Alm HM Warmfast System Installation Manual by Bjarnes

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Sheet metal as cladding material on roofs and walls has a long tradition all over the world
The material gives opportunities for almost all types of designs. In principle sheet metal
can be used on all types of buildings. In order to get a good result, the fastening technique
is one of the most important questions. A number of functions shall be fulfilled.

Structural performance
The strength values given in the technical information is only valid for products from
Bjarnes system. The characteristic values are defined as the lower 5% fractile with a
75% confidence level. To obtain a design value the characteristic value is reduced by
using predefined safety factors. The safety factors varies depending on the method of
calculation, material, fastening and substrate.

The safety factors are determined according to valid EUROCODE standard.

The information in this manual is intended for general guidance only and is given with-
out engagement. Information and advice on specific applications is given at request.
For this, we require a precise description of the actual application.

All information in this manul concerning installation of our products must be adapted
to suit local conditions and actual materials in use. If no performance specifications is
given, contact Bjarnes System for advice.

We cannot be responsible for wrong perfomance and we reserve the right to make
technical and range modifications without notice. No liability is accepted for printing
errors and omissions.

2012 Bjarnes System AB

Text: Constructech Sweden AB

Second edition—April 2012

Production: Furillo Digital Agency AB

All rights reserved

No part of this publication may be reproduced without a
written permission from Bjarnes System AB.

Bjarnes System AB
Box 2012
SE-151 02 Södertälje
Telephone: +46 (0)8 550 60660
E-mail: [email protected]

2 Bjarnes System AB
Clip manual 2012
Table of content

1. Fastening of standing seam roof systems – Load on clip 4

Clip fastening....................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Thermal movements......................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Wind load.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
Loads in the roof pitch direction.................................................................................................................................................. 10
Durability............................................................................................................................................................................................... 13

2. Installation directly to substrate – Clip and fastener overview 14

Fixed clips – stainless steel............................................................................................................................................................. 15

Fixed clip – cupper............................................................................................................................................................................. 15
Sliding clips – stainless steel......................................................................................................................................................... 16
Fixed clips – galvanized................................................................................................................................................................... 18
Sliding clips – galvanized................................................................................................................................................................ 18
Magazinised clips - CLIPDRIVER.................................................................................................................................................. 19
Fasteners - Substrate wood................................................................................................................................................... 20
Fasteners - Substrate light weight concrete................................................................................................................. 20
Fasteners - Substrate concrete............................................................................................................................................ 21
Fasteners - Substrate steel sheets........................................................................................................................................ 21
Fasteners - CLIPDRIVER............................................................................................................................................................... 21

3. Installation – insulated roofs – Overview Krabban clip system 22

Telescopic sleeves............................................................................................................................................................................. 23
Fixed clips – stainless steel............................................................................................................................................................ 23
Sliding clips – stainless steel. ....................................................................................................................................................... 24
Fixed clips galvanized....................................................................................................................................................................... 25
Sliding clips galvanized................................................................................................................................................................... 25
Fasteners - Substrate steel and wood.............................................................................................................................. 26
Fasteners - Substrate concrete........................................................................................................................................... 26
Fasteners - Substrate light weight concrete................................................................................................................. 26
Fasteners - Substrate wood.................................................................................................................................................... 26

4. Technical information – Clips for installation direct to substrate 27

Fixed clips – stainless steel............................................................................................................................................................ 27

Fixed clip – cupper............................................................................................................................................................................ 32
Sliding clip – stainless steel........................................................................................................................................................... 33
Fixed clips – galvanized................................................................................................................................................................... 47
Sliding clips – galvanized................................................................................................................................................................ 50
Magazinised clips - CLIPDRIVER................................................................................................................................................. 55

5. Technical information – Clips for insulated roofs – Krabban system 61

Fixed clips – stainless steel............................................................................................................................................................ 61

Sliding clip – stainless steel........................................................................................................................................................... 64
Fixed clips – galvanized................................................................................................................................................................... 71
Sliding clips – galvanized................................................................................................................................................................ 73

6. Technical information – Fasteners .............................................................................................................. 75

7. Calculation example ................................................................................................................................................. 87

Bjarnes System AB 3
Clip manual 2012
Clip fastening

Standing seam metal roofs are fixed to different kinds of substrates by using clips. Apart from the
wind and snow influence the clips should also be designed to take care of thermal movements in
the sheet metal. Resistance to corrosion is adapted to the current environment based on diffe-
rent corrosion classes. Refer to the chapter of durability.

Fixed clip Sliding clip

Clip types for installation directly to the substrate.

Fixed clip Sliding clip

Clip types for insulated roofs in combination with telescopic sleeves.

System krabban
Snow and point loads can cause compression of the insulation. To
avoid that the fastener damages the sheet metal, the telescopic
Telescopic sleeve
effect is adjusted to the current compression. The telescopic effect
shall be 10% of the insulation thickness but always at least 20mm.

The thermal conductivity is less in plastic sleeves than in metal.

The thermal bridges are consequently considerably reduced com-
pared with traditional metallic clips through the insulation.

4 Bjarnes System AB
Clip manual 2012
Thermal movements

All metals expand or contract when temperature is changing. In order to avoid damage in
cladding and substrate it is very important to consider the movements that will occur due to
variation in temperature.

Within the temperature interval -20 – -30°C to +70 – 80°C, it is reasonable to assume that steel
has an approximate movement of 1mm/meter and cupper, aluminum and titanzink about
2mm/meter. The movement is presumed to start from a fixed zone (MC), figure 1.

Within the fixed zone, fixed clips that does not allow any movements of the strips in the long-
itudinal direction are used. Fixing in other areas shall be done with sliding clips that allow
movements in the strips in both directions.
All detail solutions connected to eave, ridge, ventilators etc has to be performed in a way that
allows necessary movements in the sheet strips can be allowed.

Figure 1. The thermal movement is assumed to start from a fixed zone (MC).

Bjarnes System AB 5
Clip manual 2012
Material Coefficient of thermal expansion °C-1

Steel sheet 12•10-6

Aluminum (Al) 23•10-6
Stainless (SS) 17•10-6
Cupper (Cu) 17•10-6
Titanzink (Zn) 22•10-6

Coefficient of thermal expansion

Summer - Max temperature +75°C Winter - Min temperature -35°C

Installation Steel Al SS Cu Zn Steel Al SS Cu Zn

temperature 15m 10m 10m 10m 8m 15m 10m 10m 10m 8m
-10°C +15mm +20mm +15mm +15mm +15mm -5mm -6mm -5mm -5mm -5mm
0°C +14mm +17mm +13mm +13mm +13mm -6mm -8mm -6mm -6mm -6mm
+10°C +12mm +15mm +11mm +11mm +12mm -8mm -10mm -8mm -8mm -8mm
+20°C +10mm +13mm +9mm +9mm +10mm -10mm -13mm -9mm -9mm -10mm
+30°C +8mm +10mm +8mm +8mm +8mm -12mm -15mm -11mm -11mm -12mm

Maximum movement in standing seam strips starting from the fixed zone (RC). Length of the
strips are based on industrial praxis.

Example 1
Standing seam roof, steel on wood substrate. Roof slope 1:10. Fixed zone in the middle of the
roof (according to figure).

entre (MC)
Movement c
15.0 m
etal sheet length
Maximum m
15.0 m
etal sheet length
Maximum m

Roof pitch .0 m
maximum 3
Fixed zone
1:10 (5,7 )

Maximum strip length with starting point from the centre of the fixed zone will be 15m. If
installation temperature 10°C is assumed, the strip will be approximately 12mm longer during
summer and contract 8mm in winter time with above given conditions.

6 Bjarnes System AB
Clip manual 2012
Exemple 2
Standing seam roof, aluminum on wood substrate. Roof slope 1:2. Fixed zone in this case at the
ridge of the roof (according to figure).

e (M
ce ntr
ve me

et len .0 m
she um
tal m
e axi
mm m
u one
Ma edz

Roof pitch
1:2 (26,6 )

Maximal strip length with starting point at the centre of the fixed zone will be 11,5m. If installa-
tion temperature +30°C is assumed, the strip will be approximately 10mm longer during sum-
mer and contract about 15mm in winter time.

Fixed clips that doesn´t allow movement along the seam can only be used in the fixed
zone with a maxiumum length of 3 m. The fixed zone can be placed anywhere on the roof,
suitable placing could be in connection to obstacles.

Sliding clips with a movement capacity adjusted to actual change of sheet length are to
be used on all other surfaces. Connecting details shall be performed in a way that allows
movements in the sheet strips.

Sliding clips movement capacity is shown in the technical specifications.

Bjarnes System AB 7
Clip manual 2012

The roof cladding and the fixing to the substrate is mainly affected by suction forces caused by
the wind. The design wind load is based on a number of different factors, such as:

• Geographical location
• Height, length and width of the building
• Terrain category
• Roof pitch

Roof areas in connection to eave, ridge and gables has considerably higher wind suction load
than the inner areas, examples figure 2.

Respectively national code shows how to calculate the design wind load. A common code for the
European countries, the Eurocode 1 (EN 1191 1-4) is valid in most European countries.

Figure 2. Examples on how different roof areas are influenced by the wind suction.

8 Bjarnes System AB
Clip manual 2012
Based on the design wind load in respectively zone, the pull out force Fcl on the clip can
be calculated.

Fcl = qd•cclip•cseam
qd = design wind load
cclip = distance between clips
cseam = distance between seams

cseam = 600mm
cclip = 450mm
qd = 1,5 kN/m2
Fcl = 1,5•0,6•0,45=0,40kN/clip

Distance between clips

Clips fixed directly to the substrate is usually installed with a distance of 450-600mm.
Maximum distance is normally 600mm. Determining factor regarding the total
strength of the fixing is either the substrate or the clip itself. The design load for the
weakest part is used for the wind load calculation. In corner and perimeter areas where
the wind load is higher, the centre distance between the clips might be reduced. A fix-
ing plan based on the wind load calculation should always be performed for each roof
in order to obtain an optimal result. Fatigue risk in the sheet material can also result
in reduced strip widths which also influences the load on the clip. Estimation of strip
width is done by respectively sheet producer based on actual wind load.

Fixing of clips on insualted roofs with substrate of profile sheets, so called deck profiles,
is normally done in the profile tops. Depending on producer, the distance has a varia-
tion between 200-300mm. In cases where the seam is parallel with the deck profiles,
fixing in the bottom of the profile can be done.

Strength clips and fixings to substrate according to technical information.

Bjarnes System AB 9
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Loads in roof pitch direction

Snow load on a pitched roof in combination with the dead weight of the cladding, insulation
and roof safety equipment causes a load component parallel with the roof pitch. In order to pre-
vent sliding of the roof cladding these loads can be taken care of by the clips. (NOTE! Fixed clips)

Ph =Forces parallel the roof surface

q s =Snow load and material dead weight
L =Length roof pitch
Ph =Cseam•L•qs•cosαsinα(kN)

Figure 3. Snow load on roofs. Cseam= distance between seams

10 Bjarnes System AB
Clip manual 2012
Pitch α cosαsinα

1:16 3,6° 0,0625

1:10 5,7° 0,0988
1:4 14° 0,2346
1:2 26° 0,3939
1:1 45° 0,4998

Factor cosαsinα at different roof pitches.

Roof pitch α = 1:10(5,7°)
Snow load and dead weigth qs = 1,5kN/m2
Seam distance Cseam = 600mm(0,6m)
Lenght roof pitch L = 12,0m
Ph=0,6•12,0•1,5•0,0988 = 1,06kN

The resulting force is calculated for each seam and the total length of the roof. This force is
transferred by the fixed clips to the substrate, according to figure 4 and 5.

Figure 4. Force transferring through the fixed clip down to the substrate. Static values according
to technical information.

Bjarnes System AB 11
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Force transferring through fixed clips for insulated roof systems. Krabban system with telescope
sleeves, according to figure 5.

Figure 5. Krabban system with telescopic sleeves. Force transferring via fixed clips for insulated
roof systems. The force is tranferred through the “spikes” in the Krabban clip to the mineral wool
board or the cellular plastic insulation. The insulation must be stabilized to avoid sliding in the
roof pitch direction. Static values according to technical information.

12 Bjarnes System AB
Clip manual 2012

A roof is during it´s lifetime subjected to a wide range of different atmospheric conditions.
In addition to wind, snow and thermal movements corrosion resistance might be a weak link.

Even in environments with moderate outdoor influence, the fastener can be exposed to moist
inside the construction such as condensation water and leakages. Internal air over pressure in
combination with high air humidity can also cause damages that are hard to detect.

Choice of clip and fastening to different substrate is adapted to the corrosion class according
to table.

Examples of typical environments

Corrosion Corrosion in
class environment Outdoors Indoors

C1 Very small - Heated buildings with clean

atmosphere e.g. offices, shops,
schools, hotels.
C2 Small Atmospheres with low level of Unheated buildings where con-
pollution. Mostly rural areas. densation may occur, e.g. depots,
sports halls.
C3 Moderate Urban and industrial atmos- Production rooms with high hu-
pheres, moderate sulfur dioxide midity and some air pollution, e.g.
pollution. Coastal areas with food-processing plants, laundries,
low salinity. breweries, dairies.
C4 Large Industrial areas and coastal Chemical plants, swimming pools,
areas with moderate salinity. coastal ships- and boatyards.
C5 Very large Industrial areas with high Buildings or areas with almost
(industrial) humidity and aggressive permanent condensation and
atmosphere. with high pollution.
C5-M Very large Coastal and offshore areas with Buildings or areas with almost
(Marine) high salinity. permanent condensation and
with high pollution.

Bjarnes System AB 13
Clip manual 2012
Installation directly to substrate

Clip overview

Clip type Material Reference

Fixed clips Stainless steel page 15

Sliding clips Stainless steel page 16
Fixed clips Galvanized page 18
Sliding clips Galvanized page 18
Fixed clips Cupper page 15
Fastener - page 19-20

14 Bjarnes System AB
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Fixed clips stainless

Clip type Item Height h (mm) Remark Technical info

F02 26 One hole for fixing F02-F0230:1

F0230 32 F02-F0230:1

F022 26 Two holes for fixing F022-F02250:1

F02230 32 F022-F02250:1
F02238 40 F022-F02250:1
F02250 52 F022-F02250:1

F02S 26 One integrated screw for F02S-F0230S:1

fixing in wood substrate
F0230S 32 F02S-F0230S:1

F022S 26 Two integrated screws for F022S-F02250S:1

fixing in wood substrate
F02230S 32 F022S-F02250S:1
F02238S 40 F022S-F02250S:1
F02250S 52 F022S-F02250S:1

F02E 27 Three holes for fixing F02E:1


Technical information page 27-31.

Fixed clip Cupper

Clip type Item Height h (mm) Remark Technical info

F03 27 Two holes for fixing F03:1

Technical information page 32.

Bjarnes System AB 15
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Sliding clips stainless

Clip type Item Height h (mm) Remark Technical info

G02 27 Two holes for fixing. G02:1

Also used for seam welded
stainless steel roofs with
angle seam.

G0230 32 Two holes for fixing. G0230-G0250:1

G0238 40 G0230-G0250:1
G0250 52 G0230-G0250:1

G02S 27 Two integrated screws for G02S:1

fixing in wood substrate.
Also used for seam welded
stainless steel roofs with
angle seam.

G0230S 32 Two integrated screws for G0230S-G0250S:1

fixing in wood substrate.
G0238S 40 G0230S-G0250S:1
G0250S 52 G0230S-G0250S:1

G02V 30 Two holes for fixing. G02V:1

Designed for seam welded
stainless steel roofs.

G02VS 30 Two integrated screws for G02VS:1

fixing in wood substrate.
Designed for seam welded
stainless steel roofs.

G02E 26 Two holes for fixing G02E:1

Also used for seam welded
stainless steel roofs with
angle seam.

G02SE 26 Two integrated screws for G02SE:1

fixing in wood substrate
Also used for seam welded
stainless steel roofs with
angle seam.

Technical information page 33-40.

16 Bjarnes System AB
Clip manual 2012
Clip type Item Height h (mm) Remark Technical info

G021 27 Three holes for fixing. G021:1

G021S 27 One screw for fixing. G021S:1

G02130 32 Three holes for fixing. G02130:1

G02138 40
G02150 52

G02130S 32 One screw for fixing. G02130S:1

G02138S 40
G02150S 52

G021V 30 Three holes for fixing. G021V:1

Designed for welded long
strip roofing.

G021VS 30 One screw for fixing. G021VS:1

Designed for welded long
strip roofing.

Technical information page 41-46.

Most of the clips can be supplied

with a counter sunk hole to be used
with light weight concrete screws.
Item FÖR.

Bjarnes System AB 17
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Fixed clips galvanized

Clip type Item Height h (mm) Remark Technical info

F01 26 One hole for fixing. F01:1

F01S 26 One integrated screw for F01S:1

fixing in wood substrate.

F01F 26 One counter-sunk hole F01F:1

for fixing. Hole adjusted
for light weight concrete
screw LBS.

Technical information page 47-49.

Sliding clips galvanized

Clip type Item Height h (mm) Remark Technical info

G01 26 Three holes for fixing. G01:1

Middle hole counter-sunk
for screw KLRT.

G01S 26 One integrated screw for G01S:1

fixing in wood substrate.

G01S90 26 One integrated screw for G01S90:1

fixing in wood substrate

G01F 26 Three holes for fixing G01F:1

Middle hole adjusted for
leight weight concrete
screw LBS.

G01P 26 Three holes for fixing G01P:1

Adjusted for flat

Technical information page 50-54 .

18 Bjarnes System AB
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Clip type Item Height h (mm) Remark Technical info

SR25C 25 Magazinised stainless clip SR25C-SR38C:1

for “snap falz”.
SR38C 38 SR25C-SR38C:1

SG25C 25 Magazinised galvanized SG25C-SG38C:1

clip for “snap falz”.
SG38C 38 SG25C-SG38C:1

G021C 27 Magazinised stainless clip. G021C:1

G02130C 32 G02130C-G02138C:1

G02138C 40 G02130C-G02138C:1

G021VC 30 Magazinised stainless clip G021VC:1

for welding.

G01C 26 Magazinised galvanized G01C:1


Technical information page 55-60.

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FASTENERS - Wood substrate

Designation Item Material Remark Technical info

Clip screw 4.5x26 KLRT Stainless Drive T20 KLRT:1

Clip screw 4.5x35 KLRT35 Stainless Drive T20 KLRT:1

Clip screw 4.5x20 KLRT20C Stainless Drive T20 KLRTC:1

Cutter point

Clip screw 4.5x26 KLRT26C Stainless Drive T20 KLRTC:1

Cutter point

Technical information page 75-76 .

FASTENERS - Light weight concrete Substrate

Designation Item Material Remark Technical info

LWC screw 8.0xL LBS80 Surface Drive T25 LBS:1

LBS130 treated carbon Predrilling not necessary

LWC screw 8.0xL LBSR80 Stainless Drive T25 LBSR:1


Technical information page 83-84.

20 Bjarnes System AB
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FASTENERS - Concrete substrate

Designation Item Material Remark Technical info

Concrete screw 6.1xL BSC28 Surface Drive T25 BSC:1

treated Predrilling of concrete
carbon steel

Technical information page 82.

FASTENERS - Steel substrate

Designation Item Material Remark Technical info

”Stavex” blind rivet 3.2x12.5 BS11 Stainless steel Predrilling ø3.3-3.4mm BS11:1

Technical information page 79.


Designation Item Material Remark Technical info

Clip screw 4.5x25 KLGP25 Surface Drive PH2 KLGP25:1

carbon steel

Clip screw 4.5x25 KLRP25 Stainless Drive PH2 KLRP25:1

Technical information page 80-81.

Bjarnes System AB 21
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Installation – insulated roofs

Overview Krabban clip system

Clip type Clip Telescopic sleeve* Reference

Fixed clip – telescopic sleeve Stainless Polypropylene page 23

Sliding clip - telescopic sleeve Stainless Polypropylene page 24

Fixed clip – telescopic sleeve Galvanized Polypropylene page 25

Sliding clip - telescopic sleeve Galvanized Polypropylene page 25

Fasteners - - page 26

*For insulation thicknesses 20-30mm, counter sunk steel washers are used.

The Krabban system contains of specially designed clips combined with polypropylene tele-
scopic sleeves. Can be used for insulation thicknesses up to 970mm depending on type of sub-
strate. The telescope effect allow compression of the insulation without risking damage of the
substrate. The insulation can be installed with overlapping joints since the installation is inde-
pendent of the joints position in relation to the seam. Overlapping joints prevents air leakage.

22 Bjarnes System AB
Clip manual 2012
Telescopic sleeve polypropylene

Telescope type Item Length l (mm) Remark Technical info

H30-H705 30-705 Sleeve for insulation H30-H705:1

thicknesses according to
combination tables in
Bjarnes Systems
product catalogue.
H06-H09 - Washer for insulation
thicknesses according to
combination tables in
Bjarnes Systems
product catalogue.

Technical information page 86.

Fixed clip stainless steel

Clip type Item Height h (mm) Remark Technical info

KRF 25 Designed for telescopic KRF:1


KRFP 25 Designed for telescopic KRFP:1

sleeve, lower part plane.

KR25 25 Designed for KR25-KR38:1

telescopic sleeve.
KR38 38 Used for “snap falz”

Technical information page 61-63.

Bjarnes System AB 23
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Sliding clip Stainless steel

Clip type Item Height h (mm) Remark Technical info

KR 25 Designed for telescopic KR:1

KR38H 38 Seam welded stainless KR38H-KR50H:1
KR50H 50 steel roofs. KR38H-KR50H:1

KRS 30 Designed for telescopic KRS:1

Seam welded stainless
steel roofs.

KRP 25 Designed for telescopic KRP:1

sleeve smooth subsurface.
Lower part plane.

KRSP 30 Designed for telescopic KRSP:1

sleeve. Lower part plane.
Seam welded stainless
steel roofs.

KRE 25 Designed for telescopic KRE:1

sleeve, extrem

KRPE 25 Designed for telescopic KRPE:1

sleeve Extreme.
Lower part plane.

Technical information page 64-70.

Telescopic sleeves and metal plates page 86.

24 Bjarnes System AB
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Fixed clip galvanized

Clip type Item Height h (mm) Remark Technical info

KGF 25 Designed for KGF:1

telescopic sleeve

KG25 25 Designed for KG25-KG38:1

telescopic sleeve.
KG38 38 Used for “snap falz”

Technical information page 71-72.

Sliding clip galvanized

Clip type Item Height h (mm) Remark Technical info

KG 25 Designed for telescopic KG:1


KGP 25 Designed for KGP:1

telescopic sleeve.
Lower part plane.

Technical information page 73-74.

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FASTENERS - STEEL And wood substrate

Overview fasteners Krabban clip system

Designation Item Material Remark Technical info

Roof screw with drill point 4.8xL LS50-LS300 Surface Drive T25 LS:1
treated car- Drill capacity in steel
bon steel 0.7-2x1.25mm

Roof screw with drill point 4.8xL RS60-RS100 Stainless Drive T25 RS:1
Drill capacity in steel

Technical information page 77-78.

FASTENERS - Concrete substrate

Designation Item Material Remark Technical info

Concrete screw 6.1xL BSC28- Surface Drive T25 BSC:1

BCS280 treated Predrilling of concrete
carbon steel

Technical information page 82.


Designation Item Material Remark Technical info

LWC screw 8.0xL LBS80- Surface Drive T25 LBS:1

LBS130 treated carbon No predrilling

Technical information page 83.


Designation Item Material Remark Technical info

Wood screw 5.0xL LST40-LST90 Surface Drive T25 LST:1

treated To be used with
carbon steel telescopic sleeve

Technical information page 85.

26 Bjarnes System AB
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Clips for installation directly to substrate Sid.27-60

Technical information
Item: F02,F0230
Description: Fixed stainless clip with one hole, height 26, 30
Material: Stainless austenitic steel

Material description
Quality Thickness

EN 1.4301 0.4mm

n Fixing to substrate
One hole ø 4,0mm

n Thermal movement
Fixed clip

Centric load Shear load-roof slope

Ultimate tensile strength 1840N -

Characteristic tensile strength 1400N -

Clip strength valid in combination with one screw type KLRT.

Assumes that the fixing in the actual substrate is stronger than the clip.

Date Clip – drawing number Revise Date

2010-10-12 F02-F0230:1 - -

Bjarnes System AB 27
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Technical information
Item: F022, F02230, F02238, F02250
Description: Fixed stainless clip with two holes, height 26, 30, 38, 50
Material: Stainless austenitic steel

Material description
Quality Thickness

EN 1.4301 0.4mm

n Fixing to substrate
Two holes ø 4,0mm

n Thermal movement
Fixed clip

Centric load Shear load-roof slope

Ultimate tensile strength 2655N -

Characteristic tensile strength 2347N -

Clip strength valid in combination with two screw type KLRT.

Assumes that the fixing in the actual substrate is stronger than the clip.

Date Clip – drawing number Revise Date

2010-11-09 F022-F02250:1 - -

28 Bjarnes System AB
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Technical information
Item: FO2S, FO23OS
Description: Fixed stainless clip with one screw, height 26, 30
Material: Stainless austenitic steel

Material description
Quality Thickness

EN 1.4301 0.4mm

Demension Quality Drive

4.5x26 EN 1.4301 Torx T20

n Fixing to substrate
One screw, KLRT, integrated in clip
for fixing in wood substrate.

n Thermal movement
Fixed clip

Centric load Shear load-roof slope

Ultimate tensile strength 1470N -

Characteristic tensile strength 785N -

Clip strength valid with one integrated screw type KLRT.

Assumes that the fixing in the actual substrate is stronger than the clip.

Date Clip – drawing number Revise Date

2010-10-12 F02S-F0230S:1 - -

Bjarnes System AB 29
Clip manual 2012
Technical information
Item: F022S, F02230S, F02238S, F02250S
Description: Fixed stainless clip with two screws, height 26, 30, 38, 50
Material: Stainless austenitic steel

Material description
Quality Thickness

EN 1.4301 0.4mm

Demension Quality Drive

4.5x26 EN 1.4301 Torx T20

n Fixing to substrate
Two screws, KLRT, integrated in the
clip for fixing in wood.

n Thermal movement
Fixed clip

Centric load Shear load-roof slope

Ultimate tensile strength 2260N -

Characteristic tensile strength 1700N -

Clip strength valid in combination with two integrated screws type KLRT.
Assumes that the fixing in the actual substrate is stronger than the clip.

Date Clip – drawing number Revise Date

2010-11-09 F022S-F02250S:1 - -

30 Bjarnes System AB
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Technical information
Item: F02E
Description: Fixed stainless clip with three holes, “Extrem”
Material: Stainless austenitic steel

Material description
Quality Thickness

EN 1.4310 0.15mm

n Fixing to substrate
Three holes ø 4,0mm

n Thermal movement
Fixed clip

Centric load Shear load-roof slope

Ultimate tensile strength 1380N 2600N

Characteristic tensile strength 1150N 2230N

Clip strength valid in combination with three screws type KLRT.

Assumes that the fixing in the actual substrate is stronger than the clip.

Date Clip – drawing number Revise Date

2010-11-09 F02E:1 - -

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Technical information
Item: F03
Description: Fixed cupper clip with two holes
Material: Cupper

Material description
Quality Thickness

EN-CU-DHP 0.8mm

n Fixing to substrate
Two holes ø 3.0mm

n Thermal movement
Fixed clip

Centric load Shear load-roof slope

Ultimate tensile strength 1640N -

Characteristic tensile strength 800N -

Clip strength valid in combination with two screw type KLRT.

Assumes that the fixing in the actual substrate is stronger than the clip.

Date Clip – drawing number Revise Date

2010-11-09 F03:1 - -

32 Bjarnes System AB
Clip manual 2012
Technical information
Item: G02
Description: Stainless sliding clip
Material: Stainless austenitic steel

Material description
Part Quality Thickness

Upper part EN 1.4310 0,15mm

Lower part EN 1.4301 0,6mm

n Fixing to substrate
Two counter-sunk hole ø 5,0mm
adjusted to screw type KLRT

n Thermal movement

Centric load

Ultimate tensile strength 1080N

Characteristic tensile strength 916N

Clip strength valid in combination with tow screws type KLRT.

Assumes that the fixing in the actual substrate is stronger than the clip.

Date Clip – drawing number Revise Date

2010-10-12 G02:1 - -

Bjarnes System AB 33
Clip manual 2012
Technical information
Item: G0230, G0238, G0250
Description: Stainless sliding clip, height 30, 38, 50
Material: Stainless austenitic steel

Material description
Part Quality Thickness

Upper part EN 1.4301 0,4mm

Lower part EN 1.4301 0,6mm

n Fixing to substrate
Two counter-sunk hole ø 5,0mm
adjusted to screw type KLRT

n Thermal movement

Centric load

Ultimate tensile strength 1080N

Characteristic tensile strength 916N

Clip strength valid in combination with tow screws type KLRT.

Assumes that the fixing in the actual substrate is stronger than the clip.

Date Clip – drawing number Revise Date

2010-10-12 G0230-G0250:1 - -

34 Bjarnes System AB
Clip manual 2012
Technical information
Item: G02S
Description: Stainless sliding clip with two screws
Material: Stainless austenitic steel

Material description
Part Quality Thickness

Upper part EN 1.4310 0,15mm

Lower part EN 1.4301 0,6mm

Demension Quality Drive

4.5x26 EN 1.4301 Torx T20

n Fixing to substrate
Two screws KLRT integrated in the
clip for fixing in wood substrate.

n Thermal movement

Centric load

Ultimate tensile strength 1060N

Characteristic tensile strength 974N

Clip strength valid in combination with two integrated screws type KLRT.
Assumes that the fixing in the actual substrate is stronger than the clip.

Date Clip – drawing number Revise Date

2010-10-12 G02S:1 - -

Bjarnes System AB 35
Clip manual 2012
Technical information
Item: G0230S, G0238S, G0250S
Description: Stainless sliding clip with two screws, height 30, 38, 50
Material: Stainless austenitic steel

Material description
Part Quality Thickness

Upper part EN 1.4301 0,4mm

Lower part EN 1.4301 0,6mm

Demension Quality Drive

4.5x26 EN 1.4301 Torx T20

n Fixing to substrate
Two screws KLRT integrated in the
clip for fixing in wood substrate.

n Thermal movement

Centric load

Ultimate tensile strength 1060N

Characteristic tensile strength 974N

Clip strength valid in combination with two integrated screws type KLRT.
Assumes that the fixing in the actual substrate is stronger than the clip.

Date Clip – drawing number Revise Date

2010-10-12 G0230S-G0250S:1 - -

36 Bjarnes System AB
Clip manual 2012
Technical information
Item: G02V
Description: Stainless sliding clip weld
Material: Stainless austenitic steel

Material description
Part Quality Thickness

Upper part EN 1.4310 0,15mm

Lower part EN 1.4301 0,6mm

n Fixing to substrate
Two counter-sunk hole ø 5,0mm
adjusted to screw type KLRT

n Thermal movement

Centric load

Ultimate tensile strength 903N

Characteristic tensile strength 765N

Clip strength valid in combination with tow screws type KLRT.

Assumes that the fixing in the actual substrate is stronger than the clip.

Date Clip – drawing number Revise Date

2011-01-24 G02V:1 - -

Bjarnes System AB 37
Clip manual 2012
Technical information
Item: G02VS
Description: Stainless sliding clip weld with two screws
Material: Stainless austenitic steel

Material description
Part Quality Thickness

Upper part EN 1.4310 0,15mm

Lower part EN 1.4301 0,6mm

Demension Quality Drive

4.5x26 EN 1.4301 Torx T20

n Fixing to substrate
Two screws KLRT integrated in the
clip for fixing in wood substrate.

n Thermal movement

Centric load

Ultimate tensile strength 903N

Characteristic tensile strength 765N

Clip strength valid in combination with two integrated screws type KLRT.
Assumes that the fixing in the actual substrate is stronger than the clip.

Date Clip – drawing number Revise Date

2011-01-24 G02VS:1 - -

38 Bjarnes System AB
Clip manual 2012
Technical information
Item: G02E
Description: Stainless sliding clip “Extrem”
Material: Stainless austenitic steel

Material description
Part Quality Thickness

Upper part EN 1.4310 0,15mm

Lower part EN 1.4301 0,6mm

n Fixing to substrate
Two counter-sunk hole ø 5,0mm
adjusted to screw type KLRT

n Thermal movement

Centric load

Ultimate tensile strength 1517N (one test performed)

Characteristic tensile strength -

Clip strength valid in combination with two integrated screws type KLRT.
Assumes that the fixing in the actual substrate is stronger than the clip.

Date Clip – drawing number Revise Date

2011-01-24 G02E:1 - -

Bjarnes System AB 39
Clip manual 2012
Technical information
Item: GO2SE
Description: Stainless sliding clip with two screws “Extrem”
Material: Stainless austenitic steel

Material description
Part Quality Thickness

Upper part EN 1.4310 0,15mm

Lower part EN 1.4301 0,6mm

Demension Quality Drive

4.5x26 EN 1.4301 Torx T20

n Fixing to substrate
Two screws KLRT integrated in the
clip for fixing in wood substrate.

n Thermal movement

Centric load

Ultimate tensile strength 1517N (one test performed)

Characteristic tensile strength -

Clip strength valid in combination with two integrated screws type KLRT.
Assumes that the fixing in the actual substrate is stronger than the clip.

Date Clip – drawing number Revise Date

2011-02-09 G02SE:1 - -

40 Bjarnes System AB
Clip manual 2012
Technical information
Item: G021
Description: Stainless sliding clip
Material: Stainless austenitic steel

Material description
Part Quality Thickness

Upper part EN 1.4310 0,15mm

Lower part EN 1.4301 0,6mm

n Fixing to substrate
Three counter-sunk hole ø 5,0mm
adjusted to screw type KLRT

n Thermal movement

Centric load

Ultimate tensile strength 937N

Characteristic tensile strength 740N

Date Clip – drawing number Revise Date

2011-10-24 G021:1 - -

Bjarnes System AB 41
Clip manual 2012
Technical information
Item: G021S
Description: Stainless sliding clip with one screw
Material: Stainless austenitic steel

Material description
Part Quality Thickness

Upper part EN 1.4310 0,15mm

Lower part EN 1.4301 0,6mm

Demension Quality Drive

4.5x26 EN 1.4301 Torx T20

n Fixing to substrate
One screw KLRT integrated in the
clip for fixing in wood substrate.

n Thermal movement

Centric load

Ultimate tensile strength 937N

Characteristic tensile strength 740N

Date Clip – drawing number Revise Date

2011-10-24 G021S:1 - -

42 Bjarnes System AB
Clip manual 2012
Technical information
Item: G02130, G02138, G02150
Description: Stainless sliding clip, height 32, 40, 52
Material: Stainless austenitic steel

Material description
Part Quality Thickness

Upper part EN 1.4301 0,4mm

Lower part EN 1.4301 0,6mm

n Fixing to substrate
Three counter-sunk hole ø 5,0mm
adjusted to screw type KLRT

n Thermal movement

Centric load

Ultimate tensile strength 937N

Characteristic tensile strength 740N

Date Clip – drawing number Revise Date

2011-10-24 G02130-G02150:1 - -

Bjarnes System AB 43
Clip manual 2012
Technical information
Item: G02130S, G02138S, G02150S,
Description: Stainless sliding clip with one screw, height 32,40,52
Material: Stainless austenitic steel

Material description
Part Quality Thickness

Upper part EN 1.4301 0,4mm

Lower part EN 1.4301 0,6mm

Demension Quality Drive

4.5x26 EN 1.4301 Torx T20

n Fixing to substrate
One screw KLRT integrated in the
clip for fixing in wood substrate.

n Thermal movement

Centric load

Ultimate tensile strength 937N

Characteristic tensile strength 740N

Date Clip – drawing number Revise Date

2011-10-24 G02130S-G02150S:1 - -

44 Bjarnes System AB
Clip manual 2012
Technical information
Item: G021V
Description: Stainless sliding clip weld
Material: Stainless austenitic steel

Material description
Part Quality Thickness

Upper part EN 1.4310 0,15mm

Lower part EN 1.4301 0,6mm

n Fixing to substrate
Three counter-sunk hole ø 5,0mm
adjusted to screw type KLRT

n Thermal movement

Centric load

Ultimate tensile strength 937N

Characteristic tensile strength 740N

Date Clip – drawing number Revise Date

2011-10-24 G021V:1 - -

Bjarnes System AB 45
Clip manual 2012
Technical information
Item: G021VS
Description: Stainless sliding clip weld with one screw
Material: Rostfritt austenitiskt stål

Material description
Part Quality Thickness

Upper part EN 1.4310 0,15mm

Lower part EN 1.4301 0,6mm

Demension Quality Drive

4.5x26 EN 1.4301 Torx T20

n Fixing to substrate
One screw KLRT integrated in the
clip for fixing in wood substrate.

n Thermal movement

Centric load

Ultimate tensile strength 937N

Characteristic tensile strength 740N

Date Clip – drawing number Revise Date

2011-10-24 G021VS:1 - -

46 Bjarnes System AB
Clip manual 2012
Technical information
Item: F01
Description: Fixed galvanized clip with one hole
Material: Hot-dip galvanized steel

Material description
Quality Thickness Ytbehandling

EN 10142 0.4mm Hot-dip galvanized 275g/m2

n Fixing to substrate
One hole ø 4.0mm

n Thermal movement
Fixed clip

Centric load Shear load-roof slope

Ultimate tensile strength 1280N -

Characteristic tensile strength 1030N -

Clip strength valid in combination with one screw type KLRT.

Assumes that the fixing in the actual substrate is stronger than the clip.

Date Clip – drawing number Revise Date

2010-10-07 F01:1 - -

Bjarnes System AB 47
Clip manual 2012
Technical information
Item: F01S
Description: Fixed galvanized clip with one screw
Material: Hot-dip galvanized steel

Material description
Quality Thickness Ytbehandling

EN 10142 0.4mm Hot-dip galvanized 275g/m2

Demension Quality Drive

4.5x26 EN 1.4301 Torx T20

n Fixing to substrate
One screw, KLRT, integrated in clip
for fixing in wood substrate.

n Thermal movement
Fixed clip

Centric load Shear load-roof slope

Ultimate tensile strength 912N -

Characteristic tensile strength 780N -

Clip strength valid with one integrated screw type KLRT.

Assumes that the fixing in the actual substrate is stronger than the clip.

Date Clip – drawing number Revise Date

2010-11-10 F01S:1 - -

48 Bjarnes System AB
Clip manual 2012
Technical information
Item: F01F
Description: Fixed galvanized clip with one counter-sunk hole
Material: Hot-dip galvanized steel

Material description
Quality Thickness Ytbehandling

EN 10142 0.4mm Hot-dip galvanized 275g/m2

n Fixing to substrate
One counter-sunk hole ø6,0mm
adjusted for screw LBS for fixing to
light weight concrete.
Pull out tests are always recom-
mended in light weight concrete

n Thermal movement
Fixed clip

Centric load Shear load-roof slope

Ultimate tensile strength 1280N -

Characteristic tensile strength 1030N -

Clip strength valid in combination with one screw type LBS.

Assumes that the fixing in actual substrate is stronger than the clip.

Date Clip – drawing number Revise Date

2010-11-10 F01F:1 - -

Bjarnes System AB 49
Clip manual 2012
Technical information
Item: G01
Description: Sliding clip galvanized
Material: Hot-dip galvanized steel

Material description
Part Quality Thickness

Upper part EN 10142 0,4mm

Lower part EN 10142 0,8mm

n Fixing to substrate
Two holes ø 4,0mm and one counter-
sunk hole ø 5,0mm adjusted to screw
type KLRT

n Thermal movement

Centric load

Ultimate tensile strength 1230N

Characteristic tensile strength 1160N

Clip strength valid in combination with one screw type KLRT.

Assumes that the fixing in the actual substrate is stronger than the clip.

Date Clip – drawing number Revise Date

2010-11-09 G01:1 - -

50 Bjarnes System AB
Clip manual 2012
Technical information
Item: G01S
Description: Sliding clip galvanized with one screw
Material: Hot-dip galvanized steel

Material description
Part Quality Thickness

Upper part EN 10142 0,4mm

Lower part EN 10142 0,8mm

Demension Quality Drive

4.5x26 EN 1.4301 Torx T20

n Fixing to substrate
Two holes ø 4,0mm and one inte-
grated screw, KLRT

n Thermal movement

Centric load

Ultimate tensile strength 1230N

Characteristic tensile strength 1160N

Clip strength valid in combination with one screw type KLRT.

Assumes that the fixing in the actual substrate is stronger than the clip.

Date Clip – drawing number Revise Date

2011-01-24 G01S:1 - -

Bjarnes System AB 51
Clip manual 2012
Technical information
Item: G01S90
Description: Sliding clip galvanized with one screw (Open)
Material: Hot-dip galvanized steel

Material description
Part Quality Thickness

Upper part EN 10142 0,4mm

Lower part EN 10142 0,8mm

Demension Quality Drive

4.5x26 EN 1.4301 Torx T20

n Fixing to substrate
Two holes ø 4,0mm and one inte-
grated screw, KLRT

n Thermal movement

Centric load

Ultimate tensile strength 1230N

Characteristic tensile strength 1160N

Clip strength valid in combination with one screw type KLRT.

Assumes that the fixing in the actual substrate is stronger than the clip.

Date Clip – drawing number Revise Date

2011-01-24 G01S90:1 - -

52 Bjarnes System AB
Clip manual 2012
Technical information
Item: G01F
Description: Sliding clip galvanized counter-sunk
Material: Hot-dip galvanized steel

Material description
Part Quality Thickness

Upper part EN 10142 0,4mm

Lower part EN 10142 0,8mm

n Fixing to substrate
Two holes ø 4,0mm and one
counter-sunk hole adjusted to light
weight concrete screw LBS

n Thermal movement

Centric load

Ultimate tensile strength 1230N

Characteristic tensile strength 1160N

Clip strength valid in combination with one screw type KLRT.

Assumes that the fixing in the actual substrate is stronger than the clip.

Date Clip – drawing number Revise Date

2011-01-24 G01F:1 - -

Bjarnes System AB 53
Clip manual 2012
Technical information
Item: G01P
Description: Sliding clip galvanized flat
Material: Hot-dip galvanized steel

Material description
Part Quality Thickness

Upper part EN 10142 0,4mm

Lower part EN 10142 0,8mm

n Fixing to substrate
Three holes ø 4.0mm.

n Thermal movement

Centric load

Ultimate tensile strength 1230N

Characteristic tensile strength 1160N

Clip strength valid in combination with one screw type KLRT.

Assumes that the fixing in the actual substrate is stronger than the clip.

Date Clip – drawing number Revise Date

2011-01-24 G01P:1 - -

54 Bjarnes System AB
Clip manual 2012
Technical information
Item: SR25C, SR38C
Description: Magazinised stainless clip
Material: Stainless austenitic steel

Material description
Quality Thickness

EN 1.4301 0.6mm

n Fixing to substrate
Used for “snap falz” systems,
magazinised with screw KLRP25

n Thermal movement
Fixed clip

Centric load

Ultimate tensile strength 1662N

Characteristic tensile strength 1302N

Date Clip – drawing number Revise Date

2011-02-09 SR25C-SR38C:1 - -

Bjarnes System AB 55
Clip manual 2012
Technical information
Item: SG25C, SG38C
Description: Magazinised galvanized clip
Material: Hot-dip galvanized steel

Material description
Quality Thickness

EN 1.4301 0.6mm

n Fixing to substrate
Used for “snap falz” systems,
magazinised with screw KLGP25

n Thermal movement
Fixed clip

Centric load

Ultimate tensile strength 1662N

Characteristic tensile strength 1302N

Date Clip – drawing number Revise Date

2011-02-09 SG25C-SG38C:1 - -

56 Bjarnes System AB
Clip manual 2012
Technical information
Item: G021C
Description: Magazinised stainless sliding clip with one hole
Material: Stainless austenitic steel

Material description
Part Quality Thickness

Upper part EN 1.4310 0,15mm

Lower part EN 1.4301 0,6mm

n Fixing to substrate
Magazinised with screw KLRP25

n Thermal movement

Centric load

Ultimate tensile strength 937N

Characteristic tensile strength 740N

Date Clip – drawing number Revise Date

2011-01-24 G021C:1 - -

Bjarnes System AB 57
Clip manual 2012
Technical information
Item: G02130C, G02138C
Description: Magazinised stainless sliding clip with one hole, height 32, 40
Material: Stainless austenitic steel

Material description
Part Quality Thickness

Upper part EN 1.4301 0,4mm

Lower part EN 1.4301 0,6mm

n Fixing to substrate
Magazinised with screw KLRP25

n Thermal movement

Centric load

Ultimate tensile strength 937N

Characteristic tensile strength 740N

Date Clip – drawing number Revise Date

2011-01-24 G02130C-G02138C:1 - -

58 Bjarnes System AB
Clip manual 2012
Technical information
Item: G021VC
Description: Magazinised stainless sliding clip weld
Material: Stainless austenitic steel

Material description
Part Quality Thickness

Upper part EN 1.4310 0,15mm

Lower part EN 1.4301 0,6mm

n Fixing to substrate
Magazinised with screw KLRP25

n Thermal movement

Centric load

Ultimate tensile strength 937N

Characteristic tensile strength 740N

Date Clip – drawing number Revise Date

2011-01-24 G021VC:1 - -

Bjarnes System AB 59
Clip manual 2012
Technical information
Item: G01C
Description: Magazinised galvanized sliding clip with one hole
Material: Hot-dip galvanized steel

Material description
Part Quality Thickness

Upper part EN 10142 0,4mm

Lower part EN 10142 0,6mm

n Fixing to substrate
Magazinised with screw KLGP25

n Thermal movement

Centric load

Ultimate tensile strength 1230N

Characteristic tensile strength 1160N

Date Clip – drawing number Revise Date

2011-10-24 G01C:1 - -

60 Bjarnes System AB
Clip manual 2012
Clips for insulated roofs – Krabban system Sid.61-74

Technical information
Item: KRF
Description: Krabban stainless fixed
Material: Stainless austenitic steel

Material description
Quality Thickness

EN 1.4301 0.6mm

n Fixing to substrate
The clip is installed in the substrate
using a telescopic sleeve H30-H705.
Where the insulation is thin steel
washer H06-H09 is used. The fas-
tener is adapted to the substrate.

n Thermal movement
Fixed clip

Centric load Shear load-roof slope

Ultimate tensile strength 1273N Dimensional value:

1.EPS-S80 200N/fastener
Characteristic tensile strength 1260N 2.Mineral wool: 400N/fastener

Clip strength valid in combination with telescopic sleeve or steel washer H.

Assumes that the fixing in actual substrate is stronger than the clip.
1. EPS S80 Density 17kg/m3
2. Mineral wool 20mm roof board Density 180kg/m3

Date Clip – drawing number Revise Date

2011-02-09 KRF:1 - -

Bjarnes System AB 61
Clip manual 2012
Technical information
Item: KRFP
Description: Krabban stainless fixed flat
Material: Stainless austenitic steel

Material description
Quality Thickness

EN 1.4301 0.6mm

n Fixing to substrate
The clip is installed in the substrate
using a telescopic sleeve H30-H705.
Where the insulation is thin steel
washer H06-H09 is used. The fas-
tener is adapted to the substrate.

n Thermal movement
Fixed clip

Centric load

Ultimate tensile strength 1273N

Characteristic tensile strength 1260N

Clip strength valid in combination with telescopic sleeve or steel washer H.

Assumes that the fixing in actual substrate is stronger than the clip.

Date Clip – drawing number Revise Date

2011-02-09 KRFP:1 - -

62 Bjarnes System AB
Clip manual 2012
Technical information
Item: KR25, KR38
Description: Krabban stainless 25, 38mm “snap falz”
Material: Stainless austenitic steel

Material description
Quality Thickness

EN 1.4301 0.6mm

n Fixing to substrate
The clip is installed in the substrate
using a telescopic sleeve H30-H705.
Where the insulation is thin steel
washer H06-H09 is used. The fas-
tener is adapted to the substrate.

n Thermal movement
Fixed clip

Centric load Shear load-roof slope

Ultimate tensile strength 1273N Dimensional value:

1.EPS-S80 200N/fastener
Characteristic tensile strength 1260N 2.Mineral wool: 400N/fastener

Clip strength valid in combination with telescopic sleeve or steel washer H.

Assumes that the fixing in actual substrate is stronger than the clip.
1. EPS S80 Density 17kg/m3
2. Mineral wool 20mm roof board Density 180kg/m3

Date Clip – drawing number Revise Date

2011-02-09 KR25-KR38:1 - -

Bjarnes System AB 63
Clip manual 2012
Technical information
Item: KR
Description: Krabban stainless
Material: Stainless austenitic steel

Material description
Part Quality Thickness

Upper part EN 1.4310 0,15mm

Lower part EN 1.4301 0,6mm

n Fixing to substrate
The clip is installed in the substrate
using a telescopic sleeve H30-H705.
Where the insulation is thin steel
washer H06-H09 is used. The fas-
tener is adapted to the substrate.

n Thermal movement

Centric load

Ultimate tensile strength 1273N

Characteristic tensile strength 1260N

Clip strength valid in combination with telescopic sleeve or steel washer H.

Assumes that the fixing in actual substrate is stronger than the clip.

Date Clip – drawing number Revise Date

2011-02-09 KR:1 - -

64 Bjarnes System AB
Clip manual 2012
Technical information
Item: KR38H, KR50H
Description: Krabban stainless 38, 50mm heigh
Material: Stainless austenitic steel

Material description
Part Quality Thickness

Upper part EN 1.4310 0,4mm

Lower part EN 1.4301 0,6mm

n Fixing to substrate
The clip is installed in the substrate
using a telescopic sleeve H30-H705.
Where the insulation is thin steel
washer H06-H09 is used. The fas-
tener is adapted to the substrate.

n Thermal movement

Centric load

Ultimate tensile strength 1273N

Characteristic tensile strength 1260N

Clip strength valid in combination with telescopic sleeve or steel washer H.

Assumes that the fixing in actual substrate is stronger than the clip.

Date Clip – drawing number Revise Date

2011-02-09 KR38H-KR50H:1 - -

Bjarnes System AB 65
Clip manual 2012
Technical information
Item: KRS
Description: Krabban stainless weld
Material: Stainless austenitic steel

Material description
Part Quality Thickness

Upper part EN 1.4310 0,15mm

Lower part EN 1.4301 0,6mm

n Fixing to substrate
The clip is installed in the substrate
using a telescopic sleeve H30-H705.
Where the insulation is thin steel
washer H06-H09 is used. The fas-
tener is adapted to the substrate.

n Thermal movement

Centric load

Ultimate tensile strength 1273N

Characteristic tensile strength 1260N

Clip strength valid in combination with telescopic sleeve or steel washer H.

Assumes that the fixing in actual substrate is stronger than the clip.

Date Clip – drawing number Revise Date

2011-02-09 KRS:1 - -

66 Bjarnes System AB
Clip manual 2012
Technical information
Item: KRP
Description: Krabban stainless flat
Material: Stainless austenitic steel

Material description
Part Quality Thickness

Upper part EN 1.4310 0,15mm

Lower part EN 1.4301 0,6mm

n Fixing to substrate
The clip is installed in the substrate
using a telescopic sleeve H30-H705.
Where the insulation is thin steel
washer H06-H09 is used. The fas-
tener is adapted to the substrate.

n Thermal movement

Centric load

Ultimate tensile strength 1273N

Characteristic tensile strength 1260N

Clip strength valid in combination with telescopic sleeve or steel washer H.

Assumes that the fixing in actual substrate is stronger than the clip.

Date Clip – drawing number Revise Date

2011-02-09 KRP:1 - -

Bjarnes System AB 67
Clip manual 2012
Technical information
Item: KRSP
Description: Krabban stainless weld flat
Material: Stainless austenitic steel

Material description
Part Quality Thickness

Upper part EN 1.4310 0,15mm

Lower part EN 1.4301 0,6mm

n Fixing to substrate
The clip is installed in the substrate
using a telescopic sleeve H30-H705.
Where the insulation is thin steel
washer H06-H09 is used. The fas-
tener is adapted to the substrate.

n Thermal movement

Centric load

Ultimate tensile strength 1273N

Characteristic tensile strength 1260N

Clip strength valid in combination with telescopic sleeve or steel washer H.

Assumes that the fixing in actual substrate is stronger than the clip.

Date Clip – drawing number Revise Date

2011-02-09 KRSP:1 - -

68 Bjarnes System AB
Clip manual 2012
Technical information
Item: KRE
Description: Krabban stainless Extrem
Material: Stainless austenitic steel

Material description
Part Quality Thickness

Upper part EN 1.4310 0,15mm

Lower part EN 1.4301 0,6mm

n Fixing to substrate
The clip is installed in the substrate
using a telescopic sleeve H30-H705.
Where the insulation is thin steel
washer H06-H09 is used. The fas-
tener is adapted to the substrate.

n Thermal movement

Centric load

Ultimate tensile strength 1273N

Characteristic tensile strength 1260N

Clip strength valid in combination with telescopic sleeve or steel washer H.

Assumes that the fixing in actual substrate is stronger than the clip.

Date Clip – drawing number Revise Date

2011-02-09 KRE:1 - -

Bjarnes System AB 69
Clip manual 2012
Technical information
Item: KRPE
Description: Krabban stainless flat Extrem
Material: Stainless austenitic steel

Material description
Part Quality Thickness

Upper part EN 1.4310 0,15mm

Lower part EN 1.4301 0,6mm

n Fixing to substrate
The clip is installed in the substrate
using a telescopic sleeve H30-H705.
Where the insulation is thin steel
washer H06-H09 is used. The fas-
tener is adapted to the substrate.

n Thermal movement

Centric load

Ultimate tensile strength 1273N

Characteristic tensile strength 1260N

Clip strength valid in combination with telescopic sleeve or steel washer H.

Assumes that the fixing in actual substrate is stronger than the clip.

Date Clip – drawing number Revise Date

2011-02-09 KRPE:1 - -

70 Bjarnes System AB
Clip manual 2012
Technical information
Item: KGF
Description: Krabban galvanized fixed
Material: Hot-dip galvanized steel

Material description
Quality Thickness Ytbehandling

EN 10142 0.6mm Hot-dip galvanized 275g/m2

n Fixing to substrate
The clip is installed in the substrate
using a telescopic sleeve H30-H705.
Where the insulation is thin steel
washer H06-H09 is used. The fas-
tener is adapted to the substrate.

n Thermal movement
Fixed clip

Centric load Shear load-roof slope

Ultimate tensile strength 1080N Dimensional value:

1.EPS-S80 200N/fastener
Characteristic tensile strength 1030N 2.Mineral wool: 400N/fastener

Clip strength valid in combination with telescopic sleeve or steel washer H.

Assumes that the fixing in actual substrate is stronger than the clip.
1. EPS S80 Density 17kg/m3
2. Mineral wool 20mm roof board Density 180kg/m3

Date Clip – drawing number Revise Date

2011-02-09 KGF:1 - -

Bjarnes System AB 71
Clip manual 2012
Technical information
Item: KG25, KG38
Description: Krabban galvanized 25, 38mm “snap falz”
Material: Hot-dip galvanized steel

Material description
Quality Thickness Ytbehandling

EN 10142 0.6mm Hot-dip galvanized 275g/m2

n Fixing to substrate
The clip is installed in the substrate
using a telescopic sleeve H30-H705.
Where the insulation is thin steel
washer H06-H09 is used. The fas-
tener is adapted to the substrate.

n Thermal movement
Fixed clip

Centric load

Ultimate tensile strength 1080N

Characteristic tensile strength 1030N

Clip strength valid in combination with telescopic sleeve or steel washer H.

Assumes that the fixing in actual substrate is stronger than the clip.

Date Clip – drawing number Revise Date

2011-02-09 KG25-KG38:1 - -

72 Bjarnes System AB
Clip manual 2012
Technical information
Item: KG
Description: Krabban galvanized
Material: Hot-dip galvanized steel

Material description
Part Quality Thickness

Upper part EN 10142 0,4mm

Lower part EN 10142 0,6mm

n Fixing to substrate
The clip is installed in the substrate
using a telescopic sleeve H30-H705.
Where the insulation is thin steel
washer H06-H09 is used. The fas-
tener is adapted to the substrate.

n Thermal movement

Centric load

Ultimate tensile strength 1080N

Characteristic tensile strength 1030N

Clip strength valid in combination with telescopic sleeve or steel washer H.

Assumes that the fixing in actual substrate is stronger than the clip.

Date Clip – drawing number Revise Date

2011-02-09 KG:1 - -

Bjarnes System AB 73
Clip manual 2012
Technical information
Item: KGP
Description: Krabban galvanized flat
Material: Hot-dip galvanized steel

Material description
Part Quality Thickness

Upper part EN 10142 0,4mm

Lower part EN 10142 0,6mm

n Fixing to substrate
The clip is installed in the substrate
using a telescopic sleeve H30-H705.
Where the insulation is thin steel
washer H06-H09 is used. The fas-
tener is adapted to the substrate.

n Thermal movement

Centric load

Ultimate tensile strength 1080N

Characteristic tensile strength 1030N

Clip strength valid in combination with telescopic sleeve or steel washer H.

Assumes that the fixing in actual substrate is stronger than the clip.

Date Clip – drawing number Revise Date

2011-02-09 KGP:1 - -

74 Bjarnes System AB
Clip manual 2012
Fasteners Sid.75-86

Technical information
Item: KLRT, KLRT35
Description: Clip screw
Material: Stainless austenitic steel

Material description
Dimension Quality Drive Point

4.5xL 1.4301 Torx T20 Penetrating

Characteristic pull Material quality
Substrate Thickness (mm) out value Wood substrate

17 865N At least G4-2 or G2-2

Soft wood
22 1240N SS-EN 16999-1

- -
Construction plywood
Plywood 18 930N
21 1320N

Date Clip – drawing number Revise Date

2011-02-14 KLRT:1 - -

Bjarnes System AB 75
Clip manual 2012
Technical information
Item: KLRT20C, KLRT26C
Description: Clip screw
Material: Stainless austenitic steel

Material description
Dimension Quality Drive Point

4.5xL 1.4301 Torx T20 Cutter

Characteristic pull Material quality
Substrate Thickness (mm) out value Wood substrate

17 - At least G4-2 or G2-2

Soft wood
22 - SS-EN 16999-1

- -
Construction plywood
Plywood 18 -
21 -

Date Clip – drawing number Revise Date

2011-02-14 KLRTC:1 - -

76 Bjarnes System AB
Clip manual 2012
Technical information
Item: LS50-LS300
Description: Roof screw with drill point 50-300mm
Material: Surface treated carbon steel

Material description
Dimension Quality Drive Point

4.8xL SS 1370 Torx T25 Drillpoint

Characteristic pull Material quality Steel
Substrate Thickness (mm) out value

0.7mm 1050N Yield strength min

0.8mm 1220N 350Mpa

Drill capacity: min 0.7mm max 2x1.25mm

Coating: Enduroguard, equivalent to 15 Kesternish cycles according to ETAG 006

Date Clip – drawing number Revise Date

2011-02-14 LS:1 - -

Bjarnes System AB 77
Clip manual 2012
Technical information
Item: RS60, RS100
Description: Roof screw with drill point 60mm, 100mm
Material: Stainless austenitic steel

Material description
Dimension Quality Drive Point

4.8xL 1,4301 Torx T25 Drillpoint

Characteristic pull Material quality Steel
Substrate Thickness (mm) out value

0.7mm 1050N Yield strength min

0.8mm 1220N 350Mpa

Drill capacity: min 0.7mm max 2x1.25mm

Date Clip – drawing number Revise Date

2011-02-14 RS:1 - -

78 Bjarnes System AB
Clip manual 2012
Technical information
Item: BS11
Description: Blind rivet
Material: Stainless austenitic steel

Material description
Dimension Quality Predrilling Grip area

3.2x12.5 1,4301 3.3-3.4mm 1.1-7.0mm

Characteristic pull
Substrate Thickness (mm) out value Material quality

0.6mm 390N Yield strength min

0.7mm 600N 350MPa

Date Clip – drawing number Revise Date

2011-02-14 BS11:1 - -

Bjarnes System AB 79
Clip manual 2012
Technical information
Item: KLGP25
Description: Clip screw
Material: Zink nickel surface treated carbon steel

Material description
Dimension Quality Drive Point

4.5x25 C1022 PH2 Penetrating

Characteristic pull Material quality Steel
Substrate Thickness (mm) out value

22 1257N At least G4-2 or G2-2

Soft wood
- - SS-EN 16999-1

Date Clip – drawing number Revise Date

2011-02-14 KLGP25:1 - -

80 Bjarnes System AB
Clip manual 2012
Technical information
Item: KLRP25
Description: Clip screw
Material: Stainless austenitic steel

Material description
Dimension Quality Drive Point

4.5x25 A2304 PH2 Penetrating

Characteristic pull Material quality Steel
Substrate Thickness (mm) out value

22 1077N At least G4-2 or G2-2

Soft wood
- - SS-EN 16999-1

Date Clip – drawing number Revise Date

2011-02-14 KLRP25:1 - -

Bjarnes System AB 81
Clip manual 2012
Technical information
Item: BSC28-BSC280
Description: Concrete screw
Material: Surface treated carbon steel

Material description
Dimension Quality Drive

6.1xL SS 1370 Torx T25

Characteristic pull
Substrate Minimum out value Concrete quality

Betong 20mm 1440N C25/30

Predrilling: ø5.0mm
Coating: Enduroguard, equivalent to 15 Kesternish cycles according to ETAG 006.

Date Clip – drawing number Revise Date

2011-02-14 BSC:1 - -

82 Bjarnes System AB
Clip manual 2012
Technical information
Item: LBS80-LBS130
Description: Light weight concrete screw
Material: Surface treated carbon steel

Material description
Dimension Quality Drive Point

8.0xL SS 1370 Torx T25 Penetrating

Substrate Characteristic Material quality Fastener depth
pull out value

Light weight concrete 1650N Density 500kg/m3 Min 75mm

Coating: Enduroguard, equivalent to 15 Kesternish cycles according to ETAG 006.

Note! Pull out test is always recommended when fastening in light weight concrete.

Date Clip – drawing number Revise Date

2011-02-14 LBS:1 - -

Bjarnes System AB 83
Clip manual 2012
Technical information
Item: LBSR80-LBSR130
Description: Light weight concrete screw
Material: Stainless austenitic steel

Material description
Dimension Quality Drive Point

8.0xL 1.4301 Torx T25 Penetrating

Substrate Characteristic Material quality Fastener depth
pull out value

Light weight concrete 1650N Density 500kg/m3 Min 75mm

Note! Pull out test is always recommended when fastening in light weight concrete.

Date Clip – drawing number Revise Date

2011-02-14 LBSR:1 - -

84 Bjarnes System AB
Clip manual 2012
Technical information
Item: LST40-LST90
Description: Wood screw
Material: Surface treated carbon steel

Material description
Dimension Quality Drive Point

5,0xL C1022 Torx T25 Penetrating

Characteristic pull Material quality Steel
Substrate Thickness (mm) out value

22 1914N At least G4-2 or G2-2

Soft wood
- - SS-EN 16999-1

Date Clip – drawing number Revise Date

2011-02-14 LST:1 - -

Bjarnes System AB 85
Clip manual 2012
Technical information
Item: H30-H705
Description: Telescopic sleeve
Material: Impact strength modified polypropylene

Tested and approved regarding impact and aging according to ETAG-006.

Date Clip – drawing number Revise Date

2011-02-14 H30-H705:1 - -

86 Bjarnes System AB
Clip manual 2012
Calculation example

A. Type of roof
Mono pitch roof
Length of roof pitch = 18.0m
Roof pitch = 14o (1:4)

B. wind load SS-EN 1991-1-4

Design wind load
Corner zone: 4,92 kN/m2
Perimeter zone: 4,23 kN/m2
Mid area: 2,03 kN/m2

C. Snow load SS-EN 1991-1-3

Design snow load
1,2 kN/m2
D. Roof construction Location: Malmö
Standing seam roof steel sheet Cseam = 600mm Terrain type: 1
22mm soft wood substrate. Height: 12,0m

E. Fixing
Clip type Fastener Situation

Fixed clip F01S Screw 4,5x26 KLRT Fixed zone- centre of roof pitch

Sliding clip G01S Screw 4,5x26 KLRT Movement zones

Design value clip and screw

F01S Fd=620N γm=1,25 (SS-EN 1993-1-3)
G01S Fd=1080N γm=1,25 (SS-EN 1993-1-3)
KLRT Fd=1050N kmod 1,10 γm=1.3 (SS-EN 1995-1-1)

Design value fasteners – optimal c-measures

Roof zones
Clip Corner zone Perimeter zone Mid area

F01S - C240 C300

G01S C350 C410 C 600*

*Maximum distance between clips

Bjarnes System AB 87
Clip manual 2012
Calculation example

F. Roof plan





Type of zone Situation Clip type c-


Fixed zone Centre of roof mid area F01S C=300mm

Centre of roof
Fixed zone F01S C=240mm
perimeter area
Movement zone Corner zone G01S C=350mm
Movement zone Perimeter zone G01S C=410mm
Movement zone Mid area G01S C=600mm

Forces in the roof pitch direction

The snow load causes 3kN load on each seam and the total roof length. Fixed
clips are installed in the fixed zone with at c-measure of 300mm. Each clip takes
0,27kN that is transferred to the substrate.

Thermal movements
Installation temperature +10°C results in an approximate length change of +7mm
during summer and -5mm during winter. G01S takes movements ±10mm.

Note! The calculation is only valid for the fastening of the clip. Seam width
according to the steel sheet manufacturer. If the seam width is reduced the
fastening is adapted to actual width.

88 Bjarnes System AB
Clip manual 2012

Bjarnes System AB 89
Clip manual 2012
90 Bjarnes System AB
Clip manual 2012
Bjarnes System AB
Box 2012
151 02 Södertälje
Telefon: 08 550 60660
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Address Bjarnes System AB. Box 2012. 151 02 Södertälje Sweden
Telephone +46 8 550 60660 Web
E-mail [email protected] Fax +46 8 550 86200

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