
Kubler-Ross (1969) describes the acceptance stage this way: had, from the start, described her stages simply as common
"It is almost void of feelings. It is as if the pain had gone, the emotional reactions to dying. Unfortunately, some overzeal-
struggle is over, and there comes a time for cthe final rest be- ous medical professionals have tried to push dying patients
fore the long journey,' as one patient phrased it" (p. 100). through the stages in order, believing incorrectly that their pa-
In addition to these five stages of dying, Kubler-Ross em- tients would never accept death unless they experienced the
phasized a sixth response that runs throughout the stages: "right" emotions at the "right" times (Kastenbaum, 2000).
hope. She believed that it is essential for terminally ill patients Edwin Shneidman (1973,1980) offered an alternate view,
to retain some sense of hope, even if it is only the hope that arguing that dying patients experience a complex and ever-
they can die with dignity. changing interplay of emotions, alternating between denial
and acceptance of death. One day a patient may seem to un-
derstand that death is near; the next day she may talk of get-
ting better and going home. Along the way many reactions—
Kubler-Ross, who experienced a series of strokes and finally disbelief, hope, terror, bewilderment, rage, apathy, calm,
died peacefully and surrounded by family and friends at age anxiety, and others—come and go and are even experienced
78 in 2004 (Holley, 2004), deserves immense credit for sensi- simultaneously. According to Shneidman, then, dying people
tizing our society to the emotional needs of dying people. She experience many unpredictable emotional changes rather
convinced medical professionals to emphasize caring rather than distinct stages of dying. Research supports him and fur-
than curing in working with such people. At the same time, ther suggests that anxiety and depression are common among
there are flaws in her account of the dying persons experience dying patients and should be treated more often than they are
(Kastenbaum, 2000). Among the most important points made to improve the quality of the persons last days (Chochinov &
by critics are these: dying is not stagelike; the course of an ill- Schwartz, 2002). Many dying people also experience the con-
ness affects reactions to it; and individuals differ widely in fusion of delirium in their last weeks (Pessin, Rosenfeld, &
their emotional responses to dying. Breitbart, 2002).
The major problem with Kubler-Ross's stages is that the A second major problem in Kubler-Rosss theory is that it
dying process is simply not stagelike. Although dying patients does not allow for differences in emotional responses to dying
often display symptoms of depression as death nears, the associated with the course or trajectory of an illness and the
other emotional reactions Kubler-Ross describes seem to af- specific events that occur along the way (Glaser & Strauss,
1968). When a patient is slowly and gradually worsening over between acceptance and denial They also may experience
time, the patient, family members, and staff can all become what has been termed anticipatory grief—grieving before
accustomed to the death that lies ahead, whereas when the death occurs for what is happening and for what lies ahead
path toward death is more erratic, emotional ups or downs are (Rando, 1986).
likely each time the patient's condition takes a turn for better Yet no amount of preparation and anticipatory grief can
or worse. Ktibler-Ross expects different patients to experience eliminate the need to grieve after the death occurs. How, then,
similar responses even when their diseases and pathways to do we grieve?
death differ.
Finally, Kubler-Ross's approach overlooks the influences
of each individual's personality on how she experiences dying.
People cope with dying much as they have coped with life Pioneering research on the grieving process was conducted by
(Schulz & Schlarb, 1987-1988). For example, cancer patients Colin Murray Parkes and his colleagues in Great Britain
who faced life's problems directly and effectively, were satis- (Parkes, 1996, 1991; Parkes & Weiss, 1983). John Bowlby
fied with their lives, and maintained good interpersonal rela- (1980), whose influential etiological theory of attachment
tionships before they became ill displayed less anger and were was outlined in Chapter 14, and Parkes have conceptualized
less depressed and withdrawn during their illnesses than pa- grieving in the context of attachment theory as a reaction to
tients who were not so well adjusted before their illnesses separation from a loved one. The grieving adult can be likened
(Hinton, 1975). Depending on their predominant personality to the infant who experiences separation anxiety when her
traits, coping styles, and social competencies, some dying peo- mother disappears from view and tries to retrieve her. As hu-
ple may deny until the bitter end, some may "rage against the mans, we have evolved not only to form attachments but also
dying of the light.," some may quickly be crushed by despair, to grieve their loss.
and still others may display incredible strength. Most will dis- The Parkes/Bowlby attachment model of bereavement
play combinations of these responses, each in his own unique describes four predominant reactions. They overlap consider-
way. There is no right way to die. ably and therefore should not be viewed as clear-cut stages
even though the frequencies of different reactions change over
Summing Up time. These reactions are numbness, yearning, disorganiza-
tion and despair, and reorganization (see also Jacobs et aL,
Kubler-Ross stimulated much c o n c e r n f o r dying patients
by describing five stages o f dying (denial and isolation,
1. Numbness. In the first few hours or days after the death,
a n g e r bargaining, d e p r e s s i o n , and a c c e p t a n c e ) . T h e e x p e -
the bereaved person is often in a daze—gripped by a sense of
riences o f dying p e o p l e a r e far m o r e complex than
unreality and disbelief and almost empty of feelings. He may
Kubler-Ross's stages suggest, h o w e v e r A s S h n e i d m a n e m -
make plane reservations, call relatives, or order flowers—all as
phasizes, t h e r e is likely t o b e a c o m p l e x interplay o f many
if in a dream. Underneath this state of numbness and shock is
e m o t i o n s and t h o u g h t s , with swings b e t w e e n a c c e p t a n c e
a sense of being on the verge of bursting, and occasionally
and denial. Anxiety and depression are common.
painful emotions break through. The bereaved person is
M o r e o v e r e x p e r i e n c e s differ d e p e n d i n g on t h e nature
struggling to defend himself against the full weight of the loss;
and c o u r s e o f t h e individuals condition and o n t h e indi-
the bad news has not fully registered.
vidual's personality and coping s t y l e . ®
2. Yearning. As the numbing sense of shock and disbelief
diminishes, the bereaved person experiences more agony.
Grief comes in pangs or waves that typically are most severe
Tlie E x p e r i e n c e o from 5 to 14 days after the death. The grieving person has feel-
ings of panic, bouts of uncontrollable weeping, and physical
ereavement aches and pains. She is likely to be extremely restless, unable
to concentrate or to sleep, and preoccupied with thoughts of
Most of us know more about the process of grieving a death the loved one and of the events leading to the death.
than about the process of dying. To describe responses to the According to Parkes and Bowlby, the reaction that most
death of a loved one, we must distinguish among three terms: clearly makes grieving different from other kinds of emotional
Bereavement is a state of loss, grief is an emotional response distress is separation anxiety—the distress of being parted
to loss, and mourning is a culturally prescribed way of dis- from the object of attachment. The bereaved person pines and
playing reactions to death. Thus, we can describe a bereaved yearns for the loved one and searches for the deceased. A
person who grieves by experiencing such emotions as sadness, widow may think she heard her husband's voice or saw him in
anger, and guilt and who mourns by attending the funeral and a crowd; she may sense his presence in the house and draw
layingflowerson the grave each year. comfort from it; she may be drawn to his favorite chair or
Unless a death is sudden, relatives and friends, like the dy- wear his bathrobe. Ultimately, the quest to be reunited is
ing person, will experience many painful emotions before the doomed to fail.
death, from the initial diagnosis through the last breath Both anger and guilt are also common reactions during
(Grbich, Parker, & Maddocks, 2001). They, too, may alternate these early weeks and months of bereavement. Bereaved peo-
pie often feel irritable and sometimes experience intense more individualized than the Parkes/Bowlby phases suggest
rage—at the loved one for dying, at the doctors for not doing (Rocke & Cherry, 2002). Most would agree on this: bereave-
a better job, at almost anyone. They seem to need to pin blame ment is a complex and multidimensional process that varies
somewhere. Unfortunately, they often find reason to blame from person to person and often takes a long time. Many
themselves—to feel guilty. A father may moan that he should emotional reactions are involved, and their course and inten-
have spent more time teaching his son gun safety; the friend sity differ from person to person. An analysis of research by
of a young man who dies of AIDS may feel that he was not a George Bonanno and Stacey Kaltman (2000) suggests that
good enough friend. One of the London widows studied by modest disruptions in cognitive, emotional, physical, and in-
Parkes felt guilty because she never made her husband bread terpersonal functioning are common, that they usually last for
pudding. a year, and that less severe, recurring grief reactions may then
3. Disorganization and despair. As time passes, pangs of continue for several years; see the "common grief" reaction in
intense grief and yearning become less frequent, although Figure 17.2. Although not captured in the Parkes/Bowlby
they still occur. As it sinks in that a reunion with the loved one model, positive thoughts about the deceased, expressions of
is impossible, depression, despair, and apathy increasingly love, and feelings of gaining from the loss are also part of the
predominate. During most of thefirstyear after the death, and typical picture.
longer in many cases, bereaved individuals often feel apathetic Yet different people grieve differently. A surprisingly high
and may have difficulty managing and taking interest in their proportion of bereaved people, from 15 to 50% depending on
lives. the study, can be described as resilient. They experience mini-
4. Reorganization. Eventually, bereaved people begin to mal grief even in the early months after the death and minimal
pull themselves together again as their pangs of grief and pe- grief later on; they feel the loss but apparently cope effectively
riods of apathy become less frequent. They invest less emo- with it (Bonanno, 2004). About 15% can be characterized as
tional energy in their attachment to the deceased and more in chronic grievers: They continue to experience serious disrup-
their attachments to the living. If they have lost a spouse, they tions in functioning I to 2 or even more years after their loss,
begin to make the transition from being a wife or husband to they often have diagnosable major depression or anxiety disor-
being a wridow or widower, revising their identities. They may der, and they may therefore be candidates for treatment.
also revise their internal working models of attachment, Meanwhile, we are sympathetic toward the bereaved im-
thinking in new ways about their relationship with the person mediately after a death—eager to help in any way we can—but
wrho died (Noppe, 2000). They begin to feel ready for new ac we quickly growr weary of someone who is depressed, irritable,
tivities and possibly for new relationships or attachments. or preoccupied. We begin to think, sometimes after only a few
days or weeks, that it is time for the bereaved person to cheer
up cind get on with life. We are wrong. To be of help to be-
reaved people, we must understand that their reactions of
You will be looking soon at grief responses across the life span. numbness and disbelief, yearning, and despair may linger a
For now, note that some researchers would disagree with the long time.
specifics of the Parkes/Bowlby view of bereavement. Like re- We have now7 presented some of the major theories of
sponses to dying, responses to loss tend to be messier and how people experience dying and bereavement. However,
Figure 17,2 Patterns of grief differ greatly from person t o person. Some people show little
grief; many experience disrupted functioning for about a year and then minima'; grief in the
second year; and about 15% experience chronic and significant psychological problems.
SOUTJL: Adapted from Bonanno & Kaitman (2000).
these theories have been based primarily on the responses of
adults. How do infants, children, and adolescents respond to
death? What does death even mean to infants and young chil-
dren? A life-span perspective on death and dying is needed
(Hayslip & Hansson, 2003).
Summing Up
Tlie Infant
handedly, and so on. Thus, widowrs or widowers must redefine Symptoms Bereaved Nonbereaved
their roles and even their identities in fundamental ways
(Lopata, 1996; Parkes, 1996). If they are women, their wealth Admitted to hospital 12% •
is also likely to decline substantially (Ziclc & Holden, 2000). Awakened during the night 27 8
As noted earlier in this chapter, Colin Murray Parkes, in Experienced changes in appetite 34 40
extensive research on widows and widowers younger than age Increased alcohol consumption 19 2
45, concluded that bereaved adults progress through overlap- Sought help for emotional 23 5
ping phases of numbness, yearning, disorganization and de- problems
spair, and reorganization. What toll does this grieving process 34
Wondered if anything is 18
take on the individual's physical, emotional, and cognitive worthwhile
functioning? Table 17.3 shows some of the symptoms that
Worried by loneliness 44 17
widows and widowers commonly report (Parkes, 1996; also
see Bonanno & Kaltman, 2000). They are at risk for illness and
Depressed or very unhappy 33 20
(in past few weeks)
physical symptoms such as loss of appetite and sleep disrup-
tion, and they tend to overindulge not only in alcohol but also Felt restless 33 15
in tranquilizers and cigarettes. Cognitive functions such as Believed memory was not all 20 6
memory and decision making are often impaired, and emo- right
tional problems such as loneliness and anxiety are common. Found it hard to make up mind 36 22
Most bereaved spouses do not become clinically depressed, Felt somewhat apart or remote 23 10
but many display increased symptoms of depression in the even among friends
year after the death (Wilcox et al., 2003).
Responses were gathered in the Harvard Bereavement Study f r o m m e n and
Yet a recent study of bereaved elderly adults by George w o m e n younger than age 45 who had lost their spouses 14 m o n t h s before
Bonanno and his colleagues reveals much diversity in patterns the interviews. Nonbereaved respondents were married adults matched to
of response to loss. Members of a larger study sample who lost m e m b e r s of the bereaved sample so that they were similar in age, sex, family
a spouse were studied longitudinally from an average of 3 size, geographic area, nationality, and socioeconomic status.
years before the death of their spouse to 6 and 18 months af- SOURCE: Based on Parkes, 1996, Appendix Table 3.
to both themselves and their loved one. As you saw in Chapter
15, caregiver burden can trigger depression (Schulz & Beach,
1999). Yet bereavement can also take a toll. For both reasons
perhaps, widows and widowers as a group have higher-than-
average rates not only of depression and illness but also of
death (Stroebe, 2001b).
Many widows and widowers who experience significant
grief begin to show signs of recovery in the second year after
the death. Yet for some, grieving and symptoms of distress
may continue for many, many years (Parkes & Weiss, 1983;
Wortman & Silver, 2001). Darrin Lehman, Camille Wortman,
and Allan Williams (1987) compared adults whose spouses
had died in car accidents 4 to 7 years previously with similar
nonbereaved adults. Even this long after their tragedies, be-
preloss 6 mo. postloss 18 mo. postloss
reaved adults show7ed more depression, hostility, and anxiety;
Time had more worries; and felt less of a sense of psychological
Chronic depression Depressed-improved
well-being than nonbereaved adults. Perhaps because these
(7.8% of sample) (10.2%) deaths were sudden and violent, 62% still had recurring
thoughts that the death was unfair or that they had been
Common grief Resilience Chronic cheated, and 68% said that they had been unable to find any
(15.6%) (45.9%) grief (15.6%)
meaning in the death.
F i g u r e 17.3 Depression symptom scores of five In sum, the loss of a spouse can be a painful and damag-
subgroups of elderly widows and widowers an average ing experience. During the first wreeks and months after the
of 3 years before, 6 months after; and 18 months after death, the psychological pain is typically most acute, and the
the death of their spouse. In parentheses are the risks of developing serious physical or mental health problems
percentages of the sample showing each pattern. Notice that or even dying are at a peak. Some widows and widowers ex-
resilience—a low level of depression all along—is the most common
perience emo tional aftereffects for years, yet up to half of eld-
response, contrary to our belief that all bereaved people must go
erly widows and widowers show7 resilience and manage to
through a period of significant distress.
cope without becoming highly distressed.
W he Loss of a Child
acterizing almost half the sample. What is more, the resilient
My child has died! My heart is torn to shreds. My body
grievers were not just cold, unfeeling people who did not re-
is screaming. My mind is crazed. The question is always
ally love their partners. Rather, as indicated by the data col-
present on my mind. Why? How could this possibly have
lected before their spouses died, they seemed to be well ad-
happened? The anger is ever so deep, so strong, so
justed and happily married people with good coping
frightening. (Bertman, 1991, p. 323, citing a mother's re-
resources (Bonanno et al., 2002). Nor wras there indication
flections on how she reacted to her 16-year-old daugh-
that they were defensively denying or avoiding painful feelings
ter's death in a car accident after the initial numbness
or that they needed counseling to help them express their grief
wore off)
(Bonanno, Wortman, & Nesse, 2004). Rather, although they
experienced emotional pangs in the first months after the No loss is more difficult for an adult than the death of a
death, they were more comforted than most by positive child (Cleiren, 1993; Rubin & Malkinson, 2001; Stroebe &
thoughts of their spouses and simply seemed to cope effec- Schut, 2001). Even when there is forewarning, the loss of a
tively with their loss. Other research suggests that we should child is experienced as unexpected, untimely, and unjust
expect a greater proportion of young and middle-aged wid- (Sprang & McNeil, 1995). Compared with adults who have
ows and widowers to display the common grief and chronic lost a spouse or a parent, parents who have lost a child are ex-
grief patterns of response, perhaps because the death of a ceptionally angry, guilty, and depressed, and they have a
spouse at these ages is off-time, unexpected, and more often greater number of physical complaints (Sanders, 1979-1980;
violent (Kitson, 2000; Nolen-Hoeksema & Ahrens, 2002). Sprang & McNeil, 1995). Understandably, they experience a
The individuals in Bonanno's study who were depressed raging anger and often feel that they failed in their role as par-
before the death but recovered afterward are intriguing. They ent and protector (Rando, 1991). Their beliefs that the world
may have cared for spouses with dementia, cancer, and other is a good place, that life is meaningful, and that they are wor-
terminal conditions for months or even years. Richard Schulz thy people can all be shaken (Matthews & Mar wit,
and his colleagues (Schulz et al., 2003) find that it is common 2003-2004). In one study, only 12% of parents whose adoles-
among those who care for family members with dementia to cent or young adult child died of an accident, suicide, or
experience more depression before the death than after. homicide had found meaning in the death 1 year later, and
Indeed, more than 70% admit that the death came as a relief only 57% had found it 5 years later (Murphy, Johnson, &
their parents remain warm and supportive and encourage
open discussion of feelings, they are likely to fare better
•(Applebaum & Burns, 1991; Graham-Pole et al., 1989).
Finally, grandparents also grieve following the death of a
child, both for their grandchild and for their child, the be-
reaved parent. As one grandparent said, "It's like a double
whammy!" (DeFrain, Jakub, & Mendoza, 1991-1992, p. 178).
Grandparents are likely to feel guilty about surviving their
grandchildren and helpless to protect their adult children
from pain (Fry, 1997). Clearly, then, those who are attempting
to help bereaved families need to include the whole family in
their efforts.
T h e Loss of a Parent
Even if we escape the death of a child or spouse, the death of
a parent is a normative life transition that most of us will ex-
perience. As noted already, some children experience long-
lasting problems after the death of a paren t. Fortunately, most
of us do not have to face this event until we are in middle age.
We are typically less emotionally dependent on our parents by
then, and most of us are heavily invested in our own families.
€ The death of a child can be devastating for parents. Moreover, we expect that our parents will die someday and
have prepared ourselves, at least to some degree.
Perhaps for all of these reasons, adjusting to the death of
Lohan, 2003b). The age of the child who dies has little effect a parent is usually not as difficult as adjusting to the death of
on the severity of the grief: parents can experience severe grief a spouse or child (Leahy, 1992-1993). Yet it can be a turning
reactions even after a miscarriage (Broen et aL, 2004). point in an adult's life with effects on his identity and rela-
Moreover, the death of an adult child is usually no less diffi- tionships with his spouse, children (who are grieving the loss
cult to bear than the death of a younger child (Lesher & of their grandparent), surviving parent, and siblings
Bergey, 1988; Rubin & Malkinson, 2001). (Umberson, 2003). Adult children may feel vulnerable and
The death of a child alters the family system, affecting the alone in the world when their parents no longer stand be-
marital relationship, parenting, and the well-being of surviv- tween them and death, and they may redefine themselves to
ing siblings and grandparents. The marital relationship is either take on the parent's qualities or reject them. Guilt about
likely to be strained because each partner grieves in a unique not doing enough for the parent who died is also common
way and is not always able to provide emotional support for (Moss etaL, 1993). These concerns take a toll: compared with
the other (Bohannon, 1990-1991). Strains are likely to be es- adults who are not bereaved, adults who have lost a parent in
pecially severe if the marriage was shaky before the death. The the past 3 years have higher rates of psychological distress, al-
odds of marital problems and divorce tend to increase after cohol use, and health problems (Umberson, 2003).
the death of a child, although most couples stay together and
some feel closer than ever (Dijkstra & Stroebe, 1998; Najman
et aL, 1993).
Grieving parents may also have difficulty giving their sur- The view that has guided much of the research on bereave-
viving children the love and support they need to cope with ment we have described has come to be called the grief work
their loss. Children are deeply affected when a brother or sis- perspective—the view that to cope adaptively with death, be-
ter dies, but their grief is often not fully appreciated (Lohan & reaved people must confront their loss, experience painful
Murphy, 2001-2002; Silverman, 2000). Siblings of children emotions, work through those emotions, and move toward a
battling cancer, for example, may resent it if they are neglected detachment from the deceased (Stroebe, 2001a). This view,
by their parents, may be anxious about their own health, may which grew out of Freudian psychoanalytic theory, is widely
feel guil ty about some of the unsavory feelings of rivalry they held in our society, not only among therapists but among peo-
have, and may feel pressure to replace the lost child in their ple in general, and it influences what we view as an abnormal
parents' eyes (Adams & Deveau, 1987). One 12-year-old boy reaction to death (Wortman & Silver, 2001). From the grief
whose brother died described his experience this way: "My work perspective, either a chronic grief that lasts longer, is
dad can t talk about it, and my mom cries a lot. It's really hard more intense than usual, or both, or an absence, inhibition, or
on them. I pretend I'm O.K. I usually just stay in my room" delay of grief, in which the bereaved denies the loss and never
(Wass, 1991, p. 29). If siblings are isolated from their under- seems to confront and express painful feelings, is viewed as
standably upset parents or if their grief is not taken seriously, "pathological" or "complicated" grief (see, for example,
they may have an especially hard time recovering, whereas if Raphael, 1983). This grief work perspective has now come un-
der serious attack; questions have been raised about its as-
sumptions that there is a right way to grieve, that bereaved
people must experience intense grief to recover, and that they
must sever their bonds with the deceased (Bonanno, 2004;
Wortman & Silver, 2001).
First, cross-cultural studies reveal that there are many
ways to grieve and suggest that the grief work model of be-
reavement may be culturally biased. An Egyptian mother may
be conforming to her culture's norms of mourning if she sits
alone, withdrawn and mute, for months or even years after a
child's death. Likewise, a Balinese mother is following the
rules of her culture if she is calm, composed, and even seem-
ingly cheerful soon after a child's death (Wikan, 1988, 1991).
We would be wrong to conclude, based on our own society's
norms, that the Egyptian mother is suffering from chronic
grief or the Balinese mother from absent or inhibited grief.
Second, there is surprisingly little support for the grief
work perspective's assumption that bereaved individuals must
confront their loss and experience painful emotions to cope
successfully (Bonanno, 2004; Wortman & Silver, 2001). As you
saw earlier, bereaved individuals who fail to show7 much emo-
tional distress during the early months after the loss do not
seem to pay for their lack of grief with a delayed grief reaction <[ Is it pathological t o maintain a relationship with a deceased parent
later—as the grief work model says they should. On the con- for many years? Probably not. It is common practice in Japan to re-
trary, the individuals who adjust best to death are the resilient m e m b e r each morning during worship ancestors who have died, to
leave them food and otherwise care for them, and t o tell them
ones who display relatively little distress at any point in their about one's triumphs and disasters (Klass, 2001). Continuing attach-
bereavement, experience many positive emotions and ment t o rather than detachment from the deceased is normal in
thoughts, and manage to carry on with life despite their loss some cultural contexts.
(Bonanno, 2004; Bonanno & Field, 2001).
Finally, the grief work view that we must break our bonds
to the deceased to overcome our grief is being challenged. This
view goes back to Sigmund Freud, who believed that bereaved them experienced relatively low7 levels of distress. By contrast,
people had to let go to invest their psychic energy elsewhere. those who used their spouse's possessions to comfort them-
By contrast, John Bowlby (1980) noticed that many bereaved selves showed high levels of distress at the 6-month mark and
individuals revise their internal working models of self and little decrease in grief over the coming months. Continued ob-
others and continue their relationships with their deceased session with the deceased is probably not healthy; in a follow-
loved ones on new terms (Bonanno & Kaltman, 1999; Noppe, up to Field's study, maintaining a continuing bond with the
2000). Recent research supports Bowlby, suggesting that many deceased turned out to have more negative than positive ef-
bereaved individuals maintain their attachments indefinitely fects 5 years after the death (Field, Gal-Oz, & Bonanno, 2003).
rather than severing those bonds, especially if they enjoyed a Still, we should be cautious about labeling as abnormal indi-
secure attachment before the death (Waskowic & Chartier, viduals who sense the presence of a lost loved one and consult
2003). Bereavement rituals in some cultures (in Japan, for in- with him about important decisions years alter a death.
stance) are designed to ensure a continued bond between the So, norms for expressing grief vary wi dely across cultures;
living and the dead (Klass, 2001). Moreover, individuals who it is not clear that a person must experience emotional distress
continue their bonds do not necessarily show poorer adjust- to adjust to a loss or that bereaved people who do not experi-
ment than those who do not, and some benefit from the con- ence emotional distress will pay later with a delayed grief re-
tinuing relationship (Field et al., 1999; Lohnes & Kalter, 1994). action; and people need not sever their attachment to the de-
Nigel Field and his colleagues (1999) have discovered that ceased to adjust to a loss. More fundamentally, researchers are
some forms of continuing attachment are healthier than oth- now questioning the idea, embedded in the grief work model,
ers, however. They investigated whether continuing attach- that grief is a pathological process—like a disease that we
ment to a deceased spouse was positively or negatively related catch, suffer from, and eventually get over (Bonanno, 2001).
to levels of grief symptoms among widows and widowers at 6 As you saw earlier, only about 15% of bereaved individuals ex-
months, 14 months, and 25 months after their loss. It de- perience complications of grief so severe that they can be de-
pended on the type of continuing attachment behavior dis- scribed as pathological (Bonanno & Kaltman, 2000). What is
played. Those who expressed their continuing attachment by more, it is common to experience positive emotions with the
having and sharing fond memories of the deceased and by negative ones and to feel in the end that one has benefited
sensing that their loved one was watching over and guiding from one's loss (Davis & Nolen-Hoeksema, 2001; Folkman &
Moskowitz, 2004; Harvey, 2001). Overall, we must conclude T h e N a t u r e of the Loss
that grief takes many forms, involves positive and negative Bereavement outcomes are also influenced by characteristics
emotions, and is more complex and less pathological than the of the event with which the person must cope. The closeness
grief work model implies. of the person's relationship to the deceased is very important.
Children grieve especially hard for parents to whom they were
closely attached (Umberson 8c Chen, 1994), and spouses
grieve especially hard for partners with whom they shared a
Even if it is difficult to find the line between normal grief and common identity and on whom they were highly dependent
pathological grief, we can still ask what risk and protective fac- (Carr et al., 2000; DeGarmo & Kitson, 1996). The cause of
tors distinguish people who cope well with loss from people death can also influence bereavement outcomes. One reason
who cope poorly. Coping with bereavement is influenced by the death of a child is so painful is that children's deaths are
the individual's personal resources, the nature of the loss to often the result of "senseless" and violent events such as car ac-
be coped with, and the surrounding context of support and cidents and homicides.
T h e C o n t e x t of Supports and Stressors
Personal Resources
Finally, grief reactions are influenced positively by the pres-
Just as some individuals are better able to cope with their own ence of a strong social support system and negatively by addi-
dying than others are, some are better equipped to handle the tional life stressors (Lopata, 1996; Stroebe & Schut, 2001).
stresses of bereavement. Bowlby's attachment theory empha- Social support is crucial at all ages. It is especially important
sizes that early experiences in attachment relationships influ- for the young child whose parent dies to have good substitute
ence the internal working models we form of self and other, parenting (Raveis, Siegel, & Karus, 1999). Brothers and sisters
how wre later relate to others, and how we handle losses of re- can help each other cope (Hurd, 2002). Indeed, family mem-
lationships (Shaver & Tancredy, 2001; Noppe, 2000). If infants bers of all ages recover best when the family is cohesive and
and young children receive loving and responsive care, they family members can share their emotions (Kissane et al., 1996;
form internal working models of self and other that tell them Traylor et al., 2003). Bereaved individuals indicate that they
that they are lovable and that other people can be trusted (see are helped most by family and friends who say they are sorry
Chapter 14). Having a secure attachment style is associated to hear of the loss, make themselves available to serve as con-
with coping relatively wrell with the death of a loved one (Field fidants, and let bereaved individuals express painful feelings
et al., 2001; Waskowic & Chartier, 2003). freely (Herkert, 2000; Lehman, Ellard, & Wortman, 1986). It
By contrast, infants or young children who receive incon- often falls to the bereaved person to teach would-be support-
sistent care or who suffer the loss of an important attachment ers howr best to be supportive because many of us have no idea
figure are likely to develop an insecure attachment style and what to do or say (Dyregrov, 2003-2004).
may have difficulty coping with loss later in life. They may, for Just as social support helps the bereaved, additional stres-
example, develop a resistant (or ambivalent) style of attach- sors hurt. For example, outcomes tend to be poor for widows
ment that leads them to overly depend on others and to dis- *
play extreme and chronic grief and anxiety after a loss who must cope with financial problems after bereavement and
(Bowlby, 1980; Shaver & Tancredy, 2001). Or they may de- for widowers who have difficulty managing household tasks
velop an avoidant attachment style. Recent research suggests without their wives (Lopata, 1996; Umberson, Wortman, &
that adaptation to loss is likely to be good if the individual is Kessler, 1992). Widows and widowers may have more than the
avoidant in the sense of being independent and does not need
close relationships as much as most people do but that the
grieving process is likely to be more difficult if the individual
is both avoidant and anxious about relationships—that is, if 5
itive personality traits and coping skills, who had close relationships
with individuals who died violently and senselessly, and who lack so-
1. In defining death as a biological process, the Harvard defini- cial support, face additional stressors, or both.
tion of total brain death has been influential; many controversies sur- 12. Successful efforts to take the sting out of death have in-
round issues of active and passive euthanasia and assisted suicide, cluded hospice programs for dying patients and their families and in-
and the social meanings of death vary widely. dividual therapy, family therapy, and mutual support groups for the
2. The average life expectancy for a newborn in the United bereaved.
States has risen to 76!/2 years, higher than that in less developed coun-
tries. Death rates decline after infancy and rise after early adulthood
Critical Thinking
as accidents give way to chronic diseases as the primary causes of
1. Look carefully at the five stages of dying that Elisabeth
3. Programmed theories of aging hold that aging is governed by
Kubler-Ross believes terminally ill patients experience and at the four
species heredity and individual genetic endowment, whereas damage
phases of adjustment bereaved people experience according to Colin
theories of aging focus on an accumulation of random damage
Murray Parkes and John Bowlby. What common themes do you see,
caused by destructive free radicals and other agents.
and how do they differ?
4. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross stimulated much concern for dying pa-
2. Lucy (age 3), Lilly (age 9), and Lally (age 16) have all been di-
tients by describing five stages of dying, but, as Edwin Shneidman
agnosed with cancer. They have been given chemotherapy and radi-
emphasized, the dying experience ever-changing emotions, depend-
ation treatments for several months but seem to be getting worse
ing on the course of their disease and on their personality.
rather than better. Write a short monologue for each child conveying
5. Bereavement precipitates grief and mourning, which are ex- (a) how she understands death and (b) her major concerns and
pressed, according to the Parkes/Bowlby attachment model, in over- wishes based on what you know of normal development at her age.
lapping phases of numbness, yearning, disorganization and despair,
3. Many people have misconceptions about what is normal and
and reorganization.
what is abnormal when it comes to grieving, as this chapter has illus-
6. Infants may not comprehend death but clearly grieve,
trated. Identify three such misconceptions and, using relevant re-
protesting and despairing after separations.
search, show why they are just that—misconceptions.
7. Children are curious about death and usually understand by
4. On what can proponents of assisted suicide and proponents
age 5 to 7 that it is a final cessation of life processes that is irreversible
of hospice care agree—and how do their views differ?
and universal, later realizing that it is ultimately caused by internal
biological changes. Terminally ill children often become very aware
of their situation, and bereaved children often experience bodily
symptoms, acadcmic difficulties, and behavioral problems.
8. Adolescents understand death more abstractly and cope with total brain death, 485 free radical theory, 491
dying and bereavement in ways that reflect the developmental assisted suicide, 486 antioxidants, 491
themes of adolescence.
living will, 486 caloric restriction, 492
9. Widows and widowers experience many physical, emotional,
and cognitive symptoms and are at increased risk of dying. The death euthanasia, 487 denial, 492
of a child is often even more difficult for an adult to bear; the death life expectancy, 488 bereavement, 495
of a parent, because it is expected, is often easier. programmed theories of grief, 495
10. The grief work perspective has been challenged; what is nor- aging, 489 mourning, 495
mal depends on the cultural context, and many people display re-
damage theories of aging, 489 anticipatory grief, 495
silience, adjusting well by expressing few negative and many positive
emotions after the death and by continuing rather than severing their maximum life span, 489 Parkes/Bowlby attachment
attachments. Hayflick limit, 490 model of bereavement, 495
11. Intense and prolonged grief is especially likely among indi-
telomere, 490 grief work perspective, 504
viduals who had painful early attachment experiences, who lack pos-
progeria, 490 hospice, 507
The Gerontology Research Group maintains a web page devoted to
Websites to Explore ^centenarians. It lists the names and profiles of "supercentenarians"—
individuals who have lived to age 110 or older—worldwide; it also in-
Visit Our Website cludes the photos of many.
For a chapter tutorial quiz and other useful features, visit
the book's companion website at Understanding the Data: Exercises on the
sigelman_rider5e. You can also connect directly to the following sites: Web
The End of Life: Exploring Death in America For additional insight on the data presented in this
The National Public Radio show All Things Considered aired a 6- chapter, try the exercises for the following table and figure at
month special starting in November 1997 on death. Its companion
website has an archive of audio files and transcripts for each of the Table 17.1 Leading causes of death for different age groups in
episodes, additional readings, and resources for exploring death from the Unites States
different angles.
Figure 17.3 Depression symptom scores of five subgroups of
elderly widows and widowers an average of 3 years before, 6
months after, and 18 months after the death of their spouse
This site has good material on many death and dying topics, includ-
ing articles about the hospice concept, talking to children about
Life-Span CD-ROM
death, pain relief, and more.
Go to the Wadsworth Life-Span CD-ROM for further
Partnership for Caring study of the concepts in this chapter. The CD-ROM in-
This website is a source of living wills and other advance directives cludes narrated concept overviews, video clips, a multimedia glos-
for those who want to plan their dying experience. sary, and additional activities to expand your learning experience.
For this chapter, check out the following clips, and others, in the
Widows and Widowers video library:
This website on coping with grief and loss, maintained by the VIDEO The Hayflick Limit
American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), has useful guid-
VIDEO The Hospice Approach
ance for bereaved people of all ages. The AARP s Widowed Persons
Service provides support groups for widows and widowers. VIDEO Bereavement
Compassionate Friends PsychologyONow TM
This site is for parents and others coping with the death of a child. It
includes media stories on grief and the results of a survey of bereaved Developmental PsychologyNow is a web-based, intelli-
parents. gent study system that provides a complete package of di-
agnostic quizzes, a personalized study plan, integrated multimedia
elements, and learning modules. Check it out at http://psychology
.wadsworth. com/sigelman_rider5e/now.
mt&m® r i u m Tmm®
€ Throughout history, artists have tried t o capture the nature of life-span development,
recognize themselves in the mirror and know that they are follow rules of morality. And in no time, they also learn what
girls or boys. But infants are individuals from birth, each with they must know to be a boy or a girl in their society.
a distinctive and genetically influenced temperament that Preschool children's attachments to their caregivers con-
serves as a foundation for later personality. tinue to be central in their social worlds, but they hone their
Infants5 temperaments, with their parents' styles of inter- social skills in interactions with peers, learning to take their
acting with them, influence howr successfully they resolve Erik playmates' perspectives, engage in cooperative play, and form
Eriksons first psychosocial conflict, that of trust versus mis- friendships. Preschoolers are endlessly fascinating: charming
trust, and whether they form secure, resistant, or avoidant at- and socially skilled but a bit egocentric, immensely curious
tachments to their caregivers starting around 7 months. The and intellectually alive but sometimes illogical, here one mo-
parent-child attachment relationship dominates the social ment but off on some new adventure the next.
world of the infant and is a training ground for later social re-
lationships, as theorized by John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth.
Cognitive advances and daily exchanges with attachment fig-
ures produce more sophisticated social skills that infants then Compared with preschool children, elementary school chil-
apply in their at first clumsy encounters with peers. Equipped dren seem considerably more self-controlled, serious, skilled,
with the ability to perceive and act upon the environment, with and logical. Their bodies grow slowly and steadily each year,
impressive cognitive and linguistic capacities, with an aware- and they continue to refine their motor skills and use their
ness of self, and with internal working models of self and other senses ever more intelligently by directing their attention
derived from their experiences in attachment relationships, in- where it most needs to be directed. As they enter Piaget's con-
fants are ready to venture into a larger social world. crete operations stage, they become able to perform in their
heads actions that previously had to be performed with their
hands. They can mentally add, subtract, classify, and order ob-
jects; grasp conservation problems that fool preschoolers; and
During the preschool years, 2-year-olds who toddle and teeter draw logical conclusions about the workings of the physical
along and speak in two-word sentences become young chil- world. They master the fine points of the rules of language,
dren ready for formal schooling. As their brains continue to use what Vygotsky called private speech (speech inside the
mature and as they gain motor experience, preschool children head) as a tool in problem solving, and become better able to
acquire the gross motor control they need to hop and catch take the perspectives of their listeners in conversations. They
balls and the fine motor skills they need to trace letters and use acquire the memory strategies and other information-
scissors. processing skills needed to do schoolwork. And, although
During Piaget's preoperational stage of cognitive devel- their scores on intelligence tests can fluctuate from year to
opment, young children make wonderful use of their sym- year, their IQs begin to predict fairly well their intellectual
bolic capacity, mastering all the basic rules of language (with standing as adolescents or as adults.
the help of adults willing to converse with them) and joining The cognitive growth that occurs during the school years,
other children in imaginative sessions of social pretend play. combined with social experience, allows children to under-
However, young children often have difficulty with problems stand themselves and other people in terms of inner personal-
that require logical thinking. They fail Piaget's tests of conser- ity traits and underlying motives. School-age children work
vation, thinking that the juice poured from a stocky glass into through Erikson's conflict of industry versus inferiority as
a tall, narrow glass somehow becomes "more juice." They are they attempt to master new skills, compare themselves to their
egocentric at times, failing to appreciate differences between classmates, and absorb feedback about where they stand in
their own perspectives and those of other individuals and as- their reading groups and where they finish in races. The un-
suming that their listeners know what they know. They are realistically high self-esteem of the preschooler drops as
distractible and lack some of the information-processing skills children gain a more accurate view of their strengths and
that allow older children to think about two or more aspects weaknesses. Most children also develop fairly consistent per-
of a problem at once and to use strategies such as rehearseil sonalities, at least parts of which survive into adulthood.
and organization to learn and remember more efficiently. School-age children also continue to learn about and
Preschoolers' personalities continue to take shape as they conform to prevailing social standards regarding how boys
struggle with Eriksons conflicts of autonomy versus shame and girls should behave, but their thinking is more flexible
and initiative versus guilt. If all goes well, they develop the than that of preschoolers. Under the guidance of parents and
confidence to assert themselves and to carry out bold plans, teachers, and through their interactions with peers, children
and their self-esteem is high. They learn a good deal about learn the values and moral standards of the society around
themselves and other people, developing a theory of mind them. Most are at Lawrence Kohlberg's level of preconven-
that allows them to predict and explain human behavior in tional morality, in which what matters most is whether their
terms of mental states, although they still describe people acts will be rewarded or punished.
largely in terms of physical characteristics and activities rather The social world of school-age children is more extensive
than inner qualities. Although relatively lacking in self- than that of infants and preschool children. Family life is still
control, they increasingly become socialized to internalize and important, but more time is spent with peers—usually peers
of the same sex—playing organized games and developing friendships with same- and other-sex peers, and dating rela-
caring friendships, or chumships. Youngsters who are rejected tionships, often showing heightened conformity to gender-role
by their peers and who do not have friends miss these impor- norms. Heightened conformity to peer influence gives many
tant social learning opportunities and tend to become malad- adolescents a brush or two with the law, but the peer group
justed adults. Teachers, coaches, TV characters, and sports serves the useful function of helping children who depend
stars also help children gain the skills and values they will need heavily on their parents become adults who are less reliant on
to do the serious work of adulthood. either parents or peers. Although about 20% of adolescents ex-
perience emotional storm and stress during this period of the
life span, most teenagers emerge with impressive physical, in-
tellectual, and social competencies and with at least prelimi-
Adolescence, the passage between childhood and adulthood, nary notions of who they are and what they will become.
is a time of substantial physical, cognitive, and social change.
Adolescents adjusting to their growth spurt and to the sexual
maturation of their bodies around 12 to 14 years are naturally
preoccupied with their physical appearance and are often The years of infancy, childhood, and adolescence are all a
more upset by their misshapen noses or gargantuan feet than preparation for entry into adult life. Physiologically, young
by any intellectual or character flaws they may possess. adults are at their peak; strength, endurance, reaction time,
Puberty brings not only new physical capacities and unfamil- perceptual abilities, and sexual responsiveness are all optimal,
iar sexual urges but also new, more adultlike relationships even though the aging process is taking slight, and usually not
with members of the other sex and with parents. even noticeable, tolls. Early adulthood is also a period of peak
Meanwhile, as the brain undergoes a growth spurt, par- cognitive functioning. Some young adults will solidify and
ticularly in the prefrontal areas of the cortex that are involved possibly expand upon their command of formal operational
in planning and sustained attention, the mind undergoes its thought, especially in their areas of expertise. Most adults con-
own metamorphosis. The child who could reason logically tinue to be conventional moral reasoners, but about one in six
about real-world problems becomes the adolescent who can begins to think at the level of postconventional morality,
think systematically about worlds that do not even exist and grasping the moral principles underlying society's rules and
ideas that contradict reality. When adolescents fully master regulations. And, if they continue to use their minds, young
Piaget's formal operations, they can formulate and test hy- adults wTill often improve on the 1Q test scorcs they obtained
potheses to solve scientific problems and can grasp abstract as adolescents and gain expertise.
theories and philosophies. These and other new cognitive ca- It is good that young adults are physically and intellectu-
pacities sometimes leave adolescents susceptible to adolescent ally capable, because they face many challenges. They must of-
egocentrism, confused about what to believe, painfully aware ten continue to work on the adolescent task of identity for-
of gaps between what is and what should be, and rebellious mation, exploring different options before settling on a career
when their parents or other authority figures are not "logical" direction. Meanwhile, they are likely to be working through
enough for their tastes. Erikson's early-adult crisis of intimacy versus isolation, testing
Cognitive gains also put adolescents in a position to think relationships, and, if all goes well, committing themselves to a
about themselves and other people in more sophisticated partner. Young adults are changed and often stressed by mar-
ways. Teenagers begin to describe themselves in more abstract riage, new parenthood, and other events of the family life cy-
terms, referring to their core values and philosophies of life. cle; challenging work can expand their capacities but unem-
They are more introspective and self-aware than they were as ployment can threaten their self-esteem.
children and can analyze themselves and other people to de- In view of the many life changes experienced by young
termine what makes them tick. By late adolescence, many can adults, perhaps it is not surprising that this period is character-
integrate their self-perceptions into a coherent sense of who ized by higher divorce rates and more stress-related mental
they are, resolving Erikson's conflict of identity versus role health problems than the later adult years. However, for most
confusion and charting careers and other life goals. young adults, this is also an exciting and productive time of life,
Conventional moral reasoning is achieved as young adoles- a time for gaining expertise, independence, and confidence.
cents first emphasize the importance of being a "good boy" or
"good girl," as defined by parents and society, and later appre-
ciate the need for law and order in the larger social system.
Partly because teenagers become more physically and cog- Middle adulthood often strikes as a more settled period than
nitively mature, and partly because society demands that they early adulthood, but it is not devoid of change. Gradual
prepare themselves for adult roles, social relationships undergo changes in the body's characteristics and capacities that began
their own transformations during the adolescent years. The in the 20s and 30s may become noticeable. Gray hairs (or no
balance of power in the family shifts so that adolescents, al- hair), a shortness of breath after exercise, and a need for read-
though best served by an authoritative parenting style, increas- ing glasses or a louder TV proclaim that a person is aging.
ingly participate in making decisions about their lives. Women experience the changes of menopause around age 50;
Adolescents become more involved in peer activities, intimate both men and women become more vulnerable to heart dis-
C As a teenager; Alice loved
sports. She played on a Softball
team and started playing tennis
with her father at age 10. At I 8,
she was the first Women's State
Tennis Champion in Wisconsin, a
title she would earn twice. In col-
lege, she worked hard t o help sup-
port her family through the
Depression. Finally she had t o
drop out of medical school. She
continued taking night courses and
met her future husband, whom
she followed t o California.
d Still active at 92, Alice plays tennis 3 days a week and is seen here fly-
ing a sailplane in the Santa Ynez Valley, California. She is also a Literacy
Volunteer and knits cotton bandages for lepers through the Direct
<[ Alice married in 1939 at age C At 45, Alice enjoyed out-
Relief Foundation. She reads voraciously and loves crossword puzzles.
33. She and her husband, ings with her three young
She sadly gave up playing bridge at age 9 0 because she was tired of be-
George, traveled frequently and children at Monterey,
ing the "designated driver"
visited Catalina during the first California. She was involved in
year o f their marriage.Three her children's activities at
years later; they started a family. home and school.
Alice worked as a manuscript
typist for several well-known
authors in Santa Barbara,
California, and taught tennis to
help support the family.
Summary of Physical, Cognitive, Personal, and Social Developrinent across the Life Span
Period Physical Development Cognitive Development
Infant (Birth to 2 years) Brain rapidly grows and is pruned; physical Sensorimotor period: Through senses and actions,
growth is rapid. Reflexes are followed by more infants acquire symbolic capacity and object-
permanence concept. Cooing and babbling are fol-
voluntary motor control; walking occurs at 1
lowed by one-word and two-word sentences.
year. Functioning senses are available at birth; /
there is an early ability to understand sensory Learning capacity and recognition memory are pres-
information. ent from birth; there are improvements in recall.
Preschool child (2 to 5 years) Rapid brain development continues. Preoperational stage: Thought is guided by percep-
Coordination and fine motor skills improve. tions rather than logic. Symbolic capacity (language
Perceptual abilities are good; attention span is acquisition and pretend play) blossoms. There are
short. some limits in information-processing capacity, use
of memory strategies, and reasoning.
School-age child (6 to 11 years) Physical growth is slow; motor skills gradually Concrete operations stage: Logical actions occur in
improve. Children have increased ability to con- the head; children master conservation. They also
trol attention and use the senses intelligently. master fine points of language; memory strategies
and problem solving with concrete objects improve.
IQs begin to stabilize.
Adolescent (12 to 19 years) Adolescents experience a brain spurt, a growth Formal operations stage: Hypothetical and abstract
spurt, and attainment of sexual maturity. thought emerge; scientific problem solving begins.
Physical functioning improves. They are con- Attention and information-processing skills con-
cerned with body image. tinue to improve, linked to brain growth spurt.
Young adult (20 to 39 years) This is the time of peak functioning, but a Intellectual functioning is mostly stable, and peak
gradual decline in physical and perceptual ca- expertise and creative achievement often occur.
pacities begins. Fluid intelligence may begin to decline, but crystal-
lized knowledge is maintained well.
Middle-aged adult (40 to 64 Physical declines become noticeable (e.g., some These adults develop sophisticated cognitive skills,
years) loss of endurance, need for reading glasses). especially in areas of expertise. There is the possibil-
Chronic illness increases. Menopause and male ity of growth beyond formal thought and gains in
andropause occur. knowledge.
Older adult (65 years and Physical decline continues; more chronic dis- Declines in cognition are common but not in-
older) ease, disability, and sensory impairment are evitable. Slower learning, memory problems, de-
common; and reaction time slows. But there is clines in IQ and problem solving occur, especially if
also continued plasticity and reorganization of skills are rarely exercised, but crystallized intelli-
the brain in response to intellectual stimulation. gence survives longer than fluid.
ond childishness and mere oblivion; sans teeth, sans eyes, sans tion as younger adults do. They do not crumble when facing life
taste, sans everything" The truth lies somewhere between the changes such as retirement or widowhood. They continue to
two: Old age brings some losses and declines in functioning, lead active social lives, use their sophisticated social cognitive
but it is also, for most, a period of continued growth and skills to understand other people and to engage in complex
many satisfactions. moral reasoning, and enjoy close ties with both family and
By the time adults are in their 60s and 70s, most of them friends. In the end, most are able to successfully resolve
have a physical impairment—a chronic disease, a disability, fail- Erikson s conflict of integrity versus despair,findingmeaning in
ing eyesight or hearing, or, at the least, a slower nervous system their lives and coming to terms with the inevitability of death.
and slower reactions. Aging and disease, it seems, are insepara- These, then, are the broad themes of later life. Yet what
ble. As they enter their 80s and 90s, more adults take longer to may be most striking of all about elderly adults is their im-
learn things, experience occasional memory lapses, or have dif- mense diversity. Many older adults are healthy, active, and
ficulty solving novel problems. Although the odds of highly capable; others show signs of physical, sensory, or cog-
Alzheimer's disease increase relentlessly with age, only about 5% nitive decline; still others suffer from Alzheimer's or other in-
of elderly people have it or other forms of dementia. Most retain capacitating diseases. Moreover, each adult carries into old age
the knowledge that they have crystallized over a lifetime and the unique abilities, knowledge, personality traits, and values, and
cognitive and linguistic skills that they practice every day. each will cope with the challenges of aging and dying in his
Moreover, most adults adapt to physical and cognitive de- own characteristic way.
clines. They typically continue to carry out daily activities effec- Table 18.1 summarizes much of this information about
tively, and they enjoy just as much self-esteem and life satisfac- physical, cognitive, personal, and social development within
Infants acquire a sense of self, self-recognition, and early signs of These are social beings from birth. They are attached to a caregiver
theory of mind such as joint attention. They gain awareness of gen- at 7 months; separation and stranger anxiety follow. They increase
der identity. Temperament becomes a basis for later personality. social skills with parents and peers and gain the capacity for simple
They undergo Erikson's conflict of trust versus mistrust. pretend play. Theirs is a family-centered lifestyle.
Concrete, physical self-concept. A gender role is rapidly acquired. Parent-child relationship is still central in the social world.
Children master the theory of mind concept that people can have Increased social cognitive abilities allow more cooperation with
false beliefs; they have an early conscience at 2 years but largely have peers; social pretend play blossoms. First exposure to schooling oc-
a self-serving morality. There are conflicts of autonomy versus curs.
shame and initiative versus guilt.
Self-concept includes psychological traits. Personality "gels." Strong Involvement with same-sex peers increases; close chumships are
gender typing occurs. Children have mostly preconventional moral- formed. Role-taking skills advance. Play centers on organized games
ity centered on consequences for themselves. Much social compari- with rules. School and television are important socialization agents.
son occurs when they are coping with the conflict of industry ver-
sus inferiority.
Adolescents have a more abstract and integrated self-concept. They Peak peer involvement and conformity occurs. More emotionally
adjust to sexuality and a gender role. Conventional moral reasoning intimate friendships are followed by dating relationships.
reflects internalization of society's rules. They experience a conflict Parent-child relationship becomes more equal; autonomy increases.
of identity versus role confusion. School and career exploration prepare them for adult roles.
Identity continues to be defined. Some shift from conventional to Social networks continue to expand; romantic relationships form.
postconventional moral reasoning. There is increased confidence. Most establish families and assume roles as spouses and parents.
Some experience a divergence of gender roles with new parenthood. Careers are launched; job switching is common. This is a period of
Personality is fairly stable. They face a conflict of intimacy versus much life change; there is a high risk of divorce and psychological
isolation. problems.
Personality continues to be stable; for a minority, midlife question- The nest empties and the grandparent role is often added to exist-
ing and androgyny shift. There may be a conflict of generativity ing roles. High responsibility is taken for younger and older genera-
versus stagnation. tions. Career is more stable, and peak success is attained. Family
and work roles dominate.
Most maintain their characteristic personality traits, self-esteem, Close ties to family and friends continue; loneliness is rare.
and life satisfaction. Many grow as they resolve conflict of integrity Generally there is a smooth adjustment to retirement and continu-
versus despair. ity of social activities. For women especially, loss of spouse is nor-
mative and requires adjustment.
each period of the life span. This table can serve as a handy de- have influence whether our genetic potentials are realized or
scription of typical developmental changes. However, an un- not (gene-environment interactions), and the genes we in-
derstanding of human development is not complete without herit influence what experiences we seek and have and how we
an understanding of some of the processes behind these respond to them (gene-environment correlations). When
changes. there is goodness of fit between genetic predisposition and en-
vironment, nature and nurture work together in the person's
M a j o r Tliemes in H u m a n The twin and adoption studies—and, more recently, mo-
lecular genetics studies—conducted by behavior geneticists
Development also testify to the importance of both nature and nurture.
Genetic differences among us help explain variation in virtu-
Another way in which to leave you with the big picture is to ally every human trait that has been studied, from hair color
highlight some major generalizations about human develop- to verbal ability to depression proneness and social attitudes.
ment and the processes behind it. Many of these larger themes Yet environmental factors count, particularly the unique
are incorporated in the life-span developmental perspective (nonshared) experiences that make us different from our sib-
introduced in Chapter 1 (Baltes, 1987; Baltes, Lindenberger, & lings. Depending on which aspect of human development we
Staudinger, 1998); some represent stands on the developmen- study, we may find that either heredity or environment is
tal issues laid out in Chapter 2; and most have been echoed more influential, but we cannot escape the conclusion that de-
throughout this book. We leave you with the following velopment always reflects the ongoing, interacting, and ever
thoughts. fascinating contributions of both.
The nature-nurture issue, which we have spotlighted through- As our review of major developments in each life phase
out this book, has been largely resolved. It is clear that multiple should make clear, it is the intermeshing of physical, cognitive,
causal forces, representing both nature and nurture and rang- personal, and social development that gives each period of the
ing from changes in cell chemistry to changes in the prevailing life span—and each individual human-—a distinctive and co-
culture, conspire and interact to shape the course of human herent quality. Thus, that 7-month-old infants become at-
development. Biological and environmental influences jointly tached to their caregivers is not a milestone in social develop-
explain both universal developmental trends and individual ment divorced from other aspects of development. The
differences in development. This is precisely the perspective maturation of sensory and motor abilities permits infants to
taken by contextual and systems theories of development (such crawl after their parents to maintain the proximity they desire,
as Urie Bronfenbrenners bioecological model, introduced in and their cognitive growth makes them aware that caregivers
Chapter 1, or Gilbert Gottlieb's evolutionary-epigenetic sys- continue to exist when they leave the room (and therefore can
tems perspective, introduced in Chapter 2). be retrieved). The emergence of attachment bonds, in turn, af-
Consider a universal accomplishment such as acquiring fects development in other areas—for example, by providing
language. Biological maturation, guided by a specieswide ge- toddlers with the security that cillows them to explore the
netic blueprint, clearly makes this achievement possible be- world around them and, in the process, develop their motor
cause no amount of stimulation from adults can make a
1-month-old speak sentences. Yet, even though an infant is
maturationally ready, language skills will not be acquired
without the input from the environment available in all
societies—namely, opportunities to converse with speakers of
the language. So it goes for many other developmental mile-
stones: Little happens unless the individual is maturationally
ready to learn and has the requisite learning experiences.
Why do individuals differ in, for example, their command
of language skills? We could argue that it is because different
people inherit different intellectual potentials, but we would
also have to acknowledge that a genetic potential for high in-
telligence will never be realized if a child has no opportunities
for intellectual stimulation. We could stress the importance of
stimulation, but we would have to acknowledge that children
with the genes for high intelligence are more likely to actively
seek, elicit, and profit from such stimulation than children C Advances in m o t o r development open up possibilities for cogni-
with limited genetic potential. In short, the experiences we tive and social development.
skills and cognitive capacities. All the threads of development tive development, but we now know that these advances in
are interwoven in the whole developing person. cognitive development are achieved gradually and occur faster
in familiar than in less familiar domains of cognitive func-
tioning (Flavell, Miller, & Miller, 1993). It seems that develop-
ment often proceeds in a continuous, gradual manner that
leads to stagelike discontinuities—qualitatively different per-
Chapter 5 introduced Heinz Werner's (1957) orthogenetic formances that make us appreciate just how much growth has
principle, which states that development proceeds from global occurred.
states to states of increasing differentiation and integration of Similarly, you have seen that some traits, including
specific, differentiated states into coherent wholes. The ortho- general intelligence and Big Five personality traits such as
genetic principle is a useful way of summarizing many devel- extraversion-introversion, carry over from childhood and be-
opmental trends. The single, undifferentiated cell formed at come even more stable and consistent during adulthood.
conception becomes billions of highly specialized cells (neu- However, this continuity or consistency is imperfect, and there
rons, blood cells, and so on), all organized into functioning is ample room for change. A bright child may lose intellectual
systems (such as the brain). The young infant flails its whole capacity if she is abused and neglected at home or attends in-
body as a unit (global response); the older child moves specific ferior schools, and an introverted child may gain confidence
parts of the body on command (differentiation) and coordi- and blossom into a more outgoing individual with the aid of
nates separate movements to ride a bike (integration). supportive friends. Such discontinuity means that predicting
Similarly, young children describe other people's personalities the character of the adult from knowledge of the child is risky,
in global terms ("He's nice5' or "She's mean"); school-age chil- even in the face of much continuity in development.
dren develop a more differentiated vocabulary of personality
trait labels; and adolescents become true personality theorists,
integrating all they have learned about their companions—
contradictions included—into coherent theories about what Repeatedly you have seen that humans of all ages are charac-
makes these people tick. terized by considerable plasticity—by a remarkable capacity
Yet not all developmental change is a matter of acquiring to change in response to experience and to get off one devel-
more complex and organized behaviors or progressing toward opmental pathway and onto another. Thus, infants whose in-
some "mature" endpoint. As you have seen, human develop- tellectual development is stunted by early malnutrition can
ment involves gains and losses at every age and systematic catch up if they are given an adequate diet and enriching ex-
changes that make us neither better nor worse than we were periences. Adults not only learn new intellectual tricks but
before but simply different. Thus, children who are gaining sprout new neural synapses and even new neurons in response
many academic learning skills are also losing some of their in- to experience—evidence that the brain is plastic throughout
trinsic motivation to learn as they progress through school, the life span and that the first 3 years after birth are not the
and. older adults are losing mental speed but gaining knowl- only years during which intellectual stimulation is important
edge, and sometimes even wisdom, that helps them compen- (Thompson & Nelson, 2001).
sate for slower information processing. Evidence of plasticity and change in later life is especially
Paul Baltes has suggested that every gain may have its cor- heartening to those who want to foster healthy development.
responding loss, and every loss its corresponding gain. Alice Contrary to what Sigmund Freud believed, early experiences
James, sister of pioneering psychologist William James and rarely make or break us. Instead, there are opportunities
author Henry James, saw this even as her vision failed: "All loss throughout the life span—within limits—to undo the damage
is gain. Since I have become so near-sighted I see no dust or done by early traumas, to teach new skills, and to redirect lives
squalor, and therefore conceive of myself as living in splen- along more fruitful paths. If adverse early experiences are fol-
dor" (James cited in Baltes, Smith, & Staudinger, 1992, p. 158). lowed by adverse later experiences, we can expect poor out-
We simply must abandon the tired view7 that human develop- comes. But if potentially damaging early experiences are offset
ment consists of growth or improvement up to adulthood, by favorable later experiences, we can expect developing hu-
stability into middle age, and decline in old age. mans to display considerable plasticity and resilience.
As you have seen throughout this book, developmentalists In any human development textbook, there is a tendency to
have long grappled with the issue of continuity versus dis- emphasize developmental phenomena shared by all or most
continuity in human development. You should now appre- individuals—to highlight the regularities and commonalities.
ciate the wisdom of staking out a middle ground on the We share a good deal with our fellow developing humans. But
continuity-discontinuity issue. remember that each of us is truly one of a kind. Indeed, the di-
For example, research supports Piaget's claim that chil- versity of developing humans is so great that it often seems
dren progress through qualitatively different stages of cogni- impossible to generalize about them.
Individuality is apparent starting at birth if you look historical events and social changes yet to take place may all
closely at each infant's temperament, daily rhythms, and rate make human development in the 21st century different from
of development. As people age, their individual genetic en- human development in the 20th century.
dowments express themselves more fully, and they increas-
ingly accumulate their own unique histories of life experi-
ences. The result? You can tell a good deal about an individual
knowing that he is 2 weeks or 2 years old, whereas you know Early developmental theorists tended to view humans as pas-
little about a person simply knowing that she is 25 or 65. sively shaped by forces beyond their control. Sigmund Freud
Because diversity increases with age, elderly adults are the saw the developing child as driven by biological urges and
most diverse group of humans and therefore the age group molded by early experiences in the family; John Watson and
you should work hardest to avoid stereotyping (Andrews, other early learning theorists emphasized that human behav-
Clark & Luszcz, 2002; Morse, 1993). ior is controlled by environmental stimuli. Jean Piaget did
much to alter this image of developing humans by emphasiz-
ing how children actively explore the world around them and
We Develop in a Cultural and actively invent their own understandings, rather than merely
absorbing lessons fed to them by adults. Piaget's insights
Repeatedly you have seen that humans are embedded in a so- about the developing child are firmly embedded in our as-
ciocultural context that affects their development, a central sumptions about human development at all ages. Certainly we
theme in the sociocultural theory of Vygotsky and the bioeco- are affected by those around us and are sometimes the passive
logical theory of Bronfenbrenner (Bronfenbrenner & Morris, recipients of environmental influence. But just as certainly, we
1998; Vygotsky, 1978). Human development takes different create our own environments, influence those around us, and,
forms in different cultures, socioeconomic groups, racial by doing so, contribute to our own development. It is this on-
groups, and ethnic groups; human development in the 12th or going, dynamic transaction between an active person and a
17th century was different from human development in the changing environment, each reciprocally influencing the
20th century; and each person's development is influenced by other, that steers development.
social changes and historical events occurring during his life-
We know, for example, that children reach puberty earlier
and adults live longer now than they did a century ago. Developmentalists are more aware than ever of the importance
Today's cohorts of adults are also healthier and are function- of understanding links between earlier and later development,
ing better intellectually and maintaining their intellectual ca- as illustrated by the emergence of the field of developmental
pacities longer than adults who were born early in the 20th. psychopathology with its emphasis on the various pathways
century and who received less education and poorer health that can lead to normal or abnormal developmental outcomes.
care (Costa, 2002). Future cohorts of adults may maintain It is valuable to study infancy, adolescence, or any other devel-
their physical and mental abilities even longer. Changes in the opmental period. But it is more valuable to view behavior dur-
family and in mens and women's roles, technological and sci- ing any one phase of life from a life-span perspective. It helps
entific breakthroughs such as the World Wide Web and the to understand that the teenage girl who bickers with her par-
Human Genome Project, the terrorist attack on the World ents in an effort to forge her own identity might not have the
Trade Center and Pentagon and its aftermath, and significant confidence to do so unless she had enjoyed a warm, secure at-
tachment with them as an infant and child—and that this ado-
lescent's quest for a separate identity and increased independ-
ence will ready her for intimacy and interdependence with
another person. Because development is a process, it helps to
know where it started and where it is heading.
A, not B, error The tendency of 8- to 12- with puberty and ends when the individual tested for chromosomal abnormalities and
month-old infants to search for a hidden has acquired adult competencies and re- other genetic defects,
object in the place they last found it (A) sponsibilities. amnion A watertight membrane that sur-
rather than in its new hiding place (13). adolescent egocentrism A characteristic of rounds the developing embryo, regulating
ability grouping The practice in education adolescent thought that involves difficulty its temperature and cushioning it against
of grouping students according to ability differentiating between the person's own injuries.
and educating them in classes with stu- thoughts and feelings and those of other amoral Lacking any sense of morality;
dents of comparable academic or intellec- people; evident in the personal fable and without standards of right and wrong,
tual standing; also called ability tracking or imaginary audience phenomena, androgenized female A genetic female who
simply tracking. adolescent growth spurt The rapid increase was exposed to male sex hormones during
acceptance-responsiveness A dimension of in physical growth that occurs during ado- the prenatal period and therefore devel-
parenting capturing the extent to which lescence. oped malelike external genitals and some
parents are supportive, sensitive to their age effects In developmental research, the masculine behaviors.
children's needs, and willing to provide af- effects of getting older or of developing. androgens Male hormones that help trigger
fection and praise when their children meet Contrast with cohort effects and time of the adolescent growth spurt and the devel-
their expectations. measurement effects. opment of the male sex organs, secondary
accommodation In Piaget's cognitive develop- age grades Socially defined age groups or sex characteristics, and sexual motivation,
mental theory, the process of modifying exist- strata, each with different statuses, roles, androgyny A gender-role orientation in
ing schemes to incorporate or adapt to new privileges, and responsibilities in society, which the person blends both positive
experiences. Contrast with assimilation. In vi- age norms Expectations about what people masculine-stereotyped and positive
sion, a change in the shape of the eye's lens to should be doing or how they should behave feminine-stereotyped personality traits,
bring objects at differing distances into focus, at different points in the life span, androgyny shift A psychological change
acquired immune deficiency syndrome age of viability A point (around the 24th that begins in midlife, when parenting re-
(AIDS) The life-threatening disease in prenatal week) when a fetus may survive sponsibilities are over, in which both men
which the human immunodeficiency virus outside the uterus if the brain and respira- and women retain their gender-typed qual-
(HIV) destroys the immune system and tory system are well enough developed and ities but add to them qualities traditionally
makes victims susceptible to rare, so-called if excellent medical care is available, associated with the other sex, thus becom-
opportunistic, infections that eventually kill ageism Prejudice against elderly people, ing more androgynous,
them. AIDS is transmitted through sexual agency An orientation toward individual andropause The slower and less-dramatic
activity, drug needle sharing, and from action and achievement that emphasizes male counterpart of menopause, character-
mother to child before or during birth, traits of dominance, independence, as- ized by decreasing levels of testosterone
activity A dimension of temperament that sertiveness, and competitiveness; consid- and symptoms that include low libido, fa-
refers to the energy level of an individual, ered masculine. tigue and lack of energy, erection problems,
activity-passivity issue The issue in devel- age-related macular degeneration Damage memory problems, and loss of pubic hair,
opmental theory centering on whether hu- to cells in the retina responsible for central anorexia nervosa A life-threatening eating
mans are active contributors to their own vision. disorder characterized by failure to main-
development or are passively shaped by aging To most developmentalists, positive, tain a normal weight, a strong fear of
forces beyond their control, negative, and neutral changes in the mature weight gain, and a distorted body image;
activity theory A perspective holding that organism; different from biological aging. literally, "nervous lack of appetite."
aging adults will find satisfaction to the ex- alphabetic principle The idea that the let- anoxia A lack of sufficient oxygen to the
tent that they maintain an active lifestyle. ters in printed words represent the sounds brain that may result in neurological dam-
Contrast with disengagement theory. in spoken words. age or death.
adaptation In Piaget's cognitive develop- anticipatory grief Grieving before death for
Alzheimer's disease A pathological condi-
mental theory, a person's inborn tendency to what is happening and for what lies ahead,
tion of the nervous system that results in
adjust to the demands of the environment, antioxidant Vitamins C, E, and similar sub-
an irreversible loss of cognitive capacities;
consisting of the complementary processes stances that may increase longevity, al-
the leading cause of dementia in later life,
of assimilation and accommodation, though not for long, by inhibiting the free
amniocentesis A method of extracting am -
adolescence The transitional period be- radical activity associated with oxidation
niotic fluid from a pregnant woman so that
tween childhood and adulthood that begins and in turn preventing age-related diseases.
fetal body cells within the fluid can be
Apgar test A test routinely used to assess a ness in which adults lay down clear rules behavioral inhibition A temperamental
newborns heart rate, respiration, color, but also grant a fair amount of autonomy characteristic reflecting a person's tendency
muscle tone, and reflexes immediately after to their children and explain the rationale to withdraw from unfamiliar people and
birth and 5 minutes later; used to identify for their restrictions, situations.
high-risk babies. autism A pervasive and severe develop- behaviorism A school of thinking in psy-
artificial insemination A method of con- mental disorder that begins in infancy and chology that holds that conclusions about
ception that involves injecting sperm from is characterized by such problems as an human development should be based on
a woman's partner or from a donor into aversion to social contact, deviant commu- controlled observations of overt behavior
the uterus. nication or mutism, and repetitive, stereo- rather than on speculation about uncon-
Asperger syndrome An autistic spectrum typed behavior. scious motives or other unobservable phe-
disorder in which the child has normal or autobiographical memory Memory of nomena; the philosophical underpinning of
above-average intelligence, has good verbal everyday events that the individual has ex- early theories of learning,
skills, and wants to establish social relation- perienced. belief-desire psychology The theory of
ships but has seriously deficient mind- automatization The process by which in- mind reflecting an understanding that peo-
reading and social skills, formation processing becomes effortless ple's desires and beliefs guide their behav-
assimilation Piaget's term for the process and highly efficient as a result of continued ior and that their beliefs are not always an
by which children interpret new experi- practice or increased expertise, accurate reflection of reality; evident by
ences in terms of their existing schemata. autonomous morality The most mature age 4. Contrast with desire psychology.
Contrast with accommodation. Piagetian stage of morality in which rules bereavement A state of loss that provides
assisted reproduction technologies (ARTs) are viewed as agreements between individ- the occasion for grief and mourning,
A range of methods used to help a couple uals that can be changed through a consen- beta-amyloid A toxic protein that injures
conceive a child, from fertility drugs to in sus of those individuals and in which the neurons and is located in the senile plaques
vitro fertilization. older child or adolescent pays more atten- associated with Alzheimer's disease,
assisted suicide Making available to indi- tion to intentions than to consequences in big-fish-little-pond effect The phenome-
viduals who wish to commit suicide the judging actions. Contrast with heterono- non in which a student's academic self-
means by which they may do so, such as mous morality. concept and performance are likely to be
when a physician provides a terminally ill autonomy The capacity to make decisions more positive in an academically unselec-
patient who wants to die with enough independently, serve as one's own source of tive school than in a highly selective one
medication to overdose, emotional strength, and otherwise manage with many high-achieving students.
at risk Children who have a higher than life tasks without being overdependent on Big Five The five major dimensions used to
normal chance of either short-term or other people; an important developmental characterize people's .personalities: neuroti-
long-term problems because of genetic task of adolescence. cism, extraversion, openness to experience,
defects, prenatal hazards, or perinatal agreeableness, and conscientiousness,
autonomy versus shame and doubt The
damage. bioecological model Bronfenbrenner's
psychosocial conflict in which toddlers at-
model of development that emphasizes the
attachment A strong affectional tie that tempt to demonstrate their independence
roles of both nature and nurture as the de-
binds a person to an intimate companion from and control over other people; second
veloping person interacts with a series of
and is characterized by affection and a de- of Erikson s stages,
environmental systems (microsystem,
sire to maintain proximity, avoidant attachment An insecure
mesosystem, exosystem, and macrosystem).
attachment theory The theory of close re- infant-caregiver bond or other intimate re-
biological aging The deterioration of or-
lationships developed by Bowlby and lationship characterized by little separation
ganisms that leads inevitably to their death,
Ainsworth and grounded in etiological anxiety and a tendency to avoid or ignore
blastocyst A hollow sphere of about 100 to
theory (with psychoanalytic theory and the attachment object upon reunion,
150 cells that the zygote forms by rapid cell
cognitive theory); it says that close emo- babbling An early form of vocalization that
division as it moves through the fallopian
tional bonds such as parent-child attach- appears between 4 and 6 months of age
ments are biologically based and contribute and involves repeating consonant-vowel
to species survival. combinations such as "baba" or "dadada." breech presentation A delivery in which
attention Focusing perception and cogni- baby biographies Carefully recorded the fetus emerges feel first or bullocks first
tion on something in particular, observations of the growth and develop- rather than head first,
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ment of children by their parents over a bulimia nervosa A life-threatening eating
(ADHD) A disorder characterized by atten- period; the first scientific investigations of disorder characterized by recurrent eating
tional difficulties, impulsive behavior, and development. binges followed by purging activities such
overactive or fidgety behavior, baby boom generation The huge genera- as vomiting.
authoritarian parenting A restrictive style tion of people born between 1946 (the caloric restriction A technique demon-
of parenting combining high demanding- close of World War II) and 1964. strated to extend the life span of laboratory
ness-control and low acceptance-respon- beanpole family A multigenerational fam- animals involving a highly nutritious but
siveness in which adults impose many ily structure characterized by many small severely calorie-restricted diet,
rules, expect strict obedience, and often generations. caregiver burden The psychological distress
rely on power tactics rather than explana- behavioral genetics The scientific study of associated with providing care for someone
tions to elicit compliance, the extent to which genetic and environ- with physical, cognitive, or both types of
authoritative parenting A flexible style of mental differences among individuals are impairment.
parenting combining high demandingness- responsible for differences among them in carrier In genetics, individuals who pos-
control and high acceptance-responsive- traits such as intelligence and personality. sesses a recessive gene associated with a dis-
ease and who, although they do not have mosomes in the nucleus of each cell, communality An orientation that empha-
the disease, can transmit the gene for it to chromosome abnormalities Conditions in sizes the well-being of others and includes
offspring. which a child has too few, too many, or in- traits of emotionality and sensitivity to
case study method An in-depth examina- complete chromosomes because of errors others; considered feminine,
tion of an individual that often involves in the formation of sperm or ova. comorbidity The co-occurrence of two or
compiling and analyzing information from chronosystem In Bronfenbrenner s bioeco- more psychiatric conditions in the same in-
a variety of sources such as observing, test- logical approach, the system that captures dividual.
ing, and interviewing the person or people the way changes in environmental systems, componential subtheory An aspect of
who know the individual, such as social trends and life events, are Sternberg's triarchic theory of intelligence
cataracts A pathologic condition of the eye patterned over a person's lifetime, that focuses on the information-processing
involving opacification (clouding) of the lens chumship A close friendship with a peer of skills used to arrive at answers and their ef-
that can impair vision or cause blindness, the same sex that emerges from age 9 to 12, ficiency.
catch-up growth A phenomenon in which according to Sullivan, conception The moment of fertilization,
children who have experienced growth class inclusion The logical understanding when a sperm penetrates an ovum, forming
deficits will grow rapidly and catch up to that parts or subclasses are included in the a zygote.
the growth trajectory they are genetically whole class and that the whole is therefore concordance rate The percentage of cases in
programmed to follow, greater than any of its parts, which a particular attribute is present for
categorical self A person's classification of classical conditioning A type of learning in both members of a pair of people (for exam-
the self along socially significant dimen- which a stimulus that initially had no effect ple, twins) if it is present for one member,
sions such as age and sex. on the individual comes to elicit a response concrete operations stage Piaget's third
centenarian An individual who lives to be because of its association with a stimulus stage of cognitive development, lasting
100 years of age. that already elicits the response, from about age 7 to age 11, when children
centration In Piaget's theory, the tendency clinical method An unstandardized inter- are acquiring logical operations and can
to focus on only one aspect of a problem viewing procedure used by Piaget in which reason effectively about real objects and ex-
when two or more aspects are relevant, a child's response to each successive ques- periences.
cephalocaudal principle The principle that tion (or problem) determines what the in- conditioned response A learned response
growth proceeds from the head (cephalic vestigator will ask next, to a stimulus that was not originally capa-
region) to the tail (caudal region), clique A small friendship group that inter- ble of producing the response,
cerebral cortex The convoluted outer cov- acts frequently. See crowd. conditioned stimulus An initially neutral
ering of the brain involved in voluntary cochlear implant A surgically implanted stimulus that elicits a particular response
body movements, perception, and higher amplification device that stimulates the au- after it is paired with an unconditioned
intellectual functions such as learning, ditory nerve to provide the sensation of stimulus that always elicits the response,
thinking, and speaking, hearing to a deaf individual, confidant A spouse, relative, or friend to
cerebral palsy A neurological disability codominance In genetics, an instance in whom a person feels emotionally close and
caused by anoxia that is associated with which two different but equally powerful with whom that person can share though ts
difficulty controlling muscle movements, genes produce a phenotvpe in which both and feelings.
cesarean section A surgical procedure in genes are expressed.
conformity The tendency to go along with
which an incision is made in the mothers coercive family environment A home in the opinions or wishes of someone else or
abdomen and uterus so that the baby can which family members are locked in power to yield to group pressures,
be removed through the abdomen, struggles, each trying to control the other conservation The recognition that certain
child-directed speech Speech used by through aggressive tactics such as threaten- properties of an object or substance do not
adults speaking with young children, it in- ing, yelling, and hitting, change when its appearance is altered in
volves short, simple sentences spoken cognition The activity of knowing and the some superficial way.
slowly and in a high-pitched voice, often processes through which knowledge is ac- constraint-seeking questions In the Twenty
with much repetition and with exaggerated quired (for example, attending, perceiving, Questions task and similar hypothesis-
emphasis on key words, remembering, and thinking), testing tasks, questions that rule out more
childhood amnesia A lack of memory for cohabitation When two single adults live than one answer to narrow the field of pos-
the early years of a person s life, together as an unmarried couple, sible choices rather than asking about only
child effects model A model of family influ- cohort A group of people born at the same one hypothesis at a time,
ence in which children are believed to influ- time; a particular generation of people, constructivism The position taken by
ence their parents rather than vice versa, cohort effects In cross-sectional research, Piaget that children actively create their
chorion A membrane that surrounds the the effects on findings that the different age own understandings of the world from
amnion and becomes attached to the uter- groups (cohorts) being compared were their experiences, as opposed to being born
ine lining to gather nourishment for the born at different times and had different with innate ideas or being programmed by
embryo. formative experiences. Contrast with age the environment.
chorionic villus sampling An alternative to effects and time of measurement effects. contact comfort The pleasurable tactile
amniocentesis in which a catheter is in- collectivist culture A culture in which peo- sensations provided by a parent or a soft,
serted through the cervix to withdraw fetal ple define themselves in terms of group terry cloth mother substitute; believed to
cells from the chorion for prenatal testing memberships, give group goals higher pri- foster attachments in infant monkeys and
to detect genetic defects, ority than personal goals, and socialize possibly humans.
chromosome A threadlike structure made children to seek group harmony. Contrast contextual subtheory An aspect of
up of genes; in humans, there are 46 chro- with individualistic culture. Sternberg's triarchic theory of intelligence
that defines whether behavior is intelligent crowd A network of heterosexual cliques trol over decisions and set and enforce
or unintelligent in terms of the sociocultu- that forms during adolescence and facili- rules; also called permissiveness-
ral context in which it is displayed, tates mixed-sex social activities. See clique. restrictiveness.
contextual systems theories Theories of crystallized intelligence Those aspects of dementia A progressive loss of cognitive
development holding that changes over the intellectual functioning that involve using capacities such as memory and judgment
life span arise from the ongoing interrela- knowledge acquired through experience. that affects some aging individuals and that
tionship between a changing organism and Contrast with fluid intelligence. has a variety of causes,
a changing world. cued recall memory Recollecting objects, denial A defense mechanism in which
continuity-discontinuity issue The debate events, or experiences in response to a hint anxiety-provoking thoughts are kept out of,
among theorists about whether human de- or cue. Contrast with pure recall memory or isolated from, conscious awareness,
velopment is best characterized as gradual and recognition memory. dependent variable The aspect of behavior
and continuous or abrupt and stagelike, cultural-familial retardation Mental retar- measured in an experiment and assumed to
contour The amount of light-dark transi- dation that appears to be caused by some be under the control of, or dependent on,
tion or boundary area in a visual stimulus, combination of low genetic potential and a the independent variable,
conventional morality Kohlberg's term for poor family environment rather than by a depression See major depressive disorder.
the third and fourth stages of moral rea- specific biological cause. Contrast with or- desire psychology The earliest theory of
soning in which societal values are inter- ganic retardation. mind: an understanding that desires guide
nalized and judgments are based on a de- culture A system of meanings shared by a behavior (for example, that people seek
sire to gain approval or uphold law and population of people and transmitted from things they like and avoid things they hate).
social order. one generation to the next, Contrast with belief-desire psychology.
convergent thinking Thinking that involves culture bias The situation that arises in development Systematic changes in the in-
"converging" on the one best answer to a testing when one cultural or subcultural dividual occurring between conception and
problem; what IQ tests measure. Contrast group is more familiar with test items than death; such changes can be positive, nega-
with divergent thinking. another group and therefore has an unfair tive, or neutral.
cooing An early form of vocalization that advantage. developmental norm The age at which half
involves repeating vowel-like sounds, cumulative-deficit hypothesis The notion of a large group of infants or children master
cooperative learning Procedures that in- that impoverished environments inhibit in- a skill or display a behavior; the average age
volve assigning studen ts, usually of differ- tellectual growth and that these inhibiting for achieving a milestone in development,
ent races or ability levels, to work teams effects accumulate over time, developmental psychopathology A field of
that are reinforced for performing well as cystic fibrosis A disease caused by a muta- study concerned with the origins and
teams and that encourage cooperation tion that builds up sticky mucus in the course of maladaptive or psychopathologi-
among teammates. lungs, makes breathing difficult, and short- cal behavior.
correlation coefficient A measure, ranging ens the lives of affected children, developmental quotient (DQ) A numerical
from +1.00 to - LOO, of the extent to damage theories of aging Theories that measure of an infant's performance on a
which two variables or attributes are sys- emphasize several haphazard processes that developmental test relative to the perform-
tematically related to each other in either a cause cells and organ systems to deterio- ance of other infants the same age.
positive or a negative way rate. Contrast with programmed theories of developmental stage A distinct phase within
correlational method A research technique aging. a larger sequence of development; a period
that involves determining whether two or dark adaptation The process by which the characterized by a particular set of abilities,
more variables are related. It cannot indi- eyes become more sensitive to light over motives, behaviors, or emotions that occur
cate that one thing caused another, but it time as they remain in the dark, together and form a coherent pattern,
can suggest that a causal relationship exists decentration The ability to focus on two or diathesis-stress model The view that psy-
or allow us to predict one characteristic more dimensions of a problem at one time, chopathology results from the interaction
from our knowledge of another, decontextualization Separation of prior of a person's predisposition to psychologi-
creativity The ability to produce novel re- knowledge and beliefs from the demands of cal problems and the experience of stressful
sponses or works. the task at hand. events.
critical period A defined period in the decontextualized language Language that is differentiation In brain development, the
development of an organism when it is not bound to the immediate conversational progressive diversification of cells that re-
particularly sensitive to certain environ- context and that is about past or remote sults in their taking on different character-
mental influences; outside this period, events. istics and functions.
the same influences will have far less defense mechanisms Mechanisms used by difficult temperament Characteristic mode
effect. the ego to defend itself against anxiety of response in which the individual is irregu-
crossing over A process in which genetic caused by conflict between the id's im- lar in habits and adapts slowly, often with
material is exchanged between pairs of pulses and social demands, vigorous protest, to changes in routine or
chromosomes during meiosis. deferred imitation The ability to imitate a new experiences. Contrast with easy tempera-
cross-modal perception The ability to use novel act after a delav.
ment and slow-to-warm-up temperament.
one sensory modality to identify a stimulus delirium A clouding of consciousness char- diffusion status Identity status characteriz-
or a pattern of stimuli already familiar acterized by alternating periods of disori- ing individuals who have not questioned
through another modality, entation and coherence, who they are and have not committed
cross-sectional design A developmental re- demandingness-control A dimension of themselves to an identity,
search design in which different age groups parenting reflecting the extent to which disengagement theory A perspective that
are studied at the same point and compared. parents as opposed to children exert con- holds that successful aging involves a mu-
tually satisfying withdrawal of the aging in- something to contribute to our under- ronment, jointly bring forth development in
dividual and society from each other. standing. ways that are difficult to predict at the out-
Contrast with activity theory. ego Psychoanalytic term for the rational set, according to Gottliebs evolutionary-
disorganized-disoriented attachment An component of the personality, epigenetic systems perspective,
insecure infant-caregiver bond, common egocentrism The tendency to view the equity A balance of contributions and gains
among abused children, that combines fea- world from the person s own perspective in a social relationship that results in neither
tures of the resistant and avoidant attach- and fail to recognize that others may have partner feeling over- or underbenefited.
ment styles and is characterized by the in- different points of view, estrogen The female hormone responsible
fant's dazed response to reunion and elaboration A strategy for remembering for the development of the breasts, the fe-
confusion about whether to approach or that involves adding something to or creat- male sex organs, and secondary sex charac-
avoid the caregiver. ing meaningful links between the bits of teristics and for the beginning of menstrual
divergent thinking Thinking that requires information the person is trying to retain. cycles.
coming up with a variety of ideas or solu- Electra complex Female version of the ethnic identity A sense of personal identifi-
tions to a problem when there is no one Oedipus complex, in which a 4- to 6-year- cation with the individuals ethnic group
right answer. Contrast with convergent old girl is said to envy her father for pos- and its values and cultural traditions,
thinking. sessing a penis and would choose him as a ethology A discipline and theoretical per-
dominant gene A relatively powerful gene sex object in the hope of sharing this valu- spective that focuses on the evolved behav-
that is expressed phenotypically and masks able organ that she lacks, ior of different species in their natural en-
the effect of a less-powerful recessive gene, embryo See embryonic period. vironments.
double standard The view that sexual behav- embryonic period Second phase of prena- euthanasia Literally, "good death"; specifi-
ior appropriate for members of one gender is tal development, lasting from the third cally, hastening, either actively or passively,
inappropriate for members of the other. through the eighth prenatal week, during the death of someone suffering from an in-
Down syndrome A chromosomal abnor- which the major organs and anatomical curable illness or injury,
mality in which the child has inherited an structures begin to develop, evolutionary-epigenetic systems perspec-
extra 21st chromosome and is, as a result, emergent literacy The developmental pre- tive Gottlieb s perspective that development
mentally retarded; also called trisomy 21. cursors of reading skills in young children, is the product of complex interplays be-
DSM-IV The fourth edition of the including knowledge, skills, and attributes tween nature and nurture, between inter-
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental that will facilitate the acquisition of reading acting biological and environmental forces
Disorders, which spells out defining fea- competence. that form a larger system,
tures and symptoms for the range of psy- emotion regulation The processes involved executive control processes Processes that
chological disorders, in initiating, maintaining, and altering direct and monitor the selection, organiza-
dynamic assessment An approach to as- emotional responses. tion, manipulation, and interpretation of
sessing intelligence that evaluates how well emotionality A dimension of temperament information in the information-processing
individuals learn new material when an ex- that refers to the tendency to be easily or system, including executive functions,
aminer provides them with competent in- intensely irritated by events, executive dysfunction hypothesis View that
struction. empathy The vicarious experiencing of an- autistic individuals are deficient in the ex-
dynamic systems approach A perspective other persons feelings, ecutive functions that make it possible to
on development applied to motor develop- empiricist An individual whose approach plan, change flexibly from one course of
ment which proposes that more sophisti- to human development emphasizes the action to another, inhibit actions already
cated patterns of motor behavior emerge contribution of environmental factors; begun, and the like.
over time through a "self-organizing" specifically, a person who believes that in- executive functions The planning and or-
process in which children modify their mo- fants enter the world as blank slates and ganizational functions that reside in the
tor behavior in adaptive ways on the basis know nothing except what they learn prefrontal cortex of the brain,
of the sensory feedback they receive when through their senses. Contrast with nativist exosystem In Bronfenbrenners bioecologi-
they try different movements, empty nest The term used to describe the cal approach, settings not experienced di-
dyslexia Serious difficulties learning to read family after the last child departs the rectly by individuals still influence their de-
in children who have normal intellectual household. velopment (for example, effects of events at
ability and no sensory impairments or encoding The first step in learning and re- a parent's workplace on children's develop-
emotional difficulties that could account membering something, it is the process of ment).
for their learning problems, getting information into the information- expansion A conversational tactic used by
easy temperament Characteristic mode of processing system, or learning it, and or- adults in speaking to young children in
response in which the individual is even- ganizing it in a form suitable for storing, which they respond to a child's utterance
tempered, content, and open and adaptable endocrine gland A type of gland that se- with a more grammatically complete ex-
to new experiences. Contrast with difficult cretes chemicals called hormones directly pression of the same thought,
temperament and slow-to-warm-up tem- into the bloodstream. Endocrine glands experiential subtheory An aspect of
perament. play critical roles in stimulating growth and Sternberg's triarchic theory of intelligence
echolalia The repetition of sounds, such as regulating bodily functions, that highlights the role of experience in in-
when an autistic child parrots what some- environment Events or conditions outside telligence and distinguishes between what
one else says. the person that are presumed to influence is smart in response to novelty and what is
eclectic In the context of science, an indi- and be influenced by the individual, smart in response to familiar tasks,
vidual who recognizes that no single theory epigenetic process The process through experiment A research strategy in which
can explain everything but that each has which nature and nurture, genes and envi- the investigator manipulates or alters some
aspect of a person's environment to meas- during pregnancy, including a small head, gender intensification A magnification of
ure its effect on the individual's behavior or widely spaced eyes, and mental retardation, differences between males and females dur-
development. fetal period The third phase of prenatal de- ing adolescence associated with increased
experimental control The holding of all velopment, lasting from the ninth prenatal pressure to conform to traditional gender
other factors besides the independent vari- week until birth; during this period, the roles.
able in an experiment constant so that any major organ systems begin to function ef- gender role A pattern of behaviors and
changes in the dependent variable can be fectively and the fetus grows rapidly, traits that defines how to act the part of a
said to be caused by the manipulation of fetus See fetal period. female or a male in a particular society,
the independent variable, filial responsibility Children's obligation to gender-role norms Society's expectations
explicit memory Memory that involves their parents. or standards concerning what males and fe-
consciously recollecting the past. Contrast fine motor skills Skills that involve precise males should be like and how they should
with implicit memory. movements of the hands and fingers or feet behave.
extended family household A family unit and toes. Contrast with gross motor skills. gender-role stereotypes Overgeneralized
composed of parents and children living fixation In psychoanalytic theory, a defense and largely inaccurate beliefs about what
with other kin such as grandparents, aunts mechanism in which development is ar- males and females are like,
and uncles, cousins, or a combination of rested and part of the libido remains tied to gender schema (plural: schemata)
these. Compare with nuclear family. an early stage of development, Organized sets of beliefs and expectations
externalizing problem Childhood behav- fluid intelligence Aspects of intelligence about males and females that guide infor-
ioral problem that involves "undercon- that involve actively thinking and reasoning mation processing.
trolled" behavior such as aggression or to solve novel problems. Contrast with gender segregation The formation of sepa-
acting out difficulties that disturb other crystallized intelligence. rate boys' and girls' peer groups during
people. Contrast with internalizing Flynn effect The rise in average IQ scores childhood.
problem. over the 20th century, gender stability The stage of gender typing
extinction The gradual weakening and dis- foreclosure status An identity status char- in which children realize that their sex re-
appearance of a learned response when it is acterizing individuals who appear to have mains the same over time,
no longer reinforced, committed themselves to a life direction gender typing The process by which chil-
extreme male brain hypothesis Baron- but who have adopted an identity prema- dren become aware of their gender and ac-
Cohen's theory that individuals with turely, without much thought, quire the motives, values, and behaviors
autism have brains that are more mascu- formal operations stage Piaget's fourth and considered appropriate for members of
line, or skilled at systematizing, than femi- final stage of cognitive development (from their biological sex.
nine, or skilled at empathizing, age 11 or 12), when the individual begins gene A functional unit of heredity made up
eyewitness memory Remembering and re- to think more rationally and systematically of DNA and transmitted from generation
porting events the person has witnessed or about abstract concepts and hypothetical to generation.
experienced. ideas. gene-environment correlation A systematic
factor analysis A technique that identifies fragile X syndrome A chromosome abnor- interrelationship between an individual's
clusters of tasks or test items (called fac- mality in which one arm of the X chromo- genes and that individual's environment;
tors) that are highly correlated with one some is only barely connected to the rest of ways in which genes influence the kind of
another and unrelated to other items, the chromosome; the most common hered- home environment provided by parents
failure to thrive A condition observed in itary cause of mental retardation, (passive gene-environment correlation), the
infants who, because of either physical fraternal twins Twins who are not identical social reactions to the individual (evocative
causes or emotional deprivation, are char- and who result when a mother releases two gene-environment correlation), and the
acterized by stunted growth, weight loss, ova at roughly the same time and each is types of experiences the individual seeks
and delays in cognitive and socioemotional fertilized by a different sperm, (active gene-environment correlation),
development. free radical theory The theory of aging that gene-environment interaction The phe-
false belief task A research paradigm used views it as damage caused by free radicals, nomenon in which the effects of people's
to assess an important aspect of a theory of chemically unstable byproducts of metabo- genes depend on the kind of environment
mind, mainly the understanding that peo- lism that have an extra electron and reacL they experience and in which the effects of
ple can hold incorrect beliefs and be influ- with other molecules to produce toxic sub- the environment depend on their genetic
enced by them. stances that damage cells, endowment.
family life cycle The sequence of changes in functional grammar An analysis of the se- gene therapy Interventions that involve
family composition, roles, and relationships mantic relations (meanings such as naming substituting normal genes for the genes as-
that occurs from the time people marry and locating) that children express in their sociated with a disease or disorder; other-
until they die. earliest sentences. wise altering a person's genetic makeup,
family systems theory The conceptualiza- fuzzy-trace theory The view that verbatim generativity versus stagnation The psy-
tion of the family as a whole consisting of and general or gistlike accounts of an event chosocial conflict in which middle-aged
interrelated parts, each of which affects and are stored separately in memory, adults must gain the sense that they have
is affected by every other part, and each of gender consistency The stage of gender produced something that will outlive them
which contributes to the functioning of the typing in which children realize that their and genuinely care for younger generations
whole. sex is stable across situations or despite to avoid self-preoccupation; seventh of
fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) A group of changes in activities or appearance, Erikson's stages.
symptoms commonly observed in the off- gender identity Individuals' basic aware- genetic counseling A service designed to
spring of mothers who use alcohol heavily ness that they are either a male or a female. inform people about genetic conditions
they or their unborn children are at risk of males than females because it is associated id A psychoanalytic term for the inborn
inheriting. with a sex-linked gene on the X chromo- component of the personality that is driven
genetic epistemology The study of how hu- some. by the instincts or selfish urges,
mans come to know reality and basic di- heritability The amount of variability in a ideal self Idealized expectations of what one's
mensions of it such as space, time, and population on some trait dimension that is attributes and personality should be like,
causality; Piaget's field of interest, attributable to genetic differences among ideational fluency The most common
genotype The genetic endowment that an those individuals. measure of creativity; the sheer number of
individual inherits. Contrast with pheno- heteronomous morality A term meaning different, including novel, ideas that a per-
type. subject to authority and referring to the son can generate.
germinal period First phase of prenatal de- childhood beliefs that rules are handed identical twins Monozygotic twins who de-
velopment, lasting about 2 weeks from down by authority figures and are sacred velop from a single zygote that later divides
conception until the developing organism and unalterable and that wrongness should to form two genetically identical individuals,
becomes attached to the wall of the uterus, be judged on the basis of consequences identification Freud's term for the individ-
gerontology The study of aging and old rather than intentions; typical of children ual's tendency to emulate, or adopt the atti-
age. ages 6 to 10, according to Piaget. Contrast tudes and behaviors of, another person,
giftedness The possession of unusually with autonomous morality particularly the same-sex parent,
high general intellectual potential or of holophrase A single-word utterance used identity A self-definition or sense of who
special abilities in such areas as creativity, by an infant that represents an entire sen- one is, where one is going, and how one fits
mathematics, or the arts, tence's worth of meaning. into society.
glaucoma A condition in which increased Home Observation for Measurement of identity achievement status An identity
fluid pressure in the eye damages the optic the Environment (HOME) inventory A status characterizing individuals who have
nerve and causes progressive loss of pe- widelv used instrument that allows an ob-
carefully thought through identity issues
ripheral vision and ultimately blindness, server to determine how intellectually stim- and made commitments or resolved their
goodness of fit The extent to which the ulating or impoverished a home environ- identity issues.
child's temperament and the demands of ment is. identity versus role confusion The psy-
the child's social environment are compati- horizontal decalage A term used by Piaget chosocial conflict in which adolescents
ble or mesh, according to Thomas and to characterize that different cognitive skills must form a coherent self-definition or re-
Chess; more generally, a good match be- related to-the same stage of cognitive devel- main confused about their life directions;
tween person and environment, opment emerge at different times, fifth of Erikson's stages,
grief The emotional response to loss. hormone replacement therapy (HRT) imaginary audience A form of adolescent
Contrast with mourning. Taking estrogen and progestin to compen- egocentrism that involves confusing one's
grief work perspective The view commonly sate for hormone loss because of own thoughts with the thoughts of a hy-
held, but now challenged, that to cope adap- menopause in women, pothesized audience for behavior and con-
tively with death bereaved people must con- hospice A program that supports dying cluding that others share these preoccupa-
front their loss, experience painful emotions, persons and their families through a phi- tions.
work through these emotions, and move to- losophy of caring rather than curing, either imaginary companion A play companion
ward a detachment from the deceased, in a facility or at home, invented by a child in the preoperational
gross motor skills Skills that involve large hot flash A sudden experience of warmth stage who has developed the capacity for
muscles and whole body or limb move- and sweating, often followed by a cold symbolic thought.
ments (for example, kicking the legs or shiver, that occurs in a menopausal woman, implicit memory Memory that occurs un-
drawing large circles). Contrast with fine human agency Ways in which humans de- intentionally and without consciousness or
motor skills. liberately exercise cognitive control over awareness. Contrast with explicit memory.
growth The physical changes that occur their environments and lives, according to imprinting An innate form of learning in
from conception to maturity, Bandura. which the young of certain species will fol-
growth hormone Hormone produced by Human Genome Project A massive, gov- low and become attached to moving ob-
the pituitary gland that stimulates child- ernment-sponsored effort to decipher the jects (usually their mothers) during a criti-
hood physical growth and the adolescent human genetic code. cal period early in life,
growth spurt. Huntington's disease A genetic disease in vitro fertilization (IVF) A method of
guided participation A process in which caused by a single, dominant gene that conception in which fertilized eggs are
children learn by actively participating in strikes in middle age to produce a deterio- transferred to a woman's uterus in the
culturally relevant activities with the aid ration of physical and mental abilities and hopes that one will implant on the wall of
and support of their parents and other premature death. the uterus.
knowledgeable individuals, hyperactivity See attention deficit hyperac- inclusion The educational practice of inte-
habituation A simple form of learning that tivity disorder (ADHD). grating handicapped students into regular
involves learning not to respond to a re- hypothesis A theoretical prediction about classrooms rather than placing them in seg-
peated stimulus; learning to be bored by what will hold true if we observe a phe- regated special education classes; also called
the familiar. nomenon. mainstreaming.
Hayflick limit The estimate that human hypothetical-deductive reasoning A form incomplete dominance A condition in
cells can double only 50 times, plus or mi- of problem solving in which a person starts which a stronger gene fails to mask all the
nus 10, and then will die. with general or abstract ideas and deduces effects of a weaker partner gene; a pheno-
hemophilia A deficiency in the blood's abil- or traces their specific implications; type results that is similar but not identical
ity to clot. It is more common among " if-then" thinking. to the effect of the stronger gene.
independent variable The aspect of the en- intimacy versus isolation The psychosocial they can improve their abilities. Contrast
vironment that a researcher deliberately conflict in which young adults must com- with performance goal.
changes or manipulates in an experiment mit themselves to a shared identity with an- libido Freud's term for the biological en-
to see its effect on behavior; a causal vari- other person or remain aloof and uncon- ergy of the sex instinct,
able. Contrast with dependent variable. nected to others; sixth of Erilcson's stages, life expectancy The average number of
indirect effect The instance in which the intonation Variations in pitch, loudness, years a newborn baby can be expected to
relationship between two individuals in a and timing when saying words or sentences, live; now 76.5 years in the United States,
family is modified by the behavior or atti- intuitive theories Organized systems of life review Process in which elderly adults
tudes of a third family member, knowledge, believed to be innate, that allow reflect on unresolved conflicts of the past
individualistic culture A culture in which children to make sense of the world in ar- and evaluate their lives; it may contribute
individuals define themselves as individuals eas such as physics and psychology, to a sense of integrity and readiness for
and put their own goals ahead of their joint attention The act of looking at the death.
group's goals, and one in which children same object at the same time with someone life structure In Levinsons theory of adult
are socialized to be independent and self- else; a way in which infants share percep- development, an overall pattern of life that
reliant. Contrast with collectivist culture. tual experiences with their caregivers, reflects the person's priorities and relation-
induction A form of discipline that in- karyotype A chromosomal portrait created ships.
volves explaining why a child's behavior is by staining chromosomes, photographing life-span perspective A perspective that
wrong and should be changed by empha- them under a high-power microscope, and views development as a lifelong, multidi-
sizing its effects on other people, arranging them into a predetermined pat- rectional process that involves gain and
industry versus inferiority The psychoso- tern. loss, is characterized by considerable plas-
cial conflict in which school-aged children Klinefelter syndrome A sex chromosome ticity, is shaped by its historical-cultural
must master important cognitive and social abnormality in which males inherit two or context, has many causes, and is best
skills or feel incompetent; fourth of more X chromosomes (XXY or XXXY); viewed from a multidisciplinary perspec-
Eriksons stages. these males fail to develop secondary sex tive.
infant states Coherent patterns of waking characteristics and often show deficiencies literacy The ability to use printed informa-
and sleeping evident in the fetus and young on tests of verbal abilities, tion to function in society, achieve goals,
infant (for example, quiet sleep, active knowledge base A person's existing infor- and develop potential,
sleep, and active waking), mation about a content area, significant for living will A document in which people
information-processing approach An ap- its influence on how well that individual state in advance that they do not wish to
proach to cognition that emphasizes the can learn and remember. have extraordinary medical procedures ap-
fundamental mental processes involved in Lamaze method Prepared childbirth in plied if they are hopelessly ill.
attention, perception, memory, and deci- which parents attend classes and learn longitudinal design A developmental re-
sion making. mental exercises and relaxation techniques search design in which one group of sub-
initiative versus guilt The psychosocial to ease delivery. jects is studied repeatedly over months or
conflict in which prcschool children must language A symbolic system in which a years.
learn to initiate new activities and pursue limited number of signals can be combined long-term memory Memory store in which
bold plans or become self-critical; third of according to rules to produce an infinite information that has been examined and
Eriksons stages. number of messages. interpreted is stored relatively permanently,
instinct An inborn biological force as- language acquisition device (LAD) A set of looking-glass self The idea that a person's
sumed to motivate a particular response or linguistic processing skills that nativists be- self-concept is largely a reflection of the
class of responses. lieve to be innate; presumably the LAD en- ways in which other people respond to that
integrity versus despair The psychosocial ables a child to infer the rules governing person.
conflict in which elderly adults attempt to others' speech and then use these rules to love withdrawal A form of discipline that
find a sense of meaning in their lives and to produce language. involves withholding attention, affection,
accept the inevitability of death; eighth of latchkey children Children who care for or approval after a child misbehaves,
Eriksons stages. themselves after school with little or no macrosystem In Bronfenbrenner's bioeco-
intelligence quotient (IQ) A numerical adult supervision. logical approach, the larger cultural or sub-
measure of a person's performance on an lateralization The specialization of the two cultural context of development,
intelligence test relative to the performance hemispheres of the cerebral cortex of the macular degeneration See age-related mac-
of other examinees of the same age, typi- brain. ular degeneration.
cally with a score of LOO defined as average, learned helplessness orientation A ten- major depressive disorder An affective or
internal working model In attachment the- dency to avoid challenges and to cease try- mood disorder characterized by at least one
ory, cognitive representation of self and ing in the face of failure primarily because episode of feeling profoundly sad and
other that children construct from their in- of a tendency to attribute failure to lack of hopeless, losing interest in almost all activi-
teractions with caregivers and that shape ability and therefore to believe that little ties, or both.
their expectations about relationships, can be done to improve the results. mastery motivation An intrinsic motive to
internalizing problem Childhood behav- Contrast with mastery orientation. master and control the environment evi-
ioral problem that represents an "overcon- learning A relatively permanent change in dent early in infancy,
trolled" pattern of coping with difficulties behavior (or behavioral potential) that re- mastery orientation A tendency to thrive
and is expressed in anxiety, depression, and sults from a person's experiences or practice, on challenges and persist in the face of fail-
other forms of inner distress. Contrast with learning goal A goal adopted by learners in ure because of healthy attributions that
externalizing problem. which they seek to learn new things so that lead to the belief that increased effort will
pay off. Contrast with learned helplessness miliar route and then creating images link- morality of justice Gilligan's term for what
orientation. ing each item to be learned to a landmark she says is the dominant moral orientation
maternal blood sampling A noninvasive along the route. of males, in which moral dilemmas are
method of prenatal diagnosis involving microsystem In Bronfenbrenner's bioeco- viewed as inevitable conflicts between the
testing for substances in maternal blood; logical approach, the immediate settings in rights of two or more parties that must be
more recently analysis of fetal cells that which the person functions (for example, settled by law. Contrast with morality of care.
have slipped through the placenta into the the family). moratorium period A period of time in
mothers blood. middle generation squeeze The phenome- high school or college when young adults
maturation Developmental changes that non in which middle-aged adults some- are relatively free of responsibilities and can
are biologically programmed by genes times experience heavy responsibilities for experiment with different roles to find their
rather than caused primarily by learning, both the younger and the older generations identities.
injury, illness, or some other life experi- in the family. moratorium status Identity status charac-
ence. midlife crisis A period of major question- terizing individuals who are experiencing
maximum life span A ceiling on the num- ing, inner struggle, and re-evaluation hy- an identity crisis or actively exploring iden-
ber of years that any member of a species pothesized to occur in an adult's early 40s. tity issues but who have not yet achieved an
lives; 120 years for humans, mild cognitive impairment A level of identity.
mediation deficiency The initial stage of memory loss between normal loss with age morphology Rules governing the forma-
mastery of memory strategies in which and pathological loss from disease, tion of words from sounds (for example,
children cannot spontaneously use or ben- mitosis The process in which a cell dupli- rules for forming plurals and past tenses),
efit from strategies even if they are taught cates its chromosomes and then divides mourning Culturally prescribed ways of
to use them. into two genetically identical daughter displaying reactions to a loss. Contrast with
meiosis The process in which a germ cell cells. grief
divides, producing sperm or ova, each con- modified extended family An arrangement mutation A change in the structure or
taining half of the parent cell's original in which nuclear families related by kinship arrangement of one or more genes that
complement of chromosomes; in humans, maintain separate households but fre- produces a new phenotype.
the products of meiosis normally contain quently interact rather than functioning in mutually responsive orientation A close,
23 chromosomes. isolation. affectively positive, and cooperative rela-
menarche A female's first menstrual molecular genetics The analysis of particu- tionship in which child and parent are at-
period. lar genes and their effects, including the tached to each other and are sensitive to
menopause The ending of a woman's men- identification of specific genes that influ- each other's needs; a contributor to moral
strual periods and reproductive capacity ence particular traits and the comparison development.
around age 51. of animals or humans who have these spe- myelin A fatty sheath that insulates neural
mental age A measure of intellectual devel- cific genes and those who do not. axons and thereby speeds the transmission
opment that reflects the level of age-graded moral affect The emotional component of of neural impulses.
problems that a child "is able to solve; the morality, including feelings of guilt, shame, nativist An individual whose approach to
age at which a child functions intellectually, and pride regarding one's conduct, human development emphasizes the con-
mental retardation Significant, subaverage moral disengagement According to tribution of genetic factors; specifically, a
general intellectual functioning associated Bandura, the ability to avoid self condem- person who believes that infants enter the
with impairments in adaptive behavior and nation when engaged in immoral behavior world equipped with knowledge that allows
manifested during the developmental pe- by justifying, minimizing, or blaming oth- them to perceive a meaningful world from
riod. ers for one's actions. the start. Contrast with empiricist.
mesosystem In Bronfenbrenner's bioeco- moral reasoning The cognitive component natural selection The evolutionary princi-
logical approach, interrelationships be- of morality; the thinking that occurs when ple that individuals who have characteris-
tween microsystems or immediate environ- people decide whether acts are right or tics advantageous for survival in a particu-
ments (for example, ways in which events wrong. lar environment are most likely to survive
in the family affect a child's interactions at moral rules Standards of conduct that fo- and reproduce. Over many generations, this
a day care center). cus on the basic rights and privileges of in- process of "survival of the fittest" will lead
meta-analysis A research method in .which dividuals. Contrast with social-conventional to changes in a species and the develop-
the results of multiple studies addressing rules. ment of new species.
the same question are synthesized to pro- morality The ability to distinguish right naturalistic observation A research method
duce overall conclusions, from wrong, to act on this distinction, and in which the scientist observes people as
metacognition Knowledge of the human to experience pride when doing something they engage in common everyday activities
mind and of the range of cognitive right and to experience guilt or shame in their natural habitats. Contrast with
processes, including thinking about per- when doing something wrong. Morality structured observation.
sonal thought processes, has affective, cognitive, and behavioral nature-nurture issue The debate over the
metalinguistic awareness Knowledge of components. relative importance of biological predispo-
language as a system. morality of care Gilligan's term for what sitions (nature) and environmental influ-
metamemory A person's knowledge about she says is the dominant moral orientation ences (nurture) as determinants of human
memory and about monitoring and regu- of females, in which the individual empha- development.
lating memory processes, sizes concern and responsibility for the negative punishment The process in oper-
method of loci A mnemonic technique that welfare of other people rather than abstract ant conditioning in which a response is
involves establishing a mental map of a fa- rights. Contrast with morality of justice. weakened or made less probable when its
consequence is the removal of a pleasant organogenesis The process, occurring dur- which adults love their children but make
stimulus from the situation, ing the period of the embryo, in which few demands on them and rarely attempt
negative reinforcement The process in op- every major organ takes^shape in a primi- to control their behavior,
erant conditioning in which a response is tive form. personal fable A form of adolescent ego-
strengthened or made more probable when orthogenetic principle Werner's principle centrism that involves thinking that oneself
its consequence is the removal of an un- that development proceeds from global and and one's thoughts and feelings are unique
pleasant stimulus from the situation, undifferentiated states toward more differ- or special.
neglectful parenting A parenting style low in entiated and integrated patterns of re- personality The organized combination of
demandingness-control and low in accept- sponse. attributes, motives, values, and behaviors
ance-responsiveness; uninvolved parenting, osteoarthritis A joint problem among older that is unique to each individual,
neonatal Pertaining to events or develop- adults resulting from a gradual deteriora- phenotype The way in which a person s
ments in the first mon th after birth, tion of the cartilage that cushions the genotype is expressed in observable or
neuron The basic unit of the nervous sys- bones and keeps them from rubbing to- measurable characteristics,
tem; a nerve cell. gether. phenylketonuria (PKU) A genetic disease
nonshared environmental influences osteoporosis A disease affecting older in which the child is unable to metabolize
Experiences unique to the individual that adults in which bone tissue is lost, leaving phenylalanine; if left untreated, it soon
are not shared by other members of the bones fragile and easily fractured, causes hyperactivity and mental retarda-
family and that tend to make members of overextension The young child's tendency to tion. '
the same family different. Contrast with use a word to refer to a wider set of objects, phoneme One of the basic units of sound
shared environmental influences. actions, or events than adults do (for exam- used in a particular spoken language,
normal distribution A symmetrical (bell- ple, using the word car to refer to all motor -phonological awareness The understanding
shaped) curve that describes the variability vehicles). Contrast with underextension. that spoken words can be decomposed into
of characteristics within a population. Most overregularization The overgeneralization some number of basic sound units, or
people fall at or near the average score; of observed grammatical rules to irregular phonemes; an important skill in learning to
there are relatively few high or low scores, cases to which the rules do not apply (for read.
nuclear family A family unit consisting of example, saying mouses rather than mice). phonology The sound system of a language
husband-father, wife-mother, and at least parent effects model A model of family in- and the rules for combining these sounds
one child. Compare with extended family fluence in which parents (particularly to produce meaningful units of speech,
household. mothers) are believed to influence their pincer grasp A grasp in which the thumb is
object permanence The understanding that children rather than vice versa, used in opposition to the fingers, enabling
objects continue to exist when they are no parental imperative The notion that the an infant to become more dexterous at lift-
longer visible or otherwise detectable to the demands of parenthood cause men and ing and manipulating objects,
senses; fully mastered by the end of infancy, women to adopt distinct roles and psycho- pituitary gland The "master gland" located
observational learning Learning that re- logical traits. at the base of the brain that regulates the
sults from observing the behavior of other Parkes/Bowlby attachment model of be- other endocrine glands and produces
people; emphasized in Bandura's social reavement Model of grieving describing growth hormone.
cognitive theory. four predominant reactions to loss of an placenta An organ, formed from the
Oedipus complex Freud's term for the con- attachment figure: numbness, yearning, chorion and the lining of the uterus, that
flict that 4- to 6-year-old boys experience disorganization and despair, and reorgani- provides for the nourishment of the un-
when they develop an incestuous desire for zation. born child and the elimination of its meta-
their mothers and a jealous and hostile ri- peer A social equal; a person who functions bolic wastes.
valry with their fathers, at a level of behavioral complexity similar plasticity An openness of the brain cells (or
olfaction The sense of smell, made possible to that of the self, often someone of similar of the organism as a whole) to positive and
by sensory receptors in the nasal passage age. negative environmental influence; a capac-
that react to chemical molecules in the air. perception The interpretation of sensory ity to change in response to experience,
operant conditioning Also called instru- input. polygenic trait A characteristic influenced
mental conditioning, a form of learning in perceptual salience Phenomenon in which by the action of many gene pairs rather
which freely emitted acts (or operants) be- the most obvious features of an object or than a single pair.
come more or less probable depending on situation have disproportionate influence population A well-defined group that a re-
the consequences they produce, on the perceptions and thought of young searcher who studies a sample of individu-
organic retardation Mental retardation be- children. als is interested in drawing conclusions
cause of some identifiable biological cause performance goal A goal adopted by learn- about.
associated with hereditary factors, diseases, ers in which they attempt to prove their positive punishment The process in oper-
or injuries. Contrast with cultural-familial ability rather than to improve it. Contrast ant conditioning whereby a response is
retardation. with learning goal weakened when its consequence is an un-
organization In Piaget's cognitive develop- perinatal environment The environment pleasant event.
mental theory, a person's inborn tendency surrounding birth. positive reinforcement The process in op-
to combine and integrate available schemes perinatal period The period surrounding erant conditioning whereby a response is
into more coherent and complex systems birth. strengthened when its consequence is a
or bodies of knowledge; as a memory strat- permissive parenting A lax style of parent- pleasant event.
egy, a technique that involves grouping or ing combining low demandingness-control postconventional morality Kohlberg's term
classifying stimuli into meaningful clusters. and high acceptance-responsiveness in for the fifth and sixth stages of moral rea-
soiling, in which moral judgments are based presbyopia Problems of the aging eye, es- punishment Consequences that decrease
on a more abstract understanding of demo- pecially loss of near vision related to a de- the probability that an act will recur. See
cratic social, contracts or on universal princi- creased ability of the lens to accommodate positive punishment and negative punish-
ples of justice that have validity apart from to objects close to the eye. ment.
the views of particular authority figures, pretend play Symbolic play in which one quasi experiment An experiment-like study
postformal thought Proposed stages of actor, object, or action symbolizes or stands that evaluates the effects of different treat-
cognitive development that lie beyond for- for another. ments but does not randomly assign indi-
mal operations. private speech Nonsocial speech, or speech viduals to treatment groups,
postnatal depression An episode of severe, for the self, commonly used by preschool- random assignment A technique in which
clinical depression lasting for months in a ers to guide their activities and believed by research participants are placed in experi-
woman who has just given birth; to be con- Vygotsky to be the forerunner of inner mental conditions in an unbiased or ran-
trasted with milder cases of the "baby speech, or silent thinking in words, dom way so that the resulting groups are
blues/' in which a new mother is tearful problem solving The use of the informa- not systematically different,
and moody in the first days after birth, tion-processing system to achieve a goal or random sample A sample formed by identi-
posttraumatic stress disorder A psycholog- arrive at a decision. fying all members of the larger population
ical disorder involving flashbacks to trau- of interest and then selecting a portion of
production deficiency A phase in the mas-
matizing events, nightmares, and feelings of them in an unbiased or random way to par-
tery of memory strategies in which chil-
helplessness and anxiety in the face of dan-
dren can use strategies they are taught but ticipate in the study; a technique to ensure
ger experienced by victims of extreme
cannot produce them on their own. that the sample studied is representative or
trauma such as soldiers in combat and sex-
progeria A genetic disorder caused by a typical of the larger population of interest,
ually abused children.
single dominant gene that makes victims reaction time The interval between the pres-
age prematurely and die early, entation of a stimulus and a response to it.
power assertion A form of discipline that
programmed theories of aging Theories recall memory Recollecting or actively re-
involves the use of superior power to ad-
that emphasize the systematic genetic con- trieving objects, events, and experiences
minister spankings, withhold privileges,
trol of aging processes. Contrast with dam- when examples or cues are not provided.
and so on.
age theories of aging. Contrast with cued recall memory and
pragmatics Rules specifying how language
prosocial behavior Positive actions toward recognition memory.
is to be used appropriately in different so-
cial contexts to achieve goals, other people such as helping and cooperat- recessive gene A less powerful gene that is
preconventional morality Kohlberg's term ing. not expressed phenotypically when paired
for the first two stages of moral reasoning, protective factors Factors such as personal with a dominant gene.
in which society's rules are not yet internal- resources and a supportive postnatal envi- reciprocal determinism The notion in so-
ized and judgments arc based on the pun- ronment that work to prevent at-risk indi- cial cognitive theory that the flow of influ-
ishing or rewarding consequences of an act. viduals from developing problems, ence between people and their environ-
preimplantation genetic diagnosis Prenatal proximodistal principle In development, ments is a two-way street; the environment
diagnostic procedure in which a mother's the principle that growth proceeds from may affect the person, but the person's
eggs are fertilized in the laboratory using in the center of the body (or the proximal re- characteristics and behavior will also influ-
vitro fertilization techniques, DNA tests are gion) to the extremities (or the distal re- ence the environment,
conducted 011 the first cells that result from gions). recognition memory Identifying an object
mitosis of each fertilized egg, and only eggs psychoanalytic theory The theoretical per- or event as one that has been experienced
that do not have chromosome abnormali- spective associated with Freud and his fol- before, such as when a person must select
ties or genes associated with disorders are lowers that emphasizes unconscious moti- the correct answer from several options.
implanted in the uterus, vations for behavior, conflicts within the Contrast with cued recall memory and recall
premenstrual syndrome (PMS) Several personality, and stages of psychosexual de- memory.
symptoms experienced shortly before each velopment. reconstituted family A new family that
menstrual period that include having ten- • psychometric approach The research tradi- forms after the remarriage of a single par-
der breasts, feeling bloated, and being irri- tion that spawned standardized tests of in- ent, sometimes involving the blending of
table and moody. telligence and that views intelligence as a two families into a new one.
premoral period According to Piaget, a pe- trait or a set of traits that can be measured reflex An unlearned and automatic re-
riod during the preschool years when chil- and that varies from person to person, sponse to a stimulus,
dren show little awareness or understand- psychosexual stages Freud's five stages of regression A defense mechanism that in-
ing of rules and cannot be considered to be development, associated with biological volves retreating to an earlier, less trau-
moral beings. maturation and shifts in the libido: oral, matic stage of development,
prenatal environment The physical envi- anal, phallic, latency, and genital, rehearsal A strategy for remembering that
ronment of the womb, psychosocial stages Erikson's eight stages of involves repeating the items the person is
preoperational stage Piaget's second stage development (trust, autonomy, initiative, trying to retain.
of cognitive development, lasting from industry, identity, intimacy, generativity, reinforcement Consequences that increase
about age 2 to age 7, when children think and integrity), emphasizing social influ- the probability that an act will recur. See
at a symbolic level but have not yet mas- ences more and biological urges less than positive reinforcement and negative rein-
tered logical operations, Freud's psychosexual stages, forcement.
presbycusis Problems of the aging ear, puberty The point at which a person relativistic thinking A form of postformal-
which commonly involve loss of sensitivity reaches sexual maturity and is physically operational thought in which it is under-
to high-frequency or high-pitched sounds. capable of conceiving a child. stood that there are multiple ways of view-
ing a problem and that the solutions people scheme (or schema; plural: schemes or sensorimotor stage Piaget's first stage of
arrive at will depend on their starting as- schemata) A cognitive structure or organ- cognitive development, spanning the first 2
sumptions and perspective. ized pattern of action os thought used to years of life, in which infants rely on their
REM sleep A state of active, irregular sleep deal with experiences, senses and motor behaviors in adapting to
associated with dreaming; named for the schizophrenia A serious form of mental ill- the world around them,
rapid eye movements associated with it- ness characterized by disturbances in logi- sensory register The first memory store in
research ethics Standards of conduct that cal thinking, emotional expression, and in- information processing in which stimuli
investigators are ethically bound to honor terpersonal behavior, are noticed and are briefly available for fur-
to protect their research participants from scientific method An attitude or value ther processing.
physical or psychological harm, about the pursuit of knowledge that dic- sensory threshold The point at which low
reserve capacity The ability of many organ tates that investigators must be objective levels of stimulation can be detected,
systems to respond to demands for extraor- and must allow their data to decide the separation anxiety A wary or fretful reac-
dinary output, such as when the heart and merits of their theorizing, tion that infants display when separated
lungs work at maximal capacity, script A mental representation of a typical from their attachment objects,
resilience The self-righting or recuperative sequence of actions related to an event that sequential design A developmental re-
capacity that allows many children to re- is created in memory and that then guides search design that combines the cross-
cover from early disadvantages and return future behaviors in similar settings, sectional approach and the longitudinal ap-
to a normal course of development, secular trend A trend in industrialized so- proach in a single study to compensate for
resistant attachment An insecure ciety toward earlier maturation and greater the weaknesses of each,
infant-caregiver bond or other intimate rela- body size. seriation A logical operation that allows a
tionship characterized by strong separation secure attachment An infant-caregiver person to mentally order a set of stimuli
anxiety and a tendency to show ambivalent bond or intimate relationship in which the along a quantifiable dimension such as
reactions to the attachment object upon re- individual welcomes close contact, uses the height or weight.
union, seeking and yet resisting contact, attachment object as a source of comfort, sex-linked characteristic An attribute de-
retinitis pigmentosa (RP) A group of and dislikes but can manage separations, termined by a gene that appears on one of
hereditary disorders that involve gradual secure base A point of safety, represented the two types of sex chromosomes, usually
deterioration of the light-sensitive cells of by an infant's attachment figure, that per- the X chromosome.
the retina. mits exploration of the environment, sexual orientation A person's preference for
retrieval The process of retrieving informa- selective attention Deliberately concentrat- sexual partners of the same or other sex,
tion from long-term memory when it is ing on one thing and ignoring something often characterized as primarily heterosex-
needed. else. ual, homosexual, or bisexual,
reversibility In Piaget's theory, the ability to selective breeding A method of studying shared environmental influences
reverse or negate an action by mentally genetic influence that involves deliberately Experiences that individuals living in the
performing the opposite action, determining whether a trait can be bred in same home environment share and that
rhythmic stereotypies Repetitive move- animals through selective mating, work to make them similar. Contrast with
ments observed in infants shortly before a selective optimization with compensation nonshared environmental influences.
new motor skill emerges, The concept that older people cope with short-term memory The memory store in
role reversal A switching of child and par- aging through a strategy that involves fo- which limited amounts of information are
ent roles late in life such that the parent be- cusing on the skills most needed, practicing temporarily held; called working memory
comes dependent and the child becomes those skills, and developing ways to avoid when its active quality is being emphasized,
the caregiver. the need for other skills, sibling rivalry A spirit of competition, jeal-
role-talcing skills The ability to assume self-concept People's perceptions of their ousy, or resentment that may arise between
other people's perspectives and understand unique attributes or traits. two or more brothers or sisters,
their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, self-conscious emotion A "secondary emo-
sickle-cell disease A genetic blood disease
rubella A disease that has little effect on a tion" such as embarrassment or pride that in which red blood cells assume an unusual
pregnant woman but may cause several se- requires an awareness of self unlikely to sickle shape and become inefficient at dis-
rious birth defects, such as blindness, deaf- emerge until about 18 months of age. tributing oxygen throughout the body,
ness, and mental retardation, in unborn self-esteem People's overall evaluation of single gene-pair inheritance The genetic
children exposed in the first 3 to 4 months their worth as based on an assessment of mechanism through which a characteristic
of gestation; German measles, the qualities that make up the self- is influenced by only one pair of genes, one
rule assessment approach Siegler's ap- concept. gene from the mother and its partner from
proach to studying the development of self-recognition The ability to recognize the father.
problem solving that determines what in- oneself in a mirror or photograph, which size constancy The tendency to perceive an
formation about a problem children take in occurs in most infants by 18 to 24 months object as the same size despite changes in
and what rules they then formulate to ac- of age. its distance from the eyes,
count for this information, semantics The aspect of language centering slow-to-warm-up temperament A charac-
sample The group of individuals chosen to on meanings. teristic mode of response in which the in-
be the subjects of a study, semenarche A boy's first ejaculation, dividual is relatively inactive and moody
savant syndrome The phenomenon in sensation The process by which informa- and displays mild resistance to new rou-
which extraordinary talent in a particular tion is detected by the sensory receptors tines and experiences but gradually adapts.
area is displayed by a person who is other- and transmitted to the brain; the starting Contrast with easy temperament and diffi-
wise mentally retarded. point in perception. cult temperament.
sociability A dimension of temperament tors as income, education, occupational they are able to succeed in life in their
that refers to die individual's degree of in- status, and the prestige of their neighbor- sociocultural context.
terest in and responsiveness to people, hoods. sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) The
social clock A personal sense of when socioemotional selectivity theory death of a sleeping baby because of a fail-
things should be done in life and when the Carstensen's notion that our needs change ure of the respiratory system; linked to ma-
individual is ahead of or behind the sched- as we grow older and that we actively ternal smoking.
ule dictated by age norms, choose to narrow our range of social part- superego The psychoanalytic term for the
social cognition Thinking about the ners to those who can best meet our emo- component of the personality that consists
thoughts, feelings, motives, and behavior of tional needs. of the individual's internalized moral stan-
the self and other people, sociometric techniques Methods for deter- dards.
social cognitive theory Bandura's social mining who is well liked and popular and surfactant A substance that aids breathing
learning theory, which holds that children who is disliked or neglected in a group, by preventing the air sacs of the lungs from
and adults can learn novel responses somatic symptoms Physical or bodily signs sticking together.
merely by observing the behavior of a of emotional distress such as loss of appetite symbolic capacity The capacity to use sym-
model, making mental notes on what they or disruption of normal sleep patterns, bols such as words, images, or actions to
have seen, and then using these mental rep- species heredity The genetic endowment represent or stand for objects and experi-
resentations to reproduce the models be- that members of a particular species have ences; representational thought,
havior; more broadly, a theory emphasizing in common; a contributor to universal synapse The point at which the axon or
the importance of cognitive processing of species traits and patterns of maturation, dendrite of one neuron makes a connec-
social experiences. spillover effects Events at work affect home tion with another neuron,
social comparison The process of defining life, and events at home carry over into the synchronized routine Harmonious, dance-
and evaluating the self through compar- work place. like interaction between infant and care-
isons with other people, spirituality A search for ultimate meaning giver in which each adjusts behavior in re-
social convoy The changing cadre of signif- in life that may or may not be carried out sponse to that of the other,
icant people who serve as sources of social in the context of religion, syntax Rules specifying how words can be
support to the individual during the life static thought In Piaget's theory, the combined to form meaningful sentences in
span. thought characteristic of the preoperational a language.
social learning theory See social cognitive period that is fixed on end states rather syphilis A common sexually transmitted
theory; than on the changes that transform one disease that may cross the placental barrier
social norm A socially defined expectation state into another. Contrast with transfor- in the middle and later stages of pregnancy,
about how people should behave in partic- mational thought. causing miscarriage or serious birth defects,
ular social contexts. stem cell Undifferentiated, primitive cells systemize The brain's ability to analyze and
social pretend play A form of play that in- that have the ability both to multiply and explore how things work,
volves both cooperation with playmates to differentiate into a variety of specific tabula rasa The idea that the mind of an
and pretend or symbolic activity, cells. infant is a "blank slate" and that all knowl-
social referencing Infants' monitoring of stereotype threat An individual's fear of edge, abilities, behaviors, and motives are
companions' emotional reactions in am- being judged to have the qualities associ- acquired through experience.
biguous situations and use of this informa- ated with negative stereotypes of his or her Tay-Sachs disease A genetic disease com-
tion to decide how they should feel and be- social group. mon among Jewish children that is caused
have. storage In information processing, the by a pair of recessive genes and that results
social support The several forms of assis- holding of information in the long-term in a degeneration of the nervous system
tance from other people that bolster indi- memory store. and death.
viduals and protect them from stress, storm and stress Hall's term for the emo- telegraphic speech Early sentences that
social-conventional rules Standards of con- tional ups and downs and rapid changes consist primarily of content words and
duct determined by social consensus that - that he believed characterize adolescence, omit the less meaningful parts of speech
indicate what is appropriate within a par- stranger anxiety A wary or fretful reaction such as articles, prepositions, pronouns,
ticular social setting. Contrast with moral that infants often display when approached and auxiliary verbs.
rules. by an unfamiliar person. telomere A stretch of DNA that forms the
social-role hypothesis Eagly's view that Strange Situation A series of mildly stress- tip of a chromosome and that shortens af-
gender-role stereotypes are created and ful experiences involving the departure of ter each cell division, possibly timing the
maintained by differences in the roles that the parent and exposure to a stranger to death of cells.
men and women play in society rather than which infants are exposed to determine the temperament A genetically based pattern
being inherent in males and females, quality of their attachments; developed by of tendencies to respond in predictable
sociocultural perspective Vygotsky's con- Ains worth. ways; building blocks of personality such
textual theory of development, which structured observation A research method as activity level, sociability, and emotion-
maintains that cognitive development is in which scientists create special conditions ality.
shaped by the sociocultural context in designed to elicit the behavior of interest to teratogen Any disease, drug, or other envi-
which it occurs and grows out of children's achieve greater control over the conditions ronmental agent that can harm a develop-
social interactions with members of their under which they gather behavioral data. ing fetus.
culture. Contrast with naturalistic observation. terminal drop A rapid decline in intellec-
socioeconomic status (SES) The position successful intelligence Sternberg's concept tual abilities that people within a few years
people hold in society based on such fac- that people are intelligent to the extent that of dying often experience.
test norms Standards of normal perform- ments in a serial order (for example, that if utilization deficiency The third phase in
ance on psychometric instruments based A is taller than B, and B is taller than C, mastery of memory strategies in which
on the average scores and range of scores then A must be taller thgn C). children fail to benefit from a memory
obtained by a large, representative sample triarchic theory of intelligence An infor- strategy they are able to produce,
of test takers. mation-processing theory of intelligence vascular dementia The deterioration of
testosterone The most important of the that emphasizes three aspects of intelligent functioning and cognitive capacities caused
male hormones, or androgens; essential for behavior: the context in which people dis- by a series of minor strokes that cut off the
normal sexual development during the pre- play intelligence, the previous experience blood supply to areas of the brain; also
natal period and at puberty, they have with cognitive tasks, and the in- called multi-infarct dementia,
thalidomide A mild tranquilizer that, taken formation--processing components they use vicarious reinforcement In observational
early in pregnancy, can produce a variety of to solve problems. learning, the consequences experienced by
malformations of the limbs, eyes, ears, and trust versus mistrust The psychosocial models, because of their behavior, that af-
heart. conflict of infancy in which infants must fect the learner's likelihood of engaging in
theory A set of concepts and propositions learn to trust others to meet their needs in the behavior.
designed to organize, describe, and explain order to trust themselves; first stage in visual accommodation The ability of the
a set of observations, Erikson's theory. lens of the eye to change shape to bring ob-
theory of mind The understanding that Turner syndrome A sex chromosome ab- jects at different distances into focus,
people have mental states (feelings, desires, normality in which females inherit only visual acuity The ability to perceive detail
beliefs, intentions) and that these states un- one X chromosome (XO); they remain in a visual stimulus.
derlie and help explain their behavior, small in stature, fail to develop secondary visual cliff An elevated glass platform that
theory-of-mind hypothesis The theory that sex characteristics, and may show some creates an illusion of depth and is used to
autism is rooted in a limited understanding mental deficiencies. test the depth perception of infants,
of mental states and their role in human ultrasound Method of examining physical vocabulary spurt A phenomenon occurring
behavior—that individuals with autism organs by scanning them with sound around 18 months of age when the pace of
lack a theory of mind, waves—for example, scanning the womb word learning quickens dramatically,
time of measurement effects In develop- and thereby producing a visual outline of weak central coherence hypothesis A the-
mental research, the effects on findings of the fetus to detect gross abnormalities, ory that autism is rooted in a focus on de-
historical events occurring when the data umbilical cord A soft tube containing tails and an inability to integrate percep-
for a study are being collected (for exam- blood vessels that connects the embryo to tions, take into account the surrounding
ple, psychological changes brought about the placenta and serves as a source of oxy- context, and see the "big picture" or form
by an economic depression rather than as a gen and nutrients and as a vehicle for the generalizations.
function of aging). Contrast with age effects elimination of wastes, wisdom Exceptional insight or judgment
and cohort effects. unconditioned response The unlearned regarding life's problems,
total brain death An irreversible loss of response elicited by an unconditioned working memory A memory store, often
functioning in the entire brain, both the stimulus. referred to as a mental "scratch pad," that
higher centers of the cerebral cortex that unconditioned stimulus A stimulus that t e m p o r a r i l y holds information when it is
are involved in thought and the lower cen- elicits a particular response without prior being actively operated upon; the active use
ters of the brain that control basic life learning. of the short-term memory store.
processes such as breathing, unconscious motivation Freud's term for X chromosome The longer of the two sex
transactional model A model of family in- feelings, experiences, and conflicts that in- chromosomes; normal females have two X
fluence in which parent and child are be- fluence a person's thinking and behavior chromosomes, whereas normal males have
lieved to influence each other reciprocally, even though they cannot be recalled, only one.
transformational grammar Rules of syntax underextension The young child's ten- Y chromosome The shorter of the two sex
that allow a person to transform declarative dency to use general words to refer to a chromosomes; normal males have one Y
statements into questions, negatives, im- smaller set of objects, actions, or events chromosome, whereas females have none,
peratives, and other kinds of sentences, than adults do (for example, using candy zone of proximal development Vygotsky's
transformational thought In Piaget's theory, to refer only to mints). Contrast with term for the difference between what a
the ability to conceptualize transformations, overextension. learner can accomplish independently and
or processes of change from one state to an- universality-context-specificity issue The what a learner can accomplish with the
other, which appears in the stage of concrete debate over the extent to which developmen- guidance and encouragement of a more
operations. Contrast with static thought tal changes are common to everyone (uni- skilled partner.
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A Al fieri, T., 329 Anslow, P., 101 Avolio, A., 126, 127 Barldey, R. A., 467, 468
Aaron, S. J., 43 Allen, K.R., 4:16, 424, 443 Anstey, K. I., 221 Avolio, B. J., 316 Barlett, D., 121
Aaronson, D., 263 Allen, R A., 163 Anthony, J. L., 270 Axinn, W.G., 443 Barlier, L., 155
Abbott, R. D., 324 Allen, R. S., 503 Antonucci, T., 412, 413 Aylward, G. P., 88 Barling, ]., 280
ABC News, 98 Allen, S. E., 261 Antonucci, X C., 381,411 Ayotte,V., 295 Barnard, K. E., 244
Abelson, R. P., 210 Allen, W., 108 Aoki, K. L, 47 Ayoub, C., 457 Barnas, M.V.,418
Aber, J. L., 349, 376 Allen, W.C., 113 Apgar, V., 97 Azmitia, M., 195 Barner, M. R., 336
Ablard, K. E., 268 Allhusen, V. D., 396 Applebaum, D. R., 504 Azria, M. R., 406 Barnes, D. E., 128
Aboud, R E., 407 Allum, J. H., 158 Applebaum, M. I., 233 Azuma, H., 434 Barnes, K. E., 403
Abraham, J., 262 Almeida, D. M., 329, 374, 477 Appollonio, I., 166 Barnett, D., 396
Abramov, L, 156 Almeida, R., 488 Aquanassee, J., 406 B Barnett, R. C., 315, 443
Abrams, J. M., 343 Almli, C. R., 325 Aquan-Assee, J., 432 Baak, K.,331 Barnett, W. S., 266
Abrams, R. A., 147 Al-Najdawi, VV., 102 Aquilino, W. S., 440 Baartman, FL E., 343 Baron, N. S., 261
Abramson, R R., 343 Aloa, V., 334 Aquino, K., 370 Babri, K. B., 444 Baron-Cohen, S., 324, 325,
Abshier, D. W.,210 Alter matt, E. R., 334 Aragaki, A., 502 Bacharach, V. R., 242 352, 353, 461-463
Achenbach, T. M., 463,467 Althaus, E, 346 Arana-Ward, M., 155 Bach in an,). G., 279 Barr, H. M., 93, 94
Achenbaum, W. A., 317-318 Altieri, P., 214, 218 Arauz, R. M., 304 Backman, L., 222 Barr, R. G., 154, 202, 203,204
Achter, J. A., 247 Altmaier, E. M., 498 Arbona, C., 296, 407 Baddeley, A., 200 Barret, M., 257
Ackermann-Liebrich, U., 101 Alvarado, B. F., 418 Archbold, S. M., 155 Badenes, L. V., 372 Barrett, J. F., 103
Acosta, E. P., 97 Alvarez, J. M., 357 Archer, J., 4-5, 330, 331 Baek, II., 379 Barrett, K. C., 365
Acosta, L., 168 Amara, C. E., 136 Archer, P., 124 Baer, J., 433 Barrett, T. R.,217
Acredolo, L., 257 Amato, P. R., 424,425, 438, Archer, S. L., 137, 303 Bahrick, H. P., 218 Barron, K. L, 218
Adam, E. K.,415 439,444, 445-447,44-8 Ardelt, M., 240, 433 Bailey, A., 460,463 Barroso, A., 137
Adam, S., 68 Ambady, K., 245 Arenberg, D., 251 Bailey, C. E., 470 Barry, M.)., 195
Adams, C., 217 Ambert, A., 429 Arendt, R., 95 Bailey, D. B., 275 Bartels, M., 241
Adams, D. W., 501, 504 Ambrose, A. R, 9, 480 Arias, $., 137 Bailey, J. M., 69, 70, 329, 345 Bartholomae, S., 48, 271
Adams, G. R., 303,313 Amell, J. W., 76, 296 Aries, P., 6, 487 Baillargeon, R., 176, 177 Bartholomew, IC, 413, 449
Adams, M. J., 271,272 American Academy of
Arking, R., 490, 492 Baird, P. A., 100 Bartle-Haring, S., 437
Adams, R W., 367 Pediatrics, 156 Arlin, B. K., 189 Bajekal, M„ 488 Bartsch, K., 354
Adams, R., 67,146, 416 American Association on Arlman-Rupp, A., 263 Bajema, C. J., 129 Basinger, IC S., 371
Adan, R. A., 474 Mental Retardation, 246 Armon, C., 189 Bajor, J. K., 315 Basseches, M., 190
Aderman, D., 494 American Psychiatric Armor, D. J., 243, 274 Baker, D. P., 326 Baste, V., 93
Aderman, E. M.» 277 Association, 456,460, 466, Armstrong, E. M., 94 Baker, D. W., 237 Bataglia, R> 93
Adey, P. S., 194 467, 470, 473-474,481 Armstrong, P. I., 305 Baker, L. A., 213, 331 Bates, E., 258, 262
Adler, S. R., 138 American Psychological Arned, R., 122 Baker, S. R., 296 Bates, J. E., 48, 374, 406
Adolfsson, R., 222 Association, 20 Arnett, J. J., I t, 117,300, 427, Baker, S. W , 331. Bates, J. W., 373, 375
Adolph, IC, 126, 127 Ames, E. W., 397 473 Bakermans-Kranenburg, M. J., Bathurst, K., 233, 242, 243,
Ager, J. W., 94 Ames, M. A., 345 Arnold, FI. M., 47 394,417,471 244, 248
Ageton, S. S., 374 Amini, S. B., 98 Aronen, E. T., 122 Baker ward, L., 208 Batki, A., 462
Agnew, R.» 371, 449 Amoudi, R, 132, 133 Aronson, J., 245 Baker-Ward, L., 206,211 Batshaw, M. L., 96
Aguiar, A., 176, 204 Amponsah, B., 324 Arroyo. C. G., 276 Bakketeig, L. S., 93 Battaglia, E, 93
Agyei, Y., 345 Amstutz, D. D„ 282 Arsenault, L., 481 Baldewicz, T. T., 508 Battistutta, D., 508
Ahadi, S. A., 291,297 Anand, K. J., 156 Arseneault, L., 374 Baldwin, A., 241 Bauchner, FI., 465
Ahluwalia,462 Anastopoulos, A. D., 369 Arsenio, VV. E, 372 Baldwin, C., 241 Baudonniere, P. M., 291
Ahrens, C., 503 Anderka, M., 107 Aruz, R. M., 39 Balk, D. E., 501 Bauer, C. R., 108
Ainsough, C. E., 137 Anderson, C. A., 17 Asarnow, ]. R., 470, 471 Ball, K., 164 Bauer, P. J., 202, 203, 204, 209
Ainsworth, M. D., 386, 392, Anderson, C. M., 468 Asbury. IC, 73 Ball, R. H., 325 Baum, B. J., 167
394, 395,401,513 Anderson, E. R., 446 Asendorpf, J. B., 291,311 Balogh, S. A., 69 Baumeister, A. A., 242
Ajrouch, K. J., 411 Anderson, G., 344 Ash, A. S., 315 Baltes, B. B., 315 Baum rind, D., 427
Akhtar, N., 260 Anderson, J. R., 214 Asher, S. R., 405, 417 Baltes, M. M., 3, 316 Baunwald, K., 396
Akiyama, H., 412 Anderson, K. E., 369 Ashford, J. W., 449 Baltes, P. B., 8, 9, 168, 218, 219, Baur, K., 342
Alcman, D., 344 Anderson, S. F.., 131 Ashman, S. B.> 466 220, 221,222, 223, 238, Bauserman, R., 446
Akoh, I I., 335 Anderson, U., 214 Associated Press, 103, 31.5, 316 239-240,316,318,518, Baxt, C., 156
Aksan, N., 369 Andersson, A. M,, 137, 374 Asthana, D., 508 519 Baydar, N., 399
Akshoomoff, N., 116,463 Andreas, D. W., 396 Astington, J. W., 355, 356 Bamaca, M. Y., 302 Bayley, N., 232
Albarede, J. L., 480 Andrews, D. W., 373 Atchley, R., 317 Bandura, A., 27, 38, 39-41, 50, Beach, D R . , 181,206
Albers, L L., 101 Andrews, G. J., 3, 417, 520 Atkinson, J., 177 260, 289, 363-364,381 Beach, E A., 342
Albersheim, L., 401 Andrich, D., 234 Atkinson, L., 394, 400 Banerfee, R., 327, 329 Beach, S. R., 503
Albert, M. L., 260 Andrich, S., 234 Atkinson, M. P., 439 Bank, L., 372, 377 Beady, C , 273
Albert, R. S„ 250 Andrieu, S-, 480 Atkinson, R., 200 Bankoff, E. A., 509 Beal, C. R„ 259, 335
Albino, A. W.,410 Aneshensel, C S., 441 Au, R., 260 Banks, M.S., 145, 147 Bear, M. E, 261
Alder, A., 34 Angelillo, C., 39, 304 Augustyn, M., 93, 95 Barash, D. P., 8, 325, 373, 374 Beardsall, L., 432
Aldrovandi, G. M., 97 Angell, IC. E., 222 Autti-Ramo, I., 93 Barber, B. L , 346, 409 Bearison, I).)., 359
Alessandri, S. M., 290 Angleitner, A., 288,311 Avellar, S., 315 Barber, J. S., 443 Bearor, K., 500
Alexander, P. A., 196 Anglin, J. M., 259 Avenevoli, $., 459, 460, 470 Barglow, P., 396 Beauchamp, G. K., 155
Alexander, T. M., 492 Angold, A., 104, 466, 472 Avert, 97 Barker, D. G., 499 Beaulieu, D. A., 449, 452
Alexopoulos, G. S., 478 Anisfeld, E., 395 Avia, M. D., 288 Barker, D. J. P., 99 Bebeau, M. J., 376,381
Bechtold, T K., 329 Berninger, V. W., 324 Bloch, S., 506 Brackett, D., 155 Brown, S. M., 65
Beck, C., 481 Bernis, C., 137 Block, C E., 439 Bradbard, M. R., 338 Brown, W. T., 490
Beck, U 97 Bernstein, A., 343 Block, j., 250 Braddick, J. FI. II, 277 Browne, D. C , 406
Beck, M., 85 Berntscn, D., 215 Block, J. FL, 250 Braddick, O., 177 Brownell, C. A., 291
Becker, A. E., 474 Berry, C A., 416 Bloom, L., 257, 25^, 259 Bradford, D. C , 140 Brown ell, H., 359
Becker, C. B., 474, 475 Berry, J. M., 222 BIuebond-Langner, M., 499 Bradley, B. S., 134, 401 Browning, R., 516-517
Becker, J. B., 133 Berry, J. W., 158 Blum, R. W., 347 Bradley, J. D., 468 Broyles, S., 108
Becker, J. L., 478 Berscheid, E., 416 Blumberg, E. S., 346 Bradley, R. H., 23,108, 242, Bruan, N.> 449
Becker, M., 95 Berson, E. L , 163 Blume, J. D, 98 244, 426, 428, 443 Bruce, J., 356, 397-398
Beckmann, D., 294,391 Bertentahl, B. I., 291 Blumenfeld, P. C , 335 Bradshaw, J. L , 139 Bruck, M., 211,271
Beckwith, U 396,414 Bertenthal, B. L, 125, 126, 149 Blustein, D. L., 303 Brady, C., 428 Bruer, J. T., 266
Bedi, G., 271 Bertman, S. L., 503 Biyth, D. A., 134, 277, 298 Brady-Smith, G., 399 Bruggeman, E. L., 381
Becbc, B., 256,391 Bertolote, ]. M., 478 Boak, A. Y., 266 Brainc, M D., 259 Brugman, D 0 378
Beeghly, M., 95, 354 Berzonsky, M. D., 303 . Boatman, IX, 115 Brainerd, C. J., 210 Brummett, B. H., 318
Beehr, T. A., 305,317 Besevegis, E., 296 Bobe, L., 115 Branco de Almeida, M. R, 156 Bruner, j. S., 192, 194, 262
Begab, M. J., 247 Bess, F. FI., 155 Bode, C , 313 Brandstadter, J., 306, 308,477 Bruss, P. J., 218
Beglev, A. E., 481 Best, D. L., 324 Bodkin, N. L., 492 Brandt, J., 115 Bryam. K., 222
Begley, N. L , 329 Best, K. M., 427, 429 Bodnar, A. G., 490 Brant, L.)., 165, 167 Bryan, A., 71
Beg ley, S., 388, 417 Bevier, C. A., 280 Bodrova, E., 194, 195 Brauer, S., 139- Bryant, C M . , 414
Behl, L. E., 450 Beyer, S., 443 Bodtker, A. S., 504 . Braver, E. R., 164 Bryant, P., 270
Behrend, IX A., 196 Beyers, J. M., 374 Boehnke, M., 490 Braver, S. L., 447 Bryant, W. K., 443
Beilin, FI., 191 Beyers, W., 434 Bogenschneider, K., 273 Bray, M. A., 378 Bryant-Waugh, R., 475
Beissel, C. F., 327 Bhapkar, M. V., 131 Boggiano, A. K., 269 Bray, N. W., 206,213 Bryden, M. P., 324
Beitchman, J. H., 344 Bhatara, V. S., 471 Bohannon, J. N., 260, 262, 263, Brazelton, T. B., 105-106 Bryson, K., 439
Belin, T. R., 477 Bianchi, S. M., 326, 339, 425, 504 Breedlove, S. M., 330,331 Bryson, S. W., 128, 474
Bell,]. J., 64, 188 443 Bohlin, G., 297 Breeze, E., 162 Buchanan, A., 426
Bell, K. L., 390-391 Bidell, T., 177 Boise, L.,481 Breitbart, W., 494 Buchanan, C. M., 133
Bell, R. Q., 369 Biederman, 1., 214 Boivin, M., 104, 296, 372 Breitner, J. C., 480 Buchanan, N. R., 401
Bell, T., 255 Biederman, ]., 467, 468 Boldizar, J. P., 329, 340, 341 Bremner, j. G., 150,217 Buchner, D. M., 139
Bellanti, C. J., 405 Bierhoff, H., 439 Boldt, J. S., 441 Brendgen, M., 296, 409, 410 Bucholz, K. K., 346, 459, 475
Belle, S. Ii., 442, 503 Bierman, K. L., 405 Bolduc, 11, 326 Brennan, R. T., 443 Buck, G. M., 131
Bellinger, IX, 95, 97 Bifulco, C., 500 Bolek, X , 95 Brent, D. A., 501 Buehler, C. A., 447
Bellugi, U., 260, 264, 265 Bigbee, M., 325 Bolger, K. E., 451 Brent, II. P., 157 Bugental, D. B., 449-450,
Belmaker, R. H., 72, 293 Biggs, J., 220 Bolger, N., 357 Brent, S. B., 498 452
Belsky, J., 48, 395-396, 399, Bigler, R. S., 328, 342 Boll, T., 440 Bresnick, B., 124 Buhrmester, D., 387, 403, 407,
407, 422, 436, 440, 449 Binet, A., 41, 228 Boiler, K., 203, 210, 399 Bretherton, I., 354, 386,387, 432, 440, 467
Bern, 1). J., 297 Bingham, C. R., 346 Boloh, Y., 259 393 Buhs, E. S, 269
Bern, K., 337, 339 Bingham, K., 374 Bolton, P., 246, 463 Bretz, R. D.,315 Buitelaar, J., 99
Bern, S. L., 333, 341 Binns, H. ]., 122 Bonanno, G. A., 496, 502, 505, Brewer, 1). J., 272 Buitelaar, J. IC., 99
Bemporad, f. R.> 460 Binstock, R. FL, 492 506 Bridge, J. A., 501 Buker, J. IX, 479
Ben-Artzi, E, 440 Birdsong, D., 263 Bonekat, H. W., 140 Bridges, C., 75, 250 Bukowski, W. M., 405, 406,
Ren bow, C. P., 747 Biringen, Z., 365, 366 Bongers, I. L., 467, 472 Bridges, D., 371 409, 410, 432
Benda, B. B., 40 Biringen, Z. C., 341 Bono, J. E., 315 Bridges, L. J., 390, 391 Bulcroft, R. A., 134
Benefice, E., 133 Birks, E., 465 Bonvillian, J. D., 260, 262, 263 Bridges, M., 448 Bulilc, C. M., 474
Benes, F. M., 116 Birmaher, B., 501 Boodoo, G., 235, 236, 244 Brienlinger, K., 151 Bulpitt, C. I., 162
Beneson, J. F., 327 Birnbacher, R., 86 Bookstein, F. L., 93, 94 Briggs-Gowan, M. J., 470 Bundy, D. A., 233
Bengtson, V. L , 317-318, 424, Birner, P., 102, 103 Boom, J., 378 Brillesliiper-Kater, S. N., 343 Bunton, R., 79
435, 440, 441 Birren, J. E., 139, 140 Boomsma, D. I., 241 Brilman, E. I., 137 Burack, J. A., 159
Benjamin, J., 72, 293 Bisanz, J., 200 Booth, A., 424, 429, 439, 443, Britner, P. A., 398 Burchett, B. M., 317
Benjet, C., 38, 133 Bish, A., 85 448 Britto, P. R,, 428 Burchinal, M., 235, 242,425
Bennett, C., 329 Bishop, J. A., 57 Booth, C., 439 Broberg, A. G., 243 Burgeson, R., 298
Bennett, F. C , 108 Bishop, J. E.} 68 Booth, W., 352 Broderick, V., 270 Burgess, S. R., 270
Bennett, M. E., 411 Bivens, J. A., 196 Boothe, D., 248 Brodie, D.,417 Burhans, IC. IC., 268
Bennett, R, 104 Bjork, E. L., 207 Borch, IC, 101 Brody, E., 440-441, 442 Burke, D. M., 345
Benoit, D., 396, 415, 465 Bjork, R. A., 207 Borg, I., 103 Brody, E. B., 235 Burke, J. R., 480
Ben-Porath, I., 490 Bjorklund, B. R., 211 Boris, N. W., 465, 466 Brody, E. M., 335 Burke, L. B., 471
Benson, J. B., 177 Bjorklund, I). F., 45,57, 181, Borkenau, P., 311 Brody, G. H., 368, 433 Burkhalter, J. E., 508
Benton, D., 441 202, 203, 205, 206, 207, Borkowski, J. G., 436 Brody, M., 235, 244 Burks, V. S., 373, 375
Berenbaum, S. A., 292, 329 208,211,213, 355,425, Bornstcin, M. FI., 23, 79, 95, Broe, G. A., 478 Burn, S., 329
Berg, C. A., 223, 238 432, 498, 500 157 Broen, A. N., 504 Burnelli, T., 166
Berg, L., 216, 479 Bjorkqvist, K., 325 Bosse, R., 317 Bromley, D. B., 295, 357 Burnham, IX, 262
Berg, S., 74, 238, 480 Bjornson, L., 344 Bost, K. IC, 406 Bromnick, R., 188 Burns, G. L., 504
Berg, W. fC., 152 Black, I E., 140 Boston, A., 414 Bronfenbrenner, U., 15, 22, 23, Burns, T., 442
Bergamasco, N. H. R, 156 Black, A., 492 Boston Retinal Implant 27, 44, 4 7 , 4 8 , 5 1 8 , 520 Burston, A., 444
Bergem, A. L.,481 Black, I. E., 115, 140, 301 Project, 163 Bronfman, E., 466 Burt, C. 1). B., 215
Bergeman, C. S., 77 Black, K. N., 333 Botkin, D. R., 324 Bronstein, M. FL, 429, 430 Burton, L. M., 4, 422, 423, 424,
Berger, A. S., 485 Black, M. M., 465 Bouchard, T. J. Jr., 56, 69, 72, Bronstein, P., 269 439, 440, 441
Bergey, K. J., 504 Blackburn, J. A., 188, 190,194 77, 235, 236, 241,244, 292 Brook, J., 472 Burton, R., 125, 365
Berglund, P., 490 Blackmail, D. IC., 161 Boudreau, J. P., 127 Brookover, W., 273 Burton, R. V., 368
Bergman, A., 290 Blair, R. J., 357, 371 Bouldin, P., 178-179 Brooks, M. W., 490 Burwell, R. A., 474
Bering, J. M., 498, 500 Blake, S. M„ 347 Boulerice, B., 374 Brooks-Gunn, J., 23, 108, 133, Bus, A. G., 271,291-292
Berk, L. E., 195, 196 Blakemore, J. E., 327, 328 Bourdony, C. J., 131 134, 246, 290, 294, 346, Busch, A. L , 449
Berkman, L., 439, 495 Blakeslee, S., 447 Boutin, P., 293 347, 399, 428, 475 Buschke, FI., 9, 139, 238, 480
Berkowitz, M. W., 376 Blanchard-Fields, F., 221, Bowen, B. A., 188, 282 Broughton, J. M., 156 Busch-Rossnagel, N. A., 266
Berliner, L., 344 358-359 Bower, T. G. R., 156 Brown, A. L , 207, 213 Bushman, B. J., 17
Berman, A. L., 476, 477 Blaney, N. T., 508 Bowlby, J., 386, 387, 391, 392, Brown, B. B., 276, 280, Bushnell, E. M., 127
Berman, S., 262 Blasi, A., 368,371 397, 403,414, 436, 495, 409-410 Bushnell, E.W., 156
Berman, W. H., 407 Blass, E. M., 154 497, 505, 506,513 Brown, C., 138 Buss, A., 72-73
Bermann, FI, 422 Blatchford, P., 272 Boyce, R M., 104 Brown, D., 97, 461 Buss, A. H., 324-325
Bernal, M. E., 302 Blazer, D. G., 477, 478, 479 Boyd, J. PL, 479 Brown, E., 149 Buss, D. M., 330
Bernat, D. H, 276 Blazey, M. L., 282 Boykin, A. W., 235, 244 Brown, J., 95, 168, 245,355 Buss, R.R., 188
Bernbaum, J. C , 108 Blehar, M., 386, 392, 394, 395 Boyle, E, 104, 504 Brown, J. L., 121,376 Busse, j., 324
Berndt, T. J.,407, 4 0 9 , 4 ) 0 Blevins, D., 486 Brabeck, M., 380 Brown, R., 260, 261 Bus well, B. N., 325
Bcrnier, H., 293 Blieszner, R., 416, 443 Brabyn, J., 161 Brown, R. D., 208 Butcher, R R., 148, .159
Bernieri, F., 72 Bloch, M., 68 Bracey, I. R., 302 Brown, S. L., 443 Butler, R., 268, 269, 295, 313
Butler, R. N., 140 Carpenter, M., 257 Chase, W. G., 214 Clauser, J., 128 Conner, K. A., 438
Butter field, D. A., 491 Carpenter, M. G., 158 Chase-Lansdale, L., 347 Cleckner- Smith, C.S., 137 Connidis, I. A., 417
Butter fields S. A., 128 Carper, R., 116,463 Chase-Lansdale, P. L , 447 Cleiren, M , 503 Connolly, J., 408
Butters, M. A., 478,481 Carr, A., 508 Chasin, J., 500 Clement, C. ]., 256 Connolly, K.)., 158
Buunk. B. R, 306 Carr, D., 506, 507 Chassin, L., 133 Cleveland, H. H., 373, 374 Connolly, Y., 508
Buyck, R, 295 Carr, M. B., 329 Chatoor, I., 465 Clinch, J.)., 486 Connor, iVL, 464
Buysse, V., 275 Carr, P. L , 315 Chatters, L.M., 415 Clingempell, W. G., 427 Connor, S. R., 441,507
Byam, G., 271 Carrera, M., 43 Chavous, T. IvL, 276 Clinton, W. I., 2 Connors, B. W., 261
Byers, R. H., 97 Carriger, M. $., 232, 291 Chawarska, K., 460, 461 Clyburn, L. D., 442 Connor-Smith, J. K., 500
Byne, W., 345 Carroll, J. B., 227 Chazan-Cohen, R., 399 Clyman, R. B., 365, 366 Conrade, G., 334
Byrd, ]. E., 96 Carroll,J. M., 270 Chen, C , 278-279 Coats, P. B., 334 Cons tan tine, J., 399
Byrd, M., 303 Carskadon, M. A , 122-123 Chen, D., 155 Coats worth, D., 446 Constantino, j. N., 461
Byrd, X , 335 Carson, B. S., 115 Chen, H. R , 7 Cobb, R. W , 165 Convyn, R. R, 242
Byrk, A. S., 335 Carsrud, A. L , 281 Chen, J. Q., 227-228 Cobliner, W. G., 43 Conway, A. R. A., 219
Byrne, B., 269 Carsten, O., 164 Chen, L., 467 Cody, M., 481 Conway, M., 324
Byrnes, J. R, 201,214, 325 Carstensen, L. L , 218, Chen, M. R , 506 Coffey, S. A., 265 Conway, S. A., 215
305-306,314,318, Chen, M. J., 139 Cohen, B. B., 107 Coohey, C., 449
411-413, 439 Chen, X., 406 Cohen, C., 415 Cook, A. S., 487-488
Cabral, H., 95, 168 Carter, A. S., 470 Chen, Y., 221 Cohen, D., 449 Cook, B. G., 275
Cabrera, N. J., 426, 443 Carter, S. L, 101 Chen, Z., 212 Cohen, G. L., 346 Cook, E. H., 463
Cacioppo, J. T., 418 Cartwright, B. S., 179 Cheng, A. IC, 155 Cohen, J., 508 Cook, R., 85
Caddell, D. P., 486 Casadesus, G., 492 Cherlin, A., 438 Cohen, IVL, 212 Cook, W. L , 429
Caggiula, A. W., 137 Case, R., 192, 205, 206, 234 Cherlin, A. J., 447 Cohen, P., 7, 472 Cooke, L. M., 57
Cain, A. C , 500 Casey, B. J., 116, 117 Cherry, IC E., 140, 216, 222, Cohen, R., 406 Cool bear, J., 465
Cain, K. M., 268 Casey, B. M., 106 487,496, 501,502 Cohen, S. E., 414 Coolen, R., 256
Cairns, R. B., 10, 11,49 Casey, P. H., 108 Chess, S., 292-294 Coie, {. D., 372, 405-406 Cooley, C , 291
Calabrese, J. M., 347 Casey, R. J., 365 Chessor, D, 299 Coiro, M. I., 447 Coon, H. M., 307
Calabrese, V., 491 Casey, V., 508 Chetwynd, A., 238 Coladarci, T., 280 Cooney, T. M., 439
Caldera, Y., 329 Casper, L. M., 439 Chi, M., 208 Colapinto, J., 332-333 Coontz, S., 6, 422
Caldera, Y. M, 327 Casper, V, 395 Chi, M. T. H., 214 Colbert, K. K., 190 Cooper, C. R., 303, 305
Caldwell, B. M., 97, 242, 244 Caspi, A., 76, 191,296, 297, Chia, E. M., 162 Colburn, D., 93, 158, 166 Cooper, D. H., 270
Caldwell, C. H., 276 311,371,373, 439, 447, Chilamkurti, C., 357 Colburne, K. A, 327 Cooper, E. H., 214
Caldwell, P., 104 451,459, 472 Chinsky, J. JVL, 181, 206 Colby, A , 361, 367, 370, 375, Cooper, J M . L.,410
Calhoun, L. G., 507 Cassia, V. M., 147 Chipperfield, j. G., 439 378 Cooper, P., 104, 396
Calkins, S. D., 369, 390-391 Cassia Berenguel, R., 156 Chiriboga, D., 440 Colditz, G. A., 129, 439 Cooper, P. J., 104
Call, J., 355 Cassidy, D. J., 207 Chisholm, K., 397 Cole, A. K., 401 Cooper, R. P., 153, 262
Call, K. T., 279 Cassidy, J., 414 Chitwood, D. G., 248 Cole, D. A., 298 Coopersmith, S., 296
Callanan, M. A., 260, 433 Cassidy, K. W., 263 Chiu, C , 490 Cole, H. E., 407 Copeland, D. R., 499
Camaioni, L , 257, 258 Castro, A., 103 t h i u , S., 196 Cole, M.G., 481 Copeland, J. R., 478
Camicioli, R., 479, 481 Castro, C., 135 Chochinov, H. M., 486, 494 Cole, R M., 344, 365, 374, 389, Coppotelli, H., 405
Camp, C. J., 218, 221 Catalano, M., 305 Choi, J., 324 390,430 Coppozzoli, M., 158
Camparo, L.> 467 Catalano, P. M., 98 Choi, $., 258 Cole, R., 272, 275, 276 Corbley, G. J., 137
Campbell, A., 336 Cattell, R., 227 Chomsky, N., 259, 261 Cole, W„ 122 Corcoran, J., 48, 50
Campbell, B., 346 Caughlin, J. R, 439 Chopak, J. S., 346 Coleman, A. L., 162 Corey, L., 73
Campbell, R A., 235, 399 Cauley, J. A., 162 Choudhury, N., 160 Coleman, J., 276 Corley, R., 77
Campbell, L., 436 Cavanaugh, J. C., 216, 219 Christ, S. E., 147 Coleman, P., 305 Cornelius, M. D., 93
Campbell, S. B., 457, 458 Caya, L., 406 Christensen, A., 467 Coles, L. S., 489, 493 Cornelius, S. W., 191
Campbell, V. A., 161 Caya, M., 311 Christen sen, II., 71 Coles, R., 416 Cornell, D. P., 341
Campos,)., 125 Caygill, L , 336 Christensen, M., 456, 458 Co ley, I. E)., 214 Corns, K.M.,431
Campos, J. ]., 149 Cazden, C , 260 Christensson, K., 155 Colin, V., 392, 397 Corr, C. A., 500, 501, 507-508
Camus, V., 478 Ceci, S. J., 210,211,235,236, Christiansen, S. L , 313 Coll, C G., 242 Con , 1). JVL, 507-508
Canfield, R. L , 97, 150 280 Christie, R, 259, 270 Colley, A , 336 Correa-Chavez, M., 39, 304
Cannon, M., 74 Centers for Disease Control, Christie, J. P., 270 Collins, R, 58 Corter, C , 396
Cano, A., 450 135 Christofalo, V. J., 136 Collins, E S., 65, 490 Cor win, J., 167
Cantor, N. L., 485,486, 487 Ceponiene, R., 152 Christoffel, K. K., 122 Collins, L. M., 134 Corwyn, R. E, 428
Cantrell, P. J., 328 Cernoch, J. M., 155 Christopher, J. S., 417 Collins, W. A., 79, 388, 407, Cory-Slechta, D. A., 97
Cantwell, C , 477 Cerutti, D. T„ 38 Chu, L., 504 408, 409,410, 429, 430 Cossette, L., 326
Capaldi, D. M.,315 Chacko, A., 467, 468 Chukwu, N., 85 Colon, A. R., 6 Costa, D. L, 7, 520
Capelli, C. A., 185 Chaiyasit, W., 458 Chumlea, W. C , 131 Coltrane, $., 443 Costa, P. T. Jr., 73, 251,288,
Caplan, L. J., 218 Chakrabarti, S., 461 Churchill, J. a , 458, 459 Columbo, J., 232 297, 308, 309-310,311,
Capozzoli, M. C., 159 Chali, J.S., 271 Cicchetti, I I , 356, 369, 396, Comer, J. P., 273 315
Capps, L., 354, 355, 460, 461 Chamberlain, G., 101 417, 451,457,466, 473 Comfort, A., 348 Costanzo, P. R., 406
Carabellese, C., 166 Champaud, C., 259 Cicirelli, V. G., 440, 442, 449 Committee on Adolescence, Costello, E. J., 137,466,472
Cardno, A , 74 Champson, R. $., 257 Cillessen, A IT., 371, 405, 406 456 Costenbader, V., 275
Carels, R. A., 274 Chandler, M., 354 Cipriani, N., 343 Commons, M. L., 189, 190 CosLigan, K. A., 90, 99
Carey, S., 355, 498 Chandler, M. J., 101, 367 Clark, D. C., 501 Compas, B. E., 459, 475, 500 Costos, D., 440
Carlesimo, G. A., 216 Chandler, $., 105 Clark, D. O., 136 Compian, L., 410 Cota-Robles, S., 374
Carlo, G.t 411 Chang, B., 357 Clark, E. V., 257 Compton, K., 372 Cote, J. K., 303-304
Carlson, E., 137, 374 Chantala, K., 346 Clark, H. H., 257 Compton, N. C., 500 Cote, R., 293
Carlson, E. A., 392, 401, 466 Chao, R., 430-431 Clark, J.G., 165 Condon, J. T, 137 Couch, R., 381
Carlson, S., 122 Chapman, A. J., 185 Clark, J. L , 157 Condron, D. J., 433 Coughlin, J. F., 165
Carlson, S. M., 179,355 Chapman, A. R.y 492 Clark, K. E., 400 Condry, J., 326 Courage, M. L., 210,211
Carlson, V., 396 Chapman, L. L., 105 Clark, L. A , 294, 467 Condry, S., 326 Courchesne, E., 116, 463
Carlton, M. P., 195 Chapman, M., 182 Clark, M., 3, 520 Conduct Problems Prevention Coval, J. J., 136
Carlton, R. P., 449 Chapman, V., 97 Clark, R., 103 Research Group, 273, Covington, M. V., 268,269
Carlton-Ford, S., 298 Chappell, R. J., 162 Clark, R. D. Ill, 366 376, 405 Cowan, C. R, 339, 427, 436
Carmichael, S. L., 99 Charles, S. T„ 218, 315, 412, Clark, S. E., 355 Congdon, N., 163 Cowan, P. A., 339, 343, 427,
Carnes, B., 491 418 Clark, W. R., 480, 489 Conger, K. J., 428, 429 436
Carries, B. A., 490 Charles-Luce, J., 256 Clarke-Stewart, A., 396, Conger, R. D., 373, 414, 427, Coward, R. T., 441
Carobbi, S., 100 Charlesworth, W. R., 10 398-399, 439 428, 449, 466, 475-176 Co war I, B. J., 167
Caron, C., 293 Charman, T., 354,461 Clarke-Stewart, K. A., 270 Congleton, L., 481 Cox, C , 97
Caron, S. L., 345-346 Charness, N., 250 Clark-Lempers, D. S., 407 Connell, A. M., 471 Cox, M. I., 396, 425, 426, 436,
Caron, W., 442 Charney, D. S., 478 Clarkson, B.H., 139 Conneli, C. M., 415 446
Carpendale, J. I., 363 Charpentier, P., 495 Clarkson, M. G., 152 Connell, J. P., 390 Cox, S., 99
Carpenter, E. M., 406 Chartier, B. IVL, 505, 506 Clarridge, B. R., 508 Connellan, J., 462 Cox, T. H., 316, 436
Gov, K. G , 369 Daley, S. P., 374 Demarest, J., 336 Dodds, J. B., 124
Coyle> T. R., 207 Dallal, G. E., 129, 131 DeMarie, D , 207, 209, 210 Dodge, K. A., 48, 371, 372, 373, Eagly, A. H, 324-326
Coyne, J. G , 459 Dalsgaard, S., 468 DeMaris, A., 443 374, 375, 376, 377, Earles, J. L., 139,217,219
Craft, S. A., 273 Dal ton, D. S., 164 de Medina, R, 99 405-406 Easley, J. A. Jr., 194
Crago, M., 128, 474 Dame, A., 479 de Meeus, T., 133 * Dolen, L. $., 359 Easteal, S., 71
Crago, M. B., 261 Damon, W., 294, 295, 297, 327, DeiMeis, D. K., 326 Domino, G., 75, 250 Easterbrook, M. A., 147, 291,
Craig, I. W., 61, 62, 68, 71, 451, 370 de Mendonca, Lima, G A., 478 Dominy, N. L., 475 471
459, 480 Damphousse, K. R., 280 Demetriou, H., 367 Domjan, M. J., 38 Eastman, I<. L., 458
Craig, W. M., 371 Damush, T. M., 103 Demo, D. H., 424, 436, 446 Donaldson, G. A., 280 Eaton, W. O., 130
Craik, R L, 221 Daneman, M., 166 DeMonner, S. M., 98 Dondis, E. H., 247 Eaves, L., 73, 77
Crain, W., 194 Danieli, R., 407 Dennerstein, L, 138 Donehower, L. A., 490 Eaves, L. J., 137
Craven, R., 295, 299 Daniels, M., 69 Denney, N. W., 191,217 Dong, Q., 498 Ebbeck, M., 279
Crawford, J. R., 217 Danielsen, B., 98, 101 Dennis, T. A., 389, 390 Donnellan, M. B., 5, 76, 305 Eberly, M., 437
Crawford, M., 346 Darling, C. A., 347 Dennis, W., 251 Donnelly, D., 348 Ebersole, P., 315
Creasey, G., 414 Darling, N., 426 Denny, N. W., 222-223 Donner, A. R, 139 Ebin, V., 347
Creasey, M., 478 Darlington, R., 235 DeNoon, D., 97 D'Onofrio, B„ 75 Ebstein, R. R, 72, 293
Creehan, P. A., 96, 103 Darroch, J. E., 48 Denton, K., 381 Doris, J., 451 Eccles, I S., 133, 268, 276, 277,
Cregger, M. E., 216 Darrow, G. N., 287-288 Deppe, M., 115 Dorn, L. D., 134 296, 298, 302, 326, 334,
Creskoff, N., 465 Darwin, G , 10, 45, 56, 389 Derby, G A., 9, 480 Dornbusch, S. M., 269, 276, 335,346, 409,410
Creusere, M. A., 185 Das Eiden, R., 95 DeRosier, M. E., 406 279, 427 Echenrode, J., 451
Crews, R, 33 Dasen, P. R., 158 Deruelle, G , 148 Dornbush, S. M., 276, 277 Eckerman, C. O., 401
Crews, J. E., 161 Davalos, M., 99 Derzon, J. H., 376 Dosoky, M , 132, 133 Ecklund-Flores, L., 153
Crick, N.R., 325, 371,372 Davey, A., 441 Desai, A. K., 480, 481 Doucette, A., 456 Eddy, J. M., 372
Crijnen, A. A., 467 Davidson, A., 436 Descartes, R., 144 Dougherty, T. M., 232 Edelbrock, G., 467
Criss, M. M., 406 Davidson, J., 333 Deschonen, S., 148 Doughty, A. S., 137 Edelbrock, C. S., 467
Cristofalo, V. J., 490 Davidson, J. K., 347 de Schonen, $., 157 Dowden, A., 203, 204 Edelsohn, G., 470
Crockenberg, S., 294 Davidson, R. G., 65, 66, 68 Desjardins, R. N., 152 Dowe, D. L., 506 Edelstein, W.,378
Crockett, L J., 346 Davies, L., 417 Desmarais, S., 327 Downdney, L., 500 Eder, R. A., 295
Crombie, G., 305 Davies, P. T., 457, 458 DesRosiers, M. E., 291 Downey, D. B., 243, 273, 433 Edmonds, $., 272
Cromer, C. C., 403 Davies, S. L., 48 Dessens, J. A. G., 136 Downey, J., 64 Edvardsson, H., 222
Crook, I . H., 218 Davis, C. G., 505, 507 d e S t Aubin, E., 281, 313 Doyle, A. B., 296,410 Edwards, C. P., 328
Crooks, R., 342 Davis, K. L., 480 Deutsch, F. M., 325, 425 Doyle, A. E., 468 Edwards, J. N., 438
Crosby, L., 373 Davis, L. B., 155 Deutsch, G., 115,116 Drack, A. V., 157 Edwards, L., 46
Crosby, R. A., 48 Davis, M., 146 Deveau, E. J., 501, 504 Drager, B., 115 Efsthatiou, Z., 85
Crosignani, P. G., 97 Davis, N. O., 470 Devenny, D. A., 247 Draper, P., 48 Eftekhari, A., 432
Cross, C. E., 9 Davis, S. E, 97 Deveny, K., 347 Driscoll, D. A., 67 Egeland, B., 392, 401, 449-50,
Cross, D., 355 Davis, S. M , 229 DeVincent, C. J., 99 Driskell, R. A., 79 453,466
Cross, S. E., 307 Davis, W. E., 280 DeViney, $,,317, 439 Droege, K. L., 357 Ehrenberg, R. G., 273
Grossman, R. E., 187 Davison, M. L., 189 Devlin, B., 69 Dropik, P. L., 204 Ehrhardt, A. A., 64, 330, 331,
Crouch, J. L., 450 Dawson, G., 466 DeVries, B., 378 Drosdick, D., 480 332-333, 345
Crouter, A. G , 329, 334,429, Dawson, T. L., 378 DeVries, M. W., 196, 293 Druley, J. A., 441 Ehri, L , 269-270
433, 435, 443 Day, K., 247, 334 Dew, M. A., 481 Dubas, J. S., 134 Eichen, E. B., 155
Crowe, A., 136 Day, L , 433 Dewar, R. E., 165 Dubiner, IC., 158 Eichorn, D. H., 234
Crowcll, J., 401 Day, N. L., 93, 501 de Weerth, C., 99 Dublin, L. I., 7 Eichstedt, J. A., 327
Cro well, J. A., 413, 435 Day, R., 501 De Wolff, M. S., 395, 396 Duckett, E., 432 Eidelman, A. I.,391
Crowley, T. J., 73 Day, R. D., 425, 446 Dews, S., 185 Ducournau, P., 104 Eimas, P.D., 152, 256
Crown, C. L., 256, 391 Deal, J., 296 Dezateux, C-, 157 Dudgeon, D., 486 Eisdorfer, C., 449
Cruickshanks, K. J., 162, 164 de Araujo Peres, C., 156 Diamond, J., 474 Dudley, E., 138 Eisen, M., 297
Cruikshank, L., 3 Dearing, K. E, 12, 13, 20 Diamond, M., 332 Dudley, W. N., 346
Eisenberg, N., 268, 361, 372,
Cruikshank, M., 23 Deary, I J., 236, 237 Diaz, J., 89, 93, 95 duFort, G.G.,481
381 "
Cruise, L.J., 167 Deater-Deckard, K., 78, 373, DiRlasio, F. A., 40 Dumaret, A., 244
Ekeberg, (.)., 504
Cruts, M., 222 429, 467 Dick, D. M., 134 Dumas-Hines, E, 268
Ekerdt, D. J., 317
Csikszentmihalyi, M., 249 Deaux, IC, 326 Dick, T., 275 Dumble, VI., 490
Ekstrom, B., 138
Csoka, A. B., 490 DeBaryshe, B. D., 372 Dick, T. M., 489 Dumitrescu, A., 398
Elbourne, D., 103
Guarnaccia, C. A., 508 de Bode, S., 115, 155 Dickson, E C., 439 Dunbar, J. L., 154
Elder, G. H. Jr., 9, 23,297,414,
Cui, M., 414 Debus, R., 295 DiClemcnte, R. J., 48 Duncan, C., 108
415, 428, 466, 475-476
Cullen, M. J., 245 DeBusk, E L., 490 Diekman, A. B., 336 Duncan, G., 246
Eleazer, G. P., 481
Cultice, J., 206 DeCaprio, J. A., 490 Diener, E., 311 Duncan, H., 275
Elias, S., 58, 63, 65, 66, 67
Culver, C., 389, 390 DeCasper, A. J., 153 Dierker, L. J., 98 Duncan, R. M., 195-196
Elicker, J., 401
Gumming, E., 317 de Cassia Xavier Balda , R., 156 Diessner, R., 359, 377 Dunlosky, J.,213, 221
Eliot, L., 152, 156,415
Gumming, R. R., 162 Deci, E. L., 268, 269 Dietz, L. I., 265, 266 Dunn, J., 73, 262, 355, 367,
Elkin, F, J., 64
Cummingham, N., 395 Deegan, L. J., 489 Dietz, W. H., 129 390, 431,432 Elkind, D.,6,187,188, 266
Cummings, E. ML, 418, 457, de Faire, U., 74 Digman, J. M., 288 Dunn, J. R, 73 El lard, J. H., 506
458 DeFrain, J. D„ 504, 507 Dilorio, C., 346 Dunne, M. R, 70, 345, 346 Ellenbogen, J. M., 508
Cummings, S. M., 162, 309 DeFries, J. C . , 6 I , 6 2 , 68, 69, Dijkstra, I. G , 504 Dunning, S., 500 Elliot, E., 269
Cunningham, D. A., 136, 139 71,75, 76, 77, 292, 447, DiLalla, L. R, 242, 243, 292 Dunphy, D., 408 Elliott, B., 247
Cunningham, H., 6 480 Dillon, M., 375 Dunsmore, J. C., 501 Elliott, D. S., 374, 377
Currie, C., 134 DeGarmo, D., 446 Dillon, P., 447 DuPaul, G. J., 467, 468, 469 Elliott, J. G., 229
Currier, J. L., 490 DeGarmo, IX S., 430, 506 Dilworth-Anderson, P., 423 Durham, M. R., 486 Ellis, B. J., 48, 133
Curry, J. R, 302 de Gaston, J. R, 347 DiMatteo, M. R., 103 Durik, A. M., 103 Ellis, J. B., 340
Curtiss, S., 115, 155 de Haan, M., 147, 148 Dimmock, P.W., 137 Durkin, S., 490 Ellis, L , 345
Cushman, L., 436 Dehaene, R, 94 Dinmore, I., 282 Dustman, R. E., 140 Ellis, R. A., 309
Cutler, A., 256 de Jong-Gierveld, J., 416 Dinwiddie, S. H., 346 Dutra, A., 490 Ellis, S., 173, 403
Cutting, A. L., 367 DeKoekkoek, P. D.,3J 6,317 DiPietro, J., 85, 89, 90, 99 Duursma, S. A., 136 Eilision, P. T., 133
Cytron, B. D., 488 DeLamater, J., 342, 343, 347 Dishion, T. J., 372,373, 377, Duvail, E., 423 Ellwanger, P., 437
Cytryn, L , 465, 470 de la Rochebrochard, E., 100 410,433 Duyme, M., 244 El-Messidi, A., 358
Czaja, S. J., 442 DeLeire, T. C., 439 Dissanayaka, C., 291 Dweck, C., 268, 269, 277, 357 Elshout, J. J., 193
Delery, D. B., 256 Dittman, R. W., 331, 345 Dworkin, D. S., 487-488 Ely, R., 259, 260
D Delevati, N. M., 156 Dittmann-Kohli, F., 313 Dwyer, J. T., 129 Emanuel, E. J., 487, 508
Dabbs, J. M., 331 De Lisi, R„ 188 Diversi, M., 378 Dwyer, J. W., 441 Embleton, G., 104, 504
daCosta, G. A., 344 Delia Sala, S., 359 Di vision of Vital Statistics, 104 Dyk, P. H., 313 Emde, R. N., 365, 366, 456, 458
Daglisli, L., 327 DeLoach, J. S., 207, 212 Dixon, R. A., 221,223, 238, Dyregrov, K., 506 Emerson, P. E., 392, 395
Daher, M., 154 DelSer, T., 418 239 Dywan, J., 116 Emery, R. E., 436, 444, 446,
Dahl, R. K , 123 Delsol, C., 449 Djelmis, J., 93 Dziuba-Leatherman, J., 447, 452, 474
Dale, P. S., 258 DelVecchio, W., 308 Dobson, M., 508 450 Emmorey, K., 265
Endley, R. C , 338 Feeney, J. A., 413 Flannery, R. B. Jr., 449 Fretts, R. C., 98 Garbarino, J., 422
Engedal, K.,48l Fegley, S., 279 Flavell, j. H., 172, 181, 191, Freud, A., 35 Garber, J., 133, 459,464, 469,
Engelhardt, J. R, 79 Feil, M.» 471 205, 206, 207, 352, 354, Freud, S., 27, 30-32, 34-35, 40, 470
England, P., 316 Feingold, A., 324, 326 519 43,49, 50, 287, 341-342, Garcia, M. M., 432
Englander-Golden, P., 137 Feinman, S., 390 Fleeson, W., 417 360, 366, 385, 497 Garcia Bacete, R J., 372
Engle, R.W.,219 Feinstein, R. A., 347 Fleming, G., 456, 458 Freudigman, K., 121 Garcia-Preto, N., 488
Engiund, M., 329, 401 Feiring, C , 408, 409 Fleming, J. S., 269 Freund, A. M.,219, 305-306, Gard, M G , 474
Engoran, F., 84 Feld, $., 281 Fleming, P. L., 97 316,318 Gardner, G. O., 458
Ennemoser, M., 207, 271 Feldlaufer, H., 277 Fleming, W. S., 407 Freund, L., 195 Gardner, II., 200, 227-228,
Enns, J. T., 159 Feldman, D., 250 Fletcher, A. E., 162 Frey, K. S., 336 250, 465
Enoch, J. M., 161 Feldman, D. II., 196 Fletcher, J. M., 271 Friedman, D. J., 107 Garland, A., 476
Enright, R., 188 Feldman, I I., 437 Fletcher, K. L., 206 Friedman, D. S., 163 Garmezy, N., 472
Ensminger, M. E., 280 Feldman, J. F., 206, 232, 388 Fletcher, M. A., 352 Friedman, L. I., 34, 35 Garner, R., 266
Eppler, M. A., 158 Feldman, J. J., 154 Flieller, A., 1.86 Friedman, R. FI., 315 Garnham, A., 355
Epstein, H. T., 116 Feldman, R., 95, 391 Flinch, C. E., 489 Friedman, R. J., 374 Garovich-Szabo, L., 324
Erber, J. X , 163, 164, 168 Feldman, S. S., 341 Flint, M., 138 Friedrich, L., 14 Garvey, C , 404
Erdley, C. A., 268, 406 Feldstein, S., 256, 391 Flood, P., 273 Frier, B. M., 237 Gasiewski, E., 187
Erdos, M. R., 490 Fellman, V., 152 Florian, V., 498 Fries, J. E, 128 Gathercole, S. E., 206
Erdwins, C. J., 281 Felton, B. J., 416 Florsheim, P., 436 Frieske, D., 221 Gatz, M.> 217, 315, 480,481
Erickson, J., 488 Feng, U , 435 Flouri, E., 426 Frieswijk, N., 306 Gatza, C., 490
Erickson, M. F., 449-450 Femxema, E., 324, 325 Floyd, M., 221 Frieze, I. II., 305, 335 Gau, B. A, 480
Ericson, K. A., 214 Fenson, L., 258 Flum, H., 303 Fristad, M., 500 Gaugler,). E., 441
Ericsson, K. A., 250 Ferbeyer, G., 490 Flynn, G„ 459, 469 Frith, C. D.? 355 Gau tier, X , 333
Erikson, E., 27, 33-35, 40,49, Ferenz-Gilles, R., 407 Flynn, J., 243 Frith, U., 352, 353, 372, 460 Gauvain, (VL, 195
50, 239, 287-288, 300, Ferguson, S. A., 164 Foley, D. J., 139 Fritz, A. S., 354 Gauze, C., 406
311-315,385-386, Fergusson, D. M., 48,407 Foley, K., 508 Fritz, J., 430 Gavin, N., 417
513-514,516 Ferligoj, A., 305 Folkman, S., 20, 21, 505-506, Frolkis, M„ 490 Gaylord, K. K., 453
Eriksson, M., 490 Fern aid, A., 152, 262 507 Fromhoff, F. A., 209 Gazzaniga, M. S., 115
Eriksson, P. S., 115 Ferraro, K. J., 449 Fombonne, E., 461 Frosch, E., 469 Ge, X., 5, 76, 427, 429, 475-476
Erkanli, A., 466, 472 Ferring, D„ 440 Fonagy, P., 32-33 Frost, M., 2 Geary, D. C , 48
Ernst, L , 507 Ferron,)., 207, 209 Fontaine, R., 373, 375 Fruhna, J. G., 93 Geithner, G. A., 131
Ernst, M., 93 Feuerstein, R., 229 Foorman, B. R., 271 Fry, A. F., 220 Gel dart, $., 157
Eron, L. D., 374 Ficher, I., 444 Foos, R VV., 215, 218 Fry, G. L., 4 Gelles, R. J., 449, 450
Esau, S. P., 163 Field, D., 194, 238,310, 506 Ford, C. S., 342 Fry, P. S.j 317, 318, 504 Gelman, R., 181, 182
Escalona, S., 232 Field, J., 282 Ford, X , 473 Fryauf-Bertschy, H., 155 Gelman, S. A., 151, 257-258
Escott, D., 98 Field, N. P., 505 Fordham, S., 276 Fujita, E, 311 Gene, M., 96
Eskritt, M„ 207 Field, P. A., 105 Forgatch, M. S., 430, 446 Fujita, K., 164 Gentaz, E., 156
Esposito, A., 392, 434 Field, X , 99, 452 Foroud, X , 489 Fukui, L, 262 George, C., 451
Espy, IC A., 242, 243 Field, X M . , 156, 391,466 Forrest, J. D., 347 Fukui, R., 436 George, L. J., 439
Essa, E. L., 499 Fields, J., 424 Forslin, L., 105 Fukumoto, A., 365 George, L. IC, 317, 477, 478,
Esterberg, K. G., 444 Fiese, B. FL, 396 Fortin, ML, 165 Fuligni, A. J., 279,356,410, 479
Estes, L. S., 474 Fifer, W. R, 99, 152, 154, 155 Forys, K., 134 433, 434 Gershoff, E. T., 38, 368
Estevan, R. A., 372 Figueredo, A. J., 449 Fosket, I. R., 138 Fulker, D. VV., 77, 78, 292, 373 Gershoni, R., 408
Ests, C. M., 128 Filipp, S., 440 Foss, J. W., 221 Fulkerson, J. A., 473, 474 Gerstel, N., 441
Etaugh, C., 304 Filipp, S. H., 281 Foster, B., 104, 504 Fullilove, R. E., 275 Gersten, M., 331
Evans, A. C., 116 Fillenbaum G. G.,317 Foster, S. N., 98 Fung, FL FL, 404 Gervai, J., 336
Evans, D. E., 297 Finch, M. D., 279, 280 Fowler, R. C., 196 Furman, E., 497 Gest, S. D., 406
Evans, D. R.,31.7 Fincham, R D., 435, 447 Fowles, D. G., 369, 370 Furman, VV., 387, 403, 406, Getzels, J. VV., 249
Evans, G. VV., 22, 428 Findling, R. L., 468 Fox, B., 436, 437 407, 408, 409,410,417, Geuze, R. FL, 148, 159
Evans, J. R., 162, 163 Fine, M. A., 378, 422, 424, 447 Fox, N. A., 292 432, 440 Ghatala, E. S., 213
Evens, D. E., 291 Fingerman, K. L., 422 Fox, P.W., 214 Furstenberg, F. F. Jr., 7, 40, 50, Ghisolfi, A., 480
Evenson, K. R., 502 Finitzo, X, 157 Fozard, J. L., 161-162, 163, 346, 347, 438, 447 Giaconia, R. M., 473
Ewing, S. K., 162 Finkel, D., 74, 217, 222 164, 165,166 Futterman, A., 478 Giambra, L. iVL, 349
Ey, S., 475 Finkelhor, D., 344, 450 Fraley, R. G., 413, 415, 506 Futterweit, L. R., 206 Giampiccolo, J. S. Jr., 247
Eyberg, S., 504 Finkelstein, J. A., 167 Francis, H., 282 Giarrusso, R., 435
Eyler, A. A., 135 Finn, J. D., 272 Francis, H. VV., 155 G Gibbs, J. C„ 357, 361, 362, 367,
Fiori-Cowley, A., 396 Francis, K. L., 139 Gable, S., 129 370,371,372, 375,376,
F Firth, U., 461-463 Frank, D. A., 93, 95,168 Gabriel, IC, 93 380
Faber, C. E., 166 Fischer, A., 265 Frankel, V., 185 Gabrieli, J. D.,271 Gibbs, V., 356
Fahes, R. A., 5, 328, 372, 403 Fischer, C. S., 411 Frankenburg, K. VV., 124 Gabrielian, S., 378 Gibson, E. J., 145, 149, 150,
Fabregren et, M., 148 Fischer, E. E, 413 . Frankie, G., 333 Gadsden, V., 422 158
Fadda, L., 216 Fischer, J. L., 313, 411 Franklin, C., 50 Gage, J. D., 105 GieddJ.N., 116, 117
Fagan, J., 95 Fischer, I. S., 79 Franklin, M. B., 135 Gagnon, J., 113, 343 Gigy, L., 445
Pagan, J. R, 147 Fischer, K. W., 177, 1.88, 190, Franks, E. A., 470 Gagnon, M. D., 439 Gil, D. G., 450
Fagot, B. I., 327, 328, 334, 335, 192,282, 291,457 Franks, M. M , 442 GaiDard, M., 478 Gilbert, A. N., 167
372, 402, 429 Fischer, M., 467 Fraser, G. A., 344 Galambos, N. L., 329 Gilbert, J. Ii. V., 152
Faix, J. D., 113 Fischer, R. B., 282 Fraser, M. VV., 108 Gall, X L . , 317 Gilbert, N., 450
Falcon, L. M , 478 Fischer, W. R, 368 Fraser, R. B., 98 Gallagher, H. L„ 355 Gilbert, W.M., 98, 101
Faloon, S., 214 Fisher, G., 256 Frattola, L., 166 Gallagher, J. D , 128 Gill, J. K., 347
Fanaroff, A. A., 89 Fisher, G. B., 21 Frawley, VV., 193 Gallagher, J. M., 194 Gillberg, C., 464, 475
Fang, F., 378 Fisher, E. P., 405 Fredrickson, B. L., 477 Gallagher, ML, 439 Gillberg, I. C., 475
Fang, G., 378 Fisher, L., 397 Fredriksenand, K., 122 Gallagher, S. IC, 441 Gillette-Guyonnet, S., 480
Fantz, R. L., 147 Fisher, L M., 139 Freedman, J., 261 Gallagher-Thompson, D., 478 Gilliam, R. B., 270
Faraone, S., 467 Fisher, M. M., 347 Freeland, R. L., 125 Gallimore, R., 433 Gillick, M. R., 479
Faraone, S. V., 468 Fisher, S., 33 Freels, S., 449 Gallo, L. G., 413 Gilligan, G., 378, 380, 382
Farber, N., 48, 50,51 Fisk, N. M., 99 Freeman, C. P., 474 Gallup, G. G. Jr., 291 Gillis, J.} 58
Farmer, S. J., 317 FitzGerald, D. P., 407 Freeman, J. M., 115 Gal-Oz, E., 505 Gillis, J. R., 7
Farrell, M. R, 315 Fitzgerald, I . M . , 2 1 5 Freeman, R., 474 Gamble, VV., 407 Gilman, S. E„ 474
Farrington, D. P., 371 Fitzsimmons, C., 214, 218 Freeman, S. P., 246 Gamoran, A., 272, 280 Ginsberg, A. P., 147
Farver, J. A., 404, 405 Fivush, R., 209,210,211 Freeman-Gallant, A., 373 Ganchrow, J. R., 154 Ginsburg, E., 304
Faulkner, D., 1.94 Fjallberg, M., 122 Freid, P. A., 488 Gandelman, R., 47, 331 Ginsburg, G. S., 269
Faulkner, K. VV., 499 Flaherty, J. H., 481 Freid, V. M., 476 Ganguli, M., 478 Giordano, P. C., 408
Faust, M. A., 270 Flaks, D. K., 444 French Pediatric HIV Infection Ganiban, J., 465 Gipson, P. Y., 459
Feder, X , 334 Flanagan, K. D., 12, 13, 20 Study Group, 97 Gannon, L., 138 Girard, C., 476
Federal Interagency Forum, 136 Flannery, D., 188, 378 Frenkel, O. {., 396 Gantz, B. J., 155 Girgus,). S., 476
Gist, Y. j., 488 Gostin, L.O.,21 Griffiths, P., 336 Haight, VV. L., 404 Harris, G.T.,373
Gitlin, L N., 442 Goswami, U., 270 Grigorenko, E. L., 233 Hainline, L., 146, 156 Harris, J. A., 74-75
Gitter, A. J., 139 Gotlib, I. I I., 469, 475 Grilo, C. M., 74 Mains, S. M., 153 Harris, J. R., 73, 74, 136,
Glascock, J., 336 Gotlib, I PI., 3 Grizenko, N., 358 Haith, Mo 150 289-290, 388
Glaser, B. G., 494 Gott. M 0 348 Grober, E., 479 Flaith, M. M., 177, 232 Harris, M., 262, 263
Glaser, R., 214 Go ties man, I. 1., 73, 74, 75, Grodsky, A., 349 Hajdu, J., 98 Harris, M. J., 72
Glasgow, K. L , 269, 427 292, 463 Grollman, E. A., 498 Hajjar, 1., 481 Harris, P. L., 354, 404
Glass, G.V., 16, 272-273 Gottfredson, L. S., 236, 304 Grolnick, VV. J., 390, 391 Hala, S., 354 Harris, T., 500
Glavas, M., 93 Gottfried, A. E., 233, 242, 243, Groinick, VV. S., 390 Halberstadt, A. G., 340 Harrison, L., 399
Glazer, S., 317 244, 248, 269 Grontvcd, A. M., 166 Hale, J. 1,, 187 Harrist, A. W., 406
Glcason, T. R.> 179 Gottfried, A. W., 233, 242, 243, Grose-Pifer, J., 152, 154, 155 Hale, So 139, 220 Hart, Do 294, 295, 297, 370
Gleaves, D. FL, 33 244, 248, 269, 293 Gross, M. S., 222 Hale, S. Mo 334 Hart, H. M., 313
Gleicher, N., 85 Gottlieb, G., 44, 45, 46, 47,49, Gross, S., 229 Haley, A., 75 Hart, K. J.,381
Glenzer, N., 270 51,56, 60, 70, 76, 80, 109, Grossberg, G. T., 480, 481 Flaley, W. E., 503 Hart, M. A., 98
Giick, J. C., 191 518 Grossman, A. W.7 458, 459 Ilalford, G. S., 205 Harter, S., 287, 291, 294, 295,
Glick, M., 296 Gottlieb, L., 105 Grossman, G., 465 Hall, C. B., 9, 480 296, 298
Glod, C A., 468 Gottlob, L. R., 163 Grossman, J. A., 137 I-Iall, C. So 30 Hartmark, C., 7
Gloth, E M., 168 Gottman, J. M., 436, 439, 444 Grossmann, K., 396 Hall, G. So 11, 473 Hartshorne, FI., 368
Glover, A., 334 Gould, D. C., 139 Grossmann, K. E., 396 .. Hall, J. A., 340 Hartup, W. W., 179, 297, 406,
Glover, T. W., 490 Gould, M. S., 476 Grotevant, FI. D., 303, 305, Hall, J. Go 87 407
Glover, V., 99 Gowers, S., 475 397-398 Hall, L. K., 218 Harvey, J. FI., 422, 447,
Glowinski, A. L., 459, 475 Gowne, L. K., 410 Gruber, IL, 208 Hall, S. IC, 341 505-506
Glynn, M. VV., 490 Goy, R.W., 331 Gruber, R., 121, 122 I-Iall, VV. G., 47 Harwell, M. R., 378
Gnepp, J., 357 GraberJ. A., 134 Gruber-Baldini, A. L , 239 Hallgren, A., 105 Hasemeier, C. M., 131
Goebel, A. E., 501 Grabill, C. M., 469 Gruen, R. $., 345 Halligan, S. L., 104 Haskett, M. E., 450
Goetz, L., 275 Graceffa, A. M. S., 216 Grunendahl, M., 477 Halperin, J. M., 160 Hassing, Y., 263
Gogate, L. L., 256 Grady, J. G.,216 Grusec, J. E., 368, 369 Halpern, C. J., 346 Hastings, P. D., 371
Gold, A., 208 Graf, P., 201 Grych, J. H., 447 Halpern, D. E, 235, 236, 244 Halano, G., 378
Gold, A. E., 237 Graham, C. A., 471 Guacci, N., 381 Halpren, $. H., 103 Hatch, T., 181
Gold, E. B„ 138 Graham, N., 478 Guarnaccia, P. J., 458 Halverson, G. E, 296, 297, 325, Hatfield, E.,413
Goldberg, A. P., 136, 140 Graham, S., 377 Guay, E, 296 337-338 Hattie, J., 220
Goldberg, G. R., 99 Graham-Bermann, S. A., 406 Guegan, J., 133 Hambrick, D. Z., 168 Hau, K. To 299
Goldberg, S., 394, 396 Graham-Pole, J., 504 Gueldner, S. H., 238, 506 Hamburg, B., 377 Flauf, A. M., 473
Goldberg, VV. A., 443 Gralinksi, H., 268 Guerin, D. W., 233, 242, 243, Hamburg, P., 474 Flaug, K., 93
Golden, C. J., 468 Gralinski, J. H., 294 244, 248, 293 Hamilton, B. E., 103 Haught, P. A., 222
Goldenberg, R. L., 97 Grand, A., 480 Guerra, N. G., 371, 374, 377 Hamilton, C. E., 414 Hausdorff, J. M., 308
Goldfarb, W., 397 Grandjean, I I., 480 Gugula, S., 327 Hamilton, J. A., 328 Havemann, J., 347
Gold field, B. A., 257, 258 Granger, R. I I., 95 Guilford, J. P., 249 Hamilton, L., 270 Havens, B., 439
Goldhaber, D. E., 40, 48,49 Granic, I., 433 Guinsburg, R., 156 Hamilton, V.L., 335 Haverkock, A., 294
Golding, J., 336, 444 Grant, A., 487 Guite, I., 467 Hamm, J. V., 407 Flavighurst, R. J., 317
Goldman, S», 355 Grant, E., 487 Gulko, J., 327, 338 Hammcn, C. L., 3, 469, 475 I-Iavill, V.Lo 296
Goldschmidt, L., 93 Grant, K. E., 459 Gunnar, M. R., 397-398, 401, Flammer, L. D., 134 I-Iavlik, R. J., 480
Goldsmith, D., 105 Grant, K. S., 475 415,418 Hammer, M., 222 I-Iawley, R. S., 58, 60, 64, 67, 79
Goldsmith, H. II., 390 Grantham-McGregor, S., 99 Gunnarson, A. D., 157 Hammond, N. R.,211 Flay, D. E, 104, 401
Goldsmith, M., 210, 211 Gravel, R., 154 Gunner, M., 396 Iiampson, J., 257 I lay, J. Go 79
Goldstein, R., 325 Gray, C., 244 Gunter-Witt, K., 100 Han await, A.B., 6 Haydel, F., 134
Goldston, D., 470 Gray, J., 478 Gupta, S., 208 Hanckock, H. E., 168 Hayden, D. C., 501
Gold water, O. D., 273 Gray, J. I., 209 Guralnick, M. J., 235 Handy, A., 492 Hayes, K. C., 163
Goldwyn, R., 396 Gray, N., 128, 474 Guralnik, J. M., 139, 480 Hanish, L. D., 403 Hayes, R., 192,196
Golinkoff, R. M., 256, 257 Gray, S. W., 235 Gurewitsch, E. D., 99 Hankin, J. R., 93 Hay flick, U 489, 490, 491, 493
Golombok, S., 85, 336, 444 Gray, VV. M., 188 Gurland, B.,481 Han Ion, Co 261 Hayne, FL, 203, 204, 209, 211
Goltzman, D., 135 Grav-Little, B., 274, 298, 302 Gurung, R. A., 417 Hanlong, C., 261 Haynes, O. M., 95
Golub, M., 99 Grayson, D. A., 478 Gusella, J., 68 Ilans, S. L., 374, 396 liayslip, B. Jr., 311,497, 502,
Gonzales, L. S., 467 Grbich, C., 495 Guteri, E, 33 Hansen, B. C., 492 506, 508
Gonzalez, B., 137 Green, C., 216 Guthrie, I. IC, 372 Hansen, IX, 99 Hayward, C., 134,410
Good, C., 245 Green,)., 396 Guthrie, J., 138 Hansen, D.J., 417,451 Haywood, H. C., 229
Goodkin, K., 508 Green, M., 500, 501 Gutman, L. M., 272, 275, 276 Hansson, R., 497 Hazan, C., 414, 415
Goodman, G. S., 211 Green, R., 345 Gutmann, D., 339, 340-341 Hansson, R.O.,316, 317 Heath, A., 73, 77
Goodman, R., 473 Green, S. B., 129 Guttentag, R. E., 217, 219 Hanushek, E. A., 272 Heath, A. C , 137, 346, 459, 475
Goodman, S. H., 104, 466, 471 Green, S. K.,411 Guttmacher, A. E., 65 Hany, E. A., 238, 239 Heaton, T. B., 443, 461
Goodnow,). J., 369, 378 Greenberg, J., 485 Guyer, B., 107 Happe, F. G., 359, 372, 462 Hebebraiid, J., 474
Goodship, D., 56 Greenberg, J. S., 441 Guyer, F., 104 Hardiosn, C. M., 245 Hechtman, L. T., 468
Goodwyn, S., 257 Greenberg, R. P., 33 Gwinn, M., 97 Hardy, M. A., 441 Heckhausen, J., 477
Goodyer, I. M., 1U4 Greenberg, '1'., 476 Flare, B., 355 Fledges, L. V., 324
Goodz, N., 256 Greenberger, E., 279-280, 443 H Flaring, M., 502-503 liedlund, B.,315
Goossens, F. A., 391,396 Greene, J. G., 138 Ilaan, N.,310 Harkins, S.W., 139 Ileeren, T., 95
Goossens, L., 434 Greene, K., 187 Haas, A., 465 Harley, K., 210 Fleffernan, K., 474,475
Gopnik, A., 191, 258, 354, 355 Greene, S. M., 446 Haas-Hawkings, G., 506 Harlod, G. T., 475 Hegel, S. L., 260
Gordis, E. B„ 372, 450, 451 Greenfield, P. M., 261, 356 Habek, D., 93 " Harlow, H., 394 Heh, S. So 104
Gordon, B. N., 206,211,343 Greenhalgh, R., 105 Habek, J. C., 93 Harman, D.,488,491,492 Heikkincn, R., 128
Gordon, D. H., 186 Greenhouse, S. VV., 140 I-Iaber, D., 129, 135, 140 Harman, S. M., 137 Helderman, R. S., 56
Gordon, K., 7 Greenley, R. N., 470 Flack, M 0 89,107 Harmon, R. J., 266,291 Helfgott, D , 250
Gordon, L B., 490 Greenough, W. T., 115, 140, Haddow, J. E., 113 Harold, G. T., 104, 459 Helgeson, V. S, 305, 306
Gordon, L. L, 210 301,458, 459 Hadjistavropoulos, T., 442 Harold, R. D., 268, 276, 326, Ilellige, J. B., 115
Gordon, P., 263 Greenspan, S. L, 144 Haegerstrum-Portnoy, G., 161 334 Hellstrom-Lindahl, E., 93
Gordon, R. A., 473, 474 Gregg, V., 371 Haertel, G. D., 272 Harper, G., 282 Helmreich, R. L., 281, 340
Gordon-Salant, T., 163, 164, Greisiger, R., 158 Hafdahl, A. R., 298, 302 Harper, L., 5, 76 Helms, J. E., 244
165, 166 Gresham, F. M., 464 Haffner, VV. H. J., 97 Harper, S., 135 Helms, M. J., 480
Gorey, K., 344 Gressens, P., 93 Hagan, R., 328 Harquail, C. V., 316, 436 Helms-Erkison, H., 433
Gorey, K. M., 266 Greve, VV., 306 Hagberg, J. M., 136, 140 Harrington, A. E, 336 Helsen, M., 301,303
Gorlick, P., 449 Greydarms, D. E., 475 Hagekull, B., 297 Harrington, D. M., 250 Helson, R., 310, 341
Gorman, J., 465 Grich, J., 436 Flagestad, G. O., 439 Harrington, I I., 76, 296, 451, Helwig, C. C , 367
Gorman, K. S., 99, 160 Grier, I I. E., 508 Flahn, C. S., 85 459 Hemphill, S. A., 294, 296, 297,
Gortmaker, S. 1.., 129 Griffin, K. VV., 266 I lahn, W. C., 490 Harrington, K. F., 48 429
Gosling, $. D., 289, 325 Griffin, W. A., 446 Haight, B.K.,313, 314 Harrington, L. C., 103 Henderson, A. J., 449
Henderson, A. S., 71 I-Ijertholm, E., 196 Hourx, P.J., 140 Ippen, C. G., 500 Johnson, E., 492
Henderson, B., 98 Ho, R., 334 House, J. $., 506 Irgens, L. M., 93 Johnson, J., 263
Henderson, C. R., 97,98 Hoagwood, K., 471 Houston, D. M., 256 Irwin, R. R., 190 Johnson, J. G., 472
Henderson, H. A., 292 Hobbes, T., 29 Flouts, R. M., 439 Isaacowitz, D. M., 412 Johnson, M., 147, 148
Henderson,J. E., 135 Hobbins,J. G., 96 Houx, P. J., 222 Isaacs, K. R., 140, 301 Johnson, M. FL, 88, 148
Henderson, V. IC, 426 Hobbs, E B.,7, 137 Howard, J., 317, 396 Isabella, R. A., 395-396 Johnson, M. IC, 222
Hendin, I-I., 508 Hobbs, S. A., 417 Howard, K. I., 433 Ivanisevic, M., 93 Johnson, M. P., 449
Hendricks, L. A., 154 I lock, E., 437 Howe, C., 93 Ivnik, R. J.,216 Johnson, R. T., 275
Hendrie, H. C., 480 I lockenbury, D., 417 Howe, M. L., 205, 209,210, Izard, G., 389 Johnson, S., 95, 168
Hcnig, R. M.,61 Hodapp, R. M., 247 211 Johnson, S.R, 150
Henker, B., 325, 467 Hodges, J., 399 Howe, N., 432 Johnson, T. R. B., 90
Henning, K. H., 376 Hodgson, D. M., 90 Howes, C , 328, 399, 404 Jaakkola, R., 498 Johnson, Vo 140, 348,349
Henningsen, H., 115 Hodgson, J. W., 313 Howes, P., 396 Jacklin, C N., 324, 325, 328, Johnson, W. B., 475
Henriksen, T. B., 93, 468 Hodnett, E.D., 101,103 Iiowieson, IX B., 479 331,333 John-Steiner, V., 195
Henry,}. D.,217 Hoek, H., 473 Howieson, N., 250 Jackson, P. W., 249 Johnston, E E., 132
Henry, W. E.,317 Hof, P., 116, 117 I-Iowlin, P., 464 Jacobs, A., 329, 397 Johnston, K., 336
Henseler, $., 355 Hofer,S. M., 71,221 Hoyert, D. L., 107 Jacobs, H. S., 139 Johnston, T. 1.X, 46, 47
Hepburn, K. W., 442 Hoff, E., 256, 258-259, 260 Hoyt, D. R., 466 Jacobs, I. E., 298, 326, 334 Joiner, R., 194
Herbener, E. S., 439 Hofferth, S., 426, 443 Hrebickova, M., 288 Jacobs, R. R., 95 Joint Committee on Infant
Herbert, B., 56 Hoffman, C , 442 Hrncir, E. J., 265 Jacobs, S. G., 495 Flearing, 158
Herbert, J., 104, 204 Hoffman, K., 280 Hruda, L , 329 Jacobsen, G., 93 Jo lies, J., 140, 222
Herdt, G., 113,333, 343 Hoffman, L. W , 329, 366, 443 Hrychko, S., 358 Jacobsen, T., 401 Jones, C., 310
Herkert, B. M., 506 Hoffman, M., 311 Iisieh, K., 440 Jacobson, G. IC, 443, 461 Jones, IX, 162
Herman-Giddens, M. E., 131 Hoffman, M. B., 360 I-Isu, L. K., 473, 474 Jacobson, J. L., 94 Jones, IX P., 326
Hermans, H. J., 315 Hoffman, M. L , 368-369, 380 Huang, H., 153 Jacobson, K., 151 Jones, Mo 101
Hermelm, B., 229 Hoffman, R. P., 64 Hubbard, J. A., 12, 13, 20, 372 Jacobson, K. C , 73, 374 Jones, M. C., 134
I lermer, L., 150 Hoffman, S. L, 498 Hubbard, L., 272 Jacobson, S. W., 94 Jones, N. A 0 99
Hermos, R. J., 113 Hoffmann, V., 401 Hubel, IX, 115 Jacobsson, L., 478 Jones, P., 74
Hernandez, D. J., 424 Hofman, J. E., 408 Huber, A., 467 Jacobvitz, D., 449, 453, 468 Jones, P. W., 137
Hernandez, E„ 33 Hofmann, C., 93 Hubert, H. B., 128 Jacques, R E, 129 Jones, S. M., 376
Hernandez-Guzman, L., 133 Hofsta, M. B., 472 Hubert, N. G., 468 Jaffe, J., 256, 391 Jones, S. S., 203
Herold, E. S., 346 Hogan, IX, 107-108 Huck, $., 466 Jaffee, S., 380, 440 Jones, W. Ho 417
Herpertz-Dahlmann, B. M., Hogan, M. J., 447 Hudley, C , 377 Jagers, R. J., 374 joosken,)., 263
474 Hogarty, P. S., 233 Hudson, J., 211 Jaggli, N., 336 Jordyn, M., 303
Herrnstein, R. J., 245 Hogg, K., 334 Hudson, L. M., 188 Jakub, D. K., 504 Jorm, A. P., 71, 478
Hersch, R, 409 Hoicowitz, T., 410 Huesmann, L. R., 15, 374 James, W., 145, 156 Joseph, Go 444
Hcrscn, M., 439 Holahan, G., 248, 275 Huggins, M., 68 Jan car, J., 247 Joseph, J. A., 492
Hersh, R. E.,213 Holahan, J. M., 271 'Hugh, IX, 336 Janevic, M. R., 411 Joseph, M. R., 462
Hershey, S. W., 335 Hoi den, G. W., 427 Hughes, IX, 106 Jang, K. L, 74-75 Joung, P., 260
Hertsgaard, L. A., 204 Holden, IC., 502 Hughes, E, 342 Jankowiak, W. R.,413 Joura, E., 102, 103
Hertzog, C.,219, 221 Holen, A., 505 Huguley, S., 449 Jankowski, J. J., 206, 232, 388 Judge, So 397
Iierzog, D. B, 474 Holl, G., 247 Huizink, A. C., 99 Jannings, L. R., 208 Judge, T Ao 315
Hess, T. M., 218, 358, 359 Holland, K.,443, 461 Hulefeld, R , 8 Janos, P. M„ 248 Judy, Bo 381
Hesse, E., 394 Holland, R., 304 Hull, A., 485 Janus, C. L., 343 Juffer, F., 401, 417
Heston, L. L., 73, 481 Hollen, S. LX, 478 Hulme, C., 270 Janus, J. S., 343 Jung, Co 34, 341
Hetherington, E. M., 78, 79, Hollenstein, T., 433 Hultsch, D.F.,219, 222 Jaquish, G. A., 251 Jung, J. E., 67
333, 388, 424, 427, 429,- Holley, J., 494 Humphrey, K., 152 Jarvelin, M. R., 468 Jungblut, P. R., 128
430,445-447,448,471 Hollich, G., 256 Hunsberger, B., 359, 375, 377 Jasnow, M. IX, 256, 391 Juola, J. R, 163
Hetu, R., 165 Hollich, G.J., 257 Hunt, J. V., 234 Jaycox, L. H., 470, 471 Jurica, P. J., 222
Hewitt, J. K., 73 Holliday, R., 491 Hunt, M., 185 Jeffery, R., 104 Jusczyk, P. Wo 256, 263
Heyman, G. IX, 268 Holmbeck, G. N., 187, 432, 470 Hunt, P., 275 Jeffry, A., 436 Jusko, T. Ao 97
Hezlett, S. A, 236 Holmgren, R., 372 Hunter, J. E., 137, 236 Jenen, P. S., 471 Jussim, L , 335
I-Iibbert, J. R., 427 Ilolowka, S., 116 Huntington, R., 487 Jenkins, R , 247 Justice, E. Mo 208
Ilickey, P. R., 156 Holt, A. R., 453 Huotilainen, M., 152 Jenkins, J. M., 355
Higgins, D. A., 5 Holt, C. L., 340 Hurd, L., 136 Jenkins, R. R., 43 K
Higgins, E. T., 268, 329 Holt, S. E., 490 Hurd, R. C., 506 Jenkins, S. R., 315 Kabacoff, R. L, 439
Hilgard, E.R.,211 Holtz, P. M., 85 Husslein, P., 102, 103 Jenkins, W , 271 Kacew, S., 92
Hill, E. L , 462 Holzer, G. E. 111,477 Huston, A. C., 129, 327, 329 Jennings, IC D., 265, 266 Kagan, J., 266, 292, 331, 365,
Hill, J. B., 97 Homeycr, L., 405 Huston, M., 444 Jensen, A. R.,214, 233, 235, 393,396
Hill, J. P., 329 Honey, K. L., 104 Huston, T. L., 435, 439 236, 238, 244, 245 Kagawa-Singer, M., 138
Hill, L. A., 222 Iioneycutt, H., 46. Hutchinson, IC E., 71 Jensen, L., 347 Kahlenberg, So 336
Hill, N. E., 273 Iioneyman, M., 75, 250 Hwang, C. P., 243 Jensen, P. S., 469 Kahn, R. L, 128,217,381
Hill, P., 473 Honzik, M. P., 234 Hyde, J. S., 5, 103, 324, 325, Jeong, FI. So 441 Kail, R., 1 16, 130,200,205,
Hill, R., 423 Honzik, m. P., 232 342, 343, 347, 380 Jesse 11, To 115 206, 213, 219, 220, 234
Hill, S. IX, 291 Hood, I. E., 344 Hymel, S., 405 Jessor, R., 473 Kakuma, R., 481
Hilton, N. Z., 373 Hooker, K., 282 Hyson, M. C., 266 Jia, Go 263 Kalil, A , 439
Hilton, S. C., 90 Hooper, F. H., 190
Jipson, J., 260 Kalmuss, IX, 436
Himes, I. H., 131 Hooper, J. O., 190
I Jobes, IX A., 476, 477 Kalter, N., 500
Himura, N., 374 Hooper, R., 396
Iachine, I. A., 74 Jobse, Jo 263 Kaltiala-Heino, R., 134
Hinchliff, S., 348 Hopfer, C.J., 73
Iacono, W. G., 74, 75, 241 Jodl, IC. Mo 424 Kaltman, S., 496, 502, 505
Hinde, R. A., 45 Hopkins, J., 396.
lalongo, K. S., 470 Joffe, K. Mo 163 Kalverboer, A. E, 148, 159
Mine, T., 6 Hopkins, T. L., 325
larocci, G-, 159 Johanson, R. B., 101 Kamin, L. Jo 70
Mines, D. A., 452 Horiuchi, S., 489
Iborra, A., 303 Johansson, B., 480 Kaminer, A., 99
Hines, M., 336 Horn, J., 227
Iedema, J., 301,303 Johansson, S. E., 488 Kaminester, Do 358
Mines, P. M., 488 Horn, J. M.,241
Imel, S., 282 Johansson, IX, 115 Kaminski, P. L., 502, 506
Hinklley, G., 103 Horn, M. C., 477
Imperato-McGinley, J., 333 John, (X P., 73 Kamkar, K . , 4 I 0
Hinney, A., 474 Horney, K., 34
Ingersoll-Dayton, B., 415 Johnansson, B., 238 Kamphaus, R. W., 244
Hinrichscn, G., 478 Horowitz, L. M., 413
Ingoldsby, B.B., 435 Johnson, Co 406, 503-504, Kan del, E. R., 115
Hinshaw, S. P., 467 Horowitz, M. J., 505
Ingram, D. K., 492 506,509 Kaneko, So 490
Hinton, J.,495 Horvath, J., 152
Ingram, R. E., 459 Johnson, C A., 450 Kant, I., 144
Hip well, A. E., 391 Horwood, L. J., 48
Ingrassia, M., 381 Johnson, C. L., 416, 424, 441, Kanwisher, No 355
Hirschman, R., 449 Hosaka, X , 154
Inhelder, B.,42, 181, 183, 188 443, 474 Kaplan, A. S., 218
Hirsch-Pasek, K., 256, 257, liougham, G. W„ 417
In man, J. W., 128 Johnson, D., 438, 443 Kaplan, D. S., 280
263, 266 IIough-Eyamir, W. P., 261
Insabella, G. M., 448 Johnson, D. R., 424, 439 Kaplan, D. W , 347
Hirth, V., 481 Hoult, L.A., 107
Inslicht, M , 245 Johnson, IX W., 275 Kaplan, H. B., 280
Kaplan, H. L, 481 Kendell, R., 74 Klein, E. B., 287-288 Kraimer, M. L., 315 Lamy, P. P., 140
Kaplan, J., 185 Kendig, II. L., 416 Klein, J., 165 Kramer, L., 432 Landau, S., 196
Kaplan, N.,414 Kendler, K. S., 75, 77, 137, 458, Klein, J. D., 347 Kramer, M., 479 Landers, K., 336
Kaplan-Estrin, M. G., 94 474 Klein, N. C , 107 • Krause, N., 415, 418 Landreth, G., 405
Kaplan R. M., 488 Kendrick, C., 431,432 Klein, R J., 204 Kravetz, S., 498 Landry, S. H., 242
Kappelman, M., 499 Keniston, K., 7 Klein, R., 162, 163, 164 Krebs, D. L., 380, 381 Lane, M. A., 492
Kappes, M. E.> 331, 345 Kennedy, Q., 412 Klein, R. E., 396 Kreiss, L., 23 Lang, E R . , 411, 413
Kappes, M. I I., 331, 345 Kennell, J. H., 103, 391 Klein, R. Z., 113 Krettenauer, T., 376 Lang, M. E., 436
Kaprio, J., 134 Kenny, E. D., 453 Klein, W., 259 Kreye, M , 393 Lang, S., 396
Karande, V., 85 ICenny, M. E., 407 Klepac, L., 401 Krile, D., 358 Lange, G., 220
Karel, M. J., 478 Kenny, S. L., 188, 190, 192 Kliegl, R., 220 Kringlen, E., 481 Langer, A., 149
Karno, M., 479 Kent, A., 475 Klimes-Dougan, B., 451 Krishnakumar, A., 465 Langer, E., 219, 309
Karrahker, K. H., 332 Kent, P., 222 Klin, A., 460, 461,463 Kroger, J., 301, 303 Langer, J., 150
Karraker, K. EL, 326 Kenyon, B. L., 498 Kline, D. W., 165 Krogh, K.M.,281 Langer, M., 102, 103
Kart, C. S., 135 Keough, J., 134 Klineberg, O., 233 Krohn, M. D., 373 Langevin, J. P., 358
Karus, D., 506 Keough, K., 245 Kling, K. C., 325 Kroonenberg, P. M., 396 Langhahl, H. So 412
Kasen, S., 7, 472 Kerka, $., 282 Klinger, L. J., 328 Krowitz, A., 149 Langley, L. K., 163
Kashima, Y., 291 Kermoian, R., 125, 149 Klitsch, Mo 95 Krucoff, C., 135 Langley-Evans, A. J., 99
Kasl, S. V., 495 Kerns, I<. A., 401 Klump, K. L., 75, 474 Krueger, R. F., 77 Langley-Evans, S. C., 99
Kasl-Godley,J., 481 Kerr, M., 429, 434 Knaack, A., 369 Kruger, A. C., 377 Langlois, I. A., 139
Kaslow, N., 469 Kerr, M. A., 465 Knecht, $., 115 Krull, J. L., 432 Langsford, J. E., 413
Kass, R., 260 Kershaw, K., 414 Knight, B. G., 441 Krupp, G., 490 Lanphaer, B. P., 97
Kastelic, E. A., 469 Kersten, A. W., 219 Knight, G. J., 113 Krzysik, L., 406 Lansford, J. E., 373, 375
Kastenbaum, R„ 494, 497, 498 Kcskitalo, P., 74 Knight, G. P., 302 Kubat-Silman, A. K., 221 Lantz, P. M., 93
Kasworm, C. E., 223 Keskivaara, P., 296 Knight, J. A., 5, 490, 491 Kiibler-Ross, E„ 491-495, 507 Lanza, S., 298
Katayama, T., 164 Kesmodel, U., 93 Knight, W. G., 93 Kucera, E., 431 Lanza, S. X , 134
Katona, C., 478 Kessen, W., 399 Knopf, I., 160 Kuczkowski, R., 188 Laplante, 11, 293
Katsura, II., 307 Kessler, R. C.,77, 137,414, Knutsen, K. L., 112 Kuczynski, L., 368, 369 Laplante, D. R, 147
Katz, D. B., 145 470, 478, 506 Kobak, R. R., 392, 407, 434 Kuebii,)., 210 Lapp, A. L., 406
Katz, K. I-I., 108 Kestenbaum, R., 396 Kobayashi, L., 103 Kuehncr, C., 475, 478 Lapsley, D. IC, 188, 376, 378,
Katz, M.)., 9, 480 Kett, ]. E, 6 Koch, C., 475 Kuhl, P. K., 152 407
Katz, P., 269 Kettle, H. B. D., 57 Koch, G. G., 131 Kuhn, C., 99 Larid, M., 451
Katz, P. A., 342 Kettunen, S., 93 Kochanska, G., 294, 361, 365, Kuhn, D., 186, 207 Larkby, C. A., 93
Kauffman, M., 49 Key, $., 97 368, 369, 370, 400 Kuhne, N., 478 Larson, E., 101
Kaufman, A. S., 229, 237, 238, Keyes, C. L., 416 Kodama, K., 97 Kuhnert, M. E., 474 Larson, R. W., 279, 432
244 Keyl, P. M., 139 Kodish, I. M., 458, 459 Kuijpers, C., 256 Larsson,!., 343
Kaufman, J., 449 Khurts, S., 490 Koegel, R. K., 464 Kuk, L. S., 303 LaRue, A. A., 328
Kaufman, N. L., 229, 238, 244 Kiecolt-Glaser, J. IC, 439 Koegel, R. L., 464 Kulik, C. C , 248, 272 Laski, Ko 467
Kavanaugh, K., 429 Kiernan, K. E., 447 Koenen, K. C , 451 Kulik, J. A., 248, 272 Lauenbach, V., 93
Kavanaugh, R. D., 404 Kiesner,)., 372, 373 Koenig, A. L., 369 Kulin, H. E., 131 Laughlin, I. E.,219
Kawacbi, L, 439 Kihlgren, IVL, 105 Koestner, R., 269, 434 Kuller, L. H., 137 Laumann, F.. O., 118, 147
Kawas, C., 479 Kilbourne, B. S., 316 Koff, E., 133 Kumar, M., 508 Laumann-Billings, L., 447, 452
Kaye, J. A., 479 Killen, J. D., 128, 134,474 Kogan, N., 249, 250, 344 Kumar, R., 391 Laurendeau-Bendavid, M., 186
Kaye, J. W., 43 Kim, K. ]., 151,373, 449 Kohl, G. O., 273 Kumwenda, R., 97 Laurent, C., 99
Kaye, R. A., 348, 349 Kim, S. I-I., 67 Kohlberg, L., 30, 196, 336-337, Kuncel, N. R., 236 Laursen, B., 302, 407, 408,
Kaye, W., 474 Kim, T., 313 361-364, 367-368, 370, Kunz, T., 100 409
Kazak, A. E., 508 Kim, Y. K., 405 375, 376, 378, 379-380, Kupersmidt, J. B., 246, Lauterbach, M. D., 325
Kazdin, A. E., 38, 470, 471, 473 Kimura, D., 331 381,396,513 405-406 La Vecchia, Co 97
Kazmi, H., 263 Kincaid, D., 221 Kohn, M. L., 316, 427 Kurdek, L. A., 358, 435, 437, Lavigne,J, V., 122
Kazura, K. L., 406 Kinella, K., 488 Kohn-VVood, L., 276 439, 443, 444 LaVoie, D., 218
Keane, S. P., 369, 405 King, A. C , 135 Kojima, H., 4 Kurtz-Costes, B., 398 Law, I<. Lo 93
Keasey, C. B., 375 King, P. M., 189 Kolassa, J., 74 Kusdil, M. E., 288 Lawrence, C., 474
Keel, P. K., 473, 474 Kingma, M., 478 Kolb, B., 115, 118 Kushnerenko, E,, 152 Lawson, A., 116
Keeler, G., 466 Kingston, H. M., 64, 65,71 Koller, H., 107 Kuslansky, G., 9, 139, 480 Lawson, D. S., 265
Keenan, T., 356 Kingston, P. W., 443 Kolstad, V., 204 Kusumakar, V., 410 Lawson, E. J., 99
Kehlc, T. J., 378 Kinney, D., 409 Konarski, R., 408 Kwan, V. $., 310 Lawson, J., 463
Keicolt-Glaser, J. K.,418 Kintsch, W.,214 Konner, M. J., 105 Kwong, M. J., 449 Lawson, K., 107
Keith-Spiegel, P., 21 Kirby, D., 50 Koocher, G. R, 21, 498, 500 Lawson, K. R., 159
Keleman, W. L., 213 Kirk, R., 105 Koopmans-van Beinum, R J., L Layburn, IC, 303
Kellam, S. G., 470 Kirsner, K., 215 256 Labouvie-Vief, G., 189, 190 Lazar, I., 235
Keller, B. B., 369 Kisilevsky, B. S., 147, 153, 156 Koops, W., 6 Lachman, M. E., 447 Leaf, P. J., 477
Keller, G., 472 Kislcer, E., 399 Koot, H. M., 467, 472 L-achs, M. S., 140 Leahy, J. M., 504
Keller, I-I., 255, 257, 356, 391 Kissane, D. W., 506 Kopelman, B. I., 156 Ladd, G. W., 269, 400, 405, Leaper, C., 328, 334,336
Keller, M., 378 Kistner, J., 451 Kopka, T. L., 282 406,417 Le Blanc, M., 308
Kelley-Buchanan, C., 96 Kitamura, C., 262 Kopp, C. B., 268, 294, 390 Laflamme, D., 425 Lebowitz, B. D., 478
Kellman, P. J., 145,150 Kitayama, $., 307 Korbin,}. E., 450 LaGasse, L. L., 93 Leckman, J. R, 73
Kellowav, E. K., 280 Kitchener, K. S., 189 Koriat, A., 210, 211 Lagattuta, K. H., 356 LeCompt, D. C , 222
Kelly, J. B., 445 Kitson, G. C , 444, 503, 506 Korkman, M., 93 Lahti, I., 74 Lecouteur, A., 463
Kelly, M., 346 Kitzmann, IC. M., 426, 453 Korten, A. E.,71 Laible, D. J., 365-366,411 Lecuyer, R., 176
Kelsall, D. C., 166 Kivenson-Baron, I., 407 Kortenhaus, C. M., 336 Lakatta, E. G., 136 Ledger, W. J., 96
Kelsay, D. M. R., 155 Klaczynski, P. A., 186, 210, 223 Kory, R. C., 139 Lake, M. A., 326 Ledsky, R., 347
Kelsey, j. L, 138 Klapper, W., 490 Koshino, H., 163 Laksb mina r aya na n, V., 161 Lee, E., 488
Kelsey, S. R, 137 Klar, N., 508 Kosloski, K., 317 Laksy, K., 74 Lee, K. E., 153, 162, 207
Keltikangas-Jaervinen, L., 296 Klass, D., 487, 505 Koss, M. P., 449 Lalumiere, M. L., 371, 373 Lee, P. A., 131
Kember, D., 282 Klater, N., 505 Kosten, T. R., 495 Lamaz, F., 98 Lee, S., 439
Kemler Nelson, D. G., 263 Klaus, H. M., 391 Kotelchuck, ML, 396 Lamb, M. E., 243, 395, 399, Lee, S. S., 465
Kemmelmeir, M., 307 Klaus, M. Ii., 101 Kotimaa, A., 468 422, 425, 426, 446 Lee, S. Yo 278-279, 391
Kemp, S., 215 Klaus, P. I-I., 101 Koutstaal, W., 222 Lambert, S. R., 157 Lee, V. Eo 335
Kempe, C. H., 449 Klaus, R. A., 235 Kovacs, D. M, 98 Lamborn, S. D., 280, 410, 427, Lee, W. Wo 307
Kempe, R. S., 449 Klaver, C. C., 163 Kovacs, M., 470 434 Leeb, R., 327
Kempen, G. 1., 137 Kleban, M. H., 442 Kowal, A., 432 Lamon, S. J., 324, 325 Leeder, E. J., 422
Kemper, S., 260 Klebanov, P., 246 Kown, Y., 116 Lampers, J. D., 433 Leeds, B., 508
Kemtcs, K. A., 260 Klebanov, P. K., 108 Kozma, A., 140 Lampert, C , 474 Leerlces, E., 294
Kendall, M., 487 Klein, B. E., 162, 164 Kraemer, H. C , 134 Lampinen, P., 128 Lee-Shin, Y., 404, 405
Kendall-Tackett, K., 344 Klein, D. M., 422, 423 Krafft, K. C., 196 Lampl, M., 119, 131 Lefever, G. B., 396
Leggett, E. L , 268 Lieberman, A. E, 500 Lord, So 276 Maddox, G. L , 136 Marsh, H. Wo 104, 295,296,
Lehman, D. R„ 502-503 Lieberman, Mo 296, 367, 370, Lorenz, F. O., 428, 466, Maddux, J. E., 266 299,335
Lehman, H. C., 2 5 1 , 5 0 6 375, 447 475-476 Maehr, M., 255 Marsiglio, W., 348, 425, 426,
Lehoux, P. M., 432 Lieberman, M. A., 509 Lorenz, K., 45, 89, 386 Maestripieri, D., 391 446
Leichtman, M. D., 210 Liefbroer, A. C , 439, 443 Lorsbach, T. C., 213 Maffulli, No 135 Marsiske, M .,219, 223
Leifer, B. P., 479 Lieven, E. V., 263 Lorusso, So 216 Magai, C , 4 1 5 Martier, S. So 94
Leifer, M., 465 Light, L. L , 218, 219, 220 Lotka, A. Jo 7 Magill, L. FL, 325 Martin, Co 272
Leighton, B. L., 103 Likcr, J. Ko 9 Lou, H. Co 99 Magnus, K., 311 Martin, C. L , 325, 328, 329,
Leinbach, M. D., 327, 328, 334 Lillard, Ao 356, 405 Lourenco, 0 o 4 4 , 1 9 1 Magnusson, D., 133 337-338,403
Leirer, V., 214,218 Lillard, L.A., 445 Loury, M 0 167 Mahadevan, R . S . , 2 1 4 Martin, F. N., 165
Lejarraga, H., 119 Lim, Ko 185 Lovaas, O. L, 464 Mahaffy, K. A., 305 Martin, G. B., 366
be Mare, L.}., 358 Lima, S. a , 139 Love, I Mo 399 Mahapatra, M., 307, 379 Martin, Jo 217
Lemerise, E. A., 372 Lin, C. Go 498 Loveless, M. K 0 217 Mahler, M. S., 290 Martin, J . A 0 103, 107,426,
Lemire, R. J., 94 Lin, Y 0 411 Lowe, Do 166 Maiden, R. Jo 311 427
Lemke, L., 229 Lincoln, R., 40 Lowe, J. Co 4 Maier, E. Ho 447 Martin, J. Mo 298
Lempers, J. D , 407 Lindegren, M. L , 97 Lowe, S. Wo 490 Maier-Bruckner, W 0 298 Martin, ICAo 133
Lengua, L. J., 273, 446 Lindenberger, LI, 3, 9, 168, Lubart, T. L, 250 Main, M 0 394, 401, 414, 425, Martin, M r , 238, 477
Lenhardt, M. L., 139 182,219, 2 2 1 , 2 3 8 , 5 1 8 Lubinski, D , 247 451 Martin, No 73, 475
Lenneberg, £., 263 Lindesay, Jo 478 Luby, J. Lo 470 Main, S. R., 272, 273 Martin, N. Go 70, 345, 346
Leonard, K. E., 95 Lindsey, E. Wo 405 Lucas, X , 401 Major, Bo 326 Martin, R, 477
Leong, D. J., 194,195 Lingenfelter, Mo 336 Luchini, L 0 97 Maki, P. M o 218 Martin, R. R, 273
LePore, P. C., 279, 335 Linn, M. C., 324 Luchins, D.y 449 Makin, J. W„ 155 Martin, S. E., 389, 390
Lepper, H. S., 103 Linnet, K. M.y 468 Luciana, M 0 118 Makuch, R. W , 108 Martinez, C. N , 336
Lerner, L. V., 443 Lintern, V , 327, 329 Lueptow, L. Bo 324 Malatesta, C. Zo 389, 390 Martire, L. M 0 441
Lerner, M. J., 440 Lintz, Ao 272 Lueptow, M. Bo 324 Malcuit, Go 326, 425 Martlew, M., 158
Lerner, R. A., 490 Lipman, H. X , 282 Luk, S. L, 467 Malik, N. M., 406,417 Martorano, So 185
Lerner, R. M., 49, 80 Lipper, E. G., 465 Lundeberg, IC, 449 Malina, R. M., 131 Marttunen, Mo 134
Leroux, L., 380 Lippman, J. Go 500 Lundstrom, Ho 489 Malinosky-Rummell, Ro 451 Maruna, S., 313
Lesher, E. L., 504 Lipsey, M. W , 16, 376 Lundy, B. L., 99 Malinski, Do 311 Maruyama, Go 275
Leslie, A., 352, 353, 355 Lipsitt, L. R, 8, 124 Luria, A., 193,200 Malkinson, Ro 503, 504 Marvin, R. So 398, 432
Leslie, D., 344 Lipton, A. Mo 481 Luria, Z., 326 Malley-Morrison, K., 452 Marwit, S. Jo 503
Lester, B. M., 93, 396 Lipton, j. So 150 Luster, X , 296 Malmstrom, Mo 488 Marzolf, D., 390
Lester, D., 476 Lipton, R. Bo 9 , 4 8 0 Lustig, J. Lo 447 Malotte, C. IC, 347 Masataka, No 264, 265
Leung, A. K., 342 Liss, M. Bo 304 Lustina, M. Jo 245 Mandeli, J., 137, 348 Masciadrelli, B. R, 425
LeVay, S., 345 Lits, Bo 99 Luszcz, M. Ao 3, 221, 222, Mandler, Go 201 Mason, Bo 336
Leve, L. D., 334, 372 Litt, I. E, 134 520 Mandoki, M. W., 64 Mason, C. A 0 406
Levenkron, S., 473, 475 Little, B. Bo 95, 96 Lutz, So 129 Mangels, J. Ao 222 Mason, U , 150
Leveno, K. J., 106 Little, X D., 248 4Ly, D. Ho 490 Mangelsdorf, S. C , 390, 393, Massie, R. K.y 63
Levenson, R. W., 439, 444 Littleton, K., 194 Lyde, M., 347 396 Massie, S., 63
Leventhal, T., 23 Litvin, S. Jo 442 Lykken, D. X , 74, 241 Manke, B. Ao 329,432 Masson, J. Mo 33
Levey, A. I., 117 Litwak, Eo 440 Lyman, S., 164 Mann, L. L, 98 Masten, A. So 103, 265, 266,
Levin, A. V., 157 Liu, (Jo 347 Lynch, M 0 158 Manos, M. Jo 468 297
Levin, J. R., 207,213 Liu, Do 355 Lynch, M. Eo 329 Manset, G., 275 Masterpasqua, E, 444
Levin, S. B., 508 Liu,Jo 93 Lynch, S. M., 477, 478 Mantell, Ro 442 Masters, ].y 140
Levine, C , 303-304 Livesley, W. J 0 295, 357 Lynskey, M. X , 459, 475 Maraganore, A., 457 Masters, W , 348, 349
Levine, M. P., 475 Livson, E, 311 Lyonette, Co 442 Maraniss, EX, 485 Masutomi, K.y 490
LeVine, R., 378 Lizotte, A. Jo 373 Lyons, M., 498, 499 Maratsos, M., 261 Maszk, R, 372
Levine, S., 400-401 Llagas, Co 280 Lyons-Ruth, IC, 396, 465, 466 March ant, Go 214 Matas, Lo 393
Levinson, D. J., 287-288, Lianas, L , 466 Lytton, Ho 78, 334, 369, 373 Marchinone, IC Eo 271 Mather, M., 218
3 1 4 - 3 1 5 , 3 1 9 , 4 4 9 , 450 Lloyd, D. Ao 477 March of Dimes, 103 Matheson, C. C , 4 0 1 , 4 0 4
Levinson, M. H., 287-288 Lo, Co 307 M Marcia, Jo 300 Mathews, E, 99-100
Levition, A., 97 Loasses, Ao 216 Maas, L. Co 468 Marcoen, A 0 221,295 Mathews, Jo 279
Levitsky, D., 99 Lobel, Mo 99 Mabuchi, IC, 97 Marcon, R. Ao 273 Mattes, R. D , 167
Levitt, M. J., 381,416 Lobel, To 341 Macario,Ao 103 Marcovitch, S., 176 Matthews, K.AM 137, 138
Levkoff, S., 317 Lock, Ao 257 MacArthur Foundation, 217 Marcus, G. E, 261 Matthews, L. X , 503
Levy, B., 219 Lock, E., 263 MacCallum, X , 489, 492 Marcus, S. Co 476 Mattock, Ao 149
Levy, B. R., 308, 309 Lock, Mo 138 Maccoby, £. E , 68, 79, 241, Mare, R. D., 279 Matusov, Eo 192, 196
Levy, G., 327 Locke, B. Zo 479 324, 325, 326, 328, 333, Marean, G. C , 152 Maughan, A.y 356
Levy, P., 449 Locke, Jo 29, 36, 144 388,426, 427,429 Marentette, P. E, 264 Maughan, B 0 272, 273, 371
Levy, R. J., 447 Locke, J. Lo 263 MacDonald, C. IX, 406 Margand, N. A., 426 Maughn, BM 374
Levy, V. M., 207 Lockhart, D. J., 49.0 M a c D o n a l d , a , 116 Margit,W.,315 Mauras, No 113
Levy-Shiff, R., 3 1 1 , 4 3 6 Lockhart, K. L , 357 MacDonald, W , 443 Margolin, Go 372, 449, 450, Maurer, A., 497
Lewandowsky, S., 215 Lockhead, M. R , 342 MacDorman, M. R, 107 451 Maurer,Co 121
Lewinsohn, R M., 134 Locy, X , 471 Machado, Ao 44, 191 Marian, V.f 209 Maurer, Do 12 L 146, 156, 157
Lewis, B. A., 261 Loeber, R., 371 Ma elver, D. J., 272, 273, 276, Marini, Z., 205 Mauri, Mo 216
Lewis, D. A., 117 Loehlin, J. Co 69, 73, 76, 235, 277 Markestad, To 93 Mavandadi, So 418
Lewis, L., 478 236, 241, 244,311, 331 MacKay, A. P., 476 Markides, IC So 441 Mawhood, L 0 464
Lewis, L. D., 474 Loevinger, B. Lo 502 Mackey, R. Ao 438 Markiewicz, Do 296,410 Maxon, A. B 0 155
Lewis, L. M., 447 Loewenstein, Go 347 Mackinnon, Ao 478 Markison, S.y 167 Maxwell, S. E.y 298
Lewis, M., 290, 291, 294, 327, Loftus, E. E, 211 MacKinnon, A. Jo 71 Markman, E. Mo 257 May, D. C , 443
387, 389, 392 Logan, R. L , 281,313 MacKinnon-Lewis, Co 405 Markman, H. Jo 396 May, Mo 368
Lewis, R G., 500 Lohan, J. A., 503-504, 506, 509 MacLean, K 0 397 Markon, K. E., 77 Mayberry, R. L, 155, 263, 265
Lewis, T. L., 157 Lohmann, H., 115 MacLeod, D., 273 Markowitz, J. Co 478 Mayes, L. C, 95
Lewontin, R. C., 70, 245 Lohnes, K. L , 500, 505 MacLeod, M. S 0 2 1 7 Marks, H. M.y 335 Mayeux, L , 371
Lcyendecker, B., 422 Lollis, So 380 MacMillan, D. Lo 464 Markstrom, C. A., 303 May lor, E. Ao 359
Li, K. Z. Ho 219, 221 Lombardi, Lo 166 Macmillan, M., 33 Markstrom-Adams, C 0 302, Maynard, A 0 356
Li, L. Wo 439, 441 Lombroso, R Jo 73 Macomber, Jo 151 303 Mayseless, 0 o 407
Li, So 44, 45, 46 Long, J. a , 373 MacPhee, a , 430 Markus, Ho 378 Maziade, Mo 293
Liang, Jo 417 Lonigan, C. Jo 270 MacPherson, S. E 0 359 Markus, H. R., 307 Mbwara, L, 346
Liaw, E, 108 Loomis, C. Co 268 MacRae, P. Go 139,140 Marlowe, J 0 377 McAdams, D. R, 281,313
Liben, L. So 328, 338, 342 Loovis, E. Mo 128 MacTurk, R. H , 265, 266 Marolla, E, 99 McAdoo, H. R, 242, 296
Licht, Ro 116 Lopata, I-I. Z., 502, 506, 507 Madden, C. M 0 185 Marottoli, R. Ao 139 McArdle, J.Jo 217
Lickliter, R., 46, 47 Lopez, E. Co 244 Madden, D. J., 163 Marquis, Jo 129 MCarton, C., 107
Lidz, C. So 229, 261 Lopez, S. Ro 458 Madden, P. A 0 346, 459, 475 Marret, S., 93 McCabe, M., 296, 427
Lie, Eo 210 Lord, C , 460, 463 Maddocks, L, 495 Marschark, M.y 155 McCabel, M. R, 474
McCall, E.J., 15 Medin, D. L., 214 Miller, ]., 379 Morelli, G., 105, 397, 434 Must, A., 129, 131
McCall, M.E., 313 Medina, J., 491 Miller, J. A., 79 Morgan, D. L , 418, 481 Muster, A. J., 128
McCall, R., 232 Medina, J. J., 485 Miller, J. B.,410 Morgan, G. A., 265, 266, 393 Mustillo, S., 466, 472
McCall, R. B., 232, 233 Medina, R. A., 223 Miller, J. G., 307 * Morgan, M., 104, 139 Myers, J., 256,477, 479
McCann, C„ 436 Medvedev, Z. A., 489 Miller, J. P., 216, 479 Morgan, S. P., 347 Myers, K. P., 47
McCarthy, M. E., 266 Meeus, W., 301,303 Miller, J. W., 450 Mori, C. A., 58, 60, 64, 67, 79 Myers, M., 99
McCartney, K., 72, 76, 77, 79, Meeuwsen, I. B. A. E., 136 Miller, IC R, 212 Moriarty, D. G., 161 Myerson, J., 139
429, 439 Mehan, H., 272 Miller, N. B., 427 Moriarty, V., 272 Mylod, D. E., 436
McCarton, C , 232 Meier, R. P., 264, 265 Miller, P., 378 Moride, Y., 481
McCarlon, C. M., 108 Meijer, J., 193 Miller, P. C., 427 Morin, G. B., 490 N
McCarty, C. A., 458 Meilahn, E. N., 137 Miller, P. II., 28, 44, 160, 191, Morinaga, Y., 305 Naarala, M-, 74
McCaugey, B., 85 Meilman, P., 300-302 206, 207,519 Moring, J., 74 Naatanen, R., 152
McCaugey, K., 85 Mcincrt, C. L., 108 Miller, R. A., 492 Morishima, A., 64 Nagarajan, S., 271
McCaul, E. J., 280 Meinz, E. J., 168 Miller, S. A., 191,207, 242,519 Morisky, D. E., 347 Nagarajan, S. S., 271
McClain, C. U 103 Meir, E. I., 305 Miller, S. D., 344 Morizot, J., 308 Nagel, S. K., 443
McClearn, G. E., 61, 69, 75, Mekos, D., 448 Miller, S. L, 271 Morley, J. E., 481 Nagell, K., 257
136 Melhuish, E. C , 391 Miller-Heyl, J., 430 Morris, J., 98 Nagumey, A. J., 416
McClintic, S., 267 Mellinger, J. C., 28) Miller-Johnson, S., 235, 406 Morris, J. C , 216, 479 Nahom, A., 139
McClintock, M. K., 113, 343 Mellon, M. K., 155 Mills, C. J., 268 Morris, J. E., 324 Naigles, L. G., 257-258
McCloskey, L. A., 449 Meltzer, H., 473 Millsap, R. E., 310 Morris, J. T., 336 Najman, J. M., 104, 504
McConkey-Robbins, A., 154 Meltzoff, A. N., 177, 203, 204, Milne, B., 76, 296 Morris, P. A., 22, 48, 520 Nakagawa, N., 185
McConnell, E E., 155 354,355 Milofsky, E., 313 Morris, R., 331 Nanayakkara, N., 480
McCord, J., 377 Memmo, M., 472 Milstead, M., 188 Morrison, D. M., 43, 347 Nanez, J. E., 148
McCormick, M., 266 Memon, A., 211 Minard, K. L., 121 Morrison, D. R., 447 * Nangle, D.W.,406,417
McCormick, M. C., 108 Menaghan, E. G., 447 Minde, IC, 396 Morrongiello, B., 334 Narasimham, G., 186
McCrae, R. R., 73, 251, 288, Mendel, G., 6 1 , 6 8 Mingroni, M. A., 243 Morrow, D., 214, 218, 260 Narayan, M., 150,217
297, 308, 309-310,311, Mendelsohn, A. B., 503 Minkier, M., 417 Morrow, J., 477 Nardi, A. H., 222
315 Mendelson, M. J., 407 Minkov, C., 508 Morse, C. A.,-138 Nargeot, M. C., 478
McCubbin, J. A., 99 Mendola, R, 131 Minnes, S., 95 Mortimer, J. A., 480 Narvaez, D., 376, 381
McCune, L , 256 Mendoza, B. L., 504 Mintz, J., 404 Mortimer, J. T., 279, 280 Nash, A., 401
McDonald-Miszczak, L., 219 Menken, J., 40 Mintzer, M. B., 469 Morton, J., 148 Nash, S. C , 341
McDougall, P., 405 Mennella, J. A., 154, 155 Miralt, G., 500 Morton, M. R., 140 National Academy of Science,
McDowell, E. E., 486 Mennuti, M. T., 67 Mischel, W., 289 Morton, S. C., 103 122, 123
McEachin, J. J., 464 Menon, B. K., 101 Mishara, B. L , 486 Mory, M. S., 409 National Adult Literacy
McFarlane, J. A., 137 Ment, L. R., 108 Mistry, R., 329 Moses, L. J., 356 Survey, 282
McGarth, C., 270 Meredith, P., 436 Mitchell, D. B.,218 Moses, T. Y., 490 National Campaign to Prevent
McGarth, $., 103 Meredith, W., 310 Mitchell, J. E., 331 Moshman, D., 380 Teenage Pregnancy, 347
McGaw, B., 16 Merette, C., 293 Mitchell, M. L., 113 Moskey, E. G., 345-346 National Center for Education
McGeary, J.,71 Merikangas, K. R., 470 Mitchell, P., 162, 290, 355 Moskowitz, J. T„ 20, 21, Statistics, 280, 282
McGee-Bidlack, B., 259 Merrick, S., 401 Mitzner, T. L., 260 505-506, 507 National Center for Health
McGhee, P. E., 185 Mertesacker, B.,294, 391 Miura, K., 335 Moss, M.. •$., 504 Statistics, 117, 127, 131
McGoldrick, M.> 488 Merzenich, L. L., 271 Miyake, K., 397, 434 Moss, S. Z., 504 National Institute on Aging,
McGovern,A., 185 Merzenich, M. M., 271 Miyawaki, K., 152 Moulson, J. M.> 359 166,479,480,481 1
McGrath, E. P., 269 Meschke, L. L., 48, 346 Mize, J., 405 Mourn, T., 504 National Institute on Deafness,
McGraw, S. A., 138 Mesle, F., 489 Mizuta, I., 374 Mounts, N. S., 280,410, 427 166
McGue, M., 72, 75, 222, 241 Mesman, J., 472 Mobbs, C , 116, 117 Mouton, C., 138 National Institutes of Health,
McGuffin, P., 61, 62, 68, 69, 71, Messer, D. J., 266 Mock, D., 489, 492 Mouton, C. P., 502 79,137,138
73, 75, 475, 480 Messerschmidt, A. R, 86 Modell, J., 23 Moye, J., 500 National Reading Panel, 271
McGuinn, M., 122 Messervey, D., 410 Moen, P., 7,315 Mroczek, D. K., 412 National Research Council, 7
McGuire, S„ 432 Messinger-Rapport, B. I., 164, Moerk, E. L., 262 Mud en da, V., 97 National Sleep Foundation,
McGwin, G., 164 165 Moffitt, T. E., 76, 296, 371, 373, Mueller, E., 401 123 '
Mcliale, S. M., 329, 432, 433, Metcalf, P., 487 439, 451,459, 472 Muir, D.W., 147, 156 Navarro, J., 103
435 Metcalfe, J., 213 Mohoney, D., 503 Mulatu, M. S., 316 Neale, M., 73,77, 137,345
Mclnnes, L., 238 Metress, E. K., 135 Mohr, R E., 1.54 Mulder, E. J., 99 Nearing, G., 99
Mclntire, D. D., 106 Metress, S. P., 135 Moilanen, L, 468 Mullally, P. R., 307 Nebes, R. D., 478, 481
Mcintosh, G. C , 100 Metter, E. J., 165, 167 Moise-Titus, J., 374 Mullan, J. T., 441 Neddleman, Ii., 97
McKay, K. E., 160 Metz, G. B., 490 Molfese, D. L., 271 Mulsant, B. H., 478, 481 Nedersend, S., 329
McKee, B., 287-288 Meydani, M., 491 Molfese, V. J., 242, 243 Muncer, A. M., 359 Neece, W. M., 316, 317
McKeel, D.,216, 479 Meyer, B. A., 99 Molina, B. S. G., 133 Mundfrom, D. J., 108 Needham, A., 150
McKenzie, D. P., 506 Meyer, H., 255 Molina, G. B., 40, 51 Munore, R., 5 Nehrke, M. F.,314
McKinney, B. C , 458, 459 Meyer, J., 73 Molinari, V., 313 Munoz, B., 163 Neiderhiser, J. M., 78, 429, 430,
McKitrick, L.A., 221 Meyer-Bahlburg, H. E, 64, 345 Moller, L. C., 328 Munro, G., 303 471
McKnew, D. H., J. R., 470 Meyers, C. E., 247 Mollnow, E., 97 Munroe, R. L., 8 Neil, A., 99-100
McKncw, D. ]. Jr., 465 Michel, 5. E., 390 Moiidloch, C. J., 156,157 Murakami, S„ 490 Neimark, E. D., 188
McLanahan, S. S., 4, 477 Mickelson, K., 305, 306 Moneta, G., 432 Murnen, S. K., 336, 474 Neisser, U., 209, 235, 236, 244
Mcleod, J., 266 Mickelson, IC D., 414 Monete, J., 481 Murphy, B. C., 372 Nelson, C. A., 118,519
McLeod, P. J., 262 Middleton, K. A., 449 Money, J., 330, 331, 332 Murphy, C., 167, 168 Nelson, D. G., 256
McLoyd, V. C., 427-428, 430 Midgley, C , 276, 277 Monk, C. E., 99, 152, 154, 155 Murphy, D. R., 166, 221 Nelson, E. S., 381
McMahon, R. J., 273 M id la r sky, E., 381 Monsour, A., 298 Murphy, E. M., 449 Nelson, G., 266
McMahon, S. D., 459 Miell, D., 194 Montemayor, R., 297 Murphy, G. L., 218 Nelson, IC, 210, 211, 257, 258,
McMaster, J., 138 Mike, E., 467 Montero, P., 137 Murphy, L. M., 409, 410 355
McMickell, M., 163 Mikulincer, M., 386, 394, 413, Montgomery, A., 138 Murphy, S. A., 502-503, Nelson, S., 366
McNeal, M. A., 128 4)5 Moolchan, E. T., 93 503-504, 504, 509 Neppl, 'L, 373, 449
McNeely, C. S., 347 Milburn, N., 415 Mooney-Somers, J., 444 Murphy, S. L., 106 Nes, S. L., 193
McNeil, I., 503 Milgram, J. I., 440 Moore, D., 436 Murrary, L., 104 Nesbitt, T. S., 98, 101
McNeill, D., 261 Milhausen, R. R., 346 Moore, E. G., 244-245, 246 Murray, C , 85, 245, 444, 499 Nesse, R. M., 457, 502-503,
McNemey, E. K., 464 Milich, R., 468 Moore, J. W., 4 Murray, I., 103 506
McPartland, J. M., 277 Milkie, M. A., 326, 339, 436 Moore, M., 508 Murray, J. A., 508 Nesselroade, J. R., 136
McPherson, D. D., 128 Millberger, S., 467 Moore, M. IC, 156, 177, 203 Murray, K., 369 Nettelbeck, T., 229, 244
McPherson, R.,415 Miller, A., 138, 268 Moore, S. M., 133 Murray, L., 104, 396 Neufield, S. J., 390
McQuiston, S., 266 Miller, B. C., 40 Moorehouse, M., 443 Murray, M. P., 139 Neugarten, B. L.,4, 317
Mead, G. H., 291 Miller, D. A., 103 Moors, E., 434 Murray, R. M., 74 Neville, B., 425
Meade, C. S., 346 Miller, D. C , 325 Mor, V., 508 Murray, S. A., 487 Neville, H. J., 265
Meadows, L. A., 469 Miller, E. G„ 2 Morell, C. H., 165 Murtran, E. J., 439 Nevitt, M., 162
Meadows-Orlans, K. P., 166 Miller, Ii., 334 Morel I, R. W., 221 Mussen, P. Ii., 333 Newberry, J., 139
Newcomh, R., 343 Ochs, A. L., 139 Otte, S. L , 458,459 Payami, H., 479 Phillips, So 315
Newcombe, N. S„ 210 Ochs, Eo 263 Oullette, Mo 490 Payne, C., 425 Phillips, S. Lo 411
Newell, A., 200 Ochse, Ro 250 Oumar, E, 396 Payot, W., 311 Phinney, J. S 0 23, 302
Newell, M. L., 97 O'Colmain, Bo 163 Ousset, P. J., 480 Peacock, E. Jo 282 Phipps, B. J., 304
Newell, W., 406 O'Connell, B., 258, 262 Overley, E. T , 164 Pearce, K. A , 191, 223 Phipps, M. Go 98
Newman, C., 177 O'Connell, C. Mo 488 Overman, S. Jo 334 Pearce, M. E., 139 Phipps, T. Mo 304
Newman, D. L., 373, 472 O'Connor, B. R, 188,416 Overton, W. E, 49 Pearlin, L. L, 441, 477 Phoenix, C. Ho 331
Newman, J. E., 406 O'Connor, M. L, 93 Owen, M. Jo 73 Pears, K. C., 356 Piacentini, Jo 477
Newman, J. L , 329 O'Connor, T. G., 78, 373, Owen, M. T , 426, 439 Pearson, J. £>., 165, 167 Piaget, Jo 11,27,41-44, 49, 50,
Newman, T. N., 480 397-398, 429, 447 Owens, Jo 122 Pearson, J. Lo 476 116,172-177, 178, 179,
Newport, E., 263 O'Dempsey, T. J. D., 104 O wsley, Co 164 Peay, L., 266 181-184,188, 189,
Newsom, J., 416 Oden, M. H., 248 Oyserman, D., 307 Pecheux, ivL, 156 191-192,196, 203, 212,
Newsom, J.T.,256,418 Oden, So 417 Ozer, D. J., 439 Peckham, W., 345 262,283,297,361,
Newstead, A. IrL, 139 O'Donnell, A. M., 275 Ozonoff S., 462 Pedersen, Jo 401 366-368, 376, 381, 387,
Newton, R. R., 486 O'Donnell, H. M., 135 Ozturk, Mo 279 Pedersen, N. L , 69, 74, 136, 405, 512-514
Newton, T. L., 439 O'Donnell, W. To 64 217, 480 Piak, Ao 347
Nezlek, J. B., 411 O'Donoghue, G. M>, 155 P Peeke, L. G., 298 Pianta, Ro 449
Ng, E. S., 162 O'Donovan, M. C , 73 Paavonen, E. J., 122 Peeples, D. R., 146 Pianta, R. Co 269
Niaura, R., 93 Offer, Do 433, 473 Page, To 250 Pegalis, L. Jo 341 Pick, A. Do 145, 150, 158
NICHD Early Child Care Office of Human Research Paik, A , 138 Pegg, J. Eo 262 Pickens, J., 156
Research Network, Protections, 20 Paikoff, R. L., 133 Pelham, W , 467, 468 Pickren, W. Eo 274
398-399 Ogbu, J. U., 23, 244-245, 276, Pak, Eo 490 Pell, To 93 Pierce, So 220
Nicholas, M> 260 431 Pal, Ao 98 Pella, T , 129 Pierluigi, M., 100
Nicholls, J. G., 268 Ogletree, S. Mo 336 Paley, Bo 425 Pellegrini, A. Do 12, 45,57, Pierroutsakos, S., 212
Nichols, C , 505 O'Grady, J. P., 101 Palkovitz, Ro 313, 436, 437 355, 373, 425, 432 Pietro, P. Ao 99
Nichols, K. Eo 369 O'Halloran, C. Mo 498 Palmer, G., 334 Peng, S. So 282 Pigott, T. A , 325
Nichols, Mo 85 O'Hanlon, A . M 0 2 2 1 Palm ore, E. B.,317 Penner, S. G., 263 Pike, Ro 73
Nichols, W. C , 489 O'Heir, C. E., 113 Palomaki, G. E., 113 Pennisi, E., 57, 58 Pillard, R. C , 69, 345
Nicolich, L. M 0 404 Ohlsson, Ao 103 Pan, B. A, 257 Pepper, S. C , 49 Pillas, D. Jo 115
Nielsen, Mo 291 Oja, I-L, 74 Pancer, S. M.,359, 375 Peralta, D., 415 Pillemer, D. 11, 209
Nielson, N. L , 3 1 7 Okagaki, L., 231 Paneth, N. So 106 Perez-Granados, D. R., 433 Pillsuk, M, 417
Nikolic, Jo 188 Okami, R, 343 Panis, C. W , 445 Perfilieva, E, 115 Pilowsky, T , 462
Nikolopoulos, T. R, 155 O'Kelly, Jo 275 Pansky, A , 210, 211 Pericak-Vance, M. Ao 464 Pine, R, 290
Niles, Wo 376 Olds, D. L , 98 Pantel, M. S 0 154 Perkins, C , 347 Pinker, So 29, 46, 261
Nilsson, L , 222 Olejnik, A. B., 328 Papadatou, D., 508 Perkins, D., 226 Pinquart, Mo 416, 441
Nilsson, Mo 115 Olejnik, So 504 Papalia, D. E., 188, 190, 194 Perkins, H. W., 326 Pipp, So 291
Niobe, Wo 122 Oles, P. Ko 315 Papousek, M., 262 Perl mutter, M., 196, 205, 216, Pipp, S. L , 188, 192
Niparko, J. K 0 154, 155 Oleske, D. M., 85 Paradise, R., 39, 304 223 Pipps, S. L , 190
Nippold, M. A , 260 Olfson, Mo 476 Paradiso, M. A , 261 Perloff, Ro 235, 236, 244 Pisani, Lo 396
Nishishiba, M 0 418 Oliver, E.I., 259 Parazzini, E, 97 Perrault,Ao 481 Pittelkow, Y, 416
Noam, Go 457 Oliver, P. Ho 293 Parham, I. A , 309 Perrotta, M., 396 Pittinsky, T. L., 245
Nobile, Co 122 Olmedo, L. E, 347 Park, D. C , 2 2 1 Perry, B 0 444 Pittman,). \\ 304
Nock, S. L , 443 Olmstead, R., 343 Park, Jo 107-108 Perry, D. G 0 38, 368 Pitts, Mo 138, 346
Noh, E. R , 443 0'Loughlin,Ao 478 Parke, K . C . , 4 1 5 Perry, G., 492 Plassman, B. Lo 480
Noh, So 436 01 rick, J. To 398 Parke, R. D., 10, 28, 38,49, Perry, H. L , 488 Piatt, R. W , 481
Nolen-Hoeksema, So 476, 478, Olsen, J., 99,468 368, 422, 425, 426 Perry, M., 324-325 Pleck, J. IL, 425, 443
503, 5 0 5 , 5 0 7 Olsen, S. Fo 93 Parker, D., 495 Perry, T. B., 407 Plomin, Ro 58, 61, 62, 68,69,
Noll, R. Bo 508 Olshan, A. E, 100 Parker, E. Ho 12, 13, 20 Perry, W., 190 7 0 , 7 1 , 7 2 - 7 3 , 7 5 , 76, 77,
Noiler, R, 413, 436 Olshansky, S. Jo 490, 491 Parker, E L , 266 Perry-Jenkins, M., 443 78, 136, 241,250, 261,
Nomaguchi, K. M 0 436 Olson, C. Mo 99 Parker, J. G., 329 Persson, G., 348 291-292, 373,429, 447,
Nondahl, D. MM 164 Olson, H. Co 93, 94 Parker, IC C , 498 Pesonen, A., 296 471,480
Noppe, I. Co 496, 500, 505, 506 Olson, J. Mo 74-75 Parker, R. M 0 237 Pessin, EL, 494 Podolski, CI, 374
Noppe, L. A , 500 Olson, L. M., 378 Parkes, C. M., 488, 495, 502, Peters, A , 116,439, 443 Poehlmann, J., 396
Norberg, A 0 105 Olsson, I!, 103 503, 507 Peters, M. L , 155 Pogue-Geile, M. E, 74
Nordbcrg, A , 93 Oltjenburns, K. A., 500 Parkhurst, J. T , 405 Petersen, A., 79 Polcari, A , 468
Nordin, So 167, 168 O'Neil, A IC, 329 Parnham, Jo 282 Petersen, A C . , 134,329,475 Po Id rack, R. A , 271
Nordvik, HO 324 O'Neil, Ro 443 Parson, A. Bo 479, 480 Petersen, J. Ho 137, 374 Pollack, H., 93
Norman, Ao 210 Ones, D. S 0 236 Parten, M., 403 Petersen, R. Co 216 Pollak, A. Po 86
Norris, J. E 0 358, 375 Onghena, P., 506 Parwaresch, R 0 490 Peterson, B. E , 356,441 Pol lick, H Go 478
Norris, L , 221 Oosterwegel, A., 296 Pascalis, O., 148 Peterson, C., 211, 268 Pollina, Lo 418
Norton, J. Ao 99 Oppenheim, Do 105, 365, 366, Passman, R. Ho 393 Peterson, C. Co 204, 355, 356, Pomerantz, E. M., 268, 334
Notarius, C. L, 436 395, 399 Passrello, L. C., 347 367 Pomerleau, A 0 326, 425
Nourhashemi, R, 480 Oppenheimer, L., 296 Pasternak, D., 471 Peterson, G. W , 334 Ponirakis, A , 134
No well, A.. 124 Op wis, K., 208 Pasupathi, M., 239-240, 314, Peterson, TC, 129 Ponton, L., 346
Nozyce, M., 395 Orlans, H„ 166 375 Peterson, M., 163 Poon, I-L E, 491
Nsamenang, A. 11, 105 Orlofsky, J. L , 35 Peterson, P. L , 273 Poon, L. Wo 166,215
Patel, D. R., 475
Nucci, L R , 3 6 7 , 3 6 8 , 3 7 6 , 3 8 1 Ormel, J., 137 Peterson, R. E., 333 Poortinga, Y. H., 158
Patel, S. So 101
Nucci, M. SO 367 Ornstein, P. Ao 10, 28, 49, 206, Peterson, S. A 0 311 Pope, C So 101
Paterson, D. EL, 136
Nunes, M., 162 211 Pethick, S. Jo 258 Pope, S. Ko 481
Patterson, C. U 246, 345, 444,
Nurss, J. R., 237 Orth, L. C , 273 451 Petitto, L. A , 116, 264- Popenoe, D., 423-424, 435, 442
Nutt, R. L , 273 Ortmeyer, H. K,> 492 Patterson, Do 64 Pettit, G. So 48, 371, 373, 374, Popp, Do 346
Nyberg, L., 222 Orvaschel, H., 477 Patterson, D. W , 316, 317 375, 377,406 Porter, A. C., 280
Nyborg, H., 236 Orvus, Ho 98 Patterson, G. Ro 372, 376, 377, Petty, Ro 139 Porter, C. L , 325
Nyborg, V. M., 302 Orwar, O., 115 410,433 Peyton, V., 329 Porter, R. H., 155-156
Nydegger, CO 435 Ory, M. Go 442 Patton, J. Ro 247 Pfeffer, C. Ro 470, 476 Portes, Ao 273
Nyirati, L, 98 Osborn, R. W , 100, 103 Paul, J. R, 345 Phares, V., 425, 437 Posada, G., 397
Osgood, D. Wo 298
o Paul, R. Ho 103 Phelps, Eo 250 Pott, Mo 397, 434
Osstorne, J. A., 128 Pauli-Pott, U , 294, 391 Philippoussis, M 0 327 Potter, Jo 325
Oates, Go 316 Ostendorf, R, 288 Pauls, D. Lo 73 Philliber, $., 43 Poulin, R, 372, 373, 377
Obel, C , 468 Osterweis, M 0 500, 501 Paulsell, Do 399 Phillips, A. To 354 Poulin-Dubois, D 0 256, 327
Obler, L K., 260 Ostfeld, A. Mo 495 Paveza, G. J., 449 Phillips, C , 480 Pous, Jo 480
O'Boyle, C„ 334 Ostrov, Eo 433 Pavlopoulous, V., 296 Phillips, D. Ao 399 Powe, N. Ro 155
O'Brian, P. M., 137 Ostrove, J. Mo 303 Pavlov, L, 36 Phillips, J- Go 139 Powell, A. Lo 474
O'Brien, B. A , 438 Ostwald, S. Ko 442 Pawlby, So 104 Phillips, L. Ho 217, 359 Power, T. Go 296, 407
O'Brien, M., 327, 329, 437 Otero, Ao 418 Pawliuk, 358 Phillips, Mo 273 Powers, D. V, 478
Powers, T. A., 434 Read, J. A., 99 Rideout, R., 204 Roman, G. C., 481 Ruhlihng, R. O., 140
Powlishta, K. K., 188,324,327, Ready, R., 294 Rider, E., 134 Rome, E. S., 347 Ruiz, J. M., 413
338 Reagor, P., 344 Riegel, K. E, 44, 190 Romney, D. M., 334, 369 Rumsey, C., 355
Poyah, G., 138 Ream, G. L., 345 Riemann, R., 311 0 Rook, IC So 417, 418 Runco, M. Ao 249, 250
Prager, IC, 476 Reame, N., 138 Rierdan, R., 133 Rose, Eo 488 Ruoppila, I., 128
Pratt, A., 359, 375, 377 Reavis, R., 276 Rieser, J., 155 Rose, J. Ii., 481 Rushton, J. P., 368
Pratt, C , 178-179 Recchia, A., 267 Rieser, J. J., 10, 28, 49 Rose, M. R., 406 Russ, S. Wo 250
Pratt, II. D., 475 Rechnitzer, P. A., 139 Rieser, P., 112 Rose, R. Jo 134 Russell, A., 334
Pratt, M.W., 195-196, Redding, R. R , 266 Rietveld, M. Jo 241 Rose, S. A., 70, 107, 135, 206, Russell, E. Mo 140
358-359, 359, 375, 377 Reddy, R., 122 Rigg, Do 508 232, 388 Russell, R. J., 439
Prentice, A. M., 99 Reder, L., 217 Riggs, W. Wo 325 Rosen, K. H., 449 Rust, J., 336
Prescott, C. A., 458 Reed, A., 370 Riley, E., 103 Rosen, L. R., 345 Rusting, C L., 222
Presler, N., 355 Reed, M ? I., 265, 266 Riley, K. R, 480 Rosen, R. C , 138 Ruth, J. E., 305
Pressley, ML, 207, 208, 213, 271 Reed, T., 105, 489 Rimm-Kaufman, S., 269 Rosenbaum, D., 122 Rutherford, E., 333
Price, D.W.W.,211 Rees, M., 131 Rimpela, M., 134 Rosenbaum, P. L., 107 Rutter, Mo 78, 229, 246, 272,
Price, J., 406 Reese, E., 210 Riualdi, G. M., 432 Rosenberg, Ao 331 273,371,373,397-398,
Price, J. L.,216, 479 Reese, H. W., 49 Ringelstein, E., 115 Rosenberg, D. R., 117 429, 457, 464, 472
Price, J. M., 371, 373, 375, 459 Regier, D. A., 477, 479 Ringler, L. L., 501 Rosenberg, H.-J., 315 Rutz, Wo 478
Prinstein, M. J., 346 Reich, J. W., 416 Ripple, C., 266 Rosenberg, J., 106 Ruusuvirta, T., 152
Pritchard, M., 356-357 Reichlin, R. E.,313 Ripple, R. Eo 251 Rosenberg, S. D., 315 Ruxlilin, H. So 140
Profeli, R., 315 Reid, D., 440, 506 Rittenhouse, R. K-, 154 Rosenblatt, E., 185 Ruzany, N., 295
Proffitt, ]. B., 214 Reid, J., 377 Ritter, P. L., 269, 427 Rosenblatt, P. G., 487 Ryan, R. M., 188, 268, 269
Pronczuk, A., 163 Reid, L. L., 316 River, L. M., 374 Rosenblum, M. A., 387 Ryff, C , 305
Protopapas, A., 271 Reid, R T., 325 Rivera, So 150 Rosenfeld, Bo 494 Rynders, M., 161
Provenzano, R J., 326 Reimer, J. R, 213 Riviere, J., 176 Rosenfeld, R. G., 113 Ryu, So 279, 280
Pu, S. J., 139 Reingrabner, M„ 102, 103 Roach, M. Jo 444 Rosengren, K., 196
Pugh, K. R., 271 Reinherz, H. Z., 473 Robbins, C. M., 490 Rosenholtz, S. J., 276 S
Pulkkinen, L., 315 Reis, 11,429 Roberto, K. A., 416, 443 Rosenthal, G., 424, 440, 441 Saarni, C., 390
Pullen, S . M . , 2 1 8 Reis, H.T.,411 Roberts, B., 308 Rosenthal, P. A., 470 Sabattini, L., 336
Pulsifer, M. B., 115 Reis, O., 303 Roberts, B. W.,311 Rosenthal, S., 470 Sackett, P. R., 245
Pungello, B. P., 235, 398 Reise, D., 415 Roberts, J. Mo 103, 297 Rosenwasser, S. Mo 336 Sacks, 0., 354
Purcell, S., 451 Reiser, L. W., 133 Roberts, L R., 329 Roses, A. Do 480 Sadeh, A., 121, 122
Purdie, N., 220 Reiss, D., 69, 73, 77, 78, 448, Robertson, D. L., 430 Roskos, K. A., 270 Sadker, D., 335
Purifoy, R E., 349 471 Robertson, N. R. G., 113 Rosner, P>., 163 Sadker, M., 335
Putallaz, M., 406 Reiss, $., 246 Robertson, S., 103 Ross, Go 399 Sadler, T/W, 84, 86,91,96
Putnam, R W., 344 Reitzes, D. C., 439 Robins, L. N., 477,479 Ross, G. A., 344 Sadock, B.Jo 481
Pykalainen, L., 74 Reker, G. T., 282 Robins, P. IC, 339, 447 Ross, Ho 380 Saenger, Go 99
Pynoos, R. S., 501 Relyea, N., 12, 13,20 Robins, R. VV., 298,305,311, Ross, I-I. Go 440 Safron, D. J., 279
Pyszczynski, T., 485 Rely\reld, J., 137 325, 439 Ross, H. So 432 Safron, J. G., 279
Remschmidt, J., 474 Robinson, B. R , 447 Ross, L, 247 Sagall, R. J., 93
Renaud, E , 1 3 3 Robinson, C. C., 336 Ros$, M„ 215,432 Sagi, A., 395, 397, 399
Qu alter, A., 185 Renshaw, P., 405 Robinson, G., 137 Ross, R. To 247 Sagi-Schwartz, A., 399
Quigg, R. I., 128 Renshaw, P. F., 468 Robinson, J., 214, 37.1 Rossell, C. EL, 274 Saigal, So 107
Quigley, B. A., 282 Rentfrow, P. J., 289 Robinson, J. P., 326, 339 Rosser, R., 146 Sakin, J. W , 431
Quill, T. E., 486 Renzulli, J., 248 Robinson, M. L., 93 Rossor, M. No 119 Sakornbut, E. L., 96
Quinsey, V. L., 371, 373 Repacholi, B., 355, 356-357 Robinson, N. M., 248, 324 Roth, E., 207, 271 Salamone, L., 138
Quintana, S. M., 188,378 Repetti, R. L., 269, 443 Robinson, P., 348 Roth, F. R, 270 Salem-Schatz, S., 508
Resch, N., 504 Robinson, S. R , 88 Roth, G. S., 492 Salend, S. J., 275
R Rescorla, L., 266 Robles de Medina, P. G., 99 Roth, P. L., 280 Sales, B. D., 20,21
Rabbitt, P., 238 Rest, J., 376, 381 Robson, W. L , 342 Rothbart, M. K., 159, 291,297 Saltarelli, L M., 158
Rabiner, D. L , 405 Reuman, D. A., 272, 273, 277, Roccella, M., 93 Rothbaum, F., 397 Salthouse, T. A., 139, 168, 188,
Rabinowitz, M., 97 281 Rochat, R, 290 Rothbaum, R., 434 191,205,218,219, 220,
Racine, T., 381 Reyna,V.R,210 Roche, A. E, 131 Rothberg, A. D., 99 234,238
Rae, D. F., 479 Reynolds, A. J., 430 Roche, L , 299 Rotheram-Borus, M. J., 347, Saltz, T., 271
Raeikkoenen, K., 296 Reynolds, C. A., 74, 217, 315 Rochtchina, Eo 162 477 Saltzman, FL, 500
Raffaelli, M., 411 Reynolds, C. R, 478 Rock, S. Lo 244 Rothermund, K., 306, 308, 477 Salvator, A., 95
Ragow-O'Brien, D., 508 Reynolds, D., 272, 273 Rockc, C , 487, 496, 501 Roug-Hellichius, L , 256 Sameroff, A. J., 101,241,272,
Rahhal, T. A., 215 Reynolds, $., 467 Rodgers, J. L , 241, 243 Rousseau, J. J., 29 275, 276, 302, 429, 457
Rahi, J. S., 157 Reynolds, T., 451 Rodgers, J. Mo 8 Rovee-Collier, C., 145, 177, Sampson, P. D., 93, 94
Rahman, Q., 346 Reznick, J. S., 257, 258, 292, Rodgers, R. H., 423 202, 203, 204, 209,210 Samson, M. M., 136
Raikes, I I., 399 331 Rodier, P. M., 92 Rovine, M. J., 399, 436 Samuels, C. A., 341
Raikes, II. A., 386, 392 Reznikoff, M., 75, 250 Rodin, J., 309 Rovner, S., 479 Samuels, S. G., 480
Rakoczy, H., 404 Reznik,V. M., 374 Rodriguez, A., 468 Rowan, J., 500 Samuelson, R. J., 317
Ramey, C. T., 233, 235, 244, Rhee, S. II., 373 Rodriguez, T., 354 Rowe, D. Co 70,71,73, 75, 76, Samuolis, Jo 303
399 Rhodes, J., 122 Roeder, K., 69 77, 241, 292, 374 Sanchez, L., 436, 500
Ramey, $. L., 233 Rhodes, S. R., 316 Roen, R. C , 347 Rowe, J.W., 128,217 Sanchez-Bernardos, M. L., 288
Ramos, M., 416 Rholes, W. S., 436 Roenkae, A., 315 Rowlandson, K., 355 Sander, C. J., 325
Ramsden, S. R., 12, 13, 20 Ricciardelli, L. A., 474 Roenker, D. L., 164 Roy, C., 329 Sandkuji, L. A., 474
Ramsey, B. IC, 235 Ricciuti, H. N., 393 Rogan,W. J., 97 Rozga, A., 396 Sandle, 1. N., 446
Ramsey, E., 372 Rice, A., 103 Rogers, K. A., 280 Rubin, D. C., 187,215 Sangster, S., 506
Rando, T. A., 495, 503 Rice, C. L , 136 Rogers, M., 97 Rubin, Eo 460, 461 Sanson, A., 294, 296, 297, 429
Randolph, B., 159 Rice, R, 459, 475 Rogers, M. T., 248 Rubin, E. Ii., 216, 479 Sansone, R., 100
Rantanen, R, 134 Rice, K. G., 407 Rogers, S. J., 424, 438, 439, 443 Rubin, I-I. R., 155 Santor, D. A., 410
Raphael, B., 501, 504, 508 Rice, M. E., 373 Rogers, VV. A., 216 Rubin, J. Z., 326 Sanz, J., 288
Rapkin, B. D., 282 Richards, E A., 189,190 Rogler, L. Ii., 9 Rubin, K.H., 292,358, 406 Saraceno, B., 478
Rapson, R. L., 413 Richards, M. EL, 133, 432 Rogoff, Bo 5,12, 22,23, 39, Rubin, S. S., 503, 504 Sargant, N., 282
Rastam, M., 475 Richards, R., 249 105,194,195, 304, 396, Rubinow, D. R., 331 Sarigiani, P. A., 329
Ratcliffe, S. D., 96 Richards, S. B., 244 403, 430, 433 Rubinstein, D., 23 Sarkisian, N., 441
Raudenbush, S. W., 443 Richardson, G., 501 Rogosch, F. A., 356, 369, 417, Rubinstein, R., 504 Sarno, S. J., 218
Raveis, V. I-I., 506 Richardson, G. A., 93 457, 466, 473 Ruble, D. N., 268, 295, 329, Sarno, S. R.,215
Raviv, A., 121, 122 Ricbey, G. A., 450 Roizen, N. J., 64 336, 337, 357 Satake, T., 131
Ray, L. A., 441 Richgels, D. J., 270 Rojewski, J. W., 305 Ruchlin, H. S., 140 Satariano, W. A., 128
Raya, P., 457 Richot, K. F. Mo 130 Rolater, So 94 Ruff, H.Ao 158, 159 Saucier, J., 374
Raz, S., 325 Riconda, D. L., 64 Rollins, B. Co 437 Ruffman, T., 355, 359 Saudino, K. J., 292
Razani, L. J., 167 Riddle, M. A., 469 Rolls, B. J., 167 Ruggles, S., 422 Saunders, A. M., 480
Saunders, C , 507-508 Schtirch, B., 99 Sharma, V., 160 Simmons, R. Go 134, 277, 298 Smith, J. Bo 277
Saunders, P. R., 288 Schut, Ho 503, 506 Sharp, Do 104 Simon, H. Ao 200 Smith, IC. Eo 242
Savage-Rumbaugh, E. S., 261 Schutz, R. Wo 134 Sharp, T. M., 128, 474 Simon, X , 228 Smith, L., 126
Savickas, M. L., 304, 315 Schwartz, D. Mo 474 Sharpe Potter, J., 346 Simon, X Jo 150 Smith, L. A., 439
Savin-Williams, R. C., 345, 444 Schwartz, Lo 494 Shaver, P. Ro 386, 394,410, Simon, W., 343 Smith, L. Bo 145
Savoie, L., 397 Schwartz, R, 444 413,414,415, 506 Simonoff, Eo 246, 463 Smith, M. A., 492
Savoy, K., 359, 375 Schwartz, S. T , 160 Shaw, B. Ao 415 Simons, R. E, 12, 13, 20, 372, Smith, M. Do 432
Sawin, D. B.> 425 Scbwartzman, R, 485 Shaw, Co 138 429 Smith, M. L., 16
Sawin, L. L., 281 Schwarz, I. Eo 260 Shaw, D. So 432 Simons, R. Lo 427, 428, 466, Smith, P. Bo 288
Saxe, R., 355 Schweitzer, J 0 273 Shaw, G. Mo 99 475-476 Smith, P. Ko 327, 347, 403
Saxon, J. L., 334 Schwitzgebel, E , 192 Shaw, L. Ko 257 Simonton, D. Ko 249, 250, 251, Smith, Ro 108
Saxton, M., 263 Scialfa, C. T , 163, 165 Shayer, Mo 194 315 Smith, S., 435
Sayer, L. C., 326, 339 Scibetta, W. Co 103 Shaywitz, B. Ao 271 Simpson, Co 276 Smith, S. Eo 439
Sayre, N. E., 128 Scogin, E, 221 Shaywitz, S. Eo 271 Simpson, J. A., 436 Smith, X , 347, 464
Sbarra, D. A., 447 Scott, D. To 108 Sheared, Y , 282 Simpson, J. Lo 58, 63, 65, 66, Smith, T. Wo 345, 413
Scafidi, E A., 156 Scott, J. R, 416 Shearer, D. Eo 140 67 Smith, W , 162
Scanlon, D. M., 271 Scott, K. a , 101 Sheiner, R. L., 103 Simpson, K. R 0 96, 103 Smithmyer, C. Mo 12, 13, 20,
Scapagnini, G., 491 Scott, Lo 490 Shelton, X L , 369 Simpson, Lo 106 372
Scaramella, L., 373, 449 Scott, Ro 296, 427 Shepard, Bo 389, 390 Simutis, Zo 368 Smithson, J., 280
Scaramucci, A., 315 Scott, W. Ao 296, 427 Shepard, Ro 128 Sinclair, Do 104 Smock, P. J., 315
Scarisbrick, D., 139 Scourfield, Jo 475 Shepard, X H , 94 Singer, D. Go 179 Smolak, L., 474, 475
Scarr, S., 72, 76, 77, 244, 246, Seale, Co 508 Sheps, S. Bo 68 Singer, Jo 490 Smoll, E L., 134
429 Seanah, C. H , 465 Sherman, A. Mo 413 Singer, J. Lo 179 Smotherman, W. P., 88
Schaal, B.» 155 Sears, Ro 248 Sherman, J. Jo 99 Singer, L. X , 95 Smyke, A. T., 398
Schacter, D. L., 222 Sebald, H , 4 1 0 Sherry, So 466 Singer, X , 221, 238 Snarey, J. R., 378
Schaefer, H. R., 426 Sebanc, A. Mo 179 Shiba'ta, EL, 417 Singh, L, 457 Sneed, C. D , 347
Schafer, W. D., 325 Seccomb, Ko 428, 429 Shield, Ro 508 Singh, Ko 279 Snider, J. B., 427
Schaffer, D. M., 99 Secher, N. Jo 93 Shiffrin, R , 200 Singh, So 48, 347 Snidman, No 331
Schaffer, H. R., 392, 395 See, S. Ko 166 Shigematsu, L, 97 Sinkala, M., 97 Snow, C. E., 258, 263
Schaie, K.W.,7, 19, 237-238, Seecher, N. Jo 93 Shigeoka J . W., 140 Sinke, R. J., 474 Snow, T. K., 135
239,260, 309 Seefeldt, X , 436 Shih, Mo 245 Sinnott, J., 189, 190 Snowdon, D. Ao 479,480
Schalock, R. L., 247 Seeley, J. Ro 134 Shihadeh, Ao 102 Sionean, C , 48 Snowling, M. Jo 270
Schanberg, S., 99 Seeman, X E 0 417 Shimamura, A. R, 222 Sipay, E. Ro 271 Snyder, D , 352
Schanberg, S. M.> 156 Segal, N. Lo 69 Shiner, R. L , 297 Sippola, L. Ko 406 Snyder, J., 372
Schank, R. Go 210 Segall, Mo 158 Ship, J. Ao 167 Sirota, L, 391 Snyder, R. D., 506
Scharf, M., 407 Segalowitz, S. J., 116 Shirley, L 0 336 Skakkebaek, N. E., 137 Snyder, X D., 280
Scheering, M. S., 466 SegerJ.Yo 134 Shisslak, C. Mo 128,474 Skakkebaek, N. Mo 374 Sobol, A. Mo 129
Schell, L , 112 Seibert, S. Eo 315 Shneider,
• A. E., 271 Skilling,XAo371,373 Sobolewski, J. M., 445-446
Schery, T. K., 155 Seid, Mo 269 Shneidman, E„ 494 Skinner, B. E, 27, 36-38, 38, Society for Research in Child
Schiaffino, K. Mo 303 Seidell, J., 473 Shoda, Yo 289 40, 49, 50, 200,215, 260 Development, 20
Schiavi, R. C., 137, 348 Seidman, L. Jo 468 Shonk, S. Mo 451 Skinner, M. Lo 410 Sodian, B., 207, 354
Schieffclin, B. B 0 263 Seier, W. So 206 Shore, Co 258, 262 Skinner, M.W., 154 Soederberg, L. M., 217, 260
Schieken, Ro 73 Seifer, Ro 241, 396 Short, E. Jo 468 Skjaerven, R., 93 Soet, J. E., 346
Schiff, Ao 160 Seiffge-Krenke, I., 133, 134, Shortt, J. Wo 372 Skold, Mo 103 Sohlberg, M. M., 260
Schiffman, H. R., 146, 165 410, 476 Showers, C. Jo 325 Skwerer, D. R, 355 Sokol. B. Wo 367
Schiffman, S. So 167, 168 Seigler, R. So 211-212 Shuchter, S. Ro 508 Slaby, R. Go 371, 377 Sokol, R. J., 94
Schindl,Mo 102, 103 Seitamaa, Mo 74 Shue, V. Mo 481 Slade, Lo 355 Sokoloff, Lo 140
Schindler, C , 100 Selby, J. Mo 401 Shuey, Ko 441 Slade, R, 98, 105 Sollie, D. Lo 411
Schippmann, J. So 280 Seleen, D. Ro318 Shukla, D., 188 Slaets, J. R, 306 Solomon, F., 500, 501
Schlagman, No 367 Selikowitz, M , 467, 468 Shulman, Co 462 Slaten, Eo 440 Solomon, J., 394
Schlarb, J 0 495 Selkoe, D. J., 479 Shulman, S 0 329, 440 Slater, A. Mo 146, 148,149, 150 Solomon, S., 485
Schmeelk-Cone, Ko 276 Sellers, M. Jo 396 Shu mway- Co ok, A 139 Slater, C. L , 3 1 3 Solomonica-Levy, D., 462
Schmidt, E Lo 137, 236 Selman, R. L , 357-358, 363 Shurkin, J 0 248 Slaughter, V.} 355, 356-357, Somers, D. G., 440
Schmidt, P. Jo 331 Seltzer, J. A 0 442 Shute, No 470, 471 498,499 Somers-Smith, M.)., 101
Schmitz, So 292 Seltzer, M. IvL, 439, 441 Shweder, Ro 379 Slavin R. Eo 275 Somerville, S. C., 206
Schmohr, M., 439 Selvin, So 99 Shweder, R. Ao 307, 378 Slavkin, M m 341 Sommers, M. S., 260
Schneider, B. Ao 166, 221 Semla, X , 449 Sibulesky, Lo 163 Sliwinski, Mo 9, 139, 238, 480 Somsen, R. J. M., 116
Schneider, B. Ho 400 Semmel, M. L, 275 Siebold, C , 507-508 Sloane, M. E , 164 Son, L K., 203, 213
Schneider, K. C , 108 Senior, Go 139 Siegal, Mo 356, 367 Slobin, D. L, 259 Song, J. Wo 477
Schneider, W , 202, 205, 206, Sen M. Go 327 Siegel, Ko 506 Slomkowski, Co 355, 432 Sonleitner, F. J., 137
207, 208,213,233, 271 Senter, M. So 282 Siegler, I. Co 282,318 Slone, Mo 341 Sonnega, J., 502-503, 506
Schnitzer, P. Go 100 Senter, R 0 282 Siegler, R. So 173 Slora, E. J., 131 Sorell, G. X , 411
Scholl, B. Jo 355 Serbin, L. A 0 327, 328,338, Sieving, R. E., 347 Slotkin, T. A 0 93 Sorensen, A. B., 4, 477
Scholmerich, Ao 391 342 Sigelman, C. K., 329 Slusarcick, A. Lo 280 Sorensen, L. C., 101
Schonert-ReicW, K. Ao 473 Seroczynski, A. D., 298 Sigman, M 0 396, 460, 461 Slutske, W. So 346 Sorensen, S., 416,441
Schonfeld, D. Jo 499 Sersen, E..A., 247 Signorella, M. L , 328, 335, Smagorinsky, R, 193 Soriano, F. I., 374
Schooler, C , 218, 316 Sesack, S. Ro 117 338 Smailes, Ko 472 Sorri, A., 74
Schott, J. Mo 119 Seta, Co 342 Sigmundson, H. Ko 332 Small, B. Jo 222 Sosik, J. J., 316
Schottenfeld, R., 95 Sethna, B. W , 248 Silberg, J. Lo 73, 137 Small, G. W , 481 Sostek, A. M., 23
Schreiner-Engel, P., 137, 348 Settersten, R. Ao 4 Silva, P. Ao 133,373,440,472 Small, So 472 Souder, E., 481
Schrepferman, L., 372 Sexton, Go 479 Silver, R. Q , 503, 504, 505 Small, S. Go 271 Soussignan, R., 155
Schreuder, R, 93 Shaffer, D , 470, 476 Silverberg, S. B., 410, 437 Smallish, L , 467 Span, R, 438
Schriener, Co 271 Shaffer, D. Ro 341, 368 Silverman, A. Bo 473 Smarsh, B 0 185 Spangler, S., 396
Schroeder, C. S 0 343 Shaffer, L , 410 Silverman, L, 324 Smart, Do 294, 296, 297, 429 Sparling, P. B., 135
Schubel, E. Ao 468 Shah, R, 325 Silverman, L W , 360, 380 Smart, J. L , 116, 220 Sparrow, S. S., 229
Schubert, C. M., 131 Shallop, J. Ko 166 Silverman, L., 248 Smeeth, Lo 162 Spear, L., 117
Schucngel, C 0 394 Sham, R, 79 Silverman, L. K 0 248 Smetana, J. G., 367, 433 Spearman, C., 227
Schuienberg, J. E., 279 Shanahan, M,, 4 Silverman, P. R 0 499, 500, 501, Smith, A. Do 122,216,217,219 Speece, D. L , 270
Schuller, X , 282 Shanahan, M. Jo 279, 280 502, 504, 507, 508 Smith, Bo 154 Speece, M. W , 498
Schultz, P. Go 490 Shannon, Eo 147 Silverman, W. R, 247 Smith, C. Ao 373 Speisman, J. C., 440
Schultz, Ro 442, 503 Shapiro, E. Ro 502 Silverstein, Mo 416, 435 Smith, C. L , 369 Spelke, E. S., 145, 150, 151, 396
Schultz, R. To 460, 463 Shapiro, Ho 124 Simcock, G 0 209 Smith, E. Go 150 Spence, J.T.,281,340, 341
Schulz, Ro 133, 477, 494, 495 Shapiro, J. Ro 390 Simion, E, 147 Smith, G. Eo 216 Spence, M., 95,96
Schumperl, Jo 481 Shapshak, R, 508 Simkin, L 0 347 Smith, Jo 218, 222, 223, 240, Spence, M. J., 153
Schunn, C. IX, 214 Sharabany, Ro 407, 408 Simmons, A. Do 474 519 Spencer, M. B., 302
Spencer, P. E., 265 Stevenson, H. VV., 269, Susser, E., 74 Teti, D. Mo 431 Treiman, R., 269, 270, 271
Sperling, M. B., 407 278-279, 391 Susser, M., 99 Thai, D. J., 258 Treisman, E. Mo 275
Spiker, D., 108 Stevenson, J., 270 Sussman, E. Jo 134, 152 Thapar, A., 459, 468, 475 Tremblay, M. S., 128
Spilby, H., 98, 105 Stevenson, M. R., 333 Sutton, P. a , 103 Tharinger, D., 344 Tremblay, R. E., 374, 376
Spilich, G., 214 Steverink, N., 306 Sutton-Brown, M./68 Thase, M. E., 478 Trempel, R. E., 164
Spinath, R M., 72, 241,311 Stewart, A. J., 303 Suwanlert, S., 458 Thearle,Jo 104, 504 Trevethan, S. IX, 371
Spindler, A., 374 Stewart, R. B., 432 Svanborg, A., 348 Theilmann, J., 68 Triandis, H. C , 307
Spirduso, W. VV., 139, 140 Stewart, S. A., 490 Svartengren, M., 74 Thelen, E., 125,126 Trickett, P. K., 344
Spirito, A., 122 Stifter, C , 396 Svedberg, P., 480 Thelen, M. FL, 474 Trinke, S. J., 449
Spitz, R. A., 466 Stigler, J. R,, 279 Svedin, C.> 343 Theodore, R. F., 76, 296 Troll, L , 416, 424, 443
Spitze, Go 438 StiglerJ.W., 269, 391 Swank, P. R., 242 Thiede, K.W.,213 Tronick, E. Z., 391
Spokane, A. R., 305 Stillion, J. M., 486 Swann, VV. B., 289 Thivierge, L, 293 Troop-Gordon, W., 406
Spraggins, R. E., 439 Still on, ]. M., 508 Swanson, H. A., 165 Thoma, S., 376 Trotter, K. IL, 325
Sprang, G., 503 Stine, E. A., 260 Swanson, H. L , 206, 219 Thoman, E. B., 121 Trover, L., 269, 427
Springen, K., 91, 381 Stine-Marrow, E. A. L., 217 Swanson, K., 396 Thomas, A., 292-294 Trudeau, E. B., 107
Springer, S., 115, 11.6 Stinger, J. S., 97 Swarr, A. Eo 133 Thomas, C. VV., 293 True, M. M., 396
Squire, L. R., 201 Stipek, D. J., 266, 267, 268, Switzer, F. So 280 Thomas, R, 133 Trueheart, C., 489
Squires, S., 7 275-276, 294,357 Sy, S. Ro 279 Thomas, J., 279 Truss, C. V., 281
Sroufe, L. A., 329, 390, 392, Stirling, So 162 Symons, D. K., 355 Thomas, J.M.,-291,406 Tryon, R. C., 68, 69
393, 400,401,449, 453, Stith, S. Mo 449 Szalacha, L., 315 _ Thomas, J. R., 129, 130, 139 Trzesniewski, K. IL, 298, 305,
457, 468 Stoddart, T., 329 Szinovacz, M. E., 317, 439 Thomas, K. M., 116, 117 325
St. George, D., 448 Stolberg, U., 393 Szkrybalo, J., 337 Thomas, K. T., 130, 139 Tucker, B. R, 155
St. George, I. M., 133 Stone, E. J., 129 Thomas, R, 97 Tucker, M. L., 478
Staddon, J. E. R., 38 Stone, K., 162 T Thomas, To 500 Tucker, P., 332
Stager, C. L., 156 Stone, M. R., 409 Tabcredy, C. M., 506 Thompson, A. M., 116 Tuckett, A., 282
Staidomger, U.M., 218 Stone, Ro 100 Taddio, A., 156 Thompson, J. R., 257 Tuckman, B. W., 128
Stallings, M., 71 Stoner, G., 467, 468, 469 Taeschner, T., 262 Thompson, L., 194, 261, 478, Tuer, Mo 436
Stambrook, M , 498 Stones, Mo 140 Tafarodi, R. Wo 307 503 Tuholski, S. Wo 219
Stams, G. J., 401 Stones, M. J., 442 Taft, L. B., 314 Thompson, P. M., 116 Tulloch, Ao 162
Stanley, J. C., 248, 325 Stool miller, M., 69, 410 Tager, I. Bo 128 Thompson, R. A., 290, Tuokko, Ho 442
Stanley-Hagan, M., 448 Storandt, M., 216,479 Tager-Flusberg, Ho 259, 461,462 365-366, 386, 390, 392, Turati, C., 147
Stanovich, K.. E., 186, 269 Story, T., 357 Taintor, Z;, 478 445, 519 Turiel, E., 329, 367
Stanovich, R J., 269 Stoskopf, B. L., 107 Takahashi, K., 396, 412 Thompson, R. E, 66, 115 Tur-Kaspa, I., 85
Stanowicz, L., 263 Stout, J. P., 97 Talbert, G. B., 137 Thomsen, A. H., 500 Turk-Charles, S., 3 1 8 , 4 1 1 , 4 1 8
Starr, B., 347 Stouthamer-Loeber, M., 354 Tallal, P., 271 Thomsen, P. Ho 468 Turkewitz, G., 153
Starr, J. M„ 236 Strange, VV., 152 Tamis-LeMonda, C. S., 425, Thomson, E., 436 Turlcheimer, E., 69, 76, 243
Staska, M., 262 Stranger, C., 291 426, 443 Thonneau, P., 100 Turner, J., 436
State, M. W., 73 Stratton, K„ 93 Tan, M., 116 Thornberry, T. P., 373 Turner, L. Ao 213
Statham, D.J., 346 Straubhaar, S., 158 Tan, R. S., 139 Thorndike, R. L., 234 Turner, R, 104
Stattin, H., 429, 434 Straus, M., 449 Tan, U., 116 Thorne, B., 344, 408 Turner, P. Jo 336
Staudinger, U. M., 3, 9, 222, Strauss, A. L., 494 Tanaka, A., 415 Thorne, C., 97 Turner, R. J., 477
223, 239-240, 375, 518, Strauss, S., 498 Tangney, J. P., 360 361 Thorpe, B., 415 Turner, T. R., 336
519 Strauss, V., 374 Tanner, J. Mo 116, 131,160 Thurm, A. R, 459 Tweed, R. Go 502-503
Staudt, J., 188 Streiner, D. L., 107 Tanzi, R. E., 479, 480 Thurstone, L. L , 227 Tweng, J. Mo 309, 324
Stearns, P. N., 6 Streissguth, A. P., 93, 94 Tardif, T., 355 Thurstone, T. Go 227 Tyler, R. S., 155
Steele, C M., 245 Streri, A., 156 Tardiff, C., 400 Thys-Jacobs, So 137 Tyil, M. D., 508
Steen, T. A., 268 Striano, T., 290, 404 Target, Mo 32-33 Tiernari, P., 74 Tyner, S., 490
Steenari, M., 122 Stright, A. D., 341 Tataryn, D., 486 Tierney, Mo 440 Tyre, P., 140
Steffen, V. J., 324-325 Strigini, R, 100 Tatlebaum, R., 98 Tietjen, A. Mo 378 Tyson, J., 108
Steffenburg, S., 464 Strober, M. } 474 Taylor, Ao 451, 459 Tilmont, E. M., 492 Tyson-Rawson, K. J., 501
Steffens, 11 C., 480 Strobino, D. M., 107 Taylor, C. Bo 134 Timmer, E., 313 Tzuriel, D., 229
Stein, A., 14,104 Stroebe, E., 506 Taylor, C. G., 128, 474 Tinbergen, N., 45
Stein, J. Ii., 133 Stroebe, M., 503 Taylor, H. G., 107 Tisak, J., 367 u
Stein, ML R„ 401 Stroebe, M. S., 504 Taylor, J., 507 Tisak, M. So 367 U.S. Agency for International
Stein, R., 491 Stroebe, VV., 503 Taylor, J. H., 377 Tischler, G. L , 477 Development, 488
Stein, Z., 99 Stroud, 1. Ro 93 Taylor, K., 129 Tizard, B., 399 U.S. Census Bureau, 50,423,
Stein, Z. A., 99 Strupp, Bo 99 Taylor, L. A., 359 Tobin, S. So 317 424,442,488
Steinberg, E. P., 85 Stuckey, M. K., 474 Taylor, L. C., 273 Todd, R. D., 461 U.S. Constitution, 363
Steinberg, L., 48, 79, 269, 276, Stuebing, K. K., 271 Taylor, M., 179, 329, 355 Toga, A. W., 116 U.S. Department of Education
279-280, 388,410,426, Stumpf, H., 325 Taylor, M. D., 237 Tokura, H., 256 282
4 2 7 , 4 2 9 , 4 3 0 , 433, 434, Sturla, Eo 333 Taylor, M. R., 487 Tomasello, M., 257, 262, 355, U.S. Department of Health
437,459,460 Styles, I., 234 Taylor, R. K , 244 377,404 and Fluman Services, 448,
Steiner, J. E., 154 Suchindran, Co 346 Taylor, R. L, 422 Tomeo, D. L., 8 449
Stella to, R., 138 Suchowersky, O., 68 Taylor, S. E., 417 Tomkiewicz, S., 244 U.S. Department of Labor,
Stelmach, G. E., 129,130,139 Sudhalter, v!, 259 Teachman, J. D., 424, 443,444, Tomlin, C , 291 326, 398
Stemmler, M., 475, 476 Suess, G., 396 448 Tomlinson-Keasey, C., 248, 375 U.S. Department of
Stemp, P. S., 436 Sugden, D , 134 Tedeschi, R. Go 507 Tompson, M. Co 470,471 Transportation, 164
Stepanian, M. L, 358 Sugden,IC., 451,459 Tees, R. C., 152 Tonascia, J., 108 Uchida, N., 164
Stephan, VV. G., 274 Sugihara, Y., 417 Teeter, P. A., 467 Tonelotto, J 0 156 Uchino, B. N., 418
Stephens, M. A., 441,442 Sugisawa, H., 417 Teicher, M. H., 468 Tonick, I. Jo 342 Udobi, I. L., 85
Stepp, L. S., 499 Suh, K., 372 Tein, J . Y , 446 Torrance, E. P., 250 Udry, J. R., 346
Stern, D., 391 Suitor, J. J., 276 Teixeira, J. M., 99 Toth, S. L., 356,417, 466 Uematsu, S., 115
Stern, M., 332 Sullivan, E. M., 85 Tellegen, Ao 74 Tousignant, M., 2 Uhland, R. L., 282
Sternberg, R. J., 226, 230, 231, Sullivan, H. So 34, 406 Teller, D . Y , 146 Toussaint, K. L., 486 Uhlenberg, P.,416
233, 235, 236, 239, 241, Sullivan, M. VV., 290,291 Temple, E., 271 Townsend, A. L.,441 Umana-Taylor, A. J., 302
244,249,250 Sullivan, P. F., 474 Tenenbaum, H. R., 334 Trabasso, T., 182 Umberson, D., 138, 440, 504,
Sternfeld, B., 138 Sullivan, S., 359 Teno, J. M., 508 Trabucchi, M., 166 506
Sternglanz, S. H., 342 Sumida, E., 436 Teran, L , 40, 51 Tracy, J. L., 298, 325,410 Underwood, A., 481
Stevens, A. B., 221 Sumner, G. S., 64 Terman, L., 248, 249 Trafford, A., 7 Underwood, L. E., 112
Stevens, D. P., 281 Sun, Y , 406 Terry, D. J., 508 Tram, J. M., 298 Unger, J. B., 40, 5)
Stevens, G., 263 Sunderland, T., 478 Terry, Ro 128, 372,405 Traylor, E. S., 502, 506 Ungerer, J. A., 399
Stevens, M., 444 Sundquist, J., 488 Tesch, S., 312 Treas, J., 343 Uniacke, S. IC., 489
Stevens, M. M., 501 Suomi, S.Jo 400-401 Tesla, Co 355 Treblay, M. S., 129 Unsal, A., 116
Stevens, N., 406, 407 Super, C M . , 304, 315 Tesman, J. Ro 389, 390 Treboux, D., 401, 435 Unzner, L., 396
Stevens, R. J., 275 Super, D. E., 304, 315 Testa, Do 94 Treffert, D. Ao 229 Updegraff, K., 334, 433
Urban, J., 329 Vik, T., 93 Wang, Q., 307 Welsh-Bohmer, K. A, 480 Williams, A, F., 164
Urbina, $., 235, 236, 244 Viken, R. J., 134 Wang, X., 271 Wen, L., 296 Williams, J., 71,479, 480
Urofsky, M. L, 485 Villaneueva, L, 272 Wang, Z., 153 Wender, R H., 468 Williams, J. E., 324
Usher, B., 371 Villar, G. P, 85 Ward, C. D., 153 Wenglinsky, H., 272 Williams, J. M., 134
Usher, R. H., 98 Vinen, P. G., 356 Ward, J.W., 97 Wenner, J. A., 204 Williams, J. R., 113
Viner, R., 131 Ward, M. J., 465 Wentz, E., 475 Williams, K., 404
V Vining, E. P.G., 115 Ward, R., 438 Wentzel, K. R., 324, 406 Williams, K. C , 194
Vaden, N. A., 246 Vink, T., 474 Ward, S. A., 1.35 WerkerJ. F., 152, 262 Williams, K. J., 374
Vailiant, G. E., 313 Visser, G., 99 Ward, S. IC, 305 Werner, E., 108 Williams, K. R., 377
Valdez-Menchaca, M. G , 260 Vita, A. J., 128 Wardle, J., 474 Werner, H , 119,519 Williams, L., 344
Vail in, J., 489 Vitaro, R, 409, 410 Ware, J. H., 97 Werner, J.S., 161 Williams, M. E., 479
van Aken, A. G., 311 Vitiello, B., 471 Warin, J., 327, 337 Werner, L. A., 152 Williams, M. M., 309
vanBaal, G. C., 241 Vivian, D., 450 Waring, S. C , 216 Werth, J. L. Jr., 486 Williams, M. R., 117
Van Beveren, T. T., 95, 96 Vobejda, B., 347, 424 Wark, G., 381 Wessels, H., 243 Williams, M. V , 237
Van Broeckhoven, C., 222 Voegeli, T., 100 Wark, G. R., 380 West, E., 43 Williams, P. T., 129
Vance, J. C , 104, 504, 508 Vogel, D. A, 326 Warkentin, V., 291 West, R. F., 186 Williams, So 133
Vance, M. L., 113 Vohr, B., 108 Warner, C. B., 163 West, R. L., 218 Williams, T. M., 137
Vandell, D. L., 388, 401, 439 Volkmar, E R., 460, 461, 463, Warr, P., 315 West, S. G., 446 Williams, V., 302
Van den Bergh, B. R., 99 464 Warren, J. R., 279, 335 Wester veld, M., 108 Williams, W. M., 236, 280
van den Boom, D. C., 294, 417 Vollebergh, W., 301,303 Warren, S. T., 64 • Westhues, A., 266 Willis, S. Lo 7, 223, 239
van den Dikkenberg-Pot, 1., Vondra, J., 449 Warwick, Z. S., 168 Weston, D. R., 401, 425 Willms, J. Do 128, 272
256 Vondracke, F. W.,315 Waskowic, T. D., 506 Wethington, E., 7 Wilmoth, J.,416
van der Ende, J., 467, 472 Vorhees, C. V, 97 Wass, PI., 500, 504 Wetle, T., 508 Wilmoth,J. R., 489
van der Heijden, R G., 378 Vorster, J., 263 Wasserman, A., 406 Wewerka, S. S., 204 Wilson, A. Eo 215, 432
van der Molen, M. W., 116 Voss, K., 296 Wasserman, M. S., 473 Weyandt, C. K., 467, 468 Wilson, Co 244
van der Waals, R, 23 Voyer, D., 324 Wasserman, R. C , 131 Whalen, C. K., 325, 467 Wilson, IX I!, 16
van Elburg, A. A., 474 Voyer, S., 324 Wassertheil-Smoller, S., 502 Whaley, S. E, 93 Wilson, D. Mo 134
van Engeland, I I., 474 Vreeling, R W., 140, 222 Waterman, A. S., 303, 304 Whalley, L. J., 236 Wilson, G. T., 129, 474, 475
van Galen, G. P., 129, 130 Vu on tela, V., 122 Waternaux, C , 97 Wheeler, M. E., 325 Wilson, K. S., 401
Van Giffen, K., 150 Vurpillot, E., 159 Waters, E., 386, 392, 393, 394, Wheelwright, So 462, 463 Wilson, Mo 367
van Goozen, S. Ii.> 474 Vygotsky, L., 27, 44-45, 47, 49, 395,400, 401,435 Whiffen, V. E., 459 Wilson, R.,72, 315
Vanhasselt, V. B., 439 172, 192-196, 229, 255, Waters, J. L., 248 Whipp, B. J., 135 Wilson, So 416
van Ilees, Y., 99 283,512, 520 Watkinson, B., 488 Whipple, E. Eo 450 Wilson, S. J., 376
van I loeken, D., 473 Watson, D., 467 Whishaw, I. Qo 115,118,125, Winberg,)., 155
van Hofsten, C., 126 W Watson, J., 58, 355 126 Winch, Go 341
van Hoof, A., 300, 303 Wachs, T. D., 9, 16, 44, 75, 99, Watson, J. B., 35, 36, 40, 49 Whitbeck, L. B., 428,466 Win die, M., 476
Van Horn, P., 500 100 Watt, 1, M.,314 Whitbourne, S. K., 116, 136, Windle, R. C , 476
van IJzendoorn, M. I I., 271, Wade, T. D.,474 Walters, R., 474 165,312 Wineberg, II., 486
394, 395, 396, 397, 399, Wadworth, M. E., 500 Waxman, S., 181,261,352 White, D., 137 Winfrey, O., 2
401,406,415,417,436, Waechter, E. H., 499 Wayne, A., 273 White, J. A., 481 Wing, R. Ro 137
449, 471 Wagner, S. H., 305 Weathers, K. J., 336 White, J. M., 422, 423 Wingfield, A., 166
van Kleeck, A., 270 Wahlberg, K. E., 74 Webb, J., 356 White, Ko 440 Wingood, G. M., 48
van Klooster, B. J., 116 Wahlsten, D., 45, 46, 47 Weber, R. A., 381 White, L., 424, 438 Wink, P., 341,375
Van laningham, J., 438 Wainryb, C., 367 Weber, W , 468 White, M. E, 164 Winkler, I., 152
van Lieshout, C. E, 297,406 Waisbren, S E., 113 Webster, J.D., 313, 314, 415 White, P. A., 280 Winn, H. No 96
van Os, J., 79 Waite, L. J.,416, 439 Wechsler, D., 228 White, S. Ho 209 Winner, E., 185, 247, 248,250,
Vansant, I., 434 Wakeley, A., 150 Weed, S., 347 Whitebread, D.,212 359
Varady>A., 134 Walberg, H. J., 272, 274 Weeks, J. C , 508 Whitebrook, M., 399 Winsler, A., 195
Varea, C., 137 WaldenJ.G., 139 Weeks, M. O., 324 Whitehead, B. D., 423-424, Winslow, E. B., 432
Varendi, H., 155 Waldenstrom, U., 103 Wehner, J. M., 69 435, 442 Winstanley, M., 436
Vartanian, L R., 188, 324 Waldholz, M., 68 Wei, J. Y., 308 Whitehurst, G. J., 260, 270 Winter, E. M., 136
Vartoukian, R., 211 Waldman, I. D., 244, 246, 373 Weiffenbach, J. M., 167 Whitesell, K. R., 298 Winterich, J. A., 138
Vaughn, B. E., 396, 406 Waldron, M., 75 Weigel-DiFranco, C., 163 Whiteside, L., 108 Wippman, J., 400
Vazonyi, A. T., 427 Waldron, M. C., 447 Weinberg, J., 93 Whiting, B. B., 328 Wisborg, Ko 93, 468
Vedantam, D., 471 Walford, R. L., 489, 492 Weinberg, R. A., 72, 244, 246, Whitlatch, C. J., 441 WTiseman, R. A., 103
Veenstra-Vanderweele, j., 463 Walk, R., 149 490 Whitman, T. L., 436 Wisenbaker, J., 273
Vellas, B., 480 Walkenfeld, E R, 355 Weiner, M., 347 Whitmore, M. R., 137 Wisneiwski, K. E., 247
Vellution, F. R., 271 Walker, D. K., 107 Weiner, M. E, 481 Whitney, M. P., 121 Wisniewski, S. R., 442
Veiling, D. M., 476 Walker, L J., 371, 375, 376, Weinert, F. E., 233, 238, 239 Whyte, E. M., 481 Witt, So 341
Venkalachalam, S., 490 377, 378, 381 Weinfield, N. S., 392, 401 Whyte, P., 68 Wlodkowski, R. J., 281
Venter, J. C., 58 Walker-Andrews, A. S., 156, Weingartner, H., 218 Wible, C , 217 Wolchik, S. A., 446, 447
Ventura, S., 107 157 Weinraub, M., 327, 392 Wickens, A. P., 489, 490, 491, Wolf, D., 250
Verbrugge, R„ 152 Wall, S., 103,386, 392 Weinrott, M., 377 492 Wolf, R. So 449
Verdery, R., 489, 492 Wallace, C. S., 115 Weisberg, P., 41 Widaman, K. F., 437 Wolfe, J., 508
Verghese, J., 9, 480 Wallace, I., 107 Weisfeld, G. E., 409-410 Wideroe, M., 93 Wolfe, Ro 477
Verhaar, H. J. J., 136 Wallace, I. F., 108, 232 Weisner, T. S., 433 Widmayer, $., 452 Wolff, P. FI., 391
Verhaeghen, P., 3, 221 Wallace, P. S., 125, 126 Weiss, B., 469, 470, 471 Widmer, E. D., 343 Wolfner, G. D., 449, 450
Verbu 1st, F. C., 467, 472 Wallace, R. B., 139 Weiss, G., 468 Wiehe, V. R., 449,452 Wolfsen, C , 481
Verma, S., 279 Wallander, J. L , 468 Weiss, L., 446 Wicland, D., 481 Wolfson, A. R., 122-123
Vermeulen, A., 139 Wallberg, H. J., 272 Weiss, IVL, 291 Wiesel, T., 115 Women's Health Imitative,
Vermund, S. H., 97 Wallen, IC, 331 Weiss, M. G., 160 Wigfield, A , 268, 276, 296, 138
Vernon, P. A., 74-75 Waller, G., 475 - Weiss, R., 58 298 Wong, C. A , 302
Veroff, J., 281 Wallerstein, J. S., 447 Weiss, R. S., 495, 503 Wiggins, S., 68 Wong, P. T., 282, 314
Verquer, M. L., 305 Wallman, L. M.,317 Weissbluth, M., 122 Wikan, U., 505 Wong, X., 404
Verrillo, R. T., 168 Walls, R. T., 222, 304 Weissman, M. M., 477 Wilbur, J., 138 Wong-Kim, E., 138
Verrillo, V., 168 Walsh, C., 361 Weisz, J., 397, 471 Wilcock, A., 103 Wood, A., 113
Verschueren, K., 295 Walsh, C. E., 79 Weisz, J. R., 458 Wilcox, So 135, 502 Wood, Eo 327
Vesterdal, W. J., 241 Walsh, P. V., 342 Weizman, A. O., 258 Wildes, J. Eo 474 Wood, J. So 140
Vicary, J. R., 346 Walster, E., 416 Welch, L. C., 508 Wiley, R. L., 164 Wood, P. K., 189
Victor, J. B., 296 Walster, G., 416 Weller, A., 391 Wilkner, K., 155 Wood, R. C , 139
Vidali, A., 85 Walters, L. I I., 187 Weller, E. B., 500 Wilks, J., 410 Woodfield, Ro 288
Videka-Sherman, L., 509 Wancata, J., 478 Weller, R. A., 500 Will, A. Lo 247 Woodhill, B. M., 341
Vietze, P. M., 23, 266 Wandrei, M. L., 187 Wellman, H. M., 151, 205, 206, Willats, P., 204 Woods, R.P., 116
Vihman, M. M , 256 Wang, J. J., 162 354-355,356 Wilier man, L., 241 Woodward, A. L., 256, 257
Vijayan, S., 261 Wang, M. C., 272 Wells, P. A., 439 Williams, A., 503 Woodward, L., 48, 407, 410
Woodworth, G. G.y 155
Woolacott, M., 139
Wynn, K 0 150
Wynne, L. Co 74
Yarrow, M. R., 140
Yashin, A. L, 74
z Zhang, So 503
Zack, M. M., 161 Zheng, W L , 508
Worchel, R R, 499 Ye, H. Ho 153
Zahn-Waxler, C., 10, 28, 49, Zick, C. Do 443, 502
Worden, J. W., 500, 501, 507 X Yeates, Ko 242, 357-358
365, 366,371,374 Ziegler, M., 506
Worfolk, J. B., 168 Xia, Ho 476 Yeatts, D. E., 486 *
Zaia, A. E, 406 Zigler, E., 245, 246, 247, 276,
Wo r ma Id, R. R, 162 Xie, X., 153 Yeh, Ho 433
Zaiac, R., 211 ' 296,449,476
Worthen, L. T., 486 Yendovitskaya, T. V., 159 Zajonc, R. B., 243 Zimmer-Gem beck, M. Jo 409
Wortman, C. B, 502-503, 504,
Y Yirmiya, No 462 Zander, L., 101 Zimmerman, M. Ao 276
Yaegcr, Jo 196 Yonas, A., 148, 155 Zaporozhets, A. V., 159 Zimmerman, R 0 394
Woynarowska, B., 131 Yaffe, K., 128 Yoon, K. So 268, 276 Zappitelli, M., 358 Zimprich, Do 238
Wright, G., 465 Yaggi, K. Eo 432 York, Co 502, 506 Zarit, S. EL, 238, 441 Zisoolc, So 508
Wright, J., 154 Youn, G. Yo 441
Yamaguchi, S 0 307 Zaslow, Mo 23, 402 Zmuda, M. Do 478
Wright, J. C , 129 Young, Ro 229
Yamazaki, S. K 0 8 Zeanah, C. Ho 396, 398, 465, Zonderman, A. B., 218
Wright, K., 92 -Young, S. No 154
Yan, Bo 189 466 Zucherman, B., 93
Wright, M , 217 Young, W. Co 331
Yan, J. Ho 129, 130, 139 Zelazo, D., 176 Zucker, A. N., 303
Wright, V., 372 Youngbladc, L. M., 355
Yancy, S., 347 Zelazo, P. D., 367 Zucker, K. Jo 344
Wrosch, C., 477 Youngman, L., 99-100
Yang, B., 305 Z e m e l , B o 118 Zuckerberg, Ao 115
Wu, C. Y., 139 Youngs, P., 273
Yang, C. M o 498 Zcntall, S. Ro 48, 271 Zullig, Mo 100
Wu, T., 131 Youniss, Jo 303
Yang, Y. H., 67 Zhang, Ao 107 Zunzunegui, M. V., 418
Wyatt, K. M., 137 Yu, Eo 490
Yanowitz, IC. L., 336 Zhang, Ko 153 Zuo, Yo 93
Wyly, M. V., 121 Yu, T. Jo 139
Yardley, L., 442 Zhang, Lo 190 Zuroff, D. Co 434
Wymbs, B., 467, 468 Yussen, S. R., 207
Yarrow, L. J., 266 Zhang, M. L.,481 Zweig, J. Mo 346
Yuzda, E., 463
SuJbiect Index
Autism (continued) Birth order, 243, 289 depression, 469-471 language and, 260 Cooperative learning, 275
treatment, 464 Blastocyst, 86 friendship, 406 mild impairment, 217 Coordination, infant, 125-126
weak central coherence, Blood sampling, 67 gender roles, 327-329 moral development, Correlational method, 15-17
462-463 Blood types, 56 hearing impaired, 157-158 361-363 Correlation coefficient, 15
Autobiographical memory, Bobo doll experiment, 39 historical context, 6 personality, 290 Counting, infant, 150
209-210,215 Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, imaginary companions, teen achievement, 276 CR. See Conditioned response
Autonomy 228 178-183 Cohabitation, 442-443 Crawling, 124-125
doubt vs., 312 Bones, 119, 135 intellectual development, Cohort effects Creativity
shame vs., 312 Brain 172-173, 178-183 in cross-sectional studies, in adolescence, 249-250
teen, 433-134 aging, 116-118 IQs, 233 18 in adulthood, 250-251
Avoidant attachment, 394 Alzheimer's, 479 language development, in longitudinal studies, 19 childhood, 249-250
chemicals, 114, 117 267-274 in research design, 17 definition, 249
death, 485 latchkey, 443 Collectivist culture, 307 genetic influences,
Babbling, 41, 256 degeneration, 116-118 limiting, 104 Color vision, 146 249-250
Babinski reflexes, 119, 121 development, 115-116 memory, 205-212 Commitment, 300 intelligence vs., 249
Baby biographies, 10 early experience on, metamemory, 207-208 Communality, 324 measures of, 249
Baby-sitters, 393 157-158 moral development, Compensation, 31.6 waning, 251
Balance, 139 fetal development, 89-90 366-370 Compensatory education, 235 Cross-modal perception,
Bandura, Albert. See also Social hemispheres, 115 parent attachments, Complex tasks, 163-164 156-157
cognitive theory lateralization, 115-116 403-405 " Conception, 84—85 Cross-sectional design, 17-18
on morality, 363-364 male, autism and, 462—464 parents, family system, Concordance rates, 69 Crowds, 408-409
teen pregnancy, 40-41 plasticity, 115, 118 426-433 Concrete operations stage Crystallized intelligence, 227
theories, 39-41 processing, 115 personality, 294-297 conservation, 182 CS. See Conditioned stimulus
Bargaining, 493 speech areas, 261 physical behavior, 128-130 description, 43 * Culture
Bayley scales, 125 women's, 324 preoperational stage, preoperational vs., 182 aggression and, 5-6, 8
Behavior Branching, 114 178-179 Conditioned response, 36 aging parents and, 441
antisocial, 371 Brazelton neonatal behavioral preschool, 181-182,513 Conditioned stimulus, 36 autonomy, 434
evolutionary roots, 45 assessment scale, 105-106 preschool intervention, Conditioning, classical. See bereavement, 495
exploratory, 158, 392 Breast-feeding, 1.55-156 234-235 Classical conditioning in childbirth, 103-105
gender and, 342 Breech presentation, 101 progeria, 490 Conditioning, operant. See collectivist, 307
gender-typed, 328-329 Breeding, 68-69 psychopathology, 466-473 Operant Conditioning development and, 520
genetic basis, 47 B roc as area, 261 psychosocial stages, 34-35 Confidentiality, 21 DSM-IV and, 456
morality, 360, 368 Bulimia nervosa, 473-474 punishment, 37-38 Conflict, psychosocial, 34 familial retardation,
newborn, 121 Burton, Linda, 4-5 reaction time, 130 Conscience, 363 246-247
observations, 12-13 Bushy dendrites, 114 rule understanding, 367 Conscientiousness, 288 gender norms, 324
c/7 **
physical (See Physical be- s school age, 513-514 Conservation individualistic, 307
havior) scripts, 210-211 concrete operations stage, IQ and, 244
prosocial, 360, 366 Calment, Jeanne Louise, 489 self-esteem, 295-296 182 math skills and, 277-278
repetitive, 461 Caloric restriction, 492 sense of humor, 185 lack of, 179, 181 menopause, 138
sexual, 343-344, 346-347 Cardiovascular system, 139 sexual abuse, 344 tests, 180 Theory of mind develop-
stereotypes, 461 Caregiver burden, 441-442 sexuality, 342-344 Constraint-seeking questions, ment and,356-357
Behavioral genetics Caregiver roles, 34 siblings and, 430-433 222-223 morality and, 374, 379
controversies, 79-80 Cataracts, 161 sleep deprived, 122-123 Constructivism neonatal, 105-106
correlations, 76-77 Cells social cognition, 352-357 adolescents, 183-188 perception, 158-159
definition, 68 embryonic, 86 social networks, 403-405 adults, 188-191 perinatal, 103-105
estimating influences, environment, 46 steady growth of, 127 aging and, 190-191 science skills and, 277-278
69-70 glial, 88 therapy, challenges, children, 178-183 self-conception and, 307
evolution and, 57 meiosis, 58 470-471 concrete operations stage, sensation, 158-159
examples, 76 migration, 88 Chorion, 86 182 thought and, 192-193
individual differences, mitosis, 58 Chorionic villus sampling, 67 conservation, 179,181 CVS. See Chorionic villus sam-
71-75 proliferation, 88 Chromosomes contextual-systems, 45-49 pling
IQ and, 71-72 sperm, 59 abnormalities, 63-64, 66 * definition, 3 Cystic fibrosis, 65
measures, 77-78 Centration, 179 characterization, 57 description, 41-42
psychological disorders, Cephalocaudal principles, 118, death and, 489 egocentrism, 181 D
' 73-74 127 four, 489 formal operations stage, Damage theories of aging,
temperament and, 72-73 Cerebral palsy, 101 gender and,330 183-188 490-491
twin studies, 69 Cervix, 101 karyotypes, 60 humor and, 185 D a rk a da p ta l ion ,161
Behavioral inhibition, 292 Cesarean sections, 102-103 pairs, 58 infants, 174-178 Darwin, Charles, 10
Belief Childbirth. See also Pregnancy X, 60, 62 intelligence, 172-174 Data collection, 12
assumptions, 28 anoxia, 101 XO, 64 object permanence, Data support, 27
desire psychologies, cultural factors, 103-105 Y, 60, 62, 113 175-177 Dating, 409-410
354-355 del iver y co m pi i catio n s, Classical conditioning, 36 sensorimotor state, 174-175 Day care, 398-399
false, 353 101-103 Classification difficulties, stages, 42-43, 173-174 Deafness. See Hearing
Bereavement depression and, 104-105 181-182 strengths, 43-44 impairment
child, 500 father's experience, 105 Class inclusion, 181 symbols and, 177 Death
cultural aspects, 495 medications, 103 • Clinton, Bill, 2 weaknesses, 43-44 adolescent, 500-501
definition, 495 mother's experience, Cliques, 408-409 Contextual subtheory, 230-231 bereavement, 495-497
development, 507 103-105 Cocaine, 95-96 Contextual-system theories biological definitions,
easing pain of, 508-509 process, 101 Cochlear implants, 154-155 evolutionary-epigenetic 485-487
grief work, 504-506 Child-directed speech, 262 Coercive environments, systems, 45-47 causes, 488-489
models, 495-497 Child effects model, 429 372-373, 377 founders, 27 characterization, 485
support groups, 508-509 Children Cognition memory and, 221-222 child, 499-500, 503-504
support/stressors, 506-507 abused, 448-453 definition, 172 perspective, 49-50 child's concept, 498-499
Beta-amyloid, 479 ADHD, 467—469 improvement, 193-194 sociocultural, 44-45 coping, 506-507
Bias, 244 aggression, 12-17 morality of, 360 strengths, 47-48 delaying, 492
Big-fish-little-pond effect, 299 attachments, 402-406 social. See Theory of mind weaknesses, 47-48 easing pain of, 507-509
Big five personality dimensions attention development, Cognitive development theo- Continuing education, 282 experience of, 491-495
age-group differences, 297 159 ries. See also Continuity family context, 502-504
description, 288-289 cognitive process, 130 Constructivism; assumptions, 29 grief work, 504-506
longitudinal studies, 310 conservation, lack of, 179, Sociocultural theories behavior and, 472 hastening, 486
mapping, 297 181 children, 130 discontinuity, 519 infants, 497
universality, 310 creativity in, 249-250 founders, 27 Contraception, 48 nature of, 506
Biochemical environment, 46 deaf, 264-265 gender role, 336-338 Contract, morality of, 362 parent, 504
Bioecological model, 44 death, concept of, 498-499 identity formation, 303 Contrast reinforcement, 37-38 personal resources,
Biosocial theory, 330-333 death of, 499-500, information processing Convergent thinking, 249 506-507
Birth. See Childbirth 503-504 and, 205-206 Cooing, 256 social meaning, 487-488
spouse, 502-503 Discontinuity Emotions child-rearing, 437 Functional grammar, 258
stages, 492-493 assumptions, 29 early relationships, 389 children in, 426-433 I<uzzy-1race theory, 210
theories of, 489-490 behavior and, 472 infants, 291-292 coercive environments,
total brain, 485 continuity, 519 morality of, 359-360 372-373 G
Debriefing, 21 Discrimination of patterns, pregnancy and, 99 death in, 502-504 Gardner's theory of multiple
Deceleration, 179 147-148 primary, 389-390 divorcing, 444-448 intelligence, 227-230
D eco n tex tual i ze d 1 a n gu a ge, Disengagement theory, regulation, 390-391 dual-career, 443 Gay men. See Homosexuality
259-260 317-318 in relationships, 412 empty nest, 437-438 Gender
Defense mechanism, 31 Disorganization, 496 Empathy, 360 establishing, 435 consistency, 336-337
Deficiency, 206-207, 297 Disuse, 140 Empiricists, 144 extended household, 422 curriculum, 334
Delirium, 481 Divergent thinking, 249 Empty nest, 437-438 gay, 444 typing process, 339
Demanding-control, 426 Divorce Encoding information, 201 grandparents in, 438-439 Gender differences
Dementia, 4 7 8 - 4 7 9 , 4 8 1 adjustments, 446-447 Endocrine system, 112-113 infants in, 425-426 age-associated illness, 140
Denial, 492-493 aftereffects, 445-448 English as second language, 263 life cycle, 423 aggression, 5 - 6
Den rites, bushy, 114 impact, 444-445 Environment models of influence, career goals and, 315
Dependent variables, 14 remarriage and, 448 attachment and, 396-397 429-430 depression, 477-478
Depression DNA, 57, 71 cells, 46 modified extended, 440 identifying, 324-326
adolescents, 475-477 Dole, Robert, 2 coercive, 372-373, 377 new baby, 431 -432, observations, 324
age factors, 477-478 Dominance, 61-62 definition, 5 435-436 sexual maturation,
children, 469-471 Dosage, 91 gene interactions {See nuclear, 422 131-132
death stage, 493 Double standard, 346 Behavioral genetics) puberty and, 133 socialization, 134-135
diagnostic criteria, 456 Doubt, autonomy vs., 312 genetic influence, 56 reconstituted, 448 Gender roles. See also Sex-
gender differences, 477-478 Doula, 101 growth and, 112 relationship changes, adolescent, 329
infants, 464-466 Down syndrome influence rates, 69-70 439-442 adult, 338-341
postnatal, 104-105 characterization, 63-64 IQ and, 241-243, 246 single parent, 424 attitudes, 342
stage of dying, 493-494 deterioration, 247 neonatal, 105-109 singles in, 442-446 behavior, 342
Depth perception, 148-149 genetic factors, 246 perinatal, 101-105 size, IQ and, 243 biosocial theory, 330-333
Descartes, Rene, 144 Drop-offs, 149 postnatal, 108-109 system theory, 422-424 changes, 338-339
Desire psychologies, 354-355 Drugs poverty fit, 277 teen achievement, 276 children, 327-329
Despair, 313, 496 abuse, 140 prenatal (See Prenatal en- Family violence cognitive theories,
Details, perceiving, 146 birthing, 103 vironment) abused, 450 " 336-338
Determinism, reciprocal, 40 prenatal environment and, role in learning, 49 abuser, 449-450 early learning, 327
Development. See also Specific 91-96 selective breeding and, causes, 449-450 impact, 323-324
domains DSM-IV, 456-457 68-69 combating, 376 infants, 326-327
context, 9 Dual-career families, 443 twin studies and, 69 context, 450 norms, 323
continuity in, 519 Dynamic systems approach, Epigenetic process, 46 effects of, 450-451 physical aspects, 323
control over, 520 126-127 Epistemology, 172 impact, 448-449 psychoanalytic theory, 333
cultural context, 520 Dyslexia, 271 ' Erikson, Erik. See also intervention, 452 role attitudes, 303
definition, 2 Psychosocial theories FAS. See Fetal alcohol syndrome social learning theory,
discontinuity in, 519 E life-span changes, 311-314 Faust, 251 333-336
diversity of, 519-520 Easy temperament, 292-293, teen pregnancy, 35 Fears, attachment-related, 392 stereotypes and, 324
domains, 2 296 theories, 34—35 Fears, drop-offs, 149 theory integration, 338
ecological context, 21-23 Eating disorders. See Anorexia Estrogen, 113, 137 Feedback. See Negative feedback Gender schema theory,
individuality of, 519-520 nervosa Ethics, 20-21 Femininity, 339-340 337-338
influences, 9 - 1 0 Echolalia, 461 Ethnicity. See also specific Fetal alcohol syndrome, 93 Gender stability, 336
learning theorists, 9 - 1 0 Ecological model, 22-23 groups Fetus Gender typing, 323-324
as life process, 520 Education aging parents care, 441 development, 87-90 Gene-environment correla-
major themes, 518-521 ability grouping, 272 death, views of, 487-488 differences in, 90 tions, 76-77
major trends, 512-517 adult, 281-282^ identity development, 302 disease and, 96-97 Gene-environment interac-
multidirectonal aspects, 9 compensatory, 235 IQ and, 244 drugs and, 91-96 tions
multiple directions, 519 continuing, 282 sexual maturation, 131-132 father's state, 100 aging and, 489-490
multiple perspectives, early, 266 Ethology, 45 mother's state, 98-100 correlations, 76-77
520-521 elementary, 272-274 Evocative genes, 76 movement, 90 evolution and, 57
norms, 124 financial resources, 272 Evoked potentials, 145 pollutants, 9 7 - 9 8 examples, 76
plasticity, 9, 519 goodness of fit, 273, 277 Evolution, heredity and, 56-57 radiation, 97 morality and, 373-374
prenatal (See Prenatal de- high school, 274-276 Evolution, theory of, 56-57 vulnerability, 91 parenting and, 430-431
velopment) inclusion, 274-275 Evolutionary-epigenctic sys- Fine motor skills, 124 personality differences,
process, 9 information processing, tems, 45-47 Fixation, 31 72-73
psychosexual, 31-32 283 Executive control process, 202 Flavors, 155 teratogens, 91
quotients, 232 integration, 274-275 Executive dysfunction hypoth- Fluid intelligence, 227 Generativity, 313
stages, 29 intelligence research, 283 esis, 461-462 Flynn effect, 243 Genes
understanding, 10 IQ, 239 Exercise, physical, 129 Folic acid, 87 active, 76
Develop men tal psycho - mastery motivation, 269 Exosystems, 22 Forcep extraction, 102 adaptation and, 56-57
pathology mathematics, 277-279 Expansion, 263 Foreclosure status, 300-301 autismv 463-464
adolescents, 472-477 moral development, 374, Experiential subtheory, 231 Forgetting, normal, 216 creativity and, 249-250
adults, 477-482 377-378 Experimental methods, 14-15 Formal-operational thought, death associated, 490
age norms, 458 pathway to adulthood, 280 Expertise development, 186-188 dominant, 61
children, 466-473 perceptual research, 283 214-215 Formal operations stage environment interaction
description, 457-458 Piaget's theories and, 283 Explicit memory, 201-202 abstract thinking, 183 (See Behavioral
diathesis-stress model, preschool, 181-182, Exploratory behavior, 158, 392 adults, 188-190 genetics)
459-460 234-235,513 Extended households, 422 description, 43, 183 evocative, 76
DSM-IV criteria, reading, 271-274 Extraversion, 288 hypothetical thinking, 183 function, 57-58
456-457 science, 277-279 Eye-blink reflex, 120 Fragile X syndrome, 6 4 - 6 5 influence, 60-61
infants, 460-466 sensory research, 283 Eyes, function, 146 Free radical theory, 491 interactions, 76
issues, 458 single-sex, 335 Eyewitness memory, 210-211 Freud, Anna, 34 IQ and, 2 4 1 , 2 4 5 - 2 4 6
nature/nurture, 471-472 theory contributions, Freud, Sigmund. See also language development
social norms, 458 283-284 F Psycho an alytic theo ry and,261
Diathesis-stress model, Vygotskys theories and, Facial expression, 154 influence, 3 3 - 3 4 morality and, 374
459-460 283 Facial hair, 131 main ideas, 30-32 multiple, identification,
Differen ti al reinforcement, work integrating, 279-280 Factor analysis, 288 moral development, 71
333-335 Egg-sperm penetration, 84-85 Failure to thrive, 465 360-361 passive, 76
Difficult temperament, Ego, 31 False belief task, 353 sexuality, 333 relatedness, 59-60
292-293, 296 Egocentrism, 181 Falsifiability, 27 Friendship tongue-curl, 61
Diffusion status, 300 Elaboration, 206-207 Families adolescents, 407-408 uniqueness, 59-60
Dilemmas, Kohlbergs, Eleclra complex, 32, 333 adolescents in, 433-434 adults, 416 variation, 56, 57
367-368 Emergent literacy, 270 adults in, 435-443 children, 406 Gene therapy, 79
Genetic code Hearing impairment Inclusion, 274 psychopathology, 460-466 progress/mastery, 184-185
basic units, 58 adults, 164-167 Incomplete dominance, 61 rapid growth, 119 psychometric approach, 227
function, 57-58 aid devices, 166 Independent variable, 14 recall, 204 scientific reasoning, 186
translation, 60-61 basic capacities, 164-166 Individualistic culture, 307 reflexes, 119,121 sensorimotor stage and,
Genetic epistemology, 172 children, 154-155 Individuality REM sleep, 121 174-176
Genetic potential, 76 infants, 157-158 aging, 139-140 resilience of, 108-109 social interaction and,
Genetics language acquisition, infants, 121 at risk, 106-108 193-194
behavioral (See Behavioral 264-265 intelligence, 71-72 secure, 400-401 sociocultural theory,
genetics) theory of mind, 356 morality of, 363 semantics, 256-257 192-196
counseling, 65-68 Heavy metals, 97 Individual rights, 362 sensations, 153-156 spatial, 228
diagnosis, 65-68 Helfgott, David, 250 Infants sensing, 121, 124 tools of, 194-196
molecular, 70-71 Hemophilia, 65 attachment issues, 391-400 sensory integration, triarchic theory, 230-231
Genotype, 61 Heredity autism, 460-464 156-157 Intelligence quotient
German measles. See Rubella evolution and, 56-57 autobiographical memory, sensory role, 158 adolescents, 234-235
Germinal period, 86 genetic code, 57-58 209-210 sensual abilities, 145 adult, 236-240
Gerontology, 9 genetic relatedness, 59-60 babbling reinforcement, 41 seriation, 182 aging and, 237-240
Giftedness genetic uniqueness, 59-60 behavioral states, 121 sexuality, 341-342 birth order and, 243
identification, 247-248 inheritance mechanisms, breast-fed, 155-156 smell, 153-156 children's, 233
longitudinal study, 248 61-63 classification difficulties, sounds, 256 culture bias, 244
outcomes, 248 mutations and, 63 181-182 speech, 152-153 environment and,
self-esteem and, 299 personality and, 311 cognitive development, stranger anxiety, 393 241-243, 246
Glial cells, 88 polygenic, 62-63 " 42-43 symbols and, 177 ethnicity, 244
Goals sex-linked, 62 concrete operations stage, synchronized routines, 391 family size and, 243
changing, age and, 305 Heritability 182 taste, 153-156 . genes and, 241, 245-246
learning, 268 different traits, 74-75 counting ability, 150 temperament, 291-294 group averages, 244
performance, 268 homosexuality, 69-70 crawling, 124-125 temperature, 156 health and, 236-237
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang, 251 influences on, 75 day care and, 398 touch, 156 heritability, 68, 70
Goodness of fit IQ, 68, 70 death of, 93, 497 transitivity, 182 high, 247-248
adolescents, 277 schizophrenia, 73-74 depression, 464-466 vision, 146-147, 157 infants, 232
change and,311 Hispanics, 276, 302 development trends, walking, 125 low, 246-247
definition, 273 History 512-513 Influences, mutual, 46 memory and, 222
temperament and, 293 of life span, 6 - 7 egocentrism, 181 Information encoding, 201 motivation and, 244-245
Gottlieb, Gilbert. See also of study of life span, 10 emotional regulation, Information processing. See occupational success and,
Evolutionary-Epigenetic HIV. See Human immunodefi- 390-391 Social information pro- 236
systems ciency syndrome evoked potentials, 145 cessing race and, 244
strengths, 47-48 Hobbes, Thomas, 29 exploratory behavior, 158 Informed consent, 21 school achievement,
teen pregnancy, 48 Holophrases, 257 failure to thrive, 465 Inheritance. See Heredity /
theories, 45-48 Home inventory, 242 first words, 257 Inhibition, 292 school grades and, 272
weaknesses, 47-48 Homosexuality gender role, 326-327 Instincts, 30 score gains/losses, 233
Grammar, 258, 259 experimentation, 345 growth principles, Instrumental conditioning. See scores, 71-72
Grandparents, 438-439 family experience, 444 118-119 Operant conditioning shared environment and,
Grasp, pincer, 1.26 heritability of, 69-70 habituation, 145 Instrumental hedonism, 362 75
Grasping reflex, 120 I Iormone replacement ther- hearing, 152-153 Integration social class and, 243-244
Grief apy, 135, 138-139 hearing impaired, 154-155 gender theories, 338 standardization of, 41
definition, 495 Hormones. See also specific imitation, 202-203 racial, 274 test development, 228-229
focus of, 493 hormone individuality, 121 school and work, 279-280 traditional test, 228-229
grief work perspective, gender, 330 information processing, Integrity, 313-314 training, 239
504-506 growth influence, 114 202-205 Intelligence Intentions, 366-367
Gross motor skills, 124 Homey, Karen, 34 insecure, 400-401 abilities, differences, 71-72 Interactionist theories,
Growth Hospice, 507 intelligence development, bodily-kinesthetic, 228 262-263
adolescent, 130-131 Hot flashes, 137 174-177 brain development and, 116 Interactions, gene, 76
brain, 115-116 IIRT. See Hormone replace- IQs, 232 children development, InLernal consistency, 27
catch-up, 112 ment therapy language development, 178-183 Interpersonal intelligence, 228
cephaloeaudal principles, Human agency, 39-40 265-266 classification, 181 Intimacy, 312-313
127 Human Genome Project, 58 learning, 121, 124 cognitive development, Intrapersonal intelligence, 228
children, 127 Human immunodeficiency locomotor development, ' 172-174 Intuitive reasoning, 186
complexity, 112 syndrome, 97 124-125 concrete operations stage, Intuitive theories, 151
endocrine role, 112-113 Humor, 185 low birth weight, 106-108 182 Invariant sequence, 42
environmental factors, 112 Huntington's disease, 65, 68 mastery motivation, creativity vs., 249 In vitro fertilization, 67, 85
hormonal influences, 114 Hypotheses, 11 265-266 crystallized, 227 Isolation, 312-313, 492-493
infant, 118-119 Hypothetical-deductive rea- memory, 202 decline in, 237-239 IVF. See In vitro fertilization
nervous system, 113-115 soning, 184 moral development, definition, 226-227
orthogenetic principle, 125 Hypothetical thinking, 183 365-366 definition, Piaget's, 172-173
principles, 118—119 motor skills, 126-127 development of, 173-174 James, Henry, 519
proximodistal principles, nervous system, 144 egocentrism, 181 James, William, 145, 156-157,
127 Id, 31 object manipulation, extremes, 246-247 519
rate of; 112 Ideal self, 296 125-126 fluid, 227 Joint attention, 256-257
spurts, 131 Ideational fluency, 249 object organization, formal-operational Joints, stiffening, 135-136
Growth hormone, 113 Identity
149-150 thought, 186-188 Jung, Carl, 34
Guided participation, 194 achievement status, 301 object permanence, formal operations stage,
Guilt, 495-496 crisis, 34 175-177 183-188
ethnic, 302 pain, 156 infant development, K-ABC-I1 test, 229
gender, 326-327 parent attachment, 391-392 174-177 Kant, Immanuel, 144
Habituation, 145, 203 influences on, 303-304 parents, family system, infants, 232 Karyotype, 60
Harm, 21 religious, 310 425-426 interpersonal, 228 Keller, Helen, 255
Harvard Bereavement Study, role confusion, 300 pattern perception, 147-148 intrapersonal, 228 Kibbutzim, 259
502 sense of, 300-301, 303 peers, 401-402 intuitive reasoning, 186 King, Martin Luther Jr., 2, 362
Hayflick limit, 490 vocational, 304-305 perceptual abilities, later, 232 Klinefelter syndrome, 64
Head Start, 266 Imaginary audience, 187-188 145-150 linguistic, 228 Knowledge
Health, 236-237, 317 Imaginary companions, perceptual development, logical-mathematical, 228 base, 208,218
Hearing 178-183 157 measuring, 228-229 change and, 207-208
basic capacities, 152 Imagination, 404 personality, 290-294 multiple, 227-230 metacognitive, 207
decline, 164-165 Imitation, 202-203 preferential looking, 145 musical, 228 Kohlberg, Lawrence. See also
early experience, 157-158 Implants, cochlear, 154-155 preterm, 120 naturalist, 228 Cognitive development
speech perception, Implants, retina, 163 problem solving by, preschool, 181-182 theories
152-153 Implicit memory, 201-202 174-175, 204-205 as process, 41-42 dilemmas, 367-368
gender typing, 336 Lens, 161-163 problem solving and, Mothers Neonatal environment
moral development, Lesbian women. See 211-212 childbirth and, 103-105 associated risks, 106-108
361-364 Homosexuality recall, 201 child IilV transmission, cultural differences,
moral influence, 375-376 Life expectancy, 488 recognition, 201 97 105-106
theory bias, 378-379 Life span. See also Adolescents; retrieval, 201 child relationships, interventions, 107-109
theory supplements, Adults; Children short term, 200, 206 425-426 Nervous system
380-381 childhood, 6 storage, 201, 207 fetus health and, 98-100 aging, 140
Korbut, Olga, 250 conceptualizing, 3 - 5 strategies, 219 postnatal depression, basic unit, 113-114
Kubler-Ross, Elisabeth, describing, 8 - 9 strategy changes, 206-207 104-105 characterization, 113
491-494 development through, systems, 200-20) Moth study, 57 immature, 14.4
518-519 tasks, 218 Motivation personality and, 311
L dividing, 4 working, 200, 219 achievement (See Neural tube defects, 86-87
Labor. See Childbirth enhancing, 8 - 9 Men. See also Gender roles Achievement motiva- Neurons
LAD. See Language acquisition explanation, 8 gender norms, 324 tion) features, 113-114
device family, 423 physicality, 324-325 IQ and, 244-245 fetal, 88
Lamaze method, 98 IQ and, 239 spatial ability, 324 mastery, 267-269 loss, 116
Language. See also Speech maximum, 489-490 vulnerability, 325 unconscious, 30 parts, 114
aspects, 255 modern perspective, 9 - 1 0 Menarche, 131-132, 137 Motor skills Neuroticism, 288
cognition and, 260 optimization, 8 - 9 Menopause aging and, 139 Neurotransmitters, 114, 117
decontextualized, 259-560 periods, 4 cultural differences, 138 emergence, 126-127 Newborns. See Infants
definition, 255 sexuality, 341-344 HRT, 135,138-139 fine, 124 Norms
deviant, 461 Life structure, 314 impact, 138 gross, 124 age, 458
mastering, 255-256 Linguistic intelligence, 228 onset, 137 Mourning, 495 developmental, 124
native, 263 Literacy. See also Reading symptoms, 137-138 Movement, 147 gender, 323
second, 263 adult, 282 Mental illness. See also Specific Multimodal Treatment of social, 458
Language acquisition device, emergent, 270 diseases Attention Deficit Novel tasks, 163-164
261-262 Locke, John, 29, 144 gender differences, Hyperac tivity Disorder Nuclear family, 422
Language development Locomotor development, 325-326 Study, 469 Numbers, concept of, 181
achievement motivation, 124-125 heritability, 7 3 - 7 4 Multiple intelligence theory, Numbness, 495
267-269 Logical-mathematical intelli- predisposition to, 74 227-230 Nurture. See also Nature,
age difference, 268 gence, 228 Mental retardation Muscles Environment
children, 267-274 Longitudinal design, 17-19 causes, 246 adolescent, 131 aging, 491
course of, 256-259 Looking-glass self, 291 outcomes, 247 atrophy, age-associated, 140 attachment and, 386-387
critical period, 263-264 reading and, 274 infant growth, 119 belief assumptions, 28-29
hearing impairment and, M socioeconomic aspects, Musical intelligence, 228 development interaction,
264-265 Ma, Yo Yo, 250 246-247 Mutations, 63 518
early education, 266 Macrosystems, 22-23 types, 246 Mutual influences, 46 framing issues, 5, 8
generalizations, 258 Maladaptiveness, 456 Mesosystems, 22 Myelin, 116 gender differences, 5, 326
infants, 256-257, 265-266 Manipulations, 14 Metamemory, 207-208, Myelination, 114-115 importance, 5
intcractionist theories, Marriages 218-219 intelligence development,
262-263 changes in, 439 Michelangelo, 251 N 173-174
later, 258-259 childless, 443 Microsystems, 22 Native Americans, 303-304 lean ling tlieoiies, 36-38
learning perspective, ending, 444-448 Mid-life crisis, 314-315 NativisL theories, 144, m o raid eve 1 op m en t,
260-261 establishing, 435 Mid-life generativity, 313 261-262 373-375
literacy, 269-272 postponed, 423 Mild cognitive impairment, Naturalistic observations, 12-13 morality and, 368-369
mastery motivation, sex and, 347-348 217 Naturalist intelligence, 228 passivity issue, 29
265-266 spouse death, 502-503 Mitosis, 58 Natural selection, 57 perceptual abilities,
nativist perspective, Masculinity, 339-340 Modified extended family, 440 Nature. See also Nurture 144-145
261-262 Mastery motivation Molecular genetics, 70-71 activity issue, 29 primary emotions, 389-390
pre-word, 256-257 description, 267-269 Moral affect, 360 aging, 491 psychopathology and,
process, 260-263 parent's role, 268-269 Moral development attachment and, 386-387 471-472
telegraphic speech, 258-259 schools' role, 269 adults, 375-378, 380-381 badness of, 29 sensory abilities, 144-145
theory of mind, 355 Mastery orientation, 268-269 basic components, 359-360 belief assumptions, 28 theory of mind, 355-357
Latchkey children, 443 Maternal blood sampling, 67 children, 366-370 development interaction, Nutrition, 99-100, 131-132
Lateralization, 115-116 Maturation, process of, 5 cognitive development 518
Law, 362-363 Measurements theories, 361-363 framing issue, 5, 8
Lead, 97 in longitudinal studies, 19 cultural aspects, 374, 379 gender differences, 5, 326 Obesity, 129
Learned helplessness orienta- physiological, 13 educational aspects, 374 goodness of, 29 Objects
tion, 268 in research design, 17 gene-environment interac- importance, 5 manipulation, 125-126
Learning. See also Education time of, 17 tions, 373-374 intelligence development, organization, 149-150
aging and, 216-217 Mediation deficiency, 206-207 infants, 365-366 173-174 per man ence, 175-177
contextual contributors, Medications. See Drugs influences, 375-376 moral development, Observational learning, 38,
221-222 Meiosis, 58 nature/nurture, 373-375 373-375 333,335-336
cooperative, 275 Melanin, 60 psychoanalytic theory, perceptual abilities, Observations
definition, 5 Memory. See also Forgetting 360-361 144-145 behavioral, 12-13
early gender identity, 327 adolescent, 213 social learning theory, primary emotions, 389-390 naturalistic, 12-13
goals, 268 adults, 214-223 363-365 psychopathology and, structured, 13
infant, 121, 124 aging and, 215-222 Morality 471-472 Occupation. See Work
memory and, 208-209 autobiographical, adolescent, 370-375 sensory abilities, 144-145 Oedipus complex, 32, 333
observational, 38, 333, 209-210,215 behavior, 368 theory of mind, 355-357 Old age. See Aging
335-336 capacity, 206 conventional, 362 Nature-nurture issue, 5, 45, Olfaction. See Smell
operant conditioning and, changes, 207-208 disengagement, 363 57, 70, 72, 73, 7 6 , 9 1 , 9 3 , Openness to experience, 288
36-38 children, 205-212 dilemmas, 367-368 108, 112, 115, 116, 131, Operant conditioning
skills, improving, 220 contextual theories and, nurturing, 368-369 137, 144, 157, 158, 173, infant perception, 145-146
Learning theories 221-222 postconventional, 192, 205, 2 0 8 , 2 1 8 , 2 2 1 , language development,
assumptions, 35-36, 49 decline, 216-217, 218 362-363 241,246, 260, 274, 292, 260-261
classical conditioning, 36 development, 205 preconventional, 362 310, 329, 3 4 5 , 3 5 5 , 3 7 3 , learning and, 36-38
development, 9 - 1 0 explicit, 201-202 reason and, 370-371, 376 3 8 6 , 3 8 9 , 4 0 0 , 4 1 3 , 425, memory, 203-204
founders, 27 eyewitness, 210-211 sexual, 345-346 429, 430, 451,459, 463, Optimization, 316
language development, habituation, 203 social-information pro- 468, 471,474, 479, 489 Oral gratification, 31
260-261 implicit, 201-202 cessing, 371-372 Negative feedback, 276 Organic retardation, 246
operant conditioning, improving, 220 Moratorium period, 300 Negative punishment, 38 Organization, 149-150,173
36-38 infants, 202-204 Moratorium status, 301 Negative reinforcement, 37 Organogenesis, 86
social cognitive, 39-40 learning and, 208-209 Morning-after pill, 48 Neglectful parenting, 426 Organ systems, 88
strengths, 40-41 operant conditioning, Moro reflex, 120 Neonatal behavioral assess- Or thogenetic principle, 119, 125
weaknesses, 40-41 203-204 Morphology,''255 ment scale, 105-106 Osteoporosis, 135
Ovaries, 113 hazards, 101-1.03 Positive punishment, 37-38 Psychosexuality, 333 perspectives on, 385-386
Overextension, 257 positive track, 108 Positive reinforcement, 37-38 Psychosocial theories stronger, building, 417
Ovum, 84 Permissive parenting, 426 Post formal thought, 189 adulthood paths, 311-312 support from, 418
Oxygen uptake, 128 Personal distress, 456 Postnatal depression, 104-105 description, 3 Relativism, 190
Personal fable, 187-188 Postnatal environment, early adult intimacy, Relativistic thinking, 189
p Personality 108-109 312-313 Religion, 301
Pain, 156, 167-168 adolescents, 297-305 Poverty, 107, 277 early intimacy, 312-313 REM sleep, 121
Parent effects model, 429 adults, 305-316 Pragmatics, 255 life-span development, Reorganization, 496
Parenting aging and,317-318 Preferential looking, 145 311 Reproduction. See Sex
family aspects, 437 birth order and, 289 Pregnancy. See also Childbirth mid-life generativity, 313 Reproduction technologies, 85
gene-environment interac- changes, 308-311. emotions and, 99 old age integrity, 313-314 Re p r o d uc t i ve system,
tions, 430-431 children, 294-297 first trimester, 88-89 stages, 34-35 137-139
mastery motivation, continuity, 307-311 neural tube, 86-87 Puberty Research
268-269 definition, 287 nutrition and, 99-100 definition, 130 correlational method,
mind development, differences in, 72-73 second trimester, 89 eating disorders and, 474 15-17
355-356 dimensions, 288-289, 297 teenage, prevention, 50-51 education and, 276-277 data collection, 12
socioeconomic aspects, discontinuity, 307-311 teenage (Bandura), 40 family relations, 133 design, 17-20
427-428 establishment of, 34-35 teenage (Erikson), 35 psychology of, 133 ethics, 20-21
styles, 426-429 forming, 296-297 teenage (Freud), 33 stress and, 133 experimental methods,
Parents Freudian, 31 teenage (Gottlieb), 48 suicide and, 475 14-15
aging, 441-442 individual differences, teenage (Piaget), 43 Punishment measurements, 13
child attachments, 34-35 third trimester, 89-90 corporal, 38 observations, 12-13
403-405, 440-441 infants, 290-294 Preimplantation genetic diag- negative, 38 participants, 20-21
death of, 504 psychoanalytic theory, nosis, 67 and obedience orientation, regulations, 21
empty nest, 437-438 287-288 Premenstrual syndrome, 137 362 sample selection, 11-12
infant attachment, scale, 289 Prenatal development positive, 37-38 scientific method, 11
391-392, 394-395 social learning theory, conception, 84-85 reinforcement and, 37-38 theory of mind, 354
infants, family system, 289-290 embryonic period, 86 Pupil change, 161 Verbal reports, 12
425-426 temperament relationship, fetal period, 87-90 Reserve capacity, 136
influence, 410-411
new, 435-436
trait theory, 288-289
germinal period, 86
Prenatal environment
Quantitative changes, 29
Resilience, 108
Resistant attachment, 394
self-esteem and, 296 Phallic stage, 32 disease effects, 91, 96-97 Questions, 222-223 Response, 36
single, 424 Phenotype, 61 drugs, 92-96 Quintan, Karen Ann, 485-486 Retardation. See Mental
teens, attachment, 407 Phenylketonuria father's state, 100 Retardation
teens, conflict in, cause, 79 influence, 91 R Retina, 163
433-434 genetic counseling, 65 mother's state, 98-100 Race. See also specific groups Retirement, 317
teens' identity, 303 retardation and, 246 pollutants, 97-98 death, views of, 487-488 Retrieval memory, 210
Parkes/Bowlby attachment test for, 79 radiation, 97 IQ and, 244 Reversibility task, 179
model, 495-497 Phonics, 271 substance abuse and, sexual maturation, 131-132 Rhythmic stereotypes, 126
Participation, guided, 194 Phonology, 255 91-96 Radiation, 97 Risk(s)
Passive genes, 76 Physical activity, 128-129, 325 Preoperational stage, 43, Random assignment, 14 infants at, 1.06-108
Patterns Physical behavior 178-179, 182 Random sample, 11-12 neonatal, 106-108
discriminate, 147-148 adolescents, 134-135 Presbycusis, 165 Reaction time, 130 taking, 117
moderately complex, 147 adults, 139-140 Presbyopia, 162 Reading. See also Literacy Role confusion, 34, 300
perception, 147-148 children, 128-130 Primary mental abilities, 227 alphabetic principle, Role-taking skills, 357-358
Peers infants, 124-127 Primitive reflexes, 119-120 269-270 Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 2
acceptance, 405-406 Physical development, 2-3 Private speech, 195 education, 271-274 Rousseau, Jean Jacques, 29
definition, 387 Physical laws, 150-152 Problem solving emergent literacy, 270 Rubella, 96
friendship, 406 Physiological measurements, 13 ability advances, 174-175 inclusion and, 274 Rules, 367, 405
infants, 401-402 Piaget, Jean. See also Cognitive adolescents, 183-184 integration and, 274
networks, 403-405 development theories aging and, 222-223 learning, 269-272
pressure, 276 challenges to, 191-192 infants, 204-205 phonics approach, 271 Samples
teen, influence, 410-411 contributions, 191 information processing, skilled, 271 definition, 1 1
theories on, 387-388 moral development, 202 teaching, 271-272 random, 11-12
Pendulum task, 183 361-363 memory and, 21.1-212 unskilled, 271 selection, 11-12
Perception. See also Sensation preschool child, 181-182, Production deficiency, 297 Reagan, Ronald, 479 Santa Claus, 178
adolescent, 160 194-195 Progeria, 490 Reasoning, 370-371,376 Schema, 172-173
adult decline in, 160-168 principal ideas, 42-43 Progesterone, 113,137 Recall Schema theory, 337-338
assessing, 145-146 teen pregnancy, 43 Programmed theories of aging, infants, 204 Schizophrenia, 73-74
children, 159 theories, education and, 489-490 recognition vs., 218 Schools. See Education
cross-modal, 156-157 283 Prosocial behavior, 360, 366 verbal, 209-210 Scientific method, 11
cultural variation. Vygotsky vs., 196 Protection from harm, 21 Recal 1 me m o ry, 2 01 Scientific reasoning, 186
158-159 Pincer grasp, 126 Proximal development, 193 Reciprocal determinism, 40 Scripts, 210-211
decline, 145 Pituitary glands, 113 Proximodistal principles, Recognition, 201,218 Secular trends, 132-133
depth, 148-149 PKU. See Phenylketonuria 118-119,127 Reconstituted families, 448 Segregation, 328-329
detail, 146 Placenta, 86 Psychic energy, 30-31 Reflexes Selective attention, 159
development, influences, Placental barrier, 86 Psychoanalytic theory Babinski, 119, 121 Selective optimization, 316
157 Plaques, senile, 116-117 founders, 27 definition, 119 Self
hearing, 152-153 Plasticity Freudian, 31-33 infants, 119, 121 conception of, 307
hearing decline, 164-165 brain, 115 gender roles, 333 primitive, 119 emerging, 290-291
nature/nurture, 144-145 development, 9 moral development, survival, 119 ideal, 296, 305
object organization, evidence of, 519 360-361 Reinforcement looking-glass, 291
149-150 Play neo-Freudian, 34-35 babbling, 41 multiple, 298
pattern, 147-148 benefits, 405 personality development, definition, 37 sense of, adolescents,
research, education and, imaginative, 404 287-288, 290 differential, 333 297-298, 300
283 rule-governed, 405 Psychology types, 37-38 sense of, child, 294-295
spatial, 149 social aspects, 403-404 aging, 136-137 vicarious, 39 Self-esteem
speech, 152-153, 165-167 social pretend, 404 menopause, 137-138 Relationships. See also adolescent, 298, 300
vision, 146-152 types of, 403 puberty, 133 Attachment age and, 305-306
Perceptual salience, 179 PMS. See Premenstrual syn- Psychometric approach, 227 attachment theory, children, 295-296
Performance goals, 268 drome Psychopathology. See 386-387 definition, 287
Perinatal environment. See also Pollutants, 97-98 Developmental psy- changing, 439-442 gender differences,
Childbirth Polygenic inheritance, 62-63 chopathology early emotional, 389 325-326
cultural aspects, 101 Popularity, 405-406 Psychosexual development, emotional aspects, 412 high, goal of, 299
description, 101 Population, 11 31-32 peer, 387-388 influences, 296
multidimensional aspects. learning, improving, 220 perception decline, Temperament Vision
295 math, 278-279 165-167 aspects, 72-73 adult decline, 161-164
violence and, 449-450 motor, 124, 139 private, 195 dimensions of, 291-292 basic capacities, 146-147
Self-organizing process, 126 reading, 274-275 sounds, 152 infants, 156, 291-294 color, 146
Self-perceptions, 308-309 role-taking, 357-358 telegraphic, 258-259 personality relationship, depth perception,
Self-recognition, 290 science, 278-279 Sperm cells, 59 296-297 148-149
Semantics unexercised, 217 Sperm-egg penetration, slow-to-warm-up, 293 early experience, 157
definition, 255 Skinner, B. F. See also Operant 84-85 Temperature, sense of, 156, impairments, 161-163
errors, 257-258 conditioning Spina bifida, 86 167-168 infant, 146-147
infants, 256 strengths, 40-41 Stability, 336 Teratogens lens change, 161-163
Semenarche, 131 theories, 36-38 Stages definition, 91 object organization,
Senile plaques, 116-117 weaknesses, 40-41 assumptions, 49 diseases, 96-97 149-150
Sensation. See also Perception Sleep, 121-123 death, 492-493 drugs, 91-96 pattern perception,
adolescent, J 60 Slow-to-warm-up tempera- definition, 29 principles, 91-92 147-148
adult decline in, 160-168, ment, 293 Stagnation, 313 Terminal drop, 238 pupil change, 161
220-221 Smell, sense of, 153-156, Stanford-Binet test, 248 Termites, 248 retinal changes, 163
changes, aging, 220-221 167-168 Statistical deviance, 456 Testosterone, 331 Visual acuity, 146
children, 159 Social cognition. See Theory of Status Thalidomide, 92-93 Visual search, 163-164
cultural variation, 158-159 mind diffusion status, 300 Theories. See also Specific Vocabulary spurt, 257
decline, 145 Social cognitive theory foreclosure, 300-301 theories Vocations. See also Work
infant's role in, 158 classic experiment, 39 identity achievement, 301 applying, 51 adults, 315-317
infant's sense of, 121, 124, concepts, 39-40 moratorium, 301 definition, 11 gender and,315-317
145 definition, 39 socioeconomic {See development of, 49-50 identity, 304-305
integration, 156-157 differential reinforcement, Socioeconomic evaluation criteria, 27 Vygotsky, Lev. See also
nature/nurture, 144-145 333-335 status) evolution, 56-57 Sociocultural theories
pain,156,167-168 gender roles, 333-336 Stem cells, 88 exploration box, 52 evaluation of, 196
process, 144 language development, Stepping reflex, 120 function of, 50-51 Piaget vs., 196
research, education and, 260-261 Stereotypes intuitive, 151 preschool child, 194-195
283 moral development, aging, 136-137, 308-309 major viewpoints, 27-30 strengths, 47-48
smell, 153-156, 167-168 363-365 gender, 327-328 practice and, 50 theories, 44-45
taste, 153-156, 167-168 observational learning, gender norms and, 324 Theory of mind theories, education and,
temperature, 156, 167-168 333,335-336 threat, 245 adults, 358-359 283
touch, 156, 158 personality, 289-290 Sternberg's triarchic theory, autism, 461-462 weaknesses, 47-48
Sensorimotor stage, 42-43, Social information processing 230-231 children, 352-357
174-176 aggression and, 371-372, Stimulus definition, 352 w
Sensory register, 200-201 377 conditioned, 36 descriptive ability and, 357 Walking, 125
Sensory stimulation, 46-47 capacity, 208 pleasant, 38 development, 352-354 Watson, John B. See also
Sequential processing, 115 cognitive development unconditioned, 36 moral development, Classical conditioning
Seriation, 182 and,205-206 unpleasant, 38 367-368 strengths, 40-41
Sex. See also Gender complexity of, 202 Stranger anxiety, 393-394 nature/nurture and, theories, 36-38
determination, 60 description, 200 Stress 355-357 weaknesses, 40-41
knowledge of, 343 infants, 202-205 adolescent, 473 research on, 354 Weak central coherence hy-
linked inheritance, 62 • memory systems, bereavement, 506-507 role-taking skills, pothesis, 462-463
social labeling and, 200-201 pregnancy and, 99 357-358 Wechsler Adult Intelligence
332-333 problem solving, 202 puberty onset, 133 Thought. See Intelligence Scale, 237
Sexual abuse, 344 processing, 1.15 Structured observations, 13 Thyroid gland, 113 Wernicke's area, 261
Sexual differentiation, 87 skills, building, 377 Sudden infant death syn- Timed tasks, 217 Wisdom potential, 239-240
Sexuality Social interaction, 193-194 drome, 93 Tobacco, 93 Women. See also Gender role:
adolescent, 344-347 Socialization Suicides, 475-477, 486 Tools, 194-196 Mothers
adult, 347-349 comparison, 259 Sullivan, Harry Stack, 34 Touch, sense of, 156, 167-168 aging, 136-137
childhood, 342-344 deprivation, 400 Superego, 31, 360 Trait theory, 288-289 androgenized, 331
infant, 341-342 deviant, 460 Support, social, 418, 508-509 Transactional model, 429 depression, 475-476
life span, 341-344 gender-role, 134-135 Survival reflex, 119-120 Transformational grammar, 259 eating disorders, 474
morality and, 345-346 infants, 291-292 Swallowing reflex, 120 Transformational thought, 179 education, 335
Sexual maturation Social labeling Swimming reflex, 120 Transitivity, 182 gender norms, 324
early, 134 biology, 330 Symbols, 43, 177 Translation, 60-61 reproductive system,
late, 134 influences, 332-333 Synapse, 114 Triarchic theory, 230-231 137-139
physical aspects, 131-133 sex and, 332-333 Synchronized routines, 391 Trisomy 21. See Down syn- suicide, 475-476
process, 131 Social learning theory. See Syntax, 255 drome verbal ability, 324
psychological aspects, 133 Social cognitive theory Syphilis, 96-97 Trust/mistrust, 311 voices, 153
rate of, 131-132 Social networks Systematic attention, 159 Turner syndrome, 64 vulnerability, 325
Sexual orientation, 345 adolescents, 408-409 Systemize, 324 Twins Work. See also Vocations
Shame, 312 adult, 411,413 fraternal, 60 career establishment,
Short-term memory, 200-201, children, 403-405 T genetic studies, 69 315-316
206 Social norms, 458 'labula rasa, 144 identical, 59-60 older workers, 316-317
Sibling relationships
Social order, 362 Tasks retirement, 317
ambivalence, 432 Social pretend play, 404 artificial, 217 school integrating,
changes, 439-440 Social-role hypothesis, false belief, 353 Ultrasound, 66 279-280
complexity, 430-431 325-326 formal-operational, Unconditioned response, 36 success, IQ and, 236
development role. Social support, 385 186-188 Unconditioned stimulus, 36 Working memory, 200, 219
432-433 Sociocultural theories, 44—45, memory, 218 Underextension, 257
genetic factors, 59-60 192-193 pendulum, 1.83 Unfamiliar content, 217 Y
new baby, 431-432 Socioeconomic status reversibility, 179 Yearning, 495
Sickle-cell disease V
health, 236-237 timed, 217
characterization, 63, 65 IQ and, 243-244 Taste Vacuum extraction, 102
diagnostic tests, 66 parenting and, 427-428 buds, 153-154 Variables, 14 Zone of proximal develop-
risks, 66-67 retardation and, 246-247 decline, age-associated, Variation, 56 ment, 193
Simultaneous processing, 115 Somatic symptoms, 465 167-168 Vascular dementia, 481 Zygotes
Single-celled zygote, 58 Spanking, 38 facial expression, 154 Verbal ability, 324 description, 57
Size constancy, 148-149 Spatial intelligence, 228, 324 infants, 153-156 Verbal recall, 209-210 development, 85-86
Skills Spatial perception, 149 Tay-Sachs disease, 65 Verbal reports, 12 sex determination and, 6i
fine motor, 124 Speech. See also Language Teenagers. See Adolescents Viability, 89 single-celled, 58
gross motor, 124 child-directed, 262 Telegraphic speech, 258-259 Vicarious reinforcement, 39 X, 60
information processing, perception, infants, Television, 12-17 Villi, 86
377 152-153 Telomeres, 490 Violence. See Family violence
Nature—Nurture Til erne I nd
Chapter I Chapter 5
Gender differences in physically aggressive behavior (5) Genetic and environmental factors influencing height (112)
Development of the brain and its plasticity in response to ex-
perience (115)
Lateralization of the brain and handedness (116)
Chapter 2 Age differences in physical and sexual maturation (131)
Biological versus social influences on women's perceptions of
Gottlieb and the evolutionary-epigenetic systems theory o f their menstrual cycles (137)
development (45)
Chapter 6
Chapter 3
Views on perception (144)
Evolution and the color of KettlewelPs moths in England The role of early sensory experience in perceptual develop
(57) ment (157)
Buss and Plomin s study of personality (70) Cultural variation in perceptual competencies (158)
Changes across the lifespan in genetic and environmental in-
fluences (72)
Genetic and environmental influences on schizophrenia (73)
Caspi's molecular genetics study of depression in New Chapter 7
Zealand (76)
Maturation and experience in the cognitive development of
children (173)
Culture and thought (192)
Chapter 4
Ckapter 12 Cliapter 1 6
Life-Span a ^phi »
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