Case Digests Powers 1
Case Digests Powers 1
Case Digests Powers 1
ISSUE: WON COMELEC has jurisdiction to Writs ISSUE: WON the COMELEC decision may be
of Certiorari, Prohibition and Mandamus in brought to the SC by a petition for certiorari?
electoral contests involving municipal and
barangay officials
Yes. A writ of certiorari may be issued to keep
an inferior court within the bounds of its
COMELEC is bereft of jurisdiction to issue said jurisdiction. It also prevents such tribunal from
Writs. In the Philippine setting, the authority to committing grave abuse of discretion
issue Writs of Certiorari, Prohibition and amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction.
Mandamus involves the exercise of original COMELEC has the power to decide over election
jurisdiction. Thus, such authority has always contests based on physical evidence, equity, law
been expressly conferred, either by the and justice, and jurisprudence. Absent any
Constitution or by law. findings of grave abuse of discretion, no one can
control the COMELEC’s power to decide up to
What the Constitution granted the COMELEC
which extent these bases shall find application
was appellate jurisdiction. The Constitution
in its decisions
makes no mention of any power given the
COMELEC to exercise original jurisdiction over The fact that decisions, final orders or rulings of
Petitioners for Certiorari, Prohibition and the Commission on Elections in contests
Mandamus unlike in the case of the Supreme involving elective municipal and barangay
Court which was specifically conferred such offices are final, executory and not appealable,
authority (Art. VIII, Sec. 5[1]). The immutable does not preclude a recourse to this Court by
doctrine being that jurisdiction is fixed by law, way of a special civil action of certiorari.
the power to issue such Writs cannot be
COMELEC didn’t commit GAD amounting to lack
implied from the mere existence of appellate
or excess of jurisdiction in rendering the
decision. It is settled that the function of a writ
8. Galido v COMELEC (Marked Ballots with of certiorari is to keep an inferior court or
letter “C”) tribunal within the bounds of its jurisdiction
and to prevent it from committing GAD.
Petitioner and private respondent were
candidates for Mayor in a municipality in Bohol. Facts: Petitioner Mutilan and Respondent
Petitioner was proclaimed as Mayor. PR filed an Ampatuan were candidates for ARMM
election protest before the RTC WHERE it Governor. PETITIONER alleges there were no
upheld the proclamation. PR THEN appealed the voting actually happened in some parts of
RTC decision to the Commission on Elections ARMM and that there was also substitute
(COMELEC). Through its First Division, the voting. Hence, they file for an annulment of
COMELEC reversed the trial court's decision and elections and prayed that it be elevated to the
COMELEC en banc and not the 2nd Division 2. the election has been suspended
where it was originally filed. They argued that 3. the preparation and the transmission of
jurisdiction of this case may be heard by both the election returns give rise to the
division and en banc so the second division can consequent failure to elect
legally elevate the case to the Commission En
ALL ON THE ACCOUNT OF force majeure,
Banc pursuant to its rules of procedure to
violence, terrorism, fraud or other analogous
expedite disposition of election case.
The COMELEC Second Division ruled that
2. MFR must be verified before it may be
jurisdiction over petitions for annulment of
acted by the COMELEC en banc.
elections is vested in the COMELEC En Banc.
However, the elevation of the case to the 10. PEOPLE v BASILIA
COMELEC En Banc is not sanctioned by the rules
or by jurisprudence. Thus, the COMELEC Second FACTS: After 1987 congressional elections in
Division dismissed the petition for lack of Masbate, complaints for violations of Section
jurisdiction. 261 of the Omnibus Election Code (BP Blg. 881)
were filed with the Office of the Provincial Fiscal
ISSUES: of Masbate against the private respondents for
vote-buying and for carrying of deadly weapon,
1. WON the COMELEC Second Division acted
Respondent Judge Henry Basilla OF RTC motu
with GAD in dismissing the petition to annul
proprio dismissed the three (3) informations
elections and in not elevating the petition to
filed by the Provincial Fiscal because they were
the COMELEC En Banc.
not filed before, investigated AND prosecuted
2. WON the COMELEC En Banc acted with GAD by the COMELEC.
in denying petitioner’s motion for
ISSUE: WON COMELEC has the authority to
reconsideration for lack of verification.
deputize prosecutors, fiscals… OR WON THE
Division can elevate. While automatic elevation
YES. While Section 265 of the Code vests
of a case erroneously filed with the Division to
"exclusive power" to conduct preliminary
En Banc is not provided in the COMELEC Rules
investigation of election offenses and to
of Procedure, such action is not prohibited.
prosecute the same upon the Comelec, it at the
same time authorizes the Comelec to avail itself
Section 4, Rule 2 of the COMELEC Rules of
of the assistance of other prosecuting arms of
Procedure provides if the procedure to be
the Government. Section 2 of Article IX-C of the
followed in the exercise of such power or
1 987 Constitution clearly envisage that the
jurisdiction is not specifically provided for by
Comelec would not be compelled to carry out
law or these rules, any suitable process or
all its functions directly and by itself alone.
proceeding may be adopted.
The immediate investigation and prosecution
BUT STILL the petition must fail. > There are
and disposition of election offenses are
three instances where a failure of elections
indispensable parts of securing a free, orderly,
may be declared
honest, peaceful and credible elections. Such
1. election has not been held purpose is of greater importance than that of
the maintenance of the physical order in an
election precinct. There is thus a need for the
assistance of provincial and city fiscals and their
assistants and staff members, and of the state
prosecutors of the Department of Justice in
order that free, orderly, honest and peaceful
elections may be conducted.