Obtl Foundation of Social Studies
Obtl Foundation of Social Studies
Obtl Foundation of Social Studies
College of Education
A premier educational institution of higher learning, developing globally-competitive and value-laden professionals and leaders instrumental to G - God- centeredness
community development and nation building. E - Excellence
N - Nationalism
MISSION E - Environment Friendliness
As an institution of higher learning, PnC is committed to equip individuals with knowledge, skills and values that will enable them to achieve R - Responsibility
their professional goals and provide leadership and service for national development. O - Orderliness
U - Unity
PnC Graduate Attributes S - Service to Others
1. Professional Competence
2. Communication Skills
3. Analytical and Problem-Solving Skills
4. Lifelong Learning Skills
5. Interpersonal Skills
6. Productivity
7. Social and Ethical Responsibility
1 Utilize appropriate various sociocultural and historical materials in explaining current issues
2. Organize communities towards self – reliance and self – sufficiency.
3. Demonstrate leadership skills that will help in teaching or training students who will empower their communities
4. Integrate local and global perspective in teaching the principle of the common good.
5. Employ principles of sustainable development in teaching and learning.
6. Show scholarship in research and further learning
7. Display the qualities of an innovative teacher who has a mastery of the subject matter.
1. Course Title Foundation of Social Studies 3. Course Code SSM 101
2. Credit units/Hours
3 units / hours per week here. 4. Course Prerequisite Pre-requisite course code here
per week
The course intends to expose students to the basic terms and concepts in social studies education. Students will get a better understanding of the
thematic areas in social studies and their relationships in social studies. The course also intends to enhance students’ appreciation of social studies
5. Course Description as an integrated discipline taking its roots from the traditional disciplines of the social sciences, arts, psychology among others. Students will have an
appreciable knowledge of the different views on the meaning of social studies as against social sciences. The course will also lead students to
explore the scope and importance of social studies in the life of an individual, the community, the nation and the international community at large.
6. Course Intended At the end of this course, the students should be able to:
Learning Outcomes 1. Analyze on how societies arise from the interaction between social institutions and human behaviour.
(CILO) 2. Demonstrate how diverse opinions and values affect everyday life in a multicultural society; and show respect and solidarity towards the full
spectrum of society
3. Apply their knowledge to real life situations; interpret data, both textual and graphical; and present a logical argument with the use of appropriate
4. Demonstrate awareness of issues relating to gender inequality, and political, religious, and racial discrimination.
Wee Topics Course Intended Learning Learning Activities (TLA) Assessment Tasks
k Outcomes (ILO) (AT) Tools
1 Discussion of PnC Mission Vision CILO 1 CILO 3 Mini-Lecture: Why rules are important to Oral and written
Program Outcomes, Course Outcomes social beings
Course Orientation and Policies Student Activity: Class discussion: What
rules do you find constricting?
2 The Individual and Society The individual as a social being: CILO 2 CILO 3 • Brainstorming Portfolio and Essay
The person as a unique individual and the understanding of ‘self’. • Classroom Discussion
The person as a social being, as a member of a community and civil society • Lecture
16 Health: CILO 1 CILO 2 CILO 3 Chalk- Board Activity Oral and written work
Definition of health. Multimedia Presentation
A holistic concept of health as referred to in the WHO definition.
The four determinants of health according to the WHO (the social and
economic environment, the physical environment, lifestyle, and individual’s
characteristics and behaviours
8. Textbook
• K to 12 program (DepEd)
• https://www. Social Studies Education
• Baldacchino, G. (1999). Ninvestigaw is-socjeta’ Malta: PEG.
Moore, S. (2001).Sociology alive (3rd edition). Gloucestershire: Nelson Thornes.