Evidence The Time Is Now

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Learning activity 1

Evidence: The time is now

This evidence is divided into two parts: A composition and an audio file. Read the
instructions below and make sure you complete both tasks.

Fuente: SENA

A. Answer the questions below. Use the examples as models of the grammar and
vocabulary you have to use.

1. Why didn’t you study English before? (List at least 5 reasons in a



One of the reasons why I didn’t study English before it is because I thought it
was too difficult. I didn’t understand my English teacher at school and that
was frustrating.
One of the reasons why I didn't study English before is because I was
embarrassed to express myself, I thought it was difficult, at school they
gave me a lot of theory and they didn't put it into practice as much, for
that reason I lost interest, I didn't understand English very well.
Professor, I did not think that the English language was so necessary.

2. How different would things be if you had learned English before? (Name and
explain at least 5 things.)


If I had learned English some years ago I would have accepted a job a
multinational company offered me five years ago. One of the requirements
was to speak English and my level back then was very low.

If I had learned English, I would have participated in the scholarship to

study in Cuba, it would not be so difficult for me to understand
foreigners when they come to Colombia, if I had been able to learn
English I would have been able to accept a job that came out in another
country, I would have been able to work in a well-known hotel in the city,
I would understand movies in English better, if I could teach my family.
B. Record an audio file of yourself answering the following questions. Use the
examples as models of the grammar and vocabulary you have to use.

1. Why are you studying English? (List and explain at least 4 reasons.)


I’m studying English because I finally decided that if I want to improve my

professional profile becoming bilingual is essential.

 I am studying English because I finally saw the need to learn, I decided that
I want to improve my vocabulary, expression and acquire knowledge, and I
have recognized the importance and benefits of learning this language, I
want to help and teach others and one of the great motivations that I have is
that I want to go to countries where English is spoken and I need to
familiarize myself.

2. In what ways are you going to benefit from this learning?


Being competent in English is going to increase the opportunities of landing

a more satisfying and better-paid job. We live in an international open
market and English is the most important language.

 Being fluent in English will increase job opportunities nationally and

internationally, we live in an environment where a productive market is
evolving every day. In my case, Colombia has many things to exploit, having
the knowledge we can undertake and have contact with companies, people
from other countries. In addition to this, we can have the satisfaction of
traveling and meeting, teaching others. Nowadays, English has become
very important and has generated constructive changes in people .
When you finish your work, send the files to your instructor through the platform as

1. Click the title of this evidence.

2. Click Examinar mi equipo and look for the files in your computer. Make sure the
files are attached.
3. Leave a comment for the instructor (optional).
4. Click Enviar.

Note: This evidence is an individual activity. Remember to check the learning

guide in order to know if you have done all the assigned activities, know how to
develop them and deliver them correctly.

Criterios de evaluación
 Formula consecuencias hipotéticas a cursos de acción distintos en el
pasado en el contexto requerido.

 Comunica ideas sobre iniciativa y aprendizaje autodirigido usando el

vocabulario requerido.

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