4. Open you eyes and look up at the sky and find the brightest star, because finding a
shooting star is not that easy. Close your eyes again and make your wish. Whether it is
true or just a myth, maybe tonight you would look up at the sky and say, Star light, star
bright, the first star as see tonight, I wish I may or simply enjoy the beauty of the
twinkling stars above, if you are lucky. the story in the Gospel of Matthew goes, a
bright star rose after the birth of Jesus Christ that the wise men then followed
to find him.
There are many ways to make a wish. You can toss pennies into a fountain, wish on the
Northern Star, or think of something you really want when blowing out the candles on
your birthday cake. Wishing on a shooting star is one of the classic ways to try to make
your dreams come true.
When you see the first star, do you make a wish for the
year to come?
I think I was star gazing tonight and saw three shooting stars. The first two were really quick and
normal but the last one was AMAZING! It started off fast then slowed down some before it disappeared. It
was the most perfect shooting star I’ve ever seen. I must admit, I made a wish
Well I believe everyone could use a chance to wish upon a shooting star, or the first star you
see tonight.
I strongly advise people to wish on stars if they really want their dreams to come true. You really
have nothing to lose.”
According to Smith, most people who wish on stars follow these basic rules: “They make their wish
silently on the first star they see at night,” he said. “And they don’t tell anyone what their wish was.
They keep it to themselves.”
and sing songs with well-wishes. make a wish for the year to come?
When we see the first star on THE Christmas Eve we don’t a wish
for the new year.
Sviaty Vechir, or Holy Evening, is the Ukrainian Christmas Eve
that takes place on January 6. The Christmas Eve dinner is not
served until the first star appears in the sky, signifying the
journey of three kings. A new star was seen in the sky, along with
other stars, one fine night and this star was so radiant that its
bright rays spread light as bright as day on the hills of Bethlehem
It tells to all the waiting world, a King was born that day.
. Christmas Star signifies peace and high hopes. It gives you the
ray of hope that the Son of God will help you confront and
conquer every difficult situation you come across. It shows that
every good thing comes from within and that there is a silver
lining in every dark cloud.